The Rural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 63 Years of Community Service!”
Volume 64, No. 32 Columbia Station, Ohio February 4, 2019
Midview students place in songwriting competition
Midview students outside the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland after premiering original songs they had written for a competition.
The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage in Beachwood sponsored a songwriting contest entitled “Stop the Hate: Youth Sing Out.” Two groups of students
from Midview High School created original songs for the competition. The students were mentored by professional songwriter Brent Kirby. Twenty-five
songs, from school groups across Northeast Ohio, were entered into the competition. Midview’s songwriting class tied for first place with their song “New
America.” The prize for winning was a grant award of $3,750. The award will be used for future educational experiences for the class. Also submitting a
song in the competition were the two current event seminar classes at Midview. Both songs were premiered at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The song-
writing students will perform “New America” at the Cleveland Museum of Art in March as part of the Maltz Museum’s Gala event. The songwriting class
is taught by Justin Caithaml; the current event classes are taught by William Lawton and Cassie Lundgard.
KHS Musicians perform at Kent State Columbia Township family loses home
Keystone was
represented by in fire, community help sought
two students in
the Kent State A local Columbia family lost their home in a fire Wednesday night.
All-Star Hon- Their car and camper were also completed destroyed in a fire that was
ors Festival.
Freshman Bra- very hard to contain. Firefighters from Columbia and various surround-
den Cuson and ing communities worked for hours to control the fire and protect the
Sophomore Jack surrounding houses. Dave, Kelley and Emily Tymke all got out safe
Sherlock, both and are staying with family in the area. Columbia residents jumped
trombone play- into action and immediately started a collection of clothes, blankets and
ers, rehearsed and toiletry items. Their immediate needs are taken care of, but they will
performed on the
campus of Kent have a long way to go to rebuild their lives. Anyone that wishes to help
State on January can donate cash or gift cards and drop them off at the Columbia Middle
18 and 19. They School, 13646 W. River Rd., Columbia Station, OH 44028. Kelley’s
performed along- sister also set up a gofundme account:
side some of the ley-and-dave-tymke-house-fire.
finest musicians
in NE Ohio. Columbia has a special way of taking care of their own and showing
We were love to our neighbors. There will be a spaghetti dinner planned to help
proud to have the family - details are being worked out now. Thanks so much for any
L-R: Jack Sherlock and Braden Cuson them represent Keystone help.
at this festival!
Community Carlisle 14 Grafton 6 Wellington 12 Classifieds 18
Directory Columbia 14 Grafton Twp. 16 Churches 17 LIVING 50+ 9-11
Profile Page
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019
teach girls flexibility, jumps, and teamwork, amongst oth- volunteers will count items means working together and
Columbia NEWS cheers and team building. er topics. Please contact Jeff and announce a winner. This making sure every family
week corresponds to Ran-
Along with the physical as-
receives the help they need!
Sanders at familyemail008@
Julie Petras pect of each sport, they will or Kaitlin Pette- dom Acts of Kindness Week, If you have any questions,
[email protected] also bring in guest speakers grew at kaitlinpettegrew@ so let’s make this a fun event feel free to call Copopa Ele-
that will teach the kids about for more informa- and help our community and mentary School at (440) 236-
dedication, determination tion. neighbors with the things 5020 or email Mrs. Dunn at
Trustees meeting Columbia Food Bank Benefit they so truly need! Kindness [email protected].
The Columbia Township Board of Trustees will meet to- On Saturday, February 9, the Columbia Station Eagles is Local Dean’s List recipients
night, February 4, at 7 p.m. in the town hall. The community is sponsoring a benefit for the Columbia Food Bank, “Feed the
Ashland University - The following students were named to
welcome to attend. Hungry,” from 6 p.m. - 12 a.m. The cover charge is $5 plus the Fall 2018 Dean’s List: Michael Sparks of Wellington, Me-
CHS Weekly Calendar at least one non-perishable food item. The event includes $8 lissa Kuhn of North Ridgeville, Amanda Kawiecki of Columbia
pizzas, 50/50 Raffles, Chinese Raffles, a Basket Raffle and Side
Boards. Six bands will be entertaining the attendees throughout Station, Brittany Bucci of Grafton, Jacqueline Lester of Elyria,
Monday, February 4: the evening; they include: John Hoeringer & Friends Grizzly, Anthony Schaefer of Elyria, Brianna Combs of Elyria, Logan
3:45-5 p.m. Drama meeting. Voodoo Child, Jim Committee, Circling Buzzards and Cottom Perkins of Elyria, Allison Ennes of Elyria, Summer Adkins of
Tuesday, February 5: Catz. Donations are being accepted through February 9. The Wellington, Christopher Lyons of Grafton, Ashlynn Smith of
3:45-5 p.m. Drama meeting. Columbia Station Eagles is located at 27190 Royalton Rd. For LaGrange, Rachel Bates of LaGrange, Jessica Arquillo of La-
6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball v. Firelands. more information, call (440) 236-6453. Grange, Sarah Verderber of Grafton, Lisa Kyer of Elyria, Kari
6 p.m. Band Boosters meeting. Deal of Grafton, Kaitlen Bradick of LaGrange, Emily Cornish
Wednesday, February 6: Columbia K-8 lunch menu of Grafton, Stephen Argento of Grafton, Logan Bolin of Graf-
College Now in guidance office. ton, Gabriella Zerbini of Elyria, Lauren Kuch of Grafton, Car-
6/7:30 p.m. Girls Basketball v. Brooklyn. Week of February 11-15: rie Carlson of Grafton, Cassandra Haight of Grafton, Monique
Thursday, February 7: Monday: Breakfast - Mini Eggo pancakes; Lunch - Choice Mihalski of North Ridgeville, Zachary LoPresto of North Rid-
7 p.m. Columbia Athletic Booster meeting. of Bosco sticks, egg salad sandwich or chef salad w/roll, with geville, Brian Le of North Ridgeville, Christian Schneider of
Friday, February 8: broccoli and mixed fruit. North Ridgeville, Hannah Freeman of North Ridgeville, Con-
4:30/6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball at Buckeye. Tuesday: Breakfast - WG cinnamon roll; Lunch - Choice of nor Jones-Csubak of Elyria, John Duldner of Columbia Station,
Saturday, February 9: Mexi chicken nachos, egg salad sandwich or chef salad w/roll, James Feliciano of Wellington, Matthew Richey of Grafton,
ACT testing, not on site. with seasoned pinto beans and pears. Gary Gray of Grafton, Robert Hermann of Wellington, Jordan
10 a.m. Wrestling PAC tournament at Buckeye. Wednesday: Breakfast - Breakfast pizza; Lunch - Choice of Krugman of Grafton, Michael Snelling of Grafton and Benja-
1/2:30 p.m. Girls Basketball v. Rittman. hot ham and cheese on a bun, egg salad sandwich or chef salad min Blackwell of Grafton. Congratulations!
Food Pantry w/roll, with green beans and applesauce. Baldwin Wallace University - The following local students
Thursday: Breakfast - Strawberry pancakes; Lunch - Choice
The February food distribution at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton of teriyaki beef dippers, egg salad sandwich or chef salad w/ have been named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2018 semes-
ter: Anna Anikienko of LaGrange, Abbey Drake of Welling-
Church will be on Monday, February 4, from 4-5:30 p.m. The roll, with strawberries and blueberries. *Sweet treat w/main ton, Anthony Kukura of Columbia Station, Andrew Liller of
church is located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Town- entree hot lunch. LaGrange, Adam Morris of Grafton, Alexis Norris of Grafton,
ship. The food, from the Second Harvest Food Bank of North Friday: Breakfast - Mini Eggo waffles; Lunch - Choice of Abby Varney of Columbia Station, Ben Frashure of Columbia
Central Ohio, is available to residents of Columbia, Grafton pizza, egg salad sandwich or chef salad w/roll, with peas and Station, Brian Grimm of North Ridgeville, Bay Silvaggio of
and Eaton Township. Recipients must be eligible according to carrots and cinnamon apples. Columbia Station, Caleb Dull of Grafton, Connie Saylor of
Ohio Job and Family Services guidelines and bring proof of Random Acts of Kindness Week Elyria, David Cole of Columbia Station, Ezra Ohly of Welling-
address, such as a current utility bill and a photo ID. ton, Emma Seitz of Columbia Station, Hannah Dunlap of Wel-
For more information, or to determine eligibility, phone the lington, Jeffrey Farkas-Ondo of Elyria, Jesse Varner of Elyria,
church office at (440) 236-5095, Monday - Friday between 9 The Columbia Food Cen- rooms that donate the most Kailyn Burch of Elyria, Kara Carreras of Grafton, Kristy Ran-
a.m. and noon. ter opened in February 1982 items will be rewarded a piz- dall of Columbia Station, Katlyn Steinmuller of Columbia Sta-
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of by the local churches of Co- za lunch, courtesy of the Co- tion, Laura Oluich of Litchfield, Mike Fulkerson of Columbia
Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrim- lumbia Station. Originally, it lumbia Food Center. One el- Station, Maddie Hemeyer of Litchfield, Mariah Thompson of
inating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or was located in a small pantry ementary classroom and one Elyria, Michaela Toth of Wellington, Mary Wojciechowski of
disability. in the basement of Columbia middle school classroom will North Ridgeville, Nate Bianco of Columbia Station, Natalie
Baptist Church. Peg & Mi-
win the lunch after the close
Youth Football fund-raiser and chael Toomey were the first of the drive. Wilkins of Columbia Station, Shaun Dillon of North Rid-
geville, Shelby Helmick of Wellington, Samantha Vincze of
Boxes will be set up in
Football/Cheer Camps volunteers at the Food Cen- each classroom to hold items Elyria, Tyler Thompson of Grafton and Jordan Xu of Elyria.
ter. The churches of Colum-
bia helped support the Food brought to school. At the end
The Columbia Youth Foot- raffle ($5 per ticket). During Center by each taking two of the drive, teachers and SEE DEAN’S LIST ON PAGE 5
ball League will be hosting a the fund-raiser, they are also months out of the year to do-
fund-raiser on Sunday, Feb- having a Chili Cookoff com- nate food. In addition to the
ruary 17, at 1 p.m. at the Co- petition. Anyone attending churches donations, the Food
lumbia Station Fraternal Or- the fund-raiser is encouraged Center receives donations Dr. Marc Asmar
der of Eagles. The fund-raiser to make their secret chili rec- from our local businesses,
is being held during the Day- ipe. They will be giving cash schools, Columbia Chamber
tona 500 Race. Cost for tick- prizes to the top 3 winners. of Commerce and the Colum- GENERAL AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY
ets is $20 presale and $25 at Please contact Lisa Blenda bia Foundation.
the door. Draft Beer, soda and at [email protected] for In March 2011, the Food
food is included in the price fund-raiser or 50/50 tickets. Center moved to its current Serving the Southwest Cleveland area for over 25 years
of the ticket. They will have The Columbia Youth Foot- location on the grounds of
a blind draw game for the ball League will also host Clearview Church. Pastor
race, sideboards and a 50/50 a football and cheer camp Jim, with the help of many Start your new year off right with a fantastic smile!
for those children entering volunteers, restored the space
kindergarten next year up to the Food Center now calls Call Dr. Asmar today!
February 9 those entering 6th grade. The home. We are now seeing
Winter Farmers Market free camp will be held every many grandparents coming (440) 235-1180
Seasonal produce, Free range Saturday in March, starting to the Food Center because
meats, Specialty foods, Pastries, on the 2nd and ending on their children have moved
Eggs, Honey & Bee products, Syrups, the 30th. Camp will be held home with their children.
Nuts, James & Jellies, Chocolates, from 1-3 p.m. each Saturday These grandparents were able
Tea & Coffee, Artisan Breads, at the German American Cul- to live on their fixed income
Eco Friendly products and more! tural Center, 7370 Columbia when it was just two people,
Frostville Museum Road, in Olmsted Falls. The but with the influx of many
24101 Cedar Point Rd., football camp will focus on more in their homes, they are
North Olmsted teaching kids basic condition- unable to feed everyone on
10:00am - 2:00pm ing and agility drills, along their fixed income.
What many people may
with learning football funda- mentals. The cheer camp will not know, even those that
receive help through pub-
lic assistance are not able to
Columbia Class of 2022 purchase cleaning supplies or
After Prom toiletry items with their food
vouchers. That means tooth-
Hosts Our 5th Annual paste, toilet paper and clean- Providing Invisalign treatment for over 10 years!
ing supplies that we take for
Vendor & Craft Fair granted, must be purchased Come see all of the available ways we have to make
with a family’s own money; a
Saturday, March 16, struggle for many folks. you smile or visit us at
It is for this reason that we
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. will be conducting a drive to
help our neighbors and the
Columbia Middle School Columbia Food Center with
13646 West River Road these essential items. This Don’t have dental insurance? No problem!
friendly competition will be-
Columbia Station gin on February 11 and end Our in house wellness plan can help!
on February 22. Copopa El-
Vendors - call Now to ementary School will hold
Reserve a Table! the drive for toiletry items,
such as bar soap, deodorant,
shampoo, toothpaste, tooth- Choose the closest location to you!
For more information brushes and toilet tissue. Co- Olmsted Falls Medina
lumbia Middle School will
contact Maria at: hold the drive for cleaning
(216) 244-8307 items, such as laundry soap, 26924 Cook Rd. 807 E. Washington St.
[email protected] dish liquid (not dishwasher),
all purpose spray cleaners,
Proceeds benefit the Class of 2022 After Prom window cleaners, bleach and
paper towels. Those class-
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019 Page 3
HOURS Sale Good - Now Hiring -
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Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019
The Rural-Urban Record Dinner Church - dinner with a purpose
Published Weekly on Monday Join us for food, fellowship and scripture in a new way. This
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter is Dinner Church, where dinner has a purpose! All are wel-
Founders 1955 come. Join us for a shared meal in the Fellowship Hall, build
community and explore God’s Word for our time and place.
Lee Boise, Publisher & President Want to know what Dinner Church is all about? Come and see!
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 Dinner Church is on Wednesdays at 6 p.m., beginning Feb-
ruary 6 at Fields United Methodist Church, located at 34077
Mailing Address: Lorain Road, in North Ridgeville. For more information, call
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 (440) 327-8753 or visit
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station Narnia Encounter
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198
Email: [email protected] Delve a little deeper into the “Narnia” universe with discus-
Website: sions and activities. North Eaton Christian Church is offering
a Sunday morning discussion, beginning at 9 a.m. on February
DEADLINE: 17, with “The Magician’s Nephew.”
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm Invite your friends, young and old, to join in this journey of
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1 a lifetime! For more information or to make reservations, con-
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year tact Chris Hensley through the church office at (440) 748-2230,
[email protected] or find them on Facebook at North
Eaton Christian Church. The North Eaton Christian Church is
Hungarian Dinner located at 35895 Royalton Rd., in Grafton. St. Elizabeth
The Community of Faith United Church of Christ, located Christ Church Food Pantry Ann Seton
at 9715 East River Rd., in Elyria, is having an all-you-can-eat, Christ Church is committed to making a difference in the Catholic Parish
25801 Royalton Rd.
buffet-style Hungarian Chicken Paprikas and Cabbage Roll communities around us. On the fourth Saturday of each month, Columbia Station, OH
Dinner. The dinner is on Saturday, February 23, from 4-6:30 volunteers distribute non-perishable items to our neighbors in Sacrament of Reconciliation
p.m. Cost is $15 for adults and $7 for children under 10. Mail need. Join us if you, or someone you know, would benefit from (Confession)
prepaid reservations to the church at the above address. For a little extra help making ends meet. The Food Pantry is located Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
more information or reservations, please call (440) 309-6828, at 1420 S. Abbe Rd., in Elyria. Distribution is from noon to 2 Anytime by Appointment
(440) 328-7534, (440) 366-4651 or the church office at (440) p.m. Christ Church is an equal opportunity provider. Income Weekend Masses
Sat. 5 p.m.
322-3781. qualifications apply. Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
Spaghetti Dinners Celebrate Recovery
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church invites you to enjoy a Celebrate Recovery at Hope Christian Church meets ev-
delicious Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, February 10, from 1-4 ery Friday night. CR is a Christ-centered recovery program NORTH “Welcome Home”
p.m. This ever popular dinner includes homemade sauce from for anyone with hurts, habits or hang-ups. You have a forever EATON New Life Wesleyan Church
an authentic old-world recipe, meatballs, salad, rolls and des- family at CR! They start each week with a free dinner served CHRISTIAN
sert. Cost is $9 for adults, $8 for seniors and $3 for children from 6-7 p.m. Then, they gather for worship at 7 p.m. At 8 11149 West River Rd.
12 and under. They will also have a silent auction and raffle. p.m., they break out into open share groups, followed by cof- CHURCH Columbia Station
Tickets will be sold at the door. Carry-outs will be available. fee and dessert at 9 p.m. in the café. They offer free childcare (Disciples)
The church is located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia from 6:30-9:30 p.m. for those that attend. Come for part of the Rt. 82 & 83 SUNDAY 9 am
Station. Come early as they usually sell out. evening or come for it all! For more information, please visit 440-748-2230 Adult Bible Study
Christian Community School, located at 35716 Royalton SUNDAY 10 am
Road, in Eaton Township will have a Spaghetti Dinner on Fri- Time does not heal all wounds, but God’s love, truth, grace Worship Services Worship & Children’s Church
day, February 15, from 4-9 p.m. Donations appreciated. and forgiveness does. Please come as you are and keep coming
A Spaghetti Dinner fund-raiser for VFW Post #9871, in back! Hope Christian Church is located at 32625 Detroit Rd., 8:00 am & 10:30 am WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm
North Ridgeville, will be held on Saturday, February 16, from in Avon. Sunday School Bible Study
4-7 p.m. The event will be held in the back hall of the Post, lo- 9:00 am Youth Group, Kids Club
cated at 6805 Lear Nagle Road. The meal includes spaghetti, a Celebrate Recovery, the local Christian 12-Step Program for Polly Tallos
roll and a salad. Cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children 10 and anyone needing help with a hurt, habit or hang-up, meets each Christian Ed. & Youth Director Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
under. Dessert and beverages will also be available for $1 each. week at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Church of the Open Door, lo- Rev. John Bodo
cated at 43275 Telegraph Road, in Elyria. The first hour begins Rev. David Chafin - Associate Pastor
Bible and Brew program with a brief time of worship, followed by a weekly lesson or a Interim Minister 440-236-8600
personal testimony. The second hour has gender specific small
Bible and Brew, a casual conversation about God, faith and groups for men and women, with a special video for first time
scripture, will meet weekly on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at Forts attenders. All meetings are open to everyone. Light refreshments
Tavern, located at 122 W. Herrick, in Wellington. This event is are served following the program. For further information, call GRAFTON UNITED
presented by Wellington First United Methodist Church. Ev- Bob at (440) 326-2329. METHODIST CHURCH
eryone is welcome. AARP Tax Sites 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
10:00am Worship
Scout Sunday Pancake Breakfast Children’s Wednesday Program
Listed below are the AARP Tax sites, phone numbers and Gr. 3-12, 4:30-6:30pm
Dinner Included
Boy Scout Troop #140 at Fields United Methodist Church addresses for Lorain County residents to be able to register COLUMBIA UNITED Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
is sponsoring their annual “Scout Sunday Pancake Breakfast” for free tax assistance at any of these11 sites. Reservations are METHODIST
on Sunday, February 10, in the church Fellowship Hall, located needed. Church of Christ
at 34077 Lorain Road, in North Ridgeville. Breakfast will be Amherst - Amherst Public Library, 221 Spring St. (440) CHURCH
served from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The Breakfast is free to all, 988-4230. Tuesday/Thursday, from 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Worship Service Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
and donations will be accepted. Reservations are not required. Elyria - Cornerstone Church, 2949 West River Rd. (440) 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
Any proceeds from the Pancake Breakfast will go to help Troop 324-1202. Monday/Wednesday, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday School Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
#140’s everyday activities and programs. Elyria - Lorain County Office on Aging, 320 N. Gateway 211 Forest St., LaGrange
Blvd. (440) 326-4800. Tuesday/Wednesday, from 8:30 a.m.-1 during Worship Service 440-355-6872
Herb Guild Garden Club p.m. Grafton - Grafton Library/Eaton Town Hall, 12043 Avon COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO
The first meeting of The Herb Guild Garden Club will be Belden Road. (440) 926-3317. Friday, from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 Pastor Matt Merriman LUTHERAN CHURCH
held on February 13. After the business meeting at 10 am, p.m. 236-8822 1140 W. River N.•Elyria •324-4070
members will enjoy their own brown bag lunch. Drinks and Lorain - LCCC Lorain Learning Center, 201 West Erie Av- [email protected] SERVICE TIMES:
dessert will be provided by the club’s board members. Follow- enue. (440) 233-7240. Monday/Wednesday, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 5:00pm Saturday
ing lunch, there will be a “make and take” workshop includ- Parking on 4th Street 9:00am Sunday
ing a pinecone bird feeder, bath salts, and a lavender ball guest North Ridgeville - North Ridgeville Senior Center, 7327 Rev. Bill Mugnolo
soap. Guest are welcome to attend. Avon Belden Rd. (440) 353-0828. Tuesday, from 9:30 a.m.-3 United Church of God
The Herb Guild is a local organization and meets on the sec- p.m.
ond Wednesday of the month at Porter Public Library in West- Oberlin - Oberlin Senior Center, 90 E. College St. (440) 12981 Grafton Rd.
Grafton, Oh 44044
lake, Ohio (27333 Center Ridge Road) in the Porter Room. 775-2175. Tuesday/Wednesday, from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
New members and guests are always welcome. For more infor- Wellington - Wellington Town Hall, 115 Willard Memorial Sabbath Services
mation on the upcoming meeting, call (440) 582-0191 or visit Square. Ext. 5. (440) 647-4626 Ext. 5. Monday, 9:30 a.m.-3 Saturdays at 12:30 pm
our website p.m.
FUNERAL HOME & Our Lady Queen of Peace
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance Weekend Masses Weekday
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always perseveres --Corinthians 13:4-7
mer Wells, Jenna Winans,
Cedarville University - The following area Cedarville Uni- Michael Wooley.
versity students were named to the Dean’s Honor List for Fall Firelands February
2018: Chloe Bowling of Grafton, Grace Hinckley of North Rid- Carter Grude, Stephen Columbia
geville, Katelyn Kime of LaGrange and Ozichukwu Ojukwu of Gurchik, Jacob Holland, Al- 2019
LaGrange. Congratulations! exander Kyer, Asandra Larg- Branch Library Events
Youth Soccer registration open es, Amber Michalski, Logan
Ramsey, Cayla Riggs, Derric
Rogala, Christopher Snider,
Registration for spring soccer is now open! The deadline to Star Vaughn, Brianna Whit-
register will be March 7. The season starts with the first practice more. “Though, February is short,
on April 9 and the first game on Saturday, April 13. The season Keystone
will run to June 1. All games will be on Saturday mornings be- Bailey Ables, Curtis Bacsi, it is filled with lots of love
hind Columbia Middle School. Registration is open to anyone Leah Bacsi, Emerald Chim-
ages 3-14. ileski, Charles Dupuis, Ste-
To register, please visit the website http://columbiayouth- ven Hogue, Jesse Houghton, and sweet surprises” If you have any questions, please email colum- Morgan Jackson, William
[email protected] or call Bobby Petras at (440) 409- Jenkins, Pimchompu, Kaew- ― Charmaine J Forde
8485. soongnern, Logan Keener,
Columbia Historical Society Ethan Kelly, Aidan Marang,
Shayla Mitchell, Samantha
The Columbia Historical Society will host its first meeting Nelson, Madelyn Oconner,
of 2019 on Tuesday, February 12, at 7 p.m. for the Social in the Kalvin Rutledge, Cheyanne Adult Progam Family Progam Childrens Progam Teen Progam
Columbia Town Hall, located at 25496 Royalton Road. It is the Shepherd, Brandon Smith,
Valentines holiday and love is in the air! The program is at 7:30 Samantha Thompson, Tyler Tech Help
p.m. and they will be sharing valentines of the past. Bring yours Wakefield, Adriana Watkins. Saturday, Feb. 2 • 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m.
to share. They will also welcome new President, Dennis Ross, Midview Bring your questions to this informal session about
Treasurer Bill Ross, Vice-President Ken Roth, Recording Sec- Joshua Abood, Brooke the use of computers, tablets, eReaders, the inter-
retary Gloria Roth and Corresponding Secretary Carol Betts. Amdur, Amanda Ashmun, net or anything else technology-related.
Sade Capers, Jeremy Clay,
Columbia Library events Madison Coughlin, Cole
Cruise, Joseph Diedrick,
Booking It For Fitness Walking Club - Saturdays, Febru- Savannah Engelman, Beck- Great Lakes Theater Presents:
ary 9, 16 & 23 and March 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, at 11 a.m. Looking ah Espy, Christopher Farr, “Treasure Island”
to get a little bit of exercise and make new friends? Join the Gill, Madison Gregory, Pey- Saturday, Feb. 16 • 10 a.m. to Noon
library’s walking club. This group meets weekly at the library ton Gullett, Ashley Gumm,
and makes use of the beautiful adjacent walking trail in Co- Veronica Haught, William Fans of theater and pirate lovers of all ages, come
lumbia Township Park. Meet in the library’s meeting room and Keller, Thomas Keller, Ron- Booking it for Fitness watch the Great Lakes Theater perform Treasure
grab a water bottle, which will be provided for your walk. nie Kisner, Anthony Klesta, Walking Club Island! Full of action, music, and slapstick mo-
Waist Watchers - Mondays, February 11, 18 & 25 and Saturdays, Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23; • 11 a.m. ments, Treasure Island is a play for the whole fam-
March 4, 11, 18 & 25, from 6:30-7:15 p.m. Join in on our vid- Jessika Kucera, Kayla Las- Meet in the library’s meeting room and grab ily! Meet and greet the cast after the production!
sen, Charles Leonard, Joshua
eo-led fitness activity for beginners. Preregistration required. Luke, Sandy Luke, Logan a water bottle, which will be provided for your walk Teen CrafterNoon
Preschool Story Time - Tuesdays, February 5, 12, 19 & 26, in the adjacent park. This program is cosponsored Tuesday, Feb. 19; • 4 to 5 p.m.
from 10:15-10:45 a.m. Stories, music, finger plays and crafts Mayor, Marisel Melo, Oliv- by The Friends of the Columbia Library, Inc.
ia Molnar, Savannah Moore,
for children between the ages of 3-6 years old with their care- Summer Noles, Thomas Various craft activities for teens. This program
givers. Preregistration required. Parfitt, Donavyn Pasters, Waist Watchers is cosponsored by The Friends of the Columbia
Library, Inc.
Toddler Story Time - Tuesdays, February 5, 12, 19 & 26, Mondays, Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25; • 6:30 to 7:15 p.m.
from 11-11:15 a.m. A story time for beginning walkers to 3 year Emilio Petriella, Trevor Join in on our video led fitness activity for begin- The Friends Of The Columbia
Prestwood, Mathew Richter,
olds and their caregivers with stories, music, movement and Shane Ross, Michael Sims, ners. Library, Inc. Meeting
rhymes. Preregistration required. Matthew Thompson, Nicole Tuesday, Feb. 19 • 6 p.m.
Evening Book Discussion - The Flicker of Old Dreams, by Preschool Story Time
Susan Henderson - Tuesday, February 5, at 6:30 p.m. Copies Von Seggern, Austin Wade, Tuesdays, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 • 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. New members and guests are welcome to
Olivia Walker, Emily Wells,
of the book are available at the library. New members are wel- Andrew Westover, Autumn Stories, music, finger plays and attend and discover how they can help the
come. Preregistration required. White Hupp. crafts for children between the Columbia Branch Library.
Movie & Block Party - Friday, February 8, at 3:30 p.m. ages of 3 and 6 years old with
LEGO’s and a movie in the library! Enjoy a free build while North Ridgeville their caregivers. Crafty Adults @ the Library
Nicolas Borlaug, Eric
watching a favorite LEGO movie. Preregistration required. Brannigan, Ivan Breckner, Thursday, Feb. 21; • 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Scary Stories - Saturday, February 9, from 12-1 p.m. Join us Toddler Story Time Join us at the library monthly to try new craft
for an hour of bone chilling short stories for children. Prereg- Madelynn Bylewski, Patrick Tuesdays, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 • projects and make new friends. This program is
Casselberry, Mason Cole-
istration required. man, Dominic DiFilipp- 11 to 11:15 a.m. co-sponsored by The Friends of the Columbia
Southwest General Health Center Health Topics - Tuesday, A story time for beginning Library, Inc.
February 12, from 12:30-1:30 p.m. February is Heart Health po, Hailey Ferry, Michael walkers to 3-year-olds and their Chair Yoga
Month. Know your numbers! Southwest General Health Cen- Leah Gullatta, Johnathan caregivers with stories, music,
ter’s Community outreach nurse will be here to conduct blood Hollingsworth, Olivia Ker- movement and rhymes. Friday, Feb. 22; • 3 to 4 p.m.
pressure and glucose screenings. Preregistration required. ley, Brandon Kmiecik, Mark The first part will be 20-30 minutes of gentle chair
Gale Courses - Was one of your resolutions to learn some- Evening Book Discussion yoga and then stay for tea. We will be following
thing new this year? We can help! Gale courses offers a wide Lengauer, Danielle Lesiw, Tuesday, • 6:30 p.m. along with a video during the yoga session. Check
Jacob Mansell, David Ma-
range of highly interactive, instructor-led courses that you can ther, Joshua Melton, Skly- Feb. 5 “The Flicker Of Old Dreams” with your health care provider before participating
take entirely online. Courses run for six weeks and new ses- er Mshabbek, Jaden Perez, by Susan Henderson in any exercise program.
sions begin every month. Courses are free with your library Elizabeth Rickard, Ezekiel Copies of the book are available at the library. New Excel for Beginners
card. Rivera-Evans, Elijah Rosas, members are welcome.
The Columbia Library is located at 13824 W. River Road Saturday, Feb. 23 • 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m.
North. To register for programs or for more information, call Zachary Russell, Maverick Movie & Block Party Participants will learn about the basics of using
Savarino, Jordan Sherrill, Ju-
(440) 236-8751. Friday, Feb. 8 • 3:30 p.m. the 2016 edition of Microsoft Excel to set up a
lie Taylor, Chase Vanbuskirk, spreadsheet workbook.
JVS Announces Honor Roll Haylie VanSickle, Safa Wah- LEGO’s´© and a movie in the library! Enjoy a free The instructor will
build while watching a favorite LEGO© movie.
dan, Madylin Waugh, Tyler
demonstrate how to
Wensing, John Yunis, Allison input data, compose
The Lorain County JVS enzie Glass, Diana Kinnear, Zvaigzne. Scary Stories simple spreadsheet
is pleased to announce the Hunter Lutro, Victoria Nel- Oberlin Saturday, Feb. 9 • Noon to 1 p.m. formulas, and choose
2nd Quarter Honor Roll for son, Owen Ortiz, Rebecca Amelia Bates, Matthias Join us for an hour of bone chilling short layout and print format options. Participants need
the 2018/19 school year. The Porter, Michael Schilens, Bates, Angel Bishop, Natha- stories for children. to be comfortable using a mouse to attend.
JVS Honor Roll recognizes Kylee Sherrill, Tori Sherrill, nal Burnside, Richard Hrin-
students who have achieved Mark Taylor, Madison Tor- da, Gabriel Jackson, Sarrina Southwest General Health Center Adult Book Discussion
a GPA of 3.5 or higher for res, Promise Werner, Aliyah Ramon-Beebe, Soria Rodri- Health Topics - Heart Health Month Monday • 1 p.m.
the second 9-week term. Stu- Wilson, Alexis Zakutny. guez, Nikolas Vayda. Tuesday, Feb. 12 • 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Feb. 25 “The Atomic City Girls” by Janet Beard
dents are listed by their asso- Clearview Wellington Southwest General Health Center’s Community Copies of the book are available at the library. New
ciate school below. Kailey Aley, Thomas Terin Allred, Taylor Beal- outreach nurse will be here to conduct blood pres- members are welcome.
Amherst Boone, Katherine Bruecz, er, Marisa Beatty, Landon sure and glucose screenings.
Matthew Arcuri, Jessi- Alicia Burnworth, Maria Bella, Taylor Curtiss, Jessica Project DAWN Training
ca Buga, John Curtin, Ryan Camacho, Sydney Collier, Davis, Katelin DeZee, Eva Wednesday, Feb. 27 • 6:30 p.m.
Gonzalez, Hannah Gunnoe, Zachariah Corley, Tarra Fra- Hartwig, Morgan Hunter, Project DAWN is a community-based overdose
Chase Handy, John Jacobs, ley, Jacob Kessler, Gauge Clayton Kelley, Alex Low- education and naloxone distribution program.
Carl Mazze, Seth Miller, Randall, Megan Rataj, ry, Clifford Mackrell, Kallie Participants will receive training on recognizing the
Maddison Morrow, Caleb Dezshanae Seagers, Josi- Mackrell, Machaylee Mc- signs and symptoms of overdose and administering
Osko, Josiah Rivas-Amador, ah Velazquez, Jennaveeve neely, Madison Mull, Isabel intranasal Naloxone. Training and kits provided
Mason Supple, Kameron To- White. Ohly, Kyle Pitts, Savannah free. Presented by Lorain County Public Health.
kas, Emily Woolf. Columbia Roby, Savannah Smith, Tan- Escape Room Funded by Ohio Department of Health.
Avon Tyler Hicks, Amelia Jes- ner Smith, Hailey Staffeld,
Jacqueline Lacrosse, sen, Joshua Morlock, Grant Kaylee Thorn, Kaitlyn Wal- Wednesday, Feb. 13 • 4 to 5 p.m. Cookbook Discussion
Monroe Love, Mateo More- Smith, Logan Smith, Bryan check, Dakota White, Thom- Teens, the library Escape Room is back! Groups will Thursday, 6 to 7 pm. • Feb. 28
no, Luke Ruttmann. Spaniel, Maya Trujillo. as Williams, Daniel Wilson, be challenged to solve the puzzles within set time America’s Test Kitchen’s Bread Illustrated- A step-
Avon Lake Elyria Kayla Wohleber, Hailey Za- limits. Can you solve the puzzle fast enough? by-step guide to achieving bakery quality results at
Caitlin Cindric, George Dyllan Burdette, Alexis dorozny. home by america’s test kitchen Adults, if you love
Giganti, Clare Lavelle, Zach- Curtis, Megan Davies, Dillon Genealogy Club to read, cook and share recipes, this is the group for
ary Lookenott, Jessica Los, Farmer, Zaa Van Grady, Anna Thursday, Feb. 14 • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. you. Bring a dish from the selected author’s cook-
Tyler Madden, Owen Mc- Hale, Desirae Henline, Levi The Genealogy Club will learn research techniques book and talk about your experience in the kitchen.
Ginty, Ky’lynn Miller, Tuck- James, Anthony Kerns, Dylan and explore resources. New and experienced gene- Copies of the book are available at the library.
er Miller, Andrew Nieding, Kerns, Joseph Nichols, Kris- alogists are welcome
Thomas Reese, Alycia Scic- ten Reid, Alexis Rivera, Tim-
chitano, Sean Shilliday. othy Roberts, Levi Shawley, 13824 W. River Road North, Columbia Station, OH 44028 • 440-236-8751
Brookside Noah Shawley, Kaitlyn Ste- 10 a.m. to 8 p.m Monday, Tuesday • Noon to 8 p.m Wednesday, Thursday
Gina Critelli, Andrew Da- vens, Alyssa Swain, Hannah
vis, Cayden Gainer, Mack- Ursem, Natehan Weese, Sum- Noon to 6 p.m. Friday • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m Saturday
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019
about the CCP courses offered, course requirements, college mix and nine cases of sausage 4 at the Grafton-Midview Li-
Grafton NEWS credit and more. If your child is interested in taking a CCP links for the first annual Da- brary.
class, please attend this meeting.
The next meeting is sched-
vid Kleinhenz pancake break-
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 I am very much looking forward to the Family Paint Night fast, at a value of $364. There uled for Wednesday, February
[email protected] being held by the Midview High School art department on Feb- will be an all day strategic 27, at 6:30 p.m. in the Mid-
ruary 5. Artists of all ages and skill levels will be able to create planning retreat on February view West Elementary LRC.
College Credit Plus meeting a personalized painting. While RSVPs are closed for this event, Grafton-Midview Library
we hope to host more in the future, as all proceeds will go di-
An important informational meeting about College Credit rectly toward Midview’s ARTastic Scholarship Fund. For more information or to register for programs, stop into
On February 6, is the Airforce JRTOC Promotions and
Plus will be held at Midview High School on the evening of Awards Ceremony. Our AFJROTC cadets work hard all year the library at 983 Main Street, call (440) 926-3317 or log onto
Monday, February 4, at 5:30 p.m. in the APR. long and earn this well-deserved celebration. Registration is required for most pro-
The information & counseling provided at this meeting is Finally, on February 7, is the 8th grade parent meeting at grams.The Grafton-Midview Library is 75 years old. The li-
required for any student planning to participate in the College Midview High School from 5-7 p.m. This meeting is for current brarians are celebrating by bringing their programs out into the
Credit Plus program next school year for the first time. Also, 8th grade students and their parents to learn more about high communities they serve. Please note the location of each pro-
state required forms will be handed out at this meeting. school life before they begin their freshmen year. gram. If driving directions are needed, call the library.
College Credit Plus (CCP) permits eligible students in A lot of exciting things are happening in Midview! GMPL Presents…The Oscars - Pick up a ballot at the Cus-
grades 7-12 to earn college and high school graduation credit Have a great week! tomer Service or Information desk and return it before Satur-
through the successful completion of college courses at Ohio Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent (440) 748-5353 day, February 23. Predict the most winners and you could take
public colleges and universities and some private colleges. For home a $20 gift card. The Oscars air on Sunday, February 24.
further information or if you are unable to attend this meeting, Midview After Prom fund-raiser Tech Tutor - Check our calendar for various dates and
please call your child’s counselor at the MHS Student Services times. Appointments are available most Mondays (morning),
Office at: 440-748-5343 to make an alternate arrangement. Midview After Prom will be hosting their annual Dodgeball Wednesdays (afternoon), Thursdays (afternoon) and the first
Wine and Truffles Tournament on Saturday, February 23. Anyone in 3rd grade Thursday evening of each month. Tech Tutor appointments are
available for computer, smartphone, software, tablet and other
through adult teams are welcome.
The Friends of the Grafton-Midview Library group is taking Team packets will be available in the main offices starting tech-related questions. All appointments are 1-hour and regis-
tration is recommended. Walk-ins are welcome if appointments
reservations for their Wine and Truffles event. Gary Twining, Monday, February 4, or online at If you have are open. Please bring your device if possible.
certified wine educator, will host the evening of tasting choc- any questions, please email [email protected]. AARP Tax Aide Registration - AARP Tax Aide volunteers
olates paired with wines. The event will take place on Friday assist patrons with no-cost tax preparation. AARP volunteers
evening, February 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the library community Horse Rescue fund-raiser will help everyone, but specialize in helping seniors. Appoint-
room. There is limited seating, so reservations are a must. Pa- ments are required and made in person or by phone (no online
trons must be 21 years of age or older to attend this event. The Angels Haven Horse Rescue proudly invites you to their an- appointments). Tax preparation will take place at Eaton Town-
cost is $10 per person and is not refundable. To make reserva- nual Love Your Horse Day hands-on clinic. Please join them for ship Hall.
tions, stop at the front desk in the library. For more information, a fun-filled time - all ages welcome! STEM Lab - Monday, February 4, at 10 a.m. Join us for sci-
call the library at 926-3317. The event is on Sunday, February 10, from 1-4 p.m., rain ence, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) challenges,
or shine, at Evergreen Farm, located at 13297 Durkee Rd., in experiments and fun. Sessions are in the library.
Grafton. Family Storytime - Tuesdays, February 6, 13 & 20, at 10:30
Love, pamper and gain horse and pony knowledge and end a.m. Share books, songs and early literacy activities with the
your day with a ride - all for a $10 donation. All others are a $5 whole family. Babies, older children and adults are welcome.
I hope everyone was able to stay warm last week! Thank- donation. Snacks will be provided. This program is held at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Hall.
fully, we are seeing some warmer temperatures to thaw us out. Our four-legged friends hope to see you there! Please call Something From Nothing: The Art of Hip-Hop Music
Despite the wicked winter weather we’ve been experiencing Heidi at (440) 781-5060 if you have any questions. All pro- Production - Thursday, February 7, at 4 p.m. Do you enjoy
so far this year, Midview is excited about several events we ceeds help pay for the horses feed, natural supplements, veteri- listening to Hip Hop? How about R&B? Have you ever thought
have coming up this week. nary and farrier care and stall bedding. about what goes into creating music? What if you could learn
On Monday, February 4, Midview High School will host how to make your own mix? Join Center for Arts-Inspired
its annual College Credit Plus (CCP) information night from Learning teaching artist, Rafique Watson, in creating your own
5:30-7 p.m. Parents and students are invited to attend and learn music composition. This program is being held at the Grafton
Center of Musical Arts.
Adult Craft Night: Snow Globes - Thursday, February 7, at
SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM The Midview Board of 32 hard backed and paper 6:30 p.m. Make your own Valentine’s Day snow globe with a
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with Education met on Janu- backed books to the Midview mason jar. This program takes place at the Grafton Township
programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post ary 23. Administrative and North LRC at an estimated Hall.
board member reports were
value of $233; and Gordon
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton given. January is School Food Service donated five SEE GRAFTON LIBRARY ON PAGE 8
The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels Board Member Appreciation cases of buttermilk pancake
drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829. Month. The superintendent,
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE. Dr. Bruce Willingham, rec-
ognized the work done by
2/5 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being the board members, thanked
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit them and gave each a token Market Outlet for 2019: Uncertainty is Certain
and juice for participants. of appreciation. Several per-
2/7 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner to be held sonnel issues were approved, To say the financial markets were a bit bumpy in 2018 may be an understatement. The S&P
2/14/2019 at 5:30pm. Two names per phone call only. including the evaluation of 500 was down 6.2 percent for the year, the first time this key index fell since 2008, during the
financial crisis. So what can you anticipate in 2019? And what investment moves should you
2/12 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class the Superintendent and Trea- make?
surer. An addendum to each
being instructed by Debi’s Personal of their contracts was also Let’s review the causes for last year’s market volatility. Generally speaking, uncertainty
Training with fruit and juice for approved. The standard fee was a major culprit. Uncertainty about tariffs, uncertainty about the continued trade dispute
participants. for the peer model preschool with China, uncertainty about Brexit – they all combined to make the markets nervous.
2/14 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for program was set at $500 for Furthermore, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates four times, and even though rates remain
low by historical standards, the increases caused some concern, as higher borrowing costs can
those that signed up. Please call if the 2019-2020 school year. eventually crimp the growth prospects for businesses.
you need to cancel. Several donations were ac- And now that we’re into 2019, these same uncertainties remain, so markets are likely to
cepted with appreciation: A
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact John Deere GT225 tractor remain volatile. Although the Fed has indicated it may be more cautious with regard to new rate
hikes, there are indications of slower growth ahead, particularly in China, the world’s second-
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341. was donated by the Diamond largest economy. And after strong 2018 earnings growth, helped by the corporate tax cuts,
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special Club to be used by the district corporate earnings may grow more slowly – and, as always, earnings are a key driver of stock
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen at an estimated value of $800; prices.
Manager for additional information. Michelle Moran donated Nonetheless, the U.S. economy is showing enough strength that a recession does not appear
to be on the horizon, which is also likely to be the case globally – and that should be good
news, because an extended “bear” market typically does need to be fueled by a recession.
Ultimately, the projected continued growth of the U.S. economy and the possible resolution of
some uncertainties could help markets rebound.
As investors, we cannot control the everyday ups and downs in the markets, but we can
control our decisions, look for opportunities and keep a long-term perspective within our
investment portfolios. Consider these actions for 2019:
Be prepared for volatility. As mentioned, many of the same factors that led to the market
upheavals of 2018 are still with us, along with the impact of the partial government shutdown
– so don’t be surprised to see continued volatility. The more you’re prepared for market
turbulence, the less startled you’ll be when it arrives.
Stay diversified. At any given time, different financial assets may move in different
directions: stocks up, bonds down, or vice versa. To help dilute risk and take advantage of
different opportunities, you should maintain a broadly diversified portfolio containing stocks,
international stocks, bonds, government securities and so on. You may need to rebalance your
portfolio to maintain an appropriate proportion of each asset class, based on your risk tolerance
and long-term goals. Keep in mind, though, that while diversification can reduce the effects of
volatility on your portfolio, it can’t guarantee profits or protect against all losses.
Take a long-term perspective. It can be disconcerting to see several-hundred point drops in
the stock market. But you can look past short-term events, especially if your most important
financial target – a comfortable retirement – is still years or decades away. By keeping your
focus on the long term, you can make investment decisions based on your objectives – not your
If 2019 continues to be volatile, you'll need to stay prepared and make the right moves – so
you can be confident that you did everything you could to keep moving toward your financial
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local
Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Dustin Kuhlman
Financial Advisor
510 North Main St.
Grafton, OH 44044
Ph: 440-926-3007
[email protected]
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019 Page 7
How to make cut flowers solution to clean vases thoroughly between uses. ucts entirely geared to-
ward their skin and hair
Watch flower placement
Sunlight and heat may dry out the blooms. Prolong the
last longer life of flowers by placing them in the darkest, coolest area types, with more mas-
culine scents to boot.
of the home. · Portable record
What would Valentine’s Day be without a beautiful bou- Treat the water player: If he’s a music
quet of flowers? In addition to chocolate, cards and dining To preserve flowers, do your best to reduce bacteria, pro- buff and has collected
out, flowers - particularly roses - are among the most popular vide a food source for the flowers and manage the pH so that vintage albums through
gifts. According to a survey by the National Retail Federa- the uptake of water will continue to be strong. Sugar can be the years, give him a
tion, 58 percent of American men and 16 percent of Amer- an adequate food source. modern way to play
ican women were projected to buy flowers for Valentine’s Gardenista, a floral arrangement and gardening resource, them. A wireless, Blue-
Day 2016, spending a total of $1.9 billion. Similar spending tested a variety of methods for preserving flowers and found tooth-enabled turntable can be a heartfelt and practical gift.
is predicted for in 2017. much of the same results across the board. These included · Whiskey-inspired gifts: From whiskey barrel-faced watch-
Flowers of all shapes, sizes, colors, and aromas can make vinegar and sugar, conventional flower food, bleach, aspirin, es to jumbo ice wedges to chill without watering drinks down,
popular gifts this February. Prolonging the life of beautiful and a penny. The bleach, aspirin, copper penny, and vinegar whiskey gifts are definitely trending upward. Of course, a
blooms is a priority for those who want their Valentine’s Day work as antibacterial agents. The sugar and the plant food good bottle of single-malt is certainly a winning go-to gift as
arrangements to endure for as long as possible. Florists and help nourish the blooms. In the trials, most of the blooms well.
other experts differ with regard to the best methods of pre- remained strong for three to four days. · Ticket stub organizer: Whether he’s a sports fan, a con-
serving flowers. Here are some ideas to try. Purchase immature blooms cert-goer, or collects stubs to other events and outings, pro-
Trim stems before immersing in water Although many desire an arrangement of all opened flow- vide an organized way to preserve those memories.
The natural emollients and sap in the stems of flowers ers, bouquets that have some closed buds or those that are · Wireless phone charger: Tame that cord clutter with a
may cause a film to form over the bottom of the stem after it just beginning to peek out will likely last longer than bou- gizmo that can quickly charge his phone and have him ready
is initially cut. This can reduce the flower’s uptake of water. quets that have already bloomed. The flowers will continue to take your calls or receive your texts.
To alleviate this, cut the stems once the flowers are home. A to open and wilting flowers can be removed to make room · Noise-cancelling headphones: Remove ambient sounds
45-degree angle allows for the absorption of the most water. for the others. from his day, especially when commuting, traveling or work-
You can recut them at each water change as well. Keeping Valentine’s Day flowers looking fresh and vibrant ing in his cubicle.
Clean vases of bacteria takes a few steps. By being diligent, that floral arrangement · Stub Hub gift card: Gift him with the perfect way to catch
Be sure that vases or other vessels you use to hold flow- can last for several days. up on live games.
ers are completely clean. Bacteria can cause the flowers to Gifting guys is a little easier with some Valentine’s inspi-
decompose prematurely. Use a diluted bleach-and-water Valentine’s gifts for your ration.
No. 1 guy
As Valentine’s Day approaches, the pressure is on to find Massage and Wellness
ideal gifts for a special sweetheart. The National Retail Fed-
eration indicates shoppers spent around $19.6 billion on Val-
entine’s Day gifts in 2018, a dramatic increase from the year Licensed Massage Therapist
When gifting the men in their lives, others may be hard
pressed to find an ideal gift for the guy who seems to have it $ 10 off Massage
all. Even though a small study published in Psychology To- Package of 3+
day determined that gifting men is seemingly easier than gift-
ing women - regardless of who is doing the buying - there’s a
prevailing stereotype that men are hard to buy for. That said,
these suggestions for men’s gifts may get the creative gifting
juices flowing.
· Leather gloves: Leaving home when the weather is
frightful can be a challenge. But warm, stylish gloves may $
help the process along. Look for gloves that also have touch- 20 off Massage
screen compatible tips, so that he doesn’t have to remove Package of 5+
the gloves to send that “I (heart) you” text.
Gift Certificates Available · Pixel heart mug: This heat-changing mug is ideal for Offer good through February 28, 2019
“Now Offering 12 months Interest Free” gamers who realize you need full health, or hearts, to make
it through game play - or the workday. The heart illustration 419 N. Main Street in Grafton.
We buy Gold, Sterling Silver, Silver Coins & Silverware turns red when it’s filled with a hot beverage. This mug is (440) 371-9509
available from Kikkerland on Amazon.
Hours: Tues. 9:30-7 • Wed/Thurs/Fri. 9:30-5 • Sat. 9:30-3:30 · Luxury shave kit: More men are realizing that indulging in Neuromuscular Therapy, Swedish Massage, Reiki, EFT Coaching
665 Chestnut Commons Dr., Elyria quality grooming items does not require checking manliness
(440) 322-0019 • at the door. In fact, it is quite trendy for men to use prod- Monday-Sunday by appointment Giovanni’s Hair Design
8 Chestnut St., Elyria Valentine’s
440-323-2212 Special
Valentines Week Feb 11-15
9am - 7pm Valentine
Chocolate Covered... a Gift
Bacon ~ Twinkies ~ Grapes Ba-
nanas ~ Strawberries (plain, Certificate
w/coconut, nuts or oreos!)
$ 16 /lb from
~Hundreds of Gift Baskets Pre-Order Giovanni’s
~Valentine Cupcakes - & Receive $5 OFF Give your Sweetheart A Gift that
30 for 14 95 a $25 purchase Hair Design She will Enjoy All Year Long
PKG #1 PKG #2 PKG #3 Genuine Freshwater Pearl Bracelets
1 Doz. Roses 1/2 Doz. 1 Dozen HAIR STYLING
in a vase Roses in a vase of assorted $25
w/ 1 lb. of w/ 1/2 lb. colored roses MANICURES | PEDICURES
chocolate of chocolate in vase QUALITY PRODUCTS
covered covered $38.95 A trusted name in Jewelry
strawberries strawberries 1033 E. Broad St. | Elyria | 440-366-0068
$54 $26.95 Mon 12:00-7:00; Tues, Wed, Thurs 8:30-7:00; Fri & Sat 8:30-2:00 244 E. Broad Street | Elyria | 322-1700
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019
how to care for them. On July 11, share photos of your gar- Grafton Twp. NEWS
GRAFTON LIBRARY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 den’s progress and ask Carol your most pressing question. On
Anime and Manga Magic the Gathering - Tuesday, Febru- September 12, bring your cut flowers and make a beautifully Ann McDonald 440-926-2774
ary 12, at 5 p.m. Are you a Magic player? Bring your deck and arranged wreath. Please note that you must wait to register for [email protected]
play Magic. The gathering is with other teens and will meet the the July and September sessions. This program is being held at
second Tuesday of each month through April. Please register the Grafton Township Hall. Super Bowl Subs
early to help determine set up needs. This program will take MHS Guidance news
place at the Eaton Township Hall The Belden United Methodist Church Men’s Group is hav-
Adult Social Hour: Galentines Day - Wednesday, February The ACT Test is Apr. 13, with a registration deadline of Mar.
13, at 11:30 a.m. Galentine’s Day, made famous by the sitcom 8 and late registration until Mar. 25. ing a Sub Sandwich Sale (for donations only) on Sunday, Feb-
ruary 3, immediately following the service at 11:30 a.m. The
Parks & Recreation is a day to celebrate the special women in The SAT Test is Mar. 9, with a registration deadline of Feb. church is located at 36130 St. Rt. 303, in Grafton. Take-outs
your life, so bring your favorite gals and enjoy card making 8 and late registration until Feb. 27. only. All dontations to benefit local missions. An elevator is
along with some candy treats. This program meets at the Eaton Scholarship Information: Available in the Student Services available.
Township Hall. Office or online:
Inspirational Book Club - Wednesday, February 13, at Ohio Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE) - Fire Department’s Pancake Breakfast
noon. Join facilitator, Peggy Wyar, for a lively discussion of This memorial scholarship is available to any graduating high
a different inspiring book each month. Books are available school senior whose parent or legal guardian is a member in
for pick up from the library approximately one month prior good standing of the OAPSE/AFSCME Local 4/AFL-CIO, It’s time again for the Grafton Township Fire Department’s
to the meeting. Please call the library for more information or who intends to enroll in a full-time degree program in any two- semi-annual pancake breakfast. The firefighters/EMTs invite
to check on book availability. February’s title is For Love and or four-year accredited university, college, business or techni- all to the township hall on Sunday, February 17, from 8 a.m.-1
Honor, by Judy Hedlund. This group meets at the Our Lady cal school. The scholarship may be used for any field of study. p.m. for the all-you-can-eat pancakes and sausage breakfast.
Queen of Peace Parish Hall. Deadline is March 1. The township hall is located at the corner of State Routes 303
Anime and Manga Society - Wednesday, February 13, at Beriswill Insurance Agency, Inc. Scholarship - A scholar- and 83. Cost for the breakfast is $6 for ages 11 & up, $5 for
3:30 p.m. Join the Anime and Manga Society as we watch An- ship in the amount of $500 will be awarded to a graduating seniors, $3 for children 4-10 years old and children 3 or young-
ime, draw Manga, participate in Japan themed activities and senior who wishes to pursue a degree of a business nature at a er eat free. The menu also includes fruit cups, chocolate milk,
have Japan themed snacks and drinks. Please register early to college, university or trade school in the fall 2019. Deadline is white milk and orange juice. The Life Share blood mobile will
help us determine the amount of snacks needed. This program April 1. be on site from 9a.m.-noon - breakfast is free with a successful
will be held in the Eaton Township Hall. The William D. Squires Scholarship - 15-$4,000 renewable donation.
ownship Hall. scholarships will be awarded to Ohio seniors in the class of Be sure to take time to check out the equipment that has
Writers Bloc - Tuesday, February 19, at 3:30 p.m. Do you 2019. Scholarship eligibility is primarily based upon financial been purchased through past breakfast fund-raisers. This is also
want to learn about the craft of writing? In this group, we will need. The EFC on your FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR) the perfect time to meet your volunteer firefighters and EMTs.
provide constructive feedback on each other’s works, partici- must be less than 7,000 to apply. Applications are available at
pate in different writing exercises and discuss short stories & Applications will be accept-
essays. We welcome all levels of writers and all genres. This ed from Feb. 15 - April 5. KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS
program is held in the library’s community room. The Ohio Chapter of American Public Works Association -
Horror Book Club - Thursday, February 21, at 6:30 p.m. Scholarship opportunities are available for graduating seniors GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY
Please join us for our new bi-monthly horror book discussion. residing in the Northeast Ohio area. Ten, $1,000 scholarships
The first book we will be reading is Bird Box, by Josh Male- are being offered for students who will enroll in a Public Works ~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~
man. Copies of the book are currently available at the library. field of study, including Engineering, Administrative, Voca-
Please pick one up at the front desk. The club will meet in the tional/Trade and Environmental Impact/Water Quality disci- Hours By Appointment
Doris Wildenheim Local History Room on the second floor of ples. Deadline to apply is March 1.
the library. Please call the library for more information or to The Ohio Chapter of American Public Works Association - 419 NORTH MAIN STREET
check on book availability. Light refreshments will be served. Scholarship opportunities are available for graduating seniors GRAFTON, OHIO
InbeTWEENers - Thursday. February 21, at 6:30 p.m. How residing in the Northeast Ohio area. Ten, $1,000 scholarships
many rubber bands are needed to make a bungee jump cord for are being offered for students who will enroll in a Public Works 440-926-2705
a Barbie? What exactly is in fizzy moon sand? Is it possible to field of study, including Engineering, Administrative, Voca-
build an unsinkable boat with material you already have around tional/Trade and Environmental Impact/Water Quality disci-
your house? Discover the answers to these question and more ples. Deadline to apply is March 1.
at this monthly program especially for ages 8-12. Each month Joel McRoberts Memorial Scholarship - This Lorain Soil
we will do some building, brainstorming, bonding and have a & Water Conservation District scholarship is a $1,000 scholar-
snack. The programs will be held at the Eaton township Hall. ship. Applicants must be enrolled in an agricultural or natural
I Love Flowers Series - Thursday, February 21, at 6:30 p.m. resource related field for the fall semester of 2019 at a two- or
Calling all gardeners, wannabe gardeners and crafters for a four-year college or university in Ohio as a full-time student.
3-part series with floral expert, Carol Mole. On Thursday, Feb- Students also must be a resident of Lorain County with a mini-
ruary 21, learn what flowers to grow, when to plant them and mum 2.5 GPA. Deadline is April 19.
Mon & Thur: 10-8pm,
Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat:10-5pm
High Quality Kitchen and Bath Cabinetry,
Carpeting, Tile, Laminate, Hardwood Flooring,
Granite, Quartz and Laminate Countertops | 536 Cleveland St. Elyria • 440-406-9299
RURAL-URBAN RECORD,February 4, 2019 Page 9
Helping Seniors® In-Home Service organization, (440) of vows, putting personal happiness ahead of the happiness
935-3848, can provide affordable helpers to assist with of the couple. Take stock of what you promised one another
meal preparation, mobility assistance, medication remind- on your wedding day and stick to those words.
ers, companionship and more. • Become a comedian. Laughter has a way of dissolving
Make one small change at a time. Remember that there a tenuous situation. Focus energy on laughing at mistakes
will be good days and bad, so don’t beat yourself up, or instead of pointing blame. Couples can make fun of them-
overdo it. You can become more active, eat healthier and selves and resolve to not take things too seriously.
make your heart happy. • Act like you’re dating. Couples often become compla-
Keeping marriage going strong cent after many years of marriage. They may forget about
the little details that made the relationship fun in the early
into your golden years years. The personal notes and cards and other surprises may
Eat right, move more, be happy, fall by the wayside after being together for some time. Make
an effort to go on dates, write love notes and think of what
love your heart! was appreciated by your partners when you were in the dat-
ing stage.
You have the power to make your heart happier and • Practice selflessness. Sometimes all that is needed to
healthier. The 2018 Update on Heart Disease and Stroke rekindle a relationship is a selfless act that shows how much
Statistics by the American College of Cardiology states that you care for your partner.
“physical inactivity and poor dietary habits remain major Donate to Second Harvest
reversible causes of US deaths.” Reversible. That’s good
Making small, thoughtful modifications now will have a Please consider donating to Second Harvest and LCOOA to
positive impact over time. If you won’t do it for yourself— make sure low-income Lorain County residents get enough to
eat! Every day, thousands of Lorain County residents - includ-
though you are worth it—do it for your spouse, your kids, ing seniors - go to bed hungry because they did not get enough
grandkids, or your pet. Think about the suggestions in this to eat. The poor economy and rising costs of food, gasoline and
article and use a calendar to keep track of your progress. housing have forced many people to choose between having a
Stop and smell the roses. The buzzword nowadays is roof over their head or enough food on their table. Odds are
“mindfulness.” Take a deep breath, and then another, and good that you know someone who is struggling to make ends
be mindful of the good in your life. Think positive, thankful meet.
thoughts. Second Harvest works tirelessly to meet the needs of Lorain
Keep Moving. With your doctor’s okay, add extra move- County residents, but they need your help! For every $1 you
ment to your day. Many stretches and other movements can Going on dates is a great way for older married couples to donate to Second Harvest, they are able to provide meals to 6
create excitement and romance.
be done from either a sitting or standing position and can get Lorain County residents who would not eat without your help.
more challenging over time as strength and coordination im- The trend of long-married couples calling it quits has If you are not able to provide a monetary contribution to
prove. Regular physical activity can do wonders for improv- been growing. However, there are some steps couples can Second Harvest, please consider donating your time or food.
ing your mood and your sleep, lowering high blood pressure take to keep their relationships going strong. Lorain County Office on Aging supports Second Harvest
and cholesterol levels, and for controlling your weight. According to the AARP, divorces among people over by operating 2 food pantries. We accept food donations and
Eat and drink heart healthy. Watch your portion sizes, the age of 50 have doubled since 1990. According to Su- always need great people who are able to deliver bags of food
purposefully drink water throughout the day. Try finger san Brown, codirector of the National Center for Family & to homebound seniors!
foods like grapes, chick peas, dates and pea pods. Add more Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University, one If you are interested in volunteering or donating food at one
fiber to your meals with lentils, beans, fruits, veggies, nuts, out of three Boomers will face their golden years unmarried. of the Lorain County Office on Aging food pantries, please call
seeds and whole grains. There are a number of reasons why divorce rates have (440) 326-4800.
Because February is Heart Month it is a wonderful time skyrocketed among the over-50 set. Understanding just why
to start adding more heart healthy choices to your daily life. these divorces are taking place and taking proactive steps to
The key is to start, be intentional, write down your goals and alleviate some of the divorce triggers can be a recipe for a
your progress. The Lorain County Office on Aging, (440) happy marriage that continues throughout a couple’s golden
326-4800, has wonderful resources, and your local Seniors years.
• Increase accountability. Ours is a transient society
where families no longer bat an eyelash over moving great
distances away from other family members. As a result,
N N No o or r rt t th h h R R Ri i id d dg g ge e e T T To o ou u ur r rs s s Boomers may feel like they are not connected to children or
5795 Tree Moss Lane North Ridgeville, OH 44039 grandchildren. With this in mind, they may feel less attached
to their marriage or their responsibilities or believe that no
one will get hurt by a divorce. Keeping families close and
C Co om me e A Al lo on ng g - - I It t' 's s F Fu un n T To o T Tr ra av ve el l! ! remaining in frequent contact can increase accountability
C Ca al ll l o ou ur r o of ff fi ic ce e f fo or r y yo ou ur r 2 20 01 19 9 B Br ro oc ch hu ur re e. .
and reduce the propensity for divorce.
One Day Trips • Get things out in the open. A major reason for a failed
Apr. 24: OUR ANNUAL CASINO BENEFIT . . ( $30.00 BONUS ) . . $35.00 marriage is years of avoiding significant issues rather than
May 15: BARBER MUSEUM & ICE CREAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94.00 addressing problems. Couples should make time to talk to
each other about anything that might be bothering them
July 10: OIL CITY & TITUSVILLE TRAIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94.00 rather than letting too many things slide. If these conversa-
Aug. 20: PENN-SHORE WINERY & CASINO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 tions turn into shouting matches, there is always the option
Sept. 17: REAL AMISH COUNTRY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94.00 of bringing in a third party to serve as a mediator.
• Spend time apart. After retirement, couples may find
Oct. 14: WINE, CHOCOLATE, PEEK n' PEAK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94.00 themselves spending hours upon hours in each other’s com-
Dec. 4: OGLEBAY CHRISTMAS LIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$94.00 pany. While togetherness can be beneficial, too much time
Dec. 17: A DICKEN'S CHRISTMAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $97.00 spent together may lead to feelings of suffocation and the
Multi-Day Tours perception that each member of the relationship is no longer
Prices indicated below are per person, double occupancy lodging. his or her own person. Individuals can remedy this by doing
more things on their own, whether spending time apart with
July 22-25: INDIANS-BLUE JAYS SERIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $589.00 friends or engaging in hobby time without your spouse. Af-
Sept. 29-Oct. 4: VERMONT FOLIAGE & MORE . . . . . . . . . . $1,149.00 ter all, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Brief periods
Oct. 13-14: THREE CASINO BLITZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $169.00 of separation can make the time married couples do spend
together feel more meaningful.
Nov. 1-9: SOUTHERN PLANTATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,879.00
• Recommit to your vows. After 30 or more years, the
C Ce el le eb br ra at ti in ng g 4 47 7 Y Ye ea ar rs s T Tr ra av ve el li in ng g E Ex xp pe er ri ie en nc ce e! ! vows you shared on your wedding may be a distant memory.
S Sp pe ec ci ia al li iz zi in ng g i in n Q Qu ua al li it ty y G Gr ro ou up p T To ou ur rs s! ! Some people may have different views on the permanence
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD February 4, 2019
elite client list are renowned orthopedic surgeon, Dr. James Side effects - Probiotics are generally healthy for people
Andrews; The Ohio State University; Cleveland Browns; to consume in amounts found in foods, advises the Mayo
Cleveland Indians; Bowling Green State University; Uni- Clinic. Most healthy adults can safely add foods or dietary
versity of Toledo; Cleveland Clinic; University of Toledo supplements that contain probiotics to their diets. Introduc-
Hospital; Cincinnati Bengals, Ohio University; etc. ing probiotics may cause temporary and mild flatulence, dis-
To schedule an appointment call or visit us today at (440) comfort and bloating.
238-0300. For more information access Probiotics can be yet another tool to improve overall
Feel your best starting with health at any age, but especially for adults looking to mini-
mize illness risk.
your stomach 3 tips to overcome everyday
Altenhiem offers HydroWorx aches and pains
Underwater Treadmill Pain is a significant concern for many people. Esti-
mates from the International Association for the Study
Altenheim’s Therapy Rehab Center has expanded to of- of Pain suggest that one in five adults across the globe
suffer from pain.
fer aquatic therapy to their patients to safely accelerate re- Pain can affect anyone, even people who have not
habilitation with less pain for individuals with a myriad of been in an accident or suffered an injury while playing a
ailments. HydroWorx products are used by top healthcare sport or performing another physical activity. For exam-
and sports facilities worldwide. ple, lower back pain, which can be caused by sitting at a
The HydroWorx will be offered for both inpatient and
outpatient therapy clients. Altenheim is proud to be one of desk for long stretches of time, is the most common type
of chronic pain in the United States. Such pain may be
the few facilities in the Northeast Ohio area to offer this unavoidable, but that does not mean it and other types of
state of the art equipment. Aquatic therapy has been used by everyday aches and pains cannot be overcome.
its customers to allow patients to get quicker results while 1) Begin a well-rounded exercise regimen.
increasing strength and flexibility. The Hydroworx Unit will Regular exercise that includes both strength training
be located in the Altenheim Therapy Rehab Center at 15653 Yogurt is a dietary source of probiotics, healthy bacteria and and cardiovascular exercise increases blood flow and
Pearl Road, in Strongsville, in the Outpatient Therapy de- yeasts that may improve overall health. helps build a strong core. A strong core supports the spine
partment. Yogurt is a dietary source of probiotics, healthy bacteria and reduces the pressure on it, making it less likely peo-
HydroWorx’s patented underwater treadmill is rev- and yeasts that may improve overall health. ple who sit for long stretches at a time will end their days
olutionizing rehabilitation, conditioning, and recovery. Did you know that they key to personal health may begin with lower back pain. Routine exercise also helps other
HydroWorx explains that, the natural buoyancy of water in the core of the body? Doctors and researchers are learning areas of the body by keeping muscles loose and flexible.
eliminates from 20% to 90% of an individual’s body weight. more and more about how the immune system and other Before beginning a new exercise regimen, men and
For example, in collarbone-deep water, a 200 pound subject functions of the body are tied to microscopic players housed
might bear only 20 pounds while in the aquatic therapy pool. in the stomach and intestines. Improving this digestive envi-
This, in conjunction with therapeutic warm water, can allow ronment can benefit the body in various ways.
for substantially decreased joint compression and pain. Understanding probiotics - Bodily bacteria outnum- Breathe Easy.
As a result, early range-of-motion gains through ber body cells by 10 to one, offers the health and wellness
HydroWorx rehab can be realized. Gait training in a low resource Healthline. Most of the bacteria in the body are
impact environment allows for earlier replication of proper harmless, and many of them in the gut actually are linked
ambulatory biomechanics. Such training would otherwise to numerous health benefits, such as weight loss, enhanced
be postponed until pain-free, land-based training is possible. immune function, reduced risk of disease, and improved di-
Hydrostatic pressure promotes the healing and strengthen- gestion. Unfortunately, bad bacteria also vie for space in the
ing of injured tissue by reducing joint stiffness, decreasing gut. If the good bacteria and yeasts, or probiotics, are not in
swelling, and lowering blood pressure levels. Cardiovascu- abundance to push out the bad bacteria, like salmonella and
lar stamina, muscle toning, and flexibility are augmented by E. coli, those bad bugs can proliferate, causing problems.
the resistance that water provides. It is essential to keep an abundance of probiotics available
HydroWorx specializes in designing, manufacturing, and to stay healthy and maintain the “good vs. bad” balance in
marketing the world’s finest water therapy and conditioning the gut.
equipment for the sports, health care, senior care, and fitness Getting probiotics - While the body can be healthy
markets. The company leads the industry in scientific re- without the addition of probiotics, having more can be ben-
search and data supporting the therapeutic and rehabilitation eficial. The Cleveland Clinic says that food and supplements
properties of water therapy. HydroWorx has sold products containing probiotics assist the good bacteria already pres-
in 50 states and twelve countries. Among its extensive and ent in your gut. When a course of antibiotics wipes out both Life’s a little easier, with an extra set of hands.
good and bad bacteria, for example, probiotic-rich foods Let us shop, cook, do laundry, personal care,
and supplements can more readily replace what’s lost.
Dietary sources of probiotics include some yogurts, help out around the house and so much more.
cheeses, kefir, sauerkraut, miso, kimchi, pickles, and bev-
erages like kombucha, a fermented tea. Getting probiotics
from foods is the most natural way to supplement good gut
bacteria, as the foods meld with the probiotics in ways that
Jodi Marsh doctors may never understand to deliver the most benefits.
The downside is it’s impossible to measure just how
Admission Coordinator many probiotics can be acquired from foods. That is what
Call for Admissions or Questions makes supplementation so handy. Capsules and tablets are For the help you want at a price you can afford ®
Offi ce 440-695-1400 | Fax 440-695-1401 loaded with a variety of different active bacteria and yeast
[email protected] cultures to aid the digestive system in measurable ratios. 440-935-3848
37845 Colorade Ave • Avon, Ohio 44011 Some tout anywhere from one to 30 billion active colo- ®2019 Seniors Helping Seniors. Each office is independently owned and operated. All trademarks are ny-forming units (CFUs) per serving. registered trademarks of Corporation Mutual Resources, Inc. Not all services are available in all areas.
Our Veterans Service Officers (VSO’s) serve as a liaison
to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA). VSO’s
TEMPORARY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE advise and assist Vets and their family members of
May be available to Veterans or their widow who show their rights and/or obtaining possible benefits through
a need and meet eligibility requirements. the VA, the State of Ohio and Lorain County.
Assistance may be given for rent, mortgage, property • Non-service Connected Pension for Wartime Vets
tax, utilities, car payment, insurances, and food or (Aid & Attendance/Housebound Pension, and
personal items.
Survivor’s Pension).
Household income, living expenses, available assets, • Service Connected Compensation.
medical expenses, and the special needs of each • Ohio War Orphans Scholarship.
applicant are considered when determining eligibility. TRANSPORTATION • Notice of Disagreements & Appeals to name a few.
Is provided to and from the VA medical appointments.
The Veteran must have been discharged under Wheelchair accessible transportation is available. VSO’S ALSO SUBMIT APPLICATION FOR:
honorable conditions and served on active duty Availability is on a first-come, first-serve basis. • Military Awards and Medals.
for purposes other than training. Applicant must TO SCHEDULE A RIDE CALL • 440.284.4624 • High School Diploma for Wartime Vets.
be a resident of Lorain County for 90 days prior to • Upgrading Discharges.
application. • Request Vets Discharge (DD 214) and various
records as needed.
Vets have access to computers, printer, fax and notary. • Burial Benefits • Education Benefits • VA Home Loan
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019 Page 11
women, especially those with existing aches and pains, Pasta with Asparagus how much time they have to offer. Volunteers without much
should consult their physicians about which exercises time to offer should look for more flexible opportunities that
they should do and which they might want to avoid. require smaller time commitments, while those who have
2) Employ RICE. plenty of time on their hands can explore more extensive
RICE, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and el- volunteering gigs.
evation, can help men and women overcome the aches Goals
and pains that result as the body ages and tendons begin Prospective volunteers should consider their reasons for
to lose some of their elasticity. RICE might be most help- volunteering and what they hope to gain from their experi-
ful for people who have been diagnosed with tendinitis. ence before choosing an opportunity. Men and women who
Athletes over 40 who engage in activities that require re- recently overcame an illness may find it most rewarding to
petitive motion might need to take more days off between work with an organization that raises awareness about that
rounds of golf or other competitive and/or repetitive ac- condition or disease.
Volunteering is a great way to give back to a community.
tivities. If tendinitis flares up, take some time away, icing The experience of volunteering can be that much more ful-
any sore areas, wrapping them in bandages, and elevat- filling when volunteers find an engaging activity.
ing them while resting. Athletes rarely want to sit on the
sidelines, but a few days off can go a long way toward “This is a great low-fat pasta dish. I serve it to company RSVP Program seeks volunteers
alleviating the pain associated with tendinitis. all the time. Serve with a fruit salad and French bread.”
3) Recognize your body may develop some limita- Ingredients
We Need Your Help! Are you interested in making a dif-
tions. 1 1/2 pounds fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1 ference in Lorain County? The RSVP Program is looking for
Age should not prevent you from being physically ac- inch pieces passionate & dedicated adults 55+ years of age interested in
tive, and numerous studies have touted the benefits of 1/4 cup chicken broth sharing their time, wisdom and skills to improve the lives of
continuing to exercise into your golden years. However, 1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced needy Lorain County residents.
as the body ages, muscle fibers become less dense, result- 8 ounces angel hair pasta Many types of volunteer opportunities are available
ing in a loss of flexibility that increases the risk of inju- 1 tablespoon olive oil to choose from throughout Lorain County based on your
ry and/or soreness. As men and women grow older, they 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper interests, availability and experience. Flexible hours.
shouldn’t abandon activities like gardening or strength 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese Opportunities to meet new people, make friends and learn
training. But they may need to scale back on the intensity Directions new things. No experience needed - just an interest to help
with which they perform such activities. Doing so can Cook pasta according to package instructions. others.
Interested in learning more about how you can help im-
prevent the kinds of muscle strains associated with aging. Heat the olive oil in a nonstick skillet. Saute asparagus in prove the lives of Lorain County residents & volunteer with
Pain affects more than one billion people across the the pan over medium heat for about 3 minutes. Add chicken RSVP?
globe. But some simple strategies can help people over- broth and mushroom slices; cook 3 minutes more. Contact Ralph Russini, the Lorain County Office on
Drain pasta, and transfer to a serving dish. Gently toss
come pain and enjoy a rich quality of life. pasta with asparagus mixture; sprinkle with Parmesan and Aging RSVP Program, at: (440) 326- 4816.
crushed red pepper.
LCOOA offers Recipe by: S. Butters, courtesy of
assistance for seniors Before you volunteer
The Lorain County Office on Aging offers Information A 2013 study from researchers at Carnegie Mellon Uni-
and Assistance Services to qualified Lorain County resi- versity found that adults over 50 who volunteered on a reg-
dents who are 60 years or older or disabled. Information ular basis were less likely than non-volunteers to develop
and Assistance Services include determining what services high blood pressure. That’s a significant finding, as high
you are eligible to receive and helping to connect you blood pressure has been linked to both heart disease and
to area programs that might be able to help. The Lorain stroke. Finding the right volunteering opportunity can make
County Office on Aging also provides follow-up services the experience of volunteering even more enjoyable. When
to make sure you get all of the services you are eligible to examining potential volunteering opportunities, prospective
receive. volunteers can consider a host of factors to find the right fit
To learn more about the Information and Assistance for them.
Program and how we may be able to help, please call the Personal interests Create an Easier, More Comfortable Lifestyle.
Lorain County Office on Aging, at (440) 326-4800, and Would-be volunteers who can find a way to align their In a 3 bedrooms 2 full baths New Ranch Style Home
ask to speak with one of our highly qualified Information personal interests or hobbies with a volunteering opportuni- with 1248 Sq. Ft of Living Space.
and Assistance Counselors. ty may enjoy their efforts more than if no such connection
Professional experience Finding yourself; in a New Home can be as simple as
Prospective volunteers may find volunteering more re- allowing the investment of your older drafty house with
warding if they can combine their professional experience
with their philanthropic efforts. Many charitable organiza- many needs, to now pay for your New Home.
tions are in need of operational help that helps them manage An investment is something that pays dividends latter!
their day-to-day efforts smoothly. Experienced profession- Why not cash in? On a very nice New Home with
als may be able to fill these valuable roles. Accountants can everything on one floor, in a nice community that is
offer to help organizations balance their books, while pro-
Heather Taras, LPN fessional fundraisers may be able to help organize events conveniently located for shopping, restaurants.
Case Manager, Director of Admissions for charities looking to raise money to meet their missions. I-480 & The Turnpike.
Cell 440-822-0305 | Offi ce 440-355-4616 | Fax 440-782-4030 Time is another important factor for prospective volun- 6610 Lear Nagle Rd North Ridgeville OH
[email protected] teers to consider. Some volunteering opportunities require (440) 327-1565 / (216) 644-2018
383 Opportunity Way • LaGrange, Ohio 44050 greater time commitments than others, and would-be vol- unteers must be honest with themselves when assessing
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Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019
singer/songwriter/recording artist Steve Free for an afternoon Wellington Schools
Wellington NEWS music workshop that combines the sounds of Shawnee Indian Superintendent Ed Weber
and Appalachian music at the library. Registration is required
[email protected] and can be done in person at the library or by calling (440) Winter is here. The past few weeks have brought heavy
647-2120. snow and cold temperatures. Closing a school district due to
Herrick Memorial Library Wellington Genealogy Group cold temperatures and/or snow is never an easy decision. We
appreciate our families for accommodating schedules and other
The Wellington Genealogy Group will meet on Wednesday,
Read To Putter - Wednesdays, from 3:15-4:30 p.m., Putter, February 6, at 1 p.m. at the LCCC Wellington Center, 151 changes that go along with canceling school. If we close school,
our Reader Dog, visits the library to listen to children as they Commerce Drive. we will notify families through our emergency call system, as
read. The children can spend 15 minutes reading a book or sto- The program this month is “Genealogy Show and Tell.” well as posting the information on the local television stations.
ry to Putter and build their reading skills. Putter is a registered Members will share their family stories, mementoes, research We are pleased to announce we have two students from
therapy dog that absolutely adores listening to a good story. information and genealogy websites or tips. Member Ray the Wellington High School Choirs who have been selected to
He does not mind if the child makes reading mistakes. Stop in Mann will start out the program by sharing his research on perform in the Honors Performance Series concert at Carnegie
to reserve a reading spot or call the library at (440) 647-2120. Mathew Gillett, the oldest Oberlin-Wellington Slave Rescuer. Hall in New York City this month. The students selected are
Writers Group - The Wellington Writers Group meets ev- seniors Gabrielle Dobbins from the Women’s Chorus and Seth
As always, WGG monthly meetings are free and open to the
ery other Thursday at the library. The next two meetings are public. Come and bring a friend. Bates from the Concert Choir.
on February 14 (Valentine’s Day - bring treats!) and February Our district recently finalized a Strategic Plan for 2019-
28, from 6-7:30 p.m. Join this group if you have a passion for Solar Car Races in Wellington 2022. For the next few weeks, I will be outlining each of the
writing in all venues. Bring samples of your writing to share goals within the plan.
with the group. New members are welcome. Registration is en- Goal 2: Responsive customer service to everyone through
courage. To register, call the library at (440) 647-2120. Spoiler timely, professional communication. To accomplish this goal,
alert: A new and exciting project is in the works for the group. our district has already created a new website with expand-
To find out what it is, please join them at an upcoming meeting. ed access; we have developed a Quality Profile to showcase
Winter Story Times - Winter Story Times at the library will school success; and we are developing and implementing a me-
began on January 22. Register your child for any of the fol- dia strategy to communicate district events.
lowing story times: Baby Lap Sit, ages birth to 24-months on The next Dialogue with the Board will take place on Feb-
Tuesdays at 11:45 a.m.; Family Story Times, ages 2-5 years, ruary 9 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. at Bread-N-Brew in downtown
accompanied by an adult, on Mondays at 6 p.m., Tuesdays at Wellington. The topic is our Boys & Girls Club and features
10:30 a.m. or Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. Register at the Chil- Board of Education members Dan Rosecrans and Penny Mc-
dren’s Desk in the Library or call (440) 647-2120. Claflin. We encourage you to attend to learn more about this
Winter Family Read Aloud - thru February 28. “Snow is program for our students.
Falling, Books are Calling!” Families with children up to age The next Board of Education Work Session is from 6-8 p.m.
7 are encouraged to join in our “Winter Family Read Aloud.” on February 5 at Westwood Elementary.
Families who sign up will receive a reading log to record the On February 14, nationally recognized and award-winning
titles of the books that they’ve read. Complete a reading ‘bingo’ singer/song writer, Steve Free, will be in Wellington to conduct
and receive a prize from the prize box; complete (7) activities educational outreach programs with our elementary and middle
and receive a paperback book; complete (15) activities and re- school students. On February 15, at 1 p.m., Steve will present a
ceive a book bag. Books need to be checked out from the Her- McCormick Middle School fifth-graders Alex Frenk, Amanda Kidd program at the Herrick Memorial Library and on February 16,
and Grace Denes begin their solar car race at McCormick Middle
rick Memorial Library. School in Wellington. at 7 p.m. there is a concert for the community at the Patricia
Tween Winter Reading - thru February 28. Tweens, ages Lindley Center. Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door.
8-11, can join in on our reading fun by picking up a ‘Bingo’ Wellington’s McCormick Middle School students in grades For more information, go to
reading sheet at the library. Complete a bingo and select a prize 5-8 have been blessed with funding from the Rural STEM Col- Edward Weber, Superintendent-Wellington Exempted Vil-
from the prize box; complete (3) bingos and put your name into laborative with the HSTW Ohio Network (Ohio High Schools lage Schools
our drawing for a chance to win the “Sweets Prize.” that Work) and the PAST Foundation, allowing them to par- Office: (440) 647-4286 Email: [email protected].
Legos® - Saturday, February 2, at 1:30 p.m. Children, par- ticipate in an exciting program building and racing solar cars. Website:
ents, grandparents, aunts and uncles can enjoy an afternoon Junior Solar Sprint (JSS), an Army Educational Outreach Pro- Caring Hearts Concert
creating with Legos® at the library. The library provides the gram (AEOP), provides a hands-on opportunity for students
Legos® and you provide the creativity. Enjoy some hot apple to apply science, technology, engineering and mathematics
cider and snacks while you build (feel free to also bring some (STEM) concepts, creativity, teamwork and problem-solving The Patricia Lindley Center for Performing Arts presents
snacks). This program is open to all ages. Register at the Li- skills as they design, construct and race a solar-powered car. a concert fund-raiser to benefit social services for residents
brary or by calling (440) 647-2120. The students completed their time trials last Friday. A rubric within the Lorain County Office on Aging Southern Satellite
Gentle Chair Yoga - Beginning on Thursday, February 7, at will be completed for each team, including the concepts listed Office (SSO) region. The concert will be held on February 9,
10:30 a.m. Enjoy 30 minutes of gentle chair yoga led by Deb above, in addition to the race times. Officials results will be an- from 7-10 p.m. at the Patricia Lindley Center for the Perform-
Lansman, RYT, at the library. This on-going program is de- nounced soon. Winning teams will advance to the regional com- ing Arts, located at 627 N. Main Street, in Wellington. There is
signed to stretch & strengthen muscles and develop flexibility, petition on Feb. 14 at Mapleton with New London, Black River no cover charge for this event, but monetary donations will be
followed by a networking time of tea and biscuits. Cost of the and the Northwestern teams. McCormick Middle School’s top accepted and are greatly appreciated. The musicians that are
class is a donation. Registration is required at the library or by two teams overall will have the opportunity to compete at the volunteering their talents include: local artists Jeff & Neff &
calling (440) 647-2120. national competition in Baltimore, Maryland in June. Rich with acoustic rock and roll; RAS with original progressive
Library Board Meeting - Tuesday, February 12, at 10:30 ORMACO special event rock; Wellington High School (WHS) Senior Rebekah Arcuri
a.m., is the Board of Trustees regular monthly board meeting. and WHS Sophomore Eryn Mitterling will provide alternative
This meeting will be in the Library’s Board Room and is open style music; Conk with original & retro rock; and Eclecticity
to the public. The Ohio Regional Music Arts and Cultural Outreach (OR- with original and cover electric rock and roll.
General George Washington and the Crossing of the Del- MACO) presents internationally acclaimed award-winning The SSO provides assistance to senior residents so they may
aware River - Tuesday, February 12, at 6:30 p.m. Join the li- singer/songwriter/recording artist Steve Free and his ensemble remain independent at home. The area the SSO serves includes
brary as it celebrates an early Presidents’ Day with Kenneth in an evening of folk music that combines the sounds of Appa- the townships of Brighton, Huntington, Penfield, Pittsfield,
Hammontree of Living History Productions portraying George lachia, Americana and Country. The performance takes place Rochester and Wellington and the Villages of Rochester and
Washington at the pivotal point of the American Revolution, on Saturday, February 16, at 7 p.m. at The Patricia Lindley Wellington.
code name ‘Victory or Death.’ Registration is requested and Center for the Performing Arts, located at 627 N. Main Street,
can be done at the library or by calling (440) 647-2120. in Wellington. In addition to the concert, Free will be presenting WELLINGTON CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
Shawnee Indian & Appalachian Music - Friday, February workshops at Wellington Elementary and the Middle School, as
15, at 1 p.m. Ohio Regional Music Arts and Cultural Outreach well as at Black River Local Schools on February 14-15. There
(ORMACO) presents internationally acclaimed award winning will be a free workshop at the Herrick Memorial Library in DOWNSIZING
Wellington at 1 p.m. on Friday, February 15.
For the community concert, tickets are $12 in advance and
are available by calling (330) 722-2541 or online at www.or- 101-Free Lunch
Legal Notice (credit card fees apply). Tickets are $15 at the door
Notice is hereby given that the 2018 Annual Financial (cash or checks only). & Learn
Reports for Penfield Township have been completed and The mini-residency and concert are made possible by gen- February 28 at 12pm
filed with the Auditor of the State of Ohio. A copy can be erous underwriting from The Wellington Schools Foundation
seen at the February 19, 2019 meeting of the Township and The Ohio Arts Council. ORMACO is a mostly volunteer, The Nest at Grey Hawk
Trustees at 7:30 PM at the Township Hall or by appointment non-profit that makes music, arts and culture accessible to all, 665 US Grant St, LaGrange
by contacting Vicki Denes at 440)315-5607. with a focus on programs for underserved, disadvantaged and
Vicki Denes, Fiscal Officer rural populations. To learn more about the organization, visit If you are looking to sell your home in 2019 or
planning on moving up, downsizing, or have a
Beat the Winter Blues family member who can no longer live on their
with Brews own, you want to attend this seminar!
and Wine about Winter This seminar will help you protect your equity
Feb. 9 , 12-4pm while getting your home sold quickly.
You will learn:
Tickets on Sale at •How to sell your home for Top Dollar without snags on
Red Iron Bar & Grille and closing day!
Main Street Wellington •Why staging is so very important to the selling process.
$15 Pre-sale / $20 at door. •Which repairs/upgrades are important and which are a
DIALOGUE WITH waste of money.
Tickets Include 5 tastes and THE BOARD OF •How a buyer’s financing affects your bottom line.
5 raffle tickets! •Why having a home inspection now is a good idea.
Plus, you can earn more EDUCATION •If a reverse mortgage is right for you.
raffle tickets by visiting Plus so much more!
participating businesses.
Saturday, February 9th Jennifer Herron-Underwood
Bread & Brew Realtor
8:30-10:30 Attending Board Members: 440-371-2862
440-647-3987 Dan Rosecrans & Penny McClaflin
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019 Page 13
National Boy Scout Week Feb. 3-9
“On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to God and my country, and to obey the Scout Law, to help
other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”
The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth
development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character,
trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops
personal fitness.
For over a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this
country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun.
The Boy Scouts of America believes — and, through over a century of
experience, knows — that helping youth is a key to building a more
conscientious, responsible, and productive society.
We are proud of our Scouts and congratulate them on more than 100 years of service
This page is proudly sponsored by the following:
GRAFTON • 440-926-3312 38475 CHESTNUT RIDGE • ELYRIA
WELLINGTON • 440-647-6010 440-322-4626
440-926-2621 440-926-3341
440-748-3751 440-926-0500
440-355-9920 440-355-5199
440-322-4428 440-235-2766
440-236-8111 440-355-5526
440-458-4291 440-355-6705
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019 Lucy seeks loving home
Carlisle NEWS Eaton NEWS
[email protected]
[email protected] lbs., is spayed and all caught up
on her vaccines. Lucy and her
sister, Rosie, were tied outside Eaton Township News
Carlisle Township Community News after their family brought home •Please note that our Compost Center is now CLOSED until
their new baby. They were res-
Leaf pick-up is finally over and what a season it was! No- cued together and they are both spring!
body can remember it dragging on this long. With the leaves looking for new forever homes •Please contact our office at (440) 748-2236 or secretary@
not starting to fall until late, mechanical problems with one the where they can live on a couch to request a Resident Packet with links to
leaf vacuums and a manpower shortage, it seemed like pick-up and not be tied to someone’s resources in the County/Township
was never going to finish. The Road Department even made tree. Lucy is sweet, playful, •Please visit our Facebook page for info. dailywww.face-
a final run through the township in January as some residents active and wants to please. She
were still putting leaf piles at the roadway. has a gray, black and white •Local Eaton Twp. businesses (retail & at-home) should
Speaking of the Road Department, a big “Welcome Aboard” mixed coat with a very pretty contact the secretary to be listed in our Business Listing
goes out to Dale Slaus, our newest road crew worker. He has face. •Township Hall Rentals: $75/Hall rental for Eaton Town-
spent the past month becoming familiarized with township Lucy If you would like to meet ship Residents; $125 for non-residents. Lots of open dates!
roads and equipment just in time for winter’s plow and salting Rosie and/or Lucy, please call Call the Secretary to schedule your family or work party. ($100
season. Dale brings experience to the job and is a United States Lucy is 2-year old, female, Micci with Safe Harbor Animal cleaning deposit) All non-profits that serve the youth of Eaton
Marine Corp vet. Aussie Mix who weighs 38 Rescue at (440) 670-7070. Township get FREE hall rentals (examples: 4-H, Girl Scouts,
At the January 22 Trustees Meeting, the Fire Department School Groups)
strengthened their leadership with the promotion of Louis Rural Rebels 4H Club •Residential lock boxes & mailbox reflective signs are
Hodge and John Lauer to the rank of Lieutenant. Lt. Hodge has available at the town hall office.
been with the Carlisle Township Fire Department for 20 years, On Tuesday, February 5, the Rural Rebels 4H Club will •Reminder: Notary services are complimentary for Eaton
is a member of the Lorain County Swift Water Team and a CPR hold their 2019 Organizational meeting at 7 p.m. at the Carlisle Township residents
Instructor. Lt. Lauer, also with the department for 20 years, has Township Hall on State Route 301. The club will be accept- •Eaton Township has a curfew between midnight-5 a.m.
been active with the Southeast Lorain County Explorer Post ing new members at this meeting. Rural Rebels is mostly a 4H (per Resolution 90-413).
909, which is comprised of fire department personnel from Car- Dog Training Club, teaching members how to care and train •Reminder: Transient vendors & solicitors MUST have a
lisle Township, Grafton Township and Grafton Village. He also their dog and get ready to show at the Lorain County Fair in permit (by Eaton Town hall) to go door to door in our township
heads township departmental monthly trainings. The formal Obedience, Showmanship, Rally and Agility. The club also has - residents are instructed to contact the Sheriffs dept. for ALL
swearing in of these new officers was administered by Trustee members taking small animals, livestock and other 4H projects. violations.
Berry Taylor, with Fire Chief Steve Higgins and Assistant Fire Members come from across the county - Grafton, LaGrange, •Veterans (living or deceased) in Eaton Township (for at
Chief Kurt Blair accompanying them. The township extends its Elyria, Oberlin and Wellington. Weekly training meetings will least 1 year of their life) that would like their name to be en-
congratulations! be held on Tuesdays indoors at the Township Hall; in May, graved on our Veterans Memorial Wall/Bench should contact
Carlisle Township is committed to recycling. We encourage training sessions will move outside to Carlisle Park. the town hall at (440) 748-2236. Cost is $50.
residents to visit the township’s website and check out the Re- If you have a pet dog at home and would like to learn more Location for all calendar items below is 12043 Avon Belden
cycling tab for helpful hints and information. It has informa- about dogs and show your favorite pet at the Fair, now is the Rd., unless noted otherwise:
tion about the Lorain County Collection Center in Elyria, their time to join a 4H Club. For more information, contact Head Ad- -Tuesday, February 5, at 7:30 p.m. - Eaton Twp. Trustees
hours of operation and what is accepted at the center. There is visor Jeannie Wagner at (440) 458-6786 or email karrycourt@ bi-monthly meeting.
also a reminder to recycle your used motor oil at the township’s or [email protected]. -Wednesday, February 6, at 7 p.m. - Eaton Twp. Zoning
Road Department. Call Road Department Superintendent Paul Valentine Tea at The Hickories Commission monthly meeting. Public hearings on Article 7 &
Sniezek at (440) 458-6688 to arrange your used motor oil drop- 11, Re-open work session on file#SP-2018-09 Upper 90 Futbol
off. Club parcel: 11-00-055-000-076 for new soccer fields.
Township offices will be closed on Monday, February 18, Dress up in your party at- All proceeds support the -Tuesday, February 12, at 7 p.m. BZA hearing - only if
in observance of Presidents’ Day. Carlisle Township Trustee tire and prepare to celebrate programming of the Lorain needed.
Meetings are held at the township hall across from the Fire Sta- decades of fun when Lorain County Historical Society -Monday, February 18 - Office Closed for Presidents Day.
tion. February’s dates are Monday, February 4, and Tuesday, County Historical Society and the operation of the Hick- -Tuesday, Februay 19, at 7:30 p.m. - Eaton Twp. Trustees
February 19, at 7 p.m. Hope to see you there. holds their 20th Anniversary ories Museum and the Lo- bi-monthly meeting.
Cleveland Indians’ spring training is right around the cor- Valentine Tea at The Hicko- rain County History Center.
ner. Pitchers and catchers report on February 12 and the first ries mansion. Founded in 1889, the Lorain Spaghetti Dinner
exhibition game is against the Cincinnati Reds on February 23. Since 1895, The Hicko- County Historical Society
Go Tribe! ries, the home of Arthur and collects, preserves, interprets Christian Community School, located at 35716 Royalton
Submitted by Jared Smith, Trustee Mary Garford, has been the and presents the history of Road, in Eaton Township, will have a Spaghetti Dinner on Fri-
site of many celebrations, Lorain County. Learn more at day, February 15, from 4-9 p.m. Donations appreciated.
from anniversary and birth-
Recycle day parties to elegant teas.
Join the Society in this stately
Newspaper home when you choose from
& Magazines one of four tea seatings: Feb-
ruary 9 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
or February 10 at 12:30 p.m.
and 3:30 p.m.
The program for this cel-
ebratory occasion will be
presented by Janet Bird, an
education coordinator for the
Keep in touch with your community Society, as they reminisce
Visit: about the many teas that have
Paid for by The Lorain County Commissioners and LCSWMD been held at the historic home
over the past twenty years.
Grace Lutheran Preschool at Trinity Guests will be served a three-
course high tea, complete
38307 Royalton Road, Grafton with savory sandwiches,
NOW ENROLLING scrumptious scones and de-
lightful desserts.
for the 2019-2020 School Year! The Hickories is located
at 509 Washington Avenue,
Classroom includes in Elyria. Tickets per seat-
ing are $25 for historical so-
“hands on” technology ciety members and $28 for
with SMART Board and non-members. There will be
Computers. door prizes and raffles at each
• 3-year class meets tea. Contact the Society at
Tuesday & Friday A.M. (440) 322-3341 or lchs@lchs.
org for more information.
• 4/5-year class meets
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday A.M. Ohio
• Enrichment Program includes STEM Genealogical
curriculum and Spanish.
Call (440) 748-3445 Society
Where children LOVE to learn! The public is invited to at-
tend the February 11 meeting
of the Lorain County Chap-
ter of the Ohio Genealogical
Society at 7 p.m at the North
Ridgeville Branch Library,
located at 35700 Bainbridge
Road, in North Ridgeville. A
social time will begin at 6:30
“Epitaphs and Icons:
What You can Discover in the
Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical, Graveyard,” will be presented
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances by Mary Milne Jamba. Cem-
Grafton Wellington etery records, carvings and
statues provide clues to aid
35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St your genealogical research.
440-926-3312 440-647-6010 Learn how to interpret of-
ten overlooked messages on
For more information,
contact Norm at (440) 856- 5170.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019 Page 15
Stop in & Experience one of our
Beer or Wine Samplings!
See store for details.
Credit Cards DEBIT CARD
or Your
34981 ROYALTON ROAD, NORTH EATON Please call 440-748-3751 For Advanced Special Orders
Saturday, March 9
Saturday, March 9
7-9 pm 15 Per Person
7-9 pm 15 Per Person
Bone-In $ 99 Sanderson $ 99 80% Lean $ 49
Ground Beef
Fresh Boneless
Center Cut 1 Chicken Breast 1 Value Pack $2.99 lb. 2
5 lb. Bag
Pork Chops lb. lb. lb.
Baby Swiss
$ 5 99 lb.
$ 89 $ 99 USDA Beef $ 49
1%, 2%, Skim or Chocolate
Gallon 1 Off The Bone Ham 3 Chuck Roast 4
Smith’s Milk lb. lb.
U.S. No. 1 Genuine
Idaho Potatoes
10 lb. bag
$ 3 99
24 oz. 14.25-15.25 oz. USDA Beef
Assorted Varieties 10/$ Selected Varieties ¢ T-Bone Steak $ 99
Hunt’s 10 Can Vegetables 69 Porterhouse Steak $8.19 lb. 7
Family Pack
Spaghetti Sauce lb.
2 lb. bag
$ 99
1 lb. Quarters $ 99 48 oz. $ 99 USDA Inspected Pork $ 69
Walnut Creek 2 Ruggles 2 Loin End 1
Butter Ice Cream Pork Roast lb.
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019 Audubon Society program Marshmallow seeks loving home
LaGrange NEWS Join the Black River Audubon Society for an information- Can you give Marshmallow
[email protected] al presentation, Evolution of a Land Conservation Project, by a good home where he will
Western Reserve Land Conservancy’s Andy McDowell at 7 never be left behind again?
All cats receive one or
Kindergarten Roundup p.m. on February 5 at the Carlisle Reservation Visitor Center, more vaccinations, a basic
located at 12882 Nickle Plate Road, in LaGrange.
Have you ever wondered how land conservation projects veterinary examination, are
Keystone Elementary School is hosting a Kindergarten work? What’s the process like? What is a conservation ease- wormed and spayed/neutered
Roundup on Tuesday, February 5, from 6-7 p.m. in the cafe- ment? Are there benefits for the land owner? Is that land really and feline leukemia tested.
teria. This informational meeting, hosted by Mrs. Neville and protected forever? McDowell, Vice President of WRLC West- Kittens under a year old are
Mr. Kish, will answer all questions you may have regarding ern Field Operations, will give answers to these questions and $60 and cats over a year are
the 2019/2020 kindergarten school year. Forms will be distrib- more! Marshmallow only $25. Senior cats (8 years
uted for registration, which takes place on Monday, February This program is free to the public. For more information and up) are FREE for people
11, and Wednesday, February 13, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. in the on programs, volunteering or becoming a member, visit www. This fluffy 6-year-old was 60 years and up. All kittens/
elementary office. Children must be 5 years old on or before or call (440) 365-6465. abandoned. He is understand- cats over 3 months old are
August 1 in order to attend. Any questions, please contact (440) ably a little timid right now, also micro-chipped.
355-2300. Keystone Career Fair but was lucky enough to have If you would like to give
Reverse Raffle/Steak Dinner request for representatives a good Samaritan take him in this kitty a new, loving, for-
until he could be surrendered
ever home, please call the
let him interact with their
The Keystone Athletic Boosters are sponsoring a Reverse Keystone High School is hosting a Career Exploration Fair to find a forever home. They Friendship Animal Protec-
tive League at (440) 322-
Raffle/Steak Dinner on Saturday, February 23, at the Wellington on Thursday, March 21. They are seeking individuals and busi- dogs and cats, and Marshmal- 4321. The shelter is located
Fairgrounds. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with dinner to be served nesses to attend to show students the vast range of career fields. low did fine. He is such a cool at 8303 Murray Ridge Road,
at 7:30. Tickets are $30 per person and must be purchased They will have displays throughout the school day, from 12:30- looking cat! He lets you know in Elyria. (www.Friendshi-
ahead of time. Included in the price is your dinner (choice of 2:30 p.m. and from 4-6 p.m., to give parents and community that he wants your attention,
steak or chicken), beer, soft drinks and a chance at the $2,000 members an opportunity to attend as well. but just take it slowly please.
grand prize. There will also be basket raffles and side boards. They are encouraging representatives to bring information
Donations for raffle baskets are also being accepted. (brochures, business cards, example products, etc.) about their WELLINGTON NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12
Please contact one of the following for tickets: Deb Hartle business for students to take home. In addition, they are ask-
at (440) 346-7111, Anna Stefan at (440) 610-9650 or Molly ing businesses to provide representatives for both portions of Spencer Historical Society program
Naylor at (440) 773-5091. the career fair. They will provide a meal from 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Specific details will be sent to the representatives as the date The Spencer Historical Society presents “President Abra-
Friends Pancake Breakfast approaches. The time commitments are detailed below: ham Lincoln & Mary Todd Lincoln” at the Spencer Town Hall,
•Check in to the KHS office between 12-12:15 p.m.
located at 112 N. Main St., in Spencer. The program is on Feb-
•Accompany your display and talk with students from ruary 17 at 2 p.m.
The Friends of the Metro Parks in Lorain County are having 12:30-2:30 p.m. It was over 157 years ago, March 4, 1861, that Abraham
a Pancake Breakfast on Sundays, February 24 & March 3, from •Lunch provided for presenters from 2:30-3:30 p.m. Lincoln was inaugurated as the 16th President of the United
9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 •Return for evening event from 4-6 p.m. States. He and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, are doing a stop
Diagonal Road, in LaGrange. Enjoy a breakfast of all-you-can- If you are willing to volunteer your time, or if you have any in Spencer, at the Town Hall, to meet our townspeople. Please
eat pancakes, served with scrambled eggs, sausage and your further questions, please contact KHS School Counselor Alys- stop in to hear them speak, them join them for refreshments af-
choice of coffee, tea, milk or juice. Cost per person is $7; kids sa Schwedt at (440) 355-2400, ext. 2393 or alyssa.schwedt@ ter their talk. Admission is free. The museum will be open after
from 3-10 are $4.50 and kids 2 and under eat free. the event. All are welcome.
Aviation events Backyard Bird Count
Brentwood ter 1252’s monthly meeting ter 5 IMC/VMC Club, from year, especially since it went worldwide a number of years
February 5: EAA Chap-
The Great Backyard Bird Count, GBBC, has grown every
7-8:30 p.m. at the Geauga
Golf Club with a presentation by Viet- County Airport (7G8) in Mid- ago. This year’s four-day event, February 15-18, 2019, will
nam Veteran & crew chief of
undoubtedly include more participants than ever. Yet, it seems
Combat Talon aircraft Rich March 5: EAA Chapter to be an increasingly individual experience as continually im-
Hovan. Social hour is from 1252’s monthly meeting. proved registration, reporting, maps, and data presentation en-
6-7 p.m. and the presentation A presentation by Sikorsky able those taking part to see their own reports presented geo-
to start at 7 p.m. at the Co- Helicopter test pilot Gary graphically in a number of intriguing ways. All it takes is a
lumbia Station VFW Hall. Kohler will begin at 7 p.m. minimum 15-minute commitment, over the four days, to watch,
February 15: The East Social hour is from 6-7 p.m. count, and report all the birds in your backyard, or another en-
Central Ohio Pilots Asso- at the Columbia Station VFW vironment, counting, and then reporting them. To learn more,
ciation (ECOPA) Comedy Hall. go to “,” and explore the website!
Night. Doors open at 6:30
NOW BOOKING p.m. at Guy’s Party Center in
Akron. Six comics compet-
ing for your vote! $35 ticket
NEW OUTINGS & LEAGUES FOR 2019 includes hors d’oevres and
Call us or stop in to check out the best 1 drink. Email KAREN KRAMER D.D.S. for ticket informa-
packages for your group. tion. “Laugh for Flight Dol-
lars” - Proceeds go to ECOPA ANDREW DEAK D.M.D, M.D.
MEMBERSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE FOR 2019! flight training scholarships.
We have 5 great options to choose from! February 23: ECOPA’s
ADS-B Safety Seminar, start- 420 N. Main St, Grafton OH | 440-926-3441
Improvements to the Course ing at 10 a.m. at the MAPS
Coming in 2019 Air Museum at the Akron We accept and are preferred providers for most dental
12415 Grafton Rd., Grafton Canton Airport. Presented insurances including Delta, Met Life, Aetna, Blue Cross,
12415 Grafton Rd., Grafton • 440-322-9254 by Brian Babik; go to https:// Medical Mutual, United Health Care, Humana, Cigna,
440-322-9254 to regis-
Club Pro - Rick Montgomery
Club Pro - Rick Montgomery ter. United Concordia, Guardian, Mutual of Omaha and
February 28: EAA Chap-
Please call for all you dental needs including children,
dentures, emergencies and denture repairs.
Kindergarten Check-up Available!
Carpentry Limited • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019 Page 17
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Today for Your FREE Quote. aid for qualified students -
844-776-7620 Career placement assistance. Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above clas-
sifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order
Selling an Antique Car or Call Aviation Institute of Main- Wednesday, February 6th | 8am-4pm to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the
Farm Equipment? Selling con- tenance 866-453-6204 or 877- Holiday Inn Strongsville readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail
struction equipment? Adver- 818-0783. order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money
tise with us to reach up to 3.2 15471 Royalton Rd Strongsville, OH in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of
million homes each week. You FINANCIAL ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company
choose the area. 800-450-6631 does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service.
All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.
Applying for Social Security 70 years old, kids are grown.
Disability or Appealing a De- Still need your life insurance? Actively Hiring:
nied Claim? Call Bill Gordon Or is a big LIFE SETTLEMENT
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The Rural-Urban Record Classifieds! GET RESULTS! SHOP LOCAL YOUR HOME KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019 Page 19
AIRLINE Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc. BENEDICT ROOFING
Family Business for Three Generations
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440-327-3433 ext #3 • Income Tax Returns
State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response Lung Cancer? PARKWOOD
Asbestos exposure in industrial,
EXCAVATING construction, manufacturing jobs, or the Contact Bobbie, Email: [email protected]
military may be the cause. Family in
the home were also exposed. 440-236-5449 or 216-403-9707(cell)
Roberta Duktig, AFSP
J. A. KILBY ENT. Call 1-866-795-3684 or email “The IRS does not endorse any particular individual tax return preparer.
•Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer [email protected]. For more information on tax return preparers, go to”
Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation $30 billion is set aside for asbestos
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Jason E. Davis
MILUM PAINTING -Complete Crane Service-
Drywall Install/Repair “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!”
Tree/Stump Removal
FREE ESTIMATES Tree Trimming, Firewood
440-309-5938 “FREE ESTIMATES”
Bonded & Insured
24 Hour Emergency Service 812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035
PLUMBING Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
OH LIC #23331 •Plumbing Repairs
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30 Years Experience Personal Plumber Service Corp. Sewer Lines - Water Lines
•Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior OH LIC #21372 Any Service FREE ESTIMATES!!!
& Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement Expires 2/28/19. Not valid with any other offer. J. A. KILBY ENT.
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• General Contracting J.A. Kilby Plumbing Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
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725 Sugar Lane, • Doors/Windows •Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation
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440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical 440-327-3433 • CONCRETE CRACK INJECTION
Specializing in Home Improvements State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED BASEMENT WALL CRACKS
All Seasons Roofing
Tear-Offs, Roof Cleaning,
Slates, Chimney Mason,
Siding & Gutter Cleaning & Repairs
Repairs from $75
440-748-3259 Casey Williamson
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal
Offi ce: 440-236-4001 •
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, February 4, 2019
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Elyria 440.365.8351 130 Market Dr. (next to Home Depot) *Financing available with approved credit on purchases of $500 or more.
Minimum payments required. See store for details
**Minimum labor charges apply, steps and custom work additional.
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