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Published by The Rural-Urban Record, 2018-02-07 09:43:09


The Rural-Urban Record

“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 62 Years of Community Service!”

Volume 63, No. 31 Columbia Station, Ohio January 29, 2018

All-Star Keystone Band members Murray Ridge “50 Acts of Giving Back” success

At the beginning of
2017, to celebrate its
50th anniversary, Murray
Ridge set out to complete
at least “Fifty Acts of
Giving Back” to the com-
munity that has supported
its provision of lifelong
services to thousands of
local residents with de-
velopmental disabilities.
This initiative, whereby
members of the Murray
Ridge family would ‘give
back’ through at least fif-
ty acts of helping to meet
needs in Lorain County,
was wildly successful.
By the end of last year,
213 Acts of Giving Back
Cody Grimmett, Michael Spatafore, Braden Cuson, Beau Hurst and Declan Herbert. had been completed, with
KHS freshman Emma In addition to our out- more than 180 program
Gregory, a clarinet player, standing High School participants volunteer-
also impresses as she is musicians, five Keystone ing their time at more Rosa Ortiz, who led Murray Ridge Center with the most vol-
participating in the North- Middle School band than 40 locations in Lo- unteer acts, picks up trash and debris at East Park in Elyria,
ern Ohio Youth Orchestra students recently per- rain County throughout where the Murray Ridge Center Elyria Opportunity/Vocation-
al Center’s Young at Heart Senior Program participants ad-
and their philharmonic or- formed in the Northern the year. While many of opted a trail.
chestra. Emma has been Ohio Youth Orchestra’s those individuals volun-
a member of this year- concert. Cody Grimmett teered dozens of times, served by Murray Ridge agency’s adult Opportu-
round group for the past (horn), Michael Spata- Rosa Ortiz, who attends will continue to ‘give nity/Vocational Centers.
three years, developing fore (trombone), Braden the Elyria Opportunity/ back’ through organized Many thanks to local cit-
an impressive skill set and Cuson (trombone), Beau Vocational Center, led the volunteer projects and as izens with developmental
bringing her knowledge Hurst (saxophone) and effort with 31 separate members of service clubs disabilities for making a
to the KHS band program. Declan Herbert (tuba), volunteer acts! that have been estab- positive difference in our
Recently she performed are members in the Wind Going forward, inter- lished at all three of the community!
Emma Gregory in a great concert on the Symphony. ested individuals who are
Keystone High School campus of Oberlin Col- Congratulations to all!
senior Matt Rister, ju- lege. February Winter Hikes
nior Blaise Sherlock and
freshman Jack Sherlock With February just around the corner, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources
recently earned the dis- is hosting family-friendly winter hikes for people to enjoy. Dress for the weather and
tinction of being selected spend time making fun memories while exploring Ohio’s state parks.
to participate in the Kent Groundhog Hike at Wingfoot Lake State Park - Join us at Wingfoot Lake State Park
State University All-Star on Saturday, February 3, at 10 a.m. On this hike, we will be looking out for the elusive
groundhog, along with other animals that might be lurking around. Meet at the boat
Honors Band Festival, marina parking lot. For more information, call (330) 628-4720.
practicing and performing Winter Hike at Findley State Park - Experience the beauty of winter through Find-
with outstanding musi- ley’s woodlands and around the lake on Saturday, February 3, at 10 a.m. There are 5K
cians from area schools. and 10K guided hikes. Donations are accepted for cornbread and bean soup after the
Blaise played the horn, hikes. Meet at the nature center in the campground. For more information, call (440)
Jack played the trombone 647-0534.
and Matt was in the per- Lorain County Metro Parks offers Winter Hikes throughout February as well. Beat
cussion section. L-R: Matt Rister, Jack Sherlock and Blaise Sherlock. the winter blues while hiking for your health at these upcoming hikes.
Winter Birding Hike at Sandy Ridge Reservation - We will go on a search for winter
residents on February 7, from 10-11:30 a.m. No registration required. For more infor-
Lorain County Real Estate Tax Bills mailed mation, call (440) 458-5121.
Winter Hike at Wellington Reservation - Enjoy a winter stroll and the beauty of the
season on February 10, from 1-3 p.m. No registration is required.
The Lorain County Treasurer announced that Real Estate and Special Assess- Snowshoe Hike at Black River Bur Oak - Meet at Bridgeway Trailhead for a guided
ments Bills have been mailed out to the taxpayers. Due date for payment is by hike through the snow. February 16, from 9-10:30 a.m. 4 inches of snow is required
February 16, 2018. Payments will be accepted at the Treasurer’s Office (226 Middle for snowshoes, so if there is no snow, we will take a Winter Hike. Please preregister by
Ave., Elyria) Monday-Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Taxpayers who choose calling (440) 949-5200 ext. 225. Bur Oak is located at 6150 Ford Rd., in Elyria.
to mail their check will be considered timely if their payment is postmarked on or First Flower Hike at Schoepfle Gardens - Search for the first blooms of the year on
before February 16, 2018. Ohio law requires that a ten percent penalty fee be as- February 21, from 10-10:45 a.m. No registration required. For more information, call
sessed to all payments postmarked after the closing date. (440) 965-7237.

Community Directory Carlisle 6 Grafton 10 N. Ridgeville 5 Profile 13
Grafton Twp. 11
Eaton 6 LaGrange 12 Churches 4
All EverStrand® warranties include lifetime stain resistance
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Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018
Wednesday: Breakfast - Dutch waffle; Lunch - Choice of Visit Attractive Kitchens and Floors
Bosco sticks w/marinara, Italian sub or chef salad w/roll, with
peas and mixed fruit. for all your remodeling needs
Thursday: Breakfast - breakfast pizza; Lunch - Choice of
Raider chicken bowl w/roll, Italian sub or chef salad w/roll, Make Attractive Kitchens and Floors your first and only
with corn and cinnamon apples.
Friday: Breakfast - oatmeal; Lunch - Choice of pizza, Italian stop for your home improvement projects. We are not just an-
other kitchen or carpet shop. Our showroom is conveniently
Copopa Kindergarten sub or chef salad w/roll, with mixed vegetables and peaches. located in the heart of Elyria, at 536 Cleveland St., and has
Assorted fruit and vegetable bar available daily.
Registration/Information Night Harry seeks loving home a comfortable open atmosphere with stylish displays of high
quality, budget conscious products. We have something for
every budget and style preference. Our sales and interior de-
If you have a child that will be (5) years old on or before call the Friendship Animal sign staff can guide you through tough remodeling decisions
August 1, 2018, he or she may attend Kindergarten next fall. Protective League at (440) and provide you with the insight that will ensure your project
Copopa Elementary School is in the process of planning now 322-4321. (www.Friendshi- is easy and the results are beautiful. With over 100 years of
for the 2018-2019 school year. This year, we will again have a combined on-site experience in the construction industry, we
registration and information night for parents only on Thurs- The shelter is located at can ensure you an exceptional remodeling experience. We of-
day, March 22, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. This will be a time to meet 8303 Murray Ridge Road, in fer high quality kitchen and bath cabinets, countertops in gran-
Mr. Bunner, the school counselor, psychologist and the teach- Elyria. Their hours are from
ers. There will be several information tables for PTA and Co- 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Mon- ite, laminate and quartz, custom tile backsplashes, hardwood
lumbia’s public library. Parents need to turn in their completed day, Friday & Saturday; from floors, carpet, ceramic and vinyl tile, vinyl plank, laminate and
registration packets and any copies of documents needed that 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. on Tuesday many other flooring options.
evening. You will receive your child’s kindergarten screening & Thursday; and from 11 Our professional installation crews get the job done right
appointments at this time also. Harry a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Sunday. the first time. They show up on time with all the proper tools
Registration packets will be available for pick up at the Ad- Harry is a handsome 1- All cats receive one or and are always clean, courteous and honest. We pride ourselves
ministration Center, located at 25796 Royalton Road, begin- year-old. This sweet guy was more vaccinations, a basic for working as a team and our jobs show it. We only use the
ning February 1, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Additional info. about the a stray and is still kind of tim- veterinary examination, are highest quality products to install your kitchen or floors to en-
information night and the registration process will be available id. He might hiss at you when wormed and spayed/neutered sure that they provide the longest lasting finished product. Our
in the packet. you approach him, but don’t and feline leukemia tested. team spends hours researching the best products and installa-
If you have friends or neighbors who may not have received let that fool you. Give him a Kittens under a year old are tion methods for your specific needs and wishes for your home.
or read this notice, please have them call our District Registrar, few minutes to adjust and his $50 and over a year are $20. Attractive Kitchens and Floors makes your home remod-
Liz Wenzel, at 236-1236. Thank you for your assistance. scared hisses will turn into All kittens/cats over 3 months eling projects fast, fun, easy and affordable! Call us today at
Free Hot Meal & Food Pantry grateful purrs. It would be a old are also micro-chipped. (440) 406-9299. Visit our website at: info@attractivekitchens.
Friendship APL is a pri-
dream come true for Harry to
move into a home where he vate, non-profit humane so-
On Saturday, February 3, a free hot meal will be served and feels safe, secure and loved. ciety. They depend on the Petunia seeks loving home
a perishable foods pantry will be available at New Life Wesley- Do you have room in your generosity and financial sup-
an Church from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is a monthly event held heart and home for Harry? If port of the public to serve the nia is a calm and quiet girl
the first Saturday of every month. The meal and food pantry you would like to give Harry people and animals of Lorain looking for some TLC and
(featuring fresh perishable foods) is available at no charge to a loving, forever home, please County. stability in her life. She’s
all local residents. currently in boarding and
The church is located at 11149 West River Road, in Colum- Columbia Library events
bia Station. For more information, please contact Kathy at getting training at The Dog-
(440) 840-2923 or Susan at (216) 906-5091. Knitting Club - Thurs- categories of data, modify gie Inn in Grafton. She’s
making great strides in her
CHS Senior Portrait deadline days, February 1 & 8, from data in a chart, format charts training and learning to do
12-4 p.m. Are you a knitter
and give charts a professional
better about guarding her
or crocheter? Join us every look. Participants need to be
Any CHS senior who chooses not to use Prestige Portraits can Thursday anytime during this comfortable using a mouse to food and toys, etc. When
have a traditional senior picture taken on January 31 at Columbia session. Preregistration not attend. Prerequisite for this adopted, Petunia will come
High School for the CHS yearbook, Class of 2018 composite required. class: Introduction to Excel with free lifetime training,
and the graduation issue of The Rural-Urban Record. Prestige Winter Escape Room - or equivalent knowledge. Petunia compliments of The Doggie
Portraits will be at CHS to take your senior portrait at no charge Saturday, February 3, from The Columbia Library is Inn.
to you beginning promptly at 6 a.m. JVS students will be photo- 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Teens, the located at 13824 W. River Petunia is a 5-year old fe- If you would like to meet
graphed prior to boarding the bus on that day. You must contact library Escape Room is back! Road North, in Columbia Sta- male Shepherd. She weighs Petunia, call the Parma An-
Mrs. Kobe at CHS to set an appointment time. Call (440) 236- Put your puzzle solving and tion. For more information, 68 lbs. and is spayed and up- imal Shelter at (440) 885-
5001 to reserve your spot and make sure your portrait will be code breaking skills to the call them at (440) 236-8751. dated on her vaccines. Petu- 8014.
included with the rest of your class. The deadline for Columbia test as you try to crack the
High School seniors to have their Senior Portrait taken at Pres- unsolvable and mysterious
tige Portraits Studios is March 10, 2018. lockbox. Scenarios and puz-
Columbia K-8 lunch menu zles will be presented and
groups will be challenged to
Week of February 5-9: solve the puzzles within set
Monday: Breakfast - Mini Eggo pancakes; Lunch - Choice time limits. Can you solve the
of chicken nuggets w/roll, Italian sub or chef salad w/roll, with puzzle fast enough?
broccoli and pears. Decorate Your Door
Tuesday: Breakfast - French toast sticks; Lunch - Choice Adult Craft - Monday, Febru-
of beef nachos w/cheese, Italian sub or chef salad w/roll, with ary 5, from 6-7 p.m. Adults,
refried beans and peaches. come craft with us and cre-
ate a new seasonally themed
door hanging each month.
Teen Talks - Tuesday, Feb-
Courtney C. Photos ruary 6, from 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Join other teens at the library
Photography with your to talk about the stuff that re-
Valentine! ally matters. We’ll discuss a
PICTURES TO CAPTURE LIFE’S wide range of topics relevant
to teens, from social issues to
PRECIOUS MOMENTS health to entertainment. Build
Visit my website for pricing, booking & your communication skills in
a safe environment and make
more information! new friends in the process! Preregistration not required.
Dinner and a Book Dis-
(440) 865-3565 cussion - Art Of Hearing
Heartbeats, by Jan Phillipp
Sendker, on Tuesday, Febru-
ary 6, from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Columbia Class of 2018 Would you like to spend an
After Prom evening each month discuss-
ing a great book, eating and
Hosts Our 4th Annual making new friends? Check

Vendor & Craft Fair out our brand new book dis-
cussion group. Dinner is on
us! Copies of the book are
Saturday, March 24, available at the library.
Intermediate Excel - Sat-
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. urday, February 10, from
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Learn
Columbia Middle School how to summarize data us-
13646 West River Road ing the LOOKUP function in
Microsoft Excel. Learn how
Columbia Station to create charts for different

Vendors - call Now to
Reserve a Table!

For more information
contact Carolyn at:
[email protected]
(440) 236-6435
Proceeds benefit the Class of 2018 After Prom

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018 Page 3

HOURS Sale Good - Now Hiring -
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Retail purchases only. Up to five quarts of Motorcraft oil and Motorcraft oil filter. Taxes, diesel vehicles and disposal fees extra. Hybrid battery test excluded. Offer valid until 1-31-18. See Service Advisor for vehicle exclusions.

Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018
The Rural-Urban Record Fish Fry Dinner Come and

Published Weekly on Monday The Pittsfield Community Church (corner of St. Rts. 58 and
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter 303) is having a Fish Fry Dinner on Friday, February 16, from
5-7 p.m. Cost: adults/$10; ages 7-12/$8; 6 and under are free.
Founders 1955 All are welcome to attend. Worship
Lee Boise, Publisher & President Swiss Steak Dinner
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 with us!
Litchfield Assembly of God, located at 9082 Norwalk Rd.,
Mailing Address: in Litchfield, will have a Swiss Steak Dinner on Friday, Febru-
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 ary 2, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Cost is: seniors/$7, adults/$9, chil- “Welcome Home”
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station dren 6-12/$4 and children 5 and under are free. Carry-out will
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 be available. Call (330) 723-2691. New Life Wesleyan Church
Email: [email protected] Lenten Pierogi & Strudel Sale 11149 West River Rd.
Website: Columbia Station
DEADLINE: The Lenten Pierogi Sale at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, SUNDAY 9 am
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station, has Adult Bible Study
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1 started. Orders should be called in by Monday, February 5, for SUNDAY 10 am
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year pick up on Thursday, February 8; order by Monday, February Worship & Children’s Church
19, for pick up on Thursday, February 22; order by Monday,
March 5, for pick up on Thursday, March 8; and the final order WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm
Spaghetti Dinner by Monday, March 19, for pick up on Thursday, March 22. Pick Bible Study
up times are 2-6:30 p.m. The pierogies are sold by the dozen Youth Group, Kids Club
The Lady’s Guild of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church will only and have the following fillings: potato, potato/cheese, sau-
be having their annual Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, February erkraut, ricotta cheese, prune, cabbage and apple. The strudel Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
3, from 5-7 p.m. in the parish hall, 708 Erie Street, Grafton. flavors are apple, blueberry, cheese and cherry. Pierogies are $9 Rev. John Bodo
The menu consists of spaghetti, homemade meatballs, salad, per dozen and strudel strips are $5 each. Forms can be found - Associate Pastor
rolls, dessert and a beverage. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for in the entrance way of the church, or you may fax your order 440-236-8600
seniors and $5 for children ages 4-11. Tickets will be available to the office at (440) 236-5804. Orders can also be called in to
at the door. (440) 236-9095, between 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Carry-outs will be available. A Chinese auction and 50/50 GriefShare
raffle will also be held during the event. NORTH
GriefShare is a faith based support group for those who
Celebrate Recovery have lost a loved one. We offer support, comfort and guidance CHRISTIAN
through shared experiences, providing encouragement and CHURCH
Celebrate Recovery, the local Christian 12-Step Program for hope for joy in the future. Bring a friend if you prefer. For more (Disciples)
anyone needing help with a hurt, habit or hang-up, meets each information or to register, contact Pastor Dominic Verdell at Rt. 82 & 83
week at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Church of the Open Door, lo- (440) 236-8282 or visit to sign up. 440-748-2230
cated at 43275 Telegraph Road, in Elyria. The first hour begins GriefShare is held at Christ Church, located at 23080 Royal-
with a brief time of worship, followed by a weekly lesson or a ton Road, in Columbia Station, (Rt. 82 at Marks Rd.), on Tues-
personal testimony. The second hour has gender specific small day evenings, from 6:30-8 p.m. or Tuesday mornings, from 10- Worship Services
groups for men and women, with a special video for first time 11:30 a.m., February 20 through May 15. 8:00am & 9:30am
attenders. All meetings are open to everyone. Light refreshments Sunday School
are served following the program. For further information, call Gentle Woman Fellowship 10:45am
Bob at (440) 326-2329.
Gentle Woman Fellowship - an Inter-Parish Group meets on Polly Tallos
Life Spring Community Church would also like to invite First Fridays at Saint Clarence Parish Center, located at 30106 Christian Ed. & Youth Director COLUMBIA UNITED
the community to their Celebrate Recovery program. Come join Lorain Road, in North Olmsted. First Friday, February 2, ac- Rev. David Chafin
them on Monday nights beginning at 6 p.m. The church is locat- tivities begin at 9:30 a.m. with a Pray the Holy Rosary session, Interim Minister METHODIST
ed at 1638 Lester Rd., in Valley City. Dinner and fellowship is then at 10 a.m. attend Holy Mass in the Chapel and enjoy coffee CHURCH
from 6-7 p.m., large groups from 7-8 p.m., small groups from 8-9 or tea at 11 a.m. and a special speaker. Worship Service
p.m. and 9 p.m. coffee and dessert. Child care is available. For Father Andrew Hoover will celebrate Mass with us and will 10:30 a.m.
more information, you can go to be the speaker this month. He grew up in Grafton, attending Sunday School
Wednesdays at Fields UMC Our Lady Help of Christians Parish in Litchfield. After grad- St. Elizabeth during Worship Service
uating college, he taught high school and coached near Lima,
Ann Seton
Fields United Methodist Church now has a Wednesday eve- Ohio before returning to the Cleveland Diocese to enter St. Catholic Parish COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO
Mary Seminary. Father Andrew is assigned to Saint Peter Par-
ning program for kids, youth and adults. Come and grow in ish in North Ridgeville. The topic of this great speaker’s talk 25801 Royalton Rd. Pastor Matt Merriman
your faith with a variety of classes for all ages, from 3 to 103, will be “The Presentation of the Lord: A Feast of Fulfillment Columbia Station, OH 236-8822
at 6:30 p.m., followed by a spirit-filled contemporary worship and Hope.” Join us for prayer and a great talk on this special Sacrament of Reconciliation
service at 7:30 p.m. Childcare is available for our littlest guests feast day! Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. [email protected]
to have a safe playtime during the evening. Fields UMC now All women welcome! Come and bring a friend! No reser- Anytime by Appointment
has Wednesday evening service at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome! vations needed. For more information, contact Mary Tschanz Weekend Masses
For more detailed information, please visit the website at www. at (440) 235-6258 or Lillian Fildes at (440) 284-9539. Sat. 5 p.m., or call Pastor Mar Bruner at the church office at The group’s policy is to cancel our gatherings when North Ol- Sun. 8 & 11 a.m. Church of Christ
(440) 327-8753. Wednesdays at Fields will run through May 23, msted City Schools are closed. 440-236-5095 Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
2018. Fields UMC is located at 34077 Lorain Road, in North Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
Ridgeville. Bible and Brew Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
German Dinner Bible and Brew, a casual conversation about God, faith and United Church of God 211 Forest St., LaGrange
12981 Grafton Rd.
St. Paul Lutheran Church’s annual German Dinner is on scripture, will meet weekly on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Forts Grafton, Oh 44044
February 3, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Dinner includes roast pork, Tavern in downtown Wellington. This event is presented by Sabbath Services
kielbasa, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, spaetzle and applesauce. Wellington First United Methodist Church. Saturdays at 12:30 pm
Tickets are available at the door and cost $13/adults, $6/chil-
dren (6-12) and children under 5 are free. The church is located Divorce Care Seminars
at 1377 Lester Road, in Valley City.
DivorceCare is a national support group that meets weekly in
Old World Spaghetti Dinner Lorain County. It is a warm, caring environment where people METHODIST CHURCH
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church invites you to enjoy a deli- learn how to deal with the hurt caused by separation or divorce. 973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034
“Your Family Church”
cious Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, February 4, from 1-4 p.m. The group understands how attendees feel because they all have 8:45am Sunday School
10:00am Worship
This ever popular dinner includes homemade sauce from an been in the same place. Participants are welcome to begin at- 10:35am Children’s Church
authentic old-world recipe, meatballs, salad, rolls and dessert. tending the DivorceCare group at any point. Each session is Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
Cost is $9 for adults, $8 for seniors and $3 for children 12 and “self-contained” so there is no need to attend in sequence. At-
under. They will also have a Silent Auction and Raffle for you tendees will be able to pick up any missed sessions in the next
to enjoy while you are here. Tickets will be sold at the door 13-week cycle. For details on meeting days/times, call (440) Our Lady Queen of Peace
and carryouts will be available. The church is located at 25801 323-4644 or register at The
Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. Come early as they usu- group meets at the Church of the Open Door, located at 43275 Catholic Church
ally sell out. Telegraph Road, in Elyria.
Weekend Masses Weekday
Sat. 4:30pm Mass
FUNERAL HOME & Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance Sun. 8:30 & 8:00am
Sat. 3:30-
4:00pm Thurs.-Fri.
Laubenthal -Mercado 36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955 ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
LM Valley City, OH 44280 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy,
Now offering On-site
Cremation Services
it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,
Funeral Home is also
it is not easily angered, it keeps no record
2089 Columbia Road
Handicap Accessible
of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil
Serving Families for over 50 years
but rejoices with the truth.
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38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
Needed Most”
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always Pre-Need Planning Available --Corinthians 13:4-7

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018 Page 5
Old Towne Hall Theatre presents... YSU Dean’s List

Olde Towne Hall Theatre presents Rodgers and Hammer-
stein’s “South Pacific,” adapted from the Pulitzer Prize Win- Youngstown State University has released a list of under-
ning novel “Tales of the South Pacific” by James A. Michener. graduate students who were named to the Dean’s List for Fall
Directed by Joy Van Keuren, Musical Direction by Katie Van Semester 2017. Dean’s List recognition is awarded to full-time
Super Thursday Senior Luncheon Keuren undergraduate students who have earned at least a 3.4 average
for not less than 12 semester hours of credit in the semester.
Performances are February 16, 17, 23, 24, March 2, 3, 9 and
10, at 7:30 p.m. and March 4, at 3 p.m. Call (440) 327-2909 for Local area students recognized include: McKenah Peters
Come celebrate Super Thursday on February 8. Everyone’s reservations. Tickets are: adults/$15, seniors and children/$12. of LaGrange, Dana Borsz of Columbia Station, Jonathan Gre-
favorite entertainer, Daniel Elish on keyboards, will perform Set in an island paradise during World War II, two parallel enawalt of Elyria, Tory Griffiths of North Ridgeville, Gina
at the North Ridgeville Senior Center’s Super Thursday Lunch love stories are threatened by the dangers of prejudice and war. Laufman of Grafton, Amber Mjolnir of North Ridgeville, Mi-
and provide some outstanding entertainment. Enjoy a delicious Nellie, a spunky nurse from Arkansas, falls in love with a ma- chael Plas of Elyria, Jessie Smith of Elyria, Ellianna Hoff of
entrée of rigatoni, green beans, breadstick, salad, dessert and a ture French planter, Emile. Nellie learns that the mother of his Grafton and Collin Sullinger of North Ridgeville.
beverage. Serving time is at noon, but get there early because children was an island native and, unable to turn her back on Congratulations!
seating fills up fast. Entertainment is included. Reservations the prejudices with which she was raised, refuses Emile’s pro-
must be made in advance by calling (440) 353-0828. posal of marriage. Meanwhile, the strapping Lt. Joe Cable de- Unique ways to celebrate
Young at heart seniors are invited to celebrate this special nies himself the fulfillment of a future with an innocent Tonki-
trip down memory while enjoying the fellowship and fun of nese girl with whom he’s fallen in love out of the same fears Valentine’s Day
other seniors 55 and older. The Office for Older Adults (Senior that haunt Nellie. When Emile is recruited to accompany Joe on
Center) offers activities, meals-on-wheels and transportation a dangerous mission that claims Joe’s life, Nellie realizes that Valentine’s Day is an opportunity for couples to celebrate
services to older adults in the North Ridgeville and surrounding life is too short not to seize her own chance for happiness, thus their love for each other, whether their relationship is relatively
communities. For more information on what is available, or to confronting and conquering her prejudices. new or has endured through many years.
The National Retail Federation estimates that Americans are
reserve your spot for lunch, please call (440) 353-0828. The theater is located at 36119 Center Ridge Road, in North expected to spend close to $20 billion on Valentine’s Day this
Mount Union Dean’s List Ridgeville, just west of Rt 83). year. While chocolates and champagne are high on the list of
The following students have been named to the Dean’s List French Creek Theatre news most-purchased items for February 14th, couples should not
feel beholden to tradition on Valentine’s Day. This year may
for the fall 2017 semester at the University of Mount Union. French Creek will move its 2017/2018 theatrical season be the perfect time to try something new, even if it’s out of
To be eligible, students must have completed at least 12 cred- onto the intimate Pijor Theatre stage with the hilarious and in- couples’ comfort zones. Here are some novel ideas for couple’s
it hours of traditionally graded coursework while achieving a sightful “I’m Not Rappaport,” by Oscar-nominated and Tony looking to set their celebrations apart.
grade point average of 3.550 or better, with no grade below a B. Award-winning playwright Herb Gardner. The show will run • Paint and sip: Couples can take part in a growing trend
Local students on the Dean’s List include: Madison Filipiak from February 2-17. this Valentine’s Day. At paint-and-sip events, people are guid-
of Elyria, Bailey Gannon of North Ridgeville, Riley Gannon of “I’m Not Rappaport” plays from a bench in Central Park. ed step-by-step through the process of painting their own mas-
North Ridgeville, Tyler Gannon of North Ridgeville, Joshua Nat & Midge, two feisty octogenarians, refuse to disappear into terpieces. Breaks are provided through the evening to indulge
Lewis of Elyria, Isabella Pecchia of North Ridgeville and Am- the diminishing twilight of their lives. While Nat’s daughter in beverages and snacks of choice. Couples can bring along a
ber Thompson of North Ridgeville. imperils his independence with the threat of nursing homes, bottle or two of wine and a platter of cheeses, chocolates or
Congratulations! Midge fights the yuppie forces trying to push him out of his other Valentine’s Day fare. Those interested can inquire at their
North Ridgeville Library job. Using the wiles and wisdom that only come with age, they nearest paint and sip location, such as Pinot’s Palette, for Val-
make their final stand in this sidesplitting and thoughtful dra-
entine’s Day specials.
matic comedy. • Activity night: Couples who are naturally competitive or
A Literary Lunch Break Story Time for Grown Ups - Pijor Hall is remarkable for its modest capacity of 70 seats, devoted sports fans can enjoy the evening by engaging in some
Thursday, February 1, from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Bring a lunch and promoting a special bond between audience and actor. It is also healthy competition. Some restaurants host trivia nights, or
relax while listening to short stories and poetry read by library handicap accessible and equipped with assistive listening de- couples can head to the nearest arcade and battle it out. Panic
staff, then share in the follow-up discussion. Coffee and tea will vices. and escape rooms are cropping up in towns across the country.
be provided. For ages 18 and older. French Creek Theatre continues its tradition of honoring the These employ 60-minute real-life experiences in which partic-
Captured in Liberation, A World War II Story - Sunday, work of its actors and crew with an Opening Night Reception ipants must solve clues to escape the room. This can be a great
February 4, from 3-4 p.m. Andrew Bajda, local author and as- on February 2, immediately following the performance. Audi- bonding experience for fun-loving couples.
sistant business professor at Cuyahoga Community College, ences are invited to enjoy complimentary refreshments while • Chef lessons: Although some couples may dine out on Val-
shares the true story about how his father had to flee from Po- enjoying the company of the show’s creative team. entine’s Day, men and women who like to dabble in culinary
land as a young boy during World War II. This amazing story is Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and arts can prepare their own meals from the comforts of their own
based on the presenter’s book and captures the power of free- Sundays at 3 p.m. Tickets are $16 for adults and $10 for chil- kitchens. Others may want to enroll in classes that provide ex-
dom and the enduring strength of family. Preregistration not dren under the age of 18. The French Creek Theatre Box Office pert instruction from area chefs or culinary instructors. Cook-
required. is open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. daily, and is located at 4530 Colorado ing classes can be an ideal way to spend time together learning
Family Fun Story Time - Tuesday, February 6, from 6:30- Ave., in Sheffield Village. Tickets can also be purchased online skills that can be put to use again and again.
7 p.m. A fun story time for families with children ages 2 to 6 at or by calling (440) 949- • Adventures: Couples who like to push the envelope can
years old. Families not signed up for other story time sessions 5200 ext. 221. explore the possibilities of thrill-seeking activities. Some may
are welcome to join us for stories, songs and crafts. include bungee-jumping, hot-air balloon rides, taking laps at
After Breakfast Adult Morning Book Discussion - Wednes- YSU President’s List the racetrack, or hitting the ski slopes.
day, February 7, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Adults, enjoy a fun and Valentine’s Day might be a time for romance, but couples
interesting discussion of a popular title on the first Wednesday Youngstown State University is recognizing its top students should not hesitate to buck tradition and spend the day together
morning each month. Copies of the book are available at the by naming them to the prestigious President’s List. Honorees engaging in activities that accommodate their interests.
adult information desk. New members are welcome. must be full-time undergraduate students who have earned a
Coloring for Grown Ups - Wednesday, February 7, from 4.0 average for not less than 12 semester hours of credit in the
1-2:30 p.m. Join us as we celebrate the adult coloring craze! semester just ended. Local YSU students on the list include: Remember the Candy Barmber the Candy Bar
Experience the calming, stress relieving benefits of coloring Jonathan Greenawalt of Elyria, Gina Laufman of Grafton, Am- When You Need a Caren You Need a Car
beautiful designs and patterns made specifically for adults. ber Mjolnir of North Ridgeville, Michael Plas of Elyria and
Coloring sheets, colored pencils and markers will be provided. Ellianna Hoff of Grafton. Ask for GARY HEATHor GARY HEATHGARY HEATH
This program is for adults ages 18 and older. Congratulations!
And Get a FREEnd Get a FREE
Crazy Cat People Party - Wednesday, February 7, from A
6:45-7:45 p.m. Are you a cat lover? Do you have too many cat BW Dean’s List
pictures on your phone? Is cat hair a permanent part of your 6
wardrobe? Well, this is the purrfect party for you! Tweens and The following local stu- ler Thompson of Grafton,
teens join us for an evening of cat stories, trivia, snacks and dents have been named to the Samantha Vincze of Elyria, 4
crafts. Dean’s List for the fall 2017 Mary Wojciechowski of North
The North Ridgeville Library is located at 35700 Bain- semester at Baldwin Wallace Ridgeville and Zitong Xu of
bridge Road. For more information or to register for programs, University. Students who re- Elyria.
call them at (440) 327-8326. ceive at least a 3.6 GPA for Congratulations!
7 or more graded hours in a
Seed Starting Class single semester are named
to the Dean’s List. Local
Saturday, Feb. 10 , 10 am at N. Ridgeville / 1 pm Amherst area students include: Anna
Join us for a step-by-step class on raising your own Anikienko of LaGrange, Na-
healthy seedlings. Fran will take you from seed packet than Bianco of Columbia
through garden ready seedlings. Food security is Station, Stanley Bleich of
important in today’s world and being able to raise your North Ridgeville, Matthew
own seedlings is an important skill. You can do it! Clark of North Ridgeville,
Shaun Dillon of North Rid-
Spring Seeds & Seeding accessories have arrived! geville, Nicholas Elwell of
North Ridgeville, Jeffrey
Free Pruning Class Farkas-Ondo of Elyria, Abri-
Saturday, Feb. 24 10 am at N. Ridgeville only anna Finical of North Rid-
geville, Benjamin Frashure
Pruning, UGH! of Columbia Station, Meghan
Too much, too little, not sure? Geiger of LaGrange, Brian
we will show you the how’s, Grimm of North Ridgeville, Carpentry Limited
when’s & why’s. We’ll be covering Shelby Helmick of Welling-
trees, shrubs & perennials. ton, Madlynn Hemeyer of Li-
Bring your questions & we’ll tchfield, Mara Kisis of North
walk & talk you through it! Please Ridgeville, Cassidy Knauff
R.S.V.P. of Grafton, Anthony Kukura
of Columbia Station, Aus-
Valentine’s Day Gifts tyn Lilly of Elyria, Vincent
Longo of North Ridgeville,
for your Sweetie! Alexis Norris of Grafton,
Callie O’Connor of Wel-
lington, Constance Saylor
of Elyria, Baylee Silvaggio
of Columbia Station, Katy
Spielberger of Grafton, Kat-
lyn Steinmuller of Columbia
Station, David Tatarowicz
East: 34837 Lorain Rd., West: Cr. of Rts. 58 & 113 of North Ridgeville, Allison
North Ridgeville 440-327-3407 Amherst 440-986-7777 Thompson of LaGrange, Ty- • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
M-F 8-5, Sat. 8:30-4 M-F 9-5:30, Sat. 9-5

Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018
Eaton Meeting Dates

2018 Meeting Dates:
Eaton Township Trustees meetings are held the 1st and 3rd
Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m., with the exception of the
8/22 meeting, which is cancelled due to the LC Fair, and the 7/3
meeting, which will be held on 6/30. Friends of the Metro Parks
Eaton Township Zoning Commission meetings are held the
Eaton Township news 1st Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m., with the exception of Pancake Breakfast
the 7/4 meeting that is rescheduled to 7/11.
Please note our Compost Center is now closed until spring! Eaton Township BZA - Board Of Zoning Appeals meets the The Friends of the Metro Parks will have their Pancake
Please contact our office at (440) 748-2236 or secretary@ 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. (if needed). Breakfast event on Sundays, February 25 & March 4, from 9 to request a Resident Packet with links to Eaton Township Parks & Preserve Board meets the 2nd a.m.-1 p.m. at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 Diag-
Resources in the County/Township. Tuesday at the end of every quarter at 9 a.m. (3/13, 6/12, 9/11 onal Road, in LaGrange.
Please visit our Facebook page for info. daily at www.face- and12/11). Enjoy a breakfast of all- you-can-eat hot pancakes, served Eaton Township Historical Committee meets on the 2nd with scrambled eggs, sausage, coffee, tea, milk or juice. Cost is:
Local Eaton Twp. Businesses (retail & at-home) should con- Wednesday every quarter (January/April/July/October) at 7 p.m. adults/$7, children (2-10 years)/$4 and children under 2 are free.
tact the secretary to be listed in our Business Listing in the Eaton Museum above Town Hall (4/10, 1/11 and 10/10). Proceeds benefit Friends of the Metro Parks in Lorain County.
Township Hall Rentals: $50/Hall rental for Eaton Town- Lorain County Township Association meetings are held the
ship Residents and $75 for non-residents; lots of open dates! 3rd Thursday every month at 7 p.m. at various locations; refresh- Ask the Remodeler
Call the Secretary to schedule your family or work party! ($100 ments are at 6:30 p.m. February 15 at Eaton Twp.; March 15 at Question: What are the most popular countertops among
cleaning deposit) All non-profits that serve the youth of Ea- Elyria Twp.; April 19 TBA (Ban- homeowners right now?
ton Township get free hall rentals (examples: 4-H, Girl Scouts, quet); May 17 at Grafton Twp.; Jun. 21 at Henrietta Twp.; July 19 Answer: According to a National Kitchen and Bath Associ-
School Groups). at Huntington Twp.; August - no meeting (Lorain County Fair); ation survey of 744 American designers, remodelers, architects,
Did you know the Township will allow you to “borrow” 7 September 20 at LaGrange Twp.; October 18 at Olmsted Twp.; dealers and manufacturers completed in the fall of 2017, the
tables/24 chairs to use for a party. Call the Township to reserve November 15 at Penfield Twp.; and December 20 at Camden most popular countertop material among homeowners is quartz.
it at (440) 748-2236! (must be an Eaton Twp. resident) (Christmas Banquet). It is followed by granite and marble. Appearance and durability
Residential lock boxes & mailbox reflective signs are avail- are the primary factors that cause homeowners to choose these
able at the town hall office. Post-winter garden prep products.
Reminder: Notary services are complimentary for Eaton If you have any questions you would like to ask, send them
Township residents. Lawns and gardens can • Assess plant location. via email to [email protected]. --Don Jason
Eaton Township has a curfew between Midnight-5 a.m., per bear the brunt of winter If plants, flowers or gardens
Resolution 90-413. weather and are often in need have struggled in recent years
Reminder: Transient vendors & solicitors must have a per- of tender loving care by the or never grew especially vi-
mit (by Eaton Town hall) to go door to door in our township; time spring arrives. brant, then gardeners may
residents are instructed to contact the Sheriff’s dept. for all vi- Preparing a garden for want to assess the location of Use the
olations. spring and summer involves their plant life before spring
Veterans (living or deceased) in Eaton Township (for at least assessing any damage that gardening season begins. L.C.
1 year of their life) that would like their name to be engraved harsh weather might have Some plants may not be get-
on our Veterans Memorial Wall/Bench, should contact the town caused. As temperatures ting enough sunlight in cer- Recycling
hall at (440) 748-2236. Cost is $50. climb, gardeners can heed the tain locations on a property,
Calendar: following post-winter garden while others might be overex- Center!
1-31 through 2-2 - Office closed for OTA convention in Co- preparation tips in an effort to posed to the sun during spring
lumbus. ensure some successful gar- and summer. Moving plants
2-3 - 11 a.m. - “Eaton Township” history presentation at dening in the months ahead. that are not thriving prior to Keep in touch with your community
Grafton-Midview Library. • Assess the damage. Even the start of spring gardening Visit:
2-5 - 5-7 p.m .Free monthly clothing pantry at North Eaton if winter was mild, gardens season may be just what gar-
Baptist, South Reed Rd. might still have suffered dens need to flourish in the
2-6 - 7:30 p.m. - Bi-monthly Trustee meeting. some damage. Inspect garden coming weeks.
2-7 - 7 p.m. Monthly Zoning Commission Meeting. beds and any fencing or barri- Spring gardening season
2-8 - 7 p.m. LORCO meeting in Wellington. ers designed to keep wildlife is right around the corner, so
2-15 - 6:30 p.m. - LCTA meeting at FOP Lodge on Rt. 82. from getting into the garden. now is an ideal time to pre-
2-15 - 6:30 p.m. LCTA meeting at FOP lodge on 82. Before planting anew, fix any pare gardens for the warmer
2-16 - No school Columbia damage that Mother Nature seasons ahead.
2-16 - 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. “Love should never hurt” work- or local wildlife might have
shop at Carlisle Reservation. caused over the past several
2-19 - No School Midview & Columbia; Eaton Twp Office months.
closed. • Clear debris. Garden
2-20 - 9:30 a.m. County Commissioners Hearing re: Annex- beds and surrounding land-
ation into Elyria 36.15 Acres, at County Commissioners office, scapes that survived win-
Administration Bldg., Elyria. ter without being damaged
2-20 - 6:30 p.m. Trustee Hearing re: Hudak, 37920 Royalton might still be littered with
Road. debris. Remove fallen leaves,
2-20 - 7:30 p.m. Bi-monthly Trustee meeting. branches and even litter that
2-22 - 5:30 p.m. SWAC & Storm Water in Oberlin Ohio. blew about on windy winter
2-2 - 7 p.m. Focus Group for Historical Committee. days before planting season.
2-27 - 5:30-7 p.m. Free Community meal at North Eaton. Make sure to discard any
Location for all calendar items is 12043 Avon Belden Rd., debris effectively so it does
unless noted otherwise. not find its way back into the
• Turn the greenhouse into
VALLEY CITY a clean house. Spring clean-
ing is not just for the interior
VISION CENTER of a home. Cleaning a green-
house in advance of spring
FAMILY VISION can help gardeners evict any
overwintering pests that can
CENTER threaten plant life once spring
gardening season arrives. A
6621 Center Road thorough cleaning, which
Valley City should include cleaning the
inside of greenhouse glass
DN and washing flower pots and
Dr. Norma Jesse, J
Optometrist 330-483-4035 plant trays, also can prevent
WE CARRY A OUTSIDE plant diseases from surviving
into spring.
• Check for pests. Speak
FULL LINE OF PRESCRIPTIONS with a local gardening pro-
GLASSES WELCOME fessional to determine if there
Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon are any local pests to look out
for and how to recognize and
Closed Sun & Wed remove these pets from gar-
dens. Pests may hibernate in
the soil over the winter, and
such unwelcome visitors can
make it difficult for gardens
to thrive come spring and

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Whole Boneless $ 88 USDA Beef $ 99 $ 99
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Pork Loin lb. Round Roast lb. Chicken Breast lb.

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Pepsi Products
12 pk., 12 oz. cans
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Assorted Varieties
18.6-19 oz. 3/$ 9.5 - 10 oz. bag All Varieties 2/$
Including Chocolate
Campbell’s 5 Lay’s Gallon 5
Chunky Soups Potato Chips Smith’s Milk

2 Liter
4/$ 5

Assorted Varieties • 9 oz. $ 99 Assorted Varieties $ 99 Assorted Varieties $ 69
8-11 oz.
19.6-29.8 oz.
Hot, Lean or 1 DiGiorno 5 TGI Fridays 3
Croissant Pockets Pizza Appetizers

Wine Tasting March


Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018 • Inspect HVAC ducts. Ductwork is used to deliver warm air in their homes also can avoid scented products, such as air
or cool air in homes with heating and air conditioning systems. fresheners and scented detergents, which the National Institute
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that much of for Occupational Safety and Health notes may release volatile
the dirt in air ducts adheres to the duct surfaces without ever organic compounds into the air.
entering living spaces. However, the EPA notes that homeown- • Inspect bathrooms for mold growth. Mold can grow on
ers should consider having their ducts cleaned if an inspection surfaces that are routinely wet, and that makes poorly venti-
uncovers substantial visible mold growth. In addition, the EPA lated bathrooms common sources for home mold infestations.
Herrick Memorial Library recommends homeowners consider cleaning if ducts are infest- Mold can adversely affect indoor air quality when mold spores
are released, potentially triggering allergic reactions, asthma
ed with vermin or clogged with excessive amounts of dust or
debris. attacks and respiratory conditions. After bathing in bathrooms
Writers Group - The group meets every other Thursday, from • Avoid chemical cleaning products. Chemical cleaning without vents, men and women can open windows so the room
6-7:30 p.m. The next upcoming meeting is on February 8. Join products may be great at disinfecting dishes, countertops and dries before mold can grow. In bathrooms with vents, make
this group if you have a passion for writing of all venues. Bring other areas in the home, but such items may be toxic and ad- sure vents are running during baths and showers and afterward
samples of your writing to share with the group. New members versely affect indoor air quality. For example, chemicals such until ceilings, walls and floors appear dry.
are welcome. Registration is encouraged. To register, call the li- as bleach and ammonia, which are used in many commercial Poor indoor air quality can be easily addressed to ensure
brary at (440) 647-2120. cleaning products, can linger in the air, irritating the eyes, nose, individuals stay healthy throughout the year.
Winter Story Time Programs - Registration for the Winter throat, and lungs. Homeowners concerned about the quality of
Story Time programs is open. The programs will take place thru
February 28. Family Story Times are on Monday evenings at
6:30 p.m. and are for families with children up to age 5. Tod-
dler Story Times are on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. and are WINTER CLEARANCE
for children, ages 18 months to 36 months, with their parent/
caregiver. Lapsit Story Times take place on Wednesday morn-
ings at 10:30 a.m. and are for children, ages birth to 24 months,
with their parent/caregiver. Growing Readers Story Times are on
Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. and are for children ages 3-5 LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR!
years, with their parent/caregiver. Register for these programs at
the Children’s Desk or by calling the library at (440) 647-2120. SAVE ON ALL
Homeschool Story Times - The Herrick Memorial Library
offers a story time for Homeschooled children ages 5 and up. LIVING ROOM
These story times take place on Monday afternoons February 26, SOFAS &
March 19 and April 16, at 1:30 p.m. The children will listen to RECLINERS!
stories developed around a specific theme, along with learning
activities. Suggestions for themes are always welcome. Please
call the library at (440) 647-2120 to register.
Mad Hatter January - through January 31 - ‘Baby it’s cold
outside’ and the Herrick Memorial Library is celebrating this cra-
zy, cold Ohio weather in January by wearing crazy hats. Library
users, ages 11 and up, who wear a silly, crazy, stylish or unusual
hat (not a knitted stocking hat or a baseball style cap) will be eli-
gible to enter into our prize drawing when they check out library
materials. No registration is required. Don’t forget to wear your
chapeau when you come to the library in January. You may be
a winner!
Winter Family Read Aloud - now until February 24: Fam-
ilies with children up to age 7 can snuggle up with a book and
win prizes by participating in this program. Registration ends on SAVE ON
February 2. Each family who registers will receive a reading log.
When they complete a ‘Bingo’ on the log, they will receive a 100s OF ITEMS!
bookmark and a winter stamp. Complete seven (7) activities and
receive a paperback book. Complete fifteen (15) activities and 30-60% OFF
receive a book bag. Books must be checked out from the library.
Read with Putter - Watch the paper for the dates and times for
the Reading with Putter programs. MANUFACTURER
Vaccine clinics

Spring breaks and vacations are just around the corner. Lo-
rain County Public Health can help travelers stay healthy. We
offer travel vaccines and comprehensive educational materials
specific to travelers’ needs, by appointment.
We also offer recommended vaccines for children, teens and
adults at locations across the county. Vaccine appointments can SAVE ON
be made at (440) 284-3206; walk-ins for non-travel vaccines MATRESSES!
are also welcome. February vaccine clinics include: HUGE
•Weekdays, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. - Lorain County Public SELECTION!
Health, 9880 South Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria (extended vac-
cine clinic hours are available on Feb. 7 through 5:30 p.m.). In SAVE ON
observance of the holiday, offices are closed on Feb. 19 (Pres-
ident’s Day). ALL BEDROOM
•Wednesday, February 14, 2-5:30 p.m. - Wellington Town
Hall, 115 Willard Memorial Square, Wellington. SETS & ODD
•Wednesday, February 21, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. - PIECES!
Avon VFW, 36950 Mills Rd., Avon.
•Wednesday, February 28, 2-5:30 p.m. - Lorain County Free HUGE SAVINGS!
Clinic, 5040 Oberlin Ave., Lorain. CLOSEOUT ON
Clinic times and dates are subject to change. Bring vaccine
record (if available), insurance card and cash, check or Visa/ ALL DINING SETS
MasterCard. All children under age 18 must be accompanied IN STOCK!
by a parent or guardian. LCPH participates in the Vaccines for
Children (VFC) Program to provide vaccines to children who
qualify; no child in the VFC program is denied vaccines for
inability to pay.
For more information on how to live healthy, contact Lorain
County Public Health at (440) 322-6367 or visit LorainCoun- Follow your local health department on Twitter,
Facebook or YouTube.
Maintain indoor air quality
all year long

Ducts may need to be serviced by professionals in homes
where indoor air quality is poor. SAVE ON
Millions of people anxiously anticipate the arrival of spring. 50% OFF
Months spent cooped up indoors as temperatures outside dip ALL ENTERTAINMENT
below freezing can take their toll, and those first warm, sunny STANDS, OCCASIONAL GIFT SHOP ITEMS
days of spring can be just what people need to kick the winter TABLES & LAMPS!
blues. *Excludes
Winter can be dreary for people confined to indoors as tem- Textiles & Rugs
peratures drop, and poor air quality in a home can add to that
dreariness while adversely affecting individuals’ health. Air
quality tends to suffer most in winter, but there are ways to
ensure the air inside a home stays healthy all year long.
• Inspect and address any sources of carbon monoxide. Car-
bon monoxide, or CO, is an invisible, odorless gas that can con-
tribute to poor indoor air quality and a host of health problems
if it goes undetected in a home. According to the U.S. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, potential sources of CO in
a home include improperly vented natural gas appliances, such 601 S. MAIN ST., RT. 58,
as stoves and water heaters, gas-powered tools that are used Sunday 12-4pm
indoors, clogged chimneys, or blocked heating exhaust vents. Photos for Illustration Purposes Only. WELLINGTON Monday, Thursday, Friday 10am-6pm
Men and women can periodically inspect potential sources of ©The Chronicle-Telegram 440-647-9373
CO and address any issues they find while also making sure all Saturday 10am-5pm
CO detectors are properly installed and functioning optimally. Visit us at Closed Tuesday & Wednesday

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018 Page 9


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Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018
Midview Middies PTA University, Miami University, Ohio University, Ohio Northern
University, Ohio State University, Ohio Wesleyan University,
The Midview Middies’ PTA will be holding a General University of Cincinnati, University of Toledo and Wright State
Meeting on Monday, February 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the East In- University. Check their websites for information.
termediate School’s Library (LRC). All families of Midview AES Engineering Scholarship - This $500 scholarship is
Elementary/Intermediate students (grades Pre-K through 6th ) available to high school seniors. You do not have to be study-
are invited, and encouraged, to attend. Come learn about all of ing engineering to apply. It will be awarded on the basis of
the activities the PTA has planned for the schools and your stu- character, as determined by the essay you submit. Deadline is
HOT STOVE REGISTRATION dents, how PTA has invested in the schools and your students’ October 6. There is also a link on their webpage for multiple
The Grafton Hot Stove organization will hold a second open education and help guide the PTA on where to spend funds in other scholarships with a wide range of requirements and fields
registration event for both boys and girls on Saturday, Febru- the future by voicing your opinions and offering your ideas. of study.
ary 3, from 9 a.m. until noon at the North Park Community We hope to see you there! Visit us at for Ohio PTA Memorial Scholarship - Ohio PTA is offering
Room, 1050 Novak Road, in Grafton. Please bring a copy of news and upcoming events! graduating seniors the opportunity to apply for an Academ-
your child’s birth certificate. There will be sample jerseys to try ic, Technical or Special Education Scholarship in the amount
on before ordering. YSU Degree recipients of $500. The awards are based on the student’s scholastic
SENIOR LUNCHEON achievement, school involvement, leadership qualifications
The next senior luncheon will be held Thursday, February 8, More than 600 students were awarded undergraduate and and special family circumstances. Applicants must be seniors
at 11:30 a.m. for all those who are eligible for a Golden Buck- advanced degrees and certificates at Youngstown State Univer- attending an Ohio public high school. Applications are avail-
eye card. The luncheon, which will be held in the Our Lady sity’s Fall Commencement ceremonies recently on the YSU able in Student Services or the fillable form is on their website
Queen of Peace hall, will feature homemade soups. Those at- campus. New graduates included the following local residents: at, under the Programs tab. Deadline is March 1.
tending are asked to bring a dish which pairs nicely with soup Dylan Buffington and Gina Laufman of Grafton; Lynn Bra- School Employees Lorain County Credit Union - This
or a dessert. nham of LaGrange; and Laurie Bridge and Latasia Jones of program may award up to six non-renewable scholarships of
$1,000 each. Three will be awarded to graduating seniors and
Elyria. Congratulations!
Spring into Kindergarten What would you do three to students currently enrolled as a full-time student at
members of School Employees Lorain County Credit Union,
Midview Kindergarten Registration Night will be held on any post-secondary educational institution. Applicants must be
Thursday, March 22, from 5-7 p.m. at Midview North Cafe- to save your child? Inc. and between the ages of 17-25. Deadline is February 28.
teria. You will be able to register your child for Kindergarten, Lorain Soil & Water Conservation District Joel McRob-
meet the principals and Kindergarten teachers, tour the school es covered. Donations will erts Memorial Scholarship - This is a $1,000 scholarship for
and enjoy some cookies! be deposited into a special a graduating senior who will be enrolled for the fall 2018 se-
Please remember to bring your child’s birth certificate, 2 bank account, strictly for the mester at a two- or four-year college or university in Ohio as a
proofs of residence, shot records, social security card, IEP (if transplant, so none of Diek- full-time student in an agricultural or natural resource related
applicable) and custody papers (if applicable). en’s medical benefits will be field. Applicants must also be a Lorain County resident. Dead-
We can’t wait to see you there! affected or taxed. He will be line is April 13.
William D. Squires Educational Foundation, Inc. - (15)
Grafton Cub Scout news unable to work for a year and $4,000 renewable scholarships are being offered to Ohio se-
his mother, Ada, will have to
quit her job, sell her home niors. Eligibility is primarily based upon financial need. Ap-
The Grafton Cub Scouts with Pack #152 held a Food Drive and move back to Ohio to be plicants must be highly motivated, have good character, show
at Sparkle Market to benefit the Our Lady Queen of Peace’s his caretaker for a year. academic promise, already know their career goal and have a
Food Pantry. These Cub Scouts, ranging in age from 5-11 years The family has sched- minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA. Applications will be accepted
old, were able to collect three full shopping carts of non-perish- uled a Chicken Paprikash from Feb. 15 until April 5.
able food items, totaling nearly 250 items and over $70 for this Benefit Dinner on Saturday, Educational Service Center, Wayne Ross Scholarship -
worthy cause. Pack #152 would like to thank Sparkle Market February 24, from 6-10 p.m. This is a $500 scholarship in honor of former Lorain County
for hosting this event and to everyone that made a donation. If at Ruby’s Banquet Hall in Educational Service Center Superintendent Wayne Ross. Ap-
you have an elementary school student currently in, or enter- Grafton. Tickets can be pur- plicant must be pursuing a degree in education and entering
ing, grades K-4 who would be interested in joining an exciting Dieken Cawley chased in advance for $20 or freshman year of college in 2018 as a full-time student. Ap-
and active Cub Scout pack, please reach out to us by emailing I have a friend whose son they will be $25 at the door. plication can be found at:
[email protected]. We’d love to talk to you about was born with cystic fibrosis. The family is in need of the 7rA4J2 or in Student Services. Deadline is April 6.
scouting and all of the fun and helpful activities Scouting can He has struggled to breathe following: soft drinks, wings,
bring to your family! since he was born. We often potatoes, salads and cabbage
Dean’s List take being able to breathe rolls. In addition, any other Lu’s Pizza
for granted. However, have
food items, such as desserts,
Dominic Piazza, of Grafton, was among 2,419 students at you ever seen someone with side dishes, etc., would be
Coastal Carolina University who made the Fall Semester 2017 COPD when they are cough- greatly appreciated. They 935 MAIN STREET • GRAFTON
Dean’s List. To qualify for the Dean’s List, freshmen must earn ing, hacking and gasping are also looking for miscel-
a 3.25 GPA and upperclassmen must earn a 3.5 GPA. All stu- just to get the air out of their laneous items to be raffled. 926-2171
dents must be enrolled full-time. lungs? That is what it is like Please call Nancy Klein at
Congratulations! every day for him and he (440) 322-7600 for more in-
feels like he is suffocating. formation. PIZZA - SPAGHETTI - SALADS
Imagine how gut wrenching You may also call Diek- CHICKEN WINGS - CALZONES
Karen A. Kramer, D.D.S. it would be to watch your en’s mother, Ada Burke, at
child endure this for 36 long
(440) 748-2568 or Nichole
420 N. Main St., Grafton years! Dugan at (440) 258-4183. EXTRA LARGE (16”) $ 11 99
His name is Dieken Caw-
To make monetary dona-
Emergencies ley. He lives in the Grafton tions, please make checks ONE ITEM PIZZA
area and graduated from Mid-
payable to: Nichole Dugan
Welcomed! view High School. Dieken (Dieken’s Sister) at PO Box Pick-up ONLY, with coupon. Exp 2/28/18
is struggling more than ever
1174, Loxley, Al 36551.
Same-day Denture right now and his family is You can make a cash do- EXTRA LARGE (16”) $ 99
desperate to help. He is in
Repairs Available need of a double lung trans- nation through Venmo or Pay 11
Pal; Venmo user name: @
plant! Nichole-Dugan; Pay Pal at ONE ITEM PIZZA
“We Cater To Cowards” The Cleveland Clinic is [email protected]. Pick-up ONLY, with coupon. Exp 2/28/18
requiring the family to raise Please visit the Facebook
SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE $20,000 before the transplant page “Benefit for Dieken
440-926-3441 because if issues arise, such Cawley” for additional in- Hours: Sun 3-10, Mon-Wed 4-10,
as post-transplant medication formation regarding the Thurs 11-10, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm
and appointments that may fund-raiser.
not be covered by insurance, Thank you in advance.
then they want the expens- SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
Midview Guidance News programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
Ongoing Info: The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
The ACT Test is Apr. 14, with a registration deadline of
Restaurant March 9 and late registration from March 10-23. drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
The SAT Test is March 10, with a registration deadline of
& Pub Feb. 9 and late registration until Feb. 28. 1/29 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
Scholarship Information: The following scholarship in-
The Houligans formation & scholarships are available in the Student Services donuts and coffee for participants.
Celebrating our Office or online: 1/30 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed
by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for
B. Davis Scholarship - This $1,000 scholarship is available
Wing Nights The Rooster to juniors, seniors and post-secondary students. You may ac- participants.
St. Patrick’s annual celebrations cess this scholarship at 2/1 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner to be held
2/8/2018 at 5:30pm. Two names per phone call only.
scholarships.htm. There are also other scholarship links on the
website. Deadline to apply is May 22.
2/2 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks
2017-2018 Cavaliers/Huntington Scholarship - There
2/5 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free
New Year’s Eve New Year’s Eve will be (ten) $2,000 scholarships awarded. Applicants must for participants.
be a graduating senior in a qualifying county (Lorain Coun-
donuts and coffee for participants.
ty is among them). Applications will be judged on Academic 2/6 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class
80’s Jukebox Medieval Achievement (including ACT and SAT scores), extracurricu- being instructed by Debi’s Personal
lar activity (work experience, community involvement, etc.),
Training with fruit and juice for
a 500 word essay and an interview (for the top 20 candidates).
Brigid’s Cross January 28, 1983 Complete applications must be received by Feb. 16. 2/8 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for those that
Sigma Phi Epsilon Balanced Man Scholarship - Appli-
Traci’s Pies
cants must be a male high school senior entering Cleveland
Seona McDowell
Shrimp Peel
anced Man Scholarships award students who exhibit academic
Burger Nights Clambakes State University in the fall with a minimum 3.0 GPA. The Bal- 2/9 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with
Irish Christmas Tree
pop and snacks for participants.
Best of Lorain County excellence, demonstrate leadership skills and are committed to • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
Miss PAC Man
Prime Rib
their health and well-being. Applicants and scholarship win-
Filet Oscar
Fox 8 hot List Winner ners are not required to join Sigma Phi Epsilon. Deadline is the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
August 15. The Balanced Man Scholarship is also available at
15 seasons Murder Mystery Dinner Theaters the following schools: Baldwin Wallace University, Bowling occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
Green State University, John Carroll University, Kent State
Manager for additional information.

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018 Page 11
The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences to get Jack down safely with- Northpass in this role playing
Scholarship - The Lower Great Lakes Chapter of the National out using the beanstalk. Hint: heavy adventure!
Academy of Television Arts & Sciences will now be awarding It involves zip lines! Coding Club - Monday,
(2) $2,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who Babypalooza - Thursday, February 12, at 3 p.m. Come
plan to attend a four-year college or university and intend to February 1, at 10 a.m. Join and join us as we explore the [email protected]
pursue a career in television or a television related field. The us for this short and lively world of coding, build cool
application process is completely online through their website, program for babies (birth to projects and have fun! Meet; hover over “Students” and then select “Scholar- 3 years) and their caregiv- in the Teen Zone and learn Grafton Twp. Fire Department’s
ships” from the drop down menu. Students may then fill out the ers. Babypalooza is a great together how to build simple
online application. Deadline is February 28. way to introduce baby to the computer programs, create Pancake Breakfast
Medical Mutual of Ohio Scholarship - Through this pro- world of stories using songs, animation, play with tech
gram, graduating high school seniors from school districts that rhymes and lap bounces. toys and more. No experience State Route 83, in Belden.
carry Medical Mutual Insurance are eligible to apply for a one- Harry Potter Book Night necessary to participate. Al- Cost for the all-you-can-eat
time $500 scholarship toward college tuition. Students may ap- - Thursday, February 1, at ready know how to code? We breakfast is $6 for ages 11
ply online at 5 p.m. Harry Potter games, need mentors! Ages 10-17. & up, $5 for seniors, $3 for
Deadline is April 1. activities and food. Come Space is limited due to equip- children 4-10 years old and
Cpl. Brad D. Squires Scholarship - This is a memorial dressed as your favorite Har- ment requirements. children 3 and under are free.
scholarship to honor Cpl. Brad D. Squires, who was a Marine ry Potter character. Adult Social Hour - Tues- We have added fruit cups and
killed while fighting in Iraq. This scholarship is aimed towards Valentine’s Day Display day, February 13, at 11 a.m. chocolate milk at no addition-
the student with exceptional ambition; a student who sets goals - Thursday, February 1, at 6 Bring your favorite Valen- al cost. The Life Share Blood
for themselves and keeps trying no matter how hard or impos- p.m. Make two home decor tine’s Day candy to share Mobile will be on site from
sible that goal may seem. This student does not have to be the crafts in one program (a felt with the group. 9 a.m.-noon for the event.
leader of the class academically, but does have to be a leader. tree and an advent calendar). Inspirational Book Club Breakfast is free with a suc-
Deadline is April 16. Fill your tree with pink felt - Wednesday, February 14, at It’s time again for the cessful donation.
Beriswill Insurance Agency, Inc. Scholarship - This schol- hearts and fill your advent noon. You need not have read Grafton Township Fire De- Take the time to check
arship was established in the amount of $500 for a graduat- calendar with love notes to the book to attend. Bring your partment’s semi-annual Pan- out our equipment that you
ing senior who wishes to pursue a degree of a business nature. your spouse or cute coupons lunch (optional) and come cake and Sausage Breakfast helped to purchase. This is
Deadline is April 16. for your kids (like ice cream ready to discuss each book. on February 18. Breakfast also the perfect time to meet
Nordson Builds Scholarship - The average scholarship before bed). Book copies are available at will be served from 8 a.m.- your volunteer firefighters
granted is nearly $4,000, with the potential for awards up to AARP Tax Aide - Fridays, our Customer Service Desk. 1 p.m. We are located at the and EMTs.
$10,000. Eligible students are high school seniors or college February 2 through April 13, Discuss Change of Heart, by corner of State Route 303 and
students enrolling in an accredited not-for-profit post-second- from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Courtney Walsh. Read about
ary institution majoring in a field related to science, technology, AARP Tax Aide volunteers Evelyn Brandt, a disgraced
engineering, mathematics or business and are interested in a assist patrons with no-cost senator’s wife who tries to re- KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS
career in manufacturing. Students may apply via their website: tax preparation. AARP volun- imagine her life with the help Deadline is May 15. teers will help everyone, but of her long-forgotten artistic GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY
Midview Athletic Boosters Raffle specialize in helping seniors. talents. ~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~
Appointments are required.
Anime Club - Wednes-
Call the Library at (440) 926- day, February 14, at 3 p.m.
3317. The Anime Club will meet Hours By Appointment
Henna by Kristina - Fri- the second Wednesday of the
day, February 2, at 6 p.m. month, through May, from 419 NORTH MAIN STREET
Learn about the history of 3-4 p.m. There will be activi- GRAFTON, OHIO
henna tattoos and the pro- ties and videos.
cess of making natural henna After School Video 440-926-2705
paste with Kristina Haberek. Games - Thursday, Febru-
Kristina appeared on Fox 8’s ary 15, at 3 p.m. Have fun
Kickin’ It with Kenny and after school and play video
was featured in the Cleveland games at the library. Try out
Plain Dealer. This program is the library’s new Xbox One
limited to 25 participants so system or play other favorite
attendants can receive a small games for the PS3, XBox 360
A collection of three autographs from Buckeye greats is the prize henna tattoo. Each tattoo is and Wii systems. Bring in
being raffled to support Midview athletics. done freehand and lasts 1-3 your own games to share or
The Midview Athletic Boosters is currently running a weeks. select from the library’s col-
fund-raising raffle to benefit all Midview athletics. The prize is History Group - Saturday, lection.
a 25”x42” frame containing three autographed pictures of iconic February 3, at 11 a.m. The
Ohio State Buckeyes: Archie Griffin, Jerry Lucas and Jack Nick- GMPL Community History
laus. It also features some of their accomplishments listed below Group helps plan and cre-
each print. Collectors value the prize at approximately $2,000. ate history programs for the
Cost to enter this raffle is $10 per ticket or 3 for $25. The drawing library, shares information
will be held at halftime of the Midview boys’ varsity basketball and promotes local history
game on Friday, February 16. To purchase tickets, please email for the village and neigh- Thank you
[email protected] or [email protected]. boring townships the library
Grafton-Midview Library serves. Jan. - Mar. meetings
will focus on exploring Eaton
To each and every volunteer, donor and the village staff, who in some way made our
To register for programs, for children ages 3-6 featur- Township. The April program 200 year celebration – Grafton, Ohio’s Bicentennial 1817- 2017, a year to remember, a
will focus on a topic for a late
visit the library at 983 Main ing stories, songs, fingerplays June program. heart-felt “THANK YOU,” a pat on the back and a firm hand shake. Once more we have
Street, or call (440) 926- and activities to help encour- Writers Bunch - Tuesday, proven, “It takes a village to make it happen.”
3317. Registrations also ac- age development of early lit- February 6 & 20, at 5:30 p.m.
cepted on-line at eracy skills. Test your skills and make Fairy Tale Science: Jack new writing friends; join us Thanks to your generosity and hard work, we have enjoyed twelve months of event and
Preschool Storytime - and the Beanstalk - Wednes- for assignments, critiquing activities. A partial list: a dinner dance on December 31, 2016 introduced us to 2017. We
Tuesday, January 30, and day, January 31, at 3:30 p.m. and snacks. 1st and 3rd Tues- recalled our railroad days with operating displays. We reviewed our history through the
February 6, 13, 20 & 27 at We’ll read Jack and the Bean- days of the month. Registra- Town Hall monthly display and Library’s historical programs. We ate “Settler’s Food,”
10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Storytime stalk and then work on a way tion is not required. while the “Sky Lark” sang, viewed the Friends of the Library Fabulous clothes of the
Tech Tutor - Wednesday,
February 7, from 9:30 a.m.- good old days. The VFW parade and open house honored our veterans. We celebrated
12:30 p.m. & 2:30-4:30 p.m. July 4th with a parade, a chalk walk and a huge fireworks display. A few rain drops mixed
Tech Tutor appointments are with the shrill whistles of the LaGrange Steam Engines as we watched the blacksmith.
available to aid with your We visited the open houses at the three churches, the fire and the police departments.
technology questions. Bring We listened to the Patriots’ Band at the ice cream social. We enjoyed a barbershop
your questions about com- quartet, Blue Grass and today’s ‘modern’ music. The magician was awesome and the
440-371-2862 puters, smartphones, tablets juggler great. We ‘walked’ a cemetery, hiked in Metro Park and enjoyed an early “Old
and many other devices so a librarian can help find solu- Fashioned Christmas” sponsored by the Greater Grafton Partnership.
tions and answers. Registra-
tion is recommended, how- After the rain-out in June, our new Bicentennial Park on the corner of Main Street
ever walk-ins are welcome and Mechanic Street with its shiny- white gazebo was dedicated on July 2nd by Senator
8408 Murray Ridge, Elyria if times are available. Please Gayle Manning.
3 Bed, 2.5 Bath stop by or call the Information
Pottery Barn meets Desk with questions about Our special Bicentennial Bell was a gift from an anonymous donor. Jon Wright of
this program. Open Tech Tu-
Magnolia Homes! tor also takes place on many Custom Plating donated the refurbishing of the bell. Our Village Administrator, Joe
$160,000 Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-noon Price, built the “carriage” for the bell. Thank you!
and Thursdays from 2-4 p.m.
Baby Playtime - Every
41315 Dent Ct, LaGrange other Thursday, at 10 a.m., As December 31 arrived, we realized there will much to celebrate in Grafton’s future.
4 Bed, 3.5 Bath February 8 & 22. Bring We are a growing, changing, making way for the new, for the future community. This is
Custom built home with your little one for playtime. our new history-making century.
over 3,600 sqft, We have special play mats,
3 car garage and finished games and activities for chil- Again, THANK YOU!
basement. $420,000 dren birth to 3 years. A great
way to learn and socialize for
baby and grown-up! Mayor David Divencenzo, Bicentennial Committee
967 Mechanic St, Grafton Dungeons & Dragons
5 Bed, 2 Bath @ the Library - Thursday, Co-chairmen, Carlee Mahajan, Doris Wildenheim
Multi Family Unit February 8, at 5 p.m. Open
to all skill levels! Characters
with over 2,400 sq ft. and dice will be provided, so Committee: John Lescher, Patricia Tomko, Marge Sayers, Paul Justy, Joe Filipiak,
Live on one side and rent just bring yourself! Uncover Elizabeth Sauer, Nina Ryder, Laura Wouk.
the other! $100,000 the mysteries of the town of

Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018 the Stocker Center gallery at LCCC. They are open for viewing It is sweet and has a mild chocolate taste.
on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 4:30-7:30 • Bittersweet and semi-sweet: These chocolates are milder
p.m. and on Sunday from 1-3 p.m. than dark chocolate, but not as sweet as milk chocolate. Many
In upcoming events, The Kayden Williams Powderbuff Vol- chocolate manufacturers derive their own formulations for
leyball Tournament will take place on Tuesday, January 30, at 7 these types of chocolate, varying the amount of cocoa solids
p.m. Admission is $5 at the door and profits will go toward the they include.
Kayden Williams Memorial Scholarship, which will be awarded • Couverture chocolate: An expensive chocolate, this is
Lions thank you next year. coveted by professional bakers or confectioners. It contains a
Lastly, the After Prom Committee is hosting a high school
high percent of cocoa butter and chocolate liquor, which helps
The LaGrange Lions would like to express our heartfelt grat- cosmic bowling night on Feb. 18 at Strike Out Lanes from it to melt evenly. It is ideal for tempering and can coat candies
itude to everyone who sent donations for our Community Foun- 9:30-midnight (there is no school on Feb 19). The cost is $15 and smoothly.
dation food pantry in support of our Holiday Cheer program on includes two hours of bowling & shoe rental. Tickets will be sold • Ganache: Ganache is a whipped filling, glaze, icing, or
Dec. 17. We also want to thank all the businesses and churches at home boys basketball games on a first come/first serve basis sauce that is used in various desserts. It is made by heating
who kept coin collection & food collection boxes in their stores. with payment. cream and pouring over chocolate of any kind. When cooled, it
The Crane Fund for Women and Children, Northwest Bank, Franco Gallo, Keystone Superintendent, (440) 355-2424, is malleable but not runny, which is why ganache is often used
Village Pizza, IGA, Friendship Marathon, Oberlin VFW, Mad- [email protected] in making candies or fillings.
er Dampers, Verantis, SpaceBound, LaGrange United Meth- • Truffle: A chocolate truffle is made from a ball of ganache
odist Church & their Faith Circle, LaGrange Village workers, The various types of chocolate rolled in cocoa powder. Truffles can be made from any variety
LaGrange Police Dept., Pepperidge Farms, Keystone Schools, of chocolate.
Jamie Myers, Allen Grobe, LaGrange Church of God, LaGrange Valentine’s Day is a popular time to indulge in sweets. In LaGrange Firefighters
First Baptist Church, Keystone Pointe Nursing Home, Subway, fact, according to Nielsen, more than 58 million pounds of
Trendsetters, The Child Garden and Dollar General. Without all chocolate candy will be sold during the week of Valentine’s Country Music Show
these individuals & businesses we would not have been able to Day.
provide for those in need. To continue the fight against hunger, Chocolate wasn’t always the sugar-sweetened dessert peo-
IGA will continue to keep the coin boxes at their registers all ple consume today. The history of chocolate dates back to The LaGrange Firefighters Association is having their 25th
year and will keep the $5 food bags available for those who wish 1900 BC, when Aztecs believed the cacao seeds were the gift Anniversary Country Music Show on Saturday, March 24, at 301
to buy and donate them. Friendship Marathons is also keeping of Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom. Chocolate was made into Liberty St. (the old High School), in LaGrange. The featured art-
the coin boxes out all year. We truly appreciate all this assistance. fermented beverages, and the cacao beans also were used as a ist is T. G. Sheppard.
Please show your support for these businesses and frequent their form of currency because they held so much value. T. G. has always had an unstoppable passion for music. That
stores. Thanks again to everyone. According to the History Channel, some ancient civiliza- passion, combined with a steadfast dedication to entertainment,
tions considered chocolate to be a mood enhancer and aphro- has made him one of the most popular live performers in country
disiac. Chocolate was believed to have mystical properties and music today. With a show chock full of chart-topping hits like
was revered so much that it was reserved for rulers, warriors “Last Cheater’s Waltz,” “I Loved ‘Em Every One” and “Do You
and priests. Wanna Go To Heaven,” it’s only natural that T. G. has developed
I would like to congratulate our many outstanding students It was not until centuries later that edible chocolate became a reputation as a solid performer who delivers exactly what au-
who achieve success academically and also within the arts. Re- popular among the masses. Dutch chemist Coenraad Johannes diences want.
cently, three Keystone High School band students, Matt Rister van Houten invented the cocoa press, which could turn extrude They will have two shows this year. The first show is at 6 p.m.
(percussion), Blaise Sherlock (horn) and Jack Sherlock (trom- cocoa butter, paving the way for the modern age of chocolate as and the second show is at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 per person
bone) were selected to participate in the Kent State University a confectionary ingredient and gift. and are now on sale. For more information, call (440) 935-7484.
All-Star Honors Band Festival, practicing and performing with Choosing the right type of chocolate may require gaining an If no answer, call the LaGrange Fire Station at (440) 355-6868.
outstanding musicians from area schools. In addition, freshman understanding of various chocolate-related terms.
Emma Gregory (clarinet) impresses as she is participating in the • Cocoa powder: This is the unsweetened raw form of cocoa
Northern Ohio Youth Orchestra and their philharmonic orches- made from partially defatted chocolate liquor. Dutch-processed JACK MATIA
tra. Lastly, five KMS band students also earned recognition for (alkalized) cocoa powder is milder and less acidic than natural
their outstanding talent. Cody Grimmett (horn), Michael Spata- cocoa powder. HONDA
fore (trombone), Braden Cuson (trombone), Beau Hurst (sax- • Unsweetened chocolate: “Bitter” or “baking chocolate”
ophone) and Declan Herbert (tuba), recently performed in the are other names attributed to unsweetened chocolate. It is best New & Used
Northern Ohio Youth Orchestra’s concert. used in baking when it can be combined with sugar and other Cars
In addition to our outstanding musicians, our Keystone art- ingredients. It is also the base ingredient of most forms of choc-
ists also continue to impress. KHS student Alexa Olic earned a olate, with the exception of white chocolate. 440-366-5501
multitude of awards for her outstanding artwork! The Scholastic • Dark chocolate: Chocolate that contains only chocolate Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria
Art and Writing Awards recognized Alexa with the following liquor, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla, and lecithin is considered
accolades: honorable mention, silver key and gold key for her dark chocolate. No milk solids are added in. The higher the New and Certifi ed Hondas
portrait of a young child. The gold key artwork will go on to the percentage on the wrapper, the more bitter the chocolate. All Models - Used Cars
national judging in New York. Her artwork and those from many • Milk chocolate: In addition to dark chocolate ingredients, Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5
other talented students are on display now, until February 11, at milk chocolate also contains dry milk solids or condensed milk.

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018 Page 13

CLASSIFIEDS Run 2 Weeks for Only 14 & Save 6! PETS UPHOLSTERY
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Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
Full Upholstery
4 Easy Ways to Place Your Classified - Phone: 440-236-8982 - Web: exercise yards, custom care. Furniture Repair
Cushion Refills
$20 per day. Grooming now
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CLASSIFIED RATES: • Personal Classified $10/15 words or less. 10¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 more. POSITIONS WANTED
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Number of weeks ad runs: 1 2 3 4 Please Print Clearly! 21,000 Households 3pm, 440-822-4656. and other oil and gas inter-
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Please print - All information below is needed to process your ad. Mail to: Rural-Urban Record•P.O. Box 966•Columbia Station, OH 44028 SALES & SERVICES 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SMALL DUMPSTERS The Rural-Urban Record
for roofing, remodeling, etc. Proudly Serving...
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump Columbia Station • Grafton
Truck work available LaGrange • Wellington
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. CALL JASON’S SERVICES
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Mastercard & Visa Accepted. Card #: Carlisle • Elyria
Expiration Date: 3 Digit # on back: Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the
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Spectrum Triple Play! TV, In- GOT AN OLDER CAR, VAN OR Building Materials Metal
ternet & Voice for $29.99 ea. SUV? Do the humane thing. Roofing & Siding for hous-
60 MB per second speed No Donate it to the Humane Soci- es, barns, sheds. Close outs, BILL Since 1950
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1-855-652-9304 5222 RN/IV Cert LPN
A PLACE FOR MOM. The na- Advertise to 2 million homes
tion’s largest senior living with a business card size ad HALLS FOR RENT
referral service. Contact our for just $500 in Pennsylvania, Be a part of a GREAT TEAM.
trusted, local experts today! Ohio, New York, New Jersey, AMVETS POST 32 WE SERVICE & REPAIR
Our service is FREE/no obli- Delaware, Maryland, West 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria Apply today at
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TV INTERNET PHONE $29.99 That’s only 25 cents for 1,000 Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 LaGrange, OH 44050 -Service All Brands-
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51689LCX or visit www.oma- CLEANING (1 mile East of Durkee) Grafton, Ohio 1st, 2nd & 3rd Shift DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE
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prescriptions! SAVE! Call needs are different. We spe- FULL park with restrooms, 3 Weekend & Shift Diffs 60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
our licensed Canadian and cialize in catering to what your pavilions, air conditioned hall,
International pharmacy, com- needs are. Call Marcie today for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange Be a part of a GREAT TEAM. 41 YEARS IN BUSINESS
pare prices and get $25.00 for your free assessment ap- Lions Club. 440-458-6781. Apply today at 433 OBERLIN RD.
OFF your first prescription! pointment at 440-213-7527. 383 opportunity Way ELYRIA, OHIO 44035
CALL 1-877-625-2147 or Over 13 years experience. Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- LaGrange, OH 44050 440-322-8170
1-855-541-5141, Promo Code 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday.
CDC201625 440-926-3341 Phone: 440-355-4616
Fax: 440-355-4617
Lung Cancer? And 60 Years EDUCATION E-mail Attn: Cheryl Gott at ASPHALT, CONCRETE & STONE
Old? If So, You and Your Fam- HANDYMAN SERVICES [email protected]
ily May Be Entitled To A Sig- AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAIN-
nificant Cash Award. Call ING - Get FAA Technician cer- A Handyman / Roofer: Interior EOE/M/F/D/V;
800-897-7205 or 866-428-1639 tification. Approved for mil- / exterior, home remodeling Drug Free Workplace
To Learn More. No Risk. No itary benefits. Financial Aid / repair, pergolas, decks, vi- J. A. KILBY ENT.
Money Out of Pocket. if qualified. Job placement nyl siding, gutter cleaning,
assistance. Call Aviation In-
Become a published author! stitute of Maintenance 866- pressure washing, painting, HOME SERVICES Concrete • Masonry
Publications sold at all major 453-6204 roofing, carpentry, tile work. Dealing with water damage
secular & specialty Christian Dante, 216-403-8597. requires immediate action. Stamped Concrete
bookstores. CALL Christian Local professionals that re-
Faith Publishing for your FIREWOOD HELP WANTED spond immediately. Nation- 440-327-3433
FREE author submission kit. wide and 24/7. No mold calls.
1-855-548-5979 Aaron’s Hardwood. Oak and Belden United Methodist Call today! 1-800-730-9790
Dish Network-Satellite Televi- maple firewood. Split, sea- Church, in Grafton, is seeking
soned, free delivery. $225 /
sion Services. Now Over 190 cord, $130 / half cord. Call 440- a part-time Music Director to INTERNET AUTO SERVICE
channels for ONLY $49.99/mo! 935-7842. plan worship music, direct
HBO-FREE for one year, FREE choir and musicians. 5 to 10
Installation, FREE Streaming, hours weekly, salary negotia- HughesNet Satellite Internet
FREE HD. Add Internet for FOR RENT ble and commensurate with ? 25mbps for just $49.99/mo!
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DISH Network. 190+ Chan- no stairs, security deposit. No is required. Contact Pastor FAST download speeds. WiFi
built in! FREE Standard Instal-
nels. FREE Install. FREE Hop- pets. 440-343-5898 David Walker at 330-416-9768. lation! Call 1-855-440-4911
per HD-DVR. $49.99/month Elyria: Newly remodeled 2 & Submit your resume and at
(24 months) Add High Speed 3 bedroom townhomes with least two references to: belde- Earthlink High Speed Internet. Your Auto or Complete
Internet - $14.95 (where avail.) new carpet, ceramic tile and [email protected]. As Low As $14.95/month (for Light Truck Full Mechanical
CALL Today & SAVE 25%! hard wood floors. Appliances Drivers: 1yr. Class-A. $57,000 the first 3 months.) Reliable
1-855-837-9146 included. $100 security de- to $77,000 yr. $500 Orienta- High Speed Fiber Optic Tech- Service Center Repairs
Moving and storage: Cross posit; restrictions apply. Call tion Pay! $16 / hr. Detention nology. Stream Videos, Music
and More! Call Earthlink To-
country Moving, Long dis- 216-221-1333. Pay! Medical, dental, vision. day 1-855-520-7938
tance Moving Company out Home EVERY weekend! 855-
of state move $799 Long Dis- 200-4631 24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station
tance Movers Get Free quote FOR SALE LAWN & GARDEN
on your Long distance move. Picking / Packing, Part-time: 440-235-6642
Call 800-863-6081 1st cutting hay, no rain. $3, located TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser-
per bale. Spencer, 330-648- in LaGrange, is seeking can- vice. Complete tree removal,
APPLIANCES 2212. Also, straw $3 per bale; didates to work three days a trimming, root feeding and
week, Mondays required; extra
shelled corn 10per lb.
cleaning. Fully insured. FREE
Good clean used appliances. 6pc. Bedroom Set includes: hours during holidays. Clean, ESTIMATES. Firewood for BUILDERS
comfortable environment.
sale. 440-236-3061.
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. dresser / mirror, chest, 2 nite The ideal candidates will have
stands, king-size headboard stocking, picking & shipping
AUTOS WANTED / frame. Cherry finish. Very experience. Candidates must LAND INVESTMENT 20 acres R&K Builders
good cond., $500. 440-327-
be able to lift up to 50 lbs., be
2571 attentive to detail & exhibit the
Mike’s Hooker Service. We Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert ability to work successfully in - $39,900 60% below mar- (Built by Amish)
pay top dollar for all unwant- for Seniors. Bathroom falls a team environment. For more ket! Huge pond site, stream,
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free can be fatal. Approved by information, and to apply, visit woods, twn rd, beautiful Quality Buildings at
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, Arthritis Foundation. Thera- / jobs. No bldg sites! Call 888-738-6994
216-534-6514. peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch phone calls please. Affordable Prices
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Horse Barns • Garages
All Makes/Models 2002-2016! Floors. American Made. In- Residential cleaning company PETS
Any Condition. Running or stallation Included. Call needs part-time help, morn- & Riding Arenas
Not. Competitive Offer! Top 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off ings (west side). Good hourly Affordable Misty Meadow
$$$ Paid! Free Towing! We’re rate. 440-236-3072 Farm: dog grooming, pet Commercial &
Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888- WAREHOUSE POSITION boarding and day care, indoor
368-1016 or 1-888-985-1806. Full-time, 30yrs. No Layoffs heated facility. Valley City, Residential
LaGrange, 30 min SW of Cle 216-372-2755. mistymeadow- 330-473-9927

Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2017


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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018 Page 15
ROOFING TREE SERVICE Birds need extra assistance

in winter
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs that birds prefer. Roost
boxes are another op-
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal tion and one that can
Offi ce: 440-236-4001 • Jason E. Davis accommodate small
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner -Complete Crane Service- flocks that will group
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” together and share
Tree/Stump Removal
BENEDICT ROOFING Tree Trimming, Firewood their body heat. and
Family Business for Three Generations “FREE ESTIMATES” branches to provide
RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS Bonded & Insured natural camouflage and
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 help attract birds to the
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] shelter. Offer yarn, fab- ric scraps, cotton, and
Jeff’s Construction All Seasons Roofi ng Premier Property Enhancement other insulating mate-
rials that birds can use
HOUSE, PORCH, GARAGE ROOFS Tree Services & Landscaping to help make their shel-
Gutters • Carpentry • Masonry Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason ters more comfortable.
Siding • Slates • Chimneys Siding & Gutter Cleaning & Repairs Tree Removal • Trimming & Pruning • Brush Chipping
& Indoor Remodeling Land Clearing • Stump Grinding • Haul Away Food
Violations & Repairs! Repairs from $75. Firewood for Sale • Root Removal • 65’ Bucket Truck Suet is a high-fat meal for birds who Birds require
216-861-2238 440-748-3259 Casey Williamson 110’ Crane Truck • Skid-steer, Trucks & Trailers for Hire! need food in winter. high-calorie and high-
fat foods in the winter
Cold weather can be par-
so they can keep up
SEPTIC SERVICES Lowest Price $ 100 OFF Any Tree ticularly taxing on many of their metabolism to gen-
Guaranteed! One coupon per customer. Coupon must be the birds individuals dis- erate warmth. Also, since
presented at time of estimate.
cover in their backyards
birds’ feeding habits vary
SIMMONS Call or 440-334-0578 Fully Licensed throughout the year. Al- depending on the type of
& Insured
though some species mi-
bird, it may be necessary
CONSTRUCTION grate to warmer climates to place feeders at varying
each winter, many stay put
Joe Simmons George Rose ARBOR CARE TREE and attempt to ride out win- heights to maximize access.
Feeders should be locat-
216-978-2474 216-905-6947 ter in their normal habitats. ed out of the wind and in an
Birds that tend to stay put
SEPTIC SYSTEM • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck include finches, sparrows, area that offers safe refuge
from predators. The Na-
INSTALLATION & REPAIRS • 113 Ft. Crane titmice, jays, woodpeckers, tional Wildlife Federation
chickadees, and cardinals.
Sewer, water & gas line repair/replacement • Removal, Trimming, Firewood thology says that, in much of also says individuals should
The Cornell Lab of Orni-
put out sizable feeders and/
Triple Shredded Mulch
LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED North America, winter days or use multiple feeders to
provide ample food during
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member can be windy and cold for snow and ice storms. Feed-
birds, and nights are even
SIDING & WINDOWS 440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 more challenging. In winter, ers should be checked regu-
larly and kept full.
birds no longer have berries
Consistency is also im-
and lush vegetation to con- portant because birds will
sume and insects have died
Custom Exteriors WATERPROOFING or gone underground. Since grow accustomed to being
supplemented with food and
finding food can be espe-
cially difficult, and shelter may depend on such supple-
ments to survive.
•Windows •Azek Since 1989 may be scarce, many birds Bird Watcher’s Digest
•Siding •Soffit can benefit from a little help suggests a variety of foods
from their human friends.
•Doors •Metal Shelter for birds. Black-oil sun-
flower seeds, peanuts, suet,
Wild Birds Unlimited cracked corn, millet, thistle
•Stone & Shake Siding says shelter for birds is hard seed, safflower, and various
•Gutter/Cleaning/Guards POLYURETHANE CRACK INJECTION to come by in winter. Trees fruits can help many birds
have shed their leaves, and
440-926-1600 Snow Plowing SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED evergreens may not be as thrive. It’s also suggested to
include mealworms, which
~ OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ abundant or protective. As a can be purchased at bait
result, birds frequently seek
stores or pet stores. These
TAXES JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036 man-made structures that larvae of beetles can be
can provide refuge from the
elements. presented in a shallow dish
with slippery sides so the
People can provide shel-
Franklin Tax SQUIRE’S J. A. KILBY ENT. ters for birds, which may worms cannot crawl out.
& Accounting INCOME TAX “Stop the water before it stops you!” include traditional bird- Birds typically need ex-
Service •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening, houses, windbreaks and tra support to survive harsh
winters. Offering food and
Personal & PREPARATION Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services snow shields. Even a brush shelter during these bleak
Business Taxes EDWARD J. STEPNICKA •Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement pile can simulate the natural months can help.
ELECTRONIC FILING Enrolled Agent,CPA 440-327-3433 shelters of trees and shrubs
Many Other Financial
Services Available
Forrest Franklin CPA
for Appointment 440-748-3624 “This is a simple
440-236-5423 35043 E. Royalton Rd. cake that my mom
Your Place or Mine North Eaton ART’S WATER SYSTEMS always made for me
Income Tax Returns SERVICE • SALES • INSTALLATIONS on Valentine’s Day.”
1 (4 ounce) jar
Contact Bobbie, Email: [email protected] SOFTENERS • TANKS • SUMP maraschino cherries
440-236-5449 or 216-403-9707(cell) 3/4 cup chopped
“The IRS does not endorse any particular individual tax return preparer. 1 (16 ounce)
For more information on tax return preparers, go to” KEVIN BOLDEN 440-322-2987 container frozen
whipped topping, Fold the cherries and pe-
TREE SERVICE thawed cans into the cake mix; stir-
Drain the cherries re- ring by hand. Pour mix into
2 round cake pans and bake
Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping serving juice; chop cherries in preheated oven.
and reserve.
When cake has com-
Tree Trimming • Removal Prepare cake mix ac- pletely cooled, frost with
Stump Grinding • Pruning cording to box directions, whipped topping; serve and
adding water to the reserved
Fertilizers • Fire Wood cherry juice to equal the keep unused portions in re-
Free Estimates! amount of liquid needed for Recipe By:Micki Stout,
cake mix.
Preheat oven to box di- courtesy of www.allrecipes.
Seth Emerson - Owner rections. com
Office: 440-322-2624
Emergency: 440-452-2456
[email protected]

Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 29, 2018

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