The Rural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 63 Years of Community Service!”
Volume 64, No. 20 Columbia Station, Ohio November 12, 2018
Costume winners at the annual Halloween Parade in Grafton
The third place winner in the
elementary division was Maris
Barnard as the queen of hearts.
The winners in the preschool division were: first place-Graysen
The winners of the high school division were: first place-Stephen Pillots-jack-o-lantern scarecrow; sec- Sommers-gnome; third place-Lucy Strah-Halloween dress; second
ond place-Katie DeMarco, Kaila Gallagher, Brent Shassberger, Alexis Keating, Cory Alexander Dulem- place-Owen Hall, Matt Hall, Megan Cole and Peev Nielson-skunks/
ba, Pat Sim and Bekah Townsend-the characters from Aladdin; and third place-Dharyl Silver-hot dog. catchers. Also in the photo is Grafton Fire Chief Randy Kimbro.
The rain held off for the annual Halloween Parade in Grafton on Sunday, October 28. The fire department has sponsored the event longer than
anyone can remember. They supply prize money, donuts and cider. Though attendance was down (due to the weather), creativity was in evidence.
Ghouls, zombies, skunks, garden gnomes, hot dogs and so much more made their way down Chestnut Street to Railroad Street, to Main Street, to
Mechanic Street and back to the fire station. Leading the parade was the Midview Marching Blue in costumes, followed by those entered into the
costume contest, and it finished off with the fire trucks. The rain then began to fall as the judges made their decisions. The band played as the donuts Taking first place in the elemen-
and cider were enjoyed. tary division was Jillian Hollan
as a zombie.
Cheerleader to perform in the JVS Spooky Mock Disaster Drill
Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day Parade
It was an extra spooky day at Lorain County JVS
Isabelle Ramos, from Midview on Halloween, as Allied Health Sciences juniors at-
Middle School in Grafton, has been tended to a mock zombie attack in the school’s bakery
selected along with more than 200 and pastry arts lab. The junior students put their first
junior high school cheerleaders aid and safety skills to the test in a mock disaster drill
and dancers from across the U.S. scenario, where they had to assist patients at different
to perform in the 99 annual stations who had suffered injuries and trauma from
Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day the zombie invasion.
Parade, the oldest Thanksgiving Nerves and excitement showed on the faces of the
Day parade in the nation. students as they entered the eerie bakery and began to
The individuals invited inspect the different stations and access the patients
to perform in the parade are with injuries that varied from severed fingers, broken
cheerleading and dance All- bones and lacerations to seizures.
Americans selected from Varsity Local EMT professionals and JVS seniors with
Spirit camps. First Aid and Safety certifications observed and grad-
All-Americans will perform ed the students.
alongside massive floats and giant Teamwork was a crucial component of the drill,
balloons, as well as favorites from Oliva Walker, Allied Health Sciences junior from
the entertainment world, as the Isabelle Ramos Midview, explained how she and her teammate found
2018 Dunkin’ Donuts Thanksgiving Isabelle earned the All-American a way to work together. “At first we both wanted to
Day Parade makes its way through title via tryout based on superior take the lead, but after we got through a few stations,
the heart of historic Philadelphia, cheerleading/dance skills. Only the we were able to communicate, switch roles and be
Pennsylvania. The event is top 10% of the cheerleaders and more successful.” L-R: Brianna Hackney (Amherst) and Courtney Hale (Mid-
televised in the Philadelphia area dancers who attend Varsity Spirit Every First Aid & Safety course ends with a mock view) tend to a patient.
and syndicated throughout the camps in the summer receive this disaster drill to challenge the students skills. Students the American Health & Safety Institute (ASHI) and the Ameri-
United States. honor and the chance to march in can earn 2 college credits for completing the course can Heart Association.
this prestigious holiday parade. with a “B” or better, as well as certification through
Deadline for the November 26 issue will be Community Carlisle 16 Grafton Twp. 15 Events page 2
at noon on Tuesday, November 20, Columbia 4 LaGrange 10 Profile Page 13
due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Directory Eaton 8 Wellington 12 Classifieds 18
The office is closed November 22 & 23. Grafton 14 Churches 6 LOCAL DINING 15
Village of Grafton Phase 2 is ready to build, Located at the intersection of Novak Rd. &
Phase 3 is ready to Durkee Rd. Take Donneybrook to Limerick Ln.
Turn right for New Phases!
1 3 Building Co.
basements starting in the low SOLD 2 • Sold
Single Family Homes with
• Reserved
$200’s located in a beautiful OUT • Model Call Jerry at Shamrock
secluded setting in Grafton. (440) 926-3950
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018
November 10 November 10 Nov. 10-11
Marine Corps Birthday Afternoon with an Quilt Show
Breakfast Angel Reader Over 150 plus quilts from an-
FREE Breakfast for Marine Vet- Visit with Psychic Medium, An- tique to modern. Quilts of Valor
erans and other Army, Navy, Air gel Reader and Author Laura featured. Lunch, desserts and
Force & Coast Guard Veterans. Lyn. Register online at www. beverages for purchase. Door
We will have a guest speaker & or at the library. prize, Chinese Auction & Quilt
Birthday cake for the youngest Midview Middle School Raffle. $5 Admission.
and oldest Marine. 12865 Grafton Rd, New Russia Twp Lodge
AMVETS Post 32 Hall Grafton 46300 Butternut Ridge
11087 Middle Ave., 1:00pm - 3:00pm Oberlin Nov. 17-18 November 18 Nov. 23-25
Elyria Sat: 10-6pm, Sun: 10-4pm
Doors open: 7:30am Auction & Chili Cook Victorian Holidays Home for the Holidays L&WV Santa Train
Dress up in Victorian clothes, Craft & Vendors Show
Board our vintage train for a
Holiday Boutique Off Fundraiser November 11 tour the village, live music in Benefits Help for Heroes short ride and a chance to visit
Join Team Cormack as they
Over 80 local artist, crafters, raise funds to help sisters Jaina Lorain Museum Gift Shop the church, shop in the gener- Providing household items for with Santa. Check website for
vendors, concession, raffles & & Chesley who need life-saving See new art by Ohio Crafters, al store, caricatures, Visit with formerly homeless Veterans. tickets and departure times.
Scholastic Book Fair! Admiss $1 kidney and liver transplants. new note cards and postcards, Father Christmas and Queen Local vendors, crafters, bakery, Also available on Nov. 30, Dec.
or a non-perishable food item. Chili needs to be brought by family history kits for children Victoria. Raffle baskets, food handmade soaps, essential 1, 7 & 8th.
oils, children’s books and more! Wellington Station
Proceeds to benefit John Knox 3PM to be judged, Prize for 1st and adults, Lorain-themed hand and more!
preschool. place! thrown pottery mugs and crocks, Frostville Museum FREE ADMISSION. 46485 ST RT 18,
John Knox Pres. Church St. Paul Lutheran Church new lighthouse design orna- 24101 Cedar Point Rd., Columbia VFW Wellington
25200 Lorain Rd., 276 E. Bagley Rd., Berea ments and don’t forget our fab- North Olmsted 25742 Royalton Rd., See website for times
North Olmsted 3:00pm Preview, ulous “Lorain Eats!” Cookbook! 11:00am - 4:00pm Columbia Station
9:00am - 3:00pm 5:00pm Auction 329 West 10th Street, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Lorain November 17
Country Craft Bazaar 10:00am - 4:00pm Thanksgiving Art &
FREE Entree & drink for Veter- Holiday Blast Craft Fair Craft Fair
ans with ID. *Trash & Treasure Jr. Turkey Trot Free Admission, 60+ vendors, Beautiful Art, Crafts, Home De-
*Kid’s Room *Bake Sale *Lunch handmade crafts, jewelry, home cor, Holiday Gifts and more...
Counter * Craft Tables. Find This 1/2 mile fun run is open for decor, makeup, cooking and Hosted by Handmade Art
us on Facebook: North Eaton kids 12-under. The course will more! Events Cleveland Interested
Christian Church James Kilbane Country travel around the friendly con- LCCC Spitzer Center vendors email: t.jedryczka01@
N. Eaton Christian Church fines of the Hollstein Reserva- 1005 Abbe Rd.,, 440-897-3301.
35895 Royalton Rd., Gospel Concert tion, with all finishers receiving Elyria Middleburg Hts Rec Center
a ribbon and post-race snack.
Grafton International multi-platinum For more information call (440) 9:00am - 2:00pm 16000 E. Bagley Rd., November 25
9:00am - 3:00pm Christian, country, gospel, Irish 984-3470 Ext. 226. Middleburg Hts. Dinner and Performance
singer from Achill Island, Coun-
ty Mayo, Ireland. Performing Mercy Health & Rec. Holiday Craft Show 12:00pm - 4:00pm “The Wonderous Gift”
Holiday Craft Show one night only. Meet & greet 47160 Hollstein Dr., Start getting your Christmas Enjoy the Live Nativity per-
Art, Crafts, Christmas Decor, following concert. $12/person, Amherst gifts now! $2 Admission Fee or formance across the street at
Homemade goods and more... $25/family, Call 440-458-5717. 12:00pm Non-perishable food donation Howk Park after a meal at First
Hosted by Handmade Art LaPorte UMC for local food pantry. Congregational Church. Meal
Events Cleveland Interested 2071 Grafton Rd., German’s Villa $8 from 4pm - 5:30pm. Reserve
vendors email: t.jedryczka01@ Elyria Nov. 16-18 3330 Liberty Ave., Pre-Black Friday your meal ticket now, 440-371-, 440-897-3301. Doors Open 6:30pm Vermilion Vendor & Craft Show 7103. See our ad on Page 12.
Ridgewood UMC IX Christmas Connection 9:00am - 3:00pm First Congregational Church
6330 Ridge Rd., With vendors from 35 states, live Free Admission, Grab bags 140 S. Main St.,
Parma Nov. 10-11 holiday entertainment, also gift Chicken Dinner to 1st 10 guests! Tupperware, Wellington
LuLaRoe, Thirty-one, Perfectly
10:00am - 3:00pm wrapping and the Shop and Drop Scalloped Potatoes, Corn, Sal- Posh, Young Living, Scentsy Dinner: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Medina Gun Show are available! Bring the kids to ad, Rolls, Dessert & Beverages. and the Boy Scouts to name a Nativity: 6:00pm
Redeemer Craft Show There are 450 tables of dis- Santaland, where parents and Adults $10, (6-12) $4, (5 & un- few!
children can visit Santa, shop
der) Free, Handicap Accessible
plays. Whether you are a col-
Come and enjoy a craft show lector, hunter or target shooter in the Sugar Plum Shoppe, and & Take-out available. For info Grafton Twp Hall
with a light lunch provided. everyone will find something to mail letters to the North Pole. call 440-926-2209. 17109 ST RT 83,
Door Prizes! $1 Admission. Lo- catch their eye! $7 Admission. IX Center Belden UMC Grafton
cated across from LCCC. Medina Fairgrounds One I-X Center Drive, 36130 St. Rt. 303, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Redeemer Lutheran Church 735 Lafayette Road, Cleveland Grafton
295 College Park Dr., Medina Fri & Sat: 10-8pm, 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Elyria Sat: 9-5pm, Sun: 9-3pm Sun: 10-5pm
10:00am - 3:00pm
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Page 3
HOURS Sale Good - Now Hiring -
Mon & Thurs..................9-9pm Through Date SERVICE TECH
Tues, Wed & Fri.............9-6pm of Publication
Saturday........................9-5pm Call Chad
Sunday......................CLOSED 440-366-3673 1115 East Broad St. 440-366-FORD(3673)
CURRENT SERVICE Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm 1115 EAST BROAD ST
Sat 8:00 am - 12 noon
SPECIAL Same Day Service Appointments Available ELYRIA 366-FORD (3673)
Quick Lube - No Appointment Necessary
LORAIN 233-7402
on the purchase of four
tires from these brands:
• Bridgestone
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• PLUS an added $70 Rebate for new or existing Ford Service and Quick Lane • Yokohama
Service Credit Card holders when the entire purchase is on the card. • Nitto
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018
striping Root, Redfern and Road & Bridge - $10,214.63;
Columbia NEWS Columbia Trustees Meeting Snell Roads. 4) Road Improvement Levy
Committee Reports
- $5,099.21; 5) Fire Levy -
Julie Petras Mr. Cunningham reported $7,649.20; 6) Fire & EMS
[email protected] that the Lorain County Town- Levy - $8,919.87.
ship Association will meet
Community Input
The Columbia Town- Rita Plata gave the cem- Nov. 15 in Olmsted Town- A resident on Nichols
CHS Weekly Calendar ship Board of Trustees met etery report: $1,200 was re- ship. Mr. Heidecker reported Road came to the Trustees
on November 5 in the Town
ceived for burials, $850 from
Monday, November 12: Hall with all three trustees the sale of graves and $500 that Southwest General Hos- Meeting to ask for help in
dealing with a potential water
pital Board will meet Nov.
3 p.m. CCF Youth Group meeting. present and the Fiscal Of- for footer fees. 9, NOACA will meet Dec. problem that may affect his
6 p.m. Fall Cheerleading banquet. ficer, Jackie Ramsey. The Old Business 14 and NOTA will meet in property with flooding. He
Tuesday, November 13: minutes of the regular Oct. Nothing has been heard Columbus in January. Mr. said that his neighbor intends
Family Night - no homework or after school activities. 15 meeting were approved on the status of the Estates of Musto reported that LCCA to fill in a natural swale on his
Wednesday, November 14: as amended and the minutes Columbia Ridge. The Gener- will meet Dec. 7. There was property with 20 yards of dirt.
College Now in guidance office. of the special meeting of Oct. ator has been installed at the no report from the Water Au- The water that would nor-
6 p.m. Volleyball banquet. 23 were approved as written. Town Hall and it is working thority. mally go into the swale will
Thursday, November 15: The Trustees voted to pay the very well. The Trustees will Fiscal Officer Financial flow onto the grievant’s prop-
4 p.m. Academic Challenge meet - home. bills and payroll. The bills have 3 options on a service Requests erty. The Zoning Inspector
7 p.m. National Honor Society Inductions. amounted to $197,757.20 contract. The old salt shed is The Trustees voted to ap- explained that no fill can be
Friday, November 16: and payroll amounted to down. The rubble is ready to prove the following changes placed without a permit. The
3-5 p.m. Winter Sports Pictures. $38,381.69, bringing the to- be removed. The tree in ques- to the Amended Certificate: Zoning Inspector will contact
Athletic Participation Fees due. tal to $233,138.89. Receipts tion has been removed on 1. Increase the estimat- the neighbor and explain the
totaled $44,320.53.
Clarke Road. Now the drain-
CHS Winter sports pictures and and it was learned that The age problem can be properly ed resources for the Public rules of the Columbia Zoning
Correspondence was read
Resolution. Another resident
Work Commission Fund by
participation fees Lorain County Engineer has New Business $30,047.55, to $84,653.55, at the meeting gave a brief
history of the flooding that
for OPWC payment for
closed Osborne Road be- The Public Meeting for the Hawke Road Cul- has occurred in Columbia
On Friday, November 16, all high school winter sports tween Jaquay and West River the settlement agreement vert Replacement Project due to the improper fill in of
team/individual pictures will be taken. All participants should Road through Nov. 12 for a with MLM/Emerald Woods 2. Increase the Permanent land in developments of Ol-
receive order information and a time schedule for team/group bridge replacement. A check has been set for November Appropriations for the Pub- msted Falls. He hopes that
and individual pictures from their coaches/advisors. Please di- for $1995 was sent to the 19, at 7 p.m. in the Colum- lic Works Commission these new subdivisions in
rect any questions to your child’s respective coach/advisor. All Trustees from the Firemen’s bia High School Cafeteria. Fund by $30,047.55, to Columbia will not contribute
participation fees are due on November 16 as well. Association for payment for The township will get 575 $84,653.55, for OPWC pay- to the flooding that Columbia
Attention Senior Citizens a Kodiak Stabilization Kit. to 587 new homes on Emer- ment for Hawke Road Cul- Township has already suf-
The Lorain County Water
ald Woods and 73 to 85 new
vert Replacement Project
Columbia High School and the CHS Key Club would like to Authority sent a notification homes on MLM. The plans The Trustees approved The meeting was ad-
invite you to our biannual Senior Citizens Breakfast. This event that the Columbia Repre- still have to go the Lorain the following increases to the journed. The next regular
is open to all Columbia residents and grandparents of Columbia sentative to the Board, Dale County Planning Commis- Real Estate Taxes Column on meeting will be on Monday,
Local students. The breakfast is on Wednesday, December 5, at Rundle, will be finishing up sion, the EPA and the Army the Amended Certificate: 1) November 19, at 7 p.m. in the
8:45 a.m. in the high school cafeteria. It is free of charge. The his term at the end of the year Corp of Engineers. Sewers General Fund - $4,149.28; 2) Columbia High School Cafe-
Key Club will be serving breakfast casseroles, hash browns, and be stepping down. A new and water must be obtained. Cemetery Fund - $533.03; 3) teria.
fruit, muffins and a variety of beverages. If you would like to representative will be needed This is only the beginning.
attend, please call (440) 236-5001 before 3 p.m. on Monday, for Columbia Township. The The Trustees canceled the Youth Performers needed
December 3, to make your reservations. We hope to see you Trustees elected Mark Cun- purchase order for legal ser-
there! ningham to take the position vices. This will save the town- The Columbia Youth Players would like to invite youth ages
as of the first of the year.
ship $20,000. The insurance
Valley City Garden Club Department Reports company is picking up the 4-18 from all communities to perform for the pre-show or in-
termission at the 8th annual Columbia Youth Christmas Play,
The Sheriff’s Deputy was tab for the rest of the lawsuit. December 14-16 at the Columbia Lighthouse Bible Church.
The Valley City Garden Club will meet at 7 p.m. on Thurs- not on hand at the meeting, Senior Transportation Con- The requirements are that the performers must have their own
day, November 15, at the Emmanuel United Church of Christ, but the incident report for nection will no longer be pro- music, either CD or Ipod format (no more than 3.5 minutes) or
located at 6656 Center Road, in Liverpool Township. The an- October was sent. There were viding transportation services their own instrument. They can provide a piano. Performers
nual exchange of seeds will be part of this meeting. In addition, 104 calls made for the month. to older adult residents of may be solo or a group and preferably should perform Holiday
members are asked to bring materials and tools as we will be The Zoning Inspector report- Columbia Township effective music. Age appropriate music is a must. Mrs. Cottom must see
creating holiday decorations. Roll Call response will be your ed 6 permits issued between January 1, 2019. They sug- your performance prior to the show and performers must also
favorite holiday. Oct. 15 - Nov. 2. There were gested 2 services that may be be available to practice at least one time at Columbia Light-
The club offers many interesting and informative speakers, no single family home per- able to help: Southwest Gen- house Bible Church during TECH week, December 10-13. Per-
demonstrations and field trips. For more information, contact mits this time. A violation eral Hospital Van Transporta- formers are invited to audition on Tuesdays, Nov. 13 or 27, or
R. Austin at (330) 483-3435. letter was sent to a resident tion, which will take you to Thursdays, Nov. 15 or 29, from 6-7 p.m. at Columbia Light-
Columbia Historical Society on West River Road for un- medical services at Southwest house Bible Church. For more info., contact Charmae Cottom
licensed vehicles. The Board
General, or the Lorain Coun-
at (440) 263-9131 or [email protected].
of Zoning Appeals has re- ty Transit Dial-A-Ride/ADA
The Columbia Historical Society will hold its regular meet- ceived no applications for Service Options. Letters will Stuffed animals and
ing on Tuesday, November 13, in the Columbia Town Hall, a November meeting. The be sent to the affected persons
with the social at 7 p.m. followed by the program at 7:30 p.m. Zoning Commission has be- with information and options. small toys needed
They will be remembering our World War II veterans with a gun the study of rezoning The Trustees voted to
presentation by Jim Smith from the Lorain County Historical Heavy Industry and Light approve a $150,000 prepay- The Columbia Youth Performers are collecting stuffed ani-
Society with artifacts that will show what was happening on Industry Districts along the ment for the new ambulance. mals and small toys in very good condition to be distributed to
the home front during the war. They will also be updating the railroad tracks to Residential The Trustees voted to ap- local nursing homes, fire departments and hospitals during the
membership on the progress of the Bronson House renovations. 3. The next regular meeting prove an expenditure of holiday season. You can drop off your donations at Columbia
Columbia Science Fair is Thursday, December 6, at $4800 to clean up a residence Baptist Church during office hours, (440) 236-8206, or con-
on Greenview Avenue. The
tact Charmae Cottom to arrange a pick-up at (440) 263-9131 or
6:30 p.m.
The Road-Service Direc- Trustees voted to approve an [email protected].
Columbia High School will host the Columbia Local tor reported some minor re- expenditure of $4,713.25 for
Science Fair for grades 7-12 on Thursday, January 17, 2019 pairs are needed on fire and COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
in the cafeteria. Any Columbia student may participate in township equipment. The
Shopping Season!
this event. However, all projects must be approved by Mrs. integrating meeting for the
Karl no later than November 12. The top 3 projects chosen Issue I projects is on Nov. Kick Off the
by judges in grade 9-12 division will receive cash awards of 16. The Director is applying Christmas
$100 for 1st place, $75 for 2nd place and $50 for 3rd place. for 2 SWAC grants - one for
The top 3 projects in the grade 7-8 division will receive cash the Folley Road culvert and
awards of $75 for 1st place, $50 for 2nd place and $25 for 3rd the other for the Boston Road November 16–18 • I-X Center
place. Please contact Mrs. Karl at [email protected] culvert. There is a water prob-
for further information or questions. lem at the railroad tracks on
Hawke Road. It is not drain-
ing properly.
Victorian Holidays at Frostville The Fire Chief reported
Candelight Walk Fri. Nov. 16th, 5-8pm 33 on file, 31 on call, 171 fire
Nov. 17-18, 11-4pm calls to date and 676 EMS
calls. There were 73 mutu-
Frostville Musuem al aid assists and 29 mutual
Hospitality Table compliments of O’Neill Healthcare aid requests. The Firemen’s
Dress in Victorian Attire and Join the Festivities! Association asked the Trust-
ees if they would go in 1/2 of
Tour the Village • Live Music in the Church the cost of the Dare Gradua-
Shop in our General Store • Caricatures tion T-shirts with them. The
Holiday Photo Shop • Raffle Baskets & Food Trustees agreed. Each group
Visit with Father Christmas & Queen Victoria will pay $225 of the $450
24101 Cedar Point Rd, North Olmsted bill. A question arose as to
what hospital the Columbia
Fire Department can trans-
Winter Farmers Market port to. They only go to the
Nov 10 & 24, Dec 8 & 22, Jan 12 & 26 10-2pm hospitals in their jurisdiction
- Southwest General handles
Feb 9 & 23, Mar 9 & 23, Apr 13 & 27 life threatening situations
as well as Metro. Cleveland
Seasonal Produce • Free Range Meats • Specialty Foods Clinic in Brunswick does not.
Pastries • Eggs • Honey & Bee Products • Syrups • Nuts The main campus of Cleve-
Jams & Jellies • Chocolates • Tea & Coffee land Clinic is too far. The
Artisan Breads • Eco Friendly Products and Much More! department is not a transpor- TICKETS ON SALE NOW
tation service, but rather an
Frostville Museum in the Red Barn emergency life saving service
24101 Cedar Point Rd., North Olmsted which has to be prepared to Purchase discount tickets in advance at
select Discount Drug Mart store locations
return to the station for the
at the Ticket Machines in the Cosmetic next call. Department.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Page 5
The Columbia Community Foundation and the
Congregations of Columbia Township will be hosting a
Thanksgiving Day Dinner for the families and residents of
our community. We invite you to join us for a traditional
sit down Turkey Dinner with all of the trimmings for
a day of fellowship to gather with family, friends and
neighbors of our community.
Thursday, November 22 nd
at Columbia High School.
Serving from 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Admission is Free! Reservations can be made by contacting
Ms. Ginny Broschk at 440-236-3170,
Mon - Fri, 12pm-8pm or Sat & Sun 4pm-8pm
The Columbia Community Foundation would like to thank Pastor Jim
Hurst for his leadership, Mr. Jim Wright, of Wright’s Catering, for cooking
all of the Turkeys, Ms. Sandy Stilla, of Mrs. C’s Catering, for offering her
catering services, members of the Columbia High School Cheerleaders
and Raiders Football Team, high school volunteers and the countless
number of volunteers from all of the community’s churches.
A special Thank You to Superintendent Graig Bansek and the Board of
Education for providing the High School Cafeteria along with the staff
from the district that will be volunteering their time for this special day.
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018
The Rural-Urban Record Community Thanksgiving Service
Published Weekly on Monday The North Ridgeville Community Thanksgiving service
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter will be held Sunday, November 18, at Fields United Method-
ist Church, located at 34077 Lorain Rd., in North Ridgeville.
Founders 1955 The service begins at 7 p.m. and will include an offering taken
Lee Boise, Publisher & President to benefit Community Care of North Ridgeville. The service
is sponsored by the North Ridgeville Ministerial Association.
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 Come join us as we give thanks and praise for all that God
Mailing Address: has provided. For more information, contact Fields United
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Methodist Church at (440) 327-8753 or fieldsofficemanager@ Refreshments will be offered after the service.
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 Community Thanksgiving Service
Email: [email protected]
First United Methodist Church of Wellington will be having
DEADLINE: a Community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 18,
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm at 7 p.m. The Church is located at 127 Park Place. Please join
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1 us as all are welcome.
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year
Christmas Tea
GriefShare - Surviving the Holidays St. Paul Lutheran Women’s Missionary League will host St. Elizabeth
their annual Christmas Tea with the theme: “What Child Is
No matter how long it’s been since your loved one died, This?” The event is on Sunday, December 2, at 3 p.m. A warm Ann Seton
grief can make the holidays a painful time, but there is hope. reception awaits you as you participate in the opening devo- Catholic Parish
Join us for an encouraging 5-week session that will help you tion. Enjoy Christmas Carols and the musical talents from the 25801 Royalton Rd.
survive the holidays and discover new reasons to enjoy them St. Paul congregation. The evening concludes with delicious Columbia Station, OH
again! You are welcome to bring a friend. Don’t let your grief homemade treats, punch, coffee and tea served by the men of Sacrament of Reconciliation
steal the joy of this Holiday season! Join us at Christ Church on St. Paul. Admission is free; a freewill offering will be taken for (Confession)
Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Tuesdays, beginning November 13: mornings, 10-11:30 a.m.; Lutheran Disaster Relief. St. Paul Lutheran Church is located Anytime by Appointment
evenings, 6:30-8 p.m. The church is located at 23080 Royal- at 1377 Lester Rd., in Valley City. Visit or call Weekend Masses
ton Rd., in Columbia Station. For more information, call (440) (216) 387-0271. Sat. 5 p.m.
236-8282, or visit and click on ‘Holidays.’ Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
Ladies Advent Bible Study Community Messy Church Service
On Sunday, December 9, First United Methodist Church of
A Ladies Advent Bible Study will be held on Wednesdays, Wellington will be having a Community Messy Church Ser- “Welcome Home”
from 7-8 p.m. and Thursdays, from 9:30-10:30 a.m., through vice at Wellington Town Hall, located at 115 Willard Memorial NORTH
December 4 at LifeSpring Community Church, 1683 Lester Square. The event is from 1-2:30 p.m. Please join us as all are EATON New Life Wesleyan Church
Rd., in Valley City. Women of all ages are welcome to attend. welcome. CHRISTIAN
For more information and study guides, call (330) 483-4774. CHURCH 11149 West River Rd.
Columbia Station
Bible Study “Feeding Your Soul” Operation Christmas Shoebox Rt. 82 & 83 SUNDAY 9 am
Just like your body needs food every day, your soul needs to Operation Christmas Child Shoebox drop-off at Christian 440-748-2230 Adult Bible Study
be fed to stay healthy. Hope is what energizes the soul. When Unity Church, located at 36353 Capel Road, in Grafton, is ac- SUNDAY 10 am
you run low on hope, you can become discouraged, even des- cepting donations on the following days and times: Monday, Worship Services Worship & Children’s Church
perate. Faith is what gives us hope. Faith comes from being in November 12, Tuesday, November 13, Thursday, November 8:00 am & 10:30 am
a relationship with God and His Word. Pastor David Walker, 15, and Friday, November 16, from 5:30-8:30 p.m.; Wednes- Sunday School WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm
Belden United Methodist Church, will host a 4-week Bible day, November 14, from 3-6 p.m.; Saturday, November 17, 9:00 am Bible Study
Study titled “Feeding Your Soul” on Tuesday evenings, from from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sunday, November 18, from 1-4 p.m.; Youth Group, Kids Club
6:30-7:30 p.m. The class continues November 13 and 20. The and Monday, November 20, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. For more in- Polly Tallos
class will cover four topics: “How to Find Rest,” “Spiritual formation, call the church at (440) 748-1008. Christian Ed. & Youth Director Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
Growth,” “Freedom in Christ” and “Understanding God’s Plan Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, Rev. David Chafin Rev. John Bodo
for Me.” We will also discuss John Wesley’s thoughts on how an international relief organization. The mission is to provide Interim Minister - Associate Pastor
we should read our Bibles. All are welcome. The church is lo- shoe boxes filled with small toys, hygiene items and school 440-236-8600
cated at 36130 St. Rt. 303, in Grafton. Call them at (440) 926- supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own
2209 or visit communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. They ship
these simple gifts outside the U.S. to children affected by war,
Nut & Poppyseed Rolls poverty, natural disaster, famine, and disease, and to children GRAFTON UNITED
living on Native American reservations in the U.S. METHODIST CHURCH
Saint Vincent de Paul Altar & Rosary Society is taking nut 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
10:00am Worship
and poppyseed roll orders until December 2. Rolls are $10 each Celebrate Recovery Children’s Wednesday Program
and will be available for pick-up on Friday & Saturday, De- Gr. 3-12, 4:30-6:30pm
cember 14 and 15, from noon-5 p.m. in the church basement, Celebrate Recovery at Hope Christian Church meets ev- Dinner Included
located at 41295 North Ridge Rd., in Elyria (elevator accessi- ery Friday night. CR is a Christ-centered recovery program for COLUMBIA UNITED Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
ble). To place your orders, please call (440) 324-3090 or (440) anyone with hurts, habits or hang-ups. You have a forever fam- METHODIST
324-2775, or you may send an email to: SVDP-nut-poppy-or- ily at CR! They start each week with a free dinner served from Church of Christ
[email protected]. 6-7 p.m. Then, they gather for worship at 7 p.m. At 8 p.m., Worship Service
Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
Bible and Brew program they break out into open share groups, followed by coffee and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
dessert at 9 p.m. in the café. They offer free childcare from
Bible and Brew, a casual conversation about God, faith and 6:30-9:30 p.m. for those that attend. Come for part of the eve- Sunday School Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
211 Forest St., LaGrange
scripture, will meet weekly on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at Forts ning or come for it all! For more information, please visit www. during Worship Service 440-355-6872
Tavern, located at 122 W. Herrick, in Wellington. This event is Time 25453 ROYALTON ROAD
presented by Wellington First United Methodist Church. Ev- does not heal all wounds, but God’s love, truth, grace and for- COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO ST. JOHN
eryone is welcome. giveness does. Please come as you are and keep coming back! Pastor Matt Merriman LUTHERAN CHURCH
Hope Christian Church is located at 32625 Detroit Rd., in
Chicken Dinner Avon. [email protected] 1140 W. River N.•Elyria •324-4070
On Saturday, November 17, Belden United Methodist Celebrate Recovery, the local Christian 12-Step Program for 5:00pm Saturday
9:00am Sunday
Church, located at 36160 St. Rt. 303, in Grafton, will host a anyone needing help with a hurt, habit or hang-up, meets each Rev. Bill Mugnolo
chicken dinner from 5-7 p.m. The dinner is open to the public week at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Church of the Open Door, lo-
and will include chicken, scalloped potatoes, corn, tossed salad, cated at 43275 Telegraph Road, in Elyria. The first hour begins United Church of God
rolls, dessert and beverages. The cost of the dinner is $10 for with a brief time of worship, followed by a weekly lesson or a 12981 Grafton Rd.
adults, $4 for children 6-12 years old and free for 5 years and personal testimony. The second hour has gender specific small Grafton, Oh 44044
under. For those special needs, elevator is available. groups for men and women, with a special video for first time Sabbath Services
Tickets and reservations are available after church services attenders. All meetings are open to everyone. Light refreshments Saturdays at 12:30 pm
by calling the church office at (440) 926-2209 or at the door. are served following the program. For further information, call
Take-out will be available. Bob at (440) 326-2329.
FUNERAL HOME & Our Lady Queen of Peace
Catholic Church
2089 Columbia Road Weekend Masses Weekday
Sat. 4:30pm
Laubenthal -Mercado Valley City, OH 44280 Confession: 8:00am
Sun. 8:30 &
LM Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast,
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Serving Families for over 50 years
it is not proud. it is not rude, it is not self-seeking,
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
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Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes,
always perseveres --Corinthians 13:4-7
COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 Letter to the Editor RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Page 7
CHS Seniors of the Month To the Editor: Welfare check on Sprague Rd.; Alarm on Royalton Rd.
October 31 - Premise check on Royalton Rd.; Alarm on
In response to a letter that was published on 11/5 - Why Sprague Rd.; Accident, non-injury on Royalton Rd./Station
the law suit regarding zoning? Last fall in the CHS cafeteria, Rd.; Fraud on Snell Rd.; Traffic Stops on Royalton Rd./Station
the facts were presented to the public. The attorney presenta- Rd. and Royalton Rd./West River Rd.
tion included facts that the Ohio Supreme Court does not allow
townships to deny zoning changes simply to remain rural. Our Columbia Library events
Trustees held a vote to see if the residents wanted to proceed to
challenge this case in court, possibly bankrupting the township, Waist Watchers - Mondays, November 12, 19 & 26 and De-
or allow the zoning change. There was overwhelming support cember 3 & 10, from 6:30- 7:15 p.m. Join in on our video led
to take this to court and the Trustees did what their constituents fitness activity for beginners. Preregistration required.
asked them to. Preschool Story Time - Tuesdays, November 13 & 27; De-
The main error in the 11/5 post; “The developers who pur- cember 4; January 8, 15, 22 & 29; February 5, 12, 19 & 26,
chased the land knew full-well the zoning was one house per from 10:15-10:45 a.m. Stories, music, finger plays and crafts
one acre.” According to public record, this land has not been for children between the ages of 3-6 years old with their care-
sold. I assume this is why they are negotiating with the town- givers. Preregistration required.
ship before they make their investment. They know Columbia’s Toddler Story Time - Tuesdays, November 13 & 27 and
2-acre law is based on the required space for private septic sys- December 4, from 11-11:15 a.m. A story time for beginning
Anthony Lutizio Serena Goode tems. The master plan says Columbia will “encourage develop-
Seniors Serena Goode and Anthony Lutizio have been cho- ments at project densities of up to one unit per acre.” walkers to 3 year olds and their caregivers with stories, music,
sen as Columbia High School “Students of the Month” for The number of houses the township allows is not the num- movement and rhymes. Preregistration required.
October. Nominees are chosen based on the following criteria: ber of houses that will be built. I do not feel it is right that we Teen Crafternoon - Tuesday, November 13, from 4-5 p.m.
Maturity, Citizenship, Behavior and Effort. are spending large sums of money in legal fees fighting a battle Teens, come to the library and flex your creative muscles by
Serena Goode is the daughter of Crystal Valentine and Todd we can’t win. Can’t we spend our money on projects to enhance doing various craft activities. You’ll get to take home your cre-
Goode, and sister of Samantha Goode. Serena is a hardworking, the community or work with the developers to keep a rural feel. ations when you’re done. Preregistration required.
dedicated and kind athlete, student, coach, friend and family Justin Jeffers, Columbia Station Holiday Card Making for Grown Ups - Wednesday, No-
member. With a background in gymnastics, basketball, body- vember 14, from 6-7:30 p.m. Nothing says you care more than
building and many others, Serena now dedicates several hours Lorain County Sheriff’s Report a handcrafted card. Even if you’ve never tried it before, you’ll
a day solely to her training in CrossFit, her nutrition and recov- find that it’s fun and that you can do it. All skill levels are wel-
ery. She is in her senior year at Columbia High, but all of her The following is the Lorain County Sheriff’s Dept. Incident come. We will complete three different and unique holiday
course work is through CCP college classes, with an interest in Report for Columbia Township for October. cards for you to take home mail ready. All supplies provided.
the Health Sciences field. She stays involved at the high school October 2 - Speeding on East River Rd.; Assist Ambulance Preregistration required.
through clubs, such as Leaders Club and National Honors Soci- on East River Rd.; 2 Civil matters on West River Rd.; Distur- Excel for Beginners - Saturday, November 17, from 10:30
ety. She is a conscientious student and has a cumulative GPA of bance on Station Rd. a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Participants will learn about the basics of us-
above 4.5. Serena also works as a coach at her gymnastics club, October 3 - Welfare check on Snell Rd.; New call ing the 2016 edition of Microsoft Excel to set up a spreadsheet
where she competed as a gymnast for 10 years. In the little free on Station Rd.; Lockout on East River Rd. workbook. The instructor will demonstrate how to input data,
time she has, Serena loves spending time with her family and October 4 - Abandoned vehicle on West River Rd.; Suspi- compose simple spreadsheet formulas and choose layout and
her friends at CrossFit Roaster Barbell. After graduation, she cious condition on West River Rd. print format options. A limited amount of hands-on practice
plans to attend college, possibly Cleveland State University or October 5 - Follow up investigation on Royaton Rd. time will be available. Participants need to be comfortable us-
Baldwin Wallace University, which is close to home, so she October 6 - Suspicious condition on Dupont Ave.; Harass- ing a mouse to attend. Preregistration required.
can stay near her friends and family and continue to pursue her ment on Sprague Rd.; Traffic stop on Snell Rd./East River Rd.; Thanksgiving Fun - Tuesday, November 20, from 10:15-
passion in CrossFit. Traffic stop on Redfern Rd./East River Rd.; Traffic stop on 11:15 a.m. A Thanksgiving themed story time for children ages
Anthony Lutizio is the son of Antonio Lutizio. Anthony is Sprague Rd./East River Rd.; 2 Welfare checks on East River 3-6 with stories, crafts and games. Preregistration required.
a senior at CHS and has always attended Columbia Schools. Rd.; Fraud on S. Boone Rd.; Alarm on Crockers Lndg. The Columbia Library is located at 13824 W. River Road
Throughout high school, he has maintained good grades and October 7 - Liquor offense on Riverview Dr.; Alarm on North. To register for programs or for more information, call
been on the Honor/Merit Roll for the past 4 years. When not Emmons Rd.; Custody dispute on East River Rd.; Alarm on the library at (440) 236-8751.
at school, Anthony is chopping firewood or at home helping Sprague Rd.
his dad around the house. In the summer, Anthony does con- October 8 - Follow up investigation on Station Rd.; Suspi- Wreaths Across America
crete work. He enjoys playing video games with his friends. cious condition on N. Marks Rd.
His father has provided a support system, a great role model October 9 - Theft on Royalton Rd.; Shots fired on East River The annual Wreaths Across America ceremony will be on
and motivation for Anthony. His father’s love of cooking has Rd.; Traffic complaint on White Tail Run/Hunting Meadows Saturday, December 15, at 12 p.m. The event will be starting
inspired Anthony to become a chef. His dad loves to cook au- Dr.; Welfare check on Emerson Ave. at the Veterans Memorial in Columbia Park, followed by the
thentic Italian food and Anthony is lucky to enjoy it every day. October 10 - Alarm on Royalton Rd.; Traffic Stop on Roy- laying of the wreaths in the cemeteries. They currently need
Anthony feels he has grown a lot during his high school years alton Rd./Station Rd.; Traffic Stop on East River Rd./Copopa 440 wreaths for the veterans in our cemeteries. Donations can
because of his father’s strength and guidance, as well as the Trl.; DOA/Body Foundon N. Boone Rd.; Traffic Stop on Roy- be made at
confidence and skills that his teachers have instilled in him. Af- alton Rd./N. Boone Rd.; Traffic Stop on Station Rd./Royalton The location ID is OHMCTC; The VFW #9340 Auxiliary
ter graduation, Anthony plans to get a full-time position work- Rd.; Assistance on White Tail Run; Alarm on Royalton Rd. ID is OH0033P; The Cuyahoga County Cadet Squadron GLR
ing at a job in the community and then further his schooling to October 11 - Alarms on Sprague Rd., Osborne Rd. and Sta- OH 131 is OH0035P. New this year, is the Blue Star Mothers
become a chef. tion Rd. Ohio Chapter 26.
October 12 - Suspicious condition on Royalton Rd.; Assis- Inquiries can be made by calling VFW Post #9340 at (440)
COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP tance on West River Rd.; Drug investigation on East River Rd. 236-8111 or emailing [email protected].
October 13 - Lockout on Royalton Rd.; Assistance on Sta-
MEETING NOTICE October 14 - Animal complaint/investigation on East River
Rd.; Protection order violation on Hawke Rd.
October 15 - Trespassing on West River Rd.; Follow up in-
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 505.07, the vestigation on Plum Creek Dr.; Alarm on Hawke Rd.; Property
Columbia Township Board of Trustees hereby schedules damage on Plum Creek Dr.
a meeting for Monday, November 19, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., October 16 - (4) Premise checks on Royalton Rd.; Stolen
at the Columbia High School Cafeteria, 14168 W. River vehicle/unauthorized use on West River Rd.; Alarm on Station FALL
Road, Columbia Station, Ohio 44028, for the purpose of Rd.; Follow up investigation on Plum Creek Dr.; Assist other BIG
considering a proposed settlement agreement to resolve agency on East River Rd./Sprague Rd.; Shots fired on Station
the case of MLM Development, LLC and Emerald Rd./Sprague Rd.
Woods Golf Course Limited Partnership v. Columbia October 17 - (2) Assists other agencies on Royalton Rd.;
Township, Lorain County, Ohio and the Columbia Suspicious condition on West River Rd. ECHO’S BEST-SELLING
Township Board of Trustees, Lorain County Court of October 18 - Burglary on East River Rd.
October 19 - Premise checks on Station Rd./Royalton Rd.
Common Pleas Court, Case No. 14-CV-184927. At this and on Royalton Rd.; Traffic stop on West River Rd./Royalton
meeting, the Board of Trustees will consider and take Rd.; Juvenile complaint on East River Rd./Eagle Pointe Ct.; UNITS STARTING AT
action on the proposed settlement agreement. Traffic stops on Royalton Rd./East River Rd., Snell Rd./East
The proposed settlement agreement concerns the River Rd., Nichols Rd./West River Rd. and Royalton Rd./Sta-
rezoning of the MLM and Emerald Woods properties tion Rd.; Alarm on Station Rd.
to PRDD2 classification, and includes stipulations October 20 - Welfare check on Royalton Rd.; Protection or- 99
regarding density, green space, perimeter requirements, der violation on Emmons Rd.; Alarm on Royalton Rd.; Domes- $149
flood plains/wetlands, setbacks and other area tic violence/dispute on Sprague Rd.
requirements. Additionally the settlement will change October 21 - Shots fired on Nichols Rd. and on East River
the process for approval of the Final Development Rd.; Alarm on Squire Rd.
October 22 - Premise check on Royalton Rd.; Alarm on
Plan. The properties are known as the following Lorain Royalton Rd.; Abandoned vehicle on Hawke Rd.
County Permanent Parcel Nos. (“the “Properties”): October 23 - Fraud on Osborne Rd.; 911 Hang up/Open line
12-00-018-000-008; 12-00-019-000-005; 12-00-018- on Sprague Rd.
000-013; 12-00-017-000-001; 12-00-017-000-011; 12- October 24 - Theft on Royalton Rd.; Premise check on Roy-
00-017-000-005; 12-00-004-000-043; and 12-00-004- alton Rd.; Traffic complaint on Snell Rd./East River Rd.; Theft
000-002. on Greenview Ave.
The Board shall permit members of the public October 25 - Alarm on Royalton Rd.; Follow up investiga-
to express comments or objections to the proposed tion on Royalton Rd.; 911 Hang up/Open line on Snell Rd.;
terms of settlement at the time of the meeting. No Traffic complaint on Royalton Rd.; Lockout on Royalton Rd.; PB-2520
referendum will be made available for the rezoning. Domestic violence/dispute on Sprague Rd.
October 26 - Follow up investigation on Royalton Rd.; Traf-
If this settlement is approved by Columbia Township, fic stop on Royalton Rd./Station Rd.; Abandoned vehicle on HANDHELD BLOWER
it will then be submitted to the Lorain County Court Hawke Rd.; Alarm on Mitchell Rd.
of Common Pleas for review and approval. Copies of October 27 - Traffic complaint on Station Rd.; Suspicious STOP BY YOUR LOCAL ECHO DEALER
the proposed settlement agreement shall be available to condition on Station Rd.
the public, at the township fiscal officer’s office, during October 28 - (2) Suspicious conditions on Royalton Rd.; FOR A DEMO TODAY!
normal business hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday Follow up investigation on Royalton Rd.; Welfare check on At participating dealers only. Effective 9/1/18 - 11/30/18.
through Friday. Snell Rd.
October 29 - Premise check on Royalton Rd.; Alarm on Grafton Mower Service, Inc.
By Order of the Hawke Rd.; Lockout on Station Rd.; Shots fired on Station Rd.;
Columbia Township Board of Trustees Harassment on S. Boone Rd.; Traffic stops on East River Rd./ 1007 Parsons Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044
Columbia Township, Royalton Rd. and Royalton Rd./West River Rd. 440-926-2880
October 30 - Fraud on Royalton Rd.; Traffic complaint on
Lorain County, Ohio N. Boone Rd./Snell Rd.; Department information on Royalton Biggest sale of the year • Stop in for details!
Rd.; Domestic violence/dispute on Parkwood Dr. ;
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 11-13 - No BZA hearing this month. If you have any questions about the Hygiene kits or the
Eaton NEWS 11-14 - 7 p.m. Zoning Commission meeting. Grandparents and Me event, please contact the church office
11-15 - 7 p.m. CLUP committee meeting
at (440) 748-2230 or look at our Grandparents and Me event
[email protected] 11-15 - 7 p.m. LCTA meeting at Olmsted Twp. hall. page on Facebook.
11-16 &11-19 - Secretary will be out of office.
Eaton Township news 11-20 - 7:30 p.m. Trustees meeting. Butternut Ridge Cemetery clean-up
11-21 - Trustees Public hearings at 10:30 a.m.
Please note our Compost Center is open on Saturdays only 11-22 - Happy Thanksgiving, office closed. One week prior to Thanksgiving, there will be a clean-up at
from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 11-23 - Office closed. the Butternut Ridge Cemetery. The Cemetery Sexton and crew
Please contact our office at (440) 748-2236 or secretary@ 11-28 - 7 p.m. Zoning commission meeting. will remove all summer items. If there are items you wish to to request a Resident Packet with links to 12-4 - 7:30 p.m. Bi-monthly Trustee meeting. keep, please remove them, otherwise they will be disposed of
Resources in the County/Township. Please visit our Facebook 12-5 - 7 p.m. Zoning commission monthly meeting & 2018 and the Township will take no responsibility for those items.
page for info. daily at closeout meeting. Winter decorations can stay in place until a week before Good
Local Eaton Twp. Businesses (retail & at-home) should con- 12-11 - 9 a.m. Parks & preserve board meeting. Friday. Decorations that are damaged or unsightly will be dis-
tact the secretary to be listed in our Business Listing. 12-11 - 7 p.m. BZA 2018 closeout meeting. posed of by Cemetery Sexton and crew.
Township Hall Rentals: $75/Hall rental for Eaton Town- 12-18 - 7:30 p.m. Bi-monthly Trustee meeting.
ship Residents, $125 for non-residents. Call the Secretary to 12-21 through 12-30 - Secretary on vacation. CPR Class
schedule your family or work party! ($100 cleaning deposit). Public is welcome for all events.
All non-profits that serve the youth of Eaton Township get free Birth annoucement A CPR class will be held at the Eaton Township Fire and
hall rentals. The Township will allow you to “borrow” 7 ta- Rescue Department on November 13, from 7-9:30 p.m. Come
bles/24 chairs to use for a party. Call the Township to reserve it On October 2, 2018, and learn how to perform CPR and life saving rescue tech-
at (440) 748-2236 (must be an Eaton Twp. resident). Blake Alexander Wise- niques! Great for babysitters, parents and anyone with loved
Residential lock boxes & mailbox reflective signs are avail- man was born in Carolina ones! Call the Fire Department at (440) 748-2496 for more
able at the town hall office. Mothers Medical Clinic in details.
Notary Services are complimentary for Eaton Township res- Pineville, North Carolina. Bake Sale thank you
idents & businesses. He weighed 7 lbs., 13 oz.
Eaton Township has a curfew between Midnight-5 a.m. and was 20 inches long. The North Eaton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Transient vendors & solicitors must have a permit (by Eaton Blake’s parents are Jen-
Town hall) to go door to door in our township - residents are nifer (Weimer) and Scott Youth would like to thank the community for supporting their
Election Day Bake Sale on Tuesday, November 6. The Youth
instructed to contact the Sheriff’s dept. for all violations. Wiseman. Brett, who is will support the NECC Roof Fund, as well as use some of the
Veterans (living or deceased) in Eaton Township (for at least 20-months-old, is Blake’s
1 year of their life) that would like their name to be engraved on older brother. The family Blake Alexander Wiseman funds to support their church Camp and youth attending the UN
Seminar in February 2019.
our Veterans Memorial Wall/Bench, please call the town hall at lives in Waxhaw, North Michigan and Mary Weimer and
(440) 748-2236. Cost is $50. Carolina. Grandparents are the late Wayne of Eaton Town- Annual AG meeting
Location for all calendar items are 12043 Avon Belden Rd., Wilma Wiseman and the ship.
unless noted otherwise. late David of Flat Rock, Congratulations! The Annual Meeting of the Lorain County Agricultural So-
11-12 - Office closed for Veterans Day. ciety will be held on Tuesday, November 13, at the Fair Board
Hygeine Kit donations needed Office on the fairgrounds. All members of the Society are in-
EATON TOWNSHIP North Eaton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is col- vited to attend this meeting. Their monthly Fair Board Meeting
will begin at 7:30 p.m. with the Annual Meeting starting at 8
BOARD OF TRUSTEES lecting donations to make Hygiene Kits to be given to Church p.m.
LEGAL NOTICE World Services. CWS Kits are small packages of supplies as- The newly elected Directors will be sworn in, election of
Notice is hereby given that the Eaton Township Board sembled by volunteers and shipped to families and communi- officers will be held, pass and ticket prices will be set for the
of Trustees will hold PUBLIC HEARINGS at the Eaton ties in need around the world, especially in the aftermath of 2019 fair and proposed amendments to the Constitution will be
voted on. Please visit the “Fair Board” tab on the website for
Township Hall, 12043 S. Avon Belden Rd., Grafton, Ohio disasters such as Hurrican Florence and Hurricane Michael. the language of the proposed amendments.
44044 on Wednesday 11-21-2018 pertaining to: Donation boxes will be out in the Eaton Township Commu- The 2019 fair will be held August 19-25. For addition-
• 10:30 a.m. File # SP-2018-08 Ross Incineration (new nity, specifically at Schild’s IGA, the Eaton Dollar General,
Lab building) the review of Site plan parcel no 11-00-067- Midview Drug and North Eaton Christian Church. al information, please contact Charisse Nikel, Fair Secretary,
at (440) 647-2781 or by email at [email protected].
000-020 on Giles Rd to build 3420 sq foot building with New items needed for the kits are: one hand towel measur- Visit the website at, “like” Lorain
an estimated construction cost of $624,000.00. ing approximately 15″ x 28″ to 16″ x 32″ (no fingertip, bath, County Fair on Facebook or follow them on Twitter for updates
• 10:00 a.m. File # SP-2018-10 Heritage Plumbing dish towel or micro-fiber), one washcloth, one wide-tooth
(new cold storage building) the review of Site plan parcel comb, one fingernail or toenail clipper, one bath-size bar of and announcements.
no 11-00-005-000-059 on 33623 Royalton rd to build a soap in the wrapper, one toothbrush in the package and stan- North Ridgeville Historical
3680 Sq foot building with an estimated contruction cost dard size Band-Aids
of $68,000.00. We also need gallon sized zip style storage bags. If you Society open house
All drawings and files are open for review at town hall are able to donate any of these items, please place them in the
during regular business hours. nearest donation box or bring them to North Eaton Christian The North Ridgeville His- cember 1, from 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
By Order of Eaton Township Trustees Church, 35895 Royalton Rd., before Saturday, December 1. torical Society will host an at the Old Town Hall Muse-
The kits will be assembled during the Grandparent and Me open house on Saturday, De- um, 36119 Center Ridge Rd.
event on Sunday, December 2, from 3-5 p.m. This is part of the city-wide
“Holiday on the Ridge,” with
places all over town partici-
pating. Join them for a look
into the past with special dis-
plays of holiday decorations
and collectibles. They will
offer items for sale, including
the popular North Ridgeville
Medallions in 14 designs,
books, maps, etc., and will
offer collectible school bricks
for alumnus that might be on
your shopping list. Parking
is plentiful, admission is free
and the building is handi-
capped accessible. So, pack
up the family and join them
December 1!
Herb Guild
Garden Club
The November meeting of
the Herb Guild Garden Club
will be held on November 14
at the Westlake Porter Public
Library. After a short busi-
ness meeting at 10 a.m., the
club will host Judy Semroc
of the Cleveland Museum of
Natural History. Ms. Semroc
will give a presentation on the
popular fall roadside flow-
er, the Goldenrod. She is a
conservation specialist at the
museum and gives various
lectures to clubs and organi-
zations throughout the Cleve-
land area. This is your oppor-
tunity to learn everything you
wanted to know about Gold-
enrod! The presentation will
start at 12:30 p.m. Guests are
welcome to come and enjoy.
The Herb Guild is a local
organization and meets on
the second Wednesday of the
month. New members and
guests are always welcome.
For more information on the
upcoming meeting, visit their
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Page 9
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$ 2 99
Whole or Jellied • 14 oz. 2/$ 2/$ Selected Varieties • 15.25 oz. ¢
Ocean Spray 3 Assorted Varieties • 6 oz. 3 Duncan Hines 99
Cranberry Sauce Stove Top Stuffing Cake Mix
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018
Local Flu Clinic to Dumpster Day & a burial. Conrad received a call from Car-
LaGrange NEWS Anyone can catch the flu. The flu strikes without warning ol Stefanski of Sullivan Township to discuss the Diaz family’s
dumping of Class B biosolids in their community. They are
[email protected] and symptoms can be severe and life-threatening. To help pro- concerned about heavy metal, toxins and biohazards in their
tect both you and your loved ones, Lorain County Public Health community, as the EPA does not define Class B as fertilizer.
(LCPH) will provide the flu vaccine in LaGrange on Tuesday, Class A is processed and is defined as fertilizer. Conrad will
LaGrange Township news November 13, from 3-5 p.m. at LaGrange United Methodist discuss this issue further with LC Assistant Prosecutor Gerry
Church, located at 105 W. Main St. Innes & attorney Matthew Dooley. Conrad has fielded sever-
Meeting dates - November meetings of the Township Trust- No appointment is necessary. Bring a photo ID and your al calls regarding the significant cost increase of Armstrong
ees will be held on Nov. 12 & 26. All meetings are held at the insurance card to the clinic. LCPH accepts most private insur- phone, cable & internet service. Residents with Armstrong
signed a two-year contract with introductory pricing discounts.
Township Hall, 113 South Center Street, unless otherwise an- ances, Medicare Part B and Medicaid. No one will be turned Their contracts are expiring, which has resulted in the increased
nounced, and are open to the public. Please visit the LaGrange away for inability to pay. cost. Conrad will call Michael Sammon of Armstrong to dis-
Township website at for LCPH will offer (3) preservative-free flu vaccine options cuss this matter.
all current news, up to date meeting minutes and other town- this year: flu shot for ages 6 months through 64 years, high- With no additional business to discuss, the meeting was ad-
ship information. dose flu shot for adults 65 years and older and nasal flumist for journed at 8:25 p.m.
Bonfires - Fall is the time for bonfires, but please be cau- ages 2 years through 49 years.
tious of your surroundings. Open burning regulations can be Come to flu shot clinics prepared by filling out a flu regis- Submitted by Vicki Denes, Fiscal Officer
found on the township web page under Fire and EMS. tration form online at Free relationship education program
Hall Rental - The Township Hall, 113 South Center Street, Form, then print the completed form and bring it with you.
is available for rental by township residents. Please call Jan at To find more locations to get your flu shot in Lorain County, A relationship education program for couples will be of-
355-4704 for information. call the Lorain County flu information hotline at (440) 329- fered for free on two Saturday mornings in December. PREP
Thank you! - The Board of Trustees would like to thank 7926, or visit (Prevention and Relationship Education Program) is designed
all of the residents for supporting the Fire and EMS levy. We for couples at any stage of their relationship, who want to learn
are proud of our employees, their dedication to our township Penfield Township Trustees to get along even when times are tough. This is not couples
and the excellent work that they do. Your votes show that the counseling, but it provides tips and techniques to help couples
community appreciates their service also and for that we all The October 16 regular meeting of the Penfield Township navigate their day-to-day relationship.
benefit. Thank you! Trustees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. All officers were Partners learn the role of physical, emotional and commit-
present and three guests attended the meeting. The minutes
Lions Club Winter Clothing Drive of the previous meeting were read and approved. Vouchers ment safety in creating a healthy relationship; the “Three Keys
to Success” to improve a relationship; communication and
and Food Pantry donations #12382-12400, POs #50-52-2018, BCs #25-29-2018, an in- conflict management skills; and how to protect and nurture the
terfund transfer from the general fund to the cemetery fund,
a supplemental appropriation of $25,000 to fund 2021-330- positive aspects of a relationship.
The LaGrange Lions Club is still accept- 360-0000 for winter salt, as well as the September monthly The course will be offered over two Saturdays mornings,
ing donations of new or clean, gently used reports and bank reconciliation were all approved. Resolution December 1 & 8, from 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at the Amy Levin
winter apparel such as coats, hats, gloves, 2018.10.16.01 was also approved. Conference Center, 1165 North Ridge Road East, Lorain. Both
scarves and boots for kids and adults. Deputy Wohlever attended the meeting and distributed extra partners must attend both days.
If you need to thin down your closet, business cards. Open to Lorain County couples only. The program is sup-
please consider helping someone in need. Fiscal Officer Denes read the correspondence, which includ- ported by the Lorain County Board of Mental Health. Register
Please call Ann at (440) 315-4278 to make ed notice from the Board of Elections regarding the November at, or call (440) 233-2020.
arrangements. 6 election, a revised board nominations letter from OTARMA,
The Lions are also looking for donations for a reminder from NOPEC regarding their General Assembly LCCC Thanksgiving Dinner
their food pantry to help them continue providing the assistance and information from the American Red Cross regarding the
needed by community members in need. If you are interested November 21st Blood Drive. Denes advised that she had spo- The Lorain County Community College Thanksgiving Din-
in donating to this very worthy cause, please send your check, ken to Heidi Fought regarding the Local Government training ner will be held from 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 21,
made payable to LaGrange Lions Community Foundation, to that the State Auditor’s office had advised was mandatory. This in the LCCC Spitzer Conference Center in the Reaser Grand
LaGrange Lions, P.O. Box 63, LaGrange, OH 44050. training is only mandatory for Village Fiscal Officers and will Room. Roasted turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, green
beans, yams, rolls, cranberry sauce, dessert, coffee, iced tea
RLCWA meeting be offered at the OTA Winter Conference for Township Fiscal and lemonade will be served. This community event is free and
Officers in 2020.
open to the public. For more information, call (440) 366-4036.
Zoning Inspector Donahue discussed the 2011 Zoning Res-
Rural Lorain County Water Authority November Board olution regarding nuisance mowing. He stated that only a Trust- Lorain County Community College is located at 1005 N. Abbe
meeting will be on Wednesday, November 14, at 7 p.m. The ee could declare a property a nuisance, that the Fiscal Officer Road, in Elyria.
meeting will be held at the RLCWA office, located at 42401 St. prepared the resolution, the Zoning Inspector sends out notice
Rt. 303, in LaGrange. For more information, contact Mr. Joe to landowners & financial institutions and the Fiscal Officer One Stop Get Ready for Winter
Waldecker, General Manager, at (800) 842-1339. records any associated costs as a lien with the Auditor’s of- In Quality! Carhartt
fice. Donahue reported that Frank Clingan/All Pro Welding is Insulated bibs,
jackets, hats, gloves,
Public Hearing Notice in compliance after receiving Donahue’s cease & desist notice. Oberlin, OH 44074 socks & heavy shirts!
16901 St. Rt. 58,
Donahue reported that nothing had changed at the Gresho prop-
The LaGrange Township Board of Zoning Appeals will erty. He will wait until after dumpster day to pursue further HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10-5 HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10-5
Check • Cash • Plastic
hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at the action.
Township Hall, 113 South Center Street, LaGrange at 7 pm. PHS treasurer Jackie Johnson placed a 4-H plaque of Bill
This hearing is to consider a request by Ronald Farkas, Andrew’s father in the 4-H display cabinet. She discussed a
19021 Vermont Street, Grafton to erect an eight-foot fence flyer that she had received regarding food boxes for seniors
on permanent parcel #1500091000004 around a barn. The that were unable to get to the store. The flyer advised that this
maximum height allowed by Zoning Regulations is six feet. program would serve southern townships, but no notice was re- Beyond 2000
He will be asking for a variance in height of two feet. ceived by Penfield. She spoke with Katie Bevan of LCPH who
The public is welcome to attend advised that this is a pilot program and they are only currently
By order of the Board of Zoning Appeals of LaGrange serving Huntington Township. Michelle Carson
Township, Roberta Moore, Fiscal Officer Trustee Gordon reported that they had dug up the front lawn Office: 440-842-7200
at the site of the leak and found no obvious large problem, but Cell: 216-716-9942
several small issues were discovered and repaired. A French [email protected]
drain was installed and the area will be watched for a period of With over 30 years
time for new leaks prior to grading & seeding. Trustee Gordon
mapped out this area and the drawing will be placed in the map of finance/real estate
cabinet with all other blueprints and plans. Trustee Gordon ad- experience!
Holiday Special vised that the Jones Rd. culvert work will begin Wednesday and Call Michelle
$25 OFF the road will be closed for approximately three days. TODAY
Trustee Johnson reported that the George Fabian burial will
with $75 session be held on Saturday and that a footer has been poured for the
Exp. 12-31-18 Buell family. Johnson advised that SLCAD has signed Skip
Gentry to a three-year contract. A Cemetery work session was DOING MORE FROM
discussed. FOR SALE SOLD
Trustee Conrad reported that Michael Sweet called and
scheduled the final lawn care treatment for the Town Hall & That’s the sign of a RE/MAX agent!
Cemetery on October 20. Conrad will call to reschedule due
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Page 11
Power Clear 518ZR Power Clear 721
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Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Nine seeks loving home
Wellington NEWS Meet Nine! One of the
[email protected] I want to take a moment and thank students, staff and par- absolute most lovable kittens
ents for a great first marking period. Let’s set our goals for the I have ever met. Why hasnt
Nine been adopted yet? Well
Winter coat/apparel drive second marking period even higher. As the Thanksgiving hol- you see, Nine tested positive
iday approaches, I wanted to let you all know how grateful I
am for your support. It’s been wonderful to see our students for FeLV and requires to be
Wellington High School is partnering with Schlather Insur- engaged in the classroom. We have a lot of great things going the ONLY cat in the home.
ance Company for a winter coat and apparel drive. on in our district. Hopes are that he tests neg-
Winter coats, hats, gloves and scarves are being accepted Wellington was well-represented at the recent American ative as he gets older, but
and will be distributed to Wellington students in grades Pre-K Heart Association’s STEM Goes Red for Girls event in Cleve- since that is not guaranteed,
through 12 who may not have these items for the upcoming land, introducing girls to STEM careers. Many of our teachers we have to accept that his
winter season incorporate STEM activities in the classroom and we also offer fate may be short lived. In the
Please make sure donated items are cleaned prior to do- students opportunities after school. mean time, he needs a home
nation. Items can be dropped off at Wellington High School, Wellington High School senior, Gabby Dobbins, has been that will love him as he will
located at 629 N. Main Street, in Wellington, or at Schlather selected to attend and sing at Carnegie Hall in New York City for sure reciprocate that love
Insurance Company, 149 E. Herrick Ave., in Wellington. Items in February. She was nominated by choir director, Mrs. Arcuri. 10x over!
are being accepted until November 16. Gabby went through an audition process to earn her way in, but All cats receive one or
If anyone is aware of students/families with an immediate she needs our help! If you would like to make a donation, go to more vaccinations, a basic
need for these items, please contact the high school at (440) veterinary examination, are
647-3734. Our middle school will be participating in the upcoming Ac- wormed and spayed/neutered
Herrick Memorial Library ademic Challenge competition hosted by the Educational Ser- and feline leukemia tested. Nine
Kittens under a year old are
vice Center of Lorain County. The competition will take place
Library Board Meeting - Tuesday, November 13, at 10:30 over the next few weeks at McCormick Middle School. $60 and cats over a year are ever home, please call the
only $25. Senior cats (8 years
Friendship Animal Protec-
Vote for Wellington High School in the National Red Rib-
a.m., the Herrick Memorial Library Board of Trustees will hold bon Photo Contest! The students created a design based on the and up) are FREE for people tive League at (440) 322-
their monthly board meeting in the library’s boardroom. This video game, Ms. Pacman. The red ribbon is displayed on her 60 years and up. All kittens/ 4321. The shelter is locat-
meeting is open to the public. bow and takes the place of the “fruit” on various parts of the cats over 3 months old are ed at 8303 Murray Ridge
Play and Learn - Tuesday mornings, November 13, 20 & also micro-chipped.
27, from 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Children ages 0-4 and their care- board, which earns a player bonus points when eaten. Ms. Pac- If you would like to give Road, in Elyria. (www.
man needs to eat all of the pellets, which represent the positive
givers can enjoy an unstructured play time with a variety of aspects of your life journey when you travel drug-free, such as Nine a new, loving, for-
fun, developmentally appropriate toys that encourage literacy college, career, family, laughter, joy, etc. The ghosts, which she
and learning. This is a great opportunity for the adults and chil- must avoid in order to stay alive, represent texting & driving, Historical Speaker Series
dren to socialize with each other. No registration is required. alcohol, drugs, vaping, etc. The score represents our current
Read To Putter - Wednesdays, November 14 & 21, from 3-4 Don’t miss more fantastic performances with the Bicen-
p.m. Putter visits the library to listen to children as they read. year, 2018, and the students insisted that she only have one tennial Historical Speaker Series. All performances are free to
“life” at the bottom, as we all only get one life and must make
The children can spend 15 minutes reading a book or story to the most of it by making good choices and staying drug-free. the public and begin at 7 p.m. at the Patricia Lindley Center
the library’s friend, Putter, and build their reading skills. Put- The showcase is right in front of the main entrance at the high for Performing Arts, 627 N. Main Street, in Wellington. Doors
ter is a registered therapy dog that absolutely adores listening school for all to see when they enter the school. To vote, go to open at 6:30 p.m. Come learn and be entertained!
to a good story. He does not mind if the child makes reading; click on the “school decorations” category, Tuesday, November 13 - Tim Simonson, Myron T Herrick
mistakes. Stop in to reserve a reading spot or call the library at scroll down to the search bar and enter our school name or city. - Tim will share stories about the extraordinary life of Myron
(440) 647-2120. Voting ends Nov. 16. T. Herrick, including the creation of the Herrick Memorial Li-
Afternoon Book Discussion - Thursday, November 15, brary, his ties to Cleveland and Herrick’s success as the Am-
The next Dialogue with the Board takes place from 8:30-
from 2-3 p.m. The afternoon book group will discuss the book 10:30 a.m. at Bread-N-Brew in downtown Wellington. Fea- bassador to France. Tim also enjoys speaking engagements on
Carnegie’s Maid, by Marie Benedict. People interested in par- tured topic is “Student Life & Activities” with Board of Educa- The American Revolution, The Ford Model T and History of
ticipating in the discussion can check out a copy of the book at tion members Dan Rosecrans and Brett Murner in attendance. American Clocks.
the library. Your Board of Education is in the final steps of editing a Saturday, December 8 - Bicentennial Gala and the debut
Teen Gaming Day - Saturday, November 24, from 1-4 of Wellington: Then and Now - Dave Conklin and Dottie Cian-
p.m. The library is hosting a teen & tween gaming event in multi-year strategic plan, which includes exciting new goals for ciola are producing the documentary, “Wellington: Then and
all of our schools, departments, employees and students. We
the Community Room. Teens & tweens, ages 10-17, can spend will have more to share soon! Now.” With the help of the Applied Communications students
the Saturday afternoon after Thanksgiving playing some of the The next meeting of the Board of Education will take place at Wellington High School, the team is developing a video in-
library’s video games and board games with their friends. At- Nov. 20 at 6 p.m. at Wellington High School. trospection of our community and the events and people who’ve
tendees are encouraged to bring their favorite games to share Best of luck to our Winter Sport athletes as they prepare for given it life throughout its 200-year history. Refreshments will
with the group. Register at the library or by calling (440) 647- the upcoming season. GO DUKES! be available following the showing of the documentary.
2120. Ed Weber, Superintendent, Wellington Exempted Village
Writers Group - The Wellington Writers Group meets every “The Wonderous Gift”
other Thursday at the library. The next meeting is on November Schools Office: (440) 647-4286, Email: eweber@wellington.
29. Upcoming on December 13 is our annual Christmas group Live Nativity Performance
meeting at the home of one of our members. It will be a Pot Holiday Gifts from the
Luck supper and inlcude the reading of our 2018 Christmas Sunday, Nov. 25 at 6pm
short stories. Please call for more information. Registration Arbor Day Foundation
is a must for this special meeting date. Join this group if you Howk Park, 115 Willard Memorial Square in Wellington
have a passion for writing in all venues. Bring samples of your Celebrate this year’s hol- for thinking about others and
writing to share with the group. New members are welcome. iday season with friends and as you do, take a moment Join us for Dinner Before!
Registration is encourage. To register, call the library at (440) loved ones while supporting to think about what you can
647-2120. conservation and tree plant- do to protect the beauty and First Congregational Church
ResCare Job Fair - Friday, November 30, from 10 a.m. - 3 ing with the help of the Arbor splendor of the earth,” said
p.m. ResCare of Wellington is holding a job fair at the library, Day Foundation. Matt Harris, Chief Executive (Across from Howk Park)
in the library’s Community Room, for full and part-time posi- •Returning for the ninth of the Arbor Day Foundation. will serve a meal for $8 from 4:00 - 5:30pm.
tions. ResCare is excited to share an opportunity for you to help season in a row, Give-A-Tree “We encourage everyone to Reserve your Meal ticket now at 440-371-7103
those in need to achieve their highest level of independence. cards from the Arbor Day give gifts that will have a
ResCare LPN’s and Direct Support Professionals assist in the Foundation offer a unique lasting impact for generations
daily activities for the intellectually and developmentally dis- holiday giving opportunity to come.”
abled. Contact Phaedra Hess, Human Resources Specialists, at with conservation benefits To purchase holiday gifts
(440) 365-3245 or email [email protected] for more that will endure for gener- that give back to the planet,
information. ations. And again this year, visit
Give-A-Tree cards can be
purchased individually and
with customized text. Cards
can be purchased for $5.95.
•Purchasing the Arbor
Day Foundation’s coffee
helps preserve rain forests in
Central and South America.
The Foundation’s coffee, a
part of the Rain Forest Res-
cue program, is shade-grown
under the canopy of Latin
Holiday American rain forests. Un-
like sun-grown coffee farms,
Open House this traditional shade-grown
method gives the coffee a
rich and delicious flavor. Cost
Thurs - Nov. 15th, 11am- 5pm per bag is $16.44, including
Fri - Nov. 16th, 11am- 5pm •The Foundation’s “Trees Carpentry Limited
Sat - Nov. 17th, 11am-5pm in Celebration” program al-
Many unique items for that lows the giver to honor loved
ones while supporting crucial
Special Person conservation efforts. For each
also Gourmet Teas, Coffee, dollar donated, one tree is
Jellies, Jams & Dips planted in a high-need forest
and recipients are given a cer-
tificate showing them where
Refreshments/Gift Drawing the trees were planted.
& 10% OFF Purchases! •Give the gift of mem-
bership with the Arbor Day
42925 Jones Rd., Wellington Foundation and recipients
440-647-2045 will be sent 10 free trees,
which will be shipped at the
Hrs: Thurs - Sat 11-5 right time of year for plant-
[email protected] ing. Membership levels vary
and begin with a $10 contri-
bution. • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
“The holidays are a time
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Page 13
“I really love my Remodeled Home!”“I really love my Remodeled Home!”
“I really love my Remodeled Home!” really love my Remodeled Home!”
As Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz famously said, “There is no place like home.” There is something magical about home. It’s where we
experience in all their richness the precious moments, memories, and relationships that matter so much.
I imagine for many of us, our home was the best combination of location, benefits, and features that we could find and afford at the time we
purchased it. However, it probably wasn’t perfectly suited to us or our needs may have changed over time.
Cable TV is packed with shows touting the latest and greatest trends in remodeling that offer us greater comfort, enjoyment, usefulness, and
security in our homes. Yet, they also show, sometimes in shocking detail, the potential pitfalls and problems that remodeling our homes may bring
into our life.
This contrast can leave us wanting newer features but unsure of the best way to incorporate them into our homes. Fortunately, I have a
I have written a pamphlet entitled “Guide to a Great Remodeling Experience.” It is free to you on our website at It
- Directions for deciding whether to remodel or move
- Steps to developing your plan and budget
- Questions to use to interview a remodeler
- An outline of our proven method for an Exceptional Remodeling Experience
I offer this pamphlet for free because I love helping people get the most out of their home. I love my home and the feelings it gives me.
When I sit on my couch, I can look out the bright windows to my back yard or through the kitchen to the front door. Everything is neat, tidy, and
open, and it allows me to relax and enjoy my time with my wife. I want those same feelings for everyone.
As a result, I also offer a FREE consultation with you in your home to talk about your remodeling project, what your goals are for your home,
and look at the best ways to accomplish those goals. I follow it up with a verbal ballpark estimate of the remodeling costs that gives you realistic
expectations so that you can make an informed decision.
Don’t be surprised if I suggest an alternative that you may have never considered to be feasible. Don Jason Remodeling has been in
business for 42 years, so I have the experience to know what can and cannot be done within the limits of your home.
If you are looking for a quality job completed by conscientious and considerate workers in a timely manner for a fair and fixed price, I would
love to help you. The best way to start the process is by downloading the “Guide to a Great Remodeling Experience” and by calling us at (440)
365-0303 to set up your FREE consultation with me, Don Jason.
I’m looking forward to meeting you and helping you make your dreams for your home a reality.
Don on Jason, Jason, PresidentPresident
Don Don Jason, Jason, PresidentPresident
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Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Free Genetic Cancer Screenings Writers Bunch - Tuesday, November 20, at 5 p.m. Test
Grafton NEWS your skills and make new writing friends, Come join us for
assignments, critiquing and snacks. This group meets the first
Free genetic cancer screenings for eligible Medicare
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 beneficiaries will be available at Grafton Health, Fitness and and third Tuesdays of the month. Registration is not required.
[email protected] Events Center, November 12-16, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. To Coloring Escape Nights - Tuesday, November 20, at 6 p.m.
see if you are eligible, complete a questionnaire at: www. Homework have you stressed? Feeling down and out? Come to
the Teen Zone to color your cares away on the first and third
Old Fashioned Christmas Tuesday of each month through December.
For more information, contact Calvin Campbell at (419)
Genealogy Group - Wednesday, November 28, at 1 p.m.
The annual traditional Old Fashioned Christmas event is 632-4890. Family history and genealogy materials can be unique, delicate
shutting down Main Street on Friday evening, December 7, and irreplaceable. Learn more about methods to handle, store,
from 6-8 p.m., south of the railroad tracks. The theme is A Grafton Village Council preserve, digitize and organize your family history or genealogy
Christmas Carol. Scrooge and Santa are scheduled to appear. materials in the most effective and safe fashion possible. This
There will be grilled hot dogs, chili and sweet goodies. Musi- program will include a lecture and additional time for group
cians, the Spotlight Singers and choirs will be entertaining and discussion and individual research.
you can watch the ice carvers work their magic. There will also Newly appointed Councilman Tim Strah joined the rest Monthly Book Discussion - Wednesday, November 28, at
be crafts, BINGO and face painting. Don’t forget about raffles of council for their meeting on November 6. The first item of 10 a.m. or Thursday, November 29, at 6:30 p.m. Please join
and freebies. Community groups and Grafton businesses are business was to swear in 2 new part-time patrol officers. Fire us for our monthly book discussion! For November, we will
participating. Chief Randy Kimbro then gave the fire report. Councilwoman be reading and talking about The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, by
Salvation Army Christmas sign-up Lynette Kitts expressed her concerns over response times for Gabrielle Zevin. Copies of the book are available to pick up
ambulance calls, especially during daytime hours. Grafton’s
from the library front desk. Light refreshments will be served.
The Grafton Salvation Army is proud to announce the response time is approximately 15-18 minutes for the volunteer We meet in the Doris Wildenheim Local History room on the
launching of its annual Christmas Toy & Food Drive. As in the EMTs. Kimbro explained the volunteers must first grab what second floor of the library.
A Christmas Story Breakout Room - Thursday, November
past, the collection locations will be the Grafton United Meth- is needed and/or dress appropriately, then drive to the station 29, at 3:30 p.m. Oh, fudge! The beloved and slightly, or
odist Church, at 937 Mechanic Street, between 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. before going to the emergency location. The national standard seriously, dysfunctional Parker family’s story of leg lamps,
and Grafton City Hall during business hours. The toys will be for a volunteer response is 20 minutes, according to Kimbro. bunny suits and BB guns is in danger! Turner Broadcasting is
collected until December 16. Also discussed were possible delays between 911 calls being considering locking the film away in its movie vault for the next
Families living in the Midview School District wishing help received and responders being dispatched. Options to lower
for Christmas assistance should apply by letter (no phone calls response times and serve the community better were already decade or two. Can you imagine a Christmas season without 24
hours of A Christmas Story? Solve all the clues, unlock the box
please) with the following information: child’s name and age, being reviewed by Kimbro and the mayor. Five new EMTs are and save the Christmas classic we all love! There just might be
proof of residency, proof of child guardianship for your chil- expected to be ready to join the staff soon. Lifecare ambulance a major award waiting for you!
dren up to age 12 and proof of household income. Make sure service does cover Grafton and are called when needed. Grafton Craft Swap - Thursday, November 29, at 5 p.m. Revamp
you enclose your phone number so we can contact you when to police officers have limited medical equipment in their vehicles your craft collection without spending money! Between
pick up your toys and food. On the day of pick-up, please bring and many have had medical training. Council then approved an November 1-26, drop off your gently used crafting materials
valid photo ID. additional $10,000 to cover expenses listed in the fire report. and on November 29, shop for new-to-you items. Anyone who
Please mail all requests by November 30 to: The Salva- The next item on the agenda was the first reading of an
tion Army, Grafton Unit, 937 Mechanic Street, Grafton, Ohio ordinance which would increase the water and sewer rates to donates crafting supplies (fabric, paper, yarn, ribbon, etc.) will
receive a ticket for early admission the day of the swap. Event
44044. residents by 5%. Council is reviewing the proposed ordinance. opens to the public at 6 p.m. Remember to bring a tote bag for
Thank you for making 2018 another joyous Christmas for In other business, council voted: to repair a water line and its
families in the Midview District. lateral connections; to enter into an agreement with Carlisle all your found goodies!
AARP Tax Aide Program
Township for the purpose of returning property tax money
Horse Rescue’s Snacks with Santa disbursed to Grafton by mistake; to begin the bid process for February 1, 2019 is just around the corner and that is the
sewer plant improvements; and to close village hall on Friday,
We welcome you to join the horses of Angels Haven Horse November 23, the day after Thanksgiving. day the AARP Tax Aide Program will start to file for free, your
Rescue for our annual Snacks with Santa and the horses event. Council then went into an executive session to discuss the federal, state and school district tax returns electronically for
The event is on Sunday, December 2, from 1-4:30 p.m. at purchase of property from the State of Ohio on State Route 83 2018. This is a program ran in conjunction with the IRS and it
Evergreen Farm, located at 13297 Durkee Road, in Grafton. and economic development. Council returned to public session is offered to seniors, families and singles with low to moderate
Take a break from shopping and come enjoy horse/pony rides, and passed resolutions to purchase the land, which is within incomes.
horse visits, Santa, snacks, games and prizes, all for a $10 the village limits. They also passed a resolution to enter into an The wheel that makes this turn is volunteerism. We are in
donation ($5 if you are simply snacking). Bring a camera for agreement with Eitri Foundry, LLC, who will lease the land and need of volunteers who would be willing to volunteer at one
photo opportunities. deliver electrical energy. or more of our 11 sites in the Lorain County area. New volun-
We will also offer summer horse camp information and gas The next meeting is scheduled for November 20. teers have to attend classes at St. Teresa’s Church Hall, 1878
raffle tickets will be present for $5 each. We sell 500 tickets and Grafton Village History Abbe Road, in Sheffield, on January 14 & 17 and January 22-
one lucky winner receives a $500 gas card to a station of their 23, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Once you have completed your classes,
choice, with 2nd place being a $50 card. November has arrived with its palettes of color and a billion, you will be required to take an IRS test to become certified.
Come have some fun and support a great cause! Please call Advanced classes for volunteers who are returning will be Jan-
Heidi at (440) 781-5060 if you have any questions or would trillion falling leaves. Village leaf pickup starts November 7th. uary 7-10, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. as well. They also will be having
The memorial bricks in Water Tower Park have been
like to sell gas card tickets. All proceeds benefit the rescue removed and are stored indoors. Come spring, they will be computer classes later in the month if that is something you
horses and help pay for horse feed, natural supplements, stall cleaned and relocated. This move has been made to facilitate would like to do as well.
bedding, veterinary and farrier care. the removal of the original water tower. Members of the former Please consider joining us. We receive a great amount of
Grafton Midview Kiwanis Club, again, offers thanks to our pleasure helping fellow Lorain County residents be able to ac-
cess this free service.
villagers, businesses and groups for your participation in the Please go to or call Lee-
KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS 2001 Water Tower project. anne Wright at (440) 281-8822 to volunteer.
History: In the early 1900’s, just north of today’s library,
GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY Lot 67, in a small double-room building, Frank Howard and T.
M. Pfeiffer had a confectionary store (ice cream) and Jim Tran Restaurant
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ a grocery. When Mr. Pfeiffer moved to Wellington, Howard & Pub Since 1983
bought him out and then partnered with Tran.
In 1910, needing to enlarge, the partners moved next door.
Hours By Appointment This lot (68) was originally planned to hold an IOOF (Odd 423 N. Main St, Grafton
419 NORTH MAIN STREET Fellows ) Hall. Mr. Webber, a builder, had dug a basement 926-2621
when the deal fell thru. Lot owner, Mrs. Angeline Tran Robson,
GRAFTON, OHIO hired men from Pittsfield to build the double building. Then, Open: Tues - Sat from 4pm
440-926-2705 the story goes, rented it to the partners. A hitching rail, made of
pipe, was in front of the store. To be continued.
Doris Wildenheim 926-2956
Grafton-Midview Library FRIDAYS 4-6 pm $10.95
514 N. Main St. Grafton
440-926-1445 For more information or to register for programs, stop
into the library at 983 Main Street, call (440) 926-3317 or log
onto Registration is required for most SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!
Come out and try Grafton programs.
Magic: The Gathering in the Library - Tuesday, November
Subway Breakfast! 13, at 5 p.m. Are you a Magic player? If so, bring your deck and
play with other teens at the library. We will meet the 2nd Tues.
You might be surprised of each month through Dec. No registration required. SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
on how much you like it. Inspirational Book Club - Wednesday, November 14, at Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
noon. Join facilitator Peggy Wyar for a lively discussion of a programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
different inspiring book each month. Feel free to bring your
Enjoy a FREE COFFEE with your breakfast! lunch! The title for November’s meeting is The Prayer Box, 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
by Lisa Wingate. Copies of the title will be available at the The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
Customer Service desk in advance of the meeting, while drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
supplies last. These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
Anime & Manga Society - Wednesday, November 14,
3:30 p.m. Join the Society as we watch Anime, draw Manga, 11/13 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise
participate in Japan themed activities and have Japan themed Class being instructed by Debi’s
snacks and drinks. Please register by the Mon. before the
meeting to help us determine the amount of snacks needed. Personal Training with fruit and
Baby Playtime - Thursdays, November 15 & 29, at 10 a.m. juice for participants.
Bring your little one for playtime at the Library! We will have
special play mats, games and activities. For kids birth to 3. A 11/20 at 2:00 pm Senior
Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical, great way to learn and socialize for baby and grown-up! Exercise Class being
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances Dads & Donuts - Saturday, November 17, at 11 a.m. Dads
are invited to bring their little dudes or dudettes to the library instructed by Debi’s Personal
Grafton Wellington for a father and child storytime. We will celebrate your special Training with fruit and juice for
35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St bond with stories, songs, crafts, and - of course - donuts! participants.
Registration is required.
440-926-3312 440-647-6010 Coding Club - Monday, November 19, at 3 p.m. Come and
join us as we explore the world of coding, build cool projects • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
and have fun! We will meet in the Teen Zone and learn together the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
how to build simple computer programs, create animation, • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen play with tech toys and more. No experience necessary to Manager for additional information.
participate. Seating is limited. Register promptly.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Page 15
Grafton Twp. NEWS
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774
[email protected]
Public Zoning meeting
The Grafton Township Zoning Commission will hold a pub-
lic zoning meeting at the Grafton Township Hall, located at
17109 Avon Belden Road, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 20.
The Zoning Commission will be reviewing the existing fencing
regulations and discussing other issues and concerns as they
come up.
Sheriff's Incident Report
for Grafton Township
The Lorain County Sheriff has released the incident report Now Offering Race Fuel!
for the month of October in Grafton Township.
On October 2, deputies aided in a disabled vehicle situation
on State Route 83, investigated a suspicious condition at the in- 110 Sunoco Standard
tersection of State Routes 303 & 83 and responded to a custody
dispute call on State Route 303. A fraud call was received from 112 Sunoco Supreme
a State Route 83 resident on October 5. The next day, deputies
responded to an assault call at a different State Route 83 ad-
dress. A premise check on a Law Road property was conducted Sunoco GT 100
on October 7 and a suspicious condition was called in by a
Haystacks Drive resident on October 9. CAFÉ NOW OFFERING MORE!
A follow-up investigation was conducted on October 11 on
Island Road. A suspicious condition call was received from •French Fries •Onion Rings
a State Route 57 resident on October 12. A protection order
was violated on October 13 on State Route 303. Calls to the Holiday Party? •Mozzarella Sticks •Jalapeno Poppers
Sheriff’s Office for violation of a protection order were made •Polish Boys •Chicken Strip Basket
regarding the same location on October 19 & 20 as well. A 6 Foot Party Subs Available •Shrimp Basket
Dellwood Road resident was locked out on October 16 and a
follow up investigation was made on State Route 57 on October (1 Day Notice Please) And More!
17. A new call was recorded on Cowley Road on October 19.
Deputies made a traffic stop at the intersection of Grafton
Road and E. Crook Street on October 20. All was quiet until Momma Mary’s Homemade Hummus
October 26, when the deputies assisted another agency at the
intersection of State Routes 57 and 303. A theft was report- BEST HUMMUS
ed on Neff Road, a suspicious condition was investigated on $
Law Road W and an alarm call was made on Grafton Road, all IN ALL OF
on October 27. A suspicious condition call was received from
Chamberlain Road on October 29. The last calls of the month ANY SUB OR CLEVELAND!
were on October 30. Deputies investigated a suspicious condi-
tion at the intersection of Law Road E and State Route 83, dealt SANDWICH AS
with an abandoned vehicle on State Route 83 and responded to With coupon. Cannot be combined with other SEEN
a domestic violence/dispute on Cowley Road. offers or discounts. Expires 11-30-18. ON
NORTH EATON PHILLY Delicious Gourmet Style
35040 E. Royalton Rd. CHEESE Subs & Sandwiches!
North Eaton STEAK
With coupon. Cannot be combined with other
offers or discounts. Expires 11-30-18.
FROM $ Westview Buffalo Corned Beef
11-4PM Roast Beef, Pastrami Chicken
6 Limit 2 & Bacon
With coupon. Cannot be combined with other Try us... You will come back!
offers or discounts. Expires 11-30-18.
Join Our rewards. Start
earning points For A FREE Sandwich! 9796 Columbia Rd., East River Rd. Columbia Rd.
EBT Accepted (Corner of Columbia & Sprague Rd.
We Sell Fishing Bait! @SunocoCafe
Four Keys Restaurant Lu’s Pizza
Mon-Sat 3pm-Close 935 MAIN STREET • GRAFTON
House Special Make your Holidays Simple! 926-2171
Large 2 topping pizza, Catering for 21 years to businesses,
churches, families & friends.
8 wings & 2-liter for $19.99 Carryout-Delivery-Dine In PIZZA - SPAGHETTI - SALADS
Spiral Hams & Whole Turkeys available CHICKEN WINGS - CALZONES
Homemade Specials Daily!
2 LARGE (12”) $ 99
SERVING Lu’s Pizza. Not valid with any other offer. With coupon.
BEVERAGES! 2 LARGE (12”) $ 99
Like us on Facebook 14EXP 11/30/18
for Daily Specials! Come visit our Friday Night Buffet Lu’s Pizza. Not valid with any other offer. With coupon.
Delivery and Carryout available 3940 Avon Lake Road, Litchfield
34501 E Royalton Rd. Columbia Station 440-236-8688 Best Prime Rib in Medina County! Hours: Sun 3-9, Mon-Wed 4-10,
Mon-Sat: 6am-9pm & Sun: 6am-2:30pm Thurs 11-10, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Medina County Park District Donations Sought - Donations of furniture and household
Carlisle NEWS goods are still actively being sought. Furniture items will be
previewed by volunteers prior to acceptance for donation; tax
[email protected] Tuesday, November 20: receipts will be provided. Arrangements can be made to pick up
Get to Know Your Parks - Princess Ledges Nature Preserve,
from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Learn more about the Medina County large furniture or fragile donations, free of charge from some
locations in northern Ohio (donations to help defray the cost of
36 Lorain County High School Park District as we discuss park history, natural resources and movers are greatly appreciated). Those interested in contribut-
future projects. Hikes count toward the Trekking through Au-
ing items for the sale should contact the Warehouse Sale Team
Art Exhibit tumn program. All ages are welcome. No registration required. at (216) 255-9090.
Note: The agency is unable to accept bedding, books, cloth-
The 36th Lorain County High School Art Exhibit is currently Saturday, November 24: ing, cribs and car seats, small electronics, small and major ap-
going on at the Elyria Public Library West River Branch, locat- Holiday Card Making - Wolf Creek Environmental Cen- pliances, medical supplies, sporting goods, children’s toys and
ed at 1194 West River Rd., in Elyria. The show runs through ter, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Everyone appreciates a thoughtful gift. games, computers and related hardware, mattresses and box
November 16 and is open to visitors from 5-6:30 p.m. Partici- Get a jump on the holidays with handmade cards. Drop in to springs, televisions and stuffed animals.
pating schools include: Amherst Steel HS, Columbia HS, Elyria make cards for any holiday, including birthdays or Christmas. Hospice of the Western Reserve warehouse sales are held
HS, Firelands HS, Keystone HS, Midview HS, N. Ridgeville There will also be a station set up for children to make cards. periodically throughout the year. To receive notice of upcoming
HS, Oberlin HS and Open Door Christian School. All ages are welcome. No registration required. Free. sales, send an email to [email protected] or visit
Sunday, November 25:
Holiday Toy Drive Environmental Center, from 3-4 p.m. This is a great opportu- for a schedule. For a list of up-
Photographers of the Parks Club Meeting - Wolf Creek
coming sales, visit
Help Lorain County kids get a gift this Christmas and make nity for nature photo enthusiasts to share knowledge with like Clara seeks loving home
the holidays special for others. The Educational Service Center minded folks, gain special access to programs and events re-
of Lorain County and the Elyria Township Fire Department are lated to photography and support the park district. Both begin- is spayed, microchipped and
sponsoring a gift drive for the Boys & Girls Club of Lorain ner and advanced photographers are invited to participate. The all caught up on her vaccines.
County. Please drop off unwrapped gifts for children ages 6-18. club will emphasize, but not be limited to, nature photography. Clara and her one-week old
Gift cards are a great option for older children. The gifts will No registration required. For more information, please contact puppies came in to rescue
be delivered to the Lorain Palace Theater, via ambulance, on Shelley at (330) 239-4814 or [email protected]. Ages 16 after being abandoned. Her
December 14. to adult. babies were all adopted and
Drop-off locations are: Lorain County ESC, 1885 Lake Av- Register for programs at it’s now her turn! She’s a
enue, Elyria, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Elyria Town- sweet girl who loves to play!
ship Fire Department, 41416 Griswold Road, Elyria, daily from Hospice of the Western Reserve She is full of energy and pre-
7 a.m. - 7 p.m. fers being around a laid back
Warehouse Sale male dog. Clara loves kids, so
Clara we’re hoping her new home
has kids or grandchildren that
The next sale is scheduled for Friday, November 30, 8 a.m.
Clara is a 2-3 year-old fe-
- 4 p.m., and Saturday, December 1, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., at Hospice male. She is believed to be a visit!
of the Western Reserve Headquarters, 17876 St. Clair Ave., in Chihuahua/Terrier of some To meet Clara, call Mic-
Cleveland. Whether it’s sprucing up a home, staging a proper- kind, weighing 20 lbs. Clara ci with Safe Harbor Animal
ty, locating a ‘like new’ desk for a student or finding a dining Rescue at (440) 670-7070.
room table large enough for holiday gatherings, Hospice of the
Western Reserve’s Warehouse Sale is the place to be to find
gently used home furnishings, accents and accessory pieces -
all priced at a fraction of their original retail prices!
Keep in touch with your community In addition to furniture, framed artwork and lamps, the se-
Visit: lection often includes matching sets of fine china, glassware,
Paid for by The Lorain County Commissioners and LCSWMD antiques, jewelry, collectibles and one-of-a-kind treasures. The
proceeds not only support seriously ill patients and their fami-
lies, but veterans in need of specialized care, grief and trauma
counseling in schools and other community-based programs
provided by the non-profit agency throughout northern Ohio.
Cash and major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, Discover and
American Express) are accepted for payment (no checks). Am- 440-986-2665
ple parking is available in the Hospice of the Western Reserve 9072 Leavitt Rd.
parking lot (follow the “Warehouse Sale” signs).
Elyria, OH 44035 [email protected]
FALL “Head over Heels”
with our
Great Prices!
Fabulous, Plush ** $1.99
Installation & Cushion at NO Extra Cost! IN-STOCK PER SQ FT.
$100 OFF
Any Flooring Purchase
Coupon must be presented at time of initial price quote. Purchases over $1,000 before tax
qualify. Prior sales excluded. Not valid with any other offer. Closeouts & advertised specials
do not qualify. Limit one per purchase. Expires 11-24-18.
Amherst 440.986.2469 46125 Telegraph Rd, Rte 113
Elyria 440.365.8351 130 Market Dr. (next to Home Depot) *Financing available with approved credit on purchases of $500 or more.
Minimum payments required. See store for details
**Minimum labor charges apply, steps and custom work additional.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Page 17
Model #435 Model #445
• X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to 20% • X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to
and emissions up to 60% 20% and emissions up to 60%
• Air Injection™ removes up to 97% of debris before it • Air Injection™ removes up to 97% of debris before
enters the filter it enters the filter
• 41 cc, 9.2 lbs without bar • 45.7 cc, 10.8 lbs without bar
& chain, 13”-18” bar & chain, 16”-18” bar
$ 269 95 $ 339 95
Model #450
• X-Torq¨ Engine Reduces Fuel Consumption Up To
20% and Emissions Up To 60%
• Air Injection
• 50.2 cc, 11.2 lbs Without Bar and Chain,
16”-20” Bar
$ 379 95
Model #455 Rancher Model #460 Rancher
• X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to 20% • X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to 20%
and emissions up to 60% and emissions up to 60%
• LowVib® anti-vibration system minimizes fatigue • LowVib® anti-vibration system minimizes fatigue
• Smart Start® • Air Injection™ removes up to 97% of debris before it
• 55.5 cc, 12.8 lbs without bar enters the filter
& chain, 16”-20” bar • 60.3 cc, 12.8 lbs without bar
& chain, 18”-24” bar
$ 449 95 $ 519 95
Hand-held Blowers Backpack Blowers
Model 125B Model 125BVX Model 350BT
• 1.1hp Engine, 9.4lbs • with Smart Start and LowVib ® • Same as above but with
• Cruise control • Blower Vac Cruise Control
• Adjustable tube length • LowVib ®
• Up to 170mph Air speed $ 199 95 • Up to 180mph Air Speed
$ 149 95 $ 329 95
Model 525BX Model 580BTS
• 1.14hp X-Torq Engine, 9.48lbs • 4.3hp X-Torq Engine, 25lbs
• Cruise control • High blowing capacity
• Adjustable tube length • Air Injection
• Up to 192mph Air speed • Cruise Control
• Commercial Grade • Up to 206mph Air speed
$ 269 95 $ 549 95
FINANCING Mon-Fri 8-5,
For Qualified Buyers.
See dealer for details SINCE 1979
1007 Parsons Road,Grafton, OH 44044 | 440-926-2880 • 440-926-2881
Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018
Wright’s Catering Surplus Specializing in aluminum & ce- Dedicated tradesman operat- R&K Builders
ing a small, local construction,
dar siding refinishing, decks,
(Built by Amish)
Liquidation Auction wood homes, fences. We do home improvement service for Quality Buildings at
30+ years is looking to provide
it all. www.valuetimepainting.
caretaking upkeep and resto-
com. Call Terry, 440-444-5075.
Affordable Prices
November 16th, 10:00am Licensed & insured. Elyria, OH ration of a small farm, or for Horse Barns • Garages
an owner with multiple prop-
erties, to provide maintenance
11440 Avon Belden Rd., Grafton OH 44044 Akc German Shepherd pups work in exchange for modest, & Riding Arenas
natural and rural country-like
living space. Honest, caring,
*24’x24’ stage, 200+ pieces of ready to go! $875, 440-529- conscientious, easy going, Commercial &
friendly, quality craftsmanship
Commercial Cooking Equipment, Vehicles* All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster with pride. Fond of Lorain Residential
Rd., Litchfield, 330-648-9509. County & its history. Please 330-473-9927
For a full listing Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced contact me if we can meet, dis-
cuss and collaborate! Whether
exercise yards, custom care.
and Pictures visit $20 per day. Grooming now a place or project, will aim to
please! Jeffrey Porter, 216-
Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding
Auction ID# 44410 SALES & SERVICES Estate Gold & MODERNIZE Remodeling Pole Barns • Windows • Doors •
SMALL DUMPSTERS Silver Exchange Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes
APPLIANCES HANDYMAN SERVICES for roofing, remodeling, etc. Buying Gold Jewelry, Diamonds, KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619
Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
Truck work available YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044
Good clean used appliances. Dump Truck plus a 20 ft. box CALL JASON’S SERVICES Old Coins, Pocket Watches,
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. trailer. Can deliver or haul or 440-926-3446 Anything Old
clean-up service. Fall clean- Call for service hours & CAREERS
AUTOS WANTED ups and snow removable. UPHOLSTERY private appointments
Downtown Elyria
440-506-8567 or 440- 739-0565.
Mike’s Hooker Service. We DAN’S UPHOLSTERY 230 2 St. • 440-323-4258
pay top dollar for all unwant- HELP WANTED over 30 yrs. experience 440-506-0334
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free Full Upholstery
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, Experienced heavy duty truck Cushion Refills AIRLINE
216-534-6514. mechanic needed, full-time, Furniture Repair
Oberlin. 440-759-1225 Call for free quote CAREERS
BUS TRIPS Part-time Custodian wanted on re-upholstery
at Columbia United Methodist 216-346-2682
Washington DC / Mount Vernon Church, 25453 Royalton Road, Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses
Bus Tour. Monuments, me- Columbia Station. Normal
morials, museums and more. custodial duties. Approx. 8-10 APPLIANCE, SALES & SERVICE coast to coast. Job placement assistance.
April 4-7,2019. $425pp / db / oc. hours per week. Please call Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly.
Sponsored by Wellington VFW church at 440-236-8822, leave
Post. Inquiries welcome! Call message and phone number Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance
440-315-7676 or 440-647-2190. and we will contact you. DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE
CLEANING We are looking to hire 60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s a part-time Advertising 41 YEARS IN BUSINESS
needs are different. We spe- Sales Representative. 433 OBERLIN RD.
cialize in catering to what your Experience a plus or ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 ELECTRICAL
needs are. Call Marcie today we can train the right 440-322-8170
for your free assessment ap- individual for this
pointment at 440-213-7527.
Over 13 years experience. position! J.A. Kilby Electrical
Please send resume to: ASPHALT, CONCRETE & STONE
FOR RENT The Rural-Urban Record Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
P.O. Box 966
Elyria: Newly remodeled 2 & Columbia Station, OH New Work-Replacement-Repairs
3 bedroom townhomes with 44028 RAM-CON LLC •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
new carpet, ceramic tile and Concrete & Excavating •Security & Camera Systems
hard wood floors. Appliances or email to:ruralurban@ ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE
included. $100 security de- WORK & DECORATIVE •Commercial Buildings •Parking Lot Lighting
posit; restrictions apply. Call STAMPED CONCRETE WORK 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
216-221-1333 . FREE ESTIMATES
Grafton, 2Bdr. apartment, no HOME IMPROVEMENT 440-935-7842 State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response
stairs. Security deposit. No
pets. 440-343-5898 Masonry step repairs, brick
work, stone veneer, tuck-point-
LaGrange, Pheasant Run, ing, retaining walls. No job too EXCAVATING
4Bdr., 2 bath, L.R., D.R., 2 car small. Pannell, 440-610-2541. Free
garage, carpet, tile, gas heat, Hart
fenced, deck, patio. $1,000 per Remodeling, siding, drywall Estimates
month. 216-316-1724 (hanging & finishing), win- J. A. KILBY ENT.
dows, decks. We do it all. 35
Wellington 3 bed. ranch style yrs. experience. www.val- Blacktop •Driveways
house with sunroom. Close to uetimepaintingandhomeim- •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
schools. Restrictions apply. Call Terry, Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
Call 440-935-1739. 440-444-5075. Licensed & • Parking Lots •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
Insured. •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation
HOUSES WANTED 800-619-7808 (24 hours) 440-327-3433
This year hay rolls, $20. Last
years hay rolls $10. Call 440- Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours)
830-9073. We Buy Houses [email protected] HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING
GOOD THINGS TO EAT Any Condition/Situation
216-906-4282 J. A. KILBY ENT.
Homemade Hungarian Nut,
Poppyseed and Pumpkin Gogettaproperties06@
Rolls. Order now for Thanks- Concrete • Masonry
giving. Call Mitzi at 440-236- Stamped Concrete
HALLS FOR RENT 440-327-3433
Rotary tiller service. Dump
AMVETS POST 32 trailer service available for 24 Hour Emergency Service
11087 Middle Ave., Elyria yard clean-up or construction. AUTO SERVICE
Call 216-701-2967
Capacity: Hall-250,
Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- 440-236-5543
Available for all occasions vice. Complete tree removal,
Call for pricing trimming, root feeding and 800-467-1275
and availability cleaning. Fully insured. FREE
440-458-8544 ESTIMATES. Firewood for COLUMBIA MARATHON OH LIC #23331
COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL sale. 440-236-3061.
25-120 Capacity
Catering Available LEGAL NOTICES
440-236-3323 Your Auto or Complete HOME IMPROVEMENT
FULL park with restrooms, 3 RE: Legal Notice of proper- Light Truck Full Mechanical
pavilions, air conditioned hall, ty sold in accordance with
for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange 5321.01 ET Sec of revised Service Center Repairs
Lions Club. 440-458-6781. code: Tenant has until 11/29/18 Let Our
to pay in full and vacate the
Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- premises. Contents of unit KAYE
Color, full white background
11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. will be sold at private / public Family Help
440-926-3341 sale or disposed / destroyed. 24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station CONSTRUCTION, LLC. Yours!
PENFIELD TWP. HALL Public Sale 12/01/18 @ 9:00 AM 440-235-6642
@ A Affordable Self Storage,
Twp. Meeting hall, 38333 Chestnut Ridge Rd.,
Elyria, OH. Kevin Greathouse,
Community room, 35412 Mills Road, Avon, OH
44011, unit K-137, 2 dollies;
Cap. 150-300 440-297-2232 Color, transparent background
Available for all occasions. Valeria Grier, 139 Blake St.,
41012 St. Rt. 18, Wellington down, Elyria, OH 44035, unit • Kitchen Remodeling • Room Additions • Garages
F-16, misc.; Daniel Wohlber,
Call 440-396-3096 for 1408 Durham Dr., Broadview
availability & rates. Hghts., OH 44147, unit F-34, • Bathroom Remodeling • All Floor Coverings
CALL TODAY! misc. household. We also do: Siding, Windows, Roofing & Driveways
White, transparent background
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018 Page 19
•Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior •Plumbing Repairs
•Sewer & Drain Cleaning
& Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement •Electronic Locating
•Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing •Video Camera Inspection • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
440-724-9338 440-324-4321 •Sewer Excavation • 113 Ft. Crane
30 Years Experience Personal Plumber Service Corp. • Removal, Trimming, Firewood
• General Contracting 24 HOUR EMERGENCY $25 OFF Triple Shredded Mulch
• Kitchens/Baths OH LIC #21372 Any Service
• Additions Expires 11/30/18. Not valid with any other offer. Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
• Buildings/Garages 440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
• Roofs
725 Sugar Lane, • Doors/Windows J.A. Kilby Plumbing Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping
Elyria, Oh 44035 • Siding
440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services Tree Trimming • Removal
Specializing in Home Improvements Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions Stump Grinding • Pruning CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available Fertilizers • Fire Wood
•New Work •Replacement •Repairs Free Estimates!
INSURANCE •Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped Seth Emerson - Owner
•Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation
Office: 440-322-2624
440-327-3433 • Emergency: 440-452-2456
DENTAL Insurance State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response [email protected]
Physicians Mutual Insurance Company
A less expensive way to help get the dental care you deserve
If you’re over 50, you can get coverage for about No wait for preventive care and no deductibles – ROOFING
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Keep your own dentist! You can go to any dentist Coverage for over 350 procedures including
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NO annual or lifetime cap on the cash benefi ts Jason E. Davis
you can receive RELIABLE ROOFING
FREE Information Kit -Complete Crane Service-
1-877-308-2834 Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal Tree/Stump Removal
*Individual Offi ce: 440-236-4001 • Tree Trimming, Firewood
*Individual plan. Product not available in MN, MT, NH, NM, RI, VT, WA. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details plan. Product not available in MN, MT, NH, NM, RI, VT, WA. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details
about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q);
Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN) “FREE ESTIMATES”
6096E-0917 MB17-NM008Ec Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner
Bonded & Insured
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035
LAWN • GARDEN • LANDSCAPE Jeff’s Construction All Seasons Roofing Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
HOUSE, BARN, GARAGE ROOFS Tear-Offs, Roof Cleaning,
Gutters • Carpentry • Masonry Slates, Chimney Mason,
Siding • Slates • Chimneys Siding & Gutter Cleaning & Repairs
& Exterior Painting WATERPROOFING
Violations & Repairs! Repairs from $75
216-861-2238 440-748-3259 Casey Williamson
•Paver Patios
•Landscape Installs BENEDICT ROOFING
•Landscape Design Family Business for Three Generations
•Landscape Maintenance
•Retaining Walls RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS
•Drainage Work Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949
•Waterproofi ng Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates
•Foundation Replacement CONCRETE CRACK INJECTION
Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc. JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036
Residential ~ Commercial
New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds
Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work Licensed by Board of Health J. A. KILBY ENT.
Call: 440-748-1333 Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain Counties “Stop the water before it stops you!”
• Reasonable Rates
• Prompt, Reliable Service •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
• Senior Discounts Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
Chuck Dunlap, Owner •Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement
$ 440-327-3433
10 Off with this ad
Custom Exteriors
Family owned & operated over 31 yrs. Since 1989
1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features, •Replacement Windows
Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certified,
Irrigation Installation & Service •Entry Doors
12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642 •Custom Exterior Siding
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PAINTING •Soffit, Facia & Trim
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Drywall Install/Repair
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The Rural-Urban Record Classifieds!
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 12, 2018
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