College of Confectionery chef is always in high demand; Helping the homeless avoid starvation during a frigid winter, feeding hungry townsfolk after a fire elemental burns their crops, and even helping relax downtrodden soldiers in the quiet canteen before their inevitable return to battle. A chef is always needed, and a baker is always appreciated. The sweet treats and luscious confectioneries they provide can make all the difference in a difficult time, and the College of Confectionery takes this to the next delicious level. Born to Bake When you join the College of Confectionery at 3rd level, you gain the Chef feat. You also gain proficiency with Alchemist’s Supplies. In addition, you can use your Cook’s Utensils as your spellcasting focus. Tasty Treats Also at 3rd level, you can bake your Bardic Inspiration into delicious snacks. Over the course of an hour, you can turn any amount of your Bardic Inspiration die into edible delights, filled with scrumptious magic. These treats last for 8 hours, and can be consumed as a bonus action. The consumer chooses the effect they receive when they eat it. The treat will last for 1 minute, or until the active effect is used. A creature can only benefit from one at a time, and consuming another will purge the previous effect. The effects are listed below: Your movement speed increases by 10 feet. Your jump height is tripled, similar to the Jump spell. You can speak, read and write one language that you have seen or heard before. You can change your voice to one that you have heard for at least 1 minute before. You can impose disadvantage on one attack roll made against you. You can give yourself advantage on one ability check. You can give yourself advantage on one attack roll. You can give yourself advantage on one saving throw.You can give yourself advantage on one saving throw. You can consume these treats yourself, unlike your usual Bardic Inspiration. Shielding Sweets At 6th level, your experience in the kitchen and crafting magical delights has built up a resistance to less-thanedible substances. You are immune to poison damage and the Poisoned condition. When a creature other than you consumes one of your Tasty Treats, they also gain these benefits until the treat wears off. Personal Bakery At 14th level, you are a master of baked goods, able to fill trays upon trays with scrumptious sweets. You can make 2 Tasty Treats for every Bardic Inspiration you use to craft them. In addition, you and other creatures can eat 2 as a bonus action instead of 1, and use both effects at the same time. The same effect can stack, such as increasing your movement speed by 20 feet instead of 10. Now on DNDBeyond! Check it out here: college-of-confectionery Wanna help? Join the Patreon! It keeps the magic flowing: Follow us on Twitter! Memes and news galore: Follow us on Instagram! Even more memes and news: Corner art by Sergio Raposo Fernández! Check them out here: 1 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.