TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
Volume 62, No. 42 Columbia Station, Ohio April 24, 2017
Page 15-18
Lorain Correctional Institution Officer of the Year 50 Acts of Giving Back at Murray Ridge
Of?cer Ricky Gornek el of his peers for his leadership, dedication and
Warden Kimberly Clipper announced commitment. This award is presented to the Cor-
Elyria native Ricky Gornek as the 2017 rection Of?cer who best exempli?es the mission
Correction Of?cer of the Year for the Lo- of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and
rain Correctional Institution (LorCI). Correction (ODRC), as well as represents Lorain
Of?cer Gornek was selected by a pan- Correctional Institution in a positive and profes-
sional manner.
“Each year, only 12 candidates are inter-
viewed for the Of?cer of the Year, the compe-
tition is steep and Of?cer Gornek came out the
winner. He is an awesome re?ection of the ex-
ceptional staff that we have here at LorCI,” stated
Warden Clipper.
Of?cer Gornek is a resident of Elyria, and be-
gan his career with ODRC in 1996.He currently
works in the Transitional Programming Unit and
is well known for his willingness to assist, pro-
fessionalism and enthusiasm.
Each year, a statewide Correction Of?cer of
the Year is selected for the Ronald C. Marshall
Award from a pool of 29 candidates from facil-
ities across the state. On May 5, the prestigious
Ronald C. Marshall Award will be awarded to
the candidate selected as the ODRC Correction
Of?cer of the Year. The selection of the Ronald
C. Marshall Award concludes the annual celebra-
tion of Correction Employee Week.
Congratulations Of?cer Gornek!
Easter Duck hugs
2-year-old Ethan 2017 Murray Ridge Staff member Matt Simkovich, Sister Mary Berigan from Blessing House with
Tomblin snuggles his Senior Fest her therapy dog, Moses, Murray Ridge staff member Glenda Kazmierczak and Adult Pro-
“Easter Duck” at his gram participant Helena Hurt.
home in Valley City. Please Join the Lo-
Ethan’s family has a rain County Of?ce on Murray Ridge Center is keeping busy with 50 Acts of Giving Back, a year-long
three-acre pond on their Aging and the Lorain initiative celebrating the 50th anniversary of Murray Ridge Center. Through its 50
property and have al- County General Health Acts of Giving Back, members of the Murray Ridge family will give back through at
ready raised a few baby District at Senior Fest least ?fty acts of helping to meet needs in Lorain County. For one of its acts, Murray
ducks to maturity and 2016, Thursday, April Ridge consumers at the Elyria Opportunity/Vocational Center (EOVC) sold paper
then released them to 27, from 1-4 p.m. at the Easter eggs to other adult program participants and staff throughout the EOVC and
their pond. Spitzer Center at Lorain Administration Buildings. They raised $1,200 in donations, which was given to Sis-
County Community ter Mary Berigan, from Blessing House in Lorain, during a donation ceremony on
Ethan’s new duck, College. Thursday, April 13.
lovingly named “Alfal-
fa,” will be kept inside, Along with over 80 Murray Ridge is now up to 54 acts completed by almost 90 adult program partici-
in a special box under health vendors, there pants, and it still has eight months of giving left in 2017!
a heat lamp until he will be an antiques ap-
grows up and can join praisal booth. For more
the others in the pond. information call (440)
Ethan will be in charge 326-4816.
of his pet duck Alfalfa
Ethan Tomblin with his Easter through the incubation
Duck, Alfalfa. period.
Prescription Drug Turn In Day Community Directory
The lorain County Sher- of the water supply and away addiction at many of the lo- Carlisle 12 N. Ridgeville 26
iff’s Of?ce Drug Task Force from unintended users. All cations to offer information Columbia 3 Wellington 25
and participating depart- prescription labels should and counseling if requested. Eaton 10 Events page 2
ments will be holding the be removed from the bottles. A list of locations is being Grafton 21 Churches 7
16th annual Prescription No personal information is complied at this time. Grafton Twp. 24 Profile Page 9
Dug Turn in Day on Satur- ever asked and the medica- LaGrange 20 Let’s Eat 19
day, April 29, from 9 a.m.-3 tion is kept by law enforce- Participating Drug Turn
p.m. This is a good way for ment of?cers until disposed In locations are: The Rural-Urban Record
residents to dispose of ex- of.
pired or no longer needed Amherst Police Depart- PO Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028
medication, as it keeps it out New this year will be the ment, 911 N. Lake St.
presence of experts on drug 440-236-8982
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017
April April 22 April 29 April 30 May 5 May 7
Dinosaurs! Horse Rescue Fundraiser Herb Fair Fur Fun 5K & Dog Walk Tequila Fest Cleveland Fish with a Ranger
With an outdoor dino trail, an Come enjoy all you can eat Time to get the herbs for your Love-A-Stray 5K Chip Timed Over 30 tequilas, taco bar, sal- Come enjoy a day of FREE
indoor dino discovery area and pasta, pizza, wings, salad and garden or just learn how to cook Race at 9:00am, Registration sa bar and guacamole bar. DJ ?shing with a Ranger. Bring
activities, this Dinosaurs! event pop, beer, wine and well drinks. with fresh herbs. at 7:30am. Group Dog Walk through out and soon to be an- your own equipment, limited
is perfect for the whole fami- Sideboards, 50/50 raf?e, raf?e 11:00am & Registration at nounced live performance by a poles and bait available. No
ly. Includes food from some of baskets and door prizes. Tick- Vermilion River 10:00am. Raf?es, Pet Fair, Priz- local legend. Tickets online from license required due to ODNR
your favorite local food trucks ets are $25 per person. Tick- Reservation, es, Gift Cards $45. free ?shing days. All ages and
on the weekends. Runs now till ets and donations help pay for 51211 North Ridge Rd, experiences welcome.
May 7th. $3/person over 3yrs. horse feed, supplements, veter- Vermilion Avon Lake High School Lago Veranda
inary and farrier care and stall 12:00pm - 3:00pm 175 Avon Belden Road (East Bank of the Flats) Indian Hollow Reservation
Carlisle Reservation bedding. Avon Lake 1091 W 10th Street Royal Oaks Park
12882 Diagonal Rd, Columbia After Prom 9:00am - 12:00pm Cleveland 38744 Parsons Road
LaGrange Quaker Steak & Lube Fundraiser Painting Party 5:00pm - 11:00pm Grafton, OH
12:00pm - 6:00pm Daily 4900 Transportation Dr, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Shef?eld Village Bring your family and friends for Paint a Mermaid or Dolphin,
April 22 6:00pm - 8:30pm a Wing Night and Basket Fund- open to all ages, great for a Par-
raiser. A portion of the proceeds ent/child pair. Call 440-66-4097 May 6
LuLaRoe Shopping Spree April 26 will bene?t the Columbia class for more information.
of 2017 After Prom. Steak Fry Dinner
Come to this event and browse Chinese Auction Grey Hawk Golf Club Fundraiser
through all the LuLaRoe cloth- Grindstone Tap House 665 U.S. Grant St.
ing, plus visit with other vendors The North Eaton Christian 826 Front St, Berea LaGrange Operation Open Heart brings
that will be there as well. Church will be having a family 6:00pm - 9:00pm 12:00pm - 3:00pm police of?cers and ?rst respond-
fun event! Stop over and enjoy ers & the community together
Grace Baptist Church a chinese auction. 440-748- April 29-30 www.lagrangepaintingparties. to mentor local children and
3480 Laurel Rd, 2230. com gives them a week of summer
Brunswick Ohio Gun Show camping and fun. $20 includes:
10:00am - 4:00pm N. Eaton Christian Church, May 3 Steak, salad, roll, baked potato.
35895 Royalton Rd. Thousands of guns, knives &
EarthFest 2017 Grafton military items to buy/sell/trade. Cooking with Root St Nicholas Byzantine
Doors open at 7:00pm Many rare and unusual ?rearms Veggies & Herbs 2711 West 40th St
Families will enjoy all day en- will be on display and for sale! Lorain
tertainment with eco-activi- April 29 Bring your old gun or war souve- Big Show Catering will teach 5:00pm - 11:00pm
ties, workshops & teach-ins, nir for a free appraisal or to sell. how to make wonderful dishes
Midwest Evolve Ride & Drive, LC3K Color Dash Cash buyers will be there! Un- with root vegetables such as Advertise Your Event!
biodiesel powered amusement der 21 must be with Parent, $7. rutabagas, turnips, beets, and
park rides, all day music on 4 $10 registration fee (includes parsnips. Also, master the art • Event Name
stages, urban farm animals, lo- free t-shirt). Proceeds will go Cuyahoga Fairgrounds of seasoning with herbs. Sam- • Description of Event
cal food trucks, and much more towards Crohn’s & Colitis Foun- 19021 Bagley Rd, ple the creations! Register and
dation & LCCC Student Senate Middleburg Heights pay by 4/28 $12 members/$15 (Includes up to 25 Words)
Cuyahoga Fairgrounds For more information, contact Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm nonmembers • Date
19021 Bagley Rd, Jinnie Lee at 440-366-4774 or Sun: 9:00am - 3:00pm • Location
Middleburg Heights, OH [email protected] Miller Nature Preserve • Time
10:00am - 7:00pm West Shore Orchid Show 2739 Center Rd, Avon • Website (if needed)
LCCC 6:00pm - 8:00pm • There is a cost to advertise
1005 North Abbe Road Come see the Largest Judged
Elyria Orchid Show in Ohio! Learn • Restrictions apply to certain
12:00pm - 3:30pm more about Orchids and stop
by the displays. Plant sale and events, call to check!
supplies for sale as well. $3 Do-
nation for entry. Ra?le of orchids Call: 440-236-5103
Strongsville Rec Center
18100 Royalton Rd,
Sat: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Sun: 11:00am - 4:00pm
WEEKLY CALENDAR Attention Senior Citizens RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 3
Tuesday, April 25:
Columbia Township, in cooperation with the Lorain County Columbia High School and the CHS Key Club would like to Department Reports
Commissioners, Columbia Township Fire Department and Co- invite you to their biannual Senior Citizens Breakfast. This event The Zoning Inspector reported one single family home permit
lumbia Local Schools, will be presenting the program “Effects of is open to all Columbia residents and grandparents of Columbia issued, bringing the total for the year to 28. A violation letter was
Drug Abuse” tonight from 6:30-9:30 p.m. The program will be local students. The breakfast will be held on Wednesday, April sent to a resident on Royalton Road for an unlicensed vehicle on
held in the Columbia High School Gym and is open to all Lorain 26, at 8:45 a.m. in the high school cafeteria. Please note this the property. There are no cases for the Board of Zoning Appeals
County residents. is a change of date. It is free of charge. They will be serving for April. The Zoning Commission will meet Thursday, May 4,
Saturday, April 29: breakfast casseroles, hash browns, fresh fruit, muf?ns and a va- at 6 p.m., for its regular meeting. A Public Hearing follows at 7
Columbia Reservation is going on an “Early Bird Hike” to- riety of beverages. If you would like to attend, please call (440) p.m. for Zoning Amendment 2017-01, which would make revi-
day at the park from 7-8:30 a.m. Join them while they casually 236-5001 before 3 p.m. on Monday, April 24, to make your res- sions to Article 14 Planned Residential Development Districts,
hike a trail or two while they look and listen for feathered friends. ervations. PRDD1, PRDD2 and PRDD3. The Road-Service Director was
This is a level 2 hike. not present. Most of the items are in old and new business. The
Homecoming Festival news Director spent $525 for safety signs on the road. The Fire Chief
CHS Weekly Calendar reported 36 on ?le, 34 on call, 75 ?re calls to date and 193 EMS
Crafters Wanted calls. There were 23 mutual aid assists and 5 mutual aid requests.
Monday, April 24: The Columbia Homecoming Festival is seeking local craft- The Transport Billing for March was $11,093.46, bringing the
School resumes. ers who would like to participate in this year’s festival. We have total for the year to $36,475.41. The items for the new cot are
Prom tickets on sale through May 5. extra spots this year that we’d like to offer to local vendors ?rst. in. At the Pancake Breakfast, 45 units of blood were collected.
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Lutheran West V-A, JV-H. Please email [email protected] or call (440) 236-9053 About $5000 was made at the breakfast from the food, donations
Tuesday, April 25: for more information or an application. More information can and 50/50 raf?e.
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Lutheran West V-H, JV-A. also be found at Rita Plata gave the cemetery report: $750 received from buri-
6:30 p.m. County Wide Drug Forum. Placemat advertising spaces available als and $200 received from footer fees.
Wednesday, April 26: The Columbia Chamber of Commerce & Columbia Home- Old Business
8:45 a.m. Senior Citizens Breakfast. coming Festival is working on their second round of placemat The Comprehensive Plan is being prepared by the Zoning
5 p.m. Varsity Baseball & Varsity Softball at Oberlin. advertising. If your business would like to be included, please Commission for the Trustees. There is no change in the status
Thursday, April 27: email Nikki at [email protected] or call (440) 236- of the lots in Columbia Reserve with utility connection issues.
5 p.m. Baseball/Softball-Keystone, V-A, JV-H. 9053. The cost is $100. The Trustees voted to put out Redfern Road for bid on April 20,
Friday, April 28: with bid opening May 15 at 7:30 p.m. Bid packets are available
Softball at Prebis tournament. State of the Township meeting at the Lorain County Engineer’s of?ce. There is no change in the
6 p.m. Band/Choir Banquet. status of the Estates of Columbia Ridge and the Army Corp of
Saturday, April 29: The Columbia Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a “State
9 a.m. Track at Avon Lake Relays. of the Township” meeting with the Trustees on Wednesday, May COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP
Softball at Prebis tournament. 3, at Columbia Eagles, 27190 Royalton Road, Columbia Station, ZONING COMMISSION
11 a.m./1 p.m. Baseball - Elyria Catholic (DH) V-H, JV-A. at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be
provided by Wright’s Catering. For more information, please call PUBLIC HEARING
Effects of Drug Abuse (440) 236-9053 or email [email protected]. May 4, 2017
The Columbia Township Trustees, with the cooperation of Columbia Trustees Meeting The Columbia Township Zoning Commission will hold
the Lorain County Commissioners, the Columbia Township Fire a public hearing on proposed Zoning Amendment 2017-
Department and the Columbia Local School District, will be put- The Columbia Township Board of Trustees met on April 01 to the Columbia Township Zoning Resolution. Zon-
ting on the program entitled “Effects of Drug Abuse” on April 17 with all three trustees present and the Fiscal Of?cer, Jackie ing Amendment 2017-01 would make revisions to Article
25. The program will be held from 6:30-9 p.m. in the Columbia Ramsey. The minutes of the April 3 meeting, the April 5 spe- 14 Planned Residential Development Districts PRDD1,
High School Gymnasium. This program is open to all Lorain cial meeting and the April 11 workshop were all approved. The PRDD2 & PRDD3. The public hearing will be held on
County residents. The panel will consist of representatives from Trustees voted to pay the bills and payroll. The bills amounted Thursday, May 4, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at the Columbia Town
the following agencies: Columbia Fire Dept., Lorain County to $36,049.70 and payroll amounted to $31,017.59, bringing the Hall, 25496 Royalton Road, Columbia Station, Ohio.
Health Dept., Southwest General Hospital, Lorain County Sher- total to $67,067.29. The receipts totaled $21,741.67.
iff’s Department, Lorain County Prosecutor’s Of?ce, Lorain Zoning Amendment 2017-01 was initiated by motion
County Coroner’s Of?ce, Lorain County Drug Addiction Court In Correspondence, it was learned that the Lorain County of the Columbia Township Zoning Commission. The
and Marnie Butler. There will also be Drug Addiction Agencies General Health District wishes to hold a community ?t walk zoning amendment was submitted to the Lorain County
on hand with information. event. They are looking at the new walking trail in the Colum- Planning Commission for review. The complete text of
bia Township Park. They are looking at June 19 and July 17 as the zoning amendment is available for examination at the
possible dates. More information to come as soon as plans are Columbia Township Of?ce, Monday through Friday, from
determined. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Notice given by:
Rita J. Plata, Administrative Assistant
Schuster’s Westview Gardens
(Schuster’s Greenhouses - Est. 1923)
APRIL 29 • 9AM - 5PM
Refreshments • Door Prizes
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Also... HOURS:
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Check us out on Facebook • Schuster’s Westview Gardens
9165 COLUMBIA RD. • OLMSTED FALLS, OH 44138 • 440-235-2440
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 I hope that you had a relaxing and enjoyable spring break! author’s cookbook and talk about your experience in the kitchen.
Engineers. There is another meeting with Safe Built, the compa- We only have 33 days left in the school year. I challenge all of Copies of the book are available at the library. Preregistration is
ny that can provide a building inspection program for Columbia our students to ?nish strong. You will return to ?nd that we were required.
Township. The Drug Addiction Program is being held at 6:30 really busy with projects during the past week. Each year we do
p.m. in Columbia High School. It is open to everyone, even stu- our best to update and upgrade our facilities. There are a lot more Coloring For Grown Ups - Join the adult coloring craze
dents, and will have graphic descriptions. This is a serious prob- projects planned for this summer. Thanks to the community for on Friday, April 28, from 1-2:30 p.m. Experience the calming,
lem today. Everyone needs to be informed. Shred day is Saturday, your support of our schools! stress relieving bene?ts of coloring beautiful designs and pat-
June 17, from 9 a.m.-Noon. The Trustees decided not to act on terns made speci?cally for adults. Coloring sheets, colored pen-
the parking in the Columbia Reserve Subdivision. The LED stop The next Senior Citizen breakfast will take place on Wednes- cils and markers will be provided. Coffee and tea will be served.
signs are up and functioning, thanks to the Columbia Communi- day, April 26, at 8:45 a.m. at CHS. If you haven’t reserved your This program is for adults ages 18 and older. Preregistration is
ty Foundation for its generous donation of $1,412.50. The mayor spot, please contact Mrs. Kobe at CHS at (440) 236-5001. We required.
of Olmsted Falls told the Columbia Trustees that Olmsted Falls is anticipate more than 100 people in attendance. I look forward to
not interested in annexing any part of Columbia. What was said seeing you there. Powerpoint For Beginners - Learn to create dynamic presen-
about annexation by the Riverside Golf Course representatives tations for any audience. Learn PowerPoint on Saturday, April
was not true. The Trustees voted to purchase an Escape through CLSD is looking for student summer workers. If you are in- 29, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Participants will learn how to
State bid for the Zoning Inspector for $29,233.50. terested, please email me at [email protected]. You create slides that include charts, clip art and other graphics, in-
must be at least 18 years of age and have graduated from high cluding animation and transition effects. Learn to edit and polish
New Business school. The position will begin on June 12 and last for 49 days. your presentations with ease. Participants need to be comfortable
The action decided by the Trustees for the situation on Pla- using a mouse to attend. Preregistration is required.
inview Court is that the pipe will be removed and everything CLSD is partnering with Columbia Township, Columbia
put back the way it was. The Trustees voted to extend the mor- Township Fire Department and several other local agencies to Booking it for Fitness Walking Club - Looking to get a little
atorium on medical marijuana to September 8. The bids were provide a program called “Effects of Drug Abuse.” The program bit of exercise and make new friends now that the weather is
awarded for materials. Crossroads will provide aggregate lime- will be held at CHS on Tuesday, April 25, at 6:30 p.m. Hope to warmer? Join the walking club on Saturday mornings. The group
stone, recycled asphalt, tack coat and equipment. Koskosing will see you in attendance! is meeting next on April 29 and May 6 at 11 a.m. to walk the
provide crushed concrete and asphalt material. beautiful walking trail in the Columbia Township Park that is
Hot Stove would like to have extra portapots in the park for We are always looking to improve the quality of the school adjacent to the library. Meet in the library’s meeting room and
June 17 & 18, during tournaments. The Trustees feel that Hot district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion, grab a water bottle, which will be provided for your walk. Come
Stove should provide for them. Sean Heidecker of Hot Stove question or comment, please feel free to call me at (440) 236- early to check out the library displays on all things health and
is working on the dugout project. So far we know that it will be 5008 or email [email protected]. ?tness, or have a staff member help you load your device with
$30 annually on the township insurance to cover them. The street digital audiobooks or music from the library website to make
lights at Boone and SR 82 are being replaced because they had Enjoy the rest of your week! Go Raiders! your workouts more entertaining. Preregistration is required.
been taken down for the construction, but First Energy wants
to charge the Township for a light pole at West River Road and Columbia Library events Teen Writing Group - Join other teens who are interested in
Riverview. The Trustees are going to call them to ?nd out why. writing to discuss, write and constructively and kindly critique
Lou Price, a resident, has requested to cut a concrete street to put Adult Book Discussion - Come discuss “A Man Called Ove,” each other’s work. The group meets on Saturday, April 29, from
in a sewer tap-in. The Road-Service Director is against it because by Fredrik Backman on Monday, April 24, at 1 p.m. Copies of 11 a.m.-noon. This is for grades 7-12.
it could cause potential damage to the street. The resident will the book are available at the library. New members are welcome.
have to bring his contractor in to the Trustees and Director to Preregistration is required. Dinner and a Book Discussion - Come discuss “The Nest,”
discuss the County requirements and costs. by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney, on Tuesday, May 2, from 6:30-
Committee Reports Teen Book Discussion - Come discuss “A Monster Calls,” 7:30 p.m. Would you like to spend an evening each month dis-
Mr. Cunningham reported that the Lorain County Township by Patrick Ness on Tuesday, April 25, from 6-7 p.m. Teens in cussing a great book, eating and making new friends? Check out
Association will meet April 20 in New Russia. Mr. Heidecker 6th through 12th grade are welcome to sit in and speak out at the the brand new book discussion group. Dinner is on the library!
reported that Southwest General Hospital will meet April 24; monthly book discussion. Copies of the book are available at the Copies of the book are available at the library. Preregistration is
NOACA will meet June 9; and the Northeast Ohio Township As- library. Preregistration is required. required.
sociation will meet April 30 in the Columbia Township Fire Sta-
tion. Mr. Musto had nothing for NEOSORD or LCCA. NOPEC Teen Anime Fun - If you love anime, visit on Wednesday, SEE COLUMBIA LIBRARY ON PAGE 6
is sponsoring the 2017 Rockin’ on the River concert. It is located April 26, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Enjoy some anime, Japanese re-
in Lorain, at Black River Landing. lated activities and light refreshments. G rated co-play will be John M. Haas
There were no Fiscal Of?cer’s Financial Requests. After encouraged. Perfect for those in grades 6-12. Preregistration is
Community Input, the meeting was adjourned. The next regular required. ATTORNEY AT LAW
meeting will be on Monday, May 1, at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall.
Knitting Club - Are you a knitter or crocheter? Come on Wills ~ Probate ~ Real Estate Law
SUPPORT OUR TROOPS Thursdays, April 27 and May 4, from noon to 4 p.m. Stop in Land Contracts ~ Mobile Home
anytime during those hours.
24545 Sprague Road,
Cookbook Discussion - Participants will try a dish from Columbia Station, Ohio 44028
“Making Artisan Cheesecake: Expert Techniques For Creating (440) 779-8300 ~ (440) 235-8585
Your Own Creative and Classic Recipes,” by Melanie R. Un-
derwood. The next cookbook discussion is on Thursday, April
27, from 6-7 p.m. Adults, if you love to read, cook and share
recipes, this is the group for you. Bring a dish from the selected
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Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 An Evening at the Races Columbia Community Garage Sales
COLUMBIA LIBRARY FROM PAGE 4 Columbia Auxiliary #4003 is hosting “An Evening at the Columbia Station and the Columbia Chamber of Commerce
Races,” on April 29. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. and dinner will be are proud to be hosting the 4th annual Columbia Community Ga-
Columbia Writers - Have you ever wanted to meet other writ- served from 5-6:30 p.m. The races start at 7 p.m. with music to rage Sales. The sale dates are scheduled for Thursday, July 13,
ers and hone your writing skills? Do you need motivation to pick follow. There will be a cash bar available. Dinner tickets are $15. Friday, July 14 & Saturday, July 15, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (hours
up a pen in the ?rst place? If so, take part in the writing group If you would like to be an owner of a horse and name your horse, may vary by address). Participating houses will be available to
on Thursday, May 4, from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Participate in read and you can purchase one for $10. Tickets can be purchased at the download & view on-line.
critique sessions and build your skills through writing practice. Columbia Eagles, located at 27190 Royalton Rd., in Columbia
Preregistration is required. Station. Everyone is welcome. To have your house listed, please send your address, days and
hours you will be “open” and a few items you will be having in
Introduction To Windows 10 - Learn to use Microsoft’s new- PTA Mother and Son Dance your sale to Mandie Andrews at: mandieandrews@roadrunner.
est operating system, Windows 10, including how to customize com. If you do not have access to email, please contact Mandie
your desktop, and manage ?les and folders, on Saturday, May 6, The Columbia PTA cordially invites you to attend the “3rd by phone at (216) 409-6668. Participation is free; please share
from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Preregistration is required. annual Mother and Son Dance.” The dance is open to moms, this with your neighbors and friends. Deadline to list is by 12
step-moms, aunts, grandmas or guardians of young gentlemen p.m. on Friday, July 7.
Teen Chopped - Teens, are you a fan of the Food Network’s currently attending the Columbia Local School System. The
“Chopped?” Then put on your apron for the ?rst ever Chopped dance will be on Friday, April 28, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Copo- Lorain County Fair news
event. Just like the show of the same name, this event will be pa & CMS Gym. Take this opportunity to get all dressed up! Plan
divided into three courses. In each round, teens will be given one on semi-formal attire. The Lorain County Fair has scheduled the Grandstand events
ingredient that must be incorporated into the speci?ed course. for 2017. Tickets go on sale on May 22 and can be purchased at
Come to this fun, tasty event. Preregistration is required. Hazel Eyes Photography will be there to take your pictures the fair of?ce, Monday-Friday, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
and “Music for all Occasions” will be the DJ for the evening.
Family Pizza And Movie Night - Bring the whole family Main attractions include Country-Western singers Kenny
to enjoy dinner and a family-friendly hit movie on Wednesday, Cost is $10 per couple and $2 per extra child. Light snacks Loggins and Dustin Lynch. Kenny Loggins is in the Grandstand
May 10, at 5 p.m. Preregistration is required. will be provided. Registration forms will be sent home from on Monday, August 21, at 7:30 and tickets are $30 per person.
school with your child. To make a donation of snacks for the Dustin Lynch is performing on Tuesday, August 22, at 7:30 p.m.
Registration for programs and more information is available event, to purchase tickets or for additional information, you can amd tickets are also $30 per person.
online at or by calling the Columbia contact Michelle Boetticher by email at [email protected]
Library at (440) 236-8751. The Columbia Library is located at (please put Mom/Son Dance in the subject line). Coming to the Grandstand on Wednesday, August 23, at 7
13824 W. River Road, North. p.m. is the Truck Pull event, featuring the return of the “Big
Tackle and Flag Football Registration Rigs.” Tickets for this pull are $10 per person. Thursday, Au-
Olmsted Spirit 5K Race/2-mile Walk gust 24, will feature a Horse Pull at 7 p.m. and this event is free.
Columbia Youth Football (CYF) Registration for the fall On Friday, August 25, starting at 6 p.m., is the “Friday Night
The Olmsted Spirit 5K Race/2-mile Walk is on May 7. Reg- 2017 season is now open. Spectacular” NTPA Grand National Pull. Tickets for this event
istration and check-in is from 7:30-8:30 a.m. The race and walk are $15 per person. A Combine Demolition Derby and a Truck
begin at 9 a.m. at Olmsted Falls High School, located at 26939 Tackle Football - CYF is part of the Lake Erie Youth Foot- Derby are on the schedule in the Grandstand for Saturday, Au-
Bagley Rd., in Olmsted Falls. ball League (LEYFL) and includes 10 of the 12 teams in our high gust 26, starting at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 per person. On Sunday,
school conference. This is a great opportunity for your football August 27, the popular Demolition Derby is on for 4 p.m. and
This is the 20th anniversary of the race. The course has been player to learn the game and play the same teams they will play tickets are $15 per person.
modi?ed for the ?rst time in several years, which includes cross- in middle school and high school. Why not get a head start and
ing the railroad overpass on Fitch Road and running through the build a solid foundation? Games are played on Saturdays on full More information about them and the 2017 Lorain County
open bay doors of the Olmsted Township Fire Station. See the size football ?elds - often the same ?elds as our High School Fair are available on the website,
race website for the complete route map. players, and sometimes under the lights! They offer Junior Varsi-
ty for 3rd/4th grade players and Varsity for 5th/6th grade players. COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
The Olmsted Spirit 5K is known for its free refreshments and Roster size is limited to the ?rst 25 players, so sign up early to
breakfast buffet, which includes trail mix, fruit, water, coffee, guarantee a spot. Cost is $100 - register before May 1 for a $25
juice and more. All participants will receive a raf?e ticket for discount.
a chance to win free prizes from area businesses. Some of the
prizes include items from the Cleveland Monsters, Cleveland PAC 12 Teams included in The LEYFL - Black River - Buck-
Browns, tickets to the Q for a concert by Coldplay and much eye - Keystone - Wellington - Brookside (Shef?eld) - Amherst
more! - Columbia - Clearview - Oberlin - Fairview.
Questions? Contact Executive Director Jeff Swislocki at Ol- Flag Football - They also offer ?ag football for K-2 grade.
[email protected]. This is played through the Strongsville Football League and all
games are played Saturday morning on Lunn Road. No helmets
Fleet Hometown news or pads - just footwork, running plays and ball handling. Cost is
$55 - register before May 1 for the $25 discount.
U.S. Air Force Airman Derrick J. Schindler graduated from
basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, in If you want more information, need a registration form or
San Antonio, Texas. have questions, please call Pam at (440) 742-3456, email co-
[email protected] or like them on Facebook at
The airman completed an intensive, 8-week program that in- “Columbia Youth Football.”
cluded training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core
values, physical ?tness and basic warfare principles and skills.
Airmen who complete basic training also earn 4 credits to-
ward an associate in applied science degree through the Commu-
nity College of the Air Force.
Schindler is the son of Irene Schindler of Parma, brother of
Carrie Schindler of North Royalton and Keith Schindler of Co-
lumbia Station and nephew of Linda Polcar of Parma.
He graduated in 2014 from Parma Senior High School.
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The Rural-Urban Record “Funday” Service RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 7
Published Weekly on Monday
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter Lifespring Community Church, located at 1638 Lester Springspiration
Founders 1955 Rd., in Valley City, invites your family to join them for a
“Funday” Service on May 7 starting at 10 a.m. Magician Joe The Pitts?eld Community Church, located at the corner
Lee Boise, Publisher & President Kennedy, from Oakland, Maryland, will amaze you. Also en- of Rts. 58 and 303 in Wellington, is having their 31st annual
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 tertaining you will be Blake the balloon bender. Lunch will be Springspiration on Wednesday, April 26. Registration is due by
served carnival style, complete with snow cones and cotton April 20. Check in is at 10 a.m. and the program is at 10:30 a.m.
Mailing Address: candy. Tattoos, photos and prizes for the kids are just some of A salad lunch will follow the program. Special guest singers this
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 the things they have planned for this free event. year is the “Gloryway Quartet” from Mans?eld. This four-part
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station harmony group was formed in 2002 by Justin Crank. In 2014 the
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 Spaghetti Dinner group was nominated for Quartet of the Year in GME ‘Top Ten’
and in 2016 they were showcase winners in the American Gospel
Email: [email protected] Community of Faith U.C.C., located at 9715 East River Celebration hosted by Pastor John Hagee. For reservations, call
Website: Rd., in Elyria, is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, April Janet or Farrell Crumley at (440) 647-5170.
28, from 5-7 p.m. Advance tickets are $10 for adults and $8
DEADLINE: for seniors and children 10 years and under. Call the church Marian Circle Spring Event
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm of?ce at (440) 322-3781 by April 23 to purchase tickets.
Tickets will be available at-the-door for $12 for adults and On Friday, April 28, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church is
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs., 9am-4pm $10 for seniors/children. Come and help the Worship and Mu- having their Marian Circle Spring Event. Their guest speaker
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year sic Team raise money for new choir robes. for the event is Dr. Catherine Moran, author of “The Doorway
to Heaven,” “Day by Day with Venerable Fulton J. Sheen”
Gentle Woman Fellowship Singing Angels and many other books. The topic of her talk is Heaven’s
Weapons on Sacramentals of the Catholic Church. The eve-
The Gentle Woman Fellowship, an Intra-Parish group, The Singing Angels will be in concert on May 6, from 7-9 ning begins at 6:30 p.m. with the Crowning of our Blessed
meets on First Fridays of the month, at St. Clarence Parish p.m., at Grace Community Church, located at 12365 Grafton Mother. Finger foods and beverages are provided. Cost is $5
Center, located at 30106 Lorain Road, in North Olmsted. Fri- Rd., in Grafton. There will be a 50/50 raf?e and concessions or 3 canned goods to bene?t Second Harvest. Please sign up
day, May 5, is the next meeting. The schedule of activities available. Tickets are non-refundable and are $10 per per- by calling the parish of?ce at (440) 236-5095. St. Elizabeth
begins at 9:30 a.m. to Pray the Rosary, then at 10 a.m. attend son. Proceeds bene?t the general fund of Grace Community Ann Seton Church is located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Co-
Holy Mass, which is followed by a May Crowning and cof- Church. For tickets, call (440) 458-6612. Seating is limited. lumbia Station.
fee or tea, and enjoy a talk at 11 a.m. Their speaker will be
Katherine DeCapite, President of the Apostolate of the Blue Ladies Tea Party FUNERAL HOME &
Army of Fatima. It is now known as the Apostolate. “Apply- CREMATION SERVICES
ing the Message of Fatima Today” will be Katherine’s topic. Journey of Faith Lutheran Church is inviting all ladies of the
The 100th Anniversary of Fatima will be celebrated around community to a Tea Party, in “Celebration of Ladies” on May 7, Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
the world this May! at 1 p.m. Snacks and tea will be provided, just bring yourself and
a friend! Journey of Faith Lutheran Church is located at 33406 DAVID BOGNER
All women are welcome! Come and bring a friend! No Liberty Pkwy., in North Ridgeville. If you are able to come or
reservations are needed. For more information, contact Mary if you have any questions, feel free to email journeyoffaithlc@ FAMILY FUNERAL HOME
Hoover at (330) 636-1698 or Mary Tschanz at (440) 235- or call (440) 327-0147.
6258. 36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
St. Paul’s Cemetery Tour
Spring Jubilee
St. Paul Lutheran Cemetery was dedicated 150 years ago Laubenthal Funeral
Christian Unity Church, located at 36353 Capel Road, in in April of 1867. The community is invited to come and hear Services
Grafton, is having their Spring Jubilee from April 30 - May 5. selected stories about the members of the St. Paul “Cloud of
Saints” and the history of the cemetery on Sunday, April 30, Offering Forethought
On Sunday, April 30, at 10 a.m., will be Preaching by Ja- at 11:45 a.m. The cemetery is located on Eastland Road in Funeral Pre-Planning
cob Berry and Special Singing by Tammy Jones Robinette. Berea, across from the Teamz Restaurant. Parking is avail-
Sunday at 6 p.m. will be Preaching by Mike Blanton and Spe- able in the Teamz parking lot. LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO
cial Singing by Tammy Jones Robinette.
Murder Mystery Dinner 38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
On Monday, May 1, at 7 p.m., will be Preaching by Calvin 440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929
Ray Evans and Special Singing by Mike Blanton & Evidence. The youth group at LaPorte United Methodist Church is host-
ing a Murder Mystery Dinner on Saturday, April 29, at 6 p.m.
On Tuesday, May 2, at 7 p.m., will be Preaching by Brian Adult tickets in advance are $15;$20 at the door; kids (5-12) $10; LOCAL FAMILIES COMMITTED TO SERVING OUR COMMUNITY
Baer and Special Singing by Mike Blanton & Evidence. kids under 5 free. They are also having a Murder Mystery Mat-
inée on Sunday, April 30, at 2 p.m. Adult tickets in advance are Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled
On Wednesday, May 3, at 7 p.m., will be Preaching by $10;$15 at the door; kids (5-12) $8; kids under 5 free. Tickets can
Wayne Snipes and Special Singing by Julie Snipes. be purchased at the church of?ce at 2071 Grafton Rd., in Elyria. FUNERAL HOME
Contact Stacy Goetz at [email protected] for more 2089 Columbia Road
On Thursday, May 4, at 7 p.m., will be Preaching by Jim information Valley City, OH 44280
McComan and Special Singing by The Parsons Family.
Chinese Auction/Pasta Dinner 330-483-3300
On Friday, May 5, at 7 p.m., will be Preaching by Lucian
Baker and Special Singing by The Parsons Family. LaPorte United Methodist Church will be having a Mis- “Understanding When
sion’s Mother’s Day Chinese Auction and Pasta on Dinner Needed Most”
All are invited to attend the 6-day event. Saturday, May 13, at 5:30 p.m. Cost for the dinner is adult/$9
and children under 12/$5. Chinese auction and dinner tickets
Pancake Breakfast will be available at the door. LaPorte United Methodist is lo-
cated at 2071 Grafton Road, in Elyria. For advance tickets or Pre-Need Planning Available
The Holy Name Society from Our Lady Queen of Peace more information, call the church of?ce at (440) 458-5717.
will host an all you can eat pancake breakfast on Sunday, May All proceeds from this event will help support the outreach
7, from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Parish Hall, 702 Erie Street. missions of LaPorte United Methodist Church.
The menu includes pancakes, sausage and eggs. Cost for the
breakfast is $7 for adults, $5 for kids 12 and under and chil-
dren 3 and under eat free. Proceeds from the breakfast are
used by the Holy Name Society to support church and com-
munity programs.
Come and Worship with us...
And this is the promise which He Himself made to us: eternal life. 1 John 2:25
Church of Christ United Church of God GRAFTON UNITED Our Lady Queen of Peace
12981 Grafton Rd. METHODIST CHURCH Catholic Church
Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am Grafton, Oh 44044
Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm 973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034 Weekend Masses Weekday
Sabbath Services “Your Family Church” Sat. 4:30pm Mass
Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm Saturdays at 12:30 pm 8:00am
211 Forest St., LaGrange 8:45am Sunday School Sun. 8:30 & Chapel 10:00am Worship
440-355-6872 11:00am Mon.-Tues.
“Welcome Home” 10:35am Children’s Church Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
COLUMBIA UNITED Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
METHODIST New Life Wesleyan Church Sat. 3:30-
11149 West River Rd. EATON 4:00pm
Worship Service Columbia Station CHRISTIAN
10:30 a.m. CHURCH ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
Sunday School Adult Bible Study (Disciples) TRINITY St. Elizabeth
SUNDAY 10 am Rt. 82 & 83 Ann Seton
during Worship Service Worship & Children’s Church LUTHERAN CHURCH
WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm 440-748-2230 Catholic Parish
25453 ROYALTON ROAD 38307 W. Royalton Rd.
COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO Bible Study Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57) 25801 Royalton Rd.
Youth Group, Kids Club Columbia Station, OH
Pastor Matt Merriman Worship Services Adult Bible Class
236-8822 Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor Sunday 9:30am Sacrament of Reconciliation
Rev. John Bodo 8:00am & 9:30am Sunday Worship (Confession)
[email protected] - Associate Pastor 10:30am Sunday School Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
440-236-8600 Church ph: 440-748-2154 Anytime by Appointment 10:45am Preschool ph: 440-748-3445
Weekend Masses
Polly Tallos Sat. 5 p.m.
Rev. John Ramsey II
Christian Ed. & Youth Director Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
Rev. Charles A. Butcher 440-236-5095
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church Mime
COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 (L-R) Back row: Kara, Ashleigh, Caitlin, Hannah, Chuck, Riley and Aaron. Front Row: Katie, Tyler, Josh,
Jared and Brianna.
The Herb Guild Garden Club
The youth of the parish were guided to put on the Passion of the Lord on Palm Sunday at
The May 10 meeting of the Herb Guild will be held at the Rosehill Herb Garden, which is locat- all the Masses. Thanks to the youth of SEAS Parish for coming to all the practices and doing
ed in Cahoon Park between Wolf Road and Lake Road in Bay Village. The Herb Garden is located such inspirational work. It was very thought provoking for all.
by the Cahoon House in the park and has been the longest supported garden effort by the Herb
Guild. Volunteer teams tend to the garden monthly, weeding and watering as needed. VALLEY CITY
The meeting will start at 10 a.m., followed by a vigorous work out in the garden to spruce it up
after the long hard winter. Members are asked to bring garden gloves and tools. Dr. Norma Jesse, FAMILY VISION
Optometrist CENTER
There will also be a guest speaker at the meeting who will discuss healthy orthopedic ways to
increase your enjoyment in the garden and in other daily tasks in life. 6621 Center Road
Valley City
Tickets for the 33rd annual Scholarship Luncheon, which will be held on August 2, will go on
sale at the May meeting. The cost of the luncheon is $40 and includes a full course lunch, a guest 330-483-4035
speaker, a culinary tasting table, the annual basket raf?e, a silent auction, and a bake sale. This is a
fun event not to be missed. WE CARRY A OUTSIDE
As always, new members and guests are welcome. For further information on the upcoming
meeting, call or (440) 582-0191 visit our website You can also ?nd us on Face- GLASSES WELCOME
book under The Herb Guild.
Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon
Enjoy a Weekend of Free Fishing Closed Sun & Wed
Ohio is known for its world-class ?shing, and on May 6-7, state residents are invited to take
part in the annual free ?shing weekend, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources
(ODNR). Ohio’s Free Fishing Days are open to all Ohio residents and extend to all of Ohio’s public
waters, including Lake Erie and the Ohio River. This is the only weekend all year that does not
require anyone 16-years-old or older to obtain a ?shing license.
The ODNR Division of Wildlife’s six ?sh hatcheries stocked more than 54 million sport ?sh
in public waters in 2016, including walleye, saugeye, steelhead, rainbow trout, brown trout, mus-
kellunge, channel cat?sh, blue cat?sh and hybrid striped bass, which will provide opportunities for
more than 1.3 million Ohio anglers.
Ohio State Parks is also offering a camping discount during Ohio’s Free Fishing Days. Campers
can receive a 20% off discount May 6-7 by using the promotion code 17ANGLER.
The Free Fishing Days weekend offers Ohioans of all ages the chance to experience the fun of
catching a ?sh. Here are some helpful tips for taking a youngster out ?shing.
• Keep the trip simple by considering a child’s age and skill level.
• Choose a pond, lake or stream where children will be able to easily catch a few ?sh.
• A spin-cast reel is usually the easiest for kids to use.
• Bring a camera and snacks.
• Be patient – plan on spending time untangling lines, baiting hooks, landing ?sh and taking
• Most of all, keep the trip fun.
Anglers 16 years and older are required to have a valid ?shing license to take ?sh, frogs or tur-
tles from Ohio waters when not ?shing on Ohio’s free ?shing weekend. An Ohio resident ?shing
license is only $19 a year for residents. Fishing licenses are available at participating agents and at
The sales of ?shing licenses, along with the Sport Fish Restoration (SFR) program, continue to
fund the ODNR Division of Wildlife’s ?sh management operations. No state tax dollars are used
for these activities. These are user-pay, user-bene?t programs.
The SFR is a partnership between federal and state governments, industry and anglers/boaters.
When anglers purchase rods, reels, ?shing tackle, ?sh ?nder and motor boat fuel, they pay an excise
tax. The federal government collects these taxes and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service administers
and disburses these funds to state ?sh and wildlife agencies. These funds are used to acquire habitat,
produce and stock ?sh, conduct research and surveys, provide aquatic education and acquire and
develop boat accesses.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 9
Professional Profile
Touch of Health Massage Therapy - “The Many Gifts of Massage”
management regimen for chronic conditions like ?bro- Touch of Health offers individualized care at afford-
able prices, starting at $50 for a one hour session. Vicki
myalgia and arthritis. is available by appointment, Monday through Sunday,
10 a.m.-9 p.m. To reach Vicki, call (440) 371-9509.
The response to massage therapy is as varied as the
Touch of Health is located at
people who incorporate regular massage into their well- 419 N. Main Street in Grafton.
ness plan. Many people report increase awareness of (440) 371-9509
where they hold their tension in their bodies. Gentle Gift Certi?icates
meditation coaching can be done during the massage to
massage therapy
facilitate self-management, empowering the client. Of- Vicki Crist RN, LMT
Licensed Massage Therapist
ten clients report an increased ability to “turn off their
minds” during the session and extend that feeling
of centered calmness throughout their day. Some
report improved sleep and improved mood. Some
clients have even reported that massage helped
them on an emotional level in dealing with the loss
of a loved one.
Whatever your reason, it is important to ?nd a
therapist that you can feel comfortable with and
talk to about your goals of therapy. Although it’s
common to feel some tenderness in tight areas,
massage that is painful can be counterproductive,
causing increased tension. Be open with your ther-
apist to ?nd the right pressure for you. Often very
tight areas just need a slower, more gradual ap-
The effects of massage are cumulative, and over
There is much information about the bene?ts of mas- time, massage can reset the neuromuscular com-
sage therapy. One of the most common reasons people munication, decreasing the discomfort caused by
seek massage therapy is at the suggestion of a friend or trigger points.
family member because of some physical complaint that Vicki Crist RN is a Licensed Massage Therapist with
is thought to be muscle related. Some people try mas- 20 years experience in holistic management of chronic
sage at the recommendation of their physician for stress pain. She received her license in massage therapy in
management. Others incorporate massage into their pain 1997 from the National Institute of Massage Therapy.
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954 Main Street, Grafton, OH 44044 grilling & much more!
440-926-0500 |
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Tues, Wed, Fri 10 - 5pm; Thurs 10 - 6pm; Sat. 9 - 12pm; Closed Sun & Mon 36050 Royalton Rd, Grafton | 440-748-3008
BURNETT’S 36469 St. Rt. 303 Grafton
Dr. Gretchen Sanzone
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“We Want Your LICENSED Of?ce: 440-371-9509 Monday-Sunday by Appointment Veterinarian Care
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Company L.L.C. Quality work
since 1980
Professional Quality Roo?ng
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Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 be selling refreshments: hot dogs, pizza, chips, cookies and pop. Ask the Remodeler
Tickets are 6/$1 presale or 4/$1 at the door. You can call
Veterans’ Memorial news Question: How much height is in your average crawl space?
the church of?ce at (440) 748-2230 anytime before 1 p.m. on Answer: To form the foundation walls of our additions, we
This Memorial Day marks the 20th Anniversary of the ded- Wednesday, April 26, to make arrangements to get presale tick- normally lay six courses of 8” tall block on a 16” wide by 8”
ication of the Eaton Township Veterans Memorial at Butternut ets. tall concrete footing. On the top of the wall is installed a 2” x 8”
Ridge Cemetery. The purpose of the memorial is to honor the board called a sill plate. The sill plate is what the ?oor joists are
men and women who lived in Eaton Township and served in the North Eaton Christian Church is located at 35895 Royalton nailed to for the ?oor above. Inside the block walls we ?ll with
United States military during peace or wartime. Rd., in Grafton, near the corner of Rt. 82 and Rt. 83. Enter on stone to the top of the concrete footing and then pour a 3” skim
the west side, closest to the Eaton Fire Department. Doors open coat of concrete to form the ?oor of the crawl space. That leaves
In 1995, a ten person committee was formed to search for at 7 p.m. Tickets are pulled starting at 7:30 p.m. Money raised about 46” height from the top of the skim coat ?oor to the bottom
names of Eaton Township veterans and raise the $35,000.00 will go to their Roof Fund and to the Youth Groups to use in their of the ?oor joists. We normally provide a 3’ wide opening to your
needed to cover the cost of the construction of a memorial. Com- mission and ministry. existing basement so that you have lots of space for extra storage
mittee members were Jeanne Walker (Chairperson), Shirley Cal- that is both dry and pretty easily accessible.
lihan, William Nowagarski, Ralph Jennings, Gary McCort, B. Free Community Meal If you have any questions you would like to ask, send them
Lou Bateman, Eugene Szczepanski, Ernie Walker, Nancy Lou via email to [email protected].
Sims and Richard Mongello. Nine hundred veterans’ names were A free Community Meal is being served on Tuesday, April 25, Don Jason
gathered after much dedicated research. at North Eaton Christian Church, located at 35895 Royalton Rd.
Doors open at 5 p.m. Join them for food, friends and fellowship.
Architect, Richard Mongello drew the design of a semi-circle
of benches made of Vermont granite with an illuminated ?agpole Paco seeks loving home
in the circle’s center and a brick walkway running in front of the
benches and around the ?ag pole. Milano Monuments of Cleve- Paco with another male dog and EATON TOWNSHIP
land constructed the memorial with the help of the township’s they are best friends. We’re BOARD OF TRUSTEES
road crew, Randy Houston, Charles Zelenka and Kurt Durkee. Paco is a 3-year-old male not sure how he is with cats PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
Don Mould’s Plantation donated and planted the landscaping. hound mix. Paco weighs 40 and kids, but his personality
lbs. and has had all of his vac- is so great we can’t imagine Notice is hereby given that the Eaton Township
Funds were raised by selling space on the front of bench seats cines and is neutered. Paco there would be a problem, as Board of Trustees per O.R.C. Section 505.87
and bricks engraved with the names of the purchasers. Thanks to was rescued from a dog pound long as the kids are respect-
donations, the money needed to build the memorial was met and in Southern Ohio. He’s a great ful. Paco has all of his house • Public Hearing: on Tuesday 05/02/2017 at 7:00pm
exceeded, with the balance put into a perpetual care fund for the dog with a typical hound tem- manners, he is house trained pertaining to the Site plan application from Turner Au-
maintenance of the memorial. perament. He’s good with ev- and can be left with the run of tomotive regarding Parcel no: 1100046000006 located
eryone. He’s in a foster home the house while you work. He 11917 Avon Belden Rd. Applicants plan on adding an
Engraved on the back of the benches, beginning with the War is move-in ready and has been Auto & Truck repair shop Eaton Township Zoning File:
of Independence, are names of the residents of Eaton Township waiting for his forever home
who served in the United States Armed Forces. for a little while. He would
make an awesome family dog.
This beautiful memorial has received praise by local and na- We do want his adopters to
tional veterans’ organizations as a ?tting tribute to honor those have a fenced in yard, due to
who sacri?ced for our freedom. the hound nose.
To be included on the memorial, an honorable discharged and If you’d like to meet Paco,
one year residence in Eaton Township is the requirement. For call Peggy with Hartman’s
further information on inclusion or to purchase a walkway brick, Hounds at (440) 452-1619.
contact Eaton Township Hall at 748-2236.
News from Eaton Township Hall SP-2017-01
The next meeting of the Veterans’ Memorial Committee is • Records Retention Meeting on Saturday, May 6th,
Saturday, April 29, at 10 a.m. at the town hall.
•Please contact the of?ce at Clinic, 42110 Russia Road, 2017 9:00am
NECC Chinese Auction (440) 748-2236 or secretary@ Elyria • Public Hearing: on Tuesday 05/16/2017 at 7:00pm to request a Resident
The North Eaton Christian Church Membership Team and Packet with links to Resources 4/29 - 10 a.m. Browns pertaining to the Re-Zoning application from Ross re-
Youth Groups will be hosting their annual Chinese Auction on in the County/Township Nursery Auction. garding Parcel no: ?le no ZA-2017-01 in regards to
Wednesday, April 26, at 7 p.m. They have been busily collect- re-zoning to Heavy Industry concerning parcels: 11-00-
ing prizes since January. Prizes include: gift cards for gas, oil •Please visit the Face- 4/29 - 10 a.m. Veterans 067-000-020, -010, -019, -018, -013, -003, -011, -017
change, restaurants, bowling and ?orists; homemade baked book page for info. daily at Memorial Meeting at Eaton (8 parcels)
goods; jewelry; paintball party for 10 at Synergy Woods; passes Twp. Hall.
for high ropes course at Common Ground and more. New items TOWNSHIP At the Eaton Township Hall, 12043 S. Avon Belden
coming in right up until the auction starts. The Youth will also Save the Dates Rd., Grafton, Ohio 44044
•Local Eaton Twp. Busi- 5/3 - 6:30 p.m. Colum-
EATON TOWNSHIP nesses should contact the sec- bia Chamber of Commerce By Order of Eaton Township Board of Trustees
ZONING COMMISSION retary to be listed in the Busi- F.O.E.
WORK SESSION & MEETING NOTICE ness Listing 5/6 - Dumpster Days!
Notice is hereby given that the Eaton Township Zon- •There are still some dates If you have thought about fostering a child...
ing Commission per O.R.C. Section 505.87 on: availability for hall rentals
during the spring. Call the sec-
• Work Session: Wednesday 04/26/2017 at 7:00pm retary to schedule your fami-
pertaining to: the Site plan application from : Stone- ly or of?ce party. Township
creek housing Development – Zoning Commission File Hall Rentals: $50/for Eaton
no: SP-2016-11 on Parcel’s# 11-00-045-000-050 & 11- Township Residents; $75 for
00-045-000-036 non-residents.
• Regular meeting on Wednesday 05/03/2017 at •Did you know the Town-
7:30pm (delayed 30 minutes from regular time) ship will allow you to borrow
7 tables/23 chairs to use for a
at the Eaton Township Hall, 12043 S. Avon Belden party. Call the Township to re-
Rd., Grafton, Ohio 44044 serve the tables/chairs at (440)
748-2236 (must be an Eaton
By Order of Eaton Township Zoning Commission Twp. Resident).
•Reminder: Notary Ser-
Flooring vices are complimentary for
Warehouse Sale! Township residents.
May 6th from 9am-12pm 4/26 - 5:30-7:30 Pond
Flooring Starting at Join the
30¢ per Sq ft! Marine Corps
We would like to connect with you.
Ceramic, Carpet &
Vinyl Plank Young men and women VISIT -
who are ?nished with high CONNECT -
Delivery & Installation school and are looking for a
Available meaningful career should con- CALL - 440-329-5340
sider joining the United States
(not included in sale) Marine Corps. Upcoming FREE, NO OBLIGATION
Information Sessions: Going to college? Find
out how you can still sign up Monday, May 15, 2017 6:00-9:00pm
for the Marine Corps without
having it interfere with your Tuesday, June 6, 2017 6:00-9:00pm
college plans. The United
States Military offers great Thursday, August 10, 2017 6:00-9:00pm
bene?ts for those who have
the desire to make a difference Please call the Family Based Care
in their lives while serving Development to ask questions,
their country with honor. get information packet and RSVP
If you would like to learn
more about The United States Children in our community need foster parents.
Marine Corps, stop by the They need someone like you.
recruiting station, located at
24954 Brookpark Rd., Suite 3,
in North Olmsted, or call SSgt.
Justin Pongtornwatchakorn
at (440) 734-5877 (Of?ce) or
(440) 281-3022 (Cell). You
can also reach him at www.
“Some people spend an
entire lifetime wondering if
they made a difference in the
world. But, the Marines don’t
have that problem.” — Ron-
ald Reagan
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 11
Stop in & Experience one of our
Beer or Wine Samplings!
See store for details.
Credit Cards DEBIT CARD
34981 ROYALTON ROAD, NORTH EATON Please call 440-748-3751 For Advanced Special Orders
Sliced Free 6$ 99 Previously Frozen $299 $199Boneless Skinless lb.
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2/$412 oz. pkg. $29914 oz. pkg.
Previously Frozen $199 Florida Fresh, In The Husk 5/$2 8 Pack 99¢
Pork Spare Ribs lb. Corn Walnut Creek
Hamburger or
Hot Dog Buns
28 Pack, Half Liter Bottles $299 Assorted Varieties 5/$5 All Varieties 2/$5
6 Packs Including Chocolate
Nestle Kool Gallon
Pure Life Water Burst Drinks
32 oz. 79¢ 56oz. 3/$10 Assorted Varieties $599
Smith’s 19.60-31.5 oz.
Powerade Ice Cream
Digiorno Pizza
VVD[EFC_BJV_FMay 20th 7 - 9 PM
Tickets $15.00 Per Person or $25.00 Couple • Limited Tickets Sold
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Argenta & Peacock LCCC takes guests
seek a loving home behind the musical “Annie”
Senior Fest Argenta & Peacock Revisit the quintessential story of orphan Annie’s adven-
Argenta looks out for her buddy Peacock. Peacock is deaf tures at the Lorain County Community College’s Stocker Arts
Join the Lorain County Of?ce on Aging, Lorain County and depends on Argenta. Their owner had too many pets and so Center at 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 29, with Behind the Musi-
General Health District and WRAAA at Senior Fest 2017, on these very sweet cats are looking for a new home. Argenta is cal: “Annie.” The show is presented by The Musical Theater
Thursday, April 27, from 1-4 p.m., in the Spitzer Center at Lorain a 6-year -old female and Peacock is an 8-year-old male. They Project as part of the Random Acts Series and will be held in
County Community College are very attached to each other and need to be adopted togeth- the Hoke Theatre. Gilgamesh Taggett, who plays Daddy War-
er. Argenta and Peacock are front declawed. They are such nice bucks in the national tour, is headlining.
Senior Fest 2017 is free and will provide a fun and entertain- cats! Can you give them a good home? If you would like to give
ing day that will include tips about how to improve your health, these buddies a loving, forever home, please call the Friendship Forty years have passed since the darling red-headed or-
as well as a variety of health screenings and demonstrations. Lo- Animal Protective League at (440) 322-4321. (www.Friendshi- phan debuted on Broadway, and she still stars in the hearts of
cal organizations are expected to attend to offer health screenings millions who tag along on her journey on stage. When lyricist
and answer any questions you may have. Entertainment will also The shelter is located at 8303 Murray Ridge Road, in Elyria. and director Martin Charnin created the family musical based
be provided throughout the day! Their hours are from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Monday, Friday & on the famous Harold Gray comic strip, just about everyone
Saturday; from 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. on Tuesday & Thursday; and on Broadway thought he was crazy. Only when Mike Nichols
To guarantee a day of fun for all, the Senior Fest Committee from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Sunday. Adoption fees are $20 for stepped in as producer was the show saved, and all the trials
carefully selected a variety of entertainment to appeal to every- 1 year and older and $50 for less than 1 year old. All cats have and tribulations paid off in a Tony Award-winning bonanza.
one. Antique appraisals by Gregg Mazurek of Collector’s Gal- been spayed or neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and have test-
lery will provide free appraisals on one item per person. All items ed negative for FeLV. Friendship APL is a private, non-pro?t The performance will include all of the songs from Char-
should be small enough to carry. Music from the 50’s will en- humane society. They depend on the generosity and ?nancial nin and Charles Strouse’s iconic score including “Tomorrow,”
tertain attendees, too. Door prizes will also be given away every support of the public to serve the people and animals of Lorain “Maybe,” “It’s a Hard-Knock Life,” “Easy Street” and “You’re
hour. You must be present to win! County. Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile.” The show is co-hosted
by Bill Rudman and Nancy Maier and features Sheri Gross and
For more information about Lorain County Of?ce on Aging’s April is fine forgiveness month Lexi Cowan. Members of the LCCC Chorale will be joining in
Senior Fest 2017, please call (440) 326-4816. on many of the songs as the backstory of this feel-good Amer-
Whether you’re returning overdue items or you’ve been car- ican classic is unveiled.
SWCD Workgroup meeting rying a ?ne on your library card, this is your chance to have half
of all ?nes and fees forgiven. In April only, visit any Lorain Pub- Tickets are available now for $20 each for regular admis-
Lorain Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) will con- lic Library System library and pay only 50% of what you owe. sion, $18 for seniors 65 and over or $10 for LCCC students
duct a Local Workgroup (LWG) meeting on Tuesday, April 25, at They’ll waive the other half of your balance. Remember to bring with valid ID, children 18 and under and active duty military
8 a.m., to identify resource concerns, discuss conservation prior- back your overdue materials. Restrictions apply. For more infor- with a valid ID.
ities and develop potential solutions. The meeting will take place mation, call the Lorain Public Library System at 440-244-1192
at the Agricultural Center, located at 42110 Russia Rd., in Elyria, or 1-800-322-READ (7323). For more information or tickets, call the Stocker Arts Cen-
in the large meeting room. ter box of?ce at (440) 366-4040 or visit www.stockerartscen-
Murder Mystery The Stocker Arts Center is located at 1005 N. Abbe
While local workgroup membership is limited to Federal, Road, in Elyria, on the campus of Lorain County Community
State, county, tribal or local government representatives who College. Parking on campus is free.
are familiar with agriculture and natural resources interests, the
meeting is open to the general public, who are invited to partici- Recycle
pate and provide input on local conservation issues and resource
challenges. LWG’s support locally led conservation efforts by Repurpose
coordinating USDA programs with other conservation programs
in an effort to provide an integrated solution to addressing natural Reuse!
resource concerns.
The Friends of MetroParks Tickets are $30 per person Keep in touch with your community
For more information, contact Derrick Harmon, District Con- of Lorain County is sponsor- or $58 per couple. Group rates Visit:
servationist with NRCS, at the Lorain SWCD of?ce at (440) ing their 12th annual Mur- are also available. For more
326-5800. der Mystery Dinner Theatre, information or to order tickets,
“A Murder Has Been Re- please call (216) 544-3865.
“Art of the Bicycle” Art Exhibit nounced,” by Lee Mueller.
In celebration of National Bike Week, the Elyria Arts Council Performances will be on
and Bike Elyria are proud to announce the 1st annual “Art of Fridays and Saturdays, May
the Bicycle” Art Exhibit and Sale, on Saturday, May 13, through 12-13 and May 19-20. Seat-
Saturday, May 20, at the Elyria Arts Council Gallery. ing will be at 6:30 p.m., with
dinner at 7 p.m. The show will
Individuals, organizations and artists are welcome to show be held at the Carlisle Visitor
their love and appreciation of bicycling in any medium of their Center, located at 12882 Diag-
choice: painting, drawing, fabrics, photography, clay, jewelry, onal Road, in LaGrange.
Legos or repurposed parts of old bikes! You make it however
you choose to roll. Create works using the bike as a subject or Specializing in Home Improvements
object or the medium itself. The exhibit will start on Saturday,
May 13 with an opening from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. An Artist Reception
will occur on Sunday, May 14, Mother’s Day, so bring your mom
along for a special treat that day.
Artist drop-off will be anytime Wednesday, May 10, through
Friday, May 12, by noon. Pick-up will be on Sunday, May 21,
11 a.m.- 4 p.m. Any sales will be passed directly to the artist.
Donations to EAC will be greatly appreciated.
For any questions or additional information, please contact:
Ed Stewart at Bike Elyria at (440) 365-6784 or the Elyria arts
Council at (440) 328-3025. The Elyria Arts Council is located at
336 Broad Street, in Elyria. For more information, call EAC at
(440) 323-3007. More upcoming events are listed on the website
Carpentry Limited • General Contracting
• Kitchens/Baths
• Additions
• Buildings/Garages
• Roofs
• Doors/Windows
• Siding
• Plumbing/Electrical • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627 725 Sugar Lane, Elyria Oh 44035
Walk to Cure Arthritis Teachers Art Show winners RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 13
More than 2,000 walkers are supporting the Arthritis Founda- First place winner Susan Kauff- Second place winner Cindy LCCC Color Run
tion’s mission to cure arthritis and help people with arthritis live man of Wellington, “The Laugh- Naprestek of North Ridgeville,
a full life by participating in the 2017 Walk to Cure Arthritis on ter of a Child.” “Fused glass pendant.” The LC3K Color Dash will be held from noon to 3:30 p.m. on
Saturday, May 13, at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Saturday, April 29, at Lorain County Community College Center
Third place winner Susan The Educational Service in the building and courtyard.
The walk brings together communities nationwide to ?ght Kauffman of Wellington, “Wide Center of Lorain County rec-
arthritis – the nation’s leading cause of disability. Costing the Eyes with Big Dreams.” ognized local art teachers in The event is sponsored by the Student Senate. The fee is $10
U.S. economy $156 billion a year, arthritis causes more activity the recent 1st annual Teach- to take part in the dash. A portion of the proceeds will go to the
limitations than heart disease, cancer or diabetes. More than 50 ers Art Exhibit at the Elyria Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation and Student Senate.
million adults and an estimated 300,000 kids in the U.S. have Public Library, West River
arthritis. In northeast Ohio, 1.3 million people have arthritis. Branch. More than 60 pieces For more information, contact Jinnie Lee at (440) 366-4774.
of art were on on display. Lorain County Community College is located at 1005 N. Abbe
This year’s walk will include a 3-mile and 1-mile course, fun Road, in Elyria.
activities for the entire family and information about arthritis. Congratulations to the
Zoo and rainforest admission are included with registration and “People’s Choice” winners BBB Free Shredding Event
Walk to Cure Arthritis donation. All proceeds bene?t the Arthritis selected by popular vote by
Foundation’s mission to conquer and cure arthritis. the attendees who were able BBB Serving Greater Cleveland is hosting a free shredding
to cast their votes during their event in our area on Saturday, April 29. It will be held at the Ra-
Register online at visit to the show. dAir Complete Car Care and Tire Centers at 5350 Leavitt Rd., in
or call (216) 285-2829. Lorain, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
To view a gallery of all the
Rocky River Chamber artwork from the show, go to Bring up to three bags or boxes for FREE document shred-
Music Society program http://www.loraincountyesc. ding to help guard against ID theft.
Musicians from the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and The aspx. DRUG TURN IN FROM FRONT PAGE
Cleveland Orchestra will perform on Monday, May 8, at 7:30 Avon Police Department, 36145 Detroit Rd.
p.m., at West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, located at Avon Lake Police Department, 32855 Walker Road
20401 Hilliard Blvd., in Rocky River. Three players from each Columbia Station Fire Department, 32855 Royalton Rd.
orchestra will join to perform the last concert of the season. Elyria Fire Station, 18 West Ave.
Grafton Police Department, 1009 Chestnut St.
Featured players include Elizabeth Freimuth, Benjamin Fre- Kipton Village Hall, 299 State Rd.
imuth, Kimberly Russ, Katherine Bormann, Lembi Veskimets Lorain City Hall, main entrance off parking lot, 100 West
and Charles Bernard. The group has chosen a lively program,
which will include works by Carl Reinecke, Franz Strauss, Rob- Erie Ave.
ert Schumann and Ernst von Dohnanyi. Lorain County Sheriff’s Of?ce, 9896 Murray Ridge Rd.
North Ridgeville Police Department, 7303 Avon-Belden
Admission is free and all are welcome to attend. For more
information, visit or call (440) 333-4296. Rd.
Oberlin Police Department, 85 S. Main St.
All Makes, Models, CV Joints, Shef?eld Lake Police Department, 609 Harris Rd.
Shef?eld Village Police Department, 4340 Colorado Ave.
AUTHORIZED U-Joints, Standard Transmission, Vermilion Police Department, 57921 Liberty Ave.
Medium & Heavy Duty Trucks, Wellington Police Department, 117 Willard Memorial
TRANSMISSIONS 4 Wheel Drive, Transfer Cases, Square.
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If you have thought about St. Mary’s Church
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fostering right now! 320 Middle Ave in Elyria
CHILDRENSERVICES.ORG Open to all but please RSVP to
440-329-5340 to assure seating!
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017
JVS National Technical Honor Society Members
(L-R) 1st row: Madeline Rising/KE, Cheyenne Thacker/EL, Mercedes Murphy/AM, Sidney Coleman/NR, Samantha Glass/BR, Olivia Coward/EL, Alexis Jones/CO and Kirsten from Marketing and Manage-
Pfaff/KE. 2nd row: Joy Vaugh/FI, Raquel Hysong/CO, Madison Murphy/AM, Sarah Park/WE, Hailey Koster/FI and Sirena Rym/KE. 3rd row: Mikayla Stump/MI, Sara Roman/WE, ment, Julia Smith from Al-
Hailey Delzeith/CO, Bryana Wallace/BR, Nicole Hilliard/AM and Miranda Johnson/AV. 4th row: Jessica Mileski/WE, Angela LaRosa/AM, Abigail Hill/FI, Brennan Novak/MI, Julia lied Health Sciences and Joy
Spondike/OVA and Sean Murphy/AV. 5th row: Nicolas Hoon/MI, Don Sabella/AM, Andrew Shaffer/AM, Austin Lenz/NR, Justin Layne/NR and Justin Bingham/AV. Not pictured: Vaughn from Early Childhood
Maggie Lieb/AV, Julia Smith/FI and Destiny Maruna/KE. Education.
Thirty-?ve students were Amherst Management and Andrew Arts. Sciences and Alexis Jones Keystone
inducted into the Nation- Nicole Hilliard from Al- Shaffer from Culinary Arts. Brookside from Allied Health Sciences. Destiny Maruna from
al Technical Honor Society lied Health Sciences, Angela Samantha Glass from Ear- Cosmetology, Kirsten Pfaff
during an evening ceremony LaRosa from Bakery & Pas- Avon Elyria from Allied Health Sciences,
on March 30. There are 11 re- try Arts, Madison Murphy Justin Bingham from ly Childhood Education and Olivia Coward from Bak- Madeline Rising from Land-
turning, second-year members from Allied Health Sciences, Welding and Fabrication, Bryana Wallace from Allied ery & Pastry Arts and Chey- scape and Greenhouse Man-
and 24 new inductees. Mercedes Murphy from Land- Miranda Johnson from Cos- Health Sciences. enne Thacker from Culinary agement and Sirena Rym from
scape and Greenhouse Man- metology, Maggie Lieb from Arts. Cosmetology.
The students are listed by agement, Don Sabella from Landscape and Greenhouse Columbia Firelands Midview
their home school district be- Landscape and Greenhouse Management and Sean Mur- Ashley Delzeith from Al- Abigail Hill from Colli- Nicolas Hoon from Mar-
low: phy from Bakery & Pastry lied Health Sciences, Raquel sion Repair, Hailey Koster keting and Management,
Hysong from Allied Health Brennan Novak from Indus-
trial Electricity and Mikayla
Stump from Allied Health
North Ridgeville
Sidney Coleman from Web
and Graphic Design, Justin
Layne from Heating and Air
Conditioning and Austin Lenz
from Collision Repair.
Jessica Mileski from Land-
scape and Greenhouse Man-
agement, Sarah Park from
Computerized Design and
Drafting and Sara Roman
from Public Safety.
Ohio Virtual Academy
Julia Spondike from Culi-
nary Arts.
The NTHS honors students
for outstanding achievement
and success in career-techni-
cal education. Students are se-
lected for membership based
on the qualities of citizenship,
leadership, workmanship and
The NTHS encourages
high scholastic achievement,
cultivates a desire for person-
al excellence and helps moti-
vated students ?nd success in
today’s highly competitive job
Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 8am - 4pm
Sunday: 10am - 2pm
11564 Station Rd
Columbia Station, OH 44028
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 15
LaGrange Mayor Kim Strauss’s How to Help Kids get Whats in Their Bags?
7th Annual Charity Golf Classic into Golf
Spieth & Mediate
Saturday July 15, 2017
Golf is a game of skill kids in the past also know Jordan Spieth
Questions or information please contact Mayor Kim that can take years, if not that teaching youngsters Dean & DeLuca Invitational, PGA Tour
Strauss at kimstrauss53@gmail or 440-355-5309 decades, to master. Many the ?ner points of golf re- Driver: Titleist 915D2
golfers ?nd their time on quires patience and en- 3-Wood: Titleist 915F
Tips for Newer Golfers the golf course both re- couragement. Ask a fellow 3-Iron: Titleist 716 T-MB
warding and relaxing, parent or an employee at 4-9 Irons: Titleist AP2
Few hobbies can be as enjoyable one moment and even on those days when the club where you play to 46-Degree Wedge: Titleist Vokey Design SM6
as frustrating the next as golf. Golfers know a great the fairways seem impos- recommend an instructor 52-Degree Wedge: Titleist Vokey Design SM6
putt can be quickly followed by a bad tee shot, and sible to ?nd. for your child. And take ad- 56-Degree Wedge: Titleist Vokey Design SM6
maintaining their composure through the highs and vantage of any kids’ cours- 60-Degree Wedge: Titleist Vokey Design SM6
lows of the game is a key to success on the links. Though many players es your club offers. Putter: Titleist Scotty Cameron
never swing a golf club Ball: Titleist Pro V1x
Maintaining that composure isn’t always easy, even until they reach adult- · Purchase the correct
for the professionals. It’s even more dif?cult for begin- hood, it’s never too early equipment. Even the best Rocco Mediate
ners, who quickly learn the game of golf involves more to hit the links. Some of golfers are bound to strug- Senior PGA Championship,
than just spending sunny weekend afternoons on pris- the world’s most accom- gle when using the wrong PGA of America/PGA Tour Champions
tine golf courses. In fact, golf can be quite demanding, plished golfers, including equipment. While it might Driver: PXG 0811
and beginners would be wise to heed a few tips before four-time Masters cham- be unwise to invest in es- 3-Wood: PXG 0341
hitting the course. pion Tiger Woods, began pecially expensive equip- 5-Wood: PXG 0341
playing as toddlers, and ment for youngsters likely 22-Degree Hybrid: PXG 0317
* Don’t commit to an expensive set of clubs right many feel that getting an to grow out of it in a few 4-9 Irons: PXG 0311T
off the bat. Golf clubs can be very expensive, so be- early start can lead to a months’ time, deals can be 48-Degree Wedge: PXG 0311T
ginners should buy an affordable secondhand set of more successful game found on used kids’ equip- 51-Degree Wedge: PXG 0311
clubs so they can get the hang of what they like before down the road. ment. Used kids’ equip- 56-Degree Wedge: PXG 0311
spending a lot of money. Visit a pro shop and explain ment is typically subject- Putter: PXG Drone
that you are just a beginner. The shop will likely make Getting kids into golf is ed to less wear and tear Ball: Titleist Pro V1x
some valuable suggestions and might even let you try a great way for parents than used equipment for Source:
out a pair of clubs. In addition, many driving ranges to bond with their children adults, as kids tend to play
allow customers to rent clubs, and this can be a great while enjoying the great less often and fewer holes WELCOME
and inexpensive way to ?nd the right clubs for you. outdoors. Golf can also be than adults when they do
used to teach kids humili- play. But make sure to ?nd BACK
* Take lessons. Even ty, sportsmanship and the correctly sized equipment
the very best at self-teaching might ?nd it extremely importance of hard work. that kids feel comfortable GOLFERS!
dif?cult to become a self-taught golfer. When ?rst try- Thanks to the often frus- using.
ing your hand at golf, take some lessons and don’t trating nature of golf, par- Make Our Pub the
expect to be playing 18 holes any time soon. Before ents may ?nd it somewhat · Play some holes. In- 19th Hole!
hitting the course, where you might be discouraged challenging to instill a love structors may teach kids
and you might frustrate those gol?ng behind you, learn of the game in their young- the differences between Happy Hour in the Pub
the fundamentals by taking a few lessons at the driv- sters. But there are ways the types of clubs and how Tues-Sat 4-6PM
ing range. Learn from a professional, who won’t offer to introduce kids to this to swing and putt. But golf
you any hidden secrets to gol?ng glory (there aren’t wonderful game that kids is most fun when players OPEN Tues - Sat at 4pm
any) but will offer sound advice on the game’s funda- might just play for the rest are out on the links going Appetizers • Sandwiches • Dinner
mentals. of their lives. from hole to hole. Instruc-
tion is important, but don’t THE UNICORN RT. 57 GRAFTON
* Take the game home with you. Beginners can even · Focus on having fun. forget to play a few holes
take advantage of golf’s vast popularity by taking the Few, if any, golfers at your with your child each week RESTAURANT 926-2621
game home with them. This doesn’t mean building local golf course on a giv- as well.
a putting green in your backyard. Rather, purchase en weekend could say AND PUB
some instructional DVDs to learn the game during with certainty that golf has Golf is a challenging
your down time throughout the week. Many golfers never frustrated them. The game, but it’s one that can
don’t have time to hit the links during the week, but challenge of golf may be be enjoyed by athletes of
they do have time to watch some DVDs when they get its most appealing char- all ages.
home from work. Such instructional DVDs can help acteristic to older players,
you master your grip and stance, which you can then but young kids can be NOW LEAGUES
take with you to the course over the weekend. easily overwhelmed by the SCHEDULING WELCOME
challenges golf presents. FOR OUTINGS!
* Have fun. Golf is a fun game; it just takes time By focusing on having
to hone your skills. But even if you aren’t ready for fun instead of perfecting WEEKEND WEEKDAY
the professional tour after your ?rst few rounds, you techniques, parents can SPECIALS SPECIALS
can still have fun. Don’t let some beginner’s frustra- get kids to look forward
tion, which every golfer experiences, ruin the fun of the to their time on the links. WEEKENDS MON-THUR TILL 2:00 PM
game. Take note of your surroundings when you hit The more fun kids have, & FRIDAY ANYTIME
the links, and appreciate the time you’re spending with the more likely they will be AFTER 1:00 PM Walking Rates
your group. If the game becomes more a source of to embrace the game and
frustration than fun, then take a break and put in some its many challenges. Don’t 9 Holes $9.00 Reg. 9 Holes $9.00
more work away from the course, be it at the driving put pressure on young- w/ cart $15.50 Reg. 18 Holes $16.00
range or studying at home. sters as they develop their 18 Holes $15.00 SENIOR & JUNIOR
games, but encourage w/ cart $25.00
them through their strug- 9 Holes $8.00
gles and reassure them 18 Holes $14.00
that you faced the same
obstacles when you start- Riding Rates
ed playing. 18 Holes & Cart
Seniors $22 & Reg. $25 each
· Hire an instructor with
experience teaching chil- 16525 Indian Hollow Road, Grafton, Ohio 44044
dren. Instructors with ex-
perience teaching children 440-355-5344
will understand the ba-
sics of the game and how Reserve and League Golf Excluded from Special Rates
learning those basics pro-
vides a great foundation
for future enjoyment and
success on the course. In-
structors who have taught
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017
Golf Course Map
3 12
1 10 4
16 14
8 9
offers something exciting
for everyone!
• Golf Outings • Leagues
• Lessons • Senior rates
41971 Oberlin Rd., Elyria 440-323-2632
Golf Special
Monday - Friday 15905 Darrow Rd., Vermilion Visit our website at
18 Holes for $20! for specials 440-967-4101 433 West 130th St., Hinckley, OH
63 ST RT 511, Nova
Come experience Balls: Large Bucket $5.00, Small Bucket $4.00
16525 Indian Hollow Rd. FOR OUR BEST RATES, VISIT OUR Russ & Iris Creamer
Grafton NEW WEBSITE LISTED ABOVE. 8836 Stone Rd. Litch?eld
SENIOR RATES $29 MON-FRI 330-667-2546 Open 9am-Dark
440-355-5344 FOR 18 HOLES W/CART
CLUB 330-225-7370 • GOLF COURSE 45
39709 Slife Rd., Grafton Mon - Fri: 18 holes/cart $30 18 holes/cart $18
Sat. & Sun: 18 holes/cart $38 *Mondays before 2pm
(1/4 mile south of Rt. 10 on Rt. 301) Weekday Sr. & Jr. Rates
440-458-8011 SPECIAL: Play 4 rounds at regular price, get 1 FREE! Not valid with any other coupon offer or promotion.
Leagues 4900 Center Rd. (SR 303), Brunswick Hills
Welcome 12501 N. Boone Rd, Columbia St • 440-236-8940
11 18 Holes & 1/2 Cart $21.00 13
5871 Canterbury Rd
Reg. 18 Holes & 1/2 Cart $24.00 North Olmsted
Mon thru Fri ‘til 1:00pm 440-777-0678
5399 River Styx Road, Medina, OH 44256
21056 Quarry Rd. (Conveniently located off I-71 and Rt. 18)
Wellington, OH 44090
SPECIALS: 3060 Pearl Rd., Medina Mon & Fri, 18 holes + cart $18 Mon-Fri SENIORS, 18 holes + cart $22
Mon 6am-1pm 18 holes + cart $20 330-722-4174 Regular Rate - 18 holes + cart $25*
*except Weekends before 1pm
Tues-Fri 6-8am 18 holes + cart $20; 8am-1pm 18 holes + cart $25 WE OFFER: Driving Range • Golf Instruction
Jr. Clinics • Fully Stocked Pro Shop • Leagues • Outings
Sat, Sun (after 3pm) 9 holes + cart $15; 18 holes + cart $30
12415 Grafton Rd, Grafton 440-322-9254
WE OFFER: Driving Range • Golf Instruction • Pavilions w/grills
• Outing/League Times • Snack Bar & Dining
23601 Royalton Rd. Columbia Station
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 17
2017 Professional Golf Tournament Schedule
04/27/17 - 04/30/17 06/08/17 - 06/11/17 07/20/17 - 07/23/17 08/17/17 - 08/20/17
Zurich Classic of New Orleans FedEx St. Jude Classic British Open Wyndham Championship
TPC Louisiana TPC Southwind Royal Birkdale Sedge?eld Country Club
Avondale, LA Memphis, TN Southport, England Greensboro, NC
05/04/17 - 05/07/17 06/15/17 - 06/18/17 07/20/17 - 07/23/17 08/24/17 - 08/27/17
Wells Fargo Championship U.S. Open Championship Barbasol Championship The Northern Trust
Quail Hollow Club Erin Hills Robert Trent Jones at Grand National Glen Oaks
Charlotte, NC Hartford, WI Lake Course Old Westbury, NY
Auburn, AL
05/11/17 - 05/14/17 06/22/17 - 06/25/17 09/01/17 - 09/04/17
THE PLAYERS Championship Travelers Championship 07/27/17 - 07/30/17 Deutsche Bank Championship
THE PLAYERS Stadium Course Ponte TPC River Highlands RBC Canadian Open TPC Boston
Vedra Beach, FL Cromwell, CT Glen Abbey Norton, MA
Oakville, ON
05/18/17 - 05/21/17 06/29/17 - 07/02/17 09/04/17 - 09/17/17
AT&T Byron Nelson Quicken Loans National 08/03/17 - 08/06/17 BMW Championship
TPC Four Seasons TPC Potomac at Avenel Farm WGC Bridgestone Conway Farms
Las Colinas Irving, TX Potomac, MD Invitational Firestone Country Club Lake Forest, IN
Akron, OH
05/25/17 - 05/28/17 07/06/17 - 07/09/17 09/21/17 - 09/24/17
DEAN & DELUCA Invitational The Greenbrier Classic 08/03/17 - 08/06/17 TOUR Championship
Colonial Country Club Course The Old White TPC White Sulphur Barracuda Championship East Lake Golf Course
Fort Worth, TX Springs,WV Montreux Golf and Country Club Atlanta, GA
Reno, NV
06/01/17 -06/04/17 07/13/17 - 07/16/17 09/28/17 - 10/01/17
Memorial Tournament John Deere Classic 08/10/17 - 08/13/17 Presidents Cup
Muir?eld Village Golf Course TPC Deere Run PGA Championship Liberty National
Dublin, OH Silvis, IL Quail Hollow Club Jersey City, NJ
Charlotte, NC
Hickory Nut Golf Course Discover why Hickory Nut Golf Course is a
golfer’s favorite! 18 challenging holes with 6
23601 Royalton Rd. Columbia Station, OH lakes coming into play, the course is spread
out over 170 acres, connected by continuous
(440) 236-8008 paved cart paths. Combining lush fairways and
consistent undulated greens in a beautifully wooded setting, the course provides for a
very enjoyable golf experience. Our new
50th Superintendent has made many recent
Anniversary!! changes which include 4 sets of tees, including
Senior tees. Our loyal customers tell us that
inJoaitnwtuoGwstRwaa.Ekht Aeioc1TSuak9PordA6rvE7ENya-C-nN2CnuI0IAtlVt1uagLE7gboSeRlbf!ScoyoAfsuoRirgusYner .icnogm the course has become one of the ?nest in
the area! Combine this with affordable rates,
MONDAY SPECIAL $20 for 18 holes + cart! some great specials and outstanding customer
Mondays only from 6am-1pm service, and you will see why so many golfers
Just ?ll in info below and bring this coupon with you! call Hickory Nut their “home away from home”.
Name___________________________ Email_________________________________
Not redeemable for cash or credit. Only completed coupons will be honored. Call for a tee time today!
We offer:
- Outing and leagues tee times
- Pavilions w/grills &
electrical outlets
- Golf Instruction
- Driving Range
- Snack Bar & Grill
- A FREE birthday round
(info available on our website)!
Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017
How to Play Fairway Some GPS Golf Apps to Try else that no other app out presented with a feed sim-
Buncker Shots Perfectly on your Phone there is offering. ilar to Facebook, and you
can create social groups
The golf GPS app mar- plays important yardage 18 Birdies amongst your friends and
information, and boasts 18 Birdies is another meet fellow golfers who
To be pro?cient with make them uncomfortable. ket is enormous, Some more features for free noteworthy free golf GPS are sharing their experi-
fairway bunker shots you I recommend digging in than any of their compe- app that golfers should be ences on the course.
have to consider your club with your feet while get- Keys factors to consider: tition. aware of.
selection carefully, and ting set in your address It performed nicely on 18 Birdies also allows
fully commit to where you position to avoid the sand Ease of use – did the You are displayed key the course with crisp sat- you to create and manage
want to strike the ball on breaking free beneath your information like the front, ellite images. It displayed live tournaments, which
the clubface. Here is some feet during your swing. golf app work quickly and center, and back distanc- yardages to the front, is another nice feature.
information sure to help es to greens. Additionally, middle, and back of ev- Overall, it’s a great app
you hit better fairway bun- The key to the fairway not waste precious time in layup distances and yard- ery green and allowed that obviously had a lot of
ker shots. bunker shot swing is your ages to hazards are in- you to adjust your target work put into it as it has
in-swing intention, also between shots? cluded (which most of the while maintaining dis- more robust features than
Club Selection for referred to as your swing other apps charge for). tance information. The almost every other golf-
thought. Your in-swing in- Key yardages – which app is nicely designed, ing app out there. There
Fairway Bunker Shots tention should be to hit Players can easily ad- and works cleanly while are no premium upgrades
The biggest factor in the ball without touching apps gave you the most just distances to ?gure out you’re out on the course. available, so you’re not
one single grain of sand. layup distances and yard- You also can enter scor- being sold anything which
club selection is how high If you chose the correct yardage information ages to hazards. You can ing and statistical informa- is nice.
you have to hit the ball to club, catching it a little thin also keep track of your tion after each hole quite
get it over grass mounds or will still yield a very nice re- (many of them withheld it stats, play games like Sta- easily. Also Worth Down-
lips that surround the bun- sult. Being this precise with bleford against your play- If you’re looking to play
ker. Getting too greedy can your contact takes a bit of for premium upcharges) ing partners, and enter some games like Nas- loading – Golf Logix
easily lead to undesirable practice, so keep reading your group scores easily sau or Skins against your Golf Logix has been
outcomes. The question so you know how to devel- Overall features – during the round. group it can handle that
you want to ask yourself op this valuable skill. as well. around for a long time,
is, “What is the least lofted which app gave you the Personally I think their 18 Birdies is a bit more and has been a leading
club I know I can hit high Practice strongest feature is that than just a GPS app. free golf GPS app for
enough to get over these How in the world am I best mixture of features they offer a USGA com- They’ve tried to create years. As you would ex-
obstacles?” If there’s any supposed to practice fair- pliant handicap for free. a gol?ng social network. pect, it’s a solid app, but
hesitation in your answer way bunker shots? Driving for no charge, and which To my knowledge no oth- When you log in you’re I think it fell short of The
to that question, you hav- ranges don’t have fairway er app out there is do- Grint and 18 Birdies on a
en’t chosen enough loft. bunkers! ones were holding back to ing that, and I think it’s a few fronts.
Well they don’t need to. nice additional bonus that
Make sure that beyond a All you need is a grass get you to open up your many companies charge
shadow of a doubt, if you range and some sand or money for.
make decent contact with divot ?ller. Ask the proshop wallet
the ball, it’s soaring out of if you can borrow a bottle There is also a social
the bunker and back into a of their divot ?ll, and if they I tried most of the free element to the Grint and
good position to minimize don’t have any, buy a cup their online interface is
damage to your score. of coffee, dispose of coffee golf GPS apps out there, nicely designed. Their
as you see ?t, and go to pro membership upgrade
Technique the nearest bunker and ?ll and only included the costs $19.99 a year, and
It may be hard to be- the coffee cup full of sand. allows you to track your
lieve, but I assure you Now head to the range and ones that I thought were stats, take a picture of
fairway bunker shots can warm up. your scorecard, and have
become easy with a lit- Find the biggest divot worthy of your time. Many your scores automatical-
tle practice and appropri- near you after your warm ly updated – something
ate in-swing intentions. up and ?ll it full of sand. of them performed poor-
There’s nothing fancy Gently place a ball in the
about the technique of the sand-?lled divot and swing ly and did not make the
fairway bunker swing. It’s with the intention of strik-
a full swing. Don’t let it be ing the ball thin. As you hit list. The last thing I want
anything more complicated balls with different clubs
than that. out of your homemade mini any of you to do is get
Most average golfers fairway bunker, experiment
struggle with balance in with choking down on the stuck on the course with a
their swing, especially grip and see if it helps you
when faced with shots that achieve that thin strike. buggy app that does any CONTINUED TO PAGE 27
When you start feeling
successful graduate to try- harm to your round!
ing to pick it clean without
touching the sand. When Here is my list of rec-
executed correctly the ball
should ?y a little higher. ommended free golf GPS 1509 Grafton Road
Elyria 44035
On Course apps: 440-322-4428
Expectations My overall pick is The Stop in before Tee-Time
I’ve found that when I Grint for a number of for Breakfast!
strike an iron solid from a reasons. In my opinion
fairway bunker it goes the
same distance as when I this is the best-designed
strike it off the fairway. The
biggest difference is the free golf GPS app out --FSriadtauyrdYaeyllPorwimPeerRcihb -Daily Specials
way it feels and sounds. - Serving Breakfast,
You don’t get that same there for smartphones.
lovely sound from a fairway Lunch & Dinner
bunker as you do from the They have done an ex-
fairway, so don’t expect it.
As long as you can get the cellent job at making an -Home Cooked Meals
club on the ball and get the
ball to clear any obstacles, intuitive design that works Serving Daily 7am-8pm; Sunday 7am-2pm; Closed Monday
you should be well on your
way to fairway bunker pro- quickly on the course, dis-
?ciency and you’ll be the
Carlisle Golf Club envy of the other members ForGesot lHf Coilulrsse
of your foursome.
Celebrate Mother’s Day FOREST HILLS’ RIDING RATES (18/9 holes w/ cart)
21st ANNUAL Weekdays:
W/CART Golf Fest $27 (18 holes-before 1pm), $24 (18 holes-Sr./Jr. before 1pm),
FOR MOM $16.50 (9 holes-before 2pm), $16 (9 holes-Sr./Jr. before 1pm)
Saturday, July 15th
with a paid golfer Weekends:
Shotgun Start at 8 am
Ladies League $38 (18 holes-before 1pm), $33 (18 holes-after 1pm),
Wanted $23 (9 holes-before 5pm), $16 (9 holes-after 5pm)
Tues or Wed Mornings Walking Rates also available!
Call for Details
‘til 3:00pm. No Holidays
Seniors $19 -18 holes w/cart
Regular $25 - 18 holes w/cart
•Snack Counter
•Hot & Cold Open
Sandwedges ‘Round Forest Hills Golf Course
•Full Bar 41971 Oberlin-Elyria Road, Elyria
440-323-2632 /
Carlisle Golf Club
39709 Slife Rd. • Grafton
Four Keys Restaurant RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 19
WELCOME BACK Old Schoolhouse Catering
3940 Avon Lake Rd., Litch?eld
We are Open Early!
Stop in for Breakfast 330-725-3050
before TEE-TIME! Plan now for your
Graduation Party!
Get 2 Eggs, Homefries and
Toast for $3.75 Starting at
$8 per person
Mon- Fri from 5:30am - 10:30am
Friday Night
Buffet & Fish Fry
with Soup & Salad Bar
We provide food only or fully catered service.
Check out our 1509 Grafton Road • Elyria 44035
Daily Specials 440-322-4428
Too! Nick & Dawn Welcome You!
-Daily Specials -Home Cooked Meals
Check us out on Facebook | Delivery and Carryout available - Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
34501 E Royalton Rd. Columbia Station 440-236-8688 BREAKFAST FAVORITES
Sun-Wed 5:30am-9pm & Thur-Sat 5:30am-10pm
-Country Fried Steak -Chipped Beef
over Toast -Large Selection of Omelets
- Belgian Waffles & More
-Reubens -Burgers - Deli Sandwiches
-Large Variety of Salads & More
Serving Daily 7am-8pm; Sunday 7am-2pm; Closed Monday
Hours: Sun - Thur: 12-8pm
Fri - Sat: 12-9pm
$5 *Includes Chips & 20oz Soft Drink
• 1 Topping 7” Pizza
• Any Hot Sub
• Any Small Salad
• 6” Traditional or
Boneless Wings
25145 Royalton Rd. Columbia St, OH
35040 E. Royalton Rd.
North Eaton 926-2171
Sell GYRO’S!
LARGE (12”) $699 Don’t Forget our
ONE ITEM PIZZA Columbian Raider Sub!
MON-THUR ONLY. WITH COUPON. EXP 5/31/17 Salami, Pepperoni, Capicola Ham, Lettuce,
Tomato, Onions, Banana Peppers, Provolone
Cheese, Mayo, Italian Dressing on Zeppe roll.
6" $5.49 12" $8.49
10EXTRA LARGE (16”)$ 99 Best Corned Store Hours: M-F: 7am - 10pm,
Beef in Town! Sat: 8am-10pm, Sun: 9am-9pm
FRI-SUN ONLY. WITH COUPON. EXP 5/31/17 Deli Open 9am-9pm
Hours: Sun 3-10, Mon-Wed 4-10, 25011 Royalton Rd • 440-236-3658
Thurs 11-10, Fri-Sat 11am-11:30pm
Corner of RT82 and RT 252 Columbia Station
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Keystone community members can also visit the Keystone PTA Easter Seals Clothing Drive
High School weight room between 5-7 p.m., Monday through
Relay for Life event Thursday, until the end of May. Weights, weight machines and The KMS/KHS PTA is having an Easter Seals clothing drive.
cardio equipment are available. Help them ?ll an Easter Seals truck with clothing, comforters,
Keystone Local School District is preparing to host their 2nd towels, shoes, purses, etc. All donated items will be reused, re-
annual Relay for Life with the help of Keystone High School’s JVS offers Free Summer sold or recycled. All donations are tax-deductible. Fill a large
Youth 4 Youth Organization and members of the LaGrange Unit- Career Camp for students kitchen size garbage bag with your donation items and drop them
ed Methodist Church. If you have ever wondered how you can off at Keystone High School on Tuesday, April 25, Wednesday,
make a difference for those battling cancer, this is a perfect op- The Lorain County JVS is offering a free summer career ex- April 26, and Thursday, April 27, from 3-7 p.m.
portunity. Last year, with help from the community, they were ploration camp for students entering the 9th and 10th grades from
able to raise over $5,000 to help the American Cancer Society. the following school districts: Amherst, Avon, Avon Lake, Clear- Women’s Golf League
This year, the event will be held on May 19 at the Keystone High view, Columbia, Elyria, Firelands, Keystone, Midview, North seeks new members
School Track. Ridgeville, Oberlin, Shef?eld-Shef?eld Lake and Wellington.
The Lorain County District RENT ME!
One of the ways that you can help is to form a team of The JVS ExCEL Summer Career Camp will run from 9 a.m.- Women’s Golf League wel-
8-15 members and register online at 12 p.m. on Wednesday, June 7, through Friday, June 9. The 3-day comes new members. They
grange-keystoneOH. Teams will be expected to set up a “camp” camp is designed to give students the opportunity to learn about will be starting their 2017 sea-
with a game or activity that will be their fund-raiser. Some ex- possible career options by getting hands-on experience in a vari- son on Friday, May 5. They
amples are baked goods, donation of services for a donation such ety of career-technical program areas offered at the JVS. are a traveling league and play
as hairstyling, nail painting, massages, etc., or any type of game! May through September. If
As members of the group run the fund-raiser, at least one mem- Lorain County JVS will provide bus transportation to and you are interested and would
ber from the team will be walking or running the track. Your from JVS associate school districts’ Middle and/or Jr. High like more information, please
fund-raiser is what creates the money raised; no walking door to Schools and the students will receive a nutritious lunch each day. go to their website, www.lo-
door or collecting money from friends and family!
All students must register online for the ExCEL Summer Ca-
Another way to help is to donate goods, gift certi?cates or a reer Camp. The registration link can be found on the JVS web- Pequea SL 10 Lime Spreader
monetary donation to the cause or a team! This year, they will site, KRYSTOWSKI
be adding a basket raf?e, so any donations can go towards that TRACTOR
if requested. This is a grassroots effort and they look to local Students and families are invited to a kick-off event being WELLINGTON OH 44090
businesses to help make this event fun and rewarding! held on Thursday, May 11, at 6 p.m., with a presentation by mo- (440) 647-2015
tivational speaker Harvey Alston, who will inspire students to
The ?nal way to help with this amazing adventure is to show be the best that they can be. Students will choose their summer
up! There will be food, fun, games and more entertainment than career camp lab options at the kick-off event. JACK MATIA
you can think of for all ages! HONDA
For more information, contact Tina M. Hayslett at the JVS at
Cancer touches so many people in the community and Relay [email protected], or call (440) 774-1051 (Elyria/Oberlin) or New & Used
For Life is a great way to help ?ght this terrible disease. Please (440) 986-6601 (Lorain), ext. 22293. Cars
seriously consider this request and let your neighbors, customers
and community know that you are joining them in the ?ght! Penfield Quilters 440-366-5501
5th annual Quilt Show
Last day for indoor walking at KES Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria
The Pen?eld Quilters’ 5th annual Quilt Show will be held
This Thursday, April 27, is this winter’s last opportunity to on Wednesday, May 3, from 1-3 p.m. at Pen?eld Community New and Certi?ed Hondas
walk indoors from 6-7 p.m. at Keystone Elementary School, lo- Church, located at 40775 St. Rt. 18, in Pen?eld Township. Join All Models - Used Cars
cated at 531 Opportunity Way. Every attendee will be entered the Pen?eld Quilters for an afternoon of dessert, conversation
into a raf?e for a Dick’s Sporting Goods gift card. Walkers who and viewing of quilts. The Quilters will have a display of the Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5
have participated 5 or more times this year will receive a water quilts that they have worked on as a group, as well as personal
bottle. projects to show you. There will be sewing items available for
purchase as well as a Quilt Raf?e.
Residents are invited to come and enjoy a safe, warm walk
on their own, or with friends and family. There is no cost to par- You are encouraged to bring your own creations to “show
ticipate. While Keystone Elementary will no longer be open for off.” Please attach an index card or label to the quilt with your
community walkers after April 27, Pen?eld Township Park and name and information that you wish to share. There is free ad-
LaGrange Community Park cordially invite Keystone area resi- mission to the show; donations to Wellington Well-Help will be
dents to walk their paved paths this summer. accepted. Pen?eld Community Church is located 1/4 mile east
of the Rt. 18 and Rt. 301 intersection. For more information, call
the church of?ce at (440) 647-3818.
Anniversary sale not valid with any other offer or coupons.
$100 OFF **$1.99
Any Flooring IN-STOCK PER SQ FT.
Fabulous, Plush
Coupon must be presented at time of initial price quote.
Purchases over $1,000 before tax qualify. CARPET
Prior sales excluded. Not valid with any other offer. Installation & Cushion at NO Extra Cost!
Closeouts & advertised specials do not qualify.
Limit one per purchase. Expires 5-7-17. **$1.59
Various Quality’s
Installation & Cushion at NO Extra Cost!
Amherst 440.986.2469 46125 Telegraph Rd, Rte 113
Elyria 440.365.8351 130 Market Dr. (next to Home Depot)
*Financing available with approved credit on purchases of $500 or more.
Minimum payments required. See store for details
**Minimum labor charges apply, steps and custom work additional.
GRAFTON BRUSH AND YARD WASTE from the high school will have their art collections displayed. RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 21
Yard waste is now being accepted. Place yard waste in brown Face painting will be available and an Imagination Station will monies accepted for community room and pavilion rentals, reg-
bags and put them next to your trash carts on Friday mornings. be open for make it and take it projects. Entry to the show is free, istration for house checks and other residential services. Admin-
Brush pick-up will be on Wednesdays when weather permits. however donations will be accepted at the door. All donations go istrators also wanted to add a connection which would provide
to help fund a scholarship for a qualifying Midview senior. for better e-mail use. Research and a more formal proposal will
Area churches have played an important role in the history PANCAKE BREAKFAST
of Grafton. As part of the bicentennial celebration, the churches The Holy Name Society from Our Lady Queen of Peace will In the Village Administrator’s report: ?nal repairs, grading
in Grafton will host open houses on Sunday, April 23, from 2-5 host an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast on Sunday, May 7, and reseeding of areas were done on the Mechanic Street proj-
p.m. Scheduled to offer activities and share their histories are from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Parish Hall, 702 Erie Street. The ect. Installation of a shade tree at the Splash Pad is scheduled to
Our Lady Queen of Peace, Grafton United Methodist Church menu includes pancakes, sausage and eggs. Cost for the break- be installed on April 24. Work has begun on the excavation and
and Life Church. The history of the former Catholic Churches, fast is $7 for adults, $5 for kids 12 and under and children 3 and construction of the foundation/base for the gazebo, a handicap
Assumption and Immaculate Conception, will also be present- under eat free. Proceeds from the breakfast are used by the Holy accessible ramp and railing system and several sidewalks at Bi-
ed. The Assumption Catholic Church history will be given in the Name Society to support church and community programs. centennial Park. The gazebo has been constructed and will be
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church building, while the history of installed on May 18. Demolition has begun to the structure at
the former Immaculate Conception Church will be given in the SUMMER LUNCH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 1212 Elm Street.
original building on Erie Street. Come ask questions and ?nd the Volunteers are needed for the summer lunch program which
answers to why there were two Catholic churches in Grafton and runs June 12-August 4, from noon-1 p.m. If you can help, please In other business, council voted to sell unneeded items on
why the new Our Lady Queen of Peace Church building was call, email or stop into the Grafton-Midview Library. GovDeals and make safety improvements to the playground
built the way it was. landing places at North Park. Discussion was held regarding the
Grafton Village Council application for a Nature Works Grant. Several project ideas were
THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS discussed. The grant requires the village to help fund the project.
The Compassionate Friends, a bereavement group for parents, The Grafton Village Council met in joint session with the With the building of Bicentennial Park and other improvements
grandparents and siblings of child loss, will meet in the Our Lady Board of Zoning Appeals (BOZA) and the Planning Commis- to land and facilities being done this year, council decided to do
Queen of Peace Parish Hall, 702 Erie Street, in Grafton, on Mon- sion on April 18. The issues were variances needed and site plan more detailed planning and apply for the grant next year. The
day, April 24, at 7 p.m. anyone who has experienced the loss of approvals for two village projects. The ?rst project is the con- next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 2.
a child is welcome to attend this supportive group and safe place struction of a 200,000-gallon water tank at 1001 Becker Court.
to express grief surrounded by people who know and care. For The variance needed was for a shorter setback from the front of Dancing with the Middies event
more information, contact Terri Zunis at (216) 469-5311. the property to construct the water tower. The variance calls for
a 26 feet, 9 inch setback instead of the customary 35 feet. The The Midview Compass Committee presents an evening of
DIGITAL DANGERS PRESENTATION BOZA voted to recommend the granting of the variance and the dance, food and fund-raising! Dancing with the Middies is a red
On Monday, April 24, Digital Dangers will be back in our council approved the measure. A preliminary site plan was also carpet event featuring some of Midviews’ ?nest teachers, admin-
area to offer a presentation for the parents and community on the approved for the project. A lighting plan and landscape/screening istrators and community members participating in a “Dancing
dangers associated with the Internet. This will take place at 6:30 plan still needs to be submitted. The second project is for the with the Stars” style dance competition. Come vote for your
p.m. in the Kubuski Gymnasium at Midview High School. This demolition, clean-up and building of a new water booster pump favorites!
is for adults only and will be tailored to parents and guardians of station near the entrance of Willow Park. Again the variance is
children in the digital age. Attendance is highly recommended for a shorter set back. Due to the location near the park and the Included is a full meal, soft drinks, entertainment, red carpet
for any parent or adult. Digital Dangers was founded by Of?cer nearby creek, the setback needs to be 46 feet, 9 inches instead of entry and raf?es, for only $30. Add “Open Bar” to your ticket
Don Stanko, a working police of?cer in Franklin County since 70 feet. The BOZA and council approved the variance. The site and pay just $40. This event is on Saturday, May 6, at 6 p.m.
1992, and Dr. Tim Conrad, a school counselor and professor at plan was also approved for the pump booster station, which calls Dancing starts at 7:30 p.m. at The Nest at Grey Hawk, 665 US
The Ohio State University. These two professionals travel the for the removal of the aging infrastructure and building and con- Grant St., in LaGrange.
state spreading the message about these dangers. Of?cer Stanko struction of a more modern steel fabricated building with new
and Dr. Conrad spent the day on the Midview campus educat- drive and parking. The project should improve the look of the For tickets and more information, call Faye at (440) 343-
ing the students of East, the middle school and the high school. area and bring better function. 8231, or email Jill at [email protected].
After the students were dismissed early, the entire staff held an
additional meeting with a very informative presentation to help Council then voted to move Jessica Krug from part-time pa- Ecker Real Estate Co.
protect our students. trolman to full-time. A small swearing in ceremony was held.
Krug brings the department to 5 full-time of?cers. Council also Karlene Liserio
BLOOD DRIVE approved an increase in the police chief uniform allowance.
There will be a LifeShare Blood Drive on Wednesday, April A preliminary presentation was given by JC Powers Strategic Realtor/Agent
26, from 7 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. in the lobby of the Kubuski Gym Communications regarding the updating of the village’s website.
at Midview High School. The proposal, by the company which does the village’s newslet- (440) 371-0835
ter, included the custom designing and updating of the architec- [email protected]
SHREK THE MUSICAL ture of the website. It would include more photos and be more
The Midview High School Drama Club will present “Shrek user friendly. The mayor asked if forms could be submitted and Real Estate with Integrity
the Musical,” Friday-Sunday, April 28-30, in the Kubuski Gym.
Curtain opens at 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday evenings. The Spring into Mon & Th: 10-8pm
show on Sunday is a matinee, starting at 2 p.m. Savings! Tues/Wed &
The May quarterly meeting of the Greater Grafton Partnership Financing
will be on Tuesday, May 2, at noon in the community room at Available!
the Grafton Health, Fitness & Events Center. Bring a lunch with
you and learn about social media marketing. The guest speakers High Quality Kitchen and
are Lindsay Sims, owner of Lauren Loft Social - a digital mar- Bath Cabinetry,
keting agency and Lisa Hutson, Director of the Small Business
Development Centers at Lorain County Community College. Carpeting, Tile, Laminate,
All business and organizations in Grafton and surrounding areas Hardwood Flooring, Granite,
are invited to send representatives. Guests are welcome. Please
RSVP by April 25 to Lynn Morgan of Spa-B through her email, Quartz and Laminate
[email protected]. Countertops
There will be a book sale at the Grafton-Midview Library
during library hours on Tuesday, May 2, through Saturday, May Granite or Quartz Kitchen Installation & Pad
6. Come and browse gently used books and media, hardcovers
and paperbacks, DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, magazines, coloring Countertops Cabinets w/purchase of Mowhawk
books and many other items. The sale is being sponsored by the Smartstrand Carpets
Friends of the Grafton-Midview Library and raises funds for pro- Expires 5/1/17 Expires 5/1/17
grams. Not valid with any other offer Not valid with any other offer Expires 5/1/17
Only valid with purchase of $2,500 or more Only valid with purchase of $2,999 or more Not valid with any other offer
ARTASTIC FEST Includes 6# pad and basic installation
The annual ARTastic Fest will be held on Thursday, May 4,
from 3:30-7:30 p.m. at Midview High School, in the Kubuski | 536 Cleveland St. Elyria • 440-406-9299
Gymnasium. Artwork will be on display from Midview students
in grades preschool through 12th grade. The senior art students
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year, Dunlop, Continental, Pirelli,® Hankook, Yokohama,® and Bridgestone. $70 tire rebate includes Michelin® and BFGoodrich.® Tire rebate by prepaid debit card or apply to an active Owner Advantage Rewards® account. $70 credit card rebate by prepaid debit card only. Subject to credit approval. Complete purchase must be made on the
Ford Service Credit Card. Offer valid 4/01/17 to 6/30/17. Submit rebate by 7/31/17 by mail-in rebate form or online at Cannot be combined with any other tire manufacturer-sponsored or Ford Service Credit Card rebate/offer. See Service Advisor for vehicle applications, rebate and account details. Offer valid with coupon 3 Retail
purchases only. Dealer-installed Motorcraft or Omnicraft™ brake pads or shoes. Exclusions apply. Limit one redemption per axle. Taxes extra. Subject to credit approval. Complete purchase must be made on the Ford Service Credit Card. Offer valid 4/1/2017 to 6/30/2017. Submit rebate by 7/31/2017 by mail-in rebate form or online at fordowner.
com. Rebate per axle ($50 with Ford Service Credit Card, $25 without Ford Service Credit Card). $25 credit rebate by prepaid debit card only. Brake rebate by prepaid debit card or apply to an active Owner Advantage Rewards® account. See participating U.S. dealership for vehicle applications, rebate and account details through 6/30/2017.
Page 22, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Although Father Haberbosch oversaw major renovations, his for refrigeration and yet was still processing deer. In order to
great contribution to the community was converting, with assis- prevent foodborne illness, all perishable foods must be properly
I would like to welcome all students and staff back from tance of the Kiwanis Club and many others, the parish’s back refrigerated.
spring break. We are just 6 short weeks away from the end of acreage into Hot Stove League baseball diamonds in the late
the school year. I encourage everyone to stay focused, work hard 1960s. Father served the community for 18 years, For more information about foodborne illness prevention and
and ?nish strong! symptoms, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
On March 26, 1976, the I.C. Church was entered into the na- at For more tips on how to keep healthy,
As a reminder, on April 24 at 6:30 p.m., we are hosting “Dig- tional Register of Historic Places by the National Parks Service visit
ital Danger,” a presentation for parents that aims to decrease the of the United States.
misuse of social media by teenagers, including sexting, harass- Support your local businesses!
ment and cyberbullying. The presentation will be at Midview On November 19, 1981, Father Robert Viewig arrived. The
High School. old slate roof was shingled and air conditioning installed. A sec- Shop in your own hometown for all your Holiday needs.
tion was added to the church hall in 1989 to be used for the Parish
Topics will include: School of Religion Classes, as well as for meetings and storage. BULLSEYE FIREARMS
• Trends in teen and tween social media use Father ordered the beautiful statue of Mary which stands in front BUY - SELL - TRADE - LAYAWAY
• Anonymous app trends of the hall addition. With no actual record, Father Viewig chose New & Used Guns • Collectibles Guns
• The newest in digital dangers, such as live video streaming 1990 as the 150th Anniversary Celebration year. At a parish •Shooting Supplies • Ammunition
apps and camou?age apps dinner, Bishop Anthony Pilla delivered a liturgy on September • Hunting & Fishing License
• Digital parent tips 30. Also present were village, county and state of?cials. A slide • Game Check
• When and how to involve law enforcement show, “Our Past and Present,” was provided by Robert and Bam- NFA CLASS 3 DEALER
I encourage all parents, but especially those of middle and bi Bohrer.
high school students, to attend this important presentation and NEW THIS SPRING!
learn how to keep children safe on social media. John Seabold arrived in Grafton on July 1, 2003, more than
Also, please continue to support our student athletes as they twenty years after leaving his hometown and childhood parish. Paintball Equipment and Supplies
?nish up the spring season. You can ?nd the schedules on our However, he was welcomed back to his former church as Rever-
website at end John Seabold and also as the pastor of the Assumption Cath- HP Air Tank Fill Station
Have a great week! olic Church on Elm Street.
Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent Paintball Gun Repair & Upgrades
“Are Two Churches Better Than One?” and “How Do Two
Grafton Village History Association Become One?” Those were questions the parishioners of the SAVE $20 OFF
Immaculate Conception and the Assumption Churches were try- OFF A FIREARM
Continuing the I.C. Church history (Immaculate Conception): ing to answer. After gathering information over several years,
In 1892, the Polish members left the parish. Between 1902-1920, on February 22, 2006, a merger agreement was sent to Bishop WITH THIS AD
the old frame building used as the rectory was replaced with a Anthony Pilla of the Cleveland Diocese. In March, letters from
stone structure. An ambulatory, styled as an ancient cloister, con- the Bishop con?rmed the merger. “Our Lady Queen of Peace” Some restrictions may apply. Not valid with any other discount.
nected the church and the rectory. Establishment Mass was held Sunday, October 29, 2006, in Mid- Maximum value $20.One coupon per purchase. Expires 5/15/17
view High School Kubuski Gymnasium.
Father Patrick Ferron and the parish marked the 100th an- 788 MAIN ST, GRAFTON, OH 44044 • 440-926-4900
niversary of the church (1835-1935) with a week of liturgy and Tid Bits: There was a hitching post in front of the church, a SUMMER HOURS:
festival. Father Ferron had the Cruci?xion sculpture erected in boot scraper from the days of muddy roads. The heating system
St. Mary’s Cemetery in 1944 in the place of the original church sent hot air up through a single grate; the ladies stood over it in TUES-SAT 10-5; CLOSED SUN & MON
chapel. their long dresses.
When Father George F. Manning arrived in 1951, he decid- Doris Wildenheim 926-2956
ed it was time to replace the original chapel, which had served
85 years. The work went very well until Leonard Westrik fell Deer Processing warning
through the ceiling and broke his leg. The new hall opened in
1956. The 120 year old mission building was treated with re- In response to an ongoing investigation, the Lorain County
spect. Bill Walldecker and son, Jim, and George Downs disman- General Health District urges anyone who purchased or received
tled the building. Bill took it to his home and used the lumber in deer meat processed at Ketchem’s Country Meats, 17333 Avon
the inside of his horse barn. Belden Rd., in Grafton, during the 2016-2017 hunting season to
call (440) 322-6367.
Father Manning suffered a fatal heart attack on December
9, 1957. Father Haberbosch arrived late that night. His ‘trade “A health district professional will help anyone who calls to
mark’ was his cigar. He enjoyed playing “sixty-six” and had a determine whether there is a concern regarding the safety of the
dog named Boxer. He loved the children, never used their given meat processed at Ketchem’s,” explains Lorain County General
names, had a nickname for each and never mixed them up. Health District Health Commissioner David Covell, RS, MPH.
“This service is strictly a preventive measure.”
At the time of this release, there have not been any reported
cases of foodborne illness associated with Ketchem’s Country
While investigating an odor nuisance, public health profes-
sionals found that the facility did not have water or electricity
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Grafton-Midview Library RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 23
To register for programs, call (440) 926-3317 or visit the li- Students help support Bluebird Conservation
brary at 983 Main Street. Library hours are Monday-Thursday,
9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday & Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Sunday, Located on golf courses, Penny and Fritz Brandau with Mr. Eric Robson’s 9th grade students.
1-5 p.m. You can also register by visiting their website, www. cemeteries and on township, Most library programs require registration. city and Metro Park prop- ny and Fritz Brandau are understand the bigger pic- The National Audubon
erties in Lorain County are members of the society and ture of these houses, like the Society’s mission is to con-
Coding Club - Mondays, April 24 and May 8 & 22, 3:30-5 more than 30 bluebird trails stopped in at the JVS to per- research at Cornell Universi- serve and restore natural
p.m. Explore the world of code and increase your problem-solv- containing over 450 blue- sonally say thank you for the ty that is being done with the ecosystems, focusing on
ing skills, express your creativity, work as a team and have fun! bird nest boxes. These bird work that has been done. data that is collected from birds and other wildlife for
We will meet after school in the Teen Zone and learn together houses, or man-made nest- each bird house.” He added, the bene?t of humanity and
how to make simple webpages, create animation and more. No ing cavities, are sanctuaries Fritz Brandau stated, “It “These name and number the earth’s biological diver-
experience necessary to participate. Already know how to code? and homes for thousands is important to Penny and I plates look so professional. sity.
We need mentors! For ages 10 -17. of native birds to raise their that you all know how sig- You all did a great job.”
young during a time when ni?cant these plates are and
Monthly Book Club - Tuesdays, April 25 & May 23, 6:30- so much of their natural hab-
7:45 p.m. or Wednesdays, April 26 & May 24, 10-11 a.m. Join itat has been destroyed.
us for our monthly book discussion. Customer Service Associ-
ate Miranda leads April’s discussion with “Me Talk Pretty One Keeping track of what
Day,” by David Sedaris. Customer Service Associate Maggie birds inhabit what box at
will lead May’s book discussion with a “YA Pick Thirteen Rea- any given time can be dif-
sons Why,” by Jay Asher. ?cult. This is where the 9th
and 10th grade students of
Constellation Boxes - Wednesday, April 26, 3-4:30 p.m. Lorain County JVS stepped
Re-create the stargazing experience with a constellation box. in to help.
Combine cereal boxes, LED lights, and acrylic paint to make a
glowing addition for your room. For the past few years,
JVS students have engraved
Care & Raising of Chickens - Thursday, April 27, 6:30 -7:30 more than 200 name plates
p.m. Our own cluckspert, Tami Mullins, will share her experi- and hundreds of number
ences with these ?ne ladies and what it takes to raise them. Top- plates that are used to identi-
ics include time commitment, space needed and feeding. Meet fy the bird boxes throughout
one of Tami’s great laying gals named Bloom. the county.
Writer’s Bunch - Tuesdays, May 2 & 16, 5:30-7:45 p.m. An These bird boxes are
intriguing homework assignment is given each meeting to re- created for the Black Riv-
view the following month. Critiquing and snacks are shared at er Audubon Society, which
each informal gathering. First and third Tuesdays of the month. is a chapter of the Nation-
al Audubon Society. Pen-
Comic Book Day - Saturday, May 6, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Read-
ers assemble! The library is partnering with Keith’s Comics of SAVE $150 on SW, SS & MX Timecutters
Elyria to offer teens and tweens a few free comic books (while
supplies last). Be sure to check out the latest graphic novels in the TIMECUTTER® SS4200 42” Mowing Deck TIMECUTTER® SS5000 50” Mowing Deck
Teen Zone. Activities and crafts available all day. Registration is MODEL 74731 • Toro V-Twin 708cc Engine
not required. MODEL 74720 • Toro 452cc Engine • Dual Hydrostatic Transmission
• Dual Hydrostatic Transmission
Tech Tutor - May 10, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. & 2:30-4:30 p.m. • 3-in-1 Cutting System • 3-in-1 Cutting System
Registration is recommended. Walk-ins are welcome if no ap- • Automatic Breaking System
pointments are scheduled. Appointments are 60-minutes and • Automatic Breaking System
available on the ?rst Wednesday of the month. Please contact
[email protected] or call the Library at 440-926-3317 Starting at $2299 Starting at $2999
with any questions or to schedule a Tech Tutor appointment.
SAVE $150! SAVE $150!
After School Video Games - Thursday, May 11, 3-5 p.m.
Play video games and snack on pizza for the perfect after school $2149 $2849
break. Select games from the library’s collection or bring in your
own to share.
Alzheimer’s: Know the Ten Signs - Thursday, May 11, 6:30-
7:30 p.m. This workshop will stress the importance of early de-
tection for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. As 10 mil-
lion baby boomers risk developing Alzheimer’s, early detection
of the disease becomes critical to future planning. Knowing the
warning signs of Alzheimer’s and getting diagnosed early is vital
to receiving the best help and care possible.
Superhero Training Academy - Saturday, May 13, 11 a.m.-
noon. Do you have what it takes to be a Superhero? Come to
the Library to hone your superhero skills as we play games and
activities that will test your strength and intelligence! Feel free
to dress up as your favorite superhero or supervillain. Activities
geared for children in grades K-2.
Karen A. Kramer, D.D.S. 32” - 54” Models Available with Similar Savings!
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Grafton, OH. 44044
We’re specialists in comparing insurance
companies and rates for busy people.
Call me today.
Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 STREAM activity at St. Mary School
Dumpster Days
Anime Club - Monday, May 15, 3-4:30 p.m. Watch your fa-
vorite videos and take part in related activities with fellow anime Grafton Township will hold their annual dumpster days on
and manga enthusiasts. Japanese snacks and other treats will be Friday and Saturday, May 12 & 13 at the township hall. Fridays
available. hours are from noon until 3 p.m.; Saturday hours are from 8
a.m.-3 p.m. No hazardous waste will be accepted. This event is
Pirates of the Library - Tuesday, May 16, 6:30-7:30 p.m. for township residents only; proof of residency will be required.
Ahoy ye lads and lassies! Become a Pirate of the Library for a Area Boy Scouts will be available to collect old ?ags for proper
day. Find out your pirate name, play pirate games, make some disposal.
pirate accessories and eat some pirate snacks!
Attn: Grafton Twp. residents
Inspirational Book Club - Tuesday, May 16, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Join the group with facilitator Peggy Wyar May’s pick “Like Residents are encouraged to pick up any trash which may Students from various grade levels at St. Mary School in Elyria work
Dandelion Dust,” by Karen Kingsbury. For more information have entered their property and ditches over the winter months. together to make an Easter basket from newspaper, strong enough
and to pick up your copy, go to the Customer Service Desk. Residents are also reminded to cover upholstered items in plastic to hold the weight of two soup cans.
when placing them for trash pick-up.
Crochet 101 - Thursday, May 18, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Learn a
couple basic crochet stitches from our own Tami Mullins! In G raf ton Twp. Trustees The students at St. Mary School in Elyria recently partici-
June, after we’ve had loads of practice at home, we will put the pated in an all school STREAM (Science, Technology, Reli-
stitches together and make a simple dishcloth with a scallop bor- gion, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) activity. The students
der. Please bring an I or J hook and cotton yarn. were put into groups with each group containing someone
The Grafton Township accidents reported last month. from all grade levels. Junior high students served as group
All Day Scrap & Craft - Saturday, May 20, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 Trustees monthly meeting Later in the meeting, the trust- leaders. Their task was to create an Easter basket with a han-
p.m. Need some space to spread out and work on your scrapbook was held on April 11. Depu- ees voted to place a 5-year ?re dle out of newspaper that would hold two cans of soup. Each
or craft? Stop by and use our Community Room. ty Bungard from the Lorain levy renewal on the Novem- group could only use newspaper, masking tape, scissors and
County Sheriff’s Of?ce gave ber ballot. The levy will not of course their brains to complete the task. The basket, once
LCCC Theatre presents... the ?rst report. He said there ask for additional funds. ?nished, had to be held by the handle without breaking for
were several traf?c violations 10 seconds to be successful. Each of the twelve groups came
Exit the Body at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, in the township and some in- In other business, Draw- up with a different, creative basket. The students enjoyed the
April 27, 28 & 29, at Stocker Arts Center’s Cirigliano Studio cidents of theft. The thefts ings for a new pavilion at the activity and couldn’t wait to see if their basket would pass the
Theatre on Lorain County Community College’s campus. were not related to the break- park have been revised and the test. After completion, all of the materials were recycled and
ins in Grafton Village. The trustees are now in the process the cans of soup were donated.
“Exit the Body” is written by Fred Carmichael, directed by Zoning report was then giv- of getting material quotes and
Dave Cotton and produced by special arrangement with Sam- searching for a contractor. A
uel French, Inc. A mystery writer rents a New England house en. Two permits were issued schematic has also been ?n-
that is the rendezvous point for some jewel thieves. The focal last month. One for a fence ished for drainage pipe and SAVE MONEY WITH THE HOME/CAR DISCOUNT.
point of the set is the closet, which opens into a living room on Grafton Eastern Road and catch basin installation for
and a library. A body found in the closet promptly disappears one for a house to be built the new pavilion and the park. Which helps when you have the
only to be succeeded by another. The hunt for the jewels on Highland Drive. Nuisance The trustees voted to purchase
reaches a climax at 2 a.m. when 4 couples unknown to each materials, a possible music paint and materials for a Boy HOME/CAR PAYMENTS.
other turn up to search. Not since the days of Mack Sennett festival and the possible oper- Scout troop to paint the dug
has there been such a hilarious series of entrances and exits. ation of a business in an agri- outs at the park and the con- Combine your home and auto insurance and save up
cultural/residential area were cession stand. The trustees do
Tickets are $9 for adults and $8 for seniors, LCCC faculty discussed. not need to take any action in to 25% on your premiums at Nationwide®
and staff, LCCC students and children 18 and under. Tickets the investigation of Ketchem’s
may be purchased at the box of?ce, by phone at (440) 366- One of the used lawn Mark Cummings Agency
4040 or online at The Stocker
Arts Center is located at 1005 N. Abbe Road, in Elyria, on the MARK CUMMINGS Nationwide®
campus of LCCC. On Your Side
990 Commerce Dr. Grafton
For more information, contact Jeremy Benjamin, LCCC 440-926-2000
Director of Theatre, at [email protected].
mowers was sold on Gov- Country Meats, as other agen- [email protected] Nationwide®
Deals, the other two mowers cies are involved. The next Call me today for a quote. Auto Home Life Business
GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY were not sold. The trustees meeting is scheduled for May
voted to lower the opening bid 9 at 7 p.m. Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Af?lited Companies. Life
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ Insurance issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Of?ce: Columbus, OH 43215-2220
Hours By Appointment
amounts and relist them on
419 NORTH MAIN STREET the auction website. After test
GRAFTON, OHIO driving and researching new
mowers, the Road Depart- E is for Exceptional savings!
440-926-2705 ment chose a zero turn Ferris
machine. Trustee Carl Wese- 5065E and 5075E MFWD Tractors
meyer had received a $250 As low as $3,500 OFF*1
SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM transferable discount card for $335/mo4
Ferris mowers and offered to AND
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with donate it to the township af-
programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post ter the choice was made. Bid 0% for 60 months AND
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton packages for two road proj-
The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels ects will be opened during the
drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829. May 9 meeting. The ?rst proj- $500 implement bonus*1
If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
ect is for motor paving in sub- •Turbocharged PowerTech™
ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE CANCELED. divisions, the other for need- engine
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE. ed repairs to Neff Road. The
4/24 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free township hall met all safety •Independent 540 PTO
donuts and coffee for participants. inspections and reported three
4/25 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed paid rentals last month. •Category 1 and 2 compatible
by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for •5-Year Powertrain Warranty**
participants. The Fire Department re-
4/28 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks ported a lot of planning went
for participants. into the transportation and
5/1 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with ?xing of the ?re truck which
free donuts and coffee for participants. had problems with the sup-
5/2 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being port frame. The project went
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with very smoothly and repairs
fruit and juice for participants. have been made. The trust-
5/4 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior Dinner ees signed a hazmat services
to be held 5/11/2017 at 5:30pm. Two contract and voted to cover
names per phone call only. the expenses for 4 to attend
5/5 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop the annual ?re?ghter confer-
and snacks for participants. ence in June. The trustees also
voted to pay the expenses for
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact 2 EMTs to attend a training
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341. conference in Pittsburg. Those
EMTs will then train the rest
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special of the department. There were
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen 5 residential calls for the am-
Manager for additional information. bulance and 3 motor vehicle
Herrick Memorial Library Free Health Screening RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 25
Farm, Spencer Twist, Spencer Feed and Supply, Olde Carriage
Adult Writing Group - Thursdays, May 4 & 18, from 6-7:30 Mercy Parish Nursing is having a Free Health Screenings House, Farmyard Flowers, Dostall Farms, Hook’s Greenhouse,
p.m. Join this group if you have a passion for writing of all ven- & Health Fair at the First United Methodist Church, 127 Park Honey Bee Treasures, Quilting Shanty and Platinum Petal.
ues. Bring samples of your writing to share with the group. This Place, in Wellington, on Saturday, May 13, from 9-11 a.m. Fast-
group is not like other writing groups; we encourage one another, ing is encouraged! Take AM meds with water if possible. Free For more information, email [email protected] or
try new and different forms of writing and learn to create char- screenings include: CMP, Lipids, HgA1c, TSH, PSA (men 40 & call Sue at (440) 371-7589.
acters and plots for your ?ction pieces, or explore the world of over) and Blood pressure Fitness Assessment Testing.
poetry and verse. Registration is encouraged. To register, call Auditions
the Herrick Memorial Library at (440) 647-2120. For more information, please contact the Church Of?ce at
(440) 647-3263 between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Workshop Players is holding auditions for Sylvia, by A.R.
Chronic Disease Self-Management - Friday, April 28, from Gurney, on Monday and Tuesday, April 24 & 25 at 7 p.m. Di-
1-3:30 p.m. Do you have health conditions that interfere with Wellington Genealogy Group rector Dave Mackeigan is looking for the following: one female
your life? Chronic Disease Self-Management is a 6-week na- 18-35, high energy, must be playful, agility is a must; one female
tionally recognized program designed to help adults living with The Wellington Genealogy Group will meet on Wednesday, mid 40-60ish; one male mid 40-60ish; one male for 3 walk-on
long-lasting health conditions gain con?dence in their ability to May 3, at 6:30 p.m. (note new time), at the LCCC Wellington scenes, where one scene includes acting as a female, should be
manage their symptoms and to understand how their health af- Center, 151 Commerce Drive. mid 30s and up. Auditions will be held at the theatre, located
fects their lives. This program is sponsored and conducted by at 44820 Middle Ridge Rd., in Amherst. Performances are June
Fairhill Partners, a non-pro?t agency devoted to successful ag- The meeting this month is “DNA Testing.” Mary Jamba is 29 & 30 and July 1, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 & 16. For more information,
ing. Space is limited and registration is required. Call the Herrick a Trustee for the Ohio Genealogical Society. Mary will explain contact the director at [email protected].
Memorial Library at (440) 647-2120 to register for this program. DNA and the different companies that have DNA testing. You
will be able to order the DNA kits and get your results back. J’s Skill Game Center
Afternoon Book Discussion - Thursday, April 27, at 2 p.m. Mary then will have a follow-up program in the fall regarding 6287 Lear Nagle Rd, N. Ridgeville
This group will be discussing the book “The Bad-Ass Librarians understanding and using the results from the tests. The public is 440-788-7266
of Timbuktu,” by Joshua Hammer. Interested adults may pick welcome. 30 GREAT GAMES!
up the available books at the circulation desk to check out. The Complimentary Snacks & Drinks
group will meet in the library’s Community Room. Firelands Garden Club Great Comps, Giveaways & Jackpots!
Spring Story Times - April 17-26. The spring story times The Firelands Garden Club’s annual Indoor Plant Sale and FREE $10
continue until this Wednesday, April 26. The Family Time pro- Auction is coming on Monday, May 15. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Match Play
gram, for families with children up to and including age 5, will and the specialty plant auction will begin at 7 p.m. sharp. Come
take place on Monday evening and will begin at 6:30 p.m. The and join the fun and get great prices on plants for your garden. (First time players)With
program for toddlers and preschoolers, ages 2-5 years, will take this ad, Exp 5--17
place on Tuesday morning beginning at 10:30 a.m. and the pro- The plant sale and auction is being held at the Birmingham
gram for babies, ages birth to 24-months, will take place on Community Center, located at 15018 South Street, in Birming- Think Our Plants
Wednesday morning beginning at 10:30 am. Registration is re- ham (south off Rt. 113, east off Rt. 60 and just around the corner Spring! Will Get
quested. Register at the library or by calling (440) 647-2120. from Lorain County Metro Park’s Schoep?e Garden).
You Hooked!
Friends of the Library Meeting - On Tuesday, April 25, at All are invited to come and bring a friend!
7 p.m., the Friends of the Herrick Memorial Library will hold NOW OPEN! Perennials
its monthly meeting. The FOL Board will conduct a business Bag Lady Tour 2017 Annuals
meeting for the planning of the Harvest of the Arts. All ‘Friends’ Hours: Mon-Sat 10-6
members who are interested in becoming a board member are Spring is here, and once again it is time for the annual Bag Vegetables
encouraged to attend the meeting. Lady Tour for 2017. This is a drive-yourself shopping adventure Sun 12-5
in the country. Tour dates are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April Edibles
Library Board Meeting - On Wednesday, April 26, the Her- 28, 29 & 30. Tour hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Friday and Saturday,
rick Memorial Library Board of Trustees monthly board meeting and 12-5 p.m. on Sunday. This is the last weekend for the tour. Special: 440-647-5480 Shrubs
is rescheduled to meet at 10 a.m. This meeting will take place in Join the fun visiting the participating shops and farms in Welling-
the board of?ce and is open to the public. All are welcome. ton, Rochester, Brighton, Oberlin, New London, Pen?eld, Spen- Pansy 50740 St. Rt. 18 Hanging Baskets
cer and Homerville. Pick up your map ?yer at your ?rst stop or Baskets
Lego-Mania - Saturday, April 29, from 1-3 p.m. Kids, of all download it from the website, Wellington, OH 44090 Mulch &
ages, bring your mom & dad, brothers & sisters for an afternoon $3.99
of building with our Legos®. The library will supply the Legos When the ?yer is completed, turn it in at the last stop with Just 5 miles west of Wellington Potting Soil
®; you just need your imagination to build your greatest project! contact information completed at the top to be entered into a
drawing for a $25 gas card (?rst prize) or $15 gas card (second
prize). Must be 13 & over for this drawing.
Also, search for a small wooden bag hidden at one of the par-
ticipating businesses each day of the tour. Find the bag and win Displays, The Rusty Hook
a $20 gift certi?cate (Spencer Twist not included in the search). Plants & Junk Shop!
Shops on the Country Bag Lady Tour include Ravenwood Vintage, Repurposed,
Antiques, All Ohio Toy & Train, Days of Yore Herb and Flower & Barn Fresh
located in Hook’s Greenhouse
Don’t Miss Out!
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Page 26, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 North Ridgeville Library making crafts. Make beautiful memories with the ones you love.
Mothers, grandmothers and caregivers with those 3 years of age
Historical Society news Downloading Ebooks, Audiobooks and other Emedia - Par- and older are welcome. Preregistration is required for all attend-
ticipants will learn about the library’s OverDrive media and Axis ing: children and caregivers. Preregistration is required.
The North Ridgeville Historical Society will be one of the 360 services, which can be used to download free eBooks, au-
participants in the Northeast Ohio Local History Fair on Satur- diobooks and more. Come on Monday, April 24, from 6:30-8 Book Buddies Adult Book Discussion - Come read “The
day, April 29, at the City of Bedford’s Ellenwood Community p.m. and on Thursday, April 27, from 2-3:30 p.m. The instructor Children Act” by Ian McEwan on Wednesday, May 10, from 1-2
Center, located at 124 Ellenwood Ave. It will run from 10 a.m.-4 will do some how to demonstrations. The participants will learn p.m. Copies of the book are available at the information desk.
p.m and will feature groups from all over the area featuring local about the various kinds of eBooks and other eMedia that can be New members are welcome. Preregistration is required.
historical places and upcoming events. There will be exhibits, downloaded or viewed on one’s computer or device. Preregistra-
music, crafts, food and a genealogical research help center. The tion is required. Gardening For Kids - Plant some seeds of inspiration in your
day will be the perfect opportunity to plan summer travel adven- child! Three year olds and older can come on Wednesday, May
tures right here in your backyard! For more information, visit the Gamer Lounge - Fourth graders through 12th graders, drop 10, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. with their caregivers to learn how to
website, by on Tuesday, April 25 between 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. with your plant a garden, how to weed it, what tools to use, and what con-
friends in tow and enjoy Wii and Playstation®4 on the big ditions are best for growing vegetables and ?owers. Soil, seeds
Conversation on healthy living screen. Board games will also be available to play. Preregistra- and small planters will be provided. Preregistration is required.
tion is required.
Calling all North Ridgeville residents, employees and em- Preregistration for programs and more information is avail-
ployers! Join the North Ridgeville Heart and Sole Challenge Tech Tips - Bring your questions to this informal session able online at or by calling the North
for a community conversation about healthy living and lifestyle about how to use library computer software and apps on your Ridgeville Library at (440) 327-8326. The North Ridgeville Li-
in North Ridgeville. They want your opinion on ways to make computers, tablets, eReaders or the internet. Stop in on Wednes- brary is located at 35700 Bainbridge Road, in North Ridgeville.
North Ridgeville healthier. day, April 26 anytime between 1 and 3 p.m. for one on one as-
sistance with library staff members. Preregistration is required. Olde Towne Hall Theatre presents....
Join them at one of the following:
• Monday, April 24: 6-7 p.m. at the North Ridgeville Library, Book Sale - The library is having a book sale this spring start- Chelsea Falatic as Shelby. Steel Magnolias, di-
35700 Bainbridge Road. ing with the preview sale on Thursday, April 27, from 5-8 p.m. rected by Kim Mihalik.
• Tuesday, April 25: 6-7 p.m. at Council Chambers, 7307 The book sale preview is reserved for members of The Friends A touching tale of six
Avon Belden Road. of the North Ridgeville Branch Library, Inc. New members may women sharing lives,
• Wednesday, April 26: 10-11 a.m. at Council Chambers, join, or former members may renew their annual memberships loves, happiness and
7307 Avon Belden Road. that evening. The book sale is open to the public on Friday, April tragedy, interacting at a
All conversations will discuss the same topics. Refreshments 28 from 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; on Saturday, April 29, from 10 a.m.- small town salon in the
will be provided. The North Ridgeville Heart and Sole Challenge 5:30 p.m. and on Sunday, April 30, from 1-4:30 p.m. There’ll be deep south of Louisi-
is a community-based health and wellness initiative designed a large assortment of books, movies and puzzles ana. Performances are
to improve the cardiovascular health and overall well-being of April 28 & 29 and May
those who live and work in North Ridgeville by encouraging North Ridgeville Writers - Are you an adult who wants to 5 & 6 at 7:30 p.m. &
healthier lifestyles through access to physical ?tness and good meet other writers and hone your writing skills? Do you need April 30 at 3 p.m. Call
nutrition. For more information on Heart and Sole, visit www. motivation to pick up a pen in the ?rst place? If so, take part in (440) 327-2909 for res- the writing group on Saturday, April 29, from 2-4 p.m. Partici- ervations. The theater is
pate in read and critique sessions and build your skills through located at 36119 Center
Garden Club of North Ridgeville writing practice. Preregistration is required. Ridge Road (just west
of Rt. 83), in North Rid-
The Garden Club of North Ridgeville will meet on May 9, Coloring For Grown Ups - Join the adult coloring craze on geville. Tickets are $12
at 6 p.m., at the Sandy Ridge Reservation, 6195 Otten Road, Wednesday, May 3, from 1-2:30 p.m. Experience the calming, for adults and $10 for
in North Ridgeville. The speaker for the evening will be John stress relieving bene?ts of coloring beautiful designs and pat- seniors and children.
Schoenhals from the OSU Extension Of?ce in Elyria. His pro- terns made speci?cally for adults. Coloring sheets, colored pen-
gram will be on All You Need To Know About Growing Vege- cils and markers will be provided. Coffee, tea and light snacks Black River Audubon
tables. The Club’s annual Plant Sale will be on May 20 from 9 will be served. This program is for adults age 18 and older. Pre- May Antarctica Program
a.m.-1 p.m. at the Rini Plaza (Giant Eagle) by the Dollar Tree registration is required.
store on Center Ridge Road. All plants are dug from their gar- Dr. Mark Purdy will present his program about Antarctica on
dens and priced very reasonably - they have repeat customers ev- Family Fun Story Time - Enjoy a story time for families with May 2, at 7 p.m. at Sandy Ridge Reservation, 6195 Otten Road,
ery year. For info. on their meeting, joining or plant sale, please children ages 2-6 years old on Thursday, May 4, from 6:30-7 in North Ridgeville. Travel has always been his biggest passion.
call (440) 365-8522. p.m. Come for stories, songs and crafts. There are many more Mark has made multiple trips to every continent with an em-
story times offered. Preregistration is required. phasis on nature. At the time of his last presentation to BRAS,
Antarctica was next on his list. Having been there now, he will
Browser’s Reading Buddies - Browser’s Reading Buddies is educate and entertain while discussing his trip.
a relaxed, dog friendly program where ?rst through ?fth grad-
ers may sit and read with a certi?ed Therapy Dog International This program is free to the public. For more information
canine volunteer on Saturday, May 6, between 10:30 and 11:30 on programs, volunteering or becoming a member, please visit
a.m. Each child may sign up for a 15 minute session. Preregis- or call (440) 225-7601.
tration required.
Mom and Me Afternoon Tea – Mother’s Day - Attend the
annual Mother’s Day Tea Party on Saturday, May 6, from 2-3
p.m. Enjoy tea, juice and a light snack while playing games and
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LCCC Sound Energy Concert cover wildlife babies large and small through activities and crafts RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 27
all month long. All ages are welcome. No registration required.
Lorain County Community College presents “Sound Energy: Free. GOLF APP ARTICLE FROM PAGE 18
A Signature Series Concert” at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 3
at the Cirigliano Studio Theatre at the Stocker Arts Center. Thursday & Friday, May 25 & 26: For starters, they really want you to upgrade to a pre-
Tales for Tots - Susan Hambley Nature Center, from 10-11 mium membership, which costs $4.99/mo or $29.99/yr.
Sound Energy is a dynamic, Boston-based string trio com- a.m. or 1-2 p.m. Mice, squirrels and chipmunks are always busy While this is a fair tradeoff for using the app for free, it’s
mitted to exploring new sounds, new collaborations, and new and they love to chew! Discover more about these furry little a bit more “in your face” than some of the other apps,
music. Established in 2013 by founding members Micah Bright- nibblers through a story, craft and fun activities. For ages 3-6 and ads are displayed quite a bit as well.
well (violin) and Ashleigh Gordon (viola) with the subsequent with an adult companion. Some or all of the program will be held
addition of Benjamin Swartz (cello), Sound Energy is constant- outdoors; please dress accordingly. Register by May 24. Free. Golf Logix performs well on the course as a GPS de-
ly searching for ways to push the traditional violin-viola-cello Saturday, May 27: vice. Instead of satellite images, they are using graph-
combination to represent the bold, daring voices of 20th and 21st Healthy Strides - Buckeye Woods Park, from 9-10 a.m. Pro- ical representations of the course. It could be a matter
century composers. gram combines a brief, informative talk by a Cleveland Clin- of taste, but I preferred the clearer satellite images from
ic physician and caregiver and a casual 1-3 mile walk. Topics some of the other apps. Nonetheless you are able to
Sound Energy members hail from as far as New Zealand with change each week based on the leader’s specialty and sugges- clearly see your yardages and the hole design.
studies in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, tions from participants. All members of the community are wel-
and Germany. As individuals, they’ve performed internation- come. Ages 10 to adult. No registration required. Free. You can easily alter your target and are displayed the
ally in Hong Kong, London and Mexico with ensembles such Migratory Bird Banding - Wolf Creek Environmental Cen- yardages to all points on the green. One unique feature
as Ensemble Modern, Boston Modern Orchestra Project, Cal- ter - 9 a.m.-12 p.m. See description under May 20. is that it can display a grid of your landing zones for dif-
lithumpian Consort, and the Bang on a Can All-Stars. They’ve Fishing Fliers - Wolf Creek Environmental Center, from ferent clubs (you need to enter all of your club distances
attended festivals including Britten-Pears, Aspen, Tanglewood, 2-3 p.m. From chattering king?shers to stately herons, there are beforehand to get an accurate reading).
and Kneisel Hall and hold degrees from New England Conser- many birds that like to ?sh. Come ?nd out how they hunt and
vatory, Royal Academy of Music, Cleveland Institute of Music, other fun facts about these predators of the ponds. Then take a Entering your score and stats for each hole was fairly
Peabody Conservatory, Johns Hopkins University, Rice Univer- hike over the wetland to try to spot them in the wild. All ages easy to do, but maybe not as intuitive as The Grint or
sity, Baldwin-Wallace University and the Internationale Ensem- welcome. No registration required. Free. 18 Birdies. Overall, Golf Logix performed very solidly
ble Modern Akademie. Sat. & Sun., May 27 & 28: on the course. They withhold a bit more information for
Animal Babies - Susan Hambley Nature Cente, from 12-5 their pro members than my other two picks, such as
The event is sponsored by the Arts and Humanities division. p.m. See description under May 20 & 21. hazard and layup distances, but what they offer for free
Admission is free. Register for programs at is certainly good enough for golfers looking to get basic
distance information.
Visit Did you know? “STEM”
don-viola/ for more information. Other Honorable Mentions are Game Golf, Golfshot
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only about one-quar- and GolfNow, feel free to test out the apps on your own.
The Stocker Arts Center is located at 1005 N. Abbe Road, ter of those working in the ?elds of science, technology, en- Who knows you may ?nd one that I didn’t use! Those
Elyria, Ohio on the campus of Lorain County Community Col- gineering and mathematics, widely referred to as “STEM,” are just my two cents, and many of you reading this
lege. are women. The percentages of women working in STEM are might have no problem using your phone on the course.
even lower in Canada, where Statistics Canada notes the per- If you are, I think you’ll be more than happy with some
Medina County Park District centage of women working in STEM has increased from just of the options I listed. They are great apps that will en-
20 percent in 1987 to 22 percent in 2015. Perhaps in recog- hance your knowledge on the course.
Saturday, May 20: nition of those statistics, numerous organizations are working
Migratory Bird Banding - Wolf Creek Environmental Cen- to promote women in STEM. One such organization is the General Plug and Mfg. Co.
ter - 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Bird banding is a scienti?c research method National Girls Collaborative Project (, which NOW HIRING
that studies bird behavior and movements and provides valuable works to bring together organizations throughout the United
information about avian populations and migratory patterns. The States that are committed to informing and encouraging girls Part- Time Workers
data collected through bird banding is critical to identify contrib- to pursue careers in STEM. Another organization with similar Contact Megan at 440-926-1757
uting factors affecting populations in both winter and summer goals is the Women in Engineering Proactive Network (we-
habitats and the establishment of needed conservation efforts., which works to promote the inclusion of women in Mon- Friday 9am-4pm.
Join licensed Bird Banders Gary and Jill Fowler to learn more the ?eld of engineering. Female students in high school or
about the signi?cance of bird banding and see how it is done. college who are interested in STEM ?elds should make their
Please note that bird banding is weather variable and may not interest known to teachers or advisors; they can even contact
be done if it is raining. Signs will be posted at Wolf Creek to certain organizations to learn about the opportunities and re-
let you know if bird banding is occurring and to direct you to sources available to them.
the banding location. All ages are welcome. No registration re-
quired. Free.
Sat. & Sun., May 20 & 21:
Animal Babies - Susan Hambley Nature Center, from 12-5
p.m. Spring has sprung and babies are being born. You can dis-
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Page 28, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017
SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY TV, CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! Cleaned out grandma’s base-
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Saturday, April 29th 9:00am A PLACE FOR MOM. The na- lington. May 4-5, 9-5pm. This Hiring landscaping laborers,
tion’s largest senior living BUSINESS TO BUSINESS is a large sale. competitive wages. Call 440-
MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION referral service. Contact our Advertise to 500,000 Homes 213-8395. Wiencek’s Land-
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Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-re- 800-450-7227 or visit macne- direct a small crew. Duties
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Grafton, Oh Can Help! WIN or Pay Noth- [email protected] or 25-120 Capacity Landscaping help needed.
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Selection’s include: Fruit Trees (Apple, Cherry, Plum, Nectarines & CDC201625 for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange PALMER’S LAWN CARE
Peaches). Blueberries, Strawberries, Large variety of shade, ornamental Lung Cancer? And 60 Years ESTATE SALE Lions Club. 440-458-6781. Reliable Driver wanted for
& evergreen trees, Blue Spruce, Norway & Fir; Weeping Cherry, Japa- Old? If So, You and Your Fam- Estate Sale, Columbia Station Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- upward progressing Septic
nese Maple, Pussy Willow, Upright & Weeping Flowering Crabapples, ily May Be Entitled To A Sig- Farm Dig-Out. 18024 West Riv- 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. Company. Duties such as, but
Weeping Lavender Twist Redbud, Purple Leaf Flowering Plum, Red nificant Cash Award. Call er Rd. Columbia Station. April 440-926-3341 not limited to, pumping tanks
& White Bud, Flowering Pear, Dogwood, Weeping Pea Shrub, White 800-897-7205 or 866-428-1639 27-29 9am-6pm, cash only. PENFIELD TWP. HALL and possibly some deliveries,
Birch, Hydrangeas, Red Maples, Oaks, Arborvitaes, too many to list. To Learn More. No Risk. No Pictures on etc. Must have a CDL. Must be
All trees will be 7-25gal or B&B. Also, a large variety of ?owering Money Out of Pocket. RENTAL able to drive standard shift.
shrubs, ornamental grasses, perennials & other misc. items. Have 10K in Debt? National EVENTS Twp. Meeting hall, Exp. a plus, but will train. Com-
Auctioneer’s Note: Brown’s Nursery is NOT going out of business. Debt Relief is rated A-Plus Holding a Carnival! Fair! Fes- parable wages, paid holidays,
The inventory reduction is your opportunity to purchase nice, clean, sur- with the BBB. You could be tival! Jubilee! Promote it to Cap. 42-60 401K, health ins. Drug testing
plus nursery stock at discounted prices. Bring your truck or trailer or ask debt free in 24-48 months. Call over 1 Million readers for only Community room, required. Burnett’s Septic
about having your items delivered. Loading available immediately after 1-888-998-4967 now for a free $200!!! Visit www.midatlan- Service, 120 Commerce Dr.,
sale. State inspected. Early inspection on April 27th & 28th. PLANTS debt evaluation. for more details Cap. 150-300 LaGrange, Ohio.
& TREES MAKE A GREAT MOTHERS DAY GIFT! or call 800-450-7227. Available for all occasions. Residential Lawn Care Worker.
TERMS of SALE: Cash, check or major credit card day of sale (3% APPLIANCES 41012 St. Rt. 18, Wellington Full/Part-time position for en-
buyer’s premium waived for cash or good check). Positive ID required FARM EQUIPMENT thusiastic, reliable person who
to register. All items paid for day of sale & before being removed from Good clean used appliances. Complete line of good farm Call 440-396-3096 for can handle large commercial
the premises. Buyers are responsible for security of their purchases. All Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. equipment for sale. Plow- availability & rates. lawn mower. No experience
items sold “as is”. We are not responsible for accidents. Lunch avail- ing, fitting, planting, 3 Allis necessary, will train the right
able. AUTOS Chalmers combines, wagons. HELP WANTED person. Competitive wages.
RAIN OR SHINE. Dry facility to get out of the weather. 440-822-5286. Send letter of interest to wil-
2004 White Ford Explorer XLY Always Best Care: Immedi- liams@williamslandscaping.
OWNERS: RICK & MARY BROWN 4WD. Power seat, locks, win- FOR RENT ate opening for experienced org. (Williams Landscaping
Phone: 440-748-2642 dows. Clean. Heat & A/C work Elyria: 1 month free. $100 se- HHA-STNA, up to $11/hr. 951 & Pavers, P.O. Box 7, Grafton
great. Running boards and curity deposit. Newly remod- Main St. Grafton 440-791-7177 OH). 440-236-6462.
Check us out on Facebook: hitch. 131,000 miles. $5,495. eled 2 bedroom town homes Bartender & Cooks wanted. Restaurant servers, bartend- designlandscaping Call 440-759-9843. with new carpet, ceramic tile Apply in person, Red Iron Bar ers, cooks. Razzles, Olmsted.
and hard wood ?oors. Appli- & Grille, Wellington. 440-647- Apply in person or call 440-
Andy Suvar Auctions AUTOS WANTED ances included. Call 216-221- 3800. 251-0666 or 216-299-3552.
New London, Ohio 1333. Cleaning for a Restaurant.
419-929-8487 or 800-765-8301 Mike’s Hooker Service. We Mornings 4-6 days per week.
pay top dollar for all unwant- FOR SALE Olmsted Twp. 216-299-3552 or
Jeff Hammersmith & Dennis Pillivant, Assisting Auctioneers ed cars, trucks, vans. Free Like new, 2014 John Deere 440-235-3663.
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, Z915B Zero turn lawn mower, Drivers: Be Home More! Run 216-534-6514. 48” commercial deck. 170 Dedicated, Earn Top Dollars!
hours, $6,250. Call 440-759- Great Bene?ts. Monthly Bo-
9843. nuses. Exceptional Equip-
Stihl 056 Saw 20” bar, 2 new 1 ment! CO & O/Op’s. 855-582-
used chains, tool kit. 9ft triple 2548.
wall pipe plus cap, size 8”
AUCTIONS diameter. 16” delta band saw HELP WANTED
with accessories. Yanmar 3
Gregory Auction – 25-Acre Hobby Farm cycle diesel engine, engine New
Country Home – Two-Car Garage – (3) Outbuildings stand heavy duty. Taurus Competetive
380pt 638-pro, two 15 shot Starting Rates!
Eaton Twp. – Lorain County mags, 2 boxes of shells, case
& tool kit. 440-355-4304, cell SEEKING RN or LPN
Saturday, May 6, 2017 at 10:00am 216-533-5042.
Used propane gas vent-free $4,000 Sign-On Bonus paid out monthly! Keystone
Also Selling: ?replace with electric blower Pointe Health and Rehabilitation is seeking motivated
2004 Ford, 1983 Oldsmobile, Tractors, Equipment, Antiques, Tools, Furniture in an Oak cabinet, 37w x 43h. individuals to join our team. Would prefer applicants
Max BTU rating is 28,000.
Absolute Auction, all sells to the highest bidders on location: Good condition, $75. 440- to have knowledge in long-term care setting and
37321 Butternut Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville, OH 44039 236-6659 compassion for our senior population. Accepting
Wheat Straw, clean, no weeds. applications for PT, 3pm-11pm shift. Bene?ts and
Directions: From I-80, take Lorain Rd. exit 152, follow Lorain Rd. west 2.5 Small squares $3; 4x4 net meals are offered. Compensation and bene?ts will be
miles before continuing on Butternut Ridge Rd. 1.5 miles to auction. Watch for wrapped rounds $30. 330-625- commensurate with experience. Apply today at: 383
KIKO signs. 4182, leave message. Opportunity Way, LaGrange, Ohio 44050. Phone: 440-
Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert
Real Estate Sells At 11:00 AM for Seniors. Bathroom falls 355-4616. Fax: 440-355-4617. E-mail:
Features 25 acres in Eaton Township, offered in parcels. Located in Midview can be fatal. Approved by Attn: Cheryl Gott at [email protected]
Local School District. Arthritis Foundation. Thera-
Parcel #1: Country home on 6.5 acres having a kitchen, dining room, living peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch EOE/M/F/D/V; Drug Free Workplace.
room, one bedroom and 1.5 baths on main ?oor. Second story has (3) bed- Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip
rooms. Full basement having a gas furnace. Updated steel roof, city water, Floors. American Made. In- New
septic. Outbuildings include a detached 2-car garage w/ concrete (24’x40’), a stallation Included. Call Competetive
30’x60’ pole barn, 24’x40’ implement shed and a 22’x50’ implement shed. 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off Starting Rates!
Parcel #2: 18.5 acres of mostly tillable land, partially wooded with stream, Building Materials Galva-
nature and wildlife. For further details, call Matthew Kiko, Realtor/Auctioneer nized, Water Stained, Econ- SEEKING STNA
at 330-327-9671. omy, 2 1/2” Corrugated 24”
Auction By Order Of: Billy B. Gregory and Billy B. Gregory POA for Mary coverage, 50 pc bundles 8’ $2,500 Sign-On Bonus. Keystone Pointe Health
$4.32 a sheet, 12’ $6.48 a sheet and Rehabilitation is seeking motivated individuals
S. Gregory Closeout Deal. slateroadsup- to join our team. Would prefer applicants to have
Auctioneer/Realtor: Matthew P. Kiko, AARE, 330-327-9617, 717-445-5222. knowledge in long-term care setting and compassion
for our senior population. Looking for Full time or
[email protected] GARAGE SALES part-time, all shifts. Shift differentials are paid and
Auctioneer: Colton Kiko, 330-614-2478, [email protected] 40415 Whitney, LaGrange (1 overtime is available. Bene?ts and meals are offered.
mile east of 301). April 27-29, Compensation and bene?ts will be commensurate
KIKO Auctioneers 8-5pm. RC stampede remote with experience. Apply today at: 383 Opportunity
(330) 455-9357 cars, 8” dual-wall chimney Way, LaGrange, Ohio 44050. Phone: 440-355-4616. pipe, cement blocks, split-rail
fence, gas generator, motor- Fax: 440-355-4617. E-mail: Attn: Cheryl Gott at
cycle parts, ATV dump utility [email protected]
trailer, archery target, foun-
tain, Nordic?ex weight bench, EOE/M/F/D/V; Drug Free Workplace.
Horton crossbow, ATV feed
spreader, 4 big sprayers, 4”
drain tile, treadmill, car parts.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017 Page 29
HELP WANTED LOTS FOR SALE CLASSIFIEDS Run 2 Weeks for Only $14 & Save $6!
The Lorain County Sheriff’s LAGRANGE BUILDABLE Get the Job Done! 1st Week - $1000/2nd Week - $400 (No changes or refunds. Personal
Of?ce is currently accepting LOTS
applications for a full-time ads only. No Business ads.) DEADLINE: WED. 12 NOON
evening shift LPN within the 1, 2 or 3 Acres. Minutes from
jail. The applicant must be 1-480. 303 & Whitehead. 440- 4 Easy Ways to Place Your Classi?ed - Phone: 440-236-8982 - Web:
available to work 3pm-11pm. - Fax: 440-236-9198 - Mail: Rural-Urban Record • P.O. Box 966 • Columbia Station, OH 44028
This position will require al- 371-4111.
ternating weekends and hol- Waterfront Land Sell-Off! ALL PERSONAL ADS MUST BE PREPAID
idays. The position offers April 29th & 30th 16 Estate
competitive pay and bene?ts Sized Lakefront Tracts from CLASSIFIED RATES: • Personal Classified $10/15 words or less. 10¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 more.
package. The quali?ed candi- $89,900! Buy at a Fraction of • Business Classified $13/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Special Set-up (Centered & Capped)
date has to pass a thorough market price! Private wooded $14/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Display advertising $16.50/column inch. Reaching Over
background check. Interested setting, spring fed lake with Number of weeks ad runs: 1 2 3 4 21,000 Households
parties should contact Capt. trophy bass! 3 hrs NY City! Please Print Clearly!
J. Hammond at 440-329-3844. EZ Terms avail! Call 888-431-
The Lorain County Sheriff is an 7214 to register NewYorkLan- Please print - All information below is needed to process your ad. Mail to: Rural-Urban Record•P.O. Box 966•Columbia Station, OH 44028
equal opportunity employer.
TIRED of working a job where 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
you feel you’re a number? PETS
Then it is time for a change! 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Burnett’s Septic Service is Affordable Misty Meadow
looking for a hard working, Farm: dog grooming, pet 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
ambitious, positive thinking boarding and day care, indoor
GENERAL LABORER with a heated facility. Valley City, 216- Mastercard & Visa Accepted. Card #:
future. Come in and apply to- 372-2755. mistyme
day! Exp. a plus, but will train. Expiration Date: 3 Digit # on back:
Comparable wages, paid hol- All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster
idays, 401K, health ins. Drug Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509. NAME PHONE
testing required. Burnett’s Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
Septic Service, 120 Commerce exercise yards, custom care. ADDRESS
Dr., LaGrange, OH. $20 per day. Grooming now
Advance! Mailing Brochures Rummage/Bake sale. Our Lady
at Home. Easy Pleasant work. Queen of Peace, 702 Erie St, ASPHALT, CONCRETE & STONE
Begin Immediately. Age Un- Grafton. April 28, 9-5pm; April
important. www.WeeklyMon- 29, 9-12pm. $3/bag Saturday.
Jaram Siding, Affordable pric- SALES & SERVICES Driveways•Sidewalks•Patios•Garage Floors... Richards Concrete NOVAK CONCRETE, INC
es, high quality work. Get
someone that goes the extra SMALL DUMPSTERS LEVEL IT! Don’t replace it! “For all of your Concrete needs Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks,
mile, no subs! Talk to me and for roo?ng, remodeling, etc. and more”! Garage Floors, Stamped
see me on the job everyday. ON-SITE SERVICE Concrete, Waterproofing
Windows, fences, seamless Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump 800-601-7671 (24/7) FREE ESTIMATES
gutters & decks. FREE ESTI- Truck work available 800-326-0406 (M-F) Follow us on FaceBook FREE ESTIMATES
MATE & Senior Discounts. Call 440-748-6217
Rick 440-610-5054. CALL JASON’S SERVICES Richards Concrete LLC Quality Service since 1989
Masonry step repairs, brick 440-926-3446 440-328-6425
work, stone veneer, tuck-point-
ing, retaining walls. No job too UPHOLSTERY AUTO SERVICE
small. Pannell, 440-610-2541.
INTERNET over 30 yrs. experience
Brick, Block, Stone, Tuckpointing, Your Auto or Complete
HughesNet: Gen4 satellite in- Full Upholstery Restoration & more Light Truck Full Mechanical
ternet is ultra fast and secure. Cushion Re?lls (440) 668-8126 Service Center
Plans as low as $39.99 in se- Furniture Repair Bonded & Insured Repairs
lect areas. Call 1-855-440-4911 Call for free quote
now to get a $50 Gift Card! on re-upholstery Justin Jakubisin, Owner
Comcast Hi-Speed Internet
-$29.99/mo (for 12 mos.) No 216-346-2682 J. A. KILBY ENT. 24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station
term agreement. Fast Down- 440-235-6642
loads! PLUS Ask About TV WANTED TO BUY Concrete • Masonry
(140 Channels) Internet Bun- Stamped Concrete BUILDERS
dle for $79.99/mo (for 12 mos.) Antiques wanted. Buying con-
CALL 1-844-714-4451. tents of estates, houses, barns 440-327-3433 KAZMIERCZAK CONSTRUCTION
& attics. 440-506-7738
LAWN & GARDEN Motorcycles, dirt bikes, atv’s DISCOUNT CEMENT MODERNIZE Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding
and out board motors. 440- CONTRACTORS, INC. Remodeling • Pole Barns • Windows • Doors
LAND WORKS LANDSCAPE 458-5065. Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes
Spring Clean-up Time Driveways, Patios, Drainage
for a great looking yard Estate Gold & Waterproofing, Excavating KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619
call 440-452-9353 Silver Exchange Masonry, Tuck Pointing,
Exposed Aggregate Pads YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044
Lawn Mowing and Lawn INSTANT CASH
Maintenance Buying Gold Jewelry, Diamonds, 440-748-3197
CORDELLS N. Ridgeville Office
Old Coins, Pocket Watches,
Senior/Columbia Station Dis- Anything Old Hart Free R&K Builders
counts. Insured. 440-236-3609. Estimates (Built by Amish)
TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- Call for service hours & private
vice. Complete tree removal, appointments Quality Buildings at
trimming, root feeding and Affordable Prices
cleaning. Fully insured. FREE Downtown Elyria
ESTIMATES. Firewood for 316-A Broad St. • 440-323-4258 Horse Barns • Garages
sale. 440-236-3061. & Riding Arenas
OUR CLASSIFIEDS Wants to purchase minerals Commercial &
GET RESULTS! and other oil and gas inter- Residential
ests. Send details to P.O. Box
13557 Denver, Co. 80201 330-473-9927
CASH PAID- up to $25/Box
for unexpired, sealed DIA-
APPLIANCE, SALES & SERVICE Blacktop •Driveways
800-619-7808 (24 hours)
60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Fax: 440-774-4108 (24 hours)
BILL Since 1950 Shopping Center Maintenance Co. ELECTRICAL
Driveway Seal Coating FREE
BAKER'S J.A. Kilby Electrical
Crack Filling & Patching Estimates
WE SERVICE & REPAIR Save 10% Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
TELEVISION REPAIRS on Seal Coating New Work-Replacement-Repairs
•Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
-Service All Brands- With Coupon, Exp. 9/30/17
LCD • Plasma • Big Screen One coupon per residential driveway. •Security & Camera Systems
Present coupon at time of estimate •Commercial Buildings •Parking Lot Lighting
See Our Selection of Washers • Dryers
Reconditioned Appliances Refrigerators •DRIVEWAYS •PARKING LOTS 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
FOR SALE! •CRACKFILL •STRIPING State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response
15 East Ave., Elyria Appliance Parts
Bud & Diane Casey, Owners IN HOME SERVICE ON
Visit our website at:
J. A. KILBY ENT. Natural Topsoil •Black Leaf Humus •Sweet Peet
•Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer $24/yard 10 DIFFERENT MULCHES
Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation •Gravel •Boulders •Flat Rock
Black or Brown •Straw •Sand •Limestone •Grass Seed
•Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
•All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation Located in Grafton Twp $30/yard Picked Up or Delivered
Large & Small Loads
34020 Royalton Rd. Eaton Twp.
216-973-2675 1-888-524-4544
G THE Landscaping Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc.
RAND PACIFIC HOTEL with Intelligence®
Olmsted Falls’ oldest commercial building Residential ~ Commercial
•Banquet Facilities up to 200 people Landscape Maintenance/ Lawncare New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds
Snow & Ice Management Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work
• Wedding Receptions • Showers • Rehearsal
Dinners • O?ce Parties • Anniversaries 8997 Columbia Road Phone: 440-235-2356 Call: 440-748-1333
8112 Columbia Road Olmsted Falls, OH 44138 Fax: 440-235-2359
[email protected]
Premier Property Enhancement
Landscaping & Tree Service
Commercial & Residential Skid-steer
Spring Clean ups for Hire!
Mulching • Mowing • Trimming
Weekly Maintenance
Deck & Fence Restoration Lawn Cuts starting at
Power Washing • Snowplowing $25
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24 Hour Emergency Service Call or 440-334-0578 Fully Licensed BROWN’S DESIGN LANDSCAPING INC. & NURSERY
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800-467-1275 Spring Services: 1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features,
De-Thatching, Gutter Cleaning
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Weekly Lawn Services
12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642
Grafton, OH Call for a FREE Quote 440-610-3580 LAWN MOWING
Commercially Insured MULCHING
•Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior Retaining Walls
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•Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing Dan Muschitz Stamped Concrete
440-724-9338 30 Years Experience
No Job Too Small!
• General Contracting
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• Buildings/Garages GRAFTON TOPSOIL Mulch • Soil • Gravel • Natural & Decorative Stone
Pick Up/Delivery • Winter Supplies • Firewood & More
• Roofs •MULCH (Red, Black & Brown) •TOPSOIL •DRIVEWAY
725 Sugar Lane, • Doors/Windows 8997 Columbia Road Phone: 440-235-2358
Elyria, Oh 44035 • Siding 216-408-8770 Olmsted Falls, OH 44138 Fax: 440-235-2359
440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical
[email protected]
Specializing in Home Improvements A&C Lawncare & Landscape LLC For all your Lawncare & Landscape needs
HAMPER CONSTRUCTION • Spring Clean-up Specials!
Mulching • Lawn Mowing
Our Name Means Quality
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Your Full Service Contractor
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Tim Hamper Office: 440-236-3851/Cell: 440-506-2302
HOME INSPECTION Edwards Mobile Mower Repair Custom Ecoscapes
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Self-Propelled Mowers & Riders • Service, Parts & Repair •Landscape Design SPRING/FALL CLEAN-UPS
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Free pick-up & Delivery within a 25 mile radius •Drainage Work
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Offer expires April 30, 2017 •Foundation Replacement Paver Patios • Edging
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Paint, Wallpaper and all the little extras. CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED
Joe Simmons George Rose BASEMENT WALL CRACKS
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30 Years Experience
$25OFFPersonal Plumber Service Corp. •Stone & Shake Siding 440.773.3040
24 HOUR EMERGENCY Any Service •Gutter/Cleaning/Guards
OH LIC #21372 “Stop the water before it stops you!”
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Expires 6/30/17. Not valid with any other offer. Snow Plowing Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
Available •Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement
TREE SERVICE 440-327-3433
D.W.V. • Gas Lines • Water Lines Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping WATER WELLS
Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Fixtures • Backhoe Work Tree Trimming • Removal
Stump Grinding • Pruning ART’S WATER SYSTEMS
Residential • Industrial • Commercial Fertilizers • Fire Wood
Edward Logar State ID# 19467
ODOT Certified Seth Emerson - Owner FILTERS • CHLORINATORS
Off: 330-483-0055 Office: 440-322-2624 SOFTENERS • TANKS • SUMP
Cell: 216-970-1910 7424 Crocker Rd.
Valley City, OH 44280 Emergency: 440-452-2456 PUMPS • WATER RELATED
J.A. Kilby Plumbing [email protected]
KEVIN BOLDEN 440-322-2987
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services ARBOR CARE TREE
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck Tips on How to
CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available • 113 Ft. Crane Write a Classified
•New Work •Replacement •Repairs
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood Ad that SELLS!
•Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation
•Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped Triple Shredded Mulch Qo$Ml7ud-5eF0e,inn9OA-5BnEpOnxmc.K.e4iMlnl4ego0nv-tB3ine3Cdg3ro,-o8nmo9dm8iut9isoS.t nes.t.el2Al!YskeCianarlgsl
440-327-3433 • Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response 440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
ROOFING Jason E. Davis 1. Use a KEYWORD. This immediately tells the reader
-Complete Crane Service- what it is you have to sell.
Family Business for Three Generations “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” 2. Make your decision CLEAR and FACTUAL. State
Tree/Stump Removal the year, make, model, color, size and tell what condi-
RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS tion the item is in. Also state any special features.
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 Tree Trimming, Firewood
“FREE ESTIMATES” 3. State the PRICE. Successful classi?ed advertisers
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates Bonded & Insured have learned that the price in an ad helps increase the chances for results.
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035
All Seasons Roo?ng Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] 4. If there’s a genuine sense of URGENCY, say so. The
words “We’re Moving” or “Must Sell Fast” suggests that
Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason Premier Property Enhancement readers respond immediately.
Siding & Gutter&OHDQLQJ Repairs Tree Services & Landscaping
5. Include your PHONE NUMBER. Classi?eds get
Repairs from $75. Tree Removal • Trimming & Pruning • Brush Chipping results fast and often generate immediate sales. If you
Land Clearing • Stump Grinding • Haul Away cannot be available to answer the phone at all times at
440-748-3259 Casey Williamson home, be sure to specify special calling times such as
Firewood for Sale • Root Removal • 65’ Bucket Truck “after 6PM” or “Before 11AM”, or provide a Cell phone
S&B Construction 110’ Crane Truck • Skid-steer, Trucks & Trailers for Hire! number where you can be reached not at home.
• Roofing • Siding • Doors LEGoSuwTFaeIrRMsaEtnAEPtTerEeicSde! 15% OFF Any Tree
• Windows Removal
FREE ESTIMATES! One coupon per customer. Coupon must be
CALL TODAY! presented at time of estimate.
HOME OF THE FREE GUTTERS 440-334-0578Call or Fully Licensed
& Insured
216-973-4690 Text!
Mention this ad for 10% OFF Home & Garden Coming up for May 8th
RELIABLE ROOFING Don’t forget to
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs advertise!
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal
Of?ce: 440-236-4001 •
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner
It Pays to Advertise With Us!
Page 32, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, April 24, 2017
Save up to 20% with same-time purchases on select products. Many other packages
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20% PACKAGE $1,371.96 20% PACKAGE $1,575.96
BUY TODAY $5,487.84 *See Dealer for BUY TODAY $6,303.84
FOR details. FOR
Sale ends 6-30-17
Get these packages and more at both of these participating locations:
3055 Pearl Road, 1007 Parsons Road, Grafton, OH 44044
Medina, OH 440-926-2880
SINCE 1979 Mon-Fri 8-6, Sat 9-2