Mike Arjoon Wilfred Hercules FOUNDER/PRESIDENT
Founder Co-Founder Michael Arjoon
Lyma Dunbar Mea Allman Wilfred Hercules
Editor-in-chief Managing Editor
Dawn Marie Theresa Coutain Sandi Morais Editor-in-chief Lyma Dunbar
Touch of Art Health & Wellness Wellness Recipes Managing Editor Mea Allman
Khadija McBain Ashton Baptiste CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
Travel iEM Sports Health & Wellness Theresa Coutain
iEM Sports Ashton Baptiste
Touch of Art Raw Flower
Spiritual Corner Mark Smiley
Wellness Recipes Sandi Morais
Travel Khadija McBain
Art/Layout Director Mea Allman
Front Cover Graphics Designs.DK
Graphics Designer Dominique Brisbane
Mea Allman
Photo of Nailah Blackman Nailah’s Team
iChunes Entertainment Int’l
[email protected]
(786) 303-3433
(321) 263-9939
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the
various authors in this magazine do not necessarily
reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of iChunes
Entertainment Magazine and its staff. This magazine
does not endorse or recommend products mentioned in
articles or in paid advertisements, unless otherwise
7 iEM Woman of Kulture
Kamla Macko “Abs & Glutes
Tune Up” new book
9 iEM Health & Wellness 15 iEM Sports
The Holidays and a Healthy Getting your Student Athlete ready for College
16 iEM Entertainer on the Rise
Rohan Reid
10 iEM Touch of Art 18 iEM Wellness Recipes
By Raw Flower Pecan Walnut Fruit Tart with Cashew Cream
10 iEM Spiritual Corner and Vegan HempNog by Sandi Morais
Mark’s Few Words 20 iEM Travel
Backpacking in Europe….
11 iEM Local & Cultural Events
Supporting our local communities
and cultural events.
12 iEM Featured Entertainer
Nailah Blackman….Making Her
Dream a Reality..
4 iChunes Ent. Magazine
For information on advertising
[email protected] or (786) 303-3433 or (321) 263-9939
Visit us @ ichunesentmagazine.com | Listen on ichunesradio.com
iChunes Ent. Magazine 5
iEM EDITOR’S Note…..with Lyma Dunbar
WE here at iEM, just celebrated our First year, and we do thank you for coming along with us on this Journey
of Discovery as a young publication. If I could think of one word to describe our magazine other than trendy, I
would say eclectic; in that today's reader is interested in a variety of
topics; and our mission is to continue to bring this diversity within the
contents of our pages. Our features were chosen because of readers like
You, who have conveyed to us that they would like to see different
features on the iEM tray of goodies. As we look forward to continued
growth in the New Year, we here at iChunes Entertainment Magazine,
and the rest of the iChunes family, would like to wish you and yours a
Blessed, Safe and Happy Christmas, and Everything that you would strive
towards and pray for in 2019.
Written by Lyma Dunbar, iEM Editor-in-chief
Host of The Ladies Chat Room, Saturdays 12 noon—2:00 pm
www.ichunesradio.com (simulcast on www.islandbeatradio.net)
6 iChunes Ent. Magazine
iEM Woman of Kulture…..with Kamla Macko
KAMLA Macko, born in Miami Florida, is the daughter of Celebrity Vegan Chef, Sandi Morais. Earning
a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science/Cardiac Rehab from Florida International University, she is also an
IFBB Figure- Pro and 2X Figure Olympia competitor. Inspired by her
mother, Kamla taught a Caribbean Dance Aerobic class while studying at
Miami-Dade College, and in 2006 she graduated with Honors from that
institution with an Associate of Science Degree.
In 2007, while at Florida International University she was inspired to
enter the Sunshine State Classic Figure Competition, where she placed
first. From 2006-2008, while working as the Program Director at
Freestyle Fighting Academy in Miami along with her fiancé Augustin
Clemente, she began to hone her teaching, training and nutritional skills.
She designed exercise and nutritional programs, and competition prep for
her clients as well as herself. In 2009, Agustin accepted the position as
General Manager and Head Instructor at Xtreme Fighting Champion-
ships, while Kamla managed and taught the women's bootcamp classes,
and mixed martial arts classes with Agustin; after two years in that
position they started Fierce Bootcamp Fitness Classes. Through these
classes, Kamla has helped countless women reach their fitness goals, and
she also specializes in training women for fitness competitions. Some of
her clients have gone on to win competitions. As the co-owner of
G~Kamp Fitness located in Tampa, along with fiancé, Pro MMA fighter
Agustin Clemente, they have designed services to help their clients gain
knowledge on the science of exercise and proper nutritional balance. The
program is open to men and women wanting to compete at the NPC or IFBB level.
Competing in 19 shows including Arnold Classics and Ms. Figure Olympia, Kamla’s love and passion for
competing continued over the years, and in April 2017 she published her fitness book titled ABS & GLUTES
TUNE UP. She shared that through her book “you can be your own personal trainer to help tone and firm your
abs/glutes in the privacy of your home with easy-to-follow exercises for beginners and advanced level. Eating
healthy is an important component to help you get rid of your spare tire and develop stronger abs. The right
type of carbs, protein, fiber and good fats will fuel your body
and give you the energy and nutrients that is needed for optimal
performance.” Included in the book, are some of her Mom’s
delicious recipes from Recipe for Life Vegan/Vegetarian Cook
Book to help with the preparation of healthier meals to go along
with your workout program. Her advice “You can adjust the
recipes if you would like to add more protein to your meals.”
In addition, Kamla has designed a Progress Chart, to help with
tracking your daily journey and development. As a Woman of
Kulture, she stated “I feel truly blessed to know that I can share
my knowledge and expertise to help many chart their course to
success with my ABS & GLUTES TUNE UP program.” Let’s
start the new year by staying fit and healthy with Kamla
Macko, IFBB-Figure-Pro.
For more information and to Order your Abs & Glutes Tune
Up fitness book, get a Jump-Start to a healthy lifestyle. Only
25.00 (includes S & H) at www.gkamp.net also visit:
Photo Credits: Per Bernal & Kamla Macko (book cover)
Mea Allman, iEM Managing Editor
Ambassador of Women of Kulture 365
Facebook/Instagram @womenofkulture365
iChunes Ent. Magazine 7
8 iChunes Entertainment Magazine
iEM HEALTH &Wellness…..with Theresa Coutain
THE Holidays can certainly sabotage your efforts to live a healthier lifestyle if you're not careful. The key is
moderation and making sure you are getting the essential nutrients that the body needs daily. Over the years,
I’ve picked up on a common trend among some of my clients. It happened when I was often asked a variation
of the same question. It would go something
like this: “Theresa, I’ve cut out 'junk food'
and I started eating healthier — how come I
don’t see the changes or feel slimmer yet?"
Now, to be honest, this is a great question,
you feel like you’re living a healthier
lifestyle, but your body isn’t responding the
way you think it should. However, the
reason why is simple: it’s not just your body!
You see, when the “Standard American Diet”
sinks its hooks into your digestive tract, your
Photo Credit: foodnavigator-usa.com
body also becomes home to, Bad Gut
Bacteria! Once they overpopulate your gut, they’ll sabotage all your healthy efforts…and these stubborn
bugs are tough tenants to evict, causing a hosting environment for many diseases.
Research has proven that even though you may be eating 100% HEALTHY food, your levels of "bad" gut
bacteria may be overpowering the good bacteria. Which is exactly what my new clients were experiencing:
slow, delayed changes despite the fact they were eating healthy but like I said, these “bad” gut bugs are
stubborn. THIS is why they didn’t feel better or see the immediate results they were expecting… getting rid
of bad bacteria can sometimes take a long time, but don’t worry – there’s a light at the end of this tunnel.
You see there are some things you can do to expedite this process and start feeling the results you want and
deserve! My first suggestion is to start eating certain foods that feed and promote the growth of “good”
bacteria. These foods contain a nutrient known as - Prebiotic Fiber, such as Inulin whereby natural sources
can be found in chicory root, onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, bananas, dandelion greens, artichoke to name a
few. These foods spread “good” bacteria through your digestive tract like wildfire.
Now you have the “secret weapon” to destroy these “bad” bacteria and outnumber them with the good guys -
Probiotics which are present in yogurt, kefur, sauerkraut, tempeh, kimchi, miso, kombucha, pickles etc. Be
conscious of your food choices during the holidays and beyond, making sure to give the body what it needs
on a daily basis, you’ll start seeing some beautiful changes much faster while being able to maintain a healthy
body throughout the year.
If you have issues getting enough of these foods that contain prebiotics and
probiotics you can supplement with SkinnyBodyCare products like Skinny-
BodyMax and P4: www.MoreHealthNews.com Join my Facebook Health and
Wellness group for recipes and fitness tips at http://facebook.com/groups/
Written by Noreen “Theresa” Coutain Monticeux
iEM Health & Wellness Contributing Writer
SBC Diamond Leader / Raw-Food Nutrition Consultant
iChunes Entertainment Magazine 9
iEM TOUCH OF Art…..with Dawn Marie #RawFlower
“The challenge put forth in this image is for the viewer to be able to
discern what progression means - for the artist, but most importantly,
for themselves…”
By Dawn Marie
iEM Spiritual Corner…..with Mark Smiley
WE are all gifted with specialized talents, it is our talent that enables us to be
providers, inventors and even achieve stardom, and our talents are gifts from
God. There are many persons that unlock and hone their talents to a level that
yields many spiritual and worldly successes. It is an aptitude that must be
graced with the appropriate attitude, if not it leads to a supreme obliteration of
Talent that yields success must be handled with great responsibility and humili-
ty, and we should exercise pride in craft and achievements without being boast-
ful. Taking credit for our successes is a pride that God condemns, remember the
song quote “He does not walk with the proud or the scornful.”
It causes us to be blinded to our faults and creates walls between self and others and even God…..We
should never forget to thank Him each day for our successes, not to mention, the simple things that he
provides us with such as air, water and even laughter.
“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” Corinthians 10:31
Mark Smiley, iEM Spiritual Corner Contributing Writer
Owner of Taste of Jamaica Restaurant & Bar
10 iChunes Entertainment Magazine
iEM Local and Cultural Events…..Orlando, Florida
iEM giving back and supporting
our local events.
October 12th, - Pink Party
Nov.17th -Taste of Africa
Nov. 21st -Get Twisted
Nov. 24th/25th -Fusion Fest
Dec. 1st -Powerline Sounds HD
Christmas Cooler Fete
See more photos at
Photo credit @womenofkulture365, Donna Morton & iChunes Ent. Magazine iChunes Ent. Magazine 11
iEM FEATURED ENTERTAINER…..with Nailah Blackman
NAILAH BLACKMAN is one of the top young artistes on the International Caribbean music scene. She
brings a style and flair to the stage and to the genre of soca that is undeniably and refreshingly different.
The following is Nailah in her own words:
What does it mean to you to be a part of the Blackman music dynasty? “It’s an honor and pleasure, and I
am truly blessed, I think I’ve learned almost everything from different members of my family, most important-
ly from my mother, Abbi Blackman. She has shaped my mind and my development as an artist, which she
takes really seriously, so it’s kinda how I take my career and life right now. If you are talking outside of talent,
I have learned so much from them including my work ethic, it’s the greatest honor I can have. Different
family members have different ideas of what this legacy represents, but as I spread the Blackman family name
and legacy around the world, I am portraying my idea and my mother’s as well.”
You mentioned in a magazine article, that your grandfather did not like the route that soca had taken.
“They made it all about Carnival and all about wine and jam, and he just felt like it was more than
that.” What do you think he would say, now that the genre has really strayed from what he intended it
to be? “I think he would say the same thing he’s been saying when he was alive, which was “Sing something
that makes ah little sense.” {Laughter} He definitely felt there was so much more to speak about, and he felt
that was why the genre was not going international like he would have hoped, he felt it was too much ah non-
sense. He felt that yes, we can partake in this culture and enjoy and celebrate our culture, but the genre is more
than just that….He really felt that we needed to take the focus off of one thing, and really expand our minds
and the music and everything in general.”
In reading various interviews, you have taken on the vision for soca that your grandfather, the Late
Great Ras Shorty I had, which was to make it an international genre. That is a huge responsibility,
what is your self-assessment thus far on how Nailah the artiste is doing….. “She is doing fantastic!
{Laughter} I have been breaking and crossing borders for a year and a half, and many people who were never
fans of soca music, are now fans due to my music, or the movement that is happening. Having success in my
career has inspired many who have been performing for a long time, as well as the new entertainers, to look at
it from a different perspective. Even if the new fans are not necessarily my fans, they are fans of the music
changes that have come about in the last few years. I have inspired a lot of change in people.”
12 iChunes Entertainment Magazine December 2018—February 2019
iEM FEATURED Entertainer…..cont’d with Nailah Blackman
You were featured on The Austin 100 on National the same wavelength to get it. Then there are those
Public Radio (NPR), which is a station that I abso- who would hear the words and say “Oh this is a great
lutely love. They referred to your song “O Lawd song, it’s catchy,” but they may not grasp the higher
Oye” as one of the most cathartically joyful songs concept. Sometimes songs can do things for peo-
you’ll hear.” I love the almost folk song approach ple… it’s like a help; When I listened to music as a
to the music and lyrics. Tell us about that experi- child, it was like a friend that would get you through
ence….. “I saw it, and knew it was a big deal, I didn’t a situation, and sometimes songs can do things for
really know what it meant.” people, like get you through something in your life,
Now you know that NPR is one of the top interna- and you needed someone to be there with you, but
tional stations, I refer to it as “the station for the instead of having someone, you had a song. I would
geeks,” one of which I am proud to be, what do like my songs to do that for the people that need it,
you thing about your accomplishment now…. “I and that’s the higher concept, it’s that song that is
think that it’s huge and fantastic, so I am really happy there for you. It may not be what the song is about,
that my song has been able to break through those but it’s how you interpret it.”
barriers as well.” “I am very involved in the production of all my
Did you intend to approach it as a folk song? “My songs, working hand in hand with Anson, I also have
roots are in Best village and my Mom was a Best songs that I co-produced with others. Some produ-
Village coach, and with songs like “Tell meh Mama cers may not have had a part to play in one of my
doh send meh down dey.” We did a lot of work in the productions, but instead they had an existing beat
Best Village arena, and my style definitely leaned a that I heard and loved. But when it comes to Anson
lot to that. So with a background in folk, I called my and most of the songs that I released, we work hand
music ‘Caribbean Folk,’ due to my writing being in hand, so he has a big part to play in the writing,
originally story-telling, because I love to day dream and I have a big part to play in the production. We
{Laughter} I approached it as a story in my mind, work in combo all the time, so if there is something I
and I would take a topic that I was day dreaming don’t like, needs tweaking or amplified, we always
about, and build the story into a song. So even though take each other’s advice.”
my music is Indie Alternative, it is very Caribbean,
and that’s where I got the name Caribbean Folk. I
used to call it World Music, and then I did some stud-
ies on it, and realized that my music was not World
Music. With Oh Lawd Oye, people got a bit of my
roots in terms of how I naturally write, so when I cre-
ated the song, I knew that the folk element was there.”
You have your own unique style in not just your
voice, but the way you approach music and how
you covey and share it with your audience, this is
intrinsically who you are, and it obviously works
for you. Is this who Nailah will continue to
be…..because you are different, and it works.
“I will always change as an artist, because change
always needs to happen, whether people think its
good or bad, that’s up to them and their opinion; if
my career is going the way I want, I will look at it as
good change. I don’t think I will always stay the
same, I am always evolving and I think that change is
necessary. I think a lot of artistes don’t change and
that’s a problem, so I will not stay the same, I will
change for the better.” {Laughter}
As a song writer, what is it that makes a great song
for you…and how much of a part do you play in
the song production…. “The higher concept is what
makes a song great for me and the balance. A song
could be about anything and people may not always
get the higher concept but that’s for you and those on
iChunes Ent. Magazine 13
iEM FEATURED Entertainer…..cont’d with Nailah Blackman
The more famous you become, how difficulty is it for you to step back and have those simple quiet
moments… “Sometimes it is difficult, because there is always something to do, but you have to take those
moments in the middle of everything. So like in the middle of a party, or just being on a truck on the road,
people are like “Why is she so spaced out... is she really here?” They won’t even know that I am in a whole
other world in my mind, I think I am able to do that, because I used to daydream so much. {Laughter} I could
actually be there and I am not there. Then there are times I wake up in the morning, I take a moment to pray,
and whatever it is that I want to do….I just do it you know. I get to do that when I am at home.”
Tell us about the concept behind Lah Lah Land, also how was the event received this past August? “It’s
a children’s concert, and my nick name growing up was Lah Lah. I love Teletubbies and I love yellow, and
Lah Lah was the yellow Teletubby. {Laughter} Growing up as an artiste, I was always singing and dancing,
and just always in my own world, a happy child, and a chronic day dreamer. It didn’t matter where I was,
people would be like “Nailah you in Lah Lah Land yes, you just living there, you nowhere else, you’re not
even here.” I would just zone out, and I was just somewhere else. I feel like if I didn’t have that time to dream
and to be who I am in my mind, that I would not be who I am now…. because while I was in Lah Lah land, I
was singing and dancing on a huge stage in front of millions of people, and now I am doing the exact same
thing in real life. “I feel that a lot of kids get their dreams crushed at a really young age, when someone tells
them, “that’s unrealistic, that not okay, you’re not going to make any money off of that; Be a doctor, do this,
do that.” People just kill children’s dreams from a very young age, and I don’t think that’s okay; I think it’s
important for kids to dream. I wish everyone can live in Lah Lah Land like me, so I wanted a show to tell kids
that it’s okay to follow their dreams. We had a school tour, before school was out, as well as a camp tour,
going to different summer camps. The tours were educational and inspirational based, but the show at the end
was just fun. It was about expression, so we had the BP Renegades Steel Youth Orchestra, along with local
dance schools, and there were Dance-offs on stage. It was very successful, a lot of people came out, and it was
a fun day for the kids, as well as a miracle, because we had to postpone the first date due to a storm warning,
and almost postponed the second one, due to another storm warning, however the sun came out, and we had
amazing weather that was God-sent!”
Which one of your famous family members will you be collaborating with in the future? “Um….I would
say most {Laughter} I can’t leave any out, I have to do a song with almost all. “
iEM would like to wish the Young Soca Princess all the best as she continues to work towards reaching and
accomplishing her goals; one of which is a Grammy that we predict will happen in less than five years, iEM
says so!!
Written by Lyma Dunbar, iEM Editor-in-chief
Host of The Ladies Chat Room, Saturdays 12 noon—2:00 pm
www.ichunesradio.com (simulcast on www.islandbeatradio.net)
14 iChunes Ent. Magazine
iEM Sports…..with Ashton Baptiste
IN today's tough market with lots of choices it's very hard for some parents to choose the right college for
their child. Remember the word student-athlete, so the focus must always be on
Student first and Sports second. Choosing the right curriculum and the right field of
study, takes lots of research and conversations with your child. Once you figure out
the right curriculum and field of study, you must then try to fit your child with a
school that has the most opportunities for them to succeed, and participate in their
chosen sport. The next step would be to communicate with the chosen schools, and
this should include sending several emails to inform them that your child is interest-
ed in attending their institutions. Simultaneously your child must complete the SAT
which they can take several times, using a combination of the highest score from
that test, along with their score on the ACT. Your parental responsibility should also
include registering them with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
and National Intercollegiate Association of Athletics (NIAA). During your child’s
freshman and sophomore years, you are encouraged to reach out to several colleges, so by your child’s junior
year, you should have the choices narrowed down to 10 to 12, then by their senior year down to 3 to 5 colleg-
es. Another important factor is weather and culture of the school location, for example; a student who has nev-
er experienced winter, may not thrive in a college located in the Northern part of the country, similarly a stu-
dent from the south may not do well in the West or Mid-West states because of the weather and culture in
those states.
Please ensure that your child completes their community service hours during their 4 years of High School,
which they can then use towards the Bright Futures funding to assist with school costs, you can go online and
apply for as many grants and scholarships as possible. Also please note that student loans must be paid back
within 6 to 9 months after graduation, which means your child will be in debt before they can acquire a
“good” job. However if you plan early to begin this process, then taking out a student loan would not be
necessary. Another tip would be to send emails and videos to the coaching staff at your child’s colleges of
choice, which also helps your child’s visibility to get into that program. Additional tips, would be to attend
College ID Camps and Showcases which also increases your child’s visibility. For sports scholarships it's
about exposure for your child, not winning trophies or medals. I have never heard of a college scout asking a
player how “many trophies or medals do you have at home?” Exposure gets your child seen, and getting him/
her seen gets them offers. Those offers can translate into Scholarships!! These are just a few points to think
about, in choosing the right college for your child. Very soon another senior class will be graduating, as par-
ents let's do our due diligence in preparing our children for adulthood and making sure they get the best oppor-
tunities to be successful in life.
Ashton Baptiste, iEM Sports Contributing Writer & Sports Contributor on The Ladies Chat Room
D.O.C and Head Coach, GGS Soccer Academy, Ocoee, FL
Rumshop Friday's with DJ Ichunes
from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. by logging onto
listen live on Facebook at
Also, call in on the request line at
(954) 600-4315
iChunes Ent. Magazine 15
iEM ENTERTAINER on the Rise…..with Rohan Reid
WE all call him Ro, short for ROHAN REID, one of the most talented, baddest bassists around. I have
known Ro for over 15 years, and I am always amazed at the dexterity and smoothness with which he
plays his axe. The following is his partial music Bio:
The third of seven children, born and raised in Kingston, Rohan was encouraged to start learning bass at the
tender age of 6. His father, Nathaniel Reid, had him pick up the guitar to teach him a “few chords” to play
along in church. Little did he and his wife know that this youngster would, in a short amount of time, learn and
master both bass and guitar.
Everyone was astonished at his progress and would soon start asking his parents could he accompany them.
Although his Mother, Leanna, reluctantly allowed Rohan to start traveling the world at such a young age, she
knew his talent was a gift from above.
At age 10, Rohan was on the road touring internationally with one of Jamaica’s biggest record selling Gospel
Groups, Grace Thrillers. After 5 wonderful years of this union, he moved on to become a member of Insights.
It was during this time he began to develop his musical arranging skills under music director, Denis Hayes. In
1985 Rohan, along with Patrick Kitson and Henry Morrison formed Change, a new driving force in Jamaica’s
Contemporary Gospel arena. The group fused gospel, jazz and reggae, revolutionizing a “new” sound. Change
became the first and only Gospel aggregation to perform on the world’s largest reggae festival, Reggae Sun
splash and was also featured in the Billy Graham Global Mission 1994, shown to over 300 countries world-
wide via satellite.
Now an accomplished bassist, the following
are a list of entertainers Ro has been a sup-
port musician for, some of which are Gram-
my Award Winners and Billboard charting
artistes: Beanie Man, Big Mountain, Dennis
Brown, Dianna King, Eric Darius, Irene
Cara, Jessie Dixon, Leon Patillo, Maxi
Priest, Najee, Sisaundra, Wayne Wonder,
Judy Mowatt, Burning Spear, Freddy
McGregor, Dennis Brown, Wisin Y Yandel,
Original Wailers, and Jimmy Cliff.
With two #1 Billboard projects to his credit,
Rohan has launched his sophomore album
titled “Watch Me Now.” iEM talked with
him a bit about the title, and he shared that it
was one of the first songs recorded on the
album, thus inspiring the title. He further
shared “it summed up the fact that I had
been off the recording scene for a while, and
decided it was time to come back, so I’m
saying look out for me and what I’m about
to do.”
When asked about his expectations for the album, he shared “I expect a lot from this project, my team and I
have put a lot of work in promoting it. We know the product is good, based on the content, so I’m expecting
a whole lot.”
For booking Info email at [email protected] or (407)267-1767. Also, follow Rohan on Facebook
@rohan.o.reid, IG @rohbass & Twitter @rohanreid
Written by Lyma Dunbar, iEM Editor-in-chief
Host of The Ladies Chat Room, Saturdays 12 noon—2:00 pm
www.ichunesradio.com (simulcast on www.islandbeatradio.net)
16 iChunes Entertainment Magazine
iChunes Entertainment Magazine 17
iEM Wellness Recipes….with Celebrity Chef Sandi Morais
SANDI Morais (Jamaican born), is the author of Vegan Recipe for Life cook book and the Brand Ambassador
for Stifinefood (Italian Vegan products). She was the VIP Chef for the 2018 Orlando Vegan Festival. Chef
Sandi has a passion to educate, inspire and teach healthy living. She has a bachelor’s degree from Florida
International University. She also attended Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, and studied with
Disney's World Class Chef Johnny Rivers, and Chef Dr. Aris LaTham, the Father of Gourmet Raw Living
Food Cuisine.
Celebrate this holiday season with my scrumptious Raw Vegan Pecan Walnut Fruit Tart, topped with home-
made Cashew Cream, along my Vegan HempNog. HempNog is a wonderful alternative to the classic holiday
Eggnog. Three tablespoons of Hemp Seeds supplies 10 grams of protein. A high protein HempNog without
the extra calories of the traditional holiday Eggnog.
Get creative this holiday season and try my No-bake Tantalizing Pecan Walnut Fruit Tart with no preservatives
and no processed sugar. I use only nature's naturally sweetened dates for the sweet taste. According to
research dates are a good source of fiber, potassium and magnesium. You don't have to give up sweets for
Christmas. You can make your own Holiday Sweet Vegan Treat. In this issue of iEM Sandi share a few
delicious recipes like; Pecan Walnut Fruit Tart with Cashew Cream and Vegan Hemp Nog.
1/2 cup unsalted raw pecans
1/2 cup unsalted raw walnuts
9 pitted dates
1 tablespoon dried cranberries
1 tablespoon unsweetened shredded coconut
Ingredients for Cashew Cream Topping
1/4 cup water
1 cup raw unsalted cashew nuts
4 pitted dates
1/4 cup organic strawberries (sliced)
Step 1: Put the walnuts and pecans into your food processor,
chopper or blender and blend. Add coconut, cranberries
and dates. Blend until mixture forms a dough. Scrape the dough
into a small baking tin and use a spatula to press the mixture into
the baking tin to form the Tart. Cover the Tart and put it into the
freezer to set for about 30 minutes. Once the Tart is set put it
into the regular part of the fridge.
Cashew Cream Topping:
Step 2. Put the water into your Vitamix or blender. Add the
cashew nuts and dates. Blend to a creamy texture. Put the
cream into the fridge for about 5 minutes, then serve with your
Tart. Add strawberries. Enjoy!
iEM Wellness Recipes….cont’d with Celebrity Chef Sandi Morais
1 cup almond milk
3 tablespoons hemp seeds
1 1/2 frozen bananas
4 pitted dates
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder
Put the almond milk into your Vitamix or blender. Add frozen bananas
hemp seeds, dates, cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg. Blend to a
thick consistency. Enjoy!
Chef Sandi has prepared some of her tasty meals for various celebrities
and demonstrated some of her meals at the Jamaican Jerk Festival, and
the Taste of Haiti Food Festival.
For more information visit: www.vegantuneupcafe.com
"Health is the first, and greatest of all blessings." ~ Lord Chesterfield
You can purchase my Vegan Recipe for Life cook book with simple, quick healthy recipes including Philip
Michael Thomas Bonus Dance Music CD for only $24.95 (Includes S&H) @ www.vegantuneupcafe.com
Recipe by Vegan Chef Sandi Morais
Photographs property of Vegantuneupcafe.com
Follow on Facebook @sandimorais & Instagram @sandi_vegancooking
iChunes Ent. Magazine 19
iEM Travel….with Khadija Mcbain
BACKPACKING, gap year, travelling, working holiday visas etc….. These terms may not be familiar to a
North American audience, but in Europe specifically England they are part
of our vocabulary. I decided to take the plunge in 2015 and do a one year
‘working holiday’ in Australia. All that was required was packing a
backpack, booking my flight and finding a hotel (bed and breakfast) in
Sydney. Sounds simple, however…it was my first time; (1) backpacking,
(2) staying in a hostel, and (3) flying to the other side of the world.
Planning this trip to go along with my friend was simple, at times I
wondered if I could have done it by myself….and the more I thought about
it, I knew if I was dropped in the middle of the bush in Australia, I would
survive because my will is made of Iron. Prior to planning this trip, I did
not know if I could live and work in Australia…. I was a bit unsure, but I
went with it!
Living in hostels for weeks at a time, looking for jobs, viewing rooms,
enjoying my new city, making new friends, this was my existence for the
first few weeks. Some aspects were more difficult than others such as,
living in a hostel while waiting for a room vs staying in a hostel as a traveller, knowing you’ll be leaving either
the city or the country in a few days. I mentioned previously that I used a backpack, I know most of you are
thinking ugh, but it was the most convenient way for my travel. Yes, I know they are ugly, big, and heavy
(depending on what you pack), but being able to fling your ‘suitcase’ on your back when you’re on the move,
is a smart and convenient choice.
I learned about ‘travelling’ from my white acquaintances, as none of my ethnic friends had travelled
(backpacking) nor had been encouraged to do so. In fact, my family was very against my travelling to
Australia, and couldn’t understand why I wanted to go. You see, I’ll let you in on in a little secret….
‘Travelling’ and what that word itself encompasses, which includes backpacking, gap year, travelling, working
holiday visa etc., is not about having money nor is it a class thing, simply put it’s a white thing in England. I
met many white British travellers from different backgrounds, and the impression I came away with was that it
was ‘their right to travel.’ This is probably a legacy of colonialism, and the grand voyaging spirit of
Europeans ‘discovering the world,’ however as long as I am fit, healthy and have the means, Travelling is my
privilege and my right too, so who’s joining me?
Khadija McBain, iEM Travel Contributing Writer
Visit her travel blog at www.shadedroad.com
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Orlando, FL 32835
(321) 355-0578
iChunes Entertainment Magazine 21
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