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Android 18 (Dragon Ball Supplement) - D&D Wiki

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Published by goroiamanuci, 2023-07-20 07:16:54

Android 18 (Dragon Ball Supplement) - D&D Wiki

Android 18 (Dragon Ball Supplement) - D&D Wiki

20/07/23, 13:17 Android 18 (Dragon Ball Supplement) - D&D Wiki 2/3 Medium humanoid (Human), neutral evil Armor Class 23 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 275 (29d8 + 145) Speed 70 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 20 (+5) 26 (+8) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) Saving Throws Str 10, Dex +17, Con +14 Skills Acrobatics +17, Athletics +14, Deception +12, Intimidation +12, Perception +12, Persuasion +12, Stealth +17 Senses passive Perception 22 Languages Common. Challenge 29 (135,000 XP) Infinite energy. #18 has 8 ki points which she can expend. She regains 8 ki points to a maximum of 8 at the beginning of her turns. Evasion/Endurance. When #18 is targeted by an area effect that lets her make a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, such as fireball, she instead takes no damage if she succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if she fails the save. Ki-Imbued Body. #18 counts as one size larger when determining her carrying capacity and the weight she can push, drag, or lift. Unarmored Movement. #18 can move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on her turn without falling during the move. Android. #18 Is immune to ki detection and doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, although she requires water for sustenance. ACTIONS Multiattack. #18 makes four attacks with her unarmed strikes. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 8) force damage. Flight (1 Ki Point). As a bonus action, #18 gains a flying speed equal to his movement speed. Ki Blast (1 Ki Point). As a bonus action, #18's unarmed strikes have their reach increased by +70 ft. until the end of her turn. She may spend 1 additional ki point to use this as a free action. Perfect Dodge (1 Ki Point). As a bonus action #18 takes the dodge action. Ki-Enhanced Movement (1 Ki Point). As a bonus action, #18 takes the disengage or dash action and her jump distance is doubled until the end of her turn. Flurry of Blows (1 Ki Point). As a bonus action immediately after #18 takes the Attack action on her turn, she makes two unarmed strikes. Arm Break (2 Ki points). Once per turn when #18 makes an unarmed strike, if her attack roll equals the target's AC + 10 it gains the benefits of being a critical. Infinity Bullet (5+ Ki Points). After charging for 1 round, every creature in a 60 ft. long, 10 ft. wide line with a 10 ft. radius sphere centered on its end must make a DC 24 Intelligence saving throw. If they fail they take 43 (6d8+16) force damage, but if they succeed they take half damage. #18 add an additional 20 (1d8+16) force damage for every additional ki point spent, increase its length by 15 ft., and [Source ( 8)].

20/07/23, 13:17 Android 18 (Dragon Ball Supplement) - D&D Wiki 3/3 This page may resemble content endorsed by, sponsored by, and/or affiliated with the Dragon Ball franchise, and/or include content directly affiliated with and/or owned by Shōnen Jump. D&D Wiki neither claims nor implies any rights to Dragon Ball copyrights, trademarks, or logos, nor any owned by Shōnen Jump. This site is for non profit use only. Furthermore, the following content is a derivative work that falls under, and the use of which is protected by, the Fair Use ( designation of US Copyright and Trademark Law. We ask you to please add the {{needsadmin}} template if there is a violation to this disclaimer within this page. Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Campaign Settings → Dragon Ball → Bestiary → CR 23-38 NPCs (Dragon Ball Supplement) Retrieved from "" Content is available under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 except where otherwise specified. Advertisements: increase its width or the sphere's radius by by 5 ft for 1 additional ki point by charging for 0.5 a round. Additionally #18, may spend an additional 5 ki in order to immediately gain the benefits of charging it for 1 round -16 force damage. Infinity Missile/Violence (5 Ki Points). When #18 uses a Technique that deals damage that does not require charging, including Ki Blast, or when she begins charging a Technique that does require charging, she instead gathers its ki quickly in a single hand. If it did not require charging and was an action, he may use it as a bonus action or reaction. If it did require charging, she may make 1 bonus action or reaction on each of her turns without needing to make a concentration check. Warrior's Pride. As a free action, #18 retries one saving throw that is causing her to be charmed or frightened. REACTIONS Deflect Missile. When #18 is hit by a ranged attack, reducing its damage by 42 (1d10 + 37). If this reduces it to 0, she may make an unarmed strike with a range of 20/60 feet. Deflect Energy When #18 takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, force, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage, she may reduce the damage by 13 (1d10+8) Limit Break (1/Day). When #18 drops to 0 hit points, she takes a turn immediately before falling unconscious

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