Volume 1 November 2022
Foreword from Chief Editor
Assalamualaikum and welcome to the
second edition of EETech News in the year
2022. It's our pleasure to inform the
readers that due to overwhelming
responses for contribution of articles, two
volumes have been published. So many
interesting topics and areas have been
covered in all the articles. EETech News
articles also include participations from
other institutions, not restricted to UiTM.
We hope that the readers may benefit from
the articles and keep supporting EETech
News in the years to come. I would also like
to thank and extend my gratitude to the
management for approving this project and
to my co-editors, as well as the
contributing authors for this issue.
"How to include SDG in
"United Nations (UN) has a consensus that was
launched in 2015 and adopted by 193 countries,
Malaysia included. The Sustainable Development
Goals (SDG) listed 17 goals to address the long-
standing challenge faced by the community and
the world. The primary purpose is to end poverty,
protect the planet, and ensure everyone's well-
being by 2030. This is an urgent calling to all
countries (poor, rich, and middle-income
countries) to work together and make sure no
parties are left behind. Putting an end to poverty
and hunger must go in hand with the strategies to
improve health and education and reduce
inequality. Consequently, to spike in economic
growth while fighting climate change and working
to preserve our oceans and forests. " Page 5
Vol 1 | Nov 2022
Digital Financial Inclusion or Debt 01
Trap: Suggestions to Cope with Both
Situations 02
Rationale Islam Forbids 05
Eating Pork
Changes in Standard Operating
Procedures in Response to Covid-19
in UiTM Terengganu Branch
The Approach to Include SDG in
Ergonomic Keyboard and Five 12
Reasons Why It is Necessary
Do you know what is Geographic 13
Information Systems (GIS) and 14
Remote Sensing?
What is Resonant Converter?
The Importance of Legal Knowledge 15
in Engineering Profession 16
"Can I Borrow Your Personality?”:
The Engineering of Visibility and
Copy-Paste Persona on Social Media.
Configuring My Own Home 19
Modem: Hints and Techniques
Science of Cooking: Maillard Reaction 06 Productivity Sensitivity 20
Subcritical Water Extraction as a 07 A New Pair of Eye Peeking
Sustainable Technique in Plants and Towards the Stars 23
Herbs Extraction
CapCut: Smartphone Video
Process Safety Accidents in Chemical 09 Editor and Video Maker
Process Industries: Toxic Release
Solar Energy 11
Volume 1 November 2022
School of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering
UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus
Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Electronic Engineering Technology Faculty of Information Science and Technology
Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer Lecturer
School of Electrical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering School of Electrical Engineering
College of Engineering College of Engineering College of Engineering
UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus
Volume 1 November 2022
By: Suhaily Maizan Abdul Manaf, Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi
MARA Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus
igital finance is the term used to With the ultimate goal of improving the Digital finance contributes to the
describe the impact and financial well-being of all Malaysians, the
engagement of technological National Strategy for Financial Literacy expansion of financial inclusion. In addition,
innovation in the financial sector. 2019–2023 (National Strategy) highlights
the key goals for achieving this aspiration it may have a significant impact on the
Various types of financially digitalized and serves to coordinate and harness
products have been implemented such as synergies among efforts. It is crucial to financially illiterate population and other
digital banks, digital payments, digital emphasize the importance of learning
advisors, and many more. The implementation fundamental financial concepts as well as susceptible peoples. Therefore, regulators
is mainly for ease of use among people for potential risk-return trade-offs (Financial
their daily money transactions. With the Education Network, 2019). need to take several steps to safeguard
various mechanisms and facilities that have The relevance of societies having digital
been produced and awareness increased for financial literacy is increasing as there is the security and protection of digital
years, the issue of full engagement and more digital evolution in the finance sector.
inclusiveness is still at the top of the If people are oblivious of digital finance, financial clients and users. Lastly, to avoid
discussion. society could suffer as they might fall into
Financial inclusion is defined as the access to a debt trap. Therefore, authorities should and manage the possible risks of digital
and utilization of formal financial services, educate the public on digital financial
either in the digital or traditional way (Sahay literacy. A greater number of people could finance, individuals should actively seek
et al., 2020). Digital finance complements or profit from digital finance and the number
replaces conventional investment, and boosts of financially illiterate people could be related knowledge and education. Instead
financial inclusiveness. Digital financial decreased with effective education.
services are still minor compared to Furthermore, the authorities should play a of blindly accepting digital finance, we
traditional services, but they are rising quickly major role in developing measures to
across regions and countries. protect users of digital money, particularly should be attentive and equip ourselves
the most vulnerable demographics like the
Digital finance has been implemented to elderly, in order to reduce harm to with digital and financial expertise to avoid
increase financial inclusion and simplify individuals..
financial operations, but it also has To reduce the dangers associated with the damage, including financial loss, debt trap,
drawbacks. The main concern regarding the digital banking system, programmes for
acceptance and usage of digital finance is customer protection must be introduced or personal data theft.
about financial literacy among people that along with measures to ensure market
needs high attention. Increasing the level of openness, competition, and fair pricing References
financial literacy across the board in all (Yue et al., 2022).
aspects of society calls for an approach that Financial Education Network. (2019).
is methodical, continuous, and coordinated, Malaysia National Strategy for
with a primary focus on the induction of long- Financial Literacy 2019-2023.
term behavioral change.
Sahay, R., Allmen, Ulric Eriksson von
Lahreche, A., Khera, P., Ogawa, S.,
Bazarbash, M., & Beaton, K. (2020).
The Promise of Fintech; Financial
Inclusion in the Post COVID-19 Era.
In IMF Departmental Papers / Policy
Papers from International Monetary
Fund (Issue 20).
Yue, P., Korkmaz, A. G., Yin, Z., &
Zhou, H. (2022). The rise of digital
finance: Financial inclusion or debt
trap? Finance Research Letters.
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 01
E-ISSN 2682-7573
Rationale Islam Forbids Eating Pork
By: PM Dr Azarudin bin Awang, Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies,
Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus
& Dr Zahrni bt Muda, Pakar Perubatan Keluarga, Klinik Kesihatan AMBS
The Qur'an provides evidence for the prohibition v. E.M.C encephalomyocarditis is also caused
of eating pork in four surahs, namely surah al- by the Picornaviridae virus. The implication is,
Baqarah verse 173, surah al-Maidah verse 3, it can cause severe fever, decreased heart rate,
surah Al-An 'am verse 145 and surah An-Nahl swollen spleen, and cause death (Basri, 1999).
verse 115. Although the above verses explain the Apart from being a breeding ground for
prohibition of eating pork, Islamic scholars such viruses, pigs are also hosts for various types of
as Ibn Hazm also stated that it is not halal to eat worms, parasites, and bacteria. With that, a
other than its meat such as organs, stomach, person who eats meat or pig organs will
brain and others. Even Imam Syafie stated that certainly expose himself to various forms of
one should not take advantage of the pork's fur the disease. Among the organisms that are in
(Zainal 2014). From a scientific point of view, this animal is the tapeworm Taenia sollium in
the ban on consuming pork for our meals has a the intestines of pigs. Furthermore, these
rationale. Studies show that pigs are hosts of worms will be in the human intestine and will
various forms of viruses that can transmit suck various nutrients that can cause
various diseases to humans. Among them are: malnutrition and lack of red blood cells
(anaemia). In addition, it can also cause severe
i. Japanese Encephalitis (JE) - is an infectious diarrhea, meningitis and neuritis (Muhammad
disease caused by a virus spread by Culex Fiaz & Ifrah 2012).
mosquitoes. The virus multiplies in the body of
pigs that act as hosts. When the virus is In addition, the trichinella spiralis worm orb
transferred to the human body it can cause pig worm is the smallest parasitic species that
inflammation of the brain. is capable of living in the human body. This
ii. Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) - is a disease worm attacks human muscles causing muscle
caused by the Rhabdoviridae virus that is spread pain and breathing difficulties, followed by
through mosquitoes and sandflies. The virus nerve and heart damage. The parasite
causes diseases such as fever, muscle aches, and Clonorchis Sinensis is a cancer-causing agent
red spots around the mouth. in humans. Similarly, salmonella choleraesuis
iii. The West Nile Encephalitis (WNE) virus is bacteria and others can cause various diseases
closely related to the JE virus. The virus is that are harmful to humans (Zainal 2014).
transmitted from pigs through mosquito bites. It Since there are various viruses, parasites,
causes inflammation of the brain, nerve attacks, bacteria, and worms that are quite harmful to
and causes death. humans, it is not surprising that Islam forbids
iv. Nail and mouth disease caused by the its people to eat pork.
Picornaviridae virus that originally infects small Reference
pigs that can infect humans if exposed to feces,
urine of infected pigs Basri Ibrahim. (1999) Bukti Saintifik Pengharaman Khinzir. Kuala Lumpur: Darulnuman
Muhammad Fiaz Qamar & Ifrah Raza. (2012). Scientific evidences that pig meat is prohibited
for human health, Scientific papers , Animal Science. 281-286.
Zainal Arifin. (2014). Yang Diharamkan Dari Babi Q.S Al-Baqarah 2/173. Jurnal Kajian Nilai-
Nilai Islam, 2 (1), 27-43.
E-ISSN 2682-7573 EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 02
By Haslizamri Md Shariff, Siti Munirah Muda, Nur Afriza Baki, Mohd Asrul Shafiq Shafie,
Mustaffar Saleh, Unit Pengurusan Risiko, Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu Branch
THE CREATION OF SOP With these changes, UiTM staff members that
The Risk Management Unit (Unit Pengurusan came into office were allowed to reach 60% of
Risiko-UPR) is one of the units that are office capacity, with the other 40% working at
responsible to forecast and control any risk that home, and service counters could reach 60%
occurs on campus. One of the tasks is to manage rates. Students, however, must still remain at
the completion, review, and recommendation of home to conduct learning activities.
changes to the SOP (Standard Operation By the third phase, all economic activities
Procedure) for various buildings and faculties at could operate, except for high-risk activities
UiTM Terengganu during the COVID-19 such as spas and pubs/ nightclubs. It was in this
outbreak. SOP Guidelines in UiTM Terengganu phase that the SOP guidelines set by UiTM
are based on Movement Control Order (MCO), Terengganu for university students were
which underwent 4 phases. The phases are in created as schools and educational sectors were
accordance with the vaccination process and finally allowed to operate fully. UiTM
more discovery of knowledge about COVID-19. Terengganu allowed students to enter the
premises as well as allowing them to use the
During the first phase, all social and economic dorms in UiTM Terengganu, should they need
activities were banned, only essential sectors to in case their homes are far from UiTM
listed under the 'permitted' list issued by the Terengganu, although the students must follow
National Security Council (MKN) were allowed a hybrid of online and face-to-face learning. In
to operate, no interstate travel was allowed, and addition, offices were now allowed 80% of
at most two people were allowed to travel to their capacity to be used, improving efficiency
purchase goods. Also, all stores deemed essential in the office, as well as a rate of 80% for
were allowed to operate from 8 am to 8 pm. In service counters.
line with this phase, UiTM only allowed students The SOP Guidelines for students were
to study from home using online applications originally based on the first two phases of the
such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and MCO set by the government, with the limited
Zoom to perform learning activities and number of people allowed in certain buildings
meetings. Office workers can enter their offices, and stricter time schedules for activities within
however only 40% of workers in the office can said buildings.
enter, while the other 60% must work online, and However, as the fourth phase begins and as the
service counters must work at 50% efficiency. country gains enough vaccinated people to
The second phase loosened the regulations and create herd immunity, it means that offices can
expanded the permitted sectors to include be at 100% capacity, with work done from
manufacturing sectors such as automotive and home only being needed if office workers are
furniture, and trade and distribution sectors such required to anEdE T E C H N E W S - 2 2 0 2 2 V O L 1 | 0 3
as electrical goods and barbershops.
E-ISSN 2682-7573
students from Sabah and Sarawak can come into However, there are some staff and students that
the premises, with learning fully becoming face- violate the SOP set by the UPR, resulting in an
to-face (although it is highly recommended to increased risk of COVID-19 infection. As such
continue online learning). Changes to the SOP the UPR sends some of its members to monitor
for the faculty buildings at UiTM Terengganu the various events that occur at the buildings in
can be produced so that activities in the faculty UiTM Terengganu to ensure that the guidelines
buildings can be carried out more efficiently and are followed. It is understandable that some
the risk of COVID-19 infection is lower. For people are tired and wearied by the guidelines
example, as a result of the relaxation of SOP, that must be followed. But SOP guidelines
UiTM Dungun Mosque can allow 50% must truly become the standard for moving
attendance capacity instead of only 20 people forward if it means the end of COVID-19.
allowed previously. Any changes to the SOP With the new variants of COVID-19 appearing
guidelines must be discussed first among the in Malaysia, it is now more important than ever
higher-ups at the UPR, before implementing the to not only follow the guidelines made by the
changes to the SOP after receiving approval UPR, but also modify the SOP guidelines
from the Rector of the UPR. accordingly.
Thermometers have also become a necessity in
faculty buildings because one of the symptoms
of COVID-19 infection is high body temperature
(above 37.5 C). However, there are several
buildings that do not have thermometers.
Therefore, UPR came up with a Working Paper
for the provision of Thermometers in buildings
that require them. This issue is targeted at UiTM
students and contract workers because they do
not check their body temperature at the main
entrance. Applications such as MySejahtera (for
the public) and SaringC19 (for UiTM staff and
students) have also been used. SaringC19 can
track anyone who has been infected with
COVID-19 in places that require people to scan
QR codes at UiTM Terengganu buildings.
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 04
E-ISSN 2682-7573
The Approach to Include SDG in Education
By :Aishah Derahman, School Of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu
Branch, Bukit Besi Campus
United Nations (UN) has a consensus that was Among the methods used are action-oriented,
launched in 2015 and adopted by 193 countries, transformative methods supporting self-
Malaysia included. The Sustainable learning, participation, and collaboration,
Development Goals (SDG) listed 17 goals to problem-oriented, inter-, and transdisciplinary,
address the long-standing challenge faced by the and linking formal and informal learning. This
community and the world. The primary purpose approach allows the development of the critical
is to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure competencies needed to encourage sustainable
everyone's well-being by 2030. This is an urgent development.
calling to all countries (poor, rich, and middle- Each SDG has a specific learning objective,
income countries) to work together and make described as cognitive, socio-emotional, and
sure no parties are left behind. Putting an end to behavioral domains. The cognitive domain
poverty and hunger must go in hand with the comprises knowledge and thinking skills
strategies to improve health and education and necessary to understand the SDG and the
reduce inequality. Consequently, to spike in challenges in achieving it. Learners understand
economic growth while fighting climate change the concept and have adequate knowledge of
and working to preserve our oceans and forests. the goals. Therefore, they can propose
strategies and safety measures to address the
Being in the educational sector, we must play issue. The socio-emotional domain includes
our roles to contribute to achieving these goals. social skills that enable learners to collaborate,
A well-established approach called Education for negotiate and communicate to promote the
Sustainable Development (ESD) has been SDGs and self-reflection skills, values,
established. This method empowers learners to attitudes, and motivations that enable learners
make informed decisions and responsible actions to develop themselves. The learner can raise
to preserve environmental integrity, economic awareness and show sensitivity, empathy, and
feasibility, and balanced society for present and solidarity to those affected by particular issues.
future generations. The curriculum has integrated The behavioral domain describes action
and thoroughly studied climate change, poverty, competencies to address the issue. They can
and sustainable consumption. However, ESD plan, implement, and evaluate activities to
empowers these subjects by creating interactive, reduce or improve the addressed goals by
learner-centered teaching and learning settings. having cognitive and socio-emotional domains.
Hence, they can include proper practice and
Reference consideration of the respective issue.
Education for Sustainable Development Goals by the United EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 05
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
E-ISSN 2682-7573
By :Ainnin Sofea Azeman, Mohamad Amiruddin Mohamad & Dr. Muhammad Safuan Abdul Latip, Faculty of Hotel & Tourism
Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus
Have you ever wondered why meat items such as
chicken breast or beef steak become brown after
cooking? In culinary world, this process is known as
the Maillard reaction (pronounced as my-yard), named
after Louis-Camille Maillard, a French chemist who
discovered this process in the early 20th century.
The process of the Millard reaction occurs when the
proteins and sugars in and on the food are heated
(exposure to heat), and a simultaneous chemical
response occurs, giving the food new flavours, scents,
and colours.
The chemical interaction between amino acids and sugars are important elements that contributes to
the Maillard reaction. Importantly, carbohydrates must be present for the Maillard Reaction to take
place. The Maillard reaction is an advanced process which begins with the creation of glycosylamine (a
type of glycoside). Glycosylamine consists of a glycosyl group attached to an amino group. All these
substances undertake a reaction called Amadori rearrangement to produce a derivate of amino deoxy
fructose. The temperature of the Maillard reaction process begins at room temperature, and the cycle
continues when the surface temperature of the food reaches 149°C. The Browning process happens
when a small amount of moisture is needed in the food from a molecular level to aid, although too
much can impair it.
However, there are some ways to remove surface
moisture such as drying the surface of the food with
paper towels before cooking, air drying meat and
vegetables on a tray in the refrigerator overnight, and
salting foods right before cooking to prevent excess
moisture on the surface due to osmosis and before
pan-searing, as well as reverse-searing beef in the
oven dries the food’s surface to quicker browning.
Additionally, the Maillard reaction also takes place at
room temperature but at a much slower rate and occurs
at its slowest at low temperatures, low pH and low Aw
levels. Along with producing colour, the Maillard
reaction also simultaneously produces a vast array of
unique flavours. Methionine and cysteine: two amino
acids that contain sulphur, are crucial in the synthesis of References
the flavor-intensive Maillard reaction products. Gavin, J. (2018, June 25). Maillard Reaction: The Key to Flavor
Development. Jessica Gavin: Culinary Scientist.
Thanks to Louis Camille Maillard, the first person to
discover the Maillard reaction; we can experience the Schulze, E. (2019, September 25). An Introduction to the
beauty of food science and rich flavour profile to fulfil Maillard Reaction: The Science of Browning, Aroma, and
our exotic appetite (Gavin, 2018; Schulze, 2019; Troise, Flavor. Serious Eats. 1.
2018). maillard-reaction-cooking-science
Troise, A. D. (2018). Maillard Reaction and Food Safety.
Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability, 364–369.
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 06
E-ISSN 2682-7573
Subcritical Water Extraction as a Sustainable
Technique in Plants and Herbs Extraction
Traditional extraction techniques such SWE is an advanced and powerful
technique that uses water as a solvent that
as soxhlet extraction, hydrodistillation, operates in a batch or continuous system. It
performs optimally at temperatures over its
steam distillation, maceration, reflux, boiling point (Tb) but below its critical
temperature (Tc), more precisely between
and percolation have several substantial 100oC to 374.15oC. Additionally, the applied
pressure must be higher than the water
downsides. These procedures mainly vapour pressure (Pv>1 bar) but less than the
critical pressure (Pc=220 bar) to hold up
involved organic solvents, needed many the water in a liquid state, which
contributes to the efficiency of the
purification processes, had poor extraction process [4]–[7]. During SWE
operation, when the temperature increases,
selectivity and extraction efficiency, the dielectric constant of water, ε, will
decrease, mimicking the dielectric
were time demanding, used much constant of a non-polar solvent [8]. As a
result, non-polar bioactive compounds will
energy and generated hazardous waste be more easily extracted using water with
non-polar properties under SWE
[1]–[3]. Therefore, an efficient and circumstances.
advanced method should be employed
to overcome the weaknesses
demonstrated by the traditional
methods. The new technique should
significantly improve extraction,
contribute to a sustainable environment,
and improve social impact. Hence, the
subcritical water extraction (SWE)
technique is proposed for the extraction
process of bioactive compounds from
plants and herbs.
EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 01
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 07
E-ISSN 2682-7573
Moreover, SWE supports the Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG) 12, titled "responsible
consumption and production", which aims to
ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns. According to SDG 12,
Sustainable consumption and production are
about doing more and better with less. It is
also about decoupling economic growth from
environmental degradation, increasing
resource efficiency, and promoting
sustainable lifestyles.
Target 12.4: "By 2020, achieve the
environmentally sound management of FIGURE 1. SUBCRITICAL WATER EXTRACTION
chemicals and all wastes throughout their life
cycle, in accordance with agreed international
Thus, the SWE method is a promising
frameworks, and significantly reduce their solution for bioactive compound extraction
that enables sustainable consumption and
release to air, water and soil in order to production patterns. It can tackle safety and
environmental issues through several
minimize their adverse impacts on human approaches as SWE is a green technology that
prevents harmful effects on human health and
health and the environment". Meanwhile, the environment. Moreover, SWE eliminates
using organic solvents and eradicates the
Target 12.5: "By 2030, substantially reduce toxic effluent, thus preserving the air, water,
and soil from chemical threats and pollution.
waste generation through prevention, Finally, SWE can minimize costs associated
with waste treatment, increase energy
reduction, recycling and reuse". efficiency, and enhance the environmental
performance of the extractive sectors
ATTRIBUTES OF SUBCRITICAL WATER [1] M. Sarfarazi, S. M. Jafari, G. Rajabzadeh, and J. Feizi, 'Development of an
EXTRACTION (REFERENCE: [2], [3], [9]) environmentally-friendly solvent-free extraction of saffron bioactives using
subcritical water', LWT, vol. 114, no. July, p. 108428, Nov. 2019, doi:
[2] P. Mottahedin, A. Haghighi Asl, and M. Khajenoori, 'Extraction of
Curcumin and Essential Oil from Curcuma longa L. by Subcritical Water via
Response Surface Methodology', J. Food Process. Preserv., vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 1–9,
2017, doi: 10.1111/jfpp.13095.
[3] S. Chakraborty, L. Shaik, and J. S. Gokhale, 'Subcritical Water: An
Innovative Processing Technology', in Innovative Food Processing Technologies,
Elsevier, 2020, pp. 552–566.
[4] M. Aćimović et al., 'In vitro antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, anti-
inflammatory, and antimicrobial activity of Satureja kitaibelii Wierzb. ex Heuff.
subcritical water extract', Ind. Crops Prod., vol. 169, no. February, 2021, doi:
[5] M. Hassas-Roudsari, P. R. Chang, R. B. Pegg, and R. T. Tyler, 'Antioxidant
capacity of bioactives extracted from canola meal by subcritical water,
ethanolic and hot water extraction', Food Chem., vol. 114, no. 2, pp. 717–726,
2009, doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.09.097.
[6] Y. Cheng, F. Xue, S. Yu, S. Du, and Y. Yang, 'Subcritical Water Extraction of
Natural Products', Molecules, vol. 26, no. 13, p. 4004, Jun. 2021, doi:
[7] M. Norrashidah, M. F. M. Nordin, and N. A. Morad, 'Total phenolic content,
total flavonoid content and radical scavenging activity from zingiber zerumbet
rhizome using subcritical water extraction', Int. J. Eng. Trans. B Appl., vol. 31, no.
8, pp. 1421–1429, 2018, doi: 10.5829/ije.2018.31.08b.34.
[8] P. P. Singh and M. D. A. Saldaña, 'Subcritical water extraction of phenolic
compounds from potato peel', Food Res. Int., vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 2452–2458, Oct.
2011, doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2011.02.006.
[9] R. Todd and S. Baroutian, 'A techno-economic comparison of subcritical
water, supercritical CO2 and organic solvent extraction of bioactives from grape
marc', J. Clean. Prod., vol. 158, pp. 349–358, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.05.043.
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 08
E-ISSN 2682-7573
PROCESS SAFETY ACCIDENTS IN A catastrophic toxic release
such as chlorine release is more
CHEMICAL PROCESS INDUSTRIES: dangerous than fires or
explosions although the release
TOXIC RELEASE occurs less frequent (Mannan,
2005b). Among characteristics
Muhammad Firdaus Husin & Iswaibah Mustafa of toxic releases are: (a)
School of Chemical Engineering, UiTM Terengganu Branch, Bukit Besi Campus commonly occur during normal
operation, maintenance, storage,
Major mishaps in the chemical process industries (CPI) start-up and loading/unloading;
storage, manufacture, and transportation of chemicals are (b) involve release of ammonia,
frequently caused by the uncontrolled handling and unspecified hydrocarbon,
storage of hazardous compounds during plant chlorine, hydrogen, benzene,
operations. The accidents lead to immediate or delayed crude oil, natural gas, propane
harm to human health and the environment, inside or and butane; and (c) involve
outside of the chemical installations (Renier and Cozzani, material in liquid, gas, and
2013). Based on the analysis of the Major Hazard liquid and gas/vapour phase.
Incidents Data Services (MHIDAS), the highest major
hazards during processing of hazardous substances were The most significance toxic
toxic releases (78%) which have the potential to affect release in the industry occurred
large number of people and area for several months to in the Bhopal (1984) disaster
several years (Khan and Abbasi, 1999). Among recent when 40 tons of methyl
process safety accidents related to toxic release occurred isocynate escaped, erupted and
in the US CPI are listed in Table 1. The accidents resulted released fume causing 3,000
in fatalities, injuries, medical attention and evacuation. deaths due to respiratory failure
and 500,000 civilians suffered
Toxic release is any spilling, leaking, pumping, aftermath. The effects of oil
pouring, emitting, discharging, injecting, escaping, spill were unexpected before the
leaching, or dumping of toxicants into the environment Deepwater Horizon accident
during chemical transport, storage, use or waste disposal. took place. In this tragedy, the
Toxicants are substances that cause cancer, congenital drilling rag sank on April 22,
disabilities, disease, or death when they are eaten, 2010 after exploding, causing 11
breathed in, or absorbed by living organisms. (Crowl and fatalities and recording massive
Louvar, 2011). Chronic and acute potential hazards of amount of oil flew into the
toxic releases depend on conditions of chemical and ocean and nearly USD 1 billion
exposure, ranging from a sudden exposure at high worth of investment plunged to
concentration to prolonged exposure at low the seabed (Crowl and Louvar,
concentration. 2011).
E-ISSN 2682-7573 EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 09
Dispersions of liquid, spill and
vapour cloud are the most
common toxic release
phenomena compared to
unignited dispersions of
flammable, toxic and
corrosive materials. The most
common ignited dispersion
outcomes of toxic release are
fires. Following them are
explosion and fire incidents,
explosions, flash fires,
fireballs, pool fires, BLEVEs,
explosion and flash fire
incidents, and jet fire.
Crowl, D.A. and Louvar, J.F. (2011).
Chemical Process Safety - Fundamentals
with Applications, 3rd. Ed. New Jersey:
Pearson Education Inc
Khan, F.I. and Abbasi, S.A. (1999). Major
Accident in Process Industries and Analysis
of Causes and Consequences. Journal of
Loss Prevention in Process Industries, 12,
Mannan, M.S. (2005b). Lee’s Loss
Prevention in Process Industry-Hazard
Identification, Assessment and Control, vol.
2, 3rd. Ed. Burlington: ElsevierButterworth
Reniers, G. and Cozzani, V. (Eds.) (2013).
Domino Effects in the Process
IndustriesModeling, Prevention and
Managing. Great Britain: Elsevier BV
E-ISSN 2682-7573 EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 10
Solar Energy is an energy And the most interesting
things is electrical energy
generated by the sun and a generated from solar
energy can be stored in
device used to absorb the solar cells. However, there
are always some
sun’s rays and convert it drawbacks behind every
energy production. Below
into electricity or heat are the pros and cons of
solar energy [2].
called as solar panel. Most According to World
Economic Forum [3],
of solar panels are placed renewables are now
significantly the world’s
on top of a rooftop or in cheapest source of energy
undercutting fossil fuels. It
open space in order for the is also found that solar
energy can be used across
solar panels to get the various sectors including
industry, transportation,
sun’s rays. Energy demand and agriculture.
tends to be higher between
11 am to 4 pm time frame
[1] and solar energy
happens to reach its
maximum production
capacity during those
Solar energy is a renewable,
inexhaustible and affordable
form of energy. It can be
used to cook food, heat
water, and generate
"..the most interesting things is electrical energy
generated from solar energy can be stored in
solar cells.."
E-ISSN 2682-7573 EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 11
B Y S I T I R A P I D A H O M A R A L I , M A Z R A T U L F I R D A U S M O H D Z I N , Z U R A I N I J U S O H
Something is ergonomic if it was designed with comfort 3. Encourage good posture
and efficiency in mind. Over the past ten years, a lot of
research has been done on the advantages of By appropriately positioning your wrist on the
ergonomics keyboards. An ergonomic keyboard was keyboard, you promote healthy shoulder
developed to boost output and reduce worker fatigue. A alignment, which ultimately results in proper body
custom-made ergonomic keyboard will encourage a placement.
more natural wrist position and improve your posture.
Using an ergonomic keyboard instead of a keyboard 4. Lessen desk space
with a typical form factor has many advantages. They Compact ergonomic keyboards provide you
are made to be as comfortable and efficient as possible,
so they will surely lower your likelihood of getting extra space at your workstation to arrange your
recurring wrist issues. An ergonomic keyboard's benefits
include: body in a comfortable position.
1. Lessen the likelihood of repetitive-stress 5. Speed up production and typing speed
Using an ergonomic keyboard will likely require
injuries (RSI)
Repeating the same motion over and over can some getting used to. Once you have mastered
cause temporary or permanent injury to muscles,
nerves, ligaments, and tendons. An ergonomic your new ergonomic keyboard, your hands and
keyboard reduces the risk of repetitive stress
injuries by allowing the user to maintain their wrists will be more comfortable throughout the
hands and arms in a position that is more natural
than that needed by a regular keyboard. day, which means you'll probably be typing more
2. Easy access quickly than before.
An ergonomic keyboard's design, which Your long-term health is paramount, whether you work in
minimises hand movement, puts everything an office setting or from home as an entrepreneur.
within reach. Investing in an ergonomic keyboard will help you keep
your body aligned properly, which can ultimately
E-ISSN 2682-7573 enhance your health.
1. Do You Need an Ergonomic Keyboard? Retrieved from
2. Sarah, C. What Is an Ergonomic Keyboard? Everything You Need to Know. Retrieved from
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 12
Do you know what is Geographic Information "..Remote
sensing offers a
Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing?
The importance of spatial data technology, specifically the use of remotely
sensed data and geographic information systems (GIS), has significantly
emerged in recent years [1]. Remote sensing is the art and science of taking
measurements of the planet from aircraft or satellites using sensors
mounted on the aircraft or satellite.
Sensors which installed on a platform (specifically, satellite, aerial, or
unmanned airborne systems) above the earth's surface measured and
recorded the electromagnetic radiation [2]. The sensors is mounted for a few
hundred meters away above the earth’s surface. Data collection methods
from remote sensing can be in active or passive. Natural radiation emitted
or reflected by the objects under observation is picked up by passive
sensors while Active sensors, like radar, produce their own energy in the
direction of the object, and then measure the signal that is reflected back
from the object [2].
Remote sensing offers a remarkable amount of geographical data and
information in this method. This provides a practical method for monitoring
and detecting changes to the environment and the earth. As a result, it is a
significant tool in both basic and applied sciences, especially in the fields of
geography, geoscience, and the environment [2].
Satellites are important for the advancement of technologies like global
mapping, GPS, and urban planning. The collection of geographical data is
one of the many breakthroughs made possible by satellites in orbit.
Agriculture, weather, forestry, biodiversity, and a number of other sectors
and industries are all key users of remote sensing. In the field of coastal
engineering, remote sensing can be used to determine sea surface
temperature, chlorophyll content, suspended sediment concentration, yellow
material concentration, wave characteristics, and many more coastal
element. Remote sensing imagery is linked into a geographic information
system (GIS).
The Geographic Information System (GIS) is a tool for creating and
analyzing spatial data which spatially referenced to the earth, and it is
primarily concerned with the position of features as well as their properties
and attributes. It assists researchers in gathering, analyzing, and visualizing
geographic data for a variety of reasons [3]. The study of remotely sensed
data and recent technical advancements in geographic information system
(GIS) techniques and approaches have shown to be effective tools in both
fundamental and applied geosciences [2].
References: [
1] Sathees Kumar, Nazeer Khan, “Application of remote sensing and GIS in land resource management,” Journal of Geography
and Cartography (2020), Volume 3 Issue 1, doi:10.24294//jgc.v3i1.437.
[2] Helder I. Chaminé, Alcides J. S. C. Pereira, Ana C. Teodoro, José Teixeira, “Remote sensing and GIS applications in earth and
environmental systems sciences,” SN Applied Sciences (2021) 3:870,
[3] R. J. Nath et al., “A review on applications of geographic information system (GIS) in fisheries and aquatic resources,” Int. J.
Fauna Biol. Stud., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 97–102, 2020.
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 13
E-ISSN 2682-7573
An electric power converter known A conventional resonant converter Disadvantages of Resonant
as a "resonant converter" has a consists of three sections: a switch Converter
network of inductors and capacitors network, resonant tank 1. Higher peak current values will be
called a "resonant tank" that is and rectifier network, as shown in carried by the power devices.
adjusted to resonate at a certain Figure 1. 2. Increases complexity due to the
frequency. They find applications in requirement of resonant converter
electronics, in integrated circuits. circuit and the control circuit [1-5]
Some types of resonant converters:
• DC-to-high-frequency-AC
• Resonant DC-DC converters
• Resonant inverters or rectifiers
producing line-frequency AC[1-4]
Advantages of Resonant Converter Reference
1. Switching losses and power device [1] Robert W. Erickson and Dragan Maximovic,
heating are reduced because of the Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Springer,
circuit's use of high frequency ISBN-13: 978-3030438791
components. The cooling need is [2] Mohamed Saleem and Khalid Yahaya,
thereby decreased. Weight and size Resonant Power Converters, Electric Power
reduced. Conversion, 2019,
2. Because power devices operate [3] Electrical Workbook, What is Resonant
under conditions of zero current Converter? Need, Classifications, and advantage,
and zero voltage, converter
efficiency is boosted. converter/
3. Noise is reduced. [4] Shuilin Tian, Fred C. Li, Qiang Li and Bin Li,
4. RFI/EMI is reduced. Small-signal equivalent circuit model of series
resonant converter, 2015 IEEE Energy Conversion
Congress and Exposition.
[5] Sheng-Yang Yu, Runruo Chen and
Ananthakrishnan Viswanathan, Survey of Resonant
Converter Topologies, 2018 Texas Instruments
Power Supply Design Seminar SEM2300.
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 14
E-ISSN 2682-7573
To begin with, engineering and law may not Understanding the basics of contract law protects
seem to have much in common, but laws affect engineers’ rights and obligations, and it helps avoid
every profession in some ways. Engineers deal potential lawsuits due to accidental breach of
with highly technical concepts, designs and contract. Furthermore, in engineering, tort laws
products, and the laws affecting an engineer’s primarily deal with civil injuries resulting from
work can be as complex as the work itself. While negligence. Courts measure the damages resulting
engineers may be reluctant to devote time to a from these injuries in monetary amounts. Liability
subject like law, there are some laws that issues can be complex, but engineers should learn
engineers should be familiar with in order to the basics to protect themselves and their
avoid problems in their careers. companies.
Engineers and engineering managers need to esides, the term “intellectual property” is a broad
have a working knowledge of the laws that affect classification, but engineers work with it on a daily
their work so that they can do their jobs basis. Patents, copyrights and proprietary designs
efficiently and focus wisely. Among the important are all fall under intellectual property laws.
requirements to be equipped with are; to follow Engineers who do not understand patent law can
regulations, stay compliant with governmental end up infringing on someone else’s intellectual
ordinances, know which permits are necessary in property rights or accidentally forfeiting their own.
which circumstances, know the boundaries of Companies often have their own policies regarding
liability, avoid lawsuits and be alert in what intellectual properties, and engineers need to
circumstances lawyer is needed. understand those policies and how these can
From the perspective of contract laws, affect their own work.
engineering firms work with clients, and almost
every project involves a contract. Contracts form
the basis of an engineer’s work, and contracts are
legally binding documents.
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 15
E-ISSN 2682-7573
In addition to the laws, engineers need to know
that engineering managers may also need to
understand the various laws in regulating, hiring THE ENGINEERING OF VISIBILITY
and the workplace. National and state laws cover AND COPY-PASTE PERSONA ON
everything from hiring practices to workers’
compensation. Health and safety laws can be SOCIAL MEDIA.
especially important in the engineering field.
There are also laws preventing discrimination in
the workplace, laws governing medical leave and
laws protecting workers’ rights.
Managers serve different functions in a company.
Not all engineering managers need to know the
details of laws affecting the workplace. However,
those interested in an engineering management
career should be aware that these laws exist and
can affect their daily activities. After all, citizens
living in a democratic country have some part in
making the law with specialized knowledge and
experience in some realms. They need to know
the process and the underpinnings to make a
useful contribution their countries.
Retrieved from
In his highly cited article back in 2001, Marc
ml Prensky coined the term “Digital Native” to
Retrieved from
describe people who have grown up in the
information age. Nowadays, various social-
909 media platform such as FYP or Instagram Reels
Retrieved from ASME: Intellectual Property and Engineers indicate how these digital natives are further
separated, often humorously, into different
E-ISSN 2682-7573 generations: - Milennials, Generation Z and
Generation Alpha. Amid the categorisation,
digital natives share a common media practice
among them which is visibility on social media.
Think about it, when was the last time you went
out for a fun and not one person in the group
documented anything on social media? Or you
reached a milestone in life and did not share
even a peep of visuals of said achievement?
Have you mindlessly scrolled and compared
your life with others? Or have you ever deleted
that one post that you tweeted in your teens, in
case your employer sees it?
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 16
Or have you ever deleted that one Although her paper took on a gendered
post that you tweeted in your teens, in discussion, her position that our real-life
case your employer sees it? If we are and virtual identities are fluid and
all veracious to ourselves, visibility is intertwined can be applied to most
steadily becoming consequential to social media consumers, especially
our identity, and thanks to gregarious those who grown up with a social media
media, it is ubiquitous. Most digital account.
natives understand that their
presence on convivial media has PERSONALITY PLAGIARISM
authentic currency, so they build their
visibility and identity accordingly. This
is modern engineering, too-identity So then, do you mind if someone
curation in the digital age. The borrowed your personality? That was the
curation of identity can be incognizant question asked in one of the episodes
or purposeful. However, given this from the podcast No Stupid Questions.
much visibility and many One of the podcasters, Prof. Angela
presentations of ‘self’ accessible to Duckworth, along with Katie Mehr and
us, social media has opened two other researchers introduced the
unprecedented doors of opportunities term copy-paste prompts to describe a
for consumers to copy-paste online form of social learning where consumers
persona as their own character. seek out and mimic life-improving
strategies from their acquaintances. The
strategy could be a workout routine,
AND OFFLINE REALITIES. creative approach to build a social
brand, Excel tricks, conflict
management, memorising techniques -
anything that's of value to you. We
In her paper, MirrorCameraRoom: routinely see on our social media people
freely sharing valuable content,
The gendered multi- (in)stabilities of delightfully, professionals have also
the selfie, Katie Warfield wrote that taken upon themselves to educate on
technologies were able to serve their social platforms.
overlapping purposes. She discussed
how camera, social media and selfies
could act as “glitches” that disrupted
the linear reality of offline and online
experiences among women. She
believes that the authentic self and
what was displayed online were not
mutually exclusive, since both virtual
and real-world identities often
intersect and are influenced by the
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 17
E-ISSN 2682-7573
There is this sense of democratisation of REFERENCES
information which previously might have only
reached selected audience. In the podcast,
Angela also argued that personality plagiarism 1.Dubner, S., & Duckworth, A. (Hosts).
could be an empowering strategy to nudge (2022, May 15). Do you mind if I
people to notice whether there is something that borrow your personality? [Audio
somebody else is doing better than us and use podcast]. Retrieved from
that to model their own growth. At the same time,
you still keep your own sense of agency and -you-mind-if-i-borrow-your-
ownership to what you decide to "copy" and how personality/
you adapt the strategy you choose to mimic to
become a workable solution for you. 2.Mehr, K. S., Geiser, A. E., Milkman, K.
L., & Duckworth, A. L. (2020). Copy-
However, the fact remains that everybody has paste prompts: A new nudge to
unique personality that nobody can impersonate. promote goal achievement. Journal of
We indeed will be exposed to different people the Association for Consumer
throughout our life journey and build mechanisms Research, 5(3), 329-334.
to adapt with situations that may include the need
for strategies of copy-paste prompts. 3.Prensky, M. (2001), "Digital Natives,
Nevertheless, the goal is to be a better person Digital Immigrants Part 1", On the
and embrace our authentic “self”, not becoming a Horizon, Vol. 9 No. 5, pp. 1-6.
different person that you can no longer be proud
of. 424816
4.Warfield, K. (2017).
MirrorCameraRoom: the gendered
multi-(in) stabilities of the selfie.
Feminist Media Studies, 17(1), 77-92.
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 18
E-ISSN 2682-7573
Written by Wan Ahmad Khusairi bin Wan Chek
(School of Electrical Engineering , College of Engineering
UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus
Ever wonder how to configure your own modem at Figure 1
home? After discovering warning signals from my old,
original Unifi modem, I decided to install a new modem
with Huawei Wifi AX3 modem that I bought from
Shopee. For configuring the modem, an IP address of has been set up. For the changes to take
effect, the modem must be turned ON during the
configuration process
To set the settings for boxes 1,2, and 3 in Figure 1, I have
contacted the Unifi support Centre to receive the
necessary information. As shown, the MRU and MAC
clone are configured as default since they will not cause
any internet disconnection. In order to enable home Wi-
Fi accessibility inside the house, VLAN configuration has
been set up to “Malaysia Unifi”. After all the setting
completed, the Wi-Fi connection is established.
The next step is to configure and connect my television
using my HppTV box in order to enable the Wi-Fi
network. The configuration is part of the IPTV
configuration depicted in Figure 2. Prior to enabling the
IPTV network, the LAN interface to LAN3 has been set
up since the HyppTV box is connected to LAN3 on the
HUAWEI modem. Once again, the IPTV setup requires
the mode selection of “Malaysia Unifi” before the
HyppTV box can be connected to the internet via the
modem. As soon as the setup completed, the HyppTV
box resumed its normal operation.
Figure 2
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 19
E-ISSN 2682-7573
Prepared by:
1.Mohd Amir Hamzah bin Ab. Ghani and Raja Mohd Noor Hafizi
Bin Raja Daud (School of Electrical Engineering , UiTM
Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus),
2.Mohd Azizi bin Ab. Ghani (Academy of Language Studies,
UiTM Kelantan Branch Machang Campus)
nugtersorcan editing using As a fundamental knowledge,
sometimes be the average dots per inch (DPI)
for standard mouse is in
viewed as menial work by some between 800 to 1200. The
lower the value, the less
people, but in fact, the simplest sensitive a mouse is. The DPI
value can be changed based
task is quite daunting if it is not on the model type of a mouse,
usually manufacturer gives the
done with proper method and option to switch the value
accordingly but if not, the value
tools. The method aside is a is in the previously stated
different discussion as the
The study in [1] also points out
article is focusing on the tools. another variable that affect the
efficiency of mouse handling,
The utilization of computer in which is the muscle memory.
daily task is undeniable Continuous usage of a mouse
important as the job in hand will influence our muscle
can be completed in mere memory of a certain movement.
minutes but to do so, users The repetition of our movement
must learn how to efficiently is actually been stored
use the most basic computer unconsciously by our muscle
tools such as mouse. that on occasion we move our
mouse cursor without a second
Computer mouse or mice thought and know that the click
currently comes in various will hit the target. This variable
shapes, sizes and weight (as is crucial to athlete (and human
do the furry one). Include colour generally) as they can train to
into the appearance, then there be efficient in their respective
are thousands easily accessible sports.
mice available to users. How
does the mouse influence our
productivity? The sensitivity of
the mouse will define how well
jobs can be done. In previous
discussion and study [1-2], the
result focuses on application in
first-person shooter (FPS)
gaming as it can be related to
our way of handling of the
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL1 | 20
E-ISSN 2682-7573
By knowing the limitation of your hardware and A New Pair of
other variables such as DPI value and muscle Eyes Peeking
memory, you can start improving productivity in Towards the
your work. The knowledge of your mouse
specification will improve productivity as Stars
incompatible sensitivity leads to constant
course correction of the cursor placement. You PREPARED BY:
will lose milliseconds of time but in the long MOHD AMIR HAMZAH BIN AB. GHANI (SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL
run, that milliseconds will become seconds or ENGINEERING UITM TERENGGANU BRANCH DUNGUN CAMPUS),
even minutes. There is a simple solution to this MOHD AZIZI BIN AB. GHANI (ACADEMY OF LANGUAGE STUDIES,
conundrum. Keep using the same mouse! (if UITM KELANTAN BRANCH MACHANG CAMPUS)
you can). It will enable the muscle memory to
build and tune in to the weight, the sensitivity
and in the end refine the arm movement that
hold the mouse. This is why you will feel a bit The hype was real. After the release of the first photos on
off in your aim when using a new or different July 12 2022, people around the globe applaud the new
mouse but eventually the muscle will tune in to technological advancement achieved by the scientist at
your ‘body settings’. NASA (partnership with European Space Agency and
Canadian Space Agency) through the unveiling of a high-
The sensitivity of the mouse is often neglected quality images of the Carina Nebula by the next-generation
when using computer but to use it efficiently, telescope named James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) or
this factor must be taken into account. Multiple nicknamed as Webb [1]. The event mark as a triumph and the
studies have been conducted regarding this dawn of a new era in astronomy that is going to be
issue with more focus was given in the context remembered well in the history of humankind.
of gaming or esports in general. This is due to
the fact that efficiency of the player mouse The Carina Nebula was located about 7500 light-years away from Earth
movement (among other reasons) affects their and was photograph before by the popular Hubble Space Telescope on
productivity and in the end resulted in a April 22 2010, when the first images of the nebula were released. The
successful tournament. For a typical user, image famously called the Cosmic Cliffs shows the evident of star
knowing your preferred sensitivity will assist in forming activity and the first time previously invisible star birth areas [1]
performing tasks productively. [4]. The images captured by the JWST is available for free for any
astronomy enthusiast to download ranging from full resolution of 14575 x
References: 8441 (for print and display format) and 2000 x 1158 resolution PNG
[1] Li, Guangchuan & Wang, format [2]. Even viewing the lowest resolution of the captured star
Mengcheng & Wiesinger, images would make you marvel and wonder the beauty of the endless
Alexander & Höglinger, Elias & ever-expanding space.
Barr, Alan & Liu, Yue & Harris
Adamson, Carisa. (2019). The EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 21
impact of mouse weight and
connection type on muscle activity
and performance while gaming.
Proceedings of the Human Factors
and Ergonomics Society Annual
Meeting. 63. 1969-1971.
[2] https://www.mouse-
sensitivity-works/ . Accessed by 13
September 2022
E-ISSN 2682-7573
The hype of JWST does not stop there as later, more images were released such as Stephan’s Quintet,
Southern Ring Nebula, WASP-96b and SMACS 0723 [1]. The latest reveal was the Tarantula Nebula. It was
not an unknown nebula but rather a familiar one that was viewed by a new set of eyes. The nebula was
nicknamed as such due to its resemblance to spider but with recent development, the JWST shows that the
appearance is more of a resemblance to a burrow lined with tarantula’s silk [3]. Most of the images released
was a revisit of the old images captured by Hubble Space Telescope and comparison of the images
captured by each telescope was widely shared through social media and mainstream news alike.
The comparison astonishes us even further as the clearer images captured by the JWST shows the existence
of a multiple galaxies in the background that was not evidence through the Hubble Space Telescope. The
JWST operate differently from the Hubble as the Hubble mainly observed in optical and ultraviolet
wavelengths with minor infrared capabilities, while the JWST primarily observed in infrared and due to the
nature of space that made JWST capable to observed in great detail using infrared telescope. Another major
difference is that the JWST orbit the sun whilst the Hubble Space Telescope only orbit the Earth [5].
The reveal gave a glimpse of celestial body to be discovered in our solar system and inspire new generation
toward space discovery and cosmic study. Hopefully this progress be a springboard to new technological
invention that gives benefits to humankind. As of now, the world will patiently wait and wonder at every
image released by JWST.
[ Accessed by 13 September 2022. Accessed by 13 September 2022. Accessed by 13 September 2022.
Accessed by 13 September 2022.
instruments. Accessed by 13 September 2022.
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 22
E-ISSN 2682-7573
Ku Siti Syahidah binti Ku Mohd Noh
School of Electrical Engineering
UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus
EETECH NEWS-2 2022 VOL 1 | 23
E-ISSN 2682-7573