TheRural-Urban Record
“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”
Volume 61, No. 20 Columbia Station, Ohio November 16, 2015
The Columbia Raiders The boys team took home the Division title after defeating #5 state ranked Independence in a shoot-out at the end of double OT play. (L-R:)
Boys’ Soccer team once Back row: Coach Taylor, Justin Tacchite, Nate Hite, Tyler Hite, Spencer Gehr, Matt Dixon, Justin Krase, Andy Schneider, Ben Skowronsky,
again ?nished a record- David Wos and Cody Reichard. Front row: Wolfgang Loos, Curt Welker, Trevor Fess, Justin Clark, Brian Wells, Taylor Beck and Sam Nagle.
breaking season. The hall- Not pictured is Head Coach Hank Proctor.
ways were buzzing with
Raider Pride during the team in history to make it ers were ranked #13 in This year, they laid claim was a team ?rst. Lorain Nate Hite, David Wos,
?rst week of November. to the State ?nal four. the State after the regular to ?rst place with an 8-1 County Coaches Asso- and Wolfgang Loos, were
Students and fans showed season, and defeated the conference record, scoring ciation DIII, named Nate named 1st team Greater
up in numbers to show the The Raiders were foiled #2 and #5 teams in the 42 goals and only allow- Hite, Player of the Year, Cleveland, All-District.
2015 Soccer team some by Archbold 3-1. While State Playoff run. ing 7, which was the best and Coach Hank Proc-
love during their playoff Columbia held onto a 1-0 in the conference. They tor, Coach of the Year. It was an outstanding
run. Both the district ?nal lead through the ?rst half, During the regular sea- also named 5 players to Also a ?rst in the year team effort all season
game against Indepen- the pressure of Archbold son, the Raiders claimed the PAC 1st team, which end awards, three players, long. Congratulations on
dence and the Regional became too much in the back to back Patriot Con- a terri?c year.
semi-?nal game against second half. The Raid- ference Championships.
the defending state cham-
pion Mans?eld Christian
went into double OT and
came down to a shoot-
out. That is 110 minutes
of a grueling battle twice
within one week. Along
with the iron curtain de-
fense made up of Cody
Reichard, Taylor Beck,
Ben Skowronsky and
Andy Schneider, goal-
keeper Trevor Fess was
playing sensational in the
goal. Those spectacular
wins earned the Raiders a
spot in the Regional Final
game in Port Clinton, OH,
on Saturday, November
7, against Archbold High
School. There have only
been a handful of Lorain
County teams to ever
reach the State Regional
Finals. The Raiders were
trying to be the ?rst boys’
Attention students ages 8 through 18, The Wellington High L-R: Mrs.Hughes, Band seniors Ben Hornbeck, Meghan McKnight, Michaela Toth,
Ski/Snow Boarding Club sign up dead- School Dukes Marching Mr. Snodgrass and Mrs. Novotny.
Band received a Supe-
line is fast approaching. Lorain rior Rating at the State
County Ski Bums needs you to Marching Band Finals on
complete your sign-up for the Saturday, November 7,
2016 ski season. This Sunday in Brunswick. This is the
club consists of skiers and highest rating any group
boarders from all surround- can attain. The Band pre-
ing school districts. sented it’s contest show
Students and all adults titled “Bring It Home!”
are welcome to join
the club. The 6-week Under the direction of
Sunday package, start- Antoinette Novotny since
1999, the Dukes have
ing January 10, includes a once a week snow/lift ticket, quali?ed for the state ?-
rental equipment (if applicable) and 5 weeks of ski/snow- nals fourteen years, and
board lessons. To sign up, and for more information, go this was their fourth Su-
to: perior rating. Mrs. Gayle
Transportation will be by chartered bus and will leave Hughes and Mr. Rick
Grafton Sparkle Market each Sunday at 3:30 p.m. sharp, Snodgrass are the assis-
returning by 9:30 p.m. Sign up today, as charter bus space tants.
is limited. For more information, call George Bates at
(440) 926-2001 or Ted Schriver at (440) 225-5219.
Community Directory Carlisle............ 14 Grafton............ 8 N. Ridgeville..... 20 PROFILE............ 7
Columbia.......... 2 Grafton Twp..... 11 Wellington.........19 LET’S EAT.......... 17
Eaton............... 11 LaGrange......... 16 Churches............6
HALLEEN KIA’S PRE-OWNED VALUES 2015 KIA RIO LX #317390 ............................................ $12,977 2011 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN #317677................. $12,500
2010 CHEVY EQUINOX LT #317488 ............................. $7,777 2010 KIA FORTE EX #317676 ...................................... $8,900
North Olmsted • 1-888-742-3775 2009 DODGE RAM 1500 BIG HORN #317509 ....... $14,977 2011 KIA SOUL PLUS #317673 ................................... $9,900
Certified Pre-owned Superstore 2009 FORD ESCAPE XLT #317617 ............................ $10,500 2010 MAZDA 3 GT #317686 ...................................... $10,900
27726 Lorain Road • North Olmsted 2013 TOYOTA COROLLA LE #317622 ...................... $13,900 2013 KIA RIO EX #317692 ......................................... $11,900
2008 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT #317625 ................... $8,900 2012 KIA SORENTO LX #317690 ............................. $14,900
MON - THURS 9am-9pm; FRI / SAT 9am-6pm; SUN 12 NOON-5pm 2012 KIA SPORTAGE LX #317637 ............................. $13,900 2008 TOYOTA YARIS BASE #317696 ........................ $7,900
2015 KIA CADENZA PREMIUM #317660 ................ $24,900 2009 CHEVY COBALT LT #317717 ............................. $7,900
2012 KIA SOUL BASE #317663 .................................... $9,500 2009 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED X #317721 ...... $21,500
2015 KIA SEDONA LX #317658 .................................. $23,900 2012 KIA OPTIMA EX #317740 ................................ $13,900
Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 CHS Winter Sports Pictures Senior Citizens Breakfast
WEEKLY CALENDAR Due to the fall athletic tournament schedule, on Friday, Columbia High School and the CHS Key Club would
Monday, November 16: November 20, winter sports pictures will be taken for the “all- like to invite you to their biannual Senior Citizens Breakfast.
Columbia Board of Trustees will have their meeting to- senior picture” and team/individual pictures for boys basket- This event is open to all Columbia residents and grandpar-
night at 7 p.m. in the town hall. The community is welcome ball and wrestling. All participants should receive order infor- ents of Columbia Local students. The breakfast will be held
to attend. mation and the time schedule for team/group and individual on Wednesday, December 2, at 8:45 a.m. in the high school
Wednesday, November 18: pictures from their coaches/advisors. The all-senior picture, cafeteria. It is free of charge. They will be serving breakfast
Columbia Board of Education will hold their meeting this including male and female athletes, will take place at 5 p.m. casseroles, hash browns, fresh fruit, muf?ns and a variety of
evening at 6:30 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. The com- This photo is available to purchase through Lifetouch Photog- beverages. If you would like to attend, please call (440) 236-
munity is welcome to attend. raphy. Please direct any questions to your child’s respective 5001, ext. 235, before 3 p.m. on Monday, November 30, to
coach/advisor. make your reservations.
CHSWeekly Calendar
Columbia Garden Club Breakfast with Santa
Monday, November 16:
6:30 p.m. Financial Aid Night - cafeteria. Members will meet at Joanne’s home on Tuesday, Novem- Every year, the Scout Scholarship Committee sponsors a
Girls Basketball preview at Clearview. ber 17, at noon. They will be making Christmas Swags for the “Breakfast with Santa” in order to offer scholarships to gradu-
Tuesday, November 17: township buildings. Bring gloves and clippers. Lunch will be ating senior Girl or Boy Scouts. Each year they have been
6 p.m. Volleyball banquet - cafeteria. provided. Donations will also be collected for the Columbia able to offer at least one scholarship to a senior boy and a girl
Wednesday, November 18: Food Bank. The club’s annual Christmas party will be on De- scout thanks to the generosity of donors and the pro?ts from
6:30 p.m. Board of Education meeting - cafeteria. cember 15, at noon, at Mehle’s Restaurant in Westlake. For a pancake breakfast.
Thursday, November 19: more information, call Rose Ann at (440) 236-5440.
4 p.m. Academic Challenge meet v. Elyria - home. With school work and all the outside activities teens are
6 p.m. Girls Soccer banquet - cafeteria. Columbia Schools involved with, it shows real dedication when they participate
Friday, November 20: Superintendent Graig Bansek in scouting through their senior year.
5 p.m. Winter Sports Pictures: all senior photo, boys bas-
ketball, wrestling. I want to thank Jim Hurst, the Columbia Community Show your support of the senior scouts and mark your cal-
Saturday, November 21: Foundation and the Congregations of Columbia for hosting endars for Sunday, December 6. Join them at Columbia VFW
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday School for those students as- a Thanksgiving Day Dinner for the residents of our commu- Post #9340 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. for a great breakfast of all-
signed. nity. This will take place on Thursday, November 26, at CHS. you-can-eat pancakes, sausages, juice and coffee.
1/2:30 p.m. Girls Basketball v. Independence. Serving times are 1-3 and 2-4 p.m. The district is honored to
be a part of this day. Many of our staff and students will be The cost of the breakfast is $7 for adults and children.
Columbia Athletic Boosters volunteering his or her time to help with this event. What a Breakfast is free for tots under 2 years old.
Nite at the Races great opportunity to gather with friends, family and the com-
munity. We are Columbia Proud! Take time to visit with Santa and have your picture taken!
The Columbia Athletic Boosters will be hosting their an- The cost of one picture is included with your meal. Come and
nual Nite at the Races fundraising event on Friday, November The next Board of Education meeting will take place at support the local scouts!
20, at the West Side Irish American Club, located at 8559 Jen- CHS at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 18. Please note
nings Road, in Olmsted Township. The cost is $30 per ticket the change of location. We will be recognizing the boys’ soc- Strongsville Historical Society
and includes dinner, beer, wine and soda. There will also be cer and football teams for their accomplishments this past fall Christmas Teas
side boards, raf?es and more. The doors will open at 6 p.m. season.
with dinner at 6:30. For tickets or more information, please The Strongsville Historical Society is holding their an-
contact Kelly Severo at (216) 905-4111 or Melinda Heidecker We are always looking to improve the quality of the school nual Christmas Teas on December 5 & 6 from 2-4 p.m. They
at (440) 241-0083. If you would like to sponsor a race or district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion, will be held in the restored and decorated Victorian Lathrop
advertise in the event program, please contact Lisa Nagle at question or comment, please feel free to call me at (440) 236- House in the Historic Village, located on the corner of Zve-
(440)537-4623. You must be 21 or over to attend. 5008 or email [email protected]. GO RAID- rina Dr. and Pearl Rd. An assortment of teas will be served
ERS! with delicately made sandwiches and highly desired desserts.
There will also be a Basket Raf?e along with Christmas en-
Columbia K-8 lunch menu tertainment. The Village will be open after the teas for guests
to enjoy the decorations in the buildings and grounds. Guests
For Nov. 23-24: will be invited to shop for Strongsville Memorabilia and Col-
Monday: Breakfast - pancakes; Lunch - Choice of Mac lectible Ohio Glass in the Olds General Store. Free parking is
and cheese, Chef salad, yogurt plate and green beans. adjacent. Call Eve at 440-238-7289 for tickets and reserva-
Tuesday: Breakfast - breakfast pizza; Lunch - Choice of tions. Cost is $20.
Bosco Sticks, Chef salad, yogurt plate and carrots.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Page 3
Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Columbia Writers - The library has a writing group for Wreaths Across America
COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 adults. Consider joining them if you are an adult who wants VFW Auxiliary Post #9340 (formerly The Ladies Auxil-
iary) and the Civil Air Patrol Cuyahoga County Cadet Squad-
Columbia Library events to meet other writers and hone your writing skills. The group ron will be holding the “Wreaths Across America” Laying
meets next on Saturday, Nov. 21, from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at of Wreaths Ceremony on Veterans’ graves on Saturday, De-
the library. Use the group as motivation to get that pen mov- cember 12, at noon. The ceremony will begin at the Veterans
Dinovember - Dinosaurs have been getting into mischief ing! You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in read and Memorial on Route 82, located between Columbia VFW Post
while the library is closed. Evidence has been caught on cam- critique sessions. Pre-registration is required. #9340 and Columbia Park, with the laying of the wreaths to
era, as you can see on the website Tech Help - Tech Help at the library is an informal session follow the ceremony at Columbia’s cemeteries. Wreaths can
Have dinosaurs been getting crazy at your house? Send a about the use of computers, tablets, eReaders, the Internet or still be purchased until November 20.
picture and enter the Dinovember contest! Email pictures to anything else technology-related. Attend an upcoming ses-
[email protected], post your photo to the library’s Facebook sion on Saturday, Nov. 21, from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Pre- For more information or to donate, visit the website at:
page, or tweet your picture @LorainLibrary. You may also registration is required. For donations, use the group
drop pictures off at the library. Please indicate how you would Adult Book Discussion - Start reading for an upcoming code OH0033P or the location code of OHMCTC.
like your photo credited. Full last names will not be used. book discussion on Monday, Nov. 23, at 1 p.m. Borrow We
All social media entries should include #LPLSDinovember. Are Not Ourselves, by Matthew Thomas. Copies of this No. All are welcome to come and help lay the wreaths on the
Dinosaurs only in the pictures, please. You have until Dec. 1 1 international best-seller are available at the library. Pre-reg- Veterans graves.
to enter. For more information, call the Lorain Public Library istration is required.
System at 1-800-322-READ. Thanksgiving Fun - Gobble up a Thanksgiving-themed Valley City Garden Club
Interviewing How-to - Learn what is important to today’s story time on Monday, Nov. 23, at 6:30 p.m. Children ages
employers on Monday, Nov. 16, at 3:30 p.m. Questions have 3-7 will have fun with stories, crafts and games. Pre-registra- The Valley City Garden Club will meet on Thursday, Nov.
changed and so should your answers. Come learn how to sell tion is required. 19, at 7 p.m. at Hill Haven Florist and Greenhouse, located at
yourself. Pre-registration is required. Teen Video Game Night - Play video games on a big pro- 7842 Center Road. The topic will be “Fairy Gardens,” and
Book Buzz - Attention booklovers! Want to learn about will be presented by Diane Calta. There will also be a seed ex-
future best-sellers before they become best-sellers? How jector screen on Tuesday, Nov. 24, at 6 p.m. Kids in grades change. Call Marie at 440-748-2267 for more information.
about a chance to read books before they are published? A six and up are invited to enjoy Wii®, PlayStation® and board
Penguin Random House representative will present the buzz games. Pre-registration is required. Heating Assistance Available
about forthcoming books and give readers the inside scoop Winter Crisis Program begins
on Monday, Nov. 16, at 5:30 p.m. Advanced Readers Copies, Thanksgiving Hours -The Library will close at 6 p.m. on
book catalogs and tote bags will be available for attendees. Wednesday, Nov. 25, and remain closed for Thanksgiving on The Ohio Development Services Agency wants to remind
Pre-registration is required. Thursday, Nov. 26. Regular library hours resume on Friday, Ohioans that heating assistance is available to eligible house-
Nov. 27. Whenever the library is closed, be thankful for the holds through the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
Story Times - Story times at the library promote early eLibrary on where you’ll ?nd nu- Running until March 31, 2016, the HEAP Winter Crisis Pro-
childhood literacy, encourage social interaction and expand merous digital service providers. Find eBooks, audiobooks gram will provide assistance to eligible households that are
language learning. Bring 3 through 7-year-olds to Fall Family and more on Axis 360 and OverDrive. Download new music threatened with disconnection, have been disconnected or
Story Time on Monday, Nov. 16, at 7 p.m. Preschoolers be- using Freegal. Hoopla has everything from Vol. 56 of NOW have less than a 25% supply of bulk fuel.
tween the ages of 3 and 6 will enjoy Preschool Story Time on That’s What I Call Music! to the We Love Disney deluxe al-
Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 10:15 a.m. Beginning walkers to 3-year- bum, as well as movies, television and more. Magazines are “We are working to make sure Ohioans stay warm this
olds are welcome at Toddler Story Time on Tuesday, Nov. 17, available on OverDrive and Zinio. For more information, call winter,” said David Goodman, director of the Ohio Develop-
at 11 a.m. Pre-registration is required. the Lorain Public Library System at 1-800-322-READ. ment Services Agency.
Teen Book Discussion - Get ready for an upcoming book Registration for programs and more information is avail- To qualify for the Winter Crisis Program, the household
discussion for teens on Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 6 p.m. Copies able online at or by calling the Co- must also have a gross income at or below 175% of the feder-
of Mechanica, by Betsy Cornwell, are available at the library. lumbia Library at (440) 236-8751. The Columbia Library is al poverty level. For a family of four, the annual income must
Teens in sixth through 12th grade are welcome to sit in and located at 13824 W. River Road, North. be at or below $42,437.50. From November 2014 – March
2015, more than 130,000 Ohioans were helped by the pro-
speak out on this month’s title. Pre-registration is required. gram statewide.
Host the Purrfect “Friendsgiving”Cookbook Discussion - Learn how to make classic South- Individuals interested in receiving Winter Crisis assistance
ern comfort foods totaling 350 calories or less. Borrow From with a Feline Friend must have a face-to-face interview at the local HEAP pro-
Mama’s Table to Mine. Adults are invited to attend the discus- vider. A list of providers is available at www.energyhelp.ohio.
sion on this cookbook on Thursday, Nov. 19, at 6 p.m. Come gov. Ohioans can also call the toll-free hotline at (800) 282-
to talk about the book and share a dish you’ve made from it. Do you have an extra seat tivities! At this time of year, 0880, Monday through Friday (hearing impaired customers
Good times. Good eats. Pre-registration is required. at your table during your when we take stock of our may dial (800) 686-1557 for assistance) or visit http://devel-
“Friendsgiving” dinner this lives and relationships, ask for more information
LEGO® Club - Build with LEGO® bricks on Friday, Nov. year? If so, consider adding yourself if you could bene?t about the Winter Crisis Program.
20, at 3 p.m. Pre-registration is required. a feline friend to your fes- from the companionship of
For more information about energy assistance programs,
a sweet, loving and wonder- call (800) 282-0880 or visit
ful rescue cat. The answer is
always, “Yes!” 34205 Lorain Road
Beginning on Friday, North Ridgeville
November 13, adoption fees
will be reduced at the Cleve- 440-327-6242
land APL and its PetSmart
Charities® Everyday Adop-
tion Center in the Parma Mon & Thurs 10-8; Tues, Wed,
PetSmart® store. Cats over Fri 10-6; Sat 10-5; Closed Sun
1 year will have a reduced
adoption fee of $5. Adoption The Rural-Urban Record
Specializing in Home Improvements fee for a second cat over 1
year will be $20. Limit two Your best choice for local
cat adoptions per household. advertising this season!
Regular adoption fees are
$45 for adult cats. Call us today 440-236-8982
“What better time to add
a feline friend to your fam-
ily then during the “Friends-
giving” season,” says Sha-
ron Harvey, Cleveland APL
President and CEO, “Cats
• General Contracting bring their families so much
love and joy, so why not add
• Kitchens/Baths happiness to your home dur-
ing this fun and festive sea-
• Additions son?”
Animals adopted from
the APL have been spayed
• Buildings/Garages or neutered, tested for heart-
• Roofs worm or FeLV/FIV, have re-
ceived age-appropriate vac-
cinations and treatment of
• Doors/Windows worms and ?eas, and come
with helpful species-speci?c
• Siding animal care information, a
free initial veterinary exam
• Plumbing/Electrical and are eligible for 30-45
days of free ShelterCare pet
health insurance. Cats and
kittens come with a travel
box, and dogs and puppies
adopted from the Tremont
center go home with a free
collar and a leash. All adopt-
able animals can be seen at or
by downloading the Cleve-
land APL’s free adoption
725 Sugar Lane, Elyria Oh 44035 app on iOS or Android de-
440-365-0015 Please call the APL at
(216) 771-4616 with any questions about adopting.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Page 5
The Columbia Community Foundation and the
Congregations of Columbia Township will be hosting a
Thanksgiving Day Dinner for the families and residents of
our community. We invite you to join us for a traditional
sit down Turkey Dinner with all of the trimmings for
a day of fellowship to gather with family, friends and
neighbors of our community.
Thursday, November 26th
at Columbia High School.
First Serving is 11:00am - 1:00pm
Second Serving 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Admission is Free! Reservations can be made by contacting
Ms. Ginny Broschk at 440-236-3170,
Mon - Fri, 12pm-8pm or Sat & Sun 4pm-8pm
The Columbia Community Foundation would like to thank Pastor Jim
Hurst for his leadership, Mr. Jim Wright of Wright’s Catering for cooking
all of the Turkeys, Ms. Sandy Stilla for offering her catering services, the
Columbia VFW for the donation of the turkeys, members of the Columbia
Raiders Football Team, and the countless number of volunteers from all
of the community’s churches.
A special Thank You to Superintendent Graig Bansek and the Board of
Education for providing the High School Cafeteria along with the staff
from the district that will be volunteering their time for this special day.
The Rural-Urban Record CHURCH CHRISTIAN New Life Wesleyan Church LUTHERAN CHURCH
Published Weekly on Monday Worship Service 11149 West River Rd, 38307 W. Royalton Rd,
10:30 a.m. (Disciples) Columbia Station Grafton (Rts. 82 & 57)
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter SUNDAY 9 AM
Founders 1955 Sunday School Rt. 82 & 83 Adult Bible Study
Bible Study, Adults/Young Adults Sunday 9:30am
Lee Boise, Publisher & President during Worship Service 440-748-2230 SUNDAY 10 AM Sunday Worship 10:30am
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 Children’s Sunday School
25453 ROYALTON ROAD Worship & Children’s Church 10:30am during Worship
Mailing Address: COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM Church ph: 440-748-2154
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Worship Services Adult Study, Women’s Study, Preschool ph: 440-748-3445
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station Pastor Matt Merriman
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 236-8822 8:00am & 9:30am Teens, Kids Club Rev. John Ramsey II
Rev. Jim Carder,
Email: [email protected] [email protected] Sunday School United Church of God
Website: Senior Pastor 12981 Grafton Rd.
10:45am Rev. Steven Spaeth, Grafton, Oh 44044
News articles & all ads - Wednesday by 12pm Polly Tallos Associate Pastor Sabbath Services
440-236-8600 Saturdays at 12:30 pm
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs., 9am-4pm Christian Ed. & Youth Director
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year
Rev. Charles A. Butcher
St. Elizabeth
Pastor Ann Seton
Our Lady Queen of Peace St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Catholic Parish
Catholic Church
All are welcome at 25801 Royalton Rd.
Columbia Station, OH
God’s Table. Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sunday Worship Schedule (Confession)
Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Weekend Masses Weekday 8:30 am Quiet Communion Service Anytime by Appointment
GRAFTON UNITED Sat. 4:30pm Mass 9:30 am Christian Education for all ages Weekend Masses
Sun. 8:30 & 8:00am 10:30 am Communion Service with Music Sat. 5 p.m.
11:00am Mon.-Tues. Children’s sermon at both services Sun. 8 & 11 a.m.
Confession: Thurs.-Fri.
300 3rd Street, Elyria, Ohio 440-236-5095
Sat. 3:30- (440) 322-2126
Like us on Facebook
METHODIST CHURCH ~708 Erie St., Grafton • 440-926-2364~ Rev. June Hardy Dorsey, Rector
973 Mechanic St. •Grafton •926-2034
“We Celebrate Children”
8:45am Sunday School Free Thanksgiving Dinners Live Nativity
10:00am Worship
Join us at the manger! The 6th grade PSR students of St.
10:35am Children’s Church Elizabeth Ann Seton Church will be hosting a Live Nativity
on Monday, December 14, from 6:30-7:45 p.m.
Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor A free meal for the elderly, shut-ins and those in need
All are invited to view the outdoor nativity at the church,
in Olmsted Falls, Olmsted Township and Berea will be of- located at 25801 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station.
“Living an Abundant Life in fered on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26, from “Christmas Peace” concert
12-6 p.m. at Olmsted Community Church, located at 7853
Plan to join Our Lady Queen of Peace for their 4th an-
Balance with God” Main Street, in Olmsted Falls. For meal delivery call: (440) nual holiday concert, “Christmas Peace,” on Sunday, De-
454-0629. Donations can be sent to: Free Thanksgiving cember 6, at 3 p.m. The church is located at 708 Erie Street,
in Grafton.
Dinner 17817 Larchwood Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44135
Enjoy the mystical sounds of the season as the Choris-
The United Church of God invites all to come join them ters sing melodic Christmas songs. Refreshments will be
served following the concert.
for a free seminar on November 21. The topic is “Living On Thursday, November 26, dinner will be served from
The Greening of Oberlin Inn
an Abundant Life in Balance with God.” Could you use a 4-6 p.m. at the First Congregational United Church of
The Elyria Chapter of American Association of Univer-
little more peace of mind and happiness? This seminar of- Christ, 140 S. Main Street, in Wellington. If you are alone sity Women is sponsoring a program about thenew Oberlin
Inn Project - Greening the Inn. The program explains how
fers a Biblically-based presentation explaining God’s plan for Thanksgiving, don’t want to cook a big meal or just the Inn is becoming energy self-suf?cient, leaving a smaller
carbon foot-print.
for your life. want to share your holiday with others, please join them!
It is on Monday, November 16, at 7 p.m. at Grace Lu-
The seminar begins at 1 p.m. The United Church of God RSVPs are appreciated, but not required. Call Vicki at 440- theran Church on East River Road, in Elyria. All are wel-
come to attend. Meeting to follow the program.
is located at 12981 Grafton Road, in Grafton. There is no 864-1931.
Christmas Cookie Sale
obligation, no request for donations and no follow-up un- The St. Mary Parish Community is sponsoring a free
less requested by you. They simply wish to share this won- Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, November 26, from 1-3 Grace Community Church is having their annual Christ-
derful and encouraging truth of God. p.m. in the parish hall. Please enter through the Newton mas Cookie Sale. 5 dozen homemade cookies are $25.
Commons on St. Mary Way. Cookies will be ready for pick-up on December 13 at noon.
If you would like to reserve a spot, please e-mail ucg- Place your orders now - last day for ordering is November
[email protected] or leave a voice message at (330) 29. Call 440-458-6612 to order your cookies. The church is
located at 12365 Grafton Rd., in Grafton.
723-1973 telling them how many to expect. LaGrange United Methodist Church will host a Thanks-
Holiday Cookie Sale
Nut & Poppy Seed Rolls giving Dinner on November 26, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. This
event is free and open to anyone wishing to spend the holi- Community of Faith U.C.C., located at 9715 E. River
Rd., in Elyria, will be holding a Holiday Cookie Sale on
day enjoying good food and fellowship. The church is lo- Saturday, December 12, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Homemade
cookies will be $7 per pound. Also, raf?e tickets for a Quilt
St. Vincent de Paul Altar & Rosary Society is taking or- cated at 105 West Main Street, in LaGrange. Call Staci at Raf?e, bene?ting Church Women United, will be available
ders for nut and poppy seed rolls until November 29. Call (440) 355-4561 between 8 a.m. and noon for more informa- for purchase. Join them for some Christmas cheer and a cup
(440) 324-3090 or (440) 324-2622 in Elyria, or (440) 282- tion. If you wish to make a donation to offset the cost of the of coffee or hot cocoa! For questions, please call the church
8255 in Lorain. Rolls are $10 each and can be picked up dinner, please send it to the church address at: PO Box 71, of?ce at (440) 323-3781.
Friday and Saturday, December 11 and 12, from noon to LaGrange, Ohio 44050.
6 p.m. at 41295 North Ridge Rd., Elyria, in the social hall Letter from Pastor Jim
below the church. Elevator accessible. No Sunday pick up.
Soup Sale Dear Friends and family of Grace Community Church, FUNERAL HOME
I hope this letter ?nds you well and blessed. I am excited 2089 Columbia Road
The Litch?eld UCC Ladies Benevolent Society is hav- to be your new pastor! I have greatly enjoyed my time and Valley City, OH 44280
ing their Beef Vegetable Soup Sale on Wednesday, No- training under Pastor Ed Wishart, and was overjoyed when
vember 18. Cost is $6/quart. Call (330) 723-3051 to or- the church voted in my favor to be the full time Pastor when 330-483-3300
der. he retired. As we continue in our transition to become a
Missional Church, we have many big dreams in the works “Understanding When
Winter items collection to further God’s Kingdom on this Earth. We hope that you Needed Most”
continue to join with us in this work.
Grace Community Church, located at 12365 Grafton Grace greatly appreciates your love and support and I
Rd., in Grafton, is collecting clean, gently used or new want to continue updating you on what is going on here, but
coats, hats and gloves to be given away on December 5 at we will no longer be mailing out a paper newsletter. If you Pre-Need Planning Available
The Festival of Lights in Elyria. Items can be dropped off would like regular updates on what is going on, where the
at Grace Community Church through November 30. Please church is headed in Missions and more, please email me at: BELIEVE IN THE
call 440-458-6612 for mo [email protected] and I will add you to my email list. THE POWER OF PRAYER
You can also ?nd information and updates at Grace Com-
Laubenthal Funeral munity Church on Facebook.
Services Thank you,
In Grace and Christ
Offering Forethought Pastor Jim Thornton of Grace Community Church
Funeral Pre-Planning
Helping You Plan a Personal Remembrance
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 FAMILY FUNERAL HOME
36625 Center Ridge Road | N. Ridgeville | 327-2955
Funeral Home is Accessible to the Physically Disabled
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Page 7
Professional Profile
Treasure’s Galore FLYGUY’S
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THRIFT SHOP Serving Grafton for 5 Years Plus!
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Accepts Donations of furniture & Richard A. Bell
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440-731-0441 Wed, Thurs, Sunday - By Appointment
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36040 Rt. 82 (W. of Rt. 83)
Licensed Precious Metal Broker
We Accept Checks too! Located at Treasure’s Galore
Rt 82 just west of Rt 83
30% OFF35 Years in Business BASEMENT WALL CRACKS
All Hunter Douglas Blinds & Draperies ~ OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~
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JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036
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27495 Sprague Rd, Columbia St, OH 44028 COINS ZLWK \RXU T. HRIFT UHPRGHOLQJ
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Buying All U.S./Foreign Coins
Gold Over 25 Shops in 1 Old Gold - Jewelry/Watches
* Huge Savings & Variety
954 Main Street | Grafton, OH 44044 • New Vendors Welcome Located at
440-926-0500 | Open Wed.-Sun. 11am-5pm Treasures Galore
36040 Rt. 82 (W. of Rt. 83) on Rt. 82, just west of Rt. 83
-Products Rings, Necklaces, Watches, Clocks 440-731-0441 / Visit us on Facebook Hours: Wed.-Sun. 11 am-5 pm
Accepts Donations of
Services - Jewelry, Clock and Watch Repair furniture & household Richard A. Bell
954 Main Street - Downtown Grafton iteAmmsertioc.asnupCpaonrtcethre
Tues, Wed, Fri 9 - 5pm; Thurs 9 - 6pm; Sat. 9 - 1pm; Closed Sun & Mon Society
“We Want Your LICENSED Massage Therapy ;???? ???????? ?G zŽ? ZGAE? lŽ ^lA?l zŽ??
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RUNDLE WWW.CATSJAZZYJUNK.COM A Trusted Name in Jewelry Bob Vandemark
HEATING & COOLING, INC OPEN: THURS/SAT/SUN 10-4 On-premise repair! Bob is shown with
our Laser Welder ready for all your
OH LIC #14547 OR BY APPOINTMENT jewelry repair needs.
Residential - Commercial 244 E. Broad Street | Elyria | 322-1700
Heating - Air Conditioning - Air Cleaners - Humidi?ers
Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Adopt A Soldier Grafton-Midview Library
LAST LEAF PICK UP The Adopt A Soldier Program is still going and send- The Grafton-Midview Library is always working to spon-
The week of November 16 is the last week for leaf pick up ing packages to our military heroes. Currently, there are sor quality programs. For accurate planning, please be ad-
in the Village of Grafton. Village employees start at one end 5 soldiers who are receiving boxes. Please pray for them vised most library programs require registration. To register,
of the village and work their way through all the streets. They and remember them this holiday season. call 926-3317, visit the library at 983 Main Street in Grafton
will be on each street only once during the week. All leaf pick or visit their website,
up is contingent upon the weather. Thank you one and all for the continued support! Please
call (440) 926-3387 if you know of a soldier that packages Adult Social Hour - Family Stories Month - Tuesday, No-
LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER could be mailed to. vember 17, 11-12:30 p.m. November is known as “Family
The last day to register to play in the Midview Youth Bas- Stories Month.” Bring your old pictures and stories of your
ketball League is November 16. Midview students in the ?rst Thank you and God Bless! Until They All Come family to share with other members at Social Hour. Learn
through sixth grade are eligible to join in the fun. Sign up for Home! how to preserve your family’s social history and how to hand
all of the leagues/events can be found at www.midviewyouth- off these memories to the next generation. BINGO and other This link can also be found on the district’s Horse Rescue Santa event fun will take place after the discussion and sharing.
Come join the horses of Angels Haven Horse Rescue for After School Video Games - Tuesday, November 17, 3-5
CEMETERY DECORATIONS their annual “Snacks with Santa and the Horses.” The event p.m. Play video games and enjoy some pizza for the perfect
The staff of St. Mary Cemetery, on State Route 57 in Graf- is on Sunday, December 6. from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at Evergreen after school break. Bring in your favorite games to share, or
ton, is requesting all decorations be removed by Sunday, No- Farm, located at 13297 Durkee Road, in Grafton. select one from the Library’s collection. PS3, Xbox, and Wii
vember 22, in preparation for the Christmas season. Any dec- games can all be played at the Library. Several tablets will
orations left after that date will be removed by the cemetery Take a break from shopping and come enjoy horse/pony also be available.
staff. Shepherd hooks need not be removed. New decorations rides, horse visits, Santa, snacks, games and prizes. A $10 do-
may be placed at gravesites on or after Friday, November 27. nation is appreciated ($5 if you are simply snacking). Bring a Storytime - Tuesday, November 17 and 24, 6-6:30 p.m.
camera for photo opportunities. Designed for children ages 3-6 years old, Storytime programs
DISCOUNT CARDS allow children to explore great books, learn fun concepts, and
The Midview Band still has discount Gold Cards available They will also offer summer horse camp raf?e tickets for a participate in creative, educational activities.
for a $10 donation to the band. The discount cards have some chance for a child (age between 5-16) to win a complimentary
amazing deals and are reusable for an entire year. Most see a one-week session to their camp. Gas raf?e tickets will also be GMPL Writers Bunch -Tuesday, November 17, 6-8 p.m.
return of their donation with just a few uses. If interested, con- available. This is an uplifting, casual union of writers of all genres. A
tact the Director of Midview Bands, Josh Brunger, at (440) fun homework assignment is given each meeting to complete
748-2124 or email [email protected]. Please call Heidi at (440) 781-5060 if you have any ques- and share the following month. Writing accomplishments,
tions or would like to sell tickets. critiquing, and snacks are shared each meeting. Come enjoy
Dance with the Skippers a unique fellowship of like minds. Who knows where it will
All proceeds bene?t the rescue horses and help pay for lead?
Girls in grades K-6 are invited to learn a dance and perform horse feed, natural supplements, stall bedding and veterinary
with the Skipper Dance Team during a show stopping half & farrier care. Babypalooza - Wednesday, November 18, 10-10:30 a.m.
time dance at the Midview Varsity Boys basketball game! Join us Wednesdays for this short and lively program for ba-
AHHR is a 501 (c) 3 non pro?t, volunteer based organiza- bies (from birth to 3 years) and their caregivers. Babypalooza
A clinic will be held on Thursday, December 3, from 5-7 tion. Visit them at or http:// is a great way to introduce baby to the world of stories us-
p.m. at Midview East Elementary.!/Angels.Haven.Horse. ing songs, rhymes, and lap bounces. Register your wee one
The dance is on Friday, December 4, at the Varsity Boys Midview Schools
Basketball Game. The game starts at 7:30 p.m. (half time ap- Superintendent Scott Goggin Teen Advisory Group - Wednesday, November 18, 6-7
prox. 8 p.m.) p.m. Become a member of the Teen Advisory Group and help
I’d like to begin by thanking everyone who participated plan upcoming activities and events for the Library. Volunteer
Cost for the clinic and participation is $25. This includes a in our Veterans Day program this week. We are grateful to at special events and help out with Children’s programs. Ap-
performance T-shirt, your dancer’s admission to the game and all the men and women who have served our country. It was plications are available at the Reference Desk any time or can
one adult ticket to the basketball game (the adult ticket will great to see so many veterans join us for this event. be completed at the meeting.
be given the night of the dance, at the door when the dancer
is dropped off.) Any additional person wanting to watch the I would also like to thank all those who participated in leaf ALL Games Day - Saturday, November 21, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
show will have to purchase a ticket at the ticket window. raking with the Compass Committee last Saturday. In celebration of International Games Day, play all of your
favorite games (board games, computer games, trading card
Checks can be made out to: Midview Athletic Boosters. Midview High School’s Grandfriends’ Day is scheduled games, and video games) all day at the library. Games will
Space and T-shirt sizes are limited so be sure to register early! for Friday, Nov. 20. Students and their “Grandfriends” are in- be available throughout the library but you may also bring in
Please include registration form and payment in an envelope vited to enjoy light refreshments in the APR, pictures and stu- your own favorites to share.
to your child’s classroom teacher labeled Mrs. Schubert: West dent performances by the MHS Jazz Band, Air Force Junior
Elementary, by Tuesday, December 1. There will be registra- ROTC Drill Team, Midview Express and the varsity cheer- Thanksgiving Make and Take - Monday, November 23,
tion at the door for $30 and T-shirt sizes will be limited. leaders. Information and sign-ups are available on the high all day while supplies last. Celebrate the season with us by
school website, under “School Information.” The link will be making a Thanksgiving craft in the children’s department.
For more information, contact Traci Schubert at: up through Wednesday, Nov. 18, which is the deadline for
[email protected] or call West Elementary at (440) Grandfriends to be signed up. Additional information is also Do you have a local business?
748-2305. available in the main of?ce.
You should be advertising in
Help Wanted Students will be off of school on Tuesday, Nov. 17, for a The Rural-Urban Record
Grafton Village Service Department Professional Development Day. On Thursday, Nov. 19, Mid-
view Middle School is hosting parent-teacher conferences Call us for affordable rates at
The Village of Grafton, Ohio seeks a laborer with skilled from 3:30-7 p.m., while North and West Elementary Schools 440-236-8982
trades and equipment operation experience a plus especially will have conferences from 4-7:30 p.m.
in municipal infrastructure work. Job duties range from but SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
not limited to landscape, parks, street and sewer mainte- At Midview, we are constantly striving to better the pro-
nance and seasonal services including snow plowing. The grams and services we offer the community. To help us do Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
full time position is offered at a competitive hourly rate in- this, please take a short survey regarding the new walking programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
cluding health care, vision, dental and retirement through path on the Midview campus. You can access it through our 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
OPERS. We offer a stable and upbeat, professional work website, The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
environment with opportunities for advancement. The Vil- drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
lage of Grafton is an EEO employer and Drug-Free Work- Finally, I want to congratulate our Middies football team If there is ever a snow day for Keystone or Midview,
place. A pre-employment background check and drug on another successful season that led to a playoff berth. We
screen is required. are proud of your hard work, dedication and success on and ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE CANCELED.
off the ?eld. These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
Interested candidates can submit resume in person at 11/16 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with
Grafton Village Hall, 960 Main Street Grafton, Ohio 44044 Have a great week! free donuts and coffee for participants.
or by email to the Village Administrator at jbprice@villa- Mr. Scott Goggin, Superintendent, Midview Local 11/17 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being Deadline for applicants is November 25, Schools instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and
2015. [email protected] Twitter: @scottgoggin juice for participants.
11/20 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and
McConnell Ready Mix is a full service Ready HOW CAN YOU snacks for participants.
Mix Concrete supplier servicing the Northeast 11/23 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with
Ohio area. We service Residential, Commer- SAVE UP TO 30% free donuts and coffee for participants.
cial, Industrial or Government projects of any ON YOUR 11/24 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
size. For ordering and delivery of Ready Mix instructed by Debi’s Personal Training
Concrete or just a quote for your project call AUTO INSURANCE? with fruit and juice for participants.
440-458-4325. PinPoint Auto® Insurance from Grange offers discounts 11/26 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING
McConnell Ready Mix for things you already do – like paying your bills on time
37540 Butternut Ridge Road • N. Ridgeville, OH 44039 and owning a home. And when you switch to us from 11/27 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club State Farm, Progressive, Nationwide, Allstate, American with pop and snacks for participants.
[email protected] Family, USAA or GEICO the savings get even bigger. All
told, you could save up to 30%. • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
Call us in Grafton at 440.926.3312 or the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
in Wellington at 440.647.6010.
• The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
Products and coverages not available in all states occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
Manager for additional information.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Page 9
Carrying Case with
ANY Saw Purchase!
Exp 11-30-15
Model #445 Model #450
• X-Torq® engine reduces fuel consumption up to • X-Torq¨ Engine Reduces Fuel Consumption Up To
20% and emissions up to 60% 20% and Emissions Up To 60%
• Air Injection™ removes up to 97% of debris before • Air Injection
it enters the filter • 50.2 cc, 11.2 lbs Without Bar and Chain,
• 45.7 cc, 10.8 lbs without bar 16”-20” Bar
& chain, 16”-18” bar
Model #455 Rancher Model #460 Rancher
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• LowVib® anti-vibration system minimizes fatigue • LowVib® anti-vibration system minimizes fatigue
• Smart Start® • Air Injection™ removes up to 97% of debris before it
• 55.5 cc, 12.8 lbs without bar
enters the filter
& chain, 16”-20” bar • 60.3 cc, 12.8 lbs without bar
$42995 & chain, 18”-24” bar
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FINANCING Mon-Fri 8-6,
SINCE 1979
1007 Parsons Road,Grafton, OH 44044 | 440-926-2880
Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015
Midview East Intermediate School’s Blue Ribbon Crew
Midview Blue Ribbon Crew: students who have great homework records.
On Friday, October 30, approximately 60 sixth grade students from Midview East Intermediate School’s Blue Ribbon Crew enjoyed an afternoon of carnival
activities and refreshments. The afternoon was a reward for missing no more than two homework assignments throughout the ?rst quarter.This makes them
members of the Blue Ribbon Crew. They enjoyed activities such as marshmallow munch, Frisbee toss, ?sh bowl, corn hole and face painting. They were also
treated to a hot dog lunch which included apple slices, caramel with popcorn on the side and a slushy to drink.
Highway Patrol reminds motorists
that safety belts save lives
There is no disputing that wearing a safety belt can save your life. The Ohio State
Highway Patrol is encouraging all motorists to buckle up this upcoming holiday sea-
son and continue to do so throughout the new year. From 2012-2014, 1,157 people
were killed in crashes across Ohio who were not wearing an available safety belt.
“It’s simple – safety belts save lives and reduce injury in crashes,” said Lt. Antonio
Matos, commander of the Ravenna Post. “It is the easiest and most effective action
you can take to protect yourself, your family and your friends.”
The National Highway Traf?c Safety Administration estimates 361 lives were
saved in Ohio and 12,584 were saved nationwide in 2013 as a direct result of motor-
ists buckling up.
According to Ohio’s 2014 Observational Seatbelt Survey, 85% of motorists were
found to be in compliance with Ohio’s safety belt law. This is the highest usage rate
seen since observational studies began in 1991. While these rates appear high, far too
many Ohioans still do not buckle up.
Ohio’s safety belt law remains a secondary violation; however, troopers continue
zero tolerance enforcement when motorists are stopped for other violations and are
found unbuckled. Troopers wrote 121,945 citations last year for failure to wear a
safety belt.
Troopers ask that you wear your safety belt every time and insist that those who
travel with you buckle up as well. For a complete statistical analysis of safety belt
violations please visit
The public is encouraged to call #677 to report impaired drivers and drug activ-
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Page 11
“Law You Can Use”
Provided by the Ohio State Bar Association.
Attention Tackling Cyberlaw and Special Singing
Grafton Township residents: Student Discipline in Schools
The Christian Unity Church, located at 36353 Capel
A meeting was held with other members of the trash pick- As technology becomes increasingly integrated into school Road, in Grafton, is having a Special Singing and Preaching
up consortium and Rumpke. Couches and mattresses being curriculum and school operations in Ohio and nationwide, by Mike Blanton & Evidence, from Grove City, Ohio. This
discarded will need to be wrapped in plastic to prevent the school districts must address student discipline issues involv- special event will be held on Sunday, November 29, at 6 p.m.
spread of bed bugs. More information will be in the township ing both misuse of technology in school and misuse of tech- Pastor Neal Brock invites everyone to join him in the worship
newsletter. nology outside of school that somehow impacts the school of the Lord!
community. Common types of student misconduct include
Gift Card Drawing winners cyberbullying, false pro?ling of staff and students, accessing LCHS Holiday Wreaths
inappropriate material using district technologies and Internet
To promote recycling in the township, the trustees held services, hacking, copyright violations and much more. The The Women’s Association, an af?liate group of The Lo-
a drawing for Marathon gas gift cards. Residents who re- school districts’ ability to address technology-related mis- rain County Historical Society (LCHS) continues their popu-
cycle were eligible to submit their name for the free draw- conduct often hinges on where the misconduct actually took lar holiday tradition of creating festive holiday wreaths each
ing. The $50 gift cards are actually worth $51 due to a do- place and how it affects school operations. year as a fund-raiser for LCHS.
nation from the Marathon station in Grafton. Winners were
drawn at the November trustees meeting. Congratulations to Q: What Ohio laws authorize a school district to regulate This season, enjoy the fresh fragrance of the holidays with
Bridget Cumpton, Jim Haight, Kim Wagner, Patricia Koney, student conduct? their hand decorated live balsam ?r wreaths. The wreath this
Dan Haight, Tim Adams, James Koney and Jim & Debbie year is decorated with the ever popular plaid bow and a gold
Dowdell. A: Ohio law (Ohio Revised Code §3313.20 and 3313.47) spray. The design and quality will make it possible to dis-
authorizes boards of education to adopt rules and regulations play your wreath well into the New Year! These festive sea-
Grafton Twp. Trustees to manage and control the conduct of students and others who sonal decorations are available for $30 per wreath and make are on school property or who are engaged in school activi- great holiday gifts! Mailing boxes are available for $3 each
ties. Under this authority, school districts can develop student for shipping a wreath to family or friends. Gift certi?cates
The Grafton Township Trustees held their monthly meet- codes of conduct to further specify when and how much dis- for wreaths are also available for $30. To order one or more
ing on November 10. The meeting began with reports from all cipline may be appropriate in a given situation. A student code wreath(s), please visit to ?ll out a wreath order
the departments. The Zoning Inspector was not in attendance of conduct also typically summarizes the procedures a school form, or contact LCHS at (440) 322-3341 to place your order.
due to a death in the family. He submitted a written report. district uses when students are disciplined. Most schools re- Please place your order by November 27. All proceeds bene?t
Last month, one permit was issued for an accessory build- quire students and staff to annually sign an “acceptable use” The Lorain County Historical Society.
ing on Mennell Road. The Board of Zoning Appeals granted policy that further de?nes appropriate and inappropriate tech-
a home occupational permit and a permit for kennels for a nology use. School districts also rely heavily on decisions is- The wreaths will be ready for pick up on Nov. 30 and Dec.
veterinary hospital. sued by state and federal courts to determine when and what 1, from 12-4 p.m. at The Lorain County History Center, lo-
types of conduct may be regulated. Case law provides im- cated at 284 Washington Avenue, in Elyria.
Action taken during other reports included voting to place portant insight, especially when a student’s constitutionally
an older tanker ?re truck on GOVdeals beginning at $1500, protected rights, such as freedom of speech, con?ict with a Q: Can a school district discipline a student for off-cam-
accepting the purchase of a light bar at an auction for $675 school’s desire to address inappropriate conduct that impacts pus behavior by preventing him or her from participating in
and agreeing to sell ambulance cots once the new cots have other students or staff. extracurricular activities?
arrived and have been installed.
Q: How can schools discipline students for technology-re- A: In addition to a school’s student code of conduct, many
Discussed at the meeting were new health care regula- lated conduct that occurs outside of the school day and away schools also adopt separate codes of conduct that set rules
tions, the hiring of a web master, continued membership in an from school property? and expectations for a student’s participation in athletics or
organization, the upcoming inspection of ?re extinguishers other types of extracurricular activities. Because, historically,
and back?ow prevention completion. A: Districts generally have the authority to regulate stu- courts have determined that participation in extracurricular
dent off-campus behavior in one of two instances. The ?rst activities is a privilege and not a right of public education,
There was a lot of discussion on the kitchen restoration instance is when the behavior causes a substantial disruption schools have a relaxed “burden of proof” when it comes to
project in the township hall. The style and purchase of stain- to the educational environment or when there is a reasonably disciplining student athletes for inappropriate behavior that
less steel tables and cabinetry was discussed. A purchase will foreseeable risk of disruption. The second instance is when occurs away from school. Students who violate an extracur-
be made soon to get all materials ready for the project. The the student engages in illegal activities. Most instances of dis- ricular code of conduct may be suspended or even removed
trustees hope to have many volunteers and to start the work cipline involving misuse of technology away from campus from participating in extracurricular activities such as school
in January or early February. The township has been working fall under the ?rst instance. Many times, a school district must sports.
on renovations for the entire hall and much of the work has decide whether a student’s activities away from school impact
been completed. In addition to the kitchen renovation, tile for school operations to such an extent that discipline is justi?ed. This “Law You Can Use” consumer legal information ar-
the ?oors in the main room, the meeting room and the front The school must follow its student code of conduct when de- ticle was provided by the Ohio State Bar Association. It was
hallway will be chosen, purchased and installed soon. termining the appropriate discipline in each case. prepared by managing shareholder C. Bronston McCord III
and attorney Pamela Leist from the law ?rm of Ennis Britton
The next meeting will be held on December 8, at 7 p.m. Q: What types of factors does a school consider when de- Co., LPA. Articles appearing in this column are intended to
termining whether it can discipline students for off-campus provide broad, general information about the law. Before ap-
The Rural-Urban Record behavior involving technology? plying this information to a speci?c legal problem, readers are
urged to seek advice from an attorney.
has advertising opportunities for A: A school district must consider many factors when de-
local businesses to reach termining whether discipline is appropriate. If the misconduct JACK MATIA
their target audience! took place on the school’s campus or using school district HONDA
equipment, it is usually easier to address the behavior with
Why go anywhere else and pay more? discipline. However, when misconduct occurs off campus on New & Used
Call us today to see what we can do for you! technology owned by the student or another entity, a school Cars
district must be able to prove that the misconduct caused a
440-236-8982 substantial disruption or was likely to cause a disruption to 440-366-5501
school operations. This is typically a high standard to meet
for schools. Examples of substantial disruption may include Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria
things such as having to shut down Internet access district-
wide to prevent students and staff from accessing inappropri- New and Certi?ed Hondas
ate materials during the school day, having to hire additional All Models - Used Cars
staff to prevent physical confrontations between students and
having to shut down school for all or part of a school day Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5
to control the school community’s reaction to inappropriate
online materials.
Amherst - 440-986-2469 11/30/15.
Elyria - 440-365-8351 11/30/15.
11/30/15. 21/12/83/01/51.5.
Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015
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Frozen $139 Select Varieties • 16 oz $199 $249Smithfield Half lb.
Bob Evans Spiral Hams
Whole Turkeys lb. Roll Sausage Honey Glazed or Brown Sugar
2$ 99
U.S. No. 1 69¢ 99¢Select Varieties • 6 oz. Select Varieties • 8 oz. 99¢
Louisiana lb. Stove Top Stuffing Kraft
Sweet Potatoes Cool Whip
USDA Inspected 4/$5
$ 99 10/$Whole Center-Cut
1 10Boneless Pork Loin
Select Varieties • 12 oz. Select Varieties • 16.5 oz.
PictSweet Duncan Hines
lb. Frozen Vegetables Cake Mixes
1$ 99
Select Varieties • 30 oz. 8 ct. $199 $399Deli Fresh lb.
Cranberry Relish
$ 99Kraft Miracle Whip Bakery Fresh
Dinner Rolls
2or Mayonnaise
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Page 13
8 oz. box 2/$3 Vit. D, 2%,1%, Skim 2/$5 Select Varieties • 12 oz. 2/$3
or Chocolate Milk • 1 gallon Heinz Gravy
Kraft Philadelphia
Cream Cheese Smith’s Milk Smith’s
Egg Nog
MaJrest1h0-Pomzu. bafagflelodws
1 quart
29 oz. (11 - 13.7 oz.) Select Varieties • 56 oz. 3/$10
Bruce’s Cut Yams $199 2/$5Keebler Club Smith’s
or (9.2 - 13.8 oz.) Ice Cream
Town House Crackers
Select Varieties • 3.7 - 5.25 oz. 4/$5 Our Own Homemade $899 Select Varieties • 27 - 37 oz. $399
Pumpkin Rolls Sara Lee
Betty Crocker Oven Fresh Pies
Fresh Celery
2 ct., 14.1 oz. 2/$6 2/$55lb.s Fresh • 12 oz. bag $199
Pillsbury or
Pillsbury Robin Hood Flour Ocean Spray
Refrigerated Cranberries
Pie Crust
Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Thank You ?shing on Lake Erie, the Walleye Capital of the World.”
To estimate the basin-wide hatch of walleye, ODNR and
[email protected] I would like to express my gratitude with a “Thank You”
to all of the Carlisle Township voters who put their trust in the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry com-
Robson Road Neighborhood me during the recent election for Trustee. I would also like bine their bottom trawl survey data. The resulting basin-wide
Watch meeting to offer a “Special Thank You” to the following: my wife average catch for 2015 is 84 walleye from the spring hatch
Carol, mother Helen Smith, sons Jesse & Erik, daughter-in- per hectare (about 2.5 acres), which is well above the long-
The Robson Road Neighborhood Watch Steering Com- law Jenny, Jesse Smith Designs of Columbus, the Kleins, term average of 32 per hectare.
mittee Meeting will be held Monday, November 23, at The Berry Taylor, Ray Hildebrandt, Bill Oliver, Kim Fallon, Dr.
LaPorte United Methodist Church at 7 p.m. They will be of- Amber Fisher, Jeff Squires, Mark Lugas, the Stinnetts, Kim The 2015 yellow perch hatch also appears to have been
fering some seasonal refreshments and constructive dialogue. Lang, Mike Hagan, the Carlisle Cafe and everyone who put successful in both Ohio and Ontario waters of the western.
Topics covered are centered around the safety and commu- my signs in their yard and offered their support. It was truly This is the ?fth-best yellow perch hatch in the western basin
nity awareness of Robson Road. a team effort! since the interagency survey began in 1987.
The Lorain County Sheriff’s Department will be sending Again, thank you. “Three good yellow perch hatches in a row should help
a Deputy to give a report of any recent activity, as well as at- Jared Smith, Trustee-Elect the perch population in the western basin rebuild and lead to
tempts to answer any speci?c concerns on Robson Road. quality yellow perch ?shing over the next couple of years,”
Amherst student receives said Jeff Tyson, head of Lake Erie Fisheries Program for the
It is hoped that by the concerned neighbors on this street Young Author honors ODNR Division of Wildlife.
coming together, regrettable incidents can be avoided. Help
Robson Road remain one of the most desirable streets in the L-R: Jami Sexton, Nord Middle School sixth-grade grade Each year in August, wildlife agencies from around the
area by working together towards that end. teacher; Kylie Lawson, Young Author winner, and Mary Lou western basin of Lake Erie sample the waters using bottom
Kaminski, gifted supervisor Educational Service Center of trawls in search of young of the year walleye and yellow
New neighbors are invited to attend to offer constructive Lorain County. Credit - Educational Service Center of Lo- perch. Data from these bottom trawls are combined into a ba-
ideas to make Robson Road better. rain County. sin-wide index and compared to previous years to estimate
the success of the walleye and yellow perch hatches. This
Metro Park Friends Current seventh-grade student, Kylie Lawson, was recently provides biologists with an estimate on how many young ?sh
Breakfast with Santa presented with the 2015 Young Author Award during a meet- will enter the ?shable population two years later.
ing of the Amherst Exempted Village Board of Education.
The annual “Breakfast with Santa” program will be held at Information on the ODNR Division of Wildlife’s Lake
Carlisle Visitor Center on Saturday, December 12. There will The Educational Service Center of Lorain County’s Gifted Erie research and management programs, ?sheries resources,
be two seating times for breakfast: 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Supervisor, Mary Lou Kaminski, presented the award. ?shing reports and maps and links to other Lake Erie Web
resources are available at
An all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast with sausage, juice, Each year, the Gifted Department at the Educational Ser-
coffee and tea will be served. Breakfast is $10 with children vice Center of Lorain County, the Community Foundation ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection
2 and under free. Along with breakfast, the event includes and the National Association of College Stores, in conjunc- of our natural resources for the bene?t of all. Visit the ODNR
children’s games, crafts, story time and a visit with Santa. All tion with Lorain County Community College, sponsors the website at
children visiting Santa will receive a gift. Pre-registration is Young Authors’ Conference.
required. Please call (440) 458-5121 before December 1, to History of the
make your registration. This program provides an opportunity for Lorain County Thanksgiving parade
public, parochial, and home-schooled students in grades 3-6
Victorian Holiday kids program to write and illustrate original stories. Students’ stories are Thousands of people line Zoo, bands played and march-
assessed by a panel of judges and showcased at the event. the streets of midtown Man- ers wore different costumes.
The Lorain County Historical Society (LCHS) is pleased hattan every year to catch a
to present a Victorian Holiday program for ages 6-12 years During the Young Authors’ Conference, which is held each glimpse of the balloons and In 1927, concern for chil-
old on December 21, from 10 a.m.-noon. Children will make May, more than 900 students are inspired and entertained by performers marching in the dren lining the parade route
an ornament and card while learning about Victorian holiday nationally-renowned authors and story-tellers. Award-win- Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Pa- led parade of?cials to replace
customs and food. A tour of the decorated Hickories Museum ners for the ‘Best of Show’ Author and Illustrator categories rade. Millions more will tune live animals with the signa-
is included. Cost is $4 for LCHS members and $6 for non- are announced at the daytime conference, with an Open House in to watch it on television. ture helium balloons people
members. Register by calling LCHS at (440) 322-3341. This held in the evening for families and friends to attend. The Macy’s parade is inter- now know and love. A dragon
event is open to the public and will be held at The Hickories twined with Thanks- and Felix the Cat were some
Museum, located at 509 Washington Ave., in Elyria. During the conference, winners were presented with tro- giving, making it of the ?rst balloons. The fes-
phies and certi?cates. Due to the conference dates falling near as much a part of tivities continued to grow dur-
All-Lorain County Art Show the end of the school year, the ?nal components of the award the holiday as tur-
are given to the students in the fall during the school district’s key and pumpkin ing the 1930s, when
The annual All-Lorain County Art Show, sponsored by the board of education meetings. pie. Santa was added
Educational Service Center of Lorain County runs through to the parade’s
November 20. The event takes place at the Elyria Public Li- Lawson received a poster of her artwork and a hardcover The parade growing list
brary, located at 1194 W River Rd N., in Elyria. book of her submitted story, “The Planet Realm.” has evolved of partici-
throughout pants. 1933
This show is for high school students, grades 9-12. Ten Fantastic Fishing the years, was the
schools in the county are represented by 13 art teachers. 127 Forecast for Lake Erie and the his- only year
pieces are included in the show. tory of the that Santa led
The Lake Erie walleye hatch is one of the largest in re- parade is both the parade rather
New this year, visitors to the Art Show will have the op- cent history, according to ?sheries biologists with the Ohio interesting and infor-
portunity to cast their votes for “People’s Choice” award win- Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Results from mational. than closed it.
ners. combined Ontario and Ohio surveys show that the 2015 hatch During World War
index is the highest since 2003. The excellent hatch should Historians believe
Schools and Art Teachers participating include: Clearview start to show up as catchable ?sh in the next three years. the parade was instituted by II, the parade was put
HS - Leia Mason; Columbia HS - Justin Ramsey; Elyria HS European immigrants who on hiatus, as the rubber
- Michael Brand & Mel Raney; Firelands HS - Laura Tawil; “With these hatch index results, we are expecting the wall- made up the majority of em- for the balloons and the he-
HEARTS for Jesus Christ - Zay Ziegler; Marion L. Steele eye ?shing in Lake Erie in the next 3-5 years to be exception- ployees at the retail giant Ma- lium was donated to the war
HS - Chad DiFranco & Tony Trunzo; Midview HS - Heather al,” said ODNR Director James Zehringer. “This is outstand- cy’s. In the 1920s, employees effort. The parade resumed in
Burns & Tara White; N. Ridgeville HS - Michael McMillan; ing news for Ohio anglers and out-of-state anglers who enjoy who were now proud Ameri- 1945 and was televised only
Open Door Christian School - Stephen Wallace; and Welling- cans wanted to celebrate with in New York. The 1947 ?lm
ton HS - Susan Kauffman. traditions that were similar “Miracle on 34th Street” made
to traditions in Europe. This the parade even more popular.
THE POSEY DEPOT included a parade down the NBC televised the parade na-
streets. Animals were bor- tionwide the following year,
FLORAL & GIFT SHOPPE rowed from the Central Park drawing viewers from all over
Join Us for our 27th Annual the country.
Holiday Open House! THANK YOU
Sat & Sun, November 21 & 22 10am-6pm CARLISLE TWP VOTERS
& Small Business Sat. November 28 10am-6pm FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
Featuring over 20 different artists and 2 ?oors full of
one-of-a-kind and Made in Ohio Handcrafted items, paid for by Smith for Carlisle Twp Trustee
starting at $5. Shop for your Home, Garden, Gift
Giving and Dining Pleasure!
Follow us on Facebook for new arrivals and
updated information.
Currently accepting Orders for Fresh Christmas
Greens and Cemetery Decorations.
41304 Oberlin-Elyria Rd, Elyria, OH
Hours: Daily 12-5pm, By appointment: 440-458-8632
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Page 15
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5319 Meadow Lane, Elyria, Ohio 44035 Ohio Medical Group
440-934-5575 630 East River Street 29325 Health Campus Drive, Suite 3
Elyria, Ohio 44035 Family Medicine Building, Westlake, Ohio 44145
© 2015 University Hospitals EMC 00162
Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015
Pancake Breakfast with Santa Keystone Elementary Honor Rolls
A Spirit of Giving Please join Troop #118 for their annual Pancake Break- Third Grade
fast with Santa, on December 6, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Honor Roll - Kailyn Cales, Lucy Cook, Vivian Cassell,
Keystone Schools are committed to supporting the com- LaGrange Lions Park. All- you-can-eat pancakes, scrambled Callie Crabeels, Elizabeth Gilmore, Gabriella Hagerman,
munity. To ful?ll this goal, all three schools are holding nu- eggs, sausage, coffee and juice will be served. Donation is Lillian Horner, Marissa Keener, Riley Leach, Emma Lewis,
merous donation drives to assist local residents in need. Adults/$6, children ages 3-12/$5 and under 3 eat free. Jessica Linden, James Lunn, Grace Miller, Emily Nichols,
Brent Reed, Kamrin Shulsky, Mallory Skvor, Hanna Taylor
Until November 19, the Elementary School will be col- Free Cooking Class at KHS and Grady Whitacre.
lecting canned goods and monetary donations to be given High Honor Roll - Morgan Bores, Samantha Longacre
to the LaGrange Lions Club. The Middle School’s canned The KEY collaborative is offering a great opportunity and Riley VanTilburg.
goods, money and toy donation drives conclude on Nov 20. to brush up on your cooking skills next month! Chef Kris- Fourth Grade
The High School is presently collecting canned food items. tian Smith is leading a hands on class focused on creating Honor Roll - Rylee Bright, Aubrey Cindia, Chase Cuson,
Please drop off donations to the school of?ces or send them quick, delicious meals that the whole family can enjoy. Savannah Dunlap, Evandor Fedor, Amanda Handley, Hanna
with your children to school. The class is free and open to anyone between ages 10-110, Hodge, Holden Longacre, Rylan Norris, Ayden Olic, Ella
at any skill level! The class is at Keystone High School, Olic, Audrey Prechtel and Lindsey Wade.
Thank you in advance for your support! on Thursday, December 10, from 6-8 p.m. Registration is Fifth Grade
required. Email [email protected] or Honor Roll - Caleb Bores, Declan Bracken, Cody Grim-
Book Sale call (440) 355-2400 to register. mett, Grace Hagerman, Landon Horner, Jacob Linden, Zach
Longacre, Elaina Magel, Gabriele Perine, Eli Ross, Ryne
The Friends of the LaGrange-Keystone Community Li- RLCWA meeting Shackelford, Victoria Solt, Michael Spatafore, Carter Taylor,
brary are hosting their annual fall book sale November 20-22 Kole Urig, Jacob VanTilburg and Andrea Whitman.
at the Old Fire House located on the Square in LaGrange. Rural Lorain County Water Authority will have a Person-
Get great deals on books, DVDs and CDs on Friday from 9 nel Committee meeting on Wednesday, November 18, at 7 Black River Stamp Club program
a.m. - 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. BOGO - Fill a p.m. The meeting will be held at the RLCWA of?ce, located
bag for $5 and ?ll another for free on Sunday, from 1-4 p.m. at 42401 State Route 303, in LaGrange. For more informa- Industrialist Arthur L. Garford put Elyria on the map with
tion, call Mr. Tim Mahoney, General Manager, at (800) 842- his invention of the Garford Saddle seat for bicycles and later
Membership applications for joining the Friends of Key- 1339. with the Garford luxury automobile and line of trucks more
stone-LaGrange Community Library will be available at the than a century ago. The Black River Stamp Club will com-
event. Keystone Schools memorate Garford’s life during its annual show and bourse
Superintendent Franco Gallo on Nov. 21. A display of history and photos from Garford’s life in
The support of our community is essential to our success. Elyria and Republican politics will be on display. The club
To recognize and show appreciation for this support, Key- also will honor the businessman with a commemorative cover
stone recently held two community service events. Middle with artwork of one of the models of the Garford automobile
and High School students, along with staff members, volun- and pictorial postmark dated the day of the show. The cover
teered their time to rake yards in the community for the an- will sell for $2. The show runs from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at St.
nual Rake a Difference Day. This service is designed to help Jude School Hall, 590 Poplar St., in Elyria.
our community’s senior citizens who have a dif?cult time Club president Helen Kopp acknowledges the Lorain
with fall yard maintenance. County Historical Society, headquartered at Garford’s home,
The Hickories on Washington Avenue, for its willingness to
In addition, the High School recently held the Senior Citi- provide photos and information about Garford. “It
zens breakfast. Student volunteers from the FCCLA organi- will be an opportunity for anyone interested in Lorain Coun-
zation, along with the Youth-4-Youth committee, cooked and ty’s industrial history to get a peek at Garford’s contributions
served breakfast to local senior citizens. The breakfast also to the city of Elyria,” she said.
featured fun games and provided a great venue for our stu- “He saved our butts, so to speak,” Kopp continued. “His
dents to interact with members of our community. gift to the world was the padded saddle, or bicycle seat, as
people would say. He was a man who was very, very diverse
In upcoming events, we are working with the Key Col- in his industries. We’ll have some things that people might
laborative to offer a free cooking class at the High School on want to learn a little bit more about this man, and all the elec-
Thursday, December 10, from 6-8 pm. Chef Kristian Smith trical appliances he manufactured and his car, which is a rare
is leading the hands-on class, which is focused on creating collectible now.”
quick and delicious meals for the whole family. The class is The show also marks the 52nd anniversary of the Black
FREE and open to anyone ages 10 and up. Registration is re- River Stamp Club, which boasts 80 members from Lorain,
quired. Email [email protected] or (440) Medina and Cuyahoga counties.
355-2424 to register. For the ?rst time at the show, the club will accept dona-
tions of cash and stamps, covers and supplies for the Wounded
I would like to thank all parents and guardians who at- Warrior Project. The club has made an annual end-of-the year
tended conferences at Keystone Middle and High Schools donation to the organization to introduce stamp collecting to
this past week. Elementary School conferences will be held injured U.S. service members.
on Thursday, Nov. 19, from 5-8 p.m. and on Monday, Nov. Other features of the show include 32 frames of philatelic
23, from 5-8 p.m. exhibits focusing on postal history, interesting topical sub-
jects and historical events; a bourse (sales) featuring 10 stamp
dealers offering a wide variety of philatelic material; door
prizes; free stamps for children and information for adults to
introduce them to philately; a silent auction offering dozens
of collectible philatelic items; and U.S. Postal Service booth
offering new stamp issues.
The show is free and open to the public. Plenty of free
parking is available. Food will be available on site.
Sat, December 12th Cut Your Own Tree
Carlisle Visitor Center Wagon Rides
12882 Diagonal Rd, LaGrange
Have a Real Tree
Seatings at 9 and 11:30am
$10 per person •Large Cut Trees
Under 2 - Free
•Live Dug Trees Merry Christmas
• All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes with Sausage, •Wreaths
Juice, Coffee & Tea.
•Pine Roping
• Enjoy games, crafts, story time and visit
with Santa! •Candies
• Every child receives a gift. •Amish Cheese
Pre-registration is required by Dec 1st. •Trail Bologna
Call 440-458-5121 •Jams ~ Jellies
Sponsored by The Friends of Lorain County Metro Parks SR 303, 2 miles West of LaGrange
or 3 miles East of Pittsfield
South 1/2 mile at
17620 Nickle Plate Diagonal Road
10:00 am - 7:30 pm Daily
Lu’s Pizza RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Page 17
926-2171 Four Keys Restaurant
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2 EXTRA LARGE (16”) $ 99
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Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 “Blooms of Steel” auditions Medina County Park District
Zoning Commission meeting Lorain County Community College’s Theatre Department Saturday, December 12:
announces open auditions for LCCC’s production of “Blooms 50th Anniversary Celebration: Blast from the Past!
A continuation of the meeting of the Wellington Town- of Steel,” with book, music and lyrics by local playwright Kick-off Event, Wolf Creek Environmental Center, 12-5
ship Zoning Commission to consider changes to the Zoning Kimberly Aldrich-Ceja. p.m. The park district is celebrating its 50th anniversary!
Resolution will be held on December 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Come to Wolf Creek and travel through time on a life-sized
new Township Facility, located at 105 Maple Street, in Wel- “Blooms of Steel” is a new musical based on a play com- board game. Test your knowledge of Medina County parks
lington. missioned in 2008 by the Lorain County Metro Parks. The and cultural trivia as you navigate your way from 1965 to the
musical tells the story of the community that grew around present. Join park staff for a time capsule placement cere-
Thanksgiving hours at the the steel mill in Lorain through the family history of ?ctional mony at 3 p.m. This is a qualifying “Passport to Your Parks”
Oberlin Heritage Center steel mill retiree, Emil Bloom. The play will be directed by event. See for more details. All
Skip Corris with musical direction by David Blazer. ages welcome. No registration required. Free. The life-sized
Warmest thanks are sent to the Oberlin Heritage Center’s board game will remain at Wolf Creek through January 10.
members and friends for all that you do to keep Oberlin’s rich “Blooms of Steel” is produced by the Lorain Historical Sat./Sun., Dec. 12 & 13:
history alive for future generations. The Heritage Center will Society, in partnership with the Lorain Palace Theater and A Log Cabin Christmas - Susan Hambley Nature Center,
be closed Thursday, November 26, (Thanksgiving Day) and LCCC’s Department of Theatre. Performances will take place 12-5 p.m.
open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, November 27, and April 22-24 in the historic Lorain Palace Theater. Sunday, December 13:
Saturday, November 28. Guided tours will be offered on Sat- K-9 Kapers - Killbuck Lakes (7970 White Road, Bur-
urday at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. For more information, visit Auditions will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, December 7, bank, OH), 3-4 p.m. K-9 Kapers provides dog owners with or call (440) 774-1700. and Tuesday, December 8, in the Cirigliano Studio Theatre of an opportunity to socialize their pets with other dogs. These
LCCC’s Stocker Arts Center. alternative hikes will interest both the dog and its owner
Help wanted for while offering exercise and fun. All dogs must have an ac-
Holiday Donation Drive Those who audition must prepare: companying adult and eight-foot leash (non-retractable).
•A brief song that best represents your voice and sheet mu- Participants must maintain control of their dogs at all times.
The Oberlin Rotary Club is helping Oberlin Community sic for the piano accompanist in the proper key. No recorded We recommend bringing a towel for muddy feet and a water
Services with a holiday donation drive for household and per- accompaniment will be permitted. bowl. All ages welcome. No registration required. Free.
sonal hygiene items. Everyone is invited to participate in the •A current resume Wednesday, December 16:
drive and help make this season merry and bright for all of •Sides will be provided for cold readings. There are no Nature Through the Seasons - Plum Creek Park South,
Oberlin’s residents! Donated items can be dropped off at two AEA contracts available for this production 10-11 a.m. The Nature Through the Seasons series consists
Rotarian locations: Curt Paul’s of?ce at Edward Jones (20 To schedule an audition, email [email protected] of easy walks that explore our different parks while observ-
S. Main) and Melanie Satter?eld’s of?ce at Oberlin Family and include your name and phone number. Resumes may be ing the unfolding of nature throughout the seasons. These
Dental (542 W. Lorain). Deck their halls with new unused attached if desired. Learn more at hikes also count toward the Natural Discoveries program,
items such as: dishwashing liquid, disinfecting wipes, hand tions. an award-based hiking series. See their website for details
sanitizer, soap, tooth paste, shampoos, toilet paper and baby about that program. Ages 7 to adult. No registration re-
diapers. The drive will continue through the end of the year. Tabitha seeks loving home quired. Free.
Thurs./Fri., Dec. 17 & 18:
Oberlin Rotary supports many local organizations and, as Isn’t Tabitha pretty? Tabitha Tales for Tots - Wolf Creek Environmental Center, 10-11
part of Rotary International, also supports human service and She is a 2-year-old Calico. p.m. on Sunday. Adoption a.m. or 1-2 p.m. Animal tracks can tell stories about the ani-
education projects around the globe, including polio eradica- Tabitha can have a little bit fees are $10 for 1 year and mals that make them. Be an animal detective and investigate
tion, student exchanges and scholarships and sending medical of an attitude, so needs some- older and $40 for less than 1 clues that tell a tale through a story and outdoor hike. For
supplies abroad. one who has experience with year old. All cats have been ages 3-6 with an adult companion. Some or all of the pro-
cats. She does like attention spayed or neutered, vacci- gram will be held outdoors; please dress accordingly. Regis-
Questions about the drive? Contact Cheron Rebok at (440) at times and it could be that nated, dewormed and have ter between November 19 and December 16. Free.
785-2811 or [email protected]. she just needs to be adopted tested negative for FeLV. Saturday, December 19:
and live in a home where Friendship APL is a private, Hiking for the Health of it - Lester Rail Trail, 9-11 a.m.
Fleet Hometown news she has room to wander and non-pro?t humane society. This is a hiking club for those adults who can hike 4-5 miles
hide for some alone time They depend on the gener- at a brisk pace. Walking trails can be mildly strenuous with
Army Staff Sgt. Mattew J. Smeltz has arrived for duty as a when she needs it. Can you osity and ?nancial support a limited amount being off trail. Please dress for the weather
Army Recruiter with Phoenix North Army Recruiting Center, give Tabitha a good home of the public to serve the and be sure to have appropriate footwear. Ages 10 to adult.
Anthem Army Recruiting Center, in Ariz. and have the patience to let people and animals of Lo- No registration required. Free.
her adjust? If you would rain County. Sat./Sun., Dec. 19 & 20 and Sat./Sun., Dec. 26/ &27:
He is a 2006 graduate of Amherst Steele High School. like to give Tabitha a lov- A Log Cabin Christmas - Susan Hambley Nature Center,
ing, forever home, please 12-5 p.m.
CONSTRUCTION ALERT call the Friendship Animal Register for programs at
Brownhelm Township Protective League at (440)
322-4321. (www.Friend- Scrubs by Lisa
On behalf of the Ohio Turnpike Commission, Lorain
County Engineer Ken Carney announces the closure Discounted & Great Quality Scrubs
of Gifford Road, between Middle Ridge Road and SR The shelter is located at Not just for the medical ?eld!
113, for the repair and rehabilitation of the Gifford Road 8303 Murray Ridge Road,
bridge deck, over the Ohio Turnpike. The work is being in Elyria. Their hours are Take $5 OFF $40, $10 OFF $80
completed by Suburban Maintenance and Construction of from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on -or- $15 OFF $100 Purchase
North Royalton. Monday, Friday & Sat-
urday; from 11 a.m.-6:30 Expires 11/28/15
Gifford Road is scheduled to close at 8:00 am on Monday, p.m. on Tuesday & Thurs-
November 16, 2015 and is expected to reopen on Monday, day; and from 11 a.m.-2:30 Hours: M-F: 10-6:30pm, Sat: 10-5pm
December 7, 2015, weather permitting.
Workshop Players EARLY
Detour signs will be posted. Your cooperation during “A Christmas Carol”
construction is greatly appreciated. BLACK
Workshop Players present “A Christmas Carol” by Charles FRIDAY
Dickens, adapted by Michael Paller and directed by Jonathan
134 W. Herrick Ave, Wellington OH 44090 NOV 9th-21st
The magic of this classic tale springs to life on a very 440-721-1334 |
special Christmas Eve in 1843. Friends and family gather at
Reserve Now for Dickens’ home and ask him to tell a story. He balks at work- Holiday
Thanksgiving Dinner! ing on Christmas Eve, but agrees if everyone there will take Open House
on roles as the story unfolds. The transformation of Ebenezer
Nov. 26th, 11am - 4pm Scrooge from miser to philanthropist ?lls the stage as 10 ac- Fri - Nov. 20th, 11am- 5pm
tors take on 40 roles. Sat - Nov. 21st, 11am- 5pm
Join us for a family style dinner that includes all of Sun - Nov. 22nd, 12pm-5pm
the holiday fixin’s! The cast includes: Kevin Boland, Jeff Caja, Joel Greenly,
James Hignett, Shari Lanave, Cole Magill, Jordan Miller, Tim Many unique items for that
• Turkey • Tossed Salad Millis, Don Pedley, Aaron Smith and Carol Broquet Thomp- Special Person
• Ham • Cranberry Relish son
• Mashed Potatoes/Gravy • Dinner Rolls also Gourmet Teas, Coffee,
• Sweet Potatoes • Pie (3 varieties) Come experience this amazing story in their intimate Jellies, Jams & Dips
• Stuf?ng • Beverage space.
• Corn
(non-alcoholic) Performance dates are November 19, 20, 21, 28 and De-
cember 4, 5, 11, 12 at 8 p.m., with Sunday matinees on No-
vember 29 and December 6, 13 at 3 p.m. Tickets are $13.
Groups of 10 or more are $11 and may be reserved online
at or by calling the box of?ce at
Workshop Players is located at 44820 Middle Ridge Road,
in Amherst. Box Of?ce hours are 9 a.m. -7 p.m.
For more info., email [email protected] or
$19.99 Refreshments/Gift Drawing
per person 42925 Jones Rd., Wellington
Reservations 440-647-2045
Hrs: Thurs - Sat 11-5
Sterks of Oberlin
440-775-0020 | 580 W. Lorain St, Oberlin, OH
Thanksgiving Day Quiz 8. Twenty precent of the overall consumption of this type of RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Page 19
fruit is done on Thanksgiving. give bulk to the stuf?ng. Choose whole-grain rolls and crackers
It is once again time to talk turkey, stuf?ng and all of the trim- to complement the main course.
mings. Thanksgiving is celebrated in both Canada and the United a. apples
States with similar parades and fanfare. Thanksgiving is a time to b. cranberries • Choose healthier ingredients. Substitute low-fat milk or
be thankful for the blessings in one’s life and enjoy the company c. cherries stocks for cream and whole milk in recipes. Include steamed
of family and friends during a special meal. d. grapes cauli?ower in mashed potatoes recipes to make them more ?ll-
9. The ?rst Canadian Thanksgiving was a welcome-home cel- ing and healthier. Sweet potatoes tend to be sweet enough with-
Although people celebrate Thanksgiving each and every year, ebration for Sir Martin Frobisher when he returned to which area out the need for butter, sugar and marshmallows. Skim the fat
they may not be aware of some of its interesting history. Test of the country? and oils out of gravies and sauces before serving. Olive oil is a
your knowledge of gobblers and general trivia with this quiz. a. Albert healthy fat that can be used in place of butter or margarine.
b. Manitoba
1. Despite competing historical claims, the story most people c. British Columbia • Focus on fruit for dessert. Thanksgiving dinner is usually
associate with the ?rst American Thanksgiving took place in a d. Newfoundland followed with a decadent spread of desserts. These pies and cakes
colony in this modern-day state? 10. Canadians sometimes call the Thanksgiving holiday in can be delicious but laden with calories. In lieu of traditional
the United States by this name to distinguish it from their own fare, serve poached fruits sprinkled with a little brown sugar and
a. Pennsylvania Thanksgiving celebration. oatmeal for a tasty and healthy dessert. Low-fat sherbet, fresh
b. New Jersey a. Yanksgiving fruit salad and rice pudding also make for healthier desserts.
c. Massachusetts b. Amerigiving
d. Delaware c. Turmerica • Choose healthy beverages. It’s easy to overlook the calorie
2. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on which day of the week d. USthanks content of beverages. Whenever possible, choose water or a low-
in Canada? Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. a calorie drink. Children can sip on diluted apple juice. Be mindful
a. Monday of how many alcoholic beverages you consume. Spirits can be
b. Tuesday How to make Thanksgiving 100 calories per serving and are high in sugar.
c. Wednesday dinner healthier
d. Thursday Thanksgiving dinner tends to be high in calories. But there
3. Pilgrims from Europe associated with Thanksgiving are Thanksgiving is not often associated with healthy eating. are ways to cut calories from your holiday meal without sacri?c-
purported to have sailed across the Atlantic to reach North Amer- From candied sweet potatoes to sausage-?lled stuf?ng, Thanks- ing ?avor.
ican on which ship? giving dinner is full of ?avor, but also full of calories and fat.
a. Daisy The Calorie Control Council claims the average American will Perfect Turkey Gravy
b. May?ower consume more than 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving Day.
c. Santa Maria “Make the holidays extra heat to low; simmer 5 minutes
d. Rose?ower Even if you won’t come close to consuming 4,500 calories special with Perfect Turkey or until thickened, stirring oc-
4. Which tribe of Native Americans taught Pilgrims how to this Thanksgiving, you may want to take the following steps to Gravy. Great ?avor and no casionally. (Gravy will contin-
cultivate the land, contributing to the ?rst Thanksgiving? make your Thanksgiving feast healthier. lumps. For a change of pace, ue to thicken upon standing.)
a. Algonquin try one of the Flavor Varia-
b. Lenape • Create a calorie de?cit. A key to maintaining a healthy tions listed below.” Submitted By: McCor-
c. Shoshone weight or losing a few pounds is to exercise more and eat less, mick® Holiday, courtesy of
d. Wampanoag a strategy that can be employed during the holiday season. Such Ingredients:
5. Fossil evidence shows that turkeys roamed the Americas a regimen will improve your metabolism, and your body will be 2 (.87 ounce) packages
how long ago? better at handling the extra caloric load of Thanksgiving without McCormick® Turkey Gravy RENT ME!
a. 10 million years ago packing on the pounds. Once Thanksgiving dinner is over, go Mix
b. 15 million years ago for a walk around the neighborhood. This can facilitate digestion 1/4 cup ?our Pequea SL 10 Lime Spreader
c. 20 million years ago and burn even more calories. 3 cups water KRYSTOWSKI
d. 25 million years ago 1 cup turkey pan drippings TRACTOR
6. Three different deboned types of poultry go into this •· Practice portion control. It’s not necessarily what you eat or turkey broth WELLINGTON OH 44090
Thanksgiving meal alternative? on Thanksgiving, but how much you eat that makes the meal 1 cup cooked, chopped tur- (440) 647-2015
a. Orange duck so unhealthy. The American Heart Association advises holiday key giblets (optional)
b. Turducken celebrants to practice portion control. In addition, eat fewer high- Directions:
c. Turkey chowmein calorie foods and ?ll up on lighter fare, such as vegetables and 1. Mix Gravy Mix and
d. Chixturck lean turkey. This way you get to enjoy a taste of everything with- ?our in large saucepan. Grad-
7. In what year did Congress make Thanksgiving an of?cial out overdoing it. ually stir in water and turkey
national holiday in the United States? drippings with wire whisk
a. 1932 • Cut down on bread. Bread can be both delicious and ?lling. until smooth. Stir in chopped
b. 1939 But bread is often full of empty calories, particularly if you’re turkey giblets, if desired.
c. 1941 eating re?ned, white breads. Opt for less bread in stuf?ng recipes 2. Stirring frequently, cook
d. 1946 and incorporate more celery, raisins, cranberries, and apples to on medium-high heat until
gravy comes to boil. Reduce
Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 ing high-pressure sales tactics, conducting door-to-door sales books and more on Axis 360 and OverDrive. Download new
or presenting themselves as a Medicare representative. If you music and more using Freegal. Hoopla has everything from
Thank You suspect wrongdoing or have been victimized, call the depart- Vol. 56 of NOW That’s What I Call Music! to the We Love
ment’s Fraud and Enforcement hotline at 1-800-686-1527 or Disney deluxe album, as well as movies, television and more.
On behalf of the North Ridgeville Of?ce for Older Adults the SMP at 1-800-488-6070. Magazines are available on OverDrive and Zinio. For more
(Senior Center), we would like to offer a heartfelt thank you information, call the Lorain Public Library System at 1-800-
to North Ridgeville V.F.W. Post #9871 for generously spon- Those unable to attend this Medicare Check-Up Day event 322-READ.
soring our October Spaghetti Dinner. The V.F.W. generously and have enrollment questions or need ?nancial assistance,
stepped up and covered the costs for our fund-raiser, allow- may contact OSHIIP at 1-800-686-1578, Monday through North Ridgeville Writers - Learn and practice the craft of
ing us to net almost $2,400. Once again we had a wonderful Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., or call Medicare at 1-800-MEDI- writing. Join the North Ridgeville Writers on Saturday, Nov.
response and were able to serve over 350 people in less than CARE (1-800-633-4227), 24 hours-a-day, seven days-a- 28, from 2-4 p.m. Adults regularly meet every other Saturday
two hours thanks to all their help. week. Information, including speci?c plan details, is avail- at the library to participate in activities like read and critique
able at sessions. Pre-registration is required.
I would like to especially thank members of the V.F.W. and
the Ladies Auxiliary who came out and helped us serve that To view a complete listing of Medicare Check-Up Day Computers for Beginners - Learn computer basics. Com-
evening. We couldn’t have handled the crowd and served all events, visit OSHIIP’s Medicare Check-Up and Annual En- puters for Beginners is Monday, Nov. 30, at 6:30 p.m. or
those people without your help. Thank you so much! rollment Toolkit page at Thursday, Dec. 3, at 2 p.m. Identify computers parts, and
Pages/MedicareToolkit.aspx. The toolkit includes a link to a practice using a mouse and Windows 7. Pre-registration is
The community, especially our senior population, looks Medicare Plan Finder, ?nancial assistance information and required.
forward to these delicious Spaghetti Dinners held several more helpful tips. You can also visit
times throughout the year. All proceeds raised are used to sup- and follow OSHIIP on Facebook at Adult Morning Book Discussion - Read a captivating sto-
port services of the Of?ce for Older Adults (Senior Center) HIIP. ry of the wonders and absurdities of human life – as only a dog
including: Meals-On-Wheels, transportation and activities. could tell it. Borrow The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth
North Ridgeville Library Stein.Adults are invited to discuss this novel on Wednesday,
Thank you to everyone for all your support of the older Dec. 2, at 10:30 a.m. Get together after breakfast to talk about
adults in our community and we look forward to seeing ev- Dinovember - Dinosaurs have been getting into mischief this heart-wrenching but ultimately uplifting book. Pre-regis-
eryone at our next Spaghetti Dinner the last Friday of January while the Library is closed. Evidence has been caught on tration is required.
2016! camera, as you can see on their website, LorainPublicLibrary.
org. Have dinosaurs been getting crazy at your house? Send a Registration for programs or more information is avail-
Rita Price, Director, N. Ridgeville Of?ce for Older Adults picture and enter the Dinovember contest! Email pictures to able online at or by calling the North
(Senior Center) [email protected], post your photo to the library’s Facebook Ridgeville Library at (440) 327-8326. The North Ridgeville
page, or tweet your picture @LorainLibrary. You may also Library is located at 35700 Bainbridge Road, in North Rid-
Free Medicare Check-Up Day drop pictures off at the library. Please indicate how you would geville.
like your photo credited. Full last names will not be used.
Ohio Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor has announced All social media entries should include #LPLSDinovember. Love Over Latte
that the Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program Dinosaurs only in the pictures, please. You have until Dec. 1
(OSHIIP), a division of the Ohio Department of Insurance, to enter. For more information, call the Lorain Public Library Love Over Latte is a Christian Women’s Ministry being
will visit Lorain County to hold a Medicare Check-Up Day System at 1-800-322-READ. held at Fields United Methodist Church on the third Wednes-
event on Wednesday, November 18, at the North Ridgeville day of each month. Please join them this month on November
Senior Center located at 7327 Avon Belden Rd., in North Rid- Facebook And Twitter For Beginners - Like this, tweet 18, from 7-9 p.m.
geville. The event begins at 10 a.m. Counseling is by appoint- that. What’s it all mean? Come on Monday, Nov. 16, at 6:30
ment only. Call (440) 353-0828 to schedule. p.m. or Thursday, Nov. 19, at 2 p.m. to sort it all out. Facebook Love Over Latte is open to ALL women of faith for music
and Twitter for Beginners will teach the basics about popular and worship led by Darlene Hepler of Alabaster Jar Minis-
During Medicare open enrollment, Ohioans can choose social networking websites, which will include an overview tries. From 8-9 they gather for coffee/dessert and conversa-
to select Original Medicare paired with a stand-alone Part D of what they consist of, how to create accounts, and how to tion discussing questions presented by the speaker and shar-
prescription drug plan and possibly a Medicare Supplement keep yourself and children safe in these online environments. ing in small groups. One door prize is awarded each event.
plan; or a Medicare Advantage Plan, which provides compre- Pre-registration is required. The cost is $3 per person.
hensive health bene?ts including drug coverage; or determine
if their existing coverage will meet their health insurance Teddy Bear Sleepover - Did you ever wonder what your Fields United Methodist Church is located at 34077 Lo-
needs for the upcoming year. stuffed animals do at night? Put on your pajamas and bring rain Road, in North Ridgeville. If you need more information,
your favorite stuffed animal to the library on Tuesday, Nov. please call the church of?ce at 440-327-8753 or ?nd Fields
Attendees can also learn more about recent Medicare 17, at 6:45 p.m. for a sleepover. Begin the night with bedtime United Methodist Church on Facebook for online ticket in-
changes, such as new deductibles, co-payments, coinsurance stories and some fun sleepover games, and then kiss your formation.
amounts and ?nancial assistance programs which include animal good night so they can begin their sleepover. Find out
help with prescription costs and Part B premium savings. what your stuffed animals did when you pick them up the fol- Christmases of Your Past
The non-pro?t Pro Seniors and its fraud-?ghting Ohio Se- lowing day, Wednesday, Nov. 18, after 2 p.m. This program
nior Medicare Patrol (SMP) will be present at the Check-Up is intended for ages 2 and up. Pre-registration is required. Relive the Christmases of your past when you visit North
Day events to encourage people on Medicare to protect their Ridgeville’s Old Town Hall Museum on December 5, from 9
Medicare card, and explain how to detect fraudulent behavior Mystery Book Discussion - Six shots, ?ve dead and a a.m. - 4p.m. The Historical Society will share special exhibits
and report issues to the SMP. heartland city thrown into terror. Yet within hours, the cops of items from their members’ private collections of toys found
have it solved, except that the accused gunman refuses to say under the Christmas Trees of their youth. Admission is free.
Ohioans should be aware of predatory sales practices dur- anything but, “Get Jack Reacher for me.” Borrow a copy of Many unique items will be for sale and refreshments will be
ing open enrollment. Insurance agents are prohibited from us- One Shot by Lee Child. Adults are welcome to discuss this served! Mark your calendars and stop by for a visit!
book, which is now a major motion picture, on Wednesday,
Be part of the Holiday on the Ridge Craft Show Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. at the library. Want to look at a past
December 5th from 9-4pm issue of the paper?
At Sugar Ridge Baptist Church Tween And Teen Pizza and Movie Matinee - Watch di-
nosaurs and eat pizza on Saturday, Nov. 21, at 2 p.m. Sixth Visit our website at:
36600 Sugar Ridge Rd, North Ridgeville through 12th-graders are invited for the prehistoric fun. Pre-
VENDORS NEEDED registration is required.
We have tables available!
Powerpoint 2007 for Beginners - Learn how to present
Call 440-748-2001 for an application or information in a slideshow format. PowerPoint 2007 for Be-
email [email protected] ginners is Monday, Nov. 23, at 6:30 p.m. Pre-registration is
Adult Afternoon Book Discussion - Explore a South-
ern family’s buried history in The Sound of Glass by Karen
White. Adults are invited to the discussion on this novel on
Tuesday, Nov. 24, at 1 p.m. Copies are available at the adult
information desk. Follow a widow as she arrives at a home
that houses the secrets of her husband’s past.
Thanksgiving Hours -The Library will close at 6 p.m.
on Wednesday, Nov. 25, and remain closed for Thanksgiv-
ing on Thursday, Nov. 26. Regular library hours resume on
Friday, Nov. 27. Whenever the library is closed, be thank-
ful for the eLibrary on where you’ll
?nd numerous digital service providers. Find eBooks, audio-
Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm 1115 EAST BROAD ST
Sat 8:00 am - 12 noon ELYRIA
Quick Lube - No Appointment Necessary ELYRIA 366-FORD (3673)
Same Day Service Appointments Available LORAIN 233-7402
Buy four select tires, get up to in mail-in rebates* when you use $3995
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*Dealer-installed retail purchases only. Limit one redemption per customer. $70 Michelin, Goodyear, Dunlop, Continental, Pirelli, Hankook, Yokohama and Bridgestone tire rebate by prepaid Retail purchases only. Up to ?ve quarts of Motorcraft® oil and Motorcraft oil ?lter. Taxes,
debit card or apply to an active Owner Advantage Rewards® account. $70 credit card rebate by prepaid debit card only. Subject to credit approval. Complete purchase must be made on diesel vehicles and disposal fees extra. Hybrid battery test excluded.
the Ford Service Credit Card. Offer valid between 11/1/15 and 11/30/15. Submit rebate by 12/31/15. Cannot be combined with any other tire manufacturer-sponsored or Ford Service Credit Offer valid until 11-30-15. See Service Advisor for vehicle exclusions.
Card rebate/offer. See participating dealership for vehicle applications, rebate and account details. Expires 11/30/15.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Page 21
Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has pur- CLASSIFIEDS Run 2 Weeks for Only $14 & Save $6!
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ADOPTION CHILD CARE 2-Bedroom Apartment in Graf- AMVETS POST 32 Winter workers, snow-plow- For Sale By Owner: 25327 Bri-
ton. No stairs, security depos- 11087 Middle Ave., Elyria ers, machine operators and arwood. This Columbia Station
A Loving Choice for an Un- Loving day care, my Columbia it, no pets. 440-343-5898. sidewalk shovelers. 6 posi- 4Bed, 2Bath, 2300 sq. ft. home
planned Pregnancy. Call An- home. Best personal attention. Capacity: Hall-250, tions yt. 440-236-9625. sits on 1/2 acre with fenced
drea 1-866-236-7638 (24/7) Very experienced. excellent Affordable apartments in La- Q-Hut-100, Pavillion-250 backyard. Interior all fresh
for adoption information/pro- references. 440-221-6139 Porte: Spacious 2BR units, Available for all occasions NEW TRUCKS ARRIVING paint, cathedral ceilings in liv-
?les, or view our loving cou- close to 480. Starting at $535/ - EXPERIENCED OTR DRIV- ing room & dining room. Down
ples at WWW.ANAAdoptions. CLEANING month. 1st month rent free. Call for pricing ERS VAN DIVISION: Runs bath total redo in 2015 with
com. Financial Assistance Call 440-323-7067. and availability 48 states, heavy from WI to tiled shower & granite counter.
Provided. 3 Chics and a Broom: Green 440-458-8544 Philadelphia/ Baltimore/ MD Eat-in kitchen with custom
Cleaning. Let us spiff you Elyria: 1 month free. $100 secu- area. Flex home time. 99% solid oak cabinets & granite
APPLIANCES up! Licensed, bonded and rity deposit. Newly remodeled COLUMBIA V.F.W HALL No-Touch. Top Pay! Vacation/ counter tops. Large family
insured. 440-355-6639. 2 bedroom town homes with 25-120 Capacity 401K/ Vision/ Dental/ Dis- room down & 16x20 bonus
Good clean used appli- new carpet, ceramic tile and ability/ Health. Require Class room off kitchen with access
ances. Call Bill Bakers, Custom cleaning. Everyone’s hard wood ?oors. Appliances Catering Available A CDL, 2 yrs OTR exp. good to back patio area. New cop-
440-322-2325. needs are different. We spe- included. Call 216-347-6775. 440-236-3323 MVR, references. Call Ruth/ per plumbing in 2013. Home
cialize in catering to what your Mike TTI, Inc. 1-800-558-2664 inspection done 2015. 50-yard
ANNOUNCEMENTS needs are. Call Marcie today FOR SALE F.O.P. LODGE #54 walk to Metro Parks! $187,500,
for your free assessment ap- Capacity 150-175 440-236-8393. Open House
Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? pointment at 440-213-7527. 5hp rototiller $100, lots of Catering Available HORSES Sat. & Sun., 11am-4pm.
Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-re- Over 13 years experience. misc. ?shing tackle $75, di- 36854 Royalton Rd.
lieving brace -little or NO cost nette set $100, garden bench (1 mile East of Durkee) Horseback riding lessons. SALES & SERVICES
to you. Medicare Patients Call CRAFT SHOWS $15, table saw $25, garden cart 24344 Foster Road, Litch?eld,
Health Hotline Now! 1- 800- $60, vacuum cleaner $20, elec- Grafton, Ohio 330-603-5955. Beginners-ad- SMALL DUMPSTERS
419-3684 Holiday Craft Bazaar, Nov. 21, tric edger $20, 2 live animals 440-653-7227 vanced. Jumping lessons for roo?ng, remodeling, etc.
2015, 9am—3pm at VFW Hall, traps $40, horseshoe game available. Indoor & outdoor
SOCIAL SECURITY DISABIL- 25742 Royalton Rd., Columbia $15, 440-458-8249. FULL park with restrooms, 3 arena. Trailering to shows Bobcat, Backhoe & Dump
ITY BENEFITS. Unable to Station, 44028. Free admis- pavilions, air conditioned hall, available. Truck work available
work? Denied bene?ts? We sion. Photographer on site 6 pc. Ethan Allen Bedroom set, for 25 to 138. Call LaGrange
Can Help! WIN or Pay Noth- taking Holiday photos. bought for $6000, sell $950. Lions Club. 440-458-6781. LAWN & GARDEN CALL JASON’S SERVICES
ing! Contact Bill Gordon & 440-926-2229 440-926-3446
Associates at 1-800-208-6915 LaGrange United Methodist Grafton VFW. Call from TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Ser-
to start your application to- Church Fall Craft Sale, Novem- 7700 Ford tractor w/cab, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Monday-Fri- vice. Complete tree removal, UPHOLSTERY
day! ber 21, 9am-3pm. Free admis- $10,500; concrete highway day. 440-926-3341 trimming, root feeding and
sion and door prizes! Lunch dividers, 10ft. long, $125 each; cleaning. Fully insured. FREE DAN’S UPHOLSTERY
AUTOS WANTED available for purchase. Lincoln gas portable weld- HELP WANTED ESTIMATES. Firewood for over 30 yrs. experience
er / generator combination, sale. 440-236-3061.
Mike’s Hooker Service. We EDUCATION $1,000; portable engine hoist, Drivers: CDL-A 1yr. Guaran- Full Upholstery
pay top dollar for all unwant- $200. 440-775-0438 teed home time. Excellent pay LOTS FOR SALE Cushion Re?lls
ed cars, trucks, vans. Free The path to your dream job package. Monthly bonus pro- Furniture Repair
pick-up. Pay cash. Call Mike, begins with a college degree. Barely used living room set. gram. 100% No-touch. BCBS / Building lot, 10.48 acres, resi- Call for free quote
216-534-6514. Education Quarters offers a Sleeper sofa, 2 wingback Dental / Vision. Plenty of miles. dential or agricultural, wa- on re-upholstery
free college matching service. chairs, coffee table and 1 end 877-704-3773 ter available, Pitts?eld Twp.,
DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK CALL 1-800-375-6219 table, $450 OBO. Call Ken, $85,000. 440-775-0438 216-346-2682
OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR AVIATION Grads work with 330-612-6636. If no answer, Drivers: CDL-A Regional.
THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Va- JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and leave message. $1500 sign-on. Flatbed / Hot LOTS & LAND FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT
cation, Tax Deductible, Free others- start here with hands Shot division. Start up to
Towing, All Paperwork Taken on training for FAA certi?ca- Dug Pine & Spruce Trees, 3ft. .47cpm +Bene?ts. Late mod- Mohawk Valley Hobby Farm - Retired couple looking for in-
Care Of. CALL 1-800-895- tion. Financial aid if quali?ed. to 12ft. tall, $45-$125. Call el equipment. All miles pd. 22 acres - $149,900 4 BR, 2 BA law suite to rent while in town.
7416 Call Aviation Institute of Main- 440-669-7931 855-996-0093 farmhouse, horse barn, nice 740-473-1427 or 440-387-6188
tenance 866-453-6204 views, Beautiful setting just
Got an older car, boat or RV? FREE Alpaca manure. Great Drivers: CO & O/Op’s: Earn off the NY State Thruway, 40 WANTED TO BUY
Do the humane thing. Donate ELECTRONICS for gardens! Bedded in straw, great money running dedi- min West of Albany! Call 888-
it to the Humane Society. Call easy access. Rt. 303, Grafton, cated! Great hometime and 738-6994 for more info. Cash for DIABETIC TEST
1- 800-758-2204. DISH TV Starting at $19.99/ 440-821-4104 benefits. Monthly bonuses. STRIPS / STOP SMOKING
month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Drive newer equipment! COOPERSTOWN LAND LIQ- PRODUCTS or GIFT CARDS!
A-1 DONATE YOUR CAR FOR Regular Price $34.99 Ask Sonoma double-sized tubed 855-582-2265 UIDATION! 10 acres - $29,900 Free Shipping, 24hr Pay-
BREAST CANCER! Help Unit- About FREE SAME DAY In- waterbed, excellent condi- Priced 70% BELOW MAR- ments! Call 1-877-588-8500,
ed Breast Foundation educa- stallation! CALL Now! 877- tion, $200; Bentwood rocker, Drivers: Marine Division, Solo KET! Woods, utils, twn rd,
tion, prevention, & support 477-9659 $20; Marriott Grande Vista, & Team openings! $3,000 private setting just 7 miles Habla Espanol.
programs. FAST FREE PICK- Orlando, time share, 2bdr. orientation completion pay! from Village!Terms avail! 888-
UP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX ESTATE SALE lock-off, great exchangeability, Industry leading pay, full com- 431-7214. Wants to purchase minerals
DEDUCTION 855-403-0213 $1,000, can be deeded to fam- prehensive bene?ts & more. and other oil and gas inter-
Estate Sale. Nov. 19-20, 9-3pm, ily. 440-458-5858 1yr. Class-A CDL w/flatbed SO. ADIRONDACK FOREST- ests. Send details to P.O. Box
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS Nov. 21,9-12pm. 31488 Center experience. 866-319-1157 LAND. 40 acres - $69,900 Lake 13557 Denver, Co. 80201
Ridge Rd., Westlake. A few an- Acorn Stairlifts. The AFFORD- rights, stream, only 3 hrs NY
Advertise to 500,000 Homes tiques, some costume jewelry, ABLE solution to your stairs! Elyria area job shop looking City! Twn rd, utils! Terms CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for
with a business card size retro pieces, exercise & golf **Limited time -$250 Off Your for Welder-Fitters. Send re- avail! Call 888-495-8733 unexpired, sealed DIABETIC
ad. You choose the area of equipment, some furniture & Stairlift Purchase!** Buy Di- sume to PO BOX 837, Elyria, TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAY-
coverage in free community bedroom sets. rect & SAVE. Please call 1- OH 44035 PETS MENT.1-800-371-1136
papers...we do the rest. Call 800-410-7127 for FREE DVD
800-450-7227 or visit macne- EVENTS and brochure. Looking for high energy weld- All Paws Kennel, 24344 Foster er with a willingness and pas- Rd., Litch?eld, 330-648-9509.
ADVERTISE to 10 Million Holding a Carnival! Fair! Fes- Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert sion for welding. This is not Heated indoor facility, 4 fenced
Homes across the USA! Place tival! Jubilee! Promote it to for Seniors. Bathroom falls an assembly line welding job, exercise yards, custom care.
your ad in over 140 commu- over 1 Million readers for only can be fatal. Approved by we are a Custom Fabrication $15 per day. Grooming now
nity newspapers, with circu- $200!!! Visit www.midatlan- Arthritis Foundation. Thera- shop. Must have 2-5 years ex- available.
lation totaling over 10 million for more details peutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch perience and be willing to take
homes. Contact Independent or call 800-450-7227. Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip a welding test onsite. Must Chihuahua pups, 8 weeks old,
Free Papers of America IFPA Floors. American Made. In- own your own welding helmet 3 female, non-papered, $400
at danielleburnett-ifpa@live. stallation Included. Call 1- and basic tools. First shift job OBO. 440-225-3140
com or visit our website cad- 800-906-3115 for $750 Off M-F 7am-3:30pm. $12-18 per for more informa- hour based on experience. WANTED TO BUY
tion. DELL LAPTOP Computer, Send resume to: bluearcman-
excellent condition, superior [email protected] EXTRA DIABETIC TEST
professional grade perfor- STRIPS? I Pay Top Dollar! 1
mance. Windows 7. Premium Truck Driver for 26,000 GVW Day Fast Payment Guaran-
software package included. ?atbed. Send resume to PO teed Up to $60 Per Box! Free
6 month warranty. $299. 717- BOX 837, Elyria, OH 44036 Shipping! www.CashNowOf-
653-6314 or 888-210-5233. Get
Working Shop Foreman, Extra $10. Use Offer Code:
GOOD THINGS TO EAT min.5+ years welding Cashnow!
and fabrication. 3+ years exp.
Homemade Hungar- as a supervisor. Will train the
ian Nut & Poppyseed rolls right candidate who has supe-
& Pumpkin rolls. Now tak- rior welding and fab. exp. and
ing orders for Thanksgiv- skills. This is not a Production
ing. Call 440-236-8424 or shop, Custom Welding and
440-334-0557. Fabrication assy. only. $18/hr.+
depending on experience and
aptitude. email resume to:
MODERNIZE Additions • Garages • Decks • Siding Our Name Means Quality
Remodeling • Pole Barns • Windows • Doors
Concrete Patios • Driveways • Custom Homes Your Full Service Contractor
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KIM KAZMIERCZAK (440) 458-6619
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YOUR HOME 13240 Grafton Rd. • Grafton, OH 44044 •Concrete Trim
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COMMERCIAL & Licensed•Bonded•Insured • Over 20 Years Experience
Construction RESIDENTIAL
Tim Hamper Office: 440-236-3851/Cell: 440-506-2302
Home Remodeling: Bathrooms, Basements & Kitchens Also:
Roofing,Siding & Windows Plus: Decks, Fences & Storage Barns LAWN • GARDEN • LANDSCAPE
440-864-5161 Licensed, Bonded & Insured BROWN’S DESIGN LANDSCAPING INC. & NURSERY
APPLIANCE, SALES & SERVICES ELECTRICAL Family owned & operated over 27 yrs.
1Nursery open to the public • Design & Installation - Water Features,
All Major Brands SALES & SERVICE, INC. Lawn Installation, Paver Patios & Walk Ways ICPI Certi?ed,
440-365-7321 Residential & Commercial Electrical Service Irrigation Installation & Service
800-589-6532 50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
WALK-IN PARTS COUNTER New Work-Replacement-Repairs 12590 Durkee Rd., Grafton • 440-748-2642 •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 •Security & Camera Systems
•Commercial Buildings •Parking Lot Lighting
440-327-3433 ext #3 •
State License/Insured •24/7 Emergency Response
Concrete • Masonry J. A. KILBY ENT.
Stamped Concrete
•Plumbing Services •All Phases of Excavation •Sewer
440-327-3433 Replacement (water, gas, storm) •Sanitary Sewer Installation
DISCOUNT CEMENT NOVAK CONCRETE, INC •Foundation Waterproofing •Septic and Mound Systems Modern Landscaping & Design, Inc.
CONTRACTORS, INC. •All Plumbing Repairs and New Installation
Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, Residential ~ Commercial
Driveways, Patios, Drainage Garage Floors, Stamped 440-327-3433 Installation - New Lawns/Hydroseed • Lawn Cutting • Patios
Waterproofing, Excavating Concrete, Waterproofing
Masonry, Tuck Pointing, FENCING Retaining Walls • Ponds • Waterfalls • Grading Work
Exposed Aggregate Pads 440-748-6217 Call: 440-748-1333
440-748-3197 Quality Service since 1989
N. Ridgeville Office
Richards Concrete Residential - Commercial
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“For all of your Concrete needs Drywall Install/Repair
FREE ESTIMATES We specialize in
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Board • Split Rail • Picket Fence
Richards Concrete LLC Call to schedule your FREE estimate PLUMBING
William M. Miller • 330-466-4012
14000 Pearl Rd • Strongsville at Pearl & Rt. 82 D.W.V. • Gas Lines • Water Lines Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Fixtures • Backhoe Work
NEW-USED-SERVICE Residential • Industrial • Commercial
1-800-317-1966 24 Hour Emergency Service State ID# 19467
Edward Logar ODOT Certified
800-467-1275 Off: 330-483-0055 7424 Crocker Rd.
Cell: 216-970-1910
OH LIC #23331 Valley City, OH 44280
Your Auto or Complete J.A. Kilby Plumbing
Light Truck Full Mechanical
Service Center Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services
HOME IMPROVEMENT Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions
CAD Design & Visual Renderings Available
24497 Sprague Rd., •Columbia Station • General Contracting •New Work •Replacement •Repairs
• Kitchens/Baths •Sewer & Waterline Excavation & Installation
•Camera Inspections •Abandoned Wells Capped
• Additions
440-327-3433 •
BUILDERS • Buildings/Garages
State License/Insured • 24/7 Emergency Response
• Roofs
Custom Buildings, LTD 725 Sugar Lane, • Doors/Windows SERVICES:
Elyria, Oh 44035 • Siding
(Built By Amish) 440-365-0015 • Plumbing/Electrical •Plumbing Repairs
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Quality Buildings At Specializing in Home Improvements •Electronic Locating
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Affordable Prices 440-324-4321 •Sewer Excavation
• Horse Barns • Garages IMAGE BUILDING & RENOVATION 30 Years Experience Personal Plumber Service Corp.
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•Custom Remodeling & Renovations •Interior 24 HOUR EMERGENCY $25OFF
COMMERCIAL & Exterior Painting •Windows & Siding Replacement SERVICE Any Service
RESIDENTIAL •Kitchen & Bathroom Replacement •Roofing OH LIC #21372
FREE 440-724-9338 Expires 12/31/15. Not valid with any other offer.
RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015 Page 23
Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs
Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal • Waterproofing
Of?ce: 440-236-4001 • • Foundation Repair
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner • Yard Drainage
• Excavating
• Sewer Replacement
• Metal Roofs & Seamless Metal Gutters All Types • Metal Roof Coatings Waterproo?ng • Drainage Work
• Shingles & Siding • Pole Barns - Roof & Repair • Residential/Commercial
• Bonded/Insured • BBB/Angies List • Quality Professional Workmanship & Foundation Replacement
Cell: 216-402-2470 / 216-403-2965 440-236-9625
Family Business for Three Generations Health Insurance Open
Enrollment begins
Bob 440-238-6485 • Chris 440-238-5949 Since 2013, more than 800,000 Ohioans have obtained
insurance coverage through the health law — many for the
Licensed • Insured • Free Estimates ?rst time, and starting on Nov. 1, you can enroll in a new plan or change your coverage on the health exchange.
ROOFING It is clear that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is working.
Because of the health law:
All Seasons Roo?ng
-Insurance companies can no longer increase your premi-
Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason ums without justi?cation, and they can no longer deny cover-
Siding & Gutter Repairs age if you have a pre-existing condition, or place annual or
Repairs from $75. lifetime caps on your coverage;
440-748-3259 Casey Williamson -You’re entitled to free preventive care in the form of can-
cer screenings, vaccines, annual check-ups, well-woman vis-
SEPTIC SERVICES its and some prescription drugs;
Licensed by Board of Health -More than 97,000 young Ohioans are able to stay on their FIND US ONLINE AT
Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain Counties parents’ insurance until their 26th birthday — giving them the
www.rural-urbanrecor chance to focus on their careers, education or future plans; Rural-Urban Record PresortStd.
• Reasonable Rates U.S. Postage
• Prompt, Reliable Service We’re -All Americans have access to insurance coverage for life- PAID
Online saving clinical trials. Columbia Station, Ohio
• Senior Discounts Easy “Your Community Weekly”
Chuck & Adam Dunlap, Owners To improve the consumer shopping experience, health- Permit #51 will provide new features and resources for 2016
$5 Off with this ad open enrollment. A new Out-of-Pocket-Cost tool will help BOXHOLDER-ECRWSS
you better estimate the true costs of your health insurance. In
440-236-9200 addition, new information has been added to VOLUME 53, NO. 51 COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO June 16, 2008
440-926-0057 so that you can easily lookup doctors and prescription drugs
440-322-0927 covered under a plan while you are comparing your coverage Belden Old Fashion Days Firemen’s Festival New Litter Enforcement
options. Water Fight Winners This year’s annual Old and old-time kid’s games Program For Lorain County
Last year, 84% of Ohioans who purchased health insur- Fashion Days will be held can be enjoyed. On Sun- Water ?ght Champions from Grafton Township L-R: Penny
ance through the marketplace received an average of $244 in on Saturday, June 21 day at 1 p.m., you can bring Palmer, Mike Palmer and Andy Weigel. Sheriff Stammitti and the Lorain County Sheriff’s Of?ce
tax credits to help them pay for the cost of insurance. In fact, and Sunday, June 22 your old/antique items to are happy to announce the beginning of a Litter Enforce-
41% of Ohioans were able to obtain coverage for less than from 10 a.m. to 4 the hall, where Joan Unger The Grafton Firemen’s Festival once again featured water ment Program in Lorain County which will be overseen by
$100 a month. p.m. at the Graf- of the Cat’s Meow antique ?ghts by teams from area ?re departments. Congratulations the Corrections Division.
ton Township to the team from Grafton Township, this year’s winner.
You can get covered through January 31, 2016, and sign Fire Hall. store in North The Litter Program is being made available to the Lorain
up for health insurance coverage through a variety of ways: Ridgeville will Patriotic Concert and Elyria Municipal Courts as they will utilize individu-
The event offer opinions als who have been given community service hours by the
-Online – Visit to apply and enroll through features not only about the his- courts. These individuals will contact the Sheriff’s Of?ce
the internet. a Craft Show, tory and value as to their availability and then will be scheduled to do litter
Flea Mar- of your items. pick up on pre-designated roads in the county. A Correction
-Over the Phone – Call the Marketplace Call Center at 1- ket and good To register for Of?cer will be assigned to oversee the community service
800-318-2596 with questions or to enroll over the phone. food, but also workers while out on the roadways.
some old-time blacksmith- an indoor or out-
-In-Person – Visit or call the ing demonstrations, engines door table, contact Bob Lorain County Commissioners Betty Blair, Ted Kalo and
Marketplace Call Center to get a list of people in your com- and a look at our One-Room Flickinger at 440-926-2680. Lori Kokoski approved funding from the Lorain County
munity who are trained and certi?ed to help you enroll in per- School, Museum and Veter- Tables are $7.50 for one day Solid Waste program to purchase equipment to be utilized
son. an’s Memorial Park. or $10 for two days. for this program. Lorain County Engineer Ken Carney has
The event is the main also given assistance to this program.
-Paper Application – Call the Marketplace Call Center or From 10 a.m. to noon fund-raiser for the Belden
download a paper application from to ?ll out each day, you can take a Historical Society. Proceeds The Litter Program is currently scheduled for twice a
and send in. tour of the Museum and are used for maintaining our week and can be expanded as the need arises. In the future,
One-Room School. On Sat- historic buildings and pre- this program will be offered to all Municipal Courts as well
Even if you were one of the 234,341 Ohioans who signed urday at noon, face painting serving our local history. as the Lorain County Courts.
up for health insurance through the exchange
for 2015 coverage, you still can visit the exchange to update Arts & Author’s Fest For more information on this program, you can contact
your information and review your options. Unless you renew Director of Corrections, James Drozdowski at 440-329-
your current health plan or choose a new health plan through Come to the Fine Arts and Author’s Fest at the Co- 3767 or Sergeant Timothy Allsop at 440-329-3748.
the exchange, you may be automatically re-enrolled into the lumbia Library from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June
same plan. Returning to the marketplace to review your op- Pork Roast Dinner Benefit
tions could save you hundreds of dollars.
The Knights of Columbus will ?re up the grills on Sat-
Nearly 10 million Americans are now healthier and bet-
TREE SERVICE ter protected because they signed up for insurance through
last year’s marketplace. However, many uninsured Ohioans
ARBOR CARE TREE have failed to sign up for health insurance coverage under
the health law. Health insurance coverage protects individuals
• 60 Ft. Bucket Truck and families against unexpected and costly health care costs. Advertise in
• 113 Ft. Crane Protect your health and your ?nancial security by signing up The Rural-Urban Record’s
• Removal, Trimming, Firewood
(from Sherrod Brown)
Triple Shredded Mulch
Shop Locally!
Fully Insured & Workmen’s Comp. • TCIA member
Your Local Merchants are:
440-979-0618 Cell: 216-973-2675
> Close to Home
Jason E. Davis > Community Involved November 23, 2015 Issue
-Complete Crane Service- > Here to serve You!
(Deadline: November 18, 2015)
“No Tree Too Big or Too Small!” Shopping locally helps your community!
Tree/Stump Removal Call your sales rep today
and ask about our
Tree Trimming, Firewood
“FREE ESTIMATES” “Get Ready for the Holidays”
Bonded & Insured specials!
812 Bond Street, Elyria 44035 Call
Ph: 440-452-4840 email: [email protected] The Rural-Urban Record at
WATERPROOFING 440-236-8982
“Stop the water before it stops you!”
•Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
•Yard Drainage Systems •Concrete Replacement
Page 24, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, November 16, 2015
CARRY The Best in Northeast Ohio BREAKFAST
Join us for Thanksgiving
Bridal or Baby Showers, Rehearsal Dinners & More.
Business or Family. Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner.
Monday - Saturday Every Wednesday Chicken Paprikash OPEN 24
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