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Published by The Rural-Urban Record, 2017-01-30 12:23:44


TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”

Volume 62, No. 30 Columbia Station, Ohio January 30, 2017

Local 4-H teen Storm Water District funding Keystone High School
attends Inauguration for Local Drainage Projects Artist earns high honors

George Gillespie The Lorain County Storm Water District Board, consist- Jessica Ralph
One teen from Medina County was in Washington Jan- ing of Lori Kokoski, Ted Kalo and Matt Lundy, approved
uary 17-21 as part of the ?rst-ever Citizenship Washington over $430,000 in funding that will bene?t township spon- Keystone High School student Jessica Ralph en-
Focus: Presidential Inauguration program sponsored by sored projects throughout the District. Local communities tered artwork in this year’s Scholastic Art Awards and
4-H. identi?ed more than $700,000 in requests to the District in all of her work was accepted for the exhibit. Jessica
George Gillespie was part of a delegation of 28 teens and early December 2016. The Storm Water Advisory Com- earned two Gold Key awards; one of which was an
4 Ohio State University Extension educators from 13 coun- mittee met on January 19 and recommended to the Dis- American Visions Award (one of ?ve considered to
ties who participated in the national program, said Morgan trict Board the funding of 9 Community Grants totaling be best of show out of 1,189 artworks entered). Both
Domokos, 4-H Extension Educator. $400,595. Awarded Township Projects include: Gold Key awarded artworks will move on to New
“They’ve been planning this since last summer,” York and be judged against all Gold Key winners na-
Domokos said. “The program included workshops on the Eaton Township Carpenter Ditch #7 Phase 1 $33,500.00; tionwide. In addition to these accolades, she earned a
government’s, the media’s, the president’s and the individu- LaGrange Township King Kobelt Ditch Phase 2 $39,500.00; Silver Key and two honorable mentions.
al’s roles in the democratic process.” In addition, the group Elyria Township Freeland Drive Ditch $50,000.00; Pitts?eld
visited memorials, historical sites and museums, as well as Township Luther Lateral Ditch $66,000.00; Grafton Town- Jessica’s artwork will be on display at LCCC
attending Inauguration Day events. ship SR 83 Ditch $20,000.00; Camden Township Baird-Bet- Stocker Art Gallery now-February 19. Please stop in
Citizen Washington Focus is offered by 4-H to provide ts Road Ditch $48,720.00; Shef?eld Township Lowell Street and see all her of wonderful art on display!
teens 14-19 the opportunity to develop civic engagement Storm Sewer $42,875.00; Columbia and Eaton Townships
skills. This is the ?rst time the program was offered during joint project Hawke Road Culvert $50,000.00; and Amherst Congratulations Jessica!
a presidential inauguration. Township’s Engle Ditch Revised at $50,000.00.
The 4-H program is the youth development arm of the Jessica’s Gold Key American Visions Award winning
nation’s Cooperative Extension System. Ohio 4-H is part of Five smaller projects were also awarded totaling ap- piece.
the Ohio State University Extension. proximately $29,000 as District Projects. These include:
For more about Ohio 4-H, see or contact the Huntington Township Baker Road Culvert $3,400.00;
Medina County of?ce of OSU Extension at (330) 725-4911 Pen?eld Township Jones Road Culvert $6,645.00; Carlisle
or visit Township Whitehead Road Culvert $10,950.00; Shef?eld
Township East 36th St Storm Sewer $6,120.00; and Carlisle
4-H Chili Cook-Off Township Robson Road Culvert for $2,500.00.

The Lorain County 4-H 4-H supporters! This That makes 14 projects awarded by the District Board,
Advisory Committee an- event will take place for a total 2017 District investment of $430,210. The Dis-
nounces its ?rst annual 4-H from 1-5 p.m. on Sat- trict awarded $386,000 in Community Grants in 2016,
Chili Cook-Off! Come help urday, February 11, at bringing the total in locally developed projects to more
support Lorain County 4-H Pen?eld Town Hall, than $800,000 that the Storm Water District has invested in
to “make the best better” located at 41012 Rt. within the last year. “The District was created to enable the
for our youth while judging 18, in Wellington. County and townships to remain compliant with regulations
chili from local business- Drinks and coffee and generate resources to address our drainage needs. This
es/clubs, eating cornbread will be available for round of grants and awards is the largest yet and builds off
and socializing with fellow purchase. Donations of our previous rounds of projects,” stated Board President
will be accepted at the door Lori Kokoski.
with all proceeds from the
event bene?tting the Lo- In addition to these projects, the District has two res-
rain County 4-H Program. toration projects underway. The ?rst project is the Willow
If you would like to enter Creek Project that is funded 100% by the USEPA Great
the Chili Cook-Off, please Lakes Restoration Initiative Grant. The project agreement
call the Extension Of?ce at between the US EPA and Lorain County provides enhanced
(440) 326-5851; entry fee is water quality through the installation of rif?es, benches and
$10. larger ?oodplain with wetland while increasing the storm
water detention capacity by approximately six acre feet.

The second restoration project is the Clinton Ave. Proj-
ect. The County received $295,000 in a Section 319 Grant
through the Ohio EPA for this storm water project. Water
quality improvements, storm water detention, ?ood plain
expansion and wetland enhancement will be achieved
through the restoration of this waterway. “The District is le-
veraging our local knowledge and resources with State and
Federal dollars to develop long term enhanced management
of our natural resources while preserving private and public
investment,” said Vice President Ted Kalo. He added that
“Flooding and water pollution have plagued many parts of
our County both within our District and in the neighboring

The Lorain County Storm Water Management District
strives to enhance the quality of life in Lorain County by
utilizing a watershed approach to meet and maintain the
water quality of permit requirements of the U.S. EPA and
responsibly address drainage and ?oodplain management
within available resources.

For more information and updates, visit the Lorain
County Storm Water Management District website, storm-, or contact them at (440) 328-2322.

Community Directory Carlisle 4 Grafton 12 N. Ridgeville 10 Churches 6
Columbia 2 Grafton Twp. 13 Wellington 11 Profile page 7
Eaton 8 LaGrange 5

Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Friday: Breakfast - Dutch Waf?e; Lunch - Choice of pizza, Home and Garden Show
Italian sub or chicken caesar salad with mixed vegetables and ticket winners
CHS Weekly Calendar pineapple.
The winners of The Rural-Urban Record Facebook
Tuesday, January 31: Free Hot Meal & Food Pantry contest are Polly Carpenter Tallos of Eaton Township,
6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball at Keystone. Fran LuLu Martin Walker, also of Eaton Township, and
6:30 p.m. Youth Soccer meeting - cafeteria. On Saturday, February 4, a free hot meal will be served Heidi Wessel of Broadview Heights.
Wednesday, February 1: and a perishable foods pantry will be available at New Life
6/7:30 p.m. Girls Basketball at Fairview. Wesleyan Church from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. This is a monthly Each won a pair of tickets to The Great Big Home +
Thursday, February 2: event held the ?rst Saturday of every month. The meal and Garden Show, coming to the Cleveland I-X Center from
7 p.m. Columbia Athletic Booster meeting. food pantry (featuring fresh perishable foods) is available at February 3-12, just for visiting our Facebook page and en-
Friday, February 3: no charge to all local residents. The church is located at 11149 tering our contest.
6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball at Fairview. West River Road, in Columbia Station. For more information,
Saturday, February 4: please contact Kathy at (44) 840-2923 or Susan at (216) 906- Thank you for visiting us on Facebook and have a great
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday School. 5091. time at the show!
10 a.m. Wrestling PAC tournament at Brookside.
1/2:30 p.m. Girls Basketball v. Firelands. College Graduate Class of 2017 After Prom
Columbia k-8 lunch menu Crystal Brobst Fetchet versity of Toledo College
Crystal Brobst Fetchet of of Business and Innovation Come to Bootleggers on Tuesday, February 21, Thursday,
Week of Jan. 30-Feb. 3: Columbia Station, graduated with a Bachelor of Busi- March 30, and Wednesday, April 12, from 5 p.m. to closing
Monday: Breakfast - French toast; Lunch - Choice of hot December 16 from the Uni- ness Administration. Crystal for fund-raiser planed by the After Prom Committee. Bring
dog, chicken Caesar wrap or chef salad w/WG roll, vegetari- was also on the Dean’s List. your family and friends to eat or carry-out your meal. A por-
an baked beans and cinnamon apples. Crystal accomplished all of tion of the proceeds will bene?t the Columbia Class of 2017
Tuesday: Breakfast - bacon & egg pizza; Lunch - Choice this in 3-1/2 years. After Prom.
of chicken tenders, chicken Caesar wrap or chef salad w/WG
roll, mashed potatoes & gravy and mixed fruit. Crystal is the daughter Columbia Athletic Hall of Fame
Wednesday: Breakfast - pancake wrap; Lunch - Choice of John and Lynda Fetch- Induction Ceremony
of nachos supreme, chicken Caesar wrap or chef salad w/WG et of Columbia Station and
roll, refried beans and peaches. grandaughter of Marilyn On Friday, February 10, the Columbia Athletic Hall of
Thursday: Breakfast - pancakes; Lunch - Choice of cheese Fetchet of Columbia Station Fame committee will be inducting 4 athletes into the Hall of
quesadilla, chicken Caesar wrap or chef salad w/WG roll, and Robert & Donna Hay- Fame. After the J.V. basketball game and prior to tipoff of the
green beans and apricots. mans of Avon Lake. Crystal Varsity game (approximately 7:30 p.m.), the following peo-
Friday: Breakfast - Dutch waf?e; Lunch - Choice of Pizza, has started her career at Fiat ple will be inducted: Sandy Kreuzer Drvenkar - track (1992),
chicken Caesar wrap or chef salad w/WG roll, mixed vegeta- Chrysler Toledo in the Hu- Kim Preston Gray - track (1978), Phil Medvetz - football
bles and applesauce. man Resources Management (1985) and Pete Solanics - basketball (1959).
Week of February 6-10: Labor Department.
Monday: Breakfast - French toast; Lunch - Choice of Or- The Columbia Raiders will be taking on the Clearview
ange chicken w/rice, Italian sub or chicken caesar salad w/ Congratulations, Crystal! Clippers that evening. The Hall of Fame committee hopes
WG roll, broccoli and pineapple. you will join them in honoring these athletes that helped
Tuesday: Breakfast - breakfast sandwich; Lunch - Choice CHS Senior Portrait Deadline shape the success of Columbia athletics.
of cheeseburger, Italian sub or chicken caesar salad w/WG
roll, broccoli and pears. Any CHS senior who chooses not to use Prestige Portraits Kindergarten Registration
Wednesday: Breakfast - Pancake wrap; Lunch - Choice of can have a traditional senior picture taken on February 22 at and Information Night
Rotini w/meat sauce, Italian sub or chicken caesar salad w/ Columbia High School for the CHS yearbook, Class of 2017
WG roll, green beans and mixed fruit. composite and to be included in the Rural-Urban. Prestige If you have a child that will be ?ve years old on or be-
Thursday: Breakfast - Pancakes; Lunch - Choice of Raider Portraits will be at CHS to take your yearbook pictures at no fore August 1, 2017, he or she may attend Kindergarten next
chicken bowl, Italian sub or chicken caesar salad with corn charge to you beginning promptly at 6 a.m. JVS students can fall. Copopa Elementary School is in the process of planning
and applesauce. have their pictures taken prior to boarding the bus on that day. now for the 2017-2018 school year. This year we will again
You must contact Mrs. Kobe at CHS to set an appointment have a registration and information night for parents only on
time. Call (440) 236-5001 today to reserve your spot and Wednesday, February 22, from 6:30- 7:30 p.m. This will be
to make sure your portrait will be included with the rest of a time to meet Mr. Bunner, the school Psychologist and the
your class! The deadline to have your Senior Portrait taken at counselor, nurse and kindergarten teachers. There will be
Prestige Portraits Studios (formerly Woodard Photographic) several information tables for PTA and Columbia’s public
is March 11. library. Parents need to turn in their completed registration
packets and any copies of documents needed that evening.
Letter to You will receive your child’s kindergarten screening appoint-
the Editor ments at this time also.

To the Editor: Registration packets are now available at the Copopa of-
My wife and I live in the ?ce for pick-up from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Additional information
Redfern Farms subdivision will be available in the packet.
off Redfern Rd. There have
been several reported inci- If you have friends or neighbors who may not have re-
dents of bullets whizzing ceived or read this notice, please have them call the school
overhead and a home has of?ce at (440) 236-5020.
been hit by a stray bullet.
Some person or persons are VALLEY CITY
target shooting in the wood- VISION CENTER
ed area that is East and a
little south of our neighbor- FAMILY VISION
hood. They have the right CENTER
to discharge ?rearms in Co-
lumbia Station, but not to 6621 Center Road
endanger other people, in- Valley City
cluding children. The Lorain
County Sheriffs’ Of?ce has 330-483-4035
investigated the home inci-
dent and have identi?ed the
person responsible. But, that
is as far as they can go, ap-
parently until someone gets
injured or worse.
To the persons involved,
please be responsible for
your ?rearms and consider
the direction of ?re and the
potential for serious dam-
age. I am sure that you un-
derstand your liability in
the case of injury to another
person or property. And, the
sheriff already knows who
you are. Be aware of your
surroundings when discharg-
ing your ?rearm.
Gerald Fought, Columbia

Dr. Norma Jesse,



Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon
Closed Sun & Wed

Blood Pressure Help Oberlin Heritage Center RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Page 3
music-themed tour 144 N. Broadway, Medina, from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday
Curious about blood pressure? In February, the public thru Friday. The of?ce will be open until 6 p.m. on the Febru-
health nurses at the Lorain County General Health District The Oberlin Heritage Center will offer a wonderfully me- ary 10 due date. You will need to present your entire tax bill at
will be in several communities to provide blood pressure lodious tour of the Heritage Center’s historic properties on time of payment. Checks, cash or credit cards (Visa, Master-
screenings and to explain how people can get their own blood the ?rst Saturday of February (Feb. 4), March (March 4) and Card, Discover) are accepted over the counter. American Ex-
pressure cuff. The nurses can also answer health questions April (April 1), at 1 p.m. Inspired by neighboring Oberlin press is not. A convenience fee will be assessed by the vendor.
on an individual basis. Sessions are no-cost. All adults ages Conservatory’s recent 150th anniversary, this 1-hour guided
55 and older in Lorain County are invited to attend. Walk-ins tour features musical artifacts and sounds of the time. Partic- Tax payments which are mailed MUST be postmarked no
welcome. Health sessions are at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at: ipants will learn how music was used for entertainment, fel- later than the February 10th due date to avoid a 5% penalty;
lowship and teaching in 19th & 20th century homes. Advance payments made after February 22nd will be assessed a 10%
•Wellington Fire Station #2, 202 Kelly St., Wellington, on registration is recommended; reserve a tour online at www. penalty.
Feb. 2 &16., call (440) 774-1700 or stop by
the Monroe House in person at 73½ South Professor Street, The insert enclosed with each tax bill also asks that res-
•Old Stone Church, 553 S. Main St., Amherst, on Feb. 3 in Oberlin. The tour fee is $6 per adult and is free for OHC idents update their contact information with the Treasurer’s
& 17. members, children and college students. of?ce by visiting and
clicking the “Subscribe to Our Email List” link or by calling
•Neighborhood House (Senior Center), 90 E. College St., 2017 Aikey Foundation 330-725-9748. “With so many residents now using their cell
Oberlin, on Feb. 6 & 27. Scholarship news phones and email as their primary contact, it is important that
my of?ce have current information,” Burke said. “We will
•Sugar Ridge Baptist Church, 36600 Sugar Ridge Rd., N. Unfortunately, due to the ?nancial recession of 2008 and only contact residents with tax-related information.”
Ridgeville, on Feb. 8. subsequent ?nancial impact upon the foundation’s endow-
ment investments, the board has regretfully decided that it “We’re always here to assist taxpayers in any way we can
•Shef?eld Twp. Church of Christ, 5075 Toledo Rd., Lo- must defer awarding a new Ruth M. Aikey Memorial 4-year with various payment options, search services and more,”
rain, on Feb. 1. full-tuition scholarship in 2017 until additional future dona- said Treasurer Burke. “Please feel free to call, stop in or email
tions are secured. Over the past 14 years, the foundation has [email protected].”
•Shef?eld Lake Community Center, 4575 E. Lake Rd., awarded 16 local deserving students over $362,185 in schol-
Shef?eld Lake (9 and 11 a.m. only), on Feb. 7. arships so far. There are 3 students in college still receiving If you have any questions, please call the Medina County
scholarship payments. One new full-tuition scholarship is Treasurer’s of?ce at (330) 725-9748.
•Avon Senior Center, 36786 Detroit Rd., Avon, on Feb. worth an estimated $10,012 per year. If you wish to make a
10 & 24. contribution of any size to a future scholarship, while “Help- Medina Genealogical Society
ing in the Education of Future Educators ™”, please feel free
•N. Eaton Christian Church, 35895 E. Royalton Rd., Graf- to make an on-line contribution at http://www.aikeyfounda- The Medina County Genealogical Society will present a
ton, on Feb. 13. or via check to: Aikey Foundation Inc., 18651 West Help Session on Sunday, February 12, at 2 p.m. at the Medina
Rd., Ste B, Wellington, OH 44090. County District Library, 210 S. Broadway St., in Medina. Ex-
For more information on Adult Health Services, contact perienced genealogists will be available to help participants
the Lorain County General Health District at 440-322-6367 The Aikey Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-pro?t solve questions about family research problems and brick
or visit organization. The Ruth M. Aikey Memorial Scholarship is a walls. Bring your laptop or other electronic device to help in
4-year full-tuition scholarship for promising individuals who the search for those elusive ancestors. The public is invited
Workshop Players production are current residents of either Amherst, Avon, Avon Lake, to attend the meeting and earlier social time at 1:30 p.m. For
Berea, Birmingham, Brookpark, Columbia Station, Elyria, more information, call Pat Morgan at (330) 725-7540.
The ‘Come Laugh With Us’ season continues with the Grafton, Kipton, LaGrange, Lorain, Middleburg Heights,
Marshall Karp comedy “Squabbles.” This play has something North Ridgeville, Oberlin, Olmsted Falls, Rochester, Shef- New Cardinal License Plate
for anyone who has ever had one of those relatives who just ?eld Lake, South Amherst, Strongsville or Wellington and
loves to debate everything and anything. are citizens of the United States of America. This scholarship A new northern cardinal vehicle license plate is avail-
pays a full 4-year tuition for one new bachelor degree-seeking able for purchase from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles,
Abe, the live-in father-in-law (Dale Hruska), is one such recipient per year who is or will be attending Kent State Uni- according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources
fellow. Life is challenging enough for Jerry and Alice (Mike versity in either their Early Childhood Education or Middle (ODNR). The new image was created in celebration of the
Frye and Kelly Dillon Blackford), who share their home with Childhood Education program major and can show a ?nan- plate’s 20th anniversary.
him. When Jerry’s mother (Bernadette Hisey) must also move cial need for receiving this scholarship. Scholarship recipi-
in, the gloves are de?nitely off. The cast also includes Dave ents are selected based upon their completion of the on-line The cardinal license plate costs $25 in addition to the
Stacko, Mason Adams and Becky Linder, all of whom add to application, ?nancial need, grades and answer to the essay yearly vehicle registration fee, and $15 from the sale of each
the humor of this fun show. question. license plate supports Ohio’s wildlife diversity. Wildlife con-
servation plates can be registered only to passenger vehicles,
Performances are February 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 & 25 at 8 Medina Property Tax bills due noncommercial trucks, motor homes and trailers
p.m., with two Sunday matinees, February 19 & 26 at 3 p.m.
All seats are $15. Reservations are encouraged. Medina County Treasurer John Burke has announced that The original northern cardinal wildlife license plate was
76,599 ?rst half 2016 tax bills were mailed to property owners released in 1997, and it featured artwork by famed Ohio wild-
Do you have a group interested in attending? Ten or more in Medina County. The of?cial due date for these property tax life artist John A. Ruthven. Born in Cincinnati, Ruthven, now
in a group gets you a $2 discount. Call the Box Of?ce for bills is February 10, 2017. Treasurer Burke noted that the total 92, has been hunting, ?shing and painting for most of his life.
details at (440) 988-5613. Box Of?ce hours are 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. annual amount of real estate taxes billed is $276,180,679.12. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the original cardinal li-
cense plate, Ruthven created new artwork for a redesigned
The Workshop Players Theatre is located at 44820 Middle This tax bill re?ects the new 2016 update reappraisal value license plate.
Ridge Road, in Amherst. placed on taxable property by the County Auditor in accor-
dance with Ohio law. An insert included with each tax bill ex- Proceeds from the sale of the plate are deposited into the
It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time! plains this in more detail. It was reported that the 2016 update division’s Wildlife Diversity Fund and is used to support
increased residential property values in Medina County by conservation and education efforts throughout the state. The
Girl Scouts of North East Ohio (GSNEO) is commemorat- approximately 9% and commercial property values by 5%. Wildlife Diversity Fund supports projects that have worked to
ing an exciting year for the organization - the 100th anniver- reintroduce native Ohio species, such as river otters and os-
sary of Girl Scouts selling cookies! “To make paying your taxes easier, we provide a variety preys, as well as increase numbers of rare species such as bald
of payment options,” Treasurer Burke noted. “In addition to eagles, brook trout, lake sturgeon and freshwater mussels.
In 1917, ?ve years after Juliette Gordon Low founded the making payments through our website, www.medinacount- In addition, the Wildlife Diversity Fund enables the ODNR
organization, Girl Scouts ?rst sold cookies as a means to ?-, you may also pay online with an electronic Division of Wildlife to form partnerships with Ohio’s zoos,
nance troop activities. This initial sale evolved into the larg- check, ACH, credit card or PayPal account.” creating exhibits & displays as well as educational products
est entrepreneurial program in the world, teaching millions and publications for students, teachers and wildlife enthusi-
of girls essential skills needed to become effective leaders. If you are paying by check, convenient 24-Hour Drive-Up asts. Since 1997, sales of Ohio’s wildlife license plates have
These leadership skills include goal setting, decision-making, Drop Boxes may be found at the following locations: generated more than $13 million for worthwhile conservation
money management, people skills and business ethics. projects across the state. More information about the Wildlife
•Treasurer’s Of?ce, County Administration Building, 144 Diversity Fund is available at
“The Girl Scout Cookie Program is essentially a business North Broadway Street, Medina
built by girls,” said GSNEO’s CEO Jane Christyson. “Girls In addition to the cardinal, the ODNR Division of Wild-
who participate set goals and decide how their pro?ts will be •Brunswick City Hall, 4095 Center Road life has several other specialty plate design options, includ-
used to support their activities, which often include giving •Lodi Library, 635 Wooster Street ing a bald eagle, smallmouth bass, wild-turkey and white-
back through service projects. Because it’s girl-led, they’re •Wadsworth Municipal Building, 120 Maple Street tailed deer. Purchasing a smallmouth bass, wild-turkey or
learning to be effective leaders, manage ?nances, and gain Payments may be made in person at the Treasurer’s of?ce, white-tailed deer license plate directly supports research and
self-suf?ciency and con?dence in handling money.” management for those species. For more information about
ODNR Division of Wildlife’s specialty license plates, visit
In recognition of the centennial, this year’s cookie sale or call 888-PLATES3.
will feature a new cookie - the Girl Scout S’mores cookie.
The commemorative treat, as well as the traditional favorites,
will be available through booth sales beginning in March.
Proceeds from the cookie sale bene?t Girl Scouts of North
East Ohio programs and local troops. Cookie prices range
from $4-5 per box.

Watch for your local Girl Scout Cookie booths coming
soon to your community and help support Girl Scouting!



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Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Recreational Youth Audubon Society's Peregrine
Volleyball League Falcons in Cleveland
Brush Pile closed
The Elyria Parks and Recreation Department is current- Chris and Chad Saladin holding a young peregrine falcon.
Due to changes in EPA requirements, the brush pile at Car- ly accepting registration for its Junior Volleyball League that Experience the exhilarating and fast paced world of Pere-
lisle Township closed January 1, 2017. Residents are urged will begin February 18 at the West Recreation Center. The
to use their blue Republic Services cart for small yard refuse. program will be held on Saturday mornings/afternoons for 8 grine Falcons in Cleveland, presented by local experts Chad
Larger quantities can be bagged and put out for their bulk weeks. The league is for boys and girls in grades 3-8. Divi- and Chris Saladin, on February 7, at 7 p.m. at Carlisle Res-
pickup or taken to Barnes Nursery, located at 30 Chestnut St., sions of play are grades 3-5 and 6-8. The registration fee of ervation Visitor Center, 12882 Diagonal Road, in LaGrange.
in Elyria. Check online for the bulk pickup dates at www. $38 must be paid at the Parks main of?ce, 131 Court St, Suite 103, by February 3. Registration is also accepted online at: Chad and Chris Saladin are a husband and wife team with Volunteer coaches an obsessive passion for peregrine falcons. They have mon-
Historical Society Valentine Tea are also needed. itored nests, rehabilitated injured falcons, photographed the
birds, published the photos on Facebook, widely exhibited
The Lorain County Historical Society (LCHS) is pleased Competitive Youth their photos and used the photos to adorn books.
to announce that tickets are available for their 18th annual Val- Volleyball League
entine Tea. There are four tea sittings on two different days; However, since being delisted from endangered and then
February 11 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. and February 12 at 12:30 Form your own team! The Elyria Parks and Recreation threatened status in Ohio, there will be less protection and
p.m. and 3:30 p.m. The event is at The Hickories Museum, Department is accepting teams for its Competitive Junior advocacy for the peregrine, so Chad and Chris hope to do
located at 509 Washington Avenue, in Elyria. Doors will open Volleyball League that will begin Sunday, February 19. Divi- what is possible on a local level to educate us and prevent
30 minutes before seating. The program this year will be sions of play are for girls 12th grade and under and girls 8th peregrines from suffering the victimization at the hands of
“Rally with Rosie!” with their own ‘Rosie,’ LCHS Education grade and under. Team applications are due by Wednesday, mankind that threatened their status initially. Continued in-
Coordinator Janet Bird. Following the program, enjoy high February 8. The league fee of $140 is due by Friday, Febru- formation and education about this incredible species is key
tea with their refreshing special tea blend, sandwiches, scones ary 10, at the Parks and Recreation main of?ce in City Hall. towards this effort. Their informal talk will focus on their ex-
and an assortment of sweet delicacies. Registration is also accepted online at: periences with these fascinating birds, as well as answering
department/parks. For additional information, call the main audience questions about peregrine falcons.
As parking around The Hickories Museum is limited, of?ce at (440) 326-1500.
LCHS will be offering a shuttle service from the Washington This program is free to the public and sponsored by the
Avenue Christian Church at 301 Washington Avenue. Private Herb Guild Garden Club Black River Audubon Society. For more information on
cars will be waiting to shuttle guests to the tea. Following the programs, volunteering or becoming a member, please visit
tea, shuttles will return guests back to their car. This service The Herb Guild Garden Club will hold its ?rst meeting or call (440) 225-7601.
will start 40 minutes prior to the time of each tea. of the year on February 8, at the Westlake Porter Public Li-
brary. The meeting portion will begin at 10 a.m., which will Free Blood Pressure Checks
Advance reservations and payment is required as seating be the club’s annual planning meeting. In place of the usual
is limited. Tickets are $25 per person or $22 for LCHS mem- luncheon, everyone is asked to bring a brown bag lunch to The Elyria Parks and Recreation Department offers FREE
bers. Please contact LCHS at (440) 322-3341 to make your the February meeting. Desserts and beverages are provided. Blood Pressure Checks at the East Park Recreation Center,
reservation. After the lunch, there will be a hands-on herbal workshop located at 1101 Prospect Street in Elyria, on Mondays at 10
and everyone will get to take home an item from the work- a.m. Additional activities are indoor Shuf?eboard, Walking
Thanks for shop. There will also be a “melt & pour” herbal soap demo, and Chair Yoga. These are all part of our Senior Program and
Recycling! if time permits. Non-members are asked to contribute $5 for the activities are all free. For additional information, contact
the workshop. This is a good meeting for anyone interested in the main of?ce at (440) 326-1500.
Keep in touch with your community joining the Herb Guild to come and see what we are all about.
The Herb Guild is a local organization that meets on the
second Wednesday of the month at Porter Public Library in
Westlake, 27333 Center Ridge Road, in the Porter Room.
New members and guests are always welcome. For more in-
formation, call (440) 582-0191 or visit their website, theherb- You can also ?nd them on Facebook under The
Herb Guild.

Submitted by Barb Armstrong

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Lions Thank You We are continuing our Parent Series with our upcoming RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Page 5
third program, called “My Kids Are Tired of Testing.” The
The LaGrange Lions would like to apologize for inadver- program will be held on Monday, February 6, at 6 p.m. in the Keystone Hotstove news
tently omitting some names from their Holiday Cheer thank KMS Cafe. In this session, parents will learn what state and
you. We would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank Dr. district tests their children have to take and secrets that both Keystone Hotstove’s monthly meetings will be on the 2nd
Scott McDonald, Dr. Kevin Hyatt, Allen Grobe, LaGrange the students and parents can use in order to ensure the best Sunday of every month at the LaGrange police station at 7 p.m.
United Methodist Church Faith Circle, Christian Consulates, score possible on those tests. Baseball/Softball sign-ups will be held again on Saturday, Feb-
Ladies Aux. VFW Post 3341, Bonita Newling, Dr. Elizabeth ruary 4, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the LaGrange Police Station
Buckley, Karla & Richard Forney, Carl & Sharon Stipe, Mar- Please plan on attending our Powderbuff game, Carnival, meeting room in back of building.
ilyn Offenberg and the Jeff Ohl family for their generosity in and Support Rally on Thursday, Feb. 2, for the family of Keith
supporting our efforts. Heck, a beloved Keystone staff member who passed away Sign-ups are for Peewee - boys 3-4 yrs. old and girls 3-5 yrs.
this summer. The Carnival begins at 6:30 p.m. and concludes old; Girls Softball - 6 yrs. old and up; and Boys Baseball - 5
Keystone Carnival fund-raiser at 8 p.m., and the Powderbuff game will begin at 7 p.m. The yrs. old and up.
event features face painting, a photo booth, crafts and other
“Play for Mr. Heck” T-shirts an Adirondack loveseat and popular carnival games! Game tickets, basket raf?e tickets Please bring athlete with you for uniform sizing and a copy
The Keystone family lost corn-hole board game will and concessions will be available throughout the event. Also, of birth certi?cate. Non-residing Keystone School District girls
be available at the door and raf?e tickets will be sold for numerous items. players must bring open enrollment application to registration.
one of their own this past at Michelle’s Café, Village Non-residing Keystone school district boy players will need a
summer as Keith Heck, a be- Pizza, the Enchanted Florist Lorain County’s Free Tax Preparation will be offered at community release form.
loved staff member, passed and IGA prior to the event. Keystone Elementary School on February 9 & 27, and on
away. To continue to show March 23 from 3:30-8 p.m. for qualifying families. Call the Fund-raising opt-out fee will be $45, which is due at sign-
love and support to the Heck In the Powderbuff game, Keystone Board Of?ce at (440) 355-2424 to make an ap- ups with payments of cash or check only.
family, they are holding a the high school boys will pointment. There are limited walk-in appointments available.
Powderbuff Game, Carnival play volleyball against each For more information about this service, visit Lorain Coun- Kindergarten Registration
and Support Rally on Thurs- other (class versus class) in ty’s Free Tax Prep Coalition’s website at http://www.lorain-
day, February 2, in Keystone the high school gym to deter- Kindergarten Registration will be on Monday, 2/13/17,
High School’s gym and café. mine which class can domi- and Wednesday, 2/15/17, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. in the Key-
The Carnival is from 6:30-8 nate on the volleyball court. Lastly, we are hiring substitute teachers, bus drivers, and stone Elementary of?ce, located at 531 Opportunity Way, in
p.m. The Powderbuff game substitute bus drivers. Please call the Board of Education Of- LaGrange. Students must be ?ve years old by August 1, 2017
will begin at 7 p.m. They are also selling ?ce at (440) 355-2424 for more information. to attend kindergarten for the upcoming year. When coming to
“Play for Mr. Heck” T-shirts register, please bring with you, your child’s birth certi?cate,
At the Carnival, there for $10 in both youth and Franco Gallo, Superintendent, Keystone Local Schools immunization records, custody papers (if applicable) and a
will be face painting, a pho- adult sizes. Admission to the [email protected] (440) 355-2424 utility bill with address as proof of residency. If you have any
to booth, crafts and other tournament is free for any- questions, please contact the of?ce at (440) 355-2300.
popular carnival games! one wearing the “Play for JVS students host fundraiser
Game tickets, basket raf?e Mr. Heck” T-shirt; admis- for LIFE Free Yoga classes for students
tickets and concessions will sion for anyone not wearing
be available throughout the the T-shirt is $5. Students from Keystone High School in a group called
event. Also, raf?e tickets for HPAC (Health Profession Af?nity Community), which cre-
100% of the proceeds ates various health projects to help the community, are try-
from this event will bene- ing to reduce the stress in the community by hosting two free
?t the Heck family. Please Yoga nights.
plan to join them in love and
support to the Heck Family. If you have always wanted to try yoga, here is your chance
You can visit the website at to do so at no cost! This is an All Level Introductory Yoga
www.keystonelocalschools. class open to middle schoolers and up. The yoga class focus
org for more information or will be on learning the basics of breath work, beginner yoga
to download the T-shirt order poses for increased ?exibility, strength and balance, as well as
form. Order forms are also techniques to calm the body and mind. De-stress is so much
available at the Keystone better than Distress!
High School Of?ce.
This community class will be taught by a local Yoga In-
Indoor Walking at KES Allied Health Sciences seniors and LIFE student volunteers structor. Please bring a yoga mat or beach towel, as well as
Ashleah Scott (Elyria), Alexis Valentine (Brookside) and Roy a cozy jacket or small blanket. The ?rst Yoga Night will take
Cabin fever got you down? The Keystone Empowers You Grissom (Keystone). place on February 21, from 7-8 p.m. in the Keystone High
(K.E.Y) collaborative is excited to announce the availability School Cafeteria. The second Yoga Night date is yet to be
of indoor walking during the winter months. The Allied Health Sciences Program recently sponsored announced. It will be from 7-8 p.m. in the Keystone Middle
a Flannel Friday Fundraiser to help raise money for LIFE: A School Cafeteria. All are invited to attend.
Every Thursday from 6-7 p.m., Keystone Elementary Dementia Friendly Foundation of Lorain County.
School, at 531 Opportunity Way, will be open from January President’s List
19 through April 27. Residents are invited to come and enjoy Students and staff were asked to donate $1 to this cause
a safe, warm walk on their own, or with friends and family. and in return were able to wear their favorite ?annel shirt and Over 800 University of Akron students have been named
There is no cost to participate and prizes will be available. jeans to school. to the President’s List. To qualify, students must be under-
graduate, enrolled full-time and achieve a 4.0 GPA for the
In addition to walking indoors for free, Keystone commu- “This fall, a group of three Allied Health Sciences students semester. Local President’s List recipients are: Matthew
nity members can also visit the Keystone High School weight worked with the LIFE program for their clinical rotation,” Cordell, Sara Tilisky and Linus Wright of Columbia Station;
room between 5-7 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Weights, said Susan Wallace, Allied Health Sciences Instructor. “LIFE Eric Martin of Elyria; Jacob Prechtl, Melissa Shields and
weight machines and cardio equipment are available. just opened in October and I thought this would be a good ?t Colin Sim of Grafton; Tyler Gunter of LaGrange; and Jake
for my students.” Powers of North Ridgeville.
K.E.Y. is a community based group funded in part by the
United Way of Greater Lorain County and facilitated by the The fund-raiser raised a total of $400. This money will Youngstown State University
Lorain County General Health District. The collaborative in- be used to help create a “quiet room,” equipped with stress Degree recipients
cludes partners from local businesses, agencies and organiza- reduction and mood alteration furnishings and supplies for
tions working towards one goal of making the healthy choice LIFE’s Vermilion center. More than 680 students were awarded undergraduate,
the easy choice in the area. Please contact us at KeystoneEm- graduate and doctoral degrees at Youngstown State Universi-
[email protected] for more information. “Game Ball” Raffle ty’s 2016 Fall Commencement Ceremony, held in December
on the YSU campus. Local graduates included the following:
JACK MATIA On January 20, the La- the Black River Basketball Kacie Gligora of North Ridgeville, Ali Spigiel of Grafton and
HONDA Grange Lions sponsored Team to sign the ball, too. Tyla Corlew & Raylene Crofts of Elyria.
the “game ball” at the KHS
New & Used home basketball game vs. Spectators for both sides Congratulations!
Cars Wellington. The ball was are encouraged to buy tick-
signed by the Keystone team ets for the “game ball” raf?e. Need to look at our archives?
440-366-5501 and was raf?ed off during the Tickets are $1 each or 6/$5. Visit our website at:
game. All proceeds went to All proceeds bene?t the
Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria the Keystone Athletic Boost- Keystone Athletic Booster
er Club. The ball winner was Club. Come join the fun and
New and Certi?ed Hondas a youngster named Andrew support the team!
All Models - Used Cars Schurdell. His ticket was
given to him by LaGrange
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5 Police Of?cer Sandy Bock-
elman, who bought the ticket
All Makes, Models, CV Joints, but decided to give it away
before the drawing. This was
AUTHORIZED U-Joints, Standard Transmission, Andrew’s lucky night! Con-
Medium & Heavy Duty Trucks, gratulations to Andrew and
Of?cer Bockelman.
TRANSMISSIONS 4 Wheel Drive, Transfer Cases,
Front Wheel Drive, Overdrive On February 10, at the
and Clutches KHS hosts Black River
game, the LaGrange Lions
“Automatically Better” We are a full-service will again be sponsoring the
“game ball” and raf?ing it
T FREE TRANSMISSION off. There will be a twist to
this one. They have invited
Repair Shop
RANS Estimates 440-355-6500
T UUNE- P 417 North Center St. The Rural-Urban Record
LaGrange Proudly Serving...
2371875 99.95Starting at$
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Columbia Station • Grafton
LaGrange • Wellington REBUILDERSASSOCIATION Eaton • North Ridgeville
Carlisle • Elyria

Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast Super Bowl Party

The Rural-Urban Record Boy Scout Troop #140 at Fields United Methodist Church Rochester United Methodist Church, located at 201 S.
Published Weekly on Monday is sponsoring their annual “Scout Sunday” Pancake Breakfast State St., (Rt. 511) in Rochester is having a “Super Bowl Par-
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter on Sunday, February 12, in the church Fellowship Hall, locat- ty” on Sunday, February 5, starting at 6 p.m. Watch the game
Founders 1955 ed at 34077 Lorain Road, in North Ridgeville. Breakfast will on the Big Screen TV, play games and bring snacks to share.
be served from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The Breakfast is free
Lee Boise, Publisher & President to all and donations will be accepted. Reservations are not Everyone is welcome!
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 required. Any proceeds from the Pancake Breakfast will go to
help the troop’s everyday activities and programs. Celebrate Recovery
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Old World Spaghetti Dinner Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centered recovery program
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station based on the biblical principles in Beatitudes. Celebrate Re-
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church invites you to enjoy a covery can help with any range of Hurts, Habits or Hang-ups,
delicious Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, February 5, from 1-4 dealing with struggles with food addictions to drug and alco-
Email: [email protected] p.m. This popular dinner includes homemade sauce from an hol abuse and everything in between.
Website: authentic old-world recipe, meatballs, salad, rolls and dessert.
Cost is $9 for adults, $8 for seniors and $3 for children 12 Church of the Open Door, on Route 113 at West Ridge
DEADLINE: and under. They will also have a Silent Auction and Raf?e to Road, west of Elyria, invites the community to “Celebrate Re-
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm enjoy. Tickets will be sold at the door and carry-outs will be covery.” Celebrate Recovery meets every week on Thursdays
available. The church is located at 25801 Royalton Road, in at 7 p.m. The meetings are open to all residents in Northern
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs., 9am-4pm Columbia Station. Come early, as they usually sell out quick! Ohio and feature a large group meeting followed by gender
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year speci?c small groups.
Youth Group Programs
Swiss Steak Dinners Life Spring Community Church would like to invite the
Grafton United Methodist Church invites all children community to their Celebrate Recovery program. Come join
Litch?eld Assembly of God, located at 9082 Norwalk ages 3-12 years old to their Wednesday Youth Program. The them on Monday nights beginning at 6 p.m. The church is
Road, in Litch?eld, will have a Swiss Steak Dinner on Friday, Bible based program is from 4:30-6:30 p.m. and includes din- located at 1638 Lester Rd., in Valley City. Dinner and fel-
February 3, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Adults/$9, seniors/$7, chil- ner, games, Bible lessons and more. If interested or for more lowship is from 6-7 p.m., large groups from 7-8 p.m., small
dren 6-12/$4 and children 5 and under are free. Carry-out will information, please call Diane at the of?ce between 9 a.m. groups from 8-9 p.m. and 9 p.m. coffee and dessert. Child
be available. Call (330) 723-2691. and 3 p.m. weekdays at (440) 926-2034. care is available. For more information, you can go to cele-, which is Life Spring’s website, and
East Oberlin Community Church is hosting a Swiss Steak The Youth Group at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church has, which is the of?cial Celebrate Recov-
Dinner with mashed potatoes, green beans, beets, bread, bev- started back up again. They started with a monthly bible study ery website.
erage and dessert. They are located at 43709 Oberlin-Elyria and will be discussing the Mass. They meet at SEAS Church
Road, in Oberlin (corner of Rt. 511 and Oberlin Elyria Road). on the second Tuesday of the month. All are invited to come. FUNERAL HOME &
They will be hosting this event from 4:30-7 p.m. on Saturday, CREMATION SERVICES
February 11. Cost of the meal is $10 per person for adults, Please consider joining the youth group! It is for any stu-
$8 for youth 6-12 and free for children 5 and under. Bring dent 7th grade through high school. There are a lot of fun FUNERAL HOME
your Valentine for a great dinner! Carry out will be available activities that they do each month. Please call the Religious 2089 Columbia Road
starting at 4:30 p.m. or dine in starting at 5 p.m. They can also Education of?ce at the church for upcoming events at (440) Valley City, OH 44280
deliver locally in the Oberlin area. If you have any questions, 236-3711.
please contact the church of?ce at (440) 774-3443 or Chris 330-483-3300
Vough at (216) 299-5372 (please leave message if no answer). GriefShare
“Understanding When
Divorce Care Seminar You don’t need to go through your grieving process Needed Most”
alone! GriefShare is a faith based support group for those
No matter what the circumstances, separation and divorce who have lost a loved one and are looking for answers as
are painful for most people. Fields United Methodist Church you sort through your grief. They offer support, comfort and
will be offering a program for people going through this dif?- guidance through shared experiences and encourage you to Pre-Need Planning Available
cult process. Divorce Care is a 12-week video seminar series join them! They offer a morning and evening group for your
featuring some of the nation’s foremost Christian experts on convenience. Bring a friend if you’d like. GriefShare is a 13- Laubenthal Funeral
divorce and recovery topics as seen from a biblical perspec- week session that will be held on Tuesdays, February 21 to Services
tive. The video seminars are combined with support group May 16, 2017.
discussions of the material presented during the video. The Offering Forethought
Seminar sessions include topics such as “Facing My Anger,” Tuesday morning sessions are from 10-11:30 a.m. Tues- Funeral Pre-Planning
“Facing My Loneliness,” “New Relationships,” “KidCare” day evening sessions are from 7-8:30 p.m.
and “Forgiveness.” LAUBENTHAL-MERCADO
GriefShare will be held at Christ Church, located at 23080
Seminars will be held on Mondays from 7-8:30 p.m. from Royalton Road, in Columbia Station (Rt. 82 at Marks Rd.). 38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
now through April 3 in the Church Parlor. A donation of $15 For more information or to register, contact Pastor Dominic 440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929
for the workbook is requested, but not required. For more in- Verdell at (440) 236-8282 or visit www.christchurchohio.
formation or to register, please contact the Church of?ce at org.
(440) 327-8753 or [email protected]. LOCAL FAMILIES COMMITTED TO SERVING OUR COMMUNITY
PAL Support Group
German Dinner Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a support group
St. Paul Lutheran Church, located at 1377 Lester Rd., in of parents helping parents, offering education and support at Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
Valley City will hold their German Dinner on Saturday, Feb- no charge, for parents who are trying to save a son or daugh-
ruary 4, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. They will be serving roast pork, ter from addiction. These meetings are not for the addict, but DAVID BOGNER
kielbasa, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, spaetzle and apple- the family members that are 18 yrs. or older.
sauce. Tickets are available at the door. Cost is $12 for adults, FAMILY FUNERAL HOME
$5 for children 6-12 and children under 5 are free. Please Meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from
contact the Church of?ce for more information at (330) 483- 7-8:30 p.m. at Lighthouse Bible Church, located at 24050 36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
3883. Royalton Road, in Columbia Station.

Come and Worship with us...

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will ?nd; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone
who asks receives; he who seeks ?nds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”—Matthew 7:7-8

Our Lady Queen of Peace United Church of God GRAFTON UNITED Church of Christ TRINITY
Catholic Church 12981 Grafton Rd. METHODIST CHURCH
Grafton, Oh 44044 Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am LUTHERAN CHURCH
Weekend Masses Weekday 973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034 Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
Sat. 4:30pm Mass Sabbath Services “Your Family Church” 38307 W. Royalton Rd.
8:00am Saturdays at 12:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57)
Sun. 8:30 & Chapel 8:45am Sunday School 211 Forest St., LaGrange 10:00am Worship Adult Bible Class
11:00am Mon.-Tues. 440-355-6872 Sunday 9:30am
Confession: Thurs.-Fri. “Welcome Home” 10:35am Children’s Church Sunday Worship
Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor COLUMBIA UNITED 10:30am
Sat. 3:30- New Life Wesleyan Church METHODIST
NORTH CHURCH Church ph: 440-748-2154
4:00pm 11149 West River Rd, EATON Preschool ph: 440-748-3445
Columbia Station CHRISTIAN Worship Service
~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~ CHURCH 10:30 a.m.
SUNDAY 9 AM Rev. John Ramsey II
St. Elizabeth Adult Bible Study (Disciples) Sunday School
Ann Seton SUNDAY 10 AM Rt. 82 & 83
Worship & Children’s Church during Worship Service
Catholic Parish WEDNESDAY 6:45 PM 440-748-2230
Adult Study, Women’s Study, 25453 ROYALTON ROAD
25801 Royalton Rd. Teens, Kids Club COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO
Columbia Station, OH Rev. Steven Spaeth,
Worship Services Pastor Matt Merriman
Sacrament of Reconciliation Pastor 236-8822
(Confession) 440-236-8600 8:00am & 9:30am [email protected]
Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. Sunday School
Anytime by Appointment
Weekend Masses
Sat. 5 p.m. Polly Tallos

Sun. 8 & 11 a.m. Christian Ed. & Youth Director

440-236-5095 Rev. Charles A. Butcher Pastor

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Page 7

Professional Profile

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Rt. 82 & Island Rd.
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Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Dean’s Lists The local students receiving this award are: Allison
Thompson and Anna Anikienko of LaGrange; Mary Wo-
Attn: Eaton Township residents Youngstown State University jciechowski, Kelly Tomko, Gabriella Ott, Taylor Perez,
Youngstown State University’s best and brightest students Vincent Longo, Rachel Green, Mara Kisis, Carina Garduno,
Eaton Township’s 2016 Annual Financial Report is com- have been named to the Dean’s List for Fall 2016 Semester. Abrianna Finical and Matthew Clark of North Ridgeville;
plete and is available for viewing at the Eaton Township Dean’s List local honorees, recognized for academic excel- Damaris Wetzel, Katie Potter, Christine Lyzen, Brianna Kl-
Town Hall, 12043 Avon Belden Road, in Grafton, during nor- lence, include: Shevon Bennett of Elyria; Dylan Buf?ngton jun, Shane Fischbach, Benjamin Frashure and Gregory Davis
mal business hours of 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday. of Grafton; Alexis Bycznski of Columbia Station; Lauren of Columbia Station; Samantha Vincze Zitong Xu, Jesse Var-
Carson of Elyria; Sarah Conway of Elyria; Tyla Corlew of ner, Austyn Lilly, and Christine DeMarco of Elyria; and Tyler
NECC celebrates 175 years Elyria; Regina Edmondson of Elyria; Holly Hill of Elyria; Lienerth, Alexis Norris, Devin O’Donnell, Elizabeth Smith
Deborah Jorgensen of North Ridgeville; Anne Kearney of and Katy Spielberger of Grafton.
North Eaton Christian Church will celebrate their 175th Elyria; Stacey Livelsberger of Elyria; Amber Mjolnir of
Anniversary this year! North Ridgeville; Ashley Schumitsh of North Ridgeville; Ali University of Mount Union
Spigiel of Grafton; Bertha Toton of Elyria; Katherine Zelinka The following local students have been named to the
It all started in 1816, when the family of Jacob and Chloe of LaGrange; and Ellianna Hoff of Grafton. Dean’s List for the Fall 2016 Semester at the University of
(Ferguson) Tucker (including 8 children) ?rst arrived in Ver- Ashland University Mount Union: Isabella Pecchia, Brittany Helmink, Tyler
milion (Lorain County). They then moved to Windham (Por- The following area students were named to Ashland Uni- Gannon, Riley Gannon, Kailey DeMarco and Bailey Gannon
tage County) in 1818. In 1833, they thought it was time to versity’s Dean’s List for the Fall 2016 semester. To be eligible of North Ridgeville; Madison Filipiak and Joshua Lewis of
move on again so they bought a farm on Chestnut Ridge in for this honor, a student must be enrolled full time at Ashland Elyria; and Shelby Stedronsky of Columbia Station.
Eaton Township. University and achieve at least a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Congratulations to all of our local students on the Dean’s
Local students receiving this award: Alexis Ash of Graf- List!
In 1840, Chloe entreated a young preacher from Windham ton; Zachary Brosky of North Ridgeville; Emily Cornish of
Disciples Church, by the name of M. J. Streator, to come to Grafton; Alexis Csizmadia of Elyria; Catherine Cunningham Muzzy seeks loving home
Eaton and conduct a series of meetings. He came in October of Elyria; John Duldner of Columbia Station; Taylor Ford of
of that year. Meetings were held in the brick school house. LaGrange; Kristen Ford of LaGrange; Amanda Giovannaz- Muzzy er mix who weighs 65 lbs.
Then, in October of 1842 the church was organized with a zo of Elyria; Amber Guignette of Elyria; Desiree Jackson of Muzzy is a 2-year-old Muzzy has had all of his
membership of twenty-?ve. J.D. Swift was appointed over- Elyria; Amanda Kawiecki of Columbia Station; Maria Kern male, Staffordshire Terri- vaccines updated and is neu-
seer and J. A. Ferguson, deacon. In the fall of 1843, the loca- of Eaton; Kelsey Kidd of Elyria; Lauren Kingsboro of North tered. Muzzy was rescued
tion of the church was moved to the center, on which occasion Ridgeville; Lisa Kyer of Elyria; Amy Lauer of Elyria; Brian from a high kill dog pound.
Jared Patchen was chosen overseer and Chester Cooley, dea- Le of North Ridgeville; Melissa Long of Elyria; Zachary Lo- He has a beautiful brindle
con. In 1845, the church building now known as North Eaton presto of North Ridgeville; Jessica Miller of LaGrange; An- coat with white markings.
Christian Church was erected. The congregation increased drea Mitchell of Elyria; Erin Mokry of North Ridgeville; Mi- He’s fully trained in obedi-
until a larger house was required, and in the fall of 1862, a kaela Moore of Elyria; Jeremiah Munoz of Elyria; Stephanie ence, he’s very well man-
new edi?ce was erected at the center. Myers of North Ridgeville; Shelby Neeley of Elyria; Kayla nered and he’s a people
Rose of LaGrange; Rebecca Schmitz of Columbia Station; pleaser! Due to his strength,
In 1879, according to the Lorain County History book, Kelsey Simons of Elyria; Samantha Solanics of Grafton; Da- an adult home or one with
by William Brothers, the church had a membership of 155, kota Zimmerman of Columbia Station; and Kayla Zingale of kids that are in their teens
Brother W. H. Scott was the preacher, S. M. Streator, A. Rol- North Ridgeville. or older would work best.
lin and R. Hinkley were the overseers and A. Dawley and R. University of Akron If you would like to meet
Haven, deacons. It also had a Sabbath school of about 150 Congratulations to more than 3,500 students who made Muzzy, please visit www.
scholars, of which James Robinson is superintendent. the Fall 2016 Semester Dean’s List at the University of Ak- ?
ron. To be eligible, the students needed to maintain a GPA of
Ask the Remodeler 3.500-3.999 and be enrolled in 12 or more credit hours. Local Valentine Brownies
students on the Dean’s List are: Melissa Boey, Gina Deb- with Raspberry Coulis
Question: Our house has an existing front concrete stoop lasis, Nicole Fletterick, Breanna Hamper and Lisa Schlegel
without any roof covering. We would like to see what it would from Columbia Station; Keagan Bailey, Devan Brown, Mi- The raspberry juice called for in this recipe should be taken from the
look like with a roof and how much this project would cost. caela Dyson, Jason Grau, Kevin Grau, Ryan Messer, Anthony leftover juice from the frozen raspberries. “
How should we proceed? Pintola, Sara Sutorius and Keyerra Ward from Elyria; Conrad
Doehne, Andrew Etzler, Desarae Evans, Kristin Jelen, Maris- Ingredients
Answer: Just call your favorite remodeling contractor and sa Lee, Joseph McFadian, Erin Morris and Elizabeth Persing- 1/4 cup butter
ask if they would be interested in a project like yours. If you er form Grafton; Blake Benko, Brandon Buttolph and Avery 2 (1 ounce) squares unsweetened chocolate
have a picture of what you would like the ?nished project to Whitman from LaGrange; and Shaina Abend, Michaela Ferr- 1 cup white sugar
look like, be sure to share it with your remodeler. If you called ara and Angelique Gonzalez from North Ridgeville. 2 eggs
me, I would come and discuss your project with you and try University of Dayton 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
to answer all of your questions. If you like the ideas I share The following University of Dayton undergraduates from 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
with you, then I usually give you an estimated cost to see if the area made the Dean’s List for the Fall 2016 Semester, 1/2 teaspoon salt
we can meet your budget. If you decide to proceed, we work which honors undergraduate students achieving a minimum 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
with you to show you a computer rendering of the ?nished 3.5 GPA for the semester: Sherilyn Rogers of Columbia Sta- 1 (10 ounce) package frozen raspberries
project. When you approve the design, we develop drawings tion; Kristen Baker of Elyria; Gabriela Milos of North Rid- 1 tablespoon raspberry juice
and speci?cations, sign the construction contract and sched- geville; Ryen Lilli of Eaton; Brittany Resar of Elyria; Delaney 1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch
ule your start date. Good luck in creating the porch of your Bak of North Ridgeville; and Christopher Janney of Eaton. 1 tablespoon orange zest
dreams. Baldwin Wallace University Directions
The following local students have been named to the Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
If you have any questions you would like answered, send Dean’s List for the Fall 2016 Semester at Baldwin Wallace To make brownies: In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt but-
them to me via email at [email protected]. University. Students who receive at least a 3.6 GPA for seven ter or margarine and chocolate; take off of heat. Stir in sugar, eggs and
or more graded hours in a single semester are named to the vanilla; beat well. Mix in flour, salt and nuts, if desired.
Dean’s List. In a greased 8x8 inch baking dish, pour brownie mix.
Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes or until toothpick in the center of
brownies comes out somewhat clean.
To make Raspberry Coulis: In a medium saucepan over medium-high
heat, cook raspberries for 5 to 8 minutes; turn down to medium.
In a small bowl, combine juice and cornstarch to make a paste; add to
raspberries stirring constantly until thickened. Add rind and cool.
Pool coulis on a dessert plate and place brownie portion on top of cou-
lis; serve.
Recipe By:lcpgh, courtesy of

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Page 9

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Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Senior Trips Valentine a manatee adoption certi?cate with photo, and a
life history of a real, living endangered manatee. Or for $35,
North Ridgeville Garden Club February 7: Home & Garden Expo, 10:30 a.m. Fare is $22 also receive a lovely handmade Rowley Valentine ornament.
(non-refundable), due at time of reservation. In addition, each gift recipient receives a membership hand-
The Garden Club of North Ridgeville will start out the book, the Club’s quarterly newsletter, The Manatee Zone,
new year with their ?rst meeting on February 14, at 6 p.m. at March 21: Bob Hope, An American Treasure Exhibit at which features updates on the adoptive manatees, and the
the North Ridgeville Public Library, 35700 Bainbridge Road. the Cleveland History Center, fare is $30. Lunch is on your bi-monthly eNewsletter, Paddle Tales. A list of the manatees
Their guest speaker will be Shelly Hill and her program will own. Deadline - March 7. available for adoption can be found on the Club’s website at
be “Grow A Healthy Salad Garden.” If you are interested in
learning more about gardening, join them. For more informa- April 5: Westside Market, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Fare is $10,
tion, call (440) 365-8522. with lunch on your own. Save the Manatee Club, an international nonpro?t con-
servation and manatee welfare organization, was co-found-
Senior Center fund-raiser April 27: Freaky Friday, Cleveland Playhouse - Fare is ed in 1981 by singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffett and former
$75. The matinee is at 1:30 p.m. Deadline - March 31. U.S. Senator Bob Graham, when he was governor of Florida.
North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. is selling the popular Our Funds raised by the Adopt-A-Manatee® program go toward
Town All Around® book to raise funds for the North Rid- The Senior Center is located at 7327 Avon Belden Rd. For public awareness activities and educational materials includ-
geville Of?ce for Older Adults (Senior Center). They are on more information or to register for trips, call (440) 353-0828. ing free waterway signs and boating banners. The Club also
sale now while supplies last. Books are $28 each. The Center will be closed on February 20 for President’s Day. distributes free education materials to teachers and students
across the U.S. and internationally and helps fund manatee
The Senior Center is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. - Senior Center Activities research projects and manatee rescue, rehabilitation, and re-
4:30 p.m. for individuals to stop by and pick up copies. They lease efforts. In addition, Save the Manatee Club helps protect
are also available by calling (440) 353-0828. Craft Group - Anyone is welcome to join in every Mon- manatees and their habitat through conservation, advocacy,
day between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to share ideas and make proj- and legal and grassroots action, and supports international ef-
A Portion of the proceeds raised from the sale will go di- ects at the Senior Center. A soup lunch, including crackers forts, providing supplies to rehabilitation partners worldwide.
rectly to supporting activities at the Senior Center, located at and beverage, is available for 35¢ to the volunteers.
the corner of Bainbridge and Avon Belden Roads. To adopt a manatee for Valentine’s Day, visit Save the
Watercolor - Our Watercolor enthusiasts gather on Manatee Club’s website at, or call 1-800-
Fleet Hometown news Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. We have a very so- 432-JOIN (5646). Also, visit The Manatee Store, the Club’s
cial group who likes to get together to share their love of free- online gift catalog, for additional Valentine’s Day gift ideas
Andrew Sotak has joined the United States Air Force un- style art. If interested, just bring your paints and stop by the at manatees in real time in
der the Delayed Entry Program. The program gives young Senior Center. Call 353-0835 for more information. their natural habitat on the Club’s Blue Spring webcams at
men and women the opportunity to enlist and delay going into
basic military training for up to one year while they complete Canasta - The Canasta group meets on Wednesday after-
their educations and prepare for military service. noons from 12:30-4 p.m. Newcomers are welcome - just stop Follow the Club using Twitter
into the Center and join along! tee, Facebook, Pinterest
Quali?ed recruits are eligible to receive skills training,, and Instagram instagram.
experience and education bene?ts. After completing basic “Young at Heart” Breakfast - When there is a ?fth Thurs- com/adoptamanatee/. Check out manatee videos on YouTube
military training and graduating as new “airmen,” they each day of the month, we will have a breakfast for all of our at
receive specialized technical instruction in one of more than “Young at Heart” seniors. Breakfast is served at 10 a.m. Cost
140 career ?elds. is $3 with a theme for the morning. Please call reservations in In Loving Memory
Tuesday by 10 a.m. at 353-0828.
He reported to Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, in Texas, Michael Gierlach
for basic training in January. Puzzle Exchange - Puzzle enthusiasts come and trade in
your completed puzzles for new or different ones at the Se- Michael Gierlach, 60, of North
Sotak is the son of Marc and Carolyn Sotak of North Rid- nior Center on the last Tuesday of the month at 11 a.m. Ridgeville, passed away
geville. He is a 2016 graduate of North Ridgeville Senior
High School. Red Hatter’s - On the second Tuesday of each month join Wednesday, January 18, 2017.
the ladies of the “North Ridgeville Red Hatter’s” they meet Beloved father of Keith Michael
Dean’s List at the Senior Center at 2:00 p.m. For more information, call Gierlach and Kelly Faye Gierlach;
353-0835. loving grandfather of Adyson J.
The following students have been named to the Fall 2016 Gierlach; caring brother of four.
Dean’s List at Muskingum University, in New Concord, Ohio. Manatees Make Thoughtful
Valentine’s Day Gifts Memorial service were held
To be named to the Dean’s List, Muskingum University Friday, January 27, 2017 at 10AM
students must attain strictly prescribed levels of academic Get creative this Valentine’s Day - do something extra spe-
performance in their overall GPA. cial. Few gifts could rival a real, living manatee from Save the in the Sunset Chapel,
Manatee Club. Manatee gift adoptions given as a Valentine’s 6245 Columbia Rd.
Local Dean’s List students are: Colleen Boggs of Elyria Day gift help to educate others about this unique, gentle ma-
and Phillip Hicks of North Ridgeville. rine mammal and also support the Club’s many conservation North Olmsted, Ohio 44070.
Anita McCarthy from Fernandina Beach, Florida, decided
North Ridgeville to adopt a manatee for her “very special guy,” Kent Andres,
Senior Center events also from the same locale, after visiting Blue Spring State
Park, in Orange City, Florida.
Special Events:
AARP Tax Preparation - February 7- April 11, Tuesday’s “I had never seen a manatee before, and when I saw the
9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Volunteer tax preparers provide help for manatees at Blue Spring, I fell in love with them,” explained
middle-to-low income tax payers with special attention to Anita. She decided on Flicker from the Club’s Tampa Bay
those ages 60 and older. Adopt-A-Manatee® program because of the name and loca-
Men’s Breakfast - 9-10 a.m., February 2 - Steve Johnson tion. “Kent was pleasantly surprised with the manatee adop-
presenting about Rudy Regalado of the 1954 World Series tion for Valentine’s Day. We’re both especially impressed
Champs Cleveland Indians; February 16 - Randy Kimbro of with the way the Club has actual named, living manatees to
the FBI-Citizens Academy, topic for the morning will be “Cy- adopt. It gives the recipient the feeling of a true connection to
ber Crime.” Reservations required by calling 353-0828. the adopted manatee.”
Super Thursday Lunch - 12 p.m., February 9. Valentine’s
Celebration with Tower City Chorus. Lunch includes hot en- For $25, Save the Manatee Club will send your special
trée of lasagna, salad, beverage and dessert for $5. Call 353-
0828 to place reservations.
Ladies Brunch - 10:30-11:30 a.m., February 23. An inter-
esting program about the “History of Valentines,” presented
by Janet Bird, L.C. Historical Society. Enjoy a morning hot
breakfast entrée with fruit, juice and coffee for only $3. Res-
ervations required by calling 353-0828.
Ongoing Programs:
Blood Pressure - Third Wednesday of every month 10
a.m.-12 p.m. Walk-ins - ?rst come, ?rst serve.
Socialization, Lunch, Bingo - Every Wednesday begin-
ning at 9 a.m.; at 12 p.m. enjoy a lunch for $4. Reservation
required. 12:30-2 p.m. is Bingo.
Mahjongg - 12-3 p.m. The group meets on Thursday’s for
instruction and game playing. A small fee for player’s card is
required, but instruction is free.
Cards - Pinochle and Euchre enthusiasts’ gather every
Thursday from 12-4 p.m. a to play cards. No experience need-
ed. Newcomers are welcomed. On the second Thursday of
month, play begins at 1:30 p.m.

Herrick Memorial Library RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Page 11

Adult Writing Group - Note Meeting Changes: The Herrick JVS has a new
Memorial Library Writer’s Group will meet on Monday, Febru- Board of Education member
ary 6, from 6-7:30 p.m. and Tuesday, February 21, from 6-7:30
Wellington Genealogy Group p.m. Registration is encouraged. To register, call the Herrick Me- Carstarphen has been an
morial Library at (440) 647-2120. Future meetings set through Elyria School Board Mem-
The Wellington Genealogy Group meets on Wednesday, April are: Monday, March 6, from 6-7:30 p.m.; Monday, March ber for 3 years and will join
February 1, at 1 p.m. (note: new time) at the LCCC Welling- 20, from 6-7:30 p.m.; Monday, April 3, from 6-7:30 p.m. and 12 other JVS board members
ton Center, 151 Commerce Drive. The meeting this month is Monday, April 17, from 6-7:30 p.m. New members are welcome. representing their respective
“Exploring Find a Grave.” Jackie Johnson, a member of the school districts. Carstarphen
Wellington Genealogy Group, will show how to get the most Blind Date with a Book - through February 28. We’re invit- replaces Kathryn Karpus,
from a visit to the Find a Grave website. ing adults, ages 18 and up, to go on a “blind date” with some of who has served on the JVS
our specially selected and wrapped books. You won’t know what Board of Education for sev-
The Public is welcome. you have until you unwrap and read it. When you’ve ?nished eral years.
reading it, ?ll out the attached ‘rate your date’ tag and be entered
Wellington Hot Stove into our prize drawing. This year we’re inviting the teens (ages In other action, Deborah
Baseball sign-ups 12-17) to participate, too! We’ve specially wrapped age-appro- Melda, of Keystone Local
priate books for them to read & rate and then enter into their own School District, will remain
Hot Stove is a competitive participation, travel baseball prize drawing. Annie Carstarphen JVS Board President and
league with teams starting at age 5 and now going through Elyria Board of Educa- Rex Engle, of Amherst Ex-
adult. Registration Info: Winter Story Times - Now-March 2. The winter story pro- tion Member Annie Carstar- empted Village Schools, will
grams will begin January 24. Programs for babies, ages birth to phen has been named to continue to hold the position
Sign-ups will be on February 4 & 11 at Kelly Street Fire 24-months, will take place on Wednesday mornings beginning at serve on the Lorain County of Board Vice President.
Station (west parking lot), from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. You will need 10:30; programs for toddlers and preschoolers, ages 2-5 years, JVS Board of Education. They were of?cially sworn
to bring a copy of your child’s birth certi?cate at registration. will take place on Tuesday mornings beginning at 10:30; and in at the Board of Education
Registration fee is $95 for the ?rst player and $75 for each programs for families with children up to and including age 5 meeting held on January 19.
additional player in the same household. will take place on Thursday evenings beginning at 6:30. Regis-
tration is requested for story times and can be done at the library Fleet Hometown News
For additional information, please contact Dan Davison at or by calling (440) 647-2120.
(440) 225-2757 or Bryan Hamer at (440) 225-4283. U.S. Air Force Airman Travis L. Gordon graduated from
Winter Family Read Aloud - through March 4. For families basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland,
Auditions with children up to age 7. This program takes on a snowy theme in San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive,
based on the Disney movie “Frozen.” Families who sign up for 8-week program that included training in military discipline
Auditions for “Don’t Dress for Dinner” by Mark Camo- the Winter Read Aloud will receive a reading log to record the and studies, Air Force core values, physical ?tness and ba-
letti, will be on Sunday and Monday, February 19 & 20, at 7 titles of the books that they’ve read. Books must be checked out sic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic
p.m. at Workshop Players Theater, 44820 Middle Ridge Rd., from the Herrick Memorial Library. Every week, families who training also earn four credits toward an associate in applied
in Amherst. This 6-character farce, featuring 3 men and 3 bring in their reading log to be stamped will be entered into a science degree through the Community College of the Air
women, just never stops coming at the audience with identity drawing to win one of ten prizes. You can also help us build a Force.
switches and surprises. snowman in the Children’s Room by gluing a ‘snowball’ onto
Roles available are: our snowman shape. You will receive one snowball for every Gordon is the son of Cindy Obrein of Zephyrhills, Fla. and
Bernard (40s-60s) - He hopes to entertain his chic Pari- book read. The program will end on Saturday, March 4, at our Dale Gordon of Lodi, and brother of Jimmy Squire and Sonja
sienne mistress at his home when his wife goes to care for “Frozen Finale” party. The ten prizes will be awarded to attend- Beat of Wellingon. He graduated in 2014 from Black River
her ailing mother. In preparation, he hires a gourmet cook to ees (must be present to win) during this fun event. Families High School, in Sullivan, Ohio and in 2015 from the Ohio
make the weekend special and invites his unsuspecting best wanting to participate must register by February 4. Registration Technical College in Cleveland.
friend as an alibi. As things go awry, Bernard becomes in- can take place in the library or by calling (440) 647-2120.
creasing unraveled and spilled upon, requiring many changes
of shirts! Bluebird Basics - Have you ever seen a bluebird? Are
Jacqueline (40s-60s) - Bernard’s wife’s plans change you interested in learning more about these beautiful native Roasted Red Pepper Chicken
when she hears that Robert, Bernard’s best friend, is coming songbirds? On Saturday, March 18, Penny and Fritz Brandau,
for the weekend because of an affair that they have begun. members of the Black River Audubon Society and the Ohio “This recipe is rich, but very delicious, and the red makes it
Stunned and confused by the behavior of both her paramour Bluebird Society, will give a presentation about Eastern Blue- festive. It is best served with asparagus and lots of love.”
and her husband, as the evening unfolds, she slowly catches birds at 2 p.m. at the Herrick Memorial Library.
on to the truth of the situation, or does she? Ingredients
Robert (40s-60s) - Poor Robert is ambushed again and The library is located at 101 Willard Memorial Square, in 4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
Wellington. 1 (12 ounce) jar roasted red bell peppers
2 cups bread crumbs
Tiger seeks loving home 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup sour cream
again as he ?rst learns of Bernard’s real plans, then discovers The shelter is located at 1/2 cup feta cheese
that his own mistress (Bernard’s wife) will, indeed, be there. 8303 Murray Ridge Road, Directions
Out of necessity he assumes several different identities as he in Elyria. Their hours are With a very sharp knife, cut pockets into the thickest part
scrambles desperately to make it through the evening. For from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on of the breast of chicken. Stuff as many pieces of roasted red
poor Robert, it’s an uphill battle. Monday, Friday & Satur- peppers as you can into pockets of chicken one at a time. Pour
Suzanne (30s-50s) - Bernard’s Parisienne mistress arrives day; from 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. bread crumbs into a large plastic bag. Place chicken breasts
and is immediately mistaken by Robert as the gourmet chef, on Tuesday & Thursday; in the bag with the bread crumbs and shake until well coated.
a role she must try to play out as the evening progresses. She and from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. In a large skillet, heat oil to a medium-high heat and place
is ill suited for that task, as is soon evident, and her frustration on Sunday. Adoption fees chicken in the pan. Cook for 5 minutes on one side then turn,
elevates. Since she is a model, Suzanne must be able to carry are $20 for 1 year and old- cook for 10 minutes on the other side.
herself off as such even in the midst of confusing role playing. er and $50 for less than 1 While cooking the chicken, in an electric blender blend sour
Suzette (30s-50s) - She is really the cook who takes on the year old. All cats have been cream and a few pieces of red peppers. Flip the chicken one
role of the mistress. She de?nitely plays this role with relish, spayed or neutered, vacci- more time and cook 5 more minutes, or until chicken is done.
despite initial confusion over the evening’s goings on. Quite nated, dewormed and have Cut the chicken in half and arrange the pieces on a plate.
the entrepreneur, Suzette bene?ts monetarily from the ruse tested negative for FeLV. Drizzle with sour cream mixture and sprinkle with feta cheese.
and loves every minute of it, rubbing it in whenever possible. Friendship APL is a private, Recipe By:Avery Hayden, courtesy of
George (40s-60s) - George is Suzette’s husband, who ap- non-pro?t humane society.
pears for the last scene of the play. He is somewhat surprised They depend on the gener-
when faced with the events of the evening to say the least. osity and ?nancial support
George must be physically imposing and capable of using Tiger of the public to serve the
some of that muscle in a theatrically safe way, of course! Tiger’s owner is disabled people and animals of Lo-
Performance dates are April 20 - May 7. For more infor- and had to move in with rain County.
family. She had lived in a
mation, contact director Pat Price at joeandpatprice@centu- home with other cats and did ?ne, but the cat in her new
Dean’s List home didn’t get along with
her. They tried for 3 months
RENT ME! Heidelberg University and it didn’t work, so Tiger
has announced the names of is looking for a new home.
358 students named to the She is 6 years old and a re-
fall semester Dean’s List. In- ally nice cat. This pretty kit-
cluded on the list is Michael ty likes attention and would
McGinty of Wellington, a love to be back in a home
sophomore in Criminal Jus- again. Do you have room in
tice and History. your heart and home for this
sweet girl? If you would like
Congratulations! to give Tiger a loving, for-
ever home, please call the
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Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Grafton Hot Stove/Midview Immunotherapy
OGSO registration another weapon against cancer

GRAFTON RESIDENT REMINDERS Grafton Hot Stove/Midview OGSO will be having open Immunotherapy can be ef- treatments. Some boost the
Snow Parking Bans - When an active snow event generates registration again for baseball and softball (ages 6-18) on fective in ?ghting cancer. body’s immune system in
two inches of snow or more, a parking ban for village streets February 4, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at North Park in Grafton. a very general way. Others
goes into effect. Returning players need completed registration & fees; new Immunotherapy can be help train the immune sys-
Trash Placement - Trash receptacles should be placed on tree players need birth certi?cate, completed registration and fees. effective in ?ghting cancer. tem to attack cancer cells
lawns, not in the streets. Trash receptacles placed in the street Fees are due at time of registration. Registrations will be speci?cally.
adversely impact the street department’s ability to plow and salt available at the registration days or can also be printed out A cancer diagnosis can
the entire street. online at and mailed to PO Box be devastating to individu- Types of immunotherapy
52, Grafton, Ohio 44044. Uniforms will be available to try als and their families. Upon Certain cancers respond
SPAGHETTI DINNER on at time of registration. Please make every attempt to bring being diagnosed with cancer, better to immunotherapy
The Lady’s Guild of Our Lady Queen of Peace church will your athletes to be properly ?tted at this time. Thank you! patients may not know what than others. Also, different
be having their annual Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, February Looking forward to our 2017 season! lies ahead, including their types of immunotherapy
4, from 5-7 p.m. in the parish hall, 708 Erie St., in Grafton. The prognosis for survival. may be more effective than
menu consists of spaghetti and homemade meatballs, salad, rolls, Angels Haven Horse Clinic others. The following are
dessert and a beverage. Tickets are $9 for adults, $8 for seniors Battling cancer may not some of the types of treat-
and $5 for children ages 4-11. Tickets will be available at the Please join the rescue horses of Angels Haven Horse Res- be easy, but cancer research- ment doctors may prescribe.
door. Carry-outs will be available. cue for a fun-?lled hands-on Horse Clinic on Sunday, Febru- ers continue to look for ways • Monoclonal antibod-
ary 5. Love, pamper and gain horse and pony knowledge and to attack cancer cells and ies: These are drugs that are
PANCAKE BREAKFAST end your day with a ride. For a $10 donation (snacks includ- improve the prognosis for designed to bind to speci?c
There will be a pancake breakfast from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on ed), this educational and fun experience is great for all ages. men and women diagnosed targets in the body. They can
Sunday, January 29, at St. Mary School. The school is located at Funds help pay for veterinary and farrier care, hay, grain, nat- with the disease. In the Unit- cause an immune response
237 4th Street, in Elyria. The school will be open. Come meet the ural supplements and stall bedding. ed States, cancer death rates that destroys cancer cells.
teachers and tour the buildings while enjoying lots of delicious have been on the decline Other monoclonal antibod-
pancakes. For more information, contact (440) 322-2808. Angels Haven is located at Evergreen Farm, 13297 Durkee since the early 1990s. The ies (targeted therapy) mark
Rd., in Grafton. For more information, call (440) 781-5060. National Cancer Institute’s cancer cells so that the im-
GREATER GRAFTON PARTNERSHIP EVENT most recent Annual Report mune system can seek and
There will be a special presentation, Growing Your Business: Midview Junior Trackletes Camp to the Nation on the Status of destroy them.
How to work on your business instead of in your business, on Cancer, published in March • Adoptive cell transfer:
Wednesday, February 1, at 8 a.m. at the Grafton Health, Fitness The Midview Track Program will be having its ?rst annu- 2016, states that cancer death The National Cancer Insti-
&Events Center, 416 Main Street. The presentation will feature al Camp for Midview Junior Trackletes. The Midview Track rates have decreased by 1.8 tute says adoptive cell trans-
Dennis Willis of ActionCOACH Team NEO. program is designed to bene?t athletes in all sports! This pro- percent per year among men, fer attempts to boost the nat-
gram is designed to introduce our youngest Middies to the 1.4 percent per year among ural ability of T cells to ?ght
LIBRARY FRIENDS NEWS events of track and ?eld and allow them to learn from some women, and 2.0 percent per cancer. T cells are a type of
Yoga is back for Friends members. Sessions will be on Mon- of the best current and former Middies. year among children up to 19 white blood cell and part of
days beginning February 6 at 6:30 p.m. The next regular business years of age through 2013. the immune system.
meeting for the Friends of the Grafton-Midview Public Library It is on Monday, April 3, from 5-7:30 p.m. at the Midview Numerous factors, including • Immune checkpoint
is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7, at 6:30 p.m. in the library. High School Ross Field or Kubuski Gymnasium. Cost is $20 immunotherapy, are contrib- inhibitors: These drugs ba-
Join us as we plan future events. Friends present a “Viva Vin- and covers a Midview Trackletes T-shirt. The program is for uting to those lower death sically rev up the immune
tage Fashion Show” at the Library on February 12 at 2 p.m. grades 3-6. rates. Understanding immu- system, which helps it recog-
All are welcome. For more information, visit www.friends- notherapy can help cancer nize and attack cancer cells. For a copy of the form that needs to be sent in, go to http:// patients and their families • Cytokines: These pro- gain a better grasp on treat- teins are made by the body’s
BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS ment. cells and play important
The Midview Board of Education has set the time for their Annual Dodgeball Tournament roles in the body’s normal
regular monthly meetings as the fourth Wednesday of each What is immunothera- immune responses. They
month at 6:30 p.m. in the West Elementary LRC. The exception The Dodgeball Tournament is back! Please save the date py? also in?uence the immune
will be in November and December due to holidays. Meetings of Saturday, March 11, for this year’s Dodgeball Tournament system’s ability to respond to
are scheduled for February 22, March 22, April 2, May 24, June hosted by the Midview after-prom committee. Immunotherapy is a med- cancer. The two main types
28, July 26, August 23, September 27, October 25, November 15 ical treatment that uses por- of cytokines used to treat
and December 20. This tournament is open to students who are currently en- tions of the immune system cancer are interferons and
rolled at Midview in 3rd through 12th grades, as well as adult to ?ght diseases like cancer. interleukins.
1,000 BOOKS BEFORE KINDERGARTEN teams (adult teams can be from outside the Midview district)! Immune cells and the sub- Physicians will discuss
Reading 1,000 books before kindergarten sets children on Team registration packets will be available at the schools stances they make travel various cancer therapies and
the path to success... one book at a time! Families are invited starting Friday, February 17, and will also be available on through the body and pro- treatments, including immu-
to join the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program at the the Midview Schools’ website. Cost will be $10 per player tect it from foreign invaders, notherapy, upon diagnosing
Grafton-Midview Library. The special program is a nation- with a maximum of 8 players per team. Registration includes says the American Cancer a patient with cancer. Side
wide challenge that encourages parents and caregivers to reg- a 2-game guarantee and complimentary meal. Prizes will be Society. Immunotherapy effects to immunotherapy
ularly read aloud to their children. By reading just one book awarded in each division for the winning teams, best team includes a combination of may include pain, swelling,
a night, families can reach the 1,000-book goal in three years costume and best team name. soreness, redness, itchiness,
and provide their children essential early literacy skills. and rash. Flu-like symptoms
Research shows that the most reliable predictor of school There will be a $2 entry fee for all non-participating play- also are possible as the body
success is being read to during early childhood. Reading to ers. All proceeds from this tournament bene?t the Midview attacks the cancer cells. Im-
children from an early age can help close the vocabulary gap after-prom. We thank you in advance for your support! If you munotherapy is given orally,
and prepare children to enter kindergarten with the skills they have any questions, please email [email protected]. topically and intravenously.
need to succeed. Most importantly, sharing books with chil- Patients can discuss how
dren promotes a lifelong love of books and reading. Dean’s List often treatment will be ad-
This program is available to all families with children be- ministered and whether im-
tween the ages of birth and ?ve years. Registration is open. Miami University students who achieved a 3.5 or better munotherapy offers their
For more information, call the library at (440) 926-3317 or GPA for the ?rst semester of 2016-2017 have been named to best chances for beating the
visit the website, This program is free the Dean’s List recognizing academic performance. disease.
of charge.
Local student Daniel Divencenzo of Grafton was named
Karen A. Kramer, D.D.S. to the fall 2016 Dean’s List. Congratulations!
420 N. Main St., Grafton
Welcomed! Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with

Same-day Denture programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
Repairs Available
3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
“We Cater To Cowards”
The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
Trinity Lutheran Preschool
1/30 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
38307 Royalton Road, Grafton and coffee for participants.
1/31 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed
Touching Lives Forever! by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for
Celebrating 40 years of service 2/2 at 2:00 pm Sign up for
to the community! Senior Dinner to be held
2/9/2017 at 5:30pm. Two
NOW ENROLLING names per phone call only.
2/3 at 2:00 pm Senior Card
for the 2017-2018 Club with pop and snacks for participants.
2/6 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free donuts
School Year! 3-year-old classes meet and coffee for participants.
2/7 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being instructed
Tuesday & Friday AM by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and juice for
4/5-year-old Pre-Kindergarten, 2/9 at 5:30 pm Senior Dinner for those that signed up.
“hands on,” curriculum to help you BEFORE NOON.
2/10 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and snacks for
prepare your child for kindergarten! participants.

Call (440) 748-3445 • If you have questions on these programs, please contact the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.

Where children LOVE to learn! • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.

Grafton-Midview Library Diabetes Self-Management - Tuesdays, March 14-April RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 Page 13
25, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Seating is limited for this self-manage-
Grafton-Midview Public Library is located at 983 Main ment program offered in partnership with Fairhill Partners. College Credit Plus program alternate arrangement.
Street, in Grafton. Most Library programs require registra- next school year for the ?rst 8th Grade Parent Night -
tion. To register for programs, call or visit the library, or • Find practical ways to deal with pain and fatigue time. Also, state required
register by visiting our website at (440) • Learn how to control blood sugar forms will be handed out at All Midview Middle School
926-3317. • Discover better nutrition and exercise choices this meeting. College Credit 8th grade students and par-
• Understand new treatment options Plus (CCP) permits eligible ents are encouraged to attend
2017 hours for GMPL: • Learn better ways to talk with your doctor and family students in grades 7-12 to 8th Grade Parent Night at
Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. about your health. earn college and high school Midview Middle School on
Sun. 1-5 p.m. (Labor Day-Memorial Day). I would like to invite you to join us this Wednesday, Febru- graduation credit through February 9th at 6pm. High
Winter Reading Challenge - Now through Friday, March ary 1, for “Hidden in Plain Sight” at 5:30 p.m. in the Kubus- the successful completion of School counselors and ad-
17, beat the winter blues while challenging yourself to read! ki Gym. Guests will participate in an interactive exhibit by college courses at Ohio pub- ministrators will be present-
Kids up to age 12 can pick up a Bingo board from the Chil- the Bath and Copley police departments that is designed to lic colleges and universities ing important information
dren’s Department. Complete one Bingo row, receive a prize! resemble a teenager’s bedroom. The exhibit contains more and some private colleges. about scheduling classes and
Complete the whole Bingo board and receive another prize. than 150 items that may be indicative of dangerous or risky For further information or if what it takes to earn your
Coding Club - Monday, January 30, 3:30-5 p.m. Explore behaviors. A presentation and panel discussion will take place you are unable to attend this high school diploma. This is
the world of code and increase your problem-solving skills, afterward. Due to the nature of the materials presented, no meeting, please call your a great opportunity to get all
express your creativity, work as a team, and have fun! We will youth are permitted to attend. child’s counselor at the MHS of your questions about your
meet after school in the Teen Zone and learn together how to For those who enjoy walking, we know how hard it is to Student Services Of?ce at child’s high school experi-
make simple webpages, create animation, and more. No ex- get those steps in during the winter months. We also know (440) 748-5343 to make an ence answered!
perience necessary to participate. Already know how to code? how important it is to stay active, no matter the time of year.
We need mentors! For ages 10-17. As such, Midview High School hallways around the auxiliary Pancake Breakfast
Storytimes - Storytime AM: Mondays, January 30-March gym will be open from 5-8 p.m. every evening for those who
20, 10-10:30 a.m. and Storytime PM: Tuesdays, January would like to walk. Please note, that guests will be unable to Mark your calendars. The next semiannual Grafton Town-
31-March 21, 6-6:30 p.m. Storytime is designed for children walk during evening events as the gates are down. Visit www. ship Fire Department Pancake Breakfast is scheduled for Feb-
3-6 years old and their caregivers. Each program will explore to view a ruary 19. The all-you-can-eat breakfast will be served from 8
great books, fun concepts and engage in creative, educational full list of events. a.m. - 1 p.m. Tickets are $6 for ages 11 & up, $5 for seniors,
activities. Registration is not required. Open enrollment packets will be sent out February 1. If $3 for children 4-10 years old and children 3 and under are
Tech Tutor - Wednesday, February 1, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. you need information on open enrollment, please contact the free. They have added fruit cups and chocolate milk at no
& 2:30-4:30 p.m. Registration is recommended. Walk-ins are Board Of?ce at (440) 748-5353. additional cost. LifeShare blood mobile will be on site from
welcome if no appointments are scheduled. Appointments Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place the second 9 a.m. till noon during the event; breakfast is free with suc-
are 60 minutes and available on the ?rst Wednesday of the week of February for all schools. We encourage parents to cessful donation.
month. GMPL is happy to schedule appointments as needed attend to check in on their child’s progress. Please contact
if Wednesday times do not work. Please contact gmplrefer- your child’s building for more information. Trash Pick Up Arrangements
[email protected] or call the Library with any questions or to Have a great week!
schedule a Tech Tutor appointment. Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent
Babypalooza - Thursday, February 2, 9, 16 and 23, 10-
10:30 a.m. Join us for this short and lively program for babies MHS Guidance news Residents who are disabled, or ?nd it dif?cult to take
(birth to 3 years) and their caregivers. Babypalooza is a great Rumpke Trash bins to the curb, can make special arrange-
way to introduce baby to the world of stories using songs, ments to have their trash picked up from the garage or a sim-
rhymes, and lap bounces. Registration is not required. Ongoing Info: tional meeting about College ilar location. Those residents should send a letter to Rumpke
Marshmallow Madness The ACT Test is April 8, Credit Plus will be held at to the attention of Sarah Matthews which includes a note from
Thursday, February 2, 6-7:30 p.m. Join us for a night of with a registration deadline Midview High School the a doctor. For more information, contact trustee Jean Haight at
marshmallow games and activities: build a catapult and test of March 3 and late registra- evening of conferences on (440) 926-2178.
your launching skills, compete in stacking and building chal- tion from March 4-17. Thursday, February 9, at
lenges, and design marshmallow pops. The SAT Test is March 5:30 p.m. in the APR. The PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS
AARP Tax Aide - Fridays, February 3-April 14, 9:30 a.m.- 14, with a registration dead- information and counseling
2:30 p.m. Registration available now. AARP Tax Aide volun- line of February 13 and late provided at this meeting
teers assist patrons with no-cost tax preparation. AARP vol- registration until February is required for any student
unteers will help everyone, but specialize in helping seniors. 27. planning to participate in the
Participants must schedule an appointment for assistance. Scholarship Information:
Appointments can be made by calling the Library. The following scholarship
Anime Club - Tuesday, February 7, 3 p.m. Anime and information & scholarships
Manga enthusiasts meet once per month after school to watch
videos, discuss their favorite characters and series, and partic- VIVA Vintage Fashion Showare available in the Student
ipate in related activities and games. Services Of?ce or online:
Heritage Trails - Grafton History Group - Wednesday, Ohio University Women’s
February 8 p.m. Join us for an evening celebrating Grafton’s Club of Greater Cleveland GMPL Community Room
history. This week we have a presentation on Grafton Indus-
tries of the past. Freshman Scholarship - This 983 Main Street, Grafton OH
Coffee & Color - Tuesday, February 14, 10 - 11:30 a.m. scholarship is for the female
Grab a few colored pencils, relax, and do some coloring with Sunday, February 12high school student entering
us. No need to register, just come on in!
Ohio University as a fresh-
man in the fall of 2017 with
a unweighted GPA of 3.5 or show starts promptly at 2 PM

Ecker Real Estate Co. higher and a 25 ACT and/or
an 1140 SAT. The focus also
Karlene Liserio is on leadership skills, ser- Enjoy a vintage fashion show
vice to your high school and featuring clothing through the
community and career goals. decades which includes a
(440) 371-0835 Deadline is February 3.
[email protected] Ohio PTA Scholarship running commentary on events

Real Estate with Integrity - This $500 scholarship is happening in the world at the
available to seniors attend- time. Each garment shown
ing an Ohio public high
school with one or more PTA will entertain and educate

units. The awards are based the young and old.
on the student’s scholastic
achievement, school in-
volvement, leadership qual-
SAVE MONEY WITH THE HOME/CAR DISCOUNT. i?cations and special family
circumstances. There are 3
Which helps when you have the different applications avail-
able: Academic Bachelors

Combine your home and auto insurance and save up Degree, Technical Associate

to 25% on your premiums at Nationwide® Degree and a Special Educa-

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MARK CUMMINGS Nationwide® tion Scholarship for students
On Your Side on a current IEP.504. Dead-
990 Commerce Dr. Grafton line for these scholarships is
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Call me today for a quote. Auto Home Life Business Conservation, Joel McRob-
erts Scholarship - This is a Call 440-926-3317 or visit
Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Af?lited Companies. Life
Insurance issued by Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Home Of?ce: Columbus, OH 43215-2220

$1,000 scholarship avail-
able to Lorain County high
KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS school seniors. Applicants
must be enrolled for the fall to register. Seating is limited.
semester of 2017 at a two or
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ four-year college or univer-
Hours By Appointment sity as a full-time student
in an agricultural or natural
419 NORTH MAIN STREET resource related ?eld. A 2.5
GRAFTON, OHIO or better GPA is required for
consideration. Deadline is
440-926-2705 April 15. The program is sponsored by the Friends of the Grafton-Midview Public Library Upcoming Events: in celebration of the bicentennial of the Village of Grafton. The fashion show is

An important informa- put on by VIVA, an organization to bene?t the Western Reserve Historical Society.


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ton Tag Trailer, $4,000. 440- CALL JASON’S SERVICES
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Funtastic Touri?c Bus Trips: Follow us on FaceBook
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Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 Southwestern to Albuquerque,
Available for all occasions hot air balloon ?esta, Oct. 4-19, AUTO SERVICE
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Call for pricing son Christmas Spectacular, COLUMBIA MARATHON G THE
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Expires 2/28/17. Not valid with any other offer. "The IRS does not endorse any particular individual tax return preparer.
For more information on tax return preparers, go to"

Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 30, 2017 FLYGUY’S
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