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Published by The Rural-Urban Record, 2016-09-26 14:27:15


TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”

Volume 62, No. 12 Columbia Station, Ohio September 19, 2016


Home & Garden Guide
PGS 11-15

Partners In Success Columbia Athletic Complex Dedication

L-R: Fred Backstrom, Adult Services Librarian, Keara Kil- On Friday, September Top: The loose gravel was replaced with concrete throughout the complex. Restrooms, a con-
bane, Shari Bowers, Adult Services Manage and Adele In- 2, Columbia Local Schools cession stand which meets code. Bottom: New fencing and a new ticket booth make the visit
fante, Director, Grafton-Midview Public Library. dedicated the renovation to the stadium much more pleasant and safe.
of their stadium. On hand
In 2015, the Grafton-Midview Public Library reached out at the ceremony were all following people and busi- Township, Lorain County Brendza and Kokosing
to Marc Macaluso, program instructor for the Digital Media ?ve members of the BOE, nesses for donating time, Solid Waste Management, Construction. A total of al-
Arts Program at the Lorain County Joint Vocational School, student athletes, band labor or materials to the The Custar Family, Co- most $70,000 was donated.
and suggested some potential projects and/or work based members, cheerleaders and project: Columbia Board lumbia Fence, Pepsi, Site-
learning experiences for interested students. As a result of staff. Graig Bansek, Su- of Education, Columbia tech, Jason Friscone, West Mr. Bansek was quoted
this impressive collaboration, recent JVS graduate Keara Kil- perintendent, recognized Athletics, Columbia Ath- Side Construction, Colum- saying, “Thank you to the
bane worked part-time toward the end of her senior year dig- and thanked a large group letic Boosters, J.L. Moore, bia High School Class of community for your sup-
itizing articles, photographs, postcards, pamphlets and other of parents and commu- Inc., Kokosing Materials, 2016, Jay, Kim and Cody port of CLSD. Without
miscellaneous items in the Local History Room at GMPL. nity members that began Wayne Brassell, Columbia Schwartz, Jim Wright, Bill you, there is no us!”
Her efforts resulted in the digitization of approximately 420 the renovation with stadi-
objects, many of which are now uploaded to their digital col- um lights and a press box
lection by using a multi-media database called BiblioBoard. almost twenty years ago.
Biblioboard is being used to feature historical content on a Two years ago, CLSD’s
wide variety of topics to chronicle the history of the Grafton insurance company and
community and celebrate its bicentennial. Due to the success the EPA were question-
of this school and library partnership, the common goal of ing handicap accessibility
lifelong learning and the effective and ef?cient use of infor- and the concession stand.
mation were not only met by both institutions, but will bene?t CLSD knew a plan had to
the entire community. This interactive tool can be accessed be adopted. A committee
by the general public by visiting the Grafton-Midview Public was then formed to evalu-
Library’s website at ate all of the facilities. After
many meetings and hours
Penfield Recreational Park with architects and engi-
Reverse Raffle fund-raiser neers, the project got off
the ground in 2015. Phase
The Pen?eld Recreational Park Board is having their an- one of the project, com-
nual Reverse Raf?e fund-raiser. The Reverse Raf?e is the pleted last year, addressed
largest fund-raiser that the park board hosts and has been held a handicap ramp, seating
for over 10 years. It is normally held in the spring, but was and partial concrete, con-
postponed this year for various reasons. The Reverse Raf?e struction of a visitor’s press
event is scheduled for October 1, from 6 p.m. until midnight, box and siding and roof-
at the Izaak Walton League on Foster Road. Tickets are $40 ing of the home press box.
each and include a chance at the grand prize, a dinner catered Phase two was completed
by Sterks, dancing and more. For more information or to in- this summer with the addi-
quire about buying tickets, contact Tim Tyrone at (440) 396- tion of restrooms, a ticket
3096 or Teri Bacsi at (440) 315-9048. booth, band bleachers, ren-
ovations to the concession
stand, handicap parking,
parking lot and solid sur-
faces. Three new ?ag poles
and ?ags, as well as a new
victory bell, were provided
by donation.

The project was paid
for through donations,
the sale of district prop-
erties and the Permanent
Improvement Fund. No
general fund monies were
used for the project. The
District also thanked the

The Rural-Urban Record Community Carlisle 20 Grafton Twp. 20 Churches 6
Columbia 3 LaGrange 8 Profile page 7
PO Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Eaton 8 N. Ridgeville 17 Events page 2
Directory Grafton 18 Wellington 10 Let’s Eat 4

NEW 2016 KIA FORTE /mo.
FOR 36
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Coming this Fall! Lease
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Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016


Sept. 17-18 Sept. 17 Sept. 24-25
October 1 October 8 October 8
Elyria Apple Festival Rocky River Fall Arts Red Wagon Pumpkin
Festival Festival Kick-off Put-In-Bay Wine Festival 5K RUNDEAD Harmony Barn Fundraiser
3 days of family fun, food, en-
tertainment, corn hole, Prin- 72 artists and a variety of enter- Get pumpkins and enjoy a With your $6 admission, you get Run from zombies or be a Concert for Hospice of West-
cess Pageant, pie contests, tainment including Jazz bands hayride, corn maze, and fresh a souvenir wine glass and get to zombie and chase runners! ern Reserve. Listen to a String
children’s activities, car show, and musical soloists. Activities food! Visit every Sat & Sun till sample ($1 each) hundreds of Runners will have ?ags that Quartet and Bluegrass Group.
food & crafts. This old time fes- for kids, face painting and a va- the end of October! See our ad wines. represent their health. Zombies Bring your drink and we have
tival celebrates the city of Elyria. riety of food trucks. inside of the paper. will try to steal those ?ags. food! $12 donation for entry.
Put-in-Bay Winery
400 Broad Street, Elyria 19110 Detroit Rd, 16801 East River Rd. Bay Avenue, Downtown Victory Park, 7777 Vic- 612 N. Center St. (301)
Lagrange Engine Show Rocky River Columbia Station 11:00am - 6:00pm tory Lane, N. Ridgeville LaGrange
10:00am - 5:00pm Sat 9-5pm, Sun 10-5pm 2:00pm - 6:00pm 6pm open, 7pm Music
Our members display all types October 2
of farm equipment, including Fire?sh Festival Sept. 24 Zombie Fest (follows 5K) October 15
steam traction engines, portable Woollybear Festival
steam power plants, farm trac- The free event of sizzling ?re Fall Arts & Crafts Festival Dress like a Zombie! Activities Autumn Fiber Festival
tors, garden tractors, small gas and arts performances will in- The Woollybear Festival con- include cornhole boards, ven-
engines, and more! volve music, dance, theatre and Festival features dozens of lo- sist of entertainment, food dor booths, food trucks, bever- Local ?ber producers, crafts-
art both on stages and in the cal vendors showcasing hand booths, craft booths, merchant ages and LIVE MUSIC! men and artists will be brought
Lorain County Fairgrounds hidden alleys, empty storefronts, made goods, food, and crafts. sales and one of the largest pa- together to display and sell
Wellington, OH balconies and ?re escapes. rades in Ohio(1:30pm). Hosted Victory Park, N. Ridgeville their wares, demonstrate their
1289 Edison Street by Dick Goddard of FOX8. 6:00pm - 11:00pm skills and educate. Broadway Ave, Lorain Hartville, OH
2:00pm - 11:00pm 9:00am - 4:00pm Downtown Vermilion Ashland Fairgrounds
Sept. 17 8:00am - ? Mozelle Hall, 2042 Cla-
Sept. 18 Sept. 25 remont Ave., Ashland
Handmade Primitive October 6 9:00am - 5:00pm
Antique Show Harvest of the Arts Harvest Pancake
Breakfast L’AMOUR DU VIN Historical Society
BBQ, Live Music “Rudy and the 34th Annual art fund-raiser for BBQ & Auction
Illusions”. Bene?ts pro?t Pitts- the Herrick Memorial Library. All you can eat pancake break- Come to a premier food & wine
?eld History and restoration of Enjoy ?ne arts, folk art, quilt raf- fast with proceeds to bene?t event. Business cocktail attire. Please join us for an all you
1830 schoolhouse. $3 Admiss. ?e and children’s activities. Free Friends of Metro Parks. Adults Advance ticket purchase rec- can eat BBQ dinner with all the
Admission. $7, Kids (3-10) $4.50. Under 3 ommended ($75). All proceeds ?xings. And bid on our lovely
Pitts?eld Square Free. bene?t the Arthritis Foundation. live auction items and/or bid on
ST 303 & ST 58 On the Square in our items at our silent auction.
9:00am - 4:00pm Wellington Carlisle Visitor Center Avon Oaks County Club
11:00am - 4:00pm 12882 Diagonal Rd, 32300 Detroit, Avon Jack Matia Honda
www.pitts?eldtownshiphistori- LaGrange 6:00pm - 9:00pm 823 Leona St., Elyria Sept. 23 9:00am - 1:00pm 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Vintage Marketplace October 8
Flyro Gyro Fly-In & VFW Spaghetti Dinner Advertise Your Event!
Young Eagles Rally Fund-raiser An Outdoor Event Featuring: Chatham Apple Butter
Vintage, Antiques, Retro, Festival • Event Name
Come to the airport for a Gyro or V.F.W. Auxiliary of Post #9871 is Handmades, Re-purposed, • Description of Event
hot dog! Free Airplane rides for having a bene?t Spaghetti Din- Local Produce, Unique & Cool Enjoy bean soup, chili, biscuits
kids ages 8-17! (parent must be ner with proceeds going to sup- Stuff, Live Music & Food! with apple butter and dough- (Includes up to 25 Words)
present) Event by EAA Chapter port our veterans in need. Adults nuts. See how apple-butter is • Date
1252. $7, Seniors $6, Kids $5. Grand Paci?c Junction, made! Craft show In the VFW • Location
Olmsted Falls, OH as well as other exhibits. • Time
Lorain County Regional 6805 Lear Nagle Rd 12:00pm - 5:00pm • Website (if needed)
Airport, Russia Rd, Elyria North Ridgeville 6299 Avon Lake Rd, • No Garage Sales, Rummage
10:00am - 2:00pm 4:00pm - 8:00pm Facebook - Vintage Market- Spencer Sales or Open Houses
placeat the Falls 10:00am - 5:30pm Sept. 24-25 Call: 440-236-5103
Wellington Oktoberfest
Dragon Boat Festival Alpaca Farm Tour
Authentic German Beers,
Join us for thrilling races, team Celebrate National Alpaca Farm Foods & Entertainment. Wel-
spirit and fun on the banks of Day and enjoy the alpacas as lington Eagles Aerie #2051.
the majestic Cuyahoga River in they play. Farm store Open.
Cleveland’s Historic Flats. Educational Seminars and Free 631 South Main St.
Admission. Wellington
Rivergate Park, 1:00pm - 6:00pm
1785 Merwin Ave, Clev. Our Little World Alpacas
8:00am - 4:00pm 16800 Cowley Rd, Grafton
10:00am - 4:00pm


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• No Deposit -MOVE RIGHT IN!
• Monthly Rentals Starting at $40
• Special Rates during Pre-Grand Opening


Off Commerce Dr - West of 57 • 440-926-1333 • • [email protected]

WEEKLY CALENDAR Girl Scout Recruitment RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Page 3
Monday, Sept. 19:
Columbia Board of Trustees will hold their meeting at the Calling all ?rls from K-12 grades! Do you like to spend time Trustees? I certainly hope it was not a Chamber member creating
town hall beginning at 7 p.m. The community is encouraged to with your friends? Do you like to try new adventures and have a perceived need to have their ill conceived sign erected.
attend. fun? Do you like to help others in your community?
Wednesday, Sept. 21: Ken Roth, Columbia Station
The Columbia Board of Education will hold their meeting Then Girl Scouts is for you! Plan to attend the recruitment at
tonight in the Administrative Center beginning at 6:30 p.m. The New Life Wesleyan Church, 11149 W. River Road, in Columbia Native Sons & Daughters
community is welcome to attend. Station, on Thursday, September 22, from 5-7 p.m. recruiting rally
Saturday, Sept. 24:
Columbia Reservation will be sponsoring a program “Local If unable to attend but are interested, please contact Amy Stair Are you looking for a way to create memories with your
pollinators is our buzzness.” Come learn about the importance of at 440-552-5377. child that will last a lifetime? Then look no further than the Na-
bee’s and other insects and how they play a vital role for all life! tive Sons & Daughters program local Chapter know as Crook-
The program will be held today from 1-2 p.m. They will be meet- Columbia Athletic Hall of ed River Longhouse. NS&D is a parent/child organization that
ing at shelter #1. The program is free. Registration is requested, Fame nominations open promotes adventures, community service and character building.
but walk-ins are welcome! They have monthly events that include campouts, bowling, roller
The Columbia Athletic Hall of Fame committee is once again skating, pinewood derby, Buffalo Naval Park, horseback riding,
CHS Weekly Calendar receiving nominations for the Class of 2017 inductees. Think archery, a ?shing derby and so much more! Their annual recruit-
about past athletes that stood out, a fantastic coach, or a commu- ing rally is Wednesday, September 21, and Thursday, September
Monday, September 19: nity member who committed themselves to athletics. 22, from 6-8 p.m. Please bring your child to the Rally and cook-
5:30/7 p.m. Volleyball at Clearview. out to learn more about our local chapter and how you can join.
Tuesday, September 20: Eligible nominees can be athletes who are currently 30 yrs. Come anytime between 6-8 on either day. They will provide hot
8:30 a.m. Sophomore Class ring meeting. old or older, a coach or administrator who are no longer in that dogs, drinks and dessert. The of?cers will give a brief presenta-
4 p.m. Golf at Buckeye. position or a community member. tion about the Native Sons & Daughters programand there will
5:30/7 p.m. Volleyball at Lutheran West. be music, activities, crafts and displays highlighting their events.
Wednesday, September 21: The nomination form can be obtained from the concession
5 p.m. Girls Soccer at Firelands. stand in the Athletic Complex, the CHS of?ce or printed off the The event is being held at the William J. Green Lodge pic-
7 p.m. Boys Soccer vs Firelands. Columbia Local Schools website, nic area located off Valley Parkway near Baldwin lake, south of
Thursday, September 22: (click on CHS Athletics and follow the directions to the Colum- Quarry Land and north of Eastland Road, in Berea. It is located
8 a.m. Golf at PAC conference match-Eagle Creek. bia Hall of Fame “form”). Deadline for the nomination form is near the center of the physical ?tness section of the all purpose
5:30/7 p.m. Volleyball at Keystone. October 15. Completed forms can be turned in to Jeff Jump, Ath- trail. Look for their banner. Visit or email mem-
Friday, September 23: letic Director at the high school. [email protected] for more details.
First Interim reporting period ends.
11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Class ring orders. The 2017 HOF induction ceremony is slated for sometime in Columbia K-8 lunch menu
7 p.m. Football at Black River. January 2017.
Saturday, September 24: Week of Sept. 26-30:
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday School. The next Board of Education meeting will take place on Monday: Breakfast - pancakes; Lunch - Choice of BBQ ranch
10 a.m. JV Football v. Black River. Wednesday, September 21, at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration grilled chicken sandwich, Italian sub or Peppi Salad w/WG roll
10 a.m. JV Volleyball at JV Firestone Invitational. Center. There will also be a Finance and Audit meeting at 4:30 and steamed carrots with cinnamon apples.
1 p.m. Soccer - Oberlin, Boys-away; Girls-home. p.m. and a Work Session at 5:30 p.m. All of these meetings are Tuesday: Breakfast - Bacon and egg pizza; Lunch - Choice
open to the public. of Stuffed breadsticks, Italian sub or Peppi Salad w/WG roll and
Columbia Garden Club green beans with peaches.
Columbia Local Schools now has a school district APP. Just Wednesday: Breakfast - Bagel w/cream cheese; Lunch -
On Tuesday, September 20, members will meet at SEAS at search Columbia School District in the APP store on your IPhone Choice of Cheeseburger, Italian sub or Peppi Salad w/WG roll
9:45 a.m. for a winery tour. On Tuesday, October 18, members or Android device and the new APP will appear. This is another and tots with mixed fruit.
will have their anniversary luncheon at Wild Mango in Great way that we are trying to communicate with our community. I Thursday: Breakfast - Sausage and egg slider; Lunch - Choice
Northern Mall. want to thank Stacy Acker, “C Squad” and the Columbia Com- of BBQ pulled pork sandwich, Italian sub or Peppi Salad w/WG
munity Foundation for making this possible. roll and pasta salad with pears.
New members are always welcome - it is not all work! For Friday: Breakfast - pancake wrap; Lunch - Choice of Pizza,
more information, call Rose Ann at (440) 236-5440. Children need healthy meals to learn. The Columbia Local Italian sub or Peppi Salad w/WG roll and broccoli with pineap-
School District offers healthy meals every school day. Breakfast ple.
Vintage Marketplace costs $1.00 in grades K-4 and $1.50 in grades 5-12. Lunch costs
$3.50 in grades K-12. Your children may qualify for free meals COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
at the falls or for reduced price meals. Reduced price is $0.30 for breakfast
and $0.40 for lunch. Please contact your school of?ce if you 33rd ANNUAL
in olmsted falls need assistance providing school day meals for your child.
September 25th, 12-5pm We are always looking to improve the quality of the school FESTIVAL
district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion,
Last One This Year! Don’t Miss It! question or comment, please feel free to call me at (440) 236- Saturdays & Sundays
5008 or email [email protected]. SEPT 24th- OCT 30th, 12-5pm
An Outdoor Event Featuring:
Vintage, Antiques, Retro, Handmades, Re-purposed, Letter to the Editor • Kids Play Area & Hay Maze - Free
• Corn Maze - $3/Adult & $2/Kids
Local Produce, Unique & Cool Stuff, To the Editor: • Wagon Ride w/ Live Scarecrows
Live Music & Food! It has come to my attention that the Chamber of Commerce/
Community Foundation intends to build a lighted electronic “ - $3/Adult & $2/Kids (3-11)
Located in Beautiful Downtown Olmsted Falls information board” at the Southwest corner of Columbia West • All You Can Carry Pumpkins - $10/Lift
Sponsored by: River and St. Rt. 82, just like Strongsville. I think this is ill ad- • Face Painting Expert - Charges/Customer
vised for several reasons. 1). We are not Strongsville, nor do I
SECOND THYME AROUND believe most Columbians wish to emulate the chaotic and un- Friday Funday! Stop in & Shop our
sightly intersection of Rt. 42 and Rt. 82. 2). The property in Farmer’s Market for
8153 Orchard St., Olmsted Falls question is Road Right-of Way. The property owners cede the -NEOEA DAY Seasonal Produce!
at the Shops at Grand Paci?c Junction right of “Way” or passage to the proper governmental agency to Oct. 14th
440-793-6566 | Hours: M-Sat 10-6; Sun 11-5 maintain the ability to travel unimpeded from “Aunt Mable’s” to Fabulous Food Tent!!
the grocery store or post of?ce. The Right-of Way is just that, a Open 10:00-5:00 right to pass through other’s property within a designated area to FUN FOR THE WHOLE
travel from point to point. It in no way cedes use of the properties Kids $5, Adults $2 FAMILY!
to third parties for the purpose of self-aggrandizing or the gov-
ernment authority to use it for anything other than its stated use Field Trips Hosted on Weekdays
of Right-of-Way. It is note worthy that the owners of WhiteHall Call for Details & to Schedule!
have been directed to remove advertising from an existing sign
from township property as it was advertising a private enterprise. 16081 East River Rd, Columbia Station
The township permitted the School to build the sign there, violat- 440-236-3007 |
ing their own zoning regulation of not permitting lighted signs. MARKET HOURS: Mon-Fri 9-6pm; Sat 9-5pm; Sun; 10-5pm
The owners of Whitehall should have been named Citizens of
the Year for purchasing the abandoned school building and con-
verting it to a community asset and relieving the tax payers of
the school district the cost of demolition and resultant eyesore.
I wonder who brought the WhiteHall sign to the attention of the



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Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016

Friday Night


4-9 p.m.


Homemade Soups Fresh Vegetables
Hot Baked Breads Full Salad Bar

30 Foot Buffet $11.95

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935 MAIN STREET • GRAFTON 1509 Grafton Road • Elyria 44035
Nick & Dawn Welcome You!
Hours: Sun 3-10, Mon-Wed 4-10, Thurs 11-10, Fri-Sat 11am-11:30pm -Daily Specials -Home Cooked Meals
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over Toast -Large Selection of Omelets
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WITH COUPON. EXP 10/31/16 -Large Variety of Salads & More
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Lu’s Pizza 926-2171 WITH COUPON. EXP 10/31/16


Lu’s Pizza 926-2171 WITH COUPON. EXP 10/31/16

Four Keys Restaurant Hours:
Tues/Wed 11:30-10pm,

Th 11:30-11pm,
Fri/Sat 11:30-12am,

Sun 9-9pm

1st Place: $200 Mastercard Gift Card Lena’s Special Cuban Lunch Specials
2nd Place: 10” Touchscreen Tablet 1/2 lb. Angus Burger & Fries - $8
7.49Sliced Pork Roast, Ham, Mustard Swiss $ 1/2 Sandwich & Bowl of Soup - $7.50
3rd Place: $100 Mastercard Gift Card
4th Place: Bluetooth 4.0 Smart Watch Cheese and a pickel on a Ciabatta Bun (Corned Beef, Turkey or BLT)
5th Place: $50 Four Keys Gift Certificate Bowl of Soup & Salad - $7
Get a 12” Pizza Best Corned
Receive 1 entry ticket for a purchase up to $10 and Zeppi Roll for $7.99 Beef in Town! Upcoming Events
1 ticket for every $10 purchased thereafter. Sat. Sept. 24 - Elvis Tribute with Frank Worley
Limit 6 tickets per visit. Don’t Forget our
Columbian Raider Sub! Sat. Oct. 1 - Acoustic Duo CHAD & DEAN
Salami, Pepperoni, Capicola Ham, Lettuce, Happy Hour Tue-Fri EVERY SUNDAY
Drawing will be annouced before we move to our new Tomato, Onions, Banana Peppers, Provolone 3pm-7pm
location OR when we reach 5,000 tickets! Cheese, Mayo, Italian Dressing on Zeppe roll. ALOHA DAY
$2 Domestics
Check us out on Facebook | Delivery and Carryout available 6" $5.49 12" $8.49 Brunch served 9am-2pm,
$1 OFF Drafts drink specials and Browns
26606 Royalton Rd. Columbia Station 440-236-8688
Mon-Sat 6am-8pm & Sun 6:30am-3pm $1 OFF Appetizers game specials

Store Hours: M-F: 7am - 10pm, $4 House Liquor Premium Drinks
Sat: 8am-10pm, Sun: 9am-9pm
Deli Open 9am-9pm (some exclusions apply)

25011 Royalton Rd • 440-236-3658 6757 Center Rd. Valley City, Oh
330-483-1190 |
Corner of RT82 and RT 252 Columbia Station

COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 19, from 6-8 p.m. Other community organizations will also be RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Page 5
on hand to highlight their resources and discuss what they do. It’s
Red Cross Blood Drives a great way for students and parents to ?nd out what’s available Family Literacy Night
and for all Columbia Township residents to speak with represen-
During National Sickle Cell Awareness Month, the American tatives from these groups.Bonus for parents of preschool chil- Are you ready to camp out? Copopa and CMS are hosting a
Red Cross urges eligible donors to give blood to help ensure a dren - Have you always wanted to see what the story times are all Family Literacy Night, set to take place on Thursday, September
stable and diverse blood supply for patients in need. about? A Family Story Time will be going on at 7 p.m. that day. 29, from 6-8 p.m. Be sure to keep a look out for more informa-
tion and a pre-registry form (in your child’s backpack) for this
Whether blood is needed for a chronic condition such as sick- Card Making For Grown-Ups - Nothing says you care more great night! Please turn in your form by September 21 to en-
le cell disease, a surgical procedure or a large-scale emergency, than a handcrafted card. Even if you’ve never tried it before, sure your spot at this fun-?lled event! Can’t wait to see you for
it’s the blood already on the shelves that helps save lives. Donors you’ll ?nd that it’s fun and that you can do it. All skill levels s’more fun, and remember this is a family event, so plan to stay
of all blood types are needed. are welcome to make cards on Tuesday, Sept. 20, from 6-7 p.m. together throughout the evening!
Come complete three different and unique birthday cards for you
Those who come out to give blood or platelets through Sept. to take home - mail ready. All supplies provided. CHS Fees Deadline
30 will receive a free haircut coupon via email, courtesy of Sport
Clips Haircuts. The coupon is valid through Nov. 6, 2016, at par- Apples, Apples, Apples - Go apple crazy with an autumn-in- All school fees are due by October 1. Fees for the 2016-17
ticipating locations. Donors must have a valid email address on spired party! Children ages 3-6, come enjoy everything apple ... school year are now available online and fee letters were mailed
record to receive the coupon. apple stories and games, apple treats and more on Wednesday, the week of Sept. 5. Please make payments through the new Pay-
Sept. 21, from 6-7 p.m. Preregistration is required. ForIt system or send cash or checks made payable to CHS with
Upcoming Blood Drives: your child to school. Payment should be made by October 1 to
Columbia Station Cookbook Discussion - Discuss “V Is For Vegetables,” by allow for your student to use school transportation for any ex-
9/23/2016: 12-5 p.m., The Villa Camillus, 10515 East River Michael Anthony on Thursday, Sept. 22 from 6-7 p.m. at Lorain tracurricular activities. If fees are not paid at that time transpor-
Road. Public Library System’s Columbia Branch. Adults, if you love tation will be denied. Please refer to your fee letter for more in-
Elyria to read, cook and share recipes, this is the group for you. Bring formation. Transcripts and diplomas will be held until fees have
9/20/2016: 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Life Skills High School of Elyria, a dish from the selected author’s cookbook and talk about your been resolved. Payment plans are available. If you would like to
2015 West River Rd. experience in the kitchen. Copies of the book are available at the set up a payment plan or have questions, please call 236-5001.
North Ridgeville library. Preregistration is required.
9/21/2016: 3-7 p.m., Fields United Methodist Church, 34077 VALLEY CITY
Lorain Rd. Coloring For Grown-Ups - Celebrate the adult coloring VISION CENTER
To make an appointment to give blood, download the Red craze! Join the fun on Friday, Sept. 23, from 1-2:30 p.m. Ex-
Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800- perience the calming, stress-relieving bene?ts of coloring beau- Dr. Norma Jesse, FAMILY VISION
RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Donors are encouraged to tiful designs and patterns made speci?cally for adults. Coloring Optometrist CENTER
make appointments and complete the RapidPass online health sheets, colored pencils and markers will be provided. Coffee, tea
history questionnaire at to help re- and light dessert will be served. This program is for adults age 18 6621 Center Road
duce wait times. and older. Preregistration is required. Valley City
A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of
identi?cation are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 Tiny House Tour With Small Spaces CLE - Tour a tiny 330-483-4035
years of age (16 with parental consent in some states), weigh at house on wheels and a Q-and-A presentation from local tiny
least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible home builders, Small Spaces CLE. Have all of your questions WE CARRY A OUTSIDE
to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years answered about the movement from design concepts and min- FULL LINE OF PRESCRIPTIONS
of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight imalism to living off the grid and legal codes. For tiny house
requirements. enthusiasts to those just curious, this is an event you won’t want GLASSES WELCOME
to miss. Event is on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 12-2 p.m. Pre-reg-
Columbia Library News istration is required. Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5
Closed Sat, Sun & Wed
The Lorain Public Library System’s libraries will be closed Coffee And A Classic Film - Fancy a relaxing start to your
for staff continuing education on Thursday, Sept. 29. week? Once a month, the Columbia Branch Library will feature
a classic ?lm. Sit back with a cup of coffee and enjoy a bit of
Booking It For Fitness Walking Club - Looking to get a little magic from the silver screen on Monday, Sept. 26, at 10:30 a.m.
bit of exercise and make new friends? Join the new walking club
on Saturdays at 11 a.m. This group makes use of the beautiful Adult Book Discussion - Come discuss “The Painter,” by Pe-
adjacent walking trail in the Columbia Township Park. Meet in ter Heller, on Monday, Sept. 26, at 1 p.m. Copies of the book are
the library’s meeting room and grab a water bottle, which will available at the library. New members are welcome. Preregistra-
be provided for your walk. Come early to check out the library tion is required.
displays on all things health and ?tness, or have a staff member
help you load your device with digital audiobooks or music from Teen Drive-In Movie Night - Teens 13 and older, enjoy a
the library website to make your workouts more entertaining. popular PG-13 ?lm on the big screen on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at
5:30 p.m. Popcorn and refreshments will be provided. Feel free
Columbia Township’s Community Resources - See all that to bring blankets and pillows to stretch out in the meeting room.
the Columbia Branch Library has to offer in terms of educational Preregistration is required.
and recreational materials and programming on Monday, Sept.
For more information or to register for any of these programs,
visit or call the Columbia Library at
(440) 236-8751. The Columbia Library is located at 13824 W.
River Road, in Columbia Station.

Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Spaghetti Dinner/Auction Gospel Singing

The Rural-Urban Record New Life Wesleyan Church invites you to its annual Spa- A Special Gospel Singing with The Bontrager Family
Published Weekly on Monday ghetti Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, October 8, in Singers will be held at Christian Unity Church on Sunday,
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter its Ministry Center at 11149 West River Road, in Columbia September 25, at 6 p.m. The church is located at 36353
Founders 1955 Station. The church holds this dinner and silent auction each Capel Road, in Grafton. All are welcome to attend.
Lee Boise, Publisher & President fall to raise funds for the Columbia Food Bank and His Ban-
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 quet Table, the church’s monthly lunch and perishable food GriefShare
Mailing Address: pantry for the community. The dinner and auction start at
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 5:30 p.m. with the auction running until 7 p.m. Advance GriefShare is a faith based support group for those who
tickets are $6 for adults and $3 for children 3-12. Tickets at have lost a loved one. They offer comfort, guidance and
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station the door are $8 for adults and $4 for children 3-12. Advance support through shared experiences. Join them and discover
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 tickets can be purchased by calling the church of?ce at (440) hope for your future. You may bring a friend if you prefer.
Email: [email protected] 236-8600 and picked up at the door the night of the dinner. The group meets at Christ Church, located at 23080 Royal-
Website: ton Road, in Columbia Station (Rt. 82 at Marks Rd.), through
DEADLINE: Swiss Steak Dinner November 1. Meetings are offered on Tuesday Mornings
from 10-11:30 a.m. or Tuesday Evenings from 7-8:30 p.m.
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm Pitts?eld Community Church, located on the corner of St. For more information, visit
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm Rts. 58 and 303, is having a Swiss Steak Dinner on Saturday, or contact Pastor Dominic Verdell at (440) 236-8282.
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year October 8. Serving time is from 5-7 p.m. The cost is $10/
adults and $8 for children 6-12, under 5 eat free. Fall Women’s Retreat
CREMATION SERVICES Bibical Parenting Seminar The 2nd annual Fall Women’s Retreat will be held on Sat-
urday, October 8, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Lutheran Home
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance A Bibical Parenting Seminar, “Parenting is heart work” at Concord Reserve, located at 2116 Dover Center Road, in
will be held on Saturday, September 24, from 9 a.m.-2:30 Westlake. Cost is $10 per person and includes lunch. Join
DAVID BOGNER p.m., at LaPorte United Methodist Church. The church is your sisters in Christ for a day of refreshment and encour-
hosting the seminar for families of children ages 2-18. Learn agement. Deaconess Carolyn Brinkley will present three
FAMILY FUNERAL HOME practical ideas to help you address the hearts of your kids. sessions from her diverse experiences, including the book,
This seminar is entertaining, encouraging and life-changing. “Bearing the Cross: Devotions on Albrecht Durer’s ‘Small
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955 Bring the whole family! Children through age 12 will learn, Passion,’; the “Military Project” at Concordia Theological in fun and exciting ways, how they can enhance family life. Seminary, Fort Wayne; and “Sights of Germany: 500 Years
Lunch and snacks included. Cost is $5 per adult. Register of Reformation.” The day will include a sing-a-long with the
Laubenthal Funeral online at or call the church of- residents after lunch and a project to do for them.
Services ?ce at (440) 458-5717 for additional information.
Register through St. Paul, Valley City, at
Offering Forethought PAL Support Group or call (330) 483-3883.
Funeral Pre-Planning
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a support SEAS Thank You
LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO group of parents helping parents. They offer education and
support at no charge for parents who are trying to save a The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish annual Chicken Bar-
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035 son or daughter from addiction. These meetings are not for becue on August 28. We wish to thank all of the patrons and
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 the addict, but the family members that are 18 yrs. or older. many helping hands who combined to make to make a won- The group meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month derful event! Beautiful weather, delicious food and great ca-
from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Lighthouse Bible Church, located at maraderie made for a very enjoyable day. A big thank you
LOCAL FAMILIES COMMITTED TO SERVING OUR COMMUNITY 24050 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station.www.palgroup. goes to Rose and her staff from Schild’s IGA for all of their
org. assistance. A special thank you also to Bill Barlock and his
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled company; IT Support Specialists, Inc. for their generous do-
What is God Asking Us to Do? nation of the chicken at this year’s event. Hope to see you
FUNERAL HOME all next August!
2089 Columbia Road How do you know if you are hearing God’s voice? A
Valley City, OH 44280 three-part workshop will be held on September 25-27, Sun- Belden UMC Rally Day
day through Tuesday, from 6:30-8 p.m. at St. Agnes Church,
330-483-3300 located at 611 Lake Ave., in Elyria. These workshops, led by Adults and children are invited to join Belden UMC for
Dr. Andy Kereky, are for adults and teens seeking a way to Rally Day on Sunday, September 25. Sunday School starts
“Understanding When become more sensitive to hearing God’s voice above all the at 9:15, followed by the 10:30 Worship Service. After the
Needed Most” clutter and noise of life. Learn what discernment of spirits service, there will be a barbecue with ice cream for dessert.
is all about and why it is important and methods to practice During the month of September, anyone attending Sunday discernment. God wants to speak to us every moment of the School, Worship or Wednesday Connections, will receive a
day! Developing a “listening heart” helps us to better hear ticket that makes you eligible to win an ipad mini 2 or sev-
Pre-Need Planning Available our Lord’s voice. eral other donated prizes. You can also enter by purchasing
tickets for $1 or 6 for $5 at any of the activities. The winner
There is no charge or registration required for this event. needs to be present to win. All proceeds go to their mission
Attend this three-part workshop and come away with im- fund for a 2017 trip. The church is located at 36130 State
proved discernment skills. For questions, please call Cathie Route 303. More information on these and other activities
Fuchs at (440) 322-3518. can be found at

Come and Worship with us...

TRINITY St. Elizabeth GRAFTON UNITED Our Lady Queen of Peace
Ann Seton METHODIST CHURCH Catholic Church
Catholic Parish 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034 Weekend Masses Weekday
38307 W. Royalton Rd. “We Celebrate Children” Sat. 4:30pm Mass
Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57) 25801 Royalton Rd. 8:00am
Columbia Station, OH 8:45am Sunday School Sun. 8:30 & Chapel
Adult Bible Class 10:00am Worship
Sunday 9:30am Sacrament of Reconciliation 11:00am Mon.-Tues.
Sunday Worship (Confession) 10:35am Children’s Church Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
10:30am Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. Sat. 3:30-
Church ph: 440-748-2154 Anytime by Appointment United Church of God
Preschool ph: 440-748-3445 12981 Grafton Rd. 4:00pm
Weekend Masses Grafton, Oh 44044 Sat. 5 p.m. ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
Rev. John Ramsey II Sabbath Services
Sun. 8 & 11 a.m. Saturdays at 12:30 pm


COLUMBIA UNITED NORTH “Welcome Home” St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
CHURCH CHRISTIAN New Life Wesleyan Church All are welcome at
Worship Service 11149 West River Rd, God’s Table.
10:30 a.m. (Disciples) Columbia Station
Sunday Worship Schedule
Sunday School Rt. 82 & 83 SUNDAY 9 AM 8:30 am Quiet Communion Service
Adult Bible Study
during Worship Service 440-748-2230 SUNDAY 10 AM 9:30 am Christian Education for all ages
Worship & Children’s Church 10:30 am Communion Service with Music
COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO Adult Study, Women’s Study, Children’s sermon at both services
Worship Services Teens, Kids Club
Pastor Matt Merriman Rev. Steven Spaeth, 300 3rd Street, Elyria, Ohio
236-8822 8:00am & 9:30am (440) 322-2126
[email protected] Sunday School 440-236-8600 Like us on Facebook
Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector
Polly Tallos
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and
Christian Ed. & Youth Director carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
—Matthew 11:28
Rev. Charles A. Butcher


RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Page 7

Professional Profile

Village Jewelry & Repair Excited to Announce...

Scot Kuhns, owner and Jeweler of Village Jewel- Text or Call Us for Your Special
Occasion or a Fun Night Out!
ry & Repair, invites you to shop locally and family
We rented the 216 Party Bus for a
owned when looking for that special gift for a loved birthday party. They took us to the East

one. Village Jewelry is a full-service jewelry store, Bank of the Flats and Ohio City. We
danced all night and had so much fun! I
offering on premise jewelry, clock, and watch re- would recommend to any of my friends!

pairs. They also offer unique one of a kind jewelry -Kristen Williams

at competitive prices such as engagement rings,

wedding bands, birthstone jewelry, Pulsar watch-

es and Howard Miller clocks. Re?ection brace-

lets designed to ?t most major bead brands. With

commodity markets at record high levels Village

Jennifer & Scot Kuhns Jewelry is buying all precious metals: gold, silver
with son Landon
and platinum. Scot can also turn your medals and

precious gems into something new with custom

design jewelry; the possibilities are endless with custom jewelry.

At Village Jewelry you will ?nd no pressure, old fashioned service and qual-

ity merchandise at very competitive prices. Working at Brandau Jewelers for

several years instilled these ideals with Scot.

The store is located at 954 Main Street in Grafton. You can visit the store on

Tue., Wed. and Fri. 10-5 p.m., Thur. 10-6 p.m. and Sat. 9-12 p.m. The store

is closed on Sunday and Monday. Call 440-926-0500 for more information.


954 Main St. in Downtown Grafton

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LaGrange, Ohio 44050

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Tues, Wed, Fri 10 - 5pm; Thurs 10 - 6pm; Sat. 9 - 12pm; Closed Sun & Mon

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BASEMENT WALL CRACKS Most Showers and Tubs can be
Licensed, Bonded & Insured
JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036

Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016

RLCWA Meeting It’s hard to believe but Homecoming week is here! En- Composting Site Hours
courage your student to join in the fun by participating in spirit
Rural Lorain County Water Authority will have a Finance days, hallway decorating, class competitions and attending the The Composting Site at Eaton Township, located at 12043 S.
Committee Meeting on Wednesday, September 21, at 7 p.m.. The powderpuff game, bon?re and homecoming dance! In addition, Avon Belden Rd., is open through November 26, from 10 a.m. -
meeting will be held at the RLCWA of?ce, located at 42401 State during spirit week, the KMS/KHS PTA is collecting Box Tops & 4 p.m., every Saturday. Twigs, grass, leaves and small brush are
Route 303, in LaGrange. For further information, please contact Labels for Education. The funds raised by the PTA support our acceptable.
Mr. Tim Mahoney, General Manager, at 800-842-1339. students, ?eld trips, classroom projects and more!
Autism Family Night
Raffle to support Library Thank you to all of our parents and community members who
submitted topics for our video series “Want to Know Wednes- On Saturday, September 24, from 5:30-7 p.m., The library
The Friends of the Keystone-LaGrange Community Library days.” These questions are vital for us to continue to extend our will be open after hours for families with children having autism,
are sponsoring a football ticket raf?e to raise funds to support communication with the community. Submit questions to Fran- sensory challenges or other special needs. Children must be ac-
the library. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. The tickets are for [email protected]. companied by a parent or caregiver. A Sensory Story Time will
4 seats in section 148/row 33 to this year’s Cleveland Browns- be at 5:45 p.m. Designed for children from 2-6 years-old with
New York Jets game on Oct. 30 at 1 p.m. The drawing of the In addition to this communication initiative, our ?rst Finan- autism or other special needs, especially those who have trouble
winning ticket will be on the Oct.7, KHS varsity football game. cial Friday fact will be distributed this week! If you have ques- sitting still or focusing. There will also be time to play and social-
The winner need not be present to win. For tickets, call Mary at tions about our ?nances, please feel free to submit them to our ize afterwards. Register for this event at your library or at www.
355-6701 or Eileen at 647-3011. Treasurer/CFO Michael Resar at [email protected]. Remember to follow us on Facebook and twitter to stay up-to-date on all things Keystone. SWCD Managing Small
Backyard Woods
Plan to attend the KES PTA’s Keystone vs. The Harlem Wiz-
ards game on October 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the KHS Gymnasium. Managing Small Backyard Woods will be the theme for an
The Harlem Wizards are a professional entertainment basketball outdoor training to be held Saturday, September 24, from 9 a.m.-
team and they will be competing against our own Keystone play- 12 p.m. in York Township, at 7806 Emerald Run Road (located 1
ers. Navigate to the PTA’s website at http://www.keystonelo- mile south of St. Rt. 18 on Erhart Rd.). to view more details
and to download the ticket order form. Topics to be covered will be plants to attract wildlife, inva-
sive species, water features, tree diversity, rain gardens, vernal
Lastly, please continue to use our exercise room and track! pools, small woodlot opportunities, etc. Speakers will be Derrick
We have had a great showing so far and it is awesome to see Harmon, Medina NRCS District Conservationist, Ryan Jackson,
so many community members taking advantage of our updated Ohio Division of Wildlife Private Land Consultant, Beth Schna-
facilities! bel, Medina County SWCD Education Specialist and Bill Stitt,
Medina National Wildlife Federation Habitat Steward.
Franco Gallo, Keystone Superintendent
The event is free and walking will be limited to short dis-
Ox seeks loving home tances. Please register by calling (330) 722-9316. The event is
sponsored by the Medina Soil and Water Conservation District
Ox is a 3-5-Year-old male and several landowners.
Dogo Argentino who weighs
80 lbs. Ox has had all of his EATON TOWNSHIP
vaccines and is neutered. LEGAL NOTICE
Ox was found wandering
the streets with many open Notice is hereby given that the Eaton Township Zon-
wounds. We can only spec-
ulate as to how he got them. ing Commission will hold 3 sessions per O.R.C. Sec-
He could have been abused,
attacked by other dogs or Ox tion 505.87 at the Eaton Township Hall, 12043 S. Avon
possibly used as a bait dog in If you would like to meet
dog ?ghting. He’s the absolute Ox, please call Stephanie with BeldWeendRneds.,dGayr’asf,toSne,pOtehmiobe4r42084t4ChBoou,opkOoBncetmfooubrseetNrboe1vp.2r1teh,s2e&0n1te61d.9th
sweetest dog and gave out tons Storm’s Angels at (440) 782- 7p.m. to review and amend ZoningatRtimeseoolfuetsitoimnat&e. other
of kisses at the Cause-4-Paws 1268.
event! In spite of his past, he’s zoning related matters. 1 coupon per customer.
a sweet, loving boy who loves
other dogs and would love to By Order of Eaton Township Zoning Commission
just be a couch potato!



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dentures, emergencies and denture repairs.
Kindergarten Check-up Available!


RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Page 9

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Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 repaired a damaged table in itoring. Fiscal Of?cer Denes On display will be over 150 quilts from antique to miniature
the small hall. Trustee John- advised that all is up and run- to modern. Members will also showcase a very special exhibi-
Herrick Memorial Library son advised that he and Tim ning well and provided him tion of “Red & White Quilts.” The quilted car, also made by
Writer’s Group Tyrone have moved regrind with the trouble call list. members will be on display rain or shine! Lunch, deserts and
to the walking trail thru the beverages will be available for purchase. Admission is just $5
woods and it is looking nice. With no additional busi- per person and includes a Door Prize Ticket.
He questioned the transfer ness to discuss, the meeting
of the security system mon- was adjourned at 8:17 p.m. Featured again this year will be “Home Of The Brave”
( and “Quilts of Valor Foundation”
Scholarship recipients ( organizations that give of their time and talent to
veterans and their families.
The Writer’s Group of Herrick Library will meet again on Congratulations to the recipients of the 2016 Beriswill Insur-
Monday, September 26, from 6-7:30 p.m. New members are ance Agency Scholarships. We are pleased to have awarded the Keely seeks loving home
welcome, but registration is suggested by calling the library. $500 scholarship to the following recipients:
The group meets every other Monday. Come and enjoy the Keely is a beautiful
company of like minds. Bring samples of your work to share. Katherine Hinkle a graduate of Keystone High School and 2-year-old Torbie who is
No critiquing will be done unless requested. At each meeting, planning to attend Ohio University studying Business Market- used to living in a home.
they have a writing exercise to do at home and bring back to ing. She is the daughter of Randal and Joyce Hinkle. Her owners moved and
the next meeting to share. Sharing projects and ideas will help couldn’t take her, so this
to motivate and enhance your own writing. Whether you are a Nicholas Ferritto a graduate of Midview High School and lovable and friendly kitty
poet, a ?ction writer, a non-?ction story teller or just someone planning to attend Kent State University studying Accounting. needs a new home. Keely
that is interested in possibly learning to write, please join the He is the son of Anthony and Lana Ferritto. is such a sweetheart with
group and see how interaction brings out your own muse. adorable expressions that
Alexis Buzaleski a graduate of Wellington High School and seem to say “love me
Penfield Trustees meeting planning to attend Lorain County Community College studying please.” If you would like to Keely
Business. She is the daughter of Michael and Christine Buza-
leski. give this pretty kitty a loving, Adoption fees are $20 for 1
forever home, please call the year and older and $50 for
Beriswill Insurance Agency has been awarding scholarships Friendship Animal Protective less than 1 year old. All cats
The regular meeting on ber 2, 2017. to a graduating senior since 1994. To be eligible for the Beris- League at (440) 322-4321. have been spayed or neu-
September 6 of the Pen?eld Bob Storms reported that will Insurance Agency Scholarship, the senior must be entering ( tered, vaccinated, dewormed
Township Trustees was called a business ? eld of study in college. Along with completing an The shelter is located at and have tested negative for
to order at 7:30 p.m. All of?- Webster Road has been paved application, students must also write an essay on “How they see 8303 Murray Ridge Road, in FeLV. Friendship APL is a
cers were present. The meet- and looks very good. their lives in ten years.” Elyria. Their hours are from private, non-pro?t humane
ing was attended by 9 guests. 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Mon- society. They depend on the
Trustee Conrad report- Congratulations from Beriswill Insurance to the above stu- day, Friday & Saturday; from generosity and ?nancial sup-
The minutes of the previ- ed that he had spoken with dents and to all graduating seniors. We wish you the best of luck 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. on Tues- port of the public to serve the
ous meeting were read and Mark McConnell of Pitts?eld with your future endeavors. day & Thursday; and from people and animals of Lorain
approved. Voucher’s #11432- Township, John Hunter, may- 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Sunday. County.
11487, Withholding Vouchers or of Shef?eld Village, and Museum Day
#40-42-2016 and Payment Dick Heidecker of Colum- Free Community Shred Day
Voucher 43-2016, as well as bia Township regarding the On Saturday, September 24, the Oberlin Heritage Center will
July & August Bank Rec- NOACA dues increase. No offer free admission for guided tours at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., A Free Community Shred Day for Wellington Township resi-
onciliations and Monthly good explanation for the dues as the museum participates in the twelfth annual Museum Day, dents is Friday, September 23, from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at 105 Maple
reports were also approved. increase was given. Jackie presented by Smithsonian Magazine. Museum Day involves Street. On site shredding allows you to watch your documents
Fiscal Of?cer Denes read the Johnson advised that from hundreds of participating museums around the country and al- get destroyed in seconds. Please try to remove bindings, hanging
correspondence, which in- the 2000 census till the 2010 lows for one day only the free-admission policy of the Smith- ?les, three ring binders, etc. Do not bring electronic equipment.
cluded one utility locate from census, Pen?eld Township’s sonian’s Washington, D.C.-based properties to be emulated Please limit your drop off to 4 paper bags or 4 archive boxes. No
the LC Engineer’s of?ce and population increased by 99 throughout America. businesses please! First come, ?rst served until the truck is full!
a notice that Wellington En- people or 5.53%. This does Residents must show an utility bill or ID in order to authenticate
terprise is increasing their not support NOACA’s claim The Heritage Center’s “Upstairs/Downstairs - Small Town, proof of residency.
advertising cost drastically. that our 848% increase was Big Stories” guided tour includes three beautifully preserved his-
A 4th invoice was received due to a population increase toric buildings that serve as backdrop to stories of everyday peo- Residents of the unincorporated areas of Wellington Town-
from Vasu. Trustee Gordon from 2000 until 2010. A mo- ple doing extraordinary things ever since the college and town ship should note that the last quarterly dumpster for 2016 will be
will call them again to dis- tion carried to not pay past were founded in 1833. Visitors learn about the Underground available on September 24. Dumpster hours will be from 7 a.m. -
continue service. or future dues until a better Railroad and abolition, student life, women’s history, the devel- 1 p.m. at the Wellington Township Facility, located at 105 Maple
explanation of the increase is opment of aluminum, decorative arts and much more. Free park- Street in Wellington. Tires and household hazardous waste will
Zoning Inspector Richard forthcoming from NOACA. ing for the Heritage Center is accessed at 20 West Vine Street. not be accepted in this dumpster. If you have any questions, call
Donahue reported that the (440) 647-7194 or contact any trustee.
Lucas property is in need of Trustee Gordon reported Attendees must present an of? cial Museum Day Admission
mowing again. A letter was that he has procured DIF for Card downloadable at, TLC Insurance Group, Inc.
sent giving the property own- the Township vehicles. He which provides free entry for two people to participating institu-
er 4 days to comply. A cease also advised that the bridge tions. The Museum Day website also provides listings and links Providers of Senior Insurance Products
and/or correct letter has been is nearing completion. Gor- to more than 1,000 participating museum sites throughout the
sent to Jason Nielsen on Fos- don reported that the dam- nation. ALLAN J. RODAK
ter Rd. regarding his trailer aged section of Jones Rd.
rehab business. Donahue has been cut out and is ready For more information about the Oberlin Heritage Center, or Medicare Supplement Specialist
also distributed the monthly for LaGrange Township to Smithsonian Magazine’s Museum Day, please visit www.ober-
zoning report. repair. Trustee Gordon re- or call (440) 774-1700.
ceived a quote for a new met-
Hall Coordinator Dee Tel- al roof on the Roadside Park Piecemakers Guild Quilt Show
zerow reported that she is be- building from John Glick
ginning to receive hall rentals for $1,427.99. Fiscal Of?cer The members of Lorain County Piecemakers Quilt Guild 1-800-378-5335 or 440-759-3268
for 2017 and questioned any Denes will obtain another will present their 2016 Quilt Show on Friday and Saturday, 650 Calann Drive
dates that needed to be re- quote from Danny Kiser. A October 7 & 8, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday, October 9, Elyria, OH 44035
served. The spring band con- motion carried to proceed from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The event is being held at the New Russia [email protected]
cert will be April 22 with the with the lowest bidder. Gor- Township Lodge, located at 46300 Butternut Ridge Rd. (West
Holiday concert on Decem- don contacted ODOT regard- of SR 58), in Oberlin.
ing the missing sign & post at
RENT ME! Webster. They referred him
to the County who advised
Pequea SL 10 Lime Spreader that this was the State’s re-
KRYSTOWSKI sponsibility. ODOT and Lo-
TRACTOR rain County will determine
WELLINGTON OH 44090 whose responsibility this is
(440) 647-2015 and replace the sign.
Trustee Johnson reported
that the LCTA Fair Booth was
manned and there was decent
traf?c the week of the Fair.
Johnson reported that the
display cabinets have been
moved into the hall with the
older ones going to the PHS
facility. Johnson advised that
the Bernice Shepard burial
was held at the Cemetery. He


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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Page 11

Home &


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Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016

Fall Home & Garden Guide

What to look for during roof inspections 6 tricks for storing Halloween treats

Cold weather can be that may reveal some tell- house that adjoin the roof, Halloween is a favor- ?rst. You can try freezing posed to the elements
tough on a home, and per- tale signs of roof damage. like skylights or a chimneys. ite day for many children candy containing nuts, will degrade faster. When
haps no part of a home is Poorly installed ?ashing can - and even a number of but there is no guarantee original packaging is un-
more vulnerable to harsh · Curled, cracked or miss- cause leaks. Stains that adults. Halloween offers the texture will remain available, glass or plastic
winter weather than its roof. ing shingles may prove trou- appear below chimneys or revelers the opportunity to the same upon thawing. containers with airtight lids
blesome. Inclement weath- near attic windows may in- dress up in costume, play can keep Halloween can-
Fallen snow can equate er can test the strength of dicate new ?ashing, and not tricks on unsuspecting in- 2. Keep an eye on dy fresher, longer.
new shingles, is needed. dividuals and cap off the chocolate. Chocolate
to several pounds of pres- even the most du- day with treasure troves of needs to be kept under 5. Manage moisture.
sure placed on a residential rable roofs. Even · Gutters and downspouts candy. cool conditions to prolong Candies like mints, car-
roof. Roofs do not often col- though many roofs should be in good condition. its shelf life. The National amels and hard candies
lapse under heavy snowfall. are designed to A roof is the sum of its parts, Approximately 600 mil- Confectioners Associa- can absorb moisture.
But adverse winter weather last up to 30 years, and that includes down- lion pounds of Halloween tion says dark chocolate They should not be mixed
conditions can compromise some may need to spouts and gutters. If the candy is sold each year in can be kept for one to with other candies that
roofs in other ways. Water be replaced early, gutters are clogged or dam- the United States. Around two years if wrapped in can lose moisture, such
leakage and damage to the particularly when aged, they cannot direct 90 million pounds of that foil and stored in a cool, as fudge and creamy con-
roof’s interior are just two of they have been water away from the house is chocolate. The Na- dark and dry place, such fections. The NCA notes
the potentially problematic exposed to harsh properly. Snow, leaves and tional Retail Foundation as a pantry. Milk and white that hard candies can stay
issues that can arise when weather over a other debris needs to be notes that more than two chocolate have a more hard if sprinkled with ?nely
roofs are battered by cold, period of years. In- cleared from gutters to help billion dollars is spent on limited storage time of ground sugar and stored
blustery weather. That’s dividual shingles can be re- them function at optimal ca- candy come Halloween. no more than eight to 10 in airtight containers.
why many home improve- placed as spot treatments, pacity. But most of that candy months. Hershey’s does
ment specialists advise but if the damage is wide- will never be eaten. Many not recommend putting 6. Use candy in other
homeowners to conduct spread, a new roof may be · Animals and insects households take in more chocolate in the refrigera- ways. If eating choco-
roof inspections prior to the necessary. can cause damage, too. candy than they know tor, as doing so can affect late bar after chocolate
start of winter. · Attic leaks or water else- It’s not just poor weather what to do with on Hallow- texture. bar becomes tiresome,
where might signal issues that homeowners need to een. Couple that with any repurpose candy in dif-
Many homeowners can with the roof. Figure out if consider with regard to roof leftover candy that may 3. Candy corn can en- ferent recipes. Chocolate
conduct their own cursory water inside the home is damage. Boring insects and not have been grabbed by dure. This symbol of the can replace chips or mor-
roof inspections, but they coming from the roof. Water animals may cause prob- trick-or-treaters, and that’s season is a durable treat. sels in cookies. Use hard
may not know exactly what stains do not always indi- lems with roofs as well. A quite a bounty of lollipops, If left in the original, un- candies to garnish cakes.
to look for. The National cate problems with the roof- roof inspection may shed chocolate bars, candy opened packaging, can- Melt down caramels to
Roo?ng Contractors Asso- ing, but it’s better to be safe light on potential pest prob- corn, and taffy to manage. dy corn can last a few use for ice cream toppings
ciation says that there are than sorry. lems. Holes or nesting ma- years. The manufacturer or chop up nutty candies
certain key areas to inspect · Look for protective gran- terials may indicate that an Rather than relegate of Smarties says that its to make your own sundae
ules wearing off. If gutters animal or animals are using candy to the trash can, candy can last up to three toppings.
are ?lled with the sandy the attic as a shelter from proper storage and some years if unopened. The
granular material that coats the elements. other tips can preserve cooler and drier the con-
roo?ng shingles, that may treats long after Hallow- ditions for storing the can-
be a sign of an aging or Get to the root of issues een has come and gone. dies, the better.
damaged roof. with your home’s roof be-
· Inspect ?ashing. Profes- fore they become bigger 1. Go nutty ?rst. Nuts 4. Keep original pack-
sional roofers can recognize problems once winter ar- and oils will not last as aging. The wrappers used
properly installed ?ashing, rives. A thorough inspection long as some other can- to house the candy were
the material that connects can reveal problems that dy ingredients. Consume designed to keep it fresh.
the roof to other parts of the may prove costly if ignored. candy that is full of nuts Candy that has been ex-

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Page 13

Fall Home & Garden Guide

Improve cyber security at home or work

The Internet plays an ti-virus software to safe- wall potential hackers. of a breach. tions that connect to the tings on mobile devices,
integral role in many guard against computer Smaller breaches are · Keep passwords Internet such as brows- and it’s best to restrict
people’s daily lives. The viruses and spyware. easier to manage in ers, social media, email access to very secure
number of Internet us- Keep such software businesses because protected. Never share clients, etc., use the data when accessed re-
ers has increased from up-to-date as well. Re- hackers will not take passwords with others highest level of security motely.
738 million in 2000 to member to download down an entire compa- and change passwords setting that will still of-
3.2 billion in 2015, ac- and install updates as ny. Consult an IT secu- frequently. When select- fer the functionality you Cyber security has
cording to a new report they become available. rity ?rm for this type of ing passwords, choose need. become a concern for
from the Internation- If you think you’ll forget protection. hard-to-guess ones large and small busi-
al Telecommunication to do so, activate the that have at least eight · Be aware of mo- nesses, as well as indi-
Union. While spending software’s auto-update · Use off-site protec- characters. Use a mix of bile threats, too. Many viduals who rely heavi-
time online has be- feature. tion. Regularly back up letters, cases, numbers ?rms enable employees ly on the Internet. But
come second nature, your computer data and and symbols to make to use their own mo- there are some simple
it’s important that users · Exercise caution consider keeping some passwords harder to bile devices to access and effective ways to
remember to prioritize with email. Do not open of it off-site. This makes crack. company information. protect networks and
security when spending emails from unknown it easier to retrieve and IT professionals cannot personal devices from
time online. senders. Also, be sus- restore data in the event · Use the highest level monitor security set- cyber criminals.
picious of unexpected of security. For applica-
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Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016

Fall Home & Garden Guide

3 pre-winter lawn care pointers How to recognize water damage in a home

Winter weather can more winter hardy can that also may contribute Homes are potential- rent homeowners to seek while potential buyers
be harsh, especially on consult landscaping pro- to disease. While it might ly susceptible to a host should direct their home
lawns. Homeowners who fessionals to determine seem like common sense of problems. While un- professional assistance inspector’s attention to
spend much of spring and if winterizing fertilizers to delay leaf removal until foreseen problems can the stains.
summer tending to their will work for their lawns. the end of autumn when prove costly, homeown- as soon as possible.
all the leaves have fallen, ers who keep attentive Deteriorating wood
lawns may fear the im- These specially for- that, too, can prove harm- eyes on their homes can Stains Wood around windows
pact that winter will have mulated fertilizers, ful to lawns. Leaves left oftentimes discover small or doors that is deterio-
on their once-lush land- many of which are laying on lawns for long problems before they es- Many prospective rating may indicate wa-
scapes, making the fall a made exclusive- periods of time can con- calate. ter problems. The wood
great time to fortify lawns ly for cool-season tribute to the same types home buyers have been might be deteriorating
against any harsh condi- grasses, contain of damage as leaves left Water damage is a because water is in?l-
tions to come. higher levels of po- on the lawn throughout potentially costly prob- disappointed by the sight trating the wood during
tassium and lower winter, so do your best to lem that can af?ict any storms. Baseboards and
Homeowners must take levels of nitrogen remove leaves as they fall. home. Old homes tend of water stains during an molding that is dilapidat-
grass type into consider- than early-season to be most susceptible to ed or beginning to dete-
ation before taking steps to fertilizers. Potas- 3. Take steps to ?ght water damage, and that open house or home in- riorate may also indicate
prepare their lawns for the sium helps strengthen snow mold. damage can manifest water damage.
winter. Some grasses are and harden plants, and itself in various ways. spection. Water stains Buckled drywall or
best fertilized in late-sum- cool-season grasses may Homeowners who live in The following are some
mer, while others should need extra potassium as regions where snow falls telltale signs of water tend to be on ceilings wood
be fertilized in autumn. winter settles in. Home- into spring or where spring damage that should give Drywall or wood that
Cool-season grasses, in- owners who are not sure if tends to be cold and damp prospective home buyers and/or walls. Stains is buckled or beginning
cluding fescue and blue- they should apply winter- may want to take steps to pause and compel cur- to buckle is another po-
grass, are best fertilized izing fertilizer can conduct prevent snow mold. Gray on ceilings tend to be tential indicator of water
sometime between the soil tests to determine the snow mold typically looks
months of September and potassium levels in their fuzzy and gray, and lawns round, while wall stains
November. Warm-season soil. If the test indicates infested with snow mold
grasses, such as Bermu- the soil has suf?cient po- may develop unsightly are straight lines down
da or zoysia, should be tassium, then applying gray or brown spots in-
fertilized between July a winterizing fertilizer is dicative of dead grass. the wall that may or may
and September. Once likely unnecessary. In ad- Pink snow mold may be
homeowners have gained dition, homeowners who even worse than gray not have forced paint to
a greater understanding have fed their lawn a bal- snow mold because pink
of their lawns, they can ance of nutrients through- mold attacks the roots as peel. Water stains are
begin exploring the vari- out spring and summer well as the leaves. To pre-
ous ways to prepare their likely will not need to apply vent snow mold, continue not necessarily indica-
lawns for whatever winter winterizing fertilizer. mowing into the fall, even
has in store. as lawns grow dormant, tive of a major problem,
2. Get rid of fallen clearing the lawn of grass
1. Explore winterizing leaves. clippings and leaves after but homeowners should
fertilizers. each mow. Thick lawns
While fallen leaves may may provide a breeding have the stains exam-
Homeowners who want be integral components ground for snow mold,
to make their grasses of idyllic autumn land- so homeowners whose ined by a professional
scapes, leaves left on the lawns have a history of
lawn throughout the win- developing snow mold K rystowski SERVICE
ter may lead to disease may bene?t from mowing SPECIAL!
in the grass. Leaves trap their lawns into the fall. T ractor
moisture and block sun- S ales
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grass, and that can en- lawns, but homeowners Any service work completed by our technicians by
courage the development can take several steps December 31, 2016 will receive a coupon for:
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Page 15

Fall Home & Garden Guide

damage. Drywall buckles Paint your home’s exterior like a pro Try and Fix a Drafty
when it gets wet, and that House
is often a sign that there Painting is an inexpen- ?rst strokes. Wear protec- Try these painting
is a leak behind the dry- sive way to transform just tive gear when scraping, techniques For those who live in older homes, the transition
wall. Severely buckled about any space. Many sanding or brushing old to colder weather can be extra disheartening, as
drywall will feel as if it has people paint the interiors paint, as such tasks can Rent a paint sprayer for the vision of expensive heating bills, chilly rooms
ridges. Wood also buck- of their homes, but home generate dust that can be large surface areas. The and drafty windows dance in their heads. How-
les when it is exposed to exteriors also can undergo dangerous to inhale, par- sprayer will produce a more ever, it’s easy to change the outlook from cold to
excess moisture, and this dramatic makeovers with ticularly if the old paint con- uniform application and is cozy with a few simple DIY solutions.
can usually be felt when fresh coats of paint. Timing tains lead. less time-consuming than
walking on the wood the job right and heeding painting everything with a The most effective way to improve the comfort
barefoot or in socks. some tips from profession- Employ a chlorine brush or roller. Make sure level in your home is to properly insulate. Insula-
als and do-it-yourselfers bleach solution to kill any you’ve chosen a high-qual- tion can be inadequate in older homes. Over time,
Odor who have tread the paint- mildew and to scrub any ity paint, as the added ex- it can settle and compact, creating gaps. Topping
Sometimes water dam- ing path before you can dirt from the house. In ad- pense is worth it if the paint up attic insulation will help keep the warm air in,
age is best detected by make the job go smoothly. dition, repair any cracks or lasts longer and coats more reducing heating bills and preventing stress on
the smell test. Home- imperfections. For exam- evenly. Also, if you have your furnace. For easy installation, homeowners
owners who notice the Consider the time of ple, if you’re painting stuc- purchased multiple cans of and professionals alike recommend a stone wool
smell of mold or mildew year co, you may have to ?ll in paint, mix them all in one batt insulation product called Roxul Comfortbatt.
in rooms that previous- any pitting or holes. Use large bucket to ensure the For attics, aim for an r-value of R-50 or a depth of
ly never emanated such Consider local weath- this opportunity to inspect same color; otherwise, the 16 inches.
odors might have homes er patterns and forecasts caulking around windows colors may not match per-
that are in the early stag- when planning an exterior and doors. Recaulk as fectly. A little preparation can go a long way to keep
es of water problems. painting project. Choose a needed to seal up drafty the cold at bay. Seal out drafts by replacing worn
The water damage might time of year when there is areas or those that may The experts at HGTV weatherstripping and caulking along windows,
be behind the walls, little rain and low humidi- cause water in?ltration pri- recommend working your doors, baseboards, and trim. For other ways to
where mold is beginning ty, such as autumn. Keep or to painting. way from top to bottom in a beat the cold, consider inexpensive window insu-
to form thanks to water in mind that the paint will Prime and cover stains smooth, controlled manner, lation kits along with thicker drapes, and don’t for-
damage. Older homes require a couple of days to overlapping each stroke by get to reverse ceiling fans to push warm air
tend to be musty, but call dry completely and cure, It may be a little extra eight inches. Trim and hard- back down.
in a professional if you and that can be dif?cult in work, but apply a quality to-reach areas should be left
notice that mustiness if damp weather. Don’t ham- primer as the ?rst coat to for brush work so you can J&J Greenhouse
more pungent than usu- per the ?nal outcome with hide any imperfections, maintain control over your “We Grow On You”
al. poor timing. such as wood knots or tools.
Water damage is a po- discoloration from weath- HALLOWEEN AND
tentially costly problem, Prepare the painting ering. Primer provides a If you are painting areas FALL GOODIES!!!
especially if it goes unno- surfaces smooth, even surface upon like steps or staircases, con-
ticed for months or even which to put your paint col- sider adding a little ?ne-grain 8” Fall Mums - $5.99 ea
years. Homeowners and Resist the temptation or. Once you have applied sand to the paint to improve
prospective home buyers to start painting straight the primer, test your paint traction, as paint can be slip- Buy 4 & Get 5tBhookFBeRfoEreENo!v!.!1, 2016.
should be on the lookout away. Paint may not ad- color in a small, inconspic- pery when wet. Also available: 4” uCpoutapototnPimmaetuiosotf bePesotpitmrseasteen. ted
for signs of water dam- here to unprepared surfac- uous spot to see how the
age before problems es, and dirt and other de- color looks in the daylight. If painting your home’s ex- *Pumpkins *Corn Sta1lckouspon per customer.
escalate and require ex- bris may show through and You do not want to paint terior is beyond your capabil- *Indian Corn *Gourds *Straw
pensive repairs. mar the ?nished product. the entire home only to ?nd ities, hire a professional. He
Repainting a home’s ex- out you dislike the color. or she will get the work done 26240 Folley Rd., Columbia Station • 440-236-8762 • Hrs: 9-6 Daily
terior will likely involve re- in a timely manner, and you
moving peeling or chipping can rest assured that the job
paint prior to making your will be done correctly.

Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016

Bat Event: September 25 - Bat Time: 12-6 p.m.

Fund-raiser for Epipens for Murray Ridge
with Superheroes To Kids in Ohio, comics & more!

FREE Attending:
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Rubber City Cosplay
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Batman with Batmobile



Marco?s Pizza
Maximize Fitness
Holland Computers

Cup Cake Cravings

Jelly Beans


Fire Prevention/Health Care tered Lorain County Landmark, and the museum houses many RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Page 17
Open House items from the city’s past 200 years! Both locations offer free
admission and an interesting afternoon of family fun! See more North Ridgeville Library
On Saturday, October 1, the North Ridgeville Fire Depart- on both locations on the group’s Facebook page:
ment will be holding a Fire Prevention/Health Fair Open House northridgevillehistoricalsociety. The page has hundreds of his- The Lorain Public Library System’s libraries will be closed
from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The Open House will be held at Fire Station torical photos from all areas of town for you to enjoy! for staff continuing education on Thursday, Sept. 29.
#1, located at 7090 Avon Belden Road, in North Ridgeville.
Old Towne Hall Theatre news Upcycle Book Craft For Adults - Adults, enjoy an afternoon
The open house is a free, family-friendly event for North of crafting at Lorain on Tuesday, Sept. 20, from 1-2:30 p.m.
Ridgeville residents. Scheduled events include a magic show, Camping with Henry and Tom, a play in two acts, direct- Staff will present a fun, easy take-home craft that will be made
?re station tours, Cleveland Clinic Helicopter tours, kids bounce ed by Skip Corris. On July 24, 1921, three men drove into the from the pages of old books. Preregistration is required.
house, The Lorain County Fire Chief’s Safety Trailer and sev- woods outside Licking Creek, Maryland: Warren G. Harding
eral booths representing both local healthcare organizations and - President of the United States, Henry Ford - “The Man Who Tween And Teen String Art - How-To - Sixth-graders
North Ridgeville City Services. There will be several items of Put America on Four Wheels” and Thomas Alva Edison - “The through 12th-graders, string art is a colorful way to express your
interest to our Senior Citizens. Please plan to attend rain or shine! Wizard of Menlo Park.” A few hours later, with the aid of Secret creativity! With just strings and pins you’ll be able to create fun
Free parking will be available at the North Ridgeville Town Hall, Service Man Colonel Edmund Starling, they emerged from the designs. Make this fun art at the library on Wednesday, Sept. 21,
located behind the ?re station. woods and they were never the same again. This is the story of from 6:45-7:45 p.m. Preregistration is required.
what might have happened… This Off-Broadway hit is a hilar-
North Ridgeville Historical ious adventure with surprising relevance to today’s politics and Adult Afternoon Book Discussion - Come discuss “No Safe
Society news an inside look at three American souls. The play was Winner of Secret,” by Fern Michaels on Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 1-2 p.m.
the Outer Critic’s Award & the Lucille Lortel Award for the Best Adults, enjoy a fun and interesting discussion of a popular title
The North Ridgeville Historical Society will meet Wednes- Off-Broadway Play of the 1995 Season. on the fourth Tuesday afternoon each month. Copies of the book
day, September 21, at 7 p.m. at the North Ridgeville Library. are available at the adult information desk. New adult members
The group is formed of area residents with a common interest in Performances are on September, 23, 24 & 30 and October 1, are welcome. Preregistration is required.
local history. All meetings are open to the public and visitors are 7 & 8 at 7:30 p.m. & October 2 at 3 p.m. Call (440) 327-2909
always welcome. Come see what’s new in history! for reservations. The theater is located at 36119 Center Ridge To register for any of these programs, or for more informa-
Road (just west of Rt 83) in North Ridgeville. Tickets are $12 for tion, visit or call the North Ridgeville
The North Ridgeville Historical Society will host an open adults and $10 for seniors and children. Branch at 440-327-8326. The North Ridgeville Branch is locat-
house at the Jaycox Rd. One-room Schoolhouse on Sunday, ed at 35700 Bainbridge Road, North Ridgeville
September 25, from 2-5 p.m. The School has been renovated Auditions
to represent a school in the early 1900s. At the event, a school- The Olde Towne Hall Youth Theatre will be holding audi- OPEN HOUSE
marm will explain what you would have experienced if you were tions for “HONK!” the Musical. It is the delightful musical of the
a student in those days. The Old Town Hall Museum will also ugly ducking and Winner of the Oliver Award for best musical. Sunday, September 25, from 12:00pm - 4:00pm
be open the same hours that day. The Old Town Hall is a regis- Auditions will be held at 36119 Center Ridge Road, in North
Ridgeville, on October 8, from 1-4 p.m. Anyone interested in a 31740 Cook Rd, N. Ridgeville | 440-666-0749
principal role must bring a prepared song. All others will have to
sing in small groups. Everyone must be ready to dance. Lots of We Invite You, Your Dogs, Your Family & Friends!
roles available for all ages (prefer ages 8-18). For more informa-
tion, call Sharon at (440) 323-0073. ForfeoeurDAoggiTlirteyaEtsquainpdmuesnet! Demonstrations!

Restaurant Senior Center Spaghetti Dinner Door Prize &
& Pub Since 1983 Raffle Baskets!
It’s spaghetti dinner time again at the North Ridgeville Se-
423 N. Main St, Grafton nior Center! The next spaghetti dinner, sponsored by the Kiwanis Food
Club of North Ridgeville, will be held on Friday, September 30, Provided!
926-2621 from 5-7 p.m.

Open: Tues - Sat from 4pm Book Before Nov. 1, 2016. Prices are as follows; seniors/$6, adults/$7 and children un-
der 10/$4. Dessert is $1 and pop is 50¢. Dinner includes a large
www.graftonunicorn.comCouaptotnimmeuostf be presented helping of spaghetti, homemade sauce, jumbo meatballs, salad
estimate. and garlic bread for one low cost. All proceeds go directly to the
North Ridgeville Of?ce for Older Adults to help maintain senior
Now accepting applicat1ioconusponfpoerr cSusetomrvere. rs services in our area.

Carry outs are available. The North Ridgeville Senior Cen-
ter is located at the corner of Avon Belden Road (Rt. 83) and
Bainbridge. For more information, please call the senior center
at (440) 353-0828.

Apply in Person or at [email protected]

Come and...

our Values!


$100 OFF **$1.99

Any Flooring IN-STOCK PER SQ FT.
Fabulous, Plush
Coupon must be presented at time of initial price quote.
Purchases over $1,000 before tax qualify. CARPET

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Closeouts & advertised specials do not qualify.
Limit one per purchase. Expires 9-29-16 **$1.59


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Amherst 440.986.2469 46125 Telegraph Rd, Rte 113
Elyria 440.365.8351 130 Market Dr. (next to Home Depot)
*Financing available with approved credit on purchases of $500 or more.
Minimum payments required. See store for details

**Minimum labor charges apply, steps and custom work additional.

Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Marching Blue Gold Cards

SUBMISSIONS ONGOING Happy September, Middies! September 10 was Midview Marching Blue Gold Card Blitz
The Grafton United Methodist Church would like to thank First, I would like to thank all of our students for settling in Day. If you were not home, or wanted a card and were unable
those who have submitted prayer requests by dropping them in so well after Labor Day. I know that it’s sad when summer ends, to purchase one, you are in luck! The cards are still available
the cans at area businesses. The organizers want those individ- but I am glad that everyone is back and that school is once again and may be purchased by contacting Midview Band Director
uals to know the prayers will be continued. This is not a one in full swing. Josh Brunger at [email protected], Tammy Koleski at
time only petition. An organizer said, “There is no expiration on The year really is starting off tremendously. The United We [email protected] or calling 440-935-4910. Cards are
prayer.” Individuals are encouraged to place their requests in any Sweat health fair took place this week for the Middle School and $10 and are worth every penny. They have 2 “break off coupons
of the marked cans around Grafton. East Intermediate. Over 50 volunteers from Ross, LCCC, United worth around a $20 savings by themselves! Not only are you
Way, University Hospitals, parents and staff members helped run supporting the Midview Marching Blue, but you will be saving a
LIBRARY NOW OPEN SUNDAYS the fair and it was exciting! The fair is part of our Common View lot on purchases around the community!
The Grafton-Midview Library is now open on Sundays for Collaborative, which helps to ensure safe schools and positive
the school year. Hours are: Mon.-Thurs., 9a.m.-8p.m., Fri. & social environments that improve both educational and social The Midview Marching Blue would like to introduce their
Sat., 9:30a.m.-5p.m. and Sun., 1-5p.m. outcomes for students and the district. I thank all of our great seniors to the community.
partners in this event for making this health fair available to our
MHS Class of ‘76 40th Reunion students. I also want to thank everyone that came out, participat- Read Between the Wines
ed, volunteered and enjoyed the day together. You all made this
The reunion will include tailgating and the Homecoming a wonderful event and we cannot do this without your support! Tickets are now available for the October 6 Read Between the
game at Midview High School on Friday, September 23. From You will also notice that construction fencing and work-site Wines event at the Grafton-Midview Library. Library doors open
4:30-6:30 p.m. will be tailgating in the Midview High School trailers will be coming to campus early next week. The remedi- at 6 p.m. Tickets are $35 pre-sale ($40 the night of the event) and
parking lot. Cost to eat is $5 each, which you must registerk for ation project at North Elementary will be starting shortly and I are available at the library’s circulation desk. A Chinese raf?e
and prepay. At 6:30 p.m. the pregame festivities will include the want to keep everyone up to date. We are currently reviewing and silent auction will also take place. Read Between The Wines
Alumni Band marching in with the Middies. The Homecoming building schedules and working with the contractors to make the is put on by the Friends of the Library for the purpose of raising
game will begin at 7 p.m. Tickets are $6 at the gate. There will be least amount of disruption to the daily school procedures as pos- money for library programming and the library’s endowment
Reserved seats on the 50 yard line. At halftime, the Alumni Band sible. There was information sent home this past week, but there fund. Much of the library’s Summer Reading Program was paid
will participate with the Middie Band. will be more to come. for by previous Read Between The Wines. Plan to join them for
Finally, Interim reports are already coming up in the next few an evening of great local food, wine tasting and beautiful music
Register and prepay for the tailgate party by mailing a check weeks. Parents, please take some time to talk with your students while supporting the Grafton-Midview Library!
for $5 per person to: Amy Shaver, 19940 Quarry Road, Welling- about their grades. Ask about the assignments they like, dislike,
ton, Ohio 44090. For more information or check out their Face- or classes they may be experiencing dif?culties in. If you have Midview Tennis Open Gyms
book page, Midview High School Class of 1976, or call Dee Dee any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the
Ferut Tumbas at 440-926-1475. staff for explanations or ideas on how to support your children Midview Tennis Open Gyms for MMS/MHS boys and girls is
at home. October 5, 12, 19 and 26, from 3-4 p.m. at the MHS Courts. No
SAVE MONEY WITH THE HOME/CAR DISCOUNT. Go Midview! tennis experience necessary. Racquets can be borrowed. Weather
Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent permitting.
Which helps when you have the
Janet Beane For more information, contact midviewtennis_coachm@ya-
Combine your home and auto insurance and save up The MHS girls tennis season is underway now. Good luck
Elaine Beane lady Middies!
to 25% on your premiums at Nationwide®
440-225-8886 The MHS boys tennis season will start next March. We can
Mark Cummings Agency help you learn to play in the off-season. http://www.midviewk12.
The Beane Team org/BoysTennis.aspx
On Your Side The strength of teamwork…. KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS
990 Commerce Dr. Grafton The reputation for results!
[email protected]
[email protected] Nationwide® ~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~
Hours By Appointment
Call me today for a quote. Auto Home Life Business
Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Af?lited Companies. Life GRAFTON, OHIO
Insurance issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Of?ce: Columbus, OH 43215-2220

The Grafton VFW
Post #3341 THANKS the
following sponsors who
made our golf outing a


The following is a list of hole sponsors
for the 2016 Golf Outing:

Amber Trucking MP&A
Abraham Buick GMC Mike’s Stone
The Auxillary’s of Post #3341 Modern Insurance
The Barnhart Family Nancy’s Main St Diner
Kathy Bash Stan Pijor
Bruce Bergenstein & Ralph Arnold The Rural-Urban Record
Blackburn-Duke Funeral Home Russell Realty
Burnetts Septic Nationwide - Mark Cummings
Choo Choo’s N. Eaton Dairy Queen
Krag Churchill DDS Poggemeyer Design
Custom Chrome Pulito & Associates
Dynatech Systems Pristine Landscape
Diamond Products Schild’s IGA
Eaton Marathon Auto Zone
Essential Kneads Massage Federated Auto Parts
Fabulous Five Steve Carpenter
GLW Broadband Ohio Lottery
General Plug Dave & Rick Luzier
Grafton Marathon Serene Interiors
Grafton-Midview Library Sherwin Williams
Grafton Quick Mart Shamrock Builders
Clete and Lois Johnson Stanley Industries
Karen Kramer DDS Specialty Sales
Kowalski Beef Sticks Terry Financial
Lagrange Olde Town Barber Town & Country
Lagrange IGA The Trenchard Family
Lagrange Village Pizza Twenty’s Grill
Laubenthal-Mercado Funeral Home Unicorn Restaurant
Tye Loy Racing Village Barber Shop
Willis CNC VFW N. Olmsted
Mallard Creek Golf Course West Roo?ng
Multi?ow & CocaCola Barb White
First Merit Bank

A Special Thank You to all who donated door prizes, food
and refreshments to our outing, as well as to all who
volunteered their time to make our outing a success.

MHS Soccer Raffle Grafton-Midview Library RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Page 19

Please support the Boys and Girls Soccer Teams at Midview To register for programs, call 926-3317, visit the library at 5K fund-raiser “Steps for Elijah”
High School by purchasing a Soccer Raf?e ticket. The cost of 983 Main Street in Grafton or visit their website, www.gmpli-
each ticket is $5 and gives you a chance to win one of 30 priz- The 1st annual “Steps for Elijah” 5K and 1 Mile Walk is on
es ranging in value from $50 up to $500. The tickets can be Saturday, October 1, at North Park Community Center, in Graf-
purchased at the home football game on September 23, at the Storytime - Tuesdays, September 20 & 27, 6-6:30 p.m. Sto- ton. The Walk starts at 8:30 a.m. and the Race starts at 9 a.m.
concession stand during any boys or girls high school soccer rytime is designed for children 3-6 years old. Each program will Register online now at and search
game, from any high school soccer player or by calling Jennifer explore great books, fun concepts and engage in creative, educa- “Steps for Elijah.” The packet pick-up and registration on the
Bartone at (440) 225-6852 or Teri Reimer at 440-537-4206. The tional activities. day of the race starts at 7:30 a.m. and closes 8:30 a.m.
prizes will be drawn on Monday, October 10, in Midview High
School’s APR at 7 p.m., during the Midview Soccer Boosters Color and Coffee - Tuesday, September 20, 10-11 a.m. Come All proceeds bene?t the Trisomy 18 Foundation®.To learn
Monthly Meeting. You do not have to be present to win. All in, relax and take up a few colored pencils. Each day we meet, more about Elijah’s story and the Trisomy 18 Foundation®, go to
winners will be contacted via phone by Friday, October 14, and we’ll have a new theme!
arrangements will be made to get the prizes to the winners.The
winners names will also be posted at www.middiehighsoccer. Inspirational Fiction Genre Book Club - Tuesday, Septem- GP Treasures correction
com/raf?e. ber 20, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Because of popular demand, we are start-
ing this monthly book club. This month’s book is Redeeming The website address was not on the Grammie’s Primative
Horse Rescue Open House Love, by Francine Rivers, and will be available for check-out at Treasures ad in the August 29 issue. The website address is www.
the Customer Service Desk. You need not have read the book to
Angels Haven Horse Rescue is hosting their annual Open attend. Peggy Wyar will facilitate this discussion.
House/Membership Drive on Sunday, October 2, from 1-5 p.m. GRAFTON NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 23
at Evergreen Farm, located at 13297 Durkee Road, in Grafton. GMPL Writers Bunch - Tuesday, September 20, 5:30-7:45
Come meet the rescue horses and see how far they have pro- p.m. An intriguing homework assignment, critiquing and snacks Restaurant
gressed. are shared at each session. Come enjoy a unique fellowship of & Pub Since 1983
like minds. Who knows where it will lead? Meetings are every
Fun activities will be occurring throughout the event, includ- third Tuesday, unless otherwise stated. Registration not required. 423 N. Main St, Grafton
ing horse/pony rides and a pumpkin decorating contest. Driving
opportunities are available for a $2 donation. Wearables and oth- Medicare Check-Up - Thursday, September 22, 1-3 p.m. 926-2621
er rescue items will be on hand for a donation. Snacks will be Medicare Annual Coordinated Election Period is October 15 -
available. Your generous donations help pay for hay, grain, vet December 17. Join us as an OSHIIP (Ohio Senior Health Insur- Open: Tues - Sat from 4pm Book Before Nov. 1, 2016.
and farrier care, stall bedding and natural supplements. ance Information Program) Community Liaison provides timely
information regarding Medicare changes, enrollment in a Medi- www.graftonunicorn.comCouaptotnimmeuostf be presented
They will also be offering gas card raf?e tickets at the event. care prescription drug plan (Part D) and Medicare Health plans. estimate.
Tickets are $5 each and only 500 tickets are being sold. 1st prize Don’t miss this informative program!
is a $500 gas card to a station of your choice. 2nd prize is a Now accepting applicat1ioconusponfpoerr cSusetomrvere. rs
$50 gas card. If you would like gas card tickets, they are avail- Time to Wine Down... with Art - Friday, September 23, 7:30-
able now. You can send checks made payable to AHHR, 13297 9:30 p.m. Bring your own wine, we’ll bring a few appetizers and Apply in Person or at [email protected]
Durkee Road, Grafton, Ohio 44044. The drawing will be held on you’ll go home with an 11 x 10” Fall painting on a pallet! To re-
December 18. serve your spot, you’ll need to bring in a $10 deposit per person, CROW HAVEN FALL OPEN HOUSE
and when you arrive on the 23rd, you’ll get it back! This is a 21+ “Happy Fall, ya’ll!”
Please call Heidi if you have any questions at (440) 781-5060. over program. The program is full, but a waiting list is available.
Sept. 23, 24 & 25
Saturday Sept. 24th, Monthly Book Discussion - Tuesday, September 27, 6:30-
from 8am-5pm 7:30 p.m. & Wednesday, September 28, 10-11 p.m. Discuss a Here’s a spooktacular idea:
book each month from different genres of non-?ction and ?c- so save the dates -
Spitzer Hardware Store tion. Book Club meets on the 4th Tuesday and Wednesday of the Ghosts will haunt
month, unless otherwise stated. Black cats will cry
885 Main St. Grafton Pumpkins galore
440-926-2451 Digital Detox Zone - Wednesday, September 28, 3-5 p.m. while witches fly...
Take a break from technology and engage in a variety of tradi-
ALL ITEMS AT LEAST tional activities and crafts including coloring, duct tape, perler Join us for a howling good time
beads, board games and more. Snacks and refreshments will be at our fall open house!
50% OFF!! provided. Funded by the Friends of GMPL and the Read Be-
tween the Wines Sponsors. Friday, Sept. 23, from 1-5 p.m. and
Mailboxes• Hoses • Interior Paint, Stains & Saturday, Sept. 24, from 10-6
Varnishes• Tool Bags & Organizers • Belts Ozobots - Thursday, September 29, 6-7:30 p.m. Experiment Sunday, Sept. 25, from 12-4
with programming small robots called Ozobots using basic cod-
Wallpaper Steamer • Bike Tires ing instructions and drawing skills. Create obstacle courses for Refreshments will be served.
Thatcher and much more! your Ozobot to follow and challenge your friends to a race.
Now open additional days to serve you better!
We’re cleaning out our older Indie Author Day Event - Saturday, October 8, 12:30-4 Thursday & Friday from 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
inventory to make room for p.m. GMPL is one of the hosting sites for this nationwide event
bringing libraries across North America together. Food and net- Enter for a great door-prize
ALL NEW INVENTORY! working is 12:30-1:45 p.m. Then, at 2 p.m., everyone will join with every purchase!
a digital gathering featuring Q&A with writers, agents and in-
dustry leaders to bring together the larger Indie community. Get Primitives, unique country décor,
involved! select antiques and many new & old treasures.
We are loaded with fall items, everything for
Karen A. Kramer, D.D.S.
420 N. Main St., Grafton your decorating needs!

Welcomed! Located in downtown Grafton at 955 MAIN STREET

Same-day Denture Call us at (440) 926-2002
Repairs Available Our regular store hours are: Thurs. & Fri. 11-6

“We Cater To Cowards” SAT. 10-6 & SUN. 12-4



Cool Teen Programs Books for Babies


Digital Detox Zone Wednesday, September 28, 3 - 5 PM

Wednesday, September 28, 3 - 5 PM The Grafton-Midview Public Library believes that parents
are their child’s first teachers and getting books into a
Take a break from technology! child’s hands as soon as possible helps them start their
Engage in a variety of traditional activities and crafts. educational journey and their path to success. The Library
is working with community organizations to distribute
Snacks and refreshments included. bags to new mothers and their babies in order to
promote early literacy. Each bag contains two books,
Funded by the Friends of GMPL and the Read Between the Wines Sponsors. bib, a toy and variety of tips on reading to their babies.

Ozobots Sponsored by The Community Foundation of Lorain County Women's
Fund and The Friends of the Grafton-Midview Public Library.
Thursday, September 29, 6 - 7:30 PM 983 Main St., GraOon
Experiment with programming small
robots called Ozobots using basic coding

instructions and drawing skills.

Registration is only a click, call or visit away!.

983 Main St., GraOon

Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016

Harvest Pancake Breakfast

The Lorain County Metro Parks “Harvest Pancake Break-

Public Zoning Meeting Plum Creek Garden Club fast” will be held on Sunday, September 25. The breakfast

The Grafton Township Zoning Commission will hold a pub- The Plum Creek Garden Club will meet on Tuesday, Septem- is at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 Diagonal
lic zoning meeting at the Grafton Township Hall on Tuesday, ber, 20, at 7p.m. at the Carlisle Visitor Center, 12882 Diagonal
September 20, at 7 p.m. The Zoning Commission will continue Road, in LaGrange. A presentation, Supporting our Pollinators, Road, in LaGrange.
discussing the regulations for new subdivisions, reorganize their will be given by Fran Blank from Don Mould’s Amherst loca-
subdivision outline and discuss other current issues and concerns tion. Guests are welcome. For further information about the club, Serving time for the breakfast is from 9a.m.-1
as they come up. please contact Pam at 440-225-1448.
p.m. Cost is $7/adults and children 10-3/$4.50; children 2 and
Trustees vacancy Cabbage Roll Sale
under are free.
With the passing of Trustee Dan Miller, the Grafton Town- Saint Agnes Church’s Alter and Rosary Society is having
ship Trustees are required by law to ?ll the vacancy within 30 their annual Cabbage Roll Sale. You may order by the dozen The breakfast includes all-you-can-eat pancakes (plain,
days. The quali?cations are: you must be a citizen of the United ($12) from now through October 2, with a limited quantity to be
States, a resident of Grafton Twp. and a registered voter. Letters made. To place your order, contact Shirley at 322-1740, Regina blueberry or chocolate chip), with strawberry topping,
of interest are being accepted at the township hall, 17109 Avon at 323-2227 or Helen at 324-2573. Pick-up will be on Wednes-
Belden Rd., Grafton. Letters should be received by Sept. 30. The day, October 19, or Thursday, October 20, between 2-4p.m. in whipped cream, sausage, coffee, tea, orange juice and milk.
appointment will be made at the next Township Trustees meet- the Saint Agnes Church Hall at 611 Lake Avenue, in Elyria.
ing to be held Tuesday, October 11. The appointment will be for All proceeds bene?t Friends of Metro Parks in support of
the remainder of Trustee Miller’s term, which expires November Pleae note that the cabbage rolls are uncooked.
2017. For more information contact Carl Wesemeyer at (216) Lorain County Metro Parks.
299-3159 or Jean Haight at (440) 926-2178. Rigatoni Dinner/Auction
Trustees LaPorte United Methodist Church is hosting their annual Chi-
Meeting nese Auction and Rigatoni Dinner on Saturday, October 15, from SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
5:30-7 p.m. Tickets are $8/adult and $5/under 12. They can be
Sept. 19, 7 p.m. purchased at the door or in advance through the church of?ce by Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
at Town Hall calling (440) 458-5717. Proceeds from the dinner and auction programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
will help support the LaPorte UMC mission activities, including 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
SOWER mission trips, Love Ops outreach, Clothe-A-Kid and The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
the Caring Tree. drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
Autumn Begins!
Keep in touch with your community
Visit: These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.

Cell: 440-506-2957 9/19 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free
Office: 440-327-6511 donuts and coffee for participants.
Email: [email protected] 9/20 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for participants.
9/23 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and
Greg Rhodes snacks for participants.
9/26 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee
Realtor Club. Movie with free donuts and
coffee for participants.
9/27 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise
Class being instructed by Debi’s
Personal Training with fruit and juice
for participants.
9/30 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with
pop and snacks for participants.

• If you have questions on these programs, please contact
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.

• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.

Reader Advisory: The National Trade As- RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016 Page 21
sociation we belong to has purchased the
above classifieds. Determining the value CRAFT SHOWS GARAGE SALE HELP WANTED PETS WANTED TO BUY
of their service or product is advised by Entry Level Machinist: We are
this publication. In order to avoid misun- The Keystone Band Boosters 9552 North Reed Rd., Co- a job shop (no production) Affordable Misty Meadow Antiques wanted. Buying con-
derstandings, some advertisers do not is having a Craft/Garage sale lumbia Station (across from looking for an entry level Farm: dog grooming, pet tents of estates, houses, barns
offer employment but rather supply the on Saturday, Oct. 22, from Creekwood G.C.), Sept. 22-24, machinist. Candidate must be boarding and day care, indoor & attics. 440-506-7738
readers with manuals, directories and 9am-4pm at Penfield Town- 9am-6pm. No Early Birds! Nec- willing to start at the bottom heated facility. Valley City, 216-
other materials designed to help their cli- ship Hall, 41012 St. Rt. 18, chi BU Supernova sewing ma- to learn the career and must 372-2755. mistyme Watchmaker seeks watch
ents establish mail order selling and other Wellington. 8’ Tables are $25 chine, Tuff-Sew w/walking foot also have some mechanical tools, watch parts, wind up
businesses at home. Under NO circum- each. If interested or want an sewing machine, animal print ability or experience in a shop All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster wrist and pocket watches,
stance should you send any money in application, please contact upholstery, 300amp Craftsmen setting. Proficiency in math Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509. complete watch collections.
advance or give the client your checking, Carol Tyrone at 440-396-3177. Welder, drill press, tool boxes, and ability to read a ruler is Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced 330-416-0336
license ID, or credit card numbers. Also Applications and fees are due pressure washer, sandblaster, a must. This is a ?rst shift, exercise yards, custom care.
beware of ads that claim to guarantee aby Oct. 7. hand tools, shelving, fluo- permanent position. Applicant $15 per day. Grooming now Flyguy’s
loans regardless of credit and note that rescent lights, exhaust fan must be dependable! Possible available.
if a credit repair company does business EDUCATION & hood for restaurant grill, overtime available. Benefits Coins & Currency
only over the phone it is illegal to request antiques (tools, gas engines, & bonuses. Vocational grad- REAL ESTATE
any money before delivering its service. AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAIN- outboard motors, pumps, uates encouraged to apply! Great Investment Properties Buying-Selling-Trading
All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free ING - Get FAA certi?cation. garden tractors, scales), small Please email all resumes to For Sale: Two well estab- All U.S. &
numbers may or may not reach Canada. No HS Diploma or GED - We parts drawers, reel mower [email protected] lished self storage facilities
can help. Approved for mil- blade/bed, knife sharpener, or call Kelly for an appoint- for sale. Great for ?rst time or Foreign Coins
ANNOUNCEMENTS itary bene?ts. Financial Aid too much misc. to list. ment at 440-236-3265. experienced investors. Great Old Gold
if quali?ed. Job placement locations located in Wellington
HAVE YOU or someone you assistance. Call Aviation In- HALLS FOR RENT High School Student and LaGrange support great Jewelry/Watches
loved suffered severe com- stitute of Maintenance 866- Fall Gardening performance and offer room 520-405-4956
plications from the use of 453-6204. AMVETS POST 32 to expand. Serious inquiries
Xarelto, Pradaxa, Talcum Baby 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria 5-10 hrs/wk/good pay only, $870,000. 330-322-3694 Located at The Bargain House
Powder or IVC Filter? You EVENTS 440-458-8361 450 Cleveland St, Elyria, OH
maybe due Compensation, Holding a Carnival! Fair! Fes- Capacity: Hall-250, Landscaping
free consultation. Call The tival! Jubilee! Promote it to Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 Lawn mowing M-F: 12:30-6pm, Sat:
Sentinel Group now! 1-800- over 1 Million readers for only Available for all occasions Foreman 12:30-3pm, Closed Sun
577-1007 . $200!!! Visit www.midatlan- Laborers
Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? for more details Call for pricing 440-236-9625 SALES & SERVICES Wants to purchase minerals
Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-re- or call 800-450-7227. and availability SMALL DUMPSTERS and other oil and gas inter-
lieving brace -little or NO cost 440-458-8544 PALMER’S LAWN CARE for roo?ng, remodeling, etc. ests. Send details to P.O. Box
to you. Medicare Patients Call FOR RENT COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL Licensed Massage Therapist, Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
Health Hotline Now! 1- 800- 25-120 Capacity part-time. We provide clients, Truck work available CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for
419-3684. Affordable apartments in Catering Available scheduling, Spa setting, ?ex- CALL JASON’S SERVICES unexpired, sealed DIABETIC
SOCIAL SECURITY DISABIL- LaPorte: Spacious, complete- 440-236-3323 ible hours. You must provide TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAY-
ITY BENEFITS. Unable to ly remodeled 2BR units, close F.O.P. LODGE #54 exceptional client service. Re- 440-926-3446 MENT.1-800-371-1136
work? Denied bene?ts? We to 480. $595/month. 1st month Capacity 150-175 ?exology or other modalities a
Can Help! WIN or Pay Noth- 1/2 off. Call 440-323-7067. Catering Available plus. Call Lynn, 440-731-7552. UPHOLSTERY The Rural-Urban Record
ing! Contact Bill Gordon & As- Elyria: 1 month free. $100 se- 36854 Royalton Rd. DAN’S UPHOLSTERY
sociates at 1-800-208-6915 to curity deposit. Newly remod- (1 mile East of Durkee) HOME IMPROVEMENT over 30 yrs. experience Proudly Serving...
start your application today! eled 2 bedroom town homes Grafton, Ohio Columbia Station • Grafton
Stop OVERPAYING for your with new carpet, ceramic tile 440-653-7227 Masonry step repairs, brick Full Upholstery
prescriptions! SAVE! Call our and hard wood ?oors. Appli- FULL park with restrooms, 3 work, stone veneer, tuck-point- Cushion Re?lls LaGrange • Wellington
licensed Canadian and Inter- ances included. Call 216-347- pavilions, air conditioned hall, ing, retaining walls. No job too Furniture Repair Eaton • North Ridgeville
national pharmacy, compare 6775. for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange small. Pannell, 440-610-2541. Call for free quote
prices and get $25.00 OFF North Ridgeville 2 Bedroom Lions Club. 440-458-6781. on re-upholstery Carlisle • Elyria
your ?rst prescription! CALL ranch. Active adult commu- Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- LAWN & GARDEN
1-800-254-4073 Promo Code nity, club house, indoor & 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. 216-346-2682
CDC201625 outdoor pool, hot tub, exercise 440-926-3341 GREENPIECE: Fall’s out of
Life Alert. 24/7. One press of room. $1300/month. 440-316- PENFIELD TWP. HALL control landscape resto- CAREERS
a button sends help FAST! 7222 rations. New beds, lawns,
Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even Wellington Country Living: To- RENTAL walkways, trees, ?nish grades AIRLINE
if you can’t reach a phone! tally remodeled 2 Bdr. upstairs Twp. Meeting hall, /drainage, topsoil, mulch. 440- MECHANIC
FREE Brochure. CALL 1-800- duplex. Washer dryer hook up, 458-5551 TRAINING
746-0979. appliances. NO PETS. $600 se- Cap. 42-60
Lung Cancer? And 60 Years curity deposit, $600 a month. Community room, JACK’S STUMP REMOVAL Get FAA Technician certification. Approved for
Old? If So, You and Your Fam- 440-775-1608 & LAWN CARE military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified.
ily May Be Entitled To A Signi?- Cap. 150-300 Free Estimates Job placement assistance.
cant Cash Award. Call 800-897- FOR SALE Available for all occasions. 440-281-6970
7205 To Learn More. No Risk. 41012 St. Rt. 18, Wellington 440-506-8647 Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance
No Money Out of Pocket. Black bookcase, $40; Rock- 216-410-7106
CREDIT CARD DEBT Crush- ing chair and foot stool, $75; Call 440-537-3116 for 866-453-6204
ing You? Call DEBT ACTION Double boxspring & mattress, availability & rates. TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser-
GROUP. For Limited Time, $200. 216-612-1204 vice. Complete tree removal, APPLIANCE, SALES & SERVICE
Retain Our Services for FREE. Dishwasher, microwave, gas HELP WANTED trimming, root feeding and
Slash or Eliminate Your Bal- stove. Off-white, all matching cleaning. Fully insured. FREE DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE
ances! Call for details: 1-800- Kenmore appliances. Good Burnett’s Septic Service is ESTIMATES. Firewood for SALES & SERVICE, INC.
611-2316. condition. $300 for all. 440- looking for a hard working, sale. 440-236-3061.
355-6672 ambitious, positive general 60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
APPLIANCES laborer. Come in and apply at LOTS & LAND FOR SALE 41 YEARS IN BUSINESS
Home-built aircraft, 120 Commerce Dr., LaGrange.
Good clean used appliances. Pollywagon project Comparable wages, paid holi- ABANDONED FARM LAND 433 OBERLIN RD.
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. days, 401k, health insurance. SALE! 16 acres - $29,900 ELYRIA, OHIO 44035
with low time, Drug test required. Gorgeous upstate NY set-
AUTOS WANTED Lycoming 235c engine. Cleaning & light ?ower gar- ting! Woods, meadows, nice 440-322-8170
dening. Columbia, in new views, apple trees, country
Mike’s Hooker Service. We $4,500, 440-541-6166 clean home. 4hrs. per week, road frontage just west of BILL Since 1950
pay top dollar for all unwant- Snow blower, 10.5hp, 27”, ?exible, $10/hr. 440-748-1144 Cooperstown Lakes! Terms
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free dual stage, electric start, good Please speak clearly. avail! Call 866-495-8733 or BAKER'S
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, cond., $365; Craftsman snow Cooks (will train). Razzles, Ol-
216-534-6514. thrower, 21”, single stage, 4 msted. Apply in person or call CATSKILL MOUNTAIN LAKE WE SERVICE & REPAIR
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! cycle, 179cc, electric start, 440-251-0666 or 216-299-3552. LOT! 2 HOURS NY CITY! 14
All Makes/Models 2000-2016! new, $435. 440-826-0076 Drivers: $1275 per week acres - $79,900 exclusive ac-
Any Condition. Running or Acorn Stairlifts. The AF- +Monthly bonuses up to cess to beautiful mountain
Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Tow- FORDABLE solution to your $500+. Guaranteed hometime. lake, wooded privacy, priced
ing! We’re Nationwide! Call stairs! **Limited time -$250 BCBS benefits. No touch. WAY BELOW MARKET! Terms
Now: 1-888-985-1806. Off Your Stairlift Purchase!** CDL-A 1yr. exp. 855-842-8498 avail! 888-431-7214
All Makes/Models 2002-2016! call 1-800-410-7127 for FREE nent, part-time (15-20 hours CATSKILL MOUNTAINS! 39
Any Condition. Running or DVD and brochure. per week). Flexible morning acres - $99,900 Valley views,
Not. Competitive Offer! Free Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert hours. Experience with mower, ?elds, woods, Twn rd, utils!
Towing! We’re Nationwide! for Seniors. Bathroom falls tractor and basic carpentry. EZ terms 888-738-6994
Call Now: 1-888-368-1016 can be fatal. Approved by Horse knowledge a plus. Ref-
Arthritis Foundation. Thera- erences. Lilac Thyme Stables, TELEVISION REPAIRS
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch 440-829-1960
Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip -Service All Brands-
Advertise to 500,000 Homes Floors. American Made. In- LCD • Plasma • Big Screen
with a business card size stallation Included. Call
ad. You choose the area of 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off HELP WANTED Washers • Dryers
coverage in free community Building Materials Metal Refrigerators
papers...we do the rest. Call Roo?ng & Siding for hous- See Our Selection of Microwaves
800-450-7227 or visit macne- es, barn, sheds. Close outs, Reconditioned Appliances returns, seconds, overrun, Ranges • Ovens
Attention Small Businesses: etc. at Discount Prices. Huge FOR SALE! Appliance Parts
Simplify Your Payroll & Taxes inventory in stock. slateroad-
with Paychex! New customers 717 445-5222 15 East Ave., Elyria IN HOME SERVICE ON
receive one month of payroll APPLIANCES ONLY
processing free! Receive a GARAGE SALES Bud & Diane Casey, Owners
Free Quote! Call 800-805-0164. 322-2325
ADVERTISE to 10 Million 23141 Redfern Rd., Columbia
Homes across the USA! Place Station. Sept. 22-24, 9-5pm.
your ad in over 140 community Halloween items, Christmas
newspapers, with circulation items and accessories. SEEKING HR/Payroll Manager AUTO SERVICE
totaling over 10 million homes. 40835 Webster Rd., LaGrange,
Contact Independent Free Pa- Sept. 22-24, 9-5pm. Craftsmen Keystone Pointe, a 121 bed rehabilitation & skilled FOREST AUTO COMPLETE SERVICE
pers of America IFPA at dan- radial arm saw, floor shop nursing facility with the highest quality of standards in
[email protected] or hoist, power tools, log splitter, patient care is seeking a Full Time HR/Payroll Manager 27201 Royalton Rd, Columbia Station
visit our website cadnetads. chain saws & parts, 3pt. hitch
com for more information. spreader, 2 Lazy Boy recliners, to join our leadership team. The ideal candidate 440-429-3404
park bench, covered swing, should possess 1 to 2 years’ of previous experience
CLEANING household items, horse live MECHANICAL & BODY WORK
stock items, some Christmas. in HR management as well as payroll processing A/C Specialist • FREE Shuttle Service
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s No clothing. No early birds. experience for approximately 100+ employees. FREE Diagnostic For Check Engine Light
needs are different. We spe- 6517 Grafton Rd, Valley City. The ideal candidate will also exhibit excellent
cialize in catering to what your Friday Sept 23 from 9am- customer service skills as well as attention to detail No Job too Small!
needs are. Call Marcie today 5pm. Baby girl items, books, throughout their work. Associates degree in Business 40 Years Experience
for your free assessment ap- womens XL coats, kitchen
pointment at 440-213-7527. accessories, furniture, miscel- Administration preferred. 10% OFF ALL WORK THIS
Over 13 years experience. laneous items. We offer a competitive compensation package that WEEK ONLY!

OUR CLASSIFIEDS includes full Medical, Dental, Vision insurances,
GET RESULTS! voluntary supplemental bene?ts as well as paid

Holidays and Paid Time Off.
Send resumes Atten: Jana Strock at jstrock@, by fax at 440-355-4617 or by mail
to 383 Opportunity Way, LaGrange, Ohio 44050.




Your Auto or Complete Residential & Commercial Electrical Service 11564 Station Rd
Light Truck Full Mechanical New Work-Replacement-Repairs Columbia Station, OH 44028
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J. A. KILBY ENT. •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
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Concrete • Masonry MULCH
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440-327-3433 •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation DELIVERED

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Shopping Center Maintenance Co. Residential - Commercial America’s Finest Landscapers
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Commercial & Residential 20% OFF
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High Tensil Wire • Rail Fence Spring & Fall Clean ups FALL CLEAN UP
Save 10% Board • Split Rail • Picket Fence Mulching • Mowing • Trimming
Call to schedule your FREE estimate Book Before Nov. 1, 2016.
With Coupon Weekly Maintenance Coupon must be presented
William M. Miller • 330-466-4012 Deck & Fence Restoration
Expires Power Washing • Snowplowing at time of estimate.
One coupon per residential driveway. 1 coupon per customer.
Present coupon at time of estimate & More!


CALL US TODAY! Family owned & operated over 27 yrs.

DISCOUNT CEMENT RAM-CON LLC 1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features,
CONTRACTORS, INC. Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certi?ed,
Concrete & Excavating Irrigation Installation & Service
Driveways, Patios, Drainage
Waterproofing, Excavating ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE 12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642
Masonry, Tuck Pointing, WORK & DECORATIVE
24 Hour Emergency Service Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc.
Exposed Aggregate Pads STAMPED CONCRETE WORK
FREE ESTIMATES 440-236-5543 Residential ~ Commercial
440-748-3197 800-467-1275 New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds
440-935-7842 Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work
N. Ridgeville Office OH LIC #23331
Call: 440-748-1333
Hart Free
Blacktop •Driveways

• Parking Lots • General Contracting

• Kitchens/Baths

800-619-7808 (24 hours) • Additions
Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours)
• Buildings/Garages
[email protected]
• Roofs

NOVAK CONCRETE, INC Richards Concrete 725 Sugar Lane, • Doors/Windows
Elyria, Oh 44035 • Siding
Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, “For all of your Concrete needs 440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical
Garage Floors, Stamped and more”!
Concrete, Waterproofing Specializing in Home Improvements
FREE ESTIMATES Follow us on FaceBook
Quality Service since 1989 Richards Concrete LLC IMAGE BUILDING & RENOVATION
•Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior
BUILDERS & Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement Landscaping
with Intelligence®
•Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing
KAZMIERCZAK CONSTRUCTION Landscape Maintenance/ Lawncare
440-724-9338 Snow & Ice Management

MODERNIZE Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding HAMPER CONSTRUCTION 8997 Columbia Road Phone: 440-235-2356
Remodeling • Pole Barns • Windows • Doors Olmsted Falls, OH 44138 Fax: 440-235-2359
Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes Our Name Means Quality
[email protected]
KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619 Your Full Service Contractor
YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044
•Garages •Decks •Additions Topsoil •Black Leaf Humus •Sweet Peet
Custom Buildings, LTD •Concrete Trim
•Flooring & More 10 DIFFERENT MULCHES
(Built By Amish) •Gravel •Boulders •Flat Rock
Licensed•Bonded•Insured • Over 20 Years Experience •Straw •Sand •Limestone •Grass Seed
Quality Buildings At
Tim Hamper Office: 440-236-3851/Cell: 440-506-2302 Picked Up or Delivered
Large & Small Loads
Affordable Prices LAWN • GARDEN • LANDSCAPE
34020 Royalton Rd. Eaton Twp.
• Horse Barns • Garages
•Riding Arenas THREE-Z-INC.




De-Thatching, Gutter Cleaning Family Business for Three Generations
Hedges, Leaf Clean-up, Mulch SERVICE • SALES • INSTALLATIONS
Weekly Lawn Services Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949
FILTERS • CHLORINATORS Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates SOFTENERS • TANKS • SUMP
Grafton, OH Call for a FREE Quote 440-610-3580 PUMPS • WATER RELATED
Commercially Insured All Seasons Roo?ng MATERIALS • WELL ABANDONMENT

Mulch • Soil • Gravel • Natural & Decorative Stone Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason KEVIN BOLDEN 440-322-2987
Pick Up/Delivery • Winter Supplies • Firewood & More Siding & Gutter Repairs
8997 Columbia Road Phone: 440-235-2358
Olmsted Falls, OH 44138 Fax: 440-235-2359 440-748-3259 Casey Williamson YSU Honors College news
[email protected] SIDING & WINDOWS The Youngstown State University Honors College welcomed
268 freshman members to its community this semester, an in-
SPRING CLEANUPS Custom Exteriors crease from 175 freshman Honors students in the 2015-16 aca-
LAWN MOWING demic year. Ellianna Hoff of Grafton, a Combined Science ma-
MULCHING Extreme Quality Since 1989 jor, is one of the local students who recently became a member.
Replacement Windows
DECK STRUCTURES Entry Doors Nearly 450 YSU Honors College students spent a Saturday
LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Custom Exterior Siding this semester volunteering at local organizations for Global Day Stone & Shake Accents of Service, including Ellianna.

PAINTING 440-926-1600 An annual Honors College event since 2012, Global Day of
Service connects students who volunteer their time during one
MILUM PAINTING TREE SERVICE weekend each fall with Youngstown and Mahoning Valley orga-
nizations and projects.
Interior/Exterior Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping
Drywall Install/Repair Tree Trimming • Removal “This year, our students helped at homeless shelters, food
Stump Grinding • Pruning banks, Youngstown clean-ups, inner city gardens and so much
FREE ESTIMATES Fertilizers • Fire Wood more,” said Amy Cossentino, director of the Honors College at
YSU. “I’m very proud of the service they are providing and the
440-309-5938 Free Estimates! community they are building.”

PLUMBING Seth Emerson - Owner The YSU Honors College provides academically talented stu-
Office: 440-322-2624 dents with a community of excellence to develop their full intel-
D.W.V. • Gas Lines • Water Lines lectual and cultural potential. Built on the pillars of research and
Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Fixtures • Backhoe Work Emergency: 440-452-2456 scholarship, leadership and engagement, global perspectives, in-
terdisciplinary perspectives, volunteerism and service-learning,
Residential • Industrial • Commercial [email protected] the college places students at the center of an energized com-
24 HOUR SERVICE munity of faculty, staff and alumni who share in the pursuit of
Jason E. Davis life-long excellence in learning and civic engagement.
Edward Logar State ID# 19467 -Complete Crane Service-
Off: 330-483-0055 “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!”
Cell: 216-970-1910 7424 Crocker Rd. Tree/Stump Removal Senior Health Fair
Valley City, OH 44280
Tree Trimming, Firewood A Senior Health Fair & Music Bingo will be held on Wednes-
J.A. Kilby Plumbing “FREE ESTIMATES” day, September 21, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Fitness Center at
Bonded & Insured University Hospitals Avon Health Center. The event is presented
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services by the Lorain County Senior Network and hosted by University
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 Hospitals Elyria Medical Center.
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available Come for a fun-?lled, informative day. Gather great informa-
•New Work •Replacement •Repairs ARBOR CARE TREE tion and participate in a number of health screenings. Enjoy a
light lunch then play music bingo to win fabulous prizes!
•Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
•Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped • 113 Ft. Crane The Fitness Center at UH Avon Health Center is located at
1997 Healthway Drive, in Avon. For more information on the
440-327-3433 • • Removal, Trimming, Firewood Senior Health Fair and Music Bingo event, visit LorainCounty.
State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response Triple Shredded Mulch
New way to connect with
ROOFING Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member LC Mental Health Services

RELIABLE ROOFING 440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 Support Groups for Suicide Survivors and Mental Health
Seek comfort, knowledge, and healing with a group of caring
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs WATERPROOFING people from Lorain County. Connect with others who have lost
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal a loved one to suicide or who are struggling to support family
Of?ce: 440-236-4001 • BASEMENT members with mental illness. Various local communities and or-
SOLUTIONS ganizations offer support groups. To learn more and connect to
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner the group that is right for you, visit the Lorain County Board of
• Waterproofing Mental Health online at
• Foundation Repair
AAUW meeting
• Yard Drainage
• Excavating The Elyria Chapter of American Association of University
Women will kick off their new year of programs with a pot luck
• Sewer Replacement dinner on Monday, September 19, at 6 p.m. at Grace Lutheran
Church, 9685 East River Street, in Elyria. The speaker will be
440.773.3040 Cleveland author and storyteller Dan Ruminski, who will present
“The Women of Millionaire’s Row - Cleveland.” He is the author
J. A. KILBY ENT. of “Cleveland in the Gilded Age.” Bring a dish to share at 6 p.m.;
program will start at 7 p.m. All are welcome!
“Stop the water before it stops you!”
•Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening, Fall Tennis Lessons
Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
The Elyria Parks & Recreation Department is currently ac-
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement cepting registrations for fall tennis lessons to be held at the South
Recreation Center beginning Saturday, October 1, and running
440-327-3433 for ?ve weeks. Classes are for boys and girls ages 4-12. Ages
7-12 meet at 9 or 10 a.m. and classes for ages 4-6 meet at 11 a.m.
The registration fee of $33 must be paid by September 23, at the
Parks’ main of?ce, 131 Court St., Suite 103 (City Hall). For more
information, call 326-1500.

Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 19, 2016


“Big city cars - Monday 9-6 Thursday 9-6
Small town prices” Tuesday 9-6 Friday 9-5
Wednesday 9-6 Saturday 9-4

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2004 Ford Freestar - 7 pass., V6, full pwr., C/D, Clean Carfax, great van! $2,982
2001 Toyota Corolla LE - Auto., A/C, full pwr., new tires/struts/brakes, clean $2,982
2008 Chevy Cobalt LT - 4dr., auto., tilt, cruise, A/C, C/D, clean Carfax, Racing Red $4,882
2004 Buick Rendezvous - low miles, clean in/out, freshly detailed & serviced $4,982
2012 Dodge Avenger - Sport pkg., full pwr., Auto., new tires, showroom clean $5,982
2010 Ford Escape - V-6, auto, air, alloys, c/d, full power options, new tires $6,582
2007 Mitsubishi Eclipse - leather, prw. moon, C/D, Alloy wheels, clean Carfax $5,982
2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee - 4X4, V-6, full power, clean Carfax, ex clean $6,982
2006 Chevy Silverado - 4x4, extended cab, auto, full pwr., bedliner, clean Carfax $8,982

1999 Plymouth Neon - Pwr. moonroof, auto., clean Carfax, low miles, newer tires $2,982
2004 Chrysler PT Cruiser - Auto., cold air, pwr. wind./doors/locks, C/D, only 49K $4,982
2007 Hyundai Tuscon - V6, alloys w/ 4 new tires, full pwr., C/D, pwr. seat $4,982
2003 Chevy Trailblazer LS, 4x4, trailer tow, new brakes all around, very clean $4.982
2005 Cadillac CTS - 6 cyl., pwr. moonroof, C/D, alloy wheels, low miles $5,482
2003 Jeep Gr. Cherokee - 4.0 inline 6, 4x4, alloys, new tires/rim, full pwr. serv./detail $5,982
2004 Mercury Gr. Marquis - V8, leather, fully loaded and only 63,996 miles $5,982
2003 Monte Carlo - Only 75K, leather, moonroof, new tires, mellow yellow $5,982
1992 Chevy Corvette Conv. - White/black top, auto, super-nice & cheap! Only $5,982
2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee - 4x4, 4.0 inline 6, loaded, freshly serviced $5,982
2008 Chevy Trailblazer LS 4x4, alloys, C/D, tow pk., new tires, 1-owner, super clean $6,882
2004 Dodge Ram 1500 - Reg. cab, auto., chrome wheels, raised white new tires $6,982
2012 Chevy Sonic L2 - auto., A/C, auxilary ports, 1 owner, prw. wind/locks $6,982
2008 Pontiac G6 Conv. - Hardtop retractable conv., leather, full pwr., clean Carfax $6,982
2007 Toyota Rav 4 AWD - full pwr., tilt, cruise, cold A/C, rear defrost, sport wheels $7.582
2011 Dodge Caliber - Auto, cold air, full pwr., alloys, C/D, serviced/detailed $7,982
2001 GMC Z-71 - 4x4, 5.3, V8, ext cab, heated ltr. seats, alloys, tonneau cover $7,982
2010 Honda Civic - Full pwr. options, clean Carfax history, super clean, great buy! $7,982
2008 Jeep Gr. Cherokee Rocky Mt. Edition, 4x4, V6, pwr. moon, alloys, C/D, Clean $7,982

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