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Published by The Rural-Urban Record, 2018-12-05 10:45:34


The Rural-Urban Record

“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 63 Years of Community Service!”

Volume 64, No. 23 Columbia Station, Ohio December 3, 2018

JVS Masonry Trades students “Holiday Lights” display

Masonry Trades students stand by their “Holiday Lights” display at the Carlisle Visitor Center.
For the tenth consecutive year, the Lorain County JVS junior Masonry Trades class is taking part in the “Holiday Lights” event at the Lorain County Metro Parks Carlisle Visitor
Center. For the past few years, the students have created and painted iconic characters from the classic holiday movie, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” and with the release of
“The Grinch” in movie theatres now, the students were excited to bring new life to a favorite holiday character.
Emily Penner, Masonry Trades junior from North Ridgeville, worked on the display last year when she was shadowing the masonry program as a sophomore, and she was
excited to take the lead on the project this year.
David Rudisill, Masonry Trades Instructor, enjoys having this be a tradition for his program and looks forward to it each year. “The fun thing for me about this project is that
the students don’t actually think they are learning, but this is exactly what we are doing out in the field, we are just making it out of holiday items.”
The theme for the “Holiday Lights” event is classic holiday movies. This year, the students created and painted the Grinch, the moose, a Christmas tree, new presents and gave
the sleigh a fresh coat of paint. Cindy Lou Who, Max, the reindeer-dog, and the chimney are a part of the display as well, but these items were created from past classes and are
being used again this year.
Visitors can vote on their favorite display; the masonry students hope you vote for number 23, “The Grinch.” Votes are taken inside the Carlisle Visitor Center, where refresh-
ments are also offered for a small fee, courtesy of the Friends of Metro Parks.
You won’t want to miss these spectacular pieces designed, built and painted by JVS students! The ‘Holiday Lights’ at the Carlisle Visitor Center takes place now through De-
cember 30.
LCCC Stocker Center hosts Keystone Senior continues baseball career
“A Christmas Cabaret”

generation. The hits range Keystone High School
from “Winter Wonderland,” senior Justin Lenz signed
“Let It Snow” and “Have a letter of commitment
Yourself a Merry Little to attend and play base-
Christmas,” to Irving Ber- ball at the University of
lin’s 102-year old salute to Northwestern Ohio. Justin
Santa Claus and our inevi- has been playing baseball
table tributes to Rudolph, since he was four years
Frosty and that mean one, old. For Keystone, he is
Mr. Grinch. the team’s catcher, and he
Tickets are $20 each
or $10 for LCCC students will continue in this posi-
with a valid ID, children tion as he attends North-
Lorain County Commu- 18 and under and active western Ohio. Justin is
planning on majoring in
nity College’s Stocker Arts duty military with a val- Business Administration
Center presents its annual id ID. Stocker Box Office
holiday treat, “A Christmas hours are Monday through and states that he chose
Cabaret,” by the Musical Friday from noon to 6 p.m. Northwestern because of
Theater Project at 8 p.m. on The box office is also open its small class sizes and
Friday, December 14, and at 90 minutes before ticketed positive atmosphere.
2 p.m. on Saturday, Decem- events (60 minutes before Justin attributes his suc-
ber 15, in the Cirigliano Stu- Student Matinees). Call the cess to his mother and his
dio Theatre. Stocker Box Office at (440) coaches. He states, “My
Nancy Maier, Bridie 366-4040 or visit stocker- mom, Stacy Brewer, has
Carroll and Joe Monaghan for tickets. always stood by me and
will join host Bill Rudman Stocker Arts Center is backed me up whenever I Justin Lenz (center) is joined by his grandmother Joan Brewer and his grandfather Owen
in these two performances, located on the campus of needed it. She also finan- Brewer (bottom row) and his Aunt Joan Brewer and his mother Stacy Brewer (top row).
where the show isn’t com- Lorain County Community cially supported my base- coaches also played an im- really thankful for him.” both a student and an ath-
plete until everyone joins College at 1005 North Abbe ball career, and I really portant part in my success. Justin is excited to be- lete at the University of
in on “White Christmas” Road, in Elyria. Parking on appreciate all she has done Mr. Walls has been by me gin his college career and Northwestern Ohio.
- just one of several dozen the campus is free. for me.” Justin adds, “My every step of the way. I am we wish him the best as
songs that appeal to every

Community Directory Carlisle 10 Grafton 7 Wellington 13 Profile Page 9
Columbia 4
Grafton Twp.
Eaton 10 LaGrange 12 Events page 2 SENIOR LIVING 5

Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018

Events Once home, place the tree in

water as soon as possible.
Most species can go 6 to 8
hours after cutting the trunk
and still take up water. Don’t
bruise the cut surface or get
it dirty. If needed, trees can be
December 1 December 2 December 7 temporarily stored for several
days in a cool location. Place
Christmas Alpaca Days Snacks with Santa & Grafton Old Fashioned the freshly cut trunk in a bucket
Start your Christmas shopping the Horses Christmas
and browse our gift shop. Spe- Come enjoy horse/pony rides, See Santa, Tree lighting cere- that is kept full of water.
cial offers and discounts on all horse visits, Santa, snacks, mony, Christmas displays, Ice Info from:
alpaca products. Plus Amish games and prizes - all for a $10 sculpting, Caroling and more! tree-safety-pointers/
soaps, lotions, candles, gift donation ($5 if you are simply Downtown Grafton
baskets and more! Also on Dec. snacking). Bring a camera for Grafton-Midview Library
14-16. photo opportunities. 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Heavenly Haven Alpacas Angels Haven Horse Rescue
7238 Speith Rd., 13297 Durkee Rd, Christmas & Critters December 8 Dec. 14-16 December 15
Medina Grafton
10:00am - 6:00pm 1:00pm - 4:30pm Come join us at Abiding Faith Christmas Craft Show Christmas Alpaca Days Kids Cupcake Decorating
Bible Church for the Jungle Ter-
ry Animal Show. Pizza, crafts, Free Admission. Selection of Start your Christmas shopping Each child will assemble, dec-
handmade Christmas Art &
and browse our gift shop. Spe-
orate and bring home four cup-
Christmas in the Alpaca Grandparents and ME cookie decorating, face painting Crafts. Interested Vendors call cial offers and discounts on all cakes with a holiday theme in-
Barn Fun Christmas event, Children and more! Free but please sign 440-897-3301 alpaca products. Plus Amish cluding Santa, Christmas trees,
up on our website. Call 440-
Visit and learn about alpacas. 3+ may bring their grandpar- 364-9477 for questions. Recreation Center soaps, lotions, candles, gift snowflakes and The Grinch.
Need a special gift? Visit our ents or a special older friend Abiding Faith Bible Church 16000E. Bagley Rd., baskets and more! Register and pay by 12/12 Mill-
farm store. Get a picture with that isn’t their parent. Enjoy 14161 West River Rd., Middleburg Hts Heavenly Haven Alpacas er Members $25/nonmember
Elfin Eddie. Bring food dona- crafts, games, stories and a Columbia Station 12:00pm - 4:00pm 7238 Speith Rd., $27 For ages 7 and up.
tions for Second Harvest Food service project. Call 440-478- Medina Miller Nature Preserve
Bank and be entered in a draw- 2230 for questions or to re- 6:00pm - 9:00pm 10:00am - 6:00pm 2739 Center Rd,
ing for alpaca products. serve a spot. Avon
Our Little World Alpacas LLC N. Eaton Christian Church 11:00am - 12:30pm
16800 Cowley Rd., 35895 Royalton Rd, Dec. 7-8 A Charlie Brown
Grafton Grafton Christmas Play
Come enjoy some Christmas Lunch with Santa
10:00am - 4:00pm 3:00pm - 5:00pm L&WV Santa Train Enjoy pizza, entertainment and Board our vintage train for a Music, See Santa and watch a crafts with SANTA all for just
wonderful play! Tickets $8, Stu-
Community Christmas short ride and a chance to visit December 9 dents & Seniors $5. Pre-sale $5.00 per person. Pre-register
with Santa. Check website for
Light Up Lakewood Tree Lighting tickets and departure times. Breakfast with Santa tickets call Charmae 440-263- and pay by Dec. 12th at www. Last years
This free, family-friendly event Come see as we light up the Wellington Station Enjoy pancakes, sausage and Columbia Lighthouse event sold out!
features a holiday parade, light- tree in front of Eaton Fire Dept. 46485 ST RT 18, beverage. Seatings at 8:30 Bible Church Briarwood Lodge
ing ceremony, winter fireworks, Park in NECC parking lot. An Wellington am or 11am. $10 each, under Columbia Reservation
Live music, ice carvings, hot ensemble from Midview HS will See website for times 2 FREE. Optional photo $4. 24050 Royalton Rd., 25145 Royalton Road
chocolate, food trucks, chil- be playing Christmas Carols. Each child receives a GIFT! Columbia Station
dren’s games and much more. Cookies and hot drinks after Call 440-458-5121 to reserve. Fri: 7pm, Sat: 7pm, Columbia Station
Downtown Lakewood the lighting at NECC. Please reserve by Dec. 1. Sun:2pm 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Warren and Detroit Rd N. Eaton Christian Church December 8 Carlisle Visitor Center
11:00am - 8:00pm 35895 Royalton Rd, 12882 Diagonal Rd Grafton Pictures with Santa LaGrange Advertise Your Event!
5:00pm Sign up to have pictures with 8:30am OR 11:00am
Dec. 1-2 Santa. $68 per session and digi- • Event Name
tal prints. See website or contact
Christmas Shopping December 6 Kelly Milluzzi at 440-476-8227. Winter Farmers Market • Description of Event
Milk and cookies included.
Celebration Santa Shop Columbia Ballroom Seasonal produce, Free range (Includes up to 25 Words)
Refreshments and Great Let your kids do their own 24883 Royalton Rd., meats, Specialty foods, Pas- • Date
Sales! Christmas Shopping this year! Columbia Station tries, Eggs, Honey & Bee prod-
Many gifts to choose from plus 9:30am - 12:30pm ucts, Syrups, Nuts, James & • Location
a visit from Santa! Free gift Jellies, Chocolates, Tea & Cof- • Time
wrapping available. Children fee, Artisan Breads, Eco Friend- • Website (if needed)
must be attended by an adult. ly products and more! Also on
Main Street Antiques Also on Dec. 13th & 20th. Dec. 22
Frostville Museum
335 Main St., Oberlin Carlisle Visitor Center 24101 Cedar Point Rd., • There is a cost to advertise
11:00am - 5:00pm Daily 12882 Diagonal Rd • Restrictions apply to certain events,
LaGrange North Olmsted call to check!
6:00pm - 8:00pm 10:00am - 2:00pm Call: 440-236-5103

Open House Sat. December 8 th

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018 Page 3

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Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018 Columbia Historical Society CHS Semester Exams
Columbia NEWS The Columbia Historical Society is holding its last regular Columbia High School will administer final exams for the

Julie Petras meeting of the year with a Christmas Potluck Dinner on Tues- semester Wednesday - Friday, December 19-21. On Monday,
[email protected] day, December 11, in Columbia Town Hall, located at 25496 December 10, your child will receive the exam schedule, infor-
Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. They plan to eat at 6 p.m. mation and permission slip in homeroom. The permission slip
Trustees meeting so that hot foods are hot! Bring an item or casserole to share is due to the attendance office by Friday, December 14. Com-

Columbia Board of Trustees will meet tonight, December 3, and your table service. They will be recapping the events of the plete exam information is also available on the Columbia High
past year and holding elections for the 2019 year. Plan to arrive
School website,, on the high school
at the town hall at 7 p.m. The community is welcome to attend. between 5:30-5:50 p.m. home page and under documents. If you have any questions
CHS Weekly Calendar Strongsville Theatre auditions concerning semester exams, please call the high school at 236-
Monday, December 3:
7 p.m. College Credit Plus Night. Strongsville Community Theatre will be holding auditions Sammy seeks loving home
Tuesday, December 4: for “Driving Miss Daisy,” by Alfred Uhry and directed by Chris
11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Sophomore Ring Delivery. Bizub. Performance dates are March 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 & 17, acter! He really is a nice cat
11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Jostens grad orders accepted. 2019. Audition time/place: Strongsville Senior Center, 18100 and will greet you and likes
Wednesday, December 5: Royalton Road (behind Target store), Monday & Tuesday, De- to be pet. One Christmas is
8:45 a.m. Senior Citizens Breakfast. cember 10 & 11, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Please bring a headshot one too many for Sammy to
6/7:30 p.m. Girls Basketball v. Fairview. and resume plus a list of January-March conflicts. Auditions be in shelter. We can’t make
Thursday, December 6: will consist of readings from the script. it two! Spend some time with
7 p.m. Band and Choir Holiday Concert. Roles available: Daisy Werthan, a rich, sharp-tongued Jew- Sammy and see if you can be
Friday, December 7: ish widow of seventy-two (play age 72-97); Hoke Coleburn, the one to make his dream of
3 p.m. Wrestling at Northcoast Classic - Independence. a dignified, good-natured, soft-spoken black man (male, Afri- having a home for the holi-
4:30 p.m. Freshman Boys Basketball v. Fairview. can-American, can play 60’s-80’s); Boolie Werthan, Daisy’s days come true. Sammy and
6:00/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball v. Fairview. son (male, can play 40’s-60’s). Most rehearsals will be held the other cats currently avail-
Saturday, December 8: Monday-Thursday, January 25 - March 7, 2019, at Strongsville Sammy able for adoption can be seen
10 a.m. Wrestling at Northcoast Classic - Independence. High School’s Little Theater, located at 20025 Lunn Rd. Con- We can’t let Sammy spend at
1/2:30 p.m. Girls Basketball v. Garfield Hts. tact the director at [email protected] for more infor- another Christmas in a shel- cats. All cats receive one or
Food Pantry mation. ter. He is the longest resident more vaccinations, a basic
veterinary examination, are
and it really is a mystery why
The December food distribution at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Columbia Library events he hasn’t been adopted. Sam- wormed and spayed/neutered
Church will be on Monday, December 3, from 4-5:30 p.m. The Preschool Story Time - Tuesdays, December 4, January 8, my is 6-years-old and arrived and feline leukemia tested.
church is located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Town- 15, 22 & 29 and February 5, 12, 19 & 26, from 10:15-10:45 at Friendship Animal Protec- Kittens under a year old are
ship. The food, from the Second Harvest Food Bank of North a.m. Stories, music, finger plays and crafts for children between tive League on November 14, $60 and cats over a year are
Central Ohio in Lorain, is available to residents of Columbia, the ages of 3-6 years old with their caregivers. Preregistration 2017. He is in the cattery and only $25. Senior cats (8 years
Grafton and Eaton Township. Recipients must be eligible ac- required. does well with the other cats. and up) are FREE for people
cording to Ohio Job and Family Services guidelines and bring Dinner and a Book Discussion - The Red Garden, by Alice Sammy used to really not like 60 years and up. All kittens/
proof of address, such as a current utility bill and a photo ID. Hoffman on Tuesday, December 4, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Would dogs and would run to the cats over 3 months old are
For more information, or to determine eligibility, phone the you like to spend an evening each month discussing a great door of the cattery when a dog also micro-chipped. The
church office at (440) 236-5095, Mon-Fri. between 9 a.m. and book, eating and making new friends? Check out our brand new would go by. He has chilled shelter is located at 8303
noon. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of book discussion group. Dinner is on us! Copies of the book are out and rarely reacts to a dog Murray Ridge Road, in
Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrim- available at the library. Preregistration required. any more. Sammy is a char- Elyria.
inating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or Excel for Beginners - Saturday, December 8, from 10:30
disability. a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Participants will learn about the basics of COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
Columbia K-8 lunch menu using the 2016 edition of Microsoft Excel to set up a spread- J&J Greenhouse
sheet workbook. The instructor will demonstrate how to input
Week of December 10-14: data, compose simple spreadsheet formulas and choose layout
Monday: Breakfast - Mini Eggo pancakes; Lunch - Choice and print format options. A limited amount of hands on practice
of chicken drumette w/pretzel bites, turkey & cheese wrap or time will be available. Participants need to be comfortable us- ~Christmas Trees~
popcorn chicken salad w/roll, with green beans and peaches. ing a mouse to attend. Preregistration required. Fraser Fir • Spruce
Tuesday: Breakfast - WG cinnamon roll; Lunch - Choice Adult Book Discussion - Last Christmas In Paris, by Hazel
of salisbury steak w/gravy, turkey & cheese wrap or popcorn Gaynor and Heather Webb on Monday, December 10, at 1 p.m. Poinsettias • Pine Roping
chicken salad w/roll, with mashed potatoes and pears. Copies of the book are available at the library. New members
Wednesday: Breakfast - breakfast sandwich; Lunch - Choice are welcome. Preregistration required. Wreaths • Centerpieces
of hot ham and cheese on pretzel bun, turkey & cheese wrap or Pancakes and Pajamas Holiday Party - Tuesday, Decem-
popcorn chicken salad w/roll, with spiral fries and mixed fruit. ber 11, from 10:15-11:15 a.m. A festive story time for children 26240 Folley Rd. Columbia Station
Thursday: Breakfast - pancake wrap; Lunch - Choice of ages 3-6. Come in your pajamas and be ready for some holiday 440-236-8762
grilled cheese, turkey & cheese wrap or popcorn chicken salad cheer. Hrs: 9-7, Inc: Sat & Sun
w/roll, with tomato soup and mandarin oranges. Teen Crafternoon - Tuesday, December 11, from 4-5 p.m. Visa/Mastercard/Discover
Friday: Breakfast - scrambled eggs w/biscuit; Lunch - Come to the library and flex your creative muscles by doing
Choice of pizza, turkey & cheese wrap or popcorn chicken sal- various craft activities. You’ll get to take home your creations PUBLIC NOTICE
ad w/roll, with mixed vegetables and strawberries. when you’re done. Preregistration required. Division of the State Fire Marshal
Columbia Library is located at 13824 W. River Road North,
in Columbia Station. For more information on programs or to Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations
register, call (440) 236-8751. Pursuant to the rules governing the remediation of releases
Attention Senior Citizens of petroleum from underground storage tank (UST)
Holiday Special system(s), notice to the public is required whenever
$25 OFF Columbia High School and the CHS Key Club would like to there is a confirmed release of petroleum from an UST
with $75 session invite you to our biannual Senior Citizens Breakfast. This event system(s) that requires a remedial action plan. Notice is
is open to all Columbia residents and grandparents of Columbia
Exp. 12-31-18 Local students. The breakfast is on Wednesday, December 5, at hereby given that a confirmed release of petroleum has
8:45 a.m. in the high school cafeteria. It is free of charge. The occurred from the UST system(s) located at:
Key Club will be serving breakfast casseroles, hash browns,
fruit, muffins and a variety of beverages. If you would like to Former Easy Trip #2407
attend, please call (440) 236-5001 before 3 p.m. on Monday, 16625 Royalton Road
December 3, to make your reservations. Strongsville, Ohio 44136
Cuyahoga County
Moonglow Pendants & Release Number: 18002393-N00002

Bracelets A proposed remedial action plan (RAP) dated October 22,
2018 was submitted by the owner and/or operator of the
UST system(s) for the review and approval of the State
Fire Marshal (SFM). Once the SFM has reviewed and
approved the proposed RAP, the owner and/or operator
Decorate for $ 49 50 of the UST system(s) will be required to implement the
proposed RAP.

Christmas Bracelet or A copy of the proposed RAP, as well as other documentation
Pendant relating to this release and the UST system(s) involved, is
maintained by the Bureau of Underground Storage Tank
Poinsettias Regulations (BUSTR), and are available for inspection and
copying by the public. Please make all requests for copies
Cyclamens Stop in Soon to Find Out Which of the proposed RAP or for inspection of the RAP and other
related documentation in writing to BUSTR, P.O. Box 687,
Wreaths Moon You’re Influenced by Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068.

& More! Were you born under a Waning Crescent, An order form and other publications that may help you to
Waxing Crescent, New Moon
or Possibly a Full Moon? understand the requirements for compliance with BUSTR’s
rules and regulations may be found on the Internet at www.
Hansen’s Greenhouse Inc. or by calling our office.
8781 Columbia Rd., Olmsted Falls
OPEN DAILY 9am-5pm The SFM will accept written comments on this RAP for
a period of 21 days from the date of publication of this
440-235-1961 notice. You may submit any comments regarding this site
and the RAP, in writing, to the above address. For further
A Trusted Name in Jewelry information, please contact Charlie Zepp at 614-752-7093.
Please reference release #18002393-N00002 when making all inquiries or comments.
244 E. Broad Street | Elyria | 322-1700

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018 Page 5

unteers attend all classes. Pre-registration is required. For cancers, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Data published in
more information, or to register, call the volunteer team at the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society found vegetarian
(216) 255-9090. It is required to wait 12 months after diets are high in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, essential vi-
experiencing a significant loss before volunteering directly tamins and minerals; offer an abundance of antioxidants;
with patients. and are very low in saturated fat. However, switching to a
Health benefits of vegetarian diets vegetarian diet is not enough to lose weight or get healthi-
er. Choosing the right type of vegetarian foods - including
whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich legumes
- and controlling portions is key.
Vegetarians may have low cholesterol, as well as fewer
incidences of stroke and obesity and cardiovascular inci-
dents than non-vegetarians. Whether this is entirely food-
LCOOA RSVP Cookie Sale based, or because vegetarians tend to also embrace other
healthy habits, has not yet been determined.
The annual Lorain County Office on Aging/RSVP Hol-
iday Cookie Sale will be on Friday December 21, at the
Lorain County Administration building, 226 Middle Ave.,
in Elyria and at the Lorain County Justice Center Building, K
225 Court Street, in Elyria. The sale starts at 8 a.m. Many people change their lifestyles in an effort to im-
Hospice Volunteer prove their overall health. Changing the foods one eats is Heather Taras, LPN
one of the more common ways people try to get healthy,
Education Series and many people find adopting a vegetarian diet helps them Case Manager, Director of Admissions
realize their goals.
Hospice of the Western Reserve is seeking volunteers Adopting a vegetarian diet can be a great way to improve Cell 440-822-0305 | Offi ce 440-355-4616 | Fax 440-782-4030
to assist in private residences, nursing homes, assisted liv- personal health. Vegetarians may now find it easier to main- [email protected]
ing communities, our three Hospice House locations, and tain their lifestyles than ever before thanks to the year-round 383 Opportunity Way • LaGrange, Ohio 44050
hospital settings. As a vital part of Hospice of the Western availability of a variety of fresh produce and more vege-
Reserve’s team, volunteers come from all walks of life and tarian dining options offered at restaurants. Even premade
have a variety of skills, talents and abilities. Opportunities vegetarian foods are more widely available at markets and
to serve are diverse: visit patients and families to provide grocery stores.
companionship, socialization, and comfort; help with lega- Approximately six to eight million adults in the United
cy work, transportation, light housework, and meal prepara- States eat no meat, fish or poultry, according to a Harris
tion; run errands; make phone calls; help with clerical work; Interactive poll commissioned by the Vegetarian Resource
attend health fairs; make presentations. Volunteers with Group, a nonprofit organization that disseminates informa-
specialized professional qualifications and training are also tion about vegetarianism. Many more avoid red meat while
needed: attorneys, licensed hair dressers, massotherapists, still eating fish and poultry. Jodi Marsh
pet therapy dogs and their handlers. Although studies into vegetarianism long pointed out Admission Coordinator
The next series of volunteer classes will be held at Hos- the potential nutritional deficiencies of such a diet, the Call for Admissions or Questions
pice of the Western Reserve, 22730 Fairview Center Drive, tides have shifted, and many nutrition experts now note Offi ce 440-695-1400 | Fax 440-695-1401
Fairview Park, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, January 22, 24, how eating plant-based foods offers sufficient nutrition and [email protected]
29 and 31, from 1-4 p.m. Non-clinical volunteers attend can reduce the risk for chronic illnesses. A vegetarian diet 37845 Colorade Ave • Avon, Ohio 44011
only the first four hours on January 22, while most other vol- may offer protection against cardiovascular disease, some

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Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018
The Rural-Urban Record Live Nativity
Join us at the manger! The 4th and 5th grade PSR students
Published Weekly on Monday of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church will be hosting a Live Na-
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter tivity on Monday, December 17, from 6:30-7:45 p.m. You are
Founders 1955 invited to view the outdoor nativity at the church, located at
25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station.
Lee Boise, Publisher & President
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 Breakfast with Santa
Mailing Address: and Cookie Walk
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028
The Men of Fields United Methodist Church are holding
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station their annual Breakfast with Santa program on Saturday, De-
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 cember 8, starting at 9 a.m. The program includes breakfast
Email: [email protected] from 9-10 a.m., Christmas activities until 10:15 and then a visit
Website: from Santa Claus. Cost of the program is $4/over 12 years old,
$3/for 12 and under; babes in arms are free (maximum $30 per
DEADLINE: family). Fields UMC is located at 34077 Lorain Road, in North
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm Ridgeville. Cameras and videos are welcome. Each child will
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1 receive a special goodies bag as part of the program. There will
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year be a musical interlude provided by the North Ridgeville High
School Choir, directed by Sarah Miller as we await the arrival
of Santa Claus himself! RSVPs to the church office are pre-
Christmas and Critters ferred, at (440) 327-8753. The Breakfast With Santa program is St. Elizabeth

Come join Abiding Faith Bible Church for “Christmas and a community service project and donations are appreciated. At Ann Seton
the same time, the Simple Abundance women’s group of Fields
Critters,” a Jungle Terry Animal Show, pizza, crafts, cookie United Methodist Church is sponsoring its 8th annual “Cookie
decorating, face painting and more, on Friday, December 7, Walk” from 9 a.m. -1 p.m., or when the last of the cookies are Catholic Parish
from 6-9 p.m. The event is free, but please sign up at www. gone. Cookies will be sold for $8.50 a pound and are available 25801 Royalton Rd.
Columbia Station, OH The church is located at 14161 West Riv- in the Narthex area by the church office. The Cookie Walk is a Sacrament of Reconciliation
er Rd., in Columbia Station. For more information, call (440) simple walk in program, no reservations required. (Confession)
364-9477. For more information on either event or to reserve tickets Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Gentle Woman Fellowship for the Breakfast With Santa, call the church office at (440) Anytime by Appointment
Weekend Masses
327-8753 or chairman Michael Kelley at (440) 781-6893.
Sat. 5 p.m.
Gentle Woman Fellowship, an Inter-Parish group meets on Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
First Fridays at Saint Clarence Parish Center, located at 30106 Hungarian Sausage Sale 440-236-5095
Lorain Road, in North Olmsted. Friday, December 7, will be- Community of Faith UCC, located at 9715 East River Rd.,
gin at 9:30 a.m. with a Rosary Prayer session in the Chapel. in Elyria, is having a Christmas Hungarian Sausage Sale on
At 10 a.m., we will attend Holy Mass. Father John Retar will Saturday, December 15, from 1-4 p.m. The sausage is $6 per “Welcome Home”
celebrate Mass with us this month. At about 11 a.m., coffee or pound and is available in one and two pound packages. To place NORTH
tea and a snack will be available in the hall. an order, call (440) 309-6828, (440) 328-7534, (440) 366-4651 EATON New Life Wesleyan Church
Father John Retar has been Pastor at Saint Xavier Fran- CHRISTIAN
cis Cabrini Parish in Lorain for eight years. This church was or call the church office at (440) 322-3781.Orders accepted CHURCH 11149 West River Rd.
through 5 p.m. December 10.
formerly St. John Parish, which combined with Saint Vitus (Disciples) Columbia Station
Church and Saint Cyril and Methodius Church on November Pictures with Santa Rt. 82 & 83 SUNDAY 9 am
6, 2010. May all experience a very blessed Advent Season! 440-748-2230 Adult Bible Study
All women welcome! Come and bring a friend! No reser- Santa Claus is coming to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
vations needed. For more information, contact Mary Hoover at on Sunday, December 9, from 2-4 p.m. Come take a picture of SUNDAY 10 am
(330) 636-1698 or Mary Tschanz at (440) 235-6258. If North your child with Santa and his elves! There will be cookies, a Worship Services Worship & Children’s Church
Olmsted City Schools are closed, we will not be meeting. coloring contest with prizes and a take-home treat bag. Bring 8:00 am & 10:30 am WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm
Church Tour/Concerts your children & grandchildren! All for free! Don’t forget your Sunday School Bible Study
cameras! St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church is located at 25801
9:00 am
Main Street Wellington is having a Church Tour event on Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. Sponsored by Knights of Polly Tallos Youth Group, Kids Club
Sunday, December 9, from 1-5 p.m., as part of the Bicenten- Columbus Council 11464. Christian Ed. & Youth Director Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
nial celebration. This will be at Wellington Town Hall, located Special Gospel Singing Rev. David Chafin Rev. John Bodo
at 115 Willard Memorial Square. On December 16, at 7 p.m., Interim Minister - Associate Pastor
United Methodist Church will have their annual Christmas Christian Unity Church, located at 36353 Capel Rd., in 440-236-8600
Concert at 127 Park Place, in Wellington. Music of the sea- Grafton, will have a special Gospel Sing by Tammy Jones Rob-
son will be presented by Wellington High School Choirs, Solid inette. The event is on Sunday, December 9, at 6 p.m. Pastor
Brass of Lorain County and the FUMC Chancel Choir. Christ- Neal Brock invites everyone to attend.
mas Eve Services at the UMC are Monday, December 24, with GRAFTON UNITED
a 7:30 p.m. family service of carols and candle-light and an 11 Holiday Cookie Sale METHODIST CHURCH
p.m. service of carols, communion and candle-light. 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
Community of Faith United Church of Christ, located at 10:00am Worship
Celebrate Recovery 9715 East River Road, in Elyria, is selling Holiday Cookies Children’s Wednesday Program
Gr. 3-12, 4:30-6:30pm
on December 8, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m., for $8 per pound. Walk
Dinner Included
Celebrate Recovery at Hope Christian Church meets ev- around tables of holiday cookies and choose your favorites. COLUMBIA UNITED Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
ery Friday night. CR is a Christ-centered recovery program Coffee and hot cocoa will be served. Boxes are provided. The METHODIST
event is sponsored by Women of Faith. Call (440) 322-3781 for
for anyone with hurts, habits or hang-ups. You have a forever more information. CHURCH Church of Christ
family at CR! They start each week with a free dinner served
from 6-7 p.m. Then, they gather for worship at 7 p.m. At 8 Community Messy Church Service Worship Service Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
p.m., they break out into open share groups, followed by cof- 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
fee and dessert at 9 p.m. in the café. They offer free childcare On Sunday, December 9, First United Methodist Church of Sunday School Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
from 6:30-9:30 p.m. for those that attend. Come for part of the Wellington, located at 127 Park Place, will be having a Com- during Worship Service 211 Forest St., LaGrange
evening or come for it all! For more information, please visit munity Messy Church Service from 1-2:30 p.m. Please join us, 25453 ROYALTON ROAD as all are welcome. COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO
Time does not heal all wounds, but God’s love, truth, grace Pastor Matt Merriman ST. JOHN
and forgiveness does. Please come as you are and keep coming LUTHERAN CHURCH
back! Hope Christian Church is located at 32625 Detroit Rd., GriefShare - Surviving the Holidays 236-8822 1140 W. River N.•Elyria •324-4070
in Avon. [email protected] 5:00pm Saturday
Celebrate Recovery, the local Christian 12-Step Program for No matter how long it’s been since your loved one died, 9:00am Sunday
anyone needing help with a hurt, habit or hang-up, meets each grief can make the holidays a painful time, but there is hope. Rev. Bill Mugnolo
Join us for an encouraging 5-week session that will help you
week at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Church of the Open Door, lo- survive the holidays and discover new reasons to enjoy them
cated at 43275 Telegraph Road, in Elyria. The first hour begins again! You are welcome to bring a friend. Don’t let your grief United Church of God
with a brief time of worship, followed by a weekly lesson or a steal the joy of this Holiday season! Join us at Christ Church on 12981 Grafton Rd.
personal testimony. The second hour has gender specific small Tuesdays mornings, 10-11:30 a.m., or evenings, 6:30-8 p.m. Grafton, Oh 44044
groups for men and women, with a special video for first time The church is located at 23080 Royalton Rd., in Columbia Sta- Sabbath Services
attenders. All meetings are open to everyone. Light refreshments tion. For more information, call (440) 236-8282, or visit www. Saturdays at 12:30 pm
are served following the program. For further information, call and click on ‘Holidays.’
Bob at (440) 326-2329.

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018 Page 7
There will be games, prizes, balloons, face painting, crafts and
Grafton NEWS activities for children and teenagers, raffles, BINGO, carriage
Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 rides, caboose and train tower tours, ice sculpting, a visit with
the Christmas donkey, photos with ponies, food and musical
[email protected] entertainment. There will be grilled hot dogs sold by the Great-
It is officially December and all of our buildings are getting
er Grafton Partnership, chili given freely by the Holy Name So- into the holiday spirit!
SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS ciety of Our Lady Queen of Peace (while suppies last), a bake On December 3, the Midview High School Choir will per-
Here’s a list of free Christmas Concerts: sale by the Grafton United Methodist Church, pizza by the slice form its holiday concert at 7 p.m. On December 5 & 6, our
Midview High School Holiday Choir Concert - Monday at Lu’s Pizza and other sweet goodies. Many of the businesses North Elementary second graders will perform their annual
evening, December 3, at 7 p.m. in the Kubuski Gym. will have open house, refreshments, activities and discounts. holiday program. The classes of Mrs. Bowerman, Mrs. Carpen-
St. Mary Elementary Band Concert - Thursday, December Scheduled to appear are Frosty the Snowman, Cindy Lou ter, Mrs. Gibbons, Mrs. Hulme and Mrs. Kiser will perform on
6, at 7 p.m. in the St. Mary Parish Hall, St. Mary’s Way. Who, Scrooge and of course, Santa. Frosty and Cindy Lou Who December 5, and the classes of Mrs. Bansek, Miss Bielawski,
Spotlight Costumed Carolers, Midview Express, Midview will be at Nancy’s Restaurant from 5-8 p.m. Scrooge will be Mrs. DiFranco and Mrs. Kervin will perform on December 6.
Band Ensembles and D.J. Andy Rigda - Old Fashioned Christ- wandering around town from 6-8 p.m. Santa will be at Water- Midview Middle School will hold its Winter Dance on Decem-
mas event, Main Street, Grafton. The event runs from 6-8 p.m. tower Park at 6 p.m. to light the village Christmas tree and will ber 7 after school.
on Friday, December 7. then proceed to the library to greet children. I would also like to congratulate Midview’s Air Force
Daughters of St. Paul Choir - AChristmas Concert with the A main Raffle Basket worth more than $1500 will be given
Daughters of St. Paul Choir will take place on Wednesday, De- away at 7:45 p.m. in the center of town. Tickets are 1 for $5 JROTC cadets who will be inducted into the Kitty Hawk Air
Society on December 5. The Kitty Hawk Air Society is the
cember 12, at 7 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, or 5 for $20. Tickets are on sale now at the library. Proceeds academic honor society of AFJROTC. Its purpose is to pro-
1007 Superior Avenue, in Cleveland. The concert is free and help fund next year’s event. There are Toy collection drop off mote high academic standards and achievement, school and
open to all. No tickets or reservations required. Free parking locations at the library, Edward Jones Agency, Sparkle Market community service, self-confidence and initiative. KHAS also
in the surface lot on Rockwell Avenue or in the Cathedral Pla- and Village Hall. develops leadership abilities, recognizes academic excellence
za Garage - Rockwell Avenue and East 9th Street. For more RETIREES LUNCH and furthers members’ knowledge of the Air Force role in aero-
information, call (216) 696-6525 x5510 or email gheisman@ Mature members of our community have seen lots of space. This is a prestigious honor and I am proud of the Mid- change, this time it’s only a name. What was formerly called view students being recognized for their hard work and dedica-
Students of St. Mary Elementary - The Students of St. Mary the Senior Lunch, who had quite the bunch, through the years
School will present Christmas in the Present on Thursday, De- has seen numbers dwindled. Organizers are now inviting all tion. Have a great week!
Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent - Midview Local
cember 13, at 7 p.m. in the St. Mary Parish Hall. retirees to come and mingle. Bring a dish to share - a salad, Schools
Our Lady Queen of Peace Music Ministries - will present vegetable or dessert. Or if you wish, drop a coin in the bucket
a Holiday Concert on Sunday, December 16, at 3 p.m. The to help purchase the meat. Don’t sit home alone. Come fight the GRAFTON NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
program will include Christmas songs, anthems, spirituals and winter blues. We gather the second Thursday of every month.
sing-alongs. Come celebrate this joyous season with us! The Our next lunch is on Thursday, December 13, at 11:30 a.m. at Karen A. Kramer, D.D.S.
Concert will take place in the The Our Lady Queen of Peace the Our Lady Queen of Peace hall, 702 Erie Street. Hope to see Andrew Deak, D.M.D, M.D.
Church. This is an open to anyone concert. The concert is free. a bunch at the next Retirees Lunch.
Refreshments will be served following the concert. NIGHT AT THE RACES 420 N. Main St., Grafton
Midview High School Band Concert - Monday evening, Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish is sponsoring a Night at
December 17, at 7 p.m. in the Kubuski Gym. The Midview the Races on Saturday, January 19, at the parish hall, 702 Erie Emergencies
Bands, which includes the Blue Band, the Silver Band and the Street. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., while racing begins at 7 p.m.
Swingin’ Blues Jazz Band will be presenting an evening of Admission is $20 per person and includes food and beverages.
great holiday music. Horses and Tickets are now on sale. Horses are $15. Tickets Welcomed!
OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS and horses are available in the Gathering Area after mass or
Businesses all over town will be open to help celebrate the through the parish office by calling 926-2364. Donations for Same-day Denture
annual Old Fashioned Christmas event in Grafton on Friday raffle baskets and race sponsors are also being accepted. Please Repairs Available
evening, December 7, from 6-8 p.m. The theme is a Christmas plan to join in the fun.
Carol. Main Street, from the tracks south to Mechanic Street, SPAGHETTI DINNER “We Cater to Cowards”
will be closed for the event. Village Hall and the library will be The Midview Endowment Fund will hold their annual Spa-
open hosting several businesses and community organizations. ghetti Dinner fund-raiser on Saturday, January 26, from 5-7 SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE
p.m. at the Grafton VFW Post, 718 Huron Street. The Midview 440-926-3441
Schools Endowment Fund Provides grants for educational en-
richment activities for Midview students beyond the basic pro-
Lu’s Pizza grams provided by the schools. Tickets for the spaghetti dinner
are $10 for adults and $6 for senior citizens and children 12 and
under. There will be basket raffles with winners drawn at 6:30
935 MAIN STREET • GRAFTON p.m. Tickets are available at the Board of Education Office or
by emailing jwinslow@
926-2171 THANK YOU
The Helping Hands Min-
istry in Grafton is very thank-
ful for the generosity of the
Grafton and Midview com-
Great Gift Ideas! munity. We would first like to
T-Shirts (SM-3X) thank the Guards and Staff at
the Lorain Correction Insti-
Assorted Colors tute for providing over 1,000
$15 ea. or 2/$25 items, which will help pro-
-OR- vide meals for the weekend
for the 200 Midview students
Get a Gift that are part of the Backpack
Certificate! Program. The Helping Hands
Ministry would also like to
thank the Midview Compass
Committee, the Midvew Key
Hours: Sun 3-9, Mon-Wed 4-10, Club and all those who donat-
Thurs 11-10, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm ed at the trunk or treat event.
Helping Hands would also
like to thank Cub Scout Pack
152. The scouts held a food
drive at Sparkle Market and
were able to fill six shopping
carts with much needed items
to fill the shelves of our pan-
try. Thank you to everyone
that supported all these dif-
ferent food drives.
954 Main Street | Grafton, OH 44044 The Helping Hands Min-
440-926-0500 istry is part of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church. The
Jennifer, Scot & programs that we support
Landon Kuhns are the Backpack program,
NEED CASH FOR a Community Meal and the
Food Pantry. The Backpack
CHRISTMAS? Program provides meals for
We Buy Gold! Midview students that need
help with food over the week-
Commodity markets are at record high levels. end; there are currently over
200 students participating in
Bring in your unwanted jewelry for a FREE Professional this program. The Commu-
Evaluation and Cash Exchange. nity Meal is a meal served
Products on the third Thursday of ev-
• Diamond Engagement Rings • Wedding Rings ery month at 5:30 p.m. in the
and Anniversary Rings • Colored Birthstone church hall. There is no fee
Jewelry • Wall, Mantel and Floor Clocks or requirements for the din-
• Mens’ and Ladies’ Watches ner. We welcome everyone
Services that needs a meal or fellow-
ship. The Food Pantry is open
Full on-premise jewelry repair services. on the first Saturday of the
Grandfather, wall and mantel clock services month at 10 a.m. The only
are also available. requirements for the food
HOLIDAY HOURS pantry are meeting the guide
TUES, WED, FRI 10-5; THURS 10-6; lines set up by Second Har-
SAT 10-1; CLOSED SUN & MON vest for income and residency
Starting DEC 10 Open MON 10-5 in the Midview or Keystone
school districts.

Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018
Grafton Twp. NEWS Students have lunch with the Bishop

Ann McDonald 440-926-2774 The student senate offi-
[email protected] cers at Elyria Catholic High
School took a road trip to
Grafton-Midview Library the Diocese of Cleveland
offices to enjoy lunch with
For more information or to register for programs, stop into Bishop Nelson Perez. The
the library at 983 Main Street, call (440) 926-3317 or log onto students enjoyed their time Registration is required for most pro- with the Bishop and had fun
grams. catching up with him. The
Teen Zone Wordsmiths - Monday, December 3, at 5 p.m. Bishop had visited Elyria
Teen Zone Wordsmiths is a writer’s group for ages 13-18. If Catholic last October when
you write poetry, short stories, fiction, song lyrics, etc., then he celebrated Mass with the
this group is for you. Each month there will be different activ- entire school. It was nice
ities and writing prompts to help develop your writing style.
Bring what you are working on to share with the group and give getting the chance to see
your peers positive constructive feedback and help each other him in his work environ-
through writer’s block. Please register by the day before the ment. Thank you to the Di-
program to help us determine the set-up needs for the program. ocese of Cleveland for this
Preschool Storytime - Tuesdays, December 4 & 11, at 10 opportunity. The student senate officers at Elyria Catholic eating lunch with Bishop Nelson Perez.
a.m. Storytime for children ages 3-6 featuring stories, songs,
fingerplays and activities that encourage development of early great way to introduce baby to the world of stories using songs,
literacy skills. rhymes and lap bounces. Audubon Society program
Writer’s Bunch - Tuesdays, December 4 & 18, at 5:30 p.m. Baby’s First Series: Christmas - Thursday, December 6, at
Test your skills and make new writing friends. Join us for as- 10:30 a.m. Do you have a little one celebrating a year of firsts?
signments, critiquing and snacks. This group meets the first and Come to the Children’s Department any time between 10:30 The Black River Audubon Society’s December Program
third Tuesdays of the month. Registration is not required. a.m. - 7:30 p.m. to snap a quick Christmas picture and complete will feature Tim Fairweather and his presentation, “Spiders,
Family Storytime - Tuesdays, December 4 & 11, at 6 p.m. a Christmas keepsake craft. Insects and Other Stuff,” on Tuesday, December 4, at 7 p.m. at
Share books, songs and early literacy activities with the whole Adult Craft Night: Coffee Filter Wreath - Thursday, De- Sandy Ridge Reservation (Perry F. Johnson Wetland Center),
family. cember 6, at 6 p.m. Coffee filters are great for making coffee, 6195 Otten Road, in North Ridgeville.
Tots & Tales - Wednesdays, December 5 & 12, at 10 a.m. but even better for making wreaths. Learn how to transform Tim Fairweather, head naturalist at Sandy Ridge, returns to
This storytime for children 18 months to 3 years is a great step- this inexpensive item into something beautiful. Please bring a his first interest in wildlife before joining the Metro Parks in
ping stone from Babypalooza to Preschool Storytime. We’ll hot glue gun and extra glue sticks. 1989. “The topic might not be every birder’s favorite, but you
read books, sing songs and even get some of those wiggles out. You’re the Artist - Monday, December 10, at 10 a.m., 11:30 have to admit the arachnids and bugs at Sandy Ridge definitely
You won’t want to miss the fun! a.m. or 4 p.m. The last of this 4-week program will introduce keep the migrants and summer breeders coming back and look-
Tech Tutor - Wednesday, December 5, from 9:30 a.m. - children ages 5 and up to famous artists, their art work and ing to eat more.”
12:30 p.m. and 2:30-4:30 p.m. Bring any questions regarding their techniques. Then they will create their own art using what Sandy Ridge, Lorain County Metro Parks’ best-known bird-
computers, software, smartphones, tablets or technology you they’ve learned. The morning sessions are perfect for homes- ing hotspot, will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2019.
may have. All appointments are 1-hour maximum and registra- choolers! Registration is required. November: Andy Warhol. This program is free and open to the public. For more in-
tion is recommended, however walk-ins are welcome if times Bad Art Night - Monday, December 10, at 5:30 p.m. Need formation on programs, volunteering or becoming a member,
are available. Tech Tutor is available on an individually sched- a last minute gift for someone? Want to get creative, but hate please visit or call (440) 365-
uled basis. Please contact the library if you need other available being locked into a certain project? Then Bad Art Night is for 6465.
times. Appointments may also be available on select Tuesday you. Come to the library and create something from the leftover
mornings (10 a.m. - noon) or Thursday afternoons (2-4 p.m.). materials from crafts past. Have materials at home you want to
Babypalooza - Thursday, December 6, at 10 a.m. Join us use up? Bring them with you to use or share with the group.
every other Thursday for this short and lively program for ba- Magic: The Gathering in the Library - Tuesday, December SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
bies (birth to 3 years)and their caregivers. Babypalooza is a 11, at 5 p.m. Are you a Magic player? If so, bring your deck and Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
play Magic: The Gathering with other teens at the library. No programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS registration required. 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
Inspirational Book Club - Wednesday, December 12, at
noon. Join facilitator Peggy Wyar for a lively discussion of a The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY different inspiring book each month. Feel free to bring your drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
lunch! The title for December’s meeting is The Christmas These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ Scrapbook, by Philip Gulley. It’s autumn in Harmony, and Pas-
tor Sam Gardner has vowed to be ready for Christmas. Deter- 12/4 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
Hours By Appointment mined to redeem a dreadful history of gift giving, Sam enrolls instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit
and juice for participants.
in a scrapbooking class to make a Christmas gift his wife will
419 NORTH MAIN STREET never forget. However, Sam’s absence from their home every 12/6 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner
Wednesday night, coupled with his fishy alibi of attending a
GRAFTON, OHIO men’s group, raises her suspicions. As Christmas fast approach- to be held 12/13/2018 at 5:30pm. Two
names per phone call only.
440-926-2705 es and rumors of Sam’s Wednesday night absences swirl along 12/10 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class
with the snow, a series of mishaps leads to a Christmas no one
will soon forget. Copies of the title will be available at the Cus- being instructed by Debi’s Personal
Training with fruit and juice for
UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP tomer Service desk in advance of the meeting, while supplies participants.
12/13 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for those that
Anime & Manga Society - Wednesday, December 12, at
Brentwood 3:30 p.m. Join the Anime and Manga Society as we watch An- signed up. Please call if you need to cancel.
ime, draw Manga, participate in Japan themed activities and
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact
Golf Club have Japan themed snacks and drinks. Please register by the the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
Monday before the meeting to help us determine the amount
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
of snacks needed.
GRAFTON NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.
Night to Shine Prom event
Our Lady Queen of Peace will host “Night to Shine 2019,”
NOW BOOKING sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, on Friday, February VALLEY CITY
NEW OUTINGS AND LEAGUES FOR 2019. 8, 2019. “Night to Shine” is an unforgettable prom night expe- VISION CENTER
rience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs,
Call us or stop in to check out the a Every guest of “Night to Shine” enters this complimentary FAMILY VISION
event on a red carpet complete with a warm welcome from a
best packages for your group. friendly crowd and paparazzi. Once inside, guests receive the CENTER
royal treatment, including hair and makeup stations, shoe shin- 6621 Center Road
Memberships NOW AVAILABLE for 2019! ing areas, limousine rides, corsages and boutonnières, a catered Valley City
dinner, karaoke, prom favors and a dance floor... all leading up
Dr. Norma Jesse, J
We have 5 great options to choose from! to the moment when each guest is crowned king or queen of DN 330-483-4035
the prom.
As sponsor of “Night to Shine,” the Tim Tebow Foundation
Improvements to the Course coming in 2019 will provide each host church with the official 2019 Planning WE CARRY A OUTSIDE
Manual, the official Prom Kit, complete with decorations and
gifts for the guests, and personalized guidance and support FULL LINE OF PRESCRIPTIONS
12415 Grafton Rd., Grafton from a Tim Tebow Foundation staff member. GLASSES WELCOME
440-322-9254 Registration for the event is now open. For more informa-
Club Pro - Rick Montgomery tion on the event, visit Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon
Closed Sun & Wed



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Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 10 - 5pm; Thurs 10 - 6pm; Sat. 10 - 1pm; Closed Sun

Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018 Stuffed animals/small toys needed
Carlisle NEWS Eaton NEWS
The Columbia Youth Performers are collecting stuffed ani-
[email protected] [email protected] mals and small toys in very good condition to be distributed to
Ohio Genealogical Society meeting local nursing homes, fire departments and hospitals during the
Holiday Toy Drive Everyone is invited to attend the December 10 meeting of holiday season. You can drop off your donations at Columbia
Baptist Church during office hours, call (440) 236-8206 or con-
the Lorain County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society at tact Charmae Cottom to arrange a pick-up at (440) 263-9131 or
Help Lorain County kids get a gift this Christmas and make 7 p.m at the North Ridgeville Branch Library, located at 35700 [email protected].
the holidays special for others. The Educational Service Center Bainbridge Road, in North Ridgeville. A social time will be-
of Lorain County and the Elyria Township Fire Department are gin at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will share with fellow members an Wreaths Across America
sponsoring a gift drive for the Boys & Girls Club of Lorain object, a story, or a discovery pertaining to your family tree or
County. Please drop off unwrapped gifts for children ages 6-18. your genealogy research. This popular, fun program is a great The annual Wreaths Across America ceremony will be on
Gift cards are a great option for older children. The gifts will way to end 2018. Bring something to tell about or just come Saturday, December 15, at 12 p.m. The event will be starting
be delivered to the Lorain Palace Theater, via ambulance, on and watch. Light refreshments will be available. Bring a snack at the Veterans Memorial in Columbia Park, followed by the
December 14. to share. For more information, contact Norm at (440) 856- laying of the wreaths in the cemeteries. They currently need
Drop-off locations are: Lorain County ESC, 1885 Lake Av- 5170. 440 wreaths for the veterans in our cemeteries. Donations can
enue, Elyria, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Elyria Town- COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 be made at
ship Fire Department, 41416 Griswold Road, Elyria, daily from The location ID is OHMCTC; The VFW #9340 Auxiliary
7 a.m.-7 p.m. Youth Coloring Contest ID is OH0033P; The Cuyahoga County Cadet Squadron GLR

Finnegan seeks loving home The Columbia Youth Players are having a “Charlie Brown OH 131 is OH0035P. New this year, is the Blue Star Mothers
Ohio Chapter 26.
Inquiries can be made by calling VFW Post #9340 at (440)
He weighs 45 lbs., is neutered Christmas Coloring Contest” for children ages 5-8, 9-12 and 236-8111 or emailing [email protected].
13-16. Each division winner will receive $20 and four tickets
and all caught up on vaccines. and four food vouchers of their choice for A Charlie Brown
Finnegan was rescued from Christmas Play, December 14-16, at Columbia Lighthouse
the dog pound. They say he’s Bible Church. All participants will receive one complimentary SALUTE OUR SERVICEMEN
a “Cling-On!” He just wants ticket for the performance of their choice. Contest pictures are
to be with people or his own available in the Columbia School offices and at the Columbia
person. He gets along well Library. The Columbia Youth Players are a not-for-profit or-
with kids and other dogs. He ganization created to encourage all forms of the arts in youth
can climb a fence, but usual- ages 4-18. For more information, call Charmae Cottom at (440)
ly only if his person is on the 263-9131 or email [email protected]. LEGAL NOTICE
other side. He’s housetrained
and walks great on a leash. Notice is hereby given that the Eaton Township will
He has a gorgeous sleek solid HELP WANTED hold a meeting at the Eaton Township Hall, 12043 S. Avon
Finnegan black coat. IN EATON TOWNSHIP Belden Rd., Grafton, Ohio 44044 on:
Zoning Commission: Wednesday 12-5-2018 at 7:00pm
To meet Finnegan, call
Finnegan is a 4-year old June with Ziggy’s Friends at We have a paid position available with our Zoning pertaining to: Regular monthly meeting, 2018 close out,
male, German Shepherd mix. (440) 522-8558. Commission Board & Site plan application from TIMBER CREEK housing
Zoning Commission Alternate: must be able to attend Development – Zoning Commission File no: SP-2018-11
all meetings (1-4 meetings per month) on Wednesday on Parcel’s# 11-00-045-000-050 & 11-00-045-000-036
evenings at 7pm and some possible emergency meetings. South of Route 82 on Avon Belden rd.
Materials will be provided. Must be an Eaton twp resident Board Of Zoning Appeals (BZA) Tuesday, 12-11-2018
and/or property owner. Our Zoning Commission Board at 7:00 p.m. pertaining to: File: AB-2018-02 request for a
Recyle Loosely makes changes to our Zoning Resolution, reviews Site use variance to allow industrial equipment storage at 12900
Reed rd TEMPORARILY until June 30th, 2019. Applicants
Do Not Bag Plans for Housing Developments & non-residential are James & Anna Dove. Parcel#11-00-024-000-030 &
properties, accept/deny re-zoning request and other duties.
Recyclables! Applicants must be Eaton Twp property owners. 2018 End of year closeout meeting
To apply -visit our website (under forms –application is Board of Trustees Friday, 12-28-2018 at 9:00am
available) or call our office 440-748-2236 and speak to the pertaining to: 2018 End of Year Closeout
secretary to discuss the responsibilities and requirements & 2019 Organizational meeting
Keep in touch with your community for this position. Application deadline is noon December Board of Trustees Tuesday, 1-15-2019 at 7:00pm
Visit: 17th, 2018. pertaining to: 2018 Records Retention
Paid for by The Lorain County Commissioners and LCSWMD




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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018 Page 11

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Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018 Wedding Announcement
LaGrange NEWS Olde Towne Hall Theatre presents...
“All Shook Up,” written by Joe DiPietro and inspired by the
[email protected] songs of Elvis Presley, and directed by Sharon Godsey. Perfor-
mances are December 7, 8, 14 & 15 at 7:30 p.m., with matinee
performances December 9 & 15 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 for
QPR seminar for adults adults and $12 for seniors & students. Reserve seats by call-
ing (440) 327-2909 or purchase on-line on the OTHT website,
Talking about suicide can be difficult for the person expe-
riencing suicidal thoughts or their concerned friend or family The Olde Towne Hall Youth Theatre is located at 36119
member. In fact, the difficulty is so great that people who are Center Ridge Road, in North Ridgeville. For further informa-
considering suicide often speak in “coded messages.” They tion, contact Sharon Godsey at (440) 323-0073.
might make indirect statements like, “You won’t have to worry LAGRANGE NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 13
about me much longer,” or “Everyone would be better off with-
out me.”
QPR (Question. Persuade. Refer.) is a 3-step process for
helping someone who is showing signs of emotional distress.
The 90-minute class will build your confidence in having a
tough conversation with someone you think might be consider-
ing suicide, or who is experiencing low moods.
Join us for this popular, free, confidence-building class on
how to help someone in distress. No prior knowledge of mental
health topics needed!
The class is offered for free through the Lorain County Board
of Mental Health, and the space has been generously donated by
the LaGrange Lions Club. The free event is on Thursday, Jan- Child Find
uary 17, 2019, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the LaGrange Lions Club, Erin E. Myers and Gary C. Safir. The Keystone Local Schools conduct Child Find
located at 240 Glendale Street, in LaGrange. Erin E. Myers, JD/MHA and Gary C. Safir, JD were married activities in an effort to locate and evaluate children, birth
This class if for Lorain County adults only, please. on October 6 at the House of Blues in Cleveland, Ohio, with through 21, who may have disabilities. Public schools are
Pancake Breakfast with Santa Brooke Cartus, JD officiating, and with a reception following. required to provide a free appropriate public education
Erin is the daughter of Dave & Cindy Myers of Penfield Town-
regardless of a child’s disability. In order to provide
ship and is a 2006 graduate of Keystone High School, a 2010 services to children, they must be identified. Many
Boy Scout Troop #118 is having its annual Pancake Break- graduate of Otterbein University and a 2016 graduate of the
fast with Santa on Sunday, December 9, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Moritz College of Law and the Ohio State University. Erin is children with disabilities are not visible because they do
at the LaGrange Lions Park, located at 240 Glendale St., in employed at Ernst & Young in Detroit, Michigan, as a health- not function in the mainstream of the community. They
LaGrange. Come and enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes, eggs, care compliance consultant. may be children who are homeless or children of migrant
sausage, juice and coffee. Donations are: adults/$6, children Gary is the son of Gene (deceased) & Colleen Safir of East families. Many unidentified children with disabilities
ages 3-12/$5 and 2 and under are free with an adult. There Lansing, Michigan, and is a 2007 graduate of East Lansing are preschoolers. Parents may not be aware their child
will also be basket raffles and Santa Clause is going to make High School in Michigan, a 2011 graduate of Michigan State has a disability or that there are programs and services
an appearance! University and a 2014 graduate of Case Western University available. These services are provided without charge
College of Law. He is employed by Goodwin and Scieszka in to families who live in the school district. The purpose
Birmingham, Michigan. of Child Find is to identify children who are having
“One Stop Shopping” Erin was attended by Matron of Honor Barbara Myers difficulty in their development and provide services to
Barton, sister of the bride, Maid of Honor Britney McDonald,
friend of the bride, and Bridesmaids Becky Robinson, Rhi- them, when it is appropriate.
annon Bailey, Danielle Monske, Shaina Fardell, Laura Castil- Areas of concern for parent(s)/guardian(s) to contact
In Quality lo, Katie Wunderle and Flower Girl, Lexie Safir, niece of the Child Find may include, hearing, vision, speech/
Great selection of Safety wear: groom. language, motor, social, emotional and thinking skills.
All information is confidential. The Keystone Local
Gary was attended by Best Men, Rory Safir and Joel Safir,
Jackets, Pants, Vests, brothers of the groom, and Groomsmen Zachary Krzyzaniak, Schools has policies and procedures for special education
Sweatshirts, Gloves & Hats. Kyle Sennish, Michael Cornacchione, Scott Lippert, Shawn available and has appointed one person to make sure that
All at affordable prices! Ohl, Andrew Spisak and Junior Groomsman Charlie Myers, such procedures are followed.
Don’t forget our Sales Racks! nephew of the bride. Ring Bearer was Jacob Myers, nephew If you have or know of a child who may have a
of the bride.
HOURS: Mon.-Sat 10-5 The couple honeymooned at Riveria Maya Mexico and cur- disability, contact the Keystone Local Schools at 440-
355-2408 for more information and assistance.
16901 St. Rt. 58, Oberlin, OH 44074 rently reside in Berkley, Michigan.

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018 Page 13
Wellington NEWS Wellington Community Chorus LAGRANGE NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12

The Wellington Community Chorus Christmas concert, “A
[email protected] Christmas Present,” is Tuesday, December 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the
First Congregational United Church of Christ, located at 140
Herrick Memorial Library South Main Street. The Concert will feature men’s and wom- Welcome back Keystone! I hope you enjoyed the Thanks-
en’s ensembles, solos and full chorus singing spiritual, swing
Writers Group - The Wellington Writers Group meets every and traditional Christmas songs. There will also be carol sing- giving holiday and are looking forward to the many upcoming
events and programs we have at Keystone throughout Decem-
other Thursday at the library. Upcoming on December 13 is ing for adults and children. The concert is free to the public. ber.
our annual Christmas group meeting at the home of one of our In the spirit of giving, we are collecting toys to donate to
members, which will begin at 6 p.m. It will be a Pot Luck sup- Holiday Concerts local families in honor of Kayden Williams, a Keystone High
per and include the reading of our 2018 Christmas short stories. School student who passed away last year. All three schools
If you plan to attend this special meeting, you must register Wellington Music Department’s 2018 Holiday Concerts are taking part in this collection. To donate, please bring new,
with the group faciliator at wordsworthreading@ameritech. are on Thursday, December 6, where a Band Concert featuring unwrapped toys to any of our schools’ offices by Friday, De-
net for directions. December 27 from 6-7:30 p.m. is our next bands in grades 6-12 will be performing at 7 p.m. On Thursday, cember 14.
scheduled meeting, subject to change. Join this group if you December 13, a Choir Concert featuring choirs in grades 7-12 I would like to thank all parents, students and staff who par-
have a passion for writing in all venues. Bring samples of your will be performing at 7 p.m. ticipated in our Thanksgiving holiday donation drives for the
writing to share with the group. New members are welcome. Both events will be at the Patricia Lindley Center for the LaGrange Lions Club. The Elementary School held its annual
Registration is encourage. To register, call the library at (440) Performing Arts, located at 627 N. Main St., in Wellington. Loose Change Drive, collecting over 800 canned goods and
647-2120. non-perishable items and over $700 in monetary donations
Starting a Business: the U.S. Small Business Administra- RLCWA meeting for the LaGrange Lions’ Club. In addition, the Middle School
tion Workshop - Wednesday, December 5, from 10 a.m. - 12 held a toilet paper challenge, in which they incorporated STEM
p.m. Small Business Administration speakers Timothy Ensch Rural Lorain County Water Authority, Personnel Committee principles with the donation of toilet paper.
and Lisa Hudson, among others, will provide information on will have a meeting on Wednesday, December 5, 2018, at 7 p.m. Congratulations to our High School student athletes for suc-
how to kick-start and fund your business at this free work- The meeting will be held at the RLCWA office located at 42401 cess in academics and excellence in athletics. Senior softball
shop. Register at https://sbafinanceseminarwellington2018. State Route 303, in LaGrange. For more information, contact players Shelby Fortune, Sydney Campbell, Autumn Acord and For more information, contact Timothy Ensch Mr. Joe Waldecker, General Manager, at (800) 842-1339. Sydnie Jarrett and senior baseball player Justin Lenz signed
at (216) 522-4180, ext. 213 or [email protected]. Time and Treasures on tour letters of intent for college athletic scholarships. Read more
Polar Express - Saturday, December 8, from 1:30-3:30 p.m. about their success on our website @ https://www.keystonelo-
Experience the library’s version of this wonderful Christmas
story by Chris Van Allsburg. Children ages 3-8 can participate Plan to visit the Oberlin Heritage Center in December for In upcoming events, we are holding a parent/family seminar
in reindeer games, crafts, cookie decorating, a reading of the two special holiday treats. Participate in any regularly-sched- called “Coping with Grief in a Time of Joy” on Wednesday, De-
story and will also be able to check to see if they are on Santa’s uled Upstairs/Downstairs tour or “Sneak Peek” tour and see cember 12, at 5:30 p.m. in the Middle School café. This semi-
‘Naughty or Nice List.” Families are asked to bring a dozen a mini display of historic artifacts and photographs that were nar will focus on providing coping mechanisms and strategies
cookies to share. Please register by stopping in or calling the donated to the Heritage Center in the past two years. Walk-ins to help those who are dealing with the loss of a family member
library at (440) 647-2120. This event will be at the Herrick Me- are welcome. or loved one, which can often be amplified during the holiday
morial Library. Set your watches now for the Heritage Center’s special season. Presenters include representatives from the Lorain
Afternoon Book Discussion - Thursday, December 13, from Tour through Time where you’ll learn more about the clocks County Board of Mental Health and Bellefaire, JCB. Com-
12-1:30 p.m. The afternoon book group will be holding its first and timepieces in the museum’s collection, including an ornate munity members, parents and families are welcome to attend.
ever cookbook book discussion. The group is discussing the Empire-style clock gifted to renowned evangelist and Oberlin Dan White, Superintendent, Keystone Local Schools, Dan-
book, The Pioneer Woman Cooks a Year of Holidays, by Ree College President Charles Grandison Finney. This 1-hour tour [email protected] (440) 355-2424
Drummond. People interested in participating in the discussion will be offered every Saturday in December at 11 a.m. Tickets Lions Club Clothing Drive/ Food Pantry
can check out a copy of the book at the library. Contact the are $6 per adult, $4 for members of OHC and free for college
library in person or call (440) 647-2120 for more information students and youth. Advance registration is requested. The LaGrange Lions Club is still accepting donations of
about this special book discussion. For more information about tours or other events on the new or clean, gently used winter apparel such as coats, hats,
“Tax Planning for Your Oberlin Heritage Center calendar, visit www.oberlinheri- gloves, scarves and boots for kids and adults. Please call Ann at or call (440) 774-1700.
(440) 315-4278 to make arrangements.
Agribusiness” Workshop Auditions try to help them continue providing the assistance needed by
The Lions are also looking for donations for their food pan-
Lorain County Community College, in partnership with the Auditions for Charlotte’s Web (adapted by Joseph Robinette community members in need. If you are interested in donat-
Lorain County Farm Bureau, presents “Tax Planning for Your from the book by E. B. White) will be on Sunday, December ing, please send your check, made payable to LaGrange Lions
Agribusiness” from 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 12, at 9, at 1 p.m. and Tuesday, December 11, at 7 p.m. at Workshop Community Foundation, to: LaGrange Lions, P.O. Box 63, La-
the LCCC Wellington Center. Players Theater. Director Kristina Rivera is looking for 14-16 Grange, OH 44050.
Speakers from Wright & Moore, a law firm specializing in cast members. There is an opportunity for multiple roles in this
agriculture law, and from Hammersmith, Ditz & Associates, show. Some puppetry work will also be used. Imagination,
an accounting firm, will present. Topics will include estate and character voices and creative stage movement will be required.
business planning, depreciation and 1031 exchanges, personal Show dates are March 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23 & 24. Come be
returns, qualified business income and individual changes to
deductions/credits/exemptions for the 2018 tax year. part of this classic tale!
This event is free and open to the public and geared toward For more information, contact the director at Kriverakr35@
farmers and agribusiness owners/operators/entrepreneurs. Reg- Workshop Players is located at 44820 Middle Ridge
ister at Road, in Amherst. The Box Office can be reached at (440) 988-
The LCCC Wellington Center is located at 151 Commerce 5613. Box Office hours are 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. For more infor-
Drive, in Wellington. mation, email [email protected] or visit www. Ladies Night
Animals launch campaign to Friday, December 7,

“Save the Humans” from 6-9 p.m.

An Instagram-famous cat, Nagle Road, North Rid-
a furry French bulldog and geville, from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Refreshments,
a tiny-but-mighty hedgehog Visit to find Door Prizes
are leading an effort to rally donation opportunities
other human-loving animals near you. Follow the ani- & Great Sales!
to “Save the Humans.” Vita- mals’ efforts at
lant, one of the nation’s larg- SaveTheHumans. For more
est comprehensive transfu- information and to sched- 110 South Main Street, Downtown Wellington
DIALOGUE WITH sion medicine organizations, ule a donation, visit vitalant. at
440-647-8844 or visit us on Facebook
with 127 nationwide blood
org or call 877-258-4825
donation centers, recruited
THE BOARD OF spokes-animals to help re-
mind humans about the im-
EDUCATION portance of donating blood.
“We love our humans and
we are worried that if they
forget to donate blood we
may lose some of our best
friends,” said Coby, the ef-
fort’s spokescat who has over
Saturday, December 8th 1.3 million Instagram fol-
Bread & Brew lowers. “Humans are always
8:30-10:30 creating new ways to save an-
imals and now it is our turn to
Attending Board Members: take charge and remind them
Kevin Stump & Ayers Ratliff
how easy it is to save lives
by donating blood. We can’t
live without you (who would
give us our catnip?), so please
donate blood to your local Carpentry Limited
community Vitalant donation
center - it is so easy!”
Vitalant recruited the an-
imals for the new campaign
that intends to grab the at-
tention of more humans and
Specializing in: help them understand the
Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical, life-transforming potential of
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances donating blood.
Upcoming local drives:
Grafton Wellington December 19 - Welling-
35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St ton Eagles, 631 South Main
Street, from 4:15-8 p.m.
440-926-3312 440-647-6010 December 24 - Discount
Drug Mart, 12289 Leavitt
Road, in Oberlin, from 9 a.m.
- 12 p.m.
December 30 - St. Julie Billiart Church, 5500 Lear • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627

Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018

Good clean used appliances. ADVERTISING SALES Estate Gold &
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. AIRLINE
We are looking to hire Silver Exchange
AUTOS WANTED a part-time Advertising INSTANT CASH
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216-534-6514. position! Downtown Elyria
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Please go to loraincountyfair. BAKER'SBAKER'SBAKER'S J.A. Kilby Electrical
The Lorain County Fair is
accepting resumes through
December 14 for the position
of Part-Time Treasurer.
com for further information. Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
WE SERVICE & REPAIR New Work-Replacement-Repairs
CLEANING HOME IMPROVEMENT •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s Carpentry, Remodeling, Dry- TELEVISION REPAIRS •Security & Camera Systems
-Service All Brands-
needs are different. We spe- wall. Finished basements 10% LCD • Plasma • Big Screen •Commercial Buildings •Parking Lot Lighting
cialize in catering to what your OFF, 35 yrs experience. www. 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
needs are. Call Marcie today Call Washers • Dryers
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pointment at 440-213-7527. Microwaves
Over 13 years experience. LAWN & GARDEN See Our Selection of Ranges • Ovens
Reconditioned Appliances Appliance Parts
vice. Complete tree removal, APPLIANCES ONLY
Downtown Wellington, single trimming, root feeding and 15 East Ave., Elyria 322-2325
bedroom apartment, 2nd floor, cleaning. Fully insured. FREE
$500 per month, basic heat ESTIMATES. Firewood for Bud & Diane Casey, Owners J. A. KILBY ENT.
included, no smoking, pets ok, sale. 440-236-3061.
more on craigslist. Call & leave •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
message 216-333-1265 PAINTING DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
Elyria: Newly remodeled 2 & SALES & SERVICE, INC. •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
3 bedroom townhomes with Interior Painting and Drywall. 60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation
new carpet, ceramic tile and We refinish hardwood floors, 41 YEARS IN BUSINESS
hard wood floors. Appliances and refinish stained and paint- 433 OBERLIN RD. 440-327-3433
included. $100 security de- ed cabinets and trim. www.
posit; restrictions apply. Call Call ELYRIA, OHIO 44035
216-221-1333 . Terry, 440-444-5075. 440-322-8170 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING
Grafton, 2Bdr. apt, new paint
and new carpet, no stairs. PETS
Security deposit. 440-343-5898 ASPHALT, CONCRETE & STONE
All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster
FOR SALE Rd., Litchfield, 330-648-9509.
Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
2 Day Sale, 141 West Herrick exercise yards, custom care. J. A. KILBY ENT.
$20 per day. Grooming now
Ave, Downtown Wellington, available.
State Rt., 18. Thurs. Dec 6 & Concrete • Masonry
Fri. Dec 7 9am 3pm. Hand & Dachshund / Chihuahua mix
power tools, air compressor, puppies ready to go. Males Stamped Concrete
many other tools, turkey fryer, & Females, first shots, $300.
other cookware, fishing poles, 419-605-1069 440-327-3433 24 Hour Emergency Service
etc., various toys some col-
lectibles, old table scales, R.R.
lanterns & others, riffle, shot “DOGS 440-236-5543
gun, B.B. guns., pocket knives AUTO SERVICE
& others, 8’ step ladder, hatch- ON 800-467-1275
ets & axes, new 3 wheel bike,
various pcs. sm. furniture, THE OH LIC #23331
many collectibles. Very Large GO”
EZ Rest bed, double, 2 night Professional Pet Sitter
stands, double dresser, mirror, HOME IMPROVEMENT
chest of drawers, $2,500. 440- Loving care for your
268-6443 pets while you are
at work or away. Your Auto or Complete
Insured & Bonded
AMVETS POST 32 Call Jill: 440-322-7929 Service Center Repairs •Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior
11087 Middle Ave., Elyria & Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement
Capacity: Hall-250,
Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 SALES & SERVICES •Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing
Available for all occasions 24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station 440-724-9338
Call for pricing
and availability for roofing, remodeling, etc. 440-235-6642
440-458-8544 Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL Truck work available • General Contracting
25-120 Capacity CALL JASON’S SERVICES • Kitchens/Baths
Catering Available 440-926-3446 BUILDERS
440-236-3323 • Additions
F.O.P. LODGE #54 UPHOLSTERY • Buildings/Garages
Capacity 150-175
36854 Royalton Rd. over 30 yrs. experience
(1 mile East of Durkee) Full Upholstery MODERNIZE Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding 725 Sugar Lane, • Doors/Windows
Grafton, Ohio Cushion Refills Remodeling Pole Barns • Windows • Doors • • Siding
440-653-7227 Furniture Repair Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes Elyria, Oh 44035
FULL park with restrooms, 3 Call for free quote KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619 440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical
on re-upholstery
pavilions, air conditioned hall, 216-346-2682 YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044
for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange Specializing in Home Improvements
Lions Club. 440-458-6781.
Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- WANTED R&K Builders
11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday.
440-926-3341 Dedicated tradesman operat- (Built by Amish)
ing a small, local construction, KAYE Let Our
home improvement service for Quality Buildings at
HANDYMAN SERVICES 30+ years is looking to provide Family Help
Color, full white background
caretaking upkeep and resto- Affordable Prices
Dump Truck plus a 20 ft. box ration of a small farm, or for CONSTRUCTION, LLC. Yours!
trailer. Can Deliver, Haul, or an owner with multiple prop- Horse Barns • Garages
Clean-up properties. Fall erties, to provide maintenance
clean-ups and Snow remov- work in exchange for modest, & Riding Arenas
able. 440-320-5244 or 440- natural and rural country-like CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE!
739-0565. living space. Honest, caring, Commercial & 440-297-2232
conscientious, easy going, Residential Color, transparent background
HELP WANTED friendly, quality craftsmanship 330-473-9927 • Kitchen Remodeling • Room Additions • Garages
with pride. Fond of Lorain
County & its history. Please • Bathroom Remodeling • All Floor Coverings
BARN HELP: Permanent part- contact me if we can meet, dis-
time in Columbia Station area. cuss and collaborate! Whether Make your small business We also do: Siding, Windows, Roofing & Driveways
Stall cleaning, horse handling. a place or project, will aim to
3 mornings a week, flexible please! Jeffrey Porter, 216- Big Business by advertising in
times. Friendly atmosphere. 861-2238
440-829-1960 The Rural-Urban Record Classifieds!
White, transparent background

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018 Page 15

Family Business for Three Generations
RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS Get Your Free Inventor’s Guide
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440-236-9625 Offi ce: 440-236-4001 • Davison charges fees for services
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All Seasons Roofing Jeff’s Construction WATERPROOFING
Tear-Offs, Roof Cleaning, HOUSE, BARN, GARAGE ROOFS
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Repairs from $75 Violations & Repairs!
440-748-3259 Casey Williamson 216-861-2238

Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc. Since 1989 ~ OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~

Residential ~ Commercial •Replacement Windows JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036
New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds •Entry Doors
Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work •Custom Exterior Siding J. A. KILBY ENT.
Call: 440-748-1333 •Stone & Shake Accents “Stop the water before it stops you!”
•Soffit, Facia & Trim •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
NOTICE •Carpentry, Porches & More... •Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement

Lung Cancer? TREE SERVICE Basement Waterproofing
Storm Water Drainage
Asbestos exposure in industrial, Sewer Lines - Water Lines
construction, manufacturing jobs, or the Full Service Excavation
military may be the cause. Family in Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping 440-935-7842
the home were also exposed. Tree Trimming • Removal FREE ESTIMATES!!!
Call 1-866-795-3684 or email
[email protected]. Stump Grinding • Pruning WATER WELLS
$30 billion is set aside for asbestos Fertilizers • Fire Wood
victims with cancer. Valuable settlement Free Estimates!
monies may not require filing a lawsuit. ART’S WATER SYSTEMS
Seth Emerson - Owner
Office: 440-322-2624
[email protected]
FREE ESTIMATES • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck KEVIN BOLDEN 440-322-2987
440-309-5938 • 113 Ft. Crane
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood
PLUMBING Triple Shredded Mulch Tips on How to

Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member Write a Classified

J.A. Kilby Plumbing 440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 Ad that SELLS!
Queen Ann King Bedroom Set. 2 Years
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services
$750 OBO. Moving, must sell! Call
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions old in Excellent Condition. Asking
CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available M-F, 9-5pm. 440-333-8989.
Jason E. Davis
•New Work •Replacement •Repairs -Complete Crane Service-
•Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!”
•Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped Tree/Stump Removal 1. Use a KEYWORD. This immediately tells the reader
what it is you have to sell.
440-327-3433 • Tree Trimming, Firewood 2. Make your decision CLEAR and FACTUAL. State
State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response “FREE ESTIMATES” the year, make, model, color, size and tell what condi-
Bonded & Insured tion the item is in. Also state any special features.
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 3. State the PRICE. Successful classified advertisers
SERVICES: Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] have learned that the price in an ad helps increase the
•Plumbing Repairs chances for results.
•Sewer & Drain Cleaning
•Electronic Locating 4. If there’s a genuine sense of URGENCY, say so. The
•Video Camera Inspection words “We’re Moving” or “Must Sell Fast” suggests that
440-324-4321 •Sewer Excavation readers respond immediately.
30 Years Experience Personal Plumber Service Corp. 5. Include your PHONE NUMBER. Classifieds get
24 HOUR EMERGENCY OFF results fast and often generate immediate sales. If you
cannot be available to answer the phone at all times at
OH LIC #21372 Any Service home, be sure to specify special calling times such as
“after 6PM” or “Before 11AM”, or provide a Cell phone
Expires 12/31/18. Not valid with any other offer. number where you can be reached not at home.

Make your small business
Big Business by advertising in
The Rural-Urban Record Classifieds!

Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 3, 2018
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