TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
Volume 61, No. 10 Columbia Station, Ohio September 7, 2015
Community Carlisle.................... 15 Grafton Twp............. 15 Churches................. 6
Directory Columbia................. 2 LaGrange................. 10 PROFILE PAGE......... 7
Eaton....................... 8 North Ridgeville....... 4 SENIOR LIVING........ 11
Grafton.................... 12 Wellington................ 19
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 New Staff Members at Columbia Schools
WEEKLY CALENDAR The Columbia Local School District welcomes new staff members for the 2015/16 school year:
Monday, September 7:
Labor Day Back row, (LR): Andrew Gibson (Principal, Columbia Middle Schools); Judy Skoczen (Director of Special Edu-
Tuesday, September 8: cation); Tera Lacko? (Grade 8 Science Teacher); Lori Krug (CHS Business/Technology Teacher); Adam Bailey
Columbia Board of Trustees will meet at the town hall at 7 (Grade 2 Teacher). Middle row, (LR): Marge Cogar (Bus Driver); Kathy Singleton (Bus Driver); Allison Grady
p.m. The community is welcome to attend. (Grade 7-12 Band Choir Teacher); Daniel Juliani (CMS Intervention Specialist); Johanna Grella (Grade 4 Teach-
Thursday, September 10: er); Sarah Burgett (Grade 8 Language Arts Teacher); Malinda Killiany (School Nurse) Front row, (LR): Michelle
Columbia Zoning Commission has changed their meeting Mescan (Copopa Administrative Assistant); Diana Brunner (CHS Cleaner)
date from Sept. 3 to Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. at the town hall.
Saturday, September 13:
Columbia Historical Society once again presents Block-
house Days Celebration held at the park from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Re-enactors portraying settlers that built and manned the
blockhouse and other related activities throughout the day!
The event is free and open to everyone of all ages!
Sunday, September 14:
Funday’s Family Fun Fest will kick off today from noon-8
p.m. Sundae Funday’s and the Columbia Reservation will be
teaming up to bring you the second annual Family Fun Fest!
Festivities include Snickers the Clown, naturalist led wildlife
program, musical guest, Neil “Crash” Cof?n, free mini golf
for kids 12 and under w/ a paid adult, $1 hot dogs and small
soft serve cones and much more. See you there!
Shred It Day CHS Weekly Calendar Eagles #4003 Membership Drive
The Pride for Veterans Organization, in conjunction Monday, September 7: On Friday, September 11, between 7-11 p.m., Columbia
with Columbia Station V.F.W. Post #9340, will have a Labor Day - No school Eagles will be having a Membership Drive to sign up New
professional shredding service in the VFW parking lot, Tuesday, September 8: Members interested in joining the Aerie, Auxiliary or Junior
located at 25742 Royalton Road, on Saturday, September 4 p.m. Golf at Midview Invitational at Columbia Hills. Order Of Eagles (J.O.E.), which is open to young people be-
12, from noon - 3 p.m. (rain or shine). 5:30/7 p.m. Volleyball v Black River. tween the ages of 8 to 18. J.O.E. Club has its own of?cers,
Wednesday, September 9: they plan their own activities and have their own fund-raisers.
Infostore Professional Shredding Service will safely Picture Day Boy and girls are welcome. Also on hand will be a represen-
shred and destroy all documents, bills and personal papers 7 p.m. Girls Soccer v. Lake Ridge. tative from the Eagle Rider, which is an internal Unit of the
on the premises. Thursday, September 10: F.O.E. dedicated to uniting the organization’s spirit of people
4 p.m. Golf v. Lutheran West. helping people with the love of motorcycles. Thousands of
Pride for Veterans volunteers will help you unload your 6 p.m. Boys Soccer at Cuyahoga Hts. dollars are raised by Eagle Riders Groups holding poker runs,
vehicle and you can watch your documents being shred if Friday, September 11: toy runs, fund-raisers an casual rides to help make a differ-
you choose. 7 p.m. Football v. Northwestern. ence in their communities. Become a Member of the Frater-
Saturday, September 12: nal Order Of Eagles and hit the road with the Eagle Rider’s
The shredding service is free, but any donation will be 10 a.m. JV Football v. Oberlin. as we change the face of Charitable riding. Please stop in for
accepted to help Pride for Veterans with their mission of 10 a.m. JV Volleyball at Vermilion Quad. more information.
helping Veterans in Lorain County. 11 a.m. Girls Soccer at Keystone.
5 p.m. Marching Band competition at Avon Lake. Secretaries will also be on hand to collect membership
John M. Haas 7 p.m. Boys Soccer v. Keytsone. dues for members needing to pay their dues. This will be the
last day to renew your membership before your membership
ATTORNEY AT LAW Hope Over Heroin is dropped from the roster.
Wills ~ Probate ~ Real Estate Law Hope Over Heroin is a collabortive effort by churches to Columbia Community Food Drive
Land Contracts ~ Mobile Home reach those suffering from drug-related issues. This 2-night
event, complete with food, live music and real stories of de- The Columbia High School Raiders Football Team is col-
24545 Sprague Road, liverance, give those hurting the most, the hope they need. lecting non-perishable items and paper products for the Clear-
Columbia Station, Ohio 44028 view Church Pantry. Please drop needed items off prior to the
(440) 779-8300 ~ (440) 235-8585 The event is being held on September 11 & 12, at 7 p.m. Raiders’ home football game on September 11, which begins
each night at Black River Landing in Lorain. For more infor- at 7 p.m. You do not need to attend the game to donate items.
mation, go to Someone will be at the front gate to collect your donation.
2015 Youth Football Schedule Thank you in advance for your support. Go Raiders!
Columbia Youth Football (CYF) is pleased to Attention residents
announce our 2015 game schedule.
There will be an informational meeting in regards to the
CYF is part of the Lake Erie Youth Football League sewers on Redfern Road and Route 252 (speci?cally for the
(LEYFL) and includes 9 of the 12 teams in our high residents in that area) on Thursday, September 24, at 6 p.m.
in the Town Hall. However, the meeting is open to the public
school conference. Come out and support our - anyone can attend.
youth football players and see the Raider champi-
Representatives from the Sanitary Engineer and the Lorain
ons of tomorrow! County Health Department will be on hand to answer ques-
If you want more
information or have Columbia K-8 Lunch Menu
questions, please call
Pam at 440-742-3456. Week of Sept. 14-18:
Like us on Facebook at Monday: Breakfast - Pancakes; Lunch - Choice of Bacon
“Columbia Youth Football” mac and cheese, Italian ?atbread, popcorn salad, and green-
Field locations Tuesday: Breakfast - Breakfast pizza; Lunch - Choice of
can be found on Cheesesteak, Italian ?atbread, popcorn salad, and fries.
www.ley?.com Wednesday: Breakfast - Pancake on a stick; Lunch -
Choice of Bosco sticks, Italian ?atbread, popcorn salad, and
Thursday: Breakfast - Dutch waf?es w/fruit; Lunch -
Choice of Chicken Enchirito, Italian ?atbread, popcorn salad,
and corn.
Friday: Breakfast - French toast; Lunch - Choice of Chick-
en alfredo, Italian ?atbread, popcorn salad, and mixed veg-
Advertise in
The Rural-Urban Record
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 Page 3
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 ging wells that will bring clean water to villages, and provid- looking for something to do as they run through rural Minne-
ing seeds and tools so that people can grow their own food. sota killing people and having the time of their lives.
Remembrance Ceremony CROP Hunger walks are making a real difference! CROP
Hunger Walk funds will bene?t the overall work and ministry North Ridgeville Writers - The North Ridgeville Writers
The City of North Ridgeville will hold a special memo- of Church World Service, working around the world to help meet next on Saturday, Sept. 19, from 2-4 p.m. Adults look-
rial service on Patriot Day and National Day of Service and those in need. It’s important to note that CROP will contribute ing to meet other writers and work on their writing skills are
Remembrance on Friday, September 11. The service will be 25% of what is raised directly to Community Care of North invited. Pre-registration is required.
held at the South Central Park gazebo (off Bainbridge Road) Ridgeville.
beginning at 8:30 a.m. Adult Book Discussion - Fans of Downton Abbey will en-
For additional information, or to volunteer for this event, joy reading The House at Riverton by Kate Morton. Adults
The public is encouraged to attend this memorial service please contact the Fields United Methodist Church of?ce at are invited to discuss this novel on Tuesday, Sept. 22, at 1
for all those who tragically gave their lives 14 years ago. In (440) 327-8753. p.m. Copies are available at the adult information desk. The
addition to a brief moment of silence at 8:46 a.m., when the story takes place at Riverton House where in 1924, a young
?rst plane hit the World Trade Center, Police Honor Guard Mayoral Forum poet shot himself, and the family’s daughters were the only
will conduct Flag Detail, Taps will be performed by Lou Si- witnesses. 75 years later, their servant, who also knows the
monyi, Pastor Dr. Tom Joyce will deliver a prayer, State Rep- The North Ridgeville Chamber Of Commerce is present- truth, is taken back to Riverton House where memories are
resentative Nathan Manning will address the audience and the ing a Mayoral Forum on Thursday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. at the reawakened.
North Ridgeville High School A Cappella Choir will lead the North Ridgeville Education Center, located at 5490 Mills
audience in patriotic songs. Creek Road, in North Ridgeville. Come and meet Mayor For more information or to registration for programs, call
David Gillock and Terry Murray, both candidates for Mayor. the North Ridgeville Library at (440) 327-8326. The North
Safety vehicles used by the North Ridgeville Police and Please Note: no campaign related signs or clothes permit- Ridgeville Library is located at 35700 Bainbridge Road.
Fire Departments will also be on display along Pop Schultz ted.
Lane for residents to see. Some of the actual equipment used Mother Nature’s Creations
by the Fire Department of New York at the World Trade Cen- North Ridgeville Library
ter will also be available for viewing. Photo contest to bene?t:
Mad Science – Optical Illusions - You’ll be astounded at The Medina Raptor Center
Refreshments will be served in the Community Cabin im- how easy it is to create your very own optical illusions! First
mediately following the event (provided by Liston Funeral through ?fth-graders, come on Wednesday, Sept. 9, at 6:45 Dates: Submissions accepted at the North Ridgeville Garden Center from
Home). p.m. for some mad science fun. Pre-registration is required. August 12, to September 18, 2015. Judging will be on September 19, 2015.
Guidelines: If Mother Nature created it and it has legs or wings - it’s good!
This event will be held rain or shine and the entire com- Websites for Booklovers - Connect with other booklovers.
munity is encouraged to attend. Come on Thursday, Sept. 10, at 2 p.m. Receive an introduc- Guidelines: Prints Only, 4”x6” or larger • Bring in or mail in to the
tion to Goodreads, Shelfari and other websites where you can North Ridgeville Store • $10 per entry. Enter as often as you like!
2nd annual CROP walk/5K Run ?nd out about new books and authors, organize your reading
life and ?nd other ways to enhance your love for the written All money goes to Medina Raptor Center.
On Saturday morning, Sept. 19, the North Ridgeville area word. Pre-registration is required.
CROP Hunger Walk/5K Run will be held to show our love The photographer retains full copyright of the image. Participation in the contest allows Don Mould’s
and active concern for neighbors in need both near and far. Carnival - Come one, come all on Saturday, Sept. 12, be- Plantation and The Medina Raptor Center permission to use the images on websites, promotional mate-
Meet at South Central park from 8-9 a.m. for registration. tween 2-4 p.m. Help kick off the autumn season with a bang!
The walk/run will begin at 9 a.m. Pre-registration is $25 and The library will be transformed into a carnival featuring ex- rial and in news releases. The photographers name will always be included with any images used.
includes a T-shirt for the walk or run. Registration is $30 on hilarating games and prizes.
the day of the event, but no T-shirt. You can ?nd the reg- Fall Mums are in!
istration form on the Fields UMC website, www.?eldsumc. Story Times - Story times start the week of Sept. 14. Story
org, under “events,” on the Fields UMC Facebook Page, time bene?ts include promoting early childhood literacy, en- East: 34837 Lorain Rd., West: Cr. of Rts. 58 & 113, or couraging social interaction and expanding language learn-
on the CWS CROPWALK of?cial website http://hunger. ing. There is no charge for story times. Pre-registration is North Ridgeville 440-327-3407 Amherst 440-986-7777 required.
Fall2014?pg=entry&fr_id=19376. M-F 8 -5 , Sat. 8:30-4, Closed Sunday M-F 8-5:30, Sat. 8:30-5, Closed Sunday
Tween And Teen Nail Art - Turn your ?ngernails into
The participants will be raising awareness and funds to works of art on Tuesday, Sept. 15, at 6:45 p.m. Bring your
change the world in real and measurable ways, such as dig- favorite nail polish and learn techniques using basic tools to
create exciting designs. This interactive program is intended
for ?fth-graders and up. Pre-registration is required.
Mystery Book Discussion - Read a modern day Bonnie
and Clyde story. Pick up Mad River, by John Sandford. Adults
are welcome to discuss this book on Wednesday, Sept. 16,
at 7 p.m. Copies are available at the adult information desk.
This Virgil Flowers novel follows average kids who were just
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COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 Don’t Fall for the Flu! RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 Page 5
Columbia Schools Anyone can catch the ?u. It’s never known when people American Family Ministry picnic
Superintendent Graig Bansek will begin to get sick or how long the illness will last. To pro-
tect both you and your loved ones this ?u season, the Lorain American Family Ministry Thrift Store presents thier 24th
Thank you to the staff, students and parents for a remark- County General Health District (LCGHD) will provide ?u annual Picnic on September 17. Its again at Ledge Lake in
able start to the school year! It has been a very smooth begin- shot clinics this fall. Hinckley. They willprovide free lunch, free bait and free gifts
ning. This is a testament to our parents. I look forward to a to all participants there. Also prizes for all ?shing winners.
great school year! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) This is the highlight of the Charity year - getting everyone
recommends a ?u vaccine as the ?rst and best way to protect together at the end of summer.
With school back in session, it is important for the safety yourself. According to the CDC, all people 6 months of age
of our children to follow the speed limit in school zones. State and older should receive a ?u vaccine. Don’t fall for the ?u For more information, call (440) 234-1777 or (440) 429-
law is 20 miles per hour from ?ashing post to ?ashing post. this year; get a ?u shot! 6274.
Also, be aware of school buses in the morning and afternoon.
There are many areas where students are unloading and load- LCGHD Health Commissioner, David Covell, R.S., MCGS Offers Free Family
ing. The drivers appreciate your attention to their red ?ashing M.P.H., has announced ?u shot clinic dates and locations for History Classes
lights. As in years past, we will be working with the Lorain the 2015 ?u season (listed below). This year, skip the line by
County Sheriff’s Department to make sure that our children ?lling out your ?u registration form online at http://?u-vac- The Medina County Genealogical Society will pres-
are safe. ent “Who Do You think You Will Find,” free family history
classes. These classes are intended to enhance the genealogi-
I want to thank H&R Block and the Educational Service Saturday, September 26: cal knowledge of new and more experienced researchers. The
Center of Lorain County for donating school supplies to our Keystone High School, 301 Liberty St., LaGrange. 10 classes will be held on ?ve Saturdays, September 26, October
children. The “Fill the Bus” program bene?ts all of Lorain a.m.-2 p.m. 3, 17 & 24 and November 7, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (with a 2-
County. Thank you to Brenda Walsh for all of her hard work Marion L. Steele High School, 450 Washington St., Am- hour lunch break) at the Medina County District Library, 210
for the students! You can send monetary donations or drop off herst. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. S. Broadway, in Medina.
supplies all year at the Educational Service Center, located at Thursday, October 1:
1885 Lake Avenue, in Elyria. Lorain County Fairgrounds, 23000 Fairgrounds Rd., Wel- Participants may attend as many days as desired. Since
lington. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-8 p.m. space is limited, registration for each class is required. Per-
We are always looking to improve the quality of the school St. Vincent de Paul Church, 41295 N. Ridge Rd., Elyria. sons may register by sending an email to chapter@medinac-
district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and label the subject line as Genealogy Class. The
question or comment, please feel free to call me at (440) 236- Tuesday, October 6: email should include the registrant’s name, telephone number
5008 or email [email protected]. GO RAID- Midview High School, 38199 W. Capel Rd., Grafton. 4-8 and the dates of attendance.
ERS! p.m.
Avon Middle School, 3445 Long Rd., Avon. 4-8 p.m. Various topics are: September 26 - Welcome, Intro to
CUMC Chicken Dinner Saturday, October 10: Family History, Census Records, Vital Records andChurch
North Ridgeville Education Center, 5490 Mills Creek Ln., Records; October 3 - Wills/Probate Research, Courthouse
The Columbia United Methodist Church will be having its North Ridgeville. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Records, Newspaper Research and City Directories; October
4th annual Chicken Dinner on Saturday, September 19. Seat- Lorain County JVS, 15181 State Route 58, Oberlin. 10 17 - Genealogy Software, Technology Issues, Search Tech-
ing times are at 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. Cost is $8/adults, a.m.-3 p.m. niques/Methods and Google as a Research Tool; October 24 -
$4/children 5-12 and free for children under 5. The menu Saturday, October 24: Land Records, Immigration/Naturalization, Ethnic Research
will include breaded chicken breast, mashed potatoes and Columbia Station Fire Department, 25540 Royalton Rd., and Funeral Homes/Cemeteries; and November 7 - Military
gravy, green beans, tossed salad, roll/butter and homemade Columbia Station. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Records, What’s Their Story, DNA and Brick Wall Records.
desserts to choose from; beverages are also included. Tick- Thursday, November 5:
ets are available at the Columbia United Methodist Church, New Russia Township Hall, 46300 Butternut Ridge, Ober- More information is available from Pat Morgan, Chapter
25453 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station, or call the church lin. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-8 p.m. President, at (330) 725-7540. The chapter’s website is www.
at (440) 236-8822. Tickets will also be available at the door. For more information, contact the Lorain County Gen-
Carry-outs are available. eral Health District at (440) 322-6367 or visit LorainCounty- For more tips on how to keep healthy, follow us
Columbia Library events on Twitter @LorainCoHealth and join us on Facebook.
Columbia Branch Renovation - Renovation work is be-
Mission Auctioning done at Library during the month of September.The li-
brary will remain open during this time, but no programming
is scheduled. The library has been partially restored since On Sunday, September
?ooding damaged the building in May 2014. This year, a 13, York United Methodist
swale was dug outside the library to prevent future ?ooding. Church will host their 13th
The library has remained dry since then, and now the library annual Mission Auction to
is being fully restored. During restoration work, the library bene?t families in need in
will still be able to offer all usual services, and in October, the local community, the na-
get ready for new, amazing programs! For more information, tion and globally.
call the Columbia Branch at (440) 236-8751. The Columbia
Branch is located at 13824 W. River Road North. The goal is that the ?rst
$1800 raised will go to their
Download Ebooks for Free - Did you know you can church’s Food Pantry. The
download eBooks for free from the Lorain Public Library next $1800 raised will go to
System? Two eBook services are offered in the eLibrary on build a well in Sierra Leone View the great selection of books through CBN. Any funds
available on Axis 360 and OverDrive. Axis 360 is exclusively raised above those amounts
for Lorain Public Library System cardholders. OverDrive is will be divided evenly be-
offered through CLEVNET, which you can also borrow from tween two of UMCOR’s
with your Lorain Public Library System library card. Both (United Methodist Commit-
services have their advantages. Wait times are often minimal tee on Relief) designated
on Axis 360, so look for items like new releases there and Advance Funds; one for
you’ll be reading in no time. OverDrive has a large collec- Storm Relief for the victims
tion. Check both services out today! For more information, of the recent storms that
call the Lorain Public Library System at 1-800-322-READ. have impacted thousands in
the United States, and the
other for relief aid in Sierra
Columbia Hot Stove elections Leone, impacted greatly by
the Ebola crisis in Africa.
Columbia Hot Stove will be holding elections for several They are asking area
Board positions at their next monthly meeting on Thursday,
September 17, at 7 p.m. at the Columbia Town Hall. Positions businesses if they would be
up for election are: President, 2nd Vice President/Girls Travel willing to contribute to the
Director, Treasurer, Uniforms/Sponsorship and Head Um- auction. Any donated prod-
pire/Field Scheduler. More information is available on their ucts or services or gift certif-
website: Please icates would be turned in to
email Hot Stove at [email protected] with any help to restore hope to those
questions or if you are interested in a position. Nominations in need. They will recognize
will be accepted up until the elections. donating businesses in print
and by name during the auc-
The Columbia Hot Stove League provides baseball and tion. The Silent Auction will
softball programs for boys and girls starting at age 5. The begin at 8 a.m. and close at
Board is in need of dedicated individuals to make the league 10:45 a.m.; the Live Auction
successful for the children of our community. will begin at 12:15 p.m., fol-
CHS news lowing the 11 a.m. worship
service. A light lunch will be
provided. Join them on Sep-
Underclassmen Picture Day at CHS - LifeTouch Photog- tember 13 for the morning
raphy will be at Columbia High School on Wednesday, Sep- and for the auction, which
tember 9, to take pictures of all underclassmen in grades 9-11 is open to the public and in-
for school portraits. Students received portrait information in cludes a free light lunch and
their respective class meeting during the ?rst week of school. a fun time for all, including
All portraits must be pre-paid. Senior pictures will be taken puppets for the kids!
only for ID purposes. Please check the information provided
in the class meetings and contact LifeTouch Photography
www rural-urbanrecord.comwithanyquestions. Online news, features, classifieds and more from your community.
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015
The Rural-Urban Record COLUMBIA UNITED NORTH “Welcome Home” TRINITY
Published Weekly on Monday CHURCH CHRISTIAN New Life Wesleyan Church LUTHERAN CHURCH
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter Worship Service 11149 West River Rd, 38307 W. Royalton Rd.
Founders 1955 10:30 a.m. (Disciples) Columbia Station Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57)
Rt. 82 & 83 SUNDAY 9 AM
Lee Boise, Publisher & President Sunday School Sunday Worship
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 440-748-2230 Bible Study, Adults/Young Adults 9:30am
during Worship Service SUNDAY 10 AM
Mailing Address: Church ph: 440-748-2154
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 25453 ROYALTON ROAD Worship & Children’s Church Preschool ph: 440-748-3445
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO Worship Services WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 Adult Study, Women’s Study,
Pastor Matt Merriman 8:00am & 9:30am Rev. John Ramsey II
Email: [email protected] 236-8822 Teens, Kids Club
Website: Sunday School Rev. Jim Carder, United Church of God
[email protected] 12981 Grafton Rd.
DEADLINE: 10:45am Senior Pastor Grafton, Oh 44044
News articles & all ads - Wednesday by 12pm Rev. Steven Spaeth,
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Polly Tallos Sabbath Services
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs., 9am-4pm Associate Pastor Saturdays at 12:30 pm
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year All are welcome at Christian Ed. & Youth Director 440-236-8600
God’s Table. Rev. Charles A. Butcher
Our Lady Queen of Peace Sunday Worship Schedule Pastor Sugar Ridge Baptist Church
Catholic Church 8:30 am Quiet Communion Service
St. Elizabeth 36600 Sugar Ridge Rd., N. Ridgeville
Weekend Masses Weekday 9:30 am Christian Education for all ages Ann Seton 440-327-946
Sat. 4:30pm Mass 10:30 am Communion Service with Music
8:00am Catholic Parish
Sun. 8:30 & Chapel Children’s sermon at both services All age Sunday School 10 am
25801 Royalton Rd.
11:00am Mon.-Tues. 300 3rd Street, Elyria, Ohio Columbia Station, OH Sunday Worship 11 am & 6:30 pm
Confession: Thurs.-Fri. (440) 322-2126 Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesday Worship 7 pm
Sat. 3:30- (Confession) GRAFTON UNITED
Like us on Facebook Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
4:00pm Anytime by Appointment METHODIST CHURCH
Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector
~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~ Weekend Masses 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
Sat. 5 p.m. “We Celebrate Children”
Sun. 8 & 11 a.m. 8:45am Sunday School
10:00am Worship
10:35am Children’s Church
Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
Columbia UMC Youth Club Youth Group Bible Study
Jesus among other Gods The Columbia United Methodist Church Youth Club When young students of the Bible ?rst understand the
Program will kick off its 26th year on Wednesday, Septem- “story,” they are eager to learn more. The net result: teens
Are all religions equally valid? Does humanity need ber 23. Youth Club is a mid-week Christian nurturing pro- begin to wrap their minds and hearts around the Scriptures.
God? Do all paths lead to the same God? The teachings of gram which is open to all children in grades K-8 regardless They come to see the Bible as a relevant part of their lives.
Christian Philosopher Ravi Zacharias will be explored in of church af?liation. The year will consist of two ten-week If you are in 7th grade through high school, please consider
depth in a sermon series Sept.13-Oct. 4. Pastor Bill Wen- semesters, Fall and Winter. During each semester, members joining a monthly bible study at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
dell will present this study at LaPorte United Methodist and staff meet on Wednesdays from 4:15 to 7:15 p.m. for Church. Bible Study starts on Tuesday, September 8. For
Church on Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. faith, fun, fellowship and food (Bible Study, Worship, ac- more details, call Ann at SEAS Church at (440) 236-3711.
tivities and family time).
The church is located at 2071 Grafton Rd., in Elyria. Chinese Auction/Pasta Dinner
Please join them with your questions about faith, truth, suf- For more information, please contact Lillie Merrill at
fering and God's design for the universe. This program is (330) 483-4609. Columbia United Methodist Church is lo- LaPorte United Methodist Church will be having their
part of LCCC's Life Long Learning program. Pastor Bill cated at 25453 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. The annual Chinese Auction and Pasta Dinner on Saturday,
will also be teaching a class Wednesday evenings 7-8:30 church phone number is (440) 236-8822. September 26, at 5:30 p.m. Cost for the dinner is $7/adult
p.m., September 9-30, on the campus of LCCC through and $5 for children under 12. Tickets will be available af-
their lifelong learning program. To register, go to their PSR starts soon ter church, from the church of?ce, or at the door. Items for
lifelong learning website or call Misty Reed at (440) 366- the auction will be available to view and bid on Sundays,
7540. It is not to late to register for PSR at St. Elizabeth Ann September 13 and 20. LaPorte United Methodist Church
Seton Church in Columbia Station. There are families who is located at 2071 Grafton Road, in Elyria. For advance
GriefShare have not registered their children as of yet, or are new to the tickets or more information, call the church of?ce at (440)
area. PSR is for 1st through 8th grade students. The chil- 458-5717.
GriefShare is a faith based support group for those who dren make their First Communion in 2nd grade and their
have lost a loved one. They offer comfort, guidance and Con?rmation in 8th grade. The signi?cance of Religious Swiss Steak Dinner
support through shared experiences. Join them to discover Education in your child’s life is very important! Classes
hope for your future. You may bring a friend if you pre- start on September 14 with a “Meet and Greet Night,” then Litch?eld Assembly of God, located at 9082 Norwalk
fer. For more information, visit http://www.griefshare. continue on September 21, at CMS from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Road, will have a Swiss Steak Dinner on Friday, Septem-
org/about or contact Pastor Dominic Verdell at (440) 236- ber 11, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The cost will be: adults/$9,
8282. GriefShare is held at Christ Church, located at 23080 Please call the Religious Education of?ce at (440) 236- seniors/$7, children 6-12/$4 and children 5 and under are
Royalton Road, in Columbia Station, on Tuesday evenings 3711 to register. free. Carry out will be available for this dinner. (330) 723-
from 7-8:30 p.m., through October 27. 2691.
Walk Like MADD
Southern Gospel Music Love Over Latte
Walk Like MADD is a fund-raising event to help raise
Columbia Baptist Church will host Joyce Igo on Sep- both awareness and funds to eliminate impaired driving. Love Over Latte is an all new women’s ministry at Fields
tember 9. Joyce will bring God’s Word and Southern Gos- This year’s walk will be held at Ely Square in Elyria, from United Methodist Church! Join them for warmth, renewal,
pel Music to praise and honor God. There will be a free 9 a.m.-noon, on Saturday, September 26. fellowship and biblical teaching, led by Darlene Hepler,
dinner at 6:30 p.m. and worship service at 7:30 p.m. Alabaster Jar Ministries. The event is on September 16. At
Walk Like MADD provides an outlet for those impacted 7 p.m. is Worship and music; at 8 p.m. is a small group
The Columbia Baptist Church is located at 25514 Roy- by impaired driving to channel their grief into hope and discussion and dessert. Tickets are $3. The Fields United
alton Rd. (Rt. 82), in Columbia Station. RSVP to (440) healing by creating a movement for change in their com- Methodist Church is located at 34077 Lorain Rd., in North
236-8206. munity. It also provides a community the chance to sur- Ridgeville. For more information, contact ?eldsumc@
round and support those hurting by taking action to prevent or call (440) 327-8753. You can also visit
Laubenthal Funeral others from suffering because of impaired driving. the website at www.?
Walk Like MADD is unlike any other walk in that it Bluegrass and Gospel Music
Offering Forethought provide both support and solutions. Founded by a moth-
Funeral Pre-Planning er whose daughter was killed by a drunk driver, Mothers East Oberlin Community Church is hosting a Blue-
Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is the nation’s largest grass and Gospel Music event. They are located at 43709
LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO non-pro?t working to protect families from impaired driv- Oberlin-Elyria Road (corner of Rt. 511 and Oberlin-Elyria
ing and underage drinking. MADD also supports drunk and Road), in Oberlin. This event is from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday,
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035 drugged driving victims and survivors at no charge, serving September 12. Doors open at 5 p.m. The cost of admission
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 one person every 8/6 minutes through local MADD victim is $5 per person. Music starts at 6 p.m. The featured band advocates and at 1-877-MADD-HELP. is Lloyd Blevins & The Rambling Mountain Boys. There
will be an open kitchen available, free popcorn and a 50/50
LOCAL FAMILIES COMMITTED TO SERVING OUR COMMUNITY Community raf?e. If you have any questions, please contact the church
Dinners of?ce at (440) 774-3443.
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled
FUNERAL HOME Community Dinners Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
will be served from 5-6:30
2089 Columbia Road p.m. the second Saturday of DAVID BOGNER
Valley City, OH 44280 each month at the Grafton
United Methodist Church, FAMILY FUNERAL HOME
330-483-3300 located at 973 Mechanic
St. All are welcome at no 36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
“Understanding When charge.
Needed Most”
Pre-Need Planning Available
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 Page 7
Professional Profile
11847 Avon Belden Rd. September Savings
Grafton, OH 44044
(440) 235-9273 Free consultation
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Residential - Commercial
Heating - Air Conditioning - Air Cleaners - Humidi?ers
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 sion of the Fire Chief with at least a 1 week advance notice. mentally ill was reported on Butternut Ridge Rd. on the 2nd
Fires must be 25’ away from all structures and other combus- of the month. An unruly child was reported on Elm Rd. on
Eaton Township Fire & tibles, including wood privacy fences. Bon-?res must be 50’ the 13th, and menacing was reported on Melody Lane Dr.
Rescue Chicken BBQ away from all structures and other combustibles, including on the 25th.
wood privacy fences.
This year, Eaton Township Fire & Rescue will be resum- SPECIAL EATON TOWNSHIP
ing thier annual chicken BBQ, but there will be some key You must have a method of extinguishment, water hose or TRUSTEE MEETING
differences that you will need to know ahead of time. appropriate ?re extinguisher, at the ?re and the ?re must be at-
tended at all times. Your ?re must not produce any objection- Eaton Township Ditch Cleaning Meeting Announcement
First of all, it will not be at the station this year; instead it able or offensive smoke. Agricultural burning such as fence
will be located at FOP Hall #54, located at 36854 Royalton row clearing and lot clearing must be 1000’ from all structures In January 2015, Eaton Township was awarded a grant from
Rd., in Grafton. They are looking to add things to the event so and you must have written permission from the EPA. the Lorain County Storm Water District to clean the Hale-
that it is not just a chicken dinner, but also a fun atmosphere Harrington Ditch from the west side of Hawke Rd. to the
where you can have a good time. You will notice that dine-in If you have any questions about open burning, you can ac- north side of Cooley Rd. Since Eaton Township has been
prices are $15 this year and that is for the dinner and beer. cess the Ohio EPA website at unsuccessful in obtaining easements for access to clean and
Dinner includes 1/2 chicken, potatoe salad, green beans, a general/openburning.aspx. maintain the ditch from all the land owners along this por-
dinner roll, salad and ice cream for dessert. They will also be tion of the ditch, the Trustees have resolved to initiate a peti-
raf?ing off door prizes and a gun, and will have raf?e games Thank you for your cooperation. tion process (Ohio Revised Code Section 6131.07) with the
and a 50/50 going on. Pre-sale raf?e tickets are being sold. Sincerely, Lorain County Commissioners to have the ditch cleaned.
At the end of the night, they will be raf?ing off a TV and a The Eaton Township Trustees and Eaton Twp. Fire & Res- None of the land owners will be responsible for paying a
pistol. cue cleaning or maintenance fee. The future maintenance costs
will be funded by the Lorain County Storm Water District.
The event is on Sunday, Oct. 4, from 2-7 p.m. They are Sheriff’s Report Since this location has experienced chronic ?ooding, the
looking forward to seeing everyone there. Thank you for your Eaton Township Trustees support completion of this proj-
continued support. The June 2015 Lorain County Sheriff’s Department Inci- ect. The Trustees will hold a public meeting on Saturday,
dent Report for Eaton Township lists 32 incidents. September 12, 2015 at 10:00 am at the Town Hall to dis-
Eaton Historical Society cuss the petition process with residents and to solicit signers
A suspended license, along with an expired plate, were for the petition to clean the ditch. Please contact Richard
The Eaton Historical Society will hold a meeting on recorded on the 2nd on Alton Dr. and Eaton Blvd. On the Knechtges, Administrative Assistant to the Eaton Township
Wednesday, September 9, at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held 19th, an assured clear distance, combined with an accident, Trustees, at the Town Hall (748-2236) with any questions or
in Eaton’s Towne Hall, located at Eaton Centre (Routes 82 & occurred at State Rte. 57 and State Rte. 10. On the 12th, a red to schedule a discussion of the proposed project.
83). Come share our heritage! All are welcome to attend! light was run at Durkee Rd. and Royalton Rd. Receiving a
stolen vehicle was recorded on Cooley Rd. on the 6th of the
Open Burning Reminder month. A vehicle was found on National Dr. on the 16th, and
a vehicle theft was reported on Royalton Rd. on the 17th.
Each year Eaton Town Hall and the Fire Department re-
ceive open burning complaints from residents. When they are On the 10th, speeders were caught on Royalton Rd. west
received, ?re?ghters often have to educate people on the rules of Castleton Rd., as well as on Cowley Rd. and on Royalton
pertaining to burning in the Township. The intent of this no- Rd. and Durkee Rd. On the 15th, speeders were caught on
tice is to remind both established residents, along with those N. Durkee Rd. as well as on Royalton Rd., east of Durkee
who are new to the community, the guidelines to open burn- Rd. On the 16th, speeders were stopped on Royalton Rd. and
ing. Eaton Blvd. and Royalton Rd. at Durkee Rd. Four stops were
made on the 22nd, one on Royalton Rd. near Giles Rd., one
You may have a recreational ?re that is 3’x 3’x 2’in height. on State Rte. 57 near State Rte. 82 and two on Royalton Rd.
Only natural/untreated dry seasoned ?rewood can be burned. Finally, a speeder was stopped on Royalton Rd. near Durkee
No paneling, plywood, building materials or yard waste may Rd. on the 27th.
be burned. You can have a bon-?re 5’x 5’x 5’with the permis-
An accidental shooting was reported on Cowley Rd. on the
6th. A theft occurred on Capel Rd. on the 7th. Polluting state
land/water was reported on the 16th on Eaton Blvd. On Hen-
well Rd., a breaking and entering, along with abusing harm-
ful intoxicants, occurred on the 23rd. Possessing drug abuse
instruments and substances was recorded on Chestnut Ridge
Rd. on the 28th.
Domestic disputes were reported on the 1st on Melody
Lane Dr., on the 10th on Cooley Rd., on the 20th on But-
ternut Ridge Rd. and on the 24th on Eaton Blvd. Domestic
violence was recorded on the 28th on N. Avon Belden Rd. A
BBQ Agricultural Tire
Chicken Collection
Where? When?
Sunday, October 4.
Doors open at 2 pm-7pm Lorain County THURSDAY
Collection Center SEPTEMBER 24, 2015
540 South Abbe Road From 9:00am-2:00pm
Elyria, OH 44035
(next to Firestone)
ToSCGeAhondilioduorlrrdtessenr--s-$$-81$$.5515..00. • Must Pre-register by Thursday, September 17, 2015
Call 1-800-449-5463 or 440-328-2368
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36854 Royalton Rd., Grafton INCLUDES: INCLUDES: INCLUDES:
Presale Raffle Tickets • Implement Tires • Most Rear Tractor • LARGE Rear
for Gun or TV available! • Wagon Tires Tires Tractor Tires
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For tickets, contact Steve at • Skid Loader Tires • ALL Combine Tires
• MOST Front Tires
440-371-1078 • 4-Wheeler Tires
The Lorain County Solid Waste Management District
A Department of the Lorain County Board of Commissions
Funded by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 Page 9
Schild’s LaGrange
540 N. Center, LaGrange
34981 Royalton Road, OH 44050 PRICES EFFECTIVE - SEPT 2015
North Eaton, OH
8 am - 8 pm 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
7 am - 9 pm
8 am - 6 pm PHONE: 440-355-9920
PHONE: 440-748-3751 WIC APPROVED
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 There will be no tractor pull, tractor games or machinery Free Movie in the Park Night
parade this year.
Youth Archery Clinic Come to the second “Free Movie in the Park Night” on
On Saturday, at 10 a.m. is the Consignment Auction just Saturday, Sept. 12, at 8:15 p.m. The movie will be Big Hero 6.
A Youth Archery Clinic and Free 3D Shoot will be held inside the Main Gate. Andy Suvar, Auctioneer, can be reached Popcorn and drinks will be provided by Elyria Ford. Remem-
on Sept. 20, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., presented by The LaGrange at 419-929-8487, 1-800-765-8301 or by email at suvarauc- ber to bring your chairs and blankets. The LaGrange Com-
Hunting & Fishing Club, in conjunction with the Ohio Divi- [email protected]. You may bring items for sale between 5-7 munity Park is located on West Main Street, in LaGrange.
sion of Wildlife & U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services. This event p.m. on Thursday and Friday.
will take place at the LGHFC grounds (2.5 miles west of Cub Scout Recruitment Night
LaGrange Circle). The event is free! All youth equipment The American Indian Motorcycle Club will be north of the
will be provided, but if you have your own bow, feel free grandstand on Saturday and Sunday only. The Commodore Please join LaGrange Cub Scouts Pack #118 at “Back to
to bring it. This is a “hands on” supervised introduction to Perry Club of the Antique Automobile Club of America will School Recruitment Night” in the Keystone Elementary caf-
the awesome world of archery. Small groups are encouraged display many vintage cars behind the grandstand. The Lorain eteria on September 9, from 6-8 p.m. On this night, they will
to come, such as scouts, clubs, churches, etc.; please call in County Wood Carvers are in Bldg. 14 across from the en- answer all your questions about becoming a cub scout, you
advance. Experienced archers can try our mini 3D course for trance to the in?eld where there are rows of tractors. A Toy will be able to meet the den leaders and current scouts and
free! For more information, please call Kevin at (440) 537- Show is held in Bldg. 17. The Lorain County Vintage Motor applications will be available to get you signed up.
7827. Scooter Club is located along the racetrack fence in the small
engine area. The American Truck Historical Society’s large If you are not able to make it to the Recruitment Night,
LaGrange Engine Show display is further around the race track to the large Heritage please contact Casey Hurst via email at lagrangepack118@
Barn and Blacksmith Shop. or call (440) 865-2422. Parents of young boys
The LaGrange Engine Club will celebrate its 45th annual face a lot of choices in after-school activities. Boys want to
show on Sept. 18, 19 & 20 at the Lorain County Fairgrounds Steam engines will provide power for the saw mill. The have fun, while parents want them to learn positive values
in Wellington. The hours on Friday and Saturday are 8 a.m.-5 Club’s drag saw and shingle mill will be working also. and skills that will last a lifetime. If your boy is about to enter
p.m. Sunday activities begin at 9 a.m., following the 8:30 a.m. Threshing wheat is of interest to many who remember hot ?rst through ?fth grade, Cub Scouting may be exactly what
Church Service. The show closes at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Ad- July days and all the dust and sweat that job created. The large you are both looking for!
mission is $3 (children under 12 are free when accompanied Flea Market is open all three days. Food concessions will be
by an adult). Exhibitors are admitted free. available. LaGrange Sodbusters 4-H Club
The fairgrounds are located on St. Rt.18, 1/2 mile west Building 23 is the location of the LaGrange Engine Club The LaGrange Sodbuster 4-H Club had a great time at the
of Rt. 58. The Main Gate is for exhibitors only. Visitors will Of?ce. They will register your equipment and give you a free 2015 Lorain County Fair. Congratulations to everyone in the
?nd quicker entrances using the Pitts Road Gate, which is off gate pass. You do not need to be a member to exhibit items. club for doing their best. Everyone in the club earned an “A”
Rt.18 west of the railroad tracks, or Magyar St. south off Rt. for his or her project.
58. Look for a LaGrange Engine Club Show sign at both lo- For more information, call (440) 734-3124 or write to:
cations. LaGrange Engine Club, Inc., P.O. Box 91, LaGrange, OH Josh Kenska and Joesph Gambish did very well in their
44050. Check their website frequently at www.lagrangeen- judging. Taylor Kenska’s steer was Reserve Champion BBR
The purpose of the LaGrange Engine Club, a nonpro?t or- for updates. and class champion in Modern Beef at the fair. Our clover
ganization, is to provide an opportunity for demonstrating to bud, Mia Stefan, won second place in her age group for her
the public the antique machinery used for farming, industry Keystone Schools trash barrel decorations.
and households before electricity. Featured this year is Allis Superintendent Franco Gallo
Chalmers and Briggs & Stratton engines. The Sodbusters enjoyed decorating their booth with pic-
We are excited that the school year is back in full swing tures of the quilts from the Patchwork Trails of Lorain County
and and have many updates for our parents and community. and displaying their project posters. Since Steven Speck took
his project to the Ohio State Fair, he had the privilege of dis-
Summer Golf Special! Presently, the access road off of Route 303 is under con- playing his poster in the state fair booth.
struction, but will remain open. When completed, the road
Tuesdays & Wednesdays in August! will be 24-feet wide and fully paved. RLCWA meeting
Seniors - $25 -18 holes w/cart
All others - $30 - 18 holes w/cart In other construction updates, I would like to thank our Rural Lorain County Water Authority will have a Board
CALL the PRO SHOP to book your many generous donors who supported the construction of the Meeting on Wednesday, September 9, at 7 p.m. The meeting
tee times before they are gone! new ?eld house. It is because of their support that we are able will be held at the RLCWA of?ce, located at 42401 St. Rt.
to offer our students these valuable resources. 303, in LaGrange. For more information, call Mr. Tim Ma-
440-355-4844 honey, General Manager at (800) 842-1339.
In employment news, we are seeking personnel to ?ll nu-
~Specials~ merous positions. We are in need of a bus driver and substi- 102 S. Center Street – LaGrange
tute bus drivers. We are also in need of substitute cleaners. 533 N. Main Street – Grafton
Now Serving Apply at the Board of Education Of?ce at 531 Opportunity
our Way, or apply online by navigating to our website, www.key- THESE DEALS ARE GOOD TILL 9/10/15 and then click on employment.
Summer Menu
In a continued effort to facilitate two-way communication,
we developed a survey to obtain your thoughts about next
year’s school calendar, speci?cally the school start and end
date. Complete the survey by navigating to http://www.key-
Lastly, we are eager to continue this year’s progress as we
ful?ll our vision statement in empowering our students and
community to be trusted, passionate, and innovative global
citizens committed to excellence.”
Friends of the Library fund-raiser
The Friends of the Keystone-LaGrange Community Li-
brary are sponsoring a raf?e for a chance to win 4 Browns-
Steelers Football Game tickets. Seats are located in section
#148/row #33. The winning ticket for the January 3 game
will be drawn on October 2 during the Keystone High School
Homecoming Football Game. The raf?e tickets are $10 each.
For raf?e tickets, contact Linda at (440) 355-6124.
Cheer Compitition
665 U.S. Grant St., LaGrange | 440-355-4844 Carol Duta, Director of the Keystone Youth Cheerleaders (through LEYFL), is holding a youth Cheer competition on
November 14 at 1:30 p.m. If your youth cheerleading squads
Nine Bistro Hours: Mon-Thurs. 11 am-10 pm; are interested in participating in this years competition held at
Fri.- Sat. 11 am-12 am; Sundays 11 am-9 pm The Keystone High School in LaGrange, please contact Carol
for all information at (216) 904-3662.
Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm 1115 EAST BROAD ST
Sat 8:00 am - 12 noon ELYRIA
Quick Lube - No Appointment Necessary ELYRIA 366-FORD (3673)
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Retail purchases only. Valid on Motorcraft® Synthetic Blend, Full Synthetic or Diesel oil. Hybrid battery test excluded. against repair orders containing both front and rear axles. Offer valid between 9/1/15 and 9/30/15. Rebate form must be postmarked by 10/31/15. Rebate by
Offer valid between 9/1/15 and 9/30/15. Motorcraft is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company. check. See participating dealership or Quick Lane for vehicle exclusions and details. Motorcraft is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 Page 11
Senior Spaghetti Dinner Senior Center Events
It’s spaghetti dinner time at the North Ridgeville Senior From the moment young phins, which trigger positive Super Thursday Luncheon - On September 10, at 12
Center! The next spaghetti dinner, sponsored by the Kiwanis men and women ?rst walk feelings in the body. In ad- p.m., it’s the “Remembrance of September 11 and Patriotic
Club of North Ridgeville, will be held on Friday, Septem- into the of?ce for their ?rst dition, regular exercise has afternoon.” Lunch entrée, salad, roll, dessert and beverage for
ber 25, from 5-7 p.m. Prices for the spaghetti dinner are as day as a working profes- been shown to reduce stress, $5. Reservations are required; call (440) 353-0828.
follows; Seniors $6, adults $7 and children under 10 is $4. sional until the day they of- boost self-esteem and im-
Dessert is $1 and pop is 50¢. Dinner includes a large helping ?cially retire, the notion of prove sleep. Working out at Spaghetti Dinner - September 25 from 5-7 p.m. Spaghetti,
of spaghetti, homemade sauce, jumbo meatballs, salad and planning for retirement is a gym also is a great way to meatballs, salad and garlic toast. Adults/$7, seniors/$6 and
garlic bread for one low cost. All proceeds go directly to the never far from their minds. meet fellow retirees in your children 10 and under/$4. Dessert is $1 and pop is 50¢ extra.
North Ridgeville Of?ce for Older Adults to help maintain se- But when the day to hang community, and the energy Carry-outs are available!
nior services in our area. up the briefcase and donate you have after exercising
all those business suits ar- may give you the boost you Glucose Testing - Nurses from Fairview Hospital will be
Carry outs are available. The North Ridgeville Senior Cen- rives, some retirees wonder need to pursue other hob- at the center on Wednesday, September 16, from 9 a.m. - 12
ter is located at the corner of Avon Belden Road (Rt. 83) and what to do next. Some retir- bies. p.m. to test glucose. Two hour fasting is required to get the
Bainbridge. For more information, please call the senior cen- ees know exactly how they best results. Reservations are being taken in 10-minute incre-
ter at (440) 353-0828. will spend their days when • Volunteer. If a part-time ments by calling the Senior Center at (440) 353-0828. Blood
they no longer have to work, job is not up your alley, then pressures are also being held that day from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Senior Health Fair - while others who decide to consider volunteering in No charge for either service.
Music Bingo play it by ear may ?nd them- your community. Volunteers
selves battling boredom. are always in demand, and Our Town All-Around Books - The Our Town All-
“Come On Get Happy and Healthy” on September 23, volunteering with a local Around® books will be available in September at the Senior
from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Health Fair -12:-1 p.m. Light lunch For those among the lat- charity can provide a sense Center for only $28. Going out to dinner, renting a movie or
and Music Bingo with Kenny Gilder. Free Admission! Visit ter group, it's important to of purpose and provide op- getting your car ?xed? All proceeds bene?t services provided
30 vendors at our health fair! understand that many retir- portunities to meet like- by the Senior Center.
ees ?nd themselves bored minded fellow retirees, all
UH/ Avon Health and Fitness Center, 1997 Healthway once they no longer have to while helping to quell your Pre-Order Cemetery Wreaths - The Senior Center is sell-
Drive, in Avon. Sponsored by University Hospitals Elyria focus on a career. Jobs keep boredom. Retirees who love ing their Cemetery Wreaths for Christmas again this year.
Medical Center and Lorain County Senior Network. men and women busy and to travel can combine their We are taking pre-orders until October 23. They sell for $15.
provide a sense of purpose passion for volunteering Stands are an additional $6. Pick-up will start the week of
Senior Trips in their lives, so it's under- with their love of travel by November 23, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Also, if you already have a
standable that retirees feel signing up to work with an wreath and it needs a little TLC, you can bring it in and we’ll
Amish Country - Tuesday, September 15. Fare: $25. De- bored once those jobs are no international relief organi- touch it up for $8. Call the Senior Center at 353-0828 to place
part: 8 a.m.; Return: 5 p.m. Lunch on your own. Deadline: longer a part of their lives. zation that travels abroad to your order or to bring your wreath in.
August 21. Shopping, eating and sightseeing trip to Amish But just because you no help the less fortunate.
Country. Stopping for cheese, fudge and bulk food items longer have an of?ce to go Senior Center Cookbook! - The cookbook is almost com-
while enjoying the fall colors. to every day does not mean Upon retiring, many re- plete and it’s all thanks to everyone that submitted recipes!
life cannot be as ful?lling tirees initially ?nd them- We are starting to take pre-orders for the Senior Center Cook-
Ashtabula Covered Bridges - Tuesday, October 20. Fare: or even more ful?lling than selves coping with boredom. book, “Our Family Tree,” at the cost of $15. We will have
$30. Depart: 7:30 a.m.; Return: 5 p.m. Deadline: September it was when you were still But there are many ways to a limited number available at the September 25 Spaghetti
18. Lunch on your own. We will pick up a step on guide to working. You just need to avoid the restlessness of re- Dinner. They are great gifts to share with family and friends
take around to selected Covered Bridges and describe the his- ?nd something to avoid suc- tirement. and are especially wonderful for Birthdays, Holidays or even
tory. cumbing to retirement bore- Weddings! Call 353-0828 to place your order.
Casino Express Fund-raiser - North Ridge Tours. Casino: Big Band Dance and Concert! - September 23, 7-10 p.m.
Mountaineer; Date: October 6; Fare: $30. Depart: 8 a.m.; Re- • Work part-time. Though at DeLuca’s Place in the Park, 6075 Middle Ridge Rd., in Lo-
turn: 6 p.m. Deadline: Sept. 18. Bonus: $20 play, $5 food. it might seem odd to start rain, featuring the music from the Doc McDonald Band. Tick-
working right after you ets in advance are $8 and available at the Senior Center, or at
Cancellation Policy retire, a part-time job can the door they will be $10. To support North Ridgeville Senior
All trips must be paid in full 30 days prior to departure (un- provide the type of structure Center and Lorain County Of?ce on Aging, all proceeds will
less otherwise noted) or it will be considered a cancellation. you have grown accustomed bene?t seniors living in our community.
The Of?ce for Older Adults (Senior Center) will provide a to without all of the respon-
full refund if the Center cancels the trip. If you cancel a week sibility that comes with a Kryszak & Associates, Co., LPA
prior to travel date and a replacement is found from a Senior full-time career. Part-time
Center wait list or by you, a full refund will be made. If no jobs can range from consul- Attorneys at Law
replacement can be found, all reservations have been secured tancy work that makes use
and fees paid no refund will be made. of your professional experi- At Kryszak & Associates, Co., LPA, our Mission is to deliver
A Christmas Story - Cleveland Playhouse, Thursday, De- ence to something entirely personalized, quality legal services, resulting in long-lasting
cember 10. Fare: $64. (matinee/non-refundable). Deadline: different like landscape relationships with our clients. The size of our firm and many years of
October 23. “He’s back! One boy. One holiday wish. And a maintenance at a nearby legal experience allow us to fulfill our mission on a daily basis.
world that seems to be conspiring to make certain it doesn’t golf course that gets you out
come true. The record-breaking show returns to the CPH stage of the house and enjoying Estate Planning • Estate and Trust Administration• Elder Law Attorney
in all its pink-bunny-suit, glowing leg lamp, triple-dog-daring the warmer seasons. Which- Personal Injury • Appellate Law • Real Estate Andrea C. Kryszak
glory. The perfect holiday treat for the entire family.” ever you choose, make sure
Register by calling (440) 353-0835. Stop in the Center for it's something you ?nd fun Foreclosure • Employment • Business Law • Family Law
Trip Brochures. All trips must be paid in full 30 days in ad- and interesting.
vance unless otherwise stated. Kryszak & Associates, Co. LPA
• Embrace a new hobby. Welcomes
Heather Taras, LPN Working professionals often
Case Manager, Director of Admissions say they wish they had time Attorney Douglas R. Henry
to pursue a hobby. Now that to the law firm!
Cell 440-822-0305 | Of?ce 440-355-4616 | Fax 440-782-4030 you are retired, you have
all the time in the world to Attorney
[email protected] do just that. Whether it's Kathleen M. Amerkhanian
perfecting your golf game,
383 Opportunity Way • LaGrange, Ohio 44050 writing that novel, learning Attorney to cook like a gourmet chef Douglas R. Henry
or whatever else you might
AV Alecia Vidika | Attorney at Law have always wanted to do, Kryszak & Associates, Co., LPA, Attorneys at Law, are excited to Attorney
retirement is a great time to announce that Attorney Douglas R. Henry has joined our law firm. Paula A. Kuhn
Probate • Real Estate • Estate Planning • Elder Law do it. Doug brings with him 14 years of experience as a practicing attor-
ney and focuses his practice in the areas of family law (dissolution,
• Get in shape. If retire- divorce, custody and juvenile matters), as well as in the areas of
ment boredom has started probate and estate planning. If you or anyone you know has a legal
to negatively affect your matter that Doug can help with, please give our office a call at 1-888-
mood, one great way to 934-5330 to schedule an appointment at either our Sheffield Village
conquer your boredom and or Grafton office.
improve your mood at the
same time is to start exer- 5330 Meadow Lane Court, Suite 943-1/2 Main Street
cising. Exercise is a natural A Sheffield Village, Ohio 44035 Grafton, Ohio 44044
mood enhancer. When the
body exercises, it releases 440-934-5330 440-926-3818
chemicals knowns as endor- 888-934-5330 (by appointment only)
440-647-4319 [email protected] We Look Forward to Meeting You!
149 E. Herrick Avenue • PO Box 297 • Wellington, OH 44090
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 7-10 p.m. Advanced tickets are $35 and will go on sale be- spent approximately $23 in The next meeting will be
ginning September 15. Tickets at the door will be $40. For tires and $126,778 in fuel- back in the West Elementary
more details, please call the Library at 440-3317. ing busses. The board then LRC on Thursday, Septem-
THANK YOU decided several personnel ber 24, at 6:30 p.m.
The family of Roger Allman would like to thank friends,
co-workers and extended family for all the cards, ?owers, do-
nations and gifts of food. All the thoughts and prayers were Midview Schools
genuinely appreciated. They would like to extend their heart- Superintendent Scott Goggin
felt gratitude to the members of V.F.W. Post #3341 for hosting
LIBRARY HOURS the bene?t and providing the luncheon. A special thanks to the Well, our year has begun! It was so nice seeing all of our
The Grafton-Midview Library will be closed on Monday, Honor Guard and to Steve, Bruce, Tim, Jim and Gretchen. students return this week. We missed having all of you on
September 7, for Labor Day. Sunday hours will begin Sep- campus.
tember 13 and will remain throughout the school year, until Nexus TRO meeting
Memorial Day. Sunday hours are from 1-5 p.m. Overall, we had a very good week. The ?rst week is ?lled
Lorain County community meeting on Nexus TRO will with activities that gets our students and staff into the rou-
CUB SCOUT PACK ACCEPTING MEMBERS take place on Thursday, September 10, from 7-9 p.m. in the tine of a new year. Students have new classrooms, buildings,
Grafton Pack #152 has many things to offer boys in grades Grafton Town Hall, located at 17109 Avon Belden Rd. (Rt. buses, etc. Staff members are serving many new students. It
one through ?ve. In scouts, boys make life-long friends, earn 83) at the corner of Rt. 303 & Rt. 83 in Grafton. is a transition week and it has gone very well.
awards, build self esteem and have the opportunity to par-
ticipate in many activities and events. Scouting is a family Subject: Coalition To Reroute Nexus. We would also like to take a moment and congratulate
friendly organization, so siblings are welcome at most activi- those being recognized by the Midview Athletic Hall of Fame.
ties. Most of our meetings are on Tuesdays in the hall of Our Reverse Raffle/Steak Fry This group includes: David DiFranco (Class of 2004), Lisa
Lady Queen of Peace Church. You can sign up at the Scout fund-raiser Dominguez (Class of 2002), Ben Elwell (Class of 2000), Don
Information Night on Wednesday, September 9, at 7 p.m. in Schaly (Baseball coach 1961-63) and the Midview 1988-89
Midview North cafeteria. For additional information or to boys Basketball team. This group will be recognized Friday
sign up, email the Pack at [email protected]. night at halftime of the football game and of?cially induct-
Contact us soon so you don’t miss out on any of the fun! ed on Saturday, September 5. Congratulations to all of you!
BAND GOLD CARDS Rescue K911 is having a Reverse Raf?e & Steak Fry fund- Have a great week!
raiser on Saturday, October 17, at 6 p.m. The event is at Graf-
Midview Band members will be in uniform canvassing ton VFW Post #3341, located at 783 Huron Street, in Grafton. Mr. Scott Goggin, Superintendent, Midview Local
community neighborhoods on Saturday morning, from 10 Tickets are $50 per person and only 100 tickets will be sold. Schools
until noon, offering a discount card for a $10 donation. The Tickets are available by calling (440) 666-0749 or through
card offers yearlong discounts at many area businesses. This paypal: [email protected]. [email protected] Twitter: @scottgoggin
is an annual fund-raiser for the Marching Blue.
Steak dinner includes salad, baked potato, vegetabla, roll, Grafton-Midview Library
PARADE OF BANDS dessert and 2 drink tickets. Grand prize is $1,000. Side Boards
The second annual Midview Parade of Bands will show- and a 50/50 raf?e will also be held. All money raised goes to The Grafton-Midview Public Library is always working
case eight area bands on Saturday evening, September 19, in the rehoming of bully breed dogs in need. to sponsor quality programs. For accurate planning, please
Adelsberg Stadium. Scheduled to perform are Columbia, be advised most library programs require registration. To reg-
Clearview, Firelands, North Ridgeville, Olmsted Falls, our ister, call 926-3317, or visit the library at 983 Main Street in
own alumni band and the Marching Blue. Tickets are $6/ Grafton, or visit their website at
adults, $4/students and senior citizens and children 5 and un-
der are free. Show time is 7 p.m. Come for a wonderful night Babypalooza - Wednesdays, September 9, 16, 23 from 10-
of music and entertainment. 10:30 a.m. Join us Wednesdays in September for this short
READ BETWEEN THE WINES The August 27 Midview cations. The funded projects and lively program for babies (from birth to 3 years) and their
Board of Education meeting include music needs, send- caregivers. Babypalooza is a great way to introduce baby to
Come join the Friends of the Grafton-Midview Public was held in the East Inter- ing students to see a play the world of stories using songs, rhymes and lap bounces.
Library for an evening of food, wine and friendship at their mediate LRC due to an open in Cleveland, language art Register your wee one today!
Read between the Wines event on Thursday, October 1, from house at West Elementary. projects, bringing COSI to
Janet Winslow was delayed the campus and purchasing Community History Group - Wednesday, September 9,
and Dave Kleinhenz was not molecule manipulatives for 6:30 p.m. Please join us at GMPL for discussions and re-
in attendance. The Midview science classes. search of our community’s history. Topics will be focused on
Beginner Archery Lessons Endowment Fund Commit- A second presentation the upcoming Grafton Bicentennial. Call the Library for more
tee presented a ceremonial details, 440-926-3317 or email at
Indian Hollow Archers check for more than $20,000, announced to the board was
which will fund or partially that Kim Kaufman, a math GMPL Writers Bunch (formerly Writer’s Group) - Tues-
fund 11 of 13 projects for teacher at East Intermedi- day, September 15, 6-8 p.m. GMPL Writers Bunch is uplifting
ate, was named Mathematic
which they received appli- Teacher of the Year by the
Greater Cleveland Council Since 1983
of Teachers of Mathematics.
Board member, Tom To- Restaurant
THANK YOU masheski, commented he & Pub
has heard a lot of positive
The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. Hinkson-Hysell feedback regarding the new Rt. 57 Grafton
Post #3341 in Grafton, Ohio walking paths created on the
Midview campus. The paths 926-2621
THANK the following sponsors who connect and encompass the
buildings and other facilities
made our golf outing a HUGE SUCCESS! on the campus. The paths
were made possible by a “Brigid’s Cross” Returns!
The following is a list of hole sponsors for the 2015 Golf Outing: $47,000 grant from the Lo-
rain County Board of Health Thursday, Sept. 10 at 7:30 pm
Schild’s IGA Thomas J. Smith Esq. and by the work of the Lo-
MP&A Bob’s Barbershop rain County MetroParks. The Join Paulie & Peggy for an evening of music
Custom Chrome Plating Springvale G.C. paths are open to the public. of all styles... with lyrics you will know!
Town & Country Amber Trucking & Escavating Treasurer Nicole Spriggs Steamed Clams are back!
Pearl Brookpark Car Wash Fabulous Five gave information regarding
Smith & Schmidt Agency Eaton Fabicating the costs of transportation Nightly (while they last)
Nick Abraham’s Barb White for the district. The trans- Watch Facebook for our “Big Bake”
Village Barber Shop North Eaton Dairy Queen portation department cov-
Choo Choo’s Coffee Shop Stanley Industries ers 28 routes, 26 buses and Clambakes coming soon!
Eaton Marathon Krag Churchill DDS two vans, which cover 2046
Tye Loy Racing Stables Terry Financial Services miles per day. Last year, the Tuesdays- Prime Rib Special $11.95
Dynatech Systems Inc Grafton Marathon transportation department Wednesdays- Peach BBQ Pork Tenderloin $14.95
Village Jewelry and Repair Mark Cummings Agency traveled 368,280 miles in
Poggemeyer Design Group Karen Kramer DDS daily routes and an addition- Thursdays- T-Bone Steak Special $18.95
Nancy’s Diner North Olmsted VFW al 23,244 miles in not route Friday Early Bird- Perch Fry 4-6pm $9.95
General Plug Shamrock transportation. The district Dinners include choice of house salad or soup and a side.
Open Tues - Sat from 4pm
GLW Broadband The Unicorn
Kevin & Gail Flanigan Burnett’s Septic Service
Midview Drug Blackburn Duke Funeral Home
LaGrange IGA LaGrange Olde Towne Barbershop
LaGrange Village Pizza Route 20 Powersports
Pristine Landscapes The Rural Urban
Post 3341 Ladies Auxiliary Clete & Lois Johnson
Diamond Products Bruce & Ralph
Rich & Susan Taylor Laubenthal-Mercado Funeral ome
Mike’s Stone Kathy Bash
Dave Marty CTS
Pulito & Associates Jack Sparks
J Bak (Stan Pijor) Univision
Dave & Rich Luzier Barb & Jerry
Multi Flo (Steve Carpenter) Smith’s Dairy
Olmsted Ice Schwebel’s
Eckrich Nickel’s Bakery
Brentwood G.C.
A Special Thank You to all who donated door prizes, food and re-
freshments to our outing, as well as to all who volunteered
their time to make our outing a success.
casual unions of writers of all genres who help other writers Midview Class of ‘80 reunion RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 Page 13
hone their abilities through honest and helpful evaluations. It
is open to all genres and skill levels. Bring snacks to share and The Midview Class of 1980’s 35th class reunion will be Medina Historical Society
come enjoy a unique fellowship of like minds. held on Saturday, September 12, on the patio at Wolfey’s Bis-
tro and Pub, 1069 E. Broad Street, in Elyria, beginning at 7 Have you ever wondered about the meaning of symbols
Winterizing Your Yard - Thursday, September 15, 7 -8 p.m. Classmates will have the choice of ordering something located on tombstones? This question will be answered by
p.m. The last two winters have been extremely tough on Ohio to eat if they wish, or patronizing a cash bar. Please forward Terry Hart’s presentation “Symbols on Tombstones - Their
yards. This year, get your outdoor gardens and yard squared this information to as many classmates as possible and post to Background and Meaning” on Saturday, Sept. 12. The 2 p.m.
away to help save yourself both money and severe plant loss. anyone’s FB wall. meeting will be held at the Medina County District Library,
Laura Mould, from Don Mould’s Plantation in North Rid- 210 S. Broadway St., in Medina. The event is open to the
geville will discuss everything from fertilizing your lawn to 4th annual Rainbow Bridge Walk public. Call Pat Morgan at (330) 725-7540 if you would like
pruning up those roses and making sure you have all the right more information.
equipment to take care of your outdoor winter preparations. A loss of a pet can be heart-breaking. Many wish they had
Seating is limited, therefore prompt registration is encour- a way to honor and remember that relationship. The 4th an- Do you have a local business?
aged. nual Rainbow Bridge Walk on Sunday, Sept. 20, provides an
opportunity for pet owners who have lost a pet to come and You should be advertising in
Teen Advisory Group - Wednesday, September 16, 6-7 walk across the Rainbow Bridge. The Rural-Urban Record
p.m. Become a member of the Teen Advisory Group and help
plan upcoming activities and events for the Library. Volunteer Mike Kovack, Medina County Auditor, is sponsoring the Call us for affordable rates at
at special events and help out with Children’s programs. Ap- event at Buckeye Woods Park, 6335 Wedgewood Rd. (State 440-236-8982
plications are available at the Reference Desk any time or can Route 162), in Lafayette Township in Medina, from 1-3 p.m.
be completed at the meeting. Admission is free. McConnell Ready Mix is a full service Ready
Mix Concrete supplier servicing the Northeast
Teen Movie Night - Thursday, September 17, 5:30-8 p.m. “We encourage anyone who has recently lost a pet to at- Ohio area. We service Residential, Commer-
Scorch Trials hits theaters September 18. Watch another big tend the walk,” said Kovack. “We have embraced this event cial, Industrial or Government projects of any
screen version of one of your favorite books here! Voting for because our of?ce has a special connection with dog owners size. For ordering and delivery of Ready Mix
the movie you would like to watch runs through September with our dog license program.” Concrete or just a quote for your project call
12. Log onto to vote for the movie you
want to see and register for this fun night. The walk over the bridge symbolizes the pet’s walk to a 440-458-4325.
wonderful new home after it passes away. It is a place with McConnell Ready Mix
Cowboy Action Shooting by The Firelands Peacekeep- no sadness or fear. The actual bridge will be decorated with 37540 Butternut Ridge Road • N. Ridgeville, OH 44039
ers - Sunday, September 20, 2-3 p.m. Howdy, prospective ?owers.
cowboys and cowgirls. Old Iron Hip and Kit Colleen of the [email protected]
Firelands Peacekeepers will share some of their Wild West “For many pet owners, this trip across the bridge at Buck-
knowledge on the Single Action Shooting Society. Presenters eye Woods Park brings comfort,” said Char Arthur, founder
dressed in their western ?nest, they will show and tell about and coordinator of the Rainbow Bridge Walk. “It is a time to
many of their ?rearms. Learn about various quick-draw com- share stories and pictures of pets.”
petitions, including black powder categories, and discover
what types of ammo are used in matches. All ages are wel- Attendees should feel free to bring other pets, but they
come. Registration required. should be leashed at all times. A pet blessing will be per-
formed by Deacon Joe Loutzenhiser from St. Francis Xavier
JACK MATIA Catholic Church. Sheryl LoSchiavo Strock, Clinical Man-
HONDA ager of HMC The Robertson Bereavement Center, will also
be on hand to share a prayer and offer information on pet
New & Used bereavement services.
Other activities for the afternoon include a short memorial
440-366-5501 service, various remembrance activities and a 1-mile Tribute
Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria
It has been requested that attendees bring dog or cat food
New and Certi?ed Hondas donations for the Medina County Pet Pantry. This organiza-
All Models - Used Cars tion provides pet food for pet owners who may be experienc-
ing ?nancial dif?culties.
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5
For more information, to submit an online tribute and to
complete the requested registration form, please log on to
Fall Fun For All at GMPL
Tuesday, Sept. 15 at 7PM
with Laura Mould from Don Mould’s Plantation
Learn the proper way to prune, prep and preserve
your yard for Ohio’s Winter blasts!
Prompt registration is encouraged.
Just for Teens!
Thursday, Sept. 17, 5:30-8PM
Vote for your favorite movie to watch by going to
our website until Sept. 12.
Popcorn, snacks and refreshments will be available.
Registration required.
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 6-8PM
Celebrate all things Doctor Who at GMPL with
activities, games and a TARDIS photo booth,
plus refreshments!
Registration required.
983 Main St., GraOon
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 connect in a speci?c neural the brain to grow and con- to produce more white mat-
circuit for reading, which nect, increasing the power ter. White matter works to-
It was good to meet many of you this year at the Lorain is very challenging.” Just of brain tissue. According gether with gray matter and Advertise in
County Fair. Congratulations to the Fair Board for running like muscles in the body, to the Alzheimer’s Asso- is responsible for sending The
another successful event. the brain bene?ts when it ciation, keeping the mind sensory and motor stimuli Rural-Urban
is pushed beyond its nor- active through reading can to the central nervous sys- Record
At the fair, I was asked many questions about county gov- mal abilities, and reading strengthen connections be- tem to stimulate a response.
ernment. There is a clear misunderstanding about which oper- is a great way to push those tween brain cells and build Healthy white matter keeps
ations the Commissioners have authority over in our county. limits. up brain cell reserves. Men- the central nervous system
First, the commissioners don’t run the county fair. It is run by tal activity might even gen- working effectively and may
its own board. Many also believe that the county Commis- But the bene?ts of read- erate new brain cells. All of reduce risk of learning dis-
sioners run the Lorain County Metro Parks. Again, this opera- ing do not stop there. Read- these factors can reduce the abilities as well as impaired
tion has its own levy and has its own board making decisions ing can help reduce stress, risk of Alzheimer’s disease motor functions.
about the parks. In addition, some are lead to believe that the bene?tting the body in and dementia.
Commissioners are somehow responsible for the operations numerous ways. A 2009 The educational ben-
of Lorain County Rural Water. Once again, we are not. University of Sussex study According to a paper e?ts of reading are widely
found that turning to a good from researchers at Carne- known. But reading also
There is also confusion about Commissioners having any book can be an effective gie Mellon University, read- provides a host of other ben-
say in the actions of various county elected of?ces. We only relaxation strategy when ing can stimulate the brain e?ts.
approve the budgets for the of?ces of your county elected of- things become too stress-
?cials. How they spend their money after we approve their ful. Reading ?ction can
budget is their decision. The decisions they make are their stimulate the imagination
decisions. We can certainly express concerns about spending and distract a person from
or decisions, but they are ultimately responsible to you, the the stressors in everyday
taxpayer. life. Choosing a humorous
or uplifting story can boost
In my short time here, I have found our elected of?cials mood and help people relax,
easy to work with and always trying to ?nd ways to be more particularly when reading
ef?cient and effective. We must work together to deliver before bedtime.
county services within budget.
Reading also can help
Several “Lundy Listens” of?ce hours have been held and men and women get a bet-
more will be announced. You can contact me at 329-5301 or ter night’s rest. People who
by email at [email protected]. I work for you and I are accustomed to reading
look forward to serving you. books before going to bed
actually train their mind and
Exploring the amazing health body for relaxation. Picking
benefits of reading up a book can send signals
that it is time to settle down
It can be hard for some tual bene?ts of reading, in- and get ready for sleep.
people to pick up a book dulging in a good book can Health experts often recom-
when there are so many also boost physical health. mend developing a sleep
distractions at the ready. According to Ken Pugh, routine to people who strug-
But while books might not PhD, president and director gle to fall asleep at night,
be as ?ashy as the latest of research at Haskins Lab- and reading for 30 minutes
must-have gadget, they can oratories, which is devoted before bed each night can
provide bene?ts that might to the science of language, be an integral part of such
surprise even the most avid when a person is reading routines.
readers. “parts of the brain that have
evolved for other functions Research has shown that
In addition to the intellec- reading and engaging the
brain in other ways, such as
through intellectual games
and puzzles, can stave off
dementia. These activi-
ties stimulate the cells in
Museum Open House Creative Writing for Homeschoolers - Wolf Creek Envi- RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 Page 15
ronmental Center - 2-3:15 p.m. Nature will serve as the in-
The Belden Historical Society invites anyone interested in spiration for homeschoolers who want to improve their writ- [email protected]
history to its’ Open House on Sunday, September 13, from ing skills. We’ll imitate the styles of skilled authors and use
2-4 p.m. The Museum is located on the northwest corner of patterns to write poetry. Free for Medina County residents. LCHS fund-raiser
St. Rts. 303 and 83. There is a $3 fee per student for non-county residents. This
class is for students in grades three to six. The classes are The Women’s Association, an af?liate group of The Lorain
Belden Historical offered individually (9/17, 10/8 and 11/19), but build upon County Historical Society (LCHS), is pleased to announce
Society meeting one another to develop skills. You may register your child for that its annual Porch Sale fund-raiser will be held on Septem-
all three sessions if you know he/she can attend all three or ber 11, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and September. 12, from 9 a.m.-1
The Belden Historical Society invites its members, and register for just one or two classes. Each student should bring p.m. at The Hickories Museum, 509 Washington Avenue, in
members of the community that are interested in local his- a writing journal and a thesaurus if possible. Part of the class Elyria. This event is a fund-raiser for the Women’s Associa-
tory, to its meeting on Wednesday, September 9, at 7:30. As may be outdoors so dress appropriately. Ages 8-12. Register tion, which helps support LCHS. Please contact LCHS at
always, we will meet at the Museum on the northeast corner by October 7. (440) 322-3341 for more information. This event is open to
of St. Rt. 303 and 83. the public.
Saturday, October 10:
Sheriff’s Department Healthy Strides - Carolyn Ludwig Mugrage Park - 9-10 Workshop Players presents...
Incident Report a.m.
Migratory Bird Banding - Wolf Creek Environmental The Nuns are back (by popular demand)! The Nunsense
The Lorain County Sheriff’s Department has released their Center - 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Bird banding is a scienti?c research Vegas Revue, by Dan Goggin and directed by Dave Stacko,
incident report for Grafton Township for August. method that studies bird behavior and movements and pro- takes the sisters on a brand new adventure.
vides valuable information about avian populations and mi-
August 9 - Assault - Knowingly Harm Victim - Cowley gratory patterns. The data, collected through bird banding, is A parishioner volunteers to donate $10,000 to the sisters’
Road. critical to identify contributing factors affecting populations school if they will perform in a club in Las Vegas; Mother Su-
in both winter and summer habitats and the establishment of perior (Pat Stein) is hesitant to accept. However, convinced
August 11 - Attempted Self Destruction - Giles Road. needed conservation efforts. Join licensed Bird Banders Gary by the other sisters (Becky Linder, Emmalea Linder, Kristina
August 14 - Criminal Trespass - Haystacks Lane. and Jill Fowler at Wolf Creek this fall to learn more about the Rivera and Debra Rose) that “what happens in Vegas, stays in
August 17 - Juvenile Unruly - Dellwood Road. signi?cance of bird banding and see how it is done. Please Vegas,” Reverend Mother agrees.
August 20 - Runaway - Missing Person (Juvenile)- Dell- note that bird banding is weather variable and may not be
wood Road. done if it is raining or snowing. Signs will be posted at Wolf What follows is the most feather-?lled, sequin-studded,
August 20 - Theft - State Route 303. Creek to let you know if bird banding is occurring and to di- fan dancing Nunsense show ever! Performing in The Pump
August 25 - Domestic Dispute - Dellwood Road. rect you to the banding location. All ages welcome. No regis- Room at the Mystique Motor Lodge, the sisters experience
August 26 - Domestic Dispute - Dellwood Road. tration required. Free. show-biz like never before.
August 27 - Speeding- State Route 83 near State Route Sat. & Sun., Oct. 10-11:
303. 31st Annual Pioneers in the Park Festival - Buckeye “It’s a whole lot funny and a little bit naughty, but there
August 29 - Assault - Knowingly Harm Victim - State Woods Park - 12-6 p.m. Take a trip back in time at Buckeye ain’t nothin’ dirty goin’ on!”
Route 83. Woods Park! Come and see demonstrations of pioneer crafts,
August 29 - Domestic Dispute - State Route 303. skills & encampments, enjoy the sounds of bluegrass & dul- Performance dates are September 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25
August 30 - Domestic Violence - Knowingly Cause Physi- cimer music, watch an old-fashioned baseball game and try & 26 and October 2 & 3 at 8 p.m., with Sunday matinees
ca Harm - Law Road. your hand at pioneer games & activities. Don’t miss out on on September 20 & 27 and October 4 at 3 p.m. Tickets are
this unique and fun-?lled event! Pioneers in the Park is Stop $15. For groups of 10 or more, tickets are $13 and may be
Belden UMC Midweek Program #1 on the Medina County Fall Foliage Tour. All ages wel- reserved online at or by calling
come. No registration required. Free admission. the box of?ce at (440) 988-5613. Box Of?ce hours are 9 a.m.
The Connections program for students pre-school through Spooktacular Weekends - Susan Hambley Nature Center to 7 p.m.
eighth grade will begin on Wednesday, September 16. A ten - 12-5 p.m.
minute opening at 5:30 p.m. will be followed by sessions in Tuesday, October 13: The Workshop Players is located at 44820 Middle Ridge
crafts, games and Bible stories throughout the evening. Din- Homeschoolers Outdoor Education: Bats! - Buckeye Road, in Amherst. For more info., email contact@workshop-
ner is included at 6 p.m. as part of this free program. Pick-up Woods Park - 10-11:30 a.m. or 1-2:30 p.m. Where do bats go or visit
is at 7:30 p.m. Teens are welcome to attend as helpers for the in the daytime? How many mosquitoes can a bat eat in one
younger groups. Connections will be cancelled if Midview night? Just how small is the smallest bat in the world? Join us Liverpool Historical
Schools are closed due to weather conditions. All children to learn the answers to these and more questions through bat Spirit Walk
are welcome to enjoy this program. Please call the church of- games and activities. Be prepared to go for a hike. Ages 7-12.
?ce at 926-2209 if you have questions. Registration will remain open until the program is ?lled. Free Step back into time while spirits from Myrtle Hill Cem-
for Medina County residents. There is a $3 fee for non-county etery bring to life their tales of earlier Liverpool Township
The church is located at 36130 St. Rt. 303, about 1/8 west participants. and Valley City. Liverpool Township Historical Society and
of St. Rt. 83. Wednesday, October 14: Buckeye Community Theatre proudly announce their 6th an-
Nature Through the Seasons - Susan Hambley Nature nual Historical Spirit Walk on Saturday, September 26. Six
Medina County Park District Center - 10-11 a.m. This series consists of easy walks that new stories from the 19th and 20th Century will be reenacted
explore our different parks while observing the unfolding of as you are led from gravestone to gravestone. This event is
Saturday, October 3: nature throughout the seasons. These hikes also count toward excellent for the entire family. Children, parents and grand-
Hiking for the Health of it - Allardale West (meet at the the Natural Discoveries program, an award-based hiking se- parents will enjoy hearing of times past and learn some his-
parking lot) - 9-11 a.m. This is a hiking club for those adults ries. See our website for details about that program. Ages 7 to tory while having fun! The stories are suitable for all ages
who can hike 4-5 miles at a brisk pace. Walking trails can be adult. No registration required. Free. and not scary. The park is handicapped accessible and some
mildly strenuous with a limited amount being off trail. Please Friday, October 16: seating is available at each story. This event will be held rain
dress for the weather and be sure to have appropriate foot- Northeastern Ohio Live Steamers: Halloween All or shine. In the event of rain, all stories will be under cover
wear. Ages 10 to adult. No registration required. Free. Aboard! - Lester Rail Trail - 6:30-8:30 p.m. Bring your fam- and seated. For more information, go to
Sat. & Sun., Oct. 3 & 4: ily and friends out for this “spooktacular” event! Members of or call (330) 483-3038 or (330) 242-1541.
Susan Hambley Nature Center - 12-5 p.m. Join us for our the N.E.O.L.S. miniature railroad group will offer free train
not-so-scary Spooktacular Weekends throughout the month rides during this special park program. Children are encour- The Spirit Walk will be at Mill Steam Park, 1258 Maple
of October. Each weekend, the nature center will be deco- aged to wear their costumes, but for safety, please avoid long, Street, in Valley City (on Rt. 303, turn north at the Valley City
rated for Halloween and a different spooky creature will be ?owing garments. Gates will close promptly at 8:30 p.m. or Fire Station). Tours will commence every 15 minutes starting
featured. There will be crafts, stories and lots to see. The ex- when the parking lot is full, whichever comes ?rst. All ages at 6 p.m., with the last tour at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $5/adults
citement will culminate with our Treats on the Trail program welcome. No registration required. Free. and $3/children 12 and under; free for 5 and under. Tickets
on Halloween! All ages welcome. No registration required. Saturday, October 17: will be available at the Park, with advance sales at Buehlers
Free. Hiking for the Health of it - Hubbard Valley Park - 9-11 - Brunswick/Forest Meadows/River Styx and PNC Bank in
Sunday, October 4: a.m. This is a hiking club for those adults who can hike 4- Valley City.
Natural Discoveries Hiking Series: Rocks and Fossils 5 miles at a brisk pace. Walking trails can be mildly strenu-
of Medina County - Princess Ledges Nature Preserve - 3- ous with a limited amount being off trail. Please dress for the SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
4 p.m. Natural Discoveries is a series of free nature-themed weather and be sure to have appropriate footwear. Ages 10 to
programs designed for ages 7 to adult. Participants in the adult. No registration required. Free. Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
program who complete certain hike requirements are eligible Northeastern Ohio Live Steamers: Halloween All programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
to receive awards. See the Natural Discoveries link on our Aboard! 2-4 p.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m. Bring your family and 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
website for award details. From an ancient sea to massive friends out to Lester Rail Trail for this “spooktacular” event! The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
glaciers, Ohio’s geologic past is quite fascinating. It’s hard Members of the N.E.O.L.S. miniature railroad group will of- drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
to imagine that sea creatures, giant dragon?ies, dinosaurs and fer free train rides during this special park program. Children If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
wooly mammoths all lived here at one time. At this program, are encouraged to wear their costumes, but, for safety, please
we will talk about the geology of the area as well as the pre- avoid long, ?owing garments. Gates will close promptly at ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE CANCELED.
historic animals that once lived here. Ages 7 to adult. No reg- 4 p.m. for the Saturday afternoon session and 8:30 p.m. for These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
istration required. Free. the evening sessions or when the parking lot is full, which-
Thursday, October 8: ever comes ?rst. All ages welcome. No registration required. 9/07 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
Preschoolers in the Garden: Let’s Grow Bulbs! Krabill Free. and coffee for participants.
Shelter - 10-11:30 a.m. Do you know how onions, garlic, and Saturday, October 24: 9/08 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed by
tulips are alike? They’re all bulbs! Some plants are grown Once Upon a Forest - Plum Creek Park North - 5-8 p.m. Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for participants.
from seed and others, like garlic, from an underground bud Join Medina County Park District and Medina County District 9/10 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for those that have
with roots called a bulb. Join OSU Master Gardeners and Library for this unique and enchanting experience. Firebirds reservations. If unable to attend,
learn about the different types of spring and summer ?ow- will be your guides as you travel along the dimly-lit trails of please remember to call and
ering bulbs. We will make a garlic shoe box for planting at Plum Creek forest to meet some delightful characters with cancel by noon.
home, glue together a bulb collage and learn how to plant interesting tales to tell. At the end of the trail, join us in the 9/11 at 2:00 pm Senior Card
bulbs in the ground. For ages 3-6 with an adult companion. shelter for some creative fun with crafts and activities. This Club with pop and snacks for
Some or the entire program may be held outdoors; please program is being held in tandem with the Brunswick Hills participants.
dress accordingly. Register by October 7. Free. Fireman’s Association annual Halloween Bon?re. Parking 9/14 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee
is available at Plum Creek South, where you can enjoy the Club. Movie with free donuts and
bon?re activities and then catch a haywagon ride over to the coffee for participants.
start of the trail to meet your Firebird guides. Haywagons will 9/15 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed by
return you to the south side of the park when you are ready. Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for participants.
All ages welcome. No registration required. Free. 9/18 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015
CLASSIFIEDS *2-Week Special for Garage/Rummage Sale Ads &
Personal Items For Sale: $14. (15 words or less) (No Breeders,
Get the Job Done! Dealers, Agents or Businesses.) DEADLINE: WED. 12 NOON
ANNOUNCEMENTS ELECTRONICS 3 Easy Ways to Place Your Classi?ed - Phone: 440-236-8982 | 1-800-941-3099
Fax: 440-236-9198 Mail: Rural-Urban Record • P.O. Box 966 • Columbia Station, OH 44028
Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? DISH TV Starting at $19.99/ CLASSIFIED RATES: • Personal ads $10/15 words or less. 10¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 (*personal ads only).
Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-re- month (for 12 mos.) SAVE!
lieving brace -little or NO cost Regular Price $34.99 Ask • Business Classified $12/15 words or less per week, 10¢ per word after 15. • Special Set-up (Centered & Capped)
to you. Medicare Patients Call About FREE SAME DAY In-
Health Hotline Now! 1- 800- stallation! CALL Now! 877- $13/15 words or less per week,10¢ per word after 15. • Display advertising $16/column inch. Reaching Over
419-3684 648-0096 Number of weeks ad runs: 1 2 3 4
21,000 Households
ITY BENEFITS. Unable to month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Please print - All information below is needed to process your ad. Mail to: Rural-Urban Record•P.O. Box 966•Columbia Station, OH 44028
work? Denied bene?ts? We Regular Price $34.99 Ask
Can Help! WIN or Pay Noth- About FREE SAME DAY In- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
ing! Contact Bill Gordon & stallation! CALL Now! 877-
Associates at 1-800-208-6915 477-9659 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
to start your application to-
day! EVENTS 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
APPLIANCES Holding a Carnival! Fair! Fes- Mastercard & Visa Accepted. Card #:
tival! Jubilee! Promote it to
Good clean used appli- over 1 Million readers for only Expiration Date: 3 Digit # on back:
ances. Call Bill Bakers, $200!!! Visit www.midatlan-
440-322-2325. for more details NAME PHONE
or call 800-450-7227.
Mike’s Hooker Service. We SIGNED
pay top dollar for all un- Seasoned Firewood, $200 a
wanted cars, trucks, vans. cord or $80 a truckload, deliv- GARAGE SALES HELP WANTED LEGAL NOTICES
Free pick-up. Pay cash. Call ered. 440-371-6821
Mike, 216-534-6514. Brighton Barn Sale: 23884 St. HELP WANTED - VAN/BUS DRIVER Legal Notice of property sold
FOR RENT Rt. 511. Sept. 3-4, Sept. 10-11, in accordance with 5321.01
CASH FOR CARS: Cars/ 9-6pm. Antiques, tools, farm The Lorain County Veterans Service Commission is seek- ET Sec of revised code: Ten-
Trucks Wanted! Running or 2-Bedroom Apartment in Graf- primatives. ing to ?ll the following position. Please contact Director, Terry ant has till 09/24/15 to pay in
Not! We Come To You! Any ton. No stairs, security depos- Stone at (440) 284-4623 for more information. full. Contents of unit will be
Make/Model. Instant Offer - it, no pets. 440-343-5898. Estate Sale: 12033 Eaton Blvd., sold at private / public sale or
Call: 1-800-569-0003 Grafton. Fri., Sept. 11, 9-5pm; Van/Bus Driver disposed / destroyed. Public
Affordable apartments in La- Sat., Sept. 12, 9-2pm. No early Transporting Veterans to and from their VA medical appoint- Sale 09/26/15 @ 9 AM @ A Af-
DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK Porte: Spacious 2BR units, sales. ments at the Wade Park VA Medical Facility, Parma VA Out-Pa- fordable Self Storage @ 38333
OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR close to 480. Starting at $535/ tient Clinic and the VA Out-Patient Clinic in Lorain. Chestnut Ridge Rd., Elyria,
THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Va- month. 1st month rent free. Sept. 11-13, 9am-6pm. 17785 OH. Timothy Long, 131 Park
cation, Tax Deductible, Free Call 440-323-7067. Island Road, Grafton. Electric DESCRIPTION/DUTIES: Meadow, Apt. K, Elyria, OH
Towing, All Paperwork Taken lift recliner, furniture, Fenton 1. Part-time employee; hours vary between 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 44035: D-12, Misc.; Tawanda
Care Of. CALL 1-800-895- AFFORDABLE / AVAILABLE glass, reel mowers, mens p.m., Monday through Friday. Closed on holidays. Allgood, 144 Irondale, Elyria,
7416 Attractive 2Bdr. and womens clothing & much 2. Responsible for picking up Veterans at their home or at a OH 44035: B-3, Misc.; Leslie
apartment up, misc. designated pick up location to transport to VA medical appoint- Begany, 601 Cornell Ave.,
Got an older car, boat or RV? in Grafton. ments, then return to pick up location. Elyria, OH 44035: L-5, Misc.
Do the humane thing. Donate $600/Month Sept. 12, 9-5pm. 143 Georgette 3. Coordinate schedule with Transportation Coordinator.
it to the Humane Society. Call Drive, Grafton. Exercise equip- 4. Other duties as required at the discretion of the Lorain LOTS & LAND FOR SALE
1- 800-758-2204 +Security Deposit ment, furniture, electronics, County Veterans Service Commissioners and/or Director.
No Pets household items and much ADIRONDACK HUNTING
BREAST CANCER! Help Unit- Call for more info. 1. Veteran with an honorable or under honorable conditions
ed Breast Foundation educa- 440-935-4788 Two house Moving Sale. Sept. discharge, 111 ACRES - LAKE ACCESS
tion, prevention, & support 4-7, 9-5pm. 12112 Indian Hol- (required to provide DD-214). - $195,000
programs. FAST FREE PICK- Columbia Station. Quiet coun- low Road, Grafton. Treasures 2. Resident of Lorain County.
UP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX try living in a beautiful park- and keepsakes for all. 3. Previous driving experience with a clean driving record. 144 ACRES - TROPHY DEER
DEDUCTION 855-403-0213 like setting. Spacious 1216 Must be insurable. - $249,900
sq. ft., 2Bdr. ranch duplex with HALLS FOR RENT 4. Must be able to lift 50 lbs., to assist Veterans on and off
Donate your car to Veterans den / of?ce or 3rd small bed- van when needed. 131 ACRES - LAKEFRONT
today. Fast - FREE pick up. room. Fireplace, appliances, AMVETS POST 32 - $349,900
100% tax deductible. Call 1- a/c, detached garage. Pets 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria Drivers: No-Touch! Get Home, Wanted: Part-time help 20-30
800-709-0542 negotiable. Photos, details on Get Paid! Excellent Pay Per / hours per week, possible op- 3 hours NY City! Survey, $850 plus utilities. Capacity: Hall-250, Wk! Strong Bene?ts Package portunity for more hours. yr round road,
TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any 440-236-3759 Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 Including Bonuses! CDL-A 1yr. Weekdays 11-8, some Satur-
Car/Truck, Running or Not. Available for all occasions exp. 877-704-3773. days and Sundays 11-5. Ap- g’teed buildable!
Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800- Elyria: 1 month free. $100 secu- plicant must be self-motivated Financing avail!
454-6951 rity deposit. Newly remodeled Call for pricing I need someone with a roto- and capable of lifting stock up 866-495-8733 Wood-
2 bedroom town homes with and availability tiller. Took down a chain-link to 70 lbs. No prior experience
CASH FOR CARS, Any Make new carpet, ceramic tile and 440-458-8544 fence and need the perimeter necessary. Apply in person
or Model! Free Towing. Sell hard wood ?oors. Appliances of my yard tilled and made at Aquatic Technology, 26966 LENDER ORDERED LAND
it TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800- included. Call 216-347-6775. COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL ready for grass seed. Please Royalton Road. 440-236-8330 SELL OFF!
864-5784 25-150 Capacity call Suzanne, 440-864-7851.
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS FOR SALE Catering Available Mechanic: Penske is hiring 5 TO 144 ACRES
440-236-3323 Diesel Mechanics in Norwalk, Masonry step repairs, brick FROM $8,900!
Advertise to 500,000 Homes SOLD3 New, in boxes, Poulan chain- OH. All experience levels! work, stone veneer, tuck-point-
with a business card size F.O.P. LODGE #54 Competitive pay, comprehen- ing, retaining walls. No job too Lakes, streams, State Land,
ad. You choose the area of saws, 18”, 20” and 22”. $100 Capacity 150-175 sive health benefits, retire- small. Pannell, 440-610-2541. cabins, views!
coverage in free community and up. 440-865-8606 Catering Available ment & more! Experience in
papers...we do the rest. Call 36854 Royalton Rd. repairing and troubleshooting HORSES G’teed buildable!
800-450-7227 or visit macne- Mandarin Mahogany with (1 mile East of Durkee) engines, electrical, brake, Terms avail! Call Birch inlays dining room transmissions and cooling Boarding Wanted: Experi- 888-738-6994 or NewYork-
set. 2 host and 4 side chairs. Grafton, Ohio systems is a plus. Apply: enced / responsible rider
ADVERTISE to 10 Million Lighted hutch. Table ex- 440-653-7227 / careers. looking for facility w/indoor
Homes across the USA! Place tends to 104x54in. $1300, Call: Penske Truck Leasing, arena and pasture T/O. Long LENDER SAYS SELL!
your ad in over 140 commu- 440-647-1647 FULL park with restrooms, 3 855-200-4631. term. References. Call / text 5 acres - $14,900
nity newspapers, with circu- pavilions, air conditioned hall, 216-401-2182.
lation totaling over 10 million Acorn Stairlifts. The AFFORD- for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange NOW HIRING Cooperstown Region!
homes. Contact Independent ABLE solution to your stairs! Lions Club. 440-458-6781. Gibbs Butcher Block Horseback riding lessons. Hardwoods,
Free Papers of America IFPA **Limited time -$250 Off Your -Customer Service / Deli, 24344 Foster Road, Litch?eld,
at danielleburnett-ifpa@live. Stairlift Purchase!** Buy Di- Grafton VFW. Call from Days (11-7 shift) and 330-603-5955. Beginners-ad- apple trees, beautiful setting!
com or visit our website cad- rect & SAVE. Please call 1- 9:30-11:30 a.m. Monday-Fri- weekends. Must be vanced. Jumping lessons Low taxes, for more informa- 800-410-7127 for FREE DVD day. 440-926-3341 reliable & good with people. available. Indoor & outdoor
tion. and brochure. -Part-time meat cutter. arena. Trailering to shows g’teed buildable! Won’t last!
HELP WANTED Must have experience! available. Call 888-479-7997
CLEANING Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert -Looking for someone to
for Seniors. Bathroom falls Caregivers needed: Home In- grill on Saturdays 10am-5pm. LAWN & GARDEN SO. ADIRONDACK LAKE-
3 Chics and a Broom: Green can be fatal. Approved by stead Senior Care in North Rid- Please stop in to apply: FRONT PROPERTIES!
Cleaning. Let us spiff you up! Arthritis Foundation. Thera- geville is seeking experienced 9858 East River Road GREENPIECE 50 ACRES - 3 CABINS -
Licensed, bonded and insured. peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch people who wish to make a Personalized $199,900
440-355-6639. Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip difference by helping seniors Columbia Station landscape restoration. 51 ACRES - LODGE -
Floors. American Made. In- in their Lorain County homes. Fall & Senior discounts. $399,900
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s stallation Included. Call 1- Share your companionship Nursing Assistants: Offering Trees, beds and lawns.
needs are different. We spe- 800-906-3115 for $750 Off and home making skills with a new wage scale. Medina Top soils and mulches. Less than 3 hours NY City
cialize in catering to what your an elderly person who needs Meadows is seeking full-time 440-458-5551 and 40 mins
needs are. Call Marcie today Check out our one-on-one non-medical assis- & part-time STNAs. Our STNAs from Albany!
for your free assessment ap- Website for additional tance. No certi?cation needed. enjoy 8-hour or 12-hour shifts! JACK’S STUMP REMOVAL
pointment at 440-213-7527. P/T day, evening, weekend and Medina Meadows is a 5-star & LAWN CARE Call 888-431-7214 or tour
Over 13 years experience. Garage Sales overnight shifts available. If home with excellent staf?ng Free Estimates at WoodworthLakePreserve.
you are interested, please ratios and a friendly environ- 440-281-6970 apply at www.homeinstead. ment. We offer very competi- 440-506-8647 com
com/690. tive rates and bene?ts, includ- 216-410-7106
GARAGE SALES ing annual uniform benefit, PETS
Construction crew person health insurance and paid TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser-
EDUCATION 16385 West River Road, Co- needed. FT with bene?ts after time off. See why both our vice. Complete tree removal, All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster
lumbia Station. Sept. 10-12, 90 days. DL and reliable trans- staff and residents say “It’s so trimming, root feeding and Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509.
The path to your dream job 9am-4pm. Clothes, girls / wo- portation required. Must be easy to call Medina Meadows cleaning. Fully insured. FREE Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
begins with a college degree. mens shoes, misc. household, able to pass drug screen and Home.” Apply in person, email ESTIMATES. Firewood for exercise yards, custom care.
Education Quarters offers a farm & tools, motorized wheel- background check. Call Steve [email protected] sale. 440-236-3061. $15 per day. Grooming now
free college matching service. chair, desk & chairs, bowling at 440-371-3112. or fax resume to 330-725-8322. available.
CALL 1-800-375-6219 items, girls toys and more. Medina Meadows, Attn: Ilana
Drivers: Great Pay, Facter, LNHA, 550 Miner Drive, “DOGS
AVIATION Grads work with 30-year diecast collection. Bene?ts, Home Time. Medina, OH 44256. ON
JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and Selling out JL’s, HW’s, ERTL’s. Lots of work & Miles. No THE
others- start here with hands 1000 Greenwich Avenue, Graf- GO”
on training for FAA certi?ca- ton. Sept. 5,6 & 7, Sept. 12-13, Layoffs.
tion. Financial aid if quali?ed. 11am-5pm all days. CDL-A 1 Yr. OTR Exp. Professional Pet Sitter
Call Aviation Institute of Main- Loving care for your
tenance 866-453-6204 Pet Friendly. pets while you are
1-800-831-4832 x1406
at work or away.
Insured & Bonded
Call Jill: 440-322-7929
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 Page 17
SALES & SERVICES WANTED TO BUY Concrete Construction Custom Buildings, LTD
SMALL DUMPSTERS CASH for sealed, unexpired Driveways • Sidewalks (Built By Amish)
for roo?ng, remodeling, etc. DIABETIC TEST STRIPS/
STOP SMOKING PRODUCTS! Walkways • Aprons & Quality Buildings At
Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump Free Shipping, 24hr Pay- Affordable Prices
Truck work available ments! Call 1-877-588-8500, Basement/Garage Floors
Espanol Available www.Test- • Horse Barns • Garages
440-926-3446 440-236-9000
Wants to purchase minerals
UPHOLSTERY and other oil and gas inter- Hart Free COMMERCIAL
ests. Send details to P.O. Box Estimates
DAN’S UPHOLSTERY 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 Blacktop •Driveways RESIDENTIAL
over 30 yrs. experience 330-359-0463 FREE
CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for ESTIMATES
Full Upholstery unexpired, sealed DIABETIC
Cushion Re?lls TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAY-
Furniture Repair MENT.1-800-371-1136
Call for free quote
on re-upholstery
Antiques Wanted! Buying 800-619-7808 (24 hours)
contents of Estates, houses, Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours)
attics and barns. We pay well.
440-506-7738 [email protected]
Buying guitars, banjos, old DISCOUNT CEMENT NOVAK CONCRETE, INC
ampli?ers, guitar parts, faxo- CONTRACTORS, INC.
phones, accordians, drums, Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks,
basses, horns & most older Driveways, Patios, Drainage Garage Floors, Stamped
musical instruments. Call Waterproofing, Excavating Concrete, Waterproofing
Mike, 330-367-7100. Masonry, Tuck Pointing,
Exposed Aggregate Pads 440-748-6217
440-748-3197 Quality Service since 1989
N. Ridgeville Office
Concrete & Excavating J.A. Kilby Electrical
ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
WORK & DECORATIVE New Work-Replacement-Repairs
STAMPED CONCRETE WORK •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
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DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE APPLIANCE • SALES & SERVICE 14000 Pearl Rd • Strongsville at Pearl & Rt. 82 •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
SALES & SERVICE, INC. All Major Brands Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 800-589-6532 NEW-USED-SERVICE •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
WALK-IN PARTS COUNTER •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation 1-800-317-1966
433 OBERLIN RD. 440-327-3433
EQUIPMENT Residential - Commercial
440-322-8170 COMPANY, INC. Industrial - Farm
Board • Split Rail • Picket Fence
Contact Us Today! 440-458-4985 • SALES-SERVICE-RENTALS-LEASING Call to schedule your FREE estimate
Phone: 440-327-3131 • Fax 440-327-6266
. Archer & Sons, Inc3654 Avon Lake Rd William M. Miller • 330-466-4012
H .Litchfield, Ohio
24 Hour Emergency Service
Commercial & Residential Hauling COLUMBIA MARATHON
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Phone: 330-722-8444 Repairs
Fax: 330-722-4531
24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station
Toll Free: 1-888-560-3533 440-235-6642
Shopping Center Maintenance Co. KAZMIERCZAK CONSTRUCTION
Driveway Seal Coating FREE
MODERNIZE Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding
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Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes
KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619
Save 10%
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With Coupon
Expires 9/30/15
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Present coupon at time of estimate
COMMERCIAL & Topsoil •Black Leaf Humus •Sweet Peet Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason
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•Gravel •Boulders •Flat Rock Repairs from $75.
Home Remodeling: Bathrooms, Basements & Kitchens Also: •Straw •Sand •Limestone •Grass Seed
Roofing,Siding & Windows Plus: Decks, Fences & Storage Barns Picked Up or Delivered 440-748-3259 Casey Williamson
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440-864-5161 Licensed, Bonded & Insured BENEDICT ROOFING
34020 Royalton Rd. Eaton Twp. Family Business for Three Generations
•Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior 1-888-524-4544 Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949
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Murder Mystery Train ride Proceeds will bene?t Mane Stride’s scholarship program, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015 Page 19
operations and equipment needs for special needs children
Climb aboard the historic Lake Shore Railways train at and adults. ODOT news
46789 Ohio Rt. 18, in Wellington and enjoy a Murder Mys-
tery Theatre presentation, "On Track for Murder!" For more information or to purchase tickets, please call US Route 20:
Becky Farmer at (440) 864-4471. US 20, east of the LaGrange Road interchange, is reduced
Someone has been murdered, but can you ?gure out who- to one lane of traf?c for bridge repair work. One lane of traf?c
dunit? A wealthy young man, whose family owns the Lorain Rumpke Labor Day will be maintained in each direction. The project is expected
& West Virginia Railway, is getting married to his penniless Collection Schedule to be complete in late October 2015.
?ancée onboard the train. Convinced the young lady is out for State Route 57:
the family money, his parents are against the marriage. Join Rumpke residential waste removal and recycling collec- SR 57, between the Ohio Turnpike and Schadden Road
us for a night of murder, mystery and mayhem. Ticket price tion service will not occur on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 7, in the City of Elyria, is restricted to two narrowed lanes of
includes the train ride, show and dessert. 2015. Service will be delayed one day during the week of the traf?c in each direction for work as part of a major recon-
holiday. struction project. The project is expected to be complete in
The event will be held on September 11 or 12, at 7:30 p.m. August 2016.
Tickets are $30 each for general admission and $50 each for a Monday’s collection will move to Tuesday; Tuesday’s col- State Route 58 - Update:
cab ride. They can be purchased at If you have lection will move to Wednesday; Wednesday’s collection will SR 58, from North Ridge Road to just north of Cooper
questions, Call Director Lyn Crouse at (724) 747-1783. move to Thursday; Thursday’s collection will move to Friday, Foster Park Road, in the City of Amherst, is restricted to traf-
and Friday’s collection will move to Saturday. Regular collec- ?c as part of a resurfacing project. The majority of work will
All proceeds bene?t the Lake Shore Railway Association. tion will resume the week of Sept. 14. take place from 9 p.m. - 6 a.m. Motorists should expect delays
All ages ride! on this project. The project will be complete by October 30,
Visit for Rumpke’s annual holiday 2015.
Mane Stride Steak Fry schedule. Please contact Rumpke’s customer service with ad- State Route 58:
fund-raiser ditional questions at toll free 1-800-828-8171. SR 58, just north of State Route 18 in the village of Wel-
lington, is shifted as work progresses into the next phase of
Mane Stride, a hippotherapy and therapeutic riding pro- Doggie Doo & Pooch Parade construction for the railroad grade underpass project. One 12-
gram, announces their 2015 Steak Fry fund-raiser on Satur- foot lane is maintained in each direction at all times. All park-
day, September 19, from 6-11 p.m., at the Amherst Eagles, The Oberlin Doggie beginning at 3:30 p.m. on ing will be eliminated north of SR 18 as well. The project is
located at 1161 Milan Avenue, in Amherst. Doo & Pooch Parade is just North Professor Street. expected to be complete by the end of November 2015.
around the corner on Sep- Bring your dog and watch State Route 303 - New:
Mane Stride, a 501(c)(3) non-pro?t hippotherapy and tember 19, from 11 a.m.-4 the parade, or better yet, be SR 303, just east of West Road in Pitts?eld Township, is
therapeutic riding organization established in August 2009, p.m. a part of the parade. The closed for a culvert replacement. The detour route for east-
is located at Equine Differences in Oberlin. This program has Pooch Parade will form up bound motorists is SR 303 to State Route 58, north on SR 58
assisted many adults and children with disabilities in devel- Come see what everyone at approximately 3:15 p.m. to US Route 20, east on US 20 to State Route 301, south on
oping strength and improving balance and coordination, as is barking about on Tappan and will start barking down SR 301 to SR 303, and reverse for westbound motorists. The
well as con?dence and social skills in both our mounted and Square in Downtown Ober- North Professor St. at 3:30 road is expected to reopen September 23, 2015.
unmounted programs. Fund-raising events, such as their an- lin. This event increases p.m. State Route 511/US Route 20:
nual Steak Fry, will allow them to continue providing these awareness of the plight of The State Route 511 ramp to US Route 20 eastbound is
services to people in need. homeless dogs and helps Everyone with a dog is closed for a bridge repair project. The detour route for motor-
people interested in adopt- invited to be in the parade! ists is SR 511 to Oberlin Elyria Road, north on Oberlin Elyria
For only $25 per ticket, the Steak Fry includes a T-bone ing dogs. Many dog rescue Road to SR 301, south on SR 301 to US 20 east. The ramp is
steak, baked potato, salad, roll and keg beer. A cash bar is also groups and local animal shel- “Canine Capers” begin at expected to reopen September 17, 2015.
available. The event also features basket raf?es, 50/50 raf?es, ters attend this event each noon: 12 p.m. - Doggie Idol Taylor Street:
door prizes, a spin-to-win prize wheel and music by DJ Tom year with dogs for people to (Best Singing Dog); 12:30 Taylor Street, at its intersection with State Route 58 in the
and Tom. see and hopefully, adopt! p.m. - Fur Family Fashion village of Wellington, is closed for work as part of the SR 58
Contest (Costumes for Dogs railroad grade separation project. Detour will be posted. The
CONSTRUCTION ALERT Demonstrations and en- & Humans); 1 p.m. - Dance road is expected to reopen in September 2015.
South Amherst Village tertainment will be going on Your Tail Off (Best Danc-
throughout the day. Closing ing Dog); 1:30 p.m. - Best Daisy and Colt seek
On behalf of the Village of South Amherst, Lorain out the day’s activities is Bunch (Dog Costume Con- loving homes
County Engineer Ken Carney announces the closure of the Doggie Doo’s signature test for 2 or More Dogs); 2
Quarry Road, between SR 113 and Middle Ridge Road, event, “The Pooch Parade,” p.m. - Oberlin’s Got Talent Colt Daisy
for the reconstruction of a portion of Quarry Road. (Best Trick); and 2:30 p.m. Sweet Daisy is a beautiful 5-year-old calico kitty seeking
RENT ME! - Coolest Canine (Dog Cos- a new home for her and her cute sister Colt (grey & white).
The road is scheduled to close at 8 am on Tuesday, tume Contest for 1 Dog). Unfortunately, their previous owner had health issues and
Sept. 8, 2015 and is expected to reopen in approximately was forced to give them up. If you would like to give Daisy
30 days, weather permitting. For more information, and Colt a loving, forever home, please call the Friendship
visit Animal Protective League at (440) 322-4321. (www.Friend-
Detour signs will be posted. Your cooperation during giedoo or call the Oberlin
construction is greatly appreciated. Business Partnership at (440) The shelter is located at 8303 Murray Ridge Road, in
774-6262. Elyria. Their hours are from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Monday,
Friday & Saturday; from 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. on Tuesday &
Pequea SL 10 Lime Spreader FIND IT ONLINE Thursday; and from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Sunday. Adoption
fees are $10 for 1 year and older and $40 for less than 1 year
KRYSTOWSKI AT old. All cats have been spayed or neutered, vaccinated, de-
TRACTOR www. wormed and have tested negative for FeLV. Friendship APL is a private, non-pro?t humane society. They depend on the
WELLINGTON OH 44090 generosity and ?nancial support of the public to serve the
(440) 647-2015 people and animals of Lorain County.
Stop in soon for the Best Selection!
440-647-9373 SAT. 10-5 • SUN. 11:30-3:30
MON., THURS., FRI. 10-6
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, September 7, 2015
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