By: Alyssa Cruz period 5
I’ve moved a lot, but of course l have a favorite house. Which is
my third house It was green on the top and had wood on the bottom
which was painted white and the roof was black. My room was the
second biggest room, l shared my room with my younger sister Nivia.
There was a big window that faces my backyard, it had a nice breeze
when it got hot in my room. Then l had a big closet that had a big
mirror where me and my sister would make dance routines for fun. In
the backyard we had a swing set, l remember l tried to always get my
homework done really fast so l can go play outside. The only thing
that was bummer in this house was the really small kitchen and dining
room.I loved this house.
My parents only took me to church twice in my whole life. The first
time when l got baptized and the second time when my parents tried
to take us to church every Sunday. The second time l went to church,
was my favorite, here’s why. My family was getting ready,we’ve been
getting ready for 2 hours . We were just doing finish touches, after
everyone was ready we left. When we got there my dad told us to sit
down. My little brother and sister was getting fuss and bored. My dad
asked if they had kid version of they were saying so me,my sister,and
brother can understand what the priest was saying. Well they put us
in this room that was like a box and there was no one there to teach
us anything. It was the room for the loud kids. So then my dad wanted
to leave and get pizza from red west and that was what we did.
The most important invention that improves my life is homework
.You may think this funny coming from a kid, but it improves my life in
so many different ways . One way is when I have a test it helps me
remember how to do a certain strategy. Example when l was doing
test I had a problem that was similar to my homework. I remember
how I did that problem and l got a perfect score . Also it helps me
know what l need help with. Example I didn’t know how to do a
question I asked my teacher the next day and she helped me. My last
reason is my own personal reason I simply just like homework.If l
didn’t have homework l wouldn’t get good grades and be bored out of
my mind.
My family has rules like any other family.If families didn’t have
rules this world would be chaos, because it all starts at home.My
families rules are show all adults respect that means no attitude, no
back talk,and never raise your voice at adults . Another rule is do all
chores my chores are to wash dishes, take care of the dog,keep room
clean, and clean big bathroom.If l break theses rules the
consequences are get my phone taken for day or a week,getting
ground . If I do something extremely bad I will go to boarding school.
These are my family’s rules .
My dream career is to be Pediatric Surgeon. What does a
Pediatric Surgeon do ? Well Pediatric Surgeon does surgery on a
child. They don’t do surgery all by themselves. They work with
another surgeon that specializes on the patient need of surgery.
Example say Grace needs brain surgery , she will have Pediatric
Surgeon and Nero Surgeon in the O.R. (Operating Room). A Pediatric
Surgeon also diagnosis patients like any other doctor. The reason
why l want to be a Pediatric Surgeon because l like helping kids, and
to not only help them but save their life. I want to work at Torrance
I have 5 family members in my family including me. My dad is
name Joel and of course he is the man of the house. Then its my
mom who is the real boss, but shhhh don’t tell dad. My mom is the
glue of the family, if we didn’t have her life would be chaos. Then it’s
me the oldest with all the responsibilities. Then it’s my lazy sister that
acts she doesn’t know how to do anything, but really she does. Last
but not least, my baby brother he is not actually a baby he is 8. My
brother is smart like me. Our favorite things to do as family is eat,
watch movies, and go on trips. This is my family social structures.