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20-May 19-2019-Bulletin 3 page final

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Published by HSCC Bulletins / Boletines de HSCC, 2019-05-17 18:20:29

HSCC May 19, 2019

20-May 19-2019-Bulletin 3 page final

Welcome Bienvenido

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Ministries to Participate in /Ministerios en los que puede Participar Parish Office
Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Oficina Parroquial
14132 McMahon Ave.
Coordinadores, Rosalba Cota & Librado Rodríguez....852-3582 Horizon, Texas 79928
C.A.D.E.S. Youth Group
(915) 852-3582
Coordinator, Lizbeth Herrera ........................... 820-9423 Fax (915) 852-0585
CIA/CAFF/Asamblea de Oración/ CJD Evangelización email: office@

Contact Parish Office....................................... 852-3582 Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Finance Council ................................................. 852-3582 Lunes, Miércoles & Viernes
Healthy Horizons
9am-12pm & 1:30pm-5pm
Coordinator, Janice Feliciano ........................... 316-8079 Tuesday & Thursday
Kitchen/Cocina Martes & Jueves

Coordinadora, Maria Estrada........................................843-1554 9am-12pm & 1:30pm-6pm
Knights of Columbus / Caballeros de Colón Prayer time for staff

Coordinator, Jesus Quiñones ............................ 852-3582 Tiempo de oración del personal
Little Shepherds/Young Spirits Monday—Friday / Lunes—Viernes

Coordinator, Luana Romero ............................. 857-9017 12:00pm-12:15pm
Marriage Ministry/Ministerio de Matrimonios
Religious Formation Office
Coordinators, Saul & Rosy Ramirez ................. 926-9654 Oficina de Formación Religiosa
Ministerio de Representaciones Bíblicas
(915) 852-3520
Coordinator, Salvador Tarango......................... 852-3582
Emaus/ Emmaus Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Friday
Judith Valdez .................................................. 852-3582
Pastoral Care for the sick and elderly/ Lun., Mar., Juev. & Viernes

Cuidado Pastoral a los enfermos y ancianos Centro Catequético Juan Diego
Coordinadores, Mike and Hilda Soto ................ 229-1941 Catechetical Center
Contact Parish Office....................................... 852-3582 857 Ascension St.
Scouts El Paso, TX 79928
Coordinator, Luis Bustamante .......................... 867-5213
Theology Thru Technology Staff
Coordinator, Kevin Venegas ............................ 502-0506
Roots of Faith/ Raíces de Fe Rev. Jose A. Morales - Pastor
Coordinator, Rosalia Huerta ............................. 852-3582 [email protected]

Community Service Ministries Eva Rodriguez
Ministerios al Servicio de la Comunidad Religious Formation / Formación Religiosa
Divine Providence Food Bank/Despensas de la Divina Providencia
Contact Information/Numero a Contactar ................. 996-2025 [email protected]
San Vicente De Paul
Assistance Hotline /Línea de Asistencia .................... 603-5273 Guadalupe Quiñones –Rel. Form. Assistant
Safe Environment/ Ambiente Seguro [email protected]
Coordinator, Lorena Reyes……………………...229-6617
Liturgical Ministries / Ministerios Litúrgicos Irma Guzman - Administrative Assistant
Altar Servers/Monaguillos [email protected]
Coordinators, Lory & Andy Batista .......................... 852-3582
Bereavement Petra Torres - Ministry Coordinator
Coordinator, Rose Villareal............................ 346-1725 [email protected]
Coordinator, Martha Ochoa ............................ 852-3582 Lorena Reyes - Secretary
Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros de La Eucaristía [email protected]
Coordinator, Elsa Morales ............................. 832-1438
Hospitality Ministry/Ministerio de Hospitalidad
Coordinator, Henry Trujillo................................ 491-7982
Proclaimers of the Word/Proclamadores de la Palabra
Coordinator, Franklin Flores……………...917-578-0325

Coordinator, Flor Ruiz ................................... 408-4526

Weekly Offering

Mon., Wed., & Friday Ofrenda Semanal
Lun., Mier., & Viernes

8:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

The second collection from May 11-12, 2019, was collected for the Major Seminary Fund. $1,553.71
La segunda colecta del 30-31 de marzo del 2019 serán para el Fondo Mayor del Seminario.

Shaun Dwyer, Tim Sandford, PRAY
Ernesto Ruiz, Maria Villanueva
de Valdez, Gloria de la Cruz, FOR OUR SICK
Omar Padilla, Frances Gámez,
Eddie L. Eisenbach, Griselda OREMOS POR
Mendoza, Manuela Duran, NUESTROS
Alberta S. Peña, Luciana

IIMinsatnetMenncaitosinsoesndes Riganti, Kenda M. Gómez,
Manuela Salas, Clarisa García, Otilia Muñoz, María C.
Domínguez, Joel Rivera, Matilde Collins, Alberto Luevano,
Jason Rodriguez, Socorro Renteria, Marta Gonzalez, Mary
Dominguez, Hortencia Ibarra, Guillermo Mei, Kate DeTuro,
Providencia Mesa, Hector Sanchez, Bertha Pelayo, Leticia
Arciniega, Karina C. Ramirez Lopez, Oscar J. Bernal, Maciel
Hernandez, Eduardo Flores, Familia Flores, Familia Duran,
Naomi Diaz, Aida Robinson, Hailee Ozaeta, Jerry Grall, Patty
Angulo, Francis Villalobos, Ivan Alejandro Mendoza Perez,
Cecilia Mendoza Perez, Maria de Jesus Ramirez Perez, Dulce
Maria Hernandez, Vincent Lopez, Alina Michelle Rodriguez,
Antonio C. Muro, Socorro L. Muro, Rose Castañeda, Ted
Nieto, Irma Y. Ambriz, Rosa E. Muñoz, Martha B. Parra, Maria
de Jesus Mendoza, Olga B. Ramirez, Rosa Mendoza. George A.
Rodriguez, Juanita Cuellar, Leonardo & Madeley Jurado, Evelin
Dawson, Juventino Ayala
May the Lord grant them Strength
3Q u e e l S e ñ o r l e s d e f o r t a l e z a

What is happening in our Community? Que pasa en nuestra comunidad? Quinceañeras

20 7:00pm Grupo Juvenil C.A.D.E.S. Youth Group Celebrations
22 6:30pm
First Holy Communion (English) Rehearsal on the 1st and 3rd
7:00pm Finance Council Meeting
Saturday of the
23 6:30pm Hospitality Meeting/ Reunión de ministerio de Hospitalidad
6:30pm Ensayo de Ceremonia de Primera Comunión (Español) month. Register

at least 6 months
before at the

Parish Office.

24 6:30pm Reunión Familiar—El tema sera El Padre Nuestro Celebraciones

10:00am First Holy Communion Ceremony ( English) el 1er y 3er Sábado
Ceremonia de Primera Comunión ( Español)
25 12:00pm Misa Bilingüe/ Bilingual Mass del mes. Inscribirse
6:00pm Communal Anointing of the Sick/ Unción de los Enfermos
6:00pm por lo menos 6 meses
antes en la

Oficina Parroquial

B  M C ó
On the 1st Saturday of the Register at the Parish office six Contact the

month. Register a month months before to speak to Religious Formation Office.
before at the Parish Office. our Pastor. New registrations are

El Primer sábado del mes. Inscríbase en la Oficina Parroquial usually during May & June.
Inscríbase en la seis meses antes para hablar con el Course starts in August.

Párroco de la iglesia.

Oficina Parroquial A  Llame a la Oficina de
un mes antes. Formación Religiosa.
Nuevas inscripciones son
usualmente durante los meses

R Next Communal Anointing of de mayo y junio.
the Sick Mass will be on El curso empieza
May 25, 2019 at 6:00pm
Saturdays at 3:30pm in English en Agosto.

Or by appointment La próxima Misa de Unción de CH
los Enfermos será el CPó
25 de Mayo de 2019
Sábados 3:30pm o a las 6:00pm en Español
por cita.
Uó 


Near the end of the Ger- of the love he has for his disciples
man film “Downfall,” as and of the love they must have for
Soviet troops close in on one another. Jesus acknowledges the
Berlin, the focus shifts world’s hatred (Jn 15:18-25) not to
from the battlefield to the Führer’s get a reaction from his disciples, but
secret underground office. In a scene rather as a contrast to the gift that the
that helped earn the film an Oscar Father offers. The hostility of the
nomination, the ac- world is not a cause
tor Bruno Ganz de- ‘I give you a new for concern as long
livers an epic tan- as they trust in the
trum that blames commandment: coming Advocate
Germany’s defeat Love one another.’ and love one anoth-
on its military com- er.
manders, the SS, (Jn 13:34) “I make all things

rank-and-file German soldiers and new.” Now, at the moment of his
finally the German people them- own apparent downfall, Jesus does
selves. Mr. Ganz does such a fine job not behave as one might expect.
channeling the rage of a defeated There are no tantrums or demands
madman that it is easy to forget how for vengeance, but only commands
little historical documentation re- for his disciples to love. This is the
mains from that event. Few of the new thing that will remake creation.
people who witnessed the tirade sur- In the face of deadly opposition,
vived the war, and only one wrote a Jesus never swerved from his com-
firsthand account—of questionable mitment to love. He remained loyal
accuracy. Mr. Ganz’s riveting per- to the Father and humble among his
formance is believable not because it friends. He opened a new path of
is historically well grounded but be- human existence, freed from self-
cause it is the way most people ex- destruction and alienation.
pect a defeated man to behave. Re- Love is the key to discipleship.
criminations, blame, rage and a sense Without the love Jesus revealed,
of un-impeachability are all too com- Christianity is a jumble of practices
mon in leaders at every level. and rules, traditions and teachings
The context of this Sunday’s Gos- that neither cohere nor inspire. With
pel reading might have suggested a love, the teachings of Christ draw
“Downfall”-style rant at this point in disciples ever closer to God and
the John’s narrative. After repeated neighbor. For those who live as
controversies with authorities in Je- Christ did, death is no downfall. It is
rusalem, Jesus has gone into hiding an invitation to a new life of eternal
(Jn 11:54). Now, having gathered glory.
covertly with his disciples, he an-
nounces his imminent betrayal and
identifies his betrayer as one of the Michael Simone, S.J.,
teaches Scripture at
Twelve (Jn 13:27). Not much further
into the narrative, he will reveal Pe- Boston College
ter’s coming denials (Jn 13:36-38). School of Theology and Ministry
The passage that the church reads
this Sunday is the interlude between
these revelations. One might have Love One Another
expected a statement of disappoint-
ment or regret, or a lashing out at the
disciples for their disloyalty and Reading I Acts 14:21-27 End of the First Mission

cowardice. One might also imagine a Reading II Revelation 21:1-5 New Heavens and New Earth
leader who rallies his followers with
calls for vengeance. Gospel John 13:31-33,34-35 A New Commandment

Instead, Jesus speaks to them of Adults: When have you seen the power of love overcome a
love. John goes to great pains to bad situation?
show how Jesus acted in love even
as he faced death. In the lengthy dis- Children: Do you believe love is stronger than hate ? Why?
course that starts in Jn 13:31 and
continues to Jn 17:26, Jesus speaks
of the love he and the Father share, 5

‘Les doy un mandamiento
nuevo: Que se amen
los unos a los otros’

Lectura I Ámense los unos a los otros Michael Simone, S.J.
Lectura II Enseña las Escrituras en la
Evangelio Hechos 14:21-27 Fin de la primera mision Escuela de Colegio de Boston
Adultos: Apocalipsis 21:1-5 Nuevos cielos y nueva tierra
Juan 13:31-33,34-35 Un nuevo mandamiento de teología y ministerio
¿Cuando has visto el poder del amor superar una
6 mala situacion?

¿Crees que el amor es mas fuerte que el odio?
¿Por que?

Join us in celebration for the Ordination of Religious Formation Online Registration for New Students
Miguel Perez to Priesthood & (Please follow these steps)
Ivan Montelongo to Diaconate
Saturday May 25, 2019 1. Visit our website and click on
Religious Formation then on Registration.
Music starts at 5pm. We will have ONLY ONE
bilingual Mass at 6:00pm and a get together after the Mass. 2. Fill out the registration forms
3. Make sure you make an appointment to bring docu-
Everyone is invited!
ments, pay fee and complete registration.
Únase a nosotros en celebración por la Registration dates are from May 20-31
Ordenación al Sacerdocio de Miguel Pérez

y de Iván Montelongo al Diaconado
sábado 25 de mayo de 2019

La Música empieza a las 5pm y tendremos
SOLAMENTE UNA MISA bilingüe a la
6:00pm. Después tendremos un pequeño

convivio. ¡Todos están invitados!

Misa del Día Memorial 2019 Inscripción en Línea para Formación Religiosa para
Memorial Day Mass Nuevos Estudiantes

Monday, May 27 at 10:00am at Mt. Carmel Cemetery. (Favor de seguir los siguientes pasos)
There will be a display of flags in honor of the ones that gave 1. Visite la pagina y presione en

their life for our country, if you have one, please bring it to the Religious Formation y luego en Registrations
cemetery office before May 21.
2. Llene la solicitud de inscripción

Lunes 27 de Mayo a las 10:00 de la mañana en el 3. Asegúrese de agendar una cita para traer
Cementerio de Monte Carmelo. documentos, pagar costo y completar la inscripción

Habrá un desfile de banderas, traiga la suya a la oficina del Las Inscripciones serán del 20-31 de mayo
Cementerio de Monte Carmelo antes del día 21 de mayo.

¿ Necesita Boletos ? Need Tick ets ?

Contribuya con una donación en Contribute with a donation at

1. Presione en la foto de la promoción del 1. Click on picture of promotional flyer
concierto for concert,

2. luego en boletos y siga las instrucciones 2. Then click on tickets, and follow the
de la pagina. instructions on the page.
**Guarde su recibo con el numero de
**Save receipt with your confirmation
confirmación y llame al 915-209-2311 o number and call 915-209-2311 or
a la Oficina de la Parroquia al the Parish Office at 915-852-3582
To pick up your tickets.**
915-852-3582 para recoger sus boletos.**

Venta de Proceeds of
boletos a Ticket Sales
beneficio de la
Construcción will benefit
the Building of
de la Our new Church.
Nueva Iglesia. Thankyou for
¡Gracias por su your support!

apoyo! 7

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