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Published by The Rural-Urban Record, 2016-10-11 13:59:31


TheRural-Urban Record

“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”

Volume 60, No. 41 Columbia Station, Ohio April 20, 2015

L-R: Back row: Coach Whitacre and Coach Webb. Front row:Ty Holzhauer, Grady Whitacre, Over 200 people attended A permanent plaque was placed near the entrance of the Town
Shane Ohl, Landen Whitacre, Tyler Ohl, Brooklyn Barber, Trever Blackburn and Tucker Webb. the special 1965 Palm Sun- Hall to honor the 9 victims of the tornado of 1965.
day Tornado Commemora-
Congratulations to the Keystone Wildcats’ 5-8 year old basketball team on a very successful tion held at the Pitts?eld the darkness, made it a liv- Town Hall itself. Two local
season in the Berea Recreation Center’s Youth Basketball League. The Wildcats ?nished the Township Hall on April 11. ing nightmare for those who churches that once stood in
season with a 12-1 record, including a victory in the championship game over the only team to The program was a very were in the direct path of the the direct path of the storm
beat them in the regular season. moving and emotional trib- tornado. were also totally destroyed.
ute to the victims of the F5- Many lost their homes and
The Wildcats consisted of Brooklyn Barber, Trever Blackburn, Ty Holzhauer, Shane Ohl, rated tornado. Family mem- The sharing of stories and businesses and livestock as
Tyler Ohl, Tucker Webb, Grady Whitacre and Landon Whitacre. Each of the young Wildcats bers were on hand to help memories by the survivors the tornado ripped through
used their talents to help the team to their successful championship season. The Wildcats made with the unveiling of a spe- and relatives or neighbors of the center of town, leaving
it dif?cult on the other teams with their tenacious defense and moved the ball around well on cial plaque listing the names those killed or injured in the little or nothing standing.
offense, allowing everyone to participate and score. The team was coached by Chad Whitacre of the nine victims that lost tornado captivated the atten- The victims of the storm
and Tim Webb, who helped the players develop the necessary skills and team-like attitude that their lives. The plaque is tion of those attending. Not a ranged from age 6 months to
allowed them to be successful. now af?xed permanently to sound was heard in the audi- 67 years old.
the brick wall near the front ence as each person shared
A special thanks to Pam Coleman of the Columbia Youth Basketball League. entrance of the hall. their special connection to History displays, an in-
the tragedy. formation table and refresh-
As the nation celebrates Arbor Day (April 24), let’s re?ect on the value of trees, and high- Opening the ceremony ments were provided inside
light the important ability of trees. Trees bring hope and healing, raising the spirits of residents with a special prayer was Among the many struc- for everyone who attended
who suffered the loss of their cherished trees. Rev. Jonathan Cheatham of tures damaged or destroyed the event. - R. MacWilliams
the Pitts?eld Community by the tornado, was the
Trees serve many purposes. Trees provide both physical and emotional landmarks - mark- Church, followed by intro-
ing childhood adventures, romantic walks and lazy Saturday afternoon picnics, among others. ductions and a reading of
Trees evoke memories and help to establish a sense of place, meaning and belonging. Putting the names and stories of the
trees into people’s hands following a loss serves to lift spirits, restore hope and help to begin individuals killed in Pitts-
the healing process. On this Arbor Day, it is important that we recognize that trees are a vital ?eld during the tornado.
infrastructure, just like our roads and our bridges. The church bell rang once
for each of the nine victims
Disasters such as wild?res, tornadoes, windstorms and ?oods wreak havoc upon both our mentioned one by one.
physical and emotional landscapes. The comfort and security - the sense of place provided by
our trees is dramatically altered, and sometimes even erased. New trees bring hope and are Inside the hall, Roger
part of the holistic recovery of a community following a natural disaster. Pickenpaugh, author of
Night of the Wicked Winds,
The need for an orchestrated disaster response, that includes providing new trees to com- was the special speaker. A
munities in need, is today more important than ever due to increased threats of severe storms slide show and a very special
and wild?res. When natural disasters strike, partners on the ground, including state foresters video documentary, created
across the nation, are poised to respond and ready to provide new trees through the generous by students of Dave Conkin’s
support of caring members and partners. Trees are part of the recovery process. Together, we drama class at Wellington
can continue to bring life back through trees. High School, was presented.
In the documentary, family
Arbor Day reminds us all to plant, nurture and celebrate trees. Let’s continue to plant trees members who survived the
whose bene?ts will be enjoyed not only by us, but also by our nation’s children and grand- tornado spoke of their har-
children. rowing, personal experienc-
es of that night. The storm
Please join me and thousands of others as we continue to work directly with our state for- struck Pitts?eld in the late
estry leaders on the ground to put trees into people’s hands following the loss caused by natu- evening hours, when most
ral disasters, so that we may lift spirits, restore hope and help to begin the healing process. of the township residents
had already gone to bed. The
Dan Lambe, President - Arbor Day Foundation storm itself, coupled with

Spring Home Dan Clark of the Pitts?eld Historical Society presenting to a packed crowd in the Township Hall.
- photo courtesy of Lynn Youngblood.
ImprovementSpecial Supplement inside this issue
Community Directory

Carlisle............ 16 Grafton................... 12 North Ridgeville. ... 11
Columbia.......... 2 Grafton Twp.......... 16 Wellington.............. 14
Eaton............... 8 LaGrange.............. 10 Churches ................ 5

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Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 cheese sub, southwest chicken salad and refried beans. Letter to the Editor
Wednesday: Breakfast - pancake on a stick. Lunch -
Monday, April 20: Choice of Mac & Cheese, turkey BLT wrap, ham and cheese Having lived in Columbia for over ?fty years, it has been a
Columbia Board of Trustees will meet this evening at 7 sub, southwest chicken salad and potatoes. pleasure watching our community grow. I can remember the
p.m. at the town hall. The community is welcome to attend. little library of the past only providing books. Many times, I
Friends of the Library will have their meeting tonight at Thursday: Breakfast - breakfast bagel. Lunch - Choice had to drive my children to the Berea or Strongsville Librar-
6 p.m. at the library. All members are encouraged to attend. of chicken stir fry, turkey BLT wrap, ham and cheese sub, ies.
New members are always welcome. southwest chicken salad and Asian vegetables. In 2000, Columbia citizens wisely chose to build our pres-
Wednesday, April 22: ent and state-of-the-art library. This choice has been proven
Columbia Board of Education will meet this evening at Friday: Breakfast - French toast. Lunch - pizza, turkey to enhance our whole community and serve toddlers to senior
5:30 p.m. in the Columbia Middle School gymnasium. A BLT wrap, ham and cheese sub, southwest chicken salad and citizens.
State of the Schools presentation will follow the meeting at Carrots. Please vote YES on May 5 for the RENEWAL levy, to
6:30 p.m. The community is encouraged to attend. keep our jewel of a library a shining star in Columbia.
Columbia Reservation will have an Earth Day Invasive Columbia Schools Susan Wendt, Columbia Station
Plan Control walk. Please help the park pull and bag a very Superintendent Graig Bansek
abundant and invasive plant - Garlic Mustard! This is a mod- Ladies’ Morning Golf League
erate hiking level. CLSD will hold its annual “State of the Schools” on
Wednesday, April 22, at 6:30 p.m. in the gymnasium at Co- The Creekwood Whackers Women's League will begin in
CHS Weekly Calendar lumbia Middle School. The Board of Education meeting will May. Their tee time is at 10 a.m. on Wednesday mornings
be held on the same day and same place at 5:30 p.m. Many at Creekwood Golf Course, playing nine holes. May 6 & 13
Monday, April 20: important topics will be discussed, including: the Strategic will be practice days, with the of?cial start on May 20. If you
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Fairview, V-H, JV-A. Plan, accomplishments of our students and district, additions would like more information about gol?ng with a nice group
Tuesday, April 21: to the curriculum for the 15/16 school year, Issues 11 & 12 of ladies, please call (216) 970-0764. Creekwood Golf Course
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Fairview, V-A, JV-H. and a big summer project that will take place. The CHS choir is located at 9691 North Reed Road, in Columbia Station.
Wednesday, April 22: will also perform. It will be a very informative evening on the
2:30-5:30 p.m. Saturday School room 3. great things that are happening in our schools. I hope that you Columbia Historical Society
5 p.m. Softball-Buckeye V-A, JV-H. can attend!
Thursday, April 23: On April 21, the society will be hosting the Northeastern
7:30-9:30 a.m. Groups and Clubs yearbook pictures. As mentioned in earlier columns, CLSD has two levies on Ohio Inter-Museum Council (NEOIMC). There are approxi-
2 p.m. One Act Plays Assembly. the ballot on May 5. Issue #11 is a 2 mill renewal permanent mately 125 members of this organization. Guided tours of the
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Black River, V-A, JV-H. improvement levy and issue #12 is a 3.13 mill renewal oper- Bronson House, the Block House (located within the Colum-
Friday, April 24: ating levy. Both issues are renewals with no new taxes. These bia Metro Park Reservation) and Whitehall (formally Copo-
4:30 p.m. Baseball-Parma Senior High-V-H, JV-A. levies are vital to CLSD maintaining our present services. We pa Elementary) will be provided. Docents will be available to
5 p.m. JV Softball v. North Royalton. ask for your continued support! answer all questions. Wrights Catering will be preparing and
Softball at Prebis tournament. serving the dinner at Whiltehall.
7 p.m. “A Night of One Act Plays.” Last week Sodexo, our food service company, held its
Saturday, April 25: ?rst ever Future Chef competition. There were three students Columbia Library events
Softball at Prebis tournament. that participated in the ?nals. I had the opportunity to be a
7 p.m. “A Night of One Act Plays” judge and taste three great recipes. I would like to congratu- Best-selling Author Visit - The library is proud to be host-
late the winner, Elise Champagne, who made an “after school ing New York Times and international best-selling author An-
Columbia K-8 Lunch Menu smoothie.” Delaney Friscone prepared a “magical smoothie” drea Cremer on Wednesday, April 22. Cremer will be visiting
and Bryce Bevelacqua presented a “?at bread spicy sand- via Skype from 7-7:30 p.m. Teens are invited at 6 p.m. to
Week of April 27-May 1: wich.” Congratulations to you all on a job well done! discuss Cremer’s newest novel, The Inventor’s Secret. Copies
Monday: Breakfast -pancakes. Lunch - Choice of chicken of the book are available at the library and the audiobook is
nuggets w/roll, turkey BLT wrap, ham and cheese sub, south- We are always looking to improve the quality of the school available to download from the eLibrary on LorainPublicLi-
west chicken salad and corn. district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion, through two electronic services, hoopla and Over-
Tuesday: Breakfast - breakfast pizza. Lunch - Choice question or comment, please feel free to call me at (440) 236- Drive. Pre-registration is required.
of nachos w/ meat and cheese, turkey BLT wrap, ham and 5008, email [email protected] or on twitter at @
graigbansek Story Time For Babies - Foster early literacy skills in your
children by bringing babies to story time. Babies and Books,
Columbia Garden Club a story time for 6 to 23-month-olds, is Thursdays at 2 p.m.
Come enjoy stories, music and more! Pre-registration is re-
Columbia Garden Club will meet on Tuesday, April 21, quired.
at noon at the Columbia Library. Roberta Sunkle will be pre-
senting a program on the Language of Flowers and Herbs. Earth Day Celebration -
Guests are always welcome. The program will begin at 1 Celebrate Earth Day on Thursday, April 23, at 4:30 p.m.
p.m. If you have any questions, call Rose Ann at (440) 236- Children ages 5-10 are invited to play green-themed Minute
5440. to Win It games. Also make recycled crafts and take home an
eco-friendly bird feeder. Stop by for fun, snacks and prizes.
Letter to Pre-registration is required.
the Editor Writers Group - Hone your writing skills. Join the Co-
lumbia Writers on Saturday, April 25, at 11 a.m. Participate
REDEFINE YOUR LIBRARY EXPERIENCE To the Editor: in read and critique sessions, build your skills through writing
On May 5, we will have practice and learn the craft of writing in general. Pre-registra-
We Have a the opportunity to show our tion is required.
Story for You! continued support for our Book Discussion - Pick up The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry
Columbia Library. There will by Gabrielle Zevin. Adults are welcome to discuss this book
The Lorain Public Library System’s Columbia Branch is be an Issue on the ballot that on Monday, April 27, at 1 p.m.
a great resource for early childhood literacy. Our story includes NO NEW TAXES Family Story Time - Learn what makes each of us special
time lineup featuring stories, music and more includes: and will allow our local li- at this week’s story time. This program is offered twice for
brary to continue operating your convenience: Monday, April 27, at 7 p.m. and Tuesday,
• Babies and Books – Thursdays at 2 p.m. and providing the wonder- April 28, at 10:15 a.m. Hear a story about a very colorful el-
for babies from 6 to 23 months along ful program and services we ephant that doesn’t always ?t in. Then everyone will make a
with their caregivers. now enjoy. sun?ower craft that will show just how unique each of us is.
We have a wonderful li- Pre-registration is required.
• Family Story Time – Mondays at 7 p.m. brary that provides many Needle-less Knitting -Explore the art of knitting without
and Tuesdays at 10:15 a.m. for families great services to our commu- needles on Wednesday, April 29, at 6 p.m. You will learn how
with children 2 to 5 years of age. nity. The Columbia Branch
Library is a gem right here in Nursery School Open House - April 23 and 28
The Monday evening session of Family Story Time was recently our community and services
added to better meet the needs of the community. the entire population. They “Come join us for the Nursery School Open House on April 23
have excellent children’s and April 28 at the Columbia United Methodist Church.”
We would like to hear from you as we plan for our programs and relevant and The Columbia United Methodist Church (CUMC) Nursery
future. Please visit and take interesting adult classes and
a few minutes of your valuable time to ?ll out our events. They also have com- School will hold its annual Nursery School Open House for pro-
community survey prior to April 24. puters and internet access spective families from 6:30 pm to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 23
and many resources to help and again on Tuesday, April 28, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the
our local students with their church, located at 25453 Royalton Road in Columbia Station.
homework. We enjoy a large
range of programs and spe- Families are invited to stop in at the Open House to tour
cial classes and have access the school, visit the classrooms, meet the Executive Board and
to the entire CLEVENET Teachers and learn about the available programs. Children are
library system right here in welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served.
our branch.
This levy will NOT in- Registration for the school year starting in August 2015 be-
crease taxes. Please remem- gan April 1.
ber to vote YES on Issue 4
on May 5. Founded in 1966, the CUMC Nursery School fosters each
Pamala Coleman, Colum- child's intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development
bia Station in a safe, nurturing environment with experienced, caring staff.
CUMC Nursery School is fully licensed by the Department of
13824 W. River Road North • Columbia Station • 440-236-8751 Job and Family Services and delivers structured early learning
curriculum, taught by Ohio-certi?ed teachers, providing learn- ing challenges and promoting self-con?dence.

Classes are offered for 3 to 5-year-olds are offered Mon-
days, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
More classes may become available based on student enroll-

For more information call Executive Board Chair, Renee
Huntington at 216-236-8822, or via email at CUMCNurs-
[email protected].

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 Page 3

Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 may vary by address). Participating houses will be listed on are 17 years of age (16 with parental consent in some states),
to arm knit and ?nger knit. Teens and adults are welcome to handouts available for viewing on-line (Facebook Columbia weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health
bring yarn. Two skeins of chunky yarn are recommended for Garage Sale Event Page &, at the may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and
the arm-knitting portion. Standard weight yarn in various col- Town Hall and at each house participating in the sale. other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet
ors will be provided. Pre-registration is required. certain height and weight requirements.
To have your house listed on the ?yers, please send your
Preregistration for programs is available online at Lorain- address, days and hours you will be ‘open’ and a few items Lorain County MS Walk or by calling the Columbia Library at (440) you will be having in your sale to Mandie Andrews at: ga-
236-8751. The Columbia Library is located at 13824 W. Riv- [email protected]. If you do not have access to Walkers will meet at The First Church in Oberlin, located
er Road, North, in Columbia Station. email, please contact Mandie by phone at (216) 409-6668. at 106 N. Main St. on May 2. Check in time is at 8 a.m.
Participation is free! Please share this information with your
Cowpie Bingo neighbors and friends. Deadline to list is noon on Friday, July All proceeds from Walk MS are used to provide programs
10. and services for people with multiple sclerosis and their fami-
Cowpie Bingo at the Biglers farm is a tradition in Colum- lies, as well as to support MS-related research efforts to ?nd
bia Station to support after-prom. Strongsville Historical Society the cause and cure for multiple sclerosis, a chronic and unpre-
dictable disease of the central nervous system.
Because the safety of our children is our number one Come to the Strongsville Historical Society on April 28, at
concern, the class of 2015 parents are proud to present a fun 7 p.m. in the Lathrop House on the grounds of the Strongsville For more information, contact Karen Moore at (419) 482-
?lled, substance free party to immediately follow prom this Historic Village. A member of their fellow Western Reserve 1586, [email protected] or
year at the High School. In?atables, a DJ, tattoos, a photo Historical Society presents “FAB 50’s: Glorious Sports, Gory
booth, game tables and a mechanical bull are just a few of the Murder, Glamour Girls and Gas Guzzlers.” This event is free Attention Advertisers!
things being offered to the children this year. and all are invited, whether you wear your “bobbie socks” or
not. Dress up is optional. Let’s see some “greased-back” hair “Where to Find It”
Cow Pie Bingo tickets are available at the high school on the guys or “?at tops.”
of?ce for $10 each or by calling Shelia at (440) 813-1626 . Golfer’s
Bingo day is May 2 at 10 a.m. Winner need not be present. There is always ample parking. It is a handicap acces- Guide
The ticket that matches the square where the cow ?rst dumps sible building. Refreshments to follow. You can visit www.
will win half the pot, up to $1000. or call (440) 572-0057 for Golf Signatures
more information. w/Map Locations
Thank you for supporting this fun tradition that bene?ts
and ensures a safe evening for Columbia's children. Red Cross Blood Drives & Display Ads
at a special price!
Attention Senior Citizens! The American Red Cross encourages eligible donors to
give blood this May in honor of World Red Cross and Red April 27, 2015
Columbia High School and the CHS Key Club would Crescent Day on May 8, the birthday of International Red Issue
like to invite you to their biannual Senior Citizens Break- Cross and Red Crescent Movement founder, Henry Dunant.
fast. This event is open to all Columbia residents and grand- Call your Sales Representative
parents of Columbia local students. The breakfast will be To make an appointment to give blood, download the Red Today for information and advertis-
held on Wednesday, May 6, at 8:45 a.m. in the high school Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1- ing options in this special section of
cafeteria. It is free of charge. They will be serving breakfast 800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Those who are unable
casseroles, hash browns, fresh fruit, muf?ns and a variety of to give blood can support blood donations and invite others The Rural-Urban Record
beverages. If you would like to attend, please call (440) 236- to make a lifesaving donation by creating a SleevesUp vir-
5001 ext. 235 before 3 p.m. on Monday, May 4, to make tual blood drive at 440-236-8982
your reservations.
Lorain County Drives Deadline April 22, 2015
Community Garage Sale Wellington - 5/1/2015: 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Wellington High
School, 629 N. Main St.
Columbia Station and the Columbia Chamber of Com- Avon Lake - 5/4/2015: 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., Avon Lake
merce are proud to be hosting the 2nd annual Columbia Com- Public Library, 32649 Electric Blvd.
munity Garage Sales. How it works: Being a rural community, Oberlin - 5/4/2015: 3 p.m. - 8 p.m., Oberlin College Rec.
it is hard to draw shoppers out to our garage sales. Most shop- Ctr., 200 Woodland St.
pers like to go to developments or to cities where they can hit Elyria - 5/8/2015: 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., St Paul United Church
multiple sales all in the same day. Last year when these sales of Christ, 9715 East River Street and 5/9/2015: 9 a.m. - 1
were held, there were 106 participating houses. p.m., Am. Red Cross Lorain County, 2929 West River Road
This year, the community sales event will be held Thurs- A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms
day-Saturday, July 16, 17 & 18, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (hours of identi?cation are required at check-in. Individuals who

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 Page 5

The Rural-Urban Record St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Our Lady Queen of Peace
Catholic Church
Published Weekly on Monday All are welcome at
COLUMBIA UNITED Weekend Masses Weekday
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter METHODIST God’s Table. Sat. 4:30pm Mass
Founders 1955 CHURCH 8:00am
Sunday Worship Schedule Sun. 8:30 & Chapel
Lee Boise, Publisher & President Worship Service
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 10:30 a.m. 8:30 am Quiet Communion Service 11:00am Mon.-Tues.
9:30 am Christian Education for all ages Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
Mailing Address: Sunday School 10:30 am Communion Service with Music
P.O. BOX 966 • COLUMBIA STATION, OH 44028 Sat. 3:30-
Located at 24487 Squire Road, Columbia Station during Worship Service Children’s sermon at both services
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 25453 ROYALTON ROAD 300 3rd Street, Elyria, Ohio
Email: [email protected] COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO (440) 322-2126 ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
DEADLINE: Pastor Matt Merriman United Church of God NORTH
236-8822 Like us on Facebook 12981 Grafton Rd. EATON
News, Pictures and all ads - Wednesday 12 Noon Grafton, Oh 44044 CHRISTIAN
OFFICE HOURS: [email protected] Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector CHURCH Sabbath Services
Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. St. Elizabeth Saturdays at 12:30 pm (Disciples)
50¢ per copy at of?ce; Subscriptions $35 per year “Welcome Home” Ann Seton Rt. 82 & 83
TRINITY New Life Wesleyan Church Catholic Parish
GRAFTON UNITED 440-748-2230
LUTHERAN CHURCH 11149 West River Rd, 25801 Royalton Rd. METHODIST CHURCH
Columbia Station Columbia Station, OH
38307 W. Royalton Rd, SUNDAY 9 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57) “We Celebrate Children” Worship Services
Bible Study, Adults/Young Adults (Confession)
Adult Bible Study SUNDAY 10 AM Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. 8:45am Sunday School 8:00am & 9:30am
Sunday 9:15am Anytime by Appointment 10:00am Worship
Sunday Worship 10:30am Worship & Children’s Church Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM Weekend Masses 10:35am Children’s Church
10:30am during Worship Adult Study, Women’s Study, Sat. 5 p.m. Rev. Delaine McGhee, Pastor 10:45am
Church ph: 440-748-2154
Preschool ph: 440-748-3445 Teens, Kids Club Sun. 8 & 11 a.m. Sugar Ridge Baptist Church Polly Tallos Rev. Jim Carder,
Rev. John Ramsey II 440-236-5095 36600 Sugar Ridge Rd., N. Ridgeville Christian Ed. & Youth Director
Senior Pastor 440-327-946
Food Center thank you Rev. Steven Spaeth, Rev. Charles A. Butcher
We would like to thank the Community of Columbia Associate Pastor All age Sunday School 10 am Pastor
Station and North Eaton for their generous contributions 440-236-8600
and continued support. A special thank you to the Columbia Sunday Worship 11 am & 6:30 pm
Eagles for hosting the 2nd annual Food Bank Bene?t. It Wednesday Worship 7 pm
was a huge success which included live music by nine dif-
ferent bands (all donating their time), a 50/50 raf?e, photo Pet Adopt-A-Thon Springspiration Day
booth and food by Wright’s Catering. We would like to
thank the following churches: Columbia Baptist, Columbia The 18th annual Medina County Pet Adopt-A-Thon is on The 29th annual Springspiration Day will be held at the
Methodist, New Life Wesleyan, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saturday, May 2, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Community Pitts?eld Community Church, located at the corner of St.
Clearview and Hosanna Lutheran. Also, to the Columbia Center at the Medina County Fairgrounds, 735 Lafayette Rts. 58 and 303, on Tuesday, April 28.
Community Foundation, Columbia Chamber of Com- Rd., in Medina.
merce, The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Columbia Local Karen Burkhart is the special guest. She is an inspira-
Schools, Schild’s IGA, the many businesses and people of The event brings together over 30 pet rescue groups and tional singer and speaker and she will lift the soul and pro-
the community and surrounding cities that call to drop off pet-related companies from all over Northeast Ohio. The vide joy for our life journey.
food and give monetary donations to help support us. To public is invited. There is no admission fee. Many pets are
see people and families in need bene?t when a community adopted, or applications taken for adoption, on that day. Registration is at 10 a.m. and the concert is from 10:30
comes together to support friends and families in need, is The event features a pet blessing, food sold throughout the a.m. to noon. A salad luncheon will be served at noon.
truly what a healthy community is all about. day at a refreshment stand, a coloring contest for elemen- There will be a free will love offering.
tary students and a Pet Look Alike Contest on Facebook.
The Columbia Food Center It’s a heart-warming day of people ?nding their forever pets For reservations, call Phyllis Schindler at (440) 647-
and pets ?nding their forever homes. Pet groups who would 0347 or Janet Crumley at (440) 647-5170.
Bluegrass and Gospel Music like to be exhibitors pay a fee of $10 per table and must
pre-register. Men’s Senior Fellowship Club
East Oberlin Community Church is hosting a Bluegrass
and Gospel Music event from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, May 2. For more information or a registration form, contact All Lorain County retirees are welcome to attend the
The church is located at 43709 Oberlin-Elyria Road (corner Beth Kilchenman, at the Medina County Auditor’s Of?ce, Mens Senior Fellowship Club meetings. They meet weekly
of Rt. 511 and Oberlin Elyria Road). Doors open at 5 p.m. at (330) 725-9756 or at [email protected]. at 9:30 a.m. at the Moose Family Center located at 555
Cost of admission is $5 per person. Music starts at 6 p.m. Ternes Blvd., in Elyria.
Featured band is Willow Creek. There will be an open kitch- Vendors wanted
en available, free popcorn and a 50/50 raf?e. If you have Program schedule:
any questions, please contact the church of?ce at (440) The 5th annual Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Home April 21- Mens Health Test Levels - Tom Strong.
774-3443, Chris Vough at (216) 299-5372 or Patty Kopcho Days Festival is in the planning stages. The committee April 28 - Scams - LC Sherriff Dept. - Capt. Drozdows-
at (440) 655-4736 (please leave message if no answer). is now accepting applications for non-food vendors and ki.
craft booth operators. This is an outdoor event; however, May 5 - Hearing and Dementia - Dr. Richard Hetsko.
Recovery Group electricity is available for a small fee. The event is being May 12 - Home Instead Senior Care - Karin Walff.
held July 31-August 2, in Grafton. For an application or May 19 - Clev. Connection To Baseball Hall Of Fame
Church of the Open Door is pleased to announce that it for more information, log onto http://www.olqpgrafton. - Jim Smith.
has started the newest Celebrate Recovery group in Ohio. org/parish-festival.html or e-mail LaurenKeenanOLQP@ May 26 - Lorain County Dept. of Aging - Carolyn Bish-
Open Door's group meets every Thursday at 7 p.m. at its op.
Elyria campus at the corner of State Route 113 and West For information call (440) 366-0452.
Ridge Road, in Elyria. Meetings are open to all. Murder Mystery fund-raiser
Chicken Paprikash Dinner
The purpose is to come together and celebrate God's A Country Western Murder Mystery and BBQ Dinner
healing power over our hurts, hang-ups and habits through will be held at Grace Community Church, located at 12365 LaPorte United Methodist Church will be having a
the 12 Steps and 8 Recovery Principles. This experience Grafton Rd., in Grafton, on May 16, from 6-9 p.m. Tickets Chicken Paprikash Dinner on Saturday, May 9, from 5-7
allows us to be changed. By working and applying Bib- are $30 each, with all proceeds going to the Missions Fund. p.m. Dinner includes Chicken Paprikash and dumplings,
lical principles, we begin to grow spiritually, and become For tickets and more information, call (440) 458-6612. green beans, roll and butter, homemade desserts and a bev-
free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional be- Seating is limited. erage. Cost is $15 for adults, $6 for children 6-12 and chil-
haviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most dren under 6 eat free. Tickets are available by calling the
importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and FUNERAL HOME church of?ce at (440) 458-5717. Presale tickets are strongly
others. 2089 Columbia Road suggested however they will sell tickets at the door until
Valley City, OH 44280 dinners are sold out.
Laubenthal Funeral
Services 330-483-3300 All monies raised from the dinner will go towards the
2015 SOWER Mission Trip June 7-12. LaPorte United
Offering Forethought “Understanding When Methodist Church is located at 2071 Grafton Road in
Funeral Pre-Planning Needed Most” Elyria.

LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO Gentle Woman Fellowship

38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035 Pre-Need Planning Available Gentle Woman Fellowship is an intra-parish group. It
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 meets on the First Fridays at St. Clarence Parish Center, Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance 30106 Lorain Road, in North Olmsted. The times and
events for May 1, include: praying the Rosary at 9:30
LOCAL FAMILIES COMMITTED TO SERVING OUR COMMUNITY DAVID BOGNER a.m., attending Holy Mass at 10 a.m. followed by a May
Crowning and coffee or tea and enjoying a talk at 11 a.m.
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled FAMILY FUNERAL HOME Sister Kathleen Ryan, the Director of Social Action for the
Diocese of Cleveland will be the speaker. Her topic will
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955 be "Putting Faith into Action." All women are welcome to come and bring a friend with no reservations.

If you have questions, call Mary at (440) 458-5063 or
Mary at (440) 235-6258.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” —Matthew 11:28

Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015

Professional Profile

Bollinger Funeral Goods & Services

Why We Do What We Do....

Imagine if you will that your loved one has just passed away. Many people would call the same funeral
home their family has been calling for decades. That’s all right, but there is another choice. Traditional fu-
neral homes are often large beautiful buildings on meticulously landscaped property. When you have these
funeral homes handle the funerals of your loved ones you are paying for all of this. Additionally, there are
nice cars, large staffs, and other amenities for which you pay. With Bollinger Funeral Goods and Services,
you do not have to pay for all of these extra items. We operate out of a small store-front and then work with
you to ?nd alternative locations for services. By having a much lower overhead than traditional funeral
homes, we can offer savings of over 50% and even as much as 75%. Even our Direct Burial and Direct Cre-
mation (services without visitations or services) are considerably less expensive because again, we do not
have all that overhead for which you have to pay regardless of the type of service you select.

I have been a licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer here in Northeast Ohio since 1984 and I know how
funeral homes have to charge the families they serve. I believe that funerals do not have to cost as much as
they do to be meaningful to the survivors. I got into this business to
help people, and for the funeral of a loved one to be a ?nancial burden
to the survivors is not helping people.

When a service or visitation is desired, there are many other location
options besides funeral homes. Consider if you will that some people
have returned to days of old, with visitations in people’s homes. Oth-
ers are using churches, or fraternal halls, or other community locations.
Memorial services (without the physical decedent present) are being held
in libraries, parks, the zoo, yacht clubs, country clubs, golf clubs, etc. We
simply encourage people to “think outside of the box” so to speak and to
inform them of these options.
By calling us, we can assist you with free information on much more
fair-priced funeral solutions. We can assist you with advance funeral plan-
ning as well as at-need planning.
Additionally, we offer to the public a complete line of caskets, burial
vaults, urns (for humans as well as pets), headstones and monuments, and
other funeral merchandise at a considerable savings over most funeral
homes. We will deliver these items to the funeral home or cemetery of
your choice anywhere in Ohio. Other funeral homes must accept our mer-
chandise without additional charges by law, thus providing you more affordable options.
Our goal is to provide professional, caring, and digni?ed services to the people we serve without overpaying.
Call for an appointment or stop in and look around our showroom to see for yourself the available options for
your memorials and services and see how you can save hundreds and even thousands of dollars.

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Blind Cleaning and Repair
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 Page 7

Professional Profile


Sales & Installation

Ceramic • Hardwood • Carpet

and Luxury Vinyl Tile

P: 440-748-2813

33623 Royalton Rd. C: 440-724-6852 POLYURETHANE CRACK INJECTION

Columbia Station Ohio 44028 F: 440-748-2841 SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED
Mark J. Bollinger, President 2900 North Ridge Rd. Free
440-324-3371 Elyria, OH 44035
[email protected] JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036

Buying • Metal Roofs & Seamless Metal Gutters All Types • Metal Roof Coatings
Gold • Shingles & Siding • Pole Barns - Roof & Repair • Residential/Commercial
• Bonded/Insured • BBB/Angies List • Quality Professional Workmanship
954 Main Street | Grafton, OH 44044
440-926-0500 | Cell: 216-402-2470 / 216-403-2965
-Products Rings, Necklaces, Watches, Clocks
Services - Jewelry, Clock and Watch Repair SEPTIC SERVICES

Now Open at Our New Location “We Want Your LICENSED
954 Main Street - Downtown Grafton Stinkin’ Business” INSURED

Tues, Wed, Fri 9 - 5pm; Thurs 9 - 6pm; Sat. 9 - 1pm; Closed Sun & Mon 440-355-5526 AERATOR MOTORS
800-511-3419 REPAIRED
Distinctive Loving Touch FAX 440-355-6170 120 Commerce Dr.
LaGrange, Ohio 44050
Gravesite Care and Maintenance

Feel comfortable knowing your
loved one’s ?nal resting place is
being maintained and cared for.
Let us be there when you cannot
Spring Gravesite cleanup starting

at $49

U.S.A.F Veteran Owner and Operator

Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 A theft was reported at the Circle K at Island Rd. on March Proceeds from the sale support seriously ill patients and
2. The Circle K near Rte. 83 reported a traf?c accident on St. their families, veterans in need of specialized care, grief and
Goodwill seeks donations Patrick’s Day. trauma counseling in schools and other community-based
programs provided by this non-pro?t agency.
Cleaning out an old barn? Moving? Spring cleaning? Do- Speeding was recorded on Cowley Rd. on March 5. A pri-
nate it to the Lorain County Goodwill! Ross Environmental vate property accident was listed on the 6th at Eaton Com- The sale will be held Friday, May 15, from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Services, Inc. has partnered with Eaton Township to collect merce Parkway. Illegal parking was listed on March 7 at and Saturday, May 16, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., at Hospice of the
items for the Lorain County Goodwill. You can drop off your Hawke & Root Roads. A gross overload was recorded on Western Reserve Headquarters, 17876 St. Clair Ave., Cleve-
old clothes, housewares and even small electronic appliances March 13 on U.S. Route 20. A traf?c accident occurred on land 44110. Cash and major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard
at the Eaton Town Hall, 12043 Avon Belden Road, in Graf- Eaton Blvd. on the 20th. A motor vehicle theft, along with and Discover) are accepted for payment (no checks).
ton, during regular business hours (9 a.m.-4 p.m.). breaking & entering, was reported on Brokaw Rd. on March
21. An abandoned vehicle was recorded on W. Royalton Rd. Donations of Furniture and Household Goods Sought
Have more than you care to transport? The Lorain County on the 30th. for Sale - Hospice of the Western Reserve is also actively
Goodwill can pick it up. Call (440) 242-2124 to schedule a seeking donations of furniture and household goods for the
pick-up. Please inform the dispatcher that the donations are Domestic disputes were listed on E. Capel on March 6 and Warehouse Sale. All furniture items will be previewed prior
part of the Ross Environmental Services collection drive. All on Hawke Rd. on the 7th. Possession of a drug abuse instru- to acceptance for donation; tax receipts will be provided. Ar-
donations must be ready for pick-up when Goodwill arrives. ment was listed on Cooley Rd. on March 7. On the 8th, an as- rangements can be made to pick up large furniture or fragile
This means disassembling, boxing or bagging of anything sault was reported on E. Royalton Rd., and a domestic dispute donations from anywhere in Northeast Ohio at no cost to the
that is being donated. was reported on S. Reed Rd. A domestic dispute was reported donor, though they gladly accept monetary donations to help
on Parkside Dr. on March 9. defray the cost of furniture transport. Those interested in con-
You only have until April 21 to take advantage of this tributing items for the sale should contact the Warehouse Sale
drive! On March 15, there was a reported dog bite on N. Island Team at 800-707-8922 ext. 6881.
Rd. Alleged criminal child enticement was reported at the
A Victorian Tea Ohio State Patrol facility on the 16th. A theft was reported on NOTE: The agency is unable to accept bedding, books,
N. Avon Belden Rd. on March 17. Taking the identity of an- clothing, cribs and car seats, small electronics, small and ma-
Please join the Eaton Historical Committee for “A Victo- other was reported on S. Durkee Rd. on March 20 and again jor appliances, medical supplies, sporting goods, children’s
rian Tea” on April 26, at 1 p.m. at the Eaton Towne Hall. They on the 25th on Sabol Ct. A theft was reported on Arbor Ct. on toys and games, computers and related hardware, mattresses
will be featuring a tea with little cakes and ?nger sandwiches, March 21. and box springs, televisions and stuffed animals.
door prizes and a program. The program will be given by Ja-
net Byrd of the Lorain County Historical Society about the Domestic violence was recorded on Alton Dr. on March Hospice of the Western Reserve Warehouse Sales are held
history of Tussie-mussies. Advance sale tickets only, at a cost 17. A domestic dispute was reported on S. Durkee Rd. on periodically throughout the year. To receive notice of upcom-
of $12 per person, are available for purchase by calling Jen- March 21. A runaway/missing person was recorded on Eaton ing sales, send an email to: [email protected].
nifer Arthur at (440) 748-3519. Blvd. on March 22. At the same address on March 30, there For a list of upcoming sales, visit
was a report of domestic violence. Two reports of domestic cleveland-resale-shop/warehouse-sale.
Sheriff’s Report disputes were recorded on Henwell Rd. on March 23. At the
one location, domestic violence was reported on March 28. Want Ads that leap off the paper?
The Lorain County Sheriff’s Department Incident Report
for Eaton Township shows 38 reported incidents. Free Community Family Meal Get Noticed In
The schools were busy this month. There were 5 incidents On the fourth Tuesday of the month, North Eaton Christian
at the high school on Capel Rd. Assaults were reported on Church serves a free meal to anyone in the community that is Let Our Graphics Department
March 5 and March 10. Also on the 10th, there was a report interested in coming together as a “family.” Enjoy good home design an Ad for you!
of an unruly child. On March 12, a theft was reported with 5 cooked food and good company for an evening.
victims listed. On the 16th, a private property accident was
reported. At the Positive Education Program on N. Durkee The next meal is on Tuesday, April 28. Dinner is served at
Rd., disorderly conduct/taunting were recorded on March 9. 5:30 p.m. The church is located at 35895 Royalton Road (Rt.
An assault was listed on March 11, along with menacing. On 82 near Rt. 83).
March 16, a runaway/missing juvenile was reported. An un-
ruly child was reported on March 26. Hidden Treasures at the
Hospice Warehouse Sale

On May 15-16, Hospice of the Western Reserve will have
their Warehouse Sale. No matter what you’re looking for,
you’ll ?nd it here: furniture, artwork, china sets, lamps, lin-
ens, glassware, holiday decorations, collectibles and much

Night at

the Races

Carlisle Twp & Eaton Twp
Fire & Rescue Association

Saturday May 9th at Elyria Amvets
11087 Middle Ave, Elyria Oh 44035

Doors Open at 5pm
Tickets: $20

Includes: Entry, Food, Beer, Pop & Water
*Mixed drinks cost extra
Must be 21 years or older

Contact Steven for Tickets at

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 Page 9

Schild’s LaGrange
540 N. Center, LaGrange
34981 Royalton Road, OH 44050 PRICES EFFECTIVE - APRIL 2015
North Eaton, OH
8 am - 8 pm 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
7 am - 9 pm
8 am - 6 pm PHONE: 440-355-9920

PHONE: 440-748-3751 WIC APPROVED


Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 In addition, I would like to remind our parents that our along the road to protect the tween 301 and Indian Hol-
second round of PARCC will begin next week. Please con- properties, but this has never low which will be worked on
Books And Brunch tact your child’s school for any questions you have about happened since opening over in conjunction with the wid-
PARCC testing. ten years ago. They have ap- ening of the road. Two out-
The Friends of The Keystone-LaGrange Community proached the course man- let culverts and catch basins
Library are hosting their 4th annual Books and Brunch on Lastly, Keystone is committed to fostering two-way com- agement and have been told need replaced. Total cost, not
Saturday, April 25, from 9:15 a.m.-12 (noon) at Lions Park, munication between our community and our administra- that they should turn it into including labor, is estimated
240 Glendale Street, in LaGrange. Authors featured for this tions. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns their insurance company. to be $7,500 which will be
year’s program include Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Moore, about subjects regarding the Keystone Local School District, The Prosecutor will be con- split with Pen?eld, who
Wendi Zwaduk, Pete Grondin and Dr. Bob DeMaria. Pre- please contact Superintendent Franco Gallo at tacted to see if this is a safety is working along with the
sale tickets are only $10. For more details or ticket informa- or at (440) 355-5131. issue for residents and traf?c township in the project.
tion, call Marilyn at 440-355-5770. on the road and if anything
The Heart of the Matter can be done. The next Dumpster Day
KMS/KHS PTA fund-raiser is May 9 at the old township
KHS Volleyball Coach Bud Trego, Leah Cordy and her father Deputy Bungard from garage on Pleasant Street
Want to help KMS/KHS PTA raise money without buy- Dave Cordy. the Lorain County Sheriff’s from 7-12 p.m. Please enter
ing or selling anything and get your spring cleaning done? Department was present and on Pleasant Street. No gar-
Help them ?ll an Easter Seal truck with clothing, comforters, As Keystone sophomore Leah Cordy played volleyball, reported that in March there bage or building materials
towels, shoes and purses. All donated items will be reused, she knew something wasn’t right. She felt as though her were 44 calls in the town- are allowed.
resold or recycled. All donations are tax-deductible. Fill a heart was racing and skipping beats. Leah, accompanied by ship. He will do research on
large kitchen size garbage bag with your donation items and her parents Ruth and Dave, went to the doctor and were told the situation on Biggs Road The Board is still working
drop them off at Keystone High School on Wednesday, April Leah’s health was excellent. Following her gut feeling, Leah to see if reports of damage on the property split at Vet’s
22, and Thursday, April 23, between 3-7 p.m. or Saturday, and her parents went to another doctor and were given the have been ?led and residents Park for the Library Expan-
April 25, from 8-11 a.m. same answer - Leah was in excellent physical condition. are urged to call him if future sion. They will be given 1.5
instances occur. acres of the property in the
Their goal is to collect 500 bags to earn $1,200 for PTA! Not only did Leah and her family know something was middle of the park for build-
Happy Spring Cleaning! wrong, her coach Bud Trego knew it as well. According to Several miscellaneous ing expansion, however, this
Ruth Cordy, “Bud said he could see a look of panic cross ?ags for the Vet’s Memorial is with deed restrictions.
KHS Senior Citzens Breakfast over Leah’s face during practice or while playing in games. have been found in storage. This is to remain public
He encouraged us to continue to seek medical treatment for The 4x6 ?ags will be added property and if the library is
Keystone High School’s Youth-4-Youth organization and Leah, even when the doctors did not. I cannot say enough until used up and then a re- ever closed or merges with
the FCCLA are excited to welcome local residents to the an- good things about Coach Trego and his support.” turn to the present 3x5 will another system, the property
nual Senior Citizens’ Breakfast on Wednesday, April 29, at take place. The light timer at and building would revert
9 a.m. at the High School. Attendees will enjoy a delicious As the Cordy’s made an appointment with a third physi- Vet’s Park has been reset and back to the township.
breakfast, made and served by high school students, games cian, Dr. Peter Aziz of the Cleveland Clinic, they had nearly bulbs replaced on the memo-
and more! Please RSVP with the number attending by Mon- given up hope that Leah’s condition would be diagnosed. At rial. The next meeting of the
day, April 27, to Keystone High School Teacher Ms. Heffer- her ?rst appointment, Dr. Aziz, a specialist in pediatric car- board is on April 27, with a
nan at (440) 355-5132 ext. 1157 or at Shannon.Heffernan@ diologist, knew immediately that Leah had a heart condition. The Road Department public meeting at 6 p.m. to The condition, diagnosed as Supraventricular Tachycardia will be chipping brush the discuss the Electrical Ag-
(SVT), results in a rapid heart rate or a heart rate above 100 second and fourth Monday gregation ballot issue. The
Keystone Schools beats per minute. Upon this diagnosis, Leah wore a heart of each month. Residents regular meeting will follow
Superintendent Jay G. Arbaugh monitor that registered 240 beats per minute. must call the of?ce at 355- at 7 p.m.
5141. There should be abso-
Superintendent column Now, Leah’s heart beats as a healthy heart should. She lutely no tree roots or bushes Roberta Moore, Fiscal
Keystone Local Schools are presently registering students had surgery to treat the SVT and has been cleared to resume with roots attached. Of?cer
for kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year. The full-day all of her normal activities. According to Leah, the moral of
program provides students with an excellent foundation upon this story is to “trust your gut.” She comments, “If you think There is 9000 feet of lagrangetownship@aol.
which to build their 1st-12th grade educational career. To reg- something is wrong with your body, seek medical treatment ditch on Webster Road be- com
ister for the program, or to address any questions, please con- and keep seeking it until it is diagnosed.”
tact Keystone Elementary School at (440) 355-5134. Shop Your Local Businesses
Congratulations to Keystone High School student Steven At Keystone, this is a message we encourage all of our
Speck for qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship pro- students and our student-athletes to take to heart. Seeking Summer Help
gram. Of the 1.5 million students who took the PSAT/NMSQT
test, he is in the top 50,000. He will be noti?ed in September LaGrange Twp. Trustees Looking for work on summer college break?
if he will be a National Semi?nalist. General Plug & Mfg is accepting
The Township Trustees vehicles damaged and cannot
PART TIME MAINTENANCE II will have an Electrical Ag- let their children play in their applications (18 and older please).
gregation issue on the ballot front yards for fear of getting Apply in person to General Plug,
The Village of LaGrange is accepting applications and in the next election. The pas- hit. They get approximately 445 N. Main St, Grafton (next to The Unicorn)
resumes for the part time position of Maintenance II sage of this issue would ben- 12-18 dozen golf balls in
worker. Duties will include mowing, weed trimming, e?t anyone in the township their front yard each summer. or General Plug 132 Artino St.,
street repair work, snow plowing and other duties as who has Ohio Edison as an When originally planned, Oberlin, between 8:30 and 4 pm or send
necessary. This position is year round. Hours will be electric supplier. It would not there was to be trees planted
up to thirty per week. Applications are available at the affect in any way those who resume to [email protected]
LaGrange Municipal Building, 355 South Center Street, have their electric supplied
LaGrange, Ohio, 44050. Please send completed applica- by Lorain Medina Rural JACK MATIA
tions / resumes to the same address. Deadline for receiv- Electric. Residents are urged HONDA
ing applications and resumes will be April 24, 2015. to vote for the issue so that
those residents eligible can New & Used bene?t in a reduced rate. An Cars
informational meeting will
be held on April 27, at 6 p.m. 440-366-5501
at Grange Hall to explain the
bene?ts of the passage of the Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria
issue to residents and answer
any questions. The public is New and Certi?ed Hondas
welcome to attend. All Models - Used Cars

Linda Chapin and Eileen Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5
French, from the Library
Board and Friends of the Li-
brary, attended the meeting to
express their appreciation to
the trustees for letting them
use a portion of the old ?re
station to store, sort and have
their annual book sale for the
Library. A portion of the old
station has been remodeled
to accommodate them and
store the books collected.

Frances Kennedy of
Biggs Road was present at
the meeting to express the
concerns of several residents
on Biggs Road across from
the golf course about golf
balls on their property. They
have had windows broken;



The Relationship Between
Paint and Mood

Painting is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to transform the look
of a space. The colors homeowners choose for their walls can give rooms their
own unique feel and even affect the moods of the people within them.

Finding the right shade for a bedroom or kitchen involves more than just se-
lecting the ?rst color that catches your eye. Design experts and psychologists
alike say it may be worthwhile to choose a color that helps you feel good rather
than just following design trends. The paint color you pick may add energy to a
space or create a tranquil retreat where you can unwind at the end of the day.

Blue -
To create a spa-like environment and a more serene space, look to shades of
blue in soft variations. Cool blues are soothing colors that can help lower stress
levels and promote sleep. That’s why blue is a frequent ?xture in bedrooms and
bathrooms. Just be advised that too much blue can make a room appear cold
and stark, so balance out blue with some warmer accents.

Orange -
Many people do not immediately consider bright orange for their homes, but
when used as an accent shade, orange can really brighten up a home. Orange
is considered a shade that expands creativity and imparts a youthful appeal to
a space. Consider an orange accent wall or a burst of color with orange throw
pillows. If pumpkin orange is a little too bold for you, tone it down by choosing a
more pastel, peachy hue, which is equally warm and energizing.

(Continued on Page 9 - See Color)

440.246.3325 • 844.600.3085 • DECKRESCUE.NET


Spring Home Improvement Guide

Kick-Start Small How do Faucets Work?

Engine Maintenance Whenever you need to take to an area of lower pressure water comes out of the outlet dle, twist-based facets make
in 3 Steps a bath or wash your hands, when the opportunity arises. of the faucet. it easy to control the ?ow of
water is available immedi- Faucet Components Twisting Mechanisms water.
(NewsUSA) - Tempera- three simple steps you can ately via the use of a faucet. Inside of the faucet, three The mechanics behind how Lifting Mechanisms
tures are rising, and peo- take to help prevent small A simple twist or lift of the main parts are at work. The the stopper is lifted depends Faucets that are lifted use
ple are venturing outdoors. engine equipment prob- handle releases a gush of ?rst component is the pipe on the type of faucet. The the same concept, only the
Items like lawn mowers, lems and avoid a trip to the water. While it may not be that leads in from the water two most common types of plugging mechanism goes
motorcycles and other repair shop: immediately clear why the source to the faucet. The faucets are the ones that straight up-and-down in-
small engine machines are 1. Educate yourself on how water comes out of the tap second part is an apparatus stead of easing its way into
being dusted off and taken to care for small engine instantaneously, the me- that involves a passageway twist open and the ones the gap. Although these
out of storage in anticipa- machines and equipment. chanics behind faucets are and a stopper. The stop- that lift open. Handles that work equally as well in terms
tion of the warmer weath- Does it need to be stored very simple. per is equipped with a rub- need a twisting motion are of releasing the water, lift-
er. While you may be ea- indoors? Are there prod- Inside the Pipes ber washer and it can either connected to the plugging based facets aren’t nearly as
ger to rev up their motors, ucts or ?uids that will help close or open the ?ow of mechanism with a spiral de- precise.
before you turn the key, it’s keep the engine clean? If you were to puncture water. Thirdly, a short piece vice that allows it to slowly Motion Detector Faucet
important to verify they are How often should the oil be the piping that leads to the of pipe extends between the twist into the hole. Moving A relatively new type of fau-
in proper working order. changed? Proper care now faucet, you would quickly passageway and the outlet only a fraction of an inch for cet is the motion detector
While warm weather usu- can keep equipment run- discover that there is water of the faucet. every revolution of the han- facet. These faucets release
ally puts people in a posi- ning better, longer. always circulating through- Pressurized a stream of water for a short
tive mood, a recent survey 2. Check fasteners, cutting out the plumbing. You would The ?rst pipe that is con- period of time once it has
conducted by the makers blades and oil levels when also realize that the water is nected to the water source detected motion. Despite the
of STA-BIL products, found you ?rst take equipment kept under intense pressure. is where the water is kept at difference, the basic prin-
one thing that Americans out of storage. Fasteners In fact, many modern home a high pressure. To release ciples are the same, with the
dread this time of year -- should be tightened, blades plumbing systems have wa- the pressurized water, the human aspect replaced with
getting their small engine sharpened and wheel bear- ter pressure of 125 pounds stopper that is covering the an extra mechanism that
equipment out of storage ings and ?ttings should be per square inch. When a liq- hole is lifted. The more the raises and lowers the stop-
and ready for use. In fact, lubricated. uid is kept under pressure, stopper is lifted, the faster per automatically.
they would rather take 3. For trouble starting a its ?rst inclination is to move
down old holiday decora- small engine, add appro-
tions or just pay someone priate ?uids like Start Your Ask Your Builder About Disaster-Resilient Construction
as much as $100 to take Engines! fuel additive. This
care of the whole dirty job. will clear clogged fuel lines Today, given the frequency ing and cooling costs sub- ratings as high as R-50 aesthetics, says Blyth.
“Using a lawn mower that and ?ush out the engine so of natural disasters such stantially.” due to the thermal mass of
sputters out every ?ve min- it’s clean and easy to start. as hurricanes, tornadoes, the concrete, compared to “Your home can have all of
utes or a jet ski that takes All you do is pour a bottle ?res, earthquakes, and Once built, a concrete an average R-20 in wood the creative architectural
half an hour to start is a into the fuel tank, give it a ?oods, it’s a “must” to build home withstands high structures. You can also shapes, like arches and
hassle,” says Tom Bing- minute, and your small en- the most durable homes winds, ?re and ?ash ?oods, add optional inserts to the bay windows, and high
ham, marketing director at gine equipment will start up possible. Wood-framed but it also withstands the ICF forms to improve this ceilings can be achieved,”
Gold Eagle. “In fact, nearly fast. walls, for example, are not test of time, says Blyth. ef?ciency even more.” says Blyth. “Outdoors, the
75 percent of the survey always reliable, whereas home can be ?nished with
respondents admitted to “Some repairs can cost walls constructed with re- “These rock solid walls Concrete is responsible attractive brick, or with
having issues with their up to $300,” says Bingham. inforced concrete have deliver impact-resistance stone, stucco, wood, or vi-
small engine equipment “When it comes to proper proven to withstand some from wind as high as 402 This building system is nyl siding.”
after taking it out of stor- seasonal storage and main- of Mother Nature’s worst kilometers per hour. This based on sustainable and
age -- but with the proper tenance, it literally pays to performances. comes from a steel rein- recycled materials, reduc- Licensed by Board of Health
maintenance, this doesn’t take care of your machin- forced core, ranging from ing the need for trees. In Cuyahoga & Lorain Counties
have to be the case.” ery between seasons and “Building with concrete, 10 to 28 centimeters of addition, the construc-
makes for an easy, stress- or more speci?cally with concrete to stand between tion process creates less • Reasonable Rates
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ICFs, has been protect- “The superior insulation pants use fewer fossil fu- • Senior Discounts
ing houses from various property of concrete is giv- els for a much smaller car- Chuck & Adam Dunlap, Owners
disasters for more than a ing homeowners up to 70 bon footprint.
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Blyth at Nudura, a leading ly energy bills,” he contin- But even with this com-
name in this ?eld. It also ues. “The rock solid core mitment to responsibility, 440-236-9200
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Spring Home Improvement Guide

Gardening Tips for Beginners Top 4 Signs You Need to Call a
Pest Professional
Gardening is a rewarding hobby that many enthusiasts credit with helping them to peace-
fully escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Though gardening can be both relax- (NewsUSA) - When pests If pests are spotted in the notoriously dif?cult to get
ing and rewarding, it’s not as easy as it may seem, and the more time and effort a person are discovered, it may be home, even if it’s just a rid of, and a pest profes-
devotes to his or her garden the more likely it is to be successful. tempting for homeowners couple or they only appear sional should be called as
Gardening can be a little daunting for beginners who have little or no experience planting to employ DIY methods to sporadically, it could indi- soon as possible to assess
?owers or vegetables. But gardening need not be so intimidating, especially for those begin- ?rst attempt to deal with cate the development of a and treat the situation.
ners who adhere to the following tips aimed at helping novice gardeners start their gardens pest infestations them- more serious infestation. In 4. Mud Tubes. Some ter-
off on the right foot. selves. However, depend- the warmer months, this is mites build distinctive mud
ing on the type of pest especially true for stinging tubes that are frequently
* Determine what you should plant. Where you live will and size of the infestation, insects. If hornets or wasps found near a home’s foun-
go a long way toward determining what you should plant. there are times when im- are showing up indoors on dation. Termites are known
While you can plant anything you can get your hands on, mediately calling in a pest a regular basis, there may as “silent destroyers” be-
the United States Department of Agriculture as well as Ag- professional is vital to pro- be a nest somewhere in- cause their constant gnaw-
riculture and Agri-Food Canada have determined speci?c tecting health and property side or around the home. ing can go unnoticed until
plant hardiness zones that indicate which plants are most -- and could end up saving Removal of stinging insect signi?cant structural dam-
likely to thrive in given locations. Maps of these zones can money in the long-run. nests is a dangerous job age to the home occurs. If
be found at and By adher- According to the National that should always be left mud tubes are discovered,
ing to the maps, gardeners can signi?cantly increase their Pest Management Asso- to the professionals. homeowners should im-
chances of growing successful gardens. When in doubt ciation (NPMA), there are 3. Mattress Markings. If mediately call a pest pro-
about what to plant, consult a local gardening center or certain signs homeowners small reddish brown spots fessional before further
seek advice from a professional landscaper. should look for that could are found on mattresses, structural damage occurs.
* Think location when beginning your garden. Beginners with large yards have the luxury of indicate the presence of upholstery or walls, it could If any of these severe pest
choosing the right location on their properties to start planting. When choosing a spot, con- an infestation that should indicate a bed bug infes- infestation signs is discov-
sider how much sunlight a location gets on a daily basis and the spot’s proximity to a water be dealt with promptly by a tation -- especially when ered, homeowners should
supply. If planting ?owers, try to avoid planting in areas with heavy foot traf?c so the ?owers pest professional: paired with red, itchy welts, contact a pest manage-
are less likely to be stomped. If you’re planting ?owers to accent walkways, then consider 1. Droppings. Any drop- most notably on the legs ment professional imme-
erecting a barrier around the ?ower bed to safeguard the ?owers from foot traf?c. pings found in undisturbed and arms. These bugs are diately.
* Get started before you plant. Preparing the soil a few weeks before you start planting can areas of the home could
help the plants thrive down the road. Add some organic material, such as compost or fertil- indicate the presence of
izer, to the soil roughly three weeks before planting. This helps the soil retain water and rodents. These droppings
nutrients, which will help your garden thrive. are a serious health risk
* Time your planting. When you plant is sometimes as important as what you plant. Some and can spread diseases
climates allow for year-round planting, but many do not. When buying seeds, the packaging and contaminate food
might suggest what time of year to plant the seeds. Adhere to these suggestions or your gar- sources. People often mis-
den might not grow much at all. In addition, keep in mind that many seedlings need signi?- takenly believe they only
cant light throughout the day in order to grow, so choose a time of year with ample daylight. have one or two rodents
* Don’t forget to mulch. Mulch can be as aesthetically appealing as it is effective. Mulch re- present in their home; in
tains soil, helping roots to grow stronger, while deterring bugs and preventing weed growth. reality, however, mice have
And many gardeners ?nd mulch adds visual appeal their garden, and does so in a very high reproduction rates
inexpensive way. that can quickly escalate
* Clean your tools. Beginners rarely recognize the importance of cleaning gardening tools to large infestations.
before putting them away. At the end of each gardening session, clean your tools thoroughly, 2. Home Pest Sightings.
as soil left on your garden tools can play host to potentially harmful microbes that might kill
your plants.
Gardening can be a labor-intensive yet gratifying hobby. By sticking to a few simple rules,
beginners can develop a thriving garden to reward all of that hard work.


Spring Home Improvement Guide

Safety Guidelines for New Parents Did you know?
Welcoming a new child into measures to childproof non-skid bath seat for the -Window guards and safety
a family dynamic requires areas in and around the child and relying on a ther- netting can prevent falls A new roof can be one of aesthetically appealing,
certain adjustments on the home. Various organiza- mometer to check the tem- from windows, balconies, the more expensive re- metal roo?ng is another op-
part of family members. tions, including Kids Health, perature of the bath water. landings, and decks. Check pairs for homeowners. But tion that’s popular in areas
New parents have come the Consumer Product these safety devices fre- homeowners don’t have they get heavy snowfall
to expect shortened sleep Safety Commission and · Use knob covers to pre- quently to make sure they to break the bank when it because snow does not
schedules as they handle the National Safety Coun- vent access to the stove. are still secure. comes to replacing a roof, build up on the metal like
early-morning feedings and cil, recommend caregivers Always supervise children which can be made from a it might on other materials.
babies who haven’t quite take the following safety in and around the kitchen, · Be sure to check that variety of materials that can The price of metal roo?ng
adjusted to their parents’ measures. where there are many haz- smoke and carbon monox- vary greatly in price. As- varies signi?cantly, so ho-
sleep/wake schedules. ards and hot surfaces. ide alarms are functioning phalt shingles are the most meowners considering a
· Use safety latches and as they should and have affordable roo?ng mate- metal roof should do some
Parents soon learn another locks for cabinets and · Use bolts or anchors to fresh batteries. rial and that budget-friendly comparison shopping be-
aspect of childcare that ?lls drawers to keep children secure items like televi- price is one reason why as- foremaking a decision.
their days is safety. Keep- away from potentially harm- sions, bookcases or dress- · Create layers of protection phalt shingles are so popu- Slate tiles are another roof-
ing little ones safe, whether ful poisons and household ers to the wall to prevent around a swimming pool, lar. The asphalt shingles ing material, but one that’s
at home or on the go, be- items. them from tipping over. which includes installing of today are also durable, very labor-intensive to in-
comes the utmost priority. self-latching fences, alarms which was not always the stall and, as a result, costly
· Employ safety gates to · Getting a shock is easy and safety covers. case. Ceramic tiles are as well. But slate tiles are
The Centers for Disease prevent falls down stairs when babies with saliva- another roo?ng material, very durable, in some cas-
Control and Prevention’s and to keep children from drenched ?ngers touch · Make a ?rst aid kit and but these tend to be quite es lasting as long as half a
“Childhood Injury Report” entering rooms that are not electrical outlets. Use safe- store emergency instruc- expensive. However, their century or more, so hom-
indicates more than 12,000 supervised or contain pos- ty plugs or special covers tions inside. Post important price has made them quite eowners who install slate
children die each year in sible dangers. to prevent access. phone numbers close to a rare, which might be attrac- tile can rest easy knowing
the United States from an landline phone or program tive to prospective buyers the roof they install now will
unintentional injury. Injuries · Keep track of baby’s mile- · Make sure area rugs are them into a mobile phone. when the time comes to likely be the last roof they
involving transportation, stones, including when secured with a nonskid sell the house. Durable and ever pay for.
drowning and suffocation infants learn to pull them- backing and repair any trip- · Use corner guards to pro-
account for the largest num- selves up in the crib. The ping hazards so children tect young heads from falls
ber of accidental deaths crib mattress should be set do not fall while learning to against furniture or ?re-
among young children. to the lowest position and walk. place hearths.
items removed so curious
One of the ?rst safety steps kids cannot climb out of the · Drapery and blinds cords These are just some of the
parents can take is to be- crib. should be kept out of safety measures parents
come informed about com- youngsters’ reach. Window can take to safeguard their
mon childhood injuries and · Bathtubs are a common coverings that are cord-free young children from injury
statistics. Educating one- location for injury. Never are safer options. at home. Kids’ pediatri-
self about the potential for leave a child unattended in cians also may have other
injury is the key to prevent- a bath - even for a minute. · Parents can bene?t by information that can help
ing accidents from occur- Bathrooms can be made learning CPR and other prevent accidents and save
ring. safer by installing a soft ?rst aid techniques. You lives.
cover on the bath faucet never know when they
The next step is to take head, using a secure and might come in handy.

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Spring Home Improvement Guide

Ways on Downsizing to a Smaller Home 5 Signs Your Home
Insulation is Not
During the housing market ?nd it more dif?cult to ad- ments and garages tend to to make some money by Working
crash of the ?rst decade just. When the time comes serve as in-house storage selling those items you
of the 21st century, many to begin choosing items to units where seldom-used won’t be needing after you Some insulations can lose of older insulation, such as
families learned to get by discard, allow children to items accumulate over move into your new digs. performance over time, Vermiculite insulation, may
with less. For some of those choose which of their items sustain damage or simply contain asbestos. If you’re
families, less lavish living they will not be keeping. time. When trying to choose Schedule a yard sale no longer meet updated unsure, do not disturb it
?t like a glove, prompting Respect their decisions, which items won’t be com- and give ample notice building codes. It’s an issue and hire a professional to
them to change their life- exercising patience if kids ing along to their smaller to neighbors or fellow that can be costly, because conduct testing and/or re-
styles for the long haul. are initially reluctant or homes, families can start in community members if your home’s insulation moval. This should not be
don’t seem to understand their current homes’ attics, so you can get as isn’t doing its job, you could a do-it-yourself job.
Downsizing to smaller downsizing. basements and garages, much as possible for be wasting money and re-
homes was a move made looking for items that take the items you no lon- sources.
by many families over the · Design a downsizing sys- up too much space or those ger need. If money is
last several years. Some tem. It is not uncommon that will serve no practi- no object, donating You don’t have to be a
did so out of economic for families to be lukewarm cal purpose at their new your unwanted items trained professional to
need, while others pre- when the initial process of homes. For example, that to a local goodwill know you have a problem.
ferred the simpler lifestyle downsizing begins, as peo- snow blower in the garage store or another char- Here are several signs that
that often comes with living ple are understandably hes- may be a godsend when ity is a great way to your insulation is lacking:
in a smaller home. Families itant to discard items they the time comes to clear ensure your posses-
about to downsize to small- worked hard to accumulate your expansive current sions ?nd their way 1. Energy bills - High en- 5. You detect pests and/or
er homes may ?nd the task or cherish for various rea- driveway of another storm’s into the homes of ergy bills are the biggest moisture - Insulation - and
ahead of them daunting, sons. A downsizing system worth of snow, but it might people who truly need red ?ag, especially relative your building envelope
but there are some ways to can make that initial period not be worth the space it them. When getting rid of to the size, age or condition - can be compromised
make the transition to less less uncomfortable, espe- takes up if your next home personal items, only dis- of the home. If you have a by the presence of pests.
spacious residences go cially if family members are has a short driveway or just card those items that are run-away energy bill, your Moisture is an even bigger
more smoothly. together on the ?rst day of on-street parking. Once no longer functional. If they insulation may need to obstacle to optimal ther-
downsizing. Let each family rooms used primarily for can still serve a purpose, be upgraded. This can be mal performance, as some
· Discuss downsizing with member take a turn choos- storage have been cleaned then someone can bene?t the case, even in a newer types of insulation can sag
kids. In many ways, young- ing an item to sell, donate out, you can then move on from using them. home. or collapse when damp,
sters adapt to change bet- or discard, and continue to other rooms in the house leaving voids and causing
ter than adults. But it’s still so family members know to ?nd items that won’t be · Promise to revisit the de- 2. Drafts - Do you need to air to ?ow in and out of the
a good idea for parents everyone is in it together. going with you. Look to sell, cision down the road after put on a sweater even with building envelope.
to explain downsizing to Once kids have seen that donate or discard items moving. Families who are the heat on, or does your air
their children before they everyone is making sacri- that will not serve much downsizing for a lifestyle conditioner run incessantly While some solutions may
begin to prepare for their ?ces, they are more likely purpose atyour next home. change as opposed to without making enough of a be more complicated, re-
transitions to smaller living to embrace downsizing. out of economic need can difference? That’s a sign of quiring the opening of the
spaces. Kids who under- · Don’t just discard, donate promise to revisit the deci- a de?ciency in your build- existing wall cavities, oth-
stand the reasons behind · Begin in the attic, base- or sell. One of the hidden sion together in the future. ing envelope. ers can be addressed more
downsizing are more likely ment and garage. Down- bene?ts of downsizing to a Families may be quick to easily. The best way to im-
to embrace the move, while sizing to a smaller home smaller home is the chance adjust and be grateful for 3. Inconsistent tempera- prove thermal performance
those who have not been often means less storage the change, while others tures - Is it warm in one and increase energy ef-
involved in the process may space, and attics, base- might realize their decision room, but cold in another? ?ciency is to upgrade attic
did not produce the desired Are your walls or interior insulation. Laying Comfort-
results. Promising to revisit closets cold to the touch? batt insulation over existing
the decision once the dust It’s possible that while material to achieve a mini-
has settled can give every- your whole home may not mum depth of 16 inches,
one some peace of mind need attention, certain or an R-value of R50, is a
and make the transition rooms may need to be ad- simple DIY project that can
that much easier. dressed. generate immediate re-
sults. To fully assess your
Families downsize to 4. Condition of insulat- home and explore reme-
smaller homes for a num- ing materials - Consider diation solutions, consider
ber of reasons, and there the age of your insulation. hiring a professional home
are many ways to make Would it stand up to today’s energy auditor to evaluate
that transition go more building codes? Is it in good your home’s energy per-
smoothly regardless of the shape or is it crumbly? If formance. Even in a new
reasons behind the move. your insulation has de- home, the results may be
graded or isn’t performing, surprising.
it’s time for an upgrade. But
be careful, as certain types



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Amendments Can Help
Produce Healthy Soil

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lawns, gardens and land- garden may need different have minimal odor. •FABRICATED HEAVY DUTY STEEL FRAME
scapes. But as many ho- amendments than a row Additional forms of organ- •PATENTED AUTOMATIC PARK BRAKE SYSTEM
meowners know, some of azalea bushes. ic amendments include •HEAVY DUTY FRONT CASTER FORKS WITH
lawns sometimes need a wood ash, sphagnum peat,
little extra boost to comple- Organic matter is a wood chips, sawdust, and INDUSTRIAL STEEL BALL BEARINGS
ment nature. Soil some- preferred soil amendment worm droppings. •3 GAL. FUEL CAPACITY •6 MPH
times must be amended used by professional and
so plants can thrive. Only novice gardeners alike. Inorganic amendments Model 931741 Model 931899
after the right composition The decaying remains of also may be used, and
is created can plants take plants release nutrients are usually relied on to im- •21.5 HP KAWASAKI ENGINE •23 HP KAWASAKI ENGINE
root and perform to the that are absorbed into the prove water retention and •42” DECK •52” DECK
best of their abilities. soil and used by micro- drainage. Vermiculite, per-
organisms and bacteria, lite, pea gravel, and sand $2,799 $2,999
The Colorado State Uni- creating a healthy envi- are examples of inorganic
versity Extension de?nes ronment for plants. Organ- amendments. A combina- INTRODUCING THE NEW RAPTOR SUPER DUTY
a soil amendment as any ic material may break up tion of organic and inor-
material added to soil to compacted soil to increase ganic amendments can
improve its physical prop- drainage. In sandy soil, or- create the perfect mix for
erties. The goal is to pro- ganic material serves as a your needs.
vide a better environment sponge to keep water from
for roots. Depending on washing away. Compost Soil amendments typi-
what you are starting with, and manure are two ex- cally are added to new
any number of ingredients amples of frequently used and unplanted beds. Peat
must be added to the soil organic materials. Both of moss and shredded bark
recipe. Water retention, these materials are readily take years to decompose
permeability, drainage, available at little cost. and will serve as long-
aeration, nutrients, and term amendments in the
water in?ltration are some Compost can be pro- soil. Compost breaks
of the things amendments duced at home from food down quickly and may
can improve when added and plant scraps. Raked need to be worked in more
to soil. leaves and small amounts frequently.
of grass clippings can be
Before homeowners added to compost. Over Experts recommend
add anything to the soil time, the decomposition spreading amendments
in their yards, it is ?rst process will turn scraps on the planting bed and
important to determine into a nutrient-rich, dark then using a rake or tiller
what that soil needs. Ho- brown substance that pro- to work it in to a depth of
meowners may notice if vides many plants with all about nine inches. Par-
soil is overly sandy or full they need to thrive. Com- ticularly sandy soil or soil
of clay, but further testing post is particularly useful with a lot of clay may need
can con?rm what the soil in vegetable gardens. more amendments.
is lacking. Soil tests are
often available through Manure should come Permanent plants, such
local cooperative exten- from herbivores, or those as trees or shrubs, also
sion of?ces or private animals that sustain them- can bene?t from the ex-
laboratories. Speak with a selves on grass and other tra nutrient boost amend-
nursery or garden center plants. Carnivores can ments provide. Sometimes
about where you can get produce harmful bacteria it is suf?cient to spread the
your soil tested. A com- in their waste, which is not material over the soil sur-
prehensive test may cost safe to use in gardens, face and let rainwater and
between $5 and $10 and particularly food-bearing wildlife help distribute it to
can provide invaluable gardens. Manure can be the plant roots. Otherwise,
information that saves commercially purchased, work it into the top inch or
you hundreds of dollars or avid gardeners can two of the dirt with a hand
in wasted plants and ma- work out arrangements cultivator.
terials, not to mention ef- with nearby livestock
fort. Some labs also can owners and farms. These Soil amendments can
tailor their recommenda- people may be more than be the difference between
tions based on the type of willing to give you manure a thriving garden and
for little to no cost if you healthy landscape and
one that has seen better

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Hours: Monday - Friday 9-6; Saturday 9-3; Closed Sunday


Spring Home Improvement Guide

Redefine a Space With an Remodeling Spending
Interior Decorator’s Help Increases as Renovations

Though it may seem like are on the Rise
interior decorators are a
luxury reserved exclusive- potentially costly design additional special touches In the not-so-distant past, ing to the National Asso- Jersey, Maryland, Mas-
ly for the rich and famous, errors. An aesthetically that help make a house a home improvement proj- ciation of Home Builders, sachusetts, and areas of
interior decorators work appealing house also can home. ects all but came to a as of November 2014, southern California.
with people of all budgets. increase the home’s value, halt, as homeowners were a greater number of re-
Homeowners sometimes setting a property above In addition to expertise and weary about investing modelers reported higher Americans are not the
wrestle with the practi- others in terms of appeal. resources, interior decora- any money into ?xer-up- business activity than dur- only ones increasing their
cality of hiring a decora- Even though the designer tors have eyes that will pers. But the tides have ing the previous quarter. home spending. Accord-
tor, wondering why they will charge a fee, the in- be trained on things hom- changed dramatically in Remodeling spending has ing to reports released by
should spend the money vestment may be well eowners may not have no- recent months, and hom- been gradually climbing Moneris Solutions Cor-
when they can do the worth the expense when ticed or even realized can eowners are again ready back up from the all-time poration, Canada’s larg-
work themselves. But just the room is done right the be done. A designer may and willing to invest big low it reached in 2009. est credit and debit card
like homeowners may hire ?rst time. envision removing a room dollars into home renova- processor, purchases at
professional electricians to create more space or tions. This growth in home reno- home improvement stores
or landscapers, hiring a Interior decorators have knocking a wall down to vations has led to more rose by 8.49 percent over
professional interior deco- numerous resources at let more natural light into Renewed con?dence in jobs for carpenters, plumb- the same period last year,
rator can ensure the job their disposal. Fine tuned a room. the economy and an up- ers, painters, electricians, and spending on plumbing
is done right, within bud- to the world of design, swing in the real estate and other construction and heating equipment
get and completed within they understand which Designers and decora- market have contributed workers. In Massachu- and electrical contractors
a reasonable amount of trends will come and go tors are trained to think to the remodeling frenzy. setts alone, a recovery in climbed by 5.14 percent
time. and also which design differently and spatially In early 2014, the Joint overall construction em- and 5.08 percent, respec-
ideas have staying power. to achieve concepts ho- Center for Housing Statis- ployment has led to a gain tively. Spending patterns
Those who have already In addition, decorators will meowners may never tics of Harvard University of about 18,000 jobs dur- indicate that homeowners
invested quite a bit of be in touch with vendors have envisioned for them- forecasted nearly $150 ing the past four years. are investing in DIY proj-
money into their homes in the industry, connect- selves. They can help tell billion in major remodeling ects as well as seeking
but want to add some ?n- ing homeowners with the stories through design spending over the year. The Home Improvement specialized work provided
ishing touches would be best of the best in terms of and improve spaces im- JCHS said as homeown- Research Institute expects by professional contrac-
wise to hire interior deco- providing furniture, house- measurably. ers gain more con?dence an additional 5.8 percent tors.
rators or designers. Ho- wares, photography, and in the housing market, sales growth in home im-
meowners often have no they’re more likely to un- provement spending in Now is a good time for the
idea where to begin when dertake home improve- 2015. States that showed real estate and home im-
attempting to establish ments they would have the highest levels of home provement sectors, as ho-
?ow from room to room avoided in recent years. improvement spending meowners have renewed
in their homes. Decora- in 2014 are likely to con- their fervor for making
tors can help homeowners While the numbers do tinue to hold the top spots home renovations, both
tailor the interiors of their not yet match pre-reces- through 2015, and the Na- to increase comfort in
homes to the homes pro- sion remodeling spending, tional Association of Home their homes and make
duce the desired vibe. the number of construc- Builders says these areas their homes more buyer-
tion projects has steadily include the District of Co- friendly.
Hiring a designer can help trended upward. Accord- lumbia, Connecticut, New
a person avoid making


Spring Home Improvement Guide

Add Value to Your Home with these Renovations

Homeowners choose ren- to recoup between 60 and · Put in another bathroom. ing attic insulation
ovation projects for a va- 120 percent of your kitch- Multiple bathrooms are or replacing older
riety of reasons. Although en remodel investment, an attractive selling point, windows and doors
many improvements are especially if the kitchen particularly in older homes with more energy
made to increase func- matches up well with the that may not have been ef?cient options,
tionality and comfort of a rest of your home. Hom- equipped with more than also are smart
home, several others are eowners should know that one bathroom. Finding ex- bets.
seen as worthwhile invest- a deluxe renovation may tra space for a bathroom
ments. These investments not be necessary, as rela- can be tricky, but con- · Add illumination the deck and design. Do- never be seen if buyers
can add up to a higher re- tively moderate improve- sider closets, areas under to rooms. A dark ing the work yourself can pass up your home be-
sale value when the time ments can create a whole stairs or even taking some home is a dreary cut the cost of decks in cause of a less attractive
comes to sell a home. new look for a kitchen. space away from another home. Adding light half, but only if you have exterior. Classy, subtle
can mean includ- the speci?c tools or ex- changes, like well-placed
Certain projects have a - Look to paint. One of room. Popular home- ing more overhead perience to tackle such a shrubbery and a green
history of providing a the least expensive im- improvement televi- and accent lighting. project. lawn, can work wonders.
greater return on hom- provement materials, but sion channel HGTV Under-cabinet task An inviting front door and
eowners’ investments one that has a signi?cant lighting is a nice · Improve curb appeal. well-lit entryway also add
than others. The fol- impact, is paint. Neutral, advises that half- touch. Inclusion of Adding attractive land- curb appeal to a home.
lowing renova- modern colors can easily bathrooms require at skylights and sun tubes scaping and freshen-
tion tips can add liven up any space. If you least 18 square feet can bring natural light into ing up the entryway to a Before making improve-
beauty to your paint with low-VOC paint, of space, while full baths rooms that may not have home can add consider-
home and generate you also can advertise an need 30 to 35 square feet south- or west-facing win- able value to your home, ments, homeowners
great returns when you eco-friendly home, which for a stand-up shower or dows. as buyers judge homes by
put the home up for sale. is very desireable these bathtub. their exteriors. Complete- should determine if a
days. · Put a deck addition out- ly renovated interiors may
· Invest in your kitchen. · Renovate the HVAC sys- doors. Outdoor living spac- given project will provide
Kitchen remodels are a tem. Aesthetic improve- es have become more de-
safe bet when it comes to ments aren’t the only ones sireable, especially as the a solid return on their in-
putting money into improv- that add value to a home. “staycation” has grown in
ing a home. Residents Many home buyers are popularity. Decks and pa- vestment.
tend to spend a great deal eager to purchase a home tios can make backyards
of time in the kitchen, but that has a new heating more appealing. The
a dated, poorly functioning and cooling system, as scope of your investment
kitchen can detract from buyers understand that will depend on the size of
the value of a home, even furnaces and air condi-
if the rest of the home is in tioning units are substan-
good shape. It’s possible tial investments that can
last for years. Other im-
provements, such as add-

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Spring Home Improvement Guide

(Color from page 1) side and work with the fresh seem almost ethereal and touches of purple can of- How You
Red - starts and new growth that spiritual. Some designers fer the balance needed to can Finance
Red stimulates energy green can inspire. To make suggest avoiding purple in prevent yellow rooms from Your Home
and appetite, which is why green feel less subdued a bedroom because that overwhelming residents Improvement
the shade is so popular in and sleepy, work with its is a place you want your and guests.
restaurants and home din- complementary opposite, brain to rest rather than be Projects
ing spaces. Red is a good red, by using a few bold stimulated. Home decorators should
choice for social gathering red accents here and there keep in mind that colors Many homeowners recognize that improving and main-
rooms but may not be the to balance out the tranquil- Yellow - can be blended to create taining a property makes a home more livable for its
wisest choice for a bed- ity of green. Few colors are more vi- the desired environment. inhabitants and more attractive to prospective buyers
room, as the color may brant than yellow, which A color scheme based on when the time comes to erect a “For Sale” sign in the
prove overstimulating. Purple - can help stimulate conver- complementary colors, or front yard.
People have long related sation and make thoughts those opposite on the color
Green - purple to royalty, and this more focused. A luminous wheel, may ?t. Otherwise, But a well-maintained home also provides additional
Green can evoke compo- dramatic color can add a shade of yellow is an ideal analogous color schemes, bene?ts. According to the United States Department of
sure and tranquility and formal, regal aspect to a way to make any space or those colors that are Housing and Urban Development, home improvements
works in any room of the home depending on the more welcoming and next to one another on the not only raise the values of individual homes, but they
house. Since green is the hue. Purple also may help bright. Just use it spar- color wheel, can create a tend to raise neighborhood standards as well. Home im-
primary color of nature, it stimulate the creative side ingly, as too much yellow variation that suits your provements can create jobs and help local communities
also works well for those of the brain. In paler shades may not be a good thing. design needs. ?ourish economically.
people who want to bring of lavender, purple can Yellow accents mixed with
some of the outdoors in-

Own The Best

On The Block Maintaining a home can be a costly undertaking. Home
improvement projects can be expensive whether hom-
“A BIG IMPACT WITH A eowners hire professionals or tackle renovation projects
SMALL FOOTPRINT” on their own. The following are a handful of options ho-
meowners can consider as they look for ways to ?nance
TimeMaster® 30” Mower renovation projects.

•30” Steel Deck · Paying outright: Paying for the renovations upfront and
•8.75 ft-lb Gross Torque 190cc Briggs in full is perhaps the simplest way to ?nance a project.
& Stratton® OHV Engine Homeowners who have the cash to pay for renovations
•Dual Force™ Twin Blade Cutting System outright won’t have to worry about interest rates or bal-
•Personal Pace w/Traction Assist loon payments.
•3-in-1 (Mulch and Rear Bag), Side Discharge
· Mortgage re?nancing: Some homeowners tap into their
Starting at home equity to cover home remodeling projects. Re?-
nancing a mortgage means paying off the debt owed
and starting over with a completely new loan. Re?nanc-
ing comes with various fees and can cost between 3 and
6 percent of the loan’s principal.

$99999* $109900* · Home equity loans and lines of credit: Both of these
options are commonly referred to as second mortgages.
Recoil Start Electric Start When homeowners apply for home equity loans or lines
Model 20199 Model 20200 of credit, they are borrowing against the equity value in
their homes. A home equity loan is a term, or closed-
TimeCutter SS 4200 end, loan. It is a one-time sum that will be paid off over
a set amount of time with a ?xed interest rate and the
•Toro 452cc Engine same payment each month. This is a one-time loan from
•Dual Hydrostatic Transmission which a person cannot borrow further. A home equity
•3-in-1 Cutting System line of credit, or HELOC, is like having a credit card. It’s
•Automatic Breaking System possible to borrow a certain amount for the life of the
•42” Deck loan, which is a set time speci?ed by the lender. Dur-
ing this time, homeowners can withdraw money as it is
Starting at *AFTER needed up to the value of the line of credit. HELOCs
typically have a variable interest rate that ?uctuates and
$2,19900 $100 IN- payments can vary depending on the amount of money
STORE borrowed and the current interest rates.
Model 74720 REBATE
· Title I property loan: Residents of the United States with
TimeCutter® SW Zero Turn Mowers limited equity in their homes may qualify for an FHA Title
I loan. Banks and other lenders are quali?ed to make
•24.5 Toro V-Twin 708cc Engine these loans from their own funds, and the FHA will insure
•Smart Park™ Breaking System the lender against a possible loss. Title I loans can be
•Adjustable Steering Column used for any improvements that will make a home more
•Dual Hydrostatic Transmission useful and livable. They cannot be used for renovations
deemed luxury expenses.
2,89942” $ 00*SW4200
· Borrow against retirement funds: Some people opt to
Starting at Model 74784 borrow against a 401(k) plan, IRA or another retirement
fund. If the retirement plan allows a loan without pen-
50” 3,199$ 00 alty, it can be another way to secure funds. Because it
SW5000 is the homeowner’s money, there will be no credit check
Starting at Model 74790 required and less delay in getting the funds. Borrowers
should keep in mind that taking a loan against a retire-
ment account will usually result in a lower retirement bal-
ance than it would have been had they not borrowed
money from the account - even after the funds have
been repaid.

*After $100 Instant Rebate · Credit cards: Credit cards are an option when improve-
ments are not expensive. Individuals with excellent credit
ratings may qualify for cards with a no-interest introduc-
tory periods of several months or more. These cards can
be a good way to pay off moderate improvements in a
short amount of time.

1007 Parsons Road • Grafton, OH 44044 *Sale ends 4/30/15 Many home renovation projects require homeowners to
Mon-Fri 8-6; Sat 9-2 develop a home improvement budget. Homeowners are
440-926-2880 urged to explore all options and ?nd the least costly loan
method and the one that will present the best possibility
for avoiding debt.


Dos and Don’ts of Kitchen Stock up on safety gear before
Remodels your next DIY project

According to Remodel- try cabinets can look out of make adjustments now that Do-it-yourself, or DIY, proj- but such kits also can be DIYers’ lungs susceptible to
ing magazine’s “2014 Cost place in an ultra-modern address potential mobility ects around the house can used to prevent more seri- lung irritation and disease.
vs. Value Report,” a major home. issues down the road. give homeowners a more ous injuries from escalating But masks and respirators
kitchen remodeling project personal stake in their prop- in the time it takes to see can protect the lungs. Cloth
should enable homeown- DON’T overlook the impor- DO work with what you erties. Getting their own a physician. When tackling masks may be suf?cient for
ers to recoup 74.2 percent tance of a seasoned de- have. A complete demolition hands dirty when renovat- a large DIY project, secure smaller projects, while more
of their initial investments. signer or architect. These and renovation is not always ing a bathroom rather than a well-stocked ?rst-aid kit signi?cant undertakings
necessary to achieve the paying a professional to do that includes more than just may require the use of dual-
Kitchen renovations have pros will know the tricks desired results. Only invest all that work gives many ho- band-aids and adhesives. cartridge respirators that
long been a safe way to to maximizing space and in major changes if some- meowners a strong sense In addition to such items, a provide added protection for
improve the functionality achieving the ideal layout thing is not working (such of accomplishment while al- reliable ?rst-aid kit should sensitive lungs.
and value of a home. But of appliances and may be as having to walk across lowing them to learn a few include antiseptic ointment,
not every kitchen project is able to recommend local the entire kitchen to ac- things and save some mon- a chemical cold pack, cot- · Gloves: Hands also can
a guaranteed winner. Hom- contractors and vendors. cess the stove) or is unsafe. ey along the way. ton balls, eyedrops, ?rst-aid take a beating during home
eowners may inadvertently Otherwise, minor upgrades tape, needles, sterile gauze improvement projects, so
make changes that end DO look beyond surface de- may do the trick. But whether homeowners bandages, and tweezers. it’s important that DIYers
up sticking out like a sore tails to the structural integri- have years of experience In addition, make sure the ?nd sturdy gloves to wear
thumb rather than improv- ty of the design. The kitchen DON’T over-improve the with regard to renovations or kit includes a ?rst-aid hand- throughout their renovation
ing the space. Take a look should be functional, long- space. A fully equipped are about to embark on their book that contains instruc- efforts. While this may con-
at these kitchen remodeling lasting and beautiful. commercial kitchen may ?rst DIY adventure, safety tions regarding the treat- tradict the idea of getting
dos and don’ts to guide your be handy for a professional should be a top priority. Se- ment of common injuries. your hands dirty, splintered,
next undertaking. DON’T design just for to- chef, but the average per- curing the right safety equip- blistered hands are painful
day, but look to the future son may not need an indus- ment might not guarantee a · Eyewear: Protective eye- and susceptible to infection.
DO consider the way your as well. Unless you are will- trial hood and indoor pizza DIY project comes out look- wear is essential when Wear sturdy rubber gloves
kitchen will look with the ing to spend $50,000 every oven. When you make ex- ing exactly as homeowners working on renovation proj- when using chemical clean-
rest of the home. Keep ar- ?ve years, look for styles cessive improvements, you hope, but it can help protect ects. Safety goggles may ers or any products contain-
chitectural integrity in mind and materials that will last may not be able to recoup DIYers and their helpers suf?ce on smaller projects, ing acid.
when designing the space. for the long haul. Older as much of the money spent from suffering injuries as but make sure the goggles
A farmhouse sink and coun- homeowners may want to because your home will not they renovate their homes. ?t well, as loose goggles · Back support: Many DIY
be on par with the values The following is a list of will still allow debris into projects involve lifting and
of homes in the neighbor- some safety equipment all your eyes, and that debris transporting heavy objects,
hood. homeowners should have can compromise your vision and men and women un-
at the ready before begin- and result in injuries to your used to such lifting can
DO make sure you can af- ning home improvement eyes. If you will be welding, quickly suffer an injury if they
ford the project. Plan for projects. be sure to wear proper weld- are not adequately support-
some unexpected purchas- ing goggles with adequate ing their backs. Wear a back
es and plan out the renova- · First-aid kit: All homes lens shading. brace and/or weight belt
tion according to your bud- should have a ?rst-aid kit on when lifting or moving heavy
get. Skimping on materials hand, regardless of whether · Mask/respirator: Home objects, and don’t be afraid
or design because of lack of any renovations are in the renovation projects, espe- to ask for assistance if you
money may leave you feel- of?ng. First-aid kits can help cially those that involve tak- ?nd an object is too heavy
ing dissatis?ed afterward. treat minor cuts and scrapes, ing down walls, can leave to move on your own.

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The Benefits of a Well-insulated Home
Break Ground with the Right Tools

Many of us know that in- growth and ceeds the limits of most The right tools for the job best to match the tool to ti?ed prior to drilling.
sulation plays a key role in rot can help other insulating materi- can be the difference be- the size of the job. Many
keeping our homes warm to prevent als, and it won’t produce tween an interminable homeowners can get by Cultivator -
in the winter and cool in common is- smoke or encourage the landscaping project and with smaller, less power- Cultivators are similar to
the summer. But did you sues behind spread of ?ames. one that goes smoothly ful models, especially if tillers in that they loosen
know the bene?ts can go your walls and ef?ciently. Aspiring the tiller is only necessary soil. Cultivators are ef-
well beyond achieving that may Performance - It’s im- landscapers probably at the beginning of plant- fective during the growth
basic R-value require- pose seri- portant to remember that have a few shovels and ing season. Professional period of plants, when
ments? Quality insulation ous health not all insulations are cre- rakes hanging in their ga- landscapers or those with they can be used to aer-
can provide a number of and safety ated equal. Some insula- rages and sheds for basic large swatches of proper- ate the soil and remove
added bene?ts that con- concerns tions can sag or contract landscaping work. But ty may bene?t from larger weeds. Cultivators come
tributes to the comfort, and lead over time, leaving gaps while such tools are effec- models. in hand-held versions and
safety and ef?ciency of a to costly repairs. Look to that can let outdoor air tive for certain projects, push models, and some
home, including: products that will not off- in and conditioned air when it comes to churn- Auger - are even motorized. Culti-
gas or emit harmful VOCs out. Choosing insula- ing soil for garden beds Augers, both mechanical vators get close to plants
Sound absorbency - (volatile organic com- tion that is dimensionally or digging holes for out- and manual, are essen- to remove weeds without
Life is loud, but the right pounds). stable, durable and that door structures, additional tially large drill bits that disturbing the plant. They
choice of insulation can Savings - A properly offers long-term thermal tools come in handy. It help move materials from also are used to stir in
help reduce noise trans- insulated building will be performance will ensure may be well worth a trip one location to another. compost or fertilizer.
fer throughout your home. more energy ef?cient, your home can stand up to a nearby home center Augers are typically used
Insulating between ?oors a bene?t that will con- in even the most chal- to purchase or rent one of to cut holes in landscapes, While many people think
and interior walls can help tinue to provide return lenging conditions. Stone these tools ideal for break- and they are good for post- cultivators and tillers are
create a peaceful sanctu- on investment long af- wool products are proven ing ground. hole drilling, which is part the same, that is not the
ary in areas of your home, ter the insulation install to perform in even the of the process of install- case. The former is less
even when life is chaotic. is complete. The result most extreme conditions, Rototiller - ing deck footings, fencing powerful and will mix
is reduced heating and making them ideal for use A rototiller, sometimes posts or other structures. the soil or stir up the top
A safe indoor environ- cooling costs, less stress in the United States. called just a “tiller,” is a Augers come in a variety layer, while the latter can
ment - Good indoor air on your furnace and air powered garden tool de- of sizes, and homeown- break up moderately hard
quality goes a long way conditioner (potentially Ultimately, you can pur- signed to loosen soil prior ers can choose how much ground and loosen ?rm
toward ensuring personal leading to a longer equip- chase insulation as many to planting. A rototiller also power they prefer. Augers soil.
comfort. Choosing insu- ment lifespan) and, at the do, based on basic R-val- can help aerate soil dur- can be heavy and cum-
lation that is water repel- end of day, more money ues. But when it comes ing the growing season. bersome, and many do- When using any tools
lant and resistant to mold, in your pocket. to quality, comfort, safety Because they reduce the it-yourselfers will ?nd that around the garden, wear
mildew, fungi, bacterial Fire-resistance - Cer- and ef?ciency, is basic need for manual spade one-person augers are the proper protection. This
tain insulations, particu- really the best choice? digging or hoeing, tillers more than adequate for includes devices to pro-
larly stone wool insulation Quality counts when it can be useful landscap- their projects. tect hearing when power
products such as Roxul comes to all building ma- ing tools, particularly for tools are in use as well as
Comfortbatt and Safe terials. Always look for homeowners who want to Augers dig deep holes, so gloves and safety goggles.
‘n’ Sound, can help buy products that will deliver work ef?ciently. it is always smart to have Tillers, augers and cultiva-
valuable minutes in the bene?ts well beyond the the property surveyed pri- tors have the potential to
event of a ?re, withstand- status quo. Rototillers will break or to use. This way pipes, toss soil and rocks into the
ing temperatures of up to through tough soil and any gas lines, buried electrical air, so make sure others
1,177°C. Non-combus- Scott McGillivray is an plant roots. They come in lines, and any other ob- keep their distance while
tible, this insulation ex- award-winning TV host, a variety of sizes, and it’s structions are clearly iden- work is in progress.
a full-time real estate in-
vestor, contractor, author,
and educator.

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Garden Club Plant Sale Olde Towne Hall Theatre presents... RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 Page 11
Silent Book Auction -The Friends of the Library, are
The annual Plant Sale for the Garden Club of North Rid- Musical of Musicals, a hysterical musical/comedy at the sponsoring their 11th annual Silent Book Auction. Come
geville is coming up on May 16, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Olde Towne Hall Theatre on April 24 & 25 and May 1, 2, 8 & see a wide variety of ?ction and non?ction autographed ?rst
Rini Plaza (Giant Eagle) on Center Ridge Road in North Rid- 9, at 7:30 and May 3, at 3 p.m. The theatre is located at 36119 edition books. They’re located in the center display case in
geville. They will have a large variety of perennials dug from Center Ridge Road, in North Ridgeville. Tickets are $15 for the library for viewing and bidding throughout the month of
their own gardens, guaranteed to grow, at very reasonable adults and $12 for seniors and children. For reservations, call April. Bids will be accepted through April 30 during regular
prices. There will also be a bake sale with lots of goodies. For (440) 327-2909. library hours.
information about the sale, please call (440) 365-8522. For more information or to register for programs, call the
Seniors’ Super Thursday Lunch North Ridgeville Library at (440) 327-8326. The North Rid-
Mother’s Day Brunch and Tea with Spectrum of Sound! geville Library is located at 35700 Bainbridge Road.

The North Ridgeville Senior Center will present a Moth- Come have fellowship, fun and a delicious lunch with Lorain Public Library System
er’s Day Brunch and Tea with Eight Ohio President’s Wives wonderful entertainment at the North Ridgeville Senior Cen- Community Survey
on Thursday, April 23, from 10:30-11:45 a.m. at the North ter on Thursday, May 14, at their Super Thursday Luncheon.
Ridgeville Senior Center, located at 7327 Avon Belden Rd. Entertainment after the luncheon will be the beautiful sounds What do you think of your neighborhood library?
of the North Ridgeville High School Spectrum of Sound Show The Lorain Public Library System would like to hear from
The program will begin with a brunch at 10:30 a.m. and Choir. you as they plan for the future. They’re working on a strategic
the Eight President’s Wives presentation will follow imme- plan that will guide their services in the years to come. Help
diately after brunch. Eight ladies, 60-90 years young, will All “Young at Heart” seniors are invited to this special lun- them continue to evolve as 21st century libraries.
portray the president’s wives with group organizer Jan Hart. cheon with a hearty meal of beef tips over noodles, salad, des- Please take a few minutes of your valuable time and com-
You are invited to bring in a special teacup if you choose to sert and beverage. Lunch and entertainment are all included plete their questionnaire. Visit
enjoy the morning ?avored teas and a little wrapped gift to for the low price of just $5 (and no tip). munity-Survey and ?ll out their survey by Friday, April 24.
share (as door prizes) with the other ladies. Brunch cost is Surveys are also available in each library.
$3. Reservations are required by calling the Senior Center at The staff of The Abbewood Senior Living Community Only have time for a quick comment? Leave your thoughts
(440) 353-0828. This event is open to all active senior ladies will be on hand to help serve lunch. Please come by and en- on the following voicemail: 1-800-322-READ (7323), ext.
and their daughters. joy this special afternoon. Reservations are a must by calling 801.
(440) 353-0828 by Tuesday, May 12. Let the Lorain Public Library System know how you use
Senior Center Spaghetti Dinner the library, or tell them why you don’t. What would you like
You do not have to be a member of the Senior Center to to see in the future? Let your voice be heard!
It’s spaghetti dinner time at the North Ridgeville Senior enjoy this wonderful afternoon, but reservations are neces-
Center! The next spaghetti dinner, sponsored by the North sary. Call us today at
Ridgeville Lions’ Club, will be held on Friday, April 24, from 440-236-8982
5-7 p.m. North Ridgeville Library

Cost for the dinner is $6/seniors, $7/adults and $4/children Book Sale - Score great bargains on books, movies and
under 10. Dessert is $1 and pop is 50¢. Dinner includes a puzzles for all ages! Plan to shop at the book sale! The sale is
large helping of spaghetti, homemade sauce, jumbo meat- open to the public on Friday, April 24, from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.,
balls, salad and garlic bread. All proceeds go directly to the Saturday, April 25, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sunday, April 26,
North Ridgeville Of?ce for Older Adults to help maintain se- from 1-5 p.m. Books will be sold by the bag on Sunday only.
nior services in our area.
Word 2007 For Beginners - Come an learn Microsoft
Carry-outs are available. The North Ridgeville Senior Word 2007 basics. The class is offered at two different times
Center is located at the corner of Avon Belden Road (Rt. 83) for your convenience: Monday, April 27, at 6:30 p.m. and
and Bainbridge. For more information, please call the senior Thursday, April 30, at 2 p.m. The class will practice creating
center at (440) 353-0828. a document, including formatting and editing skills. Pre-reg-
istration is required.

Adult Book Discussion -Pick up The Carousel Painter, by
Judith Miller. Adults are welcome to discuss this novel on
Tuesday, April 28, at 1 p.m. This book has mystery, romance
and the ?ght to keep one’s job. Join the exciting conversa-

Browser’s® Coloring Contest - Do you know Browser®,
the library mascot? In April, kids can see who Browser® is
and color him! Bring preschoolers through ?fth-graders to the
library to pick up a Browser® coloring sheet. Each completed
coloring sheet will be entered into a drawing for a chance to
win a small prize.

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Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 with children. The Grafton-Midview Public Library is seek- ARTastic Fest 2015
ing volunteers to assist with serving the meals. Volunteers
may work as much or as little as they would like. For more ARTastic Fest 2015, Midview’s 9th annual K-12 Art Show,
information and to volunteer, please contact Sharon Urig at will be held on April 30, in the MHS Kubuski Gym, from
[email protected] or call the library at 440-926-3317. 3:30-7:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

SPRING CLEAN UP AT THE POST Midview Schools There will also be an Imagination Station, Make and Take
VFW Post #3341 is looking for volunteers to help with Superintendent Scott Goggin art projects for ?ds, face painting, a 50/50 Raf?e and Raf?e
their spring clean-up of the Post on Huron Street. Work will Baskets, with proceeds going towards the ARTastic Scholar-
be done on the inside, as well as the outside. Clean up day is There have been exciting things happening lately at Mid- ship, given to a deserving senior in Visual Arts.
Saturday, April 25, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Donuts and coffee view Local Schools.
will be provided for workers. For more information, call the Concessions of candy, popcorn and water will also be
post at 926-3341. I am very excited about our Project Lead the Way students available.
visiting Cleveland State University’s Washkewicz College
COMFORT CAP/PILLOW MAKING of Engineering last week. They attended a program called Midview takes on Poppins
Over the past 16 years, more than 3000 caps and pillows “Building the Next Generation of Engineers,” to address the
have been made and distributed free of charge to comfort national shortage of students pursuing an engineering de- The Midview High School Drama Department takes to the
those going through cancer treatments. The Comfort Cap and gree. rooftops of London with Tony Award-winning “Mary Pop-
Pillow Ministry at Our Lady Queen of Peace meets once or pins” as its Spring 2015 production. Set in Victorian England,
twice a year to make the caps and pillows who reach so many. The Washkewicz College of Engineering is working to the story revolves around the themes of believing anything
Volunteers do not need to be af?liated with the parish, nor collaborate with high schools in educational activities that can happen, including softening stale hearts and ?nding kind-
be expert sewers. Help is needed to cut fabric, iron, stuff pil- encourage students in grades 9-12 to pursue careers in engi- ness to help the needy.
lows and do some hand-sewing. The next sewing days are neering and technology while sharing their knowledge about
scheduled for Thursday, April 30, from 4-8 p.m. and Friday, the profession with students, teachers and parents. Staring Andrea Decaire as “Mary Poppins,” Adam Ham-
May 1, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Our Lady Queen of Peace rick as “Bert,” Emily Hetrick and Tyler DiFranco as “Jane
Hall, 708 Erie Street, in Grafton. All fabric, thread and stuff- Throughout the day our students listened to professors de- and Michael Banks” and Nathan Seres as “Mr. Banks,” the
ing are provided. Those who are able to sew are invited to scribing what engineers really do, touring labs and the campus cast of Midview High School’s Drama Department is setting
come and bring a portable sewing machine with them if able. and more. Students also competed against each other to create the stage for success. The show runs Friday and Saturday,
Participants can come when they can, stay for any amount of the strongest “table” structure made purely of newspaper and April 24 & 25 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, April 26, at 3 p.m. in the
time and leave whenever. All help is appreciated. All caps and a few lengths of masking tape. Kubuski Gymnasium at Midview High School
pillows are donated to local infusion centers, hospitals and
nursing homes, and distributed by the Parish nurse program My hope is that this trip inspired some of our students to Tickets start at $6 and $7 in advance for students/seniors
at Our Lady Queen of Peace. For more information, contact think differently about what they want to do as a career and and adults respectively, and $7 and $8 at the door. There will
Kathy Fromme at [email protected] or call 440- how they will pursue it after high school. For more informa- also be door prizes, giveaways and raf?es in the lobby pre-
309-5812. tion regarding this experience, check out our website at www. show and during intermission. For more information, contact
For the second year, Grafton-Midview Library will host
not two, but three sites offering children lunches for eight Have a great week! Brush Pick Up
weeks throughout the summer. A large percentage of children Mr. Scott Goggin, Superintendent, Midview Local
in our area receive free or reduced price lunches during the Schools The Village of Grafton announces that brush pickup will
school year, but often go hungry or lack access to nutritional [email protected] Twitter: @scottgoggin begin on Wednesday, April 22, and continue through the end
food during the summer. With the help of the Boys and Girls of October. Brush must be at the curb by 7 a.m. every Wednes-
Club of Lorain County, partnering with the Ohio Department Nexxus Pipeline Scoping Meeting day. Brush will be picked up each week unless an emergency
of Education, free lunches will be available Monday through arises or there is inclement weather. Limbs are to be no more
Friday at the Grafton-Midview Library, Colonial Oaks Mo- Comments on environmental issues concerning the pro- than 4” in diameter and cut to an 8’ length. Cut brush so it will
bile Home Park and Eaton Park in Eaton Estates from June posed Nexxus Pipeline will be accepted as part of the scop- go through and 8” x 8” opening. Cut ends must be facing the
15 through August 7. In addition to lunch, the children will ing process required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Com- street side laying in the same direction. Separate stumps, rose
also have the opportunity to learn about healthy eating habits, mission. Comments can be made at a Scoping Meeting being bushes, etc. from brush. Rose bushes, shrubbery, etc. must be
have activities to promote wellness and participate in a Sum- held at Midview Middle School on Tuesday, April 28. Speak- tied and bundled in no longer than 3’ lengths and cannot have
mer Reading Program. Do you have one hour of free time ers can sign up beginning at 5 p.m. Comments are limited to root ball/dirt attached. Nails and wire have been in brush in
in your day to volunteer at one of these free lunch sites this three minutes; it is recommended speakers have comments the past. Brush with foreign materials or in garbage cans will
summer? All you need is a happy disposition and enjoy being prepared. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. and will end when not be accepted. If brush does not meet the requirements, it
the last speaker ?nishes, or 10 p.m., whichever comes ?rst. may not be picked up.
General topics to address include: geology and soils, water
resources, ?sheries and wetlands, vegetation and wildlife, mi- McConnell Ready Mix is a full service Ready
gratory birds and endangered species, land use and cumula- Mix Concrete supplier servicing the Northeast
tive impacts, socioeconomics, cultural resources air quality Ohio area. We service Residential, Commer-
and noise and public safety. cial, Industrial or Government projects of any
size. For ordering and delivery of Ready Mix
Jumpin’ Green Midview Concrete or just a quote for your project call
Lunch Menu
Beans! Week of April 27: McConnell Ready Mix
Monday - #1 Chicken 37540 Butternut Ridge Road • N. Ridgeville, OH 44039
Grafton Gets fajita wrap. #2 Hot ham
Healthy! and cheese sandwich, baked [email protected]
beans, fruit, milk.
by Bonnie Schmidt Tuesday - #1 Sloopy Jo. SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
#2 Coney dog, baked French
Hi Grafton! This is Bonnie Schmidt, your local Allstate agent, and I have been on fries, fruit, cookie, milk. Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
a mission to ?gure out a way to access whole/organic foods without driving long Wednesday - #1 Chicken programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
distances. During my quest, I found a company that delivers fresh, organic/non nuggets w/dinner roll. #2 P.B. 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
GMO foods to businesses so long as there are at least 10 orders per week. We and jelly pockets, steamed The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
have been ordering for four weeks and I have had a very positive response to green beans, fruit, milk. drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
this opportunity because it ?lls a need in our community, which is to eat healthy Thursday - #1 Spaghetti If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
and save time. So, I thought why not pass this opportunity on to the rest of the w/dinner roll. #2 Chicken
community. The name of the company is Blueskygreen? All you have parmesan sandwich, tossed ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE CANCELED.
to do is register and choose “Allstate Grafton” as your delivery location and start romaine salad, fruit, milk. These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
shopping.There is no minimum order, no subscription, and 100% guarantee. As Friday - N/A 4/20 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free
a community service, I will continue to use my of?ce as a drop off location every donuts and coffee for participants.
Friday, however, please keep in mind that I am not af?liated with this company. Thank you 4/21 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
Therefore, any questions or concerns need to be addressed directly with Blue instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and
Sky Green Fields. I will keep you posted on deliveries on my Facebook page: On behalf of the Midview juice for participants. The deliveries usually arrive some Endowment Fund, we would 4/24 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and
time after 2pm each Friday. As soon as they arrive, I will post “food is here” on like to thank the following snacks for participants.
Jumpin’ Green Beans. You need to pick up your food by 5. The company recycles businesses/families for their 4/27 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee
the boxes and ice packs so if you don’t need them, you can bring them back the support and donations for Club. Movie with free donuts
following week or unpack your food at pick up (I will provide bags). our 2nd annual Spaghetti and coffee for participants.
dinner held in February 4/28 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise
Any questions, you can contact me at: 2015: The Grafton VFW, Class being instructed by
[email protected] or Village Jewelry, Working Debi’s Personal Training with
440-926-4050 x 702. Women Connection Grafton fruit and juice for participants.
Let’s get healthy together! Chapter, Federated Auto, 5/01 at 2:00 pm Senior Card
Marco’s Pizza Grafton, Mal- Club with pop and snacks for
lard Creek Golf Course, Pine participants.
Brook Golf Course, Midview
Board of Education Trust- • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
ees, Keating Family, Chris the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
Cromling, Winslow Family,
and Large Family. • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Fundraisers continue to Manager for additional information.
add to the funds which pro-
vide enrichment opportuni-
ties for Midview students
beyond the basic programs
provided by the schools. To
donate, or join the Midview
Endowment Fund commit-
tee, please contact Bonnie
Schmidt at 440-926-4050
x 702 or email Bonnie-
[email protected].

District Science Competition RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 Page 13
tor, First Methodist Church, of?ciating. Burial will be in Brook-
Students from St. Jude School who attended a District Science Day show and competition. Caffrey, Lauren McIver, side Cemetery.
Four students will go on to compete at the State Competition. Jordan Ramirez Munoz and
Lauren Smith received ex- Nine persons were killed in Pitts?eld. Just north and northeast
Nine students from St. Mohican District Science at Ashland University. cellent ratings for their sci- of LaGrange, 5 persons met death in the fury of ?ying wreckage.
Jude School attended the Day that was recently held Katy Koch, Megan Mc- ence fair projects. Anthony A motorist caught between Pitts?eld and LaGrange died in his car.
Cuevas, Dominic DeVen- In Grafton, Thomas Hengarter died from injuries. Three more were
gencie, Gabriela Santiago- killed in the South Boone Road area of Columbia Station. One man
Narvaez and Nick Ziegel- was hurled 2000 feet and decapitated. His baby daughter was hurled
meyer received superior 1500 feet to her death and his wife was in critical condition.
ratings for their projects
and will be advancing to The loss to homes, barns, live stock and businesses cannot
the State Science Day that be estimated with accuracy at this time. Aid Stations were set up
will be held at the Ohio at Oberlin Community Center, Virgil’s Cabinet Shop LaGrange,
State University in May. Grafton City Hall and Columbia Station Town Hall.
In addition, Katy Koch re-
ceived a scholarship to at- Governor James Rhodes ?ew into Cleveland Hopkins Airport
tend the B-Wiser Science and was escorted by Ohio Safety Director Warren Nelson and Su-
Camp in June. This is the perintendent of the State Highway Patrol Col. Anson Cook. Gov.
third year in a row that a St. Rhodes pledged every possible facility after his tour of Lorain
Jude student has received County’s tornado-ravaged areas. Rhodes described the Toledo area
this scholarship, which is as the hardest hit and Lorain County was ‘among the worst we’ve
given to the 7th grade girls seen.’ State of?cials estimate at least 50 million in damages.
having the top score in their
category. President L.B. Johnson made a personal inspection as he ?ew
over the Lorain County area en route to the Toledo and South Bend,
Teacher honored Grafton-Midview Library Indiana areas. The north side of Toledo reported 13 killed and 125
residences affected. In Indiana, South Bend reported 4 dead, 40
Kathryn Hallal, a biology and physical science teacher at The Grafton Midview Public Library plans to continue injured and 74 homes destroyed; Elkhart reported 50 died and 300
Elyria Catholic High School, received the Maitland P. Sim- bringing quality programs. For accurate planning, please be injured; and Dunlap with 15 killed.
mons Memorial Award for New Teachers from the National advised most library programs require registration. To reg-
Science Teachers Association (NSTA). Hallal, in her second ister, call or visit the library, or visit their website at www. How fortunate our village and surrounding areas were! We had
year of teaching at Elyria Catholic, received the award during much to give thanks for. A student army of 350 from LaGrange
the NSTA National Conference on Science Education in Chi- and Wellington schools launched an attack on LaGrange Township
cago. Mrs. Hallal was an NSTA awards ambassador during Kindergarten Kick-off -During the entire month of April. farm tornado debris. The back breaking job was urgent and essen-
the event and had the opportunity to meet with new science Looking for ways to prepare your child for Kindergarten, sign tial so farmers could get into their ?elds for spring work. If ?elds
teachers all over the United States. The teachers shared ideas up for Kindergarten Kick-Off at GMPL! By conducting a were not cleared before vegetation grows, there is danger of dam-
for best practices, strategies and exciting projects. one-on-one Kindergarten readiness screening with your child, age to machinery, costly repairs and time lost.
we can gauge your child's strengths and weaknesses and pro-
Fleet Hometown news vide you with tips to help boost Kindergarten and reading Boy Scouts from the Firelands area spent many hours in the tor-
readiness skills over the coming summer months! Screenings nado areas helping in any way possible. In a ?rst for Lorain Coun-
Air Force Airman 1st Class Daniel P. Limpert graduated offered throughout the entire month of April at area child care ty, two dozen county jail inmates were transported to the Pitts?eld
from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lack- centers. Please call us at (440) 926-3317 to arrange a screen- and Grafton areas for four days of clean-up. Men from the Amish
land in San Antonio, Texas. ing at the library. community spent days cleaning up debris, particularly in our yards
and driveways. Meals were served in the Grafton School.
The airman completed an intensive, 8-week program that in- Earth Day, Every Day W/the Lorain County Metro Parks
cluded training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core - Wednesday, April 22, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Join us for this all- On April 13, the Chronicle Telegram featured an aerial view
values, physical ?tness and basic warfare principles and skills. ages program provided by the Lorain County Metro Parks on looking west across Hickory and Willow Streets to Sunshine Court.
Earth Day 2015! Through demonstrations, hands-on activi- Of the approximately 100 houses in the area, at least 75 are dam-
Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits to- ties, and learning about some of the ways animals depend on aged in some way. The fury of the wind is shown with at least three
ward an associate in applied science degree through the Com- us and their environment, we will discuss current conserva- gaping foundations showing where houses once stood.
munity College of the Air Force. tion issues such as endangered species, as well as how our
daily actions affect ourselves, wildlife, and our natural world. Doris Wildenheim 926-2956
Limpert earned distinction as an honor graduate. He is the Registration is requested.
son of Alisa and George Limpert of Grafton. The airman gradu-
ated in 2009 from Christian Community School in Eaton Town- KinderKids - Thursday, April 23, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
ship. KinderKids is a special monthly story time class that will help
prepare our young learners for their future in school. Each
class will focus on a different important topic such as shapes,
numbers, colors, and letters. We will practice taking turns,
lining up, and many more useful skills they need to know
before their big ?rst day of Kindergarten. Register today!

Grafton History Association

Tuesday April 13, 1965:
Suddenly, the most valuable items are chain saws, ?ashlights
and batteries. Today, as yesterday, recovery was starting with the
salvage of household items and the pick-up of the threads of ev-
eryday living.
As of now, Grafton has escaped with one loss of life, 49 hospi-
talized and 92 receiving emergency treatment. Thomas Hengartner,
age 27, of 1025 Sunshine Court, died at 6:25 a.m. this morning,
April 12,1965 from his injuries. Thomas was born in Elyria on
April 27, 1937. He moved to Grafton a year and a half ago. He
was a salesman for Bob O’Donnell Distributing Company and was
well known in bowling circles. He is survived by wife, Betty J.
who is in Elyria Hospital with severe injuries, son Michael age
10, daughter Marjorie 8, parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hengarten,
Elyria, three brothers and a sister. Services will be Friday, 3:00 pm
in Sudro-Curtis Funeral Home with Dr. Charles W. Hamilton, pas-

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Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 Board Minutes Annabella seeks loving home
The following minutes have been submitted to the Town-
Wellington Township ship: Ambulance Board 01-13-15 Reg. & Organizational; Annabella is a super cute Annabella
Trustees’ Special Meeting Cemetery Board 01-13-15; Fire Board 01-07-15; Library and friendly one-year-old! older and $40 for less than 1
Board 01-13-15 Reg. & Organizational; LCTA 01-15-15; Unfortunately, this sweet year old. All cats have been
A Special Meeting of the Wellington Township Trustees LORCO 01-08-15; RLCWA 01-14-15; and Storm Water 01- girl is in need of a new home spayed or neutered, vacci-
will be held on April 21, at 10 a.m. at the new Township Fa- 15-15. because there were dogs in nated, dewormed and have
cility, 105 Maple Street, in Wellington. This meeting is to re- Zoning report: her previous home that bul- tested negative for FeLV.
view the bids for the 2015 Road Program and possibly choose Brown reviewed his ongoing projects and one permit was lied her. If you would like Friendship APL is a private,
the winning bid. The upcoming renewal levy for the Southern issued for remodeling. The Zoning Commission met for their to give Annabella a lov- non-pro?t humane society.
Lorain County Historical Society will also be addressed and organizational meeting with elections as follows: Bill Spreng, ing, forever home, please They depend on the gener-
payments for the second half of the month will be looked at. Chairman; Bill Watters, Vice-chairman; and Pam Fox, Secre- call the Friendship Animal osity and ?nancial support
tary. The BZA held their organizational meeting on March 5. Protective League at (440) of the public to serve the
Amvets Pancake and Road & Ditch: 322-4321. (www.Friend- people and animals of Lo-
Sausage Breakfast A discussion on a maintenance contract for the garage rain County.
doors ended with the decision to acquire some different
The Amvets Cottrell Memorial Post #162 Ladies Auxilia- quotes to compare. The project for the repair of the roads will The shelter is located at
ry will be holding an open to the public Pancake and Sausage progress with obtaining bid packets from the County Engi- 8303 Murray Ridge Road,
Breakfast on Saturday, April 25, from 9 a.m. - noon. The menu neer and advertising in the papers. The issue of a cell phone in Elyria. Their hours are
also includes regular and decaf coffee, milk and juice. Cost is for the road department was addressed and more options will from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on
$6 for adults, $4 for children 4-10 and under 3 is free. Pro- be researched. The current number for the garage, 647-7194, Monday, Friday & Sat-
ceeds will bene?t the Fisher House Building Fund, providing can be used to reach the roadman or to leave messages. urday; from 11 a.m.-6:30
shelter and support for families of Veterans at no cost while Old Business: On April 7 the Sheriff’s Dept. gave a pre- p.m. on Tuesday & Thurs-
their loved one is receiving health care. The Post is located at sentation on setting up neighborhood watch groups. day; and from 11 a.m.-2:30
the intersection of State Routes 58 & 162, in Huntington. Public Hearing: p.m. on Sunday. Adoption
Jamie Fox suggested that the purchase of an electric man- fees are $10 for 1 year and
Wellington Trustees lift be investigated to be available for garage maintenance.
Youth Orchestras Spring Auditions
The March 3 meeting was held at the Maple St. Mainte- Huntington Township
nance Facility. The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Trustees special meeting The Northern Ohio Youth Orchestras (NOYO) is now ac-
Chairperson Fred Pitts by leading the group with the pledge cepting applications to audition for its 2015-2016 season. Au-
of allegiance to the ?ag. Huntington Township Trustees will hold a special meet- ditions will be held on four dates: Saturday, May 16, 10 a.m.-2
ing on April 27, at 7 p.m. at the Township Building, located p.m. and Sunday May 17, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Oberlin
Present were Trustees LeRoy Brasee, Nancy Fisher and at 45955 State Route 162, second ?oor, in Wellington. The Conservatory; Monday, May 18, 3-5 p.m. at Avon Lake High
Fred Pitts. Also in attendance was Louise Grose, Fiscal Of- purpose of the meeting is to hear from the Public on the de- School; and Tuesday, May 19, 3-5 p.m. at Elyria High School.
?cer, Todd Martin, Roadman and Bill Brown, Zoning Inspec- velopment of the Community Park. Discussions will be held Auditions are open to the following instruments: violin, viola,
tor. on installing lighting on the baseball ?elds, putting in water cello, bass, ?ute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trom-
fountains and grant money proposed for playground equip- bone, tuba, percussion, harp and piano.
Hearing of the Public: ment. The meeting is open to the public.
Stan Mounts, Interim Wellington School Superintendent, Auditions are for membership in the Philharmonia Orches-
was in attendance to give a synopsis of the state of affairs in Pond School Management tra, Symphonetta Strings and Rhythm & Brass ensembles. All
the school. He accepted questions, from those in attendance Resources for Pond Owners musicians ages 8-18 who have had two or more years of pri-
concerning school issues. vate lessons are invited to audition.
Gail Marie inquired on the progress of the issues at Pan- With so many ponds tion. Registration ?iers can
ther Trails.’ The time line for response was described. adorning properties across be downloaded at go.osu. During the season, musicians will receive intensive week-
Approval of the agenda: Medina and northeast Ohio, edu/pond. Program fee is ly coachings and instruction from world-class musicians in
One addition was made to the agenda under New Business there are questions about required at time of registra- large and small ensemble settings at the Oberlin Conservatory
- the Neighborhood Watch Program. algae, weeds, geese and the tion. Registration deadline is of Music. Students may also perform in special guest master
"how-to's" of pond manage- May 11. classes and compete for an opportunity to perform as soloist
ment. That is why Ohio State in the NOYO Annual Concerto Competition. After the con-
University Extension is part- cert season, an additional Chamber Music Extension will run
nering with Medina County from April to May.
Park District, Medina Soil
and Water Conservation Dis- The Northern Ohio Youth Orchestras have provided out-
trict, Cleveland Metroparks, standing orchestral training to the youth of Northern Ohio
the Ohio Department of
BREMKE INSURANCE Natural Resources and Ohio
EPA to provide pond owners
Stop in for all your insurance needs. with a 3-hour Pond School
Auto - Home - Commercial - Farm - Life - Health to help them learn more
about pond management.
Kyle E. Bremke
Independent Agent The 2015 Pond School
will be held May 27, from
Phone: 440-647-0225 5:30-8:30 p.m. at Medina
Fax: 440-647-8866 County Park District's Wolf
Creek Environmental Center
[email protected] at 6100 Ridge Rd., in Me-
104 South Main Street dina. The program consists
Wellington, Ohio 44090 of three concurrent tracks of
presentations. Attendees will
Country Tour Group get to choose which track of
sessions they wish to attend
BAG LADY TOUR during each of the three 1-
hour time slots. Cost is $35
April 17-19 & 24-26, 2015 per person and includes take
home resources for each par-
Start your Tour at any of the locations below! ticipant. Space will be lim-
ited, so early registration is
WELLINGTON OBERLIN strongly recommended.
Ravenwood Antiques Farmyard Flowers
The program will focus
16441 Pitts Road 45635 St. Rt. 20 on care of ponds 1/4 acre
(440) 774-7055 (440) 775-4013 and larger. Sessions will be a
mix of lecture, hands-on and
Quilting Shanty NEW LONDON outdoor talks covering ?sh
18451 Rowell Road Honey Bee Treasure management for recreation
6080 N.L. Section Line Rd. 21 or vegetation control, pond
(440) 371-7589 aeration, algae management,
(419) 929-1110 nuisance wildlife issues, wa-
William Belle Antiques ter quality and more. If you
105 E. Herrick Ave. SPENCER don't see the session that
(440) 647-2233 Spencer Feed & Supply sounds just right, experts will
be available to answer ques-
All Ohio Train and Toy 227 N. Main St. tions and discuss your pond
109 E. Herrick St. (330) 648-2111 situation. Thinking about
(440) 458-2949 constructing a new pond on
Spencer Restaurant your property? We'll have
Days of Yore Herb Farm 107 E. Main advice on that, too, from
42925 Jones Rd. zoning rules to the right soil
(440) 647-2045 (330) 648-9669 for the job.

Hook’s Greenhouse HOMERVILLE ContactAshley Kulhanek,
50740 St. Rt. 18 Olde Carriage House OSU Extension, Medina
(440) 647-5480 County at (330) 725-4911,
9238 Spencer Rd. Ext. 106, for more informa-
(330) 625-3625

First Weekend Second Weekend
April 17 April 24

Friday • 10 am-5 pm Friday • 10 am-5 pm
April 18 April 25

Saturday • 10 am-5 pm Saturday • 10 am-5 pm
April 19 April 26

Sunday • 12 pm-5 pm Sunday • 12 pm-5 pm

since 1969. Based at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Leave Wildlife in the Wild RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 Page 15
NOYO attracts gifted young musicians ages 8-18, spanning can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.
a geographic area from Toledo to Cleveland. These musicians The spring season has arrived, and so too has the season
rehearse weekly under the guidance of dedicated professional for Ohioans to enjoy spotting young wildlife. Each year, the Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, oc-
musicians to perform innovative programs, juxtaposing new Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) of?cials of- curring because the body does not use insulin properly. Ini-
works alongside classical masterpieces. fer this simple advice - enjoy wildlife from a distance and tially, the pancreas will make extra insulin to account for the
leave young animals in the wild. body’s resistance to insulin, but over time the pancreas cannot
Application and audition requirements are available at produce enough insulin to maintain normal blood glucose lev- Please visit the website or email noyo@noyo. Many adult wild animals will leave their young offspring els. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases as people
org for more information. alone while they forage for food, or to divert the attention age, and while there is no way to halt the aging process, there
of potential predators away from the more vulnerable young. are many other ways for men, women and children to reduce
Workshop Players auditions When young animals are discovered with no adults in sight, their risks of developing type 2 diabetes.
the adult is often nearby waiting for people to leave the area
Workshop Players will be holding auditions for the com- before they retrieve their young. • Shed those extra pounds. Being overweight increases your
edy It Runs in the Family, by Ray Cooney, directed by Mason risk for a host of ailments, including type 2 diabetes, heart dis-
Adams. Most wild animals are raised by only one adult or are not ease and stroke. According to the American Diabetes Associa-
tended to during the daylight hours. In the case of white-tailed tion, losing as little as 10 to 15 pounds can make a signi?cant
Audition dates are Tuesday and Wednesday, April 21 & deer, a doe will hide her young from predators by leaving it difference for people looking to reduce their risks of devel-
22, at 7 p.m. Callbacks are on Thursday, April 23. alone in a secluded spot, such as a grassy meadow or a ?ower oping type 2 diabetes. When attempting to lose weight, men
bed. A hidden fawn has virtually no scent and when left alone and women should recognize that making lifestyle changes is
Auditions will be held at the theater, located at 44820 Mid- is dif?cult for predators to ?nd. The doe will tend to the fawn a more effective way to shed pounds and keep weight off than
dle Ridge Road, in Amherst, and will consist of readings from or fawns several times each night. fad diets that may promise quick weight loss but tend to be less
script. Performance dates are July 9-26. effective at keeping that weight off over the long haul. Suc-
It is important to leave animals in the wild. If people dis- cessful weight loss typically involves a combination of physi-
For more information, contact director Mason Adams at turb a nest, they should replace the young animals and the cal activity and a healthy diet. Include physical activity as part
[email protected], the Box Of?ce at (440) 988-5613 nest material as close to the original location as possible. It is of your daily routine several days per week, taking it slow at
(hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.), [email protected] a myth that wildlife parents will not tend to young because of ?rst if you have not exercised regularly in quite some time.
or visit human scent. As your body begins to adapt to exercise, you can gradually
increase the intensity of your workout routines.
Kestrel Project State and federal laws protect and regulate wildlife and
volunteers still needed endangered species in Ohio. Only licensed wildlife rehabili- Adopting a healthy diet is another way to lose weight and
tators, working under special permits issued by the ODNR maintain that weight loss. A diet low in calories and fat is a
The Black River Audubon Society has started a program Division of Wildlife, may possess and care for native wild good start. Men and women who need to lose a signi?cant
to install boxes on telescoping aluminum poles to allow main- animals. These laws are in place for the bene?t of humans as amount of weight may want to work with a dietitian and/or
tenance without the dangers and inconvenience of using lad- well as wild animals. nutritionist to create a meal plan that is likely to produce the
ders to reach the boxes. So far, boxes have been installed best results and address any vitamin or nutrient de?ciencies
on aluminum poles in the following locations: Lorain County To further protect young and vulnerable wild animals, keep they might have.
Community College, Caley Reservation, Wellington Reser- pets under control so they do not raid nests and injure wild
voir, Charlemont Reservation, Sandy Ridge Meadow, High animals. Keep pets inoculated against parasites and diseases. • Focus on ?ber. Adding more ?ber to your diet is another
Meadows, the Colorado entrance to Steel Mill Trail and pri- Check for nests before cutting down trees or clearing brush (it way to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. Foods that
vate residences in New Russia Township and Camden Town- is best to cut trees and clear brush in the autumn when nesting are high in ?ber tend to make people feel fuller, reducing the
ship. season is over). Educate children to respect wildlife and their likelihood that you will overeat. Fiber also helps the body con-
habitat, observing wildlife from a distance. trol its blood sugar levels, and ?ber can lower a person’s risk
Additional boxes are awaiting aluminum poles and site of heart disease. Many foods include ?ber, but some high-?ber
adjustment at: Burr Oak, Carlisle Visitors Center, Equestrian Contact your local wildlife of?cial before taking action. foods include beans, fruits, nuts, and vegetables.
Center and Duck Pond, Grafton Soccer Complex, Indian Hol- Call 1-800-WILDLIFE or visit to be connected
low Reservation and two locations at Mill Hollow. with the proper individuals. • Avoid re?ned carbohydrates. Studies have shown that
diets rich in re?ned carbohydrates increase a person’s risk
Kestrels have been sighted at LCCC, the Steel Mill Trail Reduce your risk for diabetes of developing diabetes, while additional studies have shown
entrance and the private residence in New Russia Town- that diets rich in whole grains protect the body against diabe-
ship. Hopefully, with patience and successful monitoring and Millions of people across the globe suffer from diabetes, a tes. Researchers examining the results of several studies that
maintenance, there will be some kestrel ?edglings to report term used to describe a group of metabolic diseases in which a explored the relationship between whole grains and diabetes
by the end of the summer! person has high blood pressure resulting from the body’s cells found that eating an extra two servings of whole grains each
not responding properly to insulin and/or inadequate insulin day can reduce a person’s risk of type 2 diabetes by as much
Contact Larry Wilson at (440) 752-0336 if you are inter- production. According to researchers at Australia’s Baker IDI as 21 percent. Re?ned carbohydrates, which can be found in
ested in volunteering. Heart and Diabetes Institute, if the spread of type 2 diabetes white bread, white rice, mashed potatoes and many cereals,
continues at its current rate, there will be roughly 439 million cause sustained spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels, which
adults with diabetes across the globe in the year 2030. Though can increase a person’s risk of diabetes.
some cases of diabetes cannot be prevented, a healthy lifestyle

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Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 The Trustees would also like to remind property owners
they are responsible for keeping the ditch pipes and driveway
pipes on their property free of debris. This becomes very im- [email protected]
portant during the spring rainy season, as it will help prevent
?ooding problems.

Grafton Township Zoning Meeting Grafton Twp. Trustees Plum Creek Garden Club
The Grafton Township Zoning Commission will hold a The Plum Creek Garden Club will meet on Tuesday, April
public zoning meeting at the Grafton Township Hall at 7 p.m. The Grafton Township ees voted to turn it over to 21, at Carlisle Reservation Visitors Center. The meeting will
on Tuesday, April 21. The Zoning Commission will continue Trustees meeting on April the land bank after a ?nal begin at 7 p.m. Jody Frimel, from Mill Hollow Herbs, will be
discussion of current issues and concerns. 14, began with departmental legal consultation. The trust- presenting a program on herb gardening. Guests are welcome
reports. Updates on projects ees hired a retired township to attend. Please contact Pam at (440) 225-1448 if you have
Belden Historical Society news and services were given. road department worker any questions.
Permits were issued for two as seasonal help at $15 per
Just a reminder, the history session will be onApril 22, at accessory buildings and one hour. Most of his work will Lorain County Historical Society
7 p.m. They will be working on their archival material, see- home addition last month. be mowing all township
ing what they need to purchase to preserve it. The septic system at the site properties. The Belden His- The Lorain County Historical Society’s new exhibition on
of the former Erhart Tavern tory Association asked if Beckett Industries will be on display in the Lorain County
Remember the Belden School bulletins, The Belden Bul- was ?lled in by township some of the properties near History Center’s rotating gallery through July. This exhibi-
letin and the Belden Beacon? We have issues from 1927 and workers with the costs being the historical buildings could tion is included in the price of admission, which is $5 per
1935! added to the tax duplicate. A be mowed. The township adult, ages 13-18/$3 and children 6-12/$2 (children under
traf?c sign has been replaced agreed. The trustees voted 6 and LCHS Members are free). Please call LCHS at (440)
The museum is located next to Vets Park, at the corner of on Dunham Road. The Road to purchase salt for the next 322-3341 for more information. The Lorain County History
Rts. 303 and 83. If you have any questions, call Jan Brooks Department will get materials winter season to lock in a Center is located at 284 Washington Avenue, in Elyria.
at (440) 458-6971. to ?x the concession stand at lower rate. They will sign an
the park. The Memorial Day agreement with the county, Metro Parks
Dumpster Days Update Parade will only go as far as which has a provision to pur- Murder Mystery Dinner
Veterans Park before return- chase 160 ton at an approxi-
The Grafton Township Trustees have scheduled spring ing to the township hall this mate cost of $8,700. Friends of the Metro Parks of Lorain County will present
Dumpster Days for Friday, May 15, from noon-3 p.m. and year. Two cemetery plots their annual Murder Mystery Dinner on May 1, 2, 8 and 9 at
on Saturday, May 16, from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at the township hall. were sold with one burial. Discussion was held as the Carlisle Visitors Center, located at 12882 Diagonal Road,
A valid proof of residency is required. A limit of two pick-up Just one cemetery monu- to the pavilion at the park. in LaGrange. Tickets are $30 per person, $58 per couple;
truck loads per address will be accepted, as fewer dumpsters ment footer will need to be The trustees will review the group rates are available. For more information or reserva-
will be available. Large items can be placed at the curb once a poured this spring. EMS condition of the structure tions, call (216) 544-3865.
month during normal trash hauling. Tires can be placed in the calls are down compared to and determine a course of
tire trailer and cardboard can be placed in the Abitibi contain- the large number of calls re- action to take. The trustees Remember The Candy Bar
ers located at the hall at any time. Please break down boxes. ceived last year at this time. reviewed estimates from the When You Need A Car
The process for obtaining a Lorain County Engineer re-
Items not being accepted include: computers, printers, grant for electronic cots for garding road projects and de- Gary
TVs smaller than 27 inches, paint, chemicals, propane tanks, the ambulances is ongoing. cided to go out for bids. The
?uorescent bulbs, shingles, explosives and automotive batter- The township hopes to re- total estimated cost is about Heath
ies. Most of these items may be taken to the Recycling Cen- ceive the grant in July. The $268,500.
ter located at 540 South Abbe Road in Elyria. The Recycling Belden History Association 440-366-3673
Center hours are Mondays and Wednesdays from noon - 6 announced the group has In other action, the trust-
p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. received a grant from Sher- ees voted to order portable VOTE YES!
win Williams for paint. The restrooms for the park, re- on MAY 5TH!
Reminders association is looking for new membership in the
adult and student volunteers Lorain County Township
The Grafton Township Fire Department would like to re- to help complete their paint- Association and search for
mind residents of regulations regarding open burning. Burn ing projects. The windows a web master to update the
piles should be of yard waste only and not exceed 3’x3’x3.’ in the township hall meet- township website. Anyone
For more information, contact the township ?re department at ing room and between the interested should contact the
their non-emergency number, 440-926-2354. kitchen and main room have township hall.
been removed and ?lled. The
AmVets Post 032 meeting room can now be
presents a comedy show considered a storm shelter.
~Featuring Traci Kanaan~ Grant money will be used to
purchase signs designating
Friday, May 8th the room and for other safety
11087 Middle Ave, Elyria Oh 44035 signs for the hall.
Dinner: 6-8pm (½ Bake Chicken & cash bar)
In other business, after
Show time: 8:30-10pm months of working with a
$25 per person blighted property, the trust-

Contact Elke at 440-223-5097 Workshop Players EFFECTS OF PAST LEVY FAILURES
present “The Orphans”
Send cash or check with your name and address to: • Middle School Softball Eliminated
Elke Thrasher, 211 Birchbark Dr., Elyria, Oh 44035 If you love the Brewster • ALL Freshman Sports Cut
sisters from Arsenic and Old • High School Bussing Eliminated
and we will mail you your tickets Lace, you will also love Lily • 22 Staff Members Cut
(Melissa Lyle) and Catherine • Pay-to-Play Fees Increased
MUST HAVE TICKET TO ENTER THE SHOW! Spangler (Kristina Rivera), • Key Care Costs Increased
who have lived in seclu- • Eliminated Field Trips Unless at No Cost to KLSD
Five Oaks Realty sion in their hotel room for • Future Farmers of American (FFA) Cut
the past 25 years with their • Eliminated Elementary Assistant Principal
158 Cleveland St., only visitor being their law- • Eliminated Playground Monitors
Elyria, OH 44035 yer (Jeff Caja), who delivers • Reduced Physical Education Teacher
(in cash) the pro?ts from the • Reduced Extended Days for Staff
440-324-0069 steel mill they inherited from • Reduced Cleaning Hours
their father. Their hotel that • Reduced Paid Coaching Positions
www.? was once a gem has become • Pay Freezes for All Teachers & Classified Staff
run down and seedy. Their • Pay Freezes for All Administrators
Need 5 Bedrooms? next door neighbor is a pros- • Insurance Premiums Increased for All Staff
We have it right here. Elyria titute and the bellhops lack
Updated Colonial 5 bd, 1.5 decorum. The twist at the Tuesday, April 28 at 6:30pm in the KHS Cafeteria
end will surprise and delight Q&A Community Forum to discuss the May Levy.
baths. 2696 sq ft with the audience. It is a touch-
detached garage ing, warm-hearted and funny
Asking $65,000 story of what happens when Paid for by Keystone Levy Committee Don Griswold, Treasurer
these two eccentrics must ?-
Midview Ranch feat. oak nally face the outside world.
cabinetry, vaulted ceilings,
attached garage central air, Production dates continue
storage barn and nice yard! April 24 & 25 and May 1 &
2 at 8 p.m., with matinees on
Asking $72,900 Sundays, April 26 & May 3,
at 3 p.m. at 44820 Middle
Avon Lake Townhouse, 2 Ridge Rd., in Amherst.
bd, 1.5 baths, full basement
Tickets are $12 each or
ready to be ?nished, $10 for groups of 15 or more.
convenient ?oorplan Call the Box Of?ce at 440-
and nice size rooms 988-5613 or email work- for reserva-
Asking $114,000 tions. Doors open 45 minutes
before the show. Each per-
formance can accommodate
two wheelchairs.

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 Page 17

Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has pur- CLASSIFIEDS 2-Week Special for Garage/Rummage Sale Ads &
chased selected classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product Personal Items For Sale: $14. (15 words or less) (No Breeders,
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Good clean used appli- month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! 11940 East River Road, Co- Maintain clean and safe work- cleaning. Fully insured. FREE
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top desk & chair, TV, clothes, [email protected]
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ing lures, wood porch glider, in all facets of machine shop and numerous misc. items
Selections: Fruit trees, Apple, Pears, Cherry, Plum, Nectarine, Peach, Blue- FLEA MARKETS wheel barrow tires, rocking operations, need for day shift
berries, Strawberries. Lg. Variety of shade, ornamental & evergreen trees. chair and much much more. opening at Westlake man- within the 10x20 unit.
Blue Spruce, Norway & Fir. Weeping cherry, Weeping Japanese maples, Black WELCOME HOME ufacturing company. Must Matthew Edwards.
Pussy Willow, Flowering Crabapples, Weeping Lavender Twist Redbud, Purple 9928 Colfax, off Sprague. April have Technical School Certi-
leaf ?owering Plum, Red & White Buds, Flowering Pear, Dogwood, White Birch, . FLEA 23-25. Household misc., old ?cation / apprenticeship and Last known address:
Red & Green leaf Maples, Oak, Magnolia, Arborvitae, Roses & grafted Rose MARKET wood furniture, old electron- minimum 5 years of machin- 3683 Menlo Road,
Tree to many to list. All trees will be 7 to 25 gal or B & B sizes. Lg. variety of ics. No tools. ing experience at a journey Shaker Hts, OH.
?owering shrubs, ornamental grass & perennials & other misc. Over 25 Shops in 1 level machinist in a produc-
Auctioneer’s note: Brown’s Nursery is NOT going out of business. The inven- * Huge Savings & Variety HALLS FOR RENT tion machining facility. Under Being unit #8 containing
tory reduction is your opportunity to purchase nice, clean surplus nursery stock • New Vendors Welcome minimal supervision, sets up house furnishings and many
at discounted prices. Bring your truck or trailer or ask about having your items Open Wed.-Sun. 11am-5pm AMVETS POST 32 and operates manually con-
delivered. Loading available immediately after sale. State inspected. Early in- 36040 Rt. 82 (W. of Rt. 83) 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria trolled or CNC machines with personal misc. items
spection April 23 & 24. Plants & trees make a great Mother’s Day gift!! skilled precision. Required within the 10x20 unit.
Terms of sale: Cash, check or major credit card day of sale (3% buyer’s pre- 440-865-6994 / Visit us on.Facebook Capacity: Hall-250, to produce parts for R&D, Date: May 9,2015 at 10:00 am
mium waived for cash or check). Positive ID required to register. All items paid Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 production and maintenance at Budget Self Storage,
for day of sale & before being removed from the premises all items sold “as R.ESALE Available for all occasions department. Machine parts to
is”. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch available. Dry facility to get out of the SHOP speci?cations using a variety 23121 Sprague Rd,
weather. RAIN OR SHINE. Call for pricing of assigned manual machines Columbia Station, Ohio
Accepts Donations and availability (vertical milling machine, sur-
OWNERS RICK & MARY BROWN of Furn. & hshld. items 440-458-8544 face grinder, engine lathe, drill 440-243-1111
Find us on Facebook: presses, saws) and a variety of
to support the COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL cutting tools and equipment. NOTICE OF ELECTION
Jeff Hammersmith & Dennis Pillivant, Assisting Auctioneers Wounded Warriors 25-150 Capacity Send resume to HumanRe- ON TAX LEVY
[email protected].
Andy Suvar Auctions 440-236-3323 Landscape maintenance la- TEN MILL LIMITATION
New London, Ohio 1Bdr. suite, $525 +deposit. borers needed. Year round
Grafton area. No pets. Call F.O.P. LODGE #54 employment. Must have valid NOTICE is hereby given that in
419-929-8487 or 800-765-8301 or 440-748-2642 440-212-8061 Capacity 150-175 driver’s license. 440-342-3438 pursuance of Resolution of the Catering Available TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES of CO-
Affordable apartments in La- 36854 Royalton Rd. HORSES LUMBIA TOWNSHIP, Ohio, passed
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS CLEANING Porte: Spacious 2BR units, (1 mile East of Durkee) on the 17th day of November, 2014,
close to 480. Starting at $535/ Horseback riding lessons. there will be submitted to vote of the
Advertise to 500,000 Homes 3 Chics and a Broom: Green month. 1st month rent free. Grafton, Ohio 24344 Foster Road, Litch?eld, people at the PRIMARY ELECTION
with a business card size Cleaning. Let us spiff you up! Call 440-323-7067. 440-653-7227 330-603-5955. Beginners-ad- to be held at the regular places of
ad. You choose the area of Licensed, bonded and insured. vanced. Jumping lessons voting on TUESDAY, the 5th day of
coverage in free community 440-355-6639. Elyria: 1 month free. $100 secu- FULL park with restrooms, 3 available. Indoor & outdoor MAY, 2015, the question of levying
papers...we do the rest. Call rity deposit. Newly remodeled pavilions, air conditioned hall, arena. Trailering to shows a tax, in excess of the ten mill limita-
800-450-7227 or visit macne- Custom cleaning. Everyone’s 2 bedroom town homes with for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange available. tion, for the bene?t of the COLUM- needs are different. We spe- new carpet, ceramic tile and Lions Club. 440-458-6781. BIA TOWNSHIP, for the purpose of
cialize in catering to what your hard wood ?oors. Appliances Horseboarding: Indoor-Out- LIBRARY CURRENT EXPENSES.
ADVERTISE to 10 Million needs are. Call Marcie today included. Call 216-347-6775. Grafton VFW. Call from door arena pastures, four
Homes across the USA! Place for your free assessment ap- 9:30-11:30 a.m. Monday-Fri- feedings per day. 9-year-old Tax being a RENEWAL OF EXIST-
your ad in over 140 commu- pointment at 440-213-7527. Valley City, 2Bdr., $800/mo. day. 440-926-3341 thoroughbred Gelding for sale. ING TAX at the rate not exceeding
nity newspapers, with circu- Over 13 years experience. Includes utilities, laundry, 440-926-1122 1.74 mills for each one dollar of
lation totaling over 10 million stove, refrig., cable & 10x16 HANDYMAN SERVICES valuation, which amounts to $0.174
homes. Contact Independent OUR CLASSIFIEDS sunroom. 330-483-3506 INSURANCE for each one hundred dollars of
Free Papers of America IFPA GET RESULTS! A Handyman / Roofer: Interior / valuation, for 5 years.
at danielleburnett-ifpa@live. FOR SALE exterior, home remodeling / re- Auto-Insurance-Help-Line.
com or visit our website cad- pair, pergolas, decks, vinyl sid- Helping you ?nd a Car The polls for the election will open for more informa- FREE Alpaca manure. You pick ing, gutter cleaning, pressure Insurance Payment at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until
tion. up, Rt.303 between Cowley washing, painting, roofing, You can afford. 7:30 p.m. on election day.
and Island Rds. Great fertilizer. carpentry, tile work. Dante, Toll Free 888-800-2312
440-821-4104 440-236-6451, 216-403-8597. www.Auto-Insurance- BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS
Auto-Insurance-Help-Line. OF LORAIN COUNTY
Drivers: CDL-A 1yr. exp. Earn Helping you ?nd a Car Insur- OHIO
$1200+ per week. Guaranteed ance Payment You can afford.
home time. Excellent bene?ts Toll Free 1-800-231-3603 www. MARILYN JACOBCIK
& bonuses. 100% No-touch, Chairman
70% D&H. 855-842-8498

Dated: February 18, 2015



Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015


ABANDONED FARM! 34 Valley City: 8900 sq.ft. build- H. Archer & Sons, Inc3654 Avon Lake Rd . AUTOMOTIVE
acres - $169,900 ing. Store front & 3 apartments. Litchfield, Ohio EQUIPMENT
Good investment. Priced to COMPANY, INC.
Upstate NY farmhouse, barn, sell. 330-410-5791 Commercial & Residential Hauling
apple orchard, woods, 34400 LORAIN ROAD - NORTH RIDGEVILLE 44039
long gated drive, incredible Sand • Gravel • Aglime • CAR HAULERS • AUTOMOTIVE & INDUSTRIAL TOOLS
setting! Terms avail! Rummage Sale: Elyria Wom- & EQUIPMENT • SNOW PLOWS & SALT SPREADERS
en’s Club, 218 East Ave., Phone: 330-722-8444
888-738-6994 newyork- across from The Chronicle. Fax: 330-722-4531 • SALES-SERVICE-RENTALS-LEASING Friday, May 1, 9-4pm; Satur- Phone: 440-327-3131 • Fax 440-327-6266
day, May 2, 9-noon; Sat. Bag Toll Free: 1-888-560-3533
RUSHING STREAM - CHRIST- Day. Enter & park behind
6 acres - $26,900 Shopping Center Maintenance Co. Custom Buildings, LTD
Rummage / Bake Sale: Our Driveway Seal Coating FREE
BUY BEFORE MAY 1st AND Lady Queen of Peace, 702 Erie (Built By Amish)
TAKE $5,000 OFF! St., Grafton. April 24, 9-5pm; Crack Filling & Patching Estimates
April 25, 9-noon; $2/bag Sat-
Gated drive, views, stunning urday. 440-322-2628
upstate NY setting!
Twn rd, utils, terms! SALES & SERVICES Save 10%
UPSTATE NY WATERFRONT! for roo?ng, remodeling, etc.
7 acres - $59,900 Expires 9/30/15
Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
400 feet of pristine frontage Truck work available One coupon per residential driveway.
on bass lake! Present coupon at time of estimate
All woods, twn rd, utils, gor- 440-926-3446 •DRIVEWAYS •PARKING LOTS Quality Buildings At
geous setting! •PATCHING •SEALING
EZ terms. Window Screen Replacement •CRACKFILL •STRIPING Affordable Prices
Service, reasonable prices, •EXCAVATION •GRADING
888-431-7214 newyork- free pick-up and delivery. Call • Horse Barns • Garages 440-328-5484. Contact Us Today! 440-458-4985 •Riding Arenas


miles. Must see to believe! over 30 yrs. experience CONTRACTORS, INC. 330-359-0463 ESTIMATES
$8400, 440-655-8640 “For all of your Concrete needs
Full Upholstery Driveways, Patios, Drainage and more”! ELECTRICAL
Honda 1988 GL 1500 Motor- Cushion Re?lls Waterproofing, Excavating
bike, in good condition and Furniture Repair Masonry, Tuck Pointing, FREE ESTIMATES
runs, with clear title and 25,000 Call for free quote Follow us on FaceBook
mileage. For sale at $1,400. on re-upholstery Exposed Aggregate Pads
For more information, contact 440-748-3197 Richards Concrete LLC
[email protected] 216-346-2682
N. Ridgeville Office 440-328-6425
Wanted: Dead or alive mo- WANTED TO BUY
torcycles, street / dirt bikes,
ATVs, UTVs and related parts. Buying contents of Es-
440-647-2274 tates, houses, attics, barns
and antiques. We pay well.
NOTICES 440-506-7738

Raquetball? Individual Hart Free J.A. Kilby Electrical
games, leagues, etc. Anyone Estimates
looking to play raquetball Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
in Grafton, please call Jeff, New Work-Replacement-Repairs
•Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
PETS •Security & Camera Systems

All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster Blacktop •Driveways •Commercial Buildings •Parking Lot Lighting
Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509.
Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced • Parking Lots 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
exercise yards, custom care.
$15 per day. Grooming now 800-619-7808 (24 hours) State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response
available. Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours)
Emmett and Earl are two great [email protected]
6 month old Alpacas. They’re
super cute with sweet, calm J. A. KILBY ENT. J. A. KILBY ENT.
dispositions. They would make
great pets or 4-H projects. Concrete • Masonry •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
Registered, very healthy and Stamped Concrete Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
halter broke. Earl is brown and
white; Emmett is true black. 440-327-3433 •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
They both have gorgeous •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation
?eeces. They would be priced
very reasonably to the right 440-327-3433
caring home. 440-821-4104
Kill ?eas on contact on dogs
and cats with DD-33 flea
mist. Lasts longer. Pleasant
odor. Contains NO Fipronil!
Worcester Sales & Service,
440-327-4201. (www.happy-


APPLIANCE • SALES & SERVICE DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE Your Auto or Complete Residential - Commercial
All Major Brands SALES & SERVICE, INC. Light Truck Full Mechanical Industrial - Farm
440-365-7321 Service Center
WALK-IN PARTS COUNTER We specialize in
433 OBERLIN RD. High Tensil Wire • Rail Fence
ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 Board • Split Rail • Picket Fence
Call to schedule your FREE estimate
William M. Miller • 330-466-4012
24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station

Driveways•Sidewalks•Patios•Garage Floors...

LEVEL IT! Don’t replace it!

800-601-7671 (24/7)
800-326-0406 (M-F)

NOVAK CONCRETE, INC RAM-CON LLC 14000 Pearl Rd • Strongsville at Pearl & Rt. 82 24 Hour Emergency Service
Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, Concrete & Excavating 440-236-5543
Garage Floors, Stamped NEW-USED-SERVICE 800-467-1275
Concrete, Waterproofing ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE
WORK & DECORATIVE 1-800-317-1966 OH LIC #23331
Quality Service since 1989 FREE ESTIMATES





Ph: 440-521-0050 • Curtis Masavage

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015 Page 19



•Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior •MULCH •TOPSOIL •DRIVEWAY STONE •RAILROAD TIES Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason
& Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement •POOL SAND •LIMESTONE •LOCATED ON W. CAPEL RD. Siding & Gutter Repairs
Repairs from $75.
•Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing 216-408-8770
440-748-3259 Casey Williamson
Square LANDSCAPING Think Our Plants
COMMERCIAL & Spring! Will Get Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal
Construction RESIDENTIAL You Hooked! Of?ce: 440-236-4001 •

Home Remodeling: Bathrooms, Basements & Kitchens Also: Perennials Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner
Roofing,Siding & Windows Plus: Decks, Fences & Storage Barns Annuals
440-864-5161 Licensed, Bonded & Insured Now Open!!! Family Business for Three Generations

Hours: Mon-Sat 10-6 Vegetables RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949
HAMPER CONSTRUCTION Sun 12-5 Mulch: Bulk & Bagged
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates
Our Name Means Quality Special: 440-647-5480 Edibles
50740 St. Rt. 18 Hanging Baskets
Your Full Service Contractor Pansy Wellington, OH 44090 SALES AND SERVICES
•Kitchens •Baths Baskets Just 5 miles west of Wellington Potting Soil
•Garages •Decks •Additions $3.99
•Concrete Trim Potatoes
•Flooring & More
Onion Sets
Licensed•Bonded•Insured • Over 20 Years Experience
Tim Hamper Office: 440-236-3851/Cell: 440-506-2302

LAWN - GARDEN - LANDSCAPE Ez Move N Store It Spring Cleaning Is Here, Get Your Space Back!

* Now Available * • Moving Services Junk & Debris Removal ~ Spring Landscaping Cleanups
• Moving Supplies Light Demolition & Hauling.
11847 Avon Belden Rd. Bulk Material for Sale
Pick up or Delivery • Storage Call for a Free Estimate
• Cleaning Services (440) 731-2236
Mulch • Topsoil • Stone
Seed • Fertilizer • U-Haul Rentals TREE SERVICE

Full Services Available 440-327-7214 Jason E. Davis
-Complete Crane Service-
• Maintenance • Fertilization • Design / Build 35494 Lorain Rd, N. Ridgeville, Oh 44039
• Patios • Walkways “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” Tree/Stump Removal
(440) 235-YARD (9273)
Tree Trimming, Firewood “FREE ESTIMATES”
Bonded & Insured
Edwards Mobile Mower Repair 440-324-4321 SERVICES:
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035
“Let us come to you” •Plumbing Repairs Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
•Sewer & Drain Cleaning
April & May Tune-Up Specials •Electronic Locating ARBOR CARE TREE
•Video Camera Inspection
Self-Propelled mowers & Riders •Sewer Excavation • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
Call for details • 113 Ft. Crane
30 Years Experience Personal Plumber Service Corp.
Service • Parts• Mobile Repair • Removal, Trimming, Firewood
440-315-8855 SERVICE Any Service Triple Shredded Mulch

“33 years of doing it right” OH LIC #21372 Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member

BULK LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Expires 4/30/15. Not valid with any other offer. 440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675

Topsoil •Black Leaf Humus •Sweet Peet WATERPROOFING

•Gravel •Boulders •Flat Rock
•Straw •Sand •Limestone •Grass Seed Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services “Stop the water before it stops you!”
Picked Up or Delivered •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
Large & Small Loads Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available
34020 Royalton Rd. Eaton Twp. •New Work •Replacement •Repairs •Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement

THREE-Z-INC. •Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation 440-327-3433
1-888-524-4544 •Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped

BROWN’S DESIGN LANDSCAPING INC. & NURSERY State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response • Waterproofing
• Foundation Repair
Family owned & operated over 27 yrs. D.W.V. • Gas Lines • Water Lines
1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features, Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Fixtures • Backhoe Work • Yard Drainage
• Excavating
Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certi?ed, Residential • Industrial • Commercial
Irrigation Installation & Service 24 HOUR SERVICE • Sewer Replacement
State ID# 19467
12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642 Edward Logar ODOT Certified 440.773.3040

Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc. Off: 330-483-0055 7424 Crocker Rd.
Cell: 216-970-1910
Residential ~ Commercial Valley City, OH 44280
Installation - New Lawns/Hydroseed • Lawn Cutting • Patios

Retaining Walls • Ponds • Waterfalls • Grading Work

Call: 440-748-1333



• Metal Roofs & Seamless Metal Gutters All Types • Metal Roof Coatings
• Shingles & Siding • Pole Barns - Roof & Repair • Residential/Commercial
• Bonded/Insured • BBB/Angies List • Quality Professional Workmanship

Cell: 216-402-2470 / 216-403-2965

Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 20, 2015

MSRP $699 MSRP $899 MSRP $479 MSRP $389

$599* $849 $399* $349*

Honda HRX Lawn Mowers feature the 4-in-1 Sys- Honda HRR Lawn Mowers feature the 3-in-1 Honda HRS Lawn Mowers are a great value, featuring
tem with Clip Director. Mulch, bag, leaf shread or System with Clip Director. Mulch, bag or push or self-propelled, 21” heavy duty steel deck, and
discharge.—No tools, no attachments! discharge—no tools, no attachments! a Honda premium residential GCV 160 engine!

Keep Rollin’ with Polen!

42255 Oberlin Elyria Road

Elyria, Ohio 44035


*Minimum Advertised Price. †The Honda One Year Extended Warranty Event offer is good on all Honda HRS, HRR and HRX Series purchased March 1st
through May 31st, 2015. See your Authorized Honda Power Equipment Dealer for full details. Please read the owner’s manual before operating your Honda Pow-
er Equipment and never use in a closed or partly enclosed area where you could be exposed to odorless, poisonous carbon monoxide. ©2015 American Honda Motor Co., Inc.



OF $499 & UP

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