TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
Volume 61, No. 18 Columbia Station, Ohio November 2, 2015
Keystone High School Senior Tori Farley (center) volunteers in Mrs. Terranova’s kindergarten class.
seniors participated in a
L-R: Lauren Paul, Mrs. Dunn and Molly Thompson program called Senior so excited to come to to impress with their work. ture senior classes for
Give Back, where they school and watching them They frequently ask if a many years to come. “The
On Wednesday, October 21, Lauren Paul and Molly voluntarily lend their time grow is an awesome expe- ‘high schooler’ is coming young wildcats know
Thompson visited Columbia Middle School girls in in middle and elemen- rience.” in that day. Seniors pro- beyond a doubt that big
grades 5-8. They both spoke about their experiences be- tary school classrooms in vide extra one-on-one at- wildcats care and want
ing the target of girl-against-girl crime in their schools the district. The seniors Third grade teacher tention to students who them to do their best.”
while growing up, and their determination to do some- provide the students with Mr. Nacarato states how need extra support.”
thing about it as adults. Their non-pro?t organization, one-on-one tutoring and his students are affected. (Story by Michela
the Kind Campaign, was started to not only follow their aide to the teachers. “The students have some- Mrs. Gibson plans to Provagna)
dreams, but to bring solutions to girls across the country one besides their teacher do this program with fu-
through their school assemblies. Senior Class Advisor,
Mrs. Gibson, expresses
SEE KIND ON PAGE 5 her delight towards the
program’s success. “This
November 3 is Election Day and I want to remind Ohioans is the best outcome I could
of a new resource to help them with their choice for judge, hope for.” She adds, “My
knowing that information is important because Ohio voters in children were my inspira-
29 counties will decide 56 judgeships on Nov. 3. tion behind this because
every time we come to a is a nonpartisan website that fea- Keystone event, they are
tures biographies of the municipal court candidates running mesmerized by the high
for judge and all the judicial races on the ballot statewide. school students.”
In addition to candidate bios, the website includes descrip- Senior Sydney Gale
tions about what judges do and the duties of different courts discusses what she has no-
and videos about how Ohio’s court system works. Candidates ticed in the classroom. “I
were also asked to explain their quali?cations and their rea- love the enthusiasm at this
sons for running for judge. level of learning. They’re
The website was launched in September after a 2014 sur- Cameron Vance and Natalie Schank. The Secretary of State’s of?ce will provide election results
vey found most Ohio voters don’t vote for judicial candidates for the November 3 General Election, that will be available
because they don’t know enough about the candidates. Eighth graders Natalie Schank and Cameron Vance re- on Election Night on the following issues:
cently shared their success as seventh graders at the Young
Judicial Votes Count is a collaboration among the Ohio Authors competition with Keystone Board of Education • State Issue 1: Creates a bipartisan, public process for
State Bar Association, the League of Women Voters of Ohio, members. In its 34th year, the competition, sponsored by the drawing legislative districts
the Bliss Institute for Applied Politics at the University of Ak- Educational Service Center of Lorain County, hosts student
ron, the Ohio Newspaper Association, the Ohio Association authors in grades 4-8. All students involved are required to • State Issue 2: Anti-monopoly amendment; protects the
of Broadcasters and me. write and illustrate their own book. District teachers evalu- initiative process from being used for personal economic ben-
ate the books and choose which students will attend the con- e?t
I urge all voters to go to to become ference.
better educated about who’s on the ballot in order to cast an • State Issue 3: Grants a monopoly for the commercial pro-
informed vote for judge. Earning the 2015 Writer Award, Natalie’s book, Crea- duction and sale of marijuana for recreational and medicinal
tures in the Night, focused on a young female protagonist purposes
Sincerely, who lived in an orphanage where supernatural creatures
Maureen O’Connor, Chief Justice thrived. Results for all other races and issues must be obtained
through the county boards of elections.
Earning the 2015 Illustrator Award, Cameron Vance’s
book, Broken, was entered into the competition for its artis- The results for the state issues will be available via their
tic excellence. Cameron’s story was about a young boy who election night reporting website
overcame tragedy and strife in his household.
Directive 2015-19 outlines the frequency by which coun-
ties must report results. The largest counties will report re-
sults every 15 minutes, the next group every half-hour and the
remaining counties every hour. A complete list is detailed in
the directive, which is available at:
All results posted on the Secretary of State’s website and
available through county board of elections on Election Night
are unof?cial. Ohio’s 88 county boards of elections must
complete their of?cial canvass no later than November 24,
It is also important to note that any results appearing on
the website prior to the close of the polls on Election Day at
7:30 p.m. are mock results.
Community Directory Carlisle............ 8 Grafton............ 16 N. Ridgeville..... 19 PROFILE............ 7
Columbia.......... 2 Grafton Twp..... 18 Wellington.........10 LETS EAT.......... 9
Eaton............... 12 LaGrange......... 14 Churches............6 SENIOR LIVING..15
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Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Columbia K-8 Lunch menu playoffs, they are currently number one. There is only one
regular season game left at Oberlin on October 30, at 7 p.m.
WEEKLY CALENDAR Week of November 9-13: Then, it is off to the playoffs for the 5th time in 6 seasons. If
Monday, November 2: Monday: Breakfast - pancakes; Lunch - Choice of chicken we hold our position, a home playoff game will take place on
Columbia Board of Trustees will meet tonight at the town tenders, popcorn chicken salad, ham and cheese sub and broc- Saturday, November 7, at 7 p.m. We will have updated infor-
hall at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. coli. mation on our website.
Tuesday: Breakfast - breakfast pizza; Lunch - Choice of
Tuesday, November 3: grilled cheese, popcorn chicken salad, ham and cheese sub We ask that the community show support for our teams.
ELECTION DAY - polls are open today from 6:30 a.m.- and carrots. Let’s decorate the community in green and white! Congratu-
7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Breakfast - pancake on a stick; Lunch - lations to the teams and coaches!
Columbia United Methodist Church will be serving Soup- Choice of Raider chicken bowl, popcorn chicken salad, ham
n-Things at the church today from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Carry-out and cheese sub and corn. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our
is available. Thursday: Breakfast - Dutch waf?es w/fruit; Lunch - student athletes, coaches, band and cheerleaders for a suc-
Wednesday, November 4: Choice of turkey hot dog, popcorn chicken salad, ham and cessful fall sports season. Your hard work and dedication are
Columbia Reservation will be taking a “Fall Trails” hike cheese sub and green beans. evident in the classroom, on the ?eld, court and sidelines. It
today from 11a.m.-12 p.m. at the park. Bring your camera to Friday: Breakfast - French toast; Lunch - Choice of pizza, takes a great deal of effort to be successful. CLSD is very
take pictures of the beautiful colors in the park. popcorn chicken salad, ham and cheese sub and mixed veg- proud of you all!
Thursday, November 5: etables.
Columbia Zoning Committee will meet tonight at 6 p.m. at Assorted vegetable and fruit bar will be available on a We are always looking to improve the quality of the school
the town hall. The public is welcome to attend. daily basis. district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion,
question or comment, please feel free to call me at (440) 236-
CHS Weekly Calendar Columbia Schools 5008 or email [email protected]. GO RAID-
Superintendent Graig Bansek ERS!
Tuesday, November 3:
4 p.m. Academic Challenge v. Oberlin. Tuesday, November 3, is Election Day. It is a very im- Election Day “Soup N’ Things”
6:30 p.m. Band Booster meeting - Music room. portant day for Columbia Local Schools. Issue #20 will be
Thursday, November 5: on the ballot for RENEWAL. Issue #20 is a 3.13 mill levy It’s time again for the annual Election Day Soup N’Things
3-8:45 p.m. Parent Teacher Conferences. for current operating expenses. If passed, there will be no ad- at Columbia United Methodist Church. Come enjoy lunch or
7 p.m. Columbia Athletic Booster meeting - library. ditional taxes. These funds support every program in CLSD dinner after you vote! There will be a variety of homemade
Friday, November 6: and pays for the costs associated with running our day to day soups, sandwiches, salads and beverages, along with des-
No School operations of the district. Last May this same RENEWAL lost serts. Soup N’ Things will be serving on Tuesday, November
by four votes. If you have any questions regarding this levy 3, from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Carry-out orders will also be avail-
Columbia Historical Society please contact me. Please make it a point to visit the polls on able. The church is located at 25453 Royalton Rd., in Colum-
Tuesday. Thank you for your continued support of CLSD! bia Station. The event is sponsored by the Columbia United
In honor of our veterans and soldiers, the November 10 Methodist Women. Be sure to stop by.
meeting brings Ralph P?ngston, who will speak about the Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, No-
Ravenna Arsenal, Ohio’s contribution to winning WW II. vember 5. If you would like to speak to your son’s or daugh- Food Pantry
From 1942-1945, workers produced more weapons for the ter’s teacher, please contact the school in which they attend.
war effort than any other in the United States - more than There will be no school for students and staff on Friday, No- The November food distribution at St. Elizabeth Ann Se-
14,000 Ohioans found employment here. vember 6. ton Church will be on Monday, November 2, from 4-5:30
p.m. The church is located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Co-
Social time is at 7 p.m. and the program is at 7:30 p.m. The 2015 Raider boys soccer team will play in the district lumbia Township. The food, from the Second Harvest Food
The business meeting will follow. A nominating committee ?nal on Saturday, October 31, at 2 p.m. in Avon. They will Bank of North Central Ohio in Lorain, is available to resi-
for of?cers will be organized. They meet at the Town Hall, battle Independence for the district title and a chance to move dents of Columbia, Grafton and Eaton Township. Recipients
located at 25496 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. If you on to the regional tournament. These two teams tied 1-1 dur- must be eligible according to Ohio Job and Family Services
have a story to tell, come and share it. The public is welcome ing the regular season. The boys have battled the past two guidelines and bring proof of address, such as a current utility
to attend. games and overcome a lot of adversity. Let’s get out and sup- bill and a photo ID.
port Coach Proctor and the boys!
For more information, or to determine eligibility, phone
Our Raider football team continues to play well. Their the church of?ce at (440) 236-5095, Monday through Friday
overall record is 9-0. Last week they beat Fairview 49-7, between 9 a.m. and noon.
clinched at least a share of the Patriot Athletic Conference
Stripes Division and clinched a playoff berth. In the latest As- In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of
sociated Press poll, Columbia is ranked 2nd in the State of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrim-
Ohio in Division VI. In regards to the computer polls for the inating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Page 3
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Free Hot Meal & Food Pantry Wreaths Across America
Veteran’s Day Celebration On Saturday, November 7, a free hot meal will be served VFW Auxiliary Post #9340 (formerly The Ladies Auxil-
and a perishable foods pantry will be available at New Life iary) and the Civil Air Patrol Cuyahoga County Cadet Squad-
Come celebrate Veteran’s Day with Copopa Elementary Wesleyan Church from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. This is a monthly ron will be holding the “Wreaths Across America” Laying
as they honor the men and women that gave of themselves to event held the ?rst Saturday of every month. The meal and of Wreaths Ceremony on Veteran’s graves on Saturday, De-
make our nation great. They will have a breakfast from 9-9:45 food pantry (featuring fresh perishable foods) is available at cember 12, at noon. The ceremony will begin at the Veteran’s
a.m. in the library with a program afterwards from 10-10:30 no charge to all local residents. Memorial on Route 82, located between Columbia VFW Post
a.m. in the cafeteria. Please RSVP to (440) 236-5020 with #9340 and Columbia Park, with the laying of the wreaths to
how many will be attending. The church is located at 11149 West River Road, in Co- follow the ceremony at Columbia’s cemeteries. Wreaths can
lumbia Station. For more information, please contact Kathy still be purchased for this year until November 20.
Victorian Tea Party at (440) 840-2923 or Susan at (216) 906-5091.
For more information or to donate, visit the website at:
Janet Bryd displays some Victorian apparel at the tea CHS Winter Sports news For donations, use the group
held by the Columbia Historical Society at the Colum- code OH0033P or the location code of OHMCTC.
bia Town Hall on October 18. There will be a mandatory Winter Sports Parents meeting
on Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 6 p.m. in the High School cafeteria for All are welcome to come and help lay the wreaths on the
Chamber Meeting all parents of winter athletes. There will be a general session Veterans graves.
to go over rules and regulations from OHSAA and to pass out
All businesses welcome the parent student athletic handbook. Coaches of individual Columbia Library events
The next Columbia Chamber of Commerce member meet- teams will have an opportunity to meet with team parents in
ing will be a networking luncheon at Barbarino’s Restaurant designated areas immediately following the general meeting. Beaded Jewelry Craft - Make a unique beaded creation
on Wednesday, November 4, at 12 p.m. This invitation is on Wednesday, Nov. 4, at 6 p.m. Teens are welcome to come
extended to all local businesses, whether you’re a Chamber On Thursday, Nov. 12, all high school winter sports team/ create key chains, earrings, bracelets or necklaces. Pre-regis-
member or not. Take this opportunity to meet with other lo- individual pictures will be taken at Columbia High School. tration is required.
cal business owners to support the “Buy Local” campaign. All participants should receive order information and the
Barbarino’s is located at 23871 Sprague Road, in Columbia time schedule for team/group and individual pictures from Columbia Crafting Circle - Come on Saturday, Nov. 7,
Station. The event is free to Chamber Members and $10 to their coaches/advisors. Continuing this year, we will be tak- anytime from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Bring a project to
non-members. For more information, please call Nikki at ing an all-senior picture at 3:35 p.m. This photo is available work on: knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, quilting, and
(440) 236-9053 or email [email protected]. to purchase through Lifetouch Photography. Please direct any hang out with other crafters. The library will provide the
questions to your child’s respective coach/advisor. meeting space. Pre-registration is required.
Letters to the Editor Powerpoint For Beginners - Create a dynamic comput-
er-generated presentation on Saturday, Nov. 7, at 10:30 a.m.
To the Editor: This class will teach participants how to use Microsoft Pow-
Before election day, read your real estate tax bill. Tax dis- erPoint. Learn how to include charts, clip art and other graph-
tribution: County, Township, JVS School, City, Misc./Health, ics in slides, as well as how to animate and transition between
Special Gen. Fund, Bond Retire, MetPark, Child Serv., them. Please be comfortable using a mouse before attending
LCCC, 911, LCDD, T. B. Clinic, Mental Health, Anti-Drug, this program. Pre-registration is required.
LJS, and you can add on sewers coming to Columbia. Look
at the $100,684.25 the Fire Department brought in up to Sep- Job Skills – Resumes - Learn what is important to today’s
tember for transport billing. Be smarter on election day. employers. Don’t miss this event on Monday, Nov. 9, at 3:30
Harry Mociolek, Columbia Station p.m. if you are looking for a job or want to update your resume
and job search skills. You’ll learn how to get your foot in the
To the Editor: door with a resume that showcases your skills and tells the
When seconds count, Columbia Fire Department has al- employer how you can bene?t their company. Also mark your
ways been there. They support us and our town and now we calendars for Job Skills – Interviewing on Monday, Nov. 16,
need to support them! This November 3, there is a operational at 3:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required for both programs.
levy (Issue 9) for our ?re department and emergency medical
services and I encourage you to VOTE YES. File Management - Learn how to manage ?les and folders
Columbia Township Fire Department has 34 members on your computer aon Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 6:30 p.m. This be-
consisting of Paramedics, Intermediate EMTs and Basic ginners guide to ?le management will include assorted Win-
EMTs. The department also has members on the Lorain dows skills. Pre-registration is required.
County Hazmat Team, the Lorain County Dive Team, the Lo-
rain County Fire Investigation Team and the Lorain County Cinderella Around The World - Hear different versions of
Bomb Team. All of its members train weekly on ?re and/or the tale of Cinderella on Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 6 p.m. This
rescue areas and they are always there to give talks to our program for children ages 4-7 includes games and a craft.
students from Pre-School age all the way up to High School. Pre-registration is required.
As a department, they respond to approximately 800 emer-
gencies per year and thankfully, our ?re station is manned Crafternoon – Ornamental Pumpkin - Come to the li-
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.This means the approximate brary on Thursday, Nov. 12, at 2 p.m. for an afternoon of craft-
response time for them to arrive at your home is 5 minutes… ing fun for adults. Create an ornamental pumpkin using book
and in an emergency situation, every second counts. pages and canning jar rings. Pre-registration is required.
The income received from this levy goes directly to the
Your Auto or Serving operation of the ?re department and emergency medical ser- THE BEST PRICES ON
Light Truck Columbia vices. As a township, we have supported our emergency
Full Service Station for services in the past years and I encourage you to show your
more than continued support by casting a YES vote on Issue #9 on No-
Center 31 years. vember 3.
Mandie Andrews, Columbia Station
To the Editor:
24497 Sprague Rd., Thanks to our Trustees and their latest revelations about SALE PRICED
Columbia Station, Ohio our township’s out of control growth, a NO vote on the school
and ?re levies was an easy conclusion this time. A real no- 60$ W/FREE
440-235-6642 brainer. If we are facing $780 per year for septic tank inspec- BOOT OIL
tions, you better start putting money in the piggy bank, as- Full Line of Steel-Toe & Non Steel-Toe
Get Ready for Winter! suming you have any extra money to ?ush down the toilet. KET
Will Mr. Heidecker please explain a yearly fee of $780 for a CASH • CHECK • PLASTIC
septic tank inspection, unless a trip to the Bahamas is includ-
ed? Also included in the article was the fact that local resi- 16901 St. Rt. 58, Oberlin, OH • 440-774-4419 • Mon.-Sat. 10am-5pm
dents love our rural atmosphere, as do I, so why did Wayne
OIL & FILTER CHANGE 10% Brassell say that we can have 1000 new homes off Snell, Red-
& TIRE ROTATION DISCOUNT fern and 252 alone? Doesn’t bring “country” to mind. Sounds
like those land grabbing developers, backed by their cronies
29$ 95+tax ON ANY SERVICE in Columbus, are going to do whatever they want. Our Trust-
OVER $100 ees had better concentrate on negotiating better septic tank
Up to 5 qts. of oil. Excludes syn- inspection fees with the EPA instead.
thetic & diesel. Must have coupon. Not valid with any other offers. H. Sigmund, Columbia Station
Expires 12/31/15
Expires 12/31/15
$5.00 OFF
LOWEST PRICE African Library fund-raiser 34205 Lorain Road
IN TOWN ON USA North Ridgeville
Alyssa Wood, a local Girl Scout will be holding a fund-
MADE COOPER raiser Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, November 15, at the Co- 440-327-6242
TIRES lumbia Station VFW on route 82. The fund-raiser will be held
from 12-6 p.m. The menu includes spaghetti with or without
WE RENT U-HAUL TRUCKS meat sauce, tossed salad and a roll with butter. The cost is Mon & Thurs 10-8; Tues, Wed,
$10 for adults and $6 for children. Tickets may be bought in Fri 10-6; Sat 10-5; Closed Sun
advance. or take outs are available. This fundraiser is to fund
a library in Sierra Leone, Africa. Books were collected from
Alyssa Wood to start a library for her Girl Scout Gold Award.
This fund-raiser helps with the cost of shipping the books
to Africa. Your help is vastly appreciated from both Alyssa
Wood and the community of Sierra Leone. For advance tick-
ets, call Alyssa at (440) 236-6022.
Book Buzz - Attention booklovers! Want to learn about RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Page 5
future best-sellers before they become best-sellers? How
about a chance to read books before they are published? A CMS CC Team Pac 10 Champions CMS/CHS
Penguin Random House representative will present the buzz Parent/Teacher
about forthcoming books and give readers the inside scoop Conferences
on Monday, Nov. 16, at 5:30 p.m. Advanced Readers Copies,
book catalogs and tote bags will be available for attendees. Parent/Teacher confer-
Pre-registration is required. ences will be held Thurs-
day, November 5. Confer-
Teen Book Discussion - Get ready for an upcoming book ences at the Middle School
discussion for teens on Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 6 p.m. Copies will be held 3:30-9 p.m. If
of Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell are available at the library. you would like to schedule
Teens in sixth through 12th grade are welcome to sit in and a conference, please call
speak out on this month’s title. Pre-registration is required. Mrs. Bowes at the Middle
School at 236-5741. Con-
More information and registration for programs is avail- ferences at the High School
able online at or by calling the Co- will be from 3-8:30 p.m. If
lumbia Library at (440) 236-8751. The Columbia Library is you would like to schedule a
located at 13824 W. River Road, North. conference, please call Mrs.
Hechko at the High School
The girls were able to watch the documentary ?lm “Find-
There will be no school
ing Kind,” created by Lauren and Molly, which depicts a on Friday, November 6.
cross-country trip undertaken by the girls with their moms.
They spoke to girls and women across the country about girls Zero Proof
being vicious toward one another and the effects on women Mix-Off
of all ages. It was an inspiring ?lm that outlined how pain can
last for many years and the powerful healing that can take (L-R) Front row: Coach Hershey, Jared Swartz, Averey Lavinder, Karlie Smick and The 14th Annual Zero-
place with a heartfelt apology. The girls were then instructed Hope Swartz. Back row: Coleman Isner, Matt Pettegrew and Sergio Garibotti. Proof Mix-Off is just around
to create a “Kind Pledge” to be kinder to everyone, and they the corner! Mark your cal-
wrote a “Kind Apology” to another student they may have On Saturday, October 17, the CMS Cross Country Team ran at the PAC 10 Cham- endar for December 3, from
hurt, to be given to the student after the assembly. They ?n- pionships. Bringing home a 1st place and a 2-mile course record was Matt Pettegrew 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Lorain
ished up with girls writing on the “Kind Wall,” written prom- with a time of 10:56, which is also a new CMS record. Beating their personal best County Community College’s
ises to keep being kind to others and try to stop the mean were teammates Jared Swartz and Coleman Isner. Bringing it home strong was Ser- Spitzer Conference Center.
things we do and say. gio Garibotti. Karlie Smick placed 6th with a new CMS record and personal best of
13:21. Averey Lavinder and Hope Swartz also brought home their personal best. The Lorain County Safe
Lauren and Molly were amazing speakers and we are so Community Coalition has
fortunate to be a part of their tour. They receive hundreds of Congratulations to all! asked local agencies, busi-
submissions per year from schools all over the country ask- nesses and clubs to enter the
ing them to conduct assemblies. The two hour, free assem- Strongsville Historical Society program Mix-Off competition and
bly was won in a drawing by the school counselor at CMS, whip-up a non-alcoholic drink
Mrs. Susie Dunn, as a promotion to both showcase Kind Strongsville Historical Society presents “An Evening with Mary Todd Lincoln” on Tues- to increase awareness of the
Campaign’s documentary ?lm “Finding Kind” and to pro- day, November 17, at 7 p.m. in the Great Room of the Lathrop House in the Strongsville importance of offering zero-
mote kindness among middle school girls. Kind Campaign is Historic Village, 13305 Pearl Rd., in Strongsville. Marion King will portray Mrs. Lincoln in proof drink options to holiday
an internationally recognized movement, documentary, and the ?nal program ending the Society’s 150th commemoration of the Civil War Era. Come and guests!
school program based upon the powerful belief in KINDness listen to what Mrs. Lincoln has to say about being First Lady and clear up some of the misun-
that can bring awareness and healing to the negative and last- derstandings for which she has been known. This is a free event. For more information,
ing effects of girl-against-girl “crime.” Visit their website at contact the Lorain County for further information. For more information, call (440) 572-0057 or visit online at www.strongsvillehistoricalso- General Health District at 440-322-6367 or visit Lorain-
Thank you, Lauren and Molly! We won’t forget to be For more
kind! tips on how to keep healthy,
follow us on Twitter @Lo-
rainCoHealth and join us on
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Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015
The Rural-Urban Record COLUMBIA UNITED NORTH “Welcome Home” TRINITY
Published Weekly on Monday CHURCH CHRISTIAN New Life Wesleyan Church LUTHERAN CHURCH
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter Worship Service 11149 West River Rd, 38307 W. Royalton Rd,
Founders 1955 10:30 a.m. (Disciples) Columbia Station Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57)
Lee Boise, Publisher & President Sunday School Rt. 82 & 83 Adult Bible Study
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 Bible Study, Adults/Young Adults Sunday 9:30am
during Worship Service 440-748-2230 SUNDAY 10 AM Sunday Worship 10:30am
Mailing Address: Children’s Sunday School
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 25453 ROYALTON ROAD Worship & Children’s Church 10:30am during Worship
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM Church ph: 440-748-2154
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 Worship Services Adult Study, Women’s Study, Preschool ph: 440-748-3445
Pastor Matt Merriman
Email: [email protected] 236-8822 8:00am & 9:30am Teens, Kids Club Rev. John Ramsey II
Website: Rev. Jim Carder,
[email protected] Sunday School United Church of God
DEADLINE: Senior Pastor 12981 Grafton Rd.
News articles & all ads - Wednesday by 12pm 10:45am Rev. Steven Spaeth, Grafton, Oh 44044
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs., 9am-4pm Polly Tallos Associate Pastor Sabbath Services
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year 440-236-8600 Saturdays at 12:30 pm
Christian Ed. & Youth Director
Rev. Charles A. Butcher
Our Lady Queen of Peace St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church St. Elizabeth
Catholic Church Ann Seton
All are welcome at
Catholic Parish
God’s Table.
25801 Royalton Rd.
Sunday Worship Schedule Columbia Station, OH
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Weekend Masses Weekday 8:30 am Quiet Communion Service
GRAFTON UNITED Sat. 4:30pm Mass 9:30 am Christian Education for all ages Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Sun. 8:30 & 8:00am 10:30 am Communion Service with Music Anytime by Appointment
11:00am Mon.-Tues. Children’s sermon at both services Weekend Masses
Confession: Thurs.-Fri. Sat. 5 p.m.
300 3rd Street, Elyria, Ohio
Sat. 3:30- (440) 322-2126 Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
4:00pm 440-236-5095
Like us on Facebook
METHODIST CHURCH ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~ Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector
Retirement Celebration
973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
“We Celebrate Children” Saint Patrick Church, located at 512 North Main Street,
in Wellington, is hosting an Appreciation Dinner in honor
8:45am Sunday School Free Thanksgiving Dinner of Wellington Mayor Barb O’Keefe on her upcoming retire-
10:00am Worship ment. Help celebrate Barb O’Keefe for service to the com-
munity on Saturday, December 5, in the St. Patrick Church
10:35am Children’s Church Hall. Hors d’oeuvres will be served at 6 p.m. and dinner
will be at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $12/adults and $5/children age
Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor A free meal for the elderly, shut-ins and those in need 12 and under. Tickets are available at Village Market, at the
Saint Patrick Parish of?ce and after Mass on weekends.
in Olmsted Falls, Olmsted Township and Berea will be of-
Swiss Steak Dinner
Kielbasa Dinner fered on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26, from
12-6 p.m. at Olmsted Community Church, located at 7853 The Brighton United Methodist Church, located on the
Main Street, in Olmsted Falls. For meal delivery call: (440) corner of Rts. 18 and 511, is having a Swiss Steak Dinner
on Tuesday, November 3, from 5-8 p.m. Cost is $14 for
The Holy Name Society of Our Lady Queen of Peace 454-0629. Donations can be sent to: Free Thanksgiving adults and carry-out meals, $7 for children 4-12 and free
is sponsoring their annual Kielbasa Dinner on Saturday, Dinner 17817 Larchwood Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44135 for children under 4.
November 7, from 5:30-8 p.m. in the parish hall, 702 Erie Chamber Music
Street, in Grafton. Entrance tickets are $1 and include door Christopher Milo at St. Paul The Rocky River Chamber Music Society presents
prize drawings. First prize is $500 and second prize is $200. Cuarteto Quiroga, a vibrant string quartet from Spain, on
Monday, November 16, at 7:30 p.m., at the West Shore
Dinner is $7 and features all-you-can-eat kielbasa, sauer- Come enjoy an evening of celebration at a Christmas Unitarian Universalist Church, located at 20401 Hilliard
kraut, mashed potatoes and roll and butter. There will be Tea on December 1, at 7 p. m. Christopher Milo, an inter- Blvd., in Rocky River. The Quartet will perform works by
a cash bar, raf?es and instant Bingos throughout the eve- nationally recognized concert pianist, will inspire all with Mozart, Webern and Brahms. There is no admission charge
ning. Christmas music followed by fellowship and refreshments. and all are welcome. For more information, call (440) 333-
4296, follow them on Facebook or Twitter, or visit their
Spaghetti Dinner Admission is free. A freewill offering will be taken to sup- new website, at
port a Leadership, Anti-Bully and Suicide Solution Pro-
Compassionate Friends
The Belden United Methodist Church will be holding gram taken into schools. St Paul Lutheran Church is located
a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, November 14, from 5-7 at 1377 Lester Rd., in Valley City. For more information, A bereavement group for parents, grandparents and sib-
p.m. The menu includes spaghetti, meatballs, tossed salad, call (330) 483-3883. lings who have experienced the loss of a child, Compas-
sionate Friends, is establishing a charter in Lorain County
bread, dessert and beverages. The cost is $8 for adults, $4 Nut & Poppy Seed Rolls for all the surrounding areas. They meet at the parish hall of
for children 6-12 and free for ages 5 and under. Reserva- Our Lady Queen of Peace, in Grafton, every fourth Mon-
day of the month at 7 p.m. If you or someone you know
tions are preferred, but not required. For tickets, contact the has experienced the loss of a child, this group is a support-
ive safe place to be surrounded by people who know and
church at (440) 926-2209 or any member of the congrega- St. Vincent de Paul Altar & Rosary Society is taking or- care. For more information contact Terri Zunis at 216-469-
tion. Take-outs will be available. The church is located at ders for nut and poppy seed rolls until November 29. Call 5311or log on to Facebook: TCFLo-
36130 St. Rt. 303, 1/8th mile west of St. Rt. 83. (440) 324-3090 or (440) 324-2622 in Elyria, or (440) 282- rainCounty.
UMW Fall Harvest/Dinner 8255 in Lorain. Rolls are $10 each and can be picked up Moms in Prayer International
Friday and Saturday, December 11 and 12, from noon to
The Moms in Prayer International group meets every
6 p.m. at 41295 North Ridge Rd., Elyria, in the social hall Wednesday, from 9-9:30 a.m. at North Eaton Christian
Church, located at 35895 Royalton Rd. They pray for the
United Methodist Church of Berea, located at 170 Semi- below the church. Elevator accessible. No Sunday pick up. schools, teachers, students, etc. Some things may seem out
of control in our lives, but prayer does work and helps us to
nary St., in Berea, is having their Fall Harvest Event and know we are not alone in any situation. All are welcome to
stop by and see what the prayer sessions are all about.
Dinner on November 13, from 3-7 p.m. and November 14,
Spaghetti Dinner/Silent Auctionfrom 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. The price to attend is $1, or a canned 2089 Columbia Road
item for the food bank. For more information, call (440) Valley City, OH 44280
234-3525 or visit New Life Wesleyan Church invites you to its annual 330-483-3300
GriefShare - Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, Novem- “Understanding When
Surviving the Holidays ber 14, in the Ministry Center at 11149 West River Road, Needed Most”
in Columbia Station.
The church holds this dinner and silent auction each fall
Pre-Need Planning Available
to raise funds for community outreach.
No matter how long it’s been since your loved one died, The dinner and auction start at 5:30 p.m., with the auc-
grief can make the holidays a painful time. But there’s hope. tion running until 7 p.m. Advance tickets are $6 for adults
Join this group for an encouraging 5-week session that will and $3 for children 3-12. Tickets at the door are $8 for
help you survive the holidays and discover new reasons to adults and $4 for children 3-12. Children 2 and under are
enjoy them again. free. Advance tickets can be purchased by calling Mary at
The sessions will be held at Christ Church on Tuesdays (440) 823-6321 or Susan at (216) 906-5091 and picked up
at 7 p.m., beginning November 10. Christ Church is locat- at the door the night of the dinner.
ed at 23080 Royalton Rd., in Columbia Station. Call (440) Soup Sale
236-8282 for details.
Laubenthal Funeral The Litch?eld UCC Ladies Benevolent Society is hav-
Services ing their Beef Vegetable Soup Sale on Wednesday, No-
vember 18. Cost is $6/quart. Call (330) 723-3051 to or-
Offering Forethought der.
Funeral Pre-Planning
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 FAMILY FUNERAL HOME
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Page 7
Professional Profile
BURNETT’S Saturday, November 7th
SEPTIC SERVICES Tarot Readings by Appointment
Stinkin’ Business” INSURED
$40 starting at
440-355-5526 AERATOR MOTORS
800-511-3419 REPAIRED Please allow 30 minutes for your reading. By appointment only. $45 (for 1-hour session)
FAX 440-355-6170 120 Commerce Dr. Appointment times begin at 4 p.m. on Saturday, November 7th
LaGrange, Ohio 44050 Please set up your appointment with Shawn
at Shamrock & Rose via phone or email.
Shamrock & Rose • 25576 Mill Street
Olmsted Falls • 1-855-969-LUCK
[email protected]
Handcrafted Jewelry from from SHOP Buying, Selling, Trading
Asheville, North Carolina $15-$35 WE CUSTOM PAINT FURNITURE All U.S./Foreign Coins
(OUR PIECE OR YOURS) ALSO SELL Over 25 Shops in 1 Old Gold - Jewelry/Watches
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ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE 36040 Rt. 82 (W. of Rt. 83) on Rt. 82, just west of Rt. 83
PAINT AND PAINTING CLASSES 440-731-0441 / Visit us on Facebook Hours: Wed.-Sun. 11 am-5 pm
Accepts Donations of
WWW.CATSJAZZYJUNK.COM furniture & household Richard A. Bell
280 COLUMBIA RD, VALLEY CITY 1-520-405-4956
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SURMHFW 440-926-0500 |
-Products Rings, Necklaces, Watches, Clocks
Services - Jewelry, Clock and Watch Repair
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954 Main Street - Downtown Grafton
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Heating - Air Conditioning - Air Cleaners - Humidi?ers Tues, Wed, Fri 9 - 5pm; Thurs 9 - 6pm; Sat. 9 - 1pm; Closed Sun & Mon
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27495 Sprague Rd, Columbia St, OH 44028
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 The registration fee for all programs of $45 must be paid Fleet Hometown news
at the Parks main of?ce, 131 Court St. (City Hall), by Friday,
November 13. Volunteer coaches are needed. For more infor-
mation call (440) 326-1500. Air Force National Guard
Airman 1st Class Lukas
[email protected] Letters to the Editor Fischer graduated from ba-
sic military training at Joint
Community Work Day Base San Antonio-Lackland,
in San Antonio, Texas.
First Baptist Christian School of Carlisle Township is plan- To the Editor: To the Editor: The airman completed an
ning a Community Work Day on November 6. Students will Jared Smith’s Fresh Per- I wish Carlisle Township
be working around the homes of elderly and disabled resi- spective Will Bene?t Carl- residents would wake up, intensive, 8-week program
dents of greater Lorain County. If you are, or someone you isle Township! take an interest in what goes that included training in
know is, in need of help winterizing your home by washing On November 3, I plan to on in the Township, and get military discipline and stud-
windows, cleaning gutters, or raking leaves, please call the cast my vote for Jared Smith out and vote for a change. ies, Air Force core values,
school of?ce at (440) 458-5185 to arrange for some help. for Township Trustee. Jerry The last thing we need is a physical ?tness and basic
and his family have been new Trustee with a history warfare principles and skills.
Free Spaghetti Dinner township residents for 25+ of ties or employment with Airmen who complete basic
for Veterans & guests years. He will bring a strong the Township. Do we really training earn four credits to- Lukas Fischer
educational background, ex- need more of the same? East ward an associate in applied Fischer is the son of Dan
Home Front Moms will be serving all Veterans and their perience in small business, Carlisle school building pur- science degree through the and Teresa Fischer of Avon
guests a free Spaghetti Dinner on Wednesday, November 11, multiple county sectors and chase? Ask a Trustee what Community College of the Lake. He is a 2015 graduate
from 5:30-9 p.m. strong leadership skill set to it’s costing taxpayers for a Air Force. of Avon Lake High School.
Dinner will consist of spaghetti and meat sauce or meat- our community. His ability building that can’t be used,
balls, a tossed salad, applesauce, dinner roll, coffee or tea and to “think outside the box” they can’t ?nd a buyer for
a dessert. There will be a cash bar for those that wish to have adds value to his vision and and is not being maintained.
cocktails. Dinner is being held at VFW Post #1079, 500 S. strategy for the future of Some day it will have to come
Abbe Rd., in Elyria. Carlisle Township. down with another hefty
Please join me in support price tag to the taxpayer. One
There will be a Veterans Program beginning at 5:30 p.m. of Jared “Jerry” Smith by Trustee will tell you that the
with an opening prayer by one of their own Blue Star Moth- casting your vote for him on building really cost us noth-
ers. There will be guest speakers and the VFW Post #1079 November 3. ing (250,000.), because it
Honor Guard will be presenting the Colors. The dinner will Mark J Lugas, Carlisle was purchased with earned
be served immediately at the close of the program. Township interest from the Township’s
more than 3 million in funds.
Seating is limited due to ?re regulation codes. Please call To the Editor: Huh? Give Jared Smith your
ahead with number attending and your last name to (440)865- The Carlisle Township vote for the good of the
9445. You may also sign up at the VFW Post #1079. Fire Department takes our Township. Fire levy? The
responsibility seriously. Our department’s boat coming
God Bless and thank you to all who have served our Coun- community is protected by unhitched and sailing across
try. dedicated and committed 301! Then the 3 stooges like
emergency service respond- behavior at the duck pond on
Youth Basketball Leagues ers who do their jobs when that same emergency call!
called upon at all hours of And to date, nobody held ac-
The Elyria Parks and Recreation Department is currently the day or night. Saving lives countable! Wow! My good-
accepting registration for its youth basketball leagues to begin and protecting property is ness, even the Fiscal Of?cer
December 5 with preseason practices. An 8-game schedule not an easy task. said the Fire Dept. does not
will begin the ?rst week of January and teams will practice Our ?re?ghters and ?rst use money allotted to them
one night during the week. In the program for boys and girls responders are looking to as it is. We have 2 levies for
currently enrolled in grades 3-6, divisions of play are: 3rd & our residents to continue this Dept. and they want to
4th grades and 5th & 6th grades. supporting Carlisle Town- increase your taxes. Really?
ship Fire Department by Not with my tax dollars and
The Junior High School Basketball League will also begin voting in support of Issue #8 hopefully not yours.
December 5 with preseason practices. An 8-game schedule on November 3. This is a re- Michael Hagan, Grafton
will begin the ?rst week of January on Thursday evenings; placement levy of 2.25 mills
teams will practice one night during the week. This program ($0.225 for each one hun-
is for boys currently enrolled in grades 7 and 8 who do not dred dollars of valuation) for
participate on their junior high school team. 5 years. This levy will fund
over half of the budget for
ELECT the Fire Department. We do
not take lightly asking for a
JARED SMITH modest increase in this levy.
FOR CARLISLE TOWNSHIP We have worked to acquire
TRUSTEE alternate funds. Since 2005,
• TRUSTED LEADERSHIP we have acquired grants to-
• COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY taling over $900,000 to fund
apparatus, equipment and Specializing in Home Improvements
• JOB DEVELOPMENT expenses. We make the most
of every dollar received, but
paid for by Smith for Carlisle Twp Trustee the expense of running an
effective Department contin-
ues to outstrip our budget.
As our community grows,
our emergency calls for help
increase. Today we respond
to far more than ?res and ve-
hicle accidents. We answer
Holiday calls for anything from haz- • General Contracting
Wagner’s Craft ardous materials incidents
of to recreational injuries to
Boutique industrial accidents. We are • Kitchens/Baths
Westlake using our funding to the best
extent possible. • Additions
Please vote YES on Is-
Saturday & Sunday Nov. 7th & 8th, 2015 sue #8 and allow the Carlisle • Buildings/Garages
Open to the public: 10:30am-3:30pm Township Fire Department
to “answer the call.” • Roofs
Where guests will find treasures for
holiday to everyday, vintage to present Sincerely, • Doors/Windows
Members of the Carlisle
Township Fire?ghter Asso-
ciation: Dave Keener, Randy
• Apparel • Artwork • Baked Goods • Candles • Floral Feakins and Kevin Dembiec, • Siding
• Gift items • Holiday Treasures • Home Decor Carlisle Township
• Jewelry • Ornaments • Vintage • Plumbing/Electrical
$5 Admission at the
door with a portion of
the proceeds to benefit
Hospice of the Western
30855 Center Ridge Rd 725 Sugar Lane, Elyria Oh 44035
Westlake, OH 44145
440-871-8800 440-365-0015
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Page 9
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Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Correction be cancelled and refunded, more information, contact
while the mini-tours take the Oberlin Heritage Center
In our Oct. 19 issue on the Wellington page, it was brought place rain or shine. For at (440)774-1700.
to our attention that the article about the Duke’s band senior,
Meghan McKnight stated that she was the president of the Fit Walks moves indoors
National Honor Society. Apparently, that was an error on the for the winter
part of the representative sending these articles to us. Meghan
is the Vice President and Andrew Rodriguez is the President.
Band Boosters Basket Bingo Sorry for the misrepresentation. Don’t let the cooler temperatures interfere with your stride!
Fit Walks continues through the winter months at three indoor
The Wellington Band Boosters’ Basket Bingo will be locations.
on Sunday, November 15, at 1 p.m. in the Wellington High Abbott seeks loving home -Mondays at 5:30 p.m. at the Oberlin Splash Zone, 95
School Cafeteria. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. The price is $20 West Hamilton Rd., in Oberlin
for 20 games. For tickets, call Gerry Askew at (440) 935- -Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Mercy Health and Recre-
5794. Abbott is a ation Center, 47160 Hollstein Dr., in Amherst (no walk on
really sweet se-
Wellington Literary Club nior. He was an Thursday, November 26)
injured stray but -Fridays at 5:30 p.m. at the French Creek Family YMCA,
The Wellington Literary Club will hold its guest night on 2010 Recreation Ln., in Avon (no walk on Friday, November
November 5, at 7 p.m. at Wellington Metro Park on Jones is declawed, so 27)
Rd. The program, honoring Nolan S. Church, Porter on the must have been a
Edmund Fitzgerald, will be presented by Carrie Sowden, Ar- pet at one time. It Gym facilities are also available for use at the Mercy Rec
cheological Director of the Research Center at Toledo, Ohio. looks like he had Center and at the French Creek Family YMCA during the des-
Please call Carol Pabst at (440) 647-0859 for a reservation. A ignated days and times. There is no cost to attend Fit Walks
$3 donation will be accepted at the door. an abscess from a and all levels are welcome. You can sign up on site! Join them
bite wound. The
Public Notice vet isn’t sure that to meet new people, win prizes and get ?t.
he will re-gain For more information on the Lorain County Fitness Walks,
The Zoning Commission of Wellington Township, Lorain you can contact the Lorain County General Health District at
County, Ohio, gives notice that a Public Hearing will be held use of his leg, but (440) 322-6367, visit, follow
on the 4th day of November, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. at the Town- Abbott doesn’t
ship Facility located at 105 Maple St., Wellington, Ohio, to seem to be in any on Twitter @LorainCoHealth or ?nd the Lorain County Gen-
consider the submitted proposed changes to the Zoning Reso- pain. He is fearful Abbott eral Health District on Facebook.
lution of cats, but likes p.m. on Tuesday & Thurs-
people. It would be so nice day; and from 11 a.m.-2:30 Free Family History Classes
By order of Wellington Township Zoning Commission - for Abbott to be adopted into p.m. on Sunday. Adoption
By Dr. Bill Spreng, Chairman a home where he can have fees are $10 for 1 year and The Medina County Genealogical Society will present
lots of love and attention. If older and $40 for less than 1 “Who Do You think You Will Find,” free family history class-
Dukes Marching Band you would like to give Ab- year old. All cats have been es that are intended to enhance the genealogical knowledge of
goes to State Finals bott a loving, forever home, spayed or neutered, vacci- new and more experienced researchers. The next class is on
please call the Friendship nated, dewormed and have Saturday, November 7, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (with a 2-hour
The Wellington High School Dukes Marching Band re- Animal Protective League tested negative for FeLV. lunch break) at the Medina County District Library, 210 S.
ceived a Superior rating at the Brunswick Sound Spectacular at (440) 322-4321. (www. Friendship APL is a private, Broadway, in Medina.
on October 24, which quali?es the group to the State March- non-pro?t humane society.
ing Band Finals! They depend on the gener- Since space is limited, registration is required. Persons
The shelter is located at osity and ?nancial support may register by sending an email to chapter@medinacoogs.
The Dukes performed their show titled: “Bring It Home,” 8303 Murray Ridge Road, of the public to serve the org and label the subject line as Genealogy Class. The email
which includes the following songs: “Al’s Rag Band,” “Fly in Elyria. Their hours are people and animals of Lo- should include the registrant’s name, telephone number and
Me to the Moon,” “Band Booster Boogie” and “Lock You from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on rain County. the date of attendance.
Up.” Monday, Friday & Sat-
urday; from 11 a.m.-6:30 The topics for November 7 is Military Records, What’s
The Dukes look forward to traveling back to Brunswick Their Story, DNA and Brick Wall Records.
for their chance at another Superior ranking at the state level More information is available from Pat Morgan, Chapter
on Saturday, November 7, at 12:45 p.m. Oberlin Heritage Center events President, at (330) 725-7540. The chapter’s website is www.
The band is under the direction of Mrs. Antoinette Novot-
ny, assisted by Mrs. Gayle Hughes and Percussion Advisor As part of Oberlin Col- combines Oberlin landmarks New research on
Mr. Rick Snodgrass. This is the band’s 10th consecutive trip lege’s Parents’ Weekend with stories of powerful 19th Underground Railroad
to state ?nals! activities, the Oberlin Heri- and 20th century women who
tage Center has expanded helped shape what it meant
Wellington Genealogy Group its guided tour schedule on to be a woman in Oberlin
Friday through Sunday, No- and in the United States. Of- The Oberlin Heritage know Oberlin history well
On Wednesday, November 4, the Wellington Genealogy vember 6-8. Out-of-town fered Saturday, November Center’s Executive Direc- may be surprised to ?nd out
Group will meet at 1 p.m. at the LCCC Wellington Center, visitors and residents of the 7 at 3 p.m. Pre-registration tor, Liz Schultz, and Board about Oberlin’s ?rst rescue
151 Commerce Drive, across from the Village Market gro- area are welcome to take part required as space is limited. member/docent Ron Gor-
cery store. in one or more of the follow- $6/adults and free for OHC man present Old Secrets/ RENT ME!
ing: members and any college New Stories of Oberlin’s
Their speaker for the meeting will be Betty Franklin, who students with current ID; free Underground Railroad on Pequea SL 10 Lime Spreader
will present a program on Family Search. Betty Franklin is a Freedom’s Friends His- to children accompanied by Wednesday, November 11, at KRYSTOWSKI
retired preschool special education teacher who loves helping tory Walk: This neighbor- an adult. Best suited for ages 7:15 p.m. in Kendal at Ober- TRACTOR
others research their families. She has a Bachelor of Science hood walking tour focuses 9 and above. History walk lin’s Heiser Auditorium, 600 WELLINGTON OH 44090
in Education Degree from Northern Illinois University and a on the historic decisions that begins at the ?agpoles on the Kendal Drive. Schultz and (440) 647-2015
Master’s Degree in curriculum and instruction from Cleve- shaped Oberlin’s growth as a southeast corner of Tappan Gorman share their research
land State University. She has worked in the Westlake Fam- station of the Underground Square, at the intersection of on Oberlin’s abolitionist his-
ily History Center for twenty years and loves seeing pedigree Railroad and highlights in- Main (SR 58) and College tory, the freedom seekers
charts and family group sheets grow. The public is welcome dividuals and events that Streets. who made their way to town
to attend. marked Oberlin as one of and beyond to Canada and
the most active stops on this Online registration may the community members
Wellington Township network to freedom. Offered be found at www.oberlin- who assisted these clandes-
Seasonal Part-Time Friday, November 6, at 3 or call tine, illegal activities along
p.m., Saturday, November 7, (440) 774-1700. In case of the way. Even those who
The Wellington Township Trustees are looking for at 11 a.m. and Sunday, No- rain, the history walks will
part-time snow plow drivers to perform duties of snow vember 8, at 11 a.m. Pre-reg-
removal as required. Pre-employment DOT regulations istration is required as space
covering alcohol and drug testing apply. Valid driver’s license is limited. $6/adults and free
and CDL – Class B required. This is a seasonal position from for OHC members and any
November to April. Must be available to work all shifts. Mail college students with cur-
rent ID; free to children ac-
resumes by November 1, 2015: companied by an adult. Best
suited for ages 9 and above.
Wellington Township History walk begins near the
LeRoy Brasee, Road Supervisor steps of The First Church of
P.O. Box 425, Wellington, OH 44090 Oberlin, U.C.C. at the inter-
section of Main (SR 58) and
Lorain Streets (SR 511).
Oberlin Origins/Sneak
Peek Tours: Guided 30-
minute tours of the ?rst ?oor
Hook’s Greenhouse NEWGift Shop of the 1866 Monroe House
with stories about the events
New, Used & Repurposed Furniture, Gifts & More! and individuals that shaped
Hours: Fri-Sun 12-5 Featured Designers: Oberlin’s ?rst 100 years.
Topics include Oberlin’s
• Vintage Christmas Hook’s Designs founding, coeducation and
• Wreaths Charlie’s Junk Shop abolition. Offered Saturday,
• Cookie Jars Granny Yarn Creations November 7, every half hour
• Pictures Garden Gals from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. $3/
• Rusty Metal and many more! adults and free for Oberlin
• Furniture Heritage Center members,
college students and chil-
• Planter Chairs 440-647-5480 dren. Walk-ins welcome.
• Milk Containers “One Step More” Ober-
• Old Clocks 50740 St. Rt. 18, lin Women’s History Walk:
• Glassware Wellington, OH 44090 Learn more about the local
• Crochet Items impact on women’s rights
• Baby Blankets Just 5 miles west through this guided neigh-
• Novelties: New & Old of Wellington borhood walking tour that
- 17 years before the well- period accounts from news- and open to the public. RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Page 11
known Oberlin-Wellington papers, autobiographies and For more information
Rescue! And who wouldn’t letters and shed more light Soccer Tournament winners
be curious to hear the long- on Oberlin’s unique and about this upcoming event or
forgotten story of one of powerful role in this national other activities of the Oberlin
early Oberlin’s most notori- movement. The 1-hour il- Heritage Center, visit www.
ous villains? These and other lustrated presentation is free or
new stories bring together call (440) 774-1700.
Cat gets a second “Chance”
Little “Chance” gets forever home. suffering with the arrow in Team members include, from (L-R) Back row: Leah Sielski, Elaina Sabol, Coach Dan Siel-
his back for what they be- ski, Ashleigh Walburn, Shalyn Ohnhaus and Abby Dress. Front row: Amari Bell and Sydney
On September 16, a good given the name “Chance” by lieve to be at least a couple Adtkinson.
samaritan came to the Cleve- APL staff, was also missing of weeks, if not more. When
land APL with a young, grey a back paw from an old in- he arrived at the Cleveland The Medina Classics Soccer 8U girls Green team, under the instruction of coach Dan Siel-
cat that had an arrow em- jury or birth defect. APL, Chance was immedi- ski and trainer Jason Bulan, went undefeated in the Ohio Travel Cup Tournament, held at ?eld
bedded in his back. The cat, ately treated and cared for locations in Wadsworth, Lodi and Seville the weekend of October 10-11.
Chance was in pain and by the APL’s veterinary team
and the arrow was surgically The Medina Classics Green Team played the Medina Classics Black in the Championship
removed from his body. He game, pulling out the win with a close score of 3-2.
also had to undergo a second
surgery to amputate his back
leg so he could get around
After spending time re-
cuperating in the home of a
loving APL foster care vol-
unteer, Chance was ?nally
ready to ?nd his happily ever
after. He did just that with his
new family when he was ad-
opted on Saturday, October
24! Chance is already enjoy-
ing his new life with his lov-
ing family, thanks to a good
samaritan who took the time
to care and the Cleveland
APL’s incredible team and
Second Chance Program.
JVS Culinary Academy Prime Rib Dinner
The Lorain County JVS Culinary Academy is hosting its annual Prime Rib Dinner on
Thursday, November 12, beginning at 6 p.m.
The cost of the dinner is $25 per person and includes a 12 oz. prime rib with au jus, baked
potato, fresh vegetables, mixed green salad, breads, assorted desserts from their bakery and a
Tickets, which must be purchased in advance, can be obtained by calling the JVS Financial
Clerk at (440) 774-1051, ext. 22275. The JVS is located on the corner of Routes 58 and 20,
in Oberlin.
Sale Ends
November 9, 2015
Carpet | Tile & Stone | Hardwood | Laminate | Resilient | shaw?
Amherst 440.986.2469 46125 Telegraph Rd, Rte 113
Elyria 440.365.8351 130 Market Dr. (next to Home Depot)
Sandusky 419.624.9998 402 E. Perkins Avenue
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 the training. 17 students at the Joyful Beginnings Preschool “Eaton Township Dumpster Days provides an opportunity
received initial ?re safety education and coloring books. Mid- for township residents to dispose of a variety of waste ma-
Eaton Township Calendar view ?rst graders will be next. Testing of the ?re hydrants has terials. By collecting household hazardous waste, the Ross
been completed, and ?ow rates, etc., will be available soon. Companies are providing a valuable community service and
Tuesday, November 3 -7:30 p.m. (Town Hall) Trustees helping to protect the environment,” said Maggie Kelch, Di-
Meeting. Rural Water reported that they are still up and running. rector of Corporate Communications for Ross Environmental
They have received a plaque from the State Auditor for the Services.
Tuesday, November 3 - all day - ELECTION DAY. third year in a row, indicating that their books were 100%
Wednesday, November 4-7 p.m. (Town Hall) Zoning accurate. Sheriff’s Report
Commission meeting.
Saturday, November 7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. - Composting site The Sheriff Deputy reported that there has been a num- The August 2015 Lorain County Sheriff’s Department In-
open. ber of breaking and enterings, quite a few domestic violence cident Report for Eaton Township lists 36 incidents.
Monday, November 9 - 7 p.m. (Town Hall) Zoning Com- complaints and a lot of traf?c violations. He also reported that
mission Special meeting - De?nitions. in a neighboring township there have been a number of bur- Five of the seven reported speeding violations were re-
Tuesday, November 10 - 7 p.m. (Upstairs Hall) Board of glaries of tools, etc. from garages. The deputy indicated that corded on Sunday, Aug. 2. Tickets were issued on Royalton
Zoning Appeals Hearing File: AB-15-02. the only way that they can help in that type of situation is if Rd. east of Durkee Rd., west of Durkee Rd., at Eaton Blvd.,
Wednesday November 11, - all day - VETERANS DAY you have any serial numbers recorded. west of Durkee Rd. and east of Durkee Rd. Speeding was
- of?ce is closed. also recorded on the 19th on West Royalton Rd. and on the
Saturday, November 14, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. - Compost- Zoning Commission chair Paul Hayward reported that the 26th on Royalton Rd. near Giles Rd.
ing site open. commission had its regular meeting on Oct. 7 and held a spe-
Tuesday, November 17, - 7 p.m. (Town Hall) – Public cial meeting on the 19th for preliminary approval of the Rus- Operating a vehicle without a license was recorded on
Hearing ZC-2015-11 (Parcel:1100036101001) sell development. Paul also acknowledged receipt from the Grafton Rd. at Royalton Rd. on Aug 12. There were three
Tuesday, November 17, -7:30 p.m. (Town Hall) Trustee Rural Lorain County Water Authority of Subdivision Regu- private property accidents. The ?rst occurred on the 4th on
Meeting. lation Speci?cations. A note of referral will be added to the National Dr. The second was on the 10th on North Island
Saturday, November 21, from 2-4 p.m. - Historical Com- Zoning Regulations. Next month there will be a meeting to Rd. at Royalton Rd. The third was recorded on the 15th on
mittee Open House in Museum, upstairs of Town Hall; 10 do de?nition clean up, etc. east Royalton Rd. An accident involving car vs. deer was re-
a.m.-4 p.m. - Composting site open. ported on the 21st on Durkee Rd. near Royalton Rd.
Thursday, November 26, - Happy Thanksgiving! Zoning Inspector George Anders reported that 12 zoning
Nov. 26 and 27 - Of?ce closed for holiday. permits were issued, including 3 for new homes. Revenue An abandoned vehicle was towed from Harmony Dr. on
Saturday, Nov. 28, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. - Composting site from the 12 permits was $2055.55. Four residential certi?- Aug. 23. Theft of a motor vehicle was reported on Butternut
open (last composting date). cate of occupancy’s were issued and one new address was Ridge Rd. at the township cemetery on the 7th and was com-
Reminder: you may drop of brush, leaves and grass at our issued. There are currently seventeen complaint situations be- bined with breaking and entering. Another vehicular theft
Composting Center on Saturdays from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ing handled. There is one BZA application, with a hearing set was recorded on east Royalton Rd., and it was combined
Note to all residents: Please note that you must call for Nov. 10, at 7 p.m. with felony breaking and entering.
Rumpke when you have bulk items to be picked up. There are
some new steps to follow in regards to bulk pick up: “Mat- Randy reported that there have been 5 burials the last Breaking and entering was reported on the 9th on Durkee
tresses, box springs, and upholstered items for bulk pick-up month. There are 412 graves sites available. The road crew Rd. at the Church of the Latter Day Saints. Breaking and en-
by Rumpke in Eaton Township will have to be wrapped for has been busy doing their usual work. tering was also reported on Grafton Rd. at the Grace Com-
the safety of the public and drivers.” munity Church on the 29th. This was combined with crimi-
Please visit There were no reports from LORCO or storm water man- nal damage and theft.
while we are creating a new website. agement.
Donna Heuler, Eaton Township Secretary Other thefts occurred on the 3rd on South Island Rd.,
During public comment, Alex Hillis of St. Pauly Textiles, which was combined with burglary. On the 26th, a shoplift-
Election Day Bake Sale Inc., gave a presentation about their clothing collection sys- ing theft occurred at the Circle K at Island Rd.
tem. They would like to put one of their sheds near the other
The North Eaton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) recycle bins. Only 15% of useable clothing is donated in the Firearm discharge at a habitation, along with criminal
Youth will be hosting a bake sale and sandwich sale on Elec- U.S., meaning that 85% is thrown away. The company cur- damaging/endangering was reported on Eaton Commerce
tion Day, Tuesday, November 3. The youth families and rently collects 80,000 pounds of clothing daily and sent out Parkway on the 12th. Criminal damaging/endangering com-
friends at the church will be baking up fresh goodies for you over 68 million garments in 2014. They generally provide bined with criminal trespassing was recorded on Dewhurst
to buy after you vote. Chick-?l-a of Strongsville has also do- $50-300 per month to their partner organizations. Rd. on the 18th. The same combination was reported on
nated breakfast and lunch sandwiches to sell. So, if you need Chestnut Ridge Rd. on the 29th.
to save some time so you can vote, have your breakfast, lunch A resident of Flint Ridge wanted to know why the trust-
or dinner with them! ees had not pursued LORCO for the damage they caused to One individual was charged with drug paraphernalia, safe-
the road when they installed the sewage pipeline. He felt he keeping of weapons, drug abuse and space between moving
North Eaton Christian Church has youth groups for chil- had provided the trrustees with all the information needed to vehicles on Aug. 18, on Durkee Rd. near Royalton Rd. At
dren in grades 3rd-5th and Youth in 6th-12th. The groups meet prove that LORCO did cause the damage. It was indicated the Island Rd. Circle K, on the 19th, one person was charged
at the church, 35895 Royalton Rd. If you have any questions that LORCO was ?nancially strapped, and if the township with an open container, possessing a drug instrument and
about the bake sale, youth groups or NECC, please call the brought suit, increase in rates would probably be the end re- drug abuse. On the 25th there was recorded, on Royalton
church of?ce at (440) 748-2230. sult. It was also indicated that the previous trustees should Rd. east of Avon Belden Rd., possession of a drug instrument
have handled the situation. combined with drug abuse/heroin. A possible overdose was
Eaton Township Trustees reported on north Island Rd. on the 23rd.
The trustees set a public hearing for Nov. 17, at 7 p.m. for
Eric Schmiedlin the rezoning of the property beside the park. It is currently Taking the identity of another was reported on east Royal-
split zoned, with the front portion commercial, and the back ton Rd. on the 20th. Safekeeping of weapons, combined with
The Eaton Township regular meeting was held on Oct. portion residential. The Zoning Commission had previously possible mental illness was reported on Avalon Dr. on the
20. Trustee Jason Monschein led those present in the Pledge approved it and forwarded the change to trustee. 22nd. An attempted self destruction was reported on Melody
of Allegiance and called the second regular meeting of the Lane Dr. on the 14th.
month to order. Trustee Randy Houston was also present. The New lights for outside the front of the town hall will be
Sept. 15 meeting minutes were approved. installed soon. The current ones have not worked properly for Four domestic disputes were reported; the ?rst on the 3rd
quite some time. Road Superintendent Kurt Durkee has got- on north Avon Belden Rd., the second on the 5th on north
Fiscal Of?cer Fran Walker asked for, and received, ap- ten prices for restriping Capel Road after it was crack sealed. Island Rd., the third on the 15th on Avalon Dr. and the last
proval of the rates for the personal property taxes collected The lowest bid was for $2,560, which was approved. on the 17th on Cooley Rd., which was combined with a theft.
from the county. An appropriation increase of $53,000 for the On the 14th, on Capel Rd. near Durkee Rd., there was re-
general fund was approved. Line items of $2055 were ap- The Zoning Commission Chairman will be acting Zoning corded an assault combined with unlawful restraint and men-
proved. Purchase orders numbers 188-197 were approved. Inspector for home improvement work being performed by acing by stalking.
The State Auditor requested approval to allow Charles E. the regular Zoning Inspector.
Harris & Associates to perform the next two annual township Band of Brothers Camp Show
audits. Jason asked if they had done it previously and Fran The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m. The next regular
said they had done it the last four times. It was approved. meeting will be held on Nov. 3 (election day) at the town hall Band of Brothers Homes for Heroes is hosting a 1940s
The uniform contract from Uni?rst was approved with the at 7:30 p.m. style Camp Show to raf?e off a custom Harley Davidson
changes made to it by Jerry Innes. Chopper and premiere a clip from their upcoming reality
Dumpster Days a Success show. Proceeds from the event will fund home repairs, resto-
Jason motioned to pay bills totaling $25,572.27, and this ration needs and the development of a gated community for
was approved. On October 10, 3,340 gallons of household hazardous local, disabled Veterans.
waste was collected from Eaton Township residents by the
There was no correspondence. There was no report from Ross Group of Companies at the township’s 27th Dumpster Concerned Veterans for America is sponsoring the 2015
the Assistant Administrator, as he was absent due to illness. Days event. In fact, 104 households, representing 188 peo- Camp Show at the 100th Bomb Group on November 13, from
ple, participated in the household hazardous waste collection 6-10 p.m. The event will feature live entertainment, compli-
Fire Chief Robert Resar reported that last week 216 third event. mentary appetizers, a cash bar, raf?es and a never before seen
graders at the Midview Schools went through ?re safety train- teaser from the upcoming reality show. One lucky winner will
ing. 48 students at the Christian Community School also took Participants in the event included Eaton Township and walk away with a custom Harley. Tickets are $27, which in-
several local companies: Ross Environmental Services, cludes general admission and one raf?e ticket and can be pur-
EATON TOWNSHIP Inc., Ross Incineration Services, Inc., Ross Transportation chased via Eventbrite at
ZONING COMMISSION Services, Inc. and Reed’s Salvage Corp. Household hazard- Dress in 1940’s attire to receive one more complimentary
SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE ous materials were collected by the Ross Companies free of raf?e ticket at the door.
charge to the township residents, and included paint, motor
Notice is hereby given that the Eaton Township Zoning oil, household chemicals and discarded cleaning products. LEGAL NOTICE
Commission will hold a Special Meeting per O.R.C. Sec-
tion 505.87 on Monday, Nov 9, 2015 at 7:00p.m. at the This year’s collection event marked the 27th time that the The Eaton Township Board of Zoning Appeals will
Eaton Township Hall, 12043 S. Avon Belden Rd., Grafton, Ross Companies have collected household hazardous waste hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Ohio 44044 pertaining to: De?nitions and other matters of materials as a free community service for Eaton Township at 7:00 p.m. at the Eaton Town Hall, (upstairs Museum)
the Zoning Resolution. residents. Over the past 26 years, they have collected more 12043 Avon Belden Rd. Grafton, OH 44044.
than 122,870 gallons of household hazardous waste, which
By Order of Eaton Township Zoning Commission was disposed of or recycled in an environmentally sound The hearing will be for a variance for Parcel #11-00-
Donna Heuler, Secretary/Records Librarian manner. 084-000-064
EATTOrNiTcOkWNoSHrIPTTRrUeSTaEtES 1. Variance application AB-15-02. Applicants Dale &
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Patty Elek have applied for an area variance to permit a
6’ft & 5’ft fence height 30’ft setback from road right-
Notice is hereby given that the Eaton Township Board of-way
of Trustees will hold a Public Hearing per O.R.C. Section
505.87 on Tuesday, November 17,2015 at 7:00p.m. at the All information pertaining to this application will be
Eaton Township Hall, 12043 S. Avon Belden Rd., Grafton, available for viewing ten (10) days prior to the Novem-
Ohio 44044 pertaining to: ber 10, 2015 hearing date during normal business hours
at the Eaton Town Hall.
Zoning Case ZC-2015-11 (Parcel no.
1100036101001). Donna Heuler, Secretary/Records Librarian
This property is currently zoned as RS-1/LC-1 split
zone to a proposed LC-1
By Order of Eaton Township Trustees
Donna Heuler, Secretary/Records Librarian
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Page 13
North Eaton, OH
OPEN NMSoAOrTNtUhR-8F8DEaaRmAamYIt-:-o&68n8pSp,mUmaONmHDA-Y8 pm
SAT &PHSOUNNE::4840a-7m48--3675p1 m
Butt Portion
1$ 29
48 oz. • Assorted Varieties 4/$10 $119Sugardale Prestige USDA Inspected • Bone-In $199
Shank Portion lb.
Ruggles Hams Center-Cut
Ice Cream lb. Pork Chops
Vit. D, 2%, 1% or Skim • 1 gallon 2/$5 2/$114.25-15.25oz. USDA Inspected • Family Pack 2$ 99
IGA lb.
IGA Milk Canned Vegetables Fresh
Ground Chuck
Betty Crocker
Cake Mix Sugardale Sugardale
Cubed or Diced Ham Hot Dogs or Bologna
Assorted Varieties • 15.25 oz.
8 oz. 16 oz
Turkey Bacon
Original (6 oz.) or
Low Sodium (6.75 oz.)
Domino Dole
Brown or Mini Cut
Powdered Sugar Carrots
16 oz. 1 lb. bag
Campbell’s Banquet
Soups Dinners or
Pot Pies
Chicken Noodle or Tomato
Assorted Varieties • 4.5-8.5 oz.
10.75 oz. can
IGA Campbell’s Gravy Knorr Side Dishes Kraft EZ Mac or
Marshmallow Velveeta Shells &
Assorted Varieties • 10 - 11 oz. can Assorted Varieties • 4 - 5.7 oz.
Creme Cheese
7 oz. Assorted Varieties • 2.05 - 2.39 oz. cup
IGA Chef Boyardee
Stuffing Mix Pasta
Assorted Varieties • 6 oz. 14.75 - 15 oz. cans or
7.5 oz. Microwave Cups
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 LaGrange Twp. Trustees Red Cross introduces RapidPass
LaGrange Lions news At the last meeting of the LaGrange Township Trustees, American Red Cross blood and platelet donors can now
Mark Kaminski, Educational Advisor from University Hos- help save lives in less time by using the new Red Cross
November 1 - LaGrange Lions Club will begin placing pitals, Charlotte Gray, President of University Hospital and RapidPass online health history system.
collection boxes for non-perishable foods and coins at various Dan Oliver, Hospital Liaison, were attending to present to the
businesses in and around the LaGrange area. All of your gen- Board a Lucas 2 device for the EMS Department. The hospi- RapidPass streamlines the donation experience by allow-
erous donations go toward the distribution of Holiday Cheer tal purchased four units for TELECA members and LaGrange ing donors to complete pre-donation reading and health his-
food boxes to those in need in the Keystone School District. Township was fortunate to be picked as one of the entities tory questions online from the convenience of a computer
Please continue to support our Lions Club, as you have in the to receive a unit. The Lucas 2 delivers automatic on demand at home or work. It became available to donors locally on
past. We know that the need for help is all around us and we chest compressions to patients, and a demonstration was giv- October 26 and is expected to reduce the time donors with a
are privileged to share with & serve those in need. Thank you en. This will be bene?cial to assure that continual chest com- RapidPass spend at blood drives by up to 15 minutes.
for sharing & caring. pressions are given when moving the patient from the home to
the squad and to the hospital. The value of this unit is $15,000 “When people come to donate, they are giving more than
November 7 - Steak Fry & Reverse Raf?e at Lions Park, and was described by President Charlotte Gray as a symbol of blood or platelets – they are also generously giving their
240 Glendale St., at 6 p.m. For tickets and information, call ongoing partnership between UH and the community. time,” said Christy Peters, External Communications Man-
Tim at (440) 371-2350. ager, Northern Ohio Blood Services Region. “RapidPass is
Charles Ramer from NOPEC informed the board that a simple, convenient way for Red Cross donors to make the
November 8 - Drive- through Donation Day, 1-3 p.m. We electrical aggregation letters have been sent out to those who most of their time while helping save lives.”
are collecting eyeglasses and new or gently used, clean win- are eligible in the township. Residents eligible will be able to
ter apparel: coats, hats, gloves, scarves and boots. Just drive choose a 7% guaranteed discount or a ?xed rate until August To get a RapidPass on the day of a blood donation, donors
through at Lions Park, 240 Glendale St. and a Lions member of 2018. He also reminded the board that they will receive should visit, complete all of the
will gladly accept your donation. You don’t even have to get a $5000 grant to apply towards an energy based capital im- questions, then print their RapidPass or show it on a mobile
out in the cold. provement. device when they come to donate.
November 12 - Girls Night Out! Lions fund-raiser and Mike Miller was present to update the board on his in- Though an appointment isn’t needed to use RapidPass,
shopping extravaganza, 7-9 p.m. at Lions Park, 240 Glen- vestigation into the application of bio-solids on a local farm donors are encouraged to make an appointment by using the
dale St. Vendors include: Thirty-One Gifts, Premier Jewelry, ?eld. He brought aerial maps and drainage maps from Lorain Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-
Scentsy and Beauti Control Haircuts by Hairdresser Kathy County Soil and Water, which showed a ?ow from the ?eld 800-RED CROSS to further expedite their donation.
Toth Smith (haircuts only). Come and get your Christmas north and east toward the community park, which concerned
Shopping all done! him. The amount spread on the ?eld was also discussed. Bur- How to donate blood
nett noted that they had a meeting with the Zoning Commis- All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for
Keystone Schools sion and they are working on zoning regulations to restrict or patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other
Superintendent Franco Gallo prohibit containment ponds in the township. forms of identi?cation are required at check-in. Individuals
who are 17 years of age (16 with parental consent in some
Great job to the KHS girls’ cross country team as they The cleaning of the King Ditch was discussed and the states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good
quali?ed for the Regional meet for the fourth consecutive board noted that the return of the easements required has not health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students
year. Also, congratulations to KHS senior Shannon Wargo for been good. If all of the easements do not come back, a petition and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to
being named the Lorain County MVP for her third straight process would have to take place and hearings would take meet certain height and weight requirements.
year! In addition, as the fall sports season comes to a close, I place at the county level. About the American Red Cross
would also like to congratulate all our Keystone athletes and The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides
their coaches for a great job this season. Chief Rader informed the board that the CO detector is not emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40%
working properly and is beyond repair. The board motioned of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides
As the holiday season approaches, we will be holding to approve the purchase of a new unit at a cost of $2,455. international humanitarian aid; and supports military mem-
numerous canned food, monetary and toy collection drives bers and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-pro?t orga-
at all three schools. The food drive and monetary collection Fiscal Of?cer Moore is currently taking required Public nization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the
begins on Monday, November 2, and the toy drive begins Records Training and will attend a meeting at the Commis- American public to perform its mission. For more informa-
on Monday, November 3. Please plan on donating items for sioner’s of?ce on the new IRS rules for health insurance re- tion, please visit or on Twitter at @RedCross.
these drives as they bene?t our local community members porting. The September ?nancial reports were approved as
and families in need. presented. The board voted to continue their contract with the JACK MATIA
county for providing health insurance to the township. The HONDA
Conferences will be held at Keystone Middle and High board will have a work session on November 2 at 3:30 p.m.
School on Thursday, November 12, and Tuesday, November to discuss cemetery regulation and fees updates. New & Used
17, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. At Keystone Elementary, they will be Cars
held on Thursday, November 19, and Monday, November 23, The Zoning Commission has recommended additions and
from 5-8 p.m. I encourage all parents and guardians to take revisions to the Zoning Regulations. A public hearing will be 440-366-5501
this opportunity to meet with your student’s teachers, discuss held on November 9, at 6:30 p.m., prior to the next regular
academic progress and come up with successful strategies to meeting. Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria
help your child excel in the classroom.
Submitted by Roberta Moore, Fiscal Of?cer New and Certi?ed Hondas
Ohio Genealogical Society [email protected] All Models - Used Cars
Thomas Neel, Director of the Ohio Genealogical Society Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5
Library, will present “Using Tax Records to Trace Ancestors”
on Sunday, November 8. The 2 p.m. meeting will be held at
the Medina County District Library, 210 S. Broadway St.,
Medina. Tax records are levied by Federal, State, and local
governments. The presentation will focus on a variety of in-
formation contained in these records. The public is invited to
attend this informative talk and earlier social time at 1:30. For
more information, contact Pat Morgan at (330) 725-7540.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Page 15
Senior Center fund-raiser Home from the Hospital Alzheimer’s
researchers hopeful
Come to lunch or dinner at Fiesta Jalapenos on November
12 and help raise funds for North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc., At some point in a per- realm of insurance. Alzheimer’s disease has no cure, and its progression can-
which will bene?t the North Ridgeville Senior Center pro- son’s life, he or she will * Get help. Many fam- not be radically slowed. The Alzheimer’s Association reports
grams, including Meals-on-Wheels and transportation. Flyers spend time in a hospital and that every 67 seconds someone in the United States develops
to give the cashier are available at the Senior Center. have to transition home after ily members want to be the Alzheimer’s, and around 5 million people in the country cur-
recovery. For seniors, this is sole caregiver for a parent rently have the disease.
Bring your family for a delicious meal and 20% of your en- a common occurrence and or spouse who has left the
tire bill will bene?t older adults in our community. Everything one that can be particularly hospital. But the demand of While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, research-
is included in the donation, including drinks and take-out! troublesome. A little plan- around the clock care can ers are continuing to work on both drug and nondrug treat-
ning can make the process sometimes be overwhelm- ments to combat both cognitive and behavioral symptoms.
Fiesta Jalapenos is now located next to Pat Catan’s on the easier on the patient and the ing. Caregivers should not According to information from the 2015 Alzheimer’s Asso-
corner of Lear Nagle and Center Ridge Roads, in North Rid- caregiver. be embarrassed to ask for ciation International Conference, there is reason for optimism
geville. Fiesta opens at 11 a.m. for lunch and is open all eve- help, even if that means hir- regarding Alzheimer’s treatments.
ning until 10 p.m. Be sure to stop by the Senior Center and * Plan early. Learn when ing a professional. Provid-
pick up your ?yer so 20% of your bill is donated. the discharge date will be and ing the best care for the pa- Researchers now have a better understanding of how the
?nd out what will be needed tient should be the priority. brain changes with Alzheimer’s and can ?ne tune medica-
The Senior Center is located at 7327 Avon Belden Road at home. Talk with hospital tions to react with certain areas of the brain responsible for
and is open 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Every- staff about what equipment * Patient support. The certain symptoms. For example, drug companies Eli Lilly
one is welcome! If you have any questions, please call the can make recovery at home newly discharged patient and Biogen have been testing drugs that block beta amyloid,
Senior Center at (440) 353-0856. easier. A caregiver may get may have mixed feelings a protein that can cause toxic brain plaques in people, which
recommendations on nearby about being at home and are often associated with progressive brain disease.
AARP Tax Aide Program medical supply stores and fawned over. Therefore,
other vendors that can pro- caregivers should tread Another abnormality associated with Alzheimer’s is
New volunteers are needed to work at 11 sites in Lorain vide what’s needed, such as lightly to develop a strategy caused when a protein called tau twists into microscopic tan-
County. It is a very ful?lling way to volunteer your time. visiting nurses. that works well for every- gles, says the Mayo Clinic. Tangles collapse vital brain cell
Volunteer work from the beginning of February to April 15. one. transport systems. Researchers are looking into medicines
Usually, you would only work one day a week. You will learn * Rearrange the home. that may prevent tau from forming tangles.
new skills, have the opportunity to work with very enjoyable Certain things at home may Upon being discharged
people and help your fellow Lorain County citizens for free. need to be changed depend- from the hospital, individu- In addition, researchers continue to look at anti-in?amma-
Classes start in January and will be held January 11, 12, 14, ing on why the person was als may need personalized tory drugs to help delay the progress of Alzheimer’s disease,
15, 19 and 21, and maybe the 22, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The hospitalized. Individuals care at home. as well as how other conditions and diseases, including high
classes are held at St. Teresa Parish Life Center, 1864 Abbe with crutches or in a wheel- blood pressure or diabetes, may impact the risk of developing
Road, in Shef?eld. chair may need extra space Alzheimer’s.
made in the home to travel
Please consider becoming an AARP Tax Aide volunteer. safely. If the patient normal-
Call Joe Palmieri at (440) 774-1191 to sign up. ly sleeps upstairs, a bed may
need to be set up downstairs
AV Alecia Vidika | Attorney at Law instead. Ramps may need
to be installed over stairs as
Probate • Real Estate • Estate Planning • Elder Law well.
440-647-4319 [email protected] * Make a list. Keep a list
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149 E. Herrick Avenue • PO Box 297 • Wellington, OH 44090 bers, including the doctor
and the local pharmacy, on
a central list so that it is easy Kryszak & Associates, Co., LPA
to contact the person in case
of an emergency. Attorneys at Law
* Expect extra costs. Estate Planning • Estate and Trust Administration• Elder Law • Family Law
Some procedures may be Appellate Law • Real Estate • Foreclosure • Employment Law • Business Law
covered by health insur-
ance, others may not. Fam- & Personal Injury
ily members may have to
rally together to offset costs At Kryszak & Associates, Co., LPA, our Mission is to deliver
for medical care outside the personalized, quality legal services, resulting in long-lasting relationships
with our clients. The size of our firm and many years of legal experience
allow us to fulfill our mission on a daily basis.
5330 Meadow Lane Court, Suite A 943-1/2 Main Street
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Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5pm (by appointment only)
FIND IT ONLINE Attorney Attorney Attorney Attorney
Douglas R. Henry
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We Look Forward to Meeting You!
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 to participate is $65. Sign up for all of the leagues/events at Open Burning This link can also be Precautions for Fall
FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY found on the district’s website,
Friends of the Grafton-Midview Library have several The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and
events coming up for their members and the public. The NOMINATIONS OPEN the Ohio Department of Commerce Division of State Fire
group’s next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, November It is almost time to present the 8th annual Right Track Marshal are urging Ohioans to be aware of the state’s out-
3, at 6:30 p.m. in the upstairs history room. There will be a Awards. An award is given to an individual citizen, a non- door burning regulations and to take necessary precautions to
preview sale of the November book sale for Friends mem- pro?t organization, a business and an individual youth who avoid unwanted ?res this fall.
bers on November 3, from 4-8:30 p.m. in the regular meet- have gone above and beyond to contribute to the Grafton/
ing room. Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 14, Midview community. Nominations are now being accepted. Ohio law states that burning debris outdoors in unincor-
at 2 p.m., as Kathy Krause presents “Code Quilts of the Civil To nominate a candidate, send an e-mail stating the name of porated areas is prohibited from 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. during the
War.” In this program, quilt design codes that were used in the nominee and a brief reason for the nominations to anniel- months of October and November. Burning is limited in the
the slaves’ “?ight to freedom” are explained and displayed. [email protected] . fall due to the abundance of dry fuel on the ground, for exam-
Registration is required, so please reserve your spot by calling ple grass, weeds, crops and fallen leaves. In addition, winds
the library at 926-3317. Flyro Gyro “Make-up Day” Event can make a seemingly safe ?re burn more intensely and out
of control. Incorporated areas typically have more stringent
MIDVIEW YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE EAA Chapter #1252’s annual Flyro Gyro make-up rules. It is a good idea to contact your local ?re department
It’s time to begin another season of the Midview Youth day is Saturday, November 7, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at the prior to any open burning.
Basketball League. Midview students in ?rst through sixth Lorain County Regional Airport KLPR, in Elyria, at the
grade are eligible to join in the fun. Registrations are available Discover Aviation Hanger at the west end of the ?eld. “Most wild?res in Ohio are caused by humans from trash,
on-line November 2-16. The league will be run in partner- debris and other outdoor burning,” said ODNR deputy direc-
ship with the Midview basketball coaching staff and parents Come join them for their annual Flyro Gyro, Fly-in tor and state forester Robert Boyles. “They are largely unin-
of the Midview community. Basketball fundamentals will be or Drive-in! There will be free Young Eagles ?ights for tentional, but place property, lives and ?re crews in unneces-
stressed at all levels. all kids 8-17. Registration is limited and a parent must be sary harm’s way.”
Students in grades 1-2 will participate in “Basketball FUN- present. Have a Gyro for a $6 donation or hot dogs will
damentals,” a co-ed experience that will meet once a week for be available, too! This is a great family fun-orientation The National Weather Service has also issued special
8 weeks for 1-1½ hours. The emphasis will be on fundamental event. For more information, visit or call weather statements for enhanced ?re risks. Unseasonably
skill development. Most of the focus will be on ball handling (440) 236-6594. warm temperatures coupled with decreased relative humid-
and learning how to shoot a basketball the proper way. The ity and moisture levels have created a heightened danger of
cost to participate is $40. Midview Compass grass, brush and ?eld ?res. Some crops have become consid-
Players in grades 3-4 will have their own league that will Committee leaf raking erably dry and pose an increased risk for ignition.
take place at Midview. In addition to learning and improving
on the fundamentals, they will also play competitive games. The Midview Compass Committee is organizing the ser- “Avoid any open air burning, if possible,” said State Fire
Practice will be one night per week and nine games will be vice of leaf raking for Midview community members on Sat- Marshal Larry Flowers. “Do not throw out your cigarettes or
played on Saturdays. Parent volunteers will coach with guid- urday, November 7 (weather permitting). If you or your group other smoking materials outside, avoid open cooking and rec-
ance on drills and terminology from the high school coaching would like to join them, please meet in front of Midview High reational camp?res for the time being and make sure coals
staff. The cost to participate is $65. Players in grades 5-6 will School with your rakes, gloves and leaf blowers at 10 a.m. If from charcoal grills are extinguished before throwing them
have the same type of league as grades 3-4, practicing one you know of someone in need of having their leaves raked, away.”
night per week and playing games one day per week. Cost please contact Lisa Ward at [email protected] or leave
a message at (440) 458-5064. Violators of Ohio’s burning regulations are subject to cita-
BACKGROUND tions and ?nes. Residents are urged to check with their local
• Elyria Catholic High School Midview Schools ?re departments to ensure safe burning conditions.
• Belmont Abbey College Superintendent Scott Goggin
To learn more about the wise use and sustainable manage-
- BA Business/Economics The ?rst quarter of the school year has of?cially ended! ment of Ohio’s public and private woodlands, as well as safe-
• LTV/Maverick Steel I can’t believe how fast the year is going (I ?nd myself say- ty tips for burning debris outdoors, visit
ing that every year). We are very pleased with the start of the For information on preventing and preparing for a ?re, visit
- 32 years, Supervisor school year, and we hope your students have enjoyed it as the State Fire Marshal’s website,
• Shiloh Industries well.
- 6 years, HR Manager This past week, we had our annual Trunk or Treat at Mid- LISA CARTER
• Wife Susan, Father to John and view High School, a safe and fun trick or treating event or-
ganized by our Compass Committee and Key Club. I high- Grafton Village Ward 3 Council
Amanda & 5 Grandchildren light this event because it is one of those special events where
• US Army Vietnam Veteran, 101st Airborne Infantry members of our community and the schools work together to The Change We Need,
• Eucharistic Minister, Usher & Pre-Cana bene?t the community. This year, Trunk or Treat even incor- The Voice We Deserve...
SERVICE TO GRAFTON porated the new Midview walking path. The event is always
• Fire?ghter - 38 years, EMT - 32 years well attended and a lot of fun. Thank you to the Compass Paid for by The Committee to Elect Lisa Carter, Marian Carter,
• VFW Trustee - 14 years Committee, Key Club, and all of those who volunteered (this Treasurer 1000 Shelby Court, Grafton, OH 44044. 440-865-8700
• Responsible for the draft and legislation of HB 189, which update is written on Wednesdays - hopefully the weather co-
continues to save thousands of dollars for residents.
• Began “Trash to Treasure” Sale On Wednesday, November 4, Bellefaire and Midview will
• Friends of the GMPL Volunteer Lunch Program partner together for “Dine and Discuss,” an evening of sup-
port for parents, in the Midview North Cafeteria. This event
KEEP JOHN LESCHER will help parents who may be dealing with their students’
challenging behaviors or who need support in other areas.
Paid for by the Committee to Elect John Lescher “Dine and Discuss” is open to all parents who have children
in Midview North Elementary School. Dinner is from 5:30-
6 p.m. The parent/child portion will be from 6-7:30 p.m. If
you are interested in attending, please send in the RSVP form
to your student’s classroom teacher by November 3. These
forms were sent home to North students.
Have a fantastic week Midview!
Mr. Scott Goggin, Superintendent, Midview Local
[email protected] Twitter: @scottgoggin
Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm 1115 EAST BROAD ST
Sat 8:00 am - 12 noon ELYRIA
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Page 17
Grafton Halloween Parade winners
High School winners were (L-R): Jacob Foster and Matlea McKinney, Alexis Keating, Kati Elementary winners were (L-R): Sydney Nowak, Rachel Whary and Corissa Keating
DeMarco, Cory Dulemba with Addy, Sara Helwig and John Koleski. Winners in the preschool costume contest were (L-R): Amy Hemmingsen, Bennett and Pais-
ley McCullough and Ruby Faust with her sister Bryar Faust.
It was a beautiful fall Sunday with leaves brightly colored and a warm sun shining as the
Grafton police department cleared the way for the costumed parade participants in the annual
Grafton Firemen’s Halloween Parade. The police cars were followed by the Midview March-
ing Blue, its members all in costumes. The band played the Midview Fight Song to start the
parade and played selections from this year’s marching season. Following the band were
children and adults in costume wearing the traditional paper plate numbers. This year, a car
dressed as a minion, joined the parade. The village’s ?re trucks also participated. The parade
went around the block covering parts of Chestnut, Railroad, Main and Mechanic Streets before
returning to the parking lot outside the police and ?re departments. There the Midview Blue
played while participants and parade watchers enjoyed donuts and cider provided by the ?re
department. Judges then chose costume winners in three divisions - pre-school, elementary
and high school, which were then awarded cash prizes by the ?re department. Winners in the
preschool division were: third place, Amy Hemmingsen who was dressed as a duck, second
place went to Paisley and Bennett McCullough, who were dressed as a ?re ?ghter and Dal-
matian in a wagon dressed as a ?re truck, and ?rst place went to Ruby Faust who was dressed
as an owl. The elementary division winners were: third place - Corissa Keating as a witch; in
second place was Rachel Whary as a huge spider; and ?rst place went to Sydney Nowak as
a spooky widow. Some of the high school winners went together to make group costumes.
Placing third in the division was Alexis Keating as a sorceress; second place went to Robin
Hood and Maid Marian known as Jacob Foster and Matlea McKinney; and ?rst place went to
characters from the Wizard of Oz known as Katie DeMarco, Cory Dulemba, Sara Helwig and
John Koleski with Addy as Toto.
Army National Guard Pvt. Paul J. Rondeau has graduated Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
During the 9 weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
mission, history, tradition and core values, physical ?tness
and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
drill and ceremony, marching, ri?e marksmanship, armed and If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
unarmed combat, map reading, ?eld tactics, military courtesy, ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE CANCELED.
military justice system, basic ?rst aid, foot marches and ?eld
training exercises. These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
Rondeau is the son of Paul Rondeau of North Olmsted and 11/2 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
nephew of Chris Slaine of Grafton. He is a 2015 graduate of and coffee for participants.
North Olmsted High School. 11/3 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed by
Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for participants.
Fall Book Sale 11/5 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner to be held
November 4th-7th 11/12/2015 at 5:30pm. Two names per phone call only.
11/06 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for
The Friends of the Grafton-Midview participants.
Public Library present our 11/09 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
Fall Book Sale and coffee for participants.
11/10 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed by
Stop by the Library and browse Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and
our book sale, which includes juice for participants.
books, VHS, DVDs, magazines, and 11/12 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner
children’s books. Hardcover and for those that signed up. Please
Paperback books are available. remember to cancel by noon if unable
Saturday, November 7th until to attend.
5:00pm will be discount bag day. 11/13 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club
This popular event will be held with pop and snacks for participants.
during regular business hours in the
Library’s first floor meeting room. • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
Won’t you make our old books your the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
new friends? • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Grafton-Midview Public Library Manager for additional information.
983 Main St., Grafton, OH 44044
440-926-3317 •
Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Medina County Park District will be provided. The pro- Please dress for the weather,
gram is free, but donations and be sure to have appropri-
Grafton-Midview Library Thursday, Nov. 19 or Fri- adult. No registration re- of non-perishable food items ate footwear. No registration
day, Nov. 20: quired. Free. or paper products for the St. required. Ages 10 to adult.
The Grafton Midview Public Library is always working Paul Lutheran Church food Free.
to sponsor quality programs. For accurate planning, please be Tales for Tots - Wolf Basket Weaving 101: pantry are appreciated. Ages
advised most library programs require registration. To regis- Creek Environmental Cen- Winter Delight Basket 3-6. No registration required. Sat./Sun. Dec. 5 & 6:
ter, call 926-3317, visit the library at 983 Main Street in Graf- ter, 10-11 a.m. or 1-2 p.m. - Wolf Creek Environmen- Free. A Log Cabin Christmas
ton or visit their website at Winter is coming! Listen to tal Center, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. - Susan Hambley Nature
a story about what our ani- Weave this beautiful bas- Thursday, December 3: Center, 12-5 p.m. Stop in
Tech Tutor - Wednesday, November 4, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 mal friends do to prepare for ket to give as a gift or add Creative Writing for any weekend in December
p.m. and 2:30-4:30 p.m. Patrons may bring any technology- wintry weather followed by a a new seasonal decoration. Homeschoolers - Wolf to learn about traditional
related que a.m.stions regarding computers, software, smart- hike to look for animal signs. Stop by Wolf Creek to see Creek Environmental Cen- holiday customs of the past,
phones, tablets, e-readers, and more to these appointments. For ages 3-6 with an adult an example. No experience ter, 2-3:15 p.m. Nature will warm up with a hot bever-
All appointments 1 hour maximum and registration is recom- companion. Some or all of necessary. All materials are serve as the inspiration for age, and enjoy the atmo-
mended, however walk-ins are welcome if times are avail- the program will be held out- provided. Please call Betty homeschoolers who want to sphere of a cozy log cabin at
able. Tech tutor is also available on an individually basis. doors; please dress accord- Rettig at (330) 336-5951 to improve their writing skills. Christmas. We will get you
Patrons who cannot attend the scheduled day or need more ingly. Register between Oct. register by November 16. We’ll imitate the styles of into the Christmas spirit with
immediate assistance are encouraged to schedule an hour ap- 22 and Nov.18. Free. Ages 12 to adult. There is a skilled authors and use pat- a variety of make-n-take
pointment. Registration is required. $15 fee per basket. terns to write poetry. This craft projects (a new one
Thursday, November 19: class is for students in grades each weekend) that will add
Babypalooza - Wednesday, November 11, 10-10:30 a.m. Creative Writing for It’s Time to Feed the three to six. The classes an old-fashioned ?air to your
Join us Wednesdays for this short and lively program for ba- Homeschoolers - Wolf Birds - Wolf Creek Envi- (12/3, 1/14, and 2/11) are of- holiday decorating. All ages
bies (from birth to 3 years) and their caregivers.Babypalooza Creek Environmental Cen- ronmental Center, 12-5 p.m. fered individually but build welcome. No registration re-
is a great way to introduce baby to the world of stories us- ter, 2-3:15 p.m. Nature will Winter is around the corner, upon one another to develop quired. Free.
ing songs, rhymes, and lap bounces. Register your wee one serve as the inspiration for and it is time to dust off your skills. You may register your Sunday, December 6:
today! homeschoolers who want to bird feeders and put them child for all three sessions Natural Discoveries Hik-
improve their writing skills. outside. What kinds of birds if you know he/she can at- ing Series: Animal Myths
Community History Group - Wednesday, November 11, We’ll imitate the styles of visit our feeders during late tend all three or register for - Susan Hambley Nature
2-3 p.m. Please join us at GMPL for discussions and research skilled authors and use pat- fall and winter? What types just one or two classes. Each Center, 3- 4 p.m. Natural
of our community’s history. Topics will focus on the upcom- terns to write poetry. Free for of bird feeders and bird seed student should bring a writ- Discoveries is a series of
ing Grafton Bicentennial. Medina County residents. works the best? We’ll answer ing journal and a thesaurus if free nature-themed programs
There is a $3 fee per student these questions and more at possible. Registration open designed for ages seven to
Stretch a Tuba - Thursday, November 12, 10-10:30 a.m. for non-county residents. this program. We will also until class is full. Part of the adult. Participants in the pro-
Preschoolers are invited to join Gary Adams from Center for This class is for students in talk about our participation class may be outdoors so gram who complete certain
Arts-Inspired Learning to learn about the science of sound! grades 3-6. Each student in Project Feeder Watch, a dress appropriately. Free for hike requirements are eli-
Kids will also get an introduction into brass instruments! You should bring a writing jour- program ran by Cornell Lab Medina County residents. gible to receive awards. See
won’t want to miss out on this program, so register today. nal and a thesaurus if pos- of Ornithology. Stop in any- There is a $3 fee per student the Natural Discoveries link
sible. Part of the class may time between the hours of for non-county residents. on our website for award
Rubs, Brines, and Marinades - Thursday, November 12, be outdoors so dress appro- 12-5 p.m. to participate in Saturday, December 5: details. Get acquainted with
7-8 p.m. Get ready for the holidays! Chef Mike Mullins, of priately. Ages 8-12. Register this program. There will be Hiking for the Health of some of our most misunder-
Good Taste Catering & Personal Chef Service, will show you by November 18. bird crafts, games and dis- it - Summit Metroparks’ Sil- stood animals! From snakes
how to brine your Thanksgiving turkey and turn it into the Saturday, November 21: plays. All ages welcome. No vercreek Park (meet at Beach to daddy long legs to coyotes
most succulent feast ever. Also, learn how to dry-age a stand- Hiking for the Health registration required. Free. House parking lot) - 9-11 -- we’ll debunk the myths
ing rib roast of any size, and wow your family’s taste buds. of it – Cuyahoga Valley Na- a.m. This is a hiking club for and set straight the folklore.
Other topics include special rubs and marinades for everyday tional Park’s Lock 29 in Pen- Sunday, November 22: those adults who can hike Ages 7 to adult. No registra-
fare. Other holiday tips and treats included. Delicious samples insula, OH, 9-11 a.m. This is Photographers of the four to ?ve miles at a brisk tion required. Free.
will be available. Your stomach wants you there! Registration a hiking club for those adults Parks Club Meeting - Wolf pace. Walking trails can be Register for programs at
is required. who can hike 4-5 miles at a Creek Environmental Cen- mildly strenuous with a lim- www.medinacountyparks.
brisk pace. Walking trails ter, 3-5 p.m. This is a great ited amount being off trail. com.
can be mildly strenuous. opportunity for nature photo
Please dress for the weather, enthusiasts to share knowl-
and be sure to have appro- edge with like-minded folks,
priate footwear. Ages 10 to gain special access to pro-
grams and events related to
America Recycles Day photography and support the McConnell Ready Mix is a full service Ready
park district. Both beginner Mix Concrete supplier servicing the Northeast
Keep Lorain County Beautiful is promoting and advanced photographers Ohio area. We service Residential, Commer-
are invited to participate. cial, Industrial or Government projects of any
America Recycles Day, November 15, 2015 The club will emphasize size. For ordering and delivery of Ready Mix
but not be limited to nature Concrete or just a quote for your project call
Stop by the Carlisle Visitor Center from photography. No registration
Nov. 2nd thru the 20th to take the required. For more informa- 440-458-4325.
tion, please contact Shelley
America Recycles Day “Pledge” and enter at 330.239.4814 or stender@ McConnell Ready Mix
for a chance to win a FREE rain barrel. Ages 16 to 37540 Butternut Ridge Road • N. Ridgeville, OH 44039
adult. No registration re-
View the winning drawings from our 2016 calendar quired. Free.
contest. Saturday, November 28: [email protected]
Indoor Snow Day - Wolf
Carlisle Visitor Center ~ Lorain County Metro Parks Creek Environmental Cen- S-T-R-E-T-C-H a Tuba
12882 Diagonal Road Lagrange, Ohio 44050 ter, 10-2 p.m. Winter is fast
approaching. If you are as Thursday, November 12 @ 10 AM
For more information about America Recycles Day excited as we are or perhaps
or to take the recycling pledge, need a little boost in your Gary Adams from the Center of Arts-Inspired Learning
please call 1-800-449-5463 excitement, join us for a day brings the science of sound to preschoolers.
camp to celebrate all things
or log onto winter. The day will be ?lled Register today!
with crafts, games, stories
and more. Come prepared 983 Main St., GraOon | 440-926-3317
for a fun day and dress for
the weather as we will likely
adventure outdoors, too!
Separate sessions for ages
4-6 and/or ages 7-12. Reg-
ister by Saturday, November
21. Free.
Saturday, Nov. 28 and
Sunday, Nov. 29:
Critter Crafts - Susan
Hambley Nature Center, 12-
5 p.m. Come in to the nature
center this weekend to cre-
ate your own critters. Use
rocks, seed pods, sticks and
other natural items to make
all sorts of creatures real or
imagined. Supplies provid-
ed. All ages welcome. No
registration required. Free.
Wednesday, December 2:
Handmade Gifts for the
Holidays - Wolf Creek Envi-
ronmental Center - 10 a.m.-
2 p.m. Come to Wolf Creek
any time between 10 a.m. to
2 p.m. to create a handmade
gift for someone special.
A variety of make-n-take
projects will be available to
choose from. All supplies
Free dental care to Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Party - Celebrate the release of RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Page 19
Military Veterans Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School on Saturday, Nov. 7, at 2
p.m. Enjoy hilarious games, trivia, comics and … the stinky 50th Wedding Anniversary
On Wednesday, November 11, North Ridgeville Family cheese may even make a special appearance! This program is
Dentistry, located at 34100 Center Ridge Road, in North Rid- intended for kids ages 6 and up. Pre-registration is required. Shirley and Emil Hronek
geville, will be opening their of?ce from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. to Congradulations to Shirley and Emil Hronek on
provide cleanings, extractions, ?llings and x-rays to any mili- Book Buddies – Adult Book Discussion Group - In The celebrating 50 years together. The Hroneks are long-
tary veteran in the community. This will be on a ?rst-come, Coldest Night, Robert Olmstead takes readers into one of the time residents of Gar?eld Heights, who moved to North
?rst-served basis, and no appointment is necessary. Food and most physically challenging battles in history and – with just Ridgeville a few years ago. They celebrated their 50th
refreshments will be provided by “Our Place on the Ridge,” as much intensity – into an electrifying, all-consuming love Wedding Anniversary on October 23, 2015. Their fam-
for waiting patients. For more information, please contact affair. Join other adults to discuss this novel on Wednesday, ily and friends wish them many more joyfully years to-
North Ridgeville Family Dentistry at (440) 327-0027 or visit Nov. 11, at 1 p.m. Copies of the book are available at the adult gether. information desk.
Road Closure
N. Ridgeville Garden Club Exploration Station -Explore and learn! Make plans to at-
tend Exploration Station on Friday, Nov. 13, anytime from 11 Bainbridge Road will be closed between SR 83 and Mitch-
The Garden Club of North Ridgeville will meet at 6 p.m. a.m. to 2 p.m. Two through 5-year-olds and their caregivers ell Road from 8-10:30 a.m. on November 7 for the City of
on November 10, at Sandy Ridge Reservation, located at are invited to drop by the story room to practice the alphabet, North Ridgeville Department of Parks and Recreation 5K.
6195 Otten Road, in North Ridgeville. numbers, shapes, colors, patterns and much more.
The streets will re-open immediately following the con-
The very interesting program for the evening will be pre- North Ridgeville Writers - The library has a writing group clusion or end of the race. Should you have any questions,
sented by Matt Krems, Manager of Zoo Horticulture for the for adults. Consider joining them if you are an adult who please don’t hesitate to call Kevin at (440) 353-0825.
Cleveland Zoo. He will explain how horticulture relates to wants to meet other writers and hone your writing skills. The
caring for plants and animals at the same time. Guests are group meets next on Saturday, Oct. 31, from 2- 4 p.m. at the
welcome to attend. For more information, call (440) 365- library. Use the group as motivation to get that pen moving!
8522. You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in read and cri-
tique sessions. Pre-registration is required.
North Ridgeville Library
Facebook and Twitter For Beginners - Like this, tweet
After Breakfast Book Discussion - A new book discussion that. What’s it all mean? Come on Monday, Nov. 16, at 6:30
group is starting. This group will meet on the ?rst Wednesday p.m. or Thursday, Nov. 19, at 2 p.m. to sort it all out. Face-
of each month at 10:30 a.m. Come to the ?rst session on Nov. book and Twitter for Beginners will teach the basics about
4 to talk about what everyone would like to read for the next popular social networking websites, which will include an
meeting in December. Pre-registration is required. overview of what they consist of, how to create accounts, and
how to keep yourself and your children safe in these online
Mad Science – Magical Salt Creations - See art and sci- environments. Pre-registration is required.
ence come together on Wednesday, Nov. 4, at 6:45 p.m. Kin-
dergarteners through ?fth-graders are invited to take part in a Teddy Bear Sleepover - Did you ever wonder what your
colorful absorption experiment. Pre-registration is required. stuffed animals do at night? Put on your pajamas and bring
your favorite stuffed animal on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 6:45
Browser’s® Reading Buddies - Are you looking for a fun p.m. for a sleepover. Begin the night with bedtime stories and
way to help your children work on their reading skills? Come some fun sleepover games, and then kiss your animal good
on Saturday, Nov. 7, between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Canines night so they can begin their sleepover. Find out what your
certi?ed through Therapy Dog International will be at the li- stuffed animals did when you pick them up the following day,
brary to sit and listen to ?rst through ?fth-graders read. Call Wednesday, Nov. 18, after 2 p.m. This program is intended
the Library ato sign your child up for a 15-minute session. for ages 2 and up. Pre-registration is required.
Mystery Book Discussion - Six shots, ?ve dead and a
heartland city thrown into terror. Yet within hours, the cops
have it solved … except that the accused gunman refuses to
say anything but, “Get Jack Reacher for me.” Borrow a copy
of One Shot by Lee Child. Adults are welcome to discuss this
book, which is now a major motion picture, on Wednesday,
Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. at the library.
For more information or to register for programs, call the
North Ridgeville Library at (440) 327-8326. The North Rid-
geville Library is located at 35700 Bainbridge Road.
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Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 taxes. You must, however, cost” measure used to calcu- the tax household’s income. pearing in this column are
get coverage for yourself (or late medical support for child This “Law You Can Use” intended to provide broad,
“Law You Can Use” meet an exemption) to avoid support purposes. general information about
a penalty. Also, if your ex column was provided by the law. Before applying
Provided by the Ohio State Bar Association. loses health insurance cover- For employer-based cov- the Ohio State Bar Associa- this information to a speci?c
age and you still hold the tax erage, the employee’s share tion. It was prepared by Amy legal problem, readers are
Affordable Care Act Note: Medicaid and the exemption, you will need to of premiums for lowest-cost Roehrenbeck, Esq., Senior urged to seek advice from an
Spells Out Parents’ Respon- Children’s Health Insur- get coverage for your daugh- self-only coverage that meets Policy Analyst for the Ohio attorney.
sibilities for Dependents ance Program (CHIP) do not ter to avoid a penalty. the minimum value standard CSEA Directors’ Associa-
count as coverage for child must be less than 9.56% of tion (OCDA). Articles ap-
Q: What must I do to com- support and medical support Q: I don’t currently have
ply with the Affordable Care purposes, and a court could health insurance, and nei- Bus Drivers Appreciation awards
Act (ACA) when it comes to still order a parent to pay ther does my ex. Who is re-
health insurance? cash medical support as part sponsible for getting cover- Senior Driver Award Recipients, (L-R) Front row: Wendy Camp - N. Ridgeville; Jean Bates
of the child support order if age for our son? - Firelands; Merri Six - Lorain First Student; Debra Cabbil - Lorain First Student. Second row:
A: The ACA requires health insurance is not being Maureen Hughes - Columbia; Holly Huff - Midview; Ted Stanziano - Amherst and Norm Miller
every American to secure provided as ordered. A: Whichever parent has - Lake Ridge Academy. Not pictured: Lashonda Hester of Oberlin.
and maintain medical insur- the tax exemption for your Photo credit: Educational Service Center of Lorain County.
ance for yourself and report Q: What is the shared re- son will be responsible for
it on your tax return. If you sponsibility payment? getting and maintaining cov- The Lorain County Bus Drivers’ Appreciation Banquet and In-Service Day took
do not have coverage, you erage (or paying a penalty place on Thursday, Oct. 15, at the Italian American Veterans Hall in Lorain. The an-
may apply for an exemption, A: The shared responsi- for failing to provide it). nual event honored bus drivers from around the county responsible for transporting
or you will have to pay the bility payment is a tax penal- students, and is sponsored by the Educational Service Center of Lorain County. Each
shared responsibility pay- ty that you will have to pay if Q: I don’t have health in- school district in the county nominated a bus driver to be honored.
ment (penalty) when your you fail to meet theACA’s re- surance available through
taxes are due. If you claim quirements regarding health my employer. What are my
someone as a tax dependent insurance and you don’t options?
(like your child), you must qualify for an exemption.
also secure, maintain or at- The penalty increases with A: You can seek coverage
test to the dependent’s cover- each year. For tax year 2015, through the Marketplace at
age when ?ling taxes, or you the penalty is 2% of income or ap-
must meet an exemption or or $325 per person, which- ply for Medicaid or CHIP.
pay the shared responsibil- ever is higher, plus $162.50 Open enrollment for a Mar-
ity payment when ?ling your for each child not covered by ketplace plan begins Novem-
taxes. The ACA couples your insurance. The maximum ber 1, 2015, for tax year 2016
responsibility to provide penalty for tax year 2015 is and ends January 31, 2016.
health insurance with the tax $975. For tax year 2016, the You may, however, qualify
dependency exemption. penalty increases to 2.5% of for coverage outside of the
income or $695 per person, open enrollment window.
Q: What counts as cover- plus $347.50 for each child Go to
age under the ACA? not covered by insurance, to see the qualifying events
for a maximum penalty of list. You can also ?nd out if
A: Most employer-based $2,085. you qualify for premium tax
health insurance plans, in- credits and/or cost-sharing
dividual health insurance Q: I have the tax exemp- reductions when applying
plans and plans purchased tion for my daughter. My ex for insurance through health-
through the Marketplace provides her health insur-
count as coverage under the ance coverage. Do I have
ACA. Medicaid and CHIP to also get coverage for my Q: How will I know if
also count as coverage under daughter because of the coverage will be considered
the ACA. You need to have ACA? affordable?
coverage for nine out of the
twelve months of the year A: No, so long as your ex A: Under the ACA, for
to avoid a penalty. Cover- continues to provide cover- marketplace coverage to be
age for one day in the month age. You can attest that cov- considered “affordable,”
counts as coverage for the erage is in effect for your it must be less than 8.05%
entire month. child when you ?le your of your tax household’s in-
come. Note: this is differ-
ent from the 5% “reasonable
Show your support.
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Any way you stack it, The Rural-Urban Record’s
nothing beats Volunteer Pay Campaign
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Page 21
Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has pur- CLASSIFIEDS Run 2 Weeks for Only $14 & Save $6!
chased selected classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product 1st Week - $1000/2nd Week - $400 (No changes or refunds. Personal
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ver tisers do not offer “employment” but rather supply the readers with manu- Get the Job Done! ads only. No Business ads.) DEADLINE: WED. 12 NOON
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the phone, it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All
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ANNOUNCEMENTS CRAFT SHOWS CLASSIFIED RATES: • Personal Classified $10/15 words or less. 10¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 more.
Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Nov. 14, 9am-4pm. Shef?eld • Business Classified $12/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Special Set-up (Centered & Capped)
Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-re- Lake Community Center, 4575
lieving brace -little or NO cost Lake Road. Vendors needed. $13/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Display advertising $16/column inch. Reaching Over
to you. Medicare Patients Call Call Mary Ann, 216-870-7528.
Health Hotline Now! 1- 800- Number of weeks ad runs: 1 2 3 4 Please Print Clearly! 21,000 Households
419-3684 EDUCATION
Please print - All information below is needed to process your ad. Mail to: Rural-Urban Record•P.O. Box 966•Columbia Station, OH 44028
SOCIAL SECURITY DISABIL- The path to your dream job
ITY BENEFITS. Unable to begins with a college degree. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
work? Denied bene?ts? We Education Quarters offers a
Can Help! WIN or Pay Noth- free college matching service. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
ing! Contact Bill Gordon & CALL 1-800-375-6219
Associates at 1-800-208-6915 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
to start your application to- AVIATION Grads work with
day! JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and Mastercard & Visa Accepted. Card #:
others- start here with hands
APPLIANCES on training for FAA certi?ca- Expiration Date: 3 Digit # on back:
tion. Financial aid if quali?ed.
Good clean used appli- Call Aviation Institute of Main- NAME PHONE
ances. Call Bill Bakers, tenance 866-453-6204
440-322-2325. ADDRESS
DISH TV Starting at $19.99/
1997 Olds Cutlass, 68K miles, month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! HALLS FOR RENT HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY
V6, runs good. Good local car, Regular Price $34.99 Ask
$2150. 440-926-2353 About FREE SAME DAY In- AMVETS POST 32 Part-time help wanted for For Sale By Owner: 25327
stallation! CALL Now! 877- 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria Alpaca Farm in Grafton, Ohio. Briarwood. This Columbia
AUTOS WANTED 477-9659 Call Paul, 216-407-2389. Station 4Bed, 2Bath, 2300 sq.
Capacity: Hall-250, ft. home sits on 1/2 acre with
Mike’s Hooker Service. We DISH TV Starting at $19.99/ Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 HORSES fenced backyard. Interior all
pay top dollar for all unwant- month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Available for all occasions fresh paint, cathedral ceilings
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free Regular Price $34.99 Ask Horseback riding lessons. in living room & dining room.
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, About FREE SAME DAY In- Call for pricing 24344 Foster Road, Litch?eld, Down bath total redo in 2015
216-534-6514. stallation! CALL Now! 877- and availability 330-603-5955. Beginners-ad- with tiled shower & granite
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DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK available. Indoor & outdoor custom solid oak cabinets &
OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR EVENTS COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL arena. Trailering to shows granite counter tops. Large
THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Va- 25-120 Capacity available. family room down & 16x20
cation, Tax Deductible, Free Holding a Carnival! Fair! Fes- bonus room off kitchen with
Towing, All Paperwork Taken tival! Jubilee! Promote it to Catering Available LOTS & LAND FOR SALE access to back patio area.
Care Of. CALL 1-800-895- over 1 Million readers for only 440-236-3323 New copper plumbing in 2013.
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Got an older car, boat or RV? or call 800-450-7227. Capacity 150-175 farmhouse, horse barn, nice $187,500, 440-236-8393. Open
Do the humane thing. Donate Catering Available views, Beautiful setting just House Sat., 10/31-11am-3pm
it to the Humane Society. Call FOR RENT 36854 Royalton Rd. off the NY State Thruway, 40 and Sun., 11/1, 10am-1pm.
1- 800-758-2204. (1 mile East of Durkee) min West of Albany! Call 888-
A-1 DONATE YOUR CAR FOR 2-Bedroom Apartment in Graf- 738-6994 for more info. SALES & SERVICES
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ed Breast Foundation educa- it, no pets. 440-343-5898. 440-653-7227 COOPERSTOWN LAND LIQ- SMALL DUMPSTERS Cash for DIABETIC TEST
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UP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX Porte: Spacious 2BR units, pavilions, air conditioned hall, KET! Woods, utils, twn rd, Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump Free Shipping, 24hr Pay-
DEDUCTION 855-403-0213 close to 480. Starting at $535/ for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange private setting just 7 miles Truck work available ments! Call 1-877-588-8500,
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BUSINESS TO BUSINESS Call 440-323-7067. 431-7214. CALL JASON’S SERVICES Habla Espanol.
Grafton VFW. Call from 440-926-3446
Advertise to 500,000 Homes Elyria: 1 month free. $100 secu- 9:30-11:30 a.m. Monday-Fri- SO. ADIRONDACK FOREST- Wants to purchase minerals
with a business card size rity deposit. Newly remodeled day. 440-926-3341 LAND. 40 acres - $69,900 Lake UPHOLSTERY and other oil and gas inter-
ad. You choose the area of 2 bedroom town homes with rights, stream, only 3 hrs NY ests. Send details to P.O. Box
coverage in free community new carpet, ceramic tile and HANDYMAN SERVICES City! Twn rd, utils! Terms DAN’S UPHOLSTERY 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
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800-450-7227 or visit macne- included. Call 216-347-6775. A Handyman / Roofer: Interior CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for / exterior, home remodeling LAWN & GARDEN Full Upholstery unexpired, sealed DIABETIC
ADVERTISE to 10 Million FOR SALE / repair, pergolas, decks, vi- Cushion Re?lls TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAY-
Homes across the USA! Place nyl siding, gutter cleaning, TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- Furniture Repair MENT.1-800-371-1136
your ad in over 140 commu- 4-piece oak queen bedroom pressure washing, painting, vice. Complete tree removal, Call for free quote
nity newspapers, with circu- set, $400; 3yr. old Honda log roo?ng, carpentry, tile work. trimming, root feeding and on re-upholstery
lation totaling over 10 million splitter, $700; Craftsman con- Dante, 216-403-8597. cleaning. Fully insured. FREE
homes. Contact Independent tractors table saw, $100; front ESTIMATES. Firewood for 216-346-2682
Free Papers of America IFPA tine rototiller, $100; dinette set, HELP WANTED sale. 440-236-3061.
at danielleburnett-ifpa@live. $100; cheval mirror, $20; free WANTED The Rural-Urban Record
com or visit our website cad- weights and 3 bars over 250 Business Of?ce Manager: 4- PETS for more informa- lbs., $50. 440-458-8249 Star rated skilled Nursing and Wanted: Twin headboard Proudly Serving...
tion. Rehabilitation facility seeking All New Happy Jack Xylecide®: with shelves for young girl. Columbia Station • Grafton
FREE Alpaca manure. Great an experienced Business Of- Anti-fungal shampoo for dogs Wood preferred. Will con-
CHILD CARE for gardens! Bedded in straw, ?ce Manager. This opportunity & horses prevents ringworm sider complete bedroom set. LaGrange • Wellington
easy access. Rt. 303, Grafton, is opening due to a recent and bacterial skin infections 440-669-3281 Eaton • North Ridgeville
Loving day care, my Columbia 440-821-4104 promotion. Must posses ex- without steroids! Worcester
home. Best personal attention. cellent Time Management Sales & Service, 440-327-4201. Carlisle • Elyria
Very experienced, excellent Home medical equipment: and Organizational Skills. Sal-
references. 440-221-6139 Tan lift chair with heat and ary will be based on years of AUTOS WANTED
massage, like new, $600. Call experience and related skills. All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster
CLEANING 440-926-2353. Aggressive bonus program is Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509. APPLIANCE, SALES & SERVICES
part of the bene?t package. Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
3 Chics and a Broom: Green Monarch lift chair, 1-1/2 yrs. Interested candidates please exercise yards, custom care. APPLIANCE • SALES & SERVICE DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE
Cleaning. Let us spiff you old, $275. Call 440-309-5688. send resume to: Keystone- $15 per day. Grooming now All Major Brands SALES & SERVICE, INC.
up! Licensed, bonded and Pointe, 383 Opportunity Way, available. 440-365-7321
insured. 440-355-6639. Treadmill, $225; exercycle, LaGrange, OH 44050, Attn: 800-589-6532 50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
$75; elliptical, $75; cutting Stephen J. Wolf. “DOGS WALK-IN PARTS COUNTER
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s torch, $300; toolbox, $100; ON
needs are different. We spe- Craftsman plate joiner, $80; Drivers: CO & O/Op’s, Teams. THE 433 OBERLIN RD.
cialize in catering to what your utility cart, $50. 440-748-3668, Earn great money running GO” ELYRIA, OHIO 44035
needs are. Call Marcie today 440-748-8403 dedicated! Great home time
for your free assessment ap- and bene?ts. Monthly bonus- Professional Pet Sitter 440-322-8170
pointment at 440-213-7527. Acorn Stairlifts. The AFFORD- es. Drive newer equipment! Loving care for your
Over 13 years experience. ABLE solution to your stairs! 855-493-9921 pets while you are
**Limited time -$250 Off Your
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rect & SAVE. Please call 1- Get Paid! Excellent Pay Per / Insured & Bonded
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North Eaton Christian Church, and brochure. Including Bonuses! CDL-A 1yr. Call Jill: 440-322-7929
35895 Royalton Road, Nov. 14, exp. 855-454-0392.
9-3pm. This is not your ordi- Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert REAL ESTATE
nary bazaar. Bake sale, craft for Seniors. Bathroom falls Food—Retail Managers: Local
tables, kids only shopping can be fatal. Approved by Federal Emp. opportunity! Be- For Sale by Owner: 701 N.
room, lunch counter, huge Arthritis Foundation. Thera- ginning salary $39K to $41K! Main, Lot 13. This Wellington
rummage sale, drawings for peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Federal benefits package. 3 mobile home has 2 Bed., 1
homemade quilt, money and Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip yrs. Mgmt. exp. Send resume Bath. 14x70, located in a re-
other items. Special Nativity Floors. American Made. In- to:canteenrecruiter@gmail. tired mobile home park for 55
Scene: Costumes provided, stallation Included. Call 1- com. and older. Call 440-315-9650 or
picture taken and mailed to 800-906-3115 for $750 Off 440-213-1596.
you—makes a great Christmas HVAC type service Tech. for
card. DELL LAPTOP Computer, specialized equipment, will
excellent condition, superior train. Clean driving record.
ADVERTISE IN professional grade perfor- Send resume to: P.O. Box 789,
mance. Windows 7. Premium Columbia Station, OH 44028,
OUR CLASSIFIEDS! software package included. Attention: Admin.
6 month warranty. $299. 717-
653-6314 Owner Operators—Flatbed:
Regional / OTR. No forced
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rental, plates, Ins. avail. Gen-
erous sign-on bonus! 75% LH,
100% FSC. Dan, 586-920-0139
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24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station • Additions
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Tim Hamper Office: 440-236-3851/Cell: 440-506-2302
Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason
Repairs from $75.
MODERNIZE Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding
Remodeling • Pole Barns • Windows • Doors 440-748-3259 Casey Williamson
Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes
KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619
YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044
ROOFING Lorain County Homeless RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 2, 2015 Page 23
Stand Down
If interested in volunteering for future events or donating
supplies, please contact Stembridge at (440) 277-6530 ext.
238 or at [email protected].
• Metal Roofs & Seamless Metal Gutters All Types • Metal Roof Coatings Over 110 veterans and people who are facing homeless-
• Shingles & Siding • Pole Barns - Roof & Repair • Residential/Commercial ness were provided with needed services at the second annual
• Bonded/Insured • BBB/Angies List • Quality Professional Workmanship Lorain County Homeless Stand Down last Wednesday at Sa-
cred Heart Chapel in Lorain. The event returned to Lorain
Cell: 216-402-2470 / 216-403-2965 County in 2014 after not being held for over a decade.
The Homeless Stand Down is a collaborative effort of
BENEDICT ROOFING member organizations of the Lorain County Task Force for
Family Business for Three Generations the Homeless and the Lorain County Volunteer Connection.
RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS The Stand Down gives the general population of people
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, and veterans
the opportunity to connect with several resources and receive
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates necessary assistance, all at one location. Services included hot meals, health screenings, haircuts, ?u shots, bene?t
screenings, HIV testing, hygiene items and more.
On average, about 200 individuals are left homeless in Lo-
Licensed by Board of Health www.rural-urbanrecor rain County each night. Of those 200 individuals, about one
Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain Counties third are dependents and 10% are veterans.
• Reasonable Rates Online “With the increase in the underprivileged population and
• Prompt, Reliable Service Easy with a decrease in jobs, the Task Force ?nds it valuable for
people to have access to a wide variety of information and
• Senior Discounts services, or even receive help right here on the spot,” said
Chuck & Adam Dunlap, Owners Ron Dickinson, case manager with the U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs and Co-Chair of the Lorain County Task-
$5 Off with this ad force for the Homeless.
440-236-9200 The Lorain County Taskforce for the Homeless is made
440-926-0057 up of a group of individuals – both community members and
440-322-0927 agency representatives – who care about the needs of people
who are homeless and work to help them resolve their home-
TREE SERVICE less crisis.
ARBOR CARE TREE “We want to make sure everyone is aware of the services
that are out there, and with the lack of public transportation in
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck this county, people aren’t running around and they are going
• 113 Ft. Crane exactly where they need to be going,” said Barb Hammond,
program manager at Family Promise of Lorain County and
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood chairperson of the Lorain County Task Force for the Home-
less. “We’re all working together collaborating as agencies
Triple Shredded Mulch that are serving the homeless population here in Lorain
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
The organizers of the Homeless Stand Down rely on vol-
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 unteers and donations throughout the year to make the event
a success.
“The volunteers provide that human connection and when
you’re going through a rough time it’s a wonderful thing to
know that someone cares and someone can be there to give
support,” said Lorain County Volunteer Connection direc-
tor Gwen Stembridge. “It also improves our community and
builds awareness when volunteers can become connected to
these types of issues.”
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