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Published by The Rural-Urban Record, 2018-06-27 14:16:30


The Rural-Urban Record

“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 62 Years of Community Service!”
Volume 63, No. 52 Columbia Station, Ohio June 25, 2018

Army National Guardsman honored Lorain County Sheriff’s Office

On June 14, Robert H. hosts special guest
Moulder, a Wakeman, local
and active Army National
Guard returning from his
third deployment, was hon-
ored by Wellington Mayor
Hans Schneider and NN,
Inc. President & CEO Rich
Holder. In honor of Flag
Day and in recognition of
his most recent deployment
in Kuwait, Mr. Moulder
will present the flag that
flew over his posting in
Kuwait to NN’s CEO, Mr.
Holder. Mr. Holder will
recognize Mr. Moulder’s
service by presenting him
with the inaugural Presi-
dent’s Award, recognizing
his commitment to service
above self, and an NN Mili-
tary Challenge Coin, which
NN presents to all NN Vet- Pictured L-R: Chief Deputy Dennis Cavanaugh, U.S. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur - 9th
erans. Following his second District (D), Sheriff Phil R. Stammitti, Captain Jack Hammond and Project Specialist Melissa
tour in the Middle East in Myers Fischer.
2014, Mr. Moulder started The Lorain County Sheriff’s Office recently hosted a special round-table discussion with
working for NN, a diver- U.S. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D) who visited the Sheriff’s Office at the request of
sified industrial company, the Sheriff in order to discuss important topics impacting law enforcement, corrections and
which has two plants for its the Drug Task Force. Sheriff Phil R. Stammitti highlighted the importance of the continua-
Mobile Solutions Division tion of federal funds earmarked for drug trafficking and shared that “funds should be flexible
Robert H. Moulder in Wellington. enough to support local efforts that counter trafficking and provide a level of sustainability
for those organizations working on the ground.” Chief Cavanaugh provided drug trends
State VFW Installs New Commander citing a higher level of fentanyl, cocaine and methamphetamine that is attracting new users
across the region and described Drug Task Force successes over the past year. While the
number of opiate related deaths and rates of overdoses are trending downward due to multi-
serving in the United States Vice Commander, Sr. Vice ple reasons including the federal designation as a HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking
Navy from April, 1966 to Commander, Quartermaster Area) which has brought valuable resources and manpower, he also credits the use of Nar-
January, 1970. He obtained and held many chairman- can used by first responders.
the rank of Aviation Ordi- ships. When David moved From a correctional standpoint, Captain Hammond described the impact to the jail oper-
nanceman Second Class to Elyria he transferred his ation as “significant” with increased medical and housing costs related to housing a greater
(E-5) and made three cruis- life membership to Thom- number of opiate addicts as a direct result of the opiate epidemic. The group also discussed
es to Vietnam. He was as- as Mahalis Memorial Post the national Stepping Up Initiative that Lorain County has implemented with community
signed to Attack Squadron #1079 and has been a mem-
Eighty Five (VA-85) for the ber there since 2004. While partners collaborating to put practices into place throughout the entire criminal justice sys-
first two cruises and then in Post 1079 he has served tem to ultimately reduce the number of severely mentally ill in the jail. Understanding that
was transferred to Attack as Jr. Vice Commander, Sr. the jail has become the de-facto system for opiate detox and housing the severe mentally ill,
Squadron Sixty Five (VA- Vice Commander, Com- the group was encouraged when Congresswoman Kaptur shared a synopsis of the millions
65) when he volunteered for mander, Trustee and Judge of dollars earmarked by Congress in the way of federal grants that could be accessed by state
a third cruise. David earned Advocate and as chairman and local systems to assist in building innovative practices even across a regional setting
the Navy Unit Commenda- for the Americanism, Com- for these types of issues. Kaptur worked with Congressional leadership to secure Ohio as a
tion with two bronze stars, munity Activities, Legisla- priority state for federal funds to combat the opioid crisis at every level.
National Defense Service tive, Youth Activities and
David K. Root Medal, Armed Forces Ex- By-Laws committees. He is “Name That Tree” program offered
peditionary Medal, Viet- currently serving as Judge
On Sunday June 10, The nam Service Medal with Advocate. Have a tree that you pass on a regular basis that you always wonder ‘what is that?’ Own
Veterans of Foreign Wars one silver and one bronze David is a member of the a woodland and want to know exactly what trees you have? Then “Name That Tree” is the
installed their new State campaign star, The Viet- Ohio VFW Past Command- class for you! This one day workshop is designed to give participants in-depth training
Commander, David K. Root nam Cross of Gallantry and ers Association, a life mem- and practice on identifying trees using leaves and other common characteristics. The class
a life member of Elyria Post Republic of Vietnam Cam- ber of The VFW National begins indoors with some introductory identification clues and samples that we use to work
#1079. David’s devotion to paign Medal. Home for Children and a through a dichotomous key. The afternoon is spent outside practicing!
veterans and their causes is David first joined the delegate to the Elyria Coun- Program agenda:
well known throughout the VFW in Post 5587 in Hol- cil of Veterans. 9 a.m. Introduction to Tree Identification; 10:15 a.m. The “process” - learning to use a key.
Elyria and Lorain County ly, Michigan in 1984 where David resides in Elyria, Practice time on samples; 11:45 a.m. Lunch (provided); 1 p.m. Hands on ID in the field; 3 p.m.
Wrap-up and adjourn.
area. He will continue to he served as Youth Ac- with his wife of 52 years,
Class fee is $35 and lunch and materials are included; please dress appropriately for
work hard for all veterans tivities Chairman for sev- Susan. They have a son this indoor/outdoor program. The class is on Friday, July 13, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at Ohio
though out the state in his eral years. After moving (Kendall of Michigan), a
new position. to LaGrange, in 1997, he daughter (Courtney of Tex- State Mansfield,100 Ovalwood Hall, 1760 University Drive. Preregistration is required and
deadline to register is July 6, 2018. Up-to-date class location information and registration is
David earned his eli- joined Post #4155 as a life as) and three grandchildren
gibility in the VFW while member. He served as Jr. (Aubrey, Jeffery and Inara). available on our website at or email us at [email protected]
or call (614) 688-3421.
Community Directory Carlisle 9 Grafton 15 N. Ridgeville 12 Profile 7
Grafton Twp.
Eaton 9 LaGrange 8 Churches 5 Classified 17
Make Your Own Music
Monday, July 9, 2 PM

Did you know you can make musical instruments 983 Main St., Grafton
out of everyday objects? Find out how in this
program for ages 5 and up. Registration is required.
To register, visit, click, or call the Library.

Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018

LOCAL June 30- July 15 July 18
July 2
Ice Cream Social
Events Italian American torical Society and enjoy ice Make cute, kid-friendly crafts
Make-n-take Crafts:
Fireflies & Fireworks
Join the Lorain County His-
Summer Festival
cream, pie/cake, music by
celebrating the wondrous ways
At the Cuyahoga County Fair-
summer skies sparkle during
“Solid Brass,” antique cars,
grounds. Pasta eating contest,
Cake-walk and kid’s games.
this drop-in anytime program!
Italian recording artist Vinz De
Tickets $5, pre-sale; $6 day of
Children and adults.
Rosa, Wine tasting and more!
The Hickories
Since 2001, this festival of all
12882 Diagonal Rd,
things Italian has filled the event. 440-322-3341. Carlisle Reservation
509 Washington Ave.,
weekend with food and music. Elyria 1:30pm - 3:30pm
June 23 June 25-28 You’ll find all the classics: piz- 1:00pm - 5:00pm
za, gelato and pastry! $2-6.
Strongsville Rib Burnoff Art on Erie Cuyahoga County
Come sample and judge for the Arts on Erie is a free hands-on Fairgrounds,
best ribs! Live music and enter- workshop for youth and the young Hours vary each day
tainment for kids. Food trucks at heart with a different project
and kids inflatables! Admiss being offered each day. It is open
$3, Active military and kids 10 to the general public. There are July 2-4
and under free. two sessions offered each day.
Strongsville Commons Free admission and parking Berea Grindstone
Corner of Rt 42 & Rt 82 93 Delaware Avenue Festival
Strongsville Put-in-Bay June 30 There are paddleboat rides on
Hours vary each day 10am-1pm & 1pm-3pm Columbia Station Coe Lake, an outdoor movie,
Columbia Twp Park live entertainment including Village of Grafton
Ohio Scottish Games June 28-30 10:15pm Breakfast Club, Wallbangers
The Ohio Scottish Games & Clayton Brothers, face paint-
highlight the traditional dance, Columbia Homecoming July 1 ing, games, rides and food
music and athletics of the an- Come see this FREE Annual vendors. Parade Tuesday, July
3 at 6 p.m., Fireworks, July 4th
cient highland games. This Festival in Columbia Station. North Olmsted at 10pm.
event is for the enjoyment of all There will be live entertain- Great Northern Mall 11 Berea Commons,
Scots and friends as well as to ment, a parade, fireworks, At dusk Berea
introduce the Scottish Arts and rides, eating contests, local 4:00pm - 10:00pm
traditions to the community. business demonstrations, July 3
Lorain Fairgrounds movie in the park & much, Single Family Homes with
23000 Fairgrounds Rd, much more! North Ridgeville basements starting in the low
Wellington Columbia Twp. Park South Central Park July 14 $200’s located in a beautiful
Hours vary each day 25540 Royalton Rd., At dusk Pretty Princess Tea Columbia Station Party secluded setting in Grafton.
Hours vary each day Wellington Calling all princesses! You are

June 23-24 Ashland Balloonfest Lorain Fairgrounds cordially invited to dress as Phase 2 is ready to build
your favorite princess and en-
Lorain International Enjoy the colorful Ashland At dusk joy a fabulous tea party where Phase 3 is ready to
Festival skies as the hot air balloons fill everything sparkles and the RESERVE!
Sample a wide variety of ethnic the air. Entertainment, music, Grafton treats are sweet. $30. Must
cuisine. On-going live entertain- shows, and an assortment of Willow Park pre-register by July 12.
ment and cultural booths that food vending is all part of the 9:45pm Miss Darcy’s Academy 3
feature crafts and items from nonstop activities. Hours vary 5422 Detroit Rd.,
many homelands. There are each day July 4 Sheffield Village
covered dining areas, paved Dale-Roy School, 10:00am - 12:00pm
walkways and free parking. 1256 Center St Lorain 2
Black River Landing Ashland Black River Landing • Sold
Lorain 10:00pm • Reserved July 14-15 • Model
June 29-30 July 7 Summer Weekend

Cleveland Pizza Fest Summer Market Elyria Train Rides Located at the intersection of
A 3-day Food and Music Festi- Come to the Summer Market! Enjoy a fun, free Little Green Novak Rd. and Durkee Rd.
val featuring pizza parlors from Vendor Sale! Rain or Shine. Lorain County Speedway Choo train ride on the Chil- Take Donneybrook to Limerick Ln.
all over NE Ohio. Live Music, Pampered Chef, Scentsy, Pa- At dusk dren Nature Discovery Trail! Turn right for New Phases!
Adult Beverages, Motorcycle parazzi Jewelry, Queen Shun- Weather permitting. For more
& Classic Car Display, Rides da’s Tea, Blooms & Bread, information call (440) 458-5121
& Activities for Kids and Adults, Homemade Crafts and Quilts, Ext. 232.
Charity 5K Run and 1 Mile food and much more! Carlisle Reservation
Walk (Registration Required), 40180 Parsons Rd. 12882 Diagonal Rd,
Pizza Eating Contest (Regis- LaGrange Lagrange Building Co.
tration Required) and Cornhole Fri: 10:00am - 5:00pm 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Tournament. Sat: 9:00am - 3:00pm Call Jerry at Shamrock
Cuyahoga County
Fairgrounds, (440) 926-3950
Independence Day Savings!

Let our experts help you transform your home in ways you never thought possible.

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High Quality Kitchen & Financing
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440-406-9299 Flooring per sq. ft. per sq. ft. starting at *20+ Colors and Styles to choose from. *7 Colors and Styles to choose from. *In-stock carpet only, while supplies last.

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018 Page 3

HOURS Sale Good - Now Hiring -
Mon & Thurs..................9-9pm Through Date SERVICE TECH
Tues, Wed & Fri.............9-6pm of Publication
Saturday........................9-5pm Call Chad
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CURRENT SERVICE Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm 1115 EAST BROAD ST
Sat 8:00 am - 12 noon
SPECIAL Same Day Service Appointments Available ELYRIA 366-FORD (3673)
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APRIL 1 - JUNE 30, 2018
on the purchase of four
tires from these brands:
• Bridgestone
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• Dunlop
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• Hankook
• Michelin
• Pirelli
• PLUS an added $60 Rebate for new or existing Ford Service and Quick Lane • Yokohama
Service Credit Card holders when the entire purchase is on the card. • Firestone

Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018
bring in. They also passed another resolution for 1.25 mills. Community Garage Sales event
The Trustees will make a decision on what millage they will
use at the next meeting.
Columbia Township and the Columbia Chamber of Com-
Julie Petras New Business merce are proud to be hosting the 5th annual Columbia Com-
email: [email protected] The new property revaluation for Lorain County is in. munity Garage Sales. Being a rural community, it is hard to
The Trustees past a resolution to sell the asphalt Hot Box to
Olmsted Township for $500. draw shoppers out to our garage sales. Most shoppers like to go
Columbia Historical Society Committee Reports to developments or to cities where they can hit multiple sales
all in the same day. Over the past few years that we held these
Mr. Heidecker reported that Southwest General Hospital
The Columbia Historical Society will be participating in this Board will meet June 27; NOACA will meet July 13. Mr. Dale sales, we have had 100+ participating houses. We made it easi-
er for shoppers to come to Columbia to purchase treasures and
year’s Homecoming Festival. We will be setting up our booth Rundle reported that the Lorain County Water Authority will had a huge amount of traffic!
on Wednesday, June 27. We will meet at Ken Roth’s barn to meet July 18. When: Thurs., July 19, Fri., July 20, & Sat., July 21. Time:
pick up the equipment and take it over to the park. We could After Community Input the meeting was adjourned. The 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (hours may vary by address). Participating houses
use a lot of hands to help in the set up. The festivities start on next regular meeting will by Monday, July 2, 2018 at 7 p.m. will be available to download & view on-line. To have your
Thursday, June 28, at 5 p.m. with parade at 7 p.m. We will be in Town Hall. house listed, please send your address, days & hours you will
awarding the “Citizen Of The Year” afterwards. We will be at CHS Class of 1978 Reunion be “open” and a few items you will be having in your sale to
our booth on Friday, June 29, starting at 5 p.m. and at 11 a.m on Mandie Andrews at: [email protected]. If you
Saturday, June 30 until the fireworks! Come by and say hello The Columbia High School Class of 1978 Reunion begins do not have access to email, please contact Mandie by phone
and learn something about our rich history. on Friday, June 29, at Barbarino’s in Columbia Station. The at (216) 409-6668. Participation is free, please share this with
Columbia Friends Book Sale party starts at 5 p.m. with a cash bar in the lounge. Dinner is on your neighbors and friends. Deadline to list is noon on Friday,
July 13.
your own at your leisure. On Saturday, June 30, at 6 p.m. we
The Friends of the Columbia Library are having a book sale will meet at the Columbia Homecoming. Meeting place TBD. OWU Dean’s List
at the Columbia Library on July 10-14. They always need help Columbia Homecoming Days
setting up the book sales and your help would be appreciated Ohio Wesleyan University is pleased to announce its 2018
on July 9 at 10 a.m. Hardback books are $1 and paperbacks Food Collection Drive spring semester Dean’s List. To qualify for OWU Dean’s List
are 50¢. Come in and gather books for summer reading. Please recognition, students must earn a grade point average of 3.5
contact the library for more information. Hosanna Lutheran Church will have a booth in the Park or better on a 4.0 scale in all applicable classes. Local resi-
for the Columbia Homecoming Days June 28-30. Hosanna dents earning the academic honor include: Elise Duldner of Co-
lumbia Station; Jacob Kleinhenz of Columbia Station; Justin
Columbia Trustees Meeting is designated as the drop off point for collecting non-per- Reznik of Columbia Station and Michael Smosny Jr. of Elyria.
ishable food items, cleaning items and monetary donations
during the Columbia Homecoming Days to benefit the Co- Congratulations!
lumbia Food Center. Simply bring your donations to Hosan- Saint Mary’s College Dean’s List
The Columbia Township Board of Trustees met on Monday, na’s booth, and we will ensure it gets to the Food Center.
June 18, 2018 at 7 p.m. in Town Hall with two Trustees, Mr. When you drop off your items, you will receive a ticket for Meghan O’Brien of Columbia Station has been named to
Heidecker and Mr. Musto. Mr. Cunningham was absent. Also a free hot dog lunch and ice cream social being held at Ho- the Saint Mary’s College Dean’s List for the Spring 2018 se-
absent was the Fiscal Officer, Jackie Ramsey. There were no sanna Lutheran Church on July 8, from 3-5 p.m. as a “thank mester. To earn academic honors at Saint Mary’s, a student
minutes available. The Trustees voted to pay roll of $26,981.33. you” for your generosity. Hosanna is located at 13485 West must achieve a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.6 on a
Department Reports River Road, in Columbia Station. 4.0 scale, have at least 12 graded credit hours, no incompletes,
The Zoning Inspector reported 5 permits issued from June Here’s a little history of the Columbia Food Center. It and no grades lower than a C. Congratulations!
4 to June 15 of which 2 were for single family homes bringing opened in February 1982 by the local churches of Colum-
the total for the year to 21. Five violation letters for high vege- BW Ovation Festival honorees
tation were sent out. One house is so high the Trustees passed bia Station. Originally, it was located in a small pantry in
a resolution authorizing the grass to be mowed and the expense the basement of Columbia Baptist Church. Peg & Michael Students from our area were among over 60 students recog-
put on the tax bill. A violation letter was sent to a property on Toomey were the first volunteers at the Food Center. The nized at the Honors Award Ceremony during Baldwin Wallace
Royalton Road for violation of the rules for a farm market. The churches of Columbia helped support the Food Center by University’s Ovation Festival 2018, BW’s annual celebration
County Prosecutor will be consulted. The Zoning Commission each taking two months out of the year to donate food. In of student achievement. The following local students received
is finalizing the wording on Highway Business and Neighbor- addition to the churches donations, the Food Center receives recognition:
hood Business consolidation. They will meet on Thursday, July donations from our local businesses, schools, Columbia Angela Gibbons of Columbia Station, a graduate of Colum-
12, at 6:30 p.m. There are no cases for the Board of Zoning Ap- Chamber of Commerce and Columbia Foundation. bia High School received the Ralph M. Dunbar, Jr. Scholar-
peals. The In March 2011, the Food Center moved to its current lo- ship; Jeffrey Farkas-Ondo of Elyria received the David R. &
Road-Service Director reported a roadside cutter down with cation on the grounds of Clearview Church. Pastor Jim, with June Demmerle Scholarship; Shelby Helmick of Wellington
problems. Fuel pressure in one of the Squads will need to be received the Dr. Delo C. Grover Award. Congratulations!
sent out for repair. The Clark St. problem may be able to be the help of many volunteers, restored the space the Food
covered by NEOSORD because it is a stormwater problem. Center now calls home. The Food Center helps feed roughly One Work • Casual • Hunting Wear & Accessories
The Fire Chief reported 36 on file, 35 on call, 86 fire calls 80-120 people per month. Shopping! Work Shoes • Rubber Boots • Rain Gear
to date and 373 EMS calls. There were 45 mutual aid assists When you come to Homecoming Days, be sure to bring Dog Food & Supplies • Gloves • Socks
and 19 mutual aid requests. Transport billing for May brought your donations. Let’s really “Pack the Center!” Don’t forget, Kid’s Clothing • Womens
in 17,968.10 bringing the total for the year to $73,726.72. you’ll be rewarded with lunch and ice cream from Hosanna
Rita Plata reported no activity for the cemetery report. Lutheran Church! 16901 St. Rt. 58,
Old Business Oberlin, OH 44074 HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10-5 ~ Check • Cash • Plastic
The Estates of Columbia Ridge are still in the hands of the CHS Soccer Golf Outing
OhioEPA. The Zoning Commission will be working on the re-
zoning of Heavy Industry and Light Industry Districts along Columbia High School’s cer teams for the upcoming Edwards Mobile Mower Repair
the railroad tracks to R3 Residential when they finish Highway Boys and Girls Soccer Teams 2018 soccer season. The cost
Business and Neighborhood Business. The Trustees have been will be hosting their 12th an- is $75 per player. It will be a “Let us come to you”
requested to put a levy onto the November ballot for a depu- nual Golf Outing on July 21 four-person scramble with a
ty dedicated to Columbia. The Trustees first passed a resolu- at Cossett Creek in Bruns- shotgun start beginning at 9
tion asking the Auditor to look into what a .65 mill levy would wick. All proceeds benefit a.m. Included with golf is a Self-Propelled Mowers & Riders
both the boys and girls soc- steak dinner, catered by Har- • Sevice, Parts & Repair
vest Saloon, and more. If in-
J&J Greenhouse further details about the golf
terested or if you would like
outing, please contact Corey
“We Grow On You” Taylor at taylorc@columbia. “38 years of doing it right” with any questions
you may have.
SH*T or get off the patio pot sale!!!


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Directions or info 440-236-8762
Hrs: Mon-Sat 9-8; Sun 9-6
SUMMER HOURS 9-5, Start July 2nd • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018 Page 5
The Rural-Urban Record Southern Gospel Singer
Joyce Igo, an international Southern Gospel singer, song-
Published Weekly on Monday writer, and missionary, will be returning to Columbia Baptist Come and
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter Church to bring the gospel in song and in message. Joyce hails
Founders 1955 from Hurricane, West Virginia and has followed the call to sing Worship
Lee Boise, Publisher & President and write for the Lord for over 20 years. Joyce will be joined
by Steven Nichols for an evening of food, fun and fellowship.
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 Please join us on Wednesday, June 27, for this special eve- with us!
ning. We will begin in the downstairs of the church for a free
Mailing Address: dinner at 6:30 p.m. and we will move upstairs for worship at
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 7:30 p.m. There is no fee for this event, but a free-will basket
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station will be available if you choose to bless Joyce Igo. There is a
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 chair lift available to access both upstairs and downstairs, and
Email: [email protected] is accessible from the east side of the church building (town
Website: hall side on West River Road). NORTH
Columbia Baptist Church is an American Baptist denomina-
DEADLINE: tion church, located at 25514 Royalton Road (corner of 82 and EATON
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm West River Road), Columbia Station. We can be reached for CHRISTIAN
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1 questions about this event or any other needs at (440) 236-8206 (Disciples)
or via email at [email protected]. The pastor
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year of this flock is Rev. Phillip W. Betts. On Sundays, Columbia Rt. 82 & 83
Baptist Church has worship at 10:30 a.m. and all are welcome 440-748-2230
and expected.
Missionary to speak Vacation Bible Schools Worship Services

Belden United Methodist Church, located at 36130 St. Rt. 8:00 am & 10:30 am
303, in Grafton, will welcome Barbara Pinkley, a missionary LaPorte United Methodist Church Sunday School
with World Gospel Mission, on Sunday, July 1, at the 9:30 a.m. Vacation Bible School will be here soon at LaPorte United 9:00 am
service. Barbara, who has been supported by BUMC, will share Methodist Church, located at 2071 Grafton Rd., in Elyria. Our Polly Tallos
her experiences of her nursing ministry in Kenya and what is study will be “Ship Wrecked,” and we will have crafts, snacks Christian Ed. & Youth Director
happening at Tenwek Hospital College of Health Services to and fun! All are welcome to join us for this wonderful experi- Rev. David Chafin
spread the word of God. Brunch will follow and all are wel- ence! VBS begins Monday, June 25, and runs through Friday, Interim Minister
come to attend. Elevator is available. For more information, June 29, from 9 a.m.-noon. For more information, or to regis-
call (440) 926-2209. ter, please call the church office at (440) 458-5717.
PAL Support Group Community Vacation Bible School United Church of God
12981 Grafton Rd.
The 2018 Community Vacation Bible school will be held
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a support group June 25-28, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Columbia United Meth- “Welcome Home” Grafton, Oh 44044
odist Church. The church is located at 25453 Royalton Road,
of parents helping parents, offering education and support at no in Columbia Station. This year’s theme is “Rolling River Ram- New Life Wesleyan Church Sabbath Services
Saturdays at 12:30 pm
charge, for parents who are trying to save a son or daughter from page,” where children will experience the ride of a lifetime
addiction. These meetings are not for the addict, but the family with God. Donations of canned food or toiletries will be ac- 11149 West River Rd.
members that are 18 yrs. or older. Meetings are on the 1st and cepted for the Columbia Food pantry. Registration forms for Columbia Station
3rd Monday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m. at Lighthouse Bible children preschool through 6th grade can be picked up at the SUNDAY 9 am
Church, located at 24050 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. following sponsoring churches: GRAFTON UNITED
METHODIST CHURCH ClearView (440) 236-3950; Columbia Baptist (440) 236- Adult Bible Study 973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034
“Your Family Church”
SUNDAY 10 am
Celebrate Recovery 8206; Columbia United Methodist (440) 236-8822; Hosanna Worship & Children’s Church 8:45am Sunday School
Lutheran (440) 236-8900; New Life Wesleyan (440) 236-8600;
10:00am Worship
Celebrate Recovery, the local Christian 12-Step Program for and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (440) 236-5095. WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm 10:35am Children’s Church
anyone needing help with a hurt, habit or hang-up, meets each Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
week at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Church of the Open Door, lo- Wednesdays at Fields UMC Bible Study
cated at 43275 Telegraph Road, in Elyria. The first hour begins Youth Group, Kids Club
with a brief time of worship, followed by a weekly lesson or a Come join us every Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. for Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor Church of Christ
personal testimony. The second hour has gender specific small joyous worship (note the new time). No need to be a member; Rev. John Bodo
Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
groups for men and women, with a special video for first time worship is open to everybody who just wants to take 30 min- - Associate Pastor Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
attenders. All meetings are open to everyone. Light refreshments utes or so to recharge their spiritual batteries midway through Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
are served following the program. For further information, call the week. There is a Disciple Bible Study available beginning 440-236-8600 211 Forest St., LaGrange
Bob at (440) 326-2329. at 5 p.m. Dress is casual. For more information, please call 440-355-6872
(440) 327-8753. Fields United Methodist Church is located at
Life Spring Community Church would also like to invite 34077 Lorain Road, in North Ridgeville, just east of Root Rd.
the community to their Celebrate Recovery program. Come join We welcome you! St. Elizabeth
them on Monday nights beginning at 6 p.m. The church is locat-
ed at 1638 Lester Rd., in Valley City. Dinner and fellowship is Healing Hearts Ann Seton
from 6-7 p.m., large groups from 7-8 p.m., small groups from 8-9 Healing Hearts is a non-denominational social group for Catholic Parish
p.m. and 9 p.m. coffee and dessert. Child care is available. For widows and widowers. Members enjoy a variety of events and 25801 Royalton Rd.
Columbia Station, OH
more information, you can go to opportunities to meet and socialize with new people in simi- COLUMBIA UNITED Sacrament of Reconciliation
Church Youth Group lar circumstances. They welcome new members from all area METHODIST Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
communities and adults of all ages. Their regular meetings are
The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church youth group needs you! on the third Wednesday of each month. They meet at the Bruns- CHURCH Anytime by Appointment
We are located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. wick Library, located at 3649 Center Road. Meeting times vary. Worship Service Weekend Masses
Sat. 5 p.m.
The youth group is for 6th graders through high school. Some Please contact Connie at (440) 526-5495 for details. Their last 10:30 a.m. Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
of the activities that we do are faith based, some are service meeting for the first half of 2018 is on June 20, from 1-3 p.m. Sunday School 440-236-5095
based and the rest are activities like swimming, etc. during Worship Service
If this sounds like fun to you, please contact Ann at the Divorce Care Seminars
youth director’s office at 236-3711. She will give you informa- COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO
tion about the group. All are welcome and we encourage you to DivorceCare is a national support group that meets weekly in
join and give us a try! Lorain County. It is a warm, caring environment where people Pastor Matt Merriman
learn how to deal with the hurt caused by separation or divorce.
SEAS - PSR The group understands how attendees feel because they all have [email protected]
It is time to register for Parish School of Religion (PSR) been in the same place. Participants are welcome to begin at-
tending the DivorceCare group at any point. Each session is
at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church! PSR is for 1st through 8th “self-contained” so there is no need to attend in sequence. At-
grade students. The children make their First Communion in tendees will be able to pick up any missed sessions in the next
2nd grade and their Confirmation in 8th grade. If your child 13-week cycle. For details on meeting days/times, call (440)
goes to public school and is grades 1 through 8, please come 323-4644 or register at The
and register at our program. Religious Education is very im- group meets at the Church of the Open Door, located at 43275
portant in your child’s life and to us. The deadline to register for Telegraph Road, in Elyria.
PSR is July 1 so that we can be prepared to welcome your child Our Lady Queen of Peace
into our religious program. Please call the Religious Education Catholic Church
office at 236-3711 to register for the 2018/2019 year. Classes
will start back up in September.
Weekend Masses Weekday
Sat. 4:30pm Mass
FUNERAL HOME & Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance Sun. 8:30 & 8:00am
FAMILY FUNERAL HOME Sat. 3:30- Mon.-Tues.
4:00pm Thurs.-Fri.
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LM Valley City, OH 44280 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy,
Now offering On-site
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Cremation Services
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it is not easily angered, it keeps no record
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of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil
Serving Families for over 50 years
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Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018
The Herb Guild is a local organization and meets on the sec- Valley City’s July 4th Parade
ond Wednesday of the month at Porter Public Library in West-
lake, Ohio (27333 Center Ridge Road) in the Porter Room. Valley City’s July 4th Parade will have a Medina County
New members and guests are always welcome. For more in- Bicentennial Theme. Please pass the word to any group or indi-
[email protected] formation on the upcoming meeting, visit our website theherb- vidual who may want to be in the parade! You can also find us on Facebook under The Herb It was a cold January in 1818 when Medina County gained
Garden Club of North Ridgeville Guild. --Submitted by Barb Armstrong enough population to form its first government. Accordingly,
officials were elected and appointed. Commissioners, a Sheriff,
The Garden Club of North Ridgeville will have a fundrais- John Carroll U degree recipients a Coroner, Judges and others began to govern.
In recognition of that founding, the county is celebrating its
er at Chipotle, 32223 Lorain Road, North Ridgeville from 4-8 John Carroll University is pleased to announce the following Bicentennial: 1818-2018. Parades, celebrations and activities
p.m. on July 17. Please support the garden club by eating out bachelor’s degree recipients awarded diplomas during the Sun- are all invited to use a Bicentennial Theme all across Medina.
at Chipotle and telling the cashier you are there for the garden day, May 20, 2018 commencement ceremony. The new JCU Imagination is a key to success, and Liverpool/Valley City
club for us to get credit. We use proceeds from the fund-rais- graduates listed below are from the local area. Connor Hrobat residents can be quite imaginative. The Liverpool Township
er and our plant sale to support the club projects like planting of North Ridgeville; Lauren Morgan of North Ridgeville; Jes- Historical Society is counting on our residents to use that imag-
daffodils at the library, purchasing 3 bee hives and donations to sica Neundorf of Elyria and Mikayla Ortiz of North Ridgeville. ination during the July 4th parade. Floats, vehicles, bikes and
Community Care, Metro Parks and the library. trikes, animals and the like are all encouraged to enter the pa-
Special Concert fund-raiser Muskingham U graduate rade with imaginative decorations encouraging this theme.
In planning your theme, think what things looked like in
Katelyn Butcher of North Ridgeville graduated from
Logan Wells is coming to North Ridgeville for a special 1818, or during the Civil War, 1861-65, or, perhaps a hundred
performance! North Ridgeville Senior’s, Inc is presenting this Muskingum University in New Concord. At Muskingum, years ago as WW I ended, or anytime in between.
Butcher majored in chemistry. Congratulations!
special concert featuring Logan Wells, sponsored by BioThane For more information, call (330) 483-3707. Some resources
Webbing, Bob Schmitt Homes and Bulk-n-Bushel. This after- may be found at and medina200.
noon concert will be on Friday, August 3, from 2-3 p.m. at the AARP Senior Safety Driving Class org.
North Ridgeville Education Center, 5490 Mills Creek Lane, in
the Community Room. The North Ridgeville Office for Older Adults (Senior Cen- University of Dayton’s Dean’s List
The Senior Center provides so many services to North Rid- ter) will be hosting an AARP Senior Safety Driving Class on
geville and the surrounding communities of Eaton, Grafton, Monday, July 23, from 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. This class will be held The following local residents earned a spot on the Universi-
Carlisle, LaGrange and Columbia Station, with a wide scope at the North Ridgeville Senior Center, located at 7327 Avon ty of Dayton’s spring 2018 dean’s list for achieving a minimum
of services provided such as: transportation, meals on wheels, Belden Road, in North Ridgeville. 3.5 GPA: Delaney Bak of North Ridgeville; Kristen Baker of
supportive services, outreach programs and a multitude of oth- Should You Take the AARP Smart Driver Course? Elyria; Ryan Hrusch of North Ridgeville; Brittany Resar of
er functions. Cars have changed. So have traffic rules, driving conditions Elyria and Sherilyn Rogers of Columbia Station. Congratu-
This program is a way for the Senior Center to raise funds to and the roads you travel every day. Even the most experienced lations!
defray operating costs that are incurred on a daily basis. drivers can benefit from brushing up on their driving skills.
Advance tickets can be purchased for only $8 at the Senior By taking the AARP Smart Driver course, you’ll learn the
Center prior to the August 3 show. The Senior Center is located current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques and how
at 7327 Avon Belden Road, in North Ridgeville. Tickets can to operate your vehicle more safely in today’s increasingly
also be purchased at the door for $10. challenging driving environment. In addition, you’ll learn:
All proceeds from the show benefit the North Ridgeville Se- •How to minimize the effects of dangerous blind spots.
nior Center programs and services. •How to maintain the proper following distance behind an-
other car.
•The safest ways to change lanes and make turns at busy
Herb Guild Garden Club intersections.
•Proper use of safety belts, air bags, anti-lock brakes and
The July meeting of the Herb Guild Garden Club will be new technologies used in cars. Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical,
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances
•Ways to monitor your own and others’ driving skills and
held on July 11 at the Westlake Porter Public Library. The capabilities.
meeting will start at 10 a.m., followed by a presentation by our •The effects of medications on driving.
club members on gardening. If you have any gardening ques- •The importance of eliminating distractions, such as eating, Grafton Wellington
tions, this is the meeting to attend! Our resident experts have smoking and cell-phone use. 35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St
had years of experience on herbs, flowers and vegetables. Plus, you may qualify for an automobile insurance discount 440-926-3312 440-647-6010
Tickets are going fast for the 34th annual Scholarship Lun-
cheon, which will be held on August 1. The cost of the lun- by completing the course (participants should check with their
auto insurance agent for details).
cheon is $40 and includes a full course lunch, a fashion show, a The classroom course costs $15 for AARP members and
culinary tasting table, the annual basket raffle, a silent auction $20 for non-members. Space is limited, so register now by call-
and a bake sale. This is a fun event not to be missed. This ing (440) 353-0828.
year’s theme is “Under the Tuscan Sun.”

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018 Page 7


Village Jewelry & Repair - WE BUY GOLD!

Scot Kuhns, owner and Jeweler of Village Jew- Repair and Advanced Diamond Setting Certifi-
elry & Repair, invites you to shop locally and fam- cates from Drouhard National Jewelers’ School.
ily owned when looking for that special gift for a He started his career in the jewelry business at
loved one. Brandau Jewelers in Elyria. “In dealing with cus-
Village Jewelry is a full service jewelry store, tomers in Lorain County for the last 14 years, I no-
offering on premise jewelry as well as clock and ticed a need for a jeweler in the Grafton/LaGrange
watch repairs. They also offer unique one-of-a-kind areas,” said Kuhns.
jewelry at competitive prices such as engagement At Village Jewelry you will find old fashion no
rings, wedding bands, birthstone jewelry, Pulsar pressure service and quality merchandise at very
watches, Howard Miller clocks and Reflection competitive prices. Working at Brandau Jewelers
bracelets which fit most major bead brands . With for several years instilled these ideals with Scot.
commodity markets at record high levels, Village
Jewelry is buying all precious metal gold, silver
and platinum. Scot can also turn your medals and Village Jewelry
precious gems into something new with custom 954 Main Street in Grafton, Oh
design jewelry; the possibilities are endless with Hours: Tue., Wed. & Fri. from 10-5 p.m.,
custom jewelry. Thur. from 10-6 p.m. and Sat. from 9-12 p.m.
Jennifer, Landon Scot earned his accredited Jeweler Profession- Closed on Sunday and Monday
& Scot Kuhns al and Diamond Graduate Certificates from the (440) 926-0500.
Gemological Institute of America, and his Jewelry

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Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018
Recycle all aluminum cans and other metals which fit in the Lady Wildcats’ State
recycle cart. Crushing cans will help to conserve space in your
cart. Completely empty all cans. Labels left on the cans are ac- Championship Parade
ceptable. Glass food jars and beverage containers are allowed
[email protected] but must be rinsed out. Keystone High School presents the 2018 Lady Wildcats’
Newspapers - Stack them and place them in your Recycling State Championship Parade on Tuesday, June 26, at 5 p.m.
LaGrange Township news cart. Inserts from your newspapers are acceptable. Corrugat- Come celebrate our Lady Wildcats on their perfect season.
ed Cardboard boxes must be broken down or cut to fit inside The parade starts at Hershey’s and travels west down Rt. 303,
Meeting dates - June meetings of the Township Trustees your recycling cart. Magazines, Junk Mail, and almost every ending at Community Park. Please follow the parade to the
will be held on June 11 and June 25. All meetings are held at item that comes in your newspaper or mailbox can be placed in pavilion at Community Park for food, music, memories and a
the Township Hall, 113 South Center Street and are open to the your cart. Brown paper bags, milk cartons, phone books, paper- celebration!
public. The next meeting of the Zoning Commission is on June board, office paper, cereal boxes, notebook paper, paper towel
18, bid openings for roadwork to be done on Wheeler Road will and toilet paper tubes, shoe boxes. Horse Rescue fund-raiser
be June 25, at 7 p.m. and a budget hearing for 2019 will be held Please do not recycle Aerosol cans, Aluminum Foil, bat-
on July 9, at 6:45 p.m. teries, clothing, food waste, napkins, mirrors, ceramic, plastic Please come and support the Angels Haven Horse Rescue
Please visit the LaGrange Township website at http://www. bags, shredded paper, tissue, styrofoam, paper towels, glass horses at a fun show benefit on Sunday, June 24. Come out and for all current news, up to date windows or Pyrex. either ride a horse or show in the hand classes, or watch these
meeting minutes and other township information. Lacrosse Summer Camp lovely animals and see them in action. We offer English, West-
Fire and EMS Personnel Applications - The Township is ern and Fun classes (38 to be exact). Mini’s, Ponies, Mules and
always taking applications for part time Fire and EMS per- Donkeys are welcome, as well as horses.
sonnel. Our EMS Department offers competitive pay, flexible Keystone Lacrosse is a three-day summer camp, July 5-7, The show begins at 9 a.m. at the Carlisle Equestrian Center
scheduling and paid training with a contract to serve the town- from 5:30-7 p.m., at LaGrange Community Park for any ath- (Lorain County Metro Parks), located at 13630 Nickle Plate
ship. Fire classes will be available in the fall. Consider helping letes in 3rd-12th grade. The cost of the camp is $60 and will Diagonal Rd., in LaGrange.
your community in the highest form of service! See our website include a t-shirt and lacrosse ball. Please contact Jennifer Maid- Delicious food will be available. Bring a chair and sunglass-
under Fire and EMS for an application or call (440) 355-6868 en for registration information at (440) 506-4716 (text is pre- es and enjoy a relaxing, fun and rewarding time while helping
for information. ferred) or email at [email protected], check us the rescue horses in need. If you have any questions, please call
Cemetery Clean-up - Please remove any decorations that out and learn about lacrosse at Heidi at (440) 781-5060 or email angelshavenhorserescue@
you wish to keep to clear the area for mowing season. Items LaGrange Lions Club news
left that are in poor condition will be disposed of. For a list
of regulations please visit our website. Reminder: LaGrange Cedarville University graduates
Township is not responsible for any sentimental or valuable The LaGrange Lions Club will be holding their annual Fes-
items left on gravesites. tival on July 21, from 12-10 p.m. at 240 Glendale St. This will The following local students were named to the Dean’s Hon-
Hall Rental - The Township Hall, 113 South Center Street, be held rain or shine. It will kick off with the parade, winding or List at Cedarville University: Katelyn Kime of Lagrange and
is available for rental by township residents. Please call Jan at into the Lions Park, where you will find Cow Pie Bingo, a Piz- Devin Kime of Lagrange. Students maintained a 3.75 GPA in
(440) 355-4704 for information. za Eating Contest, the Little Miss Contest, Inflatables with an the 2018 spring semester, while taking at least 12 credit hours
Zoning Permits - Please remember that LaGrange Township awesome added attraction, entertainment by Kickin Back Band, from Cedarville University. Congratulations!
is zoned. When erecting any building, deck, pool, out building food & non-food vendors, face painting, Fabulous Fireworks
or fence please contact the Zoning Inspector, Vince Sigmund, & more! This year the Lions are raffling off cash - tickets are
at (440) 355-5997 to inquire if a permit is needed. If no permit $2 ea., 3 for $5, 7 for $10; and a 55” TV w/sound bar - tickets
is obtained prior to construction permit fees will be doubled. If are $5 ea. or 3 for $10. Tickets are available now. For tickets,
you live inside the village limits, please contact Village Hall at please call Ann at (440) 315-4278. For parade info., please call
(440) 355-5555. Bev at (440) 458-6781. For Little Miss applications, please see
Board of Zoning Appeals - An alternate member is needed Sharon at Village Pizza or Liane at Huntington Bank. For more
for the Board of Zoning Appeals. This is a paid position and info., go to
the board meets as needed to consider home occupations and The LaGrange Lions will be holding their 3rd Annual Gun
variances to the Zoning Regulations. Letters of interest should Raffle on Sept. 8, from 12-5 p.m. at Lions Park, 240 Glendale
be forwarded to LaGrange Township. P.O. Box 565, LaGrange, St. They will raffle off 10 new guns and 3 random $100 cash
Ohio, 44050. drawings - 1 ticket per each drawing. You must be present to 440-986-2665
Recycling Outside of the Village - If you are a subscriber of win cash only. Winner need not be present to win guns. Food 9072 Leavitt Rd.
Republic Waste, they pick up bulk items on your regular pick will be provided and drinks will be available for purchase. They Elyria, OH 44035 [email protected]
up day during the second full week with the second Monday will have side raffles, too. This will be held rain or shine, inside
of the month in it. If you have a green recycling cart allowable and out. Tickets are available now for $20 each or 6/$100. A
items include: ticket is required for all in attendance. For tickets, please call
All Plastics #1 through #7, Plastic milk containers as well Ann at (440) 315-4278. For more info., go to www.lagrange- SUPPORT OUR TROOPS
as most other plastics. Caps and lids left on the bottles are O.K.
Completely empty all containers.


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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018 Page 9

6/25 - 6:30 p.m., Trustees Work Session, Re: 2019 budget,
[email protected] [email protected] personnel policy, fund status and other Administrative issues.
6/30 - 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Compost open.
7/5 - 7 p.m., EENW Eaton Estates Neighborhood Watch
Peddler Permit 40 Reunion MHS Class of 1978 meeting at Town Hall.
7/10 - 7 p.m., BZA, no hearing this month.
Summer is here and the Carlisle Township Board of Trust- Friday, August 3, from 8 p.m.- ? at Laporte Inn, 2092 Graf- 7/11 - 7 p.m., Zoning Commission monthly meeting (re-
ees want to inform any door-to-door salespersons or businesses ton Rd., in Elyria, get together. scheduled from 7/4/2018).
that a permit is required to solicit the sale of any product and/or Saturday, August 4, from 5-11 p.m. at Thomas VFW Post Location for all calendar items are 12043 Avon Belden Rd.
service in the township. Road signs identifying the permit re- #1079, 500 S Abbe Rd., in Elyria, dinner, dance, photo booth- unless noted otherwise. The public is welcome for all events.
quirement are posted at the township limits. Permits can be pur- cost $25/person.
chased at the Carlisle Township Hall, 11969 LaGrange Road, Sunday, August 5, at 10:45 a.m. at Midview Baptist Church, Empress seeks loving home
in LaGrange. Non-profit groups such as scouting, church and 36710 Royalton Rd., in Grafton - Worship Service; from 1-5
school organizations are exempt. p.m.- Indian Hollow Reservation Sheldon Woods Lorain Co. dly. Empress couldn’t be any
EHS Class of ‘68 Reunion Metroparks, 38744 Parsons Rd., in Grafton. Potluck at the Pa- nicer! She will make a great
vilions with Corn Hole Tournament.
companion for the lucky per-
Please fill out survey at https://www.surveymonkey. son who adopts her. Can you
Elyria High School Class of 1968 is having the official class com/r/2MGQQ8Q whether attending or not. Please contact open your heart and home to
reunion the weekend of August 24-26. On Friday we will get Tamera Reed Lengyel for more information and payment this great cat?
together before and after the EHS opening game in the new at 8420 West Ridge Rd., Elyria, OH 44035 or email fid- All cats receive one or
stadium; free tickets and our own section. On Saturday, we will [email protected] or call (440) 865-1271. To pay for tick- more vaccinations, a basic
tour the new high school and play golf. For those interested, ets online: PAYPAL.ME/MIDVIEWCLASS1978. More infor- veterinary examination, are
dinner at Greyhawk Golf Club is $25 per person and includes mation also on Facebook Midview High School Class of 1978 wormed and spayed/neutered
2 free drinks and a reunion shirt. There will also be a Sunday Empress and feline leukemia tested.
brunch. Contact Tim Haywood at [email protected] Eaton Township News Empress is a, sweet as can Kittens under a year old are
for more information or call (440) 315-8086. be, 12-year-old calico. She $50 and cats over a year are
University of Dayton days only from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (absolutely not open during came from another rescue only $20. All kittens/cats
•Please note: our Compost Center is now open on Satur-
over 3 months old are also
so her story isn’t known but
degree recipients the week). spend some time with her in micro-chipped. If you would
the cattery and you will see
like to give Empress a new,
•Please contact our office at (440) 748-2236 or secretary@
A record 1,510 students received undergraduate degrees to request a Resident Packet with links to for yourself what a lovable loving, forever home, please
from the University of Dayton during the spring commence- Resources in the County/Township girl she is. She will greet call the Friendship Animal
you at the door and is so ap-
ment ceremony, including the following residents from your •Did you know the Township will allow you to “borrow” 7 preciative of your attention. Protective League at (440)
area: Delaney Bak of North Ridgeville; Kristen Baker of tables/24 chairs to use for a party. Call the Township to reserve Empress gets along well with 322-4321. (www.Friend-
Elyria; Laura Callaghan of Columbia Station; Alyssa Giese it! (440) 748-2236 (must be an Eaton Twp. Resident). the other cats. This pretty kit- The shelter
of Grafton; Megan Kleinhenz of Litchfield; Gabriela Milos of •Residential lock boxes & mailbox reflective signs are ty has so much love to give! is located at 8303 Murray
North Ridgeville; Todd Price of N Ridgeville; Sherilyn Rogers available at the town hall office. She is affectionate and cud- Ridge Road, in Elyria.
of Columbia Station. Congratulations! •Reminder: Notary Services are complimentary for Eaton
Township residents & businesses
•Eaton Township has a curfew is between 12 a.m. - 5 a.m.
Do Not (per Resolution 90-413). JACK MATIA
•Reminder: Transient vendors & solicitors MUST have a
Bag the permit (by Eaton Town Hall) to go door to door in our town- HONDA
ship; residents are instructed to contact the Sheriff’s Dept. for
Recycles ALL violations. New & Used
•Veterans (living or deceased) in Eaton Township (for at
least 1 year of their life) that would like their name to be en-
graved on our Veterans Memorial Wall/Bench, please contact 440-366-5501
the town hall at (440) 748-2236. Cost is $50. Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria
A special “Thank you” to our Veterans’ Memorial Commit-
tee for organizing a fabulous event on 5/27/2018! New and Certifi ed Hondas
Keep in touch with your community Calendar: All Models - Used Cars
Visit: 6/25 - 6 p.m. Trustee Public hearing on housing Subdivision Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5
site plans for Eaton Crossings & Winfield Farms.

Prices Are
Prices Are






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Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018

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9.75 - 10 oz. Kingsford or $ 99 24 oz. ¢
Lay’s Charcoal Briquets 6 Squeeze Ketchup 99
Potato Chips

Assorted Varieties
$ 99 Gallon 5/$ 30 oz. $ 99
Kraft Miracle
Grandma’s 1 Smith’s 5 Whip or Mayo 2
Potato Salad lb. Fruit Drink 12 - 5pm

Don't Miss Out!

Rib Burn

Saturday July 7th

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018 Page 11

July 4th.


(P.P. $3.59)
2/$ 12 oz. 2/$ Fresh $ 99
48 oz. Kraft 6 Chicken Breast 1
Ruggles Ice Cream 6 American Singles lb.

2 Liters

1 lb.
19 oz. $ 99 Babyback Ribs $ 99 12 pk. Cans 3/$
Johnsonville Sweet & Smokey Pepsi or 10
Grilling Brats 3 24 oz. Babyback Ribs • $9.99 5 Seven-Up

Leaf Tea
59 oz.

Assorted Varieties
59 oz.

Dozen $ 99 Tropicana 2/$ ¢
Fresh, In Husk Pure Premium 32 oz. 79
5 Powerade
Sweet Corn 4 Lemonade Red Ripe

Beef Steak
Per lb.

IGA Shredded Cheese 4 Vidalia Onions 69 ¢ Northwest Grown New Crop $ 99
Assorted Varietie
8 oz.
Fresh New Crop
Red Cherries
Fat Free

8 pk.
Walnut Creek
Hot Dog or 4/$ 8 oz. Light or Regular $ 69
Cherry Pie Filling 1
20-21 oz.
Hamburger 5 Whipped Topping 99 ¢ IGA

Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018
your writing to share with the group. New members are wel- ed notice that the NOPEC has deposited the grant money into
come. Registration is encourage. To register, call the library at the Recreation Board’s account for movie night, the LC Sher-
(440) 647-2120. iff’s report, notice of the June 8 Auditor’s reevaluation meeting,
Library Board Meeting - The Herrick Memorial Library the LCPH June Vaccine schedule, a letter from Cody Carroll
[email protected] Trustees will hold a special meeting for budget purposes on of the LCPH department regarding the Kish property’s sewage
Monday, July 9, at 10:30 a.m. The regular monthly board meet- discharge issue and letters from LCSW regarding new SW Col-
Ohio State U. Band performing ing will immediately follow the special board meeting. The lection Center hours. Denes reminded the Trustees that Novem-
meetings be in the library’s Board Room and is open to the
ber is Penfield’s month to host the LCTA meeting. FO Denes
public. questioned whether another estimate should be obtained for the
The Ohio State University Alumni Band, “The Best Damn Webster Rd. grader paving. Denes reported that the Township
Band in The Land,” will be performing on Sunday, July 22, at Fleet Hometown news checkbook was launched on on May 17,
2 p.m. (doors open at 1:30), at Patricia Lindley Center for the U.S. Air Force Airman and that the SW Community Grant application was submitted
Performing Arts, located on 627 North Main Street, in Wel- Destiny D. Patchin graduated on 5/29 for $2,489.31. She further advised that the OTARMA
lington. from basic military training at MORE grant can be used for playground surface material this
Tickets are $15 ($12 discounted tickets available through Joint Base San Antonio-Lack- year and asked how the Park Board’s plan for improvement
the sponsor, Brother’s Chevrolet, 46767 State Route 18 West, land, San Antonio, Texas. of the recreation park is progressing. Denes reported that 100
in Wellington). The airman completed an volunteers participated in Pride Day this year. Thirteen flats of
For more information, contact Dottie Cianciola, Manag- intensive, eight-week pro- flowers were planted and twelve yards of mulch were spread.
ing Director, Patricia Lindley Center, at (216) 316-1116 (cell gram that included training in Thanks to all of our fabulous volunteers the township looks
phone) or [email protected]. military discipline and stud- great!
The OSU Marching Band is known across the country for ies, Air Force core values, Zoning Inspector Donahue distributed the May zoning re-
its elaborate half-time performances and instrumentation. The physical fitness, and basic port. He reported that he had addressed the Kish issue w/Cody
Alumni Marching Band campaign aims to raise $10 million in warfare principles and skills. Carroll of the LCPH department and asked him to inspect the
endowed scholarship funds so that every Marching Band mem- Airmen who complete Gresho property. He reported that he will be working w/LCPH
ber, now and in the future, will receive the financial support basic training also earn four to resolve this matter. Donahue reported that no fence is being
they need. Tickets are available by phone at 1-866-967-8167 credits toward an associate erected on Short Rd., but rather a retention to keep driveway
and at the Lindley Center box office at time of show for $15. in applied science degree stone from washing away.
Former Band Booster President Carol Tyrone introduced the
Herrick Memorial Library through the Community Col- Airman Destiny D. Patchin new president Tammy Heck. Heck reported that the HS Band
lege of the Air Force.
She is a 2017 graduate of
Patchin is the daughter of
Libraries Rock! - The Herrick Memorial Library’s summer Jackie Babb of Elyria and Jeff New London High School, will be going to Myrtle Beach in 2019 and must intensify fund
raising efforts. They hope to have a steak fry fund-raiser in
reading program began on June 1. These 8-week programs are Patchin of Wakeman. New London. March with raffle baskets and 50/50 drawings. The Trustees
for ages birth to 199. Join the program, read books, attend story approved this use based on availability.
times & programs and win prizes for reading. We want to show Penfield Township Trustees Resident Jean Eglin thanked all for the hard work that had
you that ‘Libraries Rock’ in many ways. the Township looking great for Memorial Day.
Maker Mondays - Monday, June 25, from 1-4 p.m. These The regular meeting of the Penfield Township Trustees was Board of Zoning Appeals Chairwoman asked to discuss an
special programs are for children ages 5-10. Stop in the Chil- called to order at 7:30 p.m. All officers were present. Ten guests outstanding public records request from April 18. No discus-
dren’s Department and learn how to create your very own musi- attended the meeting. sion was held.
cal instrument. You do not need to register - just come and have The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap-
some fun with us at the library. proved. Voucher #’s 12225 thru 12255, Purchase #’s 41-42- SEE PENFIELD TRUSTEES ON PAGE 14
Thursday Specials - The Thursday Special Programs are for 2018, Withholding Voucher #’s 23-25-2018, the May Bank
children ages 5 and up. Each Thursday they will participate in Reconciliation and the May Monthly reports were approved.
a different type of musical program. Registration is required John Ciarrone, Republican Candidate for Lorain County Com- Remember the Candy Barmber the Candy Bar
for these programs. Call the Herrick Memorial Library at (440) missioner was in attendance to introduce himself.
647-2120 or visit the Children’s Department of the library. Lauren Burgess, Executive Director of LCOOA presented When You Need a Caren You Need a Car
Read To Putter - Children can spend 15 minutes reading facts and figures on the SSO Meals on Wheels Program. The Ask for GARY HEATHor GARY HEATHGARY HEATH
a book or story to the library’s friend, Putter, and build their SSO’s funding has been drastically reduced and she asked for
reading skills. Putter is a registered therapy dog that absolutely the Township’s financial support for Penfield residents that re- And Get a FREEnd Get a FREE
adores listening to a good story. He does not mind if the child ceive Meals on Wheels. Discussion was held and the Trustees
makes reading mistakes. Putter visits us on Thursday mornings agreed to support this program. A motion was made to enter 6
at 11 a.m. through the summer. Stop in or call the library at into an agreement with LCOOA to provide financial support
(440) 647-2120 to save your reading spot. totaling approximately $1,500 effective 1/1/19. Trustee Gor- 440-366-367340-366-3673
Writers Group - Thursdays, June 28 & July 12 & 26, from don questioned why support couldn’t begin yet this year. Fiscal
6-7:30 p.m. The Wellington Writers Group meets every other Officer Denes will check funds to see if we have the ability to
Thursday at the Herrick Memorial Library. Join this group if begin in 2018 and will prepare a resolution accordingly.
you have a passion for writing in all venues. Bring samples of Fiscal Officer Denes read the correspondence, which includ-

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018 Page 13

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PO Box 297
$5 OFF a $25 Purchase July 4 th Wellington, OH 44090
Don’t forget your 50/50 Raffle Tickets!!
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm 11 - Pet Parade
Sat: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 11:30-5:30 - Food/Beer Garden
Sun: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 12-5 - Cruise In with “IT’S SHOWTIME” DJ Happy 4 of July!
Debbie Hullum - Manager 12-5 - LifeShare Blood Bank (South of the Game Area)
12-5 - Dunk Tank Fun! “Knock ‘em Off!!”
12 - Children: Pedal Tractor Pull - Ages 3-12
1-3 - Music: “Electric City” aka “Eclecticity”
Sound provided by Jack Estep/Mark Bughman
1-3 - Balloon Animals & Magic with
Robert E from “Cleveland Magic & Balloons”
Specializing in: 1 - “Little Miss Firecracker” Contest Peggy Karolak Ins Agency Inc
Automobile • Homeowners 1:30 -? - Games in the Park Peggy Karolak, Agent
Farm and Life Insurances 2 - Parade line-up: (Athletic Field, Dickson & Grand) 805 Patriot Dr, Suite C
3 - Parade Marshall: SLC Historical Society
Wellington, OH 44090
Grafton Wellington 3 - *STAR SPANGLED BANNER* Bus: 440.647.4600
35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St Rebekah Arcuri/Gabby Dobbins Fax: 440.647.3777
4-6 - Music: “Chu Dat Frawg”
440-926-3312 440-647-6010 Sound provided by Mark Bughman [email protected]
4 - Hot Dog Eating Contest 4 - Preschool Games The greatest compliment you can give is a referral.
4:30 - Frog Jump Contest: in the Park
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Maryann Jacko, DDS 210 Heritage Drive,
Jonathan Siefker, DDS Wellington OH 44090 of Commerce Mon.-Sat. 10-4, Sun. 12-4
General Dentists

Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018
Roadman Bob Storms advised that roadside mowing is
complete and the mower is repaired and the battery is replaced.
Resident Stephanie Phillips of 22601 Indian Hollow attend-
ed to discuss an email to Trustee Conrad regarding flooding of
her property. Trustee Conrad will follow up on this issue.
Trustee Gordon requested that a thank you note be sent to
Dave & Eileen French for their generous donation of flagpoles
to replace the storm damaged ones at the Veteran’s Memori-
al. Gordon discussed the usage of the Community Center for
a fund-raiser for Billy Boone’s funeral expenses in lieu of a
funeral luncheon. Discussion was held and it was agreed that
the Township would refund the deposit and rental for this event.
Trustee Gordon has two estimates for Jones Rd. repair and will
obtain more. Gordon advised that someone had put tires in the
Rumpke dumpsters that he had to remove. He asked that a call
be placed to Rumpke regarding more timely removal of dump-
sters in the future to prevent this. FO Denes will call Sarah
Mathews. Gordon reported on the demo of the berming machine
hosted by Lagrange Township. The machine costs $32,000 and
Lu’s Pizza townships. The following townships had representatives at the
Lagrange Twp. was hoping to split the cost with surrounding
demo: Elyria, Carlisle, Lagrange, Penfield & Spencer.
Trustee Johnson reported that Bob Box had declined the ap-
pointment to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Johnson advised
that he is involved with the search for the replacement super-
intendent at Keystone School District. Johnson has received
orders for two cemetery footers. He submitted a check from
935 MAIN STREET • GRAFTON Laubenthal Mercado Funeral Home for funeral expenses for
the Denny Younglas funeral.
Trustee Conrad presented a sample resolution from the
926-2171 Trash Consortium’s attorney requesting a three-month contract
extension for Rumpke. Their current contract is scheduled to
expire on 12/31/18, which is before the bid process for a new
Hours: Sun 3-10, Mon-Wed 4-10, Thurs 11-10, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm provider will be complete. FO Denes will prepare the resolu-
tion for next meeting. Trustee Conrad had a discussion with a
representative from RLCWA regarding the damage caused by
their automatic spring turn on of the water at the Recreation
2 LARGE (12”) ONE ITEM EXTRA LARGE 16” PIZZA Park. RLCWA will contact maintenance man Tyrone in the fu-
ture for directions about the fall shut off and spring turn on.
At 8:39 p.m. Trustee Johnson called for an executive session
PIZZAS $ 1.50 OFF to discuss employment of a public employee, and possible dis-
cipline of a public employee.
$ 14 99 Lu’s Pizza. Not valid Lu’s Pizza. Not valid with any other offer. Johnson - Yes; Trustee Gordon - Yes.
A roll call vote was held: Trustee Conrad - Yes; Trustee
with any other offer.
At 9:02 p.m. executive session ended.
With coupon.
With no additional business to discuss, the meeting was ad-
With coupon. Exp. 7-20-18
Exp. 7-20-18
journed at 9:09 p.m. with a motion made by Trustee Conrad,
seconded by Trustee Gordon.
2 LARGE (12”) ONE ITEM EXTRA LARGE 16” PIZZA 99 Annual Rochester 4 of July
The 99th annual Rochester 4 of July Homecoming will be
PIZZAS $ 1.50 OFF held on Wednesday July 4, at the Eagle Street Park and Fire
Station, in Rochester. The schedule of events include:
$ 14 99 Lu’s Pizza. Not valid Lu’s Pizza. Not valid with any other offer. served in the morning. There will be hot dogs, a variety of hot
8 a.m. - Food Tent Is Open: Coffee and goodies will be
with any other offer.
With coupon.
sandwiches, french fries and beverages. Homemade ice cream
will also be sold throughout the day by the Rochester Flares.
Exp. 7-20-18
With coupon. Exp. 7-20-18
9-10:15 a.m. - Parade Registration: Entry in the parade is
free and all are welcome. The winners from the parade will be
announced at the park during the early evening.
2 EXTRA LARGE (16”) LARGE 12” ONE ITEM PIZZA bands, floats, kids, cars, fire trucks, 4-H groups, horse back rid-
10:30 a.m. - Parade Begins: The parade is free and includes
ONE ITEM PIZZAS $ 99 Lu’s Pizza. Not valid ers and anything/anyone else that may come along. This is the
only parade you get to see twice. The parade goes down the
$ 22 99 Lu’s Pizza. Not valid 7 with any other offer. street, turns around and comes back a second time.
12-5 p.m. - Historical Society Open House: The Rochester
Historical Society will have an open house on South Street.
with any other offer.
With coupon.
4:30 p.m. - Old-Time Kids Contests: There will be contests
With coupon.
Exp. 7-20-18
for kids of all ages, such as egg toss, balloon toss and wheel
Exp. 7-20-18
barrel races.
5 p.m. - Fire Department Demonstration: The firemen will
2 EXTRA LARGE (16”) LARGE 12” ONE ITEM PIZZA perform various fire demonstrations for people of all ages.
5 p.m. - Rides and Games: Firemen’s and other games, var-
ious raffles and multiple kiddie rides open.
ONE ITEM PIZZAS $ 99 Lu’s Pizza. Not valid provide free entertainment. Bring your own lawn chairs!
5:30-9:30 p.m. - “Minor Adjustments” Band: The band will
$ 22 99 Lu’s Pizza. Not valid 7 with any other offer. of the evening. The fireworks display is brought to you by the
Fireworks: A free fireworks display will occur at the end
With coupon.
with any other offer.
Homecoming Committee and the Rochester Volunteer Fire De-
Exp. 7-20-18
With coupon.
Exp. 7-20-18
Cash Donations are accepted to support the event. The
Rochester Homecoming Celebration is an event the entire fam-
ily will enjoy!
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018 Page 15
the resurfacing, and re striping of the basketball surface. The
Village of Grafton has added drainage and a paved walkway to Pride Day thank you
the newly renovated facility.
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 Back by popular demand is the Chalk Walk. Between 1-3
email: [email protected] p.m., anyone is welcome to pick up chalk supplies at the Bicen-
tennial Park Gazebo, choose a downtown block of sidewalk,
and show off their artistic talents. Supplies are on a first come,
GREATER GRAFTON PARTNERSHIP MEETING first serve basis. Last year’s artists displayed a variety of mu-
The next meeting of the Greater Grafton Partnership will rals, while others represented business logo’s. Participants will
be Wednesday, June 27, from 2-4 p.m. at Forever Friends Pet be judged by members of the Midview Kiwanis and prizes will
Care Center & Hospital at 36469 State Route 303 in Grafton. Those working toward having Independence Day fireworks
The featured speaker is Dennis Willis. He will offer valuable in Grafton are asking Grafton and area residents to donate to
strategies, tested tools, tips, and proven systems to build any the campaign. The monetary goal for the fireworks has not yet
business. Willis is very motivating and will give some great tips been met. There are special cans on the counters of many local
on how to keep up with new competition in the business world businesses. Please drop in your change or a little more. Dona-
that can be useful for any type of organization. The meeting is tions can also be made at village hall.
open to anyone interested. MIDVIEW YOUTH VOLLEYBALL CAMP
The Village of Grafton will sponsor a Dumpster and Shred Registrations are now being accepted for the Midview
Day on Saturday, June 30, from 9 a.m.-noon at the former Graf- Youth Volleyball Camp. The camp, for students headed into Volunteers planting flowers and mulching around a tree at North
grades 3-6 in the fall, will be from July 9-11 from 9 a.m.-noon
ton school building on Elm Street. Along with a dumpster, the Park in Grafton.
Lorain County Shredding vehicle will be on site. For more in- at Midview High School. The cost is $50 and includes a special
formation as to what can or cannot be brought to the dumpster, T-shirt. Campers will participate in skills, drills, competitions Last month, the Village of Grafton participated in the Lorain
see the flyer sent with the utility bills. For further information, and team play to improve their fundamental volleyball skills, County Pride Day. Trash was picked up, flowers planted and
call the village at 926-2401. their knowledge of the game and the importance of teamwork. mulch placed around trees in the parks, at the fire stations, at
GRAFTON INDEPENDENCE DAY ACTIVITIES To register, log onto village hall and around the village. The village would like to
The Village of Grafton is proud to announce their activities camps/693013-2018-midview-youth-volleyball-camp. thank the members, along with their siblings and parents, of
in celebration of the Independence Day holiday. The festivities FIRE DEPARTMENT REMINDERS Cub Scout Pack #152, Boy Scout Troop #152, Girl Scout troop
kick off on July 3 with a fireworks display at 9:45 p.m. Pre- Hydrant Flushing - Flushing of fire hydrants has begun and #50652, and various Grafton Hot Stove teams. Thank you also
ferred parking is at Willow Park, which is also a great place will be done through-out the summer. Signs will be posted in goes to the village personnel who volunteered their time.
to view the pyrotechnic show. Overflow parking is in nearby the areas to be flushed a few days ahead to warn residents to run GRAFTON NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
Reservoir Park, where the show is likewise highly visible. faucets until the water is clear. Updates will also be posted on
Then next morning, July 4, there will be a parade. Line-up the village’s website,
for all participants begins at 10 a.m. at the Grafton Police De- Open Burning - Back yard fire pits should be three feet or KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS
partment located at the intersection of Mechanic and Chestnut less in diameter and two feet or less in height, burn only clean/
Streets. The parade steps off at 11 a.m. It will proceed down dry/seasoned wood for minimal smoke, and be 25 feet from
Chestnut Street to Railroad Street to Main Street, down Main St any structure. The burning of leaves or waste products is not GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY
to the intersection with Chestnut Street. A public announcement allowed. Links to fire codes, a list of rules and regulations and
stand will be located at the Grafton Village Hall. Businesses, emergency telephone numbers are on the fire prevention page ~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~
organizations and public officials are welcome to participate. on the village web site,
Participants are asked to register by contacting the village hall Golf Outings Hours By Appointment
by email to [email protected].
At noon on July 4, the Kiwanis Kourt dedication will take 419 NORTH MAIN STREET
place. Kiwanis Kourt is the newly renovated basketball court The Holy Name Society with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. GRAFTON, OHIO
located in North Park. The efforts of the Midview Kiwanis Golf Outing is a four man The entry fee is $75 per per-
Club, working with a grant from The Ross Foundation, Inc., scramble. The event will be son and includes lunch at the 440-926-2705
has funded the installation of three new back boards, as well as held on Saturday, June 30, turn and dinner by Wolfey’s.
at Pinebrook Golf Course on There will be prizes for the
Durkee Road. Play begins three top teams. Make checks
Restaurant with a 9 a.m. shotgun start. payable to Dominic Zunis
Memorial Foundation. Orga-
Tickets are $75 per person
& Pub Since 1983 and includes: 18 holes, a cart, nizers will also accept Visa,
MasterCard , and PayPal. For
food, beverages, lunch and a
423 N. Main St Grafton catered dinner by Chef David more information e-mail tzu-
[email protected].
of Green Squared Restaurant
926-2621 with featured desserts by Kiedrowski’s Bakery. There
will be various raffles and
Smokin Summer skills games. Credit card pay-
ments will be accepted. For
Specials! more information, call Jim at
Every Wednesday... While they last: the parish office, 926-2364.
Midview Boys Basketball
House Smoked BBQ Baby Back Ribs Golf Outing is a three man
w/fries & slaw scramble. The event will be
- Half Slab Dinner $15.95 held on Saturday, June 30 at
Brentwood Golf Club. Play
More house smoked specials coming soon! begins with an 8:30 a.m.
Gone Fishin’ Every Friday shotgun start. Soft spikes are
required. Entry fee is $65 per
EARLY BIRD Lake Erie person and includes: 18 holes,
"PERCH" FRY 4-6 pm $9.95 a cart, lunch, beverages and
dinner. Reservations should
Menu Perch dinners also available nightly be made by June 23. For more
information, e-mail Coach at
Open: Tues - Sat from 4pm [email protected].
Dominic Zunis Memori-
al Golf Outing is a four man
scramble. The third annual
SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM event will be held on Satur-
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with day, August 11, at the Carl-
programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post isle Golf Club on Slife Road.
Registration begins at 8 a.m.
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels Scholarship
drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE. Awarded
6/25 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
and coffee for participants. The Herb Guild Garden
6/26 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed Club has awarded Midview
by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for High School Senior, Tyler
Edwards, a $1,500 Schol-
participants. arship. Edwards will be
6/29 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for attending The Ohio State
participants. University Agricultural Tech-
7/2 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. nical Institute this fall with a
Movie with free donuts and coffee for double major in Ag Systems
participants. Management and Agronomy.
7/3 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Congratulations!
Class being instructed by Debi’s
Personal Training with fruit and juice for
7/5 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner to be held thank you
7/12/2018 at 5:30pm. Two names per phone call only.
7/6 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for
Thank you to every-
participants. one, to in someway, made
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact my 100th birthday into a
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341. spectacular memory!
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special Doris Wildenheim
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.

Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018
pavement replacement on Commerce Drive was removed from
GRAFTON NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 the agenda after much discussion and advice from the Law Di-
rector. A new motion was approved to go out for bids on several
pavement replacement projects. [email protected]
Grafton Village Council the Our Lady Queen of Peace festival. It was announced street
In other business, council approved a temporary sign for
sweeping will begin soon. Several upcoming events were then BHS Ice Cream Social
reviewed. A resident asked about fixing the pedestrian cross-
The Planning Commission joined the Grafton Village walk across the railroad on Main Street. The village administra- The Belden Historical Society is holding an Ice Cream So-
Council at their meeting, Tuesday evening, June 19, to have tor will contact the railroad about the issue. The next meeting cial at the Grafton Twp. Veterans’ Memorial Park on Sunday,
a public hearing on adding a new chapter to the codified ordi- will be July 17. July 15, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The park is located on the north-
nances. The new chapter would pertain to solar power plants. east corner of State Routes 83 & 303. A rain date will be Sun-
The Planning Commission also recommended beginning the Grafton-Midview Library day, June 22. The purchase of a $5 ticket will get you a hot
process to change the zoning of property just purchased by the dog, ice cream, a cookie or brownie, drink and a guided tour of
village from residential to light industrial. The measures were Stop by the Library and to Ron Zehel Guitar Center the museum and one-room school. A 50/50 raffle will also help
approved by council. pick up a detailed spring in Amherst for helping with raise funds for maintenance and upkeep of the historical prop-
Police Chief, Dan Clark, took a turn at the podium to discuss calendar. Registration is re- the ukulele purchase! Please erties. For more information, contact Bob Flickinger at (440)
the status of the village’s police vehicles. The discussion cen- quired for most program. To register for one session only. 926-2680.
tered around the need to repair or replace motors or to purchase register for programs, visit This program is federally
one new vehicle and replace one motor. Repairs may be needed the library at 983 Main Street funded by the LSTA grants YSU graduates
on a third vehicle. Though not all council members agreed, the Grafton, or call (440) 926- administered by the State Li-
vote was to replace two motors at the cost of $11,000 and put 3317 or register online at brary of Ohio.
money aside for a new vehicle in 2019. The fire department then Baby Playtime - Thurs- The following local residents were among nearly 1,300 stu-
presented two new EMTs which were sworn in by the mayor Color the Banner - days, June 28, at 10 a.m. dents awarded undergraduate and advanced degrees and certifi-
at the meeting. Assistant fire chief, Glen Thompson, was given Now-Thursday, June 28. Bring your little for one for cates at Youngstown State University’s Spring Commencement
a letter of commendation for his personnel file and acknowl- Stop in the Teen Zone any- playtime at the Library! We celebration: Kristin Acton of Elyria; Haungel Bonds of Elyria;
edged for his work at a recent home fire in Eaton Township. time from Monday, June 4, will have special play mats, Michelle Cousino of North Ridgeville; Christina Dempsey of
With no hydrants available, the need for several tankers was through Thursday, June 28, games, and activities. For North Ridgeville; Amber Fannin of Wellington; Chelsea Free-
evident. Thompson was in charge of running the water shuttle to help color the banner. Par- kids birth to 3. A great way to man of Grafton; Jonathan Greenawalt of Elyria; Tory Griffiths
operation for the fire. Thirty eight round trips were coordinated. ticipating young adult artists learn and socialize for baby of North Ridgeville; Deborah Jorgensen of North Ridgeville;
The efficiency of the water shuttle kept the fire from spread- may enter their name in the and grown-up! Registration is Amber Mjolnir of North Ridgeville; Denise Moore of Elyria;
ing. Neighboring homes were not damaged. Fire Chief, Randy drawing for a free book. not required. Repeats every Michael Plas of Elyria; Holly Schafer of Columbia Station;
Kimbro, explained the training programs he has done this year, D-EYE-Y Illusions - other week through July 26. Jessie Smith of Elyria and Dorian Williams of Grafton. Con-
and defended why they were needed. Many of the programs Monday, June 25, at 2 p.m. gratulations!
were how to train others in the department. Some of the train- If you love optical illusions
ing included how to respond to: an active shooter, arson fires, you will want to sign up for
grain silos, and railroad emergencies. In his first year as chief, this program! Learn why our
he told council the department has received approximately eyes see things the way they
$20,000 in equipment through grants at no cost to the village. do and then create your own
He has joined several boards and is more involved at the Lorain illusions to take home. Regis-
County and state levels giving Grafton good representation. Thinking of Selling?
Council then continued the meeting by reviewing the four tration is required.
changes to the Grafton Charter recommended by the Charter Eaton Schools: A Brief
Review Committee. The council discussed each and then voted History - Monday, June 25, at
whether to place the issue on the November ballot. The first is- 6 p.m. Explore the history of For FREE market evaluation of your property, please contact:
sue is to change the position of Clerk/Treasurer from an elected Eaton Schools. This program
position to an appointed position beginning in 2020. Council focuses on schools in Eaton The Beane Victor Team
voted to place it on the ballot with the only descending vote Township up the creation of Selling your community for 20 years
coming from council woman Lynette Kitts. The second issue Midview in 1956, and even Janet Beane 440-336-5000
would not allow an elected official to take another position with beyond. Join us to share, lis-
the village until their term was completed with the exception of ten, and learn more about our Brian Victor 440-728-7535
emergency response positions. Council members said there are unique community history.
many ethic regulations already in place, this charter change was Pre-school Storytime -
not needed. There are several resources to contact if a question Tuesday, June 26, at 6 p.m.
arises. Council then voted not to put the issue on the ballot. Storytime for children ages
The third issue was to make the decisions of the Board of Zon- 3-6 featuring stories, songs,
ing Appeals not subject to vote by council. This would bring finger plays and activities
Grafton more in line with Ohio code. Councilman John Lescher that encourage development
abstained, the remainder of the council voted to place this issue of early literacy skills. ATV+SUV=RTV
on the ballot in November. The final issue would raise the debt Writer’s Bunch - June
limitation to be in line with Ohio code. Council voted to place 19, at 5:30 p.m. Test your
it on the ballot as well. skills and make new writing
An elevated discussion was then held regarding the starting friends; join us for assign-
salary for the new secretary hired by the village. Several of the ments, critiquing and snacks. RTV500 RTV-X900
council members thought the amount set by the village admin- lst and 3rd Tuesdays of the
istrator was too high. An ordinance to lower the starting pay month.
was rejected by council. The secretary will receive Uke’n Play Ukulele -
her current rate until a new ordinance is drafted and vot- Tuesday, June 26, at 2 p.m.
ed upon. Discussion was held on several other issues as well. at GMPL and Thursday, June
Receiving approval were the allowing of First Energy to in- 28, 2 p.m. at Colonial Oaks.
stall one utility pole benefiting the Grafton Electric distribution Be one of the first to play
system, and the hiring JC Power Communications LLC to do GMPL’s brand new ukule-
web site development at the cost of $13,500. The motion for les! Our friends from the
hiring Classical Construction to replace the roof and restore the Music Therapy Enrichment
electrical building on Main Street was tabled. Council mem- Center, Inc. will provide fun,
bers would like to take a look at the building before making a beginner ukulele lessons for

decision. The motion to hire Kazmierczak Construction to do a kids this summer. Thanks • 15.8 Gross HP, 2-Cylinder Kubota Gasoline Engine • 21.6 Gross HP, 3-Cylinder Kubota Diesel Engine

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equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory is available to qualified purchasers through
Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Example: 60 monthly
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440-327-6242 the product operator’s manual. Power (HP/KW) and other specifications are based on various standards or
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018 Page 17

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ily May Be Entitled To A Signifi- recumbent exercise bike, like
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FREE Consultation Call To- Champions, original J/L’s, Red learn, car and license, full- Local professionals that re- 372-2755. mistyme ests. Send details to P.O. Box
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Were you an INDUSTRIAL or original boxes. “The more you Cooks, Servers & Bartenders. Call today! 1-800-730-9790 All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster Wanted to buy; U.S. Post-
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CONSTRUCTION TRADES- person or call 440-251-0666 or CALL EMPIRE TODAY® to Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced age Stamps. Any dimension,
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with LUNG CANCER? You 28-29, 9am-4pm. Comic books, mate on Carpeting & Flooring. $20 per day. Grooming now Stamps. From Collections or
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or 877-781-1769 for your risk- 17705 West Rd., Wellington. bia Station, 440-891-9992 SALES & SERVICES 4065
free consultation. June 28-30 and July 5-7.
MOVING Household, tools, Housekeepers / Janitors need- Horse Boarding: stalls open, SMALL DUMPSTERS Estate Gold &
APPLIANCES clothes, furniture.. Must go! ed. BAY VILLAGE area: part- 1 stall has its own pasture. for roofing, remodeling, etc. Silver Exchange
Must See!
time evenings, 8-10hrs. per
4 feedings per day, indoor
Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
Good clean used appliances. HUGE 4 FAMILY GARAGE week, $9 / hr. to start. NORTH arena. Call for more info., 440- Truck work available Buying Gold Jewelry, Diamonds,
RIDGEVILLE area: evenings,
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. SALE! 180 Mallard Creek Run 16-1/2hrs. per week, $9 / hr. to CALL JASON’S SERVICES
Carlisle Woods- LaGrange. start. COLLEGE area: part- 440-926-3446 Old Coins, Pocket Watches,
Friday, June 29 5pm-9pm, Sat- INTERNET Anything Old
AUTOS WANTED urday, June 30 9am-5pm. Great time evenings, 6 nights per Call for service hours & private
prices. So many different week, 24hrs. per week, $9 / HughesNet Satellite Internet appointments
hr. to start. LAGRANGE area:
Mike’s Hooker Service. We items! Clothing, accessories, part-time evenings, 20hrs. ? 25mbps for just $49.99/mo! Downtown Elyria
pay top dollar for all unwant- jewelry, toys, housewares, per week, Mon.-Fri. Call 440- Get More Data FREE Off-Peak 316 Broad St. • 440-323-4258
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free collectibles, sporting goods 748-0640 for application and Data. No phone line required!
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216-534-6514. Huge Garage Sale, clothes, part-time evenings, $8.50 / hr. built in! FREE Standard Instal-
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! household items, furniture, to start, 20 hrs. per week. Call lation! Call 1-855-440-4911
All Makes/Models 2002-2018! tools, Craftsman tool box, 440-327-5099 for application Earthlink High Speed Internet. APPLIANCE, SALES & SERVICE
Any Condition. Running or teaching supplies & toys. and interview. Must be able to As Low As $14.95/month (for
Not. Competitive Offer! Free 13109 South Reed Rd. Grafton, pass background check. the first 3 months.) Reliable
Towing! We’re Nationwide! June 29-30, 9-5pm. Landscaping High Speed Fiber Optic Tech-
Call Now: 1-888-368-1016 or Moving Sale: 36650 Estee Lawn mowing nology. Stream Videos, Music DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE
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8am-4pm daily. JD lawn trac- Laborers day 1-855-520-7938 60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS tor, generator, toys, books, 440-236-9625 41 YEARS IN BUSINESS
electronics, bikes, exercise PALMER’S LAWN CARE LAWN & GARDEN 433 OBERLIN RD.
BUY 4 WEEKS / GET 4 WEEKS equip., furniture, housewares, Maintenance, 40 hours, sea- ELYRIA, OHIO 44035
FREE!!! ADVERTISE YOUR kitchenware, boys / women’s sonal employee, must be 18 CAMELOT GARDENING
BUSINESS in over 3 million clothes, bedding, garden years or older & pass drug Lovingly care for your 440-322-8170
homes in Mid-Atlantic States tools, xmas & landscape de- test. Apply in person M, W, vegetable or flower beds.
of Pennsylvania, Ohio, New cor, plus much more! F, 8-3pm, 200 Eastlake Dr., Customized to your
York, New Jersey, Delaware, LaGrange. personal needs. ASPHALT, CONCRETE & STONE
Maryland, West Virginia, Vir- HALLS FOR RENT Reasonably priced.
ginia and Washington, DC in Mechanic needed, experi- 440-315-8215
publications like this one and enced, truck / trailer, full or part- Complete landscape service.
many more. Visit macneton- AMVETS POST 32 time. Grafton, 440-926-6533. Lawncare, bed installation / or call 800-450-6631 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria Seeking new Lawn Mainte- maintenance, tree / shrub trim- NOVAK CONCRETE, INC RAM-CON LLC
Capacity: Hall-250,
for more details. Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 nance and Landscape Man- ming, rock walls & more. Free Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, Concrete & Excavating
ADVERTISE to 10 Million Available for all occasions agement team members. We estimates. Reasonable rates. Garage Floors, Stamped ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE
Homes across the USA! Place Call for pricing are looking for qualified indi- Firewood for sale. Call Tom Concrete, Waterproofing WORK & DECORATIVE
your ad in over 140 community and availability viduals to join our TEAM that 216-776-2043 FREE ESTIMATES STAMPED CONCRETE WORK
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totaling over 10 million homes. tional customer service while & LAWN CARE Quality Service since 1989 440-935-7842
Contact Independent Free Pa- COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL working in a fun, work-family Free Estimates
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pavilions, air conditioned hall, advancement and celebrating Lawn Mowing and Yard Main- Concrete • Masonry
CLEANING for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange success. Experience not nec- tenance. Insured, senior dis- Stamped Concrete
Lions Club. 440-458-6781. essary, will train. Apply online counts. Cordell’s 440-236-3609
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- at TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- 440-327-3433
or in person M-F, 8am-5pm, at
needs are different. We spe- 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. 8997 Columbia Road, Olmsted vice. Complete tree removal,
cialize in catering to what your 440-926-3341 Falls, OH 44138. Ph. 440-235- trimming, root feeding and
needs are. Call Marcie today 2356 cleaning. Fully insured. FREE
for your free assessment ap- PENFIELD TWP. HALL ESTIMATES. Firewood for Shopping Center Maintenance Co.
pointment at 440-213-7527. RENTAL 25 TRUCK DRIVER TRAIN- sale. 440-236-3061.
Over 13 years experience. Twp. Meeting hall, EES NEEDED! Earn $1000 Driveway Seal Coating FREE
Cap. 42-60 per week! Paid CDL Training!
Community room, Stevens Transport covers all LOTS FOR SALE Estimates
EDUCATION Cap. 150-300 costs! 1-877-209-1309 dri- Crack Filling & Patching
Available for all occasions. ATTN: HUNTERS - 85 acres
AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAIN- 41012 St. Rt. 18, Wellington - $129,900. Prime whitetail 440-322-2628
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Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or woods, springs, great deer Present coupon at time of estimate
product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the hunting. Terms avail. Call
readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home.
Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also 888-738-6994
beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it
is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018

Hart Estimates 1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features,
Family owned & operated over 31 yrs.
Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certified,
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Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours) • Wedding Receptions • Showers • Rehearsal SPRING/FALL CLEAN-UPS
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[email protected] Dinners • Offi ce Parties • Anniversaries Bobcat Skid-steer Work •Landscape Installs
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8112 Columbia Road Mowing • Planting •Landscape Maintenance
Paver Patios • Edging
AUTO SERVICE www.grandpacifi Brush Removal & Chipping •Retaining Walls
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New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds
(Built by Amish) • General Contracting Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work
Quality Buildings at • Kitchens/Baths Call: 440-748-1333
Affordable Prices • Additions
Horse Barns • Garages • Buildings/Garages
& Riding Arenas • Roofs MEDICAL
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330-473-9927 440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical
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Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes •Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018, Page 19
PLUMBING TREE SERVICE Help Offered to Beat the Heat

Beginning July 2, Lorain County Community Action Agen-
ARBOR CARE TREE cy and the Ohio Development Services Agency will offer help
staying cool for low-income residents over 60 years of age or
with medical conditions worsened by extreme heat.
The 2018 Summer Crisis Program will operate through Au-
D.W.V. • Gas Lines • Water Lines • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck gust 31 with eligible Lorain County residents receiving help
Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Fixtures • Backhoe Work • 113 Ft. Crane paying their cooling bill and/or an air conditioning unit.
The program’s qualifications are two tiered. Residents must
Residential • Industrial • Commercial • Removal, Trimming, Firewood be over 60 or have a documented medical condition. They must
24 HOUR SERVICE Triple Shredded Mulch also live at or below 175 percent of the Federal Poverty Line
State ID# 19467 (an annual income of $43,050 for a family of four).
Edward Logar ODOT Certified Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member Customers of regulated utilities can receive up to $300 in
Off: 330-483-0055 7424 Crocker Rd. 440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 assistance. Customers of unregulated utilities can receive up to
$500. Residents who have not received an air conditioner from
Cell: 216-970-1910 Valley City, OH 44280 LCCAA in the last three years can request a unit. The cost of
the unit will be deducted from the amount of assistance they
SERVICES: receive. The remainder can be applied to their energy bill if
•Plumbing Repairs needed.
•Sewer & Drain Cleaning Ohioans enrolled in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan
•Electronic Locating Jason E. Davis (PIPP) are not eligible for a monetary benefit from the Summer
•Video Camera Inspection Crisis Program. But, if the enrolled PIPP household is current
440-324-4321 •Sewer Excavation -Complete Crane Service- with payments, they may be eligible for an air conditioner. Re-
30 Years Experience Personal Plumber Service Corp. “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” verifications continue to be available year long.
Tree/Stump Removal
Appointments can be made now by calling 1-855-806-
24 HOUR EMERGENCY OFF Tree Trimming, Firewood 9620. Three sites will be open during the program. All three are
SERVICE $25 “FREE ESTIMATES” scheduled via the toll free number.
OH LIC #21372 Any Service Bonded & Insured The main office at 936 Broadway in Lorain will be open on
Expires 8/30/18. Not valid with any other offer. 812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The site is closed Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] for lunch from 12 to 1 p.m. daily. Walk-ins will be accepted
all day.
The Wellington office at 115 Willard Memorial Square will
Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping
ROOFING Tree Trimming • Removal be open on Wednesdays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Walk-ins
will be accepted before 11 a.m. The site is closed for lunch
Stump Grinding • Pruning from 12 to 1 p.m. daily.
LCCAA’s office at St. Agnes Church, 611 Lake Ave. in
All Seasons Roofi ng Jeff’s Construction Fertilizers • Fire Wood Elyria in the school building at the back of the parking lot. The
HOUSE, BARN, GARAGE ROOFS office will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5
Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason Gutters • Carpentry • Masonry Free Estimates! p.m. and sees walk-ins only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The
Siding & Gutter Cleaning & Repairs Siding • Slates • Chimneys office will be closed for lunch from 12 to 1 p.m. daily.
& Exterior Painting
The client must be seated with an advocate 30 minutes prior
Repairs from $75. Violations & Repairs! Seth Emerson - Owner to closing for lunch or for the day. This ensures adequate time
440-748-3259 Casey Williamson 216-861-2238 Office: 440-322-2624 to process the application before closing.
Emergency: 440-452-2456 Some documentation requirements have changed. For ex-
[email protected] ample, only 30 days of income verification is now required
• Metal Roofs & Seamless Metal Gutters All Types • Metal Roof Coatings (previously 90 days). Please visit our website or call during
• Shingles & Siding • Pole Barns - Roof & Repair • Residential/Commercial business hours for a detailed list. Documentation includes:
• Bonded/Insured • BBB/Angies List • Quality Professional Workmanship WATERPROOFING • Income information for all household members 18 years
Cell: 216-402-2470 / 216-403-2965 of age or older. Any member reporting “no income” must com-
plete a no income form.
1-888-752-8458 • Social Security Numbers for all household members.
• Proof of citizenship for all household members.
• Metal Roofs & Seamless Metal Gutters All Types • Most recent electric and gas bills.
• Metal Roof Coatings• Pole Barns - Roof & Repair • Proof of medical condition if applicable (documentation
• Bonded/Insured • BBB/Angies List • Quality Professional Workmanship signed by a licensed physician or registered nurse practitioner).
Cell: 216-402-2470 • Additional information may be required.
Contact LCCAA headquarters at (440) 245-2009 with any
Family Business for Three Generations BASEMENT WALL CRACKS
As you prepare children for summer activities, protect their
RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS ~ OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ health by getting them vaccinated. Lorain County Public Health
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036 (LCPH) offers recommended vaccines for children, teens, and
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates adults at locations across the county. Vaccine appointments can be made at (440) 284-3206; walk-ins are also welcome.
RELIABLE ROOFING J. A. KILBY ENT. Vaccine clinics this July include:
• Weekdays, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Lorain County Public
“Stop the water before it stops you!”
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening, Health, 9880 South Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria. *No clinic on
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services July 4 in observance of Independence Day.
• Wednesday, July 11, 2- 5:30 p.m. Wellington Town Hall,
Offi ce: 440-236-4001 • •Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement 115 Willard Memorial Square, Wellington
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner 440-327-3433 •Wednesday, July 18, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Avon
Auditions VFW, 36950 Mills Rd., Avon.
• Wednesday, July 25, 2- 5:30 p.m. Lorain County Free
SEPTIC SERVICES Auditions are being held for Farce of Habit, by Jesse Jones, Clinic, 5040 Oberlin Ave., Lorain.
Clinic times and dates are subject to change. Bring vaccine
Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten. Show Dates are September record if available, insurance card, and cash, check, or Visa/
13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 with Club Dates possible in following MasterCard. All children under age 18 must be accompanied
weekend. Rehearsals won’t begin until late July. Just getting an by a parent or guardian. LCPH participates in the Vaccines for
early start on putting together a fabulous cast. Children (VFC) Program to provide vaccines to children who
Licensed by Board of Health Dave MacKeigan will hold auditions for the comedy Farce qualify; no child in the VFC program is denied vaccine for in-
Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain Counties of Habit on Monday, June 25 and Tuesday, June 26, at 7 p.m. at ability to pay.
• Reasonable Rates the theater. Auditions will consist of readings from the script.
• Prompt, Reliable Service For more information on how to live healthy, contact Lorain
• Senior Discounts Needed: County Public Health at (440) 322-6367 or visit LorainCoun-
Chuck Dunlap, Owner fire! 40-60 Y/O Female (Wangle Wilburn) a determined ball of
$ 40-60 Y/O Male (D.Gene) good hearted guy, dressed to fish. ABC Bike Ride
10 Off with this ad 50 + Y/O Female (Maxi) hearty, no nonsense country girl.
30-50 Y/O Male (Jock) handsome, self-centered macho
440-236-9200 womanizer. Akron Bike Club will have its Absolutely Beautiful Country
330-725-3175 25-40 Y/O Female (Jenna) sweet, fresh faced. (ABC) Bike Ride on Sunday, July 8. This year’s Ride is a col-
lection of one-day tours for cyclists of all abilities. Enjoy 25,
25-35 Y/O Male (Ty) handsome, charming.
45-55 Y/O Male (Huddle) a kind, meek man in a plaid suit 50, 62 (metric century) and a 100 mile (century) ride taking
off from the Copley High School Athletic Field. This year is
SIDING & WINDOWS and bow tie. the 43rd year for the ABC Ride, which has become the area’s
55-70 Y/O Female (Sister Myrtle) stern and driven.
We open with an over the top comedy hailing from May- most popular annual bicycling event. Enjoy the best that Sum-
mit, Medina and Wayne Counties have to offer as you ride a
Custom Exteriors hew, Arkansas. Join us as D. Gene Wilburn welcomes us to his well-marked route along lightly traveled roads. Along with the
“Reel ‘Em Inn” fishing lodge in the Ozarks. All Wilburn wants
beautiful scenery, cyclists will be provided with Akron Bicycle
Since 1989 is a peaceful weekend on the lake, but alas, his wife tries to Club’s signature rest stops and SAG support.
white-knuckle her way through caffeine withdrawal, his son’s
Registration opens at 6:30 a.m. and SAG starts at 7 a.m. A
•Replacement Windows marriage is falling apart and his sister is caught up in a bizarre delicious lunch, provided by Old Carolina Barbecue, will be
undercover police operation. Toss in an egocentric relationship
•Entry Doors guru, an axe murderer and a handful of nuns and his dreams of waiting at the finish line for all entrants.
Riders must be 18 or over to participate. Riders under 18
•Custom Exterior Siding tranquility fizzle. should secure parental consent and riders 15 and younger must
Contact Director, Dave MacKeigan for more information at
•Stone & Shake Accents [email protected] be accompanied by an adult. Helmets must be worn while rid-
•Soffit, Facia & Trim Workshop Players, 44820 Middle Ridge Road, in Amherst. ing in Akron Bike Club sponsored events.
Ride registration start and finish at: Copley High School,
•Carpentry, Porches & More... Box Office: (440) 988-5613 (Box Office hours: 9 a.m. to 7 3807 Ridgewood Rd., in Copley. Preregistration is encouraged
440-926-1600 p.m.) online at
[email protected] www.workshopplayers.

Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, June 25, 2018
Summer Savings!

Super Recycler TimeMaster TimeCutter
Walk Power Mowers 30” Wide Area Mowers Zero Turn Mowers

• Recycler Cutting System • Briggs & Stratton OHV Engines • Powerful Engines from Toro , Kohler ,
• Bag on Demand • Person Pace Self Propel w/Traction Assist and Kawasaki ®
• Close Edge Wheel Design • Quick Stow Lever for East, Compact Storage • 18” Extra-tall and Premium Seats
• 5 Year Full Warranty Model 21199 • Smart Speed Control System
• Sale on these Super Recycler Models: SAVE up to • Recoil Start • Choose from SS, MX, and SW Models
20381, 20382 & 20384 $50 Sale Prices starting at SS4200 Model 74720
SAVE up to $50! $ 949 $ 2,299

Sale Prices starting at Model 21200
$ 499 Sale Prices starting at SS5000 Model 74731
• Electric Start

$ 1,049 $ 2,799

Sale Ends 7-31-18

Mon-Fri 8-6;
1007 Parsons Road • Grafton, OH 44044 Sat 9-2


SUMMER 46767 State Rt. 18 W.,

Wellington, OH 44090


Sunroof, LT Trim, #17044 Hatchback, Leather, #17049 Premier, FWD, #17105
Loaded Leather & Sunroof
WAS $24,970
WAS $26,135
WAS $45,840
Savings $4,971 Savings $5,136 Savings $6,591
$19,999 $20,999 $39,249

Hatchback, LT Trim #9154 Lt, 1-owner, power locks & SEL Trim, Leather #9314
windows #8951
SALE $8,000 SALE $8,250 SALE $9,995

FWD, Very Clean #T9382 GRAND CARAVAN LT, 1-owner, low mileage,
V6, Auto, Stow & Go #T9837 RS Sportt pkg #9325
SALE $10,000 SALE $11,985 SALE $13,495

low mileage #T9128 AWD, 1-owner, very clean LT, GM Certified, 1-owner #9344
SALE $15,895 SALE $16,500 SALE $16,995

Leather, GM Certified, FWD Hard to find V6, 1-owner, 2LT XLT, panoramic sunroof, 7 pass
#T9184 #T9349 Loaded #T9345
SALE $17,850 SALE $19,295 SALE $22,295

AWD, Denali Trim, Loaded, LT, Ext. Cab, 4x4, V6 #T9289 Diesel, 38 MPG, panoramic
GM Certified #T9057 sunroof, AWD, 3LT Trim #T9357
SALE $23,750 SALE $27,595 SALE $30,000

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