SESSION 2019/2020
SESSION 2019/2020
1 20/05/19 - 4/05/19
P1 1.5 Hardware
2 27/05/19 - 31/05/19 P2 1.5 Hardware
INTER SEMESTER BREAK 1 (01/06/19 - 09/06/19)
3 10/06/19 - 14/06/19 P3 1.5 Hardware : Practical Test 1
4 17/06/19 - 21/06/19 P4 4.0 Multimedia
5 24/06/19 - 28/06/19 P5 4.0 Multimedia
6 01/07/19 - 05/07/19 P6 4.0 Multimedia
7 08/07/19 - 12/07/19 P7 4.0 Multimedia
8 15/07/19 - 19/07/19 P8 4.0 Multimedia: Practical Test 2
9 22/07/19 - 26/07/19 P9 5.0 Database
10 29/07/19 - 02/08/19 P10 5.0 Database
11 05/08/19 - 09/08/19 P11 5.0 Database: Practical Test 3
INTER SEMESTER BREAK 2 (10/08/19 - 18/09/19)
Practical Class:
Title: Assemble Component
Learning Objective:
1. Able to demonstrate PC disassembly and assembly
2. Able to demonstrate PC Parts identification
Remove PC Student did not Student removed Student removed
components most all components
Remove all remove any components successfully from
components successfully from their PC.
from the PC. components their PC.
successfully from
their PC.
Identify Student correctly Student correctly Student correctly
Components identified less identified all
Identify all than 3 identified components
components components from
from from between 5 disassembled PC.
disassembled PC. disassembled PC.
disassembled PC.
Assembly of PC Student could not Student correctly Student correctly
Correctly install correctly install assembled most assembled all
all components any components components into components into
into PC. on PC. PC. PC.
Practical Class:
Title: Interactive Multimedia Project
Learning Objective:
1. Able to work with application software to produce an attractive video.
2. Able to integrate at least 4 multimedia elements
The project does not The project runs The project runs
Content run satisfactorily. adequately with perfectly with no
There are too many minor technical technical problems.
technical problems problems. For example, there are
to view the project. no error messages, all
Project sound, video or other
Project contents contents are elements are found.
are not including including
neither logo or either logo or Project contents are
title page. title page but including the logo,
not both or title page.
Project duration contents are
is exceeding 60 not including Project duration is
seconds time neither logo or within 60 seconds.
limit. title page.
duration is
within 60
seconds or is
not within 60
seconds or
exceeding 60
seconds time
A project is A project is A project is completely
incomplete and incomplete and finished.
contains too many contains several
Completion unfinished elements unfinished The effective
Screen Design elements.
Organization The exaggerated Multimedia combination of
emphasis on elements and
graphics and special content combine multimedia elements
effects weakens the to adequately
delivering message deliver a message and content; accurately
to the audience. with the elements
and words convey a message to the
No elements are reinforcing each
present or not other. audience with style.
organized or been Most elements
used inappropriately are organized and All elements are
to deliver ideas. used organized and used
appropriately to effectively to enrich the
deliver ideas. experience and
contribute significantly
to convey the intended
#File upload at portal using this format:
Example: F6P01A_nama_PT2
Practical Class:
Title: Database Project
Learning Objective:
1. Identify basic concepts of database
2. Produce database project
A: TABLE A student was A student was able A student was able to
Create a table unable to perform all to perform 2-3 of perform all the
and specify fields the following tasks: the following tasks: following tasks:
with their data Create table Create table Create table
types, enter data Specify field Specify field Specify field
and modify table Enter data Enter data Enter data
structure in a Modify table Modify table Modify table
Structure. Structure. Structure.
Add, modify, A student was A student was able A student was able to
delete data and unable to perform all to perform 2-3 of perform all the
navigate records the following tasks: the following tasks: following tasks:
within a table Add data Add data Add data
Modify data Modify data Modify data
Assign a primary Delete data Delete data Delete data
key Navigate records Navigate Navigate records
B: FORM within a table records within a within a table
Create, open, A student was unable A student was able A student was able to
save, close and to assign the correct to assign primary key assign the correct
delete a form. primary key for the but incorrect. primary key for the
table table
A student was A student was able A student was able to
unable to perform all to perform 2-3 of perform all the
the following tasks: the following tasks: following tasks:
Create a form Create a form Create a form
Open a form
Open a form Open a form
Use a form to Save a form Save a form Save a form
enter, modify, Close a form Close a form Close a form
delete records. Delete a form
Delete a form Delete a form A student was able to
Create and add, A student was A student was able perform all the
modify text in unable to perform all to perform 1-2 of following tasks:
Headers, Footers the following tasks: the following tasks: Enter records
in a form and use Enter records Enter records Modify records
correct naming Modify records Modify records Delete records
conventions for Delete records Delete records A student was able to
forms A student was A student was able perform all of the
unable to perform all to perform 1-2 of following tasks:
C: QUERY the following tasks: the following tasks: Create and add
Create and add Create and add
Create, edit and text in Headers,
save a query text in Headers, text in Headers, Footers in a form
Footers in a form Footers in a Modify records
Add criteria to a Modify records form text in Headers,
query using any text in Headers, Modify records Footers in a form
of the following Footers in a form text in Headers, Use correct
operators: Use correct Footers in a naming
< (Less than), naming form conventions for
<= (Less than or conventions for Use correct forms
equals), forms naming
> (Greater than), conventions for A student was able to
>= (Greater than A student was forms perform all of the
or equals), unable to perform all following tasks:
= (Equals), the following tasks: A student was able Create query
Create query to perform 1-2 of Edit query
Edit query the following tasks: Save query
Save query Create query A student was able to
A student was Edit query perform all the
unable to perform all Save query following tasks:
the following tasks: A student was able Add criteria to a
Add criteria to a to perform 1 the query using any of
query using any of following tasks: the following
the following Add criteria to a operators:
operators: query using any of < (Less than),
< (Less than), the following <= (Less than or
<= (Less than or operators: equals),
equals), < (Less than),
<= (Less than or
<> (Not equal to) > (Greater than), >= > (Greater than), >= > (Greater than), >=
and Sort multiple (Greater than or (Greater than or (Greater than or
data in a query equals), equals), equals),
output, in = (Equals), = (Equals), = (Equals),
ascending or <> (Not equal to) <> (Not equal to) <> (Not equal to) and
descending and Sort multiple and Sort multiple Sort multiple data in
numeric or data in a query data in a query a query output, in
alphabetic order output, in ascending output, in ascending ascending or
or descending or descending descending numeric
D: REPORT numeric or numeric or or alphabetic order
alphabetic order alphabetic order
Create and save A student was able to
a report based A student was A student was able perform all the
on a table, query unable to perform all to perform 1-2 of following tasks:
and change the following tasks: the following tasks: Create a report
arrangement of Create a report Create a report Save a report
data fields and Save a report Save a report Change
headings within a Change Change
report layout. arrangement of
arrangement of arrangement of data fields and
Add, modify text data fields and data fields and headings within a
in Headers, headings within headings within report layout.
Footers in a a report layout a report layout A student was
report and group A student was A student was able able to perform
data under a unable to perform all to perform 1-2 of all the following
specific heading the following tasks: the following tasks: tasks: Add text in
(field) in a report Add text in Add text in Headers, Footers
in ascending, Headers, Footers Headers, Footers in a report
descending in a report in a report Modify text in
order. Modify text in Modify text in Headers, Footers
Headers, Footers Headers, Footers in a report.
in a report. in a report. Group data under
Group data Group data a specific heading
under a specific under a specific (field) in a report
heading (field) in heading (field) in in ascending,
a report in a report in descending order
ascending, ascending,
descending order descending
#File upload at portal using this format:
Example: F6P01A_nama_PT3