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Published by HSCC Bulletins / Boletines de HSCC, 2019-03-22 15:38:32

HSCC March 24, 2019

12-Mar 24-2019-Bulletin

Welcome Bienvenido

Third Sunday of Lent

Ministries to Participate in /Ministerios en los que puede Participar Parish Office
Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Oficina Parroquial
14132 McMahon Ave.
Coordinadores, Rosalba Cota & Librado Rodríguez....852-3582 Horizon, Texas 79928
C.A.D.E.S. Youth Group
(915) 852-3582
Coordinator, Lizbeth Herrera ........................... 820-9423 Fax (915) 852-0585
CIA/CAFF/Asamblea de Oración/ CJD Evangelización email: office@

Contact Parish Office....................................... 852-3582 Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Finance Council ................................................. 852-3582 Lunes, Miércoles & Viernes
Healthy Horizons
9am-12pm & 1:30pm-5pm
Coordinator, Janice Feliciano ........................... 316-8079 Tuesday & Thursday
Kitchen/Cocina Martes & Jueves

Coordinadora, Maria Estrada........................................843-1554 9am-12pm & 1:30pm-6pm
Knights of Columbus / Caballeros de Colón Prayer time for staff

Coordinator, Jesus Quiñones ............................ 852-3582 Tiempo de oración del personal
Little Shepherds/Young Spirits Monday—Friday / Lunes—Viernes

Coordinator, Luana Romero ............................. 857-9017 12:00pm-12:15pm
Marriage Ministry/Ministerio de Matrimonios
Religious Formation Office
Coordinators, Saul & Rosy Ramirez ................. 926-9654 Oficina de Formación Religiosa
Ministerio de Representaciones Bíblicas
(915) 852-3520
Coordinator, Salvador Tarango......................... 852-3582
Emaus/ Emmaus Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Friday
Contact Parish Office....................................... 852-3582
Pastoral Care for the sick and elderly/ Lun., Mar., Juev. & Viernes

Cuidado Pastoral a los enfermos y ancianos Centro Catequético Juan Diego
Coordinadores, Mike and Hilda Soto ................ 229-1941 Catechetical Center
Contact Parish Office....................................... 852-3582 857 Ascension St.
Scouts El Paso, TX 79928
Coordinator, Luis Bustamante .......................... 867-5213
Theology Thru Technology Staff
Coordinator, Kevin Venegas ............................ 502-0506
Women’s Ministry/Ministerio de Mujeres Rev. Jose A. Morales - Pastor
Coordinator, Rosalia Huerta ............................. 852-3582 [email protected]

Community Service Ministries Eva Rodriguez
Ministerios al Servicio de la Comunidad Religious Formation / Formación Religiosa
Divine Providence Food Bank/Despensas de la Divina Providencia
Contact Information/Numero a Contactar ................. 996-2025 [email protected]
San Vicente De Paul
Assistance Hotline /Línea de Asistencia .................... 603-5273 Guadalupe Quiñones –Rel. Form. Assistant
Safe Environment/ Ambiente Seguro [email protected]
Coordinator, Lorena Reyes……………………...229-6617
Liturgical Ministries / Ministerios Litúrgicos Rita De Anda - Administrative Assistant
Altar Servers/Monaguillos [email protected]
Coordinators, Lory & Andy Batista .......................... 852-3582
Bereavement Petra Torres - Ministry Coordinator
Coordinator, Rose Villareal............................ 346-1725 [email protected]
Coordinator, Martha Ochoa ............................ 852-3582 Lorena Reyes - Secretary
Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros de La Eucaristía [email protected]
Coordinator, Elsa Morales ............................. 832-1438
Hospitality Ministry/Ministerio de Hospitalidad
Coordinator, Henry Trujillo................................ 491-7982
Proclaimers of the Word/Proclamadores de la Palabra
Coordinator, Franklin Flores……………...917-578-0325

Coordinator, Flor Ruiz ................................... 408-4526

Mon., Wed., & Friday Weekly Offering
Lun., Mier., & Viernes Ofrenda Semanal

8:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Shaun Dwyer, Tim Sandford, PRAY
Ernesto Ruiz, Maria Villanueva
de Valdez, Gloria de la Cruz, FOR OUR SICK
Omar Padilla, Frances Gámez,
Eddie L. Eisenbach, Griselda OREMOS POR
Mendoza, Manuela Duran, NUESTROS
Alberta S. Peña, Luciana

IIMinsatnetMenncaitosinsoesndes Riganti, Kenda M. Gómez,
Manuela Salas, Clarisa García, Otilia Muñoz, María C.
Domínguez, Joel Rivera, Matilde Collins, Alberto Luevano,
Jason Rodriguez, Socorro Renteria, Marta Gonzalez, Mary
Dominguez, Hortencia Ibarra, Guillermo Mei, Kate DeTuro,
Providencia Mesa, Hector Sanchez, Bertha Pelayo, Leticia
Arciniega, Karina C. Ramirez Lopez, Oscar J. Bernal, Maciel
Hernandez, Eduardo Flores, Familia Flores, Familia Duran,
Naomi Diaz, Aida Robinson, Hailee Ozaeta, Jerry Grall, Patty
Angulo, Francis Villalobos, Ivan Alejandro Mendoza Perez,
Cecilia Mendoza Perez, Maria de Jesus Ramirez Perez, Dulce
Maria Hernandez, Vincent Lopez, Alina Michelle Rodriguez,
Antonio C. Muro, Socorro L. Muro, Rose Castañeda, Ted
Nieto, Irma Y. Ambriz, Rosa E. Muñoz, Martha B. Parra, Maria
de Jesus Mendoza, Olga B. Ramirez, Rosa Mendoza. George A.
Rodriguez, Juanita Cuellar

May the Lord grant them Strength

3Q u e e l S e ñ o r l e s d e f o r t a l e z a

What is happening in our Community? Que pasa en nuestra comunidad? Quinceañeras

25 9:00am Sesión de la Alegría del Evangelio en Español Celebrations
Joy of the Gospel session in English/ Sesión de la Alegría del Evangelio on the 1st and 3rd
Joy of the Gospel Session in English Saturday of the
26 6:30pm
6:30pm Joy of the Gospel session in English/ Sesión de la Alegría del Evangelio month. Register
CJD—Sesión de la Alegría del Evangelio at least 6 months
27 9:00am Sesión de la Alegría del Evangelio en Español before at the
6:00pm (Es.Pe.Re.) Escuela de Perdón y Reconciliación
6:30pm Parish Office.
Joy of the Gospel session in English/ Sesión de la Alegría del Evangelio

9:00am Sesión de la Alegría del Evangelio en Español Celebraciones
Taller de Oración y Vida
28 6:00pm el 1er y 3er Sábado
6:30pm Hospitality Meeting/ Reunión de Ministerio de Hospitalidad
6:30pm Joy of the Gospel Session in English del mes. Inscribirse

29 9:00am CJD—Sesión de la Alegría del Evangelio por lo menos 6 meses
6:30pm Scouts Meeting/ Reunion de Scouts antes en la
6:30pm Communal Anointing of the Sick
Misa de unción de los enfermos Oficina Parroquial

30 5:00pm

B  M C ó
On the 1st Saturday of the Register at the Parish office six Contact the

month. Register a month months before to speak to Religious Formation Office.
before at the Parish Office. our Pastor. New registrations are

El Primer sábado del mes. Inscríbase en la Oficina Parroquial usually during May & June.
Inscríbase en la seis meses antes para hablar con el Course starts in August.

Párroco de la iglesia.

Oficina Parroquial A  Llame a la Oficina de
un mes antes. Formación Religiosa.
Nuevas inscripciones son
usualmente durante los meses

R Next Communal Anointing of de mayo y junio.
the Sick Mass will be on El curso empieza
March 30, 2019 at 5:00pm
Saturdays at 3:30pm in English en Agosto.

Or by appointment La próxima Misa de Unción de CH
los Enfermos será el CPó
30 de marzo de 2019
Sábados 3:30pm o a las 6:30pm en Español
por cita.
Uó 


Catechists, preachers and pentance, a step-by-step process.
others who regularly share When people who live the Gospel
the word of God know preached it with words and deeds,
that certain passages of the others caught sight of a new way of
Gospels can cause significant con- living.
sternation. The first part of this Sun- The next, more difficult step was
day’s Gospel reading is one such the actual turning away from sinful
passage. A casual attitudes and be-
reading reveals Je- ‘But I tell you, haviors. In addi-
sus’ belief that God tion to causing the
does not cause suf- if you do not repent, destruction of self
fering. The Galile- you will all perish and others, these
ans died from Pi- attitudes and be-
late’s wrath, not as they did!’ haviors symbol-

God’s, and the Je- (Lk 13:3) ized an opposition
rusalemites on to God’s vision.
whom the tower collapsed were vic- Sorrow for these attitudes and behav-
tims of misfortune, not objects of iors symbolized a commitment to a
divine justice. God did not will these new way of life, one that harmed
misfortunes to happen; they occurred neither self nor others and fulfilled
because, as a once popular book pro- God’s dreams for creation.
claimed, sometimes bad things hap- Cultivating this commitment is the
pen to good people. metanoia, the “transformation of
Those who read more carefully, mind,” that so many early Christians
however, find much about which to described. Although it is a long-term
be confused, because Jesus used process, it begins with a commitment
these examples as calls to repent- to change, a desire to conform one’s
ance. God may not have willed the life to this new vision. A life con-
death of the Galileans, but that does formed to God’s vision is the fruitful
not mean they were without sin. fig tree that Jesus hopes for in Sun-
Likewise, God may not have caused day’s Gospel parable.
the Siloam tower to collapse, but that Good things happen to bad people
does not mean the people it crushed because God hopes for their transfor-
were righteous. In fact, Jesus uses mation, and this takes time. In this
the victims of these tragedies as ex- Sunday’s Gospel reading, Luke re-
amples of “average” sinners who minds us that in Jesus humanity has
happened to receive justice by acci- received a reprieve from divine jus-
dent. Bad things happened to bad tice. In this era of mercy, Christ
people. The real mystery, given the works in the Spirit with each of us,
prevalence of human sinfulness, was ever hopeful to see us burst into
why good things happened to bad bloom.
people so often. Michael Simone, S.J.,
Jesus’ response to this question ap- teaches Scripture at
pears in the second half of this Sun- Boston College
day’s Gospel reading. In Jesus School of Theology
Christ, humanity has an advocate and Ministry
whose gentle remonstrance can sof-
ten the urgency of divine justice. Just
as improvement of the soil often Source of Strength
leads a barren fig tree to fruitfulness,
so, Jesus hoped, the preaching of the Reading I Exodus 17:3-7 Water form the Rock
Gospel would lead humanity to Reading II Romans 5:1-2, 5-8 Faith, Hope and Love
righteousness. Because of Jesus, a Gospel John 4:5-42 The Samaritan Woman at the Well
reprieve might yet allow good things
to happen.
Luke believed he lived in the era of Adults: Where have you found a source of “living water” for
this reprieve. The risen Christ was
working through the Spirit in the your own journey of faith?
church to promote the Gospel and
Children: Name some times when your belief in Jesus helped

refashion humanity. An essential fea- make you stronger.
ture of this work was the call to re- 5

Despiértanos CmqlpsrscccctpumaqrDeendpccfdpqmoeprqgltcgrrlprauoeaeeeouoolishoiaaspoaeauaeunaeabuaruuaaaicsnsvsaorisoteniuubbllossndlssrsaeeioejigeum.acptiibr;esedesaaaasrsrru,edlgolnspdeoov“puooaleeteanleaajsrjonSmmr,eorJeadadtooaJeeeplnoieecnrooeao,dorealeiecDbcmeisssrlrecsnáasaainuyqsqnla.spoersuJ.oalDultaasslvmiaúnauusueaoúdaesesuramaoeapdendícEmiesoqdorniiselsnecscspbnccoisaoegosiccodtamhúesseuolalsavraeduteluatrnusuoinaslitulu,etaestddiaUeeesatrbcadsenesaiLrebemhressmideebfssoupdeiasinaopqriflegnnrasnardouodóhntnsdlDeteeolnoaeiasjripganiunuoóeraadroJcaee”umsooale-re--lrdssaageeseitiaesslseaagpobsgb,mepoesoanprlfopdqeseatrqtuessiliutesou.slad,úirotljd,neeaetauoEadiqutruenoicnoaeldearenneoLscspsssraodeaeecsucqevidnmaprnsrtaogon,asdardurr,saneoleracaeauaqavaeetimdeolnopgeaaselrpdecnnorbdndasenuníerdacerpoaamerusclísnl,eofeeguroeetrctaijdhoassr.cleammjttrieaeeunve,nfdselameoi‘cuiacenmesieassuldPsnstlmmrqiStlbediaonsrtoscbaapDtanueiiapnaebteinpaquisaitadligoSmusdprepalaeanesaoacdgóisaeruecamaenlsdreiesilln.vrssdaoeraiJrocdllotnaoeqnioprer..enmotoadesvceuouDifcdepsslsssoulcnrqdóupcciopraé,oaEpDemaoaemem(ececan.ieuipuileneca,eElmurrusras,nnocilgcaaaleeLjstsieleeéo.ueeitaeD.svaoouap,esnuaenpasltropvstdrmlsrcqsdcaedsahsmbsmegenlscotiltrleaciLlLendhnedueédeoootanoaaaorreecaaroitlrrrinooonoonooyaaaeeeaaaeessssss------------.nd1s3,eyrddpsmEdevDUvddsdpbvmr"ppEtrmnmcmClloscdelouaaeuoutooseeleaeiiieeepiroeepsnv:urnibsaafdnreadáuihpoesalrnrmfllnmvooaeeíau3asznareaea.aecaceevlmdctnJassnesEonyonpecnodsunipasi.hdcriiaAeitrsqmtd)ngtolialdzioesmyl,cehnésodoovaoñrsfetes,aAauap.eadsoioyorraooauresmiEiosacófbdyilreedíteeverdtAmsajcrscbloluiracvrnni.nnimaaemío,iscocuriulaoalalmemnrclucvaausetasiitaaloromeobnUuf,acumsoagáanntnilielseenimciraseaneltrotosaoaecpsuy,ouegeqvuunparols.ocilebtsjismhranron.anpetiuaddcuaolr,óidpnpnaoegapatacEífuózsltoteoenlnaoerefadeifblAolnaeívoadámafeenllmceorioaofrscvcmniurasoaezincetjepc.dascrírsáteualaia.lsccseasáonsdhormiarmoeyriailaabilmomnnitC’imoebacasóoaneugeunrcgsuubaeobd,ioepcanaaosnsmcdrlsuimiaihdsulndlilretbóieeretaneeseduisalsedidliaaaedilseuumnfntdqGLedduqcnpamarsagasepuemclrdnsimaeoiejuponronntnatteuurunenvuíaudereolqrdabodnoaodrísmnlrisriovaleetaaeeñlcaecmrmsatyauto,dosocutsDepeacacapaciaicrtriaorlooinoaoedlladvtdseacoaoJavaneemaiaesjiie.lsnudippndnpnaevnaecseoauezmomErEaaisrdcvnsqfnvooaoessuaEosia,aosoasalsvsttuitovvedpuútppatacitisepsrasseetn.meuijilaibdrlteórpanaaiaeauaaoesuaivlrsrve"sedvutuncmEhóouenmnloorltCo,ppelmsJ,tm,cneraceidiaocaJoaepleecinseggtlemnmmsaouaDenaeaasrgreceeibsmnmoianaisfeeqrqcdeuicrrecrhcdnpsidudpósdioriiissúdmlrialtlgóiuyiduudranútssotaouáaoonoiaeeieietonlaeellarssiiiiooonnoónooyoeeaeeaaasssss---------------r-lll....,

e ilumínanos,

mi Señor, para
que podamos
conocer y amar
las bendiciones
que alguna vez
nos propones, y
que podamos
entender que te
has movido para
otorgarnos favores
y nos as

- De las oraciones de San
Juan De La Cruz.

les pasan cosas buenas porque Dios
Fuente de Fortaleza espera su transformación, y esto lleva
tiempo. En la lectura del Evangelio
de este domingo, Lucas nos recuerda
Lectura I Exodo 17:3-7 Agua de la Roca que en Jesús la humanidad ha recibi-
Lectura II Romanos 5:1-2, 5-8 Fe, Esperanza y Amor do un indulto de la justicia divina. En

Evangelio Juan 4:5-42 La Mujer Samaritana en el pozo. esta era de misericordia, Cristo obra
en el Espíritu con cada uno de noso-
Adultos: ¿Donde as encontrado una fuente de “agua viva” para tros, siempre con la esperanza de ver-
nos florecer.
tu camino de fe?

Niños: Nombra algunas veces cuando tu creencia en Jesus Michael Simone, S.J.
ayudo a ser fuerte. Enseña las Escrituras en la
6 Escuela de Colegio de Boston

de teología y ministerio

CANA II Retreat si usted (o algún ser querido) sufre
March 30th. a causa de un aborto

Retreat will take place at El Viñedo de Raquel
Our Lady of Assumption
Es para usted, la esperanza, ayuda, y
4805 Byron St. Sanación están disponibles a través de este
( in the Education Bldg.)
Retiro. Sienta el perdón y la misericordia
De dios (para hombres, mujeres o parejas).

Próximo retiro en el paso tx será
26-28 de abril, 2019

Para mas información O para inscribirse llame a
Silvia 915-383-4602 o mande un correo a
[email protected]
Toda pregunta es confidencial.


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