TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
Volume 60, No. 43 Columbia Station, Ohio May 4, 2015
just diagnosed with The video was placed on
the Internet in late Decem-
Autism. Whary is ber. It has since gone viral On Monday,
and global. It has been April 20, Sena-
Autistic. He chose viewed more than 27,500 tor Gayle Man-
times in more than 155 ning braved the
the project because countries. It was trans- weather to pres-
lated into Mandarin and ent a check for
he wanted to give Arabic. The Whary family $28,000 from
has received letters and e- the State of Ohio
parents hope, so mails from parents across to the Columbia
the United States, England Historical So-
they can get over and France in response to ciety. Senator
the video. Whary has been Manning was
their grief sooner featured on WKYC, Fox instrumental in
8 and on Romona’s Kids. assisting them
and seek help and He has been the subject in ?nding avail-
of several Internet blogs, able funds. With
education. Early including Yahoo Health, her help and our
autism sites and several member Sharon Receiving the check from Senator Manning are Past President Mary
education has been national and international Waldecker (who Melnyk on the left and Vice President Ken Roth.
Boy Scout web sites. wrote the grant request in getting the funds. With continue the Blockhouse
the key to Whary’s with input from Mary and these funds, the Histori- project and “Blockhouse
Whary, a sophomore Ken),theyweresuccessful cal Society will be able to Days” in September.
Eagle Scout Michael Whary success. The video at Midview High School,
project was nine is an honor student tak- Two years ago, twenty elementary aged children, along with six educators and
ing advanced classes. He community members, were killed in a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in
Michael Whary of months in the making plays the trumpet for the Connecticut. Wanting to do everything they could to prevent a similar tragedy from
Midview Blue Marching happening to other parents, Sandy Hook parents and supporters formed the national
Grafton became an Eagle and is approximately 13 and Concert Bands and the non-pro?t Sandy Hook Promise.
Swingin Blues Jazz Band.
Scout during a Court of minutes long. It features a He is the son of Kim and On May 14, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., Mark Barden of Sandy Hook Promise, who lost
Judi Whary of Grafton. his son in this tragedy, will present the ?rst of two topics at the “Keeping Our Children
Honor ceremony on April message to parents which Safe” discussion. Mr. Barden will speak from personal experience and will share a
video documentary from Sandy Hook Promise that depicts dangers associated with
11. Whary, 16, earned 45 captures what it feels like gun violence. The message is not about gun restriction, rather Sandy Hook Promise
believes that the best way to stop gun violence is to stop talking about just the gun.
merit badges, (21 are re- to receive the diagnosis, Mr. Barden and his colleagues will talk about programs and action steps that parents
can take immediately to promote mental wellness in children and early identi?cation
quired for Eagle Scout) mentions famous people of children who may need help.
during just more than four thought to have Autism, Because today’s youth face dangers in both the real and digital world, Mr. Barden’s
discussion will be complimented by a powerful presentation from Dr. Tim Conrad
years of being a boy scout shows Whary answering and Of?cer Don Stanko, authors of Digital Danger: If You Think Your Kid is Safe
Online, Think Again. This presentation will offer eye-opening information about the
with Troop 120 in Elyria. questions about living types of risks that our children face across the different social media platforms and
will provide parents with the information that is needed to protect their children in the
Whary has also served the with Autism and giving digital realm.
Troop as the bugler, web a lip-synch performance Keeping Our Children Safe is open to the public and is sponsored by the Lorain
County Board of Mental Health. Check in begins at 6 p.m. at the Spitzer Center of Lo-
master, den chief, camp of Katy Perry’s “Roar,” rain County Community College and the program is from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Due to the
nature of the material being discussed, those under eighteen will not be permitted.
counselor, assistant patrol accompanied by friends
According to Kathleen Kern, Associate Director for the Lorain County Board of
leader and patrol leader. and students from the Mental Health, “The idea for this forum originated with the Suicide Prevention Coali-
tion of Lorain County, whose members recognized that many parents lack informa-
His Eagle Scout project Children’s Development tion about the risks faced by their children on a daily basis.”
was a video aimed at par- Center in Amherst, where “Youth growing up today are facing new and different dangers that their parents
may not have experienced as children. The goal of this forum is not only to educate
ents whose children were Whary has taken classes. parents about these dangers, but to equip parents with the tools they will need to keep
their children safe,” she added.
The Silent Witness Exhibit - On display at the LCCC Wellington Center May 4-8.
The Silent Witness Exhibit is an effort to raise awareness about the magnitude of do- Light refreshments will be provided at this free event and registration is required.
mestic homicide. Genesis House has created a life-sized silhouette representing each To register, please call the Lorain County Board of Mental Health at (440) 233-2020
victim of domestic homicide in Lorain County from 1989 to the present - 33 in all. (x4225) or email the names of those registering to Vinaida Reyna at vreyna@lcmhb.
Call (440) 647-1776 for building hours. org.
Mental Health First Aid Classes - The LCCC Wellington Center will be hosting a
free 8-hr. Mental Health First Aid Class, offered through the Lorain County Board of
Mental Health, as an initiative of the The Nord Family Foundation. The class is split
into two days of 4-hour classes on May 11 & 13, from 1-5 p.m. For more information
or to RSVP, please call the LCCC Wellington Center at (440) 647-1776.
Personal Protection Awareness Class - The LCCC Wellington Center is hosting
a free night of learning for your own personal protection and awareness. This class
will be held on May 20, at 6 p.m, and will last at least 3 hours. All material will be
presented by Wellington Police Chief Bar?eld. The class has a maximum capacity of
20. Please call (440) 647-1776 to reserve your seat!
On Saturday, May 9, the National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 196, will
again help “Stamp Out Hunger!” across America.
As good as the drive has been, we must do better this year. Local food pantries and
food banks are trying to feed more families than ever. Please consider adding an extra
can or two of no-perishable food items to your donation! They are asking residents to
leave their donation in a bag by their mailbox before the mail is delivered. Your letter
carrier will be doing double duty that day and will pick up your food donation and de-
liver it to the local food pantry.
The letter carriers of Branch 196 will be picking up donations in Elyria, North Rid-
geville, Grafton, Wellington and Oberlin. Please help them to once again make this
one-day food drive a huge success!
Community Directory Carlisle............ 20 Grafton................... 14 North Ridgeville. ... 17 SENIOR LIVING...... 5
Columbia.......... 2 Grafton Twp.......... 16 Wellington.............. 18 MOTHER’S DAY...... 12-13
Eaton............... 9 LaGrange.............. 11 Churches ................ 8
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Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 PTA Mother & Son Dance We are always looking please feel free to call me at
to improve the quality of the (440) 236-5008, email ban-
WEEKLY CALENDAR Having fun with mom! school district and the services [email protected] or
Monday, May 4: we provide. If you have a sug- on twitter at @graigbansek.
Columbia Board of Trustees will hold their meeting tonight The 1st annual Columbia PTA Mother & Son Dance was a gestion, question or comment,
at the town hall. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Everyone is success! A big thank you to the 150 couples that attended the
welcome to attend. event hosted by the Columbia P.T.A. on Friday, April 24. The Columbia Garden Club Plant Sale
Wednesday, May 6: evening was very enjoyable for all who attended. They will cer-
Columbia Reservation is taking a “May?ower” hike today tainly be hosting this event again next year. On Thursday, May 14, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Columbia Garden
from 10-11:30 a.m. They will be on the search for wild?owers. Club’s annual Plant Sale will be held in Columbia Park. It will be
This is a level 2 hike. Everyone is welcome to attend this free Thank you to the following businesses and families for do- in the pavilion closest to Rt. 82. They will have perennial ?ow-
program. nating their services, snacks and drinks: Music for all Occasions ers, ground cover and hostas. All the plants have been grown by
CHS Key Club is sponsoring the Senior Citizens Breakfast - Chris Gehr; Hazel Eyes Photography - Kelly Milluzzi; Precious members so they will survive in your garden. Lots of plants at
this morning at 8:30 a.m. in the high school cafeteria. Reserva- Petals - Melinda Heidecker; A&J Distribution, Quality Vending great prices!
tions need to be made with the high school of?ce by Monday, Services - Angelo Ibarra; Laura Cirigliano, Realtor - Century 21
May 4, at 3 p.m. Homestar; Budget Self Storage - Dan & Mandie Andrews; The For more information on the sale, call Rose Ann at (440) 236-
Thursday, May 7: Adams Family, The Sayles Family, The Nichols Family, The 5440.
Columbia Zoning Commission will meet tonight at the town Riley Family, The Bibby -Shelpman Family, The Elliott Fam-
hall beginning at 6:30 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. ily, The Coleman Family, The Payne-Dennison Family and the Letters to the Editor
Columbia Athletic Boosters will meet tonight in CHS room Chaperones - Valerie Templeton, Alecia Coffman, Deb Grzywna
18 at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. & Kathy Bibby. To the Editor:
It grew, and so did the mess. You know really, what makes
CHS Weekly Calendar Columbia Schools one want to move and live in another state or city. Some say
Superintendent Graig Bansek schools. Not me. I look at what you get for the price you pay
Monday, May 4: to live there. The taxes for the lifestyle you pay a year. Wow,
11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Prom/AfterProm ticket sales. Tuesday, May 5, is Elec- teachers and support staff for we don’t even have a sheriff department. I say instead of all our
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Lutheran West V-A, JV-H. tion Day. All precincts will their commitment to children money going to schools, lets put a sheriff dept. back on the ballot.
Tuesday, May 5: cast their votes at Lighthouse and for their contributions to Do you read in The Rural-Urban at the crime rates in Columbia?
11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Prom/AfterProm ticket sales. Bible Church, located at our community. The entire Have you driven up and down some of these roads and really see
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball- Lutheran West V-H, JV-A. 24050 Royalton Road. Polls staff makes a difference in the how some people and businesses look? Lets clean up this town
6 p.m. Band Booster meeting. are open from 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 lives of every student. They and be known as a desirable place to live with high real estate,
7 p.m. After Prom committee meeting. p.m. CLSD has two issues on are role models for all youth. not foreclosures. It’s the land of the Free. No building inspec-
Wednesday, May 6: the ballot: Issue #11 and Issue Their job is dif?cult and their tor, no sheriff, businesses running on residential lots, not com-
8:45 a.m. Senior Citizens Breakfast. #12. Both issues are renewals responsibility great. The staff mercial. People living in campers and tents because the home is
11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Prom/AfterProm ticket sales. and no new taxes. Thank you literally holds the future of our un?t; their yard is a land dump, really.
7 p.m. Percussion Ensemble Concert - CMS cafeteria. for supporting Columbia Lo- children in their hands. The I want to personally tell Mr.. Maddox, the gentleman who
Thursday, May 7: cal Schools! education our children receive purchased Copopa, our historical landmark, what a great job re-
11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Prom/AfterProm ticket sales. today will lead to their success habbing that building. Keep in mind, that could have been very
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Keystone V-A, JV-H. CLSD will have an insert in later in life. The staff not only cost ef?cient for us to put money towards that school. But no, we
7 p.m. Pops Concert - gym. this week’s Rural-Urban Re- teaches, they serve as mentors, have to build another. Again more money for the schools. Sad but
7 p.m. Columbia Athletic Booster mtg. cord. Raider Re?ections will role models and con?dants for true. Sincerely, Good Luck.
Friday, May 8: be distributed three times a our children. Please ?nd time Life-long resident, Suzzie Rutherford, Columbia Station
11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Prom/AfterProm ticket sales. year beginning in the 2015/16 to say thank you to the staff
4:30 p.m. JV Softball at North Royalton. school year. It highlights the during the week. All CLSD To the Editor:
5 p.m. Baseball/Rocky River V-A, JV-H. great things that are happen- staff should be commended Some good reasons to vote NO on May 5, which the “vote
7:30 p.m. Soccer Wing Night Fund-raiser at Tony K’s ing in our schools. Please take for a job well done through- yes supporters” failed to point out. Issue 4, the Library renewal
Saturday, May 9: a moment to browse through out this school year. With of 1.74 mills, and Issues 11 and 12 for the Columbia Schools, for
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday School. it. I would like to thank Eliza- your continued hard work and a combined 5.13 mills add up to a total of 6.87 mills. If you own
beth Becher and her multime- determination, Columbia Lo- a $100,000 home, this will continue to cost you about $200 per
Food Pantry dia class for designing, editing cal Schools will continue to year. If you vote NO, you will receive a tax cut of about $200
and completing this newslet- be one of the best districts in per year. You will need this money to pay for taxes that the Fire
The May food distribution at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church ter. Great job! Lorain County. Thank you to Department and the Road Maintenance Department will be ask-
will be on Monday, May 4, from 4-5:30 p.m. The church is lo- each staff member for helping ing for in November. Taxes will not stop there. The out of control
cated at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Township. The food, I am pleased to announce to build a brighter future one housing growth in Columbia Station will force us to become a
from the Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio in that Tammy Olah, Assistant to student at a time. City instead of a Township. City taxes will really spiral out of
Lorain, is available to residents of Columbia, Grafton and Eaton. the Treasurer/Payroll and Ben- control. We can ?x this mess. If the housing developers want to
Recipients must be eligible according to Ohio Job and Family e?ts, has been selected as the continue to build in Columbia Station, have them pay a $20,000
Services guidelines and bring proof of address, such as a current recipient of our March 2015 tax for each unit they build. They are responsible for the need of
utility bill and a photo ID. For more information, or to determine Raider Nation Excellence higher taxes, overcrowed developments and traf?c jams. Wel-
eligibility, phone the church of?ce at 440-236-5095, Monday Award. She was nominated come to Strongsville West.
through Friday between 9a.m.-noon. by Pat Eddy. I would also like H. Sigmund, Columbia Station
to recognize Science Fair Co-
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Ag- ordinator Becky Karl, nomi- Columbia K-8 lunch menu
riculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating nated by Elizabeth Becher, for
on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. always going above and be- Week of 5/11-5/15:
yond. Congratulations to the Monday: Breakfast - pancakes. Lunch - Choice of popcorn
ULLRICHColumCboAimapSantyation both of you. chicken w/roll, American sub, crispy chicken wrap, chef salad
Lawncare Systems, Inc. and mashed potatoes.
The State of the Schools Tuesday: Breakfast - breakfast pizza. Lunch - Choice of All
(440) 236-9117 is now available on our web- American burger, American sub, crispy chicken wrap, chef salad
“We Specialize in Large Lawns at Reasonable Prices” site at www.columbia.k12. and fries. I want to thank the Wednesday: Breakfast - Pancake on a stick. Lunch - Choice
Family owned & operated since 1975! administrative team for doing of Chicago dog, American sub, crispy chicken wrap, chef salad
an outstanding job highlight- and corn.
• Custom Granular Fertilization • Weed Control ing their buildings. We have Thursday: Breakfast - Breakfast bagel. Lunch - Choice of
tremendous students and staff. Walking taco Doritos, American sub, crispy chicken wrap, chef
Thanks to all of you that at- salad and refried beans.
tended this important evening. Friday: Breakfast - French toast. Lunch - Choice of Mrs. Run-
dle’s Pizza, American sub, crispy chicken wrap, chef salad and
May 4-8 is Annual Staff green beans.
Appreciation Week. It is a
• Grub Control • Insect/Disease Control week to pay tribute to our
teachers and support staff. We
New Customers need to take this opportunity
to recognize and thank them
$20 off * Your First Application for dedicating their lives to the
education of our children. The responsibility of educating stu-
dents makes teaching one of
J&J Greenhouse the most important jobs there
“We Grow On You” is. The work of the dedicated
people in CLSD is priceless.
Mother’s Day Week Special!! Teacher and staff apprecia-
tion week presents a wonder-
(Monday May 4 Thru Sunday May 10) ful opportunity to thank the
Kids 10 years and under
Come in & plant your very own GIft
Flower Planter for Mom - Only $5
Buy 4 Flats of Flowers or Vegetables or 10”
Hanging Baskets or Flower Pouches
Then Get 5th One FREE!!!
~Stamp Card Available~
Annuals • Perennials • Hanging Baskets
Geraniums • 4 ½” Pot Fillers • Roses • Soils
26240 Folley Rd., Columbia Station
Directions or info 440-236-8762
OPEN 7 DAYS • Hrs: Mon-Sat 9-8;
Sun 9-6 • Visa/Mastercard/Discover
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Page 3
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Together we can stop diabetes, One Step at a Time. For more into a “Tape Town!” Children ages 2-6 can come crawl around
information about diabetes, contact the local ADA of?ce at 1- pushing their little vehicles down Library Lane and Book Boule-
CHS Music Concert 888-DIABETES, or write American Diabetes Association, 4500 vard. Colored tape will mark the roads. Also enjoy games, toys,
Rockside Rd., #440, Independence, Ohio, 44131. stories and snacks. Pre-registration is required.
The Columbia High School Music Department invites you to
their last concert of the school year on Thursday, May 7, at 7 p.m. Valley City Garden Club Adult Book Discussion -Discuss The Obituary Writer by Ann
An enjoyable selection of Pop Music will be performed. As al- Hood on Monday, May 18, at 1 p.m. This novel - part mystery,
ways, the concert is free and open to everyone! Come and enjoy The Valley City Garden Club is having their annual Plant Sale part romance - tells the story of two women living in different
a delightful evening of music at Columbia High School. on Saturday, May 16, at the historical Train Depot Museum, lo- eras and the surprising, life-changing connection between them.
cated at 6615 Center Rd. (State Route 303), in downtown Valley Copies of the book are available at the library.
Ladies’ Morning Golf League City. The sale will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until all plants
are sold. Plants of all types (mostly grown by club members) will The Whole Nickelodeon Gang is Here! - Download eBooks
The Creekwood Whackers Women's League will begin in be available at very reasonable prices. Included are seedlings, starring your favorite Nickelodeon characters from the Lorain
May. Their tee time is at 10 a.m. on Wednesday mornings at herbs, vegetables, ground covers, annuals, perennials, bushes, Public Library System! Visit the eLibrary on LorainPublicLi-
Creekwood Golf Course, playing nine holes. May 6 & 13 will trees and other garden-related items. Proceeds from the sale and look for the OverDrive eBook service. There you
be practice days, with the of?cial start on May 20. If you would help fund club community activities and speaker fees. For more can enjoy interactive stories with the Teenage Mutant Ninja
like more information about gol?ng with a nice group of ladies, information, call Pat Dohoda (330) 483-4449. Turtles, SpongeBob, Dora the Explorer and more! For more in-
please call (216) 970-0764. Creekwood Golf Course is located at formation, call the Lorain Public Library System at 1-800-322-
9691 North Reed Road, in Columbia Station. Attention CHS seniors READ.
Civil War event The Class of 2015 Senior Panoramic Picture will be taken on Information and registration for all programs is available
Friday, May 15, at 7:25 a.m before the senior breakfast. Extra online at or by calling the Columbia
Confederate Captain Henry Wirz is on trial for his life. As picture forms are available in the main of?ce. You must be in Library at (440) 236-8751. The Columbia Library is located at
Commandant of the South’s Andersonville Prison, he is being attendance at the senior breakfast to be eligible to attend prom 13824 W. River Road North.
tried for his crimes against Union prisoners. Come and witness in the evening.
a live reenactment of this actual 1865 trial. The actors are all Marco seeks loving home
members of the Courthouse Players, a group of active lawyers Columbia Library events
and judges from the Canton area. Marco The shelter is lo-
Alterna-Prom - Fancy dress is completely optional on Marco is a great cat that cated at 8303 Murray
The event is one night only, Thursday, May 14, at 7 p.m., and Wednesday, May 6, at 6 p.m. Whether you’re going to miss prom loves attention. This friendly Ridge Road, in Elyria.
runs slightly over 1-1/2 hours. It is being held at the Liverpool or you just can’t get enough, the library has you covered! No 5-year-old was abandoned Their hours are from 11
Community Center (old school gym), 6801 School St., in Valley ticket or date is required for the library’s ?rst event of this kind. on a porch. Please give him a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Mon-
City (handicapped accessible). Tickets are $5 and are available Come for music, food and games. the home he deserves. If you day, Friday & Saturday;
at the door or in advance at the Liverpool Township Of?ce (same would like to give Marco a from 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
address). For more info., call Liverpool Twp. Historical Society Dino Dig - Time to do some digging! Children ages 4 through loving, forever home, please on Tuesday & Thursday;
at (330) 483-3707 or visit 10 are invited to take part in a dinosaur excavation on Thursday, call the Friendship Animal and from 11 a.m.-2:30
May 7, at 4:30 p.m. Kids will learn about fossils and enjoy sto- Protective League at (440) p.m. on Sunday. Adop-
American Diabetes ries, games and crafts. 322-4321. tion fees are $10 for 1
Step Out Walk registration ( year and older and $40
Mother’s Day Mad Hatter Tea Party - Grab your tea hat and for less than 1 year old. All
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) reminds walkers boa! The Library is having a Mother’s Day Tea Party - Alice cats have been spayed or neu-
and supporters that the 2015 Step Out: Cleveland Walk to STOP in Wonderland style! Mothers and daughters, grandmothers and tered, vaccinated, dewormed
Diabetes online registration is open at granddaughters, aunts and nieces are invited to this special event and have tested negative for
stepoutcleveland. The local of?ce of the ADA provides support on Saturday, May 9, at 11:30 a.m. Pre-registration is required. FeLV. Friendship APL is a
for 22 counties in the Northeast Ohio area. The Cleveland Step private, non-pro?t humane
Out Walk is scheduled for Saturday, October 3, at the Cuyahoga Family Pizza And Movie Night - Grab a slice and try to solve society. They depend on the
County Fairgrounds, 164 Eastland Road, in Berea. a mystery with some high-tech heroes on Tuesday, May 12, at 5 generosity and ?nancial sup-
p.m. The whole family is invited to enjoy dinner and a PG-rated port of the public to serve the
Day of event check-in -Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., with hit movie. Pre-registration is required. people and animals of Lorain
a 10:15 a.m. start time. Registrants can join the ADA’s Step Out County.
Walk event as individuals, friends and family teams, corporate Stained Glass Art - Create a stained glass decoration! This
teams, club and organization teams and associates. Anyone in- series will take part on two days - Wednesday, May 13, at 6 p.m.
terested in registration without computer/internet access can call and Friday, May 15, at 4 p.m. Teens and adults are welcome.
the ADA of?ce at 1-888-DIABETES (342-2383) and request All materials will be provided but if you’d like, you may bring
Step Out Walk registration materials. Registrants will receive in a picture frame (with the glass plate) or even an old window.
informational welcome packets, and Team Captains will receive Otherwise, there will be an assortment of frames from which to
recruitment and support materials. choose. Pre-registration is required.
Tape Town Party - Bring your favorite cars and trucks on
Thursday, May 14, at 4:30 p.m. The library is being transformed
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Page 5
Meals-On-Wheels Hidden Treasures at the for the sale should contact the small and major appliances,
available to area seniors Hospice Warehouse Sale Warehouse Sale Team at 800- medical supplies, sporting
707-8922 ext. 6881. goods, children’s toys and
The North Ridgeville Office for Older Adults (Senior Cen- On May 15-16, Hospice Donations of Furniture and games, computers and relat-
ter) offers a Meals-On-Wheels program to seniors 60 years of the Western Reserve will Household Goods Sought for NOTE: The agency is un- ed hardware, mattresses and
and older. A hot, nutritious meal is delivered right to your door have their Warehouse Sale. Sale - Hospice of the West- able to accept bedding, box springs, televisions and
Monday through Friday (or weekdays of your choosing). Each No matter what you’re look- ern Reserve is also actively books, clothing, cribs and stuffed animals.
meal is delivered before noon and contains a hot entrée, bread ing for, you’ll find it here: seeking donations of furniture car seats, small electronics,
and a cup of fruit or gelatin. furniture, artwork, china sets, and household goods for the
lamps, linens, glassware, hol- Warehouse Sale. All furniture Senior Center Super
This service does not accommodate special diets; however, iday decorations, collectibles items will be previewed prior
each meal is low in sodium and low in sugar. The price for a and much more. to acceptance for donation; Thursday Lunch
meal is $3.25. However, a sliding scale is offered so no one is tax receipts will be provided.
ever turned away for the inability to pay. Proceeds from the sale Arrangements can be made Come have fellowship, fun and a delicious lunch with won-
support seriously ill patients to pick up large furniture or derful entertainment at the North Ridgeville Senior Center on
Through Meals-On-Wheels, the elderly are able to stay in and their families, veterans fragile donations from any- Thursday, May 14, at their Super Thursday Luncheon. Enter-
their homes and maintain their independence longer. Often in need of specialized care, where in Northeast Ohio at no tainment after the luncheon will be the beautiful sounds of the
times, these volunteer drivers are the only people someone grief and trauma counseling cost to the donor, though they North Ridgeville High School Spectrum of Sound Show Choir.
may see that day. In addition to the meal, this program offers a in schools and other commu- gladly accept monetary dona-
daily check-in to make sure seniors staying in their homes are nity-based programs provided tions to help defray the cost of All seniors are invited to this special luncheon with a hearty
okay. by this non-profit agency. furniture transport. Those in- meal of beef tips over noodles, salad, dessert and beverage.
terested in contributing items Lunch and entertainment are all included for the low price of
Friendly and courteous volunteer drivers pick up the meals, The sale will be held Fri- just $5 (and no tip). Reservations are a must by calling (440)
prepared each morning at the Senior Center by the kitchen staff, day, May 15, from 8 a.m.-4 353-0828 by Tuesday, May 12.
and deliver them to the areas served by the Office for Older p.m. and Saturday, May 16,
Adults, including: N. Ridgeville and the Townships of Carlisle, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at Hos- You do not have to be a member of the Senior Center to
Columbia, Eaton, Grafton and LaGrange. pice of the Western Reserve enjoy this wonderful afternoon, but reservations are necessary.
Headquarters, 17876 St. Clair
Thanks to the dedication and support of the local community Ave., Cleveland 44110. Cash
and all the wonderful volunteer drivers, the North Ridgeville Of- and major credit cards (VISA,
fice for Older Adults (Senior Center) is pleased to offer this ser- MasterCard and Discover)
vice and provide over 200 hot meals a week and some special are accepted for payment (no
treats to these special homebound seniors. checks).
For additional information or to sign up for Meals-On-
Wheels, please give the Office for Older Adults a call at (440)
Mother’s Day Gift
I believe in... FAMILY FIRST
love at ?rst sight CAREGIVERS
because I’ve been loving my mother
since I opened my eyes... Friendly & Professional
Senior Caring
Kryszak & Associates, Co., LPA
Attorneys at Law
At Kryszak & Associates, Co., LPA, our Mission is to deliver
personalized, quality legal services, resulting in long-lasting
relationships with our clients. The size of our firm and many years
of legal experience allow us to fulfill our mission on a daily basis.
Estate Planning • Estate and Trust Administration• Elder Law Attorney
Personal Injury • Appellate Law • Real Estate Andrea C. Kryszak
Foreclosure • Employment • Business Law
We now have 2 convenient locations in Sheffield Village, Ohio,
near Lorain County Community College and in downtown Grafton,
Ohio. Our offices are handicap-accessible and parking is readily
available. Our Sheffield Village office hours are Monday through
Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and our Grafton office hours are by
appointment only. We can also accommodate clients by meeting
after normal business hours or at a client’s residence, if needed.
5330 Meadow Lane Court, Suite 943-1/2 Main Street Kathleen M. Amerkhanian
A Sheffield Village, Ohio 44035 Grafton, Ohio 44044
440-934-5330 440-926-3818
888-934-5330 (by appointment only)
We Look Forward to Meeting You! Attorney
Paula A. Kuhn
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015
Professional Profile
Motivational Guidance to a Happier, Healthier You It’s Your Time To:
440-371-3660 • Reduce Your Stress & Anxiety • Sleep Better • Lose weight
• Lower Your Blood Pressure • Manage Your Pain & Addictions
[email protected] “Become a Happier, Healthier You!”
Call or visit us online to learn more. Relaxation exercises and mindful meditation can be learned on your own, but
Follow us on Facebook & Twitter with the guidance of an experienced facilitator your process will be greatly en-
riched. Helping you calm your mind and emotions to manage and reduce the
P.O. Box 142, Elyria, OH 44036 stress in your life.
Serene Intentions Meet & Greet
Sunday May 3, from 12-1 p.m.
Free Relaxation Meditation Session 1-2 p.m.
at LagrangeYoga/Tiger Martial Arts
Sentinel Square (IGA Plaza)
Soulcollage® Workshop
May 16 & 17, from 2-6 p.m. in Elyria
SoulCollage® is a fun creative
self-discovery process of
personal reflection!
No art experience is necessary!
Call or visit us online to learn more.
(Benefits will vary by individual and participation.)
Motivational Life Guidance Session
Corporate Wellness Programs
SoulCollage® Workshop
Public Group Relaxation Mindful Meditation
RIVER FLOORS Northern Ohio’s Premier Manufactured $10 off
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Ceramic • Hardwood • Carpet •Swimming Pool of Elyria with $40
and Luxury Vinyl Tile •Community Center 440-366-0665 Purchase
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P: 440-748-2813 •New & Pre-owned Homes
•Rentals •Pet Friendly
33623 Royalton Rd. C: 440-724-6852 Time to get out and play with one of our
440-324-2400 | 1800 Lorain Blvd - Elyria
Columbia Station Ohio 44028 F: 440-748-2841 many waterproof RC trucks, RC Helicopters
Free or RC planes & dozens of Drones.
831 Chestnut Commons • Elyria
www.river? 440-366-0665 ~
Hours: M-F 11-8 • Sat. 11-6 • Sun. 12-5
* Now Available * Reduce Your Stress! Alternators • Generators
Starters • Batteries
“Become a Happier, Healthier You!”
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Pick up or Delivery • Sleep Better • Lose Weight Serviced & Repaired.
• Manage Your Pain & Addictions
11847 Avon Belden Rd. Mulch • Topsoil • Stone
Seed • Fertilizer • Lower Your Blood Pressure
(Benefits will vary by individual and participation)
Full Services Available AUTO - TRUCK ELECTRIC
Guided Meditation - Motivational Life Guidance Starting and Charging Specialists
• Maintenance • Fertilization • Design / Build Corporate Wellness Programs - SoulCollage® Facilitator
• Patios • Walkways Specializing In:
Call or visit us online to learn more.
(440) 235-YARD (9273) Follow us on Facebook & Twitter Agricultural • Automotive • Industrial • Marine • Vintage
Monday - Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm Heather ~ 440-371-3660 P: 440-774-2863 43337 Parsons Rd
Motivational Guidance to a Happier, Healthier You [email protected] F: 440-774-3407 Oberlin, OH 44074
BURNETT’S Funerals Shouldn’t
Stinkin’ Business” INSURED up to 60%
BASEMENT WALL CRACKS 440-355-5526 AERATOR MOTORS on their final expenses.
800-511-3419 REPAIRED Call or visit us online to learn more.
~ OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ FAX 440-355-6170 120 Commerce Dr.
LaGrange, Ohio 44050 (330) 273-6001 or
JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Page 7
Professional Profile
Shop Village Jewelry & Repair for great gifts for Mom!
Jennifer, Landon & Scot Kuhns Scot Kuhns, owner and Jeweler of Professional and Diamond Graduate Cer-
Village Jewelry & Repair, invites you to ti?cates from the Gemological Institute of
shop locally and family owned for Moth- America, and his Jewelry Repair and Ad-
er’s Day. vanced Diamond Setting Certi?cates from
Drouhard National Jewelers’ School. He
Village Jewelry is a full service jewelry started his career in the jewelry business at
store, offering on premise jewelry as well Brandau Jewelers in Elyria. “In dealing with
as clock and watch repairs. They also of- customers in Lorain County for the last 11
fer unique one-of-a-kind jewelry at com- years, I noticed a need for a jeweler in the
petitive prices such as engagement rings, Grafton/LaGrange areas,” said Kuhns.
wedding bands, birthstone jewelry, Pulsar
watches and Howard Miller clocks. Re?ec- At Village Jewelry you will ?nd old fashion
tion bracelets designed to ?t most major no pressure service and quality merchan-
bead brands, or 24 karat dipped real ros- dise at very competitive prices. Working at
es are and excellent idea for this Mother’s Brandau Jewelers for several years instilled
Day. With commodity markets at record these ideals with Scot.
high levels, Village Jewelry is buying all
precious metal gold, silver and platinum. The store is located at 954 Main Street
Scot can also turn your medals and pre- in Grafton. You can visit the store on Tue.,
cious gems into something new with cus- Wed. & Fri. from 9-5 p.m., Thur. from 9-6
tom design jewelry; the possibilities are p.m. and Sat. from 9-1 p.m. The store is
endless with custom jewelry. closed on Sunday and Monday. The store
can be reached at (440) 926-0500.
Scot earned his accredited Jeweler
We Buy Gold, Silver and Platinum.
The store is located at 954 Main Street. The store can be reached at (440) 926-0500.
Blind Cleaning and Repair
• Horizontal and verticle blinds
• Metal, fabric, faux wood, wood, plastic
• Using ultrasonics or by hand
Let us clean and repair your blinds. Save money - drop
them off at our shop. Call for drop off appointment:
Delta Shine-A-Blind
682 West Bagley, #18 • Berea, OH 44017
• Metal Roofs & Seamless Metal Gutters All Types • Metal Roof Coatings Buying
• Shingles & Siding • Pole Barns - Roof & Repair • Residential/Commercial Gold
• Bonded/Insured • BBB/Angies List • Quality Professional Workmanship
954 Main Street | Grafton, OH 44044
Cell: 216-402-2470 / 216-403-2965 440-926-0500 |
-Products Rings, Necklaces, Watches, Clocks
Services - Jewelry, Clock and Watch Repair
Now Open at Our New Location
954 Main Street - Downtown Grafton
Tues, Wed, Fri 9 - 5pm; Thurs 9 - 6pm; Sat. 9 - 1pm; Closed Sun & Mon
Distinctive Loving Touch ® (440) 236-8825
Gravesite Care and Maintenance
Spring/Summer Gravesite cleanup starting at $49.00 NEW STANDARDS FOR LIVING™ FREE ESTIMATES ON
Edge & Trim Around Gravestone, RUNDLE
Clean and Detail Inscription, Cut
Overgrown Grass, Remove
Weeds and Twigs. OH LIC #14547
Mark J. Bollinger, President 2900 North Ridge Rd. Let us be there when you cannot Residential - Commercial
Heating - Air Conditioning - Air Cleaners - Humidi?ers
440-324-3371 Elyria, OH 44035
[email protected] Call: 440-858-7459
U.S.A.F Veteran Owner and Operator
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015
The Rural-Urban Record St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Our Lady Queen of Peace
Catholic Church
Published Weekly on Monday All are welcome at
COLUMBIA UNITED Weekend Masses Weekday
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter METHODIST God’s Table. Sat. 4:30pm Mass
Founders 1955 CHURCH 8:00am
Sunday Worship Schedule Sun. 8:30 & Chapel
Lee Boise, Publisher & President Worship Service
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 10:30 a.m. 8:30 am Quiet Communion Service 11:00am Mon.-Tues.
9:30 am Christian Education for all ages Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
Mailing Address: Sunday School 10:30 am Communion Service with Music
Sat. 3:30-
P.O. BOX 966 • COLUMBIA STATION, OH 44028 during Worship Service Children’s sermon at both services
Located at 24487 Squire Road, Columbia Station 25453 ROYALTON ROAD 300 3rd Street, Elyria, Ohio
COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO (440) 322-2126 ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198
Email: [email protected] Pastor Matt Merriman United Church of God NORTH
Website: 236-8822 Like us on Facebook 12981 Grafton Rd. EATON
[email protected] Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector CHURCH
News, Pictures and all ads - Wednesday 12 Noon Sabbath Services
OFFICE HOURS: St. Elizabeth Saturdays at 12:30 pm (Disciples)
“Welcome Home” Ann Seton
Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rt. 82 & 83
50¢ per copy at of?ce; Subscriptions $35 per year New Life Wesleyan Church Catholic Parish
GRAFTON UNITED 440-748-2230
TRINITY 11149 West River Rd, 25801 Royalton Rd. METHODIST CHURCH
Columbia Station Columbia Station, OH
LUTHERAN CHURCH SUNDAY 9 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
“We Celebrate Children” Worship Services
38307 W. Royalton Rd, Bible Study, Adults/Young Adults (Confession)
Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57) SUNDAY 10 AM Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. 8:45am Sunday School 8:00am & 9:30am
Anytime by Appointment 10:00am Worship
Adult Bible Study Worship & Children’s Church Sunday School
Sunday 9:15am WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM Weekend Masses 10:35am Children’s Church
Sunday Worship 10:30am Adult Study, Women’s Study, Sat. 5 p.m. Rev. Delaine McGhee, Pastor 10:45am
Children’s Sunday School
10:30am during Worship Teens, Kids Club Sun. 8 & 11 a.m. Sugar Ridge Baptist Church Polly Tallos
Church ph: 440-748-2154 Rev. Jim Carder,
Preschool ph: 440-748-3445 440-236-5095 36600 Sugar Ridge Rd., N. Ridgeville Christian Ed. & Youth Director Senior Pastor 440-327-946
Rev. John Ramsey II Rev. Steven Spaeth, Rev. Charles A. Butcher
Advertise your church or funeral home Associate Pastor All age Sunday School 10 am Pastor
on The Rural-Urban Record’s 440-236-8600
Sunday Worship 11 am & 6:30 pm
Church Page Wednesday Worship 7 pm
Call us for information on our Chicken Paprikash Dinner Red Cross Blood Drives
special rates for this page only.
LaPorte United Methodist Church will be having a The American Red Cross encourages eligible donors to
(special conditions apply) Chicken Paprikash Dinner on Saturday, May 9, from 5-7 give blood this May in honor of World Red Cross and Red
Call us at p.m. Dinner includes Chicken Paprikash and dumplings, Crescent Day on May 8, the birthday of International Red
green beans, roll and butter, homemade desserts and a bev- Cross and Red Crescent Movement founder, Henry Du-
440-236-8982 erage. Cost is $15 for adults, $6 for children 6-12 and chil- nant.
dren under 6 eat free. Tickets are available by calling the
Swiss Steak Dinner church of?ce at (440) 458-5717. Presale tickets are strongly To make an appointment to give blood, download the
suggested, however they will sell tickets at the door until Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or
Brighton United Methodist Church is having a Swiss dinners are sold out. All monies raised from the dinner will call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Those who are
Steak Dinner on May 5, from 5-8 p.m. Cost is $14 for go towards the 2015 SOWER Mission Trip, June 7-12. La- unable to give blood can support blood donations and invite
adults and carry-out meals, $7 for children 4-12 and free Porte United Methodist Church is located at 2071 Grafton others to make a lifesaving donation by creating a SleevesUp
for children under 4. The church is located at the corner of Road, in Elyria. virtual blood drive at
Rts. 18 and 511. All are welcome to attend!
Recovery Group Lorain County Drives
Community Dinner Avon Lake - 5/4/2015: 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., Avon
Church of the Open Door is pleased to announce that it Lake Public Library, 32649 Electric Blvd.
Community Dinners will be served from 5 to 6:30 p.m. has started the newest Celebrate Recovery group in Ohio. Oberlin - 5/4/2015: 3 p.m. - 8 p.m., Oberlin College Rec.
the second Saturday of each month at the Grafton United Open Door's group meets every Thursday at 7 p.m. at its Ctr., 200 Woodland St.
Methodist Church, located at 973 Mechanic St., in Grafton. Elyria campus at the corner of State Route 113 and West Elyria - 5/8/2015: 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., St Paul United Church
All are welcome at no charge. Ridge Road, in Elyria. Meetings are open to all. of Christ, 9715 East River Street and 5/9/2015: 9 a.m. - 1
p.m., Am. Red Cross Lorain County, 2929 West River Road
Luncheon & Fashion Show The purpose is to come together and celebrate God's North.
healing power over our hurts, hang-ups and habits through A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other
The Marian Circle of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church the 12 Steps and 8 Recovery Principles. This experience forms of identi?cation are required at check-in. Individu-
will host a Soup and Salad Luncheon and Fashion Show on allows us to be changed. By working and applying Bib- als who are 17 years of age (16 with parental consent in
Sunday, May 17, from 1-3 p.m. A local organization from lical principles, we begin to grow spiritually, and become some states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally
Strongsville will provide the entertainment with a Fashion free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional be- good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school
Show of gorgeous and thrifty clothing, showing us how to haviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also
dress well on a budget, regardless of size. A Soup and Salad importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and have to meet certain height and weight requirements.
luncheon is home-made, plentiful and delicious! The cost others.
is $5, or 3 canned goods to bene?t our local food banks. Move 2015 Men’s Walk
Reservations must be made by May 10. Please call (440) Men’s Senior Fellowship Club
236-5095 for directions and to RSVP. Move 2015 Men’s Walk - Where Courageous Men unify
All Lorain County retirees are welcome to attend the for today’s opportunities, will be held on Saturday, May 9.
Murder Mystery fund-raiser Men’s Senior Fellowship Club meetings. They meet Check-in is at 9:30 a.m. The Walk begins at 9:55 a.m. from
weekly at 9:30 a.m. at the Moose Family Center, located Medina High School, located at 739 Weymouth Rd., in Me-
A Country Western Murder Mystery and BBQ Dinner at 555 Ternes Blvd., in Elyria. Program schedule: May 5 dina, and ends at the Medina Public Square.
will be held at Grace Community Church, located at 12365 - Hearing and Dementia - Dr. Richard Hetsko. May 12
Grafton Rd., in Grafton, on May 16, from 6-9 p.m. Tickets - Home Instead Senior Care - Karin Walff. May 19 - Clev. For more information, to register for the walk ot view
are $30 each, with all proceeds going to the Missions Fund. Connection To Baseball Hall Of Fame - Jim Smith. May a map and itinerary, please visit the website: commis-
For tickets and more information, call (440) 458-6612. 26 - Lorain County Dept. of Aging - Carolyn Bishop. For
Seating is limited. information, call (440) 366-0452.
Spring Jubilee
Laubenthal Funeral
Services Pastor Neal Brock of Christian Unity Church, located
at 36353 Capel Road in Grafton, invites you to a Spring
Offering Forethought Jubilee. The Jubilee will be from May 4-8, at 7 p.m. nightly
Funeral Pre-Planning Special preaching and singing for all!
2089 Columbia Road
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035 Valley City, OH 44280
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 330-483-3300
Needed Most”
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled
Pre-Need Planning Available
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record
of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. --Corinthians 13:4-7
usage is expected. Matt asked the next 10 years, all homes RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Page 9
if there was news on surveil- (22,000) with septic systems
Eaton Township Dumpster Day lance cameras, and was told will require annual inspec- trustee no longer has a town- unhappy with response. She
information will be available tions. ship credit card. and the other resident both
The Eaton Township Dumpster Day and Spring Clean-up, for soon. described recurring problems
residents only, will be on Saturday, May 9, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Del reported the ?nal infor- Also speaking were 2 resi- with drainage.
There were no reports from mation from the Comprehen- dents of Eaton Estates who
Dumpster Day is a collection event to dispose of your large RLCWA or the Sheriff. sive Land Use Planning Com- were concerned about the ex- There was no Old or New
trash items that you would not normally put on the curb. This will mittee, which has met over cessive noise and about the Business.
be for one day only. Reed’s Salvage will participate in this spring Zoning Commission Chair- the last 8 months. Del thanked storm water drainage prob-
collection. No construction waste will be accepted; Household man Paul Hayward reported Eric Schmiedlin for the maps lems. The one resident spoke The meeting was adjourned
items only. For more information, call the Eaton Town Hall at that at their April 1 meeting, he produced, Ann Miller for to the sheriff’s dispatcher at 8:37 p.m. The next regular
(440) 748-2236. the Commission went over acting as Secretary and Mag- several times about the near trustee meeting will be at 7:30
the site plans presented by a gie Kelch for acting as an al- continuous gun?re, and felt p.m. on May 5 at the township
Public meeting on developer who wishes to build ternate which helped provide hall.
Willow Creek water study a retail building on Chest- the quorum required. The con-
nut Ridge. It would house a clusions are that there has been Child Immunization Clinics
A free public information meeting will be held at the Eaton Panera Bread and a Mattress little change in the township
Town Hall, located at 12043 Avon Belden Rd., on May 4, at 7 Firm. The plans were given during the last 5 years. About Immunizations will be available for anyone 18 years of age
p.m. A federal grant-funded study has been underway to develop thumbs up. The Commission 12 homes per year have been and under at the following Lorain County locations in May. All
a plan to help restore the water quality of the Willow Creek wa- also discussed the industrial built, but there is no informa- children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. It is also
tershed. This meeting will serve to present the outcome of the zoning, with the possibility of tion on how many have been important to bring the child’s current immunization record.
study and to review the top sites that have been selected for po- adding a heavy industry clas- abandoned or demolished.
tential restoration. si?cation. The new CLUP map is a com- -Tuesday, May 5, from 2:30-5 p.m. at Oberlin Library, 65
bination of the 2010 map and South Main Street, Oberlin.
Clothes Closet Zoning Inspector George the zoning changes that have
Anders reported that there taken place. The ?at land is -Wednesday, May 6, from 1-6 p.m. at Lorain County General
The monthly clothing ministry will take place on Monday, were 10 permits issued - 7 in a major concern in regards to Health District, 9880 Murray Ridge Road, Elyria.
May 4, from 5-7 p.m. at North Eaton Baptist Church. As always, residential districts, 2 in com- storm water management.
this is a free clothes giveaway. No documentation or papers mercial districts and 1 for a -Thursday, May 7, from 8:30-11 a.m. at Elyria City Health
needed. Anyone is welcome to attend. You are encouraged to fence, generating $443.20 for There was no Storm Wa- District, 202 Chestnut Street, Elyria.
bring a bag to collect the clothes you may ?nd. If you would the township. Several com- ter Management Committee
like to donate to the Clothes Closet, clothes can be dropped off plaints were received, the most report. -Wednesday, May 13, from 3-5:30 p.m. at Grafton Commu-
anytime at the church, located at 12109 S. Reed Rd. For more signi?cant being the trespass- nity Room, 1050 Novak Road, Grafton.
information, call (440) 748-2552. ing of some residents from Under Public Comment,
the Estates on surrounding former trustee Donna Hicks -Tuesday, May 19, from 4-6:30 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Catholic
properties and the continuous asked the Fiscal Of?cer why Church, 512 North Main Street, Wellington.
discharging of ?rearms. Ron she had so many voided
Russell has paid the $5,000 checks. Fran indicated that -Thursday, May 21, from 1-4 p.m. at Elyria City Health Dis-
fee required for consideration her new printer had given her trict, by appointment only, call (440) 323-7595.
of changing his property from problems. Donna then wanted
a Residential High Density to know why it seemed that -Tuesday, May 26, from 1:30-4 p.m. at Amherst VFW, 165
District to a Residential Dis- there were duplicate payments Cleveland Street, Amherst.
trict with a Cluster Overlay. being made. Donna asked
George also pointed out that about check #19259, where Adult Immunization Clinic: Tuesday, May 26, from 1-6 p.m.
Eaton Township is a zoned the township paid the town- at Lorain County General Health District. Adult immunization
township and permits are re- ship for a records request. clinics serve individuals 18 years of age and older. Please note
quired. If in doubt, call the Fran went to her of?ce to ?nd that prices vary by type of immunizations.
inspector and he will let you documentation. While she was
know if you need one. Fees gone, Matt was asked why For more information, contact the LCGHD at (440) 322-6367
are doubled if you fail to get couldn’t Fran just go and look or visit
a permit before starting your up the records herself. After
Eaton Township Trustees project. George then went further discussion, Donna Do you have a local business?
on to read a letter he received asked why one of the trustees
Eric Schmiedlin from the Panera developer, was using his township credit You should be advertising in
stating how helpful Township card for personal purchases. The Rural-Urban Record
Secretary Ann Miller had been After some discussion, it was
to them and they felt that she indicated that the money has Call us for affordable rates at
is a credit to the township. been recovered, and that the 440-236-8982
Before the April 21 regular visited the three possible Wil- Randy reported for the PUBLIC NOTICE
trustee meeting was called to low Creek restoration sites on Road & Bridge/Cemetery De-
order, Chairman Matt Hignett April 9. Their ?nal report will partments. There were 3 fu- The Lorain County Solid Waste
led those present in the Pledge be given at a public meeting nerals the last month, and the Management District is having
of Allegiance. Trustee Randy at the Eaton Township hall on crew had the mower equip- a meeting open to the public
Houston was also present. May 4, at 7 p.m. ment tuned up and it is ready regarding information on its District
to go. Market Development Grant on:
Minutes from the April 7 A package of information
regular meeting and the spe- from the Northeast Ohio Pub- The township representa-
cial meeting on April 11 were lic Energy Council (NOPEC) tive to LORCO, Del Roig, re-
approved. was received and the trustees ported that the Lorain County
were asked if they would like Health District informed
The ?rst motion under Richard to investigate further. LORCO at their last meet-
bookkeeping was the approval Richard will contact NOPEC ing that they would be hiring
to pay an invoice for $4245 about presenting information soil experts. Also, the current
from Gilgenbach for work to the trustees. The compost mound system will be avail-
performed on Eaton Blvd. site is now open on Satur- able one more year, but they
Fiscal Of?cer Fran Walker days from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The don’t know what they will re-
then asked for approval of spring Dumpster Day will be place it with. However, there
line items totaling $12,450. May 9 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. No will be no off-site discharge
Purchase orders 86-94 were hazardous waste will be ac- permitted. Some time over
also approved. Bills totaling cepted.
$88,495.12 were approved for
payment. Chris Hickman reported
for the Fire Dept. Truck 192
Assistant Administrator is currently out of service due
Richard Knechtges reported to oil discharging from the tail
that he was hoping for a much pipe. The lights in the station
larger Community Grant are being updated, and while
based on the availability of the men were up on the scis-
more money and the large in- sor lift, they also discovered a
crease of recycle tonnage that gas leak. A decrease in electric
was reported. EnviroScience
Tuesday May 5, 2015 at 6pm
Thursday May 14, 2015 at 10am
at Lorain County Admin Bldg.
226 Middle Ave.
4th Floor, Meeting Room D
Elyria, Ohio 44035
Non-pro?ts, local
governments and school
districts are encouraged
to attend.
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015
Schild’s LaGrange
540 N. Center, LaGrange
34981 Royalton Road, OH 44050 PRICES EFFECTIVE - MAY 2015
North Eaton, OH
8 am - 8 pm 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 am - 9 pm
8 am - 6 pm PHONE: 440-355-9920
PHONE: 440-748-3751 WIC APPROVED
LaGrange Lions Club stantial amount of information was clari?ed. Two of the most RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Page 11
commonly asked questions are outlined below.Please feel free to
The LaGrange Lions Club is in the process of ?nalizing plans contact me, Franco Gallo, at [email protected] KHS class of ‘85, 30 Year Reunion
for their annual Lions Festival, which is scheduled for July 23- or (440) 355-5132 or CFO Susan Bement at Susan.Bement@
25. They are planning to have Texas Hold 'em on Friday, July or at (440) 355-5131. The KHS class of 1985’s 30 Year Reunion will be held on
24, and Saturday, July 25. Music will be provided by Heartland. Saturday, June 20, from 5-11 p.m. at Grey Hawk Golf and Res-
They will also have Tug-of- War, in?atables for kids of all ages, Q: How can you build new schools and not have money? taurant in LaGrange.
a pizza eating contest, a beer garden and raf?es galore. All of Permanent Improvement funds can only be used on buildings
this will be preceded by the big parade on Thursday, July 23. Get and equipment, for example computers, busses, and buildings. For more information on dinner and drinks, or to purchase
ready for the fun! Operating money can be used for anything needed to run the tickets, contact Bob Swope at (440) -823-1577.
daily operations of the District, for example books, teachers, ma-
Watch for further updates.Tickets for the big meat raf?e are terials. Keystone Retiree recognized
available now, just call Ann Sabo at (440) 315-4278. Q. Why didn’t Keystone cut sports?
We have over 300 students who participate in athletics. If
Senior Citizens Breakfast 50 students left Keystone due to lack of athletics, we would lose
$290,000 (State cost earned per pupil = $5,800 x 50). If we keep
sports, it would cost us roughly $140,000.
It is better to pay the $140,000 than lose a minimum of
$290,000. Cutting sports means we would lose MORE academ-
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
I am a sophomore at KHS, an honors student and a two-sport
athlete. I’m writing to express concerns relative to the Keystone
School District levy. In January, the school board decided to put
up a 7.95 millage levy, citing speci?c programs and teaching po-
sitions that would be eleminated it the levy does not pass in May.
Passage of the levy would gurantee the school district’s ability
to continue offering many different classes and extracurricular
activities. Students can be heard discussing their futures and how
those plans would be negatively affected by another failed levy.
Many also talk about the necessity of AP and other college-prep
classses. Colleges today are looking for students who are more
than the typical student in a traditional school environment. Keystone CFO Susan Bement, Linda Hyland and State Audi-
Many upperclassmen are concerned about the potential loss of tor Representative Rebecca Widowski present Linda with an
the credits/classes needed in order to be accepted by the colleges award for her years of service.
of their choice. Supporters have been working hard to make sure
Brooke Trego, Sarah Fortune and local residents Laura Moy- that everyone has access to the levy information. Some will read Since the 90’s, Keystone Local School District’s Payroll Spe-
es and Randy Moyes enjoy the annual breakfast. it and decide, while others will ignore facts, basing their decision cialist, Linda Hyland, has been a staple at Keystone. With an
on other in?uences. It is my hope that every voter in the Key- answer to nearly every question about ?nances at KLSD, Linda’s
Over 40 community residents attended the high school’s Se- stone School District will review all of the information provided. years of experience solidi?ed her as one of the most valuable
nior Citizens Breakfast. Facilitated by Youth-4-Youth students If there are questions, there are people who are happy to answer ?nancials assets to the district.
and Keystone teachers Sarah Robinson, Shannon Heffernan and those questions. Please do not assume that there are enough votes
Kari Dovedeal, the event shows both appreciation and respect for to pass this levy. Get out and vote. We need a better outcome for Linda’s dedication was recognized by Dave Yost, the Audi-
LaGrange’s senior community members. Guests enjoyed playing our younger students. We need to save Keystone Schools! tor of State, for her exemplary work. According to Yost, Linda’s
bingo and writing “wishes for KHS students.” The questionnaire “work ethic was recognized by both senior and junior staff mem-
prompted attendees to respond to statements such as, “I hope you Tyler Elliott, LaGrange student w/permission by Lisa Elliott, bers of the school district. Her years of service show dedication
learn…I hope you believe…, I hope you aren’t afraid…, and I Tyler’s mother to education and the communities she served, and the knowledge
hope you never forget...” Their responses will be shared with she gained from these experiences is invaluable.”
KHS students. Letter to the Editor
Of Linda’s work and time at Keystone, Treasurer Susan Be-
Of the event, Vice Principal James Kohler comments, “This ment adds, "Linda's knowledge of payroll in the school ?nance
breakfast is a great way to show our appreciation for our resi- world, along with her work ethic, are a testament to her commit-
dents as well as our respect for the many lessons they have to ment to serving the taxpayers of this community with the highest
teach us.” To the Editor: of many ?ne citizens of this integrity."
Say NO! to Issue 14 - Key- county.
Keystone Schools stone School District. The Keystone staff would like to thank Linda for her service
Superintendent Franco Gallo Last November, a 5.95 mil Thomas Hadaway, La- and wish her the best as she retires.
At Keystone, one of our primary goals is to provide our tax- levy was defeated. It has now
payers with ?nancial transparency. One of the ways we have increased to a 7.95 mil levy.
ful?lled this goal is by holding an informational May Levy ques- It will cost taxpayers $278
tion-and-answer session for our community. annually or $23 a month on
a $100,000 home. In reality, VOTE YES!
At the session, many questions were addressed and a sub- costs for homes valued be-
tween $200,000 and $400,000
will cost you $556 annually or
$46 a month, $834 annually or
$69 monthly and $1,112 annu-
JACK MATIA ally or $92 monthly. on MAY 5TH!
Several residents told me if
New & Used this levy passes, it will cause
Cars them to either undergo fore-
closure or sell their home and
440-366-5501 move out of Keystone School
District. This tax levy is not The Keystone School GET If the levy
823 Leona St., Elyria saving the community - it’s operating levy to fails the
ruining it! You are devastating THE elementary
Steve Moore citizens on ?xed incomes who run the school:
cannot afford this huge-outra-
New and Certi?ed Hondas geous tax increase. Books, Supplies, FACTS school will
All Models - Used Cars Wages, and Utilities
Before you cast your vote, have NO Gym,
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5 please read the ?ne print. It’s
on the ballot as a “continuous”
duration tax increase. This
means for an unlimited period
of time! There is no time ex- Keystone spends $400 NO Music and
piration or duration period set less per pupil than the NO Art classes
like 1-3 years. We will be pay- state average
ing this tax increase forever
and ever, until we most likely
die. If this levy passes it will
generate 1.9 million dollars a WE HAVE NOT PASSED AN
year. Does Keystone School
District need 1.9 million dol- lars a year for an unlimited pe- OPERATING LEVY IN 21 YEARS
riod of time? I don’t think so,
especially at our expense.
Think seriously about what Property values $$State has CUT
you are signing up for before TIED to the in funding
you cast your vote. I encour- state of local Since 2009
age you to vote No! on Is- schools
sue 14. It’s an outrage and
will only hurt the livelihoods
The 7.95 mil property tax will cost $23.19/month
for every $100,000 of total value listed on the
auditor’s website
Paid for by Keystone Levy Committee Don Griswold, Treasurer
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015
Mother’s Day
Carlisle Golf Club Boy Scout Mother’s · Give the gift of sweet treats. What better way to
Day Breakfast highlight mom’s sweetness than with some delicious
Celebrate Mother’s Day treats made just for her? Whether you decide to whip
The annual Boy Scout Troop #118 Mother’s Day Pan- up some homemade confections in the kitchen or visit
FREE GOLF FOR MOM cake Breakfast is Sunday May 10, from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. a nearby store for something decadent, mom will no
at Lagrange Lions Park, with all-you-can-eat pan- doubt appreciate the chance to indulge on her big day.
with a paid golfer cakes, eggs, sausage, coffee and juice. Tickets are $5 Moms who prefer cookies and portable snacks will
for adults, $4 for kids ages 3-12, under 3 free. There no doubt enjoy Pocky and Péjoy biscuit sticks. These
~Ladies League Wanted~ will be a silent auction and basket raf?e. tasty snacks from Gilco are dipped or ?lled with popu-
lar ?avors, such as chocolate and strawberry, and are
Available Anyday Explore the Ways to Show now available with green tea cream. Pair with a cup
Call for Details you Care this Mother’s Day of tea, coffee or whichever beverage mom prefers to
complement her favorite treat. Pocky is available in
WEEKDAY SPECIALS most grocery stores, and can typically be found in the
Asian food section.
‘til 3:00pm. No Holidays
Seniors $19 -18 holes w/cart Mother’s Day is the one day each year when men, · Make a meal to remember. Mom deserves a night off
Regular $25 - 18 holes w/cart women and children across the country gather to hon- from dinner detail, and while dining out is an option, a
or the mothers in their lives. Though it can be chal- homemade meal may come across as more intimate
-LEAGUES WELCOMED- lenging to ?nd new and unique ways to display your and heartfelt. Thanks to kitchen appliances that make
affection for Mom on Mother’s Day, rest assured that it easier than ever to prepare gourmet meals at home,
PRO •Snack Counter Open sometimes the simplest concepts are the ones moth- you can now make restaurant-style meals in your
SHOPPE •Hot & Cold Year ers most appreciate. This year, look no further than kitchen without sacri?cing restaurant-quality taste. For
‘Round the following ideas for some inspiration as you aim to example, new tacook Rice Cookers from Tiger Corpo-
Sandwedges make this Mother’s Day as special as possible for the ration do more than just perfectly steam rice. They also
•Full Bar mother or mothers in your life. incorporate synchro-cooking to cook two different
Carlisle Golf Club 39709 Slife Rd. • Grafton 440-458-8011
Giovanni’s Hair Design Vandemark Jewelers
Give Mother’s Day, May 10th
Mom a
Pedicure Give her Flowers...
That will last Forever
Mother’s prices starting
at $2950
Real Flowers set in
Receive a Sterling Silver Jewelry
GIFT 244 E. Broad Street | Elyria | 322-1700
with your Pedicure
in May
1033 E. Broad St. | Elyria | 440-366-0068
Mon 12-7; Tues, Wed, Thurs 8:30-7; Fri 8:30-3; Sat 8:30-2; Closed Sun
Surprise Mom With a Cake
For Mother’s Day
MAY HOURS: Happy Mother’s Day NORTH EATON 35040 E. Royalton Rd.
Join us on Mother’s
Day for Eggs
Benedict or Crepes!!
All Moms will Receive a
Special Surprise!
Open Mothers Day 6:30am-2:00pm
426 N. Main St. • Grafton
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Page 13
Mother’s Day
items at once. Present mom with her favorite Asian- THE POSEY DEPOT Celebrating Mom!
inspired poultry-and-rice dish or use the cooker to eas-
ily bake bread or steam a side of vegetables. Pair the FLORAL & GIFT SHOP Gift Certificates Available
meal with her favorite wine and make sure you handle “Now Offering 12 months Interest Free”
all the cleanup. Garden Shoppe is Open!
Filled with extensive selection of plants We buy Gold, Sterling Silver,
While mom waits for dinner to be served, a soothing Silver Coins & Silverware.
cup of tea can set the tone for a relaxing evening. The including Fairy Garden plants
Tiger Hot Water Kettle boils water in seconds. With starting at $1.99 Hours: Tues. 9:30-7 • Wed.-Fri. 9:30-5 • Sat. 9:30-3:30
three temperature settings and a de-chlorination cycle
for removing chemical tastes and odors, the kettle al- Our Gift shoppe offers a lovely variety of one 665 Chestnut Commons Dr., Elyria
lows mom to quickly enjoy a cup of her favorite brew. of a kind gifts. You’re sure to find the perfect (440) 322-0019
These kitchen essentials are available at Bed, Bath
and Beyond. gift for all the special Moms in your life. and
Hours: M-F 10-7, Sat-Sun 10-5 Mother’s Day
· Plan a Mother’s Day picnic. Busy moms may look The Posey Depot
forward to a break from the bustle of daily routines. An floral and gift shoppe Sunday May 10th, 2015
afternoon picnicking outdoors can be the ideal way to 41304 Oberlin-Elyria Rd Two Seatings:
enjoy a special Mother’s Day. Plan an easy menu of 11am and 1pm
foods that have portability. It’s easy to transport hot Elyria, OH
or cold foods when you have Tiger Stainless Steel 440-323-4310 $24.95 per person
Thermal Wares on hand. A refreshing fruit salad can 10 and under $10.95
be kept cool for about 8 hours. If mom prefers pasta
primavera, the thermal container can keep it warm and 4 and under FREE
ready until it’s time to enjoy. ~By Reservation Only~
Sunday, May 10th Happy Mother’s Day from Call 440-355-4844
Four Keys Restaurant
Mother’s Day 665 U.S. Grant St., LaGrange | 440-355-4844
Bring Mom out
Enter for Breakfast
Our Nine Bistro Hours: Mon-Thurs. 11 am-10 pm;
Mother ’s Try our Famous Fri.- Sat. 11 am-12 am; Sundays 11 am-9 pm
Day Stuffed French Toast
35053 E. Royalton Rd.
Rt. 82 & Island Rd. Free Homemade Dessert
Four Keys
“a fresh look at tradition” Restaurant
Moms love ?lowers! 26606 Royalton Rd. Columbia Station
Visit The Platinum Petal to ?ind the perfect gift
for your mom this Mother’s Day. M-Sat 6-2; Sun 6:30-2
Mixed Vase 176TH ANNUAL
only $29.99 GARDEN WALK
Show your mom how much ANTIQUES, ARTS, CRAFTS,
she means to you! PLANTS & GARDEN ACCENTS
110 South Main Street, Downtown Wellington ON THE SQUARE IN HISTORIC
440-647-8844 or visit us on Facebook DOWNTOWN WELLINGTON
10 AM - 4 PM
Lunch Available in Town Hall
With additional support from our
Downtown Cornerstone Supporters
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 instrumental and vocal performances, art work on display, sci- A certi?ed personal trainer, overall record. The Middies
COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE ence exhibits and examples of students’ work. On display will be she will be conducting open went 8-6 in the ?nal year of
paintings and sculptures, music history, scienti?c concepts and gyms for girls interested in the West Shore Conference
The Grafton V.F.W. Post #3341 is offering three $500 scholar- other works from enrichment programs and the Afterschool Edu- the sport. Those who will be and claimed an OHSAA Sec-
ships for 2015 graduates of Midview or Keystone High Schools. cational Enhancement Program. The festival will be in the gym, entering grades 7-12 next fall tional Championship before
Applicants must have a relative on active duty with the military the Newton Commons and outside if weather permits. Attendees are eligible to attend. They are falling to Elyria in the District
or a relative who is a military veteran. Applications may be are free to roam anytime throughout the festival. Admission is Fridays from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Semi?nal. Midview, which
picked up at the Post, 783 Huron Street, between 2:30-6 p.m. free. Light refreshments will be served. Here is a schedule of and Sundays 2-4 p.m. The transitions to the Southwest-
Application deadline is May 31. approximate times for the vocal and instrumental performances: location will be either at the ern Conference in 2015-16,
12:30 - second grade, 12:45 - third grade, 1 advanced band, 1:15 high school or middle school will open their season at home
BOOK SALE - recorders, 1:30 - eighth grade, 1:45 - seventh grade, 2 lunchtime depending on availability. against Valley Forge on Au-
A semi-annual book sale will take place at the Grafton-Mid- choir, 2:15 - beginning band, 2:30 - instrumentalists solos, 2:45 - gust 22.
view Library Monday- Saturday, May 4-9, with a $2 bag sale on ?fth grade, 3 fourth grade, 3:15 - sixth grade, 3:30 - kindergarten, Midview Varsity ?nished
May 9. The sale hours are during normal library hours. 3:45 - ?rst grade. the 2014-15 with a 14-11
The next meeting of the Friends of the Grafton-Midview Pub- A three person Scramble Golf Tournament to support Mid-
lic Library will be on Tuesday, May 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the library. view Basketball will be held at the Brentwood Golf Club on Victoria Oeftering, a ju-
Join the Friends of the Grafton-Midview Public Library and you Saturday, June 6. There will be an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. Soft nior at Elyria Catholic High
can attend the book sale preview day on May 3 (Friends only). spikes are required. The entry fee is $65 per person and includes: School, received the Bausch
Sign up information is at the circulation desk at the library. 18 holes of golf, a golf cart, lunch, prizes, beverages and a din- +Lomb Honorary Science
ner. There will be skins games betting holes and a 50/50 raf?e. Award. Oeftering is enrolled
FREE BAND CONCERTS Entries are due by May 20 to ensure a spot. Entry forms are and excelling in Physics
Jazz & Big Band - The Midview Swingin' Blues Jazz Band available through a link on the Midview website. Questions can and AP Biology at the high
is sponsoring Jazz n' Java on Wednesday, May 5, at 7 p.m. in be addressed to Coach Troy DiFranco at 330-483-3420 or tdi- school. As winner of this
the Midview Middle School. The event will feature the Midview [email protected]. year’s award, Oeftering can
Swingin' Blues Jazz Band and the Swing City Big Band in an receive a scholarship if she
evening full of great listening! The Swing City Big Band is a Midview to hire new decides to attend the Univer-
group made up of local residents who just love to play Jazz. They Volleyball Coach sity of Rochester.
have given their time to mentor the Midview students for the past
several years, encouraging the youth to carry on great music. All tion hire Lindsey Groomes as Congratulations and Best
for the low price of - free! the new Midview High School wishes, Victoria!
Spring Pops - The Midview High School Band will be per- Varsity Volleyball Coach at
forming a Spring Concert on Monday, May 11, at 7 p.m. An en- their meeting on May 28. Victoria Oeftering
joyable evening of ?ne music will be held at the Lorain County Groomes was an assistant
Community College Stocker Arts Center. Admission is free! volleyball coach at the school Midview Schools
Marching music - The Midview Marching Blue will be par- from 2009-2011. She is cur- Superintendent Scott Goggin
ticipating in the Grafton Township and Grafton Village Memorial rently a remedial math tutor
Day parades on Monday, May 25. The Band takes this opportu- Lindsey Groomes at Midview West Elementary. We are enjoying some amazing weather lately (as well as
nity to thank and honor those who made our freedom possible. Superintendent Scott Gog- Groomes is a 2001 graduate some chilly days, but we'll focus on the positive). It is mind bog-
gin will formally recommend of Elyria High School, where gling to think just how fast this year has gone by.
ARTS AND SCIENCE FESTIVAL the Midview Board of Educa- she earned All Ohio honors as
St. Mary School in Elyria is excited to announce the date for a four year member of the Pio- Our district is excited about our Little Middie Preschool Pro-
their ?rst Arts and Science Festival. Open to everyone, the event neer volleyball team. She con- gram, which will be launching for the 2015-2016 school year.
will be on Sunday, May 17, from 12-4 p.m. The festival is a tinued to play and earn honors The primary goal of the program is to provide students with dis-
great way to showcase students’ talents and accomplishments to while at the Indiana Univer- abilities the preschool services they need to prepare for kinder-
area community members and the St. Mary Parish. There will be sity in Pennsylvania and the garten. Students without disabilities will also be accepted, but
University of Akron. space will be limited.
To date, these preschool services were provided by the ESC's
Early Learning Center. We are looking to bring our students
home to Midview while reducing costs by bringing the services
in-house. More information will be posted on our website and
available at the school district.
I would also like to congratulate Kim Kauffman, a math
teacher at East Intermediate. She is being recognized as an Out-
standing Educator by the Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers
of Mathematics. The recognition ceremony is May 11 at Baldwin
Wallace University. Mrs. Kauffman is being recognized for her
creativity, collaboration and work with students. Mrs. Kauff-
man has been with Midview for many years and is a wonderful
teacher. We are thrilled she is being recognized for her hard work
and dedication.
Have a great week!
Mr. Scott Goggin, Superintendent, Midview Local Schools
[email protected] Twitter: @scottgoggin
Meet the Band
Michael Barnhart Evan Bishop
The Midview bands would like to feature two seniors. They
are Michael Barnhart and Evan Bishop.
Barnhart plays tenors for Marching Band and percussion for
Concert Band. He also plays in the pit orchestra for the musicals.
He is an honor student who has received an Academic M award.
He works for Marcs as part of the stock department. He plans on
attending Kent State University to study regenerative medicine.
His favorite moment in the band was the fourth quarter of the
Avon game in the playoffs. He enjoys the reaction fans have and
the feeling of family he has with other band members.
Bishop is a trumpet player for both the Marching and Concert
Bands. He is also a tennis player for the Midview team. He en-
joys trapshooting, where he has won several awards in competi-
tion. He plans on attending Lorain County Community College
studying computers and 3D printing. His favorite band moments
were following the team to the play-offs. He enjoys the opportu-
nity for the many activities the band offers.
Free Tennis Clinic
On May 10, from 11 a.m.-12 p.m., a free Tennis Clinic for
Midview Students ages 5-13 will be held at Midview High
School. Registration is required. No tennis expereince is neces-
sary. Tennis skills will be inroduced through drills and games.
Members of the MHS Boys’ and Girls’ Tennis Teams and
Coach Carey will be instructing. Forms can be found in any main
of?ce of each Midview school
2015 Tennis Events:
5/8 - Mixed doubles for our MHS tennis players 3-5 p.m.
5/10 - Drawing for the "Midview Blanket Raf?e." Tickets are
available now.
6/9, 6/16, 6/23 - Youth Summer Tennis - Registration is re- Grafton-Midview Library RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Page 15
quired. Topics will vary and this group is open to anyone interested in
The Grafton-Midview Library plans to continue bringing Grafton history or the surrounding area.
6/10, 6/17, 6/24 -Adult Summer Tennis - Registration is re- quality programs. For accurate planning, please be advised most
quired. library programs require registration. To register, call or visit the Teen Movie Night - Thursday, May 14, 5:30-8 p.m. Watch
library, or visit their website at a great movie featuring a collegiate a cappella group called the
7/TBA - LCCC Tennis Tournament - Registration is re- Bardon Bellas enter into an international competition that no
quired. Scanning Your Treasured Photographs - Mon. May 4- American group has ever won before. This is a sequel. Come
Thurs. May 7, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Have you ever wondered how early to play Just Dance and Karaoke games on the Wii. Popcorn
8/1 - MHS Girls’ Tennis of?cial start date. your old photographs would look after being scanned on a high and other snacks will be available. Rated PG13
For more information, contact the Coach at donkaminski75@ resolution scanner? Register for this opportunity to see how our scanner works and ?nd out how we are using it for our local his- A Trip Down Under - Wednesday, May 13, 7-8:30 p.m. Spec-
Attention MHS Boys: All levels of ability welcome. tory images. Time slots for this four-day event are limited. Please tacular geysers, mud pots and the fjords of Milford Sound are
2/18/16 - MHS Boy’s Tennis pre-season meeting. register early. but a few of the highlights of New Zealand that you will see
3/7/16 - MHS Boys’ Tennis Team try-outs. in this program. Then it is on to Australia where you will learn
Contact Coach Carey at midviewtennis_coachm@yahoo. Garden Party - Saturday, May 9, 10-11 a.m. Calling all green about the Great Barrier Reef. Also travel to the Outback to visit
com thumbs! Join us for a special outdoor story time to celebrate gar- Alice Springs and Uluru (Ayers Rock). Join us for this pictorial dens! With your help, we will also begin our children's depart- presentation by Rudy and Shirley Rice.
Go Middies! ment container gardens! All are welcome to dig into this fun pro-
gram as we Grow, Make, Play and Learn. No registration.
MHS Spring Concerts
After School Video Games - Tuesday, May 12, 3-5 p.m. Play
The Midview High School Choir students would like to in- video games and enjoy pizza and refreshments for the perfect
vite you to their spring fund-raising concerts. This years talented after school break. Games from the Library's collection can be
choirs will take you on a 3 night Magical, Musical Journey as played, but players may also bring in their favorites from home
they perform in "Escape to Disney!" Each night you will be en- to share. Tablets, PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii, will all be available.
tertained with amazing performances of all your favorite Disney
music! Community History Group - Wednesday, May 13, 2-3 p.m.
Join us at GMPL for discussions of our community's history.
The concerts will run Thursday May 7, through Saturday
May 9. All 3 shows will begin at 7 p.m. in the Kubuski Gym Rely on Husqvarna to Get the Job Done.
at Midview High School. Tickets for chair seating will be $4.
each and as always Bleacher seating will be free! Tickets can be THE SERVICING DEALER DIFFERENCE
purchased at the door the night of the performances or you can
contact any choir student! •Total Source Product Selection •Expert Advice - To
Help You Choose The Right Product
The Choral boosters will be running a Basket Raf?e and
nightly 50/50 raf?es! Midview Choir T-shirts and sweatshirts •Certified Service - To Keep Your Equipment Running
will be available for purchase in the lobby! And, don't forget to Longer & Stronger
stop by the concession stand for your favorite snacks before the
show! They hope you will join them in celebrating magic, music •Genuine Husqvarna Parts & Accessories
and making dreams come true!
Midview lunch menu
Week of May 11:
Monday - #1 Chicken nuggets w/dinner roll. #2 Meatball sub, •Briggs & Stratton Intek V-Twin 24HP
baked beans, fruit, milk. •Fast Hydrostatic Pedal
Tuesday - #1 Toasted cheese sandwich. #2 Turkey wrap, cel-
ery w/ranch, fruit, milk. •48” Reinforced Cutting Deck
Wednesday - #1 Mexican pizza. #2 Grilled chicken salad,
steamed peas, fruit, milk. $199995
Thursday - #1 Chicken and rice w/dinner roll. #2 BBQ rib
sandwich, steamed black beans, fruit, milk.
Friday - #1 Bosco stix w/marinara sauce. #2 Ham and cheese
wrap, steamed green beans, fruit, milk.
Grafton Grangers 4-H Club
The Grafton Grangers met on April 23. The meeting was held
at 6:30 p.m. in the Grafton Community Room. Several of the
club members and advisors went to the training sessions at the
Lorain County JVS. Also, several members have signed up to
participate in the Pledge and Creed contest that is held on May
11, at 6:30 p.m. at the Lorain County JVS. Project and record
books were passed out at this meeting. At the end of this meeting,
the whole club had fun making butter in jars. An awesome team
building activity followed. They have wrapped up their candy
bar sales for this year. Thank you to those that helped support
them. Just a reminder that demonstrations will be starting at the
next meeting, which will be held on May 7, at 6:30 p.m. in the
Grafton Community Room in North Park.
For Qualified Buyers
•Kohler 7000 Series,
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with •Briggs & Stratton Intek V-Twin 22HP
programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post V-Twin 26HP
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton •Hydrostatic Pedal
$319995•Fast Track Pedal
The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels 1799$•42” Reinforced 95
drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829. Cutting Deck •52” Cutting Deck
If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE. 1007 Parsons Road • Grafton, OH 44044
5/04 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts Mon-Fri 8-6; 440-926-2880
and coffee for participants. Sat 9-4
5/05 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed by
Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for participants.
5/07 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner to be held
5/14/2015 at 5:30pm. Please remember two names per
phone call only.
5/08 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop
and snacks for participants.
5/11 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie
with free donuts and coffee for participants.
5/12 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class
being instructed by Debi’s Personal
Training with fruit and juice for participants.
5/14 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for those that have signed
up. Please remember to call and cancel by noon if unable to
5/15 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 ODOT news
Grafton History Association Lorain County:
State Route 18 - SR 18, between Indian Hollow Road and
Thank you to each and every one who in any way assisted Foster Road in Pen?eld Township, is closed for a bridge replace-
with the preparation and presentation of the 50th Anniversary Public Zoning Hearing ment project. The detour route for eastbound motorists is SR 18
program of the 1965 Tornado. With only three weeks to prepare to SR 301, south on SR 301 to SR 162, east on SR 162 to SR 83,
this tribute, special thanks go to Librarians Shari Bowers and The Zoning Commission of Grafton Township will hold a north on SR 83 to SR 18, and reverse for westbound motorists.
Fred Backstrom, the GMPL and the Community History Club. public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Grafton Town- The road is expected to reopen May 14, 2015.
ship Zoning Resolution, which was iniated by motion of the
The Community History Club meets on the second Wednes- Zoning Commission. The hearing will be held at the Grafton State Route 57 - SR 57, between the Ohio Turnpike and
day of the month: 2-3 p.m. May 13, 7-8 pm June 10 and 2-3 pm Township Hall on May 19, at 7 p.m. The text of the proposed Schadden Road in the City of Elyria, is restricted to two nar-
July 8. Come join the group and discover local area history. amendemnt will be available for examination for a period of rowed lanes of traf?c in each direction for work as part of a major
ten days, from May 8-18, between the hours of 1-4 p.m. at the reconstruction project. Access to Griswold Road from SR 57 is
Coming up: another anniversary - the 70th Anniversary of V- Beriswill Insurance Agency, 35881 Grafton-Eastern Rd. and on prohibited at this time for work to construct the at-grade intersec-
E Day, June 8, the day World War II ended in the European The- the bulletin board at the Grafton Township Hall, 17109 St. Rt. 83. tion; however, detours are posted. Crews are also working on the
ater. Although there are few survivors and relatives left, anyone After the conclusion of the hearing, the matter will be submitted reconstruction of Griswold Road east of SR 57. The project is
who was at least ten years old, is aware of its signi?cance. It was to the Board of Trustees for further action. expected to be complete in August 2016.
the birth of war time aviation, of 25 special airplanes including
the Grasshopper, War Hawk, P-38 Lighting, P-52 Mustang and The Zoning Commission will propose to add Section 314 State Route 303 - SR 303, from the Huron/Lorain County line
P-47 Thunderbolt. Who can forget the B-25 Mitchell, the B-24 Waste Storage to ARTICLE III general regulations. It will read: to the village of LaGrange, will be reduced to one lane of traf?c
Liberator and the B-29 Superfortress? And, of course the ground 314 WASTE STORAGE: No structure or pond shall be con- as part of a preventive maintenance chip seal project (began on
war, the Battle of the Bulge, Normandy, Salerno - the list goes structed, installed or operated to store treated or untreated human April 27). One lane of two-way traf?c will be maintained with
on. Due to the many movies, books, air shows and the thousands waste, animal waste or industrial waste in any zoning district in ?aggers at all times. The project is expected to be complete by
and thousands of service persons, these names became household Grafton Township; the sole exception shall be the storage of ei- June 30, 2015.
names and the ‘younger’ generation grew up aware of the war. ther human or animal waste generated on premises.
Red Cross summer
On November 11, 1918, when the bells tolled at the end of Dumpster Days Update scholarship program
World War I, my mother put me in my baby buggy (I was 5
months old) and we went to join the celebration in Wellington’s This summer, high school and college students can win a
Public Square. On June 8, 1945, in my Plymouth coupe, my scholarship by hosting an American Red Cross blood drive
mother and I were again in Wellington’s Square, as the horns The Grafton Township Trustees have scheduled spring Dump- through the Leaders Save Lives program. Registration is now
blew and the bells rang. The war was over in Europe. Never ster Days for Friday, May 15, from noon-3 p.m. and Saturday, open to host a participating blood drive between June 1 and Aug.
would I have expected for “history to repeat itself.” Remember May 16, from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at the township hall. A valid proof 31.
to ?y your ?ag on V-E Day and Memorial Day, May 25. Also of residency is required. A limit of two pick-up truck loads per
plan to watch the parade that honors all. address will be accepted, as fewer dumpsters will be available. This program encourages community-minded 16- to 24-year-
Large items can be placed at the curb once a month during nor- olds to host blood drives to help maintain the blood supply over
And yet another anniversary is coming up - the end of the war mal trash hauling. Tires can be placed in the tire trailer and card- the summer months. Students who participate as a blood drive
in Viet-Nam, a war that remains fresh in our minds. Remember board can be placed in the Abitibi containers located at the hall coordinator are eligible to win a scholarship up to $2,500 for
to ?y your ?ag. Better yet, why not ?y it every day? at any time. Please break down boxes. Items not being accepted higher education and to earn a gift card.
include: computers, printers, TVs smaller than 27 inches, paint,
Doris Wildenheim chemicals, propane tanks, ?uorescent bulbs, shingles, explosives “The Leaders Save Lives program is a great way for students
and automotive batteries. Most of these items may be taken to to learn valuable leadership skills while helping hospital patients
Belden B’s & G’s 4-H Club the Recycling Center located at 540 South Abbe Road, in Elyria. in need of lifesaving blood transfusions,” said Red Cross spokes-
The Recycling Center hours are Mondays and Wednesdays from person, Christy Peters. “Summer can be a challenging time to
This is the ?rst of?cial news report of 2015 for the club. noon - 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. maintain a suf?cient blood supply. With this program, students
The President is Jenna Beriswell, Vice-President is Ed Keyse are helping the community by recruiting their friends and family
and Secretary/Treasurer is Clayton Kowalski. Newsreporter is to donate during this crucial season.”
Lia Douglas, Safety Of?cer is Tyler Edwards, Health Of?cer is Pond School A total of 10 scholarships will be awarded via drawing to stu-
Maddy Hammond and Rec. Of?cer is Nicole Maitino.
dents who achieve 100% of their blood drive collections goal.
At the meeting of April 22, Tyler gave a tornado safety report. All students who achieve the designated blood drive goal will
Demonstrations were given by Nicole and Brandon Wendell. The 2015 Pond School will be held May 27, from 5:30-8:30 receive an electronic gift card to giftcerti?
Nicole brought her duck, Jellybean, who was shy and protested p.m. at Medina County Park District's Wolf Creek Environmen-
coming out of his carrier. Brandon brought a presentation of his tal Center at 6100 Ridge Rd., in Medina. The program consists For more information and to register to host a Leaders Save
chicken project from last year's fair. This included a picture of his of three concurrent tracks of presentations. Attendees will get to Lives blood drive, visit
chicken, Kingsley, trying a daring escape from Brandon's arms. choose which track of sessions they wish to attend during each of
the three 1-hour time slots. Cost is $35 per person and includes McConnell Ready Mix is a full service Ready
As a club, they agreed to continue the act of decorating a take home resources for each participant. Space will be limited, Mix Concrete supplier servicing the Northeast
wagon for the Belden Memorial Day Parade. so early registration is strongly recommended.The program will Ohio area. We service Residential, Commer-
focus on care of ponds 1/4 acre and larger. Sessions will be a cial, Industrial or Government projects of any
The next meeting will be on May 13. They will be cleaning mix of lecture, hands-on and outdoor talks covering ?sh manage- size. For ordering and delivery of Ready Mix
the ?eld for Pride Day, so remember to bring gloves and be ready ment for recreation or vegetation control, pond aeration, algae Concrete or just a quote for your project call
to work. (Lia Douglas, 4-H member) management, nuisance wildlife issues, water quality and more.
If you don't see the session that sounds just right, experts will
HOW CAN YOU be available to answer questions and discuss your pond situa-
tion. Thinking about constructing a new pond on your property?
SAVE UP TO 30% They'll have advice on that too from zoning rules to the right soil
ON YOUR for the job. Contact Ashley Kulhanek, OSU Extension, Medina
County at 330-725-491, Ext. 106 for more information. Regis-
AUTO INSURANCE? tration ?iers can be downloaded at A program
fee is required at time of registration. Registration deadline is
PinPoint Auto® Insurance from Grange offers discounts May 11.
for things you already do – like paying your bills on time
and owning a home. And when you switch to us from The Glass Menagerie 440-458-4325.
State Farm, Progressive, Nationwide, Allstate, American McConnell Ready Mix
Family, USAA or GEICO the savings get even bigger. All
told, you could save up to 30%. Lorain County Metro for more information, or pur- 37540 Butternut Ridge Road • N. Ridgeville, OH 44039
Call us in Grafton at 440.926.3312 or Parks, in conjunction with chase tickets at www.TN-
in Wellington at 440.647.6010. Digital First Media, WOBL [email protected]
and the Ohio Arts Council,
Products and coverages not available in all states proudly present the TrueNorth
Cultural Arts production of
RESTAURANT Since 1983 The Glass Menagerie, now-
AND PUB May 17 at French Creek Na-
ture and Arts Center.
As the story unfolds, age-
926-2621 ing southern belle, Amanda
Wing?eld, hopes for her son Tom to ful?ll her dreams of
?nding the perfect “gentleman
The history of Mother’s Day began in 1908, in caller” for her shy and dam-
Grafton,West Virginia. Anna Jarvis honored her aged daughter Laura.
mother’s memory by giving carnations to women
at her mother’s church.We will continue this tradition When the gentlemen caller
arrives for a visit he sends
by giving moms a long-stemmed carnation shockwaves through the fam-
as they dine with us. ily and causes cracks to form
in the delicate fantasies that
Mother’s Day have kept them going. Special
Sunday, May 10th daytime school matinees are
available for this production.
Open from 12pm - 8pm Contact TrueNorth for fur-
Special Mother’s Day Menu Featuring... ther information on dates and
Chicken Marsala ~ Prime Rib of Beef ~ Lake Erie Perch
Petite Filet Mignon ~ Peach Barbeque Pork Tenderloin Show times are Friday and
Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m.
Bourbon Salmon ~ Coconut Shrimp and Sunday matinee at 3 p.m.
Chicken Cordon Bleu ~ Steaks ~ Pasta & More! Tickets may be purchased in
advance or on the day of the
~Reservations Accepted~ show. Cost is $16-$18 for
adults and $10 for children
under 18.
French Creek Nature and
Arts Center, is located at 4530
Colorado Ave., in Shef?eld
Village. Call (440) 949-5200
Scout Open House/ BBQ Dinner Natural History, has been involved in numerous long term moth RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Page 17
and butter?y surveys, including writing a paper on “The Moths Prehistoric Family Rock - Come on Wednesday, May 13,
Cub Scout Pack #140 and Boy Scout Troop #140 are sponsor- of Kelleys Island.” The program will include information on at 6:45 p.m. Enjoy dinosaur-themed stories, roaring music and
ing a BBQ Dinner fund-raiser with a recruitment Open House on lepidopteran fossils, moths and butter?ies. As an added bonus, prehistoric games and activities. This program is intended for 2-
Saturday, May 16, at Fields United Methodist Church, located Coleman will have butter?y and moth booklets available from year-olds and up. Pre-registration is required.
at 34077 Lorain Road, in North Ridgeville. The BBQ Dinner is the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and butter?y plant North Ridgeville Writers - Do blooming ?owers have you
from 5-7 p.m. for all individuals: adults/$10, under 12 years/$5 seeds. inspired? Put pen to paper on Saturday, May 16, at 2 p.m. Come
and under 3 years is free. Dinner includes pulled pork sandwich- learn about the craft of writing and build your skills through writ-
es, cole slaw and baked beans. Presale tickets are encouraged. This program is free to the public and sponsored by the Black ing practice. Pre-registration is required.
Take-out will be available. The Open House is from 12-4 p.m. River Audubon Society. For more information on volunteering, Exploration Station -Learn through exploration on Monday,
and is for potential Cub Scouts from 1st-5th grade and poten- becoming a member or hikes, visit May 18, from 5-8 p.m. Two-5-year-olds and their caregivers are
tial Boy Scouts from 6th grade to age 18. Open House planned or call 440-225-7601. invited to stop by and learn about the alphabet, numbers, shapes,
events include a mock up campsite to represent the Scouting colors, patterns and much more.
camping experience, a 2-litre bottle rocket launcher for all ages, Thank you For more information or to register for programs, call the
a compass course for mapping and directional skills and more. North Ridgeville Library at (440) 327-8326. The North Rid-
On behalf of the North Ridgeville Of?ce for Older Adults geville Library is located at 35700 Bainbridge Road.
The Scouting program is delivered through civic, faith-based (Senior Center), we would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to
and educational organizations called chartered organizations, the North Ridgeville Lion’s Club for generously sponsoring our Don’t forget Mom on
which operate Scouting units to deliver the programs to their Spaghetti Dinner on April 24. The Lion’s Club stepped up and
youth members, as well as the community at large. Responsi- incurred the costs for our fund-raiser and has generously spon- Mother’s Day
bilities of chartered organizations include providing adequate sored our April dinner the last four years. Once again we had a
meeting facilities, quality leadership for the Scouting unit and wonderful response and we were able to net $2500 because of Hanging Baskets • Herbs
appointing a chartered organization representative to coordinate their support. Lilac Trees & Bushes
all Scouting unit operations within the organization. Cub Scout
Pack 140 was chartered in 1958, currently by the North Rid- I would like to especially thank those Lions who came to help Quart Perennials - $5.99
geville Lions Club, and Boy Scout Troop 140 has been chartered serve and clean-up for our fund-raiser: George and Joyce Smith, Gallons start at $9.99 & up
by Fields United Methodist Church since 1957. Ed Walker, Sarah Miller, Kevin and Joshua McNulty, Carol Plas,
Andy Steirer, Dan and Danny White, David Bogner, Dawn Fitz Plant a memory with Mom!
Proceeds from the BBQ Dinner will help support the Pack and Tonya, Rich, Trent and Kyra Stillwell. We couldn’t have 3 gallon Rose Bushes $29
and the Troop. This will allow both units to be able to participate handled the crowd and served over 350 people without your
in more events and not have to charge the Scouts every time they help. Thank you so much! Mother’s Day Planter - $15
go somewhere. The Troop has the potential to use this towards
their trip to Sea Base and/or the Jamboree in 2017. Both of those The community, especially our senior population, looks for- For this class, We will also be planting up a cute container garden for mom to
outings will cost around $1,400 per Scout. The Pack events are ward to these delicious Spaghetti Dinners held several times keep outdoors! We will also make hand-made Mother’s Day cards for mom or
still in the planning stages. throughout the year. All proceeds raised will be used to support grandma! Pre-registration is required for this class.
services of the Of?ce for Older Adults (Senior Center) including:
Presale tickets and more information is available by calling Meals-On-Wheels, transportation and activities. N. Ridgeville, Saturday, May 9, 1 pm
(216) 287-4428 or (440) 667-1698.
Thank you to everyone for all your support of the older adults East: 34837 Lorain Rd., West: Cr. of Rts. 58 & 113
Audubon Society programs in our community. We look forward to seeing everyone at our North Ridgeville 440-327-3407 Amherst 440-986-7777
next Spaghetti Dinner on September 26. M-F 8 -7 , Sat. 8:30-4, Sun. 10-3
Birding by Tram - at Sandy Ridge Reservation in North Rid- M-F 8-7, Sat. 8:30-4, Sunday 10-3
geville will be every Tuesday in May from 9-11:30 a.m. Call North Ridgeville Library
Sandy Ridge Reservation at (440) 327-3626 or Carlisle at (440)
458-5121 for more information or to make reservations. May Art Show - Come view amazing art! The North Rid-
geville City Schools annual student art exhibition will be at the
The Black River Audubon Butter?y Program - Take a vir- library from May 4-May 23 during regular library hours. The
tual butter?y ?ight with Barbara Coleman as she presents her show includes artwork from all grade levels.
program “Evolution of Flying Flowers” on May 5, at 7 p.m. at
the Carlisle Reservation Visitor Center, 12882 Diagonal Road, Crafternoons - Come on Tuesday, May 12, at 1 p.m. Adults
in LaGrange. Coleman, a docent at the Cleveland Museum of will learn how to create something using the pages of old books.
Pre-registration is required.
Book Discussion - Pick up Same Kind of Different as Me: A
Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlike-
ly Woman Who Bound Them Together by Ron Hall and Denver
Moore.This work of non?ction will be discussed at the library on
Wednesday, May 13, at 1 p.m.
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Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Pittsfield Historical Society Auditions are for membership in the Philharmonia Orches-
tra, Symphonetta Strings and Rhythm & Brass ensembles. All
Issue #16 correction The Pitts?eld Twp. Historical Society is looking for quality musicians ages 8-18 who have had two or more years of private
vendors for their 3rd Handmade Primitive Antique Show, which lessons are invited to audition.
On the front page of last week’s Rural-Urban Record, is being held on Sept. 19, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Township
Issue #16 for the Wellington Community Fire District read Hall, located at Rts. 58 & 303. If you are interested, call Diane During the season, musicians will receive intensive weekly
“Replacement w/Increase 2.75 mills.” According to Fire at (440) 935-0832. coachings and instruction from world-class musicians in large
Chief Mike Wetherbee, it should have said “Replacement and small ensemble settings at the Oberlin Conservatory of Mu-
w/Increase for a total of 2.75 mills. Sorry for the confusion There will be a free presentation on 1865 Civil War - 150th sic. Students may also perform in special guest master classes and
this may have caused. Anniversary, by Jim Smith of the Lorain County Historical Soci- compete for an opportunity to perform as soloist in the NOYO
ety, on Thursday, May 14, at 7 p.m. at the Pitts?eld Town Hall. Annual Concerto Competition. After the concert season, an ad-
Remember to vote on Tuesday, May 5! Coffee and cookies will be served. All are invited to attend. ditional Chamber Music Extension will run from April to May.
Wellington Genealogy Group Firelands Garden Club The Northern Ohio Youth Orchestras have provided outstand-
Plant Sale ing orchestral training to the youth of Northern Ohio since 1969.
The Wellington Genealogy Group will meet on Wednesday, Based at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, NOYO attracts
May 6, at 6:30 p.m. (new time for the summer months). The Got Plants? Of course you never have enough! Come join the gifted young musicians ages 8-18, spanning a geographic area
meeting will be held at LCCC Wellington Center, 151 Com- fun and bring lots of friends to the Firelands Garden Club Plant
merce Drive, across from the Village Market grocery store. Sale and Auction on Monday, May 11, from 6:30-9 p.m. The LEGAL NOTICE
“Specialty Plant Auction” will start at 7:30 p.m. sharp!
The program is “What Killed Grandma,” Mark Jamba, DVM, Sealed bids for the “Wellington Township 2015 Road Program” will
is a licensed veterinarian with special interests in pathology, zo- The sale is being held at the Birmingham Community Center, be accepted by the trustees of Wellington Township, c/o Fiscal Of?cer,
ology and history. He has lectured at many colleges, including located at 15018 South Street, in Birmingham, (South of Rt.113, 19893 St. Rt. 58, Wellington, OH 44090, until 5 pm May 5, 2015 for
the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University, Friends Uni- east off Rt. 60). furnishing of all labor, material ( with exception of 500 Ton of stone
versity and Case Western Reserve University. furnished by the Township) and equipment for the sealing of various
Swiss Steak Dinner roads in Wellington Township, Lorain County. All interested parties are
Common causes of death yesterday and today are explained welcome to attend the bid opening to be held on May 5, 2015 at 7:00
via basic anatomy, physiology and pathology. Filled with medi- Brighton United Methodist Church is having a Swiss Steak pm at the Wellington Township maintenance facility, 105 Maple St.,
cal gibberish handwritten by a profession famous for its sloppy Dinner on May 5, from 5-8 p.m. Cost is $14 for adults and carry- Wellington, OH 44090.
penmanship, death certi?cates can be among the most dif?cult of out meals, $7 for children 4-12 and free for children under 4.
all historic documents to decipher. All materials and equipment must meet the speci?cations of the
The church is located at the corner of Rts. 18 and 511. All are ODOT including all necessary signs, lights, barricades, watchman, etc
This program is free and open to the public. All guests are welcome to attend! and work performed shall be under the supervision of the Loran County
welcome! Engineer.
Wellington Literary Club
BREMKE INSURANCE All contractors involved with this project will, to the extent practical,
The Wellington Literary Club will meet at the Elms on Thurs- use Ohio products, materials, services and labor in the implementation
Stop in for all your insurance needs. day, May 7, at 7 p.m. for the last meeting of the 2014-15 year. of this project. Bidders shall submit a list of equipment available. all
Auto - Home - Commercial - Farm - Life - Health Ann Beach will be the hostess. The book, Miracles and Massa- labor shall be paid not less than the prevailing wage rate as determined
cres, by Glenn Beck, will be reviewed by Marge Mulder. by the Ohio Department of Commerce, wage & hour bureau for Lorain
Kyle E. Bremke County.
Independent Agent If you would like to join them for the evening, please call
Phone: 440-647-0225 Daria Grimes at (440) 225-6097 or Ann Beach at (440) 225- Bid books can be obtained at the of?ce of the Lorain county engi-
Fax: 440-647-8866 6097. neer, 247 Hadaway Street, Elyria, OH 44035 between the hours of 8:00
[email protected] am and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. A non-refundable deposit of
104 South Main Street Youth Orchestras ?fteen dollars ($15.00) is required for each set of bidding documents.
Wellington, Ohio 44090 Spring Auditions Bids must be accompanied by a bid bond, certi?ed check, cashier’s
check or letter of credit equal to ten percent (10%) OF THE AMOUNT
The Northern Ohio Youth Orchestras (NOYO) is now accept- of the bid, or a bond for the full amount of the bid, as a guarantee that
ing applications to audition for its 2015-2016 season. Auditions if the bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and a performance
will be held on four dates: Saturday, May 16, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and bond properly secured. Should any bid be rejected, such instrument
Sunday May 17, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Oberlin Conserva- will forthwith be returned upon proper execution of a contract.
tory; Monday, May 18, 3-5 p.m. at Avon Lake High School; and
Tuesday, May 19, 3-5 p.m. at Elyria High School. Auditions are Each bid shall contain the full name of persons and company sub-
open to the following instruments: violin, viola, cello, bass, ?ute, mitting the bid and shall be sealed in an envelope and marked “Wel-
oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, percus- lington Township 2015 Road Program”
sion, harp and piano.
The board of trustees of Wellington Township reserves to reject
any and all bids and to waive any informalities or irregularities if it is
deemed in the best interest of Wellington Township to do so. Any ex-
ceptions to the speci?cations are to be made in writing to the board of
Township Trustees. Objections to any bid award shall be in writing and
shall be ?led with the township Fiscal Of?cer within ?ve (5) days after
receipt of noti?cation of the successful bid award.
By order of the Wellington Township Trustees, W. Louise Grose,
Fiscal Of?cer
from Toledo to Cleveland. These musicians rehearse weekly un- “Picture Me.” Students were asked to think of the many aspects RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Page 19
der the guidance of dedicated professional musicians to perform of their lives and ?nd something to photograph that in some way
innovative programs, juxtaposing new works alongside classical symbolically expressed these different aspects. In Loving Memory
Seventh graders will present photos regarding a project called Dr. Lawrence E. Forthofer
Application and audition requirements are available at www. “Anti-Bullying.” Each student has their own individual panel of Please visit the website or email [email protected] for 4 pictures regarding the subject and another collection of photos Dr. Lawrence E. Forthofer,
more information. taken of faces showing what the world would look like if it was DVM, 66, of Wellington passed
“bully free.” away Thursday, April 23, 2015 at
JVS Educational Foundation his home after a long illness. Born
hosts Comedy fund-raiser This exhibition includes mature content and explicit language. on November 13, 1948 in Lorain
Gallery hours are Tuesday-Saturday, from 11 a.m.-5 p.m., and to the late Julian F. and Norma M.
The JVS Educational Foundation, with the support of the Sunday, 1-5 p.m. (nee Linden) Forthofer, Larry grew
JVS Teacher’s Association, is hosting In Honor & In Jest - a up in Avon and graduated from St.
family friendly comedy show fund-raiser on Thursday, May 14, For more information, contact [email protected] or Edward High School. Larry’s under-
at the Amherst Eagles. call (440) 774-7158 graduate studies were at the Univer-
sity of Dayton, followed by earning
Tickets are $15 and include a buffet dinner. Adult beverages JVS Business/Marketing Students his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
will be available for purchase. Dinner will be served beginning high ROPES team building (DVM) from The Ohio State Univer-
at 6 p.m. sity in 1973.
Students in the Lo- Business and Marketing students
Tickets can be obtained by contacting Pogie at pogie@lorain- rain County JVS Busi- from both Lorain County JVS and Dr. Forthofer, affectionately or by calling the Educational Foundation treasurer at ness and Marketing Polaris Career Center navigate known as “Doc” to many, had as-
(440) 774-1051, ext. 2275. programs teamed up the high ROPES course at Lorain pired to be a veterinarian ever since he accompanied his uncle on farm
with their peers from County Community College. calls as a young boy. He always held a special place for animals in his
A variety of Chinese auctions items will be available to help the Polaris Career Cen- heart, beginning with life on a family farm, which included a variety
raise funds to support student scholarships distributed by the ter for a little “team of farm animals, pets and 4-H horse club activities. Larry started his
Educational Foundation. A portion of the program will salute the work.” professional career as an equine and small animal practitioner in North
JVS employees retiring this year. Ridgeville. In 1976, he launched his own mixed-animal practice in Graf-
The team work ton, Lorain County Veterinary Clinic, now known as Forever Friends
My Lens, My Life photo project came in the form of Pet Care Center & Hospital. He was committed to providing the best
mastering the high care for pets and using his expertise to help his clients. Doc was a
My Lens, My Life photo project is presented by Common ROPES course on lifelong member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and
Ground, in partnership with the FAVA Gallery. the campus of Lorain the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association.
County Community Larry was an avid outdoorsman and conservationist; he preferred
Photos and stories by students from Langston and McCor- College. The ROPES being outside and regularly could be found trying to reestablish pheas-
mick Middle School will be on display from now through May course activity is an ants on his property or planting trees. An expert horseman, Larry could
15, at the Firelands Association for the Visual Arts’ New Union exercise in leadership mount any horse bareback, often to the delight of his clients. He had
Center for the Arts, 39 South Main Street, in Oberlin. training for the stu- a passion for farming and had the highest producing soybean crop in
dents. Lorain County one year. Most importantly, Larry was a lover of all liv-
A Public Reception will be held on Thursday, May 7, from 6- ing things.
7:30 p.m. There will be a brief presentation at 6:30 p.m. A small Students worked Survivors include his beloved wife, Dr. Marsha L. Heinke, DVM;
snack and beverages will be provided. on both individual and siblings, Linda M. (Michael Uzelac) Forthofer, of Avon, Daniel J. (Ann)
team goals as they ma- Forthofer, of Avon, Joseph P. (Debbie) Forthofer, of White?sh, Mon-
Sixth graders will present photos regarding a project called neuvered the course. tana, Charles T. (Preston Phillips) Forthofer, of Bridgehampton, New
While the events were York and Lisa M. (Kenneth) Matuszak, of Avon; loving dog, Josie; con-
Rachelle Grimmett challenging, the stu- stant supporter and loving caregiver for the last 3 years, Kelly “Side-
dents rallied to help kick” Joppeck; mother-in-law, Patricia R. Heinke; brother-in-laws, Ward
Agent each other with physi- E. (Liz) Heinke and Dr. L. Bruce (Ilene) Heinke; nephews and nieces,
44777 St. Rt. 18, Wellington, Oh cal assists and encour- Jackie, Brian, Jason, Joseph, Justin, Kelsey, Tyler, Dane, Colin, Chase,
agement. Julia, Arielle and Charles and many other loving family members.
440.647.2700 All are welcome to a Celebration of Life , Saturday, May 16, at
CLAIMS 800-692-6326 Forever Friends, from 12-3 p.m. Doc’s family suggests non-tax free
[email protected] donations to the Forever Friends Good Samaritan Fund which helps
stray pets in need, 36469 State Route 303, Grafton, Ohio 44044; The
Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, www.michaeljfox.
org; or to The Western Reserve Land Conservancy, http://www.wrland- Expressions of sympathy may be given at: www.
Floors To Your Door!
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*Financing available with approved credit on purchases of $500 or more.
Minimum payments required. See store for details
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 They are working on the show bills and would like to know AAUW program
who is interested in sponsorship and advertising opportunities by
Lorain County Historical Society Friday, May 15. This will help them to meet printing deadlines. Noted broadcaster and author Andrea Vecchio will speak
Please call Heidi at (440) 781-5060. when the Elyria branch of American Association of University
The Lorain County Historical Society’s new exhibition on Women (AAUW) celebrates its 75th anniversary on May 30 at
Beckett Industries will be on display in the Lorain County History AHHR is a 501(c)(3) non-pro?t volunteer based organiza- the Spitzer Conference Center on the campus of Lorain County
Center’s rotating gallery through July. This exhibition is included tion. Community College.
in the price of admission, which is $5 per adult, ages 13-18/$3
and children 6-12/$2 (children under 6 and LCHS Members are Medina Genealogical Society An Elyria native, Andrea Vecchio will speak about "The
free). Please call LCHS at (440) 322-3341 for more information. Importance of Women Mentoring Women." A veteran commu-
The Lorain County History Center is located at 284 Washington Marcia Hart, Medina County Genealogical Society member, nicator, she spent two decades of her professional career as a
Avenue, in Elyria. will present “Jump Start Your Genealogy Research” on Saturday, producer for the "Morning Exchange" on WEWS-TV. Later, she
May 9. The 2 p.m. meeting will be held at the Medina County worked as the host and producer for WKYC-TV’s "Good Com-
Spring Garden Luncheon District Library, located at 210 S. Broadway St., in Medina. pany." Her ?rst book is titled "Live Your Playlist."
The topic will cover strategies to help rejuvenate genealogical
Please join the Lorain County Historical Society for its annu- research. Tools will be mentioned to restart stalled investigations Tickets for the 12:30 p.m. luncheon and program are $25 and
al Spring Garden Luncheon on June 6, from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. to assist in ?nding new ancestors. The public is invited to attend are available by calling Sue Bonds at (440) 933-3764 or Carol
Guests will enjoy a casual afternoon of ?owers, food and fun at this informative talk and earlier social time at 1:30 p.m. For more Franco at (440) 458-4598 by May 18. Advance reservations are
The Hickories Museum, located at 509 Washington Avenue, in information, contact Pat Morgan at (330) 725-7540. There will required. The luncheon is open to the public. Net proceeds will
Elyria. Private gardens will be available for viewing. Advanced be no MCGS June meeting. support the branch's scholarship program.
ticket purchase is recommended as seating is limited. Cost is $18
for non-members and $15 for LCHS members. Reserve your Oberlin Heritage Center Women’s
tickets by calling LCHS at (440) 322-3341. This event is open History Docent Training
to the public.
The Oberlin Heritage [email protected]
Family Art Fest Center will offer a free train- or (440) 774-1700.
ing workshop for volunteers
It has been announced that the 8th annual Shef?eld Village interested in leading the “One Pride Day
Family Arts Fest will be on Saturday, August 22, from 11 a.m.-4 Step More” Oberlin Women’s
p.m. at French Creek Nature & Arts Center, 4530 Colorado Ave- History Walk. The session will Saturday, May 16th
nue, Shef?eld Village. The event features a 5K Run/1Mile Walk, be held on Saturday, May 16,
with 9 a.m. registration at Brookside High School, 1812 Harris from 2-5 p.m. beginning at Pride Day is part
Road, in Shef?eld Village. The race starts at 10 a.m., with the ?n- the Oberlin Heritage Center’s of Keep America
ish line at French Creek Nature & Arts Center, where the Family Monroe House (73½ South Beautiful’s Great
Arts Fest will take place. Log onto Hermes Sports & Events to Professor Street, in Oberlin) American Clean-up,
register for the race. Activities of the event will include a live and moving on from there. so join your friends &
auction for one week stay in a Ft. Myers Beach, Florida condo, Parking is available in the neighbors in keeping
silent auction items, ?re truck & police car tours, ?ngerprinting Heritage Center’s parking lot, Lorain County clean,
& ID cards for children and an old fashioned pie baking con- accessed off of 20 West Vine green and beautiful!!
test. There will also be live music throughout the day, exhibits, Street (behind Midas Muf-
food vendors, kids’ games & crafts, face painters and lots of fun! ?er). To volunteer please contact Brandi Schnell
Make your plans now to attend this event. at 440-328-2249 or via email at
Docent volunteers will [email protected]
Benefit Horse Shows scheduled learn how to engage visitors in
a 75-minute community land- FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF
Angels Haven Horse Rescue will be hosting ?ve bene?t mark walking tour through PRIDE WEEK ACTIVITIES
horse shows this season. They have several opportunities for stories of powerful 19th and
show sponsorships this year. The Lewis Road Shows take place early 20th century Oberlin PLEASE VISIT:
on June 7, July 26 and September 13, at the Lewis Road Riding women who helped shape
Ring in Olmsted Township, (Rocky River Metroparks Reserva- what it meant to be a woman
tion). They will offer 31 classes. Class sponsorship is $30 (in- in a small town and across
cludes all three shows). America. Trained docents
will be asked to make a com-
They will also have two shows at the Carlisle Equestrian Cen- mitment of helping with at
ter in LaGrange on June 28 and August 16. They will offer a pro- least four tours or open house
gram booklet and advertising opportunities - business card, 1/2 events per year as part of the
page and full page ads (donation various per size of ad). Classes Oberlin Heritage Center’s vol-
are a $25 donation for sponsorship. unteer program.
You are welcome to come and hand out ribbons during these Enrollment is limited for
shows if you wish. They welcome riders and all to spectate - the workshop. Advance reg-
bring your sunglasses and relax. Rescue horses will be on the istration is required by May
premises. 11. For more information, or
to reserve your place at the
workshop, please contact Liz
Schultz, Museum Educa-
tion and Tour Coordinator, at
Dumpster Day The Lorain County Solid Waste
Management District
@ Town Hall
Saturday, May 9, A Department of the Lorain
County Board of Commissioners
(Details on website)
Residents only
Photo ID required
Celebrate Pride Day - May 16
Keep in touch with your community
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sponsored rebate/offer. See Service Advisor or Quick Lane for vehicle application, rebate and account details. 2Dealer-installed retail purchases only. Limit one redemption per customer. $60 tire rebate by prepaid debit card or apply to an active Owner Advantage Rewards® account. $60 credit card rebate by prepaid
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payment to the Ford Serviece Credit Card. Cannot be combined with other Ford Service Credit Card offers. Valid at participating Ford Dealerships. 4Retail purchases only. Dealer-installed or Quick Lane-installed Motorcraft brake pads or shoes only, on most vehicles. Exclusions apply. Taxes extra. $25 rebate per axle,
front or rear, Limit two axles. Offer valid between 4/1/15 and 6/30/15. Submit rebate by 7/31/15. Rebate by pre-paid debit card or apply to an active Owner Advantage Rewards® account. See Service Advisor or Quick Lane for rebate and account details. Motorcraft® is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015 Page 21
Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has pur- CLASSIFIEDS 2-Week Special for Garage/Rummage Sale Ads &
chased selected classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product Personal Items For Sale: $14. (15 words or less) (No Breeders,
is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some ad-
ver tisers do not offer “employment” but rather supply the readers with manu- Get the Job Done! Dealers, Agents or Businesses.) DEADLINE: WED. 12 NOON
als, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish
mail order businesses at home. Under NO circumstances should you send 3 Easy Ways to Place Your Classi?ed - Phone: 440-236-8982 | 1-800-941-3099
any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID or credit Fax: 440-236-9198 Mail: Rural-Urban Record • P.O. Box 966 • Columbia Station, OH 44028
card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless
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or less,10¢ per word after 15. • Display advertising $16/column inch. Reaching Over
Considering Adoption? Advertise to 500,000 Homes Number of weeks ad runs: 1 2 34 21,000 Households
Loving, Secure, Happy with a business card size
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family through the miracle coverage in free community
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Paid 800-476-1819 www. 800-450-7227 or visit macne- 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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ADVERTISE to 10 Million Mastercard & Visa Accepted. Card #:
Homes across the USA! Place
ANNOUNCEMENTS your ad in over 140 commu- Expiration Date: 3 Digit # on back:
nity newspapers, with circu-
DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK lation totaling over 10 million NAME PHONE
OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR homes. Contact Independent
THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Va- Free Papers of America IFPA ADDRESS HELP WANTED
cation, Tax Deductible, Free at danielleburnett-ifpa@live.
Towing, All Paperwork Taken com or visit our website cad- SIGNED
Care Of. CALL 1-800-895- for more informa-
Got an older car, boat or RV? CAREERS F.O.P. LODGE #54 HELP WANTED
Do the humane thing. Donate Capacity 150-175
it to the Humane Society. Call Catering Available Mader Dampers NOTICE OF ELECTION
1- 800-758-2204 36854 Royalton Rd. LaGrange, OH ON TAX LEVY
Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? (1 mile East of Durkee)
Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-re- Full & Part Time IN EXCESS OF THE
lieving brace -little or NO cost Grafton, Ohio Positions Available TEN MILL LIMITATION
to you. Medicare Patients Call 440-653-7227
Health Hotline Now! 1- 800- Experienced NOTICE is hereby given that in
419-3684 FULL park with restrooms, 3 pursuance of Resolution of the
Reduce Your Past Tax Bill by pavilions, air conditioned hall, Welders / Fabricators TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES of CO-
as much as 75 Percent. Stop for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange LUMBIA TOWNSHIP, Ohio, passed
Levies, Liens and Wage Gar- Lions Club. 440-458-6781. Apply in person at on the 17th day of November, 2014,
nishments. Call The Tax DR 422 Commerce Dr. East there will be submitted to vote of the
Now to see if you Qualify 1- Grafton VFW. Call from LaGrange, Ohio 44050 people at the PRIMARY ELECTION
800-841-2298 9:30-11:30 a.m. Monday-Fri- to be held at the regular places of
Sell your structured settle- day. 440-926-3341 HORSES voting on TUESDAY, the 5th day of
ment or annuity payments for MAY, 2015, the question of levying
CASH NOW. You don't have to HELP WANTED Horseback riding lessons. a tax, in excess of the ten mill limita-
wait for your future payments 24344 Foster Road, Litch?eld, tion, for the bene?t of the COLUM-
any longer! Call 1-800-391- CLEANING FOR SALE Drivers: CDL-A 1yr. exp. Earn 330-603-5955. Beginners-ad- BIA TOWNSHIP, for the purpose of
0460 $1200+ per week. Guaranteed vanced. Jumping lessons LIBRARY CURRENT EXPENSES.
3 Chics and a Broom: Green 2 riding mowers. Call home time. Excellent bene?ts available. Indoor & outdoor
SOCIAL SECURITY DISABIL- Cleaning. Let us spiff you 440-355-6976 & bonuses. 100% No-touch, arena. Trailering to shows Tax being a RENEWAL OF EXIST-
ITY BENEFITS. Unable to up! Licensed, bonded and 70% D&H. 855-842-8498 available. ING TAX at the rate not exceeding
work? Denied bene?ts? We insured. 440-355-6639. Beautiful oak Cocharen dining 1.74 mills for each one dollar of
Can Help! WIN or Pay Noth- table, includes 4 leaves plus Drivers: Triple Crown has 10 Part-time horse barn help. valuation, which amounts to $0.174
ing! Contact Bill Gordon & Custom cleaning. Everyone’s 6 chairs, matching buffet & openings in its Sandusky Ter- Stall cleaning, grooming, other for each one hundred dollars of
Associates at 1-800-208-6915 needs are different. We spe- hutch. Call 440-371-7625. minal. Owner Operators, Class general barn duties. Experi- valuation, for 5 years.
to start your application to- cialize in catering to what your A needed. Lease purchase ence handling horses helpful.
day! needs are. Call Marcie today Shelving: Industrial grade, available. Sign-on bonus if in Minimum 3 days per week. The polls for the election will open
for your free assessment ap- excellent condition, 7ft. high, the ?eet by May 31, 2015. Paid Exchange for horse boarding at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until
APPLIANCES pointment at 440-213-7527. 3ft. wide, 1ft. deep. $50 each. tolls, home daily, great income. possible. Silver Eagle Ara- 7:30 p.m. on election day.
Over 13 years experience. 440-355-4085 Call today: 888-992-5609. bians and Boarding Stable.
Good clean used appli- 440-236-8164 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF
ances. Call Bill Bakers, EDUCATION Troybuilt Rototiller, 5HP Pony Help wanted at residence: gar- ELECTIONS
440-322-2325. for parts. $100 or best offer. dening, inside / outside work, INSURANCE
The path to your dream job 440-236-3083 Evenings. running errands, dog sitting & OF LORAIN COUNTY
AUTOS WANTED begins with a college degree. misc. 440-355-8032 Auto-Insurance-Help-Line. OHIO
Education Quarters offers a Acorn Stairlifts. The AFFORD- Helping you ?nd a Car
FREE PICK-UP free college matching service. ABLE solution to your stairs! Help wanted on horse farm. Insurance Payment MARILYN JACOBCIK
Of Your Unwanted CALL 1-800-375-6219 **Limited time -$250 Off Your Some walking required. Volun- You can afford. Chairman
Stairlift Purchase!** Buy Di- teers welcome. 440-891-9992 Toll Free 888-800-2312
Cars & Trucks AVIATION Grads work with rect & SAVE. Please call 1- www.Auto-Insurance- PAUL R. ADAMS
Call JASON’S SERVICES JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and 800-410-7127 for FREE DVD Help Wanted: experienced Director
others- start here with hands and brochure. cooks, waitresses. Apply at
440-926-3446 on training for FAA certi?ca- Four Keys Restaurant, 26606 Auto-Insurance-Help-Line. Dated: February 18, 2015
Mike’s Hooker Service. We tion. Financial aid if quali?ed. Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert Royalton Rd., Columbia Sta- Helping you ?nd a Car Insur-
pay top dollar for all unwant- Call Aviation Institute of Main- for Seniors. Bathroom falls tion. ance Payment You can afford. LOTS & LAND FOR SALE
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free tenance 866-453-6204 can be fatal. Approved by Toll Free 1-800-231-3603 www.
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, Arthritis Foundation. Thera- Landscape maintenance la- UPSTATE NY ABSOLUTE
216-534-6514. ELECTRONICS peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch borers needed. Year round LAND LIQUIDATION!
CASH FOR CARS: Cars/ Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip employment. Must have valid LAWN & GARDEN
Trucks Wanted! Running or DISH TV Starting at $19.99/ Floors. American Made. In- driver’s license. 440-342-3438 MAY 9TH! 19 Tracts from 3 to
Not! We Come To You! Any month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! stallation Included. Call 1- CORDELL’S LAWN MOWING 35 acres starting at $12,900
Make/Model. Instant Offer - Regular Price $32.99 Ask 800-906-3115 for $750 Off Looking for a home health Free estimates Examples: 9 acres - $19,900
Call: 1-800-569-0003 About FREE SAME DAY In- care woman nearby to visit Senior / Military
TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any stallation! CALL Now! 877- GARAGE SALES my independent 83 yr. old 20 acres - $29,900
Car/Truck, Running or Not. 451-6721 mother. Would like a few hrs. discounts available 35 acres - Farmhouse -
Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800- 15593 Chamberlain Road, per week, 1/2 hr. min. per visit. 440-236-3609
454-6951 DISH TV Starting at $19.99/ Grafton (1 mile south of Graf- Open to flexible hours, but $169,900
CASH FOR CARS, Any Make month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! ton light). May 7-9, 9am-6pm. daily would be preferred for GREENPIECE Foreclosures, estates, aban-
or Model! Free Towing. Sell it Regular Price $34.99 Ask Horse and camping gear. Sold day / evening check ins. Call Complete landscape
TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800- About FREE SAME DAY In- the horse, so everything goes. Bernice, 216-403-0561. restoration / overhaul. doned farms! Waterfront,
864-5784 stallation! CALL Now! 877- See Craigslist for details. Top soils & mulches. trout streams, farmhouses,
477-9659 Part-time of?ce cleaning, days
BOATS 27709 Joyce Drive, Columbia and evenings, Grafton & N. 440-458-5551 views! Clear title,
Dish Network - Get MORE for Station. May 14, 15 & 16, 8am Ridgeville. Must have reliable 100% g'teed!
For sale: 1990 22ft. Sea Nymph. LESS! Starting $19.99/month to 4pm. Lots of Home Interiors transportation, pass back- Lawn Mowing, no contracts,
Great Lakes special cabin (for 12 months.) PLUS Bundle products, clothes, baby items, ground check. $9/hour. Call $30-$40 depending on lot size. Terms available! Call 888-
cruiser. Indoor stored for last 9 & SAVE (Fast Internet for $15 toys, furniture and more! M-F 9-4pm, 216-215-6132. Experienced. 440-236-5231 or 738-6994 to register or go to
years. Tandem trailer, 6-cylin- more/month.) CALL Now! 1- 440-723-5404.
der IO, $5,900. 330-483-4854 800-615-4064 613 Rundle St., LaGrange. NEW TRUCKS ARRIVING
EVENTS furnishings, furniture, tools, ERS VAN DIVISION: Runs Quality mowing...Will bag
clothing and much more. 48 states, heavy from WI to Weedeating around lawns, Wanted: Dead or alive mo-
Holding a Carnival! Fair! Fes- Philadelphia/ Baltimore/ MD torcycles, street / dirt bikes,
tival! Jubilee! Promote it to Moving Sale: 542 Oakdale area. Flex home time. 99% walkways & patios ATVs, UTVs and related parts.
over 1 Million readers for only Circle, Elyria. Wed., May 6, No-Touch. Top Pay! Vacation/ Blow off all driveways, 440-647-2274
$200!!! Visit www.midatlan- 4pm-?; May 7-9, 8am-? Longa- 401K/ Vision/ Dental/ Dis- for more details berger, clothes, household, ability/ Health. Require Class patios & walkways PETS
or call 800-450-7227. furniture, yard, holiday and A CDL, 2 yrs OTR exp. good Reasonably priced
much more. MVR, references. Call Ruth/ Local 2-person mowers All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster
FOR RENT Mike TTI, Inc. 1-800-558-2664 Larry, 440-748-1522 Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509. Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
Affordable apartments in La- or 315-8353 exercise yards, custom care.
Porte: Spacious 2BR units, HALLS FOR RENT Full time Drivers wanted! $15 per day. Grooming now
close to 480. Starting at $535/ Holland is hiring Drivers in TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- available.
month. 1st month rent free. AMVETS POST 32 Cleveland. Drvs w/ 1 year or vice. Complete tree removal,
Call 440-323-7067. 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria 50k miles exp, w/ tanker & trimming, root feeding and Kill ?eas on contact on dogs
hazmat. The recruiter will be cleaning. Fully insured. FREE and cats with DD-33 flea
Elyria: 1 month free. $100 secu- Capacity: Hall-250, on site May 5,6,7 from Noon ESTIMATES. Firewood for mist. Lasts longer. Pleasant
rity deposit. Newly remodeled Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 to 5pm at 10720 Memphis sale. 440-236-3061. odor. Contains NO Fipronil!
2 bedroom town homes with Available for all occasions Ave., Brooklyn, OH, 44144. Worcester Sales & Service,
new carpet, ceramic tile and Apply at 440-327-4201. (www.happy-
hard wood ?oors. Appliances Call for pricing careers EEO/AAE Minorities/
included. Call 216-347-6775. and availability Females/Persons with Dis-
440-458-8544 abilities/Protected Veterans
25-150 Capacity
Catering Available
Page 22, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015
ON over 30 yrs. experience CONTRACTORS, INC.
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Buying contents of Es- •PATCHING •SEALING
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and antiques. We pay well. •EXCAVATION •GRADING
For Sale: Beautiful 4Bdr, 2Ba 440-506-7738 Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
split on 4 acres in LaGrange. Contact Us Today! 440-458-4985 New Work-Replacement-Repairs
Many updates. 440-396-5953 Looking to buy deer horns.
440-888-6800, ask for Bruce. NOVAK CONCRETE, INC Richards Concrete •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
Valley City: 8900 sq.ft. build- •Security & Camera Systems
ing. Store front & 3 apartments. CASH for sealed, unexpired Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, “For all of your Concrete needs
Good investment. Priced to DIABETIC TEST STRIPS/ Garage Floors, Stamped and more”! •Commercial Buildings •Parking Lot Lighting
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Free Shipping, 24hr Pay- FREE ESTIMATES 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
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Espanol Available www.Test- 440-748-6217 State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response
Columbia United Methodist Quality Service since 1989 Richards Concrete LLC
Women’s annual Rummage EXCAVATING
Sale will be held at Colum- CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for 440-328-6425
bia United Methodist Church unexpired, sealed DIABETIC J. A. KILBY ENT.
(25453 Royalton Road, Colum- TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAY- Hart Free
bia Station) on Thursday, May MENT.1-800-371-1136 Estimates •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
21, 9am-5pm and Friday, May Blacktop •Driveways Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
22, 9am-noon. Friday is $5 a Wants to purchase minerals
bag sale (whatever you ?t into and other oil and gas inter- •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
a bag is only $5). ests. Send details to P.O. Box •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation
13557 Denver, Co. 80201
Fields UMC, Giant Rummage 440-327-3433
Sale, 34077 Lorain Rd. NR. Fri- • Parking Lots
day, May 8, 9-5; Saturday, May Residential - Commercial
9, 9-12. Saturday $2/bag. 800-619-7808 (24 hours) Industrial - Farm
Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours)
[email protected]
We specialize in
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Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
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“Let us come to you”
April & May Tune-Up Specials
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Call for details Of?ce: 440-236-4001 •
Service • Parts• Mobile Repair Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner
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“33 years of doing it right”
BULK LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949
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•Straw •Sand •Limestone •Grass Seed
Picked Up or Delivered
Large & Small Loads
34020 Royalton Rd. Eaton Twp.
Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, May 4, 2015
CARRY The Best in Northeast Ohio BREAKFAST
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Interest will be charged to
your account from the pur-
chase date if the purchase
balance is not paid in full
within 12 months or if your
account is otherwise in
Keep Rollin’ with Polen! 42255 Oberlin Elyria Road
Elyria, Ohio 44035
1Offer ends August 4, 2015. Subject to approved credit on revolving plan, a service of John Deere Financial, f.s.b. For consumer use only. No down payment required. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date at 17.9% APR if the purchase
balance is not paid in full within 12 months or if your account is otherwise in default. Other special rates and terms may be available, including installment ?nancing and ?nancing for commercial use. Available at participating dealers. §Prices and models may
vary by dealer. Manufacturer suggested list price at $2,499 on S240 Sport. Prices are suggested retail prices only and are subject to change without notice at any time. Dealer may sell for less. Shown with optional equipment not included in the price. Attach-
ments and implements sold separatey. Available at particiapting dealers. *Manufacturer’s estimate of power (ISO) per 97/68/ED **Term limited to years or hours used, whichever comes ?rst, and varies by model. See the LIMITED WARRANTY FOR NEW
JOHN DEERE TURF AND UTILITY EQUIPMENT at or for details. John Deere’s green and yellow color scheme, the leaping deer symbol and JOHN DEERE are trademarks of Deere & Company.