Media Kit 2016
Australia’s leading independent
resources magazine
Paydirt Media has established itself and investors across the mining and
as a leading resources news media exploration sector.
organisation over its 22-year history,
and publishes two internationally If your objective is to reach company
circulated magazines and organises directors and other key decision makers
six conferences across two in the sector, Paydirt Media offers
Australian capital cities. proven avenues of communicating
your message; through advertising in
The company was established in 1994 two print publications, digitally through
and is well-known in the industry for Paydirt:Digital or through sponsorship
reaching board-level decision makers of one of our high-profile events.
Magazines Our core readership is executives and senior
management from these companies as well as
Paydirt Media publishes Australia’s Paydirt investment and finance industry professionals and
monthly and Gold Mining Journal quarterly. senior government and ministry officials, as well as
senior management from the mining services and
Our magazines specialise in high quality news and contracting sector.
features on Australia’s junior and mid-cap explorers
and producers. Paydirt Media offers exclusive, incisive editorial
content written by experienced journalists who
The magazines have a particular focus on Australian visits projects across Australia and the world to
companies operating in emerging markets and deliver first-hand analytical coverage of new trends
developing regions, particularly Africa and Latin and developments.
Editorial Policy Paydirt Media employs a strict policy of editorial
independence, a position which marks it out from
Australia’s Paydirt and Gold Mining Journal competitors in the trade magazine sector. Decision-
are compiled by a group of dedicated, experienced making rests with the editorial team and the policy
resources journalists, led by editor Dominic Piper. has ensured the magazines are highly respected
for delivering independent, objective coverage of
The editorial team travels extensively throughout companies and countries, free from commercial
Australia and the globe to find out the best stories interference and the opacity of “advertorials”.
at source, reporting first-hand on the mining and
exploration news from a diverse range of companies
with a specific focus on the emerging markets and
developing nations of Africa and Latin America.
Apart from the in-house team, the magazines
feature the contributions of respected columnists
from the worlds of finance, exploration, engineering
and international relations.
2016 features
February • 2015 IPOs
• Skills and recruitment feature
• Tasmania/Victoria profile
• 2016 Mining Indaba review
• Graphite Conference preview
• South Australian Resources & Energy
Investment Conference preview
Australia’s Paydirt is a top-quality mining magazine, • Queensland profile
which circulates internationally and features diverse
coverage of the metals and minerals industry. • Potash/phosphate feature
The monthly publication has a 22-year history of
delivering well-researched news, opinion and features. • Latin America Down Under Conference preview
• Paydirt currently has a CAB audited circulation of around May
4,700 copies as at 31 March 2015. Paydirt is mainly a
subscription based magazine and is also available at • Graphite Conference review
selected newsagents across Australia.
• Specialty metals focus (tin, tungsten, etc)
• Readership per copy (5.0) 23,500 • South Australian Resources & Energy
Readership statistics June
• 36% investors
• 18% managing directors Investment Conference review
• 42% key decision makers for purchasing
products or services within their company • Copper focus
• 15% of readers only read Paydirt magazine
• Scandinavia
Source: CAB Audit (31 March 2015) * excluding bulk distribution
• New South Wales profile
• International services directory
July • Latin America Down Under Conference review
• Diggers & Dealers Mining Forum preview
• Africa Down Under Conference preview
• Uranium feature
September • Diggers & Dealers Mining Forum review
• Base metals focus
October • Africa Down Under Conference review
• Australia’s Nickel Conference preview
November • Australia’s Nickel Conference review
• Northern Territory profile
• Iron ore focus
December • 2017 Mining Indaba preview
2016 features
April/ • Africa profile
June • Australian gold review
July/ • Diggers & Dealers Mining Forum preview
September • Asia-Pacific profile
October/ • Latin America profile
December • Exploration innovation feature
Gold Mining Journal is Australia’s only dedicated gold January/ • 2016 Gold Miner/Explorer of the Year Awards
mining industry magazine.
March • Australasian profile
Published quarterly, the magazine offers comprehensive
coverage of the gold industry both in Australia and Source: CAB Audit (31 March, 2015) * excluding bulk distribution
• Gold Mining Journal currently has a CAB audited
circulation of around 5,000 copies as at 31 March
2015. The magazine is mainly a subscription based
magazine and is also available at selected
newsagents across Australia.
• Readership per copy (5.0) 25,000
Readership statistics
• 21% work for companies that are involved with the
gold industry
• 11% work with people involved with precious metals
• 62% agree the magazine consistently provides
relevant information for their current business needs
Advertising rates Our standard casual rates are:
• Double page spread: $6,850 (+ GST)
Australia’s Paydirt and Gold Mining Journal • Full page: $3,650 (+ GST)
share the same advertising rates. Our standard format full • Half page: $2,650 (+ GST)
colour advertising consists of quarter, half and full pages. • Quarter page: $2,200 (+ GST)
Both magazines have preferred positions available including
the inside front, inside back and outside back covers as
well as some creative alternatives to get your company’s
message across.
Advertising rates
12 Month Period 11+ Insertions
6 – 10 Insertions Consecutive
1 Insertion 2 – 5 Insertions
Sizes 6,850 6,050 5,850 5,300
Double page spread 685 605 585 530
GST 7,535 6,655 6,435 5,830
Total (Inclusive)
3,650 3,300 3,050 2,850
Full page full colour 365 330 305 285
GST 4,015 3,630 3,355 3,135
Total (Inclusive)
2,650 2,450 2,300 2,200
Half page full colour 265 245 230 220
GST 2,915 2,695 2,530 2,420
Total (Inclusive)
2,200 2,000 1,800 1,750
Quarter page full colour 220 200 180 175
GST 2,420 2,200 1,980 1,925
Total (Inclusive)
4,400 3,950 3,550 3,300
Preferred positions 440 395 355 330
Inside front cover 4,840 4,345 3,905 3,630
Total (Inclusive) 4,400 3,950 3,550 3,300
440 395 355 330
Inside back cover 4,840 4,345 3,905 3,630
Total (Inclusive) 4,850 4,250 3,750 3,400
485 425 375 340
Outside back cover 5,335 4,675 4,125 3,740
Total (Inclusive) 7,250 6,600 5,950 5,300
725 660 595 530
Centre spread 7,975 7,260 6,545 5,830
Total (Inclusive)
For advertising information and bookings, please contact Advertising Executive:
Tony Mwarey: (+61) 451 280 482 or [email protected]
Advertising deadlines 2016
Edition Bookings close Material close Edition Bookings close Material close
February 8 January 15 January August 14 July 18 July
March 16 February 19 February September 15 August 17 August
April 18 March 21 March October 13 September 16 September
May 13 April 15 April November 17 October 19 October
June 12 May 13 May December 11 November 15 November
July 13 June 15 June
Edition Bookings close Material close Edition Bookings close Material close
April/June 14 March 16 March 26 September
July/Sept 1 July 4 July October/Dec 23 September 7 December
January/March 5 December
A dv ertis ing dimensBioleneds a nd speTcriimfi cat ions
Double page spread* 307h x 430w 297h x 420w TEXT
*Artwork for a double page spread and a full page must include a 5mm bleed on all sides
Also all text should be at least a further 10mm from the trim guides. To ensure correct
printing an appropriate border will be added by Paydirt Media to all artwork supplied
without correct bleeds.
Full page* 307h x 220w 297h x 210w
Half page vertical 287h x 102w
Half page horizontal 130h x 187w
Quarter page vertical 130h x 92w
Quarter page horizontal 60h x 187w
Set up – Artwork for a double page spread and a full page advert must include a 5mm bleed on all sides Also all text should
be at least a further 10mm from the trim guides. To ensure correct printing an appropriate border will be added to all
artwork supplied without correct bleeds.
Resolution – All non-vector artwork should be supplied at a minimum of 300dpi, any artwork supplied lower than 300dpi will
print blurred.
Colour – Artwork should be completed and saved in CMYK process. PaydirtMedia cannot take responsibility for any
unexpected results experienced from artwork supplied in non-CMYK colour.
Fonts/type – All fonts used should be embedded (PDF’s) or converted to outlines.
File size – File size should be under 15MB.
File format – Preferred format is pdf. Other formats accepted are ai, eps and tif or jpg if they are 300dpi in CMYK colour.
We do not accept artwork generated in Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, etc regardless of what options are available for final
saving due to unpredictable results, incorrect sizing and image problems.
Paydirt Media reserves the right to repeat previous material if new material is not supplied by copy deadline.
The publisher will at all times print as close as possible to proofs, however no liability is accepted for fair and reasonable
variations in printed quality, issue to issue.
2016 Conferences LATIN
22 March 2016 - Novotel Perth Langley 17-18 May 2016
Perth,Western Australia
20 October 2016
Pan Pacific Perth
Contact information
Paydirt Media Suite 9, 1297 Hay Street, West Perth, WA 6005, Australia
PO Box 1589 West Perth, WA 6872, Australia
Phone: (+61) 8 9321 0355 Fax: (+61) 8 9321 0426
Dominic Piper (Editor) Mobile: 0424 934 494