Quebec the chance for Chalice
Chalice Gold Mines Chalice announced a maiden resource from the East Cadillac project in March
Ltd remains an
anomaly in the re- a dozen times and it is hard to consolidate. It is in a highly we will get investor interest if
sources sector. to get excited about some endowed piece of the Larder we can get some good num-
projects. We’re not looking at Lake Cadillac fault. We have bers. Other than the last two
Few explorers can boast every jurisdiction but we cast about 16km of strike and we weeks [late February/early
the balance sheet of ASX and a pretty wide net. Quality pro- will start drilling there in about March] the investment tide
TSX-listed Chalice which re- jects are very hard to find and [mid-March],” Goyder said. has turned and I think there
ported $40 million cash and if you do find them bidding is is plenty of money out there.
18.2 million shares in Canadi- quite competitive.” East Cadillac is comprised Over the last year large sums
an outfit First Mining Finance of Nordeau West, Nordeau of money have been raised.”
Corp at the end of 2016. Goyder said an array of East, as well numerous gold
projects were being assessed prospects along the Larder Chalice is far from needing
The company has been as potential company-makers Lake Cadillac fault. A deal funds to conduct exploration,
well positioned cash-wise for Chalice, while the likes of was struck with Richmont however, the return of North
since the sale of the Zara East Cadillac (Quebec), War- Mines Inc meaning the Chi- American investor interest in
gold project in Eritrea in 2012 rego North (Northern Ter- mo gold project is also part of the resources sector makes
which handed it $82 million ritory), Latitude Hill (nickel Chalice’s project area in the it a good time to be drilling
(after tax). Chalice has since Western Australia) and West Abitibi sub province. projects.
used its war chest to scour Pilbara (gold WA) were likely
the world for opportunities, to come in for drilling atten- Chalice can earn 70% in In addition to drilling at East
including North America. tion this year. Chimo by making total op- Cadillac, a minimum of two
tion payments of $C200,000 holes targeting Tenant Creek-
After acquiring the Cam- Nordeau West, part of the to Richmont and funding ex- style copper-gold mineralisa-
eron gold project, Ontario, East Cadillac gold project in ploration worth $C3.1 million tion at the Warrego North JV
Canada, in 2014 from Cov- Canada, is one project Chal- over four years. with Meteoric Resources Ltd
entry Resources, and build- ice is particularly keen to re- in NT is hoped to be followed
ing measured and indicated start drilling, with an indicated “We sold our Cameron pro- by drilling at the Latitude nick-
resources to 7.8mt @ 2.26 resource of 225,000t @ 4.17 ject last year and since then el project in WA’s Musgrave
g/t gold for 569,000oz and in- g/t gold for 30,200oz and an we have been looking to ac- province in May/June.
ferred resources of 14.5mt @ inferred resource of 1.11mt @ quire other projects,” Goyder
1.92 g/t gold for 894,000oz, 4.09 g/t for 146,300oz gold said. – Mark Andrews
Chalice sold the project to reported in March.
First Mining. “We are just building up
“It is a project that we have that property portfolio and it
Chalice only recently re- been working for 10 months is about getting some num-
duced its exposure in First bers out now. I am sure that
Mining by selling $11.5 million
of shares during the Decem-
ber quarter.
Cashed-up and keen to
acquire projects and explore,
Chalice has also shown a
penchant for backing other
companies in their explora-
tion endeavours, such as
Oklo Resources Ltd in Mali.
“As a shareholder [8%] we
will be looking forward to RC
results from Oklo,” Chalice
managing director Tim Goy-
der told Gold Mining Jour-
“We are alert to other op-
portunities. What we like
about Oklo is that there is a
chance of a virgin discovery
there. Ninety percent of the
projects you look at these
days have been looked over
April – June 2017 GOLD MINING JOURNAL Page 51
Equus has an El Dorado
in Los Domos
Los Domos is well connected to local infrastructure, with 80% of the local economy driven by mining
Equus Mining Ltd nature of the resource and its Corporation. Equus expects that Los Do-
believes it is on location near existing infra- “From all the work we have mos will share the same min-
to a winner at its Los structure. eralisation and promise as its
Domos gold and silver done to date, we believe the neighbour.
project in Chile. “It will take us one month geology to be of the same
to get ready, to gear up our style [as Cerro Bayo]. This “It is not trying to discover
The Australian miner is [drilling] programme. Then includes significant surface something, it has been dis-
hoping to secure drilling per- we can drill approximately sampling of hard rock chan- covered, it is just a matter of
mits for a programme to be- 20 holes into the vein struc- nels; it is not just soil sam- proving the third dimension
gin in May. tures, we won’t go too deep pling. So we know the ge- which is depth,” Leschke said.
because we are drilling below ology of the veins. We are
Equus managing director known mineralisation,” Le- now progressing to the stage Provided permits are re-
Edward Leschke told Gold schke said. where we are going to drill,” ceived in a timely fashion,
Mining Journal the company Leschke said. Equus hopes to have assays
was attracted to the project Los Domos is adjacent from drilling available by mid-
because of the high-grade to the Cerro Bayo gold and Historic production from year.
silver mine, owned by TSX- Cerro Bay totalled 7.3mt @
listed Mandalay Resources 242 g/t silver and 2.7 g/t gold. – Jonathon Daly
Centaurus enthused by IP survey
Centaurus Metals Ltd has exploration opportunity. rus was completing additional respected international ex-
released results from the “We really like the way the mapping and soil geochemis- perts, we will continue to re-
final IP survey on its Serra try programmes. fine these targets over the
Misteriosa gold project in recent IP survey results have coming weeks before finalis-
northern Brazil. stacked up against the histor- Several independent Bra- ing details and logistics for
ical exploration data,” Gordon zilian and international gold our maiden drill programme,
The results have identified said. and structural experts are which will commence as
several high-priority drill tar- supporting the team ahead soon as weather conditions
gets with characteristics sug- “To have such strong of Centaurus’ maiden drilling permit,” Gordon said.
gestive of high-grade miner- and distinct IP chargeabil- programme, which was ex-
alisation. ity anomalies that correlate pected to start in March-April. Serra Misteriosa is the
so well with our high-grade most advanced project within
Centaurus managing di- geochemical targets and pro- “Of course, the final proof Cenaturus’ promising Pará
rector Darren Gordon said ject geology continues to in- will be in the drill bit and we exploration package in north-
the results from the IP sur- crease our confidence in the are now moving ahead with ern Brazil.
vey had confirmed that Serra overall prospectivity of the preparations for our maiden
Misteriosa was an exciting project.” drill programme. With the
and highly prospective gold assistance of a number of
At the time of print, Centau-
Page 52 GOLD MINING JOURNAL April – June 2017
Oro Verde/Newcrest trigger
drilling at Topacio
Drilling under the Drilling has started at Topacio, Nicaragua, where Newcrest and curred at Rebeca, therefore,
Oro Verde Ltd/ Oro Verde are participating in a farm-in agreement the hardness of rock and
Newcrest Mining Ltd ease of drilling will be a key
farm-in-agreement at realised at Topacio is 2 moz year there has been a lot outcome in this campaign.
the Topacio gold pro- gold, with the project already more interest in the smaller
ject in Nicaragua has boasting a historical NI 43- end of the resources sector. A total of 1,650m will be
started. 101 inferred resource of 2.7mt The miners who were pro- completed with depth of holes
@ 3.9 g/t gold for 340,000oz. ducing gold in Aussie dollar ranging 150-300m, with ad-
The first year of the part- prices were the first to be vancements of 20m per shift.
nership proceeded accord- Oro Verde is two years into appreciated and that slowly Drilling will be conducted 24
ing to plan, with both parties a three-year option agree- filtered through to the mid- hours per day on a two-shift
stepping back to take a good ment to acquire 100% of tiers,” Woolfe said. roster.
look at the entire 93sq km Topacio, whereby the costs
Topacio concession to build to execute the option can be “Around mid-last year it did Kluane Drilling from Gua-
a better understanding of the covered by Newcrest. get down to the junior end temala has been engaged
geological terrain in which it to companies like ours. Our to undertake the drilling pro-
is hosted. The Topacio farm-in agree- share price performance for gramme which is expected
ment signed in November the last eight months has to take about seven weeks to
A 400m by 400m soil sam- 2015, requires Newcrest to seen us go from a market cap complete.
pling programme across the fund $US4.4 million to earn of around $4 million to cur-
whole concession was con- a 51% interest. After commit- rently around $15 million. We Woolfe said there were
ducted, which was followed ting $US500,000 in the first have been really happy with many rigs available in Nica-
by airborne geophysics, mag- year of the farm-in, a further that share price appreciation ragua at the moment, with six
netics and radiometrics. $US2.2 million, which in- and market cap appreciation. companies tendering for the
cludes the cost of exercising I think that comes on the back gig at Topacio.
The zone Newcrest was Oro Verde’s option, is to be of having a quality project;
particularly keen to follow-up spent by August. people are starting to rec- “It is a really good time to
on was Rebeca-Sahino. ognise that Oro Verde has a be looking for a drill rig in
Newcrest can increase its very good quality gold project Nicaragua because there are
Once Rebeca-Sahino was stake to 75% by sole fund- in Topacio and in addition to a few sitting idle right now,”
identified, a more detailed ing $US3.5 million expendi- that we have a world-class he said.
200m by 50m soil sampling ture over the following three partner in Newcrest.”
programme was completed to years. “We got a favourable deal
give Oro Verde – manager of Confirmation that Topacio [with Kluane] and we had the
exploration during the farm-in In total, over a five-year is the type of asset Newcrest chance to look at the best
period – a better handle on period Newcrest needs to is looking for could come in possible proposal. I like the
the geochemistry. spend $US7.9 million for a the next few months. potential of the mining indus-
75% share in Topacio. try in Nicaragua which is one
“In the last 12 months, Newcrest is funding the of the reasons why we are
Newcrest and Oro Verde As positive sentiment start- seven-hole diamond drilling here.”
have done a really good job ed to return to the whole min- programme (in progress at
of exploring the concession, ing sector in the back half of the time of print) at Rebeca With a delayed start to the
exploring new targets and 2016, Woolfe said the market which is expected to be com- wet season in Nicaragua,
now we are at that stage of began to realise the signifi- pleted sometime in April. Kluane is not expected to
testing those targets,” Oro cance of Newcrest’s invest- encounter any challenging
Verde managing director Tre- ment in Topacio. No previous drilling has oc- weather conditions at Topa-
vor Woolfe told Gold Mining cio, which is east of B2Gold
Journal. “Since the middle of last Corp’s La Libertad 1.8 moz,
120,000 ozpa gold mine.
“Newcrest needs a target,
a multi-million ounce target In recent times, Oro Verde
to be interested, so I guess has expanded its land po-
investors seeing Newcrest sition around Topacio with
interested is a real tick of ap- Galeano and Iguanas and is
proval for Topacio and its po- looking to increase total acre-
tential.” age from 93sq km to 316sq
The potential target to be
– Mark Andrews
April – June 2017 GOLD MINING JOURNAL Page 53
Quick start for Geopacific in
Woodlark turnaround
It may not be reflect- from the DFS, Geopa- gold from beneath the
ed in its share price
yet but Geopacific cific achieved a $25 mil- Busai pit design.
Resources Ltd man-
aging director Ron lion (27%) saving on the Geopacific also re-
Heeks is convinced
the company is well processing plant’s 2012 ported an intersection of
on the way to chang-
ing perceptions about price tag. 26m @ 3.17 g/t gold from
the Woodlark gold
project. Heeks said the poten- a previously unassayed
“The main thing is to con- tial saving was the first in- geotechnical hole drilled
vince people this is a real pro-
ject,” Heeks told Gold Mining dication that Woodlark’s in 2008. Heeks said the
Journal from Port Moresby.
“Because it sat there for so capex could be driven result indicated the po-
long, there are a few per-
ceptions about it but the fact down considerably. tential for a wider revi-
is this project should’ve got
away in the last boom but “The results from the sion of the project.
like-for-like plant cost “That geotechnical
The best way to dispel sup-
posed myths about the Papua comparison confirms hole was very significant
New Guinea project will be by
delivering improvements on what we initially thought because not only did it
vendor Kula Gold Ltd’s 2012
BFS which showed potential – that the top-of-the- show there is potential
for a pre-tax NPV of $US237
million and IRR of 34% based mining-cycle costs could for mineralisation below
on a 2.2 moz resource and
760,000oz reserve. be reduced significantly,” and adjacent to the pits
The farm-in deal with Kula Heeks said. but it reinforces our be-
allows Geopacific to eventu-
ally earn 80% of the project The re-costed plant will lief that we can change
by spending $18.65 million
and raising all project finance, form part of a wider en- the angles of the pit walls
however, before it reaches
that level, Geopacific gineering review which and lower the strip ratio,”
must spend up to $8 mil-
lion to lift the reserve to Heeks believes will deliv- he said.
1.2 moz to earn 51%.
er major capex and opex Geopacific has begun a 15,000m drilling pro- “The pit walls as de-
Growing the resource savings based on power gramme at its Woodlark gold project in PNG signed in the DFS were
base is only one of sev- and human resources
eral areas identified for very shallow – around 35
improvement with the
company finding imme- reviews as well as further includes alteration to the pro- degrees at Busai – but that
diate savings following
a first-stage engineering rebasing of the engineering cessing flowsheet. Heeks was because all the geotech-
cost review in March.
costs. said the $15 million previous- nical holes were drilled into
By re-costing like-for-
like plant and equipment “Because we are lowering ly spent on metallurgy meant the ore zone instead of the
the opex and capex we can only tweaks were necessary. wall.
use a lower cut-off grade so “There is another miscon- “There is no doubt we will
the average grade may go ception that it is refractory; get the walls to around 60
down but the ounces will go it is not. Some 80% of the degrees, which is typical for
up. The rebased engineering gold is associated with 10% this type of deposit. That will
costs will come down 30% of the heavier fraction. If we allow for lower strip – 9:1 at
on the capex and more than can separate that out that can the moment but we can get it
30% on the infrastructure. We save a huge amount of pow- down to 4:1 – which will give
will get payback down to two er, consumables and even us a massive saving and push
years if we can.” increase the recoveries,” he the pit down deeper and bring
The optimisation work also said. into play the inferred minerali-
The company be- sation at the base of the pit.”
gan a 15,000m drill- With the project fully per-
ing programme late mitted and supported by the
last year and now PNG Mines Department and
has two diamond and local community, Heeks sees
one RC rig on Wood- no reason why Geopacific
lark Island. Additional couldn’t bring Woodlark to-
gold mineralisation wards a construction deci-
has been consistent- sion in the next 12 months.
ly intercepted from “I’d be disappointed if we
the first hole of the don’t get there this year,” he
programme with re- said.
Geopacific managing director Ron Heeks sults including a best – Dominic Piper
with chairman Milan Jerkovic hit of 22m @ 1.98 g/t
Page 54 GOLD MINING JOURNAL April – June 2017
Recycled gold plan flounders
in India
India’s ambitious plan India’s scheme to recycle gold in country has so far failed to have the desired impact
to recycle thousands
of tonnes of gold lying The country is the world’s precious metal want to take liquidity risks, the India Gold
idle in temples and second biggest gold importer part in the scheme they have Policy Centre in a recent re-
households looks to behind China, buying about run into hurdles. port.
have floundered on 800 tpa for wedding gifts, re-
concerns over high ligious donations and as an “I visited four banks several A finance ministry spokes-
costs and slight re- investment. times to deposit gold but they person declined to comment
turns, in a blow to could not accept it,” Kushal on the gold programme.
government hopes of The plan was for holders Chatterjee, a businessmen
cutting imports of the of idle gold to lodge it with from the eastern city of Kol- Gold refiners, who more
metal. banks in return for interest kata, said. than doubled capacity in re-
and cash at redemption. The cent years in anticipation of
After 16 months, temples Government would melt the “They said they did not higher scrap supplies, are
and households have turned gold and auction or rent it to know the process.” operating at well below ca-
over just 7t of gold out of jewellers, reducing the need pacity, said James Jose, sec-
the 24,000t believed to be in for imports. At least five bank branches retary of the Association of
private hands, two industry visited by Reuters in Mumbai Gold Refineries and Mints.
sources and a government But the scheme logistics during March said they could
official said, with almost all mean the owners of the gold not accept gold under the “Except for the banks, all
the gold coming from tem- must shoulder the cost of scheme as they had not been other stakeholders like purity
ples. testing its purity and melting given directions by their head centres, refiners are ready,
it down, while the interest rate offices. but they are helpless without
Families that hold about on offer of just 2.5% com- banks’ participation,” he said.
80% of the idle gold have pares with 7-8% that banks A senior official with the In-
largely shunned the scheme, offer for cash deposit rates. dian Banks’ Association said The India Bullion and Jew-
with some four dozen gov- the current scheme offered ellers Association urged the
ernment-approved centres “If a consumer wants to banks little or no profit. Government to revisit the
that opened to test purity still have 25g jewellery converted scheme, clearing doubts for
to process a single gram of the cost of converting and “There should be an in- consumers and putting pres-
household gold, Harshad purity testing takes 3-4% of centive for banks,” the offi- sure on banks to participate.
Ajmera, president of the In- total value away,” Shekhar cial said, who declined to be
dian Association of Hallmark- Bhandari, executive vice- named when commenting on “Otherwise Indian imports
ing Centres, said. president of Kotak Mahindra a sensitive issue. will not fall,” the association
Bank, said. secretary Surendra Mehta
“You hardly earn anything Banks are also concerned said.
but you have to do so many Even when holders of the that provisions allowing gold
things to deposit gold under to be deposited for up to 15 – Rajendra Jadhav,
the scheme. Why should I years will raise currency and Reuters
take all this pain?” 54-year-
old clerk Ganpat Shelke, who
considered depositing 50g of
gold, said
The struggling scheme was
launched with much fanfare
by Prime Minister Naren-
dra Modi in November 2015,
with India seeking ways to
stem the spending of billions
of dollars on a non-essential
commodity that accounted for
27% of its trade deficit in the
year to March, 2016.
April – June 2017 GOLD MINING JOURNAL Page 55
China wrapped up in gold
China’s virtual Gold has become popular in the virtual gifting market in China
gifting market,
typically the domain of While the volumes are rela- yuan ($US1,452.88) of her gold trading. China’s millen-
plugged-in young con- tively small, the take-up of savings on gold derivative nial consumers, loosely de-
sumers celebrating similar virtual products on the products this year on Aliba- fined as those born between
special occasions or WeChat platform suggests ba Group Holding Ltd-linked 1980 and 2000, are seen as
flirting, is luring major room for growth. platform “Cun Jinbao” – liter- the drivers of future growth
financial institutions ally “store golden treasure”. in everything from retail to
keen to boost trade The gold packets are housing.
of another auspicious based on WeChat’s popu- “My family has a history of
commodity: gold. lar virtual red envelopes, or collecting gold bars, which in- They make up over 60% of
digital “hongbaos”, that also fluenced my choice of invest- internet-based gold trading,
Tencent’s digital gold pack- allow users to send funds to ment,” Kong said. “I chose an according to a September re-
ets, known as “microgold”, friends, albeit of a fixed nomi- internet platform because it’s port issued by G-banker, an
are backed by the country’s nal cash amount. Over the easy to track gold prices, see online gold-trading platform
biggest bank, Industrial and Lunar New Year period, us- your profits and make trades.” backed by venture capital
Commercial Bank of China ers gifted 46 billion virtual red firm Softbank China Venture
(ICBC). They allow users to envelopes over WeChat. Gold analysts said the push Capital and Alibaba.
send funds that track the real- by tech firms into the sector,
time value of gold to friends For many Chinese, the yel- though still at an early stage, Amid a property price
over the firm’s popular mes- low metal has both emotional had potential longer-term to spike, gold offers younger
saging platform WeChat. and economic significance. stir up a sluggish Asian mar- buyers a more affordable and
ket if it caught on. accessible investment.
It’s a financial innovation A Tencent user, who goes
on the concept of virtual gifts, by the name Liri Kuangjiu, “It will become a support “It’s nearly impossible for
such as digital roses and posted he had sent 1.3g of for gold demand and the gold young people to invest in
chocolates, more commonly virtual gold and 520 yuan in price if WeChat gold packets property in first-tier cities in
used in online communities a digital hongbao to his girl- become popular, considering China. Alternatively, they put
and which have more senti- friend. the amount of traditional red small amounts into gold, as a
mental value than any tangi- envelopes users send,” Guo- low risk investment,” Singa-
ble economic worth. “The money isn’t much but tai Junan gold analyst Xie pore-based metals analyst,
it’s a matter of affection,” he Qingpeng said. Helen Lao, at Argonaut Se-
For financial institutions, said. curities said.
China’s booming virtual Beijing has taken note of
goods and smart phone-driv- Kong Lingxin, a 20-year- the trend. The Ministry of In- – Muyu Xu and
en exchanges offer new mar- old student from the northern dustry and Information Tech- Adam Jourdan, Reuters
kets to boost trading volumes city of Tianjin, uses her smart nology (MIIT) issued a guide-
in everything from banking phone to buy, gift and hoard line last week, calling for
services to gems. gold online. tech to play a bigger role in
ICBC, in an internal memo Kong has spent 10,000
seen by Reuters, said the
WeChat microgold platform
had helped drive “explosive
growth” in new gold accounts.
Over the recent Lunar New
Year period, WeChat users
sent 70,000 microgold pack-
ets worth just under 100 mil-
lion yuan ($US14.51 million)
across the chat platform, the
ICBC document said. It ex-
pects over 300,000 new gold
accounts to be opened as a
result of the Tencent tie-up.
Neither ICBC nor Tencent
were immediately available
for comment.
Page 56 GOLD MINING JOURNAL April – June 2017
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Newcrest headlines Hackathon
Newcrest Mining the chance to create the next develop innovation velopment of the digital and
Ltd headlined generation of technologies initiatives. data science community in
Unearthed Solutions’ for the mining industry. Australia, and hopes to iden-
Melbourne Hackathon Newcrest chief tify future partners through
at General Assembly, Participants included uni- information officer the course of these events,”
a technology skills versity students from Monash Gavin Wood said Wood said.
education school, dur- University, RMIT, the Univer- the company saw
ing March. sity of Melbourne and Swin- tremendous po- The event was also sup-
burne University. tential from better ported by the Victorian Gov-
The event provided op- utilising its data in ernment. Minister for small
portunities for local entre- Newcrest’s involvement il- decision making, business, innovation and
preneurs, innovators and lustrates its commitment to and that was a major focus trade Phillip Dalidakis said
start-ups to enter the mining of its digital transformation Hackathon was a great plat-
industry. agenda. form to provide tech experts,
“This is our fourth collabo- start-ups and students with
Newcrest put forward four ration with Unearthed and we the chance to solve real-
real-world industry chal- have already captured some world mining problems.
lenges, giving participants powerful insights for our
business from these compe- New technologies are set to
titions. Newcrest is commit- create $1 trillion of economic
ted to contributing to the de- impact in the resources sec-
tor over the next decade.
ABM 46 Endeavour 13 Kirkland Lake 4 Oro Verde 42, 53
Kula 54
Acacia 6, 20, 21 Equus 52
Agnico Eagle 50 Eurasian 10 Predictive 40
Alice Queen 42 Evolution 5, 10, 43, 48 Laneway 10, 42
AngloGold 6, 7, 28, 29 Randgold 13, 28-29, 42
Resolute 30
Apollo Consolidated 42 First Mining 51 Manas 30 Richmont 51
RNC 16
Mandalay 52
B2Gold 4, 13, 38, 39, 53 Gascoyne 22 Maximus 16
Genesis 50
Barrick 4, 5, 16, 43 Geopacific 54 Metals X 16
Glencore 43
BHP Billiton 38 Gold Fields 7, 14-15 Middle Island 45 Saracen 16, 48
Gold Road 14-15 Semafo 4, 13
Blackham 5, 16 Goldcorp 50 Millennium 47 SolGold 42
Goldstrike 50 St Barbara 5
Minjar 5, 16 Sumitomo 14
Superior 4, 12
Cape Lambert 42 Mithril 48
Cardinal 22, 24, 32-33 Meteoric 51
Centamin 4
Centaurus 52 New Age 9
Chalice 39, 51 Hanking 5 New Talisman 42 Teranga 4, 13
Tietto 41
Newcrest 10, 16, 42, 53 Toro Gold 40
Dacian 22 Impala Platinium 7 Newmont 4, 5, 8, 16, 41, 50
Dark Horse 50
Independence 26, 46, 50 Northern Star 4, 12
Interim 5, 48 West African 22, 24
Westgold 16
E2 Metals 9, 10 OceanaGold 8-9, 10
Oklo 38-39, 51
Eastern Goldfields 16, 48 Kaminak 50 OreCorp 20-26, 27
Echo 48 Kilo 30
Page 58 GOLD MINING JOURNAL April – June 2017