Campaign Settings
Each Knight-Templar commands five ‘Finger’ groups of one day capture or control them. They have recruited
ten men and women. Total, the Gilded Fists are com- the small but fervent Titan Cults into service, sending
posed of eight hundred knights. Though this group is members closer than most scholars dare go.
large enough to rival any standing army, they have no Example Titans:
military base and are rarely in the same place. They are • The Titan of the Southern Sea, now called the Sea
most commonly divided down to the Fingers and serve
as small honor guards for missionaries and gather into of Glass stilled it’s waves over a millennia ago, no
full Fists to serve the First Arm. scholar knows why but to this day there are no
In the formative years of the Path, when they were still waves, the tide rises and falls with still water.
hunted and persecuted, the Sixteen Plates were lost. No • The islands that dot the northern archipelago have
one knows why or how: some say the Creator was an- raging volcanoes that never stop spewing their ash
gry with his disciples for using His blessings as tools of and lava, slowly growing each year. On dark still
destruction, and reclaimed the Plates from the world; nights those who live on the shores claim to hear
others claim that the First disciple deliberately broke ringing roars and earth shaking blows coming from
them on her deathbed and scattered the shards across those mountain peaks, the Titan of the Earths Heart
the land with the last of her power to prevent them from expanding his influence.
being misused.
Society in the Six Duchies
Those of the Path hold only sixteen major elements in The social structure of Adairslen is largely feudal. The
high regard, disregarding two elements that were not kingdom is broken into the six duchies, and each duchy
present in the Plates. Normal holds no special gifts, but is broken down further into individual fiefdoms. Each
is seen as the force that binds the world together. The duchy has a ruling noble family led by an arch- duke
other missing element is Fairy. The Path officially views or duchess, then branch families who own and oversee
fairies as something alien, but benign. There are those these fiefdoms.
who seek it out as a corruption, and attempt to cleanse it Depending on the duchy there may also exist a wealthy
from the world. Other factions claim that it is just a new merchant class. The merchants wield considerable pow-
element brought to the world by the Creator and that er and influence, often on par with the nobility, but
the Path should adopt it into its doctrine. without titles. Many of these merchant princes have
been stripped of their property and wealth after trying
Titans to act above their station in the capitol.
Those who exhibit supernatural powers are often re-
In the world of Adairslen, legendary Pokémon take the cruited at a young age by the Path to be trained as either
form of Titans, beasts of legendary power and pure el- a Gilded Fist or part of the clergy. Those who refuse or
emental force. Old legends claim these creatures made avoid their attention often attend the College of Three
the world, but these stories have long been disregard- Disciplines to further their abilities. Individuals from
ed in the face of their unrelenting destructive force and small towns or remote villages are usually taught by a
complete disregard for the lives of anyone, human or local hedge witch or wizard in some regard, often as an
Pokémon, who crosses their path. Not one expedition apprentice.
has ever returned from trying to calm these Titans.
In ancient history, kingdoms and empires banded to- Pokémon Populations
gether in attempts to defeat these Titans. Such battles
are referred to as the Titan Wars. They all ended in fail- Since this setting is pre-digital age, Pokémon like Pory-
ure. In modern Adairslen, most people avoid these crea- gon, Voltorb, Magnemite, and even Mewtwo can’t have
tures to the best of their ability. However, the College of the same background as usual.
Three Disciplines has begun long-distance studies into
the nature of these Titans, and rumors say they hope to 101
Campaign Settings
The Land of Ardairslen
King’s Watch (Capital of the Kingdom) academy; most young nobles spend at least a single
year in attendance. The College of Three Disciplines
Ruled by: Queen Margaret Bloody-Eyes is the academic college. It focuses on arcane arts,
Patron Icon: Scholar of Runes history, and philosophy.
The capital of the Six Duchies is located on the coast,
and is the secondary trade port of the kingdom. This Farfield Duchy
city is older than the duchies themselves, having been
home to the original inhabitants of Adairslen. Over the Ruled by: Arch Duchess Oriana
centuries the Adairslens have made changes and addi- Patron Icon: The Plowman
tions to the city and surrounding area, but the keep it- The oldest of the duchies. Farfield is the agriculture hub
self, a great stone tower, remains mostly unchanged. It of the country, where most of the kingdom’s grains and
serves as a lighthouse for passing ships and travellers. livestock are raised. After the invention of Poké Balls,
Residence of the Royal Family. much of its land has been turned away from food pro-
Notable locations: duction and instead to the growth of the Apricorns that
• The largest military and scholarly academies of the make the cases of Poké Balls.
land. The College of Logic is the Adairslen military
Campaign Settings
The recent change in direction for many of its farms Sailmourne
has caused a bit of an uproar with those who survive off
these lands. The new plants and trees cannot bear fruit Ruled by: Archduchess Isabella the Privateer
for several years after planting, and even at maturity the Patron Icon: the Grinning Fisherman.
Apricorns are inedible. This has left many of the farmers The only other coastal duchy in the kingdom, Sailm-
holding onto the promise of royal investment as a shield ourne is renowned for its fine ships and excellent sail-
against starvation. ors. The duchy is in charge of guarding its coast from
Notable locations: outside raiders, pirates and corsairs. Minor raiding par-
• The ducal keep, Silo, whose walls surround enough ties are the norm; a full scale naval battle has not been
waged in generations. The people of this duchy are no-
farmland to support the entire keep. toriously superstitious, and invoke their patron at the
• The Tauros Proving Grounds: the route by which smallest hint of ill fortune.
Notable locations:
drivers take their Tauros to market every year. • The ducal keep, commonly referred to as the Ship-
• The Gormen Music Academy: the greatest school of
yard. The keep is built right into its own private
music and theory in the duchies. It is said that every docks where the duke’s flagship is kept in case of
notable bard, dancer or performer has trained here, emergencies.
including many of the Icon’s storytellers. • The shipyards, not to be confused with the ducal
keep. They use the timber imported from Greensea
Coalbank Duchy to create all of their ships
• The Whirling Cave: home to all manner of strange
Ruled by: Arch Duke Vincent and varied sea life.
Patron Icon: Migrant Trader
This duchy lies at foothills that lead to the Fairymont. Faepeak
Coalbank contains the only mines that produce Varil,
the singular ore suitable for the creation of pokeballs. Ruled by: Archduchess Serena
As a result, Coalbank has become the richest of the Six Patron Icon: Singer of Storms
Duchies. Most mining operations for normal ores have This duchy dwells in the direct shadow of the Fairy-
ceased in favor of searching for Varil deposits. Hundreds mont. The people here are reserved and do not take to
of boomtowns have risen and fallen in the decades since outsiders very well. Faepeak is one of the more danger-
this economic shift. ous duchies; in the shadow of the mountain, infants and
Notable locations: children sometimes vanish from their homes, replaced
• The ducal keep, Whitewall. Whitewall is not the with strange creatures; men and women vanish for years
and return unchanged, unaware of the passage of time,
grandest of the ducal keeps, but it boasts some of while some return after only a single night, but aged
the most impressively maintained walls and garri- into elders. This duchy is also home to unique Pokémon
sons. The white stone of the walls came from the found nowhere else in the kingdom.
hills of the duchy themselves and some say they are This duchy is where the crystalline stone called Fae-
magicked. glass was first discovered, and its mines remain the only
• The town of Varisle, located by the original varil mines to produce it. Since the invention of Poké Balls
mine, is the oldest remaining boomtown and boasts and the increasing use of Varil ore, the demand for Fae-
the second largest population in the duchy. glass has decreased.
Campaign Settings
Notable locations: their living by logging deep in the woods. It is a diffi-
• The ducal keep, Stonheart; built into the Fairymont cult life, as the living forest tries to reclaim its lost land
every day; plants and trees grow at a vastly accelerated
itself, the keep’s walls are constructed from stone rate, and have overcome several villages unable to keep
said to be mined from the heart of the Fairymont. ahead. Much of the traveling done through this duchy
Though it has never been sieged properly, any at- is accomplished by paving roads with stone from the
tacks made against the ducal keep have always failed Fairymont, the only material resistant to the plants and
quickly. Many who visit claim that Stoneheart Keep trees.
is a maze of corridors that go deeper than they The wood provided by Greensea duchy supplies the en-
should. Some visitors even claim to have heard voic- tire kingdom with timber; with the rate of forest growth,
es from the walls and see faces in the stone. Con- there is very little chance of complete deforestation.
versely, no native has ever experienced trouble nav- Notable locations:
igating. • The ducal keep, Ivywall. The keep’s walls are not
• No one is certain how the properties of the crystals
within the Faeglass mines were first discovered, but made of stone, but live wood. When the duchy
Faeglass has always been vital to the production of was first established, before the nature of the forest
Poké Balls. Locals however, have a number of su- was fully understood, the people thought nothing
perstitions surrounding Faeglass; most disturbingly, of building in the forest using wood. But over the
they claim that any child who looks into a crystal years the walls and buildings began to sprout and
will lose their soul. While these legends remain un- leaf again. The strange nature of the forest seems to
substantiated, a larger percentage of people do go have brought the dead wood of the walls back to life.
missing from the mines than from anywhere else in This has created a strange atmosphere to the keep
the duchy. and most buildings in the duchy. The maintenance
of the walls requires much shaping and trimming,
Greensea but as the walls themselves grew the keep became
incredibly fortified.
Ruled by: Archduke Laurent
Patron Icon: The Pathfinder
The largest of the duchies, but the least populated,
Greensea is named for the thick forests that dominates
its lands. Many settlements rest just at the forest’s north-
ern edge, but there are a few communities that make
Campaign Settings
Trainer Creation Campaign Hooks
Trainers can walk all manner of life in the duchies. Ruins in the Woods
Many Elementalists and those with the power of Aura
are snatched up by the Arcean Cult to serve as squires Sages of the College of Three have had an unsettling
and eventually knights known as the Gilded Fists, but message delivered in the night. A strange set of ruins
some still live their whole lives in the country or attend have been discovered near the small village of Pinevale
a College. Supernatural classes like Medium and Chan- in Greensea Duchy. They are in a barren clearing that
neler are much more common in the wilds; almost every plants refuse to grow in, an occurrence very unusual
village or town has at least one as a wiseman or woman. in Greensea’s forest. A few brave and curious villagers
Many scholarly types try to gain patronage to research explored every huge stone structure, except the tallest
their fields, such as pokeball research or the artificial tower, and found them empty of anything save the
creation of Poké Balls. Such classes might be Research- murals on the walls.
er, Scientist, even something like Jail Breaker from DP- The largest tower was the only one with a sealed door.
DoM could fit with some refluffing. The classes from The But even from the ground the villagers could spy a
Blessed and the Damned can also fit if the campaign fo- large, strangely etched stone upon its top. The villag-
cuses on Legendary Pokémon, or even the Icons them- ers departed the ruins unharmed, but those who had
selves may have chosen to bless or brand individuals. entered the buildings began to fall into a deep slum-
The more ‘mundane’ classes still have a home in the ber and any who awoke began speaking in strange
Duchies as well, Ace’s and Capture Specialist especially, tongues. Soon, the strange illness spread to other
as Pokémon raising and catching is important not just members of the expedition, and then to the rest of the
for warfare, but everyday life. Chefs might be trying to village. The writer of the message claims to be one of
impress the Lord of Feasts and musicians may wish to the last unaffected.
play at Court. The sages have agreed to send a company to investigate
this strange illness, but it is not the state of the villagers
Building a Six Duchies Campaign that most interests the sages; it is the murals and the
buildings themselves. These ruins sound almost com-
The setting allows for a diverse set of game styles (ex: pletely intact, a legacy unspoiled by war and time. They
service under a duke to quell banditry; a mercenary are unsure how the frescos survived for so long but the
band escorting members of the College of Three to a scenes described are unlike the Duchies of today. From
site; political intrigue in the capital in the aftermath of what the scholars were able to understand of the ‘uned-
the Kings death; even students at the College of Logic ucated’ descriptions, the murals depicted Kingswatch,
during final exams), so it is best to sit down with your the volatile northern islands, and strange and fantastic
group and discuss what sort of fantasy style game they creatures and humans. Scholars have theorized that
want to play in. A campaign of Knights of the Gilded the murals could be showing humans and Titans living
Fists will be worlds apart from one following the disci- side by side.
ples of the Grinning Fisherman. One might be full of Upon arrival in Pinevale, the party finds the village as
combat and rising through the ranks, the other more bustling as a logging town can be expected to be. The
about exploration and seafaring. villagers don’t seem ill, but the people of Pinevale all
speak in some sort of language none of the sages have
ever heard. Yet the villagers seem to understand one
another perfectly fine, and are not outright hostile to
the party. The only thing that seems amiss is a large
stone in the center of the town. It is easy to tell that it
was dragged there recently.
Campaign Settings
It isn’t until several days after the party arrives in Pi- The Pokémon in these areas are likewise changed,
nevale that a carrier Pidgey delivers a fateful message. some are simply found with abilities rare for their
The malady is spreading from Greensea Duchy to the breed, while others are different elemental types. But it
rest of Adairslen even the messenger is now stricken, is those who are behemoths for their kind, their abili-
and it is not so benign. Men and women do not wake ties and power strange and foreign for their species. It
from sleep, or enter a frenzied feral rage. Does this was one of these Pokémon that was first discovered to
strange stone hold the key to the affliction of the town? have one of the strange elemental shards embedded in
This plothook is something that an entire campaign its flesh, that the Path coveted so much. Even before
can be based off of or can be adopted in with some word had reached the First Arm it seemed some other
tailoring. The murals and the ruins themselves are left force had began to collect these shards for their own
intentionally vague for you to fill in your own ideas use.
and mythos to the cause of the plague. It allows for a The First Arm has offered several mercenary compa-
great jumping off point. Maybe the lake guardian trio nies and treasure hunters personal contracts to aid
are enraged to find those who worshiped them now those areas affected by the starfall, as well as retrieve
dead and are revoking the gifts of knowledge, willpow- any and all artefacts in the vicinity. Those of the Path
er and emotion they gave to humanity. The strange are not the only ones interested in these strange star-
stone could be the keystone to an ancient Spiritomb falls, the College of Three has also began efforts to
who housed the souls for an ancient people, and is now explore these incidents.
possessing those of the Dutchy, and the messenger Shards from the Heavens is a campaign hook that
brought the keystone to the capital. allows for many different biomes and conflicts between
two or more factions. The party can be one of a multi-
Shards from the Heavens tude of groups hunting these shards, for glory, gold or
out of piety and the lust for knowledge. Perhaps this
It has been generations since the Path of One Thou- shadowy group is trying to amass all of the shards to
sand Arms lost it’s most holy relics, the Plates of recreate the first 16 plates, or a rogue sect of the Path
Arceus. The details of how they were lost are still the is using these shards to try and create their own Fairy
debate of theologians today; the most accepted theory Plate.
is that Mercedes of Farfield shattered each Plate into
shards so that the enemies of the Path could not use Encounter and Session Ideas
Over the centuries many relic hunters have come • While traveling the party notices a strange weath-
forward, offering to sell what they called shards of er phenomenon, a sandstorm, hail, rain and even
the Plates to the Path, most of which were mundane striking beams of sunlight shifting in succession.
in nature, but not all. The Path hoards those shards, Upon investigation they find a group of Castform
regarding them as holy artefacts. They collect them in and two musicians fighting over the weather as the
hopes to one day mend the shards back to their orig- locals run for cover.
inal form. This was seen by most of the clergy as an
commendable but ultimately unattainable goal. • The Duke Edmont has contracted the party to
Yet the Path has begun to receive reports from its mis- escort one of his sons from Sailmourne duchy to
sionaries, strange starfalls across the Duchies and in court. During the trip they find that he is a she!
their wake the land is changed. Some areas the changes Having swapped places with her brother she wants
are minute, more rainfalls, or heat waves, even some to attend the College of Logic.
reports of shadows moving on their own. While in
others the region have to contend with the dead walk- • A strange merchant asks to join the party at their
ing, or explosive plant growth, even ground shattering fire as they camp, he has a cart with a Rapidash
earthquakes. attached. After breaking bread with them he asks
106 them if they are looking for work. He brings out
a strange bauble he claims is a Poké Ball that can
catch anything, and he is looking for a buyer.
Campaign Settings
• A great discovery is announced in Coalbank duchy, • The Lord of Feasts has announced a grand festival,
a varil ore vein deeper than any other. But as the and promised a boon to whoever could best enter-
minders start to dig deep a giant Steelix rampages tain him. Get your grills and guitars out chefs and
through the tunnels Any attempts to fend it off or bards!
even capture it prove fruitless. A renowned scholar • The College of Three is shaken to it’s core as one
claims that the beast has some how fused with the of the experiments breaks free and is terrorizing
Varil ore during its evolution and is easily worth a the country side of Kingswatch. Reports are con-
fortune itself. flicting on what the experiment was, a herd of
• Strange tales from Faepeak Duchy claim that chil- small Pokémon all acting in unison, a giant beast
dren are being replaced with fairy Pokémon! The which pulls trees from the root, or a single small
Duchess Serena had written it off as more super- Pokémon that seems completely harmless.
stition until even her own son is replaced with a
Ralts. The party is contracted to find out what is
Campaign Settings
Visiwa: the Eastern Isles
In the beginning, we were one people – the people of the Holy City of Empathica. We, the children of Bondye,
were brought into this world with a simple task: Live, Learn, Build, and Worship. He even sent The Great Moth-
er to watch over us. Our forefathers took this task to heart, and built the greatest city this world has ever known.
Their ziggurats, pyramids and temples of gold and gems reached to the heavens themselves. Artisans, scholars and
shamans thrived in a time of great learning and prosperity. We learned many of the secrets of the universe – math-
ematics, alchemy, metallurgy, medicine, nautical navigation and many other arts. With the teachings of The Great
Mother, we first learned to tap into the secrets of mind, body, and soul: Psionics, Mysticism, Aura, and The Dream
But one day, this all changed. A great catastrophe fell upon Empathica, and the city was lost. None can say for sure
what happened – some say Bondye was displeased that they invented the Apricorn Cages and found ways to tame
the wilds and inflicted a holy wrath upon us, others claim nightmarish creatures rose from the waters and pulled
Empathica down, and many others simply believe we built our towers too high, and the island sunk. Whatever the
cause, our forefathers fled their Holy City as it sunk beneath the waves, taking what little they could with them –
which was mostly their knowledge. The Great Mother exerted much of her energy to guide our people to our new
home – Visiwa.
Once our people landed on what we now call Mother’s Isle, The Great Mother herself said she was tired, and must
rest. She found a nice, cool stone to lay on, and entered a deep sleep. Our forefathers simply could not leave her
there, and they learned the wilds were a truly dangerous place. So, they built her a temple, and beneath that temple,
a labyrinth. There, far beneath the warmth of the sun, they left her to rest.
That was many centuries ago. Things have changed much now. In The Great Mother’s absence, we found new
Gods…or maybe, they found us. Regardless, disagreements amongst our people started, and then violence. We are
no longer one people, but two. The Great Mother’s Temple is lost to us, and with it, The Great Mother herself as well.
-Ekondayo, Elder Shaman of Darkfeather Village.
January 12th, 1816
Six months have passed since we first landed on Kingler Isle (and to think it took us three months to understand
why the Wildlings called it that!) and founded Port Ivyhollow. While we are able to maintain the settlement
just fine, as resources are plentiful, expansion has proven highly improbable. We have lost scores of scouts over
the months; it as if it knows we are outsiders, and fights against us as the body does against a plague. It contorts,
Campaign Settings
twists, shifts and changes as we sleep, and the Pokémon that inhabit the wilds are truly savage beings. If not for the
charity of some of the more curious and benevolent Wilding tribes, I myself would not be alive to write this diary en-
try. They know this land in a way we cannot, and to make matters worse, my scouts report that pirates have begun
to take interest in the Isles as well. I give it two months before they establish a port of their own.
I abandoned hopes of this colonization effort playing out as planned. We will not subjugate and conquer this land
and the Wildings who inhabit it. There is something mystical about this land that we do not understand, and if we
are to thrive and have influence here, we will have to strike alliances with the Wildings. We know this is something
they will consider, since we are not the first Anglos to visit this land; it seems the tales of the Vinland saga had some
truth to them, since a group of Norsemen settled and on a neighboring isle and integrated with the natives. This
apparently happened hundreds of years ago. Absurd, isn’t it?
To help accomplish our own steps toward a coalition with the Wildlings, I have established an Explorer’s Guild,
and have sent couriers to the mainland to begin a recruitment campaign on its behalf. I will call upon the bravest,
most skilled trainers, soldiers, scholars, scientists, alchemists, and adventurers across all of Kalos in the hopes that
they will succeed where we have failed. I have even welcomed the Wildings to join this effort as a first step toward
forming an alliance between them and Kalos. As for those of us of the Kalosian Navy, we shall focus on the securi-
ty of this settlement for the time being. While my actions will seem absurd to my superiors, and to Europe and the
Americas as a whole, I hope that the tales the Explorers will weave will help show the world that this land is unlike
any other.
-Admiral Sharp, Leader of the Eastern Isles Expedition
Visiwa: The Eastern Isles Campaign Setting
Genre: Age of Discovery, Tribal Fantasy
Features: Alchemy, Ancient Ruins and Exploration, The Anima Metaphysics, Black Powder Weapons, Danger-
ous Wilds and Pokémon, High Seas Adventure, Gods and Legends, Shamanism and Spirits
The Eastern Isles setting takes place in what one could equate to the Caribbean. Nestled South of Unova (and
northwest of Mexinova) rests a collection of Isles that host several independent Tribes. While the Technology in
this setting is what could be considered primitive, the people of these Isles devised means of creating Apricorn
Balls very early in their history. Mystical and Pscionic powers are also very prevalent among these people, as
Visiwa is a very spiritual location. Pokémon in this setting are respected for the danger they present to those who
venture into the wilds, as well as the loyalty and companionship they can provide. In short, they are viewed in
much the same light as wild and domesticated animals are to us.
In addition to the native tribes, the navy of Kalos has recently set its sights on the Isles. They have established a
base camp named Port Ivyhollow, but have been unable to expand beyond its borders. The Kalosians have brought
many commodities with them, from iron bound Galleons to black powder weapons, but they struggle with the
supernatural. The Kalosians have also imported foreign Pokémon species to the isles, but have been careful to not
let them free into the wilds. Trade and general relations between the Tribes and the Kalosians is still in a shakey
state. Recently, the Kalosians have caught wind of corsairs approaching the region as well.
This setting uses the Anima Metaphysics presented in Chapter 1, so the following section will be echoing some of
its aspects and how they apply to Visiwa.
Campaign Settings
The Wilds and Setting Basics
The indigenous people of Visiwa came to the islands What the shamans theorized is this was simply her act-
with a great breadth of knowledge from the Golden Age ing on the subconscious of her devout – that it was the
of Empathica, but life in these lands was not what they collective human spirit’s dreams and imagination that
expected. The origin of Pokémon, and the dangers the had given her the idea for these beings, and she had
wilds presented were very alien concepts to them. They willed them into existence. What if, in her slumber,
quickly learned the laws of this new home, and their so- this power had been left in a state where it would nat-
ciety and studies shifted to adapt to survival in a primal urally occur as long as humans were near her? It sure-
land. ly explained the patterns in the kinds of Pokémon they
The first thing the natives learned about their new home, encountered in their travels, and their general hostili-
is leaving their settlements unprepared was a quick way ty. These beings were being born from nightmares and
to die. Not only were the Pokémon they encountered dreams.
much more hostile than any they had encountered be- The second hypothesis was that the wilds themselves
fore, but they found it impossible to make heads or tails were also in a state of constant flux. Empathica was an
on mapping out the lands around their settlements. entire island city. It had no vast, expansive wilds where
Coming across the same rock formation no matter what no men dwelt – just farm lands along its coasts. Miles
way they traveled, or they would find this landmark re- and miles of untapped land was a new thing to them,
peated in completely different biomes. something they had never experienced before. With no
The Pokémon that inhabited these regions also seemed humans around to observe it, it could very well change
to be constant flux, and they rarely encountered the as easily as the Pokémon that inhabited it did. If they
same species twice. They also noticed trends in the were ever to make any concrete mapping of what to ex-
Types of Species they encountered. If a child had a pect outside of their settlement, they would have to es-
nightmare about a ghostly apparition and began to tablish more of them and slowly crawl their way across
spread the tale amongst the others in the village, sure the isles.
enough the next time their hunters and gatherers would To test this theory, the people’s spiritual leaders, and
dare leave, they’d encounter Ghost Pokémon. those with talent for the mystical and pscionic arts,
In time, their shamans and spiritual leaders formed started to accompany their hunters and gatherers, and
a hypothesis on this phenomena – one that was later observe the land while treating this hypothesis as fact.
confirmed when they first encountered deities other They quickly found that this greatly increased the like-
than their lost Great Mother. The first lesson was that lihood of these individuals ever returning home from
the human subconscious had a very powerful effect on the wilds, and it helped those who would dare to ex-
the world around them. They had known for ages that plore have a better sense of what to prepare for. With
Pokémon were highly volatile entities, capable of quick- this knowledge in mind, they slowly established a vast
ly evolving and learning new traits and capabilities. network of villages in their new home. This, of course,
It was this observation that led them to create Apricorn had social impacts – a once united people was forced to
Balls in the first place – if Pokémon enter a stage of pure sever if they ever hoped to flourish in this land.
energy when they evolve, could they be forced into that
state to contain them? The origins of these Pokémon, The Kalosians
they had always assumed, was the doing of The Great Kalos, being inspired by France, continues that tradition
Mother. She surely had the power to create them, and in Visiwa. It has been around thirty years since the Ka-
there were endless eye witness accounts of her doing so, losian Revolution, and the refounded nation been in a
even among survivors. state of constant flux since. While the Kalosians are not
110 the first Europeans to settle on the Eastern Isles, their
motivations were very different; when Admiral Sharp
Campaign Settings
set out with his fleet to colonize the Eastern Isles, he had Life in the Eastern Isles
in mind what most colonial powers did; to conquer the While the Wildings are a divided people with various
land and its natives, and extract the region’s wealth for tribes and customs, they did come from a common cul-
their home empire. ture and have many shared characteristics. This is es-
Things could not have gone worse. While their initial pecially true when it comes to the more common jobs
landing and settlement went smoothly, they swiftly among the inhabitants of a village. The natives do not
learned the same lessons the tribesmen had centuries uphold a caste system, as it’s very common for an indi-
ago about how dangerous it was to venture beyond the vidual to take on many different professions in their life
town. to better round out their ability to adapt and survive.
The fleet swiftly found itself at the mercy of the Wildlings Starting from the top down, all the tribes have a Chief.
(a Kalosian catch-all term for the tribesmen) friendly While the way this individual is chosen differs from
enough to extend a hand. Admiral Sharp, living up to tribe to tribe, their role is very much the same – they
his namesake, realized how disadvantaged they were are the highest authority on all matters within the vil-
and began to change the objectives of this colony. The lage, and it is very uncommon for a chief not have some
Wildlings were willing to trade, and to teach, and the sort of supernatural power. This stems from the fact
Kalosians would need it - especially when dealing with that many of the choices a Chief must be involved with,
the supernatural. involve an understanding of the supernatural and the
Back home in Kalos, topics of the supernatural are con- way the lands of Visiwa function.
sidered heretical, and those who exhibit signs of an ele- Directly under the Chief would be the spiritual lead-
mental connection, such as Aura or Psionics, are often ers of the village – Shamans, Witch Doctors, Druids,
feared and lynched. Rune Masters and Channelers are Witches, Rune Masters, call them what you will, they
unheard of, as these arts are not native to Kalos. play many vital roles within a village. One of these in-
In reality, the military would love to recruit these indi- dividuals, or one of their acolytes, almost always accom-
viduals for their abilities, and the few they do manage panies individuals traveling into the wilds.
to find before they are sent to the gallows are recruited
to serve as Alchemists: masters of the Elements and ex- Rune Masters! Let’s talk about what those are here.
empt from the Church of Arceus’s persecution. Even Since all Pokémon origins start from the subconscious
amongst Admiral Sharp’s fleet, there are only a handful of men, Unowns are this idea at its purist form. Rune
of these individuals. The Wildlings, on the other hand, Masters create Unown from human memories, and
have a natural inclination to these abilities. typically in a village they act as the historians. A Rune
Admiral Sharp believes that half the struggles that his Master’s primary role in a village would be to observe
fleet has faced settling here are due to this fear, and lim- and record the life and times of their people.
ited understanding of the supernatural, and he’s not far
off either! He has recently created an Explorer’s Guild Following this are a myriad of professions that are im-
that welcomes civilians from the homeland, willing sol- portant to survival in the isles. Such as warriors, hunt-
diers, and Wildings, to collaborate and learn from one ers, beastmasters, gatherers, the crafters, traders, farm-
another as they explore the isle while his fleet focuses on ers, and other service providers. Warriors, hunters and
the security of the settlement. Sharp hopes this will lead gatherers play very self-explanatory roles – they are the
to the Kalosians being just as accepted as the norse set- first lines of the defense for the villages and often ven-
tlers of old were, but time will tell if that pans out, and ture into the wilds to secure whatever raw materials the
the European corsairs probably won’t help with that. village needs.
Campaign Settings
A more blurred profession here would be beastmasters. the wilds, and while they technically answer to Admiral
Ace Trainers, Commanders, Taskmasters, Cheerlead- Sharp, they are compensated by both him and the civil-
ers, Enduring Souls, and similar classes that have more ians of Ivyhollow.
of an active battling focus. These individuals often work Since the Wildings had their own coinage, trade with
closely with the warriors, hunters and gatherers, as their the Kalosians was easy to work out and the two curren-
ability to handle Pokémon and train them for combat cies are exchanged freely. Bartering, haggling, and ex-
are highly valued for survival. Likewise, Pokémon changing of favors are still common modes of business
Breeders, Mentors, Coordinators and Style Experts pro- as well.
vide the village with outlets to increase the pedigree of
Pokémon throughout a village as well. Technical Machines
While Pokémon might have a supernatural origin, the One of the first major accomplishments in the collabo-
ability to both breed them in captivity and better care ration between the Kalosians and the Wildings was the
for them is just as important for a village as being able to invention of a substance they call Tech-Mojo. This mix
best and capture them in the wilds. For example, fairly of modern science and tribal magic is an incense that
common that an explorer’s first Pokémon would be one can send a Pokémon on a spirit journey to the Dream
that was bred by one of the village’s Breeders. World. When they awake, they know a Move they didn’t
Crafters, traders, and farmers provide the village with know previously, and often couldn’t learn naturally!
a myriad of resources and needed equipment. While This substance is only sold in quantities large enough
things such as weapon, armor, food, and restorative po- for a single Pokémon, and seems to have no effect on
tions might seem obvious, often it’s the Apricorn Smiths humans (It doesn’t stop plenty from trying to get high
who find themselves the wealthiest. on it anyway. Cut’s a top seller!)
Traders, as you could guess, focus on the movement of Poké Ball Technology
local goods from one village to another for profit. This Both the Kalosians an the Wildings use Apricorn Balls
could include raw goods such as equipment, food, Ap- as their primary method of capture and containment
ricorn balls, and Pokémon themselves. The Wildings of Pokémon, and can transport as many as they wish,
hold a common currency – gold coins from the lost city but most Trainers on both side agree that its difficult
of Empathica – but being there is a finite supply of these to bond and care for more than six Pokémon at a time.
bartering and exchange of services are also very com- This is a policy that is pretty strictly enforced by caretak-
mon means of trade as well. ers in the settlements, since the well being of Pokémon
As for the Kalosians, there are three primary groups is their duty.
that have settled in Ivyhollow. The first are the mem- A Trainer looking to leave a village or town with more
bers of the Kalosian Navy who are stationed there. They than six would have to have a very compelling reason to
function as both the local security and law enforcement, get the approval of the local caretakers. Transportation
and answer to Admiral Sharp. of Pokémon from one settlement to another is handled
The second group are skilled professionals: doctors, by the caretakers and traders, and due to the efforts of
teachers, scientists, artisans, blacksmiths, fishermen, the Explorer’s Guild, they’ve gotten pretty fast at doing
farmers, engineers, cartographers, brewmasters, you it.
name it, they got it. These civilians have their own elect- Keep in mind there are no factories to produce Poké
ed officials who work alongside the Admiral to make Balls in Visiwa, and the ability to manufacture these
sure both sides are met. devices from Apricorns is vital to a village’s ability to
The third group are the recently welcomed Explorers. actually capture and raise Pokémon. If the village lacks
These brave souls are the ones who venture forth into
Campaign Settings
Apricorns and/or Apricorn Smiths, they will have to mountains, found near Snowfeather Village, or be im-
rely on much more primal methods of capture and con- ported from Kalos. This said, due to the constant flux
tainment, such as lassos, traps, and winning Pokémon of the wilds in Visiwa, its not unheard of for Explorers
over with bait and force of personality. This holds true to wind up in a tundra due to circumstances beyond
for Kalos as well, as commodities traveling from the their control.
mainland are slow to arrive. Type-Shifted and unusual Pokémon, while not com-
mon place, are the most potent threats to humans in the
Pokémon Centers wilds, since ones with these traits tend to become pack
While the villages don’t have typical ‘Pokémon Centers’, leaders amongst their kind, or the most alpha predators.
these individuals also often act as the village’s medics. Along with Type-Shifted alpha predators are the ever
These individuals also typically have close affiliations to dreaded Demesnes. Sometimes called “Fiends” by the
the local deity. Port Ivyhollow hosts an actual Pokémon Wildings, these extremely powerful and paranormal
Center with the best surgeons and nurses that the Ka- creatures lurk in the wilds of the isles, and are less un-
losian Navy could get. Though given this is the 1800’s, common than most would be comfortable with. It is
many Kalosians wonder if they should put more faith believed that the majority of The Labyrinth is controlled
in the remedies the witch doctor’s come up with… Me- by these creatures.
chanically, these facilities are identical. It’s up to you what Pokémon live in a given biome, or
how far these biomes extend. The fact that the wilds are
Pokémon Populations in constant change gives you a lot of freedom to vastly
Visiwa hosts a number of different biomes and envi- change what your players encounter traveling the same
ronments, but Ice and Dragon Types in particular are route twice. This said, each locale does offer sugges-
scarce. They would either be found at the steepest of tions to what to expect in the wilds near it.
Campaign Settings
The Eastern Isles
1. The Temple of the Great Mother protect the resting Mew, and grew defenses to accom-
modate that. Countless Demesnes and their Pokémon
Centuries ago, The Great Mother entered her endless spawn reside within it, and none can say how far down
slumber here. This location was where the Empathi- it goes, how treacherous it gets, or what other horrors
cans began their expansion throughout the isles and is await those who venture too deep. Those who do reside
their oldest settlement. While the natives built a temple here are elected individuals from each tribe, and their
in her honor on the surface and a handful of tribesmen primary objective is to ensure that the first few levels are
and shamans reside here to maintain it, what lies be- kept in check so that nothing too dangerous could ever
neath is considered the most dangerous region of the surface from the depths below. Very rarely do explorers
isles: The Labyrinth. It is as if the land itself wished to venture here, and even fewer ever return.
Campaign Settings
2. Darkfeather Village Bug Pokémon play a large role in Darkfeather culture,
and almost every caste makes heavy use of them. This
Associated Types: Ghost, Bug, Poison is especially true of the Farmers, who work side by side
Deity: The Fate Spinner (Ghost/Bug Galvantula) Bug Types in the fields. While Poison and Ghost Types
Darkfeather Village rests upon the shore of The Misty are also highly revered, Poison Types tend to be raised
Isle, nestled next to the isle’s massive forest. The for- by warriors, and Ghost Types tend to assist those more
ests covering the isle are a bit more temperate than the in touch with the supernatural. Warriors of the Dark-
jungles on the other isles, and make an ideal breeding feather Tribe have also adopted many of the survival
ground for Bug Pokémon due to a lack of natural pred- techniques that Bug, Poison and Ghost Types employ to
ators. Villagers of Darkfeather tend to stick to the bay survive into how they fight - including stealth, trickery,
and the forests, as they know the lay of the land there swift movements and use of venoms.
best. For a good portion of their history, their tribe was
nomadic, traveling through the forests and hunting and This is nodding toward the Ninja class existing in
gathering for their food. Over time they learned to tame Visiwa.
and work along side the insects inhabiting these forests,
and before too long their tribe developed an affinity for Religiously, the Darkfeather put a huge emphasis on
the Bug and Poison Types. honor to one’s family, including one’s ancestors. They
This development had a heavy cultural impact, as girls believe that Ghost Pokémon are the spirits of their loved
tended to develop Bug Connections, and boys Poison ones who have returned to help guide the living. While
Connections. The Swarmlods of their tribe learned to this belief might not be entirely accurate of the true na-
use pheromones to better lead their insectoid allies, ture of Ghost Pokémon, i is one that has has served the
which over time led to them not only developing a ma- tribe well and that The Fate Spinner does not feel a need
triarchal society, but also adopting a hive-like culture to correct. The Fate Spinner is a gargantuan, spectral
centered around an elected “Queen Bee.” This tradition Galvantula that has watched over the tribe since their
began after a young Swarmlord encountered and be- nomadic days, and long before the first Queen noticed
friended an entity that would become the Tribe’s per- her. She finds humans, the choices they make, and the
sonal deity - The Fate Spinner. It was under the first stories they weave truly fascinating.
Queen’s guidance that the nomadic tribe settled down, When those she favors finally do pass on, she creates
turning to agriculture as well as hunting, raising and a Ghost Pokémon imparted with her memories of the
gathering for food. She also introduced a practice of individual; this is considered the highest honor that a
ancestral worship which would eventually lead Ghost Darkfeather tribesmen can receive, and many live their
Types to hold the tribe in high regards. entire lives working toward this goal. The Fate Spin-
Socially, the Darkfeather Tribe is broken into several ner is very social, and even a bit motherly. She’s usually
castes; these castes are familial, but do not hold much found in the company of the current Queen, serving as
weight in determining one’s status as much as their an advisor, instructor and spiritual counselor for all of
profession. Farmers, warriors, and shamans, and other the Darkfeather Tribe.
societal tasks are considered equals, as all the tasks the While the Darkfeather Tribe as a whole remains skep-
Tribe recognizes are necessary to its survival. Normally, tical of the fair skinned Kalosians (they were not large
one is stuck to the caste they are born with, but children fans of the Snowfeathers at first either), The Fate Spin-
who develop Elemental Connections (especially girls ner believes that Admiral Sharp’s efforts to found an Ex-
with Bug Connections) tend to be funneled to a caste plorer’s Guild are done out of good will. To honor this
more suitable to their talents. Marriage can also change opinion of their patron deity, they have allowed war-
one’s caste, as men typically take on the caste of their riors and shamans of their tribe to venture to Ivyhollow
bride. and enlist in this guild to both learn from and about
these outsiders.
Campaign Settings
3. Steelwing Village where those wishing to compete for the title of chief are
given a list of materials that they must gather, and cre-
Associated Types: Fire, Rock, Ground ate something with. These materials change from year
Deity: The Mountain Breaker (Fire/Ground Torkoal) to year, but all contestants receive the same list. It is
Steelwing Village is nestled in the midst of a mountain a task they must complete with only the assistance of
valley in the Misty Mountains. The mountains span their own Pokémon, and cheating is grounds for exile
across the center of the isle and host a wide variety of from the village.
Pokémon types. Travel through the mountains can be While the village is a wonderful place for an artisan to
quite risky, as the mountain paths tend to be in constant learn and prosper, it can also be a taxing one. Competi-
flux. Those traveling outside, or through the range, tend tion amongst peers can be cut throat, and quarrels are a
to prefer heading through the mine shafts that the Steel- constant problem with the youths of the village. And for
wing Tribe have dug up. The entrances to these mines those who aren’t miners or craftsmen, life can be rather
are marked by signal fires along the cliffsides, and trav- dull as that is the focus of the village. To help alleviate
el through them is generally considered safe, as guards this, the village has recently sent hot headed apprentices
often patrol them and escort travelers from end to end. and aimless youths to live amongst the other Villages,
The village also hosts a number of natural hot springs, hoping a change of scenery and perspective will help
which are quite popular with visitors. them mature. Some never return, finding life outside
The founders of Steelwing Village chose the location for of Steelwing more to their liking, and others come back
its temperate weather (the mountain range shields them with a breath of new experiences and a rekindled pas-
from most storms), and proximity to the largest mineral sion for their craft. Either way, its proven wildly suc-
deposits in the isles. These founders had a vested inter- cessful, and the invitation from Admiral Sharp to wel-
est in working toward relearning the lost arts of Em- come these traveling youths to the Explorer’s Guild was
pathica, and news of the settlement attracted artisans well recieved.
from all over the isles.
4. Snowfeather Village
The village makes heavy use of Rock and Ground Types Associated Types: Ice, Dragon, Dark
to assist with the excavation efforts, and Fire Types to Deity: The Drake Hunter (Ice/Dark Beartic)
assist with the craftwork. This close bond has led to the
vast majority of those born with an Elemental Connec- On the southeast coast of The Misty Isle rests a Village
tion in the village to be tied to one of these Types. Pre- with an unusually chilly climate compared to the rest
cious metals, gemstones, glass work, and stone works of the isles. It snows all year round near Snowfeather
are all produced here, making it a hotspot for trade; Village, and the wildlife in the forests and mountains
Steelwing goods are heavily desired by the other tribes, near here reflects this. The Village itself is an oddball
and making the journey to trade for them can be very compared to its peers, since its founders were not Em-
profitable. pathican, but Norsemen. Around thirty years after the
Empathicans settled, they arrived on wooden longboats
While they are not as religious as their neighboring en mass. Almost all of these Nords were runaway slaves
tribes, Steelwing Village does have a patron deity of its who had chased after the tales of a fertile land called
own. The Mountain Breaker, a large, craggy Torkoal, has Vinland, and had taken to the seas in hopes of finding it.
assisted the tribe with their mining and craftsmanship Visiwa was not the welcoming Vinland they expected,
for centuries. The Legendary has a large admiration and their settlement was a rough one. Between their
for art and craftsmanship, and has embedded himself unfamiliarity with this new land, and their lack of re-
in this aspect of the village by assisting in training new sources from their long journey, survival looked bleak.
apprentices, appraising goods, and helping with the ex- Luckily, the other tribes of Visiwa learned of this new
cavation of new mine shafts. He is also responsible for settlement of fair skinned and haired people, and after
choosing the village’s chief through an annual contest
Campaign Settings
much deliberation, decided to help them out. Things tlers were woodsmen, carpenters and farmers by trade.
were difficult at first, as the former slaves were wary of Agriculture is limited in the cold environment, but the
the true intentions of the Empathicans, and the Em- farmland they do have helps sustain the production of
pathicans unsure if they were the scouts of an invad- wine and mead, two products the others tribes consider
ing force or refugees themselves. This doubt on the a grand luxury. The Drake Hunter still watches over the
side of the Empathicans was largely due to the draconic village, though he is a little more offhands than most
Pokémon these people brought with them. The fierce the other Deities. He resides in the woods near the vil-
Dragon Types were unlike any species the Empathicans lage, but welcomes and teaches those who do track him
had seen before, and had an unsettling regality about down in an ancient combat style from their original
them.. home that closely models the ruthlessness of a Weavile,
This matter sorted themselves out when a new Deity and the namesake of a Beartic. Those who practice it
awoke in the Isles; the Norsemen had come with their are known as Berserkers.
own legends, stories, myths, and beliefs, and many When word of Admiral Nelson’s invitation reached
fell to prayer in their harshest hours. These collective Snowfeather, it was met with fear. Were these Anglos
emotions and wishes were answered by the Isle itself in from the same land as their ancestors, and were they
the form of The Drake Hunter, a colossal, black furred here to take back their slaves? The reassurance of oth-
Beartic. er tribes has quelled some of these worries, the turn-
It is said that he arrived in the midst of a fight between a out has been sparse thus far. Most the initial volunteers
Darkfeather Tribesmen and a Norsemen, separating the were adults, grizzled veteran hunters, and Berserkers.
two and beseeching both to settle their differences with The feedback from the first wave of volunteers has been
words, and not bloodshed. He approached the Nor- overly positive, though, and now young adults are look-
dic settlement, ensuring the settlers that their prayers ing to make the trek as well.
had been answered and entrusting them with a pack of
Weaviles, vicious and loyal hunters that would serve the 5. Bravescar Village
settlers well. He then ventured to the other Villages,
and pleaded with their Deities and Tribesmen alike to Associated Types: Electric, Flying, Normal
welcome these outsiders as brothers and sisters. Deity: The Storm Seer (Electric/Flying Xatu)
After witnessing what their beliefs had birthed, and Bravescar Village rests atop an expansive plateau on
some introspection, the Empathicans realized that the northwest side of Kingler Isle. The plateau itself is
these outsiders and their struggles were no different largely grasslands, but also has patches of arid desert.
than their own. They welcomed them with open arms, The climate on this plateau is much less humid than it
and the Nords in return respected by taking on a tribal is down in the jungles below, making it a much more
name of their own - Snowfeather. While the majority dry heat than most the isles. Getting up and down the
of the Snowfeather chose to stay with the village, oth- plateau is tricky to do on foot, as safe routes up are few
ers decided to intermingle with the other Tribes. The and far between. Most travel up and down is done with
opposite was also true as Empathicans settled in Snow- the assistance of flying Pokémon.
feather as well. Over time, the two bloodlines mixed, To the Bravescar Tribe, the plateau is a bread basket.
but the Anglo traits of the original settlers didn’t exactly There is ample space for raising livestock and crops,
fade away. People from Snowfeather tend to have light- enough rainfall to get by, and best of all, a wide variety
er skin, and people with blonde or red hair can be found of Flying Pokémon that live up here. Bravescar Tribes-
throughout the isles. men have always had a strong tie to the skies, and their
In current times, the Snowfeather’s major resources name is derived from both the boldness needed to soar
are lumber, fish, and skins. The southern and eastern the skies on the back of a Pokémon, and the Braviary
coastline are rich in wildlife, and most the original set- Species being one of the more common Flying Types
raised by the tribe. Where this obsession with flight
Campaign Settings
originated from is a topic of much debate amongst the 6. Ivyhollow
tribe, but most recognize it as a question along the lines
of asking if the Torchic or the Egg came first and that Associated Types: Grass, Fairy, Steel
their patron Deity is at the heart of it. Deity: Princess Diana (Diancie)
The Storm Seer is a Xatu with a very electrical flare to it New Ivyhollow hosts all the amenities a proper colo-
- with a yellow molting and feather patterns that depict ny of Kalos would be expected to have, and plenty of
storm clouds, rain and thunder. It rests on a stone pillar Kalosians and Wildlings live there comfortably. Un-
at the center of the village, and spends its days staring fortunately, the bay that town rests in is surrounded by
into the sun and moon. It speaks little, but when it does, swampland and geothermal hotspots, so once you leave
it speaks of events to come, and it’s always right. The town you’re literally knee deep in trouble. There’s a path
significance of these messages varies and most of them by land that leads to both Veilbeak Village and Braves-
do happen to be inconsequential, such as predicting a car Village from the town, but given the swampy condi-
newlywed wife in Steelwing Village will burn dinner to- tions and the dangerous Pokémon that lurk in it, travel
night, or that a man in Ivyhollow dropped a penny. on these roads without a military or Explorer convoy is
The Storm Seer does however make a point of regularly For an explorer, probably the most important locale in
reporting an update on what the weather forecast for the township is the Explorer Guild’s HQ. This build-
the next week, or month, or year will look like. This is ing hosts a number of meeting rooms, offices, and a re-
immensely helpful to farmers and villages in general to search library. All missions and guild business are done
help budget and gauge how much food they will be able through this portside facility:
to produce in a year, and what additional must be hunt- • Vai University - founded by a Kalosian inventor
ed or traded for. Also, when something truly insidious
does happen in the isles, The Storm Seer alerts all who and artificer by the name of Teresa Vai, this research
are near what has, or will, transpire. academy focuses on the Kalosians and Wildlings
sharing their knowledge with one another. This
Compared to the other Deities, The Storm Seer is a lit- ranges from basic language courses, to history and
tle odd. It doesn’t pay much attention to the humans cultural studies, to complex supernatural and scien-
who live alongside it, and does not take part in any of tific topics.
the inner workings of the tribe. If offered a gift, it will • The Armory - this state-of-the-art blacksmithy and
accept it and thank the gift giver, but won’t say much alchemy hall provides both equipment and services
else. Despite this, Bravescar Village has a number of to Explorers at affordable prices. The Alchemy Hall
Clairvoyants and Rune Masters who do their best to also is home to a team of researchers who are study-
assist The Storm Seer and record its messages. These ing the unusual Pokémon in the region.
messages are handed off to a team of couriers known as • The Moonstone Inn - while construction for new
the Braves, who take to the skies with their trusted Fly- housing for Explorers is constantly going on, new
ing Pokémon, and relay the messages to the other tribes. arrivals do need a place to stay in the short term!
The Moonstone Inn houses new explorers while
In addition to this, The Braves act as mail carriers for they await more permanent housing, making mov-
the region, and also help transport Apricorn Balls from ing in and out of it a rite-of-passage for many.
village to village. These services are very crucial to the • The Singing Feebas - Run by Barkeep Mac, The
success of the tribes of Visiwa, and its not uncommon Singing Feebas is not only a fine seafaring ship, but
for young Bravescar Tribesmen to gain an inflated ego the best pub in town. Located right on the main pier,
from this honor. When Admiral Nelson extended his explorers often come here to relax, hear the latest
invitation to the Explorers Guild, these bratty and bois- gossip, and see if they can pick up some non-official
terous youths were the first to go with the hope that the jobs from the town folk for some extra income.
experience would humble them. The results are yet to • The Trader’s Market - Every Saturday, various ships
be determined.
Campaign Settings
from Kalos and the various Wildling Tribes come a young age how to sail and handle Water Pokémon. For
into port and set up the Trader’s Market. Here the the longest time almost all goods traveling between the
locals can trade for outside goods, and vise-versa. isles were carried by a Veilbeak vessel, and trade was the
While Admiral Nelson is officially the leader of the Ex- largest source of income for the town.
plorer’s Guild, he also has his duties to the navy, so he That said, it isn’t just the wilds that are dangerous in
has entrusted most the day-to-day administration work Visiwa; there are things in the deeps even more fright-
to Princess Diana: A Diancie that Admiral Nelson be- ening than anything you could experience on land. This
friended many years ago back home in Kalos. While she makes security of these vessels a top priority for Veil-
isn’t technically the a patron of the town, most towns- beak, which is where their warriors come into play.
folk (especially the visiting Wildlings) respect her as Its said it was The Sea Guardian who first taught the
one. Most Explorers consider Princess Diana their di- Veilbeak the secrets of Aura and Psionics. By bestowing
rect “boss”, as she her aids (both humans and Pokémon) those who would stand up to defend others the ability
are the ones who divvy out missions. She’s known for to transcend the limits of the human body, and teaching
being bubbly and cheery, and having a sweet tooth for others how manipulate the ocean itself, she empowered
Bluk Berry Poffins. them to fight the monsters that lurk in the deep. The
Kalosians in general have a strong tie with Fairy and grey-scaled Milotic is a generous soul, and often accom-
Grass Type Pokémon, and this is especially true of Ad- panies ships coming and going from Veilbeak to their
miral Nelson’s fleet. All recruits to his fleet are issued a destination.
Mawile upon graduation from basic training, winning For those who she cannot accompany, well, the people
the them the nickname of Mawile Marines. Also, the of Veilbeak can handle that on their own now. Chil-
infantry mount of choice for the Kalosians is the Go- dren born with an Elemental Connection are swiftly
goat, so they are quite common to see around the port sorted out and begin training from a young age with
town. The Admiral himself is almost never seen with- a Pokémon companion of a Type matching their gift.
out a Whimsicott on his shoulder and a gaggle of Maw- Because of this, Fighting and Psychic Pokémon are very
iles following at his heels. common sights around town - especially Medicham.
Youths without a supernatural gift are often schooled in
7. Veilbeak Village martial combat, as its expected that anyone who would
work on one of the village’s ships should be able to de-
Associated Types: Fighting, Psychic, Water fend themselves.
Deity: The Sea Guardian (Water/Psychic Milotic)
Veilbeak Village is a seaside settlement where to the The arrival of the Kalosians is a sour subject for the Vei-
west you can find swamps, and to the north you can lbeak Village. Many feel their monopoly on trade be-
find dense jungle. Several rivers meet and empty into tween the isles will be threatened by these new arrivals,
the sea here, giving the village easy access to waterways and others are frustrated that their Fairy Pokémon are
that venture deep into Kingler Isle. This proximity to so so resilient against their best warriors. How the people
many water sources has led to most the town being on of Kalos treat people with the gifts they excel at is also a
stilts or floating platforms, and many buildings are sim- sour topic for most, and their proximity to the town of
ply large boats. It goes without saying that every family Ivyhollow makes many nervous
in Veilbeak owns a boat, and its often easier to row over Admiral Nelson has done his best to assure the people
to someone’s adobe than to walk there. of Veilbeak that he and the people of Ivyhollow mean
The Veilbeak Tribe has always been known for two them no harm, but relations are shaky. Those who do
things: its sailors, and its warriors. The sailors are of no answer the Explorer’s call usually have a bone to pick
surprise to anyone - with so much of day-to-day life in with the people of Kalos.
the village revolving around boats, children learn from
Campaign Settings
Trainer Creation could approach the setting from, and each of them has
a unique flair to it.
Trainers with supernatural aptitude are a dime in a
dozen amongst the Wildlings, but scarce amongst Ka- Plot Hooks
losians. Kalosians who have an elemental connection
were either raised in a military environment from an Here is an assortment of ideas for GMs who need a last
early age to become Alchemists, or fled from home to minute session idea or some hooks they could throw to
avoid persecution for their talents. their players to give them more options to explore. Not
Given the time frame and the scope of the setting, the all of these are necessarily meant to be used in the same
classes in Do Porygon Dream of Mareep do not make campaign, and some of them establish facts about the
sense in the setting. Advancement paths from The setting you may wish to ignore in your campaign.
Blessed and the Damned, on the other hand, would be
very appropriate. One class that can work in the setting The Labyrinth of the Great Mother
but would need reimagination would be Photographer.
Photographers, rather than rely on a camera, would The Great Mother rests far, far below her temple on the
have to rely on pen and paper. small isle south of Ivyhollow, and it is a known fact that
the halls beneath the surface are extremely dangerous.
Building a Visiwan Campaign There are horrors that lurk down there, and those who
live there are tasked at ensuring they do not reach the
The most likely setup for a group of player characters surface. To the Wildlings, this simply was a fact, one
in The Eastern Isles is as an Explorer Team working out they accepted and did not question. But the Kalosians,
of Ivyhollow. This gives the players a wide variety of after hearing these tales, found the whole story peculiar.
potential backgrounds to come from, and gives them Why would the land itself build a natural dungeon that
a very direct, joint goal by working to uncover the se- is considered a death trap? Why are extremely powerful
crets of the isles. Sessions and plot arcs would start in Pokémon trying to leave it? What about the extremely
the form of missions assigned by Princess Diana, and powerful Pokémon in the wilds, where did they come
branch out from there. from? Are there maybe more entrances than the Wild-
That said, there’s a few different plot points in this set- lings originally thought? Is something actually trying to
ting that you could also play from. You could turn the keep others away from the Great Mother? All of these
dial back to the fall of Empathica, with the player char- were simply questions exchanged between Kalosian re-
acters being amongst the survivors as they began to searchers at first, since it struck them as something that
learn about the isles and splinter into tribes. You could would be offensive to ask a Wildling.
also go to the period in time when the Norsemen first That changed recently. This plot hook isn’t something
arrived, with your players either being runaway slaves that should kick in immediately as the game starts, but
trying to find a new home,tribesmen deciding how to it is something you should hint and tease about with the
approach these fair skinned people, or a mix of both in above questions. The player characters have stumbled
a scenario where the two sides need to find a middle across something or unleashed something that has had
ground to survive a struggle or crises. catastrophic results. Horrific creatures are rising from
Those looking for a more swashbuckling theme could the sea, the land, and the labyrinth at a terrifying rate,
take things a different way. The player characters could and something must be done about it. Admiral Nelson
possibly be a pirate crew looking to set up a pirate town, has called for the Explorers Guild to answer this call,
or a tea of privateers working under Admiral Nelson and beseeches the player characters to venture down
tasked with stopping these buccaneers. Or what if the into the labyrinth to both quell these monsters, and
East Indian Trade Company started to take interest in learn what has caused this.
1th2e0 isles as well? There’s a lot of different angles one Ultimately, the truth of what happened here is in your
hands. Maybe the cause is also what caused Empathica
Campaign Settings
to fall. Perhaps a malevolent Legendary has taken ad- do their best to help defend the villages of the isles, and
vantage of The Great Mother’s absence and has made ensure Grant’s mission does not go as planned.
the labyrinth so that none could reach and rouse her.
Perhaps this is due to The Great Mother having a really Encounter and Session Ideas
bad nightmare, and her dreams becoming reality.
Either way, your players have been asked to tackle this • The long scorned and disgraced Firefoot Tribe,
head on, calming one level of the labyrinth at a time as composed entirely of pygmy cannibals, has risen
they work their way down to the resting place of The from the shadows and attacked Ivyhollow! They’ve
Great Mother. made off with several prisoners and have retreated
into the swamp. To make matters worse, The Storm
Scourge of the Crimson Corsairs Seer claims they’ve finally found a patron deity of
their own.
Admiral Nelson is well aware that pirates are taking in-
terest in the isles, and is doing his best to up security to • There’s a festival going on in Snowfeather Village,
brace for it. What he’s not aware of is the scale of this with dancing, drinking and hunting! Yes, hunting.
pirate threat. A pirate captain named Grant the Red The village hosts an open invitation challenge every
has managed to unite a dozen of the most feared pirate year. The objective is simple : go out and slay or
crews under a single banner: The Crimson Corsairs. capture the most powerful Pokémon you can find.
Their fleet is heading straight for Visiwa, and their goals Those who enter compete over several Dragon Type
are bigger than just looting, drinking, gambling and Pokémon eggs specially bred as rewards for this
wenching; these buccaneers want power. Grant aims to event! Some say the real winner gets a Sneasel egg,
turn the isles into a sanctuary for pirates, and enslave though.
the gods of its indigenous population for his own gain.
How he intends to do this, no one can agree on. Some • While traveling between islands by ship, the play-
say he plans to usurp The Great Mother, and have his er characters witness an eerie scene at night as the
most trusted underlings do the same to the others. legendary ghost ship known as The Flying Dutch-
Others say he has the support of a dark lord, or several man sails past them. Seeing this ship is known as an
dark lords. Others think he himself might BE a dark ill omen,and the night only gets stranger as Ghost
divinity. Regardless of what the truth is, his fleet poses Pokémon and other horrors start to invade the ship
a threat unlike any other to Visiwa. the player characters are on.
The player characters, as well as their NPC allies, should
be caught off guard by the reality of how large this fleet • While visiting Bravescar Village, The Storm Seer
is. They should completely overtake a location (ideally warns the village that a kraken will soon attack a
the Temple of the Great Mother), and establish a base ship at sea! The player characters are the only
of operations there. Combating these pirates will take ones available to relay a warning and help combat
a large force, and the player characters trying to unite the monster, and are permitted to borrow a Flying
the isles under a banner as well should be encouraged. Pokémon for the trip if needed.
Each of these pirate crews has a unique theme to it, and
while they are all loyal to Grant, they should have their • While venturing along the coast in the wilds, the
own agenda as well. player characters spot a woman with the lower body
Perhaps down the road some of them will change sides of a Milotic resting on a rock! If approached, she
and help the player characters, or even backstab Grant panics and dives below the surface. If the players
for their own gain. The end result no matter how it plays continue to investigate this, they discover a chunk
out should be an epic struggle as the player characters of sunken, Empathican ruins, and a tribe of merfolk
who are living there!
• The player characters forgot about Princess Di-
ana’s birthday, and she’s so upset with them that she
won’t give them work! But fret not, Admiral Nel-
son thinks he might have an idea to help the players
apologize to the pouting Diancie. And it involves
singing, dancing, and bluk berry poffins.