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Multiple New York Times best-selling author Dr. Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummins, founder and director of the Organic Consumers Association, team up to expose the truth--and end the madness--about COVID-19.

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Published by nabiltestone, 2021-08-05 16:20:01

The Truth About COVID-19 by Joseph Mercola Ronnie Cummins PDF

Multiple New York Times best-selling author Dr. Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummins, founder and director of the Organic Consumers Association, team up to expose the truth--and end the madness--about COVID-19.

Keywords: The Truth About COVID-19 by Joseph Mercola Ronnie Cummins Amazon

The CDC’s Plan to Intentionally Inflate Numbers
of Deaths Due to COVID-19

The CDC has done its part to ensure that as many deaths as
possible are attributed to COVID-19—even when it was not the
actual cause of death. In personal correspondence, Meryl Nass, MD,
reported that in March 2020: “The CDC issued new guidance that
required doctors who complete death certificates to list COVID-19 on
the certificate if it contributed to or caused the death. This was no
different than what we did before. We are supposed to list all
contributory causes.”

The official communication at that time read:

It is important to emphasize that Coronavirus Disease
2019 or COVID-19 should be reported on the death
certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or
is assumed to have caused or contributed to death …

For example, in cases when COVID-19 causes
pneumonia and fatal respiratory distress, both pneumonia
and respiratory distress should be included along with
COVID-19 in Part I … If the decedent had other chronic
conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also
contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.6

In April 2020 the CDC issued new guidance documents on how to
complete death certificates for COVID-197 and even hosted a
webinar on the process, but according to Nass, the guidelines
remained substantively the same. Then, later in the fall of 2020, the
CDC changed course dramatically, this time without bringing any
attention to the new guidelines. According to Nass: “Without fanfare,
the CDC acknowledged on another webpage that even if COVID
was not listed by the doctor as the underlying cause of death, or the
proximate cause of death, as long as it was listed as one cause or
contributor, it would be coded as the cause of death.”

Indeed, the CDC website at the time of this writing reads
(emphasis ours): “When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death

on the death certificate, it is coded and counted as a death due to

All of this caused Nass to conclude that the fanfare that occurred
in April was “deliberate misdirection.” You may not appreciate how
absurd this is, so let me give you an example. If a young healthy
person died in a motorcycle accident and had tested positive for
SARS-CoV-2, according to these CDC guidelines, their death would
be listed as a COVID-19 death.

All these machinations with the death certificates hide the fact that
the death rate from COVID-19 for everyone except for those over 60
is significantly lower than the death rate for influenza.

COVID Versus Influenza

Though an article in Scientific American called the claim that the
virus’s fatality is on par with the flu “fake news,”9 there’s nothing fake
about it. We call your attention to research looking at the fatality ratio
for the average person, excluding those residing in nursing homes
and other long-term care facilities, presented September 2, 2020, in
Annals of Internal Medicine: “The overall noninstitutionalized
infection fatality ratio [for COVID-19] was 0.26 percent … Persons
younger than 40 years had an infection fatality ratio of 0.01 percent;
those aged 60 or older had an infection fatality ratio of 1.71

Other sources are reporting similar findings. During an August 16,
2020, lecture at the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness convention,
Dr. Lee Merritt pointed out that, based on deaths per capita—which
is the only way to get a true sense of the lethality of this disease—
the death rate for COVID-19 at that time was around 0.009 percent.11
That number was based on a global total death toll of 709,000, and a
global population of 7.8 billion. This also means the average
person’s chance of surviving an encounter with SARS-CoV-2 was
99.991 percent.

In comparison, the estimated infection fatality rate for seasonal
influenza listed in the Annals of Internal Medicine paper is 0.8
percent. Other sources put it a little higher. In either case, the only
people for whom SARS-CoV-2 infection is more dangerous than
influenza are those over the age of 60. All others have a lower risk of
dying from COVID-19 than they have of dying from the flu.

White House coronavirus task force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx
also confirmed this far lower than typically reported mortality rate
when she, in mid-August 2020, stated that it “becomes more and
more difficult” to get people to comply with mask rules “when people
start to realize that 99 percent of us are going to be fine.”12

Who Gets Sick?

In April 2020 nearly all crew members of the deployed aircraft carrier
USS Theodore Roosevelt were tested for SARS-CoV-2. By the end
of the month, of the roughly 4,800 crew on board, 840 tested
positive. However, 60 percent were asymptomatic, meaning they had
no symptoms. Only one crew member died, and none were in
intensive care.13

Similarly, among the 3,711 passengers and crew aboard the
Diamond Princess cruise ship, 712 (19.2 percent) tested positive for
SARS-CoV-2, and of these 46.5 percent were asymptomatic at the
time of testing. Of those showing symptoms, only 9.7 percent
required intensive care and 1.3 percent died.14

Military personnel, as you would expect, tend to be healthier than
the general population. Still, the data from these two incidents reveal
several important points to consider. First of all, it suggests that even
when living in close, crowded quarters, the infection rate is rather

Only 17.5 percent of the USS Theodore Roosevelt crew got
infected—slightly lower than the 19.2 percent of those aboard the
Diamond Princess, which had a greater ratio of older people.

Second, fit and healthy individuals are more likely to be
asymptomatic than not—60 percent of naval personnel compared
with 46.5 percent of civilians onboard the Diamond Princess had no
symptoms despite testing positive.

Medical Errors Responsible for Most COVID-19


Now that we’ve established that the official statistics aren’t telling us
the whole truth and that COVID-19 isn’t responsible for nearly as
many deaths as we’ve been told, let’s look at a leading cause of
death that you don’t hear about in the media: medical malpractice.

In 2016 a Johns Hopkins study found that more than 250,000
Americans die each year from preventable medical errors, effectively
making modern medicine the third leading cause of death in the
US.15 Other estimates place the death toll from medical mistakes as
high as 440,000.16 The reason for the discrepancy in the numbers is
that medical errors are rarely noted on death certificates, and death
certificates are what the CDC relies on to compile its death statistics.

While medical errors are continually swept under the proverbial
rug, they need to be brought to light now more than ever, because
they play also play a role in the death toll attributed to COVID-19.

A significant portion of those who have died from COVID-19 were
in fact victims of medical errors. In particular, Elmhurst Hospital
Center in Queens, New York—which was “the epicenter of the
epicenter” of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US—appears to have
grossly mistreated COVID-19 patients, thereby causing their death.17

Financial Incentives Increased Deaths

According to army-trained nurse Erin Olszewski, who worked at
Elmhurst during the height of the outbreak in New York City, hospital
administrators and doctors made a long list of errors, most egregious
of which was to place all COVID-19 patients, including those merely
suspected of having COVID-19, on mechanical ventilation rather
than less invasive oxygen administration.

During her time there, most patients who entered the hospital
wound up being treated for COVID-19, whether they tested positive
or not, and only one patient survived. The hospital also failed to
segregate COVID-positive and COVID-negative patients, thereby
ensuring maximum spread of the disease among non-infected
patients coming in with other health problems.

By ventilating COVID-19-negative patients, the hospital artificially
inflated the caseload and death rate. Disturbingly, financial
incentives appear to have been at play. According to Olszewski, the
hospital received $29,000 extra for a COVID-19 patient receiving
ventilation, over and above other reimbursements. In August 2020,
CDC director Robert Redfield admitted that hospital incentives likely
elevated hospitalization rates and death toll statistics around the

Many Governors Radically Increased Elderly

Deaths with Misguided Policies

Another major error that drove up the death toll was state
leadership’s decision to place infected patients in nursing homes,
against federal guidelines.19 According to an analysis by the
Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity, which included data
reported by May 22, 2020, an average of 42 percent of all COVID-19
deaths in the US had occurred in nursing homes, assisted living
facilities, and other long-term care facilities.20

This is extraordinary, considering this group accounts for just 0.62
percent of the population. By and large nursing homes are ill
equipped to care for COVID-19-infected patients.21 While they’re set
up to care for elderly patients—whether they are generally healthy or
have chronic health problems—these facilities are rarely equipped to
quarantine and care for people with highly infectious diseases.

It’s logical to assume that commingling infected patients with non-
infected ones in a nursing home would result in exaggerated death
rates, as the elderly are far more prone to die from any infection,
including the common cold. We also learned, early on, that the
elderly were disproportionately vulnerable to severe SARS-CoV-2

Yet ordering infected patients into nursing homes with the most
vulnerable population of all is exactly what several governors
decided to do, including New York’s Andrew Cuomo, Pennsylvania’s
Tom Wolf, New Jersey’s Phil Murphy, Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer,
and California’s Gavin Newsom.22

ProPublica published an investigation on June 16, 2020,
comparing a New York nursing home that followed Cuomo’s
misguided order with one that refused, opting to follow the federal
guidelines instead. The difference was stark.23

By June 18 the Diamond Hill nursing home—which followed
Cuomo’s directive—had lost 18 residents to COVID-19, thanks to
lack of isolation and inadequate infection control. Half the staff
(about 50 people) and 58 patients were infected and fell ill.

In comparison, Van Rensselaer Manor, a 320-bed nursing home
located in the same county as Diamond Hill, which refused to follow

the state’s directive and did not admit any patient suspected of
having COVID-19, did not have a single COVID-19 death. A similar
trend has been observed in other areas.

Ventilators Did Not Help and Only Increased


The misuse of mechanical ventilation was not limited to Elmhurst
Hospital Center in Queens. As early as June 2020, researchers
warned that COVID-19 patients placed on ventilators are at
increased risk of death, and leading experts suggested the machines
were being overused and that patients would likely do better with
less invasive treatments. According to one study, more than 50
percent of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients died.24

The practice remained widespread, nonetheless. In a case series
of 1,300 critically ill patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) in
Lombardy, Italy, 88 percent received invasive ventilation, but the
mortality rate was still 26 percent.25 Further, in a JAMA study that
included 5,700 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in the New York
City area between March 1, 2020, and April 4, 2020, mortality rates
for those who received mechanical ventilation ranged from 76.4
percent to 97.2 percent, depending on age.26

Similarly, in a study of 24 COVID-19 patients admitted to Seattle-
area ICUs, 75 percent received mechanical ventilation and, overall,
half of the patients died between 1 and 18 days after being

There are many reasons why those on ventilators have a high risk
of mortality, including being more severely ill to begin with. There are
risks inherent to mechanical ventilation itself, including lung damage
caused by the high pressure used by the machines. In cases of
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), the lung’s air sacs may
be filled with a yellow fluid that has a “gummy” texture, making
oxygen transfer from the lungs to the blood difficult, even with
mechanical ventilation. Long-term sedation from the intubation is
another significant risk that is difficult for some patients, especially
the elderly, to bounce back from.

A Perfect Storm of Errors

Novel viruses always have their highest impact at the beginning of
their existence before their impact levels off. A never-before-seen
virus is like touching a spark to dry wood. It burns hottest in the
beginning, before fairly quickly cooling down.

With a novel virus, the most vulnerable are hit rapidly. In the case
of the SARS-CoV-2, nursing homes were the dry wood. Due to the
combination of the vulnerable being hit first and the medical
community mistreating those who became ill, the initial spike in
fatalities was real, although it didn’t have to be as high as it was.

If it weren’t for systematic medical mistreatment at certain
hospitals, widespread erroneous use of ventilators, and
incomprehensible decision making by a handful of state governors,
the COVID-19 death toll may well have been negligible.

When you add all of these factors together—the wanton
mismanagement of the infection in hot spots such as New York, the
decision to send infected patients into nursing homes, the fact that
few healthy people died from the infection, plus that potential
medical treatments have been and still are actively suppressed—it
very much appears to be a manufactured crisis.

Sepsis May Be at the Root of Many COVID-19 and

Influenza Deaths

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition triggered by a systemic
infection that causes your body to overreact and launch an
excessive and highly damaging immune response. A number of
studies have shown that sepsis is becoming ever more prevalent. In
the US, 1.7 million adults develop sepsis each year, and nearly
270,000 die as a result.28 In fact, between 34.7 percent and 55.9
percent of American patients who died in hospitals between 2010
and 2012 had sepsis at the time of their death.29

Worldwide, sepsis is responsible for one in five deaths each year
—double the rate of previous estimates—according to the most
comprehensive global analysis to date. The researchers call the
finding “alarming.” As reported by NPR: “They estimate that about 11
million people worldwide died with sepsis in 2017 alone—out of 56
million total deaths. That’s about 20 percent of all deaths.”30

A significant hurdle when studying sepsis is the fact that many
doctors overlook it as a contributing cause of death and don’t list it
on the death certificate. Yet sepsis has been identified as a major
contributor in influenza deaths.

One of the problems is that the symptoms of sepsis are easy to
confuse with a bad cold, influenza, and COVID-19—including
dehydration, high fever, chills, confusion, rapid heartbeat, nausea or
vomiting, and cold, clammy skin. However, they tend to develop
more quickly than you would normally expect. Unless promptly
diagnosed and treated, sepsis can rapidly progress to multiple-organ
failure and death.

Severe sepsis is traditionally associated with bacterial diseases.
However, viruses are becoming a growing cause of severe sepsis
worldwide—including COVID-19. In fact, in July 2020 famous
Broadway actor Nick Cordero died of complications from COVID-19,
including septic shock, or sepsis. Cordero is by no means the only
one. Sepsis is an important contributor to the death of many COVID-
19 patients—one that’s been flying largely under the radar.

According to Dr. Karin Molander, chair of the Sepsis Alliance
board of directors, “sepsis is a leading, if not the number one, fatal

complication of COVID-19.”31 Sepsis occurs so often alongside
COVID-19 that the National Center for Health Statistics released
updated guidelines for medical coding of the two conditions.32

Many Critically Ill COVID Patients Develop Viral


Researchers from China wrote in The Lancet: “In clinical practice, we
noticed that many severe or critically ill COVID-19 patients
developed typical clinical manifestations of shock, including cold
extremities and weak peripheral pulses, even in the absence of overt
hypotension. Understanding the mechanism of viral sepsis in
COVID-19 is warranted for exploring better clinical care for these

Viral sepsis can be particularly challenging, according to the
Sepsis Alliance, because tests that reveal bacterial sepsis to
physicians do not necessarily reveal viral sepsis. That being said,
abnormal vital signs, including blood pressure, pulse and
respirations, may occur with either bacterial or viral sepsis.

According to Sepsis Alliance, “the elderly, very young and people
with chronic illnesses or weakened immune systems” are most at
risk of sepsis. While those affected often have underlying health
conditions, even healthy people can be affected. “[W]hen a healthy
person becomes severely ill with sepsis, it could be that their healthy
immune system was so strong it triggered a cytokine storm,” the
Sepsis Alliance explained.34

Cytokines are a group of proteins that your body uses to control
inflammation. If you have an infection, your body will release
cytokines to help combat inflammation, but sometimes it releases
more than it should. If the cytokine release spirals out of control, the
resulting “cytokine storm” becomes dangerous and is closely tied to

A sepsis treatment protocol developed by Dr. Paul Marik, which
involves intravenous vitamin C with hydrocortisone and thiamine
(vitamin B1), has been shown to dramatically improve chances of
survival in sepsis cases. If you suspect that you or a loved one may
have sepsis, visit and search for the article titled
“Vitamin C, B1 and Hydrocortisone Dramatically Reduce Mortality
from Sepsis.” It could save your or their life.

Comorbidities Are the Primary Cause of COVID-

19 Hospitalizations and Deaths

To be fair, the official story and statistics have reported that
underlying health conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and
diabetes are key factors in COVID-19 fatalities. Yet the data show
they’re more than contributing factors: They’re the primary drivers of
hospitalizations and deaths.

In one study more than 99 percent of people who died from
COVID-19-related complications had underlying medical conditions.
Among those fatalities, 76.1 percent had high blood pressure, 35.5
percent had diabetes, and 33 percent had heart disease.35

Another study revealed that among 18- to 49-year-olds
hospitalized due to COVID-19, obesity was the most prevalent
underlying condition, just ahead of hypertension.36 What’s more,
investigations reveal that most COVID-19 patients have more than
one underlying health issue. A study looking at 5,700 New York City
patients found that 88 percent had more than one comorbidity. Only
6.3 percent had just one underlying health condition, and 6.1 percent
had none.37

Most chronic conditions—particularly diabetes and high blood
pressure—have roots in metabolic dysfunction, as people with
metabolic dysfunction have compromised immune systems. For
detailed information on correcting metabolic dysfunction, refer to my
previous bestselling book, Fat for Fuel.

Let’s look at some of these co-factors more in-depth.

Metabolic Health

The common thread connecting nearly all of the COVID-19
comorbidities is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is largely
related to the transition to industrially processed foods and a reliance
on carbohydrates over healthy fats. However, likely the most serious
contributor is an increase in a specific omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty
acid called linoleic acid (LA).

This fat is present in vegetable oils, which are more accurately
known as seed oils. They did not exist 150 years ago, so our
consumption used to be zero. Today it has increased to an average
of about 80 grams a day. Excessive LA is far more dangerous than
eating excessive sugar, as these fats destroy your metabolic
machinery and stay in your body for years.

LA is highly perishable and prone to oxidation. As the fat oxidizes,
it breaks down into harmful subcomponents, which is how LA
contributes to the massive increase in heart disease, cancer,
diabetes, obesity, and age-related blindness. They create
inflammation and damage important tissues, especially your
mitochondria, which are responsible for generating most of the
energy in your body by converting your food and combining it with
oxygen to create ATP.

When you have high levels of LA, your mitochondria become
damaged and crippled and can’t provide your body with enough fuel
to repair the damage from all the inflammation and oxidative stress.
This leads to insulin resistance and the development of all the
comorbidities we see in COVID-19. We review the health impacts of
LA further in chapter 6.

High Blood Pressure

Doctors in China quickly realized that nearly half of those dying from
COVID-19 also had high blood pressure, or hypertension.
Researchers used retrospective data from a hospital dedicated only
to the treatment of the infection in Wuhan, China, to evaluate the

After analyzing data from 2,877 patients, 29.5 percent of whom
had a history of high blood pressure, they found that those with high
blood pressure were twice as likely to die from COVID-19 than those
who didn’t.

Certain Drugs May Impact COVID-19 Outcomes

Making matters worse, the drugs routinely used to treat lifestyle-
induced afflictions such as high blood pressure, as well as diabetes
and heart disease, may also be contributing to adverse outcomes in
patients with COVID-19. According to Reuters:

A disproportionate number of patients hospitalized by
COVID-19 … have high blood pressure. Theories about
why the condition makes them more vulnerable … have
sparked a fierce debate among scientists over the impact
of widely prescribed blood-pressure drugs.

Researchers agree that the life-saving drugs affect the
same pathways that the novel coronavirus takes to enter
the lungs and heart. They differ on whether those drugs
open the door to the virus or protect against it … The
drugs are known as ACE inhibitors and ARBs … In a
recent interview with a medical journal, Anthony Fauci—
the US government’s top infectious disease expert—cited
a report showing similarly high rates of hypertension
among COVID-19 patients who died in Italy and
suggested the medicines, rather than the underlying
condition, may act as an accelerant for the virus …

There is evidence that the drugs may increase the
presence of an enzyme—ACE2—that produces
hormones that lower blood pressure by widening blood
vessels. That’s normally a good thing. But the coronavirus
also targets ACE2 and has developed spikes that can
latch on to the enzyme and penetrate cells … So more
enzymes provide more targets for the virus, potentially
increasing the chance of infection or making it more

Other evidence, however, suggests the infection’s
interference with ACE2 may lead to higher levels of a
hormone that causes inflammation, which can result in
acute respiratory distress syndrome, a dangerous build-
up of fluid in the lungs. In that case, ARBs may be

beneficial because they block some of the hormone’s
damaging effects.39

This presents significant challenges for patients and doctors alike,
as there’s currently no significant consensus on whether patients
should discontinue the drugs. The Centre for Evidence-Based
Medicine at the University of Oxford in England recommends
switching to alternative blood pressure medicines in patients who
have only mildly elevated blood pressure and are at high risk for

A paper in NEJM stressed the potential benefits of the drugs
instead, saying that patients should continue taking them. However,
several of the scientists who wrote that paper have done “extensive,
industry-supported research on antihypertensive drugs,” Reuters
notes.40 Dr. Kevin Kavanagh, founder of the patient advocacy group
Health Watch USA, believes it would be unwise to allow scientists
funded by the drug industry to give clinical directions at this time.
“Let others without a conflict of interest try to make a call,” he says.

Interestingly, while some studies have found an increased risk of
COVID-19 mortality in diabetics who take statin drugs, other studies
have found a protective effect. Whether statins raise the risk of
mortality in severe COVID-19 or not, they do not protect you against
cardiovascular disease as intended and as Big Pharma wants you to
believe, and they do increase your risk of other negative health
conditions. Since there are strategies you can use at home to reduce
your risk of severe disease and protect your health, it is typically
unnecessary and likely dangerous to seek out statin drugs. (More to
come in chapter 6.)


When insulin resistance becomes sufficiently severe and chronic,
type 2 diabetes sets in, so it’s not surprising that diabetes is among
the comorbidities of COVID-19. In the U.K. researchers gathered
data from the National Health Service England in an effort to
characterize the features of those at greatest risk of severe COVID-
19.41 The data showed that the median age of individuals
hospitalized for COVID-19 was 72 years, with a hospital stay of
about seven days. The most common comorbidities were chronic
heart disease, diabetes, and chronic pulmonary disease.

Thus far, it’s been unclear as to whether people with diabetes are
more likely to get infected, but what is clear is that a disproportionate
number of people with diabetes are hospitalized with severe illness.
It’s been estimated that 6 percent of the U.K. population has
diabetes,42 but data from the NHS England showed that 19 percent
of those hospitalized had diabetes, more than three times the
number in the general population.43

It’s also important to note that while people with type 2 diabetes
have double the risk of dying from COVID-19, people with type 1
diabetes are 3.5 times more likely to die from the virus than people
without diabetes.44

In another study of 174 patients, scientists found that those with
diabetes had a higher risk of severe pneumonia, excessive
uncontrolled inflammation, and dysregulation of glucose
metabolism.45 Their data supports the idea that those with diabetes
may experience a rapid progression of COVID-19 and that they have
a poorer prognosis.


Being obese or overweight can also raise your risk of COVID
complications and death. Research suggests that even mild obesity
can impact COVID-19 severity.

This finding was revealed by researchers from the Alma Mater
Studiorum University of Bologna in Italy, who analyzed 482 COVID-
19 patients hospitalized between March 1 and April 20, 2020.
“Obesity is a strong, independent risk factor for respiratory failure,
admission to the ICU and death among COVID-19 patients,” they
wrote, and the extent of risk was tied to a person’s level of obesity.46

The researchers used body mass index (BMI) to define obesity in
the study, finding increased risk started at a BMI of 30, or “mild”
obesity. “Health care practitioners should be aware that people with
any grade of obesity, not just the severely obese, are a population at
risk,” lead study author Dr. Matteo Rottoli said in a news release.
“Extra caution should be used for hospitalized COVID-19 patients
with obesity, as they are likely to experience a quick deterioration
towards respiratory failure, and to require intensive care

Specifically, patients with mild obesity had a 2.5 times greater risk
of respiratory failure and a 5 times greater risk of being admitted to
an ICU compared with non-obese patients. Those with a BMI of 35
and over were also 12 times more likely to die from COVID-19.

Similarly, a July 2020 report by Public Health England, which
describes the results of two systematic reviews, found that excess
weight worsened COVID-19 severity, and that obese patients were
more likely to die from the disease than non-obese patients.48

Compared with healthy-weight patients, patients with a BMI above
25 kg/m2 were 3.68 times more likely to die, 6.98 times more likely to
need respiratory support, and 2.03 times more likely to suffer critical
illness. The report also highlights data showing that the risk of
hospitalization, intensive care treatment, and death progressively
increases as your BMI goes up.

Age and Inflammation

All of the conditions covered thus far can cause chronic, uncontrolled
inflammation, which can increase your chances of experiencing a
cytokine storm. This inflammation is often called inflammaging or the
“chronic low-grade inflammation occurring in the absence of overt
infection.” This type of damaging inflammation negatively impacts

Chronic inflammation may help explain why age is such a factor in
COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths. Underlying or baseline
inflammation can exacerbate the aging process and raise the risk of
severe infectious disease, as has been demonstrated by the
numbers of people 65 and older who have died from COVID-19.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 8 of
every 10 deaths from COVID-19 are people age 65 and older.50

Topping the list of factors that make the elderly more susceptible
to dying is an aging immune system—both the innate and the
adaptive arms. As noted by researchers Amber Mueller, Maeve
McNamara, and David Sinclair: “For the immune system to
effectively suppress then eliminate SARS-CoV-2, it must perform
four main tasks: 1) recognize, 2) alert, 3) destroy, and 4) clear. Each
of these mechanisms are known to be dysfunctional and increasingly
heterogeneous in older people.”51

During aging, your immune system undergoes a gradual decline
in function known as immunosenescence, which inhibits your body’s
ability to recognize, alert, and clear pathogens; inflammaging is a
result of this process. According to the researchers:

An abundance of recent data describing the pathology
and molecular changes in COVID-19 patients points to
both immunosenescence and inflammaging as major
drivers of the high mortality rates in older patients.

The inability of AMs [alveolar macrophages] in older
individuals to recognize viral particles and convert to a
pro-inflammatory state likely accelerates COVID-19 in its
early stages, whereas in its advanced stages, AMs are
likely to be responsible for the excessive lung damage.

On top of the cytokine storm, perhaps what is even more
predictive of death is an increase in the fibrin degradation product D-
dimer that is released from blood clots in the microvasculature and is
highly predictive of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
The elderly have naturally higher levels of D-dimer, which appears to
be a “key indicator for the severity of late-stage COVID-19,” the
researchers state.52

In the elderly, elevated levels are thought to be due to higher
basal levels of vascular inflammation associated with cardiovascular
disease, and this, the authors say, “could predispose patients to
severe COVID-19.” Similarly, the elderly tend to have higher levels of
NLRP3 inflammasomes, which appear to be a key culprit involved in
cytokine storms.

In chapter 6 we’ll cover how we became so vulnerable in the first
place. Because in order to change the future, you have to
understand the past.


Exploiting Fear to Lock Down

By Ronnie Cummins

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
—Franklin D. Roosevelt

Fear is ultimately what strips us of our human rights and drives a
society into totalitarianism, and the only way to circumvent such a
fate is to bravely resist fear. Today one of the biggest sources of fear
is a global pandemic—one that allegedly came about naturally, and
to which we have no known defenses—or so the official story goes.

Fear is one of the most potent catalysts for human behavior and
we now have something no previous tyrant has had, namely the
technology to track, trace, control, and manipulate individuals
wherever they are. Most people are surrounded by electronics and
wireless devices that harvest every imaginable data point about their
personal life. That data collection is then integrated with AI-driven
deep learning systems, which allows the technocratic elite to
determine how to most effectively manipulate the masses.

However, as outlined in chapter 3, there is an ever-growing body
of evidence that has enabled critics to dismember and discredit the
“official story” on the origins, nature, dangers, prevention, and
treatment of COVID-19.

This evidence clearly shows that COVID-19 and the ensuing
pandemic are not from a previously existing relatively harmless bat
coronavirus with limited transmissibility that somehow mutated so it
could infect humans. Rather, it is much more likely that SARS-CoV-2
is the product of a disastrous, but unfortunately predictable, lab
accident in Wuhan, China, in late 2019.

This weaponized virus, SARS-CoV-2, a joint Chinese/US creation,
is likely a genetically engineered, mutant offspring of a decades-long
biological arms race, disguised as gain-of-function biomedical,
vaccine, or biosafety research.

For years the powers that be reassured us that genetically
engineering viruses and bacteria in what are essentially unregulated
bioweapons labs is safe; that the possibility of accidents, thefts, and
releases of these potential pandemic pathogens (PPPs) is
vanishingly small, and therefore well worth the risk. They lied, and
now we must deal with the catastrophic consequences of their
criminal negligence.1

Lockdowns Are the Cause of Much of the COVID


Did you ever wonder why the media won’t name the lockdowns as
the culprit of much of the damage caused by the pandemic? It’s not
just denialism. The official narrative is that we had no choice but to
shatter life as we know it and shut everything down. Sadly, nothing
could be further from the truth. No intervention like this has ever
taken place in history. The lockdowns are an egregious attack on
fundamental rights, liberties, and the rule of law. And the results are
all around us.

Even after a full year of lockdowns, the public remains mostly
deeply ignorant of the age/health gradient of COVID-19 fatalities,
even though the data have been available since February 2020.
According to the CDC—even conceding the inaccuracy of testing
and exigencies of fatality classification—the survivability rate is
99.997 percent for 0–19 years, 99.98 percent for 20–49 years, 99.5
percent for 50–69 years, and 94.6 percent for 70-plus years.2

Nursing homes and hospitals have been the main vectors for
disease, not social gatherings or outdoor events. The threat to
school-aged kids approaches zero. The more information we get, the
more normal the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen seems. It’s a respiratory
and flu-like illness that became pandemic before becoming endemic,
just like so many other respiratory viruses over the last hundred
years. We didn’t shut down society, and, for that reason, we
managed them just fine.

Many of us spend a good part of our day poring over the latest
research, which reveals the terrible toll of the lockdowns. The
inescapable horror is that this is a direct result of the lockdowns, not
the pandemic. There’s no evidence that lockdowns have actually
saved lives. On the contrary, evidence shows a significant number of
excess deaths are due not to COVID-19 but to drug overdoses,
depression, and suicide.

The evidence also highlights the role of polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) testing in driving the pandemic narrative, the falsehood of
“asymptomatic transmission,” the incredible proliferation of disease

misclassification, and the absurdity of the idea that political solutions
can intimidate and arrest a virus.

The Lockdowns Caused Massive Wealth Shift

Besides exposing the reckless gain-of-function lab origins of the
virus and taking action to make sure this never happens again, we
desperately need to expose the shoddy science, inaccurate lab
tests, misleading statistics, and panic-mongering driving the official
story on the nature and virulence of COVID-19 and the disastrous,
authoritarian measures—beneficial to the rich, disastrous to the
working class, minority communities, and youth—that most
governments have implemented to, supposedly, contain the virus.

Thus far, the pandemic has triggered or contributed to disease
and death among the elderly and those with serious preexisting
medical conditions, or comorbidities, as covered in chapter 4. It has
also triggered widespread panic and fear in the general population,
on a scale not seen since World War II. Panic-mongering has
enabled opportunistic politicians, out-of-control scientists and genetic
engineers, public health bureaucrats, and large corporations,
especially Big Pharma and the tech giants, to consolidate their
wealth and power as never before.

The fact that the pandemic has been used to shift wealth from the
poor and middle class to the ultra-wealthy is clear for anyone to see
at this point. In December 2020 the total wealth of US billionaires
reached $4 trillion, more than $1 trillion of which was gained since
March 2020 when the pandemic began, according to a study by the
Institute for Policy Studies.3

While 45.5 million Americans filed for unemployment, 29 new
billionaires were created, the Institute for Policy Studies reported in
June 2020, and five of the richest men in the US—Jeff Bezos, Bill
Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, and Larry Ellison—grew
their wealth by a total of $101.7 billion (26 percent) between March
18 and June 17, 2020, alone.4

The reason the wealthy have only gotten richer during this
pandemic is that their businesses weren’t shut down. The shutdowns
primarily affected small, privately owned businesses. The disparity in
treatment of big-box stores and small retailers has been strikingly
illogical. How is it safe to shop with hundreds of people in a Walmart
but unsafe to shop in a store that can only hold a fraction of that?

Pandemic profiteers include online retailers and Big Tech
companies like Amazon, Zoom, Skype, Netflix, Google, and
Facebook, along with some of the largest retailers. Walmart and
Target, for example, reported record sales in 2020.5 As noted by IPS
News: “The COVID pandemic has not been the ‘Great Equalizer’ as
suggested by the likes of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and
members of the World Economic Forum. Rather, it has exacerbated
existing inequalities along gender, race and economic class divides
across the world.”6

As the World Economic Forum states, “With some 2.6 billion
people around the world in some kind of lockdown, we are
conducting arguably the largest psychological experiment ever.”7 Our
would-be global overlords openly admit that they are laying down the
foundations for what they euphemistically call a Great Reset or a
Fourth Industrial Revolution—a technocratic dictatorship, based
upon digital surveillance, social control, and artificial intelligence,
more akin to George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 than anything

As a direct result of disastrous government responses, medical
malpractice, and mass media panic-mongering surrounding COVID-
19, the world has been turned upside down. Lockdowns, censorship,
shoddy science, misleading statistics, half-truths, and outright lies
have exacerbated any damage caused by the virus itself.

While the billionaire class has prospered, the global grassroots,
especially the underclass, racial minorities, and children, suffer the
brunt of the crisis: economic meltdown, mass unemployment,
hunger, the collapse of small businesses, school closures, mass
anxiety, social isolation, and unprecedented political polarization.

Back in August 2020, Bloomberg reported that more than half of
all small business owners feared their businesses wouldn’t survive.8
They were right. According to a September 2020 economic impact
report9 by Yelp, 163,735 US businesses had closed their doors as of
August 31, 2020, and of those, 60 percent—a total of 97,966
businesses—were permanent closures.10 These business closures
disproportionally affected minorities. By the end of April 2020,
pandemic measures had eliminated nearly half of all Black-owned
small businesses in the US.11 According to a New York Fed report,

“Black-owned businesses were more than twice as likely to shutter
as their white counterparts.”12

The Hidden Cost of Lockdowns

With unemployment comes food insecurity, and mere weeks into the
pandemic, people around the world were lining up at food banks. An
April 10, 2020, report by the Financial Times cited survey results
showing an estimated three million Britons had gone without food at
some point in the previous three weeks. An estimated one million
people had by then already lost all sources of income.13

The United Nations estimates pandemic responses have “pushed
an additional 150 million children into multidimensional poverty—
deprived of education, health, housing, nutrition, sanitation or
water,”14 and at the end of April 2020 warned the world was facing
“famine of biblical proportions,” with only a limited amount of time to
act before starvation claims hundreds of millions of lives.15

That lockdowns will have a detrimental effect on mental health
also should come as no surprise, and data show that’s exactly what
has happened. A Canadian survey in early October 2020 found that
22 percent of Canadians experienced high anxiety levels—four times
higher than the pre-pandemic rate—and 13 percent reported severe

In the US an August 2020 survey by the American Psychological
Association found that Gen Z’ers are among the hardest hit in this
regard, with young adults aged 18 to 23 reporting the highest levels
of stress and depression.17

More than 7 out of 10 in this age group reported symptoms of
depression in the two weeks before the survey. Among teens aged
13 to 17, 51 percent said the pandemic makes it impossible to plan
for the future. Sixty-seven percent of college-aged respondents
echoed this concern.

With despair come drug-related problems, and according to the
American Medical Association, the drug overdose epidemic has
significantly worsened and become more complicated this year.
“More than 40 states have reported increases in opioid-related
mortality as well as ongoing concerns for those with a mental illness
or substance use disorder,” the AMA reported in a December 9,
2020, Issue Brief.18

A list of national news included in the American Medical
Association’s brief include reports of increases in overdose-related
cardiac arrests, surges in street fentanyl leading to deaths in the
thousands and a “dramatic increase” in illicit opioid fatalities. Spikes
and record numbers of overdose deaths have been reported in
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, District
of Columbia, Illinois, Florida and many other states.

That the lockdowns are doing more harm than good can also be
seen in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data showing
that, compared with previous years, excess deaths among 25- to 44-
year-olds have increased by a remarkable 26.5 percent, even though
this age group accounts for fewer than 3 percent of COVID-19-
related deaths.19 To put it bluntly, in our misguided efforts to prevent
the elderly and immune-compromised from dying from COVID-19,
we’re sacrificing people who are in the prime of their lives.

Statistics also reveal that the lockdowns have resulted in dramatic
increases in domestic abuse, rape, child sex abuse, and suicides. By
July 2020, Ireland reported a 98 percent increase in people seeking
counseling for rape and child sex abuse.20

Data from the British group Women’s Aid showed 61 percent of
domestic abuse victims reported that their abuse had worsened
during the lockdown.21 The number of women killed by their domestic
partners also doubled during the first three weeks of lockdowns in
the U.K.22

In the US, data from a Massachusetts hospital revealed that
domestic abuse cases nearly doubled in the nine weeks between
March 11 and May 3, 2020, when the state had ordered schools
closed.23 Similarly, in early April 2020, United Nations secretary-
general António Guterres warned24 of a “horrifying” surge in global
domestic abuse linked to pandemic lockdowns, as calls to helplines
in some countries had by then already doubled.25

Child abuse, meanwhile, is less likely to be detected and reported
thanks to virtual schooling. There have been signs of rising child
abuse, though, including a British study that found a shocking 1,493
percent rise in the incidence of abusive head trauma among children
during the first month of the lockdown, compared with the same time
period in the previous three years.26

Children are also in danger of falling behind socially and
developmentally, even if they’re not exposed to direct abuse.
According to one report, scholastic achievement gaps widened in the
US and early literacy among kindergarteners saw a sharp decline in

According to The Economist, American children over the age of
10 cut physical activity by half during the lockdown, spending most of
their time playing video games and eating junk food.28 Indeed,
closing parks and beaches right along with small businesses and
schools were undoubtedly among the most ignorant and destructive
pandemic measures of all.

Preventing healthy people from working and upending everyone’s
lives has also (as expected) resulted in a massive rise in suicide—
including among children—and abnormal spikes became apparent
within weeks of the initial lockdowns. In September 2020, Cook
Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas, admitted a record
number of 37 pediatric patients who had tried to commit suicide.29

In Japan—which didn’t even implement lockdowns—government
statistics reveal that more people died from suicide in the month of
October than have died from COVID-19 all year.30 While only 2,087
Japanese had died from COVID-19 as of November 27, 2020, the
suicide toll in October alone was 2,153. Women make up the lion’s
share of suicides, and hotlines are also reporting that women are
confessing thoughts of killing their children out of sheer desperation.

It should be obvious to anyone paying attention that the pandemic
is being prolonged and exaggerated for a reason, and it’s not
because there’s concern for life. Quite the contrary. It’s a ploy to
quite literally enslave the global population within a digital
surveillance system—a system so unnatural and inhumane that no
rational population would ever voluntarily go down that road.

How They Engineered Panic

Establishment health officials, virologists, and genetic engineers are
funded by military biodefense/biowarfare programs, Big Pharma, and
government. They contend the SARS-CoV-2 virus is so infectious
and dangerous that there are currently no existing medical drugs,
treatment protocols, supplements, natural herbs, health practices, or
dietary or lifestyle changes that can strengthen your natural immune
system and protect you from serious illness, hospitalization, or even
death from the virus.

The authorities tell you there is no choice but to follow orders,
obey the rules of mask wearing and lockdowns, and wait for Big
Pharma to deliver at “Warp Speed” their inadequately tested,
genetically engineered vaccines. This orchestrated panic narrative is
a Big Lie, meant to keep us, the global underclass, in line, locked
down, and obeying authority.

With the body politic divided, misinformed, censored, and living in
panic, the globalists, the world economic elite, can consolidate their
wealth and power beyond anything the world has ever seen, hiding
behind the excuse that they are safeguarding public health,
mitigating climate change, and eliminating poverty and
unemployment. In the shadow of the Big Lie, our only hope is to
spread the truth, resist, get organized, and stop this tyrannical New
World Order.

Know That You Are Not Powerless

It is essential for your survival to reject the panic narrative, move
beyond fear, and take charge of your mental and physical health. We
must expose the manipulated calibrations and built-in shortcomings
of the PCR lab tests that are creating an artificial sense of panic.

It is imperative to understand the statistics on death and
hospitalizations in a manner that creates knowledge, not irrational
fear. Youth and those who are metabolically healthy are typically not
at risk. And fortunately, there are a large number of tried and proven
means to protect the most vulnerable.

We can prevent the spread of COVID-19 and mitigate the effects
of the virus by improving public health, which includes simple
strategies such as eliminating processed food in our diets, making
sure that healthy organic foods are available to everyone, and
promoting exercise. The solution is to move beyond fear and
isolation and educate yourself, as well as those you love and care
for, to understand that you are not powerless.

As natural health advocate Nate Doromal reminds us: “Covid-19 is
not going away. Despite prolonged lockdowns and widespread mask
mandates, Covid-19 is still present in our society and cases continue
throughout the country. Even the much-discussed Covid-19 vaccine
is not a panacea; authorities say it will not prevent transmission and
there are outstanding safety concerns amongst the leading Covid-19
vaccine candidates. The key lies in making ourselves stronger.”31

Truth be told, we can make our bodies stronger, can make our
immune systems more powerful, and can even reverse chronic
preexisting conditions. It’s never too late to take the steps to improve
your health and make yourself more resilient to infectious diseases
like COVID-19.32

While proponents of the official story continue to denigrate and
slander COVID-19 critics, including the authors of this book, as “anti-
science, anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists,” the evidence points to
SARS-CoV-2 being a weaponized, lab-engineered, highly
transmissible biological trigger that magnifies and exacerbates
preexisting chronic diseases and comorbidities. COVID-19 presents
basically no threat to children, youth, and students, and very little

threat to people in good health of any age, unlike the Spanish flu of

People over 65 years old who are metabolically unhealthy and/or
have low vitamin D levels, as well as those with serious preexisting
chronic disease such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer,
lung disease, kidney disease, dementia, and hypertension, need to
safeguard their health and strengthen their bodies’ ability to fight off
disease by taking precautions that minimize exposure to the SARS-
CoV-2 virus, as well as other viruses such as the seasonal flu.

For those in nursing homes or hospitals, special precautions are
also necessary. As the Great Barrington Declaration, signed by tens
of thousands of doctors and scientists around the world, points out:

Adopting measures to protect the vulnerable should be
the central aim of public health responses to COVID-19.
By way of example, nursing homes should use staff with
acquired immunity and perform frequent PCR testing of
other staff and all visitors. Staff rotation should be

Retired people living at home should have groceries
and other essentials delivered to their home. When
possible, they should meet family members outside rather
than inside. A comprehensive and detailed list of
measures, including approaches to multi-generational
households, can be implemented, and is well within the
scope and capability of public health professionals.

Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be
allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene
measures, such as hand washing and staying home when
sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd
immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be
open for in-person teaching.

Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be
resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally,
rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses
should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural
activities should resume. People who are more at risk

may participate if they wish, while society as a whole
enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by
those who have built up herd immunity.33

The continuation of school closures, lockdowns, and other
extreme measures that fall hardest on low-income groups, minority
communities, small businesses, and children are counterproductive
and wrong. We need to reduce public panic and political polarization
and have a serious, society-wide discussion on the origins, nature,
virulence, prevention, and treatment of COVID-19.

The Panic Narrative Is Built upon Faulty Tests,

Misleading Statistics, and Shoddy Science

There are several major aspects of the official “scientific” narrative on
the nature, infectivity, and virulence of COVID-19 that are
deliberately misleading and spreading panic among the public.
These include the use of faulty, miscalibrated PCR lab tests that
artificially inflate the number of COVID-19 cases, which we reviewed
in chapter 4.

The fact is, a vast majority of those who test positive for SARS-
CoV-2 remain asymptomatic and are highly unlikely to spread the
disease to others. They simply aren’t sick. The PCR test is merely
picking up inactive (non- infectious) viral particles.

In one study, which looked at pregnant women admitted for
delivery, 87.9 percent of the women who tested positive for the
presence of SARS-CoV-2 had no symptoms.34 Another study looked
at a large homeless shelter in Boston. Of 408 people tested, 147 (36
percent) were positive, yet symptoms were conspicuously absent.
Cough occurred in only 7.5 percent of cases, shortness of breath in
1.4 percent, and fever in 0.7 percent. All symptoms were
“uncommon among COVID-positive individuals,” the researchers

A study in Nature Communications assessed the risk posed by
asymptomatic people by looking at the data from a mass screening
program in Wuhan, China. The city had been under strict lockdown
between January 23 and April 8, 2020. Between May 14 and June 1,
2020, 9,899,828 residents of Wuhan city over the age of six
underwent PCR testing. Of these, 9,865,404 had no previous
diagnosis of COVID-19 and 34,424 were recovered COVID-19
patients. In all, there were zero symptomatic cases and only 300
asymptomatic cases detected. (The overall detection rate was 0.3
per 10,000.) Importantly, not a single one of the 1,174 people who
had been in close contact with an asymptomatic individual tested

Additionally, of the 34,424 participants with a history of COVID-19,
107 individuals (0.310 percent) tested positive again, but none were
symptomatic. As noted by the authors, “Virus cultures were negative

for all asymptomatic positive and repositive cases, indicating no
‘viable virus’ in positive cases detected in this study.” Interestingly,
when they further tested asymptomatic patients for antibodies, they
discovered that 190 of the 300 (63.3 percent) had actually had a
“hot” or productive infection resulting in the production of antibodies,
yet none of their contacts had been infected. In other words, even
though asymptomatics were (or had been) carriers of apparently live
virus, they still did not transmit it to others.36

If positive test results tell us nothing about the actual prevalence
of disease and its spread, why are we mass-testing? Of course, if
PCR testing is unreliable, then statistics and public statements by
vaccine manufacturers on the efficacy of their vaccines to prevent or
cure COVID-19 are also invalid, since they “prove” efficacy using
these tests.

Another misleading practice is to conflate statistics on deaths. As
reviewed in the previous chapter, 94 percent of so-called COVID-19
deaths were people who died with COVID-19, as they had other
preexisting chronic diseases or comorbidities.37 The idea that
COVID-19 is a lethal pandemic is also disproven by all-cause
mortality statistics, which show mortality has remained steady during
2020 and doesn’t veer from the norm.38

Other fearmongering tactics include public statements
exaggerating the threat of COVID-19 to children, youth, and students
as well as the risk of youth to spread COVID-19 to teachers and
older adults in general. Even Anthony Fauci now admits that
students pose little or no threat to teachers or older adults and that
schools should be reopened.39

Equating Faulty PCR Positive Test Results as

“Cases” of Active Infections of COVID-19

While the death toll was initially the driving fear tactic, it quickly
shifted to the dubious claim that there are “increasing cases” of
COVID-19, including among the young. These news reports or public
health proclamations are often accompanied by ominous graphs,
always trending upward, with dire warnings of a “second or third
wave” of mass hospitalizations and deaths being imminent if people
don’t hunker down, obey authority, and isolate themselves as
thoroughly as they did in the early stages of the pandemic.

Hardly ever do these stories mention that 10 times as many
people are now being tested as were being tested during the early
stages of the pandemic, or that there is mounting evidence of false
positives, caused by laboratory over- magnification of what are
supposedly viral samples from nasal or throat swabs.

In the fine print of these alarming news reports, there are often
admissions that while actual deaths from COVID-19 have declined,
we can expect massive deaths if people stop wearing masks or
resume a semblance of normal life. The upbeat news of these scare
articles is that the danger of infection and death will eventually
subside once everyone gets vaccinated.

But we need to ask ourselves: What do these experts and media
outlets actually mean by an increasing number of “cases” of COVID-

Do they mean that more people than ever are getting seriously ill
and are dying from COVID-19? If so, why do official statistics from
the CDC and other public health databases show declining numbers
of deaths from COVID-19 across the US and the world, even when
flu and pneumonia cases are misleadingly counted as COVID-19

Or does it simply mean that more and more people, especially
now young people, are being tested and end up with a positive test
result? And if so, what does that actually mean? As former New York
Times reporter Alex Berenson points out in his book Unreported
Truths About COVID-19 and Lockdowns: “A ‘case’ of coronavirus
points only to a positive test result … It does not mean that a person

will become sick—much less that he or she will be hospitalized, need
intensive care, or die.”41

At present, the polymerase chain reaction test is the primary
method used to test people for COVID-19. The problem with that is
twofold. First of all, the PCR test cannot distinguish between inactive
viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.42 This is a crucial point, since
inactive and reproductive viruses are not interchangeable in terms of
infectivity. If you have a nonreproductive virus in your body, you will
not get sick and you cannot spread it to others. For this reason, the
PCR test is grossly unreliable as a diagnostic tool.

Second, many if not most laboratories amplify the RNA collected
far too many times, which results in healthy people testing positive.
In order for the PCR test to be of any use whatsoever, in terms of
diagnosing COVID-19, labs would need to considerably reduce the
number of amplification cycles used.

Here’s what you need to understand about the PCR test: The
PCR swab collects RNA from your nasal cavity. This RNA is then
reverse-transcribed into DNA. Due to its tiny size, it must be
amplified to become discernible. Each round of amplification is called
a cycle, and the number of amplification cycles used by any given
test or lab is called a cycle threshold (CT). The higher the CT, the
greater the risk that insignificant sequences of viral DNA end up
being magnified to the point that the test reads positive even if your
viral load is extremely low or the virus is inactive and poses no threat
to you or anyone else.

Many scientists have noted that anything over 35 cycles is
scientifically indefensible.43 Even Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading
proponent of gain-of-function experiments and mandatory vaccines,
has admitted that the chances of a positive PCR result being
accurate at 35 cycles or more “are minuscule.”44

A September 28, 2020, study45 in Clinical Infectious Diseases
revealed that when you run a PCR test at a CT of 35 or higher, the
accuracy drops to 3 percent, resulting in a 97 percent false positive
rate. Yet tests recommended by the World Health Organization are
set to 45 cycles,46 and the US Food and Drug Administration and the
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend running
PCR tests at a CT of 40.47 The question is why, considering the

consensus is that CTs over 35 render the test useless. When labs
use these excessive cycle thresholds, you clearly end up with a
grossly overestimated number of positive tests, so what we’re really
dealing with is a “casedemic”—an epidemic of false positives.48

As noted by author and investigative journalist Jon Rappoport:

All labs in the US that follow the FDA guideline are
knowingly or unknowingly participating in fraud. Fraud on
a monstrous level, because … Millions of Americans are
being told they are infected with the virus on the basis of a
false positive result, and …The total number of COVID
cases in America—which is based on the test—is a gross
falsity. The lockdowns and other restraining measures are
based on these fraudulent case numbers …49

Now, if CTs above 35 are scientifically unjustified, just how low of
a CT should be used? Quite a few studies have investigated this, so
there’s no shortage of data at this point. The fact that the WHO,
FDA, and CDC still have not changed their CTs downward in light of
all these data tells us they’re not interested in getting an accurate
picture of the infection rate.

For example, an April 2020 study in the European Journal of
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases showed that to get 100
percent confirmed real positives, the PCR test must be run at 17
cycles. Above 17 cycles, accuracy drops dramatically.50

By the time you get to 33 cycles, the accuracy rate is a mere 20
percent, meaning 80 percent are false positives. Beyond 34 cycles,
your chance of a positive PCR test being a true positive shrinks to
zero. According to a December 3, 2020, systematic review published
in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, no live viruses could be
found in cases where a positive PCR test had used a CT above 24.51

What these studies show, then, is that if you actually have
symptoms of COVID-19 and test positive using a PCR test that was
run at 35 amplification cycles or higher, then you’re probably infected
and likely infectious. However, if you do not have symptoms, yet test
positive using a PCR test run at 35 CTs or higher, then it is likely a
false positive and you pose no risk to others as you’re unlikely to

carry any live virus. In fact, provided you’re asymptomatic, you’re
unlikely to be infectious even if you test positive with a test run at 24
CTs or higher. This supports the findings presented earlier in this
chapter, which show that asymptomatic people (those who test
positive but have no symptoms) are extremely unlikely to transmit
live virus to others.

According to Stephen A. Bustin, professor of molecular medicine
and a world-renowned expert on the PCR test, when you get a
positive result using a CT of 35 or higher, you’re looking at the
equivalent of a single copy of viral DNA, and the likelihood of that
causing a health problem is minuscule.52

If you want to frighten people, sell more PCR tests, or reinitiate
lockdowns, all you have to do is require more testing and calibrate
the tests so that people who are not sick or contagious appear to be
infected and able to spread COVID-19. Considering how few
governments have taken action to remedy this artificial inflation of
COVID-19 cases—which is easy enough—we really have to wonder
whether it’s part of a global agenda to keep the fear level elevated.

In December 2020, Florida became the first US state to require
labs to report the cycle threshold used for their PCR tests.53 In
Europe, meanwhile, a court in Portugal has ruled that the PCR test is
“not a reliable test for SARS-CoV-2, and therefore any enforced
quarantine based on the results is unlawful.”54 China addressed the
PCR problem by simply stopping testing people for COVID-19
except for those actually exhibiting symptoms.

As for how to properly confirm a COVID-19 diagnosis, a review of
COVID-19 PCR testing emphatically states:

To determine whether the amplified products are indeed
SARS-CoV-2 genes, biomolecular validation of amplified
PCR products is essential. For a diagnostic test, this
validation is an absolute must.

Validation of PCR products should be performed by
either running the PCR product in a 1% agarose-EtBr gel
together with a size indicator (DNA ruler or DNA ladder)
so that the size of the product can be estimated. The size
must correspond to the calculated size of the amplification

product. But it is even better to sequence the amplification
product. The latter will give 100% certainty about the
identity of the amplification product. Without molecular
validation one cannot be sure about the identity of the
amplified PCR products … [emphasis ours].55

A similar argument has been made for confirmatory molecular
sequencing in a petition by the European Medicines Agency to put a
halt to COVID-19 vaccine trials that are using misleading PCR

Fatal Errors Found in Paper on Which PCR

Testing Is Based

On November 30, 2020, a team of 22 international scientists

published a scathing review57 challenging the scientific paper on

PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2 written by (among others) Christian

Drosten, PhD, and Victor Corman.58 The Corman-Drosten paper had

been quickly accepted by the World Health Organization, and the

workflow described therein was adopted as the standard across the


According to Reiner Fuellmich, founding member of the German

Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee

(Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss),59

Drosten is a key culprit in the COVID-19 pandemic hoax.

The scientists demanded that the Corman-Drosten paper be

retracted due to several “fatal errors,” one of which is the fact that it

was written (and the test itself developed) before any viral isolate

was available. All they used was the genetic sequence published

online by Chinese scientists in January 2020.

The fact that the paper was published a mere 24 hours after it was

submitted also suggests it didn’t even undergo peer review. In an

UncoverDC interview, Kevin Corbett, PhD, one of the 22 scientists

who demanded the paper’s retraction, stated:

Every scientific rationale for the development of that test
has been totally destroyed by this paper. It’s like
Hiroshima/Nagasaki to the COVID test.

When Drosten developed the test, China hadn’t given
them a viral isolate. They developed the test from a
sequence in a gene bank. Do you see? China gave them
a genetic sequence with no corresponding viral isolate.
They had a code, but no body for the code. No viral

In the fish market, it’s like giving you a few bones and
saying “that’s your fish.” It could be any fish … Listen, the
Corman-Drosten paper, there’s nothing from a patient in
it. It’s all from gene banks. And the bits of the virus

sequence that weren’t there they made up. They
synthetically created them to fill in the blanks …

There are 10 fatal errors in this Drosten test paper …
But here is the bottom line: There was no viral isolate to
validate what they were doing … There have since been
papers saying they’ve produced viral isolates. But there
are no controls for them. The CDC produced a paper in
July … where they said: “Here’s the viral isolate.” Do you
know what they did? They swabbed one person. One
person, who’d been to China and had cold symptoms.
One person. And they assumed he had [COVID-19] to
begin with. So, it’s all full of holes, the whole thing.60

The conclusion of the review reads, in part:

A decision to recognize the errors apparent in the
Corman-Drosten paper has the benefit to greatly minimize
human cost and suffering going forward. Is it not in the
best interest of Eurosurveillance to retract this paper? Our
conclusion is clear. In the face of all the tremendous PCR-
protocol design flaws and errors described here, we
conclude: There is not much of a choice left in the
framework of scientific integrity and responsibility.61

The critique against PCR testing is further strengthened by the
November 20, 2020, study in Nature Communications, discussed
earlier in this chapter, which found no viable virus in PCR-positive
cases at all.62

Class-Action Lawsuits Against Fraudulent SARS-
CoV-2 Testing

In early October 2020 an international team of class-action lawyers,
led by Reiner Fuellmich, announced they will soon be filing massive
lawsuits against a number of governments for utilizing imprecise
PCR and antibody tests—which generate huge profits for Big
Pharma as well as vaccine and testing companies—and then
knowingly using the data from these faulty tests to justify lockdowns
and suspensions of basic civil liberties, resulting in massive damage
to public health, businesses, and citizens.63

As Fuellmich states, PCR tests, according to the leaflets that
accompany the test kits, should not be considered true diagnostic
tests for the presence of disease. Even the CDC admitted in a July
13, 2020, statement that PCR tests “May not necessarily indicate the
presence of an infectious virus,” “May not prove that a SARS-CoV-2
fragment is the cause of clinical symptoms,” and cannot rule out
diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.64

A September 20, 2020, “Open Letter from Medical Doctors and
Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian
Media” reiterates some of the serious shortcomings of the PCR tests
that are currently relied on to make the alarming claim that cases are
rising across the US, Europe, and the world:

The use of the non-specific PCR test, which produces
many false positives, showed an exponential picture. This
test was rushed through with an emergency procedure
and was never seriously self-tested. The creator
expressly warned that this test was intended for research
and not for diagnostics.

The PCR test works with cycles of amplification of
genetic material—a piece of genome is amplified each
time. Any contamination (e.g. other viruses, debris from
old virus genomes) can possibly result in false positives.

The test does not measure how many viruses are
present in the sample. A real viral infection means a
massive presence of viruses, the so-called virus load. If

someone tests positive, this does not mean that that
person is clinically infected, is ill or is going to become ill
[emphasis ours].65

Since a positive PCR test cannot reliably or automatically indicate
active infection or infectivity, there’s absolutely no justification for the
social measures taken, as they are based solely on these tests.

On January 20, 2021, roughly an hour after Joe Biden’s
inauguration as the 46th president of the United States, the World
Health Organization suddenly and out of the blue lowered the
recommended PCR cycle threshold (CT),66 which automatically
guarantees that the number of “cases,” i.e., positive PCR test
results, will plummet. The next day, January 21, 2021, President
Biden announced he would be reinstating the US’ financial support
for the WHO.67 Dr. Meryl Nass explains, “The WHO instructed PCR
test users and manufacturers on December 1468 and again on
January 2069 that PCR cycle thresholds needed to come down. The
December 14 guidance stated WHO’s concern regarding ‘an
elevated risk for false SARS-CoV-2 results’ and pointed to
‘background noise which may lead to a specimen with a high-cycle
threshold value result being [incorrectly] interpreted as a positive
result.’”70 As PCR cycles have been reduced, new “cases” dropped
60 percent from 250,000 new cases per day to 100,000, in January,
while hospitalization rates71 associated with COVID dropped from a
high of 132,500 Americans on January 6 to 71,500 on February 12.72
Of course, health authorities and the mass media have attributed this
sharp drop in US “cases” and hospitalizations to vaccines, masks,
and social distancing, rather than WHO-mandated recalibration of
PCR tests.

COVID-19 Rules Mark “Hysterical Slide into
Police State”

The dangers of fearmongering are summed up well by British
Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption in a March 30, 2020, interview
with The Post. Sumption warned that COVID-19 rules are paving the
way for despotism—the exercise of absolute power in a cruel and
oppressive manner.

The real problem is that when human societies lose their
freedom, it’s not usually because tyrants have taken it
away. It’s usually because people willingly surrender their
freedom in return for protection against some external
threat. And the threat is usually a real threat but usually

That’s what I fear we are seeing now. The pressure on
politicians has come from the public. They want action.
They don’t pause to ask whether the action will work.
They don’t ask themselves whether the cost will be worth
paying. They want action anyway. And anyone who has
studied history will recognize here the classic symptoms
of collective hysteria.

Hysteria is infectious. We are working ourselves up into
a lather in which we exaggerate the threat and stop
asking ourselves whether the cure may be worse than the

Indeed, in just a few short months, we dramatically shifted from a
state of freedom to a state of totalitarianism, and the way that was
done was through social engineering, which of course involves
psychological manipulation.

Censoring and propaganda are but two strategies that shape and
mold a population. Psychiatry professor Albert Biderman’s “chart of
coercion”74 also includes the following methods, all of which can be
clearly related to the COVID-19 response:

Isolation techniques—Quarantines, social distancing, isolation from
loved ones, and solitary confinement.

Monopolization of perception—Monopolizing the 24/7 news cycle,
censoring dissenting views, and creating barren environments by
closing bars, gyms, and restaurants.

Degradation techniques—Berating and shaming (or even
physically attacking) those who refuse to wear masks or social
distance, or generally choose freedom over fear.

Induced debility—Being forced to stay at home and not be able to
exercise or socialize.

Threats—Threatening with the removal of your children, prolonged
quarantine, closing of your business, fines for noncompliance with
mask and social distancing rules, forced vaccination, and so on.

Demonstrating omnipotence/omniscience—Shutting down the
whole world, claiming scientific and medical authority.

Enforcing trivial demands—Examples include family members
being forced to stand six feet apart at the bank even though they
arrived together in the same car, having to wear a mask when you
walk into a restaurant even though you can remove it as soon as
you sit down, or having to wear a mask when walking alone on the

Occasional indulgence—Reopening some stores and restaurants
but only at a certain capacity, for example. Part of the coercion
plan is that indulgences are given, then taken away again.

It is time to ask ourselves some very pressing questions. Is it
reasonable to expect government to eliminate all infection and all
deaths? They’ve proven they cannot, yet we keep relinquishing more
and more freedoms and liberties because they claim doing so will
keep everyone safer. It’s an enticing lie, but a lie nonetheless.

Sooner or later everyone must decide which is more important:
human rights and constitutional freedoms, or false security. The
good news is that many are starting to see the writing on the wall;
they’re starting to see we’ve been had, and are starting to choose
liberty over brutal totalitarianism in the name of public health.

Remember what Ben Franklin once said: “Those who would give
up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve

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