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Published by Paydirt Media, 2016-05-25 04:23:07

pd239 June 16 mag-web_Neat

early on,” Fraser told Paydirt. “Local As the project is situated in the North York Moors, Sirius’ development plans have
government can see the transformative included visual impact mitigation strategies
economic benefits of the project and the
needs of the region have only gotten how big North Yorkshire could be. By the lowest cost multi-nutrient product in the
more severe with the closure of the steel- time the company announced a second market for $US27.20/t FOB with industry-
works. There is recognition of what a big raising of £50 million in January 2012, it leading margins.”
project like this can deliver for the area. was well on its way to completing a de-
tailed scoping study for the project. The project will produce Sirius’ Poly4
“There is also recognition in the com- product which comprises four of the six
munity and we have always enjoyed “We wanted to understand how high macro-nutrients that are essential to
plus-90% approval for the project among a quality project it was, and once we did plant growth – potassium, sulphur, mag-
the community. There is a long of history that, we threw the company 100% into it,” nesium and calcium. Polyhalite is under-
of mining in this region and there is also Fraser said. stood to occur elsewhere but has never
an operating potash mine in the district been commercialised. Sirius believes its
so there is a good understanding of the This process culminated in the release own plans will deliver a product capable
quality of jobs this kind of project brings.” of a DFS for North Yorkshire in March of displacing up to 374 mtpa of current
this year which highlighted the potential fertiliser products around the world.
It is this kind of appreciation, and the for a 20 mtpa project to have a NPV of
other factors present when working in the $US15 billion and IRR of 26% based on “Volume and prices for this project will
continent, that saw Fraser focus on Eu- a $US3.6 billion capex. be determined on substitution, market
rope more than six years ago. growth and then performance,” Fraser
In the current resources market, rais- said.
The former Sydney-based executive ing more than $US3 billion is an ambi-
spent more than 20 years with Roth- tious target but Fraser believes the pro- “We did a huge amount of work on the
schild, KPMG and Citigroup but following ject’s quality will ensure the investment market and with potential customers and
his departure from the latter he was keen is secured. we formed the tactical decision to be a
to find a large-scale development of his disruptive market force. But to do that
own. “The business that is created from this you need a strong competitive advan-
project will sit as a world leader in the tage in operating costs and that is what
“I wanted something to which I could fertiliser industry,” he said on release of this project delivers.”
bring my banking expertise [Fraser had the DFS. “It is expected to have a low op-
been lead financing adviser when Fortes- erating cost structure, high margins and Sirius has already locked in off-take
cue Metals Group Ltd developed its West a very long asset life in one of the most agreements for 8 mtpa, leaving just 2
Australian iron ore assets]. The geologist business friendly, stable and dynamic mtpa for the first stage of operation. By
I worked with, Donald Garner, had a fo- economies in the world.” the time the company readies itself for
cus on Europe because his theory was expansion to 20 mtpa, Fraser believes it
that the large-scale projects there had Cost competitiveness is at the heart of will have created its own market.
been ignored.” Sirius’ strategy for the project.
“The competitive advantage of this pro-
As a result of the search, Fraser and “High volume and low costs are the key ject is in the lower operating costs we are
Garner came across the York potash advantages of this project,” Fraser said. able to achieve, but they only come over
project, situated near the seaside town “The DFS showed we could sustain a time,” he said. “But, if you try to squeeze
of Whitby on the North Yorkshire coast. competitive advantage in producing the every penny from it from the start, your
market will only be small. Instead, we will
“We had played around with base Chris Fraser look to build price over time, rather than
metals, gold and iron ore in Spain and build volume over time. Usually, the min-
Iceland but we recognised that with one er is the price taker but we have volume
existing potash mine in the region – the and margin on our side.”
3 mtpa Boulby mine 40km east of Mid-
dlesbrough – we knew there was more Sirius may ultimately set its own prices
potential and started a research exercise for POLY4 but until that moment inves-
into the region.” tors and analysts will take the most con-
servative stance possible on the project
What they found was a “potentially economics.
massive” potash deposit which had first
been identified in the 1930s. “It is not like modelling for a copper
project where you just plug in consensus
“The challenge was that it was in the copper prices. You have to do a lot more
North York Moors National Park,” Fraser work and most analysts have started out
said. “It had been subject to a lot of work by being very conservative but ultimately
in the 1960s and 1970s, including by Rio the risk is in underestimating the benefits
Tinto [Ltd] but had never been devel-

Unperturbed by its location, Fraser
arranged a deal with AIM-listed Sirius –
which had potash assets in the US and
Australia – to bring the project public.

“Because it already had potash pro-
jects in the portfolio, we realised Sirius
was a very good vehicle for the York
potash project and in January 2011 we
raised £20 million for drilling.”

The company spent the rest of 2011
developing an understanding of exactly



Although only narrowly approved passed by authorities, the approval of Sirius’ development plans for the North Yorkshire
project is evidence mining operations can be permitted in Europe

of the project.” “Because of the national park issue designed to ensure that it is sensitive to
The DFS numbers laid bare the pro- the strategy had to be ‘build it big, build the local landscape. Surface buildings
it once’. We looked at a scaled down will be limited to a minimum and screened
ject’s robustness. Base case assump- approach but it was a false economy by the existing woodland, together with
tions on price and volume forecast because you may not get permission new landscaping which blends in with the
EBITDA of a little over $US1 billion a to scale up. If we had proposed regular surrounding area.”
year while the high margin, high volume expansion, the national park authorities
scenario assumes more than $US3 bil- would have seen it as a perennial, never The mined polyhalite ore will be trans-
lion EBITDA. ending option which would have made ported underground to the materials
gaining initial approval harder.” handling facility Wilton Terminal at Tees-
“Even with their conservative forecasts side on the low impact mineral transport
this project still makes a lot of money and The North Yorkshire project’s presence system, incorporating a 20 mtpa capacity
sense and as we deliver on our promises. in a quintessential English national park conveyor belt system in a 23 mile tunnel
The analysts are peeling off the layers of setting – think James Heriot’s All Crea- which is 4.1m diameter.
conservatism in their forecasts.” tures Great and Small, which was set in
the region – is likely the main reason it Fraser said Sirius’ willingness to take
Size also plays its part in ensuring the hasn’t already been developed and while on the challenge of development in a na-
project is permitted. In the current invest- Fraser admits Sirius at times underesti- tional park was – like most mining pro-
ment climate, most resource developers mated the requirements of the permitting jects – a question of balancing risk and
are tempted to start with lower volumes process, he said the arrival of the DFS reward.
in the hope of lowering capital costs and was proof development was achievable.
thus project finance requirements. How- “If the project was marginal it wouldn’t
ever, Fraser believes North Yorkshire “It was harder than we originally ex- balance against the permitting risk but
could only be sustainable if Sirius adopt- pected but we were probably a little mis- there are many positives. We are in a de-
ed large-scale capacity from the start. guided in the level of work needed to get veloped country with all the associated
there. Several hurdles were more com- infrastructure, rule of law, security and
“To substitute for existing products you plicated than anticipated but ultimately safety advantages that brings.”
have to have the competitive advantage the project became even better because
of lower operating costs but you can only we needed to set new benchmarks.” The risk/reward equation was also
achieve that with high volume.” considered by local authorities and com-
The national park authorities’ biggest munities and while there was some initial
To get to those high volumes, Sirius concern was with the visual impact of the opposition to the idea of building a mine
will have to prove its POLY4 product is mining operations and physical impact in a national park, the rewards have
both cheaper and better than existing of transportation. Sirius overcame these come to outweigh the risk.
products. Fraser said the company was concerns by committing to a shaft min-
prepared to lower its initial margins to en- ing method and transportation of the ore “It takes time to understand our strate-
sure it built its market share. through an underground slurry pipeline. gy and process but the sheer scale of the
positive impact of the project will have
“We won’t achieve the margins imme- “The normal environmental concerns on local, regional and national economy
diately because we recognise we have to aren’t really applicable because there makes the difference,” Fraser said. “If
have a distribution channel to the farm are no tailings or chemical processing on it was small-scale or was a project that
gate and if you try to squeeze every pen- site,” Fraser said. “But, we always knew could be developed elsewhere it may
ny from it you’ll only ever have a small we needed world-class visual impact and have been rejected but this is a unique
market. It is about building volume and that traffic was a primary issue.” deposit and opportunity.”
price over time,” Fraser said.
“From the outset the project has been – Dominic Piper
The project’s location also lends itself
to building as large a project as possible.


Paynes Find moves to Austria

The lithium rush has enticed Paynes At the time of print, due diligence on study and the aforementioned 1,000t
Find Gold Ltd to pursue the Wolfsburg Wolfsburg in Carinthia, 270km south of bulk sample.
project in Austria. Vienna, was still being carried out.
Subject to successful due diligence be-
By way of reverse takeover, Paynes Paynes Find will be carefully assess- ing completed, Paynes Find is confident
Find has agreed to acquire 100% of the ing the Wolfsburg project, considering that it can head straight into BFS work.
shares in investment company Euro Lith- production is planned for 15-20 months
ium AT Ltd. from acquisition. In terms of approvals, the Austrian
Mining Authority has granted 11 mining
Subject to all necessary conditions The current owners have spent over leases over Wolfsburg, which is within
being met and shareholder approval, €11 million on acquisition and exploration 40km of the Samsung battery plant in
Paynes Find’s will change its name to activities with a bulk sample of 1,000t Gratz, Austria.
European Lithium Ltd to resemble its from mining in 2013 sent for metallurgi-
change in direction. cal testing. Wolfsburg is ideally located to poten-
tially supply Samsung and, with infra-
To kick-start its campaign in lithium, A total of 17,000m of drilling and structure and nearby sources of energy
Paynes Find will undertake a capital rais- 1,400m of declines, drives and cross- available, the project has many cost
ing to the tune of $6 million. cuts have been completed and an in- advantages over other emerging lithium
ferred resource of 3.7mt @ 1.5% lithium projects around the world.
Tony Sage’s Cape Lambert Ltd owns for 55,000t contained lithium attached to
26.2% of the pre-raising capital in the Wolfsburg. By being able to tap into local infra-
new Euro Lithium vehicle, which will seek structure upon Wolfsburg being proven
to list on the ASX. It has been proposed In order to upgrade the resource, more to be economically viable, Paynes Find
Sage be appointed as a director of the drilling was to be undertaken prior to the can potentially enter the market and help
company post-acquisition. acquisition being completed. feed the growing demand for lithium in
the EU in the near future.
Steve Kesler will be chief executive of Euro Lithium AT was the previous
Euro Lithium, while two existing Paynes owner of the project from 2011, which it Behind China, the EU is the largest im-
Find directors will resign and two Euro bought for €9.7 million. A further €1.83 porter of lithium, consuming some 24%
Lithium directors appointed upon com- million has been spent on Wolfsburg by of the global market.
pletion of the acquisition. the company, which included a scoping



Variscan rattles for zinc and gold

France’s resources sec- “In general, there ap- to take it to a more advanced stage,” he
tor has been shut for
many years, however, pears to be very little that said.
that has not deterred one
Australian junior from at- is known about the geol- “That will justify scoping studies, etc.
tempting to rejuvenate the
industry. ogy of France and we are That [resource estimate] will be complet-

And, it appears it will no finding that we have to ex- ed by the end of May and the next step
longer be alone in its pur-
suit. plain the main attributes will be for us to drill the deposit where we

“We do know that there – geology, infrastructure, see there are some gaps in the main lode
are at least two or three
other ASX-listed compa- mining code, etc. When and hanging wall lodes. That will be first
nies that have made ex-
ploration licence applications in France,” it is all explained they are part of the programme, I’d hope it would
Variscan Mines Ltd managing director
Greg Jones told Paydirt. surprised by the potential start once we receive approvals and mo-

“Some of those [applications] are fairly and can see a strong in- bilise rigs to site. I’d anticipate that will be
advanced and may be granted towards
the end of this year. We certainly were Greg Jones vestment case,” Jones in the next 2-3 months and then we will
first movers into France and I think other said. start generating assay results and hope-
ASX-listed companies used that model
to come into France. There has been some fully there will be a bit more interest in

“We’d like to see other resource groups support from investors with a placement the story.”
with us in France. It is very difficult when
you are by yourself and it’s nice to have and SPP netting $1.35 million late last At this stage Port-aux-Moines, where
that momentum from a group of resource
companies who can assist each other in year, while in May, Varsican launched a recent surface sampling returned 800
forging the new direction in France vis-
a-vis the resources sector; remembering $2.5 million capital raising. ppm zinc, 6.1% lead, 1,840 ppm copper
that the mines have been closed since
the early 2000s.” Institutional and sophisticated inves- and 1,521 ppm zinc, 2,304 ppm lead and

Having more companies scoping op- tors chimed in for $1 million at 1.8c/ 1,031 ppm copper, is the most advanced
portunities in France’s minerals sector
will no doubt help the market understand share, while a prospectus for the rights project in Variscan’s French portfolio, but
Variscan’s story a little better.
issue to raise the rest was expected to be Jones said that did not mean St Pierre
Nevertheless, the company has done
a fair job so far selling its gold and zinc lodged at the time of print. was not a priority.
strategies at St Pierre and Merléac re-
spectively to investors on the ASX. Major shareholders of the company Locking in funding from the capital rais-

In a tough resources market, have committed to take up 37% of the is- ing will allow Variscan to drill test targets
Variscan has managed to ex-
cite investors with news from sue and Patersons Securities will under- at St Pierre where assays have returned
the Port-aux-Moines zinc-lead-
copper-silver-gold VMS deposit write a further $500,000. rock chip samples grading 159 g/t gold.
within the Merléac licence in
north-west France. The money will be used for drilling at While soil sampling will continue at St

It has been established that Port-aux-Moines, mainly targeting the Pierre to define more drill targets, first
Port-aux-Moines shares simi-
lar geological characteristics to thick high-grade lens of the Main Zone prospects in line for drilling will be Ville
Australian VMS deposits such
as Woodlawn, Rosebery and and possibly the shallow sections of the Tirard and Belleville, which are within the
Que River.
deposit. historic 334,000oz @ 12 g/t La Belliére
Given most investors are in
the dark about the geological Jones said producing a resource esti- gold mine.
prospectivity of France, likening
Port-aux-Moines to well-known mate at Port-aux-Moines soon would be Following up from a 21.5 g/t gold rock
Australian projects is important
for Variscan as it looks to build a precursor to more advanced studies chip at Belleville, a 900m by 400m zone
an investment case worth con-
sidering. being carried out. of anomalous gold values, up to 2.4 g/t

“That [resource estimate] will give us in soils, was defined, while historic data

a clear platform then to determine how has indicated thick zones of near-surface

much more resource we need to define gold mineralisation averaging 3-4 g/t has

through drilling and activities in the future been intersected at Ville Tirard.

With gold prices moving in the

right direction – $US1,263/oz

at the time of print – Jones is

eager to get on the ground at St

Pierre by mid-year.

Furthermore, it appears the

forecast for zinc players is also

starting to look favourable.

“There are a number of re-

ports that have painted a pretty

positive picture for zinc. We

have seen treatment charges

at smelters go down which is

the first sign that there is com-

petition for concentrates and we

would anticipate that as a first

sign of a tightening in the zinc

market,” Jones said.

Variscan has a plate full of opportunities in France, – Mark Andrews
but may also look to other parts of Western Europe

in the future for potential projects


Nevsun moves on Timok

Atussle for control of a promising cop- Nevsun has agreed to buy Reservoir many debt-laden miners to look at selling
per project in Serbia shows there is Minerals for $US365 million off choice assets.
appetite for high quality mining assets in
stable countries and may be a harbinger interested in acquiring Reservoir and “We should see more M&A in the mar-
of further industry mergers and acquisi- Timok, Reservoir chief executive Simon ketplace. There are various assets that
tions, executives involved in the deal said Ingram said. are good quality that are financially bur-
in April. dened,” Davis said.
“There were lots of groups in the data
Nevsun Resources Ltd said it had room,” he said in an interview. With a goal of cutting its debt in half,
agreed to buy fellow Canadian min- Freeport said in January it would con-
ing company Reservoir Minerals Inc for A drop in copper prices to seven-year sider selling any mining assets if it got
$US365 million, getting its hands on the lows below $US2/lb in January has cre- the right offer. That includes world-class
large, high-grade Timok copper-gold ated opportunities for miners with strong assets in stable locations, such as its
project in eastern Serbia. cash balances to acquire assets, added Morenci operation in Arizona.
Nevsun chief executive Cliff Davis.
Another Canadian miner, Lundin Min- High price expectations among sellers
ing Inc, had also been gunning for a The commodity price drop has forced are among factors that have inhibited
stake in Timok after agreeing in March mining acquisitions in recent years, but
to buy part of U.S. mining giant Freeport that may be changing, Davis said.
McMoRan Inc’s stake.
“They are getting more realistic and
Timok is jointly owned by Reservoir that will precipitate more M&A,” he said.
and Freeport, which is under pressure
to sell assets to reduce its $US20 billion The loss of Timok is not a “signifi-
debt pile. The Reservoir-Nevsun deal cant” negative for Lundin as it has sev-
trumps the Lundin one as Reservoir has eral internal growth opportunities and is
the right to make the first offer if Freeport expected to pursue other acquisitions,
wants to sell. RBC Capital Markets analyst Fraser
Phillips said in a note to clients.
Nevsun was one of many companies
– Nicole Mordant, Reuters



Cinovec charged for next phase

European Metals Holdings 0.47% lithium from 229.9m to end
Ltd managing director Keith
Coughlan has never had a more of hole at 382.1m, including a high-
compelling reason to be excited
about the lithium hopeful’s future. grade interval of 14m averaging

The company’s stock was trading 1.08% lithium from 276m to 290m
at 12-month highs at the time of print
on the back of the lithium craze and depth.
ahead of a new drilling campaign
starting at its Cinovec project in the “The results have been very good,
Czech Republic this month.
they’ve been in line with the his-
Lithium has been on the rise since
Tesla Motors released strong initial toric drilling and in line with our cur-
pre-sale figures for its highly antici-
pated Model 3 electric car, despite rent understanding of the orebody,”
designs for the mass-market sedan
still being finalised. Coughlan said.

In a further boost for the emerg- “It’s actually no great surprise be-
ing lithium sector, Volkswagen recently
announced it was seeking to produce cause it’s a very consistent orebody.
1.5 million electric vehicles – 25% of the
entire European electric vehicle market – Every time we put a hole into it, the
from 2025.
results are pretty much as they’re ex-
The German auto giant is also pro-
posing to build its own lithium-ion bat- pected to be. You have to remember
tery plant, while the German Govern-
ment has set aside a €6 billion subsidy European Metals is targeting a higher grade lithium there had been 80,000m of diamond
to boost sales of all electric vehicles in zone at Cinovec in the Czech Republic drilling into this deposit historically,
the country. so it has been extensively drilled and

Germany borders the Czech Republic The study found the project could be extensively explored.
to the east, strengthening the develop-
ment case for Cinovec. developed for a pre-production capital “We’ve planned a 7,500m programme

“Things are unfolding very nicely for us cost of $US326 million, including $US164 on a high-grade lithium zone slightly
because Europe has traditionally been
the second largest importer of lithium in million and $US72 million to build lithium north of the area where we did the scop-
the world, but with no meaningful produc-
tion of lithium in the area,” Coughlan told and tin processing facilities respectively. ing study. It’s intended to bring a large
Processing costs of $US39.14/t lithium part of the deposit into the indicated cat-
“There’s a small amount of production
in Portugal which is used for the ceramic and $US11.24/t tin are based on produc- egory as part of the PFS, which we’re
and glass industry, but there’s no battery
grade material produced in Europe at all, tion of 19,400 tpa lithium carbonate and hoping to have completed before the end
and that historical demand is only set to
increase. 4,200 tpa tin through a 2 mtpa feed rate. of the year.”

“Just in the last couple of months we’ve Cinovec currently boasts an indicated re- European Metals raised $1.755 million
had announcements from major auto-
manufacturers like Volkswagen, Daimler, source of 7mt @ 0.21% lithium, 0.23% tin via a placement to institutional investors
Mercedes and Volvo, all talking about
significant projects they’re putting in and 0.03% tungsten. in March and was expected to convert
place to build electric vehicles.
This month’s drilling programme will about 20 million options due to expire at
“What’s happening in Europe is playing
beautifully into our hands, with regards look to convert more resource into indi- the end of the month, ensuring the com-
to where we are and the likelihood of us
securing significant [financing or off-take] cated status and follow up a number of pany will have enough funds to complete
partners by the time we’ve concluded our
PFS.” encouraging recent intercepts, including all proposed work programmes.

European Metals has stepped up its 163m @ 0.4% lithium from 238.5m to The company could also be awarded a
focus on lithium over the past 12 months,
having released a promising scoping end of hole at 401.5m. preliminary mining licence in Q4, pend-
study on Cinovec in May 2015, focusing
on an area with strong tin credits. Other strong drill hits from the last ing a successful outcome from the ongo-

campaign include 29.5m @ 0.25% lithi- ing environmental work and other studies

um from 83.5m to 113m and 152.2m @ relating to potential plant locations.

Another key focus for European Metals

over the coming months will be assess-

ing the economic potential of Lepidico

Ltd’s L-Max processing technology after

entering into a licencing agreement op-

tion last month.

“We used that technology for our

scoping study last year and we had very

good results from using the technology,”

Coughlan said.

“We basically want to do a lot more

work with it and…see if we’re going to

get it to the stage where it’s bankable for

our final project. The agreement with Le-

pidico gives us the ability to do that, while

still retaining the option to use the tech-

nology if it’s proven to be the best possi-

ble process, but to not be locked into it if

it’s proven that another process is better.”

A new drilling campaign at Cinovec – Michael Washbourne
begins this month


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FinnAust’s 3D view of

London-based FinnAust plc is start- FinnAust was awaiting the grant of offshore marine rights at Pituffik,
ing to feel the warmth of the northern Greenland, at the time of print
hemisphere summer in more ways than
one. near future. nology, McIllree is also excited about the
“That will be a precursor to releasing number of large, high-profile investments
While the temperature gauge is slowly made in the UK into 3D titanium printing.
ticking up, it appears investors are ready some results from work we have done,
to emerge from what has been a long, we don’t really want to be releasing any- Earlier this year, Alcoa agreed to sup-
dark winter in the resources sector. thing on something we don’t have tenure ply Airbus with 3D titanium fuselage and
over yet,” McIllree said. engine pylon components for commercial
“England is still a functioning market aircraft, with first additive manufactured
for well managed, low cost junior explor- Bathymetry (depth) and seismic profil- parts to be delivered by Alcoa mid-2016.
ers. There is a purge going on to get rid ing surveys plus an extensive sampling
of the post-boom [investment/shell types programme at Pituffik have demonstrat- With Pituffik being a pure ilmenite play,
of companies on AIM], but if you have a ed that the shallow marine environment McIllree sees potential in the 3D titanium
good story and good management you hosts very large volumes of potentially space for its material.
can find money over here,” FinnAust high-grade titanium, with further explo-
managing director Rod McIllree told Pay- ration to fully understand the area to be “In terms of processing costs there are
dirt. conducted this year, FinnAust has re- some benefits [being ilmenite only], obvi-
ported. ously we are missing out on some of the
“More broadly, I think, throughout the higher value materials, but we don’t have
sector and certainly here in London, we McIllree said the company’s initial call the capex which in our part of the world
are seeing some real greenshoots com- that Pituffik hosted low impurity ilmenite is probably a positive,” he said.
ing up. We are seeing some big capital was well founded and would be a key in
raisings being done, the gold price has providing material suitable for chloride “I think there are a lot of reasons to
done well; how sustainable that is, who feedstock. be optimistic. The other thing to be op-
knows? There was a lot of selling at timistic about generally is the European
the start of the year which we could be “I guess it is fair to say that the initial Union’s White Paper on security of sup-
bouncing off the back of, but certainly chemical analysis of this material in- ply and how the focus has changed from
the chatter on the street in England is dicates that it lends itself to a chloride Africa to Greenland as being the primary
that resources is a place to go, which is slag, sulphate, both of those processes producer of these things moving into the
interesting.” are very important because the Europe future.”
market tends to be more chloride domi-
Listed on the AIM and Frankfurt ex- nated,” McIllree said. At the time of print, initial analytical re-
changes and with projects in Finland, sults indicated that the Ilmenite concen-
Greenland and Austria, FinnAust man- “From a project point of view it is all go- trate from Pituffik in its current non opti-
aged to raise £1 million in March through ing pretty well. We have had a little bit mised form is well suited for direct use in
the issue of 50 million shares. of interest now on a number of fronts out the sulphate production process of titani-
of China in terms of off-takes and we will um dioxide pigment, Meanwhile, leading
“Our share price is doing OK, we shortly be starting the engagement pro- consultants for titanium minerals, TZMI,
raised a bit of money earlier this year – cess for getting into Europe as well.” forecast ilmenite supply deficits into the
£1 million at 2p – which was a little bit medium and longer term, providing Fin-
above market price of 1.95p. That was Also in 2016, the company will need to nAust with impetus to deliver Pituffik
another first for the AIM market over here address environmental and social rights product into this market shortfall, plus
in terms of a small exploration company, as it prepares to lodge an exploitation li- the inclusion of chloride slag production
which is usually giving away a 40-50% cence in Q1 2017 before undertaking the as a second potential major market also
discount to get your money in, so I think bulk tonnage sampling programme. provides it with increased optionality with
that everybody recognises this is some- respect to end-users.
thing worth watching, which is pleasing,” While FinnAust is focused on bedding
McIllree said. down permitting obligations, McIllree will – Mark Andrews
also be keeping a close watch on the 3D
The funds raised will be put towards titanium printing industry.
developing the Pituffik titanium project
in Greenland, which was acquired in late Fascinated by the development in tech-

FinnAust views Pituffik as a low-cost,
near-term development opportunity and
is targeting an initial 30,000t proof-of-
concept bulk sampling programme next

McIllree said the company was fo-
cused on permitting and hoped to be
granted an offshore marine right in the


Delays work in Ironbark’s favour

Ironbark Zinc Ltd is on track to be Ironbark Zinc should be awarded a mining licence for Citronen before the end of the year
granted a long-awaited mining
licence for its Citronen base met- ment to institutional and sophisticated in- Downes was not expecting any back-
als project in Greenland within the vestors and bolstered its bank balance lash from the Greenlandic population in
next six months. with a further $500,000 from a share relation to his company’s bid to develop a
purchase plan in early April to keep the new zinc mine, given Boliden Group pre-
Greenland’s stringent public company funded during the permitting viously mined the base metal during the
consultation process has kept the process. early 1990s.
team at Ironbark busy for the past
year, with managing director Jon- Once a mining licence has been re- “I think they have long viewed a mining
athan Downes making several ceived, Ironbark is set to advance negoti- and petroleum industry as paving a way
visits to the former Danish colony ations with China Nonferrous (NFC) over for their economic independence from
in the second half of 2015 to meet a potential EPC contract and financing Denmark,” Downes said.
with both government officials package for the project.
and impacted communities. “The Mining Act has changed over
Citronen has a global resource of the years and working our way through
The final round of public pres- 132mt @ 4% zinc, including a higher- the permitting process under a chang-
entations took place in January grade resource of 29.9mt @ 6.6% zinc. ing Mining Act has led to some delays,
before the first draft of the White A 2013 feasibility study found the project but Greenland has a long history of zinc
Paper – one of two documents required could be developed into the world’s sixth and lead mining and they’ve always been
for a mining licence application – was largest zinc mine, producing 200,000 tpa supportive of our proposals.
submitted for review by the Greenland for an initial capex of $US429.3 million.
Government. “There are other commodities there
Other key outcomes from the feasibil- that have been open to debate [such as
Downes, who acknowledged his com- ity study include a NPV of $US609 mil- uranium], but zinc is relatively uncontro-
pany’s shareholders have been waiting lion ($US354 million post-tax), an IRR of versial and historic operations there are
for a mining licence to be awarded for 32% (22% post-tax), site operating costs well recognised.”
some time, was reviewing the first re- of 48c/lb and payback within 18 months.
sponse to the White Paper at the time of Ironbark still has an undrawn $US50
print. Bringing a major new zinc mine on- million facility from Glencore it can ac-
stream over the next few years is sure to cess to expand its project base, but
“These last few documents are the be welcomed by the industry, with market Downes said the company was yet to find
precursors to getting the granted mining commentators predicting supply deficits any suitable assets – both in Europe and
licence and I think that will really change from this year onwards in the wake of Australia – to acquire.
the flavour of where Ironbark is sitting,” prolific zinc operations Century and Lish-
Downes told Paydirt. een recently closing their doors. “We always have companies and pro-
jects in our vision and we’ve made many
“I think shareholders may have expect- “We would expect a mining licence to approaches and are constantly reviewing
ed to see a mining licence faster than be a platform for the company and I think other projects,” Downes said.
what we’ve been able to deliver because that will be supported by the fact that
the Greenland Government have a very zinc stockpiles on the LME, which hosts “At this stage, it’s hard to find anything
detailed Mining Act process we have to around 80% of the world’s zinc supply, that comes close to what we think we
work our way through. are hitting record lows now for the past have already in the company and we’re
seven years every single day,” Downes not going to buy a lesser project and di-
“But the delivery of a granted mining said. lute what we think is a great project in
licence will be proof of both the Green- Citronen.
land Government’s support and it will “That trend looks very solid indeed,
be extremely timely, in my opinion, with so I think we’re in for some very excit- “But that facility is live, it’s genuine and
a rise in the zinc price. In fact, had we ing times from that perspective. Ironbark it has been attempted to be deployed.”
received the mining licence granted four does own 100% of the largest zinc devel-
years ago and then started construction, opment project on the ASX or TSX, so – Michael Washbourne
life would have been very, very hard in we have fantastic leverage.”
light of the more recent downturns.

“While people have been frustrated
with the delays, I think people will ulti-
mately benefit from the pathway that has
occurred. I think it’s going to be a case
of the stars are actually lining up for us.”

Government officials have previously
approved the company’s environmental
and social impact assessments.

Work is also progressing on Ironbark’s
impact benefit agreement (IBA), the oth-
er document in the mining licence appli-
cation process relating to the company’s
social obligations in Greenland.

Ironbark raised $1.5 million via a place-



Services companies
hit the reset button

As with the miners and explorers they provide support to, mining service providers and contractors have been hit hard by
poor commodity prices and volatility in the global economy.

Many services companies and contractors have fallen off the perch in recent times as activity in the global resources
industry has come to a grinding halt and existing operators demand cost reductions in order to keep operations open.

However, so far in 2016, investors have demonstrated a willingness to dig deep for mining companies and to mid-May
almost $1 billion had been raised on the ASX alone for mining and exploration companies.

Lithium and gold players have been the major beneficiaries of capital raisings and it is hoped the warmth in which these
players are being received by investors will flow into other commodities.

While full recovery would appear some time away yet, there are at least signs the rest of 2016 will be better for miners
and explorers than 2015.

So, as miners start to reconsider ramping up production and possible expansion programmes and explorers to get busy
on the ground, services companies and contractors are beginning to be called upon once again.

The pool of services companies and contractors may be smaller than it was this time last year, but it can be assured that
the companies still standing will be doing their utmost to provide the best quality service to its clients to stand out from the

In our annual feature, Paydirt has scoured the globe to find Australia’s best services companies and contractors in in-
ternational markets.


Company: AAM Email: [email protected] Company: Air drill hammer and bits
Expertise: Geospatial services Web: Expertise: Drill rig supplies and
Address: Offices throughout services
Australia, New Zealand, South Company: Actlabs Address: 60 Paramount Drive, Wan-
Africa and Malaysia. Perth of- Expertise: Laboratory services gara WA, 6065 Australia
fice; Level 3, 1002 Hay Street, Address: 25 Bungana Avenue, Red- Tel: +61 8 9302 5317
Perth, WA 6000, Australia cliffe, WA 6105, Australia Email: sales@airdrillhammersand-
Tel: +61 8 9228 6800 Tel: +61 8 9277 8695
Email: N/A Email: [email protected] Web: www.airdrillhammersandbits.
Web: Web:

Company: ABB Australia Company: Adelaide Control Engineer- Company: Airland Logistics
Expertise: Power and automa- ing (ACE) Pty Ltd Expertise: International logistics
tion engineering services Expertise: Engineering services for the services
Address: N/A uranium mining industry Address: Offices in Australia, North
Tel: 1800 222 435 Address: 10 Peekarra Street, Regency America, Africa, Europe, Middle East
Email: [email protected]. Park, SA 5010, Australia and Asia; Australia head office; 37
com Tel: +61 8 8118 6460 Mordaunt Circuit, Canning Vale WA
Web: Email: [email protected] 6155
Web: www.adelaidecontrolengineering. Tel: +61 8 9353 1114
Company: Absolute Enterprises com Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Heavy equipment specialists Web:
when it comes to engineering and cool- Company: ADG Global Supply
ing services Expertise: Supplies products and Company: Alliance Contracting
Address: 22-30 Transport Avenue, supply-chain services to the mining Expertise: Open pit mining and earth-
Paget, QLD 4740, Australia industry moving
Tel: +61 07 94952 5022 Address: 19 Walters Drive, Osborne Address: Level 1, 170 Burswood Road,
Email: admin@absoluteenterprises. Park, WA 6916, Australia Burswood WA 6100, Australia Tel: +61 8 9329 5900 Tel: +61 8 9470 8700
Web: Email: N/A Email: perthadmin@alliancecontracting.
Company: Acconia Australia Web:
Expertise: Development and manage- Company: African Mining Consultants
ment of renewable energy, Expertise: Geological, mining, and Company: ALS Global
Address: Level 1, 2 Southbank Boule- environmental engineering Expertise: International laboratory test-
vard, Southbank, VIC 3006, Australia Address: 1564/65 Miseshi Road, Kitwe, ing services
Tel: + 61 3 9027 1000 Zambia Address: ALS Limited Corporate Head
Email: [email protected] Tel: +260 212 211108 office, Level 2, 299 Coronation Drive
Web: Email: [email protected] PO Box 219, Milton, QLD 4064, Australia
Web: Tel: +61 7 3367 7900
Company: acQuire Technology Solutions Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Geoinformation management Company: Aggreko Web:
systems Expertise: Temporary power solutions
Address: Offices in Australia, UK, North Address: Aggreko, PO Box 17576, Company: AMC Consultants
America, South America and Africa. Jebel Ali, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Expertise: Mining consultancy services
Head office; 24 Moreau Mews, Applec- Tel: +971 4808 6888 Address: 9 Havelock Street, West
ross, WA 6153, Australia Email: N/A Perth, WA 6005, Australia
Tel: +61 8 93166600 Web: Tel: +61 8 6330 1100
Email: N/A Email: [email protected]
Web: Web:

Company: ATC Williams Company: Amec Foster Wheeler
Expertise: Tailings and waste manage- Expertise: Engineering, project man-
ment specialists agement and consultancy services
Address: 222 Beach Road, Mordialloc, Address: Perth office, Level 7, 197 St
VIC 3196, Australia Georges Terrace, Perth 6000, Australia
Tel: +61 3 8587 0900 Tel: +61 8 9347 4777
Email: [email protected] Email: N/A
Web: Web:

Company: Action Drill & Blast Company: Aspec Engineering
Expertise: Drilling company specialising Expertise: Mining and port engineering
in drill and blast contract services services
Address: 50 Belgravia Street, Belmont, Address: Level 1, 99 Melbourne Street,
WA 6984, Australia South Brisbane, QLD 4010, Australia
Tel: +61 8 9232 4306 Tel: +61 7 3193 0400



Email: [email protected] Company: Ausenco Company: Australian Mine Design
Web: www. Expertise: Engineering house with & Development (AMDAD)
focus on energy, environment and sus- Expertise: Consultancy specialising
Company: ATC Williams tainability, minerals and metals, process in mining studies, specialist reports
Expertise: Tailings and waste manage- infrastructure, and programme manage- and mine planning
ment specialists ment Address: Level 4, 46 Edward
Address: 222 Beach Road, Mordialloc, Address: 144 Montague Road, South Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Aus-
VIC 3196, Australia Brisbane, QLD 4101, Australia tralia
Tel: +61 3 8587 0900 Tel: +61 7 3169 7000 Tel: +61 7 3012 9256
Email: [email protected] Web: Email: [email protected]
Web: Web:
Company: AusGroup
Company: Ativo Expertise: Asset maintenance, fabrica- Company: Australasian Mining
Expertise: Mobile and fixed plant fabri- tion & manufacturing and construction Services (AMS)
cation, installation and maintenance services Expertise: Mineral exploration,
Address: Unit 1, 11 Lord Street, Botany, Address: Level 1, 18-32 Parliament mining, water well and geotechnical
NSW 2019, Australia Place, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia sectors of the drilling industry
Tel: +61 2 9305 1400 Tel: +61 8 6210 4500 Address: 270-272 Berkshire Road, For-
Email: N/A Email: [email protected] restfield, WA 6058, Australia
Web: Web: Tel: +61 8 9454 3444
Email: [email protected]
Company: Atlantic Civil Products Company: Austin Engineering Web:
Expertise: Plate, pipe, wall and bridge Expertise: Mining equipment and
engineering solutions services Company: Automation IT
Address: 13 Industrial Avenue, Bohle, Address: 173 Cobalt Street, Carole Expertise: Infrastructure software solu-
Queensland 4818, Australia Park, QLD 4300, Australia tions
Tel: +61 7 4789 6700 Tel: +61 7 3271 2622 Address: Unit 7, Springwood Business
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Centre, Murrajong Rd, Springwood, QLD
Web: Web: 4127, Australia
Tel: + 61 7 3299 3844
Company: Atlas Copco Company: AustralAsian Resource Con- Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Mining and drilling equip- sultants (AARC) Web:
ment and services Expertise: Environmental and mining
Address: N/A engineering services Company: BAE Systems Detica
Tel: +61 2 9621 9999 Address: Suite 5B, 1 Swann Road, Expertise: Information intelligence and
Email: N/A Taringa, QLD 4068, Australia data management
Web: Tel: +61 7 3217 8772 Address: N/A
Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 1483 816000
Company: Aurecon Web: Email: marketing@baesystemsdetica.
Expertise: Engineering, management com
and specialist technical services Company: Australian Contract Mining Web:
Address: Level 8, 850 Collins Street, Expertise: Underground mining contrac-
Docklands, VIC 3008, Australia tor with exploration and raise drilling Company: Baguley Engineering
Tel: +61 3 9975 3000 capabilities Expertise: Steel fabrication; vehicle
Email: [email protected] Address: PO Box 1063, West Perth WA wash, truck wash and wheel wash
Web: 6872, Australia systems
Tel: (08) 9322 3488 Address: 7 Rawlinson Street, O’Connor,
Company: Aurizon Email: [email protected] WA 6163, Australia
Expertise: Freight rail operations for Web: www.australiancontractmining. Tel: +61 8 9337 4566
bulk commodities Email: N/A
Address: 175 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Web:
QLD 4000, Australia
Tel: 13 23 32 Company: Bard Engineering Pty Ltd
Email: N/A Expertise: Service and water trucks
Web: Address: N/A
Tel: +61 7 3216 6322
Company: Ausdrill Ltd/African Under- Web:
ground Mining Services Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Exploration and mine drilling
services/mining contracting services Company: Bardrill Corporation Ltd
Address: Unit 6-12 Uppsala Place, Expertise: Civil earthworks
Canning Vale, WA 6155, Australia Address: 133-135 Rundle Street, Kent
Tel: +61 8 9311 5666 Town, SA 5067, Australia
Email: [email protected] Tel: +61 8 8362 8971
Web: Email: [email protected]


Company: Barminco Email: [email protected] services
Expertise: Underground mining services Web: Address: Level 2, 72 Melville Parade,
Address: 390 Stirling Crescent, Hazel- South Perth, WA 6151, Australia
mere WA 6055, Australia Company: BIS Industries Tel: +61 8 9267 8000
Tel: +61 8 9416 1000 Expertise: Materials processing and Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] logistics Web:
Web: Address: Level 18, 109 St Georges Ter-
race, Perth WA 6000, Australia Company: Bureau Veritas
Company: Bauer Equipment Australia Tel: +61 8 6217 5500 Expertise: Laboratory services; assays
Expertise: Engineering machinery Email: [email protected] and metallurgical testwork
Address: Unit 43, 5-7 Inglewood Place, Web: Address: (WA) Mineral Laboratories, 4
Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153, Australia Sorbonne Crescent, Canning Vale, WA
Tel: +61 2 8883 0471 Company: Bluefield Group 6155, Australia
Email: [email protected] Expertise: Asset management services Tel: 1300 MIN LAB (in Australia)
Web: Address: Level 1, 100 Eagle Street, Email: N/A
Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia Web:
Company: BDO Tel: +61 7 3051 4300
Expertise: Audit, tax and advisory ac- Email: [email protected] Company: Byrnecut Offshore Pty Ltd
counting services Web: Expertise: Underground contract mining
Address: 38 Station Street, Subiaco, Address: Level 1, 1 George Wiencke
WA 6008, Australia Company: BMT JFA Consultants Drive, Perth Airport WA   6105, PO Box
Tel: +61 8 6382 4600 Expertise: Port engineering services 205 Cloverdale, WA 6985, Australia  
Email: [email protected] Address: (Global offices), Perth; Level Tel: +61 8 9270 1000
Web: 1/353 Cambridge Street, Wembley WA Email: [email protected]
6104, Australia Web:
Company: Beaver Engineering Pty Ltd Tel: +61 8 6272 0000
Expertise: Safety products and services Email: [email protected] Company: CA Mining
Address: 19 Bearing Road, Seven Hills, Web: Expertise: International recruitment
NSW 2147, Australia Address: Ground floor, Burg House,
Tel: +61 2 8811 3500 Company: Boart Longyear Belmont Office Park, Rondebosch,
Email: N/A Expertise: Exploration drilling services 7700, Cape Town, South Africa
Web: and drilling products Tel: +27 21 659 9200
Address: 10808 South River Front Email: [email protected]
Company: Becker Mining Systems Parkway, Suite 600 South Jordan, Utah Web:
Expertise: Complete energy, automa- 84095, USA
tion, communication and transportation Tel: +1 801 972 6430 Company: Cabo Drilling Corporation
infrastructure for the mining industry Email: [email protected] Expertise: Drilling services
Address: 16 Aruma Place, Cardiff, NSW Web: Address: 20 Sixth Street, New West-
2285, Australia minister, British Columbia, Canada
Tel: +61 2 4941 3333 Company: Bostech Drilling Australia Tel: +604 527 4201
Email: [email protected] Expertise: Exploration drilling services Email: [email protected]
Web: Address: 29A, Clayton Street, Bellevue, Web:
WA 6056, Australia
Company: BGC Contracting Tel: +61 8 9250 4252 Company: Calibre Group
Expertise: Contract mining and civil Email: N/A Expertise: Mine infrastructure, minerals
engineering among others Web: processing and materials handling
Address: 20 Walters Drive, Osborne Address: Calibre House, Level 2, 50
Park, WA 6017, Australia Company: Briety St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000,
Tel: +61 8 9260 2300 Expertise: Civil construction and mining Australia



Tel: +61 8 9265 3000 Tel: +61 8 9214 6200 Company: Contract Resources
Email: [email protected] Email: N/A Expertise: Mechanical and specialist
Web: Web: plant services
Address: 269 Edgar Street, Condell
Company: Camco Engineering Company: Challenge Drilling Park, NSW 2200, Australia
Expertise: Mechanical engineering Expertise: Drilling services and equip- Tel: 1300 66 11 91
Address: 18 Vulcan Road, Canning ment Email: [email protected]
Vale, WA 6155, Australia Address: 31 Chaffers Street, Boulder, Web:
Tel: +61 8 9455 2200 WA 6432, Australia
Email: [email protected] Tel: +61 8 9093 2567 Company: Control & Thermal Engineering
Web: Email: [email protected] Expertise: Engineering services
Web: Address: 12 Ballantyne Road, Kewdale,
Company: Capital Drilling WA 6105, Australia
Expertise: Drilling services, including ex- Company: Chemical Plant & Engineering Tel: +61 8 9353 2733
ploration, mine planning, drill-and-blast, Expertise: Process equipment and Email: [email protected]
geotechnical, water bores and gas drilling design Web:
Address: Capital Drilling Singapore, 23 Address: 63-65 Maffra Street, Coolaroo,
Amoy Street, Singapore 069858 VIC 3048, Australia Company: Control Systems Technology
Tel: +65 6227 9050 Tel: +61 3 9309 4822 Expertise: Belt weighing equipment
Web: [email protected] Email: N/A Address: 47 Fitzpatrick Street, Reves-
Email: Web: by, NSW 2212, Australia
Tel: +61 2 8708 0200
Company: Cardno Company: Choice One Recruitment Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Engineering; electrical, en- Expertise: Recruitment Web:
ergy, geotechnical, landscape architec- Address: 262 St Georges Terrace,
ture, mechanical and mining Perth, WA 6000, Australia Company: Corescan
Address: Green Square, Level 11 North Tel: +61 8 9215 3888 Expertise: Hyperspectral scanning,
Tower, 515 Paul’s Terrace, Fortitude Val- Email: [email protected] processing and analysis of drill core
ley, QLD 4006, Australia Web: Address: 1/127 Grandstand Road,
Tel: +61 7 3369 9822 Ascot, WA 6104, Australia
Email: N/A Company: CIVMEC Construction & Tel: +61 8 9277 2355
Web: Engineering Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Heavy engineering and con- Web:
Company: Cays Engineering struction services
Expertise: Fabrication and project Address: 16 Nautical Drive, Henderson, Company: Corporate & Resource
management WA 6166, Australia Consultants
Address: 17 Thornborough Road, Tel: +61 8 8922 1149 Expertise: Financial services
Greenfields, WA 6210, Australia Email: [email protected] Address: Level 1, Suite 5, The Busi-
Tel: +61 8 9582 6611 Web: ness Centre, 55 Salvado Road, Subiaco
Email: N/A WA 6008, Australia
Web: Company: Clough Tel: +61 8 9380 6789
Expertise: Engineering and projects Email: [email protected]
Company: CDE Australia services Web:
Expertise: Supplier of washing equip- Address: 58 Mounts Bay Road, Perth,
ment for mining WA 6000, Australia Company: Corporate Air
Address: Ballyreagh Industrial Estate, Tel: +61 8 9281 9281 Expertise: Air charter
County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, BT890 Email: [email protected] Address: Suite 5, Wetlands House,
9DG Web: Building 7, 1 Dairy Rd, Fyshwick, ACT
Tel: +44 28 8676 7900 (corporate); +61 Tel: +61 2 6249 7044
470 599 008 (Australia) Company: Coffey Mining Email: N/A
Email: [email protected] Expertise: Engineering services consul- Web:
Web: tancy
Address: 1162 Hay Street, West Perth, Company: Coughlan Drilling
Company: CFCL Australia WA 6005, Australia Expertise: Drilling
Expertise: Ceramic fuel cells Tel: +61 8 9324 8800 Address: 2 Hatcher Court, Burton SA
Address: 170 Browns Road, Noble Email: [email protected] 5110, Australia
Park, VIC 3174, Australia Web: Tel: +61 8 8280 9966
Tel: +61 3 9554 2300 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Company: Como Engineers Web:
Web: Expertise: Mechanical and process
engineering services Company: Cove Engineering
Company: CGG Address: 27 McCabe Street, Mosman Expertise: Engineering
Expertise: Geoscience services Park, WA 6012, Australia Address: Level 2, 3 Chamberlain
Address: Global offices, Perth; CGG Tel: +61 8 9432 0100 Street, Campbelltown, NSW 2560,
Centre, 38 Ord Street, West Perth, WA Email: [email protected] Australia
6005, Australia Web: Tel: +61 2 4621 5500


Email: [email protected] 2157, South Africa Address: Suite 1100, 543 Granville
Web: Tel: +27 11 202 8600 Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 1X8
Email: [email protected] Tel: +1 604 681 9501
Company: Cowan International Web: Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Recruitment Web:
Address: 471 Main Road, Hudson QC Company: Drillex
J0P 1H0, Canada Expertise: Drilling Company: Energy Drilling Australia
Tel: +1 450 458 0101 Address: Drillex (Aust) Pty Ltd PO Box Expertise: Drilling
Email: [email protected] 4150 Gumdale, QLD 4154, Australia Address: 799 Fairfield Road, QLD
Web: Tel: +61 7 3390 1225 4105, Australia
Email: [email protected] Tel: +61 7 3892 9700
Company: CSA Global Web: Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Consultants Web:
Address: Level 2, Ord Street, West Company: Drilling & Grouting Services
Perth, WA 6005, Australia Expertise: Drilling and grouting Company: Enterprise Connect Resourc-
Tel: +61 8 9355 1677 Address: 1 Kew Street, Welshpool, WA es Technology
Email: [email protected] 6106, Australia Expertise: Business support and advice
Web: Tel: +61 8 9361 3200 Address: Level 4, 341 George Street,
Email: [email protected] Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
Company: Damco International B.V. Web: Tel: +61 2 9397 1670
Expertise: Freight and supply chain Email: [email protected]
management Company: DTH Products Web:
Address: Turfmarkt 107, 2511 DP The Expertise: Drilling solutions
Hague, Netherlands Address: 99 Kelliher Road, Richlands, Company: Epitech Products
Tel: +31 70 302 3800 QLD 4077, Australia Expertise: Manufacturer and distributor
Email: [email protected] Tel: +61 7 3716 6800 of fasteners
Web: Email: [email protected] Address: 9 Chicago Avenue, Black-
Web: town, NSW 2148, Australia
Company: Davies International Tel: +61 2 9622 9622
Expertise: Drilling equipment Company: Easternwell Email: N/A
Address: 624 Bickley Road, Madding- Expertise: Drilling and well services Web:
ton, WA 6109, Australia Address: Level 4, 52 Merivale Street,
Tel: +61 8 9452 1066 South Brisbane, Queensland 4101, Company: ERICO Lightning Protection
Email: [email protected] Australia Products
Web: Tel: +61 7 4659 1555 Expertise: Lightning protection
Email: N/A Address: ERICO International Corp
Company: Dotmar Engineering Plastic Web: 31700 Solon Road, Solon, OH 44139,
Products USA
Expertise: Supplier of engineering Company: ElectroMagnetic Imaging Tel: +1 440 248 0100
thermoplastics Technology Innovation Centre Email: [email protected]
Address: 30-32 Garden Boulevard, Expertise: Electromagnetic imaging Web:
Dingley, VIC 3172, Australia Address: Unit 6/9 The Avenue, Midland,
Tel: +61 3 9552 4444 WA 6056, Australia Company: Ertech
Email: [email protected] Tel: +61 8 9250 8100 Expertise: Civil construction
Web: Email: [email protected] Address: 118 Motivation Drive, Wan-
Web: garra, WA 6065, Australia
Company: DRA International Tel: +61 8 9302 6666
Expertise: Engineering consultants Company: Energold Drilling Corp Email: [email protected]
Address: 3 Inyanga Close, Sunninghill, Expertise: Drilling Web:




Company: ESS New Zealand Company: FMC Technologies Singa-
Expertise: Engineering supplies and Tel: +64 7 378 5772 pore
services Email: [email protected] Expertise: Technology solutions for the
Address: N/A Web: energy industry
Tel: +61 8 9370 3155 Address: 5875 N. Sam Houston Pkwy.
Email: [email protected] Company: Flagstaff GeoConsultants W. Houston, Texas, 77086
Web: Expertise: Consultants Tel: +281 591 4000
Address: Suite 2, 337A Lennox Street, Email: [email protected]
Company: ETS Australia PO Box 2236 Richmond South, VIC 3121 Web:
Expertise: Machine grease and indus- Tel: +61 3 8420 6200
trial lubricants Email: postman@flagstaff-geoconsul- Company: FMG Engineering
Address: 4 Cache Bend, Wangarra, Expertise: Engineering
WA 6065, Australia Web: www.flagstaff-geoconsultants. Address: 42 Fullarton Road, Norwood,
Tel: +61 8 6305 0926 SA 5067, Australia
Email: N/A Tel: 1300 975 878
Web: Company: Flexi Cadastre Spatial Email: [email protected]
Dimension Web:
Company: EVH Drill Engineering Expertise: Enterprise scale land man-
Expertise: Builder of multi-purpose agement solutions Company: Foraco International SA
drills Address: 301-221 West Esplanade, Expertise: Drilling contractor
Address: 43 Wittenberg Drive, Canning North Vancouver, BC V7M 3J3, Canada Address: 26 Plage de l’Estaque, 13016
Vale, WA 6155, Australia Tel: +1 604 770 3539 Marseille, France
Tel: +61 8 6253 0800 Email: [email protected] Tel: + 33 4 96 15 13 60
Email: [email protected] Web: Email: [email protected]
Web: Web:
Company: Flinders Logistics
Company: Evolve Scientific Recruit- Expertise: Logistics Company: Frank Walsh Drilling
ment Address: 296 Vincent Street, Port Ad- Expertise: Drilling
Expertise: Recruitment elaide, SA 5015, Australia Address: Mount Barker Road, Totness,
Address: Suite 701A, 9-13 Bronte Tel: +61 8 8447 0611 SA 5250, Australia
Road, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022, Email: flinderslogistics@flindersports. Tel: +61 8 8391 1433
Australia Email: [email protected]
Tel: +61 8 2 8071 4290 Web: Web:
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.evolvescientificrecrutiment. Company: Fluor Australia Company: Frog Tech Expertise: EPCM services Expertise: Geological, geophysical and
Address: Perth; Level 1, The Atrium, information management services
Company: Exact Mining Services 168 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA Address: N/A
Expertise: Operators of mining and civil 6000, Australia Tel: +61 2 6283 4800
construction projects Tel: +61 8 9278 7555 Email: [email protected]
Address: 43 Greenhill Road, Wayville, Email: N/A Web:
SA 5034, Australia Web:
Tel: +61 8 8372 1100 Company: Fugro
Email: [email protected] Expertise: Collection, processing and
Web: interpretation of minerals data
Address: Veurse Achterweg 10 2264
Company: Extrastaff Recruitment SG, Leidschendam, Netherlands
Expertise: Recruitment Tel: +31 0 70 311 1422
Address: Level 4, 90 King William Email: [email protected]
Street, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia Web:
Tel: +61 8 8202 4111
Email: [email protected] Company: Gekko Systems
Web: Expertise: Processing
Address: 321 Learmonth Road, Bal-
Company: Filter Technology Australia larat, VIC 3350, Australia
Expertise: Filtration systems Tel: +61 3 5339 5859
Address: 44 Bonville Avenue, Thornton, Email: [email protected]
NSW 2322, Australia Web:
Tel: +61 2 4966 1833
Email: [email protected] Company: Genet Mining
Web: Expertise: Mineral processing, mining
and safety
Company: Fitzroy Engineering Group Address: N/A
Expertise: Engineering Tel: +27 0 13 590880
Address: 691 Devon Road, Waiwakai- Email: [email protected]
ho, Private Bag 2053, New Plymouth, Web:


Company: Genrec Engineering Email: [email protected] Company: Global Mining Outsourced
Expertise: Steel solutions (outside North and South America), Solutions
Address: Dekema and Niemann Roads, [email protected] (within North and Expertise: Asset management consul-
Wadeville 1428, South Africa South America) tancy
Tel: +27 11 876 2300 Web: Address: 8 Eu Tong Sen Street, The
Email: [email protected] Central Clarke Quay, Singapore 059818
Web: Company: GF Engineering Tel: +61 8 6102 1256
Expertise: Pipe fabrication and struc- Email: N/A
Company: Geodrill tural manufacturing Web:
Expertise: Drilling Address: 39 Lionel Street, Naval Base,
Address: 44 Roxburgh Avenue, Lons- WA 6165, Australia Company: Globaltech Corporation
dale, SA 5160, Australia Tel: +61 8 9410 1615 Expertise: Tools and technology for
Tel: +61 8 8186 3690 Email: [email protected]. drilling
Email: [email protected] au Address: 1/48 Vinnicombe Drive, Can-
Web: Web: ning Vale, WA 6155, Australia
Tel: +61 8 9256 2228
Company: Geoimage Company: GHD Group Email: N/A
Expertise: Satellite imagery and geo- Expertise: Professional and engineering Web:
spatial solutions services
Address: PO Box 789, Indooroopilly Address: 133 Castlereagh Street, Syd- Company: Golder Associates
QLD 4068, Australia ney, NSW 2000, Australia Expertise: Consulting, design and con-
Tel: +61 7 3871 0088 Tel: +61 2 9239 7100 struction services
Web: Email: N/A Address: Building 7, Botanicca Cor-
Email: [email protected] Web: porate Park, 570-588 Swan Street,
Richmond, VIC 3121, Australia
Company: Geoprobe Systems Company: Glastonbury Mining Consul- Tel: +61 3 8862 3500
Expertise: Manufacturing, drilling, envi- tants Email: [email protected]
ronmental and exploration services Expertise: Consulting, tendering, fea- Web:
Address: 1835 Wall Street, Salina, sibility studies, operational & technical
Kansas 67401, USA reviews Company: GPA Engineering
Tel: 1 800 436 7762 Address: PO Box 8383, Orange East, Expertise: Engineering
Email: [email protected] NSW 2800, Australia Address: 91 Magill Road, Stepney, SA
Web: Tel: +61 2 6365 1392 or +61 417 653 135 5069, Australia
Email: [email protected] Tel: +61 8 8363 2122
Company: GeoQuest Web: Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Mineral exploration, GIS and Web:
environmental services Company: Global Drilling Products
Address: PO Box 39541 Lusaka, Expertise: Manufacturing, sourcing, and Company: GPX Surveys
Zambia distribution of drilling and geotechnical Expertise: Airborne and ground geo-
Tel: + 260 211 257063/4 equipment, tooling and drilling additives physics
Email: [email protected]/zm Address: 19 Loyang Way, 02-08 Changi Address: 4 Hehir Street, Belmont, WA
Web: Logistics Centre, Singapore 508724 6104, Australia
Tel: +65 6543 9533 Tel: +61 8 9477 5111
Company: Geotech Airborne Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Airborne geophysical sur- Web: Web:
veys and exploration
Address: 245 Industrial Parkway North, Company: GR Engineering Services
Aurora, Ontario, Canada L4G 4C4 Expertise: Engineering, consulting and
Tel: [email protected] contracting



Address: 179 Great Eastern Highway, 2068, Australia mining equipment simulators
Belmont, WA 6104, Australia Tel: +61 2 9967 4844 Address: Level 11, 3 Hasler Road,
Tel: +61 8 6272 6000 Email: N/A Osborne Park, Perth, WA 6017,
Email: [email protected] Web: Australia
Web: Tel: +61 8 9347 9000
Company: Hi Tech Industrial Coatings Email: Sales@ImmersiveTechnolo-
Company: GSE Lining Technology Expertise: Surface coating services
Expertise: Manufacturer and marketer Address: 7 Marriott Road, Jandakot, Web: www.immersivetechnologies.
of geosynthetic lining products and WA 6164, Australia
services Tel: +61 8 9417 4047
Address: 19103 Gundle Road, Hous- Email: Jandakot@surfacetechnology. Company: Impact Drill & Blast
ton, Texas 77073 Expertise: Drilling and blasting
Tel: 800 435 2008 Web: Address: 31 Industrial Drive, Sunshine
Email: [email protected] West, VIC 3020, Australia
Web: Company: Hoffmann Engineering Tel: +61 3 9310 2011
Expertise: Engineering Email: N/A
Company: H&S Consultants Address: 3 Alice Street, Bassendean, Web:
Expertise: Resources consultants Perth, WA 6054, Australia
Address: Suite 6, 3 Trelawney Street, Tel: +61 8 9279 5522 Company: Inception Consulting Engi-
Eastwood, NSW 2122, Australia Email: Mail.Hofmann@hofmannengi- neers
Tel: +61 2 9858 3863 Expertise: Consulting engineers
Email: N/A Web: Address: 4 Kamali Avenue, Wattle Park,
Web: SA 5066, Australia
Company: HRL Technology Tel: +61 8 8121 3075
Company: Haines Surveys Expertise: Consulting, analysis and Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Gravity survey specialists testing services Web:
Address: 1 Hagan Court, Bullcreek, WA Address: Level 1, Unit 9, 677 Spring-
6149, Australia vale Road, Mulgrave, VIC 3170, Aus- Company: Infra Tech
Tel: +61 8 9332 2140 tralia Expertise: Ground engineering and
Email: [email protected] Tel: +61 3 9565 9888 geo-mechanics
Web: Email: [email protected] Address: 45 Miguel Road, Bibra Lake,
Web: WA 6163, Australia
Company: Haver & Boecker Australia Tel: +61 8 9337 5922
Expertise: Developing and producing Company: Hyspec Mining Services Email: [email protected]
processing technology Expertise: Replacement hydraulics Web:
Address: 35 Millrose Drive, Malaga, WA parts and service equipment to the
6090, Australia mining and exploration industry across Company: Intech Engineers
Tel: +61 8 6240 6900 Africa Expertise: Engineering
Email: [email protected] Address: 13 Da Vinci Way, Forrestdale, Address: 95 Brunswick Street, QLD
Web: WA 6112, Australia 4006, Australia
Tel: +61 8 949 34241 Tel: +61 7 3666 0006
Company: Hays Web: Email: N/A
Expertise: Recruitment Email: [email protected] Web:
Address: Level 12, 172 St Georges Ter-
race, Perth, WA 6000, Australia Company: Imdex Company: International SOS
Tel: +61 8 9322 5334 Expertise: Drilling fluids and advanced Expertise: Medical and travel security
Email: [email protected] down-hole survey instrumentation services
Web: Address: 8 Pitino Court, Osborne Park, Address: Level 3, 45 Clarence Street,
WA 6017, Australia Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Company: Hedweld Engineering Tel: +61 8 9445 4010 Tel: +61 2 9372 2400
Expertise: Design and manufacture of Email: [email protected] Email: N/A
mining equipment Web: Web:
Address: 13 Russell Road, Mt Thorley,
NSW 2330, Australia Company: Immersive Technologies Company: Intertek Genalysis
Tel: +61 2 6574 0000 Expertise: Surface and underground Expertise: Mineral sample preparation,
Email: [email protected] testing and analysis
Web: Address: 15 Davison Street, Madding-
ton WA 6109, Australia
Company: Hetherington Tel: +61 8 9251 8100
Expertise: Exploration and mining title Email: [email protected]
services Web:
Address: PO Box 765 Willoughby, NSW
Company: ioGlobal/Reflex Geochemistry
Expertise: Analysis and interpretation of
geological results
Address: Level 2, 369 Newcastle


Street, Northbridge WA 6003, Australia Company: JKTech Address: Level 1, 35 Outram Street,
Tel: +61 8 6555 6510 Expertise: Technology-based consulting West Perth WA 6005, Australia
Email: N/A and laboratory services Tel: +61 8 9322 1232
Web: Address: 40 Isles Road, Indooroopilly Email: [email protected]
QLD 4068, Australia Web:
Company: IsoMetrix Tel: +61 7 3365 5842
Expertise: Governance, risk and com- Email: [email protected] Company: KJM Contractors
pliance management Web: Expertise: Engineering, air charter,
Address: 589 Hay Street, Jolimont WA heavy haulage and water treatment
6014, Australia Company: Joy Global solutions
Tel: +61 8 9381 5143 Expertise: Underground mining equip- Address: 40-54 Kaurna Avenue, Edin-
Email: [email protected] ment manufacturing burgh SA 5111, Australia
Web: Address: 290 Collier Road, Bassend- Tel: +61 8 8256 5500
ean, Perth 6054, Australia Email: [email protected]
Company: ITC Global Networking Solu- Tel: +61 8 9270 0700 Web:
tions Email: N/A
Expertise: Voice and data networking Web: Company: Knight Piésold Consulting
services Expertise: Engineering and environ-
Address: 48 Mordaunt Circuit, Canning Company: JV Engineering mental services
Vale WA 6155, Australia Expertise: Steel fabrication and con- Address: Level 1/184 Adelaide Terrace,
Tel: +61 8 6263 0444 struction East Perth WA 6004, Australia
Email: [email protected] Address: 100 Dowd Street, Welshpool Tel: +61 8 9223 6300
Web: WA 6106, Australia Email: N/A
Tel: +61 8 9351 9199 Web:
Company: ITM-Soil Email: [email protected]
Expertise: geotechnical and structural Web: Company: Knowledgeone Corp
monitoring systems Expertise: Provider of easy-to-use tools
Address: 209/396 Scarborough Beach Company: Kansai Plascon and knowhow to retrieve, manage and
Road, Osborne Park, WA 6017, Australia Expertise: Industrial coatings share content and knowledge
Tel: +61 8 9284 0244 Address: 10 Frederick Cooper Drive, Address: Level 5/56 Berry Street
Email: [email protected] Factorial/Luipaardsvlei, Krugersdorp, North Sydney NSW 2060
Web: South Africa Australia
Tel: 0860 20 40 60 Tel: +61 2 8913 9300
Company: JG Engineering Email: [email protected] Email: N/A
Expertise: Engineering solutions Web: Web:
Address: 18 Technology Drive, Appin
NSW 2560, Australia Company: KBC Advanced Technologies Company: L2 Drilling
Tel: + 61 2 4631 1861 Expertise: Oil and gas consulting and Expertise: Coal exploration drilling
Email: [email protected] process simulation services
Web: Address: 42-50 Hersham Road, Walton Address: 18 Jabiru Drive, Barmaryee
on Thames, Surrey UK QLD 4703, Australia
Company: James Technologies Tel: +44 0 1932 242424 Tel: +61 7 4930 2182
Expertise: Labour, engineering and Email: N/A Email: N/A
training services Web: Web: N/A
Address: 282 Hotham Creek Road,
Gold Coast QLD 4210, Australia Company: Kew Project Management
Tel: 1300 732 881 (KPM)
Email: [email protected] Expertise: Engineering, consulting and
Web: specialised equipment supplier



Company: Layne Drilling Expertise: Mining services, engineering Address: 42 Prestige Parade, Wangara
Expertise: Water management, con- and plant maintenance WA 6065, Australia
struction and drilling Address: 15 Hudswell Road, Perth Tel: +61 8 9303 4048
Address: Suite 700, 1800 Hughes Airport, WA 6105, Australia Email: [email protected]
Landing Boulevard, The Woodlands, Tel: +61 8 9232 1000 Web:
Texas 77380 Email: N/A
Tel: + 281 475 2600 Web: Company: MDM Engineering
Email: [email protected] Expertise: Project evaluation, manage-
Web: Company: Maintenance and Project ment, design and construction
Engineering Address: 2nd Floor, 382 Jan Smuts
Company: League Engineering Services Expertise: Asset maintenance and Avenue, Craighall Johannesburg South
Expertise: Telecommunication solutions safety management Africa
Address: Po Box 500, Norton Summit Address: Suite 1, 157 159 John Street, Tel: +27 11 993 4300
SA 5136, Australia Singleton NSW 2330, Australia Email: [email protected]
Tel: +61 8 8390 0265 Tel: +61 2 6571 1537 Web:
Email: N/A Email: N/A
Web: N/A Web: Company: MEC Mining
Expertise: Mine planning, onsite man-
Company: LeTourneau Technologies Company: Major Drilling agement, geology and technical services
Australia Expertise: Drilling contractors, suppliers Address: Level 22, 215 Adelaide Street,
Expertise: Design and manufacture of and consultants Brisbane, Australia
mining machines and products Address: 112 Ebbern Street, Darra, Tel: +61 7 3832 0301
Address: 54 Borthwick Avenue, Murar- QLD 4076, Australia Email: [email protected]
rie QLD 4172, Australia Tel: +61 7 3850 4750 Web:
Tel: +61 7 3902 9000 Email: [email protected]
Email: N/A Web: Company: MECS Africa
Web: Expertise: Recruitment, contracting and
Company: Management Consultants project logistics
Company: Lithon Mining Engineers (Mining) Address: Private Bag X9966, Sandton
Expertise: Engineering and consulting Expertise: Corporate management of Johannesburg South Africa
services resources projects Tel: +27 11 218 8060
Address: 37 Feld Street, Windhoek Address: 14 Outram Street, West Perth Email: [email protected]
Namibia WA 6005, Australia Web:
Tel: +264 61 250278 Tel: +61 8 9385 3232
Email: N/A Email: N/A Company: Merit Engineers
Web: Web: www.managementconsultants- Expertise: Project management, con- struction and contract administration
Company: Lowrie Modular Address: Merit House, 43 Kirwan
Expertise: Design, manufacture and Company: Maptek Street, Floreat WA 6014, Australia
installation services Expertise: Mining software Tel: +61 8 9383 7510
Address: Level 27 St Martins Tower, Address: 2/190 Aberdeen Street, North- Email: N/A
44 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000, bridge, Perth 6003, Australia Web:
Australia Tel: +618 6211 0000
Tel: +61 8 6316 4646 Email: N/A Company: Metso Minerals
Email: [email protected] Web: Expertise: Mining equipment, services
Web: and process knowledge
Company: Martins Mining and Civil Address: Level 2, 1110 Hay Street,
Company: Lycopodium Expertise: Heavy earthmoving services West Perth, WA 6005, Australia
Expertise: Engineering and product and equipment suppliers Tel: +61 8 9420 5555
management consultants Address: 35 Norseman Road, Esper- Email: [email protected]
Address: Level 5/1 Adelaide Terrace, ance WA 6450, Australia Web:
East Perth WA 6004, Australia Tel: +61 8 9072 1940
Tel: +61 8 6210 5222 Email: [email protected] Company: Micromine
Email: [email protected] Web: Expertise: Mining software solutions
Web: Address: 174 Hampden Road, Ned-
Company: Maxtech Ventures Inc lands WA 6009, Australia
Company: MACA Ltd Expertise: Real estate acquisition and Tel: +61 8 9423 9000
Expertise: Mining and civil contracting investment Email: [email protected]
services Address: 8338-120th Street, Surrey Web:
Address: 45 Division Street, Welshpool, British Columbia
WA 6106, Australia Tel: +604 592 6881 Company: Midas Engineering Group
Tel: +61 8 6242 2600 Email: [email protected] Expertise: Engineering and consulting
Email: [email protected] Web: services
Web: Address: Level 6, 524 Hay Street Perth
Company: McKay Drilling WA 6000, Australia
Company: Macmahon Holdings Expertise: RC and diamond drilling Tel: +61 8 9421 9000


Email: [email protected] Company: Mining One Consultants Expertise: West Africa-focused heavy
Web: Expertise: Mining operations and geo- equipment solutions and services pro-
technical services vider
Company: Mills Wilson Communication Address: Level 9, 50 Market Street, Address: 3rd Floor, 4 St James’s Place,
Consultants Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia London UK
Expertise: Reputation management, Tel: +61 3 9600 3588 Tel: +44 207 629 7348
engagement, marketing and communi- Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
cations Web: Web:
Address: 31 Broadway, Nedlands WA
6009, Australia Company: Mining People Company: MSA Group
Tel: +61 8 9421 3600 Expertise: Human resources and spe- Expertise: Exploration, geology, re-
Email: [email protected] cialist recruitment services source and reserve estimation, mining
Web: Address: 1140 Hay Street, West Perth and environmental consulting services
WA 6005, Australia Address: 20B Rothesay Avenue,
Company: Minelab Tel: +61 8 9426 1500 Craighall Park, Johannesburg, South
Expertise: Metal detection technologies Email: N/A Africa 2196
Address: 118 Hayward Avenue, Tor- Web: Tel: +27 11 880 4209
rensville SA 5031, Australia Email: [email protected]
Tel: +61 8 8238 0888 Company: Minopex Web:
Email: [email protected] Expertise: Outsourced operation and
Web: maintenance of processing facilities Company: Multotec
Address: Ground Floor, Building 7, Expertise: Mineral processing optimisa-
Company: Mineral Engineering Techni- Pinewood Office Park, 33 Riley Road, tion solutions
cal Services (METS) Woodmead, South Africa 2196 Address: 11 Ellerslie Road, Meadow-
Expertise: Project management and Tel: +27 11 785 7000 brook, QLD 4131
training Email: [email protected] Tel: +61 7 3442 0100
Address: Level 6, 524 Hay Street, Perth Web: Email: [email protected]
WA 6000, Australia Web:
Tel: +61 8 9421 9000 Company: Mintek
Email: [email protected] Expertise: Mineral processing and Company: MWH Australia
Web: extractive metallurgy Expertise: Engineering and construction
Address: 200 Malibongwe Drive, Strij- services for water and natural resources
Company: MineSight Applications dom Park, Randburg 2125, South Africa sectors
Expertise: Mine planning software Tel: +27 11 709 4111 Address: 41 Bishop St, Jolimont WA
Address: Level 2, 61 King Street, Perth Email: N/A 6014, Australia
WA 6000, Australia Web: Tel: +61 8 9388 8799
Tel: +61 8 9436 0700 Email: [email protected]
Email: N/A Company: Mitchell Group Web:
Web: Expertise: Development and opera-
tion of port infrastructure and the hire of Company: Naismith Engineering &
Company: MinesOnline drilling-related equipment Manufacturing
Expertise: Linking buyers and sellers Address: 112 Bluestone Circuit, Seven- Expertise: Supplier of power transmis-
for the sale or acquisition of resource teen Mile Rocks QLD 4073, Australia sion products and components
projects Tel: +61 7 3722 7277 Address: 149 Heidelberg Road, North-
Address: Level 3, 8 Colin Street, West Email: [email protected] cote VIC 3070, Australia
Perth WA 6005, Australia Web: Tel: +61 3 9489 9811
Tel: +61 8 9486 9557 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Company: MonuRent Total Equipment Web:
Web: Solutions



Company: Nautitech Mining Sys- Tel: +61 2 9577 9500 Company: Orway Mineral Consul-
tems Email: N/A tants
Expertise: Design and manufacture Web: Expertise: Metallurgical testwork,
of electronic equipment for hazard- flowsheet modelling, process engi-
ous areas Company: Omni Technical Solutions neering, plant optimisation and com-
Address: Building 3, 9 Packard Expertise: Fleet management and missioning
Avenue, Castle Hill NSW 2154, equipment services provider Address: Level 4, 1 Adelaide Ter-
Australia Address: Jumeirah Lakes Towers, Saba race, East Perth 6004, Australia
Tel: +61 2 9899 6857 Tower 1, Office 3401, Dubai, UAE Tel: +61 8 6210 5601
Email: N/A Tel: +971 4 446 1089 Email: [email protected]
Web: Email: [email protected] Web:
Company: NCS Technology Company: Paragon Consultants
Expertise: Ore tracking and handling Company: On Site Technology Pty Ltd Expertise: M&A, company secretaries,
software Expertise: Environmental consultants accounting and taxation services
Address: 3A Agnew Way, Subiaco WA and services Address: First Floor, 160 Stirling High-
6008, Australia Address: PO Box 5143, Alberton SA way, Nedlands WA 6009, Australia
Tel: +61 8 9381 8999 5014, Australia Tel: +61 8 9389 7779
Email: [email protected] Tel: +61 8 8447 4833 Email: admin@paragonconsultants.
Web: Email: N/A
Web: N/A Web:
Company: New Resolution Geophysics
Expertise: Airborne gravity and heli- Company: Optiro Company: Park Engineers
copter borne magnetic and radiometric Expertise: Technical and commercial Expertise: Steel fabrication services
surveying advice for exploration companies and Address: 388 Welshpool Road, Welsh-
Address: Red Herring Centre, The investors pool WA 6106, Australia
Loft, 65 Beach Road, Noordhoek, South Address: Level 4, 50 Colin Street, West Tel: +61 8 9451 7255
Africa Perth WA 6005, Australia Email: [email protected]
Tel: +27 21 789 0509 Tel: +61 8 9215 0000 Web:
Email: N/A Email: [email protected]
Web: Web: Company: Parsons Brinckerhoff
Expertise: Planning, engineering and
Company: NETZSCH Australia Company: Oracle Natural Resources construction management services
Expertise: Analysing and testing, grind- Expertise: Software and data manage- Address: Level 27, Ernst & Young Cen-
ing and dispersing, pumps and systems ment for mining and natural resources tre, 680 George St, Sydney, NSW 2000,
Address: Unit 3, 21 Binney Road, Kings companies Australia
Park, NSW 2148, Australia Address: 500 Oracle Parkway, Red- Tel: +61 2 9272 5100
Tel: +61 2 9641 2840 wood Shores, California 94065 Email: N/A
Email: [email protected] Tel: +1 650 506 7000 Web:
Web: Email: N/A
Web: Company: PDC Engineering
Company: NHP Electrical Engineering Expertise: Engineering design, detailing
Products Company: Orelogy and 3D modelling services
Expertise: Motor control, power distribu- Expertise: Specialist mine planning Address: 48 Kishorn Road, Applecross
tion and automation systems consultancy and developers of open pit WA 6153, Australia
Address: 38 Belmont Avenue, Rivervale scheduling software Tel: +61 8 9315 6600
WA 6103, Australia Address: Unit 1, Bluenote Building, Email: [email protected]
Tel: 1300 647 647 162 Colin Street, West Perth WA 6005, Web:
Email: N/A Australia
Web: Tel: +61 8 9318 5333 Company: Petroleum Technologies
Email: [email protected] Australia
Company: OBT Shipping Web: Expertise: Fuel system installation and
Expertise: Shipping services in Gambia, management for mining and service
Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia stations
Address: Kreuzplatz 2, CH-8032, Swit- Address: 136 West Kalgoorlie Road,
zerland Kalgoorlie WA 6430, Australia
Tel: +41 44 266 10 66 Tel: +61 8 9022 7711
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Web: Web:

Company: Olympus Innov-x Company: Phillips Engineering
Expertise: Leading provider of XRF and Expertise: Steel fabrication, mining and
XRD analysers plus a broad range of mineral processing, project management
other products and other engineering services
Address: Ground Floor, 82 Waterloo Address: 5 Egmont Road, Henderson
Road, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia WA 6166, Australia


Tel: +61 8 9437 4100 NSW 2283, Australia Company: Protecht
Email: [email protected] Tel: +61 2 4959 1087 Expertise: Risk solutions
Web: Email: N/A Address: Suite 2, Level 3, 230 Clarence
Web: Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
Company: Pinnacle Drilling Tel: +61 2 8005 1265
Expertise: Surface and underground Company: Portable Analytical Solutions Email: [email protected]
drilling services Expertise: Distribution of scientific, Web:
Address: 12 Leewood Drive Orange portable and analytical equipment
NSW 2800, Australia Address: Ground Floor, Fortunity Build- Company: Proteus Engineers
Tel: +61 2 6360 2216 ing, 155 The Entrance Road, Erina NSW Expertise: Leading provider of engi-
Email: N/A 2250, Australia neering services to the resources and
Web: Tel: +61 2 4381 2844 energy sectors
Email: [email protected] or info@ Address: 370 Murray Street, Perth WA
Company: PMT Water Engineering 6000, Australia
Expertise: Manufacturers and facilitators Web: Tel: +61 8 6313 3200
of pre-fabricated tanks, packaged water Email: [email protected]
filtration and treatment Company: Powertech Services Web:
Address: 9/47 Overlord Place, Acacia Expertise: Technical specialists across
Ridge Queensland 4110, Australia all engineering disciplines, including Company: Quest Exploration Drilling
Tel: +61 7 3373 2600 commissioning, testing, start-up, mainte- Expertise: Drilling services to the
Email: N/A nance and operations resources, construction, oil and gas and
Web: Address: 7/507 Murray Street, Perth water management industry
WA 6000, Australia Address: Unit 2208, The Trade and
Company: Polyglot Group Tel: +61 8 9244 4477 Financial Tower, 7th Avenue and 32nd
Expertise: Payroll and human resource Email: [email protected] Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig
outsourcing, recruitment, language and Web: City, Philippines 1634 
back office administration ertech-services Tel: +63 2 995 2401
Address: 25 Burton Street, Glebe NSW Email: N/A
2037, Australia Company: Professional Cost Consultants Web:
Tel: +61 2 9518 4388 Expertise: Surveying, estimating and
Email: N/A cost management, contract and adminis- Company: R & R Engineering
Web: tration services Expertise: Power and control systems
Address: Suite 148, 580 Hay Street, Address:  Maryland Industrial Estate,
Company: Polymer Technologies Perth WA 6000, Australia 286 Ballygowan Road, Moneyreagh,
Expertise: Manufacturers and distribu- Tel: +61 8 9221 9883 Belfast BT23 6BL
tors of polymer products that service Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 0 28 9044 9000
the mining, quarrying and engineering Web: Email: [email protected]
industries Web:
Address: Unit 2, 8 Langar Way, Lands- Company: Professional Service Solu-
dale WA 6065 tions Company: Rapallo Consulting & Con-
Tel: +61 8 9303 9969 Expertise: Operational risk and travel tracting Engineers
Email: sales@polymertechnologies. safety management, project support and Expertise: Engineering plus project and recruitment construction management, asset man-
Web: Address: 17 Manning Street, South agement, resource management and
Brisbane, QLD 4101, Australia environmental consultation
Company: Poly Pipe Tel: 1300 733 613 Address:  130 Hay Street, Subiaco WA
Expertise: Supplier of polyethylene Email: clientservices@professionalser-
pipes and related products
Address: 379 Awaba Road, Toronto, Web:



6008, Australia of safety and productivity products for and professional development and
Tel: +61 8 9460 4300  the mining, mobile equipment, earth- training
Email: [email protected] moving, transport, agricultural, construc- Address: Level 12, 333 Ann Street,
Web: tion and materials handling industries Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia
Address: Unit 2-5/511 Abernethy Tel: +61 7 3100 7200
Company: Ravensgate Mining Indus- Road, Kewdale WA 6105, Australia Email: N/A
try Consultants Tel: +61 8 9353 6577 Web:
Expertise: Consultants serving min- Email: [email protected]
ing and exploration companies Web: Company: Samaras Group
Address: Level 1, 1185 Hay Street, Expertise: Steel fabrication
West Perth, WA 6005, Australia Company: Ritchie Bros Auctioneers Address: 96-106 Grand Trunkway,
Tel: +61 8 9226 3606 Expertise: Auctioneer of heavy equip- Gillman SA 5013, Australia
Email: N/A ment and trucks. The company offers Tel: +61 8 8447 7088
Web: used and unused heavy equipment for Email: N/A
sale Web:
Company: RCR Tomlinson Address: International Head Office,
Expertise: Engineering and infra- 9500 Glenlyon Parkway, Burnaby, BC, Company: Sandvik
structure services Canada, V5J 0C6 Expertise: Drilling and mining equip-
Address: Level 6, 251 St Georges Ter- Tel: +1 778 331 5500 ment
race, Perth 6000, Australia Email: [email protected] Address: 60-62 Qantas Drive, Brisbane
Tel: +61 8 9355 8100 Web: Airport, Queensland 4007, Australia
Email: [email protected] Tel: 1300 1726 3845
Web: Company: Rock Australia Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Specialist contracting ser- Web:
Company: Redis Construction Afrika vices and products for mining and civil
Expertise: Multi-disciplinary in structur- projects Company: ScanTech International
al steel, mechanical, electrical, instru- Address: 3 Craig Street, Burswood WA Expertise: Specialists in using technolo-
mentation and piping construction 6100, Australia gies to monitor and control bulk material
Address: Bedfordview Office Park, Tel: +61 8 9472 2100 applications
Building 3, 3 Riley Road, Bedfordview Email: [email protected] Address: 143 Mooringe Avenue, Cam-
2007, South Africa Web: den Park, SA 5038, Australia
Tel: +27 (0) 11 450 4141 Tel: +61 8 8350 0200
Email: [email protected] Company: RUC Cementation Mining Email: [email protected]
Web: Services Web:
Expertise: Underground mining ser-
Company: Reel Tech vices Company: Schlumberger
Expertise: Specialist in hose and cable Address: 1 Yulpari Road, West Kalgoor- Expertise: Supplier of technology,
reels lie, WA 6430, Australia integrated project management and
Address: 1-8/27 Shearson Crescent, Tel: +61 8 9021 3333 information solutions in the oil and gas
Mentone, VIC, Australia 3194 Email: [email protected] industry worldwide
Tel: +61 3 9583 2368 Web: Address: 256 St Georges Terrace,
Email: [email protected] Perth, WA 6000, Australia  
Web: Company: RungePincockMinarco Tel: +61 8 9420 4800
Expertise: Mining technical experts of- Email: N/A
Company: Reflex Drilling fering services including mining advisory Web:
Expertise: Drilling services and support. in geology, resources, mine design
Address: 37 Parkinson Lane, O’Connor and planning, optimisation, corporate Company: Scope Systems
WA 6163 or F449/4 Gbatsunaa St, Nya- finance, feasibility studies, due diligence Expertise: Software, specifically enter-
niba Estates, Osu. Accra Ghana and more; software and consulting; prise resource planning (ERP), business
Tel: +61 8 9331 1829 (Australia) or +23 intelligence (BI), budgeting and fore-
3 0242 162070 (Ghana) casting software and business process
Email: [email protected] management consulting solutions
Web: Address: Level 3, 1 Manning Street,
Scarborough, Perth WA 6019
Company: Rema Tip Top Tel: +61 8 9245 9900
Expertise: Products, services and Email: [email protected]
engineering Web: www.
Address: Building 3, 20 Worth Street,
Chullora NSW 2190, Australia  Company: Scott Drilling International
Tel: +61 2 8755 8444 Expertise: Water well drilling and ser-
Email: [email protected] vices
Web: Address: 11923 Green Pines Circle,
Houston, TX 77066,
Company: Remote Control Technolo- Tel: 281-893-1492 
gies Email: N/A
Expertise: Manufacture and installation Web:


Company: Sedgman/MDM resources sector  services FlexiCadastre, the enterprise
Expertise: Mineral processing and as- Address: 100 Christie Street, St Leon- scale land management solution
sociated infrastructure solutions to the ards, Sydney NSW 2065, Australia Address: 301-221 West Esplanade,
global resources industry. Tel: +61 2 9928 2100 North Vancouver, BC, V7M 3J3, Canada
Address: Level 2, 2 Gardner Close, Email: N/A Tel: +1 604 770 3539 
Milton, QLD 4064 Australia Web: Email: N/A
Tel: +61 7 3514 1000 Web:
Email: [email protected] Company: Snowden Group
Web: Expertise: Provider of geologists, min- Company: Spirac Engineerings
ing engineers, geotechnical engineers, Expertise: Spare parts, preventative
Company: Seovic Engineering and software maintenance upgrades, troubleshooting,
Expertise: Overhaul and repair of min- Address: 87 Colin Street, West Perth, troubleshooting, system optimisation
ing equipment and operating general WA 6005, Australia   and audits and maintenance agree-
engineering and machining facilities. Tel: +61 8 9213 9213  ments
Address: 2a Graham Hill Road, Narel- Email: N/A Address: 30 Cocos Drive Bibra Lake,
lan NSW 2567, Australia Web: WA 6163, Australia
Tel: +61 2 4647 2200 Tel: +61 8 9434 0777
Email: [email protected] Company: Southern Cross Electrical Email: [email protected]
Web: Engineering Web:
Expertise: Electrical and instrumenta-
Company: Set Point Group tion services  Company: Spray Nozzle Engineering
Expertise: Services and support to Address: 41 Macedonia Street, Naval Expertise: Manufacturer of patented
mining, refining and manufacturing Base, WA 6165, Australia spray nozzles and related products
industries Tel: +61 8 9236 8300 Address: 1-8/27 Shearson Cres, Men-
Address: 30 Electron Avenue, Isando, Email: [email protected] tone, VIC 3194, Australia
1601, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Web: Tel: +61 3 9583 2368
Africa Email: [email protected]
Tel: +27 11 923 7000 Company: Southern Geoscience Con- Web:
Email: N/A sultants
Web: Expertise: Geophysics Company: SRA Information Technology
Address: Level 1, 183 Great Eastern Expertise: Expertise and solutions in
Company: SGS Australia Highway, Belmont WA 6104, Australia the environment and sustainability, natu-
Expertise: Various services to the min- Tel: +61 8 6254 5000 ral resource management, community
ing and resources sector Email: [email protected] welfare and compliance and approv-
Address: 10 Reid Road, Perth Inter- Web: als areas 
national Airport, Newburn, WA 6105, Address: 1st Floor, 31 Thesiger Court,
Australia Company: Southern Mapping Deakin ACT 2600, Australia
Tel: 1300 765 725 Expertise: Aerial surveys Tel: +61 2 6129 6600
Email: N/A Address: 39 Kingfisher Drive, Four- Email: [email protected]
Web: ways, Johannesburg, South Africa Web:
Tel: +27 0 11 467 2609
Company: SGS Minerals Services Email: [email protected] Company: SRK Consulting
Expertise: Geochemical testing, Web: Expertise: Full suite of mining services
resource calculations and technical from exploration to site closure
Reports, geometallurgy, scoping studies Company: Spatial Dimensions Address: Level 1, 10 Richardson Street,
and flowsheet development, piloting and Expertise: Implementation and support West Perth WA 6005, Australia
environmental services Tel: +61 8 9288 2000
Address: 431 Victoria Road, Malaga, Email: [email protected]
WA 6090, Australia Web:
Tel: +61 8 9209 8700
Email: N/A Company: SSG Consulting
Web: Expertise:  Consultants
Address: Stand 64, 830 Petrus Street,
Company: Sharproc Waterkloof, Pretoria 0181, South Africa
Expertise: Asset management services Tel: +27 12 345 6779
to mining and mining related industries Email: [email protected]
Address: Level 28, AMP Tower 140 Web:
St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000,
Australia Company: Stealth Recruitment
Tel: +61 8 9288 4470 Expertise: Recruitment
Email: N/A Address: PO Box 5324, Manly QLD
Web: 4179, Australia
Tel: +61 77 3910 0001
Company: SKM Email: [email protected]
Expertise: Strategic consulting, Web:
engineering and project delivery to the


Company: Steelstruct Engineering project engineers and mainstream re- Company: Titeline Drilling
Expertise: Engineering source processing companies Expertise: Mineral exploration drilling
Address: 8 Church Road Maddington, Address: 182 Rutland Avenue, Carlisle, Address: 3 Production Drive, Alfredton,
WA 6109, Australia WA 6101, Australia VIC 3350, Australia
Tel: +61 8 9459 8422 Tel: +61 8 9472 1999 Tel: +61 3 5338 3800
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: N/A
Web: Web: Web:

Company: Steinert Australia Company: Technology One Company: Tom Browne Drilling Ser-
Expertise: Providers of efficient solu- Expertise: Software vices
tions for sorting and separating recy- Address: Level 11 TechnologyOne HQ, Expertise: Diamond, rotary mud, re-
clable materials. 540 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley verse circulation, directional drilling and
Address: 14 Longstaff Road, Bayswater QLD 4006, Australia seller of ancillary equipment
VIC 3153, Australia Tel: +61 7 3167 7300 Address: 2R Freight Drive, Dubbo,
Tel: +61 3 8720 0800 Email: N/A NSW 2830, Australia
Email: [email protected] Web: Tel: +61 2 6826 8100
Web: Email: [email protected]
Company: Terratec Web:
Company: Stellar Recruitment Expertise: Designer and manufacturer
Expertise: Recruitment of tunnel boring machines, raise boring Company: Torque Recruitment Group
Address: Level 21, 144 Edward Street, machines and other custom-made prod- Expertise: Staffing service and support
Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia ucts for tunnelling and mining applica- to key primary and secondary industrial
Tel: +61 7 3009 9600 tions sectors, including the mining and oil and
Email: [email protected] Address: 171 Davey Street, Hobart, gas sectors.
Web: TAS 7000, Australia Address: 359 Gympie Road, Kedron,
Tel: +61 3 6223 3282 QLD 4031, Australia
Company: Stramech Engineering Email: [email protected] Tel: +61 7 3350 800
Expertise: Engineering, project and Web: Email: N/A
manufacturing solutions Web:
Address: 12 CB Fisher Drive, Cavan SA Company: Thiess
5094, Australia Expertise: Contract mining Company: Transmotors
Tel: +61 8 8349 5100 Address: Level 5, 179 Grey Street, Expertise: Exports of cars, commercial
Email: [email protected] South Bank, Queensland 4101, Australia vehicles, 4WDS, motorbikes, trucks,
Web: Tel: +61 7 3002 9000 transport means and vehicles in general
Email: [email protected] Address: Korhoenweg 2-4, 4791 RM
Company: Swick Mining Services Web: Moerdijk, The Netherlands
Expertise: Drilling services Tel: 0031 0 88 838 03 00
Address: 64 Great Eastern Highway, Company: Titan Recruitment Email: [email protected] 
South Guildford, WA 6935, Australia Expertise: Independent engineering Web:
Tel: +61 8 9277 8800 consultancy specialising in information
Email: [email protected] and communications technology Company: United Pacific Drilling
Web: Address: Level 5, 35 Havelock Street, Expertise: Contract drilling services
West Perth WA 6005, Australia Address: 97 Fikus Street, Madang,
Company: Syntechtron Tel: +61 8 6467 0600 Papua New Guinea
Expertise: Vibratory materials handling Web: Tel: +67 58522411
Address: 17 Butterfield Street, Black- Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
town NSW 2148, Australia Web:
Tel: +61 2 9679 7022
Email: [email protected] Company: UTi
Web: Expertise: Freight management
Address: 100 Oceangate, Suite 1500,
Company: Systech International Long Beach, CA 90802, USA
Expertise:  Commercial management, Tel: +1 (562) 552-9400
project controls, planning and schedul- Email: N/A
ing, claims, expert witness, dispute reso- Web:
lution, legal and visualisation services on
construction, infrastructure and energy Company: UTS Geophysics
projects Expertise: Data collection
Address: 293030 Cecil Street, 20-01 Address: Unit 2, 17 Oxleigh Drive,
Prudential Tower, Singapore 049712 Malaga WA 6090
Tel: +65 6631 Tel: +61 8 6310 4000
Email: N/A Email: N/A
Web: Web:

Company: Tech Source Company: Veolia Water Technologies
Expertise: Engineering consultants, Expertise: Water and wastewater treat-


ment solutions screen media, rubber and wear resistant 6430, Australia
Address: Level 3, 1 Innova- linings for global mining and mineral pro- Tel: +61 8 9091 7364 or +61
tion Road, Macquarie Park, cessing, the power sector and general 419 040 276
NSW 2113, Australia industry.   Email: wddrillers@big-
Tel: +61 2 8514 3200 Address: 1 Marden Street, Artarmon
Email: N/A NSW 2064, Australia Web:
Web: www.veoliawaterst. Tel: +61 2 9934 5100 westralian-diamond-drill- Email: australiansales@weirminerals. ers-pty-ltd
Company: Viento Group Web: Company: Willis Group
Expertise: Mining services Holdings
and civil contracting Company: Welldrill Expertise: Global risk
Address: 160 Lakes Road, Expertise: Water well drilling com- advisor, insurance and
Hazelmere, WA 6055, Aus- pany specialising in wells to a depth of reinsurance broker 
tralia 1200m, mine dewatering, mine bore- Address: Level 4, 555
Tel: +61 8 6145 2400 fields, reinjection bores, reverse circula- Bourke Street, VIC 3000, Australia
Email: [email protected] tion drilling, conventional open hole Tel: +61 3 8681 9800
Web: drilling, service holes, environmental Email: N/A
investigation, geothermal investigation Web:
Company: Vital Engineering and pump testing.
Expertise: Manufacturing Address: 16 Jessie Lee Street, Hender- Company: Winmax Drilling
Address: 330 Scaife Hall, 200 Lothrop son, Perth, WA 6008, Australia Expertise: Diamond drilling contractor
Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2582, USA Tel: +61 8 9437 4633 Address: 26 Merriman Drive, Wangara,
Tel: 1 877 647 8186 Email: [email protected] WA 6065, Australia
Email: [email protected] Web: Tel: +61 9408 0996
Web: Email: N/A
Company: West Core Drilling Web:
Company: VM Drilling Expertise: Core drilling services
Expertise: Drilling Address: 34 Kalamunda Road, South Company: WorleyParsons
Address: 29 Clancy Street, Boulder WA Guildford WA 6055, Australia Expertise: Engineering, procurement
6432, Australia Tel: +61 8 9378 4013 and construction services
Tel: +61 8 9093 3916 Email: [email protected] Address: Level 12, 141 Walker Street,
Email: [email protected] Web: North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia
Web: Tel: +61 2 8923 6866
Company: Westernex Email: N/A
Company: Voith Turbo GmbH and Co Expertise: Consumable products. Web:
Expertise: Mining technology systems Geographical focus: Australian fo-
and services cused. Company: Xstract Group
Address: Building 2, 1-47 Percival Address: 66 Truganina Road, Perth WA Expertise: Independent, strategic
Road, Smithfield, NSW 2164, Australia 6090, Australia advice, and technical and personalised
Tel: 1800 0 86484 Tel: +61 8 9209 8500 professional services to exploration and
Email: N/A Email: [email protected] mining companies, operating mines,
Web: Web: engineering firms, financial institutions
and investors
Company: Wallis Drilling Company: Westralian Diamond Drillers Address: Level 6, 545 Queen Street,
Expertise: Drilling Expertise: Contractors, diamond coring Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia
Address: 54 Beaconsfield Avenue, Address: 21 Epis Street, Kalgoorlie, WA Tel: +61 7 3221 2366
Midvale WA 6056, Australia Email: [email protected]
Tel: +61 8 9374 1111 Web:
Email: [email protected]
Web: Company: Zonge Engineering & Re-
search Organisation
Company: Watson-Marlow Fluid Tech- Expertise: Development and application
nology Group of broadband electrical and electromag-
Expertise: Peristaltic pumps and as- netic methods
sociated fluid path technologies Address: 39 Raglan Avenue, Edward-
Address: 15/19-26 Durian Place, Weth- stown SA 5039
erill Park, NSW 2164, Australia Tel: +61 8 8371 0020
Tel: +61 2 8787 1400 Email: [email protected]
Email: N/A Web:

Company: Weir-Envirotech
Expertise: Slurry equipment support
solutions including pumps, hydrocy-
clones, valves, screen machines and



Fortescue’s Billion Opportunities pro-
gramme has awarded 237 contracts and
subcontracts to more than 100 Aborigi-
nal businesses, with a total value of $1.8

TNG and SMS Group GmbH have signed a MoU for the joint commercial exploitation of Second contract for
the technology underpinning the proposed TIVAN downstream refinery in Darwin Duro Felguera in Algeria

TNG strengthens ties FMG claims innovative Duro Felguera has won a $US109.4
with engineering partner partnership award million contract for bulk-handling equip-
ment at Algerie Qatar Steel’s new iron
TNG Ltd has signed a MoU with global The innovative partnership between and steel complex in Bellara, north-east
engineering firm SMS Group GmbH for Fortescue Metals Group Ltd and Abo- Algeria.
the joint commercial exploitation of the riginal-owned business Print Junction
technology underpinning the proposed was recognised at last month’s Connect The 2 mtpa project will be delivered
TIVAN downstream refinery in Darwin. 2016 Supplier Diversity Awards in Syd- as a turnkey contract, including all en-
ney, taking out the Supplier to Corporate gineering, procurement, manufacturing,
Under the terms of the MoU, both com- Partnership of the Year gong. construction and commissioning of the
panies will investigate the most feasible equipment required for the bulk-handling
structures to jointly exploit their intellec- It is the second time in as many years package.
tual properties, including cross-licenc- Fortescue has claimed a major award at
ing, patent pooling, JVs or other arrange- the function following community devel- The contract is comprised of two main
ments. opment manager Heath Nelson’s win in developments – port terminal facilities at
the Supplier Diversity Advocate of the Djen Djen for the receipt of 3.5 mtpa of
TNG will grant SMS, which has already Year category in 2015. iron ore pellets and the equipment need-
signed a binding agreement for the engi- ed for pellet storage before being sent to
neering, design and construction of the “Our relationship with Print Junction the direct reduction plant with the Bellara
TIVAN refinery, and its customers ac- started with a $293 print run four years complex.
cess to TIVAN and its intellectual proper- ago,” Nelson said. “We’ve come a long
ties in exchange for a royalty. way since then and we were very proud The equipment will include ore ship
to sign a three-year contract worth over unloaders, conveyor belts, stackers and
In return, SMS will grant TNG the right $1 million last year. reclaimer, train loading and unloading,
to use its specific complementary intel- plus service equipment to support these
lectual properties at its refineries. “It’s about giving a ‘hand up’ instead of facilities.
a ‘handout’ and to see Aboriginal busi-
The signing of the MoU follows a visit ness owners, like Print Junction, seizing This will be the second project Duro
by a delegation of senior SMS execu- those opportunities, delivering on their Felguera has implemented in Algeria.
tives, including board member Harald commitments, growing their businesses The company is currently building a gas-
Rackel, to the Mount Peake vanadium- and employing local Aboriginal people fired combined cycle power plant at Djel-
titanium-iron project in the Northern Ter- demonstrates how the positive outcomes fa, about 300km south of Algiers.
ritory and the planned site of the TIVAN flow right through to the broader commu-
refinery. nity.” Duro Felguera is also building two iron
ore processing plants in Mauritania and
The delegation also met with NT chief a bulk port terminal in Egypt.
minister Adam Giles.
RCR awarded Cadia
TNG managing director Paul Burton construction contract
said the MoU represented a major step
forward for his company’s financing and RCR Tomlinson Ltd has won new con-
development strategy for Mount Peake. struction contracts at Newcrest Mining
Ltd’s Cadia Valley operations in New

Green pastures for Fortescue has awarded 237 contracts and subcontracts to more than 100 Aboriginal
Ausenco at Moose River businesses worth a total value of $1.8 billion under its Billion Opportunities programme

Ausenco Ltd started an EPC contract
for Atlantic Gold Corp at Moose River,
Nova Scotia, Canada, last month.

The contract is worth $91 million, with
Ausenco to deliver a 2 mtpa process-
ing plant and other related infrastructure
items by Q4 2017.


South Wales valued at $25 in Australia, South East Asia

million. and Europe and recently es-

The contracting firm will tablished a new training cen-

deliver design, construction, tre in Matola, Mozambique.

testing and commissioning RBR’s Mozambican busi-

of a new materials handling ness administration subsidi-

facility and other associated ary PacMoz recently settled

mine infrastructure works. into the new Matola offices.

Preliminary work is under During the last quarter,

way and the project is due for nine welding bays were in-

completion before the end of stalled in the Matola training

the September quarter. facility to support the pro-

Cadia Valley was one of posed welding and fabrica-

three major contracts award- tion skills programme to be

ed to RCR last month, along- offered to up to 1,000 disad-

side a $64 million rail infra- vantage Mozambicans.

structure deal with Transport After recently establishing a new training centre in Mozambique, The programme has an
for NSW and a two-year ex- Futuro Skills hopes to develop several revenue-generating training estimated value of $US2
tension to an existing main-
tenance service agreement projects in Australia, Europe and South East Asia million and is part of a wider
initiative called JOBA, which

with the Victorian Department of Health “Strategic Metallurgy has an outstand- is funded by the United Kingdom’s De-

and Human Services, valued at $38 mil- ing reputation for innovation and delivery partment for International Development.

lion. of results in developing and improving Futuro Skills is also in advanced ne-

metallurgical processes across a range gotiations for the delivery of two onsite

Strategic appointment of minerals,” Toro managing director Va- projects in Mozambique, including a po-
for Toro at Wiluna nessa Guthrie said. tential partnership with a leading multi-
national energy and chemical company
Strategic Metallurgy will oversee the “They are well placed to provide the which requires training for 60 new-start
process optimisation studies programme technical know-how to build on our re- employees.
at Toro Energy Ltd’s Wiluna uranium pro- cent resource improvement and convert
ject in Western Australia. it to real savings in capital and operating It is anticipated that Futuro Skills will
costs.” supply four trainers and equipment over
The company’s primary objective will a six-week period.
be to improve the process flow sheet and Wiluna is the most advanced uranium
main processing plant design for Wiluna development project in Australia and has Runge joins forces with
in a bid to ultimately deliver lower capital a total resource of 40 mlb @ 951 ppm Modular
and operating costs. uranium oxide, based on a 500 ppm cut-
off, across four main deposits.

Current optimisation studies, which RungePincockMinarco Ltd has entered
into a strategic alliance agreement with
RBR rubberstampsbuild on the technical work completed to
date at Wiluna, are focused on a reas- future in skills training Modular Mining Systems Inc, a wholly
sessment of process flow sheet design owned subsidiary of Komatsu Ltd.

and include potential improvements to RBR Group Ltd has finalised its pur- Founded in 1979, Modular is a global

mill head grade through beneficiation chase of a registered training organisa- leader in the delivery of mine manage-

technologies, investigation into alternate tion which will soon start trading under ment technologies with a focus on pro-

uranium recovery techniques, reducing the business name Futuro Skills. duction, machine guidance, equipment

reagent consumption and water recovery Futuro Skills intends to develop sev- health, fleet management and operator

and improved tailings. eral revenue-generating training projects safety.

Modular employs close to 700 people

at 10 global bases. Eighteen of the com-

pany’s 250 clients are among the 20 larg-

est mines in the world.

The strategic alliance agreement

builds on Runge’s expertise in enterprise

planning and scheduling and Modular’s

background in fleet management, sys-

tems integration and mine management


Both parties said the over-riding ob-

jective of their new relationship was to

“deliver an integrated software solution

to bridge the gap between planning and

operations by elevating precision and op-

timising efficiencies to enhance overall

mine productivity”.

Strategic Metallurgy has been commissioned to improve the process flow sheet and

main processing plant design for Toro’s Wiluna uranium project



Danakali maintains poker face

Colluli boasts a resource of 1.289bt @ 10.76% K2O, including a reserve of 1.1bt @ 10% K20

Danakali Ltd has signed MoUs for po- to relinquish its fertiliser subsidy scheme through a number of optimisation options
tential off-take with eight multinational tomorrow, the demand for potassium sul- that allows better capital efficiency and
groups, but the potash hopeful is holding phate would increase by probably 3mt early product diversification.
back on striking any major deals with the globally.
key Asian markets. “We certainly see a large appetite for
“With regards to other parts of Asia, SoP in jurisdictions closer to where we
Interested parties from Northern Af- we’ve done a lot of analysis on the crop are. We are deliberately going to wait un-
rica, Europe, North America and the diversity throughout the South East Asia til the right time for a big long-term mar-
Middle East have put their hands up for region and we actually think there are ket – which is India – but the rest of South
off-take of sulphate of potash (SoP) from other products within our resource that East Asia, we believe, we can diversify
Danakali’s 50% owned Colluli project in are more suitable and we’re working and get a better product fit based on the
Eritrea. crops within that jurisdiction.”
Danakali is preparing a mining licence
The non-binding agreements cover application for Colluli The combined volume for potential off-
a broad range of potential customers – take in the MoUs exceeds 800,000 tpa,
potash traders, fertiliser producers and well above the proposed initial 425,000
blenders – including several from the US tpa production capacity for Colluli, about
where a supply deficit in potassium sul- 75km from the Eritrean coast.
phate has been evident for some time,
according to Danakali managing director Donaldson said the high demand for
Paul Donaldson. his company’s products confirmed wide-
spread discussion about a large supply
However, the key Asian markets of deficit, particularly following Potash-
China and India are not immediately on Corp’s decision to suspend operations
the company’s radar, although that is at its Piccadilly mine in Sussex, England.
likely to change as Donaldson and his
team learn more about Colluli’s potential He added that one of the attractive fea-
product types. tures of the Colluli resource – 1.289bt @
10.76% K2O, including reserves of 1.1bt
“Asia itself is a fantastic opportunity @ 10% K20 – was the ability to mine
for us, but China is an area we don’t re- salts in solid form and produce potas-
ally want to tackle early,” Donaldson told sium sulphate.
Paydirt. “China is a big SoP producer
and the rest of the world is supply con- “What is evident from the conversa-
strained, so why would we go to the big- tions we’ve been having with various
gest market? parties in the market is there is funda-
mentally a large supply deficit out there
“India has got a fertiliser subsidy pro- and, outside of China, there’s no line of
gramme that doesn’t quite work for SoP, sight on new potassium sulphate capac-
but that will change over time. If India was ity,” Donaldson said.



“There’s a handful of projects at DFS “There are no communities within our opportunity to optimise the project as
level and Colluli is probably the most ad- tenements and the Ministry of Environ- we’ve passed through the various stages
vanced of those now in terms of its devel- ment has been to our site multiple times of study.”
opment capability. It’s certainly a stand- throughout the study…we’ve had very
out project in pretty much every aspect positive feedback over the quality of the Donaldson expects his focus for the
– resource size, economic outcomes, issues we’ve covered in our baseline as- rest of this year will be mostly dedicated
fundability, access to global markets – sessments, so we expect it will be a rela- towards securing binding off-take agree-
it’s got the full spectrum.” tively smooth turnaround.” ments and finalising debt finance for
Colluli, however, he is also keen to start
Donaldson said his company would Danakali raised $5.5 million in March demonstrating the long-term value of a
look to convert the existing MoUs to bind- to fund the next phase of work pro- project he believes the market is still yet
ing off-take deals “as soon as possible” grammes, including front-end engineer- to understand.
without impacting the number of avail- ing design work and the mine contracting
able project funding options. tender, which followed the release of a “If you look at our value in the market
DFS in late 2015. relative to the value of the project and
A similar, cautious approach will also the two-phased development we’ve put
be taken when it comes to signing further The DFS confirmed the project could forward in the DFS, certainly there is a
MoUs with potential off-takers. support an initial 425,000 tpa operation very wide gap between our value and the
for $US298 million, a reduction of almost project value,” he said.
“We don’t want to commit to any signifi- 33% on the $US442 million estimate
cant off-take deals until we’ve got it inte- from the PFS. “This is a 1.1bt ore reserve and it has
grated with a finance solution, that’s first decades of growth and unrivalled prod-
and foremost,” Donaldson said. “We’ve An additional $US175 million (down uct diversification potential. We don’t just
seen a number of projects do off-take from $US282 million) of development call it a SoP project and it’s not just a pot-
deals too early and that closes down av- capital is required to ramp up production ash project. This is a multi-agricommod-
enues to funding, so we’re very mindful to 850,000 tpa. ity project which can make three potash
of that. types and can produce magnesium sul-
Other key financials from the DFS in- phate as well.
“Once we’ve got a funding solution cluded a post-tax NPV of $US860 million
we’re comfortable is the right composi- and IRR of 29% (for the full 850,000 tpa “We believe the market still hasn’t
tion, that will allow us to take the off-take operation) and payback within 3.5 years come to terms with what this project ac-
agreements to the next level. You’ve got of the plus 200-year mine life. tually is, or its global significance, but it is
to remember that export credit agencies probably the most fundable and most at-
play a key role here, which means the Improvements in water consumption tractive potash investment out there and
flow of equipment and off-take are criti- and mining pre-strip, as well as a stra- we will certainly start to get some trac-
cal in these particular funding avenues.” tegic decision to export product from ex- tion on that, I’m sure, sometime this year
isting infrastructure at Massawa, 180km when people come to terms with what
Meanwhile, Danakali has submitted its from Colluli, rather than build a new fa- the composition of this resource actually
recently completed DFS to the Eritrean cility at Anfile Bay, 75km from site, were is.”
Ministry of Energy and Mines as it pre- reasons behind the large reduction in
pares to finalise a mining licence applica- capital costs, Donaldson said. – Michael Washbourne
tion for Colluli.
“We identified towards the back end of
The social and environmental impact the PFS a number of optimisa-
assessment and associated manage- tion streams that we basically
ment plans to Equator Principles – a integrated immediately into the
risk management framework adopted by DFS programme,” Donaldson
many international financial institutions said.
for determining, assessing and manag-
ing environmental and social risk in min- “There weren’t any surprises
ing projects – has also been finalised and [when the DFS came out] be-
submitted. cause they were things that we
had identified through the PFS.
Danakali and state-owned JV partner We’ve given ourselves every
ENAMCO recently completed a
number of post-DFS stakeholder Colluli’s product range is attracting plenty
engagements, including education of interest from potential off-takers
sessions in the impacted commu-

Donaldson could not say how
long it would take for the mining li-
cence to be awarded, but he was
confident there would be no sur-
prises during the application pro-

“From our perspective, we’re ex-
pecting a relatively fast turnaround
on our mining licence given we’re in
an area that is environmentally be-
nign,” Donaldson said. “It’s a saline
basin and we’re not extracting wa-
ter from the ground in a way that’s
going to impact anyone.



Newmont does it right at Ahafo

This year Newmont Mining Corp cel- Ken Ramsey community development, while in 2006
ebrates 10 years of production from the Ahafo Social Responsibility Forum
its Ahafo gold mine in western Ghana. than what it was before. We used to have – comprised of 10 communities and 54
six-monthly audits from the IFC looking stakeholders – was established. Essen-
One of the world’s largest gold produc- at how we were progressing towards tially, this led to the Newmont Ahafo De-
ers, with operations and projects in North restoring livelihoods to those people af- velopment Foundation (NADeF) being
America, South America, Indonesia and fected by the mine.” signed in 2008.
Australia, Newmont produced 332,000oz
gold from Ahafo in 2015 on the back of In addition to resettling the commu- “What has made it [NADef] a success
a 3,500 workforce comprised of employ- nity in a place conducive to producing a are things like strong community rep-
ees and contractors. variety of crops good enough for sale, a resentation, independent governance,
number of other initiatives were imple- structure and community resources be-
While the numbers point to an impres- mented by Newmont in consultation with ing involved as well,” Ramsey said.
sive operation, Newmont is most proud all communities impacted by the mine.
of the fact Ahafo was built from scratch “The best gift that you can give anyone
in a region more familiar with agriculture. In 2005, $1/oz gold and 1% of annual is time and for this foundation to have the
net profits was put towards sustainable success it has had, it has taken time. It
“Ahafo is in the breadbasket of Ghana is not something that you can put a sim-
and with a very strong agricultural base ple bar on a GAM chart, it does actually
it is known for its agricultural products take time to work your way through these
and the traditional authorities are still a things.”
very strong part of the social infrastruc-
ture there,” Ken Ramsey, group execu- The NADeF concept ensures not
tive sustainability and external relations, only community ownership of the pro-
Newmont Asia Pacific, told attendees grammes and projects from the founda-
at a Australia-Africa Mining and Energy tion, but also supports the principle of
Group forum. shared value which involves creation of
economic value in a way that also cre-
“To construct and operate our mine we ates value for society by addressing its
had to go through some resettlement, needs and challenges, even long after
we also impacted on the livelihoods of the mine closure, as stated by Newmont.
people in the mine footprint area. We im-
pacted about 10,000 people in actually In 2014, Newmont was recognised for
developing that mine and that is a mix- its efforts in setting up NADeF with the
ture of people who had to be resettled EU’s African Chamber of Commerce
and people who lost some of their farm award for the best social impact invest-
land because of the mine operation.” ment vehicle in Africa.

The Ahafo resettlement programme More than 40 companies in Sub Sa-
was the first time Newmont had under- haran Africa applied for the award, with
taken such a big project. Newmont the standout winner for the
In doing so, the IFC provided a loan
to Newmont to start the project, but as It is the likes of NADeF and other sus-
Ramsey explained, the IFC’s participa- tainability programmes implemented by
tion was more about having a third party Newmont at its mine sites around the
onside which gave the impact-
ed communities some assur- world, which makes it an in-
ance that performance stand- dustry leader in the field and
ards, environmental and social its efforts were once again ac-
responsibilities would be car- knowledged by the Dow Jones
ried out to the highest degree. Sustainability World Index
(DJSI World) last year.
“There is also a requirement
to demonstrate that livelihood Newmont was the first gold
is restored. If you take some- company named to the DJSI in
one who has been living out on 2007 and in 2015 it claimed the
the land, they have their house honour of being ranked the min-
there, they are able to provide ing industry’s leader in overall
for their family and sell a bit of sustainability by the index.
food and then they are removed
and go into a resettlement vil- The DJSI World includes 317
lage; how is their livelihood ac- global companies and is one of
tually restored?,” Ramsey said. the most highly regarded sus-
tainability indices.
“That was part of the IFC
standards; how do you actu- – Mark Andrews
ally restore it back to what it
was before and even better Newmont has received due recognition for its
sustainability efforts in Ghana



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Ball mill relief for Cleveland

Cleveland Mining Company waste clearing and grade-control
Ltd’s rejuvenated bid to be- drilling at Premier and, therefore,

come a 40,000 ozpa gold producer provide enough ore to meet ex-

received a major boost last month pansion targets.

when a long-awaited, new ball mill Recent drilling at Lavra (current

was installed at its Brazilian opera- inferred resource of 134,000t @

tions. 11.14 g/t gold for 48,000oz) dem-

The addition of a second ball mill onstrated the possibility of stacked

at the Premier gold mine was more lodes, boosting the likelihood for

than two years in the making and, further mineralisation at the pro-

on more than one occasion, cloud- ject.

ed the company’s future due to the A peak intercept of 2m @ 7.1 g/t

associated financial hardship. gold from surface was returned

Soon after the first batch of ore from the limited number of as-

was processed in late 2012, Cleve- say results available at the time

land discovered a major defect of print. The 18-hole drilling pro-

with the first ball mill – a moment A new ball mill has finally been installed at Premier gramme wrapped up early last

which unfortunately coincided with month.

the manufacturer entering administra- of President Dilma Rousseff’s impeach- “Our numbers at the moment, from the

tion. ment. current drilling, are showing the depletion

The first ball mill was slated to run at 40 Mendelawitz hopes the company’s is a lot less than we have accounted for,

tph, but the manufacturing fault reduced horrible run of luck is finally over and he which should mean the resource is big-

its output to 27 tph. Mechanical availabil- expects the next steps to be relatively ger,” Mendelawitz said.

ity was just 42% and the plant was never easy compared to what he and his team “I think as soon as we start mining we’ll

able to achieve more than 72% name- have had to endure over the last three be able to demonstrate the value of this

plate capacity. years. project. We’ve been quite conservative

Cleveland was then faced with a tough “We’ve spent millions of dollars, now up until now, but it has a lot more poten-

decision: Fix the problem or buy a new we just need to spend a couple of hun- tial than we’ve demonstrated.”

ball mill. However, both options required dred thousand dollars to finish this off,” Meanwhile, Mendelawitz has been

money the junior miner did not have and Mendelawitz said. busy working on a refinancing strategy

the earlier decision to start mining from a “All the parts now can fit on the back of to ensure his company repays a $US10.8

small resource at Premier was not looked a ute, as opposed to needing permits and million note from US-based Platinum

upon favourably by the investment com- low loaders. We also now have a variety Partners before the September deadline.

munity. of people who can help us, as opposed Mendelawitz is confident the outstand-

“We lost a lot of sentiment over time to when it’s sitting there in one person’s ing debt will be easily wiped within the

for what should have been a relatively yard and they don’t have any money to given timeframe, however, experience

simple exercise if we had the money,” help us either.” has taught him to always have a back-

Cleveland managing director David Men- Cleveland’s expansion plan targets a up plan and he is seeking another debt
delawitz told Paydirt. 100 tph process capacity and production facility.

“While we were trying to get the money of 40,000 ozpa. The company will soon “We don’t want any issues when that

to do either, we gained a lot of confidence start adding ounces from the high-grade note becomes due,” Mendelawitz said.

in the resource and came to a decision it Lavra project, about 10km from Premier. “We’re well advanced on that, we’ve

was better off not just to fix it, but to go Free cash generated from mining at got multiple parties who have said they

to a much larger scale so we could make Lavra will be used to increase the level of want to do it. We’ve got terms from some

sizeable profits.” of them and I expect we’ll wrap that

Cleveland ultimately decided process soon.

to purchase a second-hand SAG “If we take on further debt it will

mill, which was reconfigured as be long-lead debt, as opposed to

a ball mill, while “nursing and up- the short-term debt we have with

grading” the existing facility to a Platinum, and the debt provider will

suitable operational level. want a longer mine life and we’re

Installing the second ball mill prepared to give it to them, so we’re

was anything but a smooth pro- gearing up for a larger drilling pro-

cess. According to Mendelawitz, gramme now to make sure we can

“anything that could go wrong, did meet the funder’s requirements.

go wrong”, even at the very end of “We’re quite comfortable the gold

the process when a crane bound is there, we just need to put some

for site was delayed due to road more holes into it and develop a

blocks put up at state bounda- model around it.”

ries as numerous demonstrations Cleveland wants to become a 40,000 ozpa gold producer – Michael Washbourne
erupted across Brazil in the wake



Everlight plugs into
Argentine brines

The recent lithium rush may have been Everlight is focused on the more traditional lithium brine
focused on Western Australia’s hard deposits of the Lithium Triangle in Argentina
rock lithium potential but some compa-
nies remain attached to more traditional Everlight plans to upgrade Gallego’s April.
sources of the battery-making material. current 91,000t lithium carbonate equiva- Macri has also identified mining as a
lent inferred resource into measured and
For the first 20 years of lithium-ion bat- indicated categories before undertaking potential catalyst for economic growth,
tery development, the main source of a BFS into an 8,000-10,000 tpa lithium particularly in the country’s more remote
supply has been salt lakes, particularly in carbonate project. regions.
South America where the region in which
Bolivia, Chile and Argentina meet is com- The acquisition will also include a re- “The new Government in Argentina is
monly known as the Lithium Triangle. cently built pilot plant capable of process- very mining friendly. It has recognised
ing 250-500 tpa of lithium carbonate. mining as an industry that will generate
Two of the ASX-listed largest lithium- jobs – which are desperately in need in
focused companies – Orocobre Ltd and Dawson said the plan was to have Gal- Argentina,” Caldelas said.
Galaxy Resources Ltd – are already lego ready for production within three
moving forward with lithium brine devel- years of acquisition. Once the lithium carbonate operation
opments in this region of northern Argen- is established, Everlight will consider op-
tina and they are now set to be joined by “We are looking to ramp up in the first tions for building a lithium hydroxide facil-
a third company; Everlight Resources half of 2019 with production to follow in ity in the United States where the likes of
Ltd. the second half of that year,” he said. Tesla is dramatically increasing battery
production and hence lithium demand.
When Paydirt spoke to Everlight man- The company is banking on Caldelas’
aging director Humberto Caldelas and previous experience in Argentina to as- “We are looking at assets in the US,”
non-executive chairman Howard Daw- sist its aggressive development strategy. Caldelas said. “And that plays into the
son in April, the company was finalising increasing need for battery-makers to
a $15 million pre-IPO capital raise de- “Not only does Humberto have the prove the integrity of their supply chain.
signed to fund acquisition of SurMinera technical knowhow but he also has good Tesla is calling for hydroxide plants to be
SA, owner of the Gallego lithium brine relationships with the Salta and Cata- co-located in the US but no one has done
project on Salar del Hombre Muerto. marca provincial governments,” Dawson so yet. We believe we can fill that void.”
said. “These relationships will help with
According to Caldelas, Everlight en- permitting and we think we can com- Dawson admitted Australian investors
joys a strong natural advantage over the press the schedule to be in production in had enjoyed little success from Argen-
Australian entrants into the lithium space. 24-36 months.” tine ventures but said the company had
chosen the ASX as its trading platform
“This project sits in the same salar The national political landscape may because of its liquidity and ability to at-
[lake] as FMC Corp’s Fenix mine [and also assist Everlight in this regard. Last tract money from Asia.
Galaxy’s Sal de Vida project] and it is year’s election of Maurizio Macri to the
very similar, if not identical, to that pro- Argentine presidency has led to a liber- “We think a lot of money could come
ject,” Caldelas said. “So, given it has the alisation of an economy that had become through that region because of the elec-
same purity, the same impurities profile a no-go zone for many international in- tric vehicle and emerging-market story,”
and has been successfully processed vestors. he said. “The ASX is also now well-
before, we have confidence we can build known among North American investors
a similar, if not better, operation to FMC.” Under Macri’s stewardship, Argentina and increasingly well-known in South
has reopened its doors to the internation- America.”
Caldelas should know, having recently al investment community with the subse-
spent four years leading FMC’s mining quent easing of restrictions allowing it to – Dominic Piper
operations in Salar del Hombre Muerto launch a $US16.5 billion bond offering in
and its global manufacturing and supply
chain activities.

Fenix remains the third largest lithium
mine in the world but having set aside
expansion plans, New York-listed FMC
has sharpened its focus on agriculture,
leaving Everlight an opportunity to define
its own lithium business, according to

“Some 85% of FMC’s business is in
agribusiness with a further 10% in health
and nutrition so lithium is non-core,” he
said. “It actually tried to spin the lithium
out since it chose, in 2010, to focus on



Big red future for Oyu Tolgoi

Global miner Rio Tinto Ltd has given in a statement announcing the compa- Rio Tinto is operator of the mine, which
the green light to a $US5.3 billion ny’s decision. is 66% owned by its Turquoise Hill arm
expansion of the Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mon- and 34% by the Mongolian Government.
golia, a key plank in its push to become a While Rio Tinto will continue to see the
global copper powerhouse. bulk of its profit from iron ore – 87% of “Given the current situation, any news
underlying earnings in 2015 – it has said regarding progress of Oyu Tolgoi, Mon-
The Oyu Tolgoi deposit in the South it will no longer fund major expansions as golia’s landmark project, is good news
Gobi desert is one of the world’s largest, that market reaches saturation. Instead, for the economy,” Chuluun Mergen, ex-
and the expansion of the existing opera- it is attempting to grow in copper. ecutive director of the Business Council
tion is critical, both to Rio Tinto’s growth of Mongolia, said.
plans and to its shift away from its de- “It’s clear that there aren’t many ways
pendence on iron ore. When the project to grow your copper business through “Mongolian businesses are starving
is completed, it will be the world’s third- acquisitions, nobody is selling,” Shaw for stability.”
biggest copper mine. and Partners analyst Peter O’Connor
said. “Rio is turning to internal growth Mongolia’s Prime Minister Chimediin
For Mongolia, Oyu Tolgoi is the big- with Oyu Tolgoi and going for a big posi- Saikhanbileg said the approval was “a
gest foreign investment to date. Early tion that way.” clear demonstration” that the country,
predictions said that at its peak, the mine bruised by the commodities downturn,
could account for a third of the country’s Copper is languishing near its lowest was “back to business”.
economy. price in seven years due to a supply glut.
With fewer discoveries, however, Rio The expansion will mean digging
May’s long-awaited approval is also Tinto hopes that by the time the under- 200km of tunnels to access 25 blb of
a victory for incoming chief executive ground mine opens, miners will be facing copper and 12 moz of gold, with produc-
Jean-Sebastien Jacques, who takes a shortage. tion starting in 2020.
charge in early July and has been instru-
mental in reaching a deal with Mongolia Oyu Tolgoi, which translates to Tur- Twenty international banks in Decem-
after two-and-a-half years of wrangling quoise Hill, has been a marathon for Rio ber agreed to lend $US4.4 billion to Rio
over costs and taxes – just as the com- Tinto, from its first involvement with the Tinto for the Oyu Tolgoi expansion, but
modities slowdown battered the coun- mine’s original owner, Robert Friedland the project still required board approval.
try’s economy. – one of the industry’s best known entre-
preneurs and toughest negotiators. The parties have also agreed to a sen-
“Long-term copper fundamentals re- ior debt cap of $US6 billion, with an op-
main strong,” Jacques, currently deputy Rio Tinto took control of the project in tion for $US1.6 billion of supplemental
chief executive and head of copper, said 2012, just before commercial production senior debt.
– James Regan and Terrence
Edwards, Reuters

... And elections won’t matter

The outcome of Mongolia’s election change into this investment agreement,” 29, after four years of slowing growth and
next month will have no impact on Davaadorj Ganbold, chief executive of declining foreign investment.
Rio Tinto Ltd’s $US5.3 billion Oyu Tolgoi Erdenes Oyu Tolgoi, said.
copper mine extension plan, the head of The landlocked country badly needs
country’s state-owned joint partner in the “But no matter who wins the election; to restart stalled mining projects to cope
deal said last month. the major political parties do not have with its ballooning external debt, and the
any political motivation to disturb, or new extension will employ some 3,000
Earlier in May, Rio Tinto gave its long- bring any big large sensitive changes people – 95% of them Mongolian.
awaited approval for the costly and com- into this investment agreement now,”
plex extension of Oyu Tolgoi, one of the Ganbold told Reuters in an interview on While Ganbold was confident about
world’s largest undeveloped copper pro- the sidelines of the annual meeting of the the agreement with Rio Tonto, he said
jects. European Bank for Reconstruction and the global outlook for commodities, the
Development. new technology used for the under-
Rio Tinto is operator of the mine, which ground extension of mines and the real-
is 66% owned by Rio Tinto’s Turquoise Changes to the agreement would be ity of operating in a remote area all posed
Hill arm and 34% owned by the Mongo- possible, he acknowledged, but only if challenges.
lian Government through Erdenes Oyu mutually agreed between the business
Tolgoi LLC. partners and without any political inter- “Block caving technology is relatively
ference. new, and we cannot hurry this project
The project hit hurdles when discus- and implement everything immediately
sions between Rio and the government Mongolia’s economy, which grew at and now, because we need to be care-
stalled in 2013 and prices collapsed, and the fastest rate in the world in 2011 but ful,” he said.
there is still some lingering opposition in has since faded, depends heavily on
Mongolia over the extension. copper exports to China and has been “It is one of the largest and one of the
hammered by the global slide in com- very first in the Gobi [desert], in the open
“Politics is politics everywhere – there modity prices in the past few years. steppes, which is a difficult environment
might be some individuals or some in to operate in from an infrastructure, safe-
parliament who will represent different The ruling Mongolian Democratic Par- ty and technical point of view,” he added.
political positions and opinions, and who ty is expected to come under pressure at
will ... try and bring some more radical this year’s elections, scheduled for June – Karin Strohecker, Reuters



WCB and Kula make sense in PNG

WCB Resources Ltd and Kula Gold
Ltd will look at potentially joining
forces in Papua New Guinea.

Both companies have interests in

PNG’s Milne Bay province, with WCB

chief executive Cameron Switzer hailing

the signing of a MoU with Kula as “com-

mon sense”.

“The MoU is about examining the op-

portunity on a technical and commercial

level with mutual benefits. The MoU is

about the avoidance of any potential du-

plication and examination of synergies

which bodes well for shareholder returns

at the end of the day. We welcome the

opportunity this MoU brings,” Switzer There may be potential to barge ore from Woodlark Island to a processing
told Paydirt. facility at Misima Island

Each party will bring their flagship

projects – Misima Island for WCB and significant widths, with noteworthy pre- eralisation to be extracted early in any

Woodlark Island for Kula – to the table. liminary channel sample gold and silver potential start-up down the track.

Historically, Misima produced 4 moz results including 68m @ 1.96 g/t gold Switzer said WCB would continue to

gold and hosts a further 1.7 moz gold and and 6.08 g/t silver and 18m @ 4.07 g/t optimise and enhance further surface

9 moz silver in resources. gold and 5.56 g/t silver. studies as well.

Under a sale and farm-in agreement The channel sampling at Kulumalia “We’d like to move forward with further

with Pan Pacific Copper, WCB can earn is part of ongoing exploration targeting studies on the Misima project and the

a 70% interest in Misima by spending $9 the identification and evaluation of sur- potential combined project, but we rec-

million, with the company’s stake cur- face extensions to the 3km Umuna zone, ognise we have extensive upside in the

rently 49%. which is the main zone of mineralisation known data in our resources as well,” he

Meanwhile, Sydney-based Kula has at Misima. said.

put together a 2.1 moz gold package at Kulumalia, the south-eastern exten- Switzer said the work completed by

Woodlark Island, 170km from Misima. sion of Umuna, has been previously Misima Mines, owned by Placer Dome,

Given the proximity of the projects to mined over a length of 500m and to a was first rate.

each other there is potential to barge ore depth of 100m. Studies conducted by Open pit operations at Misima were

from Woodlark to Misima for processing WCB have identified extensions of this shut in 2001 and the mine was closed in

through a single CIP/CIL plant. zone about 500m south-east of the his- 2004.

The MoU has been put together at an toric pit. “They have done an exceptional job

opportune time in the gold sector, with WCB believes the surface extensions from day one to close of operation. We’ve

signs of positive sentiment returning to at Kulumalia could be critical in unlock- come in and put the database together

the market. ing further gold potential, as not only has and we have recognised the opportunity

“We are definitely fielding more inter- the extension been defined over a great for the additional gold resource ounces,

est and calls with a renewed cycle in the distance, but it also suggests there is an which is now 1.7 moz,” Switzer said.

gold space right now, for sure,” Switzer opportunity for near-surface oxide min- “But, more importantly, a revised ex-

said. ploration model and with further

“PNG is all about the size of work we have recognised there

the system; it is a region of gi- is significant more exploration

ants. We believe that Misima upside. What we have found is

can be one of those opportuni- additional surface structures;

ties. We are comfortable with the surface grades of significant

space in PNG and the project of- width over significant distances.

fers upside and robustness.” “We have surface extensions,

With opportunities at depth we have depth and we also have

and along strike, Misima has the additional prospects as well, so

potential to become a multimil- it is very encouraging. The fan-

lion ounce deposit. tastic work that Placer did was

Most recent exploration com- at average gold prices of about

pleted by WCB has revealed sig- $US300/oz. Project economics

nificant surface extensions from have changed, thoughts and be-

channel sampling gold results liefs have changed and we are

from the Umuna zone at Misima. leveraging off this opportunity.”

Outcropping surface miner- Misima hosts a resource of 1.7 moz gold and 9 moz silver – Mark Andrews
alisation has been identified over



Sébastien de Montessus applications and synthesis, of chief executive at Skills- other business commitments.
will officially be appointed has relocated to the compa- DMC. Lockwood will remain a non-
chief executive of Endeavour ny’s pilot test facility in Ger- executive director.
Mining Corp at the end of the many. Clive Sinclair-Poulton has
month, replacing long-serving resigned as a director of John Dunlop has retired as
incumbent Neil Woodyer, who Millennium Minerals Ltd Waratah Resources Ltd fol- chairman of Alliance Re-
will become non-executive has appointed Tim Ken- lowing the company’s deci- sources Ltd. He served as a
chairman. nedy as a non-executive di- sion to refocus its attention on director of the company for 22
rector. The company has also the technology sector. years.
Neil Woodyer appointed Bruno Lorenzon
as an alternate director to Mi- Miguel Palomino has been Lindian Resources Ltd has
KGL Resources Ltd has an- chael Chye, who represents appointed managing di- appointed Stephen Brock-
nounced it has made the Millennium’s major share- rector of Condoto Platinum hurst as company secretary,
position of chief executive, holder IMC Group. NL. Executive director An- replacing Ariel (Eddie) King.
held by Simon Milroy, redun- drew Johnston has transi- Brockhurst is a director of
dant due to cost constraints. Kingsrose Mining Ltd has tioned to a non-executive role Mining Corporate Pty Ltd and
Brad Ellis has resigned as a appointed Doug Kirwin with the company following has 15 years of experience
director after three years on as a non-executive director. its acquisition of GPS Metal in finance and corporate ad-
the board. His replacement is Non-executive director Bill Group. visory.
Ferdian Purnamasidi. Phillips has also been ap-
pointed executive director Core Exploration Ltd has Brad Sampson
Paul Bridson has replaced (mining). appointed David Rawl-
Geoff James as company ings as exploration manager. Brad Sampson has re-
secretary and chief financial Adrian Byass Rawlings has a wealth of ex- placed Stephen Everett
officer at Centaurus Metals perience in both brownfields as chairman of potash devel-
Ltd. Charles Schaus and Ste- and greenfields projects in oper Agrimin Ltd. Sampson
phen Brockhurst have northern and central Aus- was most recently chief trans-
MacPhersons Resources retired from the board of tralia. formation officer at Newcrest
Ltd has appointed Jeff Plymouth Minerals Ltd. Chief Mining Ltd and previously
Williams as its new manag- operating officer Eric Lil- S2 Resources Ltd has bol- was at the helm of Discovery
ing director. He has been ford has been promoted to stered its board with the Metals.
a non-executive director of managing director, Christian appointment of Grey Egerton-
MacPhersons for the past Cordier has been appointed Warburton as an independent Robert (Sam) Middlemas
six years and also sits on the as a non-executive direc- non-executive director. Eger- has resigned from Ele-
boards of World Titanium Re- tor and Adrian Byass has ton-Warburton is an experi- mental Minerals Ltd after six
sources Ltd and Alice Queen assumed the role of execu- enced financier having spent years as a non-executive di-
Holdings Ltd. tive chairman. Meanwhile, 16 years with Hartleys. rector and chairman. He has
the company has appointed been replaced on the compa-
Vincent Algar has been ap- former Elemental Minerals Boss Resources Ltd has ny’s board by Meridian Inter-
pointed managing direc- Ltd managing director John appointed experienced national Capital Ltd principal
tor of Australian Vanadium Sanders as technical director uranium executive Mark Hoh- and director Jonathan Trollip.
Ltd. Algar has been the com- and Rob Jewson as business nen as chairman. Following
pany’s chief executive since development manager. Hohnen’s appointment, Evan Venturex Resources Ltd
November 2014. Brian Davis Cranston will transition to the has added former Oxi-
has also retired as chairman Peter Hall has replaced role of corporate director and ana and MMG Ltd executive
of the company and non- Nigel Carpenter as chief Peter Williams will become a Stefan Gawlinksi to its ex-
executive Brenton Lewis has executive of the Australian non-executive director. ploration team. He will work
stepped up to the role. Drilling Industry Association alongside existing employees
(ADIA). Hall joins ADIA from World Titanium Ltd has James Guy and Reg Beaton.
Siva Bohm has been ap- Boart Longyear where he appointed Carlo Bara-
pointed chief technology specialised in the drilling ser- valle as a non-executive di-
officer at Talga Resources vices and product sales side rector. Baravalle is the board
Ltd. Siva, a recognised global of the business. Meanwhile, representative for the com-
expert in industrial graphene Carpenter will take on the role pany’s largest shareholder,
African Minerals Exploration
Development Fund II.

Mark Wheatley has joined
the board of Peninsula
Energy Ltd, replacing the
retiring Neil Warburton. Cur-
rent non-executive director
John Harrison has also taken
over as chairman of the com-
pany after Richard Lockwood
elected to step down due to


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Roy Hill paints the Pilbara pink

Roy Hill Holdings Pty Ltd launched the Roy Hill is one of the most gender diverse employers in the WA mining industry
first three of its pink trucks for Breast
Cancer Awareness at its mine in Western “One in eight women will unfortunately tions and cures for one of the biggest kill-
Australia’s Pilbara region in early May. develop breast cancer in their lifetime, ers of women in Australia.”
with an average of eight women dying
The initiative was led by chairman Gina from this disease every day in Australia. Rinehart was recently awarded The
Rinehart to focus attention on breast Chamber of Minerals and Energy’s
cancer, as well as the opportunities for “The more we can do to raise support Women in Resources Lifetime Achieve-
women in mining. for helping fight this very, very serious ment Award and named Momentum for
and frightening battle, the closer we are Australia Ltd’s Most Inspiring Woman of
In an industry first, the huge 225t ca- to finding ways to improve treatment op- the Year.
pacity trays on the remaining 34 of Roy
Hill’s growing truck fleet will all be painted
pink. Over a period of time as the existing
fleet of haul trucks on site require major
maintenance, they will also be painted

Rinehart, who also launched Austral-
ia’s first breast cancer foundation back
in 1992, is a long-standing supporter of
cancer research and support initiatives.

“Breast cancer is the most commonly
diagnosed cancer among women in
Australia, excluding non-melanoma skin
cancer. It is a disease that has greatly
hurt the lives of many Australians directly
or indirectly, especially women and their
families and friends,” Rinehart said.


A1 Consolidated 23 Danakali 80-81 Kingsrose 88 PotashCorp 80
Kula 83
Acacia 12-13 Elemental 88
Encounter 41
African Energy 6 Endeavour 88 Renascor 31
European Metals 56 Reservoir 55
Agrimin 88 Everlight 85 Lincoln 31 Rex 26
Exterre 23 Lindian 88 Rio Tinto 10, 42, 51, 86
Alcoa 35, 55 Lundin 42, 55
FinnAust 58
Alice Queen 88 First Quantum 40
FMC 85
Alkane 46 Fortescue 51, 78
Freeport 42, 55
Alliance 88 MacArthur 38 S2 Resources 88
Galaxy 85 MacPhersons 88 Sandfire 40, 49
Altura 8 Gateway 88 Mawson West Silver Mines
Glencore 11, 42, 59 Millennium 9 Sirius Minerals 48
Anglo American 42 MMG 88 St George 50-52
Havilah 24-25, 30 MOD 39, 47, 88 Sumitomo
Antofagasta 41 Heron 47 Mt Burgess SurMinera 49
Highfield 50 6 42
Archer 31 Hillgrove 30 6 85
Hume Coal
Arrium 26, 27, 30 44-45
Atlantic Gold 78 Investigator 49
Ironbark 24-25, 33
Atlas Iron 8 Iron Road
Aurelia 23 KBL 32 Nevsun 55 Talga 50, 88
KGL Newcrest 88 Thomson 48
Ausgold 11 Kingsgate 23 Newmont 82 TNG 78
88 Newcrest 41, 49, 78 Toro Energy 79
Australian Vanadium 88 28, 40, 48 Nyrstar 26, 30 Tyranna 28

BHP Billiton 10, 26 OceanaGold 20, 21 Variscan 54
Blackrock Metals 39 OreCorp 12-13 Venturex 38-39, 88
Boss 88 Orocobre
Oz Minerals 85
Cape Lambert 53 26 Waratah 88
Caravel 40 WCB 83
Carpentaria 27, 32 Pan Pacific Copper 83 Western Areas
Centaurus 88 Paynes Find 53 Windward 6
China Moly 42 Peak 16 World Titanium 9
Cleveland 84 Peninsula Energy 88 WPG 88
Condoto 88 Pilbara Minerals 8, 38, 46 28
Core Exploration 88 Plymouth 88
POSCO 44-45
Dakota 8-9, 46



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