TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
Volume 61, No. 25 Columbia Station, Ohio December 21, 2015
Merry Christmas
From all of us at
The Rural-Urban Record
Lee Boise
OFFICE STAFF Stephanie Sayles
Beanita Douglas
Randi MacWilliams
News/Graphic Design REPORTERS
Cheryl Mikoletic Bob Flickinger
Accounts Receivable/News Ann McDonald
Blanche Nemeth
Stephanie Humphrey
Graphic Design Julie Petras
Eric Schmiedlin
Cecil Cairns
Holiday Closings/Deadlines Community Directory
Deadline for the December 28 issue is Monday, December 21. Carlisle............ 4 Grafton Twp..... 15 Wellington......... 7
The of?ces of The Rural-Urban Record will be closed from December 24 through Columbia......... 2 LaGrange......... 19 Churches........... 8
January 1 in observance of the holidays. We will resume normal of?ce hours on Eaton............... 12 N. Ridgeville...... 4 Profile................ 9
Monday, January 4. Grafton............ 13
There will be no issue of The Rural-Urban Record on January 4.
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 JVS students brighten the lives who donated their time with the Morning Mathematicians group
of nursing home patients (comprising of 29 elementary students).
Columbia NEWS
Samantha Soltis (N. Ridgeville) and Tyler Perry (Amherst) with The Raider Nation Award was awarded by Graig Bansek to
WEEKLY CALENDAR some of the 39 decorated Christmas trees at Riverview Point Nurs- Donna Haft. Parents and students are reminded they may submit
Sunday, December 20: ing Home in Olmsted Falls. nominations for this award by the 31st, and that district employ-
Columbia Reservation is taking a “Dams, Lodges and more!” ees enjoy this recognition.
hike today from 1-2 p.m. They will walk to see various activities Through a partnership with Lorain County Hospice of the
of the beavers at the park. This is a level 1 hike and free to all. Western Reserve, students in the JVS Allied Health Sciences Wayne Brassell said they were looking to ?nalize changes to
Monday, December 21: (AHS) Program participate in volunteer training and clinical ex- the request for bids to ensure all participants of the bidding pro-
Columbia Board of Trustees will meet tonight at the town hall periences at senior living facilities and nursing homes through- cess will be providing estimates covering a uniform criteria. As
at 7 p.m. The community is welcome to attend. out the local area. The students receive valuable service learning stated previously, they are seeking to begin the bidding process
Friday, December 25: opportunities and senior citizens receive companionship and an in the late winter or early spring.
Merry Christmas! opportunity to interact with the students.
Brenda Buchanan attended her ?nal School Board Meeting
CHS Weekly Calendar Three JVS students volunteered at Riverview Pointe Nurs- this evening. Superintendent Bansek presented her with a beauti-
ing Home in Olmsted Falls and took on a very “enlightening” ful clock to memorialize the countless hours of time she donated
Monday, December 21: project. to the community serving on the Board, serving on various re-
Winter break begins. lated committees and the JVS Board.
Tuesday, December 22: Tyler Perry (Amherst), Saige Kline (Wellington) and Saman-
4:30/6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball at Fairview. tha Soltis (N. Ridgeville) helped the nursing home acquire 39 The Board discussed a proposed upcoming Board resolu-
Wednesday, December 23: donated Christmas Trees, lights and decorations. The students tion regarding state funding of Charter Schools following recent
6/7:30 p.m. Girls Basketball v. Lutheran West. also volunteered their time to assemble and decorate the trees. news headlines. A form of resolution would authorize the Dis-
Tuesday, December 29: Perry even scoured the Goodwill stores in the greater Cleveland trict to Invoice the State of Ohio a portion of funding sent to
4:30/6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball v. Clearview. area and purchased three arti?cial trees himself to add to the col- Charter Schools from 2002 to 2016, that would have otherwise
4 p.m. Wrestling at Vermilion Invitational. lection. been a part of District funding. Superintendent Bansek said 35
Wednesday, December 30: resident children attend Charter Schools in the 2015/16 school
10 a.m. Wrestling at Vermilion Invitational. The trees are beautifully displayed in an activity room where year; $5,900/student plus an additional $2,535/student went to
4:30/6/7:30 p.m. Girls Basketball at Bay Village. the residents can spend time with each other and their families. Charter Schools. If those students went to an open enrollment
Monday, January 4: public school, the cost would have been $5,900/student. The
School resumes. Pastor Terry Willingham, Quality of Life & Activity Direc- District strongly believes that Charter Schools (who receive tax
tor at Riverview Pointe, was very appreciative of the students’ payer monies), should be held accountable by the same standards
Free Hot Meal & Food Pantry dedication and effort to the project. “The news often portrays as public schools. Key concerns: a) lack of ?scal oversight by
teenagers in such a negative light,” said Terry. “These JVS stu- the State; b) teacher credentials, evaluations and lack of account-
On Saturday, January 2, a free hot meal will be served and a dents put 100% effort into this project and are a perfect example ability; c) low academic performance concerns; and d) State of
perishable foods pantry will be available at New Life Wesleyan of all the goodness in the world. We were so pleased to have Ohio reports of mismanagement of 90% of 400 Charter Schools
Church, from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. This is a monthly event held the them working with our residents here at Riverview Pointe during in Ohio. One Board member and the Superintendent support the
?rst Saturday of every month. The meal and food pantry (featur- their internship.” concept of Charter Schools, saying “they provide a choice for
ing fresh perishable foods) is available at no charge to all local students and families.” Present Charter Schools have mostly
residents. The church is located at 11149 West River Road, in Dawn Dewerth found a stake hold in inner city districts (Toledo, Cleveland and
Columbia Station. For more information, please contact Kathy at The Columbia Local Schools Board of Education regular Columbus). The Board tabled the initial proposed resolution,
(440) 840-2923 or Susan at (216) 906-5091. meeting was held December 16 in the Columbia Middle School pending review of further changes, and possible approval at the
All Purpose Room. The minutes from the November 18 Regular Board’s next Regular Meeting.
Meeting were approved by the Board. The Board approved the
receipts, expenditures and balances for the month ending No- The Board approved to hold the Organizational Meeting on
vember 30, 2015, as presented by the Treasurer. The Board ac- January 7, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at the Administrative Building.
cepted donations from Artsonia to Copopa Student Council in the
amount of $241.36 and from the Columbia Community Founda-
tion in the amount of $325 to the CHS Key Club for the Senior COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
Citizen Breakfast. The Board approved renewal of membership
Happy Merry with the Ohio School Boards Association. The Board approved Happy
Holidays Christmas the rates determined by the Budget Commission of Lorain Coun- Holidays
ty and authorized and certi?ed the tax levies. Due to various fac-
~From~ John M. Haas tors, including the addition of 40 homes within the township, it To all our loyal
was said the per household cost of operating levies had declined customers and
COLUMBIA ATTORNEY AT LAW for Columbia residents. Superintendent Bansek said a recent 5-
year census showed Columbia Township and Pen?eld Township friends.
440-779-8300 were the two sole Lorain County communities to see an increase Merry From all of us to all
24545 Sprague Rd in median household income. Christmas
Columbia St, Oh Superintendent Bansek recognized three volunteers for com- of you, thank you
ing up with a fund-raiser to sell some hand crafted items at the Wright’s for your continued
24497 Sprague Rd., Santa Shop to raise money for the PTA ($75). One of the vol- Catering
Columbia Station, Ohio unteers attended the meeting and was awarded a certi?cate ac- support.
knowledging her contribution. It was also noted that Intervention & CONCESSIONS
440-235-6642 Specialists were aided by 6 Middle School student volunteers Rundle Heating
33609 Cooley Rd. & Cooling Inc.
Columbia St, OH
24959 Royalton Rd.
Columbia Station
Great Holiday Values!
Howard Miller Clocks
Christopher Mantel
Sugg. Retail $231
Dawn DeWerth
10380 Greenview Drive
Columbia Station, OH 44028
440.212.5683 • [email protected]
Holden Mantel Elliot Wall Grayland Floor
$139 $225 $2,299
Sugg. Retail $247 Sugg. Retail $388 Sugg. Retail $4,490
76 Front St., Berea
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 Page 3
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 Tech Help - Visit the library on Wednesday, Dec. 30, between Carlisle NEWS
1-3 p.m. Work one-on-one on any technology-related issue, from
N. Ridgeville NEWS computers and tablets, to the Internet and eLibrary services. Pre- AARP Tax Aide Program
registration is required.
Seniors enjoy Christmas party New volunteers are needed to work at 11 sites in Lorain
New Year’s Eve Celebration - Limited spaces remain for the County. It is a very ful?lling way to volunteer your time from the
Senoirs enjoyed a Christmas party and lunch at the Senior Center. New Year’s Eve celebration. The party is Thursday, Dec. 31, beginning of February to April 15. Usually, you would only work
from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Families are invited to ring in the one day a week. You will learn new skills, have the opportunity
Seniors from the area enjoyed a delicious meal and wonder- new year early with their kids. Enjoy music and a countdown to work with very enjoyable people and help your fellow Lorain
ful entertainment on December 8, when the North Ridgeville to a noontime balloon drop. Pre-registration is required for all County citizens for free.
Senior Center hosted it’s annual Christmas Party! Almost 100 attending.
seniors from North Ridgeville and the surrounding communities Classes will be January 11, 12, 14, 15, 19 & 21 (and maybe
enjoyed lunch and some excellent entertainment while the North Adult Morning Book Discussion - The new after breakfast the 22), from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The classes are held at St. Teresa Par-
Ridgeville High School Acapella Choir, led by Choir Director adult morning book discussion group is reading Extremely Loud ish Life Center, 1864 Abbe Road, in Shef?eld.
Mr. Bill Davis, sang and entertained the group. Beautiful Poin- and Incredibly Close, by Jonathan Safran Foer. Come discuss
settia center pieces, donated by O’Neill Healthcare in North Rid- this novel with them on Wednesday, Jan. 6, at 10:30 a.m. Copies Please considering becoming an AARP Tax Aide volunteer.
geville, were given away as door prizes. The O’Neill staff also are available at the adult information desk. Embark on a seem- Call Joe Palmieri at (440) 774-1191 to sign up.
helped out by serving. ingly impossible task with a 9-year-old as he tries to ?nd a lock
that matches a mysterious key that belonged to his father, who Family Skate
North Ridgeville Library died in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11.
The Elyria Parks and Recreation Department is offering Fam-
Holiday Hours - The Lorain Public Library System will be Registration for programs and more information is available ily Skate Sessions on Sundays from 6-8 p.m. at the North Park
closed on Thursday & Friday, Dec. 24 & 25, and Friday, Jan. 1. online at or by calling the North Rid- Ice Arena, located at 901 Duffey Street. All children must be ac-
On Thursday, Dec. 31, all libraries will close early at 6 p.m. It geville Library at (440) 327-8326. The North Ridgeville Library companied by a parent or guardian. Admission rates are $2.50
will be business as usual with regular library hours on all other is located at 35700 Bainbridge Road. for youth 17 and under and $3.50 for adults 18 and over. Skate
days. Happy Holidays from your friends at the Lorain Public Li- rental is available for $3.
brary System! Ashland University Graduates
Extra Holiday Skates have been added at the North Park Ice
North Ridgeville Writers - Take part in the writing group on The following students Tayler Reed of Grafton, Arena as well. They will have the open skates from 1-3:30 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 26, from 2-4 p.m. Participate in read and critique completed their Ashland Uni- will receive a Bachelor of on the following dates: December 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30 and 31.
sessions, build your skills through writing practice and learn the versity degree requirements Science in Education degree Holiday Skates admission is $5 for adults and $4 for youth.
craft of writing in general. Pre-registration is required . following the fall 2015 semes- with a major in Early Child-
ter: hood Education. Reed is a For more information, call (440) 326-1500 or (440) 365-
Office Closed December 24 & 25 2010 graduate of Midview 4251.
Keep in touch with your community Jayson Bendik of Elyria, High School. Reed is graduat-
will receive a Master of Edu- ing with Magna Cum Laude 10247 Dewhurst Rd.,
Visit: cation degree with a major in honors. Suite 101 • Elyria, Ohio
Educational Administration.
ReWmISeHmIbNeGr ETVhEeRCYaOnNdEy ABar Breanna Simpkins of 44035
WHAhPePnYYHoOuLNIDeAeYdSAEACSaOrN! Christopher Dugan of Elyria, will receive a Bachelor
North Ridgeville, will receive of Science in Education de- ONE FLOOR LIVING! $67,900 955 Oakwood Dr, Elyria
Gary a Bachelor of Arts degree with gree with a major in Interven- OPEN HOUSE - DEC 20th
a major in Political Science tion Specialist. Simpkins is 4 Bedroom, 1st Floor Living, Eat in
Heath and Philosophy. graduating with Summa Cum Kitchen. New ?oor coverings, Gas
Laude honors. heat & Central A/C & 2 Car Garage.
440-366-3673 Matthew Wiehe of Elyria,
will receive a Bachelor of Sci- Shauna Spiesz of North DENILLE NYLAND
ence degree with a major in Ridgeville, will receive a 440-315-9482
Sport Management. Bachelor of Fine Arts degree [email protected]
with a major in Fine Arts and
Hannah Copa of Elyria, Art Education. Spiesz is a Happy Laubenthal -
will receive a Bachelor of Sci- 2011 graduate of Bay Village Holidays Mercado
ence in Education degree with High School.
a major in Early Childhood At this special Funeral Services
Education. Copa is graduat- Ashland University’s com- time of year,
ing with Summa Cum Laude mencement ceremonies took grateful thanks 38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd.,
honors. place on Saturday, December to our friends Elyria
19, at Kates Gymnasium. and patrons.
Catherine Daugherty of 440-322-4626
North Ridgeville, will receive Happy GIOVANNI’S 440-323-1929
a Bachelor of Science in Edu- Holidays
cation degree with a major in Hair Design
Early Childhood Education. FROM ALL OF US AT 1033 E. Broad St.
Daugherty is graduating with STEWART’S
Summa Cum Laude honors. APPLIANCE Elyria
Lyndsey Faulk of Elyria, 486 Cleveland Street,
will receive a Bachelor of Sci- Elyria - 440-365-7321
ence in Education degree with
a major in Early Childhood
Jordan Hirth of Elyria,
will receive a Bachelor of
Science in Education degree
with a major in Middle Grades
Education. Hirth is graduat-
ing with Magna Cum Laude
Ashley Lauer of Elyria,
will receive a Bachelor of Sci-
ence in Education degree with
a major in Early Childhood
Chloe Little of Grafton,
will receive a Bachelor of Sci-
ence in Education degree with
a major in Early Childhood
Education. Little is graduat-
ing with Magna Cum Laude
Open for last minute shopping!
“Trade your unwanted gold
for beautiful white gold
diamond earrings or jewelry!”
“Now Offering 12 months Interest Free”
665 Chestnut Commons Dr.., Elyria
(440) 322-0019 •
Hours: Tues. 9:30-7 • Mon./Wed./Thurs./Fri. 9:30-6 • Sat. 9:30-3:30
COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 Combined Class Reunion RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 Page 5
Columbia Library events There will be a combined Class Reunion for Years 1970-1980 “Law You Can Use”
on Saturday, March 19, 2016, at the Columbia Ballroom, located
Holiday Hours - The Lorain Public Library System will be at 24883 Royalton Rd., in Columbia Station. Entertainment will Provided by the Ohio State Bar Association.
closed on Thursday & Friday, Dec. 24 & 25, and Friday, Jan. 1. be provided by Southside Johnny @ the Poor Fools. There will
On Thursday, Dec. 31, all libraries will close early at 6 p.m. It be a discount on tickets purchased by Jan. 1, 2016. There is a What You Should Know about Withholding Taxes - Besides
will be business as usual with regular library hours on all other seating capacity, so the sooner you sign up the better. wages, federal income tax is often withheld from other types of
days. Happy Holidays from your friends at the Lorain Public Li- income, such as pensions, bonuses, commissions and gambling
brary System! Representatives are needed from each of the 10 classes to winnings. Ideally, taxpayers should try to match their withhold-
help with contacting classmates. Please call or text Nick Verbus ing amount with their actual tax liability. If not enough tax is
Teen Party - Celebrate the upcoming new year at the library at 330-618-5775 or e-mail [email protected] for more info. withheld, they will owe tax at the end of the year and may have to
on Wednesday, Dec. 30, from 6-7:30 p.m. Sixth through 12th- pay interest and a penalty. If too much tax is withheld, they will
graders are invited for games, music, food and fun! Bring a treat Buckeye Library lose the use of that money until they get their refund.
to share if you like. Birthday Bash
Q: When should I take a look at the amount of federal income
Teddy Bear New Year’s Sleepover - Bring your teddy bear Buckeye Library’s tried and true members came out in droves tax that is being withheld for me?
to the library for a New Year’s sleepover. Drop off your teddy on December 5 to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the open-
bear at the library on Thursday, Dec. 31, between 12-3 p.m. Your ing of their ?rst local library in December 2005. A: It is wise to check the tax that is being withheld from your
teddy bear will go to a party at the library that night with other income as early as possible in the calendar year so you can best
teddy bears and then enjoy a relaxing New Year’s Day at the li- It was like any other birthday party, complete with cake, spar- determine the right amount to withhold for the remainder of the
brary too! Your teddy bear will be all rested and ready for you to kling juice and a toast, a magician, balloon animals and one spe- year. You should also check your withholding status:
pick up on Saturday, Jan. 2. Pre-registration is required. cial guest…Santa!
•When you get a big tax refund or ?nd you have an unex-
Mystery Book Discussion - Agatha Christie’s legendary de- Buckeye Library was the ?rst of Medina County District pected balance due;
tective, Hercule Poirot, is back in Sophie Hannah’s The Mono- Library’s branches to open as part of a county-wide library con-
gram Murders. Pick up a copy at the library. Adults are invited to struction and renovation project paid for through a bond issue •Any time there are personal or ?nancial changes that might
discuss this mystery on Tuesday, Jan. 5, at 6:30 p.m. Pre-registra- passed by voters in 2003. affect your tax liability, such as getting married, getting divorced,
tion is required. having a child or buying a home;
Before the 2005 opening of Buckeye Library, the York, Liv-
Hoopla Now Supporting Chromecast - The Lorain Pub- erpool and Litch?eld Township areas did not have a library in •When there are changes in the federal tax law that might af-
lic Library System partners with hoopla to bring their patrons their service district. fect your tax liability.
streaming movies, TV shows and other videos, as well as music,
eBooks, audiobooks and comics. Now there’s a new way of en- The land for the library was donated by a long time resident, Q: How can I check the amount of tax that is being with-
joying hoopla in your home. Hoopla now supports Chromecast Evelyn Steingass-Riggs, who passed away a few years after the held?
on iOS and Android. Chromecast lets you watch videos from opening of the Buckeye Library.
hoopla on your TV. Simply plug your purchased Chromecast A: You can use the IRS “withholding calculator” on the IRS
device into your TV and cast borrowed video titles directly from Branch Manager Holly Camino, estimates the library has website at
the hoopla iOS or Android app on your phone or tablet. There is hosted 1,933 events, 642,717 visitors, checked out 2,254,507 tor. This easy-to-use tool can help you ?gure out your federal
no charge for hoopla – just have your Lorain Public Library Sys- items and has been the safe, after school hangout for hundreds of income tax withholding so your employer can withhold the cor-
tem library card ready. Find hoopla and other digital media in teens over its decade of service to the community. rect amount from your pay. This is particularly helpful if you’ve
the eLibrary on For more information, had too much or too little withheld in the past, your situation has
call the Lorain Public Library System at 1-800-322-READ. The Buckeye Library is also home to the Bookmobile, Out- changed or you’ve started a new job.
reach Services to both preschools for early literacy initiatives and
Registration for programs and more information is available the elderly. MCDL’s Maintenance and Delivery departments You can also use the worksheets and tables in IRS Publication
online at or by calling the Columbia also call the Buckeye Library home. 505: Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax (
Library at (440) 236-8751. The Columbia Library is located at pdf/p505.pdf), to see if the right amount of tax is being withheld
13824 W. River Road, North. Home for the Holidays: for you.
Special Delivery
Thank You! Q: How can I change the amount of tax that is being withheld
The Cleveland Animal Protective League to deliver adopted for me?
To the Citizens of Columbia Station, with a special shout out animals to homes on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
to The Rural-Urban Record, the Frawley family and J & J Green- A: Events during the year may change according to your mar-
house. The magic of the holiday season is upon us. Cheerful music ital status or the exemptions, adjustments, deductions or cred-
is playing, cookies are baking in the oven, family and friends its you expect to claim on your return. When this happens, you
A recent article in The Rural-Urban Recoerd served as a call are coming together to celebrate this joyous time and folks are may need to give your employer a new Form W-4, Employee’s
for action by our good friends at J & J Greenhouse. Knowing of warming up by the ?re. Here at the Cleveland APL, we recog- Withholding Allowance Certi?cate (
my husbands illness, (ALS), his inability to work and the lack nize the importance of family during the holidays, which is why fw4.pdf) to change your withholding status or number of allow-
of disability funds to maintain our home, they leapt into action. we would love to help you add to yours by adopting a pet to be ances.
Thanks to their sel?ess act, many responded, dropping off gifts, “delivered” to your home by our APL elves on Christmas Eve or
food and more at the greenhouse to support us. Knowing this Christmas Day. Generally, you should give your employer a new Form W–4
could be my husband’s last Christmas, they supplied a tree, sup- within 10 days after a divorce, if you have been claiming mar-
port and love. The community provided food and more. This act For a $50 fee, your new furry friend will be ‘delivered’ from ried status, or any event that increases or decreases the number
of kindness allowed us to meet the house payment and to pur- the Cleveland APL to your home on Christmas Eve or Christmas of withholding allowances you can claim, such as a birth or the
chase a few items to give my husband, on what could be one of Day. For a $75 fee, your pet will be ‘delivered’ to your home adulthood and independence of a child.
his last holidays, his favorite time of the year. along with a stocking of goodies!
Q: What else should I consider to make sure the correct
Thank you all and I hope these blessings come back to you Delivery options are as follows: Christmas Eve from 4-8 p.m., amount of tax is being withheld for me?
double-fold. I am proud to have been born and raised in Colum- or Christmas morning from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Adopters can sign
bia Station, where good people live. up for this service at both the Cleveland APL’s adoption center A: If you bought 2015 coverage through the Health Insur-
in Tremont (located at 1729 Willey Avenue) or their PetSmart ance Marketplace, you should report any changes in your cir-
Jane, Ray, Christy, Paul, Jimmy, Elise and Emma Charities® Everyday Adoption Center (located in the Parma cumstances to the Marketplace when they happen. Reporting
PetSmart® store at 6870 Ridge Road) beginning Monday, De- changes in income or family size will help you avoid getting too
After Prom fund-raiser cember 21, through Christmas Eve, depending on the availability much or too little advance payment of the premium tax credit.
of the APL’s delivery elves. *The service is available only in Receiving too much or too little in advance can affect the amount
The Columbia After Prom committee is having a raf?e for a Cuyahoga County and there are a limited number of deliveries of your refund or how much you may owe when you ?le your
one week vacation to a Myrtle Beach Resort. The week will be available. tax return. For help getting it right, see this change in the circum-
determined by availability. You must be 23 years of age or older stances estimator at
to purchase a ticket. Tickets are $25 each. The trip is valued at “What better way to bring the magic of the holiday season to able-Care-Act-Estimator-Tools.
$1,250. Only 250 tickets are being sold. The drawing will be on your home than by adopting a homeless animal into your family
February 2, 2016. and having our wonderful Cleveland APL elves deliver him or You also may need to include additional Medicare tax (see
her to you on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?” asks Sharon
For more information or to purchase tickets, call Cheryl Lam- Harvey, President and CEO of the Cleveland Animal Protective Questions-and-Answers-for-the-Additional-Medicare-Tax)
bert at (440) 823-7508 or Rene Quinn at (440) 668-2667. Tickets League. “The holidays are about love, joy and giving. Please and “net investment income tax” (see
will also be available for purchase at JV and Varsity Basketball consider giving a deserving animal the gift of a loving, lifetime Newsroom/Net-Investment-Income-Tax-FAQs) when ?guring
Girls’ and Boys’ home games (prior to the games and at half home.” withholding and estimated tax. You may ask your employer to
time). deduct and withhold an additional amount of income tax with-
Animals adopted from the APL have been spayed or neutered, holding from your wages on Form W-4 if you are affected by
Community Foundation tested for heartworm or FeLV/FIV, have received age-appropri- these taxes.
sponsors local holiday meals ate vaccinations and treatment of worms and ?eas, and come
with helpful species-speci?c animal care information, a free ini- Q: Where can I get more information?
The Columbia Community Foundation was the proud sponsor tial veterinary exam, and are eligible for 30-45 days of free Shel- A: Find more information on this and other tax topics by visit-
of the 1st Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner. Held at Co- terCare pet health insurance. Cats and kittens come with a travel ing:
lumbia High School, over 150 guests attended on Thanksgiving box and dogs and puppies adopted from the Tremont center go The information for this “Law You Can Use” column was
Day to enjoy a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings home with a free collar and a leash. All adoptable animals can be provided by the Internal Revenue Service. It was prepared by
and an afternoon of fellowship with other community members. seen at or by downloading the Cleve- the Ohio State Bar Association. Articles appearing in this col-
Over forty volunteers from seven local congregations helped to land APL’s free adoption app on iOS or Android devices. umn are intended to provide broad, general information about the
prepare the meal and seat and serve the guests. Students from Co- law. Before applying this information to a speci?c legal problem,
lumbia High School pitched in by decorating, setting the tables Please call the APL at (216) 771-4616 with any questions readers are urged to seek advice from an attorney.
and peeling a lot of potatoes! The Foundation would especially about adopting.
like to thank Pastor Jim of Clearview Church for taking the lead VALLEY CITY
in organizing all the volunteers. After such a successful event, Hospice Volunteer VISION CENTER
the Foundation and local congregations are already making plans Education Series
for next year! FAMILY VISION
Hospice of the Western Reserve is seeking volunteers to assist CENTER
The Foundation is also proud to be an ongoing sponsor of the in private residences, nursing homes, assisted living communi-
Columbia Key Club’s Bi-Annual Senior Breakfast. This year’s ties, their two Hospice House locations and hospital settings. As Dr. Norma Jesse, 6621 Center Road
holiday breakfast was held at Columbia High School on Decem- a vital part of Hospice of the Western Reserve’s team, volunteers Optometrist Valley City
ber 2. Over 150 local seniors attended and enjoyed a delicious come from all walks of life and have a variety of skills, talents
breakfast served by the students. Guests were treated to a de- and abilities. Opportunities to serve are diverse: visit patients and 330-483-4035
lightful selection of Christmas carols performed by the Columbia families to provide companionship, socialization and comfort;
High School choir. The Foundation is pleased to help the Club help with legacy work, transportation, light housework and meal
continue this long-standing tradition. preparation; run errands; make phone calls; help with clerical
work; attend health fairs; and make presentations. Volunteers
The Columbia Community Foundation is committed to serv- with specialized professional quali?cations and training are also
ing and investing in the local community. For more information needed, such as: attorneys, licensed hair dressers, massothera-
on the Foundation, visit their website at www.columbiacommu- pists and pet therapy dogs & their handlers. The next series of or call (440) 236-8000. volunteer classes will be held at Hospice of the Western Reserve,
2173 N. Ridge Road E., in Lorain, on Saturdays, February 13 &
20, from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Non-clinical volunteers attend only WE CARRY A OUTSIDE
the ?rst four hours on February 13, while most other volunteers FULL LINE OF PRESCRIPTIONS
attend all classes. Pre-registration is required. For more infor-
mation, or to register, call the volunteer team at (800) 707-8922 GLASSES WELCOME
ext. 6881. It is required to wait 12 months after experiencing a
signi?cant loss before volunteering directly with patients. Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5;
Closed Sat, Sun & Wed
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015
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The Rural-Urban Record’s
Volunteer Pay Campaign
Wellington NEWS The automated line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 Page 7
week to schedule appointments. There is an option to speak
Christmas Concert to a representative during regular of?ce hours. The hotline Did you know?
also includes a recorded message describing the documents Strengthening Exercises
“O Come Let Us Adore Him” Christmas Concert with the needed for your appointment.
Dreams & Visions Band will be held at Fellowship Church on According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
December 20 at 10 a.m., with lunch to follow. A Christmas The of?ce hours in Lorain are from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. on tion, research has shown that strengthening exercises are safe
Eve Service will be on December 24, at 6 p.m. with Candle- Mondays, and from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fri- and effective for men and women of all ages, including se-
light & Communion. Everyone is welcome! days. Of?ce hours at the Wellington of?ce are from 7:30 niors.
a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.
Fellowship Church is located at 225 North Main Street, in The CDC also notes that men and women with heart dis-
Wellington. For more information, call (419) 651-1487. Appointments are strongly encouraged, but walk-in hours ease or arthritis may bene?t the most from exercise regimens
are available at both sites. that include lifting weights several times per week. A strength-
Trustees Special Meeting training program at Tufts University enlisted older men and
The morning walk-in hours in Lorain are 8-11 a.m. and women with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis.
A Special Meeting of the Wellington Township Trustees in the afternoon from 1-5 p.m. on Mondays, and Tuesdays
will be held on December 28 at 9 a.m. at the new Township through Fridays until 4 p.m. The program lasted 16 weeks, and by the end of those 16
Facility, located at 105 Maple Street, in Wellington. This weeks, participants reported that their pain had decreased by
meeting is to address any year-end business. The Wellington of?ce offers walk-ins during the morning an average of 43 percent while also decreasing the disability
hours from 7:30-11 a.m. caused by their conditions. In addition to the bene?ts uncov-
Huntington Twp. Trustees meeting ered in the Tufts program, strength training can bene?t older
The program will run through March 31, 2016. For more men and women by improving balance and ?exibility, which
The Huntington Township Trustees have re-scheduled information, visit can decrease their likelihood of falling and the severity of
their Monday, December 21, Trustees meeting for Tuesday, those falls if they do
December 22. The Trustees have also scheduled their end of Product Boot Camp completion
year meeting for Monday, December 28, at 10 a.m. Meetings SALUTE OUR SERVICEMEN
are held at the 45955 SR 162 township building. The public headquarters in Howard
is always welcome. Lake, MN. Dura Supreme SAVEL’S
Cabinetry is a leader in the
HEAP Winter Crisis Program cabinet industry with a repu- REPAIR SHOP
tation for quality and service,
The HEAP Winter Crisis Program provides assistance to John Pojman earned over the last 50 years From all of us at Grafton
eligible households that are threatened with utility discon- John Pojman of Wolff in business.
nection, have been disconnected or have less than a 10-day Bros. Supply, Inc. has recent- Savel’s 440-926-3312
supply of bulk fuel. ly completed an extensive 3- John is committed to
day Product Boot Camp at providing Wolff Bros. Sup- Repair Shop! Wellington
To be eligible for heating and utility assistance, residents Dura Supreme Cabinetry’s ply, Inc. customers with the
must live at or below 175% of the federal poverty line. Resi- very best in cabinet fashion, 440-647-1188 440-647-6010
dents who have a utility threat of disconnection or have al- quality and service and has
ready been turned off, may call the HEAP hotline at 1-855- successfully designed beau- 652 W. Herrick Ave
806-9620 to make an appointment. tiful kitchen and bathroom Wellington, Oh 44090
projects for clients. John’s
LEGAL NOTICE continuing education will
help in staying current with
A Special Meeting of the Wellington Township Zoning the latest trends and products
Commission will be held on Jan. 12, 2016 at 7:20 pm at the in the Kitchen and Bathroom
new Township Facility, 105 Maple Street, Wellington, OH. Design industry.
This meeting is to organize for 2016. The continuation of
the Zoning Commission meeting concerning revisions to Wolff Bros. Supply, Inc.
the Zoning Resolution will immediately follow at 7:30 pm. is located at 6078 Wolff Rd.,
in Medina.
By the order of Wm Spreng, Chairman of BZA
Volleyball Skills Clinic
Hughes Road Bridge Replacement
Pitts?eld Township The Elyria Parks & Recre- be paid by December 30 at the We offer all U-Haul Services!
ation Department is currently Parks’ main of?ce, 131 Court
Lorain County Engineer Ken Carney announces that accepting registration for its St., Suite 103 (City Hall). For Happy
V.O. Menuez & Son, Inc. has been awarded the contract volleyball skills clinic for boys more information, call (440) Holidays
for the Hughes Road bridge replacement project. and girls in grades 3-8. The 326-1500.
clinic will be held at the West From
The cost of construction is $993,980.30, of which 95% Recreation Center, on Satur- THE AVAlecia Vidika
is being funded by the Federal Highway Administration. days for six weeks, January 9- GOSSMAN Attorney at Law
The remaining 5% is being funded by the Lorain County February 13. Class times are: AGENCY
Engineer’s Motor Vehicle Gas Tax monies. 9-10:30 a.m. for beginners and Serving Probate • Real Estate
10:45-12:15 p.m. for previous Wellington Estate Planning • Elder Law
Construction is slated to begin in March, 2016 with an experience participants. The 440-647-6310
anticipated completion date of September 30, 2016. registration fee of $47 must Merry
Your cooperation during construction is greatly appreci- Christmas!
ated. Merry Christmas
& Happy New Year and
Best Wishes
from your friends at in the New Year!
Lorain-Medina Rural
Electric Cooperative 440-647-4319
Wellington, Ohio [email protected]
149 E. Herrick Ave. PO Box 297
Advertise in Wellington, OH 44090
Amherst - 440-986-2469 12/31/15.
Elyria - 440-365-8351 12/31/15.
12/31/15. 21/2/83/1/51.5.
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 NORTH “Welcome Home” COLUMBIA UNITED St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
The Rural-Urban Record CHRISTIAN New Life Wesleyan Church CHURCH All are welcome at
Published Weekly on Monday 11149 West River Rd, Worship Service God’s Table.
(Disciples) Columbia Station 10:30 a.m.
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter Sunday Worship Schedule
Founders 1955 Rt. 82 & 83 SUNDAY 9 AM Sunday School 8:30 am Quiet Communion Service
Adult Bible Study
Lee Boise, Publisher & President 440-748-2230 SUNDAY 10 AM during Worship Service 9:30 am Christian Education for all ages
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 Worship & Children’s Church 10:30 am Communion Service with Music WEDNESDAY 6:45 PM 25453 ROYALTON ROAD
Mailing Address: Adult Study, Women’s Study, COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO Children’s sermon at both services
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Worship Services Teens, Kids Club
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station Rev. Steven Spaeth, Pastor Matt Merriman 300 3rd Street, Elyria, Ohio
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 8:00am & 9:30am 236-8822 (440) 322-2126
Email: [email protected] Sunday School 440-236-8600 [email protected]
Website: Like us on Facebook
DEADLINE: Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector
News articles & all ads - Wednesday by 12pm Polly Tallos
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs., 9am-4pm Christian Ed. & Youth Director METHODIST CHURCH
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year
Rev. Charles A. Butcher 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
United Church of God “We Celebrate Children”
12981 Grafton Rd. Pastor
Grafton, Oh 44044 8:45am Sunday School
10:00am Worship
Sabbath Services
Saturdays at 12:30 pm 10:35am Children’s Church Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
Oberlin Church Christmas Eve St. Elizabeth TRINITY Our Lady Queen of Peace
Ann Seton Catholic Church
East Oberlin Community Church will be having their LUTHERAN CHURCH
Christmas Eve Service on Thursday, December 24, at 7 Catholic Parish Weekend Masses Weekday
p.m. The church is located at 43709 Oberlin-Elyria Road, 38307 W. Royalton Rd, Sat. 4:30pm Mass
(corner of Rt. 511 and Oberlin Elyria Road) in Oberlin. Af- 25801 Royalton Rd. Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57) 8:00am
ter the service, please join them in the fellowship hall for Columbia Station, OH Sun. 8:30 & Chapel
punch and coffee, snacks and fellowship. If you have any Adult Bible Study
questions, please contact the church of?ce at (440) 774- Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday 9:30am 11:00am Mon.-Tues.
3443, Chris Vough at (216) 299-5372 or Patty Kopcho at (Confession) Sunday Worship 10:30am Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
(440) 655-4736 (please leave message if no answer). Children’s Sunday School
Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. 10:30am during Worship Sat. 3:30-
Compassionate Friends Anytime by Appointment Church ph: 440-748-2154
Preschool ph: 440-748-3445 4:00pm
A bereavement group for parents, grandparents and sib- Weekend Masses
lings who have experienced the loss of a child, Compas- Sat. 5 p.m. Rev. John Ramsey II ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
sionate Friends, is establishing a charter in Lorain County
for all the surrounding areas. They meet at the parish hall of Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
Our Lady Queen of Peace, in Grafton, every fourth Mon-
day of the month at 7 p.m. If you or someone you know has 440-236-5095
experienced the loss of a child, this group is a supportive
safe place to be surrounded by people who know and care.
For more information, contact Terri Zunis at 216-469-5311
or log on to Facebook at TCFLorain- Moms in Prayer International Gentle Woman Fellowship
The Moms in Prayer International group meets every Gentle Woman Fellowship meets on First Fridays at
Love Over Latte Wednesday, from 9-9:30 a.m. at North Eaton Christian St. Clarence Parish Center located at 30106 Lorain Rd., in
Church, located at 35895 Royalton Rd. They pray for the North Olmsted. The upcoming gathering will be on January
Love Over Latte (LOL) - A Christian Women’s Ministry, schools, teachers, students, etc. Some things may seem out 8 rather than January 1, since that is New Year’s Day. The
meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 7-9 p.m., of control in our lives, but prayer does work and helps us to schedule includes: praying the rosary at 9:30 a.m., attend-
at the Fields UMC, located at 34077 Lorain Road, in North know we are not alone in any situation. All are welcome to ing Mass at 10 a.m. and having a potluck luncheon at 11
Ridgeville. Cost is $3 per person. Love Over Latte is open stop by and see what the prayer sessions are all about. a.m., followed by a talk. Please bring a cold salad, veggies
to all women of faith for music and worship led by Dar- with a dip, little cold sandwiches, fresh fruit or something
lene Hepler of Alabaster Jar Ministries. From 8-9 p.m., they Belden UMC Christmas Eve similar to share. Dessert will be provided! All women are
gather for coffee/dessert and conversation discussing ques- welcome to attend without reservations. For questions, call
tions presented by the speaker and sharing in small groups. Belden United Methodist Church will hold a traditional Mary at (440) 458-5063 or Mary at (440) 235-6258.
One door prize is awarded each event. Candlelight Service beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Christmas
Eve. Let’s come together once again to celebrate the birth Father Damien Ezeani, a Priest in the Orlu Diocese
If you need more information, please call the church of Christ through scripture and the singing and hearing of of Nigeria will speak on “The Fate of a Woman from the
of?ce at (440) 327-8753 or ?nd Fields United Methodist great Christmas music. The service will conclude with the Bible.” From 2006-2011, he was an Associate Pastor and
Church on Facebook for online ticket information. candle lighting and singing of “Silent Night.” Everyone is worked in a junior seminary. In 2012, he took a study leave
invited. The church is located on St. Rt. 303, 1/8 mile west and earned a degree in Nonpro?t Administration. Currently,
FUNERAL HOME of St. Rt. 83. Father is working on a Master’s in Business Administration
2089 Columbia Road at John Caroll, helping at St. Adalbert’s and Our Lady of
Valley City, OH 44280 N. Eaton Christian events Peace Parishes in Cleveland and working as a Chaplain at
St. Vincent Charity Medical Center.
330-483-3300 North Eaton Christian Church is hosting several Advent
and Christmas activities over the next few weeks. These Laubenthal Funeral
“Understanding When include: Services
Needed Most”
Sharing Christmas With Eaton - Monday, December 21, Offering Forethought at the Fraternal Order of the Police Lodge #54, 36854 Roy- Funeral Pre-Planning
alton Rd., Eaton Township. A Christmas Eve-style service
Pre-Need Planning Available featuring traditional Christmas hymns, a story for the chil- LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO
dren and a message celebrating Jesus’ birth. A coffee/hot-
chocolate bar and light snacks will be provided. 38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929
Free Community Meal - Tuesday, December 22 (and ev-
ery 4th Tuesday of each month), 5:30-7 p.m., in the Fellow-
ship Hall. Don’t eat alone. All are welcome to enjoy food LOCAL FAMILIES COMMITTED TO SERVING OUR COMMUNITY
and conversation.
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled
Christmas Eve Worship Services - Thursday, December
24, 7 and 11 p.m. at NECC. Both services will feature carol
singing and communion. The Christian Church practices an
open communion table where everyone may receive com-
munion if they wish.
The church is located at 35895 Royalton Rd., in Eaton
Township. For more information, call (440) 748-2230 or
visit .
Grafton Christmas schedules
Our Lady Queen of Peace - Masses will be held Thurs-
day, December 24, at 4:30 p.m. (featuring a children’s
choir program beginning at 4 p.m.) and at 10 p.m. (Adult
choir presentation begins at 9:30). Masses will also be held
Christmas Day, Friday, December 25, at 8:30 and 11 a.m.
Grafton United Methodist - A candlelight service will
be held at 7:30 p.m.
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 (KJV)
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 Page 9
Professional Profile
Vicki Crist is a Registered Nurse specializing most of The health and wellness bene?ts of massage are exten- Treatment is individualized according to each client’s
her career in Pain Management. She is licensed by the sive. Massage is extremely bene?cial in the management problems and needs.
Ohio State Medical Board and has been practicing Mas- and reduction of stress. This bene?t alone results in more
sage Therapy since 1997. energy, improved sleep and increased focus. Services are affordable with pricing starting at just $45
an hour. Gift certi?cates are available.
Services available include Relaxation and Therapeutic Massage Therapy is very effective in the treatment of
Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Reiki, Re?exology and pain when that pain is due to dysfunction in the muscle Touch of Health is expanding of?ce hours. Vicki is
Raindrop Therapy using essential oils. Chair massage is tissue. An estimated 85% of pain is due to soft tissue prob- available Monday through Saturday, day and evenings, by
also available lems. A pain-stress cycle develops that is self-perpetuat- appointment only.
ing. The initial cause of the pain creates muscle tension.
A muscle spasm occurs and circulation decreases. Touch of Health is located at 419 N. Main Street in
The oxygen supply to the muscles decreases and Grafton. You can reach Vicki at (440) 371-9509.
lactic acid builds up in the tissues. The stress level
rises due to the pain. Usually there is a restriction in Gift Certi?icates
movement and guarding due to fear of pain and re- Available
injury. Trigger points form in the muscles causing
pain to worsen. massage therapy
Vicki Crist RN, LMT
Neuromuscular Therapy is effective in breaking Licensed Massage Therapist
this pain cycle by addressing these trigger points in
the muscle with pressure and restoring function and
blood ?ow to the muscle and ultimately relieving
the pain. It’s effective in the treatment of a variety
of disorders such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, neck
and back pain, or any area of the body where the
soft tissue has been strained or overused.
Massage is a holistic treatment that facilitates
the body’s innate healing abilities. It goes beyond
the physical level having a profound affect on a
person’s mental and spiritual well-being.
Therapeutic grade essential oils can be added
to your massage. Many of these oils have anti-in?amma-
tory properties that aid in pain reduction and facilitate the
healing process. Raindrop Therapy uses a systematic ap-
plication of nine oils that aid in reduction of pain, muscle
spasms and stress.
Diamond COINS
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JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015
Stop in & Experience one of our
Beer or Wine Samplings!
See store for details.
Credit Cards CLOSED
34981 ROYALTON ROAD, NORTH EATON Please call 440-748-3751 For Advanced Special Orders MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN
8 oz. box • Assorted Varieties 4/$5 $899USDA Inspected Beef lb. USDA Inspected Beef 7$ 99
Standing Rib Roast lb.
Kraft Philadelphia New York
Cream Cheese Strip Steak
Tail-On $699 Honey Glazed or Brown Sugar $199 $299Assorted Varieties • 30 oz.
Smithfield Spiral Kraft Miracle Whip
Cooked Shrimp Half Hams lb. or Mayonnaise
31-40 ct., 1 lb.
Select Varieties • 14.5-15.25 oz. 2/$1 23.7-24 oz. • Assorted Varieties 3/$5 2/$5Assorted Varieties • 9.2 - 13.8 oz.
IGA Canned Pasta Sauce Keebler Town House
Vegetables or Club Crackers
ABssaorktedinVagrieMties o• r10s=e12losz.
$199 4/$5 2/$56oz.•AssortedVarieties
Stove Top Stuffing
4 lb. bag Assorted Varieties • 5 lb.
Domino Sugar Pillsbury or
Robin Hood Flour
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 Page 11
Our Own
Spinach Dip
3$ 99
16 oz. loaf $249 4/$58oz. 10 oz. 5$ 99
ea. Kraft Cool Whip ea.
Pumpernickel Shrimp Rings
IGA Whole 99¢lb. Original or Italian • 14 oz. 2/$5 Assorted Varieties
Frozen Turkey 10-10.5 oz.
Armour Meatballs
Potato Chips
Assorted Varieties • 2 Liters Mix or 12 oz. bottle $199 Assorted Varieties • 5 - 10 oz. 2/$6
Match Nabisco
7•Up Products Heinz Chili Sauce Snack Crackers
BUY 1, BUY 10 or Seafood
ONLY $1 EACH Cocktail Sauce
Assorted Varieties • 56 oz. 3/$10 2/$5 $189AssortedVarieties•16-24oz.
Vlasic Pickle
Smith’s Spears or Stackers
Ice Cream Assorted Varieties • 16 oz.
Sour Cream & Dip
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 Christmas Cookie thank you
Eaton NEWS Karl Tallos, Jared Swartz, Erik Tallos, Polly Tallos and Emily Adkins showing off all the won- The North Eaton Christian
derful homemade cookies at the NECC Christmas Cookie Sale Church youth groups would
Free Community Meal like to thank the community
for supporting the Youth’s
A free home-cooked meal will be served on Tuesday, Decem- fund-raising activities.
ber 22, at 5:30 p.m. at North Eaton Christian Church, located at
35895 Royalton Rd. (Rt. 82 near Rt. 83). Don’t eat alone. All are On November 3, the youth
welcome to enjoy good food and fellowship. Meals are held on hosted a bake sale during
the 4th Tuesday of every month. Election Polling hours. Many
community members stopped
Eaton Township Trustees on their way through to buy
Eric Schmiedlin baked goods and Chick-?l-a
The December 1 Eaton Township Trustee meeting was called sandwiches. They raised over
to order by Chairman Matt Hignett at 7:30 p.m. after he led those $400.
present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Matt and Trustee Jason Mon-
schein were present, and Township Secretary Donna Heuler kept On December 5, the Youth
the minutes. No bookkeeping motions were made and there was hosted a Christmas Cookie
no correspondence. Sale. Homemade Christmas
cookies made by NECC bak-
Richard Knechtges, the Assistant Administrator, gave his re- ers were sold by the pound.
port. A public hearing was set for 7 p.m. on Jan. 5 concerning the The money raised from both
joining of the funeral home at Rt. 57 and Chestnut Ridge Rd. to events will be used to fund a
the Joint Economic Development District. Richard noti?ed the mission project right here in
trustees that he will be attending a couple of regional meetings in the community.
the next few weeks. He then discussed the planned storm water
project for the Brokaw Rd. and Henwell Rd. area. There will North Eaton Christian
be a Park and Preserve meeting next Tuesday. Proceeding with Church is located at 35895
a restoration project of Willow Creek at the Peak Preserve was Royalton Rd., in Eaton Town-
discussed, with work to be performed in 2016. No report was ship. You are invited to join
made by the Fire Dept. The old backhoe is in need of repair. them for one of their two
A motion was made by Matt to accept a bid for parts, not to Christmas Eve services, on
exceed $700, from Gibson Machinery. The repairs will be done Thursday, December 24, at 7
in house. The motion was accepted. Winter Equipment Co. will p.m. and 11 p.m.
provide repair parts for the snow plows, not to exceed $900. Mo-
tion was approved. Township Association Conference in 2016 for elected of?cials MERRY MERRY
and staff (same as last year). Improvement of internet access is CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS
A motion was made and carried to accept the placement of being looked into upon request from citizens. Also, the storm wa-
a shed by the St. Pauly group for clothing recycling. A motion ter drainage in the area of Pine Brook Golf Course is being dis- 35053 NORTH
was made and carried to cover the cost for attendees at the Ohio cussed with the county engineer’s of?ce. Forms were approved E. Royalton Rd. EATON
for salaried workers payroll. The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 DAIRY
Merry p.m. An emergency meeting was called to approve payment of Grafton QUEEN
Christmas bills. The meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m. Rt. 82 & Island Rd.
35040 E. Royalton Rd.
Wishing you the pleasures of Sheriff’s Report 440-748-2137 North Eaton
a real old-fashioned,
family holiday. The November 2015 Lorain County Sheriff’s Department In- 440-748-2128
cident Report for Eaton Township lists 32 reported incidents.
SCHILD’S IGA FOODLINER McConnell Ready Mix is a full service Ready
The month began with property being found on Butternut Mix Concrete supplier servicing the Northeast
Route 82 at Island Rd., North Eaton Ridge Rd. on the 1st. The next day, criminal damage was re- Ohio area. We service Residential, Commer-
ported on S. Avon Belden Rd. Burglary and theft were reported cial, Industrial or Government projects of any
440-748-3751 on the 4th on Willow Creek Ct. A theft of water from the RL- size. For ordering and delivery of Ready Mix
CWA by the Chagrin Valley Paving Co. occurred on Butternut Concrete or just a quote for your project call
Ridge Rd. on the 5th. There are six incidents listed on the report
at Midview High School. On Monday the 9th, a K-9 deputy was 440-458-4325.
used at the school. On Friday the 13th, an assault was reported.
On the 16th, there was a private property accident. On the 27th, McConnell Ready Mix
there was another private property accident, which also involved 37540 Butternut Ridge Road • N. Ridgeville, OH 44039
not obeying a traf?c signal and driving under the in?uence.
Speeding was reported on the 11th at Rt. 57 and Rt. 20. On [email protected]
the 12th, a stop was made on Royalton Rd. near Durkee Rd., and
a second stop was made on Royalton Rd. by Castleton. Another
speeding stop was made on Royalton Rd. on the 15th. A ?nal
speeding stop was made on Grafton Rd. on the 25th, which was
combined with a drug abuse incident. Breaking and entering,
along with theft from a motor vehicle, occurred on the 3rd on
Cowley Rd. Another private property accident occurred on W.
Royalton Rd. on the 5th. The driver was also cited for improper
backing. A second driving under the in?uence was recorded on
the 25th on E. Royalton Rd. The driver was also cited for im-
proper turn signal and failure to yield the right of way.
An assault was recorded on the 8th near Rts. 20 and 57.
Another assault was reported on N. Island Rd. on the 16th. On
Thursday the 12th, there was a report of drug abuse on W. Capel
Rd. An attempted self destruction was reported on Eaton Blvd.
on the 15th. An unruly child was also listed in that incident. On
Cowley Rd., on the 24th, a domestic dispute occurred combined
with theft and taking the identity of another. A rape was reported
on Eaton Blvd. on the 30th. A report of criminal damage was
made on the 10th on S. Avon Belden Rd. Also on the 10th, there
was criminal trespass on S. Island Rd., along with a theft. On
National Dr., there was a breaking and entering combined with
criminal damage and theft on the 11th. On the 14th, an attempted
theft was reported along with criminal damaging on W. Royalton
Rd. On the 21st of November, on Cooley Rd., there was a break-
ing and entering, along with vandalizing an occupied structure
and theft. Another theft occurred on Cooley Rd. on the same day.
On Giles Rd., on the 24th, there was a report of criminal damage.
On the 28th, there was a breaking and entering on Eaton Blvd.
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valid between 10/1/15 and 12/31/15. Submit rebate by 1/13/16. Cannot be combined with any other tire manufacturer-sponsored rebate/offer. See
participating U.S. dealership for vehicle applications, rebate and account details.
*Retail purchases only. Dealer-installed or Quick Lane®-installed Motorcraft® brake pads or shoes only, on most vehicles. Exclusions apply. Taxes extra. A $50 rebate
will be processed for repair orders containing both front and rear axles. Offer valid between 11/1/15 and 1/31/16. Rebate form must be postmarked by 2/13/16. Rebate by
prepaid debit card or apply to an active Owner Advantage Rewards® account. See participating dealership or Quick Lane for rebate and account details.
Motorcraft® is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company.
Grafton NEWS 3317. Library Associates can help ?ll your request or select RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 Page 13
materials based on your interests. Please be aware, sometimes
HOLIDAY CLOSURES we can borrow items from other libraries as part of this ser- Pray For Our Troops
The Grafton Village Hall and Of?ces will be closed on De- vice. No need to venture out as items will be mailed directly
cember 24 and December 31. The Grafton-Midview Library to your home at no cost in a specially marked bag with return Merry Merry
will be closed on December 24, 25, 26 & 31, plus January 1, postage. Christmas Christmas
2016. Come in now to check out your Holiday books, Blu-
rays and DVDs. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY To all our loyal ALAN &
The ?rst Friends of the Grafton-Midview Library meeting Customers & Friends. LARRY’S
JOYOUS CHRISTMAS for 2016 will be held on Tuesday, January 5, at 6:30 p.m. in From all of us to all of
For my eleventh holiday season with The Rural-Urban the ?rst ?oor Community Room. The Friends of GMPL is you, thank you for your AUTO
Record, I was going to wish all our readers a perfect Christ- always looking for people who have the public library in their support and patronage. REPAIR
mas. However, I began to think about this. What is a perfect hearts and can give a little of their time! They meet monthly
Christmas? I have been known to make myself and every- and help to support the endeavors of the library. They provide Grafton 440-926-4100
one around me crazy trying to make Christmas perfect for funding for library programs for all ages, sponsor the Read Mower Service 697 Main St.
everyone. It’s not possible. So instead, I want to wish all our between the Wines event, sponsor a book sale and put on our Grafton, OH
readers, time to do what brings them joy. Joyous Christmas own community programs. Please come and join them in 2016 1007 Parsons Rd.
everyone! --Ann McDonald as they work together for the Grafton-Midview Library! Grafton
The Grafton-Midview Library is expanding its hours in The Midview Endowment Fund will hold their third annu-
the new year. The library will begin opening at 9 a.m. instead al Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, January 30, from 5:30-7:30
of 9:30 a.m. The hours are now Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-8 p.m. in the Grafton V.F.W. Hall, 781 Huron Street in Grafton.
p.m., Friday and Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday 1-5 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for seniors & children 12
(Labor Day-Memorial Day). and younger. There will be door prizes, raf?es, meat boards
and a cash bar. Tickets are available at the Board of Education
HOMEBOUND LIBRARY SERVICE Of?ce, from any Midview Endowment Fund board member,
The Grafton-Midview Library offers a homebound deliv- or by request at
ery service to all residents within the Midview School Dis- Fund.aspx. Proceeds bene?t the Midview Endowment Fund,
trict. Individuals of all ages may ?nd themselves temporarily which provides grants for supplemental educational programs
or permanently homebound, or simply without transportation. for Midview students.
The GMPL wants to provide the same access to information-
al and recreational materials as when visiting the Library in Midview Schools
person. For those who know anyone in need, or who would Superintendent Scott Goggin
bene?t from this service, simply call the Library at 440-926- KRAG J. CHURCHILL, D.D.S.It is strange hearing Christmas carols when temperatures out-
side are in the 60s, but it seems like winter is slowly approach-
ing. In my previous update, I mentioned upcoming concerts and
events. All of our winter concerts have occurred and the students
who performed were wonderful! With concerts including the SEASON’S
MHS choir’s Madrigal Dinner, the MHS Band Concert and even
our elementary students caroling from classroom to classroom, it
is clear that the holiday spirit is alive and well at Midview! GREETINGS
Recently, older Midview students participated in the “Stop
the Hate” event, held at the Maltz Museum of Jewish history.
Two classes from Midview High School participated in the sing- From All of Us
ing competition, which spoke against prejudice through music.
Two classes, taught by Mrs. Lungard and Mr. Lawton, wrote and
performed songs for the competition. Out of 17 teams, the two
954 Main Street | Grafton, OH 44044 classes from Midview ?nished second and fourth!
440-926-0500 Our students are fantastic! Every time they get an opportunity 419 NORTH MAIN STREET GRAFTON, OH Jennifer, Landon to represent Midview, they do it with class and integrity. We are 440-926-2705
proud to call them Middies!
& Scot Kuhns Our students will be on winter break beginning Monday, De-
cember 21, and will return Monday, January 4. I hope everyone
NEED CASH FOR has a safe and happy holiday season!
CHRISTMAS? Scott Goggin, Superintendent, Midview Local Schools
[email protected], Twitter: @scottgoggin Merry Christmas
We Buy Gold!
Grafton History Association to All
Commodity markets are at record high levels.
Bring in your unwanted jewelry for a FREE Professional The GVHA has had an ac- a part of the village and we
tive year. Although we initi- thank you for your past sup-
Evaluation and Cash Exchange. ated no new projects, we have port and ask you to “keep us Combine your home and auto insurance and save up
actively participated in various in mind.” to 25% on your premiums at Nationwide®
projects and programs in the To each of you, ‘Believe’ Mark Cummings Agency
• Diamond Engagement Rings • Wedding Rings village and with the library. and ‘Enjoy’ this special De-
and Anniversary Rings • Colored Birthstone Our 501 c3 public charity cember day! Have a “Healthy, MARK CUMMINGS
Jewelry • Wall, Mantel and Floor Clocks
• Mens’ and Ladies’ Watches classi?cation of Ohio has been Wealthy and Wise” 2016. 990 Commerce Dr. Grafton
renewed for ten more years. Watch for exciting news in the
Services Our eight long-time members New Year. 440-926-2000
Full on-premise jewelry repair services. communicate by telephone, Doris Wildenheim [email protected]
Grandfather, wall and mantel clock services
letters and a meeting when ac- Call me today for a quote.
are also available. tion is needed. For future use,
we continue to monitor and re- GRAFTON NEWS Auto Home Life Business
Holiday Hours: cord the life and events of our CONTINUED ON PAGE 15
Dec 21, 9-6pm; Dec 22-23, 9-6pm; town. We support the village Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Af?lited Companies. Life
Dec 24, 9-2pm then closed till Jan 5 Insurance issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Of?ce: Columbus, OH 43215-2220
and library ?nancially. We
meet with the GMPL Com-
munity History Club and as- Great Fun for Teens at GMPL
sist with their various projects.
Come join us the 2nd Wednes-
day of the month at 2:30 p.m. ANIME & MANGA
Restaurant at the library. Yes, we are still
& Pub Tuesday, January 5, 3:30 - 5 PM
Rt. 57 Grafton, Since 1983 Merry Anime and Manga fanatics meet once per
Christmas month. Japanese snacks and refreshments
will be available.
1pm-7pm Thursday, January 7, 3 - 5 PM
GIFT CARDS WILL BE AVAILABLE Play video games and snack on pizza for the perfect after
for a Gift with GOOD Taste! school break. Play games from the Library’s collection or
~Appetizers, Sandwiches & Salads~ bring in your own to share.
Served throughout the day 440-748-2886 MINECRAFT MANIA
Plus after 4pm a limited menu including:
35960 ROYALTON RD, Thursday, January 14, 5:30 - 7 PM
Shepherd’s Pie • Lake Erie Perch GRAFTON, OH 44044 Share secrets and make new discoveries playing
Bourbon Salmon • Pappardelle Marinara
Minecraft with fellow enthusiasts in multiple
T-Bone Steak • Chicken Parmesan formats. Show building skills in creative mode
& Chicken Cordon Bleu
or outlast opponents in survival mode.
Dine with Us New Year’s Eve Registration is required for all programs and is only a click, call or visit away.
Open Tuesday-Saturday from 4pm
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015
GRAFTON NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 • Soup and tea: Soup is an easy-to-digest meal that provides RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 Page 15
many of the necessary remedies for a cold, including warm broth
Grafton Village Council to hydrate and soothe, antioxidant-rich vegetables and protein to Grafton-Midview Library
help fuel the body’s recovery process. In 2000, Dr. Stephen Ren-
Approximately 20 residents attended the December 15 nard of the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha actually tested The Grafton-Midview Library is always working to spon-
Grafton Village Council meeting to discuss the water tower if chicken soup clinically makes people with colds feel better. sor quality programs. For accurate planning, please be ad-
project. Prior to the discussion, the council met in a joint ses- He found that chicken soup inhibited neutrophils, immune cells vised most library programs require registration. To register,
sion with the Planning Commission. Both the commission that cause congestion. Decaffeinated tea also may help you stay call 926-3317, visit the library at 983 Main Street in Grafton,
and the council voted to accept the ?nal site plan for an ex- hydrated and relieve many cold symptoms. or visit their website at
tended parking facility on Commerce Drive. The parking lot
is for a new trucking company. Council then approved agenda • Reinfection: Use cleaning products that are effective at kill- Trustee Vacancy at GMPL - The Grafton-Midview Li-
items. ing viruses around the house to prevent reinfection and cold re- brary is seeking quali?ed persons to ?ll a vacancy on the
lapses. Also, avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth between Board of Trustees. See the classi?ed section in this issue of
Village Administrator Joe Price presented the reasons be- hand-washings to keep germs at bay. RUR, under “Help Wanted.”
hind the preferred location of a new water tower. The original
location of the tower was slated for 220 feet off of South Main Colds can be a nuisance. Most medicines will help relieve The 5th WAVE Challenge - January 3-17 during Library
Street on the drive back to Reservoir Park. The site was cho- symptoms but cannot make colds go away faster. Natural rem- hours. Complete the 5th Wave challenge by answering ques-
sen for its elevation, security visibility and closeness to water edies can help the body’s immune system work at its best and tions and ?nding images related to the book series hidden
mains. Several South Main Street and Willow Street residents lessen the severity of a cold. throughout the Library and its resources. Candy prizes will be
commented on the location. They were upset with the lack of awarded to all participants and top scorers can win a copy of
communication from the village regarding the project, were GRAFTON NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 either The 5th Wave or The In?nite Sea, by Richard Yancey.
concerned over property values and were distressed over hav-
ing to look at an eyesore “in their back yard.” Among those These gifts are music A Matter of Balance - Mondays, January 4 - February 29,
commenting against the location of the tower was former Vil- to music lovers’ ears 10 a.m.-noon (8-week course). Presented by Diana Walsh of
lage Administrator Rick Kowalski, whose family has prop- Fairhill Partners, this program emphasizes practical strategies
erty near the proposed site. Among his comments, Kowalski Taste in music is a topic of eternal debate. Whether a per- to manage falls. Attendees learn to view falls and fear of fall-
asked about other sites. Opposition to the site was brought son’s interests lean toward the Beatles or the Beastie Boys, ing as controllable, to set realistic goals to increase activity,
forward earlier in the month, so other locations were exam- there’s no denying most people love listening to music. Music to change their environment to reduce fall risk factors and to
ined. Price presented a map to the audience and council with can lift our moods and help us through dif?cult times, and it exercise to increase strength and balance. Those who should
two other sites indicated. The other two sites would add ap- can also make the good times that much more enjoyable. attend are: anyone concerned about falls, anyone interested
proximately $321,000 to the project and cost valuable time in improving balance, ?exibility and strength, anyone who
as grants could be lost and the village would need to reap- Come the holiday season, many people look to music has fallen in the past and anyone who has restricted activities
ply for them. One location moves the tower into a wooded when gifting friends and family. Though it’s wise to avoid because of falling concerns. Class size is limited to 15. Sign
area on the other side of the reservoir, the other by the former getting too speci?c with a musical gift for fear of offending up now to gain peace of mind and add to your independence.
water works area. These options could delay the project by personal taste, there are more general gifts shoppers can give
approximately one year, for completion in 2017. Many of the that are sure to please. Anime and Manga - Tuesday, January 5, 3:30-5 p.m. An-
residents were not bothered by the delay. However, Price said ime and Manga enthusiasts meet once per month to watch
the EPA is requiring the 85 tower located behind the Grafton- * Gift certi?cate to an online music store: Most of today’s videos, discuss their favorite characters and series and partici-
Midview Library to be taken off line and brought down by music fans purchase their music digitally via a handful of on- pate in related activities and games. Ramen noodles and other
September of 2016. Water pressure for the south side of the line music retailers, be it iTunes, Amazon, etc. Find out which snacks will be available. Registration is required.
village would be diminished for approximately a year, raising digital music retailer your loved one prefers and purchase a
?re ?ghting concerns. Problems with the other two locations gift certi?cate to that retailer. This ensures loved ones will get TECH Tutor - Wednesday, January 6, 9:30 a.m.- 12:30
also include lower elevations, loss of visibility and having to the music they like, and all but guarantees the gift won’t be p.m. and 2:30-4:30 p.m. Tech Tutor appointments are 1-on-1
build access roads. Price told the residents that the tower and returned. classes. Registration is not required, but is recommended for
area would be decorated as to blend into the park surround- scheduled days. Walk-ins are welcome. Appointments are 60
ings. The issue was tabled until the January 5 meeting. * Protective headphones: The popularity of digital music minutes and available on the ?rst Wednesday of the month,
has increased the popularity of personal digital music play- however GMPL is happy to schedule appointments as needed
COSI on Wheels ers that are often listened to via headphones. One signi?cant if Wednesday times do not work. Please contact the library at
disadvantage to such players is the longterm side effects they (440) 926-3317 or [email protected] with any ques-
On November 20, Midview East’s ?fth and sixth grade can have on hearing. Over time, if music lovers spend lots of tions.
students enjoyed an exciting “COSI on Wheels” assembly, time listening to players with poorly designed headphones,
courtesy of a grant from the Midview Endowment. This grant they can do substantial and possibly irreparable damage to After School Video Games - Thursday, January 7, 3-5 p.m.
was written by the sixth grade science teachers at East. The their ears. Protect your loved one’s hearing with headphones Play video games and snack on pizza for the perfect after
Center of Science and Industry out of Columbus provided that promise great sound quality without putting a person’s school break. Available gaming options include PS3, Xbox,
the equipment and talent for a school-wide assembly entitled hearing at risk. Protective headphones can reduce the risk of Wii and tablets. Play games from the library’s collection or
“The Incredible Human Machine.” Students explored the hearing loss and often provide superior sound quality than the bring in your own to share. Registration required.
body systems, nutrition, and how to keep the body healthy in a headphones that come standard with some of the most popu-
fun and exciting assembly. Students then returned throughout lar digital music players. Gaming Unplugged - Saturday, January 9, 1-3 p.m. Dis-
the day to participate in various hands-on experiences created cover a new board game or play your favorite classic. A new
by COSI and taught by parent volunteers. These activities * Music lessons: Younger music fans might want to try board game will be featured each session. Trading card game
included viewing X-ray ?lms and testing their “wing-span.” their hand at a favorite musical instrument or join a choir. players may also attend. Light snacks and refreshments will
Midview East’s principal, Gretchen Lawn, and science teach- For such youngsters, music lessons might be the ideal gift to be provided. Registration required.
ers Kim Jorgensen and Chris Hensley, would like to thank encourage a hobby that’s both healthy and educational. Those
the Midview Endowment for the very generous grant making considering such lessons for nieces or nephews should con- SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
this opportunity possible. They would also like to thank the sult the youngster’s parents ?rst, as Mom and Dad will ulti-
Midview P.T.A. for providing lunch, and all the East parents mately have to deal with the consequences of having a young Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
who volunteered an entire day to organize and teach at the in- rocker around the house. For especially young kids, consider programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
dividual hands-on stations. Thank you for making this special musical toys that are fun and educational. 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
day possible for East students! The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
* Concert tickets: Music lovers almost universally agree drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
How to shorten the duration seeing a favorite band or performer live in concert is even bet- If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
of a cold ter than listening in the car or at home. This holiday season,
consider going the extra mile and buying a loved one concert ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE CANCELED.
Few things can be as uncomfortable as the common cold. In tickets to see a favorite performer. When doing so, include These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
their book “Common Cold,” authors Olaf Weber and Ronald a little extra money so they can purchase a T-shirt to com-
Eccles say the common cold has been around since the ancient memorate the night. 12/21 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie
times. More than 200 virus strains can contribute to colds, but the with free donuts and coffee for participants.
rhinovirus is the most common. Colds produce a bevy of symp- Karen A. Kramer, D.D.S. 12/22 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
toms, including runny nose, congestion and sore throat, so it 420 N. Main St., Grafton instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with
should come as no surprise that sufferers want to ?nd relief fast. fruit and juice for participants.
Emergencies 12/25 MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY
Colds typically last for a week or more. While there’s no Welcomed!
cure for the common cold, according to The Mayo Clinic, there HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE
are some remedies that can help cold sufferers feel better more Same-day Denture 12/28 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie
quickly. Repairs Available with free donuts and coffee for
• Rest: One of the best things to do when you have a cold “We Cater To Cowards” 12/29 at 2:00 pm Senior
is to get adequate rest. Your body’s immune system is working Exercise Class being instructed
overtime to combat the cold virus, and restricting activity can SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE by Debi’s
help it direct efforts where they’re needed most. Keep away from Personal Training
strenuous activities, and spend more time relaxing or sleeping to 440-926-3441 with fruit and juice
let your body do its job. for participants.
• Hydration: Consuming plenty of clear ?uids can reduce con- • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
gestion and ensure that you do not get dehydrated. Plus, warm the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
beverages can be soothing to an irritated throat. Avoid coffee,
caffeinated sodas and alcohol, which can exacerbate dehydra- • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
tion. occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.
• Saline rinses: Intra-nasal saline sprays, neti pots and similar
products can help loosen mucus that is clogging the nose and
sinus cavities, allowing it to ?ow out. This makes blowing your
nose more effective and may help prevent post-nasal drip. Avoid
prolonged use of medicated decongestant sprays. They may
work well, but they can cause rebound congestion that’s worse
than the original stuf?ness.
• Vitamin C: Vitamin C will not prevent colds, but it could
help in other ways. Taking vitamin C before the onset of cold
symptoms may shorten the duration of symptoms. Vitamin C
also may provide bene?ts for people at high risk of colds due to
frequent exposure, offers The Mayo Clinic.
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015
ADOPTION FOR RENT CLASSIFIEDS Run 2 Weeks for Only $14 & Save $6!
1st Week - $1000/2nd Week - $400 (No changes or refunds. Personal
A Loving Choice for an Un- Affordable apartments in
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ples at WWW.ANAAdoptions.
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Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? ances included. Call 216-347-
Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-re- 6775. $13/15 words or less, 10¢ per word after 15. • Display advertising $16/column inch. Reaching Over
lieving brace -little or NO cost
to you. Medicare Patients Call Grafton: Nice 2Bdr. apartment, Number of weeks ad runs: 1 2 3 4 Please Print Clearly! 21,000 Households
Health Hotline Now! 1- 800- 1 level, large closets, carpet-
419-3684 ed, close to shops, security Please print - All information below is needed to process your ad. Mail to: Rural-Urban Record•P.O. Box 966•Columbia Station, OH 44028
deposit. 440-343-5898
work? Denied bene?ts? We 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Can Help! WIN or Pay Noth- Maytag Centennial 3.5 energy
ing! Contact Bill Gordon & efficient washer, 5yrs. old. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
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to start your application to- frame mattress. Both in excel- Mastercard & Visa Accepted. Card #:
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Expiration Date: 3 Digit # on back:
APPLIANCES New 28 ton PowerPro log
splitter for sale, $1800. 440- NAME PHONE
Good clean used appliances. 552-7851
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. ADDRESS
Acorn Stairlifts. The AF-
stairs! **Limited time -$250
Mike’s Hooker Service. We Off Your Stairlift Purchase!** HELP WANTED HORSES WANTED TO BUY Reader Advisory: The National
pay top dollar for all unwant- Buy Direct & SAVE. Please Trade Association we belong to
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free call 1-800-410-7127 for FREE Drivers: Owner Op’s. Great Horseback riding lessons. has purchased the above clas-
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, DVD and brochure. home time. Want drop & hook 24344 Foster Road, Litch?eld, sifieds. Determining the value of
216-534-6514. lanes, round trips, new lanes, 330-603-5955. Beginners-ad- their service or product is advised
Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert dedicated lanes? You choose. vanced. Jumping lessons by this publication. In order to
DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK for Seniors. Bathroom falls Lots of work. 100% FS. Sign- available. Indoor & outdoor avoid misunderstandings, some
OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR can be fatal. Approved by on bonus. Direct Deposit. 855- arena. Trailering to shows advertisers do not offer employ-
THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Va- Arthritis Foundation. Thera- 397-0850 ext. 123 available. ment but rather supply the readers
cation, Tax Deductible, Free peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch with manuals, directories and oth-
Towing, All Paperwork Taken Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Grafton-Midview Public Li- LAWN & GARDEN er materials designed to help their
Care Of. CALL 1-800-895-7416 Floors. American Made. In- brary Trustee Vacancy: The clients establish mail order selling
stallation Included. Call Grafton-Midview Public Li- TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- and other businesses at home.
Got an older car, boat or RV? 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off brary is seeking qualified vice. Complete tree removal, Under NO circumstance should
Do the humane thing. Donate persons to ?ll a vacancy on trimming, root feeding and you send any money in advance
it to the Humane Society. Call Building Materials Ever- the Board of Trustees, which cleaning. Fully insured. FREE or give the client your checking,
1- 800-758-2204. Guard, White Sealant, elasto- is the governing body of the ESTIMATES. Firewood for license ID, or credit card numbers.
A-1 DONATE YOUR CAR FOR meric, excellent adhesion to library. The library, located on sale. 440-236-3061. Also beware of ads that claim to
BREAST CANCER! Help Unit- most construction materials. Main Street in Grafton, serves guarantee loans regardless of
ed Breast Foundation educa- 28 oz cartridge. Reg $16.55@ the Midview Local School Dis- PETS credit and note that if a credit re-
tion, prevention, & support Close out $4.95 Ephrata PA trict. The Board of Trustees is pair company does business only
programs. FAST FREE PICK- 717 445-5222 responsible for setting library All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster over the phone it is illegal to re-
UP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX policy to ensure that the library Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509. quest any money before delivering
DEDUCTION 855-403-0213. GOOD THINGS TO EAT provides adequate services to Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced its service. All funds are based in
its patrons. This involves exercise yards, custom care. US dollars. Toll free numbers may
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS Homemade Hungarian nut & matters pertaining to ?nanc- $15 per day. Grooming now or may not reach Canada.
Poppyseed rolls and Pumpkin ing, staf?ng and maintaining available.
Advertise to 500,000 Homes rolls. To order for Christmas, the facility and the library Have a Wonderful
with a business card size call Mitzi, 440-236-8424 or 440- collection. Many thought the SALES & SERVICES
ad. You choose the area of 334-0557. role of all libraries would be Holiday
coverage in free community diminished or even eliminated SMALL DUMPSTERS
papers...we do the rest. Call HALLS FOR RENT by the 21st century. The fact for roo?ng, remodeling, etc. from The Rural-Urban
800-450-7227 or visit macne- is libraries have become even AMVETS POST 32 more important in encourag- Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump Record
11087 Middle Ave., Elyria ing and enhancing literacy in Truck work available
CLEANING the United States. Trustees CAREERS
Capacity: Hall-250, are appointed by the Midview CALL JASON’S SERVICES
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 Board of Education to serve 440-926-3446 AUTOS WANTED
needs are different. We spe- Available for all occasions seven-year terms. Trustees
cialize in catering to what your reside in the Grafton-Midview SNOWPLOWING
needs are. Call Marcie today Call for pricing service area or Lorain County.
for your free assessment ap- and availability This vacancy term runs from Snowplowing / shoveling
pointment at 440-213-7527. 440-458-8544 January 1, 2016 till December anytime within 10 miles of
Over 13 years experience. 31, 2022. The board meets LaGrange. Reasonable rates.
COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL monthly for approximately two Call 440-657-0392
ELDERLY CARE 25-120 Capacity hours to conduct the business
of overseeing the library. Each UPHOLSTERY
Experienced Caregiver. Com- Catering Available Trustee serves on one or more
panionship, meals, transporta- 440-236-3323 standing committees of the DAN’S UPHOLSTERY
tion, housekeeping. Referenc- board, which meet occasion- over 30 yrs. experience
es & background check. Mary, F.O.P. LODGE #54 ally between board meetings.
440-731-6026 Capacity 150-175 Anyone interested in applying Full Upholstery
Catering Available for the Trustee vacancy should Cushion Re?lls
ELECTRONICS 36854 Royalton Rd. submit a resume to the atten- Furniture Repair
(1 mile East of Durkee) tion of the Library Director, Call for free quote
DISH TV Starting at $19.99/ Adele Infante, 983 Main Street, on re-upholstery
month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Grafton, Ohio Grafton, OH 44044. Any Trust-
Regular Price $34.99 Ask 440-653-7227 ee may also be contacted. The 216-346-2682
About FREE SAME DAY In- Trustees are: Angela Carter,
stallation! CALL Now! 877- FULL park with restrooms, 3 Ed Greenwald, Christopher WANTED TO BUY
477-9659 pavilions, air conditioned hall, Smith, Tracy Schriver, Kate
for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange Gillespie, Rachele Podulka Antiques wanted. Buying con-
AT&T U-Verse Internet start- Lions Club. 440-458-6781. and Joseph Urig. tents of estates, houses, barns
ing at $15/month or TV & In- &Waantttiscst.o44p0u-5rc0h6a-7s7e38minerals
ternet starting at $49/month Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- Now hiring friendly, depend- and other oil and gas inter-
for 12months with 1-year 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. able, experienced people for ests. Send details to P.O. Box
agreement. Call 1-800-336- 440-926-3341 elder care in LaGrange. Mainly 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
4165 to learn more. mid-night to 8 AM positions
PENFIELD TWP. HALL with some flexibility. Direct CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for
RENTAL hire, no agency work involved. unexpired, sealed DIABETIC
Call or text 216-409-5489. TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAY-
Twp. Meeting hall, MENT.1-800-371-1136
Cap. 42-60 The Rural-Urban Record is
looking for a reporter(s) to Estate Gold &
Community room, cover and report on Welling- Silver Exchange
Cap. 150-300 ton, LaGrange and Carlisle
community news and events INSTANT CASH
Available for all occasions. and to attend and report on Buying Gold Jewelry, Diamonds,
41012 St. Rt. 18, Wellington the townships’ Trustees Meet-
ings. This is a “work from Old Coins, Pocket Watches,
Call 440-537-3116 for home” position; no office Anything Old
availability & rates. hours are required. Ideal can-
didate would be someone with Call for service hours & private
HELP WANTED a background in journalism appointments
and / or writing and reporting,
EVENTS Drivers: CDL-A 1yr. Guaran- would have e-mail capabilities Downtown Elyria
teed home time. Excellent pay and would reside in the reader- 316-A Broad St. • 440-323-4258
Holding a Carnival! Fair! Fes- package. Monthly bonus pro- ship areas. Photography capa-
tival! Jubilee! Promote it to gram. 100% No-touch. BCBS / bilities are also required. This 440-506-0334
over 1 Million readers for only Dental / Vision. Plenty of miles. is a paid position. To apply,
$200!!! Visit www.midatlan- 877-704-3773 e-mail your resume to news@ The Rural-Urban Record for more details, fax it Proudly Serving...
or call 800-450-7227. Drivers: CDL-A. Home daily, to 440-236-9198 or mail it to:
local, $1,000 a wk. D&H cus- The Rural-Urban Record, P.O. Columbia Station • Grafton
View our tomers trailers, dump exp. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH LaGrange • Wellington
paper online required. Able to work 6 days. 44028. No phone call inquiries, Eaton • North Ridgeville
for FREE! Dan, 330-360-7324 please. Carlisle • Elyria
www.rural- Drivers: CO & O/Op’s, Teams. GET IN OUR Earn great money running
dedicated! Great home time CLASSIFIEDS IN
and bene?ts. Monthly bonus-
es. Drive newer equipment! THE NEW YEAR!
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WE SERVICE & REPAIR Our Name Means Quality
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Bud & Diane Casey, Owners •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation 1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features,
DEMPSEY’S APPLIANCE 440-327-3433 Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certi?ed,
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50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642
All Major Brands 433 OBERLIN RD.
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440-327-3433 Call to schedule your FREE estimate Retaining Walls • Ponds • Waterfalls • Grading Work
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Your Auto or Complete Olmsted Falls’ oldest commercial building Interior/Exterior
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8112 Columbia Road 440-309-5938
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1-800-317-1966 24 Hour Emergency Service Expires 3/1/15. Not valid with any other offer.
J.A. Kilby Plumbing
OH LIC #23331
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services
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Custom Buildings, LTD • General Contracting CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available
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Quality Buildings At • Additions •Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped
Affordable Prices • Buildings/Garages 440-327-3433 •
• Roofs State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response
• Horse Barns • Garages 725 Sugar Lane, • Doors/Windows
•Riding Arenas Elyria, Oh 44035 • Siding
440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical
RESIDENTIAL FREE Specializing in Home Improvements D.W.V. • Gas Lines • Water Lines
330-359-0463 ESTIMATES Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Fixtures • Backhoe Work
MODERNIZE •Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior State ID# 19467
Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding & Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement Edward Logar ODOT Certified
Remodeling • Pole Barns • Windows • Doors
Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes •Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing Off: 330-483-0055 7424 Crocker Rd.
KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619 440-724-9338 Cell: 216-970-1910 Valley City, OH 44280
YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044
Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015
ROOFING Midview East Intermediate School sponsors Giving Tree
• Metal Roofs & Seamless Metal Gutters All Types • Metal Roof Coatings Members of Midview East Intermediate Student Council around a Christmas tree used to collect gifts for 76 Midview stu-
• Shingles & Siding • Pole Barns - Roof & Repair • Residential/Commercial dents.
• Bonded/Insured • BBB/Angies List • Quality Professional Workmanship
The student council of Midview East Intermediate School sponsored a Giving Tree program. Council members
Cell: 216-402-2470 / 216-403-2965 were able to ?nd sponsors and purchase Christmas gifts for 76 students in 25 families within the Midview district.
1-888-752-8458 Sponsors included parents, businesses and churches.
All Seasons Roo?ng Marco’s pizza in Grafton collaborated with the student council to set up a Midview Giving Tree at their store.
Also helping to collect donations were Giovanni’s Hair Salon and local churches such as North Eaton Christian
Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason Church, Our Lady Queen of Peace, and Grafton United Methodist Church. This has been the most gifts ever dis-
Siding & Gutter Repairs tributed to our families thanks to the community collaboration received.
Repairs from $75.
Daisy seeks loving home
440-748-3259 Casey Williamson
Daisy is a really Daisy
BENEDICT ROOFING sweet kitty. She is 6-
Family Business for Three Generations years-old and came year old. All cats have been
from a house with too spayed or neutered, vacci-
RE-ROOFS • TEAR-OFFS • TUNE-UPS many animals. Isn’t nated, dewormed and have
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 she beautiful? Daisy tested negative for FeLV.
is a mellow, friendly Friendship APL is a private,
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates girl who would love non-pro?t humane society. to have a home for the
holidays. If you would They depend on the gen-
RELIABLE ROOFING like to give Daisy a erosity and ?nancial support
loving, forever home, of the public to serve the
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs please call the Friend- people and animals of Lo-
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal ship Animal Protec- rain County.
Of?ce: 440-236-4001 • tive League at (440)
322-4321. (www.
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner
TREE SERVICE The shelter is lo-
cated at 8303 Murray Ridge
ARBOR CARE TREE Road, in Elyria. Their hours
are from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck on Monday, Friday & Sat-
• 113 Ft. Crane urday; from 11 a.m.-6:30
p.m. on Tuesday & Thurs-
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood day; and from 11 a.m.-2:30
p.m. on Sunday. Adoption
Triple Shredded Mulch fees are $10 for 1 year and
older and $40 for less than 1
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
Jason E. Davis
-Complete Crane Service-
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!”
Tree/Stump Removal
Tree Trimming, Firewood
Bonded & Insured
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035
Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
• Waterproofing
• Foundation Repair
• Yard Drainage
• Excavating
• Sewer Replacement
440.773.3040 WATER WELLS
“Stop the water before it stops you!” SERVICE • SALES • INSTALLATIONS
•Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening, SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS • JET PUMPS
Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement SOFTENERS • TANKS • SUMP
440-327-3433 PUMPS • WATER RELATED
KEVIN BOLDEN 440-322-2987
Ohio Farm Bureau delegates RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 Page 19
LaGrange NEWS feel revitalized. inclined to bundle up and stay
4. Increase your exercise indoors. Forcing socialization
Salvation Army Thank you! can brighten not only your own
routine. Now could be the time mood but that of others as well.
We would like to thank the following businesses that to join the gym or become part
helped us this year with allowing us to put kettles in their of a walking group. According 6. Get out of town. Cabin
establishments: IGA, Convenient, Village Pizza, Friendship, to The Mayo Clinic, exercise fever can be temporarily abated
Fire?ghters Community Credit and Michelle’s Café. can boost mood, reducing im- by a mini vacation. Head some-
mune system chemicals that where that is warm and sunny.
Also, thanks to all who rang the bell at IGA, LaGrange can worsen symptoms of de- If you cannot afford a trip to
Lion’s Club, LaGrange United Methodist Church members, pression. In addition, exercise the tropics, a brief jaunt to a spa
Keystone National Honor Society students, Sherry Clouser increases body temperature, or relative’s house may banish
and girls, Boyd/Lowery Family, Ruth Blauvelt and a special which may have calming ef- boredom and get you out of the
thanks to the LaGrange ?remen who took 3 Fridays. That was fects, and releases feel-good house.
awesome! brain chemicals that may ease
depression. 7. Try a new hobby. Attempt
This is our only fund-raiser. Donations throughout the year an activity that marries winter
can be sent to: LaGrange United Methodist Church, PO Box 5. Throw a party. The old with getting active. Ideal ac-
71, LaGrange, Ohio 44050, in care of the LaGrange Salvation saying is “misery loves com- tivities include cross-country
Army Unit. pany,” so why not invite friends skiing, ice hockey, skating, or
over and banish cabin fever snowshoeing.
The need never stops. This year the kettles are down, but together? Winter tends to be
the demand is up. Donations are important for warmth, lights alienating, as people are more
and water, which is just some of what we do.
(L-R) Front row: Al DiVencenzo, Ohio Farm Bureau Trustee Merry Merry
For need, call (440) 355-4203. We are able to help within from Grafton Twp., Ron Pickworth, LaGrange Twp. and Eric Christmas Christmas
the Keystone District only. Flynn, Pen?eld Twp. Back row: Amanda Denes-Diedrick, LaGrange
Organization Director, Will Schlechter, Henrietta Twp. and Stout
Thanks again to all who helped! LaGrange Salvation Army Adele Flynn, Pen?eld Twp. 540 N. Center St Lumber
Administrator, Donna Markel LaGrange, OH
Lorain County Farm Bureau members served as delegates 440-355-9920 8007 Norwalk Rd.
to the 97th annual meeting of the Ohio Farm Bureau Fed- Litch?eld OH,
eration. During the meeting, delegates established policies on 330-722-TREE
numerous topics, including property taxes, agriculture’s role
in water quality, drugs in Ohio communities and improved 800-GET-WOOD
meat inspection. The meeting took place December 2-4 in
In accordance with Section 731-21 of the Ohio Revised The Ohio Farm Bureau is the state’s largest and most in-
Code, please take notice of the following Resolutions and clusive food and farm organization. Its mission is to forge a
Ordinances passed December by the Village of LaGrange, partnership between farmers and consumers. For more infor-
Ohio. The full texts of said Resolutions may be obtained or mation about Lorain County Farm Bureau, visit www.north-
viewed at the of?ce of the Fiscal Of?cer of the Village of, email [email protected] or call 1-866-
LaGrange at 355 South Center Street, LaGrange, Ohio and 859-2415.
on the Village website
More highlights of Ohio Farm Bureau’s 97th annual meet-
Ordinance 2015-2304 An Ordinance Supplementing Ti- ing are at
tle Nine Of The Codi?ed Ordinances Of The Village Of La-
Grange By The Enactment Of New Chapter 182 Regarding 7 ways to alleviate cabin fever
Municipal Income Tax And Limiting The Effective Dates
Of Existing Chapter 181 And Declaring An Emergency. Although cabin fever is not stagnant air in the house and
a recognized medical condition, add moisture to the environ-
Ordinance 2015-2307 An Ordinance To Amend The it can compromise well-being. ment. Breathing fresh oxygen
Permanent Appropriations For Current Expenses And Oth- Cabin fever can strike even the from these plants can provide
er Expenditures Of The Village Of LaGrange During The most optimistic people. you with energy and help you to
Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015, And Declaring An
Emergency. Cabin fever normally affects
people during the winter months,
2015-2306 An Ordinance For The Permanent Appro- when shortened days, longer pe-
priations For Current Expenses And Other Expenditures Of riods of darkness and cold tem-
The Village Of LaGrange During The Fiscal Year Ending peratures often force people to
December 31, 2016, And Declaring An Emergency. remain inside. These factors can
lead to depression, boredom,
Steve Moore JACK MATIA anxiety, and an inability to con- Burnette Septic
HONDA centrate. Alleviating symptoms
of cabin fever requires making 120 Commerce Dr.
New & Used a few changes, including getting LaGrange
Cars outdoors whenever possible.
440-366-5501 1. Head outside. It may be
cold and dreary, but getting out-
823 Leona St., Elyria side can be healthy. Take advan-
tage of daylight hours whenever
New and Certi?ed Hondas possible. Plan a walk around the
All Models - Used Cars neighborhood before you go to
work. Otherwise, spend your
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5 lunch hour outdoors soaking up
the sun’s rays. The sun is an in-
stant mood-booster.
2. Brighten up the indoors.
Choose energizing colors
like yellow, orange and red to
decorate the interior of your
home. Invest in lights that of-
fer a greater amount of wattage
and brightness. Light-therapy
lamps produce bright light that
simulates the sun and provides
broad-spectrum rays. Sitting in
front of one of these lights can
alleviate feelings of seasonal af-
fective disorder, or SAD.
3. Grow more indoor plants.
Plants can help ?lter out stale, Merry
Village Pizza
We Make it Right!
118 Public Square
In beautiful Downtown
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, December 21, 2015 50% Off
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Photos for illustration.
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