‘G Soottma eHMavoere di n i n g
The Whiskey Cake’s namesake is large
enough to share, with a generous side of
freshly whipped cream. Scrumptious!
WhiskoefythCaat ke! Cake. As he talked with enthusiasm, he
pointed out the indoor herb garden that
provided the extra fresh flavor in every
dish. He also let us know that everything
by Garry Beckham was made “right here” in the restaurant’s
kitchen, the produce and other food items
came from local farmers, and that nothing
was frozen except for the ice cream that
came from Henry’s.
Whiskey Cake has a large selection
of cocktails, “Elixirs,” wine, beer and
bottled soft drinks on the menu. From the
more than three-dozen mainstream and
microbrew beers, I selected the Magic
Hat #9 Apricot ($6).
While waiting for our drinks, we
surveyed the establishment and décor.
There were several areas for people to
sit in rocking chairs, sofas or over-stuffed
chairs and sip on a specialty drink or snack
on appetizers. On the west side there
was a large party room with an overhead
projector and large, pull-down screen.
One of the wait staff told me the party
room would hold 50 people quite nicely.
Even though we had read reviews that
the “fried green tomatoes” were to die
for, we decided to watch our waistlines
and skip them on this outing. We chose
to save the calories for dessert! While
Matthew took my wife’s menu selection,
I took a sip of the Magic Hat. It had
that great mellow beer taste, followed
Whiskey Cake Kitchen and Bar opened mechanic’s drop lights dangling from the by a slight hint of sweet apricot. It was
its doors about six months ago and ceiling and anchored at each booth. In absolutely delicious!
according to the people I talked to, first- addition, the expansive mirrored bar area, From Matthew’s guidance on most
time diners are already coming back for its shelves loaded with whiskey bottles popular choices, I ordered the OMG
more. The appeal is the great food and and other tonics, gave the appearance of Burger (onion ring, mushroom and
delicious drinks coupled with a warm, a sports bar. However, with only two large goodness). It cost $12 and described on
relaxing atmosphere for both inside and screen TVs on low volume, the bar area the menu as “brisket burger, big onion
outside dining. Whiskey Cake Kitchen & Bar
This was our first visit and we were 3601 Dallas Parkway, Plano • 972.993.CAKE
welcomed by one of the young energetic
staff members who ushered us to one
of the many tables (Whiskey Cake has
seating for about 400). We selected an was inviting and comfortable. ring, roasted crimini mushrooms, port
indoor spot since it was a little breezy Matthew met us at our table. I asked salut cheese, grain mustard, chili mayo,
outside, but the large L-shaped patio with him what the best sellers on the menu lettuce, tomato.” My wife chose the panko-
fireplaces looked appealing for our next were. He was very upbeat, gave us a run crusted rainbow trout accompanied by
visit. As we walked though the huge, high- down of the menu items and filled us in “oven-roasted spaghetti squash, Swiss
ceiling bar area, we noticed the unique on the “farm to table” theme of Whiskey chard and citrus tomato broth” ($16).
51June 2011 Friscostyle.com
While we waited I chatted with a couple All of the toppings
at the table to our right. They said this complemented each
was their third trip and that the service other and provided
and food had been great every time. outstanding flavor. The
They said the hot pastrami melt that they seasoned beef and
shared was terrific and they were waiting brisket patty was very
for a slice of Whiskey Cake. tender and had great
Our meals arrived about 15 minutes taste. The only down
after we ordered. My burger was stacked side to the burger was
high with the aforementioned toppers the bottom bun had
and the freshly made top-half of the sopped up a lot of oil
lightly oiled, honey-colored bun. A large from the fried chips and
steak knife held the bun, large golden burger, making it quite
fried onion ring, port salut cheese and messy to eat. However,
burger patty together. The burger and it tasted great. Soon,
the freshly fried, homemade potato chips I was getting full and
were served on a brown paper napkin visions of Whiskey cake
placed on a square wooden plate. The were dancing in my
trout dinner appeared as a stack of three head. a fish eater.
lightly fried rainbow trout filets high atop “Moist” and “tender” were my dining Of course, we had to try the namesake
a mound of spaghetti squash on a base of partner’s words after her first bite of the Whiskey Cake ($7). It arrived in the
sautéed Swiss chard. All was centered in a panko-coated rainbow trout. She was signature white bowl, a large square big
shallow pool of red citrus tomato broth in impressed by the portions of fish, but a enough to share, with a generous side
of freshly whipped cream.
The panko-crusted rainbow trout, above, in a citrus tomato broth appeals even to those who aren’t normally The cake was topped by
drawn to the sea; Below, The OMG burger: Onion ring, Mushroom and Goodness, is a favorite. spiced pecans and rested
on a layer of vanilla cream
sauce. We grabbed our
spoons and scooped up
some sauce and a bite of
the cake. Scrumptious!
The warm spice cake with
caramelized toffee torte,
the hot vanilla sauce and
the cool whipped cream
put us into orbit. There
wasn’t much talking as we
both took another taste,
and another, until our prize
was gone. It is a dessert
that will bring you back to
the Whiskey Cake.
Our dining experience
at Whiskey Cake was great
too! Overall: great food,
great atmosphere and
great service.
As we were leaving, I
chatted with the table
of three to my left. The
gentleman had made many
visits to Whiskey Cake
a plain white bowl. Both meals had great bit disappointed in the small size of the Kitchen and Bar and said something with
presentation and terrific aroma, which vegetable servings. The fish was very which we now fully agree, “Gotta have
encouraged us to jump right in. lightly coated and fried to perfection. The some more of that Whiskey Cake!”
I pulled the large knife out of the burger citrus tomato broth deliciously accented
and cut the stack in half. My first bite the squash and chard. This praise is not Garry Beckham is a Plano writer who could
told me I had made the right decision. to be taken lightly because my wife is not eat a hamburger everyday.
52 Frisco STYLE person of the year
sma l l bit e s
Mel’s Coney Island
12388 FM 423 Ste. 600
214.436.4646 • melsconey.com
If you recently relocated from the Big
Apple, we have good news for you!
Mel’s brings a little bit of NYC to Frisco,
Texas. Finally, a bite from the borroughs
without the cost of plane fare.
Old Weston Cafe
114 Main St., Weston, TX 75097
972.382.2735 • oldwestoncafe.com
Always a favorite, the Weston Café
“brings home style cooking back to the
oldest town in Collin County.” If you
have a hankerin’ for catfish or BBQ, it’s
the place to take your taste buds.
Tootie Pie Co.
6959 Lebanon Rd., Ste.100
Go by the store in the Shops of
Starwood or check them out on line,
either way, good luck picking just one
pie from their heavenly assortment.
53June 2011 Friscostyle.com
54 Frisco STYLE person of the year
e d u cati o n
of SuSmchmooelr...
By Allison Harrell
school and one high school. Sherry
Crawford, assistant principal at Wake-
land High School, has been designated
the district principal for high school
students enrolled in summer school for
the past three years. “What I do is hire
a great administrative team consisting
of two assistant principals and four in-
structional coaches who deal with the
four core content areas.” Ms. Crawford
says that the summer school adminis-
trative staff is usually made up of teach-
Caroline Oglesby sees ers who have the goal of being part of
summer school as a way an administrative team and are in the
to open up other options process of working on their certification
for a master’s degree in that field. Ms.
during the school year. Crawford is also involved in hiring high
school teachers for the two summer
school sessions. “We hire teachers from
As the calendar page turns once testing, or ESL students who need some all around the district who want to work
over the summer. If they are like me, it is
usually because they want to continue
again to June, schoolchildren across additional assistance.” Mr. Burnett says to keep busy.” While the designated
Frisco let out a collective yell of jubila- that at the secondary level, summer high school campus for summer school
tion as they dive headfirst into the cool school can provide students with either for the past three years was Wakeland
waters of summer vacation. But while the second chance to earn a credit they High School, the 2011 summer school
summer may afford most students with didn’t get during the regular school campus is Frisco’s newest high school,
a three-month break from the rigors of year, or the opportunity to get a leg up Lone Star High School.
the classroom, many students in Frisco on the next year’s course work. “At the
Ms. Crawford concurs with Mr. Bur-
will find themselves back in school long secondary level we have a combination nett that summer school meets the
before the fall semester begins on Au- of students in summer school. In high needs of two different groups of stu-
gust 22. school we offer some courses for ad- dents in Frisco, those in need of reme-
vancement in addition to those we offer dial course work as well as those pursu-
FISD Executive Director of Student
Services Rick Burnett says that sum- for remediation.” Mr. Burnett estimates ing academic advancement. “The ratio
mer school is an important component that 2010’s summer school enrollment is usually about 60/40,” Ms. Crawford
of the educational services available for middle school and high school com- estimates, with 60 percent of students
to students in Frisco, and not only for bined was over 1100 students. falling in the remedial group and 40 per-
kids who have failed to complete their In order to make the best use of the cent in the group seeking to get ahead
coursework during the school year. “At in their coursework. “But I am noticing
the elementary level, summer school is school district’s resources and maxi- over the last three summers in Frisco
mize the summer school experience
designed for students who haven’t nec- for students, three campuses are open that the number of those students who
essarily failed, but haven’t performed as for all students enrolled in summer are enrolling in summer school in order
well as they could have on standardized school—one elementary, one middle to get ahead is increasing.” Ms. Craw-
55June 2011 Friscostyle.com
ford says that while the age of remedial ized that she would have to make some her daughter to be exposed to a high
students ranges equally from freshman choices.” Mrs. Oglesby says that in or- school campus and high school courses
through seniors, students seeking to der to leave some of her options open, in a small dose over the summer will
get ahead in their coursework gener- summer school offered Caroline the help make for an easier transition in the
ally fall into two age groups: incoming opportunity to get a required course fall.
freshman and incoming
The second group of
seniors. “For eighth grad- students typically seek-
ers, summer school gives ing advancement in their
them the opportunity to coursework through sum-
get some of their classes mer school is incoming se-
out of the way before they niors. As with the freshman,
start high school,” explains it may seem unlikely that a
Ms. Crawford. Communi- large number of students
cation applications (also facing their final year of
known as speech), health high school would choose
education and business in- to spend a portion of their
formation management are summer in the classroom.
the summer school classes Nevertheless, says Ms.
most popular with incoming Crawford, these students
freshman who want to get a choose summer school
leg up on their high school for a variety of reasons. “A
course load. portion of those students
are those who want to take
While it might seem un-
likely that many 14- or 15- classes for advancement
year-old students would because of the incentive of
willingly choose to go to early release or late arrival
school during the sum- during their senior year. A
mer to study something lot of students like the idea
of coming in at 10:30 instead
like business information Sherry Crawford, of 9:00 in the morning.” Ms.
assistant principal at Crawford says that some of
management, Frisco mom Wakeland High School, these students are working
Sue Oglesby counters that is principal for all high toward early release or late
summer school was actu- school students this arrival because they will be
ally an appealing option to summer. taking college courses in
her daughter, Caroline, who the fall.
will be a freshman at Wake- For the segment of stu-
dents who are in summer
land High School in the fall. whatever rea- school for remedial pur-
“Caroline is taking Com- poses, classes are available
within each of the core con-
Formunications during summer
school, which is a required
course for high school,” tent areas (English, social
studies, math and science)
son, the summertimesays Mrs. Oglesby. “She re- as well as Spanish. Because
ally had several reasons that of the unique structure of
she wanted to take it during summer school classes, stu-
dents are able to achieve
atmosphere is moresummer school. The first is in 14 days what it typically
that it frees her to take other
relaxing for students.electives during high school.
Since the freshman year has
a lot of required classes, get-
ting this one out of the way gives her like speech out of the way. takes an entire semester to accomplish
the freedom to do something else dur- Another appealing feature of sum- during the spring or fall. The summer
ing the year that she’s interested in.” school schedule for high school classes
mer school, says Mrs. Oglesby, is the
Mrs. Oglesby says that when the family ability for Caroline to dip her toe into is offered in two sessions, with the op-
attended orientation night at Wakeland, the waters of high school gradually, al- portunity to enroll in only one class per
Caroline was excited by all the electives lowing her to get comfortable with a session. Each course lasts from 8 a.m.
available. “She saw all these tables with new environment. Although this year’s to 1:30 p.m. Ms. Crawford says that in
all the different classes she could take summer school campus will be Lone her 12 years of experience as a summer
at the CTE Center, as well as theater, Star High School rather than Wakeland, school educator, she has observed that
broadcast, orchestra—she quickly real- Mrs. Oglesby says that the ability for students often respond more positively
56 Frisco STYLE person of the year
57June 2011 Friscostyle.com
to the summer school atmosphere than we can to help those having a difficult even the youngest kids in connection
they do to classes held during the fall time paying the fees. If a parent does to the high school in their attendance
or spring semesters. “For whatever have a problem with the cost we focus zone. “We try to give camps for all the
reason, the summertime atmosphere on letting them know that we want to team sports at the high school so that
is more relaxing for students. Often help them as much as we possibly can,” the kids in the attendance zone around
students who didn’t do the same work says Ms. Crawford. “We want to ensure Centennial, for example, will become
during the regular school year will take their student has the opportunity to re- little Titans. They’ll grow up feeling that
the opportunity during the summer to ceive the credits they need.” pride and building a relationship with
do what we knew they were capable of the coaching staff.” Mr. Littlejohn says
As summer school sessions are held
doing all along.” Ms. Crawford says that at the three designated campuses that these camps provide a service to
although students are focusing more within the Frisco ISD, those are by no the community. “Some of the camps
than five hours each day on one subject, means the only educational opportu- start as young as first grade, depend-
the increased opportunity for individual nities available to Frisco students dur- ing on the sport. It’s a great opportu-
attention from the teacher is one of the ing the summer. Executive Director of nity for kids to learn the fundamentals
advantages to summer school classes. Student Services Rick Burnett says that of the different games as well as build
there are many athletic camps offered those relationships.” The weeklong ath-
In addition to the unique schedule
of summer school classes, another dis- district-wide, as well as opportunities letic summer camps offered within the
tinguishing feature of summer school for students within the fine arts such Frisco ISD include volleyball, basketball,
is the cost associated with the classes. as private lessons and band camps. softball, football and wrestling.
The class fee is $200 per session, al- Although these offerings are not part
For students involved in fine arts such
though Ms. Crawford says that students of the FISD summer school program, as band and orchestra, summer affords
the opportunity to continue hon-
ing their proficiency with their
instrument through camps and
private lessons. FISD Director of
Fine Arts Dr. Daryl Trent says that
there are some camp opportuni-
ties available for middle school
band and orchestra students,
usually coordinated by individual
band directors. However, private
lessons are the most popular
option for students who want
to continue to improve over the
summer, says Dr. Trent. “Gener-
ally, two to four campuses will
combine to offer private lessons
on one campus for the students.
That just helps with supervision
of students, and it also helps the
schools with their utilities.”
As students across the district
take advantage of the many ed-
ucational opportunities offered
by the Frisco ISD, they represent
a wide spectrum of needs, goals
and motivations. Despite this
FISD’s Jerry Littlejohn (above) says that summer athletic camps help even the youngest kids connect to the variance, they will all encounter
high school in their future.
instructors committed to ensur-
ing their summer school expe-
who receive the free or reduced lunch they nevertheless offer students a way rience is a great one. In the words of
program also receive a reduced sum- to stay engaged in learning all summer Sherry Crawford, “Summer school really
mer school price. Although parents long. works. We encourage students to come
with children in the public school sys- and we will do everything in our power
tem are not accustomed to paying a FISD Assistant Athletic Director Jer- to help ensure their success.”
ry Littlejohn says that summer athletic
fee for their child to attend school, Ms. camps are offered at each of Frisco’s Allison Harrell is a staff writer for Frisco
Crawford says that it is rare for parents high school campuses with the goal STYLE Magazine.
to balk at the price tag. “We try to do all of creating a sense of identity with
58 Frisco STYLE person of the year
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59June 2011 Friscostyle.com
n o w & th e n by b o b warr e n
Sundays in work six days and to rest on the seventh. churches.
Old Frisco In those early days, going to a movie On this particular Sunday, my parents al-
While flipping through the pages of our or doing almost anything for fun on Sun- lowed me, a seven-year-old, to walk alone
beloved history book, “Frisco: The First day was taboo. Our friend, the late Cl- the four blocks to Sunday school. Since
Hundred Years,” the chapter on church etus Bristol, played on Frisco’s semi-pro this was one of our “preaching Sundays,”
history grabbed my attention. I began baseball team, and he said the team had they would follow for the eleven o’clock
to reminisce about how church life - and to go out of the city limit to play baseball preaching service. In those days, we had
Sundays - in Frisco have changed. on Sunday. Cletus also told us his parents three kinds of clothes - every day clothes,
would not let him play catch with a base- school clothes and Sunday clothes. Be-
When I was growing up here in the 1920s ball in their front yard on Sunday after- fore I left, my mother made sure I put on
and 30s, Frisco’s population was less than noon. He and his friend were told that if my Sunday’s best for the Lord.
700, and most everyone I knew went to they must play, they had to go behind the
church. However, we had few choices of barn where they couldn’t be seen. The church building was small, so,
where to worship. For many years there for Sunday school, curtains were drawn
were only five churches in Frisco’s city So, what’s a kid to do on Sunday with across the auditorium to divide and give
limit, the Methodist, Baptist, Christian, no television or movies to watch and no some privacy to the different classes. Our
Church of Christ, and, in the black com- baseball or football to
munity during those days of segregation, play? Well, he or she class of junior boys
the Hamilton Park Baptist Church. could start by going
to Sunday School was taught by a fine man, “Nommie” Tal-
All of these churches had at least two and church. ley, who a few years later would be my
things in common. First, like most church- Scoutmaster. We respected Mr. Talley
es in the South, they used the Bible, the Come with me as and were as still and attentive as junior
King James Version, as their authority. It I relive a typical July boys can be while he taught the Bible les-
was their “rule book.” Though not all in- Sunday in “old” Fris- son of the day.
terpreted it exactly the same, they quot- co in the late 1920s.
ed the fourth commandment (Exodus 20, Then, after a short break, it was time for
verses 8 through 11), which says in part, The day dawned the preaching service. With no air condi-
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep bright, quiet and tioning, the windows were wide open, and
it holy.” Secondly, all five churches ob- sunny, promising to the ladies fanned furiously with their little
served Sunday as their “Sabbath.” be a hot one. The cardboard funeral home fans. My parents
quiet was broken said I could sit with some of my friends
Today, Frisco is blessed with many only by the sounds
churches of various faiths and denomina- of roosters crowing person of the year
tions. Most, but not all, still use the Bible and birds chirping.
as their guide and most worship on Sun- But, about 9:00
day. a.m. we heard
church bells begin
But, there is a vast difference in how to ring, reminding
most of us observe the Sabbath today the whole town it
compared to how we treated Sundays in is Sunday, time to
early-day Frisco. Probably the biggest dif- get up and go to
ference stems from how we interpret the church. On a still
admonition to “keep the day holy.” What day the ringing
is holy? In the late 1800s and early 1900s, bells could be
“keeping the Sabbath holy” was a must heard most any-
among church members in this area. Peo- where in town. A
ple frowned on doing most anything on few old grouch-
Sunday except attending church, visiting es complained that bells disturbed their
one another and resting. When asked why sleep, but that didn’t stop the “ringers”
they insisted on resting, they quoted the from doing their job.
remainder of the fourth commandment,
which explains that we’re supposed to Money was scarce in those days and
some of our churches could afford only
a part-time pastor. I attended Frisco’s
First Baptist Church, which, at that time,
had a “half-time” pastor (two Sundays
per month). Some of the churches had
preaching services only once a month, so
it was common for members of a church,
which, on a given Sunday did not have a
preacher, to attend one of Frisco’s other
60 Frisco STYLE
if I would behave. They sat close behind were waiting with a surprise - William’s
me, ready to “remind” me if needed. The father was going to take us to a really
sermon was on the “Golden Rule,” which, nice swimming place. He asked my dad
the preacher said meant, “Do unto oth- to go too, so we grabbed our swimsuits
ers as you would have them do unto you.” and were off to Clyde Haggard’s pasture.
We left the service armed with probably There we found a clear running stream
short-lived intentions of doing something with a solid white rock bottom. The next
nice for someone so they would do some- few hours were spent diving from the
thing better for us. bank and learning to swim.
But wait. We’re not I’m not
going home yet. This sure that
was the Sunday for was a real
so-called “dinner on “holy”
the grounds.” Fami- way to
lies had brought spend
covered dishes, Sunday
which, for the most afternoon,
part had been pre- but I know
pared on Saturday it was not
to avoid working work. Rath-
on Sunday. My er, it was
mother brought fried sheer
chicken and a pecan plea-
pie. She had gone to sure, and
the chicken yard on I’ll bet
Saturday, caught a the Lord
fryer, wrung its neck, even
dressed it and cooked smiled
it and the pie that af- as he
ternoon. watched
Everyone moved over us.
to the churchyard To d a y
where tables made there are
from lumber set on stillsome
Bob Warren as a toddler, with his father before church, opposite; Young Bob Laws” lim-
Warren with his buddies, William Clark and Jack Thomas in their Sunday best, iting what
above. and when
things can
saw horses were waiting for the food. Af- be sold on Sunday, but the sky’s the limit
ter the blessing we lined up and filled our as to what most of us do. It seems to be a
plates with all sorts of goodies. I spied good day to mow the lawn and catch up
three freezers of homemade ice cream on other chores. We can watch football,
and made sure I left room for dessert, practice soccer, go to a movie or even go
then got some good old cold lemonade boating. I’ll leave it up to you as to how
and hunted a shade so I could eat in rela- much of that is holy, but I know one thing
tive comfort. — the “Rule Book” hasn’t changed. It’s
As much as I enjoyed the meal, I could our interpretation of the word “holy” that
hardly wait to get home to join my two has changed.
best friends, Jack Thomas and William Oh well, my buddies and I are headed
Clark. We usually spent hot Sunday after- out behind the barn to play some base-
noons with a bunch of other boys skinny- ball before the evening church services,
dipping at “Devil’s Cave,” an isolated spot ‘cause that’s the way it was in Frisco’s
down by “Big Hill.” The water was shallow, early days.
so non-swimmers were safe. We enjoyed
swinging from the bank on grapevine Bob Warren is an author, former Frisco
ropes and dropping into the water. mayor and regular contributor to Frisco
When I got home, Jack and William STYLE Magazine.
61June 2011 Friscostyle.com
r e cip e
Grilled Marinated
Vegetable Kabobs
Stir marinade ingredients together until smooth.
3 T. vegetable oil 1 t. chili powder
1/2 t. paprika 1/4 t. ground cumin
1/8 t. ground red pepper 3 T. fresh lime juice
2 T. water 2 T. chopped fresh cilantro
2 T. tomato paste 1 1/2 t. honey
2 cloves garlic, minced Salt, to taste
Vegetables cut into 1-1/2 inch pieces
2 red peppers 2 green peppers
2 yellow peppers 4 yellow onions
2 large yellow squash 2 large zucchini
1 medium eggplant.
Preheat grill or broiler. Thread vegetables onto wooden or
metal skewers. If you use wooden ones, soak them in water for
1 to 2 hours prior to keep them from burning. You can make
single vegetable skewers or use an assortment on each skewer.
Lightly brush each skewer with marinade. Broil 4 to 6-inches
from heat, 5 minutes per side or until browned or lightly charred
and tender. If desired, serve with extra marinade for dipping.
Serves 8.
Recipe from FoodNetwork.com person of the year
Visit FrisscoSTYLE.com for more recipes pictured here.
62 Frisco STYLE
pr o fi l e
Although she sings to OHuert oSfhell
larger crowds now, Kassy
still enjoys a quiet night By C aroly n C ameron
at the local coffeehouse.
Kassy Levels loves telling stories. In accumulating interest and widespread four years on Barney, Kayla decided she
fact, you could say storytelling is her acclaim throughout the state and across wanted to be a “regular” kid, leaving
passion. the country. the show and attending school to be-
gin the normal adventures of a child her
As a young girl, Kassy devoured sto- Growing up in a musical family, it is
ries, whether told by her parents or cre- only logical that Kassy’s passion for age.
ated on her own. Kassy consumed copi- reading and writing stories progressed Kassy explains, “I was always the
ous stories in countless books and, as into the musical realm. Kassy’s father
shy girl, choosing to stay with my mom
she grew older, penned her own. She is an accomplished base guitarist and while my sister loved the spotlight. I re-
impressed many an English teacher with her siblings have mastered various in- ally didn’t like to be in front of people.”
her imaginative stories, complete with struments. Kassy dabbled in music and She continues with a knowing smile,
clever wordplay and fascinating prose. began playing around on the piano at “Oh, how that has changed! I love be-
But, now, Kassy Levels tells stories the age of ten. She enjoyed music but ing on stage now.”
through a different mediuml—her mu- didn’t completely immerse herself in it Eventually, her parents encouraged
sic. until the age 13 when she began teach-
Kassy to join their church’s adult wor-
You see, at the ripe of old age of 15, ing herself to play the guitar. Whether ship team. Being the youngest mem-
Kassy has achieved what most people they were listening to it or playing it, bers of the team, she felt somewhat out
could only hope to accomplish in twice music was always a big part of the Lev- of place. She persevered, however, and
that time. Through her ingenious sto- els’ home. was able to practice and develop her
ries, put to music, Kassy has realized Additionally, Kassy’s older sister, singing abilities, working and growing
pervasive popularity and is reaching the Kayla was a regular on the Barney & as a musician and performer.
masses. Having recently been awarded Friends show, which helped Kassy learn
After continuing on the worship team
the “People’s Choice” award in the all about performing on the big stage. as well as joining her sixth grade school
Pop/AC category at Fall Indie Fest 2010, But as much as Kayla loved being on choir, nodules developed on Kassy’s vo-
this McKinney-based star is on the rise. the stage, Kassy preferred to stay out cal cords. These calluses, or polyps, are
Her debut album, appropriately titled of the limelight. Kassy helped her sister often caused by singing too loudly from
“StoryTeller” is lauded by one Dallas by singing backup on a few of Kayla’s the voice box and chest area instead
reviewer as “a thorough record painted shows, allowing her parents to recog- of from the diaphragm. They are a very
with soul, pain and celebration,” and is nize her amazing vocal talent. After dangerous condition for a singer and
63June 2011 Friscostyle.com
eventually can destroy a voice forever. can be, and for me, it truly was an amaz- then adds, “Most of my songs are actu-
Kassy’s doctor placed her on vocal rest ing experience to witness a 13-year-old ally about other people. When someone
for a minimum of six weeks, permitting girl create such depth and passion in her relays a story to me, I feel that emotion
as if it happened to me. I feel a person’s
Fans attest that Kassy Levels sings and writes beyond her years. joy and pain in their story. I can’t keep
Right, Listen to one of Kassy’s songs on FriscoSTYLE.com. photo by Jeffrey Luce. the feelings bottled in. Writing is my
way of expressing myself in, hopefully,
no speaking or singing of any kind. songs. We were an eloquent way.”
Kassy explains, “This was such a dif- so excited to
have this gift As Kassy’s music became popular,
ficult period of time for me; it was truly a among us.” she began performing at places like
turning point in my life. I missed singing Allen’s Coffee ‘n Cream, as well as out-
desperately and realized I loved it!” She Kassy door shows and other appropriate ven-
continues, “My parents brought me be- adds, “I love ues. Word on the street has spread, and
fore the elders of our church, and they the Lord, now, with the new album, Kassy’s stories
anointed me with oil and prayed for me. and I have a have found a much broader audience,
I was healed in three weeks. It was a fiery passion with widespread acclaim and interest.
miracle. Through this experience, God for Him, so it
revealed the purpose for my life. I am was easy for me Kassy exclaims, “Now, my parents
supposed to be performing and singing to write songs for can’t keep me off the stage! I love sing-
because it is what I love to do.” Him.” Kassy smiles, ing and performing. Gone is the shy girl
laughs shyly and then preferring to stay in the shadows. I love
With renewed zest and purpose, adds, “But eventually, my being up front.”
Kassy continued to sing and even add- songs evolved to more secular top-
ed writing to her portfolio of musical ics. You know ... I am getting older and Ms. Lickliter adds, “We are learning as
skills. She initially composed Christian there are cute boys out there.” we go and we are maintaining a grass-
music and her songs were performed
in her church’s worship service, many Not surprisingly, the content of Kassy’s roots effort. We started at the
which are still played today. Her fan music expanded to include those cute bottom and are thrilled
base increased substantially as church boys as well as more mature situations by the increased fan
members complimented her efforts in her life. Her lyrics often reflect love following. In fact,
and asked for recordings. and relational situations, though gen- we just received
erally, Kassy’s process to write songs news that her
Teresa Lickliter, Kassy’s original wor- is not based solely on her own experi- first single,
ship leader and current manager ex- ences. In fact, many times, Kassy cre- “Once Upon
plains, “When I heard Kassy’s songs, I ates her lyrics from others’ experiences a Time,”
was completely blown away. They are so and feelings. will be
genuinely moving and musically beauti- promoted
ful. Having used to write music myself, “I am a very emotional person. I feel to 150 sta-
I understand how difficult this process deeply.” She reflects for a moment and tions across
the U.S. in
64 Frisco STYLE the small and
medium mar-
kets. We’re very
So, what does the fu-
ture hold for this storytelling
She pauses, thinks quietly and then
responds, “I’m really not sure. I do know
I want to keep performing and writing.
I know I want this to be my career be-
cause this is what I love to do.” Kassy
continues, “When people listen to my
music, I want to leave them with a feel-
ing of hope.” She stops and then adds,
“I know I definitely want to keep story-
Carolyn Cameron is a writer from Plano
who has a hard time hearing good music
over the noise of her three active boys.
person of the year
65June 2011 Friscostyle.com
66 Frisco STYLE person of the year
did y o u k n o w
it may not be 90210... HWY380
After years of being known by two zip codes, there are some new digits in town. The U.S. Postal FM 423
Service announced in May that starting in July areas of Frisco will change to 75033. If you are one 75033
of the residents affected by the change you don’t have to change your mailing labels immedi-
ately, the postal service says they will still deliver mail that uses your old zip code for a full
year after the change goes into effect. 75035
New Crop Develops in North Frisco 75034 HWY121
If you were worried that North Texas might run out of shopping options, never fear,
the City of Frisco is partnering with Forest City Development and Ernest Mahard
Jr. to develop a 320-acre mixed-use development on the southwest corner of
the Dallas North Tollway and U.S. Highway 380. Bounded by Virginia Parkway and
County Road 26, the development will bring retail, residential, office, entertainment,
hospitality and municipal parks to the farmland south of Prosper.
“We are privileged to be working with the City of Frisco on this exciting development endeavor,” says Brian Ratner, President - Forest
City Texas. “We applaud the city leaders for their vision and professionalism throughout this process.”
if a Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words…
Then a lot of people spoke volumes this spring in the “You Be the Tour Guide” photo contest. Six times
as many people this year as last took part in the event, organized by the Frisco Convention and Visitors
Bureau. Last year, the first for the contest, ten people entered. This year 61 shutterbugs submitted more
than 100 photos.
Even with more entries, last year’s winner Roger Robinson, again took the top prize (left) in the friendly
competition. For a look at some of the photos, visit our website. While you’re there, enter the Frisco
STYLE Photo Contest and if you enter the winning photo we’ll put it on the cover of the August issue of
Frisco STYLE Magazine.
Jazzin’ up the Square
Jazz in the Square will fill the air every Friday night in June and July between 7 and 8:30 p.m. on the
Simpson Plaza lawn at Frisco Square. This free concert takes place under the stars as a line-up of talented
musicians play their versions of this uniquely American music. “We are excited to host this new, outdoor
concert series in Frisco Square,” says Cathy Sweeney, Frisco Square managing partner. “The bands that
we’ve invited to play during our first season are some of the finest in the area,” Ms. Sweeney adds. Bring
a picnic, and some blankets or chairs, and enjoy Jazz in The Square.
Winning Poets Now Know It
The professional baseball aspirations of an 11-year-old, the anticipation of an approaching storm and reflections on a cupcake were just
a few of the subjects among the more than 450 entries in Frisco Public Library’s contest celebrating National Poetry Month. Poems were
judged by 2005 Texas Poet Laureate Alan Birkelbach; winners were announced at a spring reception honoring poets in four grade-levels.
The winners of this year’s poetry contest are:
1st-3rd grade: Nathan Henderson, Sam Stone and Richard Zu 7th-9th grade: Martha Camille Harris, Alex Lambert, Ari Benzvi
4th-6th grade: Ana Smith, Xavier Rodriquez, Journey Aquino 10th-12th grade: Connor Smith, Faye Francisco, Carianne Lan
Help Kick off a Healthy Summer for Area Kids
The second annual Crosswalk Kids’ Summer Kick-off is a great way for families to jump-start the summer. The first 400 families will receive
a free goodie bag and everyone will be eligible for giveaways including birthday parties, entertainment passes, restaurant gift cards and
more. The fun begins at 6 pm, June 5 at Frisco Commons Park. Admission is a food donation to the Frisco Family Services’ Summer Lunch
Program and a free ticket, which can be obtained at www.summerkickoff.net.
The Times They Are ‘a Changing
The Frisco Independent School District is moving forward with some measures aimed at saving the district money. The FISD Board voted
to move forward with plans to implement triple route busing and to share one School Resource Officer between two middle schools. Of-
ficials say FISD can save $525,000 by having schools start and end at three distinct times instead of two, running buses on three routes
instead of two. The savings comes in having fewer routes and by not having to add buses for at least two years. Having SROs working with
two middle schools instead of one will save $225,000. In order to accomplish triple routing, school start and end times will be adjusted by
10-20 minutes for next year. Start and end times for Frisco schools will be as follows: Elementary – 7:50 a.m. to 2:50 p.m.; Middle School –
8:25 a.m. to 3:40 p.m.; High School – 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
67June 2011 Friscostyle.com
Frisco STYLE supports Frisco Humane
Society, Adopt a Pet, 972.498.8980
Lucy and brother, Bubba are Labradoodles
owned by Frisco resident, Karen Ward.
See your pet in the Frisco STYLE calendar!
Send your photos to [email protected].
Submit Your Ideas Our Town by Thornton Wilder, Frisco Toddler Story Time, 10:15, 11 am; Preschool
or Information at Discovery Center, 8004 N. Dallas Pkwy., Story Time, 12 & 1 pm, Frisco Public Library,
FriscoSTYLE.com: 2;30 pm, friscocommunitytheatre.com, friscolibrary.com
Letter to the Editor Crosswalk Kids’ Summer Kick-off, 6-8 pm 67
Community Calendar Events at Frisco Commons Park. Bring a food
Categories or Winner donation to Frisco Family Services and a Library programs for elementary children, Toddler Story Time, 10:15, 11 am; Preschool
Nominations Critterman, 10:30 am, 12:30, 2 & 4 pm; City Story Time, 12 & 1 pm, Frisco Public Library
for Best of Frisco 5ticket, obtained at summerkickoff.net Council Chambers, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd.
Best of Business Entries Sci-Tech Discovery Center Mind Stretching 14
Person of the Year Nominations FC Dallas vs Kansas City, 6 pm, Pizza Hut Fun® Summer Camps, mindstretchingfun.
Photo Contest Entries Park, fcdallas.com org or call 972.546.3050
Stonebriar Community Church Vacation
Word of the Month 12
13Bible School, June 13-17, 6–8:30 pm,
connubial 19
\kuh-NOO-bee-ul; -NYOO-\, 26 stonebriar.org/vbs, 469.252.5358
Library programs for school children: Toddler Story Time, 10:15, 11 am; Preschool
1. Of or pertaining to marriage, juggler David Slick, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm, Story Time 12 & 1 pm, Frisco Public Library,
or the marriage state; conjugal; 2 pm, 4 pm, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, friscolibrary.com
nuptial. friscolibrary.com
McKinney Area Newcomers Monthly
Connubial comes from Latin conu- FCA Annual Golf Tournament at the Tribute meeting, 9:30 am, Trinity Presbyterian
bialis, from conubium, “marriage, & Old American Golf Clubs, friscofca.org Church, 5871 Virginia Pkwy, McKinney
intermarriage,” from con-, “with,
together” + nubere, “to veil, to RoughRiders vs Midland, 7 pm 20 RoughRiders vs Midland, 11 am 21
marry.” It is related to nubile, “of an at Dr Pepper Ballpark, at Dr Pepper Ballpark,
age suitable for marriage.” ridersbaseball.com ridersbaseball.com
Library programs for school children: Mad Toddler Story Time, 10:15, 11 am; Preschool
Science, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm, 2 pm, 4 pm, Story Time, 12 & 1 pm, Frisco Public Library,
6101 Frisco Square Blvd friscolibrary.com friscolibrary.com
27 28
Aeroscape....................................................27,66 Cristina’s Fine Mexican Restaurant.......53
American Bank of Texas.............................15 Dallas IVF.......................................................... 40
Artin’s Grill..................................................... 45 Dermalase, Dr. Kathryn Wood.................12
Arts and Technology Institute.............. 40 Dermatology Consultants of Frisco....18
Baylor Medical Center at Frisco...............2 Dimples Cupcake Factory............................72
Big D Boat Club................................................76 Edoko Sushi......................................................50
Blue Door Boutique......................................21 Elite OB/GYN......................................................24
Bonnie Ruth’s Cafe Trottoir.....................50 Every Dog’s Day.............................................. 30
Casual Living....................................................32 Five Little Monkeys........................................24
Centennial Medical Center....................5,75 Floor Hut..........................................................21
Collin College................................................54 Frisco Eye Associates...................................18
Colony Air Conditioning and Heating.65 Frisco Family Services Center...................57
Complete Outdoor Concepts...................54 Frisco Farmers’ Market.............................. 48
68 Frisco STYLE person of the year
june 2011
Healing from Infidelity Support Group, 7-8 pm, Frisco Frisco Public Library Summer Reading Club Our Town by Thornton Wilder,
Public Library begins today. For info, call Dr. Deanna log begins, children read & log 10 books; Frisco Discovery Center, 8 pm,
Sims at 972.733.7242, friscolibrary.com teens log 6, win prizes, friscolibrary.com friscocommunitytheatre.com, 972.370.2266
Old Texas Forts and Farmhouses-photo exhibit at
Frisco Discovery Center 8004 N. Dallas Pkwy. Our Town by Thornton Wilder, Frisco Farmers Market, 8 am – 2 pm, Frisco
June 1-4 American Railroad’s Giant model train Frisco Discovery Center, 8 pm, Square, FriscoFarmersMarket.com
exhibit, Frisco Discovery Center, friscoarts.org friscocommunitytheatre.com, 972.370.2266 Family Story Time, 10:30 am, Frisco Public
June 1-30, Herb Block’s The Long March Jazz in the Square, Simpson Plaza, 7pm Library, friscolibrary.com
2 3 4Family Nights at Frisco Fire Safety
1exhibit, Heritage Museum, friscomuseum.com Town, 5-8 pm, FriscoFire.com
FC Dallas vs New England, 7:30 pm,
Pizza Hut Park, fcdallas.com
Babies & Books, 10, 10:30, 11 and 11:30 am, Toddler Story Time, 10:15, 11 am; Preschool Toddler Story Time, 10:15, 11 am; Preschool Frisco Farmers Market, 8 am – 2 pm, Frisco
Bedtime Stories, 7 pm, Frisco Public Library, Story Time, 12 & 1 pm, Frisco Public Library, Story Time, 12 & 1 pm, Frisco Public Library, Square, FriscoFarmersMarket.com
friscolibrary.com friscolibrary.com friscolibrary.com
“Capturing Summer Memories” 6:30 - 9 Our Town by Thornton Wilder, Family Story Time, 10:30 am, Read to Rover,
pm, Frisco Discovery Center, 8004 N. Dallas RoughRiders vs San Antonio, 7 pmat Dr Frisco Discovery Center, 8 pm, 3 pm, Children’s Program Room, Frisco
Pkwy. Pepper Ballpark, ridersbaseball.com (Purina friscocommunitytheatre.com, 972.370.2266 Public Library, friscolibrary.com
RoughRiders vs San Antonio, 7 pm at Dr Incredible Dog Team Family Nights at Frisco Fire Safety Town, 5-8
pm,.FriscoFire.com Our Town by Thornton Wilder,
8Pepper Ballpark, ridersbaseball.com Texas Business Women of Frisco, 9 Jazz in the Square, Simpson Plaza, 7pm Frisco Discovery Center, 8 pm,
6:30-9pm, ZEA Woodfire Grill, friscocommunitytheatre.com, 972.370.2266
Babies & Books, 10, 10:30, 11 and 11:30 am, 8100 Dallas Parkway, Plano 10RoughRiders vs San Antonio, 7 pm
Bedtime Stories, 7 pm, Frisco Public Library, RoughRiders vs San Antonio, 7 pm
friscolibrary.com at Dr Pepper Ballpark, at Dr Pepper Ballpark,
Toddler Story Time, 10:15, 11 am; Preschool ridersbaseball.com (fireworks) ridersbaseball.com 11
15 Story Time, 12 & 1 pm, Frisco Public Library,
friscolibrary.com Toddler Story Time, 10:15, 11 am; Preschool Frisco Farmers Market, 8 am – 2 pm, Frisco
Babies & Books, 10, 10:30, 11 and 11:30 am, Duct Tape! - Teens make cool things out of Story Time, 12 & 1 pm, Frisco Public Library, Square, FriscoFarmersMarket.com
Bedtime Stories, 7 pm, Frisco Public Library, everyone’s favorite construction tool, Frisco friscolibrary.com Family Story Time, 10:30 am, Frisco Public
friscolibrary.com Public Library, 3-4:30 pm, friscolibrary.com Library, friscolibrary.com
RoughRiders vs Midland, 7 pm at Dr Family Nights at Frisco Fire Safety Town,
Pepper Ballpark, ridersbaseball.com 5-8 pm, FriscoFire.com 18
16 Jazz in the Square, 17
22 Simpson Plaza, 7pm
Teen Program at Frisco Public Library, Toddler Story Time, 10:15, 11 am; Preschool Frisco Farmers Market , 8 am – 2 pm, Frisco
Beadworks, To Bead or Not to Bead, 3-4:30 Story Time, 12 & 1 pm, Frisco Public Library, Square, FriscoFarmersMarket.com
pm, Teen Room, friscolibrary.com friscolibrary.com Family Story Time, 10:30 am, Frisco Public
Library, friscolibrary.com
Toddler Story Time, 10:15, 11 am; Preschool Family Nights at Frisco Fire Safety Town, FC Dallas vs Portland, 7:30 pm,
Story Time, 12 & 1 pm, Frisco Public Library, 5-8 pm, FriscoFire.com Pizza Hut Park, fcdallas.com
June 24 , Dive-in Movies, Despicable Me, 25
RoughRiders vs Midland, 7 pm at Dr Pepper Frisco Athletic Center, friscofun.org, 8 pm
Ballpark, ridersbaseball.com 23 24
Jazz in the Square,
Simpson Plaza, 7pm
Babies & Books, 10, 10:30, 11 and 11:30 am, Toddler Story Time, 10:15, 11 am; Preschool Major Events Provided by
Bedtime Stories, 7 pm, Frisco Public Library, Story Time, 12 & 1 pm, Frisco Public Library,
friscolibrary.com friscolibrary.com
Teen Program at Frisco Public Library,
29 Altered Books, change the ending to an
old book and make it your own work of art,
3-4:30 pm, friscolibrary.com
30RoughRiders vs Springfield, 7 pm
at Dr Pepper Ballpark,
frisco freedom fest......................................10 Internet Marketing Images.........................8 Pratt, Darryl V. P.C..........................................12 Tailored Living................................................27
Frisco Pediatrics............................................57 Isabella’s Italian Restaurant....................28 Prospering Farm............................................ 30 Terri Green Attorney...................................16
Frisco Plastic Surgery...................................3 Kotta Sushi Lounge.......................................24 Reading Ranch................................................54 Texas Back Institute.................................... 48 Ad Index
Frisco Spinal Rehabilitation......................59 Le Beau Visage..................................................33 Rendon Orthodontics................................62 Texas Marine Insurance..............................16
Friscoupon...................................................... 34 Luigis Pizza & Pasta.........................................50 Sci-Tech Discovery Center......................... 30 Texas Medical Weight Loss Clinic.......... 34
Frost It Cafe.................................................... 48 Matthew Dillard Salon...............................23 Seasons Lawn & Landscape...................... 66 Top to Bottom Cleaning............................ 66
Germania Insurance ................................... 40 Medi Weight Loss Clinic...............................61 Serene Dentistry............................................53 Vein Care Solutions........................................9
Grace Covenant Academy of Frisco......59 Neff Remodeling........................................... 45 Shah, Dr. Neela................................................15 Venture Custom Pools..................................7
Grande Communications...........................16 Nivens, Dr. Traci..............................................18 Social 121...........................................................27 Women’s Specialists of Plano..................47
Granite Transformations..........................28 One Goal Fitness............................................42 Stonebriar Foot & Ankle............................42 Woods, May & Matlock, P.C.........................33
Graves Chiropractic.....................................21 OXXO Cleaners............................................... 66 Stonebriar Smile Design..............................23
Hair Haven........................................................ 65 Periodontics & Implant Center style creative photography.....................49
Heritage Exteriors........................................28 of McKinney.................................................... 65 Sunny Days........................................................57
69June 2011 See FriscoSTYFLE.com for ongiong events riscostyle.com
one dianyfrisco... i saw a classic
photo by Chris Fritchie
business profile
Dimples cupcakes have returned to Fris- came captivated by Dimples cupcakes in Aguirre says that after reviewing the op-
erations model and the numbers with Mr.
co! Under new ownership and ready to win 2010 after being introduced to the previous Fluellen, he agreed that Dimples was an
intriguing business opportunity. However,
back your cupcake love, the rechristened owner by a mutual friend. During that year, the previous owners remained resistant to
Dimples Cupcake Mr. Fluellen says that
Factory re-opened its he recognized the All that changed in the aftermath of an
pink doors in Frisco untapped poten- unflattering D Magazine article in October
tial in the cupcake 2010. The pink doors closed for good in
WelcomeSquare on May 16th. December, but Mr. Fluellen and Mr. Agu-
The new Dimples business. “I knew irre persisted in their attempts to purchase
venture is a partner- Dimples was hav- the business. “I had been to other cupcake
ing some issues and places in Frisco and Dallas, but none of
Back,ship of Frisco resident I made numerous them were even close to the cupcakes that
offers to purchase Dimples made,” Mr. Fluellen says. He again
Mark Aguirre, former the business, but contacted the previous owner with an offer
NBA all-star for the the previous owner to purchase the business, and his persis-
Dallas Mavericks, and tence finally paid off. “Once he said yes, I
was shocked,” confesses Mr. Fluellen.
Dimples!friend Keith Fluellen,
a prominent Frisco wasn’t interested at With the launch of Dimples Cupcake Fac-
tory, Mr. Fluellen says he hopes the Frisco
real estate broker. the time.” Mr. Agu- community will once again hop on the Dim-
ples cupcake bandwagon, with the confi-
“Mark and I live in the same neighborhood irre recalls his first encounter with Dimples dence that they are supporting a business
founded on principles of integrity. “It is im-
and have been friends since our kids were cupcakes through Mr. Fluellen. “Keith told perative that we do things properly and go
out of our way to satisfy our employees and
in elementary school together,” says Mr. me he had tasted a Dimples cupcake and our vendors, and be responsible tenants
and business owners,” says Mr. Fluellen. A
Fluellen. “But this is our first business ven- he was totally shocked by how good it was. graduate of the University of Texas at Dal-
las, Mr. Fluellen’s track record of business
ture together.” He introduced me to the product.” Mr. Agu- success includes experience in accounting
and financial analysis for CompUSA, Nortel
While cupcakes may seem an unlikely irre says after tasting a Dimples cupcake, he Networks and Blockbuster prior to his years
of experience in the field of real estate. Cur-
business for a former professional athlete became a true believer. “I wasn’t much of rently, Mr. Fluellen is the Broker/Owner of
Complete Circle Realty in Frisco.
and a real estate broker, Mr. Fluellen be- cupcake eater before, but now I am.” Mr.
Beyond his impressive business creden-
72 Frisco STYLE ADVERTISEMENT tials, Mr. Fluellen’s life displays a steady
commitment to God, family and community
service. Married to wife Tasha for 17 years,
the Fluellens have two children and are ac-
tive in their church, Grace Outreach Center
in Plano. “I teach in the kids ministry—we
have more than 100 kids in there, and doing
that gives me more joy than anything,” says
Mr. Fluellen. Also active in youth sports, Mr.
Fluellen has been on the basketball board of
Plano Sports Authority for almost ten years.
“I always volunteer to coach kids’ teams,”
says Mr. Fluellen, who often coaches not
only his own kids’ teams, but any others in
need of a coach. “If we don’t have parents
step up to volunteer, I’ll just take a couple of
teams and coach them.”
Mr. Aguirre’s credentials are well known
as a three time All-Star with the Dallas Mav-
ericks, who led the team to its first Western
person of the year
1988. He later won
two NBA champi-
onships with the
Detroit Pistons. A
resident of Frisco
since 1988, Mr.
Aguirre and wife
Angela have since
that time been
heavily involved
in the Frisco com-
munity, raising
their four children
here. As commit-
ted family men
and longstanding
members of the
Frisco community,
both Mr. Aguirre
and Mr. Fluellen
approach life with
an “others first”
sensibility that sup-
ports their strong commitment to customer mors abounded that the cute-as-a-button Factory kitchen, by bakers with a commit-
service. “We’re part of the community, and confections were merely Betty Crocker ment to excellence. “You’ll never get a dry
we are active in our community,” Mr. Fluel- creations trussed up in fancy trimmings. or stale cupcake here due to our quality
len stresses. “We’re not just a chain coming While the Dimples cupcake recipes remain assurance,” he promises. “At the end of
in. We’re two Frisco residents. We’re hiring a closely guarded secret, Mr. Fluellen is the day, how we prepare these cupcakes
local high school and college is different than any other company,
kids, good kids. We’re here to and our customers seem to be so ex-
stay—Frisco is our home.” Mr. cited about Dimples coming back.”
Aguirre says that he and Mr. Flu- Mr. Fluellen says that Dimples Cup-
ellen share a deep commitment cake Factory will continue to provide
to customer service, which they a base menu of about 16 cupcake fla-
are ready to demonstrate to cus- vors, including customer favorites like
tomers. “We are correcting all of Wedding Cake, Red Velvet and Cook-
the things that we can and mak- ies and Cream. Additionally, daily
ing it a really consumer-friendly specials will feature flavors of the day,
company,” says Mr. Aguirre. “We 8880 Coleman Blvd ensuring something new for even the
want to ensure that we listen to 214.494.4446 choosiest of cupcake connoisseurs.
what the customer wants and de- One change that Mr. Fluellen has
liver it in order to be a really great made, however, is the addition of his
cupcake company.” favorite cupcake flavor to the daily
Of course, Dimples is all menu. “Before we bought Dimples,
Lemon was only served three days
DimplesCupcakeFactory.comabout cupcakes—and at the
end of the day, the new owners’ per week. I changed that real quick,”
success will rest largely on the reception confident that anyone who samples one Mr. Fluellen says with a chuckle. “It’s been
of their cupcakes. Mr. Fluellen says that will recognize the error in that insinua- on the menu every day since we opened.”
customers who became fans of Dimples tion. “What I can say is that if you went to Mr. Aguirre’s favorite flavor, German Choc-
cupcakes under the store’s previous own- buy any baking products at any store you olate, is also back as a weekly offering. “At
ership will be glad to know that Dimples wouldn’t be able to make our cupcakes at then end of the day, this is a fun business,”
Cupcake Factory will be providing the home. Our bakers come in at four in the says Mr. Fluellen. “A cupcake is like a birth-
same recipes baked by the same bakers morning every day, and every recipe has day celebration every time you eat one. We
as those they came to know and fervently something that enhances our product and want people to know that we’re doing this
love. Dimples cupcakes have been wildly makes it different from anyone else’s.” Mr. to have fun, but most importantly we want
popular since their introduction to Frisco, Fluellen says that all Dimples cupcakes are them to know that we’re businessmen that
though there was a point in 2010 when ru- baked fresh daily in the Dimples Cupcake they can feel good about.”
73June 2011 FADVERTISEMENT riscostyle.com