The Rural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 63 Years of Community Service!”
Volume 64, No. 18 Columbia Station, Ohio October 29, 2018
For Halloween Trick-or-Treat times see our Events Page 2
WHS Homecoming King & Queen LifeSpring Community Church builds new “Ark” playground
This past Sunday, LifeS-
pring Community Church
dedicated a new playground
that the men of the church
constructed. The church is
strengthening their fami-
ly-oriented ministry and
desires to provide a “safe
place” for families and
children to grow and learn.
During the service, Pastor
John Baker spoke as to why
build an ark? He stated that
the Ark is a symbol of great
need. Our communities are
hurting with crime rising,
drug abuse erupting and
families splitting. He con-
tinued, “the ark is a symbol
of hope that broken lives
and wounded souls can be
Congratulations to Wel- mended.” He stated that the
lington High School 2018- ark is a symbol of safety be-
19 Homecoming King cause the church should be
Cameron Lara standing with a safe place for everyone,
Taylor Curtis, who accepted where you will not suffer Children enjoy the new “Ark” addition at LifeSpring Community Church.
the award for her friend and criticism, negativity, gossip
classmate, Homecoming or backstabbing. He went have the power to do life The service concluded everyone present. The pub-
Queen Landry Cole who on to discuss how the ark is differently. Finally, he stat- with a time of dedication lic is welcome to visit the
was not able to attend the a symbol of salvation and ed that the ark reminds us around the newly construct- ark at the church’s 1638
ceremony. a symbol of a new day. No that within the walls of the ed ark and a dinner in which Lester Road location in Val-
Shown left is Laudry one has to be trapped in old church there should be room the church families brought ley City. For more informa-
Cole, WHS 2018-19 Home- patterns and lifestyles, but for everyone. plenty of food to share with tion, visit
coming Queen. can enter a new day and
Get protected from Columbia Youth Travel Soccer returns
vaccine-preventable diseases
Protect against vaccine-preventable diseases, including Columbia Youth Soccer
shingles, whooping cough (pertussis) and meningitis. Lo- rejuvenated U9, U10 and
rain County Public Health (LCPH) offers recommended U13 travel teams this year. It
vaccines for children, teens and adults at locations across has been several years since
the county. Vaccine appointments can be made at (440) 284- Columbia has fielded travel
3206; walk-ins are also welcome. Clinics this November: teams. The Columbia U10
• Weekdays, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Lorain County Public Travel Soccer team finished
Health, 9880 South Murray Ridge Road, Elyria. No clinics 2nd in the Lorain County
on November 22 or 23 in observance of Thanksgiving Day. Soccer Fall Classic after a
Extended vaccine clinic hours on November 7 - 6 p.m. hard-fought loss to Oberlin
• Wednesday, November 14, 2-5:30 p.m. Wellington in the championship game.
Town Hall, 115 Willard Memorial Square, Wellington. The team finished the regu-
• Wednesday, November 21, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 1-3 lar season in 1st place with
p.m. Avon VFW, 36950 Mills Road, Avon. a 6-1-1 record. This earned
• Wednesday, November 28, 2-5:30 p.m. Lorain County them the top seed in their
Free Clinic, 5040 Oberlin Ave., Lorain. division for the tournament.
Bring vaccine record, if available, insurance card and The coach thanks you for all
cash, check or Visa/MasterCard. All children under age 18 the hard work and dedica-
must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. LCPH par- tion you put in this season.
ticipates in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program. No Pictured is the Columbia U10 Travel Team (L-R): Mackenzie Kovachy, Claire Bodo, Donavin
child in the VFC program is denied vaccine for inability to Friscone, Anthony Demagall, Ryan Borczuch, Evan Joreski, Peyton Gorczyca and Alex Congratulations to ev-
pay. For more information, contact Lorain County Public Kihorany. Missing from the photo are Micah Davison and Natalie Miller. eryone!
Health at (440) 322-6367 or visit
Community Directory
Get Ready
for Winter PGS 9-11 Carlisle 16 Grafton Twp. 15 Events page 2
LaGrange 8
Columbia 4
Profile Page 13
Wellington 12
Eaton 16
Grafton 14 Churches 6 Classified 17
Lundy Listens
to Our Rural Families!
Paid for by Families for Lundy
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018
LOCAL Trick or Treat
October 27 November 3 November 10
Halloween Craft Show Angels Haven Horse Rescue Marine Corps Birthday Oct 31, 6:00-7:30pm Oct 31, 6:00-8:00pm
Selection of Local arts, crafts, Reverse Raffle Benefit Breakfast • Grafton • Wellington
home decor, food and more! Enjoy dinner, wine, beer, side FREE Breakfast for Marine Vet- • Columbia Station
Hosted by Handmade Art boards, raffle baskets, enter- erans and other Army, Navy, Air • Lagrange • Carlisle Twp • Eaton Twp
Events Cleveland Interested tainment and more! Please Call Force & Coast Guard Veterans. • North Ridgeville
vendors email: t.jedryczka01@ 440-781-5060 for tickets. $90/ We will have a guest speaker &, 440-897-3301 couple or $70 each. Come out Birthday cake for the youngest
Holy Trinity Lutheran and help support the horses! and oldest Marine. November 10 November 11 November 17
6220 Broadview Rd., Advertising Opp available. AMVETS Post 32 Hall
Parma Ruby’s Hall 11087 Middle Ave., Afternoon with an Jr. Turkey Trot Chicken Dinner
10:00am - 3:00pm 36709 Royalton Rd., Elyria Angel Reader This 1/2 mile fun run is open for Scalloped Potatoes, Corn, Sal-
Grafton Doors open: 7:30am Visit with Psychic Medium, An- kids 12-under. The course will ad, Rolls, Dessert & Beverages.
Adults $10, (6-12) $4, (5 & un-
travel around the friendly con-
gel Reader and Author Laura
October 27-28 6:00pm Holiday Boutique Lyn. Register online at www. fines of the Hollstein Reserva- der) Free, Handicap Accessible
& Take-out available. For info
tion, with all finishers receiving or at the library.
IX Trick or Treat Street Over 80 local artist, crafters, Midview Middle School a ribbon and post-race snack. call 440-926-2209.
Bring your kids in their Hallow- vendors, concession, raffles & 12865 Grafton Rd, For more information call (440) Belden UMC
een costumes for a day full of Scholastic Book Fair! Admiss $1 Grafton 984-3470 Ext. 226. 36130 St. Rt. 303,
Halloween fun with amusement or a non-perishable food item. 1:00pm - 3:00pm Mercy Health & Rec. Grafton
park rides, candy stations, live Proceeds to benefit John Knox 47160 Hollstein Dr., 5:00pm - 7:00pm
entertainment and more! The preschool. Amherst
street is safe, the fun is non- November 6 John Knox Pres. Church Nov. 10-11 12:00pm
stop, and the weather is always 25200 Lorain Rd., November 18
nice! Tickets at IX Center or Election Day Bake Sale North Olmsted Medina Gun Show
Drug Mart. Homemade baked goods and 9:00am - 3:00pm There are 450 tables of dis- Nov. 16-18 Thanksgiving Art &
IX Center sandwiches from Chick-fil-a plays. Whether you are a col- Craft Fair
One I-X Center Drive, will be available. The NECC lector, hunter or target shooter IX Christmas Connection Beautiful Art, Crafts, Home De-
Cleveland Youth are raising money to everyone will find something to With vendors from 35 states, live cor, Holiday Gifts and more...
11:00am - 7:00pm help the NECC Roof Fund and catch their eye! $7 Admission. holiday entertainment, also gift Hosted by Handmade Art
help cover the cost of Youth Medina Fairgrounds wrapping and the Shop and Drop Events Cleveland Interested
events coming up in 2019. 735 Lafayette Road, are available! Bring the kids to vendors email: t.jedryczka01@
November 3 N. Eaton Christian Church Medina Santaland, where parents and, 440-897-3301.
children can visit Santa, shop
Middleburg Hts Rec Center
Winter Wonderland 35895 Royalton Rd., Country Craft Bazaar Sat: 9-5pm, Sun: 9-3pm in the Sugar Plum Shoppe, and 16000 E. Bagley Rd.,
Craft & Vendor Show During Polling Hours Homemade Creative Crafts mail letters to the North Pole. Middleburg Hts.
Free Admission. Handmade (while supplies last) and Goods. *Trash & Treasure November 11 IX Center 12:00pm - 4:00pm
crafts, jewelry, home decor, *Kid’s Room *Bake Sale *Lunch One I-X Center Drive,
health and wellness, cooking Counter * Craft Tables *Santa. Lorain Musuem Gift Shop Cleveland
and more! Find us on Facebook: North Ea- See new wall art by Ohio Craft- Fri & Sat: 10-8pm,
Cambria Hotel & Suites ton Christian Church ers, new note cards and post- Sun: 10-5pm
35600 Detroit Rd., N. Eaton Christian Church cards, family history kits for chil-
Avon 35895 Royalton Rd., dren and adults, Lorain-themed
handthrown pottery mugs and Advertise Your Event!
9:00am - 3:00pm Grafton
9:00am - 3:00pm crocks, new lighthouse design
ornaments, Kelly Boyer Sagert’s • Event Name
Midwest Gerbil Show Holiday Craft Show new book, “Hidden History of
Sponsored by the American Nov. 9-11 Art, Crafts, Christmas Decor, Lorain County”, and don’t for- • Description of Event
Gerbil Society. Admission $5 or Homemade goods and more... get our fabulous “Lorain Eats!” (Includes up to 25 Words)
$25 for a family. For more in- Quilt Show Hosted by Handmade Art Cookbook!! • Date
formation Over 150 plus quilts from an- Events Cleveland Interested 329 West 10th Street, • Location
DoubleTree Hilton tique to modern. Quilts of Valor vendors email: t.jedryczka01@ Lorain
1100 Crocker Rd., featured. Lunch, desserts and, 440-897-3301. 10:00am - 4:00pm • Time
Westlake beverages for purchase. Door • Website (if needed)
prize, Chinese Auction & Quilt Ridgewood UMC
11:00am - 5:00pm Raffle. $5 Admission. 6330 Ridge Rd.,
New Russia Twp Lodge Parma • There is a cost to advertise
46300 Butternut Ridge 10:00am - 3:00pm • Restrictions apply to certain events,
Oberlin call to check!
Fri & Sat: 10-6pm,
Sun: 10-4pm Call: 440-236-5103
Ladies Auxiliary of Post 717 presents:
November 10, 2018, Doors open at 6pm
American Legion Post 717
8820 Bender Road
Tickets online at:
$10 advanced, $13 at the door
Big ring wrestling, raffles and so much more!
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018 Page 3
HOURS Sale Good - Now Hiring -
Mon & Thurs..................9-9pm Through Date SERVICE TECH
Tues, Wed & Fri.............9-6pm of Publication
Saturday........................9-5pm Call Chad
Sunday......................CLOSED 440-366-3673 1115 East Broad St. 440-366-FORD(3673)
CURRENT SERVICE Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm 1115 EAST BROAD ST
Sat 8:00 am - 12 noon
SPECIAL Same Day Service Appointments Available ELYRIA 366-FORD (3673)
Quick Lube - No Appointment Necessary
LORAIN 233-7402
on the purchase of four
tires from these brands:
• Bridgestone
• LOW PRICE TIRE GUARANTEE on all tires every day, up to 30 days after the • Continental
sale. We beat any competitor’s pricing on the tires we sell.
• Dunlop
• Tire rebates can be applied to an Owner Advantage Rewards account. • Goodyear
• Hankook
• Michelin
• Pirelli
• PLUS an added $70 Rebate for new or existing Ford Service and Quick Lane • Yokohama
Service Credit Card holders when the entire purchase is on the card. • Nitto
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018 Veterans Day Celebration Facebook page or tweet your November 3, from 11 a.m.-1
Columbia NEWS picture at the library (@Lo- p.m. Celebrate the 15th anni-
rainLibrary). All social me-
versary of the renovation and
Copopa’s Veterans Day celebration will be held this year
Julie Petras on Friday, November 9, at 9:30 a.m. at Copopa Elementary dia entries should include expansion of the Columbia
[email protected] School. We will provide a continental breakfast for our local #LPLSDinovember. Submit- Branch Library in the build-
ing on West River Rd. Join us
ting a picture constitutes your
CHS Weekly Calendar veterans and families in the Copopa lunchroom at 8:45 a.m. consent for the Lorain Public for a fun afternoon of music,
Veterans will be able to eat breakfast with their Copopa student,
Library System to use it at
stories, displays and games.
Monday, October 29: if they wish. Please RSVP to (440) 236-5020 and let us know if any of their locations, on their The Columbia Library is
you will be coming for breakfast and who your Copopa student
6 p.m. Boys Soccer banquet - cafeteria. is that will be joining you for breakfast! website & social media sites located at 13824 W. River
Wednesday, October 31: and in publicity to promote Road North, in Columbia Sta-
Academic Fees due. Engagement Announcement the library. tion. To register for programs
Thursday, November 1: Library’s 15th Anniver- of for more information, call
6:30 p.m. Costa Rica Trip meeting. sary Celebration - Saturday, (440) 236-8751.
7 p.m. Columbia Athletic Booster meeting.
Friday, November 2: Columbia BOE meeting
End of first grading period.
The October 17 work session and regular meeting of the
Saturday, November 3: Columbia Board of Education was called to order at 6:02 p.m.
SAT testing - not on site. in Room 20 of the Columbia Middle School. The following
Columbia Historical Society Board Members were present: Mrs. Megan Champagne, Mr.
Stephen Coleman, Mrs. Blanche Nemeth, Mr. Shawn Ondrejko
The Columbia Historical Society will hold its November and Mr. Wayne Brassell. Treasurer Patricia Eddy and the Local
meeting on Tuesday, November 13, in the Columbia Town Superintendent Graig Bansek were also present.
Hall, 25496 Royalton Road. Social with refreshments is at 7 At the work session, discussions/presentations were held
p.m. and the program begins at 7:30 p.m. Jim Smith will on Report Cards by Carrie Atkinson and Preschool by Graig
present a program about the home front during World War II. Bansek.
The regular session was called to order at 7:03 p.m. and
Feel free to share any memorabilia or memories of that war the minutes from the September 19 Work Session and Regular
era. At the business portion of the meeting, they will continue Meeting were approved.
to update you on the restoration of Bronson House and look Approved Treasurer’s Report and Recommendations:
forward to your input. •Approved receipts, expenditures and balances for the
Free Hot Meal & Food Pantry month ending September 30, 2018, as presented by the Trea-
On Saturday, November 3, a free hot meal will be served •Accepted the following donations: Columbia Athletic
and a perishable foods pantry will be available at New Life Boosters - $598 for two iPads; Columbia Athletic Boosters -
Wesleyan Church from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. This is a monthly event $350 for Boys Basketball practice gear; Columbia Band Boost-
held the first Saturday of every month. The meal and food pan- ers - $650 for the purchase of a Marimba; ClearView Church
try (featuring fresh perishable foods) is available at no charge - $500 to Columbia Middle School; ClearView Church - $500
to all local residents. Angela Taylor and Jon Suntala to Columbia High School; ClearView Church - $500 to Copopa
Elementary School; Keith and Terri McCollough - $25 to the
The church is located at 11149 West River Road, in Co-
lumbia Station. For more information, please contact Kathy at It is with great pleasure that Mr. & Mrs. Len Taylor of Co- Class of 2021; Mr. and Mrs. Darryn Davis - $25 to the Class
of 2021; Vance and Kelly Wilson - $25 to the Class of 2021;
(440) 840-2923 or Susan at (216) 906-5091. lumbia Station announce the engagement of their daughter, An- Frank and Kristin Colorito - $25 to the Class of 2021; Brassell
Sports Parent meeting/pictures gela Taylor, to Jon Suntala, son of Mr. & Mrs. Mike Suntala of Consultants LLC - $500 for the Bronson House renovations.
Berea (formerly of Columbia Station).
Angela is a 2006 graduate of Columbia High School and •Approved the October submission of the 5-year
Presentations and Committee Reports:
There will be a Winter Sports Parents meeting on Wednes- holds a Master’s degree in Accounting from Cleveland State
•Buildings and Grounds Update - Wayne Brassell: Evalu-
day, November 7, at 7 p.m. in the High School cafeteria for all University. She is employed at The Sherwin-Williams Compa- ated all Permanent/Capital improvement needs of the district.
high school parents of winter sports athletes. There will be a ny, headquartered in downtown Cleveland, as a Senior Finan- •Policy Committee Update - Megan Champagne: Majority
general session to go over rules and regulations from OHSAA cial Analyst. of the changes in the policies are changes that are mandated
and to review the parent student athletic handbook. Coaches of Jon is a 2003 graduate of Columbia High School and re- by law.
individual teams will have an opportunity to meet with team ceived his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Mount Community Input and Communications:
parents in designated areas immediately following the general Union. He is employed by The Spyglass Group LLC in West- •Columbia Youth Basketball - Request to use the Columbia
meeting. On Friday, November 16, all high school winter sports lake as the Director of Audit & Analysis. Middle School cafeteria and gymnasium for Saturday basket-
team/individual pictures will be taken. All participants should Jon proposed to Angela while vacationing in Florence, Ita- ball practices, December 8, 2018 through March 16, 2019, 9
receive order information and a time schedule for team/group ly, in September. A wedding date will soon be set by the happy a.m.-4 p.m. Approved at the cost of highest custodial rate per
and individual pictures from their coaches/advisors. Please di- couple! hour.
rect any questions to your child’s respective coach/advisor. Board Comments/Items:
Columbia Library •Mr. Ondrejko discussed the pros and cons of video taping
Columbia Branch Librar y Waist Watchers - Mon- the Board meetings.
Superintendent’s Report and Recommendation:
•Awarded the following teacher supplemental contracts for
days, October 29, November the 2018/19 school year, pending ESC, ORC, OHSAA and Dis-
12, 19 & 26 and December
th 3 & 10, from 6:30-7:15 p.m. trict requirements: Patrick Kilpatrick, CMS Assistant Athletic
Director - Winter (half-time), Step 5; Randy Hershey, CMS
Join in on our video led fit-
Assistant Athletic Director - Winter (half-time), Step 5.
ness activity for beginners.
•Awarded the following employee supplemental contracts
Preregistration required.
Monster Mash Bash - for the 2018/19 school year, pending ESC, ORC, OHSAA and
Tuesday, October 30, from District requirements: Taylor Beck, Grade 8 Boys Basketball
Coach, Step 1.
10:15-11:15 a.m. The goblins •Employed Alicia Olson as a Cleaner, Step 0, 5½ hours per
are haunting, the monsters day, assigned to CMS, effective October 10, 2018, pending
will mash. It’s time to get to- ESC, ORC and District requirements.
gether for a Halloween Bash! •Employed the following as classified substitute employees
Children ages 3-6 and their for the 2018/19 school year, pending ESC, ORC and District
caregivers are invited to join requirements: Carrie Demagall, Maria Kittelberger, Alexandra
us for some Halloween fun. Lehmann and Sarah Arcuri.
This program is co-sponsored Business Affairs:
by The Friends of the Colum- •Contracted with Valerie Purtilo to provide teacher/con-
bia Library, Inc. Preregistra- sultant services for district blind or visually impaired students
tion required. during the 2018/19 school year at an hourly rate of $88.
Haunted Escape Room •Accepted the following as volunteers working with dis-
- Tuesday, October 30, from trict athletic programs during the 2018/19 school year, pending
4-5 p.m. Teens, the library ESC, ORC, OHSAA and District requirements: Stephen Cole-
Escape Room is back, but this man, CMS Basketball and Brian Kelley, CHS Basketball.
time with a haunted twist! Put Policies:
your puzzle solving and code •Accepted the following policy to be submitted to the Policy
breaking skills to the test as Committee for review/revision: IKFA, Early Graduation.
•Adopted the following policies as reviewed/revised by the
you try to crack the unsolv- Policy Committee: BDDG Minutes; DBD Budget Planning
able and mysterious lockbox. (Five-Year Forecast); DECA Administration of Federal Grant
Spooky scenarios and puzzles Funds; DJ Purchasing; DJB Petty Cash Accounts; DJC Bid-
will be presented and groups ding Requirements; DJF Purchasing Procedures; DJF-R Pur-
will be challenged to solve chasing Procedures; DJH Credit Cards; EBBA First Aid; EFF
the puzzles within set time Food Sale Standards; EFG Wellness Program; GA Personnel
limits. Can you solve the puz- Policies Goals; GBI Staff Gifts and Solicitations; GBIA On-
zle fast enough? Preregistra- line Fund-raising Campaigns/Crowdfunding (also IGDFA);
tion required. GCB-1 Professional Staff Contracts and Compensation Plans
Dinovember Photo Con- (Teachers); GCB-2 Professional Staff Contracts and Compen-
test - Thursday, November 1. sation Plans (Administrators); GCD Professional Staff Hiring;
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 • 11 A.M. – 1 P.M. The dinosaurs are back and GDB Support Staff Contracts and Compensation Plans; IGDF
getting into more mischief Student Fund-raising Activities; IGDJ Interscholastic Athlet-
while the library is closed. ics; JECBB Interdistrict Open Enrollment; JECBD Intradistrict
Join us to celebrate the 15 anniversary of the renovation and Send us a picture of what Open Enrollment; JED Student Absences and Excuses; JFCF
dinosaurs do at your house Hazing and Bullying (Harassment, Intimidation and Dating Vi-
expansion of the Columbia Branch Library on West River Road! overnight. The best entry will olence3); JFCJ Weapons in the Schools; JG Student Discipline;
win a prize. Dinosaurs only JGD Student Suspension; JGDA Emergency Removal of a Stu-
We’ll have lots of activities including a library trivia contest, A PROUD BRANCH OF please, no humans. Cre- dent; JGE Student Expulsion; JHCA Physical Examinations
of Students; JP Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports
music, face painting, balloon animals, stories and games. atively silly dinos will score (Restraint and Seclusion); BB School Board Legal Status; EBC
the highest with our judges! Emergency Management and Safety Plans; IGD Co-curricular
Enter the chili cookoff for a chance to win a Gibb’s gift certificate! Entries will be accepted from and Extracurricular Activities; JFC Student Conduct (Zero Tol-
daybreak on Nov. 1 through erance); KH Public Gifts to the District; KI Public Solicita-
Meet Browser, the library mascot! Parents — bring your kids’ the evening of Dec. 1. Please tions in the Schools; KJ Advertising in the Schools; Tabled the
old Halloween costumes for a costume swap with other parents! indicate how you would like following policies - KG Community Use of School Premises,
your photo credited. Full
KG-R Community Use of School Facilities, KG-R-1 Commu-
13824 W. River Road North,
Cosponsored by The Friends of the Columbia Library, Inc. Columbia Station, OH 44028 last names will not be used. nity Use of School facilities Rental Rates.
440-236-8751 Email [email protected], post
your photo to the library’s SEE COLUMBIA BOE ON PAGE 7
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018 Page 5
The Columbia Community
November 10 , 2018
Historic Columbia Ballroom
6:00pm - Cocktails & Hor D’oeuvres
7:00pm - Opening Remarks
7:30pm - Dinner
8:30pm - Dancing, Live and Silent Auctions
Entertainment provided by Sound Precision
Auctioneer for the evening will be John Coss.
Valet Parking provided by 5 Star Valet
Scott’s Party Rental will be providing Entrance Tents
and Lighting
For more information and reservations,
please visit our website at
or call 440-236-8000
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018
The Rural-Urban Record Election Day Soup n’ Things
Please join us for lunch or dinner at Columbia United Meth-
Published Weekly on Monday odist Church on Election Day, November 6, from 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter for our annual Soup n’ Things. We will have a variety of soups,
Founders 1955 sandwiches, salads, desserts and beverages available. Our soups
Lee Boise, Publisher & President are all homemade. We will have carry-out, too.
Columbia United Methodist Church is located at 25453 Roy-
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 alton Road, in Columbia Station. For more information, call
Mailing Address: (440) 236-8822.
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 45 Anniversary Celebration
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station Christian Unity Church, located at 36353 Capel Road, in
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 Grafton is having their 45 Anniversary Celebration - Friends
Email: [email protected] and Family Day on Sunday, November 4. All are welcome to
Website: attend morning worship at 10 a.m., with a special singing by
The Sword Family and preaching by Rev. Eugene Crouch, fol-
DEADLINE: lowed by lunch at noon. The afternoon service at 2 p.m. will
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm include another special singing by The Sword Family and the
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1 Church Singers. Pastor Neal Brock invites everyone to come
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year and join in their celebration!
Service of Hope & Remembrance
GriefShare - Surviving the Holidays LaPorte United Methodist Church invites the community to St. Elizabeth
No matter how long it’s been since your loved one died, join them in an annual “Service of Hope and Remembrance” Ann Seton
grief can make the holidays a painful time, but there is hope. for those who have experienced the death of a friend or fam- Catholic Parish
Join us for an encouraging 5-week session that will help you ily member. The event is on Sunday, November 4, at 11 a.m.
25801 Royalton Rd.
survive the holidays and discover new reasons to enjoy them A Tureen dinner will be available following the service in the Columbia Station, OH
again! You are welcome to bring a friend. Don’t let your grief Fellowship Hall. LaPorte United Methodist Church is located Sacrament of Reconciliation
steal the joy of this Holiday season! Join us at Christ Church on at 2071 Grafton Road, in Elyria. For more information, call (Confession)
Tuesdays, beginning November 13: mornings, 10-11:30 a.m.; (440) 458-5717. Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
evenings, 6:30-8 p.m. The church is located at 23080 Royal- Gentle Woman Fellowship Anytime by Appointment
ton Rd., in Columbia Station. For more information, call (440) Weekend Masses
Sat. 5 p.m.
236-8282, or visit and click on ‘Holidays.’ All men and women are invited to this month’s gatherhing Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
Chicken Dinner of Gentle Woman Fellowship, an inter-parish women’s group
that meets on the first Fridays at Saint Clarence Parish Center,
On Saturday, November 17, Belden United Methodist located at 30106 Lorain Road, in North Olmsted. On Friday,
November 2, the schedule of events begin with a Prayer to the
Church, located at 36160 St. Rt. 303, in Grafton, will host a Holy Rosary at 9:30 a.m. followed by Holy Mass at 10 a.m. and NORTH “Welcome Home”
chicken dinner from 5-7 p.m. The dinner is open to the public coffee or tea and a snack at about 10:50 a.m. This month’s Mass EATON New Life Wesleyan Church
and will include chicken, scalloped potatoes, corn, tossed salad, is for the repose of the soul of Father Tom Flynn, who start- CHRISTIAN
rolls, dessert and beverages. The cost of the dinner is $10 for ed St. Clarence Parish and passed away during the end of the 11149 West River Rd.
adults, $4 for children 6-12 years old and free for 5 years and summer. He graciously gave our Gentle Woman group a place CHURCH Columbia Station
under. For those special needs, elevator is available. to have our gatherings when it came into existence some forty (Disciples)
Tickets and reservations are available after church services years ago! He was a dearly loved priest who is greatly missed. Rt. 82 & 83 SUNDAY 9 am
by calling the church office at (440) 926-2209 or at the door. After the Mass and snack, Theresa Linden, author of the 440-748-2230 Adult Bible Study
Take-out will be available. award-winning Battle for His Soul and Roland West, Loner, SUNDAY 10 am
Ladies Advent Bible Study two books in her Catholic teen fiction series, will give us a pre- Worship Services Worship & Children’s Church
sentation. A wife, homeschooling mom and Secular Franciscan,
8:00 am & 10:30 am
she loves to bring the unique elements of our Catholic faith WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm
A Ladies Advent Bible Study will be held on Wednesdays, alive through her stories. Theresa’s current talk is titled, “The Sunday School Bible Study
from 7-8 p.m. and Thursdays, from 9:30-10:30 a.m., from No- Power of a Story in the Life of Faith.” In this talk, she’ll share 9:00 am Youth Group, Kids Club
vember 7-December 4 at LifeSpring Community Church, 1683 the miracle that led to her first adoption and explain why stories Polly Tallos
Lester Rd., in Valley City. Women of all ages are welcome to can be powerful to our faith and others’ faith. Christian Ed. & Youth Director Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
attend. For more information and study guides, call (330) 483- For more information, contact Mary Hoover at (330) 636- Rev. David Chafin Rev. John Bodo
4774. 1698 or Mary Tschanz at (440) 235-6258. No reservations are Interim Minister - Associate Pastor
Chicken Paprikash Dinner needed. 440-236-8600
First Congregation UCC, located at 140 S. Main St., in Wel- A Magnificent Presentation
lington, will have a homemade Chicken Paprikash & Spaetzle Results from attending this presentation with its scientific
Dinner, on Saturday, November 3, from 5-7 p.m. The dinner in- evidence are what so many of us have been praying for! Rela- GRAFTON UNITED
cludes green beans, salad, dinner roll and homemade desserts. tives and friends are having a conversion from being non-prac- 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
Cost is $10 per person. Call Sandy Hurst at (440) 647-3347 for ticing Catholics, Protestants, non-denominational people, ag- 10:00am Worship
reservations. nostic persons and even atheists to becoming Catholics and Children’s Wednesday Program
Bible Study “Feeding Your Soul” practicing Catholics! Tim Francis, the host of the presentation. COLUMBIA UNITED Gr. 3-12, 4:30-6:30pm
Dinner Included
He shares his quest for truth including amazing film clips which
Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
Just like your body needs food every day, your soul needs to have resulted in him and many others converting to the Roman METHODIST
be fed to stay healthy. Hope is what energizes the soul. When Catholic Church/becoming a more devout Catholic. Come to Church of Christ
you run low on hope you can become discouraged, even desper- this presentation (Do you believe in Miracles?). You can hear it CHURCH
ate. Faith is what gives us hope. Faith comes from being in a re- on either of the following dates: Monday, October 29 and Tues- Worship Service Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
lationship with God and His Word. Pastor David Walker, Belden day, October 30, from 6:30-9 p.m. at St. Bernadette Catholic 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
United Methodist Church, will host a 4-week Bible Study ti- Church on 2256 Clague Road, in Westlake. Sunday School Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
tled “Feeding Your Soul” on Tuesday evenings, from 6:30-7:30 during Worship Service 211 Forest St., LaGrange
p.m. The class dates are October 30, November 6, 13 and 20. Knights of Columbus Turkey Raffle 25453 ROYALTON ROAD 440-355-6872
The class will cover four topics: “How to Find Rest,” “Spiri- The Knights of Columbus North Ridgeville Council #7970 COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO
tual Growth,” “Freedom in Christ” and “Understanding God’s is having their annual turkey raffle on Sunday, November 11, in ST. JOHN
Plan for Me.” We will also discuss John Wesley’s thoughts on the St. Peter School gym. Doors will open at 5 p.m. Admission Pastor Matt Merriman LUTHERAN CHURCH
how we should read our Bibles. All are welcome. The church is is free. They will have door prizes, turkeys, fruit baskets, hams, 236-8822 1140 W. River N.•Elyria •324-4070
located at 36130 St. Rt. 303, in Grafton. Call them at (440) 926- cheese wheels, sausages and a 50/50 raffle. The kitchen will [email protected] SERVICE TIMES:
2209 or visit be open, so come hungry, have some fun and help support the 5:00pm Saturday
9:00am Sunday
Stag Kielbasa Dinner grant fund for St. Peter School. St. Peter School is located at Rev. Bill Mugnolo
35777 Center Ridge Rd, in North Ridgeville.
The Holy Name Society of Our Lady Queen of Peace is hav- United Church of God
ing its annual all-you-can eat Stag Kielbasa Dinner on Satrur- Mark Allan Chapman performs 12981 Grafton Rd.
Grafton, Oh 44044
day, November 3, from 5:30-8 p.m. at the parish hall, at 708
Erie St., in Grafton. Tickets for door prize drawing and cash Sugar Ridge Baptist Church presents Mark Allan Chapman Sabbath Services
drawing ($500 1st prize, $200 2nd prize) are $1. Dinner tickets in concert on Sunday, November 4, at 11 a.m. The church is Saturdays at 12:30 pm
are $8. Tickets are available at the door and after mass. There located at 36600 Sugar Ridge Rd., in North Ridgeville. For
will be a cash bar open. more information, call (440) 327-9465.
FUNERAL HOME & Our Lady Queen of Peace
Catholic Church
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Executive Session: Columbia K-8 Lunch Menu Girl Scouts visit greenhouse
Entered Executive Session at 8:25 p.m. to consider the fol- Week of November 5-9:
lowing action(s) with respect to a public employee or official: Monday: No School.
Appointment, Promotion, Employment, Demotion, Dismissal,
Compensation Discipline. Tuesday: Breakfast - Mini Cinni’s; Lunch - Choice of maca-
Investigation of charges or complaints: Preparing for, con- roni and cheese, or turkey and cheese wrap, or popcorn chicken
ducting or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with salad w/roll, with broccoli and pears.
public employees concerning their compensation or other terms Wednesday: Breakfast - Breakfast sandwich; Lunch -
and conditions of their employment. Choice of chicken nuggets w/ roll, or turkey and cheese wrap,
Reconvened from Executive Session at 10:03 p.m. Meeting or popcorn chicken salad w/roll with waffle fries and peaches.
adjourned at 10:04 p.m. Thursday: Breakfast - Mini Pancakes; Lunch - Choice of
Submitted by Patricia Cieslak, Secretary to the Superinten- pancake wrap, or turkey and cheese wrap, or popcorn chicken
dent, Columbia Local Schools salad w/roll with hashrown and mandarin oranges.
Friday: Breakfast - breakfast bosco; Lunch - choice of piz-
za, or turkey and cheese wrap, or popcorn chicken salad w/roll
with mixed vegetables and apricots.
Assorted veggie and fruit bar available daily.
There will be no school for students on Monday, November
5. All staff will be attending a professional development day Diamond seeks loving home
at Lorain County Community College. CLSD will join Clear-
view, Firelands, Keystone and Wellington. The motto for the life to live and love to give.
day is “Preparing Students of Today for Tomorrow.” I would Can you make his dream of
like to thank all of the districts for their collaboration and the having a home come true?
Lorain County Educational Service Center for their support in All cats receive one or
making this happen for the students of Lorain County! more vaccinations, a basic PTA discuss changing to PTO status
veterinary examination, are
Flu season is just around the corner and the Lorain County
General Health District is working to keep residents safe and wormed and spayed/neutered
and feline leukemia tested.
protected against the flu. A flu shot clinic will be held at the Co- Kittens under a year are $60
lumbia Township Fire Department on Wednesday, October 31, and cats over a year are only
from 10 a.m. - 12 pm. Any questions, please contact the Lorain $25. Senior cats like Diamond
County General Health District at (440) 322-6367. (8 years and older) are FREE Girl Scouts Arwen, Julia and Annabelle with Noelle of Petiti Garden
Conferences are coming to Columbia Local Schools. They Diamond for people 60 and older. It’s a
will be held on November 7: CHS 3:15-7 p.m., Copopa/CMS Diamond is a very nice win-win when a cat is adopt- Junior Girl Scouts of Troop #50417 and #50638 of Twin
4:15-8 p.m. and November 8: CHS 12-4 p.m. and Copopa/ cat! He is 11-years-old and ed. That cat has a good home Creeks Service Unit worked on their Gardener Badge with No-
CMS 1-5 p.m. Principals will be sending out the information to his owner wasn’t able to and it opens a space to rescue elle at Petitti Garden Center in Strongsville on October 10. They
all parents to sign up online. If you have a question or concern, keep him, so this handsome another cat. Diamond and the learned about plants for shade verses full sun, were introduced
please contact the school in which your child attends. guy who was used to being a other cats currently available to different garden designs, together assembled a small garden
Students will be released early from school on November pet, is now in a shelter. Dia- for adoption can be seen at design, were given an opportunity to assemble an indoor plant-
8: CHS at 11:15 a.m. and Copopa/CMS at 12 p.m. Buses will mond is a lap cat who loves er, and learned care and keeping of different plants. Each girl
run to and from school on this day. JVS students will be bused your attention. It’s not easy to The senior cats can be seen had a rocking cool time. Noelle shared that Petti begins set up
from the JVS to CHS in the afternoon. However, there will be walk away from him. I spend there also, or if you want to for their Christmas displays as early as August and September
no busing from CHS to home. Please make arrangements for time with Diamond and then see just the senior cats they each year. They design a Christmas catalog by designing sev-
go to the next room to spend
this day. time with another cat and can be seen at https://friend- eral trees and decorating a house each year! Thank you Noelle
CLSD is looking for substitute bus drivers, cleaners, cus- Diamond peeks in the win- for sharing your skill at Petitti Garden Center!
Friendship APL is located
todians and kitchen personnel. If you are interested, please go dow hoping I (or others) will at 8303 Murray Ridge Road,
to our website and download an application. The application come back to see him again. in Elyria, and the phone num- COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 19
should be turned in at the Administration Center, 25796 Roy- He isn’t pushy, he just really ber is (440) 322-4321. Hours
alton Road, or sent to me by email at [email protected]. likes being with people. Di- are Sunday - 11-3, Closed amond is in the Green Room Monday, Tuesday and Thurs-
We are always looking to improve the quality of the school where you can hang out with day - 11-6:30 and Wednes-
district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion, him and see if he could be the day, Friday and Saturday -
question or comment, please feel free to call me at (440) 236- cat for you. Please don’t pass 11-4:30.
5008 or email [email protected]. him by. Diamond has a lot of Building Co.
Letters to the Editor Building Quality Homes and Neighborhoods for over 25 years!
To the Editor: Tanglewood • Emerald Pointe • Fox Run
After reading the report from the Columbia Trustees meet-
Columbia Township ing in The Rural-Urban Record, dated 10/22/18, I am very con- Waterford Crossing • Fiddlers Green
cerned. I encourage folks to attend the public hearing on No- windemere place
vember 19, 2018, in the High School cafeteria at 7 p.m. Growth
Lorain County Engineer Ken Carney announces the closure and development is an important and vital component for Co-
of Osborne Road, between Jaquay Road and Columbia lumbia Township. It is in our best interest, as a community, Grafton (440) 926-3950
West River Road, for repairs to bridge #0215. The bridge is to try and have some standards for development. I agree with
located approximately 300 feet east of Jaquay Road. the one house per acre standard. Currently, MLM and Emerald
Woods are part of the development. The attorneys for our Trust-
The work is being completed by the Lorain County ees advised a settlement of 660 new homes. This represents a
Engineer’s Highway Maintenance department small decrease from the original 700 new homes. I do not want
660 new homes on the corner of my street! I much prefer that
The work will begin at 7:30 am on Thursday, October 350 new homes be built.
25, 2018 and is expected to be completed by 5:00 pm on It is my opinion that the developers do not care about our FALL
Monday, November 12, 2018, weather permitting. community. BIG
Sincerely, Margaret Kenneley, Columbia Station SAVINGS.
Detour signs will be posted. Your cooperation during To the Editor:
construction is greatly appreciated. It’s election time again and there are many important issues
on the ballot. We have an important issue on the ballot that takes
away our Right to Vote on new apartments in the city. The resi- ECHO’S BEST-SELLING
dents put the Charter Issue on the ballot and won on November
6, 1973, to prevent an influx of apartments. We still have to guard UNITS STARTING AT
against that to protect our valuations and fast increase of popula-
tion. We just voted down new apartments on March 15, 2016. If
Pumpkin Wreath Class someone wants to build good apartments that will put valuable
Saturday, November 3, at 10 a.m. real estate in the city, all they have to do is get approval of the
$20 all supplies included. project at the Planning Commission and City Council. It will then 99
R.S.V.P. Space limited to 10. go on the ballot for the approval of the residents. Quality real $149
estate can be built in the city. If you have vacant land near you, it
could become apartments. We all need to take charge to keep the
Time to set up your city improving, and voting NO on Issue 32 will be a great start.
Bird Feeding Station! This is America, don’t let someone take your vote away. If you
don’t vote, you are letting the voters take your vote away. Vote
Join our free Bird Club NO on Issue 32.
Bernadine Butkowski, North Ridgeville
for great savings!
To the Editor:
If you live in or around the North Ridgeville area, you have
Bird Seed Class most likely seen the North Ridgeville VFW Post #9871 big blue
Saturday, November 10, 10 a.m. R.S.V.P. Honor Guard van carrying its dedicated Veterans to one of the
Join Deanna the Bird Seed expert. Learn how to use the many, many military funerals where they honor our Lorain and
right seed to bring the right birds to your winter garden. Cuyahoga County heroes. You may also have seen them at the PB-2520
*Free samples of Don Moulds seeds. Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery in Rittman, Ohio,
25% off Halloween Decor where they periodically volunteer their Honor Guard services HANDHELD BLOWER
for the day - usually providing honors at more than 10 funerals,
50% off Fairy Garden Supplies and in all kinds of weather. These servicemen provide for their
lost comrades the utmost respect and honor they deserve for the
sacrifice they gave to our country. It has recently come to my STOP BY YOUR LOCAL ECHO DEALER
attention that VFW Post #9871 had to purchase a new van - at FOR A DEMO TODAY!
a great cost to this non-profit organization - so that it can trans-
port the Honor Guard safely to all their volunteer services. I At participating dealers only. Effective 9/1/18 - 11/30/18.
know these gentlemen never ask for anything for their time, but
I think we, as a community, could step up and make a helpful Grafton Mower Service, Inc.
donation in their honor. Please send donations to: VFW Post
#9871, 6805 Lear Nagle Road, North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039. 1007 Parsons Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044
East: 34837 Lorain Rd., Thank you to all our Veteran heroes, and thank you, in advance,
North Ridgeville 440-327-3407 to all those who can donate. 440-926-2880
M-F 8-5, Sat. 8:30-4, Closed Sunday Cathy Hasek, North Ridgeville Biggest sale of the year • Stop in for details!
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018
eration of the Fire and EMS Departments. The township has ing as twins to be “Strong Together in Standing against Drugs”
operated on the current millage for 31 years! The total cost and wearing Halloween costumes to “Scare Drugs Away.” In
LaGrange NEWS to operate the department in 2017 was $468,940 and income addition, presentations will be made by representatives from
Lorain County’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services. At the con-
from all sources was $485,036. This shows we are currently
[email protected] operating with a very tight budget with only $16,096 to save clusion of the week, the Elementary School is holding a drug
for future equipment purchases, with little to no room for un- free-themed carnival with the help of High School volunteers.
Parents Seminar expected expenses. Talking to children and young adults about drugs is statistically
shown to be effective in preventing these behaviors. Accord-
In closing, we would like to point out our goals with the
Keystone Local Schools and the Lorain County Board of passage of this levy: ing to the National Family Partnership, “Children of parents
Health are hosting a seminar for parents, focusing on suicide, 1. To schedule available staff on the EMS department during who talk to their teens regularly about drugs are 42% less likely
depression and mental health. The seminar is being offered the third shift from 12 midnight to 8 am on station so they can to use drugs than those who don’t.” By participating in Red
on Thursday, November 8. The seminar will take place from respond to emergency calls immediately instead of from their Ribbon Week and many other evidence-based prevention pro-
6-8 p.m. in the Keystone High School Cafetorium. The High residences, which they do now. grams, we seek to educate our students, staff, parents and com-
School’s National Honor Society members, FCCLA organiza- 2. To maintain vehicles and bring equipment up to current munity so that together, we can make a difference in preventing
tion and Youth-4-Youth students will provide free babysitting NFPA standards. We are operating with a 22-year-old tanker and reducing drug use in our society.
services during the seminar. that will need replaced in the next 10 years at a cost of around Dan White, Superintendent, Keystone Local Schools
The content presented will include discussion of a variety $500,000. The most important current expense is the remount- [email protected] (440) 355-2424
of topics: Spotting signs and symptoms of depression in young ing of our 12-year-old ambulance. By remounting the unit on a
people; Risk factors for suicide; Addressing suicide with chil- new chassis, at a cost of $182,000, we will save approximately Free blood pressure screening
dren & young adults; Attaining assistance for at-risk children $45,000 over purchasing a new vehicle
& young adults; Information regarding free countywide mental 3. To purchase an off-road response vehicle for the Fire De- Free blood pressure and blood sugar screening will be of-
health trainings Please plan to join us as we discuss these im- partment, which would replace three older vehicles now in ser- fered through Mercy Parish Nursing at First Baptist Church of
portant issues. vice. These vehicles have an average age of 30 years. LaGrange, located at 200 Church St., on Wednesday, Novem-
4. To continue to accept insurance payments as full payment
Letter to the Editor for EMS calls to residents. ber 7, from 6-8 p.m. All are welcome on a walk-in basis. For
more information, call 355-4015.
To the Editor: It was not an easy decision to ask for an increase in tax-
Vote for LaGrange Fire/Rescue Levy - If you’ve read the es, but to continue to provide professional, quick and modern
newspaper, you know that LaGrange Village and the Town- service to the residents of LaGrange Township for their health GET A
ship have had their differences. One area in which I agree with and safety, it is essential to maintain the quality of our Fire and
them, however, is the need for passage of the 3.5 mill Fire/ EMS Departments.
Rescue levy. The current 2.5 mill levy was last passed in 1987. To clarify the cost of this increase - you pay taxes on your FLU SHOT
The cost of everything has grown since then, as well as the assessed home value, which is 35% of your home’s market val-
populations of the Village and Township. Most residents do ue, which can be found on the Lorain County Auditors website
not know that our EMS nightshift is operated by part-timers. or your tax bill. Currently, a homeowner having a home with
This levy will also allow the Township to operate the nightshift an assessed value of $100,000, pays $87.50 a year for Fire and
with a full staff. I believe our Fire and Rescue Departments are EMS service. With the passage of the new levy, the additional
top-notch and want them to continue to operate at that level. I cost to the same homeowner will be $35 per year.
would encourage Village residents to vote YES on this levy. We ask you to consider casting your yes vote to assure con-
Gary Kincannon, President, LaGrange Village Council tinued Fire and Rescue service to the residents of LaGrange
Township and Village.
Fire and EMS Levy information Submitted by Roberta Moore, Fiscal Officer, LaGrange
Township Protect yourself and your family
On November 6, you will be asked to vote on a 3.5 mill levy from the flu get a shot every year.
to provide Fire and EMS services for the Township and Vil-
lage. We ask you to seriously consider the impact of your vote
on the emergency services currently available to the township Tuesday, November 13
residents. Throughout the nation, schools are taking part in the Red 3 PM - 5 PM
In order to continue to provide professional, efficient and
up-to-date services to the residents of LaGrange Township and Ribbon Campaign. This campaign is sponsored by the National United Methodist Church
Family Partnership, with the goal of raising awareness about
Village for their health and safety, it is essential to maintain the the dangers associated with drug use, as well as promoting the
quality of our Fire and EMS Departments. Remember, the res- variety of preventative actions that can be taken to reduce and 105 W. Main St.
idents of the township who use these services have NO out of eliminate drug use. Red Ribbon Week is a facet of this pro- LaGrange, OH 44050
pocket expense. The township accepts whatever your insurance gram; it is a commitment to live a drug-free life. Throughout
pays as payment in full! the week, students at Keystone participate in themed attire More flu shot clinic sites:
The current 2.5 mill levy has been in effect since 1987 and
it will expire in 2019. It is the only levy in effect for the op- days, such as wearing red to be “Red’y” to live drug free, dress-
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018 Page 9
Get Ready
Visit our Website at :
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018
Get Ready for Winter
Comfortable winter 4 tips to simplify COLUMBIA
entertaining ideas cooking for a crowd this Serving
Winter entertaining need not end once Christmas and holiday season Your Auto or Station for
Light Truck
New Year’s Day have come and gone. Getting together with Full Service more than
friends and family is still possible even if the weather outside Families big and small fy cooking for a crowd is Center 40 years.
is frightful. When Mother Nature takes a chilly turn, those typically celebrate the hol- to invite guests to bring
who don’t want the party can consider the following enter- iday season together. For along a side dish or des-
taining ideas. some, celebrating the hol- sert. Guests who live near-
· Indulge in sweet treats. Comfort foods can make even idays with family requires by can make something in 24497 Sprague Rd.,
the most blustery winds easier to tolerate. Invite people over traveling, while others stay advance of the big meal, Columbia Station, Ohio
for a dessert party. At a dessert pot luck party, everyone put and welcome family and while hosts can hand over
brings along a favorite decadent dessert, from molten lava friends into their homes. their kitchens to overnight 440-235-6642
chocolate cake to warm bread pudding. Serve alongside tea, At some point during the ingness to contribute their Get Ready for Winter!
guests who express a will-
coffee and hot chocolate. Adults can enjoy the added punch holiday season, celebrants
of spiked beverages, which can warm everyone up instantly. who host family and friends own homecooked dish to
· Host a “snowed in” party. Spending a day cooped up in- will no doubt prepare a the party. Sharing the cook- EVERYDAY SPECIALS!
side when the roads are covered in snow might not be your homecooked meal for their ing duties gives hosts more
idea of fun, but invite a mix of friends and neighbors who live loved ones. Cooking for time to connect with friends OIL & FILTER CHANGE 10%
nearby over, and this impromptu party can make the cabin a crowd can seem like a and family and serves as a & TIRE ROTATION
fever disappear. Ask guests to bring one food item or bev- daunting task, especially for great way to plan the menu $ 95 +tax DISCOUNT
erage. Light a fire in the fireplace and set out some cozy first-time hosts. However, in advance. 29
throw blankets. If possible, invite everyone outdoors to build there are various ways for 3. Only make what guests are ON ANY SERVICE
a snowman. hosts to simplify cooking for likely to eat. Up to 5 qts. of oil. Excludes syn- OVER $100
· Get physical. Get physically active with friends or fam- a crowd this holiday sea- Hosts also should not thetic & diesel. Must have coupon. Not valid with any other offers.
ily members by staging mock Olympic events in the yard. son. feel pressured to cook more Expires 11/30/18 Expires 11/30/18
These can be fun “sports” created by participants or varia- 1. Prepare a familiar dish. food than is necessary. Hol-
tions on fun winter activities. Sledding races, snowball dodg- Hosts may agonize over iday meals have a tendency Stop in and purchase your
ing contests, ice skating obstacle courses, and much more their holiday menus, and to be lavish, but hosts don’t CAR CARE CLUB CARD
can make for an entertaining afternoon. some may feel compelled have to spend all day in the
· Get cooking. Cooking can certainly pass the time, and it to prepare a family special- kitchen preparing food that
can be even more enjoyable when done in the company of ty or the same dishes their will likely end up as left- Save over $400 including
others. Send out an invitation for friends to stop by for a meal parents or grandparents overs or trash. Get a final 4 FREE Oil Changes & Much More!
or plan a meal prep party. prepared for holiday din- headcount in the days be-
· Host a movie marathon. Handpick some favorite films ners when they were chil- fore everyone comes over
and invite everyone over for a movie marathon. Fill the family dren. But holiday hosts can and adjust your recipes ac-
room, home theater room or living room to capacity and host make things easy on them- cordingly. LOWEST PRICE
a group for a film fest. If space permits, set up one room with selves by choosing dishes 4. Start early.
a children’s movie for youngsters, while the adults retire to they’ve made in the past, If the big is on Christmas IN TOWN ON USA
another room for movies that are more their speed. A buffet regardless of their place in Day, that does not mean
table set up with assorted snacks will help keep bellies full family history. Chances are hosts have to start cooking
while guests watch some favorite flicks. the ingredients for hosts’ while everyone unwraps MADE COOPER
Winter days and nights are ripe for entertaining possi- own specialties are already their presents. Hosts who
Available TIRES
bilities. These events help squash the cabin fever that can in the pantry, saving a po- are uncertain about what * Other Brands
sometimes develop during the colder times of year. tentially time-consuming to cook can look for meals
trip to the grocery store. that can be prepared in ad-
One Stop Get Ready for Winter WE RENT U-HAUL TRUCKS
Shopping And thanks to the familiarity vance so come the big day
In Quality! factor, hosts’ own special- all they need to do is turn on
Carhartt Insulated bibs, ties likely won’t require as the oven and let meals cook
16901 St. Rt. 58, jackets, hats, gloves, much time to prepare. while the family spends
Oberlin, OH 44074 socks & heavy shirts! 2. Share some cooking duties. time together.
HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10-5 HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10-5 Another way to simpli- Hosts can employ vari-
Check • Cash • Plastic
ous strategies to simplify
the process of cooking for a PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS!
crowd this holiday season.
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018 Page 11
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Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018
Billboard contest winner Solid Waste District
Wellington NEWS Farm Tire Collection recap
[email protected] The Lorain County Board of Commissioners and the Solid
Waste Management District (The District) are pleased to an-
nounce that the agricultural tire collection event held on Sep-
Winter coat/apparel drive tember 27 brought in 63.21 tons of tires! This event has been
held annually by The District since 2012. The District received
a grant award earlier this year from the Ohio EPA in the amount
Wellington High School is partnering with Schlather Insur- of $25,000 to offset the expenses associated with the proper
ance Company for a winter coat and apparel drive. disposal of such large tires. This one-day event has recycled
Winter coats, hats, gloves and scarves are being accepted a grand total of 426.6 tons of agricultural tires since our first
and will be distributed to Wellington students in grades Pre-K event years ago.
through 12 who may not have these items for the upcoming Participants for this event are required to pre-register the
winter season quantity and sizes of the tires they would like to bring. This
Please make sure donated items are cleaned prior to do- mandate enables The District staff to coordinate the number of
nation. Items can be dropped off at Wellington High School, semi-trailers necessary to haul the tires away. Lorain County
located at 629 N. Main Street, in Wellington, or at Schlather Commissioner Matt Lundy said, “This event has been extreme-
Insurance Company, 149 E. Herrick Ave., in Wellington. Items Winning Billboard ly popular for the agricultural community. It has enabled our
are being accepted until November 16. A number of Wellington High School art students partici- local farmers to properly dispose of tires that are typically chal-
If anyone is aware of students/families with an immediate lenging and costly to dispose of. Multiple farms pooled their
need for these items, please contact the high school at (440) pated in the 2018 Teen Driver Safety Billboard Contest through resources together to haul tires for some farms that were not
the Lorain County Safe Communities Coalition and State Farm.
647-3734. The contest was open to all high school students throughout able to do so. This kind of teamwork is an example of their
Wellington Genealogy Group Lorain County. The contest received 20 entries from the talent- appreciation for this program.”
For additional information regarding The District and all
ed students. Wellington High School sophomore Taylor Pers-
The Wellington Genealogy Group will meet on Wednes- inger was awarded Second Place. Congratulations! of its programs, please contact the Lorain County Solid Waste
Management District at (440) 329-5440.
day, November 7, at 6:30 p.m. at the LCCC Wellington Cen-
ter, located at 151 Commerce Drive. The program this month Schroeder seeks loving home
is, “Murders, Mysteries and History of Lorain County, Ohio,
1824-1956.” November’s speaker will be author Don Hilton, It’s hard to believe we have completed two months of the a while and may not present
who will present a general overview of some of the legal doc- school year already. well when looking at him
uments that can be used to track family members, including In addition to recently unveiling a new district website, we through the cage, please get a
criminal court dockets and deeds and tax records. Please join also have designed a handy app for families to stay connect- volunteer to get him out and
us for what is sure to be an enjoyable evening. ed. By downloading the free Blackboard District App from the spend some one-on-one time
As always, WGG monthly meetings are free and open to the
public. Come and bring a friend. Apple Store or Google Play, families can view news stories, with him. They say he’s a
calendar information, access school and staff information and
“love bug,” who’s a bit pos-
Herrick Memorial Library receive important alerts. Links to download are available on the sessive of his toys around
district’s website,
other dogs. He has a lovable,
Thank you to our Wellington Veterans, and all those who happy and eager to please
Read To Putter - Wednesday, October 31, from 3-4 p.m. served our country. A Veterans Day breakfast will take place at personality. He walks great
Putter visits the library to listen to children as they read. The 8:30 a.m. on Nov. 9 at McCormick Middle School. A program on his leash and loves being
children can spend 15 minutes reading a book or story to the honoring Veterans will also take place immediately following Schroeder outside and playing with his
library’s friend Putter and build their reading skills. Putter is
a registered therapy dog that absolutely adores listening to a the breakfast at 9:30 a.m. in the Patricia Lindley Center. Schroeder is a 2-year ball. An adult household or
good story. He does not mind if the child makes reading mis- This past week, we celebrated National Bus Safety Week. old male, Shar Pei mix. He even one with teenagers who
takes. Stop in to reserve a reading spot or call the library at Thank you to all our drivers, aides and mechanics who transport weighs 55 lbs., is neutered understand dogs would be
(440) 647-2120. our students safely. Congratulations to Elizabeth Humphreys and all caught up on his vac- best. And while he likes oth-
Writers Group - The Wellington Writers Group meets every for receiving an award during the recent Pupil Transportation cines. Schroeder was rescued ers dogs, being the only dog
other Thursday at the library. November meetings are Novem- Professional Development and Awards Banquet, sponsored by from the Lorain County Dog is the best home for him.
ber 8 & 29 (note: no meeting on November 22 which is Thanks- the Educational Service Center of Lorain County. We appre- Kennel when at maximum If you would like to meet
giving Day). Upcoming on December 13 is our annual Christ- ciate all you do for our students every day. If you know any- capacity a while ago. A vol- Schroder, please visit or call
mas group meeting at the home of one of our members. Please one interested in becoming a bus driver for our school district, unteer at Friendship said that the Elyria Friendship APL at
call for more information. Registration is a must for this special please call (440) 647-7974. even though he’s been there (440) 322-4321.
meeting date. Join this group if you have a passion for writing Reminder, there is NO SCHOOL Monday, Nov. 5, as our
in all venues. Bring samples of your writing to share with the staff will be participating in a Common Professional Devel-
group. New members are welcome. Registration is encourage. opment Day, along with several other school districts in the
To register, call the library at (440) 647-2120. county. The event is hosted by the Educational Service Center
Wellington Schools of Lorain County.
Finally, it was my honor to present McCormick Middle
Veterans Day program School eighth-grader Maya Feron with her official notice as the
recipient of the Jack Kent Cooke Youth Scholar Award during
last week’s Board of Education meeting. She is one of just 50
A special Veterans Day breakfast program will take place students out of the 2,600 talented students who applied from
November 9 at McCormick Middle School and the Patricia across the country to be selected for this prestigious achieve-
Lindley Center, 627 N. Main Street, in Wellington. Breakfast ment, and the only student in Ohio. The Jack Kent Cooke Foun-
begins at 8:30 a.m. with the program immediately following dation received applications for the Young Scholars Program 440-986-2665
at 9:30 a.m. from 48 states, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico. A national 9072 Leavitt Rd.
Historical Speaker Series panel of highly experienced educators reviewed applications, Elyria, OH 44035 [email protected]
evaluating students essays, extracurricular activities, recom-
Don’t miss more fantastic performances with the Bicen- mendations, grades and financial need. Of the 2,600 that ap-
tennial Historical Speaker Series. All performances are free to plied, 507 were selected as semifinalists and then 50 scholars
the public and begin at 7 p.m. at the Patricia Lindley Center were named. Cooke Scholars come from diverse racial and
for Performing Arts, 627 N. Main Street, in Wellington. Doors ethnic backgrounds and from rural, suburban and urban com-
open at 6:30 p.m. Come learn and be entertained! munities. Thank you to our local officials who came out to the
Tuesday, November 13 - Tim Simonson, Myron T Herrick Board of Education meeting to honor Maya.
- Tim will share stories about the extraordinary life of Myron Happy Halloween! Be safe and have a great time.
T. Herrick including the creation of the Herrick Memorial Li-
brary, his ties to Cleveland and Herrick’s success as the Am- Ohio Genealogical
bassador to France. Tim also enjoys speaking engagements on Society program
The American Revolution, The Ford Model T and History of
American Clocks. The public is invited to
Saturday, December 8 - Bicentennial Gala and the debut attend the November 12
of Wellington: Then and Now - Dave Conklin and Dottie Cian- meeting of the Lorain County
ciola are producing the documentary, “Wellington: Then and Chapter of the Ohio Gene-
Now.” With the help of the Applied Communications students alogical Society at 7 p.m at
at Wellington High School, the team is developing a video in- the North Ridgeville Library,
trospection of our community and the events and people who’ve located at 35700 Bainbridge
given it life throughout its 200-year history. Refreshments will Road, North Ridgeville. A
be available following the showing of the documentary. social time will begin at 6:30
The Ohio Genealogy So-
ciety library Director, Tom
Neel, will present “Until
Death Do Us Part: An Exam- Carpentry Limited
ination of the Marriage and
Divorce Laws of the 1800s.”
This talk will discuss the
laws that governed both mar-
riage and divorce, the records
that are generated by both
Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical, and the locations where re-
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances cords can be found. This is
very useful information for
all family genealogists.
Grafton Wellington For further information,
35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St contact Norm at (440) 856-
440-926-3312 440-647-6010 5170.
Shop Your Local Businesses! • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018 Page 13
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Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018
If you have driven by the old Elm Street School recently, In Loving Memory
you may have noticed the lighted windows. Be sure to visit the
Grafton NEWS former Elm Street School on the 31st to view the entire window Lloyd Keaton
display and a candy treat.
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 Trick or Treat has been “refined” since the early days, from May 17, 1932 - October 31, 2017
[email protected] soaping windows and running a little gadget over the glass that
made a terrifying noise. Buggies were found on town hall or
school house roofs and out houses upset (how did the ‘trickers’ “When you Believe beyond what
New email address do it?) From the 1950s, there is also a true tale of boys from Heaven show up to remind you
your eyes can see, signs from
Grafton High School who received a surprise when they tipped
for Grafton Coorespondent over the Tran outhouse - Mr. Tran was inside (yes, guys, you Love never dies.”
are not forgotten).
Around the Village, history is being made daily. The utilities
There is a new e-mail address for our Grafton news coore- that have served us well for over a century, water and electric
spondent. It is [email protected]. The former e-mail lines are being replaced, as well as the old water plant near Wil-
was hacked. To those who were in our Grafton correspon- low Park. The railroad crossing has also been repaired - Thank
dent’s contact list and have received unwanted and fraud- You! Oak Street is becoming a ‘renewed’ street and the curve
ulent e-mails, she offers sincere apologies. Please do not on Main Street (opposite Parsons Road) has been “recurved,”
use the former e-mail address as e-mails will not be received therefore losing a bit of original Grafton.
and there is a risk that sent information may be stolen. The Thanksgiving is in 24 days and Old-fashioned Christmas is
contact list was stolen and erased. New e-mails are not be- in 33 days, followed by Christmas Day 18 days later. 2019 is
ing received. If anyone receives an e-mail from annieleeru@ coming up fast. When do we have time to rake the leaves?
Doris Wildenheim 926-2956, please delete immediately.
The Grafton-Midview Library has put together a military
Thank you to everyone who attended the Trunk or Treat
exhibit in the library in honor of Veterans Day. The display can event last week. We had a great turnout and collected a lot of
be enjoyed during regular library hours, now through Friday, canned food to help support our community!
November 16. Names of local active service members, the This week, we will be hosting our annual Academic “M”
names of local veterans, military uniforms and war relics are event on October 29 at Midview High School, beginning at It is one year since you’ve been gone and it has been
included in the exhibit. A special thank you to the Grafton VFW 5:30 p.m. The Academic “M” Award honors our outstanding one of the lonliest years of my life. After being together for
and Councilman John Lescher for making the exhibit possible. seniors at Midview High School who possess a minimum cu- 62 years, now my days are long and the nights are longer
SPOOKY WINDOWS mulative 3.50 grade point average (GPA). We look forward to without you by my side. My best friend, my Hon, I miss you
Each night before Halloween, a new spooky window will be honoring these students each year! more than words can express. But, until we meet again, I will
lit up at the Old Grafton School, 1111 Elm Street. Treats will be This is also a short week for our students. Thursday, No- keep you close in my heart where you will live forever.
passed out at the old school on Trick or Treat night, Wednesday, vember 1, is an early release day and there will be no afternoon You will never be forgotten!
October 31, from 6-7:30 p.m. preschool. Students will have no school on Friday, November Missing you,
HALLOWEEN PARADE 2, as that is a professional development day for staff. Your Loving Wife Betty and your family, Rick & Eleanor,
The annual Halloween Parade, sponsored by the Grafton I would also like to invite all Midview parents to the first Teresa & Mike, Cheryl & Rick, Ed & Elaine and your eight
Village Fire Department, will be held on Sunday, October 28. Midview Parent Academy and Community Group Expo on No- grandchildren and five great-grandchildren
Registration and line-up begins at noon. The parade steps off vember 6 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Midview Middle School. Parents:
at 1 p.m. Trick or Treat in the Village of Grafton will be on it’s your chance to be a student again! The evening will include
Wednesday, October 31, from 6-7:30 p.m. training sessions for parents on topics like PowerSchool, On-
COFFEE WITH THE MAYOR eView, Remind and Google Classroom. Parents and students Oberlin walk to end Alzheimer’s
There will be two sessions of Coffee with the Mayor on will have the chance to engage with community programs and
Tuesday, October 30. The first session will be from 10-11:30 groups such as the Band Boosters, PTA, Students4Change, Girl Nearly 700 participants from 89 teams gathered on Tappan
Scouts and more. Childcare will be provided by high school
a.m. and the second session will be from 6-7:30 p.m. at the students during the academy sessions. I hope to see you there! Square on September 22 to join in the fight to end Alzheimer’s
village hall. The topics of discussion are the proposed amend- Have a great week! disease. Collectively they raised more than $123,600. Walk to
ments to Grafton’s Charter, which are on the November ballot. Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent, Midview Schools End Alzheimer’s donations are accepted through December 31,
For more information or to R.S.V.P., call 926-2403. 2018 at The event is expected to
PARENT ACADEMY/COMMUNITY GROUP EXPO Salvation Army Christmas sign-up reach its goal of $184,000.
The Midview Local Schools and the Compass Committee “Every dollar raised benefits those affected by Alzheimer’s
are sponsoring the first annual Midview Parent Academy and The Grafton Salvation Army is proud to announce the disease in our local community. These critical funds provide
Community Group Expo. Families are invited to stop by Mid- launching of its annual Christmas Toy & Food Drive. As in the care and support to all facing Alzheimer’s, drive research to-
view Middle School on Tuesday, November 6, from 6:30-8 past, the collection locations will be the Grafton United Meth- ward treatment, prevention and ultimately a cure and give voice
p.m. to learn more about what our schools and community have odist Church, at 937 Mechanic Street, between 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. to the needs and rights of people affected by Alzheimer’s,” said
to offer for K-12 students. Parents can attend training sessions and Grafton City Hall during business hours. The toys will be Nancy Udelson, President and CEO, Alzheimer’s Association
on PowerSchool, Google Classroom, Educational Sites and collected until December 16. Cleveland Area Chapter.
more. Several school and community organizations will be in Families living in the Midview School District wishing help The local Presenting Sponsor was Kaplan’s Furniture. Hope
attendance to share information on opportunities for Midview for Christmas assistance should apply by letter (no phone calls Sponsors were WOBL/WDLW and Physicians Ambulance.
students to get involved. please) with the following information: child’s name and age, Top Individual fundraiser: James Traxler, $8,010; Top Team
Grafton Village History proof of residency, proof of child guardianship for your chil- fund-raiser was Karen’s , $8,575.
Other awards included: Top Healthcare Team: Home In-
dren up to age 12 and proof of household income. Make sure
The last day of summer was September 22 and only a few you enclose your phone number so we can contact you when to stead Senior Care, Lorain County; Top Company Team: Ka-
plan’s Team; Rookie of the Year: Fit’z Flock; Overall Largest
days remain in the poet Helen Hunt Jackson’s “October’s pick up your toys and food. On the day of pick-up, please bring Team: Kendal at Oberlin with 58 team members.
Bright Blue Weather.” Hopefully, you enjoyed the Firemen’s valid photo ID. In 2018, Alzheimer’s and other dementias will cost the na-
Halloween Parade on Sunday, the 28th, and will participate in Please mail all requests by November 30 to: The Salva- tion $277 billion. Early and accurate diagnosis could save up to
“Trick or Treat” on the 31st from 6-7:30 p.m. tion Army, Grafton Unit, 937 Mechanic Street, Grafton, Ohio
44044. Thank you for making 2018 another joyous Christmas $7.9 trillion in medical and care costs.
for families in the Midview District. God Bless you all and
KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS Have a Very Merry Christmas! Horse Rescue Reverse Raffle benefit
Please join Angels Haven Horse Rescue for a Reverse Raffle
GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY Benefit for local woman Benefit on Saturday, November 3. The event takes place at Ru-
On November 10, from 4 p.m.-?, family and friends of Ja-
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ mie Wade of Grafton are having a benefit dinner for her. Jamie by’s Party Center, located at 36709 Royalton Road, in Grafton,
and begins at 6 p.m. Tickets are available for $90 per couple or
Hours By Appointment was diagnosed with a Potts Puffy Tumor of the brain and has $70 per individual. Cost includes 1 main board ticket, dinner,
undergone two sugeries to remove the tumor and stop the in-
wine, beer, soft drinks and dessert. Active military members
419 NORTH MAIN STREET fection from growing. Jamie is incurring mounting medical and and veterans receive a $5 discount. Tables are available for
household bills. The dinner is at the Grafton VFW, located at
$550 and include sponsorship recognition and all items stat-
GRAFTON, OHIO 783 Huron St., in Grafton. Dinner includes rigatoni, salad and ed above. A table seats 8 people and all receive a main board
440-926-2705 rolls. Donations will be taken at the door. There will also be a ticket. Advertising opportunities are also available for a $25
50/50 raffle and auctions, and a cash bar will be available. Food
donation; name will be shown throughout the night.
will be served from 5-6:30 p.m.
Plan to come for fun, food, side boards, raffle prizes, a pho-
For more information, or to make a donation, call Jill Car- to booth, entertainment and more! For more information, call
SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM penter at (440) 309-5540 or Robin Szczepanski at (440) 371- (440) 781-5060.
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton GMPL Trustee Vacancy
The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829. The Grafton-Midview Public Library is seeking a qualified person to fill a
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE. vacancy on the Board of Trustees, which is the governing body of the Library. Beyond 2000
The Library, located on Main Street in Grafton, serves the Midview Local
10/29 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being School District.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for setting Library policy to ensure
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit the Library provides adequate services to its patrons. The trustee position Michelle Carson
and juice for participants. involves matters about financing, staffing, and maintaining the facility and the Office: 440-842-7200
11/1 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner to be held Library collection. Cell: 216-716-9942
Many thought the role of all libraries would be diminished or even
11/8/2018 at 5:30pm. Two names per phone call only. eliminated by the 21st century. The fact is libraries have become even more [email protected]
11/5 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being important in encouraging and enhancing literacy in the United States. With over 30 years
Trustees are appointed by the Midview Board of Education to serve
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit seven-year terms. Trustees reside in the Grafton-Midview service area or of finance/real estate
and juice for participants. Lorain County. This vacancy term runs from January 1, 2019, till December experience!
11/8 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for those that signed 31, 2025. Call Michelle
The Board meets monthly for approximately two hours to conduct the
up. CANCELLATIONS FOR DINNER MUST BE business of overseeing the Library. Each Trustee serves on one or more TODAY
MADE BEFORE NOON. standing committees of the Board, which meet occasionally between Board
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact Anyone interested in applying for the Trustee vacancy should submit a DOING MORE FROM
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341. resume to the attention of the Library Director, Adele Infante, 983 Main St, FOR SALE SOLD
Grafton, OH. You may contact a trustee as well. The Trustees are Angela
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special Carter, John Dixon, Kate Gillespie, Ed Greenwald, Christopher Smith, Tracy
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen Schriver, and Joseph Urig. That’s the sign of a RE/MAX agent!
Manager for additional information.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018 Page 15
Grafton Twp. NEWS
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774
[email protected]
Grafton-Midview Library
For more information or to register for programs, stop into
the library at 983 Main Street, call (440) 926-3317 or visit www. Registration is required for most programs.
Preschool Storytime - Tuesday, October 30, at 10 a.m. Sto-
rytime for children ages 3-6 featuring stories, songs, finger-
plays and activities that encourage development of early liter-
acy skills.
Family Storytime - Tuesday, October 30, at 6 p.m. Share
books, songs, and early literacy activities with the whole fam-
Tots & Tales - Wednesday, October 31, at 10 a.m. This Sto-
rytime for children 18 months to 3 years is a great stepping
stone from Babypalooza to Preschool Storytime. We’ll read
books, sing songs, and even get some of those wiggles out.
Baby Playtime - Thursday, November 1, 15 & 29, at 10 a.m.
Bring your little for one for playtime at the Library! We will Lu’s Pizza
have special play mats, games, and activities. For kids birth to
3. A great way to learn and socialize for baby and grown-up!
After School Video Games - Thursday, November 1, at 3
p.m. Have fun after school and play video games at the library.
Try out the library’s new Xbox One system or play other favor- 935 MAIN STREET • GRAFTON
ite games for the PS3, XBox 360, and Wii systems. Bring in
your own games to share or select from the library’s collection.
Please register early to accommodate supply ordering. 926-2171
Vegetarian Side Dishes - Thursday, November 1, at 6 p.m.
Are you getting bored with the same side dishes prepared the
same way? Do you need some new ideas for making your ac- Hours: Sun 3-9, Mon-Wed 4-10, Thurs 11-10, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm
companiments more exciting? This program will provide in-
spiration for delicious and healthful plant-based companion
dishes you can make in your kitchen. You will learn about PIZZA! Small 9” Large 12” X-Large 16”
using seasonally-available ingredients and different flavoring Plain $6.00 $7.75 $10.95
combinations to move your side dishes to center stage. Help- PIZZA! Each addl item: $1.25 $1.60 $2.00
ful resources will be provided and samples of health-providing
vegan foods will be available for tasting. Specialty Pizzas: Sm. ...$10.99 Lg....$14.99 Xlg. ...$18.99
GMPL Community History Group - Saturday, November Hawaiian: ham, pineapple, bacon & xtra cheese
3, at 11 a.m. The GMPL Community History Group helps plan Deluxe: pepperoni, sausage, mushroom, green peppers & onions
and create history programs for the library, shares information, Veggie: onions, gr peppers, mushrooms, black olives & tomatoes
and promotes local history for the village and neighboring All Meat: ham, bacon pepperoni, sausage & hamburger
townships the library serves. Starting in August the group will Cheeseburger: hamburger, bacon, cheddar & mozzarella cheese plus one item of your choice
start to work on a new local history project helping to gather the Meatball: meatball, green peppers, mushrooms & onions
history of houses in Grafton (and surrounding areas). We will Philly Steak: mushrooms, onions, green peppers & steak
learn how to do the research, what information is important, Chicken Delight: chicken, pineapple, onions & black olives
and then build a collection of information as a resource for the Super Deluxe: Sm ...$12.99 Lg... $16.99 Xlg ...$20.99
community. House histories could include written, audio, or Pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, green peppers, onions, black olives & green olives & hot
video interviews, photographs, articles, and more.
or mild pepper rings
Regular or Boneless
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Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018
CPR Class
Eaton NEWS A CPR class will be held at the Eaton Township Fire Carlisle NEWS
[email protected]
[email protected] and Rescue Department on Nov. 13, from 7-9:30
p.m. Come and learn how to perform CPR and life
saving rescue techniques! Great for babysitters, Learn to Skate
parents and anyone with loved ones! Call the Fire
Department at (440) 748-2496 for more details.
The City of Elyria Parks and Recreation Department is now registering for their Learn to
Happy 60 Anniversary Schilds IGA Skate program. Session #1 will begin on November 6. Lessons are offered on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings from 5:15-6 p.m. You can find the most updated information on their website,
For more information, call Ryan Fry at (440) 326-1504 or email [email protected].
Medina County Park District
Tuesday, November 6: giving. Stop by Wolf Creek vided. Ages 12 to adult. Reg-
Creative Concoctions for to see an example. No experi- ister by November 16. Free.
Preschoolers - Wolf Creek ence necessary. All materials Saturday, Nov. 17 and
Environmental Center, from are provided. Please call Bet- Sunday, Nov. 18:
10-11 a.m. or 1-2 p.m. Our ty Rettig at (330) 975-4251 It’s Time to Feed the
younger park friends are in- to register by November 9. Birds - Susan Hambley Na-
vited to create mysterious There is a $17 program fee. ture Center, from 12-5 p.m.
mixtures and make marvel- K9 Kapers - Lake Medina, See description under Nov.
ous messes in this fun, hands St. Rt. 18, from 10-11 a.m. 10. All ages are welcome. No
on discovery program. Come Provides dog owners with an registration required. Free.
experiment with combina- opportunity to socialize their Sunday, November 18:
tions of ordinary ingredients pets with other dogs. These Natural Discoveries Hik-
to create something fun. All alternative hikes will interest ing Series: Squirrels - Allar-
supplies are provided; come both the dog and its owner dale West, from 3-4 p.m. Nat-
dressed for mess! Ages 3-6. while offering exercise and ural Discoveries is a series of
Schild’s IGA employees. Register between by Novem- fun. All dogs must have an free nature themed programs
For 60 years, Schilds IGA has been your “Hometown Proud” neighborhood store, ber 5. Free. accompanying adult and 8 designed for ages 7 to adult.
Participants in the program
Wednesday, November 7:
foot leash (non retractable).
but we wouldn’t be here without our loyal customers. Yoga for Preschoolers Participants must maintain who complete certain hike re-
Thank you for your support! - Susan Hambley Nature control of their dogs at all quirements are eligible to re-
Center, from 10:30-11:15 times. We recommend bring- ceive awards. See the Natural
Audubon Society programs a.m. Learn about nature, the ing a towel for muddy feet Discoveries link on the park
district website for award
seasons and animals through
and a water bowl. All ages
yoga poses, a story, songs are welcome. No registration details. Everyone knows that
The Black River Audubon Society presents Ray Stewart and his program “The Pantanal of and a game. We will practice required. Free. squirrels eat nuts, but they
Brazil,” on Tuesday, November 6, at 7 p.m. at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 Di- breathing techniques and also Pinterest Projects: Giving can also talk with their tails
agonal Road, in LaGrange. Stewart, who lives in Amherst, is a retired teacher and has traveled learn how to calm down and Thanks - Wolf Creek Envi- and turn their feet backward.
extensively in Latin America, most recently on a 2017 birding tour in Brazil. The Pantanal region relax. Students should bring a ronmental Center, from 2-4 Learn about all types of squir-
is said to be the largest tropical wetland area in the world. His program will take you on a visual yoga mat or small rug to sit p.m. We invite you to join rels, from flying squirrels to
tour of this beautiful region. Founder and past president of Ohio Wetlands Association (OWA), on, wear comfortable cloth- us as we bring the sights and ground hogs, as you enjoy
Stewart now serves as the board secretary and director of communications. He is also a 2003 ing suitable for yoga and smells of autumn indoors. the trails at Allardale. Ages
recipient of a Black River Audubon Society Hog Island scholarship. This program is sponsored prepare to be barefoot. Ages Use these make and take 7 to adult. No registration re-
by the Black River Audubon Society and is free to the public. 3-6. Register by November 5. crafts to decorate your home quired. Free.
The Black River Audubon Society and the Lorain County Metro Parks together welcome Free. for the holiday, to give as a Register for programs at
noted author, naturalist and illustrator Julie Zickefoose for the BRAS 60th Anniversary Celebra- Saturday, Nov. 10 and gift of thanks, or simply as a www.medinacountyparks.
tion and Jack Smith Outstanding Speaker program on Saturday, November 10, 1:30-4 pm at the Sunday, Nov. 11: way to embrace and enjoy the com.
Carlisle Reservation Visitor Center, 12882 Diagonal Road, in LaGrange. It’s Time to Feed the Birds season. All materials are pro-
Zickefoose, author of Letters from Eden, The Bluebird Effect, and Baby Birds: An Artist Looks - Susan Hambley Nature
into the Nest, will present her program “Baby Birds,” an account of the 13-year project docu- Center, from 12-5 p.m. Win- Happy
menting the daily changes in the nestlings of 17 bird species from hatching to the day of fledging. ter is around the corner, and
More than 500 of her personal illustrations bring life to the pages of the book. it is time to dust off your bird Halloween!
She will also share her influences, as well as her artistic process, a must-see for any aspiring feeders and put them outside.
natural history artist. The work, wonder and fun of studying baby birds, including being a foster What kinds of birds visit our
mother for them, all make for an irresistible and highly inspirational presentation. feeders during late fall and
Black River Audubon Society was founded in 1958 through the influence of Jack Smith. The winter? What types of bird
event will also highlight his contributions to the Society, its members and birding in general feeders and birdseed work
down through the years. A social hour with refreshments will follow the program. This program the best? Stop in anytime
is free to the public. For more information on programs, volunteering or becoming a member, between the hours of 12-5 Trick or Treat October 31
visit And, don’t forget to LIKE them on Facebook! p.m. to discover the answers
to these questions. There will Keep in touch with your community
be bird information displays, Visit:
2018 Leaf Collection Program crafts and games. All ages are Paid for by The Lorain County Commissioners and LCSWMD
welcome. No registration re-
quired. Free. November
Leaf collection will begin on Monday, October 29 and end on Friday, November 30. 14:
Residents can help to ensure that the collection process runs smoothly by following Nature Through the
these simple rules: Seasons - Plum Creek Park
• Place only leaves in the leaf piles. Other forms of yard waste such as: rocks, tree South, from 10-11 a.m. This
branches, twigs, flowers, straw, corn stalks, weeds, fruit, animal feces, walnuts and series consists of easy walks
grass clippings slow the collection process and damage township equipment. that explore different parks 440-371-2862
• Leaf piles should be placed at your curb (without obstructing traffic). Leaves while observing the unfold-
should NOT be piled behind parked vehicles or near the storm drain. Property owners ing of nature throughout the
without curbs may pile their leaves as close to the street as possible, but should never be seasons. These hikes also
placed in the street. Township vehicles will not leave the paved area, so make sure your count toward the Natural Dis-
coveries program, an award
leaves are stacked within 5 feet of the curb. If we cannot reach the leaves, we cannot based hiking series. Visit the Can you say this is this the type of
pick them up. park district website for de-
• Do NOT pile leaves closer than 4 feet to mailboxes, signpost and other objects. tails about the program. Ages Realtor you are looking for?
• Do NOT bag leaves 7 to adult. No registration re- Jennifer was absolutely amazing! Her expertise was invalu-
• Do NOT pile leaves in ditches or over catch basins or risers – This may cause quired. Free. able to us. We needed to sell our home in order to purchase a
flooding. Thursday, Nov. 15 or Fri- new home and the selling price and the purchase price had to
Uncontrollable conditions such as equipment breakdown, bad weather and/or day, Nov. 16: be in the right ballparks to make this move happen. There were
emergency work sometimes made it difficult to know what day the township will be Tales for Tots - Wolf Creek three families and agents involved and Jennifer made sure
there to collect leaves. The leaf vacuum machines are unable to pick up leaves that Environmental Center, from everything went timely and smoothly. I’m sure we will move
have become frozen to the ground or are exceptionally heavy from water. Freezing 10-11 a.m. or 1-2 p.m. Bears again, once the kids are out of school, and I can assure you
are on the menu at our teddy
rain, sleet or snow will halt the vacuum collection of leaves. We will cover all areas of bear picnic! Bring along your that Jennifer will be my first call.
the Township – BUT THERE IS NO SET SCHEDULE – PHONE CALLS ARE NOT favorite teddy bear to join in -Jennifer Thomas
NECESSARY. the fun as we eat bear foods, Jennifer has been a pleasure to work with in selling our
Brush & Grass Drop Location play bear games and learn house. She advised us about what to do to make our house
more about bears through
lots of fun activities. For ages more marketable, how to realistically price it and what to
Eaton Township Recycling Center 3-6 with an adult companion. expect. She has a good feel for the market, with statistics to
12043 S. Avon Belden Rd, Grafton Oh 44044 Some or all of the program back her up. She planned a thorough schedule of events to
Open Saturdays ONLY April – November 10am-4pm ONLY will be held outdoors; please actively and effectively market the house. She took excellent
dress accordingly. Register photos which showed the house at its best, first posting them
by November 15. Free.
If you have any additional questions, please contact us at 440-748-2236 Saturday, November 17: on Facebook, then on the Howard Hanna and MLS sites. The
weekdays 9am-4pm. Basket Weaving 101: house sold within days of listing at full asking price. Jennifer
Christmas Basket - Wolf worked with the buyers to give us enough time to move so that
Follow us on Facebook for more additional information: Creek Environmental Center, our new residence was available. She has responded quickly from 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Join and knowledgeably to all questions and concerns. She is calm,
or Betty the basket maker to de- well-organized, motivated and bright. We highly recommend
Our website at light and challenge your craft Jennifer.
desires by weaving a basket
that is just perfect for gift -Mary and Fred Behm
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018 Page 17
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Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018, Page 19
PTA discuss change to PTO status For students in kindergarten through sixth grade who are
RELIABLE ROOFING A meeting to discuss and vote upon changing the PTA to a interested in learning how to wrestle and compete in a fun and
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs PTO will be held on Tuesday, November 6, at 6:30 p.m. in the exciting sport. This program is an excellent opportunity to in-
troduce wrestling to youngsters and prepare them for middle
Copopa/CMS library. This change is being proposed for many
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal reasons, including keeping all dues at the schools. Every year, school and high school wrestling. Wrestling develops balance
Offi ce: 440-236-4001 • the PTA must send almost half of their dues to the National and helps build character and self discipline.
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner PTA. These are funds that can be used in many ways to ben- CYW has joined the Ohio Youth Wrestling Association.
efit our local schools. There are also limitations on events and Joining OYWA will provide a schedule of events which include
things we can do because of being tied to the PTA label. On multiple dual meets, an All-Star Tournament, Sectional Tourna-
ment and possible District and State competition. Regular sea-
SIDING & WINDOWS becoming a PTO, we are able to have more flexibility in our son events will take place on Sundays, where competition will
organization. Voting to become a PTO will not affect the cur-
rent events we hold, nor will you as members need to change be broken down into Varsity and All-Star divisions. Practices
will take place at the Columbia High School on Tuesdays and
Custom Exteriors anything; the board will handle all changes. Thursdays from 6-8 p.m.
Please join us at this important meeting. If you have any
Registration will take place again at the Columbia Middle
Since 1989 questions, please feel free to contact any of our board members. School on Thursday, November 1, from 6-7:30 p.m. First prac-
Thank you for staying involved!
tice will be on Tuesday, November 6.
•Replacement Windows Jessica Katitus, President Fee is $50, which includes T-shirt, trophy, instruction and
•Entry Doors (440) 334-6577 [email protected] entry fees. For more information, contact Marti Garrow at
(216) 978-7879.
•Custom Exterior Siding
•Stone & Shake Accents GRAFTON LIBRARY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 times. Appointments may also be available on select Tuesday
•Soffit, Facia & Trim mornings (10 a.m.-12 p.m.) or Thursday afternoons (2-4 p.m.).
Coloring Escape Nights - Tuesday, November 6 & 20, at
•Carpentry, Porches & More... 6 p.m. Homework have you stressed? Feeling down and out? Caldecott Club - Thursday, November 8, at 4 p.m. Are you
440-926-1600 Come to the Teen Zone to color your cares away on the first and too old for storytime, in grades K-3 and still love sharing pic-
ture books? This is the club for you! After a quick snack, we’ll
third Tuesday of each month September - December.
Tech Tutor - Wednesday, November 7, from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 read a Caldecott Medal-winning book and do a related activity.
Book titles are TBD. Registration is required.
p.m. and 2:30-4:30 p.m. Bring any questions regarding com-
TREE SERVICE puters, software, smartphones, tablets, or technology you may p.m. This 4 week program will introduce children ages 5 and
You’re the Artist - Monday, November 12, at 10 a.m. or 4
have. All appointments are 1-hour maximum and registration
is recommended, however walk-ins are welcome if times are up to famous artists, their art work, and their techniques. Then
they will create their own art using what they’ve learned. The
available. Tech Tutor is available on an individually scheduled morning sessions are perfect for home schoolers! Registration
ARBOR CARE TREE basis. Please contact the Library if you need other available is required. November: Pablo Picasso.
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck Lorain County 4H Dog Council Awards
• 113 Ft. Crane
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood On October 15, 4H Dog
Triple Shredded Mulch Project members were hon-
ored with special awards for
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member their achievements through
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 out the 4H year and at County
Jackie Baca, the new
county educator was intro-
Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping duced. Jackie gave a short
Tree Trimming • Removal history of her past and then
introduced her husband and
Stump Grinding • Pruning daughters that were in atten-
Fertilizers • Fire Wood dance.
The program for the eve-
Free Estimates! ning was on the animal rescue
programs in Lorain County
Seth Emerson - Owner and was presented by Greg
from the Animal Friendship
Office: 440-322-2624 APL. He brought three 8-
Emergency: 440-452-2456 week-old puppies, who were
[email protected] an instant hit, and talked
about the fostering program
and the need for families to
foster puppies before they go
to their forever homes.
Highlight of the eve-
Jason E. Davis ning was the presentation of
-Complete Crane Service- awards. Outstanding Dog
Project and County Med-
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” al winners were nominated (L-R): Back row - Liberty Jordon, Michael Ternes, Juliette Marcus and Lily Dempsey. Front row - Kayla
Tree/Stump Removal by their club advisers and Edwards, Anthony Zifcak, Elizabeth Filipiak, Brooklyn Wise, Isaiah Torres and Victoria Ramage.
Tree Trimming, Firewood the Dog Council Committee
“FREE ESTIMATES” selected the winners. Four - Isaiah Torres. County Med- Pre Novice A Jr.: Marshall Runner up, Juliette Markus.
Bonded & Insured members were nominated al Winners were: Junior - An- Ternes; Runner up, Anne Rally Advanced: Taylor Wal-
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 over the year by Judges, Ad- thony Zifcat and Brooklyn Koglman. Pre Novice B Jr.: lace; Runner up, Anastasia
Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] visors and other 4H mem- Wise; Intermediate - Cole Elizabeth Filipak; Runner up, Starner. Beginner Agility:
Inman, Elizabeth Filipak,
bers. Advisors and 4H mem-
Kayla Edwards. Pre Novice B
Brooklyn Wise; Runner up,
bers voted on which one of Taylor Wallace and Saman- Sr.: Taylor Wallace; Runner Faith Crowl. Agility Lev-
WATERPROOFING the four would receive the tha Cochick; Senior - Liberty up, Liberty Jordan. Novice el One: Samantha Cohick;
Jordon and Isaiah Torres.
rotating trophy this year.
A: Alexis Starner; Runner up,
Runner up, Victoria Ramage.
Champions are selected by Champions were: Com- Samantha Cochick. Novice Agility Level Two: Victoria
combining the 4H members’ bined Champion - Juliette B: Juliette Markus; Runner Ramage. Agility Level Three:
fair scores with their high- Markus and Runner up - up, Victoria Ramage. Gradu- Lily Dempsey; Runner up,
est score obtained during the Brooklyn Wise. Showman- ate Novice B: Taylor Wallace; Alexis Starner. Showman-
summer at Dog Shows. High ship: Champion - Victoria Runner up, Lily Dempsey. ship A Jr.: Anna Koglman;
Point Class winners are those Ramage and Runner up Beginner Rally A: Liberty Runner up, Justin Yarwor-
who tallied the most points by - Juliette Markus. Obedience: Jordon; Runner up, Marshall ski. Showmanship B Jr.:
attending shows all year. Champion - Juliette Markus Ternes. Beginner Rally B: Brooklyn Wise; Runner up,
Prior to announcing this and Runner up - Brooklyn Faith Crowl; Runner up, Tay- Elizabeth Filipak. Showman-
CONCRETE CRACK INJECTION years award winners, State Wise. Rally: Champion - Vic- lor Wallace. Rally Novice A: ship Int. A: Mary Dempsey.
SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED Fair participants and Junior toria Ramage and Runner Brooklyn Wise; Runner up, Showmanship Inb. B: Kayla
BASEMENT WALL CRACKS Fair Dog Show and Agili- up, Kayla Edwards. Agility: Scott Latecki. Rally Novice Edwards; Runner up, Taylor
~ OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ ty Show placement winners Champion - Brooklyn Wise B: Cole Inman; Runner up, Wallace. Showmanship B Sr.:
were recognized: Outstand-
Isaiah Torres. Rally Interme-
and Runner up - Faith Crowl.
Victoria Ramage; Runner up,
JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036 ing Dog Project - Victoria High Point Class Winners: diate A: Victoria Ramage; Juliette Markus.
Ramage and Sportsmanship
Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services Get Ready for Winter!
“Stop the water before it stops you!”
•Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, October 29, 2018
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