TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
Volume 62, No. 13 Columbia Station, Ohio September 26, 2016
Lifespring Round-up Patriot Day at Lorain County JVS
The JVS held a Patri-
ot Day Ceremony at the
school’s 9/11 Memorial on
Friday, September 9. High
School Principal Mrs. Jill
Petitti welcomed the JVS
faculty, staff and commu-
nity members who were
The Posting of Colors
was done by Public Safety
juniors and seniors, led by
their Instructor, Mr. David
Schnitker. At 8:46 a.m.,
a moment of silence was
conducted, which was im-
mediately followed by the
“Roxy the Dinosaur” and his handler with local boy Carter singing of the National An-
Mitchell. them by Cosmetology se-
nior Alvira Pashkovskaya
This year’s annual Fall Round-up at Lifespring Com- (from North Ridgeville).
munity Church in Valley City brought a crowd of almost A wreath was presented
300 guests. Young children enjoyed Unicorn rides, com- to the base of the Memori-
pliments of Angels Haven Horse Rescue, and the older al by Nathaniel Carter, In-
children enjoyed the artwork of “Faces by Fair” and her dustrial Electricity senior
face painting magic. Balloon bender Blake created balloon (from Elyria) and Lauren
animals by request. “Imaginos Productions,” of Valley Fox, Commercial Truck
City, provided “Roxy the Dinosaur” and a show the chil- Technology senior (from
dren will never forget. Local band “Double Barrel” enter- North Ridgeville). The
tained and food was in abundance! The day ended with ceremony concluded with The National Anthem was sang by Alvira Pashkovskaya, Cosmetology senior from North
a visit from the Valley City Fire Department, who tossed a remembrance speech Ridgeville, at the JVS Patriot Day Ceremony.
candy to the kids. They invited everyone onto the truck that was jointly given by The 9/11 Memorial, on 9/11/01. The focus of The base of the memo-
and ambulance. It was an amazing event! Hailey Koster, Marketing located on the campus of the memorial is a 7-foot rial is wrapped in black
and Management senior the JVS, honors the fall- section taken from a larg- granite and engraved with
Fill the Bus a success (from Firelands) and Mag- en safety services per- er beam that was recov- the words “In memory of
gie Lieb, Landscape and sonnel that were involved ered from the rubble of those lost on September
Volunteers sort through school supplies to be distributed to Greenhouse Management in the recovery efforts of the World Trade Center. 11, 2001.”
Lorain County schools. senior (from Avon). the World Trade Center
Fire Prevention Health Fair
The Fill the Bus campaign was a huge success! More Voter Registration Information & Open House
than 50 large boxes brimming with school supplies were
distributed to schools across Lorain County. This was the The deadine to register for the Tuesday, November 8,
5th year collecting supplies, and by far the largest. 2016 General Presidential Election is on Tuesday, October On Saturday, October
11, 2016. To properly register, visit one of the following 1, the North Ridgeville
The Educational Service Center of Lorain County staff, places by the registration deadline: Fire Department will be
State Support Team Region 2 staff and additional volun- • Lorain County Board of Elections, 1985 N. Ridge holding a Fire Prevention/
teers worked to sort through and distribute thousands of Health Fair Open House
school supplies to those in need throughout Lorain County. Rd. E., Lorain. Normal of?ce hours are: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The
p.m., Monday through Friday. Of?ce hours for Tuesday, Open House will be held
October 11, are 8:30 a.m.-9 p.m. at Fire Station #1, locat-
ed at 7090 Avon Belden
• Job and Family Services Road, in North Rid-
• Motor Vehicle Licensing Agencies (BMV). geville.
• County Treasurer’s Of?ce The open house is
• Public Libraries a free, family-friend-
• Local High Schools and Vocational Schools ly event for North
• Local Community Colleges Ridgeville residents.
• Health Departments/WIC Scheduled events include
To be eligible to vote you must meet the following qual- a magic show, ?re station
i?cations: tours, Cleveland Clinic He- vices. There will be several
1) You are a citizen of the United States.
2) You must be at least 18 years old on or before the day licopter tours, kids bounce items of interest to our Se-
of the General Election. house, The Lorain County nior Citizens. Please plan
3) You will be a resident of Ohio for at least 30 days Fire Chief’s Safety Trailer to attend rain or shine! Free
immediately before the election in which you want to vote. and several booths repre- parking will be available at
4) You are not incarcerated for a felony conviction. senting both local health- the North Ridgeville Town
Please come out and register to vote! Every vote counts! care organizations and Hall, located behind the
North Ridgeville City Ser- ?re station.
The Rural-Urban Record Community Carlisle 15 Grafton Twp. 14 Churches 8
Columbia 4 LaGrange 16 Profile page 9
PO Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Eaton 2
Directory Grafton 10 N. Ridgeville 7 Events page
440-236-8982 12 Wellington 18
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016
Sept. 24-25 Sept. 25 October 2
October 8 October 8 October 15
Alpaca Farm Tour Harvest Pancake Woollybear Festival
Breakfast Chatham Apple Butter Medina Beer and Wine Autumn Fiber Festival
Celebrate National Alpaca Farm The Woollybear Festival con- Festival Festival
Day and enjoy the alpacas as All you can eat pancake break- sist of entertainment, food Local ?ber producers, crafts-
they play. Farm store Open. fast with proceeds to bene?t booths, craft booths, merchant Enjoy bean soup, chili, biscuits Join us at Weymouth Country men and artists will be brought
Educational Seminars and Free Friends of Metro Parks. Adults sales and one of the largest pa- with apple butter and dough- Club in Medina for the 4th Me- together to display and sell
Admission. $7, Kids (3-10) $4.50. Under 3 rades in Ohio(1:30pm). Hosted nuts. See how apple-butter is dina Beer and Wine Festival. their wares, demonstrate their
Free. by Dick Goddard of FOX8. made! Craft show In the VFW Food will be served all evening skills and educate.
Our Little World Alpacas as well as other exhibits. plus live music and raf?es.
16800 Cowley Rd, Grafton Carlisle Visitor Center Downtown Vermilion Ashland Fairgrounds
10:00am - 4:00pm 12882 Diagonal Rd, 8:00am - ? 6299 Avon Lake Rd, 3946 Weymouth Rd, Mozelle Hall, 2042 Cla-
LaGrange Spencer Medina remont Ave., Ashland
Red Wagon Pumpkin 9:00am - 1:00pm Pumpkinville in the Valley 10:00am - 5:30pm 6:00pm - 11:00pm 9:00am - 5:00pm
Festival Kick-off Vintage Marketplace 5K RUNDEAD
A fall family fun day. Pony rides, October 14-15 Free Harvest Festival &
Get pumpkins and enjoy a An Outdoor Event Featuring: Horse drawn wagon rides, Run from zombies or be a Trick-or-Treat
hayride, corn maze, and fresh Vintage, Antiques, Retro, children’s games, Pumpkin zombie and chase runners! Halloween All Aboard!
food! Visit every Sat & Sun till Handmades, Re-purposed, patch, Music, Obstacle course, Runners will have ?ags that Model Train Rides Trick-or-treat, mini pumpkin
the end of October! See our ad Local Produce, Unique & Cool Pumpkin crafts, Photo booth, represent their health. Zombies patch, crafts, games, hay
inside of the paper. Stuff, Live Music & Food! Train display, Corn roast, Apple will try to steal those ?ags. Lester Rail Trail will offer free maze, bounce house, giant
cider & food for sale. train rides during this special slide, face painting, More
16801 East River Rd. Grand Paci?c Junction, Victory Park, 7777 Vic- park program. Children can events in evening too like the
Columbia Station Olmsted Falls, OH Frostville Museum, tory Lane, N. Ridgeville wear their costumes, but for movie “Big Hero 6”.
Sat 9-5pm, Sun 10-5pm 12:00pm - 5:00pm 24101 Cedar Point, 2:00pm - 6:00pm safety, please avoid long, ?ow-
Rockin’-R-Ranch North Olmsted Zombie Fest (follows 5K) ing garments. Downtown Berea
Old West Pumpkin Fest Facebook - Vintage Market- 11:00am - 4:00pm 12-3pm & 6pm-9:30pm
placeat the Falls Dress like a Zombie! Activities 3654 Lester Rd, Medina Spooky Pooch Parade
Pumpkin Slide, HayRides October 6 include cornhole boards, ven- Friday- 6:30pm-8:30pm
To The Pumpkin Patch, Kids Wellington Oktoberfest dor booths, food trucks, bever- Saturday- 2:00-4:00pm RAIN OR SHINE Join in the fun
Activity Area, Animal Petting L’AMOUR DU VIN ages and LIVE MUSIC! as dogs of all shapes and sizes
Farm, Explore The Old West Authentic German Beers, & 6:30pm-8:30pm dressed in their ?nest Hallow-
Town, Picture Spots, Face Foods & Entertainment. Wel- Come to a premier food & wine Victory Park, N. Ridgeville een fashions strut their stuff in
Painting, Free Prizes & More! lington Eagles Aerie #2051. event. Business cocktail attire. 6:00pm - 11:00pm the heart of Lakewood’s busi-
Advance ticket purchase rec- ness district..
19066 East River Rd. 631 South Main St. ommended ($75). All proceeds Historical Society
Columbia Station Wellington bene?t the Arthritis Foundation. BBQ & Auction Kauffman Park, 15450
12:00pm - 5:00pm 1:00pm - 6:00pm Detroit Avenue,
Avon Oaks County Club Please join us for an all you Lakewood
Sept. 24 October 1 32300 Detroit, Avon can eat BBQ dinner with all the 12:30pm - 3:30pm
6:00pm - 9:00pm ?xings. And bid on our lovely
Fall Arts & Crafts Festival Put-In-Bay Wine Festival live auction items and/or bid on Advertise Your Event!
Family Fun Days our items at our silent auction.
Festival features dozens of lo- With your $6 admission, you get • Event Name
cal vendors showcasing hand a souvenir wine glass and get to Dress up the kids (parents too) Jack Matia Honda • Description of Event
made goods, food, and crafts. sample ($1 each) hundreds of and join us in the Dining Court 823 Leona St., Elyria
wines. near Dick’s Sporting Goods. 5:00pm - 8:00pm (Includes up to 25 Words)
1289 Edison Street The kids will create a bootiful Harmony Barn Fundraiser • Date
Hartville, OH Put-in-Bay Winery craft, play games and go down • Location
9:00am - 4:00pm Bay Avenue, Downtown our trick-or-treat street. Concert for Hospice of West- • Time
11:00am - 6:00pm ern Reserve. Listen to a String • Website (if needed)
Great Northern Mall Quartet and Bluegrass Group. • No Garage Sales, Rummage
Hale Farm & Village North Olmsted Bring your drink and we have Sales or Open Houses
Harvest Festival 10:00am food! $12 donation for entry.
Call: 440-236-5103
Apple Cider Press, Johnny Ap- October 7-8 612 N. Center St. (301)
pleseed, Pumpkin Patch, Apple LaGrange
Butter Making, Pumpkin Paint- Trunk-or-Treat 6pm open, 7pm Music
ing, Kettle Corn, Wagon Rides
Corn Maze & Farmyard an- Trunk-or-treat, costume con-
imals. Plus demos of glass- test and trunk decorating con-
blowing, blacksmithing, and test. Kids friendly movies on
home crafts. Going on Oct. 8& one screen and adult movies
9 too! on the other.
19066 East River Rd. 33395 Lorain Rd,
Columbia Station North Ridgeville
12:00pm - 5:00pm 6:00pm - Activities
7:30pm - Movies start
Sizes Range from 5’x10’ to 10’x30’
• Concrete Pavement
• Private Gated Entrance
• Well Lighted - Security Cameras
• No Deposit -MOVE RIGHT IN!
• Monthly Rentals Starting at $40
• Special Rates during Pre-Grand Opening
Off Commerce Dr - West of 57 • 440-926-1333 • • [email protected]
$3,000,000RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Page 3
We had such a great August and now we’re overstocked in used vehicles!
Now is the time to take advantage of HUGE SAVINGS!
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 tween Sept. 5-16. There was a recent rainstorm, the road Free Hot Meal & Food Pantry
no court litigation, but several around the Boone reconstruc-
CHS Weekly Calendar violation letters sent to prop- tion washed out leaving deep On Saturday, October 1, a free hot meal will be served and a
erty owners to either repair or holes in the pavement, which perishable foods pantry will be available at New Life Wesleyan
Monday, September 26: remove a home; two were on caused a number of cars to Church from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. This is a monthly event held the ?rst
7 p.m. Boys Soccer at Avon. Royalton Road and a barn was have blown tires. Because it Saturday of every month. The meal and food pantry (featuring
7 p.m. Girls Soccer v Fuchs Mizrachi. on Emerson. A violation letter was on a weekend, the ?re fresh perishable foods) is available at no charge to all local res-
Tuesday, September 27: was sent to a homeowner on department and the township idents.
5:30/7 p.m. Volleyball v. Firelands. Plum Creek for high vegeta- were not able to contact the
Wednesday, September 28: tion. The Zoning Commis- departments in charge of the The church is located at 11149 West River Road, in Colum-
7 p.m. Boys Soccer vs Firelands. sion will meet on October 6 at project. The township brought bia Station. For more information, please contact Kathy at (440)
Thursday, September 29: 6 p.m. for its regular meeting equipment to ?ll in the holes 840-2923 or Susan at (216) 906-5091.
8 a.m. Golf at PAC conference match - Eagle Creek. and a Public Hearing at 6:45 and the ?re department han-
5:30/7 p.m. Volleyball at Keystone. p.m. for Zoning Amendment dled traf?c control. The Trust- Columbia Raiders Youth
Friday, September 30: 2016-01 (remove “bitumi- ees voted on a resolution to Football fund-raiser
First Interim reporting period ends. nous or other” from Article apply to the State and con-
11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Class ring orders. 11.31 PAVING) and a Public tractors for reimbursement for Columbia Raiders Youth Football will be having a fundraiser
7 p.m. Football at Black River. Hearing at 7 p.m. for Zoning services. On October 27, Flu at Bootleggers Bar and Grill, at 34550 Royalton Road, on Tues-
Saturday, October 1: Amendment 2016-02 (Arti- Shots will be available at the day, October 4, from 5-9 p.m. No ticket necessary. Come and
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday School. cle17 Private Drive Develop- Columbia Fire Station, 25540 enjoy some great food and drinks and a portion of your bill will
10 a.m. JV Football v. Black River. ments). The Board of Zoning Royalton Road, from 10 a.m. be donated back to the youth football program. Thank you in
10 a.m. JV Volleyball at JV Firestone Invitational. Appeals will meet on Sep- to noon. Bring your insurance advance for your support of the original youth football organi-
1 p.m. Soccer - Oberlin, Boys-away; Girls-home. tember 26 at 6:30 p.m. to hear card (most private insurers are zation in Columbia as we start our 46th year! If you have any
Case 2016-03, a request for accepted), Medicare Part B, questions, please contact Dwayne Hershey at (216) 276-0628 or
Trustees Special Meeting a 24.01 ft. front yard setback or Medicaid card. Without in- email [email protected] Check out our web-
variance for a lot split. surance coverage the shots are site at or Like us
The Columbia Township Board of Trustees will hold a spe- $25 or $41 for the high end. on Facebook at Columbia Raiders Youth Football.
cial meeting with Assistant Prosecutor Gerald Innes on Monday, The Road-Service Director
September 26, at 1 p.m. for the purpose of conducting an execu- reported that all equipment Rita Plata gave the ceme- Chamber of Commerce
tive session to discuss pending court action. The meeting will be was up and running. The Issue tery report. $800 was received Clam Bake
at the Columbia Town Hall. I project for 2017 will not be for burials; $5,850 was re-
available until after the inte- ceived for sale of graves; and The Columbia Chamber of Commerce Clam Bake is on Sat-
Columbia Trustees Meeting grating meeting. The Issue I $300 was received for footer urday, October 15. Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. at VFW Post
project for 2016 is ready to be fees. #9340, located at 25742 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station.
The Columbia Township $31,690.17, bringing the total started. NEOSORD says it has
Board of Trustees met on Sep- to $90,887.40. The receipts money for projects across this Old Business The menu includes clam chowder, 1 dozen clams, chicken,
tember 19 in the Town Hall totaled $16,662.96. Corre- area. They will hold meetings There is no change on the sweet potato, corn-on-the-cob and a roll & butter. There will be
with all three trustees present spondence was read. The APA on October 4 and 5 to discuss mounds in the Columbia Re- a cash bar available. The kids’ menu will have hot dogs (instead
and the Fiscal Of?cer, Jackie is holding its annual zoning eligibility. Columbia Town- serve Subdivision. There is of clams).
Ramsey. The Trustees voted workshop on November 4 in ship will be represented at no news about the Compre-
to accept the minutes of the May?eld Village. NOPEC an- those meetings. hensive Plan. The Streetlight One Chamber member and children are free. Additional com-
previous meeting as written. nounced its 15th anniversary. for Riverview and West River pany members are $15 per person; non-members are $25 per per-
The Trustees voted to pay The Fire Chief reported Road is still not in. The sta- son. Extra clams are $6 per dozen. Carry-outs will be available.
the bills and payroll. The Department Reports 35 on ?le, 32 on call, 128 ?re tus of the lots in Columbia
bills amounted to $59,197.23 There was nothing from calls to date and 467 EMS Reserve with utility connect Advanced registration is necessary, with the reservation dead-
and payroll amounted to the Sheriff. The Zoning In- calls. There were 20 mutual issues is still with the County. line of Monday, October 3. You cannot pay at the door. For res-
spector had two permits be- aid assists and 31 mutual aid No progress on Redfern Road ervations, call Lori at (440) 236-5011 or email info@columbi-
requests. The month of Au- other than rough road signs Cash, checks & credit cards will be accepted.
gust brought in $10,337.61 have been put up. The library
in transport billing, bringing lease is still in the hands of the A Clam Bake ticket will also give you free admission to the
the total for the year to date prosecutor. The electronic sign Old West Pumpkin Festival at Rockin R Ranch on Sunday, Octo-
to $90,806.02. The Depart- on township property has been ber 16, from 12-5 p.m. The ranch is located at 19066 East River
ment is working on a grant turned off. It may be moved to Road, in Columbia Station.
for $50,000 that will be used the Whitehall property and put
to purchase a cot for the squad into service there. The Estates Family Literacy Night
that lifts itself. It will be valu- of Columbia Ridge are still in
able for back injuries. During the hands of the Army Corp Are you ready to camp out? Copopa and CMS are hosting a
of Engineers. The Trustees Family Literacy Night, set to take place on Thursday, September
Great Gifts, Great Clocks, have been told that the owner 29, from 6-8 p.m. Be sure to keep a look out for more informa-
Great Selection! of Hawke Road parcel #12- tion and a pre-registry form (in your child’s backpack) for this
00-099-000-031 will have great night! Please turn in your form by September 21 to en-
Kristyn Bronson to send his/her request to the sure your spot at this fun-?lled event! Can’t wait to see you for
LOCO Facility Planning Area s’more fun, and remember this is a family event, so plan to stay
Arendal Boundary Change committee together throughout the evening!
by mail. Electronic mail is not
76 Front St., Berea acceptable. J&J Greenhouse
New Business “We Grow On You”
440-234-4027 A streetlight request has HALLOWEEN AND
been made for Osborne and FALL GOODIES!!! Hawke Roads. The Trustees 8” Fall Mums - $5.99 ea
will order it but they made it Buy 4 & Get 5tBhookFBeRfoEreENo!v!.!1, 2016.
REPAIRS • RESTORATION • HOUSE CALLS known that the utility compa- Also available: 4” uCpoutapototnPimmaetuiosotf bePesotpitmrseasteen. ted
ny is a year behind in installa- *Pumpkins *Corn Sta1lckouspon per customer.
tions. The Trustees approved *Indian Corn *Gourds *Straw
the $40,000 expenditure for 26240 Folley Rd., Columbia Station • 440-236-8762 • Hrs: 9-6 Daily
asphalt for Hawke Road. The
Trustees approved the request JØTUL® Days Sale!
from the VFW to give hay- Sept. 26th - Oct 1st
rides in the park. They are
asking for a hold harmless Wood & Gas Stoves plus Inserts!
statement from the VFW.
Committee Reports SAVE UP TO
Mr. Cunningham reported $300!
that the Lorain County Town-
ship Association will meet Mon & Thurs 10-8; Tues, Wed,
9-21 in LaGrange Township. Fri 10-6; Sat 10-5; Closed Sun
Mr. Heidecker reported that
the Southwest General Hos- 34205 Lorain Rd.
pital Board will meet 10-14 North Ridgeville
and the Northeast Township 440-327-6242
Association will meet 9-27
in Geauga County. Mr. Mus-
to reported that there will be
NEOSORD meetings Oct. 4
and 5 at their headquarters in
downtown Cleveland on E.
49th St. The Lorain County
Community Action will meet
Sept 21 and Oct. 2. NOPEC
will have its organizational
meeting on Nov. 15.
The Fiscal Of?cer an-
nounced that Columbia Town-
ship is ready for its AUP
Audit. The Township will be
joining the State Program of which will
be a way for anyone to check
the township ?nances. It is a
step toward transparency for
government. After Commu-
nity Input, the meeting was
adjourned. The next regular
meeting will be Monday, Oc-
tober 3, at 7 p.m. in the Town
I can’t believe that we have reached the ?rst interim grading Block House RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Page 5
period already for this school year. It is important to continue Day Winners
to follow the progress of your child on Power School. Our staff CHS Homecoming Court 2016
does a great job of updating grades. If you need to speak to a The Columbia Historical
teacher, please contact the school in which your child attends. I Society wishes to thank all The 2016 Queen Candidates are: (LR) Torrie Shields, Sarah Severo, Audrey Chonko, Re-
wish all of you continued success! who purchased raf?e tickets becca Tacchite and Payton Alpine.
along with the raf?e item do-
CLSD is putting the ?nishing touches on a survey for our stu- nors for the 2016 Columbia The 2016 King Candidates are: (LR) Michael Jacobucci, Cody Schwartz, Lance Boise, Gar-
dents, staff and community/parents. It will be released in the next Block House Day! We had a rhett Wheatley and Zachary Schaffer.
week on our website. These surveys are a part of our continuous great time speaking with ev-
improvement plan. All surveys will be completed through Sur- erybody about local history. Final details are being prepared for the Columbia High School 2016-17 Homecoming
vey Monkey and will be anonymous. Once they are released, Here are the 2016 Columbia festivities. Homecoming week at the high school will be ?lled with decorations and fun
we ask that you complete the survey to help us continue to make Historical Society’s Columbia activities, capped off with the Friday Homecoming pep rally, which will take place at 1:50
positive decisions that bene?t the entire community. It will take Block House Day booth raf?e p.m. on the athletic ?eld.
you less than 10 minutes to share your thoughts and complete donors and winners:
the survey. Thank you in advance for your suggestions and com- This year, the Queen Candidates are: Payton Alpine, Audrey Chonko, Sarah Severo,
ments. Raf?e Item #1: Halloween Torrie Schields and Rebecca Tacchite. The King court consists of: Lance Boise, Michael
Variety Basket with Vintage Jacobucci, Cody Schwartz, Zachary Schaffer and Garrhett Wheatley.
Monday, September 26, begins Homecoming Week. The Frankenstein Screaming Wel-
crowning of the king and queen will take place at 6:30 p.m. at come Mat, Vintage wind-up The crowning of this year’s King and Queen will be presented at 6:30 p.m. before the
the stadium on Friday, September 30. The Raiders will battle the skull with chattering teeth, homecoming football game vs. Lutheran West at 7 p.m. Come and enjoy this year’s home-
Lutheran West Longhorns at 7 p.m. This is a great evening of Vintage squeaking Jack-o- coming festivities at the athletic stadium this coming Friday, September 30.
fun and excitement. We hope that you can join us for this special Lantern with cat, 6 black
event. I would also like to welcome back all of our alumni. See plastic spiders, 6 glow-in the CHS Fees Deadline
you on Friday! dark plastic spiders, Package
of reusable spider webbing, 9 All school fees are due nied. Please refer to your fee
As we reach the midpoint of our fall sports season, I want Vintage Halloween window by October 1. Fees for the letter for more information.
to thank our coaches and student athletes for conducting them- clings, Jack-o-Lantern can- 2016-17 school year are now Transcripts and diplomas will
selves in the Raider way. I have heard a lot of positive comments dle, 1988 Chamber of Horror available online and fee letters be held until fees have been
from parents, other administrators and of?cials in regards to our cassette tape (voices, sounds were mailed the week of Sept. resolved. Payment plans are
sports teams, cheerleaders and band. As Superintendent, it makes and music), 1989 The Spook- 5. Please make payments available. If you would like to
me proud to have such awesome kids representing our schools. I tacular Halloween Party Book through the new PayForIt sys- set up a payment plan or have
wish you the best of luck in the remainder of your season! – Monstrously Good Times for tem or send cash or checks questions, please call 236-
Kids, Black and Orange water made payable to CHS with 5001.
We are always looking to improve the quality of the school bottle, 1 Free Admission ticket your child to school. Payment
district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion, to Hauntville, 1 Free Admis- should be made by October 1 33rd ANNUAL
question or comment, please feel free to call me at (440) 236- sion ticket to Spooky Ranch, to allow for your student to
5008, email [email protected] or on twitter at @ 2 discount tickets good for use school transportation for PUMPKIN
graigbansek. either Hauntville or Spooky any extracurricular activities. FESTIVAL
Ranch. Estimated Fair Mar- If fees are not paid at that
Have a great week Raider Nation! GO RAIDERS! ket Value: $90 - Donated By: time transportation will be de-
Anonymous; Winner: Sum-
Pure American Pageant mer Licursi.
The Pure American Pageant, the only faith-based, family ori- Raf?e Item #2: The Stress
ented National Pageant in America, will be holding a preliminary Releaser Collection with vari-
pageant on Saturday, October 8, at Columbia Baptist Church in ous stress relieving items sure
Columbia Station. There are age divisions for all ages of boys to make you laugh, smile and
and girls and age divisions for all ages of adult women. The pag- elevate stress. Estimated Fair
eant system maintains Christian values and community service Market Value: $25. Donat-
for all the contestants and winners. ed By: Anonymous; Winner:
Sandy Kelling.
Each division competes in interviews with the judges, intro-
duction on stage, evening gown and modeling. There are also fun Raf?e Item #3: Columbia
optional competitions in speech, modeling, photogenic, portfolio Historical Society Collection:
and commercial. 1 Columbia Block House
Cat’s Meow®, 1 Columbia
The Columbia Preliminary will also have a competition for High School Cat’s Meow®, 1
the contestant that donates the most stuffed animals for local Columbia Paperweight, 1 Co-
nursing homes. lumbia is the Berries Ceramic
Mug, 1 USA Bicentennial Pin,
Visit the website for further information at www.pureinter- 1 Columbia Historical Society or contact Charmae Cottom at (440) 263- Pencil, 2 Packs of Note Cards,
9131 or [email protected]. 1 We Remember (Vol. 2)
Book, 1 We Remember (Vol.
CHS All Alumni Night 3), 1 Early Columbia from
Columbia Clarion, 1 Life and
All Columbia High School Alumni are invited to enjoy the an- Times of Wilbur Atwood Car-
nual CHS Alumni Night Friday, September 30, at the Columbia penter, 1 Autobiography of
High School Homecoming Football Game. The festivities begin Moses Deming, 1 Columbia
on the football ?eld at 6:30 p.m. with the Homecoming King Township Bicentennial Book-
and Queen Crowning, before the 7 p.m. kick-off. CHS Football let, 1 Columbia Township
Alumni are invited to be recognized on the ?eld and form the Sesquicentennial Booklet, 1
tunnel for our current CHS Football Raiders to run through onto Down By The Station Booklet
the ?eld. All CHS Football Alumni should sign in at the CHS and 1 Welcome to Columbia
Alumni Tent by 6:20 to be recognized on the ?eld. All Alumni Booklet. Estimated Value:
are invited to stop by the CHS Alumni Tent to sign the autograph $102. Donated By: Columbia
book and receive your complimentary beads and Homecoming Historical Society; Winner:
Ribbons courtesy of the CHS Class of 1980. Kathy Roth.
After the game, all CHS Alumni, friends and family are in- Again, congratulations all
vited to the Columbia West River Café, 24517 Sprague Rd., in of the 2016 Columbia Block
Columbia Station for complimentary hors d’ oeuvres and social- House Day raf?e winners!
izing sponsored by owner, Cheryl Bradish, CHS Class of 1980. The Columbia Historical So-
ciety Inc. is a registered 501(c)
If you would like to help at the CHS Alumni Tent or supply (3) non-pro?t organization.
Alumni gifts, please contact Charmae Stamper Cottom at (440) http://www.columbiahistori-
263-9131 or [email protected].
Saturdays & Sundays
SEPT 24th- OCT 30th, 12-5pm
High Quality Kitchen and • Kids Play Area & Hay Maze - Free
Bath Cabinetry, • Corn Maze - $3/Adult & $2/Kids
• Wagon Ride w/ Live Scarecrows
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Expires 10/10/16 Expires 10/10/16 Kids $5, Adults $2 FAMILY!
Not valid with any other offer Not valid with any other offer Expires 10/10/16
Only valid with purchase of $2,500 or more Only valid with purchase of $2,999 or more Not valid with any other offer Field Trips Hosted on Weekdays
Includes 6# pad and basic installation Call for Details & to Schedule!
ATTRACTIVE KITCHENS & FLOORS | 536 Cleveland St. Elyria • 440-406-9299 16081 East River Rd, Columbia Station
440-236-3007 |
MARKET HOURS: Mon-Fri 9-6pm; Sat 9-5pm; Sun; 10-5pm
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 prise! Pre-registration is re- Bark, Get Set, Dawn Dewerth
quired. Go!
Columbia Athletic Hall of The Columbia Board of Education regular meeting on Sep-
Fame nominations open Bigfoot Close To Home? Berea Animal Rescue tember 21 was held at the District Administrative Of?ce at 6:54
- Marc DeWerth of Columbia Friends “ARF” will host its p.m. Minutes were approved from the Regular meeting held
The Columbia Athletic Hall of Fame committee is once again Station has been a longtime 9th annual Monster Mutt 8/17/2016.
receiving nominations for the Class of 2017 inductees. Think Bigfoot investigator with over Dash and Howl-O-Ween Af-
about past athletes that stood out, a fantastic coach, or a commu- 20 years of experience. He is terParty, which brings two The Superintendent asked parents, teachers, administrators,
nity member who committed themselves to athletics. involved with groups like the wildly popular events together curriculum directors, board members and Superintendents of
Bigfoot Field Researchers into one fun-?lled day for pets the surrounding communities to register at an upcoming event
Eligible nominees can be athletes who are currently 30 yrs. Organization and the Ohio and their people, on Saturday, at LCCC to discuss concerns about Ohio’s Every Student Suc-
old or older, a coach or administrator who are no longer in that Bigfoot Organization. Come October 8, at the Cuyahoga ceeds policy. Mr. Bansek seeks to enlist support for Ohio Board
position or a community member. on Thursday, Oct. 6, at 6:30 County Fairgrounds in Berea. of Education to be able to set its own decisions within limitations
p.m. for a talk that will center under the program. Mr. Bansek is set to attend a peaceful rally at
The nomination form can be obtained from the concession on the ?ap of recent sighting The Monster Mutt Dash the Capital Building on November 15. He wants to have the fed-
stand in the Athletic Complex, the CHS of?ce or printed off the reports that have taken place is a pet friendly 5K run with eral government allow the State Board of Education to do the job
Columbia Local Schools website, in the Lorain and Medina a shorter one-mile Fun Walk (instead of politicians). Mr. Moore commented that the Consti-
(click on CHS Athletics and follow the directions to the Colum- County region over the last for people and their pooch- tution of the United States does not give Congress the authority
bia Hall of Fame “form”). Deadline for the nomination form is few years. DeWerth will also es who prefer a more casual to direct the public education system. Senator Gale Manning and
October 15. Completed forms can be turned in to Jeff Jump, Ath- show a video he took in 1997 pace. The race will be fol- Representative Nathan Manning are strong vocal supporters of
letic Director at the high school. of a possible Sasquatch from lowed by ARF’s annual Howl- the public education system.
Coshocton County. This is a O-Ween Party ?lled with
The 2017 HOF induction ceremony is slated for sometime in family friendly event so chil- family-friendly festivities for The Board approved receipts, expenditures and balances for
January 2017. dren are more than welcome. both people and pets from the month ending August 31, 2016, as presented by the Treasurer
Pre-registration is required. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The party is and approved the following donations: Columbia Band Boosters
Columbia Library events highlighted by a pet costume - $96 (for a drum replacement part) and $200 (for Color Guard
Book Sale - The library is runway parade and contest. As bags); ClearView Church - $1,500 ($500 each to CHS, CMS and
The library is closed for enjoy a popular PG-13 ?lm having a book sale in October an added bonus, the Cleveland Copopa); Sara Smith - 3 Chromebooks to CMS; Stephen Cole-
staff continuing education on on the big screen on Tuesday, beginning with the preview Pet Expo is also taking place man - 3 Chromebooks to CMS; Columbia Baptist Church - 8
Thursday, Sept. 29. Sept. 27 at 5:30 p.m. Popcorn sale on Monday, Oct. 10, from at the Fairgrounds on Satur- rolls of book cover paper; Patty Wright - 200 spiral notebooks
and refreshments will be pro- 5-7 p.m. Admission to the day from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free and 12 packages of pens; Columbia Food Bank - 3 bags of school
Story Times - Bring your vided. Feel free to bring blan- book sale preview is reserved and open to the public, the supplies; Abiding Faith Church - large box of school supplies
little ones to a story time. kets and pillows to stretch out for members of The Friends pet-friendly Pet Expo will fea- and T-shirts, SHARC Industries, LLC - $1,000 to the Cheerlead-
Pre-registration is required. in the meeting room. Pre-reg- of the Columbia Library, Inc. ture hundreds of pet-related ing program; Columbia Athletic Boosters - $2,764 for Baseball,
istration is required. The book sale is open to the exhibits, a mega-adoptathon, Wrestling and Girls Soccer uniforms and equipment; and Patricia
•Family Story Time in- public and continues on Tues- agility demonstrations, obe- & Ed Cieslak - Panasonic microwave oven to the Admin Center.
cludes stories, music, ?nger Adulting 101 - Job Search day, Oct. 11, from 10 a.m.- 7 dience demonstrations and The Treasurer, Patricia Eddy, said District expenses for salaries
plays and crafts for families Skills - Teens, being an adult p.m.; Wednesday, Oct. 12, live entertainment. Racers and and bene?ts is presently holding at 73% (giving special thanks
with children between the can be a daunting, scary and from 12-7 p.m.; Thursday, Howl-O-Ween Party guests to a combination of negotiated health insurance and teacher con-
ages of 3 and 7. Attend Fam- sometimes confusing thing. Oct. 13, from 12-7 p.m.; Fri- are encouraged to attend the tracts), down compared to when the Treasurer ?rst joined the
ily Story Time on Mondays, Filling out job applications, day, Oct. 14, from 12-6 p.m.; Expo as well. District, which will equate to approximate savings of $108,000
Sept. 26 and Oct. 3 at 7 p.m. attending college, opening and Saturday, Oct. 15, from over the next ?ve years. The Treasurer said $66,000 was moved
your ?rst bank account, cook- 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Look for great For more information, from the Capital Improvement Fund to a dedicated account ear-
•Preschool Story Time in- ing and other tasks are all bargains on gently used books, contact Juleen Russell of ARF marked for use solely for the K-8 building. The District has an-
cludes stories, music, ?nger things that we have to deal CDs, DVDs and more. On Fri- at (216) 513-4542 or market- nounced it will commence seeking new banking relationships.
plays and crafts for children with eventually. Visit on Sat- day only, get $3/bag and $5/ [email protected]
between the ages of 3 and 6 urday, Oct. 1 from 12-1 p.m. box. Saturday is the last day of SEE COLUMBIA BOE ON PAGE 10
years old with their caregiv- to discuss what searching the book sale and Penny Day
ers. Preschool Story Time is for a job is like and the basic discount prices are in effect. Columbia Community Foundation
Tuesdays, Sept. 27 and Oct. 4 skills that you will need to All remaining items will sell awards Lifepak Grant
at 10:15 a.m. do so. Pre-registration is re- for 1 cent each.
•Toddler Story Time in- For more information or
cludes stories, music, move- Board Game Test-Drive to register for programs, call
ment and rhymes for begin- - Teens and adults, stop by the Columbia Library at (440)
ning walkers to 3-year-olds on Wednesday, Oct. 5 from 236-8751. The Columbia Li-
and their caregivers. Toddler 6-7 p.m. and test-drive a new brary is located at 13824 W.
Story Time is on Tuesdays, board game each month. The River Road North.
Sept. 27 and Oct. 4 at 11 a.m. game will always be a sur-
Teen Drive-In Movie
Night - Teens 13 and older,
The Columbia Community Foundation is pleased to announce that they have awarded their
largest grant in the eight year history of the Foundation. In May of 2016, a check was presented to
the Columbia Fire Department in the amount of $10,000 for a crucial new equipment purchase. The
Lifepak 15 is a portable cardiac care monitoring unit that will provide the Department a direct link
with Southwest General Health Center while transporting patients. Having the most current patient
status, the hospital can be best prepared to treat when the rescue squad arrives. This unit will allow
the Fire Department to serve the 7200 residents of Columbia Township with the most up-to-date
technology, helping to ensure the best possible outcomes.
The Columbia Community Foundation continues its commitment to serving the local commu-
nity. With this recent grant, over $215,000 has been reinvested through scholarships and grants. For
more information on the Foundation, visit their website at www.columbiacommunityfoundation.
org or call (440) 236-8000.
Thursday, October 6, 2016, 6:30 p.m.
The Columbia Township Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on two proposed
zoning amendments to the Columbia Township Zoning Resolution which were initiated by
motion of the Zoning Commission. The public hearing for Zoning Amendment 2016-01
will begin at 6:45 p.m. followed by the public hearing for Zoning Amendment 2016-02 at
7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 6, 2016, at the Columbia Town Hall, 25496 Royalton Road,
Columbia Station, Ohio 44028.
Zoning Amendment 2016-01 would remove the words “bituminous or other” from ARTI-
CLE 11.31 PAVING. Article 11.31 would then read “PAVING: All parking spaces, drives
and aisles, shall be surfaced with a dust free material.”
Zoning Amendment 2016-02 would add ARTICLE 17 PRIVATE DRIVE DEVELOP-
MENTS to the Columbia Township Zoning Resolution. This article would apply only to
parcels of land containing 50 acres or more.
The complete text of these zoning amendments will be available for review at the Town-
ship Of?ce from September 26, 2016 through October 6, 2016. The Township Of?ce is
located at 25496 Royalton Road, Columbia Station and is open Monday through Friday from
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Zoning Amendments 2016-01 and 2016-02 have been submitted to the Lorain County
Community Development Department and the Lorain County Planning Commission for their
recommendations. After conclusion of this public hearing, Zoning Amendments 2016-01 and
2016-02 will be submitted to the Columbia Township Board of Trustees for further action.
Notice given by: Rita J. Plata - Administrative Assistant
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Page 7
Lions purchase Science Lab for St. Peter School
North Ridgeville Library
The library is closed for staff continuing education on Thurs- Presentation of the check: Left is Mrs. Stanos and right is Mr. Brooks and Selena Kimble of the Lions Club.
day, Sept. 29. The North Ridgeville Lion’s Club, as part of their Lion’s Education Outreach (LEO), recently purchased a Science Lab for
St. Peter School in North Ridgeville. Lion President Selena Kimble presented the check to 3rd and 4th grade Science Teacher
Tech Tips - Bring your questions to this informal session Mrs. Stano and school Principal Mr. Roger Brooks. Third graders demonstrated how they learn with the new science lab during
about how to use library computer software and apps on your the presentation and Mrs. Stano explained about many of the wonderful components now available to the lower grades to learn
computers, tablets, eReaders or the Internet. Visit on Wednesday, about Science. The children also presented the North Ridgeville Lion’s Club with a big “Thank You” cards.
Sept. 28, anytime between 1-3 p.m. for one-on-one assistance This project is an on-going initiative of the North Ridgeville Lion’s LEO program. Last year the Lion’s donated English
with library staff members. Pre-registration is required. books to the North Ridgeville City Schools’ 5th grade classes. Additional support will be given to all the schools in the future.
Browser’s® Buddies - Browser’s® Reading Buddies is a Senior Center Senior Center fund-raiser
relaxed, dog-friendly program where ?rst through ?fth-graders Spaghetti Dinner
may sit and read with a certi?ed Therapy Dog International ca- Come to lunch or dinner at Fiesta Jalapenos on October 20
nine volunteer. Each child may sign up for a 15-minute session It’s spaghetti dinner time again at the North Ridgeville Se- and help raise funds for North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. to bene?t
on Saturday, Oct. 1, between 10:30-11:30 a.m. Pre-registration nior Center! The next spaghetti dinner, sponsored by the Kiwan- Senior Center programs, including meals-on-wheels and trans-
is required. is Club of North Ridgeville, will be held on Friday, September portation. Flyers to give the cashier are available at the Senior
30, from 5-7 p.m. Center. Bring your family for a delicious meal and 20% of your
North Ridgeville Writers - Are you an adult who wants to entire bill will bene?t older adults in our community. Everything
meet other writers and hone your writing skills? If so, take part in Prices are as follows; seniors/$6, adults/$7 and children un- is included in the donation, including drinks and take-out!
this writing group on Saturday, Oct. 1, from 2-4 p.m. Participate der 10/$4. Dessert is $1 and pop is 50¢. Dinner includes a large
in read and critique sessions, build your skills through writing helping of spaghetti, homemade sauce, jumbo meatballs, salad Fiesta Jalapenos is located next to Pat Catan’s on the corner
practice and learn the craft of writing in general. Pre-registration and garlic bread for one low cost. All proceeds go directly to the of Lear Nagle and Center Ridge Roads, in North Ridgeville. Fi-
is required. North Ridgeville Of?ce for Older Adults to help maintain senior esta opens at 11 a.m. for lunch and is open all evening until 10
services in our area. p.m. Be sure to stop by the Senior Center and pick up your ?y-
Adult Morning Book Discussion - Adults can enjoy a fun er or print it off the Of?ce for Older Adults’ website at: www.
and interesting discussion of “Lost In Shangri-La,” by Mitch- Carry outs are available. The North Ridgeville Senior Cen- The Senior Center is
ell Zuckoff. Visit on Wednesday, Oct. 5, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. ter is located at the corner of Avon Belden Road (Rt. 83) and located at 7327 Avon Belden Road and is open 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Copies of the book are available at the adult information desk. Bainbridge. For more information, please call the senior center Monday through Friday.
New adult members are welcome. Pre-registration is required. at (440) 353-0828.
Everyone is Welcome!! If you have any questions, please call
Coloring For Grown-Ups - Experience the calming, Old Towne Hall Theatre the Senior Center at (440) 353-0856.
stress-relieving bene?ts of coloring beautiful designs and pat- presents...
terns made speci?cally for adults. Coloring sheets, colored pen- Arthritis Expo
cils and markers will be provided. Coffee, tea and light dessert
will be served. This program is for adults ages 18 and older. Visit The Fall Cuyahoga County Arthritis Expo West will take
on Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 2:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required. place on Wednesday, October 19, from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at LaCen-
tre Conference & Banquet Facility, located at 25777 Detroit Rd.,
Potty Training Boot Camp - How To - Parents are invited to in Westlake. Doors open at 1 p.m. to view exhibits. More than 50
attend a program with local Avon Lake author Teri Crane of the million Americans, including an estimated 300,000 children, live
best-selling book “Potty Train Your Child in Just One Day: Prov- with arthritis - the nation’s leading cause of disability. In Ohio
en Secrets of the Potty Pro.” Potty training tips and suggestions alone, 2.6 million residents have arthritis.
will be provided to help you beat the clock in time for preschool.
Visit on Wednesday, Oct. 5, from 6-8 p.m. Pre-registration is re- Co-sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation and Cleveland
quired. Clinic, this free educational event offers the latest news and
information about types of arthritis, pain management, joint re-
Movie And Popcorn - Families are invited to enjoy a recently placement and living well with arthritis. The afternoon will in-
released and much anticipated PG or G rated ?lm on Saturday, clude an Arthritis Foundation mission update, exhibits and door
Oct. 8 from 2-4 p.m. Pre-registration is required. prizes.
Book Buddies - Adult Book Discussion - Discuss “Go Set Register online at or
A Watchman” by Harper Lee on Wednesday, Oct. 12, from 1-2 call (216) 285-2836.
p.m. Come talk about Harper Lee’s landmark novel set two de-
cades after her beloved Pulitzer Prize–winning masterpiece, “To Watch Out! Ray Cosma as Thomas Edison, Dennis Runkle OPEN HOUSE
Kill a Mockingbird.” Copies of the book are available at the adult as Warren Harding and David Hundertmark as Henry Ford.
information desk. New adult members are welcome. Pre-regis- Sunday, September 25, from 12:00pm - 4:00pm
tration is required. Camping with Henry and Tom, a play in two acts, direct-
ed by Skip Corris. On July 24, 1921, three men drove into the 31740 Cook Rd, N. Ridgeville | 440-666-0749
Team Challengers - A Gaming Event - Third through sev- woods outside Licking Creek, Maryland: Warren G. Harding -
enth graders, put on your thinking caps and attend an evening President of the United States, Henry Ford - “The Man Who We Invite You, Your Dogs, Your Family & Friends!
of exciting team challenges. Not only will you have a blast, but Put America on Four Wheels” and Thomas Alva Edison - “The
you’ll put your problem solving and teamwork skills to the test. Wizard of Menlo Park.” A few hours later, with the aid of Secret ForfeoeurDAoggiTlirteyaEtsquainpdmuesnet! Demonstrations!
Participate on Wednesday, Oct. 12, from 6:45-7:45 p.m. Pre-reg- Service Man Colonel Edmund Starling, they emerged from the
istration is required. woods and they were never the same again. This is the story of Door Prize &
what might have happened… This Off-Broadway hit is a hilar- Raffle Baskets!
More information and pre-registration for programs is avail- ious adventure with surprising relevance to today’s politics and
able online at or by calling the North an inside look at three American souls. The play was Winner of Food
Ridgeville Library at (440) 327-8326. The North Ridgeville Li- the Outer Critic’s Award & the Lucille Lortel Award for the Best Provided!
braray is located at 35700 Bainbridge Road. Off-Broadway Play of the 1995 Season.
Auditions Performances continue on September 30 and October 1, 7
& 8 at 7:30 p.m. & October 2 at 3 p.m. Call (440) 327-2909
The Olde Towne Hall Youth Theatre will be holding audi- for reservations. The theater is located at 36119 Center Ridge
tions for “HONK!” the Musical. It is the delightful musical of the Road (just west of Rt 83) in North Ridgeville. Tickets are $12
ugly ducking and Winner of the Oliver Award for best musical. for adults and $10 for seniors and children.
Auditions will be held at 36119 Center Ridge Road, in North
Ridgeville, on October 8, from 1-4 p.m. Anyone interested in a (Photo Credit: Lenny Putz of Lifelines Images)
principal role must bring a prepared song. All others will have to
sing in small groups. Everyone must be ready to dance. Lots of
roles available for all ages (prefer ages 8-18). For more informa-
tion, call Sharon at (440) 323-0073.
Fall Sale
Check out both stores for different
products & promotions!
25%-50% off Selected Nursery Stock
50% off Perennials
Fall Bulbs for Spring Color!
Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus, Onion Sets
& 3 varieties of Garlic have arrived!
Bagged Mulch Sale
$3.99 each or 4/$14.99
(Sept. 26-Oct. 1)
Fountains 35% off
We have Pumpkins, Corn Stalks
& Halloween Decor
75% off selected Pots
50% off selected Garden Decor
(North Ridgeville only)
East: 34837 Lorain Rd., West: Cr. of Rts. 58 & 113 SUPPORT OUR TROOPS
North Ridgeville 440-327-3407 Amherst 440-986-7777
M-F 8:30-5:30, Sat. 8:30-5
M-F 8-5, Sat. 8:30-4
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Cabbage Roll Sale Swiss Steak Dinner
The Rural-Urban Record Saint Agnes Church’s Alter and Rosary Society is having Pitts?eld Community Church, located on the corner of St.
Published Weekly on Monday their annual Cabbage Roll Sale. Rts. 58 and 303, is having a Swiss Steak Dinner on Saturday,
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter October 8. Serving time is from 5-7 p.m. The cost is $10/
Founders 1955 You may order by the dozen ($12) from now through Oc- adults and $8 for children 6-12, under 5 eat free.
Lee Boise, Publisher & President tober 2, with a limited quantity to be made. To place your
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 order, contact Shirley at 322-1740, Regina at 323-2227 or GriefShare
Mailing Address: Helen at 324-2573. Pick-up will be on Wednesday, October
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 19, or Thursday, October 20, between 2-4p.m. in the Saint GriefShare is a faith based support group for those who
Agnes Church Hall at 611 Lake Avenue, in Elyria. have lost a loved one. They offer comfort, guidance and
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station support through shared experiences. Join them and discover
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 Pleae note that the cabbage rolls are uncooked. hope for your future. You may bring a friend if you prefer.
Email: [email protected] The group meets at Christ Church, located at 23080 Royal-
Website: Chinese Auction/Rigatoni Dinner ton Road, in Columbia Station (Rt. 82 at Marks Rd.), through
DEADLINE: November 1. Meetings are offered on Tuesday Mornings
LaPorte United Methodist Church is hosting their annual from 10-11:30 a.m. or Tuesday Evenings from 7-8:30 p.m.
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm Chinese Auction and Rigatoni Dinner on Saturday, October For more information, visit
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm 15, from 5:30-7 p.m. Tickets are $8/adult and $5/under 12. or contact Pastor Dominic Verdell at (440) 236-8282.
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year They can be purchased at the door or in advance through the
church of?ce by calling (440) 458-5717. Proceeds from the Fall Women’s Retreat
FUNERAL HOME & dinner and auction will help support the LaPorte UMC mis-
CREMATION SERVICES sion activities, including SOWER mission trips, Love Ops The 2nd annual Fall Women’s Retreat will be held on Sat-
outreach, Clothe-A-Kid and the Caring Tree. urday, October 8, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Lutheran Home
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance at Concord Reserve, located at 2116 Dover Center Road, in
Community of Faith Oktoberfest Westlake. Cost is $10 per person and includes lunch. Join
DAVID BOGNER your sisters in Christ for a day of refreshment and encour-
The Community of Faith United Church of Christ is agement. Deaconess Carolyn Brinkley will present three
FAMILY FUNERAL HOME hosting Oktoberfest 2016. This is a community-wide din- sessions from her diverse experiences, including the book,
ner, open to the public for a great evening of fun, music and “Bearing the Cross: Devotions on Albrecht Durer’s ‘Small
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955 food. The dinner is on Saturday, October 22, from 5-7 p.m. Passion,’; the “Military Project” at Concordia Theological at Community of Faith UCC, located at 9715 East River Rd., Seminary, Fort Wayne; and “Sights of Germany: 500 Years
in Elyria. On the menu is stuffed cabbage, kielbasa and sau- of Reformation.” The day will include a sing-a-long with the
Laubenthal Funeral erkraut, pork chops, cabbage and noodles, German potato residents after lunch and a project to do for them.
Services salad, dessert, soda, coffee and tea.
Register through St. Paul, Valley City, at
Offering Forethought Cost is $17.50 per adult or two tickets for $30. Children or call (330) 483-3883.
Funeral Pre-Planning under 8 are $7.50 per person. There will be door prizes, a
50/50 and silent auction for all. Purchase reserved tickets by Spaghetti Dinner/Auction
LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO calling the Church Secretary, Lee Ann, at (440) 322-3781.
New Life Wesleyan Church invites you to its annual Spa-
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035 Pork Roast ghetti Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, October 8, in
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 its Ministry Center at 11149 West River Road, in Columbia The Knights of Columbus of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Station. The church holds this dinner and silent auction each
Church is having their annual Pork Roast on Sunday, Octo- fall to raise funds for the Columbia Food Bank and His Ban-
LOCAL FAMILIES COMMITTED TO SERVING OUR COMMUNITY ber 9, from 12:30-4 p.m. The menu includes slow roasted, quet Table, the church’s monthly lunch and perishable food
smoked, pulled pork, baked beans, applesauce, coleslaw or pantry for the community. The dinner and auction start at
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled potato salad, rolls, dessert and a beverage. Tickets to this 5:30 p.m. with the auction running until 7 p.m. Advance
dinner are $13 for adults, $12 for seniors and $9.50 for chil- tickets are $6 for adults and $3 for children 3-12. Tickets at
FUNERAL HOME dren 12 and under. All proceeds will help their scholarship the door are $8 for adults and $4 for children 3-12. Advance
2089 Columbia Road fund. The church is located at 25801 Royalton Rd., in Co- tickets can be purchased by calling the church of?ce at (440)
Valley City, OH 44280 lumbia Station. 236-8600 and picked up at the door the night of the dinner.
330-483-3300 Ladies Conference PAL Support Group
“Understanding When Christian Unity Church, located at 36353 Capel Road in Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a support
Needed Most” Grafton, is having a Ladies Conference on Saturday, Octo- group of parents helping parents. They offer education and
ber 8, from 5-9 p.m. for ages 12 and up. The theme of the support at no charge for parents who are trying to save a conference is “Prayer Warriors,” presented by Sandy and son or daughter from addiction. These meetings are not for
Fayth Lore. Registration is required. To register, call the the addict, but the family members that are 18 yrs. or older.
Pre-Need Planning Available church at (440) 748-1008 or Jeannette Brock at (440) 323- The group meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month
6871. Deadline for registration is October 2. Tickets are $10 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Lighthouse Bible Church, located at
per person with dinner included. 24050 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station.www.palgroup.
Come and Worship with us...
TRINITY St. Elizabeth
GRAFTON UNITED Our Lady Queen of Peace
Ann Seton
Catholic Parish
973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034 Weekend Masses Weekday
38307 W. Royalton Rd. “We Celebrate Children” Sat. 4:30pm Mass
Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57) 25801 Royalton Rd.
Columbia Station, OH 8:45am Sunday School Sun. 8:30 & Chapel
Adult Bible Class Sacrament of Reconciliation
10:00am Worship
Sunday 9:30am
11:00am Mon.-Tues.
Sunday Worship (Confession) 10:35am Children’s Church Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
10:30am Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
Anytime by Appointment Sat. 3:30-
Church ph: 440-748-2154
United Church of God
Preschool ph: 440-748-3445 Weekend Masses
12981 Grafton Rd. 4:00pm
Sat. 5 p.m. Grafton, Oh 44044 +DQGLFDSSHG&KDLU$YDLODEOH ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
Rev. John Ramsey II Sun. 8 & 11 a.m. Sabbath Services
Saturdays at 12:30 pm
COLUMBIA UNITED 440-236-5095
METHODIST “Welcome Home”
New Life Wesleyan Church St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Worship Service NORTH
10:30 a.m. EATON 11149 West River Rd, All are welcome at
CHRISTIAN Columbia Station
Sunday School CHURCH God’s Table.
during Worship Service (Disciples) Adult Bible Study Sunday Worship Schedule
Rt. 82 & 83 SUNDAY 10 AM 8:30 am Quiet Communion Service
25453 ROYALTON ROAD Worship & Children’s Church
COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO 440-748-2230 WEDNESDAY 6:45 PM 9:30 am Christian Education for all ages
Adult Study, Women’s Study, 10:30 am Communion Service with Music
Pastor Matt Merriman Teens, Kids Club
236-8822 Rev. Steven Spaeth, Children’s sermon at both services
Worship Services
[email protected] Pastor 300 3rd Street, Elyria, Ohio 8:00am & 9:30am 440-236-8600 (440) 322-2126
Sunday School
Like us on Facebook
Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector
Polly Tallos
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and
Christian Ed. & Youth Director carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
—Matthew 11:28
Rev. Charles A. Butcher
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Page 9
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Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Free Community Meal out soon. The District had decided to not move forward at the
last Regular Meeting to commence development of a policy on
See you at the Pole! A free family meal will be served on Tuesday, September 27, random drug testing at this time. The incurred time and monetary
at 5:30 p.m. at North Eaton Christian Church, located at 35895 expense would eat up valuable limited resources through legal
Our young people have the opportunity to meet at the ?age Royalton Rd. (Rt. 82 near Rt. 83). Come enjoy sweet fellowship counsel, performance of due diligence and administration of the
pole in front of their schools on Wednesday, September 28, be- with new friends and let us do the cooking. Doors open at 5 p.m. program to correct a problem presented among a small popula-
fore classes, to pray for their teachers, friends and other leaders. tion of students, in addition to the potential extreme long term
Considering all the happenings occuring in our schools, com- Master Gardener consequences for students that test positive (such as warnings &
munities and county, it is imperative that we, as parents and Coffee Chats suspension from games or school) that make a program of this
grandparents, gather to pray for the safety of our children and nature not feasible at this time. The school invites not-for-pro?t
grandchildren. Join others at the ?ag pole in front of North Eaton The popular Master Gardener Coffee Chat series returns Oc- entities specialized in anti-drug programs for the District each
Christian Church, 35895 Royalton Rd. at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, tober 7 with talks on soil pH and how to prepare your garden year (Southwest General Hospital, new this year, and Dare to
September 28, for a time of prayer. for winter. The OSU Master Gardener Volunteers began the new name a few).
First Friday Coffee Chat Series to have informal gatherings on
Church to make music video the ?rst Friday of each month of spring and fall to discuss timely The Board approved the salary notices effective August 1,
gardening topics. Enjoy coffee and snacks while learning some- 2016 for Graig Bansek and Patricia Eddy and other exempt,
You are invited to appear in a “Music Video” to be ?lmed in thing new for your garden from 10-11:30 a.m. at the OSU Exten- supervisory and administrative employees. The Board rescind-
just a few weeks at North Eaton Christian Church. Since 1842, sion Of?ce in the Professional Building at 120 W. Washington ed one teacher supplemental contract and approved 13 various
NECC has been the site of many weddings, funerals, birthday St.,in Medina. Cost is only $5 per person. Pre-registration is re- types of supplemental contracts for the 2016/17 school year.
parties, bridal and baby showers, civic elections, Scouting activi- quested, but walk-ins are welcome! The Board approved salary modi?cations for four teachers who
ties, health clinics, monthly free meals and more for the commu- earned additional coursework above their Master’s Degree. The
nity. The church is asking for volunteers who have bene?ted in The October chat will discuss what soil pH means for your Board approved 24 additional 2016/17 substitute teachers and
any way from NECC’s presence in this community to take part plants and how to get your garden beds ready for winter. No- 7 classi?ed substitute personnel. The Board approved employ-
in the music video which will be used in an online crowdfunding vember will include a chat about safe gardening around pets, ment of one individual as Lunchtime Monitor (one-year limit-
page to raise money for a new roof and other facility repairs and and December will conclude the 2016 coffee chats by discussing ed contract effective August 25, 2016). The Board accepted one
upgrades. There are parts for all ages and abilities, from dancers frost-sensitive bulbs. resignation from the Drama Director, effective immediately. The
and people in period costumes, to those with mobility issues will- Board designated, per the Local Superintendent’s recommen-
ing to smile for the camera. If you are homebound, they can even For more information, visit or call Ashley dations, 14 individuals as event workers for the 2016/17 school
bring their camera to you! Kulhanek at (330) 725-4911. year to help collect admission, keep score and other duties at
home games (will be paid from general fund payroll - procedure
Fall ?lming dates (on Saturdays and Sundays) will be sched- COLUMBIA BOE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 put in place this year to satisfy State audit requirements). The
uled based on the availability of volunteers. Contact Diana Tyler The District is considering an enhancement option (contract Board established event worker pay rates ranging from $20 to
at 458-5829 or [email protected] by October 5 with your $40 based on the position responsibilities and sport.
questions or to sign up. NECC loves being a place of help and cost - $7,600) to extract data into reports and create administra-
hope for this community; it is the church’s hope that all will join tive ef?ciencies for use with their existing relationship with Ohio The Board agreed to submit the EDE Computer/Online Ser-
them in this fun and exciting project which will ensure its future Checkbook (cost-free). The enhancements would generate vari- vices Acceptable Use and Internet Safety for review/revision to
service to Lorain County and beyond. ous reports by automation from existing data and contribute to allow parents to submit a form during attendance once for Copo-
administrative and reporting ef?ciencies of the District (trial for pa, once for CMS, and once for CHS.
“One Stop Shopping” 1 year). The Board approved the FY17 Amended Certi?cate of
Available Resources and the FY17 Revisions of the Permanent The next Regular Board of Education Meeting is scheduled
Wolverine/Cat Muck Appropriations, as presented by the Treasurer. for 10/19/2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the District Administrative of?ce,
unless otherwise posted on the District website,
Chippewa Treds The Building Committee discussed the possible projects pres-
ently and 2017: 8 slots for handicapped parking (additional pav-
Carolina Timberland ing - 2017), completion of drain on east side (2017) and review Dawn DeWerth
of the height of a wall by an insurance agent. Wayne Brassell 10380 Greenview Drive
Carhar tt In Quality Red Wing Shoes asked about the monthly costs associated to the operation and Columbia Station, OH 44028
maintenance of each of the three school buildings from July 440.212.5683 • [email protected]
Work • Casual • Hunting Wear & Accessories to August. He wanted to know if cost differences were due to
Work Shoes • Rubber Boots • Dog Food & Supplies square footage, general repairs, custodial and age of building.
The Treasurer responded that some staff were on vacation for a
Rain Gear & Kids & Womens Clothing portion of that time and that costs will also include grounds keep-
ing and snow removal in the winter (seasonal costs and related Please FAX orders equipment usage, replacement and repair).
The Board discussed tempering their passionate responses
during Regular Meetings toward participants during community
input at a September meeting. The District has conducted due
diligence in preparation for the school surveys to be completed
by staff, teachers, students and parents. The surveys will be sent
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Page 11
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Friday September 30th Greystone Harvest Patch
3 - 6 pm Cellars Shandy
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Angels Haven Horse Rescue bring together the larger Indie 5 p.m. We are hosting a Staff
Open House community. Get involved! Chili Cook Off! That’s right!
Come and try some of our
MARCHING BLUE Anime Club - Monday, chili and vote for your favor-
September 10 was Midview Marching Blue Gold Card Blitz October 10, 3 - 5 p.m. Anime ite! One of our staff will win
Day. If you were not home, or wanted a card and were unable to and Manga enthusiasts meet the coveted title of Chili King
purchase, you are in luck! The cards are still available and may once per month after school or Queen! Who will it be?
be purchased by contacting Midview Band Director, Josh Brun- to watch videos, discuss their
ger at [email protected] or Tammy Koleski at jtkoles- favorite characters and series, Tri-C Ghost Hunters:
[email protected] or by calling (440) 935-4910. The cards are and participate in related ac- “Insights into the Unknown”
$10 and have two “break off coupons worth around $20 savings tivities and games. - Wednesday, October 12,
by themselves! Not only are you supporting the Midview March- 6-7:30 p.m. Tri-C Ghost
ing Blue, but you will be saving a lot on purchases around the Adult Social Hour: En- Hunters is a team of dedicated
community! joying Apples - Tuesday, paranormal investigators and
October 11, 11 a.m.-12:30 enthusiasts who investigate
READ BETWEEN THE WINES p.m. What’s not to love about claims of paranormal activi-
Tickets are now available for the October 6 Read Between apples? They’re a very easy ty throughout Ohio and sur-
the Wines event at the Grafton-Midview Public Library. Library snack to tote with you, they’re rounding states. Join us for a
doors open at 6 p.m. Tickets are $35 pre-sale ($40 the night of healthy, delicious raw, baked, presentation on investigating
the event) and are available at the library’s circulation desk. A or cooked into sauce. Learn the paranormal with audio,
Chinese raf?e and silent auction will also take place. Read Be- some of the best tips on shop- video and photographic evi-
tween The Wines is put on by the Friends of the Grafton-Mid- ping, storing, and cooking this dence from past cases as well
view Public Library for the purpose of raising money for library popular fruit. Be prepared to as the basics of conducting an
programming and the library’s endowment fund. Much of the taste test a few apple recipes. investigation.
library’s Summer Reading Program was paid for by previous
Read Between The Wines. Plan to join them for an evening of Staff Chili Cook-Off -
great local food, wine tasting and beautiful music while support- Tuesday, October 11, Noon -
ing the Grafton-Midview Public Library!
Grafton History Association
The Grafton V.F.W. Auxiliary will be having their fall Lake Reminders:
Erie perch ?sh fry on Friday, October 7, at the Post, 783 Huron Turn in your house information by October 1. Thank You!
Street. Service is from 5-7 p.m. Carry outs will be available by Natalie Justus from North Ridgeville learns to care for the Bicentennial Meeting on October 5, in Council Chambers at
calling 926-3341 after 4. This is open to the public. horse she is learning to ride at the Farm.
6:30 p.m.
LIBRARY FRIENDS Angels Haven Horse Rescue is hosting their annual Open September Events, 1876, newspaper items:
The Friends of the Grafton-Midview Library will hold their House/Membership Drive on Sunday, October 2, from 1-5 p.m. September 8: Burglars entered two houses on Center Street
October meeting on October 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the library’s Com- at Evergreen Farm, located at 13297 Durkee Road, in Grafton.
munity Room. Come and join us as we make our last minute Come meet the rescue horses and see how far they have pro- last Wednesday night. From Mr. Kelsey they got the contents
preparations for the Read Between the Wines event. gressed. Fun activities will be occurring throughout the event, of his pocket book, his watch and the watch of his hired boy.
including horse/pony rides and a pumpkin decorating contest. Also, from Mr. Ritchie, who is stopping at Mr. Jones, they got
YSU freshmen Driving opportunities are available for a $2 donation. Wearables eighty dollars in currency. Mr. Hart’s house was tried, but the dog
awarded Scholarships and other rescue items will be on hand for a donation. Snacks will prevented entrance. Thursday night the house of George Plested
be available. Your generous donations help pay for hay, grain, vet was entered in his absence but nothing was taken as his wife was
More than 1,200 Youngstown State University freshmen have and farrier care, stall bedding and natural supplements. They will thoughtful enough to take herself and valuables to the neighbors
been awarded scholarships for the Fall 2016 semester in recogni- also be offering gas card raf?e tickets at the event. Tickets are $5 that night.
tion of their academic excellence, including the following: each and only 500 tickets are being sold. 1st prize is a $500 gas
card to a station of your choice. 2nd prize is a $50 gas card. If you August 29: We understand that the devil of intemperance
Ellianna Hoff of Grafton, a graduate of Midview High would like gas card tickets, they are available now. You can send caused some rampant shooting last night. Such shooting is dan-
School now majoring in Combined Science at YSU, was award- checks made payable to AHHR, 13297 Durkee Road, Grafton, gerous and we ought to have someone to lookout for those insane
ed the Trustees’ Scholarship, Honors Program Scholarship and Ohio 44044. The drawing will be held on December 18. Please by drink.
the Honors Housing Scholarship. call Heidi if you have any questions at (440) 781-5060.
September 19: A spruce looking couple with plenty of cheek
Daniel Schmittgen of Grafton, a graduate of Midview High Grafton-Midview Library and style and little or no money, have been stopping awhile at the
School now majoring in Pre Business Economics at YSU, was National Hotel. Last Friday night they departed by a ladder from
awarded the Red and White Scholarship and the Housing Excel- a window leaving Mr. Clark to mourn their absence. Twenty ?ve
lence Scholarship. dollars worth. The man styled himself as C. M. Witherman.
Other village news: In 1875 the Methodist Church was ded-
Congratulations! To register for programs, and networking is 12:30-1:45 icated; 1876 Rawsonville became Grafton; 1876 the CCC &
call 926-3317, visit the library p.m. Then, at 2 p.m., everyone STL Railroad water tower was erected, and the ?rst brick school
at 983 Main Street in Grafton will join a digital gathering house built on the Chestnut Street lot.
or visit their website, www. featuring Q&A with writers, agents and industry leaders to
Digital Detox Zone -
Wednesday, September 28,
3-5 p.m. Take a break from
technology and engage in a
SAVE MONEY WITH THE HOME/CAR DISCOUNT. variety of traditional activities
and crafts including coloring,
Which helps when you have the duct tape, perler beads, board
games and more.Snacks and
Combine your home and auto insurance and save up refreshments will be provided.
to 25% on your premiums at Nationwide® Ozobots - Thursday, Sep-
Mark Cummings Agency tember 29, 6-7:30p.m. Experi-
MARK CUMMINGS Nationwide® ment with programming small
On Your Side robots called Ozobots using
990 Commerce Dr. Grafton
440-926-2000 basic coding instructions and
[email protected] Nationwide® drawing skills. Create obsta-
Call me today for a quote. Auto Home Life Business cle courses for your Ozobot
to follow and challenge your
Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Af?lited Companies. Life friends to a race.
Insurance issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Of?ce: Columbus, OH 43215-2220 Tech Tutor - Wednesday,
KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS Indie Author Event at GMPLOctober 5, 9:30 a.m.-12:30
p.m. & 2:30-4:30 p.m. We
GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY have the answers you need Saturday, October 8, 12:30 - 4 PM
on the devices you have in a
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ 60-minute session during the
Hours By Appointment times stated or make your own
appointment. Call or stop in Meet Jack Beltane,
GRAFTON, OHIO today! Author of A Company of Tatters,
Indie Author Day Event -
440-926-2705 Saturday, October 8, 12:30-4 Selected as an Indie Ohio “Highlight” title p.m. GMPL is one of the host- by the Library Journal
ing sites for this nationwide
event bringing libraries across
North America together. Food Join GMPL’s Writers Bunch for a valuable networking
Over 35 years of Outstanding Customer Service! opportunity from 12:30 - 1:45 PM.
Then, at 2 PM everyone will join a digital gathering
We’ll get your Vehicle featuring Q&A with writers, agents and industry
back to pre-accident leaders to bring together the larger indie
community. Get the answers to your
condition... FAST! publishing questions.
Be inspired! Meet the right people!
Get involved!
Light refreshments served.
33765 Neff Rd., Registration not required.
Grafton Twp.
330-483-3200 983 Main St., GraOon
Collison Repair, Restoration, Custom Paint & Lettering
In 1877, Amos Tran was digging a ‘cooling” pond for his Milkweed Pod Collection Tips RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Page 13
cheese business on Rawson land along Willow Creek, when he and Drop off Site
hit stone, sandstone, and the Willow Creek Quarry, better known 5K fund-raiser
as the Rawson Quarry, was established. “Steps for Elijah”
History September 2016: The 1st annual “Steps for Elijah” 5K and 1 Mile Walk is on
A new business, “Grammie’s Primitive Treasures,” opens at Saturday, October 1, at North Park Community Center, in Graf-
577 Main Street, (Parson’s Crossing Plaza). The Grafton Town ton. The Walk starts at 8:30 a.m. and the Race starts at 9 a.m.
Hall is being refurbished with a coat of white paint and concrete Register online now at and search
replaced in front of building, the McAlpin residence on Main “Steps for Elijah.”
Street is receiving a coat of paint and the former 1894 Angelo
Rawson home at the end of Elm Street is being restored and the The packet pick-up and registration on the day of the race
area “neatened.” starts at 7:30 a.m. and closes 8:30 a.m.
These examples of Village Pride should inspire all of us to
check our properties. All proceeds bene?t the Trisomy 18 Foundation®.To learn
Doris Wildenheim, 926-2956 more about Elijah’s story and the Trisomy 18 Foundation®, go to
I cannot believe how quickly time is progressing this year. It Mature common milkweed seed pods
is now of?cially fall and in a few days we will be moving into Due to the drastic decline in the population of the Monarch Rally for the Cure Golf Outing
October. Although I’ve only been here a few short months, the butter?y and the decline of native milkweed plants, the Ohio Pol-
sense of community and support here is still amazing. This was linator Habitat Initiative (OPHI) is seeking public involvement On October 8, the 2nd annual “Rally For The Cure” Golf
demonstrated to me last week during our homecoming festivi- to collect and drop off common and swamp milkweed seed pods Outing will be held at Pine Brook Golf Links in Grafton. The
ties. Whether our students were on homecoming court, joining from established plants, now through Oct. 30 at collection sta- 4-person scramble is being held on Saturday, October 8, with a
in on spirit days, marching in the band, playing on the ?eld or tions around the state. The seeds will be used to establish new 9 a.m. shotgun start. Outing includes a hot dog lunch and a Tony
cheering from the stands, our community and staff were there, plantings and create additional habitat for the Monarch butter?y K’s Clam Bake dinner.
offering support and encouragement. It really was a great week! throughout Ohio in the coming years.
“Common and swamp milkweed is essential to the survival The winners of the outing get a prize box. There will also be
I would like to remind everyone that remediation work on of Monarch Butter?ies in Ohio,” said Marci Lininger, biologist Skins, Pins, Raf?es, gift bags and more! Cost is $85 dollars per
the North Elementary building will be starting very soon. Con- with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “Ohio is a priority area person. Wear pink to show your support!
struction trailers and fencing are being put in place, which will for Monarchs. This generation of Monarchs is also responsible
affect traf?c ?ow during peak times on campus. We appreciate for starting the life cycle all over again in the spring and laying To sign up, or for sponsorship or more information, contact
your patience and apologize for any inconveniences as we work the following year’s ?rst generation of Monarchs in late sum- Andrew Jeffries at Pine Brook at (440) 748-2939 or email An-
to ensure our buildings are structurally sound and will last our mer” [email protected].
students for years to come. “Most Ohio counties have a Milkweed Pod Collection Sta-
tion – most of them being located at the local Soil and Water Lorain County Fair Board
Interim reports will be sent home soon. If you have a stu- Conservation District of?ce,” said Lori Stevenson, Ohio Private Directors elected
dent at Midview, please connect with your child about his or her Lands Coordinator with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. To
grades. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like ad- ?nd the location of your local SWCD of?ce, visit http://www. Elections for the Lorain County Fair Board Directors
ditional help for your child, please contact the teachers. Also, or for a list of were held on August 22. The Directors who were elected for
encourage your student to talk to his or her teacher about grades. participating Soil and Water Conservation Districts visit www. a 3-year term ending in 2019 are: Donald Crawford, Cam-
Creating strong relationships is vital to the academic success of den; Chris Jordan, Pitts?eld; Kim Meyers, Brighton; Ronald
our students. Seed pods from common or swamp milkweed should be col- Pickworth, LaGrange; John Piwinski, Russia; Brian Twining,
lected when the pods are dry and gray or brown in color. If the Huntington; and Chris Zurcher, Brownhelm.
Have a great week! center seam pops with gentle pressure, they can be picked. It
Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent is best to collect pods into paper bags or paper grocery sacks. If any questions should arise regarding the election pro-
Avoid using plastic bags because they can attract moisture and cedure, please contact the Fair Secretary, Charisse Nikel, at
MHS Soccer Raffle allow mold to develop. Store seeds in a cool, dry area until you (440) 647-2781.
can deliver to the closest pod collection area. It is recommended
Please support the Boys and Girls Soccer Teams at Midview to wear disposable gloves when picking and handling pods. Har- SALUTE OUR SERVICEMEN
High School by purchasing a Soccer Raf? e ticket. The cost of vesting seed pods from milkweed plants will not have any effect
each ticket is $5 and gives you a chance to win one of 30 prizes on the population of milkweed in established areas. TLC Insurance Group, Inc.
ranging in value from $50 up to $500. The tickets can be pur- Drop off dates: now through-October 30. Drop off site: Medi-
chased by calling Jennifer Bartone at (440) 225-6852 or Teri Re- na County Soil & Water Conservation District Of?ce, located at Providers of Senior Insurance Products
imer at (440) 537-4206. The prizes will be drawn on Monday, 6090 Wedgewood Road (Rt 162), in Medina. MCSWCD drive-
October 10, in Midview High School’s APR at 7 p.m. You do not way is between the railroad tracks and the Medina County Home ALLAN J. RODAK
have to be present to win. (?rst building on the left). Hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. At the en-
tryway porch there will be a blue trash bin marked “Milkweed Medicare Supplement Specialist
Midview Tennis Open Gyms Pods Only.” Bin is available after of?ce hours. We are only col-
lecting pods from common milkweed, not butter?y weed, Indian 1-800-378-5335 or 440-759-3268
Midview Tennis Open Gyms for MMS/MHS boys and girls is hemp, swamp milkweed or related plants. Label bags: Medina, 650 Calann Drive
October 5, 12, 19 and 26, from 3-4 p.m. at the MHS Courts. No county collected in and date and time collected. Elyria, OH 44035
tennis experience necessary. Racquets can be borrowed. Weather For a more detailed information brochure on how to collect [email protected]
permitting. seed pods, contact OPHI at (614) 416-8993 or Medina County
Soil & Water Conservation District, Linda Schneider, at (330)
For more information, contact midviewtennis_coachm@ya- 722-9321 or [email protected]. PRO-GRADE SAVINGS
The MHS girls tennis season is underway now. Good luck SAVE BIG
lady Middies! THIS FALL
The MHS boys tennis season will start next March. We can SAVE
help you learn to play in the off-season. http://www.midviewk12.
org/BoysTennis.aspx. $20 00
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RESTAURANT Friends of the Grafton-Midview PB-250LN
AND PUB Public Library present:
926-2621 ...Since 1983 between the BACKPACK BLOWER WINES 30 299.SAVE $ 99
Fri. Sept 30th & Oct 1st An evening of Fine Wine, Food, $ 00 Original MSRP
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ENJOY OUR “UNI CLAMBAKE” Thursday, October 6, 2016 $329.99
6:00pm-10:00pm at
All the components of a Traditional Clambake in a unique STOP BY YOUR ECHO National Sales Event In-Store Rebate
presentation with fresh corn “off the cob” and redskin Grafton-Midview Public Library LOCAL ECHO offers good at participating dealers with
potatoes in our Chowder Cream Sauce topped with 6 DEALER TODAY! PB-250LN and PB-580H/T purchases made
Tickets on Sale Now 9/01/16–11/30/16.Price discounts cannot be
steamed Middleneck Clams and a Chicken Breast for $16.95, Pre-Sale: $35 combined with any other offers.
- or with a 5oz Maine Lobster Tail for $21.95!
Served with our House Salad and At the Door: $40 Grafton Mower Service
Freshly Baked Bread loaf
Tickets available 1007 Parsons Rd.
Plus! Fresh Steamed Clams by calling Grafton, OH 44044
440-926-3317 440-926-2880
9Early Bird PERCH FRY $ 95
Proceeds from the event enable the Friends to provide
Fridays 4-6 pm - Fresh Lake Erie Perch support to the Grafton-Midview Public Library.
Open from 4pm Tuesday - Saturday
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Trustee vacancy Postal Service Urges Voters
to Mail Ballots Early
Fire Department With the passing of Trustee Dan Miller, the Grafton Town-
Pancake Breakfast ship Trustees are required by law to ?ll the vacancy within 30 The U.S. Postal Service is encouraging voters to mail early.
days. The quali?cations for a Trustee are: you must be a citi- With voting beginning in some states in September and continu-
The semi-annual Grafton Township Fire Department pancake zen of the United States, a resident of Grafton Township, and ing through early November, all individuals casting their ballots
and sausage breakfast will be held on October 16. Breakfast will a registered voter. Letters of interest are being accepted at the through the U.S. Mail are asked to send completed absentee bal-
be served from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. They are located at the corner of township hall, 17109 Avon Belden Rd. Grafton, Oh 44044. Let- lots back at least one week in advance of their state deadlines to
St. Rt. 303 and St. Rt. 83, in Belden. Cost for the all-you-can-eat ters should be received by Sept. 30th. The appointment will be ensure the safe, timely delivery of their vote. The Postal Service
breakfast is $6 for ages 11 & up, $5 for seniors, $3 for children made at the next Township Trustee meeting to be held Tuesday offers the following suggestions:
4-10 years old and children 3 and under are free. They are adding October 11, 2016. The appointment will be for the remainder of
fruit cups and chocolate milk at no additional cost. There will Trustee Miller’s term which expires November 2017. For more •Voters should request ballots be sent from their local juris-
also be a LifeShare blood mobile on site from 9 a.m. to noon. information or questions, you can contact Carl Wesemeyer at diction with suf?cient time to receive, complete and return them
Breakfast is free with a successful donation. Take the time to (216) 299-3159 or Jean Haight at (440) 926-2178. a week before the deadline. •Voters are strongly encouraged to
check out our equipment that you helped to purchase. This is the check with their local election of?cials for rules pertaining to
perfect time to meet your volunteer ?re?ghters and EMTs. Tiger seeks loving home their jurisdiction. •Voters should visit their state’s website to ?nd
out the locations of election of?ces and to get information about
Old Town Hall Tiger voting by mail. Additional information can be found at usps.
and Museum painting Tiger has lived in the same home since he was a kitten. He com/electionmail.
is now 11-years-old and has been loved a lot. His owners were
Thanks to the many generous donations received for the labor heartbroken when they had to surrender him for adoption. They SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
of scraping and painting the Belden Historical Society’s build- were losing their home and didn’t have a place to keep him. Tiger
ing at the corner of St. Rt. 83 and St. Rt. 303. Donations will has gorgeous eyes! He is an incredibly nice cat who is confused Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
still be accepted by check to: The Belden Historical Society, c/o being in a new environment. The sooner he can get back into a programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
Bob Flickinger, 35939 St. Rt. 303, Grafton, Ohio, 44044. Lon- home the better. Tiger likes Meow Mix that comes in the bag 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
do Painting, of Elyria, will begin prep work followed by prim- with purple on it and Meow Mix treats. He will lay with you to The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
ing and painting, weather permitting, on Monday, October 3. watch TV. He hasn’t been around other dogs or cats so not sure drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
This project was funded, in part, by a grant provided by Keep how he would do with them. This sweet Maine Coon needs to get If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
Ohio Beautiful and The Sherwin-Williams Company. Groups back to being a pet where he is loved a lot. Do you have room in
are provided paint and painting supplies to renew a community your heart and home for Tiger? If you would like to give Tiger ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE CANCELED.
structure through the application of fresh paint and a lot of elbow a loving, forever home, please call the Friendship Animal Pro-
grease. tective League at (440) 322-4321. ( These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
The shelter is located at 8303 Murray Ridge Road, in Elyria.
Remember the Candy Bar Adoption fees are $20. All cats have been spayed or neutered, 9/26 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free
When You Need a Car vaccinated, dewormed and have tested negative for FeLV. donuts and coffee for participants.
9/27 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed
Ask for GARY HEATH by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for
And Get a FREE 9/30 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks
for participants.
6-Pack 10/3 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with
440-366-3673 free donuts and coffee for participants.
10/4 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with
fruit and juice for participants.
10/6 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior
Dinner to be held 10/13/2016 at 5:30pm.
Two names per phone call only.
10/7 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with
pop and snacks for participants.
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.
Model #445 Model #450
• X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to • X-Torq¨ Engine Reduces Fuel Consumption Up To
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& chain, 16”-20” bar • 60.3 cc, 12.8 lbs without bar
$42995 & chain, 18”-24” bar
FINANCING Mon-Fri 8-6,
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SINCE 1979
For Qualified Buyers.
See dealer for details
1007 Parsons Road,Grafton, OH 44044 | 440-926-2880 • 440-926-2881
Historical Society RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Page 15
BBQ and Auction
Dumpster Days trees and other nature items with fall interest. Children should
The Lorain County Historical Society is pleased to announce dress accordingly as part of the program will be outside. Space is
Carlisle Township will have a Dumpster Day on Saturday, its 12th annual BBQ and Auction on October 8, from 5-8 limited. Pre-registration is required. No walk-ins please.
October 1, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. for residents only, with proper ID. Jack Matia Honda, located at 823 Leona Street in Elyria, in-
cluding all-you-can-eat chicken and ribs by Big Dog Catering. Cost is $5 per participating child. Parental or adult super-
Items not accepted at Dumpster Days: tires, televisions, elec- The dinner includes coleslaw, potato salad, baked beans, rolls vision is required for the duration of the program. Registration
tronics, computers, cell phones, ?uorescent bulbs and ballasts, with butter, bottled water, coffee and dessert. A cash bar will be forms can be found online at If you have
VHS tapes, household batteries, paints, pool chemicals and sol- available. Pre-sale tickets only are available now for $30 per per- questions, please call (330) 725-4911, Ext. 106.
vents. These items go to the Lorain County collection center. son. For tickets, contact The Lorain County Historical Society at
Garbage should be disposed of at the curb with Allied Waste/ (440) 322-3341. All tickets will be mailed unless purchased close Sonny seeks loving home
Republic pick-up or any other reputable hauler. to the event date. Proceeds bene?t the maintenance of The Hick-
ories Museum and the Lorain County History Center and the Sonny is a neu- Sonny
For questions, call the Township’s Administrative Of?ce at programming of the Lorain County History Center. This event tered, 2-3-year-old If you would like to meet
(440) 458-5667 or the Road Department at (440) 458-6688. is open to the public. male Hound mix. Sonny, please call Pam with
He weighs 75 lbs. Brown Dog Rescue at (440)
Robson Road Neighborhood Wind Energy and Birds: and has had his 452-6316.
Watch meeting Can They Co-Exist? shots updated.
Sonny came from
The Robson Road Neighborhood Watch Steering Committee The Black River Audubon Society presents Wind Energy a kill shelter near
meeting will be held on Monday, September 26, at The LaPorte and Birds: Can They Co-Exist? given by birding experts Mark the Ohio/Mich-
United Methodist Church at 7 p.m. Shieldcastle and Kim Kaufman from the Black Swamp Bird Ob- igan border. He
servatory on October 4, at 7 p.m., at the Carlisle Reservation Vis- was running for 2
Topics covered are centered around the safety of the commu- itor Center, located at 12282 Diagonal Road, in LaGrange. Both weeks before the
nity. The Mark and Kim are well known speakers about resident and mi- Warden was able to
Lorain County Sheriff’s Department will be sending a Deputy to gratory birds of the Lake Erie region. Now that harnessing wind catch him, and sad-
give reports of any recent activity and will answer any speci?c energy has become a world-wide activity, their experiences eval- ly, no one claimed
concerns regarding the community. uating the suitability of siting of windmills is important for the or reported him
future of wildlife and all of us. This program is free to the public missing. He is a
New neighbors on Robson Road (or any adjoining streets) are and sponsored by the Black River Audubon Society. For more bundle of high en-
welcome to join in and be a part of the team. information on programs, volunteering or becoming a member, ergy and requires
please visit or call (440) 225-7601. a fenced yard. He
Dumpsters is crate trained and
Saturday Fall Kid’s Garden Workshop very sweet. He is
not used to getting
October 1, Kids can seek adventures in the garden at a fall children’s affection, so he will need a
from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. workshop with OSU Master Gardener Volunteers! Fall is just very patient, steady person in
around the corner and OSU Master Gardeners are inviting kids his life. A family with older
@ Town Hall and their parents to come out and enjoy it. This year’s theme will children would be best for him
be about enjoying fall activities and getting ready for the cold due to his energy level.
Residents Only with ID. weather.
Cell: 440-506-2957
Keep in touch with your community The program entitled, “Fall Adventures in the Garden,” is Office: 440-327-6511
Visit: scheduled for Sunday, October 2, from 2-4 p.m. at Wolf Creek Email: [email protected]
Environmental Center, 6100 Ridge Road, in Sharon Center.
Thanks to support from the Medina County Park District.
Parents can bring their kids for some interactive hands-on Greg Rhodes
gardening. Activities are designed for ages 6-12 and include two
“Make and Take” stations, a Pumpkin Chia Pet and a Pinecone Realtor
Bird Feeder. A lesson on seeds, bulbs and roots will be given,
and children will go home with something to plant. Both parents
and children can participate in the nature-themed scavenger hunt
full of riddles. Kids can explore the park trail to identify ?owers,
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 commercial sex and forced labor. Victims include not only chil- Raffle of Browns tickets to
dren, but also male and female adults. support Library
Lions Club seeks winter
clothing donations In this parent session, human traf?cking in Lorain County
will be addressed by Kristi Miller, a social worker and advocate
The LaGrange Lions are looking for donations of new or who works directly with human traf?cking victims.
clean, gently used winter apparel such as coats, hats, scarves, Part III: My Kids Are Tired of Testing! How Can I Help? - The Friends of the Keystone-LaGrange Community Library
gloves and boots. These items will be distributed to those in need are sponsoring a football ticket raf?e to raise funds to support our
at their monthly food pantry. Anyone wishing to donate any of Monday, Feb. 6, from 6-7:30 p.m. In this session, parents will local community library. Tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20.
these items, please call Ann at (440) 315-4278. Thank you ahead learn what state and district tests their children are required to The raf?e tickets are for 4 seats located in section 148/row 33 to
of time for your generosity. take. We will also present test-taking strategies and secrets to this year’s Cleveland Browns-New York Jets game on October
success to ensure the highest possible score 30 at 1 p.m. The drawing of the winning ticket will be conducted
Penfield Recreational Park at the October 7, Keystone High School varsity football game.
fund-raiser Part IV: The Impact of Social Media on Our Children - The winner need not be present to win. For tickets, call Mary at
Monday, April 3, from 6-7:30 p.m. In this session, parents will 355-6701 or Eileen at 647-3011.
The Pen?eld Recreational Park Board is having their annu- be provided with information about social media, including cy-
al Reverse Raf?e fund-raiser. The reverse raf?e is the largest berbullying, online predators and the permanent digital footprint. Books/DVDs, CDs and
fund-raiser that the park board hosts and has been held for over Parents will also be shown what they can do to track their child’s
10 years. It is normally held in the spring, but was postponed social media usage. In addition, the pros and cons of personal
this year for various reasons. The Reverse Raf?e event is sched- devices at school will be examined. games donations wanted
uled for October 1, from 6 p.m. until midnight at the Izaak Wal- The series will be held at Keystone Local School District, 531
ton League on Foster Road. Tickets are $40 each and include a Opportunity Way, in LaGrange, in the KES Cafeteria. For more Wondering what to do with unwanted but gently used books,
chance at the grand prize, a dinner catered by Sterks, dancing audio books, DVDs and CDs, puzzles and games? Consider do-
and more. For more information or to inquire about buying tick- information, visit nating them to the Friends of the Keystone-LaGrange Commu-
ets, contact Tim Tyrone at (440) 396-3096 or Teri Bacsi at (440)
315-9048. nity Library. Donations boxes are located at: LaGrange IGA,
Fire?ghters’ Community Credit Union, Michelle’s Restaurant,
Keystone Local Schools’ Keystone-LaGrange Community Library, FirstMerit Bank,
4-Part Parent Series Northwest Bank, Dollar General, The Methodist Church and
I would like to thank the The ?rst presentation of the The Baptist Church. The items collected will be used for the
In a four-part series, Keystone Local Schools is offering par- Keystone High School Stu- four-part series will be held on annual Fall Book Sale, which will be held on November 18,
ents an opportunity to learn about critical issues that have a direct dent Council and advisors Jen Thursday, Sept 29 from 6-7:30 19 & 20. All proceeds from the sale bene?t the Keystone-La-
and profound impact on our students. These issues are relevant Fehlan-Jones and Dave Jones p.m. in the KHS Cafeteria. Grange Community Library.
for children of all ages, from kindergarten through adulthood. for planning and carrying out The presentation will focus on
an awesome spirit week! I the best-selling book “The En- KHS Class of 1966
Part I: The Energy Bus - Thursday, Sept. 29, from 6-7:30 p.m. would also like to recognize ergy Bus.” 50th Reunion
In this session, parents will be introduced to a concept called The their hard work in bringing Lastly, Financial Aid Night
Energy Bus. This “bus” shows children how to overcome neg- together all three schools and will be held on Tuesday, Sep-
ativity, disappointment, obstacles and everyday challenges. By students from grades kinder- tember 27, at 6 p.m. in Room
riding on the bus, students learn how to stay positive and focus garten through twelve in a 124. It is highly recommend- Keystone High School class of 1966 is having its 50th class
on their goals. pep rally at the stadium. It is ed that all high school seniors reunion at Coppertop at Cherokee Hills Golf Course, in Valley
so wonderful for our younger and parents attend, although City, on Saturday, October 15. The search is on to locate class-
Part II: Human Traf?cking In Lorain County - Thursday, students to share their school students and families from mates. For details, graduates and former teachers are encouraged
Nov. 10, from 6-7:30. Human traf?cking is modern day slavery. spirit and Keystone pride with any grade level are welcome to contact [email protected] or call Cindy Worthington Myers
It is trading human beings for sexual slavery, forced prostitution, our high schoolers. to join us and get a head start. at (440) 647-2570. Other thanks to Suzanne Topics include the FAFSA, a
Healy and Mrs. Gibson for ?nancial aid timeline, scholar-
leading the way in fundraising ships, student loans and more.
to support cancer research. In Franco Gallo, Keystone
coordination with Buckeye Superintendent
Middle School, the volley- Franco.Gallo@keystone.
ball team recently held their 440-355-2424
Volley for the Cure event,
raising $521.50 in donations.
More donations will be raised
at their away game at Buck- K rystowski SERVICE
eye in October. KHS teacher SPECIAL!
and senior class advisor Mrs. T ractor
Gibson is also aiding in the S ales
fund-raising efforts by spon-
soring “Hats Off to Cancer.”
Please plan on attending
our upcoming parent series.
Any service work completed by our technicians by
December 31, 2016 will receive a coupon for:
$10 for EVERY $100 spent today
on your next visit!
*Maximum value will not exceed $500
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Retail purchases only. Up to ?ve quarts of Motorcraft® oil and Motorcraft oil ?lter. Taxes, diesel vehicles and disposal fees extra. Hybrid battery test excluded. Offer valid until 9-30-16. See Service Advisor for vehicle exclusions.
Flu Clinic Schedule RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Page 17
Anyone can catch the ?u. It’s never known when people will Cub Scouts build tables & benches for KES
begin to get sick and how long the illness will last. To protect
both you and your loved ones this ?u season, the Lorain County Cub Scout Pack #118 stands behind the benches they built for the Elementary School.
General Health District (LCGHD) will provide ?u shot clinics
this fall. Cub Scout Pack #118 had a very productive summer project are KES students. Turner comments, “The kids
as they were busy learning to use power tools, drills and were so proud to see the tables and benches on the play-
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rec- more to build three tables and six benches for the Ele- ground. One of the benches will be painted as a buddy
ommends a ?u vaccine as the ?rst and best way to protect your- mentary School’s playground. bench, and when it is occupied by a student, it is a signal
self. According to the CDC, all people 6 months of age and older that he/she would like to join a play group or game. It’s
should receive a ?u vaccine. This community service project was the result of a a great way to keep students involved and create a team
combined effort between Joe Scheimann, the Cub Mas- environment.”
LCGHD Health Commissioner, David Covell, R.S., M.P.H., ter and KES Guidance Counselor Anna Turner. Schei-
announced ?u shot clinic dates and locations for the 2016 ?u mann is not only the Cub Master, but he also is a skilled JACK MATIA
season, listed below. woodworker. Turner states, “Since I knew Scheimann HONDA
was a woodworker, I asked him how much he would
Come prepared using these steps at home: charge to build some tables and benches for the play- New & Used
1) Fill out your ?u registration form online at LorainCounty- ground. He told me if we supplied the material, he Cars would have the Scouts work on them over the summer.
2) Print the completed form and bring it with you. I knew this was a great idea because by completing this 440-366-5501
Flu Clinics: project, the Scouts would be able to receive credit to-
Thursday, October 6 - United Methodist Church, 105 W. ward earning their summertime award and help KES in Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria
Main St., LaGrange, from 3-5 p.m. the process!”
Friday, October 7 - Sacred Heart Chapel, 4301 Pearl Ave., New and Certi?ed Hondas
Lorain, from 1-3 p.m. Scout members Ayden Olic and Melvin Turner re- All Models - Used Cars
Saturday, October 8 - Oberlin Community Services Center, cently presented the benches and tables to the school on
285 S. Professor St., Oberlin, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. behalf of the pack. All of the Scouts who worked on the Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5
Tuesday, October 11 - Lorain County Fairgrounds, 23000
Fairgrounds Rd., Wellington: from 12-2 p.m. and 4-6 p.m.
Thursday, October 13 - Avon Senior Center, 36786 Detroit
Rd., Avon, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Friday, October 14 - Lorain County Community College,
1005 N. Abbe Rd., Elyria, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Saturday, October 15 - Brookside Middle/High School, 1662
Harris Rd., Shef?eld Village, from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Lorain County JVS, 15181 State Route 58, Oberlin, 9 a.m.-
3:30 p.m.
Monday, October 17 -
N. Ridgeville Senior Center, 7327 Avon Belden Rd., N. Rid-
geville, from 1-3 p.m.
Thursday, October 27 - Columbia Twp. Fire Dept., 25540
Royalton Rd., Columbia Station, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Grafton Community Center - 1050 Novak Rd., Grafton, from
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 3 -
Henrietta Twp. Hall - 12050 Vermilion Rd., Amherst, from
9-11 a.m.
Amherst VFW - 165 Cleveland Ave., Amherst, from 3-5 p.m.
Bring your insurance card to the clinic. We accept most pri-
vate insurances, Medicare Part B and Medicaid. If you’re with-
out insurance, the ?u vaccine will cost $25 per dose or $41 for a
high dose vaccine for people ages 65 and older.
To ?nd ?u shots at other locations throughout the county,
visit For more information, contact the
LCGHD at 440-322-6367 or visit For
more tips on how to keep healthy, follow them on Twitter @Lo-
rainCoHealth and Facebook, and watch them on YouTube.
Keystone Local School District Free and Reduced – Price Meals
Keystone Local School District today announced its 2016-2017 program year policy for free and re-
duced-priced meals for students unable to pay the full price of meals or milk served under the National
School Lunch and School Breakfast, After School Care Snack or Special Milk Program. Each school of?ce
and the central of?ce has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by any interested party.
The Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines will be used for determining eligibility. Children from fami-
lies whose annual income is at or below the Federal Guidelines are eligible for free and reduced price meals
or free milk if the school participates in the Special Milk Program.
Application forms are being distributed to all homes in a letter to parents or guardians. To apply for
free and reduced-price bene?ts, households should ?ll out the application and return it to the school. Ad-
ditional copies are available at the principal’s of?ce in each school. A complete application is required.
Households which currently receive Special Nutrition Assistance Program Bene?ts (SNAP, formally known
as food stamps) or Ohio Works First (OWF) funds for a child must provide the child’s name, the SNAP or
OWF case number and signature of an adult household member on the application. Households which do
not receive SNAP or OWF funds must provide the names of all household members, the last four digits of
the Social Security Number of the adult signing the application or state “none” if the adult does not have a
Social Security Number, the amount and source of income received by each household member, (state the
monthly income) and the signature of an adult household member. If any of this information is missing, the
school cannot process the application.
FREE HEALTH CARE: Families with children eligible for school meals may be eligible for FREE health
care coverage through Medicaid and/or Ohio’s Healthy Start & Healthy Families programs. These programs
include coverage for doctor visits, immunizations, physicals, prescriptions, dental, vision, mental health,
substance abuse and more. Please call 1-800-324-8680 for more information or to request an application.
Information can also be found on the web at Anyone who
has an Ohio Medicaid card is already receiving these services.
The information provided on the application is con?dential and will be used only for the purpose of
determining eligibility and may be veri?ed at any time during the school year by school or other program
of?cial. To discourage the possibility of misrepresentation, the application forms contain a statement above
the space for signature certifying that all information furnished is true and correct. Applications are being
made in connection with the receipt of federal funds. Schools or other of?cials may check the information
on the application at any time during the school year. Deliberate misrepresentation of information may sub-
ject the applicant to prosecution under applicable state and federal laws. Households will be noti?ed of the
approval or denial of bene?ts. Foster children are categorically eligible for free meal bene?ts regardless of
the household’s income. If a family has foster children living with them and wishes to apply for such meals
or milk for them, contact the school for more information.
Under the provision of the policy, Jody White, Food Service Supervisor, will review applications and
determine eligibility. If a parent or guardian disagrees with the decision on the application or the result of
veri?cation, the decision may be discussed with the determining of?cial on an informal basis. If a formal
appeal is desired, the household has the right to a fair hearing. A fair hearing can be requested either orally or
in writing from: Franco Gallo, Superintendent 531 Opportunity Way, LaGrange, Oh, 44050, 440-355-2424.
The policy contains an outline of the hearing procedure.
Households may apply for bene?ts any time during the school year. If a household is not currently eligi-
ble and if the household size increases or income decreases because of unemployment or other reasons, the
family should contact the school to ?le a new application. Such changes may make the children of the family
eligible for free or reduced-price bene?ts if the family income falls at or below the levels shown above.
The U.S Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and appli-
cants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion,
reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation,
or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic
information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all
prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.)
If you wish to ?le a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program
Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at, or at any
USDA of?ce, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the
information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Director, Of?ce of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C.
20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at [email protected].
Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the
Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish).
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Candidates Night Wellington Genealogy Group
State Route 18 reopened The Wellington Chamber of Commerce will be holding The Wellington Genealogy Group will meet on Wednesday,
a Candidates Night on Thursday, October 6, at 7 p.m. at the October 5. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the LCCC
SR 18, between West Rd. and Whitehead Rd., is now open. Wellington Town Hall. Area candidates will be making their Wellington Center, 151 Commerce Drive. Their topic for the
The road was previously closed for a culvert replacement. presentations. There will also be presentations by Mayor evening will be “But I Just Had It!” Tips and Tricks for Organiz-
Hans Schneider and Wellington School Superintendent Tom ing Your Genealogical Research.
Farmer’s Market Tucker. Beta Sigma PHI Sorority will provide refreshments.
Are you chronically disorganized? Not sure how to keep
The Wellington Farmers’ Market is located in downtown Meet the Duke Band Seniors reams of genealogical research sorted for later access? Constant-
Wellington on the Willard Memorial Square. The Market fea- ly hunting for lost documents and photographs within your own
tures home-made goods, home grown musicians and monthly This week’s featured se- Aden Johnson records? Or worse yet, do you ?nd that crucial piece of evidence
cooking demonstrations. The Market is on every Friday through- nior is Aden Johnson, son Aden would like to thank you have hunted for endlessly, only to realize you don’t know
out the season from 5-7 p.m. of Mike and Cheryl Johnson. the teachers and staff, along where it came from originally! This month, the group will dis-
Aden is a squad leader in the with his parents for making cuss tips and tricks to improve your organization of, and easy ac-
Herrick Library Writer’s Group percussion section and plays him the person he is today! cess to, your genealogical materials. We’ll cover hard-copy and
the quads. Aden is a mem- He plans to get a mechanical digital problems, and possible solutions. Please come prepared to
The Writer’s Group of the Herrick Memorial Library will ber of the marching, concert, engineering degree at Akron share your own favorite tip for keeping organized!
meet again on Monday, September 26, from 6-7:30 p.m. pep and jazz bands, as well after high school.
New members are welcome, but registration is suggested as member of the percussion Please note: this will be the last regular evening meeting of
by calling the library. The group meets every other Monday. ensemble. He is also the Vice 2016; daytime meeting hours (to accommodate winter weather)
Come and enjoy the company of like minds. Bring samples President of the band. begin in November. The Public is welcome.
of your work to share. No critiquing will be done unless
requested. At each meeting, they have a writing exercise to Aden attends the JVS and The Oberlin-Wellington
do at home and bring back to the next meeting to share. plays drums at his church, Rescue of 1858
Sharing projects and ideas will help to motivate and enhance as well as running the sound
your own writing. Whether you are a poet, a ?ction writer, mixer. He is also a member of Watch history unfold right before your eyes in a compelling
a non-?ction story teller or just someone that is interested the WHS Drama Club. performance of “Not on My Watch: The Oberlin-Wellington
in possibly learning to write, please join the group and see Rescue of 1858,” presented Sunday, October 16, at 3 p.m. at the
how interaction brings out your own muse. Registration is Aden’s most memorable House of Zion Fellowship Hall, 81 South Locust Street, in Ober-
encouraged by calling the library at 440-647-2120. The li- band moment was getting lin. Costumed performers from the Kelton House Museum and
brary is located in downtown Wellington, at Rts. 58 & 18. his hands destroyed while Garden in Columbus share this original dramatic narrative that
holding two cymbals for the tells the story of John Price, a fugitive living in Oberlin, who
Wellington Township snare drummers. He would was captured by federal marshals intending to return him to slav-
Seasonal Part-Time Snow Plow Driver recommend the band program ery. The actions of local anti-slavery townspeople and students
because you build friendships eventually freed the young man, while the rescuers’ de?ance of
The Wellington Township Trustees are looking for part-time while learning time manage- the law and their subsequent imprisonment and trial brought the
snow plow drivers to perform duties of snow removal as re- ment and leadership skills. country to the brink of war. The one-hour presentation is created
quired. Pre-employment DOT regulations covering alcohol and from accounts drawn from Nat Brandt’s book, The Town that
drug testing apply. Valid driver’s license and CDL - Class B Erhart Firefighters Started the Civil War. This free community event is co-hosted by
required. This is a seasonal position from November to April. Swiss Steak Dinner the Oberlin Heritage Center and members of Oberlin’s Mt. Zion
Must be available to work all shifts. Mail resumes by October Baptist Church. All are welcome. Doors open at 2:30 p.m.
21, 2016 The Erhart Fire?ghters Association will be having their Swiss
Steak Dinner fund-raiser on Saturday, October 8, from 4-8 p.m. For more information about this program or the Heritage
Wellington Township at 6609 Norwalk Rd. (interseciton of Rt. 18 and Rt. 252), in Center’s full calendar of tours, history walks, and community
LeRoy Brasee, Road Supervisor Mallet Creek. The dinner is all-you-can eat buffet style. Cost is programs, please visit or call
P.O. Box 425 $13 for adults, $12 for seniors with Golden Buckeye Cards, $7 (440) 774-1700.
Wellington, OH 44090 for children 6-10 and children under 5 eat free. Carry-outs will be
available for $13. Credit cards are now accepted. Need to look at our archives?
Visit our website at:
Bring the family and friends out for a great Swiss Steak Din-
ner in support of the Erhart Fire Department!
Come and...
our Values!
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*Financing available with approved credit on purchases of $500 or more.
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THRIVE! “Run For Your Life” 5K/10K Race RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Page 19; End of Summer Sale
click on the registration link.
Jenine Dorsey, Kathleen McDonnell-Frey, Megan Sumpter On-site registration begins at 2003 FORD MUSTANG GT 2003 CHEVY CAMARO LT
and Veronica Seman dressed in their Where’s Waldo cos- 8:15 a.m. on October 8 and
tumes. costs $25 per person. Walk- 1 Owner, 5 speed manual #8916 Convertible,1 Owner, 33K #8838
ers who pre-register pay $18 Was $8,295 Was $20595
On Saturday, October 8, to provide affordable opportu- if they want a T-shirt or $5
starting at 9 a.m., in a salute nities to live healthier through without a T-shirt. The Walker End of End of
to Halloween, costumed run- improved nutrition, increased Race begins at 9:15 a.m. and Summer Summer
ners and walkers will wind physical activity and informed the Runner Race at 9:30 a.m. Special Special
their way through Wellington behavioral health to reduce Costumes are not required
in hopes of winning a trophy, obesity and the risk of heart and costumes are discouraged $7,500 $18,750
medal or prize in the “Run for disease and diabetes. that might impair the vision or
Your Life” annual 5K/10K mobility of participants. Many 2012 Chevy Sonic 2011 Chevy Malibu LS
race for novice or serious Supported by a grant from of our costume contest prizes
runners and walkers. It has the United Way of Greater Lo- have been donated by Bra- LT Trim, #8835 Low Miles, #8747
become an exciting opportu- rain County, THRIVE! chose see’s Corn Maze and Pumpkin Was $8,995 Was $10,995
nity for the whole family to to support “Run for Your Life” Patch!
get involved in a fun, healthy because the race encourages Monthly Monthly
activity since 2013. healthy activity for people of Proceeds from “Run for Payment Payment
all ages. Your Life” will be split be-
THRIVE! Southern Lorain tween the Duke’s Running $147 $182
County, a new collaborative of Participants who pre-reg- Club, a nonpro?t 501(c)(3)
area non-pro?t organizations ister for the race by October organization that helps sup- 2011 Kia Forte 2014 Chevy Cruze
and businesses, is the main 6 will enjoy a $5 discount port Wellington Schools cross
sponsor of this year’s “Run for at $20 per person. You may country and track programs, Hatchback, SX, Auto #8971 GM Certi?ed, 41K #8726
Your Life” race. Its mission is pre-register by going to www. and Main Street Wellington, Was $11,295 Was $12,795
a 501(c)(3) nonpro?t organi-
zation. Monthly Monthly
Payment Payment
THRIVE! Southern Lorain
County serves the areas of $187 $197
Brighton Township, Camden
Township, Huntington Town- 2012 Suziki Zx4 2013 Chevy Captiva LS
ship, Kipton Village, Pitts-
?eld Township, Rochester AWD, Hatchback #T8922 LS Trim #T9003
Township, Rochester Village, Was $11,595 Was $13,595
Wellington Township and
Wellington Village. For more Monthly Monthly
information on THRIVE, Payment Payment
vist their website at www. $199 $209
Peacemakers Guild Quilt Show Docent Training 2013 Chevy Malibu LT 2013 Ford Escape
GM Certi?ed, 45K #8709 1 Owner Trade #T8941
The members of Lorain 4 p.m. The event is being held The Oberlin Heritage Cen- Was $13,595 Was $13,895
County Piecemakers Quilt at the New Russia Township ter will offer a free training
Guild will present their 2016 Lodge, located at 46300 But- workshop for volunteers inter- Monthly Monthly
Quilt Show on Friday and ternut Ridge Rd. (West of SR ested in becoming docents for Payment Payment
Saturday, October 7 & 8, 58), in Oberlin. its historic sites tours and spe-
from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sun- cial events. The session will $210 $219
day, October 9, from 10 a.m.- On display will be over be held on Saturday, October
150 quilts from antique to 15, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at the 2014 Chevy Cruze LT 2014 Ford Fusion
RENT ME! miniature to modern. Mem- Oberlin Heritage Center, start-
bers will also showcase a ing at the Monroe House, 73½ 16K, Auto, Full Power #8964 1- Owner Trade, 41K #8804
Pequea SL 10 Lime Spreader very special exhibition of South Professor Street (at the Was $14,595 Was $14,795
KRYSTOWSKI “Red & White Quilts.” The back of Oberlin College Con-
TRACTOR quilted car, also made by servatory’s parking lot). Park- Monthly Monthly
WELLINGTON OH 44090 members will be on display ing is available in the Heritage Payment Payment
(440) 647-2015 rain or shine! Lunch, deserts Center’s parking lot accessed and beverages will be avail- off of 20 West Vine Street (be- $225 $229
able for purchase. Admission hind Midas Muf?er).
is just $5 per person and in- 2014 Chevy Impala 2013 Chevy Equinox LT
cludes a Door Prize Ticket. The introductory work-
shop to the “Upstairs/Down- 34K, V6, GM Certi?ed #8727 1-Owner Trade #T8961
Featured again this year stairs” tour includes the Heri- Was $15,995 Was $16,295
will be “Home Of The Brave” tage Center’s three beautifully
( preserved on-site buildings, Monthly Monthly
and “Quilts of Valor Founda- the Monroe House (1866), Payment Payment
tion” ( organizations the Little Red Schoolhouse
that give of their time and tal- (1836) and the Jewett House $249 $259
ent to veterans and their fam- (1884). Docent volunteers re-
ilies. ceive an overview of Oberlin
history from the communi-
All Makes, Models, CV Joints, ty and college’s founding in 2012 GMC Terrain 2014 Jeep Cherokee
1833 through the next 100
AUTHORIZED U-Joints, Standard Transmission, years, covering a number of LT Trim #T8989 Lattitude, FWD, 36K #T8974
Medium & Heavy Duty Trucks, themes and events. Into this Was $15,295 Was $18,595
background are woven intro-
TRANSMISSIONS 4 Wheel Drive, Transfer Cases, ductions to the people who Monthly Monthly
Front Wheel Drive, Overdrive once lived and worked in the Payment Payment
and Clutches historic buildings featured in
the Oberlin Heritage Center $259 $290
“Automatically Better” We are a full-service tour. The trained docents will
be asked to make a commit-
T FREE TRANSMISSION ment of helping with at least
four tours or open house
Repair Shop events per year as part of the
RANS Estimates 440-355-6500 Oberlin Heritage Center’s vol-
T UUNE- P 417 North Center St. unteer program. 2012 Buick Lacrosse 2013 GMC Terrain SLE
2371875 $ The docent-training work- CXL, Premium, Leather #8823 FWD, GM Certi?ed, 27K #T8952
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION shop is open to the public. Was $17,595 Was $19,295
99.95Starting at Prospective docents should REBUILDERSASSOCIATION take part in a guided tour of the Monthly Monthly
Oberlin Heritage Center prior Payment Payment
NOW OPEN! to signing up for the work-
shop; talk with Museum Ed- $296 $299
ucation and Tour Coordinator
Mums, Squash Amanda Manahan to receive 2013 Ford Explorer 2013 Chevy Traverse
Pumpkins & a complimentary tour ticket
to observe a tour and see what 4X4, 1-Owner Trade #T8928 8-Passenger, GM Certi?ed #T8967
Gourds being a docent is all about. En- Was $20,595 Was $20,995
rollment in the docent training
Fall Decor & workshop is limited and ad- Monthly Monthly
Gift Shop vance registration is requested Payment Payment
by October 10. For more in-
Fall Fairy Gardens, formation, or to reserve your $329 $329
plants and accesories place at the workshop, please
call Amanda Manahan at the All payments are calculated with $1,000 cash or trade down plus tax & title. 2013-2015 models are
Oberlin Heritage Center of?ce calculated at 4.9% APR and 72 month loan. 2011-2012 models are calculated at 4.9% and 66 month loan.
at (440) 774-1700 or send her
440-647-5480 Hours: an e-mail at tourinfo@ober- 46767 State Rt. 18 W.,
Mon-Sat 10-5, Wellington, OH 44090
50740 St. Rt. 18, Wellington, OH 44090
Just 5 miles west of Wellington Sun 12-5
440-647-5381 • 800-322-5381
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 raf?es featuring a collection of restaurant gift certi?cates valued New Director for
over $1,000, ?ne jewelry from Peter & Co. Jewelers and two Lorain Public Library System
Fur Ball - Peace, Love & chances to win a ?ve-day, four-night western Caribbean cruise,
Happiness fund-raiser among many other prizes. Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz
has accepted the position of
The Cleveland Animal Protective League is hosting its an- L’Amour du Vin is sponsored by University Hospitals Elyria Director for the Lorain Public
nual gala fund-raiser, Fur Ball - Peace, Love, & Happiness, on Medical Center, Interim Healthcare, 107.3 The Wave, AM 930 Library System. The Board of
Saturday, November 5, at the InterContinental Hotel Cleveland. WEOL, Pulse Magazine and The Morning Journal. Trustees made the announce-
ment on Sept. 20.
Hosted by WKYC-TV’s Monica Robins, the gala will ben- General Admission tickets are $75; VIP Lounge tickets are
e?t the APL’s Second Chance Program. The goal of the Second $95. Visit www.ArthritisLAmourduVin to purchase tickets or Diamond-Ortiz will start
Chance Program is to provide veterinary care for wonderful an- call 216-285-2822 to learn more. on Oct. 31, 2016. The posi-
imals who are looking for another chance—a chance not only tion will be vacated by retiring
to survive, but also to heal and start a new, healthy life with a ODNR urges caution around Director Joanne Eldridge on
loving family. Fur Ball will include silent and live auctions, din- dead and dying Ash trees Sept. 30.
ner, inspirational video presentations featuring stories of animals
who have bene?tted from the Cleveland APL’s Second Chance As fall color moves across hundreds of millions of native The library board worked Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz
Program, and a surprise guest appearance from a VIP (Very Im- the state, more hikers will be ash trees in North America. with a consultant for the re- have served on the Library
portant Pooch)! spending time in Ohio’s for- Various government agen- cruitment and selection pro- Leadership Ohio advisory
ests. The Ohio Department of cies, non-governmental orga- cess. committee since 2012 because
The evening’s festivities begin at 5:30 p.m. Individual tickets Natural Resources (ODNR) nizations and universities are I am committed to seeing the
are available for purchase now with a deadline of Friday, Oc- reminds all outdoor enthusi- conducting management and Diamond-Ortiz comes to next generation of library
tober 14 to RSVP. Corporate and patron tables for 10 are also asts to be cautious of dead or research to reduce the impact the Lorain Public Library Sys- leaders grow.”
available. Some of the auction items include: a 5-day stay for 5 dying ash trees that may now of EAB and implement res- tem from the Cleveland Public
people at a vacation home in Key West, Florida, a block party be present in Ohio’s forests toration activities, including Library, where she has worked Diamond-Ortiz earned a
for 50 people catered by Barrio’s food truck, a basketball signed and landscapes. chemical treatments, biologi- since 2004. Her current posi- bachelor’s degree in political
by Cleveland Cavalier Kevin Love and the opportunity to have cal controls and breeding ge- tion with Cleveland Public science from The College of
your pet photographed for the cover of the 2018 Cleveland APL “Standing dead ash trees netically resistant ash trees. Library is Director of Strategy Wooster in 1996 and a mas-
calendar. For more information about the Cleveland Animal Pro- create a safety hazard for hunt- and Innovation. ter’s degree in library and in-
tective League or Fur Ball 2016, please call (216) 377-1628 or ers and hikers, as brittle limbs The ODNR Division of formation science from Kent
visit and trees trunks are easily bro- Forestry offers the following “My mission is to dive State University in 2003. She
ken or blown over,” said Rob- advice: deep into the community by currently resides in Lake-
L’Amour du Vin, Wine Tasting ert Boyles, Ohio’s state forest- listening to their hopes and wood.
er. “This is a simple reminder •People should identi- dreams and to cultivate a cul-
L’Amour du Vin, recently voted Best Charity Event by Pulse for outdoorsmen and women fy dead and dying Ash trees ture of innovation and team-
Magazine readers, celebrates 19 years of world class wine-tast- to be alert to their surround- around their homes and in work at Lorain Public Library
ing and award-winning local cuisine on Thursday, October 6. ings as they enjoy Ohio’s for- their community that have the System,” Diamond-Ortiz
This annual event bene?ts the Arthritis Foundation’s mission to ests and woodlands.” potential to harm people or wrote in her cover letter when
conquer and cure arthritis, the nation’s leading cause of disabil- property. applying for the position. “I
ity. The emerald ash bor-
er (Agrilus Planipennis), a •Contact a certi?ed arborist Medina County Park District
From 6-9 p.m., L’Amour du Vin will host more than 450 wood-boring beetle native to at to identify
guests at Avon Oaks Country Club, 32300 Detroit Road, in Avon. Asia, was discovered in the ways to manage the risk as- Saturday, October 1:
Wine from around the world and food from the area’s best restau- Detroit area in 2002, likely ac- sociated with dead and dying Hiking for the Health of It - Allardale West - 9-11 a.m. This
rants will be featured. cidentally introduced in solid Ash trees in the yard. is a hiking club for those adults who can hike four to ?ve miles
wood packing material, and at a brisk pace. Walking trails can be mildly strenuous with a
Participating restaurants in this year’s L’Amour du Vin in- was then discovered in north- •Exercise caution when limited amount being off trail. Please dress for the weather, and
clude: 87 West, Ahern Catering, Aladdin’s Eatery, Arrabiata’s west Ohio in 2003. Emerald entering a wooded area and be sure to have appropriate footwear. Ages 10 to adult. No regis-
Italian Restaurant, Bar 145 Avon, Bistro 83, BOMBA Tacos & Ash Borer (EAB) larvae feed be aware of any standing dead tration required. Free.
Rum, Bone?sh Grill, Heck’s Café Avon, Kiedrowski’s Simply beneath the bark of ash trees, trees nearby, especially in Roving Naturalists: Spiders - Hubbard Valley Park - 1-3 p.m.
Delicious Bakery, Market Rocky River, Parker’s Grille and Tav- preventing the ability of a tree windy conditions. Join naturalists any time between 1-3 p.m. to learn about spi-
ern, Rue 254, Taki’s Greek Kitchen, The Melting Pot and Wine to move water and nutrients. ders. The naturalists will be stationed along the trail. Once you
Bar Rocky River. Once an Ash tree becomes •This caution is important park your car, follow signs that will direct you to their locations.
infested with EAB, it usually in urban environments as well, Stop by for two minutes or stay for two hours. Test your spider
VIP ticketholders will enjoy an exclusive lounge where dies in less than ?ve years. since many urban areas had catching skills. Nets and containers will be available for you to
Heck’s Café Avon will provide a special food presentation. been planted with Ash trees borrow. All ages welcome. No registration required. Free.
Fall-inspired cocktail tastings from Brown-Forman and spa EAB is present through- over the years. Sat., Oct. 1 and Sun., Oct. 2:
services from EXHALE: The Spa will add special twists to the out Ohio, most of the eastern Billions of Beetles - Susan Hambley Nature Center - 12 to 5
event this year. United States and southeast- •EAB eggs, larvae and p.m. It is estimated that there are over 300,000 species of beetles
ern Canada, and it has killed adults, as well as other plant in the world. Although we don’t have that many species here in
Other event highlights include an exciting silent auction and pests and diseases, can be Medina County, you may be surprised by what does live here.
moved on or in ?rewood, so Stop in at Susan Hambley Nature Center this weekend to learn
Fall minimize the movement of more about these plentiful creatures through games, crafts, and
?rewood. “Burn it where you other beetle activities. All ages welcome. No registration re-
buy it,” and be aware of all quired. Free.
county quarantines on ?re- Sunday, October 2:
wood or any plant material. Adventures in the Garden! - Wolf Creek Environmental
Center - 2-4 p.m. Join OSU Extension and Master Gardeners
For more information on for this fall workshop. Kids will make a pumpkin “Chia” pet,
plant pest quarantines, contact have fun participating in a nature themed scavenger hunt, and
the Ohio Department of Ag- more! Please dress appropriately for outdoor activities. Space is
riculture’s Division of Plant limited, and preregistration is required. No walk ins please. To
Health at register, contact Ashley Kulhanek at 330.725.4911 Ext. 106 or
or (614) 728-6400. [email protected]. Ages 6 to 12. There is a $5 program fee.
Please register for programs online at www.medinacoun-
Coming to the next paper!
Local Events to visit!
If you have a business
you want to advertise,
Call us as soon as
440-236-8982 • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
Reader Advisory: The National Trade As- EDUCATION RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 Page 21
sociation we belong to has purchased the AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAIN-
above classifieds. Determining the value ING - Get FAA certi?cation. CLASSIFIEDS Run 2 Weeks for Only $14 & Save $6!
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derstandings, some advertisers do not itary bene?ts. Financial Aid
offer employment but rather supply the if quali?ed. Job placement ads only. No Business ads.) DEADLINE: WED. 12 NOON
readers with manuals, directories and assistance. Call Aviation In-
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businesses at home. Under NO circum-
stance should you send any money in ESTATE SALE ALL PERSONAL ADS MUST BE PREPAID
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license ID, or credit card numbers. Also West River Road, Columbia CLASSIFIED RATES: • Personal Classified $10/15 words or less. 10¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 more.
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Jim & Kathy Ketchum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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prices and get $25.00 OFF room. $1300/month. 440-316- Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- Masonry step repairs, brick Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509. Furniture Repair
your ?rst prescription! CALL 7222 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. work, stone veneer, tuck-point- Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced Call for free quote
1-800-254-4073 Promo Code Wellington Country Living: To- 440-926-3341 ing, retaining walls. No job too exercise yards, custom care. on re-upholstery
CDC201625 tally remodeled 2 Bdr. upstairs small. Pannell, 440-610-2541. $15 per day. Grooming now
Life Alert. 24/7. One press of duplex. Washer dryer hook up, HELP WANTED available. 216-346-2682
a button sends help FAST! appliances. NO PETS. $600 se- LAWN & GARDEN Happy Jack XylecideAnti-fun-
Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even curity deposit, $600 a month. Burnett’s Septic Service is GREENPIECE: Fall out of con- gal shampoo for dogs. Pro- WANTED TO BUY
if you can’t reach a phone! 440-775-1608 looking for a hard working, trol landscape restorations. vides allergy relief and luxu-
FREE Brochure. CALL 1-800- ambitious, positive general New beds, lawns, walkways, rious coat. Worcester Sales Antiques wanted. Buying con-
746-0979. FOR SALE laborer. Come in and apply at trees, ?nish grades/drainage, & Service, 440-327-4201. ken- tents of estates, houses, barns
Lung Cancer? And 60 Years AXS 8000 power wheelchair, 120 Commerce Dr., LaGrange. topsoil, mulch. 440-458-5551 & attics. 440-506-7738
Old? If So, You and Your Fam- like new, $500. 440-655-2773 Comparable wages, paid holi- KITTENS! Cute, playful, & Paperback, Western books.
ily May Be Entitled To A Signi?- Black bookcase, $40; Rock- days, 401k, health insurance. JACK’S STUMP REMOVAL healthy. Litter box trained. 440-647-4762
cant Cash Award. Call 800-897- ing chair and foot stool, $75; Drug test required. & LAWN CARE Need forever homes. Leave Watchmaker seeks watch
7205 To Learn More. No Risk. Double boxspring & mattress, Columbia Animal Clinic has 2 Free Estimates message 440-748-3332. tools, watch parts, wind up
No Money Out of Pocket. $200. 216-612-1204 open positions available for 440-281-6970 wrist and pocket watches,
CREDIT CARD DEBT Crush- Craftsman snow thrower, 21”, Registered Veterinary Techni- 440-506-8647 REAL ESTATE complete watch collections.
ing You? Call DEBT ACTION single stage, 4 cycle, 179cc, cians or Veterinary Assistants. 216-410-7106 Great Investment Properties 330-416-0336
GROUP. For Limited Time, electric start, new, $435. 440- Positions are part or full-time For Sale: Two well estab-
Retain Our Services for FREE. 826-0076 with ?exibility in scheduling. NOW is the best time of year lished self storage facilities Estate Gold &
Slash or Eliminate Your Bal- Firewood: cut & split, ready to Please send resumes to: Co- for lawn repair and installa- for sale. Great for ?rst time or Silver Exchange
ances! Call for details: 1-800- burn, any amount, mostly Ash. lumbiaAnimalClinic@gmail. tion; also time to prune back experienced investors. Great
611-2316. Wellington, 440-647-0458 com or 26565 Royalton Road, plants and perennials and take locations located in Wellington INSTANT CASH
Acorn Stairlifts. The AF- Columbia Station, OH 44028. care of drainage around base and LaGrange support great Buying Gold Jewelry, Diamonds,
APPLIANCES FORDABLE solution to your Drivers: $1275 per week of house. Land Works can take performance and offer room
stairs! **Limited time -$250 +Monthly bonuses up to care of all your landscape Con- to expand. Serious inquiries Old Coins, Pocket Watches,
Good clean used appliances. Off Your Stairlift Purchase!** $500+. Guaranteed hometime. crete and Excavation needs. only, $870,000. 330-322-3694 Anything Old
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. Buy Direct & SAVE. Please BCBS benefits. No touch. Call today, no job too small.
call 1-800-410-7127 for FREE CDL-A 1yr. exp. 855-842-8498 440-452-9353 RUMMAGE SALE Call for service hours & private
AUTOS WANTED DVD and brochure. Entry Level Machinist: We are TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- Community Methodist Church, appointments
Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert a job shop (no production) vice. Complete tree removal, 680 North Abbe Rd., Elyria.
Mike’s Hooker Service. We for Seniors. Bathroom falls looking for an entry level trimming, root feeding and Weds., Oct 5, 9-6pm; Thurs., Downtown Elyria
pay top dollar for all unwant- can be fatal. Approved by machinist. Candidate must be cleaning. Fully insured. FREE Oct. 6, 9-3pm. Men’s, women’s, 316-A Broad St. • 440-323-4258
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free Arthritis Foundation. Thera- willing to start at the bottom ESTIMATES. Firewood for children’s clothing, shoes,
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch to learn the career and must sale. 440-236-3061. purses, linens, household 440-506-0334
216-534-6514. Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip also have some mechanical items, lots of furniture, re- Wants to purchase minerals
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! Floors. American Made. In- ability or experience in a shop LEGAL NOTICES cords, cassette tapes, CDs and other oil and gas inter-
All Makes/Models 2000-2016! stallation Included. Call setting. Proficiency in math NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: and lots of misc. ests. Send details to P.O. Box
Any Condition. Running or 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off and ability to read a ruler is The following personal prop- Huge Rummage Sale: Elyria 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Tow- Building Materials METAL a must. This is a ?rst shift, erty will be sold at auction First United Methodist Church, CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for
ing! We’re Nationwide! Call ROOFING- A real roof for your permanent position. Applicant at 312 Third St., Downtown unexpired, sealed DIABETIC
Now: 1-888-985-1806. house, garage, barn. Roof, must be dependable! Possible Final bid is on 10/4/16 at 10am. Elyria. Fri., Sept. 30, 9-5; Sat., TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAY-
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! ceiling, siding. Closeout overtime available. Benefits The name and last known Oct. 1, 9-12. Sat. $2/Bag. Park MENT.1-800-371-1136
All Makes/Models 2002-2016! deals. Low prices. slateroad- & bonuses. Vocational grad- address of the occupant who in rear on Holly Lane. Antique
Any Condition. Running or 717 445-5222 uates encouraged to apply! rented the storage spaces in items, baskets, books, jewelry,
Not. Competitive Offer! Free Please email all resumes to which the personal property clothing, coats, men and wom-
Towing! We’re Nationwide! HALLS FOR RENT [email protected] was stored is: Michael A. en. Treasures for Everyone!
Call Now: 1-888-368-1016 AMVETS POST 32 or call Kelly for an appoint- Schulte, 10822 St. Mark Ave.,
MOTORCYCLES ment at 440-236-3265. Cleveland, Ohio 44111. The CAREERS
TOP CASH PAID! FOR OLD 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria FARM MAINTENANCE: Perma- address where the personal
MOTORCYCLES! 1900-1979. Capacity: Hall-250, nent, part-time (15-20 hours property was stored is: Fields AIRLINE
DEAD OR ALIVE! 920-371- per week). Flexible morning Store-All LTD, 34425 Lorain MECHANIC
0494. Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 hours. Experience with mower, Road, North Ridgeville, Ohio TRAINING
Available for all occasions tractor and basic carpentry. 44039. Terms of Sale: cash
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS Horse knowledge a plus. Ref- only, all unit contents sold in Get FAA Technician certification. Approved for
Call for pricing erences. Lilac Thyme Stables, entirety. The personal property military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified.
Advertise to 500,000 Homes and availability 440-829-1960 described above will be sold at Job placement assistance.
with a business card size 440-458-8544 public auction to the highest
ad. You choose the area of COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL Landscaping bidder at the time and place Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance
coverage in free community 25-120 Capacity Lawn mowing set forth above.
papers...we do the rest. Call Catering Available 866-453-6204
800-450-7227 or visit macne- 440-236-3323 Foreman LOTS & LAND FOR SALE FULL park with restrooms, 3 Laborers FARM ESTATE LIQUIDATION!
Attention Small Businesses: pavilions, air conditioned hall, 440-236-9625 7 hilltop tracts from 6 to 30
Simplify Your Payroll & Taxes for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange PALMER’S LAWN CARE acres from $19,900! Gor-
with Paychex! New customers Lions Club. 440-458-6781. Part-time drivers for route geous views, streams, ponds,
receive one month of payroll delivery. Ideal for retirees. woods, ?elds! Quiet country
processing free! Receive a Use setting! Financing avail! 866-
Free Quote! Call 800-805-0164. contact form. 495-8733 NewYorkLandan-
OUR WEBSITE! LOT 14 acres WAS 79,900,
3 Chics and a Broom: Green NOW $69,900! Beautiful lake,
Cleaning. Let us spiff you 2 hrs NY City! Private gated
up! Bonded and insured. 440- community! Terms avail! Call
355-6639 888-738-6994
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s
needs are different. We spe-
cialize in catering to what your
needs are. Call Marcie today
for your free assessment ap-
pointment at 440-213-7527.
Over 13 years experience.
DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE Custom Buildings, LTD AM Roofing &
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41 YEARS IN BUSINESS Quality Buildings At
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KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619
YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044
24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station ELECTRICAL • General Contracting
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27201 Royalton Rd, Columbia Station
Residential & Commercial Electrical Service • Buildings/Garages
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40 Years Experieant tcimee of estimate. 440-327-3433 ext #3 • Specializing in Home Improvements
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800-619-7808 (24 hours) Dinners • O?ce Parties • Anniversaries 34020 Royalton Rd. Eaton Twp.
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NOVAK CONCRETE, INC Richards Concrete
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It Pays to Advertise With Us! Olmsted Falls, OH 44138 Fax: 440-235-2359
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-Complete Crane Service-
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440-309-5938 “FREE ESTIMATES”
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812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035
QUALITY AT THE BEST PRICE J.A. Kilby Plumbing Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
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GRAFTON TOPSOIL Edward Logar State ID# 19467 Emergency: 440-452-2456
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•MULCH (Red, Black & Brown) •TOPSOIL •DRIVEWAY Off: 330-483-0055 [email protected]
STONE •LIMESTONE •LOCATED ON W. CAPEL RD. Cell: 216-970-1910 7424 Crocker Rd.
Valley City, OH 44280 WATERPROOFING
De-Thatching, Gutter Cleaning Family Business for Three Generations • Waterproofing
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Weekly Lawn Services Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 • Yard Drainage
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Grafton, OH Call for a FREE Quote 440-610-3580
Commercially Insured RELIABLE ROOFING 440.773.3040
11564 Station Rd Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs J. A. KILBY ENT.
Columbia Station, OH 44028 Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal
Of?ce: 440-236-4001 • “Stop the water before it stops you!”
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Chuck Dunlap, Owner
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Visit our website at: Custom Exteriors
Extreme Quality Since 1989
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Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 26, 2016 BREAKFAST
The Best in Northeast Ohio
~Clambake~ FRIDAY,
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With 1/2 Chicken...$1699 • With Perch...$1899 • With Ribeye...$1999
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802 CLEVELAND ST. • ELYRIA • 322-0333 • 917 NORTH LEAVITT ROAD • AMHERST • 984-2583