The Rural-Urban Record
“Your FREE Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 65 Years of Community Service!”
Volume 66 No. 16 Columbia Station, Ohio February 1, 2021
Columbia Community Foundation receives historic donation Lions Lenten Fish Fry Dinners
Foundation.” LaGrange Lions Lent-
Wayne Brassell, Presi- en Fish Fry dinners will
dent of the Columbia Com- begin on Friday, Febru-
munity Foundation and ary 12, at Lions Park,
one of the founding board located at 240 Glendale
members stated, “The Ode St., in LaGrange, from
Family has quietly and 4:30-7:30 p.m. These
graciously been helping will all be drive-thru only
serve the needs of so many and cash only. No phone orders accepted. The menu will
be: Full fish dinner-$12, Full shrimp dinner-$12, Half fish/
for decades. This gift to Half shrimp dinner-$12, Half fish dinner-$8, Half shrimp
the Columbia Community dinner-$8, Mac n Cheese dinner-$6, Hot Dog meal-$4. The
Foundation builds on an im- hot dog comes with fries. All other dinners come with fries,
pressive legacy and history coleslaw, bread & butter. Dinners will be held weekly from
of philanthropy. The Board through April 2. 50/50 and TV raffles tickets will be avail-
of Directors of the Founda- able as of February 12.
tion are extremely humbled
by this substantial gift on Red Cross Blood Drives
behalf of Fred & Kathleen
Ode and look forward to a The American Red Cross typically has a tough time
long-lasting partnership that keeping the blood supply strong during the winter months
will help so many in our when inclement weather and seasonal illnesses can impact
township and neighboring donors. This year, the pandemic adds in another challenge
in keeping the blood supply strong. The Red Cross is urging
communities.” healthy individuals to make an appointment to give blood or
Fred Ode is the found- platelets this month.
er of Foundation Software, As a thank-you for helping ensure a stable blood sup-
which develops construc- ply, those who come to give this February will receive a
L-R: Shawn Ondrejko, CCF Director, Wayne Brassell, CCF President, Fred Ode and John tion and accounting soft- $5 Gift Card via email, courtesy of Amazon.
Brocklehurst, CCF Director. ware, as well as project (Restrictions apply. Additional information and details are
The Columbia Commu- the fire department, the li- 2008 is very impressive. management applications. available at
nity Foundation received brary and the preservation The distribution of grants Foundations Software is Make your appointment to give blood, platelets or plas-
a $200,000 gift on behalf of historical institutions. and scholarships is reaching headquartered in Strongs- ma with the Red Cross by downloading the Red Cross
of Fred & Kathleen Ode. The Ode family has many organizations in need ville, Ohio. The Odes’ own Blood Donor App, visiting or calling
The Columbia Commu- been generous supporters that help change the lives the Columbia Hills Country 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
nity Foundation relies on of the Columbia Commu- of so many. I trust the Ode Club. The Columbia Com- Local Blood Drives:
the generosity of donors, nity Foundation for sev- Family donation to the Co- munity Foundation serves North Olmsted - 2/3/2021: 1-7 p.m., North Olmsted
such as the Odes’, to pro- eral years and have wit- lumbia Community Foun- the citizens of Columbia Community Cabin, 28114 Lorain Rd.
vide food to the hungry, nessed firsthand the impact dation will help change and Station, Ohio and its neigh- Olmsted Falls - 2/15/2021: 2-7 p.m., St Mary of the Falls
vocational and educational of their donations. Fred improve the lives of those boring communities through Church, 25615 Bagley Rd.
scholarships to students, Ode, Founder of Founda- in need. It is my hope that educational scholarships Olmsted Twp. - 2/12/2021: 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Donauschwa-
addiction recovery services tion Software, shared “the others will be inspired by and community grants. ben German-American Cultural Center, 7370 Columbia Rd.
and domestic abuse pro- growth of the Columbia the Ode Family donation to To donate to the Foun- Strongsville - 2/9/2021: 2-7 p.m., St John Neumann,
grams. Additionally, dona- Community Foundation support the good works of dation or learn more, please 16271 Pearl Rd. and 2/11/2021: 1-6 p.m., Cleveland Clinic
tions are used to support since their inception in the Columbia Community call (440) 236-8000. Strongsville Family Health & Surgery Center, 16761 South-
park Center.
township services including Keep active outdoors this winter Avon - 2/4/2021: 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Mitchell’s One Hour
Lorain County Public Health at two local parks Heating and Air Conditioning, 1750 Moore Road.
Columbia Station - 2/7/2021: 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Christ
vaccinates against COVID-19 Church, 23080 Royalton Rd.
Sheffield Village - 2/10/2021: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Ohio Busi-
The Keystone Empowers You Collaborative (KEY) ness College, 5095 Waterford Dr.
On Saturday, January 23, Lorain County Public makes it easier for you to stay active and healthy, even Blood and platelet donors can save time at their next
Health (LCPH) vaccinated 1,915 people ages 80+ against during a pandemic. Step up your physical activity and stay donation by using RapidPass® to complete their pre-dona-
COVID-19. LCPH vaccinated at one walk-in and two active outdoors by visiting the fitness trail at Penfield Rec- tion reading and health history questionnaire online, on the
drive-thru locations throughout Lorain County. These clin- reational Park. This winter, Penfield Township committed day of their donation, before arriving at the blood drive. To
ics were closed to people under age 80 in order to follow to keep the park’s trail clear of ice and snow for your safety. get started, follow the instructions at
Ohio’s plan to prioritize people most likely to get very sick Penfield Recreational Park is located at 40756 State Route RapidPass or use the Blood Donor App.
or hospitalized from COVID-19. 18, in Penfield Township.
Clinics at all three locations ran smoothly. Cars at one LaGrange Community Park also offers ways to get ac-
drive-thru location were provided a list and asked to choose tive during the winter. Their winter shed will be open as Lorain County Real Estate Tax Bills
an alternate site due to a long line of traffic. “The entire well as their skate pond and sled hill. LaGrange Community
country is facing this limited supply of COVID-19 vaccine Park is located at 422 West Main St., in LaGrange. Daniel J. Talarek, Lorain County Treasurer, announced
right now,” explains LCPH Health Commissioner Dave Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, KEY will not host that 151,326 Real Estate Tax and Special Assessments
Covell, MPH, RS. “We’re looking forward to the next cou- indoor walking at the Keystone Elementary School. Instead, Bills have been processed and delivered to the Post Office
ple of months when supply will catch up with demand, and they encourage people to exercise outdoors or in their own with a February 12, 2021 due date.
everyone who wants a vaccine can get one.” homes. Go to for free fitness videos Payments will be accepted in a drop box conveniently
Once LCPH receives more COVID-19 vaccines, they from local gyms. Talk to a healthcare provider before start- situated in the vestibule of the Lorain County Adminis-
will schedule more clinics and invite groups according to ing new exercise, especially if you have a history of heart tration Building, by mail, and on-line (through the tax-
Ohio’s vaccination plan. People may also view a list of lo- issues. payer’s financial institution). No cash payment will be
cal COVID-19 vaccine providers at Keystone Empowers You (KEY) is a community based accepted. Taxpayers that choose to mail their check will
vax. Each provider will follow Ohio’s phased approach for group funded in part by the United Way of Greater Lorain be considered timely if their payment is postmarked on
vaccine distribution. Each provider also manages its own County, and facilitated by Lorain County Public Health. or before February 12, 2021. Ohio low requires that a
schedules and appointments. The collaborative includes partners from local business- ten percent penalty fee be assessed to all payments post-
For local, up-to-date information on COVID-19, visit es, agencies and organizations working toward one goal marked after the closing date. For more informa- of making the healthy choice the easy choice in the area. Talarek stated “logistics do not allow for our office to
tion on how we make your health & safety our priorities, Please contact us at [email protected] comply with the Governor’s social distancing policies.
contact Lorain County Public Health at (440) 322-6367 or for more information. For local updates and information on For safety purposes, the public will not be permitted to
visit COVID-19, visit or enter the Treasurer’s Office.”
call (440) 322-6367. Property owners experiencing difficulties should call
(440) 329-5787 or [email protected].
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Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021
Columbia News
[email protected]
Historical Society Trustees Special Meeting
Valentine Tea
The Columbia Township Board of Trustees met on January
It’s time for tea! The Lo- 21 in the Columbia Fire Station with all three Trustees present
February Progams rain County Historical So- and the Fiscal Officer, Mandi Andrews.
ciety invites you to enjoy an
The reason for the meeting was to discuss putting a levy on
afternoon of fun on February
14 with “Spilling the Tea: the May ballot as a renewal for the Road Department.
The Fiscal Officer said that there were three options. The
An Afternoon with Three of levy is 1 mill and it brings in $210,000 per year. The taxpay-
Ohio’s First Ladies.” ers only pay .816 mills and the state picks up the rest of the
Story Stop on Facebook Live LPLS Zoom Book Discussion ‑ The History has long been a millage. If we change the levy from a renewal to a new levy
Mondays, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22; 10:30 to 11 a.m. Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel collection of stories recorded or a replacement levy, we lose the state pickup. Our options
by men, about men. LCHS
Tuesdays, Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23; 6:30 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10; 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. often likes to turn the tables are: renewal of the 1 mill levy; renewal of the 1 mill levy plus
.3 mills; renewal of the 1 mill levy plus .5 mills. The taxpayer
Enjoy stories, songs and activities with us! Our Connect with other readers to discuss great at its annual Valentine Tea keeps the state pickup and pays the extra millage.
songs may feature shaky eggs, rhythm sticks, books via Zoom. and celebrate women, and The Township will send each option to the County Auditor
or scarves. There’s a lot of things around your this year is no exception. to determine what each option will yield. A motion was made
home that you can use to sing and dance. Our Heart Stones Project for Teens On Sunday, February for each option. When the answer comes back, a meeting will
storytellers will even recommend some easy and 14, pick up three courses of be held to determine which option will go onto the May ballot.
accessible props. Thursday, Feb. 11; savory and sweet tea treats The meeting was adjourned.
Spread some positivity with stones! Paint, packaged beautifully and Submitted by Blanch Nemeth
Freedom’s Friends: The Underground decorate or write a kind message on a rock conveniently to-go from The
Hickories Museum. Then join
Railroad and Abolitionists in Oberlin, and place it somewhere in your neighborhood LCHS at 2 p.m. when three
for others to find. Add #LPLSHeartStones
Ohio (on Zoom) and our QR code to the bottom of your former First Ladies, fellow Mr. Handyman of Strongsville, Medina, Elyria Mr. Handyman of Strongsville, Medina, Elyria
Ohioans, meet and “spill the
Tuesday, Feb. 2; 6:30 p.m. stone so we can track how far it goes! Share tea.” Julia Grant, Ida McKin- 440-276-0411 440-276-0411
any rocks you discover on social media with
Presented by Oberlin Heritage Center. ley and Florence Harding sus-
#LPLSHeartStones and be sure to re‑hide them pend time and space to come MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2021
Baby and Me Story Time for someone else to find. Pick up the supplies at together on Valentine’s Day Residential Drywall/Plaster Repair Residential Drywall/Plaster Repair
Furniture Assembly
Furniture Assembly
The Columbia Township Board of Zoning Appeals
any one of our 6 locations.
on Facebook Live over a nice cup of tea, sharing Commercial Ceiling Fans Commercial Ceiling Fans
will meet on Monday, February 22, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.
stories of courtship, marriage
Door Jams
Thursdays, Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25; 10:30 to 11 a.m. Estate Planning 101 (on Zoom) and some very juicy gossip. to hear Case 2021-01. The public hearing will be at the Light Fixtures Door Jams
Light Fixtures
Columbia Town Hall, 25496 Royalton Road, Columbia
This story time is intended for babies birth Thursday, Feb. 11; 7 to 8 p.m. The First Ladies program Station, Ohio. & Grout Downspouts Carpentry Downspouts
Caulk & Grout
Gutter Repair & Cleaning
Gutter Repair & Cleaning
through 18 months, or early walkers, with their Join Joseph L. Motta, LPA, a local Estate will be provided by Wom- Case 2021-01: Sandra L. Lee, 26803 Osborne Door Installation/Repair Painting Touch Ups
Door Installation/Repair
Painting Touch Ups
caregivers. Planning and Elder Law Attorney, in a virtual en in History, a local group Road, Columbia Station, Ohio 44028, Permanent Parcel Flooring/Tile Installation Mailboxes
Flooring/Tile Installation
that celebrates the stories of
Deck Cleaning & Sealing
Siding Repair
Zoom session as he discusses how to avoid notable American women No. 12-00-078-000-033, is requesting a variance to live Deck Cleaning & Sealing Siding Repair
Door Installation/Repair
Musical Toolbox (on Zoom) common estate planning mistakes to ensure that with dramatic portrayals in in the existing house on the property while she builds a Door Installation/Repair And so MUCH MORE!
Saturday, Feb. 6; 11 to 11:45 a.m. you create a definite plan for managing your costume and character. Tea new house 20 ft. behind the existing house. Once the
new house is finished, the old house will be torn down.
Designed for children with special needs and wealth and distributing your estate. tickets are $27 per person and Mr. Handyman of Strongsville, Medina, Elyria Mr. Handyman of Strongsville, Medina, Elyria
their families, this fun and engaging virtual include one meal plus access A variance is being requested because the Columbia
Township Zoning Resolution does not permit two homes
music program is conducted by a board‑certified Food Friday ‑ Valentine Desserts (on to the online program. For an 440-276-0411 440-276-0411
on one parcel of land.
music therapist from MTEC, the Music Therapy Facebook) added $5 fee, the meal can The application will be available for examination from
Drywall/Plaster Repair
Enrichment Center via Zoom. Please register Friday, Feb. 12; 3 to 4 p.m. be delivered. There is also Friday, February 12, 2021, through Monday, February Drywall/Plaster Repair
a program-only registration
22, 2021, at the Columbia Township Office. The office is
once as a family. Residential Furniture Assembly Residential Furniture Assembly
Local Abeille baker Laura Coteff will be visiting option for $10. Sponsorships Commercial Ceiling Fans Commercial Ceiling Fans
open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and
Cricut Valentine’s Day Card Craft (on our new Culinary Literacy Center to share how are available, which include is located in the Columbia Town Hall, 25496 Royalton Faucets Door Jams
Light Fixtures
Light Fixtures
Door Jams
program advertising, meal
to bake Valentine’s Day desserts. Follow along at
Facebook) home! and the program link. Contact Road, Columbia Station, Ohio. Please direct questions to Carpentry Downspouts
the Zoning Inspector at 440-236-8802. Gutter Repair & Cleaning
Caulk & Grout
Caulk & Grout
Gutter Repair & Cleaning
Monday, Feb. 8; 3 p.m. LCHS for more information Notice given by: Rita J. Plata, Administrative Assis- Door Installation/Repair Painting Touch Ups
Painting Touch Ups
Door Installation/Repair
at [email protected] or
See how to make Valentine’s Day cards using the Family Story Time: Live on Zoom (440) 322-3341. tant Flooring/Tile Installation Mailboxes Flooring/Tile Installation Mailboxes
Deck Cleaning & Sealing
Deck Cleaning & Sealing
Siding Repair
Siding Repair
Cricut Maker Machine in our Create Space. Pick Monday, Feb. 15; 6 to 6:30 p.m. Purchase tickets online Door Installation/Repair And so MUCH MORE! Door Installation/Repair And so MUCH MORE!
up supplies at the Main Library or South Lorain Join us for a live family story time on Zoom. at
Branch to follow along with the video. LCHS’s 22nd Annual Val-
entine Tea is the perfect way Mr. Handyman of Strongsville, Medina, Elyria Mr. Handyman of Strongsville, Medina, Elyria
Family Food for Thought ‑ Basic Zoom Cookbook Discussion ‑ Fix‑It to treat your sweetheart, or
Kitchen Skills (on Zoom) And Forget‑It ‑ Healthy 5‑Ingredient yourself, to something spe- 440-276-0411 440-276-0411
cial this Valentine’s Day! All
Monday, Feb. 8; 4 to 5 p.m. Cookbook: 150 Easy And Nutritious Slow proceeds benefit the Lorain Drywall/Plaster Repair Drywall/Plaster Repair
Join us via Zoom from the Main Branch’s County Historical Society. Residential Furniture Assembly Residential Furniture Assembly
Culinary Literacy Center as we help build Cooker Recipes by Hope Comerford The Lorain County His- Commercial Ceiling Fans Commercial Ceiling Fans
culinary skills for the entire family. This session Tuesday, Feb. 16; 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. torical Society, founded in Light Fixtures Door Jams Light Fixtures Door Jams
1889, collects, preserves and
will teach some basic skills that will be useful for If you love to read, cook learn and share recipes, shares the history of Lorain Carpentry Downspouts Carpentry Downspouts
all ages as they learn to maneuver around the this group is for you. Join us via Zoom to discuss County, Ohio, to educate and Caulk & Grout Gutter Repair & Cleaning Caulk & Grout Gutter Repair & Cleaning
kitchen. and virtually “share” a dish from the month’s inspire present and future Door Installation/Repair Painting Touch Ups Door Installation/Repair Painting Touch Ups
Flooring/Tile Installation
Flooring/Tile Installation
selected cookbook. Hosts will be logging in generations. Learn more at Deck Cleaning & Sealing Siding Repair Deck Cleaning & Sealing Siding Repair
Social Media for Job Seekers from the new Culinary Literacy Center at the Door Installation/Repair And so MUCH MORE! Door Installation/Repair And so MUCH MORE!
(on Zoom) Main Library.
Tuesday, Feb. 9; 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Virtual African Drum and Dance Mr. Handyman of Strongsville, Medina, Elyria Mr. Handyman of Strongsville, Medina, Elyria
Social media can be a helpful tool in your job (on Facebook)
search. We’ll teach you about leveraging it to help 440-276-0411 440-276-0411
make your next areer move. Plus, we’ll show you Saturday, Feb. 20; 2 to 3 p.m.
how you can get free professional clothes ahead This interactive performance by West African Drywall/Plaster Repair Drywall/Plaster Repair
Furniture Assembly
of your interview! drummer Sogbety Dimonade will provide a Ready for a Change of Scenery? Residential Furniture Assembly
Ceiling Fans
Ceiling Fans
glimpse into West African rhythms, songs and Commercial Commercial
Cooking with Charlie for Kids (on dance. Faucets Door Jams Faucets Door Jams
Light Fixtures
Light Fixtures
Facebook) LPLS Zoom Writers Group Schriver Organics is looking for open-minded land owners interested in Carpentry Downspouts
Caulk & Grout
Caulk & Grout
Gutter Repair & Cleaning
Gutter Repair & Cleaning
Door Installation/Repair
Wednesday, Feb. 10; 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23; 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. seeing a variety of crops grown on their land. Painting Touch Ups Door Installation/Repair Painting Touch Ups
Flooring/Tile Installation
Learn how to make kid‑friendly snacks! Adult writers are invited to join us to write and Ever been curious about organic row-crop farming (hint: it’s not just corn Flooring/Tile Installation Mailboxes
Siding Repair
Deck Cleaning & Sealing
Siding Repair
Deck Cleaning & Sealing
discuss together. Door Installation/Repair And so MUCH MORE! Door Installation/Repair And so MUCH MORE!
and beans) and what it can do for your soil, land and pocketbook? Why do
organic farmers need a variety of crops in their rotation and what could
Mr. Handyman of Strongsville, Medina, Elyria
that look like on your land? It’s not just for the birds (it’s for the bees too)! Mr. Handyman of Strongsville, Medina, Elyria
Preregistration is required or these programs. Call or register online at 440-276-0411 440-276-0411 to reserve your spot. Schriver Organics is a local family farm that is putting a different spin on
Drywall/Plaster Repair
Lorain & Medina County agriculture and would love to speak with you about Residential Drywall/Plaster Repair
Furniture Assembly
Furniture Assembly
Ceiling Fans
the opportunity to farm your ground for the 2021 growing season. Commercial Ceiling Fans
To join the fun of any of our virtual programs on Facebook Faucets Door Jams Faucets Door Jams
Light Fixtures
Light Fixtures
from the comfort of your own home, visit us online at IT’S TIME TO FIND OUT WHAT THE SCHRIVERS CAN DO FOR YOU! Carpentry Downspouts
Gutter Repair & Cleaning
Caulk & Grout
Caulk & Grout
Gutter Repair & Cleaning Door Installation/Repair Painting Touch Ups Door Installation/Repair Painting Touch Ups
Jason & Angela Schriver Flooring/Tile Installation Mailboxes Flooring/Tile Installation Mailboxes
440.781.1903 Deck Cleaning & Sealing Siding Repair Deck Cleaning & Sealing Siding Repair
Door Installation/Repair
Door Installation/Repair
Patrons can register for programs offered on Zoom at Registrants are asked to include their [email protected]
email addresses so that Zoom invitations can be sent for the event. SchriverFamilyFarms
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021 Page 3
HOURS Sale Good - Now Hiring -
Mon & Thurs..................9-9pm Through Date SERVICE TECH
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CURRENT SERVICE Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm 1115 EAST BROAD ST
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Retail purchases only. Up to five quarts of Motorcraft oil and Motorcraft oil filter. Taxes, diesel vehicles and disposal fees extra. Hybrid battery test excluded. Offer valid until 3-31-21. See Service Advisor for vehicle exclusions.
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021
LaGrange News
[email protected] ber wind damage to the bleachers at the Recreation Park. Denes Cuts, Dollar General, LaGrange Church of God, First Baptist
questioned whether the Trustees would allow the PHS to receive Church of LaGrange, LaGrange P.D. & Village employees, La-
Kindergarten Registration a rebate thru the Amazon Smiles program on Township purchas- Grange Fire & Rescue, GBU Financial Life courtesy of Scott
es. This would not increase the Township’s cost. Discussion was
Mealwitz, TCEnergy courtesy of Don Cornish, LCCAA, Sec-
held and it was agreed that this would be acceptable. ond Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio - Harvest for
Keystone Elementary School Kindergarten Registration for Zoning Inspector Brett Linden fielded a call from a resident Hunger Campaign, Crane Fund for Widows and Children, La-
the 2021-22 school year began on January 25. Please call (440) regarding open burning and construction equipment at the resi- Grange Village Council and LaGrange Twp. Trustees. We even
355-2300 to make an appointment. Check out the Keystone dence on the corner of Rt. 18 & Rt. 301. Linden will follow up received anonymous donations. To all of you - we couldn’t do
Local School District website under “Keystone Elementary on same. Linden reported on additional work on pond permits. our work and serve others without your help. We truly appre-
School” to watch our informational video with all the details. Resident Ken Trimble was in attendance to follow up on the ciate each and everyone of you for your kindness, caring and
Keystone Hot Stove Wolf cell tower progress. The Trustees have nothing to report as generosity.
there is pending litigation.
Trustee Flynn reported that two loads of road salt have been
Keystone Hot Stove will hold its 2021 sign ups on Sat- received. Flynn is trying to schedule a meeting with the new Pluto seeks loving home
urdays, February 6 & 13, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The sign ups LC Prosecutor and the Zoning Commission & BZA. Discus-
will be held at LaGrange Village Hall (the old Keystone High sion was held regarding the Recreation Boards organization and Pluto is a very handsome
School), located at 301 Liberty Street, in LaGrange. Registra- points for discussion at their February meeting, which will be 3-year old with amazing
tion forms can be found on the Keystone Hot Stove website; attended by at least one Trustee. whiskers and a reddish tint to
they will also be available to fill out at sign ups. A birth certifi- Trustee Johnson discussed the re-appointment of Zon- his shiny black coat. When he
cate needs to be submitted with the registration form. Keystone ing Commission & BZA members. All current members have first arrived at our shelter, he
Hot Stove asks that the baseball and softball players come to agreed to another term in their existing positions. A motion to was having a hard time and
sign ups for uniform sizing. Keystone Hot Stove will be fol- this effect was made by Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trust- wasn’t sure what to make of
lowing all COVID-19 protocol at sign ups. ee Flynn. Discussion was held regarding rotation of alternate his new surroundings. We
members onto both boards in the future. The Trustees will gave him some time to adjust
Penfield Township Trustees attend the next meeting of both boards to discuss this matter and our Cat TLC team gave
him the extra care he needed
further. Discussion was held regarding the oversight of Zon-
The January 5 regular meeting of the Penfield Township ing Secretary Linda Albrecht’s hazard pay. A motion was made to become a friendly guy who
Trustees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. All officers were pres- by Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trustee Flynn to remedy this trusts people and loves to be does get along with other
ent with the exception of Trustee Conrad. Three guests attended oversight. Johnson reported that he fixed the hot water heater in brushed. Now he will give cats, too.
the meeting. the garage. He further reported that the PHS will be working on you lots of purrs and head We are still closed to the
The minutes of the previous meeting were read & approved. tying the PHS Schoolhouse downspouts into the main drainage butts to let you know he is en- public and doing adoptions
A motion passed to approve PO #1-29-2021, the December system. A policy manual & 5-year Plan work session will be joying his chin scratches. His by appointment only. If you
Bank Reconciliation & Monthly Reports, as well as WH Vouch- scheduled upon Chairman Conrad’s return. new family will need to give would like to schedule an
er #48-2020. With no additional business to discuss, the meeting was ad- him some extra time to adjust appointment to meet him,
Fiscal Officer Denes read the correspondence, which includ- journed at 8:43 p.m. when he gets home, but once please contact our cat coordi-
ed the LC Sheriff’s report. Denes reported that Brown Overhead Submitted be Vicki Denes, Fiscal Officer-Penfield Township he’s feeling comfortable, he nator, Pat, at arfcats@gmail.
Door will be at the Township Garage to provide openers for the will make a wonderful ad- com.
two garage doors requested by Roadman Albrecht on January Dean’s List dition to a lucky family. He
6. Denes followed up with Elyria Fence regarding the backstop
repair which has been pushed out to March 18 due to backlog. Heidelberg University has announced the names of 422 stu-
Erie Janitorial will be out January 12 to clean & sanitize the dents who have earned academic recognition on the fall semes-
hall. Denes reported that a claim has been filed for the Novem- ter Dean’s List. Included on the list is Christina Mealwitz, a
senior Biology major from LaGrange.
Colin Irish, of LaGrange, earned a Master of Education de-
One Stop Shopping In Quality! gree from Concordia University, Nebraska, in the Fall of 2020.
The following students are among approximately 900 Bob
Jones University students named to the Dean’s List for the Fall 6757 Center Rd
HOURS: Closed Sun. & Mon. 2020 semester: Ian Simmons, a Senior Criminal Justice from Valley City
Tue.-Wed. 1-5; Thur.-Sat. 10-5
Elyria, and Emily Skala, a Junior Elementary Education from 330-483-1190
• Carhartt Jackets & Accessories LaGrange.
Potomac State College Dean of Academic Affairs Greg
• Red Wing Boots, Socks and boot products Ochoa announces 250 students who earned a place on the
• Gloves, Hats and Safety Wear Dean’s list for fall 2020. The following student has met the SAT, JAN 30, 7:00pm Taco Tuesday
• New Shipments of used Work Clothing criteria: Zoey Duchoslav, of LaGrange. with... 3 for $7.50
Mats & Runners Congratulations! Furious Pick from our Taco Menu
Check Out our Resale Shop! Lions Club thank you George Hard & Soft Shells
SAT, FEB 6, 7:00pm Wednesday
The LaGrange Lions Club would like to express our sin- PASTA NIGHT &
cere gratitude to all those who have been so generous in their with... 1/2 PRICE BOTTLES
VALLEY CITY donations to our limited events we were able to have during Lego Legros OF WINE
2020. We wanted to help the Good Knights of Lorain County
VISION CENTER provide beds and bedding to children in need. Thanks to dona- LUNCH SPECIALS BURGER NIGHT
tions from Burnett’s Septic Services, SpaceBound, West Roof-
ing Systems, Faith Baptist Church and M.A. Diedrick, coupled EVERYDAY!
FAMILY VISION with our $1300 donation, we had $2100 to spend. We were able HAPPY HOUR 1/2 lb. Certified
CENTER to purchase bedding for 40 beds plus write a check for $675.25 Tues - Fri 3-7pm Angus Burger - $8
for the Good Knights organization. This was a great success.
6621 Center Road Additionally, we sought donations for our annual Holiday $1 OFF Drafts Saturday
Valley City Cheer event and were just blown away by the support from in- (excluding Guinness) Prime Rib &
Dr. Norma Jesse, J
DN side and outside our community. Due to the pandemic, we saw $3 House Liquor Steak Delmonico Night
many in need of help and so many community members and
$2 Domestics
Optometrist 330-483-4035 people from outside our county rose to the challenge of provid- BRUNCH EVERY Live Music & Events
WE CARRY A OUTSIDE ing food and financial support so our food pantry could handle 9AM - 2PM 2/13 Jay Sparrow
the problem. Local businesses demonstrated their support by
FULL LINE OF PRESCRIPTIONS giving back to their community as well: IGA, Jamie Myers, Scratch Kitchen 2/20 Guy Snowdon
The Bulldog Pub & Grille, Bellwether Ins., Farkas Farms LLC,
GLASSES WELCOME Mader Dampers, Lorain Co. Snowriders, Milton Trucking courtesty of Exec. Chef 2/27 Jay Wonkovich
Edward West
Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon LLC, Keystone M.S. Sunshine/KMS Kares, LaGrange United Hours: Tues- Sat: 11:00am - 10:00pm,
Methodist Church, The Child Garden LaGrange Inc., Super
Closed Sun & Wed Sun: 9:00am - 8:00pm
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021 Page 5
Olmsted Falls valley city ELYRIA
25438 Sprague Rd. Furniture & Home Decor Dempsey Appliance
440-235-4317 280 Columbia Rd. | TH, SAT, SUN 10-4 433 Oberlin Rd. | 440-322-8170 With over 64 yrs of experience!
Eaton wellington Laubenthal-Mercado Funeral Home
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd.
440-322-4626 |
Beriswill Insurance
Schild’s IGA
RT 82 & Island Rd. | 440-748-3751 173 Depot St. | 440-647-6010 Grafton
A.T. & T. Parts Co.
Columbia 130 E. Herrick Ave | 440-647-3838 Protech Automotive & Cycle LLC
788 Main St. | 440-926-3499
STation M-F 7:30-5:30, Sat 8-4, Sun 10-4 Serving Grafton for 30 years
Wellington 121-123 E. Herrick Ave
Sanitary Septic Tank Cleaning AUTO PARTS 440-647-4965 905 Main St. | 440-865-3565
440-322-0927 | 440-236-9200 | 330-725-3175 M-F 8-5:30pm, Sat 8-4pm
$10 Off Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain LAGRANGE 1021 Main St.
with this Reasonable Rates 440-926-2048
ad Prompt Reliable Service
Senior Discounts
Frank Clarke Insurance Agency Grafton, OH
25070 Royalton Rd. | 440-236-5041 440-653-3617
Beriswill Insurance
9858 E. River Rd. 35581 Grafton Eastern Rd.
440-235-2766 440-926-3312 Burnett’s Septic
The Rural-Urban Record Services Grafton Sparkle Market
P.O. Box 966 | 440-236-8982 120 W Commerce Dr, 460 N. Main St. | 440-926-3328
440-355-5526 Our Little World Alpacas LLC
LPLS Events 16800 Cowley Rd. | 440-724-7070
Unique Alpaca Clothing and Gifts
Freedom’s Friends: The Underground Railroad and Abo- 540 N. Center St.
litionists in Oberlin, Ohio (on Zoom) - Tuesday, February 2, at
6:30 p.m. Presented by Oberlin Heritage Center. Preregistration 440-355-8920
Story Stop on Facebook Live - Tuesdays, February 2, 9,
16 & 23, from 6:30-7 p.m.; Mondays, February 8, 15 & 22, Cooking with Charlie for Kids (on Facebook) - Wednesday, 1007 Parsons Rd. | 440-926-2880
from 10:30-11 a.m. Enjoy stories, songs and activities from the
comfort of your own home. Our songs may feature shaky eggs, February 10, at 10 a.m. We use our Charlie Cart to demonstrate
how to make kid friendly snacks! Preregistration required.
rhythm sticks or scarves. There’s a lot of things around your LPLS Zoom Book Discussion - “The Glass Hotel,” by
home that you can use to sing and dance. Our storytellers will Sheriff’s Office Fully Compliant
even recommend some easy and accessible props. Emily St. John Mandel - Wednesday, February 10, from 6:30-
Baby and Me Story Time on Facebook Live - Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. Connect with other readers to discuss great books via
February 4, 11, 18 & 25, from 10:30-11 a.m. This story time is Zoom. Preregistration required. The Lorain County Sheriffs Office Jail was recently inspect-
Heart Stones Project for Teens - Thursday, February 11 -
intended for babies, birth through 18 months, or early walkers, ed by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Co1Tections
with their caregivers. Spread some positivity with stones! Paint, decorate or write a (ODRC) for compliance against jail standards promulgated by
kind message on a rock and place it somewhere in your neigh-
Musical Toolbox (on Zoom) - Saturdays, February 6, from ODRC per the Ohio Revised Code. This year’s annual inspection
11-11:45 a.m. Designed for children with special needs and their borhood for others to find. Add #LPLSHeartStones and our QR yielded positive results with inspectors finding the Jail 100%
families, this fun and engaging virtual music program is con- code to the bottom of your stone so we can track how far it goes! compliant in all essential standards. The inspection assessed
Share any rocks you discover on social media with #LPLSHeart-
ducted by a board certified music therapist from MTEC, the Mu- Stones and be sure to re-hide them for someone else to find. Pick compliance with a group of standards, selected from the Stan-
sic Therapy Enrichment Center, via Zoom. Please register once dards for Jails in Ohio, with the following standards inspected:
as a family, not each individual. Preregistration required. up the supplies at any one of our 6 locations. Preregistration re- Reception and Release, Classification, Security, Housing, San-
Cricut Valentine’s Day Card Craft (Facebook) - Monday, quired. itation and Environmental Conditions, Communication, Visi-
Estate Planning 101 (on Zoom) - Thursday, February 11,
February 8, at 3 p.m. See how to make Valentine’s Day cards from 7-8 p.m. Join Joseph L. Motta, LPA, a local Estate Plan- tation, Medical/Mental Health, Food Service, Recreation and
using the Cricut Maker Machine in our Create Space. Pick up Programming, Inmate Discipline, Administrative Segregation,
supplies at the Main Library or South Lorain Branch to follow ning and Elder Law Attorney, in a virtual Zoom session as he Grievance, Staffing and Staff Training. This year’s inspection
discusses how to avoid common estate planning mistakes to en-
along with the video. Preregistration required. sure that you create a definite plan for managing your wealth and consisted of the State Inspector reviewing requested documenta-
Family Food for Thought Basic Kitchen Skills (on Zoom) tion and/or materials, touring selected areas of the jail and hav-
- Monday, February 8, from 4-5 p.m. Join us virtually from the disturbing your estate. Preregistration required. ing discussions with inmates and various jail staff.
Food Friday - Valentine Desserts (on Facebook) - Friday,
Main Branch’s Culinary Literacy Center as we help build cu- February 12, from 3-4 p.m. Local Abeille baker Laura Coteff The Lorain County Jail has a rated capacity of 422 inmates
linary skills for the entire family. This session will teach some and is considered a full-service jail under the state standards.
of the basic skills that will be useful for family members of all will be visiting our beautiful new Culinary Literacy Center to Sheriff Stammitti was satisfied with the state inspection process
ages as they learn to maneuver around the kitchen. Preregistra- share how to bake Valentine’s Day desserts. Follow along at and results sharing, “despite 2020 being a very challenging year
home! Preregistration required.
tion required. Family Story Time: Live on Zoom - Monday, February 15, for everyone, particularly the jail who had to adapt to the ever-in-
Social Media for Job Seekers (on Zoom) - Tuesday, Febru- creasing demands placed on C01Tections during the COVID
ary 9, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Social media can be a helpful tool in from 6-6:30 p.m. Join us for a live family story time on Zoom. crisis, I am pleased with the results. The jail staff works hard
Preregistration required.
your job search. We’ll teach you about leveraging it to help you Grab & Go Activity Kits - Throughout the month, the Lorain to maintain compliance and exceed minimum standards when
make your next career move. Plus, we’ll show you how you can possible. Their continued diligence is very much appreciated.”
get free professional clothes ahead of your interview! Preregis- Public Library System will offer a variety of Grab & Go crafts Phil R. Stammitti, Lorain County Sheriff
and activities for every age range for you to enjoy at home. Con-
tration required.
tact your local branch for more information and availability.
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD February 1, 2021
The Rural-Urban Record Free Carry-out Hot Meals
St. Mary’s Free Carry-out Hot Meals will be served from
Published Bi-Weekly on Monday our main school building, located behind our church at 320
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter Middle Avenue, in Elyria. This will take place on Tuesdays,
February 9, 16 & 23, from 4-5:15 p.m. When the last dinner is
Founders 1955 distributed, it may shorten the ending time.
Lee Boise, Publisher & President Drive-thru Chili Sale
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 North Eaton Christian Church will be hosting a drive-up
Mailing Address: Chili Sale on Sunday, February 28, at 5 p.m. Preorders needed.
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Due to the current state of COVID in our county, we will not
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station be having our regular Chili Cook-Off this year, but you can still
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 get your chili! We will be selling quart jars of chili that you can
take home to heat up whenever you are ready to eat. We are also
Email: [email protected] offering cornbread and desserts.
Website: One quart jar of chili is $8. Cornbread and desserts can be
added at $1 each. Preorders are needed. Please call the church
DEADLINE: office at (440) 724-2230 to reserve your quart of chili today,
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm or visit our Drive-thru Chili Sale Event page on Facebook at
OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment’
Out of Area Subscriptions - $40/year Proceeds from the sale will be used to support our local
outreach ministries. North Eaton Christian Church is located
at 35895 Royalton Rd., in Grafton. If you have any questions,
Winter Crisis help continues please call the church office at (440) 748-2230. GRAFTON UNITED Lakeview Free Will
through March Grief Share METHODIST CHURCH Baptist Church
You don’t need to go through your grieving process alone! 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034 12025 Durkee Rd., Grafton
10:00am Worship
Winter heating assistance for residents who are without heat Grief Share is a faith based support group for those who have Mission: Sunday School 10 AM,
or threatened with disconnection remains available in Lorain lost a loved one and are looking for answers as you sort through “Putting God’s Word to Work” Worship Service 11 AM.
County and LCCAA has opened its lobby reception window to your grief. We offer support, comfort and guidance through Pastor Bob Spaulding Everyone welcome
take questions. Only one person at a time will be permitted in shared experiences and we encourage you to join us! We of-
the lobby at 936 Broadway Ave., in Lorain. Masks are required. fer morning and evening groups for your convenience. Please
Reopening the reception window will allow residents seeking bring a friend if you would like! This is an in person group, so Church of Christ
assistance to speak with an agency staff member directly with masks are required and social distancing will be observed.
questions or concerns. We meet at Christ Church, located at 23080 Royalton Rd., “Answering God’s Call to Grow” Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
“Answering God’s Call to Grow”
Document drop offs will continue to be accepted in the ex- in Columbia Station. Meetings are on Mondays, February 22, 105 West Main St, LaGrange Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
terior drop box behind the south building entrance. The agency through May 17. We meet in the morinings from 10-11:30 a.m. 440-355-4561 Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
211 Forest St., LaGrange
requests residents not bring documents to the reception window and evenings from 7-8:30 p.m. Services at 10am in the Family Life Center 440-355-6872
in order to reduce the number of people waiting to enter the For more information or to register, visit www.griefshare.
building. org or call Christ Church at (440) 236-8282.
All Winter Crisis services will continue to be provided by
Your are always welcome at
phone only. Our satellite offices remain closed. For residents Belden UMC news Christian Unity Church Hosanna Lutheran Church
with appointments, instructions for all alternatives to submit re- 36353 Capel Road 13485 West River Rd.
quired documents will be provided as part of the appointment. Grafton, Ohio Columbia Station
Residents who have received a disconnection notice are Belden United Methodist Church, located at 36130 St. Rt. Pastor Neal Brock 440-236-8900
urged to call the HEAP hotline at (440) 538-6999 to make an 303, in Grafton Twp., is pleased to announce that the used Family Worship 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Worship Service - 11am
appointment. Utility companies will temporarily stop a service clothing drop-off shed has reopened and is now located at the Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 7pm [email protected]
disconnection if an appointment to determine eligibility has left rear side of church. Please visit us Sunday mornings at
been made. Please note: 10 a.m. for an uplifting, memorable message by Pastor David
• The appointment must be kept to maintain an account hold; Walker. Our services will continue in the parking lot (staying NORTH “Welcome Home”
• Account number must be added to the appointment book- in your car to listen on the radio), in person in the sanctuary, as EATON New Life
ing for a hold to be placed; well as limited seating in lower Social Hall (elevator access). CHRISTIAN Wesleyan Church
• If the appointment is held within 48 hours of the sched- Covid-19 guidelines will continue, including masks and social
uled disconnection, there may still be an interruption to service distancing. Sunday school for children begins at 9:15 a.m. CHURCH 11149 West River Rd.
while the utility company processes appointment confirmation; Adult class are offered on-line, by email or by regular mail. Disciples of Christ Columbia Station
• Rescheduling does not extend the hold and may possibly Visit our website Church service is lives- Rt. 82 & 83
trigger a loss of service. treamed every Sunday on You Tube at “BeldenChurch Wel- 440-748-2230 SUNDAY 10 am
Use of our web-based appointment link is discouraged for come” at 10 a.m. Contact the church with questions at (440) Worship with us Worship & Children’s Church
those with a disconnect notice as an online appointment may 926-2209.
not create the hold. Residents trying to restore, reconnect and/ in person 9:00 am WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm
or transfer services also qualify for the program. Grandparent & Me Valentine’s event Online Bible Study
To be eligible for help, residents must live at or below 175% Youth Group
of the federal poverty line. This year, in addition to the threat of North Eaton Christian Church will be hosting a Grandpar- Sunday at 10 am
disconnect or an actual disconnect, residents are eligible if they ent and Me Valentine’s event on Saturday, February 13, from Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
have or have had COVID-19. 4-5:30 p.m. This is a free drop-in event for grandparents (or any online worship details on fb Rev. John Bodo
If you have questions about an existing application, you can trusted adult who is not the parent) to bring their grandchildren, Rev. David Chafin
also call (440) 245-1870 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. ages 3-13, for games, crafts and snacks. Pastor - Associate Pastor
to 5 p.m. to speak with a representative. You will spend about half an hour following the path around 440-236-8600
The program runs through March 31, 2021. the Fellowship Hall, stopping to make a craft, play a game and Polly Tallos
hear a story of love before picking up your snack on the way Ministry Assistant
FUNERAL HOME & out. Come any time between 4 and 5:30 make memories
with your littlest loves!
CREMATION SERVICES proper distancing procedures. While there is no cost for this COLUMBIA
Please remember to bring your mask and help us to observe
fun Grandparent and Grandchild event, a donation of non-per- BAPTIST CHURCH
ishable food items, such as peanut butter, jelly, canned fruits “Loving God; Loving Others”
and meats or personal hygiene items, would be appreciated. Americon Baptist Church
North Eaton NECC is located near the intersection of Rt 82 25514 Royalton Road
FUNERAL HOME & Rt 83, at 35895 Royalton Rd., in Grafton. 440-236-8206
2089 Columbia Road 9:15 a.m.
Valley City, OH 44280 Cremation • Monuments New Pastor for Hosanna Lutheran Sunday School
330-483-3300 Pre-paid Funerals for all ages
“Understanding When 10:30 a.m.
Needed Most” 1021 Main St., Grafton Hosanna Lutheran Church, in Columbia Station, is excited Family Worship 440-926-2048 to announce that Pastor Mark Renner will be installed at Ho- Stairlift Access
Pre-Need Planning Available sanna on Sunday, February 7, at 3 p.m. Rev. Phil Betts
Mark is 32 years old, married to his wife Dana, and is from
Marysville, Ohio. He received a BA in Religious Studies from
Concordia University, Ann Arbor, MI, in 2012, which included Our Lady Queen of Peace
studying abroad in London, England. He then went on to serve
as a Missionary/English teacher in Mainland China and in Catholic Church
Hong Kong. He also worked with youth and young adults and
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance as an athletic director at a Lutheran church and school there. Weekend Masses WeekdayMasses
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955 He recently graduated from Concordia Seminary in St Louis, MO, and will be ordained at his home church in Marysville, (Church) (Church)
in January. Sat. 4:30pm Mon. & Wed.
Hosanna is working through the details of the installation
Laubenthal -Mercado service in accordance with COVID 19 protocols, so this service Sun. 8:30 & Tues, Thu, Fri.
will be limited in the number of people who can attend. We will
LM who wish to view the service from home. Blessed are the peacemakers:
be streaming the service on Hosanna’s Facebook page for those
Now offering On-site
~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
At the present time, we are conducting worship services in
Cremation Services
person each Sunday at 9:30 a.m., following safe practices due
to the pandemic. Please know that you are welcome to join us
Funeral Home is also
for worship and Bible Study. We would love to see you!
Handicap Accessible
Serving Families for over 50 years
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
children of God. Matthew 5:9
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 for they shall be called the
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021 Page 7
Grafton/ Grafton Twp. News
[email protected]
outlined in our plan. We will continue to make these changes Letter to the Editor
Kiwanis Bedding Drive as mandates and recommendations from our county and state To the Editor:
health departments become available. Please remember, it is
essential that all of our stakeholders understand the district’s As we begin the new year, I want to make sure you have
The Kiwanis Club of Midview is holding a bedding drive in expectations for the health and safety of all concerned. Your the facts about your county government. The county started the
support of Good Knights of Lorain County. Good Knights is an assistance in adhering to these precautions gives our students new year with a $21-million carryover. I voted against impos-
all-volunteer organization with a mission to provide complete, the best possible chance to remain in school for the duration ing the sales tax years ago and recently I voted for a tax cut to
comfortable and safe beds to children in need in Lorain County. of the year. repeal that quarter-percent sales tax. It will be reduced effective
Donations of new, twin bed size sheets, blankets and com- I have received many inquiries asking about the status of April 1. The county budget is strong. There is no budget crisis.
forters will be accepted at the following Grafton locations staff member vaccinations. Midview Local School District will My new colleagues reversed a 2020 board decision to pro-
during regular business hours: Grafton-Midview Public Li- participate in the Governor’s vaccination program and is still vide pandemic relief grants to help seniors, veterans, victims
brary; Farmers Insurance Agency; Nancy’s Diner; Centerra; waiting for confirmation dates from the Lorain County Board of domestic violence and families struggling in this pandemic.
Forever Friends; Pro Tech; Essential Kneads; and 15:13 Gym. of Health. This week, we should have a better idea of where and I opposed cutting these critical grants. The grants are permis-
Please visit or call (440) 322-5867 for when our staff members will receive the vaccine. As a reminder sible and legal, as stated by the auditor and prosecutor’s of-
more information. to families, this will necessitate some flexibility as we will like- fice. These cuts will greatly hurt many who are struggling. The
ly utilize this as a staff development day and there will be no grants must be restored.
in-person learning for students. We will communicate this date The newly formed Race and Equity Alliance has been dis-
as soon as we receive confirmation so that those with childcare solved by my new colleagues. I opposed this action. This com-
needs can plan accordingly. munity advisory group was at no expense to taxpayers. This
I would like to begin by once again thanking our Midview Midview Local School District is proud to recognize the commitment must be honored and restored. It is important that
students, families and staff members for their incredible efforts month of February as Black History and National Heart Health we always work to better understand one another and that we
during the first semester. We have persevered through many Awareness month. We certainly celebrate any opportunity to in- treat one another equally with dignity and respect.
challenges and have had to be patient and flexible through it fuse culture and diversity into daily learning. Our teachers will I pledge to you to continue to put people ahead of politics. I
all. Please know that your collective efforts have not gone un- make every attempt to celebrate with engaging lessons - please believe we are stronger when we work together. Thank you for
noticed and I am confident that will continue as we start the be on the lookout for opportunities for your child to become the honor to serve you in county government.
second semester. We aren’t done yet, but at least there is hope involved in these important discussions. Matt Lundy, Lorain County Commissioner
on the horizon. Finally, Midview Local Schools is proud to announce that
As has been the case since August, the Midview Local our remaining four buildings, including Midview East Elemen- Genealogical Society news
School District Restart Plan continues to evolve and change. I tary School, Midview High School, Midview Middle School
ask all of our families to visit the district’s website to read about and Midview North Elementary, recently received the Purple The February 8 meeting of the Ohio Genealogical Society,
updates to district procedures and policies that are currently Star Award, which recognizes schools that demonstrate a major Lorain County Chapter, will be held online. John Kolb, Chap-
commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s ter Secretary, will present a program on “Using Excel with your
military. Midview is the only district in Lorain County to have Genealogy.” This online program is open to OGS members and
NOW OPEN! multiple schools receive this distinguished honor. As part of the the public. Those interested in joining the program should con-
award, each building will receive a special Purple Star recogni-
tact [email protected] to be added to the invi-
tion to display onsite.
Comprehensive dental care for I look forward to great things as we begin semester two. tation list. We are using the BlueJeans video conferencing plat-
form that generally does not require you to download anything
the whole family! As always, should you ever have questions regarding Midview to join the program. Our meeting will be recorded and added to
Local School District, please feel free to contact a member of
We accept most insurances our team or reach out to your child’s building Principal. our website for our members.
The program will start at 7 p.m. Email lcc-ogsmeetings@
Schedule your appointment Sincerely, for more information.
Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent, Midview Local
Beginner Beekeeping Class SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
440.406.8181 Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
The Lorain County Bee-
10247 Dewhurst Rd., Elyria keepers Association is proud are March 5, 12, 19 and 26,
from 7-9 p.m., and take place to announce the 26th An- at Life Church, located at programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
nual Beginner Beekeeping 1033 Elm Street, in Grafton. The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
Class for 2021. Class dates Cost is $50 and includes a
1-year LCBA membership drivers. To become a driver, contact EMILY @ 353-0829.
and a monthly email newslet- These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
ter for you and other family 2/2 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
NOW HIRING members living at the same instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and
address. Books will be avail-
juice for participants.
able for an additional $23 fee
during classes. 2/4 at 2:00 pm Call in for Senior Dinner carryout on
General Plug & Manufacturing 5 - Beekeeping Equipment; 2/11/2021 at 5:30pm.
Class Descriptions: March
2/9 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed
March 12 - Managing Your by Debi’s Personal Training with
Hive; March 19 - First Two fruit and juice for participants.
Assembly Operators Months as a Beekeeper; 2/11 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for
March 26 - Summer & Fall
those that pre-ordered.
Secondary Operators Management; April 9 - Mem- Drive through pick up only
bers Meeting.
Starting at 5:30. Do not come early.
There will also be a
Screw Machine Operators Hands-On Field Day on June • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
5 at 10 a.m., rain or shine,
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
Swiss Machine Operators at Queen’s Right Colonies, • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
located at 43655 St. Rt. 162,
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Cold Form Operators in Spencer. A Bonus Class - Manager for additional information.
Fall Wrap - will be held on
September 10, from 7-9 p.m.
Packaging at Life Church. Go to the Giovanni’s Hair Design
LCBA website to download
the Class Registration form at
Construction/Maintenance www.loraincountybeekeep-
LCCC Get your
Willing to train Sports Day Valentine
Lorain County Commu-
1st and 2nd shift nity College’s Athletic De- a Gift
opportunities partment will host a virtual
National Girls & Women in
Full-time and part-time Sports Day event, “Lead Her Certificate
Forward,” for high school
positions available and middle school athletes, from
from 10-11 a.m. on Wednes-
day, February 3. The event Giovanni’s
will feature Olympic speed
skater Bonnie Blair, Manager
of Youth Basketball Opera- Hair Design
tions for the Cleveland Cav-
aliers Jessica Davis, “What
Sports Means to Me” with
LCCC women athletes and HAIR STYLING
a presentation by the LCCC
Apply at: Athletics department. MANICURES
For more information, in-
General Plug & Manufacturing cluding Zoom details, email QUALITY PRODUCTS
445 North Main Street LCCC Athletic Director Ka-
tie Marquard at kmarquard@
Grafton 1033 E. Broad St. | Elyria | 440-366-0068
Lorain County Communi-
ty College is located at 1005
N. Abbe Road, in Elyria. Mon CLOSED; Tues, Thurs 8:30-7:00; Wed, Fri & Sat 8:30-2:00
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021
Grafton/ Grafton Twp. News
[email protected]
ceive a private invitation to join.
GRAFTON/ GRAF TWP CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 Overdrive Digital Training - Monday, February 8, at 10 Dean’s List
a.m. Our ebook and audiobook collection is a convenient way
Heidelberg University has announced the names of 422
Grafton-Midview Library to discover and borrow titles anytime from anywhere. If you’d students who have earned academic recognition on the fall
like to take advantage of our digital offering but don’t know
how or where to begin, OverDrive’s Getting Started with Libby semester Dean’s List. Included on the list are the following
The Grafton-Midview Library is located at 983 Main Street, virtual sessions have you covered! There will be three beginner local/area students:
in Grafton. Please contact the library if you have any questions sessions offered beginning at 9 a.m. Each session is 30 min- Grafton
regarding any of these great programs at (440) 926-3317 or utes long. If you’re more of an experienced user and have some Kellen McGuire a senior, Biochemistry and Biology; Ju-
visit our website at Follow us on social questions, check out the 10:30 session. Registration is required lia Schaefer, a sophomore, Theatre and English; and Marisa
media for news and program updates! and, all sessions are virtual. Visit to register. Ward, a freshman, Business Administration.
GMPL has temporarily closed our doors to the public due Virtual Teen Advisory Group - Tuesday, February 9, at 4 LaGrange
to the rise in COVID-19 cases in our area. Patrons may make a p.m. Teen Advisory Group and others interested in earning Christina Mealwitz, a senior, Biology.
15-minute appointment for computer, copy and fax services by volunteer or community service hours, please join Crystal on Wellington
calling the library. Until further notice, please use our Library Zoom for a virtual meet-up. We will be discussing how to vol- Gabrielle Ballard, a junior, Theatre and Business Admin-
Take Out service for any items you may need. Please visit our unteer and earn community service hours during the pandemic. istration; Lauren Gronsky, a sophomore, Business Adminis-
Library Take Out Page on our website for more details on how If you like to do video reviews or book reviews, this is your tration and Accounting; and Brennan Scheck, a sophomore,
to use this valuable service. chance to show off your video editing and writing skills. Reg- Education.
Most library programs are virtual and on Zoom unless spec- istration is required with an email address to receive the link Congratulations!
ified. for Zoom.
Winter Reading Challenge - Now through March 2 - It’s not Virtual Monthly Book Club - Thursday, February 18, at 7
too late! Cozy up with good books in 2021 and you could win p.m. Please join us on Zoom for a lively and engaging online
a prize from the library. Through March 1, use your Beanstack discussion of a chosen book title. February’s featured title will Joann Werling
account to log the books you finish reading. Each submitted be The Great Pretender, by Susannah Cahalan. Book copies
book earns you a fun badge and a ticket toward a fabulous gift are available for pick up at the library through our contactless REALTOR ®
card or mystery gift basket. There is no better time than win- Take Out service starting approximately one month in advance
tertime to get into the spirit of reading! Download Beanstack of the discussion date. Please contact Maureen at the library for 2001 Crocker Rd, #200
from the Apple or Android store and enter GMPL to get started. questions relating to this club. Westlake
Going Buggy-Coding Digital Escape Room - Through-
out the month of February. Who Let the Bugs In? Oh no! Our Audubon Society ZOOM Program
computer programs are buzzing and beeping, but not like they C:440-522-2320
should. Bugs, real bugs, have gotten in and messed everything The Black River Audubon Zoom meetings, go to www.
up! Please help rewrite the programs, beat the bugs and test Society’s February Virtual and [email protected]
your sleuthing skills by breaking out of the digital escape room. ZOOM Program will be “Fif- register at the bottom of the Serving Lorain, Erie, Huron, Medina
The Going Buggy-Coding Escape Room is recommended for ty Years of Conservation,” by first page under Subscribe. A & Western Cuyahoga Counties
elementary grades; however anyone is welcome to participate. Stan Searles. Zoom link will be sent to you.
Visit the teen website to participate. Stanley Searles, the
Grab & Go Kits - Tuesday, February 2, at 4 p.m. Everyone founder and Executive Direc-
can get crafty with our Grab & Go Craft Kits! Kits are available tor of Global Conservation
for children, teens and adults. All kits contain the instructions Connections, will discuss his THE DISTINCTIVE
and most supplies needed to create a relaxing craft. You de- widely varied conservation CLUSTER HOMES OF
serve to treat yourself after 2020! Quantities are limited. career on Tuesday, February
First Chapter Friday - Fridays, February 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2, at 7 p.m. via ZOOM.
at 5 p.m. Join us on Facebook every Friday evening to hear the In his role as Curator of FOX RUN
first chapter or two of new books for children and tweens. We Birds and Aquatics at the
can’t wait to hear your reactions and whether or not you’ll be Cleveland Metroparks Zoo,
reading more! he collaborated with the Ohio of Grafton
Storytime at Home - Tuesdays, February 2, 9 & 16, at 10 Division of Wildlife in the
a.m. on Zoom; Thursdays, February 4, 11 & 18, at 10:30 a.m. reintroduction of the trum-
on Facebook Live. Join us every Tuesday morning via Zoom peter swan to Ohio. Later, he
and Facebook Live for a virtual storytime. Explore the mys- partnered with Bioandina, a
tery box, sing songs and enjoy great stories. Just include your Venezuelan conservation or- Announcing Phase Seven!
child’s name and your email address when you sign up to re- ganization, in reintroducing
Andean Condors back into
Minnillo & Marshall the wild. Since his retirement
from Cleveland Metroparks
General Dentists Zoo, he has been involved
420 N. Main St., Grafton with conservation programs
on a local and international
Emergencies level with Global Conserva-
tion Connections.
For this and future BRAS
Same-day Denture
Repairs Available
“We Cater to Cowards”
$10 to $25 OFF
All Phone and Email Orders
- or -
• Offer Ends 2/28/2021
• Call (440) 984-7463 Option 3
• Email [email protected]
Building Co.
207 North Leavitt Rd., Amherst Call T.J. at 440-926-3950
Across from Drug Mart on Route 58 • (440) 984-7463 for more information
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021 Page 9
Main Street Market
Since 1946 – a 75 Year Tradition Proudly Operated by Your
Neighbors & Friends.
460 N. Main St., Grafton, OH 44044 We accept:
(440) 926-3566 • Æ
NOT affiliated
with the Youngstown
14 to 16 oz.
Selected Varieties
2/$ 4
7 to 8 oz. 16 to 32 oz. 22.1 to 31.5 oz.
USDA Inspected Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties
Fresh $ 99 Kraft Chunk or 2/$ Ore-Ida Potatoes, 2/$ DiGiorno $ 99
Pork Shredded 5 Fries or 5 Rising Crust 3
Spareribs 1 lb. Cheese Hash Browns Pizza
fresh dairy & Frozen Foods
9 to 13 oz.
Selected Varieties 16 oz.
Tostitos Selected Varieties
Tortilla Smith’s
Chips Dips or 2/$ 3
2/$ 6 Sour Cream
21 to 28 oz. 14 to 18 oz. 7.5 to 13.7 oz. 7.75 to 8 oz.
Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 8 oz.
Bush’s Best Sweet Baby Ray’s Nabisco Lay’s Selected Varieties
Baked or Grillin’ Barbecue Ritz or Snack Potato Philadelphia 2/$ 3
Beans Sauce Crackers Chips Cream Cheese
2/$ 4 2/$ 3 2/$ 5 2/$ 4 1.5 quart
Selected Varieties
Smith’s 3/$
Fresh from our butcher shop Fresh Deli & Bakery Selections Premium 10
Ice Cream
Sold in a 10 lb. bag
USDA Inspected Fresh Fresh from our deli!
Chicken Grandma’s
Leg Potato Salad, 7.6 to 11 oz.
Quarters Macaroni Salad or Selected Varieties 2/$ 5
TGI Friday’s
$ 80 Cole Slaw Appetizers
$ 29 garden fresh produce
USDA Inspected Beef
81% Lean lb.
8 to 12 oz.
Fresh Fresh Express
Ground Chuck Sliced fresh in our deli! Shredded Lettuce or
Land O Lakes
$ 99 White or Yellow Garden Salad Mix
ECONOMY PACK lb. American 99 ¢
Sold in a 5 lb. clear bag, frozen Cheese
USDA Inspected
Chicken $ 99 Make some fresh guacamole!
Party 4 Fresh Creamy
9 2/$ 1
$ 80 lb. Avocados
Makes great game day sliders!
1.19 lb. pkg. 12 count
Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Fresh! Red ripe!
Johnsonville King’s Hawaiian Sweet Rubie
Bratwurst or Rolls Grape
Italian Sausage Tomatoes
2/$ 7 $ 29 $ 99
score big savings on all your team favorites
12-pack, 12 oz. cans 2-liter btl.
Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 8-count
Pepsi 7Up Sparkle
12-Pack 2-liter Hamburger or
Soft Drinks Soft Drinks Hot Dog Buns
3/$ 12 4/$ 5 4/$ 5
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021
How can I earn 3% more for my home than the average • Budget for retirement. low- or no-income earnings
seller? Short- and long-term bud- from your earnings record,
Work with Jennifer Herron-Underwood. She has the geting for retirement can thereby increasing your
proven track record for negotiating 97% of her sellers ask- help you assess how much benefit.
ing price while the average Realtor only negotiates 94% of money you will need to cov- • Consider the long-term
the seller’s asking price. What does this mean to you? On er your expenses when you needs of your spouse. Sur-
the average $200,000 home it means if Jennifer Herron-Un- stop working. This step can viving spouses receive the
derwood is your Realtor, you will receive $6000 more than help you understand how higher of the two spous-
if you worked with the average Realtor. In addition to her much a reduced or increased es’ benefits. So it makes
great negotiation skills, she also has a strategic marketing Social Security benefit will sense for the higher earning
plan that includes professional quality photography, and affect your bottom line in spouse to wait to collect his
personalized service to ensure you sell your home for top retirement. or her benefit until he or she
dollar. • Continue working. Re- reaches full retirement age.
Why work with Jen? What to know before maining in the workforce to collect your Social Secu-
The decision about when
full-time or even part-time
When is the best time of year to sell your home? Now! claiming Social Security benefits can have a considerable rity benefit is complex. Dis-
cussing your options with
impact on the size of your
I say that with pure confidence. Many home owners think Social Security benefit. The your spouse and financial
the best time of the year to sell their home is in May or June Hardworking adults tually make. In recognition CFPB notes that continuing advisor can help you make
when school is close to letting out for the summer. As a Re- spend years striving to of the difficulty of that de- to work for one or two ad- the most informed decision.
altor, with 19 years of experience and over 1000 sales under achieve their profession- cision, the Consumer Fi- ditional years can replace
my belt I encourage you to take advantage of the “Spring al goals. Along the way, nancial Protection Bureau
Market.” Get your house listed for sale as soon as possible. planning for retirement is a offers the following tips Saving strategies as
There is a serious lack of inventory in the real estate mar- way to ensure all that hard to people wondering when
ket. We have buyers lined up just waiting for new homes to work pays off when the time they should begin collecting retirement draws near
come on the market and right now there is nothing for them comes to call it a career. their Social Security bene-
to see. It is basic business-a high demand and low supply In the United States, men fits. Professionals on the cusp of retirement are often excited
will result in you selling your home for top dollar in today’s and women nearing retire- • Confirm your full re- about what lies ahead. Some prospective retirees may look
market! ment age may be thinking tirement age. Full retire- forward to traveling once they no longer have to go to work
What if i don’t have any where to move to? about when they should be- ment age refers to the age each day, while others may plan to return to school. Re-
If you hire a great Realtor, like myself, the agent can find gin collecting their Social at which people can begin gardless of how adults envision spending their retirement,
ways to help you stay in your home as long as possible. Security retirement benefits. collecting their full benefits. they’re going to need money when they’re no longer being
Some out of the box ideas I use to help my clients have time Social Security is a social Depending on the year you paid by their employers.
to find a new house are: allowing for long closings, have the insurance program institut- were born, you can begin As retirement nears, some professionals may be con-
seller rent back their home for 30-60 days so they don’t have ed by President Franklin collecting your full benefit cerned that they haven’t saved enough. There’s no one-size-
to move twice, and specific purchase clauses. Delano Roosevelt in 1935. at age 66 or 67. Claiming fits-all answer in regard to how much money people will
Why work with the Jen Herron Underwood Group? The program consists of re- your benefit before you need in retirement. People who are worried they haven’t
Jennifer is a local Grafton resident. Her children attend tirement, disability and sur- reach full retirement age saved enough can try various strategies to build up their ac-
Midview Schools. She lives, plays and works in the local vivor benefits, and workers will lead to a permanent count balances before they officially call it a career.
real estate market. In fact, in 2018 she was the #1 Realtor in the United States contrib- decrease in your monthly
in Grafton helping more buyers and more sellers than any ute to Social Security each benefits. Conversely, claim-
other Realtor in the area. She is committed to focusing on week. ing after you reach full re-
Columbia Station, Grafton, Lagrange, Carlisle Twp, and The decision about when tirement age will lead to a 440-355-4616
Wellington. Many of the buyers that are looking in one of to claim Social Security re- permanent increase in your Keystone Pointe Offers:
these areas will also look at the others. Since she has sold tirement benefits is one all monthly benefits. Since the •Large Private Rooms
more homes locally in the past 2 years than any other Real- those who have contributed stakes are so considerable,
tor, she has a list of buyers that are waiting for new homes to the program must even- it’s vital for adults to con- •5 Star Rating - Medicare’s Highest
to come on the market. firm their full retirement •Secured Dementia Unit
age before they claim their •Post Hospital & Long-term Care
• Delay claiming if you
can. The CFPB notes that
you can expect to get an 383 Opportunity Way
additional 5 to 8 percent in LaGrange, OH 44050
monthly benefits for every Near the intersection of 301 & 303
year you wait to claim your
Social Security benefits af-
ter age 62, maxing out at
age 70. If you can afford
to do so, wait to claim your
full benefit until age 70, as
doing so can translate to
a benefit that’s 32 percent
higher than it would have
been had you claimed your
benefit at age 62.
Kryszak & Associates, Co., LPA
Attorneys at Law
Estate Planning
Estate and Trust Administration
Real Estate • Elder Law
At Kryszak & Associates, Co., LPA, our
Attorney Mission is to deliver personalized, quality
Andrea C. Kryszak legal services, resulting in long-lasting
relationships with our clients. The size
of our firm and many years of legal
experience allow us to fulfill our mission
on a daily basis.
5330 Meadow Lane Court, Suite A
Sheffield Village, Ohio 44035
440-934-5330 -or- 888-934-5330
Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5pm
Chuck Northcutt 943-1/2 Main Street
Grafton, Ohio 44044
440-926-3818 (by appointment only)
We Look Forward to Meeting You!
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021 Page 11
• Take advantage of catch-up contributions. Adults who scapes indoors. Houseplants can be used to improve indoor
are 50 or older are eligible to take advantage of catch-up spaces, and they also provide various health benefits.
contributions. These are designed to help people over 50 Help with allergies
contribute more to certain retirement accounts, such as a According to WebMD, rooms with houseplants tend to
401(k) or IRA, than statutory limits would otherwise allow. have less dust and mold in them than those without any fo-
There are limits that govern the amount of money people liage. Leaves and other parts of the plants serve as natural
can designate as catch-up contributions, but taking advan- filters, catching airborne particles and allergens. Plants with
tage of this perk can help people save more as retirement textured leaves might be especially effective at trapping
draws closer. particles.
• Consider relocating. A recent study from the Employee Put more oxygen into the air
Benefit Research Institute found that housing costs account- The human respiratory system works by bringing in ox-
ed for 49 percent of seniors’ spending. Professionals nearing ygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Plants do the opposite
retirement who live in areas traditionally associated with a during photosynthesis. They absorb carbon dioxide and
high cost of living can begin to rethink their long-term hous- then release oxygen. Plants can put much more oxygen into
ing strategy. Relocating to an area with a lower cost of living the air, improving indoor conditions.
is one option, while those who prefer to remain in their cur- Increase indoor humidity and reduce illness
rent town or city can consider downsizing to a smaller home Studies from the Agricultural University of Norway
to reduce their property taxes and monthly utility bills. found that indoor plants can increase humidity in indoor
• Continue investing. Conventional wisdom suggests spaces, which decreases the incidences of sore throats, dry
moving away from investing in stocks the closer you get coughs, dry skin, and the common cold. Higher absolute
to retirement. Though that’s a sound strategy, professionals humidity can decrease the chances of survival and transmis-
who are trying to build their retirement savings in the fi- sion of the flu virus.
nal years before retiring could be missing out on significant Filter the air
growth by abandoning stocks entirely. Speak with a finan- Researchers who presented their work at the 252nd Na- NOW BUYING
cial advisor about stock-based investments and your risk tional Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical So-
tolerance. Maintaining a diversified portfolio with a little ciety found certain houseplants can combat the potentially
risk can be a great way to grow your savings as retirement harmful effects of volatile organic compounds. Plants may • Pre 1964 Silver Coins
draws near. help filter out VOCs like benzene, acetone and formalde- • Gold nearing all-time highs
Professionals approaching retirement may be dealing hyde, which can enter indoor air via cleaning supplies, dry-
with a mix of excitement and anxiety, particularly if they’re cleaned clothes, furniture, printers, and paints. • Sterling Silver
concerned about their retirement savings. Various strategies Improve interior atmosphere • Silverware
can help quell such anxiety and make it easier for profes- Prevention magazine says plants can be used to screen
sionals over 50 to build their savings as retirement nears. unattractive areas, moderate room temperature by shading
spots from the sun and even reduce noise. Plants also can
The many benefits improve ambiance and create a pleasing atmosphere in a Gift Certificates Available
of houseplants room. “Now Offering 12 months Interest Free”
Can improve mood
Growing and caring for plants can alleviate everyday
The lines between the outdoors and indoors are being stress. A nationwide study from UK Magazine Gardeners
blurred. Homeowners build extensive outdoor living spac- World found 80 percent of gardeners declared themselves
es so they can relax on weather-resistant furniture and even satisfied with life compared to 67 percent among non-gar-
cook in lavish kitchens in their backyards. In addition, in- deners. Gardeners were more positive mentally. Greenery
door three-season rooms full of bright, open windows that can help people feel more at home and improve mental
showcase outdoor vistas challenge the boundaries between health. A rehab center in Norway found patients reported 705 Chestnut Commons Dr., Elyria
outside and inside. a greater increase in well-being four weeks after having (440) 322-0019
For those working with limited budgets, there are some greenery added to their surroundings.
easy, inexpensive ways to enjoy the majesty of natural land- Houseplants can improve indoor areas and positively af-
fect personal health. Hours: Tues. 9:30-7 • Wed./Thurs./Fri. 9:30-5 • Sat. 9:30-3:30
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021
Eaton News
[email protected]
Cemetery Clean Up •Identify birds with Merlin Bird ID app and add sightings
IGA Food Drive thank you The annual Butternut Ridge Cemetery Clean Up is on Feb- to your list
•Use the eBird Mobile app
ruary 10. Please have all personal items picked up by February •Enter your bird list on the eBird website (desktop/laptop)
All you need is a free Cornell Lab account to participate.
8. This account is shared with Merlin, eBird, Project FeederWatch
Backyard Bird Count and other projects at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. If you
already have an account, please use the same username and
The Black River Audubon Society’s 24th Great Backyard password for submitting your bird list for the Great Backyard
Bird Count is February 12-15. Connect to birds, to nature and Bird Count.
We recommend observing birds for at least fifteen minutes.
with each other. It’s that easy!
Each February, for four days, the world comes together for
Submit one or more lists over the four days of counting and
the love of birds. Over these four days, we invite people to you become a contributing citizen scientist (community scien-
spend time in their favorite places, even at home, watching and tist). All eBird entries and saved Merlin Bird IDs over the four
counting as many birds as they can find and reporting them to days contribute to the Great Backyard Bird Count.
us. These observations help scientists better understand global Each year people from around the world come together to
bird populations before one of their annual migrations. watch, learn about, count and celebrate birds. Visit birdcount.
How to Participate: org for more information or log onto www.blackriveraudubon.
Participating is easy, fun to do alone or with others, and can
be done anywhere you find birds. org and remember to LIKE them on Facebook!
Choose the easiest way for you to share your birds:
Early Bird Sale!
Schilds IGA would like to thank all of the customers
and friends that support the current food drive that is
helping efforts to keep our local food bank and NECC
food pantry stocked during this pandemic.
Luna seeks loving home
Luna is a 2-year old fe-
male American Pit Bull Ter-
rier weighing 48 lbs. She is
vaccinated, microchipped ALL ABOVE GROUND, IN -GROUND AND
and spayed. Luna was trans-
ferred to Berea Animal Res-
cue Fund from another rescue
group. She is very timid at ON GROUND POOL PACKAGES ON SALE NOW
the shelter because she’s un-
sure of her surroundings. The
volunteers there are work- Hurry to reserve your prime installation spot!
ing with her to help her gain
her confidence. She’s a very Luna
sweet girl who would love She will require a meet &
a quiet home where she can greet at the shelter with any CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE YOUR POOL OPENING
relax, and a new person who family dogs, if you have any.
will be patient as she learns To meet Luna, contact Berea FULL SERVICE DEPARTMENT FOR ALL IN GROUND
to adjust! She has a pretty Animal Rescue Fund consul-
fawn colored coat and a very tant, Rose, at (44) 823-4614. AND ABOVE GROUND POOLS.
expressive face and sad eyes.
Eaton Township’s 2020 Annual Financial Report is
complete and is available for viewing at Eaton Township
Town Hall, 12043 Avon Belden Road, Grafton starting
February 8, 2021 during the hours of 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Monday through Friday.
Elyria Jewelers & Repair
Design Your Own Custom Ring
that no one else will have!
Play Sets
Above Ground Pools
3-D printing and custom rings is becoming a rising demand
in the jewelry industry. Here at EJR you can sit down In Ground Pools
with Bill and have a ring just the way you would like. 27099 Royalton Rd, Columbia Station • 440-236-4160
On Ground Pools
705 Chestnut Commons Drive, Elyria
(440) 322-0019 ~ Storage Sheds
Tues. 9:30-7 • Wed.,Th.,Fri. 9:30-5 • Sat. 9:30-3:30 Hours: M-Tu-Th-F 10-7; Sat 10-6, Sun 11-4; Closed Wed.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021 Page 13
CBD Products Sold Here
See store for more information
34981 ROYALTON ROAD, NORTH EATON Please call 440-748-3751 For Advanced Special Orders
Credit Cards
Beer or Wine Samplings! PRICES EFFECTIVE - FEB 2021
See store for details. MON TUES WEDS THUR FRI SAT SUN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
FEB. 12TH -13TH
Roadshow 10AM - 5PM
SINGLE PACK Hoagie Rolls
6 Ct.
$ 7 99 2/$ 5
Boneless New York $ 99 USDA Beef $ 99 $ 99
Strip Steaks 6 85% Lean 3 IGA 4
Value Pack lb. Ground Round lb. Baked Ham lb.
Deli Made
Dill Dip
$ 4 99
14 oz. 4 Pack
Original or Italian $ 99 24.2-30.5 oz. $ 99 Hunt’s 10/$
Armour 2 Folgers 6 Snack Pack 10
Meatballs Coffee Puddings
Pork Baby
Back Ribs
$ 3 99
Whole Beef $ 99 Best Buy Previously Frozen $ 49 Fresh $ 79
Briskets 3 Boneless Skinless 1 Large Red or 1
WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! lb. Chicken Breast lb. Green Grapes lb.
Fresh Lemons Heluva Good
or Limes Chip Dip
12 oz.
2/$ 1 $ 19
69 ¢ 22.1-30.3 oz. 2/$ 9-9.5 oz. Bag
Thin or Rising Crust
Avocados Pizzas 10 Potato Chips
1%, 2% or Skim 2/$ 24 Pack 1/2 Liter Btls. $ 69 2 Liter Btl. 3/$
Smith’s IGA 2 Coke 5
Milk 5 Spring Water Products
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021
CBD Products Sold Here
See store for more information
34981 ROYALTON ROAD, NORTH EATON Please call 440-748-3751 For Advanced Special Orders
Credit Cards SALE VALID FEB 8TH-14TH, 2021 ONLY!
Beer or Wine Samplings! MON TUES WEDS THUR FRI SAT SUN
See store for details. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
FEB. 12TH -13TH
Roadshow 10AM - 5PM
Beef Tenderloin Shrimp Ring
10 oz.
Steaks 99
PER LB. $ 5
$ 9 99
$ 99 USDA Inspected $ 49 5 lb. Bag $ 69
Whole Beef 7 lb. Bone-In Pork 1 lb. 80% Lean 2
Tenderloins Shoulder Butt Roast Ground Beef
$ 99 $ 49 16 oz. $ 99
Regular, Thick or Low Salt
“Sliced The Way You Like!” lb. Whole Frying lb. Sugardale 4
Eckrich Hard Salami Chickens Bacon
$ 99 $ 99 $ 99
8 Inch 5 6 Ct. 4 19
Fresh Baked Valentines 10 lb. Box, 7-8 oz.
Cherry Pie Cupcakes Pollock Fillets
Red or Yukon Smith’s
Gold Potatoes Cottage Cheese
3 lb. Bag
16 oz.
$ 99 2/$ 4
“Berry Patch!”
6-16 oz.
Strawberries, 2/$ 5 2/$ 1 1/2 Gallon $ 99
Raspberries Super Select Ajoyo
or Blueberries Cucumbers Almond Milk
12 Pack 12 oz Cans
2/$ 10
2/$ $ 49 6 Pack, 1/2 Liter Btls. 3/$
8-9.25 oz. 5 Our Own Homemade lb. 7•UP 10
Fritos or Cheetos Seafood Salad Products
Carlisle News RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021 Page 15
[email protected] National Boy Scout Week
Veterans Memorial letter February 7-13, 2021
Dear Citizens of Lorain County,
I retired from the Carlisle Township Fire Department in “On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to God and my country, and to obey the
1996 after 38 years, 25 of which I served as Fire Chief. I have Scout Law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally
taken on a new challenge to build a Veterans Memorial, which
will be located next to my “second home,” the old Carlisle awake, and morally straight.”
Township Fire Station at 11969 LaGrange Rd. A Committee
was formed, and we were granted 501(c)(3) non-profit status to
help with fund-raising. Needless to say, the pandemic has put a With more than 130 Merit Badges—from Archery and Art
serious damper on our money-raising efforts. However, one of
our ongoing fund-raisers is selling memorial bricks, honoring to Welding and Wilderness Survival—Scouting is the
our veterans.
You can honor a loved one who served in the Armed Forces ultimate form of learning by doing. Scouts explore their
by purchasing a memorial brick which will be engraved with interests and improve their skills while working toward
your sentiments. For further information, please visit us on
Facebook or our website, carlisletownshipveteransmemorial. Scouting’s highest rank: Eagle. By first imagining,
org or contact me directly by phone at (440 )458-5814.
You can make a donation to help build the Memorial through planning then doing their own service projects, Scouts
credit card or PayPal on our website or Facebook. Because the
Memorial is a non-profit, your donation is tax deductible within learn the value of hard work, and experience the thrill of
the limits of the tax laws. When completed, this Veterans Me-
morial will be an asset to Lorain County and a tribute to all our seeing it pay off. Add in outdoor adventures, hiking and
brave men and women who served our country.
Ray Hildebrandt, Retired Fire Chief camping, and Scouting gives youth experience that will
New traffic signal benefit them throughout their life.
From the thrill of shooting an arrow to learning how to transform a
The Lorain County Engineer has been notified that the traf-
fic signal at the intersection of Middle Ridge Road and West block of wood into a race car, Cub Scouts is one thrill after another. With
Ridge Road is set to become operational on Thursday, February
4, 2021. a program expertly tailored to match each age in a young child’s life, Cub
Functional tests will be performed on the components. The
signal will then be placed in a flash mode until February 4, Scouts learn that even when fun isn’t easy, it’s always an adventure. In
when it will become fully operational.
Signs will be posted indicating the activation date of Feb- Scouting, everything has a purpose. And it shows kids that doing their best
ruary 4.
is the most fun of all.
We are proud of our Scouts and congratulate them on
more than 100 years of service
Please Support These Local Businesses:
Remember the virus is still LAGRANGE IGA VILLAGE JEWELRY & REPAIR
out there! Continue to wash 540 N. CENTER RD • LAGRANGE 954 MAIN ST. • GRAFTON
your hands regularly! 440-355-9920 440-926-0500
Wear a face mask when
And, please be patient
440-236-8111 440-355-5199
February 15
Keep in touch with your community 455 N. MAIN ST. • GRAFTON 9858 EAST RIVER RD. • COLUMBIA STATION
Paid for by The Lorain County Commissioners and LCSWMD 440-926-0054 440-235-2766
Shop Your Local Businesses 1007 PARSONS • GRAFTON 120 COMMERCE DR. • LAGRANGE
440-926-2880 440-355-5526
Day 206 N. MAIN ST. • WELLINGTON 42023 ST. RT. 303 • LAGRANGE
Special 440-647-3580 440-355-6705
440-322-4626 440-748-2183
Beautiful Sterling Silver and Crystal
Heart Pendant on an 18” chain. 440-748-3751
GRAFTON • 440-926-3312
WELLINGTON • 440-647-6010
A trusted name in Jewelry
244 E. Broad Street | Elyria | 322-1700
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021
Wellington News
[email protected]
health services. Agencies were informed this week that the Library Board Meeting - The Herrick Memorial Library
Yarn gathering for lonely seniors promised money will not arrive because Dave Moore and Mi- Board of Trustees will hold their regular monthly board meet-
chelle Hung “believe” the money was not allocated properly
ing virtually via TeamLink on Tuesday, February 9, at 10:30
in nursing homes and that there may be concerns about the budget. Our previ- a.m. The meeting link will be posted on the Library’s website
ous Commissioners had legal and outside advisers who told
them their actions were proper in granting these monies to the on Monday, February 8. This meeting is open to the public.
Virtual Story-times and Events - For more information and
WDLW are hosting a mini non-profits. If Hung and Moore are so concerned about the a link to the Herrick Memorial Library’s virtual story times and
fund-raiser to collect yarn. So budget, they should start by eliminating the numerous new po- webinar, go to the library’s web page at
attention crafters: if you have sitions they created for their offices instead of taking food and and click on the links for the different programs:
yarn laying around, we’ll take beds from children in need. •Online webinar from Metroparks on Hibernation Fascina-
it; if you would like to buy Laura Irvin, Oberlin tion on February 3, from 10-11 a.m.
some, we’ll take it. Be sure to call the library at (440) 647-2120 to get sto-
From now through Letter to the Editor ry-time packets for curbside pick-up to go along with the vid-
Wednesday, February 3, you eos.
can bring yarn to Radio Sta- Teen Winter Reading Challenge - Teens ages 12-17 can
It was brought to my at- tions WOBL/WDLW, locat- To the Editor: enter the library’s Reading Challenge for a chance to win a
Today’s polarized political climate did not happen by acci-
tention that there are some ed at 45624 US Route 20, in dent. After the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated by the FCC in Nintendo Switch Light gaming bundle when they enter the
lonely senior ladies in nurs- Oberlin, and we’ll make sure 1987, news outlets no longer had to ensure that viewers were challenge and read some our new books or old favorites. The
ing homes that have had no it’s delivered to the senior fa- exposed to a diversity of viewpoints. Enter ‘news’ stations like challenge runs through February 27. Call the library to request
family or friends visiting cilities so these wonderful la- MSNBC and FOX News. Additionally, the rise of social media a log sheet and instructions for curb-side pick-up, or print off
since the Covid crisis hit and dies can get busy crocheting platforms has allowed us to quite literally shield ourselves from the form from the library’s website.
shut down everything, and and kniting! opposing viewpoints and virtually attack those we don’t agree
there are some who so badly Thank you for your con- with, exponentially ramping up political divisions. The Netflix
want to knit and crochet, if sideration! If you have any film, The Social Dilemma, lays this out in terrifying detail.
they only had some yarn. questions, e-mail lawilber@ These media outlets (and others) are specifically manipu- Lorain SWCD Board Meetings
Radio Stations WOBL and
lating us to pay attention to them, and only them, for monetary The Lorain Soil & Water Conservation District has
Kindergarten Registration gain. The longer they can keep us engaged, the more advertise- scheduled monthly Board meetings on the third Tuesday
ments they can expose us to. They know that if they appeal to
the ideas we already care deeply about, they won’t lose us to of each month at 4:30 p.m. at the District office, 42110
2021-22 Kindergarten Registration packets can be picked other markets. It doesn’t matter to them that this manipulation Russia Rd., Elyria, Ohio. June & July’s meeting will be at
up from the Westwood Main Office beginning on Monday, has helped catapult our nation into a political divide stronger 8:30 a.m. The August meeting will be held on Wednesday,
February 8. Screening will be on March 15 &16. Screening than anything we’ve seen since the Civil War. August 18th at the Soil & Water barn at the fairgrounds at
appointments will be scheduled when picking up registration Americans need to wake up to this reality and do what we 6:00 p.m. Most meetings will be held in the District office
packets. Student must be 5 years old on or before August 1, can to combat the manipulation of our minds for profit. This or the large meeting room at the Agricultural Building and
2021 to register. means seeking out objective news sources, turning away from are open to the public.
Westwood Elementary School is located at 305 Union inflammatory & radical media and reaching across the aisle to
Street, in Wellington. For more information, please call (440) have real conversations again, as hard as that seems right now.
647-3636. Our attention is a commodity, and it is being sold at the expense
of our democracy. Recognize it, resist it and fight back before
Letter to the Editor it’s too late. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS
Kate Rivet, Vermilion
To the Editor: Herrick Memorial Library
Republican County Commissioners Dave Moore and Mi-
chelle Hung voted to take back $4,600,000 from agencies and
organizations like LCCC, 2nd Harvest, Road to Hope House, Library Closings - The Herrick Memorial Library will close
Good Night, and many other non-profits who assist with rent for Presidents Day on Monday, February 15.
& utility payments, provide food & clothing for those in need, Herrick Memorial Library Opening - Beginning Sunday,
support job search activities and even medical and mental February 7, the Herrick Memorial Library will be open for
browsing & checking out library materials or using computers.
Patrons wishing to use the library must call (440) 647-2120
LEGAL NOTICE to set up a 30-minute appointment. As part of our COVID-19
Patron Health Guidelines, the proper wearing of face masks
Dates for the 2021 Pittsfield Township Zoning Board will be required to enter the library and there will be a limit of Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical,
Meetings to be held at 7PM at 16940 S.R. 58, Oberlin, Ohio. 5 patrons at any given time. Individuals with concerns about Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances
April 12, 2021 wearing face masks are encouraged to utilize our curbside ser-
July 12, 2021 vice. We ask patrons that aren’t feeling well to please visit us Grafton Wellington
October 11, 2021 on another day.
December13, 2021 Family and Tween Winter Read Aloud - There is still time 35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St
January 10, 2022 to participate in the library’s Winter Reading Program. To par- 440-926-3312 440-647-6010
ticipate, call the library to register and request a Bingo game
board for curbside pick-up. You will also be able to print out
a game board from the library’s webpage if you like. The pro-
LEGAL NOTICE gram will run until February 27. Prize pick-up will need to be
scheduled when you have completed your Bingo sheet.
The regular meetings of the Board of Trustees of Pittsfield
Township will be held on the third Monday of each month
at 6:30 p.m. All meetings will be held at the Pittsfield Talk with over 50 Local
Township Hall, located at 16940 State Route 58, unless
otherwise provided. & National Vendors
Find Inspiration
Check Out the Latest Trends
Save Money with Exclusive Discounts
All your Valentine’s Day needs
plus Suzin L. Chocolate-Covered
Extended hours:
Thursday, February 11
9 am-7 pm
Friday, February 12
9 am-8 pm
Saturday, February 13
9 am-7 pm
Sunday, February 14
9 am-3pm
110 South Main Street, Downtown Wellington
440-647-8844 or visit us on Facebook
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021 Page 17
Professional Profile
Shop Village Jewelry & Repair and surprise your Valentine!
Hello! We are Scot Kuhns and Jennifer Kuhns this school year. We are excited to watch him grow
and this is our story. I started off at Brandau Jew- in the district.
elers in Elyria in 1999 as an errand runner while At Village Jewelry and Repair, we are a full-ser-
also attending LCCC for business administration. vice jeweler with on premise gold smithing and cus-
After obtaining my Associates Degree, the own- tom services. We also do engraving and clock and
ers of Brandau, Tom and Janice Haywood, pro- watch repairs on premise. Our cases are stocked
moted me to work full-time at the store. They also with unique one-of-a-kind items in all price ranges,
provided me with education from the Gemological from engagement rings and wedding bands to an-
Institute of America. The experience of working niversary items, clocks and watches.
at the most respected jewelry store in the area Shop the local and family owned Village Jewelry
and the education were priceless. and Repair located in downtown Grafton.
In 2004, I married my high school sweetheart,
who became an elementary teacher with Elyria 954 Main St., Grafton
City Schools. In 2006, the Haywoods retired Hours: Tue - Fri. from 12-5pm
from their business and closed Brandau. From and Sat. from 10-1pm.
that point on, I’ve been the self-employed owner Closed on Sunday and Monday
of Village Jewelry and Repair. We decided on (440) 926-0500.
opening a store in Grafton because there was a
need. We found it to be a great community that
Jennifer, Scot supports what’s local. Our son Landon was born Now Offering 12 Months Interest
& Landon Kuhns in 2012 and is now a second grader at Midview FREE Financing!
The store is located at 954 Main Street | (440) 926-0500
All Windmill Michael Hignett, Realtor
Vitamins C: 440.506.0414
“Caring for You and about You” Thru March 2021 O: 440.366.0099
Stop in for your Flu Products F: 440.366.6350
or Shingles shot! Jennifer, Scot & • Rings • Necklaces • Watches • Clocks E: [email protected]
Landon Kuhns
Covered under most insurance plans Buying Services
Call Ahead for Availability Gold • Jewelry • Watch Repair
35053 E. Royalton Rd, Grafton Hrs: Mon-Fri 10-7; Sat 10-5; 954 Main Street, Grafton, OH 44044
Rt. 82 & Island Rd. Sun Closed 440-926-0500 |
440-748-2137 | Fax 440-748-3901 Tues-Fri: 12 - 5pm; Sat: 10-1pm; Closed Sun & Mon 10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101 Elyria, Ohio 44035
Call Today for Remodeling Projects Stacy Little BURNETT’S
Customized to Meet Your Needs. Realtor SEPTIC SERVICES
“We Want Your
Stinkin’ Business”
440-355-5526 REPAIRED 120 Commerce Dr.
440-346-2016 800-511-3419 LaGrange, Ohio 44050
[email protected] FAX 440-355-6170
Certified Graduate
Remodeler (CGR) COULD
Certified Aging in Place
Specialist (CAPS) BE YOUR
(440) 365-0015 AD!! Call 440-236-8982 for more info.
Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021
Good clean used appliances. SMALL DUMPSTERS
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. for roofing, remodeling, etc.
Hiring Compassionate Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
AUTOS WANTED Truck work available
Mike’s Hooker Service. We 440-926-3446
pay top dollar for all unwant- Are you looking for a rewarding career helping
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free others? We are hiring individuals to provide personal UPHOLSTERY
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike,
216-534-6514. care/home helper services to aging adults in Lorain DAN’S UPHOLSTERY
County. Visit to apply and over 30 yrs. experience
CLEANING find out about our FIVE star agency and the benefits Full Upholstery
Cushion Refills
we offer. Further questions, please contact us 440-353- Furniture Repair ASPHALT, CONCRETE & STONE
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s Call for free quote
needs are different. We spe- 3080. We look forward to meeting you! on re-upholstery
cialize in catering to what your 216-346-2682
needs are. Call Marcie today RAM-CON LLC
for your free assessment ap- Concrete & Excavating
pointment at 440-213-7527. SMALL ENGINE MECHANIC WANTED
Over 13 years experience. KTS Equipment in PETS ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE
House, office, new construc- Wellington is looking for a STAMPED CONCRETE WORK
tion cleaning. Saturdays & reliable full-time All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster CASH FOR JUNK CARS, FREE ESTIMATES
Sundays only. Minimum of 4 small engine mechanic Rd., Litchfield, 330-648-9509. TRUCKS AND SUV’S! 440-935-7842
hours. Anything over 4 hours to work on two cycle Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
is $25 an hour. No job is too hand held engines and exercise yards, custom care. Top Dollar Paid!
big! Contact Tammy, 440-310- up to 50HP equipment. $20 per day.
0463. Must have tools and Same Day Removal J. A. KILBY ENT.
mechanical experience. Separate litters of Golden Re-
Excellent benefit triever and German Shepherd
FOR RENT package and wages. puppies available. Call / text 216-681-3379 Concrete • Masonry
Call 440-647-2015 614-338-5987, email goldenba- Stamped Concrete
Elyria: Newly remodeled 2 & Email [email protected]. Located
3 bedroom townhomes with service@krystowskitractor. in Grafton area. WANTED TO BUY 440-327-3433
new carpet, ceramic tile and com
hard wood floors. Appliances We are an established, pri- Buying older / antique firearms.
included. $100 security de- vately-held environmental “DOGS Call Bill at 440-668-8112.
posit; restrictions apply. Call engineering company in Wel-
216-221-1333 . lington, OH, looking for a ON Estate Gold &
Grafton, 2 bedroom apartment, full-time Field Technician in- THE Silver Exchange 3654 Avon Lake Rd
1 floor. Security deposit. No terested in air quality testing. H. Archer & Sons, Inc.
animals. No smoking. 440- Candidates must be able to GO” INSTANT CASH Litchfield, Ohio
343-5898 travel weekdays, work safely Buying Gold Jewelry, Diamonds, Commercial & Residential Hauling
at heights and work week- Professional Pet Sitter Old Coins, Pocket Watches,
Limestone • Driveway Stone
FOR SALE day overtime. College degree Loving care for your Anything Old Limestone • Driveway Stone • Sand
helpful, but not required. Re-
muneration is commensurate pets while you are Call for service hours &
Sand • Gravel • Aglime
GE washer / dryer combo, 5 with experience and educa- private appointments Gravel • Aglime • Excavating
months old, excellent con- tion. Interested? Check out at work or away. Downtown Elyria
dition, moving. Great Valen- our website at www.GCITEST. Insured & Bonded 230 2 St. • 440-323-4258
tines Day gift! 239-410-0684, com and forward resume and 440-506-0334 Phone: 330-722-8444
LaGrange compensation expectations to Call Jill: 440-322-7929 Fax: 330-722-4531
Weider weights, 200 lbs., with [email protected]. Toll Free: 1-888-560-3533
bench and bars. Punching
HALLS FOR RENT Floor repair and install. Carpet, AUTO SERVICE
wood, laminate, vinyl, ceramic.
AMVETS POST 32 Call Joe Parr,Sr. 440-647-4374,
11087 Middle Ave., Elyria cell 440-935-4778 BILL Since 1950
Capacity: Hall-250, COLUMBIA MARATHON
Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 LAWN & GARDEN
Available for all occasions BAKER'S
Call for pricing ATTENTION TREE
and availability SERVICE COMPANIES
440-458-8544 You can now dump your Your Auto or Complete
COLUMBIA V.F.W. HALL ground trimmings & wood- WE SERVICE & REPAIR Light Truck Full
SOCIAL DISTANCE chips for FREE Mechanical
HALL RENTAL at our Eaton Township TELEVISION REPAIRS Service Center Repairs
Graduations-Weddings yard on Rt. 82.
Showers Please call 216-524-4544 -Service All Brands-
Monday to Friday for more information. LCD • Plasma • Big Screen
Special Rates TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- Washers • Dryers
For more information, vice. Complete tree removal, Refrigerators 24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station
call 440-236-8111 trimming, root feeding and Microwaves
after 1pm, M-F cleaning. Fully insured. FREE See Our Selection of Ranges • Ovens 440-235-6642
FULL park with restrooms, 3 ESTIMATES. Firewood for sale. Reconditioned Appliances Appliance Parts
pavilions, air conditioned hall, 440-236-3061. FOR SALE! IN HOME SERVICE ON
for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange APPLIANCES ONLY BUILDERS
Lions Club. 440-355-5634. PAINTING 15 East Ave., Elyria 322-2325
Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30-
11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. Pro interior painting, wallpaper Bud & Diane Casey, Owners
440-926-3341 removal, cabinet refinishing
PENFIELD TWP. HALL and textured ceilings. Terry, R&K Builders
440-444-5075 www.valuetime-
Twp. Meeting hall, (Built by Amish)
Cap. 42-60
Community room, Quality Buildings at
Cap. 150-300 Affordable Prices
Available for all occasions.
41012 St. Rt. 18, Wellington Horse Barns • Garages
Call 440-574-3362 for
availability & rates. & Riding Arenas
HELP WANTED Commercial &
COOKS at Razzles, Olmsted
Twp. Apply in person or call 330-473-9927
440-251-0666 or 216-299-3552.
needed at
The Rural-Urban Record
We are looking to hire
a part-time Graphic J.A. Kilby Electrical
Designer. Will need
to be proficient in Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
InDesign, Photoshop Carpentry Limited New Work-Replacement-Repairs
and Illustrator. Some •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
website knowledge •Commercial Buildings •Back up Generator Install
needed as well. •HVAC Service- New Installs & Repairs
Please email resume •Security & Camera Systems •Parking Lot Lighting
to: 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
urbansteph@ State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response
Lawn mowing EXCAVATING
•Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
•Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
•All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627 440-327-3433
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021 Page 19
MILUM PAINTING Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping
Interior/Exterior Tree Trimming • Removal
Drywall Install/Repair Stump Grinding • Pruning
FREE ESTIMATES Fertilizers • Fire Wood
24 Hour Emergency Service Free Estimates!
440-236-5543 PLUMBING Seth Emerson - Owner
Office: 440-322-2624
800-467-1275 Emergency: 440-452-2456
•Plumbing Repairs
•Sewer & Drain Cleaning
•Video Camera Inspection
440-324-4321 •Sewer Excavation • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
• 113 Ft. Crane
• General Contracting 330-721-0680 Personal Plumber Service Corp. • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
• 113 Ft. Crane
• 113 Ft. Crane
• Kitchens/Baths 24 HR EMERGENCY $25 • Removal, Trimming, Firewood
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood
•Stump Grinding
• Additions OH LIC #21372 Any Service • Removal, Trimming, Firewood
Triple Shredded Mulch
Triple Shredded Mulch
• Buildings/Garages Expires 2/28/21. Not valid with any other offer. Triple Shredded Mulch
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
• Roofs Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
• Doors/Windows Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
725 Sugar Lane, 440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
Elyria, Oh 44035 • Siding J.A. Kilby Plumbing
440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services
Specializing in Home Improvements Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available
•Jetting & Hydrovacing •Camera Inspections -Complete Crane Service-
•Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!”
General Construction •Abandoned Wells Capped
Tree/Stump Removal
R HAMMOND Roofing & Siding •Septic System Repairs & Installation Natural, Brown & Black Mulch
CONSTRUCTION Kitchen & Bathrooms 440-327-3433 • “FREE ESTIMATES”
State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response Bonded & Insured
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035
For all your Remodeling needs Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs
IMAGE BUILDING & RENOVATION Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal J. A. KILBY ENT.
“Stop the water before it stops you!”
•Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior Offi ce: 440-236-4001 • •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
& Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
•Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing •Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement
Building Custom Pole Barns, BENEDICT ROOFING 440-327-3433
Man Cave Living Areas & Garages! Family Business for Three Generations
216-973-8677 RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates
Tear-Offs, Roof Cleaning,
Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc. Siding & Gutter Cleaning & Repairs SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED
Slates, Chimney Mason,
Residential ~ Commercial Repairs from $75 ~ OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~
New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds 440-748-3259 Casey Williamson
Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036
Call: 440-748-1333
Design/installation WATER WELLS
snow/ice removal Income Tax Returns
Contact Bobbie, Email: [email protected] SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS • JET PUMPS
440-236-5449 or 216-403-9707(cell)
“The IRS does not endorse any particular individual tax return preparer. SOFTENERS • TANKS • SUMP
For more information on tax return preparers, go to” PUMPS • WATER RELATED
Edward J. Stepnicka
Don’s Lawn Care SERVICE EA,CPA KEVIN BOLDEN 440-322-2987
Mowing Customers for the 440-748-3624
2021 Season 35043 E. Royalton Rd.
•Spring Cleanups• North Eaton
Family owned & operated over 34 yrs.
1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features,
Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certified, STUMP GRINDING
Irrigation Installation & Service
12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 1, 2021
The Best in Northeast Ohio
Bring in your
Sweetheart for that Special day!
Both Locations are OPEN for Dine-in and Carry-out!
Every Wednesday Bridal or Baby Showers, Rehearsal
Chicken Paprikash
Senior Menu Dinners & More. Business or Family.
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With the WINTER’S COLD all around,
stop in and WARM UP with Homemade
7am - 9pm Monday - Saturday Soup & Home Cooked Meals! Every Day
Sunday 7am - 8pm 8:00am - 9:00pm
802 CLEVELAND ST. • ELYRIA • 322-0333 • 917 NORTH LEAVITT ROAD • AMHERST • 984-2583
Home Cooked Food • Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner • Hearty Portions • Steaks, Ribs, Prime Rib, Seafood, Pasta, Chicken,
“Deli” Sandwiches, Wraps, Burgers & Much More • Children’s Menu (10 & Under) • Delicious Desserts Daily
A Nurse’s Plea
Nurses are trained to be ready for anything. “You pray
something like this doesn’t happen,” says Tina Allgood, a nurse
manager at Mercy Health. “But this is what we prepared for.”
What Tina was not prepared for was seeing people sick or
dying without loved ones by their sides to comfort them. “No
visitation is the hardest part,” she says.
As Mercy Health and other hospitals near capacity, she and
her staff are taking extra shifts and balancing more and
more patients. Yet, she is still seeing people who won’t
wear masks or social distance. “I wonder if they know how
they’re affecting all of us,” she says.
Her voice cracks, strained with emotion, as she makes
her plea to her community:
I haven’t seen my two grandbabies since March. We all
have to step up and do our part. There’s nothing like
face-to-face contact, but a vaccine is coming. When
this is all over, it’s going to be one big celebration to
make up for everything we’ve missed. Let’s all be
here for it. #StayStrong #MyCovidStory