The Rural-Urban Record
“Your FREE Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 66 Years of Community Service!”
Volume 67 No. 19 Columbia Station, Ohio March 14, 2022
A gem of a library in the heart of LaGrange GMPL Partners with
Multiple Breed Rescue
can go to get lost in a good book, including one corner area
with comfy chairs and a fireplace.
If kids are looking for a quiet place to do homework, there
are smaller rooms set up just for that purpose. A game room
offers a big-screen TV for video-gaming and tables and chairs
for board games.
Visit the restored library card drawers near the lobby where
the “Seed Library” is located. Families can fill out a form and
choose up to 5 free seed packages per month, per household.
The Seed Library offers packets of various, popular herb,vege-
table and flower seeds to start your spring garden.
Larger rooms with tables and seating are available for meet-
ings and other events. Just stop by the circulation desk for more
Kids story times, family-friendly programs, teen activities
and adult workshops are on the schedule for the upcoming
months. Stop by for a brochure of the times and dates. Adults
can join other readers in the “Book Nook” to discuss the book
of the month. Current titles are available to check out today.
March 21 through March 25 is the “Keystone Spring Break
Spectacular,” with fun activities for kids of all ages!
The Library is also a part of the Keystone Empowers You Maggie (left) and Stephanie (right) kneel by the donation box for
collaboration. KEY has funded the Storybook Stroll at La- Multiple Breed Rescue in the Library’s main front entrance.
Grange Community Park and Penfield Park in order to tie to- Join Grafton-Midview Public Library during 2022 as we
Standing in front of the Seed Library are (from left to right): Assistant gether literacy and exercise. The Storybook Stroll features a partner with various organizations each month to help bring
Librarian Holly Matjasic, Community Engagement Director Jennifer children’s picture book posted along a trail where families can attention to their needs and their services. In March, we partner
Harmon, Librarian Jennifer Sallay and President of Friends of the walk and enjoy a story at the same time. KEY also provided with Multiple Breed Rescue as they offer information about pet
Keystone Library Wendi Zwaduk. the blood pressure kits that are available for checkout at the safety, adoptions and fostering. In return, GMPL is accepting
In case you haven’t discovered the offerings at the new lo- Keystone Library. The Keystone Library was also the site for donations for items needed by MBR. Bring your new squishy
cation of the Keystone Branch of the Elyria Public Library Sys- KEY’s recent pop-up produce initiative during the summer and dog toys, leashes, meaty treats and more, and leave in our do-
tem, you are in for a treat. fall of 2021. nation box located in the front entrance vestibule. To see the en-
In the fall of 2018, the library purchased the site of the for- Friends of the Keystone Library Book Sale is November 18- tire MBR needs list, visit their website at http://www.mbrohio.
mer Firefighters Community Credit Union building, 133 E. 20 at Village Hall in LaGrange. They are currently accepting com/donate or visit
Commerce Drive, at the corner of Rt. 301, just over the tracks donations for the sale. More on the Book Sale dates and times
from LaGrange Town Square. Then in March of 2020, due to will be published at a later date. Lorain Soil & Water Conservation
the COVID pandemic, the library system closed to the public. Story/Photos by Randi MacWilliams/Staff Writer
Renovations with the Keystone Library continued at the for- District's annual Tree Seedling Sale
mer credit union, along with a 3,200-square-foot addition. On
June 15, 2021, the library opened as a curbside/drive-through The Lorain Soil & Water Conservation District’s (SWCD)
location only due to the pandemic, and then on August 17 of annual tree seedling sale is scheduled for Friday, April 15. The
that year, the library on E. Commerce Drive opened its doors seedling sale is on a first-come, first-serve basis since there is
to the public. There was a one-year anniversary celebration on a limited number of seedling packets available. Orders must
August 18, with a “Grand” opening event. be placed in advance by mail or by dropping off at the District
The new library has more than tripled its capacity in com- office. Tree species available will consist of evergreens (White
parison to the previous location on West Road. Pine, Norway Spruce, Shortleaf Pine); hardwoods trees (Red
Early beginnings: Oak, American Elm, Wild Black Cherry, American Hornbeam,
In 1985, the Bookmobile started service throughout the Black Gum, Swamp White Oak); fruit bearing trees (Domes-
Elyria and LaGrange areas, making weekly stops in various tic Apple); plus flowering and fruit bearing shrubs (Spicebush,
locations. By 1999, the EPLS’ Bookmobile was parked in the Witchhazel, Elderberry and Northern Bayberry). We are sold
Keystone High School parking lot to provide the Keystone area out of American Chestnut Hybrid (Potted). Seedlings are
with the library materials. Open for 20 hours per week, the bare-rooted stock, anywhere from 5-18 inches in height, and
Bookmobile was considered the first step in providing a branch will be sold in packets of five for either $8 or $10 depending
library for the Keystone area. on size of seedling. Order forms are available on their website,
In 2002, Elyria Public Library decided to pursue the acquisi-
tion of a larger and more permanent facility. The Veterans Hall They are pleased to offer a new selection of native peren-
in Veteran’s Park, at 101 West Street, was leased from the La- nial wildflowers at this year’s 2022 seedling sale. Native wild-
Grange Township Trustees in early summer, and renovations flowers not only offer aesthetic beauty, they add many ecolog-
began. On March 30 of 2003, the Keystone-LaGrange Com- ical benefits to our landscape. Native wildflowers require less
munity Library opened to the public. The building was approx- maintenance than traditional landscaping plants, decreasing
imately 1,400 sq. ft. the amount of water and fertilizer required for optimal growth,
By September of 2014, the Keystone-LaGrange Library ex- filter pollutants from stormwater, improve soil health and at-
tended its hours to offer services in both the mornings and eve- tract pollinators and other wildlife. The new species offered
nings. In November of 2017, voters passed a 30-year, 0.9-mill this year are Columbine, Whorled Milk Weed, Halberd Leaved
levy to improve its facilities. Rosemallow, Little Blue Stem, Culvers Root, Great Blue Lo-
belia, Royal Catchfly, Compass Plant, Ohio Spiderwort and
Today, the library boasts a brand new, up-to-date facili-
ty with all of the standard offerings, plus so much more. The Spotted Joe Pye Weed.
squeaky-clean, well-lit and totally remodeled building is a joy Spacious aisles allow for easy flow throughout the library.
to enter. It’s warm and inviting and there are areas where one
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Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022
Columbia News
[email protected]
CHS Students of the Month Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
Fire Department A portion of Columbia Township is no longer rural. In the
Pancake Breakfast past two years it has become another suburb with high densi-
ty housing. Due to four housing developments on Snell Road,
there will be approximately 700 plus new houses. Change has
Columbia Township Fire Department will be hosting its come to this section of Columbia Station, and with this kind of
annual Pancake Breakfast. Guess what? They will be back in large increase in housing, shouldn’t there be planning for road
person at the fire station. The breakfast is on Plam Sunday, safety.
April 10, from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Columbia Township Fire Snell Road is only 1.59 miles, has a speed limit of 45 mph
Department, located at 25540 Royalton Road. Cost is adults and it has no shoulder. The traffic on this road has increased
- $8, kids & senior citizens - $5. dramatically, but the speed limit remains the same. It is a busy
Come enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes, blueberry pan- cut through road. In 2020, I asked for the speed limit to be re-
cakes, sausage, eggs, juice and coffee. duced. A township has no authority to change speed limits. It is
They will have their trucks and equipment out for display. up to ODAT; the county engineer conducted the study to eval-
Meet all the members of the fire department that work hard Starleen Conley Dominic Governale uate the road conditions using ODAT criteria and determined
to serve and protect your community. the speed limit was appropriate. In January 2021, there was a
The Red Cross will also be on sight for a blood drive. Seniors Starleen Conley or Society as a junior and is fatal accident on Snell Rd. due to excessive speed. The Sherriff
Please consider donating blood. All donors receive free and Dominic Governale have serving as vice-president his and others have a committee that reviews all fatalities and de-
breakfast. been chosen as Columbia senior year. He was also an termined the speed limit is ok because the accident was due to
High School “Students of the active member of Students excessive speed. This logic is beyond understanding.
Month” for February. Nomi- Against Destructive Deci- The fact remains the traffic has increased and continues to
VFW Fish Fries nees are chosen based on the sions. Dom has been on the increase with all the new housing. This portion of Columbia has
following criteria: Maturity,
high honor roll throughout
changed and it is time for safety measures to be equal to that
Citizenship, Behavior and Ef- high school, a four-year re- change. This speed limit is dangerous and needs to be changed.
The Columbia VFW Post #9340, located at 25742 Royalton fort. cipient of the CHS academic Dolores Downey, Columbia Station
Rd., in Columbia Station, is having Lenten Fish Fries every Fri- Starleen Conley is the award, received Scholar Ath-
day, from 4-8 p.m. Cost for a Fish Fry Dinner or Combo Dinner daughter of Ryan Conley and lete recognition for wrestling, Spring Fish Sale
football and track and re-
the sister of Daylynn, Eris and
is $15. All are welcome to attend. Lachlan Conley. Starleen is a ceived the Scholar All-Amer-
Lorain SWCD is accepting fish orders for stocking ponds.
Fireman’s Association proud member of the class ican Award for Wrestling. He Species available for 2022 include: Largemouth Bass, Blue-
of 2022. She has performed
is a four-year member of the
Reverse Raffle/Silent Auction with the CHS choir through- Raider Football and Wres- gill, Hybrid Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Japanese Koi, Redear
tling teams and a three-year
out high school and has been
Sunfish (Shellcrackers), Fathead Minnow and Triploid White
a Raider Color Guard squad member of the track and field Amur. Yellow Perch are not available for the spring or fall sale
The Columbia Township Fireman’s Association is present- member since her sophomore team. He served as the cap- this year. All species are fingerling size, except for the White
ing a Reverse Raffle/Silent Auction, with proceeds to benefit year, taking on the leader- tain of the wrestling team for Amur, which are approximately 12 inches. Payment is required
the Brett Wilson Scholarship Foundation. ship role as captain this year. two years. In his free time, at the time the order is placed.
The event is being held on Friday, April 29, at 6:30 p.m. She received Color Guard he enjoys volunteering with The deadline to order fish is Monday, April 25, 2022. Fend-
in the Columbia Ballroom, located at 24883 Royalton honors as the most improved youth football and wrestling er’s Fish Hatchery of Baltic, Ohio will supply the fish. Delivery
Road, in Columbia Station. Tickets are $50 per person. member as a sophomore and camps, the Columbia Food will be at the Ag Center, 42110 Russia Rd., in Elyria, on Thurs-
Bank, NHS food drives and
most outstanding member as
For tickets, contact Craig Heidinger at (216) 470-1113. a senior. She has also helped the After Prom Vendor Fair. day, May 5, from 10-11:30 a.m. Order forms and additional
to support her squad by vol- Dom is employed at Fahey’s information for the fish sale are available on the SWCD website
unteering at their annual bake draft horses. After graduation, at or by calling the office at (440) 326-
6757 Center Rd sales. Starleen has excelled he plans to attend a university 5800.
academically throughout high
to study nursing and enter the
Valley City school and has been honored medical field. COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
330-483-1190 at the academic banquets. She
is a member of the Columbia branch of the National Hon- NOTICE OF INTENT
her poem entitled “Together”
St. Patty’s Day published in the American Li- O. R. C. Section 505.86
Thursday, March 17 brary of Poetry. Outside the
school day, she is a caregiver
A building/structure on property located at 9955 Bryant Avenue, Columbia Station OH
Music, Bagpipers, Guinness, and babysits daily, as well as 44028, in Columbia township declared to be insecure, unsafe, or structurally defective by
employed at the Donut Scene
Cocktails and Fun! in Strongsville alongside her Chief Raymond T. Anthony, Fire Official
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 505,86, you are hereby notified of the intent of the
grandmother and her aunt. Board of Trustees to remove, repair, or secure such building/structure if you fail to do
We open at 8 AM for Breakfast She has always loved caring so within thirty (30) days of this Notice, the Township Trustees will order the removal,
for others and after graduation
Breakfast Specials she plans to go into the nurs- repair, or securement of such building/structure and any expenses incurred by the Board in
performing such task may be recovered in a civil action against you or may be entered upon
ing field. She will attend TriC
Potato, Bacon and Irish Cheddar Soup - Cup $4 Bowl $6 and perhaps finish her school- the tax duplicate as a lien upon your property and then collected as other taxes.
Gandalf’s Breakfast Plate - $11.00 ing at Baldwin Wallace Uni- Pursuant to section 505.86, you are intitled to request a hearing before the Board of
Reuben Omelette - $11.50 versity to pursue her studies Trustees. A hearing may be requested by making a written request to the Township Fiscal
Corned Beef and Potato Hash - $10.00 to become a registered nurse Officer Mandie Andrews at PO BOX 819, Columbia Station, OH 44028. This request must
Cheese Omelette - $9.00 with a specialization in labor be made within thirty (30) days of the date of this Notice. If a hearing is requested, the
and delivery.
Guinness and Cheddar Mac and Cheese - $17.00 Dominic Governale is the Board of Trustees will set a date, place and time for the hearing within fifteen days of your
request and send you Notice of the hearing, the Board of Trustees will either dismiss the
son of Holly & Anthony Gov- matter or direct the removal, repair, or securement of the building/structure as described
St. Patty’s Day Specials: ernale and the brother of Joe above. You may appeal any order within thirty days under Section 2506.01 of the Ohio
and Tony. Dom has accom-
Corned Beef Potato Boats - $10.00 plished a lot in his four years revised Code.
Corned Beef and Cabbage - $18.00 at CHS. He has been an active
If you have not remedied the condition or otherwise appeared and demonstrated cause
Corned Beef and Potato Hash - $13.00 member of Student Coun- why the Township should not proceed, the Trustees will proceed with the course of action
December 3rd only
Beef and Red Potato Stout Stew - $18.00 cil, serving as Student Body described above.
Guinness and Cheddar Mac and Cheese - $19.00 President, and the Class of COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES
2022 Vice President. He was
Hours: Tues- Sat: 11:00am - 10:00pm, inducted into the Columbia Mark C. Cunningham
Anthony L. Manning
chapter of the National Hon-
Sun: 9:00am - 8:00pm
Get Ready for Spring Specials 24497 Sprague Rd.,
from COLUMBIA MARATHON Columbia Station
$50 OFF Spring Oil Change Spring Maintenance Special! $50 OFF
4 New Tires $34 99* $89 Any Service
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See Store for Full Details. Not valid with other discounts. Oil. Synthetic Oil Extra. Plus tax & shop supplies. Oil. Synthetic Oil Extra. Plus tax & shop supplies. See Store for Full Details.
With Coupon. Expires 3/28/22 Call or Stop in for details. Expires 3/28/22 Call or Stop in for details. Expires 3/28/22 Expires 3/28/22
Your Auto or Light Truck WE RENT U-HAUL Serving Columbia Station
Full Service Center U-HAUL MOVING BOXES BEST DEAL ON for more than 40 years.
Nick Abraham
Auto Show
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022 Page 3
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Tues, Wed & Fri.............9-6pm of Publication
Saturday........................9-5pm Call Chad
Sunday......................CLOSED 440-366-3673 1115 East Broad St. 440-366-FORD(3673)
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SATURDAY ....................... 9 to 5 Call Chuck
SUNDAY ....................... CLOSED 1115 East Broad St. 366-FORD(3673) Dealer-installed retail purchases only. Subject to credit approval. Not valid on
Sale Good Through Date of Publication
prior purchases. Offer valid till 3/31/22. See Dealer for Details.
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022
COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 CMS competes in virtual Power of the Pen Tournament
Sheriff’s Blotter Even though it was held
This is the Lorain County Sheriff’s Office Incidents Report virtually, CMS competed in
for Columbia Township for the month of February 2022. the Northern District Virtual
February 6 - Alarms on White Tail Run and on Sprague Rd.; Tournament for Power of the
Domestic violence/dispute on Royalton Rd.; Property damage Pen on February 5, under the
on Station Rd.; Animal complaint/investigation on East River direction of Kyleen Wilson.
Rd./Eagle Pointe Ct. Twenty schools competed
February 7 - Follow up investigation on Station Rd.; Distur- with 74 7th graders and 90
bance on East River Rd.; Welfare check on Colfax Ave. 8th graders writing in three
February 8 - Drug investigation on Rolling Brook Ln.; Fol- rounds of creative writing.
low up investigation on Bryant Ave. CMS 7th grade writers were
February 9 - Premise checks on West River Rd., Huntington
Meadows Dr. and on Eagle Pointe Ct.; Juvenile complaint on Katie May Baum, Ira Lavin-
West River Rd.; Suspicious condition on Royalton Rd. der, Audry Nixon, Macken-
February 10 - Traffic stop on Station Rd./Royalton Rd.; Sus- zie Phlegar and Issy Rosian.
picious condition on Bottle Brush Dr./Leatherleaf Dr. CMS 8th grade writers were
February 11 - Alarm on Crosstie Trail Dr.; Civil matter on Arwen Dewerth, Piper Er-
Aldridge Ave.; Premise checks on Eagle Pointe Ct., Snell Rd. man, Ava Hunt, Izzy Mester
and Royalton Rd. and Claire Ondrejko.
February 12 - DOA/Body found on West River Rd.; Alarm on A huge heartfelt thank
Osborne Rd.; Welfare check on Royalton Rd.
February 13 - Alarm on Cayuga Dr. you goes out to the Colum-
February 14 - Disturbance on Dupont Ave.; Premise check on bia Community Foundation
Royalton Rd.; Suspicious condition on Station Rd.; Lockout on for their generous support in
West River Rd. sponsoring our team again
February 15 - Welfare check on Hawke Rd.; Disabled motor this year.
vehicles on Station Rd. and on Root Rd.; (2) Traffic Stops on Congratulations to Pip-
Royalton Rd./Hawke Rd.; Breaking and Entering on Whitewing er Erman for coming in 7th L-R: Back row: Audrey Nixon, Piper Erman, Evelyn Tucker, Arwen DeWerth, Izzy Mester, Ava Hunt and
Way. place overall for the 8th Claire Ondrejko. Front row: Katie May Baum, Issy Rosian, Ira Lavinder and Mackenzie Phlegar.
February 16 - Weapons complaint on Andees Dr.; Harassment
on Westwood Blvd.; Accident, non-Injury on West River Rd. grade with a Superior rank- gional Tournament to be held POP team member for your honing your writing craft.
February 18 - Alarm on Royalton Rd. ing. Ira, Piper, Ava, Izzy and virtually on March 12, 2022. hard work and dedication Write On!
February 19 - Alarm on West River Rd.; Property damage on Claire have all qualified to Congratulations to each to bettering yourselves and
Churchill Dr.; Psychiatric situation on Station Rd. compete at the Northern Re-
February 20 - Alarm on Royalton Rd.; Noise complaint on
Emerson Ave.; Traffic complaint on Royalton Rd.; Follow up in-
vestigation on S. Boone Rd.; Welfare check on West River Rd. LPLS events For babies, birth through 18 ers through 3 year olds with
January 21 - Property damage on Royalton Rd.; Traffic stop months, or early walkers, their caregivers. Preregistra-
on Royalton Rd./Station Rd.; Menacing on Station Rd. with their caregivers. Prereg- tion required. Hybrid
January 22 - Premise checks on Royalton Rd. and on Roy- Friends of Columbia story time for families with istration required. Hybrid. K pop Wonderland -
alton Rd./Hawke Rd.; Follow up investigation on Station Rd.; Branch Library Book Sale children of all ages. Join us Tales for Tykes Story Thursday, March 24, from
Alarm on Sprague Rd. - Tuesday, March 22, from for stories with a beat, toe Time - Monday, March 28, 6:30-7:30 p.m. North Rid-
January 23 - Premise checks on Royalton Rd. and on Sprague 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Wednesday, tapping tunes, instruments from 10:45-11:15 a.m. at the geville Branch. Celebrate
Rd.; Harassment on N. Boone Rd.; Assistance on N. Boone Rd. March 23, from 12-7 p.m.; and dancing. Preregistration North Ridgeville Branch. your favorite K pop groups
January 24 - Premise checks on Royalton Rd., East River Rd. Thursday, March 24, from required. Hybrid
and West River Rd; Welfare check on West Rim Rd. 12-7 p.m.; Friday, March 25, Story Stop - Wednesdays, Tuesday, March 29, from with music, food and DIY
January 25 - Harassment on N. Boone Rd.; Fraud on Osborne from 12-6 p.m.; Saturday, March 23 & 30, from 10- 10:30-11 a.m. at the Columbia merch. New fans curious
Rd.; Lockout on Sprague Rd.; Premise checks on East River Rd. March 26, from 10 a.m.-1 10:30 a.m. or 10:45-11:15 Branch. Thursdays, March about Korean pop culture are
and Royalton Rd./Station Rd. p.m. Columbia Branch. a.m. at the North Ridgeville 24 & 31, from 10:45-11:15 also welcome to this program.
January 26 - Welfare check on Hawke Rd.; Fraud on N. Music Makers - Monday, a.m. at the North Ridgeville Intended for teens and tweens
Boone Rd.; Alarms on Royalton Rd. and on Crosstie Trail Dr. March 28, from 7-7:30 p.m.; Branch. Caregivers with chil- Branch. Stories, movement ages 9 and up. Preregistration
January 27 - Lockout on Snell Rd. Tuesdays, March 22 & 29, dren of all ages are invited for and rhymes for active walk- required.
January 28 - Protection order violation on Fremont Ave.; Fol- from 10-10:30 a.m. North stories, activities and play. SEE LPLS ON PAGE 5
low up investigation on Royalton Rd. Ridgeville Branch. A musical Preregistration required.
Little Learners - Tues-
days, March 22 & 29, from
10:45-11:15 a.m. at the North
Ridgeville Branch. Tuesday,
March 29, from 11:30 a.m.-
WILLIE’S GARAGE 12 p.m. at the Columbia
Branch. Caregivers with 4
and 5 year olds nurture their
love of reading through books
and activities. Preregistration
required. Hybrid.
Book Discussions - Mon- Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical,
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances
Free Brake Pads or Shoes day, March 28, at 2 p.m. at
the Columbia Branch. “The
with any Brake Service! Mansion” by Ezekiel Boone. 35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St
Spend time each month dis-
Now through March 31st, we’re giving away free brake pads cussing a great book and 440-926-3312 440-647-6010
or shoes. Plus we will be donating 10% of the total brake making new friends. Copies
repair costs to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital ! Brakes for of the books are available at
See Store for details. Some restrictions apply. Kids the library. New members are
welcome. Preregistration re-
quired. Hybrid.
$50 OFF 4 New Tires! Courage in Conversation -
Advance Care Planning:
With the purchase of a wheel alignment and TIRE Wednesday, March 23, from 30 Years Buying and Selling Homes
11 a.m.- 12 p.m. North Rid-
enhanced installation! SPECIAL geville Branch. Learn the im- in the Rental Business has taught
*Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offer. portance of making decisions
See store for details. Expires 3-31-22 regarding future medical care me one thing...
and discussing choices with
loved ones. Take home an SPRING TIME
FREE Pothole Inspection BONUS* $ 20 OFF advance care planning guide-
book with Ohio advance di-
Did you hit a BIG pothole today? rectives, including the living IS THE BEST TIME
> Complete Digital Inspection > Wheel Alignment Check Any service or repair resulting will and the power of attorney
for healthcare form. Preregis-
>Tire Condition Analysis from your pothole inspection! tration required. TO SELL YOUR HOME!
*Discount applies to parts and labor only. Excludes tires, carry-out parts, shop fees, supplies and taxes. Spring Gardening: Get-
Call or Stop in for details. Expires 3-31-22 ting Started - Wednesday, Why not find out what its worth Now?
March 23, from 6-7 p.m.
Willie’s Oil Change Special $ 99 * North Ridgeville Branch. Call me THIS week and
Join Ohio State University
> Lube, Oil & Filter Service > Inspect All Belts & Hoses 39 Extension to learn how to be ready by April!
assess your space, improve
> Set Tire Air Pressures > Rotate All 4 Tires conventional oil your soil, and select the right
> Inspect Brakes & Condition of Battery $ 54 synthetic oil plants to get the most from
*Most Vehicles. Includes up to 5-qts Conventional Oil. Plus tax & shop supplies. your garden space. Preregis- Ed Kearney, Realtor
Call or Stop in for details. Expires 3-31-22 tration required. “The Real Estate Guy”
Baby and Me Story Time
Call or text: 440-915-0900
Willie’s Garage - Monday, March 28, from [email protected]
10-10:30 a.m. at the North
(formerly 252 Jake’s Garage) Ridgeville Branch; Thurs-
24393 Sprague Rd., Columbia Station 44028 days, March 24 & 31, from
10-10:30 a.m. at the North
440-235-1655 Ridgeville Branch. Tuesday, December 3rd only
[email protected] March 29, from 10-10:15
a.m. at the Columbia Branch.
Honest Work done right! Bounce, wiggle and play at #1 Real Estate Company in Ohio
this interactive story time.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022 Page 5
Grafton Elyria Wellington
Beriswill Insurance Dempsey Appliance Beriswill Insurance
35581 Grafton Eastern Rd. 433 Oberlin Rd. | 440-322-8170 173 Depot St. | 440-647-6010
440-926-3312 With over 64 yrs of experience!
Grafton, OH Laubenthal-Mercado Funeral Home Wellington 121-123 E. Herrick Ave
440-653-3617 38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. 440-647-4965
440-322-4626 | M-F 8-5:30pm, Sat 8-4pm
Grafton Sparkle Market Eaton Columbia
460 N. Main St. | 440-926-3328 Schild’s IGA Station
RT 82 & Island Rd. | 440-748-3751 Sanitary Septic Tank Cleaning
1007 Parsons Rd. | 440-926-2880 440-322-0927 | 440-236-9200 | 330-725-3175
$10 Off
Century Landscaping LLC with this Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain
Reasonable Rates
11749 Avon Belden Rd | 440-343-7003 540 N. Center St. ad Prompt Reliable Service
Complete Landscaping Services 440-355-8920 Senior Discounts
Protech Automotive & Cycle LLC Frank Clarke Insurance Agency
788 Main St. | 440-926-3499 Burnett’s Septic 25070 Royalton Rd. | 440-236-5041
Serving Grafton for 30 years
120 W Commerce Dr, 9858 E. River Rd.
905 Main St. | 440-865-3565 440-355-5526 440-235-2766
1021 Main St. activities and crafts. Intended for children ages 5 and up. The Rural-Urban Record
Sunday Series: Hip to That Jazz Band - Sunday, April
440-926-2048 3, from 3- 4 p.m. North Ridgeville Branch. Join jazz quartet P.O. Box 966 | 440-236-8982 Hip to That for an afternoon of lively jazz music. Sponsored
by the Friends of the North Ridgeville Branch Library, Inc.
LPLS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 Please consider preregistering for our other Sunday programs
in March. Preregistration required.
Baby and Me Art - Friday, March 25, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. It’s an Alphabet Party - Monday, April 4, from 6-7 p.m. Olmsted Falls
North Ridgeville Branch. Enjoy spring themed art projects and Columbia Branch. A B C Please join us for a par T. Preschool-
crafts for babies from birth to 23 months and their caregivers. ers ages 2 to 5 and their caregivers will explore the alphabet
Preregistration required. with fun and games. Preregistration required. Preregistration
Book Tasting - Saturday, March 26, at 2 p.m. at the Co- required. 25438 Sprague Rd.
lumbia Branch. Join us to explore family friendly books hand- Introduction to Finding Grants - Monday, April 4, from
picked by your favorite librarians. Enjoy interactive activities 6:30-7:30 p.m. North Ridgeville Branch. Are you new to the 440-235-4317
and book talks that expand your palate as you explore different field of grantseeking? Discover what funders are looking for in
genres, authors and newer titles. Intended for ages 5-12. Pre- nonprofits seeking grants and how to find potential funders in
registration required. this introductory course. You will learn the ten most important
Introduction to Google Drive - Saturday, March 26, from things you need to know about finding grants including how arship should contact Charlie Weil at 440-864-1617 or send an
2-3 p.m. North Ridgeville Branch. Learn how to use Google do you identify potential funders and make the first approach. email to him at [email protected] for the applica-
Drive to create, save and share documents and images. Prereg- Please note: This orientation is not intended for individuals tion materials.
istration required. Hybrid. seeking grants for their own use Preregistration required. Hy- Board Member Applications Requested - Black River
Sunday Series: Predators of the Sky - Sunday, March 27, brid Audubon Society (BRAS), which serves the Lorain County
from 2-3 p.m. North Ridgeville Branch. Learn about raptor ad- Patrons can register for events at area, is seeking passionate and energetic board members to
aptations by observing how raptors and other birds of prey are events. Events listed as “Hybrid” can be attended in person or help protect wildlife and their habitats through science, educa-
“dressed” for a predatory lifestyle. Through hands on natural virtually. Pre-registration is required for both options. tion, advocacy and conservation.
artifacts, learn about raptor ecology and conservation. Prereg- Locations: Columbia Branch, 13824 W. River Rd., in Co- The BRAS board provides nature speakers, conservation
istration required. lumbia Station, (440) 236-8751. North Ridgeville Branch, programming, birding field trips and other opportunities to its
North Ridgeville Fiber Arts Group - Mondays, March 28; 35700 Bainbridge Rd., in North Ridgeville. (440) 327-8326. members and the community. Specific skills an applicant may
April 25; May 23, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. North Ridgeville have include previous nonprofit or board experience, fundrais-
Branch. For new and long time knitters or crocheters. If you Black River Audubon Society news ing, event planning, strong community connections, newsletter
have an unfinished project that you would like to work on with experience and a passion for birds and conservation.
us, bring it or start something new! Preregistration required. If interested, please contact [email protected]
Fermented Sampler - Monday, March 28, from 6:30- 7:30 Hog Island Scholarships - Black River Audubon Society or text to (440) 610-8626 for a Black River Audubon Society
p.m. at the North Ridgeville Branch. Taste fermented foods and is offering scholarships to National educators and naturalists. Board Member Application.
learn how these ancient edibles can affect the gut microbiome. The successful applicants will acquire additional skills to edu- BRAS is a local chapter of the National Audubon Society.
Preregistration required. cate students and the public about bird identification, wildlife Incorporated in 1905, National Audubon is one of the oldest
Family Movie Night - Tuesday, March 29, at 6 p.m. at in general, conservation and the environment. conservation organizations in the world.
the North Ridgeville Branch. Make a perler bead craft while The scholarships will cover tuition, room & board, plus
watching a Disney film about a young sea monster boy. Bring $500 in travel expenses. The goal of the scholarships is that the
your own blanket to the North Ridgeville program for the mov- recipients will follow the examples of others who have returned
ie Scoob. Preregistration required. from Hog Island as ambassadors for conservation and environ-
Tabletop Games Club - Tuesdays, March 29; April 5, 26; mental education in our communities. Reservations have been
May 10 & 24, at 6 p.m. Columbia Branch. Join us for a fun eve- made for the scholarship winners for the camp, July 17-22, but
ning of card games and board games. Preregistration required. other camp topics are also possible, if available.
Columbia Fiber Arts Group - Thursdays, March 31 and Those interested should visit the Hog Island website at ho-
April 7, from 12-4 p.m. Columbia Branch. For new and long to review the information provided about
time knitters and crocheters. If you have an unfinished project the various camps and the schedules for the summer of 2022.
that you would like to work on with us, bring it or start some- All applicants must indicate on their application that they are
thing new! vaccinated for COVID-19 and agree with the requirements
Money Smart Drop In Activities - Saturday, April 2, from spelled out in the Hog Island Camp Guidelines page. All ap-
1-4 p.m. North Ridgeville Branch. Enjoy money related games, plication materials must be sent to Black River Audubon by
March 25, 2022. Individuals interested in applying for a schol-
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD March 14, 2022
The Rural-Urban Record Pie on “Pi” Day
Belden United Methodist Church is inviting everyone to
Published Bi-Weekly on Monday stop by and take out a free slice of pie on Pi r squared day
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter (formula for working out a circle 3.14), on Monday, March 14,
from 4-6 p.m. The church is located at 36130 State Rt. 303, in
Founders 1955 Grafton. Elevator available. Hope to see you there.
Lee Boise, Publisher & President What’s Cookin’ Wednesday
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010
Mailing Address: The First Congregational UCC, located at 140 South Main
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Street, in Wellington, is having their What’s Cookin’ Wednes-
day dinner. The menu for Wednesday, March 16, is Lasagne,
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station salad, roll & butter and dessert. Serving time is from 4:30-6:30
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 p.m. Cost is $12 per plate. For preorders, call (440) 647-3308
Email: [email protected] ext. #3. Thank you for your support!
DEADLINE: Free Community Meal
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm The First Congregational UCC, located at 140 South Main
OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment’ Street, in Wellington is offering a Free Community Meal on
Out of Area Subscriptions - $40/year Thursday, March 24, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The menu is Sloppy
Joe, salad and dessert. This is a drive-through only. For more
information, call (440) 647-3308 ext #3.
Grafton VFW Fish Fries Pierogi lunches
The Grafton VFW will be having their fish fries during lent Elyria St. Mary’s Pierogi Lunches are back with a twist - METHODIST CHURCH
again this year, now until April 15. They have had to increase drive or walk up to our Parish Hall on St. Mary Way. The take- “Answering God’s Call to Grow” 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
“Answering God’s Call to Grow”
the prices because of the expense of the Lake Erie perch. Cost out menu includes 5 pierogi, salad, roll, onions, sour cream and 105 West Main St, LaGrange 10:00am Worship
is $15 for Lake Erie perch, shrimp or 1/2 & 1/2 dinners. They beverage for $9, or 5 pierogi only for $6. Lunches are every 440-355-4561 Mission:
also have chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks and onion rings. Friday through April 8. “Putting God’s Word to Work”
Call the Post after 4 p.m. at (440) 926-3341 for carry-out, or Services at 10am in the Family Life Center Pastor Bob Spaulding
plan to dine in with them. Hungarian Easter Sausage
Columbia VFW Fish Fries Hungarian Easter Sausage Sale on Saturday, April 9, at the Church of Christ Hosanna Lutheran Church
Community of Faith United Church of Christ, located at 9715 13485 West River Rd.
The Columbia VFW Post #9340, located at 25742 Royalton East River Rd., in Elyria, from 12-2 p.m. Orders are available in Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am Columbia Station
Rd., in Columbia Station, is having Lenten Fish Fries every Fri- one pound or two pound packages, $8 per pound. Please speci- Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm 440-236-8900
day, from 4-8 p.m. Cost for a Fish Fry Dinner or Combo Dinner fy size of package when ordering. To place an order, please call Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm Family Worship 9:30 a.m.
is $15. All are welcome to attend. (440) 309-6828 or the church office at (440) 322-3781. Orders 211 Forest St., LaGrange [email protected]
Knights of Columbus Lenten Dinners will be accepted through Friday, April 1.
Sharing Grief
Your are always welcome at
The Knights of Columbus Council #8369 will be offering Christian Unity Church Lakeview Free Will
perch fish and shrimp dinners as indoor dining or take-out 36353 Capel Road Baptist Church
during the Lenten season. The dates are March 18 & 25 and You don’t need to go through your grieving process alone! Grafton, Ohio 12025 Durkee Rd., Grafton
April 1 & 8. Serving time is from 5-7 p.m. at Our Lady Queen Grief Share is a faith-based support group for those who have Pastor Neal Brock Sunday School 10 AM,
of Peace Hall, located at 708 Erie Street, in Grafton. The fish lost a loved one and are looking for answers as they sort through Worship Service 11 AM.
Sunday Worship Service - 11am
and fries dinners are $13; the fish and pierogi dinners are $14; their grief. They offer support, comfort and guidance through Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 7pm Everyone welcome
and the fish and mac-and-cheese dinners are $15. Shrimp can shared experiences. All are encouraged to attend! Bring a friend
be substituted for fish for an additional $1 per dinner. Each din- if you would like.
ner comes with apple sauce, coleslaw, roll & butter, coffee, tea For more information or to register, visit www.griefshare.
or fruit drink. Ala Carte is available at all the dinners. The fish org or call the church at (440) 236-8282. In Columbia Station, COLUMBIA
fry dinners can be finished off with a great piece of pie at a the group meets at Christ Church, located at 23080 Royalton BAPTIST CHURCH
slight extra charge. Road (Rt. 82 at Marks Rd.), on Mondays, from 10-11:30 a.m. “Loving God; Loving Others”
and 7-8:30 p.m., through May 23, 2022. In Elyria, the group
Lions Lenten Fish Fries meets at Christ Church, located at 1420 S. Abbe Rd. The meet- 25514 Royalton Road
American Baptist Church
ings are on Mondays, from 7-8:30 p.m., now-April 11, 2022.
The LaGrange Lions will be holding Lenten Fish Fries ev- 440-236-8206
ery Friday from now-April 15, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at Lions New Hospice Volunteers needed 9:15 a.m.
Park, located at 240 Glendale St., in LaGrange. The dinners Sunday School
for all ages
will be drive-through only and cash only. Due to the current 10:30 a.m.
financial situation nationwide, all dinner prices will see an in- Are you looking for a way to help individuals in your com- Family Worship
crease: Full fish - $15, Full shrimp - $15, Full Half & Half munity? We serve palliative and hospice care patients and fam- Stairlift Access
- $15, Half dinners (Fish or Shrimp) - $10, Mac & Cheese ilies, wherever they call home, and have a wide range of vol- Rev. Phil Betts
dinner - $8, the non-Lenten meals (hot dog) - $6, extra fish - $3 unteer opportunities to fit your talents, interests and schedule.
There are many virtual and face-to-face opportunities available
per piece, extra shrimp - $2 per piece and mac & cheese sub- at Ames Family Hospice House in Westlake, the Medina Inpa-
stitution for fries will remain at $2. All dinners come with fries, tient Unit and Life’s Treasures Thrift Shop in Medina and the
cole slaw, bread & butter. No phone orders accepted. Please David Simpson Hospice House and our Headquarters office Our Lady Queen of Peace
join the Lions for a great meal. in Cleveland. We usually hold two virtual training series each
month. Upcoming training sessions are scheduled on Saturdays, Catholic Church
March 19 & 26, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Tuesdays & Thurs-
days, March 22, 24, 29 & 31, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Registration
for a specific series is contingent on meeting pre-registration Weekend Masses WeekdayMasses
requirements, which include completing an application, crim- (Church) (Church)
inal background check and pre-screening interview. For more Sat. 4:30 p.m. Mon, Tues, Thurs,
information or to start the application process today, call (216)
255-9090, email [email protected] or visit our web- Sun. 8:30 Fri. 9 a.m.
site at & 11 a.m. Wed. 6:30 p.m.
Free walking locations
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955 ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~ Lorain County Public Health continues their tradition of pro-
viding a list of free fitness options in Lorain County. These free
fitness opportunities make it easier to move more, feel better,
maintain a healthy weight and connect socially. Walk indoors at
these locations:
FUNERAL HOME •Keystone Elementary School, 531 Opportunity Way, La-
2089 Columbia Road Grange, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6-8 p.m. (through April 28
Valley City, OH 44280 Cremation • Monuments when school is open).
330-483-3300 Pre-paid Funerals •LCCC University Partnership Ridge Campus, 32121 Lo-
“Understanding When rain Road, North Ridgeville, on Thursdays, 6-7:30 p.m. (through
Needed Most” 1021 Main St., Grafton March 31). 440-926-2048 •Liberty School, 5700 Jaycox Road, North Ridgeville, on Tues-
Pre-Need Planning Available days and Thursdays, 6-7:30 p.m. (through March 24, when school
is open).
•Lorain County Metro Parks Splash Zone, 95 W. Hamilton St.,
Laubenthal -Mercado Oberlin, on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. (year-round).
•Mercy Health Amherst HealthPlex, 47160 Hollstein Drive,
LM school days, 5-8 p.m. (now through spring when school is open).
Amherst, on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. (year-round).
•Midview Middle School, 12865 Grafton Road, Grafton, on
Now offering On-site
Cremation Services
If you prefer to walk outdoors, check out these parks (each lo-
cation is committed to clearing walking paths during snowy weath-
Funeral Home is also
Handicap Accessible
•Penfield Recreational Park, 40756 State Route 18, in Welling-
Serving Families for over 50 years
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 ton. •Shady Drive Complex, 37077 Shady Drive, in North Rid-
•South Central Park, 7565 Avon Belden Road, in North Rid- geville.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022 Page 7
Grafton Township News
[email protected] imprisoned in Ohio. Please join us for this event to learn more the release of over 34 wrongfully convicted Ohioans, who col-
about how and why wrongful convictions occur, the work be- lectively served 665 years behind bars. One of the most recent
Pie on “Pi” Day ing done here in Ohio and hear first-hand accounts from people cases, Isaiah Andrews of Cleveland, served 48 years before his
who have endured the tragedy of wrongful conviction but tri-
release last year!
We invite you to join us on the evening of April 2, 2022 to
Belden United Methodist umphed in freedom. hear the stories of these three remarkable people. This will be
Pierce Reed, the policy and engagement director for OIP
Church is inviting everyone will moderate the panel of three Exonerees. The speakers will a compelling program, with an opportunity for attendees to ask
to stop by and take out a free include: questions of the panel and Pierce. The Lydian Jazz Band will
slice of pie on Pi r squared Nancy Smith, a local woman who was wrongfully convicted perform before and after the discussion.
day (formula for working out and imprisoned for 15 years.
a circle 3.14), on Monday, Charles Jackson of Cleveland, convicted in 1991 and served
March 14, from 4-6 p.m. The 27 years wrongfully incarcerated. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
church is located at 36130 Laurese Glover convicted in 1996 as a 17-year old teenager
State Rt. 303, in Grafton. El- and served 20 years.
evator available. Hope to see The Innocence Project was originally founded in 1992 and All Letters to the Editor must be:
you there. most states now have an Innocence Project, usually located at 1) 250 Words or less.
Public Zoning meeting a major law school. Since inception, the network has received 2) Accompanied by a hand-signed copy.
over 65,000 pleas from incarcerated individuals for help. Laws
are strict regarding the basis for overturned decisions and staff 3) One letter per family, per month.
The Grafton Township Zoning Commission will hold a pub- lawyers, law student interns and volunteers work diligently
lic zoning meeting at the Grafton Township Hall, located at through the requests to determine if they fit the guidelines. Re- All Letters to the Editor are subject to
17109 Avon Belden Road, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15. The view and groundwork can take years before getting to a resolu- editing and exclusion by the Editor.
Zoning Commission will discuss the proposed changes to the tion. Since Ohio’s inception in 2003, the OIP’s work has led to
Nuisance resolution that was prepared on November 16, 2021,
as well as reviewing other issues and concerns as they come up.
Herb Guild Garden Club
The Herb Guild Garden Club is pleased to announce that
most meetings are now open to welcoming new members. The
first meeting of the year will be on March 16 at Porter Pub-
lic Library in Westlake. It will be a membership tea starting
at 12:30 p.m., with a craft to follow. Please plan on coming to SUPPORT - STABILITY - PRESSURE RELIEF
enjoy the activity and see what the Herb Guild is all about. The
event is free. The library is still requiring that masks be worn.
The Herb Guild is a local organization and usually meets on
the second Wednesday of the month at Porter Public Library in • Improves Alignment & Balance
Westlake, Ohio, 27333 Center Ridge Road, in the Porter Room. • Benefits Foot, Ankle, Knee, Hips & Back
New members and guests are always welcome. For more in-
formation on the upcoming meeting, call (440) 353-9764 or • Reduces Heel pain, Arch pain, Forefoot pain and overall
visit our website You can also find them on
Facebook under The Herb Guild. Foot and Ankle discomfort
by Barb Armstrong
Innocent but imprisoned: Low Arch $48 Neutral Arch $48 High Arch $48
wrongful conviction in ohio
Wrongful convictions are not just the stuff of true-crime pro-
grams and prime time television. Wrongful conviction occurs
when a person who is factually and morally innocent of a crime
is nevertheless convicted and imprisoned. Since 1989, there
have been over 2,800 exonerations of people who were wrong-
fully convicted in the US, including at least 90 Ohioans. These
cases include those in which a death sentence was imposed.
The Ohio Innocence Project (OIP) at the University of Cin-
cinnati College of Law, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization,
provides free legal assistance to people who are innocent but
SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM Wide Fit $50 Cushioned Arch $42 Maximum Realignment $50
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
drivers. To become a driver, contact EMILY @ 353-0829.
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
3/15 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit
and juice for participants.
3/22 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise
Class being instructed by
Debi’s Personal Training with Ball of Foot Pain $50 Support & Cushion $50 For Kids $48
fruit and juice for participants.
3/29 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise
Class being instructed by
Debi’s Personal Training with
fruit and juice for participants.
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.
FAMILY VISION • Largest Selection
CENTER • Free Foot, Ankle or
6621 Center Road
Valley City Arch Assesment with
Dr. Norma Jesse, J
Optometrist 330-483-4035 Roland Januzzi,
207 North Leavitt Rd., Amherst
WE CARRY A OUTSIDE Across from Drug Mart on RT 58 Certified Pedorthist
Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon CALL 440-984-7463, Option 3 FOR AN APPOINTMENT
Closed Sun & Wed
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022
Grafton News
[email protected]
VFW Fish Fries March is the perfect time to graphs and news stories out of
Horse Rescue Easter event The Grafton VFW will be having their fish fries during lent start seeds indoors so they the Grafton area using the li-
will be ready to plant after the
brary’s Biblioboard resource.
13297 Durkee Road, in Graf- again this year, starting March 4 and going until April 15. They last spring frost. While sup- No registration required - just
plies last.
drop in!
have had to increase the prices because of the expense of the
ton. There is a $10 donation Lake Erie perch. Cost is $15 for Lake Erie perch, shrimp or Escape Room – The Den- Traveling Ohio’s Magnif-
for participants and $5 for just 1/2 & 1/2 dinners. They also have chicken tenders, mozzarella tist - Tuesday, March 29, at icent State Parks - Thursday,
snacking. This event offers a sticks and onion rings. Call the Post after 4 p.m. at (440) 926- 3:30 p.m. or 4:45 p.m. Do March 31, at 6:30 p.m. Join
large egg hunt (start time is 2 3341 for carry-out, or plan to dine in with them. you have what it takes to Park Naturalist Richelle Gat-
p.m.), horse rides, games and escape the dentist? Can you to from the Ohio Department
snacks, along with a photo op Grafton-Midview Library keep your cool under pres- of Natural Resources who
with the bunny (bring your sure? This room is recom- will speak about all of the
camera). Please park at Mid- mended for ages 16+, perfect wonderful state parks in Ohio
view School - Durkee Road Grafton-Midview Public eos using Overdrive on your for teens ages 12-18 and in and all the fabulous amenities
entrance. Masks are required Library is located at 983 Main tablet or phone. No registra- grades 7-12 and their parents available as you plan your
on the shuttle bus, which is Street, in Grafton. Please tion is required, just drop in! to try to solve together. Reg- travel this summer.
about a 2-minute ride to the contact the library if you have Music & Movement - istration is required. Register Don’t Miss Out on “Treat
rescue. any questions regarding any Thursdays, March 17, 24 & for one time slot or the other. Thursdays” in March! - On
For tickets and more in- of these programs at (440) 31, at 11:30 p.m. Toddlers Tween Café - Monday, Thursdays, from 3-4 p.m.
Please join the Angels formation, call (440) 781- 926-3317 or visit our web- and high-energy preschoolers March 28, at 4 p.m. Join us Tami and Stephanie will
Haven Horse Rescue horses 5060 or (440) 781-5050. All site at will love this program! Learn on the last Monday of every hand out tasty treats to our
and volunteers for a Hop- ticket donations help pay for Follow us on social media for your letters, explore numbers month to play games, code, furry four-legged pets in the
pin’ good time on Sunday, the horses feed, supplements, news and program updates. and interact with a great story craft and snack. Depending library’s vestibule. So bring
March 27, from 1-4 p.m. veterinary and farrier care Grafton-Midview Public while you move to the music. on the activity, this program your fur friend on up for a
The event will be held at and stall bedding. Library has a change in hours Parent participation is en- may take place in the chil- free treat on us. We’ll snap
Evergreen Farm, located at beginning March 20, 2022, couraged! dren’s space or in the com- a picture of your pal and put
until further notice. Sunday Video Game Day - Thurs- munity room. them on social media. Who
Knights of Columbus hours will stop and Saturday day, March 17, at 3:30 p.m. TechBytes: Strange Hap- knows, there could be a prize
hours are 9:30 a.m. - to 2
Come hang out with us and
Lenten dinners p.m., due to staff vacancies. play one of these great sys- penings in Grafton - Thurs- involved for the most liked
day, March 31, at 10 a.m.
pet online. Don’t miss out.
Regular hours will resume tems: PS3 or PS4, Nintendo Join Fred Backstrom for a fun Pets are not allowed inside
The Knights of Columbus Council #8369 will be offering when all staff vacancies have Switch or Wii, Xbox 360 or and educational look through the building, however you
perch fish and shrimp dinners as indoor dining or take-out been filled. We apologize for One. Enjoy light refresh- some of the more unusual and may bring them inside the
during the Lenten season. The dates are March 4, 11, 18 & 25, any inconvenience this may ments. This program is for outlandish historical photo- vestibule doors.
and April 1 & 8. Serving time is from 5-7 p.m. at Our Lady cause. teens ages 12-18 or in grades
Queen of Peace Hall, located at 708 Erie Street, in Grafton. The Doors Can Open! Op- 7-12. Registration is required.
fish and fries dinners are $13; the fish and pierogi dinners are portunities for Ohioans with Level Up Gaming - Thurs-
$14; and the fish and mac-and-cheese dinners are $15. Shrimp Disabilities - Monday, March day, March 17, at 6 p.m. Are
can be substituted for fish for an additional $1 per dinner. Each 14, at 6:30 p.m. Join Arielle you missing video games,
dinner comes with apple sauce, coleslaw, roll & butter, coffee, Bowers, a vocational reha- but are too old to attend the One Stop Shopping In Quality!
tea or fruit drink. Ala Carte is available at all the dinners. The bilitation counselor from the teen program? Are you an
HOURS: Closed Sun. & Mon.
fish fry dinners can be finished off with a great piece of pie at a State of Ohio, who will dis- adult who loves to play video Tue.-Wed. 1-5; Thur.-Sat. 10-5
slight extra charge. cuss the different types of ser- games? Then this program is
vices her office can provide to for you. Come hang out with Attention Ladies and Kids!!
Sponsored by assist Ohioans with disabili- other adults and play vid- Work Boots and Shoes NOW
eo games. Enjoy one of our
ties in the workplace.
ALWAYS Learning at consoles or bring your own. Safety and Soft Toe $ 60 00
the Library - Tuesdays at 10 Light refreshments. Registra-
a.m., March 15, 22 & 29. Join tion is required. Clearance
the library and Grafton’s own Teen Advisory Group - on all clothing, hats, gloves
Innocent But Incarcerated - Always Best Care Senior Ser- Tuesday, March 22, at 3:30 and socks!
p.m. Teens interested in earn-
vices for a weekly education-
Wrongful Convictions in Ohio al program, fun games and in- ing volunteer or community Don’t forget the Resale Shop!!
service hours can join Crys-
cluded free lunch. Come and
First-hand Accounts of Tragedy and Triumph meet other seniors, socialize tal to decorate the teen area
Saturday, April 2 6-8 p.m. and learn about all the great for upcoming special events Minnillo & Marshall
Doors open 5:45 p.m. assistance available in your or holidays and make book-
Midview Middle School own community on a variety marks or cards for our GMPL General Dentists
12865 Grafton Road, Grafton of topics! Registration is re- @ Home patrons. Teens can 420 N. Main St., Grafton
No admission charge; no registration required quired for each session. also suggest program ideas
The highlights of the program: TechBytes: Ins and Outs or materials for the YA col-
Panel Moderator: Pierce Reed, Director, Policy and of Using eBooks and More lection. Snack provided. This Emergencies
Engagement, Ohio Innocence Project - Wednesday, March 16, at program is open to Teens
Exoneree Panel: Laurese Glover, Charles Jackson and Nancy Smith 10 a.m. Come and find out ages 12-18 and in grades
how to get the latest eBooks 7-12. Registration is required. Welcomed!
and more for free using the Book It!: Monthly Book
library’s Overdrive app. Join Discussion - Wednesday, Same-day Denture
Kim of the library’s Informa- March 23, at at 10 a.m. or Repairs Available
tion Department as she goes Thursday, March 24, at 6:30
through the basics of how to p.m. Join us every month “We Cater to Cowards”
download digital books, au- for a lively discussion of a SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE
diobooks, magazines and vid- chosen book. March’s title
is Miracle Creek, by Angie 440-926-3441
Kim, a book that asks how
far you will go to protect your ATTENTION!
family. Will you keep their
secrets and ignore their lies?
In a small town in Virginia, a Eaton, Grafton & Wellington Residents
group of people knows each
Seed Starters other because they are part G.L.W.
of a special treatment center,
Saturday, March 26, 2 PM a hyperbaric chamber that Broadband, Inc.
purportedly cures a range of
conditions from infertility
to autism. Then the cham- 993 Commerce Dr. • Grafton • 440-926-3230
ber explodes, two people die
and it’s clear the explosion Digital Cable • High Speed Internet
wasn’t an accident. Copies of
the book are available to pick Ask about our Phone Service!
up from the library. Light re-
freshments served. Please
call the library to check on System Upgrades
book availability. Now Complete
Traveling Ohio's Magnificent State Parks Thursday, March 24, at 3:30 in Most Areas...
Gamers Unplugged -
Call for Details!
Thursday, March 31, 6:30 PM p.m. Game On! Come hang
out and play tabletop games
in the community room.
Board Games, Dungeons &
Dragons, Magic, Oh My!
This program is for teens ages
12-18 and in grades 7-12.
Registration is required.
Seed Starters - Saturday,
March 26, at 2 p.m. Celebrate 200Mbps & More NOW AVAILABLE!
our new Grafton Grows Seed
Library! Drop in between 2 Call for details & Sign up!
-3 pm to learn how the Seed Specials available in specfic areas.
Library works and create a
variety of seed starter pots.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022 Page 9
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We’re Your Locally Owned
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Main Street Market
Proudly Operated by Your
We accept:
Since 1946 – a 76 Year Tradition Æ
460 N. Main St., Grafton, OH 44044 “ We Are NOT affiliated with the
(440) 926-3566 • Youngstown Sparkle Group”.
16 oz., frozen
30 to 40 count
Sea Best
Large Cooked
Tail-On Shrimp
$ 99
Gallon 15 to 16 oz. 6 mega or 12 double rolls
USDA Inspected Beef Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties
80% Lean $ 79 Hawaiian $ 99 Manwich ¢ Angel Soft $ 99
Fresh Fruit Drinks 1 Sloppy Joe 99 Bath 5
Ground Chuck 3 lb. Sauce Tissue
fresh dairy & Frozen Foods
Half pint
Smith's Fresh Selected Varieties
Heavy Ultra
Whipping Cream Smith’s $ 99
$ 39 Orange
33.5 to 40 oz. 7.75 to 9 oz. 9 to 14 oz.
Selected Varieties 18 oz. Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 8 oz.
Selected Varieties
Jif Quaker Ruffles Tostitos Kraft
$ 29
Peanut Old Fashioned or Potato Tortilla Cream Cheese 2
Butter Quick Oats Chips Chips
$ 99 2/$ 5 3/$ 10 3/$ 10 10.75 to 12.3 oz.
Selected Varieties
Kellogg’s 2/$
Fresh from our butcher shop Fresh Deli & Bakery Selections Eggo 5
St. Patrick’s Day Favorite!
Corned Sliced fresh in our deli! 18 to 24.6 oz.
Beef Selected Varieties
$ 79
32 oz. bag Kretschmar Mrs. Paul’s
Selected Varieties Brisket Fish Fillets 4
Snow Floss Corned Beef or Fish Sticks or
Sauerkraut $ 49 Beef Pastrami
$ 99 5 lb. $ 99 garden fresh produce
1.87 oz.
USDA Choice Beef Round 9 lb. Concord Foods
Boneless Coleslaw Mix
USDA Choice Beef Round Bottom Round 99 ¢ Solid heads!
Bottom Round Roast Green
Steaks Cabbage
Deli fresh!
$ 99 $ 99 Loaded ¢
Salad 49lb.
27.20 oz. - Selected Varieties
Prairie Fresh $ 49 5 lb. bag
Seasoned 3 All Purpose
Pork Loins lb. Russet Baking
$ 99 $ 99
12 count
Original, Honey Wheat
14 oz. or Savory Butter Premium Washington state grown!
Smithfield King’s Hawaiian Fresh Crisp
3 lb. bag
Smoked Sausage or Rolls Granny Smith
Polska Kielbasa Apples
2/$ 7 $ 49 $ 99
savings around every corner!
14.5 to 24 oz. 7.5 to 8.75 oz. 7.15 to 15 oz.
Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties
Prego General Mills Chef Boyardee
Pasta Chex Mix or Canned
Sauce Bugles Snacks Pasta
$ 99 2/$ 5 99 ¢
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022
Carlisle News
[email protected]
Scholarship opportunities chopped) Saturday, April 9
1/4 cup peanuts (roasted,
Cemetery Clean-up The Findley-Lure Scholarship is for college-bound high green onion (optional, Amvets Post 32
school seniors who are the children, grandchildren, nieces, or thinly sliced for garnish) Ladies Auxiliary
The Carlisle Township Road Department will begin their nephews of active or retired Lorain County educators. Directions: Spring Craft Show
Spring Clean-up for the Laporte and South Murray Ridge cem- The Mary Elizabeth Keller Scholarship is for current col- Combine first 9 ingredi-
eteries on Tuesday, March 15. Residents are encouraged to re- lege students with education majors. Students need to have ju- ents in a soup pot. Bring to Free admission. For more
information about the craft show
move any arrangements on grave sites or they will be discarded. nior standing by next fall term and be any Lorain County high boil, then turn down to medi- or to sign up to be a crafter,
school alumni or current Lorain County resident. um low, cover and simmer for please call or text Marcia at
Metro Parks Murder Mystery More information and applications are available at www. 10 minutes. Stir in peanut but- (440) 823-6845., which outlines eligibility requirements. Complet- ter and milk. Return to gentle AMVETS Post 32
simmer and cook uncovered
Friends of the Metro Parks of Lorain County will present ed applications must be postmarked by April 1. Winners will be for 5 minutes. Stir in spinach 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria
their annual Murder Mystery Dinner Theater, “Talk About a notified by May 30. and cook until wilted, 2 to 3 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Murder,” by Lee Mueller, on Fridays and Saturdays, April 29 minutes. Remove from heat.
& 30 and May 6, 7, 13 & 14. There will also be a matinee on Embrace the foods and flavors of Ladle stew into bowls and top
Sunday, May 15. The Murder Mysterys will be at the Carlisle your heritage and other cultures with peanuts and green onion, Unlock
Visitors Center, located at 12882 Diagonal Rd., in LaGrange. if desired.
Tickets are $30 per individual or $58 for couples. Group Adapted from myplate. your
rates of 10 or more are available upon request. Tickets will go Making healthy food easier, or call 440-322-6367 gov
on sale on March 15. For tickets and more information, call choices can be delicious and and ask to speak to a health For more information on potential!
(216) 544-3865. fun by using flavors and rec- education specialist. how we make your health &
Proceeds to benefit Friends of the Lorain County Metro ipes from around the world. March is recognized as safety our priorities, contact
Parks. Lorain County Public Health National Nutrition Month® Lorain County Public Health
by the Academy of Nutrition
(LCPH) promotes healthy
Soil Health Workshop eating to prevent chronic dis- and Dietetics. at (440) 322-6367 or visit
eases like high blood pres-
When thinking about the future of your farm, soil health sure, heart disease, diabetes Peanutty Stew Follow your local health de-
partment on Twitter @Lo-
should be at the top of your list. Every aspect of your farm and some cancers. Many cui- rainCoHealth, Facebook, or
relies on the soil and keeping your soil healthy can result in in- sines feature dishes which in- Ingredients: YouTube. We have the key!
creasing the sustainability of the operation. Soil health isn’t just clude a variety of foods from 1 cup instant brown rice
for farmers however, as gardeners can also incorporate these all of the food groups. Fruits, 2 cups chicken broth (re- Call us at 236-8982
practices into their regimen. vegetables, grains, proteins duced sodium)
Lorain and Medina Soil and Water Conservation Districts and dairy come in all sizes, 1 sweet potato (about 2
are hosting a Soil Health Workshop on Tuesday, March 22, shapes and colors. LCPH cups, peeled and diced)
from 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. It will be held at Penfield Township challenges you to try foods 1 (14.5 oz.) can diced to- Start 2022 with a
Hall, 41012 St. Rt. 18, in Wellington, with free admission and from different cultures, or re- matoes (with liquid)
lunch provided. Soil health expert Jim Hoorman will be pre- discover special dishes from 1/3 tablespoon dehydrated NEW SMILE!
senting, along with a panel of local farmers discussing their your own heritage. onion (minced) Comprehensive dental care for
cover crop experiences. Jim worked for OSU Extension as an “The foods we eat are of- 1/2 teaspoon garlic pow- the whole family!
Assistant Professor and Extension Educator specializing in ten rooted in our family’s his- der
cover crops and water quality, before starting his own busi- tory and culture. They’re also 1/2 teaspoon ground gin- Now open 5 days a week & select Saturdays
ness “Hoorman Soil Health Services” in 2019. Please RSVP influenced by where we live, ger
by March 15 to Darby Sherman, [email protected] or our budgets and our tastes,” 1/8 cup red pepper (op- Emergencies Welcome!
(440) 326-5803. said Mark Adams, MPH, tional)
REHS, Health Commissioner 1/2 teaspoon salt (option- Schedule your
at LCPH. al) appointment Today!
1/2 cup creamy peanut
Eating a variety of foods
LEGAL NOTICE from many cultures can butter (reduced-fat) 440.406.8181
The Lorain Soil & Water Conservation District has help you get all of the nutri- 1 1/4 cups milk (non-fat) 10247 Dewhurst Rd., Elyria
completed the 2021 Cash Basis Financial Report. ents needed for good health. 3 cups baby spinach
The office remains closed to the public but it can be Consider these tips from the (coarsely chopped)
viewed by calling ahead to 440-326-5800. The Lorain Academy of Nutrition and
SWCD office hours are 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Dietetics:
weekdays. • Fill half your plate with
Lorain SWCD, 42110 Russia Rd., Elyria OH 44035 fruits and veggies. Get cre-
ative with produce by trying
an assortment of colors and
• Experiment with dif-
Grace Lutheran Christian Preschool ferent grains. Try substitut-
NOW ENROLLING ing whole grains for refined
for the 2022-2023 School Year grains in recipes.
• Choose lean proteins.
In Elyria at Vary your choices to include
beans, peas, lentils and eggs.
9685 East River Rd. If you eat meat, choose sea-
(440) 322-5497 food and lean cuts of meat
We offer classes for 2 to and poultry that are baked or
5 year olds. grilled instead of fried.
• Extended enrichment • Explore a variety of dairy
days offered options. Milk, buttermilk, yo- March is....
• S.T.E.A.M. Curriculum gurt, cheese, calcium-forti-
“Don’t delay fied soymilk and lactose-free
classes fill up quickly.” milk can all fit into a healthy
diet. National
• Choose water to drink
Call to schedule your private visit today! with your meal.
(440) 322-5497 salad dressing, and spreads Developmental
• Order or serve sauces,
on the side.
Check out the recipe be-
low for an example. Disabilities
Get matched with a dieti-
cian through the WIC pro-
gram. Participants get supple-
mental nutritious food based Month
on advice from a dietitian.
WIC eligibility is based on
income, and you must be ei-
ther: pregnant, breastfeeding,
up to six months postpartum Murray Ridge Center is pleased to
or caring for children up to
age 5. Call 440-323-7320 to
find out if your family is el- recognize the many contributions
igible for the WIC program.
LCPH is committed to that individuals with disabilities
promoting access to healthy
foods throughout Lorain
County. They help childcare make in our community.
centers adopt healthy menus
and mealtime policies. They
connect restaurants to food
banks to donate their left-
overs. They also maintain a (440) 329-3734
list of local community gar-
Keep in touch with your community dens. Visit LorainCounty-
Paid for by The Lorain County Commissioners to learn more about how we
and LCSWMD make choosing healthy foods
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022 Page 11
59 th
on New or Used In-Stock Units!
Travel Trailers • 5th Wheels
Motor Homes • Pop-ups
•Plus preview our NEW line of camping accessories
Jim’s Trailer Sales, Inc.
Treating Customers Like Family Since 1963
11920 Avon Belden Rd.,Grafton
Visit us at
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022
Eaton News
[email protected]
Tea, Sweets and All That Jazz
For many years, one of the prevailing stories about St. Pat- Eaton Township Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct a
The North Ridgeville Senior Center is hosting Tea, Sweets rick involved the patron saint of Ireland driving snakes out of public hearing on Tuesday, March 22,2022 at 7:00pm, Eaton
and All That Jazz on Wednesday, March 23, at 4 p.m. Residents the Emerald Isle. Today, visitors to Ireland likely won’t see Township Hall, 12043 S. Avon Belden Rd. Grafton, OH.
The purpose of this hearing is to consider an Area Variance
can come and discover why the North Ridgeville City Schools a snake while traversing the country’s rolling green hills or request for the property located at 36898 Butternut Ridge
are an asset to the community and hear about the advancements idyllic countryside. However, that absence of snakes has little Rd. N. Ridgeville,Oh 44039 owned by Raphael Jarrouj.
made in the schools over the past 10 years. There will be re- to do with St. Patrick and more to do with geography. Ac-
freshments, door prizes and a special performance by the North cording to, water has surrounded Ireland since
Ridgeville High School jazz band. The event is free and open the end of the last glacial period. That water has kept snakes
to the public. The Senior Center is located at 7327 Avon Belden out of the country. And prior to that most recent glacial peri-
Road, in North Ridgeville. od, Ireland was covered in ice, making the country uninhab-
Letter to the Editor itable for cold-blooded creatures, including snakes. The story
of St. Patrick banishing Ireland’s snakes into the surrounding
To the Editor: seas is likely an allegory that highlights his role in bringing
Christianity to Ireland. In that version of events, the “snakes”
Dear Eaton Township Resident: Hopefully, all is well. I was
born in Lorain County and have noticed more and more farm- are actually the pagan ideology that natives to Ireland had
land being developed. I was recently informed of the fact that embraced for centuries.
Butternut Farm in North Eaton (consisting of approximately
60 acres, which is adjacent to the Margaret Peak Nature Pre-
serve) has been put up for auction. My understanding is that
this will be taking place at 36433 Butternut Ridge Road, North
Ridgeville, OH 44039 on March 31, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. There Backyard Staycation Sale!
are presently auction signs up at this property. In addition, there
is an on-line listing at This
being the case, there is a chance that this Butternut Farm will be
developed as well. Upon being made aware of this, I contact-
ed the Farmland Preservation office of the Ohio Department of
Agriculture, as well as the Western Reserve Land Conservato-
ry, and was advised that there are options available for both the
present and (if applicable) future owners. Details can be found
at the following sites:
fice/farmland-preservation-toolkit and https://www.wrlandcon-
Robert Krosky
(440) 452-9008
[email protected]
The Eaton Township Board of Trustees is currently ac- ON GROUND POOL PACKAGES ON SALE NOW
cepting applications for the position of board member on the
Board of Zoning Appeals. No zoning experience is necessary.
This board meets on the second Tuesday of the month on an
as-needed basis. Hurry to reserve your prime installation spot!
Residents interested in serving on the Board of Zoning
Appeals should pick up an application at Eaton Town Hall,
12043 S Avon Belden Rd, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. Full Service Department for
to 1 p.m. For additional information, please call the Township
Office at 440-748-2236. ALL In Ground and
Above Ground Pools
Notice is hereby given that the Eaton Township Zoning
Commission will hold a public hearing at the Eaton
Township Hall, 12043 S. Avon Belden Rd, Grafton, OH, PLAY SETS
44044 on Wednesday 03/30/2022 at 7:00pm pertaining
the R-1 to R-3 rezoning of parcels 11-00-048-000-037, No extra charge for
11-00-048-000-022, 11-00-048-000-020, 11-00-048-000- delivery and setup.
007, 11-00-048-000-027, 11-00-033-000-025, 11-00-032-
000-003, and 11-00-048-000-047. Cash discounts
now available.
Eaton • Grafton • LaGrange • Wellington
Broadband, Inc.
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Digital Cable • High Speed Internet • Phone Service
System Upgrades
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Play Sets
Speeds of 100MG, 200MG, 500MG and more available! Above Ground Pools
1.Advanced phone systems with features for small to large
businesses with 2 - 500 phones, including voicemail and all In Ground Pools
the features needed to run a business.
2.Disaster recovery & back up service with all files backed up 27099 Royalton Rd., Columbia Station • 440-236-4160
offsite to our data center. On Ground Pools
3.Web hosting along with email
4.Direct fiber to the business up to 10gig x 10gig.
5.Support staff & network all based on Cisco Networking Storage Sheds HOURS: Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri 10-7 Saturday 10-6, Sunday 11-4 Closed Wed.
Equipment—the best!
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022 Page 13
34981 ROYALTON RD., NORTH EATON Prices Effective Monday March 14 -
Sunday March 20, 2022
Please call (440)-748-3751 For Advanced Orders Open: Weekdays 8AM - 8PM Saturday and Sunday 8AM - 6PM
$2.00 OFF
Available on Monday March 14 only!
Value Pack Preferred Angus Beef USDA Inspected Preferred Angus Beef
Value Pack
Beef Stew Meat
Preferred Angus Beef Porterhouse Bottom Or Cubed Steak Springer Mtn. Farms
T-Bone Round Boneless Skinless
Steaks 8.19Lb. Rump Roast 5.99Lb. Chicken Thighs
7.98Lb. 4.98Lb. 2.98Lb.
USDA Inspected 14-Oz.
Bone-In Old Fashioned Eckrich
Center Cut Corned Beef Bun Size
Pork Chops 16-Oz. Points 16 To 20-Oz, Fresh Baked. Franks 21-Oz.
Plain Or Seeded
Shrimp Or Rye Bread Steaks
7.99 2.79 3 5 6.98
2.98Lb. 4.99Lb.
Lenten Special!
Sliced To Order 5-Oz., In Water
Kretschmar Sliced To Order IGA
Black Forest Amish Valley Chunk Light
Ham Our Own Homemade Corned Beef Sliced To Order Tuna 12-Pack Cans
Walnut Creek
Slaw Swiss Cheese .78 Tea
6.49Lb. 4.49Lb. 8.99Lb. 4.99Lb. 4.98
9 To 11-Oz.
Imported Fresh Express
Fresh Red Or Green & Crisp
Green Green Or Romaine
Cabbage Farm Fresh Grapes Imported Bagged Salad 8-Oz.
Peaches Or
Super Select
Cucumbers Nectarines 2 5 Whole Or Sliced
.49Lb. .88Ea. 2.98Lb. 2.48Lb. 1.78
14.5 To 24-Oz.
16-Oz. Prego 10.9 To 12.3-Oz.
Daisy Pasta Eggo
Sour Cream 64-Oz. Sauce 10-Oz. Waffles 8.5 To 9-Oz.
Almond Breeze
2 4 2 5 2 4 Ravoli 2 5 2 5
Almond Milk
ENJOY A Discount
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022
3 Real Estate Myths Debunked in good condition. I recently sold a house had 5 offers on it and
some of the offers were up to $27,000 above the asking price.
My best advice is don’t fall prey to these myths in today’s
I know many people are enamored with home improvement real estate market. If you are wondering what your home is
and real estate tv shows like House Hunters, in fact there is an worth please give Jennifer Herron Underwood a call at (440)
entire tv station dedicated to these types of shows. Many times, 371-2862 for a free market valuation and also a free downsiz-
as a Realtor I find that what home buyers and sellers see on tv, ing guide to help you in today’s real estate market. If you men-
they think is the reality of Northeast Ohio Real Estate. In fact, tion this article I will also provide you with a free radon test kit.
the market has changed so much over the past 10 years that a lot
of the “real estate rules” of the past have changed dramatically. Healthy Smoothies
If you are thinking about selling your home in the next year,
please do not fall prey to these three common myths. Energy Elixir Smoothie
1. Homes Only Sell In The Summer - I have been a real
estate agent for over 20 years now and I tell people all the time Ingredients:
houses sell year round. I can tell you a number of stories over 1 cup spring salad greens, or to taste
the years where I personally have helped people buy or sell a 1 cup frozen red grapes
home on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and even on Easter. In 1 chopped frozen banana
fact, a great time to sell your home is now. I have sold a num- 1 cored and chopped frozen pear
ber of my personal homes and I always put them on the market 2 tablespoons walnuts
in March. The reason March and April are such great months water as needed
is because many people like to move in the summer. Once a
house goes under contract it can take 60 days for the closing. If Directions:
a buyer wants to move in June that means they need to be under Layer salad greens, red grapes, banana, pear, and walnuts
contract on a home in April. So by putting your house up for in a high-powered blender; add enough water to cover. Blend
sale in March you give the buyers time to look for a home and mixture until smooth, adding more water to reach desired con-
decide upon what they want. sistency.
2. My Home Has To Be Perfect For The Real Estate Mar-
NOW BUYING ket - Everyone’s idea of perfect is different but right now we Banana Blast Smoothie
are experiencing a huge shortage of homes for sale. In fact,
• Pre 1964 Silver Coins we have 28% fewer homes for sale right now than we did in Ingredients:
2021, but we have the same number of buyers. Interest rates
• Gold nearing all-time highs are starting to creep up so many buyers who have been waiting 1 banana
1 pinch ground nutmeg
to buy are finally getting off the fence. 10 years ago you had to
• Sterling Silver make sure everything was perfect, there wasn’t any wall paper, ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup milk
• Silverware you had granite countertops, and the house was staged and de- 2 cups crushed ice
personalized in order for it to sell. Stop worrying and stressing
about this stuff because the 2022 real estate market is complete- Directions:
ly different. I visit people’s homes all the time and they think In a blender combine banana, nutmeg, vanilla, milk and
they need to update a kitchen or bathroom or do a bunch of crushed ice. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve.
Gift Certificates Available repairs, but in reality their home is already prepared for today’s
“Now Offering 12 months Interest Free” hustling and bustling real estate market. Creamy Strawberry-Pineapple Smoothie
3. I Need To Price My Home So The Buyer Thinks They
GOLD Are Getting Deal - In Today’s fast paced real estate market it Ingredients:
is at an all time high!
is best to price your house in line with other similar sales in the
½ cup pineapple juice
past 30 days. The days of having to price your home $20,000
½ cup plain low-fat yogurt
higher than you think it was worth is over because in today’s
1 banana (Optional)
tiating down you are choosing between many offers on your
705 Chestnut Commons Dr., Elyria real estate market if your home is priced right instead of nego- ½ cup halved strawberries
home. Statistics show that houses have been selling at 100%-
(440) 322-0019 104% of their asking price in Lorain County since October Instructions Checklist 2020. In fact, buyers are expecting to pay your asking price and Blend pineapple juice, yogurt, strawberries, and banana to-
in many situations, they are expecting to pay $2000-$10000
Hours: Tues. 9:30-7 • Wed./Thurs./Fri. 9:30-5 • Sat. 9:30-3:30 more than your asking price if your home is priced right and is gether in a blender until smooth.
• 22 years experience
• Lorain County resident
• Specializing in First Time Sellers and Senior Citizens
• Personalized and strategic marketing and closing plans
• Weekly follow up with buyers, sellers, title co, lenders,
and all involved in the sale until close
• Professional photography
• Safety and security- I will personally show your
home and secure the property upon request
Jen Herron-Underwood
Free radon test when scheduling an in personal
consultation to see what your home is worth!
SOLD $405,000 CALL 440-371-2862
$182,500 $165,000
33 Willow Haven 8330 Root Rd 42008 Debra Dr
Carlisle Twp North Ridgeville Elyria
$175,000 $292,000 $200,000
1012 Vivian 13157 Kensington 444 Stonehedge
Grafton Grafton Elyria
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March14, 2022 Page 15
Long-term solutions • Alternate between sitting
to protect joints and standing throughout the
day. Joint stiffness and strain
can develop when individuals
Periodic aches and pains joints. That added strength spend lengthy periods of time
can affect anyone. Individuals puts less stress on the joints. sitting or standing. The AF
who are physically active and In recognition of the threat recommends taking a break
even those who live largely posed by chronic joint pain, to stand up or sit down ev-
sedentary lifestyles may ex- the Arthritis Foundation® ery 30 minutes. Professionals
perience pain from time to recommends individuals take who sit at a desk all day may
time. In fact, many profes- various steps to protect their want to switch to height-ad-
sional and amateur athletes joints over the long haul. justable desks that make it
experience relatively minor, • Focus less on fashion easy for them to transition
short-term injuries at one in regard to footwear. High from sitting to standing and
point or another, and rest is heels may be the epitome still get their work done.
often the best remedy to over- of glamorous footwear, but • Maintain a healthy
come such obstacles. women who routinely wear weight. Being overweight
Though minor tweaks high heels will pay a steep causes a ripple effect that Kryszak Law Firm, Co., LPA
may be somewhat normal, price. The AF notes that heels impacts the entire body, in-
long-term issues like per- put added stress on the knees cluding the joints. The AF Attorney at Law
sistent joint pain should not and increase risk for osteo- notes that researchers have
be written off as par for the porosis, and experts indicate determined that losing 11 Estate Planning
course. It can be tempting to that three-inch heels are sev- pounds can reduce risk for
write joint pain off as a con- en times more stressful on osteoarthritis of the knee by
cern only serious athletes feet than one-inch heels. But 50 percent. On the flip side, Estate and Trust Administration
need to worry about. Terms women aren’t the only ones each extra pound an individ-
like “tennis elbow” and “run- whose footwear fashion sense ual carries puts four times Real Estate • Elder Law
ner’s knee” can give less could be hurting their joints. the stress on his or her knees.
physically active individuals Men also must pay atten- Exercising to lose weight can At Kryszak Law Firm, Co., LPA, our
a false impression of joint tion to what they’re putting provide the added benefit of
pain and what causes it. But on their feet. For example, preventing joint stiffness. Mission is to deliver personalized, quality
the Mayo Clinic notes that sandals without a back strap • Opt for low-impact ac- legal services, resulting in long-lasting
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joints. That’s because exer- needless strain on each foot ming are easier on the joints of our firm and many years of legal
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and tissues that surround the with the toes. volve high-intensity dancing on a daily basis.
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Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022
Wellington News
[email protected] FFA hosts appreciation breakfast College Graduate
Blood Drives Melanie N. Gott, of Wellington, Magna Cum Laude, gradu-
Penfield Township will hold their blood drives from 2-7 ated from Columbus State Community College during Autumn
p.m. on the following dates: March 23, May 25, July 27 and Semester Commencement Ceremonies held on December 17,
2021. Congratulations!
September 28. November date is not yet scheduled. The blood
drives will be at the Penfield Township Town Hall, located at Dean’s List
41012 St. Rt. 18, Penfield/Wellington (corner of St. Rts. 18 and
301). Congratulations to Charles Cameron Brinker of Wellington,
Herrick Memorial Library who made the Fall 2021 Dean’s List at the Robert Morris Uni-
versity School of Business in Moon Township, PA.
Read with Putter - Putter, our friendly therapy dog, visits
the Herrick Memorial Library from 3:15-4:30 p.m. each Thurs-
day to listen to your child read. This is a wonderful way for Pittsfield Twp. Annual Financial Report
children to practice their reading skills as Putter listens to the
stories. Please call the library at (440) 647-2120 to sign up your The Annual Financial Report for Pittsfield Township for
child for a 15-minute time slot to read to Putter. 2021 is complete and available for review at the township
State of Wellington breakfast office by contacting Mandy Cecil at (440) 396-7742 or
via mail at 47850 Hughes Road, Wellington, OH 44090.
Wellington Kiwanis Club will be sponsoring its fifth annu-
al “State of Wellington” breakfast featuring village and school
leaders, at 8 a.m. on Thursday, March 24, at the Wellington
Eagles, located at 631 St. Main St., in Wellington. Students serve breakfast to Wellington High School head custodian
Keynote speakers will be Wellington Schools’ Superinten- Richard Friend.
dent Ed Weber, Treasurer Mark Donnelly, Mayor Hans Schnei- The Wellington FFA Chapter recently hosted its annual
der and Village Manager Jonathan Greever. teacher, staff and alumni appreciation breakfast at Wellington
Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the Mayor’s Office High School. The breakfast was held in the Ag room at the
on the third floor of the Town Hall; Bremke Insurance, 104 S. school. The FFA students shared the responsibility of bring-
Main St.; Fifth Third Bank, 161 E. Herrick Ave.; and Main ing in the food and supplies, and cooked and served the food
St.. Wellington office, 118 W. Herrick Ave. Tickets must be themselves. The students hosted the breakfast to show their
purchased by Saturday, March 19. The buffet breakfast will be appreciation for supporting the FFA chapter between contests,
served by the Fraternal Order of Eagles. conventions and the many other activities in which WHS FFA
All proceeds from the breakfast are earmarked for the Wel- students participate throughout the year.
lington Kiwanis Club’s long-term signature project of raising The breakfast was held to celebrate National FFA Week (Fu-
funds for building and replacing community playground equip- ture Farmers of America) last month.
ment at Westwood Elementary, Union School Park and the
Wellington Community Recreation Park.
Wellington’s Fraternal Order of Eagles will be the platinum
sponsor for the State of Wellington breakfast. Gold sponsors
include Wellington Implement, Edward Jones Wellington of- Spring is in the air in the Wellington Village Schools.
fice and Norton-Eastman Funeral Home; Silver sponsors in- I would like to thank our McCormick Middle School stu-
clude Lorain County Joint Vocational School, Lorain County dents for a great performance of “Newsies” (March 10-11) at
Community College, Armstrong Group, Lorain-Medina Rural the Patricia Lindley Center for the Performing Arts. Thank you LORAIN COUNTY CASA/GAL PROGRAM
Electric Cooperative and Kyle Bremke Insurance. Sponsorship to our director, Emily Campofredano, and everyone who assist-
information can be obtained by emailing wellingtonkiwanis@ ed with the production. To give a child a CASA/GAL Volunteer is to give them We are looking forward to welcoming the community for a Voice. To give them a Voice is to give them Hope
Wellington Kiwanis is in its 98th year. They meet at noon the Wellington Kiwanis Club’s fifth annual “State of Welling- and to give them Hope is to give them the World.
on the first and third Thursdays of each month at South Lo- ton” breakfast featuring village and school leaders at 8 a.m. on
rain County Ambulance District’s community meeting room on Thursday, March 24 at the Wellington Eagles, 631 St. Main St.,
East Herrick Ave. Wellington. See the separate article for more information.
Congratulations to WHS senior Jeremiah McKee for earn-
Part Time Help Wanted ing his third trip to the OHSAA State Wrestling Tournament.
Huntington Township Part time employee: Mowing, We are proud of your accomplishments on and off the mat.
Congratulations also to the WHS Choir who received a rat-
weed whipping, chain saw, road work, snow plowing, ing of II at the recent OMEA (Ohio Music Educators Associa-
knowledge of maintaining and operating heavy tion) Large Group Adjudicated Event.
equipment. Ohio Driver’s license and ability to obtain Reminder to follow the Wellington Exempted Village
or currently hold a CDL. Please submit resume to Schools on Facebook @WEVSD. Each school building is also
Huntington Township by April 4th, 2022 in person or on Facebook (Westwood Elementary School, McCormick Mid-
mail to 45955 SR 162 Wellington, Ohio 44090. dle School and Wellington High School). It’s a great way to
Huntington Township Trustees stay connected and see what’s happening around our district.
Edward Weber, Superintendent, Wellington Exempted Vil-
C & L Shoes Tues-Fri 9-6 lage Schools Make a Difference in the Life of an Abused &
Office: (440) 647-4286
Sat 9-3 Email: [email protected] Neglected Child and Become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!
10259 Spencer Rd. (ST RT 301) Call 440-329-5158 for more information
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HOURS: Monday-Friday: 8AM-6PM 1/2 mi past JVS south on 58
Saturday: 8AM-4PM • Sunday: CLOSED
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022 Page 17
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Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022
LaGrange News
[email protected]
Penfield Quilters & requirements to him.
Roadman Albrecht asked Trustees if they’d had any com-
Lions Lenten Fish Frys 9 annual Quilt Show plaints regarding ice on Jones Rd. A large amount of water
is coming onto the roadway from roadside. Trustee Flynn dis-
The LaGrange Lions will be holding Lenten Fish Frys every A hand-quilted quilt will cussed the possibility of using ARPA funds to clean ditches to
Friday from now-April 15, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at Lions Park, be raffled off. Raffle tickets improve the drainage.
located at 240 Glendale St., in LaGrange. The dinners will be are $1 each or 6 for $5. Pro- Bob Storms advised that he picked up one set of pads for
drive-through only and cash only. Due to the current financial ceeds from the show bene- the snowplow.
situation nationwide, all dinner prices will see an increase: Full fit the Penfield Quilters Lap Assistant Hall Coordinator Tom Seman questioned if re-
fish - $15, Full shrimp - $15, Full Half & Half - $15, Half din- Quilt Ministry, which pro- strooms could be opened for the 4th Grade Field Day on May
ners (Fish or Shrimp) - $10, Mac & Cheese dinner - $8, the vides comforting lap quilts to 26.
non-Lenten meals (hot dog) - $6, extra fish - $3 per piece, extra groups and individuals in the Zoning Commission member Jerry Rathwell had no ques-
shrimp - $2 per piece and mac & cheese substitution for fries community. tions or comments.
will remain at $2. All dinners come with fries, cole slaw, bread In addition, military vet- Trustee Conrad advised that Bob Storms had gotten recall
& butter. No phone orders accepted. Please join the Lions for The Penfield Quilters erans attending can enter on Dodge taken care of. Conrad was contacted by Superior
a great meal. are happy to announce their a drawing for a valor quilt Fire regarding annual inspection and gave them Tom Seman’s
contact info. Conrad reported that Shawn Duffala advised that
Blood Drives 9th annual Quilt Show on made by Julie Ferriman. the Township needs to do nothing on the OPWC grant for the
Wednesday, April 13, from
You are also invited to
1-3 p.m. at the LaGrange Mu- bring your own quilt to time being. When the grant is awarded in June, we will need
Penfield Township will hold their blood drives from 2-7 nicipal Building, located at “show off.” Please attach a to bid it out. Conrad advised that the culvert on Indian Hollow
p.m. on the following dates: March 23, May 25, July 27 and 301 Liberty St., in LaGrange. label with information about needs replaced and he wants to apply for SWAC grant funding
September 28. November date is not yet scheduled. The blood Join them for an afternoon of your creation that you wish to for same. Conrad spoke w/Matt Arnold from SWAC to get a
drives will be at the Penfield Township Town Hall, located at viewing many colorful quilts share. plan together for ditch work. County will get engineering work
41012 St. Rt. 18, Penfield/Wellington (corner of St. Rts. 18 and that have been worked on as Admission is free. Dona- done so we can apply for grants. Information from affected res-
301). a group, as well as personal tions to Well-Help Food Pan- idents will be collected to submit with the grant application,
Kindergarten registration projects and favorites. try are accepted at the door. which is due March 31. The shared grant with LaGrange will
be a mini grant. Curtis Ditch Phase IV & Peck Wadsworth Rd.
Keystone Elementary School Kindergarten Registration for feed into a ditch that’s already clean.
Trustee Flynn has been speaking to residents affected by
the 2022-2023 school year is now underway. If your child will Penfield Twp. Trustees ditch issues and gathering pictures & statements. Flynn report-
be five years old on or before August 1 of this year, they are ed that when the Dodge pickup went in for recall work, the ABS
eligible to start Kindergarten this fall. Check out our “Ques- light came on as they left the parking lot. The truck was left
tions About Kindergarten” slide presentation at keystonelocal- at the dealership for additional work. The dealership replaced Please call the Elementary Office at (440) 355- The February 15 regular meeting of the Penfield Township the hydraulic booster, which was covered under warranty. The
2300 to schedule an appointment. Trustees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. All officers were pres- pump for the water wagon will be ordered tomorrow. Flynn
ent with the exception of Fiscal Officer Denes. Minutes were
recorded by Rachael Duling. Eight guests attended the meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read & approved.
Friends of EPLS Keystone A motion passed to approve Vouchers #13748-13752. PART TIME MAINTENANCE II
present the return of Ken Koubek presented a proposal for an upgrade to security The Village of LaGrange is accepting applications
Books & Brunch - Where the Journey Leads cameras and Wi-Fi at the Town Hall. It included 32 cameras. and resumes for the part time position of Maintenance II
The existing cameras will be moved to the Recreation Park. He
April 23, 2022 gave a packet with information & costs to the Trustees. worker. Duties will include grounds maintenance, street
repair work, snow related work, building maintenance and
at LaGrange Methodist Church Zoning Inspector Brett Linden reported that he filed build- other duties as necessary. This position may be seasonal
105 W Main Street ing permits electronically w/the US Census Bureau. Linden or year round. Hours will be up to thirty per week.
fielded a call from a realtor who has a client interested in re-
Applications are available at the LaGrange Municipal
Doors open at 9:15 a.m./ Meal served at 10:30 a.m. zoning a commercial lot to a residential lot at 40981 St. Rt. Building, 301 Liberty Street, LaGrange, Ohio, 44050.
Tickets 12 and presale only 18. He discussed current zoning and the process to change to Please send completed applications / resumes to the same
Call Marianne (440) 865-0299 for tickets. residential. Linden fielded a call from Beryl Blaylock regard- address. Deadline for receiving applications and resumes
ing constructing a garage, a portion of which would be living
will be April 4, 2022.
quarters for the family. Linden forwarding Zoning regulations
The Village of LaGrange seeks to fill the part-time position of the Village Fiscal Officer. The Village of LaGrange is a statutory Village with a population of approximately 2452 and is located
at the intersection of State Routes 303 and 301 in Lorain County.
Principle Duties: The duties of the Fiscal Officer of the Village of LaGrange are those as defined in the Ohio Revised Code and all other duties as assigned.
Supervision: The Fiscal Officer will work at the pleasure of the Village Mayor and Council being bound by the rules and regulations set in the Ohio Revised Code.
Essential Duties:
• Work independently to manage the Village’s financial functions and to be solely responsible for creating and keeping the records and meeting all reporting deadlines of the Village in accordance
with federal, state and local laws.
• Resolve various complex financial issues while facing pending deadlines.
• The Fiscal Officer must be keenly aware of the financial position of the Village and communicate any issues regarding that position properly and in a timely manner to the Mayor, Council, and all
other appropriate entities.
• Prepare all monthly, quarterly, and annual reports as required by law and distribute appropriate information to the Mayor, Village Council and appropriate committees.
• Demonstrate ability to maintain appropriate confidentiality in handling sensitive information and records.
• Post all Village financial transactions to the Village’s accounting system.
• Serve as liaison to accounting system hardware and software vendors.
• Process and deposit funds received by the Village, disburse monies, balance bank statements, and manage funds in depositories as approved by Village Council.
• Prepare financial transactions within the Village Council’s approved budget, including issue of purchase orders, verification and payment of invoices, preparation of electronic funds transfers, and
signing of checks.
• Process payroll including signing payroll checks or authorizing direct deposits, completion of payroll and employment records, financial and tax reports, retirement plans, unemployment and
Bureau of Workers’ Compensation data, and any employee benefits.
• Provide information and assistance to representatives from Ohio’s office of the Auditor of State during financial audits.
• Sign contracts involving financial obligations in accordance with the policies adopted by Village Council.
• Prepare annual budget and appropriations documentation in conjunction with the Mayor & VA, create and file all appropriate budget documents with the Lorain County Auditor in a timely manner.
• Act as the Village Tax Administrator responsible for all management aspects of income tax collection for the Village.
• Attend Village Council and Finance Committee meetings, preparing minutes of Council meetings, maintaining an accurate record of all Ordinances and Resolutions passed by Council, and
providing notice of meetings and legislation passed to the local newspaper of record.
• Comply with all public records requests and maintain said records per Village Records Retention Policies.
• Provide secure storage for all vital business records including off-site financial records and legal documents.
• Maintain knowledge of current trends in government accounting by attending workshops, reviewing professional publications, establishing networks and participating in professional organizations.
The duties listed for this position are intended only as guidelines and illustrations of the various types of work that may be required. The omission of specific statements does not exclude them from
the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position.
• Associate degree in accounting or related field preferred.
• Minimum of 2-4 years of experience in Local Government Accounting or progressive experience working in finance so as to indicate possession of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to
perform the duties of Fiscal Officer.
• Must qualify to be bonded.
• Knowledge of fund accounting and GAAP.
• Knowledge of the budgetary process.
• Knowledge of municipal government process.
• Familiarity with computerized accounting systems (UAN preferred)
• Ability to prepare financial reports and analysis.
• Familiarity with Word and Excel software.
Equipment Used: Includes but not limited to computers, calculators, copier, printer.
Physical Demands: Sitting at a desk or other work area, communicating with public either in person, via letter, email or phone, operating office equipment as indicated above. Position may require
occasional lifting of up to twenty pounds. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential job functions. Travel and overnight lodging
may occasionally be required for training.
Compensation: The position requires 25 hours per week. Salary will be commensurate with experience.
Application: Resumes with cover letter should be sent to the Village of LaGrange, 301 Liberty Street, LaGrange Ohio 44050, Attn: Village Mayor. Resumes will be accepted until the position
is filled.
The job description does not constitute an employment agreement between the employer and the employee and is subject to change as the needs of the employer and the requirements of the
position change.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022 Page 19
reported that the Wellington Fire District will be doing ice res- Shepherd’s Pie
cue training in the near future. Flynn made Chief Wetherbee
aware of LMRE grant opportunities. Flynn discussed touchless 11/2 pounds russet potatoes
toilets with Tim. Tom & Theresa will replace batteries on a 2 tablespoons canola oil
regular schedule (every 6 months). Communication with Hot 1 cup chopped onion
Stove was discussed and they will be asked to attend the next 2 carrots, peeled and finely diced
meeting. Hot Stove controls scheduling of fields. Flynn plans 2 cloves garlic, minced
on attending the BZA meeting. Flynn reported that Tony Polen 11/2 pounds ground lamb - ONLINE ONLY -
advised that there is a road flex mower in Oklahoma. Trustee 13/4 teaspoons kosher salt
Conrad made a motion, seconded by Chairman Johnson, to 3/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
purchase this mower for $31,637.47. Trustee Flynn will handle 2 teaspoons tomato paste $3 OFF
2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary
with Tony Polen. Discussion was held about selling our exist- 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme Online Order of $15 or more(Lit3)
ing mower. 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Chairman Johnson reported that all Cemetery decorations 1/4 cup half-and-half
need to be removed by March 1. Notice has been placed in 4 tablespoons unsalted butter $5 OFF
the paper and on the website. Johnson received a request from 1 large egg yolk Online Order of $25 or more(Lit5)
Jacob Linden for a letter of recommendation. Johnson will 1/2 cup corn kernels, fresh or frozen
provide same. The LCPH Department annual meeting will be 1/2 cup English peas, fresh or frozen
attended by Trustee Flynn & Conrad. Chairman Johnson will 1. Heat oven to 400 F. $7 OFF
2. Peel the potatoes and cut them into 1/2-inch dice. Put them in a medium
attend the LCTA meeting, where ARPA funding will be dis- saucepan and cover with cold water. Set said pan over high heat, cover and
cussed. bring to a boil. Uncover, drop the heat to maintain a simmer, and cook until Online Order of $30 or more(Lit7)
With no additional business to discuss, the meeting was ad- tender, 10 to 15 minutes. Premium toppings extra, Cannot be combined with any other offer.
journed. 3. Heat the oil in an 11-inch saute pan over medium-high heat until shim- Use the code given above when ordering online. EXP 3-28-22
mering. Add the onion and carrots and saute just until they begin to take on
Keystone Athletic Hall Of Fame color, 3 to 4 minutes. Add the garlic and stir to combine. Add the meat, salt and
pepper, and cook until browned and cooked through, approximately 3 minutes.
4. Sprinkle the meat with the flour, toss to coat, and continue to cook for Tuesday BOGO Day
The Keystone Hall of Fame, sponsored by the Keystone another minute. Add the tomato paste, broth, Worcestershire sauce, rosemary,
Athletic Team Supporters (K.A.T.S.), is now accepting resumes and thyme and stir to combine. Bring to a boil, then decrease the heat to low, Buy One Pizza, Get One Pizza FREE
and applications for the Hall of Fame Class of 2022. The Hall cover, and simmer slowly until the sauce is thickened slightly, 10 to 12 minutes. Must Purchase through online or mobile app. Second pizza of equal
5. Meanwhile, combine the half-and-half and butter in a microwave-safe
of Fame is open to applications for any athlete or team from container and nuke until warmed through, about 35 seconds. or lesser value will be FREE.
December 3rd only
Keystone High School, as well as the former LaGrange High 6. Drain the potatoes and return them to the saucepan. Mash the potatoes Excludes Deep Dish, Calzones & Stromboli.
School and Penfield High School. Athletes/teams will not be (a masher is an excellent tool for this, though a hand mixer will do), then add the Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Tuesdays only.
considered until ten years after graduation; Class of 2012 is hot half-and-half mixture, as well as the salt and pepper. Mash to smoothness,
included this year. Nominations should include KHS Letters then stir in the egg yolk. 544 Center St. Suite. A, LaGrange | 440-387-1437
won, local and state awards and any newspaper articles that 7. Add the corn and peas to the meat mixture and spread evenly in a 7-by- Order Online at
support the nomination. Please send all applications with sup- 11-inch glass baking dish. Top with the mashed potatoes, starting around the
porting information to K.A.T.S., P.O. Box 744, LaGrange, Ohio edges to create a seal to prevent the mixture from bubbling over, and smooth
44050. The deadline for resumes is April 15, 2022. The fillable the top with a rubber spatula. Place on a half sheet pan lined with parchment
nomination form in PDF format can be found at http://www. paper on the middle rack of the oven and bake for 25 minutes, or just until the
potatoes begin to brown. Remove to a cooking rack and let rest for at least 15 under the ‘More’ tab. minutes before serving.
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022
Medina County Park District nizations. Medina County Park District walks are led by ex- 5:30-6:30 p.m. Join us for a casual after-work walk among
Flora Friday - Hubbard Valley Park - Friday, April 15, from
perienced birders and will be held every Saturday at 7:30 a.m.
Flora Friday - Hubbard Valley Park - Friday, April 1, from through May 14. Meet in the main parking lot at River Styx the wildflowers. Our spring ephemerals do not last long so we
5:30-6:30 p.m. Join us for a casual after-work walk among Park. All ages are welcome. No registration is required. Free. will see what changes are occurring with each passing week.
the wildflowers. Our spring ephemerals do not last long so we Fossils - Susan Hambley Nature Center - Saturday, April 9 A notebook, pencil, and wildflower guide are helpful but not
will see what changes are occurring with each passing week. and Sunday, April 10, from 12-5 p.m. Drop by the Susan Ham- required. Ages 10 to adult. No registration is required. Free.
A notebook, pencil, and wildflower guide are helpful but not bley Nature Center this weekend to check out a variety of plant Self-guided Bird Walk - River Styx Park - Saturday, April
required. Ages 10 to adult. No registration is required. Free. and animal fossils. See real fossils and replicas from 350,000 16 through Saturday, May 21, at 6 a.m. to one hour past sun-
A Healthy Dose of Nature: Hiking Series - Plum Creek million years old to a mere 10,000 years old. Learn how fossils set. Sometimes you simply cannot fit a scheduled bird walk in
Park South - Saturday, April 2, from 9-11 a.m. Hiking outdoors are formed and do some fossil activities. All ages are welcome. your day. If this sounds familiar, but you’re still interested in
in Medina County Park District has plenty of perks! There are No registration is required. Free. the migratory songbirds flying to and through Medina County
beautiful views, fresh air, the sounds and smells of nature, and Senior Strides - Lake Medina (meet in the Granger Road parks, then this self-guided bird walk is just for you! Follow
it’s good for you, too. Mentally, being in the outdoors reduces parking lot) - Tuesday, April 12, from 10-11 a.m. If you are interpretive signs along the nature trails (pink oval and blue
symptoms of stress and anxiety. Physically, hiking is great for part of the 55 and over crowd and love to hike in the park but hexagon) any time between open and close to aid you in your
your heart, blood pressure, and muscles. Once a month, join would prefer the company of others to feel comfortable doing bird walking discoveries. All ages are welcome. No registration
a naturalist and volunteers to hike at a vigorous pace. This so, the Senior Strides program is for you! The series aims to is required. Free.
healthy hike will take place on a different trail each month and build a support system for both novice and veteran hikers who 89th Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks - River Styx Park
will be between three to five miles in length. Please dress for would love to hike but may not have anyone to hike with. Re- - Saturday, April 16, at 7:30 a.m. Watch as migrating spring
the weather, wear appropriate footwear, and bring along a bot- tired nurse and park volunteer Connie B. will lead the one-to- birds return or travel through to their summer breeding grounds
tle of water. Ages ten to adult. No registration is required. Free. two-mile casual walks each month. Please dress for the weath- during the 89th annual series of Spring Bird Walks. Spring
Preschoolers in the Garden: Plants Need Clean Water, er and be sure to have appropriate footwear. No registration is Bird Walks are co-sponsored by several Northeast Ohio orga-
Too! - Krabill Lodge - Tuesday, April 5, from 10-11:30 a.m. required. Free. nizations. Medina County Park District walks are led by ex-
Plants are like people! They need clean water, too. Plants may Woodland Health Day of Service - Volunteers Needed - perienced birders and will be held every Saturday at 7:30 a.m.
not use water to take a bath or brush their teeth, but they still River Styx Park - Thursday, April 14, from 1-3 p.m. Join us through May 14. Meet in the main parking lot at River Styx
need H2O to grow big and strong. Join OSU Master Gardeners for a day of service pulling an aggressive weed from sensitive Park. All ages are welcome. No registration is required. Free.
to learn more about how plants use water and how people can wildflower habitats. OSU Extension Master Gardener Volun- K-9 Kapers - Hubbard Valley Park - Saturday, April 16,
help conserve more of it. We will explore this topic through sto- teers of Medina County and Medina County Park District Vol- from 10-11 a.m. K-9 Kapers provides dog owners with an op-
ries, art, and a variety of hands on stations. Dress for outdoors unteers will educate about the habitat garlic mustard threatens portunity to socialize their pets with other dogs. These alterna-
and mess. Masks are required. Ages 3-8. Register by April 3. and about some of the wildflowers we are protecting. You will tive hikes will interest both the dog and its owner while offering
There is a $5 fee. learn everything you need to know about identifying and re- exercise and fun. All dogs must have an accompanying adult
Natural Discoveries - Hubbard Valley Park - Wednesday, moving this invasive species. This is an excellent opportunity and eight-foot leash (non-retractable). Participants must main-
April 6, from 10-11 a.m. Join us for an easy walk to observe the to give back to your community and ensure a healthy park for tain control of their dogs at all times. We recommend bringing
unfolding of nature all year long in the parks. Natural Discov- future generations. Bring your own work gloves, and dress ap- a towel for muddy feet and a water bowl. All ages are welcome.
eries is an award-based series of nature programs designed for propriately for the outdoors. Ages 7 to adult. Register by April No registration is required. Free.
ages seven to adult. No registration is required. Free. 11. Free. Fossils - Susan Hambley Nature Center, Saturday, April 16,
Discovery Drop-In: Feathers, Fur, Scales, and Skin - Forest Therapy Walk - Carolyn Ludwig Mugrage Park - from 12-5 p.m. Drop by the Susan Hambley Nature Center
Oenslager Nature Center, Wednesday, April 6, from 1-3 p.m. Thursday, April 14, from 6-7:30 p.m. Join Jason of Whisper this weekend to check out a variety of plant and animal fossils.
Discoveries don’t happen on a set schedule, so drop by any time Shifter for a relaxed, sensory experience on a forest therapy See real fossils and replicas from 350,000 million years old to
between 1 and 3 p.m. to discover some wildlife facts. Meet our walk. Non-strenuous movement in a natural setting coupled a mere 10,000 years old. Learn how fossils are formed and do
reptile and amphibian animal ambassadors and explore a dis- with the goal of guiding participants through the experiencing some fossil activities. All ages are welcome. No registration is
play of wildlife pelts and artifacts. A naturalist will be present of sensing, embodiment, and appreciation for their relation- required. Free.
to provide a hands-on experience and information. All ages are ships to the natural world is the main focus of these walks. Ages 89th Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks - River Styx Park,
welcome. No registration is required. Free. 5 to adult. Register by April 12. Free. Saturday, April 23, at 7:30 a.m. Watch as migrating spring
Flora Friday - Hubbard Valley Park - Friday, April 8, from Woodland Health Day of Service - Volunteers Needed - birds return or travel through to their summer breeding grounds
5:30-6:30 p.m. Join us for a casual after-work walk among Hubbard Valley Park - Friday, April 15, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. during the 89th annual series of Spring Bird Walks. Medina
the wildflowers. Our spring ephemerals do not last long so we Join us for a day of service pulling an aggressive weed from County Park District walks are led by experienced birders.
will see what changes are occurring with each passing week. sensitive wildflower habitats. OSU Extension Master Gardener Meet in the main parking lot at River Styx Park. All ages are
A notebook, pencil, and wildflower guide are helpful but not Volunteers of Medina County and Medina County Park District welcome. No registration is required. Free.
required. Ages 10 to adult. No registration is required. Free. Volunteers will educate about the habitat garlic mustard threat- Medina County’s 26th Annual Earth Day Festival - Buf-
89 Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks - River Styx Park ens and about some of the wildflowers we are protecting. You falo Creek Retreat - Saturday, April 23, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
- Saturday, April 9, at 7:30 a.m. Watch as migrating spring will learn everything you need to know about identifying and Come celebrate Earth Day at the Medina County Park District’s
birds return or travel through to their summer breeding grounds removing this invasive species. Bring your own work gloves, Buffalo Creek Retreat with earth-friendly exhibits, family fish-
during the 89th annual series of Spring Bird Walks. Spring and dress appropriately for the outdoors. Ages 7 to adult. Free. ing derby, kids’ activities, food, and much more! Additional
Bird Walks are co-sponsored by several Northeast Ohio orga- Register by April 12. parking for this event will be at Hubbard Valley Park with shut-
tle service provided to Buffalo Creek. All ages are welcome. No
registration is required. Free admission.
Family Fishing Derby - Buffalo Creek Retreat, Saturday,
April 23, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Fish together with your family,
hook some memories, and win prizes! Grab a rod and reel in an
afternoon of fishing fun during Medina County Park District’s
Family Fishing Derby! Parent/child teams can register and fish
any time between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Registration is required
to be eligible to win prizes. Please bring your own fishing pole.
A limited amount of fishing poles and bait will be available for
use. This derby is held in conjunction with Medina County’s
® Earth Day Festival. All ages are welcome. Free.
Natural Discoveries Hiking Series: Nature’s Recyclers -
The Personal Plumber Plum Creek Park South, Sunday, April 24, from 3-4 p.m. In
celebration of Earth Day, join us for this hike about nature’s
440-324-4321 ural Discoveries is an award-based series of nature programs
recyclers that are at work around the clock in the parks. Nat-
designed for ages seven to adult. No preregistration is required.
or 330-721-0680 Free.
Licensed, Bonded, Insured Technicians Providing:
•Sewer/Drain Cleaning •Senior Discounts
•Electronic Locating •Moen Faucets
•TV/Camera Inspection •Water Lines
•High Pressure Jet /Gas Lines
Cleaning •Zoeller Sump Pumps
•Excavating and Repair •In-Sink-Erator Disposals
•Bathroom/Kitchen •Ruud/Rheem Water
Remodeling Heaters Carpentry Limited
$20.00 OFF
Your Next Service Call!
Not valid with any other offer. Expires 5-31-22 • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022 Page 21
Issue Deadline 12pm PART TIME MAINTENANCE II 4 Easy Ways to Place Your Classified
March 28, 2022 March 23, 2022 The Village of LaGrange is accepting applications Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198
and resumes for the part time position of Maintenance II Web:
April 11, 2022 April 6, 2022 worker. Duties will include grounds maintenance, street Mail: Rural-Urban Record, P.O. Box 966,
repair work, snow related work, building maintenance and
April 25, 2022 April 20, 2022 other duties as necessary. This position may be seasonal Columbia Station, OH 44028
or year round. Hours will be up to thirty per week. ALL PERSONAL ADS MUST BE PREPAID
May 9, 2022 May 4, 2022 Applications are available at the LaGrange Municipal
Building, 301 Liberty Street, LaGrange, Ohio, 44050. CLASSIFIED RATES:
Please send completed applications / resumes to the same Personal Classified $13/15 words or less.
APPLIANCES HALLS FOR RENT address. Deadline for receiving applications and resumes 20¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 more.
will be April 4, 2022. Business Classified $22/15 words or less,
Good clean used appliances. AMVETS POST 32
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria 20¢ per word after 15.
Capacity: Hall-250, Special Set-up (Centered ) $24/15 words or less,
AUTOS WANTED Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 HELP WANTED SALES & SERVICES 20¢ per word after 15.
Available for all occasions
Call for pricing
Mike’s Hooker Service. We and availability Help wanted on horse farm. SMALL DUMPSTERS Please print - All info below is needed to process your ad. Mail to:
pay top dollar for all unwant- 440-458-8544 Some walking required. Also for roofing, remodeling, etc. Rural-Urban Record•P.O. Box 966•Columbia Station, OH 44028
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free accepting volunteers. Colum- Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump Number of weeks ad runs: 1 2 3 4
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, COLUMBIA V.F.W. HALL bia Station, 440-891-9992 Truck work available
216-534-6514. SOCIAL DISTANCE CALL JASON’S SERVICES Please Print Clearly!
BUS TRIPS Graduations-Weddings UPHOLSTERY 1.______________ 2. _____________ 3._____________
Monday to Friday Floor repair and install. Car- 4.______________ 5.______________ 6._____________
pet, wood, laminate, vinyl,
Special Rates
SPECTACULAR For more information, ceramic. Call Joe Parr,Sr. 440- over 30 yrs. experience 7.______________ 8.______________9._____________
647-4374, cell 440-935-4778
BUS TRIPS call 440-236-8111 Full Upholstery
Washington DC after 1pm, M-F LAWN & GARDEN Cushion Refills 10._____________ 11._____________ 12.____________
and Mt. Vernon FULL park with restrooms, 3 Furniture Repair
Oct. 6-9, $390 per person, pavilions, air conditioned hall, TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- Call for free quote 13._____________ 14._____________ 15.____________
on re-upholstery
for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange
double occupancy Lions Club. 440-355-5634. vice. Complete tree removal, 216-346-2682 CHECK
Amazing Branson Missouri trimming, root feeding and
cleaning. Fully insured. FREE
Nov. 16-21, 10 shows including: Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- ESTIMATES. Firewood for WANTED TO BUY
11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday.
Oak Ridge Boys, Gatlin Brothers, 440-926-3341 sale. 440-236-3061. Card # ________ - _________ - ________ - _________
Dolly Parton’s Stampede, PENFIELD TWP. HALL Estate Gold & Exp Date. _____ - _______ 3 Digit # on back ________
Daniel O’Donnell, Yakov RENTAL PAINTING
$1145 per person, Twp. Meeting hall, Silver Exchange Name: ________________________________________
double occupancy Cap. 42-60 Lorain County’s Premier Paint- INSTANT CASH
Inquiries welcomed. Community room, ers. Wallpaper removal, cabi- Buying Gold Jewelry, Diamonds, Address: ______________________________________
Cap. 150-300
For itineraries, call Available for all occasions. net refinishing, textured ceil- Old Coins, Pocket Watches,
ings, drywall and finishing. All
(440) 647-2190 or 41012 St. Rt. 18, Wellington interior remodeling: kitchens, Anything Old ______________________________________________
(440) 315-7676 Call 440-574-3362 for baths, finished basements... Call for service hours &
private appointments
availability & rates. Terry, 440-444-5075, www. Downtown Elyria Phone: _______________________________________ 230 2 St. • 440-323-4258
FOR SALE HELP WANTED 440-506-0334 Signature: _____________________________________
HAY: Square bales (no rain), Foreman
good 1st cutting $4, 2nd cut- Equipment Operators All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster
ting (salted) $4. STRAW: $4. Laborers Rd., Litchfield, 330-603-5955. HIRING!!
Delivery available. Spencer, 440-236-9625 Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
330-648-2212 PALMER’S LAWN CARE exercise yards, custom care.
$20 per day.
HIRING Group Home Aides Needed!
Purchasing Assistant 2 Contribute to the community and enrich the lives of
others by performing valuable and gratifying work!
Contribute to the community and enrich the
lives of others by performing valuable and Applications and information are
gratifying work!! available on our website:
Applications and information are
available on our website: human-
M •Must have a high school diploma or GED.
S •Work experience in the preparation, review and maintenance of →Valid Ohio Driver’s License
T financial information and purchase order data
•Competent in the use of Microsoft Office software →Good Driving Record
A •Excellent written and verbal communication skills →High School Diploma/GED
V •Ability to effectively interact with others in a positive and
E professional manner →Must Pass Drug Test/Physical
2 to 5 years work experience handling the purchase of goods/services
Work experience with legal bids, request for proposals and associated
government regulations
Page 22, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022
Chris Berkesch Excavating 11847 Avon Belden Rd.
•Underground Utilitites Grafton, OH 44044
•Install Stone Driveways 440-235-9273
•Drainage Issues
•Septic System Repairs/Installs D e s i g n / I n s t a l l a t i o n
BILL Since 1950 •Sanitary Sewers & Water Lines M a i n t e n a n c e
BAKER'S •Waterproofing Insured & Bonded S n o w / I c e M a n a g e m e n t
B u l k M a t e r i a l
-Service All Brands- •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
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Washers • Dryers •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation MILUM PAINTING
Refrigerators 440-327-3433
See Our Selection of Ranges • Ovens Drywall Install/Repair
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15 East Ave., Elyria 322-2325
Bud & Diane Casey, Owners
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Concrete & Excavating Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, 24 Hour Emergency Service •Electronic Locating
ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE Garage Floors, Stamped •Video Camera Inspection
WORK & DECORATIVE Concrete, Waterproofing 440-236-5543 440-324-4321 •Sewer Excavation
FREE ESTIMATES 440-748-6217 800-467-1275 330-721-0680 Personal Plumber Service Corp.
440-935-7842 Celebrating our 33rd Anniversary! OFF
OH LIC #23331 24 HR EMERGENCY $25
Any Service
J. A. KILBY ENT. OH LIC #21372 Expires 3/31/22. Not valid with any other offer.
Concrete • Masonry HOME IMPROVEMENT
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440-327-3433 J.A. Kilby Plumbing
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services
BUILDERS R HAMMOND General Construction Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions
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CONSTRUCTION Kitchen & Bathrooms CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available
R&K Builders For all your Remodeling needs •Jetting & Hydrovacing •Camera Inspections
•Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation
(Built by Amish) •Abandoned Wells Capped
Quality Buildings at 440-897-0521 •Septic System Repairs & Installation
Affordable Prices 440-327-3433 •
Horse Barns • Garages State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response
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Residential •Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior
330-473-9927 & Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement
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Family Business for Three Generations
Building Custom Pole Barns,
ELECTRICAL Man Cave Living Areas & Garages! RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949
216-973-8677 Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates
J.A. Kilby Electrical
Residential & Commercial Electrical Service • General Contracting All Seasons Roofing
New Work-Replacement-Repairs • Kitchens/Baths Tear-Offs • Chimney Mason
•Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades • Additions Slates • Gutters • Snow Removal
•Commercial Buildings •Back up Generator Install Repairs from $75
•HVAC Service- New Installs & Repairs • Buildings/Garages Call Casey Willamson at
•Security & Camera Systems •Parking Lot Lighting • Roofs 440-748-3259
440-327-3433 ext #3 • • Doors/Windows
State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response 725 Sugar Lane, RELIABLE ROOFING
Elyria, Oh 44035 • Siding Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs
• Plumbing/Electrical
EXCAVATING 440-365-0015 Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal
Specializing in Home Improvements Offi ce: 440-236-4001 •
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner
W.A. SEN Construction LLC
Excavation Services LAWN • GARDEN • LANDSCAPE
330-648-7013 TAX SERVICE
Bonded & Insured - No Job Too Small!
• SEPTIC INSTALLS - Mound & Spray Systems Family owned & operated over 35 yrs. Franklin Tax
• STONE DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION - New & Reconstruction 1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features, & Accounting
• CULVERT INSTALLS & DRAINAGE ISSUES Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certified,
Personal &
Irrigation Installation & Service
• FOUNDATION EXCAVATIONS FOR GARAGES AND ADDITIONS 12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642 Business Taxes
• STUMP GRINDING Many Other Financial
Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc. Services Available
Residential ~ Commercial Call
New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds Forrest Franklin CPA
for Appointment
Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work 440-236-5423
Call: 440-748-1333 Your Place or Mine
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022 Page 23
Forest Therapy Walk - Carolyn Ludwig Mugrage Park,
Income Tax Returns Thursday, April 28, from 6-7:30 p.m. Join Jason of Whisper
PARKWOOD Shifter for a relaxed, sensory experience on a forest therapy
walk. Non-strenuous movement in a natural setting coupled
TAX SERVICE with the goal of guiding participants through the experiencing
of sensing, embodiment, and appreciation for their relation-
Contact Bobbie, Email: [email protected] ships to the natural world is the main focus of these walks.
440-236-5449 or 216-403-9707(cell) Ages 5 to adult. Register by April 26. Free.
Flora Friday - Hubbard Valley Park, Friday, April 29, from
Roberta Duktig, AFSP 5:30-6:30 p.m. Join us for a casual after-work walk among the
“The IRS does not endorse any particular individual tax return preparer.
For more information on tax return preparers, go to” wildflowers. Ages 10 to adult. No registration is required. Free.
89th Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks - River Styx Park,
Saturday, April 30, at 7:30 a.m. Watch as migrating spring
TREE SERVICE birds return or travel through to their summer breeding grounds
during the 89th annual series of Spring Bird Walks. Meet in the
main parking lot at River Styx Park. All ages are welcome. No
registration is required. Free.
ARBOR CARE TREE lardale Park (meet in the parking lot), Saturday, April 30, from
Woodland Health Day of Service - Volunteers Needed - Al-
10 a.m.-12 p.m. Join us for a day of service pulling an aggres-
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck sive weed from sensitive wildflower habitats. Bring your own
work gloves, and dress appropriately for the outdoors. Ages 7
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
• 113 Ft. Crane
• 113 Ft. Crane
to adult. Register by April 27.
• 113 Ft. Crane
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood Register for programs at
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood
•Stump Grinding
Triple Shredded Mulch
Triple Shredded Mulch Bailey’s Irish Cupcakes Barmbrack is a traditional Irish cake eaten on holidays.
Triple Shredded Mulch
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member After pouring into the prepared pan, it is tradition to add
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
objects to the barmbrack which symbolize certain things
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
These sweet cakes taste just like the real thing! A fun
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 variation of a plain cupcake. These taste great topped with for the person who receives each in their slice. Thoroughly
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
clean objects before adding them to the barmbrack. These
whipped cream or a buttercream frosting. objects can be pressed into the bottom of the loaf after bak-
Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping Ingredients: ing instead: coin-wealth or good fortune; ring-will marry
within the year; bean-poverty; pea-will not marry within the
½ cup butter, softened
Tree Trimming • Removal ¾ cup white sugar year; matchstick-unhappy marriage; thimble-single for life.
Stump Grinding • Pruning 4 egg yolks Servings: 12
Yield: 1 - 9 inch Bundt pan
Fertilizers • Fire Wood ¾ cup sour cream Ingredients:
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
Free Estimates! 1 teaspoon almond extract 2 ½ cups chopped dried mixed fruit
1 ½ cups hot brewed tea
1 cup all-purpose flour
Seth Emerson - Owner 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 ½ cups flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Office: 440-322-2624 ¼ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
6 tablespoons Irish cream liqueur (such as Baileys®)
Emergency: 440-452-2456 Directions: ½ teaspoon baking soda
FULLY LICENSED & INSURED Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line 12 1 egg
muffin cups with paper liners. 1 ½ cups sugar
Beat butter in a large bowl with an electric mixer until ¼ cup lemon marmalade
the butter is light and smooth, 2 to 3 minutes; beat in sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange zest
until the mixture is light and fluffy, at least 5 more minutes. Directions:
Soak the dried fruit in the hot tea for 2 hours, then drain
Beat in egg yolks one at a time, mixing until each yolk is
Jason E. Davis just combined before adding the next; mix in sour cream and and gently squeeze out excess tea.
-Complete Crane Service- vanilla and almond extracts. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” Sift flour in a separate bowl with baking powder and salt. 9 inch Bundt pan. Stir together the flour cinnamon, nutmeg,
Tree/Stump Removal Stir flour mixture into the liquid ingredients in thirds, al- and baking soda; set aside.
Natural, Brown & Black Mulch ternating with Irish cream liqueur, until the batter is smooth. Beat the egg, sugar, marmalade, orange zest, and tea-
“FREE ESTIMATES” Pour batter into the lined muffin cups. soaked fruit until well combined. Gently fold in the flour
Bonded & Insured Bake in the preheated oven until the cupcakes are golden until just combined, then pour into the prepared Bundt pan.
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 brown on top and a toothpick inserted into the center of a Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour or until the top of the
Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] cupcake comes out clean, 15 to 20 minutes. cake springs back when lightly pressed. Allow to cool in the
By Claire, courtesy of pan for 2 hours before removing. Continue to cool to room
temperature on a wire rack. Press the objects of choice into
WATERPROOFING the cake through the bottom before serving.
By Brooke Elizabeth, courtesy of
“Stop the water before it stops you!”
•Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening, Your Local,
Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement Hometown Newspaper
Bringing you news
as fresh as Spring
and Free as a Bird!
JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036
KEVIN BOLDEN 440-322-2987
Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 14, 2022
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Sun: Closed Phone: 440-613-1300 | Fax: 440-613-1313