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Published by The Rural-Urban Record, 2018-10-03 15:29:13


The Rural-Urban Record

“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 63 Years of Community Service!”

Volume 64, No. 12 Columbia Station, Ohio September 17, 2018

Fall Home & Garden

Guide pgs 15-19

Carlisle Township Fire Department Patriot Day Ceremony at Lorain County JVS

celebrates 75 years with. Yet united you stand,
gathered here as Americans.
Take that with you today.”
Association. Two bounce A wreath was presented at
houses will be on site for the base of the memorial by
the children to enjoy. Vari- Savannah Bennett, cosmetol-
ous emergency services or- ogy senior from Wellington;
ganizations will be on site Hailey Ferry, cosmetology
as well. These organizations senior from North Ridgeville;
include the Lorain County and Charles Williams, mar-
keting senior from North Rid-
Sheriff’s Department, The geville.
Ohio State Highway Pa- In closing JVS high school
trol, Lifecare Ambulance principal Jill Petitti, asked for
(including Andy the talking a moment of silence at 8:46
Ambulance) and Metro Life a.m., the time the first plane,
Flight may also be land- American Airlines Flight 11,
Stephen Higgins Harold Bruce ing, if available. LifeShare struck the North Tower of the
World Trade Center.
Blood Mobile will be in The focus of the memo-
attendance performing a Corinthia Williams, JVS 9th grader from Avon Lake, sings rial is a 7-foot section taken
the National Anthem.
blood drive. The Southeast from a larger beam that was
Lorain County Explorers We will never forget, and lowed. recovered from the rubble of
will be available to discuss we will teach those who are “We were in uncharted wa- the World Trade Center. It is
their organization and show too young to remember or ters, uncertainty all around, so welded to two steel supports
some of the skills they have were not born yet, the impor- we did what Americans have that represent the twin towers
learned as well. tance of that fateful day, Sep- the capacity to do best. We of the World Trade Center and
looked to our neighbors in
tember, 11 2001. This was the
The Carlisle Township message expressed at the Pa- our shared experience and is positioned at a 9.11 degree
angle on a pentagon-shaped
Fire Department was start- triot Day Ceremony held on got through it because of each platform.
ed in March 1942 under the campus of Lorain County other,” shared Frisce. That day The color yellow rep-
the foresight of Trustees JVS. Staff, students and mem- was tragic and unprecedented resents remembrance and
Walter Hadaway, Carl Die- bers of the community came and terrifying. But we didn’t was chosen for the mums that
Kurt Blair Ray Hildebrandt drick Sr., H.H. Druesendahl together to honor and remem- fall apart. We didn’t turn on were planted by landscape
On Saturday, September tion, at 11950 Lagrange Rd. and Clerk George Robson. ber all who were injured or each other. At this moment, and greenhouse management
died during the terrorist at-
right now, you are surround-
22, The Carlisle Township There will be an official The Carlisle Township Fire tacks on the United States. ed by people with whom you students, in the shape of a
ribbon which surrounds the
Fire Department, along with swearing in ceremony at Department became the The Posting of Colors was see issues differently, perhaps memorial.
the Trustees, will be having noon for Fire Chief Stephen first Township in Lorain completed by public safety have even argued vehemently
an open house at the Fire Higgins and Assistant Chief County to establish a full- juniors and seniors, led by
Station from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Kurt Blair. The Fire Muse- time Fire Department. On Public Safety Instructor Jeff
We would like to invite our um will be dedicated in me- June 3, 1943, at 12 p.m., Dawson. The national anthem Elyria Catholic Celebrates 70!
community and surrounding morial of the first Chief of the Carlisle Township Fire was sung by Corinthia Wil-
communities to come cele- Carlisle Township, Harold Department began answer- liams, JVS career connections
9th grader from Avon Lake.
brate with us and meet the Bruce, and the Fire Depart- ing emergency calls and the JVS Superintendent and
members of the department. ment training/meeting room 24-hour manning of the Fire U.S. Army Veteran Dr. Glenn
A Trolley will be available will be dedicated to Former Station, a tradition that con- Faircloth gave opening re-
to shuttle visitors from the Chief Ray Hildebrandt. Hot tinues to this day. marks to the ceremony. “This
parking lot of the Carlisle dogs, chips and drinks will --Submitted by J. Lauer, day in 2001 was a very som-
Township Hall, at 11969 be provided by the Carl- Firefighter/Paramedic ber day. Some of our young
St. Rt. 301, to the Fire Sta- isle Township Firefighters people may or may not have
even been born, but it is im-
Harvest Pancake Breakfast portant for them to read and
study about this day and un-
derstand what it means to be a
Friends of MetroParks is having a “Harvest Pancake Breakfast” on Sunday, September U.S. citizen.”
23, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Cost is $7 per person; $4.50 for children 3-10 years old and children Justin Frisce, U.S. Navy
2 and under eat free. Breakfast includes All- you-can-eat pancakes, served with sausage and Fire Controlman Third Class
scrambled eggs and coffee, tea, orange juice or milk. Chocolate chip or blueberry pancakes and JVS Civics and Career
will also be available, as well as strawberry topping! Based Intervention Instruc- Elyria Catholic High School students on the football
The event is at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 Diagonal Road, in LaGrange. tor, reflected on his personal field, form a “70” during their first week of school. The
Proceeds benefit Friends of Metro Parks in support of Lorain County Metro Parks. experiences from September photo was part of the celebration for the start of the
11th and the days that fol- school’s 70th year.

Elyria Apple Festival Community Directory

Carlisle 12 Grafton 7 Wellington 14 Profile Page 21
Pgs 9-11 Columbia 4 Grafton Twp. 8 Churches 6 Local Dining 5
LaGrange 20
Classifieds 22
Events page 2

Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018

LOCAL Sept. 29-30 October 6 October 13
Events Free Admission! Cow Pie Lot- Get hands on with history , Craft Show
Keystone Band Boosters
Hands On Heritage
Harvest Festival
guests of all ages can engage
Looking for vendors! 8’ table
tery, Classic Car Display and
with traditional skills from the
parade, Farm Animals, Old-
if you register before October
past, including blacksmithing,
Time Craft demos, Children’s
6, and $25 after then. Call Car-
pioneer cooking, beekeeping,
ol 440-396-3177. Email car-
Live Entertainment, a Food
Programs and demonstrations
Penfield Twp Hall
Tent and Farmer’s Market.
Strongsville Historical take-home crafts, and more! [email protected]
will take place all day in the
41012 ST RT 18
Society Center and surrounding trails. Wellington
September 15 Sept. 22-23 Sept. 23 13305 Pearl Road, Rocky River Nature Center 9:00am - 3:00pm
24000 Valley Parkway
Flyro Gyro Fly-In CUMC Bi-Centennial Road Show 11:00am – 5:00pm North Olmsted BBQ & Auction
Come to the airport for a Gyro Celebration Take a tour and visit with 6 11:00am - 5:00pm 14th Annual Fundraiser for
or hot dog! Free Airplane rides Columbia United Methodist of Southern Lorain Coun- the Lorain County Historical
for kids ages 8-17! (parent Church is celebrating 200 ty’s Historical Societies. October 5 NRPRD Annual FallFest Society. Tickets on sale now
must be present) Event by EAA years of ministry. Special Visit each historical society Come experience fun games, ($35/$40),All-you-can-eat BBQ
Chapter 1252. Open-Church, food, games, (located on the ad on this page) Sunset Wagon Rides & food vendors, face & pumpkin by Big Dog Catering, cash bar,
Lorain County Regional historical, displays & music. and get entered into a $100 gift Corn Maze painting, balloon animals, straw followed by live and silent auc-
Airport, Russia Rd, Special Sunday worship at card drawing. Enjoy the crisp air and colorful fight, and hay rides (weather tions.
Elyria 10:30am. Spirit of 76 Museum foliage of a fall evening on a permitting). Come early and get Jack Matia Honda
10:00am - 2:00pm Columbia United Huntington Twp Hist. Soc. relaxing, scenic hay wagon ride a pumpkin for your child before 823 Leona St., Methodist Church Pittsfield Twp Hist. Soc. and navigating a corn maze. they are gone. This event is Elyria
25453 Royalton Rd. Lagrange Hist. Soc. Ticket sales end at 7 pm. Each Free. 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Columbia Station Penfield Hist. Soc. ticketed activity $1, 3 & under South Central Park
Sat: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Rochester Hist. Soc. free. Weather dependent. 7565 Avon Belden Rd.,
Carlisle Reservation
11:00am - 5:00pm Equestrian Center, North Ridgeville
Wine Fest & Art Fair Sept. 23 13630 Diagonal Road, 4:00pm - 6:00pm October 20
Come enjoy art while sipping Sept. 28 LaGrange Craft Show & Fall
wine! Art tutorials hosted all Fun Horse Show 5:30pm - 7:00pm October 11 Festival
day. Fall food and drink spe- Join Angels Haven Hose Res- Spay-ghetti & No Balls We are looking for Crafters
cials served all day with live cue, bring a horse to ride in Dinner Membership Dinner for our festival occuring on
music and FREE wine tastings. the show or bring a chair and Purchase $25 tickets by Sept Join the Southern Lorain Coun- Oct. 20th. $20 for a 6ft space.
The Kelley’s Island Wine Co. watch the show. They offer En- 20 at Kitten Krazy (910 Lake ty Historical Society’s Annual The show will have food avail-
418 Woodford Rd glish, Western, Lead Line and Rd., Medina). Join this fund- Meeting, Dinner and Member- able to purchase as well as
Kelleys Island Fun classes. Food available, raiser at Williams on the Lake ship Renewal. Dinner $17 (Beef activities for the kids. Call 440-
1:00pm - 7:00pm call Heidi for more info 440- and enjoy Dinner, silent auc- tips, Chicken Cordon Bleu, 3 315-5032 for more info.
781-5060. tion, music, raffles and also a sides and dessert), Reserva- Litchfield United Church
Tasting in the Woods Lewis Road Riding Ring Live Auction. tions by Oct. 3.Call 440-647- of Christ
Lewis Rd (N. of Barrett Rd.)
Friends Of Findley will hold Olmsted Falls Williams on the Lake 4367 with questions. 3928 Avon Lake Rd.,
Wellington Eagles
their wine tasting event at the Show begins at 9:00am 787 Lafayette Rd., Litchfield
campground pavilion. Local Medina 631 S. Main St., 9:00am - 5:00pm
wineries will be on hand to Doors Open: 6:30pm Wellington
allow guests to sample wine Dinner: 7:30pm Doors Open: 6pm,
($15) while listening to live Dinner: 7pm
music. Food available for pur-
chase. Sept. 29
Findley State Park Southern Lorain County Historical
Campground Pavilion St. Paul Fall Bazaar
25381 State Route 58 Come join the Womens Mis-
Wellington sionary League and help raise Road Show
2:00pm - 8:00pm funds to help assist families in Tour
need. There will be tables filled
Harvest Pancake with flea market finds, crafts and
Breakfast homemade bake sale items. Sunday Sept 23, 11-5pm
Join the Friends of the Met- Light lunch also available.
ro Parks for breakfast which St. Paul Lutheran Church
Sept. 15-16 includes all-you-can-eat pan- 1377 Lester Rd., Visit & Learn about 6 Local Historical Societies,
cakes with sausage, scram- Valley City plus see their musems and treasures!
Lagrange Engine Show bled eggs and drink. Chocolate 9:00am - 2:00pm
Steam, Gas Engine, Tractor & chip and blueberry pancakes Get a stamp at each location and get entered into
Antique Car Show. Admission also available. Adults $7, Chil- a drawing to win a $100 GIFT CARD!
is $5 for the day, or $8 for a dren (3-10) $4.50. Sept. 29-30
3-day Pass, Children Under 12 Carlisle Visitor Center
Free w/Adult. 12882 Diagonal Rd., Alpaca Farm Days Spirit of 76 Museum - 201 N.Main St, Wellington
Lorain County Fairgrounds LaGrange Enjoy and learn about alpacas • Yours Truly A.M. Willard Art Show
Wellington, OH 9:00am - 1:00pm and their fabulous fiber. Visit our
Fri & Sat: 8am-5pm farm store for unique gift ideas.
Sun: 9am-3pm Free Admission! Huntington Twp Historical Society - 27001 SR 58 Our Little World Alpacas LLC
16800 Cowley Rd., • Early Settlers Days
September 16 10:00am - 4:00pm
Harvest of the Arts Pittsfield Twp Historical Society - Corner of SR 58 & SR 303
Enjoy Fine art, Folk Art chil- • Toys, Dolls & Bikes
dren’s activities, and an annual Advertise Your Event!
raffle of a handmade quilt to
benefit the Herrick Memorial
Library. Free Admission. • Event Name Lagrange Historical Society
On the Square in • Description of Event - 113 South Center
Wellington •Early Years
11:00am - 4:00pm (Includes up to 25 Words)
• Date
Sept. 21-23 • Location Penfield Historical Society

Elyria Apple Festival • Time - Corner of SR 18 & SR 301
Enjoy many different “Apple” • Farm Equipment
contests from bobbing to bak- • Website (if needed)
ing and eating apple pies. Mu-
sic, vendors, auctions and raf- • There is a cost to advertise Rochester Historical Society
fles will also be available. See • Restrictions apply to certain - End of South St, Rochester Village
pages 9-11 in the paper!
400 Broad Street, Elyria events, call to check! • Civil Clubs of Old
Hours Vary Each Day Call: 440-236-5103 Handicap Accessible

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018 Page 3

HOURS Sale Good - Now Hiring -
Mon & Thurs..................9-9pm Through Date SERVICE TECH
Tues, Wed & Fri.............9-6pm of Publication
Saturday........................9-5pm Call Chad
Sunday......................CLOSED 440-366-3673 1115 East Broad St. 440-366-FORD(3673)

CURRENT SERVICE Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm 1115 EAST BROAD ST
Sat 8:00 am - 12 noon
SPECIAL Same Day Service Appointments Available ELYRIA 366-FORD (3673)
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MONDAY .........................................9 to 9 Sale Good ~Now Hiring~
TUESDAY .........................................9 to 6 Through Date
WEDNESDAY ...................................9 to 6 of Publication SERVICE
THURSDAY ......................................9 to 9
FRIDAY ...........................................9 to 6 Like Us TECHNICIAN
SATURDAY ......................................9 to 5 On Facebook
SUNDAY .......................................CLOSED Call Chad 1115 East Broad St. 366-FORD(3673) 440-366-3673

Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018
W. River Road construction project

Julie Petras The Columbia Board of Bansek, Superintendent and
email: [email protected] Education regular meeting on Patricia Eddy, Treasurer.
August 22 was called to or- -Approved the request
WEEKLY CALENDAR der at 7:09 p.m., following a from Clearview Church for
Monday, September 17: brief Excutive session in the the use of the Columbia High
Columbia Board of Trustees will meet tonight at the town Conference Room of the Ad- School kitchen and cafeteria
hall at 7 p.m. The community is welcome to attend. ministration Center. The fol- for the annual Thanksgiving
Saturday, September 22: lowing Board Members were Community Dinner on No-
Columbia United Methodist Church will be having their Bi- present: Mrs. Megan Cham- vember 21 & 22.
Centennial Celebration today at the church from 1-4 p.m. There pagne, Mr. Stephen Coleman, -Approved the request
will be music, snacks and games. The community is welcome Mrs. Blanche Nemeth, Mr. from Columbia Raiders
to join in their celebration. Shawn Ondrejko and Mr. Youth Football for the use of
CHS Weekly Calendar Wayne Brassell. Treasurer the Columbia High School
Monday, September 17 Patricia Eddy and Superinten- Football Stadium on Satur-
dent Graig Bansek were also
day, September 29, at a cost
4 p.m. Golf at Lutheran West present. of lighting.
5 p.m. Boys Soccer at Open Door Minutes from the June 6 -Employed, on an as-need-
5:30/6:30 p.m. Volleyball at Lutheran West Work Session and Regular ed basis, the legal firm of Columbia W. River Rd. has been closed for construction to
Tuesday, September 18 Meeting, the June 11 Emer- Holmes Legal Services, LLC replace a steel culvert pipe that collapsed due to age. The
7:45-10 a.m. Picture Day gency Meeting and the July for normal legal matters, as project has been quite the undertaking, as they are going
4 p.m. Golf v. Fairview 9 Special Meeting were ap- per standard employment res- down 25 feet to remove the old culvert pipe. A retaining wall
5:30/6:30 p.m. Volleyball at Brooklyn proved. The Treasurer Report olutions. is being installed on the east side of the road for reinforce-
Wednesday, September 19 and Recommendations and Superintendent’s Report ment. There has been a change in cement contractors, which
5 p.m. Girls Soccer at Oberlin donations were also approved and Recommendations: has put the project slightly behind. They are anticipating a
7 p.m. Boys Soccer v. Oberlin as presented. -Approved salary notices September 24 completion date, however the contract states
Thursday, September 20 Buildings and Grounds - for selected supervisory and it could be as long as October 31, depending upon weather
4 p.m. Golf - PAC match at Medina Country Club Bronson House is in need of administrative employees, ef- and any unforseen problems that may come up.
6:15 p.m. Financial Aid meeting - cafeteria a roof. fective August 1, 2018.
Friday, September 21 Bus to Prom/After Prom -Modified the 2018/19 Letters to the Editor
7 p.m. Football at Buckeye - Board will be responsible teacher salary for mentioned To the Editor:
Saturday, September 22 for paying for a charter bus staff members. Columbia Township Residents: On 9/4/2018 our Trustees
9 a.m. Cross Country at JB Firestone Invitational - Black to safely transport students to -Awarded selected em- voted unanimously to withdraw Issue 37 from the November
River After Prom. ployee supplemental con- 2018 Ballot. We no longer have the opportunity to vote for the
10 a.m. JV Football v. Buckeye Community Input: tracts for the 2018/19 school proposed tax levy to provide additional police protection. The
11 a.m. Girls Soccer at Elyria -Clearview Church re- year, pending ESC, ORC, Levy would have cost $29.75 per 100,000 evaluations.
7 p.m. Marching Band at Midview Parade of Bands quests the use of the Colum- OHSAA and District require- #1 There was an incorrect calculation of the Deputy cost and
Columbia K-8 lunch menu bia High School cafeteria ments the stated millage, which was not sustainable. The work for the
and kitchen for their annual
-Employed 16 classified
Levy was initiated in August 2017. During this time, informa-
Week of September 24-28: Thanksgiving Community substitute employees for the tion was researched and communicated. It wasn’t until June 5,
Monday: Breakfast - breakfast pizza; Lunch - choice of pas- Dinner on November 21 & 2018/19 school year, pending 2018 that the Sheriff was contacted by a Columbia Township
ta w/meat sauce, American sub or Raider salad w/roll, with 22. ESC, ORC and District re- Trustee about the proposed Levy. A meeting took place on Au-
green beans and peaches. -Columbia Raiders Youth quirements. gust 8, 2018 with our Trustees and a member of the Sheriff’s
Tuesday: Breakfast - mini pancakes; Lunch - choice of Football requests the use of Business Affairs Department to discuss the details of the Levy. Another meeting
walking taco, American sub or Raider salad w/roll, with sea- the CHS Football Stadium on Approved, in accordance was scheduled for September 6, 2018; this was postponed by
soned black beans and pineapple. Saturday, September 29, from with House Bill 487, a reso- the Sheriff until September 20, 2018.
Wednesday: Breakfast - Dutch waffle; Lunch - choice of 2-9:30 p.m. lution specifying that the Co- #2 By this time-line, it’s obvious the Trustees did not allow
breakfast sandwich, American sub or Raider salad w/roll, with Board Comments/Items: lumbia Local School District for the necessary planning to successfully move forward. We
hash brown potato and mixed fruit. -Adopted the Administra- will not provide career-tech- are in District 3 and our Sheriff coverage includes Grafton, Ea-
Thursday: Breakfast - pancake wrap; Lunch - choice of piz- tive Handbook, as presented, nical education to Columbia ton and Columbia; in 2017, Columbia had 238 calls for service.
za, American sub or Raider salad w/roll, with corn and apple- effective August 1, 2018. Middle School students in Please watch out for folks in our community who might be
sauce. -Approved salary notic- grade seven and eight for the more vulnerable and become victims of crime. There are safety
Friday: NO SCHOOL - Professional Development Day for es for the following, effec- 2018/19 school year. brochures at the Columbia Library, with information on ways
staff tive August 1, 2018: Graig Adopted a resolution de- to better protect your family and home.
claring transportation imprac- Margaret Kenneley, Columbia Station
tical for the 2018/19 school
year and authorized the Trea- To the Editor:
surer to offer to provide the Our taxes in Columbia Township went up a blanket 8%, al-
parents/guardians with pay- though I’ve talked to some residents who say their taxes went
ment in lieu of transportation. up 14%. So, now we’re being told, and being sold by the Town-
Now, therefore, be it resolved ship Trustees, that spending even more money to bring dedicat-
that the Columbia Local ed deputies to Columbia Township will make our community
School District Board of Ed- safer. REALLY? Everybody knows that sheriffs and police are
ucation hereby approves the always AFTER the fact. If each resident doesn’t do his part by
declaration that it is imprac- protecting his own property, then having extra deputies won’t
tical to transport the students help a bit. Most people own guns in Columbia Station and if
identified and offers the par- they’ve been properly trained to use them, heaven help the per-
ents/guardians of those stu- son who breaks in. As far as property damage goes, we’ve had
dents named payment-in-lieu it here before. Even when the persons were identified, charges
of transportation. were not brought because they were high school athletes. All
Employed Dave Bartko the deputies would do was take a report. I’m not willing to
as Groundskeeper at $12.83/ spend any more money for something that comes with no re-
hour, effective August 25, sults. After all, our own sheriff’s deputies practice firing their
2018, employment not to ex- weapons, both side arms and full automatics at a gun range
ceed 12 weeks; daily hours that is located on residential property. That makes them part
assigned by the Maintenance of the problem of disturbing the peace and putting thousands
Supervisor, pending ESC, of rounds of lead into the ground. So the answer is NO to any
ORC and District require- additional levies. Let’s not forget the schools—they’ll be back
ments. next year. Citizens—buckle up—we’re in for rough weather.
Designated 17 event Philip J. Rozzi, Columbia Station
workers for the 2018/19 Columbia Library events
school year, pending District
requirements, and established Waist Watchers - Join in on our video-led fitness activity for
event worker pay for the beginners. Preregistration required. Mondays, September 17 &
2018/19 school year as fol- 24; October 15, 22 & 29; November 12, 19 & 26; and Decem-
lows: ber 3 & 10, from 6:30-7:15 p.m.
-Accepted 4 volunteers Fall Card Making For Grown Ups - Seasons change, the
working with District athletic air is crisp and nothing says you care more than a personally
programs during the 2018/19 handcrafted card. Come join us as we complete three different
school year, pending ESC, and unique cards with a fall flavor that you’ll take home mail
ORC, OHSAA and District ready. Supplies provided. All skill levels welcome. Preregis-
requirements: Joseph Ostern- tration required. Wednesday, September 19, from 6-7:30 p.m.
dorff - CMS Football; Greg Crafty Adults at The Library - Are you a crafter, or would
Dixon - CHS Football; Jay you like to be one? Join us at the library monthly to try new
Banyasz - CHS Football; and craft projects and make new friends. Preregistration required.
John Maykut - Boys Soccer. Thursdays, September 20, October 18 & December 20, from
Renewed an agreement 6-7:30 p.m.
with Kevin L. McKinstry, Excel for Beginners - Participants will learn about the ba-
CLU, to offer Student Ac- sics of using the 2016 edition of Microsoft Excel to set up a
cident Insurance for the spreadsheet workbook. The instructor will demonstrate how to
2018/19 school year. input data, compose simple spreadsheet formulas and choose
Adopted the following layout and print format options. A limited amount of hands-on
policy: IGCC, Honors Pro- practice time will be available. Participants need to be comfort-
gram. able using a mouse to attend. Preregistration required. Satur-
The meeting adjourned at day, September 22, from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
9:23 p.m. Adult Book Discussion - “The Book Of Unknown Ameri-
Submitted by Patricia cans,” by Cristina Henriquez. Copies of the book are available
Cieslak, Secretary to the Su- at the library. New members are welcome. Preregistration re-
perintendent, Columbia Lo- quired. Monday, September 24, at 1 p.m.
cal Schools For more information, or to register for programs, call the
library at (440) 236-8751. The Columbia Library is located at
13824 W. River Road North.

Columbia High School Picture Day RURAL-URBAN RECORD,September 17, 2018 Page 5

LifeTouch Photography will be at Columbia High School on
Tuesday, September 18, to take pictures of all underclassmen
in grades 9-11 for school portraits. Students received portrait
information in their respective class meeting during the first
week of school. All portraits must be pre-paid. You may do so
online or send in payment on Sept. 18. Senior pictures will be
taken only for ID purposes. Please check the information pro-
vided in the class meetings and contact LifeTouch Photography
with any questions.
Columbia Schools

Superintendent Graig Bansek
With a little more than a week into the new school year, I am
truly amazed at how well our schools are running. The students
are doing a great job and I anticipate a great school year. Thank
you to our transportation department for the amazing job they
have done transporting our students. Thank you as well to all
of our parents that are dropping off students and abiding by the
procedures. We will continue to work together in the best inter-
est of our students! NORTH EATON
CLSD is looking for substitute bus drivers, cleaners, custodi-
ans and kitchen personnel. If you are interested, please go to our
website and download an application. The application should be
turned in at the Administration Center, at 25796 Royalton Road, DAIRY QUEEN
or sent to me by email at [email protected].
Monday, September 24, begins Homecoming Week. The
crowning of the king and queen will take place at 6:30 p.m. at 35040 E. Royalton Rd.
Southwest General Stadium at Columbia High School on Sep-
tember 28. The Raiders will battle the Lutheran West Longhorns North Eaton
at 7 p.m. This is a great evening and weekend of fun and ex-
citement for our community. We hope that you can join us for
this special event. I would also like to welcome back all of our 440-748-2128
alumni. #onceaRaider
Believe it or not, we are reaching the midpoint of our fall
sports season, I want to thank our coaches and student athletes
for conducting themselves in the Raider way. I have heard a
lot of positive comments from parents, other administrators and
officials in regards to our sports teams, cheerleaders and band.
As Superintendent, it makes me proud to have such awesome
kids representing our schools. I wish you the best of luck in the
remainder of your season!
The next Board of Education meeting will take place on
Wednesday, September 19, at 7 p.m. at CMS, in Room #20. A
BOE Work Session will precede the regular meeting at 6 p.m.
All of these meetings are open to the public.
Follow our schools on Twitter: CHS - @CHSRaiders,
CMS - @RaiderMiddle, Copopa - @CopopaElem and me @
graigbansek. You will be the first to get district updates, school
closures, score updates and much more. In a few weeks, our
website will be updated and become more user friendly. We are
looking forward to better serve our school community!
Feel free to call me at (440) 236-5008 or email bansekg@
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Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018
The Rural-Urban Record Youth Club registration begins
Published Weekly on Monday The start of the Columbia United Methodist Youth Club
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter is just around the corner. Wednesday, October 3, is the big
kick off for their 29th year! Youth Club is a mid-week Chris-
Founders 1955 tian nurturing program, which is open to all children in grades
Lee Boise, Publisher & President K-8 regardless of church affiliation. Their year consists of two
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 semesters, Fall (8 weeks long) and Winter (11 weeks). During
each semester, members and staff meet every Wednesday from
Mailing Address: 4:15-7:15 p.m. for faith, fun, fellowship and food (Bible Study,
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Worship, activities and family time).
For registration forms and more information, please contact
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station Lillie Merrill at (330) 483-4609. Columbia United Methodist
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 Church is located at 25453 Royalton Road, in Columbia Sta-
Email: [email protected] tion. The church phone number is (440) 236-8822.
DEADLINE: CUM Church celebrates 200 years
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm Columbia United Methodist Church is celebrating its
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1 bi-centennial the weekend of September 22 and 23. On Satur-
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year day, from 1-4 p.m., is an open-church reception. Everyone is
welcome to stop by the church and enjoy historical displays,
music, refreshment and games. Sunday, we welcome all to our
Spaghetti Dinner/Silent Auction worship service at 10:30 a.m., where our District Superinten-
dent, the Rev. Dr. Steve Bailey, will provide the morning mes-
New Life Wesleyan Church invites you to its Annual Spa- sage. Special liturgical moments and music will also be a part Our Lady Queen of Peace
ghetti Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, September 29, in of the service. The church is located at 25453 Royalton Road, Catholic Church
its Ministry Center at 11149 West River Road, Columbia Sta- in Columbia Station.
tion. The church holds this dinner and silent auction each fall. The first Methodist services in the Columbia area were held
Funds this year will help support those going on a short term in 1818 at the home of the widow of Joseph Burke. These ser- Weekend Masses Weekday
missions trip to Guatemala next summer. vices were led by circuit riding, itinerant preachers, the Rever- Sat. 4:30pm Mass
The dinner and auction start at 5:30 p.m., with the auction ends Goddard and Booth. The first Methodist dedicated house Sun. 8:30 &
running until 7 p.m. Advance tickets are $6 for adults and $3 of worship was completed in 1830 and used for more than 70 11:00am 8:00am
for children 3-12. Tickets at the door are $8 for adults and $4 years. The current sanctuary, built on the same location, was Confession: Chapel
for children 3-12. Advance tickets can be purchased by calling dedicated in 1905. In 1960, the education wing of the church Sat. 3:30- Mon.-Tues.
the church office at (440) 236-8600 and picked up at the door was built providing larger classrooms, a fellowship hall and im- 4:00pm Thurs.-Fri.
the night of the dinner. proved office space.
On June 21, 1976, an unexplained fire destroyed the west
Field’s UMC Grief Share program end of the sanctuary and caused extensive smoke damage. A ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
chance passing of a Litchfiield fireman who saw the smoke
After a brief hiatus, Grief Share at Fields United Methodist made possible rapid response of several local fire departments, GRAFTON UNITED United Church of God
Church began a new series on September 10. Grief Share is a who were able to contain the fire in less than an hour. For the METHODIST CHURCH 12981 Grafton Rd.
special grief recovery seminar and support group which meets next thirteen months, the congregation worshipped in the fel- 973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034 Grafton, Oh 44044
“Your Family Church”
weekly on Mondays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. as long as there is lowship hall. 8:45am Sunday School Sabbath Services
a need. Sessions include a weekly topic, a short video and a Through the years, Columbia United Methodist Church has 10:00am Worship Saturdays at 12:30 pm
workbook to go along with the video. You will find Grief Share strived to support its stated mission: To reveal the light of Jesus 10:35am Children’s Church
to be a warm, caring environment and hopefully come to see Christ in Columbia and the world. We view this celebration as Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
your group as an “oasis” on your long journey through grief. a way to honor our living Christ, along with those of our past
You can join in anytime. Leaders are Nancy Florio and Mary- history, as well as those who presently serve and those who will
lynn Swartz, who are both Stephen Ministers. Guide books for serve in years and decades to come. Church of Christ “Welcome Home”
the Grief Share weekly program are $15, available through the New Life Wesleyan Church
church office. St. Paul Fall Bazaar Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
Additional ‘special’ Grief Share events include: “Loss of A Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm 11149 West River Rd.
Spouse,” Sunday, October 21, and “Surviving the Holidays,” St. Paul Lutheran Church’s Lutheran Women’s Missionary Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm Columbia Station
211 Forest St., LaGrange
November 18 and again December 16. Guidebooks for these League (LWML) is sponsoring a Fall Bazaar on Saturday, Sep- 440-355-6872 SUNDAY 9 am
1 day special events are $5 and available on order through tember 29, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. There will be tables filled with
the church office. Fields United Methodist Church is located flea market finds, crafts and homemade bake sale items. A light Adult Bible Study
at 34077 Lorain Road, in North Ridgeville. Please contact the lunch will be available for shoppers. SUNDAY 10 am
church office at (440) 327-8753 for more information or to reg- The LWML consists of ladies at St. Paul who nurture each Worship & Children’s Church
ister for Grief Share. other in faith in Christ, share encouragemment and make its’
mission meaningful. The bazaar will raise funds to encourage, WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm
Cabbage Roll Sale help and assist other in the area, state, nation and overseas. In Bible Study
the past, the LWML has assisted families in need, food banks, Youth Group, Kids Club
Saint Agnes Church, located at 611 Lake Ave., in Elyria, is veterans, seminary students, overseas schools and many other COLUMBIA UNITED
having their A&R Society’s Cabbage Roll Sale. Orders must activities by combining funds with other Lutheran Women’s METHODIST Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
be placed by October 5, for pick-up on October 17 or 18, from Missionary Leagues throughout the United States. CHURCH Rev. John Bodo
1-3 p.m. Cabbage Rolls are $12 per dozen. To pre-order or for St. Paul Lutheran is located at 1377 Lester Rd., Valley City. - Associate Pastor
more information, call Helen at (440) 324-2573 or Nancy at Worship Service 440-236-8600
(440) 213-5136. Order yours soon, as a limited amount will be Hi Teens! 10:30 a.m.
available. Sunday School
The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church youth group needs you!
Healing Hearts We are located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. during Worship Service St. Elizabeth
The youth group is for 6th graders through high school. We’ve
Healing Hearts is a non-denominational social group for got a lot of awesome ideas for the school year. Our once a COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO Ann Seton
widows and widowers. Members enjoy a variety of events and month Bible Study started on Tuesday, September 11, here at Pastor Matt Merriman
opportunities to meet and socialize with new people in similar SEAS Church. 236-8822 Catholic Parish
25801 Royalton Rd.
circumstances. We welcome new members from all area com- If this sounds like fun to you please contact Ann of the youth [email protected] Columbia Station, OH
munities and adults of all ages. Our regular meetings are on director’s office at 236-3711. She will give you information Sacrament of Reconciliation
the third Wednesday of each month from 1-3 p.m. Our meeting about the group. Hope to see you at one or more of these great (Confession)
dates for the next seven months are as follows: 2018 - Sep- events. Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
tember 19, October 17, November 21 and December 19; 2019 Anytime by Appointment
- January 16, February 20 and March 20. We meet at the Bruns- NORTH Weekend Masses
Sat. 5 p.m.
wick Library, located at 3649 Center Road. Please contact Con- EATON Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
nie at (440) 526-5495 for details. CHRISTIAN 440-236-5095
PSR starts soon CHURCH
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church PSR is for 1st through 8th Rt. 82 & 83
grade students. Classes start on September 17 at CMS from 440-748-2230
6:30-7:45 p.m. Please call the Religious Education office at
236-3711 to register or if you have any questions. Worship Services
8:00 am & 10:30 am
Sunday School
FUNERAL HOME & Polly Tallos
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CREMATION SERVICES Christian Ed. & Youth Director

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CXS crossing closed RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018 Page 7

CXS has notified Grafton that the Main St. (SR 57) cross-
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 ing, between Cleveland St. and Becker Court, will be closed Grafton-Midview Library
For more information or to register for programs, stop into
email: [email protected] September 21 for repairs. The repairs are estimated to take 7 the library at 983 Main Street, call (440) 926-3317, or log onto
days. North bound traffic will be detoured onto Elm St., North Registration is required for most pro-
MIDVIEW PARADE OF BANDS to Novak Rd., West to Main St. (SR 57). South bound traffic grams.
The Midview Marching Blue is getting ready to host their will be detoured East onto Novak Rd. to Elm St., South on Elm Library Card Month - September is library card month.
annual Parade of Bands. The bands will take the field on Sat- St. to Main St. (SR 57). Stop by the library to get yours.
urday evening, September 22, at 7 p.m. in Adelsberg Stadium Preschool Storytime - Tuesdays, September 18 & 25, at 10
on the Midview campus. The event is filled with music, colors a.m. Storytime for children ages 3-6 featuring stories, songs,
and excitement as each band shows they are the best band in the fingerplays and activities that encourage development of early
area. General admission tickets are $7 at the door, with students literacy skills.
and senior tickets being $5. Scheduled to perform are bands For the second year in a row, the Midview Local School Family Storytime - Tuesdays, September 18 & 25, at 6 p.m.
from Columbia, Elyria, North Ridgeville, Keystone, Clearview District is releasing a District Profile. The Profile is being re- Share books, songs and early literacy activities with the whole
and of course our very own Midview Marching Blue. Here they leased in conjunction with the state report card, which will be family.
come! available soon. The goal is to show a true representation of Tots & Tales - Wednesdays, September 19 & 26, at 10 a.m.
DENIM AND DIAMONDS Midview and all of the programs, opportunities and successes This storytime for children 18 months to 3 years is a great step-
Midview Youth Football and Cheer is sponsoring a “Denim happening in our classrooms, on the stage and on our athletic ping stone from Babypalooza to Preschool Storytime. We’ll
and Diamonds” Benefit Dinner and Dance on Saturday eve- fields every day. Midview is much more than scores on a report, read books, sing songs and even get some of those wiggles out.
ning, September 22, from 6 p.m. until midnight at the Ameri- and I am excited to share the District Profile with you. You can You won’t want to miss the fun!
can Legion Ballroom, 8820 Bender Road, in North Ridgeville. view it on our website at Genealogy Group - Wednesday, September 19, at 1 p.m.
There will be a catered dinner, dancing to a DJ, sideboards, At Midview, we have two exciting events coming up to Learn more about using the genealogy databases available at
cornhole for cash tournament, betting, beer and raffle baskets. round out the month of September. the Library and share the tips and tricks you have learned in re-
Tickets are $30 per person, or reserve a table of 8 for $200. On Tuesday, Sept. 18, Midview East Intermediate and Mid- searching your family history. The program will include guest
Tickets may be purchased from coaches or at www.midview- dle School students will participate in the annual United We speakers presenting on special topics and additional time for Sweat Field Day to support healthy living and student wellness group discussion and individual research.
CLAM BAKE in the Midview Schools. Students will participate in a number Baby Playtime - Thursday, September 20, at 10 a.m. Bring
Tickets are now available for the Holy Name Society of Our of activities designed to get them active and teach them the your little one for playtime at the Library! We will have special
Lady Queen of Peace Clam Bake being held on September 22. importance of a healthy lifestyle. play mats, games and activities. For kids birth to 3. A great way
The event will be held on the patio (in the parish hall if in- On Saturday, Sept. 22, is the annual Parade of Bands event to learn and socialize for baby and grown-up!
clement weather). Dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. The event is beginning at 7 p.m. at Midview High School. Six local high After School Video Games - Thursday, September 20, at 3
limited to 100 tickets. Tickets are $25 and $6 for an extra bag school marching bands will perform in addition to the Midview p.m. Have fun after school and play video games at the library.
of clams. Beer, wine coolers, pop and water will be for sale. Marching Blue. All proceeds benefit the Midview Band pro- Try out the library’s new Xbox One system or play other fa-
Please call the office at 926-2364 for more information or if gram. This is a great event featuring many talented students. I vorite games for the PS3, XBox 360 and Wii systems. Bring in
you would like to purchase tickets. hope to see you there! your own games to share or select from the library’s collection.
PUBLIC SAFETY OPEN HOUSE Finally, as a reminder, there is no school for students on Fri- Please register early to accommodate supply ordering.
The public safety departments of the Village of Grafton will day, Sept. 21, as it will be used as a professional development QPR: Ask a Question, Save a Life - Thursday, September
have a special Open House on Sunday, September 23, from day for staff. 20, at 6 p.m. QPR, which stands for Question Persuade Refer,
noon - 4 p.m. at North Park, 1050 Novak Road. Police officers Have a great week! teaches people to recognize suicide communications and ac-
and firefighters will be ready to meet the community. They will Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent (440) 748-5353 tions, intervene safely and confidently and connect the person
be giving police car rides, displaying fire trucks and ambulanc- in need to the right help. The Lorain County Board of Mental
es, setting up the fire safety house, offering face painting, chal- Grafton History Association Health (LCBMH) trains residents to respond to warning signs
lenging kids on the firefighter physical course and offering free as a key way to prevent suicide. It doesn’t require any prior
medical tests and advice. The medical testing includes blood On Monday, September Beyond Center Street to Main knowledge or experience with mental health issues. In about
pressure checks and cholesterol screenings. Tips on injury pre- 24, at 6:30 p.m. “How To Street, every lot has a story. an hour, you’ll have the skills and confidence to assist when
vention, along with stroke and chest pain education, will be Do It” (find history), the li- The east side of Elm Street someone is struggling.
provided by University Hospitals. There will be free hot dogs, brary is continuing “Homes” would evolve with Hicko- Local History: A How-to Program - Monday, September
chips and drinks for everyone. Midtown: Main Street and ry Street and later, Willow 24, at 6 p.m. Join us this evening to learn more about the pro-
ELYRIA CATHOLIC GOLF OUTING Mechanic Street, a growing Street. At the north end of old cess of how to conduct local history research, what information
The 29th annual Elyria Catholic Golf Outing will take place village, with houses to the Elm Street stands the Angelo is of historical value, and what the Library does to scan, pre-
on Monday, September 24, with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. The east, west, north and south. Rawson home. Recently ren- serve, and digitize materials. You will see the materials which
event will be a 4-person team scramble and will be held at the On the southwest corner, ovated, it was built in 1894, the Library scans and preserves for our digital library collection
Oberlin Golf Club. Lunch will be provided beginning at 11:30 one of our oldest houses has burned in 1896 and rebuilt. and how you can contribute to the historical research and col-
a.m. Following completion of play, there will be a sirloin steak a new owner. On the south- Hopefully, this sampling lection in ways you might not expect. Visit the GMPL Digital
and oven roasted half chicken dinner. east corner is our 2018 Ga- of house history will create Library Collection to see what the library has already uploaded.
SPECIAL EVENT REGISTRATION zebo on a lot owned by Lucy interest in the place you call The Eaton Township collection was almost entirely submitted
Registrations are now being accepted for a special event Tran. Although she had the home and join us. Keep “the by only two area residents, so you can imagine what can be
being sponsored by the Friends of the Grafton-Midview Pub- house on the lot moved next home interest blooming.” gathered and made accessible by the community. Everyone can
lic Library. Psychic Medium Laura Lyn will bring meaningful door, the gas station planned Questions? Doris Wilden- help to preserve our history and make it accessible to everyone.
messages to the audience. The event is free and open to the never happened. Right on heim 926-2956
public. Registration is required so a count can be taken. If the Mechanic Street to Chestnut
demand exceeds the seating capacity of the library, the event and Oak Streets leads us to
will be moved to the Midview Middle School. Lyn is a psy- our first brick school house, a
chic medium, teacher, spiritual life coach and is the author of Methodist Church and a Con-
several titles on the subject. The event is scheduled for Satur- gregational Church. Railroad
day, November 10, from 1-3 p.m. For more information or to Street, an early allotment,
register, visit the library at 983 Main Street or call the library at forms a ‘western’ boundary,
926-3317. To learn more about Lyn, visit her website at www. and Sunshine Court is add- ed. The Bennington carriage
THANK YOU house is moved here from
The Midview Marching Blue would like to thank all those Main Street. Chestnut Street,
who supported the band during their recent neighborhood the ‘backside’ of Main Street,
blitz day. The band still has gold cards available for those who grew quickly.
would like one. The card allows the holder to get discounts Left at Main and Mechan-
at local restaurants and businesses for an entire year. A gold ic Street, leads us north and
card will be given for each $10 donation. Proceeds received south on Center Street to Elm
by the band go toward uniforms, competition fees, instrument Street and the Assumption
replacement and repair, rain gear and other expenses. To get a Church. Both sides of Me-
card, contact the band’s director, Josh Brunger, at jbrunger@ chanic Street to Elm Street are lined with houses with histo-
ry. Elm Street, the eastern
boundary to the right, yields
the William Mole home sur-
KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS rounded by fields of gardens.


Hours By Appointment

Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018
Grafton Township Announcements 3rd Annual “Steps For Elijah” 5K

The Grafton Township Trustees would like residents to have The 3rd Annual “Steps For Elijah” 5K and 1 Mile Walk
[email protected] the following information. will be on Saturday, September 29, at Willow Park, in Grafton.
Cemeteries - Grafton Township maintains three cemeter-
Packet pick-up and registration is at Willow Park at 8 a.m. The
ies: Nesbett on State Route 57, Belden on State Route 303 and Walk begins at 9 a.m. and at 9:30 a.m. the 5K begins. Register
Public Zoning meeting Nichols on State Route 303. Please do not drive on the grass now at
at the cemeteries. Answers to questions can be found on the
New this year, a T-shirt is included with registration and
township website, http:/, or by calling the Ceme- race medals for the first 35 finishers! A post race gathering for
The Grafton Township Zoning Commission will hold a pub- tery Sexton, Tim Adams, at (330) 483-4923 or (330) 421-8868. runners and volunteers will be at The Deluxe Bar, located at
lic zoning meeting at the Grafton Township Hall, located at Ditches - Please contact the Road Department at 926-2564 893 Main Street, in Grafton.
17109 Avon Belden Road, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 18. with any questions regarding the regulations on ditch work.
The Zoning Commission will be reviewing the existing fencing Fill Material - Residents interested in fill material should Valley City Garden Club
regulations and discussing other issues and concerns as they call the Road Department at 926-2564. If bringing a truck, call
come up. ahead and the township will use their equipment to load the The Valley City Garden Club will meet Thursday, Septem-
material. ber 20, at 7 p.m. at the Emmanuel United Church of Christ,
Fire/EMS - The township is currently accepting applica- 6656 Center Road, in Liverpool Township. At this meeting,
Grafton Twp. Trustees tions for volunteer fire fighters and EMTs. Residential lock Barb Lewis from Critter Creek Artistry will be demonstrating
the techniques used in the art of rock painting. Come and bring
boxes and reflective mailbox numbers are available to township residents for township properties. Ohio open burning regula- a friend. Roll Call response will be your favorite famous rock
tions can be found at formation or monument.
A moment of silence for those who perished on 9/11 began openburn.pdf. Open burning violations can result in penalties. The club offers many interesting and informative speakers,
the Grafton Township Trustees meeting on September 11. The For more information on any of these fire/EMS items, call demonstrations and field trips. For more information, contact
R. Austin at (330) 483-3435.
Trustees then went into an executive session to discuss pos- Chief Bob Richards at (440) 387-2498, visit http://graftontwp.
sible litigation on two issues. Upon the return of the trustees us/ or visit the Grafton Township Fire Rescue Facebook page. Depot Museum special display
to the public meeting, residents were invited to speak to the Hall Rentals - The Grafton Township Town Hall is avail-
township’s attorney in another room regarding noise at the Jail- able for event rental. Information, including pictures, is avail- Cigars were the smoke of choice around the turn of the
house Taverne while the public meeting continued. The public able by visiting To make a reservation, century, and Liverpool (AKA Valley City) produced them in
meeting consisted of many updates and a laundry list of mis- please call (440) 387-2498. quantity. Tobacco was grown locally. Many families were sup-
cellaneous project inquiries and reports. The Zoning Inspector Meeting Dates - The trustees meet on the second Tuesday ported by their hand rolled cigars, made in buildings that are
reported there were two permits issued last month; one for a of the month at 7 p.m. The Zoning Commission meets on the still in existence. See our displayat the Depot Museum open on
house construction on Neff Road and the other for an addition third Tuesday of the month also at 7 p.m. and the Board of Zon- Sunday, September 23, from 1-4 p.m.
to a garage on Haystacks Lane. Several property owners who ing Appeals meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. In addition that day, the old caboose and steam engine will
received violation notices are now in compliance. Several ad- Noise - The township noise ordinance can be found at http:// open to be enjoyed by all ages. Inside are artifacts and memo-
ditional inspections were performed last month and are being Residents who encounter noise issues should rabilia from earlier Liverpool Township. Cemetery records of
addressed. contact the Lorain County Sheriff’s Office at (440) 329-3709. local burials are available with lookup assistance.
The trustees voted to award Maintenance Systems the con- Pavilion - A new pavilion is scheduled to be built at the park
The Depot is located at 6615 Center Rd., in Valley City. For
tract to do repairs to the parking lot at the township hall at a this summer. more information, call (330) 483-3707.
cost of approximately $7600. Neff Road has been motor paved; Roads - Please visit the township website to find out which
chip and seal and berm work will be done as soon as weather roads are maintained by the township, county or state. Please Historical Liverpool Spirit Walk
permits. The process to prohibit the use of engine brakes in the report any issues with the township roads or signs to the Road
township is continuing. The pavilion at the park is completed. Department at 926-2564. On September 22, at Mill Stream Park in Valley City, groups
Grading and seeding around the pavilion will be done in the Trash/Recycling - Residents with bulk trash items which will depart every 15 minutes from 6-8:30 p.m. for the Histori-
spring. The Trustees will determine if a gutter system is needed need picked up should contact Rumpke at 1-800-828-8171 cal Liverpool Spirit Walk. On Rt. 303 in Valley City, turn at the
on the pavilion at a later date. The foundation on the one room so they can plan accordingly. Items which can not be picked Spirit Walk sign to enter Mill Stream Park.
school house will be checked and bids accepted on painting the up may be taken to the Lorain County Solid Waste Manage- Cost is: adults/$5, 12 & under/$3 and 5 & under are free.
exterior. Also discussed were various drainage, brush and tree ment Collection Center, located at 540 South Abbe Road, in Event will run rain or shine. Tickets are available at Buehler’s
removal, mowing, culvert pipe, property clean up, ditch work Elyria. The Collection Center hours are Mondays and Wednes- Forest Meadows & River Styx and the Liverpool Twp. Office -
and lighting issues. days from noon-6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. The M, W & F, from 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; they will also be available at the
The Fire Chief reported an ambulance needed work on its Collection Center phone number is (440) 329-5440 or visit event. For more information, call (330) 483-3038.
emission system at a cost of approximately $1,100. The town-
ship may receive cost recovery funds from an accident which id-waste-management. The township has curbside recycling LPLS Writing Conference
took a utility pole, and a fire vehicle repair bill was challenged; and containers at the township hall for paper and cardboard.
discrepancies are being negotiated. There were two burials, one Zoning/Zoning Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals - The Lorain Public Library System (LPLS) and Friends of
cremation and two cemetery plots sold last month. EMTs re- Grafton Township is a zoned community. When planning on the Library groups of Avon, Columbia, Domonkas Lorain and
sponded to 17 residential calls, 5 motor vehicle accidents and erecting a building, deck, pool or fence, etc., please call the North Ridgeville, announce the 2018 LPLS Writing Confer-
gave mutual aid in York Township during August. Zoning Inspector, Tom Steigerwald, at (440) 926-2804, to see ence on Saturday, October 13, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the North
A NOPEC representative was in attendance to award Amy if a permit is needed. Any resident interested in being an alter- Ridgeville Library.
Richards, the township’s Fiscal Officer, for doing an outstand- nate to the Board of Zoning Appeals should contact Fred Giese The featured speakers are Brian Klems, senior online editor
ing job. She was nominated for the award by theT. Along with at (440) 926-3246. For more information on zoning, visit the of, and literary agent Victoria Selvaggio.
a certificate, NOPEC presented her with a backpack cooler and township website. Brian’s blog, The Writer’s Dig—which he founded in
an umbrella. 2011—covers everything about writing and publishing and is
It was announced that a hearing with the Lorain County MHS Class of ‘73 45 Reunion one of the most popular/visited blogs in the writing community.
Commissioners on October 9 will review a liquor licence trans- He’s also a bestselling author, speaker, social media expert and
ference and renewal for the Jailhouse Taverne. The Midview High School Class of 1973 is having their 45 co-founder/co-host of The Writer’s Market Podcast. Brian is a
The next Grafton Township Trustee meeting is scheduled Class Reunion on Saturday, October 13, from 6p.m. - Midnight proud graduate of the Ohio University E.W. Scripps School of
for Tuesday evening, October 9, at 7 p.m. in the township hall. at Amvets Post #32, located at 11087 Middle Ave. (“Q” Hut), in Journalism.
Elyria. Cost is $35 per person. BYOB; beer and wash provided. Victoria is a Literary Agent & Partner at Storm Literary
Entertainment will also be provided. Agency. Previously with The Jennifer De Chiara Literary
Contacts: Cordie Stonestreet Lewis (facebook); Donna Reid Agency, she was drawn to the publishing scene first as an au-
One Work • Casual • Hunting Wear & Accessories Kanuch (facebook); Roberta Peters Riggs at (440) 933-4013 thor. As a prior Regional Advisor for SCBWI: Northern Ohio,
Stop Work Shoes • Rubber Boots • Rain Gear (facebook or classmates). To R.S.V.P. (by Oct. 1) contact Ro- Victoria’s desire to help writers and illustrators reach their pub-
Dog Food & Supplies • Gloves • Socks berta at [email protected]. Please let us know by email asap lication goals inspired her to become an agent.
Kid’s Clothing • Womens so we can get a head count. Make checks payable to Roberta Veteran writers and those new to the craft are welcome. Riggs and send to: 32535 Lake Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012, Pre-registration is required and space is limited. Register on-
16901 St. Rt. 58, before October 1. line at or by calling (440)
Oberlin, OH 44074 We are also looking for donations for our raffle.
HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10-5 ~ Check • Cash • Plastic 327-8326.
SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM MHS Class of ‘88 30th Reunion
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with On Friday, September 28, at 7 p.m., the Midview High
programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post School Class of 1988 will be having a reunion get together at
the MHS Homecoming game. Meet at the Concession area.
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton On Saturday, September 29, at 7 p.m., will be dinner and
The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels dancing at the GreyHawk Golf Club; cost is $55 per person or for a Cause!
drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829. $100 per couple.
On Sunday, September 30, from 1-5 p.m., will be a family
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE. picnic at Shelter #2 of the Indian Hollow Reservation/Sheldon
9/17 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie Woods. September 22, 2018
with free donuts and coffee for participants. The class of 1988 would like to extend an invitation to any 10am - 3pm
9/18 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being Midview Alumni and Classmates to join them for drinks and 34837 Lorain Rd.,
socializing after 9 p.m. on Saturday, at GreyHawk. Cost is $15
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with per person and includes one drink ticket. North Ridgeville
fruit and juice for participants. For more information, please contact Sherry Naselsky Ley- Join us at Don Mould’s with your your classic car,
9/24 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie bovich at (813) 541-1254. hot rod, truck or bike to help us raise money for the
with free donuts and coffee for participants. Lorain County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit.
9/25 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being SUPPORT OUR TROOPS All makes, models and years are welcome!
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with $5 to register, Dash plaques to the first 75 vehicles
fruit and juice for participants. registered as well as trophies with best in show!
10/1 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee
Club. Movie with free donuts and Awesome Gyros will be serving
coffee for participants. food from their food truck and
10/2 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Trista’s Tribute Band will be
Class being instructed by Debi’s providing music.
Personal Training with fruit and Raffles, 50/50 and K9
juice for participants. Demonstrations!
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact All proceeds will be donated to the
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341. 440-986-2665 Lorain County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit!
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special For any questions or to register,
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen 9072 Leavitt Rd. Officer Craig Payne & K9 Kriss
Manager for additional information. Elyria, OH 44035 [email protected] call 440-241-2234 or 440-327-3407.

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018 Page 9

2018 Apple Festival Schedule

Fri., Sept. 21 | 12:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Concessions and Crafts Surrounding the Square
12:30 Elyria High Marching Band Main Stage
2:00 Open Door Marching Band Main Stage
Brad the Magician Behind City Hall
4:00 Sharon Signer Gazebo
Magic Balloon Man Behind City Hall
Basketball Challenge Behind City Hall
2018 ELYRIA Games Behind City Hall
6:00 The Geeze Cats
Main Stage
Keith Ransom
Behind City Hall
Sat., Sept. 22 | 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Concessions and Crafts Surrounding the Square
10:00 Apple Pie Judging McDonald’s (Broad St.)
Magic Balloon Man Gazebo
11:00 Balloon Drop Behind City Hall
Hamburglar Behind City Hall
12:00 Games Behind City Hall
Princess Pageant Main Stage
1:00 WIXY 1260 Behind City Hall
Cornhole Tournament Pioneer Plaza
3:30 YWCA Dance Team Main Stage
4:00 Basketball Challenge Behind City Hall
Rich Underwood Gazebo
Sept 21-23, 2018 4:30 Malt Shop Memories Behind City Hall
6:00 The Diamond Project Main Stage
Ely Park in Downtown Elyria Sun., Sept. 23 | 11:00 am - 6:00 pm

Concessions and Crafts Surrounding the Square
Restaurant 8:30 5k Race & Walk Northwood Jr High
& Pub Since 1983 9:00 Chemical Bank Car Show Broad Street
Main Stage
12:30 Apple Art Awards
423 N. Main St, Grafton 1:00 Basketball Challenge Behind City Hall
Main Stage
Coloring Table
926-2621 WIXY 1260 Behind City Hall
Open: Tues - Sat from 4pm 2:00 Yellow Delicious Main Stage Magic Balloon Man Around the Square
LAKE ERIE PERCH FRY 3:00 Game Challenge Behind City Hall
Behind City Hall
4:00 Big Agnes
FRIDAYS 4-6 pm $10.95 Spoon-Fedd Gazebo

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Hours: Tues. 9:30-7 • Wed./Thurs./Fri. 9:30-5 • Sat. 9:30-3:30

Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018
5th Annual
5K Race/Fun Walk Cornhole Tournament Apple Pie Baking Contest

The Elyria Apple Festival, in cooperation with the Lorain by Dottie Klimczak,
County Community College and the Elyria Parks and Rec- The Fifth Annual Cornhole Tournament will commence One of the most looked forward to events at the Festival
reation Department, will be hosting a 5K race/ Fun Walk on on Saturday, September 22 at 1:00 p.m. at Pioneer Pla- is the yearly Apple Pie Baking Contest.
Sunday, September 23, at 8:30 a.m. The race/walk will start za ( 328 Broad St.). The double elimination tournament is The only thing better than eating apple pie is the won-
at Elywood Dr. and Washing- open to the first 32 teams to register for ages 16 and older. derful, unbeatable aroma of an apple
ton Ave. and take runners/ The fee is $30 per team. Registration deadline is Septem- pie baking in the over. So, get out
walkers on a course through ber 20. Late reg- your favorite apple pie recipe
the Washington Avenue istration will be and enter the contest. If you
neighborhood. Parking for the accepted from have entered in the past or
race will be available at North- 1:00 - 2:00pm just recently, we hope you
wood Junior High School, 700 day of event if will do so again this year.
Gulf Rd. Registration will be spots are avail- We would enjoy seeing you.
accepted the day of the race able for $40 per The winner receives a
at Northwood Junior High team. Register at cash prize of $25, second
School beginning at 7:30 a.m. the Elyria Parks place is $15 and third place
Race-day registration is $15. The family walk is free. For & Recreation De- is $10. All entries receive an ap-
more information on the race, call (440) 326-1500. partment Office, ple ribbon and our gratitude for a
131 Court Street. chance to eat lots of apple pie.
$200 Cash Prize Bring your friends, your pie and your appetite! If you don’t
for First Place enter a pie come anyway and join in the fun of eating the
donated by Grobe Fruit Farrm. In case of rain the tourna- pies after the contest is over.
ment will be moved indoors to the East Park Recreation People looking to participate in the Apple Baking Contest
Center. For more information call the Parks and Recre- are asked to bring their pies to McDonalds (Broad St.) no
ation Department main office at 440-326-1500. later than 9:30am Saturday, September 22nd. The judging
will then commence at 10am. For further information call
525 Broad St. Elyria Car Show 440-324-2255.
440-281-9181 Sunday, September 23rd the Apple Festival will feature an Enjoy the
Mon & Tue: 11-9, Wed & Thur:11-10 Antique, Classic and Special Interest Car Show. Enter the Apple
festival at the corner of West Avenue and Broad Street. Cars
Fri & Sat:11-11, Sun: 11-8 will be parked in the order that they arrive. Come early, only
(Bar Open +1 hr Mon-Sat) the first 200 applicants will be allowed. $10 entry fee and Festival!
registration begins at 8am, Cruise-In and Judging is from
9-11:30am and winners will be announced at 1:30. All pro-
Ted Schriver, Realtor ceeds go to the Elyria Apple Festival. For details call Steph- Dennis Taylor, Realtor
Buying or Selling anie Smith at 440-405-5089. C: 216.849.6308
“Let Ted go to work for YOU” O: 440.366.0099
F: 440.366.6350
440.225.5219 E: TaylorMadeFarms&
[email protected]
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018 Page 11
15 Girls Vie For Title of 38th Apple Festival Queen

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

Bekka Reaser 2017 Apple Queen

1. Katie Shawver
Elyria HS – Daughter of Kelly Dunbar
2. Zaria Michelle Amerson
Elyria HS – Daughter of Jamesha Amerson
3. Alexis Shawver
LCCC – Daughter of Kelly Dunbar
4. Amaree Jackson
Elyria HS – Daughter of Kisha Jackson 9. Nora Catherine Wright Terrell
LCCC – Daughter of Thomas & Lora Terrell
5. Sabrina Johnson
LCCC – Daughter of John Gutowski 10. Markia Breanne Boone
Bowling Green – Daughter of Ricky & Maria Boone
6. Alexis Claire Elbert
LCCC – Daughter of Joseph & Jennifer Elbert 11. Ashley Meecha
LCCC – Daughter of Mark Meecha & the late Shari Meecha
7. Katrin Patricia Miltenberger
LCCC – Daughter of Andreas & Rebecca Miltenberger 12. Jaden Robles Champe
Elyria HS – Daughter of Damien Spearman & Latoya Champe
8. Tabatha Gutowski
Elyria HS – Daughter of John Gutowski 13. Angelique Prunty
LCCC – Daughter of David Prunty & Stacie Jones
14. Taylor Willbond
Tawnee Mancuso, LCCC – Daughter of Brandy Oates & Matthew Willbond Laubenthal -Mercado
Realtor 15. Morgan ANnmarie Flores FUNERAL HOME
LCCC – Daughter of Cynthia Montanez & Matthew Flores
C: 440.897.5770 Now offering On-site
O: 440.366.0099 15 girls will be competing in this year’s Elyria Apple Cremation Services
Funeral Home is also
F: 440.366.6350 Festival’s Princess Pageant with a Patriotic Theme. LM
[email protected] This is the 38th year for the festival and the pageant, Handicap Accessible
led by Linda Brown. The event will take place on Serving Families for over 50 years
10247 Dewhurst Rd. Suite 101 Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 12:30p.m. on Ely 38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
Elyria, Ohio 44035 Square in downtown Elyria. 440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929
The Elyria Apple Queen is awarded cash and priz-
es donated from local businesses and organizations.
These prizes are valued at over $3,000. In addition,
awards and prizes are given to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
The Hobby Shop of Elyria Runners’ Up as well as Most Creative Costume and We Hope to See You

NEW LOCATION! Miss Congeniality. Miss Congeniality is selected by at the 2018
her peer contestants at the last practice before the
823 Chestnut Commons pageant. The Queen will be crowned by the 2017 Ap- Elyria Apple Festival!
ple Queen, Bekka Reaser for a formal interview the
440-366-0665 morning of the event.
Gary Gibbs returns as Emcee for the day accom-
panied by musician, Keith Ransom. The 2018 es-
corts will be Staff Sergeant Juan Belgabo and Staff
Sergeant Jordan Portillo of The United States Army
Elyria Recruiting Office.
These girls have put in many hours of hard work
and dedication to participate in the pageant and al-
ways leave with many new friends and an increased
pride for the City of Elyria. This experience gives
them memories they will never forget.

Jim Wirscham, Realtor A Trusted Family Name in
C: 440.567.4144 Jewelry
O: 440.366.0099
F: 440.366.6350
E: [email protected]

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter &
10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101 Elyria, Ohio 44035 244 E. Broad Street | Elyria | 322-1700

Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018
2018 Retailer of the Year

[email protected]
[email protected]
Carlisle Township Dumpster Day Calling all MHS Students

Carlisle Township will have a Dumpster Day on Saturday, You have the day off school! Cool! So how about coming
October 6, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. for residents only with a proper into the town hall and volunteering! We have a ton of maps &
I.D. Items not accepted are: tires, televisions, electronics, com- architect/site plan drawings that need to be cataloged and stored
puters, cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and ballasts, VHS tapes, properly. It is fairly easy and instruction will be provided.
household batteries, paints, pool chemicals or solvents. These •snacks, lunch & beverages will be provided
items go to the Lorain County Collection Center. Garbage •certificate of recognition for volunteer hours will be pro-
should be disposed of at the curb with Allied Waste/Republic vided
pick-up or any other reputable hauler. •time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. But you will earn 8 hours of volunteer
Note: No brush, limbs or bushes. These items should be tak- time on certificate!
en to Barnes on Chestnut St. or other recycler. •if extra helpers show up or signup, we can provide other
For questions, call the Township Administrative Office at work (scanning documents etc.)
(440) 458-5667 or the Road Department at •if you are under 18, your parents must sign a liability waiv-
Plum Creek Garden Club er. Any questions, call Donna Heuler, Eaton Twp. Secretary, at
(440) 748-2236.
Plum Creek Garden Club will meet at Carlisle Visitor Cen-
ter at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 18. Their speaker will be Sasha seeks loving home
Ann Channon of the Ohio State Extension office, who will
speak about soil, composting and any other problems you may and bird watch. Please don’t
have with your garden. Guests are welcome. pass her by. Can you give
AAUW meeting Sasha a chance at being a pet
again? She can be adopted at
The Elyria Branch of the American Association of Universi- Friendship APL. Sasha and
ty Women will kick off the year with a dinner meeting at 6 p.m. the other kittens/cats current-
on Monday, September 17, at Grace Lutheran Church, located ly available for adoption can
at 9685 East River Road, in Elyria. Please bring a dish to share. be seen at www.friendshipa-
Table service and drinks will be provided. The program will be Cats like Sasha
“The Lorain County Fair: The First 100 Years,” presented by who are 8 years and older
Jim Smith from the Lorain County Historical Society. are free for people 60 years Stop in to Schilds IGA in North Eaton to congratulate Kevin
If you are a graduate or attending a college or university, old and up. All the cats 8 and and Rose Schild on being named “2018 Retailer of the Year,”
please consider joining us. All are welcome. Our mission is to above are also featured sep- by Laurel Grocery Company. Schilds IGA will be celebrating
advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, educa- arately by going to https:// their 60th Anniversary soon! Congratulations to Schilds IGA!
tion, philanthropy and research. Sasha Audubon Society special speaker
Sasha thought she was senior-cats/
All cats receive one or
living in her forever home more vaccinations, a basic The Black River Audubon Society’s Jack Smith Outstanding
Please and then her owner died and veterinary examination, are Speaker program will feature popular author, artist and birder
she was taken to the shelter
Julie Zickefoose on November 10, from 1:30-4 p.m. at Carlisle
Recycle to find a new home. She was wormed and spayed/neutered Visitor Center, 12882 Diagonal Road, in LaGrange. Following
and feline leukemia tested.
so afraid at first and would sit
the talk, BRAS will celebrate its 60th anniversary with a recep-
high up in her cage and hiss. Kittens under a year old are tion. The public is invited to this free event. For more informa-
She is 11-years old and it was $50 and cats over a year are tion on programs, volunteering or becoming a member, please
a big adjustment for her. Sa- only $20. All kittens/cats visit or call (440) 365-6465.
sha has come an incredibly over 3 months old are also
long way! She loves attention micro-chipped. The shelter
now and instead of hissing is located at 8303 Murray FREEDOM IS NOT FREE,
Keep in touch with your community she now greets you. Sasha Ridge Road, in Elyria.
Visit: longs for a window to sit in SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018 Page 13

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Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018
Fall Story Times - September 24 - October 31. Introduce School Curriculum Night from 6-8 p.m. Sept. 24; McCor-
you child to the love of reading by attending one of our story mick Middle School Curriculum Night from 6-8 p.m. Sept.
programs. Join us at the Herrick Memorial Library for stories, 25; and Westwood Elementary School from 6-8 pm. Sept.
songs and other activities designed to develop language, liter- 26.
[email protected] acy and social skills your child needs for school success. Reg- Our first “Dialogue with the Board” was a success and
istration for the following story times begins on September 4. we look forward to seeing many more residents come out
-Tuesdays, from 11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Baby Story Times (0
Wellington Twp. Dumpster Day to 24-months with an adult). to the Bread & Brew in downtown Wellington (100 S. Main
-Tuesdays, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Family Story Times (2 ½ Street) the second Saturday of each month from 8:30-10:30
Wellington Township’s last quarterly “Dumpster Day” for to 5-years with an adult). a.m. The next “Dialogue with the Board” topic will feature
2018 is Saturday, September 29. Residents may bring items for -Wednesdays, from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Family Story Times (2 ½ transportation and bus safety on Oct. 13. Board members
disposal to the Maintenance Facility at 105 Maple Street be- to 5-years with an adult). Ayers Ratliff and Dan Rosecrans will be in attendance.
tween the hours of 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Complimentary donuts and -Mondays, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Countdown to Kindergarten Our staff received training last week featuring the Ol-
coffee are served inside the township maintenance building on (ages 3 to 5-years with an adult); these special story times will weus Bullying Prevention Program. We will be promoting
dumpster days. In addition to refreshments, recycled items will focus on the five early literacy skills children need to have be- the program throughout the community and look forward to
be distributed. Supplies are limited, so stop in early! fore going to school. your continued support.
Acceptable items for disposal include: freon appliances, Read To Putter - Wednesdays, September 26 & October Know anyone looking for a job? Our district is in need
scrap steel, electronic devices, computers and batteries. You 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, from 3-4 p.m. Putter visits the library to of full-time and part-time bus drivers. It’s a great way to
may also drop off canes, wheelchairs, walkers, eye glasses and listen to children as they read. The children can spend 15 min- earn income and work flexible hours. For more information,
cell phones. Canned goods are accepted and donated to Well utes reading a book or story to the library’s friend Putter and please call 440-647-7974.
Help. build their reading skills. Putter is a registered therapy dog that Live auditions will be held for this year’s holiday show,
NO hazardous or infectious wastes, medications, brush, absolutely adores listening to a good story. He does not mind if “A Christmas Story” from 4-7 p.m. Sept. 19. We are seeking
waste oil, bricks, rocks or concrete, dirt or any materials pro- the child makes reading mistakes. Stop in to reserve a reading adults, teens, and children ages 7-11 to fill this cast for a
hibited by the state or federal law. spot or call the library at (440) 647-2120. great show. Pre-registration is required and can be found at
NO tires will be collected; tires may be dropped off at any Operation Lifesaver - Saturday, September 29, from 1:30-
of the following locations: 3:30 p.m. Come and learn about railroad crossing safety from You can also submit a video audi-
Grafton Township Hall - 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Tuesdays & Satur- Railroad Volunteer Keven Darr. This program is open to all tion.
days, 17109 Avon-Belden Rd. (Corner of State Routes 83 and ages. Register at the library or call (440) 647-2120. Calling all entertainers, bands, etc.! Live auditions will
303). Writers Group - Thursday, September 27, from 6-7:30 p.m. be held for the STAR Talent Competition on Sept. 26 from
The Lorain County Collection Center accepts scrap tires The Wellington Writers Group meets every other Thursday at 4-7 p.m. in the Lindley Center. Over $3,000 in prize money
and household hazardous waste items all year at 540 South the Herrick Memorial Library. Join this group if you have a pas- is up for grabs! Pre-registration is required and can be found
Abbe Road, in Elyria. Collection Center Hours are M-W from sion for writing in all venues. Bring samples of your writing to at Can’t make the live auditions?
12-6 p.m. and Sat. from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. You may call (440) 329- share with the group. New members are welcome. Registration Submit a video audition by Sept. 23.
5440 for more information. is encouraged. To register, call the library at (440) 647-2120. Upcoming events:
The following rules apply to all sites, at all times: Sept. 18: Board of Education Business Meeting at 6 p.m.
•Driver’s License or other acceptable proof of residency is Country Autumn Tour at Westwood Elementary School GO DUKES!
required. [email protected], Office: 440-647-4286
•Tire collections are provided for the use of Lorain County Fall is in the air and once again, it is time for the annual Coun-
residents only. try Autumn Tour for 2018. Plan to join in on this drive-yourself WHS Duke Band Benefit Night
•Tires may be on the rim or off. shopping adventure in the beautiful countryside of Northern
•NOTE: By State Law, you may not transport more than 10 Ohio. Tour dates are Friday, Saturday & Sunday, October 12, On September 26, from 5-8 p.m. at the Wellington Burger
(ten) scrap tires at one time without a Special License. 13, 14, 19, 20 & 21. Tour hours are 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Friday and King, the Duke Band will be performing. Come on in to sup-
•Acceptable - Small equipment/passenger car/SUV/Mini- Saturday, and 12-5 p.m., Sunday, both weekends. Join the fun port the band and enjoy the great music!
van/non-commercial van & pick-up truck tires up to 20” rim visiting participating shops and farms in Oberlin, Wellington,
diameter and all bicycle/motorcycle tires. New London, Spencer and Homerville. Train Rides
•Not Acceptable - racing tires, Semi-truck and trailer tires, Pick up your map/ flyer at your first stop or download it
farm equipment tires, and any tires resulting from the operation from their website, During the month of October, the Lake Shore Railway As-
of a commercial business or farm. Search for a small wooden block with a letter on it hidden at sociation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration
Drop off of tires at any times other than those listed is strict- the participating businesses each day of the tour. Find the letter and operation of the historical Lorain & West Virginia Railway,
ly prohibited; all sites are under video surveillance; violators and do a jumble solution to win a $25 gift certificate. will be hosting a number of train rides. All the rides will be
will be prosecuted. When flyer is completed, turn it in at the last stop, with con- pulled by a 1950’s era locomotive. Cars will depart from the
Safely dispose of pharmaceuticals by taking them to the tact info. completed at the top, to be entered into a drawing for passenger station at 46485 State Route 18, in Wellington. Their
Wellington Village Police Department, 117 Willard Memorial a $30 gift basket from each business; must be 18 & over for annual fall foliage rides will run on October 6, 7, 13, 14, 20
Square. The drop box is located in the front lobby 24/7. this drawing. & 21 at 1:30 pm. New this year, will be the first ever L&WV
Pumpkin Patch Limited. All riders will get a train ride and the
Shops on the Country Bay Lady Tour include: Farmyard
Herrick Memorial Library Flowers, Dostall Farms, Main Street Antiques, Quilting Shanty, opportunity to pick out a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch lo-
cated in the woods along the tracks. On October 19, they will
Library Card Sign-up Month - September is Library Card All Ohio Train & Toys, The Platinum Petal, Days of Yore Herb be hosting a wine train with wine from a local winery. All
& Flower Farm, Hook’s Greenhouse, Bonnie Brae Farm Tours
Sign-up Month. As students head back to school, there is one Ltd., Honey Bee Treasure, Spencer Feed & Supply, Spencer riders on their Sweetest Day Train, October 20, will be treated
essential school supply that requires no shopping and doesn’t Twist & The Pumpkin Factory. to a special wine filled with chocolates and a variety of wines.
cost a penny - it’s a library card! Get your first card or use your For more information, email [email protected] Tickets can be purchased and more information can be found at
existing card during the month of September and be entered or call Sue at (440) 371-7589.
into a prize drawing. Each time you use your Herrick Memorial Find & LIKE them on FaceBook, Country Tour Group (Lo- WELLINGTON NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 17
Library card, you will receive a ticket to fill out with your name rain County),
and phone number to be placed into our age-level (children, Group/1438122909756523.
teens, adults) drawing jars (limit one slip per day). At the end
of September, library staff will pull one ticket from each jar Wellington Schools
to receive an age appropriate prize provided by the Friends of
the Herrick Memorial Library. Get a library card and use it to Superintendent Ed Weber
check out something incredible! It’s been a busy start to the school year in the Wellington
Afternoon Book Discussion - Thursday, September 27, Village Schools. Our students and staff are settling in and
from 2-3 p.m. The afternoon book group will hold its first meet- our kindergartners and preschool students are adjusting to Michelle Carson
ing after summer break to discuss the book My Dear Hamilton, new routines. Office: 440-842-7200
by Stephanie Dreg & Laura Kamoie. People interested in par- Cell: 216-716-9942
ticipating in the discussion can check out a copy of the book at We are excited to announce that we have a new district
the library. website! Please take a moment and visit www.wellington- [email protected] The new website design is more us- With over 30 years
er-friendly and ADA compliant. There are quick links to of finance/real estate
pages such as PowerSchool and Athletics, as well as an Up- experience!
coming Events tabs.
Welcome to the Class of 2031. It’s never too early to Call Michelle
start planning for college and begin saving. Last year we TODAY
introduced our Kindergarten to College program, in part-
nership with the Wellington Schools Endowment Fund,
to match 25% of families’ yearly contributions to college DOING MORE FROM
savings plans. Thank you to all our supporters, including FOR SALE SOLD
the Wellington Kiwanis Club, as they are providing a $50
Specializing in: scholarship to every kindergarten student to start their col- That’s the sign of a RE/MAX agent!
Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical, lege savings account. We are grateful for all the support.
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances The Kindergarten to College program will continue again

Grafton Wellington this year at Westwood Elementary School. An informational
meeting will be held Sept. 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the school.
35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St We will also once again recognize students/families
440-926-3312 440-647-6010 participating in the Kindergarten to College program at an
upcoming varsity football game. Anyone wearing college
apparel will be admitted free to the Sept. 21 home football
Mark your calendars and plan to attend Curriculum nights in our schools. Dates/times include: Wellington High

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018 Page 15

Fall Home & Garden


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Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018
Fall Home & Garden

How to Build your Home Bar Green Options in Home Siding

If new siding is on the some of the more sustain- durable - often lasting the
list of must-do home proj- able options in home siding. life of the house. Eco-friend-
Many people enjoy open- owners can ects this year, there are ly variants include stucco
ing their homes to friends or have. Rolling many factors to consider. Reclaimed timber made with an earth-and-
family. In fact, according to bar carts are Though it’s a transforma- A house sided with clap- lime mixture, offsetting the
the National Eating Trends popular and tive renovation, replacement board, or a log cabin-in- CO2 emissions associated
survey and custom research versatile, and siding is a significant and spired look, is iconic. These with cement production.
by the NPD group, in 2016 they can be potentially expensive un- types of siding are typically Stucco can reduce air infil-
the average person ate 38 kept stationary dertaking. Therefore, care- made from insect-repellant tration that causes drafts in
meals at other people’s or rolled in and ful consideration must be pine, cedar, cypress, or red- a home.
homes. out of a room given to the materials used wood. While lumber certified
Knowing how to cook, as needed. If and their maintenance, by the Forest Stewardship Fiber-cement
set the mood and entertain a bar cart is longevity, insulation factor, Council is environmentally Fiber-cement is similar
is increasingly important for open, organi- and cost. Many homeown- friendly, homeowners may to stucco in that it is made
many homeowners. Install- zation is key, ers also want siding that is want to seek out reclaimed from sand, Portland cement,
ing and outfitting a home bar as you don’t eco-friendly. lumber. This wood has his- clay, and wood pulp fibers.
can provide guests with the want it to look Sustainability is an import- tory and causes very little It can be fire-resistant and
features of a night out, only unkempt. ant consideration for many environmental impact. Plus, insect-proof and will not rot.
without the crowds or bar A full-blown Fill it with spirits homeowners. Data from timber salvaged from old It’s a stable material that can
tabs that come at the end wet bar will require more No bar is complete without the National Association of buildings or fallen trees may recover almost 80 percent of
of the night. A home bar is a construction, including alcohol and mixers. Home- Home Builders’ “Green Mul- be superior to new wood the initial cost, according to
place where hosts and their plumbing and electricity if owners can buy the types tifamily and Single Family because it likely came from the National Association of
guests can gather and enjoy you need outlets for plug- of spirits they love and com- Homes 2017 SmartMarket slow-growing, old trees with Realtors®.
great conversation. Such ging in appliances. Wet bars plete their bars with the ba- Brief” indicates that at least dense grain.
a spot also can serve as a are ideal in dens, renovated sics for mixing. When stock- one-third of single-family Stone
neighborhood hangout - a garages and finished base- ing a bar, keep in mind that and multifamily home build- Brick This nonrenewable re-
smart choice for those who ments. everything does not have to ers who were surveyed Avoid any negative envi- source can be beautiful on a
want to indulge safely and be top-shelf. Vodka, gin, te- said that green building is ronmental impact by choos- home and durable, but min-
not have to drive home af- Stock up on equipment quila, rum, and whiskey are a significant portion of their ing locally produced or re- ing it can impact the environ-
terward. A new home bar requires some of the more popular overall activity (more than claimed bricks - or those ment. If homeowners can
Creating a home bar need barware and glassware. Var- spirits. Simple syrup, fresh 60 percent of their portfolio). made from post-consumer use reclaimed or displaced
not be a difficult project. By ious drinks are best served in fruit, club soda, cola, and bit- By 2022, this number should content. The longevity of stone, those are more sus-
investing in basic equip- requisite glassware and pre- ters are examples of versa- increase to nearly one-half bricks can often offset the tainable options. Manufac-
ment, stocking up on pre- pared with the right equip- tile mixers. in both the single-family and energy expenditure in their tured stone, which is cement
ferred liquors and gaining ment. A home bar will benefit Entertaining guru Martha multifamily sectors. Green manufacture. Plus, many and other materials molded
some mixology expertise, from a muddler, jigger, cock- Stewart says to have enough building has become an im- bricks are made from natural to look like stone, is also
hosts can impress and en- tail shaker, strainer, ice cube supplies on hand for guests. portant and established part clay, which can be an excel- aesthetically appealing and
tertain their guests. trays, and bar spoon. Glass- Expect each person to have of the residental construc- lent insulator. more eco-friendly.
ware can include short glass- three drinks (requiring three tion sector. Replacing siding is a sig-
Establish a bar setup es, tall glasses and wine glasses), use a pound of ice, Where siding is sourced, Stucco nificant undertaking. Home-
Home bars can range glasses with stems. Martini and three cocktail napkins the materials that go into HouseLogic says tradi- owners can consider sus-
from rolling carts to built-in glasses provide a chic look per two-hour party. Don’t for- its fabrication and how well tional stucco is made from tainability when selecting
wet bars to a single tray of and are practical for those get to also have nonalcoholic that siding insulates a home sand and Portland cement replacement siding materi-
items. Space in a home will who prefer cosmopolitans items on hand for those who are key aspects of its “green mixed with water to make a als.
dictate the kind of bar home- and martinis. don’t imbibe. factor.” The following are usable plaster. It’s tough and

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018 Page 17
Fall Home & Garden

WELLINGTON NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 by Katherine Musgrove from Raining Sunshine Studio and Al an electronic signature that she provided. She also stated that
Historical Roadshow Tour Leiby from Memory Lane that will feature homes and other the process is taking longer than expected; however, she is
grateful the township received the grant.
Wellington landmarks.
Proceeds from the Historic Home Tour and adult coloring
The Historical Roadshow Tour is a collaborative effort with book benefit the programs of Main Street Wellington, Inc. For New Business
Tree removal Pitts Road - Brasee reported that there are five
6 Historical Societies: Brighton, Huntington, LaGrange, Pitts- more information, call (440) 647-3987 or visit www.main- trees that need to be removed on Pitts road. He said John Kiley
field, Penfield, Rochester & Wellington Townships. It is a great gave a price of $1,200 to take care of all of them. A motion
opportunity to learn about local Historical Societies and muse- passed to hire John Kiley to remove five trees on Pitts Road at
um treasurers. Bring the family on a tour to the six locations Wellington Township Trustees the quoted price of $1,200.
on Sunday, Sept 23, between 11am - 5pm and get a stamp for a Dumpster Day - September 29 - Fisher reminded everyone
drawing to win a $100 gift card. The Wellington Township Board of Trustees’ August 8 that the last dumpster day of the year is Saturday, September
Each historical society below will host a historical theme meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. All present recited the 29, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Discussion included pricing on current
and offer refreshments: Pledge of Allegiance. trash pick-up with Allied versus Rumpke. Pitts reported that the
-LaGrange Town Hall - The Early Years In attendance were: Trustee LeRoy Brase, Fiscal Officer Village is not interested in a combined Township and Village
-Huntington School House & Town Hall - Early Settlers’ Virginia Haynes, Trustee Nancy Fisher, Zoning Inspector Steve Dumpster Day, as the Village has curb-side pick-up for large
Day Majesky, Trustee Fred Pitts and Roadman Scott Busler. items once a month. Fisher asked if the Township would be
-Penfield Town Hall - Farm Equipment Motions passed to approve the Agenda and to accept three providing pick-up service for seniors on Dumpster Day. Pitts
-Pittsfield Town Hall - Toys, Dolls & Bikes sets of meeting minutes, the Regular minutes from June 15 & said that the Township does not have the staff to provide that
-Rochester & Brighton at local site- Civic Clubs of Old July 3 and the July 3 Special Meeting minutes. benefit.
-Wellington’s Spirit of 76 Museum - Yours Truly, A.M. Wil- Motions passed to pay electronic payments 43-2018 through Ditch reimbursement - Pitts reported about a reimbursement
lard Art Show. 53-2018 and warrants #16690-16717 for a total of $26,718.40 due for a ditch cleaning in the township. A motion passed to pay
Plan to join them for this special event. in bills. A motion also passed to approve P.O.’s #131-2018 the reimbursement due for ditch cleaning.
to #148-2018. Checking account balance as of 7/31/18 is
Part time clerical help - Haynes reported that she went to
Bicentennial Tour of $244,564.42. Columbus last week and they brought up that a Fiscal officer
Board Minutes: Pitts announced that trustee minutes and all
Historic Homes board minutes are available for view by the public and copies can hire an assistant. She said she would like to hire a part-time
assistant per ORC 507.021 at $10 per hour. Haynes said the as-
are available upon request.
Main Street Wellington, Inc., an organization dedicated to Department Reports sistant would provide the aide needed to bring files up to date,
do proper archiving, cover in case of illness and anything else
the revitalization of the historic down-town district, has sched- Zoning - Six zoning permits issued in July: Residential ad- that could make the office more efficient. A motion passed to
uled a tour of seven historic homes in Wellington on Sun- dition on Peck Wadsworth Rd.; Residential accessory building provide the Fiscal Officer with an assistant per her discretion.
day, October 14, from 1-5 p.m. The homes, dating from the on Peck Wadsworth Rd.; Agricultural accessory building on Hearing of the Public - A resident inquired about an article
1820s-1920s, are located on South Main, Herrick Avenue East SR58N; Agricultural accessory building addition on Pitts Rd.; in the paper where other townships received grants and wanted
and Forest Streets, in the Village of Wellington. Residential accessory building on Peck Wadsworth Rd.; and to know why Wellington Township did not receive any. Haynes
“We are very excited about this year’s tour during our Bi- Agricultural accessory building on West Rd. Total construction looked at the article and said that it was a Commissioners News
centennial celebration year,” stated Christina Jordan, President cost - $165,426; Total permit cost - $510. Release regarding the Lorain County Solid Waste Management
of Main Street Wellington, Inc. “Wellington’s last home tour Activity Updates Recycling Grant. She said that she submitted a grant and Wel-
was in 2014, and some of our homes have never been open to SR18E - Overgrown Lawn/Vegetation: Property custodian lington received over $4,000. Haynes added that Fisher applied
the public.” (Caliber Home Loans) has kept their promise and is now keep- for a grant from ODOT and the township was awarded over
Interest in touring the historic homes of Wellington is a tradi- ing the lawn cut to a reasonable length. Issue considered closed $7,000 to replace all of the signs in the township, including
tion that dates back to the 1970s when the downtown district, as unless problem resurfaces. the posts.
well as many of the community’s fine historic homes, became Zoning Violation Updates Pitts briefly reported on the Fire District’s proposed new fire
listed by the United States Department of Interior on the Na- a) Quarry Rd (S) - Junk Vehicles: Large motorhome re- station. He said that they may add bays onto the existing build-
tional Register of Historic Places. Tour-goers should consider moved from the property. A few remaining vehicles still need ing. He said discussion is ongoing. In addition, Pitts asked the
arriving early to enjoy Wellington’s downtown district, known to be removed. Continued follow-up with property owner will Fiscal Officer to check into financing for a new truck after the
for its historic architecture and charm. Shops and restaurants be required. Audit is complete.
will be open, offering dining and shopping specials. Walking b) Smith Rd. - Junk Vehicles: Unable to make direct contact Meeting was adjourned.
tour booklets for the historic downtown district, as well as for with property owner to determine status of remaining vehicle. Submitted by Virginia Haynes, Fiscal Officer
South Main Street homes, will be available at no cost. Continued follow-up with property owner will be required. Bessie seeks loving home
Advance sale tickets have begun. Priced at $12 each, they c) West Rd. - Junk Vehicles, Scrap Tires, Assorted Scrap
are available at Wellington Implement, 625 South Main, Vil- Materials, etc.: Measurable progress has been made to remove all caught up on her vaccines.
lage Market, 816 North Main, and Apples Market, 209 E. Her- assorted scrap materials from the property since last inspec- Bessie came into rescue
rick Ave. In the historic downtown district, advance sale tickets tion. Two (2) vehicles parked at road in attempt to sell before with two broken legs, one of
are available at Platinum Petal at 110 South Main, Main Street making final determination to scrap and haul away. Continued which needed extensive sur-
Wellington at 118 Herrick Ave West, and at Main Street Wel- follow-up with property owner will be required. gery. Love-A-Stray took her
lington’s “Fall in Love with Wellington” fall festival, Septem- d) Smith Rd. - Demolition Materials Stored on Property: in and paid for her medical
ber 29 & 30. Demolition materials have been removed. Issue considered needs. She is on the road to
On the day of the tour, tickets are $15 and sold only at the closed unless issue resurfaces. recovery and will be ready
historic Town Hall located at the square in the heart of the vil- Road and Ditch: for her new forever home
lage, from 12-3:30 p.m. Pre-sale tickets holders must redeem Brasee reported that there is a bad exhaust on the #1 truck. soon. She’s a sweet, loving
tickets for tour wristbands and maps at the Town Hall location He is waiting on parts and the mechanic will fix it. He said little girl and a nice quiet
from 12-3:30 p.m. Parking is available behind the Town Hall someone from MACK contacted him regarding options for a home would be best for her
and Union School Park. new truck. recovery. You can actually
This is an adult only tour and not suggested for children Old Business: look into her adorable face
younger than 12 years of age. No photographs will be allowed. Printer - Fisher reported that Busler sent her information Bessie and see both Jack Russel and
Visitors may be asked to wear provided shoe covers while in the for a new printer, that is an HP, for under $200. She questioned Bessie is a 4-month old, Boxer… so darn cute!
homes. The homes are not handicapped accessible. The Home whether the printer had an automatic feeder. Fisher will work female, Jack Russell Ter- If you would like to meet
Tour Committee is also publishing an adult coloring book sup- with Majesky to research the option Busler provided. rier/Boxer mix Puppy. She Bessie, e-mail Love-A-Stray
ported by the Wellington Women’s League with photographs ODOT Sign Grant - Fisher reported that the grant required weighs 14lbs., is spayed and at [email protected].

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Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018
Fall Home & Garden

Join the Arbor Day Foundation and nounced flu shot clinic dates and locations for the 2018 flu sea- tion; run errands; make phone register, call the volunteer
LCPH Health Commissioner, David Covell, MPH, RS, an-
team at 216.255.9090. It is
calls; help with clerical work;
receive 10 Free Trees son, listed below: attend health fairs; or make required to wait 12 months
Avon Lake - Wednesday, Oct. 24, from 1-3 p.m. Avon Lake
after experiencing a signifi-
Everyone who joins the Arbor Day Foundation in September Old Firehouse, 100 Avon Belden Road. with specialized professional cant loss before volunteering
will receive 10 free trees as part of the Foundation’s Trees for Wellington - Thursday, Oct. 25, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and qualifications and training are directly with patients.
America program. 3-5 p.m. Lorain County Fairgrounds, 23000 Fairgrounds Road. also needed, such as attor- Hospice of the West-
Through Trees for America, everyone is encouraged to plant North Ridgeville - Tuesday, Oct. 30, from 1-3 p.m. North neys, licensed hair dressers, ern Reserve is a communi-
trees, which benefit the environment and improve the quality of Ridgeville Senior Center, 7327 Avon Belden Road massotherapists or pet thera- ty-based, non-profit agency
life. With nearly 1 million members and supporters, the Arbor Columbia Station - Wednesday, Oct. 31, from 10 a.m.-12 py dogs and their handlers. providing comfort and emo-
Day Foundation is the nation’s largest non-profit organization p.m. Columbia Township Fire Department, 25540 Royalton The next series of volun- tional support to patients and
dedicated to planting trees. Road. teer classes will be held at their families. The agency
Everyone who joins this month will receive one of the fol- Lorain - Thursday, Nov. 1, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Lorain Se- Hospice of the Western Re- cares for people in a vari-
lowing tree packages based on their location: 10 Arizona Cy- nior Center, 3361 Garfield Blvd. serve, 22730 Fairview Center ety of settings, including the
press, 10 Live Oak or 10 Mix trees including eastern redbud, Elyria - Thursday, Nov. 1, from 4-6 p.m. St. Andrew’s Epis- Drive, in Fairview Park, on home, hospital, long-term
white pine, sugar maple, white flowering dogwood, pin oak, red copal Church, 300 Third St. and also on Wednesday, Nov. 7, Tuesdays and Thursdays, No- care facility, David Simpson
maple, river birch, silver maple, northern red oak and Colorado 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Lorain County Community College Spitzer vember 6, 8, 13 & 15, from Hospice House overlooking
blue spruce. Conference Center, 1005 N. Abbe Road. 12:30-4:30 p.m. Non-clin- Lake Erie, Ames Family Hos-
“These trees are carefully selected to yield year-round ben- Oberlin - Saturday, Nov. 3, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. New Rus- ical volunteers attend only pice House in Westlake and
efits, including beautiful spring flowers, cool summer shade, sia Township Hall, 46300 Butternut Ridge Road. the first four hours on No- Hospice of Medina Coun-
spectacular autumn colors, winter berries and nesting sites for Avon - Thursday, Nov. 8, from 1-3 p.m. Avon Senior Center, vember 6, while most other ty. For more information,
songbirds,” said Matt Harris, Chief Executive of the Arbor Day 36786 Detroit Road. volunteers attend all classes. visit or call
Foundation. LaGrange - Tuesday, Nov. 13, from 3-5 p.m. LaGrange Pre-registration is required. 800.707.8922.
“These trees will also add to the proud heritage of your United Methodist Church, 105 W. Main St. For more information, or to
state’s Tree City USA communities.” Harris continued. “For the Amherst - Monday, Nov. 19, from 3-5 p.m. Amherst VFW,
past 40 years, Tree City USA has supported effective urban for- 165 Cleveland Ave. LCCC Hosts Nosh
estry management across the country, and planting these trees No appointment is necessary for community flu clinics.
will enhance this tree-planting tradition.” LCPH will offer three preservative-free flu vaccine options this ’18 Culinary Event
The trees will be shipped postpaid at the right time for plant- year: Flu shot for ages 6 months through 64 years; High-dose
ing between October 15 and December 10. The 6- to 12-inch flu shot for adults 65 years and older; Nasal flumist for ages 2 Lorain County Community College hosts its second annual
trees are guaranteed to grow or they will be replaced free of years through 49 years. premiere culinary event for Northeast Ohio, Nosh ’18, show-
charge. Easy-to-follow planting instructions are enclosed with Come to flu shot clinics prepared using these steps at home: casing the award-winning Culinary Arts Institute, from 6-9
each shipment of trees. 1. Fill out a flu registration form online at LorainCountyFlu. p.m. on Friday, September 21, at LCCC’s Ben and Jane Norton
New members of the Arbor Day Foundation will also receive com/FluRegistrationForm Culinary Arts Center.
“The Tree Book,” which includes information about tree plant- 2. Print the completed form and bring it with you The night of culinary celebration will feature live cooking
ing and care. To find additional locations to get your flu shot in Lorain demonstrations, unique chef-created pairing stations, beer and
To receive the 10 free trees, send a $10 membership contri- County, visit wine tastings, ice carvings, music, prizes and more.
bution by September 30 to: Ten Trees, Arbor Day Foundation, For more information on how to live healthy, contact Lorain An all-access wristband includes event admission and all
100 Arbor Ave., Nebraska City, NE 68410, or join online at ar- County Public Health at (440) 322-6367 or visit LorainCoun- food, beer and wine tastings, and food truck samplings. A cash Follow your local health department on Twitter bar will be available.
@LorainCoHealth, Facebook or YouTube.
Wristband quantities are limited, so guests are encouraged
Take action to prevent the flu Hospice of the Western Reserve to purchase an admission in advance. Wristbands are available
Anyone can catch the flu. The flu strikes without warning for $10 at or can be
purchased at the door for $15. Funds collected for wristband
and symptoms can be severe and life-threatening. To protect Volunteer Education Series sales will go directly to support the LCCC Commodore Cup-
both you and your loved ones, Lorain County Public Health board student food pantry.
(LCPH) will provide the flu vaccine this fall and throughout Hospice of the Western and hospital settings. As a For more information on the LCCC culinary arts program,
the flu season. Reserve is seeking volunteers vital part of Hospice of the visit
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rec- to assist in private residences, Western Reserve’s team, vol- nary-programs. Follow The Culinary Arts Institute on Twitter,
ommends a flu vaccine as the first and best way to protect your- nursing homes, assisted liv- unteers come from all walks Instagram and Facebook: @CulinaryLCCC.
self and your family from the flu. Persons 6 months of age and ing communities, their three of life and have a variety of Lorain County Community College is located at 1005 N.
older are encouraged to get a flu shot every year. Hospice House locations skills, talents and abilities. Abbe Road, in Elyria. Parking on campus is free.
Opportunities to serve are
diverse: visit patients and
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ionship, socialization, and
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Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018
New Eagle Scout paid position per meeting and in it. If you have a green re-
cycling cart, allowable items
is paid $75 per meeting with
one meeting held each month. include: paper, plastic, metal,
vid is an extremely talented Job duties include taking cardboard and glass.
[email protected] young man and has dedicat- minutes, preparing amend- Note: Your effort to recy-
ed many personal hours to ments to the zoning regula- cle is computed and a formula
his community and troop. tions as they are discussed, is used to give funding back
LaGrange Historical Society He has managed to balance correspondence with the Lo- to the township in the form
his Scout work along with
of annual grant money. The
rain County Planning Com-
On Saturday, September 23, from 11 a.m.-5 p.m., come join academics and family. His mission and other secretarial more we show residents re-
cycling the more funding we
the tour of 6 small historical societies in Lorain County. La- Eagle Scout project was the duties. Please contact any can receive. In the past, we
board member to submit a
Grange is joining for the second year in a collaboration with total design, planning and letter of interest and resume, have purchased playground
Pittsfield, Penfield, Huntington, Rochester and Wellington His- oversight of the construction mail to the Township, P.O. equipment, the gazebo at the
torical Societies in a “Road Show Tour.” Last year, over 100 of an ADA accessible ramp Box 565, LaGrange, Ohio, or River Road Cemetery, ameni-
people came out and looked at the displays to learn about their for the Penfield Town Hall. email to lagrangetownship@ ties for the Community Park
local history. Each society has a different display about their This was to allow for a safe and this year replacement of
community. direct access ramp into the Board of Zoning Appeals the handicapped ramp at the
Pick up a flyer at your first stop and have it stamped at the David Nary hall from the parking area. Township Hall with compos-
following stops you visit for a chance to win a $100 gift card. Troop #118 of LaGrange It was a great project to help - An alternate member is ite material. Please make an
needed for the Board of Zon-
What a family fun afternoon - learn about southern Lorain address a need for the town- ing Appeals. This is a paid attempt to participate in the
County and maybe win $100! Refreshments served at some would like to congratulate ship, as well as promoting position of $45 per meeting recycling program.
locations. David Nary in reaching the community involvement in and the board meets as need- Please do not recycle -
LaGrange Historical Society has published a new picture rank of Eagle Scout. David, our community. Troop #118 garden hoses, diapers, aero-
album of photographs of downtown LaGrange. The book con- the son of Kevin Nary and is extremely proud of David ed to consider home occu- sol cans, aluminum foil, bat-
pations and variances to the
tains pictures from old postcards, photographs, a bit of history Dina Colnar, was award- and his devotion to Scout- Zoning Regulations. Letters teries, clothing, food waste,
and as it looks today. This is a limited edition book. ed his Eagle on July 19 of ing, his community and his of interest should be forward- napkins, mirrors, ceramic,
LaGrange Historical Society meets on the second Thursday this year and was formally fellow Scouts. David plans plastic bags, propane cylin-
of the month, at 7 p.m. at the Township Hall, (Old Grange Hall) awarded his Eagle badge on to attend college and pursue ed to LaGrange Township. ders, shredded paper, tissue,
P.O. Box 565, LaGrange,
on South Main. All are invited. August 19 during his Eagle a degree in Engineering. Ohio, 44050. styrofoam, paper towels,
LGHFC Pig Roast/Gun Raffle Scout Court of Honor. Da- Village - If you are a subscrib- glass windows or pyrex.
Recycling Outside of the
LaGrange Township news
Please remember that the
The LaGrange Hunting and Fishing Club will be hosting er of Republic Waste, they truck can reach up to 8 feet,
its 2nd annual Fall Pig Roast & Gun Raffle on October 20 at Meeting dates - The next on Diagonal and Jackson on pick up bulk items on your so keep your carts back from
the road so that they are clear
the Lorain County Fairgrounds, Building #19, in Wellington, meeting of the Township Webster. The rain has taken regular pick-up day during from vehicles and road crews.
from 5-11 p.m. Tickets are $25 each. There will be 7 new guns Trustees will be held on Sep- a toll on some of the deco- the second full week with the
raffled, along with a reverse raffle and side raffles. The dinner tember 24. All meetings are rations. Items left that are in second Monday of the month
includes beer, pop and water. Doors open at 5 p.m. and dinner held at the Township Hall, poor condition will be dis-
will be at 6 p.m., catered by Wright’s Concessions. Please call 113 South Center Street, and posed of. For a list of regu- LCCC Constitution Day Celebration
Ron at (440) 829-3724 for tickets. are open to the public. Please lations, please visit our web-
visit the LaGrange Town- site. Reminder: LaGrange Lorain County Community College’s office of Student Life
ship website at http://www. Township is not responsible and Student Senate will hold its Constitution Day celebration for for any sentimental or valu- from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Tuesday, September 18, in College
all current news, up to date able items left on gravesites. Center Commons. The event will commemorate the formation
and signing of the U.S. Constitution.
The year is off to a great start, and I continue to be im- meeting minutes and other Hall Rental -The Town- The Lorain Police Department will complete a presentation
pressed, inspired and invigorated by the positivity I see from township information. ship Hall, 113 South Center on the “Do’s and Don’ts When Stopped by a Police Officer”
Street, is available for rental
Dumpster Day - The next
our staff, students, parents and community. Dumpster Day will be held by township residents. Please and have its K9 unit do demonstrations in the courtyard. Liam
During these first few weeks of school, students at all on October 13 from 7 a.m. call Jan at 355-4704 for infor- McMillin, ACLU Ohio Speaker Bureau Member, will speak on
grade levels, K-12, take part in MAP Testing. MAP testing - noon at the old township mation. “Know Your Rights: Protest and Free Speech.” Caricature artist
is different from traditional grade level assessments in that it garage on Pleasant Street. Zoning Commission Wendy Fedan and Boom Radio will be on site, as well.
is adaptive. This means that it adjusts to each student’s per- Please enter from State Route Opening - Applications are The event is free and open to the public and includes lunch.
formance. In other words, if your child answers a question 303. Residents may NOT being accepted for the posi- For more information, contact the office of Student Life at
correctly, the test follows up with a more challenging ques- bring hazardous material, tion of secretary to the Zon- (440) 366-7645. Lorain County Community College is located
tion, or if your child answers incorrectly, the test follows paint, tires and construction ing Commission. This is a at 1005 North Abbe Rd., in Elyria.
up with an easier question. MAP test results are wonderful debris. Some residents have
resources for our teachers as they pinpoint specific skills the abused the prohibition on
student mastered and those in which they need more instruc- construction debris in the
tion. past and the Trustees reserve
At Keystone, MAP tests are given three times per year. the right to reject any load not
Kindergarten through twelfth grade students are assessed deemed acceptable. This is
in reading and math; in addition, students in third through for LaGrange Township and
eighth grade are assessed in science. We administer the tests Village residents only. ID’s
three times a year because MAP Growth reveals how much will be checked.
growth has occurred between testing events and shows pro- Fire and EMS Seeking
jected proficiency. This empowers our educators to tailor Applicants - The Township
their educational strategies to the subject-content and also is always taking applications
track growth through the school year and over multiple for part-time Fire and EMS
personnel! Our EMS De-
years. Upon MAP test completion, you will receive a de- partment offers competitive
tailed report outlining your child’s MAP results. pay, flexible scheduling and
In extracurricular news, we are excited to offer STEM paid training with a contract
Club to our students in grades sixth through twelve. STEM to serve the township. Vol-
stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathemat- unteer Firemen 18 and over
ics. The goal of the STEM Club at Keystone is to compete are needed and Fire classes
in a variety of STEM competitions, locally and nationally, will be available in the fall.
if possible. Our students do a great job in taking advantage Firemen are paid positions!
of our extracurricular opportunities and I encourage them Consider helping your com-
to keep up the good work and investigate if STEM Club is munity in the highest form
right for them! See our website for more information. of service! See our website
Have a wonderful weekend Keystone and thank you for under Fire and EMS for an
your continued support as we progress into the third week application or call 355-6868
of school! or 355-6353 for information.
Dan White, Keystone Superintendent, Daniel.White@ Bon Fires - Fall is the, (440) 355-2424 time for bonfires, but please
be cautious of your surround-
ings. Open burning regula-
tions can be found on the
Mozaic Energy township web page under
Fire and EMS.
Mozaic Energy is all about Balancing the Mind, Body Road work - Roadwork
and Soul. I do a combination of Crystal Healing, Pranic is proceeding and coming
Healing and Reiki all together, which I call CPR. It is Ener- to a completion for the year.
gy Work. It helps to clear unwanted energy blockages that Biggs Road will be chip and
you might have or get from everyday life. I can do it in a sealed from 301 to Wheel-
chair or on a table. It can be the most awesome and pow- er by township crews, and
erful experience. It can help with pain, stress, anxiety, de- Wheeler from the railroad
pression and so many other things. It helps to cleanse, calm, to 303 will also be chip and
relax and refresh you. sealed in the coming days
by Crossroads Asphalt. This
project is through a grant
from Ohio Public Works,
which will cover 84% of
the cost. These roads will
also be striped by the Coun-
ty Engineer once all work is
completed. Please report any
issues with township roads or
signs to the Road Department
at 355-5141.
Cemetery Clean-up - La-
Grange Township maintains
three cemeteries: River Road
on Indian Hollow, Rockwood

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018 Page 21


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Page 22, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018

AUCTION Masonry step repairs, brick Specializing in aluminum & ce-
work, stone veneer, tuck-point-
dar siding refinishing, decks,
Sunday, September 23rd, 11:00am ing, retaining walls. No job too wood homes, fences. We do COLUMBIA MARATHON
small. Pannell, 440-610-2541.
it all. www.valuetimepainting.
com. Call Terry, 440-444-5075.
HOUSES WANTED Licensed & insured. Elyria, OH
Paul Squires Estate Auction
Large items selling at 1:00 pm We Buy Houses PETS Your Auto or Complete
12517 Quarry Rd. Oberlin, OH 44074 All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster Light Truck Full Mechanical
Any Condition Rd., Litchfield, 330-648-9509. Service Center
*Grain Trucks, Tractors, Vehicles, Tools, 216-906-4282 Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced Repairs
exercise yards, custom care.
Household Items and more* Gogettaproperties06@ $20 per day. Grooming now
For a complete listing visit available. 24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station
Auction Zip ID: 44410 LAWN & GARDEN REAL ESTATE 440-235-6642
Remodeled 3 bed., 2 bath
Jason Kriegmont Jr. JACK’S STUMP REMOVAL house, 1800 sq. ft. 35187 Elm
Kriegmont Auction Company LLC. Free Estimates Road, Grafton, $129K. 440-
Owner/Auctioneer 440-281-6970 221-6854 BUILDERS
(440)-465-7166 440-506-8647
216-410-7106 SALES & SERVICES
APPLIANCES HALLS FOR RENT vice. Complete tree removal, for roofing, remodeling, etc. R&K Builders
trimming, root feeding and
Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
cleaning. Fully insured. FREE Truck work available (Built by Amish)
Good clean used appliances. FULL park with restrooms, 3 ESTIMATES. Firewood for CALL JASON’S SERVICES
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. pavilions, air conditioned hall, sale. 440-236-3061. 440-926-3446 Quality Buildings at
for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange Affordable Prices
Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- Horse Barns • Garages
Mike’s Hooker Service. We 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. RE: Legal Notice of proper- DAN’S UPHOLSTERY
pay top dollar for all unwant- 440-926-3341 ty sold in accordance with over 30 yrs. experience & Riding Arenas
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free PENFIELD TWP. HALL 5321.01 ET Sec of revised Full Upholstery
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, RENTAL code: Tenant has until 10/05/18 Cushion Refills Commercial &
216-534-6514. Twp. Meeting hall, to pay in full and vacate the Furniture Repair Residential
Cap. 42-60 premises. Contents of unit will Call for free quote
CLEANING Community room, be sold at private / public sale on re-upholstery 330-473-9927
Cap. 150-300 or disposed / destroyed. Public 216-346-2682
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s Available for all occasions. Sale 10/06/18 @ 9:00 AM @ A
Affordable Self Storage, 38333
needs are different. We spe- 41012 St. Rt. 18, Wellington Chestnut Ridge Rd., Elyria, WANTED TO BUY KAZMIERCZAK CONSTRUCTION
cialize in catering to what your Call 440-396-3096 for OH. Leslie Begany, 312 Francis
needs are. Call Marcie today availability & rates. Blvd., Elyria, OH 44035, unit MODERNIZE Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding
for your free assessment L-5, misc.; Sean Justice, 5108 Estate Gold & Remodeling Pole Barns • Windows • Doors •
appointment at 440-213-7527. HANDYMAN SERVICES St. James Blvd., Lorain, OH Silver Exchange Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes
Over 13 years experience. 44053, unit H-06, household; INSTANT CASH
A Handyman / Roofer: Interior Jessica Hale, 632 Stanford Buying Gold Jewelry, Diamonds, KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619
FARM ANIMALS / exterior, home remodeling Ave., Elyria, OH 44035, unit YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044
/ repair, pergolas, decks, vi- K-39, household; Melissa Mc- Old Coins, Pocket Watches,
Artificially bred Angus Heifers nyl siding, gutter cleaning, Carrick, 4941 Deborah Dr., Anything Old
for sale. Pictures and bull EPD pressure washing, painting, N. Ridgeville, OH 44039; unit Call for service hours & private ELECTRICAL
available. Call 440-281-6451 or roofing, carpentry, tile work. K-101, household. appointments
email [email protected] Dante, 216-403-8597. Downtown Elyria
for additional information. MOTORCYCLES 316 Broad St. • 440-323-4258
Southdown Ewe lambs for HELP WANTED 440-506-0334 J.A. Kilby Electrical
sale. Well handled with great 2001 Yamaha 660 Raptor, no
temperaments. Pictures avail- Help wanted on horse farm. second gear, $800 approxi-
able. Call 440-281-6451 or Some walking required. Also mate rebuild. $1200, 440-221- Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
email hpolen0508@gmail. accepting volunteers for both 6854 New Work-Replacement-Repairs
com for more information or the farm and our October
to see them. Fundraiser. Columbia Station, •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
440-891-9992 APPLIANCE, SALES & SERVICE •Security & Camera Systems
FARM EQUIPMENT Housekeeper / Maids needed •Commercial Buildings •Parking Lot Lighting
days, Columbia Station area. 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
Farm Equipment, good con- 24-40hrs. per week; $9 / hour to
dition: 3 Combines, 2 Plows, start. Driver’s license needed. DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response
4 Wagons, JD 4030 Tractor, Must pass background check. SALES & SERVICE, INC.
other items. Wellington, call Call 440-748-0640.
440-213-5840 for details. NorthCoast Alpacas in Grafton 60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
is looking for farm help for 41 YEARS IN BUSINESS EXCAVATING
FOR RENT feeding and clean-up. Prefer 433 OBERLIN RD.
adults experienced with farm ELYRIA, OHIO 44035
Elyria: Newly remodeled 2 & work. This is part-time work 440-322-8170
3 bedroom townhomes with of about 12-18 hours per week J. A. KILBY ENT.
new carpet, ceramic tile and with openings for morning and
hard wood floors. Appliances late-afternoon shifts. Call Paul ASPHALT, CONCRETE & STONE •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
included. $100 security de- at 216-407-2389. Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
posit; restrictions apply. Call The Rural-Urban Record is •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
216-221-1333 . looking for a part-time Graphic •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation
Wellington well kept ranch, Designer. Must know Adobe 440-327-3433
3Bed., sun porch and appli- Illustrator, InDesign and Pho- Free
ances. Quiet street, close to toshop. Customer service Hart
schools. No smokers. No pets. experience and working with Estimates
440-935-1739 clients to meet their design HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING
needs on a weekly basis need-
ed. If interested please email Blacktop
FOR SALE a resume to shumphrey@ •Driveways
12ft. boat with trailer, 2 motors, • Parking Lots
with accessories. Will sell
items separately. 440-355-6376
Free Alpaca manure. great for MANCAN Staffing is 800-619-7808 (24 hours)
Gardens. You pick up, easy
access. Rt. 303, Grafton. 440- Hiring! Join Our TEAM! Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours)
821-4104 Jobs are Temp-Hire! [email protected]
Apply at The Strongsville
GARAGE SALES Mancan 13500 Pearl Rd. 24 Hour Emergency Service
Barn Sale: 51102 Betts Road., #109 Strongsville, OH. NOVAK CONCRETE, INC RAM-CON LLC
Concrete & Excavating
Wellington (Camden). Sept 44136 Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, 440-236-5543
21-22, 9am-5pm. Rain or shine. Apply Mon.-Thursday Garage Floors, Stamped ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE
Many newly added items. 9-11am & 1-3pm w/ 2 Concrete, Waterproofing STAMPED CONCRETE WORK 800-467-1275
Downsizing Sale: 37109 Giles forms of Gov’t ID/Re- FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES OH LIC #23331
Road, Grafton, Sept. 19-21, sume Call 440-572-9675 440-748-6217 440-935-7842
9am-5pm. Kitchen appliances, Quality Service since 1989
lots of tools, dishes, some Exp Factory workers all
clothing, furniture, grand shifts Valley City $11- HOME IMPROVEMENT
clock, office supplies, cook- $11.25/hr. J. A. KILBY ENT.
books and much more.
Warehouse Dist. Valley Concrete • Masonry
HALLS FOR RENT City/Brunswick 1st/2nd Stamped Concrete • General Contracting
shift $11/hr.
AMVETS POST 32 • Kitchens/Baths
11087 Middle Ave., Elyria Restoration Commercial 440-327-3433
Capacity: Hall-250, Cleaning in Elyria $13/ • Additions
Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 hr. to start! Temp-Hire
Available for all occasions • Buildings/Garages
Call for pricing Must be able to work all
and availability shifts with OT. • Roofs
440-458-8544 Pass Background/Drug • Doors/Windows
COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL Test required. Visit us 725 Sugar Lane, • Siding
25-120 Capacity Elyria, Oh 44035
Catering Available at to 440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical
440-236-3323 start the app and view job
CALL TODAY! postings. Specializing in Home Improvements

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018 Page 23


•Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior
& Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement
•Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing D.W.V. • Gas Lines • Water Lines • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
440-724-9338 Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Fixtures • Backhoe Work • 113 Ft. Crane

Residential • Industrial • Commercial • Removal, Trimming, Firewood
Triple Shredded Mulch
LAWN • GARDEN • LANDSCAPE Edward Logar 24 HOUR SERVICE State ID# 19467 Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
ODOT Certified
Off: 330-483-0055 7424 Crocker Rd. 440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc. Cell: 216-970-1910 Valley City, OH 44280
Residential ~ Commercial
New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds J.A. Kilby Plumbing
Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work
Call: 440-748-1333 Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services Jason E. Davis

Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions -Complete Crane Service-
BROWN’S DESIGN LANDSCAPING INC. & NURSERY CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!”
Family owned & operated over 31 yrs. Tree/Stump Removal
1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features, •New Work •Replacement •Repairs Tree Trimming, Firewood
Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certified, •Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation “FREE ESTIMATES”
Irrigation Installation & Service •Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped Bonded & Insured
12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642 440-327-3433 • 812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035

State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping
ROOFING Tree Trimming • Removal
Stump Grinding • Pruning
Fertilizers • Fire Wood
Family Business for Three Generations
RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS Seth Emerson - Owner
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates Office: 440-322-2624 Emergency: 440-452-2456
[email protected]
Jeff’s Construction
LAND 30 Years Experience HOUSE, BARN, GARAGE ROOFS All Seasons Roofing WATERPROOFING
Tear-Offs, Roof Cleaning,
Gutters • Carpentry • Masonry
Slates, Chimney Mason,
WORKS No Job Too Small! 216-861-2238 440-748-3259
Siding • Slates • Chimneys
Siding & Gutter Cleaning & Repairs
& Exterior Painting
Repairs from $75
Violations & Repairs!
• Great Time for Lawn Installation & repairs! Casey Williamson
• Drainage issues? Keep water away from your home! Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal
CALL 440-452-9353 Offi ce: 440-236-4001 • CONCRETE CRACK INJECTION
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner

•Paver Patios
•Landscape Installs J. A. KILBY ENT.
•Landscape Design “Stop the water before it stops you!”
•Landscape Maintenance Licensed by Board of Health
•Retaining Walls Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain Counties •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
•Drainage Work • Reasonable Rates Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
•Waterproofi ng • Prompt, Reliable Service •Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement
•Foundation Replacement • Senior Discounts 440-327-3433
440-236-9625 Chuck Dunlap, Owner $
10 Off with this ad CAREERS

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Drywall Install/Repair
FREE ESTIMATES Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses
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SERVICES: •Stone & Shake Accents
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*Individual plan. Product not available in MN, MT, NH, NM, RI, VT, WA. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details plan. Product not available in MN, MT, NH, NM, RI, VT, WA. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details
The Rural-Urban Record Classifieds! *Individual MB17-NM008Ec
about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q);
Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN)

Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 17, 2018


Model #435 Model #445
• X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to 20% • X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to
and emissions up to 60% 20% and emissions up to 60%
• Air Injection™ removes up to 97% of debris before it • Air Injection™ removes up to 97% of debris before
enters the filter it enters the filter
• 41 cc, 9.2 lbs without bar • 45.7 cc, 10.8 lbs without bar
& chain, 13”-18” bar & chain, 16”-18” bar
$ 269 95 $ 339 95

Model #450
• X-Torq¨ Engine Reduces Fuel Consumption Up To
20% and Emissions Up To 60%
• Air Injection
• 50.2 cc, 11.2 lbs Without Bar and Chain,
16”-20” Bar
$ 369 95

Model #455 Rancher Model #460 Rancher
• X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to 20% • X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to 20%
and emissions up to 60% and emissions up to 60%
• LowVib® anti-vibration system minimizes fatigue • LowVib® anti-vibration system minimizes fatigue
• Smart Start® • Air Injection™ removes up to 97% of debris before it
• 55.5 cc, 12.8 lbs without bar enters the filter
& chain, 16”-20” bar • 60.3 cc, 12.8 lbs without bar
& chain, 18”-24” bar
$ 449 95 $ 519 95


Hand-held Blowers Backpack Blowers

Model 125B Model 125BVX Model 350BT
• 1.1hp Engine, 9.4lbs • with Smart Start and LowVib ® • Same as above but with
• Cruise control • Blower Vac Cruise Control
• Adjustable tube length • LowVib ®
• Up to 170mph Air speed $ 199 95 • Up to 180mph Air Speed
$ 149 95 $ 329 95

Model 525BX Model 580BTS
• 1.14hp X-Torq Engine, 9.48lbs • 4.3hp X-Torq Engine, 25lbs
• Cruise control • High blowing capacity
• Adjustable tube length • Air Injection
• Up to 192mph Air speed • Cruise Control
• Commercial Grade • Up to 206mph Air speed
$ 269 95 $ 579 95

FINANCING Mon-Fri 8-6,


For Qualified Buyers.
See dealer for details SINCE 1979

1007 Parsons Road,Grafton, OH 44044 | 440-926-2880 • 440-926-2881

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