The Rural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 62 Years of Community Service!”
April 27
Volume 63, No. 43 Columbia Station, Ohio April 23, 2018
Senior Baseball Players commit to colleges Spirit of ‘76 to feature Archibald Willard’s art
He’s one of the least-
known artists with one
of the most recognizable
paintings, and for the first
time, the largest collection
of Archibald Willard’s ar-
tistic work will be on dis-
play in one place.
No, it’s not in the Cleve-
land Museum of Art, or
even the Allen Memorial
Art Museum in Oberlin;
it’s in Wellington.
The Spirit of ’76 Muse-
um, located in downtown
Wellington, has the hon-
or of hosting 22 original
Willard paintings within
its walls until the end of
October, when the muse-
um closes for the season.
The exhibit, “Yours Tru-
L-R: Jake Roach, Cole Bramhall and Ian Ashby with Coach Jason Dimacchia. ly, A.M. Willard,” is all
Three Lake Ridge Academy senior baseball players have committed to continuing thanks to Dan Zivko, an art
their baseball careers at the collegiate level. During an official signing ceremony hosted enthusiast out of Cleveland
by the Lake Ridge Academy athletic department on April 11, the following students who took a particular in-
announced their future academic and athletic plans: terest in Willard’s various
Jake Roach, of Amherst, will play men’s baseball at Trine University. Jake is an works. After a visit to the
outfielder and pitcher for the team and has earned numerous baseball awards, including Spirit of ’76 Museum last Rebecca Duelley holds the showcase that the original fife is
being named a three-time All County 1st Team, two-time All District 1st Team, All Ohio spring, Zivko agreed to in on display. Photo by Holly Storrow.
2nd Team and Lake Effect Conference 1st Team. loan his paintings as a way to become Willard’s “bread tory and pride of one town
Cole Bramhall, of Elyria, will play men’s baseball at Haverford College. Cole is a to honor the 100th anniver- and butter,” with a known together in a three-floor, di-
starting pitcher for the team and has earned numerous baseball awards including being sary of Willard’s death, as 24 original paintings of the amond in the rough build-
named a three-time All County 1st Team, two-time All District Honorable Mention and well as to celebrate the mu- same three figures having ing. Duelley described
Lake Effect Conference 1st Team. seum’s 50th anniversary, a been discovered to this the fife as a “family trea-
Ian Ashby, of Oberlin, will play men’s baseball at Oberlin College and Conservato- place largely dedicated to day. sure,” sharing legends of
ry. Ian is the first baseman and pitcher for the team and has earned numerous baseball one of Wellington’s most The collection, which the metal band around the
awards, including being named a three-time All County 1st Team, two time All District famous residents. includes two original center of the fife, said to be
Honorable Mention and Lake Effect Conference 1st Team. Willard arrived in Wel- “Spirit” paintings, boasts a repair Mosher made after
The Lake Ridge Academy varsity baseball team is currently ranked 3rd in Ohio in lington at the age of 19, an impressive representa- his son Walter cracked the
Division IV. The team is coached by Jason Dimacchia. Congratulations! working as a painter in a tion of Willard’s interests. instrument as a child. The
local carriage factory, but From landscapes and por- metal band can clearly be
Keystone Superintendent Franco Gallo got his start as an artist traits to still life, painted in seen in the “Spirit” paint-
painting “Pluck I,” a laugh-
a variety of mediums, there ings on display.
appointed to lead ESC able cartoon featuring the is something unique and It’s not often that so
young sons of a promi-
nent Wellington business definably “Willard” in ev- much little-known history
next superintendent at the University. He attended owner and a rambunctious ery piece; a point of pride gathers in one little-known
ESC effective August 1, Lorain County Communi- dog. The painting was so for a small-town museum location. But whether by
2018. Gallo replaces Greg ty College and received an well received that Wil- with deep roots. fate, universal intervention
Ring at the ESC, who an- Associate degree. Teach- lard painted a companion The figures who origi- or just sheer luck, the Spir-
nounced his retirement in ing experience includes piece, “Pluck II,” and the nally posed for Willard as it of ’76 Museum has the
February. Ring has been middle school math and set eventually sold 10,000 he painted “The Spirit of opportunity to share with
Superintendent at the ESC science. He has been an copies. ‘76” were Wellington area the masses the story of
for the past six years. Gallo assistant principal, athlet- But while Willard start- residents, and the Spirit one unassuming artist who
received a three-year con- ic director and principal ed with two boys and a of ’76 Museum has had helped shape the American
tract from the ESC Gov- in the area. “Keystone is dog, his greatest master- the original drum used by spirit with a stroke of his
erning Board on Monday a great school district and piece, and the namesake of the portrait’s central figure brush. It’s a piece of histo-
night. I have enjoyed my time Wellington’s museum, was within its collection for ry not to be missed.
Gallo, 39, is a gradu- here,” said Gallo. One of “The Spirit of ’76.” What years. What they hadn’t The Spirit of ’76 Mu-
ate of Elyria High School Gallo’s goals as the new started out as a simple had was the fife, carried seum is located at 201 N.
and has spent much of his ESC superintendent will by Hugh Mosher. Until Main St. in Wellington,
Franco Gallo education career in Lorain be to continue to pursue sketch of three Welling- “Yours Truly, A.M. Wil- and is open Saturdays and
The Educational Ser- County. He holds a Bach- the organization’s work to tonians goofing around in lard” opened, that is. Sundays from 1-3:30 p.m.
the town square turned into
vice Center (ESC) of Lo- elor of Science degree in begin offering social work one of the nation’s most On loan by Mosher’s To schedule a tour, visitors
rain County’s Governing Education from Cleve- services to area school dis- well-known and symbol- great-great-granddaughter, can contact the museum
Board approved the hiring land State University and tricts. ic images of the patriotic Rebecca (Durham) Duel- office at (440) 647-4367
of current Keystone Local a Master of Education Gallo currently resides spirit. Completed in 1876, ley, for the duration of the or send an email to thes-
Schools Superintendent, degree in Administration in Olmsted Township with “The Spirit of ‘76” went on exhibit, the fife is a great piritof76museum@gmail.
Franco Gallo, to be the from Bowling Green State his family. addition that ties the his- com.
Community Directory Carlisle 9 Eaton 10 Grafton Twp. 19 N. Ridgeville 12 Churches 13 Events 20
DESIGN/BUILD 11847 Avon Belden Road
Grafton, OH 44044
BULK MATERIAL 440-235-9273
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018
April 21 April 22 April 28
Keystone Art Show Awards Bike Rodeo Ladies Spring Tea
Join us for light refreshments Free bicycle safety skills event, Lydia Circle is hosting a Ladies
and an award presentation for geared towards families with Tea, join us for fun, food and
the art works on display by kids aged 6-12. Lunch available entertainment. Tickets $8, Call
the students from Keystone Raffles for participants: Bike 440-458-5717. Tickets are lim-
Schools. and Ray’s Indoor Mountain Bike ited.
Keystone Pointe Park. LaPorte UMC
383 Opportunity Way, North Eaton Christian 2071 Grafton Road,
LaGrange Church Elyria May 5 May 5-6 May 20
2:00pm - 4:00pm 35895 Royalton Rd, 1:00pm Ohio Civil War & Pancake Breakfast &
Grafton Black River Clean-Up Day Artillery Show Fly-in
Hikers, paddlers, boaters, &
Just How Weird Is Ohio 11:00am Believeland Beer Fest trucks with trailers are welcome 30-Gun Artillery Show – Indoor/ This is a FREE fun-educational
Presentation 150+ Amazing Beers, 60 Brew- to help us take back the Black. Outdoor and a 6-Gun Battery event for the entire family.
Come visit the library and ex- April 27 ers and one Unbelievable day! All the supplies will be provid- Firing Demonstrations. Plus 7 There will be aircraft activities,
plore Weird Ohio with Author Also featuring live music, food, ed, and plan to stick around Buildings with 750 Tables, Mil- kids activities, food, and air-
James A. Willis as he shares Texas Hold’em contests, celebrities and more! for lunch & libations at 2:00. itary Items, Relics, and Memo- plane ride opportunities.
audio, video, and photos from Tournament Purchase tickets online, 2 ses- Kid-friendly and a great oppor- rabilia for buy, sell, or trade. LC Regional Airport
some of the weirdest locations 7 Tables with 7 Players. $50.00 sions available. tunity for community service Richland County 44050 Russia Rd.
he’s ever visited! Event is free, Fee. $400 Grand Prize, $250 Huntington Convention hours. Fairgrounds, Elyria
but you must pre-register. 2nd Place Prize. Drawings! Center of Cleveland Grumpy’s Bait Bucket 750 N. Home Rd., 9:00am - 2:00pm
Lorain Public Library 50/50! Sign-In 6pm. Starts 1 St. Clair Avenue NE., West 14th St, Lorain Mansfield
351 W 6th St, Lorain 6:30pm. Free Food & Draft Cleveland 9:00am - 2:00pm Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm
3:00pm - 5:00pm Beer. Get Tickets In Advance. 2:00-5:00pm or 8:00-11:00pm Sun: 9:00am - 3:00pm July 22 Only 49 Tickets Available! Call
events Eddie at 440-236-9089. Olmsted Historical
VFW Post 9340 Hall April 28-29 May 10 Society Tea
Chicken Paprikash 25742 Royalton Rd., Paddling Film Festival At Frostville museum we love
stepping into history and shar-
Columbia Station
Dinner 6:00pm - 11:00pm Orchid Show & Sale Tequila Fest Cleveland 2 hours of short, award winning ing it with our guests. Please
Sponsored by the Faith Family Beautiful Exhibits! 18 Vendors Over 50 tequilas to sample, films and documentaries that Join us for our afternoon tea
Variety Group. Adults - $9.00, of plants, supplies, art & cloth- nachos with salsa and queso are not just kayak based. There with special guest Louisa May
Children 5 to 12 yrs - $5.00, April 28 ing. Talks on culture, repotting, and beer sampling. Live Music is something for everyone, and Alcott, Tickets $20, they are
Children under 5 yrs - FREE. & the Hawaii Botanical Garden. and a margarita competition in food will be available. Tickets going fast!
Dinner includes main dish, sal- Frostville’s Winter $5 Adults, 12 & under free. which we will select 50 random can be bought at the door or Frostville Museum
ad bar, beverage and dessert. Farmers Market Erhnfelt Rec Center guests to be the judge and help online. 24101 Cedar Point Rd,
We are handicapped accessible Seasonal products, eggs, jams, Strongsville decide who makes the best Elks Lodge #1301 North Olmsted
Lorain Faith UMC jellies, honey, free range meat, Sat 9-5pm, Sun 10-4pm margarita! 203 West 6th Street 1:30pm - 3:30pm
2201 Reid Avenue pastries, tea & coffee & much Lago’s Outside Veranda Lorain
Lorain, more! 1091 W 10th St., 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Carryout 4:00 - 4:30pm Frostville Museum Cleveland
Dinner 4:30 - 6:30pm 24101 Cedar Point Rd., 1:00pm - 8:00pm film-fest/
North Olmsted
Angels Haven Horse 10:00am - 2:00pm Advertise Your Event!
Rescue Fundraiser Ohio Gun Show Bowl For Kids’ Sake
Come enjoy all you can eat Thousands of guns, knives & Teams of 4-5 bowlers compete
pasta, pizza, wings, salad and Out of the Darkness Walk military items to buy/sell/trade. to raise the most money during • Event Name
pop, beer, wine and well drinks. Many rare and unusual fire- two hours of bowling fun! It’s an • Description of Event
Sideboards, 50/50 raffle, Chi- This walk is a venue for provid- arms will be on display and for exciting day full of live enter- (Includes up to 25 Words)
nese raffles and door prizes. ing hope and healing for those sale! Bring your old gun or war tainment, local celebrities, raffle • Date
Tickets are $25/person. Tick- who have lost loved ones to sui- souvenir for a free appraisal drawings, special prizes, and Call:
ets and donations help pay cide, and for all those impacted or to sell. Cash buyers will be delicious refreshments! • Location
for horse feed, supplements, by mental health issues and there! Under 21 must be with Rebman Rec. Inc • Time 440-236-5103
veterinary and farrier care and suicide. There is no fee to regis- Parent, $7. 5300 Oberlin Ave.,
stall bedding. 440-781-5060. ter. Reg begins at 10am Cuyahoga Fairgrounds Lorain
Quaker Steak & Lube LCCC 19021 Bagley Rd, 3:00pm - 5:00pm • There is a cost to advertise
4900 Transportation Dr, 1005 Abbe Road Middleburg Heights • Restrictions apply to certain
Sheffield Village Elyria Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm event/932394/ events, call to check!
6:00pm - 8:30pm 11:00am - 1:00pm Sun: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Contractors Warehouse
• 1000sq ft units with man door & 14’ Overhead doors
• Outdoor Boat & Trailer Storage
• Storage Containers 20’x8’x8’
• Secured Fenced in Area with 24hr Access. Great for Small
• Electric Heat, Phone & Internet Services Available Businesses!
• Month to Month Rentals
42208 Albrecht Rd., Elyria
Call Frank, 440-343-1192
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Page 3
HOURS Sale Good - Now Hiring -
Mon & Thurs..................9-9pm Through Date SERVICE TECH
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CURRENT SERVICE Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm 1115 EAST BROAD ST
Sat 8:00 am - 12 noon
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APRIL 1 - JUNE 30, 2018
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• Pirelli
• PLUS an added $60 Rebate for new or existing Ford Service and Quick Lane • Yokohama
Service Credit Card holders when the entire purchase is on the card. • Firestone
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
Julie Petras Our family have been residents of Columbia Station for 29 Thank you to everyone that attended the “State of the Com-
email: [email protected] years, during this time we have had 5 children graduate from munity” this past Wednesday. There are a lot of great things
the Columbia School System. The education they received at going on in the schools and the community. If you were unable
Columbia has helped all of our children become very success- to attend, the presentation can be found by going to our website
CHS Weekly Calendar ful and educated adults. As with many that have come through at I am very proud of the progress we
the system, we can be proud of the teaching and extracurricular are making in CLSD! I also proud of the great community that
Monday, April 23: activities that our children have experienced. Presently we have we have in Columbia Station! Thank you for your continued
AfterProm ticket sales continue. 4 grandchildren who are students in Columbia and we are very support!
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball -Brooklyn, Varsity-home, JV-away. grateful for the opportunities they have, to be in a school sys- Wednesday, April 25th is Administrative Professionals Day.
Tuesday, April 24: tem where their parents attended and thrived. I was fortunate to I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our administrative
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball -Brooklyn, Varsity-away, JV-home. have served on the Columbia School Board for 16 years, and assistants for their dedication to our students, staff and schools:
Wednesday, April 25: know firsthand how difficult it is to keep the schools moving Carla Lasecki, Amy Thomas, Elizabeth Aniol, Liz Wenzel, Pat
U.S. History End of Course testing. forward. With state tax cuts and local tax money being spread Cieslak, Tammy Olah, Beth Kobe, Kathy Hechko, Julie Bowes
11:46 a.m. 1st period begins. so thin, it is imperative that we as Columbia citizens do our part and Michelle Jones. You are the hardest working group of peo-
4:30 p.m. Track at Brookside Tri. in keeping our schools up and running to their full potential. We ple in our schools. Thanks for all that you do!
5 p.m. Varsity Baseball v. Trinity. are very proud of our schools and want to be very supportive On Tuesday, May 8, CLSD will have two renewal levies on
Thursday, April 26: in any way we can. Please join us by supporting the renewal the ballot, Issue 2 and Issue 3. Both of these levies are renewals
8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Entrepreneurship. levies and vote yes for Issue #2 and #3. and will not increase taxes. The quality of our schools is critical
Government and AP Government End of Course testing. Rick and Mona Malone, Columbia Station to the health, economy, reputation and future of our communi-
11:46 a.m. 1st period begins. Attention Senior Citizens! ty. Most importantly, to ensure our students are fully prepared
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Firelands, Varsity-away, JV-home. for college, careers and citizenship. Passage of these levies will
Friday, April 27: Columbia High School and the CHS Key Club would like allow Columbia Local Schools to maintain a high-quality ed-
Last Day for AfterProm ticket sales. to invite you to our bi-annual Senior Citizens Breakfast. This ucation, prepare our students for the jobs of the future, protect
4 p.m. Track at Long Horn Invitational. event is open to all Columbia residents and grandparents of Co- property values, retain highly qualified and dedicated employ-
5 p.m. Varsity Baseball at Elyria Catholic. lumbia local students. The breakfast is on Wednesday, May 16, ees, purchase new textbooks and upgrade educational technol-
5 p.m. Varsity Softball at Prebis Invitational. at 8:45 a.m. in the high school cafeteria. It is free of charge. The ogy. Our schools play a vital role in Columbia Township as it
6 p.m. Band/Choir Banquet. Key Club will be serving breakfast casseroles, hash browns, is the largest employer in our town. CLSD continues to be fi-
Saturday, April 28: fruit, muffins and a variety of beverages. If you would like to nancially well-managed as stated by the Auditor of State, Dave
Varsity Softball at Prebis Invitational. attend, please call (440) 236-5001 before 3 p.m. on Monday, Yost. Please take the time to cast your vote on May 8! We Are
11 a.m. Varsity Baseball-Lake Ridge at Oberlin College. May 14, to make your reservations. Columbia!
11 a.m. JV Baseball v. Elyria Catholic. We are always looking to improve the quality of the school
4 p.m. Varsity Baseball-Elyria Catholic at Oberlin College. CHS Boys Basketball fund-raiser district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion,
Letter to the Editor Columbia High School Boys Basketball will hold their an- question or comment please feel free to call me at (440) 236-
5008 or email [email protected] Follow me on
To the Editor: nual fund-raiser on Saturday, May 5, from 6-9 p.m. in the grand twitter @graigbansek #onceaRaider
Renewal levies continue to support Columbia Schools, un- hall of the Columbia Eagles, located at 27190 Royalton Road. COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
like the State of Ohio. Renewal levies don’t add cost, and with Tickets are $25 each and include catering by Boca Loca plus
more homes the cost is less to each homeowner. all-you-can-drink domestic draft, well drinks and soda! They
Education makes a difference in each of our lives. will also have a 50/50 drawing, side boards and basket raffles. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE
Dorothy MacIntyre, Columbia Station Contact Josh Scharf at (440) 823-7848 for tickets or more in- Columbia Station / Olmsted Falls
Kindergarten Registration Night Columbia Aerie/Auxiliary New roof, windows, furnace & carpet
Office / Antique / Resale / Beauty & Nail / Hobby?
If you have a child that will be five (5) years old on or before Steak Dinner Call (440) 779-8300
August 1, 2018, he or she may attend Kindergarten next fall.
Copopa Elementary School is in the process of planning now Columbia Station Aerie/Auxiliary located at 27190 Royal-
for the 2018-2019 school year. ton Rd., in Columbia Station, will be having a Steak Dinner on
Registration packets are now available at the Administration April 28. Dinner will be served from 5-7 p.m.. Dinner includes
Center at 25796 Royalton Road, from 7 a.m.- 4 p.m. Please a 14 oz. steak, baked potato, salad, roll/butter and dessert. Beer
pick up a packet as soon as possible. Kindergarten Screening is included. Entertainment to follow. Donation is $20. Deadline
dates are May 17 and May 18. You can contact Mrs. Lasecki at for tickets is April 25, 2018. Tickets are available at the club.
(440) 236-5020 with any questions. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Schuster’s Westview Gardens
(Schuster’s Greenhouses - Est. 1923)
APRIL 28 • 9AM - 5PM
Refreshments • Door Prizes
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Check us out on Facebook • Schuster’s Westview Gardens
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Page 5
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Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018
of the fire department. The a mock car crash to educate Drop off unwanted medi- Dale Rundle spoke on
Fire Chief then presented the prom attendees of the dangers cations at the Fire Station on behalf of the Rural Water
Columbia Library events Fireman of the Year Award of distracted driving and driv- Saturday, April 28, from 9 Authority. The RLCWA will
ing under the influence. The
meet on May 2. The Water
2017 to Dave Jaeger for go-
a.m.-3 p.m.
ing above and beyond the call Fire Chief is also asking all Committee Reports Authority is replacing all the
Adult Book Discussion “The Dry” by Jane Harper - Mon- of duty. The Trustees then residents to make sure their Mr. Cunningham reported water meters in the system
day, April 23, at 1 p.m. Copies of the book are available at the resumed the regular order of driveways are clear so that that the Lorain County Town- because the old ones were
library. New members are welcome. business. The minutes of the fire/medical equipment can ship Association will meet not working right. 49% of the
Pizza & Pages - Wednesday, April 25, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. April 2 workshop and the pull in on an emergency call. on April 19 at New Russia meters are done. The crew is
A book group for teens, with a pizza perfect twist. Copies of the minutes of the April 2 regu- Not only should the sides of Twp. The State of the Town- presently working in the SW
book are available at the library. Pizza is provided. lar meeting were accepted as the drive be clear of bushes ship and State of the Schools area of Columbia.
Cookbook Discussion - Thursday, April 26, from 6-7 p.m. written. The Trustees voted to or shrubs but the overhanging will take place at the Middle There were no Fiscal Of-
Adults, if you love to read, cook and share recipes, this is the pay the bills and payroll. The trees need to be trimmed to School Gym on Wednes- ficer requests. After Commu-
group for you. Bring a dish from, Betty Crocker Lost Recipes: Bills amounted to $32,060.59 accommodate high trucks. He day, April 18, at 7 p.m. nity Input the meeting was
Beloved Vintage Recipes For Today’s Kitchen by Betty Crock- and payroll amounted to also asked that all residents Mr. Heidecker reported that adjourned. The next regular
er, and talk about your experience in the kitchen. Copies of the $49,664.47 bringing the total have their house address the Southwest General Hos- meeting will be Monday,
book are available at the library. to $81,725.06. The receipts clearly marked at the end of pital Board will meet April May 7, 2018 at 7 p.m. in
Teen Crafternoon - Saturday, April 28, from 12:30-1:30 totaled $4,706.60. their drive. The large green 25, NOACA will meet June Town Hall.
p.m. Teens, come to the library and flex your creative muscles Correspondence and white signs are excel- 8.
by doing various craft activities. You’ll get to take home your There will be no major lent markers and can be pur- OSU Master Gardener
creations afterwards. construction jobs by ODOT chased at the fire department
Dinner and a Book Discussion “All The Ugly and Won- for Columbia this year. Se- at a nominal cost. Some of Volunteer Program
derful Things” by Bryn Greenwood - Tuesday, May 1, from nior Transportation provided the new developments have
6:30-7:30 p.m. Would you like to spend an evening each month 10 rides for Columbia resi- addresses on their houses but
discussing a great book, eating and making new friends? Check dents for March. Letters come these are not as easy to find in The Master Gardener Volunteer Program is just one of the
out our brand new book discussion group. Dinner is on us! to the Trustees in regard to the dark or in heavy weather ways OSU Extension engages with the public each year. This
Copies of the book are available at the library. problems on particular streets situations. internationally renowned program provides interested Ohio
Knitting Club - Thursdays, May 3, from 12-4 p.m. Are you or areas but they are signed as Rita Plata gave the cem- residents with in-depth training on topics ranging from tree
a knitter or crocheter? Join us every Thursday anytime during residents. The Trustees need etery report. $300 was re- identification and plant health to pollinators, wildlife and gar-
this session. Preregistration not required. a specific phone number or ceived for footer fees. den pest management.
Mother’s Day Tea Party - Saturday, May 5, at 11 a.m. Bring email address to address the Old Business The Master Gardener Program is an opportunity for both
your mother, sister, grandmother, or aunt all are welcome to problem. Be sure to provide There are no new devel- outdoor and nature enthusiasts to continuously learn and also
celebrate the wonderful women in our lives! Please join us for that information in your let- opments at the Estates of Co- share that passion and knowledge with others through educa-
story time, followed by a craft and tea party. All ages are wel- ters. lumbia Ridge. Dumpster days tional programming, garden activities and service in their com-
come to attend. Fancy outfits are encouraged! Department Reports will be held on April 26 & 27 munity. Volunteers develop lasting friendships with others who
The Columbia Library is located at 13824 W. River Road The Zoning Inspector re- from 7 a.m.-5 p.m.; and April share and support their interests.
North, in Columbia Station. For more information or the regis- ported 5 permits issued be- 28 (Saturday) from 7 a.m.-12 New volunteer training is offered every other year in Medi-
ter for programs, call (440) 236-8751. tween April 2 to April 13 of p.m. The dumpsters are be- na County so do not miss your chance to serve your community
which one was a single fam- hind the VFW and there will in this unique way and apply today! No prior garden experience
be people available to unload
ily dwelling, bringing the
Columbia Trustees Meeting new home starts to 16 for your vehicle. No hazardous is required. The 13-week new recruit training will begin August
8. For the first time, we are offering evening classes to be held
material. No tires. Electron-
the year to date. A resident
on Royalton Road who had ics and batteries are accepted. 6-9 p.m. on Wednesday nights through October.
Want to learn more? An open house will be held Thursday,
received a violation letter for If you need more information May 10, at 5:30 p.m. at the Medina Library. Come with your
debris was invited to attend please call Town Hall during
The Columbia Town- the Fiscal Officer, Jackie questions and meet current MG volunteers. Interested in be-
ship Board of Trustees met Ramsey. Before the regular the next Trustee meeting to business hours. coming involved? Deadline to apply is June 1, 2018. Applica-
show cause for not comply-
New Business
on Monday, April 16, 2018 order of business the Fire ing with the directives. The The Trustees approved the tion can be found on the Medina Extension website at http://
at 7 p.m. in Town Hall with Chief asked the Trustees to property on Station Road new metal roof for the Town
all three trustees present and swear in three new members To find out more, please contact Ashley Kulhanek at 330-
which had been cleaned up Hall. The cost is $41,800 for
by the township once of ex- the roof and $2745 for snow 725-4911 or [email protected].
cessive debris is being filled blocks. The township will be
COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP with debris again. The Trust- using a recycling grant from COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 23
NOPEC which will lower the
ees passed a resolution giving
CEMETERY CLEANUP the Zoning Inspector permis- cost.
sion to deal with the problem.
Please remove all decorations by April 23, 2018. There is no meeting for the
Anything in a permanent vase or attached to a monument Board of Zoning Appeals for
can be left on the grave. After April 23rd, both the West April. The Zoning Commis-
River Road and Royalton Road Cemeteries will be sion will meet on May 3 at Wukie
cleaned up to prepare for the mowing season and loose 6:30 p.m. in Town Hall. They
decorations will be removed and discarded. Graves will are discussing the rezoning
be leveled and seeded and headstones leveled when of Heavy Industry and Light
weather and ground conditions permit. Industry districts along the
railroad tracks from Root to
Sprague to R3 residential.
The Road-Service Director Celebrating 66 Years in
reported all equipment up
COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP and running. The Service Di-
DUMPSTER DAYS rector is reminding people to Business!!!
remove all decorations on the
gravesites by Monday, April
April 26 and April 27 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23. No exceptions. Only dec-
and April 28 from 7 a.m. to 12 noon orations in a permanent vase WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU WITH
or attached to the monument
The dumpsters will be located in the parking lot can be left on the grave. AMAZING DEALS & UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS!
behind the VFW at 25742 Royalton Road and Mowing season is starting.
are available to Columbia Township Equipment must be able to
residents only. get close to the gravesite • Sectionals
safely. The Fire Chief report- th • Leather
TIRES, PAINT AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ed 36 on file, 35 on call, 43 66 • Reclining Sofas & Chairs
fire calls to date and 225 EMS
WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. BATTERIES calls. There were 26 mutu- Anniversary
WILL BE ACCEPTED. • Dining Rooms
al aid assists and 10 mutual
aid requests. Transport bill- Sale • Bedrooms
ing brought in $8,425.91 for • Solid Wood TV Consoles
Blizzard of ing the total for the year to • Authorized Hunter
the month of March bring-
Douglas Dealer
the Month!
$37,722.52. At a recent work-
shop meeting with the Trust-
the transport bill was not right
Peanut ees it was decided that raising
for now. It was also decided
that the department does not
Butter have enough funding to put
a third person onto an EMS
call. The department is going
Cookie to focus on replacing equip-
ment. A squad is supposed
to last for 10 years. We need
Dough to replace one now. The OHIO Made
department lost one FEMA
grant for a new squad but is Furniture
still in the running for the air
quality system. The Chief Wukie Furniture & Interiors
asked the Trustees for per-
mission to send two persons 11891 Grafton Rd (Rt. 57) Grafton, OH
NORTH EATON to the Maryland Fire Week- One mile south of Rt. 10/480
DAIRY QUEEN end in June. The Trustees 440-458-5136
granted the request. On May
35040 E. Royalton Rd. 9 the Fire Department in a Store Hours: M-T-TH 10-7; W-FR-SAT 10-6; SUN 12-5
North Eaton joint venture with Southwest,
440-748-2128 the helicopter, and the State We Would Love To See You Today!
Highway Patrol will stage
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Page 7
Four Columbia Youth Basketball Teams Win Championship Games
Columbia Raiders 1st/2nd Grade co-ed Team wins the Championship Game. (L-R) Columbia Raiders 6th Grade Girls Team wins Championship Game after an Unde-
Front Row: Noah Scharf, Donavin Friscone, Grace Anderson and Patrick Sorensen. feated Season. (L-R) Coach Simon, Coach Bodo, Coach Menge, Hana Bodo, Lore-
Back Row: Coach Scharf, Isaiah Bryant, Troy Cavadas, JP Clute, Ryan Smith and lei Sikorski, Callie Demegall, Payton Menge, Elise Champagne, Delaney Friscone,
Coach Clute. Cameron Baker, Megan Simon, Rachel Washburn and Madison Rodgers.
Over 120 kids wrapped We’d like to thank the
up a great season of youth sponsors of our season: Sharc
basketball. From December Industries, Red Wagon Farm,
through March the middle Hazel Eyes Photography,
school gym was filled with Southwest
players and fans as Colum- G e ner al
bia Youth Basket- Hospitals,
ball hosted Sat- and The Co-
urday games. It lumbia Ball-
was exciting room. The
to watch our wonderful
players de- dedicat -
velop as the ed coaches
season pro- spend their
gressed. We time training
formed 14 our Raider
teams of boys champions of
and girls rang- tomorrow and
ing from 1st-6th we truly appreci-
grade. Four of ate all they do. For all
those teams won your basketball news, like our
the play-off tourna- Facebook page at “Columbia
ments for their respective Youth Basketball.”
brackets. For more information
Raider basketball fans about Columbia Youth Bas-
were out in full force during ketball or Columbia Youth
the playoffs and filled the Football/Cheerleading,
gyms to cheer on our champi- please call Pam Coleman at
onship teams. (440) 742-3456.
Columbia Raiders 3rd/4th Grade Boys Team wins Championship Game after an
Undefeated Season. (L-R) Coach Bodo, Coach Menge, Kyle Arcuri. Briar Dring,
Graham Ross, Alex Andrews, Chase Dennison, Mason Bledsoe, Colin Grealis,
Logan Menge, John Bodo and Joshua Elsesser.
Columbia Raiders 6th Grade Boys Team wins Championship Game after an Undeafted Season. (L-R) Coach
Sanders, Coach Cirigliano, Ethan Meier, Marco Cirigliano, Matthew Pring, Jacob Wagner, Nolan Hunt, Danny
Corrigan, Bryan Jones, Jacob Sanders and Max Herhuth.
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018
The Rural-Urban Record National Prayer Day Come and
First United Methodist Church of Wellington, 127 Park
Published Weekly on Monday Place, is hosting prayer services on Thursday, May 3, the Na-
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter tional Day of Prayer. The service will take place in the gazebo Worship
Founders 1955 in front of the church at noon. Everyone is invited to join us.
Lee Boise, Publisher & President Coffee, Cupcakes
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 with us!
Mailing Address: and Conversation
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 A free ladies event will be held on Sunday, May 6, at 5 p.m. United Church of God
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station at North Eaton Baptist Church, located at 12109 Reed Rd., in 12981 Grafton Rd.
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 Grafton. Come enjoy finger foods and dessert as we fellowship Grafton, Oh 44044
Email: [email protected] together and make new friends. This is a ladies event open to Sabbath Services
all teen girls and ladies in our community. We will be play-
Website: ing games and making a take home craft. RSVP is required for Saturdays at 12:30 pm
DEADLINE: planning purposes. Please RSVP no later than May 1. You can Church of Christ
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm like our FB post at North Eaton Baptist for more information
or to RSVP. You can also RSVP by calling (440) 748-2552 or
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1 emailing us at [email protected]. Please join us GRAFTON UNITED Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year for this event! 973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034 Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
“Your Family Church” 211 Forest St., LaGrange
Swiss Steak Dinner & Dancing 8:45am Sunday School 440-355-6872
10:00am Worship
Women’s Spring Renewal 10:35am Children’s Church
The Mission Outreach Team of LaPorte United Methodist Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
Medina Church of Christ, located at 295 Forest Meadows Church will be having a Swiss Steak Dinner and Dancing to
Drive, in Medina, will host a Women’s Spring Renewal on the music of the 50’s/60’s on Saturday, May 12, from 6-9 p.m. St. Elizabeth
Saturday, April 28. The theme will be “Our Sweet Smelling The Swiss Steak dinner includes Swiss steak, mashed potatoes,
Savior,” with speaker Monica Mynk of Winchester, Kentucky. salad, corn, rolls, dessert and beverages. Tickets are $15 for Ann Seton
Mynk writes inspirational fiction for women and teens and is adults and $7.50 for children under 10. Several nice gift baskets Catholic Parish
an active member of the American Christian Fiction Writers. will also be raffled off. Treat your mom or your favorite gal to 25801 Royalton Rd. COLUMBIA UNITED
The program is from 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. For more informa- a special night out. LaPorte UMC is located at 2071 Grafton Columbia Station, OH METHODIST
tion, call (330) 725-5910. Road, in Elyria. For tickets call (440) 458-5717. All proceeds Sacrament of Reconciliation CHURCH
Springpiration go towards supporting the many outreach missions of LaPorte Anytime by Appointment Worship Service
Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
Pittsfield Community Church, located on the corner of SR Bible Study Weekend Masses Sunday School
Sat. 5 p.m.
58 and SR 303, in Wellington, is having their 32nd annual Sun. 8 & 11 a.m. during Worship Service
Springpiration. This year’s event features the music of Miss “What does It Mean To Be A Methodist” is the topic for a 440-236-5095 25453 ROYALTON ROAD
Debra Rose. The Springpiration is on Tuesday, April 24. If you new Bible Study led by Pastor David Walker, on Wednesday COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO
would like to attend, please register at 10 a.m.; concert will evening at 6:30, April 25. All are welcome to attend the study at Pastor Matt Merriman
begin at 10:30 a.m. with a salad lunch to follow. For more in- Belden United Methodist Church, located at 36130 Rt. 303, in 236-8822
formation, call (440) 647-5170. Grafton. Light refreshments will be served. Elevator available. NORTH [email protected]
Spaghetti Dinner Bible and Brew CHRISTIAN
Bible and Brew, a casual conversation about God, faith and CHURCH
Community of Faith U.C.C., located at 9715 East River Rd., (Disciples)
in Elyria, is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, April 27, scripture, will meet weekly on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Forts Rt. 82 & 83
Tavern in downtown Wellington. This event is presented by
from 5-7 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for seniors Wellington First United Methodist Church. 440-748-2230
and children 10 years and under. Call the church office at (440)
322-3781 by April 23 to purchase tickets. Support the Worship Mother & Daughter
and Music team in their ministry. Worship Services
8:00am & 9:30am
Spring Jubilee English Garden Banquet Sunday School
Pastor Neal Brock of Christian Unity Church, located at Belden United Methodist Church, located at 36130, Rt. 303, 10:45am
36353 Capel Rd., in Grafton, announces that they are having in Grafton, invites all women to attend their annual Spring Ban- Polly Tallos
their Spring Jubilee May 6-11. quet on Wednesday, May 2, at 6 p.m. Special musical enter- Christian Ed. & Youth Director
Jubilee schedule: tainment will be provided by Rhythm ‘n Rhyme. Each family Rev. David Chafin
Sunday, May 6, at 10 a.m.: Preaching by Jacob Berry and is asked to bring a salad to share. A donation of $3 per per- Interim Minister
Special Singing by Tammy Jones Robinette. son (children under 5 free), payable at the door, is appreciated.
Sunday at 6 p.m.: Preaching by Mike Blanton and Special Reservations are needed by Friday, April 27, by contacting the
Singing by Tammy Jones Robinette. church office at (440) 926-2209.
Monday, May 7, at 7 p.m.: Preaching by Calvin Ray Evans Messy Church
and Special Singing by Mike Blanton & Evidence. “Welcome Home”
Tuesday, May 8, at 7 p.m.: Preaching by Brian Baer and Sunday, May 6, from 4-6 p.m., First United Methodist
Special Singing by Mike Blanton & Evidence. Church of Wellington, 127 Park Place, is introducing a hands- New Life Wesleyan Church
Wednesday, May 9, at 7 p.m.: Preaching by Wayne Snipes on, interactive way to worship as a family, involving story, 11149 West River Rd.
and Special Singing by Julie Snipes. prayer, song, games and a sit-down meal together at tables. Columbia Station
Thursday, May 10, at 7 p.m.: Preaching by Jim McComas People of all ages, adults and children, are welcome. Messy
and Special Singing by The Parsons Family. Church is on the first Sunday of each Month. Everyone is Wel- SUNDAY 9 am
Friday, May 11, at 7 p.m.: Preaching by Lucian Baker and come so please join us for Messy Church. Adult Bible Study
Special Singing by The Parsons Family. SUNDAY 10 am
Free Health Screenings Gentle Woman Fellowship Worship & Children’s Church
Gentle Woman Fellowship, an Inter-Parish group meets on
Mercy Parish Nursing offers free Health Screenings and the first Fridays of the month at Saint Clarence Parish Center, WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm
Narcan Distribution at First United Methodist Church, located located at 30106 Lorain Road, in North Olmsted. Bible Study
at 127 Park Place, in Wellington, on Saturday, May 12, from The Friday, May 4, schedule of activities begins with Youth Group, Kids Club
8-11 a.m. Fasting is encouraged. Take AM meds with water a 9:30 a.m. Pray the Holy Rosary event in the Chapel. Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
if possible. The free screenings include: CMP, Lipids, HgA1c, At 10 a.m., attend Mass followed by coffee or tea and our “May
TSH, PSA (men 40 & over) and Blood pressure and Fitness Crowning” event. At 11:10 a.m., enjoy special speaker Father Rev. John Bodo
Assessment Testing. Ryan Cubera. His ordination was in 2013 and he is in the fifth - Associate Pastor
For more information, please contact the church office at year of the priesthood. Father is Parochial Vicar at Saint Mary 440-236-8600
(440) 647-3263 between the hours of 10 a.m.-1 p.m. of the Falls. Previously he served at Saint Raphael’s in Bay MAY 3
Village. His topic will be “Covenant, God’s Promise.” We will
be exploring God’s promises to us and how they are fulfilled
in Jesus! Our Lady Queen of Peace
All women are welcome! Come and bring a friend! No res-
ervations needed. For more information, contact Mary Hoover Catholic Church
at (440) 330-1698 or Mary Tschanz at (440) 235-6258.
Weekend Masses Weekday
Sat. 4:30pm Mass
FUNERAL HOME & Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance Sun. 8:30 & 8:00am
FAMILY FUNERAL HOME Sat. 3:30- Mon.-Tues.
4:00pm Thurs.-Fri.
Laubenthal -Mercado 36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955 ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
LM Valley City, OH 44280 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy,
Now offering On-site
Cremation Services
it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,
Funeral Home is also
it is not easily angered, it keeps no record
2089 Columbia Road
Handicap Accessible
of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil
Serving Families for over 50 years
but rejoices with the truth.
“Understanding When
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
Needed Most”
always perseveres
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, Pre-Need Planning Available --Corinthians 13:4-7
tion programs in an effort to provide an integrated solutions to RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Page 9
addressing natural resource concerns. Bella seeks loving home
For more information, contact Derrick Harmon, District
[email protected] Conservationist with NRCS at the Lorain SWCD office at
(440) 323-5648 Ext. 3. and dogs and cats can’t catch
Senior Fest New Odyssey: Three guys, it through casual contact ei-
ther. If you have another cat
The Lorain County Office on Aging, Lorain County Pub- Thirty Instruments please check with your vet so
lic Health and WRAAA are presenting Senior Fest 2018, on that you can feel comfortable
adopting an FIV+ cat and
Thursday, April 26, from 1-4 p.m. at the Spitzer Center at Lo- Domiciled around the Chicago, Illinois area, Gary Todd, then come to FAPL and meet
rain County Community College. Michael Jay and Gary Polkow decided in 1978 that the three of Bella.
Senior Fest 2018 is free and will provide tips on improving them would join forces to start a new band ... and what a band
\All cats receive one or
your health, as well as a variety of health screenings, demon- they started! more vaccinations, a basic
strations and door prizes! Entertainment will also be provided With bookings approaching two hundred per year and trav- veterinary examination, are
throughout the day! els that take them all over the country, New Odyssey brings Bella wormed and spayed/neutered
Antique appraisals by Gregg Mazurek will provide free ap- crowds to their feet and audience members leaving the audito-
praisals on one item per person. Debra Rose, a versatile singer, riums saying, “Wow, what a show!” Bella is a beautiful 6-year- and feline leukemia tested.
Kittens under a year old are
will perform your favorite songs. Whether the band is playing for two hundred people at a old purr machine. Her owner $50 and cats over a year are
Attention Veterans: Ohio Veteran’s ID Cards ordered in ad- county fair, local community festival, corporate event, per- abandoned her and this sweet
vance from the Lorain County Recorder’s Office can be picked forming arts centers or a national convention of five thousand, cat’s world was turned up- only $20. All kittens/cats over
3 months old are also mi-
up at Senior Fest. Please call the Lorain County Recorder at three guys and thirty instruments is always a crowd pleaser! side down. She was really cro-chipped.
(440) 329-5148 to get your card processed before April 26. Using their unique style of upbeat showmanship, which shy when she first arrived at If you would like to
For more information, please call (440) 326-4816 or email includes a wide variety of music from the Beatles to Beetho- FAPL and has come such a
Ralph Russini at [email protected]. ven, country to classics, a little audience participation, throw long way. Bella is a lap cat! give Bella a new, loving,
forever home, please call
She is very affectionate and
Residential Shred Day in some humor and people agree, their performances are well so lovable. Bella is FIV+ the Friendship Animal Pro-
worth attending. Their “drum coat” is a must see!
tective League at (440)
Thanks to the Elyria Public Library Foundation’s Board of which is sometimes confused
The Lorain County Board of Commissioners and the Solid Trustees, New Odyssey will make their return to Elyria on May with feline leukemia. It is not 322-4321. (www.Friendshi-
Waste Management District (District) are pleased to announce 5. The show is a fund-raiser for the Foundation, with proceeds feline leukemia. FIV+ cats The shelter is lo-
a residential paper shredding event in partnership with the City used to benefit the Elyria Public Library System. can live normal life spans and cated at 8303 Murray Ridge
of Elyria, for Lorain County residents only. The event will be This will be the last time New Odyssey will perform in it is not contagious for people Road, in Elyria.
held on Saturday, April 28, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Elyria Elyria. After forty years of travel and entertaining, the 3 guys
City Hall parking lot. Enter the parking lot from Second Street, and their 30 instruments will retire at the end of the year. Layla seeks loving home
east of West Avenue. Purchase tickets at:
The shredding event may end sooner than 2 p.m. if the New Odyssey website: Layla is a 3-year-old fe-
trucks are full. Residents are asked to bring their sensitive doc- male Rottweiler/Shepherd
uments only for destruction. Metro Parks Murder Mystery Dinner mix. Layla weighs 45 lbs. and
• No credit cards, plastic or medical images will be accepted. is spayed and current on her
• Please remove all large metal binder clips or three ring Friends of the Metro Parks of Lorain County present their vaccines. Layla was rescued
binders. 13th annual Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre “A Killer in the from a home where the peo-
If you can’t attend the shred event at Elyria City Hall, bring Kitchen,” by Paula Hinton. The event is on Friday and Satur- ple were not taking care of
your residential documents, to the Collection Center located at day, May 11 & 12, and Friday, May 18. Saturday, May 19 is her and she’s been at Friend-
540 South Abbe Road in Elyria, for shredding. Lorain County sold out. Dinner seating begins at 6:30 p.m. and dinner is at 7 ship APL since the middle of
residents only can drop off their sensitive personal documents p.m. Tickets are $30 per individual or $58 per couple. Group February. Upon rescue, she
on the days that the center is open Monday & Wednesday, 12-6 rates are available. For reservations or additional information, had health issues and spent
p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. please call (216) 544-3865. The event is at the Carlisle Visitor a lot of time going back and
For more information regarding the District and all of its Center, located at 12882 Diagonal forth between the vet clinic
programs, please contact the District Director of the Lorain and the shelter. She’s now a Layla
County Solid Waste Management District at (440) 329-5442. Elyria Arts Council events healthy girl that is looking couch. She has a soft brown
forward to a fresh start with
SWCD Workgroup meeting Upcoming Events ing is power and The Elyria a new family. Layla is playful coat and an adorable face.
If you’d like to meet Lay-
Longtime Local Artists Arts Council is dedicated and friendly and will make an la, please visit or call Elyria
The Lorain Soil & Water Conservation District will conduct David Pavlak and Megan to building a powerful and awesome family pet. Layla is Friendship APL at (440) 322-
a Local Workgroup (LGW) meeting on Tuesday, April 24, at Rowe will host a joint retro- thriving community through more than ready to get out of 4321.
8 a.m. to identify resource concerns, discuss conservation pri- spective of their lives in Art. the Arts. her cage and onto someone’s
orities and develop potential solutions. The meeting will take The exhibition is called “100
place at the Agricultural Center, located at 42110 Russia Rd., in Years of Art” and will cover
Elyria, in the large meeting room. both artist’s growth and de-
The meeting is open to the general public, who are invited velopment with works from
to participate and provide input on local conservation issues all stages of their careers.
and resource challenges. LWG’s support local led conservation Join us for the Opening Night
efforts by coordinating USDA programs with other conserva- Gala on Saturday, April 21,
at the Elyria Arts Council, at
336 Broad Street, from 6-9
April 25 p.m. It will be a night of food,
fellowship and wonderful
is Art. Fund-raisers
Administrative holding a Soup & Salad Bar
The Elyria Arts Council is
Professional Lunch Fund-raiser on April
27, from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Day Come enjoy a salad, a cup
of homemade soup, bread
Keep in touch with your community and dessert. Pre-event tick-
ets are $8 per person or $9 at
Visit: the door. All proceeds go to
purchase a kiln and supplies
for the Potter’s Guild and the
Kid’s Art Drop-In and Pottery
classes. Tickets are available
at the Elyria Arts Council on
Thursdays, Fridays, and Sat-
urdays from 11 a.m.-4 p.m.,
or call (440) 328-3025.
Ongoing Events
Stop in and visit the Com-
munity Bookshelf. In order
by Custom Exteriors to promote reading skills and
Any Window, Anywhere! literacy for all ages, the Com-
munity Bookshelf is a free
service provide by the Book
All Types of Window & Door Wizard at the Elyria Arts
Council. Stop in and take a
Replacements Available book. You can keep it, pass
it on or bring something else
Better Windows back to take its place. Read-
Better Prices
Better Installation
Tickets $20, available at
For more info call 440-309-7138
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Eaton Township has a curfew between Midnight-5 a.m., per 4, immediately following ets are $16 for adults and $10
Resolution 90-413. the performance. Audiences for children under the age of
Reminder: Transient vendors & solicitors must have a per- are invited to enjoy compli- 18. The French Creek Theatre
[email protected] mit (by Eaton Town hall) to go door to door in our township; mentary refreshments along- Box Office is open from 10
residents are instructed to contact the Sheriff’s dept. for all vi- side the show’s creative team a.m.-6 p.m. daily and is locat-
Veterans Memorial olations. in French Creek’s multi-use ed at 4530 Colorado Ave., in
room adjacent to Pijor The-
Sheffield Village. Tickets can
Veterans (living or deceased) in Eaton Township (for at least
Committee meeting 1 year of their life) that would like their name to be engraved atre. be purchased online by visit-
on our Veterans Memorial Wall/Bench, should contact the town
Performances are Fridays
The next meeting of the Eaton Township Veterans Memorial hall at (440) 748-2236. Cost is $50. and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. atre.php or call the box office
at (440) 949-5200, ext. 221.
and Sundays at 3 p.m. Tick-
Committee will be Saturday, April 28, 2018 at 10 a.m. at Eaton 4/25 at 7 p.m. - Zoning Commission Public Hearing on
Township’s town hall. The Memorial Day Service at Butternut Zoning Amendment ZA-2017-03—Article 6; 7:15p.m. - Spe- Edwards Mobile Mower Repair
Ridge Cemetery will be discussed as well as the memorial’s cial meeting on Re-zoning of ZA-2018-02 for Woods at Eaton
maintenance. Anyone interested is welcome. housing subdivision on Cooley Rd & other zoning issues. “Let us come to you”
The committee is asking for volunteers to help clean the 4/28 at 9 a.m. - Saturday Trustee work session to discuss
bench of the Veterans Memorial at Butternut Ridge Cemetery. budget, comp & sick time, purchase requisitions, Secretary sal- Self-Propelled Mowers & Riders • Sevice, Parts & Repair
Because of the memorial’s location under trees and next to ary vs hourly & personnel policy. Get Ready for Spring!
the road, bird droppings, leaves and grime accumulate on the 4/28 at 10 a.m. - Veterans Memorial Committee meeting.
bench, and a weekly light cleaning is needed to insure the me- 5/1 at 7:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Bi-Monthly meeting. Free Pick-up & Delivery within 25 mile radius
morial is respectfully presentable. A bucket of water and broom 5/2 at 7 p.m. Zoning Commission monthly meeting. Offer expires April 30, 2018
is all that is necessary for cleaning. Scouts, clubs or individuals 5/3 at 7 p.m. - EENW—Eaton Estates Neighborhood Watch
wishing to donate their time once or on a monthly basis can meeting at Town Hall.
contact the town hall for further information. We are looking 5/5 from 8-4 p.m. Eaton dumpster days. 440-315-8855
for volunteer help from mid-June through mid-November. 5/9 at 7 p.m. Public Hearing - Zoning Commission Special “38 years of doing it right”
Eaton Township news meeting regarding rezoning of Beavercreek & other zoning is-
5/13 - Mother’s Day. Eaton Township Dumpster Days
Please note our Compost Center is now closed until spring! 5/15 - 7:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Bi-Monthly meeting.
Please contact our office at (440) 748-2236 or secretary@ 5/19 - 10 a.m. - Veterans Memorial Committee meeting. (FOR EATON TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS ONLY) to request a Resident Packet with links to 5/22 at 7 p.m. - Zoning Training at New Russia Twp. May 5, 2018 8 am to 4 pm
Resources in the County/Township. 5/26 at 9 a.m. - Flag decorating of veterans’ graves at But-
Please visit our Facebook page for info. daily at www.face- ternute Ridge Cemetery. Eaton Town Hall (Use Belden Road entrance) 5/27 at 1 p.m. - Memorial Day Service—Butternut Ridge
Local Eaton Twp. Businesses (retail & at-home) should con- Cemetery. YOU CAN BRING
tact the secretary to be listed in our Business Listing Location for all calendar items is 12043 Avon Belden Rd.,
Township Hall Rentals: $50/Hall rental for Eaton Town- unless noted otherwise. All are invited to attend. Residential Rubbish: Reed Salvage:
ship Residents and $75 for non-residents; lots of open dates! • Furniture • Batteries
• Aluminum
• Appliances
Call the Secretary to schedule your family or work party! ($100 French Creek Theatre presents... • Miscellaneous • Iron • Steel
cleaning deposit) All non-profits that serve the youth of Ea-
ton Township get free hall rentals (examples: 4-H, Girl Scouts, French Creek Theatre cel- dissatisfied, Treves begins to No Household Hazardous Waste, Oil or Tires
School Groups). ebrates the arrival of spring question his own altruistic DO NOT BRING:
Did you know the Township will allow you to “borrow” 7
tables/24 chairs to use for a party. Call the Township to reserve and the earth’s renewal with pursuits. Achingly poignant • Commercial waste • TV’s/ Computers & electronic waste
the story of a man experienc-
and poetic, discover our
it at (440) 748-2236! (must be an Eaton Twp. resident) ing his own spiritual rebirth. shared humanity with “The • Tires • Explosives, firearms & fireworks
Residential lock boxes & mailbox reflective signs are avail- • Fluorescent bulbs • Containerized drums/unknown waste
able at the town hall office. “The Elephant Man,” by Ber- Elephant Man.” • Roofing materials • Construction & demolition debris
nard Pomerance, continues
Pijor Hall is remarkable
Reminder: Notary services are complimentary for Eaton Eaton Township Compost Site
Township residents. the French Creek 2017/2018 for its modest capacity of 70 EatonTown Hall, 12043 Avon Belden Rd. will be open.
season in Pijor Theatre. Win-
seats, promoting a special
ner of the Tony, Drama Desk bond between audience and • Bring brush, leaves and grass clippings to the Compost Site
and New York Drama Critic’s actor. It is handicap accessi- during Dumpster Days
Remember the Candy Barmber the Candy Bar Circle awards for Best Play in ble and equipped with assis- • The paper bin will be open to leave newspapers, magazines
its premiere year, “The Ele-
tive listening devices.
en You Need a Car
When You Need a Car phant Man” plays May 4-20. French Creek Theatre & cardboard.
In 1886, a horrifically
Ask for GARY HEATHor GARY HEATHGARY HEATH deformed sideshow attrac- continues its tradition of • The Fire Dept. will accept bags of clean alumninum
beverage cans only.
honoring the work of its ac-
And Get a FREEnd Get a FREE tion named John Merrick is tors and crew with an Open- Watch The Rural-Urban Record under the Eaton News for
taken in by a young English ing Night Reception on May exact locations for the County Wide Tire Collection.
6-Pack-Pack surgeon named Frederick
Treves. As Treves endeavors
4 to civilize him by introduc-
ing him to London’s elite,
Merrick dreams of being like
other men. But when manners
and propriety leave Merrick
Address: 12043 Avon Belden rd, Grafton Ohio 44044 Tel: 440-748-2236
(behind the service garage and fire dept)
EATON ESTATES RESIDENTS From April to November (call office for specific effective 4/14/2018)
Open SATURDAYS ONLY from 10am-4pm (no exceptions)
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH GROUP This service is for Eaton Township Residents only.
BEING FORMED You will be responsible for unloading your materials yourself.
You can deposit branches, brush, leaves, and grass clippings.
The Eaton Township Trustees and the Lorain County Sheriff’s Office are asking (branches should be no more that 6-8 inches in diameter—no logs, railroad ties or
residents of Eaton Estates Housing Development to attend a public meeting at Eaton lumber will be accepted)
Town hall @ 12043 Avon Belden rd, Grafton Oh on Thursday May 3rd, 2018 at If grass and leaves are in plastic bags, they must be removed before you leave.
7:00p.m. This meeting will assist residents in forming a watch group Any other materials will be rejected.
in that community.
At Attractive Kitchen & Floors, we can make
your kitchen and flooring dreams come true!
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*20+ Colors and Styles to choose from. *7 Colors and Styles to choose from. *In-stock carpet only, while supplies last.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Page 11
Stop in & Experience one of our
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34981 ROYALTON ROAD, NORTH EATON Please call 440-748-3751 For Advanced Special Orders 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
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$ 99
Juicy Clementines 3 IGA Canned 3/$ 2 2 Liter 5/$ 5
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3 lb. Bag
Imported Sweet
Assorted Varieties $ 99 Assorted Varieties $ 69 1%, 2%, or Skim $ 19
8 Pack, 20 oz. 4 Kraft Dressing 1 Gallon 2
16 oz.
Gatorade IGA Milk
Italian Bread
16 oz.
6.2 - 7.7 lb. $ 99 48 oz. 3/$ Amish Valley $ 99
IGA Charcoal or 3 Ruggles 10 or Corned Beef 5
Roast Beef
Instant Light Ice Cream lb.
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018
Come and enjoy piñata’s, maracas, sombreros, serapes and a lax while listening to short stories and poetry read by library
get together with friends. Wear your best fiesta shirt or a som- staff. Share in the follow up discussion. Coffee and tea will be
brero to do the Mexican Hat dance! Thank you to Fiesta Jala- provided. For ages 18 and older.
Baby and Me Story Time - Mondays, May 7 & 14, from
[email protected] peno for their donation of chips and salsa, The AbbeWood for 10:15-10:35 a.m. Stories, music and finger plays for babies
sponsoring the entertainment and South of the Square for their
contribution toward the event. from birth to 23 months, and their caregivers.
Browser’s® Reading Buddies - Saturday, May 5, from
Garden Club of North Ridgeville Football League sign-ups 10:30-11:30 a.m. Browser’s® Reading Buddies is a relaxed,
dog friendly program where first through fifth graders sit and
The Garden Club of North Ridgeville will meet on May 8, The North Ridgeville Football League is holding early sign- read with a certified Therapy Dog International canine volun-
at 6 p.m. at the Sandy Ridge Reservation, located at 6195 Otten ups at the North Ridgeville Library on Saturday, April 28, be- teer for a 15 minute session. Call the library at (440) 327 8326
Road, in North Ridgeville. Their speaker for the evening will tween 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. There will be a $10 discount to register.
be Matt Kocsis from the Lorain County Metroparks and his for signing up early. Cost per football player will be $95 and Library 15th Anniversary Open House - Saturday, May 5,
program will be about Lorain County Metroparks and Gardens. cheerleaders will be $85. They have the Flag division for ages from 1-4 p.m. Celebrate the 15th anniversary of the opening
Our Spring Plant Sale will be on May 19, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 6-8 (wearing helmets and uniforms), Junior Tackle division for of the North Ridgeville Library in the building on Bainbridge
by the Dollar Tree at the Giant Eagle Plaza on Center Ridge ages 9-10, and a Senior Tackle division for ages 11-13. They Road. The Open House will include music, stories, displays
Road in North Ridgeville. This will be a great opportunity get will play a schedule of 10 games playing 11 on 11. All of our and refreshments and the public is invited to attend. 2018 also
perennial plants at reasonable prices. For information on the coaches are background checked as well as complying with marks 60 years since the library first opened in North Rid-
garden club or plant sale, call (440) 365-8522. Concussion Training. Cheerleaders are ages 5-12 and wear full geville. Preregistration not required.
The North Ridgeville Library is located at 35700 Bainbridge
North Ridgeville Historical Society uniforms. For more information, please contact Bob Miscuda Road, in North Ridgeville. For more information, or to register
at (216) 598-7662.
The North Ridgeville Historical Society will join forces Senior Center Women’s Brunch for programs, call (440) 327-8326.
with the North Ridgeville Fire Department on May 12 to offer a
treat for local history lovers! The museum at the Old Town Hall North Ridgeville Senior Center welcomes Susan Cannavino VALLEY CITY
and the Fire Museum next door will both be open from 9 a.m.-3 of “Presentations with Pizazz” with a program “Eleanor Roo-
p.m. as part of the “Discover the Ridge” event. Visitors will be sevelt: More Than a Woman” at the Women’s Brunch on April VISION CENTER
able to revisit over 70 years of firefighting history, see a display 26, from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
of local veterans, view school artifacts and much more. The The Program is from 11-11:30 a.m. You are cordially invit- FAMILY VISION
Historical Society will offer many items for sale from their se- ed to explore this incredible woman’s role and relationship to
cret stash, including collectible calendars from previous years, the women in her life. They provide valuable insight into this CENTER
school Aristocrats from various years and a few yearbooks! accomplished woman who continues to amaze.
Also available will be the collectible medallions and the new The Women’s Brunch is open to senior women 55 years and 6621 Center Road
school history book. From 11 a.m.-1 p.m. a $5 hot dog lunch older. Join them for conversation and friendship while learning Valley City
will be offered. Both museums share a parking lot at 36119 about special interests and/or entertainment! The brunch is a Dr. Norma Jesse, J
Center Ridge. Bring the whole family! hot entrée, fruit cup and juice and coffee all for $3, served from Optometrist 330-483-4035
10:30-11:30 a.m. Reservations must be called in by 10 a.m.,
Mexican Fiesta “OLAY!” Tuesday, April 24 to the Senior Center at (440) 353-0828. WE CARRY A OUTSIDE
at the Senior Center North Ridgeville Library FULL LINE OF PRESCRIPTIONS
The North Ridgeville Senior Center is going south of the Book Sale - Thursday, April 26, from 5-8 p.m.; Friday, April GLASSES WELCOME
border on Friday, May 4, from 12-2 p.m. by hosting a Mexican 27, from 10 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.; Saturday, April 28, from 10 a.m.- Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon
Fiesta for a fun afternoon of food, music and friendship. The 5:30 p.m. and Sunday, April 29, from 1-4:30 p.m. Admission Closed Sun & Wed
Fiesta begins at Noon with a taco bar, virgin margarita’s, chips to the book sale preview of a large assortment of books, mov-
& salsa and Mexican music, games and fun for your enjoy- ies, puzzles and music for all ages is reserved for members of
ment! Cost for the event is $5 and reservations are required. For The Friends of the North Ridgeville Branch Library, Inc. New
reservations, call the Senior Center at (440) 353-0828. members may join, or former members may renew their annual
Entertainment for the event is Victor Samalot, an Acoustic memberships that evening.
Guitarist. Victor will entertain us with Latin and Mexican mu- After Breakfast Adult Morning Book Discussion “The
sic. Victor switched from electric to acoustic guitar and called Lemon Tree” by Sandy Tolan - Wednesday, May 2, from 10:30-
upon his Latin roots but kept his fusion of Jazz and Rock. Some 11:30 p.m. Copies of the book being discussed this month are
of Victor’s guitar influences are Carlos Santana, Jeff Beck, Ott- available at the adult information desk. New members are wel-
mar Liebert and Jose Feliciano, just to name a few. come.
This event is open to seniors 55 years of age and older, so A Literary Lunch Break Story Time For Grown Ups -
join them for a festive afternoon that you won’t want to miss! Thursday, May 3, from 12:30- 1:30 p.m. Bring a lunch and re-
SPRING SPECIAL Limited time &
Delivery area.
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Page 13
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Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018
Jones, Alexandra Justice, Marissa Keener, Titus Kehl, Avery phylogeography, a field that compares the geographic patterns
Kendall, Grace Kendall, Sydney Kimble, Landon Klemm, of genetic variation among populations of a species with those
James Knapp, Trevor Kubal, Olivia Lamb, Sophia Laux, Oliv- of other species occupying the same habitat. He is also respon-
ia Lennerth, Nicholas Linden, Troy Linden, Katie Linebrink, sible for the Museum’s collection of over 30,000 avian speci-
[email protected] Ryan Lloyd, Thomas Lockyer, Logan Lowery, James Lunn, men’s from Ohio and Western North America.
Eli McConoughey, Lucas McMullen, Julianna Menges, De- This program is free to the public and sponsored by the
LaGrange Township News clan Merrill, Ryan Michnicki, Anderson Miller, Grace Miller, Black River Audubon Society. For more information on pro-
Mary Miller, Brooklyn Modock, Gaige Monhart, Blake Moore,
grams, volunteering or becoming a member, please visit www.
Brooklyn Moore, Kennedy Moore, Dane Morgan, Sienna and don’t forget to LIKE them on Face-
Meeting date - The next regular meeting of the Township Nagy, Kailey Nestor, Noah Newton, Vincent Ni, Ethaniel Nor- book!
Trustees will be held on April 30, 2018 at 7 p.m. ris, Brayson O’Boyle, Brohden O’Boyle, Lauren Ody, Shane
Brush Chipping - The township personnel will be chipping Ohl, Tatum Ortiz, Danica Parks, Ariel Payton, Caleb Pierce, Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast
brush now through the fall on the second and fourth Monday Aurora Polosky, Brandon Prochaska, Charlotte, Pruneda, Brent
of the month. Please call (440) 355-5141 and leave a message Reed, Hayden Rider, Mason Rowan, Luke Runion, Karson Boy Scout Troop #118 is having it’s annual Mother’s Day
with your address. No trees or stumps over six inches in diam- Saxton, Adalyn Schmitt, Kaleb Scott, Brooke Senghas, Bent- Pancake Breakfast, on Sunday, May 13, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at
eter will be chipped. ley Skaggs, Zachary Skomrock, Mallory Skvor, Lydia Slone, Lagrange Lions Park, located at 240 Glendale Street, in La-
Sign up for Lorain County Emergency Alert System! Melody Smith, Ryann Smith, Tyler Sparks, Brenna Spears, grange. Come and enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes, eggs, sau-
As a reminder to all township residents, the fire siren is used Megan Stang, Mia Stefan, Michael Sudina, Ethan Tansey, sage, juice and coffee. Donations for adults/$6; children 3-12/
only as a notification to fire personnel of an existing fire call. Malcolm Tansey, Jackson Teiberis, Eli Thacker, Kali Tipple, $5 and 2 and under are free. We will also have a silent auction
It also warns local traffic to be aware of emergency vehicles Ava Todd, Gavin Toothman, Zaiden Topete, Liam Tran, Eliza- and basket raffles.
leaving the station enroute to a call. To be notified of any local beth Trimble, Joshua Truss, Emily Turner, Briana Tuttle, Riley Hospice Volunteer
emergencies directly to your home or cell phone please go to VanTilburg, Kylie Ventura, Ava Vidra, Addison Walker, Devin
our website and sign up for the Emergency Alert System. It is Walker, Liam Walsh, Ashleigh Walter, Brayden Walter, Reece Education Series
free to all residents. Ward, Adrianna Weaver, Logan Webb, Tucker Webb, Brenner
Dumpster Day - LaGrange Township Trustees will be Weisbarth, Myiah Whitney, Alexander Willi, Zachary Willi,
holding Dumpster Day on May 12, from 7 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Aleaha Williamson, Amme Wilson, Carter Wittlinger, Pey- Hospice of the Western Reserve is seeking volunteers to as-
Township Garage on Pleasant Street. Vehicles should enter off ton Woolum, Morgan Wysocki, Addison Yates, Pierson Yea- sist in private residences, nursing homes, assisted living com-
of Route 303. Please, no tires, brush, oil, flammable liquids, ger, Dylan Younglas, Ryan Younglas, Alyssa Yunker, Jameson munities, their three Hospice House locations and hospital set-
paint or construction materials. Appliances must have the Fre- Yuronich, Michelle Zheng, David Zuckerman. tings. As a vital part of Hospice of the Western Reserve’s team,
on removed. volunteers come from all walks of life and have a variety of
Garage Sale Weekend - June 21, 22 and 23. No permits are skills, talents and abilities. Opportunities to serve are diverse:
required in the township during these days. Please take down visit patients and families to provide companionship, socializa-
all signs following your sale! tion and comfort; help with legacy work, transportation, light
Cemetery Clean-up - Please remove any winter decora- This has been a busy week at Keystone as state testing is in housework and meal preparation; run errands; make phone
tions that you wish to keep to clear the area for mowing season. full swing. I would like to thank our teachers and our students calls; help with clerical work; attend health fairs; or make pre-
Items left that are in poor condition will be disposed of. For a for their diligence in preparing for these challenging assess- sentations. Volunteers with specialized professional qualifica-
list of regulations please visit our website. ments. tions and training are also needed, such as attorneys, licensed
Please visit the LaGrange Township website at http://www. I would like to congratulate two of our outstanding Key- hair dressers, massotherapists and pet therapy dogs and their stone High School/Lorain County Joint Vocational Students. handlers.
The next series of volunteer classes will be held at Hospice
Submitted by Roberta Moore, Fiscal Officer Junior Alexis Kaspar and senior Ciarra Thompson were recent- of the Western Reserve, 2173 N. Ridge Road E., in Lorain,
KHS Baseball fund-raiser ly inducted into the JVS National Technical Honor Society. on Mondays and Wednesdays, May 14, 16, 21 and 23, from
In upcoming events, the KES PTA’s Wildcat Carnival will
take place on Saturday, April 28, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at KES. 5:30-9:30 p.m. Non-clinical volunteers attend only the first
The Keystone High School Baseball program is selling raf- Presale tickets are $10 per family or $15 on the day of the event. four hours on May 14, while most other volunteers attend all
fle tickets for a chance to win custom made cornhole boards The event includes games, prizes, bounce houses, balloon art- classes. Pre-registration is required. For more information,
and bags. These unique, full-size boards light up for nighttime ist, face painting and more. At an additional cost, concessions, or to register, call the volunteer team at (216) 255-9090. It is
play, have a scorekeeper and lock together for ease of transport- sandy candy, slime, photobooth and raffle baskets will also be required to wait 12 months after experiencing a significant loss
ing and storage. Tickets are $2 a chance, $5 for 3 tickets and available. Cash and credit cards are accepted at the event. Nav- before volunteering directly with patients.
$10 for 7 chances. Drawing will be held this spring and winner igate to our website to view and print the ticket order form.
does not need to be present to win. Please contact Sharon Belk- Franco Gallo, Keystone Superintendent
nap for your chance to win at (440) 666-4097. (440) 355-2424 [email protected]
KES Honor Roll Black River Audubon JACK MATIA
Zoey Abrams, Jaxon Agurkis, Ava Alicea, Mason Alicea, May Migration Program
Demetri Anagnostos, Malenna Andel, Ava Armitage, Madison New & Used
Askew, Nevaeh Bailey, Emerie Banks, Macie Banks, Brooklyn The Black River Audubon Society is pleased to present Dr. Cars
Barber, Rylin Barrett, Hope Baynes, Alexis Beatty, Adalyn Bel- Andy Jones and his program, “Migration All Around Us: How 440-366-5501
tran, Sabrina Bilyj, Addison Boggs, Jack Bolton, Claire Bores, Birds Navigate the Americas,” on May 1, at 7 p.m. at the Car- Steve Moore
Liam Bores, Morgan Bores, Teegan Budyka, Jade Burba, Avery lisle Reservation Visitor Center, located at 12882 Nickle Plate 823 Leona St., Elyria
Bush, Patrick Cahill, Kelly Campbell, Amajyn Cannon, Vivian Diagonal Road, in LaGrange.
Cassell, Brynn Clanin, Mia Clarico, Weston Clark, Charlotte For some five billion individual birds, a trip to Central or New and Certifi ed Hondas
Colman, Gavin Coughlin, Mali Cromer, Isabella Deuley, Del- South America from North America is an essential and stun- All Models - Used Cars
aney DeVore, Luke DeVore, Jennifer Dickens, Colton Dodrill, ning annual accomplishment. Why do birds undertake this gru- Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5
Jackson Domec, Austin Duta, Emory Fedor, Kylie Fife, Hannah eling trip? How do they find their way to wintering grounds
Fletcher, Charlotte Galvin, Donovan Galvin, Natalie Gardner, they have never seen before? Dr. Jones details how ornitholo-
Lillian Gerbasi, Noah Goodnight, Kinsley Goran, Liam Goran, gists study the phenomenon of migration.
Matthew Gordon, Aralyn Gould, Alexander Grace, Hayden Dr. Andy Jones, who is the Curator of Ornithology at the SUPPORT OUR TROOPS
Graham, Kyriana Grahn, Reed Grams, Reese Greller, Chase Cleveland Museum of Natural History, is an expert on birds
Grimmett, Clara Grimmett, Marley Groesser, Bobby Gurich, and their evolutionary history. He specializes in comparative
Blake Hagerman, Brendan Hagerman, Gabriella Hagerman,
Delaney Herbert, Andrew Hetsler, Lydia Holcomb, Eastin
Hohmann, Tatum Holzhauer, Ava Holztrager, Gabriel Homza,
Eleonora Hoops, Lillian Horner, Jessica Hunkley, Kyle Hurley, Keep your construction
Baen Hurst, Bryce Hurst, Makenzie Jackson, Diane Jacques,
Addyson Jewell, Alyssa Johnson, Connor Johnson, Logan
project on track with
Johnson, Niomii Johnson, Carter Jones, David Jones, Reilly
John Deere lease options.
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Page 15
Medina County Park District Healthy Strides combines a brief, informative talk by a Cleve- Wednesday, May 16:
Healthy Strides - Hubbard Valley Park, from 9-10 a.m.
Wednesday, May 2: land Clinic physician or caregiver and a casual one-to-three Mandala Playshop for Kids - The Lodge at Allardale,
Nature Through the Seasons - Chippewa Inlet Trail South mile walk. Topics change each week based on the leader’s spe- from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Mandala comes from the Sanskrit word
located on Chippewa Road west of Lake Road, from 10-11 a.m. cialty and suggestions from participants. All members of the meaning “circle” and represents wholeness, balance, integra-
The Nature Through the Seasons series consists of easy walks community are welcome. Ages ten to adult. No registration tion, and beauty. Jo Oklessen will teach you to create mandalas
that explore our different parks while observing the unfolding required. Free. in mindful expression: a hand mandala using colored pencils
of nature throughout the seasons. These hikes also count to- Migratory Bird Banding - Wolf Creek Environmental Cen- and a nature mandala using objects from the natural world.
ward the Natural Discoveries program, an award-based hiking ter, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Bird banding is a scientific research There will be an intro about types of mandalas and a relaxation/
series. Visit the park district website for details about the pro- method that studies bird behavior and movements and provides visualization exercise to prepare and center us for our artistic,
gram. Ages 7 to adult. No registration required. Free. us with valuable information about avian populations and mi- meditative, and creative experience. Ages 9 to 16. Register
Saturday, May 5: gratory patterns. The data collected through bird banding is May 15. Free.
85th Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks - River Styx critical to identify contributing factors affecting populations Saturday, May 19:
Park, at 7:30 a.m. Watch as migrating spring birds return or in both winter and summer habitats and the establishment of 85th Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks - River Styx Park,
travel through to their summer breeding grounds during the needed conservation efforts. Join licensed bird banders Gary at 7:30 a.m. All ages are welcome. No registration required.
85th Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks. Spring Bird Walks and Jill Fowler at Wolf Creek to learn more about the signifi- Free.
are cosponsored by Cleveland Metroparks, Audubon Society cance of bird banding and see how it is done. Please note that CAA Presents: How to Use Your Own Telescope! - Letha
of Greater Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, bird banding is weather variable and may not be done if it is House Park West, from 8-11 p.m. Do you have a telescope
Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society, Geauga Park District, raining or snowing. Signs will be posted at Wolf Creek to let gathering dust because you don’t know how to use it? Come
Hiram College, Holden Arboretum, Lake Metroparks, Medina you know if bird banding is occurring and to direct you to the early and kick off the summer stargazing season with members
County Park District, and the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes. banding location (new location for spring). All ages are wel- of Cuyahoga Astronomical Association who will be on hand
Medina County Park District walks are led by experienced come. No registration required. Free. to show you how to use your own telescope to view the night
birders and will be held every Saturday at 7:30 a.m. through Mandala Playshop for Adults - Wolf Creek Environmental sky. First come, first served. Ages 6 to adult. No registration
May 19. All ages are welcome. No registration required. Free. Center - 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. Mandala comes from the Sanskrit required. Free.
Hiking for the Health of It - Hubbard Valley Park, from word meaning “circle” and represents wholeness, balance, K-9 Kapers - Killbuck Lakes, from 10-11 a.m. K-9 Kapers
9-11 a.m. This is a hiking club for those who can hike four-to- integration, and beauty. Jo Oklessen will teach you to create provides dog owners with an opportunity to socialize their pets
five miles at a brisk pace. Walking trails can be mildly strenu- mandalas in mindful expression: a hand mandala using colored with other dogs. These alternative hikes will interest both the
ous with a limited amount being off trail. Please dress for the pencils and a nature mandala using objects from the natural dog and its owner while offering exercise and fun. All dogs
weather, and be sure to have appropriate footwear. Ages 10 to world. There will be an intro about types of mandalas and a re- must have an accompanying adult and eight-foot leash (non-re-
adult. No registration required. Free. laxation/visualization exercise to prepare and center us for our tractable). Participants must maintain control of their dogs at
Sunday, May 6: artistic, meditative, and creative experience. Ages 16 to adult. all times. We recommend bringing a towel for muddy feet and
Nature Rocks! - Wolf Creek Environmental Center, from Register by May 11. Free. a water bowl. All ages are welcome. No registration required.
2-4 p.m. Join OSU Extension and Master Gardener Volunteers Saturday, May 12 and Sunday, May 13 Free.
for this spring children’s workshop. Children will experience Wonderful World of Warblers - Susan Hambley Nature Sat., May 19 and Sun., May 20:
nature’s wonders with fun and educational activities where they Center - 12 to 5 p.m. Warblers are one of the most fascinat- Wonderful World of Warblers - Susan Hambley Nature
will learn about a butterfly’s life cycle; how to identify common ing birds of Northeast Ohio. They are tiny, very energetic, and Center, from 12-5 p.m. See 5/12 program listing for a program
Ohio butterflies and the plants that attract them; identify native brightly colored but are easy to miss. They fly thousands of description.
and nonnative plants through a fun scavenger hunt; and paint miles during migration. Some species stay in Ohio to nest while Sunday, May 20:
a colorful, happy sun-catcher. Children will also receive polli- others travel farther north to Canada. Learn about the lives of Kitchen Gardens - Wolf Creek Environmental Center, from
nator plant seeds to plant at home! Space is limited. Pre-reg- warblers and enjoy crafts and other activities. All ages are wel- 2-4 p.m. Learn how to create a kitchen garden for easy access
istration is required. No walk-Ins, please. To register, contact come. No registration required. Free. to fresh salad greens, vegetables, herbs, and colorful flowers to
Ashley Kulhanek at 330-725-4911 Ext. 106 or kulhanek.5@ Sunday, May 13 brighten your table. Get started with a make-and-take herb con- Ages 6 to 12. There is a $6 fee per participant. Natural Discoveries Hiking Series: Songbirds - River Styx tainer garden to take home with you! All supplies are provided.
Tuesday, May 8: Park - 3 to 4 p.m. Natural Discoveries is a series of free na- Pre-registration and payment are required by May 11. Contact
Creative Concoctions for Preschoolers - Krabill Shelter, ture-themed programs designed for ages seven to adult. Partic- Linda or Mary at 330-722-9316 or [email protected].
from 10-11 a.m. or 1-2 p.m. Our younger park friends are in- ipants in the program who complete certain hike requirements Ages 13 to adult. There is a $20 program fee.
vited to create mysterious mixtures and make marvelous mess- are eligible to receive awards. See the Natural Discoveries link Thurs., May 24 or Fri., May 25:
es in this fun, hands-on discovery program. Come experiment on the park district website for award details. River Styx Park Tales for Tots - Krabill Shelter, from 10-11 a.m. or 1- 2 p.m.
with combinations of ordinary ingredients to create something has a longstanding history of being a favorite for migratory Animal tails come in many shapes and sizes, and each one has
fun. All supplies are provided; come dressed for mess! Ages 3 songbirds. Join us for a hike through the fields and forests of its own job. Learn how animals use their tails through a story, a
to 6. Register between April 19 and May 7. Free. the park in search of these beautiful birds. Bring your favorite craft, and fun activities. For ages 3 to 6 with an adult compan-
Saturday, May 12: binoculars and field guide. (Some will be available to borrow.) ion. Some or all of the program will be held outdoors; please
85th Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks - River Styx Park, Ages 7 to adult. No registration required. Free. dress accordingly. Register between April 26 and May 23. Free.
at 7:30 a.m. All ages are welcome. No registration required. Please register for programs online at www.medinacoun-
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 ing options. this fall. A motion was made
Fund-raiser for local girl Deputy Northeim reported to accept the LC Consortium
that the mud on Foster Rd. is by-laws by Trustee Gordon,
There will be a benefit night for Morgan Lehmkuhl at being cleaned up. seconded by Trustee Johnson.
[email protected] Fort’s Tavern, in downtown, Wellington on Monday, April Roadman Bill Albrecht Conrad advised that the clar-
30, from 5-9 p.m. (dine in or carry out). Please come out reported that he had a dis- ification from the LC Engi-
and join us as we raise money to help Morgan with her fight cussion w/a resident regard- neer’s office was that anyone
Historical Society fund-raiser against Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. There will be basket raffles, ing water on the roadway on that bids a project would pay
a gift card tree and lottery ticket tree raffle and 50/50. Any-
Jones Rd. Trustee Gordon
the $50 fee for plans. Con-
The Penfield Historical Society will host a clothing drive one interested in donating a basket, gift card or lottery tick- will re-inspect. rad reported that Lagrange
on Saturday, May 19, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. in the back parking ets, please contact Connie Frenk (440) 213-6656. Trustee Gordon reported Township would draw up an
lot of the Penfield Township Hall, located at 41012 State Route Morgan is a seventh grader at McCormick Middle that there is an issue w/Jones agreement pertaining to the
18, in Wellington. Cloth items as well as shoes, purses, dishes, School who was diagnosed February 14 with stage four Rd. west of Rt. 301. The shared maintenance of Web-
kitchenware, jewelry, small children’s toys and games, knick Hodgkin’s. roadway seems to be collaps- ster Rd. The correct format
knacks, bedding, books, CD’s and DVD’s will be accepted. ing and needs to be inspect- for this per Jerry Innes of
Please enclose all items in a box or a bag. The PHS will receive ed. He advised that a post is the LC Prosecutors office is
payment based on how many pounds they collect. Funds raised Band Boosters Cheese Sale still needed for the high water a Memorandum of Under-
will be used for Community History Collection, Preservation sign. Roadman Albrecht will standing. The approximate
and Education. For additional information, contact Linda at The Wellington Band Boosters “Duke Band’s Cheese Sale” find one. cost to Penfield Township for
(330) 472-8757, Jackie at (440) 371-1868 or Bill at (440) 452- is back, with a new cheese company, Bunker Hill Cheese offer- Trustee Johnson reported the required work on Webster
6331. ing more choices. To order, please contact any band member, that the KEY collaborative Rd. for 2018 is $30,000. The
section from Whitehead to
has received funding from
Herrick Memorial Library grades 5-12. Orders and payment are due on April 27 and de- United Way for the Tobacco Diagonal needs grader pav-
livery is on May 17.
For more information, contact Toni Novotny at (440) 647- Free Park signs. He further ing due to the cupping of
Writers Group - Thursday, May 3 & 17, from 6-7:30 p.m. 3734. reported that a pressure wash- the road, and both sections;
The Wellington Writers Group meets every other Thursday er, hose reel and air compres- Whitehead to Diagonal & Rt.
at the Herrick Memorial Library. Join this group if you have Wellington Genealogy Group sor have been purchased. 301 to Whitehead need Chip
a passion for writing in all venues. Bring samples of your Trustee Conrad reported & Sealed. Trustee Conrad
writing to share with the group. New members are welcome. The Wellington Genealogy Group will meet on Wednesday, that Kenny Myers would be made a motion, seconded by
Registration is encourage. To register call the library at (440) May 2. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the LCCC Wel- fixing the culvert at the county Trustee Gordon to work in
647-2120. lington Center at 151 Commerce Drive. line by Zambo’s at an approx- conjunction with Lagrange
Spring Time Programs - Herrick Memorial Library is pre- The program this month is “Favorite Websites” May’s imate cost of $1,500. He will Township to make the neces-
senting spring story times through May 2. Story times will not speaker will be Francis Stuart. Francis Stuart, a retired school check w/school district to see sary repairs to Webster Rd. at
take place during Wellington Schools’ Spring Break. Family teacher, runs a weekly genealogy drop-in at the Oberlin Library. if school bus uses the drive a cost not to exceed $30,000.
Story Times will take place on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Francis will be sharing many of his favorite websites with us. as a turn around and if they With no additional busi-
and are for families with children up to age 6. Toddler Sto- You may bring a laptop or tablet to follow along as Francis would be willing to share the ness to discuss, the meeting
ry Times will take place on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. gives pointers on how to find and use some of the websites. costs. Trustee Conrad report- was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
and are for children, ages 18 months to 36 months, with their Monthly meetings are free and open to all. Please join us ed on the March 21 meeting with a motion made by Lloyd
parent/caregiver. Growing Readers Story Times will take place and bring a friend! of the LC Trash Consortium. Gordon, seconded by Duane
on Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. and are children, ages 3-5 The new contract period be- Johnson. Submitted by Vicki
years, with their parent/caregiver. Lapsit Story Times will take Penfield Township Trustees gins April 1, 2019, and bids Denes, Fiscal Officer
place on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. and are for chil- will be accepted beginning
dren, age birth to 24 months, with their parent/caregiver. Reg- The April 3, 2018 regu- Zoning Inspector Dona-
ister at (440) 647-2120. lar meeting of the Penfield hue reported that discussion Historical Society program
Read To Putter - Children can spend 15 minutes reading Township Trustees was called was held w/Eleanor Gnandt
a book or story to Putter and build their reading skills at the to order at 7:30 p.m. All of- regarding a camping trailer Pittsfield Township Historical Society will host an informa-
Herrick Memorial Library. Putter is a registered therapy dog ficers were present, with the on her property. He received tive program on May 10, at 7 p.m. at Henry’s Barn, located at
that absolutely adores listening to a good story. He does not exception of Fiscal Officer a survey from the commis- 46223 Rt. 20, south of Oberlin, across from Walmart. Come
mind if the child makes reading mistakes. Putter visits us on Denes. Five guests attended sioners to report on proper- learn about the restoration and relocation of Henry’s Barn and
Wednesdays from 3-4 p.m. Stop in or call the library at (440) the meeting. ties. Donahue distributed his its rich history. The barn was named after Henry Thomas, a
647-2120 to save your reading spot. The minutes of the previ- monthly zoning report and freed slave who was a faithful employee of the Johnson family.
Afternoon Book Group - Thursday, April 26, from 2-3 p.m. ous meeting were read and reported that he had conver- In 2016, the barn was donated to Lorain County Metro Parks
The Afternoon Book Group will meet at the Herrick Memori- approved. Voucher #’s 12153 sations with the Van Tilburg’s and it was dismantled and relocated to Pittsfield on land donat-
al Library to discuss the fiction book “The Broken Road” by thru 12161, and Withholding regarding their proposed ed by the Nord family. Come and see the beautiful and rustic
Richard Paul Evans. Books are available for check out at the Voucher #’s 11-14-2018 were business plan and their zon- “empire style” barn. This even is free and open to public.
front desk. approved with a motion made
Spring Craft Activity - Saturday, April 28, at 1:30 p.m. Chil- by Duane Johnson, seconded
dren, ages 7 and up, will learn how to make their own Fleece by Lloyd Gordon.
Tied pillow and then try it out as they listen to Spring-themed Jackie Johnson read the
stories. Registration is required. Please register by April 20. correspondence, which in-
Call the library at (440) 647-2120 or register in person at the cluded notice from NOPEC
Herrick Memorial Library’s children department. that the requested grant has
been awarded to the Park
Board for movie night, LC
Free Clinic donation request,
the LCGHD April vaccine
schedule, the LCTA directory
ad request, the LCTA ban-
quet reservation form, a letter
from LMRE which included
a grant check for $883.54 for Join Lorain County Office on Aging,
help covering the cost of re-
placing lights w/LED’s, and a Lorain County Public Health &
letter from ACT Ohio regard- Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging
ing RUMA’s. The trustees de-
cided to place a quarter page
ad in the LCTA directory.
Thursday, April 26 - 1:00-4:00pm
Carpentry Limited
The Lorain County Recorder’s Office will provide
ID cards for Veterans. Call 440-329-5148 to get
info about what to do before the event! • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
Workshop Players present... how we can help you to develop a plan to remain independent, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Page 17
To learn more about the Options Counseling program and
please call the Lorain County Office on Aging, at (440) 326- to receive. The Lorain County Office on Aging also provides
Director Dave Stacko propels us back to the early 80s with assistance in helping you to apply for and obtain any additional
“The Second Time Around,” by Henry Denker. It is the second 4800, and ask to speak with one of our Options Counselors. benefits and resources that you are entitled to receive, to meet
time around for senior citizens Samuel Jonas and Laura Curtis, Free Benefits Assistance your needs.
a widower and a widow who strike up a love affair. The po- To learn more about the Benefits Assistance program and
tential loss of social security benefits make living in sin more for Adults 60+ Years services you are entitled to receive, please call the Lorain
attractive than tying the knot; that is until their grown children County Office on Aging, at (440) 326-4800, and ask to talk to
become involved. The erstwhile couple’s offspring are not free Are you 60 or older or disabled and unsure if you are getting a Benefits Counselor.
of neuroses themselves, shown clearly as they raise their ob- all of the benefits you are eligible to receive? The Lorain Coun-
jections to what they perceive to be their parents’ precarious ty Office on Aging may be able to help!
situation. Laughs will abound as this comedy unfolds. The Lorain County Office on Aging offers Benefits Assis- FREEDOM IS NOT FREE,
Performances are May 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20. Shows tance services to qualified Lorain County residents who are
now start at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday matinees are at 3 p.m. Doors determine if you are getting all of the benefits you are entitled SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!
over 60 or disabled. Services include a benefits screening to
open 45 minutes before show time. Tickets are $15 each. Group
rates available.
Workshop Players is located at 44820 Middle Ridge Road,
in Amherst.
Box Office: (440) 988-5613 (Box Office hours: 9 a.m. to 7
p.m.) [email protected] or www.workshopplay-
AARP Taxe Aide thank you
On behalf of the AARP Tax Aide Program we wish to thank
all of the newspapers who helped to make this a very successful
tax year. You all know that without your cooperation we could
not make this such a great venue for people to use. We have no
budget to advertise this program so we count on you to get the
good news to everyone.
We have 11 sites in the Lorain County area. All of our sites
were extremely busy with people anxious to complete their fed-
eral, state and school district taxes in a timely fashion. We are
a free service to seniors, low to moderate income families and
singles. Our program is entirely run by volunteers just wishing
to serve the underserved who can take advantage of our service.
We are extremely fortunate to have volunteers at our librar-
ies, senior centers and town halls who take all the phone calls
from constituents trying to make an appointment to come in
at their location. They not only take the phone calls they also
provide a space for us to accomplish this task. They, like you,
make this program the success that it is. Thank all of you from
the bottom of our hearts.
Sheila Holmes, Wellington Local Coordinator
Firelands Garden Club Plant Sale
Firelands Garden Club is having their annual Indoor Plant
Sale on May 21. Door open at 6:30 p.m. The sale is at the Bir-
mingham Community Center, located at 15018 South Street,
in Birmingham, (South of 113, East of Rt. 60, Just around the
corner from Lorain Metro Park’s Schoepfle Garden)
Free Long-Term Care Planning
Have you ever thought about what you might need in order
to stay in your home as you age? We may be able to help! The
Lorain County Office on Aging offers Options Counseling to
eligible older adults (60+ years) and their families to devel-
op a long-term plan to help them stay in their home. We can
help you to learn about and apply for community resources you
may not know exist. We also work with you to make sure that
your long-term care needs and wishes are both made known
and honored.
Options Counseling is also available to help eligible old-
er adults successfully transition from hospitals, rehabilitation
facilities and other long/short term nursing facilities back into
their homes.
Brownhelm/Henrietta Townships
Lorain County Engineer Ken Carney announces the closure
of Portman Road, between Vermilion Road and Peasley
Road, for the emergency replacement of Culvert #116.
The cost of the project is $159,891 and is being funded
through The Lorain County Engineer’s Office, The Ohio
Public Works Commission’s Emergency Fund, and the
Lorain County Storm Water District. The work is being
completed by Precision Paving of Milan, Ohio.
The work will begin at 8:00 am on Monday, April 23, 2018
and is expected to be completed by 5:00 pm on Friday,
June 1, 2018, weather permitting.
Portman Road will be open to local traffic, only. Detour
signs will be posted. Your cooperation during construction
is greatly appreciated.
Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical,
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances
Grafton Wellington
35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St
440-926-3312 440-647-6010
Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018
Midview Band performances the second part of this series, beers are local to Cleveland
which will cover the current
and hand-selected by Leslie.
national and local brewery Attendees must be 21 and
The Midview High School Bands will be taking a trip boom. A beer tasting will over.
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 to Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia, from April 27-30. follow the presentation. All
email: [email protected] During their visit, they will be competing with other bands for Horse Rescue Horse Camp
The Midview Middle School band will be performing their
SKIPPER TRYOUTS spring concert on Wednesday, May 15, at 7 p.m. in the Midview Happy Spring from the horses and volunteers at Angels Ha-
The Midview Skippers Dance Team will have tryouts for the High Kubuski Gym. ven Horse Rescue. We are once again proudly offering our
The Midview High School Bands will be performing their
2018-2019 school year on Monday-Wednesday, April 23-25, spring concert on Monday, May 21, at 7 p.m. in the Lorain summer horse camp for children ages 5 to 16. If your child is
from 3-5 p.m. in the Auxiliary Gym. County Community College Stocker Center. Enjoy the results interested in horses and learning hands on, riding and horse
GRAFTON-MIDVIEW LIBRARY FRIENDS related projects, this is a great opportunity.
The regular monthly meeting of the group is Tuesday, May of the year long work from Midview’s finest musicians. It’s The first session of the summer begins June 4-8. Other ses-
1, at 6:30 p.m. in Community Room of the Library. New mem- sure to be an exciting evening! sions are as follows: June 18-22, July 9-13, July 23-27 and
The Midview High School Marching Blue will be partic-
bers are always welcome. ipating in the Belden and Grafton Memorial Day Parades on August 6-10. They run one week long, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.,
SCHOLARSHIP BRUNCH Monday through Friday.
Tickets are now on sale for the Lorain County American Monday, May 28. Camp takes place at Evergreen Farm/Angels Haven Horse
Association of University Women Scholarship Brunch. The Rescue located at 13297 Durkee Road, in Grafton. We have
event, being sponsored by the Elyria Chapter, will be held to limited spaces available and they are booking up so please call
raise funds for college scholarship to be given to local students. Grafton Village Council as soon as possible to reserve your spot.
The brunch will take place Saturday, May 5, at 10 a.m. at Avon Please call Heidi at (440) 781-5060 for more information
Oaks, 32300 Detroit Road in Avon. The event will feature a on camp and if you are interested in volunteering with the or-
costumed period reenactment of Ohio’s First Ladies, a vintage ganization.
accessories display and silent Chinese basket auctions. Tickets The April 17 Grafton Village Council meeting began in a AHHR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer based organiza-
for the brunch are $30 and must be purchased by April 27. For joint session with the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Board lis- tion.
more information or to purchase tickets, contact Linda at (440) tened to a presentation from a Nantucket Street resident regard-
458-4310. ing the construction of a fence. The fence is to be constructed SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
PERFECT PAIRINGS WINE TASTING on a corner lot where the height regulation is three feet. The
Tickets are now available for the Perfect Pairings with Gary resident was asking for a six foot fence. The discussion includ- Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
Twining event being sponsored by the Friends of the Graf- ed consideration of traffic views at the intersection. The views programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
ton-Midview Library. The event, which is open to the public, will not be obstructed by the fence. After the issue was dis- 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
will be held on Friday, May 18, from 7-9 p.m. at the library. cussed, the Board granted the necessary variances to allow the The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
Learn the basic fundamentals of pairing wine and food with a installation of the fence. Discussion was then held regarding drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
hands-on class of testing and tasting. There is limited seating. the installation of a professional sign at Grafton Dental on Main
Tickets are $10 per person. Reservations are required. Street. Several compromises were offered in the discussion. These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
THE MIDVIEW SWINGIN’ BLUES The Board voted to grant the variances needed. 4/23 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
The high school jazz band will be holding its annual Jazz ’n The fire chief reported a $8,216 grant was received from the
Java evening on Tuesday, May 8, at 6 p.m., in Midview Middle Bureau of Workers’ Compensation for new fire fighting gloves, and coffee for participants.
School. Guest jazz bands from the area with also be perform- protective hoods and a gear extractor, which is a heavy duty 4/24 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed
ing. The band invites all to join them for a great, relaxing eve- washing machine for turnout gear. The department has ap- by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for
ning of wonderful jazz and big band music. plied for several other grants. Council voted to hire two EMTs, participants.
bringing a total of five new EMTs into the department by the
Midview Kiwanis Club meeting end of summer. Discussion was also held as to the use of var- 4/27 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for
ious sized fire hoses.
The Midview Kiwanis Club meeting is Tuesday, April 24, In other action, the council passed an ordinance to levy an 4/30 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
6-7:30 p.m. Please join us for our social meeting at the Four additional $5 tax on motor vehicle licenses to be used for road and coffee for participants.
Keys Restaurant, located at 34501 Royalton Rd., in Columbia repair in the village. Three resolutions were passed allowing 5/1 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed
Station. Non-members and friends are welcome. the village to enter into agreements with Poggemeyer Design by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for
For more club information, please call (440) 322-5867 Group for engineering services. Council then approved a tem-
porary sign for the library and rehired a seasonal employee. participants.
The mayor discussed creating a charter review committee, par- 5/3 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner to be held
ticipating in the Lorain County Pride on May 19, and having 5/10/2018 at 5:30pm. Two names per phone call
KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS a Dumpster/Shred Day. The Village Administrator reported only.
crews have been reviewing, repairing, and replacing play-
5/4 at 2:00 pm Senior Card
ground equipment at both North and Willow Parks in antici-
GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY pation of the summer season. The next meeting is scheduled Club with pop and snacks for
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ for May 1. Grafton-Midview Library • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
Hours By Appointment Preschool Storytime - the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
To register for programs,
419 NORTH MAIN STREET visit the library at 983 Main April 24, at 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.
GRAFTON, OHIO Street Grafton, or call (440) Storytime for children ages
3-6 featuring stories, songs,
926-3317. Registrations ac-
440-926-2705 cepted online at www.gmpli- fingerplays and activities to
help encourage development
of early literacy skills. Regis-
tration is not required.
Fairy Tale Science: Billy
Goats Gruff - Wednesday,
April 25, at 3:30 p.m. Here’s
your chance to use your
STEM skills and some sim-
ple materials to help out some
favorite fairy tale characters!
After reading “Three Billy
Goats Gruff,” come up with
a way for the goats to cross
the river without using the
troll-controlled Bridge. Ages
8 and up!
Monthly Book Discus-
sion - Wednesday, April 25,
at 10 a.m. & Thursday, April
26, at 6:30 p.m. Join us for
our monthly book discus-
sions. Light refreshments
are served. Join us in April
for State of Wonder by Ann
You could save up to Patchett. This compelling
novel of morality versus sci-
ence takes place on a pharma-
35% a year by switching to ceutical company expedition
searching for lost colleagues
in the Amazon rain forest.
Babypalooza - April 26,
Auto Insurance through AAA. at 10 a.m. Join us every oth-
er Thursday for this short
and lively program for babies
We’ve teamed with AAA to bring you (birth to 3 years) and their
care givers. Babypalooza
great value and coverage. is a great way to introduce
baby to the world of stories
using songs, rhymes and lap
Lee C. Kelling Name bounces. Registration is not
P: 440-926-0100 Crafting a City: Cleve-
Independent Agent Logo land’s Modern Brewery
[email protected] Boom - Friday, April 27, at 7
p.m. Join Leslie Basalla-Mc-
902 Main St., Grafton, OH Cafferty, owner of Cleve-
land Brew Bus and author of
Cleveland Beer: History &
Insurance underwritten by MemberSelect Insurance Company.
Revival in the Rust Belt, for
Creamy Strawberry Crepes RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Page 19
Karen A. Kramer, D.D.S.
[email protected]
420 N. Main St., Grafton
Dumpster Days Emergencies
The Grafton Township Trustees have announced the dates
and times for their annual dumpster days. Township residents Welcomed!
only may bring items to the township hall on Friday, May 11,
and Saturday, May 12. Friday’s hours are from noon-3 p.m. Same-day Denture
Saturday’s hours are from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Proof of residency Repairs Available
will be required and there is a limit of two trips per household.
Hazardous waste is not being accepted. The tire trailer will be “We Cater To Cowards”
open for the disposal of old tires. The township will accept old
furniture, appliances, lawn equipment, bikes, and the like. Con- SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE
tainers will be available for disposing papers, magazines and “This recipe has been a family favorite for over 30 years! These 440-926-3441
cardboard. Old flags are being accepted by the Boy Scouts who crepes are delicious and very rich! Be sure you have at least 1 hour
will dispose of them properly. to prepare, they are worth every minute!”
Please Keep of Grass Ingredients Spring Book Sale
3 eggs
1/2 cup milk
The Grafton Township Trustees would like to remind those 1/2 cup water
visiting any of the three cemeteries in the township to keep ve- 3 tablespoons butter, melted May 1 - May 4 th
hicles off the grassy areas. Vehicles have damaged the grounds, 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
the grass and headstones. Please be respectful. 1/2 teaspoon salt The Friends of the Grafton-Midview
Belden B’s & G’s 4-H Club 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened Public Library present our
1 1/4 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice Spring Book Sale
The Belden B’s & G’s 4-H Club met on Wednesday April 1 teaspoon lemon zest Stop by the Library and browse
11, at 7 p.m. at the Belden Twp. Hall. Acting President Clayton 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Kowalski called the meeting to order, the Pledge of Allegiance 1 cup heavy cream, whipped our book sale, which includes
was led by Nick Skolnicki and the 4-H pledge was led by Gino 4 cups sliced strawberries books, DVDs, CD’s, Audiobooks
DeVengencie. Enrollment forms were completed and turned in Directions and children’s books. Hardcover
to the advisors. Members of the Belden B’s and G’s 4-H club Place the eggs, milk, water, melted butter, flour, and salt in the and Paperback books are
were given instructions along with their parents on “Raise your pitcher of a blender; blend until smooth. available. Friday, May 4th will be
Blend the cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar, lemon juice, lemon
Hand for 4-H,” a program promoting the 4-H clubs in Ohio zest, and vanilla with an electric mixer until smooth. Gently fold in
and across the United States. The next meeting of the 4-H club the whipped cream. discount bag day. This popular
will be on Wednesday, April 25, at the Belden Twp. Hall at 7 Heat a lightly oiled griddle or non-stick skillet over medium event will be held during regular
p.m. The Hensley family will be providing refreshments for heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately business hours in the Library’s
the meeting. 2 tablespoons for each crepe. Tip and rotate pan to spread batter as first floor meeting room.
Road Closure thinly as possible. Flip over when the batter is set and the edges are Won’t you make our old
beginning to brown. Cook until the other side begins to brown. Stack Friend’s Preview books your new friends?
Lorain County Engineer Ken Carney announces the closure finished crepes on a plate, cover with a damp towel and set aside. April 30, 11am - Close
If you are not a Friend,
To serve, fill each crepe with 1/4 cup sliced strawberries and 1/3
of Crook Street between Chamberlain Road and Indian Hollow cup of the cream cheese filling, roll up and top with a small dollop of please join. Grafton-Midview Public Library
Road in Grafton Township for the replacement of the bridge. the cream cheese filling and more sliced strawberries. 983 Main St., Grafton, OH 44044
The work began on Monday, April 16, and is expected to be Recipe By:meliss, courtesy of 440-926-3317 •
completed by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 20, weather permitting.
APRIL 19 - MAY 2, 2018
Recycler TimeMaster TimeCutter
Walk Power Mowers 30” Wide Area Mowers Zero Turn Mowers
• Recycler Cutting System • Briggs & Stratton OHV Engines 32”- 60” Mowing Decks
• Bag on Demand • Person Pace Self Propel w/Traction Assist • Powerful Engines from Toro , Kohler ,
• Close Edge Wheel Design • Quick Stow Lever for East, Compact Storage and Kawasaki ®
• 2 Year Full Warranty Model 21199 • 18” Extra-tall and Premium Seats
• Sale on Recycler and Super Recycler Models SAVE up to • Recoil Start • Smart Speed Control System
SAVE up to $100! Sale Prices starting at • Choose from SS, MX, and SW Models
$50! $ 899 Sale Prices starting at
Sale Prices starting at Model 21200 SAVE up to $ 2,099
$ 274 Sale Prices starting at
• Electric Start
$ 999
Mon-Fri 8-6;
1007 Parsons Road • Grafton, OH 44044 Sat 9-2
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018
$ 00
Spectrum Triple Play! TV, In- Advertise to 2 million homes 1st Week - 11 /2nd Week - 4 (No changes or refunds. Personal
ternet & Voice for $29.99 ea. with a business card size ad Get the Job Done! ads only. No Business ads.) DEADLINE: WED. 12 NOON
60 MB per second speed No for just $600 in Pennsylvania,
contract or commitment. Ohio, New York, New Jersey, 4 Easy Ways to Place Your Classified - Phone: 440-236-8982 - Web:
More Channels. Faster In- Delaware, Maryland, West
ternet. Unlimited Voice. Call Virginia, Virginia and D.C. - Fax: 440-236-9198 - Mail: Rural-Urban Record • P.O. Box 966 • Columbia Station, OH 44028
1-855-652-9304 That’s only 25 cents for 1,000 ALL PERSONAL ADS MUST BE PREPAID
A PLACE FOR MOM. The na- homes. Call 800-450-6631 for
tion’s largest senior living more details. CLASSIFIED RATES: • Personal Classified $11/15 words or less. 10¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 more.
referral service. Contact our ADVERTISE to 10 Million
trusted, local experts today! Homes across the USA! Place • Business Classified $14/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Special Set-up (Centered & Capped)
Our service is FREE/no obli- your ad in over 140 community $15/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Display advertising $17.00/column inch. Reaching Over
gation. CALL 1-844-722-7993. newspapers, with circulation Number of weeks ad runs: 1 2 3 4
Stop OVERPAYING for your totaling over 10 million homes. Please Print Clearly! 21,000 Households
prescriptions! SAVE! Call Contact Independent Free Pa- Please print - All information below is needed to process your ad. Mail to: Rural-Urban Record•P.O. Box 966•Columbia Station, OH 44028
our licensed Canadian and pers of America IFPA at dan-
International pharmacy, com- [email protected] or 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
pare prices and get $25.00 visit our website cadnetads.
OFF your first prescription! com for more information.
CALL 1-877-625-2147 or 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1-855-541-5141, Promo Code CLEANING
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Lung Cancer? And 60 Years Custom cleaning. Everyone’s Mastercard & Visa Accepted. Card #:
Old? If So, You and Your Fam- needs are different. We spe-
ily May Be Entitled To A Signifi- cialize in catering to what your Expiration Date: 3 Digit # on back:
cant Cash Award. Call 866-428- needs are. Call Marcie today
1639 To Learn More. No Risk. for your free assessment ap- NAME PHONE
No Money Out of Pocket. pointment at 440-213-7527.
Dish Network-Satellite Televi- Over 13 years experience.
sion Services. Now Over 190 ADDRESS
channels for ONLY $49.99/mo! EDUCATION
HBO-FREE for one year, FREE SIGNED
Installation, FREE Streaming, AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAIN-
FREE HD. Add Internet for ING - Get FAA Technician cer-
$14.95 a month. 1-800-219- tification. Approved for mil-
DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Chan- if qualified. Job placement
nels $14.95 High Speed Inter- assistance. Call Aviation In- AMVETS POST 32 Maintenance person needed LENDER ORDERED WA-
net. Free Installation, Smart stitute of Maintenance 866- 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria part-time. All types of property TERFRONT LAND SALE!
HD DVR Included, Free Voice 453-6204 Capacity: Hall-250, maintenance including yard, APRIL 28th! 1 DAY ONLY!
Remote. Some restrictions Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 building & shop. Grafton, 440- 7 Waterfront Parcels /Fin-
apply. Call 1-855-837-9146 FOR RENT Available for all occasions 926-6533. ger Lakes-Ithaca Area! Ex:
Cross Country Moving, Long Call for pricing JOB FAIR! 6 acres - 150’ Waterfront -
distance Moving Company, 2Bdr. apartment in Grafton, and availability Maintenance person, full-time $49,900 8 acres - 600’ Shore-
out of state move $799 Long no stairs, security deposit. No 440-458-8544 April 24, 2018 8am-4pm and seasonal positions. Must line - $69,900 Owner terms
Distance Movers. Get Free pets. 440-343-5898 be 18 years or older & pass avail! Call 888-738-6994 to
quote on your Long distance COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL Keystone Pointe drug test. All types of prop- register NewYorkLandan-
25-120 Capacity
move 1-800-511-2181 Elyria: Newly remodeled 2 & Catering Available 383 Opportunity Way erty maintenance including
snow plowing, road patching,
DIRECTV SELECT PACKAGE! 3 bedroom townhomes with 440-236-3323 LaGrange, OH 44050 mowing & trimming. Apply in
new carpet, ceramic tile and
Over 150 Channels, ONLY hard wood floors. Appliances 440-355-4616 person M, W, F, 8-3pm at 200 PETS
$35/month (for 12 mos.) Order included. $100 security de- F.O.P. LODGE #54 On the spot interviews Eastlake Dr., LaGrange OH.
Now! Get a $200 AT&T Visa posit; restrictions apply. Call Capacity 150-175 for Nurses & STNA’s, Affordable Misty Meadow
Rewards Gift Card (some re- 216-221-1333 . Catering Available refreshments and gas card Mechanic needed: Truck / Farm: dog grooming, pet
strictions apply) CALL 1-855- 36854 Royalton Rd. drawings! Come join us! trailer, full / part-time. Prefer boarding and day care, indoor
781-1565 (1 mile East of Durkee) experience, but will train me- heated facility. Valley City, 216-
IRS TAX DEBTS?10k+? Tired FOR SALE Grafton, Ohio chanically inclined individual. 372-2755. mistyme
of the calls? We can HELP! 440-653-7227 Burnett’s Septic Service is Grafton, 440-926-6533.
$500 free consultation! We Unopened, never used, Mr. FULL park with restrooms, 3 in need of drivers and la- Part-time Preschool Direc-
can STOP the garnishments! Heater natural gas garage pavilions, air conditioned hall, borers. Exp. a plus, but will tor opening for Hosanna All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster
FREE Consultation Call To- / shop heater. Model MH25, for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange train. Comparable wages, paid Early Childhood Center for Rd., Litchfield, 330-648-9509.
day 1-855-900-5594 or 1-855- 22-25,000 BTU, $250. 440- Lions Club. 440-458-6781. holidays, 401k, health ins. 2018/2019 school year. At least Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
823-4189 748-2139 DRUG TESTING REQUIRED. four courses in early child- exercise yards, custom care.
120 Commerce Dr., LaGrange
Were you an INDUSTRIAL or Building Materials Metal Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- apply within. hood education and two years $20 per day. Grooming now
11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday.
CONSTRUCTION TRADES- Roofing-A real roof for your 440-926-3341 experience as staff member available.
MAN and recently diagnosed house, garage, barn. Roof, Established fast paced full in child care required. Call
with LUNG CANCER? You ceiling, siding. Also, 1x10 & service restaurant in Welling- Hosanna at 440-236-8900 for RUMMAGE SALE
and your family may be enti- 1x12 Pine Barn Siding Dis- HARDSCAPE ton is currently looking for interview.
tled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH count Prices slateroadsupply. experienced servers, chefs, Community Methodist Church,
AWARD. Call 1-844-522-0818 com 717 445-5222 Land Works: hardscape, con- line cooks & kitchen help to Truck Mechanic needed, pre- 680 North Abbe Rd., Elyria,
for your risk-free consultation. KILL BED BUGS! Harris Bed crete, stampcrete, pavers. Call prepare food, stock stations & ventative maintenance and back entrance. Weds., May 2,
light repairs. Valley View, call
Bug Killers/KIT. Available: Dan, 440-452-9353. set up supplies in cooperation 216-524-6668. 9 am-6pm; Thurs., May 3, 9am-
APPLIANCES Hardware Stores, The Home with rest of kitchen staff. Full & 2pm. Men’s, women’s, chil-
Depot, HANDYMAN SERVICES Part-time positions available. 25 TRUCK DRIVER TRAIN- dren’s clothing, shoes, purses,
Good clean used appliances. KILL ROACHES-GUARAN- Interested candidates call EES NEEDED! Earn $1000 linens, household items, lots
440-309-5465 or 216-534-4358.
per week! Paid CDL Training!
of furniture, records, cassette
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. TEED! Buy Harris Roach RLS Handyman: A/C and heat- Help Wanted: experienced Stevens Transport covers all tapes, CDs, antiques and lots
White, electric, glass top stove, Tablets. Available: Hardware ing, electric and small plumb- cooks, waitresses. Apply at costs! 1-877-209-1309 dri- of misc.
Stores, The Home Depot, ho-
newer, $175. Call 440-341-1519 ing. Call Bob, 216-749-0188. Four Keys Restaurant, 34501
Listed-Meets Organic Use Landscaping SMALL DUMPSTERS
2011 Chevy Cruze LT, 1.4 Tur- Standards. BUY ONLINE Bartenders, Servers & Cooks. Lawn mowing Dealing with water damage for roofing, remodeling, etc.
bo, 66K, $7,000. Columbia ONLY: Razzles, Olmsted. Apply in Foreman requires immediate action. Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
Station, 440-669-2269. person or call 440-251-0666 or Laborers Local professionals that re- Truck work available
spond immediately. Nation-
GARAGE SALES 440-236-9625 wide and 24/7. No mold calls. CALL JASON’S SERVICES
AUTOS WANTED PALMER’S LAWN CARE Call today! 1-800-730-9790
18810 W. River Rd., Columbia
Mike’s Hooker Service. We Station, 2-1/2 miles south of INTERNET UPHOLSTERY
pay top dollar for all unwant- Rt. 82. April 26-28, 8am-6pm. AUCTIONS
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free Tools, nails, screws & bolts, HughesNet Satellite Internet DAN’S UPHOLSTERY
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, 130 bricks, 150 8in. cement ? 25mbps for just $49.99/mo! over 30 yrs. experience
216-534-6514. blocks, Coleman gas lantern, INVENTORY REDUCTION AUCTION Get More Data FREE Off-Peak Full Upholstery
Cushion Refills
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! hand sprayer, outside furni- Data. No phone line required! Furniture Repair
All Makes/Models 2002-2016! ture, jewelry, ladies clothes, Browns Nursery FAST download speeds. WiFi Call for free quote
Any Condition. Running or ladies golf clubs and much SATURDAY, APRIL 28,2018 AT 10 AM built in! FREE Standard Instal- on re-upholstery
Not. Competitive Offer! Top more. lation! Call 1-855-440-4911 216-346-2682
$$$ Paid! Free Towing! We’re Our Lady Queen of Peace, 702 12590 Durkee Rd. Grafton (1 mi. south of Rt. 82) Watch for signs Earthlink High Speed Internet.
Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888- Erie St., Grafton. Fri., April 27, SELECTIONS: Large variety fruit trees, blueberries, strawberries, As Low As $14.95/month (for
368-1016 or 1-888-985-1806. 9am-5pm, Sat., April 28, 9am- the first 3 months.) Reliable WANTED TO BUY
noon. Saturday $3 / bag. shade trees red & green maple, ornamental, arborvitae & pines High Speed Fiber Optic Tech-
OUR CLASSIFIEDS CHECK OUT trees. Flowering pink & white crab trees upright & weeping, nology. Stream Videos, Music Wants to purchase minerals
Redbuds green & purple leaf upright & weeping, Weeping
and other oil and gas inter-
and More! Call Earthlink To-
GET RESULTS! OUR WEBSITE! Cherry, & Pea shrub, flowering Pear, Red & white bud, Purple leaf day 1-855-520-7938 ests. Send details to P.O. Box
flowering Plum, White Birch, Oaks, Japanese Maple upright & 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
AUCTIONS weeping, Pussy Willows, Hydrangea, Dogwood. All trees in 7-25 LAWN & GARDEN CASH PAID- for unexpired,
gal or B&B. Huge variety flowering shrubs, perennials & misc. to Lawn Mowing and Yard Main- STRIPS. Highest Prices!
many to list all, items all ideal for landscaping
SPRING CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Auctioneer’s Note: Browns Nursery is NOT going out of tenance. Insured, senior dis- 1-DAY PAYMENT. 1-800-371-
counts. Cordell’s 440-236-3609
Saturday, April 28th 9:00am business. The inventory reduction is your opportunity to Spring clean-ups, tilling, bush
Location: Lorain County Fairgrounds purchase nice, clean, surplus nursery stock at discounted & stump removal, planting
and general maintenance. Call
prices. Bring your truck & trailer or ask about having your
23000 Fairgrounds Rd, Wellington, OH 44090 items delivered. Loading available immediately after sale. State Rick, 440-458-8793.
Large items will begin selling at 11am inspected. Early inspection on April 26 & 27 DON’T FORGET TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser-
• 3 Point Implements PLANTS & TREES MAKE A GREAT MOTHERS DAY GIFT vice. Complete tree removal,
• Dozers & Wheel Loaders Terms of Sale: Cash, check or major credit card day of sale trimming, root feeding and
cleaning. Fully insured. FREE
• Tractors (3% buyers fee wavied for cash or good check). POSITIVE ID ESTIMATES. Firewood for
• Skid Loaders & Attachments required to register. All items paid for day of sale & before being sale. 440-236-3061.
• Trucks and Trailers removed from premises. Buyers responsible for security of their
Terms and conditions: purchases. All items sold “AS IS” Not responsible for accidents. LOTS FOR SALE
Cash or good check, 5% Buyer Premium on all purchases. Lunch available Dry facility available to get out of the weather. LaGrange lots, 303 & White-
There will be unadvertised specials that come in sale week AUCTION HELD RAIN OR SHINE head. BRING YOUR OWN
Lunch Stand Available Owners: Rick & Mary Brown 440-748-2642 BUILDER. 440-371-4111
For more Information and Pictures visit The Rural-Urban Record
Proudly Serving... Auctioneer ID# 44410 Andy Suvar Auctions, LLC, New London, Ohio Columbia Station • Grafton
419-929-8487 or 1-800-765-8301
LaGrange • Wellington
Auctioneers: Jason Kriegmont, 440-465-7166 Jeff Hammersmith & Dennis Pillivant, assisting auctioneers Eaton • North Ridgeville
John Kline & Ryan LaPage Carlisle • Elyria
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Page 21
60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE •Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior
41 YEARS IN BUSINESS & Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement
433 OBERLIN RD. CAREERS •Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing
440-322-8170 Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses 440-724-9338
coast to coast. Job placement assistance.
BILL Since 1950 Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Square LANDSCAPING
BAKER'SBAKER'S Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance Home Remodeling: Bathrooms, Basements & Kitchens Also:
Roofing,Siding & Windows Plus: Decks, Fences & Storage Barns
440-864-5161 Licensed, Bonded & Insured
-Service All Brands-
Washers • Dryers Basements • Kitchens • Custom Baths • Painting
See Our Selection of Ranges • Ovens LOU TAKACS lll
Reconditioned Appliances Appliance Parts
15 East Ave., Elyria INSURED / BONDED
Bud & Diane Casey, Owners 440-708-8214 CELL
ASPHALT, CONCRETE & STONE 9072 Leavitt Rd. [email protected] • General Contracting
Elyria, OH 44035
• Kitchens/Baths
Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, Concrete & Excavating ELECTRICAL • Buildings/Garages
Garage Floors, Stamped ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE • Roofs
Concrete, Waterproofing WORK & DECORATIVE
440-748-6217 FREE ESTIMATES 725 Sugar Lane, • Siding
Quality Service since 1989 440-935-7842 Residential & Commercial Electrical Service Elyria, Oh 44035 • Plumbing/Electrical
New Work-Replacement-Repairs
J. A. KILBY ENT. •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades Specializing in Home Improvements
Concrete • Masonry •Security & Camera Systems
•Commercial Buildings •Parking Lot Lighting
Stamped Concrete 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
440-327-3433 State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response INSURANCE
Hart Estimates Physicians Mutual Insurance Company
Blacktop •Driveways J. A. KILBY ENT. If you’re over 50, you can get coverage for about No wait for preventive care and no deductibles –
A less expensive way to help get the dental care you deserve
$1 a day*
you could get a checkup tomorrow
•Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
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cleanings, exams, fi llings, crowns…even dentures
you want
NO annual or lifetime cap on the cash benefi ts
•Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
•All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation you can receive
FREE Information Kit
800-619-7808 (24 hours) 440-327-3433 1-877-308-2834
Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours)
[email protected] FENCING *Individual plan. Product not available in MN, MT, NH, NM, RI, VT, WA. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details plan. Product not available in MN, MT, NH, NM, RI, VT, WA. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details
about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q);
Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN)
Residential - Commercial
Industrial - Farm
We specialize in Topsoil •Black Leaf Humus •Sweet Peet
Your Auto or Complete High Tensil Wire • Rail Fence 10 DIFFERENT MULCHES
Light Truck Full Mechanical Board • Split Rail • Picket Fence •Gravel •Boulders •Flat Rock
Service Center Repairs Call to schedule your FREE estimate •Straw •Sand •Limestone •Grass Seed
William M. Miller • 330-466-4012 Picked Up or Delivered
Arlin Kline • 330-698-3951
24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station Large & Small Loads
440-235-6642 34020 Royalton Rd. Eaton Twp.
BUILDERS 1-888-524-4544
Lawn & Lanscape
MODERNIZE Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding Over 20 Yrs Experience
Remodeling Pole Barns • Windows • Doors • SPRING/FALL CLEAN-UPS
Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes Bobcat Skid-steer Work •Paver Patios
KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619 24 Hour Emergency Service LAWN CARE •Landscape Installs
YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044 Mowing • Planting •Landscape Design
440-236-5543 Paver Patios • Edging •Landscape Maintenance
•Retaining Walls
R&K Builders 800-467-1275 Brush Removal & Chipping •Drainage Work
Ponds & Water Features
•Waterproofi ng
Lite Tree Work
(Built by Amish) OH LIC #23331 Material Delivery •Foundation Replacement
Quality Buildings at CALL ALEX WELKY 440-236-9625
Affordable Prices 440-258-1895
& Riding Arenas Family owned & operated over 31 yrs.
Commercial & 1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features,
Residential Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certified,
Irrigation Installation & Service
330-473-9927 12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642
Page 22, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018
Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc. RELIABLE ROOFING
Residential ~ Commercial Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs
New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal
Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work Offi ce: 440-236-4001 •
11564 Station Rd
Columbia Station, OH 44028 Call: 440-748-1333 Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner
MULCH • STONE PAINTING • Metal Roofs & Seamless Metal Gutters All Types • Metal Roof Coatings
GRAVEL • TOPSOIL • Shingles & Siding • Pole Barns - Roof & Repair • Residential/Commercial
• Bonded/Insured • BBB/Angies List • Quality Professional Workmanship
Cell: 216-402-2470 / 216-403-2965
ValueTime Painting & 1-888-752-8458
GRAFTON TOPSOIL Home Improvements • Metal Roofs & Seamless Metal Gutters All Types
We Do it ALL
• Metal Roof Coatings• Pole Barns - Roof & Repair
•MULCH (Red, Black & Brown) •TOPSOIL •DRIVEWAY Aluminum & Cedar Siding, Decks, • Bonded/Insured • BBB/Angies List • Quality Professional Workmanship
216-408-8770 Siding Refinishing Roofing, Windows, 1-888-752-8458
All Exteriors
20% OFF
10% OFF
Retaining Walls
Spring Clean-up Stamped Concrete Drywall Install/Repair Joe Simmons George Rose
Specials! 30 Years Experience FREE ESTIMATES 216-978-2474 216-905-6947
No Job Too Small! 440-309-5938 SEPTIC SYSTEM
PLUMBING Sewer, water & gas line repair/replacement
J.A. Kilby Plumbing
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services SIDING & WINDOWS
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions
CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available Custom Exteriors
•New Work •Replacement •Repairs Since 1989
•Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation
•Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped •Replacement Windows
440-327-3433 • •Entry Doors
•Custom Exterior Siding
A&C Lawncare & Landscape LLC State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response •Stone & Shake Accents
For all your Lawncare & Landscape needs •Soffit, Facia & Trim
• Spring Clean-up Specials! •Carpentry, Porches & More...
Mulching • Lawn Mowing 440-926-1600
FREE ESTIMATES D.W.V. • Gas Lines • Water Lines
Senior Discount Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Fixtures • Backhoe Work STORAGE
Credit Cards Accepted Residential • Industrial • Commercial
440-396-8954 or 24 HOUR SERVICE
ODOT Certified Contractors Warehouse
440-355-5431 Edward Logar State ID# 19467
Off: 330-483-0055 7424 Crocker Rd.
Full Maintenance, Cell: 216-970-1910 Valley City, OH 44280 SEE OUR
Includes Fertilization Packages
Weekly Lawn Maintenance AD ON
and Snow Removal SERVICES: •Plumbing Repairs PAGE 2
•Sewer & Drain Cleaning
Call for a FREE Quote 440-610-3580
Grafton, OH Commercially Insured •Electronic Locating
•Video Camera Inspection
440-324-4321 •Sewer Excavation 42208 Albrecht Rd., Elyria
Triple Shredded Mulch 30 Years Experience Personal Plumber Service Corp. Call Frank, 440-343-1192
Any Service
$18/yard OH LIC #21372 Expires 4/30/18. Not valid with any other offer. TRAVEL
Black or Brown Grand Alaskan
$25/yard 2 FOR 1
Located in Grafton Twp ROOFING Cruise & Tour
216-973-2675 Departs Aug - Sept 2018
BENEDICT ROOFING 12 days from 1,399 *
Premier Property Enhancement Family Business for Three Generations
Landscaping & Tree Service RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS TM Promo code N7017
Commercial & Residential Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 1-844-244-1407
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates
Spring Clean ups Skid-steer Prices are per person, double occupancy and exclude taxes & government fees of $ 299. Prices shown are after 2for1 offer is applied. Cruise prices based on Inside Cabin. Free onboard credit with
Ocean View or Balcony cabin purchase. All special offers apply to new bookings only made by 5/30/18 and are subject to availability. Lowest season prices shown; seasonal charges and single
Mulching • Mowing • Trimming for Hire! supplements may apply. Add-on airfare is available. Additional terms and conditions apply, ask your Travel Consultant for details.
Weekly Maintenance All Seasons Roofi ng Jeff’s Construction
Deck & Fence Restoration Lawn Cuts starting at HOUSE, BARN, GARAGE ROOFS
Power Washing • Snowplowing $25 Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason Gutters • Carpentry • Masonry
Yard Installations & More! Siding & Gutter Cleaning & Repairs Siding • Slates • Chimneys
& Exterior Painting
Call or 440-334-0578 Fully Licensed Repairs from $75. Violations & Repairs!
Text! & Insured 440-748-3259 Casey Williamson 216-861-2238
Visit our website at:
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018 Page 23
TREE SERVICE COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 France, Melissa Garibotti, Zachary Geiger, Elijah Goodman,
Honor Roll: Starleen Conley, Joshua DeLisle, Jenna
CMS Honor/Merit Roll
Luke Goodnough, Jesse Groleau, Abigail Gromen, Brianna
Hicks, Keegan Marx, Owen Menge, Joshua Miller, Yanicia Mi-
Premier Property Enhancement 5th Grade High Honor Roll: Logan Cleavenger, Alyse randa, G Madison Remy, Cole Riley, Cacey Saki, Alice Salim,
Tree Services & Landscaping Young. Samuel Sikorski, Brooke Speck, Kelsey Strieter, Elise Wagner,
Jesse West, Caitlin Wilkins.
Honor Roll: Conner Adams, Anthony Andrews, Mallo-
Tree Removal • Trimming & Pruning • Brush Chipping ry Baker, Joseph Borczuch, George Borling, Julia Bosworth, Merit Roll: John Bacha, Jilian Bickenheuser, Dante Ciri-
Land Clearing • Stump Grinding • Haul Away Nathan Chapman, Kohl Colorito, McKylie Cusano, Caden Da- gliano, Wilson DeWerth, Drexton Friscone, Jacklynn Gibson,
Firewood for Sale • Root Removal • 65’ Bucket Truck vison, Ronan Evans, Madelyn Fox, Isabelle Gorczyca, Scott Maya Haoui, Jasmine LaCourse, Jordan Lebron, Kayli Meier,
110’ Crane Truck • Skid-steer, Trucks & Trailers for Hire! Hartness, Breanna Heidecker, Alianna Ibarra, Grant Johnson, Thomas Reljin, Devan Rodgers, Riley Rose, Gabriella Stinson,
FREE $ 100 OFF Any Tree Samantha Markosky, Nathan Matzelle, Andrew McKee, Kait- Peyton Taylor, Gabrielle Zapola.
lyn Miller, Sandra Miller, Maggie Murray, Sarah Napier, Lau-
Lowest Price Removal ren Nichols, Vaneassa Pierce, Ethan Plants, Sofia Post, Tyler Celebration Strawberry Shortcake
Guaranteed! One coupon per customer. Coupon must be Rundle, Fredrick Saluga, Sadie Schulke, Cameron Shackelton,
presented at time of estimate.
Call or 440-334-0578 Fully Licensed Matthew Shelpman, Abbigayle Silvay, Rebecca Sorenson, Ju-
lia Sprinkle, Addison Stair, Chase Voge, Adam Wilmeth, Brett
Text! & Insured Zapola.
Merit Roll: Charlotte Antos, Mason Goodman, Kirby Her-
ARBOR CARE TREE rera, Robert Hickman, Evian Meyers, Arvieanna Rodgers, Jo-
seph Sanderfer, Kyle Stropko, Lyric Zeiger.
6th Grade High Honor Roll: Rachel Bledsoe, Elise Cham-
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck pagne, Delaney Friscone.
Honor Roll: Cameron Baker, Sydney Bevelacqua, Hana-
• 113 Ft. Crane niah Bodo, Eli Carter, Callisandra Demagall, Riley Egli, Julia
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood France, Samantha Geiger, Nataleigh Gromen, Madison Ha-
senstaub, Nolan Hunt, Angelina Ibarra, Maya Kawa, Claire
Triple Shredded Mulch Lind, Amanda Markosky, Kaylee McGinnis, Payton Menge,
Jarod Miller, Samantha Peterka, Matthew Pring, Seth Roberts,
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member Madison Rodgers, Morgan Roth, Nehemiah Sanderfer, Lorelei 1/2 cup (1 stick) plus 1 tablespoon butter, at room temperature
Sikorski, John Sprinkle, Isabella Stofey, Lucas Swartz, Jillian
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 Szekelyi, Ethan Valentine, Peyton VanGilder, Jacob Wagner, 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
Rachel Washburn. 1 box yellow cake mix
Merit Roll: Nathan Borling, Benjamin Bowling, Marco Ci- 3 large eggs
rigliano, Daniel Corrigan, Christian Dupaski, Skylar Finucan, 1 cup water
Fredrick Goebel, Elliott Hart, Kaylee Jakubisin, Ryan Janke, 2 cups cold heavy cream
Calder Jessen, Bryan Jones, Lauren Kozlowski, Kiley Krantz, 1 teaspoon clear vanilla flavoring
1/3 cup confectioners’ sugar
Jason E. Davis Henry Lanning, Ethan Meier, Eli Morowitz, Shelby Rumes, Ja- 2 pints fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced
cob Sanders, Colton Schmidt, Joseph Yarosh.
-Complete Crane Service- 7th Grade High Honor Roll: Natalie Sikorski. 1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Butter three 9-inch cake pans with
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” Honor Roll: Elise Aniol, Alyssa Beach, Emily Bosworth, the 1 tablespoon butter. Sprinkle each evenly with the granulated
sugar. Set aside.
Tree/Stump Removal Grace Broschk, Zackary Kile, Erin Lavinder, Madison McCall, 2. Combine the cake mix, eggs, water, and remaining 1/2 cup (1
Tree Trimming, Firewood Carter Peabody, Kelsey Pettegrew, Samuel Skor, Kyleigh Tith- stick) butter in a large mixing bowl. Stir to mix well, then beat, using
“FREE ESTIMATES” erage, Frank Washburn, Chase Willoughby, Taylor Zimmer. an electric mixer, for 2 minutes.
Bonded & Insured Merit Roll: Nikolas Adams, Bethany Basham, Emily Beck, 3. Pour equal amounts of the cake batter into the prepared cake
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 Vincent Berardi, Kalista Cook, Sophia Curley, Rocco DeNo- pans. Bake until golden brown, about 20 minutes. Remove from the
to, Destiney Gayton Aiden Gillihan, Collin Gillihan, Logan
oven and let cool in the pans for about 2 minutes. Turn out of the
Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] Goodnough, Tina Gordiyenko, Ariel Hutchinson, Carter Kala- pans onto a wire rack to cool completely.
masz, Gabrielle Kalin, James Markosky, Brooke Miltner, Ava 4. In a large cold stainless steel or glass bowl, combine the heavy
Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping Paletta, Tyler Palmer, Tyler Said, Cole Schulke, Garrett Szuch, cream, vanilla, and confectioners’ sugar and beat, using an electric
mixer, at high speed until soft peaks form.
Jacob Wasko.
Tree Trimming • Removal 8th Grade High Honor Roll: Andrew Champagne, Mere- 5. Place one of the cake layers on a cake plate, spread about one-
Stump Grinding • Pruning dith Chervenak, Madeleine Finton, Dominic Governale, Chloe third of the whipped cream on top of the cake, and arrange one-third
of the strawberries over the cream. Top with the second layer and
Isner, Jessica Morlock, Grace Morris, Rachel Ramsey, Nicho-
Fertilizers • Fire Wood las Reljin, Madelyn Yoder. repeat the process. Top with the final layer and repeat the process.
The cake can be served immediately or chilled.
Free Estimates!
Seth Emerson - Owner
Office: 440-322-2624
Emergency: 440-452-2456
[email protected]
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Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
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Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 23, 2018
2017 CHEVY TRAVERSE 440-647-5381
Premier, FWD, #17105 800-322-5381
Leather & Sunroof 46767 State Rt. 18 W.,
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Savings $5,462 Wellington, OH 44090
2017 CRUZE LT Alloy wheels, Automatic #9154 Auto, Alloy wheels, Sunroof
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WAS $24,970
Savings $3,819 2011 FORD TAURUS
SALE PRICE Sunroof, Leather, Well cared for 2017 CHEVY CRUZE LT
Auto, A/C, power locks & windows,
$21,151 #9314 Alloy weels #9194
2017 CRUZE LT $199/mo $10,600 $230/mo $15,295
Hatchback, Sunroof, #17049
Our service loaner, about 28k AWD, Full power #T9245
WAS $26,135 #T9128
Savings $3,628
SALE PRICE $239/mo $15,795 $258/mo $16,795
2017 CHEVY IMPALA Auto, Low mileage, Lt Trim Tu-tone, A/C, Cruise, Tilt, Power
Sunroof, 20” wheels, #17123 #9344 locks #T9184
Adv Tech Pkg $269/mo $17,595 $275/mo $17,850
WAS $40,860
Savings $5,506
Cd, A/C, Alloy wheels #T9333
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Automatic #17066
Transmission 2015 NISSAN FRONTIER 2015 GMC TERRAIN
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Savings $1,536
SALE PRICE $350/mo $22,500 $399/mo $25,500
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