TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
Volume 61, No. 22 Columbia Station, Ohio November 30, 2015
Holiday Gift Guide
Pages 14-19
The Ohio Department The new bridge provides passage under the railroad tracks on State Route 58, Keystone High Shannon Wargo
of Transportation held a north of State Route 18 and downtown Wellington. School senior, out- track, she also has an exem-
Grand Opening Ceremony ing the holiday shopping of downtown can now via State Route 58 once standing cross country plary academic record. As a
on Wednesday, November season. Residents north access the village center again. runner and academi- result of this academic and
25, at 10 a.m. On hand for cally-successful Shan- athletic success, Shannon
the ribbon cutting were non Wargo earned the received offers from mul-
Village of Wellington Lorain County Cross tiple universities to run on
Mayor Barbara O’Keefe Country MVP Award their cross country teams.
and ODOT District 3 Di- for the third consecu- She has not yet chosen a
rector Howard Huebner. tive year, making her university, but plans to ma-
only the second runner jor in biology. Keystone is
Members of the media, to receive this award proud of Shannon’s accom-
and others, also gathered multiple times! plishments and the model of
for the long-anticipated success she exempli?es.
opening of State Route 58 Throughout her
at the Railroad crossing career, her hard work
just north of State Route and dedication has also
18, in downtown Wel- earned her numerous
lington. trips to the State com-
petitions. She set a
After the ceremony, Keystone records, running a
State Route 58 was of?- 19:45.22 at Regionals, mak-
cially reopened, enabling ing her the ?rst Keystone
attendees to travel north female runner to advance to
via the new underpass. State since 2006.
This is good news for Shannon’s efforts also
the Village of Wellington’s helped Keystone ?nish sec-
downtown businesses dur- ond at Districts and qualify
for Regionals every year she
Columbia Chamber of Commerce and the Frank Clarke was a team member, and for
Agency, Inc. have teamed up with Toys for Tots. Please help the ?rst time since 1994, the
by donating new, unwrapped toys. Donations can be dropped team won the PAC!
off at the Frank Clarke Agency, 25070 Royalton Road, in Co-
lumbia Station. Toys or monetary donations can be made until Shannon is not only suc-
Sunday, December 13. Thank you for helping the children! cessful as a role model on the
For more information, please contact Nikki Puckett at The annual “Breakfast with Santa” program will be held Come join the horses of Angels
(440) 236-5041. at Carlisle Visitor Center on Saturday, December 12. There Haven Horse Rescue for their annual
will be two seating times for breakfast: 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. “Snacks with Santa and the Horses.”
An all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast with sausage, juice, The event is on Sunday, December
coffee and tea will be served. Breakfast is $10, with children 6. from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at Evergreen
2 and under free. Along with breakfast, the event includes Farm, located at 13297 Durkee Road,
children’s games, crafts, story time and a visit with Santa. All in Grafton.
children visiting Santa will receive a gift. Pre-registration is
required. Please call (440) 458-5121 before December 1 to Take a break from shopping and
make your registration. come enjoy horse/pony rides, horse
visits, Santa, snacks, games and priz-
The Lorain County JVS Auto Technology program is of- Warm Up Medina County, at Medina County District Li- es. A $10 donation is appreciated ($5
fering free oil changes for senior citizens on Wednesday, De- brary, donated more than 1,000 hand-knitted and crocheted if you are simply snacking). Bring a
cember 16, and Thursday, December 17. Appointments are items to more than two dozen county agencies on November camera for photo opportunities.
required. Students will begin taking appointments on Novem- 23, in the Medina Library. Warm Up Medina County began
ber 30. Please call (440) 774-1051, ext. 22413 to schedule. in 2004, based on Warm Up America, a program that brings They will also offer summer horse camp raf?e tickets for a
Auto Tech students will be practicing their customer service people together to learn to knit and crochet, and allows ex- chance for a child (age between 5-16) to win a complimentary
skills and answering phone calls between the hours of 8:30- perienced knitters to share their talents. Since 2004, MCDL one-week session to their camp. Gas raf?e tickets will also be
10 a.m. and 12:30-2 p.m., until all slots are ?lled. knitters have donated more than 7,000 items to local organiza- available.
tions. The items made through the knitting circles are donated
The Lorain County JVS would like to thank NAPA Auto to those in need. In Medina County, the Battered Women’s Please call Heidi at (440) 781-5060 if you have any ques-
Parts of Wellington for their generous donation of supplies to Shelter, Hospice of Medina County and the Salvation Army tions or would like to sell tickets.
make the free oil changes possible. are just a few of the organizations that have bene?ted from
the program throughout the years. All proceeds bene?t the rescue horses and help pay for
The Lorain County JVS is located at 15181 St. Rt. 58 South, horse feed, natural supplements, stall bedding and veterinary
in Oberlin. For more information, contact Paul Schlacht at & farrier care.
[email protected].
Community Directory Carlisle............ 10 Grafton............ 20 N. Ridgeville..... 23 LETS EAT.............11
Columbia.......... 2 Grafton Twp..... 22 Wellington.........24 PROFILE................9
Eaton............... 12 LaGrange......... 26 Churches............8 SHOP OLMSTED....6-7
422 Lake Ave, Elyria OH 44035 | 440-322-7109 | Fax - 440-322-7108
Bring this ad in for 15% OFF!
HOURS: Mon-Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 12-5pm
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Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 trict employees enjoy this recognition. district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion,
The next Building and Grounds Committee Meeting will question or comment, please feel free to call me at (440) 236-
WEEKLY CALENDAR 5008 or email [email protected]. GO RAID-
Tuesday, December 1: be held on 12/1/15 at 10 a.m. ERS!
Columbia Local Schools Building and Grounds Commit- The Board approved use of the CMS gym and cafeteria by
tee will meet this morning at 10 a.m. in the administration Jim Tressel visits CHS
building. Columbia Youth Basketball on Saturdays (10 home games) at
Thursday, December 3: a cost of related custodial fees (room use fee waived). Kevin Mr. Jim Tressel, President of Youngstown State Uni-
Columbia Zoning Commission will meet tonight at 6 p.m. Walkden asked the School District and Board if they would versity, visited CHS last week to speak to grades 5-12
at the town hall. The public is welcome to attend. contribute Alumni Lifetime Passes to be awarded to induct- of the student body about success. Pictured here with
Friday, December 4: ees of the Columbia School District Hall of Fame. There Mr. Tressel are seniors (LR) Austin Ruggles and Milo
Raider Wear Sale today from 4:30-8:30 p.m. in the high are presently 7 current members, with 6 new members to be Drumm.
school cafeteria. announced January 29.There will be a social gathering fol-
Saturday, December 5: lowing the presentation at the Eagle’s Club featuring pizza, Senior Citizens Breakfast
Raider Wear Sale today from 9:30 a.m-3 p.m. in the high chicken, cake and a cash bar. The Alumni Hall of Fame would
school cafeteria. like to thank Mr. Bansek and Mr. Jump for their donation, as Columbia High School and the CHS Key Club would like to
individuals, for the plaque and name plates. invite you to their biannual Senior Citizens Breakfast. This event
CHSWeekly Calendar is open to all Columbia residents and grandparents of Columbia
Wayne Brassell suggested the Board commence in January Local students. The breakfast will be held on Wednesday, De-
Monday, November 30: the bidding process for the planned upcoming improvements. cember 2, at 8:45 a.m. in the high school cafeteria. It is free of
Student Council clothing drive begins. The Board plans to vote on it at the next board meeting. charge. They will be serving breakfast casseroles, hash browns,
6:30 p.m. Cheer Banquet. fresh fruit, muf?ns and a variety of beverages. If you would like
Tuesday, December 1: Mr. Coleman encourages each of the Board members to to attend, please call (440) 236-5001, ext. 235, before 3 p.m. on
11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Jostens ring delivery and senior take a tour of the JVS. Mr. Bansek said students get two op- Monday, November 30, to
items ordering. portunities to visit the JVS.
6 p.m. Boys Soccer banquet - off site. Breakfast with Santa
6:30 p.m. Band Boosters meeting. Mr. Bansek assured the Board that the District will moni-
Wednesday, December 2: tor the reports of terrorist threats. The 8th Grade Washington Every year, the Scout Scholarship Committee sponsors a
8:45 a.m. Senior Citizens Breakfast. D.C. trip is still slated for May of 2016. Breakfast with Santa in order to offer scholarships to gradu-
6/7:30 p.m. Girls Basketball at Brookside. ating senior Girl or Boy Scouts. Each year, they have been
Thursday, December 3: The School District has approved the 2016/17 and 2017/18 able to offer at least one scholarship to a senior boy and a girl
4 p.m. Academic Challenge v. Clearview. calendar by a majority vote. scout, thanks to the generosity of donors and the pro?ts from
6 p.m. Football banquet - off site. the pancake breakfast.
7 p.m. Columbia Athletic Boosters meeting. The Board approved various Policies, awarded Teacher
Friday, December 4: Supplemental Contracts, Certi?cated Substitute Personnel With school work and all the outside activities teens are
4:30-8:30 p.m. Raider Wear Holiday sale. and Classi?ed Personnel for the 2015/16 school year, as noted involved with, it shows real dedication when they participate
4:30/6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball v. Buckeye. per their Board minutes ( in scouting through their senior year.
Saturday, December 4:
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday School. The Board approved to hold the Organizational Meeting Show your support of the senior scouts and mark your cal-
9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Raider Wear Holiday sale. on January 7, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at the Administrative Build- endars for Sunday, December 6. Join them at Columbia VFW
10 a.m. Wrestling at Bison Classic. ing. Blanche Nemeth will be acting President Pro-Tem for Post #9340 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. for a great breakfast of all-
1/2:30 p.m. Girls Basketball v. Black River. this meeting. you-can-eat pancakes, sausages, juice and coffee.
Dawn Dewerth The December 16 Regular Meeting will be held at the Co- The cost of the breakfast is $7 for adults and children.
The Columbia Local Schools Board Of Education regu- lumbia Middle School (K-8 cafeteria). Breakfast is free for tots under 2 years old. They will have
lar meeting was November 18 at the Columbia High School awesome raf?e baskets again this year, donated by the scout
Cafeteria. The minutes from the October 21, 2015 Regular Raider Wear sale troops! Payment for breakfast, as well as for raf?e tickets,
Meeting were approved by the Board. The Board approved will be taken at the door.
the receipts, expenditures and balances for the month ending There will be a Raider Wear Holiday Sale on Friday, De-
October 31, 2015, as presented by the Treasurer. The Board cember 4, from 5-8 p.m. and Saturday, December 5, from You can also take the time to visit with Santa and have
accepted donations from Columbia Historical Society for 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. The event will be at the Columbia High your picture taken! The cost of one picture is included with
$100 to the CHS Key Club, and from William, Barbara, An- School main entrance. your meal. Plan to join them and support our local scouts!
drew, Daniel, Maura and Benjamin Custer for $3,101.47 for
?agpoles and ?ags at the CHS Athletic Stadium. Raider Wear makes great holiday gifts! Columbia K-8 lunch menu
The Board approved the Treasurer’s Fund to Fund trans-
fer of $75,734.36 from the General Fund to the HB264 Debt Free Hot Meal & Food Pantry December 7-11:
Repayment Fund. These monies were cost savings relative Monday: Breakfast - pancakes; Lunch - Choice of chicken
to reduced energy expenses and State rebates. The Board On Saturday, December 5, a free hot meal will be served tenders, popcorn chicken salad, ham and cheese sub and car-
approved the FY16 Amended Certi?cate of Available Re- and a perishable foods pantry will be available at New Life rots.
sources. The Board received a handout of the updated 5 Year Wesleyan Church from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. This is a monthly Tuesday: Breakfast - Breakfast pizza; Lunch - Choice of
Forecast that now re?ects an improved outlook as a result of event held the ?rst Saturday of every month. The meal and grilled cheese, popcorn chicken salad, ham and cheese sub
the recently passed levy. food pantry (featuring fresh perishable foods) is available at and tomato soup.
The CHS Football Team and the CHS Boy Soccer Team no charge to all local residents. Wednesday: Breakfast - sausage bagel; Lunch - Choice of
were present and recognized at the meeting for their excep- Raider chicken bowl, popcorn chicken salad, ham and cheese
tional performance during the fall season. The church is located at 11149 West River Road, in Co- sub and corn.
The Raider Nation Award was awarded by Graig Bansek lumbia Station. For more information, please contact Kathy Thursday: Breakfast - Dutch waf?es w/ fruit; Lunch -
to Julie Bowes. Parents and students are reminded they may at (440) 840-2923 or Susan at (216) 906-5091. Choice of chili cheese dog, popcorn chicken salad, ham and
submit nominations for this award by the 30th, and that Dis- cheese sub and green beans.
Columbia Schools Friday: Breakfast - bacon and egg sandwich; Lunch -
J&J Greenhouse Superintendent Graig Bansek Choice of gyros, popcorn chicken salad, ham and cheese sub
and mixed vegetables.
~Christmas Trees~ The annual Senior Citizens Breakfast will take place on *Assorted vegetable and fruit bar will be available on a
December 2 at CHS. If you have not called for reservations, daily basis.
Fraser Fir • Spruce please contact CHS at (440) 236-5001. We look forward to
Poinsettias • Pine Roping seeing you there!
Wreaths • Centerpieces
Congratulations to Julie Bowes on receiving the October
FREE 6” Poinsettia Raider Nation Excellence Award. Julie is the administrative
assistant at Columbia Middle School and was nominated
with $50 purchase. by Andy Gibson. Thank you for all that you do for CLSD!
26240 Folley Rd. Columbia St. I also want to congratulate the other nominees for the award:
Lauren Case, Julie Gates, Cheryl Sobek and Susan Dunn. If
440-236-8762 you would like to nominate a staff member, please go to our
Hrs: 9-7, Inc: Sat & Sun website and click the Raider Nation Excellence Award tab.
Visa/Mastercard/Discover Nominations are due by December 3.
The Board of Education approved the district calendars for
the 2016/17 and 2017/18 school years at their October meet-
ing. These calendars are now posted on our website.
The next Board of Education meeting will take place on
Wednesday, December 16, at 6:30 p.m. at Columbia Middle
School in the all purpose room. Please note the change of lo-
Good luck to all of our student athletes and coaches as they
begin the winter sports season. This includes wrestling, boys’
basketball, girls’ basketball and cheerleading. It should be
another exciting sports season in the Raider Nation. Sched-
ules can be found on the CHS website under athletics.
We are always looking to improve the quality of the school
Dawn DeWerth
10380 Greenview Drive
Columbia Station, OH 44028
440.212.5683 • [email protected]
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 3
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 CHS Honor/Merit Roll Nicole Wiltrout and David Wos.
Merit Roll: Rachel Borrhello, Justin Clark, Jordan DeLisle,
Columbia Historical Society 9th Grade
High Honor Roll: Benjamin Alten, Jennifer Boey, Jared Byczn- Bethany Dixon, Matthew Freedson, Ali Husien, Leah LaMonica,
The last meeting of the year will be on December 8, at ski, Benjamin Champagne, Bailey Coleman, Alexis Corbett, Mat- Wolfgang Loos, Brandon Maher, Cody Reichard, Edward Satter-
6:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, located at 25496 Royalton Rd., thew Dixon, Courtney Faber, Danielle Gerda, Serena Goode, Jillian ?eld, Cole Thomas and Jacob Viccarone.
in Columbia Station. This will be a Christmas Potluck; bring Grzywna, Tyler Hite, Connor Hutchinson, Michael Lovell, Stepha-
your own table service, a dish to share and a favorite des- nie Makowski, Nicholas Milluzzi, Anthony Mirisola, Kelsey Palm- JVS Honor/Merit Rolls
sert. Coffee, tea, Christmas punch and entertainment will be er, Andrew Perrott, Ryan Petit, Adam Ross, Cole Schwartz, Benja- 9th Grade
provided. Ornaments of yesteryear will be on display, but min Skowronsky, Annie Sprinkle, Ambriel Stair, Carissa Templeton,
please bring your own special ornament to share and tell us of Emily Titherage and Lizzabeth Whatmore. Honor Roll: Casandra McDowell and Trevor Warren. Merit
your memory. A short business meeting and installation of the Honor Roll: Ella Abbey, Nicole Ballachino, Justin Bell, Saman- Roll: Elizabeth Henning and Cole Witte.
2016 of?cers will follow. tha Carrico, Brandon Coleman, Andrew Collins, Jay DeLisle, Jordan
Hawley, Robin Hensley, Allysia Leap, Savannah Roberts, Danielle 10th Grade
Christmas in Olmsted Roginsky, Kaylee Sevic, Riley Thomas and Logan Wos. Honor Roll: Jeffrey Hershey. Merit Roll: Corey Garrow and
Merit Roll: Thomas Hones, Jackson Ives, Anthony Lutizio, Da- Aaron Shaffer.
Kick off the Christmas season on December 5, from 11 vid Raney, Daniel Snakovsky, Elizabeth Stinson, Taylor Stover, Wil-
a.m.-5 p.m., in Downtown Olmsted Falls. The Grand Paci?c liam Turner and Brian Wells. 11th Grade
Junction Merchants and the new Downtown Olmsted Falls High Honor Roll: Hailey Delzeith, Alexis Jones, Joseph Mey-
organizations have planned a day of Christmas family activi- 10th Grade ers, Matthew Olah, Dylan Risdon and Genevieve Wetzel. Honor
ties, special customer appreciation sales and gift drawings. High Honor Roll: Jacob Aniol, Alexis Arcuri, Emily Berg, Al- Roll: Clea Gonzalez, Kyle Lester, Aric Paine, Ray Potter, Cameron
lison Bouscher, Christian Bowes, David Cole, Stacy Corrigan, Ni- Rose, Zack Shaffer, Dylan Vandal, Keith Washington and Thomas
Enjoy “A Vintage Christmas” in the Historic Grand Paci?c cole Doksa, Mikayla Dupaski, Madalyn East, James Eisenhauer, Widenmeyer. Merit Roll: Jamie Cummings, Logan Jakubisin, Vic-
Junction as well as in Mill River Plaza. Find unique gifts not Gregory Grzywna, Madelyn Hicks, Ashleigh Hones, Salena Hritz, toria Lindsey, Nicholas Romanini and Brianna Skinner.
available in the big box stores in the various specialty shops. Raquel Hysong, Amanda Kile, Justin Krase, Kaitlynn Krupinski,
Take a break from shopping and enjoy a lunch at one of the Mya LaCourse, Danielle Matzelle, Nolan Miller, Maira Miranda, 12th Grade
six downtown area restaurants. Andrea Parker, Kaitlin Pettegrew, Hannah Primozic, Emma Seitz, High Honor Roll: Ashley Delzeith, Nathan Ennemoser, Tristan
Lily Smith, James Sprinkle, Julia Vozar, Jordan Wasko, Magdalena Hughart and Tyler White. Honor Roll: Kyle Rose and William Saki.
Special family activities scheduled include: Horse Drawn Welker, William Wentz, Natalie Wilkins and Kassi Zeinert. Merit Roll: Celina Hayes, Logan Keenan, Andrew Kiley and Macy
Wagon Rides from 12-2 p.m. (Tickets are $5/adult and $3/ Honor Roll: Adam Alten, Nathan Barta, Amber Caldwell, Wil- Petry.
child). From 12-2 p.m., OFMS Choir will be singing Christ- liam Eisenhauer, Kyle Heidecker, Ashley Henry, Mitchell Hershey,
mas Carols and from 1-3 p.m. Santa will be in the Caboose Savannah Ives, Thomas Lupica, Analyssia Pacheco, Alec Paine, CMS Honor/Merit Roll
telling stories to the children. Tickets are $5 per child and Myranda Parobek, Todd Schmidt, Julianne Schulte, Madison Spir-
there will be a 4 session limit of 15 children per session and nak, Erik Tallos, Jordan Titherage and Courtney Yoder. 5th Grade
each child receives a gift from Santa. Tickets for the Wagon Merit Roll: Gillian Atherton, Joshua Borling, Haley Bures, Sa- High Honor Roll: Kyleigh Titherage and Chase Willoughby.
rides and Santa are on sale now and available at Dolls and mantha Calvey, Troy Cassidy, Denielle Cowley, Adrian Frederick, Honor Roll: Elise Aniol, Kora Anthony, Alyssa Beach, Emily
Mini’s store on Columbia Rd. Jake Garrow, Katelin Hughart, Joseph Kobiloinsky, Max Napoli, Beck, Vincent Berardi, Emily Bosworth, Kalista Cook, Sophia Cur-
Trevor Rind?eisch, Eric Schaef and Rachel Sprouse. ley, Hayden Garrow, Aidan Gillihan, Collin Gillihan, Ariel Hutchin-
For ticket information, call (440) 647-1519. For other son, Gabrielle Kalin, Zackary Kile, Erin Lavinder, James Markosky,
event information, call (440) 714-9000. 11th Grade Madison McCall, Joshua Moore, Carter Peabody, Tyler Said, Cody
High Honor Roll: Denise Biljes, Bailey Dillon, Tatyana Ellis, Sanders, Brendan Schall, Christopher Scharf, Gwendolyn Schmidt,
Christmas Teas Jared Heidecker, Nicole Kittelberger, Hannah Nolen, Baylee Silvag- Natalie Sikorski, Samuel Skor, Garrett Szuch, Jacob Wasko and
gio, Nathaniel Smith, Leah Spielberger, Shelby Stevens, Rachel Tac- Taylor Zimmer.
The Strongsville Historical Society is holding their an- chite, Miya Timura, Conrad Welker, Alexis Wood, Alyssa Wood and Merit Roll: Nikolas Adams, Michael Chapman, Daylynn Conley,
nual Christmas Teas on December 5 & 6 from 2-4 p.m. They Logan Zeinert. Antonio DeBlasis, Nick Fumich, Destiney Gayton, Corey Golliday,
will be held in the restored and decorated Victorian Lathrop Honor Roll: Payton Alpine, Halle Campbell, Jasmine Caraballo, Logan Goodnough, Anthony Governale, William Hunt, Tyler Palm-
House in the Historic Village, located on the corner of Zve- Audrey Chonko, Kali Coreno, Morgan Elek, Owen Elias, Samuel er, Erik Pepsin, Kelsey Pettegrew, Marissa Roberts, Jordan Saksa,
rina Dr. and Pearl Rd. An assortment of teas will be served Gunther, McKenna Heidecker, Shannan Martynowski, Kaitlyn Gavin Seitz, Emily Surgenor, Owen Trujillo and Cody Tucker.
with delicately made sandwiches and highly desired desserts. O’Neal, Scott Schlegel, Cody Shwartz, Torrie Shields, Rebecca Tac-
There will also be a Basket Raf?e along with Christmas en- chite, Dana Trujillo and Garrhett Wheatley. 6th Grade
tertainment. The Village will be open after the teas for guests Merit Roll: Candice Ballachino, Taylor Beck, Spencer Gehr, High Honor Roll: Andrew Champagne, Meredith Chervenak,
to enjoy the decorations in the buildings and grounds. Guests Michael Jacobucci, Jessica Paletta, Andrew Schneider and Sarah Dante Cirigliano, Melissa Garibotti, Elijah Goodman, Dominic
will be invited to shop for Strongsville Memorabilia and Col- Severo. Governale, Keegan Marx, Jessica Morlock, Nicholas Reljin, Alice
lectible Ohio Glass in the Olds General Store. Free parking is Salim, Samuel Sikorski, Brooke Speck, Caitlin Wilkins, Madelyn
adjacent. Call Eve at 440-238-7289 for tickets and reserva- 12th Grade Yoder and Gabrielle Zapola.
tions. Cost is $20. High Honor Roll: Martin Barnard, Trevor Fess, Laycie Hagen, Honor Roll: John Bacha, Starleen Conley, Cody Davis, Joshua
Samantha Henry, Shawn Hodson, James Jacobs, Cullen Nagle, Jay- DeLisle, Drexton Friscone, Zachary Geiger, Luke Goodnough, Jesse
mie Pekrul, Morgan Peters, Brooklyn Roberts, Alison Schafer, An- Groleau, Autumn Hamman, Maya Haoui, Joshua Hickman, Brianna
naliese Silvay and James Surman. Hicks, Chloe Isner, Kyerstyne Kniep, Jasmine LaCourse, Jordon
Honor Roll: Brianna Berkley, Milo Drumm, Sara Kalinowski, Lebron, Owen Menge, Joshua Miller, Grace Morris, Cody Nolen,
Samuel Krizek, Shane Mullar, Samuel Nagle, Taylor Napoli, Amber Rachel Ramsey, Madison Remy, Cole Riley, Cacey Saki, Bryan
Nebinger, Joseph Osterndorff, Kristen Swartz, Suzanna Szabados, Spaniel, Gabriella Stinson, Kelsey Strieter, Maya Trujillo, Elise
Wagner, Jesse West and James Yarosh.
Merit Roll: Wilson DeWerth, Jacklynn Gibson, Dominic Koci,
Jacob Pack, Thomas Reljin, Riley Rose, Lauren Schulte, Peyton
Taylor and Myah Voge.
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7th Grade Silent Night is a Spenser Holiday Novel that was un?nished RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 5
High Honor Roll: Maya Johnson, Miranda Keller, Ashley Kru- at the time of the author’s death. Parker’s longtime agent You can also sign up at the Dec. 1 BRAS program at San-
pinski, Maria Lovell, Gabrielle Schafer and Hope Swartz. completed this book, using her unique insight gained from dy Ridge at 7 p.m.! There is no required fee to participate in
Honor Roll: Andrew Bartel, Cara Corrado, Logan Fess, Mor- their friendship. Pre-registration is required. a CBC!
ganne Fischer, Sergio Garibotti, Joseph Governale, Madison Hud-
son, Landon Hunt, Averey Lavinder, Conner Lind, Michelle Lovell, Finger Knitting Project – How-to - Get a head start on Full Draw Archers Club
Cassidy O’Steen, Allyson Ross, Alyssa Wilkins and Sophia Young. that handmade holiday gift for your loved ones. Come on
Merit Roll: Olivia Blakeney, Shane Bland, Jenna Butler, Jayson Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 6 p.m. for a simple, fun needle-less The Full Draw Mr. Andrew Custar and Mr.
Cogar, Kaley Colorito, Tyler Corbett, Ryan Davis, Madison De- knitting project. All materials will be provided. Pre-registra- Archers Club was at Brandon Campbell.
Paolis, Jacob Fleming, Cayden Keys, Samuel Kleinhenz, Jacob Ko- tion is required. it again last week-
biloinsky, Tyler Moore, Kevin Perrott, Tyler Sayles, Logan Smith, end, splitting loads The club once again
Hailey Spikes, Austin Stair, Joshua Titherage and Zakary Zeinert. Columbia Crafting Circle - Come on Saturday, Dec. 5, of wood at Clear- thanks Clearview Church
anytime from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to work on a craft- view Church in and Pastor Hurst for their
8th Grade ing project. Bring your materials and get together with other Columbia Station. support and allowing the
High Honor Roll: Kevin Barta, Sydney Berg, Sarah Conway, crafters at the library. Pre-registration is required. The club has split club to meet at the back of
Morgan Davis, Julia Ennemoser, Angelina Furyes, Coleman Isner, the wood donated the church property.
Sarah Kittelberger, Mackenzie Marx, Fiona Medina, Laci Riley, Internet For Beginners - Become familiar with Internet by Pastor Hurst on
Andrew Saki, Rose Sikorski, Karlie Smick, Alexis Speck, Katelynn basics. Attend a class on Saturday, Dec. 5, at 10:30 a.m. to two separate occa- Pictured is Marty Ber-
Strieter, Jared Swartz and Sophia Vozar. learn how to visit websites and use Internet search engines to sions. The wood is nard ?lling the log splitter
Honor Roll: Brian Barta, Karly Cipriano, Michael Dunn, Michael ?nd information. You’ll also discover the most useful web- used for the club preparing for warmth for
English, Jessica Garrow, Tracy Groleau, Tyler Hicks, Amelia Hritz, sites for accurate information, such as health information. bon?re during their their clubs’ upcoming sea-
Zoie Jarem, Amelia Jessen, Haley Keenan, Jacob Kile, Dylan Ki- Please be comfortable using a mouse before attending this competitions and son. Others who have helped
ley, Casey Medina, Joshua Morlock, Emma Roberts, Kevin Schaef, program. Pre-registration is required. for the 5th quarter in the wood splitting chores
Megan Seitz, Hunter Smith, Stephen Stansberry, Logan Szuch, Karl events sponsored were: JB Surman, Joe Ko-
Tallos and Riley West. Pj’s At The Library - Wear your pj’s to the library on Mon- by the church after biloinsky, Jimmy Sprinkle,
Merit Roll: Alexander Beach, Thomas Cassidy, Samantha Clark, day, Dec. 7, at 7 p.m. Children ages 3-6 and their caregivers home high school Sam Osterndorff, Chris
Jeffery Corrigan, Veronica Dieckman, Brooke Esposto, Benjamin will be treated to bedtime stories and songs. Pre-gistration is games. Bowe, Amanda Kile, Mad-
Gehr, Carson Heidecker, Mason Jakubisin, Payton Krase, Brittan required. die Hicks, Logan Zeinhart,
Nadeau, Rhett Palmer, Matthew Pettegrew, Charles Simon, Juliet The Full Draw Archers Linus Wright, Nolan Miller,
Smith, Thomas Stevens and Michael Verbus. Pancakes and Stories - Wake up with pancakes and stories Club is not school af?liated, Brandon Campell and An-
on Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 10:15 a.m. Children ages 3-6 and their but has roughly 10 members drew Custar.
Combined Class Reunion caregivers will enjoy story time. Pre-registration is required. with similar interests. The
club built a range, which
There will be a combined Class Reunion for Years 1970- It’s An Elf Party - Children ages 3 through 7 are invited consists of backstops made
1980 on Saturday, March 19, 2016, at the Columbia Ball- to the library’s elf party on Wednesday, Dec. 9 at 6:30 p.m. of wood and hay bales, with
room, located at 24883 Royalton Rd., in Columbia Station. Pre-registration is required. bag, block and 3D targets,
Entertainment will be provided by Southside Johnny @ the and also a bow hanger (a
Poor Fools. There will be a discount on tickets purchased by Crafternoon -how-to -Adults are invited to come and use place to hang your bow when
Jan. 1, 2016. There is a seating capacity, so the sooner you book pages to make a festive holiday decoration on Thursday, not in use). The archers meet
sign up the better. Dec. 10, at 2 p.m. Pre-registration is required. the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of
each month. They warm up
Representatives are needed from each of the 10 classes Adult Book Discussion - Start your holiday season by their shooting skills, then
to help with contacting classmates. Please call or text Nick reading a festive novel. Copies of Wishin’ and Hopin’ by compete and keep score all
Verbus at 330-618-5775 or e-mail [email protected] for Wally Lamb are available at the desk for adults who would season. The highest cumula-
more info. like to attend the discussion on this book on Monday, Dec. tive score at the end of the
14, at 1 p.m. Have a good laugh reading a Christmas tale year is awarded a trophy.
Columbia Library events about a feisty parochial school ?fth-grader. Pre-registration The archers build a bon?re
is required. to stay warm and have hot
Meeting Room - Host a meeting at the Library. The library chocolate and snacks. The
offers free use of their meeting room to local community To pre-register for programs or for more information, go club has 2 adult supervisors,
groups. Use your library card to reserve your space. online at or call the Columbia Li-
brary at (440) 236-8751. The Columbia Library is located at
Reindeer Fun - Have fun and games at a reindeer story 13824 W. River Road North.
time on Tuesday, Dec. 1, at 10:15 a.m. Enjoy stories, music
and a craft for children ages 3-7 and their caregivers. Pre- Christmas Bird Count volunteers
registration is required.
Please consider joining Black River Audubon Society for
Mystery Book Discussion - Enjoy a mystery. Pick up a their annual Christmas Bird Count. The Elyria CBC is on
copy of Silent Night by Robert B. Parker. Mystery lovers are December 19. The Wellington CBC is on January 2, 2016.
invited to discuss this book on Tuesday, Dec. 1, at 6:30 p.m. Please contact Black River Audubon Elyria CBC leader Mar-
tin Ackermann at (440) 774-3220, Wellington CBC leader
Diane Devereaux at (440) 458-2440 or visit www.blackriver- for more information or email contact.
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015
Shop Olmsted Falls
Victorian Restaurant
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 7
Shop Olmsted Falls
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Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015
The Rural-Urban Record NORTH “Welcome Home” COLUMBIA UNITED St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Published Weekly on Monday CHRISTIAN New Life Wesleyan Church CHURCH All are welcome at
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter 11149 West River Rd, Worship Service God’s Table.
Founders 1955 (Disciples) Columbia Station 10:30 a.m.
SUNDAY 9 AM Sunday Worship Schedule
Lee Boise, Publisher & President Rt. 82 & 83 Sunday School 8:30 am Quiet Communion Service
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 Bible Study, Adults/Young Adults
440-748-2230 SUNDAY 10 AM during Worship Service 9:30 am Christian Education for all ages
Mailing Address: 10:30 am Communion Service with Music
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Worship & Children’s Church 25453 ROYALTON ROAD
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO Children’s sermon at both services
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 Worship Services Adult Study, Women’s Study,
Pastor Matt Merriman 300 3rd Street, Elyria, Ohio
Email: [email protected] 8:00am & 9:30am Teens, Kids Club 236-8822 (440) 322-2126
Website: Rev. Jim Carder,
Sunday School [email protected]
DEADLINE: Senior Pastor Like us on Facebook
News articles & all ads - Wednesday by 12pm 10:45am Rev. Steven Spaeth,
Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs., 9am-4pm Polly Tallos Associate Pastor
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year 440-236-8600 GRAFTON UNITED
Christian Ed. & Youth Director METHODIST CHURCH
United Church of God
12981 Grafton Rd. Rev. Charles A. Butcher 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
Grafton, Oh 44044 “We Celebrate Children”
Sabbath Services 8:45am Sunday School
Saturdays at 12:30 pm 10:00am Worship
10:35am Children’s Church
Compassionate Friends Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
A bereavement group for parents, grandparents and sib- St. Elizabeth TRINITY Our Lady Queen of Peace
lings who have experienced the loss of a child, Compas- Ann Seton Catholic Church
sionate Friends, is establishing a charter in Lorain County LUTHERAN CHURCH
for all the surrounding areas. They meet at the parish hall of Catholic Parish Weekend Masses Weekday
Our Lady Queen of Peace, in Grafton, every fourth Mon- 38307 W. Royalton Rd, Sat. 4:30pm Mass
day of the month at 7 p.m. If you or someone you know has 25801 Royalton Rd. Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57) 8:00am
experienced the loss of a child, this group is a supportive Columbia Station, OH Sun. 8:30 & Chapel
safe place to be surrounded by people who know and care. Adult Bible Study
For more information, contact Terri Zunis at 216-469-5311 Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday 9:30am 11:00am Mon.-Tues.
or log on to Facebook at TCFLorain- (Confession) Sunday Worship 10:30am Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
County. Children’s Sunday School
Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. 10:30am during Worship Sat. 3:30-
Winter items collection Anytime by Appointment Church ph: 440-748-2154
Preschool ph: 440-748-3445 4:00pm
Grace Community Church, located at 12365 Grafton Weekend Masses
Rd., in Grafton, is collecting clean, gently used or new Sat. 5 p.m. Rev. John Ramsey II ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
coats, hats and gloves to be given away on December 5 at
The Festival of Lights in Elyria. Items can be dropped off Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
at Grace Community Church through November 30. Please
call 440-458-6612 for more information. 440-236-5095
Gentle Woman Fellowship
Gentle Woman Fellowship, an Intra-Parish Group, Holiday Cookie Sales Moms in Prayer International
meets on First Fridays at St. Clarence Parish Center, 30106
Lorain Road, in N. Olmsted. The North Eaton Christian Church youth will be The Moms in Prayer International group meets every
holding a Christmas Cookie Sale on Saturday, December 5, Wednesday, from 9-9:30 a.m. at North Eaton Christian
The schedule of activities for the December from 12-1 p.m. Homemade Christmas Cookies will be sold Church, located at 35895 Royalton Rd. They pray for the
4 gathering will be: 9:30 a.m. - Pray the Rosary; for $8 a pound. Please enter by the main door at the rear of schools, teachers, students, etc. Some things may seem out
10 a.m. - Holy Mass, followed by coffee or tea; 11 a.m. - the building. Once inside you will get a bag or two to ?ll. of control in our lives, but prayer does work and helps us to
Special speaker session. The speaker will be Nathan Munn, Pick and choose-all of one kind or a few of each from a know we are not alone in any situation. All are welcome to
Interim Executive Director of Saint Joseph’s Home. This is great variety of homemade Christmas Cookies.The money stop by and see what the prayer sessions are all about.
a ministry of the Sisters of Charity Health System. It pro- raised will help in the Mission and Ministry of the North
vides shelter, food, nursing care and vital support services Eaton Christian Church Youth Groups, including ?lling “Christmas Peace” concert
for acutely ill homeless men. If you wish, you can bring Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes, sponsoring a child
socks or toiletries to donate to the home. in Ethiopia through World Vision, helping to cover the cost Plan to join Our Lady Queen of Peace for their 4th an-
of Retreats and more. North Eaton Christian Church is lo- nual holiday concert, “Christmas Peace,” on Sunday, De-
Come and bring a friend. All women are welcome. cated on the corner of Rt. 82 and Rt. 83, next to the Eaton cember 6, at 3 p.m. The church is located at 708 Erie Street,
No reservations are needed. For more information, call Twp. Fire Department. If you have any questions, please in Grafton. Enjoy the mystical sounds of the season as the
Mary at (440) 458-5063 or Mary at (440) 235-6258. call the church of?ce at (440) 748-2230. Choristers sing melodic Christmas songs. Refreshments
will be served following the concert.
Live Nativity Community of Faith U.C.C., located at 9715 E. River
Rd., in Elyria, will be holding a Holiday Cookie Sale on The Daughters of St. Paul
Join us at the manger! The 6th grade PSR students of St. Saturday, December 12, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Homemade Choir Christmas Concert
Elizabeth Ann Seton Church will be hosting a Live Nativ- cookies will be $7 per pound. Also, raf?e tickets for a Quilt
ity on Monday, December 14, from 6:30-7:45 p.m. All are Raf?e, bene?ting Church Women United, will be available The Daughters of St. Paul Choir will be having a Christ-
invited to view the outdoor nativity at the church, located at for purchase. Join them for some Christmas cheer and a cup mas Concert at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in
25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. of coffee or hot cocoa! For questions, please call the church downtown Cleveland on Wednesday, December 4, at 7 p.m.
of?ce at (440) 323-3781. The Daughters of St. Paul Choir (Boston. MA) is known
FUNERAL HOME for their fresh arrangements of time-honored classics. Their
2089 Columbia Road Lorain County RSVP is having their annual Cookie Christmas concerts allow them to do what the Daughters of
Valley City, OH 44280 Sale on Friday, December 11, from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Cookies St. Paul do best - communicate God’s extraordinary love
are $6.50 per pound. The locations are the Lorain County for every person. Well-loved carols and holiday favorites
330-483-3300 Justice Center at 225 Court Street and the Lorain County combine a heartwarming collection of both lively and mov-
Administration Building at 226 Middle Avenue, both in ing songs that celebrate the glory, wonder and joy of the
“Understanding When Elyria. Your cookie purchase will help support programs Christmas season. The Pauline Records division of Pauline
Needed Most” for older adults in Lorain County! Happy Holidays! For Books & Media has sold nearly one million albums since
more information about senior programs, call the LCOA at the formation of the choir in 1988. Many are Angel Award- (440) 326-4800. winning CDs, which have been, in whole or in part, written,
produced and arranged by Sr. Bridget Charles Ellis FSP.
Pre-Need Planning Available Santa is coming!
There is Free admission and free secure parking at the
The Knights of Columbus have invited Santa Claus to Cathedral Garage on Rockwell Ave. at E. 9th St.
come to Columbia Station on Sunday, December 6, for an
afternoon of coloring contests, games, cookies, storytelling The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist is located at
and a take-home bag. He and Mrs. Claus will join the fun at 1007 Superior Ave. (at E. 9th St), in Cleveland.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, located at 25801 Royalton
Rd. The free event is open to all children and grandchil- Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
dren from 2-4 p.m. Mr. Clause proudly said that the young
people in our area have been exceptionally good this year! DAVID BOGNER
He is looking forward to seeing you.
Laubenthal Funeral
Services 36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
Offering Forethought
Funeral Pre-Planning
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.—Matthew 11:28
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 9
Professional Profile
Christmas in Olmsted Falls
“A Vintage Christmas”
Saturday Dec 5, 2015
11am to 5pm
12:00 - 2:00 Wagon Rides 1:00 - 3:00 Santa Stories
Tickets: Adults $5, Child $3 In the GPJ Train Caboose
12:00 - 2:00 OFMS Tickets $5, limited to 60
Choir Carolers *Purchase both tickets at Dolls and Minis
Kids Crafts
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Thru Christmas on All Rhythm Clocks! SHOP Buying, Selling, Trading 5HQRYDWLRQV
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JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036
Tues, Wed, Fri 9 - 5pm; Thurs 9 - 6pm; Sat. 9 - 1pm; Closed Sun & Mon
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Victorian Holiday kids program Those who audition must prepare:
•A brief song that best represents your voice and sheet mu-
Fleet Hometown news The Lorain County Historical Society (LCHS) is pleased sic for the piano accompanist in the proper key. No recorded
to present a Victorian Holiday program for ages 6-12 years accompaniment will be permitted.
Isaac Payne old on December 21, from 10 a.m.-noon. Children will make •A current resume
Ship’s Serviceman 2nd Class Isaac Payne, of Elyira, stands an ornament and card while learning about Victorian holiday •Sides will be provided for cold readings. There are no
as low visibility lookout aboard USS Carney (DDG 64) on customs and food. A tour of the decorated Hickories Museum AEA contracts available for this production
November 18. Carney, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile is included. Cost is $4 for LCHS members and $6 for non- To schedule an audition, email [email protected]
destroyer, forward deployed to Rota, Spain, is conducting a members. Register by calling LCHS at (440) 322-3341. This and include your name and phone number. Resumes may be
routine patrol in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in sup- event is open to the public and will be held at The Hickories attached if desired. Learn more at
port of U.S. national security interests in Europe. Museum, located at 509 Washington Ave., in Elyria. tions.
Fleet Hometown news Auditions Winter Adult Volleyball Leagues
Bradley J. Midkiff, a 2015 graduate of Firelands High Auditions for The Laramie Project, by Moisés Kaufman, The Elyria Parks and Recreation Department is currently
School, graduated from the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in will be on December 7 & 8 at 7 p.m. at Workshop Players, accepting registrations for its adult Men’s, Women’s and Co-
Parris Island, S.C. on Oct. 9. He then graduated from Marine located at 44820 Middle Ridge Rd., in Amherst. Rec volleyball leagues. Team rosters must be completed prior
Combat Training at Camp Geiger, N.C. on Nov. 17. He is to the season with no more than twelve players. Players must
now in Pensacola, FL completing his military occupational Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. be at least in high school or older to participate. A 10-game
specialty training. He is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Christopher They are looking to cast a diverse cast of 8-12 actors ages 16 schedule will be played beginning the week of January 4.
Midkiff of Henrietta Township and the grandson of Joanne and up. All ages ethnicities are encouraged to audition! All Team applications are due by December 4 and the league fee
Macaulay of Carlisle Township and Mary Winters of Lorain. actors cast will play multiple roles. Headshots and resumes of $175 must be paid by December 9 at the Parks’ main of-
are encouraged, but not required. ?ce, 131 Court St., Suite 103 (City Hall). Divisions of play
are upper, middle and lower. For more information, call (440)
Performance dates are January 28 through February 14. 326-1500.
They will have a cast meeting before the holidays and re-
hearsals will begin on January 3. Rehearsals will typically be
Sunday-Thursday from 7-10 p.m.
For more information, contact the director, Rebecca Frick
at [email protected], call the Box Of?ce at (440)
988-5613 between 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., email contact@workshop- or visit their website, www.workshopplayers.
“Blooms of Steel” auditions
Lorain County Community College’s Theatre Department
announces open auditions for LCCC’s production of “Blooms
of Steel,” with book, music and lyrics by local playwright
Kimberly Aldrich-Ceja.
“Blooms of Steel” is a new musical based on a play com-
missioned in 2008 by the Lorain County Metro Parks. The
musical tells the story of the community that grew around
the steel mill in Lorain through the family history of ?ctional
steel mill retiree, Emil Bloom. The play will be directed by
Skip Corris with musical direction by David Blazer.
“Blooms of Steel” is produced by the Lorain Historical
Society, in partnership with the Lorain Palace Theater and
LCCC’s Department of Theatre. Performances will take place
April 22-24 in the historic Lorain Palace Theater.
Auditions will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, December 7,
and Tuesday, December 8, in the Cirigliano Studio Theatre of
LCCC’s Stocker Arts Center.
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 11
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Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 insurance, was recorded on Alton Dr. on the 13th. A no insur- The public is invited to is required. This is a qualify-
ance ticket was also written on the 20th on Royalton Rd. at a special kick-off for “Blast ing “Passport to Your Parks”
Island Rd. A driver with a suspended license was ticketed on from the Past” from 12-5 p.m. event. Please visit www.Me-
the 5th on Royalton Rd. at Durkee Rd. on December 12. Visitors for
Driving under the in?uence and left of center were re- will join park district staff details. The life-sized board
corded on the 14th on Rt. 10. Another DUI was recorded on for a time capsule placement game will remain at Wolf
Halloween on Royalton Rd. at Giles Rd., combined with no ceremony at 3 p.m. All ages Creek Environmental Center
plate light. On the 20th, there was a failure to yield the right are welcome. No registration through January 10.
of way on E. Royalton Rd. Also on Royalton Rd. at Eaton
Blvd. a stop sign violation was recorded on the 20th. Driving JVS Holiday Wreath and
with a 12 point suspension was recorded on the 31st on W. Poinsettia Sale
Eaton Township calendar Royalton Rd.
A theft, combined with burglary, was reported on S. Avon
Tuesday, Dec 1: Belden Rd. on the 2nd. Other thefts occurred in Eaton Estates JVS Landscape and Greenhouse Management students, Ni-
6 p.m. Public Hearing held by NOPEC. on the 13th and on Avalon Dr. on the 17th. A breaking and cole Conrad and Zac Shutsa, both from Avon, tend to poinset-
7:30 p.m. Board of Trustees meeting. entering was reported at the Brentwood Golf Course on the tias for the upcoming sale.
Wednesday, Dec 2: 5th. On the 6th, Ross Incineration reported vandalism, crimi-
7 p.m. Zoning Commission meeting. nal trespass, theft and criminal mischief. Criminal trespass, Students from the Lorain County JVS Landscape and
Tuesday, Dec 8: combined with criminal damage, was recorded on the 15th on Greenhouse Management Program are hosting a holiday
9 a.m. - Parks & Preserve Board meeting. N. Avon Belden Rd. Criminal trespass was also reported on wreath and poinsettia sale at the JVS greenhouse.
7 p.m. - BZA - Board of Zoning Appeals end of year meet- Butternut Ridge Rd. on the 20th.
ing. Poinsettias range from $3 to $10, depending on size. Paint
Tuesday, Dec 15: Aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon was reported or glitter can be added for only $1 extra. Wreaths are $10
6 p.m. Public Hearing held by NOPEC. at the Circle K on E. Royalton Rd. On the 21st, the receipt of each.
7:30 p.m. - Board of Trustee Meeting. stolen property was recorded on National Dr.
Friday, Dec 25: The greenhouse will be open for sales 8-11 a.m. and 12-
Of?ce Closed - Happy Holidays! Domestic violence was reported on S. Reed Rd. on the 2nd 1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, through December 11.
Reminder: You may drop of brush, leaves and grass at our of the month. Domestic violence, combined with assault, was
Composting Center on Saturdays from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. reported on N. Avon Belden Rd. on the 8th. Underage con- The JVS is located at 15181 St. Rt. 58 in Oberlin. For
Note to all residents: Please note that you must call sumption was reported on the 3rd on W. Capel Rd. Telecom- more information, contact Beth Berthold at (440) 774-1051,
Rumpke when you have bulk items to be picked up. There are munication harassment occurred on E. Royalton Rd. on the ext 22377, or at [email protected].
some new steps to follow in regards to bulk pick-up: “Mat- 7th. On the 8th, there was reported an overdose on Henwell.
tresses, box springs and upholstered items for bulk pick-up by Also on the 8th, an attempted self destruction was reported on Do you have a local business?
Rumpke in Eaton Township will have to be wrapped for the E. Royalton Rd. Aggravated menacing was recorded on N.
safety of the public and drivers.” Reed Rd. on the 11th. A domestic disturbance was reported You should be advertising in
Township Hall Rentals: $50/Hall rental - Lots of open on the 19th on N. Reed Rd., combined with alleged mental The Rural-Urban Record
dates! Call the Secretary to schedule your family or work illness. A second mental illness report was on Cooley Rd.,
also on the 19th. Call us for affordable rates at
party! Interactive “Blast from the Past”
Eaton Township residents: Did you know the Township
will allow you to ‘borrow’ 7 tables/23 chairs to use for a party.
Call the Township at (440) 748-2236 to reserve them! Medina County Park Dis- A roll of the dice will send
trict caps off its year-long players on their way, follow-
Sheriff’s Report 50th-anniversary celebration ing game board spaces that
with a “Blast from Past” De- wind through Wolf Creek
cember 12 through January Environmental Center’s lab,
The October 2015 Lorain County Sheriff’s Department In- 10 at Wolf Creek Environ- library and classroom. Visi-
cident Report for Eaton Township lists 36 reported incidents. mental Center. Admission is tors will encounter programs
free. and events from the park dis-
Vehicular incidents accounted for many of the reports, in- trict’s ?rst half century, such
cluding two accidents on Capel Rd. at Midview High School. The moment visitors step as the Firecracker Bicycle
One was on the 1st, and the other on the 30th. Also on the through the door, they will Race and park grand open-
1st there was a theft from a motor vehicle at the Island Rd. become participants in a ings. See objects that offer a
Circle K. A private property accident occurred on the 7th on life-size board game, lead- feel for what American life
W. Royalton Rd. ing them on an interactive was like in those days - there
journey through pop culture will be vintage clothing, toys,
Speeders were ticketed on the 2nd on Rt. 57 at Waterfall, history beginning in 1965 movie memorabilia, rotary
on the 10th on Royalton Rd. near Rte. 57 and on the 11th on with the founding of the park phones, early computers and
Royalton Rd. at Durkee Rd. A speeding incident was also re- district and carrying through even classic lunch boxes.
corded on Rt. 10 at Rt. 83, along with a missing license plate to the present day.
on the 20th of the month. There will be activities
Buying controlled substances, along with driving without
throughout the board game.
Participants will be able to
do a little “?shing” at the
Eaton Township Natural Gas Aggregation Public Notice date marking the start of the
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS park district’s popular Youth
Fishing Derby. At the display
Notice is hereby given that on December 1, 2015 commencing at 6:00pm and again commemorating the opening
on December 15, 2015 commencing at 6:00pm at the Eaton Township Hall, 12043 Avon of Allardale, there will be an
Belden Rd., Grafton, OH 44044, the Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (“NOPEC”), opportunity to “plant a tree” -
on behalf of Eaton Township will hold public hearings with respect to the Plan of Op- it’s in honor of the more than
erations and Governance for the aggregation of competitive retail natural gas (the “Ag- 100,000 trees planted there
gregation Program”), as previously authorized by such members pursuant to the Ohio by former owners Stanley
Revised Code Section 4929.26. The Aggregation Program will apply automatically to and Esther Allard, who do-
all eligible customers of retail natural gas within the jurisdiction of Eaton Township, ex- nated their family farm to the
cept for those who elect to opt-out. Customers may opt-out without charge during a des- park district in 1992.
ignated opt-out period prior to the initiation of service under the Aggregation Program
and approximately every two years thereafter. NOPEC seeks to provide low-cost natural
gas for consumers by selecting a supplier through a negotiation process and leveraging
combined resources and buying power of member communities in NOPEC. The Plan
of Operations and Governance addresses the following topics regarding the Aggregation
Program: (1) goals, operations and funding; (2) consumer participation, including terms
of opting-out; (3) customer care; (4) organization structure and management of NOPEC;
and (5) the steps toward establishing the Aggregation Program.
Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council
Eaton Township Electric Aggregation Public Notice
Notice is hereby given that on December 1, 2015 commencing at 6:00pm and again
on December 15, 2015 commencing at 6:00pm at the Eaton Township Hall, 12043 Avon
Belden Rd., Grafton, OH 44044, the Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (“NOPEC”),
on behalf of Eaton Township will hold public hearings with respect to the Plan of Opera-
tions and Governance for the aggregation of competitive retail electricity (the “Aggre-
gation Program”), as previously authorized by such members pursuant to the Ohio Re-
vised Code Section 4928.20. The Aggregation Program will apply automatically to all
eligible customers of retail electricity within the jurisdiction of Eaton Township, except
for those who elect to opt-out. Customers may opt-out without charge during a desig-
nated opt-out period prior to the initiation of service under the Aggregation Program and
approximately every three years thereafter. NOPEC seeks to provide low-cost electric-
ity for consumers by selecting a supplier through a negotiation process and leveraging
combined resources and buying power of member communities in NOPEC. The Plan
of Operations and Governance addresses the following topics regarding the Aggregation
Program: (1) goals, operations and funding; (2) consumer participation, including terms
of opting-out; (3) customer care; (4) organization structure and management of NOPEC;
and (5) the steps toward establishing the Aggregation Program.
Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 13
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015
Holiday Gift Guide
The Most Dangerous Time of the Gifts for Geeks: What to Get the
Year? Safety Tips for the Holidays Techie on Your List
(News USA) The holidays just a few basic safety mea- lets (or preferably, (NewsUSA) - If you’re the perfect gift. It features securely anchored to a
are here, and while you’re sures.” money clips) in like most people, you an exclusive 7-inch HDX ?xed object or used as
admiring all of the beauti- their front pockets. have at least one gad- display, and 11 hours of a handle for convenient
ful presents wrapped and The following travel and get lover on your holiday battery life. carrying. Also store your
sitting under your tree, or home security tips will help * Protect gift list. That one person combo in the Master Lock
getting excited about travel you put a wrench in Mr. yourself and your that craves “the next big With Kindle Free Time, Vault so you never forget
plans, it’s also the perfect Grinch’s plans and keep you home. There are thing,” and short of that, mom and dad can man- it!
time for burglars and mug- and your belongings safe: a number of small nothing else will do. That age their kids’ screen
gers to steal some seasonal key chain alarms would be ?ne, if you had time. There’s easy ac- * Peak 150 Watt
cheer. (Remember the mov- * Take trusted trans- or pepper sprays an inkling of what that cess to more than 27 mil- Cup Holder Mobile Pow-
ie Home Alone?) It’s enough portation. Avoid unmarked that will give you a meant. lion movies, TV shows, er Outlet & Rechargeable
to cast a Scrooge-like pall (or unknown) vehicles. Taxi sense of security. music, magazines, apps, Spotlight. The mobile
over what is traditionally lines at the airport and hotel The SABRE personal alarm “Many people tend to books, games and more. power outlet ?ts into your
“the most wonderful time of are your best options. keychain, for instance, fas- look at technology gifts as And when you need help, car’s cup holders and
the year.” tens to your keys and is an a long-term investment,” there’s the new Mayday converts your vehicle’s
* Ask for help. It’s al- option for those planning to says Emmy Award-win- button. power source to one stan-
Still don’t believe it? Ac- ways best to ask someone explore the city away from ning Tech and Trends dard household AC power
cording to the Federal Bu- for directions rather than the comfort of the hotel. And reporter Brett Larson, * Master Lock outlet when plugged into
reau of Investigation, nearly wait for someone to ap- for those times that you are and host of KillerApps. 5900D SafeSpace. This any cigarette lighter. It’s
400,000 home break-ins proach you. This way you away from home, consider tv. “It’s important to look portable, personal safe perfect for charging cell
occur in the U.S. from No- are in control of the situation installing SABRE’s wireless for items that you will use provides protection for phones, laptops and tab-
vember through December at all times. home security or standalone frequently.” high-priced personals lets. The Rechargeable
each year, so it is essential alarms. The standalone including smart phones, Halogen 1Million spotlight
to secure your home as you * Keep your wallet alarms are easy to install Here are ?ve “Killer cameras, cash, keys and is great for camping or in
bring in expensive items and and purse close. It’s best if and can be purchased for as Apps” to consider for the jewelry. The foam-lined an emergency. When ful-
gifts. women carry small purses little as $20 to $50. techie in your life: case features a combi- ly charged, you get up to
and keep them close, while * Watch what you nation lock and an inte- 25 minutes of run time.
“Most homes are extreme- men should keep their wal- throw away. Potential intrud- * LG 55LA7400. grated cable that can be
ly vulnerable to burglaries ers often rummage through This Smart LED HDTV
during the December holi- trash to see what might be in gives you access to your WILCOX FARMS
days,” said Bob Beach, chief your home. Boxes from new, favorite movies and video CHRISTMAS TREES
of Longwood University’s expensive gifts, or receipts games. For remote-chal-
police force in Farmville, Vir- for big purchases alert crimi- lenged folks, the LG’s
ginia. “Keeping your home nals that these big-ticket Gesture Based Magic Re-
safe from thieves during the items can be found inside. mote with Voice makes it
holidays requires following easy to select and search
channels and the best of
2200 Station Rd. 330-350-2486 the Internet. The LG Cin- Cut Your Own Tree
Valley City ema 3D with built-in sub- Wagon Rides woofer is perfect for en-
South of Route 303 joying theater-like movies Have a Real Tree
Our Meats are Locally, with the family.
HOURS: Thurs. & Fri. 11 am-6 pm All Naturally Raised,
Sat. & Sun. 11 am-5 pm No Hormones, No Antibiotics, * HP Spectre13
No Steroids. Beef, Pork, Ultrabook. This PC is
Chicken, Turkey & Lamb ideal for those who want •Large Cut Trees
style without sacri?cing
Order Your Holiday Meal substance. With its nine •Live Dug Trees Merry Christmas
hours of battery life, thin, •Wreaths
Standing Rib Roast - $10.99/lb. Boneless Ribeye Roast - $10.99/lb sleek design, a 13.3-inch
Whole Beef Tenderloin - $16.99/lb. full HD touchscreen dis- •Pine Roping
Hams: Bone-In - $3.09/lb. Boneless - $3.99/lb. Spiral-sliced - $2.99/lb. play and an extra-wide
Fresh Free Range Turkey - $3.39/lb. Turkey Breast - $6.19/lb. HP Control Zone track- •Candies
Boneless Turkey Roast - $5.79/lb. & Turkey Breast Roast - $6.99/lb. pad, this notebook is
Smoked Whole Turkey - (9-13#) $5.59/lb. Smoked Turkey Breast - (6-8#) $7.59/lb. ready to impress every- •Amish Cheese
Pork Roast - Loin Bone-in - $4.29/lb. Boneless - $4.79/lb. Pork Shoulder Roast Boneless - $2.89/lb. one from the bistro to the
Pork Tenderloin - $6.99/lb. - Boneless Leg of Lamb - $8.99/lb. boardroom. •Trail Bologna
Order deadline (Christmas & New Years) Fresh Turkeys - December 14. * Kindle Fire HDX. •Jams ~ Jellies
Other items including gift boxes/baskets - 1 week prior to date needed. At just under $230, this
next-generation Kindle is SR 303, 2 miles West of LaGrange
Gift Boxes Gift Certi?cates Available We also have or 3 miles East of Pittsfield
Gift South 1/2 mile at
Filet Box - (4) 8 oz. Filet Mignon - $39.95 Any denomination
Baskets 17620 Nickle Plate Diagonal Road
Ribeye Box - (4) Steaks 1” cut, 12-16 oz. - $49.95 and 10:00 am - 7:30 pm Daily
NY Strip Box - (4) New York Strips 1” cut approx. 12 oz. - $39.95 Custom Baskets
Ohio Products - Honey, Maple Syrup (pint), 3 Jams - $29.95
Customers Choice - Have a selection of products wrapped - Price + $4
Open for last minute shopping!
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for beautiful white gold
diamond earrings or jewelry!”
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665 Chestnut Commons Dr.., Elyria
(440) 322-0019 •
Hours: Tues. 9:30-7 • Mon./Wed./Thurs./Fri. 9:30-6 • Sat. 9:30-3:30
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 15
heating & cooling, inc
Gas $96.50 + Parts
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Not valid with any other specials or offers.
We also install humidi?ers, air cleaners and energy saving thermostats
Expires December 18, 2015
CALL 440-236-8825
OH LIC #14547
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015
Holiday Gift Guide
How to Send Gifts to Faraway Gifts to Keep Kids
Friends and Family Engaged
The holiday season is ments. To make that process expensive, insure the pack- Store aisles are ?lled and sinker for ultra-popu- more about what they like
a time to share happy ex- less complicated, consider age in the event it gets lost this time of year with every lar trendy gifts. While such rather than the “right” way
periences with friends and these suggestions. or damaged. Also, you may must-have gift retailers can gifts may have popular ap- to play or win.
family. But reconnecting want to spend a little more advertise. Children often peal, that does not mean
with loved ones come the · Package gifts wisely. money to have the shipment plead and beg for the hot- they’re a perfect ?t for · Choose gifts that grow.
holidays is not always pos- When shipping gifts, exer- tracked and a con?rmation test toys weeks ahead of your child. When shopping Shoppers want to select
sible, especially when fam- cise caution to ensure the sent when the package is the holidays, hoping to ?nd for youngsters come the gifts that are age-appropri-
ily and friends are spread item arrives on time and delivered. This can offer their requests wrapped up holiday season, choose a ate for children so they will
out across the country, if in one piece. The holiday some peace of mind during come the big day. gift because your child will be safe during play time.
not the globe. Even though season is one of the busi- a hectic time of year. truly enjoy it and not be- But shoppers also should
these people may not be est times of the year for But once the gift wrap is cause it’s the trendy item look for toys and activities
close geographically, they’re the shipping industry, and · Take advantage of free torn away and kids have of the year. that can be modi?ed and
still close in our hearts and, packages may endure a shipping offers. Many retail- played with their presents grow with the child as he
therefore, still on our holiday few bumps along the way. ers offer discounts on ship- for a day, some already · Focus on the play fac- or she ages. A game that
shopping lists. For fragile items, use extra ping rates during the holiday grow bored with their new tor. Too often shoppers gets progressively harder
packing peanuts, newspa- season. Shop at retailers belongings and cast them get caught up in toys’ ap- through levels or a toy set
Some issues arise when per or other protective wrap- that offer such discounts, aside. Certain toys are not pearances. Instead, think that can be supplemented
sending gifts to faraway ping material. Choose the as shipping costs can be engaging enough to war- about how the toys will as kids grow older may
friends and family. Distance right size package so the gift exorbitant depending on the rant extended periods of work with imaginative play. make good gifts. Musical
necessitates shipping gifts does not move around much sizes of the packages be- play - no matter what the The more a child can en- instruments also can grow
or making travel arrange- inside of the box. If the gift is ing sent. In addition, online advertisements boast. vision himself doing with with a child, as the instru-
retailers may allow you to a particular toy, the more ments become easier to
954 Main Street | Grafton, OH 44044 ship the gift directly to its re- No gift-giver wants to likely he or she will exhibit master with practice.
440-926-0500 cipient, which can help you spend money on a pres- a continued interest in that
ensure the gift gets to its ent only to have it collect- toy. · Figure out the child’s destination on time. ing dust days later. With interests. Toys that cater
that said, employing these · Look for minimal bells speci?cally to a child’s in-
Jennifer, Landon · Give gift cards and certi?- strategies can help any- and whistles. Kids often terests will be the most
& Scot Kuhns cates. Gift cards are an easy one select a gift that will ?nd toys that leave more warmly received. It may
item to ship, and can be sent continue to inspire and ex- room for imagination more take going the extra mile
NEED CASH FOR within the regular mail for cite children long after the interesting than toys that to ?nd a gift that matches a
CHRISTMAS? the cost of a stamp. Certain holiday season has come are loaded with gadgets. child’s interest rather than
retailers may have digital and gone. Children prefer to make up picking up the ?rst trendy
We Buy Gold! gift cards or certi?cates that their own stories and cre- gift you see, but the results
allow buyers to email a spe- · Don’t believe the hype. ate modes of play that are will be well worth it.
Commodity markets are at record high levels. cial code to the gift recipi- It’s easy to fall hook, line
Bring in your unwanted jewelry for a FREE Professional ent, who can then redeem
the code for a purchase Schuster’s Westview Gardens
Evaluation and Cash Exchange. credit. This is a convenient,
fast and inexpensive way to Shop Schuster’s
Products send holiday wishes. for all your Holiday gifts!
• Diamond Engagement Rings • Wedding Rings · Don’t forget about in- Dec. 5-6
and Anniversary Rings • Colored Birthstone spections and customs
Jewelry • Wall, Mantel and Floor Clocks procedures. Items shipped
• Mens’ and Ladies’ Watches out of the country may be
delayed by customs inspec-
Services tors at their ultimate desti-
nation. Assume that certain
Full on-premise jewelry repair services. packages may be opened
Grandfather, wall and mantel clock services or detained, and ship such
packages early so the gifts
are also available. still arrive on time. Pack-
ages that look unusual or
HOURS: TUES, WED, FRI 9-5; THURS 9-6; like they’re hiding something
SAT 9-1; CLOSED SUN & MON may be prone to inspection
more so than others. Be
STRONGSVILLE HOBBY honest about declarations of
of ELYRIA value and what is contained
in the package. Also, realize
440-366-0665 certain items, like fruits, veg-
etables, plants, or seeds,
Holiday RC may be prohibited. Learn the
Headquarters with international shipping rules
for your gift’s destination
sBstaeolrSeeswatehlelrtsoaeunagdshoGoneutltoytnhogeu,r Sweetheart prior to sending anything.
foar yRo/CunHge&licopldto!r or Plane!
Distant family members
and friends may be out of
sight but certainly not out
of mind come the holidays.
When it comes to sending
gifts, ship smart.
831 Chestnut Commons • Elyria Shop Small Business Saturday November
Hours: M-F 11-8 • Sat. 11-6 • Sun. 12-5 28th!
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 17
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Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015
Holiday Gift Guide
Great Gifts for People Who Gift Ideas for the Special
Love to Read Seniors in Your Life
Many people love to read, · E-reader: Before buying on their capabilities, but you With lifetimes of experienc- The headphones amplify the a special order.
and such people do not of- an e-reader, shoppers may can expect to spend any- es and seemingly everything sound of the programming Photos
ten cause headaches for want to ?rst learn where the where from $50 to several they could ever want or need without disturbing others in What grandparent does
holiday shoppers. Readers intended recipient of this hundred dollars depending in life already at their disposal, the room, and many such
typically are easy to shop for thoughtful gift stands on the on which model you ulti- seniors can be dif?cult to shop headphones even allow users not enjoy looking at his or her
come the holiday season, book versus e-reader de- mately choose. for come the holiday season. to mute their televisions. This family members? Computer-
when shoppers stuck on bate. Some book lovers feel Many even insist that their feature is perfect for someone savvy men and women can
what to get a friend or fam- a sentimental attachment · Storage: For those read- family members save their who likes to watch TV while a use photo software to design
ily member can always fall to traditional books, while ers who prefer traditional money and not buy them any- spouse is sleeping or reading personalized photo books,
back on a book or two if they others love the versatility of books, a new bookshelf can thing for the holidays. in the same room. calendars, mugs, and other
know their loved one likes to e-readers, many of which help them store their favor- photo-related gifts. Just about
get lost in a good book. serve as tablets that allow ite titles. Books take up a lot But if the thought of Grand- Other devices that can anything can be emblazoned
users to peruse the Internet, of space, and avid readers ma or Grandma not having make life easier for seniors in- with a photo, including tote
But books aren’t the only play games and, of course, tend to buy many new books something to open come the clude magnifying products or bags and pillows.
gifts shoppers can give the read books. If your friend each year, so homeown- holidays is simply unaccept- bookholders. In addition, gel
readers on their lists this or family member does not ers and apartment dwellers able, consider the following seat cushions can take pres- Another idea is to collect
holiday season. The follow- have an aversion to e-read- alike will no doubt appreci- gift ideas. sure off of the spine in the car old photos and compile a
ing are a few gift ideas no ers, then this might make ate the extra space to store or at home. memory book. Scan the im-
book lover can balk at. the ideal gift. The price of their collections. But even e- Activity assistance de- ages so they are preserved
e-readers varies depending reader enthusiasts may ?nd vices Food digitally and then print out the
their storage ?lling up faster Food is always a handy gift images in a book that includes
A Trusted Name in Jewelry than they might have liked. The realities of getting older because it doesn’t take up the family history.
To remedy that problem, often mean the body slows much room and can be en-
Holiday holiday shoppers can buy down and activities may not joyed at a recipient’s leisure. Time
Open House a Wi-Drive with ample extra be as easy as they used to be. Perhaps there is something Seniors who truly do not
storage space so readers Many active seniors are not the senior in your life used to want or need anything prob-
Your friends at Vandemark Jewelers who keep both books and ready to live sedentary lives, enjoy as a child but now ?nds ably will likely jump at the op-
invite you to join us as we welcome in the movies on their e-readers nor should they be forced to hard to come by. A search of portunity to spend time with
Holiday Season with our annual Open and tablets have plenty of do so. Plenty of products exist the Internet may uncover that loved ones. Treat a friend or
House. We’ll put you in the holiday spirit extra space to store all of that can make life easier and special treat. You may be able family member to a meal out
with our festive atmosphere, holiday treats those new books they plan more comfortable for older to ship a specialty soft drink or simply spend a few hours
to read in the coming year. adults. or favorite cookie that is not chatting at his or her home.
and sparkling gifts. available in a nearby store. Sometimes the company of a
· Decorative bookends: Television amplifying head- Otherwise, ask a store man- new face and good conversa-
Sunday, December 6, 2015 Those who have a passion phones are one product that ager if a particular item that’s tion is the ideal gift.
12:30 pm - 5:00 pm for books and home de^acor can be a great ?t for seniors, not in stock in the store can be
might appreciate a unique particularly those having dif?-
set of handcrafted bookends culty hearing their televisions.
to store the books they keep
on their desks or those they Need a
keep out as decorative ac- Gift Idea?
cents that guests can enjoy
when visiting. Such gifts will
please your friends or family
members who have a ?are
for interior decorating while
also appealing to their love
of literature.
244 E. Broad Street | Elyria | 322-1700 · Book club membership: Give Our Holiday A membership to a Book Gift Card
of the Month Club may be
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 19
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Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Veterans gather for special program Salvation Army
The Grafton Salvation
Army is proud to announce
the launching of its annual
Christmas Toy and Food
Drive. As in the past, the
VILLAGE OF GRAFTON NOTICE collection points for the toys
The Grafton Village Hall and Of?ces will be closed on will be the Grafton Method-
December 24 & 31. ist Church and Grafton City
Hall. The toys will be col-
GRAFTON UTILITY CUSTOMERS lected until Thursday, Dec.
Village of Grafton utility customers can now view their ac- 17.
count information and make credit or debit card payments on- Families living in the
line. In order to access the new utility account program, visit Midview School District
the Village of Grafton web-site,, wishing help for Christmas
then go to the utilities page; click on the link for the Utility assistance through the Graf-
Connect Program to access your account information. Use the Some of the 40 veterans honored at Midview East Intermediate School ton Salvation Army should
account number and billing address information from your
utility bill to register your utility account. For more informa- apply by letter with the fol-
tion, contact the Grafton Village Utility Department at (440) lowing information: proof
926-1093 between the hours of 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. of residency, proof of child
guardianship for children up
FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY to the age of 12 and proof
The next regular meeting of the Friends of the Grafton- of household income. Make
Midview Library will be Tuesday, December 1, at 6:30 p.m. sure to enclose your phone
They will be meeting in the ?rst ?oor meeting room. Char- number so we can contact
line Kennedy, a licensed massage therapist will be on hand to you as to when to pick up
give chair massages to Friends members. Massage are limited your gifts and food. On the
and open to Friends members only. New members are always day of pick up, please bring a
welcome. Brochures about the Friends organization are avail- valid photo ID. PLEASE no
able at the circulation desk at the library. phone calls. ALL requests
need to be into the Salvation
MIDVIEW CHOIR FUND-RAISER DINNER Keynote Speaker, Airman Midview East Intermediate School Essay Contest Winners Army by December 15, with
The Midview Choral Department is sponsoring their ?rst First Class Gregory Decker, (L-R): Charlotte Bynum, Amanda Pshock, Clayton Kowal- no exception. Please mail
Madrigal Dinner on Saturday, December 5, at 7 p.m. in the U.S.A.F., sharing his experi- ski and Delaney Miller. letters to: Grafton Salvation
High School APR. Please join them for a 3-course dinner, ences to ?fth and sixth grade the Midview High School numbered over 500. Hon- Army, 963 Mechanic Street,
catered by Fligner’s Market in Lorain, served in a medieval students at Midview East In- Band played “Taps” on the orable mention award win- Grafton, Ohio 44044. Please
setting. The event also offers an evening of traditional holiday termediate School. trumpet, student Xavier Fife ners were Amanda Pshock keep in mind we have only
music performed by the Midview Express. Tickets are $20 for led in the Pledge of Alle- and Delaney Miller. Contest 3 weeks.
adults and $10 for students and senior citizens. For tickets or Approximately 40 vet- giance and student Autumn winners were Charlotte By-
more information, call Midview High School at (440) 748- erans attended the special Brezovsky gave the intro- num and Clayton Kowalski. In the past, the residents
2124, x3504. assembly at Midview East ductory remarks. A choir of The keynote speaker was of the Midview School Dis-
Intermediate School on No- over seventy students from Airman First Class Of?cer, trict have demonstrated an
LADY MIDDIES YOUTH BASKETBALL vember 11. The assembly overwhelming generosity.
Sign-ups are underway for the Lady Middies Youth Bas- has become an annual event
ketball Program, which is an instructional program designed for the ?fth and sixth grade East Intermediate sang a Gregory Decker, U.S.A.F. Thanking you in advance for
to help girls in grades 3-6 learn the fundamentals, rules and students. The veterans in at- variety of patriotic songs He spoke to the students Making 2015 another joy-
knowledge of the game of basketball. There is a new format tendance served in World for the honored guests. Also about his experiences train- ous Christmas for local fami-
this year. The program will consist of 8 weeks of instructional War II, Korea, Vietnam, Per- entertaining the guest veter- ing in the military and serv- lies. God Bless You and to
clinics, game preparation and league play. Sessions will be- sian Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan, ans was the Midview High ing his country. all a Very Merry Christmas
gin Saturday, December 5, from 8-10 a.m. at Midview High and at peace time. School JROTC armed exhi- The students also collect- from your Grafton Salvation
School. Pre-Registration is $50 and includes a basketball and During the assembly, bition team. East Intermedi- ed many items to send to the Army Team.
a T-shirt. Pre-registrations will be accepted until December 1. the Midview High School ate held a school-wide essay troops overseas.
Registration forms were sent home with all girls in grades 3-6 JROTC Color Guard present- contest. The contest winners
and are available in the of?ces at both East and West Elemen- ed the colors, Brian Borows- andhonorablementionaward
tary Schools. Registration at the door on December 5 will be ki played the bagpipe, Nick winners read their composi-
$60. The program is under the direction of the MHS coach- Lawwill and Justin Fuller of tions to the audience, which
ing staff, players from the varsity, junior varsity and fresh- KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS
man teams will coach youth teams, help guide instruction and St. Mary School students
serve as positive role models. Please email Coach Kim Kauff- celebrate Veterans Day GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY
man at [email protected] for more information.
The Midview Endowment Fund Committee has announced Other local schools celebrated Veterans Day in a variety of Hours By Appointment
a way for families to help raise money for the Fund as they ways. Students at St. Mary School in Elyria held a prayer ser-
prepare for the Christmas holiday. For every Christmas tree vice. Students at St. Jude School in Elyria wore green shirts 419 NORTH MAIN STREET
chosen from the Scholarship Forest area of DiVencenzo and socks to recognize those who served in the military. The GRAFTON, OHIO
Family Tree Farm, a donation will be made to the Fund. The smaller students made cards, while the junior high wrote let-
Endowment fund offers grants for special student programs ters for the Wounded Warriors/Recovering American Soldier 440-926-2705
and projects. Log on to to program. The cards and letters will be sent to the Walter Reed
learn more about the program and to print out a coupon to use Army Medical Center.
at the point of purchase. A link can also be found on www. . McConnell Ready Mix is a full service Ready SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
Mix Concrete supplier servicing the Northeast
Veteran’s Day Celebrations Ohio area. We service Residential, Commer- Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
cial, Industrial or Government projects of any programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
Soldiers of History size. For ordering and delivery of Ready Mix 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
Concrete or just a quote for your project call
The Grafton based group presented a living history pro- The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
gram at Northwood Middle School on Veterans Day, which 440-458-4325. drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
resulted in a standing ovation from the students and staff. If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
The program offered the audience a chance to see volunteer McConnell Ready Mix ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE CANCELED.
soldiers dressed in authentic uniforms and original or replica 37540 Butternut Ridge Road • N. Ridgeville, OH 44039
weapons from all of the Wars fought by the colonists and These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
Americans. Fourteen members participated at Northwood,
representing 13 con?icts, from the French and Indian War to [email protected] 11/30 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
the current con?icts. During the 40 minute presentation, the and coffee for participants.
soldiers stay silent with no expression as they step out and 12/01 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed by
walk back and forth in front of the students. For each con- Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for participants.
?ict, a narrator describes the uniform, weapons and dif?cul- 12/03 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner to be held
ties faced by soldiers and others. Each segment ends with the 12/10/2015 at 5:30pm. Two names per phone call only.
total number of Americans who died. The presentation brings 12/04 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for
social study lessons to life. participants.
12/07 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
SAVE MONEY WITH THE HOME/CAR DISCOUNT. and coffee for participants.
12/08 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed by
Which helps when you have the Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and
juice for participants.
HOME/CAR PAYMENTS. 12/10 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner
for those that signed up. Please
Combine your home and auto insurance and save up remember to cancel by noon if unable
to attend.
to 25% on your premiums at Nationwide® 12/11 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club
with pop and snacks for participants.
Mark Cummings Agency
MARK CUMMINGS Nationwide® • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
On Your Side the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
990 Commerce Dr. Grafton
440-926-2000 • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
[email protected] Nationwide® Manager for additional information.
Call me today for a quote. Auto Home Life Business
Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Af?lited Companies. Life
Insurance issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Of?ce: Columbus, OH 43215-2220
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 21
St. Jude students enter Mural Competition
The seventh grade students at St.
Jude School in Elyria display their mu-
ral being submitted into the Wyland
National Water is Life Mural Chal-
The seventh grade students at St. Jude School in Elyria display their mural being submitted into the Wyland National Water is Life Mural Challenge.
Seventh grade students at St. Jude School in Elyria submitted an entry into the Wyland National “Water is Life” Mural Challenge. The students spent many
weeks creating the mural on a canvas from Wyland with the theme “Our Coast, Our Climate.”
Holiday IdeaFest
New Traditions Start @ Grafton-Midview Public Library
Sunday, December 6, 2015 from 1 - 5 PM
Make an Angel or 1:00 - 1:30 PM GMPL’s Writers Bunch performs
Dr. Seuss’s “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”
Santa Ornament, Free 1:45 - 2:45 PM
Giftwrapping, Holiday card 2:00 - 4:00 PM Create a centerpiece/wreath from Books
making, Create a Centerpiece 3:00 - 3:30 PM
Free Gift Wrapping in the Teen Zone
or Wreath from books,
Passing Your Family Story Through the Generations
plus Food and Beverages! 3:45 - 4:15 PM with Heather Faust from Your Story Productions
4:30 - 5:00 PM Great gifts from Grafton
Roary Claus Visits! GMPL’s Writers Bunch performs
Dr. Seuss’s “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”
Fun Ideas for the Entire Family!
983 Main St., GraOon
Page 22, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Public Zoning meeting
A review was given of the Health and Wellness teachers’
Midview Schools The Grafton Township Zoning Commission will hold a
Superintendent Scott Goggin in-service day. The district saves money by being proactive public zoning meeting at the Grafton Township Hall at 7 p.m.
with employee health. School district administration has on Tuesday, December 1. The Zoning Commission will con-
Here at Midview we have plenty to be thankful for. We sponsored several ?tness events for students, teachers and tinue discussion of current issues and concerns.
are thankful for a community that supports us, not only on families in 2015 and has plans for more such events in the
the athletic ?eld but also throughout the rest of our school coming year. A walking path was installed this past spring 5th annual Christmas in the
district. We are thankful for staff members who come in every which is open for use by all Midview residents. The trail con- Alpaca Barn
day and work hard to further the best interests of our students. nects all the buildings on campus.
We are thankful for a student body who drives for success
and impresses us every day. I hope that all of our Middies had In other action, an independent company was hired to per-
a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to spend time with form the district’s annual ?scal audit, several personnel issues
family and friends. were decided and a donation of twenty hardbound children’s
books was accepted by the board. The board thanked Jeff
There is also a lot to look forward to in December! Look- Wolf for the donation of the books estimated at a value of
ing for Christmas presents for a Middie fan? Our booster $175.
support organizations are pulling together for the ?rst of?cial
Santa Shoppe, which will be held on Dec. 3 in the Midview The next meeting is on an unusual night as well, due to
High School APR from 6-8 p.m. Athletic, music and band Christmas vacation. The board will meet on Wednesday, De-
gear will be available. cember 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the West Elementary LRC.
On Dec. 5, join the high school choir for its ?rst Madrigal Grafton-Midview Library
Dinner. The medieval themed, 3-course meal will take you
back to medieval times, accompanied by traditional holiday The Grafton-Midview Public Library is always working Our Little World Alpacas is having our ?fth annual
music performed by the Midview Express. Tickets are $20 to sponsor quality programs. For accurate planning, please Christmas in the Alpaca Barn Saturday, December 5
for adults and $10 for students and senior citizens. For more be advised that most library programs require registration. To from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, at 16800 Cowley Road in
information about these events, visit register, call 926-3317, visit the library at 983 Main Street in Grafton (just 5 miles south of Rt. 82 at Rt. 57 and Rt.
Grafton or visit their website, 303). Come see our herd of quality alpacas and ?nd
Happy Holidays Middies! Scott Goggin, Superintendent, that special and unique gift made locally from our al-
Midview Local Schools Duct Tape for the Holidays - Tuesday, December 1, 3- paca ?ber.
5 p.m. Make ornaments with duct tape featuring cool pop
[email protected], Twitter: @scottgoggin culture patterns. Help decorate the Teen Zone tree or make For more information and directions visit our web-
ornaments to take home. All supplies will be provided, but site:
The Midview Board of Education met for their monthly participants may also bring in their favorite patterns to use.
meeting on November 18. Though the meeting date had been Registration is required. Or Call: (440) 477-4300 or (440) 724-7070.
on the calendar since early in the year, it was not on the usual Also visit our online farm store at www.thegreatal-
fourth Thursday due to Thanksgiving. The meeting began LifeShare comes to GMPL - Tuesday, December 1, 4-7
with a presentation from Amanda Spinney, preschool teacher, p.m. Give the Gift of Life as the LifeShare’s Bloodmobile
as to how the new preschool program is fairing. She presented comes to GMPL. The holiday season is here and accidents The Rural-Urban Record
a slide show of photos taken through the ?rst quarter of the can happen, even in Grafton. Join us as we replenish the
program. The preschool has students with common abilities blood banks with LifeShare. Your best choice for local
and students with special needs. Spinney said the students advertising this season!
cannot wait to help each other. The board then asked ques- Tech Tutor - Wednesday, December 2, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30
tions about the program. The program is being considered p.m. & 2:30-4:30 p.m. Tech Tutor has one scheduled day per Call us today 440-236-8982
very successful thus far. month, with times in the morning or afternoon, for patrons to
register for an appointment. Patrons may bring any technol-
Another highlight of the meeting was the showing of the ogy-related questions regarding computers, software, smart-
footage which appeared on Fox 8 News as Midview High phones, tablets, e-readers and more to these appointments.
School was named a “Cool School” by the Cleveland tele- All appointments during these days are 1 hour maximum and
vision station. The footage gave mention to several unique registration is recommended, however walk-ins are welcome
programs at the school, including JROTC and Project Lead if times are available.
the Way. It also featured interviews by students, cheerleaders
leading an APR full of students, students in class and some Tech Tutor is also available on an individually scheduled
of the Conference Champion football players. The footage is basis, depending on staff availability. Patrons that cannot at-
available through a link on the Midview website, www.mid- tend the scheduled monthly day or need more immediate as-
sistance are encouraged to make one of these individual ap-
pointments instead, or in addition to one the scheduled times.
These appointments are 1 hour maximum and registration is
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17333 Avon Belden Rd (RT 83) • Grafton, OH 44044 Hot Italian Sweet Maple
Country Breakfast
N. Ridgeville Historical Society RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 23
Do you remember the year you found a tricycle under the North Ridgeville Library
family Christmas tree? Visit the North Ridgeville Histori-
Fair Housing Board Meeting cal Society on December 5, at the Old Town Hall Museum, Adult Morning Book Discussion - Read a captivating
36119 Center Ridge Rd., to relive some of those childhood story of the wonders and absurdities of human life – as only
The next meeting of the Fair Housing Board will be held memories. In addition to the regular displays, there will be a dog could tell it. Borrow The Art of Racing in the Rain,
on Wednesday, December 9, at 10 a.m. in the Mayor’s Con- special displays of toys from years past. This event is part of by Garth Stein. Adults are invited to discuss this novel on
ference Room at North Ridgeville City Hall, 7307 Avon the city’s Holiday on the Ridge event. The museum will be Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 10:30 a.m. Get together after break-
Belden Road. open from 9 a.m - 4 p.m. Refreshments will be served and fast to talk about this heart-wrenching but ultimately uplifting
there will be hourly door prizes! book. Pre-registration is required.
The Public is welcome to attend.
Free mobile app helps farmers Internet For Beginners - Become familiar with Internet
Christmases of Your Past basics. Attend a class on Monday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m. or
Thursday, Dec. 10, at 2 p.m. to learn how to visit websites and
use Internet search engines to ?nd information. You’ll also
Relive the Christmases of your past when you visit North A free mobile app is now “It was very important for discover how to evaluate Web content. Please be comfortable
Ridgeville’s Old Town Hall Museum on December 5, from 9 available to help farmers us to team up with the local using a mouse before attending this program. Pre-registration
a.m. - 4 p.m. The Historical Society will share special exhibits comply with new record- Soil and Water Conservation is required.
of items from their members’ private collections of toys found keeping requirements cre- District on a project like this
under the Christmas Trees of their youth. Admission is free. ated under two state laws. that has an impact locally Book Buddies - Imagine a year without Christmas. But
Many unique items will be for sale and refreshments will be and statewide. It’s going to what if skipping the holiday isn’t as easy as you’d think? Bor-
served! Mark your calendars and stop by for a visit! Developed by Knox take a lot of people work- row Skipping Christmas, by John Grisham. The Book Bud-
County Farm Bureau and ing together to improve our dies adult book discussion group will talk about this novel on
Riley seeks loving home Knox County Soil and Wa- water quality situation here Wednesday, Dec. 9, at 1 p.m. Copies of the book are available
ter Conservation District, the in Ohio.” at the adult information desk.
Riley is such Riley Ohio Nutrient Management
a sweetheart! She fees are $10 for 1 year and Record Keeper (ONMRK) After setting up the Exploration Station - On Friday, Dec. 11, between 11 a.m.
is a 5-year-old older and $40 for less than 1 was designed to help farm- ONMRK app on their mo- - 2 p.m., stop by the story room with 2-5-year-olds to work
Torbie who came year old. All cats have been ers comply with Senate Bill bile device, farmers can on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, patterns and much
from another res- spayed or neutered, vacci- 1, which restricts the appli- easily record what nutrients more.
cue. Riley is very nated, dewormed and have cation of manure and fertil- they apply on their farms and
friendly and loves tested negative for FeLV. izer on frozen, snow-covered ?elds. The application screen North Ridgeville Writers - Are you an adult who wants to
attention. This Friendship APL is a private, or saturated ground in the shows the current weather meet other writers and hone your writing skills? Do you need
pretty girl would non-pro?t humane society. Western Lake Erie Basin, and the weather forecast. If motivation to pick up a pen in the ?rst place? If so, take part
love to be part of They depend on the gener- and Senate Bill 150, which the weather forecast calls in the writing group on Saturday, Dec. 12, from 2-4 p.m. Par-
a family for the osity and ?nancial support requires anyone who applies for more than ½ inch of rain, ticipate in read and critique sessions, build your skills through
holidays. If you of the public to serve the fertilizer on more than 50 there will be a warning, let- writing practice and learn the craft of writing in general. Pre-
would like to give people and animals of Lo- acres to obtain fertilizer ap- ting farmers know their ap- registration is required.
Riley a loving, rain County. plication certi?cation. The plication could be out of
forever home, app is available at www. compliance. The application Excel 2007 For Beginners - Receive an introduction to
please call the Friendship, Google Play information is quickly en- Microsoft Excel 2007 on Monday, Dec. 14, at 6:30 p.m. or
Animal Protective League and the App Store. tered in drop-down menus Thursday, Dec. 17, at 2 p.m. Students will learn about work-
at (440) 322-4321. (www. that track type, time, analysis, ing with spreadsheets – identifying rows and columns, enter- Over $30,000 in grant soil conditions, method of ing data into cells & ranges and creating simple mathematical
money for the development application, ?eld conditions formulas. Pre-registration is required.
The shelter is located at of the app was awarded and amount of nutrients ap-
8303 Murray Ridge Road, through Ohio Farm Bureau’s plied per acre and any notes The Butler Did It - Read a mystery set in a wicked won-
in Elyria. Their hours are County Water Quality Ini- to be included in the report. derland where day after day someone winds up dead! Pick
from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. tiative Program, Ohio State All the information is saved, up The Twelve Clues of Christmas: A Royal Spyness Mystery,
on Monday, Friday & Sat- University Extension and and application reports can by Rhys Bowen. Adults are invited to discuss this book on
urday; from 11 a.m.-6:30 the Muskingum Watershed be downloaded for printing Wednesday, Dec. 16, at 7 p.m. Copies are available at the
p.m. on Tuesday & Thurs- Conservancy District. from the Web portal. adult information desk.
day; and from 11 a.m.-2:30
p.m. on Sunday. Adoption The ONMRK app fea- For more information or to register for programs, call the
North Ridgeville Library at (440) 327-8326. The North Rid-
geville Library is located at 35700 Bainbridge Road.
tures drop-down menus that
make it easy and quick for
farmers to record their fertil-
izer or manure application
as well as record the current
weather conditions and fore-
cast for the next 24 hours.
Those records can then be
printed through an Internet
Shrek the Musical portal. North Ridgeville
Saturday, December 5, 2015; 9 am-8 pm
“We wanted to make it
simple and not have farmers
The Olde Towne Hall Youth Theatre will be performing be at the edge of the ?eld and
“Shrek the Musical” on December 4, 5, 11 & 12 at 7:30 p.m. entering a lot of data,” said CRAFT SHOWS 9 AM - 4 PM
and December 6 & 12 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $12 for adults and
$10 for seniors and children. The theatre is located at 36119 Knox County Farm Bureau First Congregational UCC The River Church of God
Center Ridge Road, in North Ridgeville. Call the Box Of?ce President Trish Levering. 36363 Center Ridge 6000 Lear Nagle
at (440) 327-2909 for reservations.
Did you St. Peter Parish - Kitt Hall Sugar Ridge Baptist Church
know? Winter 35777 Center Ridge 36600 Sugar Ridge
CHRISTMAS The word “winter” comes North Ridgeville Senior Center St. Julie Billiart Parish
OPEN HOUSE from a Proto-Germanic 7327 Avon Belden 5500 Lear Nagle Road
word “wintruz,” meaning
Saturday, December 5, 9 am-4 pm “time of water.” It also may SPECIAL EVENTS
derive from the Old Dutch
We have a large selection of fresh, live trees, wreaths, word, “wintar.” The water O’Neill Healthcare N. Ridgeville Kiwanis/Key Club Pancake Breakfast
roping, poinsettias and Christmas cactus. reference is in reference to
the snow and rain that takes 38600 Center Ridge Road, 9am-2pm 34600 Bainbridge, 8am-noon
We offer gift items geared towards gardeners place during this time of the
along with artificial wreaths, tree ornaments and gifts. year in the middle and high N. Ridgeville South Central Park Gazebo
latitudes. Historical Society Museum Holiday Lighting
Bring your camera for photos with Santa 36119 Center Ridge Road, 9am-5pm Bainbridge Road, 5pm
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for children and/or pets!
Custom Arrangements available!
Don Mould’s Plant Garden Center Grateful Dog Bakery
34837 Lorain Rd, 9am-4pm 31966 Center Ridge, 9am-6pm
Elite K911 Dog Training J&P Custom Floor Covering
31740 Cook Road, 9am-6pm 35070 Center Ridge, 10am-6pm
6’ & up Fresh Cut Trees and 3-5’ Live Trees Retreat at Stafford Blue Barn Shops
Locally grown in Ashland! by Redwood Living 33094 Center Ridge, 9am-6pm
7019 Condor Drive, 10am-4pm
Wreaths, Pine Roping & Woodstock Wind Chimes Poppee’s Popcorn
Lakes of Ridgecrest & Jenny’s Snack Shop
by Redwood Living, Inc. 38727 Taylor Pkwy., 9am-4pm
31836 Bagley Road, 10am-4pm
Advertise in N. Ridgeville Visitors Bureau 440-327-3737 or
East: 34837 Lorain Rd., West: Cr. of Rts. 58 & 113 Record
North Ridgeville 440-327-3407 Amherst 440-986-7777
M-F 8:30 -5, Sat. 8:30-4, Sun. 10-3
M-F 8:30-5:30, Sat. 8:30-5, Sun. 10-4
Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Linden. Scott Smith was also sworn in for a 2-year term end- Millis, Don Pedley, Aaron Smith and Carol Broquet Thomp-
ing in 2017. son
Zoning Commission meeting
The 2016 fair will be held August 22-28. Admission prices Come experience this amazing story in their intimate
A continuation of the meeting of the Wellington Town- will remain at $5 for gate admission and $25 for a member- space.
ship Zoning Commission to consider changes to the Zoning ship or season pass. Memberships and season passes will be
Resolution will be held on December 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the on sale from December 1, 2015, through August 21, 2016, Performance dates continue on December 4, 5, 11, 12 at
new Township Facility, located at 105 Maple Street, in Wel- at the Secretary’s Of?ce on the fairgrounds. Children 8 and 8 p.m., with Sunday matinees on December 6 & 13 at 3 p.m.
lington. under will be free at the gate; senior citizens 65 and older and Tickets are $13. Groups of 10 or more are $11 and may be
Veterans and Military Personnel with ID are free on Thurs- reserved online at or by calling
Dine to Donate fund-raiser day, August 25. the box of?ce at 440-988-5613.
The Lorain County JVS PTA is hosting a “Dine to Donate” The Secretary’s Of?ce is open Monday thru Friday 9 a.m.- Workshop Players is located at 44820 Middle Ridge Road,
fund-raiser at Applebee’s Restaurant in Elyria on Wednesday, 3 p.m. You may contact Charisse Nikel, Fair Secretary, at the in Amherst. Box Of?ce hours are 9 a.m. -7 p.m.
December 2. fair of?ce at (440) 647-2781 or by email at info@loraincoun- Please visit their website at www.loraincounty- For more info., email [email protected] or
Anyone wishing to support the PTA can present their wait-, “like” Lorain County Fair on Facebook and/or fol- visit
er with a special JVS coupon that can be printed from the low them on Twitter for updates and announcements.
JVS website (click “Applebee’s coupon” under LCJVS PTA
tab). You can also contact [email protected] and a coupon can be Workshop Players Presentation
delivered to you by email.
Workshop Players present “A Christmas Carol” by Charles
Applebee’s will donate 15% of the cost of your order to Dickens, adapted by Michael Paller and directed by Jonathan
the PTA. The event takes place between 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. and McCleery.
includes carry-out orders.
The magic of this classic tale springs to life on a very
Applebee’s is located at 1540 W. River Rd. N., in Elyria. special Christmas Eve in 1843. Friends and family gather at
Dickens’ home and ask him to tell a story. He balks at work-
Lorain County Fair officers elected ing on Christmas Eve, but agrees if everyone there will take
and admission prices set on roles as the story unfolds. The transformation of Ebenezer
Scrooge from miser to philanthropist ?lls the stage as 10 ac-
The Fair Board Of?cers for 2016 were elected at the An- tors take on 40 roles.
nual Meeting of the Lorain County Agricultural Society on
November 10. The following Directors have been elected to The cast includes: Kevin Boland, Jeff Caja, Joel Greenly,
the Executive Committee for next year: Brian Twining - Pres- James Hignett, Shari Lanave, Cole Magill, Jordan Miller, Tim
ident; Chris Zurcher - Vice-President; Kim Meyers - Immedi-
ate Past President; Tom Hines - Executive Committee (term RENT ME!
expires 2016); Craig Norton - Executive Committee (term
expires 2017); and Dan Linden - Executive Committee (term Pequea SL 10 Lime Spreader
expires 2018). KRYSTOWSKI
In addition, the following Directors, who were voted WELLINGTON OH 44090
onto the Fair Board on August 24 by members of the Lorain (440) 647-2015
County Agricultural Society, were sworn in for 3-year terms
ending in 2018: Timothy Buchs, Fred Pitts, Patrick Twin-
ing, Nicole Claubaugh, Tim Sickels, Marie Waite and Dan
Sunday 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Monday, Thursday, Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Closed Tuesday & Wednesday
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 25
for the Holidays!
BREMKE INSURANCE Christmas in the Villiage AVAlecia Vidika Attorney at Law
Stop in for all your insurance needs. Saturday, December 5 Probate • Real Estate • Estate Planning • Elder Law
Auto - Home - Commercial - Farm - Life - Health
Wellington’s Christmas in the Village will be on Satur- Happy Holidays!
Kyle E. Bremke day, December 5, from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. The Parade will be
at 1 p.m. Children may visit Santa in the Town Hall after 440-647-4319
Independent Agent the parade.
[email protected]
Scrubs by Lisa Crafts and homemade goodies will be available at the
Wellington Town Hall, located at 115 Willard Memorial 149 E. Herrick Ave. • PO Box 297
Discounted & Great Quality Scrubs Square. Wellington, OH 44090
Not just for the medical ?eld!
First Congregational Church will have their annual
Take $5 OFF $40, $10 OFF $80 Christmas Bazaar, offering soup and sandwiches for Insurance
-or- $15 OFF $100 Purchase lunch, at 140 S. Main St.
Agency, Inc.
Expires 12/31/15 First United Methodist Church will have a Nativity
Display from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at 127 Park Place. • Business • Personal
Hours: M, T, TH & F: 10-6:30pm, Sat: 10-5pm • Home & Auto
134 W. Herrick Ave, Wellington OH 44090 Events are sponsored by the Wellington Chamber of
149 E. Herrick Avenue,
440-721-1334 | Networking, prizes and fun at Wellington, OH 44090
“Star Wars” themed event! (440) 647-3313 • 1-800-589-3314
Scott Beriswill Denise Breyley Fax: (440) 647-2337
Main Street Wellington and Harrison Ford are hosting
35881 Grafton Eastern Rd 173 Depot st. a Show & Tell Networking event on December 10, from ADDIE’S ANTIQUES
4-7 p.m. located at 820 North Main St. Show & Tell events
Grafton, OH 44044 Wellington, OH 44090 encourage business owners and community members to Antiques & Collectibles
network and learn about Wellington businesses. The tours
440-926-3312 440-647-6010 are a fun way to highlight what makes Wellington a great Multi-dealer Shop in Historic Downtown Wellington
place to shop, work and live. Get your Holiday Shopping in!
The upcoming movie release of “Star Wars: The Force Open until 8 p.m.
All Makes, Models, CV Joints, FREE Awakens” inspired the theme of Main Street Wellington’s
U-Joints, Standard Transmission, Estimates current fund-raiser. When the organization was deciding Fridays in December
where to hold the drawing, the business Harrison Ford,
Medium & Heavy Duty Trucks, 440-355-6500 a nod to the actor who plays Han Solo in the Star Wars 135 E. Herrick Ave., Wellington, OH 44090
4 Wheel Drive, Transfer Cases, franchise, was the perfect location. 440-647-0990 • ADDIESANTIQUES.COM
417 North Center St.
Front Wheel Drive, LaGrange Participants who attend will receive a complementary Mon.-Sat. 10-4, Sun. 12-4
Overdrive and Clutches car wash, learn tips on how to prep you vehicle for winter and enjoy Star Wars themed refreshments. Kids can make Please shop
Star Wars themed crafts including foam light sabers and your local
Star Wars inspired Christmas ornaments. Event partici- Businesses
pants will also be incentivizing the community to get into for all your
the giving spirit of the holiday by supporting Well-Help’s Holiday Gifts!
toy giveaway. Between December 7-10, everyone who
brings in a toy for Well-Help will be given a $10 discount
on an oil change. Plus, when you get an oil change, or take
a test-drive, the car dealership will donate $10 to Well-
Help and you will be entered into an exclusive raf?e to
win a special Star Wars collectible!
Main Street Wellington will also be drawing the win-
ners of the “Be the Force” raf?e with this year’s hottest
toy, a BB8, app-enabled droid worth $149 as the grand
prize. A few raf?e tickets are still available at Harrison
Ford, Wellington Implement, LCCC and Main Street Wel-
lington. The cost is $5 each or $20 for 5 tickets.
The Show & Tell Networking event is free, but we
ask that participants bring a new, unwrapped toy to do-
nate to Well-Help’s toy giveaway and to pre-register to
help us plan for refreshments https://www.eventbrite.
Holiday Tree in Gazebo to
Honor Those Who Serve
Main Street Wellington, Inc. is decorating a live ever-
green tree to honor the men and women who serve in the
military, police, ?re, or as EMT. The ornaments display
names of Wellington area individuals who are currently
serving, Veterans, or heroes who have passed. The tree
will be displayed in the Wellington Gazebo in front of
the historic Town Hall throughout the holiday season.
The tree has been generously donated by Kurtz
Christmas Tree Farm located at 22350 Quarry Road in
“We appreciate the efforts of Sara and Jay Eastman,
from the Norton-Eastman Funeral Home, who coor-
dinate the ornament painting and tree trimming. Boy
Scout Troop #414 will also join other volunteers to deco-
rate the tree,” said Jennifer Arntz, Executive Director of
Main Street Wellington. “We also want to thank Scott
Markel and the Village employees for installing and
maintaining the tree throughout the season.”
To add a name to the tree, please call Main Street
Wellington at (440) 647-3987. If you have previously
added a name, you do not have to call again. Main Street
Wellington staff and volunteers will cross reference our
database to make sure we have every ornament will be
accounted for.
Page 26, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Free Cooking Class at KHS JVS Honor Roll
Christmas on the Square The KEY collaborative is offering a great opportunity to The Lorain County JVS is pleased to announce the 1st
brush up on your cooking skills next month! Chef Kristian Quarter Honor Roll. The JVS Honor Roll recognizes students
LaGrange is having their “Christmas on the Square” event Smith is leading a hands on class focused on creating quick, who have achieved a GPA of 3.5 or higher for the ?rst 9-week
on Sunday, December 6, from 5-6:30 p.m. at the LaGrange delicious meals that the whole family can enjoy. The class is term.
Fire Station. Events include a lighting ceremony, visit with free and open to anyone between ages 10-110, at any skill
Santa, crafts and refreshments. You will also enjoy holiday level! The class is at Keystone High School, on Thursday, Columbia:
performances by the Alumni Band and Keystone Choir. December 10, from 6-8 p.m. Registration is required. Email Ashley Delzeith, Hailey Delzeith, Nathan Ennemoser, Clea
[email protected] or call (440) 355-2400 Gonzalez, Jeffrey Hershey, Tristan Hughart, Alexis Jones,
Gift of GLove event to register. Kyle Lester, Cassandra McDowell, Joseph Meyers, Matthew
Olak, Aric Paine, Ray Potter, Dylan Risdon, Cameron Rose,
Keystone 5th Grade Junior Girl Scout Troop #50325 is Zoning Commission meetings Kyle Rose, William Saki, Zack Shaffer, Dylan Vandal, Trevor
once again joining forces with the LaGrange Lions Club for Warren, Keith Washington, Genevieve Wetzel, Tyler White
their 5th annual “Gift of GLove” community Service Project. The LaGrange Township Zoning Commission will hold its and Thomas Widenmeyer JR.
This year they are partnering with Oberlin Country Skate- 2016 meetings on the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m., Keystone:
land to host a Skate night donation drive. Admission is free as deemed necessary. Meetings are held at the Grange Hall, Katelyn Bacsi, Brittany Barnes, Kyle Beno, Michael Blu-
only on Thursday, Dec. 3, with a new pair of gloves or other 113 S. Center Street, in LaGrange. menthal, Noah Brestovansky, Austin Carter, Bryan Duta,
winter-wear donation. Other very gently used items (hats, Gregory Ford, Brandie Fowler, Sydney Gale, Roy Grissom,
scarves, boots, coats, etc.; any and all sizes) will also be ac- Oberlin Rotary Club Zachary Grissom, Tyler Hambel, Samantha Hamby, Paige
cepted. Skate rental is $2 and $3.50 for inline skates. Seniors of the Month Hartley, Cole Healy, Macie Hecock, Summer Hundt, Gage
Kinkoph, Amber Lauffer, Ethan Lekki, Alexis Marquis, Des-
All donations are being distributed to local families Each month the Oberlin Rotary Club honors select stu- tiny Maruna, Randy Morris, Caitlin Nedley, Micaela Nel-
through the LaGrange Lions Club in conjunction with their dents as “Seniors of the Month.” These young people are rec- son, Christine Oliveros, Brittany Paxton, Kirsten Pfaff, Toby
annual Holiday Cheer Box program. ognized for their good character and positive attitude. They Pfeifer, Shawna Porter, David Rak, Heather Rising, Madeline
have contributed their time and energy to helping the school Rising, Amgelina Rodano, Sirena Rym, Thomas Sadowski,
Pancake Breakfast with Santa and community and are excellent role models. The Oberlin Lyndi Slack, Kellie Spanos, Kayla Wohleber, Dylan Wood-
Rotary Club will donate $25 to a charity or project in each cock, Kellie Worcester, Chi-Yu Yang and Holley Ziemba.
Please join Troop #118 for their annual Pancake Break- student’s name. Midview:
fast with Santa on December 6, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Joshua Abood, Kendra Agnew, Anna Allman, Daniel
LaGrange Lions Park. All-you-can-eat pancakes, scrambled One of the seniors for November was Koral Kasnyik of Baker, James Buchko Jr., Mariah Butler, Alexander Cigany,
eggs, sausage, coffee and juice will be served. Donation is Keystone High School, as well as Fayza Rahman of Oberlin Angel Conner, Kaitlynn Davis, Lia Douglas, Chad Eye, Cory
adults/$6, children ages 3-12/$5 and under 3 eat free. High School and Gregory Ford of LCJVS, who will be hon- Gabbert, Sarah Gray, Marilyn Gustis, Morgan Hamker, Nadi-
ored in another publication. The students were honored at a ya Johnson, Nakiya Johnson, Thomas Keller, William Keller,
Lions Holiday Cheer boxes weekly luncheon of the Oberlin Rotary Club at the Oberlin Brandon Kilgore, Lauren Kuch, Alexander Leppert, Jody
Inn. McElwain, Alexis Mellott, Mikaela Moore, Justine Ratusz,
The LaGrange Lions Club is currently collecting dona- Dimitri Redwood, Rebecca Rhodehamel, Stephanie Scott,
tions for their upcoming “Holiday Cheer” event on December Koral Kasnyik is a very active senior, serving as a mem- Kyle Sidwell, Christopher Stannard, Noah Stanley, Devomm
20, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. ber of student council and vice president of her class. She Stender, Mikayla Stump, Taylor Teper, Brittany Thompson,
has participated in academic challenge for four years and Alexander Trujillo, Alexander Varney, Allison Volney, Nathan
They have food and coin collection boxes placed in numer- served as captain for two. She is also captain of the Keystone Von Seggern, Sean Ware, Kathryn Weaver, Andrew West, Al-
ous businesses in LaGrange and some in Wellington. Please High School varsity girls’ soccer team, having played for four exander Wood, Mia Wood and Catriona Wroblesky.
continue to be generous, as you have in the past, so they may years. She is vice president of Spanish Club and vice presi- North Ridgeville:
distribute food boxes to those in need. dent of the Keystone branch of the National Honor Society. Devin Blagg, Carlena Burke, Sarah Bush, Shane Cauley,
Koral excels in academics, having been on the high honor roll Matthew Chandler, Francesco Cirino, Madison Dennis, Eliz-
Please frequent the wonderful businesses in town who are in high school. In 2014, her academic challenge team won the abeth Farner, Hailey Ferry, Shelby Frost, Juan Garcia Jr., Alan
so graciously assisting. PAC conference tournament. Gasior, Jacob Goodman, Bridget Gray, Brandon Henderson,
Alyssa Herron, William Hokanson, Holly Howard, Austin
They would like to thank: IGA, Michelle’s, FirstMerit She lives up to the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self” in Jackson, Allison Jacobs, Joshua Johnson, Keara Kilbane,
Bank, LaGrange First Baptist Church, Keystone Pointe, a variety of ways, including tutoring peers and younger chil- Selena Kilby, Leland Knight, Cortlynn Knopsnyder, Justine
Oberlin VFW, Friendship Gas, Child Garden, Citgo Gas, dren. Through National Honor Society she has raised money Layne, Austin Lenz, Anthony Mangan, Emil Millgard, Justin
Keystone Schools, United Methodist Church, Trendsetters, for cystic ?brosis and will soon be running a children’s sta- Murphy, Kaylani Othman, Jacob Owen,Alvira Pashkovskaya,
Choo Choos, Brothers Chevrolet, Wellington American Le- tion at Christmas on the Square. She is active in her church Brianna Rolfe, Elexis Romano, Alexis Russell, Troy Sexton,
gion, Dollar General in LaGrange, Convenient Mart/Sunoco, as a band participant and as a server. Koral is also very active Samantha Soltis, Kirsten Spring, Ryan Twigger, Miles Varga,
Village Pizza, Subway, & LaGrange Hardware. in Girl Scouts. In 2015, she built a re?ection garden at her Ariana Vargas, Angel Williams and Cayla Williams.
school, earning her a Gold Award, the highest achievement in
This year, the Lions will partner with Coach Piazza as he Girl Scouting. She credits Girl Scouts with teaching her at a LEGAL NOTICE
and his students provide a pancake breakfast and distribute young age how to take action with leadership roles. She also
toys to those attending the Holiday Cheer. believes that volunteering is the best way to give back to a In accordance with Section 731-21 of the Ohio Re-
community that has given her so much. vised Code, please take notice of the following Reso-
JACK MATIA lutions and Ordinances passed September through No-
HONDA She was a People to People student ambassador for two vember by the Village of LaGrange, Ohio. The full texts
years while traveling to Canada and Australia. In 2014, she of said Resolutions may be obtained or viewed at the
New & Used was selected as Keystone’s HOBY representative (Hugh of?ce of the Fiscal Of?cer of the Village of LaGrange
Cars O’Brian Youth Leadership). at 355 South Center Street, LaGrange, Ohio and on the
Village website
440-366-5501 After high school Koral plans to attend Lee University
(Tennessee) and major in biology and play division II soccer. Resolution 2015-844 A Resolution Authorizing And
Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria She has received the Centennial Scholarship from Lee based Directing The Village Administrator To Execute A Sup-
on her ACT scores, which awards her full tuition for her four plemental Addendum To Sanitary Sewer Service Agree-
New and Certi?ed Hondas years of undergraduate study. She hopes to take a year off ment With The Board Of Commissioners Of Lorain
All Models - Used Cars before attending medical school to hike the Appalachian Trail County And Declaring An Emergency.
with her father. They have been trying to climb each state’s
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5 highest point. “I have an intense desire to travel and experi- Resolution 2015-845 A Resolution Authorizing The
ence the world in unique ways. I hope to become a family Sale Of Personal Property Not Needed For Municipal physician and either own my own practice or be a travelling Purposes And Declaring An Emergency.
physician to help people around the world.” Her plan B is to
become an embryologist and assist those who need a little Resolution 2015-846 A Resolution Accepting The
extra help creating a family. Amounts And Rates As Determined By The Budget
Commission And Authorizing The Necessary Tax Lev-
Koral’s selected charity for a donation from the Oberlin ies And Certifying Them To the County Auditor And
Rotary Club is Emily’s Hopeful Holiday in Amherst. “We’ve Declaring An Emergency.
all been through rough times, and you never know just how
one smile can make a difference in someone’s life.” Resolution 2015-847 A Resolution Authorizing The
Village Administrator To Enter Into A Contract With
Poggemeyer Design Group For Professional Services
Associated With A Proposed Expansion Of The Waste-
water Treatment Plant And Declaring An Emergency.
Resolution 2015-848 A Resolution Authorizing The
Village Mayor To Execute A Memorandum Of Under-
standing With The Lorain County Storm Water District
And Declaring An Emergency.
Resolution 2015-849 A Resolution Authorizing The
Village Mayor To Execute An Agreement With Xerox
Corporation For Copier Services And Declaring An
Resolution 2015 – 850 A Resolution Authorizing
The Village Administrator To Make Application For
A Loan From The Ohio Water Development Authority
And Declaring An Emergency.
Resolution 2015-851 A Resolution Authorizing And
Directing The Village Administrator To Execute A Sup-
plemental Addendum To Sanitary Sewer Service Agree-
ment With The Board Of Commissioners Of Lorain
County And Declaring An Emergency.
Ordinance 2015-2305 An Ordinance Providing For
the Appointment And Compensation Of The Village
Solicitor And Declaring An Emergency.
Wellington: RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 27
Trey Bealer, Rachelle Brown, Jeremy Bunting, Daniel
Butti, Tyler Chandley, Katelin DeZee, Nickolas Fox, Garrett Stellar Singers and Musical Masters
Harmon, Spencer Horvath, Jordan Howard, Tony Hoyt, Ca-
leb Kiser, Saige Kline, Michael Koubeck, Zachary Koubeck, Several Keystone High ily proud due to their hard L-R: Nic Hahn, Sam Sherlock and Matt Adams.
David Mann, Madeline Marinelli, Meghan McGuire, Kristen School choir and band work and dedication to
Mileski, Abbie Miller, Maxwell Mohrman, Jakeb Nestor, students participated in music! After rehearsal, the
Taylor Petti, Megan Rathwell, Savannah Roby, Sara Roman, the OMEA District IV festival culminated with a
Oscar Romanoski, Matthew Scyoc, Kiley Smith, Hannah and VII Honors Band and ?ne performance under
Staffeld, Ashley Teter, Ryan Thorn and Dylan Watson. Choir festival at Cleve- the direction of Dr. Birch
land State University. Af- Browning from Cleveland
Snow and Woody Plants ter vigorously rehearsing, State and Glen Adsit from
students performed in a the University of Hart-
“Snow is both friend and foe to trees and shrubs,” says Saturday concert, giving ford.
Tchukki Andersen, BCMA, CTSP, and staff arborist with up their free time during
the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA). “Snow causes the weekend to participate Congratulations to
its share of damage, as we all know, but in many cases in the event. these talented Keystone
it also protects plants and their roots from extreme ?uc- musical masters and to
tuations in temperature that could damage or even kill Keystone student mu- the stellar singers who
them.” sicians were nominated participated in the music
by their teachers for par- festival!
Excess snow, however, can also damage trees and ticipation in these honors
woody shrubs by bending, breaking and splitting, and ensembles. High School L:-R: Kyle Heck, Luke Peters, Stuart Stevenson, Maranda Barnes, Autumn Jackson and
causing them to fall or uproot. Whether woody plants will choir students Kyle Heck, Gabbie Puka.
be damaged in one of these ways depends upon several Luke Peters, Stuart Ste-
factors. Coniferous evergreens, for instance, can bear more venson, Maranda Barnes,
snow weight than broadleaf evergreens. A tree’s form can Autumn Jackson and Gab-
also determine how well it will withstand heavy snow. bie Puka sang under the
For example, pine (low altitude), spruce and ?r trees with direction of clinician Dr.
spread branches are more likely to be damaged by heavy Sandra Snow of Michigan
snowfall than trees with steeper angled branches. State University.
Arborvitae, evergreen shrubs with tall, narrow growth In addition to the High
habits planted in hedges or as foundation screens, are a School’s choir attendees,
good example of a plant that doesn’t handle heavy snow three incredibly talented
well. They tend to grow tall, with multi-stemmed branches students from the band
that are low to the ground. program attended the
event. Keystone Band Di-
“Snow will cause the branches to separate,” says An- rector Brett Benzin states,
dersen, who doesn’t recommend planting arborvitae spe- “Nic Hahn, Sam Sherlock
cies in areas that get lots of heavy, wet snow. She also and Matt Adams certainly
warns against planting them near buildings where snow made our Keystone fam-
accumulates on the roof, then falls in large piles. “Small,
rounded woody-stemmed plants are a better choice, but Rake a Difference Day
make certain to give them enough root space away from
the structure.”
A tree’s structure is also a factor in whether it will be
damaged by ice storms. A tree with good, right-angle
branches will have less trouble than one with narrow, more
vertical branch crotches.
The type of snow is an important factor in potential
damage to trees. Obviously, wet snow is more damaging
because it is heavier. The time of season for snowfalls can
also be a factor. With a wet snow in March, when there are
no leaves on the branches, the tree may be able to withstand
damage pretty well. But that same snow in late spring or
early fall, when the tree is ?lled with leaves, could add
unbearable weight.
On the plus side, snow moderates root temperatures
and provides moisture for spring. Snow helps insulate the
ground, which is bene?cial for two reasons. First, snow
is a poor heat conductor, so the temperature changes very
slowly from the top layer of the snow to the bottom. This
keeps the ground from heating and cooling as air tempera-
tures ?uctuate. Heating and cooling often cause the ground
to heave, which can be damaging to roots. Keeping the
ground temperature stable is more conducive to healthy
“Finally, a little breakage isn’t always bad,” insists An-
dersen. “Nature prunes trees, too. Wet snow may break
off small twigs and dead branches. It can do a good job
of pruning that way. Just follow up with some cleaning
Keystone High School and Middle School recently sponsored the annual Rake a Difference Day to help
local residents who have a dif?cult time with tough fall leaf clean-up. Thirty students and numerous staff
members coordinated with local residents and raked nine yards in the community.
Special thanks to High School Teacher Mr. Griswold and Middle School Teacher Mrs. Trakas for coor-
dinating this valuable community service.
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Page 28, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015
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of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over ALL PERSONAL ADS MUST BE PREPAID
the phone, it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All
funds are based in US dollars. 800 numbers may or may not reach Canada.
ANNOUNCEMENTS CLEANING CLASSIFIED RATES: • Personal Classified $10/15 words or less. 10¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 more.
Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Custom cleaning. Everyone’s • Business Classified $12/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Special Set-up (Centered & Capped)
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work? Denied bene?ts? We EDUCATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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AUTOS WANTED over 1 Million readers for only SMALL DUMPSTERS
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Mike’s Hooker Service. We for more details
pay top dollar for all unwant- or call 800-450-7227. Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free Truck work available
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike,
THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Va- 2-Bedroom Apartment in Graf- Grafton VFW. Call from Part-Time Horse Barn Help: Snowplowing / shoveling
cation, Tax Deductible, Free ton. No stairs, security depos- 9:30-11:30 a.m. Monday-Fri- Stall cleaning, grooming, other anytime within 10 miles of
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7416 Affordable apartments in La- HELP WANTED Minimum 3 days per week.
Porte: Spacious 2BR units, Exchange for horse boarding UPHOLSTERY
CAPITAL CLASSIC CARS close to 480. Starting at $535/ Drivers: CDL-A 1yr. Guaran- possible. Silver Eagle Ara-
Buying All European & Clas- month. 1st month rent free. teed home time. Excellent pay bians and Boarding Stable, DAN’S UPHOLSTERY
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Steve Nicholas 571-282-5153 2 bedroom town homes with TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- Furniture Repair
new carpet, ceramic tile and Drivers: CO & O/Op’s: Earn vice. Complete tree removal, Call for free quote
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS hard wood ?oors. Appliances great money running dedi- trimming, root feeding and on re-upholstery
included. Call 216-347-6775. cated! Great hometime and cleaning. Fully insured. FREE
Advertise to 500,000 Homes benefits. Monthly bonuses. ESTIMATES. Firewood for 216-346-2682
with a business card size FOR SALE Drive newer equipment! sale. 440-236-3061.
ad. You choose the area of 855-582-2265 AUTOS WANTED
coverage in free community New twin bed: Cherry head &
papers...we do the rest. Call foot boards, mattress & box Drivers: Marine Division, Solo LEGAL NOTICES APPLIANCE, SALES & SERVICE
800-450-7227 or visit macne- spring with comforter, never & Team openings! $3,000 used. Bought $575, for sale orientation completion pay! RE: Legal Notice of prop- DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE APPLIANCE • SALES & SERVICE
$250. 440-748-2573 Industry leading pay, full com- erty sold in accordance with SALES & SERVICE, INC. All Major Brands
ADVERTISE to 10 Million prehensive bene?ts & more. 5321.01 ET Sec of revised 440-365-7321
Homes across the USA! Place Wood stove, Old Timer, fresh 1yr. Class-A CDL w/flatbed code: Tenant has till 12/10/15 50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 800-589-6532
your ad in over 140 commu- paint, new gasket, ?re brick experience. 866-319-1157 to pay in full. Contents of WALK-IN PARTS COUNTER
nity newspapers, with circu- lined, $320. 440-236-5527 unit will be sold at private /
lation totaling over 10 million Snow positions available on public sale or disposed / de- 433 OBERLIN RD.
homes. Contact Independent Acorn Stairlifts. The AFFORD- sidewalk crews, plowing or stroyed. Public Sale 12/12/15 ELYRIA, OHIO 44035
Free Papers of America IFPA ABLE solution to your stairs! sub-contractors. Designated @ 9:00 AM @ A Affordable
at danielleburnett-ifpa@live. **Limited time -$250 Off Your routes in Cuyahoga County Self Storage @ 38333 Chestnut 440-322-8170
com or visit our website cad- Stairlift Purchase!** Buy Di- westside areas. Must be avail- Ridge Rd., Elyria, OH. Ant- for more informa- rect & SAVE. Please call 1- able whenever it snows and wan Gilbert, 4208 Shore Dr.,
tion. 800-410-7127 for FREE DVD hold a valid drivers license. Lorain, OH, 44053: Unit C-34,
and brochure. We are a drug free workplace. Misc.; James Szczepanski, 607
Explore Owning Your Own Experienced workers only. Ap- Case Ave., Elyria, OH 44035:
Franchise in the Lucrative Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert ply at: Yard Smart, Inc., 11847 Unit D-5, Misc. household;
Retirement/ Estate Planning for Seniors. Bathroom falls Avon Belden Road, Grafton. Amanda Quinlan, 11297 Avon
Industry. Go to: www.apgfran- can be fatal. Approved by 440-235-9273 Beldon, Grafton, OH 44044: F- or call Chelsie at: Arthritis Foundation. Thera- 32, Misc.; Murad Abdeldayem,
973-831-4424. peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Winter workers, snow-plow- 85 Firestone Dr., Rochester,
Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip ers, machine operators and NY 14624: A-11, Misc.; Bryan
CHILD CARE Floors. American Made. In- sidewalk shovelers. 6 posi- Leak, 8815 Pinnacle Cross Dr.
stallation Included. Call 1- tions available. 440-236-9625. #2, Huntersville, NC 28078:
Loving day care, my Columbia 800-906-3115 for $750 Off C-27, Misc.
home. Best personal attention. HOME IMPROVEMENT
Very experienced. excellent HALLS FOR RENT LOTS & LAND FOR SALE
references. 440-221-6139 Heat Loss: Thermal imaging
of your home’s heat loss. SO. ADK LAKEFRONT LAND
11087 Middle Ave., Elyria provided. We show you where 5th! One Day Only! 111 acres
Christmas Trees Our 56th your problems are so you - Pristine Lake - $194,900. DISCOUNT CEMENT Richards Concrete
Capacity: Hall-250, can ?x them. Pricing starting 50 acres - Lakefront Cabin - CONTRACTORS, INC.
CORDELLS Year Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 at $75. Call 440-236-5571 for $199,900. 7 tracts with lakes, “For all of your Concrete needs
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Cut Fraser, Pine and Spruce 3 hrs NY City! Last chance Waterproofing, Excavating
Dug Pine and Spruce Call for pricing HORSES this year! Terms avail! 888- Masonry, Tuck Pointing, FREE ESTIMATES
Tall Trees, Wreaths, and availability 738-6994. WoodworthLakeP- Follow us on FaceBook
Roping & Tree Stands. 440-458-8544 Horseback riding lessons. Exposed Aggregate Pads
Open 9-7 Daily 24344 Foster Road, Litch?eld, Richards Concrete LLC
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Columbia Station 25-120 Capacity vanced. Jumping lessons N. Ridgeville Office
440-364-7505 available. Indoor & outdoor 2Bdr., 1152 sq. ft. Mobile Home
Catering Available arena. Trailering to shows in Columbia Park, Olmsted J. A. KILBY ENT.
CLEANING 440-236-3323 available. Twp. New carpet, new paint,
new countertops, new ?ooring Concrete • Masonry
3 Chics and a Broom: Green F.O.P. LODGE #54 throughout. 55+ community. Stamped Concrete
Cleaning. Let us spiff you up! Capacity 150-175 $19,900 248-505-5557
Licensed, bonded and insured. Catering Available 440-327-3433
440-355-6639. 36854 Royalton Rd.
(1 mile East of Durkee)
Grafton, Ohio
FULL park with restrooms, 3
pavilions, air conditioned hall,
for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange
Lions Club. 440-458-6781.
440-324-4321 SERVICES:
•Plumbing Repairs
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KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619 Specializing in Home Improvements 440-748-3259 Casey Williamson
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Our Name Means Quality
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Tim Hamper Office: 440-236-3851/Cell: 440-506-2302
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Quality Buildings At LAWN • GARDEN • LANDSCAPE 1-888-752-8458
Affordable Prices BENEDICT ROOFING
Family Business for Three Generations
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Residential ~ Commercial Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949
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RESIDENTIAL FREE Retaining Walls • Ponds • Waterfalls • Grading Work
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Call: 440-748-1333 RELIABLE ROOFING
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J.A. Kilby Electrical Of?ce: 440-236-4001 •
Residential & Commercial Electrical Service Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner
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Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain Counties
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FREE ESTIMATES Chuck & Adam Dunlap, Owners
440-309-5938 $5 Off with this ad
PLUMBING 440-236-9200
•Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer 440-926-0057
Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation 440-322-0927
•Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems TREE SERVICE
•All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation
Residential - Commercial J.A. Kilby Plumbing Jason E. Davis
Industrial - Farm -Complete Crane Service-
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services
BUCKEYE FENCING “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!”
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions Tree/Stump Removal
We specialize in CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available
High Tensil Wire • Rail Fence •New Work •Replacement •Repairs Tree Trimming, Firewood
Board • Split Rail • Picket Fence “FREE ESTIMATES”
Call to schedule your FREE estimate •Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation Bonded & Insured
•Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped
William M. Miller • 330-466-4012 812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035
440-327-3433 • Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response
TREE SERVICE RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015 Page 31
ARBOR CARE TREE Mock Disaster Drill helps JVS students earn First Aid Certification
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck The JVS Plumbing and Pipe?tting lab looked like a very Allied Health Sciences student Meghan McGuire, from Wel-
• 113 Ft. Crane scary place recently, but luckily it was just the setting for a lington, assists Plumbing student Lucas Whitacre, from Fire-
mock disaster drill for the Allied Health Science students with lands, during the mock disaster drill.
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood the plumbing students doing a very realistic job of being the
Triple Shredded Mulch
During the drill, the students used their ?rst aid and safety
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member skills to treat patients who had suffered some “fall mishaps,”
acting as the ?rst responders.
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
Students were observed and graded by EMT Paramedic
WATERPROOFING students from the LCCC Emergency Medicine Services Pro-
Waterproo?ng • Drainage Work
& Foundation Replacement This exercise was the students’ ?nal assessment for their
safety and ?rst aid certi?cation. Students who earned the cer-
440-236-9625 ti?cation will also receive two college credits for the course-
work taken at the JVS.
“This activity is a great way for our students to apply the
BASEMENT skills they have been taught in the lab in a more realistic set-
SOLUTIONS ting,” commented Allied Health Science instructor Holly So-
?a. “Even though the day’s activities were a drill, the students
• Waterproofing saw the important implications of being prepared for a major
• Foundation Repair event.”
• Yard Drainage Killbuck Lakes now open the workweek, a ?xed 7-day period. For some positions, such
• Excavating as for nurses, time and one-half must be paid for all hours
Opportunities for ?shing, hiking, canoeing, kayaking and worked in excess of 80 hours in a ?xed 14-day period.
• Sewer Replacement wildlife observation await visitors in Medina County Park
District’s newest park, Killlbuck Lakes, now open to the pub- Q: What is an example of being asked or required to per-
440.773.3040 lic. form work outside of the employee’s normal work schedule?
J. A. KILBY ENT. It’s the ?rst phase of the 408-acre former Baker Sand and A: Example: a non-exempt employee’s supervisor calls the
Gravel property, acquired through a grant from the Clean employee in the evening and asks the employee a work-re-
“Stop the water before it stops you!” Ohio Fund, to be opened by the park district. Its centerpiece lated question.
•Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening, is a sprawling 47-acre lake surrounded by a 1.23-mile nature
Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services trail. Q: Must the non-exempt employee be paid for the time on
the telephone with the supervisor?
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement An October survey found an excellent range of ?sh in the
lake, including catchable bass, bluegill and crappie. Daily A: It depends!
440-327-3433 catch limits will be posted to help maintain the health of the Q: If a non-exempt employee receives and responds to
population. Smaller numbers of incidental species caught work-related emails or texts from customers, must the em-
during the sampling include: bow?n, grass pickerel, white ployee be paid for the time spent?
sucker, carp, mudminnow and pumpkinseed sun?sh. There A: It depends!
is a lake-access area where visitors can pull up to the shore to Q: If a non-exempt employee works on work-related docu-
unload small watercraft. Only non-motorized boats and boats ments or projects outside of regular work hours, must the em-
with electric motors are permitted. According to Tom James, ployee be paid for the time spent?
Director, the site was opened now to permit access through A: It depends!
the winter months. “Additional work on the new hiking trail Q: What determines whether or not the non-exempt em-
and the entrance road and parking lot will be completed in ployee is paid?
2016. Visitors may encounter some muddy conditions on the A: Payment for time spent on work outside of regular work
trail over the winter,” James said. hours depends on whether the time worked is “compensable”
time under the FLSA. If it is, the employee must be paid for
The lake, left behind by mining operations, also provides the time worked.
important habitat for waterfowl to eat and rest during migra- Q: What kinds of things are considered when determining
tion. American coots, grebe and buf?ehead ducks, as well as if time worked is compensable?
trumpeter swans, have been seen on the water. Even a bald A: Answers to these questions are considered:
eagle has been spotted circling in the skies above. •Does the employer know or have reason to know that the
work is being performed? (The employer does not need to re-
While water is the dominant feature of the landscape, Kill- quest that the work be done.) Does the employer bene?t from
buck Lakes offers small but important areas of remnant for- the work or permit it to occur?
est and wetlands. Trees include beech, basswood, big-toothed •Is the amount of time spent during the workweek more
aspen and a variety of oaks (shingle, swamp, red, white and than “de minimis” (the minimum)? How long does it take and
burr). Among the shrubs and ?owers found in the park are how often does it occur? (A single email once a week could
buttonbush, alder, skunk cabbage and swamp rose. Animals be “de minimis,” but multiple emails or frequent emails are
who call the wetlands home include northern leopard frogs, probably not. Work on a project for a few minutes one day
chorus frogs, spring peepers and the star-nosed mole -- a spe- during the week could be “de minimis,” but more than that is
cies of concern in Ohio. probably not.)
•If employee is to be “on-call” (for example, the employee
The deep-water lakes at Killbuck Lakes are directly con- works the day shift, but is required to be available to take calls
nected to a major underground aquifer that is a critical water from 6 p.m. to midnight one evening a week), are all hours
source for homeowners and farmers in northern Wayne and on-call compensable time? Do employment restrictions pre-
southern Medina Counties. Preservation of the lakes and the clude the employee from using time for personal pursuits? (If
land surrounding them enhances quality of life and helps pro- the employee is not precluded from using time for personal
tect this vital aquifer from contamination. Killbuck Lakes is pursuits, then time actually responding to calls or emails is
located at 7996 White Rd., in Harrisville Township (Burbank, compensable time, but the rest of the time on-call is not com-
OH). pensable time.)
Q: If the non-exempt employee’s total compensable time
“Law You Can Use” exceeds 40 hours in the workweek, does the employer have
to pay the employee time and one-half for all hours in excess
Provided by the Ohio State Bar Association. of the 40 hours?
A: Yes.
Fair Labor Standards Act and the 24/7 Work World Q: If the employer has rules regarding working outside
of regular work hours and a non-exempt employee works in
Q: Can a private employer ask or require an employee to violations of those rules, can the employer refuse to pay the
perform work outside of the employee’s normal work sched- employee?
ule? A: The employer can discipline the employee for violation
of the rules, but must pay the employee for all compensable
A: Yes. However, assuming the private employer is cov- time worked.
ered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) wage provi- This “Law You Can Use” column was provided by the
sions, and most are, the employer may be required to pay Ohio State Bar Association (OSBA). It was prepared by Co-
the employee for the time worked. This will depend on the lumbus attorney Elizabeth M. Stanton, a partner at Taft Stet-
employee’s employment status under the FLSA. tinius & Hollister, LLP. Articles appearing in this column are
intended to provide broad, general information about the law.
Q: What is meant by “employment status”? For information about a variety of legal topics, visit the OSBA
A: Employment status refers to whether the employee is website at Before applying this information
“exempt” or “non-exempt” under the FLSA. to a speci?c legal problem, readers are urged to seek advice
•Under the FLSA, certain employees are “exempt,” mean- from an attorney.
ing that the employer is not required to pay these employees
minimum wage and overtime pay.
•To meet the FLSA’s general test to be an exempt employ-
ee requires that the employee’s duties meet certain require-
ments and, in most situations, that the employee is paid a sal-
ary of at least $455 a week. This is the current dollar ?gure,
but it may be raised if proposed changes are adopted. There
are some exceptions to this general test to be an exempt em-
ployee that this article will not address.
•Employees who are not “exempt” are “non-exempt”
employees and must be paid for all hours worked and time
and one-half for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in
Page 32, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 30, 2015