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Published by Paydirt Media, 2018-03-09 04:20:43

pd258-March18 mag-web

Safely Exploring Your Future

Further RC and diamond drilling is At Kebigada, 61 RC drill holes for (0.5% copper, 4.9% lead, 10.6% zinc, 1.5

also on the agenda, along with testing of 3,450m were also completed on satellite g/t gold and 70 g/t silver) from 419.02m

targets generated by an IP survey com- targets which were previously identified down-hole.

pleted last year. from soil anomalies, IP/resistivity anoma- Two further diamond holes LTED11A

EIS co-funding has been approved by lies or areas of extensive artisanal min- and LTED012 also intersected the Lion-

the West Australian Government. ing activities. town East mineralisation. Both holes are

Highlights from the programme to date to be logged before being cut and dis-

First hole delight for include 3m @ 42.11 g/t gold (including patched for assay.
2m at 62.56 g/t) at Congo Ya Sika and LTED12 intersected 44m of miner-

AVZ at Manono a near-surface hit of 5m at 13.74 g/t gold alisation consisting of 23m of massive
(including 2m at 32.36 g/t) at Kebigada and semi-massive sulphides from 517m

A record intersection of 295.05m of NW Extension. down-hole and 21m of stringer miner-

spodumene-bearing pegmatite has alisation from 540m down-hole, while

been reported by AVZ Minerals Ltd at its Red River reports new LTED11A intersected two zones of semi-
Manono lithium project in the DRC. zinc discovery massive sulphides with discreet massive
narrow lenses between 434.24-438m
“As the first hole in our initial 20,000m Red River Resources Ltd continues to and 445-453.8m down-hole.
Phase 1 drilling programme, we could yield high-grade assay results at the Li-
not have hoped for a better result,” AVZ ontown East discovery, about 700m east A RC rig has been mobilised to Lion-
chairman Klaus Eckhof said. of the main resource at its Thalanga zinc town East to drill a series of shallower
project in Queensland. holes to test its up-dip potential. Two
The drill hole returned a greater thick- holes have been completed to date.
ness of pegmatite than expected due to
the top contact of the pegmatite being in-

tersected at a shallower than anticipated Drilling of diamond hole LTED09 was Liontown bites into
62m. testing the up-dip continuity of the Lion- Kathleen Valley
town East mineralisation and returned
The lower contact was intersected a high-grade intercept of 15.58m @ Liontown Resources Ltd has identified
within 7m of expectations at 357.05m 15.8% zinc equivalent (0.4% copper, 4% furtherstrongzonesofshallow,high-grade
down-hole. lead, 8.6% zinc, 1.2 g/t gold and 60 g/t

Amani strikes silver) from 419.02m down-hole, includ- lithium mineralisation at its Kathleen Val-
ing 10.28m @ 19.2% zinc equivalent ley project in Western Australia.

near-surface gold Assay results from the recently
completed 21-hole, 2,688m RC drill-

Amani Gold Ltd has received ing programme included 13m @

further high-grade results from the 1.6% lithium oxide from 65m (includ-

current diamond and RC drilling ing 6m @ 2% from 69m), 10m @

programme at the Giro gold pro- 1.8% lithium oxide from 75m (includ-

ject in the DRC. ing 7m @ 2.2% from 77m), 9m @

The programme is aimed at ex- 1.6% lithium oxide from 16m (includ-

panding the global resource at ing 6m @ 2% from 18m) and 9m @

the Kebigada deposit by delineat- 1.7% lithium oxide from 52m (includ-

ing satellite orebodies, as well as ing 6m @ 2% from 54m).

defining a resource at the Douze The latest assays include the re-

Match prospect. maining holes drilled into the Mt

A total of seven diamond holes Mann trend and initial results from

for 692m and 200 RC holes for Kathleen’s Corner, where previ-

11,500m have been completed on ous rock chip sampling and limited

the Kebigada satellite target, the drilling recorded fresh, high-grade

Congo Ya Sika, Kebigada North (above 1.5% lithium oxide), spo-
and Kebigada NW extension tar- Red River continues to have success with the drill bit dumene-related mineralisation in
gets and at Douze Match.
at its Thalanga zinc project in Queensland multiple pegmatites.

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Deep hole Reverse Circulation
Experienced in complex remote exploration drilling

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Novo taps SGS for bulk
sample test plant

Novo Resources Corp has entered into

a commercial arrangement with SGS

Minerals to secure access to a test plant

for processing of bulk samples from its

Karratha gold project.

The test plant is an upgraded version

of a fit-for-purpose and pre-existing test

plant from Perth which has previously

been used for sample analysis. It con-

sists of a comminution circuit followed by

gravity separation processes, generating

a series of gold concentrates for assay.

Novo will excavate a series of 5t bulk

samples for testing. Samples to date

have mostly been around 300kg, but

processing of those sizes through con- Zinc and copper concentrates from Heron’s upcoming Woodlawn mine will be transported

ventional laboratories has proven time to Port Kembla Gateway’s facilities in Sydney before being shipped to customers abroad

consuming and costly and provides in-

dicative grades only for each sample. with an expected four-week turnaround Heron locks in port
This means that a relatively large sam- time to receive grade results. services contract

ple size is required to ensure the result- Works will be overseen by the existing Zinc developer Heron Resources Ltd
ant assay grade is a better representa- scrutineering regime in an ISO 9001 ac- has awarded its port services contract to
tive of the surrounding material. credited laboratory environment, ensur- Port Kembla Gateway Pty Ltd.
ing sample integrity from the field to the
Samples will be transported from Kar- plant, with all analysis completed at the Under the terms of the contract, zinc
ratha to the test plant, where up to three SGS Laboratory facility in Perth. and copper concentrates will be trans-
samples per week will be processed,

ported by road from Heron’s Woodlawn

project, 250km south-west of Sydney in

New South Wales, to PKG’s facilities in

the Outer Harbour, Port Kembla, where

they will be unloaded into sheds specifi-

cally designed for the safe and weather-

tight storage of mineral concentrates.

Having been warehoused in prepara-

tion for shipping, the concentrates for

bulk shipment will then be loaded via an

enclosed conveyor belt system to the

ship-loader on the jetty.

The port services contract encom-

passes receipt, storage and ship-loading

services for all of the zinc and copper

concentrate products produced from

Woodlawn over five years, with an option

Novo Resources has secured access to a test plant from SGS Minerals to to extend beyond this initial term.

process bulk samples from its Karratha gold project PKG was established in the 1980s to


service the previous operations at the petition by the end of this month. The initial assessment is due for com-
original Woodlawn mine. Facilities now Wolfsberg currently hosts a total re- pletion by the end of this month, during
include a two-berth jetty, ancillary stor- which Cape Lambert and its JV partner
age sheds and buildings, hardstand ar- source of 10.98mt @ 1% lithium oxide, Paragon Mining SARL will finalise de-
eas, ship-loading and unloading equip- including 6.3mt @ 1.17% lithium oxide tailed engineering budgets and sched-
ment. classed as measured and indicated. ules.

UTS prepares to launch GWCH reviews process Medea to fast-track
VTEM over Bryah options for Kipushi Sconi funding talks

UTS Geophysics Pty Ltd has been South African-based consulting firm Medea Natural Resources Ltd will as-
contracted to fly a helicopter-borne GWCH Consulting Pty Ltd will under- sist Australian Mines Ltd with off-take
VTEM survey across key portions of Au- take a detailed engineering review of the and project financing negotiations for its
ris Resources Ltd’s Bryah Basin project processing plant at Cape Lambert Re- Sconi cobalt-nickel-scandium project in
in Western Australia. sources Ltd’s Kipushi tailings project in north Queensland.
the DRC.
The survey will comprise about 1,800 Under the terms of the agreement,
line-km covering 210sq km and incor- GWCH recently visited site to assess UK-based Medea will co-ordinate with
porating the Forrest, Cashmans and the condition of the existing infrastructure the various potential partners currently
Horseshoe Wells targets. It will be flown and will now make recommendations on in discussions with Australian Mines to fi-
on 200m line intervals at an EMS sensor the upgrades required to have the plant nalise and submit their proposed off-take
altitude of 35m. operational for processing tailings mate- and project financing packages to the
rial in the second half of the year. company by the end of this month.
UTS was due to launch the survey
last month. Australian Mines is finalising a BFS
on Sconi, due for release in the second
Auris hopes the survey will iden- quarter of 2018, with trial mining activi-
tify base metal conductors similar to ties at the project ramping up at the time
those of the Horseshoe Lights, De- of print.
Grussa and Monty deposits in the
wider Bryah Basin region. Ausdrill firms for
Wodgina lithium job
SRK lines up targets
for resource increase Ausdrill Ltd is in the box seat for a new
three-year contract at the Wodgina lithi-
SRK Consulting will work with Eu- um mine.
ropean Lithium Ltd and its Austrian
subsidiaries to develop an exploration The diversified mining services com-
programme which will assess a series pany received a LOI last month from
of promising targets at the Wolfsberg Process Minerals International Pty Ltd,
lithium project. a subsidiary of Wodgina owner Mineral
Resources Ltd, to deploy 29 drill rigs and
It is also expected SRK will plan 150 personnel on site under the terms of
drilling to a density that will result in a drill-and-blast contract.
increased resources to at least indi-
cated status, preferably measured. Award of the contract remains subject
to finalisation of terms and conditions
European Lithium believes in- and execution. The contract is expected
creased measured and indicated re- to generate revenue of $180 million over
sources will support a higher produc- the three-year term.
tion rate than is currently considered GWCH is undertaking a detailed engineering
for the PFS, which is slated for com- review of the Kipushi processing plant



Michael Cawood Brett Lambert has been ap- AVZ Minerals Ltd has ap- Resources Ltd’s Opuwo co-
pointed chairman of Min- pointed Nigel Ferguson balt project in Namibia. Since
Michael Cawood has been cor Resources NL. Lambert as managing director and 2014, he has provided a spe-
appointed exploration joined the company as a non- Rhett Brans as a non-execu- cialist consulting service to
manager of Carawine Re- executive director in January tive director. Ferguson transi- various developing projects
sources Ltd. Cawood is a ge- 2017 and had been acting as tions from technical director and mines in Southern Africa.
ologist with over 25 years of interim chairman since No- and will be responsible for
experience across Australian vember following the passing the management of the com- Andrew Bantock has re-
and overseas resources pro- of David Humann. pany’s day-to-day activities. placed Doug Buerger as
jects and was most recently Brans is a resources industry chairman of Marenica Energy
employed as leader, Asia Philippe Bouchart has been veteran who was a founding Ltd. Bantock is a senior man-
Pacific evaluations, for Teck appointed general man- director of Perseus Mining Ltd aging director of corporate
Australia Pty Ltd. ager of the Kasombo copper- and has served on the boards advisory firm FTI Consult-
cobalt project in the DRC, a of Syrah Resources Ltd, Ti- ing, where he co-leads the
Long-serving Ausdrill Ltd JV between Cape Lambert ger Resources Ltd, Austral- Australian mining and mining
managing director Ron Resources Ltd and Fe Ltd. ian Potash Ltd and Carnavale services practice. Buerger will
Sayers has announced his Bouchart has extensive ca- Resources Ltd. remain as a non-executive di-
intention to retire next Febru- reer history working in the rector as part of the transition.
ary, having successfully led DRC, including for Tiger Re- Grant Button has resigned
the drilling services company sources Ltd and MMG Ltd. from the board of Ferrum Novo Resources Corp has
for more than 30 years. Say- Crescent Ltd due to increas- added Kas De Luca to its
ers founded Ausdrill in 1987, Riva Resources Ltd has ing work commitments in his technical team as senior ex-
initially as a Kalgoorlie-based appointed David Berrie role at Magnum Exploration ploration manager. De Luca
company, and has since as its new managing director Ltd. Button assisted the com- has previously worked for in-
transformed the business into to oversee the development pany from more than seven ternational companies such
a multi-disciplinary mining of the Hylea cobalt-nickel- years. as Dundee Precious Metals
services company operating platinum-scandium project Inc, Placer Dome, KCGM,
in 10 countries. in central New South Wales. Orion Minerals Ltd has ap- Gold Fields Ltd and Newcrest
Berrie is a former Western pointed Mark Palmer as Mining Limited, where she
Nova Minerals Ltd has ap- Mining and BHP Ltd executive a non-executive director. The most recently held the role of
pointed Alaskan-based who is also currently chair- nominee of strategic investor regional exploration manager,
geologist Thomas Bundtzen man of Magmatic Resources Tembo Capital, Palmer ran Asia Pacific.
as a consultant to its techni- Ltd. Meanwhile, Gang Xu the EMEA mining team at
cal team. Bundtzen runs his has stepped down as a non- UBS for almost a decade. Kefi Minerals plc has ex-
own consultancy firm, Pacific executive director after many panded its management
Rim Geological Consulting years with the company. Talga Resources Ltd has team as it ramps up develop-
Inc, and is currently president appointed UK-based ment of the company’s pro-
of the Alaska Mining Hall of Don Harper has resigned jects in Saudi Arabia and Ethi-
Fame Foundation. as managing director of graphene technology and opia. David Munro has been
Kin Mining NL. No replace- appointed head of operations,
Ryan Parkin has joined ment had been announced at programme manager Anna Eddy Solbrandt as head of
Plymouth Minerals Ltd the time of print. systems and Brian Hosking
as general manager of cor- Motta to head up the compa- as head of human resources
porate development. A char- Don Harper and technical planning.
tered accountant, Parkin ny’s global graphene product
will be tasked with securing Frazer Tabeart has stepped Vimy Resources Ltd has
offtake contracts and other down as managing direc- research and development. appointed Scott Hyman
strategic investments for the tor of African Energy Ltd, but to the new role of vice-pres-
company’s San Jose lithium- will continue as an executive She will be based in Cam- ident, sales and marketing,
tin project in Spain. Mean- director with reduced time al- based in the US. His most re-
while, Christian Cordier has location. Non-executive direc- bridge and will also oversee cent role was vice-president
resigned as a non-executive tors Wayne Trumble and Phil- of marketing (Americas) for
director as the company looks ip Clark will also step down the delivery of scale-up prod- Cameco Inc.
to divest its potash projects in from their roles at the end of
Gabon. the month. uct developments at Talga’s Scott Hyman

test facility in Germany.

David Riekie and Daniel
Harris have been appoint-
ed non-executive directors
of embattled uranium miner
Paladin Energy Ltd following
the effectuation of the deed of
company arrangement.

Graham Baldisseri has
taken over company
secretary duties from Paul
Fromson at Sabre Resources
Ltd, Metals Australia Ltd and
Golden Deeps Ltd.

Edward Legg has been
appointed project devel-
opment manager of Celsius



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Century rolls out red carpet

Hollywood megastar Chris Other filming locations included
Hemsworth has become one Mission Beach in Queensland,
of the first people to get a sneak Quay Restaurant in Sydney Har-
peek at the recommissioned Cen- bour, Montalto Winery in Victoria,
tury zinc mine in Queensland. Kangaroo Island off mainland
South Australia and Cable Beach
Hemsworth – perhaps best in Western Australia.
known for his role as Thor in
the Marvel superhero film series Australian-born Hemsworth
– and US comedian Danny Mc- and McBride happily posed for
Bride were flown in via the Cen- photos with New Century Re-
tury airstrip late last year to shoot sources Ltd employees during
a Crocodile Dundee-inspired their brief stopover at Century,
commercial for Tourism Australia about 50km north-west of Mount
at nearby Adels Grove and Lawn Isa in the Lower Gulf of Carpen-
Hill Gorge. taria.

The commercial, which starred New Century is in the process
Hemsworth as Wally Junior and of reopening the mine as a zinc
McBride as the American son of tailings reprocessing operation
Paul Hogan’s famous character, after it was shuttered by MMG Ltd
made its world debut during the Actors Danny McBride and Chris Hemsworth visited the Cen- in early 2016. For the previous 16
half-time coverage of last month’s tury zinc mine last year prior to filming a Crocodile Dundee- years, it was one of the largest
Super Bowl. inspired commercial for the Super Bowl half-time show zinc producers in the world.


Acacia 32, 40 Crusader 97 Lonmin 4, 28, 51-52 Prospect 20-25
Lucapa 27, 42-47, 50-51
Aeon 73 Lucara
Lynas 42, 44-46, 50
African Energy 104 Dacian 100 16, 73 Rainbow Rare Earths 54
De Beers 47, 50
African Gold 36 DNI Metals 82-83 Randgold 36, 60-61, 63
Agnico Eagle 19 104 Red River 101

Algold 39, 40 M2Cobalt 39, 40 Renascor 93
Magmatic 104
Alliance Minerals 80 Magnum 104 Resolute 38
Altura 16 Endiama 43, 50 Marenica 36, 38 Rio Tinto 10, 47, 50, 72-73
European Lithium 103 Metal Tiger 104
Amani 101 Metals Australia 56 Riva 104
MetalsTech 104
Anglo American 11, 19, 23, 47, Mimosa Rox 100
Mineral Resources 88, 89
67, 96 Fe 104 Mincor 11, 20 RTG 40-41
Ferrum Crescent 104 MMG
AngloGold 60, 63 Mod 103
Myanmar Metals 104
Aquarius 11 6, 50, 104 S2 Resources 18-19
Areva 12 Galaxy 16 Sabre 104
Gangfeng 75 99
Arizona 9 Gecamines 63 Shandong 32
Gem Diamonds 43, 50
ASA 11 Geopacific 98 Sibanye 4, 11, 23, 28, 51-52
Gold Fields 51, 104
Auris 103 Golden Deeps 104 South32 8-9, 10

AusQuest 9 SQM 74

Australian Mines 73, 103 Syrah 36, 104

Australian Potash 104

AVZ 89, 101, 104 New Century 6-7, 66 Talga 90-91, 104
Newcrest 36, 94, 104 Tawana 80
B2 Gold 94 Havilah 86 Newmont Teck
Hawkmoth 21 Northern Cobalt 19 Tharisa 104
Barra 87 Heron 102 Nova 92 Thor Explorations 11
Novo 104 Tiger
Barrick 19, 32 102, 104 Trevali 39-41
23, 104
Battery Minerals 89 iCobalt 88, 89
BHP 9, 10, 104 Impala 11

Boliden 18-19, 91 Independence 8-9, 16, 18 Orion 29, 67-71, 104
Oro Verde 94
Broken Hill Prospecting 86 Intermin 100-101 Vale 96
Vedanta 66
Ivanhoe 47, 50, 63, 64-65, 66 Vimy 12, 104

Cameco 12, 104 Jervois 73 Paladin 12, 104 Western Areas 16
Cape Lambert 103, 104 Jupiter 10 Pallinghurst 11 Westgold 18
Carawine Pan African 11
Carnavale 104 Kefi 104 Panoramic Zijin 32, 65
Celsius 104 Kibaran 39, 41 Paragon 16, 84 Zimplats 11, 23
Centamin 104 Kin Peninsula Mines 103
Centaurus Kula 104 Perseus
Cobalt Blue 36 98 Petra 82-83
Condor 96 Pilbara Minerals 38, 80, 104
Conico 86 Liontown 101 Plymouth
94 50
87 16, 74-75




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