TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
Volume 62, No. 49 Columbia Station, Ohio June 12, 2017
“Liberty” singers alert Girl Scouts bridge to Cadettes, giving back to the community
The traditional patri- Church, located (L-R): Standing: Amanda DeWitt, Regan Brillhart, Savannah Dunlap, Rylee Bright, Sabrina Dulay, Allison Gawen, Hailey Hilton,
otic musical “Liberty” at 24050 Roy- Hannah Holcepl, Maggie Miller, Lindsey Wade, Kailey Zacovic and Lois Pozega of Family Promise. Kneeling: Greg Willey of
will be performed at Co- alton Road, in Friendship APL, Grace McCormick and Estella Ohly. Leaders (not pictured): Shannon Miller, Bretta Dunlap, Kaitlyn Curtis-Campbell,
lumbia Park on Saturday, Columbia Sta- Sharon Ohly, Alisha Hilton and Tara DeWitt.
June 24, at 2:15 p.m. As tion, on Mon-
this will be the 25th and day-Wednesday, Troop #50250 had their Bridge to Cadettes ceremony recently. The leaders and co-leaders bridged 14 of their 15 troop
?nal performance of this June 19, 20 & members to the level of Cadettes. They invited Lois Pozega from Family Promise of Lorain County and Greg Willey of
special work, all former 21, from 7-8:30 Friendship Animal Protective League to the festivities. After their bridging ceremony, the troop presented each organiza-
singers, as well as new p.m. Those who tion with a check for $300, a total of $600 of their pro?ts from Girl Scout cookie sales, donated to these two wonderful
singers, are encouraged have personal charities that were selected by the girls. They are already working with both organizations on volunteer projects for next
and most welcome to at- copies of the mu- year. Prior to the ceremony, the girls were asked to write letters to a Brownie troop that is bridging soon. They were asked
tend the three rehearsals sic, please bring to share what their favorite memories from Girl Scouts have been so far. The most common responses were horseback
at The Lighthouse Bible them. Additional riding, the Mall Lock-In, volunteering with Family Promise, volunteering with the APL, being sisters with other Girl
copies will be provided. Scouts, making new friends and doing so many activities!
The message of this patri-
otic piece focuses on the Facebook post helped local veteran receive assistance
true meaning and value
of Independence Day and
dedicated participation
is greatly appreciated.
Please set aside the dates
and join us. Inquiries may
be directed to Marcia
Wonnacott at (440) 236-
Bicentennial Flags,
Banners & Blossoms
The Village of Grafton is looking good as bicentennial A Facebook post alerting The car was taken to Erie on the car prior to
banners, hanging pots of ?owers and American ?ags residents of a Grafton area Coast Customs, in Colum- taking it Erie Coast
line Main Street. Korean War Air Force Vet- bia Station, where Mike and Customs! The way
eran whose car was dam- his team did a beautiful job that this community
aged by graf?ti vandals got of restoring the ?nish at no responded to this was
overwhelming attention this cost to the Veteran. unbelievable! Proud
past week. to be a part of the
In response, the family Columbia/Grafton
On Wednesday, May 31, posted the following Thank communities! Thank
the car was spray painted You: you everyone!”
with graf?ti while parked
in his daughter’s driveway “Our family would like The family would
overnight. The damage was to say a big heart felt thank also like to thank
extensive and would have you to Erie Coast Customs! Liberty Ford in Ver-
taken a lot to repair. This is my parents car and milion for their of-
my dad is an Air Force Ko- fer of help and to all
The story was posted on rean War Veteran and a re- who offered to assist
The Rural-Urban Record tired mechanic. Cars have them throughout this
Facebook page the follow- always been his life. The ordeal.
ing day, almost instanta- way that Erie Coast Cus-
neously receiving replies. It toms stepped up and took The Rural-Urban
reached 75,222 people and care of my parents and their Record would like to Photo shows the Facebook post and
was “shared” 861 times. car has made an everlast- recognize our sup- photos that were shared 861 times.
ing impression on our fam- portive readers who were is rewarding to see the fol-
But, the post to warn ily. We can not thank them there in the time of need lowing that this newspaper
about the vandals took a enough! What a truly amaz- for this family. It was truly has. We appreciate and
surprising twist. Rather than ing company with awesome amazing how fast the news thank each and every one
dwell on the apprehension ownership and employees! spread and the compassion of you.
of the person or people who Also a big thank you to my shown from the people in – Story by Randi
committed the crime, the re- brother-in-law who worked our local communities. It MacWilliams, staff writer
sult was numerous offers of
help for the veteran and his
Community Carlisle 10 LaGrange 12 Profile Page 9
Directory Columbia 4 N. Ridgeville 8 Dining Guide 17
Eaton 10 Wellington 18 Flag Day 13
Grafton 14 Churches 6 Classifieds 20
Grafton Twp. 16 Events page 2
COMPOSTING 983 Main St., GraOon
Tuesday, June 20, 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Join Julie Mackey from Ohio State Extension
to learn how make-your-own compost
could be the ticket to a happy garden.
Register now!
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017
LOCAL 2016 Columbia Homecoming Festival
Events JUNE 22-24, 2017
June 10 June 16-18 June 18 Columbia Township Park
25540 Royalton Road | Columbia Station
Craft & Vendor Show Festival of the Fish BAYarts Art & Music
Festival Music • Parades • Fireworks
Free Admission. FREE daily entertainment & Concessions • Games
FREE admission, kid’s games, With over 75 vendors of various
25742 Royalton Rd food and marketplace, Fire- mediums. Concessions, Live Bands • Rides • Contests
Columbia Station works Friday, June 16th, parade Music. Free. Rain or Shine! Liberty Singers & More!
9:00am - 3:00pm Sunday June 18th. Lighted boat
Dive-In Movie! parade, Pet Parade, sand cas- BAYarts
tle building contest, crazy craft 28795 Lake Road Presented by the Columbia
Watch Moana while ?oating in race, Queens’s pageant, An- Bay Village Chamber of Commerce
an inner-tube in the Outdoor tique Wooden Boat Parade and 10:00am - 4:00pm
Pool! The cost is $3.50 per per- Fire?ghters water ?ghts! June 22-24 June 23-25 June 30
son. Children under 12 years
old must be accompanied by an Downtown Vermilion Columbia Homecoming Cleveland Pizza Fest Cleveland Orchestra at
adult. Because we have limited Hours vary each day Father’s Day Fun Horse Public Square
amount of inner tubes, pre-reg- Show Come see this FREE Annual Try Sample sized pieces from
istration is highly recommend- Festival in Columbia Station. 13 local pizza vendors! Live Join thousands of your neigh-
ed. Call (440) 774-5059. Bring Dad out to Muddy Creek There will be live entertainment, music, motorcycle and classic bors, family, and friends for a
June 16 Farm for a fun-?lled afternoon a parade, ?reworks, rides, eat- car displays, free Corn Hole special musical evening cel-
Splash Zone, Outdoor Pool “Just Horsing Around.” 21 ing contests, local business play, and much, much more!!!! ebrating Cleveland and all of
95 West Hamilton Road, Steak Fry Fundraiser Classes, games costumes and demonstrations, movie in the Adults over 18 $6, Tweens $2, Northeast Ohio. This FREE
Oberlin food. Hard hats required under park & much, much more! 12 and under FREE. concert features American fa-
9:00pm - 11:00pm The annual Steak Fry will be 18 years old. Bring a chair and vorites - plus ?reworks!
held on the grounds of the Hick- join us rain or shine! Columbia Twp Park Cuyahoga Fairgrounds
Parade the Circle ories Museum of Elyria Histori- 25540 Royalton Rd., 19201 E. Bagley Rd., Public Square
cal Society. Proceeds bene?t Muddy Creek Farm Columbia Station, Middleburg Heights Downtown Cleveland
28th Annual Parade the Circle Elyria Rotary projects bene?ting 9865 Avon Belden Rd., Hours vary each day Hours vary each day 6:00pm
& Circle Village. This fabulous, the community. $35/person con- Grafton
fun, FREE celebration features tact [email protected] 12:00pm-4:00pm July 1
the Parade, presented by The
Cleveland Museum of Art, and The Hickories Museum Juneteenth Bluesfest Strongsville Rib Burnoff June 24 Chalk Walk
Circle Village. Come see color- 509 Washington Ave.,
ful ?oats, puppets, costumes, Elyria Join us for the 5th Juneteenth Come sample and judge for the Waterfront Wine Festival The Village of Grafton Bicen-
dancers and musicians. 6:00pm-9:00pm Blues Fest. Food trucks, fun, best ribs! Live music and enter- tennial is having a Chalk walk.
and the sweet sound of blues tainment for kids. Food trucks Enjoy the sunset over Lake Erie Free, Fun for all ages and win
Wade Oval music. Old favorites and new are new this year too! Admiss while sampling wine from 8 lo- prizes! Register and pick up
10820 East Boulevard surprises in store. For pound $3, Active military and kids 10 cal wineries, eating delicious chalk at City Hall before grab-
Cleveland June 17 cake contest forms or more and under free. food from Avon Lake’s ?nest bing your sidewalk!
11:00am - 4:00pm information, please contact restaurants, and listening to
Alpaca Day! Kaleena Whit?eld at (440) 787- Strongsville Commons smooth acoustic music. Grafton City Hall
June 11 3325. Corner of Rt 42 & Rt 82 960 Main St, Grafton
The babies are here! Enjoy and Strongsville Veteran’s Park 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Taste of Lakewood learn about alpacas and their Lakeview Park & Beach Hours vary each day RT83 & Lake Rd,
fabulous ?ber. Visit our farm 1800 West Erie Ave., Avon Lake
Visit this food & music festi- store for unique gift ideas. Free Lorain 4:00pm - Sunset
val that features the unique admission 3:00pm - 7:00pm
restaurants and food purveyors Our Little World Alpacas LLC
in Lakewood Ohio. The event
funds the Lakewood Chamber 16800 Cowley Rd Advertise Your Event!
of Commerce scholarship pro- Grafton June 20
gram 10:00am - 4:00pm June 23-25 • Event Name
Little Green Choo • Description of Event
Madison Park Evening Ride Lorain International
13201 Madison Ave, Festival (Includes up to 25 Words)
Lakewood Young Angler’s Fishing Take a free evening ride on the • Date
1:00pm - 7:00pm Derby Children’s Nature Discovery The three day bazaar takes • Location
Trail! Weather permitting. For place along the scenic Black • Time
www.tasteo? Come to the Picnic Point Shel- more information call (440) 458- River. Various nationalities, cul-
ter and have your children join 5121 Ext. 230. tures and our community are • Website (if needed)
us for this ?shing derby. Prizes celebrated with the sharing of
are available and lunch will be Carlisle Visitor Center gifts from our many homelands • There is a cost to advertise
served at Noon. 12882 Diagonal Road through food, music, costume • Restrictions apply to certain
LaGrange and tradition.
Findley State Park 6:30pm - 8:00pm events, call to check!
25381 State Route 58 Black River Landing
Wellington 421 Black River Ln, Call: 440-236-5103
10:00am Lorain
Hours vary each day
5th Annual Customer Appreciation Day!
Sunday June 25th, 12-4pm
*Must be present to win prizes and raffle
Car & Motorcycle Show Come Celebrate our 5th year of serving your Auto repair
needs, Thank you for being our Customer!
$5 entrance fee 1st & 2nd Place Trophies
697 Main St. Grafton | 440-926-4100
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Page 3
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Columbia Trustees Meeting New Business
The Trustees set the date of the Public Hearing for Zoning
Julie Petras The Columbia Township Board of Trustees met on June 5 in Amendment 2017-02 for Monday, July 3, at 7:30 p.m. in the
email: [email protected] the Town Hall at 7 p.m. with Trustees Dick Heidecker and Mark town hall. This is a request from Garland New Homes to rezone
Cunningham and Fiscal Of?cer Jackie Ramsey. Trustee Mike 2 parcels from R3 residential to R1 residential. Because people
WEEKLY CALENDAR Musto was absent. The minutes of the last regular meeting and sometimes reserved cemetery lots for purchase but did not return
Sunday, June 18: the special meeting of May 22 were approved as written. The to ?nalize the purchase, the Trustees voted to establish a policy
Columbia Reservation and Sundae Funday’s are celebrating bills and payroll were approved for payment. The bills amounted for holding gravesites up to 90 days. The Trustees also approved
Father’s Day at the park the entire day. Enjoy all the sights and to $52,345.46 and the payroll amounted to $37,635.53, bringing a policy to purchase culvert pipes from the Township. Those
sound the Park has to offer. All Dad’s putt free all day! the total to $89,980.99. The receipts totaled $43,007.31. pipes can only be installed by the Township crew. The Trust-
ees also approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
60th Wedding Anniversary Department Reports between the Lorain County Stormwater District, Columbia and
The Zoning Inspector is still out ill so the report was given Eaton Townships for the Hawke Road Culvert Replacement.
Emma Jean and James Patton by acting Zoning Inspector Mark Cunningham. Between May Committee Reports
James and Emma Jean Patton were married on June 16, 1957 15 and June 5, 8 permits were issued for single family homes, Mr. Cunningham reported that the Lorain County Township
in Sullivan, Ohio. They started their family in West Salem, Ohio bringing the number to 34 for the year. A violation letter was Association will meet June 15 in Wellington Twp. Mr. Heidecker
and then bought their home on Akins Road, in Columbia Station, sent to two residents on Plum Creek and one on Bryant for high reported that the Southwest General Hospital Board will meet
in August of 1963, moving their three children and household vegetation. The Trustees passed resolutions allowing the Zoning July 20 and July 28; NOACA will meet June 9. Northeast Ohio
just in time for their oldest to enter kindergarten at Copopa Ele- Inspector to have the grass cut. The next Zoning Commission Township Association will meet July 27 in Auburn Twp. After
mentary School. The other two followed with all three graduat- meeting will be on July 6 at 6 p.m. in the Town Hall. There is no Community Input, the meeting was adjourned. The next regular
ing from Columbia High School in 1976, 1977 and 1980. Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting for June. No cases were ?led. meeting will be on Monday, June 19, at 7 p.m.
The couple raised their three children in that home and con- The Road-Service Director reported that all equipment is up
tinue to live there today. Their children are: Dennis (Tricia), Con- and running except for the big truck which has a brake prob- Columbia Historical Society
nie (John) and David (Andrea). They have 10 grandchildren and lem but it is under warranty and will be ?xed quickly. Some
10 great-grandchildren, so far. illicit discharges were turned over to the Health Department. The Columbia Historical Society will hold its regular meeting
Together with their family and friends, we all wish to con- The Fire Chief reported 36 on ?le, 34 on call, 101 ?re calls to on Tuesday, June 13, in Columbia Town Hall. Social is at 7 p.m.
gratulate them on this great accomplishment. An open house at date and 293 EMS calls. There were 30 mutual aid assists and and the program is at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Thomas Strong of Westlake
their home on Akins Road will be held on Friday, June 16, from 8 mutual aid requests. Transport billing for May brought in will present a program on “medications.”
3-7 p.m. $13,715.39, bringing the total for the year to $60,182.93. The
annual testing of ladders and hoses is done. Letter to the Editor
J&J Greenhouse There will be a Blood Drive at the Columbia ?re station on
“We Grow On You” Friday, June 23, from 3-8 p.m. You can schedule an appointment To the Editor:
by going to and enter sponsor code “Co- I am an 18 year resident of Columbia on Greenview Drive.
SALE PRICES ARE HERE! lumbia TWP” or call 1-800-733-2767. Remember, giving blood Our property backs up to the Riverside Golf course. It was in full
MUCH TO CHOOSE FROM! helps to save lives. operation when we purchased our home. It has been an empty
Rita Plata gave the cemetery report: $800 was received for ?eld for a very long time. I enjoy the wildlife and birds we have,
Some of our Sales are Ending, burials, $1275 was received for the sale of graves and $600 was but also understand that it will be developed eventually. We, as a
But We Have Some New Sales received for footer fees. township, need to become informed about the goings on of this
Old Business property. I get very frustrated by those citizens that blame the
We Think You Will Like!! The Trustees accepted the bid for the Issue I Redfern Road trustees, yet they will not even attend a meeting. I want to thank
STAMP CARD EXTENDED 1 WEEK! Reconstruction Project of $92,952.00 from Crossroads Asphalt those residents of Greenview Drive that took the time to write a
Flats of Flowers or Veggies, Hanging and Recycling. The Estates of Columbia Ridge are still under letter. The mayor of Olmsted Falls mentioned them at last night’s
the authority of the Army Corp of Engineers. Shred Day is special meeting about the annexation. In my opinion, if you ar-
Baskets or Flower Pouches Saturday, June 17, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at the new service ga- en’t going to do what you can, then you should not complain. If
Buy 4 & Get 5th One FREE!!! rage. The Trustees passed a resolution for a 1 mill renewal levy you have questions, call the Town Hall. In closing I would like
Reduced Price of $9.99 ea. (Reg. 14.99) for $39,000 for Southwest General Hospital. The Trustees also to thank our Columbia Trustees, Zoning Board members, Road
Still A Great Selection of Veggies Inc: Sweet Potato Plants, passed a resolution supporting the passage of the SWGH levy. Service and Zoning Board of Appeals. They are all working tire-
Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucs, Onion Sets & Seed Potatoes. When asked what the Hospital does for Columbia, it was point- lessly to keep Columbia the rural gem that she is.
All 4½ ANNUALS ARE 10 FOR $20 ed out that Southwest provides free replacement of supplies and Sincerely, Kelley Tymke, Columbia Station
LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM! (Reg. $2.99 ea) medications for our Squad and provides continuing education for
PERENNIALS - BUY 3 & GET 4th FREE! our ?re department. Homecoming Festival fund-raiser
There will be a Fitness Walk in the Columbia Township Park
26240 Folley Rd., Columbia Station on June 12 at 5:30 p.m. on the new ?tness extension trail. The Make dinner a sel?ess act by a dinner fund-raisers to support
Directions or info 440-236-8762 Walk is open to all ages at no cost and there is a chance to win The Columbia Homecoming Festival.
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! prizes.
Hrs: Mon-Sat 9-8; Sun 9-6 The Fire Chief will meet with the Trustees and Fiscal Of?cer Come in to the Chipotle at 15029 Pearl Road in Strongsville
on June 28 at 8 a.m. to discuss the proposed 1.5 mill levy for the on Wednesday, June 21, between 5-9 p.m. Bring in this article,
?re department. show the ?yer on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re sup-
The developers and builders of the Riverside Golf Course porting the cause to make sure that 50% of the proceeds will be
met at a special meeting on June 5 with the mayor and council of donated to the Columbia Homecoming Festival.
Olmsted Falls to discuss annexation.Also attending was Trustee
Mike Musto and a number of Columbia residents. The request You can also share this event on Facebook through their page
for annexation has not yet been ?led. Right now, Olmsted Falls at Columbia Homecoming Festival.
is not interested in residential development because the expedit-
ed form of annexation would keep the property taxes in Lorain Every Saturday Noon-4pm
County, but Olmsted Falls would have to provide ?re, police and
road service; but, they are interested in economic development. FREE
However, if the petition is ?led, Olmsted Falls has 20 days to
accept or deny. Also, plans for the development have not been GOURMET SAUSAGE TASTING
submitted to the Council and when they are the Council wants
3 readings. We Make Over 200 Varieties Of Our
Public Hearing Famous Homemade Gourmet Sausage!
The Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment 2017-01 started
with all three trustees present. The Trustees passed a resolution Sundays Noon-4pm
to accept the changes for PRDD1, 2 and 3. They will send con-
cerns to the Zoning Commission and the County Prosecutor. The Hot off the Grill
regular order of business was resumed.
BBQ Ribs
Call in your order!
9858 E. River Rd., Columbia Station
JUNE 17, 2017 440-235-2766 • 1-800-646-BEEF
Columbia Township residents will have the
opportunity to shred unwanted documents on
Saturday, June 17, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 OPEN 7 DAYS
noon at the new service garage located at 26089
Royalton Road. This event is limited to residential
use only. Business documents will not be accepted.
Remove all plastic folders, staples and paper clips
from documents to be shredded.
Please limit the quantity of documents
for shredding to six cardboard boxes.
Local Dog Finds If you do not have access to email, please contact Mandie by RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Page 5
Momma Snapping Turtle phone at (216) 409-6668. Participation is free; please share this
with your neighbors and friends. Deadline to list is by 12 p.m. on Columbia Football Youth Camp
turtle was digging holes Friday, July 7.
in the ?ower bed to ?nd The 12th annual Columbia Youth Football Camp will be held
the best location to lay Aviation fund-raiser from June 19-21.The camp will once again be offered under the
her eggs. Ziggy hap- direction of Jason Ward, CSH varsity football coach. The varsity
pened upon the reptile There is an Aviation & Maritime High School opening up in coaching staff and players will assist with the camp. This is a
while she was in the Cleveland! The Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School is non-contact camp! The main focus will be teaching the funda-
process of covering her going to be offering awesome opportunities to our area youth. mentals of the game of football and exposing each camper to all
cache of eggs. The soon Discover Aviation Center is holding a fund-raiser to help raise different football positions.They will utilize drills, activities and
to be momma turtle was money for the school’s Fab Lab, complete with ?ight & ship competitions that will make learning fun and rewarding.
safely moved to a near- simulators. The event will take place on the Nautica Queen on
by creek and the home- Wednesday, June 14. What a great way to enjoy an evening on The camp is open to all boys entering 3-8 grades in the fall of
owner should expect Lake Erie while helping the school out at the same time. Tickets 2017. The cost of the camp is $30 if registered prior to 6/15 and
about 12 new visitors in start at just $125. For more details, call Vicki at (440) 236-6594. $35 the day of the camp. The camp will take place on the varsity
about 80-90 days. football practice ?eld and game ?eld at Columbia High School.
Columbia Soccer’s Golf Outing For more information, please contact Coach Ward at wardj@co-
Story submitted by, or call him at (h)(440) 458-5064 or (c)(440)-
Ziggy Mike & Michelle Mc- The Columbia boy’s and girl’s soccer program will hold their 935-3649.
Following the Me- Geady of Columbia Sta- 11th annual golf outing on Saturday, July 22. The outing will be
morial weekend storms, tion. held at Cossett Creek (formerly Brunswick Hills), 4900 Center Ohio Wesleyan Dean’s List
a 15 pound snapping Ziggy’s friend Rd., in Brunswick. It will be a 4-person scramble, with a shotgun
turtle was discovered start to begin at 9 a.m. The cost is $75 per golfer (adults only), Ohio Wesleyan University is pleased to announce its 2017
in a local ?ower bed which includes green fees/cart, lunch, catered steak dinner and spring semester Dean’s List. To qualify for OWU Dean’s List
by a homeowner’s dog. door prizes. You can also just join them for dinner for a cost of recognition, students must earn a GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4.0
The curious dog, Ziggy, $30. For reservations or entry forms, contact coach Corey Taylor scale in all applicable classes.
was rescued from the at (440) 371-4820 or [email protected], or Mike Welker at
snapping turtle before (216) 973-7723; or [email protected]. Local residents earning this academic achievement were:
needing a trip to the vet Emily McKenzie of Wellington, Andrew Newport of Eaton, Jus-
to get his nose repaired. If anyone is interested in being a hole sponsor, the cost is $50 tin Reznik of Columbia Station and Michael Smosny of Elyria.
It turns out the errant for a sign at a tee box, along with your name included on a banner
to be hung at all home games. A Gold Hole Sponsor is $200 and Congratulations!
includes a sign at a tee box, along with an individual banner 6’ x
3’6” high that will be hung at the outing and at all home games. HYDROPONICS
Please contact either coach if you are interested in sponsorship.
The Indoor Gardener
Fleet Hometown news Store
Community Garage Sales U.S. Navy Sailor Paul Paul Kolenz Home & Commercial Growers Welcome!
Kolenz graduated from
Columbia Station and the Columbia Chamber of Commerce Basic Military Training in Grow Lights • Nutrients
are proud to be hosting the 4th annual Columbia Community Ga- Great Lakes, Illinois. Ko-
rage Sales. Being a rural community, it is hard to draw shoppers lenz has completed a 6-week Grow Media and More!
out to our garage sales. Most shoppers like to go to developments course as a Hull Damage Re-
or to cities where they can hit multiple sales all in the same day. pair Tech. Visit us on Facebook @prell87
Last year we held these sales and had 100+ participating houses.
We made it easier for shoppers to come to Columbia to purchase He is the son of Jim and 23005 Sprague Rd, Unit 5, Columbia St.
treasures and had a huge amount of traf?c! Sue and brother of Joe, all of 440-532-7722
Columbia Station. The Sail-
The sale dates are scheduled for Thursday, July 13, Friday, or has been deployed and Hours: M-F 11-8pm; Sat 12-5pm; Sun 12-4pm
July 14 & Saturday, July 15, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (hours may vary is now serving on the Navy
by address). Participating houses will be available to download Base in Guam. Great Prices & Expert Advice
& view on-line. To have your house listed, please send your ad-
dress, days and hours you will be “open” and a few items you God Speed!
will be having in your sale to Mandie Andrews at:
[email protected].
Pro Edge Pools Now Open!
Locally Owned and Operated SAVE BIG
by people who care.
on in-stock Pool
Save on Louisiana 100% wood pellet FREE Package Upgrades.
FREE Installation. FREE Options.
cookers & Kamado Charcoal Grills Good only while supplies last!
22'' Kamado
(see store for details)
Reg-$999.99 sale $849.99!
Starting at $1,999 Starting at
Above Ground Pools Outdoor Kitchens On-ground Pools Pergolas/Pavilions
We are now your Authorized Pro Edge Pools Exclusive!!
dealer for Play Mor Playsets!
Dual Sport Heated In Ground Fitness Pool
Buy a 6 Station play set
Includes: 2- Built in Basketball Stations
Now for $1,299 and 1- Built in Volleyball Game,
get FREE Installation! Warm Water Lap Pool, Plus much more!!!
(see store for details) Installed with
Concrete All for
“Internet based under $30,000
chemical pricing” (excludes taxes,
some restrictions apply,
Hours: 440-236-4160
Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri 10-7 see store for details)
Saturday 10-6, Sunday 11-4 27099 Royalton Rd., Columbia Station
Closed Wednesdays
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Crafters Wanted Blood donors can receive a free
Cedar Point Park ticket
The Rural-Urban Record The Our Lady Queen of Peace Home Days Festival is
looking for local crafters to participate in this year’s festival to This summer, the American Red Cross, Cedar Fair theme
Published Weekly on Monday be held August 3, 4 and 5, from 6-11 p.m. each night. If inter- parks and iHeartMedia/Cleveland Region are partnering to
ested, please contact Marilyn Bahl at (440) 323-0009 or email offer a free Cedar Fair park ticket to those who come out to
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter [email protected]. Application forms can also be found donate blood at select blood drives. Donors can also enter to
Founders 1955 on their website, www. win one of three grand prize packages for four to Knott’s Ber-
ry Farm in California or Cedar Point in Ohio.
Lee Boise, Publisher & President GriefShare
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 All those who come to donate at select blood drives will
Fields United Methodist Church has started a new pro- receive one free ticket, valid for entry to participating U.S.
Mailing Address: gram called GriefShare, a special weekly grief recovery sem- Cedar Fair parks, including Cedar Point, while supplies last.
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 inar and support group. GriefShare meets weekly, and contin- Tickets are valid for the 2017 season, and other restrictions
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station uously, as long as there is a need, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., and may apply. Now through September 4, donors can also vis-
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 will include a weekly topic, a short video and a workbook to it to enter to win a grand prize
go along with the video. You’ll ?nd GriefShare to be a warm, package and take advantage of an exclusive ticket offer that
Email: [email protected] caring environment and will come to see the group as an oasis gives $2 of each ticket purchased online back to the Red
Website: on your long journey through grief. You can join in anytime. Cross.
Leaders are Adrienne Essenberg and Marylynn Swartz. Fields
DEADLINE: United Methodist Church is located at 34077 Lorain Road, in Upcoming blood donation opportunities offering one free
News articles & all ads - Wednesday by 12pm North Ridgeville. Please contact the church of?ce at (440) Cedar Fair theme park ticket are:
327-8753 for more information or to register for GriefShare.
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs., 9am-4pm -June 20, from 1-7 p.m. at Ehrnfelt Recreation Center,
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year PAL Support Group 18100 Royalton Road, Strongsville.
Vacation Bible School Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a support group -June 24, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Stephen Rung-Meno Me-
of parents helping parents, offering education and support at morial Blood Drive, 409 Armour Road, Avon Lake.
Christian Unity Church, located at 36353 Capel Rd., in no charge, for parents who are trying to save a son or daugh-
Grafton, is having Vacation Bible School, “The Redeemer,” ter from addiction. These meetings are not for the addict, but -June 28, from 2-7 p.m. at Castaway Bay, 2001 Cleveland
on June 12-16, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. for children ages 4- the family members that are 18 yrs. or older. Meetings are Road, Sandusky.
teens. Join Dr. Vanguard and his crew to follow Jesus’ life on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m. at
story from Bethlehem to Calvary and see how he brings us Lighthouse Bible Church, located at 24050 Royalton Road, in -July 3, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Fairview Recreation Center,
joy, happiness, peace, hope and love. As a service project, Columbia Station. 21225 Lorain Road, Fairview Park.
we will be collecting canned food and other nonperishable
food items for a local food bank in Grafton during VBS. Summer Camps -July 12, from 12-7 p.m. at Dave & Busters, 25735 First
There will be a competition to see which class brings the St., Westlake.
most food items. For questions, call Pastor Neal Brock at Registrations are now open for summer camps being spon-
(440) 748-1008. All are invited to attend. sored by Elyria Catholic High School. There are a variety of -July 18, from 1-7 p.m. at Heartland Community Church,
camps to choose from in both the sports and imagination in- 3400 Weymouth Road, Medina.
“For I know that my redeemer liveth.” -- Job 19:25 terest areas. The Panther Sports Camps include: boys’ and
girls’ basketball, volleyball, boys’ and girls’ soccer, football -July 21, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Cuyahoga Community
Community VBS and throws camps. They are designed to teach young players College, West Campus, 11000 Pleasant Valley Road, Parma.
the fundamentals of the game.
Please join Hosanna Lutheran Church for their Commu- -July 25, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Independence Community
nity Vacation Bible School, “Cave Quest - Following Jesus, The Imagination Camps offer: art, acting for the stage and Center, 6363 Selig Drive, Independence.
The Light Of The World.” Bible School will take place on screen, cool coders, chefs in training and yap (young authors
June 19-22, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. This event is for kids ages and poets). How to donate blood
4 years old to 8th grade. It is sponsored by the following Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor
churches: ClearView, Columbia Baptist, Columbia United To register on-line, visit or register by App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-
Methodist, Hosanna Lutheran, New Life Wesleyan, North calling (440) 365-1821. 800-733-2767) to make an appointment or for more informa-
Eaton Christian and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. This is a free tion. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for
event. Please contact Hosanna Lutheran at (440) 236-8900, or FUNERAL HOME & patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other
any of the other participating churches for questions or reg- CREMATION SERVICES forms of identi?cation are required at check-in. Individuals
istration forms. who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental con-
Laubenthal Funeral sent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds
Gospel Singing Services and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate
blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age
North Eaton Church of God, located at 12096 South Island Offering Forethought and younger also have to meet certain height and weight re-
Rd., is having a fund-raising Gospel Singing on Saturday, Funeral Pre-Planning quirements.
June 17, at 6 p.m. Singers include their own church singers,
Tommy Hall & the Sunlighters, and more. There will also be LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
a Bake Sale, food, pop and coffee available. Donations will
be accepted. 38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035 DAVID BOGNER
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929
Hungarian Cabbage Roll Sale FAMILY FUNERAL HOME
Community of Faith United Church of Christ, located at LOCAL FAMILIES COMMITTED TO SERVING OUR COMMUNITY 36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
9715 East River Rd., in Elyria, is hosting a Cabbage Roll Sale
on Saturday, June 17, from 1-4 p.m. The cabbage rolls are Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled
cooked and cost $12 per dozen. To place an order, call (440) FUNERAL HOME
366-4651, (440) 328-7534, (440) 309-6828 or the church of- 2089 Columbia Road
?ce at (440) 322-3781 by June 12. Please bring your own Valley City, OH 44280
container when you pick up your cabbage rolls on June 17.
“Understanding When
Needed Most”
Pre-Need Planning Available
YOU’RE INVITED!!! Come and Worship with us...
CALVARY BAPTIST And this is the promise which He Himself made to us: eternal life. 1 John 2:25
Church of Christ United Church of God GRAFTON UNITED Our Lady Queen of Peace
114 Hope Ct., Elyria 12981 Grafton Rd. METHODIST CHURCH Catholic Church
Service Time: Sunday, 10 a.m. Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am Grafton, Oh 44044
Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm 973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034
440-458-5200 Sabbath Services “Your Family Church”
WWW.CBCHOPE.ORG Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm Saturdays at 12:30 pm
211 Forest St., LaGrange 8:45am Sunday School 10:00am Worship Weekend Masses Weekday
440-355-6872 Sat. 4:30pm Mass
“Welcome Home” 10:35am Children’s Church 8:00am
COLUMBIA UNITED Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor Sun. 8:30 & Chapel
METHODIST New Life Wesleyan Church
CHURCH NORTH 11:00am Mon.-Tues.
11149 West River Rd. EATON Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
Worship Service Columbia Station CHRISTIAN
10:30 a.m. CHURCH Sat. 3:30-
Sunday School Adult Bible Study (Disciples) 4:00pm
SUNDAY 10 am Rt. 82 & 83
during Worship Service Worship & Children’s Church ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm 440-748-2230
Youth Group, Kids Club LUTHERAN CHURCH
Pastor Matt Merriman Worship Services Catholic Parish
236-8822 Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor 38307 W. Royalton Rd.
Rev. John Bodo 8:00am & 9:30am Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57) 25801 Royalton Rd.
[email protected] - Associate Pastor Columbia Station, OH Sunday School Adult Bible Class
440-236-8600 Sunday 9:30am Sacrament of Reconciliation 10:45am Sunday Worship (Confession)
Polly Tallos Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Church ph: 440-748-2154 Anytime by Appointment
Christian Ed. & Youth Director Preschool ph: 440-748-3445
Weekend Masses
Rev. Charles A. Butcher Sat. 5 p.m.
Rev. John Ramsey II
Pastor Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
Sheriff’s Blotter May 24 - Domestic Vio- May 30 - Stolen Vehicle/ RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Page 7
lence/Dispute on Station Rd. Unauthorized Use on Osborne
The following is the Lo- May 15 - Harassment on Rd. Need to look at our archives?
rain County Sheriff’s Dept. Royalton Rd. May 24 - Noti?cations on Visit our website at:
Incident Report for Columbia Osborne Rd. May 31 - Suspicious Con-
Township for May 2017. May 15 - Suspicious Con- dition on West River Rd.
dition on Snell Rd. May 24 - Suspicious Con-
May 2 - Suspicious Condi- dition on Bridle Path Ln. May 31 - Suspicious Con-
tionon East River Rd. May 15 - Weapons Com- dition on Sprague Rd.
plaint on Parkwood Dr. May 24 - Weapons Com-
May 3 - Missing Person plaint on Parkwood Drive. May 31 - Traf?c Com-
on Royalton Rd. May 15 - Domestic Vio- plaint on East River Rd./Red-
lence/Dispute on East River May 26 - Suspicious Con- fern Rd.
May 3 - Abandoned Vehi- Rd. dition on Royalton Rd./Sta-
cleon Royalton Rd. tion Rd. Columbia Antique Engine Show & Flea Market
May 15 - Accident/Hit
May 3 - Suspicious Condi- Skip on Royalton Rd. May 26 - Traf?c Stop on S. Sponsored by
tionon on S. Boone Rd. Boone Rd./Royalton Rd. The Columbia Chamber of Commerce
May 16 - Assist Ambu-
May 3 - Property Damage lance on Hawke Rd. May 26 - Fraud on Cobble- The 2017 Columbia Antique Engine Show & Flea Market was held last
on Station Rd. stone Trl. weekend bringing fair weather and interesting displays!
May 17 - Suspicious Con-
May 4 - Burglary on Red- dition on Osborne Rd. May 26 - Harassment on
fern Rd. Royalton Rd.
May 19 - Ordinance Viola-
May 4 - Theft on S. Boone tion on Aldridge Ave. May 27 - Stolen Vehicle/
Rd. Unauthorized Use on Royal-
May 20 - Traf?c Com- ton Rd.
May 4 - DOA/Body Found plaint on Forestview Dr.
on Valleyview Dr. May 27 - Theft on Plum
May 20 - Protection Order Creek Dr.
May 5 - Missing Person on Violation on Hawke Rd.
Royalton Rd. May 28 - Suspicious Con-
May 20 - Assist Other dition on Royalton Rd.
May 5 - Noise Complaint Agency on Osborne Rd.
on Sprague Rd. May 28 - Stolen Vehicle/
May 20 - Suspicious Con- Unauthorized Use on Royal-
May 5 - Theft on S. Boone dition on Sprague Rd. ton Rd.
May 21 - Suspicious Con- May 28 - Traf?c Stop on
May 5 - Property Damage dition on Royalton Rd. Station Rd.
on Eagle Pointe Ct.
May 21 - Traf?c Com- May 29 - Burglary on Em-
May 5 - Unwanted Person plaint on N. Boone Rd. mons Rd.
on East River Rd.
May 22 - Burglary on Du- May 29 - Traf?c Stop on
May 6 - Harassment on pont Ave. Royalton Rd./Hawke Rd.
Westwood Ave.
May 22 - Animal Com- May 29 - Traf?c Stop on
May 6 - Traf?c Stop on- plaint/Investigation on Royal- Royalton Rd./Station Rd.
Royalton Rd./Station Rd. ton Rd./West River Rd.
May 29 - Disturbance on
May 6 - Traf?c Stop on May 22 - Traf?c Stop on Joyce Dr.
Royalton Rd./West River Rd. East River Rd./Royalton Rd.
May 29 - Traf?c Stop on
May 7 - Fraud on Churchill May 22 - Property Damage Royalton Rd./Station Rd.
Dr. on Osborne Rd.
May 29 - Traf?c Stop on
May 9 - Harassment on May 23 - Theft on Os- Royalton Rd./East River Rd.
Quarry Ridge Rd. borne Rd.
May 29 - Noise Complaint
May 9 -Trespassing on May 23 - Theft on Nichols on W. Heather Ln.
Royalton Rd. Rd.
May 29 - Property Damage
May 10 - Suspicious Con- May 23 - Traf?c Stop on on West River Rd.
dition on East River Rd. Royalton Rd./Station Rd.
May 30 - Traf?c Stop on
May 12 - Warrant on Snell May 23 - Traf?c Stop on East River Rd./Redfern Rd.
Rd. Plum Creek Dr./Royalton Rd.
May 30 - Parking Violation
May 12 - Theft on Royal- May 23 - Traf?c Stop on on Westwood Blvd./Laker-
ton Rd. Station Rd./Royalton Rd. idge Way.
May 13 - Juvenile Com- May 23 - Domestic Vio- May 30 -Traf?c Stop on
plaint on Plum Creek Dr. lence/Dispute on Royalton Royalton Rd./East River Rd.
May 14 - Suspicious Con- May 30 - Traf?c Stop on
dition on West River Rd./Os- May 24 - Drug Investiga- N.Boone Rd.
borne Rd. tion on Sprague Rd.
May 30 - Traf?c Stop on
May 14 - Assist Ambu- May 24 - Traf?c Stop on Royalton Rd./ N Boone Rd.
lance on East River Rd. Royalton Rd./Hawke Rd.
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Fleet Hometown news Dean’s List at Mount Union
[email protected] U.S. Air Force Airman The following local students were named to the Dean’s List
Daulton R. Buttrey graduated for the Spring 2017 semester at the University of Mount Union:
Memorial Day Parade winners from basic military training at
Joint Base San Antonio-Lack- Madison Filipiak (Elyria), Bailey Gannon (North Ridgeville),
land, in San Antonio, Texas. Riley Gannon (North Ridgeville), Tyler Gannon (North Rid-
The airman completed an geville), Brittany Helmink (North Ridgeville), Joshua Lewis
intensive, 8-week program (Elyria) and Isabella Pecchia (North Ridgeville).
that included training in mil-
itary discipline and studies, To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must have com-
Air Force core values, phys- pleted at least 12 credit hours of traditionally graded coursework
ical ?tness and basic warfare while achieving a GPA of 3.550 or better with no letter grade
principles and skills. below a B.
Airmen who complete
basic training also earn four Congratulations!
Ashton seeks loving home
credits toward an associate Ashton is such a nice guy!
in applied science degree He is 10 years old and was an
through the Community Col- injured stray found on High
lege of the Air Force. Street in Elyria. Ashton is
Buttrey is the son of Karen Daulton R. Buttrey front declawed so he had to be
a pet at one time. Stop in the
L. and Michael L. Buttrey Sr. The airman graduated in “cattery” and spend some time
of North Ridgeville. He is also 2015 from North Ridgeville with Ashton. He could just be
the brother of Michael L. But- High School. the cat for you! If you would
trey Jr. and Joshua E. Buttrey. like to give Ashton a loving,
Congratulations! forever home, please call the
Friendship Animal Protective
Coloring Contest winners League at (440) 322-4321.
Winning the Best of Show with his 1988 Buick LaSabre Stretch, was Ashton
owner Jack Haurin pictured with Lion President Selena Kimble. The shelter is located at
8303 Murray Ridge Road, in have been spayed or neu-
The North Ridgeville Lion’s Club and V.F.W. Post 9871 Elyria. Their hours are from tered, vaccinated, dewormed
sponsored the annual Memorial Day Parade and Memorial Day 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Mon- and have tested negative for
Service for our veterans. Winners of the parade were announced day, Friday & Saturday; from FeLV. Friendship APL is a
after the Memorial Day Service and included the following: 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. on Tues- private, non-pro?t humane
day & Thursday; and from society. They depend on the
Best of Show: 1988 Buick LaSabre Stretch, owner Jack Hau- 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Sunday. generosity and ?nancial sup-
rin. Adoption fees are $20 for 1 port of the public to serve the
year and older and $50 for people and animals of Lorain
Decorated Bikes: 1st Place - Avery Walsh, 9 years old; 2nd less than 1 year old. All cats County.
Place - Cooper Timoteo, 4 years old.
Oberlin in the 1960s and 70s
Best Float: St. Peter Boy Scout Troop #153 and St. Peter Cub
Scout Pack #153. Jeanne Charvat Jean Gaeta “The Times They are a Changin’ Oberlin in the 1960s
and 1970s,” is a program on sharing stories from Oberlin’s
Best Marching Group: Girl Scouts of America. The North Ridgeville Senior Center held an Adult Coloring Oral History Project. Eugenia (Geni) Poporad Vanek offers
Contest for the seniors May 15-22. The contestants picked up a insights into Oberlin in the 1960s and 1970s and recalls
College Graduate predetermined coloring template and were asked to be creative. some of the events that drew community members togeth-
The 12 entries were voted on by the Senior Center Watercolor er, or drove them apart. Vanek weaves together a tapesty of
Congratulations to Alexandra Ridel from North Ridgeville, group and the prize winners of 1st & 2nd were given a Color- voices and their recollections of a tense war, a struggle for
for graduating from Wittenberg University in the Class of 2017. ing Gift Basket, donated by Pat Catan’s, and a small gift basket peace and volatile issues of race, gender and civil liberties.
Alexandra graduated from the University with a major in So- from the North Ridgeville Senior Center. First place winner was The illustrated program takes place Tuesday, June 13, at 7:15
ciology. Jeanne Charvat and second place winner was Jean Gaeta. p.m. at Kendal at Oberlin’s Heiser Auditorium, located at 600
Kendal Drive. This free public presentation is hosted by the
Thanks to all who participated and a special thank you to Pat Oberlin Heritage Center.
Catan’s for donating the gift basket.
All are welcome to attend wearing their grooviest out?ts!
Mon & Th: 10-8pm
Spring into Tues/Wed &
Savings! Fri/Sat:10-5pm
High Quality Kitchen and General Plug and Mfg. Co.
Bath Cabinetry, NOW HIRING
Carpeting, Tile, Laminate, Part- Time Workers
Hardwood Flooring, Granite, Contact Megan at 440-926-1757
Quartz and Laminate Mon- Friday 9am-4pm.
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by 7/31/17 by mail-in rebate form or online at Cannot be combined with any other tire manufacturer-sponsored rebate/offer. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications, rebate and account details. Offer valid with coupon. 2 Dealer-installed retail purchases only. Limit one redemption per customer. On these name brands: Good-
year, Dunlop, Continental, Pirelli,® Hankook, Yokohama,® and Bridgestone. $70 tire rebate includes Michelin® and BFGoodrich.® Tire rebate by prepaid debit card or apply to an active Owner Advantage Rewards® account. $70 credit card rebate by prepaid debit card only. Subject to credit approval. Complete purchase must be made on the
Ford Service Credit Card. Offer valid 4/01/17 to 6/30/17. Submit rebate by 7/31/17 by mail-in rebate form or online at Cannot be combined with any other tire manufacturer-sponsored or Ford Service Credit Card rebate/offer. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications, rebate and account details. Offer valid with coupon 3 Retail
purchases only. Dealer-installed Motorcraft or Omnicraft™ brake pads or shoes. Exclusions apply. Limit one redemption per axle. Taxes extra. Subject to credit approval. Complete purchase must be made on the Ford Service Credit Card. Offer valid 4/1/2017 to 6/30/2017. Submit rebate by 7/31/2017 by mail-in rebate form or online at fordowner.
com. Rebate per axle ($50 with Ford Service Credit Card, $25 without Ford Service Credit Card). $25 credit rebate by prepaid debit card only. Brake rebate by prepaid debit card or apply to an active Owner Advantage Rewards® account. See participating U.S. dealership for vehicle applications, rebate and account details through 6/30/2017.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Page 9
Professional Profile
11847 Avon Belden Rd.
Grafton, OH 44044
(440) 235-9273
$10 OFF
Lawn Maintenance
Fertilization Delivery of Bulk Materials
Seasonal Clean-ups Mulch • Top Soil • Stone
Design-Build ~ Patios
Offer expires 6/30/17
Walkways Cannot be combined with any other offer.
Color Enhancement
$100 OFF
Any Paver Walkway,
Bulk Material for SALE Patio or Retaining Wall
Pick up or Delivery project of $1,000 or more
Mulch • Topsoil • Stone Offer expires 6/30/17
Seed • Fertilizer Cannot be combined with any other offer.
“We Want Your LICENSED Monday-Sunday by Appointment
Stinkin’ Business” INSURED Of?ce: 440-371-9509
440-355-5526 AERATOR MOTORS
800-511-3419 REPAIRED
FAX 440-355-6170 120 Commerce Dr.
LaGrange, Ohio 44050
® (440) 236-8825 JARRELL
Construction Quality work
RUNDLE Company L.L.C. since 1980
Professional Quality Roo?ng
HEATING & COOLING, INC Metal Roo?ng Specialist
OH LIC #14547 Licensed, Bonded & Insured
Residential - Commercial 440-610-2804
Heating - Air Conditioning - Air Cleaners - Humidi?ers
Jennifer, Landon Products Services 36469 St. Rt. 303 Grafton
& Scot Kuhns
• Rings • Jewelry 440-926-3231
Buying • Necklaces • Clock Repair
Gold • Watches • Watch Repair Dr. Gretchen Sanzone
Dr. Megan Andexlinger
• Clocks
Veterinarian Care
954 Main Street, Grafton, OH 44044 Boarding • Doggy Day Care
440-926-0500 | Grooming
Tues, Wed, Fri 10 - 5pm; Thurs 10 - 6pm; Sat. 9 - 12pm; CLOSED JUNE 13-15 for rehabilitation and exercise
AuudŽEA?lŽ?lA?l?Ž??W?ŽuGÐl WE Can Help YOU
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36050 Royalton Rd, Grafton | 440-748-3008
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Cuyahoga County Public Library, Brook Park Branch, 6155 En- [email protected]
gle Rd., Brook Park.
[email protected] Black Jack seeks loving home
Communicating End of Life Issues: Lunch and Learn - Join
Scout Aviation Merit Badge Day us for a discussion about living wills and advanced directives Black Jack who weighs 25 lbs. He is up-
as well as learn tips on how to have these important, and, of- Black Jack is a 3-year-old dated on his vaccines and is
EAA Chapter 1252 will be holding a Scout Aviation Merit ten dif?cult, conversations with your family members. Christine male, mini Black Lab mix neutered. Black Jack’s owner
Badge Day on Saturday, June 17, at the Lorain County Airport. Armstrong, certi?ed nurse practitioner, Palliative Care Services, is moving to an assisted living
This is open to all kids - Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or non-Scouts Southwest General, will be on-hand to answer any questions, facility and cannot take him
wanting to learn more about aviation. If you are interested in provide actual documents to ?ll out and can provide examples of with her. He came into rescue
having your troop/child attend, please contact Doug at markp- when these documents may be needed. Reservation is required. with his canine brother Buster.
[email protected] or (717)-386-6167, or Steve at janowski2@aol. Call (330) 273-8000. Monday, June 19, at 11 a.m., Brunswick Black Jack is a friendly, ener-
com or (440) 897-1343. Recreation Center, 3637 Center Rd., Brunswick. getic dog who gets along well
with other dogs. Black Jack
Southwest General Healthy Events Keep Your GI Tract Healthy - Nurses from the Endoscopy has a beautiful sleek solid
Department at Southwest General will discuss ways to keep your black coat, warm brown eyes
Southwest General’s Community Nurse Program offers a GI tract healthy as well as what to expect at an endoscopy or and is small and petite in size.
variety of health and wellness programs in local communities colonoscopy procedure. Reservation is required. Call (44) 238-
throughout the year. To learn more about these programs, visit 5530. On Tuesday, June 20, at 10 a.m., Cuyahoga County Public If you’d like to meet Black Library, Strongsville Branch, 18700 Westwood Dr., Strongsville. Jack, please e-mail: info@
Memory Screening - Are you saying “Sorry, I forgot” a little The Mask of Depression - Are you wondering if you, or a
too often? It’s normal to forget a name from time to time, but it’s loved one, are suffering from depression? Join Marlene Kurz, Ask the Remodeler
not normal to keep forgetting days of the week or when to pay LPCC-S, Oakview Behavioral Health Services, Southwest Gen-
bills or take medicine. Join us for a free screening hosted by the eral, as she discusses the signs and symptoms of depression as Question: Do you ever just frame an addition and let the home
Community Nurses to see if you should consider seeing a physi- well as ways to cope. Tuesday, June 27, at 10 a.m. John A. Polo- owner do the balance of the project?
cian. Reservation is required. Call (440) 816-4037. Wednesday, nye Community Center, 17400 Holland Rd., Brook Park.
June 14, from 9-11 a.m., Middleburg Hts. Community Center, Answer: Yes, we have done this. We would make a detailed
16000 Bagley Rd., Middleburg Hts. Got GUT? - Join Judy Steffes, registered dietitian, Southwest contract listing what we were doing and list the items that the
General, for a discussion on how to maintain healthy gut bac- owner is completing. As long as both parties understood clearly
Safety First - Empower your child to be safe at home alone or teria, which, in return, will help to boost your immune system. what parts of the project they were responsible for, the projects
when he or she is caring for little ones. Join us for an interactive Reservation is required. Call (440) 238-9001. Wednesday, June progressed.
presentation by Sondra Martin, family life instructor, Southwest 28, Lunch at 11:30 a.m.; Speaker at noon. Shurmer Place Meet-
General, and Laurie Pfahler, RN, community nurse, Southwest ing Center, 18715 Shurmer Rd., Strongsville. If you have any questions you would like to ask, send them
General. Collectively, they will discuss how to prevent injury, via email to [email protected].
what to do if injury occurs and who to call for help. Addition- Addiction 101 - Chemical dependency is a primary disease
ally, children will learn about safety as well as get a feel for the in which a person becomes addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. Don Jason
Southwest General SafeSitters class. Talk is geared to children Learn more about the substances most often abused, signs and
ages 8-12; parents are welcomed to attend. Reservation is re- symptoms of chemical dependency as well as available treatment EATON TOWNSHIP
quired. Call (216) 267-5250. Monday, June 19, at 12:30 p.m., options. Talk will be presented by Mike Waggoner, MSN, RN,
director, Oakview Behavioral Health Services, Southwest Gen- 6-13-2017 9am: Parks & Preserve meeting
Flag Day June 14th eral. Reservation is required. Call (440) 238-5530. Wednesday, 6-14-2017 7pm: Zoning Commission – Work Session
June 28, at 7 p.m., Cuyahoga County Public Library, Strongsville regarding the Zoning Book & future site plans
Keep in touch with your community! Branch 18700 Westwood Dr., Strongsville. 6-20-2017 7pm: Trustee Public hearing regarding:
Visit: Re-Zoning application from Ross regarding Parcel no:
EATON TOWNSHIP ZONING COMMISSION ?le no ZA-2017-01 in regards to re-zoning to Heavy
WORK SESSION NOTICE Industry concerning parcels: 11-00-067-000-020, -010,
-019, -018, -013, -003, -011, -017 (8 parcels)
Notice is hereby given that the Eaton Township Zoning 6-20-2017 7:30pm: Regular Trustee Meeting
Commission will hold a work sessions per O.R.C. Section 6-24-2017 9am: Trustee & Fiscal of?cer will hold a
505.87 at the Eaton Township Hall, 12043 S. Avon Belden budge meeting & discuss staf?ng
Rd., Grafton, Ohio 44044 6-21-2017 7pm: Zoning Commission – Work Session
(in conference room thru front of?ce) on ALL WEDNESDAYS regarding the Zoning Book & future site plans
except the ?rst Wednesday of month (Effective 6-14-2017
Thru 12-27-2017) regarding the Zoning Resolution Book There will be no July 4th Trustee meeting!
& future site plans.
By Order of Eaton Township Zoning Commission Board
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Page 11
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Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Drop-Off Day for Keystone Keystone Quarterback Golf Outing
LaGrange Library Book Sale
[email protected] The 12th annual Keystone Quarterback Club Golf Outing is
Do you have books that the kids have outgrown, or books on Saturday, July 8, at 9 a.m. at the Carlisle Golf Course. Cost
Workshop Players presents... you’ve already read? Consider donating them to the Friends of for this 4-man scramble is $65 a man or $260 a team. Price in-
the Keystone LaGrange Community Library for their annual cludes green fees, cart, lunch, dinner, beverages and prizes.
“Sylvia,” written by A. R. Gurney and Dave Mackeigan. Greg book sale in November. All proceeds from the sale will bene?t
(Kevin Boland) brings home a dog he found in the park - or that the Keystone LaGrange Community Library, which is a part of 1st Place - $300, 2nd Place - $200 and 3rd Place - $100. Hole
has found him - bearing only the name “Sylvia” on her name tag. the Elyria Public Library System. sponsorship is available for $50. For more information, contact
A street-smart mixture of Lab and Poodle, Sylvia (Jill Kenderes) Jason Duchoslav at (440) 221-5932 or [email protected],
becomes a major bone of contention between husband and wife. The Friends will have a Drop-Off Day on Saturday, June or Don Griswold at (440) 213-7089.
She offers Greg an escape from the frustrations of his job and the 17, from 10 a.m-2 p.m. at the library, located at 101 West St.,
unknowns of middle age. To Kate (Heidi Sarvis-Sapp), Sylvia in LaGrange. They are accepting books (both paperback and KHS Class of 1977 40th Reunion
becomes a rival for affection, and Sylvia thinks Kate just doesn’t hardcover), DVDs, CDs and audio books. No encyclopedias or
understand the relationship between man and dog. The marriage textbooks, please. The Friends members will be at the library to The Keystone Class of 1977 is having a 40th Class Reunion
is put in serious jeopardy until, after a series of hilarious and help you unload. on Saturday, July 15, at 6 p.m. at the Wellington Eagles
touching complications, Greg and Kate learn to compromise, FOE #2051, located at 631 S. Main St., in Wellington. Cost is
and Sylvia becomes a valued part of their lives. Other drop-off sites include Michelle’s cafe, Belwhether In- $25 per person.
surance, IGA, the banks in LaGrange, China Kitchen and Tiger
The cast also includes Diane Schreiber and Ray Cosma. Note: Martial Arts. The donation boxes are in the businesses and li- If you did not receive an invitation in the mail, please contact
Contains adult language! brary from March to November. Rose Zambo Hess via email at [email protected].
Performances are June 29 & 30 and July 1, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 & If you need to have someone pick up your donations, please RLCWA meeting
16. Shows start at 8 p.m.; Sunday matinees at 3 p.m. Doors open call Linda Chapin at (440) 355-6124.
45 minutes before show time. Tickets are $15 each; group rates Rural Lorain County Water Authority will hold a June Board
are available. KES Honor/High Honor Rolls Meeting on June 14, at 7 a.m. The meeting will be held at the
RLCWA of?ce, located at 42401 State Route 303, in La-
The theatre has partnered with The Lorain County Dog Ken- Third Grade Grange. For more information, call Mr. Tim Mahoney, General
nel for this show. Please consider a donation of Purina Complete High Honor Roll: Cooper Graham, Andrew Hetsler, Reilly Manager at (800) 842-1339.
Dog Food (in the green bag), small cans of dog food, soft treats, Jones, Kaleb Scott, Mia Stefan and Michelle Zheng.
pig ears, blankets and bath sheets, and receive a raf?e ticket for Honor Roll: Ava Alicea, Quinn Andel, Rylin Barrett, Gabriel JACK MATIA
a chance at one of two fabulous gift baskets. Cash donations are Clement, Austin Duta, Emory Fedor, Hannah Gardner, Zachary HONDA
also welcomed. “Sylvia” is sponsored by WOBL/WLDW radio Gibson, Roy Herbold, Julia Hodge, August Hoops, Aydon Ko-
and Partners With Paws of Lorain County, Inc. vacs, Vincent Ni, Sage O’Brien, Danica Parks, Zaiden Topete, New & Used
Ashleigh Walter and Tucker Webb. Cars
Workshop Players is located at 44820 Middle Ridge Road,
in Amherst. Box Of?ce hours are 9 a.m.-7 p.m. or call them at Fourth Grade 440-366-5501
(440) 988-5613. For more info., email contact@workshopplay- High Honor Roll: Brooklyn Barber, Lillian Horner, Marissa or visit Keener, Samantha Longacre, Harper Morgan, Luke Runion and Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria
Mallory Skvor.
Are you looking for the best Honor Roll: Morgan Bores, Mallory Bryant, Patrick Cahill, New and Certi?ed Hondas
combination of low price and Kailyn Cales, Vivian Cassell, Ryan Dean, Elizabeth Gilmore, All Models - Used Cars
Gabriella Hagerman, Grace Hammonds, Joseph Hawkinberry,
personal service? Saleana Hottenrott, Devan Kazar, Aaliyah Kernel-Tyree, Jacob Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5
Kyer, James Lunn, Kyra McKissick, Emma Lewis, Jessica Lin-
You’ve Found den, Grace Miller, Madilynn Miller, Destiny Mosley, Ashlynn
Penfound Insurance Myers, Logan Nagle, Brent Reed, Zachary Shackelford, Kamrin
Shulsky, Colton Smith, Vallory Smith, Riley VanTilburg, Grady
Call Us Today for a FREE Quote Comparision Whitacre and Morgan Wittlinger.
1-800-822-5133 Fifth Grade
High Honor Roll: Chase Cuson, Amanda Handley, Paige
or 440-458-5133 | 40960 Butternut Ridge Rd, Elyria Long, Holden Longacre, Aydon Olic, Audrey Prechtel, Alyssa
Sugerik and Brenna Taylor.
Honor Roll: Sophia Anderson, Elise Bradstock, Savannah
Dunlap, Evander Fedor, Analynn Gibson, Grant Hartley, Hanna
Hodge, Paul Horten, Melody Klesta, Grace McCormick, Bray-
lon Miller, Rylan Norris, Ella Olic, Megan Stempowski, Bowdy
Todd, Madilynn Vrabel, Lindsey Wade and Zander Yoho.
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Page 13
June 14th
Flag Day recognizes the “birth” of the
American ?ag, the symbol of our great nation.
Our Flag Day Page is Proudly Supported by the following Sponsors:
783 HURON ST., GRAFTON 440-926-3341 25742 ROYALTON RD., COLUMBIA STATION 440-236-8111
24959 ROYALTON RD., COLUMBIA STATION 440-236-8825 1007 PARSONS RD., GRAFTON 440-926-2880
24393 SPRAGUE RD., COLUMBIA STATION 440-235-1655 1509 GRAFTON RD., ELYRIA 440-322-4428
35040 ROYALTON RD., COLUMBIA STATION 440-748-2128 954 MAIN ST., GRAFTON 440-926-0500
RT. 82 & ISLAND RD., GRAFTON 440-748-3751 540 N. CENTER ST., LAGRANGE 440-355-9920
24497 SPRAGUE RD., COLUMBIA STATION 440-235-6642 120 PUBLIC SQUARE, LAGRANGE 440-355-57608
42023 ST. RT. 303, LAGRANGE 440-355-6705 35960 ROYALTON RD., GRAFTON 440-748-2886
38475 CHESTNUT RIDGE, ELYRIA 440-322-4626
The Origin of Flag Day
The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America’s birthday,
but the idea of an annual day speci?cally celebrating the Flag is believed to
have ?rst originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the
pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June
14 (the 108th anniversary of the of?cial adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as
‘Flag Birthday’. In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public
addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically
advocate the observance of June 14 as ‘Flag Birthday’, or ‘Flag Day’.
Three decades of state and local celebrations transpired across the
country, Flag Day - the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777 - was
of?cially established by the Proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson on
May 30th, 1916. While Flag Day was celebrated in various communities for
years after Wilson’s proclamation, it was not until August 3rd, 1949, that
President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each
year as National Flag Day.
Information taken from
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 ketball, volleyball, boys’ and girls’ soccer, football and throws
camps. They are designed to teach young players the fundamen-
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 tals of the game. The Imagination Camps offer: art, acting for the Tuesday, June 6, marked the of?cial end of the 2017-2018
email: [email protected] stage and screen, cool coders, chefs in training and yap (young school year. The seniors have graduated and the students, teach-
authors and poets). To register on-line, visit, ers and staff have left for a much-deserved summer break. With
HISTORICAL WALKING TOUR or register by calling (440) 365-1821. the hallways a bit quieter, it has given me time to re?ect on the
Beginning Monday, June 12, the Grafton-Midview Library past year. Not only did it mark my ?rst year in Midview, but also
will launch a Grafton Historical Walking Tour. Maps and in- CHEERLEADER CAR WASH my ?rst year as a superintendent.
formation will be available to download for some of the most The Midview High School Competition Cheerleading Team
important and oldest locations in Grafton. Those interested can will be having a car wash at Grafton Sparkle Market on Satur- I am so grateful to be in a place like Midview. This year has
walk the entire tour or portions of it at their own convenience. day, June 17, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Any donation amount will be been amazing in so many ways. I’ve been able to meet and con-
What a great way to explore some of Grafton’s 200-year histo- accepted. The team is earning money to put towards their compe- nect with our students, staff, parents and community members.
ry. Those who complete the tour can report back to the library tition fees. The team hopes to go to the Nationals again this year. Academically, we’ve excelled by expanding our science, engi-
for points in the summer reading program. For the historical in- Come on out and support the cheerleaders. neering, technology and math (STEM) program to all grade lev-
formation or to access the walking tour visit els. We’re partnering with local colleges and businesses to offer
lk2onba. For a Google map of the sites, log onto http://tinyurl. GAZEBO DEDICATION college credits and internships. Our performing and visual arts
com/nyooxkj. On Sunday, June 18, bring dad to the new Bicentennial Park departments are amazing, providing students opportunities in
for the dedication of the new gazebo. Ohio Senator Gayle Man- digital arts, band, choir and more. We offer numerous athletic
FIREWORKS DONATIONS SOUGHT ning will be on hand to offer a proclamation. Also scheduled for and other extracurricular opportunities for our students, as well
The Village of Grafton is now accepting donations toward the ceremony is a barbershop quartet. Festivities begin at 6:30 as numerous programs that also focus on their physical and men-
this year’s Independence Day ?reworks display. The village p.m. tal health.
would like to have a special larger display in honor of the vil-
lage’s bicentennial. The ?reworks would be after a larger and Archery Club seeks members Midview is truly a great place to be. Thank you for welcom-
longer parade and a party in Willow Park. These events are ing me here and making my ?rst year a memorable one.
scheduled for Saturday, July 1. Donations can be made at village Indian Hollow Archers of Grafton is seeking both experienced
hall on Main Street. For more information, contact Mayor Dave and new archers to join their club. The club is sanctioned by I encourage our students to continue reading and learning
DiVencenzo at 926-2401. USA Archery, the governing body of Olympic and internation- over the summer to avoid the “summer slide.” For example, the
al target archery in the US. Both junior and adult members are Grafton-Midview Library ( has nu-
MIDVIEW SOCCER CAMP welcome. Members can win awards for both indoor and outdoor merous fun programs for kids and teens all summer long!
Registrations are now being accepted for the 2017 Midview games. They also can compete in local, state and national archery
Soccer Camp. Registrations are available on the ?rst day of competitions. The club is open to recurve, bare bow and com- I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing summer!
camp, but a discount and a free T-shirt are available for those pound bow archers. Stop out and give archery a try. All equip- Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent
who register before June 15. The camps are for boys and girls ment is provided for beginners. The club meets both Monday
ages 3-14, to be held July 9-11 at Midview High School. For evenings at 7 p.m. and Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. at Christian MHS Class of ‘87 Reunion
children 3-6 years of age, the cost is $30 preregistered or $40 Community School, 35716 Royalton Road, in Eaton Township.
the ?rst day of camp. They will play from 6-7 p.m. For partici- For more information, contact Steve at Graftonarchery@gmail. The Midview High School graduating class of 1987 will be
pants who are 7-9 years old, play is from 6-7:30 p.m. The cost is com or on Facebook at Indian Hollow Archers. celebrating their 30th Class Reunion on Saturday, June 24, from
$35 preregistered or $45 the ?rst day of camp. For players who 6-11 p.m. The event is being held at The Vermilion Boat Club,
are 10-14 years old, play will be from 6-8 p.m. Pre-register for New Coach for located at 5416 Liberty Ave., in Vermilion. The cost is $65 per
$40 or $50 the ?rst day of camp. All participants must wear shin Midview Girls Basketball person/$130 per couple (due by June 10). To RSVP, visit https://
guards, bring a water bottle and bring a soccer ball to all camp Make checks payable to: Midview Class of
sessions. Call Lisa Nicholson at (440) 506-1318 or email Lnich- Veteran assistant and 1986 Midview graduate Rob Overy will 1987 Reunion, 2033 Galilee Oval, Hinckley, OH 44233.
[email protected] with any questions. return to the sidelines of Kubuski Gymnasium, but in a new role
as the Head Coach for the Midview’s Girls Basketball program. The evening event includes dinner, a live band (Xprime),
POLICE DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE The move, pending Board of Education approval on June 28, photo souvenirs and a cash bar. For more information, contact
The Grafton Police Department will host an open house on was announced by Athletics Director Dan May on June 1. Wendy at (440) 315-4390 or [email protected].
Saturday, June 24, from 1-3 p.m. at the station. There will be
activities for children, rides in a patrol car, and displays of histor- Overy, a Chief Engineer at the National Aeronautics and Other events are being planned for a Friday night casual gath-
ical information about the department. This event is part of the Space Administration’s (NASA) Glenn Research Center, brings ering and golf on Saturday morning. All the details will be shared
bicentennial celebration. more than two decades of experience within the school district upon your main event reservation.
to his new opportunity in Middie Nation. He also brings a clear
SUMMER CAMPS vision for the program. Come and mingle and catch up with old friends at your 30th
Registrations are now open for summer camps being spon- Class Reunion!
sored by Elyria Catholic High School. There are a variety of Overy served as an assistant in the Midview Boys Basketball
camps to choose from in both the sports and imagination interest program under Hall of Fame Coach Troy DiFranco from 1992- SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
areas. The Panther Sports Camps include: boys’ and girls’ bas- 2015. During that time, he ?lled every possible role in the pro-
gram, which was able to capture seven league championships. Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
SAVE MONEY WITH THE HOME/CAR DISCOUNT. More importantly, he made a positive impact on the lives of hun- programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
dreds of student-athletes. 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
Which helps when you have the The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
In addition to taking part in the traditional aspects of coach- drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
HOME/CAR PAYMENTS. ing, Overy helped organize youth basketball camps and leagues. If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
He also coordinated many service projects and taught a “Stu-
Combine your home and auto insurance and save up dent-Athlete Leadership Development” program for Midview. ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE CANCELED.
to 25% on your premiums at Nationwide® In 2012, he was awarded the Ohio High School Basketball These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
Coaches Association’s Bob Arzen 20-Year Service Award. He
Mark Cummings Agency was also voted the OHSBCA Assistant Coach of the Year in 6/12 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free
2014. In 2016, Overy was a Midview Make a Difference Hall of donuts and coffee for participants.
MARK CUMMINGS Nationwide® Honor recipient. 6/13 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
On Your Side instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit
990 Commerce Dr. Grafton Midview Girls Basketball will open the 2017-18 season No- and juice for participants.
440-926-2000 vember 25 at John Marshall. The Middies’ home and Southwest- 6/16 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with
ern Conference opener is November 29 against Olmsted Falls. pop and snacks for participants.
[email protected] Nationwide® 6/19 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club.
Overy lives in Grafton with his wife Sheila and daughter Movie with free donuts and coffee for
Call me today for a quote. Auto Home Life Business Hannah. participants.
6/20 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class
Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Af?lited Companies. Life Building Co. being instructed by Debi’s Personal
Insurance issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Of?ce: Columbus, OH 43215-2220 Training with fruit and juice for
200Congratulations, Grafton on years! participants.
KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS 6/23 at 2:00 pm Senior Card
Proud to build Grafton neighborhoods, Club with pop and snacks for participants.
GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY apartments, commercial and industrial
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ developments for over 30 years. the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
Hours By Appointment
(440) 926-3950 • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
419 NORTH MAIN STREET occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
GRAFTON, OHIO Manager for additional information.
JULY 1, 2017 NAME: _____________________
ADDRESS: ___________________
960 MAIN ST. GRAFTON, OH 44044
for more info: SEE YOU THERE!
sponsored by Neuorology CeNter, iNc [email protected]
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Page 15
Midview High School Senior Class Academic Achievement Honors
Forty-Seven members of the Midview senior class were honored on May 11 for their Academic Achievements. These students received recognition and a special plaque
for earning a 3.5 GPA in every quarter for all four years of high school. Congratulations to: Justin Barth, Noah Bartone, Hannah Bell, Madalyn Buchner, Samuel Butler, Sara
Calhoun, Hailley Carter, Hannah Dougall, Aerin Doughty, Alexandria Ellis, Skyllar Gill, Ethan Greenly, Marissa Gregory, Daniel Haight, Sara Helwig, Shelby Hirschfelder,
Chase Johnson, Emily Juncker, Zoe Keressi, John Koleski, Samantha Kostohryz, Elizabeth Krezman, Simon Liszeski, Madison Mahoney, Morgan Marincin, Bridget Mc-
Fadian, Kellen McGuire, Shanelle McIntyre, Kyle Nagel, Madison Purtilo, Sidney Riemer, Kaitlin Roemer, McKenna Roose, Jacob Scheetz, Stephanie Scott, Maya Shed,
Alyssa Smalley, Devinn Stender, Malorie Sturgeon, Kennedy Thomas, Jacob Thompson, Tyler Thompson, Drew Wagner, Brett Ward, Michael Whary, Noah Whitesel and
Lynnette Wukie.
Library receives Mini-Grant Grafton Village Council be open on this date. Council then accepted a donation of two
hanging ?ower baskets from Hooks Greenhouses of Wellington.
The Grafton-Midview Public Library is pleased to announce The Grafton Village Council met on June 6. A report on po- The greenhouse has been very pleased with the response they
that it has been awarded an Ezra Jack Keats $500 Mini-Grant to lice department activities was presented and a discussion was received from those who have seen the baskets the Village of
fund an inventive program for students and their parents. held regarding the upcoming open house. The ?re chief noted Grafton purchased to place on the light poles this summer. The
the number of calls to his department is higher than last year over two new baskets will be placed at the entrance to Willow Park.
Pam Myers, Adult Program Associate, and Kim Edsell, Youth the same period. Council then promoted a waste water treatment
Services Librarian at GMPL, wrote a proposal for Creative operator, promoted an electrical lineman and hired temporary Discussion was held regarding the movement of playground
2gether, an art program designed to foster creative expression summer help. In other business, council voted to award the 2017 equipment from the former Grafton school property to Reservoir
and promote family engagement. Both Pam and Kim are look- street improvement project to Denes Concrete. The work will re- Park. The discussion included a site for a playground at the park,
ing forward to this unique opportunity to further develop and place the concrete roadway and aprons on Nantucket Street and the condition of the equipment and the cost of moving and refur-
encourage self-expression through collage with children living on Chippewa Street from Plymouth to Novak Road. bishing versus installing new equipment. A professional compa-
in the Colonial Oaks Community. ny will be called in to evaluate the condition of the playground
Also approved by the council were changes in the summer equipment and to offer cost estimates. A Railroad Street resident
The goal of the library is providing access to services that go meeting schedule, the closing of village hall before a holiday was in attendance to discuss the problem of sewage in his base-
beyond the physical library building. We intend to offer litera- and the receipt of a donation. Council will meet only once per ment. The problem stems from a new pump station in the area.
cy-enriched activities to families at the Colonial Oaks Mobile month in July and August; those meeting dates are July18 and While a permanent solution to the problem is being worked out,
Home Park and beyond this fall. August 15. The Grafton administration of?ces at the village the council will reimburse the resident for a contractor to install
hall will be closed on July 3. All other village departments will a back-?ow device on his property up to a speci?ed amount. Also
The Ezra Jack Keats Foundation fosters children’s love of discussed was the acceptance of donations for a special bicenten-
reading and creative expression by supporting art and literacy nial ?reworks display.
programs in schools and libraries. We appreciate the support of
the Foundation and their desire to promote imagination and di-
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Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Youth Baseball Homerun Derby In the email, please provide the players name, age
and number of entries requested. All money for entries will be
Grafton History Association On Saturday, June 24, Midview Youth Baseball is having collected at registration. This can be paid by cash, check payable
their 2nd annual Homerun Derby. Registration begins at 9 a.m. to MYB or credit card. Parent must be present at registration to
The Bicentennial Committee invites our community to a free at Brush School, located at 11600 Durkee Road, in Grafton.Cost sign the waiver form.
concert and ice cream social in Willow Park on Sunday, June is $10 per entry, multiple entries per player are allowed.
18, at 7:30 p.m. Top off your Father’s Day celebrations with a If you have questions, please email homerunderby@mid-
restful, music-?lled evening provided by the 75 members of the Divisions: Age determined by age on June 1, 2017; players
Patriots Symphonic Band. This talented all-volunteer group in- may play up, but may not play down. They will feature 4 age
cludes members from Grafton. Enjoy a collection of patriotic se- divisions: 10U (150’ fence), 12U (200’ fence), 14U (240’ fence) Bob Flickinger 440-926-2680
lections, popular music, Broadway shows and “Big Band” with and 15 and over (275’ fence)
vocals by Brian Welsh and Kristen Jones-Schmittgen. Vacation Bible School
Equipment: Baseballs will be provided; each player must sup-
Bring your chairs and blankets. In case of rain, move to the ply their own helmet and bat. Helmets are required for all partic- Belden United Methodist Church invites all children to get
Catholic Church Hall on Erie Street. ipants. There are no bat restrictions. ready for fun at “Hero Central: Discover Your Strength in God,”
Vacation Bible School. Come discover how to ?y through life
Tidbit: David Rose developed a procussion ri?e 1870-1875 in Format: There will be 4 rounds. All players are to provide with God and others! The fun happens June 26-30, from 6:30-
his gunsmith shop on Main Street. In silver-plate was inscribed their own pitcher. They suggest this be the player’s coach or par- 8:30 p.m. at Belden United Methodist Church, located at 36130
D. Rose, Grafton Station, Ohio, Lorain County. ent, but any pitcher may be used. State Route 303.
Doris Wildenheim 926-2956 Round 1: Each participant will receive 10 outs; 1 HR quali?es Public Zoning Meeting
the batter for round 2 and ends the players round 1 appearance.
Grafton-Midview Library The Grafton Township Zoning Commission will hold a pub-
Round 2: 10 outs per player; top 4 (plus ties) qualify for round lic zoning meeting at the Grafton Township Hall at 7 p.m. on
To register for programs, visit the library at 983 Main Street 3. Tuesday, June 20. The Zoning Commission will be discussing
or call (440) 926-3317. Registrations are also accepted on-line at issues and concerns as they are coming in. Most library programs require registration. Round 3: 10 outs per player; top 2 (plus ties) qualify for Fi-
Coding A Better World - Mondays, June 12 & 26 and July 10
& 24, 10-11:30 a.m. Come and join us this summer as we explore Round 4: 10 outs per player; 1 Champion will be determined.
the world of coding, build cool projects and have fun! Meet in The Champion and runner-up from each division will receive
the Teen Zone and learn together how to build simple computer prizes. Food and beverages will be available all day at the con-
programs, create animation, play with tech toys and more. No cession stand for purchase.
experience necessary to participate. Already know how to code? How to register: Email homerunderby@midviewyouthba-
We need mentors! Ages 10-17. Space is limited due to equipment
requirements. Your Westside Leader in Dermatology Services
Jungle Safari Puppet and Magic Show - Tuesday, June 13, • Adult and pediatric
10-11 a.m. Magic, comedy, storytelling and puppets! Join us for patients welcome
a special performance about being brave and making friends.
Imaginative Illustrations Drawing Workshop - Wednesday,
June 14, 2-3 p.m. Examine the mystery and fun of cartooning in
this engaging drawing workshop with Jim Gill from the Center
for Arts-Inspired Learning. Transform scribble and shapes into
recognizable characters and explore basic story elements in car-
tooning and conveying emotion in facial drawings.
History of Nesting Bald Eagles in Lorain County - Thurs-
day, June 15, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Lorain County Metro Parks Chief
Naturalist, Grant Thompson, presents information and photos
of the largest eagle’s nest on record in Ohio, also known as the
“Great Nest.” He will talk about the size, structure and studies of
the nest and subsequent comeback of eagles in Ohio.
Kids’ Craft Day - Fridays, June 16 and July 14, all day during
library hours. Calling all little artists and crafters! Use your
imagination and join us for a craft day. A variety of supplies will
be set out in the children’s department for you to create with.
Block Party - Thursdays, June 15 & 29 and July 13 & 27,
2-3 p.m. Create LEGO masterpieces at the library. Work on the
weekly theme or make up your own.
Tool Petting Zoo - Monday, June 19, 5-7 p.m. & Tuesday,
June 20, 9-11 a.m. Drop into the library and try out some real
hand tools like hammers, pliers and wrenches! No registration
Character Rocks and Minecraft Blocks - Wednesday, June
21, 2-3:30. Craft wooden blocks and rocks into your favor-
ite characters and games in this fun day of crafts for teens and
tweens. Create mini versions of Minecraft blocks and paint rocks
with geometric lines, creatures, faces and words.
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Remember: Father’s Day is Sunday, June th!
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Page 17
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Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Card, they will get a matching dollar in tokens to spend on fresh they check out their reading materials. Reading materials
fruit or vegetables. must be checked out from the Herrick Memorial Library to
[email protected] be eligible.
• Well-Help, Wellington’s food pantry, has provided qualify-
Wellington Farmers’ Market opens ing families with $20 lunch vouchers for their children. THRIVE! Summer Reading Programs - Registration has begun for
Southern Lorain County is providing an additional $10 vouch- the library’s Summer Reading Programs, as well as the chil-
Just like opening day at the ballpark, the Wellington Farmers’ er to families who have redeemed their Well-Help vouchers to dren’s story times. The Library offers summer programming
Market launches its 2017 season on Friday, June 16, from 5-7 purchase produce at the Wellington Farmers’ Market. The $10 for all age levels. The library is bringing in a wide variety of
p.m. “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” is the theme of the Market’s voucher will accompany each child’s lunch voucher. programing that will appeal to the different age groups. Check
opening day. out our website at for program descrip-
Vendors Welcome! - The Wellington Farmers’ Market is tions, dates and times.
The Market will be held at Willard Memorial Square in down- seeking vendors for the 2017 season. For information about
town Wellington from 5-7 p.m. every Friday through October 13. booth costs, types of food and products allowed, as well as reg- Summer Reading Kick-off - Thursday, June 8, at 1:30
ulations, please email [email protected] or p.m. The Great Library “Chalk Walk” will be the start of a
The Wellington Farmers’ Market (www.wellingtonfarmers- go to fantastic summer. The library will supply the chalk and the is one of several projects undertaken by THRIVE! participants will supply their imagination and talent as they
Southern Lorain County (, a health collab- Road Closure, Peck Wadsworth embellish the sidewalks around the building. Call the library
orative whose mission is to reduce the risks of diabetes, heart at (440) 647-2120 for more information. In case of rain, the
disease and obesity in the region by providing affordable oppor- Wellington Township program will be canceled.
tunities to live healthier through improved nutrition, increased Lorain County Engineer Ken Carney announces the closure
physical activity and informed behavioral health. of Peck Wadsworth Road, between Pitts Road and Route 58, for My Life and Diabetes Workshop - Fridays, 10:30 a.m. -
the replacement of a road culvert. The work is being completed 12:30 p.m., thru June 23. Continuing the series of 6 weekly
One of THRIVE!’s goals is to expand the Wellington Farm- by the County Engineer’s Highway Maintenance department. workshops to help people live better with diabetes. Each ses-
ers’ Market and to educate consumers about the health bene?ts of The work will begin at 8 a.m. on Monday, June 12, and is sion will give you tips and tools for managing pre-diabetes &
eating more fruit and vegetables. expected to be completed by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 16, weather type 2 diabetes and understanding your role in controlling it.
permitting. Detour signs will be posted. Your cooperation during Call the library at (440) 647-2120 to register for this program.
Eat Local and Support Local Growers - “We’re one of a few construction is greatly appreciated.
farmers markets in all of southern Lorain County,” says Betsy Tinker Lab - Mondays, June 12, 19 & 26 and July 10, 17
Varndell, Market Manager. “We’re proud to support our local Herrick Memorial Library & 24 from 1-4 p.m. Tinker Lab programs are designed for
growers. Nothing can compete with the fresh, old-fashioned children ages 5-10 years old. These programs introduce the
tastes of homegrown tomatoes, corn, zucchini, green beans and Adult Writing Group - Thursday, June 22, from 6-7:30 STEM concepts of science, technology, engineering and math
other produce. We’re also pleased to have vendors who sell p.m. Join this group if you have a passion for writing of all through play, experimentation and discovery. Drop-in weekly
homemade pies and breads, top-quality honey and other goods,” venues. Bring samples of your writing to share with the group. for these self-directed challenges.
adds Betsy. This group is not like other writing groups; we encourage one
another, try new and different forms of writing and learn to Story Times - June 13-July 26. Summer story times for
Baseball Theme and Live Bands - Betsy has lined up an excit- create characters and plots for your ?ction pieces, or explore children ages birth to 5-years. Story times for Toddlers, ages
ing home run of activities. There will be ballgame giveaways, a the world of poetry and verse. Registration is encouraged. To 18-months to 3-years, will be Tuesday mornings at 10:30;
pitching game for kids, contests galore (base running and peanut register, call the Herrick Memorial Library at (440) 647-2120. Story times for Growing Readers, ages 3-5-years, will be
counting) and, of course, the ballpark staple of popcorn for every Tuesday afternoons at 1:30; Story times for Lap Sit, ages
visitor. Punch Tin 101 Workshop - Tuesday, June 13, from 5:30- Birth to 24-months, will take place Wednesday mornings at
7:30 p.m. Adults, ages 17 and up, learn how to make this 10:30; and Story times for Explorers, ages 7 and up, will be
Dave Lengyel, a key organizer of the Wellington Farm- almost-forgotten useful art form that is used for pie safes and Wednesday afternoons at 1:30 at Findley State Park Nature
ers’ Market, has scheduled live music throughout the summer, wall cupboards. The attendees will learn the basic steps for Center. Each level of story time is designed to broaden the
including such bands as Original Crank, Dave Parsh, Starship creating their own work of art that can be framed to adorn a child(s) horizons and develop early literacy skills. Registra-
Truckers, K.K. Farnsworth and more. Dave himself will perform wall. Registration is required and can be done by calling the tion is required. Call the library at 440-647-2120 for more
on opening day on June 16. library at (440) 647-2120. information.
So Many Perks! - The Wellington Farmers’ Market offers His Ability: Autism Seen Through Sisters’ Eyes - Now- Special Thursday Programs - Thursdays, June 15, 22 &
many incentives to help residents of all ages ful?ll their fresh June 24: the library is hosting a special display about autism. 29 and July 6, 13 & 20 at 1:30 p.m. These special active pro-
fruit and vegetable needs. Meet Ethan Olaes, an autistic musical prodigy and Oberlin grams will be in the library’s Community Room and are de-
student, as viewed through the art and poetry created by his signed for children ages 5 and up. Registration is required and
• The Lorain County Of?ce on Aging will distribute $50 equally talented sisters Claudia and Isabelle. Their goal is to it can be done at the Children’s Desk.
worth of coupons to seniors to be able to purchase produce and ‘Inspire hope, advocacy and greatness in all of us.’
honey at the Market. An announcement will be made soon as to Friends of the Library Meeting - On Tuesday, June 27,
where seniors may pick up coupons, which will be given on a Build a Better World! - Now-July 29: Learn how to help at 7 p.m., the Friends of the Herrick Memorial Library will
?rst-come, ?rst-served basis. “Build a Better World” by participating in the library’s Sum- hold its monthly meeting. The FOL Board will conduct a busi-
mer Reading Club! Sign-up began June 1 for all ages. The ness meeting for the planning of the Harvest of the Arts. All
• All Market vendors are asked to accept EBT (Ohio Direc- children will receive their reading records and teens will re- ‘Friends’ members who are interested in becoming a board
tion) Cards. ceive their reading tickets when they register. Both groups member are encouraged to attend the meeting.
will be keeping track of the minutes that they read in order to
• The Market also offers dollar-for-dollar (up to $10) Produce win prizes. The adults will receive their reading tickets when Afternoon Book Discussion - The afternoon Book Discus-
Perks. For each dollar a family spends at the Market with an EBT sion group will not meet again until September. Have a great
Wellington Farmers’ Market
Willard Memorial Square in Downtown Wellington
Opening Day - June 16, 2017
“Take Me Out to the Ballgame” Theme!
Ball-Game Giveaways, Free Popcorn, Contests, JoFirniduasy,oJnu“nOep1e6n,in2g01D7ay”
Pitching Game for Kids
& Live Music by Dave Lengyel
Offering You Products That Are 5 - 7 PM
Farmers’ Market Schedule THRIVE! Southern Lorain
County is generously
(clip this and put it on your fridge)
supported by a grant from:
Wellington Farmers’ Market
June - 16, 23 & 30
July - 7, 14, 21 & 28 Get $2 OFF
August - 4, 11 & 18
September - 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Fresh Fruit, Veggies or Honey
October - 6 & 13 Clip and present this
coupon to a Wellington
The Wellington Farmers’ Market is a project of THRIVE! Farmers’ Market vendor.
Southern Lorain County, a health collaborative whose
mission is to reduce the risks of diabetes, heart disease and Valid through July 14, 2017
obesity in the region by providing affordable opportunities to
live healthier through improved nutrition, increased physical
activity and informed behavioral health.
Farm & Home Hardware RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017 Page 19
Penfield Township Trustees earns national recognition an extensive range of business ed the company for its strate-
criteria, including longevity, gic growth, robust lawn and
The May 16 regular meeting of the Pen?eld Township Trust- growth, employee develop- garden and outdoor power
ees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. All of?cers were present. ship.” ment and retention, creativi- equipment departments and
The meeting was attended by 6 guests. J e r o u s e k ’ s ty and local involvement. In ongoing community support
grandfather, Ray recognizing Farm & Home and charitable efforts.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved Sr., purchased the Hardware, H+BSD highlight- Congratulations, Scott!
with the correction of: “Tyrone advised that he has been ap- Farm and Dairy
proached by Wellington High School regarding the use of our hardware store in Free Summer Concerts
ball ?elds.” Vouchers #11785-11799 were approved. Wellington in 1960
and changed its
Fiscal Of?cer Denes read the correspondence, which includ- Scott Jerousek name to Farm & Ohio Regional Music Arts and Cultural Outreach (OR-
ed notice from RLCWA that our back?ow valves need inspect- Home Hardware MACO) is expanding its free offerings this summer. The free
ed, communication from Rumpke that they cannot pick-up yard in 1973. The com- Sunday concerts will be at The Patricia Lindley Center for the
waste that is separately bagged, a detailed ?re extinguisher quote pany has expanded Performing Arts, 627 North Main Street, in Wellington. Sogbety
from Abco, a guide from NOPEC, a work order for the Seman through acquisition Diomande will grace the stage with a full length West African
footer and con?rmation from ODOT that the salt resolution was of larger facilities drumming concert on June 18.
received. several times in
its history, includ- Country music comes to town on July 9 as The Tab-
Zoning Inspector Donahue distributed a partial zoning report ing its current, loid Twangers entertain with an eclectic mix of rockabilly,
for May. He advised that the Burns property on Foster Rd. is 30,000-square-foot “roots-Americana,” classic country, honky tonk, classic rock and
in compliance and that he is following up on the Reid property location on South originals. Enjoy music from artists like Hank Williams, Johnny
on Webster. He further advised that progress is being made on Main Street in Wel- Cash, The Derailers, Merle Haggard, Ray Price, Ray Orbison
the Vermont St. cleanup. He advised that Dennis Jordan is once lington. and more!
again selling fence sections on his property, causing a traf?c haz-
ard. He questioned the Trustees regarding what action he should “To be selected Rounding out the summer concert series on August 6 is Wel-
take. The Trustees will review & advise. as a Young Gun lington based classical guitarist, Stephen Fazio, who will delight
is a high honor, the audience with classical and ?amenco pieces.
Roadman Albrecht advised that he was contacted by Sweet’s one that Scott has
Lawn Care regarding spraying the Cemetery on Saturday 5/20. All of these full length concerts are from 7-9 pm. For more
FO Denes advised that would not work and Trustee Conrad will information, call (330) 722-2541 or visit
call Sweet’s to reschedule.
Scott Jerousek, owner of earned through his dedication
Trustee Conrad advised that he received a call from Don Ro- Farm & Home Do it Best® to business improvement and
mancek of LC SWAC regarding the Jones Rd. culvert project
that will be funded this year. He will be mailing specs and an Ohio Woodland “Name That Tree”Hardware, was named one of passion for his community,”
estimate to Conrad. We will need to obtain easements & place the home improvement indus- said Bill Lee, NRHA Presi-
for bid. try’s 2017 Young Guns by the dent and CEO. “The industry On July 7, at 9 a.m. at the OSU Mans?eld campus, locat-
North American Retail Hard- anticipates the selection of the ed at 1760 University Drive, #100 Ovalwood Hall, the Ohio
Trustee Johnson reported that he had attended the Transpor- ware Association (NRHA). program honorees every year, Woodland Stewards Program, part of Ohio State University’s
tation meeting. He also spoke with a resident north of Rt. 301 and we’re thrilled to celebrate College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
regarding drainage issues. For the past decade, the Scott’s extraordinary accom- (CFAES), is holding a workshop on tree identi?cation. Regis-
NRHA has honored industry plishments.” tration deadline is June 30.
At 8:07 p.m., Duane Johnson made a motion to go into exec- leaders through its Top Guns
utive session to address a matter pertaining to a public employee. program. This year, the orga- This isn’t the only recent Taught by forestry experts in the college, “Name That
Fiscal Of?cer Denes was asked to join the session. Upon roll nization introduced a new spin national recognition for the Tree” aims to help homeowners and landowners know the
call, the vote was as follows: Lloyd Gordon “yes”; Richard to the program by honoring Jerousek family. Hardware types of trees on their property, from oaks to maples and be-
Conrad “yes”; and Duane Johnson “yes.” the industry’s Young Guns – + Building Supply Dealer yond. Organizers say the knowledge can lead to better care of
next generation independent (H+BSD), a national publi- trees since each species has different needs. The program in-
At 8:17 p.m., Trustee Gordon declared the Board back in reg- entrepreneurs who continue to cation covering the home im- cludes instruction on using a dichotomous key, practice inside
ular session. grow the legacy of their family provement industry, named with samples and practice outside with trees. A dichotomous
businesses. Jerousek was hon- Farm & Home Hardware its key, also called a single-access key, helps a user pinpoint a
With no additional business to discuss, the meeting was ad- ored at an event May 9 in Las 2017 Hardware All Star for species through a series of step-by-step choices and a narrow-
journed at 8:18 p.m. Vegas as part of the National the state of Ohio. The store ing-down process.
Hardware Show and NRHA was the only company in the
Submitted by Vicki Denes, Pen?eld Township, Fiscal Of?cer All-Industry Conference. state, and one of only 50 na- The workshop cost is $35 per person and includes lunch.
tionwide, to be selected for All Details and a link to register are at https://woodlandstewards.
Since purchasing Farm &
Home Hardware in 2007, Je- Star status. For more information, contact (614) 688-3421 or ohio-
rousek has grown store sales The magazine’s editors
by almost 40%, thanks in large [email protected].
part to signi?cant expansions select their All Stars based on
in recent years to its lawn and
garden and outdoor power
Specializing in: equipment departments. In TWORECLINERS BETTER
Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical, addition, Jerousek has found for BUY THE
success in growing the store’s
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances digital marketing, advertising ONELOW PRICE PAIR
and customer loyalty pro-
Grafton Wellington grams.
35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St
440-647-6010 “This is an incredible hon-
440-926-3312 or, one I am happy to share
with our entire team,” said
Jerousek. “You could say being an entrepreneur is in other color available TWORECLINERS
my blood, and though many for
WANT A PEN PAL? things have changed over the $399
WRITE TO A SOLDIER! years here, we all continue to ONELOW PRICE
strive to manage this business
by the same core principles
my grandfather, father and
uncle built it on: customer ser- FOR THE PAIR!
vice and community steward-
other colors available
other colors available $499
Carpentry Limited
other colors available
Please allow 2 weeks for delivery. Free delivery on sales totaling over $499. Photos for Illustration • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627 601 S. MAIN ST., RT. 58, Sunday 12-4pm
Monday, Thursday, Friday 10am-6pm
Saturday 10am-5pm
440-647-9373 Closed Tuesday & Wednesday
Visit us at
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017
Maintenance / Handyman, Affordable Misty Meadow
SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY TV, Good clean used appliances. Holding a Carnival! Fair! Fes- 1000 Greenwich Ave, Graf- part-time, mornings preferred. Farm: dog grooming, pet
Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. tival! Jubilee! Promote it to ton. Saturdays & Sundays, Razzles, Olmsted Twp. Geoff boarding and day care, indoor
60 MB per second speed. No over 1 Million readers for only June-September 4, 11am-5pm. 216-299-3552 heated facility. Valley City, 216-
contract or commitment. We AUTOS WANTED $200!!! Visit www.midatlan- 40 year Die-Cast collection up Restaurant servers. Razzles, 372-2755. mistyme
buy your existing contract for more details for sale; everything must go. Olmsted. Apply in person or
up to $500! 1-800-806-5909 or Mike’s Hooker Service. We or call 800-450-7227. Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Racing call 440-251-0666 or 216-299- All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster
1-855-652-9304 pay top dollar for all unwant- Champions, original J/L’s, Red 3552. Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509.
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free FOR RENT Lines. All scales, 1/64 thru TIRED of working a job where Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
A PLACE FOR MOM. The na- pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, 1/12. Some open, most still in you feel you’re a number? exercise yards, custom care.
tion’s largest senior living 216-534-6514. 2Bdr. apartment in Grafton, original boxes. “The more you Then it is time for a change! $20 per day. Grooming now
referral service. Contact our A-1 DONATE YOUR CAR FOR no stairs, security deposit. No buy, the cheaper they get!” Burnett’s Septic Service is available.
trusted, local experts today! BREAST CANCER! Help Unit- pets. 440-343-5898 17705 West Rd., Wellington. looking for a hard working, Use Happy Jack Kennel Dip
Our service is FREE/no obli- ed Breast Foundation educa- Columbia: Nice 1 Bdr. apt. Everything must go! Furniture, ambitious, positive thinking II to kill fleas, ticks, mange
gation. CALL 1-800-880-1686 tion, prevention, & support Rent $550, includes appli- crafts, tools, freezer, clothes. GENERAL LABORER with a and control mosquitos where
or 1-844-722-7993. programs. FAST FREE PICK- ances, utilities and cable. No June 15,16,17. 9-4. future. Come in and apply to- they breed. Worcester Sales
Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? UP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX smoking or pets. 440-666-2983 19036 Vermont St., Grafton. day! Exp. a plus, but will train. & Service, 440-327-4201. ken-
Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-re- DEDUCTION 855-403-0213 Elyria: 1 month free. $100 se- June 14-17, 9-6pm. Eclectic Comparable wages, paid hol-
lieving brace at little or NO CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! curity deposit. Newly remod- mix of antique or collectible idays, 401K, health ins. Drug
cost to you. Medicare Pa- All Makes/Models 2002-2016! eled 2 bedroom town homes items. testing required. Burnett’s REAL ESTATE
tients Call Health Hotline Any Condition. Running or with new carpet, ceramic tile Moving & Moved Estate Sale: Septic Service, 120 Commerce Income property for sale by
Now! 1-800-419-3684 or Not. Competitive Offer! Top and hard wood ?oors. Appli- 9373 Kenmore Way, North Dr., LaGrange, OH. owner. Six units located at
1-844-502-1809. $$$ Paid! Free Towing! We’re ances included. Call 216-221- Ridgeville. June 14, 6pm- 217 Elm St., Wellington. 2016
SOCIAL SECURITY DISABIL- Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888- 1333. 8pm; June 15-17, 8am-4pm. HOME IMPROVEMENT cleared $25k. Amazing deal,
ITY BENEFITS. Unable to 368-1016 or 1-888-985-1806. A 40’s vintage bedroom set, Masonry step repairs, brick $165k. See pictures on Zillow.
work? Denied bene?ts? We FOR SALE Pfaltzgraf Meadow Lane dish- work, stone veneer, tuck-point- Call 330-603-3213.
Can Help! WIN or Pay Noth- BUSINESS TO BUSINESS es complete set, 42” round ing, retaining walls. No job too
ing! Contact Bill Gordon & As- Advertise to 500,000 Homes Indoor Sale: 49531 Peck Wad- butcher block table, drop-leaf small. Pannell, 440-610-2541. SALES & SERVICES
sociates at 1-800-208-6915 or with a business card size sworth Road, Brighton Twp., Early American dinette with 6 SMALL DUMPSTERS
1-855-498-6323 to start your ad. You choose the area of between St. Rt. 511 & Quarry. chairs, assorted glass-top end INTERNET for roo?ng, remodeling, etc.
application today! coverage in free community June 13-17, 9am-5pm. Crocs, tables, assorted ?le cabinets, HughesNet: Gen4 satellite in- Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
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800-897-7205 or 866-428-1639 com for more information. Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert Call for pricing LAWN & GARDEN mas Shows, Nov. 15-20 $950
To Learn More. No Risk. No for Seniors. Bathroom falls and availability TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- pp, includes O’Donnell, The
Money Out of Pocket. CLEANING can be fatal. Approved by 440-458-8544 vice. Complete tree removal, Lettermen, Shoji, Oakridge
Have 10K in Debt? National Arthritis Foundation. Thera- COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL trimming, root feeding and Boys, Johnny Mathis & more!
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Cut the Cable! CALL DIRECTV. needs are different. We spe- Building Materials Metal for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange BUILDABLE 2 or 3 Acre LOTS. DAN’S UPHOLSTERY
Bundle & Save! Over 145 cialize in catering to what your Roo?ng & Siding for houses, Lions Club. 440-458-6781. West on 303 from LaGrange. over 30 yrs. experience
Channels PLUS Genie HD- needs are. Call Marcie today barns, sheds. Close outs, re- Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- 440-371-4111.
DVR. $50/month for 2 Years for your free assessment ap- turns, seconds, overruns, etc. 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. LOTS & ACREAGE HUDSON Full Upholstery
(with AT&T Wireless.) Call for pointment at 440-213-7527. at Discount Prices. Huge in- 440-926-3341 VALLEY LAND LIQUIDATION! Cushion Re?lls
Other Great Offers! 1- 855- Over 13 years experience. ventory in stock. SlateRoad- June 24th & 25th - Greene Furniture Repair
781-1565. 717-445-5222. HANDYMAN SERVICES County 16 Tracts - 3 to 50 Call for free quote
DISH SPECIAL! Stop paying Large Dog Crate, 28Wx- acres from $39,900 18 Miles on re-upholstery
for channels you don’t watch! 42Lx30H. Holds a Shepard or A Handyman/Roofer: Interior from Albany - 2 Hrs GW
Starting at $39.99/mo. FREE Lab. $30, Call 440-567-9667. /exterior, home remodeling Bridge! Terms avail! Call 888- 216-346-2682
Next-Day Installation + FREE /repair, pergolas, decks, vi- 431-7214 NewYorkLandan-
$50 giftcard with signup cour- nyl siding, gutter cleaning, WANTED TO BUY
tesy of SatelliteDeals Call pressure washing, painting, Antiques wanted. Buying con-
866-620-9429 roo?ng, carpentry, tile work. MOTORCYCLES tents of estates, houses, barns
Dante, 216-403-8597. 2000 Harley Davidson Road & attics. 440-506-7738
• MULCH King Classic. One owner, low
• STONE HELP WANTED mileage. New tires, brakes, Reader Advisory: The National Trade As-
battery and lots of added sociation we belong to has purchased the
Always Best Care: Immedi- chrome. $8500, 440-665-5950 above classifieds. Determining the value
ate opening for experienced of their service or product is advised by
HHA-STNA, up to $11/hr. 951 PAINTING this publication. In order to avoid misun-
Main St. Grafton 440-791-7177 Valuetime Painting. 30yrs. derstandings, some advertisers do not
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT exp., lic. & ins. Pro painting- offer employment but rather supply the
Garden work, private home, spray, brush & roll. Alum. readers with manuals, directories and
Summer 7-10 hrs./week Good & Cedar siding refinishing other materials designed to help their cli-
pay, raises. specialist. Terry, 440-541-9037 ents establish mail order selling and other
440-458-8361 businesses at home. Under NO circum-
I need temporary help with stance should you send any money in
housework. Judy, 440-236- advance or give the client your checking,
5429, Columbia Station. license ID, or credit card numbers. Also
beware of ads that claim to guarantee
Landscaping loans regardless of credit and note that
Lawn mowing if a credit repair company does business
only over the phone it is illegal to request
Foreman any money before delivering its service.
Laborers All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free
440-236-9625 numbers may or may not reach Canada.
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Wants to purchase minerals Flyguy’s Driveways•Sidewalks•Patios•Garage Floors... EXCAVATING
and other oil and gas inter-
ests. Send details to P.O. Box Coins & Currency LEVEL IT! Don’t replace it! J. A. KILBY ENT.
13557 Denver, Co. 80201 ON-SITE SERVICE
CASH PAID- up to $25/Box Buying-Selling-Trading •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
for unexpired, sealed DIA- All U.S. & 800-601-7671 (24/7) Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
BETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAY- 800-326-0406 (M-F)
PAYMENT.1-800-371-1136 Foreign Coins •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
Old Gold AUTO SERVICE •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation
The Rural-Urban Record
Proudly Serving... Jewelry/Watches COLUMBIA MARATHON 440-327-3433
Columbia Station • Grafton FIREARMS
LaGrange • Wellington Located at The Bargain House
Eaton • North Ridgeville 450 Cleveland St, Elyria, OH
Carlisle • Elyria
M-F: 12:30-6pm, Sat:
12:30-3pm, Closed Sun
APPLIANCE, SALES & SERVICE Your Auto or Complete
Light Truck Full Mechanical
60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station
41 YEARS IN BUSINESS 440-235-6642
MODERNIZE Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding
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Blacktop •Driveways Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes
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YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044 440-236-5543
800-619-7808 (24 hours) R&K Builders
Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours) (Built by Amish) OH LIC #23331
Richards Concrete NOVAK CONCRETE, INC Quality Buildings at HOME IMPROVEMENT
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“For all of your Concrete needs Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, IMAGE BUILDING & RENOVATION
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Richards Concrete LLC Quality Service since 1989
440-328-6425 330-473-9927 440-724-9338
Concrete • Masonry • General Contracting
Stamped Concrete
• Kitchens/Baths
Shopping Center Maintenance Co. • Additions
Driveway Seal Coating FREE
• Buildings/Garages
Crack Filling & Patching Estimates
• Roofs
725 Sugar Lane, • Doors/Windows
Save 10% Elyria, Oh 44035 • Siding
440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical
on Seal Coating
Specializing in Home Improvements
With Coupon, Exp. 9/30/17
One coupon per residential driveway.
Present coupon at time of estimate COUNTER TOPS HAMPER CONSTRUCTION
•CRACKFILL •STRIPING Your Full Service Contractor
CALL US TODAY! •Garages •Decks •Additions
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•Flooring & More
Licensed•Bonded•Insured • Over 20 Years Experience
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FREE ESTIMATES! 440-986-2665 Mulch • Soil • Gravel • Natural & Decorative Stone
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Brick, Block, Stone, Tuckpointing, 9072 Leavitt Rd.
Restoration & more Elyria, OH 44035 [email protected] 8997 Columbia Road Phone: 440-235-2358
(440) 668-8126 Olmsted Falls, OH 44138 Fax: 440-235-2359
Bonded & Insured ELECTRICAL
[email protected]
Justin Jakubisin, Owner J.A. Kilby Electrical
DISCOUNT CEMENT Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
CONTRACTORS, INC. New Work-Replacement-Repairs Family owned & operated over 27 yrs.
Driveways, Patios, Drainage •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades 1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features,
Waterproofing, Excavating •Security & Camera Systems Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certi?ed,
Masonry, Tuck Pointing, Irrigation Installation & Service
Exposed Aggregate Pads •Commercial Buildings •Parking Lot Lighting
12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642
440-748-3197 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
N. Ridgeville Office
State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response
Rotary tiller service D.W.V. • Gas Lines • Water Lines
Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Fixtures • Backhoe Work
Small or large gardens,
flower beds, lawn cutting Residential • Industrial • Commercial
& Light excavation
Call 216-701-2967 Edward Logar State ID# 19467
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For all your Lawncare & Landscape needs Valley City, OH 44280
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Material Delivery Expires 6/30/17. Not valid with any other offer.
with Intelligence®
America’s Finest Landscapers Landscape Maintenance/ Lawncare POWERWASHING
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Services Provided by Trained Military Veterans 8997 Columbia Road Phone: 440-235-2356
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Commercial & Residential Skid-steer B P Sest owerwashing ervices
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Spring Clean ups Lawn Cuts starting at Triple Shredded Mulch Residential • Commerical • Industrial
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pruning, planting, spring/fall Free pick-up & Delivery within a 25 mile radius
cleanups, mulching, topsoil, Repairs from $75. Siding • Slates • Chimneys
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“37 years of doing it right”
Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc. PAINTING CRR Ruby Red Construction
Residential ~ Commercial Premier MILUM PAINTING CONSTRUCTION
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FREE ESTIMATES Drywall Install/Repair Roofing, Siding, Gutters, Power Wash
Call: 440-748-1333 Interior & Exterior
LAND Landscape Painting, Staining & Power Washing (216) 584-5777 or email
WORKS Excavating 440-309-5938 [email protected]
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No Job Too Small! Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal
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CALL 440-452-9353 CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available
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Picked Up or Delivered
34020 Royalton Rd. Eaton Twp. 216-973-4690
THREE-Z-INC. Mention this ad for 10% OFF
BENEDICT ROOFING Premier Property Enhancement Akron Bike Club Country Ride
Family Business for Three Generations Tree Services & Landscaping
The ABC Country Ride takes place on Sunday, July 9.
RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS Tree Removal • Trimming & Pruning • Brush Chipping Registration opens at 6:30 a.m. and ride begins at 7 a.m. A
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 Land Clearing • Stump Grinding • Haul Away healthy lunch will be waiting at the ?nish line for entrants,
with musical entertainment to accompany. Riders must be 18
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates Firewood for Sale • Root Removal • 65’ Bucket Truck or over to participate; riders under 18 should secure parental 110’ Crane Truck • Skid-steer, Trucks & Trailers for Hire! consent and riders 15 or younger must be accompanied by an
adult. The bike route is well-marked along lightly traveled
SEPTIC SERVICES LEGoSuwTFaeIrRMsaEtnAEPtTerEeicSde! 15% OFF Any Tree roads.
Ride registration, start/?nish is at: Copley High School,
One coupon per customer. Coupon must be located at 3807 Ridgewood Rd., in Copley. They offer a dis-
presented at time of estimate. count to encourage early registration, but riders may also reg-
ister on the day of the ride. For more information, or to reg-
440-334-0578Call or Fully Licensed ister, visit All riders must wear a helmet
& Insured while riding. No use of ear buds and cell phones while riding.
Text! Recommend use of rear view mirrors, headlight, tail light and
re?ectors. Riders must obey all traf?c laws.
Licensed by Board of Health WATERPROOFING
Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain Counties Contact Wally Kudlaty, Akron Bike Club, for more infor-
J. A. KILBY ENT. mation at (330) 806-9106.
• Reasonable Rates
• Prompt, Reliable Service “Stop the water before it stops you!” LCCC 35th Annual Tennis Classic
•Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
• Senior Discounts Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services The 35th annual LCCC Tennis Classic will be held on Sat-
Chuck Dunlap, Owner urday and Sunday, July 22 & 23, at Lorain County Commu-
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement nity College tennis courts. This event is open to the public
$10 Off with this ad and hosted by the division of allied health, nursing, health,
440-327-3433 physical education and recreation.
330-725-3175 BASEMENT A new short format with multiple matches and no elim-
SOLUTIONS ination will be introduced. The event will include adult and
SIMMONS youth categories for singles, doubles and mixed doubles. The
• Waterproofing draw will be posted on Friday, July 21, at the H.P.E.R of-
CONSTRUCTION • Foundation Repair ?ce in the physical education building. Players may call the
Joe Simmons George Rose H.P.E.R. of?ce for times at (440) 366-7652.
216-978-2474 216-905-6947 • Yard Drainage
• Excavating Six outdoor courts are reserved for tournament play. In-
SEPTIC SYSTEM door courts are located in the ?eldhouse and are available
INSTALLATION & REPAIRS • Sewer Replacement during inclement weather.
Sewer, water & gas line repair/replacement 440.773.3040 Awards will be issued by the tournament director at the
completion of each event. For events with eight or more en-
LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED tries, awards will be issued to champions and runner-ups. In
events with four to seven entries, awards will be issued to the
SIDING & WINDOWS champions only.
Custom Exteriors POLYURETHANE CRACK INJECTION All applications must be received by Wednesday, July 19.
Registrations will be accepted on a ?rst come, ?rst serve ba-
•Windows •Azek Since 1989 SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED sis. Cost is $10 per player, per event.
•Doors •Metal For more information, contact Jim Powers at jpowers@
~ OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ LCCC is located at 1005 N. Abbe Road, in
•Stone & Shake Siding JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036
•Gutter/Cleaning/Guards LCCC New Course on
LCCAA Community 2008 Financial Crisis
440-926-1600 Needs Assessment Meetings
Lorain County Community College will offer “The Global
TREE SERVICE The Lorain County Community Action Agency will hold Financial Crisis of 2008” course from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon-
two town hall meetings in June to review the ?ndings of their days through Fridays, Monday, July 31 to Thursday, August
Jason E. Davis 2017 Community Needs Assessment. The meetings are open 10, at the Elyria campus with trips to various locations in
-Complete Crane Service- to the public. downtown Cleveland.
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” Results and the implications for programming and advoca- The new 2-week course is presented in partnership with
Tree/Stump Removal cy will be discussed. Please join them in using survey data to the Zealand Institute of Business and Technology in Den-
improve services in our county. Meeting dates and locations mark. It examines the causes, events, policy response and
Tree Trimming, Firewood are as follows: consequences of the global ?nancial crisis and provides stu-
“FREE ESTIMATES” dents with an understanding of this major economic event.
Bonded & Insured -June 20 - Lorain County Community College, from 6-8 This course (ECNM 190G) will include ?eld visits to the
p.m. in the Spitzer Conference Center, located at 1005 N. banks and locations particularly hard hit by predatory lending
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 Abbe Rd., in Elyria. practices and the foreclosure crisis that followed.
Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
-June 29 - Oberlin Community Services, from 6-8 p.m. at Contact Lucy Malakar at [email protected] for
Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping 285 S. Professor St., in Oberlin. more information. Lorain County Community College is lo-
Tree Trimming • Removal cated at 1005 N. Abbe Road, in Elyria.
Stump Grinding • Pruning Refreshments will be available. Please RSVP your intent
Fertilizers • Fire Wood to attend either session to [email protected] or (440) Medina County Park District
Free Estimates! Wednesday, June 14:
Summer 6-week Music at the Lodge: Ginger Ackley - The Lodge at Allar-
Seth Emerson - Owner Plumbing Boot Camp dale, 7-8 p.m. Enjoy a relaxing evening in the park with free,
Office: 440-322-2624 live musical entertainment. Our concert series brings a vari-
The UA Plumbers Union 55 Joint Apprenticeship invites ety of music that the whole family will enjoy. The concerts
Emergency: 440-452-2456 you to ?nd out more about careers in Plumbing. You will will be held indoors due to variable weather conditions. This
learn from certi?ed trainers and professionals in the ?eld by month, Ginger Ackley will perform Celtic music with a twist.
[email protected] participating in weekly Hands-On Activities in a live, ad- All ages are welcome. No registration required. Free.
vanced manufacturing machine shop. You will dive into the Thursday, June 15:
ARBOR CARE TREE following topics: Family Fishing - Buffalo Creek Retreat, 3-8 p.m. Stop by
to ?sh the ponds at Buffalo Creek Retreat. Fishing is only
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck Copper Tubing Install - Soldering - Thursday, June 22, permitted at this site during this program. No ?shing expe-
• 113 Ft. Crane from 6-8 p.m. rience is necessary; we’ll have staff and volunteer ?shermen
to assist you and your family. A limited amount of rods and
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood Installing Steel Pipe for Natural Gas - Thursday, June 29, reels and bait will be available for use. Children must come
from 6-8 p.m. with an adult companion. No registration required. All ages
Triple Shredded Mulch are welcome. Free.
Basic Plumbing Repairs/Service - Thursday, July 13, 6-8 Saturday, June 17:
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member p.m. Northeastern Ohio Live Steamers: All Aboard! - Lester
Rail Trail, 12:30-4:30 p.m. Bring your family and friends to
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 Cast Iron Drain/Waste and Vent Install - Thursday, July Lester Rail Trail for train rides around a miniature railroad
20, from 6-8 p.m. and station house. Members of N.E.O.L.S., a miniature rail-
road group, will offer this free park program. Adults and chil-
PVC Pipe Drain/Waste and Vent Install - Thursday,July dren, alike, will delight in this unique experience! All ages are
27, from 6-8 p.m. welcome. No registration required. Free.
Sunday, June 18:
Drawing/Designing of Plumbing Systems - Thursday, K9 Search & Rescue Demonstration - Hubbard Valley
August 3, from 6-8 p.m. Park, 2-3 p.m. The North Central Ohio K 9 Search & Rescue
Team will be demonstrating how its specially trained dogs
These sessions are for young women and men, ages 14-20. are used to track and ?nd missing persons in a variety of envi-
They are all held at 980 Keynote Circle, in Independence. The ronments, both urban and rural. This presentation will be in-
cost is only $25 with completed registration form. teractive with members using their K9 pals and the audience.
Please do not bring your own pets to this presentation. All
Attendees under 18 need a parent or guardian signature ages are welcome. No registration required. Free.
on their application. Reserve your spot by emailing Jason at: Please register for programs online at www.medinacoun-
[email protected].
Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 12, 2017
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