TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
Volume 60, No. 35 Columbia Station, Ohio March 9, 2015
Praised by Keystone Rich Buttolph, Brandon Buttolph and Pam Buttolph.
High School Head Foot-
Krista Halupnik, Madison Cahill, Ms. Parker, Autumn Likes, Danielle Lincicome, Elly Miller, ball Coach Robert Cla- Denny Szalai (center), joined by sister Kathy Szalai
Hailey Tucker, Nicole Kern, Kaitlin Wene, Alex Futo and Beth Cuson (kneeling). rico, Brandon Buttolph and father Dennis Szalai.
has been an outstanding
The Keystone High School Mock Trial Team, led by advisor and KHS teacher Ms. player at Keystone. Cla- An outstanding athlete. Bluffton University be-
Parker, won the annual district mock trial competition at the Elyria Municipal Court- rico comments, “Brandon A leader on and off the cause I liked the fact that
house and will be advancing to the Regional Competition! brought a real explosive ?eld. A hard and dedicat- it is a small school and I
element to our football ed worker. These are ad- was also impressed with
According to the Ohio Center for Law-Related Education, the Ohio High School team. On offense, he was jectives used to describe the coaches.”
Mock Trial competition “offers an innovative approach to learning about law and how our big-play receiver and Keystone High School
our legal system functions. Guided by teachers and volunteer legal advisors, students speed back. Defensively, baseball player Denny Dennis Szalai, Denny’s
participate in an original, unscripted simulated trial written by attorneys. High school he was versatile enough Szalai. As a result of these father, comments “I am so
students argue both sides of the case in real courtrooms across the state.” to play linebacker or cor- outstanding qualities, proud of the decision pro-
ner. Brandon also was an Denny recently signed a cess Denny went through
The mock trial’s state-wide theme this year focused on a violation of the Eighth excellent returner on spe- commitment letter to play to pick this University.
Amendment as a ?ctional juvenile detention inmate ?led suit against the correction- cial teams. Concordia is baseball at Bluffton Uni- He had other offers from
al facility for use of excessive force and inadequate medical treatment. The Eighth getting a top athlete and versity. Denny, a center- quite a few schools, but
Amendment states that excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive ?nes competitor.” ?elder, has been involved he decided on Bluffton for
imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments in?icted by State or Federal Govern- in the sport since he was their academics; his ?rst
ments. Coach Clarico is refer- in kindergarten and has a concern was his studies.”
ring to Brandon’s recent true love of the game.
Preparing to represent the plaintiff, the defense, and to act as witnesses, Keystone signing of a commitment Denny’s Coach, Bert
High School team members Madison Cahill, Beth Cuson, Alex Futo, Krysta Hal- letter to play football at On accomplishing this Fitzgerald, adds “Denny
upnik, Nicole Kern, Autumn Likes, Danielle Lincicome, Ellen Miller, Hailey Tucker, Concordia University in feat, Denny thanks his par- has been a great contribu-
and Kaitlin Wene worked for countless hours after school researching and perfecting Ann Arbor, Michigan. ents for “pushing me and tor to our baseball pro-
their craft. In addition to the stellar group performance, three members earned indi- Playing football for the helping to keep me moti- gram. We look forward to
vidual awards. past ten years, Brandon’s vated. They also showed his leadership as we begin
natural athletic abilities, me how to balance my this season, and we wish
Senior Alexandrea Futo won Best Attorney for the Plaintiff, Junior Nicole Kern combined with his hard classes with my baseball him the best of luck at
won Best Defense Attorney and Senior Hailey Tucker was awarded Best Witness. work, helped him earn events. I chose to attend Bluffton.”
this opportunity.
Congratulations to Keystone High School’s Mock Trial team members and Advi- Carlisle.................. 19 LaGrange............... 10
sor Ms. Kerry Parker. On his selection of Columbia .............. 2 North Ridgeville. ..... 4
and future at Concordia, Eaton..................... 8 Wellington................14
“Health is more about each person’s behaviors than it is about luck,” said David Brandon states, “I chose Grafton...................12 Churches ................. 6
Covell, M.P.H.,R.S., Health Commissioner at Lorain County General Health Dis- Concordia because I re- Grafton Twp.......... 13 PROFILE................... 7
trict. Lorain County Fitness Walks meet weekly in Amherst and Oberlin to get ?t in ally liked the school atmo-
a social atmosphere. sphere and I also love the
location. I plan on major-
Join them at the Lorain County Fitness Walks on Mondays at 5:30 p.m., March 9, ing in Exercise Science. I
16, 23 and 30 at the Lorain County Metro Parks, Splash Zone at 95 West Hamilton feel lucky to have this op-
Rd., in Oberlin, and on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m., March 12, 19 and 26 at the Mercy portunity and would really
Health and Recreation Center at 47160 Hollestein Dr., in Amherst. like to thank my parents
for helping me get here.”
There is no cost to attend and all ?tness levels are welcome. Exercise has been
proven to improve mood, decrease the risk for disease and manage weight. Join Rich Buttolph, Bran-
them to meet people, win prizes and get ?t. don’s dad, attributes his
son’s success to the hard
For more information on the Lorain County Fitness Walks, you can contact the work he puts in on the
Lorain County General Health District at 440-322-6367, visit www.LorainCounty- practice ?eld and in the follow them on Twitter@Lorain CoHealth or ?nd the Lorain County training room. “When
General Health District on Facebook. Brandon started playing
football in the third grade,
his potential was clear.
He used this potential and
worked really hard to be
the outstanding player he
is. His mother Pam and I
are very, proud of him.
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Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 June 4. A project to improve the intersection with Boone Road the Commissioners ?nally decided on how to handle the repair
and SR 82 is scheduled to begin Sept. 24. Boone Road will be of ditches and waterways. They will be using the stormwater fees
CHS Weekly Calendar closed for 60 days. that are already in place, but they will be raising the rate from
$18/year to $24/year. The Lorain County Community Action
Wednesday, March 11: Under Department Reports, there was nothing from the Sher- will meet April 17. The Fiscal Of?cer requested a workshop
2:45 p.m. Spring Sports Pictures. riff. The Zoning Inspector reported one permit issued between meeting to discuss 2015 permanent appropriations and the ?re
7 p.m. Percussion Ensemble Concert - Band room. Feb. 16-27 and it was for an in-ground swimming pool. A viola- department’s ?nances. The meeting was set for Thursday, March
Thursday, March 12: tion letter was sent to CR Homes in regards to their property on 5, at 4:30 p.m.
7 p.m. Band/Choir Concert. Parkwood. The home will be torn down for disrepair. The Zoning
Saturday, March 14: Commission will meet on March 5, at 6 p.m. in the Town Hall. After Community Input, the meeting was adjourned. The next
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday School. They are discussing Business Districts and the Comprehensive regular meeting will be on Monday, March 16, at 7 p.m.
Plan. There are no cases for the Board of Zoning Appeals. The
Columbia K-8 lunch menu Road-Service Director reported minor repairs on equipment that Columbia Historical Society
were handled in-house. He is still waiting for the status of the
For week of March 16: Issue I project. The Fire Chief reported 35 on ?le, 32 on call, 40 The March meeting of the Columbia Historical Society will
Monday: Breakfast - pancakes. Lunch - Choice of walking ?re calls to date and 102 EMS calls. There were 7 mutual aid be held on March 10, at the Town Hall. The program will start
taco, Italian sub, buffalo chicken wrap, chicken Caesar wrap, assists and 6 mutual aid requests. Transport Billing brought in at 7:30 p.m. The program for the evening will be "Behind the
Caesar chicken salad and corn. $14,187.09 for January. The ice rescue class went; there were Scenes of the Columbia Branch Library." This should be an in-
Tuesday: Breakfast - Breakfast Pizza. Lunch - Choice of Mrs. 35 to 40 people involved. The Department is considering other teresting program. All of their meetings are open for anyone to
Butler's chicken O'Patty sandwich, pot o’ gold tots, Italian sub, classes. The annual pancake breakfast is coming on Palm Sun- attend. Social time is from 7-7:30 p.m., with the regular meeting
buffalo chicken wrap, chicken Caesar wrap, Caesar chicken day, March 29. There will be a blood drive the same day from following the program.
salad. 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Chief is continuing to remind residents
Wednesday: Breakfast - Pancake on a stick. Lunch - Choice to keep their ?re hydrants free of snow. COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
of grilled cheese and bacon, Italian sub, buffalo chicken wrap,
chicken Caesar wrap Caesar chicken salad and carrots. Under Old Business, the Trustees voted to approve a contract Columbia Station
Thursday: Breakfast - Pancake. Lunch - Choice of popcorn with Securtec One, Inc. for the ?re suppression system in the V.F.W. Post #9340
chicken w/roll, Italian sub, buffalo chicken wrap, chicken Caesar new service garage.
wrap, Caesar salad and green beans. 25742 Royalton Rd., Columbia Station
Friday: Breakfast - French Toast. Lunch - Choice of Bosco The Trustees are planning an Open House for the residents
Sticks w/sauce, Italian sub, buffalo chicken wrap, chicken Cae- to see the new service garage; March 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (440) 236-3323
sar wrap chicken Caesar Salad and mixed vegetable. will be for public of?cials and Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday),
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. will be for the public. FISH FRIES
Columbia Trustees Meeting
After further study on the traf?c cameras, it was decided that Every Friday now until April 3rd
The Columbia Township Board of Trustee met on March 2 they cannot be used for Columbia because they must have a full-
at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall with all three trustees present and the time sheriff deputy to operate them and the sheriff cannot give FEATURING:
Fiscal Of?cer, Jackie Ramsey. The minutes of the Feb. 17 meet- us anyone. The cemetery colubarium is still being considered. Hand- Breaded, Fresh Lake Erie Perch!
ing were accepted as written and the Trustees voted to pay the
bills and payroll. The bills amounted to $41.989.54 and the pay- Under New Business, the work needed to ?x the ?ooding prob- also available - Baked Scrod,
roll amounted to $44,823.86, bringing the total to $86,813.40. lem around the library will be started when the weather breaks. Walleye, Butter?y Shrimp &
The receipts totaled $16,349. Grants for the engineering and landscaping are being procured. Macaroni & Cheese Dinners
The trustees voted to put a new cemetery rule in place. Private ~Also Yummy homemade desserts!~
Correspondence was read. ODOT sent a list of the State vaults and colubariums not authorized by the Trustees will not Dinners include Baked Potato or French Fries,
Route closures for the 2015 construction season. Three projects be permitted. The Trustees discussed the Township’s insurance
will affect Columbia Township. A slide repair project .36 miles liability coverage limit. They feel that they are adequately cov- Coleslaw and Rolls.
south of SR 82 will require a 90-day closure. It is scheduled to ered and will leave it as is. Two bids are being put out. One is for
start June 4. A culvert replacement on SR 252 north of River the 2015 machinery rental and the other is for road materials. The Serving from 5-8pm
Glen Drive will require a 21-day closure. It is scheduled to start bid openings for these items will take place April 6. Mailboxes
in the Columbia Reserve Subdivision are being damaged by the Carry-outs Available
snowplows because residents did not follow directions for the
speci?cations. Letters were sent to homeowners and letters were PUBLIC WELCOME!
sent to the developers. The Township will not replace mailboxes
which were not correctly installed. Mailboxes must be set back
24 inches from the road surface.
Committee Reports
Mr. Cunningham reported that the Lorain County Township
Association will meet on March 19 in Pitts?eld. The Rocky
River Watershed Council will meet on April 29 in the Medina
Library. Mr.Heidecker reported that the Southwest General Hos-
pital Board will meet March 25. NOACA will meet March 12.
The Health Board will meet March 5. Mr. Musto reported that
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 Page 3
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 For more information about the Lorain County Chapter of Sean Garrow is the son of Robin and Marti Garrow and the
OGS, contact Pete at (440) 967-8002 or Margaret at (440) 323- brother of Shane, Corey and Hayden. For the past four years
Fish Fries 5080. Sean has worked hard to achieve all he can with the opportunities
he has been given at CHS. Sean has been on the honor roll for
VFW Post #9871 will be hosting Fish Fries at the Post home, George seeks loving home the past two years at CHS and has volunteered as an of?ce aide.
6805 Lear Nagle Road, in North Ridgeville, every Friday during Sean has been an active member of concert and marching band.
Lent from 4-8 p.m. They will be serving lake perch, shrimp and George is a 6-year-old front George He has tutored younger musicians and has volunteered to play
pierogies with coleslaw and French fries. Prices vary according declawed Russian Blue lap cat. tered, vaccinated, dewormed at our biannual senior citizens breakfasts held at the high school
to combination orders. He'd love to cuddle and watch and have tested negative for twice a year. Sean has been a member of Jazz band and pep band.
tv with you. He would be best FeLV. Friendship APL is a Sean holds down two after school/summer jobs at Abercrombie
Dine in or carry-out is available. Call the Post for pick-up as the only cat in a home with private, non-pro?t humane & Fitch and as a lifeguard manager for Hastings WaterWorks.
orders at (440) 327-4068. Everyone is welcome. adults; dogs are okay, but no society. They depend on the Sean participates in both school and community theatre and has
children please. If you would generosity and ?nancial sup- been in six productions throughout high school and is president
North Ridgeville Library like to give George a loving, port of the public to serve the of the CHS drama club. Sean plans to attend Capitol University
forever home, please call the people and animals of Lorain and triple major in Art therapy, Art Education and Psychology.
Straight 6 Dixie Music Program - Hear a variety of Dixie- Friendship Animal Protective County.
land jazz on Sunday, March 15, from 3-4 p.m. Come sing along League at (440) 322-4321. Community Easter Egg Hunt
to popular tunes with Straight 6 Dixie. (
It's a sure sign of spring! The Columbia community Easter
Mystery Book Discussion - Agatha Christie’s legendary de- The shelter is located at Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday, March 28, at Columbia
tective, Hercule Poirot, is back in Sophie Hannah’s The Mono- 8303 Murray Ridge Road, in Community Park. The hunt will begin at 11 a.m. Kids from 2-12
gram Murders. Pick up a copy at the adult information desk. Elyria. Their hours are from are all invited. Please bring your own basket or bag to collect
Adults are invited to discuss this mystery on Wednesday, March 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Mon- your eggs. The event is separated into age groups, so the children
18, at 7 p.m. day, Friday & Saturday; from are participating with others their age. The Easter Egg Hunt is
11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. on Tues- sponsored by Clearview Church, Columbia Baptist, Columbia
Writers Group - Join other writers on Saturday, March 21, at day & Thursday; and from United Methodist, Hosanna Lutheran, New Life Wesleyan, and
2 p.m. The group shares their writing to receive helpful feedback. 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Sunday. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. The entire community and church com-
Come check it out! Pre-registration is required. Adoption fees are $10 for 1 munities are welcome.
year and older and $40 for
Smokin Fez Monkeys Music Program - Hey, hey, a different less than 1 year old. All cats Letter to the Editor
group of Monkeys will be at the library on Sunday, March 22, have been spayed or neu-
at 3 p.m. Returning for their third performance, the Smokin Fez To the Editor:
Monkeys will liven up the library. Come clap your hands, stamp COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 Remembering back to 1955 when I was a child going to the
your feet, sing along and have a barrel of fun. Columbia Public Library and belonging to the Rocket Reading
CHS Students of the Month Club, and now 60 years later, still going to that same library and
For more information or to pre-register for programs, go on- still being caught up in all the reading materials and wonderful
line at or call the North Ridgeville Li- services that are provided.
brary at (440) 327-8326. The North Ridgeville Branch is located Please note that May 5th will be the day when the renewal
at 35700 Bainbridge Road. issue for Columbia Branch Library will be on the ballot. Please
join me and vote YES for Issue #4.
Garden Club meeting Sharon Ruder (Klooz), Columbia Station
The Garden Club of North Ridgeville will meet on March High visibility
10, at 6 p.m., at the North Ridgeville Library, located at 35700 traffic enforcement
Bainbridge Road.
Shelby Friedel Sean Garrow The Lorain County Sheriff’s Of?ce will be conducting high
Their speaker will be Michael Schaefer, Landscape Designer visibility traf?c enforcement for the St. Patrick’s Day holiday.
Extraordinaire at Pettiti's in Strongsville, to help attendees with Seniors Shelby Friedel and Sean Garrow have been chosen This will be an OVI enforcement Blitz from Saturday March 14,
any landscape design questions they may have for their yards. as Columbia High School “Students of the Month” for February. through Wednesday, March 18. Additional deputies will be on
If you are anxious to start thinking about spring and gardening, Nominees are chosen based on the following criteria: Maturity, the road in an effort to reduce alcohol and speed related accidents
you are invited to attend. Citizenship, Behavior and Effort. in selected areas throughout Lorain County.
For information, please call (440) 365-8522 or check the Shelby Friedel is the daughter of Dave and Judy Friedel. Funds recently received from the federal government, in con-
website, Shelby has been very active during her four years at Columbia junction with the State of Ohio through the Ohio Traf?c Safety
High School. She has been a member of Leaders Club, Key Club Of?ce, makes this high visibility enforecment possible. The Lo-
Genealogical Society program and Student Council for 3 years. She has been inducted into the rain County Sheriff’s Of?ce received $27,409.80 speci?cally for
Columbia Chapter of the National Honor Society and has been the series of enforcement blitzes that will be conducted during
“Analyzing and Understanding the US Federal Census,” pre- on the honor and high honor roll throughout high school. Shel- the holidays and other select times in 2014 and 2015.
sented by Deborah A. Abbott, Ph. D., will be the featured pro- by has been a member of the Raider Volleyball and Basketball
gram at the meeting of the Lorain Counyt Chapter OGS on Mon- teams for four years and softball for three years. She has been Areas targeted will include: State Routes 2, 18, 57, 58, 82,
day, March 9, at the North Ridgeville Library, located at 35700 an active member of her girl scout troop her entire school career 83, 113, 301,303, 254, 511 and US 20. These areas were selected
Bainbridge Road. and has participated in CHS Science fairs for three years. Shelby because of incidents of alcohol and accident related violations.
plans to further her education and volleyball career when she at-
This presentation will discuss The Us Federal Census re- tends either Heidelberg University or Thiel College, where she The main goal of these blitzes are to reduce the number of
cords that play one of the most important roles in genealogical will major in psychology. alcohol and speed related accidents, along with seat belt usage, in
research. If used correctly, your ancestors will come alive, but Lorain County. These types of accidents always have devastating
in some cases, these records are not used to their full potential. effects on innocent families.
Most are looking for the names of their ancestors and possible
family members, seldom paying attention to additional informa- Phil R. Stammitti, Lorain County Sheriff
tion that is provided and often missing clues that can lead to other COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
records. This session will help you to look at census records as a
road map to successful genealogical research. IT’S MOWER TUNE UP TIME!!
Social time is at 6:30 p.m. and the program and a general busi- TUNE UP TREATMENT®
ness meeting are at 7 p.m. Individuals with an interest in geneal-
ogy are invited to attend this free program. Lorain County ances- 18-22” Push or Self-Propelled Rear Engine Riders, Tractors, Zero Turn
tory is not a requirement for participation in Chapter events.
from: from:
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Pruning 101 coupon to driver at pick up. No cash value. Not valid with any other offer. Limited to within 15 miles of dealership.
Saturday, March 28, 1-3 pm - North Ridgeville. Fran’s class will cover when to WORCESTER’S
prune, proper scheduling, where to prune on each plant without harm and the
best tool for each job (sharp is important) Your plants will say thank you with
healthy new growth. Class is FREE!
Build a Birdhouse!
Saturday, March 28, 1 pm - $15.
Come join us for an exciting class on our feathered friends! We will learn about
what kind of birds are living in our area and build a house for them from scratch!
Also, we will be learning about nesting kits and what you can use from your own
home to help the birds make their new house more comfortable!
Seeds and all your starting soils
to start planting are in!
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done so far this School Year?
Valley City Fire Department Matzelle, Cassidy O’Steen, Allyson Ross, Tyler Sayles, Austin Stair,
Pancake Breakfast Purchased: 8 Chrome Books for 7th & 8th grade Social Stud- Hope Swartz, Joshua Titherage, Alyssa Wilkins and Sophia Young.
ies classes; Pottery Wheel for the High School Art Department;
Are you ready to get out of hibernation, with the hope that Science Burners for 7th grade Science Class; 3 CD Players & Merit Roll: Abbygale Abernathy, Shane Bland, Jayson Cogar,
winter is fast approaching its bitter end, and enjoy some good Audio CD’s for the Kindergarten classes; Software for Kinder- Kaley Colorito, Tyler Corbett, Ryan Davis, Madison DePaolis, Evin
food. With the sweet smell of pancakes and sausage in the air, garten iPad; Enrichment Software for the 5th grade Math & So- Elliott, Andre Frederick, Joseph Governale, Cayden Keys, Samuel
you are invited to join the Valley City Fire Department for their cial Studies classes; 15 Sets of “24” cards for the 24 Competition; Kleinhenz, Jacob Kobiloinsky, Tyler Moore, Kevin Perrott, Rebecca
annual Pancake Breakfast at the ?re department on March 15, ink cartridge & 4 reams of paper for 8th grade Language Arts. Pritt, Logan Smith, Hailey Spikes, Alex Wells and Zakary Zeinert.
serving from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The menu includes all-you-can-eat
blueberry or regular pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, apple or Trips: 7th & 8th Grade Student Council Reps and Youth to 7th Grade
orange juice, white or chocolate milk, tea or coffee. Cost is $6.50 Youth Organization’s “Kick off for Kindness” Assembly at the High Honor Roll: Brian Barta, Kevin Barta, Julia Ennemoser,
for adults and $5 for seniors and children under the age of 12; Wolstein Center; 2nd & 3rd Graders to STOKER Art Center at Coleman Isner, Sarah Kittelberger, Mackenzie Marx, Fiona Medina,
they are once again offering the family plan - two adults and all LCCC for the “Fly Guy” theater production; $500 towards 6th Joshua Morlock, Rose Sikorski, Alexis Speck, Lauren Stone, Jared
children under 12 for $20. grade Outdoor Education; $500 towards 7th grade Stone Lab Swartz and Sophia Vozar.
trip; $500 towards 8th grade Washington DC Trip. Honor Roll: Sydney Berg, Sarah Conway, Morgan Davis, Mi-
The ?re department is located at 6700 Center Road, in Valley chael Dunn, Michael English, Angelina Furyes, Tracy Groleau,
City. For more information, call (330) 483-3811. Events: Kindergarten Ice Cream Social; Trick or Treat Street; Amelia Hritz, Amelia Jessen, Payton Krase, Casey Medina, Laci Ri-
Copopa Art Gala; Santa Shop; Kalahari overnight trip; Movie ley, Emma Roberts, Andrew Saki, Megan Seitz, Karlie Smick, Juliet
“Gardener of the Year” to Night; Re?ections Fine Arts Competition. Smith and Riley West.
speak at Garden Club Merit Roll: Alexander Beach, Thomas Cassidy, Jeffery Corri-
Looking Ahead: $3000 in College Scholarships awarded to gan, Benjamin Gehr, Carson Heidecker, Tyler Hicks, Mason Jakubi-
The Valley City Garden Club will hold their monthly meeting High School Seniors; Kindergarten ?eld trip to Cleveland Aquar- sin, Zoie Jarem, Haley Keenan, Jacob Kile, Brittin Nadeau, Kevin
on Thursday, March 19, at 7 p.m., at Emmanuel United Church ium; 1st grade ?eld trip to the Cleveland Zoo; 4th grade ?eld trip; Schaef, Stephen Stansberry, Logan Szuch, Karl Tallos and Michael
of Christ, located at 6656 Center Rd., in Valley City. The program 5th grade ?eld trip; High School Art students to the Cleveland Verbus.
will be “Gardening Through the Years,” by OAGC’s Regional Art Museum; CHS Honors Pizza Party; Teacher Appreciation
Director, Gisela Mattingly. Gisela was named the Ohio Associa- Lunch; Laugh Olympics; Dome Theater Experience for Copopa 8th Grade
tion of Garden Club’s “Gardener of the Year” for her award-win- & CMS; End of the Year Staff Breakfast. High Honor Roll: Jennifer Boey, Benjamin Champagne, Dani-
ning gardens in Chippewa Lake. Guests are welcome! If you are elle Gerda, Emma Gill, Serena Goode, Andrew Perrott, Annie Sprin-
interested in joining VCGC, or want more information, call Pat We could not accomplish this without YOUR support and kle and Ambriel Stair.
at (330) 483-4449. The club offers many interesting speakers, dedication. Thank you for enhancing the educational experience Honor Roll: Blake Berkowitz, Jared Bycznski, Bailey Coleman,
demonstrations and ?eld trips. of all our children. Brandon Coleman, Alexis Corbett, Matthew Dixon, Courtney Faber,
Jillian Grzywna, Jordan Hawley, Allysia Leap, Stephanie Makowski,
CHS OGT Testing CMS Honor/Merit Roll Kelsey Palmer, Ryan Petit, Savannah Roberts, Danielle Roginsky,
Adam Ross, Parker Sabol, Benjamin Skowronsky, Carissa Temple-
Columbia High School sophomores and upperclassmen that 5th Grade ton, Emily Titherage and Logan Wos.
have not passed the OGT’s were mailed a letter on Wednesday, High Honor Roll: Andrew Champagne, Meredith Chervenak, Merit Roll: Benjamin Alten, Nicole Ballachino, Justin Bell,
February 27, explaining OGT testing for the week of March 16. Luke Goodnough, Dominic Governale, Joshua Hickman, Chloe Samantha Carrico, Andrew Collins, Jay DeLisle, Griffen Edwards,
10th graders and upperclassmen who have not passed the OGT’s Isner, Owen Menge, Jessica Morlock, Rachel Ramsey, Nicholas Robin Hensley, Tyler Hite, Connor Hutchinson, Michael Lovell,
will be taking the required test for graduation. The remaining stu- Reljin, Cole Riley, Olivia Schlauch, Samuel Sikorski, Brooke Speck, Nicholas Milluzzi, Alexa Nadeau, Cole Schwartz, Daniel Sna-
dent body will be on a normal class schedule the entire week. If Jack Stone and Julia Stone. kovsky, Riley Thomas, Lizzabeth Whatmore and Jeremiah Zingale.
you did not receive this important paperwork or have additional Honor Roll: John Bacha, Dante Cirigliano, Starleen Conley,
questions, please contact the school of?ce at 236-5001 for a copy Joshua DeLisle, Drexton Friscone, Melissa Garibotti, Zachary Gei- Rigatoni for Ryan
or download from our website. ger, Elijah Goodman, Jesse Groleau, Keegan Marx, Joshua Miller,
Yanicia Miranda, Cody Nolen, Jacob Pack, Thomas Reljin, Cacey Ryan Egbertson is a typical high school senior at Columbia
CHS Spring Sports Pictures Saki, Alice Salim, Gabriella Stinson, Peyton Taylor, Maya Trujillo, High School and the Lorain County JVS, however he is not en-
Jesse West, Caitlin Wilkins, James Yaroush, Madelyn Yoder and Ga- joying a typical senior year. Ryan has been battling a rare neu-
On Wednesday, March 11, all high school spring sports team/ brielle Zapola. rological disease for the past several months. There is a bene?t
individual pictures will be taken. All participants should receive Merit Roll: Cody Davis, Maximus Drumm, Autumn Hamman, being held on March 28, from 5 p.m.-1 a.m. at the Columbia
order information and a time schedule for team/group and indi- Maya Haoui, Brianna Hicks, Kyerstyne Kniep, Dominic Koci, Jas- Station Eagles Club. The monies raised will be used to help Ryan
vidual pictures from their coaches/advisors. The all senior pic- mine LaCourse, Jordon Lebron, Bryan Spaniel, Gavin Streeter and and his family with medical expenses. A $20 dinner donation
ture, baseball and softball photos will be taken at Columbia Park, Elise Wagner. will include a rigatoni dinner and live entertainment. There will
weather permitting. Please direct any questions to your child’s also be raf?es, sideboards and a cash bar. The Columbia Station
respective coach/advisor. 6th Grade Eagles Club is located at 27201 Royalton Rd., in Columbia Sta-
High Honor Roll: Maya Johnson, Miranda Keller, Ashley Kru- tion. Monetary donations can also be made for Ryan Egbertson at
pinski and Gabrielle Schafer. FirstMerit Bank or sent to P.O. Box 651, Columbia Station.
Honor Roll: Andrew Bartel, Olivia Blakeney, Jenna Butler, Cara
Corrado, Dylan Elliott, Logan Fess, Morganne Fischer, Jacob Flem- For more information, please contact Danielle Berger at (440)
ing, Sergio Garibotti, Cora Gill, Jeffrey Grzywna, Landon Hunt, 221-7339, Carri Shaffer at (440) 667-5053 or Michele Marquard
Averey Lavinder, Conner Lind, Maria Lovell, Michelle Lovell, Julia at [email protected].
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Sugar Ridge Baptist Church United Church of God
12981 Grafton Rd.
The Rural-Urban Record All are welcome at 36600 Sugar Ridge Rd., N. Ridgeville Grafton, Oh 44044
Published Weekly on Monday God’s Table. Sabbath Services Saturdays at 12:30 pm
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter Sunday Worship Schedule All age Sunday School 10 am
Founders 1955 8:30 am Quiet Communion Service
Sunday Worship 11 am & 6:30 pm
Lee Boise, Publisher & President 9:30 am Christian Education for all ages Wednesday Worship 7 pm NORTH
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 10:30 am Communion Service with Music EATON
Mailing Address: Children’s sermon at both services METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH
Located at 24487 Squire Road, Columbia Station 300 3rd Street, Elyria, Ohio 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034 (Disciples)
(440) 322-2126 “We Celebrate Children” Rt. 82 & 83
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198
Email: [email protected] 8:45am Sunday School 440-748-2230
Website: Like us on Facebook 10:00am Worship
Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector 10:35am Children’s Church
News, Pictures and all ads - Wednesday 12 Noon Rev. Delaine McGhee, Pastor Worship Services
“Welcome Home” 8:00am & 9:30am St. Elizabeth
Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ann Seton
50¢ per copy at of?ce; Subscriptions $35 per year Sunday School
Catholic Parish
Our Lady Queen of Peace COLUMBIA UNITED New Life Wesleyan Church 10:45am
Catholic Church METHODIST 25801 Royalton Rd.
CHURCH 11149 West River Rd, Polly Tallos Columbia Station, OH
Columbia Station
Worship Service Christian Ed. & Youth Director Sacrament of Reconciliation
10:30 a.m. SUNDAY 9 AM (Confession)
Bible Study, Adults/Young Adults Rev. Charles A. Butcher
Sunday School Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
SUNDAY 10 AM Pastor Anytime by Appointment
during Worship Service Worship & Children’s Church
Weekend Masses Weekday Weekend Masses
Sat. 4:30pm Mass 25453 ROYALTON ROAD WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM Sat. 5 p.m.
8:00am COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO Adult Study, Women’s Study,
Sun. 8:30 & Chapel Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
Pastor Matt Merriman Teens, Kids Club
11:00am Mon.-Tues. 236-8822 Rev. Jim Carder, 440-236-5095
Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
[email protected] Senior Pastor
Sat. 3:30- Rev. Steven Spaeth,
4:00pm Associate Pastor
440-236-8600 LUTHERAN CHURCH
~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~ 38307 W. Royalton Rd,
Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57)
Chicken Paprikas Dinner “Hope for the World” Sunday
Adult Bible Study
The ladies of the Altar and Rosary Society of Saint Ag- Pen?eld Community Church is having a special ser- Sunday 9:15am
nes Parish will hold their annual Chicken Paprikas Dinner vice on Sunday, March 15, at 10 a.m. At “Hope for the Sunday Worship 10:30am
on Palm Sunday, March 29, from noon to 3 p.m. in the World”Sunday, Buddy Mullins: former Gaither Vocal Children’s Sunday School
church hall, located at 611 Lake Avenue, in Elyria. Tickets Band, Sunday Drive, and recent inductee into the Gospel 10:30am during Worship
are $12 for adults, $5 for children 6-12 and children 5 and Music Hall Of Fame, will lead worship and share about his Church ph: 440-748-2154
under are free. The meal includes chicken paprikas, home- ministry. The church is located at 40775 State Route 18, in Preschool ph: 440-748-3445
made dumplings, salad, bread and butter, dessert and a bev- Wellington.
erage. Carry-outs will be available. Rev. John Ramsey II
Strongsville Historical Society
Steak Fry Pittsfield Church Fish Fry
The Strongsville Historical Society’s winter fund-rais-
You don’t have to wait until summer to enjoy a savory, er Luncheon Style Fashion Show will be on March 14 in The Pitts?eld Community Church, located at the corner
tasty steak fresh off the grill with a ?avorful baked potato. Don’s Pomeroy House in Strongsville. Doors open at 11:30 of St. Rt. 58 and 303, is having a Fish Fry on Friday, March
First Baptist Christian School of Elyria is sponsoring its an- a.m. and lunch begins at noon. Fashions will be by Chico’s 13, serving from 5-7 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults and $8 for
nual Steak Fry. Your meal will also include a roll, salad, Southpark; hair by Today’s Headlines. Price is a donation ages 7 -12; under age 6 is free. Carry-outs will be avail-
dessert and beverage for the low cost of $16. Kids hot dog of $38; call 440-238-0000 or 216-403-9226. able.
meals will also be available. You can eat in or pick up your
meal to go, between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., Saturday, March Proceeds will be targeted for restoration and renovation Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner
21, at the school, located at 11400 Lagrange Rd., in Elyria. projects in the Historic Village. Learn more about the “Vil-
The steak fry bene?ts the sports programs at First Baptist lage” on or call 440- East Oberlin Community Church is hosting a Corned
Christian School. To purchase your ticket, call (440) 458- 572-0057. Beef and Cabbage Dinner with red potatoes, carrots, dinner
5185 or (440) 748-4537. roll, beverage and dessert. They are located at 43709 Ober-
LCCC Masterworks Concert lin-Elyria Road, in Oberlin. They are hosting this event
Community Dinners from 11 a.m. until the food is gone on Tuesday, March 17.
Lorain County Community College’s 36th annual Mas- Cost of the meal is $12 per person for adults, $6 for children
Community Dinners will be served from 5 to 6:30 p.m. terworks Concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, 6-12 and free for children 5 and under. Carry-out or dine in;
the second Saturday of each month at the Grafton United March 14, in the Stocker Arts Center Hoke Theatre. they can deliver locally in the Oberlin area. If you have any
Methodist Church, located at 973 Mechanic St., in Graf- questions, please contact the church of?ce at 440-774-3443
ton. The next dinner is March 14. All are welcome at no The concert will feature the newly composed major work or Chris Vough at 216-299-5372 (please leave message if
charge. “Requiem for the Living,” by Dan Forrest. The concert will no answer).
be performed by the Civic Chorale, Collegiate Chorale and
Olde Towne Theatre presents... Civic Orchestra and conducted by Nancy Davis, Director Nut & Poppy Seed Roll Sale
of choral music performance.
Olde Towne Hall Theatre presents Children of Eden. It St. Vincent de Paul Altar & Rosary Society is taking nut
is a frank, heartfelt and often humorous examination of the The ?ve-movement work creates a beautiful rich musi- and poppy seed roll orders until March 13. Rolls are $10
age-old con?ict between parents and children, freely based cal tapestry and evokes peace, rest and eternal light. The and can be picked up on Friday, March 27, and Saturday,
on the “Book of Genesis.” With meanings on a number of second movement is entitled “Vanity of Vanities” and re- March 28, from noon to 6 p.m. in the hall below the church,
levels, the story of Adam and Eve re?ects on earthly fami- sembles the rhythmic percussive style of Orff’s “Carmina located at 41295 North Ridge Rd., in Elyria. It is elevator
lies, their immediate challenges and their generational lega- Burana.” Photos from the Hubble Telescope, which Forrest accessible.
cies, covering topics from parenting, personal responsibil- described as “images of God,” were the inspiration for the
ity, rebellion and intellectual independence, to overcoming Sanctus (Holy) movement. To place Elyria orders, call 324-3090 or 324-2622. To
family dysfunctions. place Lorain orders, call 282-8255.
The concert program will also include: “I Will Lift Up
The theatre is located at 36119 Center Ridge Road, in Mine Eyes” - John Rutter; “Lacrymosa” - Mozart, Requi- Pierogi & Strudel Sale
North Ridgeville (just west of Rt. 83). Tickets are $15 for em; “Wondrous Love” - arr. Parker/Shaw; “Hark, I Hear the
adults and $12 for seniors and children. Show times are Harps Eternal” - arr. Parker. The Pierogi Sale at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church,
Sunday, March 8, at 3 p.m. and Friday & Saturday, March located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station,
13 & 14, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $8 and may be purchased online at www. continues through March 26. Orders need to be called in or at the Stocker Arts Center box of- by Monday, March 9, for pick up on Thursday, March 12;
Call for reservations at (440) 327-2909. You can also ?ce by calling (440) 366-4040. and order by Monday, March 23, for pick-up on Thursday,
visit their website at March 26. Pick-up times are from 2-6:30 p.m. The piero-
gies are $8 a dozen; an 8" strudel strip is sold for $5. Pierogi
Laubenthal Funeral FUNERAL HOME ?avors are potato, potato/cheese, sauerkraut, ricotta cheese,
Services 2089 Columbia Road prune, apple and cabbage. Strudel ?avors are apple, cherry,
Valley City, OH 44280 cheese and blueberry. Forms may be found in the entrance
Offering Forethought way or you may fax your order to the church at (440) 236-
Funeral Pre-Planning 330-483-3300 5804 or call the church of?ce with your order at (440) 236-
5095 between 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m.
LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO “Understanding When
Needed Most” Free Easter Service Listings
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 Attention area churches: The Rural-Urban Record is offering FREE Easter Church Service listings in a special
Pre-Need Planning Available section of our March 30, 2015 issue. If your church does
LOCAL FAMILIES COMMITTED TO SERVING OUR COMMUNITY not receive a form to ?ll out from us in the mail, please call
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance (440) 236-8982 and we would be happy to take your info-
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled mation over the phone. We will publish your Easter service
DAVID BOGNER information (limit of 5 lines) for free.
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record
of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. --Corinthians 13:4-7
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 Page 7
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Certi?ed Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) F: 440-774-3407 Oberlin, OH 44074
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 To help older adults remain independent, LCOA provided welcome to play Wii®, Play- food and talk about their time
bene?ts screenings and counseling to more than 442 aging and Station® and board games at in the kitchen. Pre-registration
C.L.U.P. meeting disabled county residents. Plus, to help seniors address environ- the library. Pre-registration is is required.
mental hazards and remain independent and safe in their homes, required.
The Eaton Township Comprehensive Land Use Plan Com- LCOA completed 947 heavy chores and provided regular house- Adult Book Discussion
mittee will hold a meeting on Thursday, March 19, at 7 p.m. at keeping services to 157 at-risk older adults. Cookbook Discussion - A - Pick up a copy of When Brit-
the Eaton Township Town Hall, 12043 Avon Belden Road. delicious, gluten-free book ain Burned the White House:
Seniors report that LCOA has had a positive impact on their discussion is taking place The 1814 Invasion of Wash-
Special Meeting lives. Some 92% of older adults receiving Meal Assistance re- on Thursday, March 19, at 6 ington by Peter Snow. Adults
port the program enabled them to remain independent in their p.m. Make a recipe from The are welcome to discuss this
Eaton Township Trustees will hold a Special Meeting on Sat- homes. Another 69% of older adults report that their health has Gluten-Free Table: The La- book on Monday, March 23 at
urday, March 14, at 9:30 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to improved through the meal assistance program. gasse Girls Share Their Fa- 1 p.m.
discuss Road & Bridge staf?ng. vorite Meals by Jilly Lagasse
The Lorain County Of?ce on Aging, located at 320 North and Jessie Lagasse Swanson. For more information or to
Eaton Township Trustees Gateway, in Elyria, can be reached at (440) 326-4800. The re- Copies of the cookbook are register for programs, call the
sources are there to help our county’s older adults. available at the library. Bring library at (440) 236-8751. The
Eric Schmiedlin your dish to the library. Ev- Columbia Branch is located at
The March 3 Trustees Meeting began with the Pledge of Al- In the spring, we will begin our “Lundy Listens” sessions on eryone will sample all of the 13824 W. River Road North in
legiance, then Trustee Matt Hignett called the ?rst meeting of county issues. In the meantime, I can be reached on county is- Columbia Station.
March to order. Roll Call showed that Trustees Jason Monschein sues at 329-5200 or [email protected]. I look forward to
and Randy Houston were also present. Fiscal Of?cer Fran Walk- serving you. COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
er was absent due to a death in her family. Township Secretary, COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8
Ann Miller, sat in to take the minutes and ask for the votes.
The minutes for the Feb. 3 meeting were approved, followed Columbia Library events
by the approval of the Feb. 17 meeting minutes. Under book-
keeping, Purchase Orders 65-67 were approved, as was blanket Fire Safety Story Time - Teen Game Night - Get
P.O. 27. Account No. 4091 was increased by $43,306 for the pur- Come hear “Fire! Fire!” Said competitive on Wednesday,
chase of the ?re truck. Next, line items totaling $43,311 were ap- Mrs. McGuire and learn all March 18, at 6 p.m. Teens are
proved and approval to pay bills totaling $38,215.04 was given. about ?re safety on Tuesday,
There was no correspondence. March 10, at 10:15 a.m. Ev- BRING Eaton Township
Assistant Administrator Richard Knechtges reported that the eryone in attendance may lend THE
Lorain County Storm Water District will fund maintenance costs a hand in making a giant card Fire & Rescue Department
for ditch cleaning projects thru awarded 2015 grants. Easements to give to local ?re?ghters. FAMILY!
are being sought from ?ve property owners along the Hale Har- Pre-registration is required. at the Intersection of Rt. 83 & Rt. 82
rington Ditch (between Hawke and Cooley Roads).
The County Planning Commission is recommending that Family Pizza And Movie Annual All-You-Can-Eat
township zoning commissions do not prohibit sludge ponds, Night - Enjoy a PG-rated mov-
since they are regulated by the state. The state does not consider ie where everybody’s favorite Spaghetti
them unsafe or a nuisance. frog looks suspiciously like an Dinner
The books and crayons for the 3rd grade recycling program international criminal. Bring
have been delivered to the Midview West Elementary School. the whole family t on Tuesday, & Raffle
The ?eld trips to the Republic Recycling Center have been March 10, at 5 p.m. Everyone
scheduled. will enjoy dinner and a family Saturday, March 14,
Fire Chief Robert Resar reported that there have been 113 friendly hit movie. Pre-regis- 4-7 pm
calls year to date. 50 calls were made in Feb. (up 5 from last tration is required.
year), 42 calls were EMS and 9 were ?re related. EvCGSeheRr(A1iynEl2oddiA&noruTeerUlstnWPnsd6eRel2$cI$3r+C6o).5Em.$05Se!
There was no Storm Water Management Committee report, Make A Duct Tape Tech
nor was there a report from the Park Board. Case - Teens, celebrate Teen Dinner Includes:
A mapping project report indicated that the new CLUP map Tech Week™ on Wednesday, All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti
should be ready for approval at the next CLUP meeting on March March 11, at 6 p.m. Bring your
19. favorite electronic mobile de- Salad • Garlic Bread
The meeting was adjourned at 7:47. The next regular meeting vice and create a customized Ice Cream • Beverage
will be on March 17 at the town hall on Rte. 83 at 7:30 p.m. case for it. Pre-registration is Plus 2 Free Tickets for
Like many of the 87 other counties in the state, Lorain County Prize Drawings!
has an aging population. Often I meet residents who aren’t aware Story Time For Babies -
of the Lorain County Of?ce on Aging. While this is not directly Learn and have fun with your DRAWINGS FOR LOTS OF GREAT PRIZES!
a county of?ce, it is designated as the county of?ce on aging. babies at story time on Thurs-
We, as Commissioners, provide the of?ce with building space, days, March 12 and 19, at 2
utilities and phone. p.m. Caregivers are invited to
bring babies, under two years
Recently, the Lorain County Of?ce on Aging released some old, to enjoy stories, music
impressive programming highlights that I wanted to share with and more. Pre-registration is
you. First, more than 9,000 aging individuals and other adults required.
with special needs received services in 2014. During the recent
holiday season, holiday cheer food baskets were provided to 488 Construction Party - Dig,
low-income households. Throughout 2014, nearly 30,000 bal- build and tear down on Thurs-
anced and nutritious meals were provided for home-delivered day, March 12, at 6:30 p.m.
meals and the senior dining program. Come paint a playhouse. Also
take a drive down Construc-
tion Boulevard and knock
down a few skyscrapers be-
fore heading home. Pre-regis-
tration is required.
Writers Group - Join other
writers on Saturday, March 14,
at 11 a.m. The group shares
their writing to receive helpful
feedback. Come check it out!
Pre-registration is required.
Magical Story Time - This
week’s story time is all about
magic. Families with children
2-5 years of age are invited on
Tuesday, March 17, at 10:15
a.m. to hear Magic Box by Ka-
tie Cleminson. Kids will also
make their own “rabbit in a
hat” to take home. Pre-regis-
tration is required.
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Sat 8:00 am - 12 noon ELYRIA
Quick Lube - No Appointment Necessary ELYRIA 366-FORD (3673)
Same Day Service Appointments Available LORAIN 233-7402
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Dealer-installed retail tire purchases only, limit one redemption per customer. Tire purchase must be made between 2/1/15 and 3/31/15. Rebate
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Hybrid battery test excluded. Offer valid between 2/1/15 and 3/31/15. Rebate must be submitted by 4/30/15. Rebate by check PURCHASE OF $250
or apply to an adtive Owner Advantage Rewards® account. See Service Advisor for vehicle exclusions, rebate and Owner OR MORE (before tax).
Advantage Rewards details through 3/31/15.
*Subject to credit approval. Complete pur-
chase must be made on the Ford Service
or Quick Lane Credit Card. Mail-in offer.
Offer valid between 2/1/15 and 3/31/15.
Rebate must be postmarked by 4/30/15.
Rebate by check. Cannot be combined
with other Ford Service or Quick Lane
Credit Card offers. Valid at participating
Ford and Quick Lane® locations.
Expires 3/31/2015
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 Page 9
Schild’s LaGrange
540 N. Center, LaGrange
34981 Royalton Road, OH 44050 PRICES EFFECTIVE - MARCH 2015
North Eaton, OH
8 am - 8 pm 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
7 am - 9 pm
8 am - 6 pm PHONE: 440-355-9920
PHONE: 440-748-3751 WIC APPROVED
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 Interim Superintendent Franco Gallo states, “We are eager to Graduate Spotlight
begin this project and look forward to the bene?ts its’ comple-
Lenten Fish Fry tion offers. We also want our taxpayers to understand that the Brianna Keith graduated Brianna Keith
money used to fund this project in no way, shape or form could from Keystone in 2014. She Chorale, Camerata Singers,
Knights of Columbus Father Mitchell Cieslik Council #8369 have been used for the operating costs of the School District. We was involved in many activi- Flute Ensemble, OCMEA and
will be holding Friday Lenten Fish Fries until March 27. Din- will continue to keep our community informed as to the progress ties during her high school SERVE. I have also participat-
ner cost is $11 per adult and $9 for seniors. On the menu is lake of the ?eld house’s construction, and we will also continue to career, including band, sym- ed in OPCICA, a honor band
perch or pierogies, fries, slaw, applesauce and rolls. Dinner is diligently provide our taxpayers with ?nancial transparency, ex- phonic choir, drama club, for students at private colleg-
from 5-7 p.m. at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Hall on Erie emplifying our ?scally-responsible behavior.” French club, mock trial, tech es. I went to the OMEA con-
St., in Grafton. team and is also a part of the ference in Cleveland and am
Local family needs your help KHS Alumni Band. preparing for a tour through 7
Plum Creek Garden Club to rebuild after house fire states with Camerata singers.
Brianna’s academic work, We will also be going to Great
The Plum Creek Garden Club will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, To members of our Keystone community: the Viets family paired with her exceptional Britain in May.”
March 17, at Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 Diagonal suffered a tragedy this past weekend as they lost their home and impressive repertoire
Road, in LaGrange. Speaker Fran Blank, will provide attendees in a ?re. The ?re consumed the entire house, and paired with of extracurricular participa- Congratulations Brianna!
with helpful information on “Companion Planting.” Guests are water damage, nearly all of the family’s belongings were de- tion, aided in her success as
welcome to join this informative program. For more information, stroyed. Presently, they are living in a nearby hotel. she continues her ?rst year at
please contact Pam at (440) 225-1448. Bluffton University.
The Viets family, including their four children who for-
Keystone Field House merly attended Keystone Schools and their twin daughters At Bluffton, Brianna is
Construction nears who are presently freshmen at Keystone, is in need of ?nan- double majoring in Music Per-
cial assistance to begin to rebuild what was lost. The Keystone formance and Music Business;
Keystone Schools are excited to begin construction on a ?eld community is always supportive and willing to offer help to she is also seeking a minor in
house, which will be located at the District’s stadium on Op- our residents in need. It is this support that makes Keystone a Business Administration.
portunity Way. The 2,500 square foot structure will feature rest- wonderful place to live and learn. Please assist us as we help
rooms, a locker room, concession stand and a ticket booth. The this family overcome the loss of their home. Of her success, Brianna
construction will cost $377,665 and is slated to be completed 3-4 states, “I'm in my second se-
months after construction begins. The funds for this project were Although the sentiment is appreciated, the Viets family mester of my ?rst at Bluff-
generated from a variety of sources. cannot accept clothing or other items at this time as they have ton, with a class standing
no storage in the hotel in which they are presently staying. To as a sophomore (thanks to
The construction is the result of a 3-year collaborative effort help provide ?nancial assistance or to offer words of support, Keystone’s offering of AP
between school support organizations, including Band Boost- click on the following link: and PSEO classes). I am in-
ers, Keystone Youth Football, Keystone Athletic Boosters and house. volved in Concert Band, Pep
KATS, along with community businesses, alumni, residents and Band, Jazz Band, University
additional donors. Thank you in advance for your help and support of the
Viets family. JVS Students appreciate
Over 210K came from donations. The balance of the money ODOT’s Snowplow Drivers
came from the sale of the Pen?eld and Carlisle buildings. This JVS hosts successful Blood Drives
money had to be used for permanent improvements. The perma- Preschoolers Macie Banks and Tommy Lockyer pack snack bags
nent improvement money used on the ?eld house will be paid Allied Health Sciences student Stephanie Mosley (Clearview) with the help of Early Childhood Education student Olivia Gaydos,
back from the ELPP credit Keystone receives from the State and and Culinary Arts student Evan Rutherford (Keystone) with of Keystone High School.
HAS to be used for the building of facilities. Phlebotomist Brenda Towers.
Students in the Lorain County JVS preschool (operated by
The ?eld house will bene?t Keystone and its community in Nearly 100 units of blood were collected at a recent LifeShare the Early Childhood Education Program) packed snack bags for
a variety of ways. Keystone previously had to turn down oppor- Community Services blood drive organized by Allied Health ODOT’s snowplow drivers to thank the drivers for keeping the
tunities to have the stadium rented by an area semipro football Sciences (AHS) students at the Lorain County JVS. roads in Lorain County safe during the brutal winter months.
team, all-star games and soccer events due to the lack of restroom
facilities. With its construction, the ?eld house will allow Key- LifeShare Community Blood Services donates $500 to the ODOT’s District 3 Lorain County maintenance crews are re-
stone to host events at the stadium, which will generate revenue JVS for every 30 units of blood collected. “Our school holds sponsible for maintaining over 505 lane miles of Interstate, U.S.
for the District. Keystone will also save money by not having to two annual blood drives with LifeShare each year,” said AHS and State Routes within the county.
rent portable restrooms. Instructor Susan Wallace. “The weather and the number of snow
days has hurt our numbers a bit because we’ve had less time ODOT driver Pamela Hunt drove her plow to the school’s
In addition, the ?eld house’s construction will also bene?t the to promote the event to students and staff. We may add an ad- Commercial Truck Technology (CTT) lab to pick up the snack
community. Dale Yost Construction, the builders in charge of the ditional day in the spring to increase our donation. Typically the bags to deliver to her colleagues. With some assistance from the
project, stated that roughly 80% of the project’s contractors will JVS ranks among the top donors in Northeast Ohio.” CTT students, each preschooler got the opportunity to climb into
be from the community. the driver’s seat of her plow.
As an added incentive, the school’s Educational Foundation
Steve Moore JACK MATIA has funded red honor cords for the program. Each student who
HONDA donates is given a red cord to wear at their graduation ceremony.
Students who don’t meet the health or weight requirements to
New & Used donate can receive a red donor cord by referring an adult family
Cars member or friend to donate in his/her name.
823 Leona St., Elyria
New and Certi?ed Hondas
All Models - Used Cars
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5
Open House
Sunday March 8th
Farm House Completely Remodeled in Country on 2 Acres, with NEW BARN!
Keystone School District • 10 Min. from I-480 & 30 Min. from Cleveland
3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, Total Approx. Sq.Ft. 2590 • Full Basement, 2 Car Garage, Gas
House originally built in 1964 • 6 Inch Concrete Driveway & Barn Apron.
ALL NEW: plumbing, 200 amp electrical system , HVAC, heat pump, septic system,
wood & tile ?oor through out , Carpet in Master Bedroom, walk in closets.
ALL NEW: Appliances (Refrigerator, Stove, Dishwasher, “Speed Queen” Washer &
Dryer) • Fully Furnished with New Furniture (some décor/lamps/mattress may not stay
can discuss) • NEW Barn/Shop 36x84 : under ground electric -100 amp system, spray
foam insulation celling & walls, 6 inch concrete ?oor. White steel liner panels, gas &
water, 3 ?oor drains, under ground downspouts. Perfect Location!
Available Untilities: Windstream (phone/internet) • Wired Alarm System
Dish Network TV Cable currently installed. • Newly landscaped and yard seeded all
around house. (More Acreage possibly available )
15186 St. Rt 301, LaGrange, OH 44050 • Asking $484,000
Call Eric (216) 990-2493 for more information.
Deciphering new state testing Music students RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 Page 11
excel at
On Feb. 17, Keystone take students approximately with a disability will receive
Schools held a question-and- 50 minutes to complete; how- the accommodations as stated competition
answer session concerning ever, we have allowed up to on their Individualized Educa- Save Gas...Shop
new state testing. The fol- 90 minutes to be blocked off tion Plan (IEP). Keystone Middle School Your Local Businesses
lowing link provides access each day for those that need and Keystone High School
to the PowerPoint presented at extended times, breaks and Q. How will make-up test- musicians recently participat-
the session: http://www.key- also for the distribution and ing be conducted? Make-up ed in Lorain County's Solo & collection of test materials. testing will occur either in the Ensemble Contest at Brook-
klsd-new-state-testing-q-a. afternoon on the day the stu- side High School on February
From the meeting, Keystone Q. I heard the students dent comes back to school or 21. Over 60 students attended
also compiled a concise list of have 30 days of testing if we on a separate day from any the event, participating in 72
FAQ's concerning these new do not opt them out. Is this other test. events total. After giving im-
assessments, which are pro- true? No. The highest number pressive performances, many
vided below. of 90 minute blocks a student Q. My child is stressed students earned stellar ratings.
would have would be 11, and out. How do I decrease their Over 50 of the attending mid-
State Testing Frequently it is based on the grade level anxiety? As with any form of dle and high school instrumen-
Asked Questions: they are in. assessments, whether from tal and vocal music students
classroom or state tests, stu- took home Excellent and/or
Q. Is the district doing Q. The practice tests are so dents can experience test anxi- Superior awards. Congratula-
online testing? No. Keystone dif?cult. Is the State setting ety. There are, however, a va- tions to Vocal Music Teacher
will be testing using paper and up our kids for failure? The riety of strategies to decrease Bethany Pearce, Keystone
pencil only. practice tests that have been test anxiety. A helpful resource Middle School Instrumental
released are just that - practice in learning about these strate- Music Teacher Dan Arnold
Q. Are there penalties for tests. Some of the items on the gies can be found at www.kid- and Keystone High School
the school district and students tests are not included on the Instrumental Music Teacher
if students opt out or score low of?cial test because they were Jacqueline Townsend on their
on the tests? Yes, for our Dis- too dif?cult. Others were not Q. Is it true people from students’ successes, which ex-
trict, students that opt out will chosen for the of?cial test be- the State will be in our Dis- empli?es their hard work and
have a negative impact on our cause they were confusing. trict watching kids take the dedication to our students.
student participation rate for Saying a practice test’s dif- tests and that school cannot
testing and our overall perfor- ?culty will mirror the of?cial be cancelled during the testing LAGRANGE NEWS
mance index (how high our test is inaccurate. window? No. The State will CONTINUED ON PAGE 15
students score). If either the not be coming in to watch our
participation rate or perfor- Q. Are these tests given in students take their tests, and
mance index fall below state addition to the Ohio Achieve- school can be cancelled per
expectations, our district will ment Assessments (OAA)? normal policy even during the
be subject to restrictions on No. The OAA tests have all testing window.
how we spend our state mon- been discontinued, except for
ey. For students in grades 3-8, the third grade reading exam. If you have any other ques-
there will be no penalties for tions, please do not hesitate to
opting out or scoring low as Q. Do special education contact Keystone Curriculum
scores will not be made avail- students receive accommoda- Director Dave Kish at david.
able to the district or parents tions? Yes, Students identi?ed [email protected].
until December 2015. Please
note, for students in grade 9
taking English 9, Physical Sci-
ence, Algebra I or Geometry,
not taking the test will limit
the pathways for graduation to
either passing a credentialing
test for a JVS offered ?eld or
passing with an above reme-
diation score for each content
area on the ACT or SAT.
Q. Why won’t the scores
come back until December?
The State has not even set the
minimum cut scores to de-
termine what a passing score
is and cannot do so until all
tests are returned, scored and
checked for consistent scor-
ing. This is what the delay is
and will be a problem in year
1 only.
Q. Will my child’s test
scores be available for the
public to view? No. Only the
school district, State of Ohio,
Battelle for Kids for teacher
evaluation, and you, the par-
ents, will receive the scores.
Q. Will my child be held
back if he/she scores low on
the tests? No, per our district
retention policy, students are
retained only when they have
not met the standards for their
grade level. Scores on these
tests will NOT affect a stu-
dent’s promotion to the next
grade level.
Q. How do these tests affect
students currently in grades
10, 11 and 12? Students in
10th-12th grade need to pass
the OGT in order to graduate.
However, there will be a test
for any student taking US His-
tory or American Government
during the second semester.
Please note, this test will not
determine graduation for pres-
ent 10th, 11th or 12th graders.
Q. Are these tests more dif-
?cult than the OGT and OAA,
and is it true that 80% of all
students will fail? Despite all
of the information out there,
the fact remains that Ohio has
not given these tests nor has
the State set the cut scores.
Therefore, it is a false state-
ment to say the new tests are
more dif?cult and that 80% of
students will fail the tests.
Q. How are these tests
scored? Tests are scored based
on a rubric and partial credit is
Q. Do the tests last all day?
If not, how long are they? No.
The tests do not last all day.
Tests given each day should
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 Midview Band
Grafton Village Council
FREE CONCERT Members of the Midview Band serve up pancakes at a recent pan- The Grafton Village council held the ?rst of their monthly
The Midview High School Concert Bands and the Swingin’ cake breakfast. meetings on March 3, without Councilman Jason Strah and
Blues Band will brighten the dreary days of winter with a Mid- Councilwoman Elizabeth Sauer. Votes were postponed on an or-
Winter Band Concert on Monday evening, March 9, at 7 p.m. dinance and several resolutions due to the absences. The issues
in the Midview High School Kubuski Gym. Enjoy an evening will be addressed at the next meeting. Council accepted a new
of ?ne entertainment by talented and award winning musicians. volunteer ?re?ghter and moved a police trainee to part-time pa-
The concert is free and open to all area residents. trolman. Council also passed an ordinance adopting a new policy
for nuisance properties in the village. The new policy reduces the
MEETING RESCHEDULED number of days allowed before re-inspection, includes a provi-
The next Grafton Village Council meeting has been resched- sion for repeat offenders and has a penalty section added.
uled to Tuesday, March 24, at 7:30 p.m. in council chambers at
the Grafton Village Hall. In other action, council approved the donation of ?ve sick
days from other village employees to a worker who has not com-
TOURNAMENT ENTRY DEADLINE pleted a year of service. The sick days were donated so he could
The deadline to register for the annual Dodge ball Tourna- be with a newborn son. The next meeting has been rescheduled
ment sponsored by the Midview AfterProm Committee is Mon- to Tuesday, March 24, at 7:30 p.m.
day, March 9. The tournament will be held on Saturday, March
14, beginning at 9 a.m. at Midview High School. The entry fee Horse Rescue fund-raiser
is $10 per player. Minimum of players for a team is six, with a
maximum of eight.Entry fee includes a complimentary meal for Please join the horses of Angels Haven Horse Rescue for a
players and a two-game guarantee. For more information, con- Hoppin’ Around the Barn good time. This fun event takes place
tact organizers at [email protected]. Forms and on Sunday, March 15, from 1-4 p.m. at Evergreen Farm, located
information can be found on at 13297 Durkee Road, in Grafton.
NIGHT AT THE RACES Enjoy horse rides, an Easter Egg Hunt at 2 p.m., an Easter
Midview Band Boosters -Saturday, March 21, at 6 p.m. at Bonnet Contest (following the egg hunt), games and prizes,
the Old St. John Church, in Elyria. Entry tickets, which include snacks and a photo opportunity with the Easter Bunny (bring
dinner, are $20. Horses can be purchased for $20. Come enjoy your camera).
dinner and an exciting evening of fun. Proceeds will help with
instrument, equipment and uniform replacements. For more in- There is a $10 donation for participants and for all others, a $5
formation or for tickets, see any band parent or contact Tammy admission donation. The event occurs rain or shine.
at (440) 935-4910 or [email protected].
AHHR is a 501(c)(3) non-pro?t volunteer based organization.
Parents and children are invited to attend a Midview Kinder-
garten Registration Event on Wednesday, March 25, from 5-7 The Midview jazz band “Swingin’ Blues” performing at a chili cook- GRAFTON NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 15
p.m. in the Midview North Elementary LRC. At this event, par- off.
ents and children can meet the principals and kindergarten teach- Valley City Fire Department
ers, tour the school, enjoy coloring and cookies, and of course Though marching season is long over, the Midview Band •Pancake Breakfast•
register for kindergarten. To register, please bring the child’s has been as busy as ever. Recently, 21 musicians competed in
birth certi?cate, two proofs of residency, shot records, social se- the Lorain County Solo and Ensemble Contest, earning several March 15th from 8:30am to 1pm
curity card and any IEP or custody papers if applicable. Parents honors. They hosted a pancake breakfast and the Swingin’ Blues All-you-can-eat blueberry or regular Pancakes,
can download the necessary application forms and have them Jazz Band played at a chili cook-off. All the bands will be giv-
?lled out before the event. ing a free concert at Midview High School on Monday, March Sausage, Scrambled Eggs & Drinks!
9, at 7 p.m. Then, two groups, the Symphonic Band, and the Adults- $6.50, Seniors & Children under 12 - $5
Midview lunch menu Symphonic Winds, will compete in the Ohio Music Educators
Association Large Group event on Friday, March 14, at Elyria
For week of March 16: High School.
Monday - #1 Spicy chicken patty sandwich. #2 Sub sand-
wich, baked french fries, fruit, milk. Grafton Grangers 4-H Club
Tuesday - #1 Pizzaburger. #2 Grilled chicken salad w/dinner
roll, baked beans, fruit, cookie, milk. The Grafton Grangers had nearly all ages. Stop by and Family Plan (2 adults and all children under 12) - $20
Wednesday - #1 Middie mash bowl. #2 Salisbury steak, din- a very eventful meeting. The see what it's all about!
ner roll, mashed potatoes, fruit, milk. club voted on new of?cers. 6700 Center Rd, Valley City, OH • 330-483-3811
Thursday - #1 Chicken alfredo w/dinner roll. #2 Turkey wrap, The 2015 of?cers are: Presi-
steamed broccoli, fruit, milk. dent - Tori Davis; Vice Presi-
Friday - #1 Toasted cheese. #2 Toasted ham and cheese, cel- dent - Emma Smirz; Secretary
ery w/ranch, tomato soup, fruit, milk. - Kaeleigh Wilkins; Treasurer
- Marissa and Emma; Histo-
McConnell Ready Mix is a full service Ready rian - Katy Bell; Health and Restaurant &
Mix Concrete supplier servicing the Northeast Safety - Gideon May and Bre- Pub
Ohio area. We service Residential, Commer- anna Wilkins; and Recreation
cial, Industrial or Government projects of any - Tyler Gross. Rt. 57 Grafton • 926-2621
size. For ordering and delivery of Ready Mix ...Since 1983
Concrete or just a quote for your project call The club will be selling
Malley's Chocolate Bars this Join us for Our 32st Annual
440-458-4325. spring. Help support the club
and buy some chocolate bars! St. Patrick’s Day
McConnell Ready Mix Festivities
37540 Butternut Ridge Road • N. Ridgeville, OH 44039 The club has decided not
to participate in the Firemen's Open Tuesday March 17th 11am-? Festival this year.
[email protected]
This is just a reminder
that all paperwork is due by
March 12, along with your
$10 county fee. This fee is
separate from the club dues.
If you are considering 4-H or
Cloverbuds, stop by on March
12, at 6:30 p.m. in the Grafton
Community Room. It's a fun,
family activity for children of
MEZCAL Mezcal coupon Special Irish Menu throughout the day including
correction Corned Beef & Cabbage, Reuben, Shepherd’s Pie,
MEXICAN RESTAURANT Connemara Chicken, Somerton Salmon, Irish Stew,
493 Main St., Grafton To Whom it might con- Mrs. Murphy’s Clam Chowder, Fish ‘N Chips, The
440-926-3565 Flanny Burger, Sandwiches, Appetizers
In last week's issue of & More..., Slainte!
M-Th 11-10 • Fri 11-10:30 • Sat Noon-10:30 • Sun Noon-9 The Rural-Urban Record
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 Page 13
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To advertise on this
special page, call your
Sales Representative at
Belden B’s & G’s news Sherriff’s Report the case of an emergency situation. This would include weath-
er alerts, boil alerts, traf?c problems, or other such messages.
The Belden B’s & G’s 4-H Club will hold their ?rst meet- There were two incidents recorded on the February Lorain Land line telephone numbers are already in the system. To
ing on Wednesday, March 11, at 7 p.m. at the Grafton Twp. County Sherriff’s Incident Report for Grafton Township: register cell phones or other devices, log on to https://entry.
Community Hall on Rt. 83 in downtown Belden. 4-H is open The process takes
to all children from ages 8-19. February 11 - Alleged Mentally Ill on Haystacks Lane. only a few minutes.
February 17 - Theft-Medication on Island Road.
The Belden B’s & G’s 4-H Club welcomes new members Support your local businesses!
and holds its meetings the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Emergency notification sign-ups
month from March till August. Shop in your own hometown for all your Holiday needs.
Grafton Village and Grafton Township residents are now
able to sign up for emergency alerts. Both administrations are
now part of the new Lorain County Wireless Emergency No-
ti?cation System (WENS). The system allows Lorain County
or local governments to send messages to a home phone, cell
phone, e-mail address , other voice or text message devices in
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 JVS Students raise $500 for Epilepsy research
Lorain County JVS
Early Childhood Edu-
cation Students raised
over $500 and awareness
Pittsfield Church Fish Fry among students and staff
about the condition of
The Pitts?eld Community Church, located at the corner of St. They called their cam-
Rts. 58 and 303, is having a Fish Fry on Friday, March 13, serv-
ing from 5-7 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults and $8 for ages 7 -12; paign “Love Purple” and
under age 6 is free. Carry-outs will be available. hosted a “Love Purple”
Pittsfield Historical Society Day at the JVS, which
program encouraged students and
staff to donate $1 and
wear purple to show sup-
port. Students also raised
On Thursday, March 12, at 7 p.m., a presentation, “The funds for the Epilepsy As- Jennifer Pluta, shared her Education students are port this cause for their
Churches of Pitts?eld,” will be presented by Ralph Hayes. Come sociation by walking in personal story of Epilepsy members of FCCLA chapter service project.
for an interesting history program about the historical churches the Epilepsy Winter Walk with the groups as a part (Family, Career and Com- They will be presenting
of Pitts?eld at the Pitts?eld Township Hall, located at the north- on January 31 at South of the two-day event. munity Leaders of Ameri- the project at the regional
west corner of Route 58 & Route 303. Park Mall in Strongsville. ca), and they chose to sup- FCCLA competition.
The Early Childhood
Go Green for Senior Bus Over 200 students and
staff participated in an
Join the Wellington Eagles Auxillary in going green! They’ll educational forum hosted
be wearing green and serving a traditional corned beef and cab- by the students to learn
bage luncheon on St. Patrick’s day, Tuesday, March 17. Proceeds more about Epilepsy. JVS
from this event is going to support the Wellington Senior Bus. Social Studies Teacher,
The luncheon will start at 11 a.m. and last until the food is gone.
The price is just $8 per person for corned beef and cabbage, car- WHS Music Department Soil testing - how to do it
rots, potatoes, roll and butter and dessert. The Wellington Eagles presents...
Auxillary is located at 631 South Main Street, in Wellington. The Medina Soil and Water Conservation District will hold an
“A Midwinter Concert” on Tuesday, March 10, at 7 p.m. in evening training event on Tuesday, March 24, from 7-8 p.m. on
“50 Years Since the Tornado” the MMS Auditorium. The concert features the WHS Concert soil testing. The location is at the Medina Township Hall, 3799
program Choir, WHS Women’s Chorus, WHS Wind Ensemble and WHS Huffman Road and Fenn Rd., in Medina.
Concert Band.
On Saturday, April 11, at 2 p.m., The Pitts?eld Historical So- The information will be helpful for cropland, pastures, hay-
ciety will present the 50th Commemorative Anniversary Event, All are welcome to attend. Admission is free. ?elds, market gardens, home gardens, lawns and fruit produc-
“50 Years Since the Tornado.” The 1965 tornado destroyed tion. If you are interested in improving your nutrient manage-
Pitts?eld Township center and caused much destruction around St. Patrick’s Day Dinner ment efforts, this will get you going in the right direction.
Lorain County. The program will be presented at the Pitts?eld
Township Hall and campus, located on the northwest corner of The annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner by the Ladies Auxiliary Topics covered will be, why take a soil sample, how to take
Route 58 Route 303. of Post 8 American Legion in Wellington will be on Tuesday, a soil sample, where to send it, what do the numbers mean, how
March 17, from 5-7 p.m. at the Legion Post, located at 518 S. does back yard composting ?t in and what is soil health.
The Pitts?eld Historical Society will be dedicating a Memo- Main St., in Wellington. Cost is $8 per person. The public is wel-
rial Plaque to the Community of Pitts?eld and to those who lost come. Speakers will be several employees of the Medina SWCD.
their lives in the 1965 tornado event. There will be a gather- The event is free, but please register by contacting (330) 722-
ing after the ceremony in the Town Hall for various activities. Solo Ensemble 9316.
Refreshments, discussions and special guests will be on hand, as
well as stories told by some original survivors! All are welcome Farmland protection meeting
to attend and enjoy the program and/or share their own stories.
Property owners throughout the region are invited to learn
Krystowski Tractor Sales competition about conservation easements and farmland protection programs
at a March 18 meeting hosted by the Western Reserve Land Con-
47117 Rt. 18 Wellington 44090 The following Wellington servancy. The meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. at the Wakeman Com-
(440) 647-2015 Music students competed at munity Library, 33 Pleasant Street, in Wakeman.
the Lorain County Solo En- semble contest held at Brook- The event will provide landowners with information about
side High School on Feb. 21. conservation options, including conservation easements, the
OPEN HOUSE state’s Agricultural Easement Protection Program and other
March 28th, from 8am - 2pm The participants who re- farmland preservation initiatives. The featured speaker will be
ceived Superior ratings were: Andy McDowell, who has overseen the preservation of thou-
Pancake Breakfast served w/ Sausage & Beverages sands of acres of farmland and natural areas in Lorain, Huron,
Vocal Soloists: Cheyenne Erie, Medina, Ashland, Richland, Summit, Stark and Wayne
Greiner, Kaitlyn McKinley, Counties as the Land Conservancy’s Vice President of western
Meredith Becher and Rianna ?eld operations.
The meeting is free and open to the public. For more informa-
Vocal Groups: Lauren tion, contact the Land Conservancy’s Firelands Field Of?ce at
Gronsky, Grace Broome, (440) 774-4226.
Meredith Becher, Rianna
Disc Mower Rosecrans, Kaitlyn McKinley,
Rebecca Acurri, Cheyenne
*DS1it0soc%cokuCPnaatsrohtns! PrDiozoers! Greiner and Rebecca Charl- Advertise in
ton. The Rural-Urban Record’s
Instrumental Solists: Kai-
tlyn Whitaker and Terin All-
Instrumental Group: Grace
Broome, Lauren Gronsky and
Rianna Rosecrans.
Kaitlyn McKinley received
an Excellent rating on her
clarinet solo.
Congratulations to all!
Wellness Week
Square Baler Big Baler Get ready for spring with March 30, 2015 Issue
“March into Wellness” week,
*5% Discount on stock parts with CNH, Farm Plan and Monday, March 9, - Friday, Deadline March 25, 2015
credit card payments. Displays in store featuring March 13. This free student
“New Holland’s new line of Hay Equipment” service learning project is For more information, call
open to all students, faculty, your sales representative at
*Excludes Store Specials staff and the community.
440-236-8982 or
Your New Holland Specialist The event will feature a 1-800-941-3099
For Service, Parts and Sales Weight Loss Hypnosis Semi-
nar with Don Mannarino,
clinical hypnotist, from 12-1
p.m. on Wednesday, March
11, in PE 103. Registration is
required by emailing Lisa Au-
gustine at laugusti@lorainccc.
See the full list of events at
GRAFTON NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 by picking up an application from John at the Reference Desk on RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 Page 15
Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast the second ?oor of the library. There are 16 separate classes for the race. These include class-
Techbites: Blogging with WordPress - Thursday, March 19, es for men, women, mixed couples, juniors, “over and under”
Troop #152, chartered by the Grafton VFW Post #3341, is (adult and youth) and masters (over 40 yrs. of age). Awards will
having a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, March 15, from 8 a.m.-1 1-2 p.m. Interested in writing your own blog? Learn how to use be given for the ?rst three places in each class. Only amateurs are
p.m. in the VFW dining hall. Scouts will be serving tables while WordPress, a free and open source blogging tool and one of the eligible for awards. Professionals may compete for time only.
the adult volunteers prepare food and support ticket sales. Meals most popular web publishing platforms today. We will explore
how to create an account, navigate the platform, create, and pub- Registration and boat inspection is from 9-11:30 a.m. Indi-
lish posts. For adults,18 and over. Registration is required. vidual boats will start at one minute intervals racing against the
include cold beverages (juice, milk), bottomless hot beverages LAGRANGE NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 clock starting at 10:30.
(coffee, tea, hot chocolate), sausage links and all-you-can-eat Spectators are welcome and can watch the start at Shoep?e
Gardens Metro Park and see the ?nish at The Vermilion River
pancakes. Additional cold beverages and sausage links can be RLCWA meeting Reservation Metro Park. There are two places to follow the prog-
purchased. ress of your favorite competitor from bridges on Dean Road and
Rural Lorain County Water Authority will have a Board Meet- on Gore Orphanage road.
This event provides Scouts an opportunity to demonstrate ing on Wednesday, March 11, at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held
their commitment to and develop their appreciation for serving at the RLCWA of?ce, located at 42401 St. Rt. 303, in LaGrange. This is a very beautiful and remote stretch of the river with
within their community. Proceeds from this fund-raiser will pro- For more information, contact Mr. Tim Mahoney, General Man- several small rapids (Class I/II water).
vide monies for merit badges, rank advancement patches, service ager, at (800) 842-1339.
projects, camp outs, activity supplies and equipment purchases. In the event of low water level, the race will start and ?nish
at the Vermilion City Boat Ramp. The race will be postponed
Walk-ins are welcome and encouraged! Cost is $7 for adults until March 29 if the river level is above 5½ feet, as indicated
or $5 for seniors and children under 12. Meals will also be avail- at USGS Hydrologic Unit 04100012 located on the bridge on
able "to go." Keystone’s music students North Ridge Road.
excel at competition
Friends of Troop #152 are also holding a Chinese raf?e for The race is sanctioned by the United States Canoe Associa-
gift baskets during this event, with all proceeds being donated to tion. Pre-registration information, entry form and fee informa-
the troop. Tickets will be available for $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. tion can be found on the website. For more
There will be numerous gift baskets available and winners need information, contact Jon Reising at [email protected].
not be present. Keystone Middle School and Keystone High School musi-
cians recently participated in Lorain County's Solo & Ensemble Safety on St. Patrick’s Day
The VFW Post #3341 is located at 783 Huron Street, in Graf- Contest at Brookside High School on February 21. Over 60 stu-
ton. dents attended the event, participating in 72 events total. After The Lorain County Safe Community Coalition reminds resi-
giving impressive performances, many students earned stellar dents that whether meeting a few friends at the local pub after
Midview Schools ratings. Over 50 of the attending middle and high school instru- work or attending Cleveland’s Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade,
Superintendent Scott Goggin mental and vocal music students took home Excellent and/or Su- if you plan on using alcohol, never drive while impaired - and
perior awards. Congratulations to Vocal Music Teacher Bethany never let your friends drive if you think they are impaired. Cel-
I am thankful that we ?nally had a (somewhat) decent weather Pearce, Keystone Middle School Instrumental Music Teacher ebrate smart this St. Patrick’s Day!
week that didn’t see sub zero temperatures and 10 feet of snow. Dan Arnold and Keystone High School Instrumental Music
Teacher Jacqueline Townsend on their students’successes, which With each St. Patrick’s Day, there is talk of luck, green beer
Now that we can talk about something other than the weather, exempli?es their hard work and dedication to our students. and leprechauns, but one thing worth talking about is how to
I want to congratulate Midview East, one of 19 host sites for the celebrate safely. One local event combines Irish traditions with
Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics Problem Black River Comedy Club safe and sober celebrations. Sober St. Patrick’s Day® will be
Solving Tournament. This was the fourth year we have been a held on March 17 from 5-8 p.m. at Ahern’s Banquet Hall, 726
host site. We had nine teams of ?fth graders and 10 teams of sixth The Black River Comedy Club presents its Avon Beldon Rd., in Avon Lake. This event is an opportunity to
graders competing (76 students all together). Our math teachers 27th annual slapstick musical, “Happy Days, celebrate with more than 300 local residents who want to part
formed the teams in January and the tournament was the culmi- on March 20, 21, 25, 27 & 28, at 8 p.m. with Sunday matinees on with the purpose to “get back to the holiday’s Irish roots,” said
nation of the hard work and diligence of our talented problem March 22 & 29 at 3 p.m. The event is at the Homerville Commu- Jack Kilroy, event organizer and Lorain County Safe Commu-
solvers. nity Center, located on St. Rt. 301, just north of the intersection nity coalition member.
of St. Rt. 224.
This tournament promotes enthusiasm for mathematics “This safe-for-the-whole family celebration is also a terri?c
among students in the ?fth and sixth grades, while recogniz- Show tickets are $8 and are available at the door or by calling way to model to your children that a fantastic and fun time
ing students for their interest, perseverance and talent in math (330) 625-5764. The Black River Comedy Club is a non-pro?t doesn’t have to include alcohol,” added Katie Bevan, health ed-
and problem solving. It challenges these students in an energiz- organization. All proceeds from this event will bene?t commu- ucator and Lorain County Safe Community coalition member.
ing and competitive setting and celebrates community-wide the nity projects. “Join us and bring family and friends to celebrate St. Patrick’s
achievements of these young mathematicians. Day with plenty of Irish traditions, including delicious food,
On Saturday, March 21, from 5-7, enjoy a Swiss Steak Dinner foot-tapping music, and lively dancing,” said Kilroy. For more
“There are so many math and life lessons embedded in the before the show, at the Homer Ruritan Club. Reservations are re- information and to get tickets, visit www.soberstpatricksday.
preparation for the tournament,” Kim Kauffmann, one of our quired and are available by calling (330) 625-2514 by March 18. org
sixth-grade math teachers, told me. “Students are able to use There will be Hot dogs and Root Beer Floats on Sunday, March
critical thinking skills, work cooperatively and display their 29, from 1-3 and the Homer Scout Troop will offer a Spaghetti “Whether Irish or not, or celebrating with or without alco-
mathematical abilities, while gaining con?dence in themselves Dinner on Friday, March 27, from 5-8 p.m. hol, everyone can do something to stop impaired driving this
as mathematicians.” St. Patrick’s Day,” said Bevan. Here are some ways to keep safe
College Credit Plus Program on Lorain County roads:
I am proud of these students and teachers who have worked at LCCC
so hard in preparing for this tournament. They are a great ex- •Even a wee bit of a buzz means you better play it safe with
ample of how Midview is ?nding new and interesting ways to Local students and their families can learn more about earn- a sober ride home; call a friend or taxi.
excel in academics. Have a great week!
Mr. Scott Goggin, Superintendent, Midview Local Schools
[email protected] Twitter: @scottgoggin
Grafton-Midview Library ing free college credit while still in high school and junior high Celebrate without alcohol - you don’t need alcohol to have
at a College Credit Plus information session presented by Lo- fun.
rain County Community College. Know someone who is about to drive while impaired, be
The Grafton-Midview Library plans to continue bringing College Credit Plus information sessions will be held: their lucky charm and help them make other arrangements.
quality programs in 2015. For accurate planning, please be ad- •6:30-8 p.m., Monday, March 16, at the LCCC University
vised most library programs require registration. To register, call SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
or visit the library, or visit their website at Partnership Ridge Campus, 32121 Lorain Road, North Rid-
geville. Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
Teen Tech Time: MaKey MaKey - Wednesday, March 11, 6 programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
- 7 p.m. Discover how you can control the action on a keyboard •6:30-8 p.m., Wednesday, March 18, at the LCCC College 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
using graphite, bananas, or whatever else you can think of! Draw Wellington Center, 151 Commerce Drive, Wellington. The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
your own game control panel or play piano on fruit. The pos- drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
sibilities are endless with MaKey MaKey. This program is for •6:30-8 p.m., Thursday, March 19, at the Midpoint Campus If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
teens 13 and older. Center, 50 Pearl Road, Suite 300, Brunswick.
Adult Social Hour - Thursday, March 12, 11-12:30 p.m. Join Students entering grades 7-12 in fall 2015 are encouraged
us at Adult Social Hour for special presentations and speakers to attend one session. College Credit Plus, formerly known as These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
followed by BINGO and other games. A new topic will be dis- Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) or College Oppor-
cussed each month.Refreshments, door prizes and much more tunity Partnership Program (COPP), allows students in grades 3/09 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
are offered during this program. Bring your friends! Registration 7-12 to earn college credit while in high school for free. Stu- and coffee for participants.
is not required. dents can enroll in courses offered at LCCC or at their home 3/10 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed
school and receive dual credit for high school requirements and by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for
Sitcoms & Television Series - March 15, 1:30 p.m. Join us for college credit. These credits may be used at LCCC or for participants.
for an afternoon of remembrances and laughter as we look at transfer to the college or university of choice after high school 3/12 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for those that have signed
clips of some of the most popular and controversial sitcoms of graduation. This state-funded program covers tuition, books up. If unable to attend please remember to call and cancel
the past few decades which may include such popular series as and fees. by noon.
All in The Family, Charlie’s Angels, Soap and One Day At a 3/13 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with
Time. Registration is required. The College Credit Plus information sessions are open to lo- pop and snacks for participants.
cal students and their parents and will discuss program bene?ts 3/16 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club.
Meme T-Shirts for Teens - Thursday, March 12, 6 - 8 p.m. and cautions, admission procedures and participation criteria. Movie with free donuts and coffee for
Learn how to create an original meme t-shirt using the Internet, participants.
iron-on transfer paper, and an inkjet printer. T-shirts will be avail- To learn more about College Credit Plus, visit www.lo- 3/17 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class
able for you to use in limited colors, but you may also bring in or call the LCCC Marketing and Outreach Ini- being instructed by Debi’s Personal
your own clean, solid t-shirts to use if you prefer a speci?c color. tiatives of?ce at (440) 366-4012. Training with fruit and juice for
Registration is required. participants.
47th annual Vermilion River 3/20 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with
Writer’s Group - Tuesdays, March 17 from 6-8 p.m. Writer's Canoe & Kayak Race pop and snacks for participants.
group is an uplifting casual union of writers of all genres who
help other writers hone their abilities through honest and help- The Keel-Haulers Canoe Club is sponsoring its 47th annual
ful evaluations. It is open to all genres and all skill levels. Light Vermilion River Canoe & Kayak Race on Sunday, March 22.
refreshment will be served, occasionally, we have guest writers This race has become a traditional sign of Spring in northern
speak about the craft of writing. Ohio. The race covers an 8-mile course from Schoep?e gardens
(a Lorain County Metro Park on State Rt. 113) in Birmingham
Teen Advisory Group - Wednesday, March 18, 6 - 7 p.m. The and ?nishing at the Vermilion River Reservation (a Lorain Coun-
Teen Advisory Group meets once per month to discuss books ty Metro Park), commonly known as Mill Hollow, near the city
and brainstorm new ideas for teen library programs. Each month of Vermilion. • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
the group also tries out a new activity or craft. Join this fun group the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.
Online news, features, classifieds and more from your community.
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015
CLASSIFIEDS 2-Week Special for Garage/Rummage Sale Ads &
Personal Items For Sale: $14. (15 words or less) (No Breeders,
Get the Job Done! Dealers, Agents or Businesses.) DEADLINE: WED. 12 NOON
ANNOUNCEMENTS ELECTRONICS 3 Easy Ways to Place Your Classi?ed - Phone: 440-236-8982 | 1-800-941-3099
Fax: 440-236-9198 Mail: Rural-Urban Record • P.O. Box 966 • Columbia Station, OH 44028
CLASSIFIED RATES: • 2-Week Special ads (see above) $10/15 words or less. 10¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 more.
Got an older car, boat or RV? Get CABLE TV, INTERNET & • Business Classified $12/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Special Set-up (Centered & Capped) $13/15 words
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Good clean used appli- Regular Price $32.99 Ask
ances. Call Bill Bakers, About FREE SAME DAY In- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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CASH FOR CARS: Cars/ High Speed Internet starting
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Estate Sale Drivers: Solos, O/Op’s & Co. ABSOLUTE LAND SELL OFF!
TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any EVENTS Round trip dedicated lanes MARCH 14th & 15th!
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Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800- Holding a Carnival! Fair! Fes- March 12-14: 9 am-6 pm. Sat 9 am-12 pm dollars, great bene?ts, newer COOPERSTOWN, NY! 60-70%
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it TODAY. Instant offer: 1-800- or call 800-450-7227. Antique tables and chairs, trunk, glassware. with bene?ts. The Village of WATERFRONT! VIEW!
864-5784 Cherry bedroom furniture, lovely indoor Grafton is seeking one (1) WOODS!
patio set and many holiday decorations. full-time General Laborer. The 6 miles from Village,
FOR RENT American Girl doll clothes person holding this position low taxes, town rd, utils,
and a Ford Escape. is responsible for performing 100% gtd!
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new carpet, ceramic tile and ings, park facilities, sewer
hard wood ?oors. Appliances lines, electric utilities, snow MEDICAL
included. Call 216-347-6775. plowing and other required
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sign with tan covers. Excellent NEEDED! w/ 1 year or 50k miles exp, hoe and maintaining all types rect & SAVE. Please call 1-
condition, $200. 440-236-5531 Must have Experience w/ tanker & hazmat. See of equipment. Snow plowing 800-410-7127 for FREE DVD
the Recruiter on March 10, experienced is preferred. To and brochure.
GARAGE SALES Single Hit Press 11, 12 between Noon to be considered, please forward
Flexographic 5pm at the terminal: 10720 a resume and references to: Got Knee Pain? Back Pain?
Mike’s Hooker Service. We MOVING SALE Memphis Ave Brooklyn, Oh Village of Grafton, 960 Main Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-re-
pay top dollar for all unwant- March 13 & 14, 9-4 p.m. Slitter 44144. Or Apply online: Street, Grafton, Ohio 44044. lieving brace -little or NO cost
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free Automatic Press Set-up Or, email the Village Admin- to you. Medicare Patients Cal
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, Furniture, antiques, All Shifts Available in reers EEO/AAE Minori- istrator, Tom Williams, TEWil- Health Hotline Now! 1- 800-
216-534-6514. Lionel trains Brunswick, Valley City, ties/Females/Persons with [email protected]. 419-3684
Disabilities/Protected Vet- Village of Grafton is an equal
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS and much more! & Strongsville erans opportunity employer. Medical Guardian - Top-rated
27575 Clark Rd. Pay is BOE $10 - $14+ medical alarm and 24/7 medi-
Advertise to 500,000 Homes Huntington Twp. NEW TRUCKS ARRIVING cal alert monitoring. For a lim-
with a business card size per hour - EXPERIENCED OTR DRIV- ited time, get free equipment
ad. You choose the area of 216-513-5109 Apply in person with 2 ERS VAN DIVISION: Runs no activation fees, no com-
coverage in free community 48 states, heavy from WI to mitment, a 2nd waterproof
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800-450-7227 or visit macne- area. Flex home time. 99% - only $29.95 per month. 800- AMVETS POST 32 Mancan No-Touch. Top Pay! Vacation/ 279-4103
11087 Middle Ave., Elyria 735 N. Court 401K/ Vision/ Dental/ Dis-
ADVERTISE to 10 Million Street #C Medina, OH ability/ Health. Require Class Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert
Homes across the USA! Place Hall-250, Q-Hut-100, 330-721-9675 A CDL, 2 yrs OTR exp. good for Seniors. Bathroom falls
your ad in over 140 commu- Pavillion-250 MVR, references. Call Ruth/ can be fatal. Approved by
nity newspapers, with circu- Help Wanted Mike TTI, Inc. 1-800-558-2664 Arthritis Foundation. Thera-
lation totaling over 10 million Available for all occasions peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch
homes. Contact Independent Call for pricing Eaton Township will be accepting applications for a part time Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip
Free Papers of America IFPA and availability road and bridge employee through the close of business on Between HS and college? Floors. American Made. In-
at danielleburnett-ifpa@live. 440-458-8544 March 27, 2015 with the interviews being conducted on April Wanting entry level position? stallation Included. Call 1-
com or visit our website cad- 4, 2015. The position will be paid a rate of $12.00/hour with Rapid advancement and huge 800-906-3115 for $750 Off for more informa- COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL the responsibilities being mowing, weed eating, assistance earning potential! Must travel.
tion. 25-150 Capacity with burials/cemetery, miscellaneous road work and operating $500 signing bonus! 480-718- Canada Drug Center is your
the compost facility. The position will work for the period of 9540 choice for safe and affordable
CHILD CARE Catering Available April 11 - November 29, 2015 with the hours being Tuesday- medications. Our licensed
440-236-3323 Friday 7:00 am - 3:30 pm and Saturday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. HORSES Canadian mail order phar-
Childcare in my home. Former Applications are available to pick up at the Town Hall during macy will provide you with
pre-school teacher. Daily and F.O.P. LODGE #54 of?ce hours located at 12043 Avon Belden Rd. Grafton, OH Free board for your horse in savings of up to 90 percent
weekly rates. Minutes from Capacity 150-175 44044. If you have any further questions regarding this posi- exchange for stall cleaner. on all your medication needs
I-480. CPR and First Aid certi- Catering Available tion, please call 748-2236. Our of?ce hours are Mon. through Stalls open. 9-year-old thor- Call today 1-800-254-4073, for
?ed. Christy 440-219-9168. 36854 Royalton Rd. Fri., 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. oughbred Gelding for sale, call $10.00 off your ?rst prescrip-
(1 mile East of Durkee) 440-926-1122 for more info. tion and free shipping.
Grafton, Ohio Horseback riding lessons. PETS
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s 440-653-7227 24344 Foster Road, Litch?eld,
needs are different. We spe- 330-603-5955. Beginners-ad- All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster
cialize in catering to what your FULL park with restrooms, 3 vanced. Jumping lessons Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509.
needs are. Call Marcie today pavilions, air conditioned hall, available. Indoor & outdoor Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
for your free assessment ap- for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange arena. Trailering to shows exercise yards, custom care.
pointment at 440-213-7527. Lions Club. 440-458-6781. available. $15 per day. Grooming now
Over 13 years experience. available.
Grafton VFW. Call from
EDUCATION 9:30-11:30 a.m. Monday-Fri- Help Wanted INSURANCE REAL ESTATE
day. 440-926-3341
The path to your dream job Eaton Township will be accepting applications for a full time Need Car Insurance Now? Valley City: 8900 sq.ft. build-
begins with a college degree. HELP WANTED Road and Bridge employee with interviews to be conducted Lowest Down Payment - Can- ing. Store front & 3 apartments.
Education Quarters offers a on April 4, 2015. The position will be responsible for snow celed? State Letter? Acci- Good investment. Priced to
free college matching service. Cooks-Servers. Razzles, plowing, mowing, weed eating, assistance with burials/cem- dents? Tickets? DUI? Instant sell. 330-410-5791
CALL 1-800-375-6219 Olmsted. Apply in person etery, miscellaneous road and drainage work, maintenance of Coverage! INSUREDIRECT.
or call 440-251-0666 or equipment/facilities and operation the compost facility. Ap- COM Toll-Free 888-800-2312
AIRLINES ARE HIRING for 216-299-3552. plicants are required to have a current CDL Class B license
those with FAA certi?cation. and have diesel mechanic experience and general mechanical LAWN & GARDEN SALES & SERVICES
Financial aid if quali?ed - Job hDarivveervLnaoeloeikddineDgdrfpiovarerHtr-setilmpL?eic. eMnusset abilities. Applications are available to pick up at the Town
placement assistance. Get and goodAddrivveirntigsereincord. Must Hall during of?ce hours located at 12043 Avon Belden Rd. TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- SMALL DUMPSTERS
the A&P training at Aviation knoTwhheoRwurtaol-pUurlbl aantrRaeilecor.rLdoad Grafton, OH 44044 and will be accepted through the close of vice. Complete tree removal, for roo?ng, remodeling, etc.
Institute of Maintenance 866- anOdurucnllaosasdifieedqsugipetmneontitc.eCd!all business on Friday, March 27, 2015. If you have any further trimming, root feeding and
453-6204 440-926-2880, Tom or Bob. questions regarding this position, please call 748-2236. Our cleaning. Fully insured. FREE Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
of?ce hours are Mon. through Fri., 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. ESTIMATES. Firewood for Truck work available
Drivers w/CDL: Lease to own sale. 440-236-3061.
a freightliner. One all-inclusive CALL JASON’S SERVICES
payment. Earn $1,400+/week! 440-926-3446
Contract rates up to $3/mile.
Call 1-888-796-4576 Drivers, CDL-A: WOW! Check Drivers: Local, home daily, UPHOLSTERY
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Wants to purchase minerals
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440-724-9338 Repairs from $75.
24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station 440-748-3259 Casey Williamson
Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015
Family Business for Three Generations SOLUTIONS
RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS • Waterproofing
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 • Foundation Repair
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TAX SERVICES • Sewer Replacement
Franklin Tax & Accounting Service 440.773.3040
SEAS youth group helping others
Many Other Financial Services Available
Received IRS form 1095-A, B or C and/ Saint Elizabeth Ann
or no health insurance part of the year? Seton’s Church Youth
Group had a Lock In/
NEED HELP? Retreat on February 13.
Their theme was “How
CALL: to become better Chris-
tians.” They wanted to
Forrest Franklin CPA 440-236-5423 do something for the
for Appointment community. So they had
Your Place or Mine a food drive for the Co-
lumbia Food Pantry.
Income Tax Returns
IRSe file had a few fund-raisers
this year and decided
TAX SERVICEPROVIDER to donate $200 of their
Call Bobbie- 440-236-5449 funds to the Food Pan-
or 216-403-9707 (cell) try.
Roberta Duktig, RTRP/AFSP Thank you to all the
youth for your hard
"The IRS does not endorse any particular individual tax return preparer. work and kindness!
For more information on tax return preparers, go to"
SQUIREíS Pictured (L-R) Back Row: Brian Wells, Jacob Wells, Martin Barnard and Cameron Rose;
Middle Row: Ashleigh Hones, Jamie Cummings, Matt Dixon, Kara Thunberg, Brianna Skin-
INCOME TAX ner and Bethany Dixon; Front Row: Brooke Amdur and Chuck Rheaume.
Soil & Water Conservation news Last fall, an Ohio Historical Marker was placed outside The
EDWARD J. STEPNICKA First Church in Oberlin, United Church of Christ, honoring
Enrolled Agent, CPA District Seedling Sale - The 2015 Annual Conservation Brown Blackwell as the ?rst woman since New Testament times
Seedling Sale is now underway at the Lorain Soil & Water ordained as a Christian minister. This program brings “Nettie” to
AUTHORIZED Conservation District (SWCD) of?ce. We are offering East- life with an up-close-and-personal view of the world in her own
ern White Pine, Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Colorado Blue words as seen through the pages of her letters, sermons and lec-
IRS Spruce, Black Walnut, Northern Red Oak, Red Maple, Ameri- ture notes. Find out what one modern minister has learned from
can Planetree (Sycamore), River Birch, Red Osier Dogwood, an important foremother in this eloquent and thought-provoking
IRSe file Magenta Crabapple and American Elderberry all in packets of ?rst-person portrayal.
?ve seedlings each. They also have Black-Eyed Susan, Stella
PROVIDER D’Oro Daylily and Munstead English Lavender available in Antoinette Brown studied theology at Oberlin College, led
three inch pots. Place your order now by visiting www.lorain- prayer meetings at Oberlin’s First Church, U.C.C. and subse-
440-748-3624 to print an order form or by coming to the of?ce at quently was called to serve the Congregational Church in South
42110 Russia Rd., in Elyria. A check made payable to “Lorain Butler, NY, where she was ordained in 1853. In 1856, she mar-
35043 E. Royalton Rd. SWCD” must accompany your order form. The order pick-up ried abolitionist Samuel Blackwell, and together they raised ?ve
North Eaton date is Friday, April 17, from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. at Grobe Fruit daughters. Brown Blackwell later joined the Unitarian Church
Farm, 43875 Telegraph Road (SR 113), in Elyria. and continued to preach in churches through the age of 90. As
TREE SERVICE a visionary and leader, she fervently dreamed of a day when
Pond Management Clinic - Lorain SWCD is sponsoring a gender inequalities would be erased and women would have the
Jason E. Davis pond management clinic on Monday, April 27, from 5:30-7:30 same opportunities and rewards as men.
-Complete Crane Service- p.m. at the Lorain County Agricultural Center, 42110 Russia
Rd., Elyria. The presenter, Chip Wendt, has an A.A.S. in Aqua- In recognition of a lifetime of good work, Oberlin College
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” culture & Fisheries Science from Hocking College and a B.S. in awarded Antoinette Brown Blackwell an honorary Doctor of Di-
Tree/Stump Removal Environmental Science/Watershed Conservation from Bowling vinity degree in 1908. The United Church of Christ established
Green State University. The pond clinic will help landowners the Antoinette Brown Award for outstanding clergywomen in
Tree Trimming, Firewood understand the fundamentals of pond maintenance, pond stock- 1975, and this summer will launch the Antoinette Brown Soci-
“FREE ESTIMATES” ing, wildlife & weed control, and include a question & answer ety to encourage and support women as pastoral leaders in the
Bonded & Insured session. A portion of the clinic will be held outside, so dress church.
accordingly. Reservations can be made by calling the of?ce at
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 (440) 326-5800. There is a $5 registration fee. Light refresh- Beth Marshall graduated from Bowling Green State Univer-
Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] ments will be provided. Fish stocking orders can be placed at sity with a BA in English and received her Masters of Divinity
this time. from the Meadville Lombard Divinity School in Chicago, Illi-
ARBOR CARE TREE nois. She was ordained a Unitarian minister in 2003 and pres-
Spring Fish Sale - Lorain SWCD is also taking orders for ently is senior pastor at the First Unitarian Church of Toledo.
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck ?ngerling-size ?sh for stocking your ponds. We are selling
• 113 Ft. Crane Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, Channel Cat?sh, Black Crappie, For more information about this program or other upcoming
Redear Sun?sh (Shellcrackers), Yellow Perch, Flathead Min- events offered by the Oberlin Heritage Center, please visit www.
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood now and Triploid White Amur. Payment is required when the or call (440) 774-1700.
order is placed. The truck from Fender’s Fish Hatchery of Bal-
Triple Shredded Mulch tic, Ohio, will be here for delivery on Thursday, May 7, from Ask the Remodeler
10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. to distribute orders. You will need to bring
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member a container ?lled with your pond water to pick up your order Question: What are the requirements for bathroom ventila-
- approximately 5 gallons of water for each 100 ?ngerling size tion?
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675 ?sh. We suggest using a trash can with a new plastic liner - then
put in the pond water so the top of the bag can be tied shut for Answer: It is recommended you plan a mechanical exhaust
WATERPROOFING transportation. Remember the Amur are 10-12” long and need system, vented to the outside, for each enclosed area of the bath.
a suitable container. Code requires minimum ventilation for the bathroom to be a
J. A. KILBY ENT. window of at least 3 square feet, of which 50% is operable, or a
An Evening with Antoinette mechanical ventilation system of at least 50 cubic feet per min-
“Stop the water before it stops you!” Brown Blackwell ute exhausted to the outside.
•Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services Oberlin native and ordained minister Beth Marshall por- Don Jason
trays Antoinette Brown Blackwell (1825-1921) in a costumed If you have any questions you would like to ask, send them
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement historical presentation that takes place Thursday, March 26, at via email to [email protected].
7:15 p.m. in Kendal at Oberlin’s Heiser Auditorium (600 Ken-
440-327-3433 dal Drive). The event, which is hosted by the Oberlin Heritage
Center, is free and open to the public.
Carlisle Historical Society Born in Akron, Kiser began her professional career as the RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015 Page 19
librarian for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in 1995.
The ?rst meeting of this year will be on March 12 at the Carl- In 2001, she moved to Washington, DC, to become the librarian ARC Blood Drive
isle Town Hall at 7 p.m. All members are urged to attend and any for National Endowment for the Arts. She relocated back to Ohio
other person that is interested in our local history. Plans for the in 2013 and now lives in Cuyahoga Falls. The American Red Cross encourages eligible blood donors to
coming year will be discussed. Dues are $5 per person or $10 per become everyday heroes by giving blood in celebration of Red
family. The town hall is located right across the street from the This special presentation is free to the public and co-spon- Cross Month this March.
?re station on Rt. 301. It was once the Center School and they sored by the Black River Audubon Society and the Lorain Coun-
have an old teachers’ ledger book from the early 1900s from the ty Metro Parks. For more information on other programs, vol- It doesn’t take a cape or superpowers to be a hero. By do-
school. unteering, or memberships, visit or nating blood, eligible donors can help save the lives of patients in need. Those who are unable to give blood can support blood
From the May 2, 1878 issue of the Elyria Republican: “Cap- donations by organizing a blood drive, volunteering to assist
tain John Booth, of Carlisle, who suffered a severe fracture of Metro Parks with Red Cross activities, or creating a SleevesUp virtual blood
his left arm last December, stating he still has no use of his arm, Murder Mystery Dinner drive online at and asking others to
but is encouraged to believe that it is gradually limbering up and make a lifesaving donation.
that it will ultimately be sound again. His many friends are glad Friends of the Metro Parks of Lorain County will present
to see him out once more.” John Booth served in the Civil War their annual Murder Mystery Dinner on May 1, 2, 8 and 9 at the To make an appointment to give blood, download the Red
as a captain. Carlisle Visitors Center, located at 12882 Diagonal Road, in La- Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-
Grange. Tickets are $30 per person, $58 per couple; group rates RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
To learn more of Carlisle’s history, stop in on Thursday, are available. For more information or reservations, call (216)
March 12. 544-3865. Upcoming blood donation opportunities:
Strongsville: March 16, from 1-7 p.m. - Cuyahoga County
Pancake Breakfast AAUW meeting Library Strongsville Branch, 18700 Westwood Dr.
Avon: March 16, from 2-8 p.m. - Avon Blood Donation Cen-
The Friends of the Metro Parks of Lorain County is sponsor- The American Association of University Women will meet at ter, 2100 Center Street, Avon Belden Rd/Route 83.
ing a Pancake Breakfast on March 14 &15 at Carlisle Visitor 7 p.m. on March 16 at Grace Lutheran Church, located at 9685 Wellington: March 16, from 3-7 p.m. - Wellington Fire De-
Center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Breakfast includes juice, coffee, tea, East River Street, in Elyria. The program will be "Adventures partment, 202 Kelly Street.
milk, sausages, scrambled eggs and all-you-can-eat pancakes. in Life Long Learning Programs," presented by Gerald Polizzi,
Ambassador for Road Scholars (formerly Elder Hostel). All are Got Good Credit?
Pay the following at the door: $7 per adult, $4 per child aged welcome. Have No Claims?
2-10 years and children under 2 years eat for free. The Carlisle Homeowners Premium Too High?
Visitor Center is located at 12882 Nickel Plate Diagonal Rd., in Lorain County Historical Society You deserve a better premium.
LaGrange. Give W.K. Johnson Insurance a try!
The Lorain County Historical Society’s new exhibition on ~Serving the area since 1929~
Audubon Society program Beckett Industries will be on display in the Lorain County History Call: 440-366-6440 or
Center’s rotating gallery through July. This exhibition is included Email: [email protected]
The Jack Smith Outstanding Speaker’s Series is proud to in the price of admission, which is $5 per adult, ages 13-18/$3 We sell Hastings Mutual
present the program, “America’s Other Audubon,” given by li- and children 6-12/$2 (children under 6 and LCHS Members are
brarian Joy M. Kiser on March 21, at 2 p.m. at the Carlisle Visi- free). Please call LCHS at (440) 322-3341 for more information.
tor Center, 12882 Diagonal Road, LaGrange. The Lorain County History Center is located at 284 Washington
Avenue, in Elyria.
In 1876, Circleville, Ohio native Genevieve Estelle Jones be-
came enamored with John James Audubon’s engravings for his Spring Adult Volleyball Leagues
book, Birds of America, and she began her own book of how to
identify bird nests and eggs. Her father wrote the prospectus for The Elyria Parks and Recreation Department is currently ac-
a book that would be called Illustrations of the Nests and Eggs of cepting registration for its adult Women’s and Co-Rec. volley-
Birds of Ohio, and Genevieve and a girlhood friend threw them- ball leagues. Team rosters must be completed prior to the season,
selves into drawing nests and learning the art of lithography. with no more than twelve players. Players must be at least in
Tragically, the book was never completed. high school or older to participate. An 8-match schedule will be
played beginning the week of April 6. Team applications are due
Kiser will present a mini documentary on Genevieve that by March 13. The league fee of $150 must be paid by March 18
will include aspects of the family’s story, archival photographs at the Parks main of?ce, 131 Court St., Suite 103 (City Hall). For
and many other unpublished details. more information, call 326-1500 or visit
adult volleyball league site.
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Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, March 9, 2015