Welcome Bienvenido
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Ministries to Participate in /Ministerios en los que puede Participar Parish Office
Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Oficina Parroquial
14132 McMahon Ave.
Coordinadores, Rosalba Cota & Librado Rodríguez....852-3582 Horizon, Texas 79928
C.A.D.E.S. Youth Group
(915) 852-3582
Coordinator, Lizbeth Herrera ........................... 820-9423 Fax (915) 852-0585
CIA/CAFF/Asamblea de Oración/ CJD Evangelización email: office@ hscc4u.org
Contact Parish Office....................................... 852-3582 Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Finance Council ................................................. 852-3582 Lunes, Miércoles & Viernes
Healthy Horizons
9am-12pm & 1:30pm-5pm
Coordinator, Janice Feliciano ........................... 316-8079 Tuesday & Thursday
Kitchen/Cocina Martes & Jueves
Coordinadora, Maria Estrada........................................843-1554 9am-12pm & 1:30pm-6pm
Knights of Columbus / Caballeros de Colón Prayer time for staff
Coordinator, Jesus Quiñones ............................ 852-3582 Tiempo de oración del personal
Little Shepherds/Young Spirits Monday—Friday / Lunes—Viernes
Coordinator, Luana Romero ............................. 857-9017 12:00pm-12:15pm
Marriage Ministry/Ministerio de Matrimonios
Religious Formation Office
Coordinators, Saul & Rosy Ramirez ................. 926-9654 Oficina de Formación Religiosa
Ministerio de Representaciones Bíblicas
(915) 852-3520
Coordinator, Salvador Tarango......................... 852-3582
Emaus/ Emmaus Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Friday
Judith Valdez .................................................. 852-3582
Pastoral Care for the sick and elderly/ Lun., Mar., Juev. & Viernes
Cuidado Pastoral a los enfermos y ancianos Centro Catequético Juan Diego
Coordinadores, Mike and Hilda Soto ................ 229-1941 Catechetical Center
Contact Parish Office....................................... 852-3582 857 Ascension St.
Scouts El Paso, TX 79928
Coordinator, Luis Bustamante .......................... 867-5213
Theology Thru Technology Staff
Coordinator, Kevin Venegas ............................ 502-0506
Women’s Ministry/Ministerio de Mujeres Rev. Jose A. Morales - Pastor
Coordinator, Rosalia Huerta ............................. 852-3582 [email protected]
Community Service Ministries Eva Rodriguez
Ministerios al Servicio de la Comunidad Religious Formation / Formación Religiosa
Divine Providence Food Bank/Despensas de la Divina Providencia
Contact Information/Numero a Contactar ................. 996-2025 [email protected]
San Vicente De Paul
Assistance Hotline /Línea de Asistencia .................... 603-5273 Guadalupe Quiñones –Rel. Form. Assistant
Safe Environment/ Ambiente Seguro www.virtusonline.org [email protected]
Coordinator, Lorena Reyes……………………...229-6617
Liturgical Ministries / Ministerios Litúrgicos Irma Guzman - Administrative Assistant
Altar Servers/Monaguillos [email protected]
Coordinators, Lory & Andy Batista .......................... 852-3582
Bereavement Petra Torres - Ministry Coordinator
Coordinator, Rose Villareal............................ 346-1725 [email protected]
Coordinator, Martha Ochoa ............................ 852-3582 Lorena Reyes - Secretary
Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros de La Eucaristía [email protected]
Coordinator, Elsa Morales ............................. 832-1438
Hospitality Ministry/Ministerio de Hospitalidad
Coordinator, Henry Trujillo................................ 491-7982
Proclaimers of the Word/Proclamadores de la Palabra
Coordinator, Franklin Flores……………...917-578-0325
Coordinator, Flor Ruiz ................................... 408-4526
Mon., Wed., & Friday Weekly Offering
Lun., Mier., & Viernes Ofrenda Semanal
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Shaun Dwyer, Tim Sandford, PRAY
Ernesto Ruiz, Maria Villanueva
de Valdez, Gloria de la Cruz, FOR OUR SICK
Omar Padilla, Frances Gámez,
Eddie L. Eisenbach, Griselda OREMOS POR
Mendoza, Manuela Duran, NUESTROS
Alberta S. Peña, Luciana
Riganti, Kenda M. Gómez,
Manuela Salas, Clarisa García, Otilia Muñoz, María C.
IIMinsatnetMenncaitosinsoesndes Domínguez, Joel Rivera, Matilde Collins, Alberto Luevano,
Jason Rodriguez, Socorro Renteria, Marta Gonzalez, Mary
Dominguez, Hortencia Ibarra, Guillermo Mei, Kate DeTuro,
Providencia Mesa, Hector Sanchez, Bertha Pelayo, Leticia
Arciniega, Karina C. Ramirez Lopez, Oscar J. Bernal, Maciel
Hernandez, Eduardo Flores, Familia Flores, Familia Duran,
Naomi Diaz, Aida Robinson, Hailee Ozaeta, Jerry Grall, Patty
Angulo, Francis Villalobos, Ivan Alejandro Mendoza Perez,
Cecilia Mendoza Perez, Maria de Jesus Ramirez Perez, Dulce
Maria Hernandez, Vincent Lopez, Alina Michelle Rodriguez,
Antonio C. Muro, Socorro L. Muro, Rose Castañeda, Ted
Nieto, Irma Y. Ambriz, Rosa E. Muñoz, Martha B. Parra, Maria
de Jesus Mendoza, Olga B. Ramirez, Rosa Mendoza. George A.
Rodriguez, Juanita Cuellar, Leonardo & Madeley Jurado, Evelin
May the Lord grant them Strength
3Q u e e l S e ñ o r l e s d e f o r t a l e z a
What is happening in our Community? Que pasa en nuestra comunidad? Quinceañeras
9:00am Memorial Day/ Office will be closed/ Oficina estará cerrada Celebrations
Memorial Day Mass At Mt. Carmel Cemetery
27 10:00am Misa del Día Memorial en el Cementerio de Monte Carmelo on the 1st and 3rd
10:00am Grupo Juvenil C.A.D.E.S. Youth Group
7:00pm Saturday of the
Women's’ Ministry/ Reunión de Ministerio de Mujeres
28 6:30pm month. Register
at least 6 months
before at the
Parish Office.
30 6:00pm Quinceañera Rehearsal/ Ensayo de Quinceañeras Celebraciones
01 12:00pm Quinceañera Mass/ Misa de Quinceañera el 1er y 3er Sábado
2:00pm Boda
5:00pm Little Shepherds del mes. Inscribirse
por lo menos 6 meses
antes en la
Oficina Parroquial
B M C ó
On the 1st Saturday of the Register at the Parish office six Contact the
month. Register a month months before to speak to Religious Formation Office.
before at the Parish Office. our Pastor. New registrations are
El Primer sábado del mes. Inscríbase en la Oficina Parroquial usually during May & June.
Inscríbase en la seis meses antes para hablar con el Course starts in August.
Párroco de la iglesia.
Oficina Parroquial A Llame a la Oficina de
un mes antes. Formación Religiosa.
Nuevas inscripciones son
usualmente durante los meses
R Next Communal Anointing of de mayo y junio.
the Sick Mass will be on El curso empieza
July 20, 2019 at 5:00pm
Saturdays at 3:30pm in English en Agosto.
Or by appointment La próxima Misa de Unción de CH
los Enfermos será el CPó
20 de Julio de 2019
Sábados 3:30pm o a las 6:30pm en Español
por cita.
The New Testament writers an angel or Greco-Roman demigod,
faced a problem when they however. The Advocate is nothing
tried to describe Christian less than the Father’s love. Of all the
life after the resurrection. Father’s attributes, love is the one
They wrote for an audience who that can communicate the divine na-
were experiencing the risen Christ ture perfectly. An encounter with
still at work. Nevertheless, each au- divine love is an encounter with
thor had to God’s own self,
acknowledge that, ‘We will come to him and the Advocate
and make our
at some point, the is thus a personifi-
risen Christ had cation of that di-
stopped appearing dwelling with him.’ vine love.
in the flesh to his (Jn 14:23) Throughout his
disciples. Their Gospel, John had
efforts to explain this contradiction been careful to trace Jesus’ relation-
produced some of the richest early ship to the Father’s love. God’s love
Christian theology. for a perishing humanity initiated
This was no academic exercise. salvation history (Jn 3:16), and Je-
Christ’s disciples had taken on his sus’ love for his disciples brought
mission, and with it the hostility di- that history to its culmination (Jn
rected against it. In addition, Jesus’ 15:13-17). In every miracle Jesus
message challenged their under- gave a sign of divine love; and in
standing. The presence was mysteri- every Gospel command, Jesus of-
ous. Mark’s Gospel reports it with no fered a way to conform one’s life to
explanation: “The Lord worked with love’s example.
them and confirmed the word Gospel love makes God present. As
through accompanying signs” (Mk the first disciples trusted in the Ad-
16:20). Matthew and Luke go further vocate, they found a love that gave
and attribute this unseen presence to peace to their hearts. In this peace,
the Spirit (Mt 10:20; Acts 1:8), as they continued to serve Christ’s mis-
does Paul (1 Cor 2:12-13), who also sion even in the face of hostility, and
terms it “grace” (2 Cor 12:9) and thus came themselves to embody
“power” (Phil 3:10). These are just God’s love for others. Just so, Chris-
some of the terms New Testament tians today will find in divine love
authors gave to the mysterious reali- everything they need for the world’s
ty that filled Christians with courage salvation. In every word of the Gos-
and wisdom. pel they can encounter Christ’s peace
Contemporaneous religious com- once more, and in every loving deed
munities had more specific ideas they will reveal that Christ continues
about the unseen powers that influ- to visit the world with saving power.
enced them. Members of certain
Jewish sects spoke of angels guiding Michael Simone, S.J.,
teaches Scripture at
and strengthening believers. Romans Boston College
understood each individual to have a
genius, a guardian spirit that led each School of Theology and Ministry
person through life. Some Greek au-
thors spoke of something similar, a Keeping Jesus’ Word
daimon. The daimons conferred su-
pernatural abilities on heroes and
divine wisdom on philosophers. Reading I Acts 15:1-2,22-29
Reading II Revelation 21:10-14,22-23 The New Jerusalem
The Evangelist’s discussion of the
“Advocate” in this Sunday’s Gospel Gospel John 14:23-29
reflects something from all these tra-
ditions. Like other early Christian Adults: What difference has it made in your life when you
writers, John understands Jesus to
remain at work among his disciples. made a decision in accord with Jesus’ teachings?
But unlike those other writers, John Children: When will you have to make a decision this week?
attempts to peer through the mystery. What will help you make a good decision ?
John’s Advocate is much more than
Concédenos, ‘Y vendremos a el
Dios todopoderoso, y haremos en el
Continuar celebrando nuestra morada.’
con fervor estos días
de alegría en honor (Jn 14:23)
de Cristo resucitado,
Y que los ministerios
que estamos recordan-
do transformen nuestra
vida y se manifieste
en nuestras obras.
Por nuestro Señor
Manteniendo la palabra de Jesús
Lectura I Hechos 15:1-2,22-29 Michael Simone, S.J.
Lectura II Apocalipsis 21:10-14,22-23 La Nueva Jerusalen Enseña las Escrituras en la
Evangelio Juan 14:23-29 Escuela de Colegio de Boston
¿Que diferencia ha hecho en tu vida cuando tomaste de teología y ministerio
Niños: una decision de acuerdo con las ensenanzas de Jesus?
6 ¿Cuando tendras que tomar una decision esta
semana?¿Que te ayudara a tomar una buena decision?
El ministerio Healthy Horizon busca voluntarios Religious Formation Online Registration for New Students
que conozcan de salud y les gustaría pertenecer a (Please follow these steps)
este ministerio. Si esta interesado se puede co-
municar con Janice Feliciano al (915) 316-8079. 1. Visit our website www.hscc4u.org and click on
Religious Formation then on Registration.
Healthy Horizon Ministry is looking for volun-
teers who have experience in the health industry 2. Fill out the registration forms
and would like to join the ministry. If interested 3. Make sure you make an appointment to bring docu-
contact Janice Feliciano at (915) 316-8079.
ments, pay fee and complete registration.
Registration dates are from May 20-31
Wed., May 29, 2019
In what ways are you making your parish commu- Inscripción en Línea para Formación Religiosa para
nity feel welcomed and connected among the oth- Nuevos Estudiantes
er members of the parish? Learn ways to promote
a life of community in you parish that will help (Favor de seguir los siguientes pasos)
parishioners remember they are called to the 1. Visite la pagina www.hscc4u.org y presione en
greater mission of God through their service and
generosity. Religious Formation y luego en Registrations
2. Llene la solicitud de inscripción
Presented by: Deacon Ignacio Torres 3. Asegúrese de agendar una cita para traer
Queen of Peace Parish
documentos, pagar costo y completar la inscripción
Parish Hall Room 105 & 106
Refreshments will be served Las Inscripciones serán del 20-31 de mayo
Please RSVP with Karina Sandoval ¿ Need Tick ets ?
At 915-872-8412 or at
[email protected] Contribute with a Donation at
¿ Necesita Boletos ?
1. Click on picture of promotional flyer
Contribuya Con Una Donación En for concert,
2. Then click on tickets, and follow
1. Presione en la foto de la promoción del the instructions on the page.
**Save receipt with your confirmation
2. luego en Boletos y siga las instrucciones number and call 915-209-2311 or
de la pagina. the Parish Office at 915-852-3582
**Guarde su recibo con el numero de To pick up your tickets.**
confirmación y llame al 915-209-2311 o
a la Oficina de la parroquia al
915-852-3582 para recoger sus boletos.**
Venta de Proceeds of
boletos a Ticket Sales
beneficio de la
Construcción will benefit
the Building of
de la Our new Church.
Nueva Iglesia. Thankyou for
¡Gracias por su your support!
apoyo! 7