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Published by The Rural-Urban Record, 2018-07-25 11:58:55


The Rural-Urban Record

“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”

Pages “Celebrating 63 Years of Community Service!”
Volume 64, No. 4 Columbia Station, Ohio July 23, 2018

Lunch and crafts at Grafton-Midview Library Eat healthy at Midview BOE selects new member
the fair The Midview

Fairs, carnivals, rodeos Board of Education
and roving amusement parks moved their regu-
lar July meeting to
are popular summer attrac- Tuesday, July 17,
tions. However, fairs have to fill the vacancy
not always been so great for left with the pass-
people watching their calo- ing of David Klein-
ries. And while fairs might henz. According to
not be diet-friendly, it’s not State regulations,
impossible to adhere to one’s the Midview Board
diet while visiting the fair. needed to fill the
Fill up at home - Pri- position within 30
or to heading out to the days. The meeting
fair, be sure to eat a filling, was moved up to
healthy breakfast. This will comply with the
provide ample nutrients regulations. The
and decrease the likelihood board voted to ap-
that you will overindulge point Dan Haight.
in less healthy fare while at Haight was select- Dan Haight was appointed to the Mid-
the carnival. Foods that are ed from a pool of view Board of Education.
comprised of protein and seven candidates
fiber can help you to feel for his “level-headedness and ing and implementing pro-
prior community, employ-
grams for the betterment of
fuller longer. Pack a snack ment and educational expe- the community. Haight was
that can provide a boost of riences,” according to Tom then administered the Oath
energy prior to indulging in Tomasheski, Board President. of Office. He will serve the
any fair foods. Trail mix or a As Chief Operating Officer remainder of the term, which
low-calorie protein bar may of The LCADA Way, Haight will expire at the end of 2019.
be enough to tide you over regularly assists in develop-
until you leave the fair.
Stay hydrated - The North Ridgeville Lions Club
Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics says that mild de- 5K Run & Fun Run
hydration produces similar
symptoms to hunger. If you The Lions Club of North Ridgeville will be holding their
feel hungry after eating, your 10K Run, 5K Run and Fun Run events on Saturday, August
body may only need flu- 11, at the North Ridgeville High School, located at 34600
ids and not food. Therfore, Bainbridge Rd. Race time is 9 a.m. and preregistration is at
reach for water or a hydrat- 7:30 a.m. Mail-in pre-registration of $25 includes a custom
Children enjoy a pre-meal craft with Christine Schmittgen of the Grafton-Midview Public ing sports drink (particularly race shirt (if in by August 1). Online pre-registration is $25
Library and Sally Hennessy, Program Assistant from the OSU Extension Office of Lorain when it is hot outside) as a and due by August 6 at midnight. Cost the day of the race is
County. first step to abating hun- $30 and the Fun Run is $5. There are seven age divisions for
men and women. Timing will be done by Hermes Pull Tag.
Roary’s Lunch Club is a Summer Lunch Food Service Program that is held at the ger symptoms, especially if Post-race events include refreshments, trophies and medals
you’ve recently eaten.
Grafton-Midview Public Library. The program runs Monday-Friday, from 12-1 p.m. Choose healthy food given to the first, second and third place finishers.
each day, and is open to all children under the age of 18. The eight-week program began vendors - Look for vendors Race entry forms are available at www.lionsclubofnr@
on June 11 and runs through August 3. Children get a free nutritious lunch and learn that offer things like yogurt Mail entry forms should be mailed to: Lions Club
healthy habits through games, activities and crafts. Each Tuesday, Ronda, with the Snap- cups, roasted vegetables, of North Ridgeville, P.O. Box 39213, North Ridgeville, OH
Ed Program from OSU Extension, comes to teach the kids important nutrition informa- lean meats and fresh fruits. 44039. Hermes online registration is at www.hermescleve-
tion. Sally, with 4-H STEM from OSU Extension, comes each Wednesday to lead kids in Kabobs that include lean
a STEM activity or experiment. Last week, children learned about wind through tornado meats that are low in calories For more information, call Dawn Fitz at (440) 655-7696.
tubes and by making their very own anemometer to measure wind speeds using a pencil, can make a great carnival
paper cups and cardboard strips. This Summer Food Service Program is funded by the meal. Corn on the cob with- Kelly Miller Circus fund-raiser
State of Ohio and the Department of Agriculture and is sponsored by the Lorain Boys out gobs of butter also can be
and Girls Club. Be sure to visit the Grafton-Midview Public Library this summer to take a filling snack. Smart dessert Thanks to the Sponsoring of the American Family Min-
part in all of the fun! options include fruit smooth- istry, DBA Ohio United Foundation, everyone is invited
ies, water ice, frozen yogurt to come out and see the all new Kelly Miller Circus (all
Vintage Bicycles mini-tours and even a candied apple, acts and no animals) on Friday, August 3, at the Cuyahoga
which may be rich in fiber. A
County Fairgrounds. Performances will be at 5 & 7:30 p.m.
The Oberlin community welcomes this month the 51st annual gathering of The Wheel- small dose of cotton candy, The tent raising will begin at approximately 9 a.m. on Cir-
men, an organization of antique bicycle enthusiasts. The Oberlin Heritage Center celebrates which is just 100 calories per cus Day. Come and support the American Family Ministry
the arrival of vintage bicycle fans to town by offering free, self-guided tours of the Mon- ounce, can offer a sweet fix Littlest Heroes (Children with cancer), Greater Cleveland
roe House on Thursday, July 26, and Friday, July 27, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. All are invited while you avoid deep-fried Soap Box Derby and greater Summit County Habitat for
to enjoy a special display of bicycle-themed photos and artifacts. High-wheeled bicyclists concoctions. Keep in mind Humanity. Discounted advanced tickets are available to
from 20 states and Canada are registered to attend The Wheelmen’s Meet, from Wednesday that cheese curds can set be purchased by email at [email protected], locally by
through Sunday, July 25-29. Demonstrations and exhibits, free and open to the public, will you back 650 calories and a calling (440) 243-1463, online at www.kellymillercircus.
be held in the community on Friday and Saturday. funnel cake 720 calories, ac- com or via Will Call at 800-334-5210. Tickets purchased in
The Oberlin Heritage Center’s Monroe House is located at 73½ South Professor Street cording to the YMCA. It can advance are $10 for adults and $7 for children (ages 2-12)
in the back of the Oberlin Conservatory of Music parking lot and just south of the Bertram take several miles of travers- and seniors (65 and over). Tickets purchased on circus day
& Judith Kohl jazz studies building. Free parking for Oberlin Heritage Center visitors is ac- ing the fair to burn all those at the Circus Box Office will be $13 for adults and $8 for
cessible from 20 West Vine Street. For more about the Oberlin Heritage Center, visit www. calories. children. Come out and enjoy a day of fun-filled excitement or call (440) 774-1700. SEE FAIR FOOD ON PG. 14 at the circus!

Community Directory Carlisle 7 Grafton 12 N. Ridgeville 16 Profile 5 Classifieds 17
Grafton Twp.
Eaton 8 LaGrange 19 Churches 6 Local Dining 14
B.R.A.T - Be Ready at All Times
Monday, August 6, 5:30 PM at North Park

Join Corporal Martin of the Lorain County Sheriff’s Office for this 983 Main St., Grafton
women only self-defense class. Build confidence by learning
situational awareness and personal safety techniques. Participants

must be 18 or older. Registration is required.

Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018

LOCAL Call Jamie’s Carpet at
Time for New Carpet?
Events 440.365.8351

July 21 July 25-28 July 28

Westside Flea Strongsville Homecoming Steak Fry Dinner
Come out and enjoy artwork, Parade, rides, games, music, Enjoy a Ribeye steak with
food trucks, music, friendly al- food and Fireworks(Sat.) Come baked potato, corn on the cob,
pacas, jewelry, kids games a and support the Strongsville salad bar, roll & dessert for
raffle and more. Vendors from Chamber of Commerce. $15/person. Open to Public,
all over Ohio, donations to Me- Strongsville Commons buy tickets in advance at the
dina County Battered Womens Corner of RT82 & RT42 bar. Info: 440-647-6334.
Shelter and North Ridgeville Strongsville American Legion Post #8
Community Care. Hours vary each day 518 S. Main St.,
North Olmsted Comm Park Wellington July 30-Aug 5 August 4 Aug. 10-12
28114 Lorain Rd., 5:00pm - 7:00pm
North Olmsted July 27 Medina County Fair Family Fun Fair and North Ridgeville Corn
9:00am - 3:00pm 173rd Annual Fair Classic Car Show
Community Picnic, Music on the Patio Medina County Fairgrounds Listen to Music (The Summer Festival
The annual Corn Festival offers
LaGrange Lions Festival Concert & Bicycle Demo Join us on the 2nd and 4th of ‘65 Band) and check out the FREE admission, FREE enter-
Thursdays, till Sept. 13th. Bring
Food for purchase provided by
This annual fundraiser festi- Oberlin IGA. Music provided by a chair for a relaxing evening August 1-5 classic cars and the sidewalk tainment, FREE parking Enjoy
sales. Also available- Children
val includes games, activities, Dan Zola Orchestra. Old-fash- on the patio! Music: Tim Blake crafts, Vendors, Contests and the Fireworks, Corn Eating
food, music, inflatables, pizza ioned school yard games, bicy- & Michelle on the Fiddle; Food WGC Bridgestone Peppy the Clown. Contest, Kids Games, Bands
eating contest, fireworks and cle helmet fittings, bike demos Special: Fried Chicken Sliders. Invitational Downtown Oberlin and the Grande Parade.
more! and Free ice cream at 6pm Chicken salad & turkey wraps, 20th Annual PGA tournament 10:00am - 3:00pm Bainbridge Rd.
LaGrange Lions Park while supplies last. snacks, chips, and ice cream to be held at Firestone Country Btw Rt. 83 & Root Rd.
240 Glendale St, Tappan Square will be regular concert fare Club. Get tickets to watch from North Ridgeville
Lagrange Oberlin items. the stands or to walk along the Hours vary
12:00pm - 11:00pm 5:30pm - 9:00pm Miller Nature Preserve course. Discounts for Military. 2739 Center Rd, Avon Firestone Country Club
6:30pm - 8:00pm
July 28 452 East Warner Rd.,
July 21-22 August 7-12
Cleveland Irish Festival Christmas in July August 2-4 Cuyahoga County Fair
Start that holiday shopping
Irish Cultural Festival has cele- early! Handmade crafts, jew- 122nd Annual Fair
brated Irish heritage with great elry, home decor, cooking and American Legion Post Olmsted Heritage Days Cuyahoga County
Irish bands, step dancers, chil- more. ADMISSION IS FREE so #717 Live Band Starts with the parade on Fairgrounds, Berea
dren’s activities, plays, food & bring the WHOLE FAMILY!! Come enjoy the “1957 Band” Thursday and concludes with
exhibits. Tickets $12. Ehrnfelt Rec Center in concert. Entry fee is $5 and the Kiwanis Breakfast on the
Cuyahoga Fairgrounds 18100 Royalton Rd, there will be a 50/50 drawing. Bridge Sunday morning. Join
164 Eastland Rd Strongsville For more information, call the us for music, fun, food, kids’
Berea 9:00am - 4:00pm Post home at (440) 281-6935 activities, and more.
Hours vary each day or Ralph at 440-213-7672. Downtown Olmsted Falls
Public welcome! American Legion Post #717, Columbia & Bagley Rds
8820 Bender Rd., Hours vary each day Advertise Your Event!
July 25 North Ridgeville
8:00pm - 11:00pm
Lorain Trivia Nights August 3-4 • Event Name
Come and test your knowledge Mansfield Children’s Our Lady Queen of • Description of Event
of Lorain trivia as questions of Festival July 29 Peace Family Fest (Includes up to 25 Words)
‘yesteryear’ and ‘today’ will be Come join us for a day of family There will be a Car Show, Kids • Date
presented. Bring a team or fun with FREE activities for chil- Vintage Marketplace Games, Raffles, Beer Garden,
bring your grandparents and dren and FREE Carousel rides Vintage, Antiques, Art, Unique Neo Soccer Bubbles, Corn • Location
join us for a bit of knowledge for all! There will be games, and Cool Stuff, local produce, Hole, Basketball Hoops, Giant • Time
and a whole lot of fun! music, crafts, children’s activ- PLUS music and food nestled Jenga, Magician Show, Minute • Website (if needed)
Speak of the Devil, ities, princesses to meet, face between shops and restau- to Win it Challenge, Bingo and
201 W. 5th St., Lorain painting, a cakewalk, lots of fun rants in Historic Grand Pacific Casino, Contests and Fire- • There is a cost to advertise
6:30pm for all. Junction and Beautiful Down- works! • Restrictions apply to certain events,
Carousel District town Olmsted Falls. 708 Erie St., Grafton call to check!
Downtown Olmsted Falls
Downtown Mansfield Columbia & Bagley Rds 6:00pm - 11:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm 12:00pm - 5:00pm Call: 440-236-5103

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018 Page 3

HOURS Sale Good - Now Hiring -
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Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018
45 Wedding Anniversary Miami University Dean’s List
Miami University students who are ranked in the top 20%
Julie Petras of undergraduate students within each division for second se-
email: [email protected] mester 2017-18 have been named to the Dean’s List recogniz-
ing academic excellence. Local students on the Dean’s List are:
Autumn Koza of Columbia Station, Bruce Imbacuan of North
Country Music and Pony Rides Ridgeville and Caroline Knechtges of Elyria.
On Monday, July 23, Columbia Library will host “Country
Music and Pony Rides” from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Join them for an Wittenberg U. Dean’s List
evening of pony rides and music. While you wait for your ride,
children will have fun with country themed crafts and games. Wittenberg University congratulates the following local stu-
They will be holding the event behind the library. Everyone is dents who made the Spring 2018 Dean’s List:
welcome to attend. Michaela Gilgenbach of Elyria, Holly Hilty of Columbia
Citizen of the Year correction Station and Jack Smith of North Ridgeville.
Shirley Grills, Columbia Station’s Citizen of the Year win- John Carroll Dean’s List
ner, wishes to thank the Columbia Chamber of Commerce and
the Columbia Historical Society for honoring her. However, Several area students have earned a place on the Dean’s
the article that was submitted and ran on the front page of the List at John Carroll University for the Spring 2018 semester.
RUR’s July 9 issue had a slight error. It stated that Shirley was Students eligible for the Dean’s List must have completed a
the Curriculum Coordinator at Columbia School System. It minimum of 12 semester hours within one semester and have a
should have said that Mrs. Grills was the Secretary to the Cur- quality GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
riculum Coordinator for a few years. Local students are: Mitchell Carson of Columbia Station
Aside from that, she stated that she is very appreciative of and Samantha Betley, Alexia Keller, Lauren Morgan and Mi-
this award and for coverage on the front page of the RUR. kayla Ortiz of North Ridgeville.
Thank you, Mrs. Grills for your dedication and service to Congratulations to all!
your community! Tammy seeks loving home
Community Safety Meeting Tammy couldn’t be any

On Wednesday, July 25, at 7 p.m., Sgt. Bungard will be at nicer! She is an incredibly
Columbia Town Hall for a Community Safety Meeting. This Ron & Linda Willard friendly 7-year-old who loves
will be an informative meeting followed by questions and an- people. She is fine with being
swers. Folks are encouraged and welcome to attend. Columbia A very special couple is celebrating their 45th Wedding held, absolutely thrives on
Township is a safe community - let’s keep it that way! Anniversary. Ron & Linda Willard (nee Grimes) were mar- your attention and is sweet
Between 2013-2017, Columbia has added 178 new homes. ried on July 21, 1973 at Grace United Methodist Church in as can be. It is so easy to love
Future development is projected at 859 new homes. Currently, Vermilion with Rev. Ronald Opfer officiating. Tammy! She is just a great cat
our Sheriff covers District 3, this includes Grafton, Eaton and Ron is retired from Invacare Corp. and Linda, who is a and will be an amazing com-
Columbia. In 2017, we had 937 calls for service. registered nurse, just recently retired. They reside in Colum- panion. Tammy can be adopt-
Our community is changing - let’s keep Columbia Safe! bia Station. ed at Friendship Animal Pro-
Information submitted by Margaret Kenneley, resident of Linda is an avid Cleveland Indians fan; while Ron tol- tective League. The kittens
Columbia Station. erates the Indians, his real love is for Ohio State. Both are and cats currently available Tammy
for adoption can be seen at
Calling all Cheerleaders! animal lovers and have had several cats and dogs over the 4321. (www.FriendshipA-
years, but have a special place in their hearts for the three
All cats receive one or
Columbia Youth Football will be holding registration for West Highland White Terriers they have had. At present, more vaccinations, a basic
The shelter is located at
their cheerleaders on July 24 & 26 from 6-7 p.m. at the pavilion they are proud parents to their 2 cats, Callie and Gracie. veterinary examination, are 8303 Murray Ridge Road,
located near the Columbia VFW. All ages are welcome up to They enjoy Gospel Music, spending time with their fam- wormed and spayed/neutered in Elyria.
6th grade. We are excited to announce that tumbling class is ily and have enjoyed their travels to Mexico and Hawaii, and feline leukemia tested. NOTE: If you have lost
included in your cost of registration! The cost is $75 for first where they celebrated previous anniversaries. Kittens under a year old are a pet or found someone
year cheerleaders and $35 for returning girls (if no uniform is They attend the First Baptist Church in Elyria. $50 and cats over a year are elses pet, a good place to list
needed). Checks should be made payable to Columbia Youth Congratulations! only $20. All kittens/cats it is at
Football or we do accept Visa & MasterCard. Cheerleaders over 3 months old are also SamTheParrot/ You can
will receive their uniform (top/skirt), socks, bow, poms and Fall Youth Soccer Registration micro-chipped. post a photo and informa-
spankies that are theirs to keep after the season. If you cannot If you would like to give tion about the pet there and
make it to registration, please contact Adrienne at (440) 212- Registration for fall youth soccer is now open! The deadline this kitty a new, loving, for- if someone has lost a pet,
5801 or [email protected]. Also like our Facebook page for to register is August 3. The season starts with the first practice ever home, please call the they have to prove owner-
all the youth football and cheerleading information at “Colum- on August 28 and the first game is on Saturday, September 8. Friendship Animal Protec- ship before information on
bia Youth Football.” All games will be on Saturday mornings. There will be four tive League at (440) 322- the found pet is given out.
age groups this year determined by the birth year of the child:
Free Movie Night in the Park Tots division ($30) is for those born in 2014-2016; U7 ($45)
are those born in 2012 & 2013; U-10 ($45) are those born from Spay-ghetti & No Balls Dinner
The Valley City Community Group announces a free mov- 2009-2011; and U-13 ($45) are those born from 2005-2008. If
ie night in Mill Stream Park, located at 1200 Maple Street, in you have any questions, please email columbiayouthsoccer@ Come and join the Kitten Krazy Adoption Center and Quick
Valley City, on Saturday, July 28, at 9 p.m. Black Panther will or call Bobby Petras at (440) 409-8485. Fix Spay/Neuter Clinic for their popular “Spay-ghetti & No
begin on a large outdoor screen, so bring your blankets, lawn Balls Dinner” on Friday, September 28. Doors open at 6:30
chairs and spare change for the concession stand and enjoy Degree recipients p.m. and dinner starts at 7:30 p.m. with a cash bar. The dinner is
an evening under the stars. Keep updated by visiting them on at Williams on the Lake, located at 787 Lafayette Road, in Me-
Facebook at Valley City Community Group or www.valleyc- The online, non-profit Western Governors University dina. Shop their Silent Auction, enjoy music, raffles and more! (WGU) held its commencement ceremonies earlier this year After dinner, there’s lots of fun during their Live Auction. Tick-
to celebrate the recent graduation of more than 15,000 students ets are $25 and are on sale now. You can purchase tickets at Kit-
One Work • Casual • Hunting Wear & Accessories from across the country. The following local residents have re- ten Krazy Adoption Center, located at 910 Lake Road, in Medi-
Stop Work Shoes • Rubber Boots • Rain Gear ceived their degree from WGU. na, or at Quick Fix, located at 930 Lafayette Road, in Medina.
Dog Food & Supplies • Gloves • Socks Cheryl Byrne of Columbia Station received her Master of Please purchase tickets by September 20. Advance tickets only!
Kid’s Clothing • Womens Business Administration degree and Sandra Murray, also of All proceeds benefit Kitten Krazy and Quick Fix. Sponsorships Columbia Station received her Master of Science in Nursing - and donations are welcome. Please direct any questions to: ju-
16901 St. Rt. 58, Education (BSN to MSN) degree. [email protected].
Oberlin, OH 44074
HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10-5 ~ Check • Cash • Plastic Congratulations!

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018 Page 5




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Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018
The Rural-Urban Record Back to School Fair

Published Weekly on Monday Join Lowell Street Baptist Church for a “Back to School Come and Worship
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter Fair” on July 28 from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. There will be school sup-
plies, refreshments and games for all ages. The church is lo-
Founders 1955 cated at 342 Lowell Street, in Elyria. For more details please with us!
Lee Boise, Publisher & President contact them at (440) 323-1504.
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 PAL Support Group
Mailing Address: Our Lady Queen of Peace
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a support group
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 of parents helping parents, offering education and support at no
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station charge, for parents who are trying to save a son or daughter from Catholic Church
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 addiction. These meetings are not for the addict, but the family
Email: [email protected] members that are 18 yrs. or older. Meetings are on the 1st and Weekend Masses Weekday
Website: 3rd Monday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m. at Lighthouse Bible Sat. 4:30pm Mass
Church, located at 24050 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. Sun. 8:30 & 8:00am
DEADLINE: 11:00am
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm Confession: Mon.-Tues.
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1 Divorce Care Seminars Sat. 3:30- Thurs.-Fri.
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year DivorceCare is a national support group that meets weekly in 4:00pm
Lorain County. It is a warm, caring environment where people ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
Vacation Bible Schools learn how to deal with the hurt caused by separation or divorce.
The group understands how attendees feel because they all have
been in the same place. Participants are welcome to begin at- GRAFTON UNITED United Church of God
Lowell Street Baptist Church will be hosting a Campout tending the DivorceCare group at any point. Each session is METHODIST CHURCH 12981 Grafton Rd.
Style Vacation Bible School July 25-28 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. “self-contained” so there is no need to attend in sequence. At- 973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034 Grafton, Oh 44044
“Your Family Church”
Plan to join them for some backyard fun. The church is locat- tendees will be able to pick up any missed sessions in the next 8:45am Sunday School Sabbath Services
ed at 342 Lowell Street, in Elyria. 13-week cycle. For details on meeting days/times, call (440) 10:00am Worship Saturdays at 12:30 pm
For more details, please contact them at 440-323-1504 or 323-4644 or register at The 10:35am Children’s Church
visit their FB page: group meets at the Church of the Open Door, located at 43275 Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
Church. Telegraph Road, in Elyria.
Faith Baptist Temple invites you to “In the Big Inning.” Church of Christ “Welcome Home”
Come catch this out-of-the-park Vacation Bible School program Church Youth Group New Life Wesleyan Church
presented by the Wylers on Wheels and Faith Baptist Temple. The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church youth group needs you! Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
Players ages 4-14 will be checking in July 30 through August We are located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm 11149 West River Rd.
3 at Faith Baptist Temple. The program is from 6-8:45 p.m. The youth group is for 6th graders through high school. We’ve Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm Columbia Station
“In the Big Inning” includes hilarious skits, free concessions, got a lot of awesome activities. 211 Forest St., LaGrange
craft creations, the 7th inning stretch, awards at the dugout and If this sounds like fun to you, please contact Ann at the 440-355-6872 SUNDAY 9 am
more. Don’t miss this grand slam VBS experience! Faith Bap- youth director’s office at 236-3711. She will give you infor- Adult Bible Study
tist Temple is located at 34361 Lorain Road (corner of Lorain mation about the group. Hope to see you at one or more of the SUNDAY 10 am
and Root Road), in North Ridgeville. For more information or great events that are planned starting back up in August.
transportation, please contact the church at (440) 327-8563. Worship & Children’s Church
Wednesdays at Fields UMC PSR at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm
Bible Study
It is not to late to register for Parish School of Religion Youth Group, Kids Club
Come join us every Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. for (PSR) at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church! There are families COLUMBIA UNITED
joyous worship (note the new time). No need to be a member; who have not registered their children as of yet or are new to Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
worship is open to everybody who just wants to take 30 min- the area and still need to register. METHODIST Rev. John Bodo
utes or so to recharge their spiritual batteries midway through PSR is for 1st through 8th grade students. The children CHURCH - Associate Pastor
the week. There is a Disciple Bible Study available beginning make their First Communion in 2nd grade and their Confir- Worship Service
at 5 p.m. Dress is casual. For more information, please call mation in 8th grade. The classes are held at Columbia Middle 10:30 a.m. 440-236-8600
(440) 327-8753. Fields United Methodist Church is located at School on Monday’s from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Sunday School
34077 Lorain Road, in North Ridgeville, just east of Root Rd. The significance of Religious Education in your child’s life
We welcome you! is very important to us. Please call the Religious Education during Worship Service
GriefShare office at 236-3711 to register. Classes start in September. COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO St. Elizabeth
Ann Seton
Pastor Matt Merriman
GriefShare is a Faith based support group for those who Operation Christmas Child testimony 236-8822 Catholic Parish
have lost a loved one. We offer support, comfort and guidance [email protected] 25801 Royalton Rd.
through shared experiences, providing encouragement and On Sunday, July 29, at 6 p.m., join the Christian Unity Columbia Station, OH
Hope for Joy in your future. Bring a friend if you’d like. Church in welcoming Mariya Snizhko who will share her tes- Sacrament of Reconciliation
Group meetings are at Christ Church, located at 23080 Roy- timony about “Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child.” Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
alton Road, in Columbia Station (at Rt. 82 and Marks Road). Mariya was born in Ukraine. In 2002, Mariya received an Op- Anytime by Appointment
They will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8 p.m. or eration Christmas Child shoe-box gift. Come hear how God NORTH Weekend Masses
Tuesday mornings from 10-11:30 a.m., August 14 thru Novem- used a shoe-box to strengthen her faith. EATON Sat. 5 p.m.
ber 6. Christian Unity Church is located at 36353 Capel Rd., in CHRISTIAN Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
For more information or to register, please visit www.grief- Grafton. For more information, call the church office at (440) 440-236-5095 or contact Pastor Dominic Verdell at 440-236-8282. 748-1008. CHURCH
Rt. 82 & 83
Celebrate Recovery 440-748-2230
Celebrate Recovery, the local Christian 12-Step Program for
anyone needing help with a hurt, habit or hang-up, meets each Worship Services
week at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Church of the Open Door, lo- 8:00 am & 10:30 am
cated at 43275 Telegraph Road, in Elyria. The first hour begins
with a brief time of worship, followed by a weekly lesson or a Sunday School
personal testimony. The second hour has gender specific small 9:00 am
groups for men and women, with a special video for first time Polly Tallos
attenders. All meetings are open to everyone. Light refreshments Christian Ed. & Youth Director
are served following the program. For further information, call Rev. David Chafin
Bob at (440) 326-2329. Interim Minister

Life Spring Community Church would also like to invite
the community to their Celebrate Recovery program. Come join
them on Monday nights beginning at 6 p.m. The church is locat-
ed at 1638 Lester Rd., in Valley City. Dinner and fellowship is
from 6-7 p.m., large groups from 7-8 p.m., small groups from 8-9
p.m. and 9 p.m. coffee and dessert. Child care is available. For
more information, you can go to


Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
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Serving Families for over 50 years
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018 Page 7
The Covered Bridges of The performance runs from
Ashtabula - Tuesday, October 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Lunch
[email protected] [email protected] 23. Fare: $15. Departure from on your own to follow at
the Senior Center at 7:30 a.m. FlipSide Restaurant. The sto-
and return at 5 p.m. Deadline ry-telling magic of ABBA’s
Robson Road Neighborhood Watch Football Camp for reservations is September classic, pop-hit songs propels
28. Lunch is on your own at this enchanting tale of love,
The Robson Road Neighborhood Watch bi-monthly meet- The North Ridgeville Football League will be having their Covered Bridge Pizza. Visit laughter, family and friend-
ing will be held on Monday, July 23, at The LaPorte Methodist annual Football Camp starting Monday, July 23, - Thursday, the bridges in Ashtabula with ship, which concludes with a
a step on guide.
trip down the aisle that you’ll
Church at 7 p.m. Topics covered at the meetings are centered July 26. It will be held at Frontier Park in North Ridgeville Mamma Mia! - Great never forget!
around the safety/community of our street and it’s adjoining each evening from 6-7:30 p.m. Cost per camper will be $15 and Lakes Theater Co., Hanna
Register by calling (440)
streets. The Lorain County Sheriff’s Office assigns a Deputy includes a camp T-Shirt. You may register at camp beginning at Theater presents this smash 353-0835. Stop in the Center
to provide reports of any recent criminal activity as well as to 5 p.m. or you may download a registration form obtained from hit feel-good musical on for Trip Brochures. All trips
answer any questions. Welcome back LCSD Deputy Susan! our website,, and bring Thursday, November 1, from must be paid in full 30 days
Our mission is that concerned neighbors on this street come it with you to camp. If you register to play for the 2018 season
together and prevent unwanted activity so our street remains at the camp, you will receive a $5 discount off your registration 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Deadline for in advance, unless otherwise
reservations is October 12. stated.
one of the most desirable in the area. We can only do that with fee. Fare: $25 (non-refundable).
every willing/concerned resident working together towards that They are also having Football Conditioning the following
goal. Remember to call in Your “Good Neighbor Sightings” to week, July 30, 31 and August 1, from 6-7:30 p.m. There is no Medina County Park District
Dave at 458-6016. Don’t forget your RRNW event this Sum- cost to attend.
mer! We welcome new neighbors to attend. We are always open If you have questions, please call Adam Montgomery at Saturday, August 11:
to any constructive ideas to make our street better. Please con- (440) 213-9027 or Bob Miscuda at (216) 598-7662. Healthy Strides, sponsored by Medina Hospital - Kill-
sider joining us if you are a resident of Robson Road or it’s buck Lakes, from 9-10 a.m. Healthy Strides combines a brief,
adjoining streets. Special Concert fund-raiser informative talk by a Cleveland Clinic physician or caregiver
East Park Trail Public Workshop Logan Wells is coming to North Ridgeville for a special and a casual 1-3 mile walk. Topics change each week based
on the leader’s specialty and suggestions from participants. All
performance! North Ridgeville Senior’s, Inc. is presenting this members of the community are welcome. Ages 10 to adult. No
The City of Elyria Parks and Recreation Department is be- special concert featuring Logan Wells, sponsored by BioThane registration required. Free.
ginning the process of preparing a plan to improve the trails Webbing, Bob Schmitt Homes and Bulk-n-Bushel. This after- Dragonfly and Damselfly Workshop - Wolf Creek Envi-
in East Park. A Public Worshop will be held at the Charles M. noon concert will be on Friday, August 3, from 2-3 p.m. at the ronmental Center, from 1-4 p.m. Are you interested in learn-
Hyman East Park Recreation Center, located at 1101 Prospect North Ridgeville Education Center, 5490 Mills Creek Lane, in ing about dragonflies and damselflies but aren’t sure where to
Street, on Tuesday, July 24, at 6 p.m. the Community Room. begin? Join us for this introductory workshop to learn how to
This is your opportunity to provide input regarding how you The Senior Center provides so many services to North Rid- identify some common species before taking your new skills
would like to improve the trails. Their Consultant, Brandstetter geville and the surrounding communities of Eaton, Grafton, out for a test run through our meadows, ponds and wetlands.
Carroll Inc., will facilitate the workshop, but the main discus- Carlisle, LaGrange and Columbia Station, with a wide scope Ages 10 to adult. Register by August 10. Free.
sion will be from the residents. A preliminary plan will be pre- of services provided such as: transportation, meals on wheels, Sunday, August 12:
sented to assist in the discussions. The workshop format will supportive services, outreach programs and a multitude of oth- Natural Discoveries Hiking Series: Creekwalk - Letha
guide discussions about: er functions. House Park East, from 3-4 p.m. Natural Discoveries is a se-
1. How do you currently use the trails? This program is a way for the Senior Center to raise funds to ries of free nature-themed programs designed for ages seven
2. What issues or concerns do you have about the trails? defray operating costs that are incurred on a daily basis. to adult. Participants in the program who complete certain hike
3. How should the trails be improved? Advance tickets can be purchased for only $8 at the Senior requirements are eligible to receive awards. See the Natural
4. What are your highest priorities for trail improvements? Center prior to the August 3 show. The Senior Center is located Discoveries link on the park district website for award details.
Your answers to these questions will provide the framework at 7327 Avon Belden Road, in North Ridgeville. Tickets can Cool off on a warm summer day by dipping your toes into the
and the priorities for the proposed improvements. Therefore, also be purchased at the door for $10. creek as you learn about the life that calls this place home.
your responses are very important. If you cannot make it to the All proceeds from the show benefit the North Ridgeville Se- Help to search for aquatic macro-invertebrates, frogs and sala-
workshop, please provide your answers in writing to: Elyria nior Center programs and services. manders along the way. Wear sturdy shoes and expect to get a
Parks & Recreation Department, 131 Court Street, Elyria, OH little wet. Ages 7 to adult. No registration required. Free.
44035. You may also call the department at (440) 326-1500 or Senior Center events Wednesday, August 15:
email your thoughts to Carrie Reardon at creardon@cityofe- Music at The Lodge: Brian Henke & Ginger Ackley - The Men’s Breakfast: Lodge at Allardale, from 7-8:30 p.m. Enjoy a relaxing evening
August 2 - Jill Greenwood, Curator of Education at Allen
Memorial Art Museum to speak on Exhibitions and the Welt- in the park with free, live musical entertainment. Our concert
zheimer/Johnson House. series brings a variety of music the whole family will enjoy.
September 6 - 14th annual Car Show & Men’s Breakfast, The concerts will be held indoors due to variable weather con-
9-10 a.m. Registered cars arrive 8:15-8:45 a.m. and participant ditions. This month, Brian Henke and Ginger Ackley will share
voting on the top three is from 9:30-10 a.m. To register for the the stage. Brian’s unique guitar style (ranging from folk to new
car show/breakfast, call Shelly at (440) 353-0835. To place age and nearly anything in between) will be joined by Ginger’s
breakfast only reservations call (440) 353-0828. Celtic music with a twist in what is sure to be a memorable
Women’s Brunch: evening. All ages are welcome. No registration required. Free.
July 26 - Judge Mark Betleski, L.C. Common Pleas Court is Thursday, August 16:
visiting to share his career as a judge and the behind scenes of Summer Wildflower Walk - Allardale West Parking Lot,
the Court System. from 10-11:30 a.m. Fields are full of interesting flowers and
August 23 - Singing Seniors is a group of 20 volunteers that their pollinators. Walk with a naturalist to learn about these
enjoy performing around Lorain County. They will perform a summer beauties. All ages are welcome. No registration re-
variety of music from the 50’s/60’s, Broadway/Show tunes and quired. Free.
Young at Heart Brunch:
August 30 - “State Fair” enjoy the good old summertime
with John Kowalski singing and playing the keyboard to all the Mozaic Energy
favorites we love. Join us on August 30 from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
for an enjoyable morning of a hot entrée, fruit, juice, coffee Mozaic Energy is all about Balancing the Mind, Body
and as always good friends and conversation. Brunch is $3 and and Soul. I do a combination of Crystal Healing, Pranic
Keep in touch with your community reservations should be in by 10 a.m. on Tuesday, August 28, to Healing and Reiki all together, which I call CPR. It is Ener-
gy Work. It helps to clear unwanted energy blockages that
Visit: 353-0828. you might have or get from everyday life. I can do it in a
Friendly Feud - A power point adaptation of Family Feud,
come and have loads of fun playing the popular TV show at the chair or on a table. It can be the most awesome and pow-
Senior Center! Bring your friends for this fun filled afternoon erful experience. It can help with pain, stress, anxiety, de-
on August 21, from 12:30 -2 p.m. Groups are welcome, if you pression and so many other things. It helps to cleanse, calm,
don’t have a group, one will be matched up. relax and refresh you.
Senior Trips

Lorain County Back- Deadline to register is August
roads - Tuesday, August 7, 24. Despite finding them-
from 9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Fare: selves unwittingly and un- Summer Special
$15. Highlights: Our Little willingly attracted to one an- $25 OFF
440-986-2665 World Alpacas; Lunch on other, will Mr. Darcy’s pride with $75 session
and Elizabeth’s prejudice
your own at The Nest, Grey
9072 Leavitt Rd. Hawk; and Bonnie Brae Elk undo the fledgling romance Exp. 8-31-18
Elyria, OH 44035 [email protected] Farm. before the relationship blos-
Lorain County Fair - Se-
soms? Fearless, funny and
nior & Military Day, Thurs- utterly irresistible!
day, August 23, from 9 a.m.-3
p.m. Fare: $10.
The Farm at Walnut
Creek, Sugarcreek - Tues-
day, September 11, from 8:30
a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Fare: $15.
Highlights: The Farm Thinking of Selling?
Walnut Creek wagon tour;
lunch on your own at Charm
Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical, Restaurant; Shopping stop at
Walnut Creek Cheese.
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances Pride & Prejudice - Great For FREE market evaluation of your property, please contact:
Grafton Wellington Lakes Theater Co., Hanna The Beane Victor Team
Theater (Romantic Com-
35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St edy), on Tuesday. October Selling your community for 20 years
440-926-3312 440-647-6010 9, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Fare: Janet Beane 440-336-5000
$25 (non-refundable). Per- Brian Victor 440-728-7535
formance is 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
(15 minute intermission) with lunch on your own to follow
at the 100th Bomber Group.

Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018
• Reminder: Transient vendors & solicitors MUST have a LCCAA seeks sponsors for
permit by Eaton Town Hall to go door to door in our township;
residents are instructed to contact the Sheriff’s Dept. for ALL annual Wine Tasting
[email protected] violations.
• Veterans (living or deceased) in Eaton Township (for at LCCAA’s sixth annual Wine Tasting and Silent Auction is
least 1 year of their life) that would like their name to be en- set for Thursday, September 27, from 5:30-7 p.m. at Cork Tree
MHS Class of 1978 40 Reunion graved on our Veterans Memorial Wall/Bench, please contact Banquet Hall in Amherst.
the town hall at (440) 748-2236. Cost is $50. Sponsorship is available at several levels, with recognition
On Friday, August 3, from 8 p.m.- ? there will be a get to- and appreciation at the event. Donations are also needed for
gether at Laporte Inn, 2092 Grafton Rd., in Elyria. Jackie seeks loving home silent auction items. Businesses and individuals are invited to
On Saturday, August 4, from 5-11 p.m., there will be a din-
ner, dance and photo booth at Thomas VFW Post #1079, 500 S, Jackie is great with other sponsor and attend the event. Tickets are among the sponsor-
dogs and we were told good ship benefits and will be on sale later this month.
Abbe Rd., in Elyria. Cost is $25/person. Ideas and support are welcomed! For additional details on
A Worship Service will be held on Sunday, August 5, at with cats. Older, respectful sponsor benefits, please email [email protected] or call (440)
10:45 a.m. at Midview Baptist Church, 36710 Royalton Rd., children should be fine. Jack-
ie is housetrained and rides 245-2009.
in Grafton. Then, from 1-5 p.m. at Indian Hollow Reservation
Sheldon Woods of Lorain Co. Metroparks, 38744 Parsons Rd., great in the car. She will be
in Grafton, there will be a Potluck at the pavilions with a Corn a very low maintenance dog
Hole Tournament. and will be fine with the run
Please fill out the survey at https://www.surveymonkey. of the house when you are not
com/r/2MGQQ8Q as to whether you will be attending or not. at home. Older dogs have it
Please contact Tamera Reed Lengyel for more information and all figured out and make it a
payment at: 8420 West Ridge Rd., Elyria, OH 44035, email very easy to transition into a
[email protected] or call (440) 865-1271. To pay for new home.
tickets online: PAYPAL.ME/MIDVIEWCLASS1978. More To meet Jackie, call Peg-
information can also be found on Facebook at Midview High Jackie gy with Hartman’s Hounds at
School Class of 1978. Jackie is a 8-9 year-old (440) 452-1619.
NOTE: If you have lost
Eaton Township News female Border Collie/Aus- a pet or found someone
tralian Cattle Dog. Jackie
weighs 46 lbs., is spayed and elses pet, a good place to list
• Please note: our Compost Center is now open on Satur- all caught up on her vaccines. it is at HELP WANTED IN EATON TOWNSHIP
days only from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (absolutely not open during Jackie came into rescue from SamTheParrot/ You can
the week). an overcrowded shelter in post a photo and informa- We have several positional available with our BZA
• Please contact our office at (440) 748-2236 or secretary@ West Virginia. She is an awe- tion about the pet there and (Board of Zoning Appeals) & our Zoning Commission. to request a Resident Packet with links to some dog and very sweet. if someone has lost a pet, 1) BZA members: we have available for 1 alternate
Resources in the County/Township. She is a little shy, but once they have to prove owner- member positions. BZA members serve on our board
• Please visit our Facebook page for info. daily at www.face- she knows she can trust you, ship before information on that decide on Public Hearings regarding zoning she’ll be your best friend. the found pet is given out. variances, special exceptions and appeals. Our board
• Local Eaton Twp. Businesses (retail & at-home) should meets no more than once per month on the 2nd Tuesday
contact the secretary to be listed in our Business Listing. of the month in the evening. Must be able to decipher
• Township Hall Rentals: $75/Hall rental for Eaton Town- our Zoning Resolution.
ship Residents; $125 for non-residents ($100 cleaning deposit). EATON TOWNSHIP 2) Zoning Commission Secretary: must be able
Call the Secretary to schedule your family or work party! All ZONING COMMISSION to attend all meetings (1-4 meetings per month) on
non-profits that serve the youth of Eaton Township get FREE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Wednesday evenings and some possible emergency
hall rentals (examples: 4-H, Girl Scouts, School Groups). These meetings. Must be able to take & prepare minutes of all
rates were updated on 2/20/2018. Notice is hereby given that the Eaton Township meetings/hearings, prepare letters of recommendations,
• Did you know the Township will allow you to “borrow” 7 Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at
tables/24 chairs to use for a party. Call the Township to reserve the Eaton Township Hall, 12043 S. Avon Belden Rd., make changes to zoning resolution, and other duties per
it! (440) 748-2236 (must be an Eaton Twp. Resident). Grafton, Ohio 44044 on Wednesday 8-1-2018 at the request of the Zoning Commission. Required skills:
• Residential lock boxes & mailbox reflective signs are email, word, excel,
available at the town hall office. 7:30m pertaining to Zoning Amendments of Article 6 To apply -visit our website (under forms –application
• Reminder: Notary Services are complimentary for Eaton (Residential Districts) & Article 7 (Cluster Subdivision is available) or call our office 440-748-2236 and speak
Township residents & businesses. Overlay Districts) to the secretary to discuss the responsibilities and
• Eaton Township has a curfew between 12 a.m. - 5 a.m. (per By Order of Eaton Township Zoning Commission requirements for this position. Application deadline is
Resolution 90-413). Board August 6, 2018.

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018 Page 9

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2.5 lb. Bag IQF

U.S.D.A. Beef $ 99 USDA Inspected $ 49 House Of Raeford $ 99
Boneless 3 Assorted Bone-In 1 Boneless Chicken 4
Top Sirloin Steaks lb. Pork Loin Chops lb. Breast

2/$ 4

Selected Varieties
10 - 11 oz.
Northwest Grown New Crop
(buy & freeze) $ 99 48 oz. 2/$ Malt-O-Meal
Sweet Red 2 Smith’s 6 Bagged
Cherries lb. Ice Cream Cereals

Old Fashioned Iced
White Bread Brownies
16 oz. 8x8 Pan
$ 99 $ 3 99

Assorted Varieties $ 99 Eckrich $ 99 1%, 2%, Skim, or Chocolate $ 99
Virginia Ham
8 Pack, 20 oz. 4 After 55¢ Off In Store Coupon 4 Gallon 1
Gatorade lb. Smith’s Milk

Assorted Varieties
8 oz.
Crystal Farms 2/$ 24 pk. 0.5 Liters 2/$ White or Print Single Roll

Bounty Essentials
Shredded or 4 IGA 5 Paper Towels 79 ¢
Chunk Cheese Drinking Water

Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018

Friday, August 3:
Monday, July 30: Open to the World Draft Horse and Pony
Opening Ceremonies 6:45pm
173 rd Demo Derby 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $9 Hitch 9:00am FREE
MEDINA Motocross 7:30pm Tickets: $9 Demo Derby 7:00pm Tickets: $9
Tuesday, July 31:
Saturday, August 4:
Kiddie Tractor Pull 9:00am
COUNTY FAIR Wednesday, August 1: OSTPA Tractor and Truck Pull 7:00pm
Tickets: $10
July 30 - August 5 th Rough Truck 7:00pm Tickets: $9 Sunday, August 5:
Thursday, August 2:
2018 Kane Brown with Special Guests: Farm Tractor Pull 9:00am FREE
Buckin’ Ohio Bullriding 6:00pm
Tickets: SOLD OUT Tickets: $9
Fireworks 10:00pm FREE

(330) 723-9633 •

Single Ticket
$6.00 for ages 12 and over
$3.00 for ages 2 through 11 (under age 2 is Free)
$3.00 Senior Citizens - 65 years & older

Caring for the Prize Signs it is time for
Learning about goldfish fish come in different sizes,
Goldfish Won at the Fair fish experts, it’s important to but the average aquarium New Windows
On the way to becoming
goldfish grows to between
point out that, despite their four and seven inches.
Parents eager to instill a in particular, can make ideal low price tag and availability, Windows help regulate the temperature in a home, let in nat-
sense of responsibility in their primary companions because goldfish should not be viewed Caring for goldfish ural light and keep insects, weather and outdoor elements out-
children may turn to pets to they are hardy and are espe- as disposable. These are Goldfish that are won at side where they belong. The right windows also can add value
facilitate such lessons. But cially inexpensive. “Feeder” live animals and deserve the state fairs may come home to a property by providing aesthetic appeal and increasing curb
dogs or cats may not fit in goldfish cost mere cents per same care and consideration in plastic bags or small bowls, appeal.
with everyone’s lifestyle or fish, and while they may be as other pets. National Geo- but they are best cared for in Although homeowners can typically get many years out of
living arrangements. In such primarily bred to be used as graphic says that goldfish traditional aquariums. Gold- their homes’ windows, ultimately windows will need to be re-
instances, fish may be par- live food for larger prey, these are descendents of carp and fish are omnivores that will placed. Homes that are more than 20 years old and still have
ents’ best friends. goldfish can still provide originate in China. There are thrive on a healthy diet made their original windows could be due for an upgrade. Aluminum-
Freshwater fish tend to many of the same pet care hundreds of varieties of gold- up of pellets, vegetables, al- or wood-framed windows also may be ripe for changing. Here
be inexpensive and relative- lessons as other pets. fish found around the globe. gae, and flakes. These fish are some signs that it’s time to replace windows, courtesy of
ly easy to care for. Goldfish, In fact, koi are cousins of the tend to produce a lot of am- Good Housekeeping, Centra® and the real estate website Red-
monia waste, so if they are
BULLSEYE FIREARMS traditional aquarium goldfish. kept in a bowl, the water will fin. · Drafty feel in the home: Window frames can begin to shrink
Despite their name, gold-
BUY - SELL - TRADE - LAYAWAY fish come in a variety of col- need to be changed quite fre- as they age, allowing air to flow from the outdoors in and vice
versa. Homeowners may notice drafts when standing near win-
quently and the bowl should
ors. Commercial goldfish are
New & Used Guns • Collectibles Guns typically yellow, gold and red. be large. Many aquarium dows or hear whistling on notably windy days.
•Shooting Supplies • Ammunition Wild goldfish are almost ex- experts say a tank that’s be- · Rising energy bills: If energy bills are inexplicably on the
• Hunting & Fishing License clusively olive green or dark tween 10 and 20 gallons is rise, then old windows could be to blame. Aging, drafty win-
• NFA CLASS 3 DEALER • Transfers gray, according to PetMD. ideal for a goldfish. Such dows can make it necessary to run HVAC systems more often
• Paintball Equipment & Supplies They’re one of the most com- tanks will not stunt its growth and at higher or lower temperatures in order to keep homes
and will keep it healthy and
STOP IN TO SEE OUR mon aquarium fish and also comfortable. · Windows are difficult to open or close: Homeowners may
have some of the longest
Call for life expectancies. The old- Goldfish like relatively get used to the quirks of their windows, but those that are dif-
Summer Hours SUMMER SALES! est recorded living goldfish low water temperatures, ad- ficult to open or close may require replacement. In addition, if
788 MAIN ST, GRAFTON, OH 44044 • 440-926-4900 reached the age of 49. Gold- vises the fish resource The windows need to be propped open, it’s time to replace them.
Goldfish Tank. They should · Water infiltration: Warping or decaying window frames can
not be mistaken for tropical make it easy for rain or snow to get into the home. Wood frames
fish. Goldfish are typically are particularly prone to moisture decay. If frames are warping
best kept alone or with other or allowing water into the home, it’s time for an upgrade.
goldfish so that their living en- · Condensation on windows: Fog or condensation buildup on
vironments are easily main- windows can occur if the seal between panes is broken. In this
tained. Also, some goldfish instance, replacement windows are necessary.
will try to eat smaller fish.
health of goldfish. Filtration
is ideal, as is an air pump to
help agitate the surface of the
water and make oxygen more
accessible. It’s important to Your Passport
use a dechlorinator product
to remove chlorine and other
chemicals from tap water so to Savings!
Free Pole Barn Design that the fish can thrive.
According to CaringPets. PASSPORT MODELS ON SALE:
org, people who choose a 2520RL st#6405 Was $27,265 Now $17,996
bowl for their goldfish instead 2900RK st#6417 Was $31,758 Now $22,994
of a standard tank should fol- 23RB st#6407 Was $30,805 Now $19,899
low the rule that the greater 153ML st#6380 Was $22,110 Now $14,994
the amount of surfaces area, 199ML st#6387 Was $23,942 Now $17,989
Financing the more oxygen in the wa- 173RBRV st#6391 Was $21,458 Now $13,993
ter. For this to be achieved,
OVER 60,000 ITEMS ONLINE! choose a wide goldfish bowl 3350BH st#6439 Was $37,500 Now $23,968
175BH st#6435 Was $20,142 Now $13,988
over a tall narrow one. In ad- 2920BH st#6453 Was $32,398 Now $22,988
from Lawn & Garden to dition, the water will need to 27RB st#6566 Was $37,166 Now $24,991
be changed every few days,
Washers & Dryers to Pet and 50 to 75 percent of the 217EXP st#6565 Was $23,766 Now $19,993
water in the bowl should be
Supplies & Sporting Goods replaced with fresh water.
Keeping goldfish as pets Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-8
Lumber • Windows • Doors • Electrical • Decking can introduce children and Tues, Wed, Fri 9-5:30;
even adults to the task of
Cabinetry • Flooring • Plumbing • Siding • MORE! caring for a living animal. Sat 9-4
WWW.STOUTLUMBER.COM With the right care, these fish The Travel Trailer Specialists Since 1961
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330.722.TREE(8733) • 8007 Norwalk Road, Litchfield hours of entertainment and 34155 Lorain Rd., North Ridgeville
Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm; Sat 8am-4pm; Closed Sunday 440-327-6911 •

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018 Page 11
Welcome to Summer heat facts elevated body temperature, clammy skin, confusion, and deliri-
um are some of the symptoms of heat-related illnesses.
and safety
· Find ways to stay cool. Not everyone has air conditioning.
Medina County For many people, summertime is synonymous with trips to On especially warm days, going to public places with air con-
ditioning, such as libraries, can help. Be sure to check on the
the beach, water sports and recreation. elderly or others who may have difficulty finding cool places to
Even though summer warmth is a welcome break from winter spend their day.
Medina County is the kind of area that truly has some- weather for many people, State Farm warns that heat is one of Days in the sun are meant to be fun, but hot days also require
thing for everyone. The vast array of festivals, shopping, the leading causes of weather-related fatalities, resulting in hun- extreme caution.
attractions, historic architecture and eateries make Me- dreds of deaths each year in the United States alone. Ensuring
dina County a special place to visit and live. Some of summer recreation plans remain enjoyable means keeping an
the area’s attributes that have put Medina County on the eye out for heat-related illnesses and other dangers.
nationwide map are: site of the World’s first Super K-Mart · Hot cars can be traps. It is never safe to leave a pet, child, Mary’s
Center; some of the finest, best preserved Victorian archi- elderly person, or disabled individual locked in a car. Tempera-
tecture; an internationally famous candle making facility, tures can climb rapidly inside of a sealed vehicle, even if the Insurance Team
A. I. Root; and a strong economic base with companies windows are cracked.
like MTD, Westfield Insurance, Eaton Corporation and · Pay attention. Listen to or read weather forecasts to stay 440-387-7500
RPM’s World Headquarters. But today’s appeal of Medi- abreast of potential temperature changes as well as the heat
na County is its ability to retain rich traditions and values, index. Discuss safety precautions with members of the family Medicare, Health,
and create events and happenings around these values, and make sure everyone knows what to do in an emergency. Life & Annuities
the local history and agricultural base. · Stock up on fluids. The Red Cross says to stay hydrated by
Each year, Medina County features its annual Fall Fo- drinking plenty of fluids, even if you are not thirsty. Avoid drinks
liage Tour with many of the area farms, parks, historical with alcohol or caffeine. Make sure the elderly also get plenty Visit us at
societies and shops participating to provide a superb tour. of water, as they often do not recognize dehydration as readily These Local Fairs!
In the past, this two-day event has featured such stops as as others.
a llama farm, buffalo roast, cattle and horse farms, Christ- · Limit strenuous activities. Reschedule outdoor activities if
mas tree farm and Chatham Apple Butter Festival, among there is a heat wave, or move them to cooler times of the day. Medina County - July 30- Aug. 5
others. The drive itself takes visitors through picturesque, Spend the hottest portion of the day, usually between noon and (in the Exhibitors Barn)
rolling hills and rich farmland to provide a panoramic view 3 p.m., in the shade or inside in the air conditioning. People
of the county in all of its fall splendor. on job sites should take more frequent breaks and find shade Lorain County - Aug. 20-26
Each of the communities within the county have their whenever possible during these hours.
own signature events. Valley City, also known as the · Change your clothes. Loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored Wayne County - Sept. 8-13
Frog Jumping Capital of Ohio, boasts its annual frog jump clothing will help keep you cool. Avoid dark colors when spend- Ashland County - Sept. 16-22
contest. Stop by Wadsworth for the Blue Tip Festival and ing time in the sun.
see one of the longest parades in Ohio and world’s tallest · Recognize distress signals. Heat stress, exhaustion and
match. Buzzard Day in Hinckley marks the return of the heat stroke progress as symptoms worsen. Nausea, weakness,
buzzards for the summer season and they always show
up. This unique community festival also features crafts,
its famous pancake breakfast and is a fun-packed day
for all ages. The Medina County Fair is one of the area’s
largest annual attractions with several acres of games,
rides, ethnic foods and top entertainment. Brunswick’s
Old Fashioned Days, another community event, captures
the spirit of days gone by with excellent eats, handmade
country crafts and more. The entire village of Lodi partic-
ipates in their annual Sweet Corn Festival which makes
this event truly a community effort.
While visiting Medina County, take in an old fashioned
band concert in Medina’s public square on a June or July
Friday evening, or if it’s chilly weather you prefer, visit
the Square for the Medina Ice Festival. Tour our histor-
ic churches and historical society homes or take a farm
and garden tour to see some of the most beautiful flora
in the area. Outdoor adventurers can hike to Worden’s
Ledges to see the intricate stone carvings of Noble Stu-
art. Golf enthusiasts can enjoy some of Ohio’s finest and
most scenic championship courses scattered throughout
the county. Bring the family to enjoy our enchanting min-
iature courses for unique and hilariously entertaining fun.
This charming county has loads of apple farms, an ostrich
and alpaca farms, several lovely garden centers, special-
ty shops with handmade and Amish furniture and crafts,
antique stores, fascinating eating establishments and
many monthly festivities. Other community celebrations
include Christmas in the Colonies and The Spirit Walk,
both of which capture the spirit of centuries’ past.
With the vast array of activities, events and some of the
most beautiful historic architecture in the State of Ohio,
Medina County is a well worthwhile area to visit. Most of
the communities within the county have a town square,
gazebo and authentic Victorian buildings encircling the
square. Strong community effort and commitment have
helped to maintain and preserve the beauty of these
squares for all to enjoy. We hope you will come see why • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
Medina County is so special.

Sizzlin’ Summer Savings!

We Have High Quality Kitchen & Bath
Cabinetry, Carpeting, Tile, Laminate,
Hardwood Flooring, Granite, Quartz
and Laminate Countertops Mon & Thur: 10-8pm,
Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat:10-5pm

536 Cleveland St. Elyria



Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018
Main Drawing will begin after all of the other drawings have A presentation by Jim Clark about the recent Hot Stove
been awarded on Saturday night, August 4, starting at 9:30 p.m. season was next on the agenda. Clark told the council that the
DOMINIC ZUNIS MEMORIAL GOLF OUTING fields at Reservoir Park were used by the Midview High School
The third annual Dominic Zunis Memorial Golf Outing is JV girl’s softball team and Freshman Boy’s baseball team, in
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 a 4-man scramble, which will tee off on Saturday, August 11, addition to the 21 Hot Stove teams this past season. This year,
email: [email protected] at the Carlisle Golf Club on Slife Road. Registration begins at there were ten girls teams and eleven boys teams. The number
8 a.m. with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. The entry fee is $75 per of games scheduled to be played at Reservoir Park totaled 218.
person and includes lunch at the turn and dinner by Wolfey’s. Clark said visitors to the park have been complimentary as the
MUSIC IN THE STACKS There will be prizes for the three top teams. Make checks pay- fields have nice restroom facilities, concession stand, bleachers
“Music in the Stacks: Tribute to Patsy Cline and Friends” able to Dominic Zunis Memorial Foundation. Organizers will and pavilions. Tournament games were played at the park. He
will be held Friday, July 27, at 7 p.m. in Willow Park. The event also accept Visa, MasterCard and PayPal. For more informa- thanked the village for all the support they received and assured
will celebrate the end of the Summer Reading Program of the tion, e-mail [email protected]. them all financial support stayed within the village. Grafton
Grafton-Midview Library the way it began with live music and Hot Stove also plays in Grafton Township. He announced two
a picnic. Rachel Brown & the Beatnik Playboys will perform Fleet Hometown news Grafton girls teams became State Champions. The teams will
from 7-9 p.m., but there will be craft beer, hot dogs, hamburgers be publicly recognized soon. Clark then asked council to con-
and raffle tickets available beginning at 6 p.m. Bring your lawn sic military training at Joint sider building other diamonds at Reservoir Park in the near fu-
chairs and join us for an evening of fun! All ages are welcome. Base San Antonio-Lackland, ture.
CAR SHOW in San Antonio, Texas. In other business, council awarded Denes Concrete the
Our Lady Queen of Peace will host their annual Car Show The airman completed an Commerce Drive Improvement Project at a cost of approxi-
on Friday evening, August 3, from 6-8 p.m. Past shows have intensive, 8-week program mately $183,000. Council also approved a rehabilitation proj-
had over 100 classic cars on display. Door prizes will be giv- that included training in mil- ect for a village utility building. The building will receive a
en throughout the event with awards being presented at 7 p.m. itary discipline and studies, new roof, have gutters and down spouts added and have some
Awards will be presented for best of show, Father John’s pick Air Force core values, phys- siding added or replaced at the cost of approximately $23,000.
and the top 10. Dash plaques will be available for the first 60 ical fitness and basic warfare Discussion was held as to making texting and driving a primary
cars to register. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $10 per principles and skills. offense in the village; currently it is a secondary offense. The
car. The event is being sponsored by the Grafton Crews Thru. Airmen who complete change would mean a police officer could pull a driver over and
5K RACE AND FUN WALK basic training also earn four issue a ticket if the driver is believed to be texting; the officer
Registrations are now being accepted for the Saturday, Au- credits toward an associate would not need to wait for another infraction to occur before
gust 4, Our Lady Queen of Peace 5K race and 1.5 mile Fun in applied science degree pulling the driver over. Residents were in attendance to discuss
Walk. The scenic routes utilize local roads and the trails of the through the Community Col- the issue. The proposed ordinance was given a first reading.
Lorain County MetroParks’ Indian Hollow Reservation. The lege of the Air Force. There are three readings before council votes on the issue.
Fun Walk begins at 8:15 a.m. and the 5K Race begins at 8:30 Liszeski is the son of The- The next meeting is Tuesday evening, August 21.
a.m. Both events will start and end at the Our Lady Queen of Simon C. Liszeski odore S. Liszeski of Elyria.
Peace Festival, 708 Erie Street. in Grafton. T-shirts will be pro- U.S. Air Force Nation- He is a 2017 graduate of Mid- AHHR events
vided to the first 75 5K race entrants. Pre-registration is $20 al Guard Airman Simon C. view High School.
for the 5K race and all entries must be postmarked by July 28. Liszeski graduated from ba- Congratulations! The Lewis Road Fun Horse Show takes place on Sunday,
The pre-registration fee for the Fun Walk is $5. Registration is July 29. Come out and either ride a horse in the show or view
available the day of the race, beginning at 7:15 a.m., but will these lovely animals and see them in action. They offer English,
require a paid $25 fee for the 5K race. The day of registration Western, Lead Line (regular and advanced) and Fun classes (31
fee for the Fun Walk remains $5. Prizes for the 5K Race will Grafton Village Council to be exact). The show begins at 9 a.m. and is located at the
be given to the fastest Overall Male, Overall Female and the Lewis Road Riding Ring near Barrett Road in the Metroparks
top three finishers in each age group: 15 and under, 16-19, 20- in Olmsted Falls. Come out and see some of the rescue horses
29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60 and over. The events are being and enjoy a nice day in the park with these beautiful animals.
sponsored by: Grafton Convenient Express, Grafton Sparkle At the beginning of their meeting on July 17, the Grafton Food will be available as well. Bring a chair and sunglasses.
Market, Grafton Subway, LaGrange IGA and Schild’s IGA. To Village Council listened to a presentation by their engineering Additionally, there are a few kids summer horse camp spots
register, log onto, then click on 5K, or firm, Poggemeyer Design Group, regarding the reconstruction available during the weeks of July 23 and August 6. If you
call the parish office at 926-2364. of Oak Street project. The scope of the project includes new know of anyone interested between the ages of 5-16, please
RAFFLE TICKETS water lines, sanitary sewer improvements, new storm sewer reach out. Also, find out about our fun horse show on Sunday,
The Main raffle at the Our Lady Queen of Peace festival lines and outlets, new laterals for residents to tie into, side- August 12, at the Carlisle Equestrian Center in Lagrange. Last,
is worth $15,000; second place will be awarded $1,000; third walks and paving. There will be some work on Railroad Street their annual Steak (or chicken) and Bake Off will offer a little
place will receive $500. Tickets are now available at 3 for $5 as well. The project is scheduled to go out to bid soon, with a bit of BINGO this year. This annual and delicious event, takes
or 10 for $10, and can be purchased at the parish office during start time near the end of September. Minimum traffic is ex- place on Sunday, August 26, at the North Park Community
normal business hours. Tickets are also available at the festival. pected to be maintained throughout the project. The difficult Center in Grafton. Please call Heidi for questions or additional
Proceeds from the raffle benefit the Capital Improvement Fund part of the project will be excavation under and near the rail- information at 440-781-5060.
of the Parish. The raffle is being sponsored by Laubenthal-Mer- road track. Traffic delays or detours may happen at this stage
cado Funeral Home, Inc. The winner need not be present. The of the project. GRAFTON NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 15



Friday - Saturday, August 3 & 4 th

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Car Show • Activities for All Ages • Fireworks • and much more!!!

Friday, August 3 rd Saturday, August 4 th

6-11 pm 6-11 pm

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Bubble Dodgems 4:30 pm - Mass (church)

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for both kids and adults! Kids Games & Other Activities
DJ & Bar Trivia for both kids and adults

Food / Beer Garden Food / Beer Garden

Casino Games/Bingo/Instants Casino Games/Bingo/Instants

Craft Vendors 9 p.m ALL RAFFLE DRAWINGS
50/50 Drawing 10 pm - FIREWORKS

708 Erie Street, Grafton, OH ~ 440-926-2364

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018 Page 13



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Page 14 RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018
Grilled Root Beer Beef

“Treating lamb to this root beer marinade has historical-
Now Offering Race Fuel! ly been a success, so I’ve been eager to try it with some
skewered beef. I originally used 2 tablespoons honey, which
110 Sunoco Standard was too sweet, so I’ve adjusted it in the ingredients list and
added vinegar as well. This recipe is easy to adapt, and I’m
not just talking about the pre-grill soak, but also the glaze
112 Sunoco Supreme we make with the extra marinade. The flavor is reminiscent
of bourbon beef.”
Sunoco GT 100 Ingredients
For the Marinade:
CAFÉ NOW OFFERING MORE! 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
GRAD •French Fries •Onion Rings 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
PARTIES •Mozzarella Sticks •Jalapeno Poppers 1/2 teaspoon ground chipotle pepper
2 tablespoons ketchup
6 Foot Party •Polish Boys •Chicken Strip Basket 1 teaspoon honey (optional)
1/3 cup soy sauce
Subs Available •Shrimp Basket 2 tablespoons white vinegar
(1 Day Notice Please) And More! 1 (12 fluid ounce) can or bottle root beer
1 (1 1/2-pound) flank steak
Momma Mary’s Homemade Hummus 1 teaspoon sesame seeds, or to taste
Mix oil, black pepper, cayenne, chipotle, ketchup, honey,
$ BEST HUMMUS soy sauce, vinegar, and root beer together in a bowl.
Cut steak lengthwise down the middle and slice across
nade and mix thoroughly. Cover with plastic wrap and mar-
ANY SUB OR CLEVELAND! the grain into 1/2-inch pieces. Add beef to the bowl of mari-
inate in the refrigerator for 4 to 12 hours.
SANDWICH AS Fold beef pieces in half and thread them onto 4 or 5
With coupon. Cannot be combined with other SEEN skewers.
offers or discounts. Expires 8-31-18. ON Pour the marinade into a saucepan over medium heat.
Cook until a thick glaze forms, 5 to 10 minutes. Cool until
PHILLY $ 99 Delicious Gourmet Style slightly thickened.
Preheat a charcoal grill to high. Place skewers on the
CHEESE 7 Subs & Sandwiches! grate over direct heat. Grill, flipping occasionally, until beef
starts to spring back to the touch, 3 to 4 minutes per side.
STEAK Brush glaze on top. Garnish with sesame seeds.
Recipe By: Chef John, courtesy of
With coupon. Cannot be combined with other FAIR FOOD CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE
offers or discounts. Expires 8-31-18.
Watch portion sizes
GYRO SPECIAL friend or family member to cut the portion size. A single bite
If you splurge on a treat or two, consider sharing it with a
$ 6 Roast Beef, Pastrami Chicken Corned Beef of a calorie-rich food can be enough to satisfy a craving.
If you’re heading to a Renaissance Fair, giant turkey legs
may be prime for the picking. Those legs, which may contain
try portion size of four ounces. Such food is best shared with
With coupon. Cannot be combined with other & Bacon Try us... You will come back! as many as 1,140 calories, are well beyond the typical poul-
offers or discounts. Expires 8-31-18. others.
440-235-0351 Pay attention to beverages
Join Our rewards. Start Before you fill up on lemonade or visit the beer tent, re-
earning points For A FREE Sandwich! 9796 Columbia Rd., East River Rd. Columbia Rd. member some beverages contain lots of calories. Weigh your
options carefully. If you want a cold beer, you may need to
EBT Accepted (Corner of Columbia & Sprague Rd. skip that chocolate-covered banana.
Fair foods are delicious but often high in calories. Smart
We Sell Fishing Bait! @SunocoCafe choices can ensure dining at a fair does not derail your diet.

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018 Page 15
play mats, games and activities. For kids birth to 3. A great way
Our Lady Queen of Peace [email protected] to learn and socialize for baby and grown-up! Registration is
not required. Repeats every other week through July 26.
Something From Nothing: The Art of Sample-Based
Family Fest Hip-Hop Music Production - Thursday, July 26, at 2 p.m. Hey
The 8th annual Our Lady Queen of Peace Family Fest will Grafton Township Announcements Teens! Create your own original hip-hop composition at this
take place on Friday, August 3, and Saturday, August 4, from creative program. Learn where the original form of hip-hop
music comes from. Did you know hip-hop is the 2nd original
6-11 p.m. both nights. There will not be any amusement rides The Grafton Township Trustees would like residents to have American musical art form after jazz? Rafique Illyas-Watson
this year due to cost and safety concerns. Instead, the fireworks the following information. will expose students to a variety of musical genres and artists
show has been extended. The Main Raffle is back and worth Cemeteries - Grafton Township maintains three cemeter- through the process of selecting works to sample. The program
$15,000. Raffle tickets are available now by calling 926-2364. ies: Nesbett on State Route 57, Belden on State Route 303 and will help generate critical thinking, social awareness and open
This year, there will be a bar trivia contest, a talent show and an Nichols on State Route 303. Please do not drive on the grass discussion of many historical developments. The overall goal
evening filled with many activities for families. at the cemeteries. Answers to questions can be found on the of the program is to foster an environment of creativity, expres-
The schedule of events for Friday includes: township website, http:/, or by calling the Ceme- sion and learning. Register today!
5:30 p.m. - Car Show registration tery Sexton, Tim Adams, at (330) 483-4923 or (330) 421-8868. Rock Buffet - Friday, July 27, at 2 p.m. Create a rock buffet
6 p.m. - Car Show, kids games, Chinese raffle, Beer Garden, Ditches - Please contact the Road Department at 926-2564
Neo Soccer Bubbles, corn hole, basketball hoops and Giant with any questions regarding the regulations on ditch work. by using food to make edible rocks while also learning about
different rock forms. Don’t miss the last program of Summer
Jenga Fill Material - Residents interested in fill material should Reading 2018!
6:30 p.m. - Magician Show and Minute to Win it Challenge call the Road Department at 926-2564. If bringing a truck, call
7 p.m. - Bingo and Casino games ahead and the township will use their equipment to load the Belden B’s & G’s 4-H Club
7:30 p.m. - Cake/Cupcake Walk material.
8 p.m. - DJ and Bar Trivia Fire/EMS - The township is currently accepting applica- The Belden B’s & G’s 4-H Club will hold their next meet-
9 p.m. - 50/50 Drawing tions for volunteer fire fighters and EMTs. Residential lock ing on Wednesday, July 25, at the Belden Fire Hall at 7 p.m. A
The schedule of events for Saturday includes: boxes and reflective mailbox numbers are available to township reminder to club members with animal projects: Skillathon is
8:15 a.m. - 1.25 Fun Walk residents for township properties. Ohio open burning regula- July 21 at the Lorain County Fair grounds in Wellington. Those
8:30 a.m. - 5K Race tions can be found at members unable to make skillathon must bring their animal re-
4:30 p.m. - Mass openburn.pdf. Open burning violations can result in penalties. cord books to the next meeting so that they can be turned into
6 p.m. - kids games, Chinese raffle, Beer Garden, Neo Soc- For more information on any of these fire/EMS items, call
cer Bubbles, corn hole, basketball hoops and Giant Jenga Chief Bob Richards at (440) 387-2498, visit http://graftontwp. the Extension Office for review. On Saturday, August 11, the
4-H club wlll share their projects and knowledge with the resi-
6:30 p.m. - Family Fun Activities such as: a blueberry pie us/ or visit the Grafton Township Fire Rescue Facebook page.
eating contest for both adults and children, a cake/cupcake Hall Rentals - The Grafton Township Town Hall is avail- dents of Abbewood from 1-2 p.m.
Members are reminded to bring a photo of themselves for
walk, a water balloon toss, a Jell-O eating contest and the Min- able for event rental. Information, including pictures, is avail- the 4-H booth to the next meeting.Demonstrations for the July
ute to Win It Challenge able by visiting To make a reservation, 25 meeting will be done by Rachel S., Samantha H., Lauren S.
7 p.m. - Talent Show, Bingo and Casino games please call (440) 387-2498. and James H.
7:30 p.m. - Pie in the Face with some of our local celebrities. Meeting Dates - The trustees meet on the second Tuesday
8 p.m. - DJ of the month at 7 p.m. The Zoning Commission meets on the Hospice Volunteer Education Series
9 p.m. - Raffle drawings & Main Raffle drawing third Tuesday of the month also at 7 p.m. and the Board of Zon-
10 p.m. - Fireworks ing Appeals meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Hospice of the Western Reserve is seeking volunteers to as-
Noise - The township noise ordinance can be found at http://
Local Youth Group Featured Residents who encounter noise issues should sist in private residences, nursing homes, assisted living com-
munities, our three Hospice House locations and hospital set-
contact the Lorain County Sheriff’s Office at (440) 329-3709. tings. As a vital part of Hospice of the Western Reserve’s team,
The Southern Lorain County Fire Explorer Post #909 was Pavilion - A new pavilion is scheduled to be built at the park volunteers come from all walks of life and have a variety of
featured in the June issue of the Ohio State Fire fighters As- this summer. skills, talents and abilities. Opportunities to serve are diverse:
sociation’s magazine. The program is under Exploring, a coed Roads - Please visit the township website to find out which visit patients and families to provide companionship, socializa-
career education program by the Boy Scouts of America that roads are maintained by the township, county or state. Please tion and comfort; help with legacy work, transportation, light
has thousands of locations where students learn and train with report any issues with the township roads or signs to the Road housework and meal preparation; run errands; make phone
professionals in different jobs.Area fire departments sponsor Department at 926-2564. calls; help with clerical work; attend health fairs; make presen-
the local chapter in which participants between the ages of 14- Trash/Recycling - Residents with bulk trash items which tations. Volunteers with specialized professional qualifications
21 learn fire and EMS procedures. For more information, visit need picked up should contact Rumpke at 1-800-828-8171 and training are also needed, such as: attorneys, licensed hair
their Facebook page. so they can plan accordingly. Items which can not be picked dressers, massotherapists, pet therapy dogs and their handlers.
The next series of volunteer classes will be held at Lorain
MHS Picnic Classes of 1959-62 up may be taken to the Lorain County Solid Waste Manage- County Community College, 1005 Abbe Road North, in Lo-
ment Collection Center, located at 540 South Abbe Road, in
Elyria. The Collection Center hours are Mondays and Wednes- rain, on Saturdays, September 22 & 29, from 8:30 a.m.-4:30
Midview High School classmates from the years 1959, days from noon-6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. The p.m. Non-clinical volunteers attend only the first four hours on
1960, 1961 and 1962 are invited to a potluck picnic on Sunday, Collection Center phone number is (440) 329-5440 or visit September 22, while most other volunteers attend all classes.
July 29, from 1-5 p.m. at Lorain County Metro Park’s Indian Pre-registration is required. For more information, or to reg-
Hollow Reservation/Sheldon Woods, Shelter #1, on Parsons id-waste-management. The township has curbside recycling ister, call the volunteer team at (216) 255-9090. It is required
Road in Grafton. You are asked to bring a dish to share (sal- and containers at the township hall for paper and cardboard. to wait 12 months after experiencing a significant loss before
ad, meat, veggie, potato, dessert), your own table service and Zoning/Zoning Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals - volunteering directly with patients.
beverages. You may also want to bring lawn chairs. There are Grafton Township is a zoned community. When planning on
grills available near the shelter, however no electricity. No al- erecting a building, deck, pool or fence, etc., please call the
cohol is permitted in the park. Spouses/guests are welcome to Zoning Inspector, Tom Steigerwald, at (440) 926-2804, to see Over 21,000 local people receive our paper!
join us. For more information, contact Pat (Forrest) Flipiak at if a permit is needed. Any resident interested in being an alter-
(440) 371-6837, Marge (Tran) Sayers at (440) 926-3449, Carol nate to the Board of Zoning Appeals should contact Fred Giese
(Sprague) Timchuk at (440) 647-3943 or Judy (Krosky) Skin- at (440) 926-3246. For more information on zoning, visit the
ner at (440) 353-1696. township website.
Grafton-Midview Library  OPEN 
 
KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS Registration is required for most program. To register for pro-  
Stop by the Library and pick up a detailed spring calendar.
grams, visit the library at 983 Main Street Grafton, call (440)
GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY 926-3317 or register online at
Puzzlemania - Now through Thursday, July 26. Stop in the
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ Teen Zone to help put the Rock and Roll puzzle together. Par-
ticipants may enter their name in a drawing to win the puzzle.
Hours By Appointment DIY Slime - Tuesday, July 24, at 10 a.m. Come make your
own ooey, gooey slimes to take home.
419 NORTH MAIN STREET Pre-school Storytime - Tuesday, July 24, 6 p.m. Storytime SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
GRAFTON, OHIO for children ages 3-6 featuring stories, songs, finger plays and Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
activities that encourage development of early literacy skills.
440-926-2705 Thursday, July, 26, at 6:30 p.m. We Were the Lucky Ones, by programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
July Book Discussion - Wednesday, July 25, at 10 a.m. or
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
Georgia Hunter. Read and come ready to discuss this extraor- The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
dinary novel about several generations of a Jewish family in drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
Instrument Petting Zoo Poland and how they learn to survive as the war encroaches These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
on their lives. Light refreshments will be served. Registration
is required 7/23 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free
donuts and coffee for participants.
Baby Playtime - Thursday, July 26, at 10 a.m. Bring your
Thursday, August 9, 2 PM little for one for playtime at the Library! We will have special 7/24 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed
Drop into our Community by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for
Room to see, touch, Restaurant 7/27 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks
and hear instruments for participants.
brought to us by members & Pub Since 1983 7/30 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free
donuts and coffee for participants.
of the Midview High School 423 N. Main St, Grafton 7/31 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class
Marching Band. Members 926-2621 being instructed by Debi’s Personal
will be on hand to Open: Tues - Sat from 4pm Training with fruit and juice for
answer questions and 8/2 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior
perform. Registration LAKE ERIE PERCH FRY Dinner to be held 8/9/2018 at 5:30pm.
is not required. Two names per phone call only.
FRIDAYS 4-6 pm $9.95 8/3 at 2:00 pm Senior Card
Club with pop and snacks for
Now Hiring Kitchen/Utility Help! participants.
Tues-Sat 4pm-close, flexible scheduling. • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
983 Main St., Grafton Apply in person or call manager to • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
440-926-3317 | schedule an appointment. occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.

Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018
Gresho residence on 6/23. Donahue reported that a specialist Friday, August 17:
from the LCPH Department would inspect this property with Crickets and Katydids in Concert! - Wolf Creek Environ-
Donahue and Cody Carroll to ascertain next step in resolving mental Center, from 7-9:30 p.m. Have you wondered about the
[email protected] this matter. Donahue reported on the LCTA meeting, noting crickets and katydids singing in the meadows, trees and pond
that changes occurred at the State House, and that Dick Hie- edges on summer nights and early autumn afternoons? Dr. Lisa
decker reported on a NOACA dues increase. Rainsong, faculty member at the Cleveland Institute of Music,
Herrick Memorial Library tive Cody Carroll recommended immediate pumping of the will introduce you to the insect musicians of late summer. We
Maintenance man Tyrone reported that LCPH representa-
will learn about these insects in an indoor presentation first and
Thursday Specials - The Thursday Special Programs are for Town Hall septic system, and continuing to have it pumped then go outside to the meadow to listen and search for these
children ages 5 and up. Each Thursday they will participate in twice a year. beautiful singers. Bring a flashlight! All ages are welcome. No
a different type of musical program. Registration is required Trustee Gordon reported that he had delivered the batter- registration required. Free.
for these programs. Call the Herrick Memorial Library at (440) ies in the recycling building to Mac’s Auto Truck Electric and Friday, August 17-Sunday, August 19:
647-2120 or visit the Children’s Department of the library. that we should receive a check from them soon. Resident Jack All About Bats - Susan Hambley Nature Center, from 12-5
Read To Putter - Children can spend 15 minutes reading Powell helped Gordon mark the geothermal field for the ex- p.m. Do you know bats are excellent parents? Or that bats hi-
a book or story to the library’s friend, Putter, and build their ploratory digging to follow. He recommends that the original bernate all winter long? In Ohio, these insect-loving mammals
reading skills. Putter is a registered therapy dog that absolutely contractor be present when the digging commences. Gordon are an important link in the food chain and in controlling pesky
adores listening to a good story. He does not mind if the child reported on his inspection of the sample job the proposed insects like mosquitoes. Join us as we explore the lives of bats
makes reading mistakes. Putter visits us on Thursday mornings berming machine had done on Parsons. Gordon advised that if through crafts and activities. All ages are welcome. No regis-
at 11 a.m. through the summer. Stop in or call the library at heat continues we will need to put some gravel down on the tar tration required. Free.
(440) 647-2120 to save your reading spot. that is bleeding through. Gordon reported that he had fielded Saturday, August 18:
Writers Group - Thursdays, July 26 and August 9 & 16, a complaint regarding suspicious nighttime activity at the Lu- Healthy Strides, Sponsored by Brunswick Family Health
from 6-7:30 p.m. The Wellington Writers Group meets every cas property. Resident was told to call the LC Sheriff’s Dept. Center - Brunswick Lake Trail, meet at entrance near nature
other Thursday at the Herrick Memorial Library. Join this regarding this matter. Gordon reported that he would follow-up center, from 9-10 a.m. Healthy Strides combines a brief, infor-
group if you have a passion for writing in all venues. Bring with Kenny Myers regarding the Jones Rd. West culvert repair. mative talk by a Cleveland Clinic physician or caregiver and a
samples of your writing to share with the group. New members Trustee Johnson reported that the AARP grant he had ap- casual 1-3 mile walk. Topics change each week based on the
are welcome. Registration is encourage. To register, call the plied for had been denied. leader’s specialty and suggestions from participants. All mem-
Trustee Conrad reported that Kenny Myers had complet-
library at (440) 647-2120. ed the repair work to the Zambo driveway. He further report- bers of the community are welcome All ages are welcome. No
registration required. Free.
Penfield Township Trustees ed that the Short Rd. Bridge has been reopened. Conrad was West, from 9-11 p.m. Come see deep-sky objects, planets and
Starry, Starry Nights at Letha House - Letha House Park
unable to attend the LC Engineer’s Chip & Seal meeting but
The July 3 regular meeting of the Penfield Township Trust- reported that Trustee Gardner of LaGrange Township advised the moon up close using the Cuyahoga Astronomical Associa-
ees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. All officers were present. that they would commence the grader paving on Monday. La- tion’s telescopes. The observatory will be open for public view-
Five guests attended the meeting. Grange Roadman Mike Foreman attended the meeting. Conrad ing and members will be available to answer your questions.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- spoke with Peter Zwick of the LC Engineer’s office regarding Activities and/or displays will be set up inside the barn for fur-
proved. Vouchers #12274-12292, POs #43-46-2018, Withhold- the Whitehead Rd./Curtis Ditch project. He denied responsibil- ther interest on cloudy nights. Cancellations will only be made
ing Vouchers #27-30-2018 and Resolutions #2018.07.03.01- ity for the downed trees. in the case of severe thunderstorms. All ages are welcome. No
.02 were approved. With no additional business to discuss, the meeting was ad- registration required. Free.
Fiscal Officer Denes read the correspondence, which in- journed at 8:13 p.m. Thursday, August 23:
cluded information pertaining to the OBWC $40,000 grant op- Submitted by Vicki Denes, Fiscal Officer Cycling Makes Sense Fitness Ride - Buckeye Woods Park,
portunities and a $1,350.20 rebate, the OPWC Round 33 appli- MEDINA PARKS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 meet in ballfield parking lot, from 6:30-8 p.m. This program,
cation, the LC Sheriff’s report for June and information on the offered by Medina County Park District and Century Cycles,
most recent legal notice publication. Denes reported on the Au- Thursdays, August 16, 23 & 30 : is a great way for you to get out on your bicycle for a non-ag-
dit that finished this afternoon. Denes reported that a follow-up Walk 15®: Total Body Workout - River Styx Park, from gressive ride and experience the park district’s wonderful mul-
report is due to our risk consultant firm KLA and questioned 6:30-7 p.m. Take your walk in the park to the next level of tipurpose trails. Before we begin our 6-10 mile ride, Lynne of
the progress of the Park Board’s plans regarding some of the fitness with Walk 15®, a low-impact, aerobic workout. Using Century Cycles will share basic tips on how to keep you and
issues presented after KLA’s inspection. Denes questioned the simple-to-follow moves, plus strength training with resistance your bike fit. Helmets are required. Ages 16 to adult. No regis-
Zoning fee revision discussed in February; Trustee Johnson’s bands, you’ll get a total body workout using more muscle tration required. Free.
notes indicated that proper action had been taken. Denes will groups and burn more calories than with a traditional walk. Thursday, August 23 & Friday, August 24:
do additional research. Denes questioned whether the Trustee’s This workout is as easy as walking, only better, and is suited Tales for Tots - Hubbard Valley Park, from 10-11 a.m. or 1-2
had read the OPWC’s Methodology report, which helps define for all levels of fitness. After the workout, you can enjoy a walk p.m. Monarch butterflies are special for many reasons. Discov-
suitable projects. Denes will copy for Trustee Conrad. and the beauty of the park. Walk-ins are welcome, but registra- er all about the magic of the Monarch butterfly through a story,
Zoning Inspector Donahue distributed his June zoning tion is encouraged. Contact the instructor with questions about craft and fun activities. For ages 3-6 with an adult companion.
report and referred all to his 6/20 entry regarding the Lucas cancellation due to weather at (330) 416-8355 or jgrasso.livin- Some or all of the program will be held outdoors; please dress
property. Trustee Gordon will inspect the mowing and report to [email protected]. Ages 16 to adult. Register by August 15 for accordingly. Register by August 22. Free.
Donahue, who advised that a certified letter had been sent to the each class separately. There is a $5 fee.

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018 Page 17

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Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018, Page 19
TREE SERVICE Regular meeting - KHS Conference Room; Monday, Septem-
ber 17, - Regular Meeting - KHSConference Room.
[email protected] The Franco Gallo “Fill The Bus Campaign” will be on 8/20
at Big Lots in Elyria.
Moved by Stang, second by Mezera to adjourn the regular
ARBOR CARE TREE LaGrange Lions Club Gun Raffle meeting at 6:30 p.m. Motion carried.
Information sent by Yvonne Gnagy, Superintendent’s Ad-
ministrative Assistant, Keystone Local Schools.
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck The LaGrange Lions will be holding their 3rd annual Gun For a complete list of recomendations, the public is wel-
• 113 Ft. Crane Raffle on Sept. 8, from 12-5 p.m. at Lions Park, 240 Glendale come to attend the upcoming meetings.
St. They will raffle off 10 new guns and 3 random $100 cash
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood drawings - 1 ticket per each drawing. You must be present to MEDINA PARKS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16
Triple Shredded Mulch win cash only. Winner need not be present to win guns. Food Saturday, August 25:
will be provided and drinks will be available for purchase. They
Healthy Strides, sponsored by Medina Hospital - River
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member will have side raffles, too. This will be held rain or shine, inside Styx Park, from 9-10 a.m. Healthy Strides combines a brief,
and out. Tickets are available now for $20 each or 6/$100. A
informative talk by a Cleveland Clinic physician or caregiver
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 ticket is required for all in attendance. For tickets, please call and a casual 1-3 mile walk. Topics change each week based
Ann at (440) 315-4278. For more info., go to www.lagrange- on the leader’s specialty and suggestions from participants. All
members of the community are welcome. Ages 10 to adult. No
registration required. Free.
Ohio Division of Wildlife: Hunter Education Course -
Wolf Creek Environmental Center, from 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Jason E. Davis The Regular Meeting of the Keystone Board of Education Completion of a hunter education course is required for all
first-time hunting license buyers in Ohio (ORC 1533.10). The
-Complete Crane Service- (BOE) was held on June 28. Dennis Walter called the meeting hunter education course covers topics such as firearms, ammu-
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” to order at 6 p.m. Board members in attendance: Renee Mezera, nition, gun handling, archery, hunter responsibilities, outdoor
Tree/Stump Removal Carrie O’Boyle, Devin Stang, Patricia Wakefield and Dennis safety, wildlife management & conservation and other related
Tree Trimming, Firewood Walter. Public persons in attendance: Franco Gallo, Michael information. Absolutely NO FIREARMS shall be brought to
“FREE ESTIMATES” Resar Sr., Albert Trego, Kendall Poole and Taylor Brouse. the class. Lunch is not provided, but there will be a one-hour
Bonded & Insured Those present recited the Pledge Of Allegiance. lunch break. Registration for this class opens July 25 and can
Financial reports were approved as presented.
only be done on the ODNR website at http://wildlife.ohiodnr.
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 The Fiscal year 2018 amended appropriation resolution was gov/educationandoutdoordiscovery/hunterandtrappereduca-
Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] approved as presented. tion. Ages 10 to adult. Free.
Year end procedures: Approve the Treasurer/CFO to make OdoBlitz! - Letha House Park West, from 1-3 p.m. Odonata
Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping any other necessary adjustments including, but not limited to, is an order of carnivorous insects that includes dragonflies and
appropriation increases, decreases or transfers needed to close
damselflies. Join us as we search for as many dragonfly and
Tree Trimming • Removal fiscal year 2018. damselfly species as possible! Our findings will be reported
Fiscal year 2018 advances and transfers were approved as
Stump Grinding • Pruning presented. to the Ohio Dragonfly Survey for use in its statewide Odonata
studies. If you have a camera, net and/or bug tent, bring it with
Fertilizers • Fire Wood The Treasurer/CFO recommends adoption of the fiscal year you as only a few nets and bug tents will be available to borrow.
Free Estimates! 2019 permanent Appropriations as presented. For more information about the Ohio Dragonfly Survey visit:
The treasurer/CFO recommends the approval of a contract To participate in the Me-
with Fitzgibbons, Arnold, & Co. and Ohio Casualty Insurance dina County Biodiversity Project, visit: https://www.inaturalist.
Seth Emerson - Owner for the districts property, fleet and liability insurance from July org/projects/medinacountybiodiversityproject. No registration
Office: 440-322-2624 1, 2018 to July 1, 2019. The total premium is $57,340. required. Free.
Emergency: 440-452-2456 The Treasurer/CFO recommends awarding the student ac- Sunday, August 26:
[email protected] cident insurance for the 2018-2019 School year to Guarantee Natural Discoveries Hiking Series: Summer Wildflowers -
Trust Life Insurance Company with local agent, Love Insur- Chippewa Inlet Trail North St. Rte. 42 (Lafayette Road), from
ance Agency. 3-4 p.m. Natural Discoveries is a series of free nature-themed
The Treasurer/CFO recommends donating obsolete books
WATERPROOFING to the public library (otherwise to be discarded). programs designed for ages seven to adult. Participants in the
program who complete certain hike requirements are eligible
The Treasurer/CFO recommends approval of a stipend of
$50 for 3 hours or $100 for 6 hours per day, per time sheet for to receive awards. See the Natural Discoveries link on the park
district website for award details. Fields are full of interesting
J. A. KILBY ENT. professional development for HQT in math to Dawn Morris flowers and their pollinators. Walk with a naturalist to learn
between May 1, 2018 and June 30, 2018, to be paid from the
about these summer beauties. Ages 7 to adult. No registration
“Stop the water before it stops you!” general fund, not to exceed 36 hours. required. Free.
•Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening, The Treasurer/CFO recommends approval of a stipend of Please register for programs online at www.medinacoun-
Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services $100 per day for the following staff members for participation
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement in professional development to be paid from Title IIA federal
440-327-3433 funds: Oven-free summer dinner ideas
August 1, 2018 - Response To Intervention Organization-
al Training: Brooke Adkins, Elizabeth Branco, Kaitlin Bulg- Mid to late summer is appropriately known as “the dog
er, Macaria Forgione, Leslie Shewalter, Courtney Trakas and days of summer” because it can be so doggone hot. The hu-
Anna Turner. mid, sticky conditions of late summer can make people feel
August 6, 2018 - Motivating, Managing And Understanding sluggish and looking for ways to cool down. The idea of
The Middle School Student: Jamie Cendrosky, Brittany Chuda- warming up the house by turning on the oven to cook a meal
koff, Donna Knight and Jennifer Myers. may be especially unappealing.
August 8, 2018 - 5th Grade Social Studies Curriculum Recipes that require little to no cooking - and no stove -
CONCRETE CRACK INJECTION Alignment And Mapping: Nicole Cassell and Jennifer Myers. can be a home cook’s best friend as summer progresses. Here
August 14, 2018 - Science Curriculum Traning: Nicole Cas-
SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED sell, Amanda Goran, Kendall Poole, Abigail Ratcliff and Jen- are a few ideas to get started.
BASEMENT WALL CRACKS nifer Wooten. Grilled paninis
Gather some favorite sandwich fixings, such as sliced
~ OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ The Treasurer/CFO recommends approval for an Evaluation meats, vegetables and cheeses, and head to the grill. Put in-
JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036 Team Report meeting for a High School student on June 25, gredients between two slices of crusty bread and place on the
2018 for the following staff members at $28 per hour, per time
sheet, not to exceed 2 hours each, to be paid from the general grill over low or indirect heat. Weigh down the sandwiches
fund: Tracy Abfall, Robert Clarico & Barbara Morgan. with cast-iron pans to flatten out the sandwiches.
Motion carried. Savory salads
A motion carried to approve the Superintendent’s Reports Cool salads can be refreshing and light on hot summer
and Recommendations. evenings. Salads can range from tradition lettuce or greens-
Accept donations: Suzanne Healy - Coach Purse valued at based salads to pasta salads and chicken or tuna salads. Mix
$48 to keystone middle School PBIS program. ingredients in advance and store them in the refrigerator.
The Superintendent recommends approving the Special Ed- Serve chilled with toppings like shredded cheese, bacon bits
ucation Services as presented. and croutons to dress up the salads.
The Superintendent recommends approving the Pay To Par- Cold buffet
ticipate (PTP) fees effective July 1, 2018. Summer is a time to avoid hearty, belly-filling meals. In-
The Superintendent recommends approving the lunch and stead, produce a spread of finger foods, ranging from crackers
breakfast prices effective for the 2018-2019 school year. and cheese to vegetables and dips. Fresh fruit also can ac-
The superintendent recommends approving the agreement
with Licensing Resource Group LLC for use of the Kansas company buffet-style meals, as can slices of Italian bread and
homemade tomato bruschetta.
State University Powercat logo for a $100 fee valid July 1,
2018 through June 30, 2019. When the weather is hot, think cool, no-fuss meals that
The superintendent recommends approving the 2018-2019 keep the stove off but bellies full.
Service Agreement with the Educational Service Center of Lo-
Succulent School rain County to participate in project search as presented.
The superintendent recommends approving the 2018-2019
Succulent plants are soaring in popularity as houseplants Service Agreement with the Educational Service Center of Lo-
and outdoors. These carefree plants come in a variety of shapes rain County to provide a social worker as presented.
and sizes, bringing interest and texture to the home and garden. The superintendent recommends approving the agreement
Join the OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers of Me- with Robson Forensic for services related to mediation/litiga-
dina County for a new workshop, Succulent School, on Satur- tion for the Keystone High School Project.
day, September 8, from 1-3 p.m. at A.I. Root Candle Company The superintendent recommends approving the agreement
Community Room, located at 640 West Liberty Street, in Medi- with the Kleingers Group to survey property and petition
na. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. Garden enthusiasts won’t want to FEMA to amend flood zone map to eliminate the flood zone
miss Bill Hendricks, President of Klyn Nursery, presenting all insurance requirement.
things succulents from their rise in popularity to the wide va- The superintendent recommends approving the Keystone
rieties available, care and culture. Take home a succulent door High School, Middle School and Elementary School student
prize or buy hard-to-find and interesting varieties. The event handbooks as presented.
will include light beverage refreshments and door prizes. The superintendent recommends approving the 2018-2019
Pre-registration is required. Cost is $15 per person. Regis- service agreement fee schedule with connect as presented.
tration forms can be found online at Deadline The superintendent recommends approving the student fees
is August 31. No walk-in registrations please. Contact the Me- for KHS & KMS as presented. Motion carried.
dina Extension Office if you have questions at (330) 725-4911. Future Board Meetings at 6 p.m.: Monday, August 20, -

Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, July 23, 2018

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