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Published by The Rural-Urban Record, 2017-02-27 10:53:18


TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”

Volume 62, No. 34 Columbia Station, Ohio February 27, 2017

Leadership Lorain County Difference Makers awarded Ohio State Reformatory
Ghost Hunts & Ghost Walks

The infamous Ohio State Reformatory in Mans?eld
has announced dates for its 2017 Ghost Hunts® and Ghost
Walks®. The popular overnight Ghost Hunts were named one
of the Travel Channel’s “101 Things to do before you die.”
These unusual nocturnal experiences are a hit with anyone
interested in paranormal activity, or travelers simply seeking
a truly unusual getaway.
Built in 1886, The Ohio State Reformatory (OSR) served
for 94 years as a working prison, housing more than 154,000
prisoners and setting the scene for major motion pictures, in-
cluding The Shawshank Redemption, Air Force One and oth-
ers. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the
prison boasts the world’s largest free-standing steel cellblock
and is known as the ultimate place to ghost hunt.
The Ghost Hunts® offer an overnight experience for those
with serious interest in paranormal activity. Book early this
popular event. Admission is $70/person and all proceeds
from the hunts go directly to restore the incredible architec-
ture of this important historical structure. Ghost Hunts® are
now open to visitors 18 years of age and older. Travelers can
book Ghost Hunts by visiting or by
calling (419) 522-2644.
April dates: Fri., Apr. 14, Sat., Apr. 22; May dates: Sat.,
May 6, Sat., May 20; June dates: Sat., June 3, Sat., June 17,
Sat., June 24, Fri., June 30; July dates: Sat., July 8, Fri., July
L-R: Gregory Willey of Friendship APL, Stephanie Wiersma of Lorain County Health & Dentistry, Sheriff Phil Stammitti, Edwin 21, Sat., July 29; August dates: Sat., Aug. 12, Sat., Aug. 19;
Oley of Mercy Health, Donna Humphrey and Sister Mary Berigan of Blessing House and Patricia O’Brien of Stocker Foun- September dates: Sat., Sep. 2.
Ghost Walks® feature knowledgeable tour guides leading
Leadership Lorain County celebrated this year’s distinguished leaders at the 2017 Difference Makers Gala on Friday, guests through the dark halls and corridors of the reforma-
February 17, at Spitzer Conference Center. The Gala honored individuals and an organization that have demonstrated tory, highlighting spots where paranormal activity has been
remarkable leadership, while making a signi?cant impact on the community. reported, while sharing stories of eerie experiences, murder
and death. Dates for 2017 Ghost Walks are: Fridays, April
The 2017 Difference Makers are: 21 & 28, May 5, June 9 & 23, July 7 & 28, August 11 and
Eric Nord Award for Excellence in Leadership - Edwin Oley, Senior Vice President, Mercy Health & CEO, Mercy September 1.
Emerald Award - Gregory Willey, Executive Director, Friendship APL. Mans?eld and Richland County offer unusual travel ad-
Excellence in Leadership Award - Patricia O’Brien, Executive Director, Stocker Foundation. ventures and experiences, world-class motorsports, skiing,
Excellence in Leadership Award - Sheriff Phil Stammitti, Sheriff, Lorain County. hiking, biking, golf and loads of other outdoor adventures for
Excellence in Leadership Award - Stephanie Wiersma, President & CEO, Lorain County Health & Dentistry. families and visitors of all ages. Complete visitor information
and a free visitors guide is available at DestinationMans?eld.
Excellence in Leadership Award, Organization - Blessing House. com, by calling (800) 642-8282.
Congratulations to this year’s award recipients!

Student performs in OMEA All-State Choir Karlie’s Cause enjoys another successful year

Keystone High School ju- Luke Peters and Choir Director Mrs. Pearce. The 9th annual Karlie’s
nior Luke Peters was select- Cause was a huge success
ed to sing in the 2017 OMEA though some of the rehears- Choir Director Mrs. Pearce this year. Thank you to the Karlie Smick in the front lobby of Schild’s IGA in Grafton.
All-State Choir. Hundreds als were nine hours long.” for helping me earn the op- community for supporting
of students audition for this portunity to perform in the Karlie’s Cause through the
group every year, and only He adds, I would like to All-State Choir.” years. This year, with the
160 students from all over thank my parents and my help of the community,
Ohio are selected. Karlie was able, to raise
over 3,100 lbs. of dog food,
Luke and the other se- cat food and kitty litter to
lected vocalists from Ohio be donated to the MBR Pet
took an extensive amount Pantry of Lorain County.
of time out of their week- Karlie was also able to hand
ends to attend regional sec- its president, Dawn Pilger
tional rehearsals and a large $1,396.40 in cash donations.
group rehearsal at Otterbein
College. They spent the two With so much donated,
days prior to their perfor- Karlie was able to share
mance in Cleveland, rehears- the wealth with the Lorain
ing with their guest conduc- County Dog Kennel and
tor, Dr. Brady Allred of Salt Multiple Breed Rescue. She
Lake City. would also like to send a
special thank you to Kevin
Of this opportunity, of Schild’s IGA and all their
Luke states, “It was such an customers. They really came
amazing experience. Every- through this year for her in
one in the State Choir had both supplies and cash dona-
a common interest, and we tions! Great job, Karlie!
all worked really hard, even

LOCAL Community Carlisle 8 Grafton 14 N. Ridgeville 10 Profile Page 7
Directory Columbia 3 Grafton Twp. 15 Wellington 12 Events page 2
Events Eaton 8 LaGrange 5 Churches 6 Lets Eat 11

Page is Back!

Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017



March 4 March 5 March 11 Did You Know:
Northeast Ohio is a major commercial producer of maple sugar due to its prime
Winter Warmer Fest Pancake Breakfast Comedy-Night After weather conditions. Most commercial sugaring operations collect sap through
Prom Fundraiser interconnected plastic tubing attached to the maple trees and the maple-sugaring
50 Ohio breweries will be sam- Enjoy a breakfast of fresh,
pling their winter, limited edition hot all-you-can-eat pancakes, Tickets ($25) include dinner, season typically lasts four to six weeks.
and other popular beers. Live scrambled eggs, sausage, cof- a beverage and a Comedy
music by Cleveland’s own Aus- fee, tea, milk or juice. $7 for Show with four comedians. March 18-19 March 26 April Fool's Day is a time for
tin Cane and Chris Allen. Food Adults, $4 for children 2-10, un- There will also be raf?e bas- playing pranks on others, telling
trucks on site for fueling up! der 2 FREE. kets, side boards and a 50/50 Rocky River Avant-Garde Hoppin Around the Barn jokes and enjoying some light-
raf?e. All the proceeds from Art & Craft Show hearted fun. The celebrations
Windows on the River Carlisle Visitor Center this event will go towards Come visit with the rescue are believed to have begun in
2000 Sycamore St, 12882 Diagonal Rd, North Ridgeville After Prom. Artists and crafters will be sell- horses and enjoy horse rides, the 16th century when the new
Cleveland LaGrange Call 440-864-5033 for tickets. ing their original handmade Easter egg hunt, Easter bon- calendar ordered by Pope Greg-
2:00pm - 6:00pm 9:00am - 1:00pm items! Admission is $3 to the net contest, games and prizes, ory changed New Year's Day
VFW Post 9871 public, children under 12 are snacks, and photo opportunity from April 1 to January 1 - and
March 4-5 Pancake Breakfast by 6805 Lear Nagle, free. A portion of proceeds will with the Easter Bunny. Bring some people simply didn't get
Oberlin Rotary Club N. Ridgeville bene?t the local non-pro?t, your own camera. $10 donation the memo. While foolishness is
Berea Flea Market 6:00pm Wigs for Kids. a large part of April 1 activities,
Get your ?ll of tasty ?apjacks Evergreen Farm the day is known for some other
Every weekend is another and breakfast sides and sup- Catch a Leprechaun! Rocky River Memorial Hall 13297 Durkee Rd, Grafton notable reasons as well. On April
bargain hunting thrill. Come port a good cause at the same 21016 Hilliard Blvd. 1:00pm - 4:00pm 1st in 1889, the ?rst dishwasher
rummage, swap, and bargain time. Tickets are $6 per person; Bring your kids for this fun lep- Rocky River was offered for sale. Daytime
for one-of-a-kind, rare, and un- Kids 5 and under are FREE at rechaun trap building program! Sat 10-5pm, Sun 11-5pm March 30 television fans tuned into "Gen-
usual ?nds. This is the ultimate the door. Craft supplies provided, but feel eral Hospital" for the ?rst time
garage sale with hundreds of free to bring your own trap mak- March 19 Columbia After Prom on April 1, 1963. And in 1976,
vendors and thousands of buy- Oberlin High School ing materials as well. For more Fundraiser Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs
ers. $1 Admiss 281 North Pleasant St, information call (440) 245-1193. Hinckley Buzzard founded Apple Computer, Inc.,
Oberlin Sunday Bring your family and friends which has gone on to change the
Cuyahoga Fairgrounds 8:00am - 1:00pm Lakeview Park to eat or carry-out your meal. A world. Now that's no joke.
19201 East Bagley Rd, Bridal Expo 1800 W Erie Ave, Lorain See buzzards (turkey vultures) portion of the proceeds will ben-
Berea 2:00pm - 4:00pm come home to roost in the rock e?t the Columbia class of 2017
Both days 6am - 1pm There will be a fashion show cliffs and ledges in Hinckley. After Prom.
in both halls, guests can sam- March 12 The event includes an early bird
Medina Home & Garden ple food and enjoy a beverage hike; skits, songs and stories, Bootleggers
Show from the cash bar. Meet local Pancake Breakfast displays, crafts, photos, con- 34550 E Royalton,
wedding experts! View the ad tests and additional hikes. Columbia Station
The show features over 130 on page 3 for more info. All you can eat regular and 5:00pm to Close
exhibitors in the home and gar- blueberry pancakes, sausage, Hinckley Reservation
den industry. If you’re looking to Rosewood Place scrambled eggs, juice, coffee Off Bellus and State Roads Advertise Your Event!
improve your home or yard, it’s 4493 Oberlin Avenue and tea. To go orders available. 9:00am - 2:30pm
a great place for one-stop shop- Lorain Adults- $8.00 Seniors and chil-
ping to compare pricing and 1:00pm - 4:00pm dren- $6.00 Proceeds bene?t • Event Name
quality. Adults $5, Seniors $4 Bridal Expo the Valley City/ Liverpool Twp. • Description of Event
Fire Dept. Also on March 19.
Medina County Fairgrounds Vendors including food, photog- (Includes up to 25 Words)
735 W. Lafayette Rd, raphy, music, dancing, unique Valley City FIre Dept • Date
Medina decorating ideas and much, 6700 Center Rd, • Location
Sat: 10:00pm - 5:00pm much more. There will be a Valley City • Time
Sun: 10:00pm - 6:00pm fun fasion show, with beautiful 8:30am - 1:00pm
dresses and drawings. View our • Website (if needed)
Maple Sugaring ad on page 8 for more info. March 17
• There is a cost to advertise
Discover the secrets of maple DeLucas Place in the Park March 25 • Restrictions apply to certain
sugaring by a brief indoor lec- 6075 Middle Ridge Rd,
ture, hiking to the sugar bush Lorain Country Music Show events, call to check!
and collecting sap with a Nat- 1:00pm - 5:00pm
uralist, and visiting the Sugar The Lagrange Twp Fire?ghters Call: 440-236-5103
Shack to see the sap being Association is having their 24th
converted into syrup. Annual Music Show with David
Ball. 2 shows in one night! Call
Carlisle Visitor Center 440-355-4481 for tickets.
12882 Diagonal Rd,
LaGrange Keystone High School
11:30am - 3:30pm LaGrange
Sun: 10:00pm - 6:00pm 6:00pm & 8:30pm

&Dinner GRAFTON Tickets
EVENT Adults $12
Kids (6-15) $6
Settlers Dinner Under 5 Free

Sunday, March 19, 2017 Get your tickets at:

Doors Open at 3pm, Dinner at 3:30pm Village Hall, Sparkle Market or
Grafton-Midview Library
Our Lady Queen of Peace Hall, 108 Erie St, Grafton OH
Dinner includes: Program
Corned Beef & Cabbage, Kielbasa & Kraut, Pierogies, by Sky Lark

Corn Bread & Biscuits, Green Salad,
Strudel & Beverages!

60th Wedding Anniversary RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 Page 3

Fish Fry

CHS Weekly Calendar Jean and Jay Frawley on their wedding day. American Legion Post #421, located at 22001 Brookpark
Jay and Jean Frawley were married on February 23, 1957. Rd., in Fairview Park, will be having their Fish Fry’s on Fridays
Tuesday, February 28: Jay had already bought property in Columbia Station. After their from March 3-April 14. Stop by between 4:30-7:30 and choose
7 p.m. - Varsity Boys Basketball tournament at Smithville wedding, while building the house on Folley road, they started from Perch, Cod or Shrimp dinners with a side of French fries
Thursday, March 2: their family. They lived in a small trailer until the house was ?n- or pierogis, coleslaw, coffee/tea and dessert. Children’s Mac &
2:30-5:30 p.m. - Saturday School ished. As their family grew, they stayed busy working their day Cheese dinners are also available. New this year, they will also
3-9 p.m. - Parent Teacher Conferences jobs, while building and running J&J Greenhouse. be serving clam chowder. Dinners range in price from $3-$11.
7 p.m. - Athletic Booster meeting The couple eventually raised all four of their children in the Voted Top 10 on
Friday, March 3: home they built together: Larry (Alice), Chris (Doug), John
No School and Vickie (Mitch). They also have 11 grandchildren and 6 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Columbia Academic Banquet Family and friends would like to congratulate the happy cou- Columbia High School will be holding Parent/Teacher Con-
ple on this great accomplishment! ferences from 3-8:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 2. If you would
Students who quali?ed for the Academic Banquet should like to schedule a conference for the high school, call Mrs. Hec-
have received invitations by February 17. Reservations and mon- The winter addition of the Raider Re?ections newsletter is an hko at 236-5003.
ey are due Saturday, March 4. You may return these to Dawn insert in today’s Rural-Urban Record. Raider Re?ections is the
Miller at the address listed on the form or turn into Mrs. Kobe in district’s newsletter and is published three times each year. There Columbia Middle School Parent/Teacher conferences will be
the main of?ce by March 2; school is not in session on March 3. are many informative and exciting articles about CLSD. Please held on Thursday, March 2, from 3:30-9 p.m. If you have not
Reservations will not be accepted after March 4. take the time to read the great things happening in our schools! been contacted by a teacher, but would like a conference, please
schedule one on the CMS Website with the grade level or teach-
Columbia K-8 lunch menu Parent/Teacher conferences will be held in the district on er. Please call Mrs. Bowes at (440) 236-5741 with any questions.
Thursday, March 2. This is the midpoint of the third grading pe-
Week of March 6-10: riod. It is very important to follow the academic performance of Please Note: There will be No School on Friday, March 3.
Monday: Breakfast - French toast; Lunch - Choice of General your child. Please contact the school in which your child attends
Tso’s chicken w/rice, Italian Sub or popcorn chicken salad, with to set up a conference. There will be no school for students or Columbia Hot Stove fund-raiser
broccoli and pineapple. staff on Friday, March 3.
Tuesday: Breakfast - Cream cheese bagel bites; Lunch - Columbia Hot Stove will hold their annual fund-raiser on Sat-
Choice of Nachos, Italian Sub or popcorn chicken salad, with CLSD is looking for substitute bus drivers, secretaries, kitch- urday, April 8, from 6-9 p.m. in the grand hall of the Columbia
refried beans and pears. en employees and custodians. If you are interested, please com- Eagles, located at 27190 Royalton Road. Tickets are $25 each
Wednesday: Breakfast - pancake wrap; Lunch - Choice of plete an online application and turn into Graig Bansek at the Ad- and include pizza, pasta, wings and salad plus all-you-can-drink
Cheeseburger, Italian Sub or popcorn chicken salad, with roast- ministration Center. domestic draft, well drinks and soda! They will also have a 50/50
ed potato and mixed fruit. drawing, side boards and basket raf?es.
Thursday: Breakfast - pancakes; Lunch - Choice of Raider We are always looking to improve the quality of the school
chicken bowl, Italian Sub or popcorn chicken salad, with corn district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion, Plan to join them for a fun night out with friends and support
and applesauce. question or comment, please feel free to call me at (440) 236- the kids as they get ready to take the ?eld for baseball and soft-
Friday: Breakfast - Dutch waf?e; Lunch - Choice of pizza, 5008 or email [email protected]. ball! Email [email protected] or contact Keli Cher-
Italian Sub or popcorn chicken salad, with mixed vegetables and venak at 440-552-1999 for tickets or more information.
pineapple. Have a great week Raider Nation! GO RAIDERS!
*Assorted fruit and vegetable bar will be available on a daily Youth Soccer Spring Registration
Registration for spring soccer is now open! The deadline to
Letter to the Editor register will be March 15. The season starts with the ?rst prac-
tice on April 12 and the ?rst game on Saturday, April 22. The
To the Editor: season will run until May 27. All games will be played on Sat-
I’m a Columbia resident and participate in responsible urday mornings. There will be three age groupings this year, de-
gun-related sports, such as hunting and skeet shooting. I always termined by the birth year of the child. Tots division ($30) is for
warn my surrounding neighbors when I’m shooting. I do feel that those born in 2012, 2013 & 2014; U7 ($45) is for those born in
in a community like Columbia, gun safety is very important. All 2010 & 2011; and U-11($45) is for those born from 2005-2009.
it takes is a few irresponsible people to ruin it for all the others. I If you have any questions, please email columbiayouthsoccer@
believe that Columbia follows Ohio Law on ?rearms, so I’m not or call Bobby Petras at (440) 409-8485.
sure why those people mentioned in past letters were not brought
to justice. Section 2923 of Ohio Law spells it out. Gun safety Columbia Trustees Meeting
is no joke. Wildlife and hunting is part of Columbia’s charm. I
moved from Broadview Hts. 10-years ago and I love Columbia. The Columbia Township Board of Trustees met on February
But, there is another issue that the residents should be aware of. 21 in the Town Hall with two trustees present (Dick Heidecker
The charm of Columbia is on a ?ne line. I think most people and Mark Cunningham) and the Fiscal Of?cer, Jackie Ramsey.
know about the 100 houses on 100-acre development being built Mike Musto was absent. The minutes of the previous meet-
soon. The traf?c to come is going to be rough. ing were accepted as amended. The Trustees voted to pay the
On the Auditor’s website, use the Tax map to see how many bills and payroll. The bills amounted to $26,444.01 and payroll
large plots of land are owned by developers. Those will all be amounted to $23,096.72, bringing the total to $49,540.73. The
developments. We will become Strongsville. All the charm of receipts totaled $12,423.61.
Columbia will be gone. And then there will be new schools, ad-
ditional ?re-stations, police and the taxes to pay for all of it. I’m Department Reports
still waiting for the new Comprehensive plan to be on the Co- There was no deputy in attendance, but the Trustees received
lumbia website. word that the Sheriff is aware of the shooting problems in Ea-
Nick Sancz, Columbia Station ton and Columbia. The Trustees are working with Dick Stein,
our representative in the Ohio Legislature, and Gayle Manning,
Umpires Clinic

Interested in becoming an umpire for baseball or softball?
There is an upcoming clinic being held on March 5, 12 & 19
from 1-5 pm. There is no cost or registration needed. You can get
carded for both Ohio Hot Stove and the Ohio Girls Softball As-
sociation. Test is on March 19. Clinic is being held at the Amer-
ican Legion at 393 Ohio Street, in Elyria. Ages 12 and up are
welcome. For more information, call Lou Vasi at 440-327-7628.

Columbia Station Weddings - Birthday Parties - Corporate Events - Luncheons - Family Reunions - Graduations
V.F.W. Post #9340
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Every Friday from March 3rd
till April 14th

Hand- Breaded, Fresh Lake Erie Perch!

also available - Baked Scrod,
Walleye, Butter?y Shrimp &
Macaroni & Cheese Dinners
~Also Yummy desserts including Pies!~

Dinners include Baked Potato, French Fries or
Cabbage and Noodles, Coleslaw and Rolls.

Serving from 5 - 8pm

Carry-outs Available

PUBLIC WELCOME!Tues. 9:30-7 • Wed.,Th.,Fri. 9:30-5 • Sat. 9:30-3:30

Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 the Folley Road culvert replacement on Feb. 6, 2017: “Night to Shine”
Increase temporary appropriations for the Public Works
our Ohio State Senator, to work out ways to deal with the prob-
lem. Presently, townships have no authority to regulate gun Commission Fund by $66,627. Increase estimated resources for
shooting. The Zoning Inspec- the Public Works Commission Fund by $66,627. Decrease tem-
tor issued 2 single family home permits, bringing the total for porary appropriations for the Public Works Commission Fund
the year to 17. The Zoning Commission will meet on March 2 by $12,143 - to $54,484. Decrease estimated resources for the
at 6 p.m. in the Town Hall. The Board of Zoning Appeals will Public Works Commission Fund by $12,143 - to $54,484. The
meet on March 27 at 6:30 p.m. for a case on a home occupation Trustees voted to approve all the requests.
for sales and transfers of guns. The Road-Service Director re-
ported that all equipment is good. The Issue I project is on hold. After Community Input, the meeting was adjourned. The
The road crew will be working on cutting trees and ditching. next regular meeting will be on Monday, March 6, at 7 p.m. in
The Fire Chief was not present, but Mr. Heidecker reported for the Town Hall.
him: 36 on ?le, 33 on call, 21 ?re calls to date and 82 EMS calls.
There were 9 mutual aid assists and 1 mutual aid request. Trans- Free Hot Meal & Food Pantry

port billing for January was $14,154.77. Rita Plata reported that On Saturday, March 4, a free hot meal will be served and a
there was nothing received for the cemetery report. perishable foods pantry will be available at New Life Wesleyan
Old Business Church from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. This is a monthly event held the
The Zoning Commission is working on hearings for the Com- ? rst Saturday of every month. The meal and food pantry (featur-
prehensive Plan. The lots in Columbia Reserve with utility con- ing fresh perishable foods) is available at no charge to all local
nection issues are in the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Engi- residents. Enjoying the entertainment were “Night to Shine” guests
neer. The resolution for Homeowners Associations will be acted (LR) Katie Clark and Audrey Costilow, as well as their volun-
upon next month when Mr. Musto returns. The Trustees met last The church is located at 11149 West River Road, in Colum- teer buddies for the evening (behind).
week with Hot Stove. They plan to spend $14,000 for dirt. The bia Station. For more information, please contact Kathy at (440)
medical marijuana issue is also on hold until Mr. Musto returns. 840-2923 or Susan at (216) 906-5091. “Night to Shine” is an unforgettable prom night experience
The Trustees will have to decide what to put in the employee per- for people with special needs ages 14 and older, sponsored by
sonnel manual in regard to medical marijuana. The Trustees will Columbia Library events The Tim Tebow Foundation. Abiding Faith Bible Church in Co-
be meeting with Safe Built, a company that handles commercial lumbia Station applied for a grant from the Tim Tebow Founda-
permits, to see what they have to offer. Dinner and a Book Discussion - Come discuss “The Wid- tion to sponsor one of these fabulous nights and was awarded
New Business ow,” by Fiona Barton, on Tuesday, March 7, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. the grant. On one night, February 10, 375 churches, from around
The ODOT mileage form for 2016 will have to wait to be Would you like to spend an evening each month discussing a the world, hosted “Night to Shine” for 75,000 honored guests
approved until Mr. Musto returns, as it takes all three signatures great book, eating and making new friends? Check out this brand through the support of 150,000 volunteers!
on it. new book discussion group. Dinner is on the library! Copies of
Committee Reports the book are available at the library. Preregistration is required. Hosted at Whitehall Columbia, a “Night to Shine” prom was
Mr. Cunningham reported that the Lorain County Township held for our special needs community. Guests were welcomed in
Association will meet March 16 in Rochester Township. Mr. Family Pizza and Movie Night - Bring the whole family to and given the ‘royal treatment’ along with their parents and care-
Heidecker reported that the Southwest General Hospital Board enjoy dinner and a family-friendly hit movie on Wednesday, givers. They enjoyed a walk down the red carpet, limo rides,
will meet Feb. 27 and NOACA will meet March 10. March 8, at 5 p.m. Preregistration is required. karaoke and a night full of dancing. Organizers were thankful
Fiscal Of?cer’s Financial Requests for the 140 guests and 180 volunteers who made this night fun
The Fiscal Of?cer asked the Trustees for approval of the fol- Columbia Writers - Have you ever wanted to meet other writ- and successful.
lowing changes to the amended of?cial certi?cate because the ers and hone your writing skills? Do you need motivation to
Public Works Commission made payment to the contractor for pick up a pen in the ?rst place? If so, take part in this writing Volunteers throughout our communities raved about how ab-
group on Thursday, March 9, from 6:30-8 p.m. Preregistration solutely wonderful this event was. It was truly something special,
is required. and so deserving of these guests and their families. The impact
was felt all over the world. A “ Night to Shine” was a night
Senior Coffee Hour Trivia Contest - Attend the month- for the honored guests to shine, the volunteers to shine and their
ly senior social hour on Monday, March 13, from sponsoring churches to shine.
10:30-11:30 a.m. Enjoy coffee, light refreshments and a
different topic of discussion, event or presentation each Abiding Faith Bible Church would like to thank The Colum-
month. Put on your thinking cap because this month the bia Trustees, Columbia Fire Department, Whitehall Columbia,
library is hosting a special trivia contest. Team up and Columbia Local Schools and the entire Columbia community for
compete to win small prizes. Preregistration is required. their support in making their ? rst “Night to Shine” a huge suc-
cess. They are thankful to the following sponsors and for their
Registration and more information is available online at generous donations: Italian Creations Catering, Richard Fish- or by calling the Columbia burn, Videography, Augustine Studios Photography, Victoria
Branch Library at 440-236-8751. The Columbia Branch Stanbridge Photography, Danielle Fantis Photography, Docere,
Library is located at 13824 W. River Road North. Macy’s Southpark, Sally Sponsler for make up donations, Rick
Smith Jr. Entertainment, Christian DelaVega, Carl Ferrara (Ka-
SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! raoke), Precious Petals Flowers, Overcoming Obstacles Stars,
Chick Fil-A and the Remy Family for limo donation.

Pro Edge Pools - Store Opens March 1st!

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Hours: 440-236-4160
Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri 11-7

Saturday 11-6, Sunday 11-4 27099 Royalton Rd., Columbia Station

Closed Wednesdays

Help support Nature Preserves and RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 Page 5
Wildlife through tax donations
Volunteer Connection celebrates
Starting to gather receipts and deductions to ?le your taxes three-year anniversary

Book donations wanted before the deadline in April? For people who enjoy the great Since launching in February of 2014, the Lorain County
outdoors, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Volunteer Connection has made 2,544 volunteer connections
Please consider recycling your gently used Books, CDs, is asking Ohioans to support their love of nature by donating a to projects while providing 7,630 hours of service to agencies
DVDs, Puzzles and Games for the annual Keystone-LaGrange portion or all of their state income tax refund to support Ohio’s throughout the community. Individuals donating their time
Community Library Fall Book Sale. Donations can be dropped State Nature Preserves and Wildlife. through Lorain County Volunteer Connection have provided a
off at the Keystone-LaGrange Library, IGA and Michelle’s value of $179,762 to Lorain County, according to the national
Restaurant starting on March 1. The items collected will be used “The tax refund donations Ohioans give to State Nature Pre- average of the value of volunteer hours.
for the Annual Fall Book Sale to be held on November 17, 18 and serves and the Wildlife Diversity Fund have greatly furthered the
19. Proceeds generated from the sale are used to support pro- protection of the state’s most endangered and threatened species Lorain County Volunteer Connection is a strategic partnership
grams and activities of the library. No textbooks, musty books or and natural landscapes,” ODNR Director James Zehringer said. between HandsOn Northeast Ohio and United Way of Greater
encyclopedias can be accepted. Lorain County that provides individuals with an opportunity to
The ODNR Division of Natural Areas and Preserves over- give back while helping local agencies further their missions.
For more information about the Friends of the Keystone-La- sees the state’s 136 nature preserves across Ohio. These beautiful
Grange Community Library, check out their web page at www. natural areas are open year-round for people to visit and explore The partnership ?lls a gap in Lorain County by partnering and follow them on Facebook. nature. The tax refund donation program directly supports facil- with local agencies that need help recruiting volunteers for hard-
ity improvements, invasive species management, land purchas- to-?ll projects. Lorain County Volunteer Connection manages
Lions Club Fish Fry es, education programming and scienti?c research. Ohio State the projects needing the most help and ensures volunteers are
Nature Preserves provide habitat for endangered species and en- oriented and connected to those projects on an ongoing basis.
The LaGrange Lions Club will be holding a Fish Fry on Fri- hance the quality of life within Ohio’s communities. The presence of volunteers at these projects helps the agencies
day, March 10, from 5-8 p.m. at 240 Glendale St. There will be get more work done while freeing up their staff to focus on other
perch, fries, coleslaw & desserts, as well as a cash bar. Tickets Donations to the State Nature Preserves fund help protect important issues.
are available now. Cost is: adults/$12 and kids six & under/$6. Ohio’s prairies, old growth forests, wetlands, rare geologic
For tickets, call Tim at (440) 355-6441. formations and the biodiversity of those habitats. Hiking, bird- Volunteer leaders are then trained to take over the projects so
watching and photography are but a few of the activities that can Lorain County Volunteer Connection staff can continue seeking
University of Findlay Dean’s List be enjoyed at Ohio State Nature Preserves. and developing new opportunities.

The Dean’s List for the fall 2016 semester at the University Ohioans may also be interested in making donations to the In addition to food prep and serving at Grace’s Kitchen, cur-
of Findlay has been announced. Local students include: Madison Wildlife Diversity Fund. For some background, the ODNR Di- rent projects include food sorting at Second Harvest, grocery
Copley of LaGrange and Cody Walther of Litch?eld. To earn vision of Wildlife was created during a time when wildlife pop- delivery with the Lorain County Of?ce on Aging, tutoring and
this achievement, a student must attain a GPA of at least 3.5 on ulations were vanishing at an alarming rate across Ohio. The playing at the Elyria Boys and Girls Club and dog walking at
a 4.0 scale. mission of the division was, and still is, to manage, protect and Friendship APL. Seasonal projects include gardening at George
restore wildlife populations to improve quality of life for Ohio- Jones Memorial Farm and coaching Challenger Baseball in
Congratulations! ans. The ODNR Division of Wildlife does not receive taxpayer Avon.
dollars. Nearly all wildlife conservation in Ohio is funded by
Malone University Dean’s List people who hunt, ?sh and trap. The tax donation program is an Volunteers have the option to view an online calendar of
important way that all wildlife enthusiasts can help restore and opportunities and sign up for the projects that align with their
Malone University recently published their Dean’s List for manage endangered and threatened wildlife and other species of schedules and interests. There is no long-term commitment and
the 2016 Fall Semester. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.5 special interest. volunteers can sign up when and however often they’d like.
or higher. Family-friendly opportunities are included and projects are of-
By making a tax donation to the Wildlife Diversity Fund when fered after school hours and on weekends.
Congratulations to Brandie L. Fowler, Bachelor of Science ?ling your taxes, Ohioans will be bene?ting wildlife around the
Nursing major, for making the list. Lynette and Allen Fowler of state. The fund supports projects that have worked to reintroduce In addition to ongoing projects, Lorain County Volunteer
Pen?eld are the proud parents of Brandie, a Keystone alumni. native Ohio species, such as river otters and ospreys, as well as Connection hosts annual projects that fall on National Days of
increase numbers of rare species such as bald eagles, brook trout, Service or during the United Way of Greater Lorain County
Keystone Middle School is currently selling approximately lake sturgeon and freshwater mussels. In addition, the fund al- Week of Caring.
500 bricks from the Liberty Street Building for $5 each. These lows the ODNR Division of Wildlife to form partnerships with
bricks will be sold at Keystone Middle School between 7 a.m. Ohio’s zoos, allowing them to help create exhibits and displays, Their anniversary celebration took place as part of the month-
and 3:30 p.m. during school days. Sales will be on a ?rst-come, as well as educational products and publications for students, ly Delivering Good Eats food delivery project with the Of?ce on
?rst-serve basis. A portion of the money raised will help fund teachers and wildlife enthusiasts. Aging. Volunteers packed special birthday treats into bags along
the Keith Heck Memorial Garden at KMS. Please contact Toni with groceries and then delivered them to seniors throughout the
Filut, Principal at Keystone Middle School, at 440-355-2200 if For more info., visit the ODNR website at county.
you have any questions.
High Blood Pressure To learn more about how you can get involved with upcom-
In high school news, congratulations to the KHS students ing volunteer opportunities, to become a volunteer leader or if
who make up the entire Kickin’ It Tumbling and Cheer dance your organization would be interested in a volunteer project with
team! They placed 2nd in a competition over the weekend at Lorain County Volunteer Connection, visit
Ashland University and will compete next on March 26th at Take care of your heart follow them on Twitter @ volunteer or call Alyssa Thompson at (440) 277-6530.
Mount Vernon. The team members, led by Coach Shannon Hef- this season by checking your LorainCoHealth, ?nd them on
fernan, are Alexa Olic, Adelyn Smith, Hannah Posey, Samantha blood pressure. To ?nd a place Facebook or watch them on
Nelson, Lindsey Reitz, Addie VanMeter and Jessica Kun. in Lorain County that offers YouTube.
free blood pressure screenings
In District news, we are soliciting our parents’ and students’ visit LiveHealthyLorainCoun-
feedback on our school lunches. Please navigate to our web- to view a map
site at to ?ll out the 5-question of free blood pressure screen-
survey. ing locations, stop in or call
the nearest pharmacy and ask
Lastly, it is not too late to take advantage of the free tax about blood pressure screen- KAREN KRAMER D.D.S.
preparation services offered at Keystone Elementary School. ings or call the Lorain Coun-
The last two tax services will be offered February 27 and ty General Health District at
March 23 from 3:30-8 p.m. Call the Keystone Board Of?ce at (440) 567-4120 for more in- ANDREW DEAK D.M.D, M.D.
440-355-2424 to make an appointment. There are limited walk- formation about meeting with
in appointments available. For more information about this ser- a public health nurse about 420 N. Main St, Grafton OH | 440-926-3441
vice, visit Lorain County’s Free Tax Prep Coalition’s website at your blood pressure (for those ages 55 or over).
Also, the free Check it: We accept and are preferred providers for most dental
Franco Gallo, Keystone Superintendent, 440-355-2424,
[email protected] Your Blood Pressure app insurances including Delta, Met Life, Aetna, Blue Cross,
helps to track blood pressure
Part Time Maintenance II readings over time. Download Medical Mutual, United Health Care, Humana, Cigna,

The Village of LaGrange is accepting applications and it by visiting United Concordia, Guardian, Mutual of Omaha and
resumes for the part time position of Maintenance II work- 98sYrh (Apple) or https://goo.
er. Duties will include grounds maintenance, street repair gl/NVjrF1 (Android). Superior.
work, snow related work, building maintenance and other
duties as necessary. This position may be seasonal or year It’s important to check Please call for all you dental needs including children,
round. Hours will be up to thirty per week. Applications are blood pressure because near-
available at the LaGrange Municipal Building, 355 South ly 20% of people who have dentures, emergencies and denture repairs.
Center Street, LaGrange, Ohio, 44050. Please send com-
pleted applications / resumes to the same address. Deadline high blood pressure do not Kindergarten Check-up Available!
for receiving applications and resumes will be March 10, know that they do. Reducing
2017. high blood pressure can low-
er a person’s risk of heart at- CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT AT A
tack, heart disease, stroke and CONSERVATIVE PRICE!
kidney disease. Remember to
share your results with your
healthcare provider.
For more information on
how to manage blood pres-
sure, contact the Lorain Coun-
ty General Health District at
(440) 322-6367, visit www.,

General Plug and Mfg. Co.

Part- Time Workers
Contact Megan at 440-926-1757

Mon- Friday 9am-4pm.

Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 Murder Mystery fundraiser Fish Fry Dinner

The Rural-Urban Record First Congregational Church in Wellington and Lobo’s Pasta A Fish Fry Dinner will be held at the Pitts?eld Community
Concessions will host “A Corporate Murder,” a murder mystery Church (corner of St. Rts. 58 and 303) on Friday, March 10, from
Published Weekly on Monday and dinner, on Saturday, March 4, at the church. Dinner begins 5-7 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults and $8 for ages 7-12. Six and
at 6 p.m. and concludes when the murder is solved. The meal in- under are free. All are invited to attend.
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter cludes chicken parmesan, cavatelli pasta and sauce, garlic bread,
Founders 1955 salad, dessert and a beverage. Tickets are $15 each and can be Lake Erie Perch Dinner
reserved by calling the church at (440) 647-3308. The church is
Lee Boise, Publisher & President located at 140 S. Main Street. Join us and see if you can solve East Oberlin Community Church is hosting a Lake Erie Perch
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 the mystery! Dinner with french fries, scalloped potatoes, green beans (choice
of 2 side dishes), coleslaw, bread, beverage and dessert. They
Mailing Address: Swiss Steak Dinner/Dance are located at 43709 Oberlin-Elyria Road, in Oberlin. The dinner
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 event is from 4:30-7:30 p.m. on Friday, March 3. (They will also
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station The 2017 SOWER Mission Team of LaPorte United Method- be having this dinner on Fridays, March 17, March 31 and April
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 ist Church invites you to enjoy a Swiss Steak Dinner and Dance 14. ) Cost of the meal is $15 per person for adults, $9 for children
to the music of the 50’s/60’s on Saturday, March 4, from 6-9 p.m. 6-12 and free for children 5 and under. Carry-out will be avail-
Email: [email protected] The dinner includes Swiss Steak, mashed potatoes, salad, green able starting at 4:30 p.m. or dine in starting at 5 p.m. If you have
Website: beans, rolls, homemade desserts and beverages. Pre-sale tickets any questions, please contact the church of?ce at (440) 774-3443
are $15 for adults and $7.50 for children under 10. Tickets at the or Chris Vough at (216) 299-5372 (please leave message if no
DEADLINE: door are $20 for adults and $10 for children under 10. Several answer).
News articles & all ads - Wednesday by 12pm nice gift baskets will also be raf?ed off. LaPorte UMC is located
at 2071 Grafton Road, in Elyria. For tickets, call (440) 458-5717. Country Gospel Concert
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs., 9am-4pm All proceeds go towards the SOWER Work Mission Fund.
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year Award winning Country Gospel singer James Kilbane will be
Nut & Poppy Seed Roll Sale coming to LaPorte United Methodist Church on Sunday, March
Meatball Stroganoff Dinner 19, at 7 p.m., for an evening of his Christian music in support of
St. Vincent de Paul Altar & Rosary is having their Nut & Pop- the SOWER Mission Team.
Litch?eld Assembly of God, located at 9082 Norwalk Road, py Seed Roll Sale. Orders will be taken until March 25 for pick
in Litch?eld, will have a Meatball Stroganoff Dinner on Friday, up April 7 & 8, 12-5 p.m. in the social hall at 41295 North Ridge The church is located at 2071 Grafton Rd., in Elyria (Carlisle
March 3. Cost is $9 for adults, $7 for seniors, $4 for children Rd., in Elyria. (Elevator accessible). Cost is $10 each. Please call Twp.).
6-12 and children 5 and under are free. Serving times will be (440) 324-3090 or (440) 324-2622 in Elyria.
from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Carry-out is available. Call (330) 723-2691. FUNERAL HOME &
Cleveland Performing Arts CREMATION SERVICES
Divorce Care Seminars Ministries Performance
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
Church of the Open Door: Tetelestai will be performed by the Cleveland Performing
DivorceCare is a national support group that meets weekly in Arts Ministries on Friday and Saturday evenings, March 3 and DAVID BOGNER
Lorain County. It is a warm, caring environment where people 4, at 8 p.m. and on Sunday afternoon, March 5, at 2 p.m. The
learn how to deal with the hurt caused by separation or divorce. performances will be at St. Mary Parish, 320 Middle Avenue, in FAMILY FUNERAL HOME
The group understands how attendees feel, because they all have Elyria. The play lasts approximately two hours with a short inter-
been in the same place. mission. A reception follows each performance. There is no ad- 36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
There are three key components to your DivorceCare expe- mission charge; free will offerings will be accepted. Doors open
rience. approximately one hour before performance time. The event is in
• Video seminar: with encouragement and information-packed celebration of the groups 40th anniversary season. Laubenthal Funeral
videos featuring leading divorce recovery experts. Services
• Support group: Small group discussion about the weekly Meditation Breakfast
video content and the issues faced by individual group members. Offering Forethought
• Workbook: Journaling and personal study exercises that re- The Columbia United Methodist Church will be holding their Funeral Pre-Planning
inforce the weekly session topics. annual Meditation Breakfast on Wednesday, March 1, at 10 a.m.,
Participants are welcome to to begin attending the Divorce- at the church. The event is sponsored by the United Methodist LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO
Care group at any point. Each session is “ self- contained” so Women’s Group and includes breakfast after the service. Plan to
there is no need to attend in sequence. Attendees will be able join them for this meaningful service. 38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
to pick up any missed sessions in the next 13-week cycle. For 440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929
details on meeting days/times, call (440) 323-4644, or register at The church is located at 25453 Royalton Road, in columbia Station. Please call the church at 440-236-8822 for a reservation.
The group will me at the Church of the Open Door, located at LOCAL FAMILIES COMMITTED TO SERVING OUR COMMUNITY
43275 Telegraph Road, in Elyria. Pierogi & Strudel Sale
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled
Gentle Woman Fellowship The Lenten pierogi sale at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church,
located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station, has start- FUNERAL HOME
Gentle Woman Fellowship, An Intra-Parish group, meets ed. Orders should be called in March 6, for pick up on Thursday, 2089 Columbia Road
First Fridays at St. Clarence Parish Center, 30106 Lorain Road, March 9; order by Monday, March 20, for pick up on Thursday, Valley City, OH 44280
in North Olmsted. The next meeting is on Friday, March 3. A March 23; and the ?nal order by Monday, April 3, for pick up on
schedule of activities include a 9:30 a.m. Pray the Rosary session Thursday, April 6. Pick up times are 2-6:30 p.m. The pierogies 330-483-3300
and a 10 a.m. Holy Mass, followed by coffee or tea. At 11 a.m., are sold by the dozen only and have the following ?llings: pota-
attendees enjoy a special speaker. This month Father Pete Collet- to, potato/cheese, sauerkraut, ricotta cheese, prune, cabbage and “Understanding When
ti will celebrate Mass with us and be our speaker. He is the Pastor apple. The strudel ?avors are apple, blueberry, cheese and cherry. Needed Most”
of the Saint Michael’s Catholic Church on Chestnut Road in In- Pierogies are $9 per dozen and strudel strips are $5 each. Forms
dependence. The topics of his talk is “How the Paschal Mystery can be found in the entrance way of the church, or you may fax
Makes You Simply Divine!” and “Lent - the High Holy Days of your order to the of?ce at (440) 236-5804. Orders can also be
the Tridium Sharing God’s Grace.” All women welcome! No res- called in to (440) 236-5095, between 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Pre-Need Planning Available
ervations needed, so come and bring a friend! For more informa-
tion, contact Mary Hoover at (330) 636-1698 Or Mary Tschanz
at (440) 235-6258.

Come and Worship with us...

“Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because you are with me.
Your rod and your shepard’s staff comfort me.” --Psalms 23:4

“Welcome Home” NORTH TRINITY
CHURCH 11149 West River Rd, 38307 W. Royalton Rd.
Columbia Station (Disciples) Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57)
Worship Service Rt. 82 & 83
10:30 a.m. SUNDAY 9 AM Adult Bible Class
Adult Bible Study 440-748-2230 Sunday 9:30am
Sunday School SUNDAY 10 AM Sunday Worship
Worship & Children’s Church 10:30am
during Worship Service WEDNESDAY 6:45 PM
Adult Study, Women’s Study, Worship Services Church ph: 440-748-2154
25453 ROYALTON ROAD Teens, Kids Club Preschool ph: 440-748-3445
COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO Rev. Steven Spaeth, 8:00am & 9:30am
Pastor Matt Merriman Pastor Sunday School Rev. John Ramsey II
236-8822 440-236-8600
St. Elizabeth 10:45am Our Lady Queen of Peace
Ann Seton [email protected] Catholic Church United Church of God Polly Tallos
Catholic Parish 12981 Grafton Rd. Weekend Masses Weekday
Church of Christ Grafton, Oh 44044 Christian Ed. & Youth Director Sat. 4:30pm Mass
25801 Royalton Rd. 8:00am
Columbia Station, OH Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am Sabbath Services Rev. Charles A. Butcher Sun. 8:30 & Chapel
Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm Saturdays at 12:30 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation Pastor 11:00am Mon.-Tues.
(Confession) Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
211 Forest St., LaGrange GRAFTON UNITED
Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. METHODIST CHURCH Sat. 3:30-
Anytime by Appointment 440-355-6872
973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034 4:00pm
Weekend Masses “Your Family Church”
Sat. 5 p.m. ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
8:45am Sunday School
Sun. 8 & 11 a.m. 10:00am Worship

440-236-5095 10:35am Children’s Church
Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 Page 7

Professional Profile



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Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 Free meal at NECC Workshop Players Murder Mystery

Free tax filing What’s not to enjoy about a good home-cooked meal pre- Workshop Players Theater proudly present a Priceless Pro-
pared by someone else? North Eaton Christian Church is having duction at Cork Tree Catering in down town Amherst. Murder
Free tax ?ling of Federal and State tax returns is available a free meal on Tuesday, February 28, at 5:30 p.m. The doors will in 3-D featuring, “Easter Egg Mania: In Your Face, A Murder
at LaPorte United Methodist Church, located at 2071 Grafton open at 5 p.m. Mystery” by Eileen Moushey on Friday, March 3 and Satur-
Rd., in Elyria. Trained tax counselors will assist you in e-?ling or day, March 4. The iconic 3-D ?lm Easter Egg Mania: In Your
paper ?ling of your returns. Call the church at (440) 458-5717 to Plan to join them for great food and good fellowship. The Face never came to be because of the tragic death of legendary
arrange an appointment. Times are available most days, evenings church is located at 35895 Royalton Road. playwright/director Alex Chapman 20 years ago. This evening’s
and weekends through the end of tax ?ling season. gathering will bring together those who had been part of the proj-
Eaton Township Roundtable ect for both a discussion and celebration of the man, the movie
Friends Pancake Breakfast and the madness that surrounded those last few days. Hopefully,
The Eaton Township Business Roundtable will hold a special the audience can help solve the 20 year old mystery of his un-
The Friends of the Lorain County Metro Parks is having a “Business After Hours” on Tuesday, March 7, from 5-6:30 p.m. timely death. Along the way there may be some surprises and
Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, March 5, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the new Four Keys Restaurant, located at 34501 E. Royalton perhaps another unfortunate murder to be solved. Call today for
The breakfast is at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 Rd. tickets to this Workshop Players Theater fundraiser. Seating is
Diagonal Road, in LaGrange. limited, so reservations and payment in advance are required.
All Eaton Township business owners and managers are in-
Enjoy a breakfast of fresh, hot pancakes, scrambled eggs, vited to join the Business Roundtable for appetizers, networking Tickets are $45 each and include dinner and the show. Patrons
sausage, coffee, tea, milk or juice. Cost is $7 for adults, $4 for and a cash bar at the new restaurant. The Four Keys Restaurant will have a choice of three dinner entrees (Salmon, Pecan Crust-
children ages 2-10 and under 2 years are free. renovated the building and moved to the new location on E. Roy- ed Chicken or Vegetable Lasagne). Everyone will also receive
alton Road at the end of January. This is an opportunity to see the a vegetable, potato, salad, non alcoholic beverage and dessert.
BW University graduates new restaurant and sample their food. The Business Roundtable There will be a cash bar available. Reservations must be made
will be meeting in their private back room. by calling (440) 988-5613. Workshop Players is located at 44820
The following local college students graduated from Baldwin Middle Ridge Road, in Amherst.
Wallace University in December: The Eaton Township Business Roundtable was created to
enable local business owners/managers to stay informed about 100% of all proceeds bene?t the theatre.
Amane Ali, Kim McCarthy, Andrew Ciszczon, Kristopher events and issues in the community and to positively contribute
Dornan, Marcin Rapacz, Michelle Pioske, Jacqueline Linder, to the local community. “Business After Hours” is an opportu- Liverpool Township
Brandon Schwartz, Celeste Cornelius, Laura Dales and Rachel nity to network and learn about other businesses, while enjoying Historical Society program
Green of North Ridgeville; David Furst, Amanda Grif?ths, Jen- the casual atmosphere at local establishments.
nifer Kucera and Justin Sabo of Elyria; Kayla Wolf of Columbia Music Of The Civil War
Station; and Brett Boron and Devin O’Donnell of Grafton. Please RSVP so they can order food. RSVP to Maggie Kelch The Bugler raised mouthpiece to lips and tooted the com-
by email at [email protected] or by phone at mand to issue his Commander’s orders. Then troops charged in
Congratulations! (440) 366-2076. battle, or knew it was dinner time, or followed any of the many
commands used. Music in the Civil War was so vital General
Ask the Remodeler Max seeks loving home Robert E. Lee once said, “Without music, there could be no
Army.” Hear about Regimental Bands and their importance in
Question: Why do contractors not seem to like to use prod- like to give Max a loving, days well before radio, TV and internet. Reenactor Tim Krug-
ucts supplied by the homeowners? forever home, please call the man, Corporal of the Union’s 30th Ohio Volunteers will tell us
Friendship Animal Protective this and more. Like how the mood of the music changed with the
Answer: I will answer for my company and not necessarily League at (440) 322-4321. mood of the War.
for contractors in general. There are thousands of new products ( The event is on Tuesday, March 14, at 7 p.m., at Emmanuel
each year, and some of them are better than others. We try to in- The shelter is located at UCC, located at 6656 Center Rd. (Rt 303) in downtown Valley
?uence you to use the products and brands that have proven to be 8303 Murray Ridge Road, in City. It is free and open to the public. Parking is behind church,
reliable and provide the best value for the dollar spent. We also Elyria. Their hours are from and also across the street next to PNC Bank. For more informa-
purchase as much as possible from suppliers that we have found 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Mon- tion, call the Liverpool Twp. Historical Society, at (330) 483-
reliable for many years. Even with taking these precautions, we day, Friday & Saturday; from 3038.
may have a few problems with late or damaged products arriving 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. on Tues-
on the job site.We ?x these problems at our expense, since we day & Thursday; and from Ecker Real Estate Co.
supplied the product. 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Sunday.
Adoption fees are $20 for 1 Karlene Liserio
When homeowners supply the products and they arrive dam- year and older and $50 for
aged, the owner is responsible for getting the replacement. We Max less than 1 year old. All cats Realtor/Agent
occasionally will become involved in this process in order to You just have to meet Max have been spayed or neu-
make things move more quickly. However, we are limited in the to see what a great cat he is! tered, vaccinated, dewormed (440) 371-0835
leverage we have over a supplier that we have never used. As This handsome guy is 9 years and have tested negative for [email protected]
a result, we could be drawn into a lengthy wait for the product old. He came from another FeLV. Friendship APL is a
which can be a costly inconvenience and hampers our delivery of rescue, so his life before com- private, non-pro?t humane Real Estate with Integrity
an Exceptional Remodeling Experience. We point out these risks ing here is unknown. He came society. They depend on the
and their responsibilities when asked by a homeowner about sup- here hoping to ?nd a home, so generosity and ?nancial sup- VALLEY CITY
plying products and let them decide on how to proceed. lets make his dream come true port of the public to serve the VISION CENTER
and get him into a home where people and animals of Lorain
If you have any questions you would like to ask, send them to he is loved a lot. If you would County.
me via email at [email protected].
Mario seeks loving home
Don Jason
Mario is a 2-year-old male Dr. Norma Jesse, FAMILY VISION
Recycle Black Lab mix. Mario weighs Optometrist CENTER
Paper & 55 lbs. and has had all of his
Plastic in shots updated and is neutered. 6621 Center Road
Green Cart Mario was saved from another Valley City
shelter. He’s a typical silly lab
Keep in touch with your community who is good with all people. 330-483-4035
Visit: Kids need to be older and re-
spectful of pets. Mario is very WE CARRY A OUTSIDE
Sponsored by Bella Vita Event Planning strong and smart. He will need FULL LINE OF PRESCRIPTIONS
daily walks or some form of
March 5th, 1-5pm exercise. He can be trusted in GLASSES WELCOME
a home with no cats!
DeLucas Place in the Park Mario Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon
6075 Middle Ridge Rd., If you’d like to meet Ma- Closed Sun & Wed
Lorain rio, call Peggy with Hartman’s
Hounds at (440) 452-1619.
$5 at the door
Tax Refund Sale Mon & Th: 10-8pm
or visit Bella Vita Events Tues/Wed &
on Facebook for Fri/Sat:10-5pm
discount tickets!
Huge Savings! Financing
Over $6,500 in Raffles and Giveaways!
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Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 writing practice. Pre-registration is required. Garden Club donates book
You Can’t Play Ball in a Skirt! - Produced by Eden Valley
“Comedy Night” Enterprises, this program will tell the story of Alta Weiss, who
After Prom fund-raiser put herself through medical school playing semi-profession-
al baseball on a men’s team in the early 1900s. Alta was a star
The North Ridgeville Ranger Parent Club presents their ?rst pitcher who began her baseball career in Vermilion, Ohio. Her
“Comedy Night” fund-raiser on Saturday, March 11. Doors open story will be presented by Bette Lou Higgins on Sunday, March
at 6 p.m., dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. and the show starts at 8 5, from 3-4 p.m.
p.m. Tickets are $25 each and include dinner, a beverage and a Computer Coding - Tweens and teens, learn about computer
Comedy Show with four comedians. There will also be raf?e coding! Make your own animations using the programming lan-
baskets, side boards and a 50/50 raf?e. All the proceeds from this guage called Scratch on Tuesday, March 7, from 6:45-7:45 p.m.
event will go towards After Prom. Pre-registration is required.
Book Buddies Adult Book Discussion - Come discuss “State
For tickets, email [email protected] or call (440) 864- of Wonder,” by Ann Patchett, on Wednesday, March 8, from 1-2
5033. p.m. Copies of the book being discussed this month are available
at the adult information desk. New adult members are welcome.
Herb Guild Garden Club Pre-registration is required.
A Literary Lunch Break Story Time for Grown Ups - Bring
The Herb Guild Garden Club will hold its March meeting a lunch and relax while listening to short stories and poetry read
on March 8 at the Porter Public Library in Westlake. After the by library staff on Thursday, March 9, from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
business meeting, Greg Cada, a Master Gardener, will give a Share in the follow up discussion. Coffee and tea will be provid-
presentation on Thomas Jefferson and his legacy as a garden- ed. For ages 18 and older. Pre-registration is required.
er. Thomas Jefferson was in?uential in the areas of landscaping, Craft Closet - The library needs to clean out its craft closet. Pictured on the left is Karen Sigsworth, head librarian for N.
architecture and gardening. A video presentation will spotlight Did you miss a story time craft? Or perhaps you have a favor- Ridgeville Public Library and on the right is Judy Lawless a
Colonial Williamsburg, Monticello, Poplar Forest and the Uni- ite craft that you’d like to remake. Here’s your chance! Visit on member of the Garden Club of North Ridgeville.
versity of Virginia. Visitors are welcome at 12:30 p.m. (when the Saturday, March 11, anytime between 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. to
presentation begins). make a special craft (while supplies last). Intended for ages 2 and The Garden Club of North Ridgeville donated a book titled
up. Pre-registration is required. “Flowers” to the North Ridgeville Public Library in memory
The Herb Guild is a local organization and meets on the sec- of one of their deceased members. This particular book was
ond Wednesday of the month at Porter Public Library in West- Jazz Music Performance - Enjoy a jazz music trio playing donated in memory of Carol Taylor, a long time member that
lake (27333 Center Ridge Road), in the Porter Room. New mem- the sounds of early jazz and sharing history about jazz music on was very active in the club for many years, working at the
bers and guests are always welcome. For more information on Sunday, March 12, from 3-4:30 p.m. These performers are some town hall garden and on the club newsletter.
the upcoming meeting, call (440) 582-0191 or visit their website, of the top Cleveland area jazz musicians who will share a fun and You can also ?nd them on Facebook under entertaining live program.
The Herb Guild. Using Hoopla, Freegal and Zinio to Download and/or Rebound from harsh winter weather
Stream Movies, Magazines and more - Learn how to use the
North Ridgeville Library library’s website to access free downloadable and/or streaming The following are a few areas of your home that might need
magazines, movies, TV shows, music and audiobooks on Mon- some help rebounding from winter now that spring has ?nally
After Breakfast Adult Morning Book Discussion - Attend day, March 13, from 6:30-8 p.m. Get an overview of what Hoop- arrived.
this Book Discussion on Wednesday, March 1, from 10:30-11:30 la, Freegal and Zinio are and learn how to get started enjoying Gutters: Gutters are vulnerable to winter weather, as strong
a.m. Participants will discuss “Look Again,” by Lisa Scottaline. them today. Bring any questions and your devices. Pre-registra- winds may blow debris into the gutters or even blow the gutters
Adults, enjoy a fun and interesting discussion of a popular title tion is required. off of the house. Gutters should be cleaned prior to and imme-
on the ?rst Wednesday morning each month. Copies of the book Lil’ Leprechaun Party - Enjoy Saint Patrick’s Day themed diately after winter to ensure they’re working properly and not
are available at the adult information desk. New adult members stories, crafts and activities on Wednesday, March 15, from 6:45- backing up to the point that water can build up and damage the
are welcome. Pre-registration is required. 7:45 p.m. Program is intended for ages 2 and up. Pre-registration roof. Reattach any loose gutters and clear them of any debris left
is required. behind by winter winds.
Coloring for Grown Ups - Celebrate the adult coloring Roof: The roof is another area of your home’s exterior that
craze on Wednesday, March 1, from 1-2:30 p.m. Experience the The Butler Did It Mystery Book Discussion - Come discuss
calming, stress relieving bene?ts of coloring beautiful designs “Death on the Nile,” by Agatha Christie, on Wednesday, March may have been beaten down over the winter. Examine the roof
and patterns made speci?cally for adults. Coloring sheets, col- 15, from 7-8 p.m. Copies of the mystery book being discussed for cracked, missing or deformed shingles that can allow water
ored pencils and markers will be provided. Coffee, tea and light are available at the adult information desk. New adult members to enter a home and damage its interior. Some roof damage is
snacks will be served. This program is for adults ages 18 and are welcome. Preregistration is required. visible from the ground, but homeowners who just endured es-
older. Pre-registration is required. Registration and more information is available online at Lo- pecially harsh winters may want to climb up on their roofs or hire or by calling the North Ridgeville Library a professional to get a closer look. Another way to determine if
Little Learners - 3-5 year olds and their caregivers are invit- at (440) 327-8326. The North Ridgeville Branch Library is locat- the roof was damaged is to go into your attic and check for wa-
ed to stop by to explore and learn about the alphabet, numbers, ed at 35700 Bainbridge Road. ter damage near roof trusses. Water damage indicates something
shapes, colors, patterns and much more on Friday, March 3, from went awry over the winter.
11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Garden Club of North Ridgeville Walkways and driveways: Heavy snowfall or signi?cant ac-

Browser’s® Reading Buddies - Browser’s® Reading Bud- cumulation of ice over the winter can result in cracked or dam-
dies is a relaxed, dog-friendly program where 1-5 graders may sit aged walkways, driveways and porches. Some of this damage
and read with a certi?ed Therapy Dog International canine vol- The Garden Club of North Ridgeville will meet on March may have resulted from aggressive shoveling or breaking up of
unteer on Saturday, March 4, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Each child 14 at 6 p.m. at the North Ridgeville Public Library, 35700 Bain- ice. Look for any cracks in areas that needed shoveling over the
may sign up for a 15 minute session. Pre-registration is required. bridge Road. Their speaker will be Lee Klingshirn from Kling- winter, as such cracks can be safety hazards and may even prove
shirn Winery in Avon Lake. His program will be “The Juice to be entry points into your home for water or critters.
North Ridgeville Writers - Are you an adult who wants to About Growing Grapes.” This program will be for anyone with
meet other writers and hone your writing skills? Do you need an interest in wine. Our spring plant sale is coming up May 20. Landscaping: Landscaping also tends to take a hit in areas
motivation to pick up a pen in the ?rst place? If so, take part in New members are always welcome. For more info., please call that experience harsh winters. Winter storms may damage trees,
this writing group on Saturday, March 4, from 2-4 p.m. Partic- (440) 365-8522. which can put a home right in the line of falling limbs or worse.
ipate in read and critique sessions and build your skills through Walk around your property to inspect for tree damage, removing
Senior Center Men’s Breakfast any fallen limbs or cutting down any limbs that appear dead or
Edwards Mobile Mower Repair that might eventually prove a safety hazard. In addition, check
the grass for any dead spots that might have fallen victim to win-
“Let us come to you” “The War Letters”- Les- and information! The break- ter freeze, and address those spots when the time comes to revi-
sons from the Western Front fast is a hot entrée along with talize your lawn.
Self-Propelled Mowers & Riders • Service, Parts & Repair in the Great War,” will be pre- fruit cup, juice and coffee, all
sented by John Beckett at the for $3. Breakfast is at 9 a.m. Appliances: When surveying your property after a long win-
“Get Ready for Spring!” North Ridgeville Senior Cen- and the program is from 9:20- ter, inspect appliances like a central air conditioning unit or even
ter Men’s Breakfast on March 10 a.m. Reservations must be dryer vents to make sure they made it through the winter un-
Free pick-up & Delivery within a 25 mile radius 2, from 9-10 a.m. called in by 10 a.m. on Tues- scathed. Such appliances may have proven an attractive nesting
day, February 28, to the Senior spot for animals over the winter, but damage can be signi?cant if
Offer expires April 30, 2017 John Beckett is the Chair- Center at (440) 353-0828. vermin or other animals seek shelter from winter weather inside
man of the Beckett Compa- appliances. nies in North Ridgeville. He
will present at 9:20 a.m. “The
440-315-8855 War Letters,” features the ex-
periences of his grandfather,
“37 years of doing it right” and company founder, R.W.
Beckett, as a young Canadian
JACK MATIA soldier in WWI. The focus,
HONDA following some three years of
study, will be on how the War
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 Page 11

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Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 Historical Society program Adult Writing Group - Mondays, March 6 & 20 from
6-7:30 p.m. Join this group if you have a passion for writing
Wellington Schools The Pitts? eld Historical Society will sponsor a special Pow- of all venues. Bring samples of your writing to share with the
“Weekends at the Movies” series erpoint program on March 9, starting at 7 p.m. at the Pitts?eld group. This group is not like other writing groups; we encour-
Town Hall, located at the NW corner of Rt. 58 & Rt. 303. age one another, try new and different forms of writing, learn
Coming soon to the Patricia Lindley Center auditorium will to create characters and plots for your ?ction pieces or explore
be Wellington Schools’ classic movie series, “Weekends at the “A Century Ago: 1917,” a special presentation, will be giv- the world of poetry and verse. Registration is encouraged. To
Movies,” beginning Friday, March 3, and running through Sun- en by Jim Smith, Education Coordinator of the Lorain County register, call the Herrick Memorial Library at (440) 647-2120.
day, May 7. The movies will run on Friday evenings at 7 p.m., Historical Society. The event is free and open to public.
Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. and Sunday afternoons at 3 p.m. Count Down to Kindergarten - Monday, March 13, at 6:30
The admission cost is $3. Doors will open 30 minutes prior to Band Boosters p.m. The library will be continuing this once-a-month series of
movie times. Spring Basket Bingo programs that will cover early literacy skills and early literacy
practices that children will need before going to school. Each
The movie series will offer a wide variety of movie classics. The Wellington Band Boosters Spring Basket Bingo will be month will cover a different skill. These programs are for the
Friday nights will showcase movies that have an adult audience held on Sunday, March 19, at 1 p.m. in the Wellington High parent and the child. You may attend any or all programs. Call
appeal.Saturday mornings will feature movies that are suitable School Cafeteria. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. and food will the library at (440) 647-2120 to register.
for children and families and the Sunday afternoon movies will be available for purchase. Tickets are $20 and can be reserved
be a nostalgic opportunity for some to take a walk down memory by calling Toni Novotny at (440) 647-3734, ext. 7410. Library Board Meetings - February 28: The Board of
lane and for others to view highly acclaimed old ?lm classics for Trustees for the Herrick Memorial Library will hold a special
the very ?rst time (many from the 1950s, 60s and 70s). Sever- Capital University Provost’s List board meeting for personnel purposes on Tuesday, February 28
al of the featured movies are top-of-the-charts, award-winning at 10:30 a.m. Monday, March 13, at 10:30 a.m. The Board of
?lms that have not been shown on the big screen in decades. Capital University is pleased to announce that Hannah Wat- Trustees for the Herrick Memorial Library will hold its March
ters, of Wellington, was named to the Provost’s List for the fall board meeting on Monday, March 13 at 10:30 a.m. This meet-
The movies will be shown in the beautiful Patricia Lindley 2016 semester. To be named to the Provost’s List, full-time, ing is open to the public; all are welcome.
Center auditorium, located at the Wellington Middle School, 627 degree-seeking students must have achieved a GPA of at
North Main Street, in Wellington, with comfortable seating, a least 3.70. Chronic Disease Self-Management - Fridays, 1-3:30 p.m.,
relaxing atmosphere and state-of-the-art video and audio sound March 17, 24 & 31 and April 7, 14 & 21. Do you have health
system. Congratulations! conditions that interfere with your life? “Chronic Disease
Self-Management” is a 6-week nationally recognized program
The cost of admission will go toward movie licensing fees. Herrick Memorial Library designed to help adults living with long-lasting health condi-
Visit the Patricia Lindley Center website at, tions gain con?dence in their ability to manage their symptoms
follow on Facebook or contact the Patricia Lindley Center of?ce Frozen Finale Party - Saturday, March 4, at 1 p.m. This and to understand how their health affects their lives. This
at (440) 647-5005 for scheduled upcoming movies and events. event is the culmination of the “Winter Family Read Aloud,” program is sponsored and conducted by Fairhill Partners, a
families reading together and to each other. Families participat- non-pro?t agency devoted to successful aging. Space is limited
A Midwinter Concert ing in the “Winter Family Read Aloud” program and planning and registration is required. Call the Herrick Memorial Library
to attend the Finale Party will need to register the number of at (440) 647-2120 to register for this program.
A Midwinter Concert will be held on Thursday, March 2, at family members attending the event no later than Thursday,
7 p.m. at the Patricia Lindley Performing Arts Center. Featured March 2. They can register at the library or by calling (440) Afternoon Book Discussion - Thursday, February 23, at 2
will be the WHS Band, WHS Womens Chorus, WHS Concert 647-2120. The ten prizes will be awarded to attendees (must be pm. The Herrick Memorial Library’s Afternoon Book Discus-
Choir and the MMS Junior High Choir. Admission is a donation. present to win) during this fun event). sion Group will be discussing the book “Shoe Dog,” by Phil
Knight. Interested adults may pick up the available books at
Wellington Genealogy Group Spring Book Sale - March 10 & 11 from 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. the circulation desk to check out. The group will meet in the
The Friends of the Herrick Memorial Library will be holding library’s Community Room.
The Wellington Genealogy Group will meet on Wednesday, their spring book sale the second weekend of March. Members
March 1. The meeting will be held at 1 p.m. at the LCCC Wel- of the Friends may shop at the pre-sale on Thursday, March 9,
lington Center at 151 Commerce Drive. The meeting this month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The general public sale will be on Friday,
is “Exploring Local Free Databases.” Marilyn Wainio, a member March 10, from 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and on Saturday, March 11,
of the Wellington Genealogy Group, will show how to ?nd and from 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The Friends Group will charge shop-
use Lorain County digitized or indexed records that are available pers using scanning devices a $25 fee for that privilege.
online for free. The public is welcome.
Slide Necklace Workshop - Tuesday, March 14, at 6 p.m.
Adults, ages 18 and up, come join the library staff at a free, fun-
?lled evening class making a unique slide necklace. The library
will supply all materials. Space is limited and registration is
required by Friday, March 10. Register in person at the circula-
tion desk or by calling the library at (440) 647-2120.

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Collecting Sapp at Sapp Farm Penfield Township Trustees RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 Page 13

Lily Sapp spent some quality time at her Granddad’s farm The February 7 regu- dence. Conrad advised that he Bluebird Basics Program
helping him to collect sap at Sapp Farm, in Wellington. Lillian
is the daughter of Bradley and Ellen Sapp of Gahanna Ohio, lar meeting of the Pen?eld had spoken with Bob Storms Have you ever seen a bluebird? Are you interested in learning
granddaughter of Vince and Reiko Lucente of Wellington and Township Trustees was called at one of the recent recy- more about these beautiful native songbirds?
Tom and Kathy Luther of Brunswick and great-granddaugh- to order at 7:30 p.m. All of?- cling days. Bob advised that
ter of Robert and Jane Sapp of Wellington. Lily loves going cers were present. The meet- approximately 25 residents On Saturday, March 18, Penny and Fritz Brandau, members
to her Granddad’s and Gam’s farm and helping with chores! ing was attended by 5 guests. show up at each recycling of the Black River Audubon Society and the Ohio Bluebird So-
day. Trustee Conrad advised ciety, will give a presentation about Eastern Bluebirds at 2 p.m.
The minutes of the previ- that he would contact Mark at the Herrick Memorial Library. The library is located at 101
ous meeting were read and Fridenstein at the LC Engi- Willard Memorial Square, in Wellington.
approved. Vouchers #11665- neer’s Of?ce to do an inspec-
11693, withholding Vouch- tion of the roads to determine This program will focus on how to choose the right bluebird
er #2-4-2017 and Payment which ones to include in the habitat, what features to look for when choosing a bluebird nest
Voucher #5-6-2017, were 2017 Chip & Seal Program. box and how to monitor your nestbox. We will also talk about
also approved. Conrad con?rmed with Arm- bluebird predators and competitors and will show video of the
strong that there would be no family life of bluebirds. Please join them for a relaxing hour and
Fiscal Of?cer Denes read monthly charge for the cable learn how to welcome bluebirds into your life.
the correspondence, which service at the Community
included letters from the LC Center. Since class size is limited, registration is requested by calling
Engineer’s Of?ce regarding (440) 670-3684.
the 2017 bridge inspection Trustee Johnson reported
report and an email from the that two cemetery lots have JVS Career Tech Saturday offers
Clay Township Zoning Ad- been sold. He reported that hands-on workshops
ministrator, which included the Community Calendar is for Elementary students
their resolution prohibiting up and running on our web-
medical marijuana within
their township. Zoning In- site, and he continues to work
spector Richard had request- on the hall rental calendar’s Lorain County JVS is offering the opportunity for 3rd, 4th
ed this information. The cor- inclusion. and 5th grade students of their thirteen associate school districts
respondence also included a to attend a Career Tech Saturday from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. on Satur-
2nd invoice from NOACA. Trustee Gordon reported day, March 11.
Discussion was held and it that he had reviewed the an-
nual ?nancial reports of the Career Tech Saturday is a career exploration program de-
signed to give elementary students a hands-on experience in var-
was agreed that we should not Fire District. Gordon report- ious career tech areas. This opportunity can spark the interest of
pay this invoice as NOACA ed that there were no drug our younger student population by providing fun activities while
has not made it any clearer the tests for the month of January. they learn a new skill set. Students will create a make-it-take-it
bene?t to our Township from Gordon received a call from that they can take home with them.
these dues, and why they in- a resident who is building Students will have the opportunity to plant seeds, transplant
creased so dramatically. The a new house on Whitehead
Board of Elections thanked Rd. (south of Webster) and is and harvest vegetables, construct a lightening circuit board or
the Township for the use of experiencing some ?ooding even learn how to make their own ice cream! Parents/guardians
their facility for the 2016 issues. Trustee Gordon re- can also observe their student in these environments and will be
elections. Denes reported that ported that the demolition of able to see ?rsthand all that Lorain County JVS has to offer.
dumpsters have been ordered the Bett’s house is proceed-
for all dumpster days and ing well. The owner contract- There will also be services and demonstrations available to
the parents/guardians, such as ?ower arranging, cooking demos
and salon services, as well as free Wi-Fi.

that the Recycling report for ed with an Amish crew that RLCWA meeting
2016 was submitted to Solid is selling the wood from the
Waste. The Township’s total demolition to a recycler.
tonnage was 403.625 tons, With no additional busi-
as opposed to 2015’s tonnage ness to discuss, the meeting The Rural Lorain County Water Authority Finance Commit-
of 414.31. Denes provided a was adjourned at 8:02 p.m. tee meeting is on Wednesday, March 1, at 7 p.m. The meeting
review of the Township’s gas will be held at the RLCWA of?ce, located at 42401 State Route
& electric usage for 2016 & Submitted by Vicki Denes, 303, in LaGrange. For more information, please contact Mr. Tim
2017 to date. Denes remind- Fiscal Of?cer Mahoney, General Manager, at (800) 842-1339.

ed the Trustees that the LC
Engineer’s Of?ce must have
our resolution to join their
Chip & Seal program by 3/1.
Denes requested a 2nd quote
for the 2018 ?re extinguisher
Zoning Inspector Rich-
ard Donahue distributed the
monthly zoning report for FURNITURE MATTRESSES & MORE

January. He also advised that STOREWIDE CLEARANCE SALE!
he had met with Tom Man-
gan to discuss zoning issues.
He sought clari?cation of a Plus take an additional 10% OFF

zoning appeals meeting vs. a All In-stock items Only
hearing at the Winter Confer-
ence in Columbus. An attor-
ney at one of the sessions ad-
vised that conditions should
be part of renewal proceed-
ings for home occupations, as
this was the cleanest way to
Carol Tyrone, represent-
ing the KHS Band Boosters
requested permission to use
the facility either 10/8 or 11/4
for their annual craft show.
Permission was granted.
Road man Bill Albrecht
reported that the new hydrau-
lic motor had been installed Don’t Miss Out!

on the plow truck salt spread- Hurry for Best
Trustee Conrad advised Selection!

that he had received com-
munication from resident
Tom Younglas regarding
the limitations of a SLCAD
2-man crew that had recently
responded to his son’s resi-

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Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 Midview Junior St. Jude’s Essay Winners
Trackletes Camp

FISH FRYS The Midview Track Pro- Students Aidan Kovalsky, Grace Sedivec and A.J. Farley pose with Elks representative Dean Robinson.
The Grafton V.F.W. Auxiliary will be hosting Fish Frys on gram will be having its ?rst
Friday evenings during Lent. The dinners will be served from annual Camp for Midview Ju- More than 100 students participated in the Elyria Elks Essay contest. Three St. Jude students
5-7 p.m. beginning March 3 and lasting through April 14. The nior Trackletes. The Midview were amongst the award recipients. Grace Sedivec (5th grade), A.J. Farley (7th grade) and Aidan
menu includes Lake Erie perch, shrimp and half-n-half. Chicken Track program is designed to Kovalsky (8th grade) were selected to move on to the next level in the Elks Essay contest. Farley
tenders are also available. Carry-outs are available by calling bene?t athletes in all sports! also received a $50 prize for having the top essay for 7th and 8th grade students in the Elyria com-
926-3341 after 4 p.m. This program is designed to petition. Dean Robinson from the Elks presented the awards to the students.
introduce our youngest Mid-
BICENTENNIAL EVENTS dies to the events of track and
A year-long celebration of Grafton’s Bicentennial includes ?eld and allow them to learn
events every month. There will be a Heritage Trail session by the from some of the best current
Grafton History Association at the library on Wednesday, March and former Middies.
8, from 6-8 p.m. A “Settler’s Dinner” will be held on Sunday,
March 19, at 3 p.m. in the hall of Our Lady Queen of Peace. A It is on Monday, April 3,
village-wide clean up weekend will begin April 2. There will be from 5-7:30 p.m. at the Mid-
dumpsters and a shredding truck available. view High School Ross Field
or Kubuski Gymnasium. Cost
ST. MARY REVERSE RAFFLE is $20 and covers a Midview
St. Mary School is hosting a Reverse Raf?e on Saturday eve- Trackletes T-shirt. The pro-
ning, March 11, from 5:30-10 p.m. for adults 21 and over. The gram is for grades 3-6.
event will be held in the gymnasium of the school, 237 4th Street.
Tickets are $35 and include dinner, dessert, beer, wine, beverages For a copy of the form
and a chance at the mystery grand prize. Only 200 tickets will be that needs to be sent in, go
sold. There will also be side boards, Chinese raf?es, 50/50 raf?es to http://www.midviewtrack.
and music. All proceeds will bene?t St. Mary School. For more com/junior-trackletes.html.
information or tickets, contact Mari at (216) 440-7991.
ginning at 7 p.m. The high school winter formal is scheduled for Social Studies and Tableau
OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS FLASH MOB Friday evening, March 3, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. in the high school
Small and large groups are needed to help celebrate Grafton’s gyms. Social studies classes at Midview East Intermediate School
Bicentennial year and Grafton’s Old Fashioned Christmas. All invited Robin Pease to visit the school. Pease introduced the
ages are welcome! For a registration/application, contact Lynn REMINDERS sixth grade students to the acting technique of tableau, which is
Morgan at [email protected] or call/text Lynn at 440-731- MAHOF Seeks Nominations - The Midview Athletic Hall of a series of still living pictures. Pease incorporated the student’s
7552. There are no application fees. The Old Fashioned Christ- Fame Class of 2017 will be inducted during a banquet on Sep- studies of the Eastern Hemisphere and the ancient River Valley
mas Event is scheduled for Friday, December 1, from 5-8 p.m. in tember 16. The inductees will also be introduced at the halftime civilizations. Ancient Egypt was the students’ topic of study for
the downtown Grafton area. of Midview’s varsity football game against Amherst on Septem- their tableaus. The students developed their tableaus around the
ber 15. Enshrinement now takes place every other year. For more ancient Egyptian writing of hieroglyphics, the government style
THIS WEEK AT MIDVIEW information on how to nominate, please visit of the pharaohs, the gifts of the Nile River and the importance
Sports fans have a lot to choose from. There are basketball Right Track Award Ceremony - Anyone interested, and es- of the afterlife to the ancient Egyptians. The second day was a
games at all levels, ice hockey tournaments and wrestling match- pecially all past recipients of a Right Track Awards, are invited study of the art form of the ancient Egyptians called frontalism.
es. See Midview’s website,, for times to attend the Breakfast Award Ceremony on Saturday morning, The students acted out many stance positions of ancient Egyp-
and locations. The Elementary Honor Choir will perform in the March 18, at 9 a.m. The ceremony will include a continental tian gods incorporated into Egyptian music. This unique lesson
Kubuski Gym of the high school on Monday, February 27, be- breakfast, the awarding of the 2016 Right Track Awards and the was brought to the Midview East students through a grant by the
introduction of past recipients. Nordson Foundation.
Vintage Fashion Show
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KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS Showing off a dress from the past to an audience as they lis- Courtney C.
tened to a narration about the era of the clothing. Photography
As part of the Grafton Bicentennial celebration, a vintage PICTURES TO CAPTURE LIFE’S
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ fashion show with a running commentary on what was going PRECIOUS MOMENTS
Hours By Appointment on in the world at the time each garment was being shown en-
tertained and educated a sizeable audience at the Grafton-Mid- Visit my website for pricing, booking &
419 NORTH MAIN STREET view Library. The show, which featured clothing from several more information!
GRAFTON, OHIO decades, was done by VIVA, an organization which bene?ts the
Western Reserve Historical Society. The program was spon-
440-926-2705 sored by the Friends of the Grafton-Midview Public Library.
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Touchdown Club Steak Fry items to order from a catalogue. RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 Page 15
However, horses and rigs often returned without the drum-
The Midview Touchdown Club’s 27th annual Reverse Raf?e Anime Club - Monday, March 13, 3-5 p.m. Anime and Man-
and Steak Fry is on Saturday, March 11. It will be held at The mer, robbers being suspect. Pinkerton detectives were hired, but ga enthusiasts meet once per month after school to watch videos,
New Russia Township Hall, located at 43600 Butternut Ridge results were few. It is said the ghosts of the drummers haunted discuss their favorite characters and series and participate.
Rd., in Oberlin. The event will start at 6 p.m. and tickets are $50. the hotel.
For tickets, please contact Dave Gilchrist at (440)-458-2050. The Jabberwocky - March 15, 6-7:30 p.m. Register now.
In 1891 the hotel was the scene of a famous murder, a man Seating is limited. Special Performance for Kids K-5 at Mid-
Bicentennial “Settlers Dinner” named John Heeney. Henry’s brother John was a suspect. After view Middle School. The Great Lakes Theater presents a spe-
many rousing courtroom scenes, newspaper items and public in- cial performance based on Lewis Carroll’s poem. Two students
The next Bicentennial event will be on Sunday, March 19, put, John was found “not guilty.” Shortly afterward, a counterfeit - Dodgson and Steve - band together after being bullied by class-
and is a “Settler’s Dinner.” The full course dinner event is at Our ring was traced to the hotel. Local, county and federal authorities mates. To avoid their tormentors, the students follow a secret
Lady Queen Of Peace Church Hall. Doors open at 3 p.m. with caught, jailed and prosecuted the men. “None were from Grafton map and escape to the Tulgey Wood - where they meet a king
dinner and a special musical program with the “Sky Larks” start- and it is not remembered from whence they came.” who begs them to save his people from the fearsome Jabber-
ing at 3:30 p.m. Cost is $12 for adults and $6 for ages 6-15; ages wocky! Meet colorful characters like Cheshire Cat, JubJub Bird,
5 and under are free. Grafton News October 12, 1894: “Probably more incorrect Bandersnatch and a family of Momeraths as this unlikely but
and ridiculous stories have been circulated in reference to the dynamic duo journeys to save a kingdom and learn to face their
Tickets are on sale now at the Village Hall, GMP Library and Heeney murder case than any other similar event that ever hap- fears back home.
Sparkle Market. pened. We will not use space to comment on it. Some people at
a distance seem to be impressed with the idea that Grafton has a Diabetes Self-Management - Tuesdays, March 14- April 25,
Grafton Village Council “Den of Thieves within its limits. Our town would be all right if 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Seating is limited for this self-management
the evildoers of other parts will remain out of it.” J. J. Vaughn, program offered in partnership with Fairhill Partners.
The Grafton Village Council met in a joint session with the Ed.
Planning Commission on February 21. Councilman Jason Strah Grafton Township Cemeteries
was not in attendance. The meeting was well attended as there Who were the “Den of Thieves? Check next week.
were four issues before the Planning Commission. March 19: Settlers’ Dinner at 3:30 p.m. at Our Lady Queen The caretakers of the Grafton Township Cemeteries are re-
Of Peace Hall! Tickets are at the library, town hall and Sparkle questing that all Christmas decorations be removed from grave
The ?rst issue was a conditional use permit for Lucky Knights, Market for $12 and $6. See ad for more information. sites by Tuesday, February 28. After this date, the caretakers will
a skill-based game room, to be located at 397 Main Street on the Doris Wildenheim 926-2956 dispose of any remaining Christmas decorations.
north side of the village. Planning Commission and council ap-
proved the conditional use permit, pending ?nal inspections. The Grafton-Midview Library events Attn: Township Residents
game room is expected to open March 1.
To register for programs, call 440-926-3317 or visit the li- On March 4, the township will host a trauma training day.
The second issue was an expansion and modernization of the brary at 983 Main Street. Library hours are Monday-Thursday, Emergency personnel will be simulating a major event. If you
Grafton McDonald’s on Main Street. The building is 20 years 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday & Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Sunday, come upon the training, please be cautious, but not concerned.
old, has been built on once and has inef?cient kitchen equipment. 1-5 p.m. You can also register by visiting their website, www.
The plans call for an expanded kitchen, for the cooler box to be Most library programs require registration. Belden B’s and G’s 4-H Club
brought inside a walled structure, for a larger storage area, for
a change to the trash building, for a better audio system, for a Winter Reading Challenge - through Friday, March 17. Beat The Belden B’s and G’s 4-H club has a long history of mem-
change in the location of the drive thru and for a more modern the winter blues while challenging yourself to read! Kids up to bership from boys and girls from Grafton Village, Grafton Town-
look. There will be nine parking spaces lost in the back of the age 12 can pick up a Bingo board from the Children’s Depart- ship, Eaton Township and Carlisle Township. Be a part of a 4-H
restaurant as the expansion will place the drive thru toward the ment. Complete one Bingo row, receive a prize! Complete the club; contact the OSU Lorain County Extension service at (440)
back of the building. The drive thru will remain one lane, but set whole Bingo board and receive another prize! 326-5851 to ?nd a club in your area.
in concrete instead of asphalt for maintenance durability. It will
have an updated audio system designed for better communica- Babypalooza - Thursdays, now through March 23, 10-10:30 The Belden B’s and G’s 4-H club will hold a meeting on
tion for customers, yet have lower decibels to be quieter for the a.m. Join us for this short and lively program for babies (birth Wednesday, March 8, from 7-8 p.m. at the Grafton Township
neighbors. There will also be concreted spots for handicapped to 3 years) and their caregivers. Babypalooza is a great way to Hall on St. Rt 83 at St. Rt. 303. The 4-H program is open to
parking and have better ramps available for disabled customers. introduce baby to the world of stories using songs, rhymes and young people ages 5-19. All 4-H and other youth programs fo-
Outside lighting will remain the same. The Planning Commis- lap bounces. Registration is not required. cus on learning by doing; emphasizing active involvement and
sion and council approved a preliminary site plan. More infor- quality experiences which stimulate lifelong learning of values
mation is needed for a ?nal site plan. The Planning Commission Storytime - Mondays, thru March 20, 10-10:30 a.m. & Tues- and skills.
will meet to vote on a ?nal site plan at the March 7 council meet- days, thru March 21, 6-6:30 p.m. Storytime is designed for
ing. McDonald’s is ready to begin once the plan is approved. children 3-6 years old and their caregivers. Each program will Join them on March 8 and learn more about 4-H. Should you
Once construction begins, it should take approximately 6 weeks. explore great books, fun concepts and engage in creative, educa- have any questions about the Belden B’s and G’s 4-H club, con-
The restaurant will close for about 2 weeks during the construc- tional activities. Registration is not required. tact one of the advisors, Al DiVencenzo at (440) 926-3873 or
tion to move the kitchen equipment. Kim Bersiwill at (440) 926-1630.
Coding Club - Monday, February 27, 3:30-5 p.m. Explore
The Planning Commission and council also approved the re- the world of code and increase your problem-solving skills, ex- Karen A. Kramer, D.D.S.
cording of a Plat for Block E, sub lot 34, in the Fiddler’s Green press your creativity, work as a team and have fun! We will meet 420 N. Main St., Grafton
subdivision. The lot is larger to accommodate a wetlands area on after school in the Teen Zone and learn together how to make
the property. This will allow development of the property while simple webpages, create animation and more. No experience Emergencies
keeping the wetlands area undisturbed. As part of the agreement, necessary to participate. Already know how to code? We need Welcomed!
no lot split will be allowed nor any mowing. The responsibility mentors! For ages 10-17.
of the area will eventually be turned over to the homeowners Same-day Denture
association. Monthly Book Club - Tuesday, February 28, 6:30-7:45 p.m. Repairs Available
Join us for our monthly book discussion. February’s read is “A
The last issue discussed was the possibility of rezoning nearly Tree Grows in Brooklyn,” by Betty Smith. Beginning in March, “We Cater To Cowards”
4 acres of property on State Route 57 in the Fox Run area from the format changes to a genre-based monthly discussion with a
Of?ce/Business to Residential 2. Thirty residents signed a let- mystery. Throughout the rest of the year, we will explore non-?c- SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE
ter of support for the rezoning. However, more information was tion, biographies, young adult literature and other categories.
needed. A formal presentation will be given at a future meeting. 440-926-3441
The procedure was tabled at this time. Tech Tutor - Wednesday, March 1, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
& 2:30-4:30 p.m. Registration is recommended. Walk-ins are SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
In other action, council passed three resolutions in an emer- welcome if no appointments are scheduled. Appointments are
gency procedure to allow the mayor or village administrator to 60 minutes and available on the ?rst Wednesday of the month. Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
enter into loan agreements with the EPA for the new water tower GMPL is happy to schedule appointments as needed if Wednes- programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
project. day times do not work. Please contact gmplreference@gmail. 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
com or call the Library at 440-926-3317 with any questions or to The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
In a written report, the village administrator highlighted or schedule a Tech Tutor appointment. drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
updated several projects, including the water tower construction, If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
design work for improvements to Oak Street, the replacing of Planning for a Productive Vegetable Garden - Thursday,
utility poles, underground electrical work to be done on Yar- March 2, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Now is the perfect time to plan your ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE CANCELED.
mouth Street, right of way boring on Commerce Drive and street garden for the coming season! Join John Schoenhals, OSU Ex- These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
repairs to Nantucket. Snow removal and salting is ongoing. tension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, for a dis- 2/27 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
cussion about some of the important things to keep in mind when and coffee for participants.
In other business, a condemnation order has been processed planning a vegetable garden. Topics will include selecting plants 2/28 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed
for the building at 1212 Elm Street. The village is receiving and seeds, crop rotation, planting techniques, disease manage- by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for
quotes for demolition. Council authorized the village administra- ment and other tips. participants.
tor or mayor to proceed with the lowest bid. 3/02 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner to be held
Music Mixing Lab - Tuesday, March 7, 6-7 p.m. Join us for 3/09/2017 at 5:30pm. Two names per phone call only.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 7, in coun- an hour of fun making original music with the Beatlab website, 3/03 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for
cil chambers. The Planning Commission will join them, so the trying your hand at making instruments with everyday objects participants.
start time may be earlier. Times are available on the Village of and using Scratch coding to make them work! 3/06 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
Grafton website, under minutes and agendas. and coffee for participants.
Heritage Trails - Wednesday, March 8, at 6 p.m. We will look 3/07 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
Grafton Village History Association at Disasters in Grafton for this month’s program. Please register instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with
now. fruit and juice for participants.
What a difference 122 years makes! February 1895 newspa- 3/09 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for those that
per: “The weather having moderated a little makes for more stir After School Video Games - Thursday, March 9, 3-5 p.m. Re- signed up. CANCELLATIONS FOR DINNER
on the streets. A little more snow would improve the sleighing lax and unwind after school with video games and a few slices of MUST BE MADE BEFORE NOON.
but people take it as it is and we hear the merry bells as the sleigh pizza. Bring in your own multiplayer games to share or borrow 3/10 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop
loads pass our doors, some pleasure bent, others, the serious some from the library’s collection. Available systems include and snacks for participants.
ones, on business of various kinds.” PS3 and Xbox 360. • If you have questions on these programs, please contact

A new history exhibit at the Town Hall concerns smaller com- the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
mercial businesses, such as the post of?ce, theater and hotels. • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
Hotel history makes interesting reading, particularly the Brand
Hotel: built in 1852 across the tracks from the railroad station for occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Titus Hand. In 1866 it was sold to T. E. Ray and renamed “Rail- Manager for additional information.
road Hotel.” Packman and Mattison bought in 1879, with A. D.
Smith, proprietor. Note: Smith held the patents for the railroad
mail bag pick-up as well as the two-way railroad seat

In 1881 the hotel was renamed the Brand Hotel for owner
Henry Brand. Good things, like family dinners, wedding recep-
tions, parties and celebrations began to be over-shadowed by bad
things after the “drummer room” became the headquarters for
the Drummers. These men were salesmen who traveled in their
‘rigs’ throughout the country-side selling items such as medi-
cines, combs and pots and pans, as well as miniature samples of
furniture, kerosene motors, windmills and even baby chicks and

Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017
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Income Tax Returns ART’S WATER SYSTEMS
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Off: 330-483-0055 "The IRS does not endorse any particular individual tax return preparer.
Cell: 216-970-1910 7424 Crocker Rd. For more information on tax return preparers, go to" KEVIN BOLDEN 440-322-2987
Valley City, OH 44280
Answers from pg 16
J.A. Kilby Plumbing
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services
Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions Tree Trimming • Removal
CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available Stump Grinding • Pruning
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Seth Emerson - Owner
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SERVICES: [email protected]

440-324-4321 •Plumbing Repairs ARBOR CARE TREE
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•Sewer Excavation

30 Years Experience $25OFFPersonal Plumber Service Corp. • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck Try and Fix a Drafty
Any Service • 113 Ft. Crane House
SERVICE • Removal, Trimming, Firewood For those who live in older homes, the transition to colder
weather can be extra disheartening, as the vision of expen-
OH LIC #21372 Triple Shredded Mulch sive heating bills, chilly rooms and drafty windows dance in
their heads. However, it’s easy to change the outlook from
Expires 3/31/17. Not valid with any other offer. Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member cold to cozy with a few simple DIY solutions. 440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 The most effective way to improve the comfort level in your
home is to properly insulate. Insulation can be inadequate in
ROOFING Jason E. Davis older homes. Over time, it can settle and compact, creating
-Complete Crane Service- gaps. Topping up attic insulation will help keep the warm air
RELIABLE ROOFING in, reducing heating bills and preventing stress on your fur-
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” nace. For easy installation, homeowners and professionals
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs Tree/Stump Removal alike recommend a stone wool batt insulation product called
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal Roxul Comfortbatt. For attics, aim for an r-value of R-50 or a
Of?ce: 440-236-4001 • Tree Trimming, Firewood depth of 16 inches.
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner Bonded & Insured A little preparation can go a long way to keep the cold at
bay. Seal out drafts by replacing worn weatherstripping and
BENEDICT ROOFING 812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 caulking along windows, doors, baseboards, and trim. For
Family Business for Three Generations Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] other ways to beat the cold, consider inexpensive window
insulation kits along with thicker drapes, and don’t forget to
RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS WATERPROOFING reverse ceiling fans to push warm air back down.
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949
Wet weather driving
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates tips
Driving in the rain can be more hazardous than driv-
All Seasons Roo?ng ing in the snow, particularly because drivers fail to re-
alize the dangers wet roads can impose. After averag-
Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason ing 10 years of statistics, the National Highway Traf?c
Siding & Gutter&OHDQLQJ Repairs Safety Administration found that 46 percent of weath-
er-related crashes happened during rainfall, but just
Repairs from $75. 17 percent occurred while it was snowing or sleeting.

440-748-3259 Casey Williamson Drivers often think rain is no big deal, but while it’s
not necessary to avoid driving when the raindrops be-
SIDING & WINDOWS gin to fall, exercising caution when the roads are wet
can decrease the risk of being in an auto accident.
· Slow down. Wet roadways cause tires to lose trac-
•Windows •Azek Since 1989 SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED tion, as friction is reduced between the rubber and the
•Siding •Soffit BASEMENT WALL CRACKS asphalt. It’s possible to lose up to one-third of traction
•Doors •Metal in the rain. To compensate, slow down to reduce slid-
~ OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ ing and stopping distances.

JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036 · Improve visibility. Turn on windshield wipers and
lights when it is raining. This makes it easier to see
•Stone & Shake Siding Snow Plowing BASEMENT the road and makes your vehicle more visible to other
•Gutter/Cleaning/Guards Available SOLUTIONS motorists.

440-926-1600 • Waterproofing · Leave more distance between cars. In addition
• Foundation Repair to improving your reaction time, giving others more
TAXES space can improve visibility by reducing the amount of
• Yard Drainage mist or splashing caused by other vehicles.
• Excavating
· Stick to daytime driving. If possible, when it is rain-
• Sewer Replacement ing, drive only during the day. Glare from wet road-
ways and headlights at night can further compromise
Franklin Tax SQUIRE’S 440.773.3040 poor visibility.
& Accounting
INCOME TAX J. A. KILBY ENT. · Watch for wind gusts. Anticipate gusts when travel-
Service PREPARATION ing through windy road corridors or over bridges.
“Stop the water before it stops you!”
Personal & EDWARD J. STEPNICKA •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
Business Taxes Enrolled Agent,CPA Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
Many Other Financial 440-748-3624 •Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement
Services Available
35043 E. Royalton Rd. 440-327-3433
Call North Eaton
Forrest Franklin CPA It Pays to Advertise With Us!

for Appointment


Your Place or Mine

JVS students create themed RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017 Page 19
garden for Garden Show
JVS students pledge
Landscape and Greenhouse Management seniors plant Students from three dif- to have a safe Prom Night
?owers along the brick walkway built by Masonry Trades stu- ferent Lorain County JVS
dents. L-R: Samantha Elwin (North Ridgeville), Maggie Lieb programs worked on both as- JVS students ready to shine for the Prom Fashion Show.
(Avon) and Madeline Rising (Keystone) pects of Cleveland’s Great Big Prom is a fun-?lled occasion with friends and a night students should always remember.
Home + Garden Show. Juniors in the Lorain County JVS Early Childhood Education (ECE) program hosted a Prom
Final garden display of Lady and the Tramp. Fashion Show for fellow students as a way to showcase the message that being safe on prom
Carpentry students worked night is a number one priority.
with Pepperwood Homes of “Prom is one of the most memorable nights of the year for a high school student,” said Hil-
North Royalton to assist the ary Duffala, junior instructor for the ECE program. “My students want to spread the message
contractor in the construction that it is important to have a safe prom night and to stay away from alcohol and drugs.”
of the 6,200 square-foot fea- During the intermission of the fashion show, Kate Stiner, who lost her son three days before
tured XTEND Technologies his high school graduation, spoke about the dangers of drugs & alcohol and how quickly one
Ultimate Smart Home. These choice can alter a family’s entire world.
students worked on rough According to Stiner, Logan died after taking too much powdered caffeine. “My son died
framing for cabinets and coun- as a result of this drug,” said Stiner. “I don’t want to see it happen to another family, so if you
tertops and completed ?nish see something… say something!”
work for trim and cabinetry. Every student in attendance was asked to sign a pledge card stating they would have a safe
and sober prom and not use drugs or alcohol on prom night.
Matt Teehan, carpentry ju- All of those students who made this commitment were entered into a drawing to win a free
nior from Wellington, stated, prom dress from David’s Bridal, a tuxedo from American Commodore Tux or a Sephora gift
“The crew had some awesome card.
guys on it. They showed us
what to do and were really
great to work with. We were
very busy, we always had a
job to do.”

On the garden side of the
show, Landscape and Green-
house Management and Ma-
sonry Trades students de-
signed, built and decorated a
Garden Showcase.

This year, the garden
theme was Blockbuster Mov-
ies, and their movie choice
was Disney’s Lady and the
Tramp, with the famous spa-
ghetti scene as the focus.

Masonry Trades students
built the dinner table, con-
structed the backdrop scene
and built the stone walkway,
while the Landscape and
Greenhouse Management stu-
dents completed the landscape
design around the walkway
with mulch and spring ?ow-

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Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 27, 2017

•Briggs & Stratton Intek V-Twin 22HP
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