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Published by The Rural-Urban Record, 2017-05-01 09:50:33


TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”

Volume 62, No. 43 Columbia Station, Ohio May 1, 2017

Columbia Soccer is making a successful comeback

Petras heads up a youth practice in preparation for their ?rst game on Saturday morning. manship, teamwork and best of all exercise. This fall the
boys and girls entering the freshman high school class
During the early 2000s, the soccer ?elds in Columbia Bobby and Katie Petras, lifelong Columbia residents, were have not had recreational soccer available to them to learn
were a bustling place. Registrations at that time peaked called upon to revive the program. In the ?rst session of the the game for the 4 years prior to entering high school, Bob-
with around 250 youth soccer players. Numbers began to new league in the spring of 2016, there was a total of 56 by and Katie Petras both played Columbia High School
slowly decline until 2012, when the league ended mainly players ages 3-10. The following fall of 2016, that number soccer and went on to play in college. They know how im-
due to the inability to ?nd the volunteers to commit to run- grew to an impressive 92. The spring 2017 session is now portant a youth feeder program is to the success of a high
ning it, along with declining numbers. boasting an impressive 145 players ages 3-11. school program. Corey Taylor, Columbia’s head soccer
Coach had this to say, “The youth program is something
In the spring of 2016, an attempt was made to bring rec- There was a de?nite need in the community to give the that we have been missing for the past couple of years. At
reational soccer back to Columbia Station. There had been younger residents an outlet and opportunity to participate the high school level, it is something that is needed in order
a glaring silence at the youth soccer ?elds for 4 long years. in an organized sport. It’s a great learning tool for sports- to further our program and remain competitive. It is the
hope that bringing the youth program back, our program
numbers will rise and get the younger generations of the
community back into playing soccer.”

Prior to taking on the role of President and V.P., the
Petrases were involved in the youth soccer program for
several years after they graduated high school. Petras
states “It is great to see Columbia Soccer back with such
strong numbers so quickly. I thought it would take a lot
longer to get the numbers we are seeing. The Youth pro-
gram has been on a hiatus since 2012 and it’s de?nitely a
learning curve to get the program on its feet again. It has
been a challenge, but we have had great support in terms
of our Board from Brian Arcuri and Ellen Cogar. All of the
coaches are volunteers, so a big thanks to them as well. So
far,it has been a rewarding experience and it really is nice
to see so many families at the park. We can only hope to
keep improving and moving forward.”

The challenging component in starting the new league is
getting enough coaches to work with these young players.
If you would be interested in volunteering in any capacity,
please feel free to contact Bobby Petras at (440)-409-8485.

...Out with the old

Columbia Homecoming MHS Mattress Sale fund-raiser
Donation Envelopes

The Columbia Home- Midview High School is having their 8th annual Mat- The historic feed & grain mill, located on Station
coming Festival is an an- tress Sale fund-raiser on Saturday, May 6, from 10 a.m.-5 Road at the railroad tracks north of Rt 82, is rumored
nual weekend celebration p.m. at the high school. Save up to 50% off retail prices to be in the process of being demolished.
of fun-?lled activities. It on name brand mattresses like Simmons Beautyrest. All
is proudly hosted by The sizes will be available. Firm, pillow-top, orthopedic, la- Community Directory
Columbia Chamber of tex and gel memory foam sets are available. Prices on
Commerce, which is a twin mattresses start at only $199; full from $289; Queen Carlisle 10 N. Ridgeville 19
non-pro?t 501c(6) orga- from $299; and King/Ca-King from $499. Layaway and Columbia 4 Wellington 18
nization. The Columbia delivery is available and credit cards, cash and checks Eaton 10 Events page 2
Homecoming Festival will be accepted. All mattresses are brand new and come Grafton 14 Churches 9
relies on sponsorships with full factory warranties. Other items on sale will be Grafton Twp. 16 Profile Page 11
and donations to help adjustable beds, luxury pillows and mattress protectors. LaGrange 17 SENIOR LIVING 12-13
fund the events. Individ-
uals and/or organizations Every purchase bene?ts the MHS football team. For
may sponsor the festival more information, go to the event link,
at any level, up to the view.
most recognized “Special Event Sponsor.” Your sponsorships
and donations make these events possible: ?reworks display, Stamp Out Hunger!
family-friendly entertainment, prizes and awards, Kid’s Day
games, carnival rides and much more! On Saturday, May 13, the National Association of Let-
The Chamber of Commerce members are part of the local ter Carriers, Branch 196 will again help Stamp Out Hunger
community and share their passion for supporting the caus- across America! Now in its 25th year, this effort has become
es most important to their neighborhoods. Proceeds from the the largest one-day food drive in the nation. All donations
festival help to support the community, food banks, boy and help restock food banks, pantries and shelters within the local
girl scouts, Fire Department, park enhancement, scholarships, communities in which they are collected. We are asking resi-
school activities and various other local organizations and dents to leave their donation in a bag by their mailbox before
events. mail is delivered. Your letter carrier will be doing double duty
To ?nd out just how rewarding being a supporter can be, that day by picking up your food donation and delivering it to
just ask the 2016 sponsors. A special thanks to all of you for the local food pantry.
helping to make last year’s festival a great success! Columbia
residents/businesses can check this edition of The Rural-Ur- The letter carriers of Branch 196 will be picking up do-
ban Record for the special donation envelope to help them nations in Elyria, North Ridgeville, Grafton, Wellington and
meet their goal of $25,000. You can also donate online at Oberlin. Please help us to once again make this one-day food Thank you in advance for your drive a huge success!
Thank you to all who have and will continue to help feed
the hungry!

Full Services Available MAY SPECIAL

• Maintenance • Fertilization Buy 3 Get 1 FREE
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Buy any 3 yards of mulch and get
* Now Available * the 4th yard free!
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Mulch • Topsoil • Stone • Seed • Fertilizer Valid during May 2017 only. Cannot be combined with any
other offer. Must present this ad. Max discount 1 yard.

11847 Avon Belden Rd. Grafton, OH 44044 (440) 235-9273

Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017



April 29 April 29-30 May 5 May 7 May 20 May 20-21

LC3K Color Dash West Shore Orchid Show Painting Party Fish with a Ranger Pancake Breakfast & Cleveland Asian Festival
$10 registration fee (includes Come see the Largest Judged Flowers for your Mom that will Come enjoy a day of FREE Each year the Cleveland Asian
free t-shirt). Proceeds will go Orchid Show in Ohio! Learn last a lifetime, for your one of a ?shing with a Ranger. Bring This is a FREE fun-education- Festival presents two stages
towards Crohn’s & Colitis Foun- more about Orchids and stop kind Mom. We will be painting your own equipment, limited al event for the entire family. packed full of performances.
dation & LCCC Student Senate by the displays. Plant sale and on slate tile instead of canvas. poles and bait available. No Whether you are an aviation Come get your ?ll of Martial Arts,
For more information, contact supplies for sale as well. $3 Do- Open to all ages for more info license required due to ODNR enthusiast or not, gather your Dance, and Music! Plus join in
Jinnie Lee at 440-366-4774 or nation for entry. Ra?le of orchids call 440-666-4097. free ?shing days. All ages and family and friends and enjoy a the fun and challenge a friend
[email protected] too. experiences welcome. great day at your local airport. at (In?atable) Sumo Wrestling.
Grey Hawk Golf Club There will be aircraft activities, Free Parking @ CSU’s Lots.
LCCC Strongsville Rec Center 665 U.S. Grant St. Indian Hollow Reservation kids activities, food, and air-
1005 North Abbe Road 18100 Royalton Rd, LaGrange Royal Oaks Park plane ride opportunities. East 27th & Payne Ave
Elyria Strongsville 6:00pm - 9:00pm 38744 Parsons Road Cleveland
12:00pm - 3:30pm Sat: 10:00am - 5:00pm Grafton, OH LC Regional Airport 11:00am - 7:00pm
Columbia After Prom Sun: 11:00am - 4:00pm www.lagrangepaintingparties. 12:00pm - 4:00pm 44050 Russia Rd.
Fundraiser com Elyria May 21
April 30 May 9 9:00am - 2:00pm
Bring your family and friends for May 6 Paddle & Pedal Fest
a Wing Night and Basket Fund- Fur Fun 5K & Dog Walk How to Save Money on Berea Art Day
raiser. A portion of the proceeds Steak Fry Dinner Your Utilities Take advantage of this oppor-
will bene?t the Columbia class Love-A-Stray 5K Chip Timed Fundraiser The Front & Center Art Walk tunity to try out some paddle
of 2017 After Prom. Race at 9:00am, Registration Hear tips on how to save money and Berea Fine Arts Club sports on the beautiful shores
at 7:30am. Group Dog Walk Operation Open Heart brings on your natural gas, electric, and MayFest are combining to cre- of Lake Erie.
Grindstone Tap House 11:00am & Registration at police of?cers and ?rst respond- water bills by making no-cost or ate BereArtDay, featuring two
826 Front St, Berea 10:00am. Raf?es, Pet Fair, Priz- ers & community members to- low-cost changes around the events on the triangle in down- Lakeview Park
6:00pm - 9:00pm es, Gift Cards gether to mentor local children house including Energy Star town Berea including music, art, 1800 West Erie Ave.
Herb Fair involved with children services appliances, CFL light bulbs, businesses, and more. Lorain
Avon Lake High School agencies and gives them a programmable thermostats and 11:00am - 3:00pm
Time to get the herbs for your 175 Avon Belden Road week of summer camping and other energy-saving tips. Front St & Riverside Dr
garden or just learn how to cook Avon Lake fun. $20.00 includes: Steak, Downtown Berea Wine & Chocolate Walk
with fresh herbs. 9:00am - 12:00pm salad, roll, baked potato. LCCC Community Learn- 10:00am - 5:00pm
ing Center, Stroll downtown Amherst while
Vermilion River Painting Party St Nicholas Byzantine (Lorain High School) being treated to a sample of
Reservation, 2711 West 40th St 2600 Ashland Ave., Lorain wine and/or chocolate from
51211 North Ridge Rd, Paint a Mermaid or Dolphin, Lorain 6:30pm all of our local businesses.
Vermilion open to all ages, great for a 5:00pm - 11:00pm Cost $30.
12:00pm - 3:00pm Parent/child pair. Call 440-666- May 10
4097 for more information. May 6-7 Main Street Amherst
April 29-30 Ladies Night Out 255 Park Avenue,
Grey Hawk Golf Club Ohio Civil War & Amherst, OH
Ohio Gun Show 665 U.S. Grant St. Artillery Show Come out and shop with some 12:00pm - 5:00pm
LaGrange over 20 local small businesses
Thousands of guns, knives & 12:00pm - 3:00pm 30-Gun Artillery Show – Indoor/ and enjoy some food, drinks,
military items to buy/sell/trade. Outdoor and a 6-Gun Battery and trivia. Admission is FREE!
Many rare and unusual ?rearms www.lagrangepaintingparties. Firing Demonstrations. Plus 7 Advertise Your Event!
will be on display and for sale! com Buildings with 750 Tables, Mili- Bullfrogs Sport Cafe
Bring your old gun or war souve- tary Items, Relics, and Memora- 33137 Center Ridge Rd, • Event Name
nir for a free appraisal or to sell. May 5 bilia for buy, sell, or trade. North Ridgeville • Description of Event
Cash buyers will be there! Un- 6:00pm - 9:00pm
der 21 must be with Parent, $7. Tequila Fest Cleveland Richland County (Includes up to 25 Words)
Fairgrounds, • Date
Cuyahoga Fairgrounds Over 30 tequilas, taco bar, sal- 750 N. Home Road • Location
19021 Bagley Rd, sa bar and guacamole bar. DJ Mans?eld • Time
Middleburg Heights through out and soon to be an- Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm • No Garage Sales, Rummage Sales
Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm nounced live performance by a Sun: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Sun: 9:00am - 3:00pm local legend. Tickets online from or Open Houses
Call: 440-236-5103
Lago Veranda
(East Bank of the Flats)
1091 W 10th Street
5:00pm - 11:00pm

A Bridal Show in the Wilderness AMY’S
May 7, 2017 from 1-5pm
We are excited to meet all you Brides at The Bridal 330-483-9463
Show in the Wilderness on May 7th, Amy’s Arbors
will be showing many new fun colors along with
some neat bar reception ideas. We truly have some
awesome vendors that will be on hand to talk one
on one with you! Spend the afternoon with us in the

American Wilderness Campground

17273 Avon Belden Rd (Rt 83), Grafton, Ohio

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Page 3

Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Food Pantry Columbia Methodist Church, ClearView Church and Elizabeth
Ann Seton Catholic Church were fantastic.
WEEKLY CALENDAR The May food distribution at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
Monday, May 1: will be on Monday, May 1, from 4-5:30 p.m. The church is lo- The music shared by Tracy Sabol, Sherril Rundle, The Cot-
Columbia Board of Trustees will hold their meeting tonight cated at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Township. The food, tom Family, Jim Committee, Logan Zeinert and the many other
at 7 p.m. at the town hall. The community is welcome to attend. from the Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio in local musicians topped the evening off in grand style.
Wednesday, May 3: Lorain, is available to residents of Columbia, Grafton and Eaton
Columbia Reservation will take an “Aromatic Vegetation” Township. Recipients must be eligible according to Ohio Job and It is a blessing to know that while Joe and our family are
hike today from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Join them as they examine and Family Services guidelines and bring proof of address, such as a managing this situation, we are surrounded by the loving and
smell some of the more fragrant, or unique plants and trees at the current utility bill and a photo ID. supportive community of Columbia Station.
park. This is a level 1 hike.
Saturday, May 6: For more information, or to determine eligibility, phone the Blessings and thank you,
Columbia Reservation will have a display today at the park, church of?ce at (440) 236-5095, Monday through Friday, be- Mike and Charmae Cottom
from 1-3 p.m., of moose, bears, wolves and many more as they tween 9 a.m. - noon. In accordance with Federal law and U.S.
display a nice collection of their mounts. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited Homecoming Festival fund-raisers
from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin,
CHS Weekly Calendar sex, age or disability. Make dinner a sel?ess act by joining two dinner fund-raisers
to support The Columbia Homecoming Festival.
Monday, May 1: Luck of the Paw Casino & Game Night
Prom tickets on sale through May 5. Four Keys dinner:
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Brooklyn V-A, JV-H. Get your tickets now for the new Luck of the Paw Casino Come in to Four Keys Restaurant, at 34501 Royalton Road in
Tuesday, May 2: & Game Night, ARF’s newest fund-raising event, with all pro- Columbia Station, on Monday, May 15, between 4-9 p.m. Bring
7:30 a.m. US History testing ceeds bene?tting our homeless animals! This ?rst-ever event will in this article, show the ?yer on your smartphone or tell the ca-
10:30 am late arrival - students not testing. be held on Saturday, June 10, from 6:30-10 p.m. at the Ehrnfelt shier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 50% of the
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Brooklyn V-H, JV-A. Event Center in Strongsville. The event has something for ev- proceeds will be donated to the Columbia Homecoming Festival.
5:30 p.m. Marching Band parent meeting - cafeteria. eryone: Chipotle dinner:
Wednesday, May 3: Come in to the Chipotle at 15029 Pearl Road in Strongsville
7:30 a.m. Biology testing •Huge Appetizer and Dessert Buffets on Wednesday, June 21, between 5-9 p.m. Bring in this article,
10:30 am late arrival - students not testing. •Casino games Blackjack, Roulette and Money Wheel show the ?yer on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re sup-
Thursday, May 4: •Sideboard gambling, 50/50 and Raf?e Baskets porting the cause to make sure that 50% of the proceeds will be
8 a.m. AP Government test •DJ Andy spinning tunes donated to the Columbia Homecoming Festival.
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Firelands, V-H, JV-A. •Photo Booth for magical memories You can also share these events on Facebook through their
7 p.m. Columbia Athletic Booster meeting. •Cash wine and beer bar page at Columbia Homecoming Festival.
Friday, May 5: •Silent and Live Auctions
4th Interim Reporting period ends. •Strolling Magician and more! Cross Country meeting
8 a.m. AP Biology Test. This is also the kickoff to their new shelter fund! Hear about
4/6 p.m. Varsity Softball at Elyria tournament. ARF’s exciting progress toward building a new shelter facility Any Columbia students in the 6th through 11th grades who
7:30 p.m. Seusical, the Musical. on their beautiful property in Columbia Township, and how you are intersted in participating in cross country next fall should at-
Saturday, May 6: can get involved. Enjoy a Champagne Toast to ARF’s 30th An- tend the cross country informational meeting on Thursday May
9 a.m. Varsity Softball at Elyria tournament. niversary! 4, at 6 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. All paperwork, including
10 a.m. Track at Woodridge Invitational. Tickets are only $50 and include and all you can eat appetiz- meet and practice schedules, will be passed out. Coach Bailey
1 p.m./7:30 p.m. Seusical, the Musical. er buffet, an all you can eat dessert buffet, free drink ticket and will also answer any questions you may have. Parents are en-
starter gambling chips. couraged to attend as well. If you have any questions before the
State of the Township meeting For tickets or more information, contact Michelle at ArfDe- meeting, please contact Coach Bailey at baileyad@columbia.
[email protected].
The Columbia Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a “State
of the Township” meeting with the Trustees on Wednesday, May Thank you COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
3, at Columbia Eagles, 27190 Royalton Road, Columbia Station,
at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be Mike and Charmae Cottom and family would like to thank
provided by Wright’s Catering. For more information, please call the many Columbia Station churches, organizations, businesses
(440) 236-9053 or email [email protected]. and families that donated their time, services and ?nancial sup-
port for Joe’s Birthday Bene?t. The feeling of being surrounded
by over 300 supportive family and friends is indescribable, and
the enjoyment of the Bene?t took the place of the many senior
activities that Joe and our family have not been able to participate
in this year.

The homemade chicken dinner prepared by Jim Wright and
the fantastic sides and desserts prepared by 4 Keyes Restaurant,
Columbia Baptist Church, Columbia Lighthouse Bible Church,

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Saturday 11-6, Sunday 11-4 27099 Royalton Rd., Columbia Station

Closed Wednesdays

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Page 5

Become a Sponsor of the 2017 Columbia Homecoming Festival

Donation Drive

The Columbia Homecoming Festival is an annual weekend celebration of fun-?lled activities. It is
proudly hosted by The Columbia Chamber of Commerce, which is a non-pro?t 501(c)
(6) organization. The Columbia Homecoming Festival relies on sponsorships and
donations to help fund the events. Individuals and/or organizations may sponsor the
festival at any level, up to the most recognized “SPECIAL EVENT SPONSOR”.
Your sponsorships and donations make these events possible: ?reworks display,
family-friendly entertainment, the Parade, eating contests, prizes and awards, Kid’s
Day games, carnival rides and much more!

The Columbia Chamber of Commerce members are part of the local community and share their passion for
supporting the causes most important to their neighborhoods. Proceeds from the festival help to support
the community, food banks, boy and girl scouts, Fire Department, park enhancement, scholarships,
school activities and various other local organizations.

To ?nd out how rewarding being a supporter can be, just ask our 2016 sponsors. A special “thank you”
to all of you for helping to make last year’s festival a great success! Please help us meet our goal of
$25,000. You can donate online at

Special Thanks to Columbia Homecoming Sponsors

Wayne & Debbie

TheRural-Urban Record Fraternal Order of

Brian Kljun

Becker’s Donuts • Great Lakes Truck Driving School • Cleveland Power & Performance
Valley Drum Inc.• MVP Trophy & Awards • Four Keys Restaurant • JC Services

True Value- North Eaton • David & Melissa Banker- Snap On Tools • Bauer Funeral Home
Wright’s Catering & Concessions • Three Z Supply • J&J Greenhouse • First Merit Bank

Rockin-R-Ranch • Franklin Accounting & Tax Service • Crossroads Asphalt
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton • Schild’s IGA

Columbia Township Fire Dept. • Columbia Township Road Crew • Columbia Township Trustees

Columbia Historical Society • Columbia School District • Local Boy Scout Troops

Thank You Lorain County Auxiliary Sheriff’s Thank You

Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 CLSD is looking for student summer workers. If you are in- CHS Class of 1980

COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 terested, please email me at [email protected]. You All classmates, friends and family of the Columbia High
School Class of 1980 are invited to a casual dinner on Mon-
Crafters Wanted must be at least 18 years of age and have graduated from high day, May 22, at 6:30 p.m. at 4 Keyes Restaurant. Please bring
school. The position will begin on June 12 and last for 49 days. any Memory Books that you may have from Columbia Middle
We are always looking to improve the quality of the school School and any CHS yearbooks. If you cannot attend, but you
The Columbia Homecoming Festival is seeking local craft- district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion, may have classmates’ emails or addresses, please email Charmae
ers who would like to participate in this year’s festival. We have question or comment, please feel free to call me at (440) 236- at [email protected] or call (440) 263-9131.
extra spots this year that we’d like to offer to local vendors ?rst. 5008 or email [email protected].
Please email [email protected] or call (440) 236-9053 Olmsted Spirit 5K Race/2-mile Walk
for more information or an application. More information can Have a great week Raider Nation!
The Olmsted Spirit 5K Race/2-mile Walk is on May 7. Reg-
also be found at Clowning around istration and check-in is from 7:30-8:30 a.m. The race and walk
begin at 9 a.m. at Olmsted Falls High School, located at 26939
Placemat advertising spaces tion has become the motto in Bagley Rd., in Olmsted Falls.

The Columbia Chamber of Commerce & Columbia Home- Joe’s life when he gives up This is the 20th anniversary of the race. The course has been
coming Festival is working on their second round of placemat modi?ed for the ?rst time in several years, which includes cross-
advertising. If your business would like to be included, please overtime hours on his day job ing the railroad overpass on Fitch Road and running through the
to perform. Several years ago, open bay doors of the Olmsted Township Fire Station. See the
email Nikki at [email protected] or call (440) 236- Joe’s job moved him to Oak- race website for the complete route map.
9053. The cost is $100.
land, Maryland, where he be- The Olmsted Spirit 5K is known for its free refreshments and
gan to perform magic shows breakfast buffet, which includes trail mix, fruit, water, coffee,
all over Maryland and Penn- juice and more. All participants will receive a raf?e ticket for
sylvania, entertaining kids and a chance to win free prizes from area businesses. Some of the
raising money for children’s prizes include items from the Cleveland Monsters, Cleveland
May 1-5 is Staff Appreciation Week. It is a week to pay trib- Joe Kennedy hospitals. Browns, tickets to the Q for a concert by Coldplay and much
ute to our teachers and support staff. I would like to take this op- Joe Kennedy, former res- more!
portunity to recognize and thank them for dedicating their lives ident of Columbia Station, is His act brings humor along
to the education of our children. The responsibility of educating always clowning around. Af- with amazement that your Questions? Contact Executive Director Jeff Swislocki at Ol-
students makes teaching one of the most important jobs there is. ter spending years perfecting family will enjoy. Joe will be [email protected].
The work of the dedicated people in CLSD is priceless. Teach- his magic act, Joe enlisted performing on Sunday, May 7,
er and staff appreciation week presents a wonderful opportunity with a group of Shriner clowns at LifeSpring Church in Valley Community Garage Sales
to thank the teachers and support staff for their commitment to performing for sick and under City. The church is located at
children and for their contributions to our community. The entire privileged children. Less com- 1638 Lester Rd. The event Columbia Station and the Columbia Chamber of Commerce
staff makes a difference in the lives of every student. They are pensation and more contribu- starts at 10 a.m. Following the are proud to be hosting the 4th annual Columbia Community Ga-
role models for all youth. Their job is dif?cult and their respon- Magic show will be face paint- rage Sales. Being a rural community, it is hard to draw shoppers
sibility great. The staff literally holds the future of our children ing, game table, balloon artist out to our garage sales. Most shoppers like to go to developments
in their hands. The education our children receive today will lead and more. They will serve car- or to cities where they can hit multiple sales all in the same day.
to their success later in life. The staff not only teaches, they serve nival food for lunch, including Last year we held these sales and had 100+ participating houses.
as mentors, role models and con?dants for our children. Please cotton candy and snow cones. We made it easier for shoppers to come to Columbia to purchase
?nd time to say thank you to the staff during the week. All CLSD This family event is free. Join treasures and had a huge amount of traf?c!
staff should be commended for a job well done throughout this in on welcoming Joe and be
school year. With your continued hard work and determination, prepared to be amazed! The sale dates are scheduled for Thursday, July 13, Friday,
Columbia Local Schools will continue its rank of excellence. July 14 & Saturday, July 15, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (hours may vary
Thank you to our staff for helping to build a brighter future one by address). Participating houses will be available to download
& view on-line. To have your house listed, please send your ad-
CHS Drama Presents “Seussical”student at a time. dress, days and hours you will be “open” and a few items you
CHS Drama will present the musical, “Seussical,” on May will be having in your sale to Mandie Andrews at:
5 & 6. Students are performing from Copopa, CMS and CHS. Columbia High School himself to protecting it and
These students have been working very hard for the show. I hope Drama presents Seussical on the Whos who live on it; Jojo, [email protected]. If you do not have access
that you have an opportunity to witness their amazing talents! Friday, May 5, at 7:30 p.m. a mis?t Who who “doesn’t to email, please contact Mandie by phone at (216) 409-6668.
*For more information, see the separate article in this issue of and Saturday, May 6, at 1 Think normal Thinks,” strug- Participation is free; please share this with your neighbors and
RUR. p.m. and 7:30 p.m. in the CHS gles to ?nd his place in the friends. Deadline to list is by 12 p.m. on Friday, July 7.
Gymnasium. This fantastical tiny Who society; Gertrude
Congratulations to Mrs. Marie Barnard! She was selected family musical is based on the McFuzz tries to catch the at- COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
as the recipient of our March 2017 Raider Nation Excellence books of Dr. Seuss, including tention of her love - the kind
Award! Marie is an intervention specialist at Columbia Middle favorites like “Horton Hears and compassionate Horton. Are you looking for the best
School. I would also like to recognize the other March nomina- a Who!,” “Horton Hatches Through mishaps and adven- combination of low price and
tions: Transportation Supervisor Al Cantrell and Columbia High the Egg” and “Miss Gertrude tures, these unique characters
School Assistant Principal Jeff Jump. Thank you all for a job McFuzz.” Horton hears a ?nally ?nd what they seek - personal service?
well done! Please remember to nominate an outstanding staff noise coming from a speck of their places in their world.
member who goes above and beyond by submitting a nomina- dust on a clover and commits You’ve Found
tion through the link on our website. The cast includes: Nicole Penfound Insurance
Kittelberger, Sam Gunther,
Haley Pruitt, Logan Zeinert, Call Us Today for a FREE Quote Comparision
Salena Hritz, Tim Choka,
Ashleigh Hones, Madalyn 1-800-822-5133
East, Katie Pettegrew, Gillian
Atherton, Alexis Arcuri, Dana or 440-458-5133 | 40960 Butternut Ridge Rd, Elyria
Trujillo, Diamond Brant, Mi-
randa Keller, Hailey Spikes,
Averey Lavinder, Faith Wil-
meth, Kelsey Pettegrew,
Brooke Miltner, Erin Lavin-
der, Sarah Pettegrew and Ira
Lavinder. The stage mangers
are Sarah Kittelberger and
Julie Schulte. The show is
directed by Alex Craig and
• MULCH assisted by Suzie Neff, Sa-
mantha Fischer and Matthew
Grittner. Tickets are available
at the door for $8; senior citi-
• STONE zens and students are $5.



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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Page 7

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Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 “Law You Can Use” This “Law You Can Use” consumer legal information column
COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 was provided by the Ohio State Bar Association. It was prepared
Provided by the Ohio State Bar Association. by De Ann M. Covey, Assistant Director, Stark County Veterans
CHS Honor/Merit Rolls Service Commission. Articles appearing in this column are in-
Veterans Service Commissions assist Veterans and their de- tended to provide broad, general information about the law. This
9th Grade pendents across Ohio article is not intended to be legal advice. Before applying this
High Honor Roll: Brian Barta, Kevin Barta, Sydney Berg, information to a speci?c legal problem, readers are urged to seek
Sarah Conway, Morgan Davis, Julia Ennemoser, Anglina Furyes, Each of Ohio’s 88 counties has a Veterans’ Service Of?ce to advice from an attorney.
Amelia Hritz, Sarah Kittelberger, Mackenzie Marx, Casey Me- help veterans understand what bene?ts are available to them and
dina, Fiona Medina, Laci Riley, Emma Roberts, Andrew Saki, their dependents, and to help them apply for these bene?ts. Each Young Naturalist Camp
Megan Seitz, Rose Sikorski, Karlie Smick, Alexis Speck, Jared of?ce also has a Veterans Service Commission (VSC) whose
Swartz, Karl Tallos, Sophia Vozar and Riley West. members are responsible for overseeing the work of that of?ce. At Young Naturalist Camp, children ages 7-12 are encour-
Honor Roll: Alexander Beach, Thomas Cassidy, Karly Cipri- While this article focuses on the work of the Stark County VSC, aged to get their feet wet, get their hands muddy and experience
ano, Jeffrey Corrigan, Michael English, Carson Heidecker, Tyler it provides an overview of the types of services available to vet- the excitement of discovering the world of nature all around
Hicks, Mason Jakubisin, Zoie Jarem, Haley Keenan, Jacob Kile, erans and their dependents throughout Ohio. them.
Payton Krase, Hakim Odeh, Juliet Smith, Katelynn Strieter, Lo-
gan Szuch, Brandon Tolle and Michael Verbus. Q: What kinds of services does the Veterans Service Commis- Medina County Park District offers 11 three-day camp oppor-
Merit Roll: Tracy Groleau, Matthew Pettegrew, Tyler Pon- sion offer for veterans and their dependents? tunities in the months of June and July exploring different parks
tikos, Kevin Schaef, Charles Simon and Justin Taseff. and preserves throughout Medina County. Camps are comprised
A: The Stark County Veterans Service Commission (SCVSC), of three daytime sessions and one nighttime session covering a
10th Grade for example, serves 30,000 veterans, the 6th largest population total of four different programs. Children are free to choose the
High Honor Roll: Nicole Ballachino, Jennifer Boey, Jared of veterans in Ohio. The SCVSC provides 3 basic services for camp with the mix of programs that interests them the most.
Bycznski, Benjamin Champagne, Matthew Dixon, Courtney veterans and their dependents: ?nancial assistance, service of-
Faber, Danielle Gerda, Serena Goode, Jilliam Grzywna, Tyler ?cer assistance and medical transportation. The SCVSC team Program options include:
Hite, Ryan Petit, Adam Ross, Benjamin Skowronsky, Ambriel includes ?ve appointed commissioners representing various • Life in a Stream
Stair, Carissa Templeton and Lizzabeth Whatmore. national service organizations, including the American Legion, • All About Muck
Honor Roll: Samantha Carrico, Bailey Coleman, Robin Disabled American Veterans, American Veterans, Veterans • Butter?ies
Hensley, Michael Lovell, Stephanie Makowski, Nicholas Mil- of Foreign Wars of the United States and Vietnam Veterans of • Everybody Scats
luzzi, Kelsey Palmer, Haley Pruitt, Danielle Roginsky, Emily America, as well as ?ve accredited County Veterans Service • The Eagles are Coming
Titherage and Jared Trujillo. of?cers, an accredited executive director and assistant director, • Fields and Forests
Merit Roll: Benjamin Alten, Justin Bell, Brandon Coleman, two ?nance specialists, three managerial staff members and three • Water Science
Andrew Collins, Alexis Corbett, Jay DeLisle, Jordan Hawley, support staff members. • Life in the Pioneer Encampment
Thomas Hones, Jackson Ives, Cole Schwartz, Daniel Snakovsky, • A Pioneer Trail
Riley Thomas and Logan Wos. Q: What ?nancial assistance is available? • Bats!
A: The SCVSC offers a needs-based program that provides • Native American Storytelling
11th Grade short-term basic living needs for Stark County veterans, their • Moon Mysteries
High Honor Roll: Alexis Arcuri, Gillian Atherton, Emily spouses, dependent children and surviving spouses. “I look forward to Young Naturalist Camp because we can
Berg, Allison Bouscher, Christian Bowes, David Cole, Stacy Q: How would I qualify for ?nancial help? offer the children the experience of exploring,” said Naturalist
Corrigan, Nicole Doksa, James Eisenhauer, William Eisenhau- A: You must have served in the armed forces on active mil- Nichole Houze, a member of the park district’s interpretive ser-
er, Gregory Grzywna, Madelyn Hicks, Ashleigh Hones, Sale- itary duty for purposes other than training and you must have vices team that leads the camps. “Through our parks, they can
na Hritz, Amanda Kile, Justin Krase, Kaitlyn Krupinski, Mya been discharged under honorable conditions. You may also qual- connect to plants, wildlife, nature, friends, our communities and
LaCourse, Maira Miranda, Analyssia Pacheco, Andrea Parker, ify if, while serving on “active duty orders for training” (such our world.”
Kaitlin Pettegrew, Todd Schmidt, Emma Seitz, Madison Spirnak, as basic training or schooling), you suffered a service-connected To accommodate family schedules, Young Naturalist offers
Magdalena Welker, Natalie Wilkins, Courtney Yoder and Kassi disability that is recognized by the Department of Veterans Af- a choice between a morning camp option (10 -11:30 a.m.) and
Zeinert. fairs or the Department of Defense. an afternoon camp option (1-2:30 p.m.). There is one evening
Honor Roll: Jacob Aniol, Amber Caldwell, Mikayla Dupas- Q: What kinds of ?nancial assistance is provided? camp option from 7-8:30 p.m. offered July 25-27. Each Young
ki, Kyle Heidecker, Savannah Ives, Max Napoli, Alec Paine, A: The SCVSC may assist you with basic living expenses, Naturalist camper receives a T-shirt that he or she can bring to
Donald Paxton, Trevor Rind?eisch, Sarah Robison, Julianne such as rent/mortgage, utilities, food, personal hygiene costs and Wolf Creek Environmental Center for tie-dying on July 29. The
Schulte, Lily Smith, William Wentz and Haley Bures. clothing. registration fee for Young Naturalist Camp is $10 per child. Only
Merit Roll: Adrian Frederick, Thomas Lupica, Hannah Pau- Q: What is “service of?cer assistance”? one scheduled camp week per child is permitted. Registration
kovits, Weronika Rapacz and Eric Schaef. A: The county’s veteran service of?cers will help you ?le for is online at Please click on the
federal and state bene?ts with the Department of Veterans Af- Programs/Activities tab, then on Program Registration.
12th Grade fairs and the State of Ohio. They can also connect you with local Be sure to visit the website for the camp schedule, registration
High Honor Roll: Payton Alpine, Denise Biljes, Hannah No- agencies through the of?ce’s partnerships. deadlines and additional information, including what to wear and
len, Leah Spielberger, Shelby Stevens, Isabella Trombetto, Lo- Q: What types of federal bene?ts could veterans and their de- what to bring to Young Naturalist Camp. Questions? Please con-
gan Zeinert and Lance Boise. pendents receive? tact the park of?ce at (330) 722-9364 or 1-(844) 722-9364 from
Honor Roll: Halle Campbell, Audrey Chonko, Morgan Elek, A: Bene?ts include service-connected compensation for an 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Hattie Gault, Samuel Gunther, Nicole Kittelberger, Aric Paine, injury or disability, a disability pension for a wartime veteran or
Andrew Schneider, Torrie Shields, Nathaniel Smith, Dana Tru- a surviving spouse, healthcare, education for the veteran, chil- J’s Skill Game Center
jillo, Alexis Wood and Candice Ballachino. dren, spouse or surviving spouse, assistance through the Home 6287 Lear Nagle Rd, N. Ridgeville
Merit Roll: Taylor Beck, Jasmine Caraballo, Timothy Choka, Loan Guarantee program and insurance, such as life or mortgage 440-788-7266
Spencer Gehr, McKenna Heidecker, Kaitlyn O’Neal, Jessica Pal- insurance, and burial and memorial bene?ts. The SCVSC can 30 GREAT GAMES!
etta, Scott Schlegel, Cody Schwartz and Sarah Severo. also assist with discharge upgrades, locate military records, and Complimentary Snacks & Drinks
provide military awards or decorations. Great Comps, Giveaways & Jackpots!
JVS 9th Grade Q: What type of state bene?ts are available?
Honor Roll: Amelia Jessen, Joshua Morlock and Grant A: State bene?ts include access to one of the two Ohio Veter- FREE $10
Smith. ans Homes facilities (one located in Georgetown and one in San- Match Play
Merit Roll: Stephen Stansberry. dusky), the Ohio War Bonus program, compensation from the
Honor Roll: Casandra McDowell. Military Injury Relief Fund, free Ohio hunting and ?shing licens- (First time players)With
es, quali?cation for bene?ts under the Homestead Exemption, this ad, Exp 5--17
JVS 11th Grade information about and application assistance for the Ohio War
High Honor Roll: Madalyn East, Katelin Hughart, Raquel Orphans Scholarship, the provision of high school diplomas, ac- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Hysong, Russell Madak and Nolan Miller. cess to a variety of educational programs and free license plates.
Honor Roll: Anthony Elek, Jeffrey Hershey and Jordan Nash. Q: What kind of medical transportation assistance does the All Letters to the Editor must be:
Merit Roll: Denielle Cowley, Corey Garrow, Joseph Kobi- SCVSC provide? 1) 250 Words or less.
loinsky, Anthony Muncie, Rebecca Pierce, Aaron Shaffer and A: The SCVSC provides van transportation to the commu-
Rachael Sprouse. nity-based Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic in Parma and con- 2) Accompanied by a hand-signed copy.
tracts with the regional transit authority to provide transportation 3) One letter per family, per month.
JVS 12th Grade to Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center for medical ap-
High Honor Roll: Joshua Cottom, Hailey Delzeith, Alexis pointments. All Letters to the Editor are subject to
Jones, Joseph Meyers, Matthew Olah, Dylan Risdon and Gen- Q: I don’t live in Stark County. How can I ?nd a Veterans editing and exclusion by the Editor.
evieve Wetzel. Service Commission in my county?
Honor Roll: Kyle Lester and Keith Washington. A: You can ?nd a listing of the Veterans Service Commis-
Merit Roll: Clea Gonzalez and Cameron Rose. sions for all of Ohio’s 88 counties at
County_Veterans_Service_Of?ces or by calling 877-OHIO-
29320 Lorain Rd. VET (877-644-6838).
N. Olmsted


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The Rural-Urban Record National Day of Prayer service RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Page 9
Published Weekly on Monday
First United Methodist Church of Wellington, located Pancake Breakfast
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter at 127 Park Place, is hosting prayer services on May 4, the
Founders 1955 National Day of Prayer. Two services will take place in the The Olmsted Community Church is holding a Pancake
gazebo in front of the church, one at 12 p.m. and another at Breakfast on Sunday, May 14, from 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The
Lee Boise, Publisher & President 6 p.m. There will also be prayer stations in the sanctuary and breakfast will be held at the church, in the fellowship hall.
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 a drive through prayer station by the gazebo from 12-6 p.m. The church is located at 7853 Main St., in Olmsted Falls. The
Everyone is invited. breakfast is free with donations being accepted.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Chinese Auction/Pasta Dinner Youth Group Programs
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 LaPorte United Methodist Church will be having a Mis- Grafton United Methodist Church invites all children
sion’s Mother’s Day Chinese Auction and Pasta Dinner on ages 3-12 years old to their Wednesday Youth Program. The
Email: [email protected] Saturday, May 13, at 5:30 p.m. Cost for the dinner is adult/$9 program is from 4:30-6:30 p.m. For more information, call
Website: and children under 12/$5. Chinese auction and dinner tickets Diane from 9-3 p.m. weekdays at (440) 926-2034.
will be available at the door. LaPorte United Methodist is lo-
DEADLINE: cated at 2071 Grafton Road, in Elyria. For advance tickets or The Youth Group at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm more information, call the church of?ce at (440) 458-5717. meet at SEAS Church on the second Tuesday of the month.
All proceeds from this event will help support the outreach All are invited to come. Please call the Religious Education
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs., 9am-4pm missions of LaPorte United Methodist Church. of?ce at the church for upcoming events at (440) 236-3711.
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year
“Funday” Service PAL Support Group
Gentle Woman Fellowship
LifeSpring Community Church, located at 1638 Lester Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a support group
The Gentle Woman Fellowship, an Intra-Parish group, Rd., in Valley City, invites your family to join them for a of parents helping parents, offering education and support at
meets on First Fridays of the month at St. Clarence Parish “Funday” Service on May 7, starting at 10 a.m. Magician Joe no charge, for parents who are trying to save a son or daugh-
Center, located at 30106 Lorain Road, in North Olmsted. Fri- Kennedy, from Oakland, Maryland, will amaze you. Also en- ter from addiction. These meetings are not for the addict, but
day, May 5, is the next meeting. The schedule of activities tertaining you will be Blake the balloon bender. Lunch will be the family members that are 18 yrs. or older. Meetings are
begins at 9:30 a.m. to Pray the Rosary, then at 10 a.m. attend served carnival style, complete with snow cones and cotton on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m. at
Holy Mass, which is followed by a May Crowning and cof- candy. Tattoos, photos and prizes for the kids are just some of Lighthouse Bible Church, located at 24050 Royalton Road, in
fee or tea, and enjoy a talk at 11 a.m. Their speaker will be the things they have planned for this free event. Columbia Station.
Katherine DeCapite, President of the Apostolate of the Blue
Army of Fatima. It is now known as the Apostolate. “Apply- Pancake Breakfast FUNERAL HOME &
ing the Message of Fatima Today” will be Katherine’s topic. CREMATION SERVICES
The 100th Anniversary of Fatima will be celebrated around The Holy Name Society from Our Lady Queen of Peace
the world this May! will host an all you can eat pancake breakfast on Sunday, May Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
7, from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Parish Hall, 702 Erie Street.
All women are welcome! Come and bring a friend! No The menu includes pancakes, sausage and eggs. Cost for the DAVID BOGNER
reservations are needed. For more information, contact Mary breakfast is $7 for adults, $5 for kids 12 and under and chil-
Hoover at (330) 636-1698 or Mary Tschanz at (440) 235- dren 3 and under eat free. Proceeds from the breakfast are FAMILY FUNERAL HOME
6258. used by the Holy Name Society to support church and com-
munity programs. 36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
Spring Jubilee
Free Health Screening/Fair
Christian Unity Church, located at 36353 Capel Road, in Laubenthal Funeral
Grafton, is having their Spring Jubilee from May 2-5. Mercy Parish Nursing is having a Free Health Screenings Services
& Health Fair at the First United Methodist Church, 127 Park
On Tuesday, May 2, at 7 p.m., will be Preaching by Brian Place, in Wellington, on Saturday, May 13, from 9-11 a.m. Fast- Offering Forethought
Baer and Special Singing by Mike Blanton & Evidence. ing is encouraged! Take a.m. meds with water if possible. Free Funeral Pre-Planning
screenings include: CMP, Lipids, HgA1c, TSH, PSA (men 40 &
On Wednesday, May 3, at 7 p.m., will be Preaching by over) and Blood pressure Fitness Assessment Testing. LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO
Wayne Snipes and Special Singing by Julie Snipes.
For more information, please contact the Church Of?ce at 38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
On Thursday, May 4, at 7 p.m., will be Preaching by Jim (440) 647-3263 between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. 440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929
McComan and Special Singing by The Parsons Family.
Singing Angels
On Friday, May 5, at 7 p.m., will be Preaching by Lucian LOCAL FAMILIES COMMITTED TO SERVING OUR COMMUNITY
Baker and Special Singing by The Parsons Family. The Singing Angels will be in concert on May 6, from 7-9
p.m. at Grace Community Church, located at 12365 Grafton Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled
All are invited to attend the 6-day event. Rd., in Grafton. There will be a 50/50 raf?e and concessions
available. Tickets are non-refundable and are $10 per per- FUNERAL HOME
GriefShare son. Proceeds bene?t the general fund of Grace Community 2089 Columbia Road
Church. For tickets, call (440) 458-6612. Seating is limited. Valley City, OH 44280
Beginning April 19, Fields United Methodist Church is start-
ing a new program called GriefShare, a special weekly grief re- Ladies Tea Party 330-483-3300
covery seminar and support group. GriefShare will meet weekly,
and continuously as long as there is a need, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., Journey of Faith Lutheran Church is inviting all ladies of the “Understanding When
and will include a weekly topic, a short video and a workbook community to a Tea Party in “Celebration of Ladies” on May 7, Needed Most”
to go along with the video. You’ll ?nd GriefShare to be a warm, at 1 p.m. Snacks and tea will be provided, just bring yourself and
caring environment and will come to see the group as an oasis on a friend! Journey of Faith Lutheran Church is located at 33406
your long journey through grief. You can join in anytime. Lead- Liberty Pkwy., in North Ridgeville. If you are able to come or
ers are Adrienne Essenberg and Marylynn Swartz. Fields United if you have any questions, feel free to email journeyoffaithlc@ Pre-Need Planning Available
Methodist Church is located at 34077 Lorain Road, in North Rid- or call (440) 327-0147.
geville. Please contact the church of?ce at (440) 327-8753 for
more information or to register for GriefShare.

Come and Worship with us...

And this is the promise which He Himself made to us: eternal life. 1 John 2:25

Church of Christ United Church of God GRAFTON UNITED Our Lady Queen of Peace
12981 Grafton Rd. METHODIST CHURCH Catholic Church
Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am Grafton, Oh 44044
Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm 973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034 Weekend Masses Weekday
Sabbath Services “Your Family Church” Sat. 4:30pm Mass
Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm Saturdays at 12:30 pm 8:00am
211 Forest St., LaGrange 8:45am Sunday School Sun. 8:30 & Chapel 10:00am Worship
440-355-6872 11:00am Mon.-Tues.
“Welcome Home” 10:35am Children’s Church Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
COLUMBIA UNITED Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
METHODIST New Life Wesleyan Church Sat. 3:30-
11149 West River Rd. EATON 4:00pm
Worship Service Columbia Station CHRISTIAN
10:30 a.m. CHURCH ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
Sunday School Adult Bible Study (Disciples) TRINITY St. Elizabeth
SUNDAY 10 am Rt. 82 & 83 Ann Seton
during Worship Service Worship & Children’s Church LUTHERAN CHURCH
WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm 440-748-2230 Catholic Parish
25453 ROYALTON ROAD 38307 W. Royalton Rd.
COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO Bible Study Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57) 25801 Royalton Rd.
Youth Group, Kids Club Columbia Station, OH
Pastor Matt Merriman Worship Services Adult Bible Class
236-8822 Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor Sunday 9:30am Sacrament of Reconciliation
Rev. John Bodo 8:00am & 9:30am Sunday Worship (Confession)
[email protected] - Associate Pastor 10:30am Sunday School Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
440-236-8600 Church ph: 440-748-2154 Anytime by Appointment 10:45am Preschool ph: 440-748-3445
Weekend Masses
Polly Tallos Sat. 5 p.m.
Rev. John Ramsey II
Christian Ed. & Youth Director Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.

Rev. Charles A. Butcher 440-236-5095


Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Pond School

News from Eaton Township Hall Lane closing for 5K Run The 3rd annual Pond School will be held May 31, from 5:30-
8:30 p.m. at Medina County Park District’s Wolf Creek Envi-
•Please contact the of?ce at (440) 748-2236 or secretary@ Lorain County Engineer Ken Carney announces the west ronmental Center, located at 6100 Ridge Rd., in Medina. Cost is to request a Resident Packet with links to Resources in bound lane of Butternut Ridge Road, between Oberlin-Elyria $30 per family and includes take home resources. Space will be
the County/Township Road and LaGrange Road will be closed from 8 a.m. until 12 limited, so early registration is strongly recommended. Deadline
p.m. on Saturday, April 29, 2017. to register is May 24 and payment is due when registering.
•Please visit the Facebook page for info. daily at www.face- The lane closure is due to a 5K/10K run, sponsored by the New sessions this year include “legal considerations for pond
First Baptist Christian School. Lorain County Sheriff Deputies ownership,” “aquatic invasive species” and a pond walk, in addi-
•Local Eaton Twp. Businesses (retail & at-home) should con- will be on site and detour signs will be posted. Your cooperation tion to favorite talks on algae and weed control, ?sh management
tact the secretary to be listed in the Business Listing during this event is greatly appreciated. and maintenance and pond repair. Attendees get to choose from
this mix of lecture, hands-on and outdoor talks. If you don’t see
•There are still some dates availability for hall rentals during Murder Mystery the session that sounds just right, experts will be available to an-
the spring. Call the secretary to schedule your family or of?ce swer questions and discuss your pond situation. Thinking about
party. Township Hall Rentals: $50/for Eaton Township Resi- The Friends of MetroParks of Lorain County is sponsoring constructing a new pond on your property? We’ll have advice
dents; $75 for non-residents. Lots of open dates. their 12th annual Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre, “A Murder on that also from zoning rules to using the right soil for the job.
Has Been Renounced,” by Lee Mueller.
•Did you know the Township will allow you to borrow 7 ta- Contact Ashley Kulhanek, OSU Extension, Medina County,
bles/23 chairs to use for a party. Call the Township to reserve the Performances will be on Fridays and Saturdays, May 12-13 at (330) 725-4911, ext. 106 for more information. Registration
tables/chairs at (440) 748-2236 (must be an Eaton Twp. Resi- and May 19-20. Seating will be at 6:30 p.m., with dinner at 7 ?yers can be downloaded at
dent). p.m. The show will be held at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located
at 12882 Diagonal Road, in LaGrange. Dumpster
•Reminder: Notary Services are complimentary for Township Day
residents. Tickets are $30 per person or $58 per couple. Group rates are
also available. For more information or to order tickets, please is coming!
5/3 - 6:30 p.m. Columbia Chamber of Commerce F.O.E. call (216) 544-3865. May 13th
5/6 - Dumpster Days!
Laila seeks loving home
Clothes Closet
updated with all her vaccines Keep in touch with your community
The monthly Clothes Closet at North Eaton Baptist will be and is spayed. Laila is being Visit:
Monday, May 8, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Every month brings new re-homed due to grandchil-
items, whether baby clothes and furniture or children through dren. She’s a real love bug! Find this paper online at:
adult clothing and shoes. They also have a small amount of She’d do better in a nice, quiet
household items and toys. Everything is free and no documenta- Laila home and not one with noisy
tion is needed. Bring a bag to take items with you. North Eaton Laila is a 10-year-old fe- kids. A home with senior cit-
Baptist is located at 12109 Reed Rd., in Grafton. If you have any male Lhasa Apso. Laila is izens would be perfect! She’s
questions, please call (440) 748-2552. housetrained and not a “yap-
py” little girl…but a cuddler!
Ask the Remodeler She’s got a soft, silky ivory
colored coat and an adorable
Question: Why is porch roof with a cathedral ceiling more face!
expensive than one with a ?at ceiling?
If you’d like to meet Lai-
Answer: The simple answer is that the cathedral ceiling la, please call June at Ziggy’s
involves more complexity in each step of the process. More Friends at (440) 522-8558.
complexity usually results in more costly materials and more
labor time to install. Whether you incorporate a ridge beam “Art of the Bicycle” Art Exhibit
or scissors trusses for your cathedral ceiling, you will have
additional ceiling material and ?nish work to build the gable In celebration of National tion, call EAC at (440) 323-
wall above the existing house wall. However, this additional Bike Week, the Elyria Arts 3007. More upcoming events
cost is well worth the open feel that the raised ceiling creates. Council and Bike Elyria are are listed on the website at
proud to announce the 1st an-
If you have any questions you would like to ask, send them nual “Art of the Bicycle” Art
to me via email at [email protected]. Exhibit and Sale, on Saturday, Specializing in Home Improvements
May 13, through Saturday,
Don Jason May 20, at the Elyria Arts • General Contracting
Council Gallery. • Kitchens/Baths
440-986-2665 • Additions
Individuals, organizations • Buildings/Garages
9072 Leavitt Rd. and artists are welcome to • Roofs
Elyria, OH 44035 [email protected] show their love and appreci- • Doors/Windows
ation of bicycling in any me- • Siding
Saturday, May 6, 2017 - 8 am to 4 pm dium of their choice: painting, • Plumbing/Electrical
drawing, fabrics, photography,
Eaton Town Hall (Use Avon Belden Rd. Entrance) clay, jewelry, Legos or repur-
posed parts of old bikes! You
make it however you choose
to roll. Create works using the
bike as a subject or object or
the medium itself. The exhibit
will start on Saturday, May 13
with an opening from 11 a.m.-
4 p.m. An Artist Reception
will occur on Sunday, May 14,
Mother’s Day, so bring your
mom along for a special treat
that day.

Artist drop-off will be
anytime Wednesday, May 10,
through Friday, May 12, by
noon. Pick-up will be on Sun-
day, May 21, 11 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Any sales will be passed di-
rectly to the artist. Donations
to EAC will be greatly appre-

For any questions or addi-
tional information, please con-
tact: Ed Stewart at Bike Elyria
at (440) 365-6784 or the Elyria
arts Council at (440) 328-
3025. The Elyria Arts Council
is located at 336 Broad Street,
in Elyria. For more informa-

725 Sugar Lane, Elyria Oh 44035


RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Page 11

Professional Profile

Shop Village Jewelry & Repair for great gifts for Mom!

Scot Kuhns, owner and Jeweler of Village Jew- ers in Elyria. “In dealing with customers in Lorain County for

elry & Repair, invites you to shop locally and family the last 13 years, I noticed a need for a jeweler in the Grafton/

owned for Mother’s Day. LaGrange areas,” said Kuhns.

Village Jewelry is a full service jewelry store, At Village Jewelry you will ?nd old fashion no pressure

offering on premise jewelry as well as clock and service and quality merchandise at very competitive prices.

watch repairs. They also offer unique one-of-a- Working at Brandau Jewelers for several years instilled these

kind jewelry at competitive prices such as engage- ideals with Scot.

ment rings, wedding bands, birthstone jewelry, LIMITED HOURS FOR MAY 4-13th
Pulsar watches and Howard Miller clocks. Re- Thurs. 5/4 Closed, Fri. 5/5 Noon-5pm,
?ection bracelets designed to ?t most major bead
brands, or 24 karat dipped real roses are and ex- Sat. 5/6 9am-1pm, Tue. 5/9 Noon-5pm, Wed. 5/10
cellent idea for this Mother’s Day. With commodity Closed, Thurs. 5/11 Noon-5pm,

markets at record high levels, Village Jewelry is Fri. 5/12 Noon-5pm, Sat. 5/13 9am-1pm

buying all precious metal gold, sil-

ver and platinum. Scot can also turn

Jennifer, Landon your medals and precious gems into
& Scot Kuhns
something new with custom design
We Buy Gold, Silver and Platinum.
jewelry; the possibilities are endless

with custom jewelry.

Scot earned his accredited Jewel-

er Professional and Diamond Grad-

uate Certi?cates from the Gem-

ological Institute of America, and

his Jewelry Repair and Advanced

Diamond Setting Certi?cates

from Drouhard National Jewelers’

School. He started his career in the

jewelry business at Brandau Jewel-

The store is located at 954 Main Street, and can be reached at (440) 926-0500.

36469 St. Rt. 303 Grafton ® (440) 236-8825

Dr. Gretchen Sanzone
Dr. Megan Andexlinger RUNDLE

Veterinarian Care HEATING & COOLING, INC
Boarding • Doggy Day Care
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Hydrotherapy: Residential - Commercial
for rehabilitation and exercise Heating - Air Conditioning - Air Cleaners - Humidi?ers


“We Want Your LICENSED Jennifer, Landon Products Services Monday-Sunday by Appointment
Stinkin’ Business” INSURED & Scot Kuhns
• Rings • Jewelry
440-355-5526 AERATOR MOTORS Buying • Necklaces • Clock Repair
800-511-3419 REPAIRED Gold • Watches • Watch Repair
FAX 440-355-6170 120 Commerce Dr.
LaGrange, Ohio 44050 • Clocks
954 Main Street, Grafton, OH 44044 Of?ce: 440-371-9509

440-926-0500 |

Tues, Wed, Fri 10 - 5pm; Thurs 10 - 6pm; Sat. 9 - 12pm; Closed Sun & Mon

Company L.L.C. Quality work
since 1980

Professional Quality Roo?ng

Metal Roo?ng Specialist

Licensed, Bonded & Insured


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AuudŽEA?lŽ?lA?l?Ž??W?ŽuGÐl ????EŽYuA?ŽY?GwŽEGusYO?ÐŽw Let us help you with the perfect
Mother’s Day gift.
G?lsIsGEOsYOsYWuAÐG^ÐGÐsAus?l;W^? We do Gift Baskets and
we’ll deliver locally.

Stop in or give us a call.

Hours: Mon-Fri, 11am - 5pm and by appt
36050 Royalton Rd, Grafton | 440-748-3008

Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017

Fund-raiser to help Seniors The Villa Camillus • 2 night lodging Register by calling (440)
Like Home, Like Family • 1 ½ hour Patio Party be- 353-0835. Stop in the Center
On Sunday, May 7, from 8 a.m. to noon, Friends of Se- fore all games for Trip Brochures. All trips
• Tickets for 3 games be- must be paid in full 30 days
nior Citizens in Wellington will host a delicious fund-raising The Villa Camillus is dedicated to one simple principle - hind Indians bull pen in advance unless otherwise
breakfast to support senior citizens of southern Lorain Coun- restoring the health and well-being of our patients and resi- • Free time for Chicago stated.
ty. Bernie Nirode, advocate for Friends, hopes to raise $1,200 dents with care and compassion. The difference is clear the site-seeing
at the event, which means that Friends will have to serve 200 moment you enter our wooded campus.
breakfasts. Friends is charging $6 per breakfast - a delicious Avoid aches and pains
bargain. The breakfast will include scrambled eggs, bacon With stained glass windows, chandeliers and a warm glow when gardening
and sausage, home fries, biscuits and gravy, juice and coffee. from our Elizabethan-inspired ?replace, The Villa Camillus
Tickets to the breakfast will be sold in advance. resembles a gracious private home - an intimate, yet elegant People who have not spent much time
community where cherished people gracefully reside and re- in a garden may not consider this re-
Donations and volunteers are needed in addition to call- ceive the ?nest care. Amenities like home cooking, a lodge- warding hobby much of a threat to their
ing for a big turn-out that day. Bernie is seeking donations to style gym and natural green spaces help our patients and res- health. But as veteran gardeners can at-
offset the cost of food that the Wellington Eagles will have idents feel inspired and comforted on their healing journeys. test, gardening can contribute to nagging
to purchase. He also needs a minimum of 12 volunteers to aches and pains that can force even the
work two shifts at the fund-raiser; people who can help with While visiting The Villa Camillus feels like entering a most ardent green-thumbers indoors.
cooking, serving and clean-up. country Tudor estate, our facility is home to nationally recog-
nized care, including short-term rehabilitation, skilled nurs- Gardening is a physical activity that,
For tickets, contact Bernie at (440) 724-3804 or the Wel- ing, long-term care, hospice, respite and palliative care, as despite its peaceful nature, can be de-
lington Chamber of Commerce at (440) 647-2222. well as memory care. We’re proud to be part of the Altercare manding on the body. Thankfully, there
of Ohio family of companies, recognized for compassion, are several ways that gardening enthusi-
The Wellington Eagles #2051 is located at 631 South Main innovation and quality in care delivery. It’s the kind of care asts can prevent the aches and pains that
Street, in Wellington. we’d want for our own families. can sometimes pop up after long days in
the garden.
Heather Taras, LPN For more information, please contact Laura Clark at (440)
Case Manager, Director of Admissions 236-5091. Or, feel free to stop by for a tour. • Use ergonomic gardening tools. Er-
Cell 440-822-0305 | Of?ce 440-355-4616 | Fax 440-782-4030 gonomic gardening tools are designed to
Senior Trips prevent the types of aches, pains and
[email protected]
Amish Country Theater, new variety show will leave Caring for Older Parents
383 Opportunity Way • LaGrange, Ohio 44050 “Show Me the Funny” - you happier than a goat in a Meet at the Senior Center briar patch.
on May 23 Fare: $50 (Due at
time of booking). 9:30 a.m.- Hartville Marketplace -
7 p.m. Lunch on your own. Meet at the Senior Center on
You haven’t laughed until Monday, June 12, from 8:30
you’ve experienced “Show a.m.-4:30 p.m. Fare: $25.
Me the Funny”! This brand (Deadline for booking and
payment: June 2). Visit at
your leisure Hartville Mar-
ketplace, ?ea market, hard-
ware store, collectibles and
stop for lunch at Hartville
Lighthouse Tour - Meet
A Not-For-Pro?t Life Plan Community at the Senior Center on Tues-
day, July 11, from 9 a.m.- You care about your parents. And yet, sometimes, you just don’t know the
Helping Mom and Dad Move: 4:30 p.m. Fare: $20. (Dead- best way to help them, especially when they are trying to remain independent.
line: June 16).
The Northeast Ohio Sandwich Generation • Vermilion Lighthouse Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home services is an exceptional program of
• Huron Lighthouse care and caring that matches seniors who want to provide services
Thursday, May 25 • 7:00pm • Shurmer Meeting Center • Berardi’s Restaurant
(lunch on own) with those who are looking for help.
Speakers: Barbara Palmisano, Assistant Professor
of Family Medicine Services at NEOCOM • Companionship • Dementia/Alzheimer’s Care
Scott Kravitz, GM & Concierge at Senior Premier • Light Housekeeping • Personal Grooming and Dressing

Concierge LLC • Tour Marblehead Light- ...and more!

The phrase “Sandwich Generation” was added to the house
Merriam-Webster dictionary and describes adult children • Port Clinton Lighthouse
of older seniors who diligently care for their aging parents

and their own children. This generation, “sandwiched” Get up close to the sea-
between two others, experiences the full stress of being farer’s beacon of Lake Erie
responsible – ?nancially, emotionally and energetically – to - the lighthouse! And take
the needs of two generations of their family.

If you are a member of the Sandwich Generation and are a tour of the Marblehead Like getting a little help from your friends® Call us today!
feeling sandwiched and pressed, the most important thing Lighthouse.
to remember is that help is available. A large number of 440-935-3848

professionals exist to be of service in the wide variety of Indians/White Sox,

areas where a baby boomer may require assistance in Weekend Series - July 28- ®2017 Seniors Helping Seniors. Each of?ce is independently owned and operated. All trademarks are
senior-related issues. 30 Fare: $449. (Final pay- registered trademarks of Corporation Mutual Resources, Inc. Not all services are available in all areas.
ment due by May 20). Make
Call 440-238-9001 to register

18715 Shurmer Rd, Strongsville 440-238-9001 checks payable to: North
Ridge Tours.

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Page 13

injuries that can cut gardeners’ seasons short. Gardening Adopting a cat or dog easily maneuverable, mean- from vet appointments.
injuries can affect any area of the body, but injuries or aches ing even seniors who have It’s important that seniors
and pains affecting the back, wrists and hands are among the later in life arthritis or other physical carefully weigh the bene?ts
most common physical problems gardeners endure. Look for limitations can easily care of adopting a pet against
ergonomic tools that reduce the strain on these areas of the Companion animals pose when helping animals for cats. Many cats are also any limitations they may
body. Even arthritis sufferers who love to garden may ?nd bring great joy to their own- who may not have anywhere content to spend long peri- have. Having a backup plan
that ergonomic tools make it possible for them to spend more ers. The unconditional love to live. This is particularly ods of time sleeping on their for care is advantageous
time in their gardens without increasing their risk for injury. cats and dogs provide ap- true of older companion an- owners’ laps. as well. Seniors should not
peals to people of all ages. imals, which many young adopt a pet if they anticipate
• Alternate tasks. Repetitive-strain injuries can affect gar- While many people associ- families are understandably • Small dogs that can frequent travel or medical
deners who spend long periods of time performing the same ate pets with kids who can’t hesitant to adopt. Mature be active within the house care that requires they be
activity in their gardens. By alternating tasks during gar- wait to welcome the ?rst cat pets might be an ideal ?t for might be a good idea as well, away from home for long
dening sessions, gardeners can reduce their risk of suffering or dog into their homes, pets seniors. When seniors are especially for seniors with periods of time.
repetitive strain injuries. Alternate tasks not just on muscle can bene?t aging men and looking to adopt a pet, there mobility issues. They’re also
groups worked, but also level of dif?culty. Remember to in- women as well. are various reasons why old- easily transported to and
clude some simple jobs even on busy gardening days so the
body gets a break. It’s not uncommon for er pets or particular animals
seniors to feel lonely or de- might be the perfect ?t for
• Take frequent breaks. Frequent breaks can help combat pressed when they retire, them.
the stiffness and muscle aches that may not appear until gar- their children move away or • Adult pets may already
deners ?nish their gardening sessions. Breaks help to alleviate they lose a spouse or close be house trained, saving se-
muscles or joints that can become overtaxed when gardening friend or friends. The Amer- niors the trouble and effort of
for long, uninterrupted periods of time. When leaning down ican Humane Society states training them.
or working on your hands and knees, stand up to take breaks that studies show pets help • Seniors may ?nd cats Jodi Marsh
every 20 minutes or the moment aches and pains start to make
their presence felt. seniors overcome loneliness ?t their lifestyles more than Admission Coordinator
and depression by provid- dogs, as cats are less active
• Maintain good posture. Back injuries have a tendency ing affection, company and and do not need to be walked Call for Admissions or Questions
to linger, which can keep gardeners indoors and out of their entertainment. Pets also pro- or played with as much as Of?ce 440-695-1400 | Fax 440-695-1401
gardens. When gardening, maintain good posture to prevent vide much-needed mental dogs. Cats also are small and
back injuries. Gardening back braces can protect the back by stimulation, and many pet [email protected]
providing support and making it easier for gardeners to main-
tain their posture. Tool pouches attached to gardening stools 37845 Colorade Ave • Avon, Ohio 44011
or chairs also can be less taxing on the back than gardening
belts tied around the waist.
owners ?nd their pets help
Gardening might not be a contact sport, but it can cause them become more physical-
pain if gardeners do not take steps to prevent the onset of ly active as well. Kryszak & Associates, Co., LPA
muscle aches and strains when spending time in their gardens. Seniors who adopt pets
Attorneys at Law

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Join our early waiting list! Call Kim Schulz, Resident Director: 440-238-9001 with our clients. The size of our firm and many years of legal experience

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Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5pm (by appointment only)

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Person-centered care delivered by dementia-trained professionals • Care delivered with the “Loving Hearts Philosophy” Andrea C. Kryszak Kathleen M. Amerkhanian Paula A. Kuhn
Family style dining & kitchen • Multi-sensory room •Enclosed four season room • Home-like environment
Gated sensory stimulation garden • Familiar secure environment • 38 private one and two bedroom suites
Decentralized staf?ng for more engaging care • Suites with living rooms, dinettes and roll-in showers
We Look Forward to Meeting You!

Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PROGRAM ing at 6:30 p.m. in the community room of the library. New mem- SUMMER LUNCH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
The Greater Grafton Partnership is sponsoring guest speakers bers are always welcome to attend. There are a few seats left for Volunteers are needed for the summer lunch program which
Lindsay Sims, owner of Lauren Loft Social - a digital marketing the Lakeview Cemetery Tour on May 7. The tour is for members runs June 12-August 4, from noon-1 p.m. If you can help, please
agency, and Lisa Hutson, Director of the Small Business Devel- only. The tour will leave the library at 10 a.m. Highlights of the call, email or stop into the Grafton-Midview Library.
opment Centers at Lorain County Community College, to dis- guided tour will include Wade Memorial Chapel and Gar?eld’s
cuss social media marketing on Tuesday, May 2, at noon in the Memorial. Register with a refundable $10 deposit at the library’s GRAFTON BRUSH AND YARD WASTE
community room at the Grafton Health, Fitness & Events Center. front desk. The tour will return to Grafton at approximately 1:30 Yard waste is now being accepted. Place yard waste in brown
The event is a brown bag event; bring a bagged lunch with you. p.m. Members who would like to make an essential oils charm bags and put them next to your trash carts on Friday mornings.
All businesses and organizations in Grafton and surrounding ar- necklace on May 13 should register at the front desk. A deposit of Brush pick-up will be on Wednesdays when weather permits.
eas are invited to send representatives. Guests are welcome. $10 is required to hold a seat at this limited event. Deposits can
be used toward the $30 cost to make the necklace. Jess Glatz of VFW Open House
ANNUAL BOOK SALE Earth Aromas will be leading the workshop.
There will be a book sale at the Grafton-Midview Library After the Memorial Day Parade on May 29, Grafton VFW
during library hours Tuesday, May 2, through Saturday, May 6. ARTASTIC FEST Post #3341, located at 783 Huron St., in Grafton, will have an
Come and browse gently used books and media, hardcovers and The annual ARTastic Fest will be held on Thursday, May 4, Open House event until 4 p.m. They are proud of their new Mil-
paperbacks, DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, magazines, coloring books from 3:30-7:30 p.m. at Midview High School in the Kubuski itary Museum and invite guests to come and view memoribelia
and many other items. The sale is being sponsored by the Friends Gymnasium. Artwork will be on display from Midview students that veterans have turned in over the years.
of the Grafton-Midview Library and raises funds for programs. in grades preschool through 12th. The senior art students from
the high school will have their art collections displayed. Face VFW College
FREE YOUTH TENNIS CLINIC painting will be available and an Imagination Station will be Scholarship applications
Midview Tennis is hosting a free 1-hour Youth Clinic on open for make it and take it projects. Entry to the show is free,
Saturday, May 6, at Midview High School. The clinic, hosted however donations will be accepted at the door. All donations go College Scholarship applications are now available for Mid-
by Midview Boys Tennis Coach Michelle Carey, will run from to help fund a scholarship for a qualifying Midview senior. view and Keystone Seniors at VFW Post #3341, located at 783
11 a.m. until noon. Participants are asked to register by May 4 Huron St., in Grafton. Completed applications are due by May
by ?lling out the form available on the Midview website, www. PIONEERS OF GRAFTON CEMETERY WALK 27. For more information, call Millie Karpinski at (440) 355-, under athletics. For more information, please As part of the Grafton Bicentennial year-long celebration, 4719.
contact Coach Carey at [email protected]. there will be a Pioneers of Grafton Cemetery Walk on Wednes-
FRIENDS OF THE GRAFTON-MIDVIEW LIBRARY day, May 10, at 2 p.m. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing. MHS Tennis news
Members are being asked to help set up the book sale on Sat- Plan on a tour of Grafton’s cemeteries and listen to stories about
urday and Sunday, April 29 & 30. Help is also needed to pack Grafton’s earlier citizens. Locations to be announced. Meet at May 1: MHS Girls Tennis Starts.
things up on May 6 after noon. There will be a “members only” the library. May 3: MHS Boys Tennis Match HOME vs. Elyria, 4 p.m.
preview of the book sale on Monday, May 1, from noon-8 p.m. MIDVIEW BOYS BASKETBALL GOLF TOURNAMENT May 4: MHS Boys/Girls Mixed Doubles, 2:30-4 p.m.
On Tuesday, May 2, the members will hold their monthly meet- Registrations are now being accepted for the Midview Boys May 6: Free Tennis Clinic for students ages 5-13, 11 a.m. -
Basketball Golf Tournament. The event is a 3-person scramble noon. Please register by May 4. Registration forms can be found
SAVE MONEY WITH THE HOME/CAR DISCOUNT. being held at Brentwood Golf Club on Saturday, June 3. It will at:
begin with an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. The $65 entry fee per per- A new MMS Tennis Club meets on Tuesdays in May. It is
Which helps when you have the son includes:18 holes of golf, a golf cart, lunch, prizes, beverage open to Midview Middle School boys and girls. No tennis expe-
tickets and dinner. There will be raf?es, betting holes and a skins rience necessary and Racquets can be borrowed.
HOME/CAR PAYMENTS. game. Soft spikes are required. Entries are being requested by May 2: MMS Tennis Club, 3-4 p.m.
May 26 to ensure a place. May 9: MMS Tennis Club, 3-4 p.m.
Combine your home and auto insurance and save up For more information, contact Jim Brabenec at 440-283-6434 May 16: MMS Tennis Club, 3-4 p.m.
or e-mail [email protected]. Forms are available on May 23: MMS Tennis Club, 3-4 p.m.
to 25% on your premiums at Nationwide® the Midview website,, under athletics. June Dates TBA.
The above events are all weather permitting. For more infor-
Mark Cummings Agency FREE YOUTH PHYSICALS mation, email Coach Carey at midviewtennis_coachm@yahoo.
The Center for Orthopedics, 5001 Transportation Drive, in com or visit the website at
MARK CUMMINGS Nationwide® Shef?eld Village, will host its 9th annual Free Sports Physical
On Your Side Event on June 9 from 1-6 p.m. Reservations are required and Need to look at our archives?
990 Commerce Dr. Grafton must be done online at Visit our website at:
440-926-2000 Lines form, but move quickly and ef?ciently. There are free
“give-aways” along the way. Multiple organization’s forms per
student accepted. Midview student-athletes and band members
[email protected] Nationwide® must have a fully completed sports physical form on ?le prior
to participating. Forms are available on the Midview website,
Call me today for a quote. Auto Home Life Business, under athletics. For more information,
contact Athletic Director Dan May at [email protected].
Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Af?lited Companies. Life
Insurance issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Of?ce: Columbus, OH 43215-2220

Essay Contest Award Winner MHS Class of ‘87 30-year Reunion RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Page 15

Mallory Fisher, a ?fth The Midview High School graduating class of 1987 will be If you or someone you know has a child interested in tennis,
grade student at St. Jude celebrating their 30th Class Reunion on Saturday, June 24, from Midview has a couple of opportunities for students to learn ten-
School in Elyria, received 6-11 p.m. The event is being held at The Vermilion Boat Club, nis skills. On Saturday, May 6, Coach Michelle Carey is holding
an honorable mention award located at 5416 Liberty Ave., in Vermilion. The cost is $65 per a FREE tennis clinic for students ages 5-13 from 11 a.m. to noon.
in the LifeWorks Ohio “Re- person/$130 per couple (due by June 10). To RSVP, visit https:// Registration forms can be found at
spect Life” Essay contest. Make checks payable to: Midview Class of Athleics.aspx. Please register by May 4.
1987 Reunion, 2033 Galilee Oval, Hinckley, OH 44233.
The theme for the essay Additionally, Midview will be hosting a MMS Tennis Club
was “Do to others whatever The evening event includes dinner, a live band (Xprime), for boys and girls. Dates in May are the 5th, 9th, 16th and 23rd
you would have them do to photo souvenirs and a cash bar. For more information, contact from 2:45-4 p.m. Coach Carey, along with MHS student vol-
you.” Mallory was recog- Wendy at (440) 315-4390 or [email protected]. unteers, will teach tennis basics and match-play during meeting
nized at an awards ceremony times. Have a great week!
on April 2. Other events are being planned for a Friday night casual gath-
ering and golf on Saturday morning. All the details will be shared Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent. (440) 748-5353
Congratulations! upon your main event reservation.
Grafton History Association
Mallory Fisher Come and mingle and catch up with old friends at your 30th
Class Reunion! On a beautiful spring day, April 23, members of our three
St. Jude Harvest for Hunger churches hosted Open Houses in Grafton Churches. The Grafton
Midview Guidance news Bicentennial Committee offers our deepest thanks to our church
The students at St. Jude School in Elyria launched a Harvest community for the time and effort involved in presenting the
for Hunger Campaign in which they held several fund-raisers to Ongoing Info: Grafton church history.
bene?t the Second Harvest Food Bank. The students ?rst had The ACT Test is June 10, with a registration deadline of May
an Easter egg sale, followed by a special dress down day where 5 and late registration from May 6-19. We also thank each of you who found the time to enjoy and
students who donated a dollar could dress in their pajamas for The SAT Test is June 6, with a registration deadline of May 8 learn the background of our churches. The history of the Immac-
the day. A special assembly was held to showcase the importance and late registration until May 22. ulate Conception Church, 708 Erie Street, was reviewed in the
of their work and announce the ?nal amount raised. The students Scholarship Information: The following scholarship infor- 1871 original stone building, with the beautiful carved altars and
raised $1,025. Northwest Savings Bank graciously matched the mation & scholarships are available in the Student Services Of- stained glass windows. Yes, the old mud scraper still awaits by
amount for a total of $2,050. Recognized at the assembly were: ?ce or online: the front steps, the copper dome a village beacon.
Joe Geletka, a volunteer with the St. Jude Helping Hands Food Lester Marrison Teacher Education Book Grant - This $1,000
Pantry, the campaign manager; Mike Pennell, manager of the book grant is awarded to a high school senior in Northeast Ohio A petition by 75 Polish families for their own House of Wor-
Shef?eld Village Domino’s who had donated gift cards for the majoring in or planning to major in Teacher Education at an ac- ship resulted in the 1894 frame Assumption Church at 1033 Elm
Easter egg sale; St. Jude Helping Hands Food Pantry for their credited college or university in the state of Ohio. Applicants Street. A modern brick building was dedicated in 1958. The
donations of gift cards; St Jude Liturgy Team; St. Jude Student must possess a minimum 3.0 GPA and demonstrate potential as question, “Is one better than two?” arose in 2006. The answer,
Council; and Kevin Nelson, President - Ohio Region of North- an educational leader. Deadline is May 15.
west Savings Bank. The $2,050 donation will provide over Sig Ep Balanced Man Scholarship - The Cleveland State Uni- KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS
8,000 meals. versity chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon is offering four, one-time
scholarships totaling $2,000 to incoming freshmen men for the GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY
General Plug and Mfg. Co. 2017-2018 academic year. Eligible applicants must be male stu-
NOW HIRING dents with at least a 3.0 GPA attending Cleveland State in the fall. ~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~
The Balanced Man Scholarship will be awarded to the students Hours By Appointment
Part- Time Workers who exhibit academic excellence, demonstrate leadership skills
Contact Megan at 440-926-1757 and commit to their health and well-being. You do not have to 419 NORTH MAIN STREET
join the Sig Ep fraternity to be awarded the scholarship. Deadline GRAFTON, OHIO
Mon- Friday 9am-4pm. is August 15.
Midview Scholarship Fund - This scholarship is available to 440-926-2705
Spring Book Sale all Midview seniors who will be attending a college or university
that is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges
May 2nd - May 6th and Secondary Schools. Applications will be rated on the basis
of scholastic record, ?nancial need, school and/or community in- SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
The Friends of the Grafton-Midview volvement and general character. This scholarship is renewable
for a second year, provided the student shows satisfactory aca- Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
Public Library present our demic performance. Deadline is May 19. programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
Midview Diamond Club Scholarship - The Midview Dia- 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
Spring Book Sale mond Club will award a total of $3,000 to eligible members of The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
the Class of 2017. To be eligible, students must be a senior who drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
Stop by the Library and browse will be attending a post-secondary institution, have at least a 2.75 If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
GPA and have 2 years of participation in the Midview baseball
our book sale, which includes program that includes 1 year of varsity. Deadline is Friday, May ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE CANCELED.
12. These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
books, DVDs, CD’s, Audiobooks
May is here and our students and staff are working hard as we 5/1at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts and
and children’s books. Hardcover approach the end of the school year! coffee for participants.
5/2 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed by
and Paperback books are I would like to thank everyone who attended the Digital Dan- Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for participants.
ger presentation last week. The presenters provided a lot of great 5/4 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner to be held 5/11/2017
available. Friday, May 5th will be information on keep children safe online. If you were unable at 5:30pm. Two names per phone call only.
to attend the event and are interested in more information, visit 5/5 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for
discount bag day. This popular and click on Suggested Reading. participants.
5/8 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts and
event will be held during regular During the month of May, we have several upcoming events coffee for participants.
that give our students a chance to demonstrate their artistic sides: 5/9 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed by
business hours in the Library’s Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for participants.
• Spring Musical: Sunday, April 30 at 1:30 p.m. in the MHS 5/11 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for those that signed up.
first floor meeting room. Kubuski Gym CANCELLATIONS FOR DINNER MUST BE MADE BEFORE
Friend’s Preview Won’t you make our old • Midview Middle School Choir Concert: Monday, May 1 at 5/12 at 2:00 pm Senior Card
May 1, 4pm - Close books your new friends? 7 p.m. at MMS Club with pop and snacks for
If you are not a • Art Show: Thursday, May 4 at 3:30 p.m. in the MHS Kubus-
ki Gym • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
Friend, please join. Grafton-Midview Public Library the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
I would also like to invite the Midview community to the
983 Main St., Grafton, OH 44044 Midview Football Fundraiser Mattress Sale on Saturday, May • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
6. The sale runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Midview High School occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
440-926-3317 • APR. Proceeds from the fundraiser will bene?t the Midview Manager for additional information.
football program.

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Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Zoning Commission Public Hearing Memorial Day in Grafton Township

Yes, resulted in the formation of a new parish, named, “Our Lady The Zoning Commission of Grafton Township will hold a The Belden Historical Society is again sponsoring a parade
Queen of Peace.” The new parish church, built on land behind public hearing on 2 proposed amendments to the Grafton Town- and program on Memorial Day beginning at 10 a.m. More de-
the Immaculate Conception Church, was dedicated in 2010. The ship Resolutions which was initiated by motion of the Zoning tails to come. If you know of a friend or family member who has
new church, a work of art not usually found in a small town, is Commission. The hearing will be held at the Grafton Township served or is serving in any branch of the military, while residing
awe inspiring , yet has an “at home” atmosphere due to the use Hall on May 16 at 7 p.m. The text and maps of the proposed in Grafton Twp., please contact Bob Flickinger at (440) 926-
of the many relics and symbols from the old churches. amendments will be available for examination for a period of 2680 to have their name added to the Honor Board in the gazebo.
10 days from May 4-16 between the hours of 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Note: Both churches offered schooling: from ca 1871-1889 at 35881 Grafton Eastern Rd. After conclusion of the hearing, Mother-Daughter Spring Banquet
in original mission building and the Assumption Church, 1902- the matter will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for further
1917. action. Mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, cousins or friends are invit-
ed to the annual Mother-Daughter Spring Banquet on Thursday,
The former Assumption Church on Elm Street is now the The Grafton Township Zoning Commission is proposing May 11, at 6 p.m. The event is at the Belden United Methodist
home of Life Church of Lorain County. Pastor Ahlgrim has re- the following new amendment and amendment changes: Under Church, located at 36130 St. Rt. 303. The theme for the program
stored the building to its original beauty. Also renovated is the campgrounds, o. Occupancy, change text. Under General Reg- is “Celebrate Music.” Each family is asked to bring a salad to
church hall, where services and activities are currently held. ulations, change text of 303.01 Lot Area Exception for Certain share. The cost of $3 per person is payable at the door. Reserva-
“Find It,” “Live It” and “Give It” is their motivation as they be- Substandard Lots to 303.01 Exception for Nonconforming Lots tions are needed by Friday, May 5, by contacting Linda Szajna at
come a part of our community. of Record. Also deleting 308.02 Nonconforming Lots of Record. (440) 926-2338 or by calling or texting (440) 731-6611.

At 973 Mechanic Street, the United Methodist Church pre- Submitted by Eugene S. Pleban, Zoning Secretary Dumpster Days
sented a continuing display of pictures and events throughout the
years. Available in Tran Hall, albums and mounted pictures were Comic Book Day - Saturday, May 6, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. The Grafton Township will hold their annual dumpster days on
displayed with members available to locate information or just library is partnering with Keith’s Comics of Elyria to offer teens Friday and Saturday, May 12 & 13 at the township hall. Fridays
talk about the past. and tweens a few free comic books (while supplies last). Be sure hours are from noon until 3 p.m.; Saturday hours are from 8
to check out the latest graphic novels in the Teen Zone. Activities a.m.-3 p.m. No hazardous waste will be accepted. This event is
It was March 1871 when Rawsonville Methodists ?rst met and crafts available all day. Registration is not required. for township residents only; proof of residency will be required.
in Hart’s Hall. Land on Mechanic Street was purchased in 1873. Area Boy Scouts will be available to collect old ?ags for proper
Built from timber from a member’s woods, the church was ded- Coding Club - Mondays, May 8 & 22, 3:30-5 p.m. Explore disposal.
icated on January 14, 1875. It remains as the ‘center,’ after many the world of code and increase your problem-solving skills, ex-
renovations and additions of the church. In 1988, the 1873ca press your creativity, work as a team and have fun! We will meet detection for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. As 10
wooden ball that graced the top of the steeple for generations after school in the Teen Zone and learn together how to make million baby boomers risk developing Alzheimer’s, early detec-
was removed. It was replaced by a stainless steel cross designed simple webpages, create animation and more. No experience tion of the disease becomes critical to future planning. Knowing
by two members. necessary to participate. Already know how to code? We need the warning signs of Alzheimer’s and getting diagnosed early is
mentors! For ages 10 -17. vital to receiving the best help and care possible.
Also offered was a display board concerning the Congrega-
tional Church, 1855-1922, located on the corner of Mechanic Tech Tutor - May 10, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. & 2:30-4:30 p.m. Superhero Training Academy - Saturday, May 13, 11 a.m.
and Oak Street. Sold in 1922 to the I.O.O.F Lodge, it became a Registration is recommended. Walk-ins are welcome if no ap- - noon. Do you have what it takes to be a Superhero? Come to
community gathering place for many events. Today, it serves as pointments are scheduled. Appointments are 60-minutes and the Library to hone your superhero skills as we play games and
a two-apartment building. available on the ?rst Wednesday of the month. GMPL is hap- activities that will test your strength and intelligence! Feel free
py to schedule appointments as needed if Wednesday times do to dress up as your favorite superhero or supervillain. Activities
Refreshments of cookies and beverages were served as visi- not work. Please contact [email protected] or call the geared for children in grades K-2.
tors browsed the churches. If you are interested in more details library with any questions or to schedule a Tech Tutor appoint-
of our church community, please visit the Grafton Town Hall ment. Ted Schriver, Realtor
displays. Buying or Selling
After School Video Games - Thursday, May 11, 3-5 p.m. “Let Ted go to work for YOU”
Tidbit: October 14, 1889 Elyria Republican - Last Sunday Play video games and snack on pizza for the perfect after school
while Father Daudet was attending his church service, some ras- break. Select games from the library’s collection or bring in your 440.225.5219
cal entered his residence and stole $50. own to share. [email protected]
Working in Lorain/Medina Counties
To each of you who gave of your time to plan, prepare and Alzheimer’s: Know the Ten Signs - Thursday, May 11, 6:30-
serve at this Bicentennial event, my most sincere Thank You! 7:30 p.m. This workshop will stress the importance of early 10247 Dewhurst Rd. Suite 101
Elyria, Ohio 44035
Doris Wildenheim 926-2956

Grafton-Midview Library

To register for programs, call (440) 926-3317 or visit the li-
brary at 983 Main Street. Library hours are Monday-Thursday
9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday & Saturday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Sunday
1-5 p.m. You can also register by visiting their website, www. Most library programs require registration.

Writer’s Bunch -Tuesdays, May 2 & 16, 5:30-7:45 p.m. An
intriguing homework assignment is given each meeting to re-
view the following month. Critiquing and snacks are shared at
each informal gathering.

Final Days!!! May 15!


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Dumpster Day Lastly, please keep in mind that our Open Enrollment Period RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Page 17
is in progress and closes on Wednesday, May 31. Navigate to
LaGrange Township Trustees will be holding Dumpster Day our Elementary School’s website at http://www.keystonelocal- Another way to help is to donate goods, gift certi?cates or a
on May 6, from 7 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Township Garage on Pleas- or contact the KES of?ce at monetary donation to the cause or a team! This year, they will
ant Street. Vehicles should enter off of Route 303. 355-2300 for more information. be adding a basket raf?e, so any donations can go towards that
if requested. This is a grassroots effort and they look to local
Please, no tires, brush, oil, ?ammable liquids, paint or con- Franco Gallo, Keystone Superintendent, Franco.Gallo@key- businesses to help make this event fun and rewarding!
struction materials. Appliances must have the Freon removed., (440) 355-2424
The ?nal way to help with this amazing adventure is to show
It’s hard to believe, but there are only a few weeks of school Local Exchange Students up! There will be food, fun, games and more entertainment than
left. Even though the school year is wrapping up quickly, we you can think of for all ages!
still have many upcoming programs and events throughout the Shown from left to right are current area Exchange Students:
month of May. Keystone exchange student Francesca from Italy; Hudson Penfield Quilters Quilt Show
exchange student Fabio, also from Italy; Grafton resident
Please plan to participate in the second annual Relay for Life. Lisa Thiedemann, area representative for World Heritage; The Pen?eld Quilters’ 5th annual Quilt Show will be held
This event is hosted with the help of Keystone High School’s and Midview exchange student Dana from Germany. on Wednesday, May 3, from 1-3 p.m. at Pen?eld Community
Youth 4 Youth Organization and members of the LaGrange Unit- World Heritage is currently looking for host families for the Church, located at 40775 St. Rt. 18, in Pen?eld Township. Join
ed Methodist Church on May 19 at the Keystone High School next school year. For information, contact Lisa Thiedemann the Pen?eld Quilters for an afternoon of dessert, conversation
Track. The event is a fund-raiser for the American Cancer Soci- at (440) 413-3760 or [email protected]. www. wh- and viewing of quilts. The Quilters will have a display of the
ety. Navigate to our website at quilts that they have worked on as a group, as well as personal
or social media pages to learn how you can participate and sup- projects to show you. There will be sewing items available for
port this event. Last year, with your help, we were able to raise Relay for Life event purchase as well as a Quilt Raf?e.
over $5,000 to help the American Cancer Society.
Keystone Local School District is preparing to host their 2nd You are encouraged to bring your own creations to “show
Tickets are now on sale for our 2017 Keystone Kabaret: Time annual Relay for Life with the help of Keystone High School’s off.” Please attach an index card or label to the quilt with your
Warp! Please come to support our choir students! Kabaret will Youth 4 Youth Organization and members of the LaGrange Unit- name and information that you wish to share. There is free ad-
be performed Friday, May 19, and Saturday, May 20, in the KHS ed Methodist Church. If you have ever wondered how you can mission to the show; donations to Wellington Well-Help will be
cafetorium. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. both nights, and will make a difference for those battling cancer, this is a perfect op- accepted. Pen?eld Community Church is located 1/4 mile east
be catered by Fligner’s. The concert begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are portunity. Last year, with help from the community, they were of the Rt. 18 and Rt. 301 intersection. For more information, call
$13.50 for adults and $11 for children 10 and under and senior able to raise over $5,000 to help the American Cancer Society. the church of?ce at (440) 647-3818.
citizens 65 and over. Ticket order forms are available in the KHS This year, the event will be held on May 19 at the Keystone High
main of?ce and in the music room. All ticket orders are due by School Track. LaGrange Township Seeking Seasonal help
May 5. Contact Mrs. Pearce with any questions.
One of the ways that you can help is to form a team of LaGrange Township is currently seeking a part time
Public Hearing Notice 8-15 members and register online at seasonal employee for roads, cemetery and parks. Duties
grange-keystoneOH. Teams will be expected to set up a “camp” include mowing, weed eating and miscellaneous labor.
The LaGrange Township Board of Zoning Appeals will with a game or activity that will be their fund-raiser. Some ex- Applicants must be over 18 years of age. Resumes should
hold a public meeting on Wednesday, May 10 at 7pm at the amples are baked goods, donation of services for a donation such be sent to LaGrange Township, P.O. Box 565, LaGrange,
Old Glory Grange Hall, 113 South Center Street, LaGrange. as hairstyling, nail painting, massages, etc., or any type of game! Ohio, 44050 and must be received by May 8, 2017. If you
As members of the group run the fund-raiser, at least one mem- have any further questions regarding this position you may
This hearing is to consider the request of Shawn Ma- ber from the team will be walking or running the track. Your call 440-213-1517 or 440-667-9574.
rang, 18267 Diagonal Road, LaGrange to build a replace- fund-raiser is what creates the money raised; no walking door to
ment garage closer than the 25 feet required to the property door or collecting money from friends and family! JACK MATIA
line. He is requesting a side lot line of 12 feet. HONDA

The public is welcome to attend. New & Used
By order of the LaGrange Township Board of Zoning Cars
Appeals, Jody Zalka, Chairman

Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria

New and Certi?ed Hondas
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Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5

FURNITURE MATTRESSES & MORE Friends of Lorain County Metro Parks present
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Selection! Show Dates are:

50% OFF Gift Items Fridays and Saturdays,
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Seating is at 6:30 and dinner begins at 7:00
Sunday 12-4pm Fast FREE Delivery &
Monday, Thursday, Friday 10am-6pm Tickets are $30 per individual or $58 per couple
Group rates are available
Saturday 10am-5pm FREE Special Financing
The show is held at the Carlisle Visitors Center
Closed Tuesday & Wednesday *See store for details 12882 Diagonal Rd, LaGrange, Ohio
For reservations or more information,
601 S. Main St., RT 58, Wellington please call 216-544-3865


Visit us at

Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Free Summer Concerts Trustee Gordon reported if the Township wished to
that St. Rt. 301 will be resur- continue in the program. The
19th annual Gazebo Garden Walk Ohio Regional Music Arts and Cultural Outreach (ORMA- faced from 480 to the southern consensus was to continue and
CO), which is known for its school, library outreach programs, county line. He has requested Gordon will pursue the matter
On Saturday, May 13, Main Street Wellington’s 19th annu- as well as The World Tour of Music, Jazz and Opera under the the grindings from this project with Polen Implement.
al Gazebo Garden Walk takes place in downtown Wellington Stars and the infamous party buses to various locations, is ex- to be stockpiled for future use. With no additional busi-
from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The show will feature arts, crafts, antiques, panding its free offerings this summer. Gordon announced that the ness to discuss, the meeting
?owers, garden accents, quilts, jewelry and more from over sixty government tractor contract was adjourned at 8:27 p.m.
vendors from all over Ohio and even one from Pennsylvania! In collaboration with The Patricia Lindley Center for the Per- will expire soon and asked
forming Arts, the Wellington High School Band and Percussion
The yearly Gazebo Garden Walk is always the Saturday be- Ensemble will kick off the free Sunday concerts at The Patricia Health Fair& Sports Nutrition Talk
fore Mother’s Day. Those that attend the free show can also pur- Lindley Center for the Performing Arts, 627 North Main Street,
chase lunch inside the Town Hall, with additional baked goods in Wellington, on June 11. Sogbety Diomande will grace the Folks in southern Lorain County have exciting events to look
for sale from the First United Congregational Church of Christ. stage with a full length West African drumming concert on June forward to in May. And the good news? The events are free.
The Gazebo Garden Walk is a yearly event to generate op- THRIVE! Southern Lorain County ( is a
erating funds for Main Street Wellington, a 501(c)(3) nonpro?t Country music comes to town on July 9 as The Tab- health collaborative dedicated to reducing the risks of heart dis-
organization founded in 1998. While you’re downtown, you are loid Twangers entertain with an eclectic mix of rockabilly, ease, diabetes and obesity in the region. Two of its Partners – In-
encouraged to shop and dine in the local establishments, many of “roots-Americana,” classic country, honky tonk, classic rock and ner Circle Personal Fitness and First United Methodist Church,
which will feature specials that weekend. originals. Enjoy music from artists like Hank Williams, Johnny both of Wellington – are hosting the events.
Cash, The Derailers, Merle Haggard, Ray Price, Ray Orbison
Herrick Memorial Library and more! Sports Nutrition and Olympic Weightlifting - Inner Circle is
presenting a free seminar on “Sports Nutrition and Olympic Lift-
Adult Writing Group - Thursdays, May 4 & 18, from 6-7:30 Rounding out the summer concert series on August 6 is Wel- ing” on Sunday, May 7, at 6 p.m. Teri Riemer, Licensed Sports
p.m. Join this group if you have a passion for writing of all ven- lington based classical guitarist, Stephen Fazio, who will delight Nutritionist, will provide insight as to how diet can in?uence
ues. Bring samples of your writing to share with the group. This the audience with classical and ?amenco pieces. athletic performance and what people should eat before and after
group is not like other writing groups; we encourage one another, they train.
try new and different forms of writing and learn to create char- All of these full length concerts are from 7-9 pm. For more
acters and plots for your ?ction pieces, or explore the world of information, call (330) 722-2541 or visit Then, Braden Willis, a cross-?t trainer, will do a demon-
poetry and verse. Registration is encouraged. To register, call stration on Olympic Weightlifting. The latter is an extremely
the Herrick Memorial Library at (440) 647-2120. Penfield Township Trustees challenging discipline in the modern Olympic program whereby
an athlete attempts a maximum-weight, single lift of a barbell
Wellington Genealogy Group The April 4 regular meet- income under a certain level. loaded with weight plates.
ing of the Pen?eld Township Johnson purchased hand tools
The Wellington Genealogy Group will meet on Wednesday, Trustees was called to order and a metal shelving unit for Inner Circle ( is located at
May 3, at 6:30 p.m. (note new time), at the LCCC Wellington at 7:30 p.m. All of?cers were township use. Trustee Johnson 640 South Main Street, in Wellington. For more information,
Center, 151 Commerce Drive. present, with the exception of discussed some minor chang- call the gym at (440) 647-4146.
Trustee Conrad. The meeting es to the newsletter. Zoning
The meeting this month is “DNA Testing.” Mary Jamba is was attended by 8 guests. Inspector Donahue will pick Free Health Fair With Screenings - Get ready for a gold-star
a Trustee for the Ohio Genealogical Society. Mary will explain up the labels from LMRE and Health Fair from 9-11 a.m. on Saturday, May 13, which includes
DNA and the different companies that have DNA testing. You The minutes of the previ- remove the extraneous labels. free health screenings, ?tness assessment testing and a compli-
will be able to order the DNA kits and get your results back. ous meeting were read and He also discussed updates to mentary massage.
Mary then will have a follow-up program in the fall regarding approved. Vouchers #11698- the Policy manual which will
understanding and using the results from the tests. The public is 11731, the Bank Reconcilia- include job descriptions, the The First United Methodist Church of Wellington is hosting
welcome. tion and the March monthly township policy on marijuana the event, which is sponsored by Mercy Parish Nursing. Some
reports, as well as PO #35- and changes to the hall rental of the free screenings include blood pressure, CMP, lipids, TSH
Firelands Garden Club 2017 and Withholding Vouch- contract. Johnson advised that and PSA for men aged 40 and over. Participants are urged to fast
er #15-17-2017 were also ap- the monthly Zoning Report and take their morning medications with water, if possible.
The Firelands Garden Club’s annual Indoor Plant Sale and proved. Fiscal Of?cer Denes will be forwarded to him for
Auction is coming on Monday, May 15. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. read the correspondence, inclusion on the website and Fitness testing will focus on a a 3-minute step test, waist-
and the specialty plant auction will begin at 7 p.m. sharp. Come which included an email from not in the minutes as previous- to-hip ratio, body composition and muscular strength, among
and join the fun and get great prices on plants for your garden. former ?scal of?cer Eleanor ly discussed. Johnson advised several issues.
Gnandt regarding the pur- that LaGrange Township has
The plant sale and auction is being held at the Birmingham chase of round tables for the been working on prohibiting A complimentary massage will be given by Huber Therapeu-
Community Center, located at 15018 South Street, in Birming- hall. She is not in favor of this smoking in their park. Discus- tic Massage and Treasured Hearts Relaxation.
ham (south off Rt. 113, east off Rt. 60 and just around the corner purchase. The correspondence sion was held about the possi-
from Lorain County Metro Park’s Schoep?e Garden). also included the Red Cross bility of posting our parks as Many organizations will have tables at the Fair, including the
Blood Drive dates for the bal- no smoking zones. Alzheimer’s Association, Creating Balance, Herrick Memorial
All are invited to come and bring a friend! ance of the year. Library, LINC of Southern Lorain County, Lorain County Gen-
eral Health District, THRIVE!, Wellington Salvation Army and
Zoning Inspector Donahue the YMCA of Greater Cleveland.
presented the March month-
ly reports and reported that The First United Methodist Church (http://www.fumc-wel-
two letters have been sent to is located at 127 Park Place, in Wellington. For
residents regarding zoning more information, call the church of?ce at 647/3263.
violations. He reported on
the Town Hall meeting held WELLINGTON NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 23
by Columbia Township re-
B2B Mixer garding ?rearm discharge in
RENT ME! Local business leaders are
encouraged to attend the B2B Ed Burke was in atten-
Pequea SL 10 Lime Spreader (Business To Business) Mixer. dance and discussed the 7 Dis-
The goal is to encourage busi- trict charter form of govern-
KRYSTOWSKI nesses to get more engaged ment. He answered questions
TRACTOR with other local businesses, and had petitions available for
collaborate together, refer cus- signing. He also advised that
WELLINGTON OH 44090 tomers and more. he would be in attendance on
(440) 647-2015 Pride Day, May 20, with peti- The next Mixer is on Tues- tions for any registered voters
day, May 23, from 10 a.m.- wishing to sign.
noon at The Painting Factory,
149 West Herrick Ave. Come Maintenance man Tim
and meet Melissa Burns, the Tyrone spoke with Charles
owner of the newest business Hillman of Superior Fire Ser-
in Wellington. vices about providing a quote
for ?re extinguisher service.
Please RSVP to help plan Abco has still not responded
for refreshments at (440) 647- to his request for a quote. Fis-
3987 or jarntz@mainstreet- cal Of?cer Denes will follow up with Abco. Tyrone had
two quotes for the Town Hall
Tues. 9:30-7 • Wed.,Th.,Fri. 9:30-5 • Sat. 9:30-3:30 gutter replacement. The quote
from Dan Kiser was the low-
est and was accepted.

Resident Jean Eglin asked
if the Trustees had made a de-
cision on the round tables and
was advised that this matter is
still under discussion. Zoning
Secretary Linda VanMeter
voiced her positive opinion on
the purchase of round tables.

Resident Russ Dudzinski
questioned the addition of the
swift water rescue fees to the
hazmat and technical rescue
fees. It was explained that no
additional tax would be levied
upon the township for this fee.
Additional questions will be
researched by Trustee Gordon
and reported back.

Roadman Albrecht report-
ed that he and Bob Storms
have prepped the tractors for
spring & summer work.

Trustee Johnson reported
that he had met with a rep-
resentative from NOPEC to
discuss their grants. One of
the criteria was household

Men’s Breakfasts (Thursdays): RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017 Page 19
May 4 - Azure’D Metoyer, Attorney General’s Of?ce present-
ing “Senior Scams.” Big Boy seeks loving home
May 18 - Bob Wills, Historian will talk about the VMF 214th
Garden Club of North Ridgeville Fighter Squadron, known as the “Black Sheep Squadron.” Break- Big Boy like to give Big Boy a lov-
fast is a hot entrée, fruit, juice and coffee for only $3. Breakfasts Please don’t pass Big Boy ing, forever home, please
The Garden Club of North Ridgeville will meet on May 9, are from 9-10 a.m. and reservations are required by 10 a.m. on by. This handsome 9-year-old call the Friendship Animal
at 6 p.m., at the Sandy Ridge Reservation, 6195 Otten Road, Wednesday by calling (440) 353-0828. has been waiting for a home Protective League at (440)
in North Ridgeville. The speaker for the evening will be John Super Thursday Lunch - 12 p.m. May 11- Join us as we lis- since January of 2016. He 322-4321. (www.Friendshi-
Schoenhals from the OSU Extension Of?ce in Elyria. His pro- ten to the beautiful young voices of St. Peter School 1st Graders. is an independent kitty who
gram will be on All You Need To Know About Growing Vege- Lunch includes hot entrée, salad, beverage and dessert for $5. likes attention at times too.
tables. The Club’s annual Plant Sale will be on May 20 from 9 Call 353-0828 to place reservations. Big Boy is just a really cool The shelter is located at
a.m.-1 p.m. at the Rini Plaza (Giant Eagle) by the Dollar Tree Ladies Brunch - 10:30- 11:30 a.m. May 25 - Randy Kimbro, cat! He is FIV+ which is not 8303 Murray Ridge Road,
store on Center Ridge Road. All plants are dug from their gar- FBI Citizen Academy will talk about “Cyber Crime.” Brunch is a transferable to humans, dogs in Elyria. Their hours are
dens and priced very reasonably - they have repeat customers ev- hot breakfast entrée with fruit, juice and coffee is $3, reservations or through casual contact with from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on
ery year. For info. on their meeting, joining or plant sale, please required by calling 353-0828. other cats. He is just a great Monday, Friday & Satur-
call (440) 365-8522. Ongoing Programs cat who would love to start day; from 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Blood Pressure: Third Wednesday of every month 10 a.m.- his life in a forever home very on Tuesday & Thursday;
Olde Towne Hall Theatre presents.... 12 p.m. Walk-ins ?rst come, ?rst serve. soon. Stop by FAPL and meet and from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Socialization, Lunch, Bingo: Every Wednesday beginning at Big Boy. He could just be the on Sunday. Adoption fees
Steel Magnolias, directed by Kim Mihalik. A touching tale 9 a.m.; 12 p.m. lunch ($4, reservation required); 12:30-2 p.m. - cat for you! If you would are $20 for 1 year and old-
of six women sharing lives, loves, happiness and tragedy, inter- Bingo. er and $50 for less than 1
acting at a small town salon in the deep south of Louisiana. Per- Mahjongg: 12-3 p.m. The group meets on Thursday’s at 12 year old. All cats have been
formances are May 5 & 6 at 7:30 p.m. Call (440) 327-2909 for p.m. for instruction and game playing. A small fee for player’s spayed or neutered, vacci-
reservations. The theater is located at 36119 Center Ridge Road card is required and instruction is free! nated, dewormed and have
(just west of Rt. 83), in North Ridgeville. Tickets are $12 for Cards: Pinochle and Euchre enthusiasts’ gather every Thurs- tested negative for FeLV.
adults and $10 for seniors and children. day from 12-4 p.m. at the Center to play cards. No experience Friendship APL is a private,
needed. Newcomers welcomed. On the second Thursday of non-pro?t humane society.
Black River Audubon month play begins at 1:30 p.m. They depend on the gener-
May Antarctica Program North Ridgeville Senior Center is located at 7327 Avon osity and ?nancial support
Belden Rd. For more information, call (440) 353-0828. of the public to serve the
Dr. Mark Purdy will present his program about Antarctica on people and animals of Lo-
May 2, at 7 p.m. at Sandy Ridge Reservation, 6195 Otten Road, “Grow Tomatoes: rain County.
in North Ridgeville. Travel has always been his biggest passion. Practices and Myths”
Mark has made multiple trips to every continent with an em- LCCC’s Civic Chorale Spring Sing
phasis on nature. At the time of his last presentation to BRAS, Homemade spaghetti sauce? Perhaps some homemade salsa?
Antarctica was next on his list. Having been there now, he will Or maybe a ripe, juicy tomato right off the vine! Can’t you just Lorain County Community College’s Civic Chorale will
educate and entertain while discussing his trip. taste these now? And they all start with home-grown tomatoes present the 38th annual Spring Sing ‘17 on Saturday, May 6, at
right from your own garden. 7:30 p.m. in the Stocker Arts Center Hoke Theatre. The concert
This program is free to the public. For more information will be conducted by Nancy Davis, LCCC’s Director of Cho-
on programs, volunteering or becoming a member, please visit Join Medina County Master Gardeners and learn about grow- ral Music Performance, and feature the music of Gershwin and or call (440) 225-7601. ing the best tomatoes and put to rest those myths that surround Rodgers and Hammerstein. This ever-popular concert will fea-
the planting and harvesting of this wonderful fruit. ture Broadway favorites including June Is Bustin’ Out All Over,
Senior Center events Oklahoma, Do-Re-Mi, I Whistle a Happy Tune and You’ll Never
This interactive talk occurs at the OSU Extension Of?ce, 120 Walk Alone. Music with a swing jazz feel includes Gershwin’s
Walking/Balance Program - May 23- June 27; 9-11 a.m. West Washington St., Suite 1L, on Friday, May 5, from 10-11:30 Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off and They Can’t Take That Away
Kick off May 23, join Lea Goldsmith of Maximize Fitness for a.m. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. The cost is $5 per person. Pre-reg- From Me. The “Talent Showcase” segment will feature the piano
an informational talk on Nutritional Eating Habits at 9 a.m., and istration is strongly preferred, but walk-ins are welcome. A reg- artistry of David Blazer with jazz trio, Kathleen Kurucz perform-
then get your vitals (BP, HR) to keep track of progress. Then Lea istration form can be found online at To ing a beautiful jazz ?ute solo with jazz trio and John Philipps
will lead a walk over at the South Central Walking Loop for an receive a copy of the form by mail or email, call Medina County performing a lively and ?ery jazz piano suite. General admission
hour and return to Senior Center for demonstration on the Fit- OSU Extension Of?ce at 330-725-4911, ext. 106. Coffee will be tickets are $9 each or $8 for LCCC students, staff and seniors.
ness Station, ending vitals, refreshments, gifts and so much fun! available. The complete list of First Friday Coffee Chats with For more information or tickets, call the Stocker Arts Center box
Thanks to Maximize Fitness for their generosity in sponsoring Master Gardeners can be found at the OSU Extension website, of?ce at (440) 366-4040 or visit
the program. The ?rst Friday of each month, Master Garden-
ers host talks on short garden topics over coffee. Join us! The Stocker Arts Center is located at 1005 N. Abbe Road, in
Elyria, on the campus of Lorain County Community College.

If you have thought about fostering a child...

We would like to connect with you.


CALL - 440-329-5340

Information Sessions:

Monday, May 15, 2017 6:00-9:00pm

Tuesday, June 6, 2017 6:00-9:00pm

Thursday, August 10, 2017 6:00-9:00pm

Please call the Family Based Care
Development to ask questions,
get information packet and RSVP

Children in our community need foster parents.
They need someone like you.

Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017

APPLIANCES CLEANING CLASSIFIEDS Run 2 Weeks for Only $14 & Save $6!
Good clean used appliances. 3 Chics and a Broom: Green
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. Cleaning. Let us spiff you Get the Job Done! 1st Week - $1000/2nd Week - $400 (No changes or refunds. Personal
up! Bonded and insured. 440-
AUTOS WANTED 355-6639 ads only. No Business ads.) DEADLINE: WED. 12 NOON
Mike’s Hooker Service. We Custom cleaning. Everyone’s
pay top dollar for all unwant- needs are different. We spe- 4 Easy Ways to Place Your Classi?ed - Phone: 440-236-8982 - Web:
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free cialize in catering to what your - Fax: 440-236-9198 - Mail: Rural-Urban Record • P.O. Box 966 • Columbia Station, OH 44028
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, needs are. Call Marcie today
216-534-6514. for your free assessment ap- ALL PERSONAL ADS MUST BE PREPAID
pointment at 440-213-7527.
CAMPERS Over 13 years experience. CLASSIFIED RATES: • Personal Classified $10/15 words or less. 10¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 more.
CAMPER 2007. 36’ Salem. Aw- • Business Classified $13/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Special Set-up (Centered & Capped)
ning & slide out. Full bath and FOR RENT $14/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Display advertising $16.50/column inch. Reaching Over
kitchen. Heat and Air. Queen Elyria: 1 month free. $100 se- Number of weeks ad runs: 1 2 3 4 21,000 Households
bed in main bedroom, Spare curity deposit. Newly remod- Please Print Clearly!
room 6’x7’. Sliding glass door eled 2 bedroom town homes
in living area. $14,500 or best with new carpet, ceramic tile Please print - All information below is needed to process your ad. Mail to: Rural-Urban Record•P.O. Box 966•Columbia Station, OH 44028
offer. 440-669-8573. and hard wood ?oors. Appli-
ances included. Call 216-221- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

AUCTIONS Mastercard & Visa Accepted. Card #:

Expiration Date: 3 Digit # on back:


Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the ADDRESS Used propane gas vent-free HELP WANTED TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser-
Columbia Local School District, Lorain County, Columbia SIGNED ?replace with electric blower Olmsted Township is hiring vice. Complete tree removal,
Station, Ohio, under the authority of Section 3313.41 of the in an Oak cabinet, 37w x 43h. a Zoning Inspector/Code En- trimming, root feeding and
Ohio Revised Code, will offer for sale at public auction on the FOR RENT Max BTU rating is 28,000. forcement Of?cer. For further cleaning. Fully insured. FREE
24th day of May, 2017, commencing at 9:00 a.m., at the Co- House Share, Elyria. Nice Good condition, $75. 440- information www.olmsted- ESTIMATES. Firewood for
lumbia Local Schools Administration Center, the real proper- room for one adult. Quiet 236-6659 sale. 440-236-3061.
ty located at 13516 West River Road, Columbia Station, Ohio home w/smoker and cats. $370 Olmsted Township Service
and identi?ed by the Lorain County Auditor as Permanent + utilities. Leave voicemail GARAGE SALES Dept is hiring a General Labor LOTS FOR SALE
Parcel No. 12-00-056-000-050, together with the residential 440-281-1578. /Tech I and Tech II. Contact
dwelling and other improvements located thereon. 33960 Brokaw, Columbia Sta- 440-235-1011 for further in- LAGRANGE BUILDABLE
FOR SALE tion. May 4-6, 9-5pm. Lots of formation. LOTS
Said property shall be sold on an “as-is” basis and subject 2014 F150 Crewcab acces- Golf balls, movies, music and Reliable Driver wanted for
to the terms and conditions set forth in the Resolution adopted sories: Black Weathertech lots of women’s and teen girl upward progressing Septic 1, 2 or 3 Acres. Minutes from
by the Board of Education on November 16, 2016 and in the floor mats and mud flaps. clothing, much more! Come Company. Duties such as, but 1-480. 303 & Whitehead. 440-
written Conditions of Sale, which are incorporated herein and Gray Covercraft front seat and see. not limited to, pumping tanks
made a part hereof by reference. A copy of said Resolution and console covers. Like new. SPRING RUMMAGE SALE at and possibly some deliveries, 371-4111.
and Conditions of Sale may be obtained by contacting the 440-463-9395 1st UCC, 140 S. Main St., Wel- etc. Must have a CDL. Must be
Treasurer’s of?ce at 440-236-5008. At the conclusion of the Agritec rototiller type AT 20- lington. May 4-5, 9-5pm. This able to drive standard shift. PETS
public auction, the high bidder shall deposit with the Board 100 3pt. hitch $600. Call 440- is a large sale. Exp. a plus, but will train. Com-
of Education cash or a certi?ed check payable to the Board 281-1033 parable wages, paid holidays, Affordable Misty Meadow
of Education in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the ?nal Old style antique clawfoot HALLS FOR RENT 401K, health ins. Drug testing Farm: dog grooming, pet
bid or, in the alternative, satisfactory evidence of obtaining ?- porcelain bath tub. Call 440- required. Burnett’s Septic boarding and day care, indoor
nancing from a reputable lender to purchase the subject prop- 322-1382 or 440-322-8170. AMVETS POST 32 Service, 120 Commerce Dr., heated facility. Valley City, 216-
erty for the full amount of the ?nal bid. Stand up commercial tan- 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria LaGrange, Ohio. 372-2755. mistyme
ning bed. Bulbs good. Great Restaurant & Pizza Shop ac-
The Board of Education hereby reserves the right to re- condition. $500 or best offer. Capacity: Hall-250, cepting applications for cooks All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster
ject any and all bids, including the ?nal bid, at any time after 440-669-8573. Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 and pizza shop help. Apply at Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509.
the date of the public auction. A full refund of any deposited Stihl 056 Saw 20” bar, 2 new 1 Available for all occasions Donte’s, 20850 Sheldon Rd., Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
funds shall be made if the corresponding bid is rejected. used chains, tool kit. 9ft triple Brookpark. exercise yards, custom care.
wall pipe plus cap, size 8” Call for pricing Restaurant servers, bartend- $20 per day. Grooming now
CLSD will hold 2 separate open houses to view this prop- diameter. 16” delta band saw and availability ers, cooks. Razzles, Olmsted. available.
erty: Wednesday, May 10th from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm and with accessories. Yanmar 3 440-458-8544 Apply in person or call 440-
Wednesday, May 17th from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. If you cycle diesel engine, engine COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL 251-0666 or 216-299-3552. “DOGS
would like to view this property please contact the Adminis- stand heavy duty. Taurus 25-120 Capacity The Lorain County Sheriff’s ON
tration Center of?ces at (440) 236-5008 to set up an appoint- 380pt 638-pro, two 15 shot Catering Available Of?ce is currently accepting THE
ment. mags, 2 boxes of shells, case 440-236-3323 applications for a full-time GO”
& tool kit. 440-355-4304, cell FULL park with restrooms, 3 evening shift LPN within the
BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE 216-533-5042. pavilions, air conditioned hall, jail. The applicant must be Professional Pet Sitter
COLUMBIA LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, Straw, clean, no weeds. Small for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange available to work 3pm-11pm. Loving care for your
LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO squares $3; 4x4 net wrapped Lions Club. 440-458-6781. This position will require al- pets while you are
rounds $30. 330-625-4182, Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- ternating weekends and hol-
Patricia Eddy leave message. Can deliver. 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. idays. The position offers at work or away.
______________________________________ 440-926-3341 competitive pay and bene?ts Insured & Bonded
Patricia Eddy, Treasurer CHECK OUT package. The quali?ed candi-
OUR WEBSITE! HELP WANTED date has to pass a thorough Call Jill: 440-322-7929
background check. Interested
Gregory Auction – 25-Acre Hobby Farm Always Best Care: Immedi- parties should contact Capt. REAL ESTATE
Country Home – Two-Car Garage – (3) Outbuildings ate opening for experienced J. Hammond at 440-329-3844.
HHA-STNA, up to $11/hr. 951 The Lorain County Sheriff is an 439 Southwood Dr, Elyria.
Eaton Twp. – Lorain County Main St. Grafton 440-791-7177 equal opportunity employer. HUGE RANCH with Basement.
Drivers: Impressive Weekly Immaculate, Move in Ready!
Saturday, May 6, 2017 at 10:00am Pay! Monthly Bonuses! Medi- HOME IMPROVEMENT OPEN HOUSE 4-28, 2-4pm.
cal/Dental/Vision! Guaranteed Jaram Siding, Affordable pric- Call 440-458-4614. Must be
Also Selling: Home Every Weekend! Excel- es, high quality work. Get pre-quali?ed.
2004 Ford, 1983 Oldsmobile, Tractors, Equipment, Antiques, Tools, Furniture lent Equipment w/APU’s. 1yr someone that goes the extra
CDL-A: 855-842-8498. mile, no subs! Talk to me and RUMMAGE SALE
Absolute Auction, all sells to the highest bidders on location: Hiring landscaping laborers, see me on the job everyday.
37321 Butternut Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville, OH 44039 competitive wages. Call 440- Windows, fences, seamless Elyria Woman’s Club Rum-
213-8395. Wiencek’s Land- gutters & decks. FREE ESTI- mage Sale, 218 East Ave.
Directions: From I-80, take Lorain Rd. exit 152, follow Lorain Rd. west 2.5 scaping MATE & Senior Discounts. Call across from Chronicle. Fri.
miles before continuing on Butternut Ridge Rd. 1.5 miles to auction. Watch for Rick 440-610-5054. May 5, 9-4 & Sat. May 6, 9-12.
KIKO signs. Experienced Drivers: Earn Masonry step repairs, brick Sat. $2/Bag, Entrance & Park-
an average of $70k/yr while work, stone veneer, tuck-point- ing in Rear.
Real Estate Sells At 11:00 AM ing, retaining walls. No job too Giant rummage sale. Fields
Features 25 acres in Eaton Township, offered in parcels. Located in Midview enjoying full bene?ts for small. Pannell, 440-610-2541. United Methodist Church,
Local School District. you & your family, paid for 34077 Lorain Rd., North
Parcel #1: Country home on 6.5 acres having a kitchen, dining room, living by Holland Tired of sleeper HORSES Ridgeville. Friday May 5th,
room, one bedroom and 1.5 baths on main ?oor. Second story has (3) bed- cabs? With Holland – stay Stalls open, indoor/outdoor 9am-4pm, Saturday May 6th,
rooms. Full basement having a gas furnace. Updated steel roof, city water, in a hotel instead! Weekend arena/pastures. Metro Parks 9am-12pm (Sat. $2 bag day).
septic. Outbuildings include a detached 2-car garage w/ concrete (24’x40’), a across the street. Also warm Bargains Galore!
30’x60’ pole barn, 24’x40’ implement shed and a 22’x50’ implement shed. home time! blood cross for sale call for
Parcel #2: 18.5 acres of mostly tillable land, partially wooded with stream, or more info 440-926-1122 SALES & SERVICES
nature and wildlife. For further details, call Matthew Kiko, Realtor/Auctioneer
at 330-327-9671. call: 855-224-3415 LAWN & GARDEN SMALL DUMPSTERS
Auction By Order Of: Billy B. Gregory and Billy B. Gregory POA for Mary Landscape help wanted. Small LAND WORKS LANDSCAPE for roo?ng, remodeling, etc.
company in Valley City. Must
S. Gregory have drivers license. Many Spring Clean-up Time Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
Auctioneer/Realtor: Matthew P. Kiko, AARE, 330-327-9617, hours available. Great pay. for a great looking yard Truck work available
[email protected] Landscaping help needed. call 440-452-9353 CALL JASON’S SERVICES
Auctioneer: Colton Kiko, 330-614-2478, [email protected] West River Rd. Columbia. Lawn Mowing and Lawn 440-926-3446
Must have own transportation.
KIKO Auctioneers $11/hr Maintenance UPHOLSTERY
(330) 455-9357 440-236-8151 CORDELLS Senior/Columbia Station Dis- DAN’S UPHOLSTERY
Landscaping counts. Insured. 440-236-3609. over 30 yrs. experience
Lawn mowing Rotary tiller service. Small
or large community gardens, Full Upholstery
Foreman ?ower beds and lawn cutting. Cushion Re?lls
Laborers Call 216-701-2967. Furniture Repair
440-236-9625 Call for free quote

Antiques wanted. Buying con-
Flyguy’s tents of estates, houses, barns HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING
& attics. 440-506-7738
Coins & Currency Motorcycles, dirt bikes, atv’s Richards Concrete NOVAK CONCRETE, INC
and out board motors. 440-
Buying-Selling-Trading 458-5065. “For all of your Concrete needs Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks,
All U.S. & and more”! Garage Floors, Stamped
Check out our Concrete, Waterproofing
Foreign Coins Website for additional FREE ESTIMATES
Old Gold Follow us on FaceBook FREE ESTIMATES
Garage Sales 440-748-6217
Jewelry/Watches Richards Concrete LLC Quality Service since 1989
520-405-4956 440-328-6425

Located at The Bargain House H. Archer & Sons, Inc3654 Avon Lake Rd . 24 Hour Emergency Service
450 Cleveland St, Elyria, OH Litchfield, Ohio
M-F: 12:30-6pm, Sat: 800-467-1275
12:30-3pm, Closed Sun
OH LIC #23331
Commercial & Residential Hauling

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24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station Specializing in Home Improvements


Brick, Block, Stone, Tuckpointing, KAZMIERCZAK CONSTRUCTION Our Name Means Quality
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Justin Jakubisin, Owner •Garages •Decks •Additions
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YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044 Licensed•Bonded•Insured • Over 20 Years Experience

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Exposed Aggregate Pads

N. Ridgeville Office

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New Work-Replacement-Repairs $24/yard
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800-619-7808 (24 hours) Black or Brown
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Save 10% J. A. KILBY ENT. Spring Services:
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Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
With Coupon, Exp. 9/30/17 Weekly Lawn Services
One coupon per residential driveway. •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
Present coupon at time of estimate •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation

•DRIVEWAYS •PARKING LOTS 440-327-3433 Grafton, OH Call for a FREE Quote 440-610-3580
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8997 Columbia Road Phone: 440-235-2356
Olmsted Falls, OH 44138 Fax: 440-235-2359
[email protected]



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Custom Exteriors BASEMENT Post-winter garden prep
•Windows •Azek Since 1989 Lawns and gardens can bear the brunt of winter weather and
•Siding •Soffit • Waterproofing are often in need of tender loving care by the time spring arrives.
•Doors •Metal • Foundation Repair
Preparing a garden for spring and summer involves assessing
•Stone & Shake Siding Snow Plowing • Yard Drainage any damage that harsh weather might have caused. As tempera-
•Gutter/Cleaning/Guards Available • Excavating tures climb, gardeners can heed the following post-winter garden
preparation tips in an effort to ensure some successful gardening
440-926-1600 • Sewer Replacement in the months ahead.

TREE SERVICE 440.773.3040 • Assess the damage. Even if winter was mild, gardens might
still have suffered some damage. Inspect garden beds and any
Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping WELLINGTON NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 fencing or barriers designed to keep wildlife from getting into
Tree Trimming • Removal the garden. Before planting anew, ?x any damage that Mother
Stump Grinding • Pruning Free Health Screening Nature or local wildlife might have caused over the past several
Fertilizers • Fire Wood months.
Mercy Parish Nursing is having a Free Health Screenings
Free Estimates! & Health Fair at the First United Methodist Church, 127 Park • Clear debris. Garden beds and surrounding landscapes that
Place, in Wellington, on Saturday, May 13, from 9-11 a.m. Fast- survived winter without being damaged might still be littered
Seth Emerson - Owner ing is encouraged! Take AM meds with water if possible. Free with debris. Remove fallen leaves, branches and even litter that
Office: 440-322-2624 screenings include: CMP, Lipids, HgA1c, TSH, PSA (men 40 & blew about on windy winter days before planting season. Make
over) and Blood pressure Fitness Assessment Testing. sure to discard any debris effectively so it does not ?nd its way
Emergency: 440-452-2456 back into the garden.
For more information, please contact the Church Of?ce at
[email protected] (440) 647-3263 between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. • Turn the greenhouse into a clean house. Spring cleaning is
not just for the interior of a home. Cleaning a greenhouse in ad-
ARBOR CARE TREE Penfield Historical Society vance of spring can help gardeners evict any overwintering pests
fund-raiser that can threaten plant life once spring gardening season arrives.
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck A thorough cleaning, which should include cleaning the inside of
• 113 Ft. Crane The Pen?eld Historical Society, partnering with Easter Seals greenhouse glass and washing ?ower pots and plant trays, also
Northern Ohio, will host a clothing drive on Saturday, May 20, can prevent plant diseases from surviving into spring.
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. in the back parking lot of the Pen?eld Town-
ship Hall, located at 41012 State Route 18, in Wellington. Cloth- • Check for pests. Speak with a local gardening professional
Triple Shredded Mulch ing items, as well as shoes, purses, dishes, kitchenware, small to determine if there are any local pests to look out for and how to
picture frames, small children’s toys and games, knickknacks, recognize and remove these pets from gardens. Pests may hiber-
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member jewelry, CD’s DVD’s and VHS tapes will be accepted. Please nate in the soil over the winter, and such unwelcome visitors can
enclose all items in a box or bag. The PHS will receive pay- make it dif?cult for gardens to thrive come spring and summer.
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 ment from Easter Seals based on how many pounds they collect.
Funds raised will be used for Community History Collection, • Assess plant location. If plants, ?owers or gardens have
Preservation and Education. For additional information, contact struggled in recent years or never grew especially vibrant, then
Adele at (440) 781-3700, Jackie at (440) 371-1868 or Linda at gardeners may want to assess the location of their plant life be-
(330) 648-2605. fore spring gardening season begins. Some plants may not be
getting enough sunlight in certain locations on a property, while
Medina Genealogical Society others might be overexposed to the sun during spring and sum-
mer. Moving plants that are not thriving prior to the start of
The Medina County Genealogical Society will present a pro- spring gardening season may be just what gardens need to ?our-
gram on Sunday, May 7, at 2 p.m., by Maren McKee, Collec- ish in the coming weeks.
tions Manager at the Oberlin Heritage Center, entitled “Caring
for Your Family Photographs.” The event will be held at the Me- Bridging the distance on Mother’s Day
dina County District Library, 210 S. Broadway St., Medina. The
public is invited to attend the meeting and social time at 1:30. time zones can talk
Using examples from the Heritage Center, Maren will discuss through texting or the
how to identify and date photos and the safe storing and display- various social media
ing of aging photographs. There will be time for attendees to ask avenues available on
speci?c questions about their own photographs. Please note the computers, phones
meeting will be held on the ?rst instead of second Sunday of the and tablets. Video
month, due to Mother’s Day. apps like Skype and
FaceTime enable you
Women’s Golfers needed to video chat with
others in real time.
The Lorain County District Women’s Golf League welcomes Come Mother’s Day,
new members. They will be starting their 2017 season on Friday, connect with mom
Jason E. Davis May 5. They are a traveling league and play May through Sep- via such apps so you
-Complete Crane Service- tember. If you are interested and would like more information, can watch her open
please go to their website, up her gifts.
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” Reconnect with
Tree/Stump Removal RLCWA meeting home
If Mom is the one
Tree Trimming, Firewood The Rural Lorain County Water Authority, Policy Committee who ventured from
“FREE ESTIMATES” meeting will be on May 3, at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at home, help her to
Bonded & Insured the RLCWA of?ce, located at 42401 St. Rt. 303, in LaGrange. Explore the many ways to reconnect with reconnect with her
For more information, call Mr. Tim Mahoney, General Manager hometown or an-
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 at (800) 842-1339. Mom even if you live far apart.
Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
Oberlin serves in World War II
Premier Property Enhancement Many modern families are other place she feels
Tree Services & Landscaping Oberlin Heritage Center Trustee and community historian spread out across the country attached to. Ship her some fa-
Steve Johnson continues his discussion of World War II’s local if not the globe. Some peo- vorite regional foods that can
Tree Removal • Trimming & Pruning • Brush Chipping impact in a free public program on Tuesday, May 9, at 7:15 p.m. ple move away from family only be bought in town. Make
Land Clearing • Stump Grinding • Haul Away at Kendal at Oberlin’s Heiser Auditorium, 600 Kendal Drive. to further their careers, while a photo or video montage of
This is the second in a 2-part series on Oberlin townspeople’s others are called upon to care places of interest in town.
Firewood for Sale • Root Removal • 65’ Bucket Truck participation in the war. Johnson has done months of original for others. Children may sepa- These little touches of home
110’ Crane Truck • Skid-steer, Trucks & Trailers for Hire! research using newspaper archives, oral histories and other re- rate from their parents to wit- can mean the world to her.
sources. The program series is being sponsored by Northwest
LEGoSuwTFaeIrRMsaEtnAEPtTerEeicSde! 15% OFF Any Tree Savings Bank. ness new travel experiences. Create a special day
Removal Military service may call in- Even if you do not live
Johnson’s presentation focuses on Oberlinians’ service in the dividuals away from home as near your mother, you can still
One coupon per customer. Coupon must be military - on the frontlines as pilots, infantrymen and medical well. plan a fun day for her in her
presented at time of estimate. personnel, as well as behind-the-scenes in research, intelligence Distance can make it chal- town. Make reservations for a
and logistics. The program also includes a special salute to those
440-334-0578Call or Fully Licensed who lost their lives in the war. lenging to spend time together spa, hair salon or other sources
& Insured for major holidays and other of pampering and surprise her
Text! Stephen Johnson III is a graduate of Eastern Kentucky Uni-
versity, receiving both Bachelor and Master of Music Education
degrees. He was a band director for 29 years (25 of them in the special occasions - like Moth- with all the details.
Oberlin schools) prior to retiring from active teaching in 2002. er’s Day. But Mother’s Day Treat her to the ultimate
WATERPROOFING He served in the armed forces as a member of the U.S. Army’s can still be special even if surprise
101st Airborne Division Association and has been a long-time Mom lives hundreds or thou- If possible, make a sur-
student of World War II history. Johnson also has been a Trustee sands of miles away. prise visit this Mother’s Day.
of the Oberlin Heritage Center since 2011. Coordinate the plan with your
Embrace technology
For more information about the Oberlin Heritage Center Technology helps break father or another relative and
and its calendar of guided tours and community programs, visit down some of the barriers cre- then enjoy seeing her eyes or call (440) 774-1700. ated by distance. While phone light up when you arrive.
calls were once the way to With a little creativity,
keep in touch, many people even families separated by ge-
now utilize various forms of ography can share the magic
POLYURETHANE CRACK INJECTION digital communication. Some- of Mother’s Day together.
one who lives across different


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Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 1, 2017



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