The Rural-Urban Record
“Your FREE Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 66 Years of Community Service!”
Volume 67 No. 3 Columbia Station, Ohio August 2, 2021
JVS student excels at the National Level Story tellers gather outdoors
Lorain County JVS Cu- Members of the Welling-
linary Arts student, Leah ton Writer’s Group have
Bacsi, placed fifth in the been meeting at alternate
nation in the Baking and locations since the Herrick
Pastry event at the 2021 FC- Memorial Library has been
CLA Virtual National Com- closed to group gatherings.
petition. During the pandemic, in
“I am extremely proud of order to keep in touch and
Leah,” shard Lorain County keep their inspiration going,
JVS Culinary Arts Instruc- they began to meet virtually
tor, Chef Tim Michitsch. on Zoom. Since then, they
“Leah is the type of student have been meeting at two of
that goes above and beyond the members homes. In in-
what is expected of her in clement weather, they gath-
class and for her competi- er indoors at a member’s
tion. She puts in countless home in Wellington. When
hours to master her skills the weather permits, they
and knowledge to be suc- meet in the picnic pavilion
cessful.” of the group’s facilitator
Due to the scheduling in Pittsfield. Some of the
of this year’s virtual com- members have been with
petitions, Leah had only the group since it’s forma-
one week to prepare for the tion.
national competition, and “We have seen aspiring
according to Michitsch, she writers come and go and a
didn’t let it phase her. few even take a break un-
“Leah set goals for the til inspiration returns and
competition, and she ac- brings them back to the
complished each goal with- Leah Bacsi (Keystone), virtually competes at the 2021 FCCLA Na- fold,” states facilitator Ran- Long-standing member Larry Nabors, of Wellington, dramatically
reads another chapter from one of his fictional stories in progress to
out any distractions,” Mich- tional Competition. di MacWilliams. the group. Photo by member Roger Green of Berlin Heights.
itsch said. “I was honored to the same as practicing at said Bacsi. “I wanted to Interested writers who
have Leah in class and the school with all of the com- be challenged and learn as wish to join the group can to them. Visit their website free, some of the stories that
opportunity to train her for mercial grade equipment. much about culinary arts as stop by the Herrick Me- at www.wellingtonwriters. standing members of the
this competition. I have no However, it was less nerve I could.” morial Library and leave com to learn more about group have written since
doubt that she will have a wracking being able to re- “I am very pleased with their contact information the group. There you can joining the Wellington Writ-
successful career in the hos- cord my competitions be- my ranking on the national and someone will get back view the blog and read, for er’s Group.
pitality industry.” cause there weren’t all kinds level. It is an honor to place
Bacsi shared that it was of people around watching.” that high and it shows that I
weird for all of the compe- “I wanted to participate have some talent and skills
titions to be virtual. “I had in the competitions to see in the culinary field. I am
to practice at home for the how my skills compared to excited to continue my jour-
competitions, which is not others in my age group,” ney.”
Alzheimer’s fund-raiser
Barbara Bandagski, owner of Bandagski Insurance Company, will be hosting a fund-rais-
er in honor of her mother, Mary Ann, who lived with vascular dementia. The special event
will take place on Saturday, August 21, from 5-10 p.m. at St. Mary’s Hall, located at 250 3
St., in Elyria, and will feature appetizers, gift baskets, a silent auction, a cash bar and more.
Liv Passe, Developmental Manager with the Alzheimer’s Association, will be there to
explain the Association’s Research and also to make guests aware of the local services they
have available throughout Lorain County. Ayden Healthcare of North Olmsted and Tradi-
tions Healthcare are the participating sponsors.
Tickets are available for purchase for $25. Proceeds will benefit the Alzheimer’s Associ-
ation. For tickets, visit
August 2-8,
2021 Pages 11-13
The Wellington Writer's group gathers under a member's picnic shelter in mild weather.
Community Carlisle 20 Grafton 14 Wellington 23 Profile Page 7
Directory Columbia 2 Grafton Twp. 14 Churches 6 SENIOR LIVING 8-9
Shop Local
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021
Columbia News
[email protected] Eagles Cruise-In
Columbia Historical Society meeting Because of the rainout, the Ladies Auxiliary of Columbia In Loving Memory
Station Eagles has rescheduled their 5th Annual Cruise-In to Jared M. Holahan
The Columbia Historical Society will hold a meeting on Sunday, August 15, at 27190 Royalton Rd., in Columbia Sta-
Tuesday, August 10, at 7 p.m. in the Columbia Town Hall, tion. The event is from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. and registration begins Engineering at St. Edward
25496 Royalton Road. There will be a program on Katherine at 9 a.m. All makes and models of cars, motorcycles and trucks High School. He enjoyed
Wright Haskell: teacher, suffragette and loving sister. Every- are welcome. There will be food and beverages for sale, a cash music and was a four year
one is invited to attend and hear about this famous sister and bar, music, a 50/50 raffle and a lottery tree. There will be door member in percussion in the
her connection to Lorain County. prize chances for all registrants. Awards will be announced at Marching "Eagles" Band.
2:30 p.m. Stop by and join us for an afternoon of fun! He was part of OMEA State
Brian Slack Memorial Poker Run CHS Class of ‘71 50th Reunion Finals achieving Superior 1.
He experienced the excitement
The Columbia Station Eagle Riders #4003, located at 27190 while playing drums at the
football game against St.
Royalton Road, in Columbia Station, is sponsoring their Bri- Final arrangements are being made for the 1971 Colum- Ignatius when St. Edward
an Slack Memorial Poker Run on Saturday, August 7, rain or bia High School 50th Class Reunion. There are events being won State Championship. He
shine. Registration is at 10 a.m. and coffee, juice and donuts planned starting in the late afternoon of August 13, and ending Jared M. Holahan, age 27, loved playing drums and built
will be available. The first bike out is at 11 a.m. and the last August 15. The Dinner is at 6 p.m. on August 14. Invitations passed away unexpectedly his own 16 piece drum set
bike in is 6-6:30 p.m.; all vehicles are welcome. Stops will be with details will be mailed out soon. We are still looking for on July 7,2021. He was the from scratch. He also, loved to
at Belden Cemetery, The Depot, Wellington American Legion, missing classmates. Any contact information for classmates beloved son of Mark & Mary work with audio components
Rockin’ Horse Saloon, Wakeman Elevator Craft Beer & Wine can be sent to: Columbia [email protected]. Holahan and dear brother of and had skills in auto and
Barn, LaPorte Inn and Columbia Station Eagles. Tickets are Jennifer Holahan. He is also electronics repair. He is known
$25 per rider or $35 with a passenger. There will be a Basket Miami University Graduates survived by many extended for his love of Ford Mustangs,
Raffle, a 50/50, side boards, music, food and beer. For more family and friends. Jared had especially his own black
information, contact Tom Tablett at (440) 723-7117. Congratulations to Lauren Kramer of Columbia Station, an inquisitive, analytical mind Mustang that he named "Bert".
who graduated Magna Cum Laude, University Honors w/Dis- and in some ways he was a He will be dearly missed and
CHS Class of ‘81 40th Reunion tinction, Magna Cum Laude, University Honors w/Distinction perfectionist. He was gifted forever in our hearts. Services
in Math and had an artistic
to be held Saturday, August 7,
with a B.S. in Family Science, Bachelor of Arts in Family Sci-
We are still looking for classmates! Any contact information ence, Psychology; Lexi Shoemaker of Elyria graduated with a talent. He was an animal lover, 2021,10:30am at St. Elizabeth
especially to Penguins. He
Ann Seton Church, 25801
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design, Fashion; Carson Toy
for classmates or questions regarding the reunion, please email of North Ridgeville graduated with a B.S. in Business in Fi- enjoyed baseball and played Royalton Rd. Columbia
[email protected] or [email protected]. nance; and Emma Mowry of Wellington graduated with a B.S. Hot Stove as a youngster. He Station, OH 44028. Words
The events planned begin on Saturday, September 4, when in Kinesiology & Health in Public Health. achieved his FCC Amateur of comfort may be offered to
we will meet at the Grindstone Tap House at 826 Front Street, Radio License at age 13 after the family by visiting www.
in Berea, from 5 p.m.-close (cash bar, may order food if and learning Morse Code and Ham
when you’d like). Also, on Sunday, September 5, join us on The Community Foundation of Radio usage. He excelled in
Goodtime III for a narrated Luncheon Cruise from 11 a.m.-2 Lorain County news
p.m. We do not have a group reservation, so if interested book
early! Go to and click “Book Now,” then click LCCC Santarelli Memorial 5K
“Narrated Luncheon Tours” and choose the September 5, 11 The Community Foundation of Lorain County Board of Di-
a.m. tour. Cost is $44.95 including lunch served dockside from rectors announced more than $1M in grant awards to 36 orga- Cross Country Race
11 a.m.-12 p.m. and tour from 12-2 p.m. View the menu and nizations at the regular July Board meeting. The grants focused
additional information on their site. We hope to see you there! on the four program areas: Arts & Culture, Education & Youth Lorain County Community College (LCCC) will host the
Development, Health & Human Services and Strengthening Santarelli Memorial 5K cross country race at 6 p.m. on Sunday,
Lorain County. August 15, at the LCCC cross country course. All are welcome.
More than $1M has been awarded to support post-pandemic
6757 Center Rd challenges faced by non-profit organizations throughout Lo- Register at The event also includes a free
Valley City rain County. “This money will provide much needed support one-mile fun run at 5:30 p.m.
For more information, contact Jim Powers at (440) 366-
330-483-1190 to continue to meet the needs of the most vulnerable in our 7652 or [email protected]. Lorain County Community
community,” says Maria Grega, chair of the Grants Committee at the Community Foundation of Lorain County. “This round College is located at 1005 N. Abbe Road, in Elyria.
Sat, July 31, 7:30pm Taco Tuesday of grants speaks to the pillars of the Community Foundation LCCC Real Estate
of Lorain County and the incredible mission-driven work of
with... 3 for $7.50 Lorain County non-profits and were especially impressed about Career Information Session
Custy & Pick from our Taco Menu the essential Health & Human Service programs available
McNamara Hard & Soft Shells throughout the county. We look forward to seeing the outcomes Lorain County Community College (LCCC) will hold a real
of these community grants.”
Sat, Aug. 7, 7:30pm Wednesday One of the Health and Human Services grantees is Let’s estate career information session from 6:30-9 p.m. on Thurs-
PASTA NIGHT & Get Real, a non-profit providing peer support for individuals day, August 5, in the Health Sciences building room 201.
with... 1/2 PRICE BOTTLES struggling with alcohol and opiate addiction. In Lorain County, Attendees will learn about the state requirements for becom-
Katy & OC OF WINE when Mercy Lorain, Mercy Allen, Cleveland Clinic Avon and ing a real estate sales agent and meet local brokers. Information
on how to earn a short-term technical certificate and an associ-
Thursday University Hospital have patients experiencing an overdose ate degree in real estate will be shared.
or other drug-related emergencies, the hospitals call Let’s Get
LUNCH SPECIALS BURGER NIGHT Real to provide a “warm hand-off” before discharging patients. Register at or call (440) 366-
EVERYDAY! 1/2 lb. Certified Let’s Get Real staff and volunteers serve as peer supporters to 4030. Lorain County Community College is located at 1005 N.
HAPPY HOUR Angus Burger - $8 help patients determine their next step, usually identifying and Abbe Road, in Elyria.
entering a treatment program.
Tues - Fri 3-7pm EVERY “We are incredibly grateful for the $30k grant approval. COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
$1 OFF Drafts Saturday These monies should enable us to serve by increasing outreach,
(excluding Guinness) Prime Rib & transport services and engagement length, which will increase
$3 House Liquor Steak Delmonico Night overall services and removal of barriers for those struggling
$2 Domestics with addiction,” says Kim Eberle, Executive Director at Let’s
BRUNCH EVERY Live Music & Events Get Real. “So often the family and loved ones are expected to
SUNDAY 8/14 Lego Legros hands-on navigate the individual through the systems. These
9AM - 2PM 8/21 Sarena Tamburitza monies will benefit the greater community by relieving the
Scratch Kitchen 8/28 Furious George families of that obligation and connecting and utilizing existing
courtesty of Exec. Chef 9/4 Jay Sparrow social services in Lorain County. Additionally, we can lessen
Edward West the strain on the community by initiating services quickly and
Hours: Tues- Sat: 11:00am - 10:00pm, working with each client over a longer period. We are grate-
Sun: 9:00am - 8:00pm ful for the generosity and elated with the opportunity to serve
24497 Sprague Rd.,Columbia Station • 440-235-6642 Station for more
than 40 years.
Back to School Special
Air Conditioning
Propane Refill $50 OFF Oil Change Service PLUS a Digital Vehicle Inspection Performance Check
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Expires 8/30/21 Expires 8/30/21 Plus tax & shop supplies. Call or Stop in for details. Expires 8/30/21 may apply. Call or stop in for details. Expires 8/30/21
Your Auto or Light Truck WE RENT U-HAUL BEST DEAL ON
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021 Page 3
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Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021
Laubenthal-Mercado Funeral Home Protech Automotive & Cycle LLC
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. Burnett’s Septic 788 Main St. | 440-926-3499
440-322-4626 | Services Serving Grafton for 30 years
120 W Commerce Dr,
Dempsey Appliance
433 Oberlin Rd. | 440-322-8170 440-355-5526 905 Main St. | 440-865-3565
With over 64 yrs of experience!
valley city 540 N. Center St. 1021 Main St.
Furniture & Home Decor
280 Columbia Rd. | TH, SAT, SUN 10-4 Beriswill Insurance Columbia 35581 Grafton Eastern Rd.
Eaton STation
Grafton, OH
Schild’s IGA 9858 E. River Rd. 440-653-3617
RT 82 & Island Rd. | 440-748-3751 440-235-2766
Grafton Sparkle Market
460 N. Main St. | 440-926-3328
Sanitary Septic Tank Cleaning
Olmsted Falls 440-322-0927 | 440-236-9200 | 330-725-3175
25438 Sprague Rd. $10 Off Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain
440-235-4317 with this Reasonable Rates 1007 Parsons Rd. | 440-926-2880
ad Prompt Reliable Service
Senior Discounts
Century Landscaping LLC
The environmental Frank Clarke Insurance Agency 11749 Avon Belden Rd | 440-343-7003
impact of shopping 25070 Royalton Rd. | 440-236-5041 Complete Landscaping Services
local The Rural-Urban Record wellington
Shopping at locally owned businesses benefits ev- P.O. Box 966 | 440-236-8982
eryone from local business owners to the people they Wellington 121-123 E. Herrick Ave
employ to the communities where they operate. As AUTO PARTS 440-647-4965
beneficial as shopping local can be for small business
owners and the communities where they operate, the in areas that do not meet federal air quality standards. M-F 8-5:30pm, Sat 8-4pm
planet is perhaps the biggest beneficiary of consumers Emissions from automobiles are a major source of the
supporting locally owned small businesses. pollution that’s behind poor air quality, so anything con- Beriswill Insurance
The environmental impact of purchasing locally man- sumers can do to reduce their fuel consumption, in-
ufactured and sold products is significant. Consumers cluding shopping locally, can greatly benefit the planet. 173 Depot St. | 440-647-6010
who choose to use their purchasing power to support · Shopping local protects land from developers. An-
local businesses may not realize just how much they’re other way shopping local benefits the planet is its link
helping the planet in so doing. to preserving local farms. When local grocers get their
· Shopping local reduces your “food miles.” Large gro- foods from local farms, that increases the long-term domino effect begins with consumers who support lo-
cery stores get much of their inventory from producers sustainability of those farms. If farms are sustainable, cal businesses by shopping local.
in other countries. Even stores that rely heavily on do- they’re more likely to remain in operation. Farms don’t Shopping local pays numerous dividends, not the
mestic producers may not limit their domestic partners just grow foods, they also provide habitats for local least of which are the many ways supporting local busi-
to local farms. That means products may be traveling wildlife that helps maintain local ecosystems. That nesses benefits the environment.
thousands of miles before they end up on the shelves
in local grocery stores. This is often referred to as “food
miles,” and the more consumers can reduce their food
miles, the more they help the planet. The Center for
Climate and Energy Solutions notes that transportation
is the largest source of carbon emissions in the United
States, so anything consumers can do to reduce the
amount of fuel needed to get food from farm to table
can greatly benefit the planet. Shopping local grocers
who source their foods from local farms is a simple and
effective way to help the planet.
· Shopping local conserves fuel. Much like shopping
local reduces reliance on producers who must travel
thousands of miles to get their products on shelves in
your community, it also reduces the time consumers
spend in their vehicles. That conserves fuel and helps
to reduce air pollution. That’s an easily overlooked ben-
efit of shopping local, but one that should not be taken
for granted. According to the Union of Concerned Sci-
entists, an estimated 150 million Americans are living
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021 Page 5
Commissioners are chang-
ing all the rules for devel-
Columbia Trustees Meeting opments, even ones that the August
Trustees arranged with devel-
opers here in the Township.
The Commissioners are plan-
The Columbia Township on Crocker Road - the Road ning to add 10,000 new hous-
Board of Trustees met on July Director will be working with es in the next 10 years. They PROGRAMS
19 in the Town Hall with all the Liverpool Trustees be- also plan to sewer Columbia
three Trustees present and cause the project is in both using TIF’s, which take mon-
the Fiscal Officer, Mandie Medina and Lorain Counties. ey off of levies designated for
Andrews. The Trustees vot- The Fire Chief reported other purposes. The Com-
ed to accept the previous 40 on file, 36 on call, 141 fire missioners have already put
minutes of July 6 as written. calls to date and 410 EMS a TIF on one of the levies of Storytime in the Park Story Stop
The Trustees voted to pay the calls. There were 40 mutual the Columbia Local School Tuesday, Aug. 3; 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 11; Noon to 12:30 p.m.
bills and payroll. The Bills aid assists and 29 mutual aid District for sewers and other
amounted to $142,140.93 requests. Transport billing for infrastructure. Join us in the park next to the Columbia Little Library on the Lake at Lakeview Park
and Payroll amounted to June brought in $12,416.05, The Trustees voted to ac- Branch! in Lorain
$21,376.96, bringing the total bringing the 2021 year to date cept the deed for property
to $163,517.63. The Receipts total to $70,838.98. donated by the Developer of Tiger Tail Smoothies (Facebook) Caregivers with children of all ages are
totaled $39,245.60. The Chief reported that Emerald Woods Subdivision invited to join us for story time at the lake!
Department Reports the Fire Chief Conference he to be used for future public in- Wednesday, Aug. 4; 10 a.m. Enjoy stories, rhymes and finger plays.
A Sheriff’s Deputy came recently attended was very frastructure. A resident came Learn about good hydration and some
to the meeting. He mentioned good and informative. In to the Trustees meeting to healthy drinks. LPLS Zoom Book Discussion: “Still Life”
that an Eaton Trustee was in- the Township, open burning discuss flooding issues. She by Louise Penny
terested in combining hours is still going on even to the lives on Sprague across from Soar Powered Crafts
with Columbia for our hired extent of burning tires. The a development in Olmsted Wednesday, Aug. 11; 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
deputy. They were joined by Chief has had to work with Wednesday, Aug. 4; Noon to 1 p.m. Connect with other readers to discuss great
a Grafton Township Trustee, law enforcement and the en- Falls, which has had flooding Little Library on the Lake at Lakeview Park
who suggested three town- vironmental units. issues for years. Another resi- in Lorain books via Zoom.
ships sharing the fee for a Rita Plata gave the Cem- dent came to the meeting over
full-time deputy. Our Trust- etery Report: $200 was re- flooding on Root Road. The Create your own UV bead bracelet and How‑To Wooden Journal Cover with
ees are interested. The dep- ceived for burials, $2,975 Trustees said that water prob- watch as the sun’s rays bring color to the Cricut and Glowforge (Facebook)
uties are going to work the was received for sales of lems are upsetting and almost beads. Then use Nature Print paper to
money and hours details out graves and $500 was received impossible to get funding for capture shadows and make a unique art Friday, Aug. 13; 3 p.m.
with the Sheriff. The three for footer fees. repair. There is such a small Learn how to make a wooden journal cover
townships may be able to The Zoning Commission of amount of money available piece. While supplies last. using a Cricut and Glowforge in our Create
have a full-time deputy on a will meet August 5, 2021 at and 18 townships are asking Space.
regular basis. 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. for help. They also said that Finding Grants with Candid: Intro to
Mr. Cunningham gave Old Business the government entities that FDO (Zoom)
the Zoning Inspector’s re- The Road Repair Levy are supposed to help the wa- Friends of the Columbia Branch General
port. There were 13 per- will go onto the November ter problems, such as SWAC Wednesday, Aug. 4; 2 to 3 p.m. Membership Meeting
mits issued between July ballot as a 1 mill renewal levy. and Soil and Water, are mov- Looking for grants for your nonprofit? Tuesday, Aug. 17; 6 p.m.
7-18, of which 10 were for It will bring in $238,308. The ing their focus from road re- Learn how to use Foundation Directory
single family dwellings, Trustees voted to authorize pair and culvert replacement Online (FDO), the most comprehensive General meeting of the Friends of
bringing the homes to 56 for Fiscal Officer Mandie An- and concentrating on water- Columbia Branch Library. New members
the year to date. Three vi- drews to apply for American way course improvement. prospect research tool for fundraisers, are always welcome!
olation letters were sent to Rescue Plan funding. The Trustees were told by with over 226,000+ grantmaker profiles.
residents for high vegetation. New Business Lorain County Beekeepers
The Road-Service Director Mr. Musto had some the County prosecutors in re-
reported equipment up and thoughts on the Emerald gards to indigent burial to go Selling Your Stuff Online (Zoom) Association’s Presentation in the Park
running. There is no word on Woods subdivision. There is ahead and bury/cremate the Thursday, Aug. 5; 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 17; 6 p.m.
Issue I from the County. Co- a lot of flooding in the Snell person. The Fiscal Officer
lumbia was not funded this area, but there is a lack of ac- said that she always looks Learn how to sell your used items and Join us in the park next to the Columbia
year, but if there is money cess to sewers and stormwa- for proof of lack of income. make money using different websites Branch.
left over we may be able to ter run off. Lorain County has The Trustees signed the pa- and mobile platforms.
use it. There is still a bridge no building inspection pro- perwork that was needed for Zoom Cookbook Discussion: “Cook With
replacement that is needed to gram. Some developments the local detour for ODOT Storytime in the Gazebo Me” by Alex Guarnaschelli
be done on Redfern. There is have hired private inspection culvert replacement project Thursday, Aug. 5; 6:30 p.m.
a culvert replacement needed companies. The new County 361(21) on SR 252. Tuesday, Aug. 17; 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Committee Reports Join us in the gazebo in the park next to If you love to read, cook learn and share
Mr. Cunningham report- the Columbia Branch. recipes, this group is for you. Join us via
VALLEY CITY ed that the Lorain County Library Day at the Avon Pool Zoom to discuss and feel free to virtually
Township Association will
VISION CENTER not meet in August because Friday, Aug. 6; 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. “share” a dish from the month’s selected
the Trustees sponsor a booth
in the Lorain County Fair. Mr. Bring your Lorain Public Library System
FAMILY VISION Heidecker reported that NO- library card to the Avon Pool between 11 Dress For Success (Zoom)
CENTER ACA will meet Sept. 10 and a.m. and 3 p.m. and get free admission Wednesday, Aug. 18; 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
the Lorain County Communi-
6621 Center Road ty Alliance will meet Oct. 8. for the day. While you are there, watch This virtual program will give you tips for
for Swimbreak Storytimes at the 1 p.m.
Valley City After Community Input, and 2 p.m. hours in the children’s area! making a first impression that will help
Dr. Norma Jesse, J the meeting was adjourned. land a job. You will also learn how you can
Optometrist 330-483-4035 The next regular meeting will Cooking with Charlie for Kids get free professional clothes!
be Monday, August 2, at 7 (Facebook)
WE CARRY A OUTSIDE p.m. in the Town Hall. Friday, Aug. 6; 3 p.m. Food Friday: Healthy & Quick
FULL LINE OF PRESCRIPTIONS Genealogy We use our Charlie Cart kitchen to Breakfasts for Families (Facebook)
GLASSES WELCOME Society meeting demonstrate how to make kid‑friendly Friday, Aug. 20; 3 to 4 p.m.
Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon The Lorain County Chap- snacks! Let us help you figure out how to fit in the
most important meal of the day and still
Closed Sun & Wed ter of the Ohio Genealogy stay on schedule.
Society will meet on Monday, Family Food For Thought: Basic
August 9, in an online meet- White Sauce Creations (Zoom) Cooking with Charlie for Adults
ing that everyone is invited Monday, Aug. 9; 4 to 5 p.m.
to attend. “Naturalization (Facebook)
Know-How: The Laws and Join us virtually from the Culinary Friday, Aug. 27; 3 p.m.
Records of U.S. Citizenship,” Literacy Center as we help build We use our portable Charlie Cart kitchen
will be presented by Rich culinary skills for the entire family. This
Venezia. session will teach you how to make a in cooking demonstrations that you can
Rich Venezia is an expert
Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm, Sat: 8am-2pm in the research of 20th-centu- basic white sauce‑ a versatile tool for follow along from home!
making a wide variety of dishes.
440-236-3627 ry immigrant ancestors, espe- Pokémon Live Virtual Escape Room
cially in underutilized record
sources and federal records.
We will learn about the
• MULCH laws throughout our history for Teens and Tweens (Zoom) To join any of our Facebook programs, visit us at
Tuesday, Aug. 10; 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
• STONE that may have affected our Celebrate the 25th anniversary of Patrons can register for programs offered on Zoom at
ancestor’s attempt to become
• GRAVEL citizens. Rich will discuss the Pokémon this year with Detective Registrants are
Pikachu! Grab and go activity bags
laws and how to find them.
asked to include their email addresses so that Zoom
This online program be-
• TOPSOIL gins at 7 p.m. and is open to will be available to pick up at your invitations can be sent for the event.
local branch starting August 2nd
our members and the public while supplies last. The virtual escape
11564 Station Rd on a first-come, first-served
Columbia Station, OH 44028 basis. Those interested in room will become available on our Preregistration is required for these programs.
social media after the live event has
[email protected] joining the program should concluded. Call or register online at
to reserve your spot.
PICKUP & DELIVERY to be added to the
invitation list.
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD August 2, 2021 Chicken Barbeque is back!
The Rural-Urban Record St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, located at 25801 Royalton
Published Bi-Weekly on Monday Road (Route 82), in Columbia Station, will hold their annual
Chicken Barbeque on Sunday, August 22, from 12-3:30 p.m.,
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter or until sold out. Come and enjoy outdoor grilled chicken,
Founders 1955 roasted corn, homemade coleslaw or potato salad, roll, dessert
and beverage. Half chicken dinners are $14 and quarter chicken
Lee Boise, Publisher & President dinners are $12. Carry-outs are available. There will also be a
raffle for a 32” flat screen smart TV.
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010
Mailing Address: GriefShare
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 You don’t need to go through your grieving process alone!
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station GriefShare is a faith-based support group for those who have
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 lost a loved one and are looking for answers as you go through
Email: [email protected] your grief. We offer support, comfort and guidance through
Website: shared experiences and we encourage you to join us. We offer
a morning and evening group for your convenience. Bring a
DEADLINE: friend if you would like.
Meetings are at Christ Church, located at 2080 Royalton
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm Road, in Columbia Station (Route 82 at Marks Road) on Mon-
OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment’ days, August 23-November 22. Morning session are from 10-
Out of Area Subscriptions - $40/year 11:30 a.m. and evening sessions are from 7-8:30 p.m. We will
not meet on September 6 (Labor Day).
For more information or to register, visit www.griefshare.
org or call the church at (440) 236-8282.
Vacation Bible School Church Benefit Sale Church of Christ COLUMBIA
Pittsfield Community Church, located at the corner of St. Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am BAPTIST CHURCH
Rts. 58 and 303, is having a Church Benefit Sale on August 5, Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm “Loving God; Loving Others”
Community Bible School 6 and 7. Hours are Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., and Sat- Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm Americon Baptist Church
Columbia Station Community Vacation Bible School will urday from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Household goods, books, puzzles, 211 Forest St., LaGrange 25514 Royalton Road
be at New Life Wesleyan Church, located at 11149 W. Riv- jewelry, bedding, clothes for adults and children, toys, small 440-355-6872 440-236-8206
er Rd., in Columbia Station, on Saturday, August 7, from 10 furniture and more. The sale benefits the needs of the church. 9:15 a.m.
a.m.-12:30 p.m. All children in preschool through 5th grade are Sunday School
invited to join us for a free and fun-filled morning of crafts, Keep pets, children and others safe Hosanna Lutheran Church for all ages
snacks, games and music. Together we will “Run the Race” and 10:30 a.m.
never give up - when we run the race with Jesus, everyone is a Due to the program’s popularity, the Mental Health, Addic- 13485 West River Rd. Family Worship
Columbia Station
winner! Pre-registration is strongly encouraged; please register tion and Recovery Services (MHARS) Board of Lorain County 440-236-8900 Stairlift Access
by following this link: extended its offer of free Safe Medication Disposal Pouches by Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Rev. Phil Betts
goX8. (You will also be able to register in person on the day of mail to residents of Lorain County. A Safe Medication Disposal [email protected]
the event.) If you need additional information, please contact Pouch “deactivates” drugs, rendering them inert and safe for
Susan Spaeth at (216) 906-5091. disposal through regular home trash. Disposing of medication NORTH
safely prevents misuse, or accidental exposure by children or EATON
Weekend Bible School pets. For a free disposal pouch, please contact Jinx Mastney at GRAFTON UNITED
The congregation of Fields UMC North Ridgeville will pro- (440) 282-9920 or [email protected]. For other resourc- METHODIST CHURCH CHRISTIAN
vide a special VBS weekend Saturday, August 21, and Sunday es to help loved ones in active addiction or recovery, visit // 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034 CHURCH
August 22, from noon-4 p.m. each day. The program is called 10:00am Worship Disciples of Christ
“Jesus And Me (JAM),” and is open to any child entering Pre- Mission: Rt. 82 & 83
school through 5th grade this fall, and for any friends they’d Summer Crisis Help “Putting God’s Word to Work” 440-748-2230
like to invite! Snacks and dinner will be provided on the 21st, Pastor Bob Spaulding Worship with us
with lunch and snacks on the 22nd. It will be an indoor/outdoor Lorain County Community Action Agency’s Summer Crisis
event which will include age appropriate music, Bible stories, Program offers help staying cool for low-income residents who in person 9:00 am
skits, crafts, games and friendship building. also meet one of the other eligibility requirements. The primary Online
On Saturday, please plan to stay for a pot-luck picnic dinner qualification for the program is a gross annual income at or Your are always welcome at
(bring a dessert or side-dish to share) in our Pavilion at 4 p.m. below 175 percent of the Federal Poverty Line ($46,375 for a Christian Unity Church Sunday at 10 am
36353 Capel Road
hosted by Fields. Hot dogs, sloppy-joes, beverages and table- family of four in 2021). Grafton, Ohio
ware will be provided. You are welcome to join our outdoor Residents at that poverty level qualify for help if they also Pastor Neal Brock online worship details on fb
worship service at 5 p.m. after dinner as well. meet at least one of the following criteria:
Sunday Worship Service - 11am
On Sunday, please join us for worship at 11 a.m. then have • They are age 60 or over. Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 7pm Rev. David Chafin
lunch before the program begins. Lunch will served at Noon • They have a documented medical condition worsened by Pastor
and the program will begin at 12:30-12:45 p.m. extreme heat. Polly Tallos
To Register: Please RSVP via email to Nancy Florio, Fields’ • Their electric service has been disconnected or they have Ministry Assistant
Christian Education Director, at [email protected] or via received a disconnect notice. Lakeview Free Will
phone to Nancy at (440) 327-8753, extension #146 by August • They are trying to establish new service. Baptist Church
6. Please provide the child’s name, age, date of birth, grade they • They have been diagnosed with coronavirus in 2020. 12025 Durkee Rd., Grafton
are entering in the fall, parent/guardian name, phone number • They are enrolling in PIPP Plus for the first time. Sunday School 10 AM,
and email. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy or • They are an existing PIPP customer in default. Worship Service 11 AM.
the church office at (440) 327-8753. Benefits remain at last year’s expanded levels. Customers of Everyone welcome
regulated utilities can receive up to $500 in assistance. Custom-
FUNERAL HOME & ers of unregulated utilities can receive up to $800.
Residents who have not received an air conditioner from
LCCAA in the last three years can request a unit. The cost of
CREMATION SERVICES the unit will be deducted from the amount of assistance they
receive. The remainder can be applied to their energy bill if “Answering God’s Call to Grow”
“Answering God’s Call to Grow”
needed. 105 West Main St, LaGrange
Electric box fans will also be distributed. Residents who 440-355-4561
have received air conditioners in the past three years may be el-
igible for a fan. Distribution of air conditioners and fans will be Services at 10am in the Family Life Center
2089 Columbia Road subject to availability. Customers may request limited repairs
Cremation • Monuments Valley City, OH 44280 to their central air conditioning units up to $500.
Appointments can be made right now and are required for
Pre-paid Funerals 330-483-3300 this emergency program. All appointments must be made on- Our Lady Queen of Peace
1021 Main St., Grafton “Understanding When line and will be conducted over the phone. Make your appoint- Catholic Church
Needed Most”
440-926-2048 ment by going to our website: Pre-Need Planning Available energyservices/summer_crisis_2021.
In person services are being offered for seniors only in part- Weekend Masses WeekdayMasses
nership with the Lorain County Office on Aging. An LCCAA (Church) (Church)
Energy Services employee is stationed at the LCOA office in Sat. 4:30pm Mon. & Wed.
Elyria from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Those Sun. 8:30 & 7:00pm
60 and over who are not comfortable making an online appoint- 11:00am Tues, Thu, Fri.
ment may walk in during those hours. 9:30am
Secure drop boxes are available at both the LCOA office
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance at 320 Gateway Blvd. North, in Elyria, and at LCCAA at 936
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955 Broadway Ave., Lorain, for required documents. ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~ Required documentation includes:
• Income information for all household members 18 years of
age or older for the last 30 days;
Laubenthal -Mercado income form; Advertise your church or funeral home
• Any member reporting “no income” must complete a no
LM signed by a licensed physician or registered nurse practitioner). special rates for this page only.
on The Rural-Urban Record’s
• Social Security numbers for all household members;
• Proof of citizenship for all household members;
Now offering On-site
Church Page
• Most recent electric and gas bills;
Cremation Services
• Proof of medical condition if applicable (documentation
Call us for information on our
Funeral Home is also
Coronavirus stimulus checks do not count as income for
Handicap Accessible
this program. For a complete list of countable income, please
Serving Families for over 50 years
this year. Additional information may be required. Please visit
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
Call us at or call (440) 245-1870 during business hours
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 visit our website. The program will run through September 30 (special conditions apply)
for more details.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021 Page 7
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800-511-3419 LaGrange, Ohio 44050 Rt. 82 & Island Rd. Sun 10-4 (Pharmacy Closed)
FAX 440-355-6170 440-748-2137 | Fax 440-748-3901
Michael Hignett, Realtor
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Certified Aging in Place E: [email protected] Jennifer, Scot & • Rings • Necklaces • Watches • Clocks
Specialist (CAPS) Landon Kuhns Services
Buying • Jewelry • Watch Repair
954 Main Street, Grafton, OH 44044
(440) 365-0015 10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101 Elyria, Ohio 44035 440-926-0500 |
Tues-Fri: 12 - 5pm; Sat: 10-1pm; Closed Sun & Mon
We Want Your Stinkin’ Business
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• Certified In B-K Filters
• Grease Traps Pumped
• Certified Service And Repair Center For New
And Rebuilt Aeration Motors
• We Offer Annual NPDES Off Lot Lab Testing
Call Us For All Your
Septic Needs
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021
you only have 15 minutes, then start with a small space like a Clever crafts to try today
drawer. You may also want to consider phoning a friend to help.
Your friend may be able to help decide what is worth keeping Being forced to spend more time at home during the
because they are not emotionally attached to the items. It may COVID-19 pandemic has led enterprising individuals to seek
also make the process seem less daunting if you have someone ways to pass the time. Is it any wonder that creative pursuits
to share in the fun. have become so popular over the last year?
3) Keep only what you absolutely need. Create 4 piles and Crafting can help people fill their time, reduce stress, inspire
try to touch each item only once. Your 4 piles should be: Do- new relationships, and serve as a source of pride when an item
nate, Trash, Rehome, and Essential. is handmade from start to finish.
4) Make Your Space Pretty. Organize with style and re- In an online study published in the British Journal of Occu-
member less is more. You are getting ready to sell your home pational Therapy that surveyed 3,500 knitters, respondents felt
and you want it to look its best. How you live in your home and there was a relationship between knitting frequency and feeling
what a staged home for selling looks like are 2 different things. calm. Experts surmise that the rhythmic, repetitive movements
5) Maintain Your Space. For example, you just went and focused attention of certain crafts might produce a calm-
Start Your Downsize With through a lot of work to make room in your nightstand to put ing effect not unlike meditation. Crafting helps exercise sev-
items away. Don’t let your nightstand or dresser get cluttered.
5 Easy Decluttering Tips Put the items back so that you can easily maintain your space. eral areas of the brain, including those responsible for problem
solving, creativity and concentration, states Craft Courses, an
Imagine you are now living in the model home. How you live online crafting course company.
Downsizing your home can feel like an overwhelming task. in your home on a daily basis and how you stage your home The following are some unique crafts for those looking for
In fact, many people will delay the process of downsizing be- to sell are two different things. Remember you are staging and something new.
cause they just aren’t sure where to start. The important thing getting ready to sell so it is important to maintain the declutter- • Quilling: This craft also goes by the name paper filigree.
to remember, is that downsizing is a marathon and not a sprint. ing you just did. If something new comes into your home make It involves twisting, rolling or looping thin strips of paper and
I always suggest to my downsizing clients that they start with sure something old leaves. then gluing them together to make designs. They can adorn the
the process of decluttering. It is one of the most intense parts of For more information on downsizing your home please at- outside of homemade cards, or be attached to stock and then
downsizing and sometimes can take the longest. Let’s simplify tend Downsizing 101 on September 11, at 11 a.m at the Graf- framed.
the decluttering process to 5 easy steps. ton-Midview Public Library. Seating is limited so please call • Decoupage: Another paper craft, this one involves stick-
1) Divide your home into sections. Declutter room by (440) 371-2862 to reserve your seat today! If you are interested ing small pieces of paper of any kind to another item and then
room to keep yourself from burning out. Whenever you have in a free private in home consultation you can also call Jen at coating the object with varnish. Just about anything can be im-
extra time keep going back to the same room until its complete. (440) 371-2862. proved and customized with decoupage.
2) Choose a time when you can focus on decluttering. If By Jen Herron Underwood • Marquetry: Marquetry involves applying pieces of wood
veneer to a structure to form a decorative pattern or picture.
Free Seminar Think of it as paint-by-number but with wood veneer. The tech-
nique often is applied to small objects or furniture.
• Bead crochet: Crochet artists may want to take their craft-
Downsizing 101 ing up a notch with bead crochet, which incorporates beaded
string or yarn into a crocheted item.
• Water marbling: Water marbling is a unique craft that pro-
• Sept. 11 from 11-1 at The Graf- duces a different result each time it is done. The crafter fills a
tub roughly two-thirds full of water, adds a special chemical
ton Public Library– 983 Main to allow oils to float on the water’s surface, then drops differ-
ent colors of oil-based paint onto the water. The colors can be
St Grafton Oh swirled and manipulated. A paper or piece of canvas is then
placed on the surface of the water so that the design can transfer
• Learn how to sell for top dollar onto the material.
without snags on closing day! and burning designs into a piece of wood. The term literally
• Pyrography: Pyrography involves using a heating source
means “writing with fire.”
• Learn what home inspectors These lesser-known crafts can be good diversions and help
are looking for! individuals learn new skills.
• Learn what repairs are worth it Alecia Vidika
& which are a waste of money ! AV Attorney at Law
• How the buyer’s financing af- 440-647-4319
fects your bottom line & more! [email protected]
702 N. Main St.
• Learn about what to do with
PO Box 297
If you are looking to sell your home in or planning your stuff Wellington, OH 44090
on moving up, downsizing or have a family member
who can no longer live on their own, you want to at- • Why a Senior Real Estate Spe- Probate • Real Estate • Estate Planning • Elder Law
tend this seminar. cialist might be right for you!
SPOT TODAY! Call 440-371-2862 Keystone Pointe Offers:
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021 Page 9
Zucchini Bars Did you cognitive decline. Dr. Moore
notes that, when cooking, the
know? mind is put to use following
This snack cake a recipe and learning new
is so delicious that Health screenings are a vi- skills and tasks. Furthermore,
my family can eat the tal component of preventative cooking for oneself can boost
entire batch in one health care. Specific screen- seniors’ self-confidence, re-
day! Very easy and ings for older adults can help assuring them that they can
moist. them stay healthy. Healthline handle an important daily
Ingredients: and WebMD recommend old- task without having to rely
3 eggs er adults schedule these rou- on their family for meals. As
1 cup vegetable oil tine tests. The frequency of long as it is deemed safe (i.e.,
2 cups white sugar the screenings may depend no sign of cognitive decline
2 teaspoons on individuals’ health histo- or forgetfulness), seniors
vanilla extract ries, so each test should be should be encouraged to con-
2 ⅓ cups all- discussed with a physician tinue cooking.
purpose flour during adults’ annual check-
¼ teaspoon baking ups.
powder and salt; stir into the sugar Blood pressure check,
2 teaspoons baking soda mixture. Mix in the zucchini. Blood test to check choles-
1 teaspoon salt Spread the batter evenly into terol and triglyceride levels,
2 cups grated zucchini the prepared pan. Colorectal cancer exam start-
½ cup margarine Bake in preheated oven ing at age 50, Weight screen-
1 (3 ounce) package cream until a toothpick inserted into ing to check for gains or loss-
cheese, room temperature the center comes out clean, es, Prostate cancer screening
2 ½ cups confectioners’ 20 to 25 minutes. for men age 70 and older,
sugar, sifted To make the frosting, blend Breast exam and mammo-
Directions: together the margarine, cream gram for women, starting at
Preheat oven to 350 cheese and confectioners’ age 40, Pap smear and HPV
degrees F (175 degrees C). sugar until smooth. Spread tests at the recommended in-
Grease a 9x13 inch pan. over warm cake. Allow cake tervals advised by a doctor,
In a large bowl, mix to cool completely before Hearing test, Osteoporosis
together the eggs, oil, cutting into bars. test, Shingles and pneumo-
sugar and vanilla until well By AMISPKRIS, courtesy coccal vaccines, Eye exam
blended. Combine the flour, of and a Periodontal exam once
baking powder, baking soda per year.
Did you
Aging men and women
may be tempted to eschew
home cooking entirely. After
all, there are plenty of conve-
nient frozen or take-out foods
available that can be whipped
up in a snap. However, there
are certain benefits to cooking
your own meals. John Moore,
DO, an Aetna medical direc-
tor and senior health special-
ist, says that cooking can be
good for helping to stave off
Recover from surgery in Danbury Difference!
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Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021
LaGrange News
[email protected] State Route 301 Closure continues to follow up on nuisance properties in the Township.
Assistant Hall Coordinator Tom Seman presented Amy &
State Route 301, just south of SR 303, will close Monday, Tim Smith as potential new Recreation Board members. Tom
Lions Club Family Fun Movie Night August 2, for railroad crossing repairs. reported that ball field maintenance is not being performed &
The detour route for southbound motorists will be SR 301
to SR 303, east on SR 303 to SR 83, south on SR 83 to SR 18, teams are moving to other fields. The missing contract from
the Keystone Diamond Chicks was discussed. This is the Rec-
The LaGrange Lions Club is excited to participate in an out- west on SR 18 to SR 301, and reverse for northbound motorists. reation Board’s responsibility to pursue. A Penfield Day cele-
door Family Fun Movie Night on Saturday, August 14, from Estimated completion is Friday, August 6. bration is scheduled for September 25 at the Recreation Park.
6:30-10:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Lions Club Park, A Gaga ball pit is being discussed as a possible Eagle Scout
located at 240 Glendale St., in LaGrange. It is sponsored by the project Joe Pojman is pursuing. Trustee Flynn advised that with
Friends of EPLS Keystone Library with support of the Lions Penfield Twp. Trustees the heavy rain it may not have been possible for the teams to
Club and many local businesses. Enjoy food trucks and our fea- drag the fields. The coaches are responsible for field mainte-
tured movie, “Trolls,” which will be shown at sunset. The event nance. Flynn further advised that once signed contracts are re-
is free. Please bring a canned food item to donate to the Lions ceived by Keri Gordan, keys to the equipment garage should be
Club Food Pantry or a book to donate to the Friends of the The June 15 Budget Hearing was called to order at 7:30 p.m. given to coaches by Joe Pojman. Chairman Conrad discussed
EPLS Keystone Library for their annual book sale. Also, feel All officers were present and three guests attended the meeting. communication forwarded by Lisa Fox from Keystone Athletic
free to bring a lawn chair and/or a blanket from which to watch Fiscal Officer Denes presented the budget and a discussion was Director Jon Bailey. Conrad will request a meeting to discuss
the movie. No coolers please. For more information, contact held. The Budget Hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m. this letter & will invite Jon to attend the 7/20 trustee meeting.
Aaron at Bellwether Insurance at (216) 600-2828 ext. 350. The June 15 regular meeting of the Penfield Township Todd Clement of Keystone Hot Stove was given a 7/1 deadline
Trustees was called to order at 7:45 p.m. All officers were pres- to remove the blue netting from the Recreation Park.
Trustee Flynn reported that he is pursuing quotes for repair
National Night Out event ent and three guests attended the meeting. Vouchers #13487- of the Recreation Park front parking lot from MPW, Denes
#13501 were approved. The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and also approved. A motion passed to accept the Concrete & Mike Gunter. Tuckpointing of the stone Cemetery
LaGrange will hold their second annual National Night budget as presented. building was discussed. Trustee Flynn will meet Jake Linden at
Out on Tuesday, August 3, from 6-8 p.m., at the Fire Station Fiscal Officer Denes read the correspondence, which in- the Cemetery Thursday at 11:15 a.m. to begin work.
on the square in LaGrange. National Night Out is an annual cluded a thank you from SLCAD for levy support, information Trustee Johnson reported that the Mareeil Balough burial
community building campaign across the country that pro- on the OPERS Board election and an invoice for rental from was conducted. Johnson repaired the mailbox door. Johnson
motes police community partnerships and neighborhood cama- Vasu. Denes questioned the invoice from Vasu & Trustees re- reported that he and Trustee Flynn shopped for pickup trucks
raderie to make our community a safe, more caring place to quested that she contact Vasu for clarification of charges. Denes without much success. Eight dealerships were visited. The ’22
live. Attendees include LaGrange Fire & Rescue, LaGrange reported that there were 52 residents in attendance at the Com- prices will be released at the end of June. Johnson attended the
EMS, LaGrange Community Band, the Lorain County Sheriff munity Band Concert and 24 band members. Denes reported Recreation Board meeting. Johnson will place an order for the
Department and K9. National Night Out in LaGrange will be that the MOU for the Solid Waste grant has been received. One park signage requested by the board. Joe Pojman will oversee
hosted by LaGrange Police Department in collaboration with of the requirements of the grant is to have a recycling message installation of the donated playhouse at the roadside park. A
LaGrange Fire & Rescue, LaGrange Village Council and La- on the Township website. Trustee Johnson will handle this. motion passed to appoint Tim & Amy Smith to the Recreation
Grange Township Trustees. Denes asked that one of the Trustees respond to the LC Office Board. Pet waste station purchases by the Recreation Board
All are welcome to attend. of Emergency Management Director Jessica Fetter’s Hazard were discussed. Trustee Flynn advised purchase of a good qual-
Mitigation survey. Denes reported that Ali Corrigan & Jerry ity station. Future Recreation Board goals were discussed and
Murphy of the LCPH Department visited her office to intro- include recycled material picnic tables, moving fence in park-
One Stop Shopping In Quality! duce themselves. They will be assuming Cody Carroll’s duties ing lot to increase parking and updates to the concession stand,
in regards to household sewage treatment systems. Denes gave
as well as a GaGa ball pit.
HOURS: Closed Sun. & Mon.
Tue.-Wed. 1-5; Thur.-Sat. 10-5 Chairman Conrad their contact info to reschedule the 4/20/20 Chairman Conrad spoke with Mark McConnell regarding
Clearance Sale - Don’t miss out! meeting that was cancelled due to COVID. Denes discussed the Duling & Horvat water issues. Don Romancek, Lorry Bab-
the necessity of ordering material for the Eagle Scout project
bitt and 2 storm water employees walked the property, includ-
Mens & Womens gloves, socks, jackets, to replace the east porch and ramp on the Town Hall - a mo- ing the outlet on the Community Foundation property. Possi-
ble solutions were discussed, including USDA filter strips & a
tion passed to order same. Denes questioned the failed back-
Safety Yellow Rain Jackets, T-shirts, pants, vests. flow testing at the Recreation Park. Trustee Flynn will contact possible retention pond. Mini grants may be available for this
All Ladies Clothes discounted for clearance. plumber Terry Lyons to make repairs. project. Conrad reported that the full RLCWA board met for the
Zoning Inspector Brett Linden reported that 3 zoning per-
Work Boots 60 & up, free Boot Oil. mits have been issued so far in June. Linden will forward the first time since COVID. Berming of Short Rd., prior to chip &
Just Arrived: conditional use permit paperwork to Mr. Bakata regarding his seal, was completed by Bill Albrecht & Bob Storms. Resident
Tammy Smith requested the weeds be trimmed at the Short Rd.
New shipment of Mats & Runners request to operate a tire repair business. The BZA was given guardrail.
With no additional business to discuss, the meeting was ad-
Don’t forget the Resale Shop! New items weekly. the variance request form from resident Tim Fowler of Indian journed at 9:09 p.m.
Hollow Rd. requesting a flag lot variance on Foster Rd. Linden
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021 Page 11
August 2 - 8 , 2021
330-723-9633 Medina County Fair
Monday, August 2: Friday, August 6:
Opening Ceremonies 6:45pm Draft Horse & Pony Hitch 9:00am FREE
Motocross 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $9 Demo Derby 7:00pm Tickets: $9
Tuesday, August 3: Saturday, August 7:
Autocross 7:00pm Tickets: $9 OSTPA Tractor and Truck Pull 7:00pm
Tickets: $10
Wednesday, August 4:
Rough Truck 7:00pm Tickets: $9 Sunday, August 8:
2021 GATE ADMISSIONS Farm Tractor Pull 9:00am FREE
Single Ticket Thursday, August 5: KOI Drag Racing 5:00pm
Tickets: $6
$7.00 for ages 12 and over Bull Riding 7:00pm Tickets: $9 Fireworks 10:00pm FREE
$3.00 for ages 2 through 11 (under age 2 is Free)
$3.00 Senior Citizens - 65 years & older
Tips before buying new 7 things to consider buying a shed. A storage shed can be a significant invest-
ment. Once placed, sheds may remain in their dedicated
spots for years to come. That means careful thought should
tires when buying a shed go into the planning process.
1. Check your local building codes first. Before you accu-
Backyard sheds can be useful assets. Sheds can create mulate building materials or order a shed, be sure to know
Though vehicles can’t function without them, tires are storage space in the garage, basement or other areas of the the ins and outs of shed codes. The codes may impact the
something few drivers think about until something goes house that have become gathering spots for gear typically shed’s placement, construction, the materials used, size,
wrong. A roadside flat tire or a tire rotation recommendation used outdoors. Sheds are ideal for housing mowers, tools and numerous other factors. It’s much easier to amend plans
from a mechanic during a routine oil change appointment and even pool-care equipment. But they can be put to other beforehand than to face the hassle and expense after learn-
may be the only time many drivers give much thought to their uses as well, such as being key spots to engage in hobbies ing you did things incorrectly.
tires. That no doubt leads to some confusion about what to or even as a child’s clubhouse. 2. Choose placement wisely. Spend several days assess-
do when tires inevitably need to be replaced. Various factors should be considered before building or
The automotive resource Kelley Blue Book notes that CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
the life expectancy of most tires falls between 25,000 and
50,000 miles. That’s a big gap, and car owners can check
their vehicle manuals to see if their vehicle manufacturer
recommends a more specific replacement interval. It’s worth
noting that mileage is not the only barometer drivers should
use to determine if they need to buy new tires. The following
tips can help drivers determine if now is the time to outfit their
vehicle with new tires.
· Measure the tread. KBB notes that a tire assessment
should always include measuring the amount of remaining
tread. Drivers can do this on their own in various ways. One
method involves looking at the tread wear bars, which are
little bridges in the grooves between the ridges. If the bars
are even with the tread pattern, then the tire has very little
tread remaining and must be replaced. The penny or quarter
test is a popular way to determine if tires must be replaced.
Insert a penny or quarter into the center of the tread between
two ridges with Lincoln’s or Washington’s head facing you.
If you can see the very top of the head or the space above
the head, the tire must be replaced. If only a little bit of hair is
visible, then the tire is nearing its end. The tire has sufficient
remaining tread if the some of the forehead is concealed.
· Check for other signs of wear and tear. Little remaining
tread is not the only sign tires must be replaced. Tires with
cracked sidewalls, discoloration and/or bulging need to be
· Confirm a larger issue isn’t lurking. Uneven wear on tires
is typically a byproduct of a larger issue. Though tires that
have worn unevenly will need to be replaced, replacing them
without correcting the larger issue will only lead to more un-
even wear on the new tires. That’s a costly mistake. KBB
notes that poor wheel alignment or suspension issues are
typically to blame for uneven wear. This issue can be fixed
and should be addressed prior to purchasing a new set of
Tires sometimes exhibit telltale signs that they need to be
replaced. Before buying replacement tires, drivers can in-
spect their existing ones and ask their mechanic to confirm
that a larger issue isn’t affecting their performance. • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
Over 100
Zero Turns
IN STOCK! $ 3399
3055 Pearl Rd., Medina
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021
FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Tips for safer farming ment as outlined by NIOSH or the Mine Safety and Health
· Wear protective gear. Wear appropriate gear and equip-
Administration. Make sure the skin, feet, ears, eyes, and
ing the yard and thinking about the uses for the shed. If you Tractor accidents, grain entrapment and injuries from or-
plan to store pool floats and chemicals inside of the shed, it nery livestock are just some of the dangers agricultural work- hands are protected at all times.
should be located close enough to the pool to be convenient. ers face every day. In fact, the National Institute for Occupa- · Employ lock out/tag out control. This is a process where
Look at the lay of the land. If there is a soggy patch of land tional Safety and Health says agriculture is one of the most one can work on equipment only after every energy source
that can turn swampy under the shed’s foundation, that is a hazardous industries in the United States. has been controlled, such as hydraulic, pneumatic, mechan-
poor location choice. If you need access to electricity, placing In 2016, the agricultural industry had a rate of 21.4 deaths ical, and electrical, according to Rural Mutual Insurance
it far away from the house could necessitate running expen- per 100,000 workers, and each day agricultural workers ex- Company. Turning off equipment and using certain controls
sive wiring. perienced 100 non-fatal, lost-work-time injuries. or locks on devices can prevent equipment from restarting
3. Consider the design. Just because a shed is for storage Agricultural dangers are not limited to North America. In before it is safe to do so.
doesn’t mean aesthetics should be overlooked. Choose a Ireland, farm accidents have increased by 13 percent in the Farm safety should be a priority for owners, their families
shed style that complements your home. You may also want last five years and by 31 percent in the last decade, accord- and employees so that agricultural injuries can be reduced.
to match certain architectural features, like arched doorways ing to a national survey of farm accidents conducted by the
or dormers. Design also may relate to practicality. For in- Teagasc National Farm Survey. Furthermore, 97 percent of A guide to dairy
stance, storing a riding mower inside may necessitate dual all farm accident victims required medical treatment.
doors that open widely. Farms are dangerous places, and while carelessness can alternatives
4. Invest in quality materials. Spending a little more and and does contribute to many incidents, accidents also take
using quality materials can ensure it lasts long enough to be place during routine, seemingly safe activities. These farm
cost-effective. The right materials will be resistant to splitting, safety guidelines can help lower the risk of injuries. Food allergies affect millions of people around the world.
cracking, decay, and insect damage. · Know farm equipment. Read and follow all instructions in The group FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) says
5. Prepare the site well. A proper foundation for the shed is the equipment operation manuals. In addition, attend local researchers estimate 32 million Americans have food al-
almost as important as the shed itself. You cannot just drop farm safety workshops to learn more about specific equip- lergies. Among those allergies, milk is a leading source of
the shed on the lawn and leave it, as the shed can sink or ment and products. food-related irritation.
structural issues may arise if it is placed on a weak base. · Conduct routine safety checks. Look around buildings People with milk or dairy allergies experience symptoms
6. Blend into the environment. Surround the shed with and grounds for obvious hazards, such as fire hazards and because their immune systems react as though these foods
shrubs or plants so that it blends into the yard and comple- hazardous materials, including farm chemicals that are not and beverages are dangerous invaders, according to the
ments the space. stored correctly. American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Symp-
7. Deck out the interior. Use every storage tool at your dis- · Practice cleanliness. Maintain clean and neat work areas toms of dairy allergies can include upset stomach, vomiting,
posal to maximize floor, wall and even rafter space for stor- with tools stored properly and out of the way after use. bloody stools, hives, and general feelings of malaise. Dairy
age. Plan where items will be kept and customize the storage · Be mindful of your clothing and hair. Many accidents in- allergies also can cause anaphylaxis, a severe, life-threat-
options around those locations. volve a power take-off system, or PTO, which is a common ening reaction.
Sheds can be an asset and improve storage capability in component of large rotary mowers, tractors and forage chop- As delicious as dairy products can be, people with dairy
the backyard. pers. Clothing can easily get caught in an engaged but un- allergies have to avoid milk, cheese and yogurt, among other
guarded PTO stub. It’s easy for laces or coveralls to become foods. Fortunately for allergy sufferers, a variety of foods and
BULLSEYE FIREARMS wrapped around a spinning stub shaft. The PTO driveline beverages can be easily substituted for dairy products.
· Traditional milk: Non-dairy alternatives for milk abound.
and other protrusion points also can be dangerous if people
BUY - SELL - TRADE - LAYAWAY do not pay attention. Soy milk was one of the first alternatives to cow milk, and
New & Used Guns • Collectibles Guns · Use rollover protection structures. ROPS can be used now rice, almond, coconut, oat, and hemp seed milks also
•Shooting Supplies • Ammunition on tractors and other equipment to prevent injuries. In addi- are available.
· Yogurt: Dairy-based yogurts come in a variety of flavors.
• Hunting & Fishing License tion, wear seat belts and employ other safety equipment as So, too, do dairy alternatives. Many alternatives are made
• NFA CLASS 3 DEALER • Transfers advised. from the same ingredients as milk alternatives. So these yo-
· Avoid extra passengers. It can be tempting to take the
• Paintball Equipment & Supplies kids for a spin, but do not allow additional passengers to ride gurts may be soy- or coconut-based.
STOP IN TO SEE OUR on agricultural equipment. · Ice cream: Silky, creamy ice cream is a treat on a hot day.
Call for · Exercise caution when handling chemicals. Take extra For people with dairy allergies, soy- and coconut-based ice
Summer Hours SUMMER SALES! precautions when handling any chemicals, including pesti- creams can serve as an alternative to traditional ice cream.
788 MAIN ST, GRAFTON, OH 44044 • 440-926-4900 cides. · Cheese: Cheeses can be hard, grated, spreadable, and
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021 Page 13
soft. Substituting for cheese in a non-dairy diet can be chal- Bite into these facts about only eight buns per bag? buns are baked in clusters
lenging. Nutritional yeast can make foods more flavorful and When hot dogs were first of four in popular pans de-
can be sprinkled on like parmesan cheese. Sliced smoked introduced, they were sold signed to hold eight rolls.
tofu can mimic mozzarella or provolone on cracker platters. hot dogs at varying quantities at the Hot dogs are a summer-
Cubed tofu may have the texture of cottage cheese or ricot- butcher shop. Hot dogs time staple that have an
ta. Cheesy sauces often use a combination of ground nuts, Hot dogs are the yin to the · Hot dogs are a NA- were eventually standard- interesting and extensive
spices and nutritional yeast to create that tangy appeal. hamburger’s yang. Franks SA-approved food for astro- ized to packages of 10, but history.
· Butter: Many non-dairy butters are made from vegetable and burgers are a com- nauts.
oils or coconut. They often lend fat and flavor to dishes. Mar- mon pair at barbecues and · While hot dogs are sold
garines and other butter alternatives are readily available in ballparks, and rightfully so. at many venues, data indi- C & L Shoes
the dairy aisle. Handheld, portable meals, cates that the popular con- Tues-Fri 9-6
Many people must avoid dairy due to allergies or other they pack a convenient and venience store chain 7-Elev- Sat 9-3
health-related reasons. Fortunately, stores are stocked with flavorful punchy. en sells the most grilled hot 419-853-4084
many items that can easily replace dairy in recipes or as Few foods may seem as dogs in North America, with 10259 Spencer Rd. (ST RT 301)
stand-alone foods and beverages. American as hot dogs. How- 100 million sold annually.
ever, hot dogs are deriva- · Relish, sauerkraut and West Salem, OH
Tips for first-time RV tive of European sausages. even ketchup are popular hot
This fact and more can shed
dog toppings. But mustard is
drivers light on the humble hot dog, by far the most popular. Boots, Jackets,
which is sure to find its way
· Why are there typically
to a grill near you this sum- 10 hot dogs per pack and Overalls and More!
Whether it’s the welcoming weather or the chance to fol- mer.
low a favorite football team or, of course, the awe-inspiring · Mental Floss says it’s
foliage, fall compels many people to hit the open road. A car pretentious to consume a
or truck might suffice for a day trip or weekend getaway, but hot dog with utensils. Hot
those who want to travel more extensively often do so in an dog etiquette experts also
RV. insist adults should not top
Recreational vehicles, or RVs, provide a taste of home their hot dogs with ketch-
away from home for millions of people every year. RVs allow up, which they suggest is a
people to visit even the most remote locations without hav- topping strictly reserved for
ing to worry about finding food or lodging. As welcoming as children. ®
the interior of an RV can be, it’s also easy for first-time RV · Hot dogs are often as-
drivers to feel a little intimidated. RVs are the largest vehicles sociated with New York City. The Personal Plumber
many people will ever operate, and even long-time drivers However, hot dogs gained
will likely need some time to adjust. That adjustment period popularity across the coun-
can go smoothly if drivers take steps to grow more comfort- try in the 20th century. 440-324-4321
able behind the wheel before embarking on their trips. · Hot dogs are often called
· Recognize that practice makes perfect. A cross coun- frankfurters. This refers to
try RV trip is a dream vacation for many people, but drivers Frankfurt, Germany, where or 330-721-0680
must learn to crawl before they can walk. RVs are much big- pork sausages similar to hot
ger and heavier than cars and trucks, and practice runs can dogs are believed to have
help drivers grow acclimated to that size. Don’t begin a prac- originated.
tice run without first noting the class and height of the vehi- · Hot dogs were given
cle. The online camper resource Camper Report notes that their name by cartoonist Tad
Class C RVs average 10 feet in height, while Class A RVs Dorgan. He observed a ven- Licensed, Bonded, Insured Technicians Providing:
are typically between 13 and 14 feet tall. Measure the height dor selling “hot dachshund
of your RV prior to your first practice run so you can be sure sausage dogs” during a
you can make it beneath all overpasses on your route. baseball game at New York •Sewer/Drain Cleaning •Senior Discounts
· Take a companion along. Drivers behind the wheel of a City’s Polo Grounds. As leg-
car or truck may not give a second thought to driving in re- end has it, Dorgan couldn’t •Electronic Locating •Moen Faucets
verse or navigating their way around parking lots. But such spell the name of the dog, •TV/Camera Inspection •Water Lines
situations require some forethought, and even a little help, instead writing only “hot •High Pressure Jet /Gas Lines
when driving an RV for the first time. A traveling compan- dogs.” The name eventually
ion can direct drivers into and out of parking spots until they caught on. Cleaning •Zoeller Sump Pumps
grow more acclimated to operating an RV. · Despite several jokes •Excavating and Repair •In-Sink-Erator Disposals
· Utilize leveling blocks. RV leveling blocks help RVs stay as well as speculation re-
level when parked on sloped surfaces. The RV experts at garding what hot dogs con- •Bathroom/Kitchen •Ruud/Rheem Water note that RVs need to be level in order for tain, hot dogs are cured Remodeling Heaters
equipment to work properly. That’s problematic if you park at and cooked sausages that
a campsite with uneven ground. Even if equipment is func- contain mainly pork, beef,
tional when parked on marginally sloped surfaces, navigat- chicken, and turkey. The
ing your way through an RV parked on such ground is incon- meats come from the mus-
venient if not annoying. Leveling blocks also can keep jacks cle of the animals. If a prod-
from sinking into soft ground, making them an inexpensive uct contains organ meats, $20.00 OFF
yet useful accessory for any RV trip. it must be declared on the
· Practice dumping your tanks. Drivers whose RVs have packaging.
toilets will eventually need to dump their waste. Drivers · In 1867, Charles Felt-
should practice this in advance of their first trip so they are man made a cart with a
practiced when the time comes to do it on the road. Tutori- stove on it, which he used to Your Next Service Call!
als on YouTube can teach drivers how to dump their tanks. boil sausages. The cart also
Drivers also can invest in a highly rated, thick sewer hose to had compartments to keep
avoid being sprayed with waste while out on the road. buns fresh. Carts that sell
RV travel is a great way to experience the open road. hot dogs on the street are Not valid with any other offer. Expires 10-31-21
First-time RV drivers can try various strategies to get used to now seen in cities across
what it’s like to be behind the wheel of these unique vehicles. the country.
Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative members who sign up for
SmartHub have easy, free access to several features that make paying
and saving on their monthly electric bill a breeze, including:
• Online bill pay options
• Quick access to view and analyze energy use
• Opt in to receive outage alerts via text and email
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021
Grafton/Grf. Twp. News
[email protected] Grafton Tomorrow OLQP Family Fest
Library Friends news Comprehensive Plan update Grafton, is having their Family Fest on Saturday, August 14, for
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, located at 708 Erie St., in
The Friends of Grafton-Midview Public Library will hold The Village of Grafton, along with the Comprehensive Plan an evening of fun and entertainment. The evening will kick off
with an outdoor Mass under the Big Tent at 4:30 p.m. Car show
their next meeting in person at the library on Tuesday, August 3, Steering Committee, is working to prepare the vision for the registration begins at 6 p.m., with the show starting at 6:30 p.m.
future of the Village of Grafton. The Comprehensive Plan is
at 6:30 p.m. They will meet in the Library Community Room. a document and process that determines community goals and The festival includes the main raffle, basket raffle, food, Ha-
Everyone is welcome. The regular monthly meeting schedule guides public policy for transportation, land use, recreation, waiian shaved ice, bake sale, cake walk, gaming, kid’s games
will resume on the first Tuesday of every month at the library. housing and economic development. Several workshops are and instant Bingo pull tabs. Entertainment will be provided by
Friends Book Sale: August 16-19. Monday, August 16, the OLQP choir, an authentic German band – Gemütlichkeit -
from 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., is reserved for Friends members only. planned to encourage public participation in creating the Com- Cleveländer Musikanten and DJ Elaina. The evening will con-
prehensive Plan.
You don’t want to miss this one! Open to the public Monday, Downtown Development on August 12, from 6-8 p.m. at clude with a fireworks spectacular at 10 p.m. For more details,
from 3-8, and Tuesday through Thursday during regular library Village Hall. During this workshop, we will discuss design, visit our website,
hours. Hold on to your donations, our storage area if full at this organization, economic development and promotion of the
time so we cannot accept donations until after the sale. If you downtown and take a walking tour of the area. Grafton-Midview Library
are interested in volunteering, please contact Pam at the library Parks and Recreation on September 9, from 6-8 p.m. at
- help is needed setting up on Saturday, August 14, and tear North Park. Future Plans for the Village’s four parks will be The Grafton-Midview Public Library is located at 983 Main
down, as well as working the sale. discussed, which will include design, facilities and uses of the Street, in Grafton. Please contact the library if you have any
Friends Food Pantry - The Friends Little Food Pantry has questions regarding any of these great programs at (440) 926-
been very successful - thank you to everyone who has donated parks and possible future green space areas. 3317 or visit our website at Follow us on
Please plan to attend these important workshops and take a
items to keep it well stocked. Donations can be left at the Vil- few minutes to complete the survey and be part of the efforts to social media for news and program updates!
lage Offices across the street. build the “Grafton of Tomorrow.” The Nutty Professor Digital Escape Room - Throughout
The Friends are pleased to announce the opening of their the month of August. The Nutty Professor has created an elixir
Please watch the Village website for further information on
Friends Personal Pantry. The Personal Panty Cupboard is lo- these events. that wipes out the memory of anyone consuming the potion.
cated at the side door of the library (parking lot side). It in- He has planned to mass-produce the elixir and put it in our wa-
cludes all kinds of personal products, including soap, shampoo, Horse Rescue fund-raiser ter system. This absent-minded professor has left clues to help
deodorant, feminine hygiene products, diapers, toothbrushes, himself remember the locks to his formula. You have 30-min-
toothpaste and paper products, to name a few. Like the Food Please join the Angels Haven Horse Rescue team for their utes to use his clues to save our memories! Test your sleuthing
Pantry, products are free to anyone in need and donations can annual Steak (chicken too) and Bake-Off on Sunday, August skills in this digital escape room. We recommend The Nutty
also be left at the Village Hall. Take what you need... give what 22. The event takes place at the North Park Community Room, Professor Escape Room for middle and high school ages; how-
you can!
located at 1050 Novak Road, in Grafton. The hours are from ever, anyone is welcome to participate. Visit our teen web page
1-6 p.m., and you can come by any time. to unlock the clues.
Inspired Readers - Wednesday, August 11, at 12 p.m. Join
The steak or chicken is grilled to order and includes a baked
Minnillo & Marshall potato, salad, rolls, dessert and pop/water. Children’s hot dog facilitator Peggy Wyar at the library for a lively discussion of
General Dentists meals are also available. There is a to-go option, too. Raffle a different inspiring book each month. Feel free to bring your
lunch. The title for August’s meeting is The Wedding, by Nich-
baskets and a 50/50 drawing will be on held.
420 N. Main St., Grafton egories are: cakes/cupcakes, pies, cookies/bars, breads and pre- olas Sparks. Bring your lunch (optional) and come ready to dis-
Enter the bake off! Judging begins at 2:30 p.m. Bakery cat-
cuss the story of Wilson Lewis, who is on a mission to find his
Emergencies sentation. way back into the heart of his wife of thirty years after he finds
they have grown apart. Copies of the title will be available in
Age groups are adults and family (includes children). Entry
Welcomed! fee is $5 per age group (you may cross enter into any of the five the library in advance of the meeting, while supplies last.
Who Tells Your Story: Monthly Book Club - Thursday, Au-
bakery categories for the $5 donation). A panel of independent
gust 12, at 6:30 p.m. This is an all ages book discussion group
judges will be on hand to choose the winners. The bakery will
Same-day Denture then be auctioned off. You do not need to partake in the dinner in which we will primarily explore titles from Own Voices au-
Repairs Available to enter the bake off. thors, or authors who are from a marginalized/underrepresented
To order tickets, send checks to AHHR, 13297 Durkee group writing about their own experiences and/or writing from
“We Cater to Cowards” Road, Grafton OH 44044. For more information, call or text their own perspective. Our guest speaker is the debut author of
Starfish, Lisa Fipps! The story follows Ellie, who has been bul-
(440) 781-5060. All ticket donations help pay for the horses
SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE feed, supplements, veterinary and farrier care and stall bedding. lied about her weight since she was five years old. Since then,
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021 Page 15
We’re Your Locally Owned
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18 to 20 oz.
Selected Varieties
Smucker's Jelly,
Jam, Preserves
or Spreads
2/ $ 4
15.5 to 16 oz. 5.5 to 7.25 oz.
USDA Inspected Fresh Selected Varieties 30.65 oz. Selected Varieties
Boneless $ 99 Jif 2/$ Maxwell House $ 99 Kraft 5/$
Wake Up Roast
Skinless Peanut 4 Ground Coffee 4 Macaroni & 5
Chicken Breasts 1 lb. Butter Cheese Dinners
fresh dairy & Frozen Foods
16 count, 12 oz.
Selected Varieties
Kraft 2/$
American 5
5 to 8 oz. 6.5 to 10 oz.
38 oz. 6-pack, half liter btls. Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Gallon
Heinz Deer Park Lay's Cheetos Cheese Smith's Whole Gallon
White or
Tomato 100% Natural Potato Flavored Snacks or Chocolate Milk Skim, 1% or $ 79
Ketchup Spring Water Chips Frito Corn Chips $ 2 99 2% Milk
2/$ 5 2/$ 4 2/$ 5 2/$ 6 Pint 48 oz.
Selected Varieties
Premium Selected Varieties 2/$
Ice Cream
Fresh from our butcher shop Fresh Deli & Bakery Selections 2/ $ 4 Premium 6
Ice Cream
USDA Choice Certified Angus Beef Rib
Boneless Sliced fresh in our deli! 10.75 to 12.3 oz.
Original or Honey
Ribeye Kretschmar Selected Varieties 2/$ 4
12 Turkey
$ 99 Off the Bone Eggo
$ 99 garden fresh produce
USDA Inspected Pork Loin
Boneless lb.
Center Cut Cool, refreshing! Red ripe!
Fresh Whole
Pork Chops Sweet Seedless
$ 49 Deviled Egg Watermelons
Great side dish!
$ 99
USDA Choice Certified Angus Potato
Beef Round
Boneless $ 49 California grown!
Top Round 3 Fresh Sweet
Green or Red
London Broil lb. Seedless Grapes
$ 99 $ 99
12 oz. lb.
12 to 16 oz. King’s Hawaiian
Selected Varieties
Smithfield Sweet Southern grown! Sweet & juicy!
Fresh Large
Sliced Rolls
14 to 15 oz. Yellow
Selected Varieties Bacon
Ball Park Peaches
Franks $ 99 $ 49 ¢
2/$ 6 99lb.
savings around every corner!
8 count
Selected Varieties
10 to 13.7 oz. Kellogg’s 8.5 to 14.8 oz.
Selected Varieties Selected Varieties
Kellogg’s Pop•Tarts Keebler
Creals Toaster Pastries Cookies
2/$ 5 2/$ 5 2/$ 4
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021
she has established her own personal “Fat Girls Rules.” Her Midview High School Class of 1967 is having their class
safe space? Her swimming pool where she can stretch herself reunion at Matus Winery in Wakeman on September 11, from
out like a starfish and take up all the room she wants. With the 5:30-10 p.m. There will be a food truck available for food
support of her dad, therapist and best friend Catalina, maybe purchases. We are looking for classmates. If you graduated in
Ellie can finally set aside her Fat Girl Rules and starfish in real 1967, please contact Georgia (Gill) Belcher by email at geor-
life - by unapologetically being her own fabulous self. A novel [email protected]. Please leave address, phone num-
in verse. ber, maiden name and e-mail.
Starlight Movie Theater - Friday, August 13, at 6 p.m. Join
us at the Old Grafton School for a family-friendly community Attn: Midview Classes of 1980/81
event. Starting at 6 p.m., Barrio food truck will begin serving
tacos. Most tacos run 3 for $10, so swing by and snag some Mark your calendars for our combined reunion! It will be
delicious Barrio tacos. While you wait for dinner enjoy some on Saturday, September 4, from 6-11 p.m. at Greyhawk Golf
tunes from the 4-H band. Starting at 7 p.m., participate in a Course, located at US Grant St., in LaGrange. Cost is $45 per
fun crafting project, listen to a paranormal lecture or tour the person and includes a steak and chicken dinner, non-alcoholic
school. Once the sun goes down, enjoy a nostalgic film. We will beverages, music, raffles, a 50/50, door prizes, a class picture
provide snacks and bug spray. Please bring your own chairs and and a great time! There will be a cash bar. RSVP to Paty Jewett
blankets. (Showalter) at (440) 759-6262. Hope to see you there!
Free Comic Book Day for Teens - Monday, August 16, at
12 p.m. The Teen Zone is giving away free comics to teens ages
12-18 or in grades 7-12 on the Monday after Free Comic Book
Day. All comics are appropriate for teens.
Nature Hike with the Metro Parks - Friday, August 27, at
10 a.m. Are you curious about the history and nature of Graf-
ton’s historic sandstone quarries? Join us for a naturalist led
Nature of the Quarries hike. Please keep in mind that the Wind-
fall Quarry Trail is on uneven ground. Always meet at the Indi-
an Hollow Reservation on Parsons Road.
Degree recipients Summer Sizzling Sale
Rochester Institute of Technology conferred more than
4,000 degrees at all of its campuses in the 2020-2021 academic
year. Local students earning degrees included: Leia Peffer of
Grafton received a BS in biomedical engineering; Sara Cal-
houn of Grafton received a BFA in film and animation; and
Claire Hannon of Columbia Station received a BFA in medical
illustration. Congratulations!
College graduate
The UW Oshkosh 147th spring commencement recognized
the accomplishments of students from all three of its campus-
es. Nearly 1,500 students earned bachelor’s, master’s, associ-
ate and doctoral degrees, and joined the ranks of more than
100,000 UWO alumni. One of them included Jessica Nowo-
slawski, College of Nursing nursing student from Grafton.
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post ON GROUND POOL PACKAGES ON SALE NOW
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
drivers. To become a driver, contact EMILY @ 353-0829. Hurry to reserve your prime installation spot!
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
8/3 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being Full Service Department for
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit
and juice for participants. ALL In Ground and
8/5 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior
Dinner to be held 8/12/2021 at Above Ground Pools
5:30pm. Two names per phone call only.
8/10 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and
juice for participants.
8/12 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for those that signed up.
No extra charge for
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341. delivery and setup.
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special Cash discounts
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information. now available.
Eaton • Grafton • LaGrange • Wellington
Broadband, Inc.
993 Commerce Dr. • Grafton • 440-926-3230
Digital Cable • High Speed Internet • Phone Service
System Upgrades
Now Complete
in Most Areas...
Call for Details!
Play Sets
Speeds of 100MG, 200MG, 500MG and more available! Above Ground Pools
1.Advanced phone systems with features for small to large
businesses with 2 - 500 phones, including voicemail and all In Ground Pools
the features needed to run a business.
2.Disaster recovery & back up service with all files backed up 27099 Royalton Rd., Columbia Station • 440-236-4160
offsite to our data center. On Ground Pools
3.Web hosting along with email
4.Direct fiber to the business up to 10gig x 10gig.
5.Support staff & network all based on Cisco Networking Storage Sheds HOURS: Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri 10-7 Saturday 10-6, Sunday 11-4 Closed Wed.
Equipment—the best!
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021 Page 17
Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021
Eaton News
[email protected] geville, as well as South Central Park. The Parks and Recre- August 13, from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., American Red Cross Lo-
ation Department regularly maintains both trails. Enjoy a safe, rain County, 2929 West River Road North.
Compost Center fun and beautiful outdoor environment for all ages to engage in Lorain:
physical activity with other members of the community.
August 4, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Mercy Health, Lorain Hospi-
The Eaton Township Compost Center, located behind the The North Ridgeville Heart and Sole Collaborative makes tal, 3700 Kolbe Rd.
service building, is open to all Eaton Township Residents every it easier for you to stay active and healthy within the commu- To donate blood, individuals need to bring a blood donor
Saturday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. nity. Heart and Sole focuses on improving chronic disease in card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification
the City of North Ridgeville by encouraging active living and
that are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of
Walk into health this summer healthy eating. age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by
The North Ridgeville Heart and Sole Collaborative is fund-
state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good
Every Thursday through August 26, the North Ridgeville ed through the United Way of Greater Lorain County, and led health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students
Heart and Sole Collaborative hosts Healthy Strides at South by Lorain County Public Health. and other donors 18 years of age and younger also must meet
To learn more about North Ridgeville Heart and Sole, fol-
Central Park, 7565 Avon Belden Road, in North Ridgeville. low us on Facebook. For more information on how we make certain height and weight requirements.
Join them under Pavilion #1 from 6-7 p.m. and take strides your health & safety our priorities, contact Lorain County Pub-
toward a healthier lifestyle. Participants will receive Produce lic Health at (440) 322-6367 or visit
Bucks for every walk they attend! Cash in Bucks for locally Follow your local health department on Twitter @LorainCo-
grown fruits and vegetables at Gerhart’s Garden, 33840 Lo- Health, Facebook or YouTube. ATTENTION!
rain Road in North Ridgeville, and Willie’s Farm Market, 8605
Root Road in North Ridgeville. Red Cross Blood Drives Eaton, Grafton & Wellington Residents
Step up your physical activity and visit the fitness trails
at Shady Drive Complex, 37077 Shady Drive, in North Rid- The American Red Cross has an emergency need for life- G.L.W.
saving blood amid the ongoing severe blood shortage. Blood
NORTH EATON and platelet donations continue to be critical to meet hospital Broadband, Inc.
DAIRY QUEEN demand and the public is urged to make an appointment to give
35040 E. Royalton Rd. Strongsville: 993 Commerce Dr. • Grafton • 440-926-3230
North Eaton August 3, from 2-7 p.m., St John Neumann, 16271 Pearl Rd.
440-748-2128 August 10, from 1-6 p.m., Cleveland Clinic Strongsville Digital Cable • High Speed Internet
Family Health & Surgery Center, 16761 Southpark Center.
Olmsted Falls: Ask about our Phone Service!
August 9, from 2-7 p.m., St. Mary of the Falls Church,
25615 Bagley Rd. System Upgrades
Olmsted Township: Now Complete
August 13, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Olmsted Township, 7900 in Most Areas...
Fitch Road.
Avon: Call for Details!
August 5, from 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Avon Isle Park, 37080 De-
troit Road.
August 10, from 8 a.m.- 6 p.m., Richard E. Jacobs Health
Campus, 33100 Cleveland Clinic Blvd.
August 12, from 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Mitchell’s One Hour Heat-
ing and Air Conditioning, 1750 Moore Road.
Avon Lake:
August 2, from 1-7 p.m., Avon Lake Public Library, 32649
Electric Blvd. 200Mbps & More NOW AVAILABLE!
August 13, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Cleveland Clinic Elyria Call for details & Sign up!
Family Health Center, 303 Chestnut Commons, Family Health
& Surgery Center. Specials available in specfic areas.
For Recycling Services
for all Lorain County Residents
Residents of Lorain County may drop off any FOR SOLID WASTE REMOVAL SERVICES FOR
qualifying material - household hazardous waste, RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN EATON TOWNSHIP,
e-scrap, fluorescent lamps & ballasts, CONTACT RUMPKE AT 1-800-828-8171
scrap tires, books, paper products & recyclables. or
Business, Non-Profits, Government Units and other Please place your carts at the curb the night before
Organizations are specifically prohibited by the Ohio your scheduled collection day to ensure service.
EPA from dropping off any hazardous waste material;
similar restrictions apply to scrap tires. Recycle This
Combine recyclables unbagged in your recycling
You will be required to identify yourself with container. No need to separate.
a valid Drivers License or other Contact Rumpke for information.
acceptable form of photo ID.
Hours of Operation:
Monday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. • Wednesday 12-6 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Located at: 540 South Abbe Road, Elyria
NOT for Recycling
Special one day events for paper shredding and other No plastic bags, cassette tapes, bed sheets, hangers, metal chains, garden
collections are scheduled throughout the year. hoses, batteries, needles, syringes, electronics, polystyrene foam, buckets,
For further information, call or visit our website. car parts, food, yard waste, light bulbs, drinking glasses, ceramics, pots,
pans, and scrap metal.
Call for residential tire collection information.
LCSWMD Information Line:
Lorain County Government Website:
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021 Page 19
CBD Products Sold Here
See store for more information
34981 ROYALTON ROAD, NORTH EATON Please call 440-748-3751 For Advanced Special Orders
Credit Cards
Beer or Wine Samplings! PRICES EFFECTIVE - AUGUST 2021
See store for details. MON TUES WEDS THUR FRI SAT SUN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Senior Citizen's Day Seniors 62 Years of Age and Older
Every Wednesday! Enjoy a 5% Discount
(Excludes Alcohol, Tobacco, and Lotto)
Beef Cube Steaks Western Style
or Stew Meat Pork Ribs or
Per lb. Pork Steak
Per lb.
$ 5 49 $ 2 49
USDA Choice $ 99 $ 99 Frozen $ 69
Bottom Round 4 Shoulder Butt Roast 1 Pride Of The Farm 1
Bone-In Pork
Rump Roast lb. lb. Turkey Breast lb.
Eckrich Turkey Breast
Franks Per lb.
12 oz. $ 5 99
2/$ 3 After $1.00 Off In-Store
Must Buy A Pound
13-14 oz.
Eckrich 2/$ 16 oz. $ 99 WOW! $ 99
Smoked Sausage Sugardale 5 Eckrich Off 4
or Links 7 Bacon The Bone Ham lb.
8 Pack
Yoder’s $ 99 $ 99 Bakery Fresh 2/$
Mustard Potato 1 8X8 Pan 3 Hamburger or 5
Salad lb. Iced Brownies Hot Dog Buns
Red or Green California IGA
Seedless Grapes Jumbo Plums Paper Plates
per lb.
per lb.
100 Ct.
$ 69 $ 99 $ 3 99
$ 69
$ 99
Whole Watermelon 3 ea. Green Beans $ 49 Squeeze Ketchup 1
38 oz.
Liquid Laundry Original Creamer
Detergent 32 oz.
46 oz. 99
$ 6 99 $ 3
22.1-31.5 oz.
7.25 oz. 4/$ DiGiorno $ 99 24 oz. $ 99
Kraft 5 Self Rising or Thin Crust 5 Daisy 2
Macaroni & Cheese Pizza Sour Cream
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021
Carlisle News
[email protected]
Pop Up Library uses ebook lending technology from Baker Princess Peach & Chino
Carlisle Twp. Community news & Taylor, a leading services and content provider for public seek loving homes
To access an ebook using Pop Up Library, visit one of the
The Road Department has two major road projects coming two pilot locations and join the free Pop Up Library hotspot at
up this summer. Penny Lane is scheduled for resurfacing and that location to check out your first book. That’s it. No need
Parsons Road (east of Hale Road) will have culvert work be- for a library card and there is no app to download; just view an
ginning soon. Residents should seek alternative travel routes ebook within your browser.
for those roadways while the projects have work in progress. If you have to leave the Pop Up Library location, you do
Contact Road Superintendent Paul Sniezek at (440) 458-6688 not need to bookmark your spot, your ebook will be saved and
for additional information. available to read offline for the duration of your checkout pe-
Are you interested in helping the township? We have a need riod.
for help with the zoning boards. If you are interested, please Pop Up Library is free to use and ebooks are returned auto-
contact Administrative Assistant Bill Oliver at (440) 458-5667. matically at the end of your checkout period, so there are never
Submitted by: Jared Smith/Trustee any late fees.
Libraries across the country have implemented Pop Up Li-
LPLS expands reach brary with great success, including Atlanta-Fulton County, Bro-
Princess Peach (left) is a female Pit mix who weighs 50 lbs.
with Pop Up Library ward County Florida and Evanston Public Libraries. For more Princess Peach came into the kennel as a stray from the Dayton
information, call or visit the Main Library or Avon Branch of
the Lorain Public Library System. Avenue area of Lorain. She has done well with meeting other
Lorain Public Library System is thrilled to announce two dogs and with small kids who have visited the kennel. She has
pilot locations for Pop Up Library - a new, barrier-free way to LPLS events a very laid back personality. She is not spayed, but will be upon
access library materials. adoption.
Pop Up Library is a small network device with one dedi- Chino (right) is 3-4 year old male Pit mix weighing 50 lbs.
cated purpose: to instantly deliver ebooks to readers beyond a Storytime in the Park - To join any of our Face- He is not yet neutered. Chino was found as a stray in Elyria.
library’s traditional reach. Pop Up Library creates a space for Tuesday, August 3, at 10 a.m. book programs, visit us at He has a beautiful black and white coat and a happy face. He’s
ereaders anywhere – from a hospital bed to a transit station – Join us in the park next to the friendly and playful. Due to his size and energy, he would do
even if you don’t have a library card. Columbia Branch. Preregis- LorainPublicLibrarySystem. best in a home that does not have small children. He’d love an
“Working with our community partners, we have identified tration required. Patrons can register for active home with older kids while he learns to fit in.
Lakeview Park in Lorain, where our Little Library on the Lake Solar Powered Crafts - programs offered on Zoom at Princess Peach and Chino are currently in Kennel #6 and
is located, and the Avon Pool for the first Pop Up Library lo- Wednesday, August 4, from https://www.lorainpublicli- will be available when doors open at 10 a.m. at the Lorain
cations,” said Chery Paganelli, LPLS Technical Services De- noon-1 p.m. Little Library on Registrants County Dog Kennel. They are located at 301 Hadaway Street,
partment Director. “These will be Pop Up Library locations the Lake. Create your own are asked to include their next to Rural King in Elyria. For kennel hours, Google Lorain
through the end of their respective 2021 seasons and then we UV bead bracelet and watch email addresses so that Zoom County Dog Kennel or call them at (440) 326-5995.
will identify two new locations within Lorain County” as the sun’s rays bring color invitations can be sent for the For hours and to check out more adoptable dogs, Google
to the beads. Then use Nature event. Lorain County Dog Kennel.
Print paper to capture shad-
ows and make a unique art
Back to School Dental Day! piece. It’s practically magic! THE DISTINCTIVE
While supplies last. In the
event of inclement weather, CLUSTER HOMES OF
August 18th this event will be canceled.
Get a free science kit from
Join us for a “Kids Only Day” for COSI at this program! One FOX RUN
cleanings with give-a-ways, kit per family while supplies
raffles and contests! Outback Ray’s Amazing
Call to schedule your appointment! Outdoor Animal Show - of Grafton
Wednesday, August 11, from
6:30-7:30 p.m. Every Child’s
440.406.8181 Playground in Avon. Join us
10247 Dewhurst Rd., Elyria for an outdoor visit with Out- Secure Your Lot SOON! back Ray and his amazing
exotic animals. Be ready for
an interactive, educational
and exciting time! Perfect for
families with children of all
ages. Please bring a blanket
to sit on. In case of inclement
weather, this program will be
canceled. Preregistration re-
Sunset Beach Fest at
Lakeview Park - Saturday,
August 14, from 5-8:30 p.m.
Little Library on the Lake will
Specializing in: be open for this special event
Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical, hosted by the Lorain County
Metroparks. Lakeview Park
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances is located at 1800 W. Erie
Grafton Wellington Avenue, in Lorain. For more
information and to register
35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St for free paddling experiences,
440-926-3312 440-647-6010 visit loraincountymetroparks.
com/whats-happening or call
(440) 219-7873.
Friends of the Columbia Branch General Member-
ship Meeting - Tuesday, Au-
gust 17, at 5 p.m. Columbia
Branch. General meeting of
the Friends of the Columbia
Branch Library.
Lorain County Beekeep-
ers Association’s Presenta-
tion in the Park - Tuesday,
August 17, at 6 p.m. Join us
in the park next to the Colum-
bia Branch. Preregistration
Reading to the Rescues
Please - Tuesdays through the end
remember of August, at 2 & 2:30 p.m. •Sold
to recycle LPLS Columbia Branch has
partnered with The Berea An-
this imal Rescue Friends (ARF) FOX RUN IS LOCATED OFF RT. 57
for an in-person program
Summer! wherein children can volun-
teer to sit and read to the cats!
Children must register at the
shelter in advance and be ac-
companied by an adult. The Building Co.
shelter is located at 10015 E.
River Road, in Columbia Sta-
Keep in touch with your community tion. For more information, Call T.J. at 440-926-3950
Visit: visit
Paid for by The Lorain County Commissioners or call (440) 234-2034. for more information
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021 Page 21
Lorain County’s Premier Paint- DAN’S UPHOLSTERY
Issue Deadline 12pm ers. Aluminum & cedar siding over 30 yrs. experience
refinishing, repaints, barns,
Full Upholstery
fences, decks & power wash- Cushion Refills Shopping Center Maintenance Co.
Aug 16, 2021 Aug 11, 2021 ing. We install vinyl siding. Pro Furniture Repair
interior painting, wallpaper Call for free quote Driveway Seal Coating FREE
Aug 30, 2021 Aug 25, 2021 removal, cabinet refinishing on re-upholstery Crack Filling & Patching Estimates
and textured ceilings. Carpen-
Sept 13, 2021 Sept 8, 2021 try services available. Terry,
440-444-5075 www.valuetime- WANTED 440-322-2628
Sept 27, 2021 Sept 22, 2021 Dedicated tradesman operat-
PETS ing a small, local construction, Save 10%
home improvement service on Seal Coating
All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster for 30+ years is looking to
APPLIANCES HALLS FOR RENT Rd., Litchfield, 330-648-9509. provide caretaking upkeep With Coupon, Exp. 9/30/21
Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced and restoration of a small
Good clean used appliances. PENFIELD TWP. HALL exercise yards, custom care. farm, or for an owner with One coupon per residential driveway.
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. RENTAL $20 per day. multiple properties, to provide Present coupon at time of estimate
Twp. Meeting hall, Lion’s mane rabbits: brothers, maintenance work + rent-> in
AUTOS WANTED Cap. 42-60 will not separate. FREE to a exchange for modest, natural
Community room, good home! Just pay for the and rural country-like living Free
Mike’s Hooker Service. We Cap. 150-300 hutch ($70). Pick-up only. Dark space. Honest, caring, consci-
entious, easy going, friendly,
pay top dollar for all unwant- Available for all occasions. gray and fluffy. Perfect for 4H quality craftsmanship with Hart Estimates
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free 41012 St. Rt. 18, Wellington kids (12+yrs.). 216-804-4487 pride. Fond of Lorain County &
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, Call 440-574-3362 for its history. Please contact me
216-534-6514. availability & rates. RUMMAGE SALE if we can meet, discuss and Blacktop •Driveways
or project, will aim to please!
CLEANING HELP WANTED Community United Methodist collaborate! Whether a place •
• Parking Lots
Jeffrey Porter, 216-861-2238
Elyria, back entrance. Mon-
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s Cooks, Bar Tenders, Servers at Church, 680 North Abbe Rd.,
Razzles, Olmsted Twp. Apply
needs are different. We spe- in person or call 440-251-0666 day-Wednesday, August 2, 3 WANTED TO BUY
cialize in catering to what your or 216-299-3552. & 4, from 9am-4pm; Thursday,
needs are. Call Marcie today August 5, from 9am-2pm. 80
800-619-7808 (24 hours)0-6
for your free assessment ap- Foreman Tons of household items, Estate Gold &
pointment at 440-213-7527. Equipment Operators quality furniture, tools, bikes, Silver Exchange Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours)
Over 13 years experience. Laborers too much to mention! Due to
440-236-9625 Covid, we couldn’t have our INSTANT CASH
FOR RENT PALMER’S LAWN CARE last 4 sales, so this is a huge Buying Gold Jewelry, Diamonds,
sale and our last one! More
MAINTENANCE PERSON items brought out as space Old Coins, Pocket Watches, BUILDERS
Elyria: Newly remodeled 2 & NEEDED provides. Anything Old
3 bedroom townhomes with Landscaping, shop Call for service hours &
new carpet, ceramic tile and clean-up, various projects for private appointments
hard wood floors. Appliances buildings. SALES & SERVICES Downtown Elyria
included. $100 security de- Full / part-time 230 2 St. • 440-323-4258 R&K Builders
posit; restrictions apply. Call Grafton, 440-926-6533 SMALL DUMPSTERS
216-221-1333 . MECHANIC for roofing, remodeling, etc. 440-506-0334 (Built by Amish)
Experienced Mechanic need- Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
Truck work available
GARAGE SALES ed. Semi-truck / trailer. CALL JASON’S SERVICES CHECK OUT Quality Buildings at
Full / part-time. Will train 440-926-3446 OUR WEBSITE! Affordable Prices
Annual Spencer Village Yard STRONG mechanically in-
Sales. St. Rt. 301 & St. Rt. 162. clined individual. Horse Barns • Garages
Friday & Saturday, Aug. 13 & Grafton, 440-926-6533 APPLIANCE, SALES & SERVICE
14, 7:30am-5pm. Spaces avail- & Riding Arenas
able at J.B. Firestone Park. HOME IMPROVEMENT
For more information, call Commercial &
330-648-2153 or 330-648-2907. Floor repair and install. Car- Residential
Yard Sale: 51274 St. Rt. 18, pet, wood, laminate, vinyl,
Wellington. Aug. 6-8, 9am- ceramic. Call Joe Parr,Sr. 440- 330-473-9927
5pm. Lots of clothes & misc. 647-4374, cell 440-935-4778
11087 Middle Ave., Elyria ingly cares for your vegeta-
Capacity: Hall-250, ble or flower beds. Custom-
Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 ized to your personal needs. BILL Since 1950 J.A. Kilby Electrical
Available for all occasions Reasonably priced.
Call for pricing 440-315-8215 Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
and availability BAKER'S
New Work-Replacement-Repairs
440-458-8544 JACK’S STUMP REMOVAL •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
COLUMBIA V.F.W. HALL Free Estimates •Commercial Buildings •Back up Generator Install
SOCIAL DISTANCE 440-281-6970
HALL RENTAL 440-506-8647 WE SERVICE & REPAIR •HVAC Service- New Installs & Repairs
Graduations-Weddings 216-410-7106 •Security & Camera Systems •Parking Lot Lighting
Monday to Friday Summer is here! Mulching, -Service All Brands- 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
Special Rates trimming, weeding, bush re- State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response
For more information, moval. Call Rick, 440-458- LCD • Plasma • Big Screen
call 440-236-8111 8793. Washers • Dryers
after 1pm, M-F TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- Refrigerators EXCAVATING
FULL park with restrooms, 3 vice. Complete tree removal, Microwaves
pavilions, air conditioned hall, trimming, root feeding and See Our Selection of Ranges • Ovens
for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange cleaning. Fully insured. FREE Reconditioned Appliances Appliance Parts
Lions Club. 440-355-5634. ESTIMATES. Firewood for FOR SALE! IN HOME SERVICE ON
sale. 440-236-3061.
Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- APPLIANCES ONLY W.A. SEN
11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. SHOP LOCAL 15 East Ave., Elyria 322-2325
440-926-3341 Construction LLC
Bud & Diane Casey, Owners
330-648-7013 Wendy Sen/Owner
3654 Avon Lake Rd
Clerical Position H. Archer & Sons, Inc. BONDED AND INSURED NO JOB TOO SMALL
Litchfield, Ohio
The Lorain County Sheriff’s Office is accepting Commercial & Residential Hauling J. A. KILBY ENT.
applications for the position of Clerical Specialist 3 Limestone • Driveway Stone • Sand
Limestone • Driveway Stone
within their Records Department. The position entails •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
Sand • Gravel • Aglime
routine Law Enforcement office work for the collection Gravel • Aglime • Excavating Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
and retention of generated records, lobby duties and •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
various mandated registrations, i.e. Carry Conceal Phone: 330-722-8444 •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation
Weapon permits. Fax: 330-722-4531 440-327-3433
This is a full time position that requires, afternoon,
weekend and holiday work schedules. Benefits include Toll Free: 1-888-560-3533 Chris Berkesch Excavating
healthcare, paid vacation, personal days, paid sick time,
and uniform allowance to note a sampling. J. A. KILBY ENT. •Underground Utilitites
Successful applicants must be able to pass a stringent
background investigation that includes but, is not limited Concrete • Masonry •Install Stone Driveways
to: medical exam, psychological exam, drug testing and Stamped Concrete •Drainage Issues
truth verification exam. Minimum requirements, 21 years
of age and a high school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent. 440-327-3433 •Septic System Repairs/Installs
Interested parties are to send their resumes to •Sanitary Sewers & Water Lines
Andy Laubenthal at the Lorain County Sheriff’s NOVAK CONCRETE, INC RAM-CON LLC •Waterproofing
Office. Resumes can be emailed to alaubenthal@ Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, Concrete & Excavating, physically mailed to 9896 Garage Floors, Stamped FREE ESTIMATES! Insured & Bonded
Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria, Ohio or dropped off at our Concrete, Waterproofing ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE 216-870-4026
lobby located at the listed mailing address. The Lorain FREE ESTIMATES STAMPED CONCRETE WORK
County Sheriff’s Office is an Equal Opportunity 440-748-6217 FREE ESTIMATES
Employer. Celebrating our 32nd Anniversary! 440-935-7842 OUR CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS!
Page 22, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021
Family owned & operated over 34 yrs.
1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features, Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services
Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certified, Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions
Irrigation Installation & Service CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available
12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642 NEW WORK - REPLACEMENT - REPAIRS
24 Hour Emergency Service •Jetting & Hydrovacing •Camera Inspections
11847 Avon Belden Rd. •Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation
440-236-5543 •Abandoned Wells Capped
•Septic System Repairs & Installation
800-467-1275 Grafton, OH 44044 440-327-3433 •
OH LIC #23331 440-235-9273 State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response
D e s i g n / I n s t a l l a t i o n
HOME IMPROVEMENT M a i n t e n a n c e ROOFING
B u l k M a t e r i a l
S n o w / I c e M a n a g e m e n t RELIABLE ROOFING
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs
General Construction Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal
R HAMMOND Roofing & Siding Offi ce: 440-236-4001 •
CONSTRUCTION Kitchen & Bathrooms Triple Shredded MULCH Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner
For all your Remodeling needs Black - Brown $25/yd BENEDICT ROOFING
Natural $20/yd Family Business for Three Generations
440-897-0521 RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 CALL 216-973-2675 Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates
• General Contracting BULK LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES All Seasons Roofing Jeff’s Construction
• Kitchens/Baths Tear-Offs, Chimney Mason, HOUSE, BARN, GARAGE ROOFS
Metal, Shingle & Rubber Roll
• Additions Topsoil •Black Leaf Humus •Sweet Peet Slates, Soffit Ventilation, Gutters • Carpentry • Masonry
Gutters and Cleaning.
• Buildings/Garages 10 DIFFERENT MULCHES Repairs from $85 Siding • Slates • Chimneys
Violations & Repairs!
• Roofs •Gravel •Boulders •Flat Rock 440-748-3259 216-861-2238
725 Sugar Lane, • Doors/Windows •Straw •Sand •Limestone •Grass Seed
Elyria, Oh 44035 • Siding Picked Up or Delivered TREE SERVICE
440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical Large & Small Loads
Specializing in Home Improvements 34020 Royalton Rd. Eaton Twp. ARBOR CARE TREE
IMAGE BUILDING & RENOVATION 1-888-524-4544 • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
• 113 Ft. Crane
• 113 Ft. Crane
•Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
• 113 Ft. Crane
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood
& Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement • Removal, Trimming, Firewood
•Stump Grinding
Triple Shredded Mulch
•Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing LAND •Landscape • Removal, Trimming, Firewood
Triple Shredded Mulch
Building Custom Pole Barns, •Drainage Triple Shredded Mulch
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
Man Cave Living Areas & Garages! WORKS •Hardscape Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
216-973-8677 •Property Maintenance 440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
•Lawn & Bed
30 Years Experience Installations
LAWN • GARDEN • LANDSCAPE No Job Too Small! •Power Washing Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping
Tree Trimming • Removal
Homes & Concrete Stump Grinding • Pruning
CALL 440-452-9353 Fertilizers • Fire Wood
Free Estimates!
PAINTING Seth Emerson - Owner
All Natural Office: 440-322-2624
Triple Black MILUM PAINTING Emergency: 440-452-2456
$25 per yard! 440-309-5938 You can now dump your ground trimmings & woodchips
440-452-4840 for FREE at 34020 Royalton Rd., Eaton Twp (Three Z Inc.)
Please call 216-524-4544 for more info
pick-up/delivery available PLUMBING
6020 Lake Ave, Elyria 44035
Email: [email protected]
•Plumbing Repairs
•Sewer & Drain Cleaning Jason E. Davis
•Electronic Locating -Complete Crane Service-
•Video Camera Inspection
440-324-4321 •Sewer Excavation “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!”
Tree/Stump Removal
330-721-0680 Personal Plumber Service Corp. Natural, Brown & Black Mulch
11564 Station Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028 OFF “FREE ESTIMATES”
[email protected] 24 HR EMERGENCY $25
Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm, Sat: 8am-2pm OH LIC #21372 Any Service Bonded & Insured
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035
440-236-3627 Expires 8/30/21. Not valid with any other offer. Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc. J. A. KILBY ENT.
Residential ~ Commercial “Stop the water before it stops you!”
New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement
Call: 440-748-1333 440-327-3433
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021 Page 23
[email protected]
Herrick Memorial Library
JVS Social Media receives award Herrick Memorial Library is located at 101 Willard Memo-
rial Square, in Wellington. Call them at (440) 647-2120 or con-
Lorain County JVS was awarded a Publication and Digital tact Janet Hollingsworth by email at [email protected].
Media Excellence Award - Award of Merit in Social Media from Writer’s Group - Although the library is now open, there
the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). is still no word on when this group will be able to meet there
CONCRETE CRACK INJECTION NSPRA’s Publications and Digital Media Excellence again. However, our active members continue to communicate
SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED Awards recognize outstanding education publications, e-news- and we have been adding new material to our blog at www.
letters, digital media programs, radio/TV/video programs, so- Please visit our site for free “reads” by
BASEMENT WALL CRACKS cial media, infographics, blogs and websites. The social media local writers. We hope to be able to meet in the library again
~ OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ award identifies communication efforts or campaigns using some time soon so that we can invite new members to join us.
Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets.
JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036 Lorain County JVS’ Staff Spotlights were highlighted for
the award. These spotlights feature a different staff member
each week with pictures and fun facts. “Our staff members are CONSTRUCTION ALERT
the backbone of what we do at Lorain County JVS, and we
WATER WELLS wanted to find a way to celebrate them,” said Heidi Clevinger, Brownhelm Township
Lorain County JVS director of communications. “Our social
media followers have loved learning more about our staff and
connecting with them on a personal level.” On Monday, August 16, 2021, the existing traffic signal
ART’S WATER SYSTEMS tricts, including special schools such as vocational-technical at the turnpike ramp on Baumhart Road will be placed
The contest is open to all public or private schools or dis-
in a flash condition to begin a 90-day study period to
SERVICE • SALES • INSTALLATIONS institutes, regional or county education service agencies, edu- evaluate if the signal can be safely removed. Existing
SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS • JET PUMPS cation agencies and private businesses serving as partners with traffic volumes and accident history have indicated that
FILTERS • CHLORINATORS those organizations. the traffic signal is no longer warranted. Fixed traffic
This recognition was displayed at the Member Center
SOFTENERS • TANKS • SUMP during the 2021 NSPRA National Seminar in New Orleans in control devices, i.e. STOP Signs, will be installed during
PUMPS • WATER RELATED mid-July. the study period. If you have any questions or comments,
MATERIALS • WELL ABANDONMENT You can follow Lorain County JVS on Facebook, Twitter, please contact Assistant County Engineer Robert Klaiber
at 440-329-5586 or [email protected].
KEVIN BOLDEN 440-322-2987 Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.
Tips on How to
Write a Classified
Ad that SELLS!
Queen Ann King Bedroom Set. 2 Years
old in Excellent Condition. Asking
$750 OBO. Moving, must sell! Call
M-F, 9-5pm. 440-333-8989.
1. Use a KEYWORD. This immediately tells the reader
what it is you have to sell.
2. Make your decision CLEAR and FACTUAL. State
the year, make, model, color, size and tell what condi-
tion the item is in. Also state any special features.
3. State the PRICE. Successful classified advertisers
have learned that the price in an ad helps increase the
chances for results.
4. If there’s a genuine sense of URGENCY, say so. The
words “We’re Moving” or “Must Sell Fast” suggests that
readers respond immediately.
5. Include your PHONE NUMBER. Classifieds get
results fast and often generate immediate sales. If you
cannot be available to answer the phone at all times at
home, be sure to specify special calling times such as
“after 6PM” or “Before 11AM”, or provide a Cell phone
number where you can be reached not at home.
Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, August 2, 2021
Model #435 Model #445
• X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to 20% • X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to
and emissions up to 60% 20% and emissions up to 60%
• Air Injection™ removes up to 97% of debris before it • Air Injection™ removes up to 97% of debris before
enters the filter it enters the filter
• 41 cc, 9.2 lbs without bar • 45.7 cc, 10.8 lbs without bar
& chain, 13”-18” bar & chain, 16”-18” bar
$ 299 95 $ 349 95
Model #450
• X-Torq¨ Engine Reduces Fuel Consumption Up To
20% and Emissions Up To 60%
• Air Injection
• 50.2 cc, 11.2 lbs Without Bar and Chain,
16”-20” Bar
$ 399 95
Model #455 Rancher Model #460 Rancher
• X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to 20% • X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to 20%
and emissions up to 60% and emissions up to 60%
• LowVib® anti-vibration system minimizes fatigue • LowVib® anti-vibration system minimizes fatigue
• Smart Start® • Air Injection™ removes up to 97% of debris before it
• 55.5 cc, 12.8 lbs without bar enters the filter
& chain, 16”-20” bar • 60.3 cc, 12.8 lbs without bar
& chain, 18”-24” bar
$ 469 95 $ 539 95
Hand-held Blowers Backpack Blowers
Model 125B Model 125BVX Model 350BT
• 1.1hp Engine, 9.4lbs • with Smart Start and LowVib ® • Same as above but with
• Cruise control • Shred & Vac Cruise Control
• Adjustable tube length • LowVib ®
• Up to 170mph Air speed $ 199 95 • Up to 180mph Air Speed
$ 149 95 $ 359 95
Model 525BX Model 580BTS
• 1.14hp X-Torq Engine, 9.48lbs • 4.3hp X-Torq Engine, 25lbs
• Cruise control • High blowing capacity
• Adjustable tube length • Air Injection
• Up to 192mph Air speed • Cruise Control
• Commercial Grade • Up to 206mph Air speed
$ 269 95 $ 569 95
FINANCING Mon-Fri 8-5,
For Qualified Buyers.
See dealer for details SINCE 1979
1007 Parsons Road,Grafton, OH 44044 | 440-926-2880 • 440-926-2881