Workshop Research for Radiographer(R4R)
Part I: Hello Research
“Amazing Imaging: It’s not a challenge, it’s an
30 November & 1 December 2019
Main Lecture Hall
UNISZA, Kuala Terengganu
Malaysia Society of Radiographers
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Management & Science University (MSU)
Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL)
Co-sponsored by:-
To organize a workshop series and seminar to empower the radiographer profession
and to collaborate with other relevant academic institutions nationwide.
Hello research workshop is the first of the three series workshop that is planned by
the Malaysian Society of Radiographers (MSR). The workshop intends to improve
research skills among the clinical radiographers and radiography students. The three
areas covered in this workshop are how to acquire basic research skills, perform
research in clinical sites and apply research funding.
This is a 3 parts workshop for both therapeutic, diagnostic radiographers and
students. This workshop is designed to inform the audience of the main reasons &
guides to undertake research in radiography, the skills needed to conduct research,
how to get involved in research and the streams available for funding.
The workshop is a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accredited event that
will offer the delegates the opportunity to learn from the well-experienced speakers
or researchers, ask questions and share their thoughts with other colleagues.
The workshop is conducted in a collaboration with numbers of academic institutions
such as UNISZA, UKM, UPM, MSU, and Radiology Department, Hospital Kuala
Lumpur. This collaboration will allow a holistic research inputs that will strengthen the
industry and universities linkage.
The workshop is mainly opened to clinical radiographers and allied health professional
as well as all students from universities and colleges nationwide that have offered
Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy courses. Hands-on sessions will become a good
platform for all delegates to discuss, evaluate and receive constructive inputs from
experts and to participate in learning the entire process of research through the
The workshop will include a seminar on the following day for any selected workshop
series conducted. The speakers will be invited from various academic institutions to
share the current trends or technologies in research that is related to medical imaging
or radiography.
The objectives of this workshop series are to:-
1. Provide platforms for all participants, especially clinical radiographers, students
and other health profession to gain exposure on the systematic research process
2. Provide better exposure to the process of research writing and data
3. Provide a platform for radiographers, students and related professions to share
information and research ideas from various disciplines related to the field of
diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy.
4. Develop a comprehensive R4R module with expert inputs from strategic
academic partners to tailor the module specific for radiographers and related
professions. This module will help to strengthen the research portfolio among
radiographers in Malaysia as part of the extended and expanded roles of
radiographers working pathway.
5. Help improvise research education and training for radiographers.
Malaysia Society of Radiographers as the Main Organiser with strategic partners
1. Diagnostic Imaging & Radiotherapy, Faculty of Health Science, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia
2. Department of Radiology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
3. Centre for Diagnostic Nuclear Imaging, Universiti Putra Malaysia
4. School of Medical Imaging, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal
Abidin, Terengganu
5. Radiotherapy Programme, Faculty of Health Sciences, Management & Science
Medical-Diagnostic Imaging Technology: Past-
Now & Future by Fatimah (POLTEKKES)
AI in medical imaging practice: The future by
Dr Kamarul Amin (UniSZA)
Patron Zaidah Binti Maspin & Mayzerina Mohd Yusop
Malaysia Society of Radiographers
Programme & Protocol
Chairman Puan Wan Ismawati Ismail (MSU)
President MSR Puan Azlinawati bt Ali
Mr Sawal Marsait
Publication & Scientific
Advisor Dr. Iza Nurzawani Che Isa (UKM)
Vice President MSR Pn Fairuz b Mohd Nasir
Mr Mazli Bin Mohamad Zin
Publicity & Sponsorship
Advisory Panel Akmarul Nazli Misbah (Pantai)
PM Dr Hairil Rashmizal Abdul Razak (UPM) Said Mohd Shaffiq Bin Said Rahmat (IKN)
PM Dr Akmal Sabarudin (UKM)
Dr Kamarul Amin Bin Abdullah @ Abu Bakar Onsite Management Team
(UNISZA) Pn Nor Azimah bt Othman
Nurul Syahidah Mohamad
Chairperson Nur Suraya Hani Bt Md Hanafiah
Dr. Nor Aniza Azmi Nurul Husna bt Othman
Nur Maisarah bt Ali
Vice Chairperson Nurshafiqa binti Norizan
Cik Nur Hafizah Mohad Azmi Irsyaduddin Ilmam bin Mohd Zaini
Nur Hanisah binti Mohamad Hadi Nurul Sakira
Secretary I binti Zainuddin
Mr Mohammad Mudzakir Bin Zainal Alam Mohd Hafizuddin Bin Mohd Adib Nur
Masuriawati Binti Senafi
Secretary II Humairah Hakimah Binti Mohamad Rani Siti
Mariam Binti Roslan
Mohd Imran Mohd
Sarah Nasuha Binti Zakaria
Nur Afiqah Binti Nizar
Nur Nabilah Binti Sharom
Nur Ira Shahira binti Ismail
Nur Haziyah Binti Mohamad Zwawi
Muhammad Zafran Danial Bin Ahmad Nazri