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Published by The Rural-Urban Record, 2018-01-15 09:50:13


The Rural-Urban Record

“Your Free Weekly Community Newspaper”

“Celebrating 62 Years of Community Service!”

Volume 63, No. 29 Columbia Station, Ohio January 15 , 2018

pgs 10-11

Columbia Athletic Boosters raise funds for athletic programs GMPL’s Display Case available

for special displays
and a Winner’s Circle
which featured the top 3
hats of the evening voted
on by attendee’s.
The winners of the hat
contest were: 3rd place -
Robin Garrow, 2nd place
- Mel Grills and 1st place
- Michelle Kile.
The Columbia Athletic
Boosters raised a little un-
der $10,000. Combined
with the concession stand
and membership drive,
Boosters will have raised
nearly $21,000 which
will be used towards the
athletic programs of both
the Middle School and
High School.
(L-R): Back Row: Nina Scharf, Mel Grills, Melissa Simon, Michelle Kile, Robin Garrow, Next years tentative
Becky Keener, Ashaunti Atkinson Hayes and Mary Tucker. Front Row: Laura Ciriglano, date for the “Nite at the
Tiffany Goebel and Melinda Heidecker (kneeling). Races” fund-raiser will
The Columbia Athletic fund-raiser at the Ehrn- 6. This year they celebrat- be January 19, 2019 at the
Boosters hosted their an- felt Recreation Center in ed a new location with a Ehrnfelt Recreation Cen-
nual “Nite at the Races” Strongsville on January Kentucky Derby theme ter in Strongsville.
This month’s display contains information about the li-
brary’s new passport services and some travel destina-
WAA seeks volunteers for Piper’s first winter in the snow tions.
The Grafton-Midview Public Library is now ac-
cemetery wreath removal cepting applications for use of their glass display case
in the vestibule. Displays are normally set up for an
On Saturday, December 16, the National Wreaths Across entire month and are kept under lock and key. If you
America (WAA) event was held at the Ohio Western Reserve have a collection that you would love to share, or are
National Cemetery (OWRNC). WAA is an event where vol- a member of an organization with items to display,
unteers lay wreaths to remember those veterans that have please contact Tami Mullins at (440) 926-3317 for
sacrificed everything for our great Nation. The wreaths are
sponsored by individuals whose donations offset the costs to more information.
supply wreaths to over 1,100 cemeteries across the Nation. Senior Center Spaghetti Dinner
The wreaths are not for decoration, they are there to honor
and remember the veterans’ lives, not their deaths.
WAA’s mission is to Remember, Honor and Teach. Re- The North Ridgeville Senior Center will hold its first Spa-
member our fallen U.S. veterans. Honor those who serve. ghetti Dinner of 2018 on Friday, January 26. The dinner is
Teach our children the value of freedom. When each wreath sponsored by the North Ridgeville Rotary Club, who will also
be helping out at the event.
was laid, volunteers rendered honors and said their name.
Spaghetti is served from 5-7 p.m. and take-outs will also
For a person dies twice: once when they take their last be available during this time. Prices for the spaghetti din-
breath, and later, the last time their name is spoken.
This year, over 14,000 wreaths were laid. The tremen- ner are as follows: seniors/$6; adults/$7; and children under
dous out-pouring of volunteers that attended finished the 10/$4. Dessert is $1 and pop is 50¢. Dinner includes a large
task of laying wreaths in 15-20 minutes. helping of spaghetti, homemade sauce, jumbo meatballs, sal-
ad and garlic bread..
On Saturday, January 27, beginning at 10 a.m., volun-
All proceeds go directly to the North Ridgeville Office
teers are once again needed to help pick up the wreaths and Piper, a Shihtzu and Chihuahua mix puppy, enjoys her for Older Adults to help maintain senior services in our area.
decorations from each grave site. Unfortunately, far fewer very first winter in the snow. Piper lives in Grafton with
volunteers show up for this equally important task. There owner Courtney Carnes. Piper was a Christmas gift to They are always in need of bakers for their spaghetti dinners.
If you can bake and donate any items, please call the Senior
are no sign-ups or registration, just show up and help. There Courtney from her boyfriend. Even though the weather
is no commitment in time, help as much or as little as you turned warmer mid-week, pet owners are reminded to Center at (440) 353-0828.
The North Ridgeville Senior Center is located at the cor-
can afford. Help is greatly appreciated! take outdoor pets indoors when the temperatures are
The Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery is located below freezing. Make sure they have plenty of fresh ner of Avon Belden Road (Rt. 83) and Bainbridge Road. For
at 10175 Rawiga Rd., in Seville. water and a warm place to cuddle inside. more information, please call the senior center.

Community Directory Carlisle 12 Grafton 7 N. Ridgeville 16 Profile 10
Grafton Twp.
Eaton 12 LaGrange 14 Churches 6 Classified 17

Page 2, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018
special effort to tell each school board member his or her hard
work has been noticed and is very much appreciated.
We are always looking to improve the quality of the school
district and the services we provide. If you have a suggestion,
The first semester and second grading period ends on January question or comment please feel free to call me at (440) 236-
19. Students will begin the second semester on Tuesday, January 5008 or email [email protected] #onceaRaider
23. There will be no school for students on Monday, January 15
BOE meeting change to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Monday, January 22 Attention CHS 1968 classmates
for a district professional development day. Thanks to our staff
and students for a great first half of the year! I look forward to The class of 1968 are planning their 50th Class Reunion to
The Columbia Local Schools Board of Education meeting many more accomplishments in the next few months! correspond with the graduation ceremonies at Columbia High
will take place on Wednesday, January 24 at 7 p.m. at CHS in Thank you to our awesome CHS and CMS Science Depart- School in May, 2018. They currently are looking for sever-
the Columbia Community Foundation Media Center. A BOE ments as well as the Science Fair Advisor, Becky Karl, for their
work session will begin prior to the regular meeting at 5:30 hard work and dedication this year with the Science Fair. Job al classmates and need addresses, phone numbers or an email
p.m. Please note the change of location and time. well done! Congratulations to all of the CMS participants from so that they may contact them. If you have any information on
fellow classmates, please contact Ethel Schiemann at emschie-
CHS Weekly Calendar this past week. Finally, thank you to all of the volunteer judges. mann@windstream
We could not have done this without any of you. There will be
Monday, January 15: another Science Fair Night on Thursday, January 18 for CHS stu- Dean’s List
No School, MLK day. dents due to school being out for weather related closures. Hope
Tuesday, January 16: to see you in attendance. Ohio Wesleyan University is pleased to announce its 2017 fall
7 p.m. Youth Sports meeting-HS. January is School Board Recognition Month. I want to thank semester Dean’s List. To qualify for OWU Dean’s List recogni-
Wednesday, January 17: Wayne Brassell, Stephen Coleman, Blanche Nemeth, Shawn tion, students must earn a grade point average of 3.5 or better on
6/7:30 p.m. Girls Basketball v. Fairview. Ondrejko and Megan Champagne for their service to Colum- a 4.0 scale in all applicable classes. Local residents earning this
Thursday, January 18: bia Local Schools and our community. Below is a letter I like to outstanding academic achievement include:
6 p.m. Wrestling Double Dual at Black River. share with our community each year. Elise Duldner of Columbia Station; Jacob Kleinhenz of Co-
Friday, January 19: School board members are ordinary people who have an ex- lumbia Station; Justin Reznik of Columbia Station and Michael
End of second grading period. traordinary dedication to our public schools. It is time we thanked Smosny Jr. of Elyria.
6/7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball v. Fairview. them for their untiring efforts. Too often we forget about the per- Congratulations!
sonal sacrifices school board members routinely make. Too often
Columbia K-8 Lunch Menu we forget about the important role school board members play in COLUMBIA NEWS CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
assuring local control over our public schools, control that is in
Week of January 15-19: the hands of people we know … people who are our neighbors.
Monday: NO SCHOOL - MLK Day. Too often we forget that, in the tradition of a representative de-
Tuesday: Breakfast - Mini Eggo pancakes; Lunch - Choice of mocracy, school board members are our connection to influenc- COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP
Bosco sticks, or bologna and cheese sub or chicken Caesar salad, ing how our public schools are governed. Too often we are quick BOARD MEMBERS WANTED
with peas and pears. to criticize school board members without really knowing all the FOR ZONING COMMISSION AND
Wednesday: Breakfast - WG Cinnamon Roll; Lunch - Choice details that went into any given decision. Too often the efforts of BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS
of grilled cheese, or bologna and cheese sub or chicken Caesar school board members go unrecognized and unrewarded.
salad, with tomato soup and mixed fruit. Friday:Break- We can begin to correct these oversights this January, which
fast - Bagel bites/frudel; Lunch - Choice of Pizza, or bologna is School Board Recognition Month. This is a time to show our Columbia Township is currently accepting applications
and cheese sub or chicken Caesar salad, with green beans and appreciation and to begin to better understand how school board to fill one open position on the Columbia Township Zoning
applesauce. members work together to provide leadership for our schools. Commission and one open position on the Columbia
Week of January 22-26: The school board works closely with parents, education profes- Township Board of Zoning Appeals. The Zoning
Monday: No School - Teacher Inservice. sionals and community members to create the educational vision Commission meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Thursday
Tuesday: Breakfast - Mini Eggo pancakes; Lunch - Choice of we want for our students. It then formulates goals, defines results of every month. The Board of Zoning Appeals meets as
walking taco, or chicken Caesar wrap, or peppi salad w/roll, with and sets the course for an adequate and equitable educational needed on the fourth Monday of the month.
refried beans and peaches. program for all students. The school board is accountable to the Interested residents should submit a Letter of Interest
Wednesday: Breakfas - WG Cinnamon roll; Lunch - Choice public. It is responsible for assuring the public that the money or resume to the Columbia Township Board of Trustees
of cheeseburger, or chicken Caesar wrap, or seasoned curly fries allocated to the public schools is providing a good return on the by January 31, 2018. Email the Trustees at trustees@
and mixed fruit. investment. Thus, the board oversees regular assessment of the, mail to P.O. Box 819, Columbia Station,
Thursday: Breakfast - sliders; Lunch - Choice of Sloppy Joe district’s students, staff and programs. The school board also is a Ohio 44028 or drop off application at the Township Office
nachos or chicken Caesar wrap, or peppi salad w/roll, with corn strong advocate for public schools and is responsible for commu- in the Columbia Town Hall, 25496 Royalton Road. The
and warm cherry cobbler. nicating the needs of the school district to the public and the pub- Township Office is open Monday through Friday, from 9
Friday: Breakfast - Bagel bites/frudel; Lunch - Choice of Piz- lic’s expectations to the district. In January, join with others from a.m. to 1 p.m. For additional information, please call the
za or chicken Caesar wrap, or peppi salad w/roll, with mixed throughout our district and state to salute the men and women Township Office at 440-236-8802.
vegetables and cinnamon apples. who provide grassroots governance of public schools. Make a

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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018 Page 3

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Page 4, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018
Coffee and Conversation Future of Youth Football in Columbia

The City of North Ridgeville is pleased to announce month- There is a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 16,at 6
ly Coffee and Conversation with Mayor Dave Gillock. Stop in p.m. at Columbia High School in Coach Ward’s room, Room 20
to discuss youth football in Columbia. Youth football has been in
to enjoy a cup of coffee and casual conversation. Below is the Columbia Station for over 40 years and has gone through some
State of the City Address schedule for 2018. If you are unable to attend and have ques- changes. The purpose of the meeting is to have a constructive
tions, please feel free to call the Office of the Mayor at (440) 353-
The North Ridgeville Chamber of Commerce is honored to 0811. All meetings are held in the City Hall Mayor’s Conference dialogue to discuss how to give our youth football players in Co-
lumbia the best experience to get them prepared for the Raider
present Mayor David Gillock’s State of The City Address on Fri- Room, located at 7307 Avon Belden Road, in North Ridgeville. Football program to help continue with its success. Anyone who
day, January 19, 2018 at 11:30 a.m. at the North Ridge Schools Meeting dates: is interested or would like to add some insight to helping with the
Academic Center. A luncheon will be served and the cost is Tuesday, January 16, from 8-9 a.m.; Wednesday, February meeting so that Youth Football can move forward and help our
$20. Please contact the chamber of commerce office at (440) 28, from 8-9 a.m.; Thursday, March 29, from 4-5 p.m.; Mon- youth, please attend.
327-3737 or click on their website at to make a day, April 23, from 8-9 a.m.; Wednesday, May 23, from 8-9 a.m.;
reservation. Tuesday, June 26, from 8-9 a.m.; Thursday, July 26, from 8-9 Valley City Garden Club
a.m.; Thursday, August 23, from 8-9 a.m.; Tuesday, September
Dean’s List 18, from 4-5 p.m.; Monday, October 22, from 8-9 a.m.; Wednes- The Valley City Garden Club will meet Thursday, January 18,
Heidelberg University has announced the names of 369 stu- day, November 14, from 8-9 a.m.; Thursday, December 13, from at the Emmanuel United Church of Christ, located at 6656 Cen-
ter Road, in Liverpool Township at 7 p.m. This month’s speaker,
dents named to the fall semester dean’s list. Included on the 8-9 a.m. Office of the Mayor: (440) 353-0811 or 353-0812; Pat Boyert from Boyer’s Green House and Farm, will present
list is: Rachael Rosh of Elyria; Leah Cordy, Brady Jones and North Ridgeville Historical Society a program called, “Four Seasons of Interest in Your Garden”.
Christina of LaGrange, and Brianna Casement, Anna Chalkley Come and bring a friend. Roll Call response will be the most
and Michaela Ueberroth of North Ridgeville. Join the North Ridgeville Historical Society January 17 colorful plant in your landscaping. The club offers many inter-
Congratulations! for their first meeting of 2018. The group will kickoff the year esting and informative speakers, demonstrations and field trips.
Dean’s List with guest speaker Adam Matthews speaking on Lorain County For more information, contact Tom Sasalar at (440) 724-1156.
Railroads. Mr. Matthews is a railroad enthusiast and historian
Hannah Eck of North Ridgeville was named to the Dean’s who is a board member of the Nickel Plate Road Historical and Smudge seeks loving home
Technical Society, and volunteers with the Lakeshore Railway
List at Ohio Christian University in Circleville, Ohio for the Association. Following the presentation will be a brief busi-
Fall 2017 Semester. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student ness meeting and refreshments. All are welcome to attend - you Smudge is a great cat! He
must achieve a semester GPA of 3.5 or better and be enrolled in might consider becoming a member at $5 for an individual or is not only very handsome
at least 12 semester hours. $10 family per year, but membership is not required to enjoy (gorgeous actually) he is a
Congratulations! the evening. Meetings are held monthly on the third Wednes- mellow guy who welcomes
attention. Smudge is 5-years
day of each month at 7 p.m., at the North Ridgeville Library, old and such a nice cat. He
located at 35700 Bainbridge Rd. was a stray who should be in
VALLEY CITY Sarah seeks loving home a home. He is in the cattery
now interacting with other
VISION CENTER vaccines and is also front de- cats and doing well. Spend
some time with him and you
clawed and must be an indoor
FAMILY VISION kitty. Sarah’s previous family will see what a wonderful Smudge
companion he would be.
loved her but the dogs in the
CENTER family chased her a lot and it Have a seat in the cattery and Elyria. All cats receive one
was stressful for her. When get to know Smudge. You or more vaccinations, a basic
6621 Center Road they moved to a new home, could be the hero that gives veterinary examination, are
Valley City there were less places for her him a home! If you would like wormed and spayed/neutered
Dr. Norma Jesse, J to hide.Sarah is extremely to give Smudge a new, lov- and feline leukemia tested.
ing, forever home, please call
Optometrist 330-483-4035 affectionate, even if a little Kittens under a year old are
shy at first meeting. She has the Friendship Animal Pro- $50 and cats over a year are
WE CARRY A OUTSIDE perfect manners and would tective League at (440) 322- only $20. All kittens/cats
4321. (www.FriendshipAPL.
do best as the only pet in the
FULL LINE OF PRESCRIPTIONS Sarah family. org). The shelter is located at over 3 months old are also
If you would like to meet
GLASSES WELCOME Sarah is a 7-year-old, Sarah, please call June with 8303 Murray Ridge Road, in
Hours: Mon & Thurs 9-7; Tues & Fri 9-5, Sat 8:30-Noon female, long-haired Pastel Ziggy’s Friends at (440) 522- PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS
Tortoiseshell Cat. Sarah is
Closed Sun & Wed spayed, caught up on her 8558.




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Page 6, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018
The Rural-Urban Record German Dinner Come and
St. Paul Lutheran Church’s annual German Dinner is on
Published Weekly on Monday February 3, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Dinner includes roast pork,
Abel E. Carpenter & Grace A. Carpenter kielbasa, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, spaetzle and applesauce.
Founders 1955 Tickets are available at the door and cost $13/adults, $6/chil- Worship
dren (6-12) and children under 5 are free. The church is located
Lee Boise, Publisher & President at 1377 Lester Road, in Valley City.
Leonard Boise, Publisher 1993-2010 with us!

Mailing Address: Old World Spaghetti Dinner
P.O. Box 966, Columbia Station, OH 44028 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church invites you to enjoy a deli- “Welcome Home”
Located at 24487 Squire Rd, Columbia Station cious Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, February 4, from 1-4 p.m.
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 This ever popular dinner includes homemade sauce from an New Life Wesleyan Church
Email: [email protected] authentic old-world recipe, meatballs, salad, rolls and dessert. 11149 West River Rd.
Website: Cost is $9 for adults, $8 for seniors and $3 for children 12 and Columbia Station
under. They will also have a Silent Auction and Raffle for you
DEADLINE: to enjoy while you are here. Tickets will be sold at the door SUNDAY 9 am
News, Pictures & ALL ads - Wednesday @ 12pm and carryouts will be available. The church is located at 25801 Adult Bible Study
OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Weds., 9-4 • Thurs. 9-1 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. Come early as they usu- SUNDAY 10 am
Out of Area Subscriptions - $35/year ally sell out. Worship & Children’s Church
“Raffle To The Rescue” WEDNESDAY 6:45 pm
Divorce Care Seminars to help homeless animals Bible Study
DivorceCare is a national support group that meets weekly in Youth Group, Kids Club
Lorain County. It is a warm, caring environment where people Partners With Paws of Lorain County, Inc. announces the Rev. Steve Spaeth - Pastor
learn how to deal with the hurt caused by separation or divorce. “Raffle To The Rescue 2018,” with proceeds to benefit home- Rev. John Bodo
The group understands how attendees feel because they all have less animals in and around Lorain County. - Associate Pastor
been in the same place. Participants are welcome to begin at- One lucky winner will receive $1,000. Perfect timing for
tending the DivorceCare group at any point. Each session is a nice cabin fever vacation or a really special Valentine’s Day 440-236-8600
“self-contained” so there is no need to attend in sequence. At- celebration.
tendees will be able to pick up any missed sessions in the next Between now and Monday, February 5, you can purchase
13-week cycle. For details on meeting days/times, call (440) tickets for a donation of only $10 per ticket. Buying six tickets NORTH
323-4644 or register at The will rescue one dog from a dog pound. Drawing will be held on
group meets at the Church of the Open Door, located at 43275 Tuesday, February 6, and the winner will be notified by phone. EATON
Telegraph Road, in Elyria. Tickets can be purchased by mailing a check or money or- CHRISTIAN
Celebrate Recovery der payable to and sent to: Partners With Paws, P.O. Box 277, CHURCH
Oberlin, OH 44074. You may also download the Raffle To The
Celebrate Recovery, the local Christian 12-Step Program for Rescue 2018 Flyer and Tickets by visiting www.PartnersWith- Rt. 82 & 83, or buy them on-line using PayPal. Please note
anyone needing help with a hurt, habit or hang-up, meets each that donation receipts will not be issued for this raffle fund- 440-748-2230
week at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Church of the Open Door, lo- raiser.
cated at 43275 Telegraph Road, in Elyria. The first hour begins All proceeds will benefit Partners With Paws of Lorain Worship Services
with a brief time of worship, followed by a weekly lesson or a County, Inc., as they financially assist other local animal rescue 8:00am & 9:30am
personal testimony. The second hour has gender specific small groups. Funds will be used to rescue dogs from dog pounds and Sunday School
groups for men and women, with a special video for first time help other animals in need with their health and general care,
attenders. All meetings are open to everyone. Light refreshments such as vetting expenses including spay, neuter, vaccines and 10:45am
are served following the program. For further information, call surgeries if needed, and boarding fees if required, until adop- Polly Tallos
Bob at (440) 326-2329. tion takes place. Christian Ed. & Youth Director COLUMBIA UNITED
Life Spring Community Church would also like to invite To assist with the cash prize and postage to over 1,800 direct Rev. David Chafin METHODIST
the community to their Celebrate Recovery program. Come join mail recipients, Partners With Paws would like to thank the fol- Interim Minister CHURCH
them on Monday nights beginning at 6 p.m. The church is locat- lowing businesses for their monetary donations: Mercy Health,
ed at 1638 Lester Rd., in Valley City. Dinner and fellowship is Burger King, Ted Majka Floor and Wall Covering, Lorain-Me- Worship Service
from 6-7 p.m., large groups from 7-8 p.m., small groups from 8-9 dina Rural Electric and Dr. Thomas Leatherman, DDS. 10:30 a.m.
p.m. and 9 p.m. coffee and dessert. Child care is available. For If you would like more information, please call Lorie A. Sunday School
more information, you can go to Wilber at (440) 897-8696 or e-mail: [email protected]. You St. Elizabeth during Worship Service
can also visit
Wednesdays at Fields UMC Ann Seton COLUMBIA STATION, OHIO
Catholic Parish
Fields United Methodist Church now has a Wednesday eve- 10 Free Flowering Trees 25801 Royalton Rd. Pastor Matt Merriman
Columbia Station, OH
ning program for kids, youth and adults. Come and grow in Residents in your state can ring in the New Year with 10 Sacrament of Reconciliation 236-8822
your faith with a variety of classes for all ages, from 3 to 103, free flowering trees by joining the Arbor Day Foundation any (Confession) [email protected]
at 6:30 p.m., followed by a spirit-filled contemporary worship time during January 2018. Sat., 4 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
service at 7:30 p.m. Childcare is available for our littlest guests By becoming a part of the nonprofit Arbor Day Founda- Anytime by Appointment
to have a safe playtime during the evening. All are welcome! tion, new members will receive two Sargent Crabapples, three Weekend Masses
Sat. 5 p.m.
For more detailed information, please visit the website at www. American Redbuds, two Washington Hawthorns, and three Sun. 8 & 11 a.m. Church of Christ, or call Pastor Mar Bruner at the church office at White Flowering Dogwoods. 440-236-5095
(440) 327-8753. Wednesdays at Fields will run through May 23, “These beautiful trees will beautify your home with lovely Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am
2018. Fields UMC is located at 34077 Lorain Road, in North flowers of pink, yellow and white colors,” said Matt Harris, Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 5 pm
Ridgeville. Chief Executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “These trees are United Church of God Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm
211 Forest St., LaGrange
Messy Church at First UMC perfect for large and small spaces, and they will provide food 12981 Grafton Rd. 440-355-6872
and habitat for songbirds.”
The free trees are part of the Foundation’s Trees for Amer- Grafton, Oh 44044
On the first Sunday of each month, from 4-6 p.m., First Unit- Sabbath Services
ed Methodist Church of Wellington, located at 127 Park Place, is ica campaign. Saturdays at 12:30 pm
The trees will be shipped postpaid at the right time for plant-
introducing a hands-on, interactive way to worship as a family, ing, between February 1 and May 31, with enclosed planting
involving story, prayer, song, games and a sit-down meal togeth- instructions. The 6- to 12-inch tall trees are guaranteed to grow
er at tables. People of all ages, adults and children, are welcome. or they will be replaced free of charge.
Please join us for Messy Church! Members will also receive a subscription to the Founda- GRAFTON UNITED
PAL Support Group tion’s bimonthly publication, Arbor Day, and The Tree Book, 973 Mechanic St.,Grafton • 926-2034
which includes information about tree planting and care.
“Your Family Church”
To become a member of the Foundation and to receive 8:45am Sunday School
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) is a support group the free trees, send a $10 contribution to: Ten Free Flowering 10:00am Worship
of parents helping parents, offering education and support at no Trees, Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Avenue, Nebraska 10:35am Children’s Church
Rev. Bob Kuntz, Pastor
charge, for parents who are trying to save a son or daughter from City, NE 68410, by January 31, 2018. Residents can also join
addiction. These meetings are not for the addict, but the family online at
members that are 18 yrs. or older. Meetings are on the 1st and Our Lady Queen of Peace
3rd Monday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m. at Lighthouse Bible
Church, located at 24050 Royalton Road, in Columbia Station. Catholic Church
Weekend Masses Weekday
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but rejoices with the truth.
“Understanding When
38475 Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Elyria, Ohio 44035
Needed Most”
440-322-4626 • 440-323-1929 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always Pre-Need Planning Available --Corinthians 13:4-7

interview with WOBL that evening. She also organized the RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018 Page 7
space at the library for the business displays. Many persons achievement, school involvement, leadership qualifications,
contributed in many ways. Tami Smith’s quote, “We had lots and special family circumstances. Applicants must be seniors
of community support in successfully bringing back Old fash- attending an Ohio public high school. Applications are avail-
ioned Christmas to Grafton.” able in Student Services or the fillable form is on their website
Doris Wildenheim 926-2956 at under the Programs tab. Deadline is Mar 1, 2018.
FIREFIGHTER DRILL MHS Student Services events
Members of the Grafton Fire Department will be at the
Grafton Fitness Center on Monday, January 15, at 7 p.m. to An important informational meeting about College Credit
conduct a drill. Fire fighters will be in full turn out gear and ox- I would like to use this message to recognize that January Plus will be held at Midview High School on the evening of
ygen tanks to operate work out equipment. The drill will allow is Board of Education Appreciation Month. Our Board of Ed- January 22, at 5:30 p.m. in the APR.
the responders to experience the use of the oxygen tanks in a ucation spends countless hours serving our students and staff The information & counseling provided at this meeting is
strenuous situation. Village residents are encouraged to attend to ensure we have the best environment to learn in and all the required for any student planning to participate in the College
and support the firefighters. support needed to help our students achieve at the highest level. Credit Plus program next school year for the first time. Also,
ENDOWMENT FUND SPAGHETTI DINNER Our students benefit daily from the dedication and commitment state required forms will be handed out at this meeting.
The Midview Endowment Fund is sponsoring their annual of our Board members: College Credit Plus (CCP) permits eligible students in
spaghetti dinner on Saturday, January 27 from 5-7 p.m. in the Thomas Tomasheski, President grades 7-12 to earn college and high school graduation credit
Grafton VFW hall on Huron Street in Grafton. Tickets are $10 Janet Winslow, Vice President through the successful completion of college courses at Ohio
for adults and $6 for senior citizens and students 12 and under. David Kleinhenz public colleges and universities and some private colleges. For
MIDDLE SCHOOL WALKING Kathy Quintiliano further information or if you are unable to attend this meeting,
The Midview Superintendent reported the Midview Middle Gary Wilson please call your child’s counselor at the MHS Student Services
School will be open for residents to walk for exercise in the Thank you for all you do! Office at: (440) 748-5343 to make an alternate arrangement.
warmth of the building. For more information as to available Also, please make note of these important dates:
times, call the superintendent’s office at (440) 748-5353. • January 15 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day Soup Supper
Love your Horse Day • January 25 - No School -Records Day The Strongsville Historical Society invites you to a Soup
• January 26 - No School - Professional Development Day.
Angels Haven Horse Rescue proudly welcomes you to their Have a great week! Supper on January 23, at the Walter Ehrnfelt Recreation and
annual Love Your Horse Day hands-on clinic. Please join us Dr. Bruce Willingham, Superintendent (440) 748-5353 Event Senior Center in Strongsville. This event brings together
for a fun-filled time! The event is on Sunday, February 4, from Strongsville area folks for an evening of good company while
1-4 p.m., rain or shine, at Evergreen Farm, located at 13297 MHS Guidance news warming their tummies with soup accompanied by bread and
Durkee Rd., in Grafton. rolls, beverages and desserts. Supper begins at 6 p.m. There is
Love, pamper and gain horse & pony knowledge and end Ongoing Info: plenty of free parking. The cost is $10 per person. Please call
your day with a ride - all for a $10 donation. All others is a The ACT Test is Feb. 10, 2018, with late registration from (440) 567-7222 for reservations.
$5 donation. Snacks will be provided. Our four-legged friends Jan. 15-19, 2018. Don’t forget about the Strongsville memorabilia sold in the
hope to see you there! The SAT Test is Mar. 10, 2018, with a registration deadline Olds General Store in the Historic Village. Call the Village
Please call Heidi at (440) 781-5060 if you have any ques- of Feb. 9, 2018, with late registration until Feb. 28, 2018. number at (440) 572-0057 to make an appointment with the
tions. All proceeds help pay for the horses feed, natural supple- Scholarship Information: Store Proprietors to buy pottery, aprons, sweatshirts, afgans,
The following scholarship information & scholarships are
ments, veterinary and farrier care and stall bedding. available in the Student Services Office or online: vintage Deganhart glass, postcards and note cards, Strongsville
Family history books, etc.
Grafton History Association Ohio University Women’s Club of Greater Cleveland - This The Strongsville Historical Society and Historic Village
scholarship is open to high school senior women who will be invites you to become a member by calling (440) 572-0057.
At the first meeting of the Bicentennial Committee, Tami entering Ohio University as a freshman in the fall of 2018. This Please learn more about the Strongsville Historical Society by
Smith (All-State Insurance) suggested “Old Fashion Christ- scholarship can range in value from a partial scholarship, up going to
mas” again be part of Grafton’s Christmas and offered her help. to a full tuition scholarship for the freshman year. Criteria is
Early 2016, Mayor Dave called several people from the as follows: Have an unweighted 3.5 cumulative GPA through Ask the Remodeler
business community to meet to discuss the idea of forming a six semesters, obtain at least a 25 ACT or 1140 SAT(reading Question: We have a drop ceiling in our basement and would
new business association. After months of meetings, the Great- and math only), graduate from a Greater Cleveland area high like to know if we can replace it with drywall?
er Grafton Partnership, open to all business and organizations school, be a female student entering Ohio University as a fresh- Answer: In most cases the basement ceiling can be finished
throughout the Midview community was launched. Tami Smith man in the fall of 2018. Deadline is Feb 2, 2018. with drywall. Many times the drop ceiling hides various wires
from Smith and Schmidt Allstate Insurance volunteered to B. Davis Scholarship - This $1,000 scholarship is available and heating, cooling and plumbing pipes that are hanging be-
chair the committee. to juniors, seniors, and post-secondary students. You may ac- neath the floor joists. If you drywall the ceiling, soffits must be
Executive roles were accepted by Maggie Kelch, Ross En- cess this scholarship at built around them in order to hide these low hanging obstacles.
vironment, President, Adele Infante, GMPL, Vice President, scholarships.htm. There are also other scholarship links on the If you have any questions you would like to ask, send them
Lynn Morgan, Spa B, Secretary and David Baldoza, Baldoza website. Deadline to apply is May 22, 2018. to me via email at [email protected]. --Don Jason
CPA & Associates, Treasurer plus committee members Carlee 2017-2018 Cavaliers/Huntington Scholarship - There will
Majahan, Old Grafton School and Tami Mullins, GMPL. Other be ten-$2,000 scholarships awarded. Applicants must be a grad- One Stop Red Head
attendees included Mayor Dave, VA Joe Price and Lori Clark, uating senior in a qualifying county (Lorain County is among In Quality!
Village secretary. them). Applications will be judged on Academic Achievement Hooded Jackets
This group met each month as of January 2017 at 8 a.m. (including ACT and SAT scores), extracurricular activity (work 12 oz. Duck Hvy. Insulated
Maggie resigned and Vice-president Adele stepped in. Each experience, community involvement, etc.), a 500 word essay, 16901 St. Rt. 58, $ 55. 00
person took charge of certain responsibilities. and an interview (for the top 20 candidates). Complete applica- Oberlin, OH 44074
A “Create a Logo” contest, supervised by Heather Maxwell, tions must be received by Feb. 16, 2018. HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10-5 HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10-5 Check • Cash • Plastic
created many interesting ideas. Molly Junker was the winner. Ohio Township Association Scholarship - There are 3-
Andy Riga donated his DJ services. $1,500 scholarships available in two categories. Students may
Tami Mullins, GMPL, created flyers and signs, arranged apply for both scholarships, but can only be awarded one. Two
sheets of advertising in The Rural-Urban Record, and a live Local Government Achievement scholarships, for the student
who demonstrates outstanding citizenship through service and
Karen A. Kramer, D.D.S. participation in community activities, will be awarded. And one
Academic Achievement scholarship, where the student must
420 N. Main St., Grafton have a B average and at least a 22 ACT or 1000 SAT score.
Students must be a US citizen, residing in an Ohio township,
Emergencies planning to attend a two or four year Ohio college or university
in the fall of 2018. Deadline is Jan 28, 2018.
Welcomed! ship (LMRE) - There are two different scholarships. One is the
Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Scholar-
Same-day Denture Children of Members Scholarship and the other is the Touch-
stone Energy Scholarship. Two, $3,000 scholarships will be
Repairs Available awarded to one senior boy and one senior girl for the Children
of Members Scholarship. Eligible applicants must be a senior SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM
“We Cater To Cowards” in high school and the child or ward of a LMRE permanent res-
idential member receiving service for the duration of the 2017- Sponsored by North Ridgeville Seniors, Inc. with
SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE 18 school year, with a cum GPA of at least a 3.5. The Touch- programs being held at Hinkson Hysell VFW Post
440-926-3441 stone Energy Scholarship was created to reward those students 3341 Banquet Hall - 783 Huron Street in Grafton
who have struggled with unique and substantial personal chal- The Grafton/LaGrange areas are looking for Meals on Wheels
lenge(s) as he/she pursued an education. This is a $1,500 schol- drivers. To become a driver, contact Robin @ 353-0829.
arship. Applicants must have a cum GPA of 2.75 or above. Any
Lu’s Pizza applicant who has received a “full-ride” scholarship is not eli- 1/15 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with free
These Programs are Available to ALL SENIORS at NO CHARGE.
gible. More information is available in Student Services. Dead-
line for either scholarship is Friday, Jan 19, 2018.
Restaurant & Pub
Sigma Phi Epsilon Balanced Man Scholarship - Appli-
1/16 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise Class being
935 MAIN STREET • GRAFTON cants must be a male high school senior entering Cleveland donuts and coffee for participants.
Rt. 57 Grafton,
926-2171 State University in the fall, with a minimum 3.0 GPA. The Bal- instructed by Debi’s Personal Training with fruit and
Since 1983
anced Man Scholarships award students who exhibit academic
juice for participants.
excellence, demonstrate leadership skills, and are committed to 1/19 at 2:00 pm Senior Card Club with pop and
PIZZA - SPAGHETTI - SALADS their health and well-being. Applicants and scholarship winners snacks for participants.
CHICKEN WINGS - CALZONES are not required to join Sigma Phi Epsilon. Deadline is August
15, 2018. The Balanced Man Scholarship is also available at 1/22 at 2:00 pm Senior Coffee Club. Movie with
TWO LARGE (12”) $ 99 the following schools: Baldwin Wallace University, Bowling free donuts and coffee for
Green State University, John Carroll University, Kent State
ONE ITEM PIZZAS 14 University, Miami University, Ohio University, Ohio Northern 1/23 at 2:00 pm Senior Exercise
University, Ohio State University, Ohio Wesleyan University,
Give a Unicorn Gift Card this University of Cincinnati, University of Toledo, and Wright Class being instructed by Debi’s
Holiday Season for a Gift State University. Check their websites for information. Personal Training with fruit and
AES Engineering Scholarship - This $500 scholarship is
WITH COUPON. EXP 2/15/1814
TWO LARGE (12”) $ 99 available to high school seniors. You do not have to be study- juice for participants.
with Good Taste!
1/26 at 2:00 pm Senior Card
ONE ITEM PIZZAS ing engineering to apply. It will be awarded on the basis of Club with pop and snacks for
New Year’s Eve Reservations
character, as determined by the essay you submit. Deadline
is October 6, 2018. There is also a link on their webpage for
Are Filling FAST!
and fields of study.
Hours: Sun 3-10, Mon-Wed 4-10, multiple other scholarships with a wide range of requirements • If you have questions on these programs, please contact
the VFW’s Canteen Manager by calling 440-926-3341.
Ohio PTA Memorial Scholarship - Ohio PTA is offering
Thurs 11-10, Fri-Sat 11am-11:30pm graduating seniors the opportunity to apply for an Academic, • The VFW Hall is available for rent to use for your special
Open Tuesday-Saturday from 4pm
Technical, or Special Education Scholarship, in the amount occasions. Call 440-926-3341 and ask for the Canteen
of $500. The awards are based on the student’s scholastic Manager for additional information.

Page 8, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018
on State Route 83 on December 13, a trespassing call on Neff Medina County Property Tax Bills
Road on December 20, a lock-out on Grafton Road on Decem-
ber 21, a 911 hang up on Chamberlain Road December 3, a due by February 9
new call on December 13 at State Routes 83/303, and a civil
matter on December 29 at State Routes 83/303. The deputies On January 9, Medina County Treasurer John Burke an-
also made follow up investigations on Chamberlain Road on nounced that first half 2017 tax bills are expected to be mailed
December 4 and on State Route 83 on December 20. within the next 10 days to property owners in Medina County.
The official due date for these property tax bills is February 9,
Landowner Training
Public Zoning meeting on Ohio’s Forestry Tax Law 2018.
If taxpayers do not receive a tax bill in the mail, Treasur-
The Grafton Township Zoning Commission will hold a er Burke recommends calling his office at (330) 725-9748 or
public zoning meeting at the Grafton Township Hall, located The Medina SWCD will host a landowner training on the going to the Treasurer’s website (not the Auditor’s Website)
at 17109 Avon Belden Road, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January State of Ohio’s Forestry Tax Law on Tuesday, January 30, at and look up your tax bill.
16, 2018. The Zoning Commission will review the response from 6:30-8 p.m., at Lafayette Township Hall, located at 6776 Just click “Search and Pay Taxes” in the left column to find
from the Lorain County Planning Commission concerning the Wedgewood Rd., (St. Rte. 162) in Medina. your tax bill amount. Taxpayers can print an official tax bill and
proposed addition of 425 Special Event/Public Gatherings to The speaker will be John Jolliff, Area Service Forester with can also use online payment options.
Treasurer Burke noted, “Online tax payments are easy, safe,
Article IV Conditionally Permitted Uses. the Division of Forestry, ODNR. He will explain the tax bene- fast and convenient and we provide a variety of online payment
Township to host Trauma event fits if enrolled, how to get enrolled, responsibilities of the land- options.” Taxpayers can pay by electronic check, ACH, credit
owner, the county auditor’s office and the Division of Forestry.
The event is free to attend, but please contact the Medina card or PayPal account. There is a fee of $1.50 for ACH elec-
The Grafton Township first responders will be hosting a Soil and Water Conservation District office at (330) 722-9316 tronic checks. The fee for credit card and PayPal is 2.25% of
trauma day on Saturday, January 20. Please be cooperative if to register. the payment amount. These fees are paid directly to the bank
near the event. vendors and Medina County does not receive any part of the
Grafton-Midview Public Library fees.
If you are paying by check, convenient 24-Hour Drive-Up
Grafton Twp. Trustees visit the library at 983 Main What the name doesn’t tell Drop Boxes may be found at the following locations:
To register for programs,
• Treasurer’s Office, County Administration Building, 144
you, however, is all the dif- Street Grafton, or call (440) ferent ways this paper-based North Broadway Street, Medina
926-3317. Library hours are tape can be utilized. With • Brunswick City Hall, 4095 Center Road, Brunswick
The Grafton Township Trustees held a light hearted monthly Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-8 seemingly endless designs • Lodi Library, 635 Wooster Street, Lodi
meeting on Tuesday, January 9. Road signs which are brighter p.m.; Friday & Saturday 9:30 and possibilities, washi tape • Wadsworth Municipal Building, 120 Maple Street, Wad-
and contain contact information on them have been purchased a.m.-5 p.m. Registrations ac- is the crafting item you didn’t sworth
with a grant and are in the process of being installed. Weather, cepted on-line at www.gmpli- know you were missing. At- Make sure you include your tax bill stub with your check.
however, has delayed the installations. The smaller salt bin has tend this program to learn Payments may be made in person at the Treasurer’s Office at
been emptied in response to the weather, the township will ask New Services - Notary some basic washi tape tech- 144 N. Broadway, Medina, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
for this year’s allotment to be brought in. Repairs have been and passport services are now niques and create a small through Friday. The office will be open until 6 p.m. on the Feb-
made to an ambulance cot. available at the library. project. ruary 9 due date. You will need to present your entire tax bill at
Discussions were held on the need to replace Medina Coun- Winter Reading Chal- Preschool Storytime - time of payment. Checks, cash or credit cards - Visa, Master-
ty portable radios in the fire department, on the cost savings of lenge - now–March 16. The Tuesday, January 30, 10 a.m. Card, Discover - are accepted over the counter; American Ex-
replacing lighting in the hall/fire station with LED fixtures, on Winter Reading Challenge & 6 p.m. Storytime for chil- press is not. A convenience fee will be assessed by the vendor.
the need for safety responders to meet with Nexus officials, on returns for 2018. Pick up a dren ages 3-6 featuring sto- Tax payments which are mailed MUST be postmarked no
the need for a special open public hearing to discuss matters Bingo board in the Children’s ries, songs, fingerplays and later than the February 9th due date to avoid a 5% penalty; pay-
with the owners of Jailhouse Tavern, and on concerns regarding Department and start reading activities to help encourage ments made after February 20 will be assessed a 10% penalty.
the issuing of conditional use permits for events. and earning prizes. development of early literacy If you have any questions, please call the Medina County
The township fire department will be participating in an Treasurer’s office at (330) 725-9748.
Explorers Group being created in the Midview District. The Dads & Donuts - Satur- skills.
organization will be open to both girls and boys and explore day, January 20, 10:30 a.m. Fairy Tale Science: Jack Need to look at our archives?
many careers. Members are from 14-21 years old. The group Dads are invited to bring their and the Beanstalk - Wednes- Visit our website at:
is getting started and more information will be forth coming. little dudes or dudettes to the day, January 31, 3:30 p.m.
In other business, the trustees voted to order two new door Library for a father and child We’ll read Jack and the Bean-
locks complete with key fobs and entry recording. The EMTs storytime. We will celebrate stalk and then work on a way
reported in December having nine residential calls and one ve- your special bond with sto- to get Jack down safely with-
hicle accident call. They assisted Litchfield once and had as- ries, songs, crafts and donuts! out using the beanstalk. Hint:
sistance from Eaton Township once. For the year, the EMTs EVP Mediums Paranor- It involves zip lines!
responded to 153 calls. The next regular meeting will be Febru- mal Research - Saturday,
ary 13 at 7 p.m. in the township hall. January 20, 5:30 p.m. EVP
Mediums founder David
Grafton Township Sheriff’s Report Hensley and his Paranormal
Research Team discuss tech-
The Lorain County Sheriff’s Office has released their De- niques and instruments used Put a Trusted ‘Quarterback’
cember Incident Report for Grafton Township. Deputies made to interact with spirits. The
two welfare checks; one on December 1 on Grafton Eastern presentation includes an ar- on Your Financial Team
Road and one on December 27 on Chamberlain Road. They ray of video and audio clips
responded to alarms going off five times during the month. The from past investigations that On February 4, the eyes of most of the country – and much of the rest of the world – will
alarms were at a Mennell Road address on December 13, on captured haunting communi- be on Minneapolis, site of Super Bowl LII. As a fan, you can admire the way Super Bowl
Crook Street on December 15, on Mennell Road on December cations. Q & A session will quarterbacks direct their teams. But as an investor, you can learn something from the big game
22, on State Route 83 on December 28, and on Island Road also follow. by putting together your own team to help you achieve your financial goals – and you may find
on December 28. Utopia vs. Dystopia Es- it helpful to have your own “quarterback.”
Officers responded to disabled vehicle calls on December cape Room - Monday, Jan- Who should be on your team? Your financial strategy will involve investments,
6 and 7; on State Route 83 and at Neff/Mennell Roads re- uary 22, 4 p.m. A dystopian taxes and estate planning, so you will likely need a financial advisor, a tax professional
spectively. A traffic complaint was handled on December 21 regime has stolen the free and an attorney. Ideally, your financial advisor – the individual with the broadest view of your
on Neff Road. They also assisted other agencies on December will of the citizens and it is up financial situation – should serve as the quarterback of this team. And, just as a quarterback on a
5 at State Routes 83/303 and on Cowley Road on December 7. to the brightest and bravest to football team must communicate clearly with his teammates, so will your financial quarterback
Harassment calls were made by residents on State Route 83 step up and get it back. Act as need to maintain consistent contact with the other team members.
on December 3 and on Neff Road December 7. Suspicious a dystopian protagonist to see Let’s look at a couple of basic examples as to how this communication might work.
Condition calls were made by residents on Highland Drive on how a well-meaning utopia First, suppose you are self-employed and contribute to a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP)
December 16 and on Cowley Road on December 27. Domestic quickly devolves into a totali- IRA. Because your contributions are made with pre-tax dollars, the more you put in, the lower
Violence/Disputes were handled on December 23 at a Cham- tarian dystopia. It is up to you your taxable income. (In 2018, the maximum amount you can contribute is $55,000.) Your
berlain Road residence and on December 27 at a Grafton East- to use critical thinking - the financial advisor can recommend investments you can choose from to help fund your SEP IRA.
ern Road residence greatest weapon against dys- Yet you will want your financial advisor to share all your SEP IRA information with your tax
Other calls responded to by the sheriff deputies included: a topias - and outmaneuver the professional. When it’s near tax-filing time, your tax professional can then let you and your
theft call on December 1 on State Route 303, an animal com- obstacles in your path. Space financial advisor know how much room you still have to contribute to your SEP IRA for the
plaint on December 4 also on State Route 303, a Fraud call limited to 12 participants. year, and how much you need to add to potentially push yourself into a lower tax bracket.
Escape from Mr. Lemon- Now, let’s consider the connection between your financial advisor and your attorney –
Restaurant cello’s Library - Tues., Jan. specifically, your attorney handling your estate planning arrangements. It’s essential that you
and your financial advisor provide your attorney with a list of all your financial assets – IRAs,
23, 6:30 p.m. & Thursday,
& Pub Since 1983 Jan. 25, 10 a.m. Can you 401(k)s, investments held in brokerage accounts, insurance policies and so on. Your attorney
will need this information when preparing your important legal documents, such as your will
escape Mr. Lemoncello’s li-
423 N. Main St, Grafton brary? We’ll have everything and living trust – after all, a key part of your estate plan is who gets what. But it’s imperative
that you and your financial advisor convey some often-overlooked details that can make a big
926-2621 you need to get out, you just difference in the disposition of your estate. For example, your financial advisor might suggest
have to put the clues together!
Open: Tues - Sat from 4pm Try one of these two sessions that you review the beneficiary designations on your IRA, 401(k) and life insurance policies to
make sure these designations are still accurate in light of changes in your life – new spouse, new offered. children and others. These designations are meaningful and can even supersede the instructions
Monthly Book Discus-
LAKE ERIE PERCH FRY sions - Wednesday, Janu- you might leave in your will or living trust. Consequently, it’s important for you and your
financial advisor to share this information with your attorney.
ary 24, 10 a.m. & Thursday,
It can be challenging to meet all your financial objectives. But with the right team in place,
FRIDAYS 4-6 pm $9.95 January 25, 6:30 p.m. This and a quarterback to help lead it, you can keep moving toward those goals – and you might cut
month’s selection is The Art down on the “fumbles” along the way.
Forger by B.A. Shapiro.
KRAG J. CHURCHILL, DDS Claire, an art student with a This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local
once-promising future now
Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
relegated to painting replicas,
GENERAL PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY may have discovered a secret
Steve Schmittle
~NEW PATIENTS WELCOME~ about the famous 1990 heist Financial Advisor
at the Isabella Stewart Gard-
Hours By Appointment ner museum in Boston. 510 North Main St.
Washi Tape Fun - Thurs-
419 NORTH MAIN STREET day, January 25, 6 p.m. The Grafton, OH 44044
word washi comes from “wa”
GRAFTON, OHIO meaning Japanese and “shi” Ph: 440-926-3007
440-926-2705 meaning paper, making washi [email protected]
tape pretty self-explanatory.

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018 Page 9


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Page 10, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018

Wedding Costs:

12 Wedding Tricks add
What to Expect
ease to Planning and Fun
Newly engaged couples may experience an array of emo-
tions when they sit down to plan their weddings. Some cou-
ples cannot wait to jump into planning and want to catalog Brides and grooms understandably feel a little stress when
every aspect of the process, while others may proceed with planning their weddings. Adding to the pressure is the fact
caution because they don’t know what to expect - particularly that, according to a report, the average
in regard to cost. couple in their 30s spends $32,000 on their wedding. That is
Many couples find it difficult to create their wedding bud- a lot of money riding on one day.
gets because they have no previous experience to draw on. But planning a wedding can be even more fun than it is
The wedding planning advisor indicates stressful, especially for those couples who employ a few
the average wedding cost in the United States is $26,720, tricks of the wedding planning trade.
with most people spending between $20,000 and $34,000. 1. Fake the cake. Save some money by asking the bakery
Seventh Heaven Event Catering states that, in Canada, the cake artist to decorate a foam-tiered “mock” cake for pictures
average wedding costs around $30,000. Such costs can and display, and serve guests from an inexpensive sheet Courtney C.
vary greatly depending on couples’ preferences, including cake in the kitchen.
where they hope to tie the knot. 2. Use labels. Once the guest list is finalized, create a Photography
By breaking down wedding expenses, couples can get a database of guests’ addresses. Print out two sets of labels:
clearer picture of how much they may need to pay for their One for addressing the invitations and the other to address He asked, you said “Yes”
weddings and where they may need to cut costs. the thank-you cards. Capture your Engagement moments
· Reception site: According to The Knot, a premiere wed- 3. RSVP tricks: Number the back of RSVP cards and cor- in pictures!
ding planning resource, couples can expect their recep- respond the numbers to the guest list. If one or more re- Visit my website for pricing, booking &
tions to eat up the largest chunk of their wedding budgets. sponses is illegible, refer to the number to figure it out. more information!
Wedding reception venues may cost between $10,000 and 4. Embrace inexpensive decor. Dollar stores and craft
$15,000. The average price for catering per person is rough- stores are great places to find inexpensive decorative items.
ly $70. Bar service may be around $2,000 for a three- to Empty wine bottles can be painted or glazed to serve as vas- (440) 865-3565
four-hour party. Some reception sites combine the room cost es. Candle lanterns can be picked up at low cost at many
with the food and beverage costs, while others have à la retailers.
carte fees. 5. Create an email address. To have all of the wedding-re-
· Cake: Wedding cakes tend to be multitiered intricate de- lated details in one place, create a separate email address 8 Chestnut Street
signs, so they will cost more than birthday cakes. Accord- exclusively for wedding correspondence.
ing to Statistics Brain, wedding dessert will come in around 6. Use veil weights. These weights can be sewn into veils Elyria
$390. to prevent fly-aways during outdoor ceremonies or photo- 440-323-2212
· Music: The Knot says wedding bands cost around shoots. Tues - Sat 9am-6pm
$3,500, which is more than twice as much as hiring a deejay 7. Keep bugs at bay. Spray chair and reception table legs Sun 9am-3pm
($1,200). Soloists or ceremony musicians may cost around with insect repellent. Dryer sheets also can be tucked into
$650. inconspicuous spots to keep bugs away. •30% Off Wedding Invitations
· Wedding planner: Many couples employ wedding plan- 8. Save money on favors. Unless the favor is something
ners to make planning their weddings easier. Wedding plan- to eat or something especially practical, you may consider •Free Event Planning
ners cost an average of $1,300, says Thumbtack, a compa- skipping the favors altogether, as many guests tend to forget •Wedding Flowers Fresh & Silk
ny that matches professionals with people who require their to take them home anyway. ~Free Toss Bouquet with Order~
services. 9. Use page markers for seating. Use multicolored, •Wedding Cakes $2.80/Serving
· Transportation: Limousines and other transportation pric- self-sticking page markers to create easy seating arrange- with Free Anniversary Tier
es vary depending on the vehicle(s) couples choose. The ments. Each color can represent a category: His, Hers,
Knot notes that budgeting between $400 and $500 for trans- Friends, Work. •Chair Cover Rentals
portation might be wise. 10. Make a photo clothesline. A clever and inexpensive (we put on and take off)
· Wedding gown: Brides-to-be should expect their gowns idea is to pin photos of the couple to a string, cataloguing starting @ $2.50
to cost around $1,100 and the veil or headpiece to be rough- how they met and their time together leading up to the wed- •Catering - Full Service or Pick up
ly $120, according to the Association of Bridal Consultants. ding. starting @ $10.95pp
· Photography and Video: Preserving wedding day mem- 11. Use loose flower centerpieces. Loose flowers in a vase • We Decorate Halls
ories costs around $2,800 for video and photography ser- are easier to sort and transport home for guests who want a Great
vices, based on data from Statistics Brain. memento. Make precut butcher’s paper or cellophane avail- Come to the BRIDAL SHOW Giveaways!
The smaller details, such as accessories, gifts, officiant able to make bouquets. Win a Free
fees, stationery, spa services, and favors can quickly add up 12. Stock up on string lights. Lights can be wrapped Wedding Cake,
as well. Couples should be sure to leave some wiggle room around trees outdoors, strung indoors around windows or $1,000 Decorating
in their budgets for incidental expenses that may pop up. draped along buffet tables to create a romantic ambiance. Package and
Weddings can be expensive and stressful; therefore, cou- Sunday, January 21, 2018 Much More!
ples can use all the tips they can to corral their expenses and 1pm-4pm
tame their nerves. Father Ragan Hall, 1783 Moore Rd., Avon, OH
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RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018 Page 11

How to Handle Seating

Wedding Guests

Receptions may be big or small, lavish or casual. But re-
gardless of their size or style, receptions all share a common
element: They will require couples set up seating arrange- Affordable Bachelor and can set themselves
ment for guests. Even though apart with a signature
assigned seating isn’t man- Bachelorette Party Ideas item (hat, T-shirt, or col-
datory, selecting seats for a ored clothing), and make
sit-down dinner makes things the rounds.
simpler and reduces confu- Weddings can be expensive. Various sources estimate · Attend a group event: Group
sion. Some reception venues the average cost of weddings is anywhere from $26,000 to events include sporting events, concerts,
may even require assigned $31,000. Couples and their parents may bear the brunt of theater shows, or a night at a comedy club. Investigate dis-
seating so that catering staff wedding expenses, but those who have accepted a role in counted tickets for large groups.
can service tables according- the wedding party also can expect their share of expenses. · Belt out the tunes: Open mic nights at restaurants, bars
ly. Taking into account gifts, wardrobes, makeup, bridal show- and other establishments around town may make for a fun
Seating guests can be ers, and travel, including getting to and from the bachelor/ way for friends to share a few laughs together. Participants
tricky, but employing a few bachelorette party, bridal party members are on the hook for need not be professional singers to join in on the festivities.
strategies can make the pro- a lot of money when their friends or family members tie the · Camp out: Get in touch with nature by enjoying a camp-
cess go quickly and smoothly. knot. Many men and women like to travel for their bachelor/ ing trip, complete with a campfire and a few brews. Spending
· Use a seating chart. A bachelorette parties, and cost-conscious bridal party mem- time in the wilderness can restore focus and let stress melt
seating chart, whether it’s ven- bers may be concerned about how expensive such parties away.
ue-specific or one couples make themselves, is essential. If can be. Pulling out all the stops can be exciting, but there’s · Poker or game night: Groups can gather around the pok-
you using a self-made chart, inquire with the venue about the no guarantee these types of parties will be more enjoyable er table to test their skills in poker and other card games.
shape of tables, how many guests each table can seat, and than simpler soirées. With some free-flowing beverages and snacks galore,
the location of tables around the space. Taking steps to control costs can help cost-conscious games can get pretty animated.
· Start with the wedding party table. Couples can ease couples and their friends. The following are some affordable · Dinner party: Hire a chef to visit your house and prepare
themselves into the task of seating by doing the easy ta- ideas that can be fun for all involved. a meal for guests. Serve a signature cocktail and let the con-
bles first. The primary one is the wedding party table. This · Bar or winery crawl: Partygoers typically want to enjoy a versation flow.
traditionally can be a dais or a sweetheart table flanked by night out on the town, and traveling from one establishment Bachelor and bachelorette parties can be affordable with-
the wedding party. According to Martha Stewart Weddings, to another can be a fun way to do just that. Everyone invited out sacrificing fun.
the table should be centrally located and the wedding couple
should sit in the middle. A male-female pattern follows on
either side of the couple, consisting of the ushers, brides-
maids, best man, and maid of honor. If much of the wedding
party is already married, couples may opt to have the wed-
ding party sit with their spouses instead of at the dais.
· Organize family tables. Tables for parents, grandparents
and immediate family members of the bride and groom also
are high priority. Both families can be combined at one ta-
ble, or they can be separated into two tables. These tables
should be the closest to the bride and groom.
· Consider mobility issues. Next seat guests who have
specific needs at tables. Elderly guests may want to be away
from the band, deejay or speakers. Guests in wheelchairs
may need an accessible seat near the exit.
· Get some help. Enlist the help of parents to seat their
friends and extended family members. Parents may know
best who gets along and who should be separated.
· Seat dancers near the dance floor. To encourage danc-
ing, place guests who tend to be lively close to the dance
floor so others can see them getting up to dance and join in.
Couples can use apps, lists or self-made charts to plot
their reception seating arrangements. Create place cards or
a central chart so guests can find their seats promptly and

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Page 12, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018
Pharmacy Jeopardy - to interpret food labels in re-
Come test your knowledge lation to heart-smart eating.
on common medications and Refreshments will be provid-
supplemts with Dave Ferris, ed. Reservation required. Call
PharmD, BCGP, Southwest (440) 238-5530. Tuesday,
Eaton Meeting Dates General, with a fun, interac- February 20, at | 10 a.m. at
Cuyahoga County Commu-
tive game of Jeopardy. Fri-
Metro Parks seeks day, February 9, at 10 a.m. at nity Library, Strongsville Li-
garage sale donations 2018 Meeting Dates: Ehrnfelt Senior Center, locat- brary, 18700 Westwood Dr.,
ed at 18100 Royalton Rd., in
Eaton Township Trustees meetings are held the 1st and 3rd
in Strongsville.
Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. with the exception of 8/22 Strongsville. Functional Fitness for
The Friends of the Metro Parks in Lorain County is seeking meeting which is cancelled due to the LC Fair and the 7/33 meet- Orthopedic Update - Join Older Adults: Lunch &
donations for their Garage Sale event on January 27, from 9 a.m.- ing which will be held on 6/30. Ray Shijo, physical therapist, Learn - Functional fitness is
3 p.m. at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 Diagonal Eaton Township Zoning Commission meetings are held the and manager of Southewst designed to help individuals
Road, in LaGrange. 1st Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. with the exception of General’s Orthopedic Joint to continue to perform activ-
Donations of items for this fund-raiser will be taken at Carl- the 7/4 meeting that is rescheduled to 7/11. Center, as well as an orthope- ities of daily living. Wendy
isle Visitor Center on January 21, from 1-4 p.m. and January 22 Eaton Township BZA - Board Of Zoning Appeals meets the dic surgeon from Southwest Zullo, fitness coordinator,
& 25, from 4-8 p.m. 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. (If needed). General, to learn more about LifeWorks of Southwest Gen-
Please note: No clothes, electronics or broken items can be Eaton Township Parks & Preserve Board meets the 2nd what’s new in the field of eral, will discuss this area of
accepted. Lunch will be available. All proceeds will benefit the Tuesday at the end of every quarter at 9 a.m. (3/13, 6/12, 9/11 orthopedics. Reservation re- fitness, which is often over-
Friends of the Metro Parks in Lorain County. and12/11). quired. Call (330) 273-8000. looked but is especially im-
Monday, February 12, at 11
portant for older adults. She
Eaton Township Veterans Memorial Committee meet the 1st
Friends of the Metro Parks and 3rd Saturdays (March-June) 10 a.m. Meetings are held at Ea- a.m. at Brunswick Recreation will discuss what functional
ton Township Hall. The 2018 planning meeting is on 1/20/2018
Pancake Breakfast at 10 a.m. Preparation for the ceremony is held on the Saturday Center, 3637 Center Rd., in fitness is and what types of
exercises are included. Res-
before Memorial Day at 9 a.m. at Butternut Ridge Cemetery. Vet- Memory Screening - Are ervation required by Friday,
The Friends of the Metro Parks will have their Pancake erans Memorial Ceremony is held on the Sunday before Memo- you saying “Sorry, I forgot,“ February 16. Call (440) 427-
Breakfast event on Sundays, February 25 & March 4, from 9 rial Day at 1 p.m. on 5/27/2018 at Butternut Ridge Cemetery. a little too often? It’s normal 2519. Friday, February 23,
a.m.-1 p.m. at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 Diag- Eaton Township Historical Committee meets on the 2nd to forget a name from time Lunch at 11:30 a.m., Program
onal Road, in LaGrange. Wednesday every quarter at 7 p.m. (January/April/July/October) to time. But it’s not normal at Noon at Jenkins Place Se-
Enjoy a breakfast of all- you-can-eat hot pancakes, served at Eaton Museum above Town Hall (1/10, 4/10, 1/11 and 10/10). to keep forgetting days of nior Center, 26100 Bagley
with scrambled eggs, sausage, coffee, tea, milk or juice. Cost is: Lorain County Township Association meetings are held the the week or when to pay Rd., in Olmsted Falls.
adults/$7, children (2-10 years)/$4 and children under 2 are free. 3rd Thursday every month at 7 p.m. held at various locations; re- bills or take medicine. Join The Bond Between Peo-
Proceeds benefit Friends of the Metro Parks in Lorain County. freshments at 6:30 p.m. January 18 at Columbia Twp.; February the Community Nurses from ple and Their Pets - Marlene
Valentine Tea 2/15 at Eaton Twp.; March 3/15 at Elyria Twp.; April 4/19 TBA Southwest General for a free Kurz, LPCC-S, Southwest
General’s Oakview Behavior-
(Banquet); May 5/17 at Grafton Twp.; Jun. 6/21 at Henrietta
screening to see if you should
Twp. July 7/19 at Huntington Twp.; August - no meeting (Lorain consider seeing a physician. al Health Services, will dis-
Remember poodle skirts, sock hops and cat eye glasses? County Fair); September 9/20 at Lagrange Twp.; October 10/18 Reservation required. Call cuss what makes us choose
Join the Lorain County Historical Society for an entertaining at Olmsted Twp.; November 11/15 at Penfield Twp. and Decem- (440) 816-4037. Tuesday, the particular pets we do and
program followed by a delicious tea party at their annual Val- ber 12/20 at Camden (Christmas Banquet). February 15, from 9-11 a.m. how pets not only are our
entine Tea at the historic Hickories Mansion. Janet Bird, one at Cuyahoga County Com- friends but also therapeutic!
of the Society’s education coordinators, will help us relive the Southwest General munity Library, Strongsville Reservation required. Call
time in history when rock-and-roll was king and sharing a coke free healthy events Branch, 18700 Westwood (440) 238-9001. Wednes-
float with a special someone was every girl’s dream. Dr., in Strongsville. day, February 28, at Noon at
The Tea will be held February 10 and 11. Seatings are at Eat Smart for Your Heart Shurmer Place Meeting Cen-
11 a.m. & 2 p.m. on Saturday and 12:30 p.m. & 3:30 p.m. on Community Nurse Program is key. Join Amy Marke, - Take this opportunity to ter, 18715 Shurmer Rd., in
RN, Southwest General, as
Sunday. The Hickories is located at 509 Washington Avenue, offers a variety of health and she provides an informative take care of your heart. Join Strongsville.
in Elyria. Doors open 30 minutes prior to each seating. Park- wellness programs in local “heart-to-heart“ talk on wom- Amy Dunbar, registered di- Southwest General is a
ing is available at Washington Avenue Christian Church, 301 communities throughout the en and heart disease. Reser- etitian, Southwest General, private, not-for-profit, 350-
Washington Avenue, with complimentary shuttle service to The year. To learn more about vation required. Call (440) as she discusses heart healthy bed acute care facility located
Hickories. these programs, visit www. 238-5530. Thursday, Febru- eating. Learn how to enjoy a in Middleburg Heights. For
Tickets are $25 per person for Society members and $28 for low sodium, low fat, low cho- more information, visit www.
non-members. Reservations must be made in advance; contact ary 8, at 7 p.m. at Cuyahoga lesterol lifestyle. Also, Amy
Orthopedic Update - Join
County Community Library,
the Society at (440) 322-3341 or [email protected] to save a spot. Ray Shijo, physical therapist, Strongsville Branch, 18700 will teach participants how
Dust off your saddle shoes and get ready to do the jitterbug! and manager of Southewst Westwood Dr., in Strongs-
Founded in 1889, the Lorain County Historical Society col-
lects, preserves, interprets and presents the history of Lorain General’s Orthopedic Joint ville.
Center, as well as an orthope-
County. Learn more at dic surgeon from Southwest
General, to learn more about
what’s new in the field of or-
Offices will be thopedics. Complimentary
lunch will be provided. Res-
closed on ervation required. Call (216)
Monday, 267-0555. Thursday, Febru-
January 15, ary 8, at 11 a.m. North Park
Senior Living, 14801 Hol-
in honor of land Rd., in Brook Park.
to Women’s
Martin Luther King, Jr. Health: Heart-to-Heart Talk
- Heart disease can be one of
Keep in touch with your community the biggest threats to a wom-
Visit: an’s health—proper preven-
tion, detection and treatment,

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018 Page 13

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Page 14, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018
ed immediately and local media outlets are notified. Two-hour Elementary School Library; administration services for
delay schedules are available on each school’s website. The Dis- SpaceBound, Inc. - 53 Maxell the project in the amount of
trict’s #1 priority is always the safety of the students, and deci- Earbuds ($7.99 each) valued $210,750.
sions on school closings are based on this priority. If you have at $423.47 to Keystone Ele- The Keystone Local
questions concerning the school cancellation policy, contact the mentary School Third, Fourth School District Board of Edu-
Board Office at 440-355-2424. and Fifth Grade Honor Roll cation resolves as follows:
Franco Gallo, Keystone Superintendent Students; Swings-N-Things 1. The Board authorizes
Murder Mystery Auditions [email protected] (440) 355-2424 Fun Park - 21 Miniature Golf the Superintendent to nego-
Passes ($8.50 each), 18 1 hour
tiate and enter into an agree-
Friends of Metro Parks in Lorain County will hold Auditions Keystone Board Of Education Game Play Cards ($10 each), ment with Mays Consulting
& Evaluation Services, Inc. to
8 Karts Plus Passes ($32.99
for their 13th annual Murder Mystery on Tuesday, January 16, at The regular meeting of the on or about March 18, 2018. each), 2 Season Passes ($90 provide the required profes-
7 p.m. at the Carlisle Visitor Center, located at 12882 Diagaonal Keystone Board of Education Motion carried. each) valued at $802.42 to sional design and construction
Rd., in LaGrange. was held on December 18, Moved by Melda, second Keystone Middle School’s administration services for the
No experience is necessary. Auditions are a cold reading from 2017. President Renee Mezera by Sheldon to employ the PBIS Program. Motion car- High School Building Enve-
script. The show dates will be May 11 and 12, 18 and 19. called the meeting to order at 6 below 2017-2018 classified ried. lope Remediation Project for
Moved by Walter, second
LaGrange Firefighters p.m. Board Members in Atten- substitute for the position of by Melda to appoint Patri- an amount of $210,750. Mo-
and hourly rate noted: Venetia
dance: Deborah Melda, Renee
tion carried.
Moved by Walter, second
Country Music Show Mezera, Ronald Sheldon, Eyring,Cafeteria - $10.86 per cia Wakefield as President by Melda to approve the be-
hour; Monitor - $10.29 per
Dennis Walter Board Mem-
Pro-Tempore for the 2018 Or-
ber, Patricia Wakefield not hour; Paraprofessional - Li- ganizational Meeting. Motion low resolution.
The LaGrange Firefighters Association is having their 25th present. Public Persons in At- brary - $10.50 per hour; Para-
Anniversary Country Music Show on Saturday, March 24, at tendance: Franco Gallo, Mi- professional - Special Needs carried. Rationale:
Moved by Melda, second
301 Liberty St. (the old High School), in LaGrange. The featured chael Resar Sr., David Kish, - $10.29 per hour; Secretary by Sheldon to approve the 1. The Ohio Revised Code
artist is T. G. Sheppard. T. G. has always had an unstoppable James Kohler, Gina Gibson, - $12.16 per hour. Motion car- Dual Enrollment Partnership (ORC) outlines a qualifica-
passion for music. That passion, combined with a steadfast ded- Maura Neville, Jacob Alferio, ried. with Cuyahoga Community tions-based selection pro-
ication to entertainment, has made him one of the most popular Jacqueline Vance, Jody White, Moved by Melda, second College District as presented, cess in ORC Sections 153.65
live performers in country music today. With a show chock full Michael Smith, Therese Jack- by Walter to approve the be- effective July 1, 2017 through through .71, which is required
of chart-topping hits like “Last Cheater’s Waltz,” “I Loved ‘Em son, Jennifer Maiden, Jeanne low listed certified substitute June 30, 2018. Motion carried. to be followed by public enti-
Every One” and “Do You Wanna Go To Heaven,” it’s only natu- Carpenter, Mike Spatafore, teachers for the 2017-2018 Moved by Walter, second ties when professional design
ral that T. G. has developed a reputation as a solid performer who Carrie O’Boyle, Devin Stang, school year, on an as needed by Melda to approve the listed services are needed.
delivers exactly what audiences want. Tori McConoughey. Those basis, compensation at $90 per amended service agreement 2. Services of a design
They will have two shows this year. The first show is at 6 present recited the Pledge of day ($45 per half day) pend- professional are required to
p.m. and the second show is at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 per per- Allegiance. ing completion of all state and contract as presented from prepare the design documents
January 3, 2018 to March 1,
son and go on sale January 8. For more information, call (440) Minutes of the Regular local requirements: Kathleen 2018: Educational Service and provide construction ad-
935-7484. If no answer, call the LaGrange Fire Station at (440) Meeting on November 20, Bosl; Kathleen Shaw; Bailey Center of Medina County. ministration for remediation
355-6868. 2017 and of the Special Meet- Deulley; Allen Stang. Motion Motion carried. to the Middle School building.
3. As a result of the qual-
Salvation Army thank you ing on December 4, 2017 were carried. by Melda to approve the be- ifications-based selection
Moved by Sheldon, second
Moved by Sheldon, second
process, the Board previous-
The financial reports, in- by Melda to employ the be- low resolution. ly selected Mays Consulting
Thank you to all businesses that allowed a bell-ringing kettle cluding investments for No- low individuals on extra duty
or counter kettle at thier businesses: IGA, Sunoco, Village Piz- vember 2017, were approved contract for the 2017-2018 Rationale: & Evaluation Services, Inc.
za, Michelle’s Cafe, East of Chicago pizza and Friendship. Also, as presented. school year, pending all record 1. The Ohio Revised Code to prepare a proposal to pro-
thank you to the bell ringers: students from Keystone High and The Republic Services checks and completion of state (ORC) outlines a qualifica- vide professional design and
Middle schools, LaGrange United Methodist Church members Agreements for Keystone El- and local requirements:Jeffrey tions-based selection pro- procurement services for the
and the youth group “Soul Patrol.” You all did a wonderful job! ementary, Keystone Middle, Fields - Clock Operator - $20 cess in ORC Sections 153.65 Middle School Building En-
A special thank you to Santa Claus! Keystone High School and per game; Scot Pataky - An- through .71, which is required velope Remediation Project.
4. Mays Consulting &
Donna Markel, LaGrange Salvation Army Unit Keystone Bus Garage com- nouncer - $20 per game; Scot to be followed by public enti- Evaluation Services, Inc. has
ties when professional design
mencing on January 1, 2018 Pataky - Clock Operator - $20 services are needed. provided a proposal to provide
and ending on December 31, per game. Motion carried. 2. Services of a design the necessary professional de-
2020 were approved as pre- Moved by Walter, sec- professional are required to sign and procurement services
sented. ond by Sheldon to employ prepare the design documents for $40,500. Upon completion
Welcome back and Happy New Year 2018. I would again like The Uniform Deposito- Shannon Heffernan to super- and provide construction ad- of the design phase of the proj-
to extend our deepest sympathies for the Williams family and ry Act, the Keystone Local vise student physical activi- ministration for remediation ect, the cost for construction
friends. The High School guidance counselors, administration, School District Board of Edu- ty breaks at Keystone High to the High School building. phase and construction obser-
and teachers are available for students as they continue to cope cation designated Huntington School for the 2017-2018 3. As a result of the qual- vation services will be deter-
with this loss. National Bank as a public de- school year at tutor rate, (cur- ifications-based selection mined and will be separately
As we progress into the 2018 school year, there are numerous pository of the active, inactive, rently $28 per hour) per time process, the Board previously authorized.
upcoming events for parents of both present and incoming stu- and interim public funds of sheet, not to exceed 70 hours. selected Mays Consulting & 5. The Superintendent
dents to be aware of. Keystone Local School Dis- Motion carried. Evaluation Services, Inc. to recommends the Board au-
On Wednesday, January 24, from 6-7 p.m., KMS will hold trict for a five (5) year period Moved by Melda, sec- prepare a proposal to provide thorize the Superintendent to
a College Credit Plus Parent Information Night with represen- of time commencing January ond by Sheldon to accept the professional design services enter into an agreement with
tatives from Lorain County Community College. The meeting 1, 2018 and ending December following donations: Anon- for the High School Building Mays Consulting & Evalua-
will take place in the Middle School’s cafeteria and will provide 31, 2022. Motion carried. ymous - PlayStation 4 Slim Envelope Remediation Proj- tion Services, Inc. to provide
information for parents and students concerning earning college Moved by Walter, second 500GB Uncharted 4 Bundle ect. professional design services
credit while attending Keystone. by Melda to accept resigna- valued at $300, PlayStation 4. Mays Consulting & for the project in the amount
Keystone Elementary School is holding a Parent Information tions of: Mary Alice Buswell, PS4 Charging Station val- Evaluation Services, Inc. has of $40,500.
Night for upcoming kindergarteners on Tuesday, January 23, Cafeteria Worker; Susan Far- ued at $25, Sony PlayStation provided a proposal to provide The Keystone Local
from 6-7 p.m. in the KMS/ KES cafeteria. The night will be filled schman, Cashier and Tammy 4 Dual - Shock 4 Wireless the necessary professional de- School District Board of Edu-
with information about enrolling, curriculum and what to expect Toy, Cleaner. Motion carried. Controller valued at $60 and sign and construction adminis- cation resolves as follows:
in kindergarten for the 2018-2019 school year. Children eligible Moved by Sheldon, second PS4 UFC Game valued at $20 tration services for $210,750. 1. The Board authorizes
for kindergarten must be 5 years old before August 1st, 2018. by Melda to employ classified to Keystone Middle School 5. The Superintendent rec- the Superintendent to nego-
Lastly, as we continue into the harsh winter we are experienc- individuals for the position PBIS Program; Sara Bracken ommends the Board authorize tiate and enter into an agree-
ing, I would like to outline our school cancellation procedures. and hourly rate as noted, on an - $100 to Drama Club; Tif- the Superintendent to enter ment with Mays Consulting
When there is a potential school cancellation or two-hour delay, eighteen-month probationary fany Gould - $25 to Drama into an agreement with Mays & Evaluation Services, Inc. to
administrators attempt to make a decision by 6am. The all-call contract, pending all record Club; Keystone Elementary Consulting & Evaluation Ser- provide the required profes-
system, District website, Twitter, and Facebook pages are updat- checks and completion of School PTA - 11 books val- vices, Inc. to provide profes- sional design and procurement
state and local requirements: ued at $93.89 to Keystone sional design and construction services for the Middle School
Venetia Eyring, KES Cashier -
JACK MATIA $11.16/hr.; Michelle Gnandt,
HONDA KMS Cafeteria Worker -
$11.16/hr. and Rosanna Riten-
New & Used our, KES Lunch Monitor -
$10.59/hr. Motion carried.
Cars Moved by Walter, second
440-366-5501 by Melda to approve transfers:
Steve Moore 823 Leona St., Elyria Linda Archer from KES Caf-
eteria Worker 3.25 hrs./day
to 4.0 hrs.; Constance Harant
New and Certifi ed Hondas from KMS Cafeteria Worker
All Models - Used Cars 2.25 hrs./day to 3 hrs.; Linda
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-9; Tues. & Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8-5 McCroskey from KES Ca-
shier 2.25 hrs./day to 3 hrs./
day; Roberta Moore from
KHS Lunch Monitor 1.75hrs./
day 2 days a week to 1.75 Carpentry Limited
hrs./day 5 days a week; Em-
ily Nagy from KES Cashier
3 hrs./day to Special Needs
Paraprofessional 5.5 hrs./day
effective. Motion carried.
Moved by Sheldon, second
by Melda to approve the ab-
Automobile, Homeowners, Small Commerical, sence for Charlie Burden un-
Farm, Life, Motorcycle & RV Insurances der the Family Medical Leave
Act for the period on or about
Grafton Wellington October 16, 2017 through on
35881 Grafton Eastern 173 Depot St or about October 24, 2017.
Motion carried.
440-926-3312 440-647-6010 Moved by Walter, second
by Melda to approve the ab-
sence for Sarah Robinson un-
der the Family Medical Leave Act for the period on or about • Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627
December 18, 2017 through

Building Envelope Remedia- the charges/complaints (un- RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018 Page 15
tion Project for an amount of less public hearing requested) Avon Lake N. Ridgeville
$40,500. Motion carried. of personnel. With possible Avon Lake Public Library, 32649 Electric Blvd. (440) 933- North Ridgeville Senior Center, 7327 Avon Belden Rd.
Moved by Sheldon, sec- action to follow. Motion car- 8128. Tues./Wed., 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (440) 353-0828. Tue., 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
ond by Walter to adjourn to ried. Elyria Oberlin
Executive Session under ORC Moved by Melda, second Cornerstone Church, 2949 West River Rd. (440) 324-1202. Oberlin Senior Center, 90 E. College St. (440) 775-2175.
121.22 and ORC 4117.21 for by Sheldon to adjourn the reg- Mon./Wed./Fri. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Tues./Thurs. 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
the purpose of appointment, ular meeting at 7:40 p.m. Mo- Elyria Lorain County Office on Aging, 320 N. Gateway Vermilion
employment, dismissal, dis- tion carried. Blvd. (440) 326-4800. Tues./Wed. 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Ritter Public Library, 5680 Liberty Ave. (440) 9 6 7 -
cipline, promotion, demotion, Submitted by Yvonne Grafton 3798 Tues./Fri., 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
compensation, matters related Gnagy, Superintendent’s Ad- Grafton Public Library, 983 Main St. (440) 926-3317. Wellington
to employee bargaining nego- ministrative Assistant-Key- Fri., 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Wellington Town Hall, 115 Willard Memorial Square. (440)
tiations and investigation of stone Local Schools Lorain 647-4626 Ext. 5, Mon., 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
LCCC Lorain Learning Center, 201 West Erie Avenue.
LCCC and UT Computer Science and (440) 233-7240. Mon.,/Wed. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Parking on 4th
Engineering Information Session Street.
Lorain County Community College and the University of
Toledo faculty and staff will hold an information session on the
computer science and engineering bachelor’s degree through WINTER
LCCC’s University Partnership program from 6-7:30 p.m. on CLEARANCE
Wednesday, January 17 in the University Partnership Ridge
Campus lobby.
Guests can learn about admission criteria, co-ops and how
to earn a full scholarship. To register visit
upevents or call (440) 366-4949.
LCCC University Partnership Ridge Campus is located at
32121 Lorain Road, in North Ridgeville.
Partners with Paws 2018
Pet Pin-Up Calendars

With 39 sponsors, 175 entries and 31 memorial blocks sold,
the 2018 Partners with Paws Pet Pin-Up Calendars are now
available. The calendars may be picked up at Radio Stations
WOBL & WDLW, located at 45624 U.S. Route 20 in Oberlin,
for only $10 each. You can also have them sent to your home for
just $14, which includes $4 for shipping and handling per cal-
endar. Checks can be made payable to and sent to Partners With
Paws, P.O. Box 277, Oberlin, OH 44074 or call (440) 897-8696
with your credit card information. The calendars can also be pur-
chased on-line using PayPal at
100% of the proceeds from the entry fees and the calendar
sales will help homeless pets in and around Lorain County. If
you would like more information, please call Lorie A. Wilber at
(440) 897-8696.
The A Side and B Side
of Arthur Dann

Local historian Sid Comings presents an engaging program
about Arthur Dann (1913-1979), a professor of classical piano
for over 40 years at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, who
also performed in a popular jazz trio known as “King Arthur
and His Men.” Dann was one of the most active and versatile
performers in the Oberlin community, playing venues both lo-
cally and in New York City. The multifaceted musician was
on the one hand a recognized expert on the music of Frederic
Chopin, while on the other, his gift for improvisation made him
a highly respected performer in the world of jazz (an area rel-
atively untouched by classical musicians of his era). This live-
ly program provides an opportunity for audience members to
learn more about Dann and listen to several brief recordings
that reflect both sides of the maestro! The event takes place on
Tuesday, January 23, at 7:15 p.m. at Kendal at Oberlin’s Heiser
Auditorium (600 Kendal Drive) and is free and open to the
Sid Comings is a lifelong Oberlinian with family roots in
the community that run deep. He graduated from Oberlin Col-
lege in 1969 and managed the music department in the Co-Op
Bookstore for 10 years; he also served as an adjunct professor
of writing at Lorain County Community College for over 25
years. Comings has written more than 100 articles on various
topics that have appeared in 18 different publications. In 2017,
he was honored by the Oberlin Heritage Center with the Com-
munity Historian Award. His particular areas of interest in local
history include Oberlin’s musical heritage, its historic down-
town and business history, and its contributions to the fields of
education, literature and sports.
For more on this Oberlin Heritage Center program or other
upcoming events, please call (440) 774-1700 or e-mail mem-
[email protected].
AARP Tax Aide Program

February 1, 2018 is just around the corner and that is the
day the AARP Tax Aide Program will start to file your taxes for
the year 2017. As you know it is a free tax service offered to
seniors, low to moderate income families and singles. We have
11 convenient sites in Lorain County for you to be able to make
an appointment to come in. Below is the list for all the sites,
addresses and phone numbers.
When you come in you must bring with you your driver’s
license as it is mandatory for the state of Ohio to file the Ohio
return. If you are married we will need both of your driver’s
licences. We need to see your social security card and all of the
documents that will be needed to file a complete return. Please
wait to come in until you have all of your tax papers. Bring in
your 2016 return and anything you have received in reference
to your health insurance. If you think you maybe able to item-
ize please just bring in the totals for your doctors, prescriptions,
mortgage interest and taxes and total of charitable donations.
We look forward to serving and seeing you again this year.
If you are new to this free service we are sure you will come
away pleased and with the knowledge that your taxes have been
completed, electronically filed and it only cost you a smile.
Amherst Public Library, 221 Spring St., (440) 988-4230.
Tue./Thurs., 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Avon Senior Center, 36784 Detroit Ave. (440) 9 3 4 -
2417. Thurs, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Page 16, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018
Swiss Steak Supper Medina County Park District

Pittsfield Community Church, located at the corner of St. Rts. Friday, February 2:
58 and 303, is having a Swiss Steak Dinner on Saturday, Jan- Putt-ing Through the Ages - Buffalo Creek Retreat - 12 to
uary 13. Serving time is from 5-7 p.m. Cost is adults/$10; ages 4 p.m. Putt ing through the Ages has returned to Medina Coun-
7-12 $8; six and under free. All are welcome! ty Park District this winter! On this indoor mini golf adventure
Herrick Memorial Library Free College Test Prep Program through Ohio’s geologic history, you will discover the depths
of the ancient ocean, wind your way through swamp forests,
Writers Group - The group meets every other Thursday, from Wellington High School students grades 9-12 can now join encounter massive ancient creatures, traverse a glacier, and ac-
quaint yourself with Ohio’s prehistoric people. You won’t want
6-7:30 p.m. The next upcoming meetings are January 25 and “College Now’s” Free College Test Prep Program offering SAT to miss this unique, family friendly, free experience! All ages
February 5, 2018. Join this group if you have a passion for writ- test prep. “ImpACT “is an 8-week afterschool program that runs are welcome. Continues throughout the month. Call for other
ing of all venues. Bring samples of your writing to share with the Now-March 2, Monday-Thursday, from 3-6 p.m. at the Welling- times.
group. New members are welcome. Registration is encouraged. ton High School. The program focuses on ACT and SAT prepa- Saturday, February 3:
To register, call the Herrick Memorial Library at (440) 647-2120. ration and college and career readiness. Students will have access Hiking for the Health of It - Cuyahoga Valley National
Winter Story Time Programs - Registration for the Winter to various opportunities including internships, college visits, ca- Park, Hunt House, 2054 Bolanz Road, Peninsula, from 9-11
Story Time programs is open. The programs will take place Jan- reer visits and service learning projects. Upon completion of the a.m. This is a hiking club for those adults who can hike four to
uary 22 to February 28. Family Story Times will take place on program, students will receive a $100 stipend (must meet course five miles at a brisk pace. Walking trails can be mildly strenu-
Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and are for families with children requirements). All program materials are provided and students ous with a limited amount being off trail. Please dress for the
up to age 5. Toddler Story Times will take place on Tuesday also receive free meals daily. To complete the program, students weather, and be sure to have appropriate footwear. Ages 10 to
mornings at 10:30 a.m. and are for children, ages 18 months to must attend a minimum of 30 afterschool classes. adult. No registration required. Free.
36 months, with their parent/caregiver. Lapsit Story Times will To register, go to Putt ing Through the Ages Buffalo Creek Retreat - 12 to 7
take place on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. and are for chil- Wellington Twp. Dumpster Days p.m. All ages are welcome. No registration required. Free. See
dren, age birth to 24 months, with their parent/caregiver. Grow- 2/2 listing for a program description.
ing Readers Story Times will take place on Tuesday afternoons Meet the Animals Wolf Creek Environmental Center -
at 1:30 p.m. and are children, ages 3-5 years, with their parent/ Wellington Township hosts Quarterly “Dumpster Days” for from 1-2 p.m. Wolf Creek is home to many animals including
caregiver. Register for these programs at the Children’s Desk or the residents of the unincorporated area of Wellington Township. snakes, turtles, a toad, and a frog. Come in to learn about their
by calling the Herrick Memorial Library at (440) 647-2120. Residents may bring items for disposal to the Maintenance Fa- habits, care, and life histories. All ages are welcome. No regis-
Homeschool Story Times - The Herrick Memorial Library cility at 105 Maple Street between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. tration required. Free.
offers a story time for Homeschooled children, ages 5 and up. The dumpster dates are on the following Saturdays in 2018: Jan- Tuesday, February 6:
These story times will take place on Monday afternoons of Jan- uary 20, March 24, May 19 and September 29. Please note that Preschoolers in the Garden: Let’s Be Kind to Plants! -
uary 22, February 26, March 19 and April 16 at 1:30 p.m. The these are different dates than what was in the mailing brochure. Krabill Shelter - from 10-11:30 a.m. Do you know that plants
children will listen to stories developed around a specific theme Senior citizens or special need residents that require assistance need friends, too? With so many people around, sometimes
along with learning activities. Suggestions fir themes are always with their drop may contact Trustee Fisher at (440) 610-9092. plants struggle to survive. Come learn some ways that you can
welcome. Please call the library at (440) 647-2120 to register. Donuts and coffee are served inside the Township maintenance be a plant helper! Join OSU Master Gardeners for interesting
Mad Hatter January - Now through January 31 - ‘Baby it’s building on dumpster days. age appropriate activities. For ages 3 6 with an adult compan-
cold outside’ and the Herrick Memorial Library is celebrating Acceptable items for disposal include freon appliances, scrap ion. Some or the entire program may be held outdoors so please
this crazy, cold Ohio weather in January by wearing crazy hats. steel, electronic devices, computers and batteries. You may dress accordingly. Register by February 5. There is a $5 fee.
Library users, ages 11 and up, who wear a silly, crazy, stylish, or also drop off canes, wheelchairs, walkers, eye glasses and cell Wednesday, February 7:
unusual hat (not a knitted stocking hat or a baseball style cap) phones. These items may be repurposed for residents in the com- Nature Through the Seasons - Princess Ledges Nature
will be eligible to enter into our prize drawing when they check munity via the Lorain County Southern Satellite Office on Aging Preserve, from 10-11 a.m. The Nature Through the Seasons
out library materials. No registration is required. Don’t forget to (SSO). Canned goods are accepted and donated to Well Help. series consists of easy walks that explore our different parks
wear your chapeau when you come to the library in January. You No hazardous or infectious wastes, medications, brush, while observing the unfolding of nature throughout the sea-
may be a winner! waste oil, bricks, rocks or concrete, dirt or any materials prohib- sons. These hikes also count toward the Natural Discoveries
Winter Family Read Aloud - now until February 24: Fami- ited by the state or federal law. program, an award based hiking series. Visit the park district
lies with children up to age 7 can snuggle up with a book and win No Goodwill Items: Wellington Township no longer has a website for details about the program. Ages 7 to adult. No reg-
prizes by participating in this program. Registration begins Jan- Goodwill drop box; it was removed by Goodwill management istration required. Free.
uary 2 and ends on February 2. Each family who registers will in December 2016. Saturday, Feb. 10 and Sunday, Feb. 11:
receive a reading log. When they complete a ‘Bingo’ on the log, No tires will be collected.Tires may be dropped off at any of Fossils of Ohio - Susan Hambley Nature Center, from 12-5
they will receive a bookmark and a winter stamp. Complete sev- the following locations: p.m. Visit the nature center this weekend to see and learn about
en (7) activities and receive a paperback book. Complete fifteen Grafton Township Hall, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Tuesdays & Saturdays, some of Ohio’s fossils. Then put your fossil knowledge to the
(15) activities and receive a book bag. Books must be checked 17109 Avon-Belden Rd. (Corner of State Routes 83 and 303). test by visiting the Putt ing Through the Ages mini golf course
out from the library. Don’t forget to register on January 2. The Lorain County Collection Center accepts Scrap tires at Buffalo Creek Retreat. All ages are welcome. No registration
Read with Putter - Watch the paper for the dates and times for and household hazardous waste items all year at 540 South required. Free.
the Reading with Putter programs. Abbe Road in Elyria. Collection Center Hours are Monday and Sunday, February 11:
Wednesday 12-6 and Saturday 9-6. You may call (440) 329-5440
Natural Discoveries Hiking Series: Snowbugs - Carolyn
Workshop Players presents... for more information. Ludwig Mugrage Park, from 3-4 p.m. Natural Discoveries is a
The following rules apply to all sites, at all times: series of free nature themed programs designed for ages seven
Workshop Players Theater proudly presents Miss Pell is • Driver’s license or other acceptable proof of residency is to adult. Participants in the program who complete certain hike
Missing by Leonard Gershe. Based on a story by Saki. Directed required. requirements are eligible to receive awards. See the Natural
by Shelbey Linder. • Tire collections are provided for the use of Lorain County Discoveries link on our website for award details. Insects are
Miss Pell has been missing for six weeks and it seems no one residents only. common but not at this time of year. Do you know there are a
is in much of a hurry to get her and her tyrannical nature back. • Tires may be on-the-rim or off-the-rim. number of insects and spiders that are active even when there is
Her brother purposefully hires an overeager yet inexperienced • Note: by state law, you may not transport more than 10 (ten) snow on the ground? Find out which of these winter active spe-
detective in the hopes that the case will drag on. Meanwhile the scrap tires at one time without a special license. cies live here, and search for these cold weather creepy crawl-
money flows freely as the house is redecorated and hearts flutter • Acceptable - small equipment/passenger car/suv/minivan/ ies as we hike. Ages 7 to adult. No registration required. Free.
as Miss Pell’s niece treads the slippery slope of romantic love non-commercial van & pickup truck tires -up to 20” rim diame- Saturday, February 17:
Cast: Mason Adams, Kevin Boland, Jeff Caja, Elizabeth Flood, ter and all bicycle/motorcycle tires. For the Birds - Wolf Creek Environmental Center, from 10-
Kristina Rivera, Rachel Suhy and Matt Tomecko. • Not acceptable - racing tires, semi-truck and trailer tires, 11 a.m. Today, we will hike through fields and forests to col-
Play dates are: January 19, 20 21, 26, 27 and 28. Shows now farm equipment tires, and any tires resulting from the operation lect valuable information for the Great Backyard Bird Count,
start at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday matinees are still at 3 p.m. Doors open of a commercial business or farm. a worldwide citizen science project launched by the Cornell
45 minutes before show time. Tickets are $15 each. Group rates • Drop-off of tires at any times other than those listed is strict- Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society. This
available. Reservations are suggested. Call the Box Office at ly prohibited; all sites are under video surveillance; violators will hike will take place primarily outside so please dress for the
(440) 988-5613. Box Office hours: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Workshop be prosecuted. weather. All ages are welcome. No registration required. Free.
Players is located at 44820 Middle Ridge Road, in Amherst. Safely dispose of pharmaceuticals by taking them to the
email them at [email protected] or visit the Wellington Village Police Department, 117 willard Memorial SEE MEDINA PARKS ON PAGE 19
website at for more information. Square. The drop box is located in the front lobby 24/7.

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018 Page 17
Spectrum Triple Play! TV, In- Custom cleaning. Everyone’s Residential cleaning company DEAL OF THE WEEK 10 acres
ternet & Voice for $29.99 ea. needs are different. We spe- needs part-time help, morn- - $29,900. Woods, big pond,
60 MB per second speed No cialize in catering to what your ings (west side). Good hourly apple trees! 6 mi from Coo-
contract or commitment. needs are. Call Marcie today rate. 440-236-3072 perstown. Priced 50% below COLUMBIA MARATHON
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ternet. Unlimited Voice. Call pointment at 440-213-7527. Processing HUD Refunds Call 888-738-6994 NewYork-
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A PLACE FOR MOM. The na- Experience. Free Video! Call
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ENJOY 100% guaran- itary benefits. Financial Aid requires immediate action. heated facility. Valley City, 216-
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Stop OVERPAYING for your soned, free delivery. $225 / Get More Data FREE Off-Peak
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GOT AN OLDER CAR, VAN OR 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday.
SUV? Do the humane thing. J.A. Kilby Electrical
Donate it to the Humane Soci-
ety. Call 1-855-558-3509 HELP WANTED J. A. KILBY ENT. Residential & Commercial Electrical Service
New Work-Replacement-Repairs
BUSINESS TO BUSINESS Drivers: 1yr. Class-A. $57,000 Concrete • Masonry •Whole House •Remodeling •Panel Upgrades
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Advertise to 2 million homes tion Pay! $16 / hr. Detention Stamped Concrete •Security & Camera Systems
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5099 for interview.

Page 18, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018

Custom Exteriors

11564 Station Rd •Windows •Azek Since 1989
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440-236-5543 MULCH • STONE •Stone & Shake Siding
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• General Contracting PLUMBING PREPARATION
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• Roofs Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services
725 Sugar Lane, • Doors/Windows Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Additions 440-748-3624
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Gutters • Carpentry • Masonry Tear-Offs, Slates, Chimney Mason
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Free Estimates for All Roof and Ventilation Needs “Stop the water before it stops you!”
Make your small business Tear-offs •Re-roofs • Repairs • Stain Removal •Full Foundation Waterproofing •Wall Straightening,
Big Business by advertising in Offi ce: 440-236-4001 • Replacement and Repairs •Full Plumbing Services
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The Rural-Urban Record Classifieds! Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Jason Jakubisin, Owner 440-327-3433

RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018 Page 19
WATERPROOFING Sunday, February 18: thermia, which occurs from ongoing exposure to cold indoor
temperatures (below 60 F). The elderly are especially suscep-
K-9 Kapers - Allardale West Parking Lot, from 3-4 p.m. K-9 tible to chronic hypothermia during a power outage, but there
Kapers provides dog owners with an opportunity to socialize are steps everyone can take to stay safe.
their pets with other dogs. These alternative hikes will interest Family members with elderly relatives who live alone
both the dog and its owner while offering exercise and fun. All should make every effort to contact those relatives and ensure
dogs must have an accompanying adult and eight foot leash everything is alright. Make sure the elderly or the ill have
(non retractable). Participants must maintain control of their adequate food, clothing, shelter, and sources of heat. If neces-
dogs at all times. We recommend bringing a towel for muddy sary, insist elderly or ill friends and family stay over until the
feet and a water bowl. All ages are welcome. No registration power comes back on.
required. Free.
In poorly heated rooms, be sure there are enough blankets
POLYURETHANE CRACK INJECTION Thursday, Feb. 22 or Friday, Feb. 23: for everyone. And wear layers of clothing as well as a hat,
SPECIALIZING IN SEALING POURED Tales for Tots - Wolf Creek Environmental Center, from 10- even when indoors.
BASEMENT WALL CRACKS 11 a.m. or 1-2 p.m. We celebrate groundhogs with their own It also helps to stay as active as possible, as physical activ-
~ OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE ~ special day in February, but can these cute little critters really ity raises body temperature.
tell us if spring is on its way? Discover more about our friend
JOE MINARCHICK (440) 785-4036 the woodchuck through a story, short hike (weather permitting), For more information on safely making it through a power
and simple craft. For ages 3 6 with an adult companion. Some outage, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
or all of the program will be held outdoors; please dress accord- at
WATER WELLS ingly. Register between January 18 and February 22. Free.
Saturday, Feb. 24 and Sunday, Feb. 25:
What’s Up with Woodpeckers - Susan Hambley Nature
Center, from 12-5 p.m. Stop in at the nature center for a wood-
pecker weekend! Learn all about woodpeckers through an as-
ART’S WATER SYSTEMS sortment of games, crafts, and activities. All ages are welcome.
No registration required. Free.
Sunday, February 25:
SERVICE • SALES • INSTALLATIONS Pinterest Projects: Creating with Crayons - Wolf Creek
SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS • JET PUMPS Environmental Center, from 2-4 p.m. Have you ever wondered
FILTERS • CHLORINATORS what to do with all those bits and pieces of old crayons that
seem to multiply in the bottom of your craft drawer? This pro-
SOFTENERS • TANKS • SUMP gram will offer a range of projects to re purpose them. Ages 12
PUMPS • WATER RELATED and up register by February 24. Ages 12 to adult. Free.
MATERIALS • WELL ABANDONMENT Register for programs at
What to do when the
KEVIN BOLDEN 440-322-2987
Power goes out this winter
CLASSIFIEDS prefer a warm, sandy beach over a ski slope, winter is no walk
Winter might be a wonderland to some, but for those who
DEADLINE: WED. 12 NOON in the park.
“Best if slightly undercooked but not quite runny in the
It’s even worse when a winter storm hits and suddenly ev-
4 Easy Ways to Place Your Classified erything goes dark. Power outages are impossible to predict. center - what the English call ‘squidgy.’ The raspberry cou-
Phone: 440-236-8982 • Fax: 440-236-9198 When a power outage occurs, it can last anywhere from a lis adds a Valentine’s Day note. The raspberry juice called
Web: few minutes to several days. The Centers for Disease Control for in this recipe should be taken from the leftover juice
Mail: Rural-Urban Record, P.O. Box 966, and Prevention offers the following guidelines for making it from the frozen raspberries. “
Columbia Station, OH 44028 through a power outage safe and sound. Ingredients
CLASSIFIED RATES: In general, if the refrigerator or freezer loses power for two 2 (1 ounce) squares unsweetened chocolate
Personal Classified $10/15 words or less. hours or less, then the food inside will be safe to consume. 1 cup white sugar
However, it still helps to keep the keep the refrigerator and
10¢ per word after 15. 2nd week - $4 more. 2 eggs
Business Classified $13/15 words or less, freezer doors closed as much as possible. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
When the power is out for longer than two hours, different
10¢ per word after 15. rules apply. If the freezer is half full, food will be safe to con- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
Special Set-up (Centered ) $14/15 words or less, sume for 24 hours. If the freezer is full, then the food will be 1/2 teaspoon salt
10¢ per word after 15. safe for 48 hours. 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
Please print - All info below is needed to process your ad. Mail to: Items in the refrigerator should be stored in a cooler sur- 1 (10 ounce) package frozen raspberries
Rural-Urban Record•P.O. Box 966•Columbia Station, OH 44028 rounded by ice. Milk, additional dairy products, meat, fish, 1 tablespoon raspberry juice
Number of weeks ad runs: 1 2 3 4 gravy, and anything that can spoil should all be packed in 1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch
Please Print Clearly! a cooler of ice if the power is out for more than two hours. 1 tablespoon orange zest
1.______________ 2. _____________ 3._____________ When cooking, use a food thermometer to check the tempera- Directions
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
ture of food before cooking and eating. Any food with a tem-
4.______________ 5.______________ 6._____________ perature greater than 40 F should be discarded. To make brownies: In a medium saucepan over medi-
Water um heat, melt butter or margarine and chocolate; take off of
7.______________ 8.______________9._____________ The water supply might also be affected during a pow- heat. Stir in sugar, eggs and vanilla; beat well. Mix in flour,
10._____________ 11._____________ 12.____________ er outage. It’s always a good idea to keep bottled water on salt and nuts, if desired.
hand in the event of a power outage to avoid consuming any In a greased 8x8 inch baking dish, pour brownie mix.
13._____________ 14._____________ 15.____________ contaminated water, which might be a byproduct of water pu- Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes or until toothpick
CHECK rification systems not fully functioning because of the power in the center of brownies comes out somewhat clean.
outage. To make Raspberry Coulis: In a medium saucepan over
Card # ________ - _________ - ________ - _________ Avoid using potentially contaminated water when doing medium-high heat, cook raspberries for 5 to 8 minutes; turn
the dishes, brushing your teeth or preparing food. For parents down to medium.
Exp Date. _____ - _______ of young children, it helps to have formula on hand that does In a small bowl, combine juice and cornstarch to make a
Name: ________________________________________ not require the addition of water. paste; add to raspberries stirring constantly until thickened.
If tap water must be used, bring the water to a rolling boil Add rind and cool.
Address: ______________________________________ for at least one minute. That’s enough time to kill most organ- Pool coulis on a dessert plate and place brownie portion
isms, including harmful bacteria and parasites.
______________________________________________ on top of coulis; serve.
Hypothermia Prevention Recipe By:lcpgh, courtesy of
Phone: _______________________________________ While most regions are quick to restore power, especially
harsh storms might make it difficult to restore power right
Signature: _____________________________________ away. An extended power outage could cause chronic hypo-

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Page 20, RURAL-URBAN RECORD, January 15, 2018
WINTER at Brother’s Chevrolet

2012 Ford Focus SALE PRICE 2014 Dodge Dart SALE PRICE 2012 Chevy Equinox SALE PRICE 2008 GMC Yukon SALE PRICE

61 K, Hatchback $ 8,800 Rallye $ 12,495 FWD, 59K $ 13,750 SLT, Loaded! $ 13,750
Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Payment Payment Payment Payment
$ 139 $ 191 $ 239 $ 309
#9196 #9202 #T9189 #T9246
2011 Toyota Camry LE SALE PRICE 2015 Chevy Malibu SALE PRICE 2015 Buick Encore SALE PRICE 2013 Chevy Traverse SALE PRICE
$ 9,395 GM Certified, 15K $ 15,000 Leather, 19K $ 18,750 8 passenger, LT Trim, 63K $ 19,000
Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Payment Payment Payment Payment
$ 155 $ 223 $ 269 $ 338
#9146 #8991 #T9184 #T9264
2015 Ford Fusion SE SALE PRICE 2017 Chevy Cruze LT SALE PRICE 2014 Chevy Equinox LT SALE PRICE 2015 GMC Terrain SALE PRICE
$ 11,500 12K $ 16,495 AWD, 44K $ 17,000 Denali, AWD, leather, 26K, Loaded! $ 23,900
Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Payment Payment Payment Payment
$ 166 $ 249 $ 269 $ 349
#9285 #9194 #T9245 #T9057
2013 Kia Optima EX SALE PRICE 2017 Chevy Malibu LT SALE PRICE 2014 Honda CR-V SALE PRICE 2015 Chevy Traverse SALE PRICE
$ 11,000 15K $ 17,750 AWD, 38K $ 17,000 LT, 1-owner, GM Certified $ 25,500
Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Payment Payment Payment Payment
$ 166 $ 269 $ 269 $ 379
#9167 #9284 #T9254 #T9305
2011 Ford Tauras SEL SALE PRICE 2015 Chevy Trax LT SALE PRICE 2015 Equinox LT SALE PRICE 2016 Chevy Traverse SALE PRICE
Loaded! $ 10,500 FWD, 14K $ 16,795 AWD, 25K $ 19,500 LTZ, AWD, leather, 18K, Loaded! $ 33,000

Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Payment Payment Payment Payment
$ 175 $ 239 $ 279 $ 489
#9314 #T9128 #T9286 #T9131
All payments were calculated with $2000 cash or trade down payment plus tax & title. 2015-2017 Models are caluculated at 4.49% APR and for 75 months; 2013-2014 Models are calculated at 4.99% APR and 72 months;
2011-2012 Models are calculated at 5.49% APR and 66 months; 2008 Models are calculated at 6.49% APR and 48 months.

46767 State Rt. 18 W., 440-647-5381
Wellington, OH 44090 800-322-5381 Chevrolet




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