TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
Volume 60, No. 51 Columbia Station, Ohio June 29, 2015
10th annual Columbia Youth Benefit Car Wash/Auction for local boy
Football Camp at CHS
There will be a bene?t Car Wash and Chinese Auction for Jacob Heberling at Joyce’s Auto
Detailing, on Saturday, July 18, from 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Jacob is a local 9-year-old who suffered a stroke on May 31, which led him to be diagnosed
with an extremely rare juvenile heart condition called Restrictive Cardiomyopathy (RCM).
There is no cure for his heart condition; it can be fatal unless he receives a heart transplant.
In addition to the car wash and auction, “Soul Food on the Move” will be grilling up great
food! Donations can also be made without the car wash. All proceeds go directly to Jacob to
help defray medical costs. To donate or for more information, call Joyce at (440) 926-0123.
Joyce’s Auto Detailing is located at 697 Main Street, in Grafton.
Christmas In July Toy Drive
Aiden Kristopher Beesley, Peggy Horvath’s Grandson, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma
cancer in June of 2012. After 1 ½ years of chemo, multiple surgeries and a nightmarish ordeal,
he is now cancer free. During a long battle at Rainbow and Babies Children’s Hospital, Aiden
was blessed with many gifts of comfort from many people around the world to help him and
his mom get through every day.
Since then, Peggy has toy drives for kids in hospitals. It is her way of giving back to other
children battling cancer and other terminal diseases, to help them be more comfortable while
they go through such horri?c ordeals. With your help and donations, she can round up new
toys, blankets, slippers and other gifts to keep these children as comfortable as possible while
they endure the pain and suffering of these child killing diseases and agonizing treatments.
Let’s bring these children some Christmas cheer in July!
The Toy Drive runs from now through July 25. All donations can be sent or dropped off at:
Willow’s Fashion Jewelry & Gifts, 111 S. Center St., in LaGrange and at the LaGrange Lion’s
Festival July 23, 24 and 25 at the Willows Fashion Jewelry booth.
All check donations may be made out to Amanda Beesley (Aiden’s Mom).
(L-R) Back Row: Jake Herhuth, Mason Goodman, Bryan Jones, Joey Borczuch and CJ The Volunteers of the U.S. Army Field Band
Dupaski. Front: Max Herhuth.
The 10th annual Columbia Youth Football Camp was held this past week on the
?eld at CHS. The Columbia High School Head Coach, Jason Ward, along with his
assistant coaches and players, provided instruction to the campers who were 3rd thru
8th graders. The campers were very enthusiastic, learning skills and techniques from
the coaches that will help them become better football players throughout their play-
ing years. The CHS players assisted in the instruction and mentoring of the young
players, which will help to continue the winning traditon that Columbia High School
has acheived throughout the years.
Patriotic Music, Ice Cream & Fireworks
On Friday, July 3 in downtown Wellington, a free “Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social” starts Members of the Volunteers of the U.S. Army Field Band to perform
at 6 p.m., courtesy of Velvet Ice Cream. Wellington’s Village Market is providing the cones.
The Volunteers of the U.S. Army Field Band will be performing on July 3 from 7-9 p.m.
The Patriots Symphonic Band, with 70 volunteer musicians from 23 Lorain County com- at Clark Bandstand - Tappan Square in downtown Oberlin, as part of the 23rd annual Oberlin
munities, will perform a concert on the steps of the Wellington Town Hall. Conducted by mu- Summer Concert Series sponsored by the Oberlin Rotary Club and Lorain National Bank.
sical director Harry P?ngsten, the performance begins at 7 p.m. and is free. There is no formal
seating in Howk Park, so come early with lawn chairs and blankets. The free performance is The Volunteers have been telling the Army story through rock, pop, country and patriotic
sponsored by Mike Sunderman of Edward Jones Investments. The concert features a wide music since its inception in 1981. Its members have performed for millions of listeners in all
range of repertoire, including patriotic selections, popular music, Broadway show tunes and 50 states, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, Kuwait and Iraq. They tour more than 100 days each
“Big-Band” favorites. The concert promises to be family-oriented with appeal to audiences year bringing their powerful message of patriotism and support to communities large and
of all ages. small. They are passionate about representing their fellow Soldiers through music.
The Patriots Symphonic Band, Northern Ohio's largest non-pro?t, all-volunteer musical Bring the whole family downtown with blankets or lawn chairs to enjoy this special con-
ensemble, has members ranging in age from teenagers to octogenarians. The Patriot Band cert.
members are amateur and professional musicians who enjoy playing music as a pastime.
Formed in 1977, under the sponsorship of VFW Post 1079 in Elyria, the Patriots Symphonic
Band plays both indoor and outdoor concerts throughout the year. The band strives to preserve
"Americana," performing like an old-time, hometown concert band. The performance also
features talented soloists.
At dusk (around 9:30 p.m.) the Wellington Chamber of Commerce sponsors the popular
annual Independence Day ?reworks at the Lorain County Fairgrounds.
For information, contact Main Street Wellington, Inc. at (440) 647-3987.
Community Carlisle.................... 11 Grafton.................... 15 North Ridgeville....... 20 BBQ Pages ............. 9
Directory Columbia................. 2 Grafton Twp............. 17 Wellington................ 18 Profile...................... 6-7
Eaton....................... 11 LaGrange................. 14 Churches................. 8 Wellington Festival... 19
Tech Trends of 2015 983 Main St., GraOon
Saturday, July 11; 2-3:30 PM
Wearable ?tness tracker?
Try out these new tech items and more at this fun,
hands-on program for adults and family.
Registration required.
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Story Time For Babies - Reading to babies is an impor- is Wood.
tant form of stimulation for little ones. Bring children from Merit Roll: Taylor Beck, Lance Boise, Owen Elias, Spen-
WEEKLY CALENDAR birth to 24 months on Thursdays at 2 p.m. for Babies and
Tuesday, June 30: Books, starting June 25. Everyone will enjoy stories, music cer Gehr, Samuel Gunther, Charles Igo, Kyle Lester, Anna
Columbia Reservation will have a "Night Activity" hike and more! Pre-registration is required. O’Donnell, Kristina Pack, Aric Paine, Jessica Paletta, Dylan
tonight from 8:30-10 p.m. at the park. Join them for a walk Risdon, Cody Schwartz and Torrie Shields.
after dark to see what nocturnal activity you may see or hear Facebook and Twitter for Beginners - Learn the very ba-
on the trails. The hike is free and open to everyone. sics about Facebook and Twitter on Tuesday, July 7, at 2 p.m. 11th Grade
Thursday, July 2: Receive an overview of what these sites consist of, how to High Honor Roll: Sara Aniol, Owen Barta, Jacquelyne
Columbia Zoning Committee meeting will be held tonight create accounts, and how to keep yourself and children safe in Dembie, Trevor Fess, Samantha Henry, Nathan Hite, Shawn
at the town hall at 6:30 p.m. The public is welcome to at- these online environments. Pre-registration is required. Hodson, Cullen Nagle, Bailey Patouhas, Morgan Peters, Tes-
tend. sa Quinn, Louise Rasmussen, Austin Ruggles, Alison Scha-
Saturday, July 4: Lego® Club - Columbia Library has a brand new LEGO® fer, Annaliese Silvay, Kristen Swartz, Justin Tacchite and
INDEPENDENCE DAY! Have a safe Fourth of July. collection! Come play on Friday, July 10, from 3-4:30 p.m. Linus Wright.
Final creations will be put on display at the library. Pre-regis- Honor Roll: Martin Barnard, Brianna Berkley, Brian Bro-
Free Hot Meal & Food Pantry tration is required. phy, David Delahunty, Jordan DeLisle, Laycie Hagen, Sara
Kalinowski, Mackenzie Keaton, Danny Malin, Taylor Napo-
On Saturday, July 4, a free hot meal will be served and a Dad and Donuts Story Time - Enjoy a morning story time li, Amber Nebinger, Jaymie Pekrul, Brooklyn Roberts, James
perishable foods pantry will be available at New Life Wesley- on Saturday, July 11, at 10:30 a.m. Dads are encouraged to Surman and Nicole Wiltrout.
an Church from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. This is a monthly event held bring their little ones ages 2-5 for stories, songs, crafts and Merit Roll: Rachel Borrhello, Bethany Dixon, Milo
the ?rst Saturday of every month. The meal and food pantry more, along with coffee, juice and donuts! Enjoy themed Drumm, James Jacobs, Samuel Krizek, Jesse Lambert, Leah
(featuring fresh perishable foods) is available at no charge to books from tools to ?re trucks and outer space. Pre-registra- LaMonica, Stephanie Lehky, Wolfgang Loos, Brandon Ma-
all local residents. tion is required. her, Samuel Nagle, Cole Thomas and Jacob Viccarone.
The church is located at 11149 West River Road, in Co- More information and registration for programs is avail- 12th Grade
lumbia Station. For more information, please contact Kathy able online at or by calling the Co- High Honor Roll: Cory Bowes, David Carder, Shan-
at (440) 840-2923 or Susan at (216) 906-5091. lumbia Library at (440) 236-8751. The Columbia Library is non Cassidy, Mary Conway, Matthew Cordell, John Fetchet,
located at 13824 W. River Road, North. Benjamin Frashure, Shelby Friedel, Benjamin Gibson, Noel
Food Pantry Hrzic, Caitlyn Miller, Amy Mirecki, Frank Pihoker, Alexan-
Columbia Community Garage Sale der Primozic, Gina Quinn, Alexis Reichard, Lisa Schlegel,
The July food distribution at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Rebecca Stinson and Kiersten Templeton.
Church will be on Monday, July 6, from 4-5:30 p.m. The Columbia Station and the Columbia Chamber of Com- Honor Roll: Cory Bittner, Corrine Buettner, Kimberly
church is located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia merce are proud to be hosting the 2nd annual Columbia Com- Ciroli, Jordan Danilovic, Alyssa Dunn, Jeremy Frosti, Teresa
Township. The food, from the Second Harvest Food Bank munity Garage Sales. How it works: Being a rural community, Fudale, Brandon Hones, Kailey Minarchick, Jordan Paine,
of North Central Ohio in Lorain, is available to residents of it is hard to draw shoppers out to our garage sales. Most shop- Kyle Palmer, Michelle Sasala, Allison Schulte, Cody Shields,
Columbia, Grafton and Eaton Township. Recipients must be pers like to go to developments or to cities where they can hit Kaila Thorpe and Logan Wilkovich.
eligible according to Ohio Job and Family Services guide- multiple sales all in the same day. Last year when these sales Merit Roll: Brett Berkley, Joyce Choka, Shaina Clark,
lines and bring proof of address, such as a current utility bill were held, there were 106 participating houses. Sean Garrow, Samantha Haymans, Brandon Heidecker, Sa-
and a photo ID. mantha Henning, Brian Hershey, Chance Hutchinson, Nicho-
This year, the community sales event will be held Thurs- las Jacobucci, Nicolle Jenny, David Painting, Tristen Rind-
For more information, or to determine eligibility, phone day-Saturday, July 16, 17 & 18, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (hours ?eisch, Alex Shumaker, Kevin Simon, Amanda Skinner and
the church of?ce at (440) 236-5095, Monday through Friday, may vary by address). Participating houses will be listed on Jordan Timura.
between 9 a.m. - noon. handouts available for viewing on-line (Facebook Columbia
Garage Sale Event Page &, at the PUBLIC HEARING
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Town Hall and at each house participating in the sale. COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP ZONING COMMISSION
Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrim-
inating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or To have your house listed on the ?yers, please send your ZONING AMENDMENT 2015-01
disability. address, days and hours you will be ‘open’ and a few items Thursday, July 9, 2015 - 6:30 p.m.
you will be having in your sale to Mandie Andrews at: ga-
Columbia Library events [email protected]. If you do not have access to The Columbia Township Zoning Commission will
email, please contact Mandie by phone at (216) 409-6668. hold a public hearing on Zoning Amendment 2015-01, a
The Lorain Public Library System will be closed on Sat- Participation is free! Please share this information with your proposed amendment to the Columbia Township Zoning
urday, July 4 for Independence Day. Visit the eLibrary on Lo- neighbors and friends. Deadline to list is noon on Friday, July Resolution initiated by application of the property own- to instantly stream and download great 10. er. The hearing will be held at the Columbia Town Hall,
music for your celebration. 25496 Royalton Road, Columbia Station, Ohio on Thurs-
CHS Honor/Merit Rolls day, July 9, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. The application to amend
Photo Contest - Showcase your photography skills in the the Zoning Resolution will be available for examination
“Who’s Your Hero” photo contest. Take a picture of your hero 9th Grade for a period of 10 days from June 29, 2015 through July 9,
during the month of July. Submit it with an entry form and a High Honor Roll: Adam Alten, Jacob Aniol, Alexis Ar- 2015, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9 a.m.
photo release form at any Lorain Public Library System loca- curi, Nathan Barta, Emily Berg, Allison Bouscher, David to 1 p.m. at the Columbia Township Of?ce also located at
tion. You may also email [email protected], or post to Pinter- Cole, Stacy Corrigan, Nicole Doksa, Mikayla Dupaski, Ma- 25496 Royalton Road.
est or the library’s Facebook page, or tweet @LorainLibrary. dalyn East, James Eisenhauer, Gregory Grzywna, Mitchell
Use #LPLSheroes. All social media links can be found on Hershey, Madelyn Hicks, Salena Hritz, Raquel Hysong, Sa- Following is a list of properties to be rezoned or re- Entry and photo release forms are vannah Ives, Amanda Kile, Justin Krase, Kaitlynn Krupinski, districted by the proposed amendment and the name of
available at the library or online at Mya LaCourse, Danielle Matzelle, Nolan Miller, Maira Mi- the property owners as they appear on the Lorain County
Forms must be submitted for your entry to be valid, so if you randa, Andrea Parker, Hannah Primozic, Jessica Saki, Emma Auditor’s current tax list: Permanent Parcel 12-00-021-
enter via social media, drop off or email your entry and photo Seitz, Lily Smith, James Sprinkle, Erik Tallos, Jessica Ton- 105-033 (66.13 acres); 12-00-120-101-004 (0.70 acres)
release forms. Contest deadline is Friday, July 31. For more cler, Julia Vozar, Jordan Wasko, Magdalena Welker, William and 12-00-020-101-005 (16.05 acres). All properties are
information, call the Lorain Public Library System at 1-800- Wentz, Natalie Wilkins and Kassi Zeinert. owned by the Riverside Golf Association. The total acre-
322-READ. Honor Roll: Gillian Atherton, Joshua Borling, Christian age proposed for rezoning is +/- 82.88 acres.
Bowes, Haley Bures, Amber Caldwell, William Eisenhauer,
Four Keys Restaurant Scarlett Fryer, Jake Garrow, Kyle Heidecker, Ashley Henry, The present zoning classi?cation of the properties
Ashley Hones, Max Napoli, Analyssia Pacheco, Myranda named in the proposed amendment is REC Recreational.
OPEN for DINNER! Parobek, Trevor Rind?eisch, Julianne Schulte, Madison Spir- The proposed zoning classi?cation is R1 Residential. The
Starting June 29th nak and Courtney Yoder. minimum R1 Residential lot size is 0.5 acres with a mini-
Merit Roll: Troy Cassidy, Adrian Frederick, Elie Haoui, mum lot width of 100 ft.
June 29th, 5-8pm RIBS Special! Joseph Kobiloinsky, Thomas Lupica, Alex Paine, Eric Schaef,
Ribs, Baked Beans & Slaw Rachael Sprouse and Kara Thunberg. This proposed zoning amendment has been submitted
to the Lorain County Planning Commission for their rec-
$499No substitutions, Dine in only 10th Grade ommendation. At the conclusion of this public hearing,
(while supplies last) High Honor Roll: Payton Alpine, Audrey Chonko, Hailey Zoning Amendment 2015-01 will be submitted to the Co-
FREE DESSERT Delzeith, Bailey Dillon, Tatyana Ellis, Hattie Gault, Alexis lumbia Township Board of Trustees for further action.
all week long till Jones, Matthew Olah, Baylee Silvaggio, Shelby Stevens, Ra-
July 4th, with Dinner chel Tacchite, Rebecca Tacchite, Miya Timura, Conrad Welk- Notice given by: Rita J.. Plata, Columbia Township Ad-
purchase! er, Garrhett Wheatley, Alyssa Wood and Logan Zeinert. ministrative assistant
Honor Roll: Candice Ballachino, Denise Biljes, Halle
NEW HOURS! Campbell, Jasmine Caraballo, Madilyn Cox, Morgan Elek, J&J Greenhouse
Mon-Sat, 6am-8pm Jared Heidecker, McKenna Heidecker, Nicole Kittleberger, “We Grow On You”
Sunday - 6:30am-8pm Shannan Martynowski, Hannah Nolen, Kaitlyn O’Neal, Scott
Schlegel, Andrew Schneider, Sarah Severo, Nathaniel Smith, LOW PRICES! LAST AD OF
440-236-8688 Leah Spielberger, Dana Trujillo, Genevieve Wetzel and Alex- GREAT THE SEASON!!!
26606 Royalton Rd. Columbia Station
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Page 3
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Spikes, Austin Stair, Alyssa Furyes, Tracy Groleau, Amelia Hritz, Amelia Jessen, Casey Local Golf
Wilkins and Zakary Zeinert. Medina, Rose Sikorski, Juliet Smith, Stephen Stansberry, Outings
CMS Honor/Merit Roll Katelynn Strieter, Michael Verbus and Riley West.
Merit Roll: Olivia Blak- Keystone Quarterback
5th Grade eney, Shane Bland, Caleb Merit Roll: Corrin Bigler, Karly Cipriano, Jeffery Corri- Club - Their 10th annual Golf
High Honor Roll: Meredith Chervenak, Melissa Garibot- Borling, Jenna Butler, Jay- gan, Benjamin Gehr, Carson Heidecker, Tyler Hicks, Mason Outing is on Saturday, July
ti, Luke Goodnough, Dominic Governale, Keegan Marx, Jes- son Cogar, Kaley Colorito, Jakubisin, Zoie Jarem, Haley Keenan, Jacob Kile, Samantha 11, with a 8:30 a.m. Shotgun
sica Morlock, Nicholas Reljin, Samuel Sikorski, Julia Stone, Tyler Corbett, Ryan Davis, Kraemer, Payton Krase, Kevin Schaef, Hunter Smith, Logan Start. The outing will be at
Caitlin Wilkins and Gabrielle Zapola. Madison DePaolis, Dylan Szuch and Karl Tallos. the Carlisle Golf Course, lo-
Honor Roll: John Bacha, Andrew Champagne, Dante Ci- Elliott, Evin Elliott, Jacob cated at 39709 Slife Road, in
rigliano, Starleen Conley, Christopher Davis, Cody Davis, Fleming, Jeffery Grzywna, 8th Grade Grafton. The 4-Man-Scram-
Joshua DeLisle, Drexton Friscone, Zachary Geiger, Elijah Samuel Kleinhenz, Jacob High Honor Roll: Benjamin Champagne, Matthew Dix- ble is $65 a person ($260 a
Goodman, Jesse Groleau, Autumn Hamman, Brianna Hicks, Kobiloinsky, Tyler Moore, on, Danielle Gerda, Emma Gill, Stephanie Makowski, Ryan team). Price Includes golf,
Chloe Isner, Jordon Lebron, Owen Menge, Joshua Miller, Ya- Rebecca Pritt, Tyler Sayles, Petit and Ambriel Stair. lunch, dinner, beverages and
nicia Miranda, Rachel Ramsey, Madison Remy, Cole Riley, Kaitlyn Surgenor and Alex Honor Roll: Blake Berkowitz, Jennifer Boey, Jared By- prizes. 1st Place is $300, 2nd
Cacey Saki, Olivia Schlauch, Brooke Speck, Gabriella Stin- Wells. cznski, Bailey Coleman, Andrew Collins, Alexis Corbett, Place is $200 and 3rd Place
son, Jack Stone, Kelsey Strieter, Maya Trujillo, Jesse West, Courtney Faber, Serena Goode, Jillian Grzywna, Robin is $100. $50 Hole Sponsor-
James Yarosh and Madelyn Yoder. 7th Grade Hensley, Tyler Hite, Connor Hutchinson, Nicholas Milluzzi, ships are also available. For
Merit Roll: Wilson DeWerth, Maximus Drumm, Jacklynn High Honor Roll: Brian Andrew Perrott, Adam Ross, Parker Sabol, Cole Schwartz, more information, contact
Gibson, Maya Haoui, Joshua Hickman, Kyerstyne Kniep, Barta, Kevin Barta, Sydney Benjamin Skowronsky, Daniel Snakovsky, Annie Sprinkle, Jason Duchoslav at (440)
Jasmine LaCourse, Cody Nolen, Jacob Pack, Thomas Reljin, Berg, Coleman Isner, Sarah Carissa Templeton, Riley Thomas, Logan Wos and Jeremiah 221-5932 or jduchoslav@
Riley Rose, Alice Salim, Bryan Spaniel, Gavin Streeter, Jes- Kittelberger, Mackenzie Zingale. or Rob Clarico
sica Summers, Peyton Taylor and Elise Wagner. Marx, Fiona Medina, Joshua Merit Roll: Benjamin Alten, Molly Bayne, Alexandra at (440) 263-8446.
Morlock, Laci Riley, Emma Beck, Samantha Carrico, Brandon Coleman, Jay DeLisle, LaGrange Charity
6th Grade Roberts, Andrew Saki, Me- Jordan Hawley, Thomas Hones, Jackson Ives, Lucas Kalin, Golf Classic - The 5th an-
High Honor Roll: Cora Gill, Landon Hunt, Maya John- gan Seitz, Karlie Smick, Allysia Leap, Michael Lovell, Alexa Nadeau, Kelsey Palmer, nual LaGrange Mayor Kim
son, Miranda Keller, Ashley Krupinski, Maria Lovell, Gabri- Alexis Speck, Lauren Stone, Savannah Roberts, Danielle Roginsky, Lizzabeth Whatmore Strauss’s Charity Golf Clas-
elle Schafer, Hope Swartz and Sophia Young. Jared Swartz and Sophia Vo- and Ashley Wilson. sic is being held on Saturday,
Honor Roll: Andrew Bartel, Cara Corrado, Logan Fess, zar. July 18, at Grey Hawk Golf
Morganne Fischer, Sergio Garibotti, Joseph Governale, Honor Roll: Sarah Con- god bless america
Averey Lavinder, Conner Lind, Michelle Lovell, Julia Mat- way, Morgan Davis, Michael
zelle, Cassidy O’Steen, Allyson Ross, Logan Smith, Hailey Dunn, Michael English, Club, located in LaGrange.
Julia Ennemoser, Angelina
It will be a 4-person scram-
ble with a shotgun start at
1 p.m. All proceeds bene?t
the Keystone Educational
Endowment Program.
Putt for Parkinson’s
Charity Golf Outing - The
2nd Putt for Parkinson’s Golf
Outing will be held Sunday,
August 2, at Mallard Creek
Golf Course, 34500 Royal-
ton Road, in Columbia Sta-
tion. The 1 p.m. shotgun start
includes a hole in one contest
for a new car lease, 18 holes
with a cart, range balls, skins
contest and a raf?e and si-
lent auction at dinner, along
with miscellaneous door
prizes for the golfers. A light
lunch and steak dinner will
be provided. Dinner will be
served at 5:30 p.m. Even if
you don’t golf, you can buy
a dinner ticket for $30. Cost
is $90 per golfer if regis-
tered by July 1 and $100 per
golfer after July 1. Deadline
for sign-ups is Saturday, July
25. Sponsored by the Miller/
Gorski & Gigliotti Families.
Doug Gorski’s grandfather,
Andrew Namoski, and Ka-
tie Miller/Gorski’s grand-
mother, Dorothy A. Miller,
both passed away from this
debilitating disease. For
questions or more informa-
tion, contact Namoski.Mil-
[email protected] or call
(440) 731-8429.
Midview Ice Hockey will
be having a 4-person scram-
ble on Saturday, August 22,
at the Brentwood Golf Club
in Grafton. Cost is $85 per
person and includes 18 holes
of golf, a cart, beverages,
lunch and a steak dinner.
and lunch begins at 1
p.m. with a shotgun start at 2
p.m. Dinner and awards will
begin at 6 p.m. There will be
door prizes, raf?es and priz-
es for the top three teams!
Check the team’s website,,
for entry forms. Entry fees
and foursomes are due by
July 25.
Summer Paddling events Lorain Historical Society RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Page 5
Ice Cream Social
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) is •Tuesday, July 28, 1:30-4 p.m. - Amherst VFW, 165 Cleve-
offering a series of Paddle Ohio events to promote paddling The Lorain County Historical Society will be having their land Street, Amherst.
on Ohio's state-designated wild, scenic and recreational rivers Ice Cream Social on Sunday, July 12, from 1-5 p.m. The
and water trails. Nearly 150 people participated in the Paddle event will be held by the Hickories Museum, and will include Adult Immunization Clinic -Tuesday, July 28, 1-6 p.m. at
Ohio ?oats offered last year by the ODNR Division of Water- a tour of the museum, ice cream and cake or pie, antique Lorain County General Health District, 9880 South Murray
craft during the program’s inaugural year. vehicles, old-fashioned games for kids and more. Food and Ridge Rd., Elyria. Adult immunization clinics serve individu-
refreshments will be available and include hot dogs, sloppy als 18 years and older. Please note that prices vary by type of
“Paddling Ohio’s rivers and water trails provides paddlers joes, chips, popcorn, fresh lemonade, soda, coffee and bottled immunizations.
a unique perspective of our state’s beautiful landscapes,” said spring water.
ODNR Director James Zehringer. “It is a great opportunity For more information on immunizations, contact the Lo-
for family and friends to enjoy time together while bringing Proceeds from this event will bene?t the Lorain County rain County General Health District at (440) 322-6367 or visit
attention to our efforts and the work of our partners to pre- Historical Society.
serve and protect Ohio’s scenic and vital waterways.”
Medina County Fit Walks
While people are encouraged to paddle at their conve- Genealogical program
nience, a number of events are currently planned throughout This month, join Fit Walks, formally known as Lorain
the summer, including ?oats on the Chagrin, Little Miami, Terry Hart, Medina County Genealogical Society mem- County Fitness Walks! It is a great way to gather friends, fam-
Maumee and Olentangy scenic rivers and the Great Miami ber, will present “Researching Military Records” on Satur- ily or loved ones, meet new people, get moving and improve
and Muskingum River water trails. For event dates and more day, July 11. The 2 p.m. meeting will be held at the Medina your health. The Fit Walks program now has new prizes, such
detailed information, including registration, visit paddle. County District Library, 210 S. Broadway St., in Medina. The as 1-week trial memberships at local gyms, and a new loca- The Olentangy and Maumee scenic rivers ?oats topic will cover resources and records available to document tion at French Creek Reservation and the Avon French Creek
are currently at capacity, but paddlers with their own equip- and honor ancestors who served in the military. The public is YMCA. All walkers have accessibility to additional rec. cen-
ment and transportation are still welcome to attend and par- invited to attend this informative talk and earlier social time ter amenities while attending the Fit Walks, on the speci?c
ticipate. Check for possible ?oat cancel- at 1:30. For more information, contact Pat Morgan at (330) days.
lations due to high water. 725-7540.
July Fit Walks schedule:
The Paddle Ohio initiative will reward individuals who Child Immunization Clinics July 6, 13, 20 and 27, at 5:30 p.m. at the Lorain County
paddle four of Ohio's wild, scenic and recreational rivers or Metro Parks Splash Zone, 95 West Hamilton Rd., in Oberlin;
water trails with a commemorative pin. Participants simply Immunizations will be available for anyone 18 years of July 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 at 5:30 p.m. outdoors at the Amherst
submit information about their four paddling trips on the Pad- age and under at the following Lorain County locations in Beaver Creek Park, 913 N. Lake St., Amherst, or indoors at
dle Ohio registration form at, and ODNR July. All children must be accompanied by a parent or guard- Mercy Health Rec. Center, 47160 Hollstein Dr., Amherst; and
will mail the pin to qualifying individuals. Future plans in- ian. It is also important to bring the child’s current immuniza- the new location on July 10, 17, 24 and 31 at 5:30 p.m. out-
clude a series of pins that paddlers will be able to collect for tion record. doors at the French Creek Reservation, 4530 Colorado Ave.,
paddling up to 20 different segments of the designated rivers Shef?eld Lake and indoors at the French Creek YMCA, 2010
or water trails. •Wednesday, July 1, 1-6 p.m. - Lorain County General Recreation Ln., in Avon.
Health District, 9880 South Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria. No membership or fee is required and all ages are invited
Ohio pioneered the river preservation movement in 1968 to join. You are welcome to join a walk whenever you have
with the passage of the nation's ?rst scenic rivers act. This •Thursday, July 2, 8:30-11 a.m. - Elyria City Health Dis- time in your schedule; a weekly commitment is not neces-
legislation protects Ohio's high quality streams for the enjoy- trict, 202 Chestnut St., Elyria. sary.
ment of future generations. Maintaining Ohio's scenic rivers For more information, contact the LCGHD at (440) 322-
and water trails requires the partnership of numerous volun- •Tuesday, July 7, 2:30-5 p.m. - Oberlin Public Library, 65 6367.
teers, conservation groups, non-pro?t organizations, local South Main St., Oberlin.
leadership, government agencies and private owners.
•Wednesday, July 8, 3-5:30 p.m. Grafton Community
Paddling interest and involvement continues to grow in Room, 1051 Novak Rd., Grafton.
Ohio. Over the last decade, the number of Ohio-registered ca-
noes and kayaks increased 141 percent, to more than 132,000 •Tuesday, July 14, 4-6:30 p.m. - Vincent Elementary
in 2014. From 2013 to 2014, Ohio saw an increase of almost School, 2303 North Ridge Rd., Shef?eld Twp.
13,500 paddlers.
•Thursday, July 16, 1-4 p.m. - Elyria City Health District,
Maps and more information on Ohio's scenic rivers and by appointment only; call (440) 323-7595.
water trails, as well as information on volunteering to be a
stream quality monitor, is available from the ODNR Division •Tuesday, July 21, 4-6:30 p.m. - St. Patrick’s Catholic
of Watercraft at Church, 512 North Main St., Wellington.
Complete Auto & Truck Repair
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Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015
Professional Profile
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Delta Shine-A-Blind
682 West Bagley, #18 • Berea, OH 44017
Buying ® (440) 236-8825 * Now Available *
954 Main Street | Grafton, OH 44044 NEW EQUIPMENT
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-Products Rings, Necklaces, Watches, Clocks
Mulch • Topsoil • Stone
Services - Jewelry, Clock and Watch Repair Seed • Fertilizer
954 Main Street - Downtown Grafton Full Services Available
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Residential - Commercial
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P: 440-748-2813
33623 Royalton Rd. C: 440-724-6852 Time to get out and play with one of our POLYURETHANE CRACK INJECTION
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831 Chestnut Commons • Elyria
www.river? 440-366-0665 ~ JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036
Hours: M-F 11-8 • Sat. 11-6 • Sun. 12-5
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Page 7
Professional Profile
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440-324-2400 | 1800 Lorain Blvd - Elyria
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 COLUMBIA UNITED NORTH “Welcome Home” Belden United
METHODIST EATON Methodist Church
The Rural-Urban Record CHURCH CHRISTIAN New Life Wesleyan Church
CHURCH 36130 OH-303, Grafton
Published Weekly on Monday Worship Service 11149 West River Rd, 440.926.2209
10:30 a.m. (Disciples) Columbia Station
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter SUNDAY 9 AM Pastor David Walker
Founders 1955 Sunday School Rt. 82 & 83 Service 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Adults/Young Adults
Lee Boise, Publisher & President during Worship Service 440-748-2230 SUNDAY 10 AM
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 TRINITY
25453 ROYALTON ROAD Worship & Children’s Church
Worship Services Adult Study, Women’s Study,
P.O. BOX 966 • COLUMBIA STATION, OH 44028 Pastor Matt Merriman 38307 W. Royalton Rd.
236-8822 8:00am & 9:30am Teens, Kids Club Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57)
Located at 24487 Squire Road, Columbia Station Rev. Jim Carder,
[email protected] Sunday School Sunday Worship
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 Senior Pastor 9:30am
Email: [email protected] 10:45am Rev. Steven Spaeth,
Website: Church ph: 440-748-2154
DEADLINE: Polly Tallos Associate Pastor Preschool ph: 440-748-3445
News, Pictures and all ads - Wednesday 12 Noon Christian Ed. & Youth Director
OFFICE HOURS: Rev. John Ramsey II
Rev. Charles A. Butcher
Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
50¢ per copy at of?ce; Subscriptions $35 per year Pastor
Our Lady Queen of Peace St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church St. Elizabeth Sugar Ridge Baptist Church
Catholic Church Ann Seton
All are welcome at 36600 Sugar Ridge Rd., N. Ridgeville
Weekend Masses Weekday Catholic Parish 440-327-946
Sat. 4:30pm Mass God’s Table.
8:00am 25801 Royalton Rd.
Sun. 8:30 & Chapel Sunday Worship Schedule Columbia Station, OH All age Sunday School 10 am
8:30 am Quiet Communion Service
11:00am Mon.-Tues. Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday Worship 11 am & 6:30 pm
Confession: Thurs.-Fri. 9:30 am Christian Education for all ages (Confession) Wednesday Worship 7 pm
10:30 am Communion Service with Music
Sat. 3:30- Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. GRAFTON UNITED
Children’s sermon at both services Anytime by Appointment METHODIST CHURCH
300 3rd Street, Elyria, Ohio Weekend Masses 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~ (440) 322-2126 Sat. 5 p.m. “We Celebrate Children” Sun. 8 & 11 a.m. 8:45am Sunday School
Like us on Facebook 10:00am Worship
Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector 10:35am Children’s Church Rev. Delaine McGhee, Pastor
United Church of God Vacation Bible Schools St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church news
12981 Grafton Rd.
Grafton, Oh 44044 Christ Church / Elyria PSR
Christ Church Vacation Bible School will be held at the It is time to register for Parish School of Religion (PSR)!
Sabbath Services West Campus, located at 1420 S. Abbe Rd., in Elyria. Join PSR is for 1st through 8th grade students. The children
Saturdays at 12:30 pm us for an amazing time on June 29, 30, July 1 and on July make their First Communion in 2nd grade and their Con?r-
2,at our family fun carnival night. For ages 2 through 6th mation in 8th grade. If your child goes to public school and grade. Please log on to for more in- is grades 1-8th, please come and register in the program.
formation or call (440) 236-8282. Religious Education is very important in your child’s life.
Vacation Bible Schools The deadline to register for PSR is July 1. Please call the
Cornerstone Bible Fellowship Religious Education of?ce at 236-3711 to register for the
Camden Baptist Church This July 27-31, members come together to present Va- 2015/16 year, or if you have any questions. Classes will
“Camp Kilimanjaro” - Vacation Bible School will be cation Bible School to local children. This free outreach start back up in September.
held June 29-July 2, Monday-Thursday, from 9:30 a.m.-12 ministry welcomes children ages 3 through 6th grade and We Need You!
p.m. Children in Kindergarten through 6th grade are wel- offers Bible lessons, crafts, games and snacks. To register, The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church youth group needs
come to attend. There will be a closing program on Thurs- visit or you can register when you come you! They are located at 25801 Royalton Road in Columbia
day, July 2, at 7 p.m. Camden Baptist Church is located at on July 27. CBF is located at 36300 Center Ridge Rd., in Station. The youth group is for 7th graders through high
17901 State Rt. 511, in Wellington. For more information, North Ridgeville. For questions, call (440) 353-3530. school. Some of the activities that they do are faith based,
call (440) 774-5732. some are service based and the rest are activities like swim-
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church ming, etc. If this sounds like fun to you, please contact Ann
Grace Lutheran / Elyria St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church’s 2015 Vacation Bible at the youth director’s of?ce at 236-3711.
“Everest Vacation Bible School” will be held July 20- School will be held August 3-7 from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
24 from 6:30-8:45 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, located each day. “Hearing God’s Call” is the theme. Activities in- Our Lady Queen of Peace news
at 9685 East River Rd., in Elyria. At VBS kids participate clude games, stories, crafts, snacks and fun! Ages 4 years
in Bible-learning activities, songs, snacks, a canned goods through 4th grade are welcome. The bible school is free. St. Disney Trip Raf?e
drive for a local food pantry and will learn how to look for Andrew’s Church is located at 300 Third Street, in Elyria. An all inclusive trip to Disney World in Orlando, Flori-
evidence of God through “God Sightings.” VBS is free and For more information, call (440) 322-2126. da, or $10,000 is being raf?ed by Our Lady Queen of Peace
designed for kids ages 4 to 11. For more information, call Parish during their ?fth annual Home Days Festival. The
the church of?ce at (440) 322-5497. Pitts?eld Community Church festival is scheduled for July 31-August 2. Tickets are now
The Pitts?eld Community Church will be having Vaca- available, with a donation of $5 per ticket or three tickets
Columbia United Methodist Church tion Bible School the Week of July 6-10 from 9-11:45 a.m. for $10. To purchase tickets, call the parish of?ce at 926-
Vacation Bible school will be held June 29, June 30 & The theme is “SonSpark Labs.” Toddlers who are potty 2364.
July 1, from 9:30 a.m.- 12 p.m. The church is located at trained through those who have ?nished 6th grade are wel- Home Days Festival
25453 Royalton Road in Columbia Station. Registration come to attend. For registration, call (440) 774-2162. Our Lady Queen of Peace will sponsor their ?fth annual
forms available at the Church for children ages preschool Home Days Festival in the parking lot of the Main Church
through 6th grade.Donations of canned food items accept- Litch?eld United Church of Christ off State Route 57 and Erie Street. The festival runs Friday,
ed for the Columbia Food cupboard. Contact the church at Litch?eld United Church of Christ will be holding Vaca- July 31, from 6-11 p.m., Saturday, August 1, from 6-11 p.m.
(440) 236-8822 for more information. tion Bible School Tuesday, July 14-Thursday, July 16, from and Sunday, August 2, from noon-6 p.m.
6:30-8 p.m. each day. Children four years old through en- Parish Picnic
Belden/Grafton UMC tering 7th grade are welcome! Our theme is F.R.O.G. (Ful- Plan to attend the Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Pic-
Belden and Grafton United Methodist Churches invite ly Rely On God). For additional information or to register nic on Saturday, July 11, on the parish grounds, following
all children to a combined Vacation Bible School. The fun ,please contact Melanie at (440) 225-7008. Litch?eld Unit- the 4:30 p.m. Mass. Please bring a dish to share (meat, ta-
happens July 13-17, from 6:30-9 p.m. at Belden United ed Church of Christ is located at 3928 Avon Lake Road, in bleware and cold drinks will be provided). Come enjoy a
Methodist Church, located at 36130 State Route 303. At Litch?eld. relaxing evening and good food with friends!
the worship service on Sunday, July 19, all children who
participated in VBS and their families are invited to attend “Introduce Your Children to Jesus” GriefShare
a VBS program. All children ages preschool through 8th
grade are welcome. Pre-register by calling the church at Most parents feel it is important to bring their children GriefShare is a faith based support group for those who
(440) 926-2209 or the VBS director at (330) 725-7847. up in the church. Unfortunately, many have put off have lost a loved one. We offer comfort, guidance and sup-
port through shared experiences. Please join us and dis-
Laubenthal Funeral doing that and now are uncertain what to do. Here’s a cover hope for your future. You may bring a friend if you
Services great way to introduce kids to Jesus in a fun and less prefer. For more information, visit http://www.griefshare.
intimidating way—have them participate in a Summer org/about, or contact Pastor Dominic Verdell at (440) 236-
Offering Forethought Vacation Bible School. Several area churches offer sum- 8282. GriefShare is held at Christ Church, located at 23080
Funeral Pre-Planning mer programs. Along with games, crafts, food and fun, Royalton Road, in Columbia Station, on Tuesday evenings
7-8:30 p.m., August 4-October 27.
LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO they’ll begin to learn what the Bible is all about.
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035 FUNERAL HOME
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 2089 Columbia Road DAVID BOGNER Valley City, OH 44280
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled “Understanding When
Needed Most”
Pre-Need Planning Available
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
It’s RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Page 9
Food Safety: At Home, Chill and refrigerate foods quickly. Food left out more something new the next time they ?re up their grills can try the
than two hours should be thrown out. “With temperatures following recipe for "Sardinas Asadas (Grilled Sardines With
on the Grill & on the Go heating up, foods left in temperatures of 90 degrees or higher Grilled Lemon Vinaigrette)" from James Campbell Caruso's
should be thrown away after only 1 hour” said Lis. Frozen "España: Exploring the Flavors of Spain" (Gibbs Smith).
Each year, one is six Americans gets sick by eating con- foods should be thawed in a refrigerator, under cold water, or
taminated foods ore beverages. Practice basic food safety to in a microwave, never on the counter. Sardinas Asadas
keep you and your friends and family safe. Follow these four (Grilled Sardines With Grilled Lemon Vinaigrette)
steps to keep foods and beverages safe: clean, separate, cook To check for current food safety recalls, visit www.Re- Juice of 2 lemons
and chill. For more food safety tips, visit www.LorainCoun- 6 cloves fresh garlic, peeled and minced Follow us on Twitter @LorainCoHealth and 1 tablespoon sea salt
Clean hands and surfaces to prevent contaminating foods “like” the Lorain County General Health District on Face- 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
and beverages. “Hand washing is an important step to take book. 1/2 cup Spanish extra virgin olive oil
before and after cooking and eating, yet unclean hands are 12 fresh sardines, gutted with head on
just one reason for food borne illness,” said Jill Lis, RS, Di- Go off the grill grid Heat an outdoor grill to high heat. Toss all ingredients in a
rector of Environmental Health, Emergency Preparedness for unique flavor bowl with the sardines. Let marinate at room temperature for
and Epidemiology at the Lorain County General Health Dis- 30 minutes. Grill for about 4 minutes per side. Transfer to a
trict. “Surfaces and utensils should be washed after each use,” Sardines may platter and top with Grilled Lemon Vinaigrette (see below).
adds Lis. not be the ?rst Serve with a cold drink and crusty bread.
food to come to
Separate fruits and vegetables away form meat, poultry, mind when dream- Grilled Lemon Vinaigrette
seafood and eggs to prevent contamination. “Food that is ing up images of 4 lemons, cut in half
ready to eat should be kept away from raw, un-cooked foods” grilled delicacies. 4 cloves garlic, minced
said Lis. “Meat, poultry, seafood and eggs should be sepa- But while hot dogs 1/4 cup Spanish extra-virgin olive oil
rated from produce at all times, from the grocery store to pre- and hamburgers 1 teaspoon sea salt
paring.” have their place Grill the lemons cut side down for 2 minutes on high heat.
at any backyard Turn and grill for another 2 minutes. Remove from grill. Al-
Cook food to safe temperatures and use a food thermome- barbecue, those low to cool to room temperature. Squeeze all the juice from
ter to check internal temperatures. Chicken should be cooked looking to veer the grilled lemons into a small bowl. Whisk in all other ingre-
at least 165 degrees, hamburgers at least 160 degrees, steaks, off course and try dients. Pour the mixture over a platter of grilled sardines. This
roasts and pork chops at least 145 degrees. “The grilling sea- grilled lemon vinaigrette also tastes great on grilled shrimp,
son is here, and with it comes the need to give a bit more at- tuna, beef steak, and grilled vegetables.
tention to food safety,” said Lis. “Make a plan when grilling,
to keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.”
Your Auto or Serving July 4th BBQ
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Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015
Feline companions RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Page 11
seek loving home
Notice of Public Hearing Callie Missy Grafton 4th of July
The Eaton Township Zoning Commission will hold a Callie is a beautiful 3-year -old Tortoiseshell. Unfortunate- 4th of July festivities in Grafton will kick off on Saturday,
public hearing at the town hall on Wed., July 1, at 7:30 p.m. ly, her owner passed away, so Callie and her house mate, Mis- July 4, with the 3rd annual Mayor Megan’s 5-miler for Free-
in regards to the rezoning of parcels 1100045000050 and sy, are in need of a new home. They are calm, loving kitties dom and Fireworks. Race registration begins at 7 and the race
1100045000036, owned by Russell Investments Corp. and that would make great companions for you and your family! (5 mile and 2 mile options) begin at 8:30. Our “Fun in the
COTO LLC, respectively. Both parcels are currently zoned If you would like to give Callie and Missy a loving, forever Park” will begin at 7 p.m. in Willow Park with food and drink
Residential High Density. The owners are requesting that the home, please call the Friendship Animal Protective League vendors. Fireworks will begin at dusk.
parcels be rezoned Residential R3 with a Cluster Subdivision at (440) 322-4321. (
Overlay District. The applications can be viewed at the town Lorain County Historical Society
hall. After the hearing, the matter will be submitted to the The shelter is located at 8303 Murray Ridge Road, in
Board of Township Trustees for its action. Elyria. Their hours are from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Monday, The Lorain County Historical Society’s exhibition on
Friday & Saturday; from 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. on Tuesday & Beckett Industries will be on display in the Lorain County
Valley City 4th of July Thursday; and from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Sunday. Adoption History Center’s rotating gallery through July. This exhibition
fees are $10 for 1 year and older and $40 for less than 1 year is included in the price of admission, which is $5 per adult,
Join the fun by decorating your bikes, wagons & ?oats old. All cats have been spayed or neutered, vaccinated, de- $3 for ages 13-18 and $2 for children 6-12 (children under
for the Fourth of July Parade in Valley City. Everyone is wel- wormed and have tested negative for FeLV. Friendship APL 6 and LCHS Members are free). Please call LCHS at (440)
come to be in the parade! is a private, non-pro?t humane society. They depend on the 322-3341 for more information. The Lorain County History
generosity and ?nancial support of the public to serve the Center is located at 284 Washington Avenue, in Elyria.
At 10 a.m., the Parade forms near Depot. Floats and bikes people and animals of Lorain County.
assemble behind Dr. Grabenstetter's of?ce; antique cars as- LCHS Golf Outing
semble in front of the Depot; and motorized ?oats assemble
across Center Road and behind Emmanuel UCC (in their LCSH is having their Golf Outing on Thursday, August
parking lot). All entries need to check-in and receive a num- 13. The 4-person scramble has a shotgun start at 11:30 a.m.
ber upon arrival. at Forest Hills Golf Course, located at 41971 Oberlin-Elyria
Road, in Elyria. Cost is $85 per person and includes 18 holes
Categories: Bikes (most patriotic, most original and best of of golf with a cart, lunch, steak dinner, beverage and prizes.
show), small ?oats, animals, marching units and large ?oats. Guest dinner cost is only $30. For more information or to reg-
ister, call (440) 322-3341.
The parade steps off at 11 a.m. and heads west down State
Route 303, ending at Mill Stream Park. The Antique Car
Show and judging will be at 11.30. At 12:15 p.m., awards for
the parade and vehicles will be given.
Free pop and water will be available for all parade partici-
pants. Boy Scout Troop #502 will sell snacks at the conces-
sion stand after the parade and throughout the evening.
At 7:30 p.m., the Litch?eld Town Band plays in the pavil-
ion of Mill Stream Park, and at dusk, ?reworks will light the
sky. Enjoy the great display put on by the Valley City Fire &
Rescue Department. To make a donation to support these ?re-
works, or for more information, call Della Dangelo at (330)
483 3707.
Shelter dogs seek loving homes
Joe Maggie is a 4-year-old
Joe is a 5-year-old neu- female husky mix. She was
tered male boxer mix. He turned in by the owners who
was turned in by the owners could no longer keep her.
because they couldn’t take
care of him anymore. Oreo is a 2-year-old
Darla is a 1-year-old fe- Beagle/Spaniel mix. He was
male pit bull mix who came a stray from Moss Road in
to us as a stray. Lodi.
Alamo is a 4-year-old
neutered male pit bull mix Wishbone is a 7-year-old
who also was a stray. neutered male Jack Russell
mix. He was a stray from
Station Road in Valley City.
If you would like to give
one of these special animals
a forever home, please call
the Medina Animal Shelter
at (330) 725-9121. The adop-
tion fee is $42 and includes
shots, license and spay/neu-
ter certi?cate. The shelter is
located at 6334 Deerview
Lane, in Medina.
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sponsored rebate/offer. See Service Advisor or Quick Lane for vehicle application, rebate and account details. 2Dealer-installed retail purchases only. Limit one redemption per customer. $60 tire rebate by prepaid debit card or apply to an active Owner Advantage Rewards® account. $60 credit card rebate by prepaid
debit card only and cannot be used for payment to the Ford Serviece Credit Card. Subject to credit approval. Complete purchase must be made on the Ford Service Credit Card. Offer valid between 4/1/15 and 6/30/15. Submit rebates by 7/31/15. Cannot be combined with any other tire manufacturer-sponsored or Ford
Service Credit Card rebate/offer. See Service Advisor for vehicle application, rebate and account details. 3Valid on dealer-installed Motorcraft brake pads or shoes, retail purchases only. Per-axle price on most vehicles. Exclusions apply. Taxes extra. Rebate per axle, front or rear. Limit two axles. Subject to credit
approval. Complete purchase must be made on the Ford Service Credit Card. Offer valid between 4/1/15 and 6/30/15. Submit rebate by 7/31/15. $25 brake rebate by prepaid debit card or apply to an active Owner Advantage Rewards® account. $25 credit card rebate by prepaid debit card only and cannot be used for
payment to the Ford Serviece Credit Card. Cannot be combined with other Ford Service Credit Card offers. Valid at participating Ford Dealerships. 4Retail purchases only. Dealer-installed or Quick Lane-installed Motorcraft brake pads or shoes only, on most vehicles. Exclusions apply. Taxes extra. $25 rebate per axle,
front or rear, Limit two axles. Offer valid between 4/1/15 and 6/30/15. Submit rebate by 7/31/15. Rebate by pre-paid debit card or apply to an active Owner Advantage Rewards® account. See Service Advisor or Quick Lane for rebate and account details. Motorcraft® is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company.
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015
Schild’s LaGrange
540 N. Center, LaGrange
34981 Royalton Road, OH 44050 PRICES EFFECTIVE - JUNE-JULY 2015
North Eaton, OH
8 am - 8 pm 29 30 1 2 3 4 5
7 am - 9 pm
8 am - 6 pm PHONE: 440-355-9920
PHONE: 440-748-3751 WIC APPROVED
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Page 13
Whole “Superior” USDA Inspected 19 oz.
EZ Carve Hams
Boneless Loin Johnsonville
1$ 99 Country Style Pork Ribs Grilling Sausage
2$ 69 $399
Fresh In Husk 6-16 oz. 48 oz.
Strawberries, Ruggles Ice Cream
Sweet Corn Blueberries, Raspberries
312/$ 99 or Blackberries
10-10.5 oz. 12 pk., 12 oz. Cans 8 oz.
Family Pack
Coca-Cola Products Kraft Philadelphia
Lay’s Potato Chips Cream Cheese
4-6 oz. 24 pk., 1/2 Liter Bottles 30 oz.
Yoplait Yogurt Nestle Pure Life Water Kraft Miracle Whip
or Mayonnaise
610/$ $399
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Steppin’ to Books This Summer! garet Miller - Transportation and Marsha King; Moni-
Supervisor - (2) years at cur- tor/$9.88/hr. - April Asbury,
rent salary. Terri Helbig, Kelly Isenhart
LaGrange Lions Festival Keystone Empowers You (K.E.Y) and the Elyria Public Employment of Jacque- and Pamela Kerr - effective
Library System invite you to join Steppin’to Books, the area’s September 1, 2015, Marsha
The LaGrange Lions Festival will be July 23-25. They will ?rst walking book club! Enjoy an outdoor walk, while review- line Vance as Pupil Services King, Janet Krettler, Candy
be hosting Texas Hold 'em on Friday with cash games only at ing the book of the month. The next walk is taking place at Director/Special Education Mikolajcik, Christine Min-
6 p.m. On Saturday, there will be cash games from 12-3 p.m. the Keystone-LaGrange Community Library on July 8, from Director on a 2-year con- ney and Melanie Ternes; Bus
and a tournament starting at 3 p.m. They will also have all the 8:30-9:30 a.m. This month’s book is The Walk, by Richard tract at an annual salary of Monitor/$9.88/hr. - April
favorite in?atables again. Are you interested in taking part in Paul Evans. For more information, contact Celeste Brlas at $76,500 was agreed upon Asbury; Pamela Kerr - ef-
a Tug of War? Would you like to be a vendor at the festival? 440-355-6323 or [email protected]. Contract is for 215 days. The fective September 1, 2015;
Food and non-food vendors are welcome. For Tug of War and Superintendent, Franco Gal- Marsha King, Janet Kret-
vendor information, please call George Klocek at (440) 315- Save the Date! K.E.Y. Kick-Off free event: The goal of lo, receives $110,000 a year. tler and Melanie Ternes;
7871. For raf?e tickets, call Ann Sabo at (440) 315-4278. the K.E.Y collaborative is to increase access to physical ac- KeyCare Monitor/$9.88/hr.
tivity and healthy foods. Celebrate a community where the The following Classi- - Kelly Isenhart, Therese
The Lions Club will also be participating in the city-wide healthy choice is the easy choice on Saturday, August 1, from ?ed substitutes were hired: Jackson, Pamela Kerr - ef-
garage sale at Lions Park, 240 Glendale St. in LaGrange, on 6-8 p.m. Local vendors will share ?tness demos and healthy Bus Driver/$12.96/hr. - fective September 1, 2015,
June 25 & 26 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. both days. food samples. You can also receive free screenings provided Daryl Buckland and Ann Marsha King, Janet Kret-
by Mercy Parish Nursing. The park will also be hosting a free Green; Bus Mechanic/$14/ tler and Candy Mikolajcik;
showing of a family movie at dusk. This event will be held hr. - Daryl Buckland; Caf- Lunch Monitor/$9.88/hr.
at the LaGrange Community Park, 422 W. Main Street, in eteria/$10.43/hr. - April As- - April Asbury, Andrea Ham-
LaGrange. No registration required. bury, Kelly Isenhart, Marsha mond, Kelly Isenhart, Pame-
King, Patricia Kipp and Ja- la Kerr - effective September
For more information, visit the K.E.Y website at www. net Krettler; Cleaning/$9.49/ hr. - April Asbury, Mary
Buswell, Patricia Campbell, 1, 2015, Marsha King, Janet
Laura Grapes, Therese Jack- Krettler, Candy Mikolajcik
son and Marsha King; Cus- and Christine Minney; Study
todial/Maintenance/$12.96/ Hall Monitor/$9.88/hr. -
New Eagle Scout hr. - April Asbury, Leonard April Asbury, Kelly Isen-
The Keystone Board of - Head 7th Football - Step 1 Brodnik, Daryl Buckland hart, Pamela Kerr - effective
Education met on June 15 - 50% - $1,130.15; Ben Py-
Troop with the following actions les - Assistant 7th Football SEE KEYSTONE BOE ON PAGE 20
#118 of La-
Grange would taken. - Step 2 - $2,086.44; Albert
like to con- On the nomination by a Trego - Head Varsity Volley-
gratulate Alan parent, Elementary Teach- ball - Step 4 - $4,694.49; Er-
J. Baker in er, Mrs. Julie Sigmund, ica Gregory - JV Volleyball - and
reaching the
rank of Eagle was named "Teacher of the Step3-50%-$1,477.90;Kari
Scout. Alan Year." Kincannon - JV Volleyball
was awarded Retirement commenda- - Step 1 - 50% - $1,304.03;
his Eagle on tions for the following in- Andrea Catanzarito - Head Enjoy Your Summer!
April 16, and dividuals were awarded: Freshmen Volleyball - Step
was formally Linda Rising - 37 years; 1 - $2,260.31; Jamie Cen-
awarded his Daniel Arnold - 30 years; drosky - Head 7th Volley-
Eagle badge Deborah Bousek - 26 years; ball - Step 6 - $2,608.05; ~Specials~
May 31, dur- Terri Schreiber - 22 years; Gregory Morgan - Head
ing his Eagle Pamela Kerr - 19 years; Cyn- Varsity Boys’ Golf -Step 7 Now Serving
Scout Court - $4,346.75; Kim Sturgill our
of Honor. thia Smith - 15 years; Ruth - Head Varsity Girls’ Golf - Summer Menu
Alan is a ded- Fleck - 10 years; and Susan Step 1 - $2,434.18; Thomas
icated Scout Alan J. Baker Bement - 4 years. Habenicht - Head Cross
and has dedicated many of a foot bridge that crosses
personal hours to his com- a creek. He also erected a Approval was given to
munity and troop. He has stone ?ower bed by the park participate in the OSBA/ Country - Step 3 - $2,781.92;
managed to balance his entrance sign. Alan's project OASBO Workers Compen- Kara Griswold - Varsity
Scout work along with aca- has provided another ?tness sation Group Rating Program Cheerleader Advisor - Step
demics, work and his family. option for local community with Comp Management 7 - $3,825.14; Leah Konya
His Eagle Scout project was residents. Troop #118 is ex- for a total membership cost - Junior Varsity Cheerleader Hit the Links for Summer Fun!!
to restore a walking trail at tremely proud of him and of $935 for the 2015-2016 Advisor - Step 3 - $2,260.31;
Pen?eld Park, which includ- his devotion to Scouting, his school year. Participation Shannon Heffernan - Middle Call for Tee Times!
ed the removal, repair, re- community and his fellow also includes Unemployment School Cheerleader Advisor
surfacing and re-installation Scouts. services. Also approved was - Step 3 - $1, 738.70; and
a contract with Fitzgibbons, Andrea Catanzarito - Na-
Arnold & Co. and Ohio tional Honor Society Advi-
Casualty Insurance for the sor - Step 1 - $1,043.22. 665 U.S. Grant St., LaGrange | 440-355-4844
district’s property, ?eet and Renewal of the adminis-
liability insurance from July trative contracts were given
1, 2015 to July 1, 2016. The to: Michael Smith - Mainte- Nine Bistro Hours: Mon-Thurs. 11 am-10 pm;
Fri.- Sat. 11 am-12 am; Sundays 11 am-9 pm
JACK MATIA total premium is $54,288. nance Supervisor - (3) years
HONDA The budget was approved at current salary and Mar-
for the 2015-16 school year,
New & Used to be levied within and with-
Cars out the ten mill limitation.
Two resignations were ac-
440-366-5501 cepted: Taya Neuman - Pupil
Services/Special Educa-
Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria tion Director and Lisa Kyer
New and Certi?ed Hondas - Special Needs Paraprofes-
All Models - Used Cars sional.
Andrew Fox was em-
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5 ployed as Informational
Technology Trainee at mini-
mum wage per hour for a
maximum of 30 hours a
week. You’re Invited to A Kick-Off Event!
Extra duty contracts
were given to Anita Cutler, Keystone Empowers You (K.E.Y) is a local healthy
Kimberly Sturgill, Courtney
Trakas and Jennifer Wooten living collaborative, committed to making the healthy
for Outdoor Living Camp at choice is the easy choice! $300 each.
Extra duty contracts
for 2015-16 were given Local vendors will share ?tness demos and healthy
to: Robert Clarico - Head food samples. Free screenings provided by
Varsity Football - Step 7 -
$7,302.54; Donald Clarico Mercy Parish Nursing.
- Assistant Varsity Football
- Step 7 - $5,216.10; Kevin
Fox - Assistant Varsity Foot- No registration required.
ball - Step 5 - $4,520.62;
Donald Griswold - Assis-
tant Varsity Football - Step LaGrange Community Park
7 - $5,216.10; Eric Morgan
- Head Freshmen Foot-
ball - Step 1 - $2,781.92; Saturday, August 1st, 6-8pm
Philip Tuttle - Assistant The park will also show a family movie at dusk.
Freshmen Football - Step
7 - $3,999.01; Chad Elliot
- Head 8th Football - Step 2 - For more information check out
$2,434.18; Brad Campbell -
Assistant 8th Football - Step
2 - $2,086.44; Mark Febel
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Page 15
Grafton Village Council Grafton-Midview Library
SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM Approximately 50 properties near the downtown area of The Grafton-Midview Library plans to continue bringing
The Grafton-Midview Library is serving free lunches to Grafton, on Center, Elm, Mechanic and Chestnut Streets, will quality programs. For accurate planning, please be advised
area children in three locations this summer. Children ages be rezoned R-1B Single Family Medium Density Residential most library programs require registration. To register, call or
birth to 18 can enjoy a meal at no cost, with no income checks District effective July 16. The date is 30 days after the June visit the library, or visit their website,
or program enrollment forms. Bring your children for a nutri- 16 meeting of the Grafton Village Council and the Planning
tious lunch and a fun summer program. For more details, con- Commission, in which the ordinance calling for the change The Library will be closed for the 4th of July. They will
tact the library at (440) 926-3317. The lunches are available was approved. The ordinance was passed after several meet- open Monday, July 6, for regular hours. Please have a safe
Monday-Friday at the following locations: Grafton-Midview ings with property owners, several discussions and readings and happy holiday weekend.
Library, 983 Main Street, Grafton; Colonial Oaks Recreation during council meetings, a public hearing and a ?nal reading.
Center, 10425 Middle Avenue, Elyria; and Eaton Estates Councilman Jason Strah was not in attendance and Council- Choose Your Modern Classics - now-August 7 -Partici-
Community Park, 35719 Royalton Road Area, Grafton. man Matt Dukles arrived after the vote. However, the two pants may submit a title that they believe should be consid-
have been involved in the process and had expressed previ- ered a "modern classic" (usually from about 1970-present)
MIDVIEW CLASS OF 1970 REUNION ous approval for the action. Many of the property owners ex- along with an argument as to why that is the case. Arguments
The Midview High School class of 1970 will be having pressed their position as in favor of the measure. The rezoning will be shared on library social media and in the library so the
their 45th class reunion on Saturday, August 15, at 4 p.m. at was an administrative action and will aid residents in apply- community can view and comment. At the end of SRP, col-
Wolfe’s Bistro and Pub, 1069 East Broad Street, in Elyria. ing for home loans and home maintenance loans. lection development staff will decide on one (or more) title(s)
For more information, call Jane Dunham at (440) 458-4565 that will be added to the Classics section based on participant
or Sandi Trenchard at (440) 926-2341. Council then heard a presentation from Jack Jones of entries. Submissions are possible online or at the library.
Poggemeyer Design Group updating the council on the prog-
MIDVIEW CLASS OF 1980 REUNION ress of the waste water treatment project. The lengthy dis- Story Time - Tuesdays: June 30, July 7, Thursday, July
The Midview Class of 1980 announces that their 35th cussion revolved around pumping and rate of ?ow options. 30, at 10-10:30 a.m. and 1:30-2 p.m. Story time is designed
class reunion will be held on Saturday, September 12, on the Marilyn Clements and Beth Plas, representing the Friends of for children 3-6 years old. Each program will explore great
patio at Wolfe's Bistro and Pub, 1069 E. Broad Street, Elyria, the Grafton-Midview Library gave a presentation updating books, fun concepts and engage in creative, educational ac-
beginning at 7 p.m. Classmates will have the choice of order- the council on the results of last year’s fund-raising event, tivities.
ing something to eat if they wish, or patronizing a cash bar. Read between the Wines. The Friends group asked for per-
Please forward this information to as many classmates as pos- mission to put temporary banners on the lamp posts outside Crafternoon: Coat of Arms -Thursday, July 2. This Craft-
sible and post to anyone’s FB wall. the library advertising the event. Council offered to allow use ernoon will take you back in time as participants look into
of other lamp posts as well and to donate $600 toward the their heritage and craft their very own coat of arms! This craft
LIBRARY FRIENDS’ MEETING purchase of the banners. The Grafton-Midview Library has is available all day in the Children's Department, as supplies
The next Friends of the Grafton-Midview Library meeting seen a 52% rise in patronage from 2001-2014. It has offered last.
will be on Tuesday, July 7, at 6:30 p.m. They will be meeting 463 programs, which have been attended by more than 9500
in the ?rst ?oor public meeting room. The Friends are ramp- people. Tickets for the 2015 Read between the Wines event Tech Tutor - Thursday, July 2,1:30-3:30 p.m. Tech tutor
ing up for the Read between the Wines event on October 1 and are available and are $30 presale. sessions are 30-minute, 1-on-1 computer classes for patrons
need extra hands to help make this another successful event. covering a variety of topics. These include: tablets, smart-
Last year, the Friends Group was able to give the library more Council then went into an executive session. Upon return, phones, email, resumes, Internet use, Windows, Of?ce, eB-
than $8,000. Other sources of library revenue are being cut, approval was given for temporary signs for Hot Stove Tour- ooks, Facebook, Overdrive, Databases, library systems, and
making the success of the event very important. The proceeds naments and the Our Lady Queen of Peace Home Days Festi- more. Bring your questions! Appointments are recommend-
go toward the quality programs the library offers and to add val. The council also approved the use of a ?re truck and am- ed.
to the endowment. bulance to be on standby for the ?reworks display on August
1 as part of the Home Days Festival. Book to Film Event: Watchmen Discussion - Monday,
Business Owner Retiring July 6, 6-7:30 p.m.
After several weeks of investigation and discussion re-
After nearly ten years as owner of Applied Massage and garding changing employee insurance plans to an insurance Film Event - Monday, July 13, 5-8 p.m. Join us as we
Bodyworks, Lois Pfeiffer is retiring. As of July 1, the new saving plan, council voted to leave the current plan in place. explore the groundbreaking 1987 graphic classic by Alan
owner will be Charline Kennedy. Kennedy is a Licensed The July 7 meeting has been canceled as the council goes to Moore, Watchmen. This Hugo Award-winning graphic novel
Massage Therapist and is experienced in medical and sport their summer schedule. chronicles the fall from grace of a group of super-heroes. Di-
medicine massage. The business will remain at 903 Main rector Zack Snyder brings Alan Moore's critically acclaimed
Street, in Grafton, but will now be called Essential Needs. Midview Schools graphic novel to the big screen, courtesy of DC Comics and
Therapist, Kim Young, is staying on and will be available to Superintendent Scott Goggin Warner Bros. Pictures. Please note the ?lm is rated R. These
all her existing and new clients. Appointment times will re- programs are for adults ages 18 and up and teens with parental
main the same, with the possibility of addition appointment At Midview, we believe our campus and school buildings permission. Join us for the book discussion and then compare
times coming soon. The telephone number remains the same should be resources that all community members are able to and contrast the ?lm with the original graphic novel!
-(440) 926-2326. enjoy, and we are continually looking for ways to expand
their use. Villain Photo Scavenger Hunt - Monday, July 6 - Sat-
Library receives donation urday, July 18. Find villains in the Library using various
Recently, through the CommonView collaborative, we resources and take pictures of them using a smart phone or
The Allstate Insurance Agency in Grafton, owned by Bon- have been discussing the concept of adding a walking path to
nie Schmidt and Tami Smith, presentedAdele Infante, director the Midview campus. And, I am excited to announce that this SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
of Grafton-Midview Library, with a donation of $1,000. The will soon become a reality. The goal is to connect our build-
funds came from an Allstate Agency Hands in the Commu- ings and create a safe walking area for students, staff, parents Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
nity Grant. The grant was awarded to the Grafton agency in and community members. We have a beautiful campus and programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
honor of the community involvement and service Tami Smith encourage people to walk from building to building instead 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
provided to the library last year. The donation will be used of drive. The path will be open to everyone. Parents dropping The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
towards refurbishing laptops for public use and circulation. their kids off for practice can take some time for themselves. drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
Senior citizens who do not want to be disturbed by runners on If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
Applied Massage & the track will be able to enjoy a peaceful walk.
The walking path will be made possible thanks to a grant
Lois Pfeiffer is retiring! from the Lorain County Board of Health. Midview partnered These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
with Eaton Township and United Way to apply for the grant
Starting July 1st, the new owner Charline Kennedy and was awarded nearly $50,000 to be used for the construc- 6/29 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
LMT, will take over and the new company will be tion of the path. The grant will cover Phase A of the path, and and coffee for participants.
Midview will continue to ?nd support for Phase B. 6/30 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed by
called Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for participants.
We would like to send a special thank you to Jason Mon- 7/02 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner to be held
Essential Kneads Massage schein from Eaton Township, Christine Matusik-Plas from 7/9/2015 at 5:30pm. Two names per phone call only.
United Way, the Lorain County Metroparks, our Common- 7/03 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for
Kim Young LMT will be staying, appointment times View collaborative partners and the Lorain County Board of participants.
will remain and previous gift certi?cates can still be Health. Additional information will be provided as we move 7/06 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
used. The location and phone number will still be the forward. To see the full drawing of the Midview walking path and coffee for participants.
plans, visit 7/07 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed by
same and the hours open may increase! Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for participants.
Have a great week! 7/09 at 2:00 pm Senior Dinner for those that have
Mr. Scott Goggin, Superintendent, Midview Local reservations. In unable to attend please remember to call
Schools and cancel by noon.
[email protected] Twitter: @scottgoggin 7/10 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.
NEW 903 Main St. McConnell Ready Mix is a full service Ready
OWNER! Grafton Mix Concrete supplier servicing the Northeast
Ohio area. We service Residential, Commer-
440-926-2326 cial, Industrial or Government projects of any
size. For ordering and delivery of Ready Mix
Concrete or just a quote for your project call
McConnell Ready Mix
37540 Butternut Ridge Road • N. Ridgeville, OH 44039
[email protected]
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 tices at St. Mary School in Elyria. The children build/paint Music and Dance on the Square - Friday, July 17 - an
the set, work on costumes and learn dance and vocal/music entertaining evening with diverse and local talent featuring
tablet. Complete the scavenger hunt for prizes and entries into techniques all while preparing to perform in a musical pro- the NEOS Dance Group, the MAD Factory and the Oberlin
the weekly drawing. duction. This year, a cast of 70 children are involved in the Music School.
Shrinky Dink Jewelry -Tuesday, July 7, 3-4:30 p.m. Make From the desk of... Soul PropRioters - Friday, July 24 - a local favorite -
a new and completely original bracelet or necklace with Oberlin’s town-gown band brings funk, blues, folk and pop-
shrinky dinks! Design a unique piece of jewelry featuring Grafton Mayor Megan Flanigan inspired original songs.
your favorite symbols from popular books such as The Fault ~ 440.731.0988
in Our Stars, Divergent, and The Hunger Games. Registra- Austin Walkin’ Cane – Friday, July 31 - arrives bearing
tion required. 4th of July festivities are moving forward for 2015. Satur- a cool blues calling card, commanding voice and ?ery Delta
day, July 4, will kick off with the 3rd annual Mayor Megan’s Chops, this superb slide guitarist is the perfect backdrop to his
Community History Group - Wednesday, July 8, 2-3 p.m. 5-miler for Freedom and Fireworks. Race registration begins smoky vocals, stellar songwriting and tale spinning.
Please join us at GMPL for discussions of our community's at 7 and the race (5 mile and 2 mile options) begin at 8:30.
history. Topics will vary and this group is open to anyone in- Our “Fun in the Park” will begin at 7 p.m. in Willow Park Oberlin’s Jazz Band - Friday, August 7 - plays jazz stan-
terested in Grafton history or the surrounding area. with food and drink vendors. Fireworks will begin at dusk. dards and forward-thinking original songs.
Babypalooza - Thursday, July 9, 10-10:30 a.m. This short New Business Lockwood Allstars - Friday, August 14 - the backing band
and lively program for babies and their caregivers is a special There are continuous efforts in bringing new business to for Robert Lockwood carries on the tradition of Delta and
time to interact with songs, rhymes and lap bounces. This is Grafton. The current developers work closely with several Chicago blues.
a fun way to introduce baby to the world of stories! This pro- Lorain County agencies in addition to utilizing their own eco-
gram is for children from birth to 2 years and their caregiv- nomic development teams to attract and ?ll up vacant build- Ohio Highway Patrol warns
ers. ings and properties. I have been working closely with the de- of following too close
velopers and agencies as well. It’s a team effort and it’s great
Canning Program - Thursday, July 9, 7-8 p.m. Evona to see so many entities working together to help improve our Following too close caused 67,000 crashes and was the
Gaughan will present a program on canning. The program community. most frequent cause of crashes last year. Motorists that don't
will be divided into four parts and discusses equipment, Other news leave enough space between vehicles cause far too many
safety, acid food canning (hot water bath), and nonacid food We are still searching for a new village administrator. Tom crashes in Ohio each year. This violation, known as follow-
canning (pressure cooker). Registrants will be able to sample Williams continues to help us part-time and to keep moving ing too close or failing to maintain an assured clear distance
canned good items and have an opportunity to ask questions us forward so that projects get completed and issues get ad- ahead (ACDA), was the most frequent cause of crashes over-
and share knowledge. Sponsored by the Friends of GMPL's dressed. all in Ohio in 2014. In total, 67,886 crashes on Ohio roadways
Read Between the Wines event. I am pleased to announce that our communications have occurred when the at-fault driver was following too closely,
improved. If you call the Town Hall, you will no longer hear resulting in 62 deaths and 27,294 injuries.
We Can all Be Brave and Kind - Friday, July 10, 10-11 the “busy tone.” We have menu options for the Utilities, Sec-
a.m. This character-building program is aimed for Kinder- retary, Clerk- Treasurer, Mayor and Council. G.L.W. Broad- Troopers wrote 11,926 citations that included an ACDA
garteners through 4th graders. Together we will explore our band provided us with a very feasible package. The upgraded violation last year, primarily between the afternoon rush
feelings through songs and folk tales. During this program we services will provide ef?ciency, faster customer service and hours of 2-7 p.m.
will learn how to react positively to unkind words or actions. better communication.
This is a great time of year to visit our amenities and sup- If a motorist travels at 65 mph, he or she has traveled near-
Tech Trends 2015 - Saturday, July 11, 2-3:30 p.m. Have port our businesses. The Splash Pad is open and updated. ly the length of a football ?eld in just three seconds. If the
you been itching to play with a drone? Are you interested in The Lorain County Metro Parks added several trails at Royal vehicle in front of him/her slams on the breaks and there isn’t
purchasing a wearable ?tness tracker but not sure where to Oaks golf course. Reservoir Park provides baseball ?elds and enough distance between cars, there’s no way to stop before
start? You don't want to miss this program! Discover new and a catch and release and beautiful reservoir. And, we now have it is too late.
popular emerging technologies that are making headlines to- sidewalks along St. Rt. 57. Enjoy all that Grafton has to of-
day. Experience these technologies and more in this hands-on fer! “Traf?c can be frustrating, but that’s no excuse to endanger
program for adults and families. Council Meeting yourself and other drivers,” said Lt. Leo T. Shirkey, Ravenna
The next council meeting will be on Tuesday, July 7, at Post Commander. “It’s always best for all motorists to main-
Horse Rescue fund-raiser 7:30. All meetings are open to the public. Watch the coun- tain a safe following distance.”
cil meetings on TV or online at your leisure! If you do not
Come visit the Angels Haven Horse Rescues on Saturday, have GLW cable and cannot access Channel 12, you can now Remember, following too closely diminishes motorists’
July 18. Enjoy a couple of hours of quiet and peacefulness watch the council meetings online at Other- view of the big picture, meaning they are unable to see what
with the amazing horse. Feel the bonding with a horse who wise, you can watch the meeting on GLW Ch. 12 Thursdays is going on further down the roadway. Awareness of one’s
will teach you relaxing therapy and become your friend. End at 7:30 p.m. or Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 11 a.m and surroundings is key to reacting defensively and safely.
this unique and gratifying experience with a “barn spa whirl- 7:30 p.m.
pool” accompanied with snacks, cheese, wine (adults 21 and Please “like” and “follow” my facebook page, “Megan To view the entire statistical analysis regarding failure to
over) or pop. Flanigan Mayor of Grafton” in order to stay current with yield crashes and citations, visit http://www.statepatrol.ohio.
events and happenings within the Village of Grafton. For any gov/doc/FTC_Bulletin_2015.pdf. As always, the Patrol asks
The cost of this experience is a $25 donation; checks can questions, concerns, or suggestions, please contact me via drivers to call # 677 to report impaired drivers or drug activ-
be made payable to Angels Haven Horse Rescue and mailed email at [email protected] or via cell phone ity.
to 13297 Durkee Road, Grafton, Ohio 44044. There is a limit at (440) 731-0988.
of 25 people, so please book now. Call Heidi for more de-
tails at (440) 781-5060 or email angelshavenhorserescue@ Oberlin Summer Concert Series
The Oberlin Summer Concert Series is sponsored by the
Pioneer Theatre production Oberlin Rotary Club and Lorain National Bank. These free
concerts run thru August 14, from 7-9 p.m. at Clark Band-
Lorain County Children's Pioneer Theatre is celebrating stand in Tappan Square, in downtown Oberlin. Bring the
its 39th season with the production of Twinderella the Mu- whole family and come with blankets or lawn chairs to this
sical, written by Charlie Lovett. Performances will be held year’s concert events.
at the Lorain County Community College Stocker Center on
July 10 at 7 p.m. and July 11 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $6 and 2015 Oberlin Summer Concerts Schedule
will be available at the door. For show information, call (440) Motor City Gold - Friday, July 10 - tantalizes, surprises
323-7429. Twinderella is a comedy ?lled with twists and and entertains with a diverse combination of musical styles
surprises. We've all heard the story of Cinderella a thousand including urban, R & B and Motown.
times, but we've never heard about Bob, her long lost twin
brother! From a baseball game to ballroom dance, this musi-
cal is sure to delight audiences of all ages!
Lorain County Children's Pioneer Theatre was established
in 1976 to provide children from all over Lorain County the-
ater education. Children in grades K-12 from all over Lorain
County will be attending 3 weeks of workshops and prac-
Summer Hero Fun for
Teens & Kids @ GMPL
Shrinky Dink Jewelry Design a unique piece of jewelry
featuring your favorite super power
Tuesday, July 7 symbols from popular books.
@ 3-4:30 PM (Registration is required.)
Creation Station Gather ‘round the craft table to
-Medieval Times- create catapults, trebuchets, and
ye olde fashioned structures.
Thursday, July 8 @ 2-3 PM (For ages 8-13, No registration required.)
We Can All Be Explore feelings through songs
Brave and Kind and folk tales, and learn how to
Friday, July 10 react positively to unkind
@ 10-11 AM words or actions.
(Register your K-4th graders now!)
Visit or call the library or use our website to register.
983 Main St., GraOon
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Page 17
cookie or brownie, drink and a guided tour of the reorganized
museum and one-room school. A 50/50 raf?e will also help
raise funds for maintenance and upkeep of the historical prop-
erties. They are also looking for vendors for an outdoor ?ea
market during the Ice Cream Social. Spaces are available for
$7. Vendors must provide their own tables and shelter. To pre-
register for a preferred spot, contact Bob Flickinger at (440)
926-2680, or just show up for the event.
Public Zoning meeting
The Grafton Township Zoning Commission will hold a
public zoning meeting at the Grafton Township Hall on Tues-
day, July 7, at 7 p.m. The Zoning Commission will continue
discussion of current issues and concerns.
BHS Ice Cream Social
The Belden Historical Society is rescheduling an Ice Advertise in
Cream Social at the Grafton Twp. Veterans’ Memorial Park The Rural-Urban Record
for Sunday, July 11, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The park is lo-
cated on the northeast corner of State Routes 83 & 303. The
purchase of a $5 ticket will get you a hot dog, ice cream, a
CLUES ACROSS 69. Cub Scout group Rely on Husqvarna to Get the Job Done.
1. Fixed hardware memory CLUES DOWN
9. US coach Amos Alonzo 1. Medieval ?ddle
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17. Contrary to 5. Macao monetary units •Certified Service - To Keep Your Equipment Running
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23. Hue or shade 9. Frighten
24. Having no moral failing 10. Keepsakes - LARGE SELECTION OF TRACTORS & ZERO TURNS -
27. Mauna __, Hawaiian 11. Admirer
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28. Initials of ALS physicist 13. J. G. Low's organization
29. Soluble ribonucleic acid 19. Constitution Hall org. •Briggs & Stratton Intek V-Twin 24HP
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piper 24. Smallest speech sound
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43. Harmon, Wahlberg & 39. One thousandth of an For Qualified Buyers
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45. Break stone 40. Deprived of parents YTH22V42 GT52XLS
48. Doc 44. E. Asian housemaid •Kohler 7000 Series,
49. A small demon 46. Mac, gala and pippin •Briggs & Stratton Intek V-Twin 22HP
50. Split up 47. Mother or father V-Twin 26HP
54. Sierra lake 51. Dressing gowns •Hydrostatic Pedal
57. Micronesian sailboats 52. Swiss river $319995•Fast Track Pedal
58. North African desert 53. Banteng 1799$•42” Reinforced 95
59. Famous persons 55. Speak Cutting Deck •52” Cutting Deck
63. A worn out horse 56. MN 55122
64. One seeded fruit (alt. 58. Religious faction
sp.) 59. Auto
65. DEA of?cers 60. Supplement with dif?-
66. 7th Greek letter culty
67. States of repose 61. Browning of the skin
68. Related on the mother's 62. Militant Irish organiza-
side tion
Consider advertising in 1007 Parsons Road • Grafton, OH 44044
the rural-urban record Mon-Fri 8-6; 440-926-2880
Call us today! Sat 9-2
Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Medina County Park District’s
50th Anniversary
Penfield Twp. Trustees
Wellington Genealogy Group The regular June 16 meet- was not mounted properly. Medina County Park Dis- treat from 6-8 p.m. Buehler’s
ing of the Pen?eld Township Johnson will inter two sets trict Celebrates Its 50th An- is catering the meal, which
The Wellington Genealogy Group will meet on Wednes- Trustees was called to order of cremains. He also ?elded niversary on July 18, with a includes baked chicken,
day, July 1, at 7 p.m. at the Spirit of 76 Museum, located at at 7:30 p.m. All of?cers were a call from Jenna Pen?eld “Run for Fun” and Picnic. pulled pork sandwiches,
201 N. Main St., in Wellington. Scott Markel of the Spirit of present with the exception of of Columbus regarding the baked beans, macaroni sal-
76 Museum will give a tour of the recently remodeled mu- Trustee Lloyd Gordon. The burial of her infant on one Run for Fun - Lace up ad, potato salad, coleslaw,
seum. Guests are welcome. meeting was attended by 7 of her ancestor’s plots. The your shoes and enjoy the chips, bottled water/bever-
guests. McCoy headstone was reset beautiful natural surround- ages and cake. A presenta-
Landowner meeting for with Conrad’s help. Trustees ings of Hubbard Valley tion by Ohio Representative
homeowners affected by pipelines The Bank Reconciliation Johnson & Gordon installed Park’s woods and 21-acre Steve Hambley is scheduled
and the Monthly ?nancial re- the new fuel pump. Johnson lake at Medina County Park after the meal. Park District
Pipeline in your path? Eminent domain attorneys Gold- ports were approved. Fiscal advised that he is working District’s ?rst-ever “Run (or Director Tom James will
man & Braunstein are holding a free, no-obligation infor- Of?cer Vickie Denes read with Katie Johnson for a de- Walk) for Fun” on July 18. present the ?rst Park Stew-
mational meeting on Wednesday, July 1, at 6 p.m. at Lorain the correspondence, which sign for the Township’s new A non-competitive event for ardship Award. Cost is $15
County Community College’s Wellington Branch, room 120, included a thank you from business cards. all ages and abilities, partici- per person/$25 per couple.
for landowners affected by the Nexus and Utopia pipelines. the 4th Grade class for their pants are invited to complete Reservations and payment
Don't sign that easement - come learn what you need to know tour of the Recycling Build- Conrad contacted Wayne the park’s approximately are due by July 13. You can
to protect your rights, property and pocketbook. For more in- ing, the MOU from Solid Schmigel regarding the 1.5-mile trail loop as many download a registration form
formation, please visit or call Waste approving our grant, Home Occupation work times as they wish between at www.medinacountyparks.
1-888-231-2554. an email from NOPEC re- shop. He obtained informa- 8:30-10:30 a.m. Each time com; click on Programs and
garding the public hearings tion regarding the de?nition a runner or walker crosses Activities, then on Special
Camden Construction Alert pertaining to the Gas Aggre- of home occupations that the ?nish line, he or she will Events.
gation (which are to be held other Townships use from receive a raf?e ticket for a
Lorain County Engineer Ken Carney has announced that 7/7 & 7/21), the LC Solid LaGrange, Grafton, Carlisle chance to win prizes. The RENT ME!
Green Road, between Bates Road and U.S. #20, will be closed Waste Plan update, 2 util- and Wellington Townships drawing will be held imme-
at a culvert 300’ south of Bates Road, due to replacement ity locates from the County that can be used for com- diately after the run/walk. Pequea SL 10 Lime Spreader
work by the Lorain and Huron County Engineer’s Highway Engineers of?ce, a quote parison. The Short Rd. cul- The key word for this event KRYSTOWSKI
Maintenance Departments. Work will begin at 8 a.m. on June for a PA system for $2,480, vert situation was discussed is “casual,” said Shelley Ten- TRACTOR
29 and reopen within 45 days. Detour signs will be posted. a quote from Erie Janitorial and all 3 Trustees will meet der, the park district’s inter- WELLINGTON OH 44090
Your cooperation during construction is greatly appreciated. for cleaning the concession with Ken Myers to inspect pretive services manager. A (440) 647-2015
stand for $440, two quotes the culvert and decide on a number of groups sponsor
Rochester 4th of July Festival from Ace for a new copier, course of action. races on park trails through-
a request for a letter against out the year, she said. This is
The 96th annual Rochester Homecoming will be held on fracking and the inspection With no additional busi- an opportunity for the park
Saturday, July 4, at the Eagle Street Park and Fire Station. The report from the Health De- ness to discuss, the meeting district to offer something a
food tent opens at 8 a.m. Coffee and donuts will be served in partment for the park waste was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. little bit different. There is
the morning. Lunch will be available after the parade. Menu treatment system. A motion a registration fee of $5 per
includes hot dogs, hot sandwiches, french fries and bever- was made to accept Erie person to participate. Reg-
ages. Homemade ice cream will be sold throughout the day Janitorials quote. istration takes place the day
by the Rochester Flares. of the event beginning at 8
Zoning Inspector Rich- a.m. The ?rst 30 participants
Parade registration is from 9-10:15 a.m. Entry is free and ard Donahue noted that no to register will receive a Me-
all are welcome. The parade begins at 10:30 a.m. one was in attendance for the dina County Park District
hearing on 43374 St. Rt. 18 T-shirt. Snacks will be avail-
From 12-5 p.m. the Historical Society will have their Open and he will proceed with the able for runners/walkers af-
House event on South Street. At 4 p.m. there will be contests Land Bank for demolition ter the event.
for adults and kids of all ages. Enjoy bands and local talent of the home. He stated that
starting at 4:30 p.m. Country Western band, Southern Cross- Resolution #2015.06.16.02 50th Anniversary Picnic
roads, and solo artist Keith Shively will provide musical en- was for nuisance mowing at - Join the Medina County
tertainment for free. Bring your own lawn chairs. 42630 St. Rt. 18. He spoke Park District for a summer
with Steve Can?eld regard- picnic at Buffalo Creek Re-
Rides and games begin that evening at 5 p.m. with ?re- ing his property, which was
men’s and other games, various raf?es and kiddie rides will destroyed by ?re. Can?eld Advertise in
be open. is getting quotes to demo the
house. Permits were issued The Rural-Urban Record’s
A free ?reworks display will be presented later in the eve- for a new home at 42400 Special July 20 Pages
ning, brought to you by the Homecoming Committee and the Smith Road, a pond at 20228 It’s all about the Fair!
Rochester Volunteer Fire Department. Vermont, a porch permit for
22901 West Road and an ac- Call your
For more information or to make a donation, call Kathy cessory building at 23623 advertising representative today!
Frombaugh at (440) 647-9829. Foster Rd. He issued 6 viola-
tion notices for high grass. 440-236-8982
Beriswill Insurance Agency earns
Senior Partner Designation Eleanor Gnandt thanked Deadline: July 15, 2015
Trustee Richard Conrad for
As one of the top performing insurance agencies, Beriswill his work on the RLCWA
Insurance Agency has earned Senior Partner from Grange In- Board in general, but spe-
surance. This award recognizes Grange’s most experienced ci?cally regarding his vote
agency partners who excel in professionalism and perfor- against reimplementation of
mance. Beriswill Insurance Agency is one of 174 local busi- the employee buyout plan.
nesses to receive this year’s award. Jackie Johnson, Linda Van-
Meter and the Board joined
Grange exclusively sells its products through independent her in thanking Trustee Con-
insurance agents. These men and women are not only dedi- rad.
cated to supporting the communities in which they live and
work, but they also offer guidance to help each individual, Jackie Johnson reminded
family and business select the right coverage for their lifestyle all of the Historical Society’s
and needs. “Fill the Truck” fund-raiser
on 6/27 from 10-2 at the
Located at 35881 Grafton Eastern Rd., in Grafton and 173 Town Hall. She also gave
Depot St., in Wellington, Beriswill Insurance serves custom- additional info regarding the
ers in Grafton, Wellington and surrounding areas. Stop by or July 9 fund-raiser at Jilbert
call (440) 926-3312 or (440) 647-6010 for a free quote. Winery - see her for tickets.
Advertise in Trustee Duane Johnson
The Rural-URBAN RECORD discussed the two quotes
received for the Town Hall
Sail towards parking lot. A motion was
a profitable made by Duane, seconded
Tomorrow! by Trustee Conrad, to go
with the Plas Bros. bid with
the $300 option to grind
down the asphalt where it
meets the cement for a total
of $5,385. Tom Keller gave
a price of $1,200 to remove
the dead trees at the Cem-
etery. Johnson will discuss
with the neighbor regarding
removal of his dead trees in
conjunction with the Town-
ships. He advised that Bob
Storms found a curve sign
in the ditch while mowing.
It was determined to belong
to Litch?eld Township and
Johnson advised them that
it had been returned but
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Page 19
Chamber of Commerce
Wellington Chamber of Commerce presents
2015 Freedom Festival
BREMKE INSURANCE Friday, July 3rd Rachelle Grimmett
Stop in for all your insurance needs. 6 p.m. - Ice Cream Social in The Park Agent
Auto - Home - Commercial - Farm - Life - Health - Sponsored by Village Market & Velvet Ice
Cream 44777 St. Rt. 18
Kyle E. Bremke 7 p.m. - Patriots Symphonie Band Wellington, Oh
- Sponsored by Edward Jones 440.647.2700
Independent Agent Dusk - Fireworks at Fairgrounds CLAIMS 800-692-6326
[email protected]
Have a Safe & Happy Rain Date July 5th
Gifts From Nature You’ll Treasure
4th of July! Saturday, July 4th
Honey • Creamed Honey • Honey Candy
110 South Main Street, Downtown Wellington 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. - Food Available/Beer Honey Sweetened Jam & Jelly • Hand Cream
440-647-8844 or visit us on Facebook Garden
12-5 p.m. - Cruise-In with D.J Beeswax Lip Balm • Soaps • Gift Baskets
at 12-5 p.m. - Life Share Blood Bank Beeswax Candles • Bee Collected Pollen
12 p.m. - Pet Parade
12 p.m. - Corn Hole / Fitness Competition & Much More!
- Sponsored by Inner Circle Fitness Wayne & Valerie
12-2 p.m. - Music "The Wannabes" 6080 N.L. Section Line Rd. 21, New London, Oh 44851
1 p.m. - Little Miss Fire Cracker Contest
1 p.m. - Games in the Park 419-929-1110
1 p.m. - Children's Pedal Tractor Pull
1:30 p.m. - Parade Line-up [email protected]
- (Athletic Field, Dickson & Grand)
3 p.m. - Parade Begins
Star Spangled Banner sung by Robin Diedrick
4- 6 p.m. - Music (Jacob Frish)
4 p.m. - Hot Dog Eating Contest
4 p.m. - Pre-School Games
4:30 p.m. - Frog Jumping Contest
Sound Provided by : Wellington Music
Peggy Karolak Ins Agency Inc All aboard... SAVEL’S REPAIR
Peggy Karolak, Agent “On Track for Murder” SHOP
805 Patriot Dr, Suite C The Lake Shore Railway Association is
Wellington, OH 44090 sponsoring a Murder Mystery this fall. Come JOHN SAVEL
Bus: 440.647.4600 & experience this very special opportunity!
Fax: 440.647.3777 Wealthy Pip Chattaway has fallen in love OWNER/TECHNICIAN
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The greatest compliment you can give is a referral. a devious best man and a scheming former 440-647-1188
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TOLL FREE: 1-800-589-3580 for Murder." 652 W. HERRICK AVE
FAX: 440-647-3112 Performance dates: September 11 & 12, WELLINGTON, OH 44090
OFFICE: 440-647-3580 at 7:30 p.m. To reserve your tickets at $30
CELL: 440-346-5078 each, visit [email protected]
The Murder Mystery takes place on board FAX 440-647-1186
DAVID M. KING the Lorain and West Virginia Railroad.
We offer all U-Haul Services!
BROKER, REALTOR Director: Lyn Crouse - [email protected]
Residential Sales, or (724) 747-1783. Still time to plant a
Commercial Veggie Garden!
Farm and Land
Mix & Match Vegetable Flats
King Realty
$5.00 each
206 North Main Street • Wellington, OH 44090
25% Anuuals, Perennials, & Shrubs!
50740 St. Rt. 18, Wellington, OH 44090
Just 5 miles west of Wellington Our Plants
Will Get
Hours: Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5 You Hooked!
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Twentieth Century, by Margaret Talbot. Copies of the book Mark Lacko was hired for ?fteen hours a week at mini-
are available at the adult information desk. Talbot tells the mum wage as Cleaner Trainee.
N.Ridgeville Garden Club contest story of the rise of pop culture following the journey of her
father, Lyle Talbot, starting in 1918 and going through the Homebound instruction tutors for the 2015-2016 school
The garden club of North Ridgeville is having it's ?fth an- ‘40s. His career spans movies and popular TV. year were hired on an as needed basis and approved: Tracy
nual “Curb Appeal Recognition Event” (CARE) contest from Abfall, Sue Kolar, Holly Miller, Nikki Campbell, Heather La-
now through July 15. The committee will choose seven front Exploration Station - Explore and learn on Friday, July hoski, Sarah Robinson, Kara Griswold, Fran McConnell and
yards with great curb appeal, and invite residents to nominate 10, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Two through 5-year-olds are invited Anna Turner.
their favorite front yard as well. Just call (440) 365-8522 or to stop by the story room to learn about the alphabet, num-
e-mail [email protected] with your nominee's name, ad- bers, shapes, colors, patterns and much more. A 1-year limited contract was awarded to Jessica Hodge as
dress and phone. The seven winners will receive a $25 garden KES Art Teacher - $34,774.
center gift card, a certi?cate of recognition and a stone garden North Ridgeville Writers - Plan to join this group for adult
marker. This year, please leave your name and phone number writers. They meet on Saturday, July 11, from 2-4 p.m. Come Other hires included: Jamie Myers, 260 days, 7.5 hours
when nominating to be entered in a drawing. Winners will participate in read and critique sessions, build your skills daily at $19.62 hr; Jessica Tafe, KHS Assistant Principal, 2-
also be invited to the garden club's August meeting. through writing practice and learn the craft of writing in gen- year contract at $76,500 annually.
eral. Pre-registration is required.
North Ridgeville Library Extended day contracts at their daily rate of pay went to:
Recipes for Summer entertaining – Computer Class - Meghann Redd - KHS Guidance Counselor, 14 days; Lynn
The Lorain Public Library System will be closed on Sat- Learn about the best websites for grilling, summer cocktails Gagnon - District Media Specialist, 4 days; Donald Griswold
urday, July 4, for Independence Day. Visit the eLibrary on Lo- and easy-to-make dishes & desserts. This course is on Tues- - Athletic Director, 5 days; Kristen Lazard - KMS Guidance to instantly stream and download great day, July 14, at 2 p.m. Come navigate websites for celebrity Counselor, 10 days; Paula Perhot - Web Maintenance, 18
music for your celebration. chefs, culinary magazines, cookbook publishers and more. days; Paula Perhot - District Communications, 17 days; Anna
Pre-registration is required. Turner - KHS Guidance Counselor, 14 days; James Kohler
Photo Contest - Showcase your photography skills in the - KHS Principal, 5 days; and Maura Neville KES Principal,
“Who’s Your Hero” photo contest. Take a picture of your hero Tween and Teen Superhero Key Chain Charms - It’s easy 3 days. All hires are pending the completion of all state and
during the month of July. Submit it with an entry form and a to make superhero key chains and necklaces out of shrink local requirements.
photo release form at any Lorain Public Library System loca- ?lm. Come on Tuesday, July 14, at 7:15 p.m. and see for
tion. You may also email [email protected], or post to Pinter- yourself. Teens and tweens in ?fth grade and up are encour- For ?nancial reasons, the employment contract of Steven
est or the library’s Facebook page, or tweet @LorainLibrary. aged to come make their own super charms! Pre-registration Lacko was suspended.
Use #LPLSheroes. All social media links can be found on is required. Entry and photo release forms are The Superintendent recommends approving the following
available at the library or online at Mystery Book Discussion - Miss Peregrine’s Home for Pay to Participate (PTP) fees effective July 1, 2015: High
Forms must be submitted for your entry to be valid, so if you Peculiar Children is on a remote island off the coast of Wales. School Sports - 1st Sport $250, 2nd Sport $200, 3rd Sport
enter via social media, drop off or email your entry and photo As its abandoned bedrooms and hallways are explored, it be- $100; Cheerleading (Fall) $150; Cheerleading (Winter) $150;
release forms. Contest deadline is Friday, July 31. For more comes clear that the children were more than just peculiar - Non-Sports Academic Challenge $75; Band $175; Choir $8;
information, call the Lorain Public Library System at 1-800- they may have been dangerous and quarantined on a deserted and Flag Corp $175.
322-READ. island for good reason. What’s more, they may still be alive!
Check out Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, by
Friends Meeting - The North Ridgeville Friends will meet Ransom Riggs. Adults are welcome to discuss this novel on
on Monday, July 6, at 6 p.m. to make plans for their booth Wednesday, July 15, at 7 p.m. Copies are available at the adult
at the Corn Festival. Come see how you can take part, along information desk. Don’t miss this thrilling read that incorpo-
with other ways to get involved with the Friends. rates haunting vintage photography.
Adult Book Discussion - The Book Buddies adult book To register for programs or for more information, call the
discussion group meets on Wednesday, July 8, at 1 p.m. to North Ridgeville Library at (440) 327-8326. The North Rid-
talk about The Entertainer: Movies, Magic, and My Father’s geville Branch is located at 35700 Bainbridge Road.
September 1, 2015, Marsha King, Janet Krettler and Can-
dy Mikolajcik; Paraprofessional/Library/$10.08/hr. - April
Asbury, Terri Helbig, Kelly Isenhart, Marsha King, Janet
Krettler and Candy Mikolajcik; Paraprofessional/Special
Needs/$9.88/hr. - April Asbury, Andrea Hammond, Terri
Helbig, Marsha King, Janet Krettler, Candy Mikolajcik,
Christine Minney and Melanie Ternes; Secretary/$11.68/hr.
- April Asbury, Terri Helbig, Kelly Isenhart, Therese Jackson,
Wendy Johnson, Marsha King, Janet Krettler, Candy Miko-
lajcik, Christine Minney and Shannon Wall.
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015 Page 21
Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has pur- CLASSIFIEDS 2-Week Special for Garage/Rummage Sale Ads &
chased selected classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product Personal Items For Sale: $14. (15 words or less) (No Breeders,
is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some ad-
ver tisers do not offer “employment” but rather supply the readers with manu- Get the Job Done! Dealers, Agents or Businesses.) DEADLINE: WED. 12 NOON
als, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish
mail order businesses at home. Under NO circumstances should you send 3 Easy Ways to Place Your Classi?ed - Phone: 440-236-8982 | 1-800-941-3099
any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID or credit Fax: 440-236-9198 Mail: Rural-Urban Record • P.O. Box 966 • Columbia Station, OH 44028
card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless
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the phone, it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All
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CLASSIFIED RATES: • 2-Week Special ads (see above) $10/15 words or less. 10¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 more.
DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK AVIATION Grads work with • Business Classified $12/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Special Set-up (Centered & Capped) $13/15 words
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cation, Tax Deductible, Free on training for FAA certi?ca-
Towing, All Paperwork Taken tion. Financial aid if quali?ed. Number of weeks ad runs: 1 2 3 4 21,000 Households
Care Of. CALL 1-800-895- Call Aviation Institute of Main-
7416 tenance 866-453-6204 Please print - All information below is needed to process your ad. Mail to: Rural-Urban Record•P.O. Box 966•Columbia Station, OH 44028
Got an older car, boat or RV? ELECTRONICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Do the humane thing. Donate
it to the Humane Society. Call DISH TV Starting at $19.99/ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1- 800-758-2204 month (for 12 mos.) SAVE!
Regular Price $32.99 Ask 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? About FREE SAME DAY In-
Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-re- stallation! CALL Now! 877- Mastercard & Visa Accepted. Card #:
lieving brace -little or NO cost 451-6721
to you. Medicare Patients Call Expiration Date: 3 Digit # on back:
Health Hotline Now! 1- 800- DISH TV Starting at $19.99/
419-3684 month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! NAME PHONE
Regular Price $34.99 Ask
Sell your structured settle- About FREE SAME DAY In- ADDRESS
ment or annuity payments for stallation! CALL Now! 877-
CASH NOW. You don't have to 477-9659 SIGNED
wait for your future payments
SOCIAL SECURITY DISABIL- tival! Jubilee! Promote it to 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria - EXPERIENCED OTR DRIV- The following personal prop- over 30 yrs. experience
ITY BENEFITS. Unable to over 1 Million readers for only ERS VAN DIVISION: Runs erty will be sold at auction
work? Denied bene?ts? We $200!!! Visit www.midatlan- Capacity: Hall-250, 48 states, heavy from WI to at Full Upholstery
Can Help! WIN or Pay Noth- for more details Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 Philadelphia/ Baltimore/ MD Final bid is on 6/30/15 at 10 Cushion Re?lls
ing! Contact Bill Gordon & or call 800-450-7227. Available for all occasions area. Flex home time. 99% a.m. The name and last known Furniture Repair
Associates at 1-800-208-6915 No-Touch. Top Pay! Vacation/ address of the occupants who Call for free quote
to start your application to- FOR RENT Call for pricing 401K/ Vision/ Dental/ Dis- rented the storage spaces in on re-upholstery
and availability ability/ Health. Require Class which the personal property
Traveling this summer? Keep Affordable apartments in La- 440-458-8544 A CDL, 2 yrs OTR exp. good was stored are: Valerie A. Nix, 216-346-2682
your home safe with a FREE Porte: Spacious 2BR units, MVR, references. Call Ruth/ 9217 Morton Ave., Brook-
HOME SECURITY SYSTEM! close to 480. Starting at $535/ COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL Mike TTI, Inc. 1-800-558-2664 lyn, Ohio 44144; and Richard WANTED TO BUY
Receive a FREE $100.00 VISA month. 1st month rent free. 25-150 Capacity Hershey, 12900 Lake Ave.,
gift card with monthly moni- Call 440-323-7067. Lakewood, Ohio 44107. The Antiques Wanted! Buying
toring plan. Call 855-697-0904 Catering Available Immediate openings for address where the personal contents of Estates, houses,
Columbia Station, available 440-236-3323 Dedicated Runs in the property was stored is: Fields attics and barns. We pay well.
Ring-Magic, Ring Safety July 1. 3-bedroom, 2 bath Twinsburg Area. Daily Store-All LTD, 34425 Lorain 440-506-7738
Bands. Finally, end ring spin, home. $900/mo. includes wa- F.O.P. LODGE #54 Hometime. Top Pay Cer- Road, North Ridgeville, Ohio
end ring discomfort, end wor- ter and lawn maintenance. No Capacity 150-175 ti?ed Carrier. Premium 44039. Terms of Sale: cash CASH for sealed, unexpired
ry over loss. Never lose a ring Pets. 440-364-7505. Catering Available Bene?ts. CDL-A, 6 mos. only, all unit contents sold in DIABETIC TEST STRIPS/
again! LAST CALL, FREE OF- 36854 Royalton Rd. OTR Exp. Req'd. EEOE/ entirety. The personal property STOP SMOKING PRODUCTS!
FER! Country living: downstairs 2 (1 mile East of Durkee) AAP. Limited Positions! described above will be sold at Free Shipping, 24hr Pay-
bedroom duplex with attached Apply Today! 877-272- public auction to the highest ments! Call 1-877-588-8500,
APPLIANCES garage. $585/month plus utili- Grafton, Ohio 2485 www.drive4marten. bidder, at the time and place Espanol Available www.Test-
ties. $585 security deposit. No 440-653-7227 com set forth above.
Good clean used appli- pets. 440-775-1608
ances. Call Bill Bakers, FULL park with restrooms, 3 Full time Drivers & part time MOTORCYCLES Wants to purchase minerals
440-322-2325. Elyria: 1 month free. $100 secu- pavilions, air conditioned hall, dock workers wanted! Holland and other oil and gas inter-
rity deposit. Newly remodeled for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange is hiring Drivers in Cleveland. 2000 Road King, 1-owner, bur- ests. Send details to P.O. Box
AUTOS WANTED 2 bedroom town homes with Lions Club. 440-458-6781. gundy, adult owned, low miles. 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
new carpet, ceramic tile and Drvs w/ 1 year or 50k miles $7,500. 440-655-8640.
Mike’s Hooker Service. We hard wood ?oors. Appliances Grafton VFW. Call from exp, w/ tanker & hazmat. The CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for
pay top dollar for all unwant- included. Call 216-347-6775. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Monday-Fri- recruiter will be on site 7/7-7/9 Wanted: Dead or alive mo- unexpired, sealed DIABETIC
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free day. 440-926-3341 from Noon to 5pm at 10720 torcycles, street / dirt bikes, TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAY-
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, Kipton: 2 Bdr. ranch duplex. ATVs, UTVs and related parts. MENT.1-800-371-1136
216-534-6514. $485/month plus utilities, se- HELP WANTED Memphis Ave., Brooklyn, 440-647-2274
curity deposit. Washer / dryer OH, 44144. Apply at
CASH FOR CARS: Cars/ hook-up. No pets. Available DIESEL MECHANIC PETS
Trucks Wanted! Running or July 15. 440-775-1608 Great pay / bene?ts
Not! We Come To You! Any apply www.petermannbus. HARD WORK & CONTINUOUS All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster
Make/Model. Instant Offer - FOR SALE IMPROVEMENT. INTEGRITY. Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509.
Call: 1-800-569-0003 com Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
Outdoor Ice Chest, dimen- PETERMANN: RESPECT. EXCELLENCE. exercise yards, custom care.
TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any sions 4’x4’10”, good condi- 7943 S. Bedford Rd. EEO/AAE Minorities/Females/ $15 per day. Grooming now
Car/Truck, Running or Not. tion. Holds over 50 bags of ice. Macedonia, Ohio 44056 available.
Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800- $500 OBO. 440-476-2283. 330-468-4710 Persons with Disabilities
454-6951 /Protected Veterans REAL ESTATE
Used Acorn stairlift, like Drivers CDL-A: Steel coil
CASH FOR CARS, Any Make new, for 11 steps. Make offer. driver? Full co. bene?ts 26% HORSES Valley City: 8900 sq.ft. build-
or Model! Free Towing. Sell it 440-235-4129 to start! Co. paid cell phone! ing. Store front & 3 apartments.
TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800- Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert Weekly home time / pay. Jaro Horseback riding lessons. Good investment. Priced to
864-5784 for Seniors. Bathroom falls Warren, Ohio 855-252-1641 24344 Foster Road, Litch?eld, sell. 330-410-5791
can be fatal. Approved by 330-603-5955. Beginners-ad-
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS Arthritis Foundation. Thera- Drivers: Company & O/Op’s. vanced. Jumping lessons ROOFING
peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Get home more; spend time w/ available. Indoor & outdoor
Advertise to 500,000 Homes Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip family and friends! Dedicated arena. Trailering to shows JARRELL CONSTRUCTION
with a business card size Floors. American Made. In- lanes. Pay and bene?ts you available. Quality roo?ng &
ad. You choose the area of stallation Included. Call 1- deserve! 855-582-2265 siding since 1983.
coverage in free community 800-906-3115 for $750 Off Horseboarding: Indoor-Out-
papers...we do the rest. Call Drivers: Now hiring regional door arena pastures, four feed- Best job at the best price.
800-450-7227 or visit macne- 6, 7.50-16 10 ply tires. Mount- company drivers. $5,000 sign- ings per day. Four stalls open. Amish roofers. ed on Ford Bud rims 30,000 on bonus. Excellent bene?ts 9-year-old thoroughbred Geld-
miles or less, $25 each. Call and pay package. Home most ing for sale. 440-926-1122 Bonded & Insured
ADVERTISE to 10 Million Jay at 440-236-8762, J&J weekends! 800-800-0288 www. 440-610-2804
Homes across the USA! Place Greenhouse DOT LAWN & GARDEN
your ad in over 140 commu- physical and drug screen are SALES & SERVICES
nity newspapers, with circu- GARAGE SALES required. Whiteline Express GREENPIECE
lation totaling over 10 million is an Equal Opportunity Em- Complete landscape SMALL DUMPSTERS
homes. Contact Independent 6925 Grafton Road, Valley ployer restoration / overhaul. for roo?ng, remodeling, etc.
Free Papers of America IFPA City. Thurs.-Fri., 7/2 & 7/3, Top soils & mulches.
at danielleburnett-ifpa@live. 8am-7pm. Lots of Harley Da- Drivers: Quality home time! Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
com or visit our website cad- vidson items and misc. items. Earn over $1250+ per wk. 440-458-5551 Truck work available for more informa- 330-483-3482 +Monthly bonuses! Excellent
A 30 year die cast collection yr. exp. 855-454-0392 & LAWN CARE 440-926-3446
CLEANING selling out. 1000 Greenwich Free Estimates
Ave., Grafton. June 27-28 and High School student: Land- 440-281-6970 AUTOS WANTED
3 Chics and a Broom: Green July 4-5, 11am-5pm all days. scape work at LaGrange 440-506-8647
Cleaning. Let us spiff you up! home. Few hours / week, 216-410-7106
Licensed, bonded and insured. Medina: Huge multi-family now through Fall. Good pay.
440-355-6639. barn sale. 60+ tables of trea- Raises. 440-458-8361 TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser-
sures. 17 racks of clothes vice. Complete tree removal,
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s (baby-adult 4X), collectibles, Industrial Canvas Sewing Ma- trimming, root feeding and
needs are different. We spe- scrapbooking, tools, toys, chine Operator, FT / PT, serger cleaning. Fully insured. FREE
cialize in catering to what your tons of miscellaneous. July knowledge helpful; Layer Fab- ESTIMATES. Firewood for
needs are. Call Marcie today 1-4, 8-6, 5521 Wolff Rd., North ric Cutter, PT leads to FT. North sale. 440-236-3061.
for your free assessment ap- of Medina between Marks and Ridgeville location. Call 8-2:30
pointment at 440-213-7527. Abbeyville. M-F only, 440-327-2333.
Over 13 years experience.
EDUCATION Lawn mowing
We are busy. Looking for
line cooks and also taking
applications for servers and
dishwashers. Apply in person:
Michelle’s Cafe, 548N Center
St., LaGrange.
The path to your dream job
begins with a college degree.
Education Quarters offers a
free college matching service.
CALL 1-800-375-6219
APPLIANCE • SALES & SERVICE DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
All Major Brands SALES & SERVICE, INC. Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
800-589-6532 50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
WALK-IN PARTS COUNTER •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation
433 OBERLIN RD. 440-327-3433
Residential - Commercial
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•DRIVEWAYS •PARKING LOTS 14000 Pearl Rd • Strongsville at Pearl & Rt. 82 BUCKEYE FENCING
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Contact Us Today! 440-458-4985 1-800-317-1966 Call to schedule your FREE estimate
Hart Free AUTOMOTIVE William M. Miller • 330-466-4012
Blacktop •Driveways COMPANY, INC. 24 Hour Emergency Service
• Parking Lots 34400 LORAIN ROAD - NORTH RIDGEVILLE 44039 440-236-5543
Phone: 440-327-3131 • Fax 440-327-6266
800-619-7808 (24 hours)
Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours)
[email protected]
NOVAK CONCRETE, INC Richards Concrete Custom Buildings, LTD
Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, “For all of your Concrete needs (Built By Amish)
Garage Floors, Stamped and more”!
Concrete, Waterproofing Quality Buildings At
FREE ESTIMATES Follow us on FaceBook Affordable Prices
440-748-6217 Richards Concrete LLC
Quality Service since 1989 440-328-6425 • Horse Barns • Garages
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Driveways, Patios, Drainage RESIDENTIAL FREE
Waterproofing, Excavating ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE 330-359-0463 ESTIMATES
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800-601-7671 (24/7) •Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing
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Shopping Center Maintenance Co.
Crack Filling & Patching Estimates Our Name Means Quality
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Save 10%
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With Coupon •Concrete Trim
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Expires 9/30/15
One coupon per residential driveway. Licensed•Bonded•Insured • Over 20 Years Experience
Present coupon at time of estimate
Tim Hamper Office: 440-236-3851/Cell: 440-506-2302
Concrete • Masonry COMMERCIAL &
Stamped Concrete Construction RESIDENTIAL
Home Remodeling: Bathrooms, Basements & Kitchens Also:
AUTOMOTIVE Roofing,Siding & Windows Plus: Decks, Fences & Storage Barns
COLUMBIA MARATHON 440-864-5161 Licensed, Bonded & Insured
Your Auto or Complete Triple Shredded Mulch
Light Truck Full Mechanical
Service Center 24$ per yard
24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station J.A. Kilby Electrical
Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
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New Work-Replacement-Repairs
•Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades 10 DIFFERENT MULCHES
•Gravel •Boulders •Flat Rock
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Large & Small Loads
440-327-3433 ext #3 •
34020 Royalton Rd. Eaton Twp.
State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response
BROWN’S DESIGN LANDSCAPING INC. & NURSERY D.W.V. • Gas Lines • Water Lines Are You Stumped LLC
Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Fixtures • Backhoe Work
Family owned & operated over 27 yrs. Stump Grinding
1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features, Residential • Industrial • Commercial
24 HOUR SERVICE Call Mike (440) 308-6162
Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certi?ed, State ID# 19467
Irrigation Installation & Service Edward Logar ODOT Certified WATERPROOFING
12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642 Off: 330-483-0055 7424 Crocker Rd. J. A. KILBY ENT.
Cell: 216-970-1910
QUALITY AT THE BEST PRICE Valley City, OH 44280 “Stop the water before it stops you!”
TOPSOIL •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
BENEDICT ROOFING Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
MIXED SOIL Family Business for Three Generations
MULCH •Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement
DELIVERED Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 440-327-3433
(440) 236-5300 Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates BASEMENT SOLUTIONS
Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc.
RELIABLE ROOFING • Waterproofing
Residential ~ Commercial • Foundation Repair
Installation - New Lawns/Hydroseed • Lawn Cutting • Patios Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal • Yard Drainage
Retaining Walls • Ponds • Waterfalls • Grading Work Of?ce: 440-236-4001 • • Excavating
Call: 440-748-1333 Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner • Sewer Replacement
* Now Available * All Seasons Roo?ng 440.773.3040
11847 Avon Belden Rd. Bulk Material for Sale Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason
Pick up or Delivery Siding & Gutter Repairs
Repairs from $75.
Mulch • Topsoil • Stone
Seed • Fertilizer 440-748-3259 Casey Williamson
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216-408-8770 1-888-752-8458
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Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services $5 Off with this ad We’re
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions 440-236-9200 Easy
CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available 440-926-0057
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•Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped TREE SERVICE
440-327-3433 •
State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response
440-324-4321 SERVICES: Jason E. Davis
-Complete Crane Service-
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30 Years Experience Personal Plumber Service Corp. Bonded & Insured
24 HOUR EMERGENCY $25OFF 812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035
SERVICE Any Service Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
Expires 7/31/15. Not valid with any other offer. • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
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• Removal, Trimming, Firewood
Triple Shredded Mulch
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 29, 2015
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Home Décor Reborn
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Chalk Paint for sale
280 Columbia Rd., Valley City, Ohio 216-978-1892