The Rural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 62 Years of Community Service!”
Volume 63, No. 25 Columbia Station, Ohio December 18, 2017
Memorial display remembers those who lost lives on the roads of Lorain County
In Lorain County, 73 people died on the roadways be-
tween 2014 and 2016; with alcohol being the most com-
mon contributing factor. To date, 29 crashes (31 deaths)
occurred in 2017 on Lorain County roadways and 43% of
those crashes involved alcohol.
The Lorain County JVS has teamed up with the Lorain
County Safe Community Coalition and other local agen-
cies to help spread the word about the dangers of driving
impaired, and the importance of safe driving, especially
now during the holiday season. Drunk driving deaths oc-
cur all year round, but the holiday season is a particularly
dangerous time due to a higher number of impaired drivers
on the roadways.
JVS students from the 9th and 10th grade Career Read-
iness and Exploration programs and the Landscape and
Greenhouse Management program, worked together to
create an 8 foot wooden Christmas Tree, decorated with
evergreen swags and red ribbons, symbolizing those who
lost their lives this year on the roads of Lorain County due
to alcohol related car crashes. Jill Petitti, Lorain County
JVS High School Principal and Safe Community Coalition
member, shared how this tree is helping to start the conver-
sation with her students. “The tree came out of an idea of JVS students in the Career Readiness, Career Explorations and Landscape and Greenhouse Management programs stand
wanting to have our kids involved in creating something with their instructors by the memorial tree and banner on the JVS grounds.
that would commemorate those whose lives were lost Marketing and Management juniors are documenting
on Lorain County roads and to also increase communi- the work being done on this memorial tree as part of a The finished Christmas tree structure is on display on
ty awareness of the problem. Throughout this project we Business Professionals of America project called Broad- the front lawn of the Lorain County JVS at the corner of
had discussions with our students about what the tree rep- cast News Production Team. The students are creating a State Routes 20 and 58 in Oberlin. The Ohio State High-
resents and why driving safely and wearing your seatbelt is mock newscast complete with video coverage and inter- way Patrol donated a safe driving banner, to also serve as a
critical. I think the tree is beautiful, but more importantly, views. It is another way the JVS is spreading the word reminder for all drivers to drive safely and to always drive
it started the conversations with our students that maybe about the importance of safe driving. sober.
we wouldn’t have otherwise had.”
Garden-themed Christmas Tree JVS students awarded “Best Overall” at Zero-Proof Mix-Off
Lorain County JVS High School and Adult Career Cen-
ter Phlebotomy students won the best overall award for their
“Blood Shot” drink at the Zero-Proof Mix-Off event. This
event was held at Lorain County Community College and
sponsored by the Safe Community Coalition through the Lo-
rain County General Health District.
Numerous JVS programs and students participated and
volunteered in the annual event, which is centered on fun
without alcohol that also highlights the dangers of drunken
driving. Numerous local organizations created non-alcoholic
drinks that would be great to offer during the holiday season.
Recipe for Blood Shot:
1 (2 liter) Dr. Pepper soda
1 (1 liter) Ginger Ale soda
1 (1 liter) Sparkling grape juice
2 (2 liter) Pure cherry juice
1 jar (13.5 oz) maraschino cherries (undrained)
Mix sodas, cherry juice and sparkling grape juice in a
bowl. Add maraschino cherries and stir.
Other winners of the Zero-Proof Mix-Off include:
Best Student Drink - “The Grinch Hot Chocolate,” mixed
by Lorain County Community College Police Training Acad-
Best Names - “Permitted in the Park,” mixed by Lorain
County Metro Parks and “Kryptonite,” Judge Sherry L. Glass.
Best Presentation - “Cool Blue Breeze,” mixed by Catho-
lic Charities, Community Services of Lorain County.
Best Taste - “Hot Apple Cinnamel Sweetness,” mixed by
Lorain County Blue Foundation.
People’s Choice - “Freeze!!!,” mixed by the Ohio State
Highway Patrol.
Members Linda Davis and Louise Jalowiec decorated Zero-proof recipe books can be found online at Lorain-
the Christmas Tree at the North Ridgeville Library in a or picked up beginning mid-December
natural theme of birds, grapevines and cranberries. at the following locations while supplies last: Discount Drug JVS Allied Health Sciences seniors Madalyn East of Colum-
Mart stores, Lorain County General Health District and at lo- bia and Jenna Papagna of Keystone, serve up their “Blood
cal police and fire departments. Shot” drink.
Early Deadlines
The offices of The Rural-Urban Record will be closed from Carlisle 12 Grafton Twp. 15 Churches 6
December 22 through January 1. Deadline for the December Community Columbia 3 LaGrange 7 Events page 2
25 issue is Tuesday, December 19. Deadline for the January Directory Eaton 9 N. Ridgeville 13 Profile Page 8
1 issue is Wednesday, December 20. Grafton 14 Wellington 16 Classifieds 17
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017
Dec. 16 Dec. 16 FREE CHRISTMAS
Breakfast with Santa Jingle Mingle Craft Show MEALS
Join Santa for Brunch at the Free Admission, 50+ Vendors, Dec. 25
Sunset Terrace at Lakeview. Handmade crafts, jewelry, St. Vincent De Paul
Brunch includes a carriage home decor, make-up & more!
ride around Lakeview Park, a Come get great Christmas Church Want to go and see a play this month?
breakfast buffet, and one fam- Gifts! 41295 North Ridge Rd. Check out these plays going on!
ily photo with Santa. Call to Ehrnfelt Rec Center Elyria
reserve (440) 458-5121. 18100 Royalton Rd., 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Lakeview Park, Strongsville The Little Mermaid A Christmas Carol A Christmas Story
1800 West Erie Ave., 9:00am - 4:00pm St. Mary Church Hall The Beck Center Playhouse Square Playhouse Square
Lorain 250 3rd Street, Elyria for the Arts 1501 Euclid Ave, Cleveland 1407 Euclid Ave, Cleveland
9:00am - 11:00am 12:00pm - 3:00pm 17801 Detroit Lakewood Now until Dec 23rd Now until Dec 23rd
Dec. 17 Colonial Barber Shop Now until Dec 31st http://www.playhousesquare. http://www.playhousesquare.
Grinch Day in Peninsula 126 W. Herrick Ave., org/events/detail/a-christ- org/events/detail/a-christ-
Our very own Grinch will be “A Christmas Story Live” Wellington events/13474/
traveling about the village for Watch Party 2:00pm - 4:00pm
visits and photo ops. Join us for Enjoy food and drinks at the “A
several different activities to Christmas Story” House with
enhance your holiday spirit! other fans of the film. Then
Downtown Peninsula watch the live version on FOX
10:00pm - 4:00pm on giant inflatable screens at 7
Facebook - Christmas in Pen- p.m.
insula 3159 West 11th St.,
Lunch with Santa Dec. 29 Also don't miss Disney on Ice coming to
Enjoy pizza, entertainment and
crafts with SANTA all for just FREE Tuba Christmas New Years Party Quicken Loans Arena from Jan 5-14, 2018
$5.00 per person. Pre-register Enjoy Christmas Music per- Join us at Skyview Lodge
and pay by Dec. 13th at Sun- formed by a large number of for “An Enchanted Evening”.
dae Funday’s or by calling 440- tubas with holiday decorations. Live Entertainment & Midnight
236-FOOD (3663). Champagne Toast! Tickets $50
Briarwood Lodge FREE. Call 330-225-8345.
Lorain Palace Civic
Columbia Reservation Theater, 617 Broadway Skyview Lodge
25145 Royalton Road Ave., Lorain 336 Pearl Rd.,
Columbia Station 2:00pm Brunswick
12:00pm - 1:30pm 6:30pm - 1:00am
Holiday Family Dec. 23
Scavenger Hike January 9
Holiday-themed outdoor trea- Winter Farmers Market
sure hunt for small groups! Seasonal products, Eggs, Square Dance Lessons
Maximum of 20 participating Jams & Jellies, Honey, Free Join us on Tuesdays for Fun
families. PR one family or range meat, Pastries, Tea & & Fellowship while excersizing
group member by 12/11. For Coffee and much more! Oth- your mind and body! Singles
more information call 440-387- er dates to visit: Jan 13 & 27, and couples welcome. First
8107. 2018. lesson free! Call 440-835-1904. For your Support of this page!
Avon Lake Public Frostville Museum Christ the King Church
Library/KFR Trailhead, 24101 Cedar Point Rd., 30635 Lorain Rd., The Events page will return in the
32649 Electric Blvd, North Olmsted North Olmsted
Avon Lake 10:00pm - 2:00pm 7:00pm - 9:00pm Spring of 2018!
2:00pm - 3:30pm
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017 Page 3
that are driving in the winter weather, I also have to take into con-
Columbia NEWS sideration that teenagers are driving to and from the high school. CHS Honor/Merit Roll
I have conversations with Mr. Rundle, Columbia Township Road
Superintendent, about our local roads, our transportation and 9th Grade High Honor Roll: Andrew Bartel, Cara Corra-
maintenance supervisors and local superintendents. If the buses do, Logan Fess, Sergio Garibotti, Kristina Gordiyenko, Landon
begin to roll, school will be in session. If school is in session and Hunt, David Kamms, Miranda Keller, Aubrie Kliment, Ashley,
you choose not to send your child that is a decision you make Krupinski, Averey Lavinder, Connor Lind, Maria Lovell, Mi-
as a parent. I will make a decision that I feel is necessary for the chelle Lovell, Cassidy O’Steen, Kaia Pierce, Hope Swartz, Josh-
WEEKLY CALENDAR safety and well-being of the children of CLSD. If you have any ua Titherage, Mariah Wentz, Faith Wilmeth, Sophia Young.
Monday, December 18: questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. 9th Grade Honor Roll: Madison DePaolis, Regan Galla-
Columbia Board of Trustees will have their meeting tonight The holidays are right around the corner and we have many her, Jeffrey Grzywna, Samuel Kleinhenz, Julia Matzelle, Lukas
at town hall at 7 p.m. The community is encouraged to attend. concerts to help you get into the spirit. Our students have worked McKee.
9th Grade Merit Roll: Olivia Blakeney, Victoria Bolek, Ca-
CHS Weekly Calendar really hard to show off their talents. We are hoping that you can leb Borling, Jenna Butler, Ryan Davis, Morganne Fischer, Jacob
Monday, December 18: December 18 - 5-12 Percussion Concert at CHS at 7 p.m. Fleming, Joseph Governale, Cayden Keys, Jacob Kobiloinsky,
Megan McCollough, Rebecca Pritt, Scott Saksa, Tyler Sayles,
December 19 - 1/3 Grade Program at CMS at 7 p.m.
Exam permission slips due December 21 - CHS Band and Choir at 7 p.m. Hailey Spikes, Jeremiah Testa, Brandon Weber, Taylor Womble,
7 p.m. Percussion Concert. Winter break will begin on Monday, December 25 through Zakary Zeinert.
Tuesday, December 19: January 2. The last day for staff and students is Friday, December 10th Grade High Honor Roll: Brian Barta, Kevin Barta,
6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball at Northwestern. 22. Staff and students will return to school on Wednesday, Janu- Sydney Berg, Sarah Conway, Morgan Davis, Angelina Furyes,
Wednesday, December 20: ary 3. Everyone at CLSD would like to wish you and your family Amelia Hritz, Sarah Kittelberger, Mackenzie Marx, Casey Medi-
7:30-11:35 am CHS exams. a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! My na, Fiona Medina, Emma Roberts, Andrew Saki, Rose Sikorski,
6/7:30 p.m. Girls Basketball v. Lutheran West. next article will appear on January 8. Karlie Smick, Juliet Smith, Alexis Speck, Jared Swartz, Karl Tal-
Thursday, December 21: We are always looking to improve the quality of the school los, Brandon Tolle, Sophia Vozar, Riley West.
7:30-10:10 a.m. CHS exams. district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion, 10th Grade Honor Roll: Alexander Beach, Thomas Cassidy,
7 p.m. Band/Choir concert. question or comment please feel free to call me at (440) 236- Karly Cipriano, Michael English, Mason Jakubisin, Zoie Jarem,
JVS winter break begins. 5008 or email [email protected] #onceaRaider Cassidy Kamms, Ryan McBride, Laci Riley, Megan Seitz, Kate-
Friday, December 22: lynn Strieter.
7:30-10:10 a.m. CHS exams. CHS Semester Exams 10th Grade Merit Roll: Nicole Carrion, Tracy Groleau, Ha-
6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball v. Lutheran West. ley Keenan, Jacob Kile, Dylan Kiley, Payton Krase, Tyler Pon-
Monday, December 25-Tuesday, January 2: Columbia High School will administer final exams for the tikos, Charles Simon, Hunter Smith, Michael Verbus.
CHS winter break. semester on Wednesday, December 20, Thursday, December 21 11th Grade High Honor Roll: Jennifer Boey, Jared Byczns-
Columbia Garden Club and Friday, December 22. On Monday, December 11, your child ki, Courtney Faber, Danielle Gerda, Serena Goode, Tyler Hite,
will receive the exam schedule, information, and permission
Adam Ross, Carissa Templeton.
On Tuesday December 19, the Columbia Garden Club will be slip in homeroom. The permission slip is due to the attendance 11th Grade Honor Roll: Nicole Ballachino, Samantha Car-
having their Christmas Luncheon at Rue 254, located at 32045 office by Friday, December 15. Complete exam information is rico, Bailey Coleman, Brandon Coleman, Serena DeNoto, Jillian
Detroit Rd., in Avon. For those members and visitors wishing also available on the Columbia High School website at Grzywna, Thomas Hones, Jackson Ives, Allysia Leap, Nicholas
to carpool, please meet at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parking lot at on the high school home page and under doc- Milluzzi, Haley Pruitt, Benjamin Skowronsky, Ambriel Stair,
11:30 a.m. Reservations are required for the restaurant so please uments. If you have any questions concerning semester exams, Lizzabeth Whatmore, Logan Wos.
call Carolee at (440) 221-8169 for information or to make your please call the high school at 236-5001.
reservation. Those driving themselves, please be at the restaurant HONOR ROLL CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
by Noon. Bring a friend with you to meet all our friendly garden J&J Greenhouse Adopt-A-Cause
club ladies. This holiday season we would be honored to accept donations LEGAL NOTICE
CHS Cap and Gown orders for Sean Garrow. In July, Sean was struck by a vehicle while The Board of Education of the Columbia Local
working outside a food truck at The Jailhouse Tavern in Grafton
Quick reminder to all members of the class of 2018 to or- Twp. Sean lost his right leg on impact, broke his right arm and 3 School District will hold its annual Tax Budget Hearing
der your cap and gown prior to December 22. After that date, ribs. After a long hospital stay and many surgeries, Sean contin- on Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the
late fees will apply and the order will cost $50 plus tax. If you ues his long recovery and physical therapy. Although in pain and Administration Center, 25796 Royalton Road, Columbia
are participating in CHS’s graduation in May, the cap and gown obvious daily life adjustments, Sean is in high spirits and a true Station, OH.
is required. For complete cap/gown, announcement and senior inspiration. Let’s make this a special holiday for such a deserving A copy of the 2018-2019 Tax Budget is on file and
items information check our website under Senior Information. young man. You can stop by J&J Greenhouse, 26240 Folley Rd., available for review prior to the Tax Budget Hearing
VFW New Year’s Eve Party in Columbia Station, to drop off cash donations or gift cards. Our at the Administration Center during regular operating
hours are 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Sun. For more information, call us
at (440) 236-8762.
The Columbia VFW Post #9340 is hosting a New Year’s Eve Jay, Jean, John & Vickie, J&J Greenhouse Patricia Eddy, Treasurer, Columbia Local Schools.
Party on Sunday, December 31, from 6 p.m.-1 a.m. Tickets are
$25 and include a catered Italian Dinner, DJ and a Champagne
Toast at midnight (Bar available). If you want to come for Danc-
ing and the Champagne Toast only, tickets are $10 each from Mozaic Energy
9 p.m.-1 a.m. Seating is limited, so get your tickets ASAP by Need a Gift Idea?
stopping in at the VFW or calling (440) 236-8111. Mozaic Energy is all
about Balancing the Mind,
Body and Soul. I do a com-
bination of Crystal Healing,
Pranic Healing and Reiki all Give Our Holiday Gift Card
Congratulations to Ms. Brittany Atkinson, CHS Science together which I call CPR. It
is Energy Work. It helps to
teacher, for receiving the Raider Nation Excellence Award for clear unwanted energy block-
November! Other staff nominated for the month’s award include: ages that you might have or Buy $50 in Gift Cards
Alice Rheaume, Donna Novak, Julie Bowes, Joye Martin, Ar- get from everyday life. I can
lene Garibotti, Carol Roginsky, Katie McDonnell, Diana Brun- do it in a chair or on a table.
ner, Robert Magyar and Joye Martin. Thank you for all that you It can be a most awesome Get a $10 Bonus
do for our students and CLSD! and powerful experience. It
If we need to cancel school due to inclement weather, all can help with Pain, Stress,
parents will receive a call via our all-call system. This call will Anxiety, Depression and so Card FREE!*
be made no later than 6:15 a.m. It will also be posted on local many other things. It helps
television stations, website and Twitter. The determination on to Cleanse, Calm, Relax and
whether or not to have school during winter weather is not an Refresh you.
easy decision, nor is it taken lightly. Not only do we have buses
Carpentry Limited
*Gift Card promotion is available November 24 - December 24, 2017
and cannot be used on the day purchased.
Bootleggers Bar & Grille
34550 Royalton Rd., Columbia Station
The Depot at Union Station
700 North Center St., LaGrange
440-355-6505 • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017
trict staff and talented volunteers, the mini-golf course will ex- Hospice Volunteer Education Series
HONOR ROLL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 plore the depths of the ancient ocean, wind through swamp for-
ests, encounter massive ancient creatures, traverse a glacier, and Hospice of the Western Reserve is seeking volunteers to assist
11th Grade Merit Roll: Ella Abbey, Benjamin Alten, Alex- introduce visitors to Ohio’s prehistoric people.
is Corbett, Jay DeLisle, Jordan Hawley, Robin Hensley, Audrey Buffalo Creek Retreat is located at 8708 Hubbard Valley in private residences, nursing homes, assisted living communi-
Krug, Michael Lovell, Anthony Lutizio, Kelsey Palmer, David Road in Guilford Township. ties, our three Hospice House locations, and hospital settings. As
Raney, Savannah Roberts, Cole Schwartz, Kaylee Sevic, Daniel a vital part of Hospice of the Western Reserve’s team, volunteers
Snakovsky, Elizabeth Stinson, Stanley Szekelyi, Riley Thomas, Oreo and Lenny seek loving homes come from all walks of life and have a variety of skills, talents
Emily Titherage, Marilyn Umek. and abilities. Opportunities to serve are diverse: visit patients and
12th Grade High Honor Roll: David Cole, William Eisen- families to provide companionship, socialization, and comfort;
hauer, Gregory Grzywna, Kassi Zeinert. help with legacy work, transportation, light housework and meal
12th Grade Honor Roll: Haley Bures, Amber Caldwell, preparation; run errands; make phone calls; help with clerical
Ashleigh Hones, Donald Paxton, Trevor Rindfleisch, Sarah Ro- work; attend health fairs; make presentations. Volunteers with
bison, Todd Schmidt. specialized professional qualifications and training are also need-
12th Grade Merit Roll: Adam Alten, Nathan Barta, Elaine ed: attorneys, licensed hair dressers, massotherapists, pet therapy
Boxie, Samantha Calvey, Troy Cassidy, Adrian Frederick, Kyle dogs and their handlers.
Heidecker, Thomas Lupica, Max Napoli, Alex Paine, Hannah The next series of volunteer classes will be held at Hospice
Paukovits, Weronika Rapacz, Eric Schaef, Lily Smith. of the Western Reserve, 2173 N. Ridge Road E., in Lorain, on
Tuesdays and Thursdays, January 9, 11, 16 and 18, from 9 a.m.-
Holiday thoughts from a Soldier 1 p.m. Non-clinical volunteers attend only the first four hours
on January 9, while most other volunteers attend all classes.
A thought-provoking visit... Lenny Pre-registration is required. For more information, or to register,
call the volunteer team at (216) 255-9090. It is required to wait
Recently I had a dentist appointment, nothing fancy just a
checkup and cleaning. As I sat down, the hygienist saw my U.S. ting along just fine with them. 12 months after experiencing a significant loss before volunteer-
ing directly with patients.misc/dated
Army hat and did the usual “Oh, you’re in the Army/Thank you He is such a nice cat and it’s
for your service.” I thanked her for her support and we got to Oreo a mystery why he hasn’t been
business checking how bad I am at flossing (oops). adopted yet. Lenny is waiting
It couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes and she began ask- Oreo is a really nice cat! for a person who likes a sweet
ing me how I felt about Trump being in office, how he was “a She is in the cattery with other lap cat!
psychopath who preys on women” and how she “believes that he cats and does well. This pret- All cats receive one or
colluded with the Russians to win the election,” and she didn’t ty kitty is 4-years-old. She more vaccinations, a basic
hesitate to include that she fears for the draft and her sons being was originally surrendered veterinary examination, are
sucked into the military. because there were too many worked and spayed/neutered
I politely told her that regardless of the circumstances, there animals in her home after she and feline leukemia tested.
is still a President in office whom I have to take orders from. I had lived there for 2 years. Kittens under a year old are
am a member of the Department of Defense and my concern as Oreo’s new owner had health $50 and cats over a year are
a soldier is the safety and security of all Americans from threats problems and had to return $20. All kittens/cats over
both foreign and domestic. this sweet girl on 12/8/17. 3 months old are also mi-
She tried to spur it up again by telling me more propagan- Oreo is affectionate and cud- cro-chipped.
da and that was where I had had enough. “Ma’am, I respect dly. She would make a great If you would like to give
your opinion and appreciate your beliefs. But I feel this kind of companion. Can you give her Orea or/and Lenny a new,
thought-process is what is tearing us apart as a nation. I wish this a permanent home and lots of loving, forever home, please
nation would take a moment and stop being so far left or right love? call the Friendship Animal
and get real issues handled,” I said. She seemed taken aback, but Lenny was a shy guy when Protective League at (440)
agreed, and we continued on to business. he first arrived at FAPL but 322-4321. (www.Friendshi-
I am not offended nor am I angry at this experience, but it this handsome kitty has real- The shelter is lo-
does bring to light a problem this country is having. ly come out of his shell. He cated at 8303 Murray Ridge
I swore an oath that many have sworn before me, an oath is friendly, affectionate and Road, in Elyria. Their hours
immense numbers have paid the ultimate sacrifice to keep, and I sweet as can be. You will of- are from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
am honored to carry the torch. However, with all the division this ten see Lenny running on the on Monday, Friday & Satur-
nation is having, I feel we have lost our way. We are so wrapped big wheel. He is 1-year-old day; from 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
up in thinking that we are right and the others are wrong, and we and has the neatest markings. on Tuesday & Thursday; and
forget these monumental words from our Declaration: “We hold He loves attention and is a from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on
these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” lap cat. Lenny is in the green Sunday.
Whether we are left wing or right, we are still equal as Amer- room with other cats and get-
icans, and together as Americans, we need to stop the division
between us before we the enlisted have nothing left to defend.
I graduated from Ft. Benning with Liberals, Conservatives,
Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Christians, Pagans and
Atheists. We couldn’t have been more different going in, but we
all emerged Infantrymen and have a bond stronger than steel. I
would fight alongside any one of them any day. Why, because
we are one team, one fight and together we can achieve infinitely
more than if we were apart. All EverStrand® warranties include lifetime stain resistance and
So this Holiday Season, I ask each of you to challenge your-
self to reach out to those of an opposing view, and instead of 10-year coverage for abrasive wear, texture retention, soil
shunning them, learn more about them as a person. You might resistance, and manufacturing defects.
be as surprised as I was at first, that we are all more alike than *In stock carpet only. Includes 6# pad and basic installation. While supplies last.
you think.
Happy Holidays,, PFC Ryan Wasserman In Stock Mohawk
Putt-ing Through the Ages Everstrand Carpet
The only thing more fun than mini golf is mini golf with dino- 1.89
saurs! Putt-ing Through the Ages returns to Medina County Park
District’s Buffalo Creek Retreat to warm up the winter months Sq.ft Installed!
with a free family activity for all ages. It’s an indoor mini-golf
adventure that takes players on a journey through Ohio’s geo- High Quality Kitchen and Bath Cabinetry,
logic history. Carpeting, Tile, Laminate, Hardwood Flooring,
The course will be open noon to 7 p.m. each day during
school holiday break week, December 27-31. It will then be open Granite, Quartz and Laminate Countertops
weekends only from January 5 through February 25. Hours will
be noon to 4 p.m. on Fridays, noon to 7 p.m. on Saturdays, and Financing Available!!! Mon & Thur: 10-8pm, Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat:10-5pm
noon to 4 p.m. on Sundays. | 536 Cleveland St. Elyria • 440-406-9299
Created with the artistic and construction skills of park dis-
“Trade your unwanted gold
for beautiful white gold
diamond earrings or jewelry!”
“Now Offering 12 months Interest Free”
665 Chestnut Commons Dr., Elyria
(440) 322-0019 •
Holiday Hours: Mon. 9:30-5 • Tues. 9:30-7 • Wed./Thurs./Fri. 9:30-6 • Sat. 9:30-5 • Christmas Eve 9:30-2:30
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017 Page 5
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Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017
The Rural-Urban Record Come and
Published Weekly on Monday
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter Worship
Founders 1955
Lee Boise, Publisher & President
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 with us!
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198
Email: [email protected]
DEADLINE: St. Elizabeth
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm Santa visited SEAS Ann Seton
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1
On December 10, Santa came to visit at St. Elizabeth Ann
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year Seton Church in Columbia Station. Santa and Mrs. Claus Catholic Parish
25801 Royalton Rd.
Columbia Station, OH
posed for photos with happy children while parents and Sacrament of Reconciliation
“Blue Christmas” service grandparents took pictures. Santa’s elves gave out goody bags Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
while families enjoyed cookies and punch and listened to a
story. Coloring contest winners are: Mikayla, Dakota, M.J., Anytime by Appointment
The Columbia United Methodist Church will hold a “Blue Destiny, Kevin, Rozalynne, Dean, Grace and Eve. All win- Weekend Masses
Christmas” service on Thursday evening, December 21, at 7:30 ners received a McDonald gift card. Sat. 5 p.m.
p.m. So many people this time of year are not as inclined to be The Knights of Columbus #11464 would like to thank the Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
celebrating the joy of Christmas because of personal difficulties following festive folks for all their help: Knights and wives, 440-236-5095
or even personal loss. Whether this is the first Christmas without Jerry and BJ Cogar, Mike Gallagher, Ray and Charlotte Ko-
a loved one or a different kind of loss or suffering, sharing in esel and Bob Skrovan. A special thanks to Erv and Brenda
worship can be a source of comfort and healing. This is a service Bislich. Also helping were Ruthann Sroka, Alice Rheaume, “Welcome Home”
of remembrance and hope. All are invited to come and join with Luigia Miller and Ann Wadsworth. A very special thanks to COLUMBIA UNITED New Life Wesleyan Church
others whose hearts are not as light and merry during the Advent members of PSR and Youth Group: Brooke, Chuck, Tyler, METHODIST
season. God cares for each of us. Columbia United Methodist Josh, Jarod, Aaron, Daniel and Hannah. 11149 West River Rd.
Church is located at 25453 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. Messy Church at First UMC CHURCH Columbia Station
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Worship Service SUNDAY 9 am
10:30 a.m.
On the first Sunday of each month, from 4-6 p.m., First Unit- Sunday School Adult Bible Study
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Penfield Community ed Methodist Church of Wellington, located at 127 Park Place, is
Church will be on December 24, at 7 p.m. Penfield Communi- introducing a hands-on, interactive way to worship as a family, during Worship Service SUNDAY 10 am
ty Church is located at 40775 St. Rt. 18, in Wellington. All are involving story, prayer, song, games and a sit-down meal togeth- 25453 ROYALTON ROAD Worship & Children’s Church
welcome! er at tables. People of all ages, adults and children are welcome. COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm
Live Nativity Please join us for Messy Church! Pastor Matt Merriman Youth Group, Kids Club
Bible Study
Join us at the manger! The 6th, 7th and two 8th grade PSR Wednesdays at Fields UMC [email protected] Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
students of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church will be hosting a Fields United Methodist Church kicked off a brand-new Rev. John Bodo
“Live Nativity” on Monday, December 18, from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Wednesday evening program for kids, youth and adults. Come - Associate Pastor
You are invited to view the outdoor nativity at the church, located and grow in your faith with a variety of classes for all ages, from
at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. 3 to 103, at 6:30 p.m., followed by a spirit-filled contemporary
Christmas Eve Service worship service at 7:30 p.m. Childcare is available for our littlest
guests to have safe playtime during the evening. All are wel-
come! For more detailed information, please visit the website
First United Methodist Church of Wellington, located at at, or call Pastor Mar Bruner at the church Church of Christ
127 Park Place, in Wellington, will have Christmas Eve Ser- office at (440) 327-8753. Wednesdays at Fields will run through Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
vices on Sunday, December 24, at 7:30 and 11 p.m. All are May 23, 2018. Fields UMC is located at 34077 Lorain Road, in Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
welcome. North Ridgeville. Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
Christmas Eve service PAL Support Group 211 Forest St., LaGrange
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a support group
Belden United Methodist Church, located at 36130 St. Rt. of parents helping parents, offering education and support at no United Church of God
303, in Grafton, will hold its traditional Christmas Eve Worship charge, for parents who are trying to save a son or daughter from 12981 Grafton Rd. METHODIST CHURCH
service on Sunday, December 24, at 7 p.m. This is a family ser- addiction. These meetings are not for the addict, but the family Grafton, Oh 44044 973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034
vice and everyone is invited to join in and celebrate the birth of members that are 18 yrs. or older. Meetings are on the 1st and “Your Family Church”
the savior Jesus. The service will begin with a Christmas story 3rd Monday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m. at Lighthouse Bible Sabbath Services 8:45am Sunday School
10:00am Worship
Saturdays at 12:30 pm
and the singing of favorite hymns, and it will close with a Si- Church, located at 24050 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. 10:35am Children’s Church
lent Night candle lighting ceremony. For more information, call Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
(440) 926-2209.
Divorce Care Seminars Celebrate Recovery Our Lady Queen of Peace
Celebrate Recovery, the local Christian 12-Step Program for Catholic Church
Church of the Open Door: anyone needing help with a hurt, habit or hang-up, meets each
DivorceCare is a national support group that meets weekly in week at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Church of the Open Door, lo- Weekend Masses
Lorain County. It is a warm, caring environment where people cated at 43275 Telegraph Road, in Elyria. The first hour begins Sat., Dec. 23 4:30pm
learn how to deal with the hurt caused by separation or divorce. with a brief time of worship, followed by a weekly lesson or a Sun., Dec. 24 9:30am
The group understands how attendees feel, because they all personal testimony. The second hour has gender specific small Christmas Masses
have been in the same place. Participants are welcome to begin groups for men and women, with a special video for first time Sun., Dec. 24 4:30 & 10pm
attending the DivorceCare group at any point. Each session is attenders. All meetings are open to everyone. Light refreshments Mon., Dec. 25, 8:30 & 11am
“self-contained” so there is no need to attend in sequence. At- are served following the program. For further information, call
tendees will be able to pick up any missed sessions in the next Bob at (440) 326-2329. Weekday Mass: 8:00am - Chapel
13-week cycle. For details on meeting days/times, call (440) Mon.-Tues. Thurs.-Fri.
323-4644 or register at The Life Spring Community Church would also like to invite ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
group meets at the Church of the Open Door, located at 43275 the community to their Celebrate Recovery program. Come join
Telegraph Road, in Elyria. them on Monday nights beginning at 6 p.m. The church is locat-
ed at 1638 Lester Rd., in Valley City. Dinner and fellowship is NORTH YOU’RE INVITED!!!
from 6-7 p.m., large groups from 7-8 p.m., small groups from 8-9 EATON CALVARY BAPTIST
p.m. and 9 p.m. coffee and dessert. Child care is available. For CHRISTIAN CHURCH
more information, you can go to 114 Hope Ct., Elyria
CHURCH Service Time: Sunday, 10 a.m.
FUNERAL HOME & 440-748-2230
Rt. 82 & 83
2089 Columbia Road Worship Services
Laubenthal -Mercado Valley City, OH 44280 8:00am & 9:30am
“Understanding When
LM Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance Christian Ed. & Youth Director
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Needed Most”
Now offering On-site
Pre-Need Planning Available
Polly Tallos
Cremation Services
Funeral Home is also
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Serving Families for over 50 years
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring
you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” --Luke 2:10
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017 Page 7
LaGrange NEWS Current NHS Members:
Matt Adams, Sydney Allemeier, Kyle Beno, Valeri Bro-
Metcalf, Paige Monyak, Madison Nunez, Justin Ocheltree,
Congratulations to our recently inducted twenty-three new schk, Kayla Colon, Nicole Hatfield, Ellen Miller, Summer
members into our High School’s National Honor Society. Alexa Olic, Luke Peters, Maranda Sherrill and Amy Sobel.
National Honor Society members are chosen based on four
primary criteria: character, scholarship, leadership, and ser- With Wide-Eyed Wonder: Toys &
vice. Congratulations to the following new inductees: Han- Amusements from the Past
Blessing Box nah Clark , Amanda Cogar , Ashley Elliott, Carley Gonda, On Tuesdays through Saturdays, now through December 30,
Cassandra Harant, Isabel Knowlton, Jessica Kun, Carter Mc-
Cartney, Kevin Mealwitz, Matthew Mealwitz, Cade Myers, plan to ring in the holiday season with this new mini-exhibit
Annali Perez, Brooke Piazza, Gabrielle Price, Alexandra Pyl- at the Oberlin Heritage Center’s Monroe House (73½ South
es, Blaise Sherlock, Nichole Sinegar, Michelle Spanos, John Professor Street) featuring children’s toys and games from days
Spatafore, Taylor Stefan, Cole Stoots, Sara Wargo and Emily gone by. You’ll see some of the more entertaining objects from
Yates. the Heritage Center’s collection, a few of which offer hands-
Great job to our students and music teachers at all three on experiences for all ages to enjoy! Combine the exhibit with
schools on their outstanding holiday performance season. a 30-minute Sneak Peek/Oberlin Origins tour Tuesday through
Special thanks to KMS/KHS Vocal Music Instructor Bethany Saturday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.; fee is $3/adult and free to
Pearce, KMS/KHS Instrumental Music Teacher Brett Ben- OHC members, college students and children. For more infor-
mation visit or call (440) 774-
zin, and KES Music Teacher Anne Paulchell for instructing 1700. Note that the Heritage Center will be closed on Tuesday,
our talented students. Both Keystone students and attendees December 26, 2017.
appreciate your hard work, exemplified in these stellar per-
formances. Ask the Remodeler
Many thanks to all participants who helped collect, orga- Question: We are thinking about a remodeling project and
nize, and donate items for our numerous donation drives. We would like to know how quickly our project could be started.
were able to donate over 1,200 canned goods and non-perish- Can you help explain the time frame options?
able items to the LaGrange Lions Club as well as an abun- Answer: When you call our office and explain your project,
L-R: Maura Neville, Keystone Elementary principal; Jake dance of toys for local children. Thank you for helping to we can usually give you a timeframe for when we can do your
Alferio, Assistant principal; Franco Gallo, Keystone Schools make these donation drives a success! project. Factors that affect the timeframe are how much work
Superintendent; Renee Collins, Blessing Box representative Lastly, holiday break at Keystone begins Thursday, Dec we already have scheduled, the lead time for the materials re-
and Mrs. McNulty, 3rd grade teacher, in front of the newly 21, and school resumes on Wednesday, Jan 3, 2018. I would quired to complete your project, the size of your project, and
placed Blessing Box. like to wish all our staff, students, and members of our Key- how much design work is required to arrive at the final details
The LaGrange Lions Club had a Blessing Box placed in stone family a wonderful holiday break and a happy New for the project. We will share with you honestly what we think
we can do and if that is acceptable with you, we will schedule
their park on December 8. This idea came about through the Year! the work.
effort of Ashley Ritchie, a young girl with a good heart. Franco Gallo, Keystone Superintendent (440) 355-2424 If you have any questions you would like to ask, send them
Ashley read the Blessing Box article but the kids were National Honor Society to me via email at [email protected]. -- Don Jason
supposed to write a paper on their hero. Ashley brought the
article to school and from there, Renee and Mrs. McNulty welcomes new members One Stop
decided Renee should come and speak to the class In Quality! 1/2 off
The students learned that this box, when filled with food, All ladies jackets & clothing
could help someone in need when other options are not avail- Also available: rubber boots, work
able. They became very excited about getting one placed in 16901 St. Rt. 58, shoes, socks, hats & gloves
LaGrange and took up a collection of food items to stock the Oberlin, OH 44074
box. The box was permanently placed near the north end of HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10-5 HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10-5 Check • Cash • Plastic
the Lions hall and is stocked with a variety of canned and
boxed non- perishable foods. The restocking can be done by
anyone in the community who would like to help. We do ask Genuine Freshwater Pearl and Gemstone
that no one leaves any food on the ground around the box.
The Lions are proud to provide a place for this box and Bracelets
to support the civic minded efforts of Mrs.McNulty’s third
graders. This Blessing Box can be a huge help in an emer- Special Holiday Offer
gency to a hungry person.
For anyone in the Keystone School District who finds
they need longer term help with putting food on the table, any style $ 25
please feel free to call the LaGrange Lions Club at (440) NHS officers L-R: Paige Monyak, Alexa Olic, Valeri Broschk and Jus- only
355-5466 for more information. tin Ocheltree.
The students in National Honor Society (NHS) were ex-
cited to welcome 23 new student members to their distin-
guished organization at the annual NHS Induction Ceremony.
Students are selected for NHS based upon the four pillars of
the organization: character, scholarship, leadership and ser-
vice. Current NHS officers, Paige Monyak, Alexa Olic, Valeri
Happy Holidays Broschk and Justin Ocheltree presented at the ceremony and
spoke about the exceptional qualities that characterize NHS
from members. Special thanks to these students and to the exem-
plary work done by advisor Ms. Catanzarito for organizing
Beriswill Insurance this ceremony. Congratulations to these new members on Have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Agency their induction into this group of outstanding and talented From Your Friends at..
2017-2018 Inductees:
Hannah Clark , Amanda Cogar , Ashley Elliott, Carley
Gonda, Cassandra Harant, Isabel Knowlton, Jessica Kun,
Carter McCartney, Kevin Mealwitz , Matthew Mealwitz,
Wellington & Grafton Cade Myers, Annali Perez, Brooke Piazza, Gabrielle Price, A trusted name in Jewelry
Locations Alexandra Pyles, Blaise Sherlock, Nichole Sinegar, Michelle
Spanos, John Spatafore, Taylor Stefan, Cole Stoots, Sara Wargo and Emily Yates. 244 E. Broad Street | Elyria | 322-1700
Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm 1115 EAST BROAD ST
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with any other tire manufacturer-sponsored or Ford Service Credit Card rebate/offer. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications, rebate and account details. Offer valid with coupon. account. See participating U.S. dealership for vehicle applications, rebate and account details through 12/31/2017
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017
Village Jewelry
954 Main Street in Grafton, Oh WE BUY
Holiday Hours: Closed on Sundays, GOLD,
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FAX 440-355-6170
Pfeiffer Chiropractic Clinic, Inc.
123 West Herrick Ave.
Your Local Family & Veteran Owned Fuel Delivery Since 1934 Merry Christmas from Wellington, OH 44090
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•Home Heating Oil & Propane Jennifer Kuhns Mitchell Pfeiffer,
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•Diesel Truck Fuel 954 Main Street | Grafton, OH 44044 D.C., C.C.S.P. ®
•Fuel Tanks & Pumps 440-238-3900 440-926-0500 | Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician ®
•Gasoline Marathon Lubricants Holiday Hours - Dec 18: 10-5pm, Dec 19-22: 10-6pm, P: 440-647-5200 F: 440-647-5301 Dec 23: 10-4pm, Dec 24: 10-1pm! [email protected]
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017 Page 9
Eaton NEWS JVS Masonry Trades Students build holiday spirit
Recall Notice
The Eaton Township Fire Department would like to inform
our residents to see if they have a recalled Kidde Fire Extinguish-
er with plastic handles & nozzle detachment. Recall No: 18-022
Contact Kidde direct at toll free # 1-855-271-0773 or their
website at www.
Eaton Township Calender
Leaf Pick is extended til l December 15 (There is no set
schedule, it depends on weather).
Please note our Compost Center is now closed until spring!
Please contact our office at 440-748-2236 or secretary@ea- to request a Resident Packet with links to Re- Christmas tree, presents and Cindy Lou Who displays built and painted by the JVS junior masonry trades class.
sources in the County/Township. For the ninth consecutive year, the Lorain County JVS junior Masonry Trades class is taking part in the ‘Holiday Lights’ event at
Please visit our Facebook page for info daily www.face- the Lorain County Metro Parks Carlisle Visitor Center. David Rudisill, Masonry Trades Instructor, enjoys being a part of this event each year.
Local Eaton Twp. Businesses (retail & at-home) should con- The theme for the event is classic holiday movies. “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” has been the movie selection for the JVS for
tact the secretary to be listed in our Business Listing. the past few years. This year, the students created and painted a chimney, complete with the Grinch peeking out, a Christmas tree and
Township Hall Rentals: $50/Hall rental for Eaton Township gift boxes. Cindy Lou Who, Max, the reindeer-dog and a sleigh are a part of the display as well. These items were created from past
Residents/$75 for non-residents - Lots of open dates! Call the classes and are being used again this year.
Secretary to schedule your family or work party! You won’t want to miss these spectacular pieces designed, built and painted by JVS students! The ‘Holiday Lights’ at the Carlisle
Did you know the Township will allow you to “borrow” 7 Visitor Center takes place now through December 30.
tables/24 chairs to use for a party. Call the Township to reserve
it! (440) 748-2236 (must be an Eaton Twp. Resident). Magic Lemon Pie
Residential lock boxes & Mailbox reflective signs are avail- VALLEY CITY
able at the town hall office. “Lemon Meringue Pie using sweetened condensed milk and
Reminder: Notary Services are complimentary for Township bottled lemon juice.”
residents. Ingredients VISION CENTER
Eaton Township has a curfew is between 12 a.m.-5 a.m. per 1 (9 inch) prepared graham cracker crust
Resolution 90-413. 1/2 cup lemon juice FAMILY VISION
Reminder: Transient vendors & solicitors must have a per- 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk CENTER
mit (by Eaton Town hall) to go door to door in our township 2 eggs, separated
- residents are instructed to contact the Sheriffs dept. for ALL 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar 6621 Center Road
violations. 4 tablespoons white sugar Valley City
Veterans (living or deceased) in Eaton Township (for at least Directions
1 year of their life) that would like their name to be engraved Blend sweetened condensed milk and egg yolks together. Dr. Norma Jesse, J 330-483-4035
on our Veterans Memorial Wall/Bench, please contact town hall Gradually add lemon juice, stirring until mixture thickens and Optometrist
(440) 748-2236. is well blended. Pour filling into crust.
12-19 - 7:30 p.m. Bi-Monthly Trustee meeting. In another bowl, beat room temperature egg whites with WE CARRY A OUTSIDE
12-21 - 6:30 p.m. LCTA Banquet at New Russia Township. cream of tartar until foamy. Gradually add sugar, and continue FULL LINE OF PRESCRIPTIONS
12-25 - Office Closed for Christmas. beating until egg whites are stiff. Carefully spread meringue
12/30 - 9 a.m. End of year closeout, Record Retention, & over filling, sealing the edges. GLASSES WELCOME
2018 Organizational meeting. Bake at 400 degrees F (205 degrees C) until meringue Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon
Location for all calendar items are 12043 Avon Belden rd. browns, about 6 minutes. Cool. Refrigerate uneaten portions.
unless noted otherwise. Recipe By:JANE HUEY, courtesy of Closed Sun & Wed
May your Holiday Season Be Merry &
P Bright, Filled with Love, Good Cheer & a
Winter that’s White.
-Your Friends & Neighbors at the
Ross Group of companies
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017
Stop in & Experience one of our
Beer or Wine Samplings!
See store for details.
Credit Cards DEBIT CARD
or Your
34981 ROYALTON ROAD, NORTH EATON Please call 440-748-3751 For Advanced Special Orders
USDA Beef Smithfield
Bone-In $ 99 Half Spiral $ 99 USDA Beef $ 99
Standing Rib Roast 6 Honey or Brown 1 New York 6
While Supplies Last! lb. Sugar Hams lb. Strip Steaks lb.
31/40 ct., 1 lb. bag $ 99 10 lb. & Up $ 19 5 lb. box $ 99
New Crop
While Quantities Last!
IGA Grade “A”
Cooked, Peeled & 6 Basted Young Turkeys1 Spanish 4
Deveined Shrimp lb. Clementines
Wick’s Baked
or Unbaked Pie
2 Pack, 9 Inch
$ 2 49
56 oz. Assorted Varieties • 8 oz. 4/$ 1 lb. Quarters $ 88
Smith’s $ 99 Kraft Philly 5 Walnut 2
Ice Cream Cream Cheese Box Creek Butters
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Punch Picante Sauce or
Assorted Varieties • 128 oz. Assorted Varieties • 16 oz.
2/$ 5 2/$ 5
Assorted Varieties • 14.25-15.25 oz.
IGA 2/$ 2 Liter ¢ Assorted Varieties • 8-13.8 oz. 3/$
Corn or 1 7Up 88 Keebler Townhouse, 5
Green Beans Products Club or Toasted Crackers
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017 Page 11
$ 99
$ 99
Chicken Tenders 2 lb. Ham Off The Bone $ 99 Shrimp Rings 6
10 oz. pkg.
After $1.00 Off
In Store Coupon
16 oz. pkg. $ 99 $ 99 Assorted Varieties • 14.72-16 oz. $ 99
Walnut Creek 3 8 ct. 1 Daisy 1
Bacon Hard Rolls Sour Cream
Stouffer’s Doritos
Mac & Cheese Tortilla Chips
40 oz. 9.75 oz. bag
$ 5 99 2/$ 5
$ 99
Family Size Meals 7 12 pk., 12 oz. cans 4/$ 13 Lipton Teas $ 99
Assorted Varieties • 29.5-38 oz.
12 pk., 16.9 oz. btls.
5 lb. bag $ 99 Assorted Varieties • 27.31-34 oz. $ 99 3/$
Gold Potatoes 2 Oven Fresh Fruit Pies3 Assorted Varieties • 12 oz. 5
New Crop Premium Quality
Red or Yukon
Sara Lee
Heinz Gravy
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017
Stop in and enjoy the amazing creative ideas displayed, vote, 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at United Way’s office at 642 Broadway
and enjoy browsing the entire art gallery. Holiday hours are Ave in Lorain.
Carlisle NEWS Thursday, Friday, Sat urday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. eligible for the free tax prep services. Some coalition partners,
People who made about $60,000 or less in 2017 are generally
EAC is located at 336 Broad Street, in Elyria. For more infor-
mation, call (440) 328-3025 or visit including AARP, are able to offer services to those who may
Leaf Collection have a higher income or additional circumstances.
Beginning in January, individuals can call United Way of
Greater Lorain County’s 2-1-1 First Call for Help (800-275-
Carlisle Township is ending leaf collection on Thursday, De- 6106) to schedule appointments and obtain information about
cember 21, 2017. Please have your leaves along the curbs, not in sites, hours of operation, and required documents. At the sites,
Sharing Christmas Dinner the road. Be sure there are no limbs, just leaves! trained and IRS-certified volunteers prepare and file federal and
state income tax returns at no charge with professionalism and
Sharing Christmas, Inc. welcomes you to free dinner on Mon- Metro Parks seeks confidentiality. The volunteers utilize a system for preparing the
day, December 25, Christmas Day. The dinner will be at St. Vin- garage sale donations returns that was created by the IRS. In addition to on-going ap-
cent De Paul Church, located at the intersection of Routes 57 and pointments and walk-ins throughout the tax season, Super Sat-
254, in Elyria. Dinner will be served from noon-3 p.m. (Totally The Friends of Metro Parks in Lorain County are seeking do- urdays are held every Saturday in February on a walk-in, first
accessible facility) nations for their Garage Sale event on January 27, from 9 a.m.- come, first serve basis. The Feb. 3 kickoff will be sponsored by
For those unable to come to the church, meals can be deliv- 3 p.m. at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 Diagonal Third Federal Savings and Loan. Super Saturday locations in-
ered if you will call (440) 324-4212. Road, in LaGrange. Donation of items for this fund-raiser will be clude the Elyria Public Library West River Branch on Feb. 3, 10,
Free Christmas meal taken at Carlisle Visitor Center on January 21, from 1-4 p.m. and and 17 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and the LCCC Lorain City Center
Branch on Feb. 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
January 22 and 25, from 4-8 p.m. Please note: No clothes, elec-
For more information on paid site coordinator positions or to
Saint Mary Parish Hall offers a free Christmas meal for the tronics or broken items can be accepted. Lunch will be available. volunteer, contact Emily Rhoad at emily.rhoad@uwloraincoun-
community served on Christmas Day, Monday, December 25, All proceeds will benefit the Friends of Metro Parks in Lorain or (440) 277-6530 ext. 225.
from 12-3 p.m. All are welcome! The church is located at 250 County.
3rd Street, in Elyria. Volleyball Skills Clinic Grade 3-8
Call the office for more information or walk in for service at
(440) 323-5539. The Elyria Parks & Recreation Department is currently ac- Wishing Everyone a shing Everyone a
Creative Christmas Tree Contest cepting registration for its volleyball skills clinic for boys and Merry Chirstmas and ay Chirstmas and a
girls in grades 3-8. The clinic will be held at the West Recre-
Happy New Year! appy New Year!
Elyria Arts Council’s Creative Christmas Tree Contest Fund- ation Center, on Saturdays, for six weeks January 6-February
10. Class times are: 9:30-10:45 a.m. for beginners and 11-12:15
raiser continues through December 30. Voting for your favorite p.m. for previous experience participants. The registration fee of GARY HEATHARY HEATHARY HEATH
tree with cash helps raise money for the EAC Kids After School $38 must be paid by December 29th, at the Parks main office,
Drop-In program. The tree entries were created out of non-tra- 131 Court St, Suite 103 (City Hall). Registration is also accepted
ditional trees and within contest guidelines. The 18 entries vary on-line at For more in- 440-366-367340-366-3673
from plastic forks to gourds, copper sculpture to pottery, tree formation call (440) 326-1500.
seed pods to toothpicks, cards to clothespins and paper sculpture.
Adults and children support with their entries. This is how EAC Lorain County Free Tax Prep
funds this weekly afternoon art project where all are welcome
without exception. The Lorain County Free Tax Prep Coalition is ready to help
thousands of local people with free, high quality tax return prepa-
ration and filing services.
The goal of this coalition is to offer an alternative to paid
preparers for low and moderate-income workers. Families and
individuals can avoid paying filing fees by using one of the co-
alition’s seven tax preparation sites located throughout Greater
Lorain County or by utilizing
The coalition is currently recruiting to hire five paid site coor-
dinators to oversee the different sites throughout tax season. Site
coordinators are temporary part-time positions that will work 10-
20 hours per week during tax season.
In addition to the site coordinators, there is still a need for 440-986-2665
Keep in touch with your community volunteer tax preparers. Volunteers can be trained as basic or ad- 9072 Leavitt Rd.
vanced level returners and can make their own schedule at one
Visit: or multiple sites. Volunteer training is scheduled for Jan. 6 and Elyria, OH 44035 [email protected]
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017 Page 13
a hike through a scenic forest at 11 a.m. Hikers should wear ap-
N. Ridgeville NEWS propriate footwear, and people should bring their vehicles, we wear appropriate footwear, and people should bring their vehi-
cles, we will drive to the trailhead.
will drive to the trailhead.
To learn more about family-friendly events at Ohio’s state
• Raptor Caroling at Hueston Woods State Park - Meet at
the nature center at Hueston Woods State Park on Sunday, Dec. parks and state nature preserves, go to
24, at 2 p.m. to learn about our winged music makers. dar or
• Strategies for Winter at Burr Oak State Park - Now that
winter has officially arrived, we will look at how wildlife sur- Not sure what to get for
vives the cold. Who hibernates and migrates? Which animals
Christmas gifts?
Ohio State Parks Winter Events remain active? Come find out the answers to these questions and Gift Cards are a great idea!
more during this presentation at the lodge at Burr Oak State Park
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) has on Friday, Dec. 29, at 2 p.m.
• Portman Trail Overlook Excursion at Shawnee State Park
some really special winter events planned! - Walk off those holiday calories on the edge of Appalachia’s 25% off Pre-lite
• Winter Solstice Celebration at Maumee Bay State Park - Artificial Wreaths
Come to the nature center at Maumee Bay State Park from 1-3 newest overlook trail affording a magnificent view of the Ohio & Garland!
Brush Creek Valley on Saturday, Dec. 30. The 2.3-mile loop trail
p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 21, for holiday crafts and cookies for ascends 430 feet. Pack water and snacks, dress in layers and wear
our Winter Solstice Celebration. Enjoy the nature-themed deco- sturdy shoes. Meet at the lodge lobby at Shawnee State Park at
rations and spend some time at the wildlife window taking in the 1 p.m.
quiet beauty of the season. Learn from our staff naturalists where • End-the-Year-Right Hike at Burr Oak State Park - Finish
the animals go and what they do during the winter months. off 2017 right with an invigorating walk through Burr Oak State New! Felted Woolies, Birds
• Winter Solstice Hike at Burr Oak State Park - The shortest
day of the year occurs on Dec. 21 so it’s all uphill from there! Park’s beautiful forest on Saturday, Dec. 30! Wear sturdy hiking & Birdhouses!
boots for this 3-mile hike. Meet at the nature center at 2 p.m.
Join us on Friday, Dec. 22, for a 1-mile hike to look at the vestig- • Owl Walk at Mohican State Park - Welcome to an evening
es of summer left behind on plants. Meet in the lodge lobby at 2 all about owls in Ohio at Mohican State Park on Saturday, Dec.
p.m. We will enjoy hot chocolate and homemade cookies by the 30, at 7 p.m. Learn about the different species of owls and their
fire after the hike. life histories. Then we will take a short hike to call our region’s
• Winter Bird Hike at Lake Hope State Park - How do birds
keep warm in the winter and why do they stay? Come find out most stealthy predator, the owl! Dress for the weather. Call 419-
994-5125, ext. 20 to sign up. The walk will be easy to moderate.
on Saturday, Dec. 23, at 10 a.m. during a leisurely 1-mile stroll Meet at Camp Area A. 50% off Indoor/Outdoor Christmas Lights
along the Hope Furnace Trail at Lake Hope State Park. Meet at • New Year’s Eve Night Hike at Maumee Bay State Park - Great selection of ornaments!
the Hope Furnace. Some binoculars will be provided. Hikers Maumee Bay State Park will be hosting our annual New Year’s
should dress in layers and wear sturdy shoes. Eve night hike on Sunday, Dec. 31! Meet at the nature center Still have Cut Fraser Firs & Live Trees
• Yuletide Plants Hike at Burr Oak State Park - We will take Closed December 24-26
a 1.5-mile hike at Burr Oak State Park to discover evergreen at 5:15 p.m. We will test our night vision on the boardwalk and
bring in the New Year naturally! All ages welcome, make sure to
plants as well as plants associated with this season. Meet at the dress for the weather.
lodge boat ramp on Saturday, Dec. 23, at 2 p.m. • First Day Hike at Mohican State Park - Join the naturalist
• Holiday Hike at Hueston Woods State Park - People are en-
couraged to meet at the Hueston Woods State Park nature center at Mohican State Park on Monday, Jan. 1, 2018, at 10 a.m. to
bring in 2018 with a continuous hike from Camp Area A through
on Sunday, Dec. 24, to take a break from the holiday rush. Enjoy
beautiful Lyons Falls, Pleasant Hill Dam, the Mohican covered West: Cr. of Rts. 58 & 113
East: 34837 Lorain Rd.,
bridge, Hemlock Gorge Trail and back. Meet at the nature center, North Ridgeville 440-327-3407 Amherst 440-986-7777
which is located at the park’s Class A campground, just south of M-F 8-5, Sat. 8:30-4 M-F 8-5, Sat. 8:30-4
JACK MATIA Loudonville on State Route 3 in Ashland County.
• New Year’s Day Hike at Maumee Bay State Park -Welcome
HONDA in the New Year and get started on those resolutions at Maumee
New & Used Bay State Park by taking a naturalist-guided stroll around our
2-mile boardwalk through the beautiful Lake Erie marsh. Meet at
Cars the nature center at 10 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 1, 2018. The board-
440-366-5501 walk is easy to walk and wheelchair/stroller accessible, dress for
the weather.
Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria • First Day Hike at Hueston Woods State Park - Meet at the
nature center at Hueston Woods State Park to help bring in the
New and Certifi ed Hondas New Year on Monday, Jan. 1, at 1 p.m. Hike our 3-mile loop trail
All Models - Used Cars through a scenic forest and close to Acton Lake’s shore. We will
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5 learn about native flora and fauna along the way. Hikers should
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Wishes Warm & Bright From All of Us
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017
On January 1, 1946, Wally and I bought “Volunteer Food Sigma Phi Epsilon Balanced Man Scholarship - Appli-
Store” from Alex Schwed, with Bill Finley continuing as the cants must be a male high school senior entering Cleveland
Grafton NEWS ‘meat man.’ Memories of the next few years run deep as we State University in the fall, with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Appli-
merged into the business and village activities. After 6 years we
cants and scholarship winners are not required to join Sigma
were desperately in need of store and parking space: the elation
we felt in 1952 when Wells Mole, Sr. agreed to build, and in a Phi Epsilon. Deadline is August 15, 2018.
The Mensa Foundation Scholarships - Non-members /
new location. members may apply to the scholarship program. Eligibility
The name changed to Grafton Sparkle Market and additions requires that the applicant be a senior entering higher educa-
added in 1956, 68, 78 and 85. After Bill died in 1962, Wally and tion in the fall following graduation. Applicants are required
NEW LIBRARY SERVICES I bought the meat business and later the building. Son David to submit an essay on “Your goal,” in ordered to be consid-
Area residents can now go to the Grafton-Midview Library joined us in 1975 and took ownership in 1985 when we retired. ered. Grades, academic program and/or financial need are not
for notary and passport services. Please call the library for avail- On a personal note, now, 65 years later, customers, events and considered in the final determination of scholarship recipients.
ability hours and for further information. The Library will be of all the terrific personnel who have served us so well, fill my Deadline is Jan. 15, 2018.
closed for the holidays on December 24, 25, 26, 31, and January thoughts with never to-be forgotten memories. Detailed information on the mentioned scholarships were in
1, 2018. Doris Wildenheim 926-2956 last week’s issue of The Rural-Urban Record or is available at
NIGHT AT THE RACES the Student Services Office or online.
Tickets are now on sale for a Night at the Races at Our Lady
Queen of Peace. The event is scheduled for January 13, 2018. Grafton-Midview Library
Horse and race sponsorships are also now available. Donations As we begin to wind down the month of December here at
are being accepted for Chinese raffle baskets. For more informa- Midview, I would like to thank everyone who came out to sup- To register for programs, visit the library at 983 Main Street
tion, please contact Troy DiFranco at (440) 506-3592. port our students at their concerts and other events. It means a lot Grafton, or call (440-926-3317. Registrations accepted on-line at
ST. MARY HAS HOUR OF CODE EVENT to our students, teachers and staff to see such support from our
Recently, St. Mary School in Elyria organized an Hour of parents and community members. Writers Bunch - Tuesday, December 19, 5:30 p.m. Test your
Code event. The Hour of Code is a global movement reach- This year, our winter break begins on Thursday, Dec. 21. Stu- skills and make new writing friends; join us for assignments, cri-
ing tens of millions of students in over 180 countries.During dents return to school on Tuesday, Jan. 2. tiquing and snacks. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Registra-
the event, St. Mary students learned how to use coding to pro- The first few months of the school year have been filled with tion is not required.
gram different video games. The older students worked with the hands-on learning, field trips, performances, athletic events and Monthly Book Discussions - Wed., December 20, 10 a.m.
younger students to help them. They enjoyed learning how video numerous other activities that showcase the students of Midview. & Thurs., December 21, 6:30 p.m. Join us for a lively exchange
games work. It was an excellent start to the year, and I hope our students of opinions. Light refreshments will be served. Read and come
and staff enjoy this well-deserved break. ready to discuss: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Ra-
I look forward to seeing everyone back after the New Year. chel Joyce. A charming and humorous book about Harold, an
Grafton Sparkle celebrates 65 years Have a great week! older man who sets off on a quest when he receives a letter from
Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent a woman he hasn’t heard from in over 20 years.
When you read this paper, the first day of winter will be in a (440) 748-5353 After-School Video Games - Wednesday, December 20, 3
couple of days, (December 21) and my calendar tells me there Grafton-Midview Library p.m. Have fun after school and play video games at the Library.
are just seven days until Christmas. As usual, where have the Try out the Library’s new Xbox One system or play other favor-
days gone? Receives Grant ite games for the PS3, XBox 360, and Wii systems. Bring in your
I have read that the most important inheritance bequeathed own games to share or select from the Library’s collection.
to us is our memory. Life would not be normal if we did not Tech Tutor - Wednesday, January 3, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
have the ability to return to scenes of former years, be it good and 2:30-4:30 p.m. Tech Tutor appointments are available to
or bad. As I checked my calendar again, December 7, jogged help with your technology questions. Bring your questions about
my memory. In 1941, a phone call that morning informed me a computers, smartphones, tablets, and many other devices so a
cousin had died in Indianapolis. That date became the last time librarian can help find solutions and answers. Registration is rec-
I “flagged” a train. We made arrangements with the Tower man ommended; however, walk-ins are welcome if times are avail-
to ‘flag’ the 7:30 westbound train. I could feel the pressure as the able. Please stop by or call the Information Desk with questions
engine ‘whooshed’ to a stop on the crossing and I hear the con- about this program. Open Tech Tutor also takes place on many
ductor say, “watch your step, little lady.” I stepped off the train in Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-noon and Thursdays from 2-4 p.m.
Indianapolis at 11:30 p.m. into “Pearl Harbor Day.” (We had not The GMPL Community History Group - Saturday, January
had the radio on that Sunday.) Ironically, Wally was scheduled 6, 11 a.m. This group helps plan and create history programs for
for his army physical the next day, December 8. the library, shares information and promotes local history for the
Unknown at that time, three years later, in October, I would be village and neighboring townships the library serves. Jan.-Mar.
driving to Indianapolis to bring Wally home after his discharge. The Youth Services Manager of the Grafton Midview Library, Abby, meetings will focus exploring Eaton Township.
December 3, 1952, after a blinding snowstorm, Wally and I and Children’s Librarians Liz and Kim hold launchpads purchased Adult Social Hour: Fire Safety for Seniors - Tuesday, Jan-
(groceries), with Bill (the meat man) and Maxine Finley, opened by a grant from the Allstate Foundation. uary 9, 11 a.m. Grafton Village Fire Chief Randy Kimbro dis-
the doors of Grafton Food Center. Among the many memories of Due to the assistance and volunteer work of Allstate agent cusses fire safety tips for seniors. Learn how to keep yourself and
those first few days, are the meeting and greeting of people and Tami Smith of the Smith and Schmidt Agency, the Grafton-Mid- your home safe.
the giveaways; particularly the 500 orchids for the ladies. view Library received a Hands in the Community grant from the Anime Club - Wednesdays January 10, 3 p.m. The Anime
Allstate Foundation. The $1,000 grant allowed the Youth Ser- Club will meet the second Weds. of the month January through
vices Department of the library to purchase high-quality tablets, May from 3-4 p.m. There will be activities and videos.
Karen A. Kramer, D.D.S. Launchpads, filled with ad-free learning apps and games. The
420 N. Main St., Grafton Launchpads are available for checkout in various subjects and
levels; no internet service is required. Established in 1952, The
Emergencies Allstate Foundation is an independent charitable organization KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS
made possible by subsidiaries of The Allstate Corporation. The
foundation has contributed more than $400 million to support
Welcomed! community non-profit organizations since being established. The GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY
library would like to thank Tami Smith for her volunteer time and
Same-day Denture allowing the library to qualify for the grant. ~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~
Repairs Available MHS Guidance news Hours By Appointment
“We Cater To Cowards” Ongoing Info: 419 NORTH MAIN STREET
The ACT Test is Feb. 10, 2018, with a registration deadline GRAFTON, OHIO
SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE of Jan. 12, 2018, and late registration from Jan. 13-19, 2018.
440-926-3441 The SAT Test is Mar. 10, 2018, with a registration deadline 440-926-2705
of Feb. 9, 2018, with late registration until Feb. 28, 2018.
Scholarship Information: The following scholarship infor-
mation & scholarships are available in the Student Services
Office or online:
Cleveland’s Fireplace & receive a $500 non-renewable scholarship, certificate, plaque SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
ACT Student Champion Scholarship - The awardee will
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
BBQ Headquarters and state-level recognition. Deadline is Dec. 31, 2017. programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
Ohio University Women’s Club of Greater Cleveland - This
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
scholarship is open to high school senior women who will be
entering Ohio University as a freshman in the fall of 2018. This The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS scholarship can range in value from a partial scholarship, up These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
to a full tuition scholarship for the freshman year. Deadline is
Feb 2, 2018. 12/18 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie
Fireplace Tools, Hearth Rugs, B. Davis Scholarship - This $1,000 scholarship is available
Fatwood Fire Starters, Cookbooks, to juniors, seniors, and post-secondary students. You may ac- with free donuts and coffee for participants.
12/19 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
cess this scholarship at
Cooking Utensils, Dry Rubs, Sauces, scholarships.htm. Deadline to apply is May 22, 2018. instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with
2017-2018 Cavaliers/Huntington Scholarship - There
Flexible Grilling Skewers & will be ten - $2,000 scholarships awarded. Applicants must be fruit and juice for participants.
Gifts Certificates! a graduating senior in a qualifying county (Lorain County is 12/22 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop
among them). Complete applications must be received by Feb. and snacks for participants.
- 50% OFF ALL BARSTOOLS 16, 2018. 12/25 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Ohio Township Association Scholarship - There are 3 -
- CLEARANCE PRICES ON MOST $1,500 scholarships available in two categories. Students may 12/26 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
PATIO FURNITURE apply for both scholarships, but can only be awarded one. Stu- instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with
dents must be a US citizen, residing in an Ohio township, plan-
fruit and juice for participants.
- HUGE PROMOTIONS ON FIREPLACES ning to attend a two or four year Ohio college or university in 12/29 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club
the fall of 2018. Deadline is Jan 28, 2018.
& STOVES! Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Scholar- with pop and snacks for participants.
ship (LMRE) - There are two different scholarships. One is the For December, Please Remember to
34205 Lorain Rd. Children of Members Scholarship and the other is the Touch- bring non-perishable food for the grafton
stone Energy Scholarship. Two, $3,000 scholarships will be
North Ridgeville awarded to one senior boy and one senior girl for the Children salvalation army.
440-327-6242 of Members Scholarship. The Touchstone Energy Scholarship • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
was created to reward those students who have struggled with unique and substantial personal challenge(s) as he/she pursued the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
Mon & Thurs 10-8; Tues, Wed, an education. This is a $1,500 scholarship. More information is occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Fri 10-6; Sat 10-5; Closed Sun available in Student Services. Deadline for either scholarship is Manager for additional information.
Friday, Jan 19, 2018.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017 Page 15
Grf. Twp. NEWS Midview East Giving Tree
For the eleventh consec-
utive year, Midview East
Student Council sponsored a
Giving Tree. With the help of
Midview families, churches,
Public Zoning meeting and businesses, 36 children
in the Midview School Dis-
The Grafton Township Zoning Commission will hold a Pub- trict were helped. The stu-
lic Zoning meeting at the Grafton Township Hall, located at dent council representatives
17109 Avon-Belden Road, at 7 p.m., on Tuesday, December 19, were so excited about being
2017. The Zoning Commission will continue discussing a possi- part of something that helps
ble conflict concerning the text for Lot Frontage and Corner Lots families in need during the
in their Zoning Resolution. The Zoning Commission will also holiday season. One stu-
discuss other current issues and concerns as they come up. dent council member ex-
Grafton Township joins claimed, “Oh wow, I can’t
believe we are helping that many people! We are just
a school” upon seeing all
the gifts being placed under
the tree. Staff and students
could choose an ornament
off the tree and buy a gift for
a child. The council received
an overwhelming response
with items the children need-
ed or something the student
would love to get. Organiz- Student Council members from Midview East Intermediate School pose for a picture with the
ers say local businesses and gifts and the Giving Tree.
churches call them to spon- year were: Grafton Marco’s ard Hannah and her children Methodist Church and Reas-
sor a family, they do not Pizza who in turn recruited who personally deliver some er Construction. The gifts
need to seek help. The help the Abbe Road Marco’s Piz- the gifts, North Eaton Chris- will be distributed by De-
comes to them. Some of the za, Tammy Koleski of How- tian Church, Grafton United cember 19.
businesses helping again this
L-R: Grafton Township Trustee Carl Wesemeyer, Fiscal Officer Amy
Richards, Trustee-Elect Christie Homer-Miller and Trustee John Kasi- Gretchen seeks loving home
nec. Rum Sugar
Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel announced on Tuesday the Gretchen is a 1-year-old, gy hound dog that would do
launch of Grafton Township’s online checkbook on OhioCheck- Cookies female Hound mix puppy great in an active household. In December 2014, Treasurer Mandel launched who weighs 50 lbs. and is Keep in mind, she’s just one, which sets a new national standard for spayed and caught up on her and still a puppy with a lot
government transparency and for the first time in Ohio history vaccines. of puppy energy. She has a
puts all state spending information on the internet. Gretchen was rescued fawn and white spotted coat.
The Ohio Treasurer’s office was joined at the announcement from a rural pound in Ala- If you would like to meet
by Grafton Township Fiscal Officer Amy Richards, Grafton bama. She loves everyone Gretchen, call Anna with
Township Trustees Carl Wesemeyer and John Kasinec and Graf- she meets; other dogs, cats Mutts In A Rut Rescue at
ton Township Trustee-Elect Christie Homer-Miller. and people! (440) 623-3836.
Grafton Township is the fifth township in Lorain County to She’s a typical high ener-
post their spending on the website. Grafton Township’s online Gretchen
checkbook includes over 5,700 individual transactions that rep-
resent more than $2.9 million of total spending over the past
Wrap up some holiday
four years. “Cookies that taste like Wrap up some holiday
“Grafton Township is proud to join eggnog! These are a per-
and increase transparency for our residents,” said Fiscal Officer fect addition to your holiday
cheer from John Deere!
Amy Richards. cookie trays! Try sprinkling
Treasurer Mandel sent a letter to 18,062 local government a little nutmeg on top of each cheer from John Deere!
and school officials representing 3,962 local governments cookie!”
throughout the state calling on them to place their checkbook Ingredients:
level data on and extending an invitation 3 cups all-purpose flour
to partner with his office at no cost to local governments. These 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
local governments include cities, counties, townships, schools, 1/2 teaspoon salt
library districts and other special districts. 1/2 teaspoon baking pow- displays more than $621 billion in der
spending over the past ten years, including more than 168 mil- 1 cup butter
lion transactions. The website includes cutting-edge features 2 eggs
such as: “Google-style” contextual search capabilities, to al- 1 cup white sugar
low users to sort by keyword, department, category or vendor; 1 teaspoon rum flavored
Fully dynamic interactive charts to drill down on state spend- extract
ing; Functionality to compare state spending year-over-year or 1/2 teaspoon almond ex-
among agencies and Capability to share charts or checks with tract
social media networks and direct contact for agency fiscal of- 1/8 teaspoon ground nut-
fices. meg
For more information or to view your local government web- Directions:
site, visit the Local Government option on Mix together flour, baking
or click on soda, salt, baking powder,
and butter until the mixture
resembles cornmeal.
Combine eggs, sugar, rum
extract, almond extract, and
nutmeg until well mixed.
Restaurant & Pub Pour the egg mixture into the
flour mixture. Stir until well
Rt. 57 Grafton, blended. Divide the dough
926-2621 Since 1983 into two equal halves. Refrig-
erate the dough for 2 hours.
Preheat the oven to 350
OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE degrees F (175 degrees C).
Sunday Dec. 24th Place dough on a light-
Join us from 3-7pm for a ly floured surface. Roll the
“Special Holiday Menu” dough out until it is 1/8 inch
thick. Using a cookie cut-
ter cut the dough into cook-
Give a Unicorn Gift Card this ies (whatever shapes you
Holiday Season for a Gift please). Place the cookies on
an ungreased baking sheet.
with Good Taste! Bake in the preheated 10% Off All Licensed Merchandise Through Christmas Eve!
oven until the edges are gold-
New Year’s Eve Reservations en, 7 to 9 minutes. Allow the
cookies to cool on the bak-
Are Filling FAST! ing sheet for 1 minute before Keep Rollin’ with Polen!
CALL TODAY TO MAKE YOURS 440-926-2621 removing to a wire rack to 42255 Oberlin Elyria Rd
Open Tuesday-Saturday from 4pm cool completely. Recipe By: Elyria, Ohio 44035
Millie Atchison, courtesy of
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017
er®, canned soups (large and small cans), peanut butter, jelly, Zoning Secretary Linda VanMeter distributed the list of board
canned fruit (all types), tuna, rice (brown and white), all types of members whose terms expire at the end of the year. She also
Wellington NEWS dried pasta, crackers, fruit juice, instant potatoes, pancake mix, forwarded a report of meeting attendance to the fiscal officer for
payment of the board members.
syrup, instant potatoes, cake mixes, frosting, bread mixes, flour,
sugar, coffee, and tea. Toiletries are also in desperate need and PHS Treasurer Jackie Johnson reported that there was a small
include bar soap, dish soap, shampoo, toothpaste, paper towels, attendance at their recent Open House, but two potential new
toilet paper, deodorant, feminine products, diapers (sizes 1-5), members were identified. She reminded the Trustees that a door
cleaning products and laundry detergent. prize is required for the LCTA Banquet on 12/21.
Maintenance man Tim Tyrone reported that 10 fire extin-
Penfield Township Trustees guishers will need tested and 5 replaced at the end of the year.
Free Christmas Dinner Trustees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. All officers were present He has requested a quote from Cintas & Abco. Discussion was
The regular December 17 meeting of the Penfield Township
held regarding a quote submitted by the new owner of the com-
Colonial Barber Shop will be providing a free Christmas Din- with the exception of Trustee Conrad. The meeting was attended pany that formerly serviced our extinguishers, and also purchas-
ing new extinguishers outright. Trustees Gordon & Johnson will
ner on Christmas Day (Monday, December 25) from 2-4 p.m., by 6 guests. follow up on same.
at 126 W. Herrick Ave., in Wellington. This dinner is for those in The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved Trustee Johnson reported that two cremains interments had
need or those who do not want to be alone for the holiday. Every- with the correction of EPA changes to recycling restrictions with been held and submitted a check for $100 from Matteson Fu-
one is welcome! Merry Christmas! Spread the word! a motion made by Duane Johnson, seconded by Lloyd Gordon. neral Home. Trustee Johnson advised that LMRE still has grant
Voucher #’s 12015-12034 were approved with a motion made by
Audubon Society Duane Johnson, seconded by Lloyd Gordon. money available for LED conversion and that he will be testing
for the proper color selection and purchasing 152 new bulbs. He
Fiscal Officer Denes read the correspondence which included
Christmas Bird Counts dates for 2018 Red Cross Blood Drives, an article from Fire Chief reported that there were 67 audience and 27 band members in
attendance. Trustee Johnson reported that the SLCAD is inter-
The longest running citizen science project will take place Wetherbee regarding smoke detectors for newsletter inclusion, viewing & hiring EMT’s & paramedics.
a quote from Sweet Lawns for 2018 service, a form to update
again as birders take part in the Black River Audubon Society’s RLCWA contact information, the December vaccine schedule Trustee Gordon reported that he purchased a water tank with
Christmas Bird Count. from the LCGHD, bonds for Trustee Conrad & Johnson, a thank trailer & sprayer. He will be rebuilding the trailer to better meet
The next Bird Count event will be in Wellington, on Satur- you from the Board of Elections, and a request for self-certifica- Township needs. Gordon advised that Columbia Gas is drilling
day, December 30. For more information and to take part, call tion of our recreation park from ODNR. Denes advised that the a new gas well on West Rd/ and that there are funds available to
Bird Count leader Diane Devereaux at (440) 458-2440. If you Town Hall repair estimates had not been acted upon. Discussion repair any road damage.
live within a count area, you can also count birds in your own was held and the job will be given to A to Z Contracting as the With no additional business to discuss the meeting was ad-
backyard or neighborhood. You do not have to be an experienced lowest bidder with a motion made by Trustee Johnson, seconded journed at 8:01 p.m. with a motion made by Duane Johnson, sec-
birder to participate in the event. Every little bird counts! by Trustee Gordon. Denes advised that the invoices from VASU onded by Lloyd Gordon.
The meeting was reconvened at 8:09 p.m. A motion was made
Herrick Memorial Library remain unpaid as the status of their work is not known at this to accept the by-laws of the trash consortium by Duane Johnson,
time. Denes further advised that the Solid Waste Grant for 2017
seconded by Lloyd Gordon. Fiscal Officer Denes will prepare a
has been paid. resolution for signature by the next meeting.
Writers Group - The group meets every other Thursday, from Zoning Inspector Richard Donahue distributed his November
With no additional business to discuss the meeting was ad-
6-7:30 p.m. The next open meeting is December 28 (Note change Zoning report. journed at 8:10 p.m.
from last week). Join this group if you have a passion for writing New Township resident Scott Schrader attended the meeting Submitted by Vicki Denes, Fiscal Officer
of all venues. Bring samples of your writing to share with the and was introduced to all Township employees in attendance. He
group. New members are welcome. Registration is encouraged. was encouraged to consider serving on the Recreation Board or
To register, call the Herrick Memorial Library at (440) 647-2120. one of the Zoning Boards. WELLINGTON NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 19
Chess Club - The library has cancelled the “beginning chess”
club for tweens and teens until further notice.
Food for Fines at Herrick Memorial Library - Now to De-
cember 31. The Herrick Memorial Library will be conducting a YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE
‘food for fines’ program during the month of December. The li-
brary will give the food collected during the month of December
to Wellington’s Well Help food pantry. The program is simple; a
patron with fines will need to bring in one non-perishable food or
toiletry item for each overdue material on his or her account and LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR!
the library staff will waive the fines. The library’s food for fines
will begin on December 1 and end on December 31. Here is a list
of items that Well Help needs: canned vegetables (all types), spa-
ghetti sauce, tomato sauce, canned tomatoes, hamburger help- SAVE ON ALL
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AUCTIONS 1 Bedroom Apt. $525 plus plumbing, automobiles, appli- PAINTING J. A. KILBY ENT.
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OUR CLASSIFIEDS 372-2755. mistyme
Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017 Page 19
Masonry Skills Competition
216-978-2474 216-905-6947 FILTERS • CHLORINATORS
Sewer, water & gas line repair/replacement MATERIALS • WELL ABANDONMENT
Custom Exteriors It’s that time of year! Snow is falling in Northeast Ohio and Tyler Wilfong, masonry trades senior (Wellington) during the
that means schools in the area may be closing or delaying starts competition.
Junior and senior students in the Lorain County JVS Masonry
•Windows •Azek Since 1989 due to inclement weather. Trades program participated in the Ohio-Kentucky Administra-
Our district has been preparing for the inclement weather:
•Siding •Soffit purchasing salt, servicing our snow blowers, preparing our vehi- tive District Council of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers 9th
•Doors •Metal cles and making sure our facilities’ heating systems are ready to Annual Holiday Masonry Skills Competition on Thursday, De-
cember 7.
go. Canceling or delaying school is a very difficult decision for
superintendents. The decision to close school impacts our stu- The competition was held at the newly built Northern Ohio
•Stone & Shake Siding dents, parents and our community. So, the decision is made very Regional Training Center in Amherst. Twenty five competitors,
•Gutter/Cleaning/Guards carefully. The decision is made based on many factors. I have 14 juniors and 11 seniors from seven school districts competed.
Each student was given a blueprint that showed a brick and
listed some of the factors that impact the decision below.
440-926-1600 Snow Plowing • The district monitors the weather locally, regionally and na- block project that had to be built in three hours. Bricklayers and
advisory members were on hand to judge the projects based on
tionally. We monitor the weather for climate patterns, precipita-
tion and wind chill. correct design, level, plumb, square, tooling neatness and work-
TREE SERVICE communicate snow-removal efforts in advance of the school day. manship.
• We will work with the Village and Township officials to
Tyler Wilfong, a masonry trades senior from Wellington said
We need to make sure the roads are safe for our students, buses, working alongside students from other school districts was the
parents and employees to travel. most enjoyable part of the event. “It was a fun experience and
• The district maintains close communication with all county I felt confident because of all the work we do in lab. It was also
superintendents. We provide each other with information regard- nice to see how I compared to other people that are my same age,
ing additional weather conditions impacting bordering school throughout all of Ohio.”
Kudela hopes that having students tour the training center and
Jason E. Davis lines. take part in competitions like this one, will show the students
The Wellington Village Schools will provide our school com-
-Complete Crane Service- munity with as much advance notice as possible when the deci- what their organization has to offer. Wilfong noticed that today
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” sion is made to close school. and shared he would like to be a part of the union one day. “After
Tree/Stump Removal The district will utilize the following media sources to notify I graduate, I hope to continue my masonry path with the Brick-
Tree Trimming, Firewood our school community of a closing or delay: Voice Message Sys- layers and Allied Craftworkers Local 5 Union.”
“FREE ESTIMATES” tem; Email; District Website: and Medina County Park District
Bonded & Insured Wellington Exempted Village Schools Facebook.
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 Television stations: Channel 3; Channel 5; Channel 19. Saturday, January 6:
Congratulations to our McCormick Middle School students
Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] who participated in last week’s Mock Trial at the Lorain Coun- Hiking for the Health of It - Carolyn Ludwig Mugrage Park,
ty Justice Center. The event was sponsored by the Educational from 9-11 a.m. This is a hiking club for those adults who can hike
Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping Service Center of Lorain County Gifted Consortium. The coun- four to five miles at a brisk pace. Walking trails can be mildly
strenuous with a limited amount being off trail. Please dress for
Tree Trimming • Removal ty-wide Mock Trial program simulates an actual courtroom, the weather, and be sure to have appropriate footwear. Ages 10 to
whereby gifted students in grades 5-8 play all the key roles of
Stump Grinding • Pruning characters from books, acting as lawyers, witnesses, jurors, fore- adult. No registration required. Free.
Sunday, January 7:
Fertilizers • Fire Wood men and bailiffs. Professional lawyers stand in as acting judges, Environmental Center, from 2-4 p.m. Create a beautiful piece of
Pinterest Projects: “For the Birds” Wall Art - Wolf Creek
using their knowledge and expertise to encourage exemplary
Free Estimates! courtroom etiquette. Mock Trail addresses the Language Arts nature themed wall art for your home using wallpaper samples
and Social Studies Standards, and many of the gifted processes
of critical thinking, creative thinking and communication skills. and scraps. We will complete one project that will fit in an 8” x
Seth Emerson - Owner We are proud to announce several students have been select- 10” frame or matte. All supplies will be provided. Ages 16 to
Office: 440-322-2624 ed to represent McCormick Middle School in the Oberlin Cho- adult. Register by January 6. Free.
Tuesday, January 9:
Emergency: 440-452-2456 rister’s Honor Choir. Congratulations to Lamar Brown, Jordain Creative Concoctions for Preschoolers - Wolf Creek Envi-
Gibson, Kennedy Jerousek, Autumne Jones, Whitney Kirschner,
[email protected] LaShea Lowry, Danilynn McNeely, Sophia Palmison, Olivia ronmental Center, from 10 11 a.m. or 1 2 p.m. Our younger park
Richardson, McKenna Solkiewicz, Joyce Stallard, Emma Stan- friends are invited to create mysterious mixtures and make mar-
velous messes in this fun, hands on discovery program. Come
ARBOR CARE TREE ley, Aiden Townsen, and Addyson Watson. experiment with combinations of ordinary ingredients to create
Finally, congratulations and best wishes to Sally Stewart,
Wellington Village Schools Board of Education (BOE) presi- something fun. All supplies are provided; come dressed for mess!
Ages 3 to 6. Register between December 11 and January 8. Free.
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck dent. She is retiring after serving 12 years on the BOE. Her com- Homeschoolers Outdoor Education: Woo Hoo for Wood-
mitment and dedication to our school district has been exempla-
• 113 Ft. Crane ry. We are grateful for her service. peckers - Wolf Creek Environmental Center, from 10-11:30 a.m.
or 1-2:30 p.m. Don’t miss this chance to learn about woodpeck-
The next meeting of the BOE is Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 6 p.m. at
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood Westwood Elementary School. ers through a variety of games and activities. We’ll take a hike
I hope all of you have a happy and safe holiday season. I wish
Triple Shredded Mulch you all the best for the New Year. We are looking forward to a to look for some of these fascinating birds so be sure to dress for
the weather! Ages 7 to 12. Registration is open until the program
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member wonderful 2018 in the Wellington Village Schools. is filled. Free for Medina County residents. There is a $3 fee for
non county participants.
Winter Break: Dec. 21-Jan. 2. Classes resume Jan. 3, 2018.
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 GO DUKES! Wednesday, January 10:
Nature Through the Seasons - Susan Hambley Nature Cen-
Ed Weber, Superintendent ter, from 10-11 a.m. The Nature Through the Seasons series
WATERPROOFING Food Pantry in Need consists of easy walks that explore our different parks while ob-
serving the unfolding of nature throughout the seasons. These
The Well-Help cupboards are going bare. The organization hikes also count toward the Natural Discoveries program, an
serves those in need in the Wellington area year-round. Recent award based hiking series. Visit the park district website for de-
tails about the program. Ages 7 to adult. No registration required.
food drives and monetary donations from the Boy Scouts, the Free.
Eagle Riders, and the Eagles Club were greatly appreciated. Saturday, January 13:
However, more is needed to fill the needs of the community. K-9 Kapers - Carolyn Ludwig Mugrage Park, from 10-11 a.m.
Well-Help is currently accepting donations of toys for Christ- K-9 Kapers provides dog owners with an opportunity to socialize
mas, non-perishable food items and cash for other groceries. Do- their pets with other dogs. These alternative hikes will interest
nations can be dropped off from 9 a.m.-noon, Monday-Friday, both the dog and its owner while offering exercise and fun. All
at their location in the basement of the First United Methodist
POLYURETHANE CRACK INJECTION Church, 127 Park Place. For more information, call (440) 647- dogs must have an accompanying adult and eight foot leash (non
retractable). Participants must maintain control of their dogs at
SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED 3263. all times. We recommend bringing a towel for muddy feet and
BASEMENT WALL CRACKS a water bowl. Meet near the dog park. All ages welcome. No
~ OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ Need to look at our archives? registration required. Free.
JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036 Visit our website at: Saturday, Jan. 13 & Sunday, Jan. 14:
Winter Re Tweet - Susan Hambley Nature Center, from 12-5 p.m. What kinds of birds visit our feeders during the wintertime?
What types of bird feeders and birdseed work the best? We’ll
J. A. KILBY ENT. answer these questions and more as we watch and enjoy these
“Stop the water before it stops you!” beautiful creatures visiting our bird feeding area. There will be
•Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening, bird crafts, games, and displays. All ages are welcome. No regis-
Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services tration required. Free.
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement Please register for programs online at www.medinacoun-
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 18, 2017
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