The Rural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 63 Years of Community Service!”
Volume 64, No. 34 Columbia Station, Ohio February 18, 2019
JVS students educate others on teen dating & domestic violence
Empty seat display in the front hallway at JVS, representing lives that were lost by domestic violence.
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, and the junior students in the Lorain County JVS Early Childhood
Education program have made it their goal to educate others on this topic and share the resources that are available in our
community for individuals who find themselves in an unhealthy relationship.
“This entire project is student led,” shared Hilary Duffala, junior Early Childhood Education Instructor. “Every year my
students pick a community organization to work with for their FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of Amer-
ica) Chapter project. This year, the Genesis House was selected because there was a strong interest in teen dating violence
and spreading the message that there are so many teens that might be in a relationship that isn’t safe.”
As part of their project, the students put up an Empty Seat Display in the front school hallway. This display is a reminder
of the vacancies that are left when a life is cut short through teen dating and domestic violence. Each seat has a picture frame
on it that tells a true story of a young person who has been murdered by someone who was supposed to love them.
Kaitlynn Starcher, Early Childhood Education junior from Midview, likes to make a difference and shared how she
thought this project would do just that. “Some people aren’t in a good relationship and we wanted to try and change that. I
hope that our display gives people a voice and encourages them to reach out and get the help that they need.”
On Friday, February 7, the JVS community came together for a purple out jeans day. This fund-raiser was a way to show
support of this topic and help raise money for the Genesis House. Staff and students were asked for monetary donations to
wear a purple shirt and jeans to school.
Another fund-raiser the students organized and ran was a cupcake decorating event for their preschool students ages four
and five. The students, and their preschoolers, enjoyed a morning filled with frosting and sprinkles, decorating over 800
pre-sold cupcakes! The fund-raiser was made possible with the help of Pink Peppercorn Catering.
Along with bringing awareness to teen dating violence, the students raised $1,411 for the Genesis House from their two
Kaitlynn and Brayden add sprinkles to a cupcake. fund-raising events.
Wintertime at the Raptor Center Friends of the Metro Parks
Pancake Breakfast
Carlisle Visitor Center and permanent injuries (why they are unable to survive
Naturalists get asked fre- in the wild), we do take certain precautions in order to The Friends of the Metro
quently, and understand- keep their enclosures ‘home sweet home’ during the Parks in Lorain County
ably so, during the win- winter months. For example, we swap out their regu- are having a Pancake
tertime, “Are your Raptor lar water dishes with heated ones, install heated perch- Breakfast on Sundays,
Center birds still outside es and/or heated pads and insulate their shelter boxes. February 24 & March
(in their enclosures)?” Factors such as the raptor’s health, size, age and dai- 3, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Depending on when we ly weather conditions (air temperature, wind chill and at the Carlisle Visi-
get asked this question, kind & amount of precipitation) play a role in deter- tor Center, located at
the answer is usually mining whether or not, and for how long, we decide to 12882 Diagonal Road,
“yes, they are outside” bring that individual inside the Raptor Center. in LaGrange.
because eight of our nine The Raptor Center is located at the Carlisle Visitor Enjoy a breakfast of all-you-
(exception turkey vulture) Center and is open to the public from 8 a.m. till dusk. can-eat pancakes, served with scrambled eggs,
native Ohio residents are We offer a variety of raptor-related free public programs sausage and your choice of coffee, tea, milk or
well-adapted to surviving our chilly, snowy Ohio winters throughout the year; please refer to our Arrowhead program juice.
(but, for example during a Polar Vortex like now, they are guide for themes, dates and times at Cost per person is $7; kids from 3-10 are $4.50
inside the Raptor Center). arrowhead.php. and kids 2 and under eat free.
That being said, due to some of our raptors’ older ages Written by CVC Naturalist, Miss Jenn
Carlisle 8 Grafton 10 Wellington 13 Profile Page 7
Community Directory Columbia 2 Grafton Twp. 11 Churches 4 Classifieds 14
Eaton 8 LaGrange 12
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Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019
the Educational Service Cen- the regional tournament in
ter of Lorain County. Any 7/8
Columbia NEWS Columbia Trustees Meeting grade student interested in to improve the quality of
We are always looking
taking the test should pick up
Julie Petras information from Mrs. Figlia- the school district and the
[email protected] The Columbia Board of Trustees met on February 4 in the no in the CMS office. services we provide. If you
Town Hall with all three Trustees and Fiscal Officer Jack- Congratulations to the have a suggestion, question
WEEKLY CALENDAR ie Ramsey. The Trustees voted to pay the bills and payroll. CMS wrestling team for plac- or comment, please feel free
Monday, February 18: The bills amounted to $68,730.73 and payroll amounted to ing 2nd in the Patriot Athletic to call me at (440) 236-5008
Presidents’ Day. $41,615.84, bringing the total to $110,346.57. The receipts to- Conference Tournament. or email bansekg@columbia.
Spaghetti dinner to benefit the Tymke family who lost their taled $18,245.54. Congratulations to the #onceaRaider
home to fire. Dinner will be served from 4-8 p.m. at the Co- Department Reports CMS Power of the Pen team Have a great week Raider
lumbia VFW. The Zoning Inspector reported that 3 permits were issued for sending five students to Nation!
Tuesday, February 19: between Jan. 21 - Feb. 1, of which two were for single family Spaghetti Dinner fund-raiser
Columbia Board of Trustees will meet tonight at 7 p.m at the dwellings.
town hall. The community is welcome to attend. The Fire Chief reported 34 on file, 33 on call, 6 mutual aid
Wednesday, February 20: assists and 5 mutual aid requests. Transport billing for January A benefit Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Monday, Feb-
Columbia Board of Education will meet tonight at CMS, 2019 brought in $10,933.24. ruary 18, to help the Tymke family of Columbia Station who
room 20, at 6 p.m. for a work session, with a regular meeting The Board of Zoning Appeals will meet on Monday, Feb. recently lost their house in a devastating fire. The dinner is from
beginning at 7. The community is welcome to attend. 25, at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall if there are any cases. 4-8 p.m. at the Columbia VFW, located at 25742 Royalton Rd.
Dinner will consist of spaghetti with meatballs, salad, roll and
Old Business dessert. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children 10 and under and
CHS Weekly Calendar trial District along the railroad tracks to R3 Residential. children under 3 are free. There will also be a 50/50 drawing
The Zoning Commission is working on rezoning the Indus-
Monday, February 18: The March 4 Trustees Meeting has been postponed to Thurs- and raffle baskets.
Come and enjoy a hearty dinner and help a local family re-
No school - Presidents’ Day day, March 7, at 4:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. build their lives. Carry-out is available.
Tuesday, February 19: ODOT reviewed the traffic at the intersection of SR 252/
4:30/6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball at Cuyahoga Hts. Snell and SR 252/Redfern, and at this time are not recommend- Kitty seeks new home
Wednesday, February 20: ing any additional improvements at either of these intersections.
7:30 a.m. Juniors ACT testing. New Business current on all my vaccines
No school for 9th, 10th and 12th grade students. The Township is still waiting for the Mileage Certification and well behaved with good
Friday, February 22: from ODOT. manners. I would make some
4:30/6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball at Oberlin. The Safety Grant from OTARMA will go to the Fire De- lucky person a wonderful
Saturday, February 23: partment for traffic cones. The companion.
Lorain County Solo and Ensemble contest at Firelands. Trustees approved the NOPEC resolution for Energized Com- If you would like to adopt
munity Grants. It will go to the fire department for windows me and give me a new, loving
Columbia K-8 lunch menu and exterior LED lighting. home, please call (440) 773-
The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, February 19,
at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall. I am a 2-year old white 9465.
Week of February 25-March 1: male kitty. My current owner COLUMBIA NEWS
Monday: Breakfast - Mini Eggo; Lunch - Choice of mini is no longer able to care for CONTINUED ON PG. 5
corn dogs, chicken, bacon & ranch wrap or popcorn chicken me, and although she loved
salad, with sweet potato fries and mixed fruit. me and took good care of
Tuesday: Breakfast - WG cinnamon rolls; Lunch - Choice me, she can no longer give February 23
All school buildings and
of orange chicken, chicken, bacon & ranch wrap or popcorn district offices will be closed This includes juniors that me the attention that I need. I Winter Farmers Market
attend the JVS. There will
chicken salad, with vegetable fried rice and mandarin oranges. on Monday, February 18, in be no school for freshmen, am looking for a new forever Seasonal produce, Free range
Wednesday: Breakfast - breakfast pizza; Lunch - Choice of home. I am litter-box trained, meats, Specialty foods, Pastries,
pasta & meatballs, chicken, bacon & ranch wrap or popcorn observance of Presidents’ sophomores and seniors on Eggs, Honey & Bee products, Syrups,
this day. This is a great op-
chicken salad, with broccoli and apricots. On Monday, February 18, portunity for these groups to Nuts, James & Jellies, Chocolates,
Thursday: Breakfast - pancake wrap; Lunch - Choice of Tea & Coffee, Artisan Breads,
quesadilla, chicken, bacon & ranch wrap or popcorn chicken the Columbia Township Fire complete community service Eco Friendly products and more!
Department will be conduct-
hours that are required for
salad, with refried beans and pears. ing a drill at CHS. This will graduation. Frostville Museum
Friday: Breakfast - mini Eggo waffles; Lunch - Choice of 24101 Cedar Point Rd.,
The ACT Practice Test
pizza, chicken, bacon & ranch wrap or popcorn chicken salad, begin at 6 p.m. I wanted ev- for 7/8 grade students will be North Olmsted
eryone to know in case you
with mixed vegetables and peaches. see emergency vehicles that given on Saturday, February 10:00am - 2:00pm
evening at CHS. Please do 23, from 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. at
not be alarmed, as this is just
2019 Garden Programs a drill!
Copopa vs CMS for the
Jonathan Green Lawn Care Columbia Food Pantry Drive
Saturday, February 23, 10 a.m. N. Ridgeville is ongoing and runs through
Friday, February 22. Co-
Join Mike from Jonathan Green as he explains step-by-step the easy way to popa is collecting toiletries:
a beautiful weed-free lawn! He will take you through preparing your soil and
the products to produce the lush green lawn you’ve always wanted! (Free) toothpaste, toilet paper, tis-
Check our website for more classes scheduled! sues, etc. Columbia Middle
School is collecting cleaning
items: paper towels, disinfec-
We have... Flower & Veggie Seeds tant wipes, dish soap, Magic
Seed Starting Soils & Grow Lights! Erasers, cleaning sponges,
New Garden Decor! etc. CHS is also doing a food
drive benefitting Columbia
Food Pantry and they are col-
lecting non-perishable food
items through February 22.
Anyone in the community
can donate by dropping off at
any of the schools. We hope
Don’t forget the birds! that you can help our schools
Weekly Birding Specials and students help those in
need in our community.
There will be a spring
sports mandatory meeting
for all parents and students in
grades 7-12 that plan on par-
ticipating in a spring sport.
This mandatory meeting will
be held on Monday, February
East: 34837 Lorain Rd., 25, in the CHS cafeteria at 6
North Ridgeville 440-327-3407 p.m.
M-F 8:30-5, Sat. 8:30-4 The ACT will be admin-
Hours may vary depending on weather. Call to confirm. istered to all juniors at CHS on Wednesday, February 20.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019 Page 3
HOURS Sale Good - Now Hiring -
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Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019
The Rural-Urban Record Nut & Poppyseed Rolls
Published Weekly on Monday Saint Vincent de Paul Altar & Rosary Society is taking nut
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter and poppyseed roll orders until March 31. Rolls are $10 each
and will be available for pick up on Friday and Saturday, April
Founders 1955 12 and 13, from 12- 5 p.m. in the church basement, located at
Lee Boise, Publisher & President 41295 North Ridge Rd., in Elyria. Elevator accessible. To place
your orders, please call (440) 277-6203, (440) 324-2775 or you
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 may send an email to: [email protected].
Mailing Address: What’s Cookin’ Wednesday!
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station Whether you are feeding yourself or a big family, we’ve got
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 you covered on What’s Cookin’ Wednesday! Swing by First
Congregational Church in Wellington on Wednesday, February
Email: [email protected] 20, any time between 4-7 p.m. to pick up your evening meal
Website: and feed the whole crew. We will provide a hot, nutritious,
DEADLINE: kid-pleasing meal ready for carry out in convenient and micro-
wavable containers. Eat-in is also available. Meals are priced at
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm $8 per person or a family four-pack for $30 (take out only). You
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1 don’t even need to plan ahead - no pre-purchase is required!
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year The meal for February 20 is lasagna. Pick up a full lasagna
dinner, including garlic bread, salad and a dessert. Vegetarian
lasagna will be available. Call (440) 647-3308 or (440) 864-
Chili Cook-off 0149 for more information. ST. JOHN
North Eaton Christian Church will be hosting a Chili Cook- “The Turn Around” program for 1140 W. River N.•Elyria •324-4070
off on Sunday, February 24. The doors will open at 5 p.m. to SERVICE TIMES:
receive chili’s being entered into the cook-off. Sampling will Pathway Beyond the Wall 5:00pm Saturday
begin at approximately 5:15 p.m. There is no cost to enter or 9:00am Sunday
attend. Grace Community Church will host Pathway Beyond The COLUMBIA UNITED Rev. Bill Mugnolo
Dig out your favorite chili recipe and enter in the competi- Wall on Sunday, February 24, at 2 p.m. at the church, located at METHODIST
tion. A “house chili” will be provided, along with drinks, hot 12365 Grafton Rd., in Grafton. CHURCH Church of Christ
dogs, corn bread and mac-and-cheese, for those who don’t like “The Turn Around” will be an afternoon of music, testimo- Worship Service
chili. Sample all the entrees and put money on the one you nies and praise from former inmates of Ohio’s system, along Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
think is the best. All money collected from the evening goes to with Robin Allen and R.A.W. Reflection. 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
the church’s Roof Fund and to Cleveland Christian Home - a A “free will” offering will be taken the day of the event. Sunday School Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
healing ministry to area children, youth and families struggling There will also be a 50/50 and concessions. All proceeds will during Worship Service 211 Forest St., LaGrange
with mental illness, abuse and neglect. go to Pathway Beyond The Wall, a not-for-profit 501c3, prepar- 25453 ROYALTON ROAD 440-355-6872
You do not have to enter a chili (or eat chili) - just bring the ing incarcerated men and women to responsibly and effectively COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO
family and enjoy an evening of good fun, food and musical re-enter the community. Pastor Matt Merriman GRAFTON UNITED
entertainment! The Midview High School “Swingin’ Blues,” 236-8822 METHODIST CHURCH
directed by Josh Brunger, will be here again this year to enter- Christ Church Food Pantry 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
tain throughout the evening. Christ Church is committed to making a difference in the [email protected] 10:00am Worship
Hungarian Dinner communities around us. On the fourth Saturday of each month, Children’s Wednesday Program
Gr. 3-12, 4:30-6:30pm
volunteers distribute non-perishable items to our neighbors in Dinner Included
need. Join us if you, or someone you know, would benefit from “Welcome Home” Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
The Community of Faith United Church of Christ, located a little extra help making ends meet. The Food Pantry is located
at 9715 East River Rd., in Elyria, is having an all-you-can-eat, at 1420 S. Abbe Rd., in Elyria. Distribution is from noon to 2 New Life Wesleyan Church
buffet-style Hungarian Chicken Paprikas and Cabbage Roll p.m. Christ Church is an equal opportunity provider. Income NORTH
Dinner. The dinner is on Saturday, February 23, from 4-6:30 qualifications apply. 11149 West River Rd. EATON
p.m. Cost is $15 for adults and $7 for children under 10. Mail Columbia Station CHRISTIAN
prepaid reservations to the church at the above address. For Healing Hearts SUNDAY 9 am CHURCH
more information or reservations, please call (440) 309-6828, (Disciples)
(440) 328-7534, (440) 366-4651 or the church office at (440) Healing Hearts is a non-denominational social group for Adult Bible Study Rt. 82 & 83
322-3781. widows and widowers. Members enjoy a variety of events and SUNDAY 10 am 440-748-2230
Bible and Brew program opportunities to meet and socialize with new people in similar Worship & Children’s Church
circumstances. We welcome new members from all area com-
munities and adults of all ages. Our regular meetings are on WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm Worship Services
Bible and Brew, a casual conversation about God, faith and the third Wednesday of each month from 1-3 p.m. Our meet- Bible Study 8:00 am & 10:30 am
scripture, will meet weekly on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at Forts ing dates for the next two months are February 20 and March Youth Group, Kids Club Sunday School
Tavern, located at 122 W. Herrick, in Wellington. This event is 20. We meet at the Brunswick Library, located at 3649 Center 9:00 am
presented by Wellington First United Methodist Church. Ev- Road. Please contact Connie at (440) 526-5495 for details. Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
Polly Tallos
Rev. John Bodo
eryone is welcome. - Associate Pastor Christian Ed. & Youth Director
AARP Tax Sites GriefShare 440-236-8600 Rev. David Chafin
GriefShare is a Faith based support group for those who Interim Minister
Listed below are the AARP Tax sites, phone numbers and have lost a loved one. They offer support, comfort and guid-
addresses for Lorain County residents to be able to register ance through shared experiences, providing encouragement
for free tax assistance at any of these11 sites. Reservations are and hope for joy in your future. They meet at Christ Church,
needed. located at 23080 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station, on Tues- St. Elizabeth
Amherst - Amherst Public Library, 221 Spring St. (440) day evenings, from 6:30-8 p.m. or Tuesday mornings, from 10-
988-4230. Tuesday/Thursday, from 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. 11:30 a.m. February 19 through May 14. Ann Seton
Elyria - Cornerstone Church, 2949 West River Rd. (440) Bring a friend if you’d like. For more information or to reg- Catholic Parish
324-1202. Monday/Wednesday, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. ister, please visit or contact Pastor Domi- 25801 Royalton Rd.
Elyria - Lorain County Office on Aging, 320 N. Gateway nic Verdell at (440) 236-8282. Columbia Station, OH
Blvd. (440) 326-4800. Tuesday/Wednesday, from 8:30 a.m.-1 Sacrament of Reconciliation
p.m. Chamber Music Society Concert (Confession)
Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Grafton - Grafton Library/Eaton Town Hall, 12043 Avon Anytime by Appointment
Belden Road. (440) 926-3317. Friday, from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 The Rocky River Chamber Music Society continues its gala Weekend Masses
p.m. 60th concert series with an evening of art songs featuring Ame- Sat. 5 p.m.
Lorain - LCCC Lorain Learning Center, 201 West Erie Av- lia D’Arcy, soprano, and Hyunsoon Whang, piano. This first Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
enue. (440) 233-7240. Monday/Wednesday, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. RRCMS concert of 2019 will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Mon- 440-236-5095
Parking on 4th Street day, February 25, at West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church,
North Ridgeville - North Ridgeville Senior Center, 7327 located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., in Rocky River. The first work
Avon Belden Rd. (440) 353-0828. Tuesday, from 9:30 a.m.-3 to be performed, Arabeske, by Early Romantic composer Rob-
p.m. ert Schumann, will set the scene for works of such late roman- Our Lady Queen of Peace
Oberlin - Oberlin Senior Center, 90 E. College St. (440) tic composers as Richard Strauss, Charles Ives, George Gersh-
775-2175. Tuesday/Wednesday, from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. win and Francis Poulenc. Catholic Church
Wellington - Wellington Town Hall, 115 Willard Memorial All are welcome. For more information, visit the RRCMS
Square. Ext. 5. (440) 647-4626 Ext. 5. Monday, 9:30 a.m.-3 website at, or follow RRCMS on Facebook and Weekend Masses Weekday
p.m. Twitter. Sat. 4:30pm Mass
Sun. 8:30 & 8:00am
FUNERAL HOME & Confession: Chapel
CREMATION SERVICES Sat. 3:30- Mon.-Tues.
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019 Page 5
COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 January 26 - Premise checks on Royalton Rd. and on Snell
Rd. Soccer registration open
Sheriff’s Blotter Assistance on Heather Ln.; Theft on Dupont Ave.; Alarm on Registration for spring soccer is now open! The deadline to
January 27 - Domestic violence/dispute on W. Heather Ln.;
The following is the Lorain County Sheriff’s Dept. Incident West River Rd.; Premise check on Royalton Rd. register will be March 7. The season starts with the first prac-
tice on April 9 and the first game on Saturday, April 13. The
Report for Columbia Township for January 2019. January 28 - Warrant on Royalton Rd.; Traffic stop on Roy- season will run to June 1. All games will be on Saturday morn-
January 2 - Suspicious condition on Briarwood Ln.; Follow alton Rd./East River Rd.; Assistance on Heather Ln.; Alarm on ings behind Columbia Middle School. Registration is open to
up investigation on Sprague Rd.; Assist fire department on East Lakeridge Way. anyone ages 3-14. To register, please visit the website http://
River Rd. January 29 - Premise check on Royalton Rd.; Department in-
January 3 - (3) Premise checks on Royalton Rd.; Harassment formation on Royalton Rd.; Lockout on West River Rd. If you have any questions, please
on Dupont Ave. January 30 - Suspicious condition on N. Boone Rd./Snell email [email protected] or call Bobby Petras
January 4 - Premise check on Snell Rd.; Premise Rd.; (2) Premise checks on Royalton Rd.; Premise check on at (440) 409-8485.
check on Royalton Rd.; Assault on Sprague Rd.; Lockout on Snell Rd. Columbia Food Drive
Westwood Ave.; Assistance on East River Rd.; Follow up in- January 31 - Follow up investigation on W. Heather Ln.
vestigation on East River Rd.; Suspicious condition on Station There will be a food drive collection through February 28 to
Rd. Washington D.C. Trip fund-raiser help replenish the supply at Columbia Food Pantry. The food
January 5 - Shots fired on Reserve Way; Disturbance on drive is sponsored by CHS Student Council and the Columbia
Sprague Rd.; Assist ambulance on Mitchell Rd.; Property dam- On February 26, from 5 p.m. until closing, Bootleggers and Food Pantry. The students at the high school will be collect-
age on Aldridge Ave.; Premise check on Royalton Rd. Mr. Gordon, 8th Grade History teacher at CHM, will be hosting ing non-perishable food items during their 9th period classes.
January 6 - Suspicious conditionon Folley Rd.; Psychiatric a fund-raiser for the Columbia local 8th grade students to go to
situation on Crockers Lndg.; Follow up investigation on Al- Washington D.C. 15% of the proceeds of any purchase from the Community members are encouraged to drop off donations at
dridge Ave.; Disabled motor vehicle on Royaton Rd.; Lockout regular menu will go to the fund-raiser. Please come out and the Guidance Office in the high school. Some items in need are:
on Royalton Rd. support this great event! regular canned soup, canned fruit, pancake mix, potato sides,
January 7 - Suspicious condition on Sprague Rd.; Civil chunky soups, canned chicken, tuna fish, syrup and rice sides.
matter on Dupont Ave.; Missing person on Sprague Rd. Columbia Garden Club Any and all donations are appreciated. Thank you!
January 8 - Alarm on Royalton Rd.; Follow up investigation Hot Stove registration
on Sprague Rd. The Columbia Garden Club will again be meeting on the
January 9 - Premise check on Royalton Rd.; New call on third Tuesday of the month, February 19, at noon, at the Co-
Royalton Rd.; Alarm on Sprague Rd.; Follow up investigation lumbia Library, located on Columbia West River near Route Columbia Hot Stove registration will be open until 11:59
on Sprague Rd.; Premise check on East River Rd.; Follow up 82. This month, we will be making bird seed containers/feed- p.m. on March 1, 2019. The easiest way to register is online
investigation on East River Rd. at Hot
January 10 - Premise check on Royalton Rd.; Suicide inves- ers. All materials will be supplied. Please join us and bring a Stove Baseball and Softball is open to any child ages 5-17.
tigation on East River Rd.; Traffic stop on Royalton Rd,/Station friend for this fun event. Light refreshments will also be served. Please email us at [email protected] if you have
Rd. CHS/CMS Spring sports parent any questions. If you would like to be an Umpire, there will
January 11 - Traffic detail on Snell Rd./Clarke Rd.; Alarm on be classes at the Elyria VFW on March 3, 10 & 17. For more
S. Boone Rd.; Alarm on Royalton Rd.; Suspicious condition on meeting/sports pictures information, or if you have any questions, please email Thom
Royalton Rd.; Premise check on Royalton Rd. Welling at [email protected].
January 12 - Premise check on Royalton Rd.; Traffic stop on
Thicket Ln./Snell Rd.; Suspicious condition on Forestview Dr.; There will be a mandatory Spring sports parents meeting COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
Lost/found property on Royalton Rd.; (2) Premise checks on on Wednesday, February 27, at 6 p.m. in the High School caf-
Royalton Rd. eteria for all parents of spring athletes. New this spring, online
January 13 - Alarm on Sprague Rd.; Alarm on Dupont Ave.; form submission will be implemented. Complete instructions NorthCoast Natural Health
Premise check on Royalton Rd.; Assist fire department on Roy- with handouts to access the website will be presented at this
alton Rd. important meeting. The general session will also cover rules & Acupuncture
January 14 - Premise checks on Royalton Rd. and on East and regulations from OHSAA and to discuss the parent student
River Rd.; Suspicious condition on Sprague Rd.; Alarm on Eagle athletic handbook. Coaches of individual teams will have an 3929 Center Rd., Brunswick | 330-460-5155
Pointe Ct. opportunity to meet with team parents in designated areas im-
January 15 - Alarm on Station Rd.; Assist fire departmenton mediately following the general meeting.
Royalton Rd. On Tuesday, March 12, all high school spring sports team/ Natural medicine’s strength lies in its ability
January 16 - Assist other agency on Forestview Dr.; Harass- individual pictures will be taken at Columbia High School. to successfully address chronic degenerative
ment on Reserve Rd.; Protection order violation on Station Rd. All participants should receive order information and the time
January 17 - (2) Traffic stops on West River Rd./Nichols Rd.; schedule for team/group and individual pictures from their diseases such as:
Animal complaint/investigation on Nichols Rd./Station Rd.; coaches. Continuing this year, we will be taking an all-senior
New call on Sprague Rd. picture at 3:20 pm. This photo is available for purchase through • Digestive Disorders: IBS, IBD, constipation, diarrhea
January 18 - (3) Premise checks on Royalton Rd.; Civil mat- Lifetouch Photography. Please direct any questions to your • Chronic Conditions: arthritis, chronic fatigue,
ter on East River Rd.; Follow up investigation on Sprague Rd. child’s respective coach. headaches, chronic sinus infections, weight gain,
January 19 - Assistance on Royalton Rd.; Traffic stop on East
River Rd./Redfern Rd.; Premise check on Royalton Rd.; New Youth Football and Cheer Camps blood sugar issues, muscle aches and pains
call on West River Rd./Akins Rd. • Autoimmune Conditions: Lupus, MS, Hashimoto’s
January 20 - Alarm on Sprague Rd.; Alarm on Cayuga Dr. • ADD, ADHD
January 21 - Assist other agency on Hawke Rd. The Columbia Youth Football League will host a football
January 22 - (2) Premise checks on Royalton Rd.; Prem- and cheer camp for those children entering kindergarten next • Diabetes, Fibromyalia and
ise check on West River Rd.; Premise check on Snell Rd./Stag year up to those entering 6th grade. The free camp will be held Weight Gain
Thicket Ln.; Premise check on Bridle Path Ln./Redfern Rd.; every Saturday in March, starting on the 2nd and ending on the
Premise check on Snell Rd. 30th. Camp will be held from 1-3 p.m. each Saturday at the Dr. Tamara Macdonald
January 23 - Abandoned vehicle on Royalton Rd.; Welfare German American Cultural Center, 7370 Columbia Road, in
check on Sprague Rd.; Disabled motor vehicle on Station Rd./ Olmsted Falls. The football camp will focus on teaching kids
Royalton Rd.; Disabled motor vehicle on N. Boone Rd./Snell basic conditioning and agility drills, along with learning foot- We also specialize in Aucupuncture and
Rd.; Alarm on Station Rd. ball fundamentals. The cheer camp will teach girls flexibility,
January 24 - Alarm on Sprague Rd.; Missing person on West- jumps, cheers and team building. Along with the physical as- Specialized Testing!
wood Ave. pect of each sport, they will also bring in guest speakers that
January 25 - Suspicious condition on Royalton Rd.; Prem- will teach the kids about dedication, determination and team- Make an appointment now and get a
ise check on Royalton Rd.; Lockout on Sprague Rd. work, amongst other topics. FREE NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT!
Please contact Jeff Sanders at [email protected] Valued up to $30. With Coupon. Exp. 3-31-19
DOWNSIZING or Kaitlin Pettegrew at [email protected] for more
101-Free Lunch
& Learn Community Programming
February 28 at 12pm
The Nest at Grey Hawk Altenheim Meeting Center at Shurmer Place
665 US Grant St, LaGrange
If you are looking to sell your home in 2019 or “Keeping Mom and Dad Safe”
planning on moving up, downsizing, or have a
family member who can no longer live on their
own, you want to attend this seminar! How to have a conversation with a family
This seminar will help you protect your equity member when it is time for them to move to a
while getting your home sold quickly. senior living community
You will learn: Dr. Katherine Judge Ph.D.
•How to sell your home for Top Dollar without snags on Professor of Psychology and Director of the Adult Development
closing day!
•Why staging is so very important to the selling process. and Aging Doctoral Program, Cleveland State University
•Which repairs/upgrades are important and which are a February 19, 2019 • 7:00 P.M.
waste of money.
•How a buyer’s financing affects your bottom line.
•Why having a home inspection now is a good idea. Program is FREE
•If a reverse mortgage is right for you. and OPEN TO
Plus so much more! THE PUBLIC
provided. Registration
Jennifer Herron-Underwood required At Altenheim We’ve Always Stood for Family.
Realtor 440-268-1048
440-371-2862 18715 Shurmer Rd, Strongsville 440-268-1048
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019
Breakfast with a Buddy Thanks to the generous
support of the Columbia
Invitations were sent from both Copopa Elementary School Community Foundation and
and Columbia Middle School for our annual Breakfast with a the Columbia Local School
Buddy. This special day’s purpose is to strengthen the family Board, CMS was able to host
and school connection and to offer simple fellowship and fun. the Northern District 1 Tour-
If you did not receive an invitation and would like to come, nament for Power of the Pen
please contact Copopa or CMS as soon as possible. on February 2, under the di-
We will offer breakfast for students and a grown up buddy rection of Kyleen Wilson. 21
(grandparent, parent, relative, neighbor) whose last names be- schools competed, with 100
gin with A, B, C or D on Tuesday, Feb. 19; breakfast for stu- 7th graders and 112 8th grad-
dents with last names beginning with E, F, G, H, I, J or K will ers writing in three rounds
be Wednesday, Feb. 20; last names beginning with L, M, N, O, of creative writing. CMS 8th
P, Q or R will be Thursday, Feb. 21; and last names beginning grade writers were: Alyssa
with S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z will be Friday, Feb. 22. Each Beach, Grace Borschk, Kalis-
day, breakfast will be from 8:30-9 a.m. Students and buddies ta Cook, Sophia Curley and
will also be able to take a quick tour of the school, if they wish. Lilly Simons. CMS 7th grade
If you have any questions, please call Susie Dunn at (440) writers were: Angelina Ibar-
236-5020 or email [email protected]. ra, Samantha Geiger, Liliana (L-R) Front row: Lili Hritz, Angelina Ibarra, Sophia Curley and Samantha Geiger; Back row:
Hritz, Claire Lind, Madison
Columbia Library events Rodgers and Shelby Rumes. Grace Borschk, Shelby Rumes, Claire Lind, Alyssa Beach, Kalista Cook, Lilly Simons and
Madison Rodgers.
A huge heartfelt thank
The Friends of the Co- would you like to be one? you goes out to the Colum- Also, thank you to the PTA volunteers whose help was ment in Cleveland on April 6.
lumbia Library, Inc. meeting Join us at the library monthly bia Community Foundation for their generous contri- invaluable. Congratulations to each POP
- Tuesday, February 19, at 6 to try new craft projects and for their generous support in butions for the Hospitality Samantha, Alyssa, Grace, team member for your hard
p.m. Members are encour- make new friends. Preregis- sponsoring our team and the Room and the TAB Room. Kalista and Sophia have all work and dedication to bet-
aged to attend and volunteer tration required. Tournament. We could not Another thank you goes out qualified to compete at the tering yourselves and honing
to help at fund-raising events. Excel for Beginners - have done it without them. to the 40+ student and adult Northern Regional Tourna- your writing craft.
New members and guests are Saturday, February 23, from
welcome to attend and dis- 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Partic-
cover how they can become ipants will learn about the ba- and choose layout and print Fidget seeks loving home N. Ridgeville
an active member and help sics of using the 2016 edition format options. A limited
the Columbia Branch Library. of Microsoft Excel to set up amount of hands on practice ly available for adoption can Historical
Crafty Adults at the Li- a spreadsheet workbook. The time will be available. Partic- be seen at www.friendshipapl.
brary - Thursdays, February instructor will demonstrate ipants need to be comfortable org/cats Society
21 & March 21, from 6-7:30 how to input data, compose using a mouse to attend. Pre- All cats receive one or
p.m. Are you a crafter, or simple spreadsheet formulas registration required. more vaccinations, a basic The North Ridgeville His-
Booking it for Fitness veterinary examination, are torical Society will meet on
Walking Club - Saturdays, wormed and spayed/neutered Wednesday, February 20, at
February 23 and March 2, 9, and feline leukemia tested. 7:00 at the North Ridgeville
16, 23 & 30, at 11 a.m. Look- Kittens under a year old are Library. Anyone with an in-
ing to get a little bit of exer- $60 and cats over a year are terest in local history is in-
cise and make new friends? only $25. Senior cats (8 years vited to visit and explore the
Join the library’s walking and up) are free for people 60 group. Many photos of our
club. This group meets week- years and up. All kittens/cats town and it’s people are avail-
ly at the library and makes Fidget over 3 months old are also mi- able to view on the group’s
cro-chipped. If you would like
use of the beautiful adjacent Fidget is very affectionate, to give this kitty a new, loving, Facebook page - a Facebook
walking trail in the Columbia incredibly loving, very friend- forever home, please call the membership is not required
Township Park. Meet in the ly, a big time lap cat and more. Friendship Animal Protective to enjoy the page: Facebook.
library’s meeting room and He is such a nice kitten! Fidget League at (440) 322-4321. com/North-Ridgeville-His-
grab a water bottle, which is 7- months old and is wait- The shelter is located at 8303 torical-Society.
will be provided for your ing to meet you at Friendship Murray Ridge Road, in Elyria.
walk. APL. The kittens/cats current-
Create an Easier, More Comfortable Lifestyle. Adult Book Discussion
In a 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, New Ranch Style Home - The Atomic City Girls, by
Janet Beard, Monday, Febru-
with 1248 Sq. Ft of Living Space. ary 25, at 1 p.m. Copies of Dr. Marc Asmar
the book are available at the
Has your old home turned into a money pit? library. New members are GENERAL AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY
welcome. Preregistration re-
Are you looking to downsize and make your life easier? quired.
Why not replace your old home with an affordable Waist Watchers - Mon- Serving the Southwest Cleveland area for over 25 years
new energy efficient home. Cash in on a new home days, February 25 and March
4, 11, 18 & 25, from 6:30-7:15
with everything on one floor, located in a welcoming p.m. Join in on our video-led
community, conveniently located near entertainment, fitness activity for beginners. Start your new year off right with a fantastic smile!
dining, shopping, I-480 and the Ohio Turnpike. Preregistration required. Call Dr. Asmar today!
The Columbia Library is
CONTACT US TODAY! located at 13824 W. River
6610 Lear Nagle Rd North Ridgeville OH Road North, in Columbia Sta- (440) 235-1180
tion. For more information or
(440) 327-1565 / (216) 644-2018 to register for programs, call them at (440) 236-8751.
Providing Invisalign treatment for over 10 years!
Come see all of the available ways we have to make
you smile or visit us at
Carpentry Limited
Don’t have dental insurance? No problem!
Our in house wellness plan can help!
Choose the closest location to you!
Olmsted Falls Medina
26924 Cook Rd. 807 E. Washington St. • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019 Page 7
NOT SURE WHERE TO START? Jennifer, Landon • Rings • Necklaces • Watches • Clocks LICENSED
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(440) 365-0303 Certified Graduate Remodeler (CGR) Grafton, Ohio 44044
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[email protected] brochures flyers menus postcards booklets/catalogs letterheads photography Before someone else does! Before someone else does!
business cards
Call 440-236-8982
Call 440-236-8982
to get your ad in
to get your ad in
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019 Reggie seeks loving home
Carlisle NEWS Eaton NEWS
[email protected]
[email protected] his vaccines. Reggie’s mom
passed away recently and he,
Murray Ridge Prom fund-raiser Eaton Township News along with 3 other dogs and 5
cats, are all looking for new
forever homes. Reggie likes
A Mardi Gras-themed Dinner Dance fund-raiser will be held •Please note that our Compost Center is now CLOSED until dogs, cats and people. He is
on Saturday, February 23, at the Amherst Eagles Club, located spring! the happiest little guy you
at 1161 Milan Ave., in Amherst, to raise money for the Murray •Please contact our office at (440) 748-2236 or secretary@ have ever met! But, he is a
Ridge School Senior Prom scheduled for May. Doors will open to request a Resident Packet with links to typical Jack Russell escape
at 5 p.m., followed by a New Orleans-style dinner served from resources in the County/Township artist. You have to be very
5:30-7:30 p.m. with Cajun roasted chicken, andouille sausage •Please visit our Facebook page for info. dailywww.face- careful to make sure he is
with red beans and rice, Creole-style corn and more. The event, Reggie contained and safe! Reggie is
coordinated by Murray Ridge School staff volunteers, will con- •Local Eaton Twp. businesses (retail & at-home) should Reggie is an 8-year old also housetrained.
clude with a DJ and dancing from 7:30-11 p.m. The evening’s contact the secretary to be listed in our Business Listing male, Jack Russell Terrier To meet Reggie, please
festivities will also feature a 50/50 raffle, a square board, basket •Township Hall Rentals: $75/Hall rental for Eaton Town- mix. He weighs 17 lbs. and is call June at (440) 522-8558.
raffles and door prizes. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased ship Residents; $125 for non-residents. Lots of open dates! neutered and all caught up on
by calling Murray Ridge School at (440) 329-3760. Call the Secretary to schedule your family or work party. ($100
cleaning deposit) All non-profits that serve the youth of Eaton
SWCD Workgroup meeting Township get FREE hall rentals (examples: 4-H, Girl Scouts, Open Skate
School Groups)
The Elyria Parks and Recreation Department will be having
The Lorain Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) •Did you know the Township will allow you to “borrow” 7 an Open Skate on Presidents’ Day, Monday, February 18. The
will conduct a Local Workgroup (LWG) meeting on Tuesday, tables/24 chairs to use for a party. Call the Township to reserve Open Skate will be held from 1-3:30 p.m. Admission fees are
February 19, at 8 a.m., to identify resource concerns, discuss them at 440-748-2236 (must be an Eaton Twp. Resident). $4 for youth and $5 for adults. Skate rental fee is $3.
conservation priorities and develop potential solutions. The •Residential lock boxes & mailbox reflective signs are Registrations are still being accepted for Session 3 of the
meeting will take place at the Agricultural Center, located at available at the town hall office. Learn to Skate Program. Registrations can be completed in-per-
42110 Russia Rd., in Elyria, in the large meeting room. •Reminder: Notary services are complimentary for Eaton son at the Recreation Department office at City Hall or online at
While Local Group membership is limited to Federal, Township residents Registrations will be
State, County, Tribal or local government representatives who •Veterans (living or deceased) in Eaton Township (for at accepted until February 25. Session 3 will begin on February
are familiar with agriculture and natural resources interests, least 1 year of their life) that would like their name to be en- 26. For more information, contact Ryan Fry at (440) 326-1504.
the meeting is open to the general public, who are invited to graved on our Veterans Memorial Wall/Bench should contact
participate and provide input on local conservation issues and the town hall at (440) 748-2236. Cost is $50.
resource challenges. LWGs support locally led conservation Location for all calendar items below is 12043 Avon Belden
efforts by coordinating USDA programs with other conserva- Rd.
tion programs in an effort to provide an integrated solution to -Monday, February 18 - Office Closed all day for Presidents
addressing natural resource concerns. Day.
For more information, contact Derrick Harmon, District -Tuesday, Februay 19, at 7:30 p.m. - Eaton Twp. Trustees
Conservationist with NRCS, at the Lorain SWCD office at bi-monthly meeting.
(440) 323-5648, ext. 3.
AAUW meeting
The February meeting of the AAUW will be on Monday,
Feb. 18, at 7 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, located at 9685 Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical,
East River Street, in Elyria. The program, presented by Tim Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances
Simonson, “Why Did I Drive to Kansas in a Model T?” should
prove to be very interesting! Refreshments and business meet- Grafton Wellington
ing to follow the program.
If you are attending a college or universi- 35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St
Offices closed ty or have attended, please consider joining them. 440-926-3312 440-647-6010
Their purpose is to advance equity for women and girls through
advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. All are wel-
Keep in touch with your community come.
Paid for by The Lorain County Commissioners and LCSWMD
Take Uncle Sams
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Fabulous, Plush ** $1.99
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019 Page 9
Stop in & Experience one of our
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34981 ROYALTON ROAD, NORTH EATON Please call 440-748-3751 For Advanced Special Orders
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$ 2 49
USDA Inspected $ 69 2/$ 2/$
1/4 Pork Loin 1 Red Baron Pizza 7 15.5-16 oz. 5
20.89-26.45 oz.
Assorted Chops lb. Jif Peanut Butter
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019
we will answer any and all questions!
The Grafton Grangers’ Parent Information and First Meet-
Grafton NEWS ing of 2019 is on February 28 at 6:30 p.m. The club would like
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 to invite any curious newcomers to this introductory meeting at
[email protected] This week, I would like to remind parents and families of the Grafton Community Room, located at 1050 Novak Road,
some important dates. First, there is no school on Monday, Feb. in Grafton. Information, snacks and fun will be provided. We
18, in honor of Presidents’ Day. I hope everyone enjoys the hope to see you there!
Night at the Races long weekend! Altenheim offers free
Parent-teacher conferences are also happening in a number
Midview Bands will be holding their annual Night at the of our buildings this week. East Intermediate will hold confer- community programs
Races on Saturday, March 23, at the Lodge of New Russia ences on Feb. 20 from 3:30-6:45 p.m. North and West Elemen-
Township, 46300 Butternut Ridge Road, in Oberlin. The doors tary Schools will hold conferences on Feb. 21 from 4-7:30 p.m. Altenheim is excited to present a community program with
will open at 5:30 p.m. with post time being 7:30 p.m. Tickets If you are interested in scheduling a conference time, please guest speaker, Dr. Katherine Judge Ph.D., Professor of Psy-
are $25 and include buffet dinner, soft drinks and beer. Atttend- contact your child’s building for more information. chology and Director of the Adult Development and Aging
ees should be 21 years of age or older. Additional beverages Also on Feb. 21, the Midview High School Symphon- Doctoral Program at Cleveland State University. This program
may be brought in by ticket holders. There will be gift basket ic Band will appear as special guests during Cleveland State is free and open to the community. Refreshments will be pro-
raffles, 50/50 raffles and sideboards. Tickets may be purchased University’s Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band performance. The vided and questions will be encouraged!
from any high school band member, Midview Band Booster event begins at 7 p.m. in the Waetjen Auditorium. This is an This program will be unlike others, discussing the important
members or with a mail in order form available on the Mid- honor for our band, and I know they have been working hard to conversation when it’s time to move a loved one into a senior
view Bands web page. Horses and program advertising are also prepare. I wish them the best of luck during their performance! living community. It never feels like it’s the “right” time to
available. Horses are $20 each. The name of the horse and the Have a great week! have this conversation, but it can be crucial when your loved
horse’s owner will be printed in the program and announced. Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent (440) 748-5353 one no longer can stay at home.
Winning horses net the owner $50. Horses in the last race will This free event will be held on February 19 at 7 p.m. at
be auctioned at the event. Program advertisements are $25 for State of the Village Address 18715 Shurmer Road, in Strongsville. To access the meeting,
business card size, $50 for half page and $100 for full page. enter through Altenheim’s Meeting Center at Shurmer Place.
Band Sponsorships are also available - Silver level is $250 and The Kiwanis Club of Midview is hosting the Village of Graf- Call (440) 268-1048 to RSVP.
Gold level is $500. All proceeds from the event will benefit all ton’s State of the Village Address on Monday morning, March
the Midview Schools’ Band Programs. For more information 4, from 7:30-9:30 a.m. in the Grafton VFW Hall, located at 783 28th Amendment Program
and order forms, visit the Midview Bands web site at http:// Huron Street. Tickets are $10 and include breakfast. Breakfast will be served at 7:30 a.m. with the program beginning at 8 a.m. American Promise, a non-profit organization, 501C, invites
Fleet Hometown news The keynote speaker will be Grafton Mayor David DiVencen- the public to join their free workshop about the 28th Amend-
zo. Other speakers will include: Grafton Village Administrator
ment to learn what you can do to get big money out of politics!
- Joe Price, Midview Schools Superintendent - Dr. Bruce Will- The workshop is on Thursday, February 21, from 6:30-8 p.m.
U.S. Air Force Airman 1st ingham and Grafton-Midview Public Library Director - Adele at the North Ridgeville Library, located at 35700 Bainbridge
Class Abby Hoffman grad- Infante. For ticket information, contact Melissa Janowski at Rd. For additional information, contact Daisie Reish at (440)
uated from basic military (440) 420-8885 or Celeste Brlas at (440) 315-2590. 371-4834 / daisie.reish@frontiercom or
training at Joint Base San An-
tonio-Lackland, in San Anto- Grafton Police Incident Report Strongsville Historicial Society
nio, Texas. The airman com-
pleted an intensive, 8-week During the month of January, the Grafton Police Depart- Founder’s Day program
program that included train- ment recorded 567 actions or responses made by officers. The
ing in military discipline and majority of the actions were premise checks with a total of 353. The Strongsville Historical Society invites you to their an-
studies, Air Force core val- There were 5 accidents and 3 disabled vehicles. Assistance was nual Founder’s Day Program on Tuesday, February 26, at 7
ues, physical fitness and basic given a total of 48 times, 9 alarm calls were received, 6 lockouts p.m. at Strongsville Old Town Hall, located at 18825 Royalton
warfare principles & skills. were recorded and 2 welfare checks completed. There were 5 Rd. Every year the Strongsville Historical Society holds this
Hoffman earned distinction burglaries and a breaking and entering in the village. Officers program to continue its mission to discover, collect, record,
as an honor graduate. She is responded to 16 domestic violence/disputes, 68 traffic stops preserve and interpret the history of the Strongsville, Ohio area
the daughter of Amy & Doug- were made and 4 parking tickets issued. Officers were given through programs that inspire, stimulate and educate the com-
las Hoffman of Grafton. The 10 special detail assignments. Other calls included an animal munity.
airman is a 2013 graduate of complaint, railroad complaints, fraud calls, noise complaints, Plan to join them in this endeavor. This year’s program, pre-
Heritage Christian School, in Abby Hoffman harassment/menacing complaints and a missing person report. sented by Valerie Mattingley, is called “Roughing It: When
Brooklyn, Ohio. She earned Strongsville was a Frontier Town.” Light refreshments will be
a bachelor’s degree in 2017 College, Pensacola, Fla. Grafton Grangers 4H Club Parent provided at this free event. All are welcome!
from Pensacola Christian Congratulations! The Strongsville Historical Society and Historic Village in-
Information meeting vites you to become a member by calling (440) 572-0057. You
can learn more about the Strongsville Historical Society by go-
2019 Grafton State of the Village Address year. Our club enjoys participating in a wide variety of activi- ing to
The Grafton Grangers 4-H Club is kicking off the 2019
!! 7:30am - 9:30am !! ties throughout the year. We not only exhibit our projects at the Restaurant Since 1983
Monday March 4, 2019
Lorain County Fair, but we also planted a flower pot, worked
& Pub
shifts at the Milk Barn (store) and painted faces at the Family
Grafton VFW Hall,
Fun Day this past year. In addition to our fair activities, the
club went to the Cleveland Aquarium, made horse treats for
783 Huron St
display case at our local library to promote 4H and attended the
$10 Breakfast Included a local shelter, participated in an archery clinic, decorated the 423 N. Main St, Grafton
Grafton Old Fashion Christmas, where we gave out ornaments
Open: Tues - Sat from 4pm
Call for Tickets - 440-322-5867 and treats. Our goal is always to fully enjoy surpassing our ac-
Sponsored by The Kiwanis Club of Midview complishments of the previous year. If this club seems exciting LAKE ERIE PERCH FRY
to your family, please join us for our upcoming meeting, where
FRIDAYS 4-6 pm $10.95
Golf Club
Call us or stop in to check out the best
packages for your group.
We have 5 great options to choose from!
Improvements to the Course
Coming in 2019
12415 Grafton Rd., Grafton
12415 Grafton Rd., Grafton • 440-322-9254
Club Pro - Rick Montgomery
Club Pro - Rick Montgomery
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019 Page 11
Grafton Twp. NEWS Grafton-Midview Library question and get you more Recommended for children
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 For more information or beautifully arranged wreath. comfortable with the technol- ages 6 and up. This program
will be held at the Carlisle
ogy you use. We encourage
[email protected] to register for programs, stop Please note that you must you to bring your laptop or Township Hall.
into the library at 983 Main wait to register for the July device, however the library Block Party - Tuesday,
Public Zoning meeting Street, call (440) 926-3317 and September sessions. This will have a laptop and hot- February 26, at 6:30 p.m.
program is being held at the
or log onto www.gmplibrary.
org. Registration is required Grafton Township Hall. shot available during pro- Who can build the tallest
The Grafton Township Zoning Commission will hold a for most programs. The li- Traveling Tech Tutor - gram hours. No registration is LEGO brick tower? Who can
public zoning meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 19. at brarians are bringing their Friday, February 22, at 11 required, as this is on a first make a marble maze? Spend
the Grafton Township Hall, located at 17109 Avon-Belden Rd. programs out into the com- a.m. GMPL is taking Tech come, first served basis. Ap- some time competing a
The Zoning Commission will be reviewing the existing fencing munities they serve. Please Tutor on the road in February, pointments are available at LEGO brick challenge or just
regulations and discussing other issues and concerns as they note the location of each pro- March and April. We will be the library on may Tuesdays come and build something on
come up. gram. at the Eaton Township Hall on and Thursdays. Visit the li- your own, The library will
supply all the LEGO bricks
brary’s on-line calendar to
Writers Bloc - Tuesday,
Sheriff's Report February 19, at 3:30 p.m. select Fridays from 11 a.m.-1 check on available times or you need. This program will
p.m. in conjunction with the
Do you want to learn about CARP Tax-Aide Program call the library at 926-3317. take place at the Eaton Town-
ship Hall.
Treasure Island present-
The Lorain County Sheriff’s Office has released their in- the craft of writing? In this this year. Come to file your
Music & Movement -
cident report for Grafton Township for the month of January. group, we will provide con- taxes and then stop to ask a ed by Great Lakes Theater Wednesday, February 27,
- Saturday, February 23, at
During the first week of the month, an alarm call was received structive feedback on each tech question before or after 2 p.m. What is the price of at 10:30 a.m. Put on your
from a Law Road W residence on January 2. A welfare check other’s works, participate in your appointment during the adventure? Venture out on dancing shoes and get ready
was completed on January 3 on Neff Road. Also on January 3, different writing exercises scheduled hours. You do not the high seas with young Jim to feel the beat. This mu-
an alarm call was received from Grafton Road and a follow-up and discuss short stories and need a tax prep appointment Hawkins as he searches for sic-based storytime for chil-
investigation was conducted on Island Road. A 911 hang up/ essays. We welcome all lev- to use the Tech Tutor. Ques- the lost treasure of Captain dren ages 3-6 will be full of
open line came from E Crook Street on January 4. A suspicious els of writers and all genres. tion about tablets, comput- Flint. A brave band of actors dancing, singing and getting
condition was reported on St. Rt. 83 on January 5. Deputies This program is held in the ers, smart phones, software, embraces clowning slapstick those wiggles out. This pro-
conducted a follow-up investigation on Neff Road also on Jan- library’s community room. email, Internet and more are puppetry and music in the gram will take place at the
uary 5. On January 6, deputies assisted another agency on St. Horror Book Club - welcome. Tech Tutor is here greatest pirate story ever told. Grafton Township Hall.
Rt. 57. On January 7, there was a follow-up investigation con- Thursday, February 21, at to help find answers to your
ducted on St. Rt. 83 at Law Road W and a report of lost/found 6:30 p.m. Please join us for
property was filed on St. Rt. 83. our new bi-monthly horror
A psychiatric situation was reported on January 9 on Graf- book discussion. The first
ton Eastern Road. A new call was reported on St. Rt. 303 on book we will be reading is % ALL PALLISER
January 12. Also on this date, suspicious condition calls were Bird Box, by Josh Maleman.
made from Grafton Eastern Road. Assistance was giving on Copies of the book are cur- SAVE 15 ON RECLINING FURNITURE
January 13 on Cowley Road. Deputies responded to a domes- rently available at the library.
tic violence/dispute and a theft at a Dellwood Road address on Please pick one up at the front
January 14. Deputies were back to the Dellwood Road address desk. The club will meet in
on January 15 for an additional theft call. the Doris Wildenheim Local
During the third week, there was a disturbance call on St. History Room on the second
Rt. 83 on January 15. A new call was recorded on January 17 floor of the library. Please call
from St. Rt. 303, as was an alarm call on Grafton Road. Also on the library for more informa-
tion or to check on book
January 17, there was an unwanted person call on Erhart Road. availability. Light refresh-
A disturbance was recorded on St. Rt. 303 on January 18. De- ments will be served.
partment information was given on Grafton Road and an alarm InbeTWEENers - Thurs-
call received from a Crook Street location, both on January 20. day, February 21, at 6:30 p.m.
A disabled motor vehicle was reported on January 21. How many rubber bands are
At the end of the month, a disabled vehicle was reported on needed to make a bungee
W. Law Road on January 23. Deputies assisted another agency jump cord for a Barbie? What
on January 23 at the intersection of St. Rt. 83 and Grafton East- exactly is in fizzy moon sand?
ern Road. On January 24, a disabled vehicle was reported at the Is it possible to build an un-
intersection of St. Rt. 303 and Mennell Road. Also on that day, sinkable boat with material
deputies conducted a premise check on St. Rt. 83. Assistance you already have around your
was given on St. Rt. 57 on January 25. A domestic violence/ house? Discover the answers
dispute call was received on St. Rt. 303 on January 27. January to these questions and more
27 was a busy day in the township with an unwanted person at this monthly program es-
call on St. Rt. 303, a disturbance call on St. Rt. 83, and a fol- pecially for ages 8-12. Each
low-up investigation on State Route 303. On January 28, a St. month we will do some build-
Rt. 83 resident was locked out, property damage was reported ing, brainstorming, bonding
on St. Rt. 83 and property was loss/found on Dellwood Road. and have a snack. The pro-
A disturbance call came in from St. Rt. 303 on January 29. Two grams will be held at the Ea-
follow-up investigations were conducted on January 29 - one ton township Hall.
on St. Rt. 303, the other on St. Rt. 83. Lastly, property damage I Love Flowers Series -
was reported on Neff Road on January 30. Thursday, February 21, at
6:30 p.m. Calling all garden-
KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS ers, wannabe gardeners and
crafters for a 3-part series
with floral expert Carol Mole.
learn what flowers to grow,
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ when to plant them and how
to care for them. On July 11,
Hours By Appointment share photos of your gar- 11891 Grafton Rd., Grafton OH 44044
dens progress and ask Carol
419 NORTH MAIN STREET your most pressing ques- Phone: (440) 458-5136
tion. On September 12, bring
GRAFTON, OHIO your cut flowers and make a
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with 1230 N Abbe Rd., Elyria, OH 44035 •
programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels VA CLAIMS ASSISTANCE RESOURCE ROOM
drivers. To become a driver, contact EMILY @ 353-0829. Service Officers advise/assist Vets & their Clients have access to computers & printer,
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE. family of their rights and/or obtaining we also send faxes and provide a notary.
2/19 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being possible benefits through the VA, the State
instructed by Debi’s of Ohio and Lorain County.
Personal Training
with fruit and juice for TEMPORARY TRANSPORTATION to
participants. VA Medical Appointments
2/26 at 2:00 pm FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE A morning shuttle is available to Wade Park
Senior Exercise Class May be available to Vets or their widow, who & Parma. Home pick-ups are provided to
being instructed by show a need and meet eligibility requirements. the VA Clinic in Sheffield Village. Availability
Debi’s Personal Applications are by appointment only. is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Wheelchair
Training with fruit and accessible service is available.
juice for participants. TO SCHEDULE A RIDE CALL
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact 440.284.4624
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special SERVICES ARE PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE TO VETERANS OF LORAIN COUNTY ONLY
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019
repaired the Community Center’s lift station by replacing the With no additional business to discuss, the meeting was ad-
LaGrange NEWS pump and providing two new stainless steel hangers. journed at 9:10 p.m.
Board of Zoning Appeals Chairperson Jackie Johnson re-
Special Meeting:
The January 25 special meeting of the Penfield Township
[email protected] quested a change to the Home Occupation Renewal process. Trustees was called to order at 2 p.m. All officers were present.
She will research the legal requirements and report.
Fiscal Officer Denes read the correspondence, which in- One guest attended the meeting.
Vouchers #12495-12506 were approved with a motion made
Village of LaGrange Open House cluded a quote from Finkel for 2019 service, the Bond appli- by Trustee Conrad, seconded by Trustee Flynn.
cation for new Trustee Flynn, a letter from the LC Engineer’s
office regarding Township participation in their 2019 Chip & Trustee Conrad presented a Notice of Award for Rumpke for
The Village of LaGrange is having an Open House on Seal program, the LC Sheriff’s report and the 2019 Mileage the April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2024 contract period. This
Sunday, February 24, from 1-4 p.m. at 301 Liberty St., in La- Certification from the LC Engineer’s office. Denes presented will be followed up with a resolution at the February 5 meeting.
Grange. All Village residents are welcome to stop by and view the 2019 Township Inventory for review. Denes reported that Slight price increases were discussed for this period.
the newly renovated Municipal Building & Police Department. new Trustee Flynn is required to have Public Records Training Trustee Chairman Johnson presented the proposed Policy
Band Boosters Steak Fry during his year of service. All Trustees & the Fiscal Officer may Manual in a power point presentation. Discussion was held and
be able to join the Public Records Training session at the OTA
minor changes were made. Johnson will prepare the final draft
The Keystone Band Boosters are having a Steak Fry/Re- Winter Conference. Denes questioned action on the collapsed for approval at the February 5 meeting. The Five Year Plan was
verse Raffle on Saturday March 9, from 6-11 p.m. at Penfield garage on the Noster property. Trustee Flynn will discuss at the next on the agenda and many suggestions were made. This will
Township Hall, located at 41012 State Route 18, in Wellington. next Fire Board meeting. be a valuable tool for future budgeting.
Tickets are $30 and include dinner, 2 drinks and a chance in Trustee Conrad reported that Michael Sammon is no longer With no additional business to discuss, the meeting was ad-
the raffle. They will also have a 50/50, side boards and raffle with Armstrong and he spoke with some lady who advised that journed at 5:25 p.m.
baskets. For tickets, contact Carol Tyrone at (440) 396-3177. the increased service cost was driven by the increased program- Submitted by Vicki Denes, Fiscal Officer
Come and help support the Keystone Bands! ming costs. Conrad spoke with Carrie Rosemark of the Rocky
River Waste Water Treatment Plant and asked if the Township
Penfield Township Trustees could receive notice of the loads of Biosolid waste material de-
livered to the Township. She forwarded the request to their le-
The January 15 regular meeting of the Penfield Township gal department. She further advised that after November 30, the Thank you for all of your feedback regarding our school cal-
Trustees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. All officers were pres- loads go to Rumpke for the balance of the winter months. Con- endars in the upcoming years. After analyzing the responses we
received, as well as talking with our staff, administrators, and
ent and 8 guests attended the meeting. The minutes of the pre- rad received phone calls from David Diaz and James Diaz, the students, I will be recommending to the Board of Education to
vious meeting were read and approved. property owners where the Biosolid are being dumped. Conrad vote for the Option 2 Calendars to separate spring break and
Zoning Inspector Richard Donahue distributed the Monthly reported on the RLCWA meeting and advised that the new gen-
& Annual Zoning Reports. There were 6 new residences, 14 eral manager received a raise after six months on the job that the Easter holiday. As such, spring break will occur in March,
with the week to be determined, and students will have Good
accessory buildings, 7 additions, 4 swimming pools and 2 fence brings his salary up to $112,000. This was done to bring his Friday and Easter Monday off. We will inform you as soon as a
permits issued for the year. Donahue reported that he and Tom salary more in line with other tenured employees that report decision has been solidified for the week in which spring break
Mangan, of the LC Prosecutor’s office, met with Mrs. Gresho, to him. will occur in March.
her daughter and son-in-law. He reported that progress is being Trustee Flynn reported on his attendance at the Fire Board Our schools have so many talented vocalists, instrumen-
made. He also reported on the condition of the Haight property. meeting. He was asked by LCTA President Leimbach to be the talists, and thespians. Recently, many of our High School vo-
Michael Sweet of Sweet Lawns attended to clarify his quote association’s liaison to Farm Bureau.
for lawn care for 2019. Fiscal Officer Denes will obtain a sec- Trustee Chairman Johnson reported that he had swapped calists had outstanding performances at the OMEA Solo and
Ensemble contest. Job Butcher, Jessica Kun, Serena Owens,
ond quote. locks on the Community Room Lobby Doors with one that had and the KHS Men’s Ensemble made up of Elijah Gibson, Ja-
Hannah Rosenberg of Oberlin Community Services attend- less use to no avail. There are still issues with the locks and they
ed to discuss their home food distribution program to folks who will have to be replaced. Johnson reported that he removed a cob Kincaid, Kevin Koepp, Brayden Norris, and Mason Nor-
ris earned Superior I ratings. Excellent II ratings were Paige
are unable to reach other food sources. She will forward addi- tree that had fallen on Short Rd. on New Year’s Eve. He deliv- Dillen, Kennedy Jackson, Isabelle Wulf, Elijah Gibson, Cole
tional information. Trustee Johnson made a motion, seconded ered two address signs and received the new Township business Stoots, and the KHS Belle Voci (Women’s Choir). Congratula-
by Trustee Conrad, to join this program. cards. He will follow up with the JVS regarding a new sign for tions students and wonderful job to our Vocal Music Instructor
Deputy Wohlever of the LC Sheriff’s Office reported that the front door. Johnson reported that in light of Finkel’s price
there had been 18 reported cases of theft from autos between increase for the Cemetery grave digging service, he had sought Bethany Pearce.
Our thespians have been preparing for months for their up-
1-7 a.m. Patrols have been increased by the Township impact another quote. At this time, he was unaware of another compa- coming winter musical, “Flapper, A Madcap Musical Comedy
unit between those hours. Detectives Lottman and Aschemeier ny that provides that service. Trustees will attempt to identify Tribute to the 1920s. Plan to attend one of their upcoming three
are the primary contacts for this issue. More information can be another provider in time for 2020’s bids. Trustee Johnson made performances on February 28, March 1, and March 2 at 7 p.m.
found on the LC Sheriff’s website or Facebook page. a motion, seconded by Trustee Conrad to stay with Finkel for There is also a Saturday matinee beginning at 2 p.m. All perfor-
Mindy Nielson of Ryan St. Marie attended to introduce her- 2019.
self and offer her service in insurance matters. Fiscal Officer Attendance at the LCTA meeting was discussed, as well as mances will be held in the KHS Cafetorium. Tickets are sold at
the door; $10 for adults and $5 for students.
Denes requested information on the Township’s policy that travel plans for the OTA Winter Conference. We hope to see you at these events to show our support for
might provide coverage for legal defense in the future. The 2019 Township Inventory was approved with a motion all of our students’ hard work and accomplishments.
Maintenance man Tim Tyrone reported that Burnett’s had made by Trustee Conrad, seconded by Trustee Flynn.
PANCAKE Custom Cabinet Refacing
by Whitehouse Renewal
BREAKFAST Before After
Don’t replace that old kitchen... REFACE IT!
Remodel your
kitchen in as little
The Friends of the Metro Parks will sponsor a as 3 DAYS!
Pancake Breakfast on:
Sunday, February 24 • We offer over 20 different colors and styles.
and Sunday, March 3 rd • We have many space saving options as well.
from 9am-1pm • Refacing is about 1/2 the cost of a full tear out!
• All our doors and drawers are soft close.
at the Carlisle Visitor Center • Drawer boxes are dovetail and solid wood.
12882 Diagonal Rd, LaGrange, OH
Breakfast Includes:
Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Juice, Milk, Tea or We do
Coffee and All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes! Countertops too!
$7 for Adults
$4.50 for Children 3-10 330-808-7121
Kids under 2 eat free!
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019 Page 13
Wellington NEWS Fish Fry Dinner Many Wellington area families participate in the program.
Our district recently finalized a Strategic Plan for 2019-2022.
[email protected] Pittsfield Community Church (corner of St. Rts 58 and 303) Over the past few weeks, I have been outlining each of the goals
is having a Fish Fry Dinner on Friday, March 8, from 5-7 p.m. within the plan.
Cost is $10/adults, $8/ages 7-12 and six and under are free. All Goal 3: Responsible use of community resources with trans-
Herrick Memorial Library are invited to attend. parent reporting. To accomplish this goal, our district will es-
tablish site-based budgets for each school, develop a 4-year
Kiwanis Club Pancake Day Facilities Improvement Plan and develop a long-term financial
Read To Putter - Wednesdays, from 3:15-4:30 p.m., Putter, structure to promote district stability.
our Reader Dog, visits the library to listen to children as they An annual rite of winter, the Wellington Kiwanis Club Pan- Please save the date for our next Dialogue with the Board
read. The children can spend 15 minutes reading a book or sto- cake Day, will be held on Friday, February 22, at the Welling- series event on March 9 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. at Bread-N-Brew.
ry to Putter and build their reading skills. Putter is a registered ton Habilitation Center, located at 139 Court, in Wellington. We will be previewing our next State of the Schools presenta-
tion, which takes place March 14.
therapy dog that absolutely adores listening to a good story. Doors will open at 7 a.m. and Kiwanians will serve until 7 Congratulations to the Dukes Wrestling Team for placing
He does not mind if the child makes reading mistakes. Stop in p.m. The meal includes all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage and fourth at the PAC Tournament. Gabe Gayheart and Michael
to reserve a reading spot or call the library at (440) 647-2120. coffee or juice. Additional sausage patties will cost 50¢. Take- Casella were champions in their weight classes. Good luck to
Writers Group - The Wellington Writers Group meets every out meals are available. our wrestlers competing in the sectional tournament Feb. 23 at
other Thursday at the library. The next meeting is on February Presale tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the Main St. Independence High School, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
28 from 6-7:30 p.m. Join this group if you have a passion for Wellington office, 118 W. Herrick Ave.; Bremke Insurance, 104 Congratulations to bowlers Nicole Sparks and Kevin Rut-
writing in all venues. Bring samples of your writing to share S. Main St.; or Fifth-Third Bank, 161 E. Herrick Ave. At the kowskion for advancing to the District Bowling Tournament as
with the group. New members are welcome. Registration is en- door, tickets will cost $6. Meals for children 8 and under are $3. individuals. They will compete at Buckeye Lanes next week for
courage. To register, call the library at (440) 647-2120. Spoiler Proceeds support Wellington Kiwanis’ service leadership a chance to advance to the state tournament.
alert: A new and exciting project is in the works for the group. programs - Wellington High School Key Club, McCormick Good luck to our boys and girls basketball teams in the up-
To find out what it is, please join them at an upcoming meeting. Middle School’s Builders Club and Westwood Elementa- coming sectional tournaments. The boys will play Feb. 26 at
Winter Story Times - Register your child for any of the ry School’s K-Kids. Proceeds also help support the Kiwanis’ Wellington High School at 7 p.m. vs. Smithville High School.
following Winter Story Times: Baby Lap Sit, ages birth to scholarship program. Our girls take on Wickliffe on Feb. 20 at Wellington High School
24-months on Tuesdays at 11:45 a.m.; Family Story Times, Wellington Kiwanis is celebrating its 95th year. The club at 7 p.m. GO DUKES!
ages 2-5 years, accompanied by an adult, on Mondays at 6 p.m., meets at 12 p.m. on Thursdays at Bread-n-Brew restaurant on Edward Weber, Superintendent, Wellington Village Schools
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. Register at the square in downtown Wellington. Office: (440) 647-4286 Email: [email protected].
the Children’s Desk in the Library or call (440) 647-2120. Wellington Schools
Winter Family Read Aloud - thru February 28. “Snow is
Falling, Books are Calling!” Families with children up to age Superintendent Ed Weber
7 are encouraged to join in our “Winter Family Read Aloud.” CONSTRUCTION ALERT
Families who sign up will receive a reading log to record the Please join us for the Feb. 19 Board of Education meeting,
titles of the books that they’ve read. Complete a reading ‘bingo’ where we will be honoring the late Nancy Ratliff (wife of Wel-
and receive a prize from the prize box; complete (7) activities lington Board of Education member Ayers Ratliff) for her years Wellington Township
and receive a paperback book; complete (15) activities and re- of service to the Wellington schools and community. The meet-
ceive a book bag. Books need to be checked out from the Her- ing begins at 6 p.m. at Westwood Elementary School. Lorain County Engineer Ken Carney announces the closure
rick Memorial Library. Nancy passed away January 6, following a month-long strug- of Pitts Road, between SR 18 and Peck-Wadsworth Road, for
Tween Winter Reading - thru February 28. Tweens, ages gle with numerous health issues. She was a lifelong educator and
8-11, can join in on our reading fun by picking up a ‘Bingo’ avid reader. Nancy taught for 35 years at Westwood Elementary the replacement of bridge #0187.
reading sheet at the library. Complete a bingo and select a prize School, where she was a beloved and respected teacher by her
from the prize box; complete (3) bingos and put your name into students, parents, coworkers and community. Nancy helped to The cost of the project is $646,375, with 95% funding from
start the Westwood K-Kids Club and remained an active lead-
our drawing for a chance to win the “Sweets Prize.” er in the club until her death. She was also an active volunteer the County Engineers Association of Ohio and the remaining
for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Initiative and was the 5% funded by Lorain County Motor Vehicle Tax monies. The
WHS students perform in NYC Southern Lorain County Coordinator for the organization. She work is being completed by R & I Construction, Inc. of Tiffin,
began and operated a “little library” in her front yard for the past
6 years, providing reading material to children throughout the
Two students from the Wellington High School choirs were Wellington Community. Early in her teaching career, she won a The work will begin at 8:00 am on Monday, February 25,
selected to perform in the Honors Performance Series and per- major award for her activities in her Just Say No Club. She was 2019 and is expected to be completed by 5:00 pm, Friday,
formed with an honors choir in a concert at Carnegie Hall in also a member of the Wellington Kiwanis and Eagles. May 24, 2019, weather permitting.
New York City on February 10. The students selected were The Board of Education will also be recognizing the Dol-
Wellington High School seniors Gabrielle Dobbins, from the ly Parton Lorain County Imagination Library. The goal of the
Women’s Chorus, and Seth Bates, from the Concert Choir. library is to promote literacy and a love of reading by provid- Detour signs will be posted. Your cooperation during
Congratulations! ing books to children (birth to age 5) throughout Lorain County. construction is greatly appreciated.
AREN’T ALL REALTORS THE SAME? Jen Herron Underwood Group
I work in an industry where at times I have been compared to a used car
salesman. (I personally have nothing against my car salesman ) I have 440-371-2862
been told many times by the general public that they think all realtors are the
same. People think we put a sign in their yard, put the house in the multiple
listing service, put it on the internet and pray it sells.
What if I told you Realtors are not all the same. Even my colleagues at
Howard Hanna all have different approaches to how they market and sell a
home. We each have a different tool box. Today I want to tell you about why
my team and I are different from the average Realtor and in the end how that
will make a seller more money on the sale of their home at the end of the day!
Jennifer Herron-Underwood represented us in the sale of our home of 18 years. She was highly recommended and we are pleased to say she did not disappoint.
Throughout the selling process, we were impressed with Jennifer’s knowledge of the real estate market as well as the resources available to aid in the selling process.
Her professionalism, honesty, and ability to communicate with us was extremely appreciated. We have to also mention her kindness and ability to interact with people...
extremely respectful. Jennifer is, with a doubt, the whole package. -Bob and Char Stephens
Jennifer Herron-Underwood, a Howard Hanna Realtor, has the proven track record for PHOTOGRAPHY
negotiating 97% of her sellers asking price while the average Realtor only negotiates Jennifer personally takes her own photos with an
94% of the seller’s asking price. What does this mean to you? On the average $200000 incredible wide angle lens that shows off the beauty
home it means if Jennifer Herron-Underwood is your Realtor, you will receive $6000 more and lighting of the rooms in your home. She will not
than if you worked with the average Realtor. list a house for sale without photos. (Unfortunately
2. PERSONAL ATTENTION & SECURITY many Realtors do) As the seasons change she will
Jennifer and her team provide each home they are selling with the personal attention update the photos. (Many agents do not).
it deserves. If your home is located in Grafton, Lagrange, Carlisle Township, Columbia 5. FOLLOW UP UNTIL CLOSING
Station or a surrounding comunity Jennifer or her team will personally greet the Realtors Jennifer and her team follow up on your house sale from the time the home goes under
showing your home. This ensures that Jennifer and her team can answer all the ques- contract until closing. She checks in weekly on the lender, title co, inspectors, and buyers
tions about your home and also provide immediate feedback to you when the showing is to make sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to. Most Realtors just move on
over. No more coming home to lights left on or doors unlocked. to the next sale.
3. STRATEGIC MARKETING If you are interested in finding out what your home is worth give
“What is special and unique about your home? Why did you buy your home?” These are Jennifer a call and mention this ad to receive your free market
just some of the questions that Jennifer & her team will ask. The answers will allow us to
market your home to the right people. Our strategic marketing plan includes: Controlling analysis. If you’d like to learn more about selling your home in 2019,
which day of the week we list a home for sale, which day we turn on the internet market- Jennifer would like to invite you to her Home Selling Lunch & Learn
ing , pricing for search engine optimization so you get more buyers looking at your home, on Feb. 28 at noon at the Nest at Grey Hawk in Lagrange. You can
and determining which order the photos are in online. reserve your space by calling 440-371-2862.
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019
Good clean used appliances. Hauling & removal company
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. with a box truck w/lift gate
and full size van. Specializing IMAGE BUILDING & RENOVATION
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pay top dollar for all unwant- Very Affordable. 216-276-6110
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216-534-6514. HELP WANTED Light Truck Full Mechanical
CLEANING Mechanic needed, experi- Service Center Repairs
enced, truck / trailer, full or part-
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s time. Grafton, 440-926-6533. INSURANCE
needs are different. We spe- Retail Garden Center: plant
cialize in catering to what your knowledge a plus, must work 24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station
needs are. Call Marcie today evenings & weekends, must
for your free assessment ap- lift 50 lbs. No phone calls. 440-235-6642 DENTAL Insurance
pointment at 440-213-7527. 34837 Lorain Road, North
Over 13 years experience. Ridgeville Physicians Mutual Insurance Company
Home & office cleaning. Com- A less expensive way to help get the dental care you deserve
petitive rates, weekly, monthly HOME IMPROVEMENT BUILDERS
& occasional. Experienced If you’re over 50, you can get coverage for about No wait for preventive care and no deductibles –
you could get a checkup tomorrow
$1 a day*
with excellent references. Call Carpentry, Remodeling, Dry- Keep your own dentist! You can go to any dentist Coverage for over 350 procedures including
Janet, 440-341-2263. wall. Finished basements 10% you want cleanings, exams, fi llings, crowns…even dentures
OFF, 35 yrs experience. www. NO annual or lifetime cap on the cash benefi ts
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Elyria: Newly remodeled 2 & Floor repair and install. Car- (Built by Amish) 1-877-308-2834
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hard wood floors. Appliances 647-4374, cell 440-935-4778 Affordable Prices about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q);
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216-221-1333 . & Riding Arenas
Grafton, 2 bedroom apt, new TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- LAWN • GARDEN • LANDSCAPE
paint and new carpet, no vice. Complete tree removal, Commercial &
stairs. Security deposit. 440- trimming, root feeding and
343-5898 cleaning. Fully insured. FREE Residential
ESTIMATES. Firewood for 330-473-9927
FOR SALE sale. 440-236-3061. Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc.
Residential ~ Commercial
Used washing machine & re- LOTS FOR SALE
frigerator, Columbia Station. KAZMIERCZAK CONSTRUCTION New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds
440-667-8807, leave message. LAGRANGE: 2-3 acre build- Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work
Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding
able lots west on 303. Call MODERNIZE Remodeling Pole Barns • Windows • Doors • Call: 440-748-1333
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Capacity: Hall-250, Interior Painting and Drywall.
Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 We refinish hardwood floors,
Available for all occasions and refinish stained and paint-
Call for pricing ed cabinets and trim. www. ELECTRICAL •Paver Patios
and availability Call •Landscape Installs
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Available for all Occasions All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
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FULL park with restrooms, 3 exercise yards, custom care. •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades 440-236-9625
pavilions, air conditioned hall, $20 per day. Grooming now •Security & Camera Systems
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Lions Club. 440-458-6781.
Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- SALES & SERVICES 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
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725 Sugar Lane,
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440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical
Specializing in Home Improvements
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019 Page 15
PLUMBING WATERPROOFING Gurich, Madison Guthrie, Giabella Hagerman, Levi Ham-
mond, Lucy Hanwell, Delaney Herbert, Madelyn Hodkey,
Lydia Holcomb, Gabriel Homza, Jessica Hunkley, Izabella
Hurst, Brylee Jarvis, Addison Johnson, Logan Johnson, Nio-
SERVICES: mii Johnson, Carter Jones, David Jones, Alexandra Justice,
Paige Kapp, Raegan Keating, Titus Kehl, Avery Kendall,
•Plumbing Repairs
•Sewer & Drain Cleaning Sydney Kimble, Makenna Kipp, Kaya Klejna, Skylar Klejna,
•Electronic Locating Landon Klemm, River Klingshirn, Jacob Kobylarz, Trevor
•Video Camera Inspection Kubal, Sophia Laux, Mitchell Lewis, Nicholas Linden, Troy
440-324-4321 •Sewer Excavation Linden, Thomas Lockyer, Elizabeth Loeber, Logan Lowery,
30 Years Experience Personal Plumber Service Corp. CONCRETE CRACK INJECTION Summer Massey, James Masters, Samuel McConoughey,
Lucas McMullen, Josephine Medvetz, Monroe Mericle,
24 HOUR EMERGENCY OFF SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED Declan Merrill, Ryan Michnicki, Anderson Miller, Ayden
SERVICE $25 BASEMENT WALL CRACKS Miller, Brooklyn Moore, Kennedy Moore, Daniel Morency,
OH LIC #21372 Any Service Ella Morency, Brayson O’Boyle, Lauren Ody, Shannon Ody,
Expires 3/31/19. Not valid with any other offer. ~ OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ Danica Parks, Andrew Peysha, Caleb Pierce, Aurora Polos-
ky, Brandon Prochaska, Jace Provoznik, Charlotte-Elizabeth JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036 Pruneda, Jacob Putzier, Audrey Ratliff, Benjamin Rideout,
Lyla Rideout, Hayden Rider, Sophia Rose, Mason Ruther-
ford, Noah Saunders, Derek Scheiman, Adalyn Schmitt, De-
J.A. Kilby Plumbing RAM-CON LLC gan Shepherd, Rylan Shepherd, Grayson Showalter, Bentley
Basement Waterproofing
Skaggs, Adria Skala, Zachary Skomrock, Bentley Skvor,
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services Storm Water Drainage Lydia Slone, Hunter Smith, Ryann Smith, Mia Soptelean,
Sewer Lines - Water Lines Tyler Sparks, Brenna Spears, Ryan Squires, Ethan Tansey,
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions Full Service Excavation Luke Tansey, Malcolm Tansey, Zachary Taylor, Jackson
CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available 440-935-7842 Teiberis, Gavin Terschak, Eli Thacker, Brayden Thomas,
•New Work •Replacement •Repairs Clinton Thomas Jr., Jaren “Brooks” Thompson, Kali Tip-
ple, Ava Todd, Isabella Todd, Zaiden Topete, Andrew Trim-
•Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation J. A. KILBY ENT. ble, Elizabeth Trimble, Briana Tuttle, Dakotta Varney, Kylie
•Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped “Stop the water before it stops you!” Ventura, Brie Wade, Addison Walker, Liam Walsh, Maeve
440-327-3433 • •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening, Walsh, Ashleigh Walter, Brayden Walter, Tucker Webb,
Brenner Weisbarth, Cora Weisbarth, William Whitson, Alex
State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services Willi, Zachary Willi, Aleaha Williamson, Amme Wilson,
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement
440-327-3433 Carter Wittlinger, Morgan Wysocki, Charlotte Yankowski,
Natalie Yankowski, Addison Yates, Brooke Yeager, Flynn
ROOFING LAGRANGE NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Yoho, Dylan Younglas, Alaina Youngblood-Reith, Gwen
Yuronich, Jameson Yuronich, Emma Zambo, Preston Zuber-
ny and David Zuckerman.
Reverse Raffle/Steak Dinner
BENEDICT ROOFING Gypsy Moth Open House
The Keystone Athletic Boosters are sponsoring a Reverse
Family Business for Three Generations Raffle/Steak Dinner on Saturday, February 23, at the Wellington
RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS Fairgrounds. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with dinner to be served Areas across Ohio are slated to receive gypsy moth aeri-
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 at 7:30. Tickets are $30 per person and must be purchased al treatments by the Ohio Department of Agriculture in early
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates ahead of time. Included in the price is your dinner (choice of spring to slow the spread of the destructive insect. Department steak or chicken), beer, soft drinks and a chance at the $2,000 staff members will host several open houses in treatment areas
grand prize. There will also be basket raffles and side boards. that will offer attendees the opportunity to speak directly with
those who work with the program.
All Seasons Roofing Donations for raffle baskets are also being accepted. Ohioans can also visit the Gypsy Moth webpage to learn
Tear-Offs, Roof Cleaning, Please contact one of the following for tickets: Deb Hartle more about this pest and to view maps of the treatment areas.
Slates, Chimney Mason, at (440) 346-7111, Anna Stefan at (440) 610-9650 or Molly Those with questions who live near a treatment area in the
Siding & Gutter Cleaning & Repairs Naylor at (440) 773-5091. northeast Ohio region will have the opportunity to talk with
Repairs from $75 LaGrange Youth Soccer Association experts at the open house on February 25, from 6-8 p.m., at the
440-748-3259 Casey Williamson Findlay State Park Nature Center, located at 25381 State Route
LaGrange Youth Soccer spring sign-ups will be on February 58, in Wellington.
Gypsy moths are invasive insects that attack more than 300
RELIABLE ROOFING 23 from 4-6 p.m. at the new LaGrange Village Hall, located at different types of trees and shrubs, with oak being the preferred
301 Liberty St. This is for all ages.
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs Registration fees are: $70 for birth year 2012 (U7) and old- species. In its caterpillar stage, the moth feeds heavily on the
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal er; $50 for ages 3-5 (peewee and wild tots); and $25 for Lil’ leaves of trees and shrubs, limiting their ability to photosyn-
thesize. A healthy tree can usually withstand only two years of
Offi ce: 440-236-4001 • Cats 18 months - under 3. defoliation before it is permanently damaged or dies.
Uniforms are $35 for 2012 and older (if you don’t have one
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner already). You will need to bring a copy of your child’s birth Currently in Ohio, there are 51 counties under gypsy moth
certificate, a picture of player and payment. quarantine, limiting the movement of regulated articles out of
those counties. To combat this problem, the department uses
For additional information, please contact LYSA’s registrar,
TAXES Casey Hurst, by text/call at (440) 865-2422 or email JJ4783@ different types of treatment strategies to slow the spread of
gypsy moth in Ohio. Officials have three programs aimed to, or visit
cer-Association. manage the pest, including:
-The “Suppression” program, which occurs in counties
Income Tax Returns Keystone Career Fair request where the pest is already established. Landowner(s) must vol-
PARKWOOD for representatives untarily request treatment to help suppress populations.
-The “Slow-the-Spread” program, which occurs in coun-
TAX SERVICE Keystone High School is hosting a Career Exploration Fair ties in front of the larger, advancing gypsy moth population.
In these counties, officials work to detect and control isolated
Contact Bobbie, Email: [email protected] on Thursday, March 21. They are seeking individuals and busi- populations in an effort to slow the overall advancing gypsy
moth infestation.
nesses to attend to show students the vast range of career fields.
440-236-5449 or 216-403-9707(cell) They will have displays throughout the school day, from 12:30- -The “Eradication” program, which occurs in non-infest-
Roberta Duktig, AFSP 2:30 p.m. and from 4-6 p.m., to give parents and community ed areas where an isolated population occurs, often due to the
“The IRS does not endorse any particular individual tax return preparer. members an opportunity to attend as well. movement of infested firewood or outdoor equipment. Depart-
For more information on tax return preparers, go to”
They are encouraging representatives to bring information ment officials use control treatments aimed at eradication of
(brochures, business cards, example products, etc.) about their gypsy moth from these areas.
Franklin Tax Edward J. Stephnicka business for students to take home. In addition, they are ask- Treatments used for gypsy moth control in this planned
& Accounting EA,CPA ing businesses to provide representatives for both portions of treatment area include:
Service the career fair. They will provide a meal from 2:30-3:30 p.m. -Larvacide (Btk), a compound derived from a naturally oc-
Personal & INCOME TAX Specific details will be sent to the representatives as the date curring bacteria found in the soil that is effective in gypsy lar-
vae control.
Business Taxes PREPARATION approaches. The time commitments are detailed below: -Mating disruption product - flakes or liquid that disrupt the
ELECTRONIC FILING •Check in to the KHS office between 12-12:15 p.m. male moth’s ability to locate females.
•Accompany your display and talk with students from
Many Other Financial 12:30-2:30 p.m. The department uses different types of treatments, depend-
Services Available •Lunch provided for presenters from 2:30-3:30 p.m. ing on the location and extent of infestation. All treatments re-
Call quire an aerial application. Larvacide treatments will take place
Forrest Franklin CPA •Return for evening event from 4-6 p.m. in early to mid-May, and mating disruption treatments will be-
for Appointment 440-748-3624 If you are willing to volunteer your time, or if you have any gin in mid-June. The treatments are not toxic to humans, pets,
440-236-5423 35043 E. Royalton Rd. further questions, please contact KHS School Counselor Alys- birds or fish.
sa Schwedt at (440) 355-2400, ext. 2393 or alyssa.schwedt@
Your Place or Mine North Eaton provide official comment about the proposed treatment blocks
Citizens who cannot attend the open house and would like to
KES Honor Roll
TREE SERVICE Zoey Abrams, Jaxon Agurkis, Zoey Allen, Nikolaos An- should send correspondence to the department by February 28.
Letters can be sent by e-mail to [email protected] or by
agnostos, Malenna Andel, Quinn Andel, Nevalene Andujar, hard copy to the attention of the Gypsy Moth Program, Plant
Health Division - Building 23, Ohio Department of Agricul-
Ava Armitage, Madison Askew, Emerie Banks, Abygale ture, 8995 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068.
Baynes, Alexander Bilyj, Sabrina Bilyj, McKenna Black- This gypsy moth open house is part of 23 open houses
ford, Grady Bolek, Claire Bores, Anthony Bosak, Ashley scheduled across Ohio. For a complete list, call or visit agri.
Britton, Avery Bush, Amajyn Cannon, Adam Chapman Jr.,
Jason E. Davis Sophia Clarico, Weston Clark, Charlotte Colman, Elizabeth
Combs, Makenzie Costello, Gavin Coughlin, Peyton Currie,
-Complete Crane Service- Sadie Dattolico, Delaney DeVore, Colton Dodrill, Jackson
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” Domec, Carter Duensing, Gwendolyn Duensing, Averi Ellis,
Tree/Stump Removal Emory Fedor, Marin Fedor, Katherine Fenik, Kylie Fife, Ally
Tree Trimming, Firewood Figula, Hannah Fletcher, Addison Flynn, Dylan Frawley,
“FREE ESTIMATES” Stephanie Frawley, Marshall Friend, Aven Fye, Charlotte
Bonded & Insured Galvin, Natalie Gardner, Lillian Gerbasi, Mallory Gibson,
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 Emma Gill, Kinsley Goran, Liam Goran, Matthew Gordon,
Aralyn Gould, Tristan Graves, Timmy Gray, Lilyanne Grel-
Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] ler, Reese Greller, Clara Grimmett, Marley Groesser, Robert
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 18, 2019
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