The Rural-Urban Record
“Your FREE Community Newspaper”
“Celebrating 66 Years of Community Service!”
Volume 67 No. 14 Columbia Station, Ohio January 3, 2022
Publisher Accounts Receivable/News
Lee Boise Cheryl Mikoletic
News/Graphic Design Graphic Design
Randi MacWilliams Stephanie Wasserman
Community Directory Carlisle 8 Grafton 10 Wellington 6 Profile Page 5
Churches 4
Grafton Twp.
Eaton 8 LaGrange 12 Shop Local 7
FOX RUN New Home this year! Building Co.
LOCATED OFF RT. 57 IN GRAFTON Call T.J. at 440-926-3950
New interior layout options and color choices! for more information or
Maintenance Free Living. Model Available Soon! to reserve your lot!
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022
Columbia News
[email protected]
Thank you Columbia residents In Loving Memory
On behalf of Columbia Schools’ Giving Tree, I would like Columbia Trustees Meeting Marlene S. Smith
to take the opportunity to thank all those businesses and indi- of Mildred Elek (Jack)
viduals who generously donated funds, gifts and food to some
of Columbia’s struggling families. More than 28 of Columbia’s The Columbia Township Board of Trustees met on Decem- and the late Betty Allen
families were able to enjoy gifts for their children, as well as a ber 20 in the Town Hall with two Trustees present, Mr. Cun- (Jim; dec). Cherished
holiday meal for dinner. ningham and Mr. Musto, and the Fiscal Officer, Mandie An- grandmother of Kayla,
We would like to thank the following individuals and fami- drews. The minutes of the 12-6-2021 meeting were approved Taylor, Jorden, Paige,
lies for their support: Tom LaMoreaux, Randy Hershey, Ali and as written. The Trustees voted to pay the bills and payroll. Trystian, Greysin, and
Mark Wodoslawsky, Pattie and Kurt Filer, Connie Arndt, Beth The bills amounted to $44,529.67 and payroll amounted to Cassydee. Great grand-
and Paul Kobe, Michelle and Aaron Boetticher, Kathy and Paul $21,788.93, bringing the total to $66,318.60. The receipts to- mother of Ceraphina,
Hechko, Katie and Shawn Ondrejko, Asha Montante, Brenda taled $52,642.20. Elliott, Harrison, and
Buchanan, Sandy Morlock, Melissa Shorte, Crystal Valentine, Department Reports Wren.
Lisa and Jason Ward, the Carter family, Steven and Pam Cole- The Zoning Inspector reported permits for 15 single family Visitation was on
man, Paula Adams, the Scharf family, the Dixon family, Amy homes were issued, bringing the total number for the year to
and Scott Thomas and the Conlon family. Special artistic thanks date to 179. December 27, 2021,
to Justin Ramsey, art teacher at CHS, who created a Christmas The Road-Service Director reported that all equipment was at Jardine Funeral
tree banner to use at Fifth Third Bank for wish lists. We will up and running. First Energy is going to be working on a power Home, 15822 Pearl Rd,
be able to use it year after year and it is beautiful! Thank you line at the end of December. Strongsville. Funer-
to Columbia’s school social worker Lori McCarthy for your The Fire Chief reported 35 on file, 32 on call, 208 fire calls Marlene S. Smith al Service was on De-
tireless work in delivering and for helping me! to date and 712 EMS calls. There were 60 mutual aid assists and (nee Potymak), 83, cember 28, 2021, at St.
Special thanks also to CHS, CMS and Copopa teachers, 45 mutual aid requests. Transport billing brought in $7,946.41 passed away December Paul Lutheran Church,
counselors, secretaries and staff, Columbia Eagles Club, Ja- for the month of December, bringing the total for the year to $1 17, 2021. Beloved wife Berea. Interment Old
kobsky Plumbing, J & J Greenhouse and Potter Overhead Door 49,234.65. of Duane J. Smith for 55 Columbia Cemetery,
Rita Plata gave the Cemetery Report: $1,225 was received
for their generosity and kindness. Pastor Mar Bruner and the for burials and $200 received for footer fees. years. Loving mother of Columbia Station. In
wonderful folks at Columbia United Methodist Church, the The Zoning Commission will meet on Thursday, January 6, Jennifer and Tim Smith lieu of flowers, memo-
Columbia Food Bank and Schild’s IGA helped enormously at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. The Board of Zoning Appeals did
with donations of food and gift cards. Thank you so very much not meet in December because no applications were received. (Lisa). Daughter of the rial contributions may
to all of the individuals who donated gifts, money and/or gift The next regular meeting will be on Monday, January 24. late Andrew and Anna be made to the family.
cards. There are far too many of you to mention, and many pre- Old Business Potymak. Dear sister
ferred to be anonymous donors, but if I have forgotten anyone, The discussion of zoning permits will be continued. The
I apologize, and know that I could not do any of this without Fire Levy is also on hold. The
your help. It was a little hectic at times, especially without my Wage Review Workshop Meeting will be held December 27
sidekick Kim Schwartz, but thanks to many helping hands we and the year-end meeting will be held December 28. The Roads
were able to assist families in need. Thanks also to Fifth Third in the following subdivisions were approved by the Trustees or early walkers, with their caregivers. Preregistration required.
Bank for allowing us to place wish lists in their lobby. So many as a formality; they had already been approved by the County: Hybrid
wonderful people reached out to help in purchasing and wrap- Baker Creek Estates, Phases 1 and 2; Creekridge Subdivision, Story Stop - Wednesdays, January 5, 12, 19 & 26, from 10-
ping gifts for the kids of Columbia and I am so very thankful! Phase 1; Emerald Woods Subdivision, Phases 1 and 2; and Jay- 10:30 a.m. or 10:45-11:15 a.m. at the North Ridgeville Branch;
Columbia is truly a great place to live! na Reserve Subdivision. Thursdays, January 6, 13, 20 & 27 and February 3, 10, 17 &
Sincerely, Susie Dunn, Columbia Giving Tree Committee Reports 24, from 6:30-7 p.m. at the Columbia Branch. Caregivers with
children of all ages are invited for stories, activities and play.
Mr. Cunningham reported that the Lorain County Town- Preregistration required. Hybrid.
Ohio Genealogical Society ship Association will meet January 20 in Elyria Township; The Tales for Tykes Story Time - Mondays, January 24 & 31,
Rocky River Watershed Council will meet January 28 in the
Strongsville Recreation Center; RLCWA will meet January 12 from 10:45-11:15 a.m. at the North Ridgeville Branch; Tues-
days, January 4, 11, 18 & 25, from 10:30-11 a.m. at the Co-
The Lorain County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogy Society at noon and then again at 7 p.m. lumbia Branch; Thursdays, January 6, 13, 20 & 27, from 10:45
will meet on Monday, January 10, at 7 p.m., in an online meet- After Community Input, the meeting was adjourned until p.m.-11:15 a.m. at the North Ridgeville Branch. Stories, move-
ing that everyone is invited to attend. the Organizational Meeting on January 3 at 7 p.m. in the Town ment and rhymes for active walkers through 3 year olds with
Professional researcher Carla S. Cegielski will give a pre- Hall. their caregivers. Preregistration required; Hybrid.
sentation on the Daughters of the American Revolution’s Ge- Little Learners - Tuesdays, January 4, 11, 18 & 25, from
nealogical Research System (GRS). She will show attendees LPLS events 10:45-11:15 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. - noon at the North Ridgeville
how the multi-faceted GRS is a genealogical resource available Branch; Tuesdays, January 4, 11, 18 & 25, from 11:30 a.m. -
to everyone. It offers a variety of indexes, many of which can- LPLS Announces a Telehealth Room at the Main Library - noon at the Columbia Branch. Caregivers with 4 and 5 year
not be found elsewhere. Discover some new tools to assist you LPLS now offers a Telehealth room where patrons can connect olds nurture their love of reading through books and activities.
in your family history research. with their healthcare providers in a safe and private environ-
The virtual program begins at 7 p.m. and is open to mem- ment. Simply arrange a date and time in advance with your
bers and the public. Those interested in watching the presenta- Cleveland Clinic, Mercy Health or University Hospital provid- VALLEY CITY
tion should contact [email protected] to be added to er, and they will supply an online invitation to a virtual appoint-
the invitation list and receive the online link. ment through your patient account. You will be able to access VISION CENTER
For more information, contact Norm at (440) 856-5170. that appointment using the computer provided in the Tele-
health room. To reserve the Telehealth room on the date and
time needed for your appointment, visit LorainPublicLibrary. FAMILY VISION
org and click on “Reserve Telehealth Room” under the “Using CENTER
the Library” tab. When you arrive at the Main Library, let the
Happy New Year staff know you are there for your Telehealth appointment and 6621 Center Road
they will escort you to the room. The room can accommodate
from up to three people so that family members or caregivers can Valley City
Dr. Norma Jesse, J
Michael Hignett, Realtor accompany the patient. The door to the room is wide enough DN 330-483-4035
10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101 to accommodate a wheelchair, and a wheelchair is available Optometrist
Elyria, Ohio 44035 for use if one is needed. The room is located on the first floor
of the Main Library, located at 351 W. Sixth Street, in Lorain.
C: 440.506.0414 For more information, please call the branch at (440) 244-1192. WE CARRY A OUTSIDE
Baby and Me Story Time - Monday, January 10, or Thurs- FULL LINE OF PRESCRIPTIONS
days, January 6 & 13, from 10-10:30 a.m. at the North Rid- GLASSES WELCOME
geville Branch; Tuesdays, January 4, 11, 18 & 25, from 10-
10:30 a.m. at the Columbia Branch. Bounce, wiggle and play at Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon
this interactive story time. For babies birth through 18 months, Closed Sun & Wed
Happy New Year! 24497 Sprague Rd.,
from COLUMBIA MARATHON Columbia Station
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Your Auto or Light Truck WE RENT U-HAUL Serving Columbia Station
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022 Page 3
Preregistration required; Hy- group of other library enthu- Branch. Learn how to identi-
brid. siasts who host book sales fy and avoid “fake news” on
Book Discussion Groups and volunteer at various pro- the internet. Preregistration
- Wednesday, January 5, from grams in support of your be- required; Hybrid. January
6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Colum- loved branch. Preregistration Do You Want to Build a
bia Branch, “Never Saw Me required; Hybrid. Snowman? - Wednesday,
Coming,” by Vera Kurian; Snow Lab - Saturday, Jan- January 12, from 6:30-7:30
Wednesday, January 12, from uary 8, from 1-4 p.m., North p.m., Columbia Branch. An
6:30-7:30 p.m. on Zoom, Ridgeville Branch. Stop in evening of all things snow- Events at Columbia
“The Quiet Americans,” by for snow themed experiments man for children ages 4-7 and
Scott Anderson. Connect and crafts. Intended for ages their caregiver. This is an in-
with other readers to discuss 2 and up. door program. Preregistration Branch
great books. Preregistration Writers Groups - Satur- required.
required. day, January 8, from 2-3:30 Pixelated Art for Kids
Tween and Teen Chopped p.m. at the North Ridgeville - Wednesday, January 12,
Challenge - Wednesday, Jan- Branch. Join us for month- from 6:30-7:30 p.m., North
uary 5, from 6-7:30 p.m. at ly meetings to sharpen your Ridgeville Branch. Follow a
the North Ridgeville Branch. writing skills and share ideas code to fill in the picture grid.
Just like the show of the same with other novice writers. A surprise image will emerge Baby and Me Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
name, this event will be di- Bring drafts of your work following the instructions Tuesdays, 10 to 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 12
vided into three courses. In and be prepared to critique, correctly! No supplies need-
each round, you will be given as well as have others review ed. Intended for ages 5 and Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
one ingredient that must be your writing. Preregistration up. Preregistration required. Bounce, wiggle and play at this An evening of all things snowman for
incorporated into the specif- required. Family Engineering interactive story time. For babies, children ages 4 through 7 and their
ic course. Intended for ages Sunday Series: The Lost Night - Thursday, January 13, birth through 18 months, or early caregiver. This is an indoor program.
9 and up. Preregistration re- Civil War - Sunday, Janu- from 6:30-7:30 p.m., North walkers, with their caregivers.
quired. ary 9, from 3-4 p.m., North Ridgeville Branch. Fami-
Columbia Fiber Arts Ridgeville Branch. Join the lies with school age children
Group - Thursdays, January author of “Lost Cleveland,” will enjoy this fun, friendly Crafty Adults
6, 13, 20 & 27, from 12-4 Laura DeMarco, as she dis- engineering competition that Tales for Tykes Monday, Jan. 17
p.m., Columbia Branch. For cusses her latest book entitled challenges their STEM skills. Tuesdays, 10:30 to 11 a.m.
long-time or novice knitters “Lost Civil War: The Disap- Preregistration required. 6 to 7:30 p.m.
or crocheters. If you have an pearing Legacy of Ameri- Improv Games with Mad Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25 Are you a crafter or would you like
unfinished project that you ca’s Greatest Conflict.” This Factory - Saturday, January Stories, movement and rhymes for to be one? Join us at the library
would like to work on with program is sponsored by the 15, from 2-3 p.m., North Rid- active walkers through 3‑year‑olds monthly to try new craft projects.
us, bring it or start something Friends of the North Rid- geville Branch. Comedy im- with their caregivers. This program is co‑sponsored by The
new! geville Branch Library, Inc. prov is a great tool for actors Friends of the Columbia Library, Inc.
Healthy Meat Substitutes Preregistration required. and non-actors alike. Improv
- Thursday, January 6, from Healthy Recipe Exchange helps to build quick thinking, Little Learners
6:30-7:30 p.m., North Rid- - Monday, January 10. Avon public speaking skills and Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m. to noon
geville Branch. Learn ways Branch. Bring a copy of a fa- trust, but most of all it’s fun! Privacy and Security Online
to reduce the amount of meat vorite healthy recipe to post Mad Factory teachers will Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25
in your diet, what other foods on our Exchange Board. Visit lead games focusing on char- Caregivers with 4 and 5‑year‑olds Tuesday, Jan. 18
to eat instead and how to pre- the board throughout January acter, plot and movement. No nurture their love of reading through 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
pare them. Preregistration re- to get new ideas for eating experience necessary. For books and activities. Learn about basic online privacy
quired. better in 2022. ages 9-13. Preregistration re- and security concerns, methods
Privacy and Security On- Holocaust Remem- quired. Evening Book Discussion: “Never and tips. Topics covered include
line - Tuesday, January 18, brance: Acts of Resistance Sunday Series: History browsing anonymously, managing
from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the - Tuesday, January 11, from and Pop Music of the 1970s Saw Me Coming” by Vera Kurian safe passwords, social media settings
Columbia Branch. Learn 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the North - Sunday, January 16, from and more. Participants will be able
about basic online privacy Ridgeville Branch. Join us for 3-4 p.m., North Ridgeville Wednesday, Jan. 5 to try some hands‑on activities, so
and security concerns, meth- an overview of the history of Branch. Explore the history 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. basic computer skills are highly
ods and tips. Topics covered the Holocaust. Preregistration of pop music from the 1970s Spend an evening each month recommended.
include browsing anony- required. Hybrid with Dr. Joel S. Keller, the discussing a great book and making
mously, managing safe pass- Tabletop Games Club - “Doc of Rock and Roll.” new friends. Check out our book
words, social media settings Tuesdays, January 11 & 25, Experience a glimpse of the discussion group! Copies of the book Cleveland Opera Theater:
and more. Preregistration re- from 6-7:30 p.m., Columbia prominent historical events are available at the library. New
quired; Hybrid. Branch. Join us for a fun eve- of the 1970s as well as a great members are welcome. Opera 101
The Friends General ning of card games and board selection of the top songs. Saturday, Jan. 22
Membership Meetings - games. This program is sponsored 2 to 3 p.m.
Saturday, January 8, from Avoiding Fake News - by the Friends of the North Columbia Fiber Arts Group What defines opera? Designed
10-11:30 a.m. at the North Wednesday, January 12, from Ridgeville Branch Library, for the opera novice, this talk is
Ridgeville Branch. Join a fun 2-3 p.m., North Ridgeville Inc. Preregistration required; Thursdays, Noon to 4 p.m. an overview of this art form with
Hybrid. Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27 listening samples spanning opera’s
Columbia Friends Gen- Come if you want to learn or are
eral Membership Meeting already a knitter or crocheter. If you 400‑year history. Attendees are
Happy New Year - Tuesday, January 18, from have a “UFO” (an Unfinished Object) introduced to some of opera’s most
beloved stories and melodies as
5-6 p.m., Columbia Branch.
from Come join a fun group of that you would like to work on with well as to some of history’s greatest
us, bring it or start something new!
Paty Jewett, Realtor other library enthusiasts who
10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101 host book sales and volunteer
at various programs in sup-
Elyria, Ohio 44035 port of your beloved branch. Story Stop Holocaust Remembrance:
C: 440.759.6262 Lorain Public Library Thursdays, 6:30 to 7 p.m. Acts of Resistance
System Branches: Avon Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27
Branch - 37485 Harvest Dr, Caregivers with children of all ages Tuesday, Jan. 25
(440) 934-4743; Columbia are invited for stories, activities and 6:30 p.m.
Branch - 13824 W. River Rd., play. Join us for an overview of the history
(440) 236-8751; North Rid- of the Holocaust including the
geville Branch - 35700 Bain- various ways Jewish and non‑Jewish
bridge Rd., (440) 327-8326. Tabletop Games Club people resisted the Nazi ideology.
Patrons can register for Tuesdays, Jan. 11, 25
6757 Center Rd events at LorainPublicLi- 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Valley City listed as “Hybrid” can be at- Join us for a fun evening of card
330-483-1190 tended in person or virtually. games and board games.
Preregistration is required for both options.
Sat, Jan 8, 7:30pm Taco Tuesday
3 for $7.50 Baby it’s cold outside!
Lego Legros Pick from our Taco Menu Here are some no-cost ways your library
Hard & Soft Shells
Sat, Jan 15, 7:30pm Wednesday can help you stay entertained indoors:
with... PASTA NIGHT & Happy • Read a book, or download an • Take up a new hobby – click on the
Furious 1/2 PRICE BOTTLES audiobook or magazine from Hobbies & Craft Reference Center
George OF WINE our eLibrary in our eLibrary
Thursday • Check out a movie on DVD • Finally make those repairs you’ve
LUNCH SPECIALS BURGER NIGHT New or stream movies from our been putting off! Visit the Home
EVERYDAY! 1/2 lb. Certified eLibrary Improvement Reference Center in
HAPPY HOUR Angus Burger - $8 Year • For the kiddos, we have or eLibrary
Tues - Fri 3-7pm EVERY Launchpads, Readalongs, • Research your family tree. Start
by visiting the Genealogy page of
Legos and Duplo blocks
$1 OFF Drafts Saturday available for loan
(excluding Guinness) Prime Rib &
$3 House Liquor Steak Delmonico Night
$2 Domestics Willie’s Garage
BRUNCH EVERY Live Music & Events 24393 Sprague Rd.,
SUNDAY 1/21 Jay Wonkovich Please note preregistration is required for all programs except where noted.
9AM - 2PM 1/22 Katy & OC Columbia Station
December 3rd only
Scratch Kitchen 1/29 Custy & McNamara Visit the online calendar for the most current information
courtesty of Exec. Chef 2/5 Guy Snowdon 440-235-1655
Edward West Hybrid program. Registrants can attend virtually or in person.
Hours: Tues- Sat: 11:00am - 10:00pm,
Sun: 9:00am - 8:00pm
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD January 3, 2022
The Rural-Urban Record Winter Crisis Program underway
Published Bi-Weekly on Monday Winter heating assistance for residents who are without heat
or threatened with disconnection is now available.
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter Winter Crisis applicants must be living at or below 175% of
Founders 1955 the federal poverty line or have a COVID-19 diagnosis. Crisis
appointments can be scheduled at
pointments for the following reasons:
Lee Boise, Publisher & President •Heat has been disconnected;
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 •A disconnection notice has been received;
Mailing Address: •You need to establish new service;
•You need to pay to transfer service;
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 •Bulk fuel users have less than a 10-day supply of wood,
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station coal, pellets, propane or oil;
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 •A member of the household has had COVID-19 in the last
Email: [email protected] 12 months.
These emergency situations qualify for an appointment with
Website: LCCAA staff, which will be conducted over the phone. Make
DEADLINE: an appointment by visiting
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm ments.
Those with a pending disconnection notice must provide
OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment’ an account number during appointment scheduling to place a
Out of Area Subscriptions - $40/year hold on the disconnection. The appointment must be at least 48
hours before the scheduled disconnection. Missing or resched-
uling the appointment may result in disconnection.
In person services are being offered for seniors only in part-
nership with the Lorain County Office on Aging. An LCCAA
Swiss Steak Dinner Energy Services employee is stationed at the LCOA office in NORTH
Elyria from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Those EATON
“Answering God’s Call to Grow”
“Answering God’s Call to Grow”
Pittsfield Community Church (corner of St. Rts. 58 and 60 and over who are not comfortable making an online appoint- 105 West Main St, LaGrange CHRISTIAN
303), will have a Swiss Steak Dinner on Saturday, January 8, ment may walk in during those hours. 440-355-4561 CHURCH
with serving time from 5-7 p.m. All dinners are $12 each. Car- Secure drop boxes are available at both the LCOA office Disciples of Christ
ry-outs also available. All are welcome. at 320 Gateway Blvd. North, in Elyria, and at LCCAA at 936 Services at 10am in the Family Life Center Rt. 82 & 83
Broadway Ave., in Lorain for required documents.
Required documentation includes: 440-748-2230
Gentle Woman Fellowship canceled age or older for the last 30 days; Church of Christ Worship with us
•Income information for all household members 18 years of
•Any member reporting “no income” must complete a no in person 9:00 am
Gentle Woman Fellowship is an Inter-Parish Group that income form; Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am Online
meets on First Fridays at Saint Clarence Parish Center, lo- •Social Security numbers for all household members; Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
cated at 30106 Lorain Road, in North Olmsted. Due to ris- •Proof of citizenship for all household members; Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm Sunday at 10 am
ing Covid concerns, they will not be meeting this month. If •Most recent electric and gas bills; 211 Forest St., LaGrange
you have any questions, contact Mary at (440) 235-6258. Coronavirus stimulus checks do NOT count as income for 440-355-6872 online worship details on fb
Have a very Blessed New Year! this program. Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) no Rev. David Chafin
longer counts as income for this program. For a complete list of Pastor
GriefShare countable income, please visit our website. Hosanna Lutheran Church Polly Tallos
Maximum benefits for Winter Crisis are:
Columbia Station
You don’t need to go through your grieving process alone! •$175 for regulated gas and electric utilities 13485 West River Rd. Ministry Assistant
•$750 for unregulated gas and electric utilities
GriefShare is a faith-based support group for those who have •$900 for bulk fuel, propane, heating oil or kerosene Family Worship 9:30 a.m.
lost a loved one and are looking for answers as you sort through •$550 for coal or wood COLUMBIA
your grief. They offer support, comfort and guidance through The program can also fund up to $500 in heating unit repairs [email protected]
shared experiences and they encourage you to join them! Bring or replacements. BAPTIST CHURCH
a friend if you would like. If you do not have a disconnect notice, but need help paying “Loving God; Loving Others”
For more information, or to register, visit www.griefshare. your bill, you may be eligible for the Home Energy Assistance American Baptist Church
org or call the church at (440) 236-8282. The meetings are at Program. Applications for that program are taken at energy- GRAFTON UNITED 25514 Royalton Road
Christ Church, located at 1420 S. Abbe Rd., in Elyria. The No appointment is needed. METHODIST CHURCH 440-236-8206
meetings are on Mondays, from 7-8:30 p.m., January 17-April If you have questions about an existing application, you can 973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034 9:15 a.m.
11, 2022. also call (440) 245-1870, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 10:00am Worship Sunday School
for all ages
Musical talent needed 5 p.m. to speak with a representative. The lobby reception win- “Putting God’s Word to Work” 10:30 a.m.
dow at 936 Broadway Ave., in Lorain, is open for one visitor at
Pastor Bob Spaulding
a time. Masks are required. Family Worship
Stairlift Access
No documents are accepted at the window. A weather-tight,
Looking for the right New Year’s resolution? How about secure document drop box is stationed at the agency’s rear lob- Rev. Phil Betts
sharing your musical talent with Elyria St. Mary Choir or the by entrance. The box is checked hourly. Documents can also be Your are always welcome at
Spirit Gang? They can always use your voices, and those who faxed to 440-457-0337. Christian Unity Church
play an instrument can see if they can fit in the Spirit Gang. The program runs through March 31, 2021. 36353 Capel Road
Grafton, Ohio
For more information, please leave a message at our Parish Of- Pastor Neal Brock
fice at (440) 323-5530 for Mike Moore, Choir Director, or Bob
Steinmetz, Director of the Spirit Gang. Red Cross: Donate blood now Sunday Worship Service - 11am
Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 7pm
As holiday celebrations continue, concern is rising for the
nation’s blood supply, which has now dipped to concerning lev-
els and could force hospitals to hold off on essential blood and Lakeview Free Will
platelet transfusions for patients. Baptist Church
Historically low blood supply levels not seen in more than
a decade persist for the American Red Cross, which supplies 12025 Durkee Rd., Grafton
about 40% of the nation’s blood. The ongoing decline comes Sunday School 10 AM,
at a time of year when donations typically fall. Holiday get-to- Worship Service 11 AM.
gethers, school breaks and winter weather often lead to lower Everyone welcome
donor turnout, potentially further compounding the situation.
Potential donors are urged to schedule an appointment now
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting RedCross-
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955 or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Our Lady Queen of Peace Those who come to give blood, platelets or plasma in Janu-
ary will automatically be entered for a chance to win a getaway Catholic Church
to Super Bowl LVI in Los Angeles. As an extra thank-you from
the Red Cross, those who come to donate in January will also
be automatically entered to win a home theater package and a Weekend Masses WeekdayMasses
FUNERAL HOME $500 e-gift card. Terms apply; visit (Church) (Church)
2089 Columbia Road Bowl for more information. Sat. 4:30 p.m. Mon, Tues, Thurs,
Valley City, OH 44280 Cremation • Monuments Each Red Cross blood drive and donation center follows the Sun. 8:30 Fri. 9 a.m.
330-483-3300 Pre-paid Funerals highest standards of safety and infection control, and additional & 11 a.m. Wed. 6:30 p.m.
“Understanding When precautions (including face masks for donors and staff, regard-
Needed Most” 1021 Main St., Grafton less of vaccination status) have been implemented to help pro- 440-926-2048 tect the health of all those in attendance. Donors are asked to ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~
Pre-Need Planning Available schedule an appointment prior to arriving at the drive.
Donors can also save up to 15 minutes at the blood drive by
completing a RapidPass®. With RapidPass®, donors complete
Laubenthal -Mercado the pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire on- Advertise your church or funeral home
line, on the day of donation, from a mobile device or comput-
LM App. special rates for this page only.
er. To complete a RapidPass®, follow the instructions at Red-
on The Rural-Urban Record’s
FUNERAL HOME or use the Red Cross Blood Donor
Church Page
Now offering On-site
Cremation Services
To donate blood, individuals need to bring a blood donor
card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification
Call us for information on our
Funeral Home is also
that are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of
Handicap Accessible
age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by
Serving Families for over 50 years
state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good
(special conditions apply)
Call us at
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
and other donors 18 years of age and younger also must meet
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students 440-236-8982
certain height and weight requirements.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022 Page 5
Professional Profile
We Want Your Stinkin’ Business
• Aeration & Septic Tanks Installed,
Pumped & Repaired
• System Design
• Certified In B-K Filters
• Grease Traps Pumped
• Certified Service And Repair Center For New
And Rebuilt Aeration Motors
• We Offer Annual NPDES Off Lot Lab Testing
Call Us For All Your
Septic Needs
Call Today for Remodeling Projects BURNETT’S
Customized to Meet Your Needs. SEPTIC SERVICES
“Caring for You and about You”
Check out our
INSURED New Weekly
“We Want Your
Stinkin’ Business”
440-355-5526 REPAIRED 120 Commerce Dr. 35053 E. Royalton Rd, Grafton Hrs: Mon-Fri 10-8; Sat 9-6;
800-511-3419 LaGrange, Ohio 44050 Rt. 82 & Island Rd. Sun 10-4 (Pharmacy Closed)
FAX 440-355-6170 440-748-2137 | Fax 440-748-3901
Michael Hignett, Realtor
C: 440.506.0414
Certified Graduate O: 440.366.0099
Remodeler (CGR) F: 440.366.6350 Products
Certified Aging in Place E: [email protected] Jennifer, Scot & • Rings • Necklaces • Watches • Clocks
Specialist (CAPS) Landon Kuhns Services
Buying Gold • Jewelry • Watch Repair
954 Main Street, Grafton, OH 44044
(440) 365-0015 10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101 Elyria, Ohio 44035 440-926-0500 |
Tues-Fri: 12 - 5pm; Sat: 10-1pm; Closed Sun & Mon
AD!! Call 440-236-8982 for more info.
Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022
Wellington News
[email protected]
“High Tea” fund-raiser Medina County Park District the class may be outdoors, so
dress appropriately. A writing
The Southern Lorain County Historical Society is host- January Monthly Maker: views, fresh air, the sounds assignment will be given af-
ing a “High Tea” fundraiser on Sunday, March 20, at 1 p.m. Cardinals - Oenslager Nature and smells of nature and ter each class, and students
at the Wellington Eagles, located at 631 S. Main St., in Wel- Center. Do you like to build it’s good for you, too. This will be expected to share
lington. Guest speaker Ann Channon will discuss adding color, or create things by yourself healthy hike will take place what they wrote at the follow-
ing month’s class. Class will
fragrance and the benefit to the environment in your summer or with your family? Take on a different trail each month
landscape with flowering trees, shrubs, perennials and contain- the opportunity this winter and will be between 3-5 miles be cancelled if any school
er gardens. There will be raffles and door prizes to benefit the to get creative and showcase in length. Please dress for district in Medina County
is closed due to inclement
preservation of an Archibald Willard Mural. Mail checks and your artistic endeavors along the weather, wear appropri- weather. Ages 8-12. Register
make out to: Spirit of ‘76 Museum, P.O. Box 76, Wellington, the trail at Oenslager Nature ate footwear and bring along
OH 44090, before March 1, or call Barb for tickets at (440) Center. Each month will have a bottle of water. Ages 10 to by January 11. Free.
K-9 Kapers - Allardale
647-4367 or purchase at Bread & Brew in Wellington. a different theme, and every adult. No registration is re- West Parking Lot, Saturday, Grafton
Herrick Memorial Library registered household will be quired. Free. January 15, from 10-11 a.m. 440-926-3312
Natural Discoveries -
provided an outdoor space to
Provides dog owners with
display what it makes. With Princess Ledges Nature Pre- an opportunity to socialize
Read with Putter - Putter, our friendly therapy dog, visits so little color in nature at serve, Wednesday, January their pets with other dogs.
the Herrick Memorial Library from 3:15-4:30 p.m. each Thurs- this time of year, the bright 12, from 10-11 a.m. Join us These alternative hikes will Wellington
day to listen to your child read. This is a wonderful way for red of our state bird stands for an easy walk to observe interest both the dog and its
children to practice their reading skills as Putter listens to the out. Make a cardinal, big or the unfolding of nature all owner while offering exer- 440-647-6010
stories. Please call the library at (440) 647-2120 to sign up your small, red or not, out of any year long in the parks. Natu- cise and fun. All dogs must
child for a 15-minute time slot to read to Putter. material as long as it is able ral Discoveries is an award- have an accompanying adult
Road Closure to withstand being outdoors based series of free nature and 8-foot leash (non-re-
for at least two weeks. Each
programs designed for ages
tractable). Participants must
Lorain County Engineer Ken Carney announces the closure registrant will be limited 7 to adult. Themed hikes maintain control of their dogs
are held on Sundays, and
to a five-foot by five-foot
of Middle Ridge Road, between Oberlin Road and West Ridge space in which to display hikes that explore seasonal at all times. We recommend
bringing a towel for muddy
Road, as part of the construction of the Middle Ridge Road his/her artwork. Setup will happenings are offered on
sewer extension project. This portion of the project consists of occur between January 12- Wednesdays. No registration feet and a water bowl. All
installing sanitary sewers along Middle Ridge Road. The work 16. Registered individuals/ is required. Free. Please visit ages are welcome. No regis-
is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. on Monday, January 3, and is households will be contacted the park district’s website for tration is required. Free.
expected to be completed by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 25, with further details regarding a brochure listing complete
weather permitting. Detour signs will be posted. Your coopera- setup. Cardinals will be on hike details and dates. SEE MEDINA PARKS ON
tion during construction is greatly appreciated. public display through Jan- Creative Writing for Ho- PAGE 13
uary 30. Oenslager Nature meschoolers - Oenslager
Center has limited hours. The Nature Center, Thursday,
Happy New Year gate, grounds and building January 13, from 2-3:15 p.m. Happy New Year!
Nature will serve as the in-
from are open from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. spiration for homeschoolers
Tuesday-Saturday and 12-5
Tawnee Mancuso, Realtor p.m. Sunday (closed Mon- who want to improve their from
10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101 day). Register by January 7. writing skills. We’ll imitate Bev Ross, Realtor
Elyria, Ohio 44035 Free. the styles of skilled authors C: 216.906.4547
A Healthy Dose of Na-
C: 440.897.5770 ture: Hiking Series - Satur- and use patterns to write po- 10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101
etry. The classes are offered
day, January 8, River Styx individually, but build upon Elyria, Ohio 44035
Park, from 9-11 a.m. Hiking one another to develop skills.
outdoors in Medina County Students will need a pencil,
Park District has plenty of journal and thesaurus. Part of
perks! There are beautiful
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022 Page 7
olmsted falls valley city GRafton
25438 Sprague Rd. Furniture & Home Decor Grafton Sparkle Market
440-235-4317 280 Columbia Rd. | TH, SAT, SUN 10-4 460 N. Main St. | 440-926-3328
wellington columbia 1007 Parsons Rd. | 440-926-2880
Wellington 121-123 E. Herrick Ave
AUTO PARTS 440-647-4965 Century Landscaping LLC
M-F 8-5:30pm, Sat 8-4pm 9858 E. River Rd. 11749 Avon Belden Rd | 440-343-7003
440-235-2766 Complete Landscaping Services
Beriswill Insurance
173 Depot St. | 440-647-6010 Protech Automotive & Cycle LLC Sanitary Septic Tank Cleaning 788 Main St. | 440-926-3499
440-322-0927 | 440-236-9200 | 330-725-3175 Serving Grafton for 30 years
LAGRANGE with this Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain
$10 Off
Reasonable Rates
ad Prompt Reliable Service 905 Main St. | 440-865-3565
Senior Discounts
Burnett’s Septic
Services Frank Clarke Insurance Agency 1021 Main St.
25070 Royalton Rd. | 440-236-5041
120 W Commerce Dr,
440-355-5526 The Rural-Urban Record Beriswill Insurance
35581 Grafton Eastern Rd.
P.O. Box 966 | 440-236-8982 440-926-3312
540 N. Center St.
440-355-8920 Grafton, OH ELYRIA 440-653-3617
eaton Laubenthal-Mercado Funeral Home Our Little World Alpacas LLC
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd.
440-322-4626 | 16800 Cowley Rd. | 440-724-7070
Schild’s IGA Unique Alpaca Clothing and Gifts
RT 82 & Island Rd. | 440-748-3751 Dempsey Appliance 433 Oberlin Rd. | 440-322-8170
With over 64 yrs of experience!
Make a big Impact & support local
Ground Beef
$2.99 lb
Aged Black Angus Beef,
No Fillers, No Water!
AGED BEEF 440-775-FARM (3276)
Fresh Meat Counter & Custom Processing 15788 State Route 58
Oberlin, OH 44074
HOURS: Monday-Friday: 8AM-6PM 1/2 mi past JVS south on 58
Saturday: 8AM-4PM • Sunday: CLOSED
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022
Carlisle / Eaton Twp. News
[email protected]
Stammitti installed as President of Carlisle Bicentennial Commitee er to support their local outreach ministries. They will place
a Steelers sign in the front yard of the church parsonage for
Buckeye State Sheriff’s Association seeks collection displays every $10 donated to North Eaton Christian Church Outreach.
If you see there are too many Browns signs in the yard, for a $5
itive changes in the criminal The Carlisle Township Bicentennial Committee is accepting donation we will switch out a Browns’ sign for a Steeler sign.
If you would like to participate in a little fun at the Pas-
justice system in our state. applications from local residents who would be interested in tor’s expense and for the community’s benefit, go to our Face-
The BSSA also provides displaying their historic or antique collection at the township’s book Event Page at and search
Sheriffs’ Offices with afford- Bicentennial Celebration. This history based event will be held for Pound the Pastor, or send a check to North Eaton Christian
able training programs. at the Carlisle Township Hall, at 11969 LaGrange Road (St. Rt. Church, 35895 Royalton Rd, Grafton, OH 44044. Indicate on
The executive board is
voted on by all 88 Sheriffs 301), on September 6-8, from 5-8 p.m. and Sunday, Septem- the check which team you are voting for.
ber 11, from 12-5 p.m. Collections could include photographs,
If you have any questions about our Pound the Pastor fund-
throughout the State of Ohio. fossils from the township, arrowheads, postcards, family heir- raiser, or any of our local outreach programs, please call the
The following officers will looms, antique appliances or household goods, etc. Interested church office at (440) 748-2230.
serve for 2022: parties should contact the committee by email at jsmith4ctt@
President - Sheriff Phil
R. Stammitti, Lorain County and include the name, contact information (address,
phone number) and product information by March 1, 2022.
Sheriff; 1st Vice President - Any questions concerning the event should be directed to the Happy New Year!
Sheriff Jamie Patton, Union committee at the same email address.
County Sheriff; 2nd Vice from
President - Sheriff George T. Carlsle Bicentennial Committee Denny Krasienko, Realtor
Sheriff Phil R. Stammitti Maier, Stark County Sheriff; C: 440-221-3555
3rd Vice President - Sher- seeks resident vendors
Sheriff Phil R. Stammitti iff Jason Landers, Paulding
is humbled and proud to an- County Sheriff; Treasurer - The Carlisle Township Bicentennial Committee is accept- 10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101
nounce that he was installed Sheriff Thomas Riggenbach, ing applications from township residents who are interested Elyria, Ohio 44035
on November 16, 2021 as Van Wert County Sheriff; in operating their own display booth/tent at next year’s Bicen-
the President of the Buckeye Executive Secretary - Sher- tennial Celebration. The family-friendly event will be held on
State Sheriff’s Association iff John L. Hinton, Morrow Saturday, September 10, at the First Baptist Church, located at
for 2022. Sheriff Stammitti is County Sheriff; and Director 11400 LaGrange Road, in Elyria, from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Display
the first Sheriff from Lorain At Large - Sheriff Keith Ever- items for sale may include, but not limited to, baked goods,
County to be elected Presi- hart, Hardin County Sheriff. hand-made crafts, art work, cosmetics, produce and other un- One Stop Shopping In Quality!
dent. Please visit the Buckeye specified appropriate items. Space fee is $25 per site and spaces HOURS: Closed Sun. & Mon.
The Buckeye State Sher- State Sheriffs’ Association Tue.-Wed. 1-5; Thur.-Sat. 10-5
iff’s Association was founded website at www.buckeye- are limited. Applicants will be selected at the discretion of the
committee. Interested parties should contact the committee for
in 1931. Through the Buck- for further infor- applications by email at [email protected] and include the KET SALE!!
eye State Sheriff’s Associa- mation. name, contact information (address, phone number) and prod- $ Don’t miss out on the savings! $
tion, the 88 Sheriffs of Ohio Phil R. Stammitti, Lorain uct information by March 1, 2022. Any questions concerning Clearance Sale on all socks, gloves,
are given a forum to address County Sheriff the event should be directed to the committee at the same email safety wear, rubber boots,
lawmakers and push for pos- address. work boots and shoes. $ 00
Beat the price increase!! Buy Now!!
Pound the Pastor Mats & Runners now available while supplies last. 60 & up
Are you a Steelers fan? Want to support your team but not Don’t forget the Resale Shop!!
draw too much attention to yourself in the heart of Browns’
Country, all while supportng the local outreach ministries of
North Eaton Christian Church? Safety Jackets, Vests,
North Eaton Christian Church will be holding a fund-rais- T-Shirts, Rainsuits Class 2 & 3
DEAK January 29, 2022
Keep in touch with your community M.D.
Paid for by The Lorain County Commissioners
and LCSWMD 10247 Dewhurst
Elyria 9am - 3pm
at the Carlisle Visitor Center
12882 Diagonal Rd, LaGrange, OH
Lorain County’s
Largest Indoor Sale!
We wish you the best in Wishing you a Donations of items will be taken at
Happy &
the New Year! Carlisle Visitor Center on:
Healthy Jan 23: from 1 - 4pm, Jan 24: from 1 - 7pm
Schild’s IGA New Year! & Jan 27: from 4 - 7pm
RT 82 & Island Rd, North Eaton Laubenthal -
440-748-3751 Mercado Please note: NO CLOTHES, SHOES, ELECTRONICS, LARGE
Light snacks available for purchase,
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd.,
Elyria Proceeds benefit Friends of Metro Parks in Lorain County
440-323-1929 CASH ONLY
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022 Page 9
CBD Products Sold Here
See store for more information
34981 ROYALTON ROAD, NORTH EATON Please call 440-748-3751 For Advanced Special Orders
Credit Cards
Beer or Wine Samplings! PRICES EFFECTIVE - JANUARY 2022
See store for details. MON TUES WEDS THUR FRI SAT SUN 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Senior Citizen's Day Seniors 62 Years of Age and Older
Enjoy a 5% Discount
Every Wednesday! (Excludes Alcohol, Tobacco, and Lotto)
Per lb.
$ 8 99
Sanderson Farms $ 99 Angus Select $ 99 Angus Select $ 99
Boneless Skinless 1 Boneless Beef 4 Boneless Strip Steak 7
Chicken Breast lb. Chuck Roast lb. Value Pack lb.
26-27.5 oz.
12 oz. $ 99 On Cor $ 99 8X8 $ 99
Butterball 2 Breaded Bagged 3 Honey Creme Cakes 4
Fruit Topped
Turkey Bacon Chicken
Our Own
Walnut Creek Homemade Yellow
Marble Cheese Pasta Salad Onions
Per lb. Per lb. 3 lb. Bag
$ 4 99 $ 4 99 $ 99
$ 99 “Sliced The Way You Like!” $ 99 5 lb. Bag $ 88
IGA 3 Butterball 6 Genuine 1
Baked Ham lb. Turkey Breast lb. Idaho Potatoes
Sweet Juicy Broccoli Special K
Red Raspberries Crowns Cereal
6 oz. Per lb. Select Varieties
11.6-13 oz.
$ 99 $ 79 $ 3 39
12 oz. Bag 2/$ $ 49 Single Roll ¢
Dole 3 Roma Tomatoes 1 IGA 79
Red Ripe
Garden Salad lb. Paper Towels
Mister Bee IGA Doritos
Potato Chips Ketchup Tortilla Chips
5 oz. 38 oz. 9.25 oz.
10/$ 10 $ 19 2/$ 6
Canned Tomatoes 89 ¢ 12 Pack 12 oz. Cans 2/$ 9 48 oz. $ 99
14.5 oz.
Ice Cream
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022
Grafton/Grafton Twp. News
[email protected]
Jody & Jasper seek loving home Grafton-Midview Library Happy Happy
The Grafton-Midview AARP Tax Aide Regis- New Year! New Year
Public Library is located at tration - begins Thursday,
983 Main Street, in Grafton. January 13. Patrons can make To all our loyal
Please contact the library appointments for AARP Tax- Customers & Friends.
if you have any questions Aide assistance by phone From all of us to all of
regarding any of these pro- only. No online registration. you, thank you for your
grams at (440) 926-3317 or The Tax-Aide program ap- support and patronage. 983 Main St.,
visit our website at pointments will take place Grafton on Fridays from February 440-926-3317
Homeschool Series - 4 through April 8, 2022, at Grafton
Monday, January 10, at 1 Grafton-Midview Public Li- Mower Service
p.m. Welcome back our pop- brary. You MUST have a
ular Homeschool Series. This pre-booked appointment to 1007 Parsons Rd.
program is geared toward participate in this program. Grafton
families with school-aged Chair Yoga with The Hive 440-926-2880
children in grades K-5. Care- - Thursday, January 13, at 10
giver participation is expect- a.m. Join Melissa Platten of
ed. When registering, please The Hive for an interactive
Jody & Jasper include each child as supplies 45-minute session of chair
Jody & Jasper are a pair of 7-month old bonded kittens. are limited. Registration is re- yoga, breathing exercises and
Jody is a gray Tabby and Jasper is an orange Tabby. They were quired. silent meditation. While you
born on May 30. They are spayed and neutered and have been Techbytes: Ins and outs use the entire body to the best
vaccinated. They were born outdoors to a feral mom and were of Using eBooks and More! of your ability in class, you’ll
rescued to be socialized and to live indoors. They have been to- - Monday, January 10, at 7 either be seated in the chair,
gether since birth and are a bonded pair that needs to be adopt- p.m. Come and find out how standing near the chair and/or
ed together! They are slowly adjusting to people, playing and to get the latest ebooks and creatively using the chair or
learning to be social, but will need an owner who will be patient more for free using the li- wall for support. No experi-
and let them adjust on their own terms and their own schedule. brary’s Overdrive app. Join ence necessary! Registration
They are both litter box trained and are great with other cats. Kim, of the library’s Informa- required.
Dogs should not be a problem after a proper introduction. They tion Department, as she goes Dark & Twisty Book
will be adopted as indoor pets only and no declawing. If you through the basics of how to Club - Thursday, January
would like to meet them, call Carolina with Hartman’s Hounds download digital books, au- 13, at 6:30 p.m. If you like
at (440) 320-7129. diobooks, magazines and vid- things that go bump in the
eos using Overdrive on your night, please join us monthly
tablet or phone. No registra- for a lively discussion! We
tion is required, just drop in! will meet in the Communi-
Happy New Year Tuesday, January 11, at 4:30 ty Room at the library. This
Nalu the Therapy Dog -
month’s selection is We Keep
from p.m. Come chill or read with the Dead Close: A Murder At
Jim Wirscham, Realtor certified pet therapy dog Nalu Harvard and a Half Century
10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101 in the youth services depart- of Silence, by Becky Coo-
Elyria, Ohio 44035 ment. He visits many places per. Copies of the book are
C: 440.567.4144 but hanging at the library is available approximately one Minnillo & Marshall
month before the meeting.
his favorite activity. Nalu
is registered through Pet Light refreshments served. General Dentists
Partners with his caregiver
Heather. Every second Tues- 420 N. Main St., Grafton
day of the month, Nalu can
be found in the department Emergencies
between 4-5.
Inspired Readers -
Start 2022 with a Wednesday, January 12, at Welcomed!
12 p.m. Join facilitator Peg-
NEW SMILE! gy Wyar for a lively discus- Same-day Denture
Comprehensive dental care for sion of a different inspiring Repairs Available
book each month. Feel free
the whole family! to bring your lunch. The ti- “We Cater to Cowards”
Now open 5 days a week & select Saturdays tle for January’s meeting is Happy SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE
Fifteen Minutes, by Karen
Emergencies Welcome! Kingsbury. Copies of the title New Year! 440-926-3441
Schedule your are available in the library in
advance of the meeting, while
appointment Today! supplies last. NOW HIRING
Anime & Manga Society
440.406.8181 - Wednesday, January 12, at ValueTime
10247 Dewhurst Rd., Elyria 3:30 p.m. Join the Anime and General Plug & Manufacturing Manga Society to watch and Painting & Home
discuss Anime, draw Man- Improvements COLD FORM OPERATORS
ATTENTION! ga and have a light Japanese 440-444-5075
style snack and drinks. This
program is for teens ages 12-
Eaton, Grafton & Wellington Residents 18 or in grades 7-12. Regis- • Secondary Operators
tration is required. • Acme Screw Machine
G.L.W. • Operators/Trainees
Broadband, Inc. SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM • Davenport Operator/Trainee
• Swiss Machine Operators
Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
993 Commerce Dr. • Grafton • 440-926-3230 programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton • Packaging
Digital Cable • High Speed Internet The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels Willing to train
Ask about our Phone Service! drivers. To become a driver, contact EMILY @ 353-0829.
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE. 1st and 2nd shift opportunities
System Upgrades 1/4 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being Full-time and part-time
Now Complete instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit positions available
in Most Areas... and juice for participants.
Call for Details! 1/6 at 2:00 pm Sign up for Senior
Dinner to be held 1/13/2022 at
5:30pm. Two names per phone call only.
1/11 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit
and juice for participants.
1/13 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for those that signed
200Mbps & More NOW AVAILABLE! MADE BEFORE NOON. or in person Mon.- Fri. • 8 am - 4 pm
• If you have questions on these programs, please contact
Call for details & Sign up! the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341. 132 Artino Street, Oberlin
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
Specials available in specfic areas. occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen 440-926-2411
Manager for additional information.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022 Page 11
We’re Your Locally Owned
Main Street Market
GRAFTON SPARKLE MARKET Proudly Operated by Your
Neighbors & Friends.
Since 1946 – a 76 Year Tradition We accept:
460 N. Main St., Grafton, OH 44044 “ We Are NOT affiliated with the
(440) 926-3566 • Youngstown Sparkle Group”.
24 oz. 52 oz.
USDA Inspected Fresh Selected Varieties 15-pack, 10 oz. btls. Selected Varieties
Boneless $ 99 Hunt’s ¢ Morning 3/$ Florida's Natural $ 99
Skinless Pasta 89 Fresh Farms 5 Grapefruit Juice 2
Orange or
Chicken Breasts 1 lb. Sauce Spring Water
fresh dairy & Frozen Foods
24 oz.
Selected Varieties
Smith's $ 99
Cottage 2
7.5 to 15 oz.
Canned or Micro-Cups 8.5 to 9.5 oz. 6.5 to 10 oz.
4 lb. Selected Varieties Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 5.3 oz.
Food Club Chef Utz Fritos Corn Snacks Selected Varieties
Granulated Boyardee Potato or Cheetos Cheese Greek 89 ¢
Sugar Pasta Chips Flavored Snacks Yogurt
2/$ 4 5/$ 5 2/$ 5 2/$ 7
4.5 to 8.5 oz.
Selected Varieties 5/$ 5
Fresh from our butcher shop Fresh Deli & Bakery Selections Michelina’s
USDA Choice
Certified Angus Beef Chuck
Boneless Sliced fresh in our deli!
Original or Honey
Chuck Kretschmar 7 oz. 5/$ 5
Selected Varieties
$ 99 Off the Bone Banquet
Pot Pies
$ 99 garden fresh produce
USDA Choice lb.
Certified Angus Beef Loin Sold in tote bags!
T-Bone Eastern Grown
$ 99 Sliced fresh in our deli! Gala Apples
Selected Varieties
Cheese 99lb.
USDA Inspected Pork Loin 9 to 11 oz.
Boneless $ 79 Fresh Express
Center Cut 5 American or
Pork Chops lb. Italian Blend
Salad Mix
$ 49 2/$ 4
8 count
14 oz. j. skinner
Selected Varieties
Eckrich Skinless Cinnamon Cravers Golden ripe! Sweet!
Smoked Sausage Rolls CantaGold
or Polish Kielbasa Cantaloupes
2/$ 6 $ 69 $ 99
savings around every corner!
10.75 oz. cans
Campbell’s 14.5 to 15.25 oz. Cut Green Beans,
15 oz.
4-Pack Tomato or Selected Varieties Whole Kernel Corn or
Cream Style Corn
Chicken Noodle Luck’s Food Club
Soup Beans Vegetables
$ 99 5/$ 3 3/$ 2
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022
LaGrange News
[email protected]
Keystone Hot Stove ed a semi-annual invoice prepared for LaGrange Township’s a Zoning Secretary replacement and thanked Trustee Johnson
share of two previous OPWC Webster Rd. projects and com-
for advertising and organizing the process to fill this vacan-
Keystone Hot Stove will hold its 2022 sign-ups on Satur- munication from LCOOA Director Lauren Ksiazek stating that cy. Flynn reported that he and Trustee Johnson will meet with
days, January 29 and February 5, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The LC Community Development funding for the meals on wheels Cannon Jackson on Wednesday to work on installation of the
program will start in February and their general fund will be
Recreation Park restroom dividers, which will fulfill his com-
sign-ups will be held at LaGrange Village Hall (the old Key- able to support the program until then. She thanked the Trustees munity service requirement.
stone High School), 301 Liberty Street, in LaGrange. Registra- for their support of the program in the past when their funding Trustee Johnson reported that he met with Ken Koubek to
tion forms can be found on the Keystone Hot Stove website and was very uncertain. Fiscal Officer Denes asked for approval further discuss the town hall security and camera upgrades.
will also be available to fill out at sign ups. A birth certificate to add fund #9004 to record Fire Loss Claim funds; a motion Koubek is preparing a list of required equipment and it’s cost
needs to be submitted with the registration form. Keystone Hot passed to add this fund. Denes presented the Trustees with a for Trustee approval.
Stove asks that the baseball and softball players come to sign rough draft of the 2022 Township organization meeting agenda Chairman Conrad reported that he fielded a call from Missy
ups for uniform sizing. and asked for their input on additions or corrections. This meet- Simmons regarding a memorial bench for Keith Kaiser to be
Brush Pickup ing will be held on December 29. Denes reminded all that we placed at the Recreation Park, as well as renaming the Recre-
need to start working on the spring newsletter soon as it will be
ation Park after him. Conrad questioned the process and cost
mailed out in early April. Denes ordered a file cabinet for the for procuring a bench. Fiscal Officer Denes was asked to help
The Township Road Department provides brush pickup on fiscal office from Schlabach Furniture at a cost of $559. The coordinate this project.
the second and fourth Monday of each month. Please call 355- lead time for the cabinet is 9 months. Denes returned the signed With no additional business to discuss, the meeting was ad-
5141 to have your address put on the list. For a complete guide, proposal acceptance to Crest Fence and prepared a Purchase journed at 7:58 p.m.
see our Brush Chipping Policy at www.lagrangetownshipohio. order for same. Denes asked if Bill Albrecht or Bob Storms
net; click on “Road Department” at the top of the page to go to could cut off the broken fence post at ground level as it may Metro Park Friends fund-raiser
our Road Department informational page. be sometime before material for repair can be procured. Denes
questioned the return of the signed resolution/contract from the
Keystone School District for the use of the ball fields in 2022. Friends of Metro Parks of Lorain County will host their an-
Penfield Twp. Trustees Trustee Johnson forwarded same to the Superintendent who nual inside Garage Sale on Saturday, January 29, from 9 a.m. -
3 p.m. at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 Diagonal
will have it signed at a Board meeting and return same.
Residents Joy & Jerry Rathwell and Amy Younglas were in Road, in LaGrange.Donation drop off dates are Sunday, Janu-
attendance, but had no questions or comments. BZA ary 23 - from 1-4 p.m.; Monday, January 24, from 1-7 p.m.; and
The December 21 regular meeting of the Penfield Township Chair Jackie Johnson, Zoning Secretary Linda Albrecht and Thursday, January 27, from 4-7 p.m.
Trustees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. All officers were pres- Roadman Bill Albrecht were in attendance, but also had no Please consider donating your unwanted household items,
ent and seven guests attended the meeting. questions or comments. such as home decor, books, movies, arts and craft items, toys,
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- Zoning Inspector Brett Linden advised that he was work- games, puzzles, garden or sports items, baby items, tools, etc.
proved. A motion passed to approve Vouchers #13678-13697, ing on a barn addition permit with a resident that will carry Please, no clothing, shoes, electronics, large furniture or artifi-
Purchase Order #43-2021, the November bank reconciliation over into 2022 due to the required paperwork. He questioned cial Christmas trees can be accepted.
and monthly reports and Resolution #’21-011 - approving Per- the use of the current zoning fee schedule because of this. It This event will be cash only! No credit or debit cards, no
manent Appropriations for 2022 in the amount of $575,646. was discussed and decided that the current schedule was the checks, and there is no ATM available. Covid safety protocols
Fiscal Officer Denes read the correspondence, which includ- correct one to use. Linden fielded a call from a resident who are encouraged. Proceeds from the sale benefit Friends of Met-
has a property line dispute with an adjoining neighbor. He ad- ro parks in Lorain County.
vised that the residents seek a single line survey to determine
the correct boundaries. Linden fielded a call from the party that ATTENTION!
Happy New Year was interested in purchasing the 97-acre lot on St. Rt. 18 and
was seeking a zoning variance for their planned usage. They
from reported that the seller had declined their contingent offer for BUSINESS OWNERS
Sheri O’Conner, Realtor purchase in lieu of a cash offer. Eaton • Grafton • LaGrange • Wellington
10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101 Trustee Flynn reported that they have started interviews for
Elyria, Ohio 44035
C: 440.213.8624 G.L.W.
Broadband, Inc.
993 Commerce Dr. • Grafton • 440-926-3230
Digital Cable • High Speed Internet • Phone Service
540 N. Center St System Upgrades
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Speeds of 100MG, 200MG, 500MG and more available!
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Happy New Years from businesses with 2 - 500 phones, including voicemail and all
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Beriswill Insurance Agency Burnette Septic 2.Disaster recovery & back up service with all files backed up
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5.Support staff & network all based on Cisco Networking 440-355-5526 Equipment—the best!
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022 Page 13
Lions Club Thank You Lacy seeks loving home of free nature programs designed for ages 7 to adult. Themed
The LaGrange Lions Club recently held their annual Holiday hikes are held on Sundays, and hikes that explore seasonal hap-
Cheer event on December 19. Though the weather was cold with adoption. She came into the penings are offered on Wednesdays. No registration is required.
Please visit the park district’s website for a brochure listing
light flurries, they had a great time greeting those who came to kennel as a stray from the city complete hike details and dates.
receive food boxes and toys to help make their Christmas holiday of Elyria. She may do best as Photographers of the Parks Club Meeting - Oenslager
a little brighter. As in multiple years past, they again collaborated the only dog. She’s great with Nature Center, January 23, from 3-5 p.m. This is a great op-
with the KHS girls softball team and Coach Doug Cooper to people and very playful. Lacy portunity for nature photo enthusiasts of all skill levels to share
collect toys for the kids in need. This team does a wonderful job has a white coat with fawn knowledge with like-minded folks and gain special access to
of setting these toys up and making sure parents or grandparents colored markings and soulful programs and events related to photography. The club will em-
are able to choose the appropriate items for their children/grand- eyes. She’s currently in Ken- phasize, but not be limited to, nature photography. Please con-
children and that there is plenty from which to choose. They also nel #6 and is available at the tact club leadership at [email protected] with questions
provide the free pancake breakfast for all the registered recipi- Lorain County Dog Kennel. or for more information. Ages 16 to adult. No registration is
ents. This is a huge help to the Lions members. They are located at 301 Ha- required.
But, they could not provide all the food and toys alone. This Lacy daway Street, next to Rural
event is so successful thanks to the support and donations from Lacy is a 1-2 year old fe- King in Elyria. For kennel
some of the local businesses and many, many generous people male, mixed breed dog. Lacy hours and complete informa- Wreaths Across America Day at
inside and outside the community. They are so grateful for your weighs 50-60 lbs. Adorable tion, Google Lorain County
help. Thank you to: Dollar General, IGA, Bulldog Pub & Grille, Lacy is updated on vaccines Dog Kennel or call them at Resthaven Memory Gardens
Burnett’s Septic Service, The Child Garden Grafton, Country and will be spayed upon (440) 326-5995.
Roads Mercantile, Friendship, Mickey Mart, Subway, Village The Nathan Perry Chapter Daughters of the American Revo-
Pizza, Well Goodness Gracious, West Roofing Systems, Durham lution was pleased to bring the National Wreaths Across Amer-
Ridge HOA, Keystone Elementary & Middle Schools, La- MEDINA PARKS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 ica Day to Resthaven Memory Gardens in Avon this year. The
Grange United Methodist Church, Milton Trucking, First Bap- turnout was overwhelming. Over 200 volunteers showed up,
tist Church-LaGrange, LaGrange Church of God, Penfield Quil- Tree-mendous Trees - Susan Hambley Nature, Saturdays, which included veterans and veteran organizations, Daughters
ters, Jamie Myers and every person who sent a check or donated January 15 & 22, and Sundays, January 16 & 23, from 12-5 and their families, the Girl Scouts from Elyria, the Cub Scouts
change/cash into the coin collection boxes. They would also like p.m. Beat the winter blues by getting out of the house and of Pack #111 from North Eaton Twp., the Midview Schools
to thank Frank and Sherri Rybarcyk for their generosity in allow- learning about trees! Visit Susan Hambley Nature Center for JROTC, the Mayor of Avon, Bryan Jensen, and many, many
ing the Lions to use their big garage as the staging ground for indoor activities and to walk the nature trail to learn even more members from the community.
storing, sorting and packing all the food for Holiday Cheer. They tree facts posted along the path. All ages are welcome. No reg- Thank you to all because this couldn’t have been done with-
value your service so much. Also, thanks to Commerce Delivery istration is required. Free. out your support, especially Resthaven Memory Gardens for
for the use of their truck so they only needed to make one trip to Monthly Maker: Cardinals - Tuesday, January 18 to Sun- partnering with The Nathan Perry Chapter NSDAR for this
the Lions Club. day, January 30 at the Oenslager Nature Center. Enjoy the cre- national event. The remembrance wreath placement, for over
For those that may have been missed, thank you for your as- ative talents of your fellow park goers. Walk along the Monthly 900 veterans interned, took approximately an hour to complete.
sistance in helping us live up to our motto, “We Serve!” Maker’s trail to view cardinals made from a variety of mate-
rials by families and individuals from across the county. Get This year’s theme was to “Live Up to Their Legacy.” If you
inspired and consider making your own contribution to next would like to donate to this worthy cause of honoring veterans
month’s Maker series. All ages are welcome. No registration is interred at Resthaven Memory Gardens for next year, you may
required. Free. The gate, grounds and building are open from 9 do so directly at
a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and 12-5 p.m. Sunday (closed
Hibernation Hike - Allardale West Parking Lot, Thursday,
440-355-4616 January 20, from 10-11 a.m. or 1-2 p.m. While the shorter, Happy New Year
Keystone Pointe Offers: colder days of winter may make you want to curl up and snooze
•Large Private Rooms the season away, this is the perfect time of year to get outside from
•5 Star Rating - Medicare’s Highest and stretch your legs. So, bundle up and join us on this hike Ted Schriver, Realtor
to learn about how animals are adapted to survive this chilly,
•Secured Dementia Unit sleepy season. All ages are welcome. No registration is re- 10247 Dewhurst Rd., Suite 101
Elyria, Ohio 44035
•Post Hospital & Long-term Care quired. Free.
Natural Discoveries Hiking Series: Winter Birds - Carolyn C: 440.225.5219
Ludwig Mugrage Park, Sunday, January 23, from 3-4 p.m. Bird
watching is a great way to brighten up a winter day, and it’s a
383 Opportunity Way constant source of entertainment. We’ll learn about our resident
LaGrange, OH 44050 winter birds and birds that visit our area just for the winter.
Near the intersection of 301 & 303 Bring binoculars. Natural Discoveries is an award-based series
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022
Classified Deadlines WANTED TO BUY BUILDERS
Issue Deadline 12pm Estate Gold &
Silver Exchange W.A. SEN
Jan 17, 2022 Jan 12, 2022 INSTANT CASH
Buying Gold Jewelry, Diamonds, Construction LLC
Jan 31, 2022 Jan 26, 2022 Old Coins, Pocket Watches, The Rural-Urban Record
Anything Old 330-648-7013 Wendy Sen/Owner
Feb 14, 2022 Feb 9, 2022 Call for service hours & Proudly Serving...
private appointments Columbia Station • Grafton HOUSEHOLD SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS septic/mound/peat box
Feb 28, 2022 Feb 23, 2022 Downtown Elyria LaGrange • Wellington HOUSEHOLD CISTERN INSTALLATIONS
230 2 St. • 440-323-4258 EXCAVATION SERVICES
440-506-0334 Eaton • Carlisle • Elyria
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Lots will begin to close at 6 p.m.
Auction by the order of James Yannayon who was a J.A. Kilby Electrical
Dodge/Chrysler Mechanic for over 30 years. He specialized
in Diesel mechanics and transmission work. Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
New Work-Replacement-Repairs
This Auction includes A professional Grade Snap-on Tool box •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
and 300 lots of tools. Tool brands include a majority of BILL Since 1950
Snap-on and Matco, but also include Craftsman, •Commercial Buildings •Back up Generator Install
•HVAC Service- New Installs & Repairs
Bluepoint, and more! BAKER'SBAKER'S •Security & Camera Systems •Parking Lot Lighting
Preview will be available on Wednesday Jan. 12, 2022 from 440-327-3433 ext #3 •
9 am to 5 p.m. or you may call the auction company to State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response
schedule a preview appointment at 440-465-7166
or 440-666-2177. WE SERVICE & REPAIR
For a full listing with pictures visit us on TELEVISION REPAIRS EXCAVATING
keyword “Kriegmont” -Service All Brands-
LCD • Plasma • Big Screen
To register to bid visit us on
Washers • Dryers Chris Berkesch Excavating
Jason Kriegmont Jr. Microwaves
Kriegmont Auction Company LLC. See Our Selection of Ranges • Ovens •Underground Utilitites
Owner/Auctioneer Reconditioned Appliances Appliance Parts •Install Stone Driveways
(440) 465-7166 FOR SALE! IN HOME SERVICE ON •Drainage Issues
15 East Ave., Elyria 322-2325 •Septic System Repairs/Installs
APPLIANCES HELP WANTED Bud & Diane Casey, Owners •Sanitary Sewers & Water Lines
Good clean used appliances. Cooks (will train), at Razzles, •Waterproofing
Call Bill Bakers, 440-322-2325. Olmsted Twp. Apply in person
or call 440-251-0666 or 216- ASPHALT, CONCRETE & STONE FREE ESTIMATES! Insured & Bonded
AUTOS 299-3552. 216-870-4026
Experienced Barn work-
2006 E150 Cargo Van: 128,000 er wanted. Modern, clean,
miles, rusty, runs A1. 440-657- 8-horse stable. 2 days per J. A. KILBY ENT.
0203 week, Eaton Township. Con-
tact Lynn, 216-287-5425. •Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
3654 Avon Lake Rd
AUTOS WANTED Foreman H. Archer & Sons, Inc. Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
Equipment Operators Litchfield, Ohio •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems
Mike’s Hooker Service. We Laborers •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation
pay top dollar for all unwant- 440-236-9625 Commercial & Residential Hauling 440-327-3433
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free PALMER’S LAWN CARE
Limestone • Driveway Stone
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, Limestone • Driveway Stone • Sand
216-534-6514. HOME IMPROVEMENT
Gravel • Aglime • Excavating HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING
Sand • Gravel • Aglime
CLEANING Floor repair and install. Car-
pet, wood, laminate, vinyl, Phone: 330-722-8444
Custom cleaning. Everyone’s ceramic. Call Joe Parr,Sr. 440-
needs are different. We spe- 647-4374, cell 440-935-4778 Fax: 330-722-4531
cialize in catering to what your Toll Free: 1-888-560-3533
needs are. Call Marcie today LAWN & GARDEN
for your free assessment
appointment at 440-213-7527. TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser- RAM-CON LLC
Over 13 years experience. vice. Complete tree removal, Concrete & Excavating
trimming, root feeding and ALL PHASES OF CONCRETE
FOR RENT cleaning. Fully insured. FREE WORK & DECORATIVE
ESTIMATES. Firewood for STAMPED CONCRETE WORK 24 Hour Emergency Service
Elyria: Newly remodeled 2 & sale. 440-236-3061. FREE ESTIMATES
3 bedroom townhomes with 440-935-7842
new carpet, ceramic tile and PAINTING 440-236-5543
hard wood floors. Appliances 800-467-1275
included. $100 security de- Lorain County’s Premier Paint- J. A. KILBY ENT.
posit; restrictions apply. Call ers. Wallpaper removal, cabi-
216-221-1333 . net refinishing, textured ceil- OH LIC #23331
ings, drywall and finishing. All Concrete • Masonry
HALLS FOR RENT interior remodeling: kitchens, Stamped Concrete
baths, finished basements... HOME IMPROVEMENT
AMVETS POST 32 Terry, 440-444-5075, www. 440-327-3433
11087 Middle Ave., Elyria
Capacity: Hall-250,
Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 PETS
Available for all occasions BUILDERS
Call for pricing
and availability All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster General Construction
Rd., Litchfield, 330-603-5955.
440-458-8544 Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced R HAMMOND Roofing & Siding
COLUMBIA V.F.W. HALL exercise yards, custom care.
SOCIAL DISTANCE $20 per day. R&K Builders CONSTRUCTION Kitchen & Bathrooms
Graduations-Weddings SALES & SERVICES (Built by Amish)
Showers For all your Remodeling needs
Monday to Friday SMALL DUMPSTERS Quality Buildings at
Special Rates
For more information, for roofing, remodeling, etc. Affordable Prices
Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
call 440-236-8111 Truck work available 440-897-0521
after 1pm, M-F CALL JASON’S SERVICES Horse Barns • Garages
FULL park with restrooms, 3 440-926-3446 & Riding Arenas
pavilions, air conditioned hall,
for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange UPHOLSTERY Commercial &
Lions Club. 440-355-5634. Residential • General Contracting
Grafton VFW. Call from 9:30- DAN’S UPHOLSTERY • Kitchens/Baths
11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. over 30 yrs. experience 330-473-9927
440-926-3341 Full Upholstery • Additions
PENFIELD TWP. HALL Cushion Refills • Buildings/Garages
RENTAL Furniture Repair
Twp. Meeting hall, Call for free quote • Roofs
Cap. 42-60 on re-upholstery
Community room, 216-346-2682 725 Sugar Lane, • Doors/Windows
Cap. 150-300 • Siding
Available for all occasions. WANTED TO BUY Elyria, Oh 44035
41012 St. Rt. 18, Wellington 440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical
Call 440-574-3362 for Looking to buy older / antique
availability & rates. firearms. Call Bill at 440-668- Specializing in Home Improvements
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022 Page 15
Tear-Offs • Chimney Mason
•Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior Slates • Gutters • Snow Removal
& Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement Repairs from $75
•Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing Call Casey Willamson at
Building Custom Pole Barns, 440-748-3259 CONCRETE CRACK INJECTION
Jason E. Davis
Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc. -Complete Crane Service- J. A. KILBY ENT.
“Stop the water before it stops you!”
Residential ~ Commercial “No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
New Lawns/Hydroseed • Paver Patios • Ponds Tree/Stump Removal Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
Retaining Walls • Waterfalls • Bulldozer Grading Work Natural, Brown & Black Mulch •Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement
Call: 440-748-1333 “FREE ESTIMATES” 440-327-3433
Bonded & Insured
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 WATER WELLS
11847 Avon Belden Rd. Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected]
Grafton, OH 44044
440-235-9273 Dennis Tree Service & Landscaping ART’S WATER SYSTEMS
D e s i g n / I n s t a l l a t i o n Stump Grinding • Pruning SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS • JET PUMPS
M a i n t e n a n c e Fertilizers • Fire Wood SOFTENERS • TANKS • SUMP
B u l k M a t e r i a l Free Estimates! PUMPS • WATER RELATED
S n o w / I c e M a n a g e m e n t MATERIALS • WELL ABANDONMENT
Seth Emerson - Owner KEVIN BOLDEN 440-322-2987
Office: 440-322-2624
PAINTING Emergency: 440-452-2456
Drywall Install/Repair
J.A. Kilby Plumbing
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services ARBOR CARE TREE
Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions ARBOR CARE TREE
CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
• 113 Ft. Crane
•Jetting & Hydrovacing •Camera Inspections • 60 Ft. Bucket Truck
• 113 Ft. Crane
• 113 Ft. Crane
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood
•Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation • Removal, Trimming, Firewood
•Abandoned Wells Capped • Removal, Trimming, Firewood
•Stump Grinding
Triple Shredded Mulch
•Septic System Repairs & Installation Triple Shredded Mulch
Triple Shredded Mulch
440-327-3433 • Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
•Plumbing Repairs
•Sewer & Drain Cleaning
•Electronic Locating
•Video Camera Inspection
440-324-4321 •Sewer Excavation
330-721-0680 Personal Plumber Service Corp.
OH LIC #21372 Any Service
Expires 1/31/22. Not valid with any other offer.
BENEDICT ROOFING Carpentry Limited
Family Business for Three Generations
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal
Offi ce: 440-236-4001 •
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 3, 2022
HOURS Sale Good - Now Hiring -
Mon & Thurs..................9-9pm Through Date SERVICE TECH
Tues, Wed & Fri.............9-6pm of Publication
Saturday........................9-5pm Call Chad
Sunday......................CLOSED 440-366-3673 1115 East Broad St. 440-366-FORD(3673)
CURRENT SERVICE Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm 1115 EAST BROAD ST
Sat 8:00 am - 12 noon
SPECIAL Same Day Service Appointments Available ELYRIA 366-FORD (3673)
Quick Lube - No Appointment Necessary
LORAIN 233-7402
We’ll make sure your vehicle is ready for any road
$ 39 95
or less
Brake Inspection Belts & Hoses Check
Synthetic Blend Oil & Filter Change Multi-Point Inspection
Tire Rotation & Pressure Check Filter Check Battery Test
Retail purchases only. Up to five quarts of Motorcraft oil and Motorcraft oil filter. Taxes, diesel vehicles and disposal fees extra. Hybrid battery test excluded. Offer valid until 2-28-22. See Service Advisor for vehicle exclusions.