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Published by fke.eetechnews, 2022-06-28 20:34:36

EETech News June 2022

Edition 1 2022

Keywords: bulletin

Edition 1 | June 2022



Foreword from Chief Editor

Assalamualaikum and welcome to the first edition of
EETech News in the year 2022. Starting last year, EETech
News has been upgraded to involve external
contributors and editors. This year, we continue to
receive contributions from various faculties, schools and

We hope that the readers may benefit from the articles
and keep supporting EETech News in the years to come. I
would also like to thank and extend my gratitude to the
management for approving this project and to my co-
editors, as well as the contributing authors for this issue.

“People today have forgotten they're really just
a part of nature. Yet, they destroy the nature on
which our lives depend. They always think they can
make something better. Especially scientists. They
may be smart, but most don't understand the heart
of nature. They only invent things that, in the end,
make people unhappy. Yet they're so proud of their

inventions. What's worse, most people are, too.
They view them as if they were miracles. They
worship them. They don't know it, but they're losing
nature. They don't see that they're going to perish.
The most important things for human beings are

clean air and clean water.”
- Akira Kurosawa -


Augmented Reality for Muslim Friendly Ergonomics: Tips When Working from Home
Tourism Post COVID-19 Fertigation System
What's Inside A Philips Steam Iron?
Auto-Functions in Mobile Marketplace Voltage Sag
Application DIY Techniques to Speed Up Computer: A
Personal Experience
Stepping Forward: Eco-Mud Virtual Run Lempoyang Rhizome : A Local Therapeutic Herb

Electrical Disturbance

Unwanted Phenomena in the Power System

Buying Home: The Dilemma

How to Print Certificates using Mail Merge in
Microsoft Office 365

Electrical Cables: Size Determination

Top 3 Freelance Platforms in 2022

Nutrition Education Courseware Among Children

Food Contamination and Health Effects in

The Gall of Manjakani

Chromolaena Odorata: Friend or Foe?

Internet-of-Medical-Things (IoMT) in Detecting
Infectious Viruses: A Perspective for Covid-19

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Ethical and Humanity





School of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering

UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus



Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Electronic Engineering Technology Faculty of Information Science and Technology

Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)



Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer Lecturer
School of Electrical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering School of Electrical Engineering

College of Engineering College of Engineering College of Engineering
UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus

June 2022

Fadzilla Hernani Mohd Janis

Faculty of Computer, Media & Technology Management,
University College TATI

"Malaysia has ranked first for its readiness to restart travel post-COVID, accessibility, communication
proficiency, destination marketing, stakeholder awareness, safety and friendly towards the visitor and

good faith-based services (GMTI, 2021)"

Muslim friendly Tourism (MFT) has become a lucrative What is augmented reality (AR)? AR refer to the
market for tourism marketers. Muslim tourist technique that combines a live view in real-time with
expenditures peaked at USD194 billion during the pre- virtual computer-generated images, creating a real
pandemic era, with international Muslim traveller 'augmented' experience of reality (van Kleef et al.,
arrivals growing from an estimated 108 million in 2013 2010). AR's popularity has soared in recent years,
to 160 million in 2019 (ITC, 2021 & GMTI, 2021). The garnering greater business and academic attention,
COVID-19 outbreak has been regarded as the biggest and it is now regarded as "one of the most
pandemic of the 21st century, causing catastrophic revolutionary inventions in recent years" (He et al.,
impacts on almost all economic sectors, especially the 2018). Based on the three distinctive principles of
travel and tourism industry. As a result of the integration (of real and virtual), (real-time) interaction
pandemic's massive impact on the travel industry, and 3-D registration (of both real and virtual objects)
Muslim arrivals fell to 42 million in 2020. In the first (Ye et al., 2003), AR can be used to enhance a real-
quarter of 2020, more than 90% of these trips were world perspective, create an augmented view, or
completed before most destinations closed their gates create a wholly artificial view (Kipper & Rampolla, 2012).
(GMTI, 2021). With 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide, the When it comes to VR in MFT, it can improve the
Muslim consumer market is projected to be a vital Muslim tourist experience during Haj and Umrah,
strategy for boosting the tourism industry and particularly for first-time pilgrims. During global crises,
economies devastated by the pandemic, with MFT such as Covid-19, virtual reality could be a useful tool
possibly leading the way. for learning about Muslim heritage and digitally
visiting a range of Muslim tourism sites. These services
Post COVID-19 urges tourism industry players to come are underserved by tourism operators and providers
back stronger by strengthening and embracing who interact with Muslim travellers. Virtual MFT is one
innovation and digital transformation of global tourism of the promising areas that MFT entrepreneurs should
(UNWTO, 2020). Hence, UNWTO also provided pay more attention to (Battour et al., 2020).
guidelines for safe travel amidst and after public health
crises (WHO, 2020). UNWTO (2020) asserts, "The As for Malaysia, from 2015 until 2021, Malaysia has
guidelines highlight the need to act decisively, to remained as the top-ranked Muslim friendly tourism
restore confidence and, as UNWTO strengthens its destination since the launch of the GMTI Index in 2015.
partnership with Google, to embrace innovation and Malaysia has ranked first for its readiness to restart
the digital transformation of global tourism". As a travel post-COVID, accessibility, communication
result, it appears necessary to reassess our past proficiency, destination marketing, stakeholder
tourism practices and adopt novel tactics that support awareness, safety and friendly towards the visitor and
sustainability while eliminating those that constitute a good faith-based services (GMTI, 2021). However,
threat to the sustainability goal. In this context of MFT, looking at destination marketing, MFT marketers in
information and communication technology (ICT) such Malaysia still maintain some downloadable online
as augmented reality (AR) not only improves the guide accompanied with physical printed copies that
experience of the visitors (Moro et al., 2019) but also act just focused on publishing the Halal food guides.
toward tourism sustainability (Cranmer et al., 2020).

EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 01

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It is appropriate to say that MFT marketers urgently References
need to broaden the use of digital marketing after the
pandemic by venturing into AR that provided much Beck et al. (2019). Virtual Reality In Tourism: A State Of The Art Review. Tourism
bigger opportunities beyond promoting Halal food. For Review,
instance, AR provides a sensory experience without
physically carrying out the activity or going to the place Buhalis, D. and Matloka, J. (2013), "Technology-enabled tourism destination
(Buhalis & Matloka, 2013). The MFT marketers could management and marketing", in Costa, C., Panyk, E. and Buhalis, D. (Eds), Trends in
design eBrochures or eCatalogues using semi- European Tourism Planning and Organisation, Canada: Channel View Publications.
immersive[1] AR to help potential travellers evaluate Cranmer et al. (2020). Exploring the Value of Augmented Reality for Tourism.
tourism sites by allowing them to virtually test out the Tourism Management Perspectives, 35.
experience ahead of time (Beck et al., 2019). Pervasive
environments provide a higher level of realism, which Georgakopoulos, V. (2008), "Food safety training: a model HACCP instructional
may reduce the chance of making a poor destination technique", Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, Vol. 5
selection decision (Pantano & Servidio, 2011). No. 1, pp. 55-72.
According to Georgakopoulos (2008), In the context of
COVID, AR has numerous implications in the food and Global Muslim Travel Index (2021). Mastercard-CrescentRating Global Muslim
beverage (F&B) sector as it can be implemented to Travel Index 2001.
improve interactivity and immersion for food safety reports.html (accessed March 6 2022).
training in F&B establishments. Thus, it may be included
in promoting Halal food and premises around Malaysia. He et al. (2018). When Art Meets Tech: The Role Of Augmented Reality In
With AR, the promotion of Halal food and premises does Enhancing Museum Experiences And Purchase Intentions. Tourism Management,
not centre around the image of the food itself. Still, it 68, 127-139,
may go beyond the process of Halal assurance itself
since AR provided better visualisation and focused Ioannides, D. & Gyimothy, S. (2020). The COVID-19 Crisis an Opportunity for
information sharing (Cranmer et al., 2020). Escaping the Unsustainable Global Tourism Path. Tourism Geographies, 22 (3), 624-
632, DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2020.1763445
Although been critiqued for being too costly and
jeopardised aesthetics appreciation (e.g. culture Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC) (November 15, 2021). Islamic Tourism Paves the Way
tourism), AR should not only be accompanied by Forward for Economic and Tourism Recovery.
guidance, such as contextual cues to transport tourists paves-the-way-forward-for-economic-and-tourism-recovery/ (accessed March 6
into the appropriate environment for optimal 2022).
information comprehension, but they should also leave
room for better aesthetic appreciation; that is, tourists Kipper, G. and Rampolla, J. (2012), Augmented Reality: An Emerging Technologies
should be able to use their imaginations to discover the Guide to AR, Elsevier.
"true" beauty and pleasure in the artwork on their own
(He et al., 2018). Aside, Mora (2020) contends that, in the Mora, C. (2020), "Technological opportunities for the travel and tourism sector
post-pandemic condition, with limited mobility and the emerging from the 2020 global health crisis", in Figueira, L. and Oosterbeek, L.
imposition of social distancing norms, an increasing (Eds), Turismo Mundial, Crise Sanitaria e Futuro: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, pp.
number of individuals will seek a complete, extended 33-43.
sensory experience of tourist attractions via AR. This
increased demand for AR-driven experiences and the Moro et al. (2019). Analysing Recent Augmented and Virtual Reality Developments
number of requests for AR systems (which are now in Tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. https://
pricey), lowering the price of entry-level systems while
also improving the quality of these systems.
Pantano, E. and Servidio, R. (2011), "An exploratory study of the role of pervasive
environments for promotion of tourism destinations", Journal of Hospitality and
Tourism Technology, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 50-65.

UNWTO (2020). UNWTO Launches Global Guidelines to Restart Tourism.
tourism (accessed March 6 2022).

Van Kleef et al. (2010). Success Factors for Augmented Reality Business Models,
Study tour Pixel. Enschede: University Twente, pp. 1-36.

WHO (2020). Guidance for Air Travel Through the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis. accessed March 7 2022).

Ye et al. (2003). Augmented Reality Combining Haptics Vision. SMC'03 Conference
Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics. Conference Theme-System Security and Assurance (Cat. No.
03CH37483): IEEE, pp. 3425-3431.

EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 02

E-ISSN 2682-7573

in Mobile

Dr Wan Safra Diyana binti Wan Abdul Auto-Fill Information Mechanism
The auto-fill information is a method that facilitates the user
Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences by preventing some information to be entered repetitively. It
UiTM Terengganu Branch, Kuala Terenggan Campus is closely related to enable ‘one-click purchase’ in speeding up
the process of online purchasing.
Mobile marketplace application is one of the apps that
might assist buyers and sellers to conduct mobile Auto-Update Function
shopping (m-shopping) activities regardless of location or
time. In Malaysia, the widely used mobile marketplace Auto-update function is related to the real-time data in mobile
applications are Shopee, Lazada, Carousell and marketplace app which includes the requirement to update The users could easily download and install the app version and the associated app data.
these marketplace apps in their own mobile devices. The
operation of the apps is supported by cloud technology in Push Technology
order to ease the workload of mobile device and
subsequently smoothen the business transaction Push technology is a technology that permits the mobile
processes. device user to receive notifications or messages from the
subscribed channels. Examples of push technology are
Usually, the app that is easy-to-use, secure, stable, notifications, short messaging service (SMS), e-mail blasts and
delivers acceptable response time and provides beacon sensors.
convenient access is accepted by mobile device users.
These traits could signify the quality of mobile shopping Automated Order Processing Function
app towards attracting the users for its utilization (Chen,
2013). On the other hand, the automatic functions or This function is very helpful for sellers to manage the
auto-functions that are readily available in the mobile incoming orders from customers. Hence, they do not have to
marketplace app could also attract both sellers and create a manual record for each transaction. The
buyers. Instances of auto-functions in this context are the implementation is possible to be done via custom-made
push technology, auto-fill information mechanism, mobile marketplace app that could integrate with other
automated order processing function and auto-update modules such as inventory and product delivery.
These functions are interesting to be further explored as they
References: can certainly attract more users to utilize mobile marketplace
Chen, Lisa Y. (2013) "Determinants of m-shopping quality on customer satisfaction and app. A good app must be able to cater the needs of users and
purchase intentions: The IS success model perspective", World Review of Entrepreneurship, provide helpful functions, thus this should be the main focus
Management and Sustainable Development 9 (4): 543–558. of the app developers

EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 03

E-ISSN 2682-7573

School of Chemical Engineering

All students from School of Chemical Iswaibah Mustafa, Muhammad Firdaus
Engineering, UiTM Bukit Besi Campus that took Husin, Nur Syukriah Ab Rahman
course code CHE332 or called as ‘Introduction to School of Chemical Engineering,
Environmental Engineering’ came up with a
project Eco-Mud Virtual Run to demonstrate and UiTM Terengganu Branch Bukit Besi Campus
promote environmental awareness among the

community. This project was a part of their
community event. This event was an online-based
event as an initiative taken by the students during
pandemic. Eco-Mud Virtual Run with a hashtag
#run4mudchallenge is to educate the community
about water pollution. This project was named as
Eco-Mud because it was combination between
ecosystem and mudball. Mudball was the most
vital component which plays a significant role to
treat polluted water. This mudball consists of the
mixture of Bokashi bran, that speeds up the
decomposition process of algae, effective
microorganisms like lactic acid bacteria along
with clay soil to turn the mixture into a rock hard.
These mudballs gives a lot of benefits to the water
especially, polluted water such as reducing the
foul-smelling odour of the water. As it is not
harmful, organic, and biodegradable to the
environment, this mudball could re-balance the

In this project, the community had to run at
their preferable categories, anywhere and
anytime within 2 weeks’ time frame. Also, they had
to make a video of them throwing the two
mudballs that the students provided into any
water sources. Also, they had to make a video of -

them throwing the two mudballs that the students provided into any
water sources. As the mudball thrown into the water, the ingredients
in the mudball will disintegrate into the water, become embedded in
the surface, and bacteria begin to treat the polluted water into clean
water. There were 167 participants from different states who joined
this project. Educating and spreading the environmental awareness
to the community especially during the pandemic, it can proudly say
this project was a big success to the students. In fact, this project was
nominated as Top 25 in e-SULAM Innovate 2021 organized by the KPT.
Eco-Mud Virtual Run is more and beyond than just community
Do follow us @eeckrbb at Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to catch
up our next community service. Stepping forward into environment
and sustainability.

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The direct impact to the a several hours up to a few days depend on the severity of
the fault. This impact is normally low-cost due to
consumers or the end-users are independent power for the usage for the household only.
However, if the number of involved account users is
the experienced of power trip or greater and the response to restore back the power is
longer, this fault might scrutinise the reputation of the
most known as “blackout”. power system provider. The worst-case scenario when
the disturbance occurred in the industrial area. Industrial
By Hasrul Hafiz Bin Abu Bakar sectors are so much depended on the power from power
School of Electrical Engineering provider. The impact from the power failure to industrial
UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus sector is much greater than housing area. The effect from
the power disturbance losses can be minimised if the
Electrical disturbance or electrical fault is an interruption or faulted area can be discovered in the shortage of time.
disturbance that occurred during the electricity transmitting This can be done by a technique called “fault location
and distributing process. There are several types of the method”. Fault location method is technique to locate the
disturbance depend on characteristic of the interruption. This precise spot that the fault has been occurred. Basically,
disturbance will involve the three-phase system power there are three major techniques, impedance-based fault
network. However, the most common disturbance is the location method, travelling wave-based fault location
single-line-to-ground fault represent 80% from the total method and knowledge-based fault location method.
disturbance or fault. The causes of the faults are categorised These respective methods have their advantage and
to two types, natural cause, and unnatural cause. The natural disadvantages.
cause is the fault occurred from the natural or without human
interfacing, example the struck of lightning to the By successfully locating the disturbance area, engineers
transmission or distribution poles, the collapse of the tree and technicians will manage to overcome this problem in a
next to the transmission or distribution pole cut-off the lesser time and have a chance to reduce the losses to the
networks, animal disturbance to the power network system. end users. The technologies in managing disturbance in
The unnatural cause including the human error in manoeuvre electrical distribution is advancing and the booming of
in the power system control system, the hit or crash from the digitalization of communication system network, will give
vehicle to the electricity network, the interruption to the a bright prospect to overcome electrical disturbance
electricity poles on purpose, etc. problem near future.

What happened when disturbance occurred? First and EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 05
foremost, the direct impact to the consumers or the end-users
are the experienced of power trip or most known as
“blackout”. The end-users will lose the electrical power for -

E-ISSN 2682-7573

Nowadays, we are surrounded by electricity, and we UNWANTED PHENOMENA IN
even live in a power grid, referred to as the "Power
System", consisting of power generation, THE POWER SYSTEM
transmission lines, and distribution [1]. In the last a
few decades, electrical machines have become MOHD SAIFUL NAJIB BIN ISMAIL @MARZUKI
smaller in size and are more efficient. Due to the AHMAD IZZAT BIN MOD ARIFIN
reduction in size, these machines require more HASRUL HAFIZ BIN ABU BAKAR
power electronic devices leading to power quality
Power quality (PQ) is a component of a power system,

demonstrating the power system's efficiency. PQ
fluctuations or PQ disturbance in the power supply SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
were originally deemed acceptable, but has now UITM TERENGGANU BRANCH DUNGUN CAMPUS
turned into an issue for everyday equipment users
and is of concerns to electrical consumers.


A single disturbance occurs when there is just one PQ VOLTAGE SAG/DIP TRANSIENT
disturbance at a given time. Examples of single PQ FLICKER
disturbance are discussed according to IEEE standard HARMONICS VOLTAGE SAG
1159 [3]. + HARMONICS

Perfect sinusoidal is a waveform without VOLTAGE SWELL
disturbance. + HARMONICS
Voltage sag or dip is an abrupt drop in
magnitude. Root Means Square (RMS) reduction
induced by a reduction of the AC line voltage of
10% to 90% of the nominal line-voltage at
particular power frequencies in the duration of
half-cycle to one-minute.
Swell is a condition induced by a rise in RMS
caused by an increase in AC line voltage of 110%
to 180% of nominal line voltage at a specific
power frequency over a half-cycle to one-minute.
Transient occurs when a voltage or current in the
power system changes suddenly.
Flickering is defined as a shift in the input voltage
over time that allows visual observation of the
change in intensity of an electric light source.
At certain peak moments, a component's
frequency is multiplied by the fundamental
frequency, resulting in a harmonic situation.


A combination of two or more disturbances occurring
simultaneously at the same point (for example, a
combination of (g) & (h)) is known as Multiple PQ
disturbance [4].
To summarise, power quality issues are a common
unwelcomed occurrence, invisible to the naked eyes
but interferes with power consumptions and quality of

[1] M. Guarnieri, “Electricity in the Age of Enlightenment,” IEEE Ind. Electron. Mag., pp. 60–63, 2014.
[2] T. Gómez and J. Rivier, “Distribution and power quality regulation under electricity competition. A comparative study,” Proc. Int. Conf. Harmon. Qual. Power, ICHQP,
vol. 2, pp. 462–468, 2000.
[3] IEEE Power and Energy Society, EEE Std 1159TM-2019: Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality, vol. 2019. 2019.
[4] Y. Shen, H. Wu, G. Liu, H. Liu, H. Zhang, and W. Xia, “Study on identification of power quality disturbances based on compressive sensing,” Proc. World Congr. Intell.
Control Autom., vol. 11, pp. 5550–5555, 2015.

EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 06

E-ISSN 2682-7573

A comfortable home is the dream of many. A BUYING
dream home is an aspiration, it is a place to live HOME: THE
in, spending our lives in throughout our life DILEMMA
journey, more than just a safe place, a shelter
from heat and rain. For those who do not yet MOHD SAIFUL NAJIB BIN ISMAIL @MARZUKI
have their own home, it is natural to face a AHMAD IZZAT BIN MOD ARIFIN
dilemma in finding the best home. Increasing LUQMANUL HAKIM BIN ZULKORNAIN
expensive properties are becoming a nightmare SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
to buyers, leaving many aspiring ones forced to UITM TERENGGANU BRANCH DUNGUN CAMPUS
leave their aspirations as a fantasy. This article
will uncover three main steps that can be STEP THREE: HOUSE/LAND AREA
considered by salaried employees (government
or private) in buying a home. The size of the house and land also play an important role to
the comfort of the occupants [3]. Many are mistaken, as their
STEP ONE: LOAN ELIGIBILITY priority is to live in a beautiful house.
The property should have sufficient space for comfort. The
Prospective buyers need to know their loan space does not have to be large. It should be sufficient enough
eligibility which is in accordance to their salary to maximize the use of space for living rooms, kitchen, dining,
scale [1]. To find out the eligibility of the loan, and bedrooms. the number of bathrooms is preferably
prospective buyers can contact the banks or law according to the formula:
firms of their choice. Once they know the
maximum amount of their loan eligibility, CONCLUSION
prospective buyers can calculate their monthly
commitment for their dream home. This is A comfortable home will provide a quality of life to the family.
important in making sure that their dream Everyone with a fixed salary can own a home with some
home would not be a burden for them to knowledge and a good financial planning.
commit to in their monthly expenses. The outlined steps may not be the best but it could serve as a
guide. Never put a barrier in buying a home as it is one of the
STEP TWO: PROPERTY LOCATION essentials in life.

The location of the property should take into References
account the aspects of proximity. The best [1] P. A. Mariadas, H. Abdullah, and N. Abdullah, “Factors Influencing the First Home
dream home should consider the followings: Purchase Decision of Middle-Income Earners (M40) in Selangor, Malaysia,” e-BANGI J. Sains Sos.
dan Kemanus., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1–11, 2019.
Work place: below 15 kilometres. [2] D. Rachmawati, S. Shukri, S. M. Ferdous Azam, and A. Khatibi, “Factors influencing
Necessities store: below 5 kilometres. customers’ purchase decision of residential property in selangor, malaysia,” Manag. Sci. Lett., vol.
Pharmacies, clinics and hospitals: below 10 9, no. 9, pp. 1341–1348, 2019.
kilometres. [3] Cheah Su Ling and S. J. Almeida, “Demystifying the affordable housing issue in Malaysia,”
School: below 5 kilometres. Bank Negara Malaysia Annu. Rep. 2016, pp. 90–98, 2017.
Proximity to such access will provide comfort to
the homeowners apart from having quality time EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 07
and emotional stability [2]. This is however,
subjected to where the prospect is currently
working and living.

E-ISSN 2682-7573

How to Print Certificates using Mail
Merge in Microsoft Office 365

Mazratul Firdaus Mohd Zin, Siti Rapidah Omar Ali, Zuraini Jusoh
School of Electrical Engineering & Faculty of Business & Management,

UiTM Terengganu Branch DunguINnDCUaSmTRpYu>s
Printing certificates in bulk can be made easier by following the steps below. All you need is an Excel
File containing the data and the Certificate template to be utilized. Step 1, create Excel file with data
you would like to include on your certificates OR use an existing data file with participants’ names.
Save your file and you are ready to merge into Word. Step 2, open the Word document of the
Certificates you would like to merge and print. Step 3, launch Mailings > Start Mail Merge > Letters.
Then, click Select Recipients > Use an Existing List and browse the Excel File saved in step 1. Once you
select your Excel data file, a dialog box may pop up. Select “OK”.

a) b) c)
Figure 1: a) Insert Merge Field,b) Preview Results, c) Finish & Merge


Figure 2: a) Insert Merge Field,b) Preview Results, c) Finish & Merge
Select the place to insert the name and click the Insert Merge Field >NAME. The
selected headers in the Excel File should appear and can be selected. The selected
place to insert the data should show the selected header for example <<NAME>>. Then,
click Preview Results to see the outcome. Then, click Finish & merge > Print
Documents, and a dialog box will pop up. Select to print all or a range of names only,
click OK and all certificates will be printed accordingly. Done.

Kevin Stratvert, How to Mail Merge Certificates – Office 365,

EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 08

E-ISSN 2682-7573


DETERMINATION by Mohamad Yusof Mat Zain, Mohd Nazrul Sidek, Raja Mohd
Noorhafizi Raja Daud, Abdul Hafiz Kassim, Amiruddin Ab. Aziz
WHY CABLE SIZE School of Electrical engineering, UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus

In addition, there is a way to determine the ideal cable
size using mathematical solutions. This article will

describe the method to determine the ideal size of

Electricity is one of the things that electrical cable. The same concept or theory of size

could cause harm to the determination could be applied to any value of electric

surrounding. International components. The size determination starts by

Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) calculating the required resistance, R of the electrical

defines voltage ranges for cable. It could be achieved by using Ohm's law which
alternating current (AC) are above involves voltage, V and current that goes through the

1000 V, between 50 V until 1000 V, electrical cable.

and below 50 V for high voltage, low

voltage, and extra-low voltage

respectively [1]. No matter how

much the voltage value, all of them

have risks to us such as electrical

arcing and shocking.

However, a good selection of THE FORMULAS From this A value, a diameter, D for the
electrical cables will contribute to electrical cable could be evaluated. The value
great safety for a specific location or  The value of R could be calculated by of D represents the minimum size for the
building. The selection of the using the equation below: electrical core to be installed. The following
electrical cable depends on several equation could be used to calculate D:
factors such as the installation The next parameter is the total resistivity,
location and usage purpose. Apart ρtotal of the electrical cable. It could be Thus, the obtained value of D is the
from safety factors, the ideal size of calculated using the following equation: minimum size of the electrical cable that
electrical cable could contribute to should be used for the specific application.
efficient installation costs. A Then, we need to calculate the necessary
wireman could refer to related cross-sectional area, A for the electrical References
certified organisations such as cable. [1] International Electrotechnical Commission, “IEC 60038: Standard
Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) and Voltages,” 2009.
Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) [2] to [2] Suruhanjaya Tenaga Malaysia, “Guidelines for Electrical Wiring in
obtain some information regarding Residential Buildings,” 2008.
wiring activity. The certified
organisations have provided a lot of
specifications for wiring purposes
including choosing the ideal cable
size for specific usage.

EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 09

E-ISSN 2682-7573

Top Three Freelance Platforms in Year 2022

By: Zuraini Jusoh, Mazratul Firdaus Mohd Zin, Siti Rapidah Omar Ali, Kartini Mat Rashid
Faculty of Business & Management & School of Electrical Engineering, UiTM Terengganu
Branch Dungun Campus

During Malaysian Movement Control It connects businesses with on-demand
Order (MCO), nearly 100,000 Malaysians freelance talent in over 400 categories
lost jobs (The Star, 2020). across eight verticals, including graphic
design, digital marketing, programming,
With technologies these days, there is video, and animation. Upwork also lists
another income exploitation namely jobs in different categories including web,
crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is a mobile & software dev, design & creative,
distribution of well-defined tasks to an admin support, IT & networking, writing,
outsized group of anonymous external customer service, sales & marketing,
network users as digital workers within the translation, and many more. Meanwhile,
style of open decision through net-specific is the world's largest
applications which are in the platforms. The freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace
firms allow using an outsized cluster of in terms of users and projects. This platform
experienced individuals. The advantages of can hire freelancers to do work ranging
crowdsourcing for digital workers that are from software development, writing, data
digital workers can have flexible entry, and design to engineering, science,
circumstances of operating hours, locations, sales and marketing, accounting, and legal
and length of their own selections. services. Crowdsourcing is a good idea for
everyone especially for students,
In, based on unemployed, or anybody to create some
SmartScoreTM rating algorithm, Fiver, side income.
Upwork and were found as
the top freelance platform in 2022. The Reference
ranking was made according to main
functionality, collaboration feature, Best Freelance Platforms, Retrieved 25 April 2022, from
customization, integration, ease of use,
general impression, help and support,
security, and mobility. Fiverr is an online Tan T., Carvalho M., Sivanandam H., Rahim R. (9 Dec
marketplace for freelance services with low-
cost providers 2020). Nearly 100,000 Malaysians have lost jobs since start

of MCO, says HR ministry. The Star. Retrieved 25 April

2022, from

EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 10

E-ISSN 2682-7573


Siti Rapidah Omar Ali, Mazratul
Firdaus Mohd Zin, Zuraini Jusoh

Faculty of Business & Management & School of
Electrical Engineering, UiTM Terengganu Branch
Dungun Campus

Ergonomics is concerned with the design of The necessity of proper ergonomics when
anything that includes people, such as working from home is becoming increasingly
workplaces, sports and recreation, health and obvious as more of us work remotely. It
safety. According to Canadian Centre for essentially entails reorganizing the workplace
Occupational Health and Safety, ergonomics is to promote more productivity and well-being.
the study of how to match a job to a worker Because we do not have occupational health
and a product to a user. This segment includes on hand to check us while we work from
circumstances that can lead to harm, such as home, understanding ergonomics is critical.
lifting, lighting, office/desk setup, and so on. Ergonomics ensures optimal comfort and
Every part of our work and lives has been safety while also increasing productivity and
impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. keeping you healthy and pain-free. Setting up
Companies, organisations, and institutions the proper furniture and equipment in the
encouraged their employees to work remotely right place is the first step in creating an
from home in reaction to national and ergonomic home office. Begin by following the
municipal containment policies. guidelines below.



Canadian Centre for
Occupational Health and
Safety (2022). Ergonomics.
Retrieved from

EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 11

E-ISSN 2682-7573


Ahmad Izzat Mod Arifin, Fauziah Binti Deraman, Mohd Saiful Najib Bin Ismail@Marzuki
School of Electrical Engineering & Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management,
UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus

Agriculture also had a swift development along with the technology. Fertigation is one of
most popular methods among farmers. Fertigation is a combination of fertilization and
irrigation that play an important key in planting process. In Fertigation, fertilization is added
to the irrigation system. This technique has always been used by commercial growers [1].

The advantages of fertigation system is the soil is continuously supplied by nutrient, reduce
the human power in irrigating the plant, and crop foliage remains dry thus retarding the
incidence of pests or disease to the plant [2].
The table below shows the basic components in the fertigation system. The liquid fertilizer
will mix with water in the water tank. Then the nutrient water is pumped and irrigates the
plant by flowing through the microtube and dripper. The irrigation process is continuously
done according to the timer that has been set. The EC meter is to measure the level of the
nutrient in the water that feeds the plant.

[2] U.Kafkafi, S.Kant, Encyclopedia of Soils in the
Enviroment, Elsevier, pp 1-9,2005.

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Ironing is a common activity in our daily life, especially for working people and also for
parents. It is a simple activity but it takes at least an hour to complete that task. Thanks
to technology, the ironing process has become easier.
Based on the definition, ironing uses heated tool to remove a wrinkle from fabric. Iron
starts with the use of heated coal, and then with some innovation and technology the
iron had swift development until the steam iron was produced.
In Malaysia, one of the popular steam iron brands is Philips. Philips steam iron had
several models but the main components are still the same. The differences between
the models are shape, water level, and steam pressure. There are four main
components of a Philips steam iron which are control power board, boiler, steam
generator, and water pump.

Water tank is the place that users store the
water in the iron. This is the difference between
the standard iron with the steam iron. The
capacity of water could be different according to
Philips’s model.
Then water will be sucked by the water pump
according to the capacity of the boiler. The water
pump will supply automatically based on the
needs of the boiler. Boiler is a compartment that
heats the water from the water storage and
converts it into steam. The boiler consists of
heating elements in order to boil the water that
can be produced into steam.
In order to achieve the desired level of steam
pressure, a solenoid valve was attached at the
boiler. Solenoid valve allows steam pressure to
pass throw according to its specification.
Last but not least is the control power board
which is the electronic board that connects the
whole electronic wiring system to the steam iron.
The electric supply is connected to the board in
order to power the whole system of a steam iron.

Reference EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 13

E-ISSN 2682-7573

By: Ahmad Izzat Bin Mod Arifin, Hasrul Hafiz
Bin Abu Bakar, Mohd Saiful Najib Bin
School of Electrical Engineering,

UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus

Electricity is important in our daily Voltage sag or voltage dip is an issue that
occurs the most in the power distribution
life. Due to the development of network. It can propagate several miles
from its origin. Voltage sag is generally
power electronic technology, most caused by a sudden change in the
characteristics of a power source or a load
electrical appliances were such as during a motor starting and
switching operation. Most of the sag
embedded with power electronics. problems come from short circuit faults in
the power distribution network.
So, the power quality has become a
Voltage sag generally affects the end-user
major concern of the users. Power equipment in terms of malfunction of
process controllers, programmable logic
quality refers to the ability of controllers, adjustable speed drives, robotics
in modem industries, reduction in the
electrical equipment to consume the performance of the motor, flickering in
illumination devices, and etc [2].
energy being supplied to it.
Several power quality issues include [1] Reid, W.E. Power quality issues-standards and
electrical harmonics, swell, flicker, notch, guidelines. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 1996, 32, 625–632
spike, and the most popular is sag or dip. All [2]
of these issues will give an impact on the them/
efficiency of electrical equipment.
EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 14
According to IEEE, voltage sag refers to a
short-term reduction in voltage. At 60 Hz, the
magnitude of the voltage reduction is
between 10% and 90% of the normal root
mean square voltage (RMS). By definition, a
voltage sag event lasts less than one minute
and more than eight milliseconds, or a half
cycle of 60-Hz electrical power. [1]

E-ISSN 2682-7573


Wan Ahmad Khusairi bin Wan Chek, School of Electrical Engineering
Nik Fazlin Hiryati binti Nik Jaafar, Faculty of Business & Management
UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus


Two and a half years ago, I purchased a desktop computer from UiTM for around RM700. It was actually used by me previously through UiTM
leasing program for their employees. I only used the computer for simple daily tasks. The computer originally runs on Windows 10 and has 4GB
of RAM. Because of the Windows upgrades, using 4GB of RAM with Windows 10 can be considered a bottleneck for my computer. My computer
has become noticeably slower because of the Windows update effect. Thus, I have decided to do some upgrades to my computer. The first thing
is to upgrade my computer’s RAM. Before purchasing additional RAM for my computer, I use the SPECCY software to obtain information on the
hardware specifications of my computer. SPECCY software is free and downloadable. Using this software, I got the specifications for my
computer RAM. I bought two pieces of RAM online and installed them on my computer. With this additional RAM, the total RAM in my computer
is now 16GB.

Even though I have upgraded my RAM, my computer was still not performing as expected. As a result, I decided to upgrade my computer's hard
drive to a 2.5-inch Solid State Drive (SSD). The reason I'm going with the 2.5-inch SSD is that my old computer's motherboard lacks a dedicated
SSD port. I intend to install Windows 10 on the SSD hard drive and use the original hard drive as secondary storage for my computer. A simple
tip for selecting the smallest possible size for the new SSD is to check the size of the C drive on your old hard drive. The more significant the
SSD's storage capacity, the more expensive it will be.

Figure 2 depicts the 256GB 2.5-inch ADATA SSD I purchased online. The primary reason for purchasing this SSD is its affordable price and
positive reviews. 256GB is more than enough storage for me, as the C drive consumes approximately 100GB of space, and the remaining
storage space is used for future software installation. I must sacrifice my computer's CD ROM data and power cables to power on my newly
installed SSD. Due to its compact size, I cannot add a new power cable or serial advanced technology attachment (SATA) data cable to my
computer. Sacrificing my CD ROM power and data cable means that I wouldn’t be able to use my existing CD player anymore. Simple assembly
is required, and the computer managed to detect my SSD.

The next step is to install the new Windows 10 operating system on my computer. To begin the Windows 10 installation, I need to create
Windows 10 installation media using an 8 GB USB flash drive. The Windows 10 installation media is created by navigating the Microsoft website.
After making the media, the flash drive is plugged into my computer to begin the process of installing a new Windows 10. By following the
installation instructions stated, I was able to install a new Windows 10 on my computer. As soon as the setup was complete, I purposefully
rebooted my computer to observe the effect of using an SSD as the primary drive for my computer. As expected, the window launches and loads
faster, as does the application software. Upgrading my hard drive to SSD was well worth it, and as a friendly reminder, if you are considering
upgrading your old computer, replacing the hard drive with the SSD should be considered first.

5ETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 15

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Nurul ‘Uyun Ahmad (School of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, References:
[[1] N. J. Yob, S. M. Jofrry, M. M. R. M. M. Affandi, L. K. Teh, M.
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of Its Ethnomedicinal, Chemical, and Pharmacological Uses’,
Ts Dr Mariam Firdhaus Mad Nordin (Malaysia Japan International Institute of Evidence-Based Complement. Altern. Med., vol. 2011, pp. 1–12,
2011, doi: 10.1155/2011/543216.
Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur) [2] H. M. A. Sidahmed et al., ‘Antisecretory, gastroprotective,
antioxidant and anti-helicobacter pylori activity of zerumbone
Lempoyang, or its scientific name Zingiber zerumbet, is a perennial herbaceous plant from zingiber zerumbet (L.) smith’, PLoS One, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1–
comprising around 53 genera and over 1200 species found across the tropics, notably in 21, 2015, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121060.
Southeast Asia. The vital part of lempoyang is its rhizome, associated with all the claims [3] A. Y. Koga, F. L. Beltrame, and A. V. Pereira, ‘Several
of therapeutic uses. It is perennial, thick, scaly, aromatic, and pale yellow internally, as aspects of Zingiber zerumbet: A review’, Rev. Bras. Farmacogn.,
depicted in Figure 1, and is used exclusively by this obligates asexual reproducer plant for vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 385–391, 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.bjp.2016.01.006.
propagation [1]. [4] V. S. Rana, V. Ahluwalia, N. A. Shakil, and L. Prasad,
‘Essential oil composition, antifungal, and seedling growth
Traditionally, lempoyang rhizome has been extensively used in the everyday lives of the inhibitory effects of zerumbone from Zingiber zerumbet Smith’, J.
elderly to cure stomach problems, including stomach cramps, bloating, poisoning, colic Essent. Oil Res., vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 320–329, 2017, doi:
pain, and diarrhea. It was also used to treat cold, sore throat, cough, fever, swelling, loss 10.1080/10412905.2016.1261051.
of appetite, leprosy, inflammation, allergies, skin diseases, and microbe infections [2]–[4]. [5] N. A. Sharkawi et al., ‘Curative potential of Zingiber
With the health benefits received by the elderly, researchers revealed that it exhibited zerumbet on paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity’, J. Malaysian
various pharmacological effects, including antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-cancer Soc. Appl. Biol., vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 11–17, 2019, [Online]. Available:
properties. Figure 2 summarises the various pharmacological activities of lempoyang
rhizome. [6] T. M. da Silva, C. D. Pinheiro, P. P. Orlandi, C. C. Pinheiro,
and G. S. Pontes, ‘Zerumbone from Zingiber zerumbet (L.) smith: A
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significant component in lempoyang rhizome. Sharkawi et al. (2019) extracted zerumbone cariogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutans’, BMC Complement.
from the rhizome using an ethanolic maceration technique. The extraction took seven Altern. Med., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1–9, 2018, doi: 10.1186/s12906-
days to complete, whereby the zerumbone extract composition was rich, dominating over 018-2360-0.
95.37%, showing the highest quantity to date. The composition of zerumbone reported [7] I. Lechat-Vahirua, P. François, C. Menut, G. Lamaty, and J.
from Brazil was 87.93% after six hours of hydrodistillation [6]. Previously, a study on Tahiti M. Bessiere, ‘Aromatic Plants of French Polynesia. I. Constituents
Island indicated that zerumbone content in the rhizome was around 65.30% [7]. of the Essential Oils of Rhizomes of Three Zingiberaceae: Zingiber
Additionally, in Japan, zerumbone was 48.13% in the rhizome extract [8]. zerumbet Smith, Hedychium coronarium Koenig and Etlingera
cevuga Smith’, J. Essent. Oil Res., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 55–59, 1993, doi:
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the age of the plant and the handling or harvesting technique. Additionally, differences in [8] F. Yu et al., ‘Isolation and functional characterization of a
environmental and climatic circumstances and geographic location have influenced the β-eudesmol synthase, a new sesquiterpene synthase from
zerumbone composition [9], [10]. Besides zerumbone, several other beneficial bioactive Zingiber zerumbet Smith’, FEBS Lett., vol. 582, no. 5, pp. 565–572,
compounds were found in the lempoyang rhizome extract. The compounds including α- 2008, doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2008.01.020.
humulene (4.2-12.9%), humulene epoxide 1 (3.8-6.4%), and humulene epoxide 2 (0.28- [9] S. Baby et al., ‘High content of zerumbone in volatile oils of
20.84%), camphene (1.05-1.9%), and camphor (0.85-1.2%) [11]–[14]. Zingiber zerumbet from southern India and Malaysia’, Flavour
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‘Comparison of Chemical Composition and Bioactivities of
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[12] L. T. Huong et al., ‘Zingiber zerumbet Rhizome Essential
Oil: Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Mosquito Larvicidal
Activities’, European J. Med. Plants, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1–12, 2020,
doi: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430197.
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[14] V. S. Rana, M. Verdeguer, and M. A. Blazquez, ‘Chemical
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Tetrahedron Lett. No.24, no. 24, pp. 1977–1981, 1965.

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EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 16

NUTRITION Nowadays, childhood obesity has been a government
EDUCATION concern since the issue has become an epidemic. However,
COURSEWARE it is impossible to solve this issue by only accessing healthy
AMONG CHILDREN food [1]. It can be most effective when consolidated with
education on nutrition. Nutrition education in kindergarten is
Hayati Adilin Mohd Abd Majid, essential since it gives more benefits to the children. This
Sharifah Nurulhikmah Syed Yasin, education can help the children control their weight gain and
Hasiah Mohamed, & Norizan Mohamed, reduce their body mass index (BMI) [2]. Other than that, it
UiTM Terengganu Branch Kuala Terengganu Campus enhances the consumption of fruits and vegetables among
Adida Muhammud children [3], thus promoting positive behavior toward the
UiTM Terengganu Branch Bukit Besi Campus foods [4]. Moreover, nutrition education helps the children
improve their nutrition knowledge and may improve their
REFERENCES school outcomes [2]. Therefore, giving children nutrition
education is significant for healthy youngsters' growth.
[1]. Hard, A., Uno, C., & Koch, P. A.(2014). The importance of Besides, to increase health results and cultivates good and
healthy dieting habit for a lifetime, nutrition education is an
nutrition education in the 2015 Child Nutrition Reauthorization. evidence-based and cost-effective way to handle the issue
New York, NY: Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy;
Nutrition education courseware is the nutrition instructive
Columbia University. Retrieved from material that is expected as kits for the instructors or as
tutorials for the children, which is typically bundled for use with computers like e-learning or game-based learning. This
courseware imitates and delivers a practical surrounding
2014/centers/tisch-center/Nutrition-Ed-White-Paper-09.14.pdf through its sound, pictures, animation, and character [5].
Hence, the children can watch the videos and listen to
[2]. Silveira J., Taddei, J., Guerra, P., & Nobre M.(2013). The effect of sounds instead of just reading the text [5]. These learning
types are enjoyable, making learning exciting, and some may
participation in school-based nutrition education interventions on discover it is simpler to know when they are having fun. In
addition, children can also learn at their speed since the
body mass index: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled computer-generated learning can be personalized for a
particular person, so the children can begin their learning
community trials. Prev. Med. 2013;56:237–243. doi: when they are ready. Other than that, this game-based
learning trains the children's leadership and strategy skills,
10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.01.011. - DOI - PubMed thus creating positive learning behavior [5]. In this kind of
learning, the programs can also be placed onto CD-ROM,
[3]. Silveira, J., Taddei,J.,Guerra P.,& Nobre M.(2011). Effectiveness DVD, or the internet so that everyone can access the course
material with no trouble [5]. Besides, this courseware
of school-based nutrition education interventions to prevent and teaches the children about the disease in less time and cost.
Therefore, it can be concluded that using nutrition education
reduce excessive weight gain in children and adolescents: A courseware can increase children’s knowledge about a
disease and thus help prevent non-communicable diseases
systematic review. J. Pediatr. 2011;87:382–392. doi: like obesity among children.

10.2223/JPED.2123. - DOI - PubMed

[4]. Pucher, K. K., Boot, N. M. W. M., & de Vries, N. K.(2013).

Systematic review: School health promotion interventions

targeting physical activity and nutrition can improve academic

performance in the primary- and middle school children. Health

Education, 113(5), 372-391.


[5]. Al-Mansoori, H., & Abdullah, M. A.(2011). The Use of

Technology in Raising Awareness: An investigation into E-learning

Systems for Helping Children with Diabetes (Doctoral dissertation,

The British University in Dubai (BUiD).

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E-ISSN 2682-7573



Adida Muhammud, Hayati, UiTM Terengganu Branch Bukit Besi Campus

Adliin Abd. Majid, Sharifah Nurulhikmah Syed Ya
sin, Hasiah Mohamed & Norizan Mohamed

UiTM Terengganu Branch, Kuala Terengganu Campus

Food is what we consume to give us nutrients for growth, sustenance, and replacement of worn-out
tissues. When consumed regularly, food with little or no nutrients, or incomplete nutrients, will result in bad
health such as growth retardation, sicknesses, and loss of body immunity against diseases. Food
contamination is a contaminant, food hazard, or any foreign agent to the food that can negatively affect the
health of the consumer or be deleterious to human health, especially to children who are fragile and low in
immunity. Meanwhile, food hygiene is the group of measures needed to ensure food safety from farm to table,
from the moment the foods are obtained until they reach the final consumer. Therefore, food-borne diseases
are any disease caused by consuming contaminated food.

Contamination is the presence of chemical, physical and biological matter in the food or food environment.
Some several points along the food chains, contamination does occur are on the farm or in the fields, at the
slaughter plant, during processing, at the point of sale, before delivery, at home, and by customers because of
poor hygiene. Biological contamination is the most common type of food contamination and can have serious
consequences. It is usually hard to detect at first, but may result in spoiled food, food-borne illnesses, or even

Food poisoning among children is much more severe because the main risk of food poisoning is body fluid
dehydration and the main treatment to overcome this matter is to give the children plenty of water. Some other
severe conditions of food poisoning among children are gastroenteritis, a typical infection to their gut or
intestines. This usually causes diarrhea with or without being sick, like vomiting, nausea, and abdominal
cramping pain. In children, this situation becomes trauma to them and will take a long time to recover
physically and mentally.

Supposedly all kindergarten and childcare institutions understand and practice food hygiene preparations and
do Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP). Food hygiene practice is much more than cleanliness,
it includes all practices, precautions, and procedures involved in the cooking process. HACCP principles are
like any other general workplace Health and Safety Risk Assessment, but it’s specifically designed to keep the
food safe from biological, chemical, and physical food safety hazards.

The principles of HACCP are to identify hazards, set preventive measures, critical limits, monitoring system,
corrective measures, and control system or recording. This system allows any institution to anticipate
problems, as a prevention system, and if problems arise, it specifies what they should do. All food companies
and institutions require compliance to obtain safe food for the consumer’s health, especially for children in
kindergarten and childcare centers.

Staff must have proper training, especially in personal hygiene, food storage, food handling, and preparation
practice, including cleaning systems, pest control, and waste handling. Monitoring and enforcement must be
periodically done by the government authority to make sure our generations grow safe and healthy. Penalties
for employers and institutions, that do not practice food hygiene and safety are the loss of working days and
production, the closure of premises, a loss of business and reputations, civil actions, and loss of production

EETECH NEWS-1 2022| 18

E-ISSN 2682-7573



Manjakani, scientifically known as Quercus
infectoria, is one of the valuable medicinal
plants that are abundant and easily
available in Malaysia. It is traditionally used
as a herbal drink for women after childbirth
to restore the elasticity of the uterine wall,
treat the inflammatory disease [1], mouth
antiseptic, and cure the swelling of the
inflammation [2]. The potential of manjakani
in therapeutic and medical properties has
driven researchers and scientists to study
and investigate its active ingredients and
other beneficial application for humankind.
From the current findings, all the therapeutic
properties come from the bioactive
compounds contained in the galls. The most
essential and useful therapeutic properties
are antibacterial and wound healing. The
bioactive compound is an extra-nutritional
compound found in small quantities, which
provides health benefits beyond the
essential nutritional value of the product. Q.
infectoria was found to have several
bioactive compounds that contribute to its
superior antibacterial and wound healing

The extract of Q.infectoria was found could inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtillis, and Staphylococcus aureus. The
antibacterial activity of the extract might be influenced by the presence of valuable
bioactive compounds, which are gallic acid and tannic acid. These bioactive
compounds will destroy the cell walls of the bacteria, which will alter the
transportation of nutrients into the cell, thus hindering the growth of this

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Other than that, the extract of Q.infectoria also was found to stimulate the growth of
the fibroblast, which is one of the skin’s cells that contributes to the formation of
connective tissue that supports and connects other tissue or organs in the human
body. The potential of the extract to heal the wounded area was evaluated using
the scratch assay. In this assay, the fibroblast was scratched that mimic the
wounded area, and the images were captured at the beginning and at regular
intervals. After 24 hours, the migration of the cell to close the scratch was evaluated.
Surprisingly, the cell treated with the extract of Q.infectoria exhibited promising
findings where it could close the denuded area comparable with the cell treated
with the standard growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor. This therapeutic
activity of Q.infectoria is also contributed by its bioactive compounds found in the

Malaysia has abundant herbal and
medicinal plants that offer humankind
thousands of beneficial health effects. It is
an interesting and exciting journey for the
researcher and scholar to discover more
and more secrets hidden behind our
precious herbal and medicine plants.


1. Kaur, G., Hamid, H., Ali, A., Alam, M. S., and

Athar, M. (2004). Anti-inflammatory Evaluation

of Alcoholic Extract of Galls of Quercus

infectoria. Journal of Ethnopharmacology,

90(2-3): 285-292.
2.Chopra, R. N., Nayar. S. I., Chopra, I.C.

(1956). Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plant.

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
India, 208.

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E-ISSN 2682-7573


Nur 'Ainun Mokhtar

Facullty of Pharmacy,

UiTM Pulau Pinang Branch Bertam Campus

Chromolaena odorata (C. odorata) is a perennial shrub that grows abundantly
in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. It has different common names such as Siam
weed, triffid weed, communist weed, devil weed, bitter bush, French weed, and
Siam marijuana. In Malaysia it is popularly called "Daun Kapal Terbang".
Morphologically, C. odorata is a shrub with straight pithy, and brittle stems
with many branches and a capacity to grow up to 2 to 3 meters in height. This
common plant has leaves shaped like an arrowhead with veins that look fork-
like. In Malaysia, this plant can be abundantly found around bushes, palm oil
estate, roadside, in short, just about anywhere!

In agricultural point of view, C. odorata is considered one of the world’s worst
weeds. It continues to spread due to its effective short- and long-distance
dispersal. It can form established pure stands, often in disturbed areas,
grasslands, fallow areas, and forestry plantations, and is highly competitive.
According to a study conducted in 2018 [1], C. odorata is poisonous to livestock
as it has a high level of nitrates in the leaves and young shoots. However,
interestingly, a year later, in 2019, a study revealed that C. odorata has a
protective effect on arsenic-induced toxicity in albino rats [2]!

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C. odorata, despite its reputation as Despite this, very few commercial
an invasive weed, is no less beneficial products based on C.odorata
as a therapeutic herb. C. odorata is available on the market. Currently,
traditionally used to treat wounds in Eupolin is the only commercially
many Asian countries. Moreover, available product prepared using C.
most African countries have used odorata extract known. C. odorata's
this plant for various traditional reputation as an invasive weed
reasons, including treating diarrhea should not deter us from exploring
and skin problems. The leaves can be its medical properties, which could
applied directly to the affected area make it a friend rather than a foe.
of the skin for treatment. .
Over the year, C. Odorata's

potential in the medical world has [1] F. C. Ogbonne, N. P. Chidi, U. E. Roseline,
been studied extensively due to its F. C. Ogbonne, N. P. Chidi, and U. E.
distinctive characteristics. This Roseline, “Toxicological Assessment of
plant has been demonstrated to Chromoleana odorata on Clarias gariepinus
offer numerous pharmacological Juveniles,” Open J. Appl. Sci., vol. 8, no. 6, pp.
advantages such as analgesic, 271–283, Jun. 2018, doi:
wound healing activity, anti- 10.4236/OJAPPS.2018.86020.
inflammatory action. antidiabetic, [2] O. E. Ola-Davies and A. A. Oloye,
antibacterial, antioxidant, and “Phytomedical Potentials of Chromolaena
cytoprotective properties [3]. Odorata Against Arsenic-Induced Testicular
Toxicity In Wistar Rats,” Niger. J. Basic Appl.
Sci., vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 67–75, May 2020, doi:
[3] K. Vijayaraghavan, J. Rajkumar, S. N. A.
Bukhari, B. Al-Sayed, and M. A. Seyed,
“Chromolaena odorata: A neglected weed
with a wide spectrum of pharmacological
activities (Review),” Molecular Medicine
Reports, vol. 15, no. 3. Spandidos
Publications, pp. 1007–1016, Mar. 01, 2017,
doi: 10.3892/mmr.2017.6133.

EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 22

E-ISSN 2682-7573

Assoc Prof Dr Naimah Yaakob
Faculty of Electronic
INFECTIOUS VIRUSES: Engineering Technology
A PERSPECTIVE FOR COVID-19 Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Covid-19 has been classified by the

World Health Organization (WHO)
as the most alarming and deadliest Figure 1:Internet-of-Medical-Things [2]
disease outbreak in the medical
history of WHO [1]. It has caused This could be realized through Internet-of-
more than 500 million confirmed Medical-Things (IoMT) [2] systems such as
cases, with more than 6 million remote healthcare monitoring. Additionally, such
deaths as of May 2022. Its early a system helps to minimize the risk to frontliners.
contagious stage has caused a sudden Considering the nature of Covid-19 virus
surge in infection rates and collapsed transmission, developing a wearable device can
most healthcare systems worldwide, minimize on-site inspection, reducing the
exhaustively straining both resources transmission risk. These include smartwatches,
and medical workers. As the nature wristbands, bracelets, and rings, as shown in
of this virus spreads the disease Figure 2. As many people nowadays are into
through direct contact and touch of smart wearable devices (40 million users
respiratory droplets, one of the main including Garmins and Apple watches) to track
challenges facing health authorities is their fitness activities and improve lifestyle, they
to physically diagnose patients could also be used to flag early indicators for
without knowing if they have already Covid-19 or detect other infectious viruses.
been infected. A patient may already
be in the infectious stage, risking
transmission to the attending medical
staff. This unprecedented situation
urges the critical need for advanced
medical services to facilitate remote
health monitoring, enabling early
symptom detection and effective

EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 23

E-ISSN 2682-7573

These devices should be able to collect human In contrast, in the subsequent phase, alert and
physiological signals such as body temperature, notification might be triggered when some
SPO2 level, and heart rate, which are vital indicators readings exceed the pre-defined threshold. The
for Covid-19 detection. These signals can be subsequent phase consists of cloud integration and
continuously sent and monitored through an developing a healthcare monitoring system.
integrated cloud system for diagnosis by medical Doctors can directly observe patients’ conditions
practitioners. Spike readings in temperature and as either low, mid, or high risk based on data
heart rate from wearable devices are an earlier classification by the microprocessors. When
indicator of Covid-19 infection. Moreover, when
classified as high risk, immediate action should be
paired with GPS, the devices can also be used for taken to save the patient’s life.
automatic contact tracing, which would help further
contain the virus where it can urge people to self-
quarantine when in close contact with positive
Covid-19 patients.

These devices can at least detect a sign of illness by
giving earlier notification when any sensed readings
are out of normal range. Not only can they be used
as fitness trackers, but at the same time improve the
current healthcare system.

The development of IoMT-based healthcare systems Figure 2: Examples of smart wearable devices
should include several vital phases; among them for Covid-19 symptom detection [3][4]
involve data acquisition which collects readings
from various sensors and sends them for processing
by selected microprocessors. The next phase might
consist of data classification and symptom detection
by microprocessors.

[1] WHO, “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic” accessed by 25th May 2022.
[2] Niamh Marriott, Digital, “Why the Internet of Medical Things is the future of healthcare”,, Accessed by 27th May 2022
[3] Hanae Armitage, “Smartwatch can detect early signs of illness”,

detect-early-signs-of-illness.html Accessed by 27th May 2022
[4] Corrine Reichert, “NBA players could wear smart ring to track COVID-19 symptoms as the season resumes”,

world/, Accessed by 27th May 2022

EETECH NEWS-1 2022 | 24

E-ISSN 2682-7573

Nur Idawati Md Enzai

School of Electrical Engineering,
UiTM Terengganu Branch Dungun Campus



1. 1.I. Asimov, "three laws of robotics," Asimov, I. Runaround, 1941.
2. 2.A. Boyer and F. Farzaneh, "Towards an Ethic of Robotics," Journal of
Organizational Psychology, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 84-100, 2021.
E-ISSN 2682-7573 3.K. Bentaïed, "The augmented human and artificial intelligence:

what ethic for the human of the future? The example of the
exoskeleton," Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics, vol. 48, pp.
63-67, 2020.

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